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Inside Off The Left Eye

English, Religion, 1 season, 92 episodes, 2 days, 49 minutes
"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present. Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at
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A Big Announcement from the Swedenborg Foundation and the Future of Inside Off The Left Eye

Chelsea shares an announcement about the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast, as well as gratitude to our listeners.Secrets of Heaven volumes 3 and 4 are now available! To read the latest publications on which Dr. Jonathan Rose and his team have been working so hard, follow these links: for a whole library of books and videos to dig into, go to our two websites: and www.offthelefteye.comOr check out our YouTube channel: you'd like to support our ongoing efforts in translation, publication, and content production, go to
9/18/20221 minute, 36 seconds
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God’s Divine And Human Nature | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:2798:2It is also known that he was born to the Virgin Mary, but this was a birth like that of any other person. When he was born again—in other words, was made divine—it was from Jehovah, who was in him and who was the very essence of his life. The uniting of his divine and human natures was a mutual, reciprocal process, so that he united his divine nature with his human nature and his human nature with his divine. 2894Moreover, since the Word means the Lord’s divine humanity, it means all the truth that tells of and comes from him, in his kingdom in the heavens and in his church on earth. That is why it says that in him was life, the life was the light of humankind, and the light appears in the darkness.3441:1-2Because of Abraham my servant means from the Lord’s divine humanity. This can be seen from the representation of Abraham as the Lord’s divinity and also as his divine humanity (discussed in §§2833, 2836, 3251) and from the symbolism of my servant, where it describes the Lord, as his divine humanity. Not that his divine humanity is a servant, because it too is Jehovah (1736, 2156, 2329, 2921, 3023, 3035), but that the Lord served the human race through it. By it we are saved, as we never could have been had the Lord not united his humanity with his divinity, enabling us to mentally gaze on and worship his human side and in this way approach his divine side. Our union with divinity itself, called the Father, takes place through the divine humanity, called the Son. So it takes place through the Lord, whom spiritual people take to mean his humanity but heavenly people take to mean divinity itself. Clearly, then, the Lord’s divine humanity is called a servant because it serves his divinity by providing us with access to it and because it serves the human race by saving us. That is what Abraham my servant symbolizes. . . .
8/28/202216 minutes, 27 seconds
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Religious Doctrine, The Goodness of Faith, And Freedom | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:2799:5In Hosea: I will strike a pact with them on that day—with the wild animal of the field, and with the bird in the heavens and the creeping animal of the ground. And bow and sword and war I will break off from the earth, and I will make them lie down securely. (Hosea 2:18) This is about the Lord’s kingdom. Breaking bow, sword, and war means that no one there fights over doctrine or truth.3242:1Here is how matters stand with a person who focuses on the truth taught by faith: None are allowed into the Lord’s kingdom but those who have the goodness taught by faith, because the goodness taught by faith has to do with life. A religious life stays with us [after death], but religious doctrine does not, unless it is integrated into our life. Still, people who focus on the truth of faith (that is, who champion faith and describe it as essential, because that is how they have been taught) but live good lives (that is, are Christian at heart, not just on their lips) are in the Lord’s spiritual kingdom. 2873For this reason, we are all distinguished from each other in the next life according to our type of freedom. To put the same thing another way, we are distinguished according to what we love and are affected by. Consequently, we are distinguished according to the pleasures of our life, which is the same as saying we are distinguished according to our life.
8/21/202214 minutes, 7 seconds
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Neighborly Love, Faith, And What The Philistines Represent | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3324:4People who have no love for others cannot acknowledge the Lord, so they cannot acknowledge religious truth. If they claim to believe, they are being either superficial or hypocritical (2354). There is absolutely no faith without neighborly love (654, 1162, 1176, 2417).3325:3In the church, though, there are more people who are not regenerating than who are, and people who are not regenerating draw conclusions on the basis of appearances. So there was a controversy going back to ancient times about the relative priority of truth and goodness. The prevailing opinion among people who had not been reborn (and among people who had not been fully reborn) was that truth came first. They were not yet able to perceive what was good, and as long as we cannot perceive goodness, we live in shadows of ignorance on the subject. People who have been reborn, though, are actually immersed in goodness, which brings them understanding and wisdom, so they are able to discern what is good. They can also tell that what is good comes from the Lord, that it flows in by way of the inner self into the outer, that it flows in constantly, without any awareness on our part, that it links up with doctrinal truth in the memory, and consequently that goodness by its very nature is prior, even though it had not seemed so before.3412:2Here is the situation with deep truth that comes from the Divine and is wiped out by the people called Philistines: In the ancient church and after its time, “Philistines” referred to people who had little energy for learning how to live but a great deal of energy for learning theology. Eventually they even rejected life issues and acknowledged belief issues as the essence of the church, detaching them from life.
8/14/202222 minutes, 15 seconds
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Infancy, Old Age, And How To Unite Goodness and Truth | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3304:2Goodness but not truth is born into humans, with the result that babies lack any knowledge of truth. Truth has to be learned and then united with goodness.3321:3As a consequence of these facts and others, our earthly self accepts truth much later and with much more difficulty than our rational self does. The result is combat, which lasts quite a long time and does not end until the vessels in our earthly self for receiving goodness have been softened by inward trial, as shown above in §3318. Truth is just a vessel for receiving goodness (§§1496, 1832, 1900, 2063, 2261, 2269), and the vessel becomes harder the more rigid we are about truth. . . . The more rigid we are, the heavier the battle, if we are to be reborn. Accordingly, since this is what happens in the earthly self to unite truth with goodness there, and it is accomplished through the struggles of inward trial, the biblical text repeats I’m worn out.3254The reason it is newness or a new stage that old age symbolizes on an inner level is that angels (the intended audience of the Word’s inner meaning) have no idea of time. So they know nothing of time-related concepts such as the different eras of a person’s life—childhood, youth, young adulthood, full adulthood, and old age. Instead they replace them all with the idea of states. For the period of childhood they picture an innocent state; for the period of youth and young adulthood, a state of desire for goodness and truth; for full adulthood, a state of understanding; and for old age, a state of wisdom (§3183). In old age we pass from temporal concerns to the concerns of timeless life  and therefore put on a new state. As a result, old age symbolizes newness.
8/7/202221 minutes, 11 seconds
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Truth And The Rational Level Of Our Minds | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3368:3Let me explain the secret behind the command not to go down into Egypt but to stay as an immigrant in the land of Gerar—that is, not to focus on facts but on rational thinking: All appearances of truth containing something divine belong to the rational level—so much so that rational ideas are the same as appearances of truth. Facts, though, belong to the earthly level—so much so that earthly ideas are the same as factual truth. Rational truth, or appearances of truth, can exist and emerge only from an inflow from the Divine into the rational dimension and through rational ideas into the facts occupying the earthly dimension. The resulting activity on the rational level shows up on the earthly level like the image of a busy scene reflected in a mirror. That is how it presents itself to us and also to angels. The earthly image is not as conspicuous to an angel as it is to those in the world of spirits and those on a spiritual-earthly level.#3368:3.a+ So the latter two groups have truth represented to them.  3175:1  This is how the case stands: We are never born into any truth, not even into any earthly truth, such as the idea that we should not steal, not kill, not commit adultery, and so on. Still less are we born into any spiritual truth, such as the idea that there is a God, or that we have a deeper part that will live on after death. So on our own we know nothing about eternal life. Earthly and spiritual truth are things we learn. If we did not learn them, we would be much worse than brute animals. By heredity, we love ourselves above all others and long to own everything in the world. That is why we need to be restrained by civil laws and the fear of losing our position, wealth, reputation, and life. Otherwise we would steal, kill, and commit adultery without the least twinge of conscience. This is obviously the case, because even the educated do such things without remorse and in fact defend the practice, offering many justifications for acting that way, so far as they can get away with it. What would they refrain from if they had not been educated?2851:3There are two paths that lead to a person’s rational mind: a higher or more inward path that gives access to goodness and truth from the Lord, and a lower or more outward path through which evil and falsity sneak in from hell. The rational mind itself lies at the meeting-point of the two paths. In the Word, this level of the mind is compared to and called a city, on account of the goodness and truth present in it. Since it is compared to and called a city, gates are marked out for it, and enemies—evil demons and spirits—are described in many passages as besieging or attacking it. Angels from the Lord, which is to say, the Lord himself, are described as defending it. Hellish demons and spirits, with their evils and falsities, cannot go beyond the lower or shallower gate; they never enter the city. If they could enter the city (our rational mind), that would be the end of us. When they advance far enough that it looks to them as though they have captured the city, it is closed, so that goodness and truth can no longer flow into it from heaven. Just a small bit seeps in through cracks all around, as just mentioned.
7/31/202228 minutes, 25 seconds
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How Mercy, Charity, And Truth Are Connected To Divine Love | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3122:1More about this truth that means charity: The very earliest people, who were heavenly, understood the mercy and truth worked by the Lord in them to be simply an acceptance of the love for the Lord and the resulting charity toward others that flow into a person. The ancients, who were spiritual, understood the mercy and truth worked by the Lord in them to be charity and faith. The reason for the discrepancy is that heavenly people never thought about matters of faith, or truth, but about matters of love, or goodness. This can be seen from previous remarks about heavenly people, §§202, 337, 2669, 2715. And charity for their neighbor introduced heavenly people into love for the Lord, when they were being reformed and reborn. It is plain, then, that the mercy done by the Lord actually means a perception of an inflowing love for him, and that truth actually means a perception of an inflowing charity for our neighbor that results from it.2917The Lord emerges from . . . night and rises again in us when we acknowledge him. Until then, we experience nighttime, because we cannot see him. He rises again in everyone who is reborn.2768To say that God tested Abraham . . . is to speak in harmony with the literal text, which ascribes our times of trial and other hardships to God. To speak in harmony with the inner meaning, though, is to say that God never tests anyone. At such times he is constantly delivering us from our struggles, so far as he can, which is to say, so far as freeing us does no harm. At the same time he is constantly focusing on the goodness to which he can lead us when we are being tested. Otherwise he would never consent to it. Although it is fair to say he allows us to be tested, his permission does not work the way we think it does—that when he allows something, he approves of it. Humans find it impossible to grasp that any of us could permit what we do not will, but it is the evil in us that causes this. It is also the evil in us that brings on our crises, for which God is not the least bit responsible.
7/24/202222 minutes, 44 seconds
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Bridging the Levels in Your Mind: Learning How to Sense Your Innate Intuition

Register to receive access to the Off The Left Eye Experience 2022 recordings HERE.To access the diagram referenced in this episode, click HERE.
7/17/202236 minutes, 43 seconds
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Angel Choirs, Peace, And Being Gathered To Our Ancestors | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3350:2Then I heard numerous choirs putting forth various representations, and even though there were many choirs and many in each choir, they acted as one. The forms of the various contributions combined into a single whole filled with heavenly beauty.The same effect can be produced by the entirety of heaven, populated as it is by millions and millions, who act in unison because they love each other, since as a result they allow the Lord to lead them. Amazingly, the more there are—the more millions there are—to populate heaven, the more distinct and perfect everything becomes. 2780Peaceful conditions in the heavens resemble the mood of dawn on the earth. Everything heavenly and spiritual in the heavens exists in a state of peace, which is what gives all of it its charm, blessing, and happiness. In the same way, at the time of dawn on earth, everything displays itself to us as pleasant and cheerful. Individual details draw their character from the general mood. . . . The case is the same with a state of innocence. It emerges under peaceful conditions and is a general mood affecting everything involved in love and faith. Unless the various facets of love and faith have innocence within them, they lack their essential ingredient. That is why no one can go to heaven without possessing some innocence (Mark 10:15). 3255:1 When people died, the ancients customarily said they were gathered to their ancestors, or to their people, by which they meant that they literally went to their parents and other close and distant relations in the other world. This saying was one they received from the earliest people, who were a heavenly race. While the earliest people were living on earth, they were also present with angels in heaven, so they knew how matters stood. They knew that everyone who shares the same kind of goodness meets in the other life and lives together, as does everyone who shares the same truth. The former they would describe as being gathered to their ancestors. . . , but the latter, to their people.
7/10/202215 minutes, 43 seconds
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Spiritual Representation And The Source Of Angelic Power | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3215The representative objects that present themselves to spirits come in unbelievable variety, but most of them resemble objects that exist on the earth in its three kingdoms. 3214Scenes representing what is spiritual and heavenly sometimes occur in a long series, lasting an hour or two, one after another, in an order that is astounding. There are certain communities in which this happens, and I was allowed to stay in them for many months. The representations are such that if I were to narrate and describe the chain of events in just one of them, it would fill many pages. The scenes are intensely pleasing, because something new and unexpected always comes next, and this keeps happening until the phenomenon being represented has been brought to perfect completion. When everything is complete, the viewer is able to take it all in at a single glance and at the same time to sense what the individual pieces of it symbolize.This is another way good spirits are introduced into spiritual and heavenly thinking.3417:3[3] So people who know religious concepts but do not live a life of love for others cannot see that any pleasure exists besides that which results from supremacy. It monopolizes their minds and constitutes their whole life. Consequently they are completely unacquainted with the heavenly satisfaction that comes of humility and the desire to help others—that is, with the joy of love for the Lord and charity for their neighbor—and with the bliss and happiness these produce. For that reason, the Lord accommodated to their weaknesses when he spoke, so that by this means they could be stirred up and led to learn, teach, and do good. All the same, he teaches what importance and prestige in heaven really are . . .[After death] we do admittedly become relatively great, important, powerful, and imperial, since a single angel is stronger than many thousands of hellish spirits. But the power comes from the Lord, not ourselves.
7/3/202228 minutes, 6 seconds
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How God Is Present In Our Process Of Rebirth | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:2960:2Ephron said, “The field I give you; and the cave that is in it—to you I give it” (verse 11). These words meant that they wanted to prepare themselves on their own, so far as the requirements of religion and faith went, or in other words, to reform themselves. This is what the first stage is like for people who are reforming (see §2946). When they learn more truth, or more about the faith, however, they reach a second stage, in which they agree [to let the Lord reform them] but still want to do it themselves. That is the stage the current verse focuses on, but a third is soon depicted, in which they really believe that the Lord reforms them.[2] . . . the reasons why they still want to reform themselves—even when they progress in their knowledge of truth (or faith) and acknowledge that the Lord does it—are these: The cloud of ignorance breaks up only gradually. It takes time to confirm and strengthen the truth. And goodness is perfected as we absorb knowledge of the truth. Real goodness, which forms the receiving ground for truth, enables us not only to acknowledge but even to believe that the Lord is the one who reforms us. This stage is the third, and a fourth follows it: We actually perceive that the Lord does the reforming. There are not many who reach this stage during bodily life, because it is an angelic one, but people who have been reborn enter it in the other world. 3286:2–3[2] With human beings the case is this: When we are being reborn, the Lord instills goodness—benevolence toward our neighbor—into our rational mind, and into this benevolence, or goodness, he introduces truth brought up out of our earthly self. At that point our earthly level has not yet been reborn, and we can recognize the fact from our inner or rational self’s frequent battles with our outward or earthly self. As long as they fight, our earthly part is not regenerate, and when it is not regenerate, the truth we have in our rational part is infertile. As in general, so in every particular: on any issue over which our rational thinking conflicts with our earthly thinking, the truth in our rational mind is said to be barren.[3] The main thing on which the work of regeneration hinges is the effort to bring our earthly self into correspondence with our rational self, not only as a whole but also in particular, and it is through our rationality that the Lord reduces our earthly self into correspondence. His method is to instill goodness into our rational mind, plant seeds of truth in the soil of that goodness, and then through rational truth reduce the earthly plane to obedience. When it obeys, it corresponds; and the more it corresponds, the more we are reborn.2979:2, 3This is how matters stand with the rebirth of spiritual people: First they learn the true ideas that belong to faith, and from then on the Lord maintains in them a desire for truth. The goodness that faith calls for, which is charity toward their neighbor, is instilled in them at the same time, but in such a way that they hardly realize it, since it hides within their desire for truth. The purpose is for truth, which belongs to faith, to unite with goodness, which belongs to charity. As time passes, their desire for the truth belonging to faith grows, and they look to truth for the sake of the goal, which is goodness, or (to put it another way) life. This they do more and more. In this way, truth is instilled into goodness, and when that happens, their life becomes steeped in goodness that accords with the truth instilled into it. So they act (or seem to themselves to act) out of goodness. Up till this time, the truth constituting faith is the most important consideration to them, but afterward, the goodness constituting life is. When the two switch, the person has been reborn.
6/26/202229 minutes, 3 seconds
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How To See The Deeper Divinity of the Bible | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3474:1A spirit came to me not long after he had left his body. (This I could tell from the fact that he did not yet realize he was in the other life but believed he was still living in the world.) I sensed that he had devoted his time to intellectual pursuits, which I discussed with him, but then to my amazement he suddenly soared into the air. I decided he was the type of person whose ambitions had been lofty (since people like this usually rise into the air) or that he thought heaven was high in the sky. (This kind of person too is usually raised aloft, in order to learn that heaven is not up high but deep within.) I soon perceived, though, that he had been lifted up to a group of angelic spirits positioned a little out in front and to the right, on the first threshold of heaven. He then spoke to me from there, saying that he was seeing sights grander than the human mind could ever conceive. While this was happening, I was reading in the first chapter of Deuteronomy about the Jewish people, specifically the ones sent to scout out the land of Canaan and all that it held. As I was reading it, he said that he caught none of the literal meaning but only the contents of the spiritual meaning, which were too astounding to describe. This occurred on the very threshold of the angelic spirits’ heaven. What would it be like in their heaven proper, or in the heaven of true angels?3416And Isaac went from there means that the Lord abandoned deeper truth. . . .That the Lord abandons deep truth means that he does not reveal it to people. Inward truth is present throughout the Word, but we do not even see it when we read the Word if we are the type that knows religious concepts without living by them. This becomes clear from the fact that people who consider faith the key to salvation do not notice what the Lord repeatedly said about love and charity. Any who do notice call [good deeds] the fruits of faith, distinguishing and even separating them from charity, whose nature they do not know. So they see the Word from the back, not the front; in other words, they see its surface, not what is inside it. To see the back, or the outside, without the front, or the inside, is not to see anything divine in it.That is what it means to say that the Lord abandoned deep truth, symbolized by Isaac’s going from there. Not that the Lord abandons it, but that people remove themselves from the Lord, because they remove themselves from anything that affects their life.3305:2Readers who stick to the literal meaning believe that when the Word mentions Jacob, it means the whole people descended from Jacob. In consequence, they attribute to that people everything the Word says about Jacob, whether as narrative or as prophecy. The Word is divine, though—mainly because everything in it relates not to one nation or one people but to the entire human race as it is, as it was, and as it will be.
6/19/202225 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Inner And Outer Levels of the Bible And Our Minds | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3228The themes of the current chapter are: the sons Abraham had by Keturah; Ishmael’s sons, by name; the birth of Esau and Jacob to Isaac and Rebekah; and the birthright Esau sold to Jacob for lentil soup. Anyone can see that material like this is useful as a religious history of the era but provides little for a person’s spiritual life—and yet it is our spiritual life that the Word exists for.3438:2I must say a few words to explain more clearly what the case is with the Word’s literal meaning. The inner meaning relates to the literal meaning the way our deeper levels (our heavenly and spiritual planes) relate to our outer levels (our earthly and bodily planes). Our deeper levels bask in heaven’s light, but our outer levels live in worldly light. . . . The difference is like that between the light of day and the shadow of night. Since we live in this shadow and do not want to know that truth from the Lord contains light, we cannot help believing that our shadow is the light and conversely that the light is shadow. We are like owls flying through the shadows of night thinking they are in the light, but when they encounter daylight, they think they are in shadow. In people like this, the inner eye, the eye of the intellect, by which we see inside, is not formed for any other purpose, because such people themselves have formed it this way. They open it when they look down to worldly and bodily concerns and close it when they look up to spiritual and heavenly concerns. For them the Word is similar; what appears in its literal sense they consider full of light, but what appears in its inner sense they consider full of shadow. We each see the Word according to our nature. 3304:3People who focus on the narrative alone, unable to shift their minds from it, see this phrase and others leading up to it simply as foreshadowing what took place between Esau and Jacob. Subsequent parts of the story confirm them in their view. The Lord’s Word, though, is such that the narratives have their logical sequence and the spiritual contents of the inner meaning have theirs. Our outer self looks at the former; our inner self, at the latter. So the two—the outer self and the inner—correspond to one another, and the Word provides the link. The Word is the union of earth and heaven, as shown many times. So whenever we read the Word reverently, our outer self on earth unites with our inner self in heaven.
6/12/202220 minutes, 9 seconds
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Imagery, Harmony, and the Source of Beauty | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3310:4Only through concepts formed from facts and sense impressions can we corroborate doctrinal truth. Absolutely everything we think about—even the deepest mystery of faith—comes with some earthly, sense-based image, even though we usually have no idea of the true character of that image. In the other life, if we wish, it can be displayed for our minds or even (if we so desire) for our eyes to see. In the other world, such things can be presented to view. This seems unbelievable but is still true.3425:3 Those who are not defiant act, talk, seek wealth, and indulge in pleasure in the same ways as those who are—so much so that in external appearance they can hardly be told apart. Only their aims differentiate them; to put it another way, only what they love differentiates them (since what we love is our aim). Yet although they look the same in their outward form, or body, they have nothing in common in their inner form, or spirit. People who are in correspondence—whose outer self harmonizes with their inner self—have a spirit that is radiant and beautiful, as heavenly love is when embodied. People who are in opposition—whose outer self resists their inner self—may look the same on the outside, but their spirit is dark and ugly, as self-love and materialism are, or as contempt and hatred are, when embodied.3080The reason very good to look at symbolizes beauty—here, the beauty of a desire for truth . . . —is that all beauty comes from goodness that has innocence within it. When the goodness of the inner self acts on the outer self, it actually creates beauty. That is the source of all human beauty.
6/5/202232 minutes, 20 seconds
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Rebirth, Spiritual Development, and the Lord’s Glorification | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3200 These two verses depict the condition of goodness on the rational plane when it is waiting for the truth that is to unite with it as a bride with her husband. The next two depict the condition of truth when it comes close and perceives the goodness with which it is to unite.It is important to know, however, that these stages did not arrive just once but constantly throughout the Lord’s life in the world, up until he was glorified. The same is true in people who are regenerating, because they are not reborn once but constantly throughout their life and even in the other life. After all, we can never become perfect.3308Goodness and truth resemble babies, in that they are conceived, grow in the womb, are born, grow up, and increase in age until they reach full maturity. Conception, gestation, and birth belong to their rise; growing up and aging till they reach full maturity belong to their progress. The stage of progress, in which goodness and truth unite, follows birth, and its start is what growing up symbolizes here. This stage begins right after birth and continues all the way to the end of life, and in people devoted to goodness, it continues beyond bodily life to eternity. In other words, angels are always developing.3296:2. . . A person’s rebirth mirrors the Lord’s glorification . . . ; in other words, regeneration offers an image of the process by which the Lord glorified his human side, or made it divine. Just as the Lord changed his human condition into an entirely divine one, he completely changes our condition when he regenerates us, since he makes our old self new.
5/29/202218 minutes, 37 seconds
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Spiritual Burial, Symbols, and Opening Ourselves to God | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3318:2  A few words are needed to show how matters stand here, specifically how they stand with human beings. A human being is nothing else but an organ or vessel that receives life from the Lord; we do not live on our own. . . . The life that flows into us from the Lord comes from his divine love. This love, or the life that radiates from it, flows in and bestows itself on the vessels in our rational and earthly minds. Such vessels in us face away from the life force because of the evil we inherit by birth and the evil we ourselves acquire by committing it. However, so far as it can do so, the inflowing life repositions the vessels to receive itself.3316:3 When we read the story and take it literally, the angels then present with us form no picture whatever of soup, of Jacob, of Esau, of a red dish, or of swallowing some of it. Instead they form a spiritual image, which is entirely different, and distant from the earthly one. The earthly image turns into a spiritual one instantly. The same is true with all other images in the Word. For example, when we read about bread there, angels do not picture bread but instantly think of heavenly love (love for the Lord) and its ramifications instead. When we read in the Word about wine, they do not picture wine but rather spiritual love (love for one’s neighbor) and its ramifications. So when we read about soup, they do not picture soup but doctrines that have not yet been united to goodness and therefore the disorder of their arrangement.This reveals the nature and quality of angels’ thought and perception and the width of the gap between theirs and ours. If we thought this way when doing something reverent like taking Holy Supper—if we perceived love for the Lord in place of bread, and love for our neighbor in place of wine—we would be thinking and perceiving as angels do. They would then come closer and closer to us until eventually we could share thoughts with each other—but only so far as we humans also dedicated ourselves to goodness.2955 Another reason I will bury my dead one means emerging from . . . spiritual nighttime and coming alive is that when an earlier religion dies, the Lord raises up a new one to replace it. So instead of death there is life, and instead of night there is morning. Yet another reason is that in anyone who is reforming and becoming spiritual the dead part is buried, so to speak, and a new, living part rises again. So in place of the night in such a person, or in place of the dark and cold, morning dawns with its life and warmth.
5/22/202220 minutes, 14 seconds
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Goodwill, Spiritual Trial, and Shedding the Outer Dimension | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3463:4  Anyone can see how the case stands . . . simply from this general rule concerning neighborly love: “Everything whatever that you want people to do for you, you do likewise for them” (Matthew 7:12). People who do this by command do good to others but only because it has been ordered, not because their heart seeks it. Whenever they do, they start with themselves, and in doing good they are thinking of their own merit. On the other hand, people who do it not by command but out of neighborly love, or because they want to, are operating from the heart, in freedom. Whenever they act, they start with goodwill itself and therefore with something that gives them pleasure. Since this pleasure is their reward, they do not think of taking credit. From this you can see what the difference is between doing good from faith and doing good from charity. 3469:2.  The inner levels, or rational dimension, have been reborn in people with the goodness that comes of truth (that is, people who live according to doctrine), but not yet their outer levels, or earthly dimension. Our rationality is reborn before our earthly part . . . , because our earthly part lives entirely in the world and acts as a base on which our thought and will are founded. That is why we sense conflict between our rational, inner self and our earthly, outer self when we are regenerating. Our outer part regenerates much later and much more reluctantly than our inner part. Nothing that is close to the world and the body can easily be pressured into offering obedience to the inner self, only over a long period of time. The process also requires us to be introduced by the struggles of spiritual trial into many new stages of acknowledgment about ourselves and the Lord—that we ourselves are pitiful, and the Lord, merciful. So it requires many new stages of humility. 2994 As long as we are living in our body, we are incapable of sensing or perceiving much of this. With us, heavenly and spiritual entities are translated into the earthly attributes of our outer self, and there we lose the ability to sense and perceive them.Representations and correspondences as they exist in our outer self also do not appear like the traits of our inner self that they correspond to and represent. So these inner traits cannot impinge on our awareness until we shed the outer dimension.When we do, those of us who are in correspondence—that is, whose outer self corresponds to our inner—are very fortunate.
5/15/202222 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Three Levels of Heaven and Their Angels | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3475 There are three heavens. In the first heaven, they see the superficial appearance of an object and perceive what it means on an inner plane. In the second heaven, they see the object as it is in its inner form and perceive what it is like on a still deeper plane. In the third heaven, they see that still deeper form, which is the inmost.3475 cont’dEach and every representation involves attributes of the Lord’s kingdom, which involve attributes of the Lord himself. Inhabitants of the first heaven see within their representations the kinds of things that exist in a deeper realm of the kingdom, within which they see those that exist in a still deeper realm. In this way they see those that represent the Lord, but distantly. Inhabitants of the second heaven see within their representations the kinds of things that exist in the deepest realm of the kingdom, within which they see those that represent the Lord more directly. But inhabitants of the third heaven see the Lord himself.3346In order for me to learn all this and know it for certain, the Lord in his divine mercy has allowed me to talk with spirits and angels almost continually for many years now. With spirits or angels of the first heaven I have been granted to use their own language, and sometimes with angels of the second heaven I have been granted to use theirs. The speech of angels in the third heaven, though, only presented itself to me as a burst of light in which perception radiated from a blaze of goodness at its core.
5/8/202219 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ease, Joy, & Glory: A Conversation with Sheila Robinson-Kiss

Eight or nine years ago Sheila Robinson-Kiss happened upon a video of Off The Left Eye and her life was profoundly changed. She went on to buy and study as many of Swedenborg’s books as she could and the ideas in them opened new doors in her heart, mind, and life’s work. In this conversation, we talk about the power of Swedenborg’s revelation and what she’s doing with it to help people heal.Sheila Robinson-Kiss, MSW, LCSW, is the founder of Rebalancing America and Beyond (RAB) which provides mental health and wellness education to individuals, groups, and organizations online, live, and at conferences. Sheila is an author, an MSNBC featured mental health expert, an award-winning orator, and a social entrepreneur whose work focuses on helping people care for themselves and change their lives through balance and empowered solutions. Learn more at ★☆★ABOUT★☆★"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
5/1/202236 minutes, 44 seconds
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Angel Communication Through Ancient Languages | NCE Spotlight

Featured quotations from Emanuel Swedenborg's Secrets of Heaven:3482 Although the language of Scripture seems to us so plainspoken and sometimes unpolished, it is the angelic language itself in its outermost form. When angelic language, which is spiritual, descends into human words, this is the only kind of diction in which it can express itself, because all of its content represents something, and every word symbolizes something. The ancients had no other language, interacting as they did with spirits and angels. It was full of representation and every element of it held spiritual meaning. Their books were written in the same language, because to speak and write this way was the pursuit of their wisdom.3301:9  The youths who said, “Go on up, you baldhead! Go on up, you baldhead!” to Elisha and were mauled by bears from the forest (2 Kings 2:23, 24) represented people who blaspheme the Word as a work devoid of truth. Elisha represented the Lord as the Word. . . .From this you can also see how much power representations had at that time.3061:2 The Lord has existed from eternity, as the Word makes plain . . . , although he was later born in time. After all, he spoke through Moses and the prophets and appeared to many people, and it says there that he was Jehovah. This deep secret, though, cannot be revealed to anyone who does not have divine perception. As a result, it can be revealed to hardly anyone but members of the earliest church, which was heavenly and had divine perception. From them I have heard that Jehovah himself was the Lord in his divine humanity, at the times when he went down into heaven and flowed through heaven. The reason he revealed himself this way is that heaven resembles an individual human being with all the body parts, which is also why it is called the universal human. . . . Divinity itself in heaven, or in the universal human, was the divine human, who was Jehovah himself clothed in this humanity.
4/24/202220 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Wisdom of Ancient Spirits | NCE Spotlight

Swedenborg claims to have been able to speak to the spirits of the earliest humans on earth. What did he learn? We explore what these people were like, and how much humanity has changed since. We explore these topics right now with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§3419:2, 3432:3, 3428:2All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
4/17/202221 minutes
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The Nature of God and How Love Creates Order | NCE Spotlight

Why are there so many names for God? How come the Bible is so hard to make sense of? What is the key to clarity of mind? We explore the nuances of understanding and perspective with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§3035, 2813:3, 2831:10.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
4/10/202231 minutes, 31 seconds
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Where We Are Headed: Laughing Away Falsity & Becoming Angels | NCE Spotlight

Ever longed for a simple trick to disempower negative thoughts? Curious about the purpose of life itself? Or what angels are really like? We explore the stages of life we go through with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§3175:3, 3183:1, 3039.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
4/3/202219 minutes, 46 seconds
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When Truth Comes to Life and Goodness Becomes Real | NCE Spotlight

Why is freedom so important to our spiritual development? Do truths we know undergo a process of rebirth? What makes truth true and goodness good? We explore these topics right now with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§3158, 3182, §3186:1.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
3/27/202223 minutes, 11 seconds
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How Correspondences Connect Us To Heaven | NCE Spotlight

Is there a spiritual level to everything? Where does the symbology of sacred scripture come from? How do those symbols connect us to heaven? We explore the nature of correspondences with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§2991, 2763:1, 2763:3.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
3/20/202222 minutes, 14 seconds
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Sensing Our Intrinsic Value: An Interview with George Gantz

Have you ever questioned your belonging? This week I’m joined by George Gantz to reflect on our intrinsic value. He offers us a tool for reflecting on our relationships and sensing what really matters. Together, we tap into a cosmic, spiritual, and tangible sense of our innate belonging.This interview is inspired by a blog post by George Gantz on the Swedenborg Foundation website: Gantz is a writer and philosopher at Spiral Inquiry. He serves on the board of Long Now Boston, is a fellow of the RSA US, and is a member of the Swedenborg Foundation. To read more by George Gantz visit the Spiral Inquiry website:★☆★ABOUT★☆★"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
3/13/202240 minutes
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The True Source of the Light in Your Mind | NCE Spotlight

Have you ever thought of what exactly feeds your spirit, for real? Did you know you actually contain a source of inner light in your own mind? We dig into what knowledge, rationality, and love really are with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§3114, 3057:2, 3147:8.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.The New Century Edition translation of Volume 3 of Secrets of Heaven is coming out on April 15th! Enjoy a free download of the first chapter of this fresh, modern translation here: Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
3/6/202218 minutes, 14 seconds
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How Truth Is Meant to Be a Gateway to Love | NCE Spotlight

How is fear an unavoidable aspect of the human condition? What serves as the basis of true intuition? We explore these topics, and the purpose of knowledge itself, with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§2830:2, 2826:13, 2831:1.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.The New Century Edition translation of Volume 3 of Secrets of Heaven is coming out on April 15th! Enjoy a free download of the first chapter of this fresh, modern translation here: Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
2/27/202220 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Process of Our Spiritual Awakening | NCE Spotlight

What is the purpose of spiritual crises? What brings us comfort after we undergo trials or temptations? We explore the cycles of our spiritual growth with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§2819, 2829, 2841.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.The New Century Edition translation of Volume 3 of Secrets of Heaven is coming out on April 15th! Enjoy a free download of the first chapter of this fresh, modern translation here: Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
2/20/202225 minutes, 9 seconds
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How We Can Speak to Angels and Open Heaven Within Us | NCE Spotlight

How might our physical environment facilitate our ability to communicate with angels? What is it like to have heaven open inside us? We explore the causes of inner peace with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§2896, 3170, 2851:14.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.The New Century Edition translation of Volume 3 of Secrets of Heaven is coming out on April 15th! Enjoy a free download of the first chapter of this fresh, modern translation here: Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
2/13/202221 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Goal and Purpose of Everything Is Love | NCE Spotlight

Have you ever considered that what you love affects how you understand things? Who would win in a thumb war—religious truth or neighborly kindness? We explore the power of love with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §§2928:5, 3153, 3066.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
2/6/202226 minutes, 5 seconds
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How Angels Can Know Everything About Us | NCE Spotlight

How well do you think you know yourself? Have you ever wondered why you did something you did? We explore what Swedenborg wrote about the life review we experience after death and how it can be used as a tool to help us in our spiritual growth with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §2474, §2483, §2422.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Secrets of Heaven Volume 3 is coming out on April 15th! Enjoy a free download of the first chapter of this fresh, modern translation here: Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
1/30/202218 minutes, 44 seconds
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Divine Positivity Bias and the Process of Rebirth | NCE Spotlight

How is humility a central facet to spiritual life? Might there be more good in the world than we think and we’re doing better than we suppose? We explore fascinating nuances in the process of rebirth with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §2209:2, §2380:2, §2625:5.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Secrets of Heaven Vol. 3 has a pub date! It’s coming out April 15th! Get an early release of the first chapter HERE for free! Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
1/23/202220 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Is God’s Name and How Do We Call on It? | NCE Spotlight

What does it mean to call on God’s name? How does love bring us into God’s presence? And what is the most important thing about any faith? We dig into these topics with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §2009:4, §2023:2, §2590:1-2.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
1/16/202220 minutes, 58 seconds
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Swedenborg’s Sudden Choice to Translate Survey into English

We trace the evidence and connect the dots of what happened after Swedenborg published the work Survey. It became the most intense time of Swedenborg’s theological career. We travel to 1769 and witness Swedenborg making decisions that would have ripple effects throughout society in the centuries to come. We have the gift of using the unpublished NCE translations of Survey in this episode. You can read the whole thing for yourself when the NCE translation of Survey comes out in 2022! In the meantime, explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here: translations of Swedenborg's published theological works used in this episode are from the New Century Edition.REFERENCES:Acton, Alfred, ed. and trans. The Letters and Memorials of Emanuel Swedenborg. Bryn Athyn, PA: Swedenborg Scientific Association, 1948. 659, 672, 675. Sigstedt, Cyriel Odhner. The Swedenborg Epic. New York: Bookman Associates, 1952. Chapter 40.Swedenborg, Emanuel. A Brief Exposition of the Doctrine of the New Church, Understood in the Apocalypse by the New Jerusalem; Wherein Is Also Demonstrated, that Throughout All the Christian World the Worshipping of Three Gods Is Received, from the Creed of St. Athanasius. [Translated by J. Marchant.] London, 1769.★☆★ABOUT★☆★"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
1/9/202229 minutes, 51 seconds
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How Love Contains Wisdom and Transforms Us | NCE Spotlight

How does the spiritual misery we go through have the potential to connect us to divine love? What is God’s mercy really like? And how does goodness lead to wisdom? We dig into these topics with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §2718:5, §2406:2, §2129:4.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
1/2/202220 minutes, 45 seconds
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Three How-Tos for Living a Spiritual Life | NCE Spotlight

Do you long for practical spiritual life tools? We explore three passages in Swedenborg’s work Secrets of Heaven that offer unique “how-tos” for living a spiritual life, tapping into Dr. Jonathan Rose’s insights from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §1937:1, §1947:6, §2009:2.All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
12/26/202113 minutes, 12 seconds
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How God Sees Us and How We Are All Connected | NCE Spotlight

What is the nature of the inner meaning of the Word? What is God’s will for each of us? We explore these questions as well as family relationships in the afterlife and what makes up God’s omniscience with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition.Paragraph numbers referenced in this episode: Secrets of Heaven §2310:4, §2335:3, §2569, §2360All translations in this episode are sneak peeks of upcoming releases of the New Century Edition project.Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here:★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
12/19/202115 minutes, 55 seconds
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How Angels Communicate Telepathically and What Gives Them Peace

Can you imagine being able to communicate with someone at the speed of thought? What would it be like to think like an angel? We turn our thoughts toward heaven this week with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.References from the episode: Secrets of Heaven §2209, §2493, §2249:2.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, now a standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
12/12/202119 minutes, 50 seconds
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What If... | NCE Spotlight

Does the mind-control of science-fiction have a spiritual analog? What would a world free of religious violence look like? Is it possible for humanity to evolve to be more wise and loving? We dig into these “what-ifs” with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.References from the episode: Secrets of Heaven §2477:2, §2385:4, §2385:5, §1902:1  ★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a special new standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
12/5/202124 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Feelings Look Like in the Spiritual World: NCE Spotlight

What if you were able to see your feelings visually displayed before your eyes in such a way that you could reflect on your inner state easily? And not only reflect on it, but have the ability to shift your state to one of peace by will? We dig into these topics with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.References from the episode: Secrets of Heaven §2940, 3078:2, 2786, 3043:3.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a special new standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
11/28/202117 minutes, 23 seconds
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How Does Faith Save Us? The Key Factor Found in Survey

In March of 1769 Swedenborg wrote to his friend, Dr. Gabriel Beyer that the New Church “will come little by little, as the doctrine of Justification and Imputation is uprooted, which will likely be done by this treatise.” The treatise in reference is the work Survey. If those doctrines are to be uprooted, what is Swedenborg arguing should be put in their place? We dig into Survey to find out. We have the gift of using the unpublished NCE translations Survey in this episode. You can get your hands on them when the NCE translation of Survey comes out in 2022! In the meantime, explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here: translations of Swedenborg's published theological works used in this episode are from the New Century Edition.REFERENCES:Acton, Alfred, ed. and trans. The Letters and Memorials of Emanuel Swedenborg. Bryn Athyn, PA: Swedenborg Scientific Association, 1948. 659, 697.Tafel, R. L., ed. and trans. Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 2. London: Swedenborg Society, 1890. 464.★☆★ABOUT★☆★"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
11/21/202137 minutes, 42 seconds
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How God Sends Us Messages Through Scripture: NCE Spotlight

Is it possible to glean the inner meaning of scripture on your own? How might the Bible give us clues to its own inner meaning? How is God active in us when we read the Word? We dig into these topics with Dr. Jonathan Rose, tapping into his insight from his translation work as the Series Editor for the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works.References: Secrets of Heaven, Preface to Genesis 22Secrets of Heaven §3436:1Secrets of Heaven §3432:2 ★☆★ABOUT★☆★Welcome to the NCE Spotlight, a special new standalone feature of the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast channel, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. It's your home for fresh insights from the ongoing translation of the New Century Edition (NCE) of Emanuel Swedenborg’s theological works. Dr. Jonathan Rose is the Series Editor for the NCE and together we use ideas he's come across in his editing work as springboards for spiritual reflection. Inside Off The Left Eye is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel! link to the donation form:*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
11/14/202121 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Hidden Agenda of the Book that Made Heaven Rejoice

There was a work of Emanuel Swedenborg’s that seemingly got a greater response in heaven than any other. But this work is rarely remembered when listing Swedenborg's theological works. Which work was it and why did it have such an effect?Stay tuned! Survey will be coming out in 2022! Explore Swedenborg's works available for sale and for free download here: translations of Swedenborg's published theological works used in this episode are from the New Century Edition.REFERENCES:Acton, Alfred, ed. and trans. The Letters and Memorials of Emanuel Swedenborg. Bryn Athyn, PA: Swedenborg Scientific Association, 1948. 697-698.Rose, Jonathan. Preface to True Christianity, 10, 13. West Chester, Pennsylvania: Swedenborg Foundation, 2010.Sigstedt, Cyriel. The Swedenborg Epic: The Life and Works of Emanuel Swedenborg. New York: Bookman Associates, 1952.Swedenborg, Emanuel. An Ecclesiastical History of the New Church. [Written in 1770, not published by the author.] John E. Elliott, trans. London: Swedenborg Society, 1975.Tafel, R. L., ed. and trans. Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 1. London: Swedenborg Society, 1890. 38.Tafel, R. L., ed. and trans. Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg. Vol. 3. London: Swedenborg Society, 1890. 65.Whitehead, William. Annals of the General Church 1897-1937. 1976. 112. Accessed from★☆★ABOUT★☆★"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We study the historical context of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) life and works and share fresh insights from the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works. Joined by translator and Series Editor Dr. Jonathan Rose and Off The Left Eye host and personality Curtis Childs, we follow threads into the past, discovering that what we find often is eminently relevant to the present.Inside Off The Left Eye is a project of the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★SUBSCRIBE to Inside Off The Left Eye wherever you listen to podcasts.E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
11/7/202129 minutes, 44 seconds
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Superpowers & Swedenborg’s Exegesis of the Book of Revelation

This week, inside Off The Left Eye, I interview Curtis Childs about how he came to devote his life to sharing Swedenborg’s message and why that’s so important to him. Next, Dr. Jonathan Rose gives us insight into what it means to bless the Lord. Then we travel to 1766 and congratulate Swedenborg on a safe and speedy return to Stockholm with his long-awaited published work on the book of Revelation this week in history.There's still time to purchase the Recordings from the Off The Left Eye Experience Weekend!"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on September 27th!***Become a SPONSOR for Swedenborg Live! TWO TIERS:1) Submit a question to our panel in advance and get a thoroughly researched response included in our live show, or2) In addition to (1), get a "backstage" pass to join the Zoom call live for the broadcast. Chat with the panelists before and after the show!***Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to set up your sponsorship!*** ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
9/5/202155 minutes, 36 seconds
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What Swedenborg Needed to Know in Order to Talk to Spirits

This week, inside Off The Left Eye, Curtis and I share what insights we gained from Off The Left Eye Experience weekend. Next, Dr. Jonathan Rose teaches us about light and warmth in the afterlife and our own inborn potential for angelic perception. Then we travel to 1771 to learn the parameters of Swedenborg’s ability to speak to spirits from a letter he wrote to the Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt this week in history.There's still time to purchase the Recordings from the Off The Left Eye Experience Weekend!'s the passage from Swedenborg's work Marriage Love that blew our minds:“All people who become angels carry within themselves their own heaven, because they are carrying within them the love proper to that heaven. We are created to be a miniature replica, image, or reflection of a larger heaven . . . and so each of us finds the community in heaven whose form we replicate on an individual basis. As a result, when we enter that community we are entering a form that matches our own. And so as we ourselves enter that community, it is actually entering itself within us, and we adopt the life of the community as our own while it adopts our life as its own. Each community constitutes a whole, and its angels are the compatible parts of which that whole is composed.” Marriage Love §10:8 "Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on August 30th!***Become a SPONSOR for Swedenborg Live! TWO TIERS:1) Submit a question to our panel in advance and get a thoroughly researched response included in our live show, or2) In addition to (1), get a "backstage" pass to join the Zoom call live for the broadcast. Chat with the panelists before and after the show!***Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to set up your sponsorship!*** ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
8/22/202153 minutes, 20 seconds
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Swedenborg’s Garden & What He Said About His Own Revelation

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on August 30th!***Become a SPONSOR for Swedenborg Live! TWO TIERS:1) Submit a question to our panel in advance and get a thoroughly researched response included in our live show, or2) In addition to (1), get a "backstage" pass to join the Zoom call live for the broadcast. Chat with the panelists before and after the show!***Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to set up your sponsorship!*** ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
8/15/202141 minutes, 34 seconds
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On the Serenity Prayer & the Amazing Visual Displays in Heaven

***Note: "Accept the things you cannot change . . . ." As providence has it, the release date for our video on the serenity prayer has been changed and is now scheduled for September 6th! So stay tuned!***"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on August 30th!***Become a SPONSOR for Swedenborg Live! TWO TIERS:1) Submit a question to our panel in advance and get a thoroughly researched response included in our live show, or2) In addition to (1), get a "backstage" pass to join the Zoom call live for the broadcast. Chat with the panelists before and after the show!***Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to set up your sponsorship!*** ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
8/8/202139 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Intricate Balance Between God’s Power and Our Free Will

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on August 30th!***Become a SPONSOR for Swedenborg Live! TWO TIERS:1) Submit a question to our panel in advance and get a thoroughly researched response included in our live show, or2) In addition to (1), get a "backstage" pass to join the Zoom call live for the broadcast. Chat with the panelists before and after the show!***Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to set up your sponsorship!*** ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
8/1/202148 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Who Swedenborg Met From the Bible and Why It Doesn’t Matter

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on July 26th!***Become a SPONSOR for Swedenborg Live! TWO TIERS:1) Submit a question to our panel in advance and get a thoroughly researched response included in our live show, or2) In addition to (1), get a "backstage" pass to join the Zoom call live for the broadcast. Chat with the panelists before and after the show!***Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to set up your sponsorship!*** ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
7/18/202139 minutes, 31 seconds
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Swedenborg Connects to Alien Spirits | Real Astral Travel

For more about Swedenborg's experiences of astral travel and how he did it, see our episode on YouTube:"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on July 26th!***Become a SPONSOR for Swedenborg Live! TWO TIERS:1) Submit a question to our panel in advance and get a thoroughly researched response included in our live show, or2) In addition to (1), get a "backstage" pass to join the Zoom call live for the broadcast. Chat with the panelists before and after the show!***Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to set up your sponsorship!*** ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
7/11/202155 minutes, 42 seconds
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Guardian Angel Meditation

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month. Next one happening on July 26th***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
7/1/202112 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Truth About Baptism and How Our Thoughts Aren’t Secret

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our current Spirit Story is from True Christianity 621.This week's Swedenborg-inspired song, used by permission: Title: WORLD OF SPIRITFrom the Songs of Swedenborg projectArtist: Jim MurdochContact: [email protected]★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on June 28th!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! You could get to submit a question to our panel in advance of the show to get a thoroughly researched response! Or even join the panel live behind the scenes for the broadcast!Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
6/27/202144 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Four Rules of Life and When the Second Coming Began

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our current Spirit Story is from True Christianity 621.***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!***We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Takes the edge off our weekly goodbye! Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music!This week's Swedenborg-inspired song, used by permission: Title: Lightning in the MountainAlbum: Peace PrayerArtist: Heather Childs★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on June 28th!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! You could get to submit a question to our panel in advance of the show to get a thoroughly researched response! Or even join the panel live behind the scenes for the broadcast!Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
6/20/202142 minutes, 14 seconds
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Swedenborg’s Childhood Loss and the Definition of Repentance

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our current Spirit Story is from True Christianity 621.***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!***We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Takes the edge off our weekly goodbye! Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music!This week's Swedenborg-inspired song, used by permission: Title: The Door Album: Clear Shining After Rain - Jonathan Rose★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on June 28th!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! You could get to submit a question to our panel in advance of the show to get a thoroughly researched response! Or even join the panel live behind the scenes for the broadcast!Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
6/13/202141 minutes, 42 seconds
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Time & Space After Death and When Swedenborg Went to College

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our current Spirit Story is from True Christianity 621.***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!***We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Takes the edge off our weekly goodbye! Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music!This week's Swedenborg-inspired song, used by permission: Title: I Believe Album: Peace Prayer (1998)Artist: Heather Childs★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month! Mark your calendars for our next one happening on June 28th!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! You could get to submit a question to our panel in advance of the show to get a thoroughly researched response! Or even join the panel live behind the scenes for the broadcast!Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
6/6/202146 minutes, 46 seconds
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BONUS MEDITATION: Your Embodied Connection to Heaven

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month. Next one happening on June 28th***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
5/30/202114 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Danger of Enjoying Evil and the Gothenburg Heresy Trial

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our current Spirit Story is from True Christianity 160.***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!***We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Takes the edge off our weekly goodbye! Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music!This week's Swedenborg-inspired song, used by permission: Title: I Saw a New HeavenAlbum: Songs from the WordArtist: Lori Odhner★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month, but our next one will be on May 24th on account of the Memorial Day holiday!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
5/23/202155 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Views on Life After Death and Why Jesus Is the Best Mentor

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our current Spirit Story is from True Christianity 160.***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!***We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Takes the edge off our weekly goodbye! Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music!This week's Swedenborg-inspired song, used by permission: Title: Confident HopeAlbum: Confident HopeArtist: Chelsea Rose OdhnerAvailable on all major music sites for streaming or purchase. ★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month, but our next one will be on May 24th on account of the Memorial Day holiday!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
5/16/202143 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Stars in Heaven and What It Takes To Have a New Thought

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our current Spirit Story is from True Christianity 160.***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!***We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Takes the edge off our weekly goodbye! Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music!This week's Swedenborg-inspired song, used by permission: Title: On the MoveAlbum: Clear Shining After RainArtist: Jonathan Rose Available on all major music sites for streaming or purchase. ★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month, but our next one will be on May 24th on account of the Memorial Day holiday!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
5/9/202151 minutes, 22 seconds
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BONUS: A Guided Meditation on Sensing Your True Self

To learn more about your true self, see our episode How to Find Your True Self."Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at Catch the newest content from Off The Left Eye!Tuesdays: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to get custom inspirational art!Thursdays: Respond to our weekly reflection question!Sundays: Listen to the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!***Swedenborg Live! happens on the last Monday of every month, but our next one will be on May 24th on account of the Memorial Day holiday!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
5/2/20218 minutes, 40 seconds
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Chatting with Demons and How You Might Be In Heaven

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our first ever Spirit Story is from True Christianity 570.***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!***We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music!This week's Swedenborg-inspired song:"Religion Means Nothing If You're Still a Jerk" by Curtis Childs. See the video at★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at Catch the newest content from Off The Left Eye!Tuesdays: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to get custom inspirational art!Thursdays: Respond to our weekly reflection question!Sundays: Listen to the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!***Mark your calendars for our live panel Q&A show Swedenborg Live! on the last Monday of every month! Next one is on April 26th!***We're offering exciting new sponsorships in support of our content! Sponsors receive exclusive benefits in connection with Swedenborg Live! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] or (610)-430-3222 ext. 101 to learn about the opportunities! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
4/25/202148 minutes, 10 seconds
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How Delight Works and Swedenborg’s First Daytime Vision

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Our current Spirit Story is from True Christianity 570.***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!***We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Takes the edge off our weekly goodbye! Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music!This week's Swedenborg-inspired song, used by permission: ADRAMANDONI By Jim MurdochA part of his musical project Songs of SwedenborgJim can be contacted at [email protected]. Send him some love for such an awesome song! TO GET THE SONG: JIM AND SONGS OF SWEDENBORG ON FACEBOOK: the song Jim samples Curtis from the News from Heaven episode - The Divine Origin of Sex female vocals are by Demi Murdoch, Jim's daughter.ABOUT JIM AND THE SONGS OF SWEDENBORG PROJECT:Jim Murdoch is from Scotland and his hometown of Greenock. He's been a singer/musician/songwriter for 30 years performing solo and with various bands.He has a background in breakdancing and gymnastics and also likes classical music. He combines these, breakbeats and classical, in his Songs of Swedenborg, calling it Symphonic Electronica. He found OTLE 3 years ago and decided to concentrate on writing Songs of Swedenborg very recently because the OTLE channel speaks to his heart and resonates with him. He felt called to put Swedenborg’s words (as heard on OTLE) to music. The first time he read a book by Swedenborg was when he was a teenager but he didn’t know who Swedenborg was then. He searched online to find out who this fascinating man could be and that’s when he found the OTLE channel and has been hooked ever since. He feels that it brings a lot of hope to many people.★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at Catch the newest content from Off The Left Eye!Tuesdays: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to get custom inspirational art!Thursdays: Respond to our weekly reflection question!Sundays: Listen to the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!***Mark your calendars for our live panel Q&A show Swedenborg Live! on the last Monday of every month! Next one on April 26th!***Become a Sponsor! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] to learn about opportunities!★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
4/18/202147 minutes, 23 seconds
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Transformative Love and When Swedenborg Saw Jesus

"Inside Off The Left Eye" is an original podcast offering by the Off The Left Eye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. We explore the spiritual world from the firsthand accounts of Emanuel Swedenborg, bring to light discoveries being made in the work of the New Century Edition translation of Swedenborg's theological works with Dr. Jonathan Rose, and travel back in time to see where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history, gleaning insight into his process of spiritual awakening and the historical context of his works.Act 1 of our first ever Spirit Story is from True Christianity 570. ***Submit your Swedenborg-Inspired Music!!*** We end every episode with a Swedenborg-inspired song. Takes the edge off our weekly goodbye! Do you have a Swedenborg-inspired song you’d like us to share? Email it to us at [email protected]. We'd love to showcase your Swedenborg-inspired music! This week's Swedenborg-inspired song: "Jesus Is My Best of Friends", a rendition of the Swedish hymn "Jesus är min vän den bäste", hymn number 245 in the Swedish Lutheran hymnbook. Vocals - Chelsea OdhnerKeyboard - Jonathan OdhnerLyrics adapted by Chelsea OdhnerSpecial thanks to Jenny DePadua for a direct Swedish to English translation.  ★☆★ABOUT★☆★Off The Left Eye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at Catch the newest content from Off The Left Eye!Tuesdays: Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to get custom inspirational art!Thursdays: Respond to our weekly reflection question!Sundays: Listen to the Inside Off The Left Eye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!***Mark your calendars for our live panel Q&A show Swedenborg Live! on the last Monday of every month! Next one on April 26th!***Become a Sponsor! Contact Tim Bilger at [email protected] to learn about opportunities!★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
4/11/202147 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Spiritual Food We Eat and The Week that Swedenborg Died

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. References in the NCE Spotlight: Other Planets 165Secrets of Heaven 996References in "Where was Swedenborg...?"Rise and Progress by Robert Hindmarsh, page 40Documents Concerning Swedenborg, Vol 2, by R. L. Tafel, pages 573, 576-579Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 8:00pm Eastern time at all our content at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
3/28/202139 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Second Coming and How Swedenborg’s Idea of God Changed

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Sunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
3/21/202140 minutes, 5 seconds
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Seeing the Face of God and When Swedenborg First Went Viral

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Chasing SwedenborgWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Sunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
3/7/202141 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Details of the Dying Process and How Angels Read Faces

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Chasing SwedenborgWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Sunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
2/28/202138 minutes, 12 seconds
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Find Your True Self Through Your Inner Connection To God

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.HERE'S THE LINK TO OUR SUPER SHORT LISTENER FEEDBACK SURVEY! THANK YOU! document Dr. Rose reads from in this episode is: R. L. Tafel, Documents Concerning the Life and Character of Emanuel Swedenborg, 2:540-541.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Chasing SwedenborgWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Sunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
2/14/202141 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Meditating on the Bible Connected Swedenborg to Spirits

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.HERE'S THE LINK TO OUR SUPER SHORT LISTENER FEEDBACK SURVEY! THANK YOU! by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
2/7/202141 minutes, 42 seconds
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Swedenborg's Elusive Birthday and the Substance of Belonging

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.HERE'S THE LINK TO OUR SUPER SHORT LISTENER FEEDBACK SURVEY! THANK YOU! by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
1/24/202144 minutes, 7 seconds
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When Swedenborg First Spoke to Spirits from Other Planets

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.CLICK HERE TO TAKE OUR SUPER SHORT LISTENER FEEDBACK SURVEY! HERE ARE SWEDENBORG'S "RULES OF LIFE" REFERENCED IN THE EPISODE:To often read and meditate on the Word of GodTo submit everything to the will of divine providenceTo observe in everything a propriety of behavior and to keep your conscience clearTo discharge with fidelity your functions of employments and to make yourself in all things useful to societyFor a fascinating and inspiring read, check out "A Daily Spiritual Practice Based on Swedenborg’s Rules of Life" by the Rev. Dr. James Lawrence.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
1/17/202142 minutes, 19 seconds
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Christmas Edition: A Happy Christmas for Swedenborg in 1749

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
12/20/202035 minutes, 25 seconds
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Angel Visits and Swedenborg’s Spiritual Audience with a King

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
12/13/202038 minutes, 1 second
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Angelic Intervention and the Challenges That Help Us Grow

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 8:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
12/6/202036 minutes, 27 seconds
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Heaven in the Brain and a Lost Work of Swedenborg’s Found

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
11/22/202040 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Link Between Technology and What It Means To Be Human

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, discoveries from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to each week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Special guest: Dylan Hendricks, Research Director at the Institute for the Future.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
11/15/202041 minutes, 6 seconds
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How Swedenborg’s Spiritual Awakening Began

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
11/1/202045 minutes, 6 seconds
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Receiving Help From Angels and Swedenborg’s Secret Location

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Our fabulous music was created and contributed by Tim Bragg.★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
10/25/202037 minutes, 9 seconds
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Shift a Downward Spiral and Trust God in Transformation

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
10/11/202043 minutes, 44 seconds
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Spiritual Experiences and Paul’s Place in New Church Theology

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is an original podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with new material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and where Swedenborg was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.For the record of Swedenborg's experience witnessing people promoting New Church theology with Paul's letters in the spiritual world, see True Christianity 506 (not 560!): Dr. Jonathan Rose's "Spirit and Life Bible Study" can be found here: by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
10/4/202039 minutes, 55 seconds
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Go-To Spiritual Tools and Swedenborg’s New Address in Heaven

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
9/27/202042 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Moment Swedenborg Learned Spirits Can Read Thoughts

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswerSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts!★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
9/20/202042 minutes, 26 seconds
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Anxiety Help and the Sudden Title Change of True Christianity

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. Music by Tim BraggReferences: "Swedenborg’s Manuscripts" by Frank S. Rose in Emanuel Swedenborg: Essays for the New Century Edition on His Life, Work, and Impact.★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswersSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
9/6/202045 minutes, 18 seconds
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Signs of Awakening and A Strange Case of Spiritual Blindness

Curious about the fly incident mentioned in this episode? Listen here: "Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswersSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
8/30/202038 minutes, 29 seconds
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Spiritual Awakening and Swedenborg’s Two Publishing Lines

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswersSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
8/23/202038 minutes, 9 seconds
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Connecting to God’s Love and Attending Spiritual Weddings

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswersSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
8/9/202034 minutes, 27 seconds
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Love in the Bible and Swedenborg’s Change in Spiritual State

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswersSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
8/2/202040 minutes, 15 seconds
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Marriage Work After Death and Swedenborg’s Anonymity Change

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. Music by Tim Bragg★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at https://www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswersSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
7/26/202039 minutes, 31 seconds
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After Death Communication and Swedenborg’s Publishing Gap

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. Music by Tim BraggResearch Sources:Documents Concerning Swedenborg, Volume 2, by Rudolph L. Tafel (1875) Immanuel Kant's account is Document 273, on pages 628-630. ★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★BE THE FIRST TO SEE NEW CONTENT★☆★All video content premieres at 12:00pm PT, 3:00pm ET, and 7:00pm GMT at all our content at www.offthelefteye.comMonday: Watch Swedenborg and LifeTuesday: Receive OTLE's Inspiration ArtWednesday: Watch News From HeavenThursday: Respond to our weekly reflection questionFriday: Join us for Swedenborg Live!Saturday: Share our Quick AnswersSunday: Listen to the Inside offTheLeftEye podcast and subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts! ★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★Hit the SUBSCRIBE button to be notified every time we upload new episodes!E-MAIL SIGN-UP - - -
7/19/202032 minutes, 25 seconds
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First Taste

"Inside offTheLeftEye" is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays starting July 19th. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner. Music by Tim Bragg sources:“An Introduction to the Word Explained” by Alfred Acton (1927)"Emanuel Swedenborg: Essays for the New Century Edition on His Life, Work, and Impact" Edited by Jonathan S. Rose, Stuart Shotwell, and M.L. Bertucci (2005)★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith. Learn more at★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our channel!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources just like the videos seen here.★☆★STAY CONNECTED ★☆★FACEBOOK - - - -
6/23/202039 minutes, 33 seconds
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Announcing Inside offTheLeftEye!

Inside offTheLeftEye is a new podcast offering by the offTheLeftEye team with original material every week coming to you on Sundays starting July 19th. Hear exclusive interviews with Curtis Childs, host and director of offTheLeftEye, news and insights from the work of the New Century Edition translation of Emanuel Swedenborg's theological works with the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, sneak previews and extras of all the content offTheLeftEye produces, and even from Emanuel Swedenborg himself—well, at least the record he left of where he was and what he was up to  this week in history—in every episode of Inside offTheLeftEye, hosted by Chelsea Odhner.★☆★ABOUT★☆★offTheLeftEye is brought to you by the Swedenborg Foundation—a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, independent, educational organization for those seeking to explore spirituality and faith.★☆★WATCH OUR SHOWS ON YOUTUBE★☆★YOUTUBE - 1st - Swedenborg & Life: "Two Steps to Awaken to God's Design" JUNE 8th - Swedenborg & Life Live: "The 23rd Psalm"JUNE 15th - Good Question: panel Q&A showJUNE 22nd - Swedenborg & Life: "Awakening to God's Design Changes Your Spirit"THURSDAYS & SATURDAYS EVERY WEEK: News From Heaven★☆★SUPPORT OUR SHOWS★☆★*MAKE A ONE-TIME OR RECURRING DONATION* See how your generosity directly benefits our work!*BECOME A MEMBER* Support all the work of the Swedenborg Foundation.*SHOP OUR MERCH* 15% of proceeds from our Redbubble store help us continue to offer free spiritual resources.★☆★FOLLOW US★☆★FACEBOOK - WITH OTHERS -
5/29/202044 seconds