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J. Brown Yoga Talks Profile

J. Brown Yoga Talks

English, Personal/Lifestyle/Family, 1 season, 444 episodes, 4 hours, 56 minutes
Yoga teacher and writer J. Brown is leading the way in the Slow Yoga Revolution, advocating for more intimate, breath-centered, therapeutic yoga practices. J interviews guests from old-school yoga teachers to other yoga revolutionists about philosophy and the business of yoga.
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Sheela and Ravi Shankar - "Desikachar, Chanting, and Ishvara"

Sheela and Ravi Shankar, co-founders of Yoga Nidhi, talk with J about TKV Desikachar and the transformative power of yoga. They discuss the history of their relationship and how Ravi discovered TKV Desikachar, Sheela's religious upbringing, how she got to meet Desikachar and the different contexts she observed his teaching, chanting as meditation or prayer, whether God is fundamental to yoga, defining Ishvara Pranidana, OM, Satva dominance in the mind, characteristics of a yogi, and the greater purpose behind practice.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
9/9/20241 hour, 35 minutes, 26 seconds
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John Heers - "Eastern Mysticism, Jesus, and Orthodoxy"

John Heers, founder of First Things Foundation and host of Heavy Things Lightly, talks with J about fundamental principles of Orthodox Christianity and operating from faith. They discuss the wing and prayer that brought them together, John's religious background, lessons learned from Islam, baptism, distinguishing denominations, eastern mystical Christianity, the presence of Jesus, communion, salvation, cosmic struggle, reincarnation, doing a thing in the world, Georgian dinner rituals, and participating in a why that leads to beauty.   J. Brown Yoga Teacher Training… EARLY BIRD PRICING 40% OFF - REGISTER NOW!.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
9/2/20241 hour, 37 minutes, 34 seconds
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Geoffrey Dugue, MD - "Epistemic Humility, Actual Christianity"

Geoffrey Dugue, MD, talks with J about actual Christianity and being humble in seeking for truth. They discuss the mutual friendship that brought them together, disagreement and debate, being trained as a medical doctor at esteemed institutions and the lack of meta narrative, indoctrination into the great laws, miracles, having a personal relationship with God, choosing to believe, the hypocrisy of the church, giving Satan too much credit, being in the character of Jesus, the Holy Trinity, sin, and the love that gets you to heaven.   J. Brown Yoga Teacher Training… EARLY BIRD PRICING 40% OFF - REGISTER NOW!.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
8/26/20241 hour, 48 minutes, 35 seconds
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Todd Norian - "Unreasonable Happiness, Unbound Freedom"

Todd Norian, author of Tantra Yoga: Journey to Unbreakable Wholeness, returns to talk with J about happiness, freedom, and opening to a bigger energy. They discuss what it means to be a yoga teacher in 2024, transmission online and in person, distinguishing between happiness and joy, Svatantrya, randomness and entanglement, auspiciousness of your heart and Gods will, creating healthy self boundaries, how to make a decision, being supported by spirit, going within, and setting the sails to catch the winds of grace.   J. Brown Yoga Teacher Training… EARLY BIRD PRICING 40% OFF - REGISTER NOW!.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
8/19/20241 hour, 37 minutes, 13 seconds
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Stephen Cope - "Reviving Wisdom Traditions of East and West"

Stephen Cope, author of Yoga and the Quest for the True Self and The Dharma in Difficult Times, talks with J about the crossovers and divergences in eastern and western spirituality. They discuss psychotherapy and contemplative pursuits, crazy wisdom teachers, theology and practice, divinity school, discovering Kripalu, shaktiput from Amrit Desai, revelations of abuse and reinvention from ashram to retreat center, prayer and meditation, dharma, being called to act, and slowly refining your capacity to know that still small voice within.   J. Brown Yoga Teacher Training… NEW GROUP STARTS ONLINE in OCT - REGISTER NOW!.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
8/12/20241 hour, 21 minutes, 42 seconds
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Nadine Watton - "What it Means to Have a Yoga Home"

Nadine Watton, part of the Hillside Yoga Collective, talks with J about riding the wave and surviving the crash of yoga into the mainstream in both practice and profession. They discuss mutual friends and synchronicity, practicing in the late 90’s, teacher training certification becoming a thing, Dave Charlton and the British Wheel of Yoga, choosing yoga as a full time profession and having a family, integrated breath in asana, yoga teacher collectives, and letting go of trying to fit into tired molds so we can stay true to what feels most important.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
8/5/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 19 seconds
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Katie Armstrong - "Life Stages, Hormones, Muscle as Medicine"

Katie Armstrong, founder of Inspired Living, talks with J about moving through different life stages and the healing power of building muscle. They discuss starting a yoga-related business in the early aughts, e-commerce, the festival circuit and the unseen backstage realities of presenters, hormone replacement therapy, muscle as medicine, feeling empowered to engage a diversity of embodiment practices, crisis of sedentary lifestyles, capacity for stress, progress over perfection, and finding resiliency in the face of entropy.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
7/29/20241 hour, 24 minutes, 43 seconds
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Susi Amendola - "Lifestyle Medicine, The Centered Heart"

Susi Amendola, author of The Centered Heart, talks with J about the intersection of medicine and holistic health. They discuss suffering from debilitating anxiety, being saved by yoga and joining an ashram, reconciling fallen gurus, becoming part of the Dean Ornish Lifestyle Medicine Program, internal vs external locus of control, four lifestyle medicine protocols, impacts of chronic stress, coexistence with allopathy, effectiveness of imagery, nervous system resilience, and addressing the core process underlying our choice making.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Contribute to J's fundraiser to open a center.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
7/22/20241 hour, 35 minutes, 24 seconds
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Brad Wetzler - "Into the Soul of the World"

Brad Wetzler, author of Into the Soul of the World, talks with J about overcoming addiction, spiritual interventions, and laying ourselves bare in order to heal. They discuss the pandemic period they met in, getting misdiagnosed as bipolar and becoming addicted to medication, mental health care diagnosis and treatment, community yoga, saints and gurus, walking in the footsteps of Jesus, undoing learned narcissism, receiving shaktipat, swimming in the waters of materialism, devotion, being softened by love, and finding real humanity.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
7/15/20241 hour, 23 minutes, 39 seconds
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Live in MA - Johanna Epps, Louise LeGouis, Leslie Kaminoff

Live from the Berkshire Yoga Festival 2024, J talks with Johanna Epps, Louise LeGouis, and Leslie Kaminoff about motivation, purpose, and the zeitgeist of the times. They discuss making sense of the scandals, new challenges, marketing and patience, hurting our bodies and student safety, what sells and presenting to the public, bubbles bursting and the traveling teacher circuit, reasons to attend and benefits of presenting at a festival, eternal topics and breaking new ground, and not taking for granted the joy of being in person.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Contribute to J's fundraiser to open a center.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
7/8/20241 hour, 24 minutes, 31 seconds
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Check in with J - "Keeping the Dream Alive"

J departs from his usual format to reflect on how he lost hope in the viability of small intimate yoga centers and why he has decided to open one now. He discusses the dark night of the soul that many yoga teachers are facing, the events that have led to the crossroads he faces, a random opportunity or perhaps divine intervention that has changed everything, and the hard reality that has caused him to admit that he can’t do it alone. If you want to help, you can contribute here.
7/1/202457 minutes, 47 seconds
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Godfrey Devereux - "Bandhas in the Whole Body"

Godfrey Devereux, author of The Little Book of the Bandhas, returns to talk with J about releasing somatic intelligence from learned habits and the story that bandhas tell us. They discuss varied ideas about bandhas, connection between Mulabandha and exhalation, pulsating opposition of spinal curves, spontaneous muscle events leading to potent and energetic spiritual experience, Iyengar and bandha in the extremities, oojai breathing, and the irresistible invitation to surrender into the totality of life and deepest heart of being human.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
6/24/20241 hour, 20 minutes, 3 seconds
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David and Iana Lifar - "The Legacy of Indra Devi"

David and Iana Lifar, founders of the Indra Devi Foundation in Argentina and creators of Indra Devi International Virtual Yoga School, talk with J about the legacy of Indra Devi with translation by Mariana Campos. They discuss being inspired to meet Indra after seeing her on a tv show and the immediate connection they made, an experience in a prison that convinced David she was something special, the influence of Krishnamurti, Krishnamacharya and Sai Baba, and the gestures of love that distinguish and characterize Indra's presence.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
6/17/20241 hour, 29 minutes, 38 seconds
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Michelle Thielen - "Yoga for Jesus"

Michelle Thielen, founder of Yoga Faith, talks with J about utilizing yoga practice to strengthen a belief in Jesus Christ. They discuss yogis being OK with God but not Jesus, Christians thinking yoga is demonic and everything being part of creation, personal faith separate from institutionalized churches, historical roots of christian yoga, being humbled before a Heavenly Father, whether or not Jesus is cool with chanting, Satan and the battle for souls, knowing your knower, and receiving guidance and blessings in the secret place of the most high.   To subscribe, get access to th4e full-length archives, and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
6/10/20241 hour, 40 minutes, 16 seconds
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Hari-kirtana das - "A Reasonable Faith in the Bhagavad Gita"

Hari-kirtana das, author of Journey into the Bhagavad Gita: A Guide to Exploring Timeless Principles of Transcendental Knowledge and Integrating Them Into Your Life, talks with J about universal principles that lead to religious experience. They discuss origins and larger context of the Bhagavad Gita, mindset of the reader, divergence of faith and knowledge, undifferentiated oneness, personal relationship of transcendental love, reincarnation, acting in harmony with cosmic order, and seeing ourselves as we truly we are.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
6/3/20241 hour, 39 minutes, 26 seconds
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Tessa Hillman - "Helped Along by Guides and Angels"

Tessa Hillman, author of Yoga Stories from Guru Guptananda and Memoir of a Skeptical Seeker, talks with J about opening up to spiritual realms and receiving guidance. They discus coming to yoga in the 70's and 80's, teacher training  and yearning for a deeper understanding, when skepticism fails, coming into communication with Guru Guptananda and stories that teach yoga philosophy, messages from a North American Indian Chief, being protected by your own goodness, and realizing that we are helped along by guides and angels.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/27/20241 hour, 34 minutes, 51 seconds
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Sage Rountree - "Yoga for Athletes, Exercise Science for Yogis"

Sage Rountree, author of The Athletes Guide to Recovery and The Art of Yoga Sequencing, talks with J about yoga for athletes and endurance science for yoga teachers. They discuss the origins of Sages name, starting out in yoga and becoming an endurance coach, being ready for connection, specificity in goals and reasons to train, sports specific conditioning and utilizing poses, changing science and three best things for recovery, placebo effect and ice baths, business models for centers, and charging people to trust the process.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/20/20241 hour, 25 minutes, 20 seconds
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Godfrey Devereux - "Rendering Sutras, Spiritual Dimensions"

Godfrey Devereux, author of YOGA UNVEILED, YOGA DECODED, and ANNOTATED YOGA SUTRAS, returns to talk with J about whether or not Patanjali is a dualist and the invulnerability of our spiritual nature. They discuss translation vs rendering, adhering to interpretations, manufacturing silence, deeper relinquishing, intelligent power, state of being human, impersonal consciousness, moral codes, tantra and human sexuality, postural practice and capacity for self-harm, and rhythmic progression towards the presence of awareness.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/13/20241 hour, 37 minutes, 42 seconds
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Josh Kane - "Home Studios, Commercial Leases, Authentic Yoga"

Josh Kane, founder of Gandiva Yoga Center, talks with J about transitioning from independent contractor to center owner, the pursuit of deeper understanding, and the in's and out's of dedicated locations. They discuss how a blue-man group audition led to yoga, being a child actor, finding a teacher and lineage, John Friend's bowspring system, studying with Ragunath, falling out with studio owners, consistent schedules, challenges of creating a home studio, credibility of having a lease, and risking it all on the possibility of lasting joy.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/6/20241 hour, 36 minutes, 10 seconds
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Eddie Ellner - "Roads Less Traveled and Spaces To Gather"

Eddie Ellner, founder of Yoga Soup, talks with J about the trajectory of yoga into western culture, paradoxes in the human condition, and creating spaces for people to gather. They discuss the early 90's yoga scene via Yogaworks and Jivamukti, the influence of Brian Kest and Steve Ross, acceptance or manipulation of your body, charismatic teachers and the dangers of celebrity, discerning truth, creating Yoga Soup, sobering business realities, and penetrating the fear of what might happen to find joy in making a place for friends to come together.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/29/20242 hours, 8 minutes, 30 seconds
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Vijay Hassin, Sharada Thompson, and Kathleen Rosenberg - "Integral Yoga Exposed"

Vijay Hassin, Sharada Thompson and Kathleen Rosenberg talk with J about the underbelly of Swami Satchidananda and the Integral Yoga Institute. They discuss Vijay's history including his founding of the center in San Francisco, the meeting in the 1970's when allegations of sexual misconduct were first made, more recent revelations and the Facebook group that Kathleen started, Sharada's story of mistreatment at the hands of Swami Satchidananda, and reconciling the hurt created by failed leaders and institutions.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/22/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 11 seconds
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Lizzie and Judith Lasater - "Menopause and Beyond"

Lizzie and Judith Lasater return to catch up with J and talk about their latest offering, a free mini-course in Restorative Yoga to Support Menopause and Beyond.  They discuss teaching during the last few years of transition, the genesis of their new course on menopause, generational differences, adapting practice, viewing body changes as a process vs treating a condition, menopause belly, exercise vs innercise, feeling rushed, places of refuge, positive aspects of aging, biopsychosocial self-care, and some keys to a long healthy life.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/15/20241 hour, 27 minutes, 56 seconds
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Hy Brown - "Aftermath of the American Dream"

Hy Brown is J's dad and they have a candid talk about the life he’s led, choices he’s made, and the lessons he's learned. They discuss growing up in Brooklyn, his involvement with the mob, becoming a civil engineer and vice president of Tishman Construction, working on famous building projects, understanding the system and the art of the con, the life-changing impact of having a heart attack at age 47, meeting J's mom and navigating her death, leading a dual life, fracturing of families, finding new purpose, and learning to care for others.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/8/20241 hour, 43 minutes, 14 seconds
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Bryan Kest - "Autobiography of an American Yogi"

Bryan Kest, author of Autobiography of an American Yogi, talks with J about the trajectory of yoga into the mainstream and the role he played in it. They discuss the early LA yoga scene, class in Maui with David Williams, one-to-one with Pattabhi Jois, mentality of not being good enough, learning from India, before "power yoga" became a generic term, beefing with Maty Estaty, opening a donation based studio, systematization, controversy with his brother, doing away with adjustments, and the passion and commitment that fuels a life in yoga.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/1/20241 hour, 42 minutes, 13 seconds
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Esther Ekhart - "Devotion, Surrender, and Video Production"

Esther Ekhart, founder of EkhartYoga, talks with J about the purpose and passion behind being an early pioneer of yoga video online. They discuss her mother's influence, witnessing healings in the Philippines, miracles of Satya Sai Baba, learning devotion and surrender, becoming a teacher and opening a studio, deciding to make videos and go online, YouTube, being the face of a company, the pandemic boom and slowdown, merging the business, relinquishing over to something bigger, and navigating from a place of love as a given.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
3/25/20241 hour, 45 minutes, 54 seconds
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Noah Mazé - "Downturns and Ambiguities in Yoga Profession"

Noah Mazé, founder of The Mazé Method, talks with J about the stark realities that yoga professionals are facing. They discuss the "ecosystem" of the yoga world before lockdowns, Yoga Journal conferences and Wanderlust festivals, shortening of classes and workshops, going from DVD's to online with Yogaglo, impact of subscription-based services, intellectual property, sustainability of teacher training and the studio model, integration and strength instead of pushing the envelope, and finding meaning in uncertainty.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
3/18/20241 hour, 42 minutes, 51 seconds
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Cindy Lusk - "Making Sense of Contradictory Messages"

Cindy Lusk, author of Align and Refine: The Journey of Yoga and Meditation, talks with J about the continual refinement of intention and understanding. They discuss the renunciate path of Patanjali and householder purpose, Richard Freeman's influence, Patabhi Jois's adjustments, Anusara and the legacy of John Friend, Paul Muller-Ortega, certification and the role of asana through different life stages, grappling with questions of higher consciousness, Bhāvanā, and the iterative process of bringing out the best of who we are.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
3/11/20241 hour, 31 minutes, 18 seconds
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Ranju Roy - "Pilgrimage Into Sacred Inner Landscapes"

Ranju Roy, author of Yoga as Pilgrimage: Sutras for a Modern Age, talks with J about the ways in which practice and study become interwoven into one's life. They discuss the meaning of a pilgrimage, understanding the Samkhya terrain in relationship to the map of Patanjali, Prana and Apana, poetics and not limiting ourselves to secular materialism, respecting other viewpoints , honoring traditions, radical transparency, letting go appropriately, uncomplicated wholeness, and engaging in the creative act of learning and sharing knowledge.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
3/4/20241 hour, 28 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dr. Lauren Tober - "The Frontline of Mental Health Care"

Dr Lauren Tober, creator and author of Mental Health Aware Yoga, talks with J about the intersection of psychology and yoga for mental health. They discuss the limitations of a clinical approach, the DSM5, doing an n=1 study, finding the right treatment methodology, differences in pedagogy, importance of relationship, supporting students, mental health integrating with the gunas, protocols for helping people feel safe, touch and consent, and staying within or widening our windows of tolerance to better cope with life.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
2/26/20241 hour, 31 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ryan Kurczak - "Stepping into a Samadhi State"

Ryan Kurczak, host of The Kriya Yoga Podcast, talks with j about understanding and appreciating what is real. They discuss being ordained into Kriya Yoga by Roy Eugene Davis, the history of Self Realization Fellowship, scalability and maintaining direct connection, vedic astrology, occultism, dramatizing your spiritual path, Ishvara Pranidhana, Samkhya, Jesus Christ, a universal principle of love, creating grooves in your consciousness, Samahdi, and learning to pay attention to the essence of what is divine rather than the manifestation of form.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
2/19/20241 hour, 53 minutes, 11 seconds
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Tara Stiles - "Online Influence and a Return to Creativity"

Tara Stiles, co-founder of Strala Yoga, returns to compare notes with J about the current state of the yoga world. They discuss the ray of humanity that brought them back together, letting go of brick and mortar spaces, online trends moving from brands to influence, opening up the conversations around spirituality, connecting across divides, gentle yoga becoming trauma informed, training the algorithms to curate your internet experience, the appropriate use of touch, and reacclimating to in person teaching and co-regulating together.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
2/12/20241 hour, 33 minutes, 3 seconds
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Jonathan FitzGordon - "Learning to Move and Be Well"

Jonathan FitzGordon, creator of the CoreWalking Program and Rejuvenation Movement Method, talks with J about learning how to move and be well. They discuss teaching people how to walk and stand, extreme sensitivity and hypermobility, Jonathan's three knee surgeries, alignment and choosing not to do certain poses, appropriate practice in group classes, core tone, strength that comes from balance, integrated conditioning, how we see ourselves in space, changing perspectives, and getting to know yourself and heal.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
2/5/20241 hour, 36 minutes, 7 seconds
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Paul JJ Alix - "Strict Protocols for Committed Students"

Paul JJ Alix, founder of Yoga for All, talks with J about his time during the formative years of yoga coming into the mainstream and the rifts between teaching and consumerism that emerged. They discuss the intersection of meditation and ballet, being an early adopter of pilates and choosing yoga as a focus, meeting TKV Desichackar, teaching in NY and setting conditions to attract only committed students, causing a raucous over start times at Ananda Ashram, the need for clarity, staying true to principles, and the enduring power of practice.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
1/29/20242 hours, 3 minutes, 55 seconds
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Nate Klemp - "Strategies for a Distracted and Polarized World"

Nate Klemp, author of OPEN: Living with an Expansive Mind in a Distracted World, talks with J about making your life your practice, digital realities, and political universes. They discuss the limitations of thinking to experiencing, the tradition of living philosophy, blogging about a life beyond logic, family life and yogic caves, the 80/80 marriage plan, a mindset of radical generosity, strategies for addressing screen cravings and addiction, lethal mass partisanship, and when surrendering to joy and possibility becomes your only best option.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
1/22/20241 hour, 36 minutes, 25 seconds
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Josh Thomas - "Being Expansive Amidst Deep Suffering"

Josh Thomas is a friend of J's who joins the show to talk about intuitive facility and luminous darkness. They discuss transition states, being motivated by an undercurrent of "not good enough-ness," dissolving boundaries and destruction of ego structures, becoming somebody to become nobody, parapsychology proven real beyond probability, fear of being shunned by the culture, taking belief out of the equation, spiritual healing, radiating peacefulness in everyday life, and marking your intention to a guiding true north of love.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
1/15/20241 hour, 45 minutes, 37 seconds
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Weena Pauly - "Impulse Towards Aliveness"

Weena Pauly, creator of SE+AM (Somatic Experiencing + Authentic Movement) and host of the Reverence for Impulse Podcast, talks with J about reclaiming how your body wants to move and the focus of seeing and being seen. They discuss sturdy containers for letting the unknown be revealed, nothingness and staying with trembling discomfort, distinguishing impulse from being impulsive, attributing value, power dynamics and reciprocity of wisdom, hope for our children, and experience as a language of the divine.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
1/8/20241 hour, 37 minutes, 44 seconds
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Keith Parker - "Chakras and Auras are Real"

Keith Parker, co-founder of Field Dynamics and host of the Field Dynamics Podcast, talks with J about energy healing, the human aura, and infinity exploring the finite. They discuss transitioning from music to yoga, being tamed by India, striving for liberation or enlightenment, limits of a materialistic paradigm, seeing human auras, gross/subtle/causal relationships, the structure of a soul, Chakras and identity, palpating energy, magical realms, higher intelligence and serving a greater good, and helping to bring subtlety into the foreground of perception.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
1/1/20242 hours, 3 minutes, 40 seconds
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Year End Check in with J - "Standing at a Crossroads"

J repeats his ritual of reflecting on where he’s at what he’s facing as the year comes to a close. He discusses his cat being diagnosed with diabetes, the Dalai Lama's twitter/x account, genetically modified butter, the feeling of not being able to say what you really think, trying to open a yoga center, predictions from the 2016 Yoga in America study, a changing internet, making ends meet, taking stock in the exchanges that make all the difficulties worthwhile, and somehow finding the resilience and fortitude needed to meet life's uncertainty.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
12/25/202337 minutes, 58 seconds
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Katie Hemphill - "Biomedical Engineering to Animistic Wonder"

Katie Hemphill, author of We Are The Forest, talks with J about expanding the scope of our understanding through embodied living and collective healing. They discuss why Katie decided to study biomedical engineering, discovering yoga and marathon running, programming a cell, a problem/solution perspective, corporate jobs, grey areas in risk analysis of medical devices, meaning making in scientific process, nutrition science, optimizing connection, balanced containers, and questioning the stories that shape our reality.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
12/18/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 46 seconds
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Radha Metro-Midkiff - "Gurus, Disciples, and Institutions"

Radha Metro-Midkiff, Executive Director for the Integral Yoga Institute New York, talks with J about Swami Satchidananda, Integral Yoga, and the major shifts in the industry and culture that have taken place over the last few years. They discuss her childhood growing up at Yogaville, her relationship to Swami Satchidananda, choosing faith or fear, teachings and the growth of institutions, the difference between the guru and the human being, authentic transmission of yoga, and making sense of life’s complexity through transparent dialogue.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
12/11/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 42 seconds
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Brett Larkin - "Youtube, Kundalini, and Yoga Industry"

Brett Larkin, founder of an award-winning YouTube channel and Uplifted Online Yoga Teacher Training, talks with J about building her platform and the state of yoga online. They discuss graduating from NYU, exploring different styles of practice, creating fitness and dance video games, starting to post on YouTube and gaining subscribers, leveraging social media, legitimizing online training, the influence of kundalini yoga and asking hard questions, working with Ayurveda, energy bodies, and learning from the past so we can proceed with integrity.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
12/4/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 48 seconds
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Diana May - "Having a Regulated Nervous System"

Diana May talks with J about yoga for the nervous system and somatic experiencing. They discuss moving to a big city before leaving and being closer to nature, dissociation from our bodies, being with the full range of human emotion, somatic experiencing based on the work of Dr Peter Levine, resonance fields, lowering levels of activation, honoring the value of anxiety and becoming less defensive of our responses, making a nervous system supported class, tolerance for different views, and maximizing capacity for connection.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
11/27/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 52 seconds
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John Stirk - "Awakening to the Unknown"

John Stirk, author of Deeper Still, talks with J about formation, transformation, and the feeling of existence. They discuss changing expectations for careers in yoga, digging deeper to change your perspective, the condition of understanding, getting in touch with insightfulness, healing fragmentation by highlighting that which is indivisible, transformation instead of information, authentic intelligence, mental indigestion, becoming more sensitive, knowing through direct perception, and relating to the unknown in an intelligent way.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
11/20/20231 hour, 45 minutes, 38 seconds
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Philip Deslippe - "The Truth About Yogi Bhajan and 3HO"

Philip Deslippe, author of From Maharaj to Mahan Tantric, talks with J about his research into the real story behind Yogi Bhajan and the yoga empire he created. They discuss Philip's time as a Kundalini teacher, 3HO, the role of students in editing and elevating teachers to master status, legitimizing something by deferring to a false antiquity, value calculations within corrupted traditions, the life and significance of William Atkinson, the paradox of benefiting from hucksters, and possibilities for what yoga teaching might look like in the future.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
11/13/20231 hour, 46 minutes, 22 seconds
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Ruth White - "Iyengar's UK Roots and the Essence of Yoga"

Ruth White, author of Presence: The Truth of Yoga, talks with J about the earliest days of BKS Iyengar coming to the UK and developing a practice that endures. They discuss practicing in a living room with BKS Iyengar, the difference between classes in Pune compared to the UK, standardization and growth, whether or not Iyengar was an abusive teacher, starting a yoga prop company, why Iyengar focused primarily on postures, going inward, and the dropping away of ego identifications so we can see each other as one and the same.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
11/6/20231 hour, 24 minutes, 27 seconds
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Cristina & Diego - "Experiencing the World in Barefoot Shoes"

Cristina & Diego, founders of Origo Shoes, talk with J about the philosophy behind barefoot shoes and our relationship to the natural world. They discuss the developmental issues their daughter faced and how that led to barefoot shoes, the detriment of conventional ideas about footwear, specifications that make a shoe barefoot, educating people about the benefits and making the appearance more accessible, doing business according to your values, embracing simple as better, and the benefits of slower living and a return to basic principles.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
10/30/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 37 seconds
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Joe Simek - "Goals and Trajectories for Yoga Centers"

Joe Simek, co-owner of Dragonfly Yoga and co-founder of The Fiaria Project, talks with J about coming back from the pandemic and moving forward with purpose. They discuss the reopening of his brick and mortar space, leases and sustainability, competition among centers, re-envisioning memberships and community, shifting from information to transformation, economics of surrender, issues of certification and accreditation, marketing with soul, and the changing dynamics by which we set roots and measure success.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
10/23/20231 hour, 40 minutes, 38 seconds
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Mark Walsh - "Trauma, Embodiment, and Facebook Bombs"

Mark Walsh, host of the The Embodiment Podcast and author of Embodiment: Working with the Body in Training and Coaching, talks with J about facilitating life skills and navigating the world around us. They discuss the emergence of coaching in the yoga world, embodiment as a practice and a principle, creating the largest online embodiment conference ever, trauma work and fads, early days of trolling online, political trends, decadence and the luxury of despair, overcoming grief, and the importance of finding ways to make sense and meaning.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
10/16/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 22 seconds
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Jason Shaw and Emily Brown - "Quality Yoga, Quality Furniture"

Jason Shaw and Emily Brown, owners of Our Country Hearts and Binghamton Yoga, talk with J about scale, sustainability, and local community. They discuss slow flow circa 2014, grass roots politics and making change by focusing on shared intentions, post-pandemic realities, dedicated yoga spaces, co-creative aspect of in person classes, working inward rather than outward and feeling vs doing, soft sells and attraction over promotion, coming together in grounded states of mind, and opening doorways in a seemingly walled future.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
10/9/20231 hour, 44 minutes, 53 seconds
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Bobbi Paidel - "Guru Relationships and Timeless Wisdom"

Bobbi Paidel, founder of Tribe of Lambs and host of A Curious Yogi Podcast, talks with J about having a guru and what it means to live the principles of yoga. They discuss how a cattle ranchers daughter ends up becoming part of a spiritual community in India rooted in Vedic knowledge, keeping ourselves safe and surviving in this world, the role of asana, feeling free, unchanged awareness of an infinite self, moments of recognition, staying open and curious, truth and a deeper sense of connection, and expanding our frame of reference for existing.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
10/2/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 50 seconds
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Rod Stryker - "Knowledge, Power and Devotion"

Rod Stryker, founder of ParaYoga, talks with J about the formative events that shaped yoga becoming part of popular culture and the spiritual underpinnings that call it into question. They discuss Yoga Works and the 80's LA Scene, Manny and Alan Finger, westernizing the message, seeking vs career choices, branding and creating empires, defining Tantra, teacher/student relationship, guard rails in the pursuit of truth, nonduality and divinity, science of energy management, mapping out the nature of mind, and a singular vision of the heart.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
9/25/20231 hour, 49 minutes, 46 seconds
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Divya Kohli - "A Midlife Crisis of Yoga"

Divya Kohli, author of Finding Peace in Difficult Times: grounding techniques for inner calm, returns to talk with J about the post-pandemic crossroads that many yoga teachers are facing. They discuss the halcyon days of wholly committed teachers, maturation in parallel with the evolution of modern yoga, organic communities, sweet spots and scalability, wanting in person vs actually showing up, class issues in marketing, inverting the pyramid of priorities, and countering a dystopian future with the power of shared ritual and intention.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
9/18/20231 hour, 47 minutes, 6 seconds
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David McGrath - "Yamas, Niyamas, and Accordance with Life"

David McGrath, author of The Yogi’s Way: Living in Accord with the Yamas & Niyamas, talks with J about Kriya Yoga and embodying philosophical principles. They discuss his teacher Roy Eugene Davis and Paramahansa Yogananda, Self-Realization Fellowship and The Center for Spiritual Awareness, the Camino de Santiago, Lacanian psychoanalysis, moving beyond speculative conversations into the actualization of concepts, Yamas and Niyamas, life and oneness consciousness, and the importance of bringing it back to the miracle of right now.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
9/11/20231 hour, 39 minutes
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Gary Kraftsow - "Nonsectarian But Not Secular"

Gary Kraftsow, founder of the American Viniyoga Institute, talks with J about the historical, philosophical, and religious context in which yoga appeared. They discuss the origins and substance of teachings given by TKV Desikachar at Colgate University in 1976, Patanjali's interest in the phenomenon of faith rather than the metaphysical nature of the godhead, qualified non-dualism, escaping the materialism of asana, from alternative to complimentary medicine, and transformation that addresses the fragmentation of our times.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
9/4/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 48 seconds
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Ryan Cunningham - "Return of Brick-and-Mortar Yoga?"

Ryan Cunningham, co-founder of Boston Yoga Collective, returns to the show to continue an ongoing conversation with J about the evolution and future of yoga centers. They discuss meeting each other at the tail end of the traveling circuit heyday, economics of operating an independent center, changes in the market and studio culture, landlords and leases, importance of physical spaces post-pandemic, influence of the person at the top, pedagogical models and meditation, and the possibility of still making it work against all odds.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
8/28/20231 hour, 52 minutes, 34 seconds
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Check-In with J - "The Economics of a Yoga Center in 2023"

J decides to depart from his usual protocol and takes a moment to talk about the economics of opening a yoga center in 2023. He lays out the evolution of common models used for operating yoga centers from 2007 until 2019, pay scales and competing incentives, the pivotal shift that destroyed sustainability, moving from spaces to audiences, downsides of creating online platforms and reach, real estate markets and signing leases, cooperatives, and reasons why it might be worth it to open something despite all the obstacles.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
8/21/202347 minutes, 51 seconds
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Michael Hutchinson - "Your Breath Wants to Help You"

Michael Hutchinson, author of Breath for Health, talks with J about the teachings of TKV Desikachar and developing understanding through experience. They discuss Michael's dual life working in both the physics of explosion mechanics and yoga, Desikachar and Iyengar, overcoming challenges with pranayama, hard science and ancient wisdom, Bhavana and accessing subtle internal experiences, building inner organizational capacity, respecting aspects of yoga that can't be measured, and valuing little things that lead to big changes of heart.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
8/14/20231 hour, 46 minutes, 51 seconds
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Andrew Eppler - "BNS Iyengar and Mysore Yoga Traditions"

Andrew Eppler, director of Ashtanga Yoga Studio and visionary behind the Mysore Yoga Traditions Film and Conference, talks with J about BNS Iyengar and the Mysore Yoga Traditions. They discuss how Andrew discovered BNS Iyengar, stepping with the right or left foot, influence of western teachers, distinguishing vinyasas, origins of Patabi Jois sequences,  Nathamuni Sampradaya, illusion or reality, God and Self-realization, learning from elders, Krishnamachrya leaving Mysore, and a love of yoga that transcends culture and social class.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
8/7/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 49 seconds
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Anoop Kumar - "Insufficiency of the Biopsychosocial Model"

Anoop Kumar, MD, founder of Health Revolution, talks with J about the primacy of consciousness and its implications on allopathic medicine. They discuss Anoop's early exposure to nondual philosophy, becoming an emergency physician, definitions of consciousness, the "recognition" problem, multidirectional healing, measuring outcomes, inverting primary and complimentary care, Atman and Brahman, the three minds of experience, and creating bridges of understanding with insights into the fundamental nature of the cosmos.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
7/31/20231 hour, 30 minutes, 8 seconds
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David Procyshyn - "Going Online with DoYogaWithMe"

David Procyshyn, founder of, talks with J about the evolution of online yoga and maintaining values in the digital landscape. They discuss the origins of the doyogawithme platform, giving everything away for free and switching from donations to subscriptions, being values-oriented and the stirha/sukha of business, understanding the user experience, advantages and disadvantages of social media, growing your reach and making money, trending online, conscious consumerism, and being human in a technological realm. For 2-months of unlimited access at doyogawithme go to: Promo code: jbrown   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
7/24/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 44 seconds
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Frank Jude Boccio - "Sacred Depths of Religious Naturalism"

Frank Jude Boccio, host of Pobsa’s Dharma Lounge Podcast, returns to continue a conversation with J about materialism, naturalism, and the great mysteries of life. They discuss definitions of religious and spiritual, rejection of anything supernatural in favor of awe, the relationship between God and religion, Frank's spiritual background, forms of grace and worship, the magic of matter, evil actions and moral codes, and coming together around universal principles and common humanity to honor diversity of religious life.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
7/17/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ranju Roy and Dave Charlton - "Religiousness and Yoga"

Ranju Roy and Dave Charlton, coauthors of Embodying the Yoga Sutra: Support, Direction, Space, return to talk with J about the role yoga plays in fulfilling our innate religious impulse. They discuss their childhood exposures to religion, the third and forth chapters of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, Ishavara Pranidhana, the evolution of TKV Desikachar's teaching on devotion, prayer and the question of a creator, challenging post-enlightenment viewpoints, chanting and emotions, and coming to humble terms with our place in an unknowable universe.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
7/10/20231 hour, 45 minutes, 52 seconds
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Ron Baker - "A Souls Journey into Awakening"

Ron Baker, author of Bright Lights, Big Empty: A Journey of Profound Awakening, talks with J about soul awakenings and the journey to Self. They discuss a mutual connection and convergences, signposts in Ron's early childhood, meeting his friend Robert and the experience of receiving communication from the Arch Angel Gabriel, questions of biblical prophecy, pathways of initiation, receiving guidance and cultivating intention, bioenergetic healing and nine nurturing needs, and learning to love and value life.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
7/3/20231 hour, 29 minutes, 6 seconds
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Beth Shaw - "Into the Mainstream with YogaFit"

Beth Shaw, founder of YogaFit and author of Healing Trauma With Yoga & Mind-Body Techniques, talks with J about the role she played in bringing yoga into the mainstream. They discuss the genesis of YogaFit and starting a multi-million dollar business out of her trunk, developing a style of practice that was appealing to gym culture, getting flak from the yoga world, spiritual interventions and inclusive language, credentialing and yoga therapy, social media, and having the courage of your convictions to offer something transformational.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
6/26/20231 hour, 2 minutes, 39 seconds
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Concetta Troskie - "Healing Arts, Trauma, Surrender to Spirit"

Concetta Troskie, creator of Mindfully Embodied, is an old friend of J's and they reunite to talk about their respective journeys of healing and spirit. They discuss the thriving art and yoga scene in Brooklyn in the early aughts, being supported as young teachers, searching for answers and almost becoming a nun before choosing to live in the world, getting sick with a brain tumor and losing everything that defined her, EMDR and Ketamine assisted therapy, recovering souls, and cultivating a differential reverence rooted in love and humility.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
6/19/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 24 seconds
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Annabelle Brown - "Overcoming OCD and Anxiety"

Annabelle Brown, J's youngest daughter, returns to talk about how she has been managing her mental health and the process of healing our traumas. They discuss what it felt like when she started to have OCD, being unable to communicate because of compulsions, the moment that it seemingly turned for her and what motivated it, her therapist and how being able to talk about what is happening helps, the evolution of her relationship with her sister, a brief cameo from Mom, and appreciating the innocence and wisdom of a sensitive child.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
6/12/20231 hour, 35 seconds
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Ron Brent - "Yogi Bhajan, Muktananda, Kundalini Awakening"

Ron Brent talks with J about time spent with Yogi Bhajan and Muktananda. They discuss his awakening experience, a brief stint in Scientology, stumbling upon Yogi Bhajan on Melrose Ave, actual sources of Kundalini Yoga, spontaneous kriyas vs a technology of practice, discovering Muktananda, seeing Yogi Bhajan admonished by his guru Virsa Singh, questioning ethics and morals, guru and disciple traditions, transmission and shaktipat initiation, and understanding how formlessness expresses itself through the forms of our culture.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
6/5/20231 hour, 33 minutes, 48 seconds
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J. with Daniel Simpson - "Podcasts, Controversy, and J's Dad"

Daniel Simpson, from the Ancient Futures Podcast, guest hosts to ask J about the evolution of J. Brown Yoga Talks and the entwinement of his personal growth with the creative process of producing a weekly show. They discuss the original motivations behind starting the podcast, the process by which episodes are generated, how J's family feels about his "radical transparency," stoking controversy and learning better of it, cultural appropriation, coming to God, and the spirit of friendship and inquiry that fuels J's passion for facilitating conversation.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/29/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 45 seconds
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Joshua Schrei - "Temporal Reality and a Harmonic Universe"

Joshua Schrei, host of The Emerald Podcast, returns to talk with J about our place in this alive world. They discuss the context in which yoga arises, implications of an animistic worldview in modern times, dictates of the western scientific tradition, fuzzy boundaries and the animacy of inanimate objects, entertwinement of subjective and objective reality, dualistic nonduality, an expanded vision of personhood, existence as a continuum, evil entities and a creator spirit, musical interelationality, and ceding agency to the theater of stone and time.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/22/20231 hour, 48 minutes, 1 second
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R. Sriram - "Rationality, Religiousness, and the Divine"

R. Sriram, coauthor of Natya Yoga: Peace Passion Pain Mapping Emotions, reunites with J to talk about the deeper questions of purpose and meaning in yoga. They discuss his understanding of T Krishnamacharya's and TKV Desikachar's view on God, the effects of connecting to source, humility and faith, Vedic chanting with J Krishnamurti, academic bonafides and diverging from Vyasa's commentary on Patañjali’s Yogasūtras, limitations of science and potential of human spirit, and respecting the personal artistic nature of the divine.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/15/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 22 seconds
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Gill Lloyd - "TKV Desikachar and the Art of Living Peacefully".

Gill Lloyd, former teacher trainer for the British Wheel of Yoga and former chair of both Viniyoga Britain and KHYF-UK, talks with J about her life in yoga and the influence of TKV Desikachar. They discuss her first class in the mid eighties, Vinyasa Krama in principle and practice, stories of watching Desikachar teach, the importance of chanting and heart-to-heart connection, watching "Sir's" health decline and the scandal with his son, religiosity, personal practice and educating teachers, and learning the art of living peacefully in this world.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/8/20231 hour, 34 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hari-kirtana das - "Individual Souls and a Supreme Being"

Hari-kirtana das returns to revisit questions of nonduality and the relationship between an individual sole and a supreme being. They discuss reimagining our definitions of God and religion, divine and ecological person-hood, simultaneous immanence and transcendence, conforming to highest truths vs shaping truth to our desires, the difference between speaking personal truths and the voice of God coming through, freedom within the prison of material life, evil, and the benefit of relying on something greater than yourself.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
5/1/20231 hour, 41 minutes, 25 seconds
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Jessamyn Stanley - "Fat Positivity and Narrative Disruption"

Jessamyn Stanley, co-founder of The Underbelly and author of Yoke: My Yoga of Self-Acceptance, talks with J about body acceptance and challenging preconceived notions. They discuss her entry into yoga and why she started posting her practice on Instagram, how she landed a Gatorade commercial, The Yoga Journal cover controversy, the difference between fat and body positivity, navigating "tokenism,” naked yoga on only fans, Shibari (Japanese Rope Bondage), and the value of starting uncomfortable conversations that foster growth.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/24/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 17 seconds
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Andrew Tanner - "Cults, Industry, and Future Prospects"

Andrew Tanner returns unbound to talk with J about his experience of escaping a yoga cult and shaping the yoga industry. They discuss the life changing moment with his father that led to his commitment to Dahn Yoga, the history and philosophies of Korean Taoist traditions, what went wrong and why he left, scaling the business side, working for Kripalu and Yoga Alliance, what happened with the standards review project, problems with the status quo, and meeting the challenge of our times by keeping soul in the game.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/17/20231 hour, 59 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bashira Muhammad - "Mycological Wonders"

Bashira Muhammad, owner of Zoom Out Mycology, is an old friend of J's and they talk about her work in mycology. They discuss the fact that Bashira was the youngest person to do J's teacher training over a decade ago, the qualities in her that lent to yogic inquiry at a young age and led to her interest in mycology, her time farming through a fire season, some of the ins and outs of fungi and applications for mushrooms, science and spirit of mycelium, the recent farm bill, and the benefits of learning about the interrelationship of all beings and ecosystems.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/10/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 43 seconds
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Dr. Lisa Miller - "The Awakened Brain"

Lisa Miller, Ph.D., author of The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality and Our Quest for an Inspired Life, talks with J about a belief in God and the neuroscience showing its benefits. They discuss the passing of J's mother, forms of knowing, empirical evidence for innate spirituality, post-traumatic spiritual growth, spirituality associated with cortical thickness in the regions of perception and a lessening of anxiety and depression, neural seeds of awareness, and being open to receive the intelligent and loving force that is your birthright.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
4/3/20231 hour, 33 minutes
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Kamini Desai - "Lineage, Life Lessons, and Manifest Divinity"

Kamini Desai, founder of I AM Education and Yogeshwari of the Lakulish Lineage, talks with J about her journey to becoming a lineage holding and the principles of divinity her teachings encompass. They discuss the history of Kripalu Yoga, growing up at the ashram and rebelling against the family tradition, learning from the experience of scandal around her father, Yoga Nidra and energetic practices, impermanence and infinite consciousness, and the deeper layers of stillness that reveal our essential wholeness.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
3/27/20231 hour, 32 minutes, 20 seconds
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Genny Wilkinson - "Starting Anew with Mission"

Genny Wilkinson, co-founder of Mission, talks with J about what has happened to yoga centers, lessons learned, and the new space that she is opening. They discuss why she departed from triYoga and the role she played there, the reasons why so many centers had to close, the genesis of the new center and what they are doing differently, dismantling elitism, transparency and honor around both pricing and teacher pay, online vs in person classes, and the need to orchestrate human interaction after the hangover of so many years in isolation.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
3/20/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 58 seconds
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Dona Holleman - "Theosophy, J. Krishnamurti, and BKS Iyengar”

Dona Holleman, Honorary President of The Centered Yoga Dona Holleman Association, talks with J about her storied career and the formative relationships that shaped yoga in the west. They discuss the Theosophical Society and the origins of J. Krishnamurti, world wars and being born in a prison camp. talks with Krishnamurti in Saanen and Gstaad, Iyengar as a young man, Vanda Scaravelli's influence, the emergence of teaching certification, emptying your body to fill it back up, consciousness, and the individual path of finding your true self.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
3/13/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 11 seconds
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Lolly Stirk - "Active Birth Movement and Prenatal Yoga"

Lolly Stirk, teacher at Mothertime and teacher trainer at YogaBirth, talks with J about the history of the active birth movement and prenatal yoga classes. They discuss her arrival in London during the summer of love, opening one of the first vegetarian restaurants down the street from Abbey Road, hanging out with the Beatles and making dinner for BKS Iyengar, softening practice, how Vanda Scaravelli taught, studying with Sheila Kitzinger and Michel Odent, and the power of learning to surrender to the process of life.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
3/6/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 19 seconds
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Peter Blackaby - "Does God Exist?"

Peter Blackaby, author of Intelligent Yoga, talks with J about ways of perceiving the phenomenal world and the emergence of spirit. They discuss what is meant by the term "nonmaterial," ways of understanding how a human being takes in censorial information, intuitive resilience as the by-product of accumulated experience or divine intervention by a higher power, using words like God or spirit or soul, what materialists and mystics fear, and recognizing the unifying connection we all share as co-inhabitants of nature in all its wonder.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
2/27/20231 hour, 47 minutes, 4 seconds
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James Matthew Brown - "Maty Ezraty, Fulfillment, and Purpose"

James Matthew Brown talks with J about the boom years for yoga in the early aughts and the legacy of his teacher, Maty Ezraty. They discuss his gigs teaching the Gore family during the 2000 election and touring with the Red Hot Chili Peppers, how he became a student of Maty, the formation of Yoga Works teacher training, alignment vs flow, the sale of the centers to venture capitalists and the conundrum of scaling, leaving the yoga world only to learn that its where you truly belong, and the aspects of teaching that remain true over time.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
2/20/20232 hours, 3 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mike De Masi - "Learning from Srivatsa Ramaswami"

Mike De Masi, student of Srivatsa Ramaswami, bassist for Ali Omar El-Farouk, and founder of the Worldwide Krishnamacharya Yoga Community Facebook Group, talks with J about honoring the many different traditions of yoga. They discuss Mike's early studies and inquiring into the teaching of T. Krishnamacharya, the experience of learning from Ramaswami's elucidations on Patañjalayoga, Vinyasa Krama, the nuance of the breath in āsana practice, and finding vehicles for dialogue so that we can learn and grow from one another.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.    
2/13/20231 hour, 38 minutes, 21 seconds
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Acharya Shunya - "Recontextualizing Ancient Vedic Wisdom"

Acharya Shunya, founder of The Awakened Self Foundation and author of three bestselling books including Roar Like a Goddess, talks with J about the source of yogic wisdom. They discuss her grandfather's return to ancient vedic roots, Sanskrit grammar and translations, priestly caste and the growth of dogmas, embracing shadows, deep inner soul propensity, the role of a guru, three frames of mind as a seeker, authenticity and householder paths, universal spirit, and staying connected to divine truth and a Great Omniscient Dimension.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
2/6/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 7 seconds
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Monica Gauci - "Healing From the Inside Out"

Monica Gauci, co-founder of 8 Limbs and Chintamani Yoga, talks with J about learning how to heal ourselves. They discuss her early studies with Shandor Remete, pursuing a degree in chiropractic, studying with Patabhi Jois, overemphasis on asana, incorporating other healing modalities, the myth of sequencing, hyper-mobility and the need to develop strength, re-educating the deep spinal stabilizing muscles, active vs passive therapies, being an expression of divinity, and cultivating an integrated understanding of your body.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
1/30/20231 hour, 48 minutes, 57 seconds
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Colin Dunsmuir - "TKV Desikachar and Relationship"

Colin Dunsmuir, founder of True Yoga and author of How to Find Stillness Within, talks with J about the teachings of TKV Desikachar and the nature of yoga transmission. They discuss Colin's decision to forgo the final stages of authorization in Ashtanga Vinyasa and become a yoga therapist, the training process he went through, distinguishing characteristics of an individualized approach, Desikachar's unique example, principles of personal practice, and understanding the stages that lead to deeper spiritual truths and awareness.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
1/23/20231 hour, 28 minutes, 17 seconds
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Hamish Hendry - "Enduring Early Morning Mysore Self-Practice"

Hamish Hendry, owner of Astanga Yoga London and publisher of Pushpam Magazine, talks with J about tirelessly teaching a daily Mysore program in London for over 25 years. They discuss the purpose of chanting, avoiding dogma, finding Ashtanga Vinyasa in the late eighties, becoming authorized or certified back when and how it changed, ways in which he has evolved as a teacher and runs the center to stay in line with his beliefs, and the humble consistency of always remaining true to a deep and abiding commitment to service.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
1/16/20231 hour, 38 minutes, 42 seconds
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Lisa Petersen - "Presence and a New Sense of Self"

Lisa Petersen, somatics innovator and yoga teacher, talks with J about the cross pollination of somatic movement modalities and traditional yoga. They discuss her training at Vivekenanda Kendra, defining a felt inner sense experience, Body Mind Centering and Hanna Somatics, resetting the nervous system, pandiculation instead of stretching, deliberately simplified spaces, strategies for changing underlying patterns, form and finding newness, radiating from the fluidic pathways of our earliest being, and discovering divinity.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
1/9/20231 hour, 37 minutes, 13 seconds
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John Stirk - "Living at the End of Exhalation"

John Stirk, author of Deeper Still, talks with J about the non-material aspects of yoga and the importance of noticing. They discuss the influences of R.D.Laing, J. Krishnamurti, and Vanda Scaravelli, sensation and awareness, touching the inner void, the value of not knowing, making a contribution to the field of shared energy, that which lays beyond fear and expresses our capacity for love, understanding nothing in particular, unconditioned sources of wisdom, calcification of the soul, coming gently to a halt, and trusting in our own experience.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
1/2/20231 hour, 51 minutes, 5 seconds
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Year End Check-In with J - “Zoloft, MRI’s, and Divine Spirit”

J takes a moment to break from his usual format to reflect on the challenges of the last year and share some of his biggest take-aways. He talks about his daughters mental health struggles and the medical care she has received, conclusions on the results of his MRI and persistent hip pain, scientific lenses in the alternative health sphere, knowing when to follow and when to part ways from existing protocols, acknowledging the unexplainable wisdom at the center of a persons being, and embracing the role of spirit in yoga and healing.   J. Brown Yoga Teacher Training - new group starts Jan 2023   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/26/202237 minutes, 23 seconds
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Richard Rosen - "Who Was I Then? Who am I now?"

Richard Rosen, author of Yoga by the Numbers: The Sacred and Symbolic in Yoga Philosophy and Practice, talks with J about keeping yoga vibrant despite life's challenges. They discuss Richard's long-time friendship with Rodney Yee, the Piedmont Yoga Center, Iyengar method in the early days, teaching headstand and shoulderstand, the appropriate use of pranayama practices, Yogi Ramacharaka and the Worlds Fair, living with Parkinson's Disease, children's poetry for adults, and the intuitive process of living a rewarding life.   J. Brown Yoga Online Teacher Training - starts Jan 2023   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/19/20221 hour, 35 minutes, 46 seconds
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Elisa Malinverni - "Stories of Hope and Self-Healing"

Elisa Malinverni, author of Yoga for Recovering Addicts: Stories of Hope and Ways of Self-Healing, returns to talk about overcoming addictions. They discuss the ways media and society distort information about addiction, the moral high horse, the open drug scene in Berne in the eighties and nineties, opposing positions on what addiction is, the surprising fact of natural recovery, when yoga becomes addictive, psychedelics and states of consciousness, admitting to vulnerability, and the role of prayer and spirit in overcoming challenges.   J. Brown Yoga Online Teacher Training - starts Jan 2023   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/12/20221 hour, 46 minutes
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Adam Bucko - "Prayer, God, and Engaged Contemplation"

Adam Bucko, author of Let Your Heartbreak Be Your Guide: Lessons in Engaged Contemplation, talks with J about prayer and divine grace. They discuss Adam’s childhood in Poland during the totalitarian regime, a life-defining experience in India, working with homeless youth, occupy wall street and social change, monasticism, being present with your pain, showing up without buffers, a sense of falling apart that leads to a calling, teachers holding their roles differently, being in a state of receptivity, and transforming ourselves into more loving people.   J. Brown Yoga Online Teacher Training - starts Jan 2023   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
12/5/20221 hour, 45 minutes, 11 seconds
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Bernie Clark - "Your Body, Your Yoga Trilogy"

Bernie Clark, author of the Your Body Your Yoga Trilogy, talks with J about the completion of the third and final volume on the upper body and the larger picture of biomechanics and yoga. They discuss functional vs ascetic approaches to the body, stressing tissues, what air line pilot cockpits tell us about human variation, anti-fragility and stability, close chain and open chain exercise, open packed and close packed joints, asymmetries and proportions, nocebo, the value of x-rays or MRI, and understanding that each person is unique.   J. Brown Yoga Online Teacher Training - starts Jan 2023   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
11/28/20221 hour, 49 minutes, 11 seconds
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Rick Olderman - "Systems Thinking Approach to Chronic Pain"

Rick Olderman, author and creator of the Fixing You® Method at Home Course and for Health Professionals, talks with J about his systems thinking approach to addressing pain. They discuss the limitations of traditional physical therapy education, incorporating Anatomy Trains and Hanna Somatics, biomechanics and common patterns of dysfunction, J's body and right anterior femoral glide syndrome, locking knees and healthy glute activation, pillars of chronic pain, and creating bridges to function so that we can live pain-free.   J. Brown Yoga Online Teacher Training - starts Jan 2023   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
11/21/20221 hour, 47 minutes, 37 seconds
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Esther Gokhale - "Primal Posture and The Gokhale Method"

Esther Gokhale, founder of the Gokhale Method, talks with J about alleviating pain through anthropologically informed postural work. They discuss the imprints of her childhood in India, how her studies in biochemistry led to acupuncture and the Aplomb Institute in Paris, the crippling back pain and unsuccessful back surgery that led to her lifelong crusade to vanquish back pain, indigenous cultures and J-shaped spines, the use of wearable technology, butt muscles and gait, and learning to turn posture knowledge into postural habits.   J. Brown Yoga Online Teacher Training - starts Jan 2023   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
11/14/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 49 seconds
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Jonni Pollard - "Vedic Meditation and Subtle Dimensions"

Jonni Pollard, cofounder of 1 Giant Mind and author of The Golden Sequence, talks with J about Vedic Meditation and the universal nature of our existence. They discuss going from punk kid to spiritual lover, Bija mantras, creating a movement around social and environmental coherence, scaling group meditation to alter the larger fields, a meeting with the Dalai Lama that changed everything, the split within science, guru function, prying open subtle dimensions, and the innocent instinct to nurture a deeper sense of belonging   J. Brown Yoga Online Teacher Training - starts Jan 2023   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
11/7/20221 hour, 24 minutes, 17 seconds
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Tanis Fishman - "What Do You Trust?"

Tanis Fishman, founder of the School of Sankulpa, talks with J about experiencing unity consciousness. They discuss surrender and awakening moments including a bad car accident Tanis was in at age 19, her travels and time at the Bihar School of Yoga, "I-ness" and distortion fields, feeling beyond our mental impression storehouse, touching pure frequencies, using the word God, prayer as communion with higher consciousness, being ready to give up everything so you can come to knowing, and being witnessed upon the humble path.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
10/31/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 2 seconds
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James Swanwick - "Blue Light, Alcohol, and Circadian Rhythms"

James Swanwick, co-founder of Swanwick Sleep, talks with J about wearing blue light blockers and eliminating alcohol consumption for better health. They discuss the positive effects James observed when he stopped drinking, how it lead to producing glasses with orange lenses to block blue light, the evolution from natural to artificial lighting, screens and the ill effects of blue light on melatonin release, alcohol toxicity, caffein consumption, optimal sleeping conditions, and creating habits that help optimize performance and well being.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
10/24/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 56 seconds
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Sam Wilde - "Connection, Liberation, and The Great Mother"

Sam Wilde, founder of The Sacred Order of the Great Mother and host of the Fertile Feminist Podcast, talks with J about a connection they made years ago and nurturing a felt sense of The Great Mother. They discuss a formative conversation they happened into together two decades back and the import it held, Sam's experience of not fitting into the yoga world, her work as a minister and study of feminist liberation theology, fertility as shakti and feminism as shiva, and being a midwife to the desires of the heart and spirit of mothering for all.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
10/17/20221 hour, 36 minutes, 3 seconds
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Laurel Beversdorf - "Grace, Purpose, and Resistance Bands"

Laurel Beversdorf, creator of Yoga with Resistance Bands Teacher Training and host of the Movement Logic Podcast, talks with J about the integration of resistance bands and other implements into the deeper aspects of yoga. They discuss the tendency of persistent pain to shape practice, conditioning the body and the value of strength training, maturing beyond the demonization of yoga poses, titles and descriptions, the fallacy of certifications, definition of training, and decoding the subtle elements of discovery that make yogic unique.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
10/10/20221 hour, 45 minutes, 43 seconds
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Eric Shaw - "A Comprehensive Yoga Timeline"

Eric Shaw, author of Sacred Thread: A Comprehensive Yoga Timeline: 2000 Events that Shaped Yoga History, talks with J about the arc of yoga and its relationship to culture from ancient times to modern day. They discuss Eric's early efforts to translate yoga scholarship into more common vernacular, life on the yoga circuit, the infamous Facebook post, his tendency to collect little known details and facts about yoga, bifurcation at odds with unitary philosophy, and anchoring ourselves in transparency and truth.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
10/3/20221 hour, 41 minutes, 35 seconds
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Catherine Annis - "Evolution of Yoga Teacher Training"

Catherine Annis, core teacher for Intelligent Yoga Teacher Training, talks with J about Scaravelli-inspired yoga and the evolution of yoga teacher training. They discuss her start as a dancer and early inspirations, discovering her primary teacher, moving into a space of ease rather than seeking out challenge, structure and the use of form in somatic-based practices, meeting people where they are while still offering a deeper inquiry, defining parameters for training teachers, and having the courage to share your authentic experience.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
9/26/20221 hour, 39 minutes, 34 seconds
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Libby Hinsley - "Yoga and Hypermobility Syndromes"

Libby Hinsley, author of Yoga for Bendy People, talks with J about the prevalence and education gap regarding hypermobility syndromes. They discuss the lack of understanding and confusion around diagnosing Hypermibility Spectrum Disorder and Hypermobility Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, varied issues that overly lax collagen can present, distinguishing between mobility and flexibility, the benefit of slower and simpler movements, appropriate strength training, and the role of yoga in addressing pain and easing suffering.   J. Brown Yoga Teacher Training - Sign up before Oct 1, 2022 for Early Bird Discount - 50% off   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/19/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 1 second
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Nikki Costello - "Reimagining the Classroom"

Nikki Costello talks with J about the changing dynamics between yoga teachers, students, and institutions. They discuss their parallel trajectory of practice over the last thirty years, Nikki's evolution and identity as an Iyengar lineage holder, the pedagogy of liberation, dogma and co-creation, the role of a teacher in facilitating inquiry, discernment of students in the information age, the problem with the scaling of yoga teacher training, and reimagining the classroom to embody the qualities and values that are fundamental to healing.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
9/12/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 6 seconds
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Sukadev Bretz - "How a Spiritual Community is Created"

Sukadev Bretz, founder of Yoga Vidya, talks with J about going from being a disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda to founding a democratically run non-profit spiritual Yoga organization. They discuss what it was like to become a disciple and take vows in the eighties, when institutions become more about rules than people, bearing witness to the hypocrisies of gurus, choosing to leave and creating something with community rights and safeguards, adapting to the needs of our passing times, and allowing ourselves to be guided by the Divine.   J. Brown Yoga 2023 Teacher Training - Sign up before Oct 1, 2022 for Early Bird Discount - 50% off   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/5/20221 hour, 52 minutes, 39 seconds
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Jeff Carreira - "From Spiritual Awakening to Cosmic Awareness"

Jeff Carreira, author of The Path of Spiritual Breakthrough: From Awakening to Cosmic Awareness, talks with J about the process of awakening into deeper awareness of our spiritual existence. They discuss the realization that there is more to reality than the sum total of everything we’ve ever known or have been told exists, how we make meaning of our experiences, intuitive knowing, organic growth, the disappointment of a spiritual path, aligning your life with your heart, and the courage to embrace a field of infinite possibility as the new paradigm.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
8/29/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 39 seconds
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Robin Rose Bennett - "Healing Ways of the Green Witch"

Robin Rose Bennett, author of Healing Magic: A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living and The Gift of Healing Herbs, talks with J about the language of plants and the need for radical revitalization. They discuss the value of dandelion, lessons to be learned from Ginkgo biloba trees, reclaiming the sacredness of dirt, turtle medicine, synchronicity, oat straw, reality as the most magical game around, earth spirit teachings, Robins upcoming course on Radical Self-Care, and the evolutionary impulse towards embodying our "kin-dome" with all of life.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
8/22/20221 hour, 22 minutes, 7 seconds
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Glenn Murphy - "Systema, Self-Development and Spirituality"

Glenn Murphy, author and Founder of NC Systema, talks with J about the Russian martial art of Systema and the intersection of self-defense and self-development. They discuss the origins and history of Systema, Glenn's background in other types of martial arts, the limitations of over adherence to form, Vladimir Vasiliev and Mikhail Ryabko, practices that cultivate seeing what suggests itself, remaining calm when someone punches you in the face, breathing as a Rosetta stone for regulating state, and experiencing yourself as part of nature.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
8/15/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 39 seconds
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Linda Cassidy - "Realization of the Divine"

Linda Cassidy, old-school teacher and listener of the show, talks with J about yoga being founded on a exploration and realization of the divine. They discuss her religious background and early studies in eastern philosophies, breaking from dogma, presentations of spirit that meet people where they are, Bhagavad Gita, the action of relating, consensual reality and inner knowing, moving away from materialism in practice and beyond, art of Sushumna Nadi, and tickling the possibility of being in touch with a metaphysical center of being.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
8/8/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 48 seconds
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Alma Duran - "How's Your Discernment?"

Alma Duran, PhD, is a cultural anthropologist, yoga teacher, and friend of J's who joins the show to talk about the migration of yoga over time and the cultivation of discernment. They discuss the early days of yoga in the eighties and Alma's time as a tv and film producer, Yogaworks in LA in the nineties, being inspired by TKV Desikachar teachings, cultural anthropology and the history of humanity, the progression of yoga from the forest to the palace to the mall to the internet, belief systems, and yoga education as an integrated part of living a life.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
8/1/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lauren Walker - "You Are Electromagnetic"

Lauren Walker, founder of Energy Medicine Yoga and author of The Energy To Heal, returns again to further convince J that we are electromagnetic beings with the capacity to heal. They discuss ways to feel your own energy, the nine energy systems of the body and the significance of "Triple Warmer," bringing principles from one-to-one Energy Medicine to group Yoga, democratizing energy practices, the difference between healing and curing, understanding elemental theory, and moving from a field of trauma to a field of magic.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
7/25/20221 hour, 45 minutes, 57 seconds
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Monica Voss - "Vanda Scaravelli and Esther Myers"

Monica Voss, co-owner and director of Esther Myers Yoga Studio, talks with J about her studies with Vanda Scaravelli and Esther Myers. They discuss her discovery of yoga through Esther and their transition from traditional Iyengar to Vanda's approach, structure and freedom, individual agency and creating your own language, the three fundamental principles behind Vanda's teaching, unwinding, elongating with wavelike pulsations of the spine, tapping into outer realms through poetry, and staying true to your convictions.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
7/18/20221 hour, 26 minutes, 9 seconds
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Bari Gratton - "Can We Shape a Better Yoga Profession?"

Bari Gratton, coauthor of an Open Letter To Yoga Alliance along with collaborators Meghan Maris, Courtney Ng, Gayatri Sehgal, and Shuo Wang, talks with J about the possibility for change in the yoga profession. They discuss the Masters of Arts in Yoga Studies program at Loyola Marymount University, problems with the Yoga Alliance and how the final project they did together came about, whether yoga teaching ought to be regulated, suggestions for reform, appropriation and racism, and engaging in good faith dialogue that respects differences.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
7/11/20221 hour, 50 minutes, 2 seconds
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Blake Tedder - "Trauma, Personal Practice, and Beyond"

Blake Tedder, host of Inner Explorations with Angela and Victor: A Yoga Podcast, talks with J about healing trauma and going deeper in personal practice. They discuss Blake's process of recovery after being in a plane crash and having his appearance scarred by burns, discovering yoga and the influence of his teachers, disassociation and ways to embodiment, his evolution in personal practice from chasing healing to going within and listening to the body, and being directed by the intelligent Life Force that flows through us.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
7/4/20221 hour, 38 minutes, 40 seconds
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Karin Lynn Carlson - "Quitting Yoga and Embracing Prayer"

Karin Lynn Carlson, author of the substack Gristle and bone, talks with J about leaving the yoga profession and the power of prayer. They discuss the pitfalls of a group yoga class context, her decision to wind down her teaching, importance of mentorship, a cultural moment defined by repressed futility, the role of practice in bringing about a state of awareness, her turn to writing and most recent post, triage for despair, acknowledging a higher power, choking on hope, and the way prayer renders us responsibility for our humanity.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
6/27/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 19 seconds
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Nick Beem - "Moving From Technology to Ritual"

Nick Beem, co-founder of Grateful Yoga, talks with J about the implications of yoga as ritual vs technology. They discuss the contrasts between Nicks training in Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy and ParaYoga, why framing yoga as a set of tools for self improvement is lacking, becoming fatigued by intellectual gyrations, intention empowering practice more than some universal metaphysics, recognizing our animistic ancestry and a More Than Human world, and learning to ride the slippery edge where doing and surrender blend together.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
6/20/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 28 seconds
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Kat Rosenfield - "Politics in the Yoga Space"

Kat Rosenfield, author of No One Will Miss Her and co-host of the Feminine Chaos Podcast, talks with J about her recent article on politics in the yoga space. They discuss Kat's evolution as a freelance pop culture and political writer, her separate life in yoga practice and teaching, the merging of those worlds in her article regarding the high tension and fierce infighting in online yoga communities, broader patterns and implications around identity politics, and reserving the right to let yoga remain a more neutral ground in the culture wars.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
6/13/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 17 seconds
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Sophie Strand - "Overwhelming Suffering with Beauty"

Sophie Strand, author of The Flowering Wand: Rewilding the Sacred Masculine and facilitator of the online course, Myth & Mycelium: Rerooting & Rewilding the Gospels, talks with J about summoning enchantment and healing beyond hope. They discuss Sophie's health journey and the misgivings of the medical industrial complex, epiphanies around fungi organisms and fungal networks, metabolic environment, cultural stories vs lived experience, gating out miracles, "the animate everything," and alchemical storytelling.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
6/6/20221 hour, 18 minutes, 28 seconds
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Nischala Devi - "Devoted Practice to Higher Consciousness"

Nischala Joy Devi, author of The Secret Power of Yoga: A Woman's Guide to the Heart and Spirit of the Yoga Sutras, returns to talk with J about her revised interpretation of Patanjali's last two padas. They discuss what led to doing a revision of her writing on Yoga Sutras, the criticism she has received since the first edition, why so little consideration is given to the third and fourth padas, going beyond practice and mind, renunciation, the grace of intuitive wisdom, and relinquishing our efforts so we might effortlessly reside in our heart.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
5/30/20221 hour, 36 minutes, 52 seconds
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Leslie Kaminoff - "Roundabout Methods, Causeless Causes"

Leslie Kaminoff, founder of The Breathing Project and coauthor of Yoga Anatomy, returns to talk with J about the changing professional landscape and deeper inquiries into the nature of healing. They discuss Leslie's bout with long covid and the procedure that reset his heart, working on the third edition of Yoga Anatomy, TKV Desikachar and teachings on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, Leslie's coming show examining one-to-one teaching, having faith, surrendering to dharma, intuition and knowledge, and forever continuing to learn and discover.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
5/23/20221 hour, 56 minutes, 20 seconds
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Shamini Jain - "Holistic Elements that Activate Life-Force"

Dr. Shamini Jain, Founder and Director of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative and author of Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, talks with J about how there need be no divide between science and spirituality. They discuss healing as the absence of disease (pathogenesis) vs a reflection of harmony (salutagenisous,) what placebo research tells us about the power of consciousness to heal ourselves, Jainism, and how when it comes to healing the biggest aura (nature) always wins.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
5/16/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 39 seconds
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Amy Matthews - "Ecosystems and Educational Models"

Amy Matthews, co-founder of Babies Project and Program Director for the Somatic Movement Educator (SME) and Infant Developmental Movement Educator (IDME) programs at Sonder Movement Project, returns to talk with J about redefining what it is to be human and reimagining educational models. They discuss the jarring stop to being a traveling teacher, the third edition of Yoga Anatomy, yoga and somatics, embodiment, ourselves as more than individuals, and developing pedagogical starting points based in curiosity.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
5/9/20221 hour, 40 minutes, 58 seconds
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Lorin Roche - "Instinctive Meditation, Spontaneous Delight"

Lorin Roche, author of the Radiance Sutras and creator of the Radiance Sutras School of Meditation, talks with J about instinctive meditation and the Vijñāna-bhairava-tantra. They discuss the natural unfolding of meditative experience, formalities and spiritual cosplay, distrust and ethics in meditation teachings and groups, unpacking sanskrit texts and the language of spirit, discovering that which captures our attention and brings delight, and the awareness that a current of love energy between earth and sun flows through us.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
5/2/20221 hour, 45 minutes, 2 seconds
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Harmony Slater - "Reconciliation and God"

Harmony Slater, host of the Finding Harmony Podcast, talks with J about reconciling the past and moving forward with grace. They discuss a recent podcast episode with Eddie Stern and some of its implications for modern practitioners, if there is such as thing a 'yoga community,' rigidity in form, hierarchies of power and influence, philosophical underpinnings of eastern and western faiths, radical vs qualified nonduality, and keeping ones mind on God without falling into the trap of religion through an understanding of divine consciousness.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
4/25/20221 hour, 21 minutes, 12 seconds
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Indu Arora - "Yoga Nidra and the Macrocosmic Body"

Indu Arora talks with J about the history and philosophies of yoga. They discuss the traditions she grew up with and when her formal studies took hold, being curious about the origins of yoga and respectful of the cultures that have heralded it into the world, sun salutations and utilizing sanskrit words to understand root ideas, distinguishing between yoga nidra and meditation, going from 'external thrill to internal still,' duality and oneness, purusha and prakriti, making nature your guru, and the co-creation of knowledge to empower.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
4/18/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 9 seconds
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Frey Faust - "Freedom, Pedagogy and The Axis Syllabus"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Frey Faust, creator of The Axis Syllabus and author of 101 USELESS EXERCISES...and what to do instead, talks with J about increasing awareness through an exploration of physiological or biological principles. They discuss his departure from the NY dance scene, pitfalls of standardization and funding, addressing pain by compiling information about the body that ended up contradicting conventional notions, form, fractals, symbols, stretching ligaments, and checking our own perceptions to be clear on what vision of reality we are working with.  
4/11/202242 minutes, 12 seconds
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Daniel Simpson - "How Traditional is Your Yoga?"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Daniel Simpson, author of The Truth of Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide to Yoga’s History, Texts, Philosophy, and Practices, talks with J about the origins of physical practice and what connects modern yoga to its ancient roots. They discuss the tendency of historical figures to invent things but still present them as being very old, influences that led to a modern postural approach, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, tantra, distinguishing Nivritti and Pravritti from duality and nonduality, and defining yoga by questioning the how and why more than the what.  
4/4/202242 minutes, 14 seconds
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Kathryn Bruni-Young - "Adaptability, Strength and Resilience"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Kathryn Bruni-Young, creator of Mindful Strength, talks with J about her mother's legacy and the adaptability of human bodies. They discuss turning grief into a handstand club, when Kathryn's mom, Diane Bruni, came to J's class and the significance of her appearance on the show, the alarm her mom sounded and the infamous Facebook page she started, feeling uncomfortable about social media outpourings after her mom's death, and understanding the biopsychosocial purpose behind strength training for resilience and well-being.  
3/28/202241 minutes, 50 seconds
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Steve James - "Fields of Inquiry with Guru Viking"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Steve James, creator of the Movement Koan Method® and host of the Guru Viking Podcast, joins J for a comparative inquiry into spiritual traditions and philosophical viewpoints. They discuss living on a boat, the value of survival training, some of the experiences and people who have influenced Steve's understanding, working with Michaela Boehm and The Non-Linear Movement Method®, the purpose of long-sitting meditation, and appreciation for a multiplicity of contemplative disciplines and wisdom teachings.  
3/21/202246 minutes, 55 seconds
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Alejandro Chaoul - "Channels and Winds of Tibetan Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Alejandro Chaoul. author of Chod Practice in the Bon Tradition, Tibetan Yoga for Health and Wellbeing, and Tibetan Yoga: Magical Movements of Body, Breath & Mind, talks with J about the philosophy and practice in Tibetan Buddhism. They discuss his cultural Jewish upbringing and the moment of realization where Buddhism became his path, meeting UG Krishnamurti, movement and breath technique in tsa lung trulkhor, (also known as Tibetan Yoga,) and the many paths that lead to deeper awareness and enlightened experience.  
3/14/202245 minutes, 29 seconds
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Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten - "Process of Evolving"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Angela Farmer and Victor van Kooten talk with J about exploring our inner worlds and the power of formlessness. They discuss their early experiences with BKS Iyengar, how things changed over time and deciding to go a different way, fear-based teaching vs permission to make your own determinations, playfulness rather than striving, tapping into our "animal insides," feeling into things rather than thinking them, relinquishing control, receiving natures wisdom, and honoring the elemental part of ourselves and the environment.  
3/7/202244 minutes, 22 seconds
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Doug Keller - "Vedas, Tantra, Hatha Yoga, and Rebirth"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Doug Keller talks with J about the history and philosophies of yoga. They discuss why Doug left academia to spend 14 years in Siddha Yoga Ashrams, the process of adaptation that defines yoga's evolution, vedic tradition, capital T tantra, Hatha Pradipika and the democratization of practice, meditation and samadhi according to different viewpoints, attempting to escape vs embracing the cycle of rebirth, manifestations and expressions of expanded consciousness, and the importance of knowing truth from within.  
2/28/202252 minutes, 52 seconds
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Melissa McKay - "Vipassana and Metta Meditation"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Melissa McKay, meditation teacher and old friend of J, talks about the practice and purpose of vipassana and metta meditation. They discuss the center Melissa had in Brooklyn and her son, her teachers from Burma and the ways she learned from them, entry points and deeper teachings, meditation as an intentional habituation of the mind, accessibility and the many different containers for meditation, easing stress and suffering, enlightened beings and heavenly realms, and the enduring power of loving kindness and compassion.  
2/21/202246 minutes, 28 seconds
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Cara Suttie - "Assumptions, Attitudes, and Accessibility"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Cara Suttie joins the show to talk with J about the impact of the pandemic on the work of making yoga more accessible. They discuss Cara's experience of coming to yoga before the power craze took over, healing trauma somatically, pros and cons of online classes for people who don't fit preconceived molds, studio culture before the lockdowns changed everything, possibilities for change as we start to come back together, not controlling and being present for the journey, and feeling comfortable in your worth as a person.  
2/14/202245 minutes, 44 seconds
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Swami Saradananda - "The Goal of Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Swami Saradananda, author of Sitting Comfortably: Preparing the Mind and Body for Peaceful Meditation, talks with J about the Haṭha Yoga Pradīpikā. They discuss Swami Saradananda's departure from the Sivananda organization after 26 years, getting a masters degree in Traditions of Yoga and Meditation, origins of the sun salutation and other misconceptions about Hatha Yoga, the difference between a full-body mudra and an asana, the purpose of kriyas and raja yoga, meditation vs relaxation, and the experience of samadhi.  
2/7/202245 minutes, 5 seconds
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Lucas Rockwood - "Are Yoga Centers Coming Back?"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Lucas Rockwood, founder of YOGABODY and host of The Lucas Rockwood Show, returns to talk with J about what is happening in the yoga industry in a post-pandemic world. They discuss the arc of the yoga center model and the impact of lockdowns over the last two years, having to close three centers and making the bankruptcy call quickly, advantages for yoga teachers in pivoting everything online, manufacturing yoga-toe separators, saying "no" to polarization, and surviving this period of rapid change with fortitude and integrity.  
1/31/202245 minutes, 22 seconds
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Taran Rosenthal - "Healing Interventions of Energy and Matter"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Taran Rosenthal, founder of Flying Needle Acupuncture, reunites with J after 28 years to talk about Chinese medicine and relational healing practices. They discuss the self-discovery through dance they shared in NYC, Taran's move west and subsequent foray into Brazilian spirituality, his realization that he needed to change his career and transition to Chinese medicine, the spectrum of hands-on to hands-off interventions, taking 'things' to a nonverbal space, and improvisatory co-creative dances of human exchange that ease suffering.  
1/24/202237 minutes, 1 second
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Cory Nakasue - "Cosmos and Consciousness"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Cory Nakasue is an old friend of J's who joins the show to talk about Astrology and alternative ways of understanding. They discuss the heyday and gentrification of Williamsburg Brooklyn, Cory's choice to let go of pursuing credentials in favor of co-creating new stories, how the stars reflect rather than determine, finding language that helps give expression to our experience, our magical world rich with the materials to invent, the "interregnum" of our times, and how we can better understand ourselves, each other, and create meaning.  
1/17/202246 minutes, 11 seconds
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Julia Frodahl - "Taoism, Psychology, Dreams and Compassion"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Julia Frodahl, founder of A Million Compassionate People and an old friend of J's, joins the show to talk about the existence of spirit and creating the space needed for change. They discuss the crossing of their paths in Brooklyn 20 years ago, the ordeal that destroyed and redefined her life, sources of wisdom and healing, Taosim, western psychology, quantum physics, dream tending, intuition and imagination, communicating through poetry, and the essential importance of learning skills of compassion, cohesion, and equanimity.  
1/10/202243 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dan Vekhter - "Neurology, Spirit, and Finger Smoothies"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Dan Vekhter talks with J about his work as a neurologist, the nature of consciousness and recognizing spirit. They discuss Dan's blog writing during medical school, the demands of being a doctor, the sorts of cases he works with and the role he plays in peoples lives, the limitations of existing protocols, what spirit is and where it might fit in the healing process, materialistic viewpoints that squelch reverence, his poem entitled: "finger smoothies," and reaffirmation of an uncomplicated path towards deeper understanding and humanity.  
1/3/202243 minutes, 39 seconds
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Michael Meade - "Initiation, Imagination, and Living Myth"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Michael Meade, author of Awakening the Soul, The Genius Myth, and The Water of Life: Initiation and the Tempering of the Soul; and creator of the Living Myth Podcast, talks with J about initiation into the holy waters of our collective story. They discuss stages of initiation, the activation of myths, pronounced rationality and exaggerated objectivity leading to a broken system based on a broken cosmology, moving towards resilience and a feeling of organic change, mythic poetic unity, and healing through the natural yoga of our own inner genius.  
12/27/202143 minutes, 52 seconds
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Tori Lunden - "How Not To Teach Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Tori Lunden, author of How Not To Teach Yoga: Lessons on Boundaries, Accountability, and Vulnerability - Learnt the Hard Way, talks with J about the need for yoga teachers to take an honest look at themselves and have the courage to evolve. They discuss Tori's progression from social work into yoga, being a wannabe guru, the pros and cons of charisma, the manipulation of people pleasing, boundaries and accountability, authenticity with skill, self-righteousness, humility, inclusion, and challenging ourselves to grow and do better.  
12/20/202143 minutes, 32 seconds
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Sadia Bruce - "Fields of Intimacy and Disruption"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Sadia Bruce returns to the show to explain how she went from questioning the profession of yoga to becoming more entrenched in it then ever before. They discuss their talk from five years ago, private teaching and being simultaneously both the help and authority, getting a gig at Kripalu just before the pandemic started, processing the misgivings of a teacher they have in common, doing online teacher trainings, breaking from dysfunctional conventions, and tapping into the innate rhythms that connect us to the forces of life and love.  
12/13/202144 minutes, 8 seconds
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Annabelle Brown - "Magical Worlds and Healing Wishes"

Annabelle Brown, J's youngest daughter who just turned 7, joins the show to document a moment of time and share the wisdom of an unvarnished mind. They discuss the creation of imaginary worlds, life directions and passions, Annabelle's relationship with her sister, her perspective on the pandemic, whether being able to fly is better than invisibility, how the podcast is part of J's yoga, moving from Brooklyn and starting a new life, and the expressions of love, family, and friendship that make being human special.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's other podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
12/6/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 8 seconds
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Tatjana Mesar - "Adaption and Integrity Post-Pandemic"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:     Tatjana Mesar, creator of Dynamic Mindfulness, returns to talk with J about adapting yoga to a post-pandemic world and staying true to who we are. They discuss the time they spent together just before the pandemic hit, the closing of Zen Yoga Berlin, her retreat to nature and the power of our environment to heal, transitioning online and developing teacher training that works in the new context, the role of science and anatomy in yoga inquiry, intuition, nonlinear poetry, and learning to trust yourself in the process of yoga's unfolding.  
11/29/202144 minutes, 27 seconds
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Lauren Walker - "We Are All Energy"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Lauren Walker, founder of Energy Medicine Yoga and author of The Energy To Heal, returns to talk with J about seeing ourselves as energy and coming together to create healing fields. They discuss her experience and views of Rod Stryker and the calamity in the Parayoga community, healing traumas and holding teachers accountable, understanding that the substrate of all existence and experience is energy, ramifications of reductionist materialism, and the 8 month free course she is offering to co-create healing.  
11/22/202152 minutes, 4 seconds
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Renee Diamond and Joanna Rajendran - "Honoring Tao"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Renee Diamond, founder of Westchester Academy of Yoga (WAY,) and Joanna Rajendran, author of My Guru Wears Heals, talks with J about the life and legacy of Tao Porchon-Lynch. They each discuss how they found their way to Tao, some of the life experiences that made her so inspirational, the adventures she took them on, wonders they witnessed and what they like to call the "Tao Effect," methods and purpose at work in her teaching, the spirit of connection she facilitated, and the love she embodied and shared with all she met.  
11/15/202143 minutes, 28 seconds
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Adam Keen - "Teachings and Teachers"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Adam Keen, host of the Keen on Yoga Podcast, talks with J about the evolution of yoga education and embodying devotion. They discuss behind the scenes podcast stuff, Purple Valley in Goa, nostalgia for earlier days when there was less competition, discovering the Ashtanga Vinyasa method and becoming "authorized," reconciling abuse histories of our teachers, when the linear journey of progress becomes the greatest obstacle, and distinguishing between faith, belief, and devotion in a process of learning to see more honestly.  
11/8/202143 minutes, 41 seconds
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Michael Falcone - "In Search of Mahavatar Babaji"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Michael Falcone talks with J about his journey to Africa and India. They discuss the synchronicity that brought them together, why Michael left a career in law, the experiences behind his interest in shamanism, the moment in a yoga class that changed his perspective, learning from Mandanza Kandemwa, dancing with Ju/Hoansi Bushman, how a search for Mahavater Babaji landed him stranded in a cave in Rishikesh at the beginning of the pandemic, and how the “heart of spiritual practice is that it should be done for its own sake."  
11/1/202148 minutes, 19 seconds
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Joshua Schrei - "Pulses, Rhythms and Resonances"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Joshua Schrei, host of The Emerald Podcast and creator of The Mythic Body, talks with J about the animate world in which we live. They discuss the substrate of ecstatic unified experience underlying all human history, the difference between the mystic and the mythic, technologies of rapture and mechanisms of repetition, where science and spirituality meet, resonance across different axis, ritual paradigms, connection to muses, and the growing imperative to revive communal rituals of wonder that resound with the pulse of the present.  
10/25/202144 minutes, 54 seconds
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Kristin Leal - "Reverse Engineering Awe"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Kristin Leal, author of MetaAnatomy: A Modern Yogi’s Practical Guide to the Physical and Energetic Anatomy of Your Amazing Body, talks with J about the mapping of human body and experience. They discuss the Jivamukti Yoga Center on Second Ave that they both started practicing at, who Kristin went on to study with from there, Rod Stryker and scandal in the Parayoga community, failed models, how we hold teachers and teachings, gross and subtle anatomy, wiggling in poses, spiritual realities, and the practicality of "being in your heart."  
10/18/202144 minutes, 15 seconds
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Brandt Passalacqua - "Aid Suffering and Spiritual Evolution"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Brandt Passalacqua, creator of Breathing Deeply Yoga Therapy, talks with J about yoga therapy and subtle aspects of yoga. They discuss being a musician in NYC in the early 90's, Brandt's near death experience and the role yoga played in his miraculous recovery, his time at Sivananda and studying with Mukunda Stiles, when teachers fulfill their roles and students move on, comparing yoga and yoga therapy, issues of institutionalization, the role of intuition, and the spirit of coming together in the name of balance and health.  
10/11/202151 minutes, 1 second
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Simon Goss - "Sensitive New Age Guys"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Simon Goss is a listener who reached out and J thought it would be fun to get to know him on the show. They discuss Simons background in football, growing up in the inner city of Los Angeles, why he spent four years in the Marines, the massage that changed everything, becoming a massage therapist and getting into yoga, overcoming toxic masculinity, dad stuff, being sensitive and having the courage to be vulnerable, how yoga helps people, and the shared experience and inquiry that connects the two of them through the podcast.  
10/4/202150 minutes, 42 seconds
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Robert Moses - "Consciousness, Liberation, and Karma"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Robert Moses, founder of Namarupa: Categories of Indian Thought, talks with J about subtle aspects of yoga philosophy and life. They discuss his transition from architecture to a spiritual path, his time as a disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda and life after the ashram, working through our karmas, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Advaita Vedanta and the "beginningless beginning which never existed," theory of the Yuga cycle and the advantage of being in the Kali Yuga, and keeping ourselves asking the big questions that yoga intends us to explore.  
9/27/202140 minutes, 44 seconds
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Gina Zimmerman - "Beyond Personal Identity"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Gina Zimmerman is an old friend of J's and they talk about longevity as a teacher and going beyond personal identity. They discuss meeting in Brooklyn 18 years ago, NY during 9/11, the rise and fall of Anusara, sustainability and scale, placing people at the alter of your heart, developing an inner ear from which we can hear clearly, operating from a subtle place, smaller and larger forms of intuition, countering the seeking mechanism, corporeal grace, authenticity in spiritual practice, and becoming equipped to hold the fullness of life.  
9/20/202141 minutes, 4 seconds
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Mike Huggins - "Living Under A Broken Model"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Mike Huggins, founder of Transformation Yoga Project and author of Going OM: A CEO's Journey from a Prison Facility to Spiritual Tranquility, returns to report on what is happening in yoga service. They discuss the impact of the pandemic, dramatic shifts that need to happen in the non-profit yoga service segment, the direction that Transformation Yoga project has chosen, why the models are broken, needing to "go big or go real small," and having courage to actualize our felt experience of yoga in ways that are true to our deeper purpose.  
9/13/202140 minutes, 58 seconds
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Lizzie Lasater - "Holding This Moment"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Lizzie Lasater talks with J about her mom, finding her dharma, and walking a mystical path of beauty. They discuss her childhood experience of having a famous yoga mom, developing her own practice, moving from architecture to producing yoga videos and teaching, gentle and restorative practice before it was popular, becoming a mom herself at the onset of the pandemic, holding the moment close without gripping too tight, trusting intuition, and coming to cherish the simple moments that reaffirm the majesty and beauty of life.  
9/6/202140 minutes, 59 seconds
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Jacob Kyle - "Scholarship, Practice, and Embodied Philosophy"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Jacob Kyle, host of the Chitheads Podcast and founding director of Embodied Philosophy, talks with J about the limits of academia, raising the bar on yoga education, and the divine nature of life. They discuss Jacob's transition from western to eastern philosophy and the intersection of scholar and practitioner, NYC and outdated models for teacher/student relationship, Neelakhanta Meditation, 200 hour teacher training, starting a podcast and developing an online platform, and the relevance of nondual tantra for modern society. Get 25% off at Embodied Philosphy with coupon code: YOGATALKS25  
8/30/202140 minutes, 57 seconds
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Eliana Moreira - "Underbellies and Silver Linings"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Eliana Moreira talks with J about the dark side of yoga celebrity and navigating the post-pandemic reality. They discuss Eliana's adverse reaction to years of hot yoga and how it lead her to Ayurveda, her early studies in different approaches, why she declined an invitation to study with BKS Iyengar, opening a yoga center, meeting Dr. Timothy McCall, her fathers death and the mystical implications it had on her practice, the timing of the pandemic, difficult decisions, and finding the right balance of money and bliss so the yoga remains true.  
8/23/202141 minutes, 6 seconds
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Paul Langland - "Improvisatory Virtuosic Moments"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Paul Langland, choreographer, dancer, and teacher who for the last 46 years has been an innovator in dance and performance, talks about his work exploring human experience and creative expression. They discuss J's time studying with Paul at the Experimental Theater Wing in the 90's, the origins of contact improvisation and the listening skills it requires, how Paul came to work with Meredith Monk and Ping Chong, Mary Overly first and six viewpoints, Alan Wayne technique, and finding virtuosity in performance and life.  
8/16/202141 minutes, 13 seconds
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Carl Horowitz - "Old School NY Yoga and Patterns of Tension"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Carl Horowitz talks with J about their formative years in the NY Yoga scene and holding a line of integrity. They discuss Carl's former life as a professional skater, some of the choices he has made in relationship to the yoga industry, why he preferred teaching at Crunch Gym to yoga centers, purposes in asana, effective yoga teacher training, observing patterns of tension and the need for personal practice, reconciling the abuse histories of our teachers, family life and the death of Carl's wife, and the spirit of inquiry behind any authentic yoga.  
8/9/202141 minutes, 44 seconds
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Michelle Ryan - "Teacher Training, Hierarchies of Dominance"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Michelle Ryan returns to the show to talk with J about the problems with teacher training and the deeper issues corrupting yoga. They discuss what happened to her yoga center since they last spoke and the collective model she attempted to forge, her opposition to the Yoga Alliance 200-hour standards, cultural appropriation of indigenous knowledge, the detriment of neoliberal politics and late stage capitalism, and holding ourselves and others to account for what we claim to know or be. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
8/2/202141 minutes, 17 seconds
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Eve Grzybowski - "Radical Generosity, Inspired Retirement"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Eve Grzybowski, author of Teach Yourself Yoga talks with J about being an early yoga adopter and a radical vision for communal retirement. They discuss yoga in the 70's and 80's, the yoga schools she founded, starting a blog back when that was a thing, moving to Mitchells Island NSW and creating a small community of friends to live out their latter years together, trials and joys of adult shared housing, the teachings that come when facing end stages of life, and the power to heal, grow, and share through relationships.  
7/26/202141 minutes, 15 seconds
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Sally Kempton - "Obedience, Tantra, and Subtle Body"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Sally Kempton, author of Meditation for the Love of It and Awakening Shakti, talks with J about different paths in yoga and opening the subtle body. They discuss the 70's yoga scene, Swami Muktananda and her "30 years in obedience," why she left the ashram life and became a householder, asceticism and tantra, personal enlightenment vs collective good, spontaneous kundalini experiences and goddesses, "the magical level," and the mystical elements of yoga that people are usually reticent to talk about. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
7/19/202140 minutes, 55 seconds
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Brian Cooper - "Yoga Professionals"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Brian Cooper, PhD, co-founder and director of Yoga Professionals (aka Yoga Alliance Professionals,) talks with J about raising the standards and quality of yoga teaching. They discuss Brian's background in practice, the impetus behind starting an association, why hours-based curricula are inherently flawed, necessary elements in fostering yoga education, the mainstream fantasy narrative of yoga, if mystical realms exist, and fostering yoga that is personal, transformative and maintains integrity. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
7/12/202140 minutes, 55 seconds
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Frank Jude Boccio - "Religious But Not Spiritual"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Frank Jude Boccio returns to the show for an in-depth discussion about his writings Religious But Not Spiritual, The Secret, Neo-Liberal Buddhism, and McMindfulness: The New Capitalist Spirituality. They discuss the etymology of the word religion, what it means to be spiritual, supernatural pseudo-spirituality, science, reductionism, materialism, belief in a soul or lack thereof, the problem with teaching mcmindfulness, the role of intuition and purpose of ceremony, and the honest exchange of ideas and opinions that lead to a discerned truth.  
7/5/202144 minutes, 24 seconds
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Brendan McCall - "Yoga of Contemporary Dance"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Brendan McCall. movement artist and educator, talks with J about parallels between contemporary dance and yoga. Brendan and J went to college and made collaborative performance art together. They discuss the experimental performance training they received, conditions that enable creatives to discover and grow, experiential anatomy and Allan Wayne work, Jean Hamilton Floor Barre and Mary Overlie’s Six Viewpoints, and the spirit of somatic inquiry and purpose that inspired wonder in them both. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
6/28/202143 minutes, 54 seconds
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Julie Smerdon - "The Great Experiment"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Julie Smerdon, founder of Shri Yoga, talks with J about the golden times for the yoga profession and the challenges it now faces. They discuss Julie's early formative health challenges, her transition from fitness to yoga, becoming a teacher and moving from the US to Australia, opening a center and building a community, having to close during the pandemic, pros and cons of doing teacher trainings, online vs in-person teaching, and finding out if it’s possible to make a living teaching without a center? This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
6/21/202143 minutes, 45 seconds
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Kristine Kaoverii Weber - "Subtle Yoga, Subtle Life"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Kristine Kaoverii Weber, founder of Subtle® Yoga, talks with J about the subtle nuances of embracing a practice and life of yoga. They discuss Kristine's early years on "walkabout," yoga becoming a profession and going against the vinyasa flow grain, neuroscience as a lens, implicate order and the crisis of misperception, moving to New Zealand and back, mystical realms, listening for divine messages, and bridging the seeming chasms that keep us bound and resistant to the birthright that is love. Listeners can take a free class with Kristine.  
6/14/202143 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dave and Stacy Dockins - "#vanlife #yogateacher"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Dave and Stacy Dockins, creators of the Yoga Project™ studios, talk with J about closing their yoga centers and living in a van. They discuss what happened when the pandemic hit and letting go of owning and operating three yoga studios after fifteen years, deciding to buy and renovate a van, the benefits of online teaching and training, day-to-day of being on the road including showers and finding places to sleep, and the profound philosophical impact of breaking from conventional life. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
6/7/202143 minutes, 44 seconds
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Divya Kohli - "Discernment, Surrender, and Finding Peace"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Divya Kohli, author of Finding Peace in Difficult Times: grounding techniques for inner calm, talks with J about taking a stance and simple ways to pull us through. They discuss Divya's time as a journalist, counter-narratives and bridging divides, navigating difficult conversations, surrender as a practice, insecurity vs uncertainty, grounding in the moment, insomnia, chasing cures and experiential awareness, self-soothing through touch and other practices, and how we can stay sane and steady in an increasingly fast, complex and stimulated world.  
5/31/202143 minutes, 47 seconds
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Kate Herrera Jenkins - "Christ, Yoga, and Native Strength"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Kate Herrera Jenkins, owner or Kiva Hot Yoga in Birmingham, AL, founder of Native Strength Revolution and Stripper Soul, talks with J about building bridges and connecting to spirit. They discuss her time as a dancer in NY and discovering her purpose, her faith in Jesus, Cochiti Pueblo heritage, her Grandma Julie, hot yoga and kivas, christianity and native american connection to the spirit world, and healing indigenous communities through relationship and personal empowerment. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
5/24/202148 minutes, 39 seconds
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Jennifer Kurdyla - "Root and Nourish"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Jennifer Kurdyla, coauthor of Root and Nourish with Abbey Rodriguez, talks with J about developing a reverent and nurturing relationship with food. They discuss the many hats that Jennifer has worn including her work as an editor, her experience of coming to yoga and greater awareness around food, Ayurveda and western herbalism, seasonal eating, kitchari, gut-brain connection, the rule of threes and lying with your left side down, why "you are what you digest," Ojas, and learning to engage food respectfully as a sacred act of existence.  
5/17/202148 minutes, 48 seconds
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Jay Marcus and Chris Clark - "The Coherence Effect"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Jay B. Marcus and Christopher S. Clark, coauthors with Robert Keith Wallace of The Coherence Effect, talk with J about the healing effect of making the mind and body function in a more orderly or coherent way. They discuss entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, homeostasis systems, Transcendental Meditation and brain wave function, Ayurveda, western medicine, science behind sacred sounds, and changing society by enhancing and spreading inner coherence. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
5/10/202142 minutes, 15 seconds
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Alison West - "Yoga Union NYC and Beyond"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Alison West, founder of Yoga Union and one of J's primary teachers, joins the show for the first time to talk about their shared past and the what they see going forward. They discuss Alison's former career as an art historian, her transition to yoga, when they met in the early nineties and her first teacher training, when grassroots organizing stopped NY state from regulating teacher training, back care and scoliosis, using dowels and rope walls, and the tenderness and inspiration shared through yoga inquiry. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
5/3/202142 minutes, 29 seconds
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Kari Hohne - "Romancing the Numinous"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Kari Hohne, author of Decoding the Night Sky: Ancient Babylonian Astrology and The Mythology of Sleep: The Waking Power of Dreams, talks with J about oracles and the field of interconnectivity underlying reality. They discuss Kari's early interest in dreams, studying physics and ancient systems to make sense of her experiences, interpreting the symbols of the mind and creating a dream dictionary, Tao te Ching and I Ching, convergence and synchronicity, and the expansiveness of trusting life is benign. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
4/26/202143 minutes, 11 seconds
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Norman Blair - "State of the Yoga Teacher Union"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Norman Blair returns to the show to assess the current state of the yoga teaching profession and encourage creative ways of moving forward. They discuss the impact of the pandemic on yoga teachers and centers, online teaching and getting back together in person, pay equity for yoga teachers and the formation of a yoga teacher union in the UK, the benefits of keeping things small and cooperative, poetry and regulation of the nervous system, and daring to think creatively about our future. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk.  
4/19/202143 minutes, 39 seconds
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Kelly Kamm - "Fringe Dwelling Then and Now"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Kelly Kamm was recommended to J by a listener and it lead to this talk about the NY yoga scene, mythology, and the current state of play. They discuss the atmosphere of learning in earlier times, opening and closing a yoga center, misgivings of vinyasa yoga, seeking deeper connection to the invisible forces of magic and spirit, hindu mythology and fringe dwelling goddesses, leaning into the uncomfortable void, coming to grips with incorrect assumptions, and fusing the sacred and the everyday. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
4/12/202141 minutes, 9 seconds
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Jessie Nieusma - "Trans, Gender and Sex Education"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Jessie Nieusma (he/him/his) answered J's call to join him for a discussion to dispel misinformation and humanize trans people. They discuss the realities of trans kids, the importance of ensuring that trans people receive the care they need, myths about sports and bathrooms, scare tactics used to discriminate, statistics behind what the trans community endures, spectrum’s along both gender and sex, different ways that people work to move the needle towards equality, and getting to know each other across our differences. Resources: Regarding the words transexual versus transgender. Dr Rachel Mckinnon (aka Veronica Ivy) on trans people in sports. Chair in Transgender Studies through the University of Victoria in Canada. History of Transgender people. Podcasts: Queer America Making Gay History Nancy Queery LGBTQ&A The Laverne Cox Show Documentaries: Disclosure on Netflix Real Boy on Prime The Death and Life of Marsha P Johnson on Netflix Trans in Trumpland on Prime and Topic TV Man Made on Prime Historical Films: The Lavender Scare Stonewall Uprising Screaming Queens The Times of Harvey Milk When We Rise TV: Pose on FX Tales of the City on Netflix Sense 8 on Netflix  
4/5/20212 hours, 12 minutes, 42 seconds
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PREMIUM Kathryn Anne Flynn - "Teach Kind, Clear Yoga"

Kathryn Anne Flynn, author of Teach Kind, Clear Yoga, talks with J about yoga methodology and pedagogy. They discuss the influence of yoga in Kathryn's childhood, some of the roots behind teaching yoga for the general population, magic, Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, the "ceptions" and exploratory practice, pigeon pose, mobility and stability vs strength and flexibility, strategies for making practice fit needs, forever student mindset, and daring to be simple. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/29/20218 minutes, 45 seconds
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Katchie Ananda - "Gender Spectrum and Biological Sex"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   PLEASE NOTE: This episodes contains opinions that some find harmful to the trans community. For an opposing view, please listen to EP 265 - Jessie Nieusma - "Trans, Gender and Sex Education"   Katchie Ananda, J's first yoga teacher, returns to the show to talk about gender spectrum and biological sex. They discuss how Katchie ended up becoming active and writing about the issue, the cancel campaign waged against her in response, what it means to change a persons sex with puberty blockers or surgical interventions, whether intersex people prove that sex is assigned rather than observed, woman’s liberation and individual expression, Big Pharma in trans medicine, and every persons right to be whoever they want to be,  
3/22/202147 minutes, 1 second
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PREMIUM Gregor Maehle - "Finding Your Life's Divine Purpose"

Gregor Maele, author of How to Find Your Life's Divine Purpose, talks with J about belief systems and realizing a purposeful life. They discuss pros and cons of experiencing the entirety of everything at once, perceptual filters and the process of enculturation that cut us off from sacred knowledge, infinite human capacity for bullshitting ourselves, how we know what we know and how we know if were wrong, the happy side effect of feeling freer from a fear of death, and individual and collective purpose in finding peace with nature.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/15/202122 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Rachel Feinberg - "Inquiry, Iyengar Alignment, Word of Mouth"

Rachel Feinberg, old friend and Iyengar yoga teacher, talks with J about what's been happening since they last spoke 14 years ago. They discuss Rachel's lack of online presence and how she has managed to keep it local, fond memories of the old days and grassroots practice, the role of alignment in Iyengar yoga, her experience teaching at IYAGNY, having your own space vs teaching at a center, weathering the pandemic, and the subtle exchange between teachers and students that communicates yoga. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/8/20215 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Madhava Setty - "Consciousness and Conspiracy"

Madhava Setty, MD, author of WOKE. An Anesthesiologist’s View and The Conspirituality Podcast: Clear Signal or More Noise?, talks with J about asking questions and challenging official narratives. They discuss his early career in the Aerospace and Defense Industries, his transition to studying medicine and what he learned from observing people under Anastasia, questions around the pandemic and vaccines, the official story of 9/11 WTC7, institutions of power, and the radical implications of interconnectedness.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/1/202136 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Sheena Sood - "Caste, Decolonization and Liberation"

Sheena Sood, PhD, Philly-based healer, writer, educator, and activist scholar of South Asian descent, talks with J about the painful history of caste and politicizing yoga towards healing justice. They discuss Sheena’s writing on Spectacles of Compassion, Decolonizing Yoga, Collective Healing, as well as some of the current politics behind the protests in India, International Yoga Day and the Modi government, and the radical possibility for a liberatory yoga of true compassion, solidarity and equity. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/22/20218 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Valerie Hauser - "Protecting Indigenous Culture"

Valerie Hauser, Director of the Office of Native American Affairs at the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, talks with J about her work protecting indigenous culture. They discuss the role she plays advising the US government, understanding land-based spirituality and Traditional Knowledge, working through bureaucracy, the disheartening reality of how many people just don’t care, burnout and demoralization over the last four years, and the continued fortitude to fight for what is right and embody justice and equality for everyone.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/15/202117 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Kiko Ellsworth - "Serving the Goddess"

Kiko Ellsworth, Emmy Award-Winning Actor, Men’s Evolution Coach, and Self Defense Expert, talks with J about discovering a spiritual life and the work men need to do for a better world. They discuss the process of abandoning egoic pursuits to find a deeper sense of self, the allure of celebrity, finding practices and ideas that help in confronting our demons, learning to better serve our partners with humility and grace, choosing to be a force of love and connection, and the unstoppable power of coming together with shared purpose.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/8/20215 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Gil Hedley - "Who Am I and What is My Body?"

Gil Hedley, Ph.D., author, Director of Somanautics Workshops and producer of the The Integral Anatomy Series, talks with J about the substance and meaning of existence in a human body. They discuss theology and ethics, the models with which we view our bodies, denial of the feminine and releasing dogmas, “the fuzz” and “perifascia,” understanding interconnectedness of all things by observing it within our own systems, and fully embodying the majesty and grace that imbues our cells. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/1/202122 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Todd Mclaughlin - "J on Native Yoga Toddcast"

Todd Mclaughlin, oo-founder and director of Native Yoga Center and host of the Native Yoga Toddcast, talks with J about current events and pressing matters. After appearing on Todd’s show, J felt like it captured the spirit of what he loves about podcasting and decided to re-release it on Yoga Talks as a fun switch. They discuss the storming of the US Capital and politics, the exposing of fake gurus and processing the fallout, surviving the pandemic and dealing with stark realities, and finding hope through conversation and connection.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/25/20218 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Daniel Simpson - "Exposing Truth in Yoga and Beyond"

Daniel Simpson, former foreign correspondent and author of The Truth of Yoga: A Comprehensive Guide to Yoga’s History, Texts, Philosophy, and Practices, talks with J about exposing truth in both journalism and yoga. They discuss Daniels experience of writing for the NY Times after 9/11, why he decided to leave behind a career in journalism and pursue yoga scholarship, what we actually know about the origins of yoga, and making clear distinctions between what texts say and what we choose to do with them. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/18/202136 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Lucy Karnani - "Conscious Communication"

Lucy Karnani, coauthor of Connecting: Conscious Communication for Yoga Teachers and Therapists, talks with J about utilizing tools for understanding connection and communication. Lucy and J have been interacting for some time and this was an opportunity for them to connect and discuss her background in facilitating effective communication, the importance of values and motivations, levels of listening, conditions for change, and the link between our experience of practice and being able to share it with others in a way that is helpful.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
1/11/20215 minutes, 11 seconds
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Krishna Das - "Grace, Gurus, and Learning to Trust Yourself"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Krishna Das, best-selling western chant artist of all time, talks with J about what a real guru is and the practice of chanting. They discuss KD’s experience of Neem Karoli Baba and the role of a guru, his early beginnings of leading kirtan in NYC, singing to clean out the dark places, overcoming the pitfalls that come from becoming more interesting to others, doing things for the right reasons and understanding deeper love, and entering into heart spaces to experience the interconnectedness of all. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
1/4/202142 minutes, 4 seconds
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PREMIUM Trina Altman - "Yoga Deconstructed"

Trina Altman, author of Yoga Deconstructed®: Movement Science Principles for Teaching, returns to the show to touch base with J on expanding movement diets and meeting goals. They catch up on whats been happening since they last spoke and how they have been navigating the pandemic, discuss the evolution of yoga teaching, Trina’s views on utilizing movement and working with people on an individual level, what we are doing when we develop strength, and the deeper inquiry into ourselves that transcends labels or categories.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/28/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Andrew Rosenstock - "Rolfing, Integration and Somatics"

Andrew Rosenstock, host of the Touching Into Presence Podcast, talks with J about Rolfing and other forms of mind/body therapies. They discuss the history of the Rolfing modality, what goes into being “rolfed,” Andrew’s viewpoint on different aspects of both technique and philosophy, parallels between structural integration and yoga therapy, Rolf movement, gait analysis, holism in assessment and application, what can actually be done to a structure and why, and the somatic exploration at the heart of facilitating awareness and health.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/21/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Elisa Malinverni - "Coping with Covid Fatigue"

Elisa Malinverni, founder of Way of The Mother Bern, talks with J about handling the quarantines and moving forward. They discuss the similarities and differences between how Switzerland and the USA have dealt with the pandemic, the blog she wrote early on about teachers giving away classes for free and devaluing the profession, navigating the guidelines for in-person teaching, the deep value of community and circles of trust, and the need for teachers to reimagine their relationships with centers and retain individual platforms.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/14/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Hareesh Wallis - "Shifting Paradigms and Near Enemies"

Hareesh Wallis, Founder and Head Faculty of Tantrika Institute and author of Tantra Illuminated, returns to the show to talk about shifting paradigms of existence and near enemies of the truth. They discuss cultivating a reverent feeling towards life, balancing devotion with discernment, understanding gurus and holding leaders accountable, kindness and tough love as pedagogical strategies, receiving downloads of innate intelligence, and understanding subjectivity. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
12/7/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Adam Schwartz - "Yoga to the People Shadow Work"

Adam Schwartz, yoga teacher and podcast listener, talks with J about the dark underbelly of Yoga to the People NYC. They discuss the @yttpshadowwork Instagram account that started publishing anonymous testimony of manipulation and abuse at what was a premier yoga presence in the NY scene prior to covid, Adam’s first-hand experience of practice and training at YTTP, inner workings of the staff and studio policies, lessons to be learned, and the daunting realities that grassroots yoga teachers are facing in the midst of the pandemic.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/30/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Lucie Vogel - "Reckoning of Undue Influence"

Lucie Vogel, Original Goat Yoga Mama and survivor of the Dahn Yoga cult, talks with J about holding institutions accountable and a defamation lawsuit filed by Matthew Remski. They discuss Dahn Yoga and her involvement in the organization, when the locust of control shifts in high-demand groups, the process of reclaiming personal empowerment, legal barriers to accountability, why Lucie wrote an article exposing Remski’s lawsuit, and making sure our efforts to achieve justice are true to purpose. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
11/23/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Chris Preist - "The Future Buddha is the Sangha"

Chris Preist, co-director of Bristol Zen Dojo, talks with J about the teachings of TKV Desikachar and collectivizing institutions of yoga. They discuss Chris’s history and study in both yoga and zen, the process of mind and ego at work in yoga transmission, devising practice and the role of oo-jai pranayama in going from gross to subtle awareness, deep commitment in practice, teacher/student relationships, the failing of institutions to address abuse, and the power of sincere friendship and mutual bonds of affection.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.    
11/16/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Heather Plett - "The Art of Holding Space"

Heather Plett, author of The Art of Holding Space, talks with J the day after the 2020 election about what it means to hold space and learning to navigate in the dark. They discuss the liminal threshold of ambiguity and disorientation that occurs when we find ourselves transitioning from who we once were to who we are becoming, the circles of trust and vulnerability needed to provide support, brave vs safe spaces, power and privilege, selective judgement, and creating new social contracts that foster equality and humility.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/9/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Jeff Krasno - "Rising Above the Invective"

Jeff Krasno, author and host of the Commune Podcast, talks with J about the trajectory of yoga in our culture and its role in the larger collective fate of humanity. They discuss the origins and spirit of Wanderlust, downsides to turning yoga teachers into rock stars, the vital contribution that earnest teachers have in society, our current perilous moment, being open to learn from opposing viewpoints as a counter to the rampant polarization of everything, and keeping faith in our institutions. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/2/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Hong Gwi-Seok - "Somatic Particularity in Iyengar Yoga"

Hong Gwi-Seok, author of The Gift of Somatic Particularity in Iyengar Yoga and teacher at the Iyengar Yoga Detroit Cooperative, talks with J about evolving practice and bottom-up social change. They discuss her history with Iyengar Yoga, misconceptions about BKS Iyengar’s teaching, the notion of somatic particularity, hierarchical power abuse and the inadequacy of institutions to address it, how yoga is inherent in social change and justice, and the spirit of inquiry at the heart of exploring interconnectedness with all things.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/26/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Judith Hanson Lasater - "Yoga Myths and Spiritual Practice"

Judith Hanson Lasater, author of Yoga Myths: What You Need to Learn and Unlearn for a Safe and Healthy Yoga Practice, returns to the show and talks with J about letting go of the myths that once dominated yoga classes and embracing the spiritual underpinnings of practice. They discuss the genesis of her latest book not tucking the tailbone, the inner workings of triangle pose, Mula Bandha as an energetic technique of spontaneous creation, and the heart space that really makes it all work. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/19/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Simon Borg-Olivier - "Bandhas, Natural Body, Essence of Yoga"

Simon Borg-Olivier, co-founder and owner of Yoga Synergy, talks with J about both the science and metaphysics in his work uncovering the essence of yoga. They discuss his experience of studying with the gurus and pioneering yoga in the west, the influence of tradition in the process of innovation, science behind energy in the human system, modern body vs traditional body, natural breathing and active movements, and clearly understanding the purpose of yoga to be a recognition of our inherent interconnectedness and mutuality.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's new podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
10/12/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Seane Corn - "QAnon, Discernment, and Radical Accountability"

Seane Corn, co-founder of Off the Mat, Into the World, talks with J about a PSA she posted regarding QAnon and the 2020 election. They discuss the recruitment of wellness influencers and their followers into the QAnon web of conspiracy theories, the co-option of legitimate causes, well financed Instagram accounts utilizing social media prowess to manipulate and deceive, discerning truth, practicing radical accountability, and the hope that out of this mess will come a reckoning. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/5/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Amy Weintraub - "Sacred Sexuality in Temple Dancer"

Amy Weintraub, author of Temple Dancer and Yoga for Depression, talks with J about old times and her new fiction work on sacred sexuality. They discuss her pioneering direction in yoga for mood management and mental health, getting caught up in admin and moving away from developing teacher trainings, her return to fiction writing and the voice of her characters coming through, the story of the temple dancers, suppression of female polarity, and the ways in which we can heal and embrace the spiritual power that is inherent in all of us.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/28/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor - "On The Bhagavad Gita"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor, coauthors of When Love Comes to Light: Bringing Wisdom from The Bhagavad Gita Into Modern Life, talk with J about their new translation and interpretation of the Bhagavad Gita. The conversation begins with a check-in on how things are going in the pandemic and then turns to the relevance of the Gita to our current situation. They discuss the text as a commentary on hierarchies and power structures, and a primer for intuitive knowing and overcoming difficulties. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
9/21/202041 minutes, 22 seconds
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PREMIUM Dr. Monea Tamara - "Racial Justice and Grounding Force"

Dr. Monea Tamara Abdul-Majeed, Racial Justice Educator and Yoga Teacher, talks with J about anti-racism and the need for all voices to be heard. They discuss having courageous conversations with family and friends, change making from top down and bottom up, radical viewpoints and self care, understanding privilege without shaming, being resilient in the face of entrenched injustice, performative allyship vs real dialogue, the fraught polarization of our current politics and being forced to choose the lesser of evils in the coming election.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/14/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Carol Horton - "Grounded Hope in Authoritarian Times"

Carol Horton, author of 21st Century Yoga and Yoga PhD, returns to the show to provide a sober analysis of authoritarianism on both sides of the political aisle and perspective on the choices we all are facing. They discuss the erosion of dialogue and debate among online yoga communities and beyond, the politics and social mores that are fueling the polarization we are experiencing, illiberalism and decentralized authoritarianism on the left, and finding ground for wisdom and hope. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/7/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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Kishor Stein - "Manouso Manos and Abuses of Power"

Kishor Stein is a former student of Manouso Manos who talked with J at the end of last year about the abuse he witnessed, but it was never made public until now. Seven months later, they reconnect to introduce the episode by discussing why it was not originally released and why they are doing so now. The original conversation is about the overt and subtle abuse that is commonplace in yoga classes, power imbalances and sexual assault, charisma and cult of personality, and the pain of having a teacher you once admired but can no longer support.    
8/31/20201 hour, 59 minutes, 12 seconds
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PREMIUM Tias Little - "Imaginary Realm of the Wisdom Path"

Tias Little, author of The Practice is the Path and Yoga of the Subtle Body, talks with J about liminal spaces and subtle body healing. They discuss his background and evolution from rigorous physicality to somatic embodiment, mining dreams for messages from beyond, using slower movement and poetic language to encourage greater awareness, delving deeply into emotional shadows and unlocking a plenum of possibility, reconciling the imaginary realm with turmoil and injustice, and learning to embrace the wonder of existence.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/24/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Max Strom - "Emotional Healing, Core Human Needs"

Max Strom, author of There Is No App For Happiness and A Life Worth Breathing, talks with J about emotional healing and fulfilling core human needs. They discuss experiences and influences that shaped Max’s work, the fundamental relationship between bodies and feeling, using breath-work to heal emotional wounds, the ethical causes needed to support well-being, societal factors that present obstacles, and the ways in which we can overcome negative presets and have a more meaningful life. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/17/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Nicola Belen - "Yoga of Feeling Connected"

Nicola Belen is a long-time listener of the show who has reached out to J a few times and is currently living in Hong Kong, they discuss her story and what things look like there with the pandemic. Nicola shares her experience of being a “third culture kid,” the years she spent in New York and San Francisco, the evolution of her yoga through pregnancy and beyond, the yoga scene in Hong Kong, what is going on with yoga centers now with the restrictions in place, and the universal issues that people are facing everywhere in this unprecedented moment.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/10/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Barbara Verrochi - "Long Live The Shala NYC"

Barbara Verrochi, co-owner and director of The Shala yoga studios in Manhattan and Brooklyn, talks with J about surviving all these years and so far in the pandemic. They discuss their parallel paths through the early NY scene of the nineties, the evolution of practice over the years and the sustainability of small independent centers, what has contributed to her longevity and fortitude, managing the uncertainty of the shutdown orders, and the hope and faith that fuels a life-long passion for yoga. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/3/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Amy Wheeler - "Satvic Purpose and Professional Survival"

Amy Wheeler, Ph.D., former President of the Board of Directors at the International Association of Yoga Therapists, founder of Optimal State, talks with J about the current landscape of the “Industrial Yoga Complex” and embodying the principles of yoga. They discuss Amy’s work as a sports psychologist, her training with TKV Desikachar and differences between the way he taught compared to what yoga looks like today, outcomes vs protocols, yoga therapy definitions, grim professional prospects for yoga teachers, and the satvic purpose of yoga.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/27/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Leana Marie Marshall - "Diversity and Inclusion at Corepower"

Leana Marie Marshall, founder of Elle Em Consulting and blackyogateachers365, talks with J about her time at Corepower Yoga and the need for better training around diversity and inclusion in the yoga industry. They discuss the reasons why POC don’t feel welcomed in yoga spaces, working her way through the Corepower system, her attempts to reform inequities and unfair policies, the harsh actions taken during the pandemic, and working to help everyone feel valued and respected. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/20/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Dylan Galos - "Epidemiology, Covid, BLM, and Yoga"

Dylan Galos, epidemiologist and evaluator, friend of the show, talks with J about the current health crisis and the Black Lives Matter movement. They discuss the role of epidemiology, his background and areas of study, the science behind pandemics, data sets and policy recommendations, effectiveness of masks, impacts of social distance on mental health, the intersection of the shutdown and the BLM protests, a queer black man’s perspective on the movement for justice, and aspects of yoga that help people get through the uncertainty of this life. Resources: Dr. Michael Osterholm’s podcast on masks Video about herd immunity Video about why COVID-19 is so contagious Visualization about why COVID-19 is so contagious Article on models of COVID-19 contagion The End of Policing by Alex Vitale Article on white supremacist organizational culture   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/13/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Todd Norian - "Tantra of Unbreakable Wholeness"

Todd Norian, author of Tantra Yoga: Journey to Unbreakable Wholeness, talks with J about his time in community and his path to Tantra. They discuss, his thirteen years at Kripalu, his relationship to Amrit Desai, what to make of fallen gurus, endurance training, desire for partnership and eating meat, coming to know that we are enough, and the Tantric teachings that support us in a process by which we shine the light of consciousness into the shadows of the unknown to gain self-knowledge. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/6/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Neal Pollack - "Marijuana Addiction and Legal Weed"

Neal Pollack, aka “The Greatest Living American Writer” and author of Pothead: My Life as a Marijuana Addict in the Age of Legal Weed, talks with J about cannabis and addressing addiction issues. They discuss shared history from an earlier time in the yoga world, struggles Neal explores in his book and how marijuana may not always be as safe as advertised, underlying issues at play in addiction, what it took to make the necessary changes and find a better direction, and the honesty and fortitude essential to simply being a good person.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/29/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Mugs McConnell - "Letters from the Yoga Masters"

Mugs McConnell, author of Letters from the Yoga Masters, talks with J about the correspondence and lessons she received from Dr. Hari Dickman. Mugs shares the history of her relationship to yoga, how she ended up having access to over 700 letters from yoga figures such as Paramhansa Yogananda, Ramana Maharshi and Swami Sivananda, what to make of so many gurus falling from grace, whether we can separate teachings from teachers, and the earnest inquiry at the heart of yogic understanding. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/22/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Charles Eisenstein - "Narrative War and Peace"

Charles Eisenstein is an author whose recent essays, The Coronation and The Conspiracy Myth, caused some controversy in the yoga world and J happened into a chance to speak with him in response to the critiques. They discuss separation vs interbeing, whether or not he is a “trojan horse for the anti-vaxx movement,” reasonable questions regarding the pandemic and science, conspiracy as a theory and myth, narrative warfare, orthodoxy and the pursuit of justice, and envisioning a new and ancient story of integration and peace.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/15/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Timothy McCall, MD - "Beyond Reductionist Intervention"

Timothy McCall, MD, author of three books, Examining Your Doctor: A Patient's Guide to Avoiding Harmful Medical Care; Yoga as Medicine: The Yogic Prescription for Health and Healing, and his latest; Saving My Neck: A Doctor's East/West Journey Through Cancer, talks with J about reductionist science and the power of intuition. They discuss Timothy’s decision to stop practicing medicine and dedicate himself to yoga, changing how we study holistic healing, medical discernment, cancer treatments, and how direct experience trumps everything else.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/8/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Derek Beres - "Conspirituality, Media, and Medicine"

Derek Beres, columnist for Big Think and host of the EarthRise Podcast, talks with J about the intersection of conspiracy theories, the wellness industry, and healthy skepticism. They discuss Derek’s history as a journalist and movement enthusiast, the article he wrote debunking the plandemic video, fake vs real conspiracies, media manipulation and the politics of healthcare, Derek’s upcoming book on psychedelics, and the sort of dialogue necessary to make informed and smart choices. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/1/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Mel Russo - "Local Yoga, Corporate Gigs, and Personal Touch"

Mel Russo, native New Yorker and old friend, reminisces with J about the early days and shares an inside take on the closing of Yoga Works and the future of the studio model. They discuss moving west, living in the east-village back when the rents were low, managing and owning a center, having to close shop and take a gig at Yoga Works, why it all fell apart there and what was happening when the pandemic hit, the current set of choices teachers face, and reaffirming the tiny beautiful moments that make yoga feel meaningful and worthwhile.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/25/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Nyk Danu - "DIY Spirit with a Punk Rock Heart"

Nyk Danu, Therapeutic Yoga Teacher and Yin Yoga Teacher Trainer, has been corresponding with J for years and they finally connect to touch base on what’s happening at the grassroots. They discuss Nyk’s history and appetite for learning, hosting your own classes vs teaching at centers, offering classes in a series vs drop ins, the hardcore nature of simple practice, how different centers are handling the stay-at-home orders, digital teacher training, and keeping it together when the world is falling apart, This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/18/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Derek Sivers - "Solving Problems and Self Expansion"

Derek Sivers, musician, producer, circus performer, entrepreneur, TED speaker, and best known as the founder of CD Baby, talks with J about shifting viewpoints, solving problems, and self expansion. They discuss means for utilizing inspiration, thinking smart instead of strategically, improving our business “top line,” taking control and choosing how we engage digital technology, creative process as problem solving, expanding ourselves because it's fun, and reaffirming the intrinsic fascination and wonder that makes for a life worth living.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/11/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Joe and Alexis Simek - "Coming Together to Get Through"

Joe Simek and Alexis Ridge-Simek, co-owners of Dragonfly Yoga and co-founders of The Fiaria Project, talk with J about their community coming together to get through the shut down. Originally intended to be recorded at a live event to celebrate the 15-year anniversary of their yoga center which had to be postponed indefinitely, they discuss how things were going before the pandemic hit, what steps they took to get ahead of the stay-at-home orders, and the heart and soul that is holding it all together. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/4/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Justine Cohen and Michael Ponte - "Weathering the Storm"

Justine Wiltshire Cohen and Michael Ponte, owner and manager at Down Under Yoga School of Yoga in Boston, talk with J about what how things have been going since Justine was last on the show three years ago and what they are doing to meat the challenge of the pandemic crisis. They discuss Down Under’s transition to making their teachers employees, responding to the needs of teachers and staff, important keys to their success, efforts they are making to survive the shut down, and the core principles that are guiding their choices.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/27/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Ryan Cunningham - "Gender Identity Consciousness"

Ryan Cunningham, co-host of Unrolled Podcast, returns to touch base on what has happened since their last visit and schools J on gender and identity. They discuss what happened after Ryan went from being a yoga center manager to owner, why they let go of running a studio and got licensed as a massage therapist, the decision to be more public about expressing their non-binary viewpoint, and why choosing pronouns has deeper implications for justice and the expansion of human consciousness. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/20/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Cecily Milne - "New Paradigms and a Yoga Detour"

Cecily Milne, founder of Yoga Detour, talks with J about the changing paradigm of yoga practice in the west and the ways in which she has grown and evolved alongside the changing conversation. They discuss her departure from Ashtanga Yoga and exploration of other movement modalities, the influences that have shaped her perspective, yoga classifications and meeting expectations, and challenging ourselves to move through the discomfort of breaking patterns that no longer serve and trust in our own powers of perception.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/13/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Diane Paylor - "Real Deal Holyfield"

Diane Paylor, author of Yin Yoga: Essential Poses and Sequences for Balanced Energy, participated in J’s Weekly Teachers Class last year and they re-connect in this intimate conversation about struggles and strengths. They discuss Diane’s mom’s struggle with cancer, her former life as a writer for Sassy magazine and the trauma of having a dream come true turn into a nightmare, finding yourself through yoga, focusing on strengths instead of struggles, and delving into truth with courage. This episode os sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/6/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Rob Walker - "The New Yoga"

Rob Walker, author of the The New Yoga: From Cults and Dogma to Science and Sanity, talks with J about taking a hard look at critical questions and proposing common-sense yoga for the future. They discuss how yoga classes have recently changed, the movement to make yoga classes safer and more inclusive by debunking myths and telling a more accurate history, drawing upon movement science, and six principles that add clarity and encourage further inquiry into the benefits of yoga. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/30/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Michael Hayes - "Larger Bodies, Inclusivity, and Perseverance"

Michael Hayes, founder of Buddha Body Yoga and an early pioneer in bringing yoga to larger bodies, talks with J about his early NY roots and the evolving conversation around how to make yoga more inclusive. They discuss Michael’s early studies in Gurdjieff and massage therapy, the process of discovering yoga that worked for him, choosing to go against the grain, some of the tools he prefers, and the perseverance and passion that fuels and sustains a lifelong inquiry into the nature of yoga. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/23/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Kaya Mindlin - "Parampara and Authentic Yoga"

Kaya Mindlin, founder of Supreme Release Yoga, was referred to J as someone who would speak candidly with him about difficult topics and she did not disappoint. They discuss the meaning of Parampara, misinformed mindsets that modern approaches to yoga propagate, Vedic astrology and Ayurveda, guidance on how to choose teachers and appropriateness in relationships, and the truth that we lack nothing and Yoga can not give you anything even though it allows you to discover everything, This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/16/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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Nischala Joy Devi - "Meditation in the Yoga Tradition"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Nischala Joy Devi, author of Meditation in the Yoga Tradition and The Secret Power of Yoga, returns to offer J a yogic perspective on meditation and a practical application of Patañjali’s Yogasūtras. She discusses the concept of “dynamic stillness,” the difference between consciousness and mind, residing in the heart instead of controlling the mind, thinking of ashtanga yoga as facets rather than limbs, defining Dharana-Dhyana-Samadhi as states that cannot be practiced, and nurturing a sustained steady rhythm and a dedicated heart.  
3/9/202046 minutes, 8 seconds
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PREMIUM Ranju Roy and Dave Charlton - "Embodying the Yoga Sutra"

Ranju Roy and Dave Charlton, coauthors of Embodying the Yoga Sutra: Support, Direction, Space, join J to discuss a snapshot of their current understanding of yoga through a consideration of Patañjali’s Yogasūtras and the teachings of TKV Desikachar. They talk about how they decided on the eighteen sutras they used in the book, yoga as relationship, what the organizing principles of support-direction-space are referring to, and the practical application of yoga to facilitate positive change. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/2/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Haley Laughter - "Indigenous Yoga Inspired"

Haley Laughter, founder of Hozho Total Wellness, talks with J about the difficulties which affect Native Americans experiencing historical trauma, and incorporating indigenous teachings into yoga practice. They discuss the “assimilation” of Haley’s parents and the effects that had on her early life, giving up the “american dream” to move closer to her Navajo roots, connections between yoga and indigenous philosophy, and utilizing practice to connect with the elements and our existence on the planet. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/24/202017 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Colleen Boyd - "Downtown Desert Yoga"

Colleen Boyd, owner of downtown desert yoga in Las Cruces NM, answered J’s call for alternative event spaces and it led to this conversation about the evolution of modern yoga practice and industry. They discuss the early yoga scene in Las Cruces, life turns that shape our directions, becoming a teacher and center owner, incorporating new information and adapting practice accordingly, and the role we play in shaping yoga for future generations by becoming part of the conversation. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/17/202022 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Greg Peterson - "The Urban Farm"

Greg Peterson, creator of The Urban Farm and host of The Urban Farm Podcast, joins J to talk about creating a more sustainable future by becoming more aware of where your food comes from and learning how to grow your own. Greg’s wife is a yoga teacher who listens to the show and J has been thinking about food and it lead to this conversation about Greg’s entrepreneurial spirit, landing on The Urban Farm, creating community, and having a passion for the things that light us up. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/10/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Coby Kozlowski - "Kripalu Vinyasa and One Degree Revolution"

Coby Kozlowski, author of One Degree Revolution, has run into J in a hallway twice over the years and they finally connect for this conversation on using whatever tools you can to hold integrity and fulfill a sense of purpose. They discuss Coby’s work as a coach as well as a yoga teacher, how she ended up developing Kripalu Vinyasa and getting on the Yoga Journal circuit, returning back to work after a hiatus, letting go of things to create new space and getting clear about how we want to move through the world. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/3/202036 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Tatjana Mesar - "Zen Yoga Berlin"

Tatiana Mesar, founder of Zen Yoga Berlin, hosted J for a tour event and the two connected for this conversation on her Croatian roots, like-minded viewpoint, and parallel paths in the yoga world. They discuss the yoga scene in Croatia, going from Transcendental Meditation to rave parties, studying classical flute and the NY downtown music scene, the radical nature of both punk rock and yoga, the evolution of yoga industry, the Axis Syllabus, and the universal threads of yoga that cross all time and culture. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/27/20208 minutes, 45 seconds
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Nikki Vilella - "Adjustments in the Evolution of Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Nikki Vilella, senior teacher and co-owner at NYC's Kula Yoga Project, speaks for herself after being mentioned on the show regarding touch and consent in yoga classes. They reminisce about the early days and then get into a candid discussion on teacher training, deep adjustments and the changing narrative around touch and consent, ethics and legislation, the survival of independent yoga centers, finding community. not trying to be everything, and making it work despite all odds. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.  
1/20/202047 minutes, 30 seconds
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PREMIUM J Talks About Christie Roe and Mark Whitwell

This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/13/20205 minutes, 11 seconds
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Seth Powell and Chase Bossart - "On Patañjali’s Yogasūtras"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Seth Powell and Chase Bossart come together with J for an in-depth debate into the nature and substance of Patañjali’s Yogasūtras. They discuss whether the sutras and the commentary are written by the same person, differing views on what the text says yoga is, whether it involves stilling the mind to reach a liberation beyond this world or a means of finding clarity and purpose in having this existence, distinguishing between mind and consciousness, and the power of deep yogic inquiry. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
1/6/202052 minutes, 32 seconds
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PREMIUM David Moore - "The Alexander Technique"

David Moore, director at the School for F.M. Alexander Studies and author of Smart Yoga: Apply the Alexander Technique to Enhance Your Practice, Prevent Injury, and Increase Body Awareness, talks with J about the elusive technique created by F.M Alexander. They discuss David’s experience of what Alexander defined as “control of human reaction,” the difference between sensing and feeling, educated intuition, letting go of old patterns by engaging your whole system in doing something else. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/30/201936 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Michael Lear - "Trager Approach and Ashtanga Yoga"

Michael, Lear, founder of Pangea Yoga and Yoga4Drummers, sits down with J to talk about his unique mix of Trager Approach and Ashtanga Yoga. Michael was born in Easton PA, the town that J moved to a few years ago. They discuss the early yoga scene there and his relationship to Ashtanga Yoga, his work with integrative somatic therapies, how he ended up doing service work around the world, transference of healing through nervous system communication, and the pure joy of rocking out. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/23/20198 minutes, 45 seconds
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Jay Fields - "Teaching People Not Poses"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Jay Fields, author of Teaching People Not Poses, talks with J about their parallel journeys from the early blogosphere days and postural practice to embodiment principles and resilience. They discuss her studies in yoga and neuroscience, some pivotal events in her life that caused Jay to cherish life anew, the principles of embodiment and resilience that she has come to understand and teach, methods for inviting inquiry instead of imposing experience, and the power of doing things just for fun. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.  
12/16/201947 minutes, 9 seconds
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Alex Auder - "Instagram Dick Pics and Somatic Dominance"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Alex Auder, director of Magu Yoga, is a long-time friend of J’s from the early NY days and they get together to talk about her newly-gained Instagram stardom and the recent conversation around consent and touch. They discuss what is behind Alex’s irreverence and trolling on social media, the NY times article, somatic dominance and implicit abuse, the precarious balance between holding people accountable and cancel culture, and the need for modern yoga to evolve beyond its history of abuse. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
12/9/201948 minutes, 36 seconds
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Catherine Salin Derrow - "NY Times Covers Consent and Touch"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Catherine Salin Derrow, featured in a recent high-profile NY Times article, talks with J about her experience of becoming a flashpoint around consent and touch in yoga. They discuss what happened behind the scenes at the workshop covered by the NY Times, old-school teaching and healthy boundaries, holding people accountable and cancel culture, and the uncomfortable contradictions and difficult questions that must be reckoned with for us to find a healthy way forward. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.  
12/2/201949 minutes, 31 seconds
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Ethan Nichtern - "Shambhala Buddhism and Death of the Guru"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Ethan Nichtern, author of The Road Home: A Contemporary Exploration of the Buddhist Path, has a candid conversation with J about the scandal in the Shambhala Buddhist community, the underlying dynamics at play, and the broader implications for modern spiritual seekers. They discuss the origins of the tradition, his childhood in the community, gurus and his relationship to Chögyam Trungpa and Sakyong Mipham, and what might be needed to foster change in both our inner lives and outer politics. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
11/25/201951 minutes, 39 seconds
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PREMIUM Ean Price Murphy - "Money Shame Sucks"

Ean Price Murphy, founder of Moxie Bookkeeping, is an old friend who reconnects with J to discuss how to overcome money shame with cash-management systems that even yoga teachers can understand. They talk about Ean’s viewpoint on numbers and business as a balance of order and chaos like jazz music, the emotional nature of money, using percentages and the Profit First system, and some actionable steps that anyone can take to empower themselves financially and fulfill a sense of purpose. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   NEW! Annual subscriptions are here. For all three subscriptions: Live Stream Classes, Weekly Teacher’s Class, and Podcast Premium Membership… SAVE UP TO 20% WITH YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS.   Learn more about J’s upcoming tour… GENTLE IS THE NEW ADVANCED: EASING THE PAIN 2020.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/18/201936 minutes, 45 seconds
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Donna Farhi - "Iyengar Abuse and Changing Yoga Pedagogy"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Donna Farhi returns to the show to talk with J about addressing the fundamental problem of power abuse in Iyengar Yoga and beyond. They discuss the difference between pedagogy and ‘heutagogy’ or self-determined learning, when quiet authority is given by students or authoritarianism is asserted by teachers, educating people about what is between the lines and understanding the invisible matrix so we can make change, and the inquiry and shared humanity that makes for a lifelong sustainable yoga career. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
11/11/201952 minutes, 35 seconds
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PREMIUM Amy Quinn Suplina - "Best Practices for Studio Owners"

Amy Quinn Suplina, founder of Bend and Bloom Yoga in Brooklyn, NY, talks with J about how her center has managed to survive when so many others have closed. They discuss what things were like when they opened their studios, the influences that shaped Amy’s choices, what has contributed to her centers’ sustainability including how much she pays her teachers, her thoughts on social justice and unionization efforts, and the healing power of fostering relationships and developing community. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/4/201922 minutes, 13 seconds
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Julie Dohrman - "Unionization and Evolving Yoga Industry"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Julie Dohrman, founder of Shaktiyoga New York, connects with J on the unionization effort at Yogaworks NYC and their shared experience of the evolving yoga industry. They discuss the early days of the NY scene and Julie’s initial foray into yoga, her time in the Anusara community and the trauma of its devolution, the difference between working for a corporation and an independent center owner, survival as a professional teacher, and the effort to create a yoga teacher union as a way to change the industry. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
10/28/201942 minutes, 28 seconds
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Luvena Rangel - "Cultural Appropriation or Appreciation"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Luvena Rangel, founder of The Curvy Yogi, talks with J about the trauma caused by colonization and the difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation. After reading Luvena’s blog, Too Much Ado Around Isms, Or is it?, J reached out to discuss the hurt caused by western yoga teachers’ insensitivity to the experiences of Desi’s and BIPOC (Black/Indigenous/People of Color,) and how to stop perpetuating a legacy of injustice by recognizing privilege and creating more impartial narratives. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.  
10/21/201943 minutes, 56 seconds
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Godfrey Devereux - "Unintimidated by Ideologies"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Godfrey Devereux, author of many books including The Elements of Yoga, holds a special place in J’s mind and joins him to discuss the early seeds he planted and the hard-nosed realism he is known for. They discuss his formative years, the role he played and his regrets in “mainstreaming” yoga, gurus and rejecting hierarchies, zen and the influence of child development education, the harm created by using poses for anything other than developing sensitivity, and keeping mysticism practical. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
10/14/201944 minutes, 26 seconds
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Marlysa Sullivan - "Eudaemonia, Polyvagal Theory, Yoga Therapy"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Marlysa Sullivan, coauthor of Yoga and Science in Pain Care and assistant professor at Maryland University of Integrative Health, talks with J about Eudaemonic Well-Being, Polyvagal Theory, and the difference between Yoga and Yoga Therapy. They discuss the intersection between yoga philosophy and biomedical science, samkya and evidence informed practice, creating research models that root the data in yoga, and a mutual agreement on potentially clarifying the definition of yoga therapy. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.  
10/7/201938 minutes, 12 seconds
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PREMIUM Ian Baker - "Tibetan Yoga and Tantric Buddhism"

Ian Baker, author of Tibetan Yoga: Principles and Practices, talks with J about Tibetan Yoga and its radical underpinnings of Tantric Buddhism. They discuss Ian’s relationship to the Dalai Lama and the permission he was granted to reveal long-held secrets, misconceptions about Buddhism, the red-robbed sutric path of the renunciate and the white-robbed integrative path of the tantric, and the importance of restoring personal agency obscured by hierarchical Institutions and abused by spiritual leaders. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/30/201922 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Nathan Oxenfeld - "Yoga for the Eyes"

Nathan Oxenfeld, founder of Integral Eyesight Improvement, talks about the Bates Method and helps J unravel some os his own vision patterns. They discuss Nathan’s journey of improving his eyesight and no longer needing glasses, Dr Bates and his method, connections and parallels between Integral Yoga, Sri Aurobindu, and the Bates Method, conventional notions about eye health that limit our perceptions of what is possible, and the deeper implications of inquiry into eyesight. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk and Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/23/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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Timothy Lynch - "Mysore Ashtanga Deauthorized"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Timothy Lynch, formerly authorized Mysore Ashtanga Method teacher, invites J to his Mysore room for a practice and discussion on the state of Ashtanga Yoga. A few weeks before they got together, Timothy decided to have his name removed from the authorized Ashtanga teachers list and they talk about why he made that decision, the history of his practice, consistency vs needing to evolve, and the responsibility of the AY community to repair and address the history of abuse. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
9/16/201935 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dan Coniglio - "Wim Hof Method"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Dan Coniglio, an official Wim Hof Method Instructor, visits J in PA for an exchange of yoga, friendship, and ice baths. After J gave Dan a yoga class in his studio, Dan took J through a Wim Hof session that culminated in this conversation about the three pillars of: breath, mind and cold. They also discuss how Dan got to the method, parallels to yoga, understanding the value in uncomfortable rituals, and the importance of remaining open to the full range of experience possibility. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk and Ropana CDB.  
9/9/201940 minutes, 1 second
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Chara Caruthers - "Loving Yourself Through Ayurveda"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Chara Caruthers, author of Eat Like You Love Yourself, offers J a fresh look at Ayurveda as a means to know and love ourselves. Chara has been participating in J’s weekly teacher’s class and when he saw that she hosts a TV show on Ayurvedic cooking, he seized the opportunity to learn about her, discuss some commonly held misconceptions about Ayurveda, and explore practical ways of thinking about and applying Ayurvedic principles that inspire us to make healthier choices. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft and Moonclerk.  
9/2/201939 minutes, 57 seconds
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Mark Whitwell - "Krishnamacharya and The Great Tradition"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Mark Whitwell sits down with J to discuss T. Krishnamacharya and the power of the cosmos. They have a long history together and in this rare meeting they discuss the paradox between abuse and blessings in guru lineages, what Mark means when he says “The Great Tradition,” the Krishnamurti’s and why striving for a future possibility is a dysfunction, and bringing forth a new renaissance of ancient wisdom in mainstream yoga and beyond. This episode is sponsored by Moonclerk and Ropana CBD.  
8/26/201950 minutes, 44 seconds
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PREMIUM Nicole Cardoza - “Shame and Reclamation in Wellness Spaces”

Nicole Cardoza, founder of Yoga Foster and Reclamation Ventures, joins J to discuss her recent run-in with Yoga Journal and the work she is doing to reduce the wellness gap. They discuss her background as a strategist for large companies like Nike, becoming a yoga teacher and volunteering in public schools, the recent controversy involving her being featured on the cover of Yoga Journal, and her dedication to empowering school teachers and underestimated entrepreneurs in the wellness space. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/19/201922 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Frederick Newbill III - "Intersecting Race, Religion and Yoga"

Frederick Newbill III reached out to J after listening to the show and his unique life experience inspired this discussion on the intersection of race, religion, and yoga. They discuss what it’s like to have a grandfather who is a prominent southern Baptist minister while having a father who is a career criminal, being mixed race and the differences between white and black churches, finding yoga and a passion for academic study in Sanskrit and Indic Religious History, and the power of yogic inquiry. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.    This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/12/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Live from Lehigh Valley Yoga Festival - "Mindfulness Matters"

J hosts a live panel discussion at the Lehigh Valley Yoga Festival with Dr. Donna Mueller, Dr. Shekhar Annambhotla, Charles Curtis, Harrison Bailey III, and Anne Alexander. They discuss yoga in clinical settings, the roots of mindfulness in Ayurveda, mindfulness based cognitive therapy and neurolinguistic programming, the impact of mindfulness programs in high schools to address greater levels of trauma our kids experience and in the larger media environment to shape culture and society. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/5/20198 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Guy Donahaye - "History of Guru Worship in Ashtanga Yoga"

Guy Donahaye, coauthor of the book: Guruji: A Portrait of Sri K Pattabhi Jois through the Eyes of His Students, sits down with J to discuss the history of guru worship in Ashtanga Yoga, the abuse that was committed, and his feelings about it now. Guy talks about discovering the practice, making it his life pursuit, his experience of Pattabhi Jois, what he knew and has learned about the abuse, the story behind the Guruji book and his decision to remove it from publication, and evolving his understanding. This episode is sponsored by Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/29/201936 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Molly Lannon Kenny - "Pioneering Radical Yoga Service"

Molly Lannon Kenny, founder of The Samarya Center, is an old friend of J’s and in this talk they discuss her formative work in yoga service and the trajectory of the industry over the last twenty years. Molly shares her insights into the early ashtanga scene, working in clinical environments, yoga therapy and standardization, mystical and contemplative aspects of practice that make yoga as a spiritual path dangerous, and a return to the essence of connecting with people right where they are. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/22/201917 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Ida Jo - "Woman of Yoga"

Ida Jo, musician and Ghosh Yoga teacher, reached out to J to talk about the research project she is undertaking on Woman of Yoga. Ida worked alongside Jerome Armstrong while he was writing his book, Calcutta Yoga, and is picking up the thread to tell some of the untold stories of woman yogis. They also discuss Ida’s music and art, aspects of prescriptive or therapeutic yoga in the Gosh tradition, the grind of creative pursuits, and the importance of sharing stories. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies and Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/15/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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Neil Pearson - "Integrating Yoga and Science in Pain Care"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Neil Pearson, coauthor of Yoga and Science in Pain Care, returns to the show to talk with j about integrating yoga and the cutting edge of pain science. They discuss the importance of creating therapeutic alliances, self-care instead of self-management, autonomic physiological synchrony and empathy, education as a form of pain treatment, biopsychosocial model as a non-dual perspective, yoga teaching vs yoga therapy, and fostering human resilience by evolving the stories we tell. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
7/8/201941 minutes, 23 seconds
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PREMIUM Live in AU - Nicole Walsh, Mark O’Brien, Michael de Manincor

In June 2019, J traveled to Sydney, AU and while he was there he recorded this live panel conversation with Nicole Walsh, Mark O’Brien, and Michael de Manicor. They discuss Nicole’s history with Bikram Yoga and the AU scene and her new direction with InYoga, Mark’s insights into Qi Yoga’s longevity and how to maintain a practice over time without getting caught up in the trends, and Michael chimes in on the move to advanced training at The Yoga Institute and serving our communities. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies and Ropana CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/1/20198 minutes, 45 seconds
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Nischala Joy Devi - "The Namaste Effect"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Nischala Joy Devi, author of The Namaste Effect, returns to the show to warm J’s heart and inspire us all to be in a place of love and oneness. They discuss what’s been going on in the two tears since they last spoke, the fear and anxiety that currently pervades, how we might counter injustice with yoga, definitive evidence of our own divinity, practical applications of chakra theory, what the “namaste effect” is, and how we can live in this world expressing love and compassion as a primary action. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
6/24/201942 minutes, 22 seconds
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Lauren Walker - "Energy Medicine Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Lauren Walker. creator of Energy Medicine Yoga, talks with J about energy healing and her circuitous path in yoga. They discuss their shared history in NYC in the 90’s, Lauren’s departure from yoga and pursuit of other modalities, how politics and unforeseen events shaped her choices, connection with nature and developing primitive skills, Donna Eden, misunderstandings about chakras, and seeing past arbitrary limitations to reveal our inherent power and ability to heal. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies and Ropana CBD.  
6/17/201944 minutes, 13 seconds
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Chase Bossart - "Patañjali’s Yogasūtras, Samkhya, and Gita"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Chase Bossart, founder of Yoga Well Institute, is a longtime student of TKV Desikachar and friend of J’s who returns to the show to shed some light on the essence of yoga with an unconventional view of Patañjali’s Yogasūtras, Samkhya, and Bhagavad Gita. They discuss whether Patanjali wrote the commentary of his sutras, Chase’s reasoning for looking at the sutras alone, misconceptions about the definition of nirodhah and other terms, and a universal picture of yoga based on perception and knowing. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
6/10/201945 minutes, 37 seconds
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PREMIUM Bernie McDonald - "Walking and Learning About America"

Bernie McDonald is walking 100 miles in every US state and decided to stop by J’s studio in Allentown, PA. They discuss why he started walking, the sort of interactions he has had in the yoga world during his travels, aspects of the country that most of us don’t ever see or think about, how he stays focused on his purpose when things get difficult, preconceived ideas about who and what we are supposed to be, the power of kindness and friendship, and the simple beauty and profound majesty of life as it is. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/3/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Lara Land - "Being an Ally for Diversity in Yoga"

Lara Land, founder of Land Yoga and SOULFest NYC, talks with J about opening a yoga center in Harlem and becoming an ally for diversity in yoga. They discuss family life and some early days in the NY scene, her level 2 Ashtanga authorization and where she stands on the turmoil in that tradition, what it was like to open a center in Harlem, why she formed a non-profit and started programs to reach underserved populations, and the challenges we face when attempting to address institutional injustice. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/27/20198 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Michelle Johnson - "Dismantling Racism and Oppression"

Michelle Johnson, author of Skill in Action, talks with J about the intersection between racism, social justice, and yoga. They discuss the life experiences that led to her work, dismantling racism training, the heartbreak related to institutional oppression, actions being held accountable to principles and people, intentions around creating inclusion, leveraging privilege to create space for people of color, the challenge of reconciling paradoxes, and the universal truth that everyone is connected. This is episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/20/201936 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Jana Long - "History of Blacks and Yoga in the U.S."

Jana Long, director of Power of One Yoga Center and co-founder of the Black Yoga Teachers Alliance, talks with J about the history of yoga in the black community. They discuss the earliest influencers of yoga in Black America, the expressions found in black art and spiritual life, Jana’s many years of self-directed practice before discovering other black teachers and receiving training, her experiences in Africa and ashram life in India, why she started BYTA, and the universal threads that unite and transform. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/13/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM James Mallinson - "Uncovering Yoga’s Ancestral Past"

James Mallinson, senior lecturer in Sanskrit and Classical Indian Studies at SOAS, Principle Investigator at The Hatha Yoga Project, co-author of Roots of Yoga, reached out to J after hearing his name mentioned on the show and it lead to this conversation about the research he is pioneering and its implications on yoga in the modern world. They discuss Jim’s academic pursuits, his guru, the philology of physical yoga practices, and the symbiosis between scholarship and living traditions. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/6/201917 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Live in Brooklyn - Amy Matthews, Sam Chase and Christie Roe

J returns to his former studio in Brooklyn, now Goodyoga, and is joined by Amy Matthews, Sam Chase, and Christie Roe for intimate conversation about the nature of our anatomies and the values we are aligning with. Amy expands upon J’s ongoing inquiry into the biopsychosocial viewpoint, Sam discusses the resilience training he has been developing which challenges people to connect what they feel and value, and Christie provides a millennial perspective on what is happening on the ground. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/29/20198 minutes, 45 seconds
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Peter Blackaby and Bernie Clark - "Body Tissues and Patterns"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Peter Blackaby and Bernie Clark come together with J to consider the nature of human anatomy and the process of affecting change. Initiated by Peter after he listened to Bernie’s last appearance, this probing conversation was an opportunity to clarify points of agreement and hash out some areas of departure. They discuss whether the spine is primarily a source or stability or mobility, what poses do to our tissues or patterns, and the intents and purposes that forge a deeper understanding. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies.  
4/22/201939 minutes, 35 seconds
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Greg Lehman - "Recovery Strategies for Pain"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Greg Lehman, author of Recovery Strategies - your pain guidebook, talks with J about addressing pain and what it means to be a “movement optimist.” They discuss the benefits of bio-mechanics and some of the misconceptions that are still being taught about the body, what is meant by the idea of a neutral spine, if tissue damage correlates with pain, what nociception is, and the importance of getting active so we can address our beliefs and know better what is sensitizing us. This episode is sponsored by Ana Luisa Jewelry and RopaNa CBD.  
4/15/201939 minutes, 9 seconds
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PREMIUM Dr. Aimée Shunney - "CBD and Cannabis Medicine"

Dr. Aimée Shunney, naturopathic physician trained in both modern medical science and integrative medicine, talks with J about CBD and the growing research around Cannabis medicine. They discuss some of the history behind cannabis research, the endocannabinoid system in our bodies, different strains and applications of CBD, J’s and Aimée’s experience with regular use, challenging outdated ideas and embracing holistic models, and the importance of remaining open to anything that works. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/8/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Mike Huggins - "Yoga Service: No Money No Mission"

Mike Huggins, founder of Transformation Yoga Project and co-author of Yoga for Recovery - A Practical Guide for Healing, returns to check in with J on the challenges and rewards of doing yoga service. A lot has happened in the two years since they last spoke, they discuss the expansion of Mike’s organization, the resources required to maintain quality programs, operating with purpose, and the practicalities of truly meeting people where they are. This episode is sponsored by Ana Luisa Jewelry, Karmasoft, Dawn Soprin, and RopaNa CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/1/201917 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Mary Jennings - "Sub-Lease Yoga Studio Collective"

Mary Jennings is opening Fresh Coast Yoga in Houghton, Michigan with an alternative studio model she heard discussed on the show so J brought her on to talk about what she is doing. They discuss what it’s like to be a millennial MBA mother with a one-year old who wants to bring yoga to her community in rural America, the crowdfunding campaign that is helping fund it, advantages to sub-leasing instead of profit-sharing, and the heart required for a venture truly based in yoga. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/25/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Gina Price - "Exploring Sociocracy"

Gina Price, partner in the Sociocracy Consulting Group, talks with J about creating order out of chaos through the principles of Sociocracy. They discuss governance based on a decentralization of authority where all elements in the system are made equal, finding common purpose through collaborative decision making, creating domains of autonomous responsibility and a hierarchy of function instead of power, and if yoga professionals are up to the task. This episode is sponsored by Dawn Sopron, Karmasoft, and RopaNa CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/18/20198 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM David Dodd - "Organization, Anarchy and Yoga"

David Dodd and J have corresponded for years but a recent email exchange about the Yoga Alliance prompted this discussion on the inherent problem of creating organizations around yoga. They discuss David’s background in coaching and working with large bureaucratic entities, the difference between coaching and teaching yoga, the tension between an unbounded context for yoga and attempts at regulating it, and the practical wisdom of knowing when to do something and when to leave it alone. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/11/201922 minutes, 13 seconds
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Rama Jyoti Vernon - "Great-Grandmother of American Yoga"

Rama Jyoti Vernon, one of the first yoga teachers in the United States, talks with J about her pivotal role in bringing yoga to the west. They discuss the LA yoga scene in the 1940’s and 1950’s, meeting BKS Iyengar and hosting him in America, founding both Unity in Yoga and the California Yoga Teachers Association which led to the creation of the Yoga Alliance and Yoga Journal Magazine, her reasons for avoiding the commercial aspects, and her laments and hopes for the direction of yoga. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft and RopaNa CBD.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.   Check out J's new podcast… J. BROWN YOGA THOUGHTS.  
3/4/20191 hour, 42 minutes, 10 seconds
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Norman Blair - "Yoga Teachers and Pay"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Norman Blair wrote an article about yoga teacher pay that caught J’s attention and led to this wide-ranging conversation about the monetary policies of yoga centers and the underlying economics that are fueling them. They discuss the emergence of a yoga teaching profession, hard numbers on the stagnant or declining rates of income yoga teachers are receiving, actionable steps to potentially counter unhealthy trends, and the revolutionary power of yoga to help shape society. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies and Karmasoft.  
2/25/201942 minutes, 2 seconds
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PREMIUM Amayu Ashtanga - "Reimagining a Yoga Tradition"

Scott Johnson, Greg Nardi, Emma Rowse and Jock Orton talk with J about the creation of Amayu Yoga and a reimagining of the ashtanga tradition. They take time out of a retreat together to discuss the state of the global Ashtanga community, reasons for creating an organization, their orientation and purpose in doing so, the principles of ashtanga yoga, and their efforts to bring more accountability and safety to yoga by establishing clearer standards and a more horizontal collective. This episode is sponsored by and RopaNa CBD.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/18/20195 minutes, 11 seconds
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Frank Jude Boccio - "Mindfulness, Zen Naturalism, and Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Frank Jude Boccio, author of Mindfulness Yoga, talks with J about his integrated approach to yoga and buddhist mindfulness. An early adopter, Frank was ahead of his time and had an impact on J without ever having met him. In this conversation, they discuss the yoga scene before it was a scene, studying with Thich Nhat Hanh, pitfalls in spiritual communities and the freedom to challenge dogma, dilemmas in the marketing of yoga, and cultivating a truly self-empowered practice. This episode is sponsored by Yogic Studies and Karmasoft.  
2/11/201939 minutes, 52 seconds
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Bernie Clark - "Your Spine, Your Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Bernie Clark, author of Your Spine, Your Yoga, returns to the show to talk with J about his new book and the important perspective it provides. They discuss the notion of “neutral spine,” the myth of flexibility in yoga, understanding stability and strength, the concepts of stress and load, variation and adaptation in our systems and structures, the “anti-fragility curve,” functional movement, what “optimal” means, and how important it is for each person to develop their own sense of awareness. This episode is sponsored by  
2/4/201941 minutes, 18 seconds
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Seth Powell - "History and Philosophy of Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Seth Powell, founder of Yogic Studies, extended J an invitation to take his course and it led to this wide-ranging conversation about cutting edge research and his scholarship in yoga history and philosophy. They discuss Seth’s background and motivations for pursuing more rigorous academic study, issues and discoveries regarding the translation of ancient texts, commonly held misconceptions about the origins of yogic practices, and the benefits of expanding our perspectives and understandings. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
1/28/201939 minutes, 9 seconds
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Rachel Brathen - "Instagram Yoga Girl on What is Real"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Rachel Brathen, creator of @yoga_girl, talks with J about how a bohemian lifestyle on the beaches of Costa Rica converged with the invent of Instagram and led to two million followers and a yoga career. They discuss the process of going from obscurity to recognized social media influencer, the evolution of her choices and professional pursuits, pitfalls and misinformation in the social media sphere, DIY business models, and operating by principles that will better serve the people behind the hashtags. This episode is sponsored by
1/21/201937 minutes, 29 seconds
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Annie Carpenter - "The Evolution of Yoga Teacher Training"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Annie Carpenter, veteran yoga teacher trainer from Yogaworks and creator of SmartFLOW Yoga, talks with J about the history of YTT’s, current industry trends, and transitioning from growth models to in-depth inquiry. They discuss Annie’s background in yoga, the professional situations she has had to navigate, her opinions on conducting trainings and mentoring teachers, how things have changed over the years for good and bad, and the indications of a grassroots upswell calling for a return to core principles. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.  
1/14/201939 minutes, 51 seconds
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PREMIUM Kerry Maiorca - "Inside the Yoga Alliance"

Kerry Maiorca, founder of Bloom Yoga Studio and Chair of the Board of Directors for Yoga Alliance, talks with J about the inner workings of the Yoga Alliance and the Standards Review Project. Kerry and J are old friends and participated in the same yoga teacher training over twenty years ago, after some reminiscing over their shared history they talk about why and how she became involved at the Yoga Alliance, the evolution of the organization, and the status of the review process that is underway. This episode is sponsored by   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/7/20198 minutes, 45 seconds
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Tao Porchon-Lynch - "Opening the Gateway of Life"

Tao Porchon-Lynch, named Oldest Yoga Teacher by Guinness World Record and author of Dancing Light, sits down with J a few months after her 100th birthday to talk about her life and the spirit of yoga. They discuss the morning class that J took with her, universal qualities of facilitating yoga, some of her childhood experiences, how she greets each day with the expectation that it will be the best yet and believes anything is possible, transformation and connection, and the inspiration that Tao and her life instills. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/31/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 26 seconds
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PREMIUM Neil Boyd - "Farming, Friendship, and Yoga"

Neil Boyd, Board Vice-President of the Feathered Pipe Foundation, talks with J about his life as a farmer, his yoga, and how the two have informed each other. They discuss the connection between his work and the turn of the seasons, how he ended up getting into yoga, the teachers that helped him, farm practices and what they can tell us about yoga practices, Krishnamurti, the magic of the Feathered Pipe Ranch, and the simple wisdom of embodying kindness in your attitude and actions. This episode is sponsored by   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/24/201836 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Hauora Yoga Conference - "Yoga Therapy in New Zealand"

J moderates a panel discussion at the Hauora Yoga Conference with Katie Lane, Donna Farhi, Jac Wilson, Leanne Davis, and Felicity Molloy on the accreditation of yoga and yoga therapy in New Zealand. They discuss the current standards for Yoga Australia and Yoga New Zealand, the difference between yoga and yoga therapy, standardization and pedagogy, reasons for a yoga therapy classification, obstacles in getting funding, and the possibility of creating something uniquely Aotearoa. This episode is sponsored by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/17/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Michael de Manincor- "Kaleidoscope of Wisdom and Science"

Michael de Manincor, founder and Director of The Yoga Institute, is a student of TKV Desikachar that J met earlier this year and reconnected with for this conversation about the study and transmission of yoga, and the kind of science that supports it. They discuss Michaels trajectory and perspective on the evolution of yoga industry and profession, the PhD research he is doing, Patanjali, competencies for yoga teaching and yoga therapy, and the possibility of moving our understanding of yoga forward. This episode is brought to you by   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/10/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Anne Jablonski - "Freedom, Agency, and the Mindful Unplug"

Anne Jablonski, president of the Feathered Pipe Foundation, shares with J her love of Freedom Style Yoga and the magic that is the Feathered Pipe Ranch. They discuss Anne’s relationship to the teachings of Erich Schiffmann, what makes the ranch so special, teaching people to develop their own intuitive knowing vs telling them what to do, mindfully unplugging as an essential form of self-care, and the importance of connection and friendship in fostering the spirit of healing and good will. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/3/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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Karen Rain - "Pattabhi Jois Was Not a Great Yogi"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Karen Rain talks with J about the lack of consent culture in yoga, and ways that people can change what they are doing in their own spheres to create a safer and more just society. They discuss the abuse and deception that Pattabhi Jois committed on her and others, deflection and denial from those in the community, calling out rape culture, and educating ourselves about power imbalances. Karen also turns the tables on J and holds him to account for his own culpability in the past. This episode is brought to you by  
11/26/201842 minutes, 2 seconds
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PREMIUM Genny Wilkinson Priest - "Can Ashtanga Evolve?"

Genny Wilkinson Priest joins J for this probing conversation about the impact of Pattabhi Jois’ sexual assaults on the ashtanga community and yoga world at large. They discuss Genny’s previous life as a journalist, her discovery and love of the ashtanga system, her process of learning and evolving in light of the revelations about Pattabhi Jois, what efforts are being made to shift the culture going forward, hard adjustments and injuries, and the possibility of reformation and a new paradigm. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/19/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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Gregor Maehle - "Truth and Reconciliation in Ashtanga Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Gregor Maehle, founder of 8 Limbs Ashtanga Yoga, discusses the history of Patabhi Jois’ sexual assaults and the need for the Ashtanga tradition to evolve. He talks about the studies and motivations that led to his adoption of Ashtanga Yoga, direct experience of observing the abuse and attempting to raise concerns, the injuries that led to his separation, admitting complicity, deeper philosophical and evolutionary factors in the creation of stratified power structures, and how to sublimate and grow. This episode is brought to you by  
11/12/201836 minutes, 28 seconds
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PREMIUM Pedro Luna - "Instagram and Beyond"

Pedro Luna, creator of the Instagram account @Yogimemes, started taking J’s live stream classes and it led to this conversation about Pedro’s infamy on Instagram and their shared experiences trying to make a life as yoga teachers. They discuss the challenges of balancing a yoga career and being a dad, generational divides when it comes to social media, how Pedro got to 100,000 followers, doing YogaFestFl, and discerning the fine line between promoting your work and still maintaining integrity. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/5/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Karin Carlson - "Yoga Alliance is Beside the Point"

Karin Carlson, founder of Return Yoga, has been bringing yoga out of the studio model into underserved communities for years and, after reading a recent post she wrote about the Yoga Alliance, J reached out to work through some ideas together. They discuss the early blogosphere days, shifts in industry that made it harder to make a living, questions of regulation and scope of practice, Yoga Alliance’s role, and filling the gaps between ancient wisdom and modern day relevance. This episode is brought to you by   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/29/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Nadiya Nottingham - "Pragmatic Mysticism"

Nadiya Nottingham and J know each other from the early days of the NY yoga scene and have been friends for years but this is the first time they really have a full length conversation about ideas that are important to both of them. They discuss Nadiya’s evolution from yoga to QiGong and Celtic Tree Medicine, the relationship between QiGong and Tai Chi, similarities and differences between QiGong and Yoga, power animals, and the mystery and magic of each persons own individual medicine. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/22/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Shelly Prosko - "Biopsychosocial-Spiritual Model"

Shelly Prosko returns to talk with J about some difficult questions he has been grappling with. They discuss the concept of right or proper alignment, the difference between yoga therapy and yoga, changing understandings around pain, compassion science, and moving from a postural-structural bio-mechanical model to a biopsychosocial-spiritual model. They also consider the fine line between science and mysticism, and how we might keep yoga from falling into foreseeable pitfalls. This episode is brought to you by   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/15/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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Carrie Owerko - "Nontraditional Iyengar"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Carrie Owerko and J talk about her unconventional approach to teaching Iyengar Yoga and some of the pressing issues facing the community. They discuss her formative theater influences, questions about one right alignment and the importance of interoception, her relationship to the Iyengar method and how her choices have shaped her teaching, the accounts of sexual assault by a senior teacher, and the fundamental problems inherent in hierarchical traditions. This episode is brought to you by and Karmasoft.  
10/8/201837 minutes, 43 seconds
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PREMIUM Dr. Loren Fishman - "Medical Practice of Yoga"

Dr Loren Fishman, pioneer of integrative medicine and founder of, talks with J about his relationship to BKS Iyengar and his published research on the treatment of many disorders, including piriformis syndrome, scoliosis, osteoporosis and rotator cuff tear. They also discuss ideas about postural alignment and how it relates to injury prevention, creating protocols without sacrificing the mystery, PGC1alfa, and bringing evidence-based yoga into medicine. This episode is brought to you by   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/1/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Jessie Barr and Tom O'Brien - "Om City Series"

Jessie Barr and Tom O’Brien, creators of OM City, are launching a campaign to fund a second season of their show which is J’s favorite ever depiction of the yoga teacher lifestyle. J gushes over how much he loved the first series, finds out why it has taken so long to make more episodes, communes with them on the challenges of independently producing your own stuff, and discuss portrayals of yoga as cliches or nuanced reality. This episode is brought to you by and Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/24/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Patti Safian - "Never Give Over Your Power"

Patti Safian and J used to run in the same circles back in the early days of the NY Yoga scene and a recent reunion at the TKV Desikachar celebration led to this conversation about her mom, her yoga, and her takeaways from years of study. They discuss her article in Glamour about her mom leaving to become a disciple of Rajneesh, yoga in the nineties, different traditions and common threads that run through, cults and cult-like behavior, and how to never giving over your power. This episode is brought to you by   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/17/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Philip Goldberg - "Maha Lineage and The Life of Yogananda”

Philip Goldberg, author of American Veda and The Life of Yogananda, talks with J about the long arc of yogic spiritual teachings migrating into western culture, and some of the important figures and moments that have shaped its progression. They discuss the roots of yoga’s export to America and the impetuous for writing American Veda, his new book on Yoganandya and why it was the perfect follow up, the importance of tradition and the democratization of yoga. This episode is brought to you by and Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
9/10/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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Larry Payne - "Prime of Life, Yoga Therapy Rx"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Larry Payne, founder of Prime of Life Yoga and Yoga Therapy Rx, gives J a dose of expertise and humor in this conversation about his life and career. They discuss his journey to India and the many amazing teachers he encountered, the influence of TKV Desikachar on his life and teaching, bridging yoga and western medicine and the challenges therein, differences between yoga and yoga therapy, and the grand picture of yoga spreading around the world with the power of its transformative qualities. This episode is brought to you by  
9/3/201837 minutes, 24 seconds
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PREMIUM Mirka Scalco Kraftsow - "With Courage and Love for Desikachar"

Mirka Scalco Kraftsow, cofounder of the American Viniyoga Institute, brings her special brand of shakti to the podcast and talks with J about the spirit that guided her to her teachers Gary Kraftsow and TKV Desikachar, and her ongoing journey to bring the teachings of yoga to light. They discuss her childhood in Italy, her time with Rajneesh/Osho, how she met Gary and her relationship with Desikachar, the progression of Viniyoga, and the simple sadana of ordinary life. This episode is sponsored by and Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/27/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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Gary Kraftsow - "What is Viniyoga?"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Gary Kraftsow, founder of the American Viniyoga Institute, author of Yoga for Wellness and Yoga for Transformation, talks with J about his precedent-setting career in yoga and yoga therapy. They discuss his relationship to TKV Desikachar and the impact it had on his teaching, why the efforts to create a national organization were thwarted, the story behind him using the name Viniyoga, TKV's son, yoga in healthcare, the definition of yoga therapy, and the true spirit of the teachings. This episode is brought to you by  
8/20/201836 minutes, 44 seconds
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PREMIUM Richard Miller - "Nondual Wisdom, Modern Adaptation"

Richard Miller, founder of iRest Yoga Nidra, co-founder of The International Association of Yoga Therapy and founding editor of the professional Journal of IAYT, talks with J about his many years of study and the work he has done integrating teachings for others. They discuss nondual philosophy, his relationship to TKV Desikachar, his use of Yoga Nidra in the military, making sense of the scandals, and the core principles at work in the process of healing through yoga. This episode is sponsored by and Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/13/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM R. Sriram - "Legacy of TKV Desikachar"

R. Sriram comes to the Unites States of America for the first time to attend a celebration of his longtime teacher T. K. V. Desikachar and sits down with J for this conversation about the man and the legacy he left the world. They discuss Sriram’s early studies in Madras, T Krishnamacharya, moving from India to Germany, his views on cultural appropriation and the popularity of yoga in the west, the scandal around T.K.V.’s son Kausthub, and the simplicity and authenticity at the heart of the tradition. This episode is brought to you by   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
8/6/201836 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Faith Hunter - "Spiritually Fly"

Faith Hunter, creator of Spiritually Fly, talks with J about the life events that fueled her commitment to yoga, some shared roots in NYC, and the course of her high-profile career. They discuss her early work with a national HIV/AIDS organization, the transition into teaching and owning a center, the breaks that enabled her to expand outside of her immediate sphere, how she came up with her signature Spiritually Fly Sutras, and the current state of the yoga industry. This episode is sponsored by and Karmasoft.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.
7/30/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Jerome Armstrong - "History of Hot Yoga"

Jerome Armstrong, author of Calcutta Yoga, talks with J about his new book on the history of hot yoga. They discuss the largely untold story of Buddha Bose & the Yoga Family of Bishnu Ghosh and Yogananda, and how that led to Bikram Yoga. Jerome also speaks to his own experience of practicing both standard hot yoga and the more traditional teachings of Ghosh Yoga, and the crazy turn of events that led to the discovery of a rare document and a relationship to the family. This episode is brought to you by This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.
7/23/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Benjamin Lorr - "Exposing Bikram Yoga"

Benjamin Lorr, author of Hell-Bent: Obsession, Pain, and the Search for Something Like Transcendence in Competitive Yoga, talks with J about Bikram Yoga, how it lead to writing his tell-all book on the subject, and the aftershocks that are still being felt today. They discuss Benjamin’s first place prize in a yoga competition, paradoxes at work in Bikram Choudhury and his yoga system, power dynamics and cult behavior, larger cultural implications, and his new book project focusing on Trader Joes. This episode is sponsored by and Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
7/16/201836 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Arundhati Baitmangalkar - "Modern Yoga Meets Bollywood"

Arundhati Baitmangalkar, founder and lead teacher of Aham Yoga and Bollyworks Dance, sent J a supportive email after hearing him speak about being accused of cultural appropriation, and J remembered some blogs that Arundhati had written on yoga in the west vs east, and it led to this wide-ranging conversation. They discuss Arundhati's first Power Yoga classes in Bangalore, her study of classical yoga in Mysore, moving to the USA, and how she made her own thing happen. This episode is brought to you by This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.
7/9/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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Beryl Bender Birch - "The Original Power Yoga"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Beryl Bender Birch, author of Power Yoga and founder of The Hard and the Soft Yoga Institute, joins J for a look back at the earliest remnants of yoga in the west, its progression into the mainstream, and the role she played in shepherding it forth. They discuss what yoga was like in the late sixties and early seventies, how she found her way into teaching yoga for athletes and coming up with the name ‘Power Yoga’, Patabhi Jois, and her work with the Give Back Yoga Foundation. This episode is sponsored by and Karmasoft.  
7/2/201840 minutes, 1 second
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PREMIUM Kristen Fewel - "Yoga Center Reinvented, Invitation to Awaken"

Kristen Fewel, author of The Gift of Awakening and founder of Full Circle Yoga & Healing Arts, reached out to say that she was inspired by some of the talks on the podcast to transition her yoga center away from the conventional way of doing business to a less extractive rental model so J invited her on to have a conversation about what she is doing and how it is working out. They also discuss her newly published book that bravely delves into realm of the mystical and the possibility of awakening. This episode is brought to you by This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/25/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Erin Heisel - "Flow States and Play Spheres"

Erin Heisel is a podcast listener who reached out to J after hearing him talk about ‘flow states” which led to this conversation about her research into play and its relevance to yoga and beyond. First, Erin lays out a theoretical framework for play and then they discuss whether flow requires physical challenge, the elements that bring about flow or play spheres, the effects of entering those kinds of mind states, and the relevance to how we practice yoga and engage ourselves in life. This episode is brought to you by and Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/18/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Joe Simek - "Small Yoga, Big Impact"

Joe Simek, co-owner of Dragonfly Yoga and co-founder of The Fiaria Project, reached out to J after hearing he was moving to PA and invited him to his studio where they started a conversation that continues in this talk. They discuss their common history in music, how Joe let go of his corporate life and focused on health and family, his experience of becoming a foster parent and starting a non-profit to help others who do the same, and the realities of keeping things small and still making it work. This episode is brought to you by This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/11/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Cheryl Urbanczyk - "Female Muslim Hijab-Wearing Yogi"

Cheryl Urbanczyk, yoga-teacher-in-training and regular podcast listener, sent J an email that caught his attention and prompted this talk about her faith and yoga. They discuss Cheryl’s conversion from Catholicism to Islam, misconceptions about Muslims, how she came to yoga, and some of the unique obstacles that the Muslim community face getting exposed to yoga. They also discuss her plan to create women's only yoga classes and mindful movement for women and girls. This episode is brought to you by and Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
6/4/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Andrea Ferretti - "Yogaland and Editorial Transparency"

Andrea Ferretti, creative director for Jason Crandall Yoga Method and host of Yogaland Podcast, joins J to talk about their common experience of being both parents and podcast hosts in the yoga world. They discuss Andrea’s early avenues into yoga and publishing, her many years as an editor at Yoga Journal Magazine, how her relationship to Jason Crandall went from professional to personal, what it means to be a yoga family, and the mind-expanding challenge, and joy, of producing podcasts. This episode is brought to you by This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/28/201836 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Prabha Sinha - "Turning Grief Into Giving"

Prabha Sinha, founder of the Pratyush Sinha Foundation and Lehigh Valley Yoga Festival, sits down with J to talk about her journey from India to America and the story behind the foundation and festival she has dedicated her life to. They discuss misconceptions about yoga in the west, cultural differences and universal truths, the death of her son and how it led to her yoga, insights after overcoming a brain tumor, and the heart and soul that goes into making it all happen. This episode is brought to you by and Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/21/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Matthew Remski - "From Somatic Dominance to Trauma Awareness"

Matthew Remski and J have a long-standing friendship and dialogue which carries into this talk about the rapid paradigm shift taking place in the yoga world around consent and authority. They discuss Matthew’s recent article profiling victims of sexual assault by Pattabhi Jois, the process that transformed WAWADIA into a consideration of somatic dominance, pitfalls when asking tough questions, the line between cult-like and cult, and how we navigate new and unchartered paths. This episode is brought to you by  This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/14/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Sarai Harvey-Smith - "Beyond Mysore and KPJAYI"

Sarai Harvey-Smith talks with J about becoming part of the Ashtanga Yoga community and how she is navigating her way in light of the revelations surrounding abuse by Pattabhi Jois. They discuss Sarai’s process of getting into yoga and becoming authorized at KPJAYI, her love of the practice and teaching, the reasons for her gradual transition away from the system, and her clear position statement and suggestions for the AY community to heal and move forward. This episode is brought to you by and Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
5/7/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Scott Johnson - "Stillpoint Yoga London"

Scott Johnson, founder of Stillpoint Yoga London, joins J for a continuation of the friendship and conversation that started between them when they met in London a few months earlier. They discuss Scott’s former life as an electrician, the importance of family, the motivations for his yoga and center, his relationship to the Astanga Yoga Tradition and feelings about the current crisis the community is facing. They also talk about low-overhead business models and finding shared or alternative spaces. This episode is brought to you by This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/30/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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Kino MacGregor - "Conflicts and Confluences"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   J interviews Kino MacGregor, founder of Miami Life Center and OMstars, about a few of the hot button topics at the forefront of yogaland. In this difficult conversation, they discuss the current situation in the Ashtanga Yoga Community regarding revelations of sexual abuse by Patabhi Jois, recent contract disputes and related issues resulting from the sale of Cody video app to Alo Yoga clothing company, and Kino’s individual perspective on the business and soul of the mainstream yoga industry. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft.  
4/23/201838 minutes, 9 seconds
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PREMIUM Tara Stiles - "Yoga Rebel circa 2011"

Tara Stiles, founder of Strala Yoga, helps J get over some of his personal baggage regarding the Industrial Yoga Complex by giving him insight into her trajectory and teaching. Tara shares the story of her humble beginnings in a small town, the happenstance that led to a modeling career, the process of coming into yoga as a profession, and the trials and tribulations of having a high profile career. They also explore the relative nature of status, and misperceptions we have about money. This episode is brought to you by This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/16/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Peter Blackaby - "Intelligent Yoga"

Peter Blackaby, author of Intelligent Yoga, talks with J about the newly revised second edition of his book and the implications it has on our ideas about yoga and ways in which we teach it. They discuss the fundamental premise that no living thing exists in isolation, how addressing pain is more about life than muscles, and the importance of developing attentive discernment and fashioning a healthy context for practice. Peter also assuages some of J's concerns on standardization and codification of yoga. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/9/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Schuyler Grant - "Kula and Wanderlust"

Schuyler Grant, founder of Kula Yoga Project and co-creator of Wanderlust Festival, communes with J on their shared past in the early NY scene and on all that has happened since. Schuyler tells the story of her unusual trajectory into becoming a teacher, the circumstances and motivations behind becoming a center owner, and the inspiration that led to creating a yoga festival that completely changed the game. They also candidly address the financial realities of the profession and industry. This episode is brought to you by This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
4/2/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco - "Fierce Medicine"

Ana Forrest, creatrix of Forrest Yoga, and her partner Jose Calarco, join J for a discussion on their current work and some of the roads that brought them there. Jose fills J in on his role and the current incarnation of the ceremonies they are producing. Ana talks about her early jump into death and back into life, and the progression of her renowned practice from its early origins, through yoga's transition from underground to mainstream, the present day, and tracking right into the mystery. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/26/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Gernot Huber - "Disrupting the Stress Response"

Gernot Huber, founder of Yoga Mind Yoga Body, happened to take a few of J’s live stream classes via a mutual friend and had some constructive feedback and criticism. In this talk, they discuss Gernot’s background in silicon valley, his studies in ecology and evolutionary biology, how he ended up being a yoga teacher, and his ideas on learning to disrupt the stress response. Ultimately, they engage in a spirited and friendly debate on the pros and cons of periodically engaging your edge with mindfulness and non-attachment to achievement.  This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/19/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Danny Paradise - "Evolution of Ashtanga"

Danny Paradise, renowned teacher and writer/co-producer of Love Will Rescue You, joins J to talk about how things have evolved from his first experiences in 1976 until the present day. They discuss the influences that have informed his teaching, including shamanism and the Egyptian roots, and how his practices are designed to show the interrelatedness of different cultures and disciplines. They also touch on the commodification of yoga, celebrity clients, and the Pattabhi Jois scandal. This episode is brought you by Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/12/201836 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Theo Wildcroft - "Post-Lineage Yoga"

Theo Wildcroft was kind enough to let J stay with her during a recent trip to England. On their last day together, they sat down to have this conversation about different yoga cultures. They discuss how yoga happens in alternative spaces, distinctions in philosophy that shape a persons teaching, and the challenges we face when trying to forge uncharted paths. They also discuss the thesis she is working on regarding ‘Post-Lineage Yoga', examining the intersection between lineage traditions and the commodification of yoga. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
3/5/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Andrew Tanner - "YA Standards Review Project"

Andrew Tanner, chief ambassador for Yoga Alliance, joins J to discuss the Standards Review Project and the recently released survey. The conversation gets a bit heated as J grapples with his YA status and what he sees as fundamental flaws with both the survey and the organization. Andrew does his best to reassure J that the process YA has embarked on will be open, democratic and transparent. In the end, the spirit of friendship holds in this passionate exchange tackling the many difficult issues at play. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/26/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Jonathan Sattin - "triyoga London"

Jonathan Sattin, founder of triyoga, sits down with J at the head offices in London to talk about how he went from holding yoga classes in his living room to creating one of the premier destinations for yoga in the UK. They discuss what it takes to build an operational structure that can survive and grow for eighteen years, amassing five locations, 200+ teachers, and the inherent challenges that come when you get that big. They also touch on the financial realities at work, current trends, and what it might mean to bring integrity to scale. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/19/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Roseanne Harvey - "its all yoga, baby"

Roseanne Harvey, founder of its all yoga, baby and co-editor of 21st Century Yoga: Culture, Politics and Practice, is an old friend of J’s from the blogosphere days who has been away from the yoga world for a time but has recently emerged once again. In this conversation, they talk about the heyday of the internet, that time Roseanne slept in J’s bed, and what is behind her sort-of departure and semi-return to yogaland. They also tackle debt, money, and the yoga of getting our financial houses in order. This episode is brought to you by Karmasoft. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
2/12/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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Richard Freeman - "Synthesizing Contemplative Traditions"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Richard Freeman was the person J most wanted to speak with when starting the podcast and his dream is finally realized in this conversation celebrating the 100th episode. They discuss what yoga was like in the late 60’s, how Richard came to study with BKS Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois, universal threads that run through the many different contemplative traditions he has inquired into, trends that have emerged with the progression of yoga into the mainstream, and the importance of remaining curious about the nature of reality.  
2/5/201840 minutes, 41 seconds
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PREMIUM Amina Naru - "Yoga in the Criminal Justice System"

Amina Naru, board member and project manager at the Yoga Service Council, owner of Posh Yoga, talks with J about her work bringing yoga into juvenile detention centers and prisons, and the new Best Practices for Yoga in the Criminal Justice System. They discuss her spiritual name, some of the trials and tribulations that have shaped her journey into yoga, her experience of being a black woman in a predominantly white profession, the process of creating community, and the profound gift of shared acceptance, wellness, and purpose. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/29/201817 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Tiffany Cruikshank - "Yoga Medicine"

Tiffany Cruikshank, founder of Yoga Medicine, joins J for a discussion about her early challenges and roots into yoga and holistic healing modalities, and the process of developing her professional work as a teacher and educator. Their conversation includes a consideration of changing paradigms in yoga, how she incorporates or separates her yoga with her work in sports medicine and orthopedics, her experience of navigating the yoga industry, and developing training with a focus on fusing the two worlds of eastern and western medicine. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/22/201822 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Maria Kirsten - "Yoga for Grown Ups"

J met Maria Kirsten, founder of Yoga for Grown Ups, through mutual contacts in Japan and they kind of hit it off after discovering they share many common experiences and viewpoints in yoga. In this conversation, they compare notes on teaching and discuss a range of topics including the importance of self-directed mentorship, fostering gradual progressions and relationships over time, teaching people about themselves more than poses, finding your root and stabilization, somatization, and asking the big questions about where it’s all going. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/15/20185 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Rexx Anthony - "Rogue Ashtanga"

Rexx Anthony, founder of Rogue Ashtanga, wrote a blog post entitled "A Cautionary Tale on Operating Yoga Studios" that caught J’s attention and spurred this conversation. They talk about Rexx’s early adoption of Ashtanga Yoga and how the system has changed over the years. They also discuss the trends and tribulations of managing a yoga center, some of the pressing issues facing the industry, the challenges that yoga teachers grapple with, and the personal and professional factors that make up a life in the grassroots world of yoga. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
1/8/20188 minutes, 45 seconds
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Seane Corn - "Assume Humanity"

You are listening to the free version of J. Brown Yoga Talks. To hear the rest of our conversation, please subscribe to podcast premium at:   Seane Corn, creator of 'Off the Mat, Into the World', joins J for a lively and wide-ranging discussion on coming into adulthood as teachers alongside yoga going mainstream. Seane talks about the early days of NY Yoga and Life Cafe, her migration west, how she became a “yoga celebrity,” and the political activism that she spearheads. The conversation also examines the evolution of yoga as a profession, healing trauma, sexual misconduct in the yoga world, and the light, shadows and people that have shaped her inspirational teaching.  
1/1/201843 minutes, 55 seconds
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PREMIUM Or Shahar - "Israeli Buddhist: Light of the Dawn"

Or Shahar, from, is a podcast listener with a booker who got a bit lucky and caught J in a moment that led to this candid and unexpected conversation about family, cultural divides, and the universality of yoga. Or shares her process of healing depression and trauma, how she ended up making a life for herself in Berlin, overcoming the obstacles that yoga teachers face as professionals, and the challenge of meeting people where they are while still holding true to principles that explore the depth of practice. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/25/201722 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Barbara Benagh - "Boston Legend, Slow Flow Master"

Barbara Benagh, legendary indy yoga teacher, joins J to trace the history and evolution of yoga from the 70’s until the present day. They discuss her early adoption of Iyengar yoga, her progression into a more somatic approach, the teachers and influences that have inspired her along the way, her relationship to and feeling about the ascendance of yoga as big business and the celebrity of yoga teachers, and how she ended up going against the grain and setting a precedence of cultivating her own sensibilities and charting her own course. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/18/201717 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Justine Mastin - "Fangirl Geek-centric YogaQuest"

Justin Mastine, creator of YogaQuest, talks with J about bringing yoga to the geek community. They discuss what it means to be a geek, the process of embracing her inner nerd through yoga, and how she came to create a narrative-based practice that gives permission for people to be who they are even when it doesn't fit what other people think is normal. Justine also shares her insights into the unique issues that those with passionate fandoms face, and provides an example of what it means to bring yoga with whimsy to unconventional spaces. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/11/20175 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Anneke Lucas - "Conspiracy of Patriarchy"

Anneke Lucas, founder of Liberation Prison Yoga, returns to talk with J about her thoughts on the resurgence of the #metoo movement, the politics of power addiction, and the larger implications for the yoga world. They discuss the public reckoning that men are being confronted with, areas in which we are still operating with blinders, the prevalence of pedophilia and conspiracies that cover it up, enabling in the ashtanga tradition, bringing yoga into the criminal justice system, making space for healing, and what it means to be liberated. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
12/4/201736 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Jill Miller - "Hip Replacement Surgery"

Jill Miller, creator of Yoga Tune Up® and The Roll Model Method®, talks with J eight days after receiving hip replacement surgery. They discuss their parallel journeys, Jill’s decision to go under the knife, what its been like since, the blowback she got online, and why J is both grateful and freaked out by her example. The conversation also touches on issues surrounding injuries in yoga, the role that anatomy plays in mitigating risk factors, radical transparency, and the challenge of being able to evolve and grow while under public scrutiny. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/27/201722 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Alexis Marbach and Caitlin Lanier - "Trauma-Informed Yoga"

Alexis Marbach and Caitlin Lanier, members of The Breathe Network, talk with J about the evolving world of trauma-informed yoga. They discuss the expansion of trauma sensitivity in the wake of yoga scandals, whether increased training is warranted, pitfalls in labeling and standardizing individual experience, Flip Chips, and how the current landscape is changing the dynamics and context. They also tackle some of the sticky realities implicit in addressing power dynamics, and being able to make mistakes publicly and learn from them. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/20/20178 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Sadie Nardini - "Rock Your Yoga"

Sadie Nardini, founder of Core Strength Vinyasa and The Yoga Shred, host of Rock Your Yoga and cast member of Yoga Girls, talks with J about her early beginnings and emergence as a social media yoga icon. Sadie discusses her childhood struggle with a neurological disorder, the fierce determination that helped her be strong, the unintended consequences that forced her to change, and the development of her yoga practice and teaching. They also discuss her persona as the “black sheep” of yoga and her love of music. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/13/201717 minutes, 7 seconds
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PREMIUM Lucas Rockwood - "doTerra is a scam"

Lucas Rockwood, founder of Yoga Teachers Collegeand YOGABODY Naturals, host of Yoga Talk Show, is a fellow podcaster and expat who wrote a scathing piece about doTerra that got J’s attention. They have a lively discussion about leaving the NY scene to stake a claim in the international markets, his evolution from accidental teacher to retreat center owner, starting a supplements company, and creating a well known online presence. Lucas also shares important warnings and insights into successful entrepreneurship in the yoga sphere. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
11/6/201736 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Matthew Taylor - "Organizational Yoga Therapy"

Matthew Taylor, past president of the board of directors of International Association of Yoga Therapists, chair of their business development community, and leader in business and clinical skills development for Yoga therapists, talks with J about the origins and future of yoga as a respected therapy. They discuss Matthew’s background in integrative rehabilitation, formative times in his evolution, the creation of standards and their importance, exciting new developments in the field, and his work with the Veterans Yoga Project. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/30/20175 minutes, 11 seconds
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PREMIUM Kimberly Wilson - "Tranquil Space DC"

Kimberly Wilson, founder of Tranquil Space and host of the Tranquility du Jour Podcast, sold two of the most popular yoga center locations in the DC area to Yogaworks right about the same time that J sold his center in Brooklyn. They talk about the arc of yoga in the mainstream, the process of growing a yoga center and related businesses, and what it means to let go and move on to new horizons when the time comes. Kimberly shares some of her insights into what it takes to be successful and ways to keep learning, exploring, and growing. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/23/201722 minutes, 13 seconds
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PREMIUM Roody Senecal - "Tribe Brooklyn and Karmasoft Online"

J sits down with Roody Senecal, creator of Karmasoft Online, to talk about how he went from manufacturing metal doors to becoming a yoga teacher, owning a yoga center, and developing the software that J ran his center with for seven out of ten years he had it. They discuss Roody’s childhood in Haiti and immigration to Brooklyn, the relationship to his wife that started his yoga journey, his training with Bikram Choudhry, and how he utilizes his relationships with people to foster a successful yoga center and business.   This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/16/20178 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Jillian Pransky - "Deep Listening and Restorative Yoga"

Jillian Pransky, author of Deep Listening, talks with J about her journey in overcoming anxiety and finding a slow, gentle approach to body and life. They discuss her childhood and early exposure to meditation, giving up a “real” job in publishing to pursue a yoga career, the influences that have shaped her work and led to a focus on restorative yoga, and her new book. The conversation also touches on navigating the changing professional yoga landscape, and the increasingly difficult challenge of finding a healthy work/life balance. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.  
10/9/20178 minutes, 45 seconds
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PREMIUM Vanessa Kudrat Weinberg - "Kundalini and Internet Startups"

Vanessa Kudrat Weinberg, founder of Body Mind Gifts, is an old friend of J’s from their early college years who showed up to one of his final classes in Brooklyn after not seeing each other in over fifteen years. They reconnect and reminisce on the old days at NYU, talk about Vanessa’s studies with Yogi Bhajan, the early days of the internet, and the ways in which wellness and yoga have gone mainstream and become professions. The conversation also examines the effects of new media on yoga teachers and the policies of yoga centers. This episode is part of our premium podcast subscription. To subscribe and support the show… GET PREMIUM.