In Touch Ministries is the broadcast teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley.
Speaking With Grace
Find out how to tame your tongue by bringing it under the authority of the Holy Spirit
10/25/2024 • 0
Preparation for the Battle - Part 2
Dress yourself in the full armor of God and win the spiritual war each day.
10/24/2024 • 0
Preparation for the Battle - Part 1
Dr. Stanley reveals what it means to be a soldier for Jesus.
10/23/2024 • 0
The Real War - Part 2
The devil may try and entice you to sin, but arm yourself with God's Word and you'll win every time.
10/22/2024 • 0
The Real War - Part 1
When you walk with God's Word, you're ready to fight temptation with a weapon that wins.
10/21/2024 • 0
The Challenge to End Well - Part 2
Have you considered whether you're ready to meet the Lord?
10/19/2024 • 0
Spiritual Blindness - Part 2
Find out the eternal result of those who remain in a state of spiritual blindness.
10/18/2024 • 0
Spiritual Blindness - Part 1
Dr. Stanley explains the tactics Satan uses to keep people spiritually blind.
10/17/2024 • 0
The Truth About Hell
Learn the consequences of rejecting Christ and be motivated to accept God's mercy and share the gospel.
10/16/2024 • 0
The Blessings of Our Inadequacy - Part 2
Feels of inadequacy can be embarrassing or painful, but they don't have to bring us down.
10/15/2024 • 0
The Blessings of Our Inadequacy - Part 1
Discover why we may feel inadequate and how God uses that for our good.
10/14/2024 • 0
The Challenge to End Well - Part 1
Take time to consider where you will spend eternity and how your present actions are affecting your future.
10/12/2024 • 0
Standing in the Storm
When the strong winds of adversity knock you off your feet, what can you do to survive them?
10/11/2024 • 0
How to Enjoy Life - Part 2
When joy seems unattainable, Christ is our living hope who offers a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment.
10/10/2024 • 0
How to Enjoy Life - Part 1
Receive a refreshing perspective on how to find joy despite your circumstances.
10/9/2024 • 0
Why Don't We Enjoy Life?
Get knowledge on what to do about the pressures of life that steal our happiness.
10/8/2024 • 0
God Wants You to Enjoy Life
Dr. Stanley explores why many of us feel empty and reveals the Bible’s prescription for lifelong joy.
10/7/2024 • 0
How to Treat the Unbeliever
Learn how to interact wisely with people and become the light of Christ for others.
10/5/2024 • 0
How to Listen to the Word of God - Part 2
Why is it some people come to church and walk away uplifted while others leave unmoved?
10/4/2024 • 0
How to Listen to the Word of God - Part 1
Gain insight on why the right attitude is key to properly appreciating and understanding God's Word.
10/3/2024 • 0
God Always Rewards Obedience - Part 2
Obedience is a life-long learning process that continues to develop as you mature in Christ.
10/2/2024 • 0
God Always Rewards Obedience - Part 1
Obedience is doing what God says, when He says, and how He says to do it.
10/1/2024 • 0
A God of Love
The Father's unconditional love is a free gift, and accepting it is the wisest choice you could ever make.
9/30/2024 • 0
Devoted to Prayer - Part 2
Dedicate time to developing a health prayer life and strengthen your relationship with your heavenly Father.
9/28/2024 • 0
He Forgives Our Sin - Part 2
Discover more about God's character and how to deal with sin after salvation.
9/27/2024 • 0
He Forgives Our Sin - Part 1
God's forgiveness for eternal life is a one-time occurrence, while any sin after salvation must be confessed daily.
9/26/2024 • 0
He Uses Our Suffering - Part 2
Our sovereign Lord often uses our deepest disappointments to prepare us for serving others.
9/25/2024 • 0
He Uses Our Suffering - Part 1
Gain a fresh perspective on how the Father works through your trials to bring glory to His name.
9/24/2024 • 0
God's Schedule - Part 2
Dr. Stanley teaches how you can trust the Lord to help you make the best decisions.
9/23/2024 • 0
Devoted to Prayer - Part 1
Have you committed to making prayer a daily habit?
9/21/2024 • 0
God's Schedule - Part 1
Did you know success is within your reach when you follow God's perfect timing?
9/20/2024 • 0
God's Surprise Visits - Part 2
The Lord transformed the lives of many faithful servants throughout Scripture, and He desires to do the same for you.
9/19/2024 • 0
God's Surprise Visits - Part 1
God's intervention into the lives of His children is intentional, unexpected, and always in harmony with the Bible.
9/18/2024 • 0
God Uses the Wicked to Accomplish His Purpose
See how even the worst things in this world can still bring glory to the Lord.
9/17/2024 • 0
The Things God Uses - Part 2
Start paying close attention to the people and situations God is using to accomplish His purpose in your life.
9/16/2024 • 0
How to Get the Most Out of Your Work - Part 2
Get inspired to bring glory to God regardless of your job title.
9/14/2024 • 0
The Things God Uses - Part 1
Learn how the Father can work through the simplest things in your life.
9/13/2024 • 0
He Keeps His Word - Part 2
Follow God's ways while trusting in His faithfulness, and see His goodness extend toward you and those around you.
9/12/2024 • 0
He Keeps His Word - Part 1
Seek the Lord and watch Him provide for your needs.
9/11/2024 • 0
The Best Way - Part 2
Gain the Lord's perspective and live by His principles for the peace and contentment He intended.
9/10/2024 • 0
The Best Way - Part 1
Dr. Stanley teaches that following the ways of this world will leave you empty.
9/9/2024 • 0
How to Get the Most Out of Your Work - Part 1
When we shift our attitudes toward our jobs, we can experience real joy and satisfaction.
9/7/2024 • 0
The Requirements of a Godly Influence - Part 2
Be inspired by Daniel to have a godly character and make the most of every opportunity for sharing the gospel.
9/6/2024 • 0
The Requirements of a Godly Influence - Part 1
Dr. Stanley examines the responsibility and privilege of influence as seen through the life of Daniel.
9/5/2024 • 0
Keeping Grace Flowing
Learn how pride can hinder your walk with God and how to embrace humility instead.
9/4/2024 • 0
Victory Over Unforgiveness
Discover the consequences of harboring resentment and how to deal with unforgiveness.
9/3/2024 • 0
Victory Over Anger - Part 2
Find out how we can determine if our anger is righteous or sinful and how to deal with it.
9/2/2024 • 0
The New You II - Part 2
Find out the characteristics of a person who has encountered the saving grace of God.
8/31/2024 • 0
Victory Over Anger - Part 1
Dr. Stanley explains how we can determine if our anger is righteous or sinful and how to deal with it.
8/30/2024 • 0
Victory Over Rejection
Gain a sense of belonging, worthiness, and competence as God's child becauase He will never reject nor forsake you.
8/29/2024 • 0
Victory Over Fear
Discover what causes us to be afraid and how God will help strengthen and sustain you during fearful times.
8/28/2024 • 0
Victory Over Guilt
Enjoy a life free of guilt by accepting Jesus' substitionary death on the cross—where He forgave all your offenses.
8/27/2024 • 0
Victory Over Anxiety
Give your worries to God and live in the peace and joy He gives freely each day.
8/26/2024 • 0
The New You II - Part 1
Reflect on what it means to be born again and become a new creation.
8/24/2024 • 0
The Choices We Make - Part 2
Have you ever made a decision you truly regret?
8/23/2024 • 0
The Choices We Make - Part 1
Choose the right path that leads to everlasting life.
8/22/2024 • 0
Anticipating The Lord’s Return - Part 2
An eager anticipation of the Lord’s return keeps us living productively.
8/21/2024 • 0
Anticipating The Lord’s Return - Part 1
An eager anticipation of the Lord’s return keeps us living productively.
8/20/2024 • 0
The Valley Experiences in Our Life - Part 2
We learn more in our valley experiences than on our mountaintops.
8/19/2024 • 0
The New You - I
Learn how if we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, we must love ourselves first.
8/17/2024 • 0
The Valley Experiences in Our Life - Part 1
We learn more in our valley experiences than on our mountaintops.
8/16/2024 • 0
Together In the Christian Life - Part 2
No Christian has ever been called to “go it alone” in his or her walk of faith.
8/15/2024 • 0
Together In the Christian Life - Part 1
No Christian has ever been called to “go it alone” in his or her walk of faith.
8/14/2024 • 0
Prayer: Our Time-Saver - Part 2
Prayer is life’s greatest time saver.
8/13/2024 • 0
Prayer: Our Time-Saver - Part 1
Prayer is life’s greatest time saver.
8/12/2024 • 0
Dealing With Immorality - Part 2
Dr. Stanley walks through the clear instructions the apostle Paul gives for dealing with immorality.
8/10/2024 • 0
Adversity - Burden or Bridge? - Part 2
Adversity is a bridge to a deeper relationship with God.
8/9/2024 • 0
Adversity - Burden or Bridge? - Part 1
Adversity is a bridge to a deeper relationship with God.
8/8/2024 • 0
Passing On God’s Blessings - Part 2
God blesses us so that we might bless others.
8/7/2024 • 0
Passing On God’s Blessings - Part 1
God blesses us so that we might bless others.
8/6/2024 • 0
The Key to the Christian Life - Part 2
To live the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live His life in and through us.
8/5/2024 • 0
Dealing With Immorality - Part 1
Find out what the apostle Paul has to say about facing immorality in the third chapter of Colossians.
8/3/2024 • 0
The Key to the Christian Life - Part 1
To live the Christian life is to allow Jesus to live His life in and through us.
8/2/2024 • 0
You Can Never Outgive God
You can never outgive God.
8/1/2024 • 0
Walking in the Holy Spirit - Part 2
To walk in the Spirit is to obey the initial promptings of the Spirit.
7/31/2024 • 0
Walking in the Holy Spirit - Part 1
To walk in the Spirit is to obey the initial promptings of the Spirit.
7/30/2024 • 0
Obedience Always Brings Blessing - Part 2
Obedience always brings blessing.
7/29/2024 • 0
Songs of Spirit and Truth: Change Brings Joy
A gun-for-hire becomes a worship leader. Michael and Jerry experience freedom from duty. After many
years, Santi has a Bible in her own language. Final reflections from Southeast Asia.
7/28/2024 • 0
The Ultimate Declaration of Our Acceptance
Reignite your desire for holy living as you're reminded of how much God really values you as His child.
7/27/2024 • 0
Obedience Always Brings Blessing - Part 1
Obedience always brings blessing.
7/26/2024 • 0
Overcoming Discouragement - Part 2
Disappointments are inevitable, discouragement is a choice.
7/25/2024 • 0
Overcoming Discouragement - Part 1
Disappointments are inevitable, discouragement is a choice.
7/24/2024 • 0
Holding Too Tightly - Part 2
Anything you hold too tightly, you will lose.
7/23/2024 • 0
Holding Too Tightly - Part 1
Anything you hold too tightly, you will lose.
7/22/2024 • 0
Songs of Spirit and Truth: God Provides
Banu and Neli overcome great odds. Rahel is redeemed from a life of witchcraft. Teresa trusted Christ for healing.
7/21/2024 • 0
Christ - Our Life - Part 2
Dr. Stanley explains what happens to your spiritual life after you've accepted Jesus as your Savior.
7/20/2024 • 0
Victim or Victor? - Part 2
As children of a sovereign God, we are never victims of our circumstances.
7/19/2024 • 0
Victim or Victor? - Part 1
As children of a sovereign God, we are never victims of our circumstances.
7/18/2024 • 0
Standing Tall and Strong Through Prayer - Part 2
We stand tallest and strongest on our knees.
7/17/2024 • 0
Standing Tall and Strong Through Prayer - Part 1
We stand tallest and strongest on our knees.
7/16/2024 • 0
When Plans Turn to Ashes - Part 2
Whatever you acquire outside of God’s will eventually turns to ashes.
7/15/2024 • 0
Songs of Spirit and Truth: Practicing Faithfulness
Ministry in SE Asia — Episode 2
7/14/2024 • 0
Christ - Our Life - Part 1
When you were saved, the Holy Spirit started indwelling you and you are now inseparable from the person of Jesus Christ.
7/13/2024 • 0
When Plans Turn to Ashes - Part 1
Whatever you acquire outside of God’s will eventually turns to ashes.
7/12/2024 • 0
God’s Pathway of Brokenness - Part 2
Brokenness is God’s requirement for maximum usefulness.
7/11/2024 • 0
God’s Pathway of Brokenness - Part 1
Brokenness is God’s requirement for maximum usefulness.
7/10/2024 • 0
God Acts on Our Behalf - Part 2
God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.
7/9/2024 • 0
God Acts on Our Behalf - Part 1
God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.
7/8/2024 • 0
Songs of Spirit and Truth: Why Not Me?
Ministry in SE Asia — Episode 1
7/7/2024 • 0
Controlling Your Thoughts - Part 2
Win the battle for your mind in a way that will impact every area of your life.
7/6/2024 • 0
Listening to God - Walking With God - Part 2
Listening to God is essential to walking with God.
7/5/2024 • 0
Listening to God - Walking With God - Part 1
Listening to God is essential to walking with God.
7/4/2024 • 0
The Key to Continuing Peace - Part 2
Peace with God is the fruit of oneness with God.
7/3/2024 • 0
The Key to Continuing Peace - Part 1
Peace with God is the fruit of oneness with God.
7/2/2024 • 0
His Promise to Provide - Part 2
God assumes full responsibility for our needs when we obey Him.
7/1/2024 • 0
Controlling Your Thoughts - Part 1
Win the battle for your mind that will impact each area of your life.
6/29/2024 • 0
His Promise to Provide - Part 1
God assumes full responsibility for our needs when we obey Him.
6/28/2024 • 0
God Will Show You His Will - Part 2
If necessary, God will move heaven and earth to show us His will.
6/27/2024 • 0
God Will Show You His Will - Part 1
If necessary, God will move heaven and earth to show us His will.
6/26/2024 • 0
The Thrill of Trusting God
Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees.
6/25/2024 • 0
Fight Your Battles on Your Knees - Part 2
Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time.
6/24/2024 • 0
Our Position in Christ - Part 2
Are you saved, but feel like the Christian life “isn’t working” somehow?
6/22/2024 • 0
Fight Your Battles on Your Knees - Part 1
Fight all your battles on your knees and you win every time.
6/21/2024 • 0
The Dark Moments in Our Life - Part 2
The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us.
6/20/2024 • 0
The Dark Moments in Our Life - Part 1
The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us.
6/19/2024 • 0
The Principle of Sowing & Reaping - Part 2
You reap what you sow, more than you sow, and later than you sow.
6/18/2024 • 0
The Principle of Sowing & Reaping - Part 1
You reap what you sow, more than you sow, and later than you sow.
6/17/2024 • 0
Our Position in Christ - Part 1
Dr. Stanley details three basic principles that can change what it means to live the Christian life.
6/15/2024 • 0
The Unreasonable Will of God - Part 2
God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.
6/14/2024 • 0
The Unreasonable Will of God - Part 1
God does not require us to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.
6/13/2024 • 0
Energized by His Presence - Part 2
The awareness of God’s presence energizes us for our work.
6/12/2024 • 0
Energized by His Presence - Part 1
The awareness of God’s presence energizes us for our work.
6/11/2024 • 0
Our Anchor in Times of Storm - Part 2
God’s Word is an immovable anchor in times of storm.
6/10/2024 • 0
Right Goal, Wrong Methods
A successful walk of faith is the result of willingly submitting to God’s will and staying in a right relationship with Him.
6/8/2024 • 0
Our Anchor in Times of Storm - Part 1
God's Word is an immovable anchor during times of storm.
6/7/2024 • 0
A Life of Obedience - Part 2
Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.
6/6/2024 • 0
A Life of Obedience - Part 1
Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him.
6/5/2024 • 0
Our Intimacy With God - Part 2
Our intimacy with God – His highest priority for our lives – determines the impact of our lives.
6/4/2024 • 0
Our Intimacy With God - Part 1
Our intimacy with God – His highest priority for our lives – determines the impact of our lives.
6/3/2024 • 0
Fully Alive - Part 2
Discover how to live life to the fullest by becoming complete in Christ.
6/1/2024 • 0
A Knock at the Door
Trust the Lord by putting your eternal future in His hands.
5/31/2024 • 0
Gifted for Service
God gave each of us talents, abilities, and skills to help others and to accomplish His purpose for our lives.
5/30/2024 • 0
Moving Toward Maturity - Part 2
Learn how to change your conversations, conduct, and character for the better.
5/29/2024 • 0
Moving Toward Maturity - Part 1
How we do judge, test, and gauge our growth as Christians?
5/28/2024 • 0
The First Step
Salvation lies in believing that Jesus is the Son of God and trusting Him for your salvation.
5/27/2024 • 0
Fully Alive - Part 1
Celebrate the full life that Christ gives when you receive His Spirit and start living by a new standard of conduct.
5/25/2024 • 0
Walking Away From God - Part 2
Dr. Stanley reveals the dangers of walking away from the path God set us on.
5/24/2024 • 0
Walking Away From God - Part 1
God always has our best interest at heart—even when we're not walking in His will.
5/23/2024 • 0
The Ten Commandments - Part 2
Praise God for the laws He created for our own protection and to help us recognize our need for Him.
5/22/2024 • 0
The Ten Commandments - Part 1
Get a closer look at what inspired each commandment.
5/21/2024 • 0
When Life Tumbles in, What Then?
What can we do when our circumstances shake our faith?
5/20/2024 • 0
Complete - Part 2
Dr. Stanley describes the consequences of an earthly worldview versus one focused on heaven.
5/18/2024 • 0
Sacrificing Your Future for Momentary Pleasure - Part 2
Prioritize having values rooted in God's Word and making wise decisions.
5/17/2024 • 0
Sacrificing Your Future for Momentary Pleasure - Part 1
Discover the seven moments in which a person can sacrifice their future for momentary pleasures.
5/16/2024 • 0
The Consequence of Compromise
Dr. Stanley shows how the deceptive power of compromise is among the greatest threats to any believer.
5/15/2024 • 0
The Final Judgment
Learn what nonbelievers can expect to face after a lifetime of rejecting salvation.
5/14/2024 • 0
Our Eternal Home - Part 2
What does it take to prepare for eternity in heaven as co-heirs with Christ?
5/13/2024 • 0
Complete - Part 1
Move past the philosophy offered by this world and become complete in Christ instead.
5/11/2024 • 0
Our Eternal Home - Part 1
Look forward to the presence of God and an eternal home as you turn your gaze heavenward.
5/10/2024 • 0
A Solemn Warning to Those Who Reject Christ
Be motivated to heed Jesus' warning about hell and lovingly tell others about the dangers of rejecting salvation.
5/9/2024 • 0
Objections to Belief in Eternal Punishment
Dr. Stanley addresses five common objections to belief in hell.
5/8/2024 • 0
Where Will You Spend Eternity? - Part 2
Overcome any undue worry about life after death by yearning for eternal union with God.
5/7/2024 • 0
Where Will You Spend Eternity? - Part 1
Gain knowledge on the two possible destinations for each person after death—heaven or hell.
5/6/2024 • 0
A Faithful Church in a Deceived Society - Part 2
Find out the six characteristics of faithful members of the body of Christ.
5/4/2024 • 0
The Powerful Practice of Fasting - Part 2
Learn the biblical reasons behind why we fast and how we are to fast.
5/3/2024 • 0
The Powerful Practice of Fasting - Part 1
Why is spiritual fasting often overlooked?
5/2/2024 • 0
Our Great Salvation
Dr. Stanley reveals four reasons illuminating why it's vital to share our salvation stories.
5/1/2024 • 0
Brokenness: The Plan - Part 2
Learn how to give everything to the Lord and walk in the freedom and peace only He can give.
4/30/2024 • 0
Brokenness: The Plan - Part 1
It's not easy to give everything you have to God, but it's how He can give you His best.
4/29/2024 • 0
A Faithful Church in a Deceived Society - Part 1
Find out the six characteristics of faithful members of the body of Christ.
4/27/2024 • 0
The Patience of God
Dr. Stanley teaches that God is not long-suffering because He sees goodness in us but because He wants to see us saved.
4/26/2024 • 0
The Rewards of Patience
Every act of faithfulness is rewarded, though we might not realize it at the time.
4/25/2024 • 0
Developing Patience - Part 2
Will you trust God to turn your difficulties into opportunities to develop patience?
4/24/2024 • 0
Developing Patience - Part 1
Patience is cultivated over time and grows as a result of your faith and perseverance through hardship.
4/23/2024 • 0
Expressing Patience
Practice patience with others, just as God patiently waits for you to lean on Him.
4/22/2024 • 0
Maturing in Christ
Aspire to greater spiritual maturity as you spread the gospel and grow in Christ.
4/20/2024 • 0
The Consequences of Impatience
Find out the factors that lead to impatience and how to overcome them.
4/19/2024 • 0
The Powerful Attribute of Patience
Dr. Stanley teaches how to develop an inner quietness that endures through stressful times.
4/18/2024 • 0
Getting in God’s Way - Part 2
Sometimes it's best to allow God to intervene before trying to help others.
4/17/2024 • 0
Getting in God’s Way - Part 1
While it's good to want to help, it's possible that we may hinder God's work in someone's life by doing so.
4/16/2024 • 0
Courage in the Lonely Hour
Gain knowledge on how to overcome periods of loneliness.
4/15/2024 • 0
Christ in You, Your Hope - Part 2
Embrace the fact that as God's child, you've been gifted with everlasting riches.
4/13/2024 • 0
Facing Criticism and Praise - Part 2
Dr. Stanley offers God's remedy for handling the opinions of critical people and also moments when we are praised.
4/12/2024 • 0
Facing Criticism and Praise - Part 1
Learn how to properly respond to both criticism and praise when they arise.
4/11/2024 • 0
Facing the Unknown With Confidence
Get ready to celebrate an exciting future with the Lord as your guide.
4/10/2024 • 0
Facing Our Failures
As believers, we can allow God to turn our past experiences into successes for our future.
4/9/2024 • 0
Facing Difficulties
If there's an obstacle in your life that seems impossible to overcome, depend on God to remove the problem.
4/8/2024 • 0
Christ in You, Your Hope - Part 1
See how the Christian life can not only be endured but also enjoyed.
4/6/2024 • 0
Release From the Bondage of Rejection - Part 2
Do you tend to internalize people's cruel or even false misconceptions about you?
4/5/2024 • 0
Release From the Bondage of Rejection - Part 1
Break free from the bondage of self-rejection and experience true joy in Christ.
4/4/2024 • 0
Essentials of a Fruitful Witness
How do we share our faith with great confidence?
4/3/2024 • 0
Living the Life That Never Dies - Part 2
Enjoy your eternal life today and rejoice—knowing it can never be taken from you.
4/2/2024 • 0
Living the Life That Never Dies - Part 1
Dr. Stanley explains what it means to believe in Jesus regarding the topics of life and death.
4/1/2024 • 0
The Pattern for Reconciliation
Dr. Stanley explains why it is good to reach out to anyone with whom we have had a falling out.
3/30/2024 • 0
The Challenge of the Resurrection - Part 2
Be inspired to do the Lord's work joyfully until you join Him for eternity.
3/29/2024 • 0
The Challenge of the Resurrection - Part 1
Remain encouraged to run your race with endurance and stay steadfast—always abounding in the work of the Lord.
3/28/2024 • 0
The Characteristics of the Resurrection, Pt 2
The more we understand about what Jesus accomplished, the more strength we’ll have to live each day victoriousl
3/27/2024 • 0
The Characteristics of the Resurrection, Pt 1
See how the resurrection affects our lives now and why it inspires us to live each day in a new way.
3/26/2024 • 0
The Consequences of Believing the Resurrection
Dr. Stanley gives an overview of the resurrection in the context of the major events in the Bible.
3/25/2024 • 0
Christ: The Head of the Church
Start fulfilling your role in the body of Christ and maintain your zeal for serving the Lord.
3/23/2024 • 0
The Consequences of Denying the Resurrection
Understand why the resurrection is so important and what happens when you take it seriously.
3/22/2024 • 0
The Certainty of the Resurrection
Stand firm in your certainty about the meaning of Christ's resurrection.
3/21/2024 • 0
The Rewards of Waiting
Practice waiting on God—an act of faith that yields great blessings.
3/20/2024 • 0
Waiting Upon the Lord
Discover how a determined stillness to walk in obedience to God results in His blessing.
3/19/2024 • 0
Faith vs. Reason
Depend on God rather than relying on the world's limited ability to analyze your situation.
3/18/2024 • 0
Christ Above All
There is no one like Jesus Christ, and all things submit to His sovereignty.
3/16/2024 • 0
Understanding Those Guilty Feelings - Part 2
How do you handle guilty feelings when they arise?
3/15/2024 • 0
Understanding Those Guilty Feelings - Part 1
Dr. Stanley discusses the source and nature of guilt, how to handle it, and what God's Word says about it.
3/14/2024 • 0
When We Say Yes - Part 2
Acting in obedience toward God always leads to great blessings.
3/13/2024 • 0
When We Say Yes - Part 1
Consider the importance of your obedience toward God.
3/12/2024 • 0
The Measure of Our Love - Part 2
Learn what God's commandments are and how we can obey them.
3/11/2024 • 0
Who Is This Christ? - Part 2
Do you ever feel like you're trying your best but you don't measure up?
3/9/2024 • 0
The Measure of Our Love - Part 1
Did you know God measures our love for Himself by our obedience?
3/8/2024 • 0
The Learning Process - Part 2
Dr. Stanley reveals seven steps in learning to obey God.
3/7/2024 • 0
The Learning Process - Part 1
What is required of us to be obedient to God?
3/6/2024 • 0
What Is Involved - Part 2
Gain a richer understanding of the Lord's command to obey and why it's essential to have the courage to obey.
3/5/2024 • 0
What Is Involved - Part 1
Find out the several points required for our obedience toward God.
3/4/2024 • 0
Who Is This Christ? - Part 1
Jesus Christ covers your sins and desires for you to enjoy life to the fullest.
3/2/2024 • 0
Why Do I Keep Failing When I Try So Hard?
How do we obtain victory over sin?
3/1/2024 • 0
Confronting Closed Doors - Part 2
Face lost opportunities with faith and courage.
2/29/2024 • 0
Confronting Closed Doors - Part 1
How should we respond when the door of opportunity is not only slammed shut, but locked forever?
2/28/2024 • 0
The Truth That Sets Us Free - Part 2
Dr. Stanley lists out the ways people are trapped and destroyed by sin and misunderstanding.
2/27/2024 • 0
The Truth That Sets Us Free - Part 1
Recognize the devil's snares and choose to live in the freedom Jesus Christ gave you.
2/26/2024 • 0
Our Inheritance
Christ’s riches extend into our past, empower us in the present, and let us look forward to eternal life in heaven.
2/24/2024 • 0
Formula for Personal Growth
Once you have received Jesus Christ into your heart, how do you develop a relationship with Him?
2/23/2024 • 0
He Will Show You His Will - Part 2
Embrace God's love for you by pursuing His will.
2/22/2024 • 0
He Will Show You His Will - Part 1
Dr. Stanley outlines seven key questions to ask when making decisions that are according to God's will for your life.
2/21/2024 • 0
God Has a Plan For You - Part 2
How do you discover God’s specific will and plan for your life?
2/20/2024 • 0
God Has a Plan For You - Part 1
Seek alignment with God's will so you can walk according to His plan and purpose for your life.
2/19/2024 • 0
Changing People Through Prayer - Part 2
Practice intercessory prayer so you can see how God will change others' lives as well as your own.
2/17/2024 • 0
The Pathway to Spiritual Growth - Part 2
Prioritize your spiritual growth by learning what it takes to mature in Christ.
2/16/2024 • 0
The Pathway to Spiritual Growth - Part 1
Find out seven principles for maturing in your walk with Jesus Christ.
2/15/2024 • 0
God’s Call to Genuine Repentance - Part 2
Receive a refresher on what true repentance really means.
2/14/2024 • 0
God’s Call to Genuine Repentance - Part 1
Discover the definition of true repentance and how it affects the believer's life.
2/13/2024 • 0
How to Handle Truth
In this time of overwhelming distractions and misinformation, where can we turn for truth?
2/12/2024 • 0
Changing People Through Prayer - Part 1
Dr. Stanley shares how we can pray for others and prepares us for how God changes our lives when we do so.
2/10/2024 • 0
Praying in a Crisis
How do we ask God to release his divine energy into our crisis moments to make a difference?
2/9/2024 • 0
Solving Problems Through Prayer - Part 2
Hold onto God's promise that He will stay by your side in every situation—no matter how difficult.
2/8/2024 • 0
Solving Problems Through Prayer - Part 1
Dr. Stanley uses the life of Jehoshaphat as an example of how God responds to the prayers of His people.
2/7/2024 • 0
The Believer's Struggle - Part 2
Find out the best way to handle life's struggles.
2/6/2024 • 0
The Believer's Struggle - Part 1
Learn how to move through life's toughest moments with peace, joy, and contentment in your heart.
2/5/2024 • 0
The Word of Truth - Part 2
Trust in the Bible—the source of truth and knowledge that will guide you toward a peaceful, successful life.
2/3/2024 • 0
Favorites vs. Intimates - Part 2
Pursue an intimate relationship with God and see how your life will transform.
2/2/2024 • 0
Favorites vs. Intimates - Part 1
Follow Abraham's example and grow in intimacy with the Lord.
2/1/2024 • 0
The Awareness of God's Presence
Dr. Stanley shares 16 proofs that will bring the awareness of God’s presence to your life.
1/31/2024 • 0
Seeking the Lord - Part 2
How exactly are we supposed to seek God?
1/30/2024 • 0
Seeking the Lord - Part 1
Our heavenly Father pursues us and wants us to embrace an intimate relationship with Him.
1/29/2024 • 0
The Word of Truth - Part 1
Dr. Stanley addresses misconceptions people have about the Bible and the consequences of believing these false statements.
1/27/2024 • 0
Requirements for Answered Prayer
Learn the five requirements for answered prayer.
1/26/2024 • 0
The Power of Solitude - Part 2
Spend more quality time alone with God—the One who loves you most.
1/25/2024 • 0
The Power of Solitude - Part 1
Prioritize your relationship with God by pulling away from your to-do list and diving into His Word.
1/24/2024 • 0
Looking Beyond Our Disappointments - Part 2
Focus on your God-given goals and triumph over temporary disappointments.
1/23/2024 • 0
Looking Beyond Our Disappointments - Part 1
When you experience disappointments, how do you respond?
1/22/2024 • 0
Where Our Security Lies
Dr. Stanley highlights four areas of life that are secured by the person of Jesus Christ.
1/20/2024 • 0
A Life of Love
Be inspired to love others in a Christ-like, unconditional way.
1/19/2024 • 0
A Life of Prayer
How do we keep the door of intimacy with God open?
1/18/2024 • 0
A Life of Service
Adopt the role of "servant" as described in the Bible and watch God work in your life.
1/17/2024 • 0
A Life of Self-Discipline
Honor God through diligence and obedience as you walk with Him each day.
1/16/2024 • 0
The Life of Faith - Part 2
Strive to have a deeper relationship with Christ so God can achieve the extraordinary through you.
1/15/2024 • 0
Finding the Will of God - Part 2
Seek God's will by reading His Word, praying faithfully, trusting Him, and listening to the wise counsel of others.
1/13/2024 • 0
The Life of Faith - Part 1
Experience God's best by pursuing a life of faith.
1/12/2024 • 0
Intimacy With God
When you prioritize Jesus above everything else, you'll experience true intimacy with God.
1/11/2024 • 0
You Are God's Masterpiece
Dr. Stanley shares foundational principles that have shaped his life and blessed him with great joy and fulfillment.
1/10/2024 • 0
The Characteristics - Part 2
Discover how to live a fulfilling life according to God's Word.
1/9/2024 • 0
The Characteristics - Part 1
Dr. Stanley illuminates the meaning of living an extraordinary life for God.
1/8/2024 • 0
Finding the Will of God - Part 1
Why do we sometimes have trouble discerning God's will?
1/6/2024 • 0
Life’s Greatest Investment
Find out what goals honor God and how to make sure your achievements count for eternity.
1/5/2024 • 0
Vision Without Boundaries - Part 2
Hear about the boundaries we place on the Great Commission and how we can overcome them.
1/4/2024 • 0
Vision Without Boundaries - Part 1
What motivated the disciples to share the gospel of Jesus Christ?
1/3/2024 • 0
Facing Fear With Courage - Part 2
Face life with confidence so you can be free of anxiety and unhindered by fear.
1/2/2024 • 0
Facing Fear With Courage - Part 1
Conquer the damaging emotion of fear.
1/1/2024 • 0
A Personal Invitation From God
God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you. Will you respond to His call?
12/30/2023 • 0
How to End Well - Part 2
Be encouraged to leave behind a good legacy and ensure that you will spend eternity in heaven with God.
12/29/2023 • 0
How to End Well - Part 1
Reflect on your eternal future and whether or not you are ready to meet your Savior.
12/28/2023 • 0
The Fear of the Lord - Part 2
The fear of the Lord in us uncovers the true nature of sin and strengthens our commitment to Christ.
12/27/2023 • 0
The Fear of the Lord - Part 1
What does it mean to have a healthy fear of the Lord?
12/26/2023 • 0
Great Joy
Recognize the true joy that lies in appreciating the gift of salvation.
12/25/2023 • 0
The Birth of Jesus—A Revealing Response - Part 2
Find out the three ways you can respond to the message of Jesus' birth.
12/23/2023 • 0
Jesus, Your Life - Part 2
Because our Savior lives within us, we can look forward to everlasting life in His presence.
12/22/2023 • 0
Jesus, Your Life - Part 1
Jesus laid down His life so we could be set free by His crucifixion and resurrection.
12/21/2023 • 0
Our Lord
Have you submitted every area of your life into God's hands?
12/20/2023 • 0
Our Messiah
We're reminded of God's faithfulness and how He keeps every promise He makes.
12/19/2023 • 0
Our Savior
The good news of Jesus' birth anticipates His sinless life—qualifying Him to be God’s sacrificial Lamb.
12/18/2023 • 0
The Birth of Jesus—A Revealing Response - Part 1
What lessons have you learned from the story of Jesus and His birth?
12/16/2023 • 0
How to Handle Those Who Hurt You - Part 2
Dr. Stanley explains how we are to react when we are hurt by others.
12/15/2023 • 0
How to Handle Those Who Hurt You - Part 1
When someone deliberately and willfully tries to hurt you, how do you respond?
12/14/2023 • 0
Hungering and Thirsting for God - Pt. 2B
Devote yourself entirely to God and experience lasting joy and contentment.
12/13/2023 • 0
Hungering and Thirsting for God - Pt. 2A
Material possessions may give temporary fulfillment, but only Jesus Christ can satisfy your soul.
12/12/2023 • 0
Hungering and Thirsting for God - Pt. 1
True satisfaction stems from spending regular time with the Lord.
12/11/2023 • 0
Love's Hidden Enemy
Start cultivating lasting, godly love for those around you.
12/9/2023 • 0
Overcoming Worry - Part 2
Do you know why you worry?
12/8/2023 • 0
Overcoming Worry - Part 1
Do you know why you worry? Dr. Stanley teaches that we have no need to worry because we are the children of a loving God. He hears us and is aware of our every need.
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12/7/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Overcoming Worry - Part 1
We have no need to worry because we are the children of a loving God.
12/7/2023 • 0
Dealing with the Pressure of Time - Part 2
If you knew you had only six months to live, how would you spend your time? More than likely, each day would become more important. Learn from the life of the apostle Paul that we either spend our time wisely or foolishly.
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12/6/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Dealing With the Pressure of Time - Part 2
Treasure each day to ensure you make the most of your time on earth.
12/6/2023 • 0
Dealing with the Pressure of Time - Part 1
If you knew you had only six months to live, how would you spend your time? More than likely, each day would become more important. Learn from the life of the apostle Paul that we either spend our time wisely or foolishly.
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12/5/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Dealing With the Pressure of Time - Part 1
Learn from the life of the apostle Paul that we either spend our time wisely or foolishly.
12/5/2023 • 0
Where to Go When In Need
When believers have need, we can approach our heavenly Father with confidence because of who He is and how He changed us. Dr. Stanley teaches about the benefits of going to God's throne with our needs and what we will find there.
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12/4/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Where to Go When in Need
Dr. Stanley reveals the benefits of going to God's throne with our needs.
12/4/2023 • 0
The Power of Love - Part 2
When you think about your relationship to God, what motivates you? Do you obey Him out of fear or love? Dr. Stanley explains how powerful a life of love for the believer can be and that our obedience to God should be based out of our love for who He is, not fear.
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12/2/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Power of Love - Part 2
When you think about your relationship with God, what motivates you?
12/2/2023 • 0
The Rewards Of Meditation - Part 2
What is meditation in a biblical sense? It is stillness before God with a focus on the Word of God. Be still before God and study His Word, and you'll find that busyness is no match for a close relationship with your Father.
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12/1/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Rewards of Meditation - Part 2
Meditation in a biblical sense means stillness before God with a focus on His Word.
12/1/2023 • 0
The Rewards Of Meditation - Part 1
What is meditation in a biblical sense? It is stillness before God with a focus on the Word of God. Be still before God and study His Word, and you'll find that busyness is no match for a close relationship with your Father.
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11/30/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Rewards of Meditation - Part 1
Meditation is stillness before before God with a focus on His Word.
11/30/2023 • 0
Essentials Of Effective Meditation - Part 2
Would you be willing to try something for a week if it could change your life forever? Dr. Stanley outlines the spiritual value of spending consistent time alone with God and issues a challenge to practice six essential steps to meditation for one week.
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11/29/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Essentials of Effective Meditation - Part 2
Prioritize your time alone with God.
11/29/2023 • 0
Essentials Of Effective Meditation - Part 1
Would you be willing to try something for a week if it could change your life forever? Dr. Stanley outlines the spiritual value of spending consistent time alone with God and issues a challenge to practice six essential steps to meditation for one week.
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11/28/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Essentials of Effective Meditation - Part 1
Dr. Stanley challenges us to practice six essential steps to meditation in a biblical sense.
11/28/2023 • 0
Meditation - The Key To Listening
Those who listen to God receive encouragement when they are down, strength when they are weak, and peace when their world falls apart. Dr. Stanley discusses three main points on how to listen to God: spend time alone with God every day, meditate on His Word, and learn to listen to what He says.
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11/27/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Meditation: The Key to Listening
Find out the three main points revealing how to listen to God.
11/27/2023 • 0
The Power of Love - Part 1
When you think about your relationship to God, what motivates you? Do you obey Him out of fear or love? Dr. Stanley explains how powerful a life of love for the believer can be and that our obedience to God should be based out of our love for who He is, not fear.
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11/25/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Power of Love - Part 1
Our obedience to God is to be based on our love for who God is, not fear.
11/25/2023 • 0
The Exalted Lord of the Revelation
There is no book in all the scriptures that exalts Jesus Christ like The Book of Revelation. Dr. Stanley explains that God wants us to see Christ as He truly is so that we may worship Him with our lives and share His truth with others.
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11/24/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Exalted Lord of the Revelation
See Christ as He truly is so you can share His truth with others.
11/24/2023 • 0
Overflowing with Gratitude
Dr. Stanley talks about how Christians ought to be overflowing with gratitude, and begins by reminding us of the security and faith we have in our relationship with Christ. We can learn to develop a grateful spirit, characterized by Christlike attitudes and actions. Learn to have a positive outlook, a humble spirit, peacefulness, generosity, and other qualities that will open doors to new relationships and opportunities to share the love of Christ with others.
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11/23/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Overflowing With Gratitude
Seek to have a grateful spirit so you can be close with Jesus and share your love for Him with others.
11/23/2023 • 0
Telling It Like It Is - Part 2
Do you suppose anyone has looked at your life and wondered why you act, talk, or think the way you do? It might surprise you to learn how loudly your life broadcasts your motivations and values and even your relationship with the Lord.
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11/22/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Telling It Like It Is - Part 2
Your personal testimony can have eternal consequences.
11/22/2023 • 0
Telling It Like It Is - Part 1
Do you suppose anyone has looked at your life and wondered why you act, talk, or think the way you do? It might surprise you to learn how loudly your life broadcasts your motivations and values and even your relationship with the Lord.
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11/21/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Telling It Like It Is - Part 1
Do you suppose anyone has looked at your life and wondered why you act, talk, or think the way you do?
11/21/2023 • 0
When A Fellow Christian Stumbles
Dr. Stanley explains why people fall and shares six steps a Christian can take to help lead a fellow believer back into good standing with the Lord. Learn to help a friend assume responsibility for sin, receive the message God is sending through failure, and respond to God’s chastisement with gratitude.
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11/20/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
When a Fellow Christian Stumbles
Dr. Stanley shares six steps a Christian can take to help lead a fellow believer back into good standing with the Lord.
11/20/2023 • 0
The Lessons of Love
Dr. Stanley teaches from the greatest passage on love ever written: 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. This is the most incomparable treatise on love. Learn the simple yet profound way in which the apostle Paul described love. He didn't try to define it. He just said, "This is the way love acts."
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11/18/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Lessons of Love
Gain a deeper understanding of the simple yet profound way in which the apostle Paul described love.
11/18/2023 • 0
How to Pass on Our Faith - Part 2
The most valuable thing we have as a believer is our faith. In 2 Timothy 1:3-7, Paul reminds Timothy that his faith was passed down to him from his grandmother Lois and mother Eunice. We also need to pass on to others what we believe. Find out how to pass on your faith.
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11/17/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
How to Pass on Our Faith - Part 2
It's our duty as Christians to share with others what we believe.
11/17/2023 • 0
How to Pass on Our Faith - Part 1
The most valuable thing we have as a believer is our faith. In 2 Timothy 1:3-7, Paul reminds Timothy that his faith was passed down to him from his grandmother Lois and mother Eunice. We also need to pass on to others what we believe. Find out how to pass on your faith.
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11/16/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
How to Pass on Our Faith - Part 1
The apostle Paul reminds Timothy that his faith was passed down to him from his mother and grandmother.
11/16/2023 • 0
The Stages of Faith - Part 2
All through the scriptures, God emphasizes that we are to place our trust in Him. He wants us to believe who He is and believe that He will do exactly what He promises. Dr. Stanley explains the three primary stages the Lord brings us through to develop a firm faith.
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11/15/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Stages of Faith - Part 2
What does it take to have unwavering faith in God?
11/15/2023 • 0
The Stages of Faith - Part 1
All through the scriptures, God emphasizes that we are to place our trust in Him. He wants us to believe who He is and believe that He will do exactly what He promises. Dr. Stanley explains the three primary stages the Lord brings us through to develop a firm faith.
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11/14/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Stages of Faith - Part 1
Place your trust in the Lord and develop a strong, unshakable faith.
11/14/2023 • 0
The Requirements of Faith
The moment we're saved, God enrolls us in the school of faith. He begins to teach us biblical principles of how to live in a world that opposes Him. We can have the confident assurance that the God of the Bible is the one true God.
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11/13/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Requirements of Faith - Part 2
Have total assurance that the God of the Bible is the one true God.
11/13/2023 • 0
Our Love Life
Dr. Stanley explains that God is constantly communicating His love for us in every language. And He wants His children to learn to do the same by becoming fluent in love and watching the people around you flourish.
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11/11/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Our Love Life
Watch the people around you flourish when you display love to them.
11/11/2023 • 0
The Requirements of Faith
The moment we're saved, God enrolls us in the school of faith. He begins to teach us biblical principles of how to live in a world that opposes Him. We can have the confident assurance that the God of the Bible is the one true God.
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11/10/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Requirements of Faith - Part 1
Dr. Stanley discusses the biblical principles that teach us how to live in a world that's against God.
11/10/2023 • 0
Strengthening Our Wavering Faith - Part 2
Faith is the key to the Christian life. Oftentimes, when we experience hardship or trials, our faith may waver. But it is possible to be constant and steadfast.
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11/9/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Strengthening Our Wavering Faith - Part 2
Get guidance on how to maintain a steadfast faith.
11/9/2023 • 0
Strengthening Our Wavering Faith - Part 1
Faith is the key to the Christian life. Oftentimes, when we experience hardship or trials, our faith may waver. But it is possible to be constant and steadfast.
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11/8/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Strengthening Our Wavering Faith - Part 1
Does your faith tend to waver in times of hardship?
11/8/2023 • 0
What It Means to Believe in Jesus
What does it mean to place your trust in Him? Dr. Stanley explains how many people are misled and don't really understand what it means to trust Jesus. Learn what it means to truly believe in Jesus.
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11/7/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
What It Means to Believe in Jesus
Understand the meaning of trusting in Jesus.
11/7/2023 • 0
The Basics of Faith
The basic foundation of truth in the Christian life is faith. We relate to God and to Jesus Christ through faith. However, this one are of life is one that many people misunderstand or have difficulty with.
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11/6/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Basics of Faith
Get a refresher on what it truly means to believe in God.
11/6/2023 • 0
God, The Greatest Lover of All - Part 2
Whether it's in a friendship between longtime friends or in a devoted marriage of a husband and wife, love always asks, 'What is best for the other person?' Dr. Stanley shows that love originates with God and that sending Jesus to die for mankind was the greatest display of His perfect concern and care for every soul.
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11/4/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God, The Greatest Lover of All - Part 2
Love originates with God because He sent His Son Jesus to die for each soul.
11/4/2023 • 0
The Costly Decision to Run from God - Part 2
Do you remember the last time you ran from God? Dr. Stanley explains that when God tells us to do something and we choose not to obey, we are running from Him. The earlier we realize the importance of disobedience, the better off we will be.
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11/3/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Costly Decision to Run from God - Part 1
Do you remember the last time you ran from God? Dr. Stanley explains that when God tells us to do something and we choose not to obey, we are running from Him. The earlier we realize the importance of disobedience, the better off we will be.
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11/2/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Can God Use You? - Part 2
Are you actively serving God? Are you following Him in love, faith, and obedience? Or are you idle in your service to Him, wondering if God could really use someone like you? Unfortunately, sometimes people decide that they can't be of any use to God because they judge themselves unworthy of serving Him. Others do not really know what it means to serve God. They believe that as long as they are coming to church on Sunday they are doing all He requires.
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11/1/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Can God Use You? - Part 1
Are you actively serving God? Are you following Him in love, faith, and obedience? Or are you idle in your service to Him, wondering if God could really use someone like you? Unfortunately, sometimes people decide that they can't be of any use to God because they judge themselves unworthy of serving Him. Others do not really know what it means to serve God. They believe that as long as they are coming to church on Sunday they are doing all He requires.
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10/31/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
How to Lay Your Burden Down
Discover some very practical ways you can yield your troubles and worries to God. He promises to remove them from your shoulders, and take them upon Himself. And what He gives you in return is a light and easy restraintwhich is no burden at all.
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10/30/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God, The Greatest Lover of All - Part 1
Whether it's in a friendship between longtime friends or in a devoted marriage of a husband and wife, love always asks, 'What is best for the other person?' Dr. Stanley shows that love originates with God and that sending Jesus to die for mankind was the greatest display of His perfect concern and care for every soul.
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10/28/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Making Him Known
There are three questions that haunt the minds of people everywhere. Sadly, even many people who are in church Sunday after Sunday wrestle with knowing who the one true God is, what He is like, and understanding how to have an intimate relationship with Him. Dr. Stanley answers these questions in this insightful message.
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10/27/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God's Provision - Part 2
In life, everyone is either just coming out of a storm, in the midst of a storm, or is about to go into a storm. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that although we go through difficult times, God has promised us His presence, protection and peace.
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10/26/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God's Provision - Part 1
In life, everyone is either just coming out of a storm, in the midst of a storm, or is about to go into a storm. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that although we go through difficult times, God has promised us His presence, protection and peace.
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10/25/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God's Purpose - Part 2
We all go through storms in life and we may not know why or what purpose they serve. However, when we look back through the Old and New Testament, we see God building great character in His servants by allowing them to go through such storms. God always has a purpose, and it is always for good!
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10/24/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God's Purpose - Part 1
We all go through storms in life and we may not know why or what purpose they serve. However, when we look back through the Old and New Testament, we see God building great character in His servants by allowing them to go through such storms. God always has a purpose, and it is always for good!
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10/23/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Created to Be Lovers - Part 2
God created each of us in order that we might experience His love and love Him in return. Dr. Stanley teaches from Luke 10:25-28 on the greatest commandment of all. Learn why loving God, others, and ourselves should be the first priority of our lives.
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10/21/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Contentment In All Circumstances
Based on Philippians 4:13, this message examines how to have true contentment. Dr. Stanley describes several events in the life of the Apostle Paul and explains that contentment is not based on outward circumstances but rather an inward attitude.
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10/20/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Strength for all Times
We often hear about people in ministry who quit after years of service. They get tired and weary, and walk away. It's easy to be critical of such people, but it can happen to anyone. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains how to walk in God's strength and not our own.
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10/19/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Taking Risks - Part 2
When Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water, it might have seemed foolish to some. He wanted to be with Jesus, so Peter took a risk that God could do the impossible. Why don't you try taking risks for the kingdom of God? You'll never regret it!
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10/18/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Taking Risks - Part 1
When Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water, it might have seemed foolish to some. He wanted to be with Jesus, so Peter took a risk that God could do the impossible. Why don't you try taking risks for the kingdom of God? You'll never regret it!
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10/17/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Right Relationships
Are you searching for companionship? Seeking someone who can share your troubles, and rejoice in your victories? If you are a believer, Christ wants to be that Person for you.
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10/16/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Created to Be Lovers - Part 1
God created each of us in order that we might experience His love and love Him in return. Dr. Stanley teaches from Luke 10:25-28 on the greatest commandment of all. Learn why loving God, others, and ourselves should be the first priority of our lives.
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10/14/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Healthy Body
According to God's Word, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. What better reason could you have for taking care of it? In this message, Dr. Stanley shows how a healthy diet and regular physical activity are apart of God's will for you, as together they will enable you to reach your full potential for the Lord.
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10/13/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Balanced Schedule
When you look at your calendar, what do you see? Meetings? Social engagements? Sporting events? Something's missing unless you've also scheduled time alone with God, fun with your family fun, and rest for yourself.
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10/12/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Clear Mind
Do you have the desire to discover what your real potential is in life? Do you want to reach the goals that God would have you reach? To do so, you'll have to have a clean heart. Otherwise, it's impossible. You'll also need a clear mind. Dr. Stanley explains why what we think is so important in reaching our full potential.
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10/11/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Clean Heart - Part 2
In this sermon, Dr. Stanley reviews some of Jesus’s most humble acts of service and explains why we must be willing to do the same. Jesus is looking for people who will humble themselves, ignoring pride, position, and power along the way. Are you willing to do so in His name?
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10/10/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Clean Heart - Part 1
In this sermon, Dr. Stanley reviews some of Jesus’s most humble acts of service and explains why we must be willing to do the same. Jesus is looking for people who will humble themselves, ignoring pride, position, and power along the way. Are you willing to do so in His name?
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10/9/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Controlling Your Thoughts - Part 2
Are your thoughts full of unforgiveness, pride, lust, or anger? The fact that you're struggling with such ideas may mean that you haven't been focusing on things that honor God. So how can you reprogram yourself to think Christlike thoughts? Learn how to win the battle for your mind in a way that will impact every area of your life.
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10/7/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Turning Doubts into Blessed Assurance - Part 2
In this encouraging sermon, Dr. Stanley explains how to be completely confident about where you are going to spend eternity. Although there are many things in life you can be undecided about, if you have qualms about your salvation, it will affect every area of your life. Therefore, learn the provisions and promises that God has given you in His Word.
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10/6/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Turning Doubts into Blessed Assurance - Part 1
In this encouraging sermon, Dr. Stanley explains how to be completely confident about where you are going to spend eternity. Although there are many things in life you can be undecided about, if you have qualms about your salvation, it will affect every area of your life. Therefore, learn the provisions and promises that God has given you in His Word.
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10/5/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Troublemaker Within Us - Part 2
There's always something within us that has the propensity to sin sometimes. Dr. Stanley explains this old nature that the apostle Paul referred to as the flesh. But we also discover how to yield to the Holy Spirit and live a life not bound by sinful desires.
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10/4/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Troublemaker Within Us - Part 1
There's always something within us that has the propensity to sin sometimes. Dr. Stanley explains this old nature that the apostle Paul referred to as the flesh. But we also discover how to yield to the Holy Spirit and live a life not bound by sinful desires.
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10/3/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Forsaking God's Best
Attaining God’s best for you is living life at its fullest. It is a process that takes time, and requires your willingness to yield what may seem pleasurable in the moment for things of an eternal value. The world will tempt you in ways that undercut, undermine, and divert you from the Lord’s purposes
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10/2/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Controlling Your Thoughts - Part 1
Are your thoughts full of unforgiveness, pride, lust, or anger? The fact that you're struggling with such ideas may mean that you haven't been focusing on things that honor God. So how can you reprogram yourself to think Christlike thoughts? Learn how to win the battle for your mind in a way that will impact every area of your life.
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9/30/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God's Way Is The Best Way
Whenever you and I face a challenge in life, we always respond in one of two ways: our way or God's way. Although we know that God's way is best and that He has a will and a purpose for our life, we often still choose to do things our way.
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9/29/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Disciple's Fellowship - Part 2
When Jesus ordained the 12 disciples, He sent them out to preach, heal sickness, and cast out demons. The ability to do those things was an incredible gift to receive from God. None of them, however, were first on the list of His purpose for their lives.
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9/28/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Disciple's Fellowship - Part 1
When Jesus ordained the 12 disciples, He sent them out to preach, heal sickness, and cast out demons. The ability to do those things was an incredible gift to receive from God. None of them, however, were first on the list of His purpose for their lives.
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9/27/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Disciple's Service
The disciple’s service, as described by Dr. Stanley, is to pour out one’s life into someone else. Jesus did not save you just to become a child of God, but also to become a channel for God that might bring other people into a relationship with Him.
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9/26/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Disciple's Rest
In today’s world, people still work to the point of feeling drained. You might be feeling that way even today. Maybe not always from spiritual work, but the busyness of life and the fullness of people’s schedules have caused many to become exhausted.
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9/25/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Bearing the Greatest Burden - Part 2
What is the heaviest burden you've ever carried? There are all kinds of weighty troubles that people bear; but there's one burden that's heavier than all the restand it is the most profound, heartbreaking, and destructive burden of them allsin. Christ triumphed so that we wouldn't have to suffer bondage to sin, separation from God, the effects of His wrath, or eternal death.
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9/23/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Disciple Learns to Pray - Part 2
In Luke 11, Jesus’ disciples came to Him and asked Him how to pray. Jesus, being the great Teacher, recognized that their request was an important one. He immediately gave them a model prayer to follow.
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9/22/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Disciple Learns to Pray - Part 1
In Luke 11, Jesus’ disciples came to Him and asked Him how to pray. Jesus, being the great Teacher, recognized that their request was an important one. He immediately gave them a model prayer to follow.
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9/21/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Disciple and the Word of God
It’s easy to feel sometimes that communication with God is a hard thing to do. But He has always spoken with His people. And now He speaks to us through the Bible. His Word plays an essential part in modern-day discipleship.
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9/20/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Disciple and the World
Jesus, through His church, is offering forgiveness, joy, comfort, peace, and love. These are things that people all over the world should desire. This world, however, is ruled by the pursuit of money, materialism, greed, and other secular ideals.
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9/19/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Detachment of Discipleship - Part 2
Dr. Stanley states that in every biblical passage where discipleship is mentioned, so is the principle of detachment. The key idea is that in order to be a disciple, we must sever or disentangle anything from our lives that holds us back from fully yielding our lives to God.
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9/18/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Bearing the Greatest Burden - Part 1
What is the heaviest burden you've ever carried? There are all kinds of weighty troubles that people bear; but there's one burden that's heavier than all the restand it is the most profound, heartbreaking, and destructive burden of them allsin. Christ triumphed so that we wouldn't have to suffer bondage to sin, separation from God, the effects of His wrath, or eternal death.
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9/16/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Detachment of Discipleship - Part 1
Dr. Stanley states that in every biblical passage where discipleship is mentioned, so is the principle of detachment. The key idea is that in order to be a disciple, we must sever or disentangle anything from our lives that holds us back from fully yielding our lives to God.
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9/15/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Badge of a True Disciple
In this message, Dr. Stanley describes the badge of true discipleship as loving one another. We are called to love others not as we love ourselves, but as God loves us. It is this badge of love that we wear every day of our lives and that sets us apart from the world.
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9/14/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Devotion of Discipleship - Part 2
Many people believe, and rightly so, that God is a giving God. He loves to give His children good gifts! At the same time, believers are called to love God with all that we areour heart, mind, and strength (Deut. 6:5). To be a true disciple requires our devotion.
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9/13/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Devotion of Discipleship - Part 1
Many people believe, and rightly so, that God is a giving God. He loves to give His children good gifts! At the same time, believers are called to love God with all that we areour heart, mind, and strength (Deut. 6:5). To be a true disciple requires our devotion.
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9/12/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Demands of Discipleship
A disciple is one who is devoted to Jesus, detached from the world, disciplined, and dedicated to discipling others. If this type of discipleship is something that you desire in your own life, this message will lead you to a more vibrant and effective walk with the Lord.
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9/11/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Bearing Each Other’s Burdens - Part 2
When you're going through difficulties and you really feel burdened, do you feel the freedom to share your hardship with others? When you refuse to seek help because of your own pride or insecurities, you suffer much more painfully than necessary. Whether your burden is financial, relational, physical, or spiritual, find encouragement and the help you need in this message.
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9/9/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Our Trustworthy Guide - Part 2
Your life is like a never-before traveled trail, and each one of us is on a journey. Do you have someone who is guiding you, helping you along? Do you know what trail you are on and where you are going? We can travel on the path that God has prepared for us, or we can take a different path of our own choosing. Psalm 32:8-9 teaches that we need a guide who knows the path and the best direction to go in life.
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9/8/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Our Trustworthy Guide - Part 1
Your life is like a never-before traveled trail, and each one of us is on a journey. Do you have someone who is guiding you, helping you along? Do you know what trail you are on and where you are going? We can travel on the path that God has prepared for us, or we can take a different path of our own choosing. Psalm 32:8-9 teaches that we need a guide who knows the path and the best direction to go in life.
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9/7/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Prayer is Where the Action Is
In Exodus 17, the Israelites face an enemy bent on destroying them. As Joshua led the army in battle, Moses sat on the hilltop holding the staff of God above his head. At first glance, Moses’ position makes no sensewhy wasn’t he in the fray? While the battle may have been fought on the field, victory was secured on the hilltop. Prayer is the place where we win or lose our fights, and God intends for us to have victory.
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9/6/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Praying For Others
Believers are commanded to pray for all peoplethe lost, church leaders, those in authority, the persecutors and persecutedbecause nothing is more powerful than prayer, and no one is beyond its reach. When interceding on someone else’s behalf, do you know the most effective way to pray? There are six attitudes we must adopt in order to see God move in the lives of those around us.
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9/5/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Power of Your Prayer Life
Transforming, energizing, life-givingthere’s nothing like praying to Almighty God. Yet so many of us struggle with spending dedicated alone time with Him. Learn how to build a powerful prayer life and the benefits that come with doing so. As we spend time on our knees before the Lord, He is busy transforming the world around us and the world within us. What could be better?
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9/4/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Bearing Each Other’s Burdens - Part 1
When you're going through difficulties and you really feel burdened, do you feel the freedom to share your hardship with others? When you refuse to seek help because of your own pride or insecurities, you suffer much more painfully than necessary. Whether your burden is financial, relational, physical, or spiritual, find encouragement and the help you need.
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9/2/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Time to Stop Waiting In Prayer
Israel’s victory at Jericho is one of the most famous stories in the Bible. But many people don’t know that what followed was an embarrassing defeat, which left Israel’s leader, Joshua, confused and on his face before God. Using this rich story, learn how believers can discern the time to pray and the time to act. Prayer is essential, but it was never meant to replace action.
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9/1/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
How to Pray in the Will of God
The Bible tells us that when we pray to God if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us (1 John 5:14). For many Christians who feel in the dark about God’s will, those words send them into doubt and insecurity. We don’t have to wring our hands and wonder what the Lord is up to. God promises to show us how to pray His will for every situation we face. All we have to do is wait and trust Him.
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8/31/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Why Our Prayers Are Unanswered
In this message, Dr. Stanley reveals what’s going on behind the scenes. And while we won’t ever see the full picture this side of heaven, we can trust that God always hears His children and is faithfully conforming us to the image of His Son.
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8/30/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
When It's Spiritual Warfare - Part 2
Spiritual warfare is a reality every believer must face. But the good news is that the Bible directly addresses how to engage our enemy, Satan, so that we emerge victorious. In this message, Dr. Stanley shares how to identify and dismantle the strongholds of the devil.
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8/29/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
When It's Spiritual Warfare - Part 1
This is the reality of spiritual warfare. The good news is that the Bible directly addresses how to engage our enemy, Satan, so that we emerge victorious. In this message, Dr. Stanley shares how to identify and dismantle the strongholds of the devil.
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8/28/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Letting God Handle Your Burdens - Part 2
When burdens come into your life, how do you handle them? Do you deal with them according to God's Word? Or do you find yourself complaining and trying to escape them? God knows what your load limit is, and it would be out of character for Him to burden you without also supporting you with His strength and wisdom. Learn how to surrender your life to Christ and experience the relief only He can offer. Dr. Stanley teaches you how in this freeing message.
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8/26/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Answered Prayer
Throughout Scripture, the Bible tells us repeatedly to pray. And it also tells us those prayers will be answered. In this message, Dr. Stanley explains that the basis of all answered prayer is that God is a good Father who loves His children not a reward we can earn, but the fruit of a relationship we were created to enjoy.
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8/25/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Prayer Burden
An inner sense of heaviness settles on your shoulders. It’s not despair or depression. It’s not fear. Somehow, whatever this is pulls at your heart and draws you to your knees. It’s a prayer burden from the Lord. Learn what a "prayer burden" is and what to do with it. God wants us to co-labor with Him to see this world transformed. And we do so by praying for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
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8/24/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Prayer and Fasting
As Christians we have many weapons in our arsenal for spiritual warfare: the blood of Jesus, our testimonies, God’s Word. But there’s one more weapon that is often overlooked and underused: fasting.
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8/23/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Praying with Authority
While we’re not all called to make such dramatic displays of faith like Elijah, we’ve all been given authority in prayer through the Lord Jesus Christ. Learn how to confidently, yet humbly, approach the throne of grace with your petitions and requests (Heb. 4:16). Learn to pray with authority, and give God the opportunity to glorify Himself in your circumstances.
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8/22/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Unveiling the Hidden
The prophet Jeremiah would understand: It was when he was in prison, while his city was under siege, that God said to him: Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know (33:3).
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8/21/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Letting God Handle Your Burdens - Part 1
When burdens come into your life, how do you handle them? Do you deal with them according to God's Word? Or do you find yourself complaining and trying to escape them? God knows what your load limit is, and it would be out of character for Him to burden you without also supporting you with His strength and wisdom. Learn how to surrender your life to Christ and experience the relief only He can offer. Dr. Stanley teaches you how in this freeing message.
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8/19/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
When Facing Challenges
Imagine how an artist creates a painting. Day after day, he spends hours focused on one work he will soon call "art." Now, in the same way, imagine God in all of His infinite power laboring over you each day. In "When Facing Challenges," learn that the Father is laboring over you with His hand of mercy.
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8/18/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Failure: The First Step to Victory - Part 2
No one enjoys defeat or failure ... and most will do whatever it takes to avoid such unpleasant experiences. Yet some of life’s biggest successes are born out of previous failures. In "Failure: The First Step to Victory," we learn that failure can actually bring with it the seeds of blessing and newness.
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8/17/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Failure: The First Step to Victory - Part 1
No one enjoys defeat or failure ... and most will do whatever it takes to avoid such unpleasant experiences. Yet some of life’s biggest successes are born out of previous failures. In "Failure: The First Step to Victory," we learn that failure can actually bring with it the seeds of blessing and newness.
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8/16/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Believer’s Valley Experiences - Part 2
No one can completely escape all suffering in this life. But as believers in an all-powerful, loving God, we can face difficulties with confidence and assurance. He will protect and watch over us, no matter what troubling places He allows us to walk through.
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8/15/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Believer’s Valley Experiences - Part 1
No one can completely escape all suffering in this life. But as believers in an all-powerful, loving God, we can face difficulties with confidence and assurance. He will protect and watch over us, no matter what troubling places He allows us to walk through.
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8/14/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Grace to Keep Going - Part 2
Why is grace able to sustain us through trials and tribulations? Exploring Romans 5:12, Dr. Stanley explains the meaning behind the phrase, this grace in which we stand. Grace through suffering builds and transforms character, creates empathy, reaffirms God’s presence in our lives, and sets our hearts on Him.
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8/12/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Sanctification: The Process - Part 2
When you trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, what did you expect to happen? Did you think your life would change? Did anyone teach you what to expect or how to live a godly Christian life? God has an extraordinary plan for your life, and in this wonderful sermon entitled Sanctification: The Process, Dr. Stanley discusses how God prepares you for service and transforms you into the image of Christ.
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8/11/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Sanctification: The Process - Part 1
When you trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, what did you expect to happen? Did you think your life would change? Did anyone teach you what to expect or how to live a godly Christian life? God has an extraordinary plan for your life, and in this wonderful sermon entitled Sanctification: The Process, Dr. Stanley discusses how God prepares you for service and transforms you into the image of Christ.
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8/10/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Sanctification: God’s Grand Plan - Part 2
God has an amazing and specific plan for your life in which you become more like Jesus-and it's better than anything you can imagine. In this inspiring sermon, Sanctification: God's Grand Plan, Dr. Stanley teaches you how God is setting you apart for His service and transforming you into the likeness of Christ.
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8/9/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Sanctification: God’s Grand Plan - Part 1
God has an amazing and specific plan for your life in which you become more like Jesus-and it's better than anything you can imagine. In this inspiring sermon, Sanctification: God's Grand Plan, Dr. Stanley teaches you how God is setting you apart for His service and transforming you into the likeness of Christ.
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8/8/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Reasoning with God
Have you ever thought to yourself, I wish I could ask God about this? If so, you’re not alone. It’s a common desire. From the deeper doctrines of Scripture to personal challenges, there is much about Christian life that many believers do not fully understand, but would like to.
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8/7/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Grace to Keep Going - Part 1
Why is grace able to sustain us through trials and tribulations? Exploring Romans 5:12, Dr. Stanley explains the meaning behind the phrase, this grace in which we stand. Grace through suffering builds and transforms character, creates empathy, reaffirms God’s presence in our lives, and sets our hearts on Him.
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8/5/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Unconditional Surrender - Part 2
What would it take for us to surrender-without condition-our whole hearts to God? What would happen if we were to open our lives completely to God's working? In Unconditional Surrender, Dr. Stanley teaches that now is the time to lay down our defenses and listen for the Lord's leading.
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8/4/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Unconditional Surrender - Part 1
What would it take for us to surrender-without condition-our whole hearts to God? What would happen if we were to open our lives completely to God's working? In Unconditional Surrender, Dr. Stanley teaches that now is the time to lay down our defenses and listen for the Lord's leading.
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8/3/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
How To Listen
If God is speaking, are we listening? Listening to God is not sitting around passively, waiting for Him to say something. No, listening to God is an active process. If we're going to hear from God, it is crucial that we spend time meditating on the Word of God. In this message, Dr. Stanley teaches the principles for learning to listen to God from 1 Samuel 3.
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8/2/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
What Determines What I Hear? - Part 2
Our backgrounds and life circumstances can directly affect our spiritual listening when we pray, especially if there is sin our life. Dr. Stanley teaches that our relationship with God and the purity of our heart determine whether or not we can hear Him correctly when He speaks.
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8/1/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
What Determines What I Hear? - Part 1
Our backgrounds and life circumstances can directly affect our spiritual listening when we pray, especially if there is sin our life. Dr. Stanley teaches that our relationship with God and the purity of our heart determine whether or not we can hear Him correctly when He speaks.
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7/31/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Riches of the Grace of God - Part 2
Can a person honestly say he or she is rich if they have no hope, peace, contentment, or assurance? In Christ we have redemption, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life. Dr. Stanley explains what we inherit the moment our heavenly Father makes us His children.
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7/29/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Identifying The Voice Of God
The Father always answers our prayers, but often we cannot hear His voice or distinguish His call because of the noise in our lives. Dr. Stanley teaches how to explore the Word and hear God’s truths. Your spirit will never agree to believing something that’s not of God. Dr. Stanley reveals the six clues that may reveal God’s personal message for you.
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7/28/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
How God Gets Our Attention - Part 2
There are things that God allows or sends into our lives to make us stop and listen to Him. Dr. Stanley teaches that God is powerful enough to keep, protect, provide for, and guide us in any situation. Whenever things happen that don't make sense, our job is to ask, "Lord, what are you saying?"
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7/27/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
How God Gets Our Attention - Part 1
There are things that God allows or sends into our lives to make us stop and listen to Him. Dr. Stanley teaches that God is powerful enough to keep, protect, provide for, and guide us in any situation. Whenever things happen that don't make sense, our job is to ask, "Lord, what are you saying?"
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7/26/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God's Goal In Communicating
Dr. Stanley explains that God is always speaking precisely and concisely to us. The Lord's words pierce our hearts with comfort and conviction, always working to conform us to the image of His Son. Make sure you’re paying attention and learn to actively listen to God’s voice.
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7/25/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Is God Still Talking?
To grow in intimacy with the Lord, we must spend at least as much time listening to Him as we do speaking. Dr. Stanley tells us that God is still talking to His people. Learn how to discern the voice of God amidst the growing noise of this world.
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7/24/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Riches of the Grace of God - Part 1
Can a person honestly say he or she is rich if they have no hope, peace, contentment, or assurance? In Christ we have redemption, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life. Dr. Stanley explains what we inherit the moment our heavenly Father makes us His children.
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7/22/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
When We Cry Out to God
When you're facing a crisis, what is your first response? Is it to see if you can work it out yourself, or do you cry out to God? Dr. Stanley explains the difference between praying to God and crying out to God.
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7/21/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God is Our Keeper - Part 2
While God doesn't promise to keep us from pain, He does promise to never forsake us during hardship. In fact, scripture tells us that we are the apple of His eye.
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7/20/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
God is Our Keeper - Part 1
While God doesn't promise to keep us from pain, He does promise to never forsake us during hardship. In fact, scripture tells us that we are the apple of His eye.
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7/19/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Facing the Unfinished Task - Part 2
Christ commissioned us to continue His work here one earthto teach others about His atoning death and a new relationship with the Father. As long as there are unbelievers, we face the unfinished task of leading them to Christ. Dr. Stanley explains how we are to approach our important assignment and glorify God through our service to Him.
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7/18/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Facing the Unfinished Task - Part 1
Christ commissioned us to continue His work here one earthto teach others about His atoning death and a new relationship with the Father. As long as there are unbelievers, we face the unfinished task of leading them to Christ. Dr. Stanley explains how we are to approach our important assignment and glorify God through our service to Him.
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7/17/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Saved By Grace - Part 2
There is no reason to wait until heaven to experience the fullness of God’s grace. He wants us to live abundantly right now. From the moment we are saved to our last breath on earth, God desires for us to be intimate with Him. Dr. Stanley shares how important it is to embrace God’s gift of friendship and what it means to be saved by grace.
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7/15/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Serving God's Purpose
Don't you want to be remembered for your love? Dr. Stanley explains that love expressed through genuine, selfless service to others is the best legacy we can leave. Learn how to follow in King David's footsteps and serve the purposes of God.
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7/14/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Man After God's Own Heart
God bestowed the title of king upon Davida former shepherd boy who grew up to be a warrior, not to mention a murderer and adulterer. Dr. Stanley addresses this paradox and explains the characteristics that made David a man after God's own heart. Take comfort in his storyyou don't have to be perfect to pursue God wholeheartedly.
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7/13/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Made for the Mountains
Dr. Stanley teaches that we were made for the mountains: the call to come higher, experience more, and grow deeper inspires us to keep climbing even when the way is steep. Experience renewed energy to keep heading upward. You'll find God beside you every step of the way, placing your feet in high places.
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7/12/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Continuing Consequences of Our Conduct - Part 2
Dr. Stanley examines King David’s life and highlights the consequences of our behavior. Just as it did for David, the principle of sowing and reaping still bears out in our lives today. Since God's ultimate goal is that we be conformed to the image of His Son Jesus, He will use even the most dire consequences to mold us into His likeness.
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7/11/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The Continuing Consequences of Our Conduct - Part 1
Dr. Stanley examines King David’s life and highlights the consequences of our behavior. Just as it did for David, the principle of sowing and reaping still bears out in our lives today. Since God's ultimate goal is that we be conformed to the image of His Son Jesus, He will use even the most dire consequences to mold us into His likeness.
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7/10/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Saved By Grace - Part 1
There is no reason to wait until heaven to experience the fullness of God’s grace. He wants us to live abundantly right now. From the moment we are saved to our last breath on earth, God desires for us to be intimate with Him. Dr. Stanley shares how important it is to embrace God’s gift of friendship and what it means to be saved by grace.
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7/8/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Responding to Sin - Part 2
Dr. Stanley assures us that when we fail and give in to temptation, God is gracious to restore us. Don't let sin get the best of you. Learn how to move past it and continue pursuing the Lord without guilt or shame.
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7/7/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Responding to Sin - Part 1
Dr. Stanley assures us that when we fail and give in to temptation, God is gracious to restore us. Don't let sin get the best of you. Learn how to move past it and continue pursuing the Lord without guilt or shame.
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7/6/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Moment of Weakness
If you're human, you have at least one weakness, reminding you of your propensity to sin. Dr. Stanley explores the story of David and Bathsheba, exposing weakness as a universal problem and teaching us to examine those areas where we're most vulnerable to fail.
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7/5/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Things That Cannot Be Shaken
There are many things in this world that are being shaken today. The financial world, the scientific world, and even the church. Dr. Stanley explains that although the world may seem unstable and uncertain, God has an ultimate plan for humanity that nothing can shake.
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7/4/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
How to Handle Difficult Circumstances
How do you handle difficult circumstances in your life? It can be the result of something going on in your family, your health, or your work. Dr. Stanley explains how God helps us deal with the tension, stress, and doubt of tough times.
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7/3/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A God of Grace - Part 2
Dr. Stanley teaches on one of God’s greatest gifts: grace. Because Jesus lived a sinless life as a man, He was able to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. His death on the cross made it possible for us to receive God’s grace. The question now is: What will you do with such a gift?
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7/1/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A Moment of Weakness
Dr. Stanley explores the story of David and Bathsheba, exposing weakness as a universal problem and teaching us to examine those areas where we're most apt to fail. Face your problem spots head-on and develop defenses against the enemy's snares.
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6/30/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Sitting Before the Lord - Part 2
Silently sitting in a room by yourself doesn’t feel very productive. Yet for believers, regularly focusing on the Lord in this way results in spiritual transformation. Dr. Stanley teaches us how to wait upon the Lord and why it’s so important.
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6/29/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Sitting Before the Lord - Part 1
Silently sitting in a room by yourself doesn’t feel very productive. Yet for believers, regularly focusing on the Lord in this way results in spiritual transformation. Dr. Stanley teaches us how to wait upon the Lord and why it’s so important.
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6/28/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
The True Test of Character
If we are to become men and women who passionately pursue God, then we need a vision of what that looks like. Dr. Stanley demosntrates godly characteristics in the life of David. It’s not easy to seekGod wholeheartedly, but we can learn from David’s life how to do it and why it’s worth it.
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6/27/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
Talking With the Dead
Dr. Stanley dissects the passage in 1 Samuel 28 where Saul consults a medium to speak with the recently deceased prophet, Samuel. Learn how God views occult practices and why Christians should never engage in any form of witchcraft.
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6/26/2023 • 24 minutes, 30 seconds
A God of Grace - Part 1
Dr. Stanley teaches on one of God’s greatest gifts: grace. Because Jesus lived a sinless life as a man, He was able to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins. His death on the cross made it possible for us to receive God’s grace. The question now is: What will you do with such a gift?
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