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Java Folklore

English, Children Stories, 1 season, 9 episodes, 35 minutes
Java folklore or in Indonesia is called a dongeng, is a story that comes from Indonesian society which is told by word of mouth since ancient times until today. These stories generally have local wisdom values ​​that are closely related to the occurrence of things such as events, incidents, and so on. This local wisdom is usually reflected in the arts, livelihoods, language, kinship, technology and natural knowledge. Support this podcast:
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Nyai Anteh and the Moon

THERE were two girls lived in a palace. There were princess Endahwarni and Anteh. Princess Endahwarni was the daughter of the king and the queen while Anteh was the daughter of the lady-in-waiting. Anteh's mother died while she was a baby. The queen felt sorry to her and raised her like her own child. di bawakan oleh : Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
10/4/20205 minutes, 2 seconds
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Dwijeswara and The Crab

There was a brahmin named Dwijeswara. He was known to be very wise.  Dwijeswara was praying on the mountain and met a crab named Astapada. The crab, perhaps had been lost and reached the top of the mountain in a state of exhaustion and thirst. It touched Dwijeswara's heart while seeing a creature in distress and confusion. dibawahkan oleh Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/27/20202 minutes, 34 seconds
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Folktale from Central Java THERE was a village in Central Java. The head of the village was called the Adipati. He was very rich. He had a big house. He also had many employees who worked for him, The Adipati was very much respected. It was not just because he was the head of the village, but also he was from a noble family. Most of the villagers were just common people. The Adipati had a beautiful daughter. She was very famous. Everybody knew her and loved her. The Adipati's daughter was not only beautiful, but also kind-hearted. She was polite and helpful. dibawahkan oleh Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/27/20204 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Legend of Seven Wells

Folklore from Banten THERE was a very beautiful girl. Her name was Badariah. She was not only beautiful, but also very kind. She was a daughter of a rich merchant. Her father had been asking her to get married. However, Badariah still wanted to wait for the right man. And finally Badariah's wish came true. A young merchant came to the village and did a business with her father. When the young merchant met her, he fell in love with her. Badariah also loved him. Di bawahkan oleh Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/23/20205 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Golden Cucumber

Folklore from Central Java ONCE upon a time, not far from a jungle, lived a husband and a wife. They were farmers. They were diligent farmers and always worked hard in the paddy fields. They had been married for many years and still not have a child yet. Every day they prayed and prayed for a child. One night, while they were praying, a giant passed their house. The giant heard they pray. "Don't worry farmers. I can give you a child. But you have to give me that child when she is 17 years old," said the giant. Di bawahkan oleh Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/22/20204 minutes
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Double Headed Bird

At the Borobudur temple complex in Central Java, there are a number of temples. One of the temple named Mendut. In this temple there is a relief depicting a two-headed bird. The head of the upper head eats a ripe fruit, while the lower head looks limp. This relief taken from a fable (story of animals) that describes the message about the gap and disregard of the "top" group towards the "bottom." Although the story told by animals characters, it represents the message for humanity. Di Bawahkan oleh Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/20/20202 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Baruklinting Dragon

A long time ago, there was a giant dragon. His name was Baruklinting. One day, one of the gods asked him to take nine shepherds as an offering for the gods. Then Baruklinting went to a mountain. He opened his big mouth every day. He hoped that shepherds would enter his big mouth. In the village, ten shepherds took their cows to the grass field on the mountain. They didn’t know there was a dragon. One of the shepherds was very skinny and dirty. His friends always made fun of him. The skinny shepherd never got angry. He just kept quiet and left his friends every time they laughed at him. Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/18/20204 minutes, 28 seconds
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One thousand temples

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Prambanan. The people lived peacefully. However, soon their happy lives were disturbed by Pengging Kingdom. The king, Bandung Bondowoso, wanted to occupy Prambanan. He was a mean king. The war between Prambanan and Pengging could not be avoided. Prambanan lost the war and led by the new king, Bandung Bondowoso. Pengging could win the war because Bandung Bondongwoso had a supernatural power. oleh  Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/16/20204 minutes, 13 seconds
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Java folklore prologue

Hello, welcome to Java Folklore. This podcast is specially dedicated to those of you who like and miss  fairy tales, legends and myths in Indonesia, especially in Java. Java folklore or in Indonesia is called a dongeng, is a story that comes from Indonesian society which is told by word of mouth since ancient times until today. These stories generally have local wisdom values ​​that are closely related to the occurrence of things such as events, incidents, and so on. This local wisdom is usually reflected in the arts, livelihoods, language, kinship, technology and natural knowledge. Indonesian folklore spreads to almost every region and island in Indonesia such as Java, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua. Some stories sometimes have similarities but still have a distinctive side to local residents. These various folk tales are one of the speech traditions that must be preserved so that they do not become extinct. The diversity of these stories is one proof of various cultures in Indonesia Enjoy this podcast ! oleh : Shafira Twinsa Diaz --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:
9/15/20201 minute, 45 seconds