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English, Technology, 1 season, 52 episodes, 1 day, 12 hours, 12 minutes
An in-depth look at computer security from the insides out. Assuming no computer science background we build you from the fundamentals up to being able to deal with current issues in computer security. We're two guys, one with a comprehensive computer security background and the other is here to keep him from jumping too far into the deep end.
Episode Artwork

Watch Your Pi Hole – Episode 51

EP051 Watch Your Pi Hole S2E2 drops with a discussion on DNS filtering and how to do it using cool tools like the Pi Hole. This episode was not recorded in front of a live studio audience. The audience already left because it was very late at night. If there’s any low energy I’m attributing ... Read more The post Watch Your Pi Hole – Episode 51 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
4/9/201938 minutes, 4 seconds
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5-D’oh Homer Security – Episode 50

EP050 5-D’oh Homer Security Season two has kicked off Y’all with home security I don’t get the seasons, or how they work. But whatever, that’s what’ we’re calling it. This season we pivot to focus more on home security and all the tips tricks problems and solutions around what security minded home owners and folks ... Read more The post 5-D’oh Homer Security – Episode 50 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
3/16/201952 minutes, 21 seconds
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Fr-Agile Development – Episode 49

EP049 FR-Agile Development This year’s episode is about Dev-Ops, Agile Development and a couple other interesting development methodologies that are floating around.  It’s MOSTLY about Dev-Ops though. Max found this video series,  at the bottom of a dumpster and had me watch them to try and explain what Dev-Ops was.  Turns out that I didn’t ... Read more The post Fr-Agile Development – Episode 49 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
1/13/201944 minutes, 49 seconds
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Intelligent in an artificial kind of way – Episode 48

EP048 Intelligent in an artificial kind of way   This week it’s Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. There’s a lot of real cool things being done as computing power gets cheaper and more accessible than ever before. What kind of impact might this have on infosec and the ongoing battle between blackhats & whitehats? I ... Read more The post Intelligent in an artificial kind of way – Episode 48 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
7/24/201841 minutes
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Who put that thing in my internet? – Episode 47

  EP047 Who put that thing in my internet?   Dial in folks, we have ourselves an episode about the internet and things. Or… of things? The internet of things and their vulnerabilities. That’s right some times things that make your life easier can come at a price. A PRICE SO HIGH IT’S STAGGERING! Then ... Read more The post Who put that thing in my internet? – Episode 47 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
6/20/201832 minutes, 5 seconds
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Tracking U – Episode 46

  EP046 Tracking U   This week we talk about online (spoilers: And offline) tracking and the people who do it. It’s a banner year at the old in-security family, two count on the podcast front and another on the way?! We discuss Microsoft, google, facebook and the way they go about collecting data from ... Read more The post Tracking U – Episode 46 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
5/30/201855 minutes, 27 seconds
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Meltdown Inspector – Episode 45

  EP045 Meltdown Inspector   Our first (read: only?) episode for 2018 and we’re ready to talk about Meltdown and Spectre, the new class of hardware vulnerabilities that hadn’t really even been considered prior to this discovery! We even have some housekeeping in this episode. Who would have thought with like a half year since ... Read more The post Meltdown Inspector – Episode 45 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
3/28/201844 minutes
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Plain Ketchup – Episode 044

EP044 Plain Ketchup Playing catch-up is necessary sometimes. Sometimes life happens. It gets all up in your grill and tries to mess up your best laid plans. When that happens your only choice is to podcast at a much slower pace than expected. Sometimes life happens all over your Co-Host. So we have an elegant ... Read more The post Plain Ketchup – Episode 044 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
10/18/201759 minutes, 52 seconds
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Don’t Rock the Voting Machines – Episode 043

EP043 Don’t Rock the Voting Machines You know that old song? Rock the boat? You know how Rock the VOTE was made popular? We want you to rock the VOTE. Just don’t pick on the voting machines? Something like that at any rate. So that’s what I was going for with this title. We have ... Read more The post Don’t Rock the Voting Machines – Episode 043 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
11/8/201627 minutes, 25 seconds
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Bloaty and the Superfish – Episode 042

EP042 Bloaty and the Superfish Bloatware is out there. Swelling and expanding and taking up your valuable valuable resources and stealing your car keys and taking the family sedan out for joyrides in the middle of the night. So I guess we should make a podcast explaining it. DONE! That’s right, We’re going to EXPAND ... Read more The post Bloaty and the Superfish – Episode 042 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
7/12/201643 minutes, 10 seconds
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Handsomeware – Episode 041

EP041 Handsomeware This is a new and exciting episode on the topic of Ransomware. It was the planned episode that we were going to do before life intervened and a show didn’t happen for 4 months. But it’s here now. So there’s that. Ransomware, as the name would suggest and as you are about to ... Read more The post Handsomeware – Episode 041 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
6/8/201646 minutes, 37 seconds
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Advertising After 40 – Episode 040

EP040 Advertising After 40 They says that life begins at 40. They also say no press is bad press. They also say a stitch in time saves 9. When I was a kid I thought that the last one was a reference to some sort of space-time wrinkle. Like how a stitch in your side ... Read more The post Advertising After 40 – Episode 040 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
12/9/201553 minutes, 35 seconds
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Log ALL THE THINGS – Episode 039

EP039 Log ALL THE THINGS It’s log, it’s log, it’s big, it’s heavy, it’s wood. It’s log, it’s log, it’s better than bad it’s informative and will help you track down problems and identify failings in your information security! We’re talking about log files. I know, you’re thinking: But Matt, Why would log files be ... Read more The post Log ALL THE THINGS – Episode 039 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
11/20/201533 minutes, 31 seconds
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Smashley Badison – Episode 038

EP038 Smashley Badison By now you’ve either heard of the Avid Life Media breach, which you have mostly only heard of as the Ashley Madison breach, or you are really probably not that into news. So as we all know, the bad thing has happened to a questionable company. Avid Life Media, makers of the ... Read more The post Smashley Badison – Episode 038 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
10/16/201536 minutes, 2 seconds
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Hardware Snoops, Dawg – Episode 037

EP037 Hardware Snoops, Dawg Hardware monitoring is getting more and more difficult to manage and mitigate. There’s crazy techniques that can now be employed for increasingly lower overhead. How can we fight this? How can we stop this? How can we weaponize cats? That’s right folks, We are going to get a little down and ... Read more The post Hardware Snoops, Dawg – Episode 037 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
9/10/201527 minutes, 36 seconds
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Hackers Getting Hacked – Episode 036

EP036 Hackers Getting Hacked Max and I have realized that one can never stay on top of the news because they just keep changing it on us. We were all happy with our USA Patriot act episode but they just couldn’t keep their noses out of the American public’s business. They had to get right ... Read more The post Hackers Getting Hacked – Episode 036 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
7/16/201528 minutes, 59 seconds
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Legal Wiretapping – Episode 035

EP035 Legal Wiretapping First off: No. We didn’t call the whole show off after Rob Fuller’s interview. Although we thought we’d reached a pinnacle there we quickly realized that the information security news and infotech problems are still going so we might as well too. In reality we had an unfortunate series of health and ... Read more The post Legal Wiretapping – Episode 035 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
6/26/201536 minutes, 23 seconds
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Open Source Security Architecture Group – Episode 034

EP034 Open Source Security Architecture Group Oh boy do we have an episode for you! This is our first ever interview and with an entertaining guy Rob Fuller also known as Mubix. He took the time to discuss with us (well, Max mostly) The plans for the Open Source Security Architecture Group. Or at least ... Read more The post Open Source Security Architecture Group – Episode 034 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
3/17/201543 minutes, 2 seconds
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Disclosure and Something About Hats – Episode 033

EP033 Disclosure and Something About Hats We kick off a whole new year of podcasting about infosec and the computer security field with our first of the year, a timely(?) discussion of bug and vulnerability disclosure and the best practices facing this topic. Fortunately it was in the forefront of the news this year thanks ... Read more The post Disclosure and Something About Hats – Episode 033 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
1/31/201537 minutes, 49 seconds
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Sony Breachpocolypse – Episode 032

EP032 Sony Breachpocolypse The Sony breach is a pretty big deal followed by, well, everyone. Big enough for us to speculate on (and of course by the time this EP makes it to air there will be more news so expect a part 2.) The in-security guarantee for this is that at the time of ... Read more The post Sony Breachpocolypse – Episode 032 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
12/18/201429 minutes, 24 seconds
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Private Web Surfing – Episode 031

EP031 Private Web Surfing If I said UIDH would that mean anything to you? No? Maybe? It does now? There’s been a recent computer information security community discovery about Verizon (and other companies) and how they are injecting a unique identification header into their customer’s web traffic. What does that mean? That’s a great question. ... Read more The post Private Web Surfing – Episode 031 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
12/8/201434 minutes, 55 seconds
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iCloud Breach – Episode 030

EP030 iCloud Breach Computer security & information security can be an intimate issue and none more so than this! This episode of the in-security podcast we pontificate on the recent iCloud breach. What it means to us, what it means to you and what we can learn from it. In the future we are going ... Read more The post iCloud Breach – Episode 030 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
11/4/201434 minutes, 42 seconds
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Shellshocker! – Episode 029a

EP029a Shellshocker! We interrupt your regularly scheduled computer security podcast to bring you this timely update! We apologize for the interruption but darn if this isn’t drastically important and fun from a computer & information security perspective. You might have head something about Shellshock as the details unravel so we’re trying to give you some ... Read more The post Shellshocker! – Episode 029a appeared first on In-security Podcast.
10/1/201420 minutes, 9 seconds
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Unix Security – Episode 029

EP029 Unix Security Episode almost 30. Who likes Unix? Who likes talking about Unix? Max does. I don’t like to listen… I LOVE TO LISTEN and discuss. That’s what we do here in this, our latest podcast about Unix security. When first tasked with writing this post I was in “moving apartment” mode so was ... Read more The post Unix Security – Episode 029 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
9/30/201433 minutes, 25 seconds
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News Update – Episode 028

EP028 News update This is even more continuity than I ever imagined we would do. We are not only doing new content but our new content is a look back at our old content, the changes that have happened to try and keep our content relevant and also to try and take a look at ... Read more The post News Update – Episode 028 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
8/21/201451 minutes, 45 seconds
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Software For Rent – Episode 027

EP027 Software for Rent! There’s a new business model in town friends. We call it software for rent, for the sake of this podcast, because other wise I didn’t have a clever image for the title. So there’s a deep insight into our development and release process. In this one we started, innocently enough, with ... Read more The post Software For Rent – Episode 027 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
7/26/201438 minutes, 4 seconds
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Lets get active! (Directory) – Episode 026

EP026 Let’s get Active! (Directory) Active directory is the topic of this week’s episode. We get a fundamentals course from Max. User accounts, settings, permissions, and more all with a real world scope from an imaginary graphic design studio? I dunno really. We had to try and humanise it. Active directory, while not the only ... Read more The post Lets get active! (Directory) – Episode 026 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
7/21/201434 minutes, 33 seconds
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Once More Unto the Breach – Episode 025

EP025 Once More Unto the Breach The Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report is a helpful tool for investigating, reporting, and ultimately solving problems, but just what the heck is it? I had no idea, to be honest, until this episode that breaches were even logged this well. Fortunately Max had a bit to say about ... Read more The post Once More Unto the Breach – Episode 025 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
7/10/201427 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jobs in InfoSec – Episode 024

EP024 Jobs in InfoSec This might be a great episode to have listened to at the start of all this podcastery. In reality we sort of dove right in at the start without trying to tempt you with the lurid promise of fat sacks of job satisfaction. This episode centers on possible jobs in InfoSec ... Read more The post Jobs in InfoSec – Episode 024 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
7/3/201453 minutes, 25 seconds
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Enterprise Scale Development – Episode 023

EP023 Enterprise Scale Development Originally recorded back in April We are getting caught up with all the delays that have plagued (or blessed in Max’s case) us. This is the episode where we discuss Enterprise scale development, the different positions that you might find in those circumstances and this will nicely play off the next ... Read more The post Enterprise Scale Development – Episode 023 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
6/24/201443 minutes, 5 seconds
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Security on a Cellular Level – Episode 022

EP022 Security on a Cellular Level This week was a topic I wanted to take a look at as it’s becoming a growing concern and there is currently no CLEAR winner from the end user perspective. We discuss security on cellular devices. Cellular security is a growing concern since a lot of the new devices ... Read more The post Security on a Cellular Level – Episode 022 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
6/9/201441 minutes, 6 seconds
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Crypto Continued – Episode 021

EP021 Crypto Continued More episodes, more episodes, more episodes! We continue our discourse on cryptography with more of Alce Bob & Eve’s adventures! Or should I say MISADVENTURES! I shouldn’t. I should never say that. I apologize sincerely to you dear reader. Crypto is serious business and no place for levity. This has been an ... Read more The post Crypto Continued – Episode 021 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
5/29/201429 minutes, 47 seconds
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Cryptographic Adventures of Alice, Bob and Eve – Episode 020

EP020 Cryptographic Adventures of Alice, Bob, and Eve Eagle … eared listeners might have noticed we were getting out of control with our time frame references. While I really found it hilarious after a while it just kinda becomes that uncomfortable funny where no one wants to hear the joke but that one guy keeps ... Read more The post Cryptographic Adventures of Alice, Bob and Eve – Episode 020 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
5/13/201453 minutes, 3 seconds
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Preemptive Heartbleed – Episode 019

EP019 Preemptive Heartbleed I know that we have maybe teased about some pending episodes (and the teasing gets a little out of hand in this episode…) but we kinda figured it made sense to preempt the episodes we have loaded up with this much more timely, much more pressing coverage of Heartbleed. We still have ... Read more The post Preemptive Heartbleed – Episode 019 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
4/15/201439 minutes, 1 second
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CanSecWest Recap – Episode 018

EP018 CanSecWest Recap After a triumphant visit out to Vancouver British Columbia (I really had to fight autocorrect to get my U in that spelling…) Max has returned back to a wintry East-coast house filled with leaky windows and… One man microphones. That’s right, It’s a call back to the previous EP where we were ... Read more The post CanSecWest Recap – Episode 018 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
4/8/201437 minutes, 2 seconds
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Let’s Social Engineer Max a Better Microphone – Episode 017

EP017 Let’s Social Engineer Max a Better Microphone This was going to be epic. This is the first episode that Max and I have recorded face to face in real meatspace since the beginning of this whole endeavor. We were excited. Some may say a little TOO excited because we didn’t actually listen to what ... Read more The post Let’s Social Engineer Max a Better Microphone – Episode 017 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
3/25/201448 minutes, 45 seconds
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Credit Card Compromise – Episode 016

EP016 Credit Card Compromise What started as an experimental episode (see also: Cop out) about “discussing news” ended up as a pretty interesting discussion about the state of the US banking, retail point of sales, & security failings. We had a couple of articles that all dealt with the credit card compromises brought about by ... Read more The post Credit Card Compromise – Episode 016 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
3/14/201443 minutes, 14 seconds
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And BOOM goes the dynamic input – Episode 015

EP015 And BOOM goes the dynamic input! We are drawing ever closer to the 20th episode spectacular! I don’t know if there will in-fact be a spectacle but at this point anything goes. This episode we explain buffer overflow on the heap and stack, format string and off by one vulnerabilities, and what to do ... Read more The post And BOOM goes the dynamic input – Episode 015 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
3/7/201438 minutes, 13 seconds
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Let’s talk about stacks baby! – Episode 014

EP014 Let’s talk about stacks baby! We talked about web vulnerabilities and the markup languages, and interpretation of scripts, but those aren’t real programs running on your computer. This time we’re going to get a little more advanced and talk about programming and execution within the computer drawing back to the first few episodes. It’s ... Read more The post Let’s talk about stacks baby! – Episode 014 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
3/4/201438 minutes, 42 seconds
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Hardening is Haaaard – Episode 013

EP013 Hardening is Hard As episodes go 013 is a fun & lucky one! We are talking about hardening, we provide a general overview, we provide some ways you can follow along at home to learn on your own and we probably talk complete trash at some point since that’s how we roll! There’s even ... Read more The post Hardening is Haaaard – Episode 013 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
2/20/201447 minutes, 36 seconds
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More Common Web Vulnerabilities – Episode 012

EP012 More Common Web Vulnerabilities We journey again into the realm of continuity! This is YET ANOTHER part 2 for content and ease of consumption. This time we wrap up our common web vulnerabilities with the creatively named episode 012, More common web vulnerabilities! I know right? We spared no expense on that name. I ... Read more The post More Common Web Vulnerabilities – Episode 012 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
2/11/201441 minutes, 14 seconds
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Common Web Vulnerabilities – Episode 011

EP011 Common Web Vulnerabilities Happy new year to all! (With this slightly delayed episode) for which I have no one to blame but procrastination. One might even say it’s a VULNERABILITY of mine. Is that a Segue I hear?! Not really. It’s a poorly shoe-horned in attempt to get back on topic and the topic ... Read more The post Common Web Vulnerabilities – Episode 011 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
1/31/201447 minutes, 17 seconds
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Risk on the Cat-ernet – Episode 010

EP010 Risk on the Caternet Time-line wise, this was recorded before the Christmas break, so, you know, uh, Happy holidays! Purrrrrisk! We’re looking at the balance that all computer users/IT departments/management & budgeting teams have to work within, the risk of third party applications, third party management, CMS (Content Management Systems) vs time and money. ... Read more The post Risk on the Cat-ernet – Episode 010 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
1/8/201433 minutes, 20 seconds
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Seven Layer Burrito – Episode 009

EP009 – Seven Layer Burrito Max is literally 0 milligrams lighter this episode without his Movember monthstache and you can hear the relief in his voice as he takes us delving into the delicious world of the seven layer OSI model. What is an OSI model you ask? That’s an excellent question! Can I answer ... Read more The post Seven Layer Burrito – Episode 009 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
12/19/201339 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dr Ro-botnets – Episode 008

EP008 – Dr Ro-Botnets Some tragic news; our original episode all about botnets, after heaps of recording and tons of feel-good camaraderie, ended up being completely un-usable. I blame myself and possibly society… That having been said we’ve tried to re-record the episode with as much verve and vigor as we could muster staying as ... Read more The post Dr Ro-botnets – Episode 008 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
12/2/201350 minutes, 2 seconds
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Passwords and other bad ideas – Episode 007

EP007 – Passwords and other bad ideas We’re playing with our all new free form format. So strap in for a scattered start as we swerve all over the road that is biometrics until we settle into a good groove and start discussing passwords, the perceived security they give some attacks against them. I promise ... Read more The post Passwords and other bad ideas – Episode 007 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
11/25/20131 hour, 11 minutes, 9 seconds
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Skynet Protection – Episode 006

EP006 – Skynet – Protection Max is talking bad guys and Matt is talking gibberish! A fun filled episode where we start talking about bad guys and some of the general attacks they might try. As mildly entertaining back-end news we ran into all kinds of editing/post production issues that you totally won’t even notice! ... Read more The post Skynet Protection – Episode 006 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
10/28/201347 minutes, 38 seconds
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Networking2: Networking Networks – Episode 005

EP005 – Networking2 – Networking networks Networking’s Baaaaack! We talk more about networking in part two of our networking basics. There’s a lot more in-depth coverage of networks and their interactions with other networks, time, ping we have it all! Matt embarrasses himself by admitting he wasn’t very alert when it came to blindly clicking ... Read more The post Networking2: Networking Networks – Episode 005 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
10/10/20131 hour, 1 minute, 43 seconds
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Networking: It’s a Traaaap! – Episode 004

EP004 – Networking – It’s a Traaaap Part one of our introductory podcast to networking & network security. Housekeeping, family as network, Matt becomes obsessed with the new term he’s learned “Sneakernet” and Max let’s him go hog-wild with a confusing subway car analogy. We cover the general ideas of networking, explain some of the ... Read more The post Networking: It’s a Traaaap! – Episode 004 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
9/29/201351 minutes, 42 seconds
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Kernel Sunders – Episode 003

EP003 – Hardware/Software – Kernel Sunders In which Max really starts to find his voice, we start in on operating systems(OS) and their job in the computer, some attacks against Operating Systems directly and Matt uses the words “touch” & “essentially” altogether too much. All this and more, give it a listen! Shownotes The post Kernel Sunders – Episode 003 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
9/20/201352 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ones Vs Zeros – Episode 002

EP002 – Hardware – Ones Vs Zeros Our second foray into the ever alluring world of computer security. We get under way building on the foundations that we started laying in the pilot; delving a little deeper into the one and zeros that make all your favorite tech work. Jump in as we discuss switches, ... Read more The post Ones Vs Zeros – Episode 002 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
9/15/201353 minutes, 56 seconds
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Make Your SexyRobot Work – Pilot Episode 001

EP001 – Hardware – Make Your SexyRobot Work The pilot episode to In-Security. Jumping right it with hardware basics in this first sink or swim episode. We’re not going into the broad strokes of everything that’s available in a computer we’re simply looking at the elementary way that the computer hardware works with the eventual ... Read more The post Make Your SexyRobot Work – Pilot Episode 001 appeared first on In-security Podcast.
7/4/201323 minutes, 57 seconds