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History Extra podcast

English, History, 1 season, 2144 episodes, 3 days, 20 hours, 5 minutes
The latest news from the team behind BBC History Magazine - a popular History magazine. To find out more, visit Our GDPR privacy policy was updated on August 8, 2022. Visit ( for more information.
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Medieval women: friendship, wanderlust and the medieval hustle

Marie de France, Julian of Norwich, Christine de Pizan and Margery Kempe: what can these four extraordinary female writers reveal about the everyday lives of ordinary women in the Middle Ages? Well, rather a lot, according to historian Hetta Howes. Looking closely at these authors' works, she captures glimpses into medieval lives that have otherwise been overshadowed – covering everything from the extent to which women had control over their bodies and freedoms, to female friendships and religious belief. Emily Briffett spoke to her to find out more. (Ad) Hetta Howes is the author of Poet, Mystic, Widow, Wife: The Extraordinary Lives of Medieval Women (Bloomsbury Continuum, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: Listen to Eleanor Janega answer your top questions on the lives of medieval women here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/24/202446 minutes
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The Tyrant, the usurper and the hero | Richard II: tyrant

Richard II lacked all the qualities a medieval monarch needed, bar one: birthright. Born believing he was God's representative on Earth, the narcissistic tyrant seems to have done everything wrong. But did Richard just not understand what it meant to be king? In the first episode of this three-part HistoryExtra podcast series 'Tyrant, Usurper, Hero', Dan Jones and Helen Castor chart Richard’s eccentricities and the trials of his reign – from the monarch’s obsessive addiction to good hygiene to his involvement in the Peasant’s Revolt and eventual downfall. (Ad) Helen Castor is the author of The Eagle and the Hart: The Tragedy of Richard II and Henry IV (Penguin, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: (Ad) Dan Jones is the author of Henry V: The Astonishing Rise of England's Greatest Warrior King (Bloomsbury, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/23/202451 minutes, 56 seconds
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Chris Packham & Peter Frankopan: can history help tackle the climate crisis?

Climate change is an issue that animates politicians, scientists and activists around the world – but could looking to history help shape our approach to the climate crisis today? And what role do historians have to play in facing the issue? In this conversation with Matt Elton, best-selling author and historian Peter Frankopan and broadcaster and conservationist Chris Packham share their thoughts on these topics and more – and consider whether the past offers any optimism for the future. Listen to Eugene Linden speak about the history of our relationship with the environment here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/22/202446 minutes, 17 seconds
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History Behind the Headlines: political memoirs, fuel and access to nature

In the latest episode of our monthly series charting the past behind the present, Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter explore the history of political memoirs, Britain's changing energy supplies across the centuries, and conflicts over access to the countryside. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/21/202446 minutes, 11 seconds
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Tudor spymaster: the secret machinations of Robert Cecil

Late Tudor England was a dangerous place, with plots both at home and abroad, and no certainty about who was going to succeed the ageing queen, Elizabeth I. Into this perilous world stepped Robert Cecil, a brilliant but unglamorous statesman and spymaster who played a pivotal role in keeping the country together and ensuring a smooth transition to the Stuart monarchy. Professor Stephen Alford speaks to Rob Attar about this unheralded titan of the Tudor and Stuart courts. (Ad) Stephen Alford is the author of //All His Spies: The Secret World of Robert Cecil// (Penguin, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/20/202445 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Korean War: everything you wanted to know

On today's Everything You Wanted to Know episode, we're covering the Korean War, exploring how the nation came to be divided in two, what the impact of fighting was on the peninsular's civilian population, and how close the clash came to going nuclear. In conversation with Spencer Mizen, Owen Miller of the Centre of Korean Studies at SOAS answers your questions on the Cold War conflict. Check out our Everything you wanted to know episode on the Vietnam War here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/202439 minutes, 47 seconds
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Roman slavery: a brutal life in the ancient empire

How many slaves were there in the Roman empire? Were they cruelly treated, or could they sometimes go on to win fame, fortune and freedom? And how often did they – like Spartacus –rebel? Here, in conversation with Spencer Mizen, Guy de la Bédoyère explores the remarkable, and often brutal, history of slavery in the ancient world's most powerful empire. (Ad) Guy de la Bédoyère is the author of Populus: Living and Dying in the Wealth, Smoke and Din of Ancient Rome (Abacus, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: Hannah Platts takes listeners on a multi-sensory tour of the ancient Roman home, here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/17/202430 minutes, 12 seconds
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1066: the battle for England | 4. the long and violent Norman Conquest

William of Normandy’s victory at the Battle of Hastings in October 1066 was far from the end of the Norman Conquest of England. It took many years, and putting down no small amount of rebellion, for William to fully establish control. In the final episode of our new series on 1066, Marc Morris discusses the long story of the Norman Conquest with David Musgrove. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/16/202446 minutes, 17 seconds
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Imperial spectacle: inside Britain's 1924 'Empire Exhibition'

A century ago, in 1924, the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley opened its doors, receiving as many as 27 million visits over two years. It was a grand declaration of an empire at its territorial height. But behind the spectacle was a superpower grappling with its position on the world stage, seeking to recalibrate its own sense of influence and importance. Speaking to Elinor Evans, Matthew Parker takes listeners inside the exhibition, which featured huge sporting events and battle reenactments, glamorous pavilions showcasing new technology and science – and even a replica of Tutankhamun’s tomb. To listen to Matthew Parker discussing events that occurred across the British empire on one specific day in 1923, click here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/15/202433 minutes, 18 seconds
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John Milton: life of the week

Across the 65 years of his life, writer John Milton packed a lot in: poet, polemicist, political operator – engaging with ideas that often challenged the status quo. In today's Life of the Week episode, Professor Islam Issa speaks to Matt Elton about the life and legacy of this 17th-century polymath. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/14/202439 minutes, 43 seconds
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Why did people kill for Hitler?

Why were so many Germans prepared to participate in the crimes of the Third Reich? It's a question that has exercised historians and the wider public for decades, and now, in his new book, Hitler's People, Professor Richard J Evans seeks to provide an answer. In this episode, he speaks to Rob Attar about what drove people – from lowly functionaries to Hitler himself – to engage in acts of mass murder. (Ad) Richard J Evans is the author of Hitler's People: The Faces of the Third Reich (Allen Lane, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: Listen to Mary Fulbrook explore why so many people went along with the Nazi regime here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/13/202435 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Cathars: everything you wanted to know

Denounced as heretics by the Catholic church, the Cathars were a offshoot Christian movement which emerged in southern Europe during the 12th century. But what was it about their beliefs that was so outrageous to the orthodox medieval church? And why was their existence quickly snuffed out? Speaking to Emily Briffett, historian Claire Taylor reveals more about the Cathars' way of life and the efforts made to suppress them. Hear Giles Tremlett answer listener questions on the Spanish Inquisition here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/202452 minutes, 7 seconds
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Black British History: everything you wanted to know

October is Black History Month here in the UK. But how far back does the story of black people in Britain stretch - and what evidence do we have about their experiences? Speaking to Charlotte Hodgman in this episode from 2022, historian Hannah Cusworth answers your top questions about black British history. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/202441 minutes, 39 seconds
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Shopping and snacking: a social history of the high street

Daring department store stunts. Warming cups of cocoa. Argumentative bartering with butchers. What can revisiting high streets gone by reveal about British social history? Historian Annie Gray takes listeners on a shopping trip through the centuries, telling Ellie Cawthorne more about the goods, refreshments and entertainment on offer. (Ad) Annie Gray is the author of The Bookshop, The Draper, The Candlestick Maker: A History of the High Street (Profile Books, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: Annie Gray revisits the life of Churchill's cook during the Second World War here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/202438 minutes, 8 seconds
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1066: the battle for England | 3. Three kings and three battles

The year 1066 is the most famous in English history. It was marked by not just one, but three major battles, and saw three different men ruling as king of England. Marc Morris, in conversation with David Musgrove, outlines how the tumultuous year played out and charts the fates of the key contenders in the fight for England's throne. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/9/202447 minutes, 24 seconds
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The race to identify all living creatures

In the 18th century, two men – Carl Linnaeus and Georges-Louis de Buffon – both independently took on a mammoth task. They set out to identify, describe and categorise all life on Earth. Speaking to Matt Elton, Jason Roberts charts the two naturalists' hugely different views and approaches – and how they shaped our view of the natural world for centuries. (Ad) Jason Roberts is the author of Every Living Thing: The Great and Deadly Race to Know All Life (Quercus, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/8/202440 minutes, 30 seconds
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King John: life of the week

King John has a terrible reputation. He's best known as the monarch who broke the terms of Magna Carta, lost Normandy to the French and committed numerous acts of unspeakable cruelty. Here, in conversation with Spencer Mizen, Nicholas Vincent considers if John really was as bad as all that - or if, indeed, he was even worse. Hear Nicholas Vincent discuss the Second Barons' War here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/7/202435 minutes
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Ordinary Vikings: hidden histories of the Nordic world

We know the Vikings best as brutal, seafaring, pagan raiders – and that’s an important part of their lives and histories. But it’s only one aspect: what about their love lives, experiences of travels, and attitudes to religion? Speaking with James Osborne, Eleanor Barraclough unpicks the day-to-day lives and culture of the Vikings across their vast – and complicated – geographic domain and timeline. (Ad) Eleanor Barraclough is the author of Embers of the Hands: Hidden Histories of the Viking Age (Profile Books, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/6/202439 minutes, 40 seconds
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Tea history: everything you wanted to know

Chances are, like most of us, you probably enjoy a good cup of tea. But how did the world come to be so obsessed with this now-ubiquitous hot beverage? Where did it originate? How did trading it trigger wars? And when did people first experience the delights of an elegant afternoon tea? Elinor Evans puts your top questions on tea to historian, writer, and tea specialist Jane Pettigrew. Listen to Jonathan Morris chart the history of another of the world's favourite hot drinks, coffee: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/5/202448 minutes, 49 seconds
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Victorian women detectives

Apprehending thieves in the street. Disguising as housemaids to spy on adulterous husbands. Investigating and exposing child abuse. The exploits of women detectives in the Victorian era were dramatic, secretive, and often dangerous. Author and historian Sara Lodge tells Ellie Cawthorne more about these sleuths and the roles they played in 19th-century crime fighting. (Ad) Sara Lodge is the author of The Mysterious Case of the Victorian Female Detective (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: Listen to Drew Gray tackle listener question on crime, courts, policing and prisons in 19th-century Britain: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/202434 minutes, 34 seconds
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1066: the battle for England | 2. The power behind the Anglo-Saxon throne

Harold II – best known as the defeated king who reportedly got an arrow through the eye at the Battle of Hastings – was part of the Godwin family. In this episode, Marc Morris reveals how the Godwins were the power behind the throne through much of the reign of Harold’s predecessor, King Edward the Confessor. He explains to David Musgrove why the family came to prominence and how Harold managed to take the crown for himself after King Edward’s death at the start of 1066. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/2/202436 minutes, 16 seconds
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A hidden history of black civil rights

When we think of American civil rights, we tend to focus on the mid 20th-century and the likes of Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks, who fought for the rights of black people in an era of segregation. But, in his revelatory new book, Before the Movement, which has recently been shortlisted for the Cundill History Prize, Dylan Penningroth tells a much longer and broader story, beginning in the era of slavery and focusing on everyday legal matters that historians have often overlooked. Rob Attar speaks to Dylan to find out more about this little-known aspect of black American history. (Ad) Dylan Penningroth is the author of Before the Movement: The Hidden History of Black Civil Rights (Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2023). Preorder it now from Amazon: Listen to the first episode of our podcast series on the US civil rights movement of the mid 20th century here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/1/202448 minutes, 26 seconds
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Eleanor Roosevelt: life of the week

Historian and biographer Susan Ware joins Elinor Evans to discuss the life of Eleanor Roosevelt, from her transformative role as First Lady of the United States during her husband Franklin Delano Roosevelt's presidency, to her advocacy for human rights amid personal tumult. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/30/202448 minutes, 48 seconds
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How did the US get so many guns?

Today there are an estimated 450 million guns in civilian hands in the United States – ten times the number than at the end of the Second World War. But how did that conflict spark a weaponry boom? And what are the social and economic currents that have led the US to have more guns than people? Matt Elton speaks to Andrew C McKevitt, whose Cundill History Prize-shortlisted book Gun Country explores these questions. (Ad) Andrew C McKevitt is the author of Gun Country: Gun Capitalism, Culture, and Control in Cold War America (The University of North Carolina Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: Find out more about the Cundill History Prize here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/29/202450 minutes, 17 seconds
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Communism: everything you wanted to know

First published in 1848, the The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels presents communism as a 'spectre' haunting Europe. During the century that followed, this revolutionary ideology swept the world and left an indelible mark on the geopolitical dynamics of the modern age. Historian Maurice J Casey talks to Danny Bird about the history of communism – from Bolshevik emigrés and the fall of the Berlin Wall; to the rise of the Comintern and the legacy of anticommunism. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/202450 minutes, 30 seconds
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Liberating WW2 Naples: triumph and tragedy

When Allied forces arrived in Naples in October 1943, they found a city on its knees. Already ravaged by three years of war, Naples had been further decimated by German occupiers and now faced a desperate battle to get back on its feet as the Second World War continued to unfold around it. In this episode, the historian Keith Lowe joins Rob Attar to explore the story of the first major European city to be liberated by the Allies – a tale of ingenuity and heroism, immorality and despair. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/202431 minutes, 25 seconds
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1066: the battle for England | 1. Vikings, Normans and rebellious Anglo-Saxons

The roots of the Norman Conquest of 1066 can be traced all the way back to 1016 – when England was hit by an earlier foreign invasion. This time, the assault came from Denmark and the forces of Cnut. In the first episode of our new series on 1066, Marc Morris talks to David Musgrove about how the events of the early 11th century set the scene for the Norman invasion half a century later. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/25/202447 minutes, 56 seconds
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Churchill's prewar crisis meetings

In the run-up to the Second World War, Winston Churchill's Kent home, Chartwell, was transformed from a cosy country pile to an informal Home Office, as the politician invited influential guests to come for dinner, drinks.... and off-the-record discussions. From 'Lawrence of Arabia' to Albert Einstein, Katherine Carter tells Ellie Cawthorne how these visitors shaped Churchill's views about the looming prospect of war. (Ad) Katherine Carter is the author Churchill's Citadel: Chartwell and the Gatherings Before the Storm (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/24/202437 minutes, 48 seconds
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Henry VII: life of the week

Henry VII has gone down in history as the miserable miser who, rightly or wrongly, seized the English Crown from the hands of Richard III at the battle of Bosworth. But, according to historian and author Nathen Amin, Henry's rise to power was unprecedented – and his rotten reputation blown out of proportion. In this 'Life of the week' episode, Nathen speaks to Emily Briffett about the life and legacy of the first Tudor monarch – from his major political successes to his close family bonds. (Ad) Nathen Amin is the author of Son of Prophecy: The Rise of Henry Tudor (Amberly, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/23/202458 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tokyo 1946: the war crime trial that shaped Japan's future

In 1946, as Japan stood in ruins at the end of the Second World War, an international trial was launched in Tokyo. It was a mammoth legal and political undertaking that lasted more than two years, as top Japanese leaders were tried by a panel of 11 international judges for war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace. Historian Gary Bass is the author of the Cundill History Prize-shortlisted book on the trials, Judgement at Tokyo. As he tells Ellie Cawthorne, it wasn't just the fates of the defendants that were on line – but also Japan's reputation on the global stage. (Ad) Gary Bass is the author of Judgment at Tokyo: World War II on Trial and the Making of Modern Asia (Knopf Publishing Group, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: Hear our podcast with Tobias Buck on a 21st-century Holocaust trial here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. To find out more about the Cundill History Prize and the books shortlisted in 2024, head to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/22/202448 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Stuarts: everything you wanted to know

What do we know about James I's sexuality? How did Charles I squander his throne? How successful was the 'Glorious Revolution'? And why is the turbulence of the 17th century still overshadowed by the Tudors? In today's Everything you wanted to know episode, Anna Keay answers your queries on the Stuart dynasty. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/21/202441 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hidden environmental histories of the last 500 years

From the Mongol expansion to the world wars, and from colonialism to the slave trade, the biggest historical events of the past 500 years have reshaped not only human history, but also the natural world around us. Sunil Amrith tells Ellie Cawthorne more about how colonialism, war and exploitation have gone hand in hand with the destruction of natural environments, and asks whether reconsidering history from an environmental perspective can offer any lessons for tackling the climate crisis today. (Ad) Sunil Amrith is the author of The Burning Earth: An Environmental History of the Last 500 Years (Allen Lane, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: Listen to another fascinating conversation on environmental history with Peter Frankopan here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/19/202431 minutes, 6 seconds
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Ancient Egypt | 5. a lost world?

Why are we still so obsessed with ancient Egypt? In this fifth episode of Ancient Egypt: the big questions, Emily Briffett is joined by curator and Egyptologist Campbell Price for a final time to explore the enduring legacy and influence of ancient Egypt – from the 'Egyptomania' that gripped Victorian Britain to key discoveries that have shaped our understanding of Egypt’s past. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/18/202451 minutes, 45 seconds
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Congo, Cold War & CIA plotting: the 1961 assassination that shook Africa

Soon after gaining independence from Belgium in 1960, the new Republic of the Congo was rocked by the assassination of its young firebrand leader, Patrice Lumumba. Stuart A Reid unpicks this story in his Cundill History Prize-shortlisted book The Lumumba Plot. He speaks to Elinor Evans to unravel the tumult that followed independence and the devastating implications of Lumumba's death. Plus, Stuart reveals more about the CIA's murky role in the leader's brutal execution. (Ad) Stuart A Reid is the author of The Lumumba Plot: The Secret History of the CIA and a Cold War Assassination (Knopf, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: Find out more about the Cundill History Prize here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/17/202440 minutes, 9 seconds
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Viking trade, Titanic and Olympic rings: history behind the headlines

Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter discuss the historical news stories that have made headlines this month In the latest episode of our monthly series charting the past behind the present, Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter explore the history behind a row about the Olympic rings staying on the Eiffel Tower, Viking-era treasure that offers new insights about global trade, and what we can learn from new underwater footage of the Titanic. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/16/202451 minutes, 8 seconds
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How ancient India transformed the world

From the Roman economy and Angkor Wat to the spread of Buddhism and the numerical system we use today, ancient India was one of the great seedbeds of human civilisation. Indian art, religion, technology and ideas were exported across a vast territory, influencing several Eurasian cultures. Speaking to Danny Bird, bestselling historian William Dalrymple discusses his latest book, The Golden Road, which highlights India's profound impact on global history and uncovers its forgotten role at the heart of the ancient world. (Ad) William Dalrymple is the author of The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World (Bloomsbury, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/15/202443 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Hittites: everything you wanted to know

The Hittites were one of the most powerful civilisations in the Near East, building a vast empire that encompassed much of modern-day Turkey. But aside from a few vague references in ancient texts, proof of their existence was not established until the 20th century, when the discovery of more than 10,000 clay tablets laid bare the story of the Hittite kingdom and its rulers. Historian Mark Weeden talks to Jon Bauckham about the rise and fall of this elusive people, and reveals what we can glean from the surviving physical evidence. Listen to our episode with Zainab Bahrani, where she tackles listener questions about the ancient Mesopotamian city of Babylon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/14/202450 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Iranian embassy siege: an SAS hostage drama in London

In May 1980, TV coverage of the world snooker final was interrupted by live footage of men in black balaclavas abseiling down the walls of the Iranian Embassy in London. This was Operation Nimrod, a daring SAS plan to free dozens of hostages who'd been held captive in the building for almost a week by a group of gunmen. In his new book, bestselling author Ben Macintyre tells the story of the Iranian Embassy siege, from its roots in the Middle East to its incredibly dramatic conclusion. He spoke to Rob Attar about this defining event of Margaret Thatcher's premiership. (Ad) Ben Macintyre is the author of The Siege: The Remarkable Story of the Greatest SAS Hostage Drama (Viking, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/12/202441 minutes, 1 second
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Ancient Egypt | 4. religion and death

Nothing is more synonymous with ancient Egypt than mummification. But why was this postmortem practice actually performed? And what other rituals and beliefs surrounded death in the ancient civilisation? In the fourth episode of Ancient Egypt: the big questions, Emily Briffett and Campbell Price meet the pantheon of Egypt’s gods and goddesses and take a deep dive into the ancient underworld. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/11/202446 minutes, 26 seconds
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Native Americans: a history of power and survival

The story of Native American societies decimated by European arrival is a familiar one. But, while undoubtedly important, that’s only one part of the story. In her new book Native Nations, Kathleen DuVal looks back at 1,000 years of the history of North America's Indigenous people to uncover a richer, more complex picture. The book is shortlisted for the Cundill History Prize, of which HistoryExtra is a media partner – Ellie Cawthorne spoke to Kathleen to find out more. (Ad) Kathleen DuVal is the author of Native Nations: A Millennium in North America (Random House, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: Listen to another fascinating conversation on Native American history with Ned Blackhawk here: To find out more about the Cundill History Prize and the books shortlisted in 2024, head to The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/10/202437 minutes, 42 seconds
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Isambard Kingdom Brunel: life of the week

From pioneering railways and awe-inspiring bridges to ocean-spanning passenger ships and flatpack hospitals, there was no engineering challenge too ambitious for Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The impressive creations of this cigar-chomping polymath changed the face of Victorian Britain, but, as Tim Bryan tells Ellie Cawthorne in today's 'Life of the week' episode, not all of his innovative ideas were a success. (Ad) Tim Bryan is the author of Iron, Stone and Steam: Brunel's Railway Empire (Amberley, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/9/202444 minutes, 54 seconds
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The 1943 battle of Kursk – and its present-day echoes

Recent developments in the Russia-Ukraine war have seen Kursk make headlines – provoking parallels with the Second World War battle that took place in the region. But are such links helpful? And how important was the 1943 clash to the wider war? Matt Elton caught up with historian and author Peter Caddick-Adams to find out more. Listen to a 2022 conversation with Keith Lowe, as he discusses how today’s conflict between Russia and Ukraine can be traced back to the Second World War: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/8/202454 minutes, 39 seconds
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Medieval torture: everything you wanted to know

Why were people tortured in the Middle Ages? Was it ever legal? Did the infliction of physical pain play as large a role in medieval prosecutions as we might think? And did anyone actually experience the deadly embrace of the Iron Maiden? Speaking to Charlotte Hodgman, historian Professor Hannah Skoda answers a range of listener questions on torture in the medieval era. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/7/202429 minutes, 28 seconds
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Medieval documents in danger

Just how far does our understanding of the medieval past rely upon written sources? And what happens when these precious fragments of knowledge are destroyed? Taking in shocking cases of destruction and disaster, Robert Bartlett tells Emily Briffett about the material that has been lost down the centuries, and the heroic efforts made by scholars and archivists to preserve fragile slivers of information about a past that would be forgotten without them. (Ad) Robert Bartlett is the author of History in Flames: The Destruction and Survival of Medieval Manuscripts (Cambridge University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/5/202446 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ancient Egypt | 3. culture

What would an average ancient Egyptian citizen's relationship have been with the pyramids? Why did they wear gooey wax cones on their heads? And what was it like to attend an Egyptian religious ritual? In this third episode of our series Ancient Egypt: the big questions, Emily Briffett and Egyptologist Campbell Price delve into the vibrant world of ancient Egyptian culture – taking in the art, architecture, fashion and festivals. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/4/202450 minutes, 48 seconds
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Our 10,000-year quest for equality

Were hunter-gatherer societies among the most equal in history? What impact did the French and American Revolutions have on the concept of equality? And has equality been on the retreat over the past three decades? Darrin M McMahon, author of Equality: The History of an Elusive Idea, talks to Spencer Mizen about humanity's enduring obsession with egalitarianism. (Ad) Darrin M McMahon is the author of Equality: The History of an Elusive Idea (Bonnier, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/3/202436 minutes, 40 seconds
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Michelangelo: life of the week

From his famed statue of David to the extraordinary paintings that adorn the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo’s work still inspires awe. In this episode, Professor Catherine Fletcher speaks to Rachel Dinning about the life, legacy and extraordinary artistic output of the Renaissance sculptor, painter, architect and poet. Hear Catherine Fletcher discuss the history of Florence, and offer her tips on Renaissance sites to visit in the city here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/2/202433 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Battle of Meggido: ancient Egypt's greatest victory?

The battle of Megiddo is one of the most important battles you've (probably) never heard of. When an army led by Pharaoh Thutmosis III clashed with a coalition of enemy forces 35 centuries ago, Egypt's status as a regional superpower was on the line. Luckily for the Egyptians – as Nicky Nielsen tells Spencer Mizen - Thutmosis had a few surprises up his sleeve… The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/1/202432 minutes, 2 seconds
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Prehistoric stone circles: everything you want to know

If you've ever visited one of the many prehistoric stone circles that dot the landscape of Britain and Ireland, you've probably come away with lots of questions. How were they built? When were they built? Why were they built? And what on earth were they for? In this 'everything you want to know' episode, we've got the answers – or at least some of them – for you, as Professor Vicki Cummings delves into the history of prehistoric stone circles with David Musgrove. (Ad) Vicki Cummings is co-author of Stone Circles: A Field Guide (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: Listen to our episode with Mike Pitts on Britain’s most famous prehistoric monument, Stonehenge, here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/31/202441 minutes, 33 seconds
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The plague that brought the Roman empire to its knees

In AD 165, the Roman empire was enjoying a period of seemingly unprecedented prosperity and stability. Then, the Antonine Plague arrived, bringing with it death, chaos, and fear. Speaking with James Osborne, Colin Elliott, author of Pox Romana, dissects the impact of this devastating plague on Roman society, and questions whether it was the cause of the empire's eventual demise. (Ad) Colin Elliott is the author of Pox Romana: The Plague That Shook the Roman World (Princeton University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/29/202445 minutes, 13 seconds
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Ancient Egypt | 2. everyday life

Ever wondered where an ancient Egyptian did their food shop? Or how crocodile dung could cure your ailments? In this second episode of our series Ancient Egypt: the big questions, Emily Briffett and Egyptologist Campbell Price turn their attention to the day-to-day experiences of ordinary Egyptians, painting a vivid picture of life along the Nile – from family relationships to food and medicine. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/28/202447 minutes, 2 seconds
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False rumps & rotten teeth: 400 years of bizarre beauty practices

From false rumps and fake teeth to toxic skincare and insect-laden wigs, over the past 400 years, British women have resorted to extraordinary lengths in the pursuit of beauty. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, Margarette Lincoln delves into some of these past beauty practices, and considers their impact on the women who engaged in them. (Ad) Margarette Lincoln is the author of Perfection: 400 Years of Women's Quest for Beauty (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/27/202434 minutes, 45 seconds
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Emperor Vespasian: life of the week

The year AD 69 found the Roman empire in a state of chaos. Three emperors had come and gone. Civil war reigned supreme. Rome's enemies smelled blood. Enter Vespasian. In the latest instalment of our 'life of the week' series, Guy de la Bédoyère tells Spencer Mizen about an outsider emperor, who helped conquer Britain, crushed the Jewish Revolt and returned peace and prosperity to an empire on the brink. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/26/202434 minutes, 59 seconds
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An audacious escape from slavery

On 20 December 1848, Ellen Craft placed a top hat on her head, slipped her arm into a sling, and perched dark green glasses on her nose. Once her disguise was complete, Ellen and her husband William embarked on almighty journey. The couple were enslaved, and had assumed fake identities in order to make a bold bid for freedom. But the journey they faced was more than 1,000 miles long, and fraught with danger. Ilyon Woo, author of a Pulitzer-prize winning biography of the Crafts, tells Ellie Cawthorne more about how they managed to make it undetected. (Ad) Ilyon Woo is the author of Master Slave Husband Wife: An Epic Journey from Slavery to Freedom (Bonnier books, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/25/202442 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Abbasid caliphate: everything you wanted to know

The Abbasid caliphs sat at the head of a vast Islamic empire that stretched from Tunisia to the frontiers of India, which they ruled over for several centuries. But how did they first come to power? What tools did they utilise to control such a significant swathe of land? And to what extent were they responsible for a 'Golden Age of Islam'? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Hugh Kennedy charts the rise and fall of a multicultural medieval empire and answers your top questions – on everything from the harem of the strictly structured court to the enormous amount of scholarship that flowed through the caliphate. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/24/202449 minutes, 35 seconds
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Crusader criminals: how the Holy Land became a hotbed of lawlessness

The medieval crusades are remembered for their sweeping military campaigns. But they also engendered a brutality that went beyond the battlefield – in the form of a violent criminal underbelly, fuelled by hordes a dislocated, disinhibited young men. Speaking to Emily Briffett, historian Steve Tibble uncovers why the Holy Land became a hotbed of lawlessness, and shares some of the most surprising stories of the time – from saintly pirates and gangs led by prisoners-of-war, to devious and deceitful murderers. (Ad) Steve Tibble is the author of Crusader Criminals: The Knights Who Went Rogue in the Holy Land (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: Listen to our conversation with Steve Tibble on conspiracy theories surrounding the Knights Templar here: And you can hear our series on the First Crusade here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/22/202447 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ancient Egypt | 1. civilisation

You’re probably familiar with the idea of godly pharaohs, menacing mummies and their deadly curses. But how much do you actually know about the fundamental facts of ancient Egyptian civilisation? In this first episode of our new series Ancient Egypt: the big questions, Emily Briffett is joined by curator and Egyptologist Campbell Price to chart ancient Egypt’s rise and fall – getting to grips with the where, when and why of one of history’s most fascinating cultures. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/21/202453 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ancient Egypt: the big questions | Trailer

From the secrets of the pyramids to the mysteries of mummification, ancient Egypt has captivated the popular imagination for centuries. In HistoryExtra’s new five-part podcast series, we look back at the culture, beliefs and legacy of a civilisation which left such a significant mark in history – all in the company of curator and Egyptologist Dr Campbell Price. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/21/202446 seconds
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Gulag doctors: saving lives in Stalin's prison camps

The Soviet gulag was a place of brutality, exploitation and death. But it was also home to tens of thousands of medical personnel who had to overcome limited facilities, appalling conditions and political menace in a battle to save the inmates' lives. Professor Dan Healey, author of a new book on these Gulag doctors, talks to Rob Attar about their complex roles in the heart of Stalin's labour camps. (Ad) Dan Healey is the author of The Gulag Doctors: Life, Death, and Medicine in Stalin's Labour Camps (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon:,a%20proportion%20of%20their%20patients./?tag=bbchistory045-21&ascsubtag=historyextra-social-histboty. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/20/202440 minutes, 4 seconds
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The far right in Britain: history behind the headlines

In the latest episode of our monthly series charting the past behind the present, Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter are joined by historian Nigel Copsey to discuss the long history of the far right in the UK. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/19/202447 minutes, 18 seconds
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Practical magic: curses, spells & cunning folk

From love spells to enthral the object of your desires, to charms to influence the outcome of a trial, people turned to cunning folk for all kinds of practical magic in medieval and Tudor England. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, historian Tabitha Stanmore reveals the amount of power these magical people could have within their communities, and explores some of their methods for altering the world around them by supernatural means. (Ad) Tabitha Stanmore is the author of Cunning Folk: Life in the Era of Practical Magic (Bodley Head, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/18/202435 minutes, 55 seconds
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The history of migration: everything you wanted to know

Since the dawn of humanity, people have been on the move. Our ancestors' ability to travel across vast distances and adapt to different environments has been the key to our species' survival. But why do we migrate? When did passports first come into existence? And what impact have slavery, colonialism and war had on migration? In this 'everything you wanted to know' episode, Ian Goldin speaks to Danny Bird to answer listener questions about this age-old phenomenon. (Ad) Ian Goldin is the author of The Shortest History of Migration (Old Street Publishing, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/17/202455 minutes, 42 seconds
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Eighteen-year-olds who changed history

In 21st-century Britain, the age of 18 marks the legal transition from childhood to adulthood. But how has this boundary shifted over time? Alice Loxton speaks to Danny Bird about her new book, Eighteen, which explores the young lives of 18 well-known figures from British history. From the Venerable Bede to Vivienne Westwood, she explores how young people have made their mark on historical events. (Ad) Alice Loxton is the author of Eighteen: A History of Britain in 18 Young Lives (Macmilla, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/15/202437 minutes, 13 seconds
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Toilets through time | 4. Victorian lavatories

In the final episode of Toilets Through Time, we’ve finally reached the age of avant-garde sewerage systems and shining porcelain cisterns: the Victorian era. David Musgrove is joined by historian and author Jerry White, who explains why the period nevertheless saw appalling sanitary conditions that sparked debates about the public health of Britain’s cities – and shares some surprising toilet-based euphemisms. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/14/202430 minutes, 10 seconds
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How games changed history

From Chess and Go, to Snakes and Ladders, Monopoly and the ancient Egyptian game of Senet, people have long had a fascination with games. But according to author and academic Kelly Clancy, these games have not only provided people with entertainment (and sparked family arguments), they've also shaped warfare, philosophy and social interactions for several millennia. In today's episode, Ellie Cawthorne speaks to Kelly to find out more. (Ad) Kelly Clancy is the author of Playing with Reality: How Games Have Shaped Our World (Riverhead Books, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: Listen to our conversation with Professor Irving Finkel on ancient Mesopotamian ghosts here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/13/202433 minutes
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George Orwell: life of the week

From doublethink and thoughtcrime to coming face-to-face with our worst nightmares inside Room 101, few writers have had as much impact on the popular imagination as George Orwell. But what compelled the author of 'Animal Farm' and 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' to conjure up such dark, dystopian worlds? In this 'Life of the week' episode, Danny Bird speaks to historian Laura Beers about the man who introduced the world to Big Brother – and whose surname has become one of the most resonant adjectives of our age. (Ad) Laura Beers is the author of Orwell’s Ghosts: Wisdom and Warnings for the 21st Century (C Hurst & Co, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/12/202443 minutes, 38 seconds
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Lines on a map: borders that shaped world history

People have been drawing lines on maps as long as there have been maps to draw on – whether for political, geographical or sometimes completely arbitrary purposes. But, when it comes to borders, these simple marks have had an irrevocable impact on lives and identities through the centuries. In today's episode, journalist and author Jonn Elledge speaks to Paul Bloomfield about his new book A History of the World in 47 Borders. (Ad) Jonn Elledge is the author of A History of the World in 47 Borders: The Stories Behind the Lines on Our Maps (Wildfire, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/11/202435 minutes, 12 seconds
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Tartan: everything you wanted to know

We're all familiar with the checks and stripes of tartan. But, how much do you know about the colourful history of the textile famously sported by the Scottish clans? According to historian and tartan expert Peter MacDonald, some of our favourite 'facts' surrounding the chequered material might not be as accurate as we think. Speaking to Emily Briffett, and answering listener questions, Peter charts tartan's long story - from its early origins, to its growing status as a national symbol and commercial icon. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/10/202443 minutes, 25 seconds
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Olympic History: everything you wanted to know

Over the past two weeks, we've witnessed spectacular sporting achievements in Paris. And for anyone who doesn't feel quite ready for the Olympics to be over just yet, we've got the pod for you. In this Everything you wanted to know episode recorded in 2021, David Goldblatt answers listener questions on Olympic history. Speaking to Spencer Mizen, David explores the contest's ancient Greek origins, revisits its madcap modern resurgence, and reveals why the 1900 Paris Games were somewhat more chaotic than their 2024 counterpart. (Ad) David Goldblatt is the author of The Games: A Global History of the Olympics (W.W Norton, 2020). Buy it now on Amazon:[%E2%80%A6]ks&sprefix=david+goldblatt+olympic%2Cstripbooks%2C124&sr=1-4&tag=bbchistory045-21&ascsubtag=historyextra-social-histboty The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/9/202445 minutes, 28 seconds
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Hidden labs, sex gardens & torture attics: secrets of British royal palaces

If walls could talk, what secrets would those of a British royal palace whisper? Murder, debauchery, treason and more, says Professor Kate Williams. Speaking to Kev Lochun, she reveals how palaces make royal robots of their incumbents, why monarchs always know where they are going to die, and what the future holds for these beloved buildings as the royal family continues to evolve. (Ad) Kate Williams is the author of The Royal Palaces: Secrets and Scandals (Frances Lincoln, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon:,history%20of%20the%20United%20Kingdom./?tag=bbchistory045-21&ascsubtag=historyextra-social-histboty. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/8/202445 minutes
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Toilets through time | 3. Tudor garderobes

Did constipation turn Henry VIII into a tyrant? For the third episode of our mini-series Toilets Through Time, David Musgrove revisits the luxurious surroundings of the royal Tudor water closet. To tell him more about unappealing 16th-century alternatives to loo roll, 'grooms of the stool' and Henry VIII’s gut health, David is joined by author and public historian Tracy Borman. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/7/202435 minutes, 23 seconds
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Gulbadan Begum: princess, explorer, author

Gulbadan Begum was meant to live a quiet life in a Mughal harem. Instead she set off on a daring pilgrimage to Islam's holy cities and, on her return, wrote an extraordinary account of her dynasty. In conversation with Spencer Mizen, Ruby Lal explores the life of a princess who transformed perceptions of what women could achieve in the 16th century. (Ad) Ruby Lal is the author of Vagabond Princess: The Great Adventures of Gulbadan (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/6/202429 minutes, 41 seconds
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Anne Frank: life of the week

Anne Frank was one of six million Jews to be murdered by the Nazis. A number of these victims' lives were lost to history. But Anne had left behind a diary – a diary that would become a global sensation. Here, in conversation with Spencer Mizen, Clare Mulley shares the teenager's remarkable and tragic story, from her impressions of wartime Amsterdam and the hardships of life in hiding, to her family's betrayal. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/5/202433 minutes, 36 seconds
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Stealing the Mona Lisa

In August 1911, an Italian handyman walked out of Paris' Louvre museum with the Mona Lisa tucked under his arm. It was an audacious theft that shocked the art world, aroused the attention of the world's greatest detectives and even saw Picasso eyed with suspicion. Speaking to Charlotte Hodgman, Dr Noah Charney separates fact from fiction in the story of what is perhaps the most famous art heist in history, and explores why Leonardo's painting continues to intrigue and fascinate 500 years on. (Ad) Noah Charney is the author of The Thefts of the Mona Lisa: The Complete Story of the World's Most Famous Artwork (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/4/202433 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Great Exhibition: everything you wanted to know

In 1851, a spectacular showcase of the world's best art, design and innovation opened in London. Housed in a magnificent 'Crystal Palace' constructed by Joseph Paxton in just five months, the Great Exhibition wowed its six million visitors - and its legacy still lives on in London's museum district today. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, Caroline McCaffrey-Howarth answers listener questions on its conception, construction, and contents. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/3/202441 minutes, 1 second
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Dismemberment & disgrace: the grisly fate of Simon de Montfort

Simon de Montfort's body was horribly mutilated and dismembered after his defeat at 1265's fateful Battle of Evesham, during the Second Barons' War. The medieval rebel leader's head and testicles were sent to the wife of one of his killers, while his butchered hands and feet were spread far and wide across Britain. Historian Sophie Thérèse Ambler explains to David Musgrove why he met such a grisly end. Listen to our podcast on St Oswald here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
8/1/202447 minutes, 15 seconds
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Toilets through time | 2. Medieval privies

Why were medieval monks so afraid of going to the loo? In the second episode of our mini-series Toilets Through Time, David Musgrove heads into the dark and dangerous world of medieval latrines on a quest to find out. Helping him navigate the risks of fire, filth and eternal damnation that came with paying a visit in the Middle Ages is author, architectural archaeologist and medieval myth-buster James Wright. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/31/202437 minutes, 35 seconds
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Has imperial history become too politicised?

Controversies surrounding the history of the British empire have become particularly intense in recent years, with academics, politicians and commentators all offering differing views about how we should understand the nation's imperial past. A new book, The Truth about Empire, delves into the debate, with the stated aim of foregrounding the view of historians. Matt Elton spoke to three people involved in the project – Alan Lester, Bronwen Everill, and Sathnam Sanghera – to find out more. (Ad) Alan Lester, Bronwen Everill and Sathnam Sanghera are contributors to the book The Truth About Empire: Real Histories of British Colonialism (C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/30/202442 minutes, 13 seconds
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Francis Drake: life of the week

As Elizabethan England's most famous sea captain, Francis Drake saw his fair share of sea-faring adventures – from scuffles with the Spanish Armada, to circumnavigating the globe. But his story also contains darker elements – including slave-trading, looting and the execution of his right-hand man. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne in our latest 'life of the week' episode, historian Robert Hutchison revisits Drake's dramatic life, and re-examines his contentious legacy. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/29/202443 minutes, 21 seconds
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Our long obsession with the end of the world

From asteroids, bacteria and comets to growing fears about artificial intelligence and climate change, human history has long been stalked by a terror of the end of days. But what do these fears tell us about the past? And can that past help us prepare for an uncertain future? Dorian Lynskey spoke to Matt Elton about the long history of apocalyptic thought. (Ad) Dorian Lynskey is the author of Everything Must Go: The Stories We Tell About The End of the World (Picador, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/28/202440 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Grand Tour: everything you wanted to know

In the 18th century, countless British travellers set off to continental Europe in search of art, architecture... and a good time. But what were the must-see locations on the Grand Tour? How did people overcome the challenges of language, currency and uncomfortable mules? And what were the biggest scandals that shook fashionable Europe? In this 'everything you wanted to know' episode, Lizzie Rogers takes Ellie Cawthorne on a whistle-stop journey through the history of the Grand Tour. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/27/202443 minutes, 15 seconds
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Black Death: everything you wanted to know

Earlier this week, new comedy drama The Decameron dropped on Netflix. Based on a set of 14th-century tales by Giovanni Boccaccio, it follows the raucous exploits of a group of medieval Italian nobles, after they flee to the hills to escape the Black Death. Boccaccio's text is one of the key sources we have on the plague pandemic that ravaged Europe in the 1340s, so with the release of the new series, we're bringing you an archive episode all about the Black Death. Speaking to David Musgrove back in 2021, historian John Hatcher answers your questions on the pandemic. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/26/202443 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Decameron: sex, plague, and a medieval Love Island

What would you do if your home town was ravaged by plague? Would you lock your doors and hide? Run for the hills? Or accept that the end was nigh and party? Boccaccio's The Decameron - a medieval bestseller written during the Black Death - considers all these options. With the launch of a new Netflix series based on the pivotal work, David Musgrove chats to historian Rebecca Bowen to find out more – and uncover why its author thought that risqué stories could help people come to terms with the horror of the plague. You can hear our podcast on medieval keep fit here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/25/202445 minutes, 34 seconds
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Toilets through time | 1. Roman latrines

What was it like to do your business in a Roman communal toilet? In the first episode of our new mini-series, Toilets Through Time, David Musgrove begins his journey through the bathrooms of British history in the Roman era, with historian Dr Hannah Platts. They discuss dubious ancient ablutions, the confronting experience of sitting alongside your neighbours on the toilet, and why one gladiator reportedly stuck a toilet sponge down his own throat. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/24/202435 minutes, 21 seconds
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Assassinations that shaped US history

Following the attempted assassination of Donald Trump earlier in July, historian Adam Smith speak to Matt Elton about previous attempts to kill political leaders in the United States – and how these events changed the nation. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/23/202433 minutes, 1 second
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Is democracy doomed? History behind the headlines

In the latest episode of our monthly series exploring the past behind the present, Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter are joined by Professor Paul Cartledge to explore the long roots of recent tensions in democracies around the world. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/22/202441 minutes, 11 seconds
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Catherine of Braganza: the Merrie Monarch's forgotten queen

Picture Charles II's court and you'll probably imagine a riot of excess, filled with drinking, games, and of course, mistresses. The queen by Charles' side, Catherine of Braganza, is often obscured by this scandalous picture. Speaking to Elinor Evans, Sophie Shorland discusses her new biography detailing the life of the often overlooked consort – from her vital political role in the 17th-century Portuguese struggle for independence to the scandalous power games in the court of the 'Merrie Monarch'. (Ad) Sophie Shorland is the author of The Lost Queen: The Surprising Life of Catherine of Braganza, Britain's Forgotten Monarch (Atlantic Books, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/21/202441 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Spanish Inquisition: everything you wanted to know

The era of the Spanish Inquisition is most commonly remembered as a period of widespread fear and paranoia, where communities turned on each other and torture was rife. But how true is this popular perception? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Giles Tremlett answers listener questions on the Spanish Inquisition, from the real history behind the sinister and bloodthirsty 'Black Legend' of Spain, to whether there was there any hope of survival for people singled out by the inquisitors... The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/20/202442 minutes, 27 seconds
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1217: the year that (almost) changed English history

1217 is not one of the most famous years in English history. But with a major French invasion looming and a brutal war that wracked both towns and the countryside, this was a year that could have altered the nation's history beyond recognition. So, why aren't we more familiar with the events of 1217? Emily Briffett speaks to medievalist Catherine Hanley, author of a new book on the year, to find out. (Ad) Catherine Hanley is the author of 1217: The Battles that Saved England (Osprey, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/18/202439 minutes, 47 seconds
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Deeds not words | 6. Mission accomplished?

After an escalating campaign of bombing and arson attacks, the suffragette movement was brought to a sudden halt on the outbreak of war in 1914. In the final episode of our new series Deeds not words: the story of the suffragettes, Ellie Cawthorne speaks to expert historians about why and how the campaign came to its conclusion, and whether it achieved its aims. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/17/202434 minutes, 21 seconds
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Kindness & hostility: refugees in wartime Britain

Before and during the Second World War, Britain provided a safe haven for thousands of people fleeing Nazi persecution. But, as the author Paul Dowswell argues, this is not an entirely heroic story. In conversation with Rob Attar, Paul explains how huge numbers of Jews were denied entry to Britain and reveals how many of the refugees who were accepted received a hostile welcome. (Ad) Paul Dowswell is the author of Aliens: The Chequered History of Britain's Wartime Refugees (Biteback Publishing, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/16/202433 minutes, 32 seconds
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Catherine de' Medici: life of the week

Catherine de' Medici has gone down in history as the sinister 'serpent queen', who had a troop of female spies in her court and may have instigated the deadly St Bartholomew's Day massacre. But is this a fair judgement of the 16th-century queen and regent? In this 'Life of the week' episode, Emily Briffett speaks to historian Leah Redmond Chang to reassess Catherine's twisted reputation – and shine a light on her struggles and achievements as one of the era's most powerful people. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/15/202449 minutes, 32 seconds
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The suffragettes who fell in love

Evelina Haverfield and Vera Holme, known as Jack, were in love. Not only were they in love, but they also worked together – as suffragette protestors, during prison sentences, and on the wards of military hospitals abroad. Speaking to Lauren Good, Wendy Moore explores the fascinating adventures of these two women before and during the First World War. (Ad) Wendy Moore is the author of Jack and Eve: Two Women In Love and At War (Atlantic Books, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/14/202432 minutes, 6 seconds
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Servants: everything you wanted to know

What was it like to be a servant in one of Britain's grand stately homes? How much were domestic staff paid? And what made maids revolt against wearing mopcaps? From daily drudgery to stories of scandal, in our latest Everything you wanted to know episode, historian Lucy Lethbridge speaks to Lauren Good about the reality of domestic service in the era of Downton Abbey and beyond. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/13/202438 minutes, 4 seconds
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Anxieties of the Edwardian age

The Edwardian era is sometimes regarded as an uneventful stopgap between the cultural and technological innovations of the Victorian period and the seismic shifts brought about by the First World War. But is this a fair assessment? Alwyn Turner talks to Jon Bauckham about what life was really like during the reign of Edward VII, and how anxieties about Britain's place in the world were beginning to take centre stage. (Ad) Alwyn Turner is the author of Little Englanders: Britain in the Edwardian Era (Profile, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/11/202438 minutes, 3 seconds
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Deeds not words | 5. Burning down the house

Smashing windows, burning down politicians’ homes and planting bombs in public places. As the suffragette movement progressed, it turned to increasingly extreme methods to further its cause. In episode five of our new series on the suffragettes, Ellie Cawthorne speaks to expert historians to reveal how the campaign became ever more militant and asks: is it fair to call the suffragettes terrorists? The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/10/202442 minutes, 19 seconds
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How the Plantagenets forged the English state

Between 1199 and 1399, English politics was packed full of high drama, as the Plantagenet monarchs reacted - and adapted - to plague, warfare, uprisings and economic crises. But, according to medieval historians Caroline Burt and Richard Partington in their new book //Arise, England//, the Plantagenet age is also one that shines a light on England's emerging statehood. Speaking to Emily Briffett, and drawing on some listener questions, Caroline and Richard consider how the reigns of six Plantagenet kings altered the face of English governance. (Ad) Caroline Burt and Richard Partington is the author of Arise, England: Six Kings and the Making of the English State (Faber & Faber, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/9/202448 minutes, 38 seconds
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Justinian: life of the week

Justinian stands tall among the Byzantine rulers, as the 'sleepless emperor' whose religious fervour and legislative zeal saw him rebuild the eastern Roman empire from the ground up... until the 'four horsemen of the apocalypse' arrived and threatened it all. Peter Sarris talks to Kev Lochun about how the conniving and ruthless Justinian claimed power, how an angry sports fans nearly brought him down, and why he's best-known for having a plague named after him. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/8/202457 minutes, 38 seconds
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The woman who saved the children

Eglantyne Jebb was a woman who had no real love of children – but nevertheless worked tirelessly to campaign for their rights. Clare Mulley joins us to discuss the life and work of a pioneering fundraiser and the founder of the international Save the Children fund, whose unconventional personal life defied the strictures of her class. (Ad) Clare Mulley is the author of The Woman Who Saved the Children: A Biography of Eglantyne Jebb: Founder of Save the Children. Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/7/202437 minutes, 5 seconds
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Victorian crime and punishment: everything you wanted to know

Could children be hanged in Victorian Britain? Were the streets of Dickensian London haunted by organised gangs, or opportunistic pickpockets? What tricks and tools did Victorian police have at their disposal? And was it possible to get a fair trial in the 19th century? In our latest Everything You Wanted to Know episode, historian Dr Drew Gray answers listener questions on crime and punishment in Victorian Britain. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/6/202451 minutes, 4 seconds
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How the Dreyfus Affair tore France apart

In 1894, French artillery officer Alfred Dreyfus was falsely accused of passing military secrets to Germany. These swirling accusations and the subsequent degradation and humiliation suffered by Dreyfus constitutes one of history's most notorious incidents of antisemitism. Maurice Samuels speaks to Danny Bird about why the military top brass were so determined to persecute the Jewish officer, and how the Dreyfus affair polarised France. (Ad) Maurice Daniels is the author of Alfred Dreyfus: The Man at the Center of the Affair (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/4/202445 minutes, 9 seconds
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Deeds not words | 4. Cat and mouse

The suffragettes’ relationship with the British establishment was fractious to say the least. As well as experiencing police brutality on the streets, the activists were subjected to violent force-feeding in response to hunger strikes in prison. But, as we reveal in the fourth episode of our new series Deeds not words, when faced with this opposition, the suffragettes found ingenious ways of fighting back. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/3/202437 minutes, 9 seconds
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The surprising lives of ancient women

Did you know that while Mark Antony was having an affair with Cleopatra, his wife, Fulvia, was fighting a battle on his behalf in Rome? Or that the first named author was a woman? What about the fact that the first female victor of the Olympic Games competed in her fifties? Speaking to Lauren Good, Daisy Dunn shines a light on these women in antiquity, whose lives stretch far beyond what we might expect. (Ad) Daisy Dunn is the author of The Missing Thread: A New History of the Ancient World Through the Women Who Shaped It (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/2/202443 minutes, 39 seconds
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Boudica: life of the week

How much do we really know about the Iceni warrior leader who rose up against Rome? How close did she come to success? And can we know what she looked like? Speaking to Elinor Evans, archaeologist and writer Duncan Mackay traces the story of the freedom fighter Boudica, scourge of the Roman empire. (Ad) Duncan Mackay is the author of Echolands: A Journey in Search of Boudica (Hodder & Stoughton, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
7/1/202446 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Stalin ran rings round the west

The wartime alliance between Josef Stalin, Winston Churchill and Franklin D Roosevelt was arguably the most important of the 20th century – and among the most fraught. Here, in conversation with Spencer Mizen, Giles Milton explores a three-way relationship that was plagued by spats, backstabbing and duplicity – yet was absolutely critical to victory over the Nazis. (Ad) Giles Milton is the author of The Stalin Affair: The Impossible Alliance that Won the War (John Murray Press, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/30/202431 minutes, 35 seconds
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British general elections: everything you wanted to know

While it might seem unimaginable today, there was a time when who you voted for in a general election was a matter of public record - and if you were working class, or a women, you wouldn’t have been able to vote at all. Speaking to James Osborne, Professor Richard Toye outlines the history of the United Kingdom’s general elections. He reveals how the system of general elections has evolved over the centuries, revisits past blunders and scandals, and considers how the campaigns of the 19th and early-20th century compare to today. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/29/202434 minutes, 52 seconds
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Medieval keep fit

You might think that people in the Middle Ages did not exercise for fun. But that's not so, according to Professor Carole Rawcliffe of the University of East Anglia. She has studied medieval fitness guides and concluded that lots of people, certainly in religious institutions and the higher echelons of society, were in fact very interested in exercising. Carole explains why to David Musgrove. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/27/202431 minutes, 30 seconds
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Deeds not words | 3. Making a statement

From eye-catching merchandise and punchy logos to memorable colour-schemes and trouble-making stunts, the suffragettes mastered the art of making a statement. In the third episode of our new series Deeds not words, Ellie Cawthorne uncovers how the activists developed innovative new methods to get their message heard. Speaking to expert historians, she reveals how they continue to inspire political campaigners today. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/26/202432 minutes, 3 seconds
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A 21st-century Holocaust trial

In October 2019 Bruno Dey went on trial in Hamburg for his involvement in a horrific crime – 75 years after that crime had been committed. Dey was now an old man but in his youth he had served as a guard in Stutthof concentration camp, where thousands of people had been murdered by the Nazis. Dey's trial was one of the last times that the Holocaust would be the subject of legal proceedings, and raised many questions around justice, moral culpability and, ultimately, how a society could descend into genocide. Journalist Tobias Buck tells the story of the trial in his new book Final Verdict – he spoke to Rob Attar about this profound moment in the histories of Germany and the Holocaust. (Ad) Tobias Buck is the author of Final Verdict: A Holocaust Trial in the Twenty-first Century (Orion, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/25/202433 minutes, 38 seconds
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Catherine Parr: life of the week

She was the most-married wife of England's most-married king, but there was so much more to Catherine Parr. Speaking to Kev Lochun, Tudor historian Elizabeth Norton explores the circumstances that brought the twice-widowed Catherine to the attention of Henry VIII, how she almost lost her head, and why her greatest legacy is not as a wife, but as an author and stepmother. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/24/202447 minutes, 26 seconds
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Invisible ink & toad poison: tools of Elizabethan spycraft

How did spies plot and plant information in Elizabethan England? How easy was it to break open a confidential sealed letter and, if necessary, forge its contents? And how high were the stakes? Speaking to Elinor Evans, Nadine Akkerman and Pete Langman discuss the tricks and tools of Tudor spies. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/23/202434 minutes, 32 seconds
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Chocolate history: everything you wanted to know

It's one of the world's most popular treats and a significant part of the global economy, but how much do you really know about the history of chocolate? Well, for today's 'everything you wanted to know' episode, Rob Attar was joined by the food historian and author Emma Kay to explore the long journey from the first cultivation of cacao to the chocolate bars we enjoy today. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/22/202434 minutes, 2 seconds
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Work-life balance: how our ancestors fought for free time

Work-life balance might seem like a thoroughly modern concern, as many people today struggle to maintain boundaries between our jobs and out home life. But in fact, this issue has a long history. So, how did changing work patterns alter people's ideas about leisure time? And how did people choose to use that leisure time once they had it? Speaking to Elinor Evans, Gary S Cross explores how ideas about "free time" and its uses have evolved. (Ad) Gary S Cross is the author of Free Time: The History of an Elusive Ideal (New York University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: . The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/20/202430 minutes, 34 seconds
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Deeds not words | 2. Pankhurst family portrait

One family – the Pankhursts – stood at the centre of the suffragette movement. They set the agenda and inspired their followers into action, but their ideas about political campaigning were not always aligned. From matriarchal figurehead Emmeline to chief strategist Christabel and firebrand socialist Sylvia, in the second episode of our new series on the suffragettes, Ellie Cawthorne explores the crucial roles the family played in the movement. Speaking to historians, she uncovers a story of inspiration, self-sacrifice and sibling rivalry. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/19/202428 minutes, 51 seconds
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Anne Boleyn: a modern woman?

Anne Boleyn is one the most famous queens in history, but what do we get wrong about Henry VIII's tragic second wife? Speaking to Lauren Good, historian Estelle Paranque sheds new light on this iconic Tudor queen by taking a look at the influences that shaped her. (Ad) Estelle Paranque is the author of Thorns, Lust, and Glory: The Betrayal of Anne Boleyn (Hachette, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/18/202432 minutes, 6 seconds
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Historical apologies & female leaders: History behind the headlines

In the latest episode of our monthly series charting the past behind the present, Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter look back at historical examples of leaders making public apologies, trailblazing female politicians, and stories of politicians who have fallen foul of the law. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/17/202453 minutes, 37 seconds
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Has WW2 become a national religion?

The way in which we commemorate D-Day, and other pivotal moments of the Second World War, has been making headlines in recent weeks. Alec Ryrie, professor of history at Durham University, explores why the conflict continues to hold such weight in the national psyche. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/16/202435 minutes, 10 seconds
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Beowulf: everything you wanted to know

Beowulf is the most famous Old English epic poem, relating the adventures of the eponymous hero as he battles beasts and dragons in a pre-Viking Scandinavian world. However, it's so much more than just a story of men and monsters, as Heather O'Donoghue reveals in this conversation with David Musgrove. Answering listener questions, she explains the key things we should know about Beowulf and the story it tells. (Ad) Heather O'Donoghue is the author of Beowulf: Poem, Poet and Hero (Bloomsbury Academic, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/15/202439 minutes, 27 seconds
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Inside Bridgerton's ballrooms

With the second half of Bridgerton series three landing on Netflix yesterday, fans have been drawn back into the romantic world of Regency ballrooms. But how accurate are the dance scenes in the show? What was it really like to dance the night away at a Regency ball? And how do you make historical dance moves exciting for modern viewers? Emily Briffett spoke to Bridgerton's choreographer and movement director, Jack Murphy, to find out. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/13/202427 minutes, 23 seconds
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Deeds not words | 1. Battlelines are drawn

In the opening episode of our new series on the suffragettes, Ellie Cawthorne charts how calls of “votes for women” reached boiling point in Edwardian Britain. Speaking to expert historians, she uncovers how a dynamic new movement was formed to campaign for women’s suffrage using “deeds not words”, and how it would go on to become locked in a bitter war of attrition with the British establishment. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/12/202431 minutes, 4 seconds
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Deeds not words | Trailer

Introducing our series on the suffragettes where Ellie Cawthorne and expert historians chart how calls of “votes for women” reached boiling point in Edwardian Britain. They look into how the suffragettes mastered the art of making a statement, their fractious relationship with the British establishment and whether the militant campaign achieved its aims. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/12/20241 minute, 16 seconds
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War, peace & cherry trees: finding hope after WW2

A Polish priest who was murdered in Auschwitz. A survivor of the Nagasaki atom bomb who campaigned against nuclear war. And a Japanese school teacher who sent cherry trees as peace offerings around the world. The stories of these three remarkable men form the basis of a new book by the journalist and author Naoko Abe. She spoke to Rob Attar about how hope can emerge from the most terrible suffering. (Ad) Naoko Abe is the author of The Martyr and the Red Kimono: A Fearless Priest’s Sacrifice and A New Generation of Hope in Japan (Vintage Publishing, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/11/202434 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dwight D Eisenhower: life of the week

Few men did more to shape the course of the 20th century than Dwight D Eisenhower. Not only did 'Ike' mastermind the Allied invasion of western Europe on D-Day, but he also went on to become president of the United States as it cemented its status as the world's most powerful nation. Here, in conversation with Spencer Mizen, historian Iwan Roberts dissects the life and legacy of a celebrated – and sometimes controversial - leader. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/10/202440 minutes, 18 seconds
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Forging first editions: a 1930s crime caper

Thomas James Wise was well-respected among the rare book fanatics of 1930s London as a consummate collector. But when he began to uncover a surprising amount of valuable first editions in mint condition, things began to look a bit fishy. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, academic and author Joseph Hone transports listeners back to the eccentric world of 1930s book collecting, to explore the audacious crimes of an ingenious forger. (Ad) Joseph Hone is the author of The Book Forger: The true story of a literary crime that fooled the world (Chatto & Windus, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/9/202431 minutes, 13 seconds
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The pilgrim fathers: everything you wanted to know

How bad were conditions aboard the Mayflower? How did the colonists survive that first harsh winter? And why have they attained such an iconic status in the American consciousness? In conversation with Spencer Mizen, Nick Bunker addresses the most pressing questions about the pilgrim fathers. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/8/202444 minutes, 21 seconds
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Beastly Victorians: preventing animal cruelty in the 19th century

The first piece of legislation preventing animal cruelty was passed in Britain during the 1820s – but that's not to say the British have always lived up to the cherished idea of being a nation of animal lovers. To mark 200 years since the foundation of the RSPCA, David Musgrove spoke to Helen Cowie about Victorian legislation and campaigning that sought to prevent cruelty to animals back during the organisation's early days, and how attitudes to animals have changed since then. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/6/202436 minutes, 8 seconds
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D-Day: was Churchill really against the operation?

Today, 6 June, marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day, one of the key episodes in the Second World War. But what did Winston Churchill make of the plans for the Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France? Was, as some have suggested, the British prime minister really reluctant to get involved? And how fraught were relationships between the Allied leaders? Speaking to Matt Elton, Richard Dannatt and Allen Packwood, authors of new book Churchill's D-Day: The Inside Story, discuss the decisions and tensions behind the operation. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/5/202449 minutes, 38 seconds
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D-Day: Land

The Allied invasion of Normandy saw troops coming ashore across five landing beaches and dropping behind enemy lines by parachute and glider. But what happened to the men after they had arrived in France? And what sort of opposition did they face? In the concluding episode of the series, Jon Bauckham talks to Giles Milton about the ground campaign on D-Day, delving into the experiences of British commandos, German tank commanders and more. (Ad) Giles Milton is a bestselling author and historian. His latest books is D-Day: The Soldiers' Story (John Murray, 2018). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/5/202432 minutes, 56 seconds
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A 17th-century scandal & a writer's secret life

To poet, playwright and writer Aphra Behn, the tale of a runaway aristocrat's daughter Lady Henrietta Berkeley, her scandalous affair and equally dramatic subsequent trial was rich material for some of the most outrageous and bestselling political fiction of the 17th century. However, Behn's own life may have been equally as exciting. Speaking to Emily Briffett, author Lisa Hilton untangles the stories of these two women at the heart of her new book, The Scandal of the Century, to highlight what they can reveal about the lives of women at this time. (Ad) Lisa Hilton is the author of The Scandal of the Century (Penguin, 2024). buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/4/202431 minutes, 55 seconds
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Plato: life of the week

Ancient Greece produced some of the most celebrated philosophers in history. Yet in terms of fame and enduring influence, none rival Plato. This Athenian's theories on everything from the nature of the soul to the most desirable form of government have had an immense impact on how humankind has perceived the universe for 24 centuries. Paul Cartledge tells Spencer Mizen about the incredible life and legacy of Plato. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/3/202435 minutes, 4 seconds
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Breastfeeding in the Middle Ages

Breastfeeding has been part of raising children since the dawn of time. However, studying its history also highlights stories of grief, community support and enforced labour. Speaking to Emily Briffett, historian Hannah Skoda shares her research on breastfeeding during the Middle Ages, from what medieval medics believed breast milk was made from, to ethical issues surrounding wet-nursing – and how medieval people felt about big debates that still surround breastfeeding today. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/2/202436 minutes, 18 seconds
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Death and mourning in Britain: everything you wanted to know

Why did people start cremating bodies? When did black become the colour of mourning? And who are the 'invisible dead'? Speaking to Charlotte Hodgman, historian Douglas Davies answers your top questions about traditions surrounding death and mourning in Britain through the centuries. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
6/1/202452 minutes, 23 seconds
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Julian: the Roman emperor who (almost) changed the world

It's one of the great what-ifs of ancient history. After Constantine the Great had converted Rome to Christianity it seemed that the faith's progress was inevitable, but just a few decades later a new pagan emperor sought to turn back the clock and reinstate the old gods – only to die before his plan was completed. That emperor was Julian – and his story is the subject of a new book by Professor Philip Freeman. Philip spoke to Rob Attar about a remarkable man who almost turned world history on its head. (Ad) Phillip Freeman is the author of Julian: Rome’s Last Pagan Emperor (Yale Univesity Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/30/202429 minutes, 58 seconds
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D-Day: Sea

During the early hours of 6 June 1944, a huge armada of Allied ships crossed the Channel, poised to deliver the largest seaborne invasion the world had ever seen. But sailors didn’t just ferry troops to the shore on D-Day – their continued defence of the perilous coastal waters ensured the Allies could maintain a foothold in France for months to come. In the second episode of D-Day: Land, Air and Sea, Jon Bauckham talks to Nick Hewitt about the Normandy naval campaign, and the forgotten heroes who saved the landings from disaster. (Ad) Nick Hewitt is an author and naval historian. His most recent book is Normandy: The Sailors’ Story – A Naval History of D-Day and the Battle for France (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon:,ships%20and%20nearly%20200%2C000%20men./?tag=bbchistory045-21&ascsubtag=historyextra-social-histboty. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/29/202445 minutes
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A Soviet road trip through 1930s America

After years of suspicion and hostility, relations between the Soviet Union and the United States had improved by the 1930s. In this episode, Lisa Kirschenbaum tells Danny Bird about how two Soviet satirists, Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, launched a remarkable road trip across America in the middle of that fraught decade. From inedible T-bone steaks and coming face-to-face with President Roosevelt, to the grim reality of Jim Crow, it was a journey that continues to fascinate to this day. (Ad) Lisa Kirschenbaum is the author of Soviet Adventures in the Land of the Capitalists: Ilf and Petrov's American Road Trip (Cambridge University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/28/202440 minutes, 8 seconds
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Galileo: life of the week

Galileo Galilei stands as one of the most significant figures in the history of science and thought. But how did he gain this illustrious reputation? In today's 'Life of the Week' episode, historian of science James Hannam delves into Galileo's pioneering observations and experiments. Speaking to Danny Bird, he reveals how the dissemination of Galileo's discoveries provoked the orthodoxies of his day and even threatened his own liberty. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/27/202440 minutes, 35 seconds
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What was life like as a peasant?

Europe's peasants have all but disappeared since the end of the Second World War. Patrick Joyce has studied the past 200 years of the peasant experience, and in conversation with David Musgrove, he explores what we might learn about this vanished world. He considers what European peasant society was like, and how far peasants' world view differed from the way most of us see the world today. (Ad) Patrick Joyce is the author of Remembering Peasants: A Personal History of a Vanished World (Penguin, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones:'%20Annie%20Proulx-%2CA%20way%20of%20life%20that%20once%20encompassed%20most%20of%20humanity%2Crural%20world%20by%20the%20urban. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/26/202432 minutes, 31 seconds
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The history of museums: everything you wanted to know

Millions of people flock to museums each year, eager to learn about the past and be inspired by the artefacts on display. But how old is the concept of the museum? How exactly has it shifted over time? And what controversies have plagued museums in recent years? Dr Caroline McCaffrey-Howarth talks to Jon Bauckham about the history of these remarkable institutions, covering everything from Renaissance ‘cabinets of curiosities’ to the triumphant Great Exhibition of 1851. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/25/202451 minutes, 36 seconds
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Forgotten women writers of the Renaissance

You've heard of Shakespeare, but have you heard of his contemporary Mary Sidney, the first person to translate the Book of Psalms into English poetry? Or what about Elizabeth Cary, who published the first original play known to be written by a woman in English? In her new book Shakespeare's Sisters: Four Women Who Wrote the Renaissance, Ramie Targoff delves into the lives of four fascinating women writers from the Renaissance period. Speaking to Lauren Good, she explores a poignant question: what would the literary canon look like if these women had been better remembered? (Ad) Ramie Targoff is the author of Shakespeare's Sisters: Four Women Who Wrote the Renaissance (Riverrun, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/23/202442 minutes, 36 seconds
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D-Day: Air

On 6 June 1944, the Allies began their long-awaited invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe. By the end of the day, more than 150,000 men had landed in northern France, ready to start pushing further inland. But how had this immense undertaking been planned? And how long was it before they achieved their first objective? In the first episode of our new three-part series, Jon Bauckham talks to Saul David about the experiences of the Allied airborne forces on D-Day, revealing how paratroopers and glider infantry were pivotal to the invasion’s overall success. (Ad) Saul David is an acclaimed author, historian and broadcaster. His latest book is Sky Warriors: British Airborne Forces in the Second World War (William Collins, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/22/202436 minutes, 2 seconds
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Cat crazy: the Victorian mania for moggies

At the end of the 19th century, Britain and America entered the grip of a cat craze that saw the humble moggy catapulted from urban nuisance to beloved household pet. Historian Kathryn Hughes speaks to Charlotte Hodgman about 19th-century attitudes to cats, and how Louis Wain's anthropomorphic drawings helped us fall in love with all things feline. (Ad) Kathryn Hughes is the author of Catland: Feline Enchantment and the Making of the Modern World (Fourth Estate, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/21/202432 minutes, 12 seconds
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Maria Theresa: life of the week

Maria Theresa defied expectations of what a female ruler could achieve in the 18th century. When she ascended the throne of the Habsburg empire in 1740, there were riots on the streets of Vienna, and Europe's major powers prepared to pounce. Yet, as Pieter Judson tells Spencer Mizen, over the next four decades Maria Theresa introduced wide-ranging social reforms, and turned Austria into a military force to be reckoned with. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/20/202437 minutes, 4 seconds
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Agent Zo: spying against the Nazis

Operating under the codename Agent Zo, Polish resistance fighter Elżbieta Zawacka was one of the most courageous intelligence agents of the Second World War. From running secret missives under the noses of the Nazis, to parachuting behind enemy lines, Clare Mulley recounts her dramatic story to Ellie Cawthorne. (Ad) Clare Mulley is the author of Agent Zo: The Untold Story of Fearless WW2 Resistance Fighter Elżbieta Zawacka (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/19/202437 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Terror: everything you wanted to know

Why did the French Revolution descend into a spiral of paranoia, finger-pointing and state violence? Were fears of treachery and counter-revolution justified? And how did the guillotine become a symbol of revolutionary justice? Speaking to Danny Bird, historian David Andress answers listener questions about 'the Terror' – a bloodthirsty phase of the French Revolution in which the new Republic descended into mass hysteria. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/18/202459 minutes, 32 seconds
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The real Lady Whistledown & the golden age of gossip

Smash-hit historical romance Bridgerton returns this week. One of the series' key characters is the elusive Lady Whistledown – a savvy wordsmith with a penchant for causing mayhem among the Regency elite. But did an anonymous gossipmonger like Whistledown really exist in the Regency era? Emily Briffett speaks to public historian Professor Hannah Greig – historical consultant to the series – to delve into the outrageous world of Georgian scandal sheets and gossip rags, and learn more about those who dished the dirt. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/16/202435 minutes, 30 seconds
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Guadalcanal: WW2's greatest battles

Why did a remote Pacific island become one of the most fiercely fought-over locations in the Second World War? In the fifth and final episode of our series on WW2's Greatest Battles, military historian James Holland speaks to Ellie Cawthorne about the battle of Guadalcanal. He reveals why occupying the island was seen as key to victory in the Pacific arena, explores the challenges of conducting a coherent military campaign across land, air and sea, and explains how US forces were able to wrest control of Guadalcanal from the Japanese. James Holland is the co-founder of the Chalke History Festival - which runs from 24-30 June 2024. As a media partner of the festival, we're offering an exclusive 15% off Chalke Festival day tickets for subscribers to either HistoryExtra or BBC History Magazine. Check out our spring offers and benefits at The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/15/202431 minutes, 41 seconds
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A surprising history of sex between men

Until recently, the history of sex between men was a taboo topic. But by delving into the historical archive, historian Sir Noel Malcolm has uncovered a more complex story of same-sex relationships and encounters in early modern Europe and the Ottoman world. He speaks to Rebecca Franks about his findings. (Ad) Noel Malcolm is the author of Forbidden Desire in Early Modern Europe: Male-Male Sexual Relations, 1400-1750 (Oxford University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/14/202442 minutes, 26 seconds
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History Behind the Headlines: student protests down the centuries

In the latest episode of our monthly series charting the past behind the present, Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter chronicle the history of student protests, explore the story of a remarkable medieval astrolabe and discuss some new discoveries about Jane Austen. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/13/202441 minutes, 13 seconds
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Tudor ladies-in-waiting: the women who served Henry VIII's queens

Every queen had ladies in waiting, but few of those royal companions witnessed such tumult as the women who served the six queens of Henry VIII. Speaking to Kev Lochun, Dr Nicola Clark discusses how these women navigated the competing demands of queen, country and family as the world was reshaped around them. (Ad) Nicola Clark is the author of The Waiting Game: The Untold Story of the Women Who Served the Tudor Queens (Orion, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: . The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/12/202437 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ancient Greek theatre: everything you wanted to know

Was tragedy or comedy the crowd favourite of the ancient Greek stage? Were audiences raucous and rowdy, or quiet and civilised? And how much do modern theatrical productions draw on their ancient antecedents? Speaking to Emily Briffett, classicist Sarah Nooter answers your top questions about the theatrical antics of ancient Greece – from advice on stage management to scatological humour. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/11/202447 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Tattooist of Auschwitz: is it ok to fictionalise the Holocaust?

Is it ever appropriate to fictionalise the Holocaust? That's a question highlighted by the controversies surrounding The Tattooist of Auschwitz, a 2018 novel by Heather Morris, which sold millions across the globe but also received criticism from some in the historical community for the way it represents the reality of Auschwitz. As a new TV adaptation arrives on Sky, Professor Richard J Evans speaks to Rob Attar about the book and the challenges facing all writers and film-makers seeking to tell stories about one of the darkest episodes in history. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/9/202427 minutes, 49 seconds
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El Alamein: WW2's greatest battles

In October 1942, Axis and Allied forces went head-to-head in the North African desert. Fighting over access to the Suez Canal and crucial oil fields, tanks and infantrymen slogged it out across sand dunes and minefields, under the command of two of the most charismatic military leaders of the war. In the fourth episode of our series on WW2's Greatest Battles, military historian James Holland fills Ellie Cawthorne in on the story and significance of El Alamein, and the challenges of desert warfare. James Holland is the co-founder of the Chalke History Festival - which runs from 24-30 June 2024. As a media partner of the festival, we're offering an exclusive 15% off Chalke Festival day tickets for subscribers to either HistoryExtra or BBC History Magazine. Check out our spring offers and benefits at The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/8/202436 minutes, 15 seconds
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Shardlake: bringing the Tudor murder mystery to the screen

Based on the bestselling novels of CJ Sansom, Disney+'s new Tudor drama Shardlake is a 16th-century whodunnit that takes place during the tumult of the dissolution of the monasteries. The show's historical consultant, Peter Wagstaff, tells Kev Lochun about how Shardlake brings the story of a lawyer who solves crimes and mysteries for some of the most prominent members of Tudor society to the screen. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/7/202427 minutes, 19 seconds
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Kublai Khan: life of the week

Kublai Khan will go down in history as the man who cemented the Mongol empire's status as the one of the mightiest powers in the world – and changed the course of Chinese history in the process. In our latest Life of the Week episode, Nicholas Morton tells Spencer Mizen how this hugely capable leader built on the achievements of his grandfather Genghis. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/6/202436 minutes, 59 seconds
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Inside a Jim Crow asylum

In March 1911, twelve Black men were brought to a forest in Maryland. Under supervision, they cleared land and laid foundations for what would become the Crownsville Hospital, a segregated mental asylum for black patients. These twelve men would also become the hospital's first patients. Speaking to Elinor Evans, journalist and author Antonia Hylton shares the story of one of the last segregated asylums in the United States of America, and what it can tell us about the nation's history of racial integration and civil rights. (Ad) Antonia Hylton is the author of Madness: Race and Insanity in a Jim Crow Asylum (Footnote Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/5/202441 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Spartans: Everything You Wanted to Know

How remarkable was the Spartans' yesstalwart resistance against the Persians at Thermopylae? Was their military training as tough as historians would have us believe? And just how austere were they? The people of the ancient Greek city-state have left an indelible mark on history, and for today's Everything You Wanted to Know episode, Spencer Mizen sat down with the ancient historian Paul Cartledge to answer your questions on their culture, politics and military endeavours. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/4/202452 minutes, 51 seconds
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Death by nostalgia: the curious history of a dangerous emotion

At the end of the 17th century, a Swiss physician diagnosed a deadly new disease - nostalgia. Agnes Arnold-Forster explores the surprising cultural history of the emotion, from the longing "Ostalgie" felt for a lost East Germany to the Victorian love of all things medieval. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, she also outlines how nostalgia has been weaponised by both sides of the political spectrum, and considers whether it could be a force for good. (AD) Agnes Arnold-Forster is the author of Nostalgia: A History of a Dangerous Emotion (Picador). Buy it now from Amazon:,an%20illness%20that%20could%2C%20quite. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/2/202430 minutes, 26 seconds
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WW2's greatest battles | 3. Battle of the Atlantic

As the Second World War raged on, Atlantic sea-routes became a crucial lifeline for Britain as merchant ships kept them supplied with critical equipment and food. But this made them an irresistible target for German attack. Speaking to Rachel Dinning for our WW2's Greatest Battles series, military historian James Holland explains why he believes the battle of the Atlantic was the most important engagement of the whole conflict, and reveals what life was really like inside a German U-boat. James Holland is the co-founder of the Chalke History Festival - which runs from 24-30 June 2024. As a media partner of the festival, we're offering an exclusive 15% off Chalke Festival day tickets when you become a subscriber to either HistoryExtra or BBC History Magazine. Check out our spring offers and benefits at The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
5/1/202434 minutes, 34 seconds
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Smash hits: 17th-century style

The music of the past can tell us a great deal about the time in which it was created - from societal trends to political affiliations. As part of the '100 Ballads' project, Professor Christopher Marsh and Dr Angela McShane have identified 100 of the biggest musical hits from 17th-century England. They speak to Charlotte Hodgman about the popularity of these broadside ballads and introduce some of the top singing stars of the day. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/30/202438 minutes, 7 seconds
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Benjamin Franklin: life of the week

One of the founding fathers of the United States of America, Benjamin Franklin is a towering figure in 18th-century history. Although he is widely remembered for his role in the American War of Independence, his influence stretches far beyond that. Elinor Evans spoke to historian and author George Goodwin about the life and legacy of the polymath, from his groundbreaking scientific experiments to his vital contributions to America's independence struggle. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/29/202444 minutes, 53 seconds
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OJ Simpson: the trial that gripped the world

When former American football player and actor OJ Simpson was arrested in 1994 for the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown and her friend Ron Goldman, he was one of the most famous men in America. The ensuing court case gripped audiences around the world, but raised troubling questions about domestic violence and racism in the United States. Following Simpson's death, Matt Elton spoke to historian Dr Joe Simpson about the case, and how we should look back on it today. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/28/202426 minutes, 43 seconds
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Greg Jenner and Campbell Price delve into the curious and fascinating world of ancient Egyptian mummification

What was the 'black goo' that coated ancient Egyptian mummies? Could ancient Egyptians take a sick day to bury their loved ones? And were ancient cat mummies really used to fertilise the fields of Victorian Britain? In this special episode, public historian and broadcaster Greg Jenner speaks to curator and Egyptologist Dr Campbell Price about the strange and fascinating world of mummification. (Ad) Greg Jenner and Campbell Price are the co-authors of Totally Chaotic History: Ancient Egypt Gets Unruly! (Walker Books, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/27/202456 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Magus: enlightened magician or Renaissance charlatan?

An unlikely mix of scientist, scholar, engineer and magician, the 'Magus' sat at the heart of the transformative Renaissance period. These mysterious figures ushered in the dawn of modern chemistry and physics, while also performing feats of magic, utilising secret codes, potions and a good deal of astrology. Speaking with Emily Briffett, Anthony Grafton discusses the careers of these men who were seen as genius scholars by some, and charlatans by others. (Ad) Anthony Grafton is the author of Magus: The Art of Magic from Faustus to Agrippa (Allen Lane, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/25/202439 minutes, 54 seconds
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WW2's greatest battles | 2. Stalingrad

In 1942, the forces of Nazi Germany and its allies came head-to-head with those of the Soviet Union at a city on the Volga. The battle of Stalingrad was to become one of the war's grimmest, as infantry troops slogged it out in bombed-out cellars and freezing conditions. In the second episode of our series on WW2's Greatest Battles, military historian James Holland tells Ellie Cawthorne more about this pivotal clash on the Eastern Front. James Holland is the co-founder of the Chalke History Festival - which runs from 24-30 June 2024. As a media partner of the festival, we're offering an exclusive 15% off Chalke Festival day tickets when you become a subscriber to either HistoryExtra or BBC History Magazine. Check out our spring offers and benefits at The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/24/202435 minutes, 48 seconds
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Aztec myths

Were the Aztecs really obsessed with death and sacrifice? Did they have a pantheon of deities similar to the ancient Greeks or Romans? And how did a magical gem change the fortune of the Aztec people? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Camilla Townsend delves into their myths, legends and folklore to reveal a society bursting with life and colour. (AD) Camilla Townsend is the author of The Aztec Myths: A Guide to the Ancient Stories and Legends (Thames and Hudson). Buy it now from Amazon: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/23/202447 minutes, 53 seconds
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David Lloyd George: life of the week

David Lloyd George regularly features in lists of Britain’s greatest prime ministers. Born in Manchester and raised in rural Wales, the Liberal luminary helped lay the foundations of the modern welfare state and went on to lead the nation during the final two years of the First World War. But there is far more to Lloyd George’s life and career, as Professor Richard Toye tells Jon Bauckham in this episode of our 'Life of the Week' series. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/22/202441 minutes, 50 seconds
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Graffiti's golden age: radicalism & romance in the 18th century

From etchings scratched into the earliest monuments, to the spray can designs that appear on structures today, the urge to leave our mark is universal. But in 18th-century Britain, the nature of graffiti changed; both exploding in popularity and becoming much more radical in nature. Speaking to Elinor Evans about her new book, Writing on the Wall, Madeleine Pelling explores this shift. She investigates the stories behind scraps of graffiti, from chalk markings made by soldiers and sex workers, to glyphs scratched onto windows by famed poets, and reveals what they can tell us about life in 18th-century Britain. (AD) Madeleine Pelling is the author of Writing on the Wall: Graffiti, Rebellion and the Making of 18th-century Britain (Profile). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/21/202444 minutes, 27 seconds
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Highwaymen: everything you wanted to know

Were highwaymen really as dashing and gentlemanly as the stories would have us believe? How did these bandits pick the best locations to rob from the rich? And how much of the legend surrounding Dick Turpin is actually true? Speaking to Lauren Good, Bob Shoemaker answers listener questions on highwaymen – and reveals the truth behind their glamorous reputations. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/20/202427 minutes, 43 seconds
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An African perspective on the history of Africa

Africa's story has long been presented in western narratives as one that only 'began' with the arrival of non-Africans – yet modern science has revealed that the African continent was, in fact, the cradle of humanity itself. Zeinab Badawi speaks to Danny Bird about her new book that puts Africans firmly in charge of the telling of their continent's rich history – one that spans millennia of great civilisations, long-overlooked deeds of great men and women, and the African instinct to thrive in adversity. (Ad) Zeinab Badawi is the author of An African History of Africa: From the Dawn of Humanity to Independence (WH Allen, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/18/202437 minutes, 42 seconds
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WW2's greatest battles | 1. Battle of Britain

In the summer of 1940, the skies over Britain filled with the sounds as of engines and gunfire, as the battle of Britain saw the RAF and Luftwaffe go head-to-head in a fight for air dominance. For the British pilots, the objective could not have been more critical – protect their nation from the threat of Nazi invasion. But were the British pilots really the plucky underdogs in this fight? And could Germany have launched an invasion if they had won the air battle over Britain? In the first episode of this five-part series on the greatest battles of WW2, Rachel Dinning explores those questions and more with military historian James Holland. James Holland is a military historian and the author of several books on the Second World War including The Battle of Britain: Five Months that Changed History. He's the co-founder of the Chalke History Festival - which runs from 24-30 June this year. Find out more about the festival's extensive programme of history talks and events at The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/17/202445 minutes, 9 seconds
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WW2's greatest battles | Trailer

Did Allied victory in the Second World War really hinge on the battle of the Atlantic? What made Stalingrad such a pivotal victory for the Soviet Union? And how did forces adapt to desert warfare at El Alamein? In our new five-part series, WW2's Greatest Battles, we're charting five of the pivotal moments that shaped the course of the conflict, with author and military historian, James Holland. New episodes will drop every Thursday, on the HistoryExtra podcast. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/17/202440 seconds
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How Kissinger transformed the Cold War

Henry Kissinger, who died in November 2023 at the age of 100, was one of the most significant, and controversial, figures of the 20th century. Matt Elton spoke to historian Rana Mitter about the American diplomat’s life and legacy. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/16/202439 minutes, 13 seconds
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Lord Byron: life of the week

Famously branded "mad, bad and dangerous to know", Lord Byron captured the imagination – and attention – of early 19th-century Britain with his soul-bearing poetry, decadent lifestyle and torrid love affairs. In this Life of the Week episode, Corin Throsby speaks to Ellie Cawthorne about how the Romantic poet became the era's most scandalous celebrity. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/15/202437 minutes, 32 seconds
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Horrible Histories: 15 years of death, poo and talking rats

Since it first hit TV screens back in 2009, Horrible Histories has brought Terry Deary and Martin Brown’s hugely successful series of books to an entire generation of children. As it marks its 15th anniversary, Matt Elton speaks to three members of the team behind the show that mixes comedy songs, gruesome deaths and a talking rat. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/14/202432 minutes, 1 second
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Medieval medicine: everything you wanted to know

What would a medieval first aid kit have contained? What were the era's strangest cures? And is it true that it was better to steer clear of the doctor altogether in the Middle Ages? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Elma Brenner answers listener questions about medieval medical theory and practice – from how gruesome surgery really was, to whether leeches were actually that useful. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/13/202452 minutes, 30 seconds
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Death & hubris in west Africa: how two British expeditions met with disaster

In the early 19th century, two different British expeditions headed into the interior of West Africa – and both ended in disaster. But what was driving the expeditions, and why were they so ill-prepared? Speaking to Elinor Evans, Dane Kennedy, author of Mungo Park's Ghost shares the tale of the ill-fated missions, and explores the wider story of British exploration of the continent. (Ad) Dane Kennedy is the author of Mungo Park's Ghost: The Haunted Hubris of British Explorers in Nineteenth-Century Africa (Cambridge University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/11/202442 minutes, 41 seconds
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Conspiracy Revisited: The JFK assassination – Oswald’s second murder

In part 2 of a special bonus episode of our Conspiracy series, Rob Attar and Gerald Posner delve deeper into the questions surrounding the assassination of JFK. Who did Lyndon Johnson think was behind the murder? Why do so many people believe in a conspiracy theory? And why is Lee Harvey Oswald’s other killing rarely discussed? The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/10/202432 minutes
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Clotilda: the last slave ship to America

The transatlantic slave trade was formally abolished in both Britain and the US in 1807 and 1808 – yet slave ships were still forcibly bringing enslaved African people to the Americas right up to the 1860s. David Musgrove speaks to historian Hannah Durkin about the long history of this horrific trade, through the eyes of the survivors of Clotilda, the last ship to transport slaves to America. (Ad) Hannah Durkin is the author of Survivors: The Lost Stories of the Last Captives of the Atlantic Slave Trade (HarperCollins, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/9/202437 minutes, 6 seconds
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History behind the headlines: the Bengal famine

In the latest episode of History Behind the Headlines, Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter are joined by award-winning journalist and producer Kavita Puri to discuss the history of famine, and the challenges of tackling the contentious legacies of events such as the 1943 Bengal Famine. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/8/202441 minutes, 15 seconds
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Spying in the Troubles: the murky world of double agents in Northern Ireland

The Troubles in Northern Ireland was a difficult, bloody period, which lasted for almost 30 years. During that time, the British secret services ran an extensive intelligence operation to infiltrate the IRA, the details of which are only now coming to light. Speaking to David Musgrove, Henry Hemming discusses what he uncovered about this secret web of spies, agents and double agents for his new book Four Shots in the Night. (Ad) Henry Hemming is the author of Four Shots in the Night: A True Story of Spies, Murder, and Justice in Northern Ireland (Quercus, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/7/202446 minutes, 33 seconds
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Welsh mythology: everything you wanted to know

What do white horses symbolise in Welsh mythology? What is the Mabinogion? Was King Arthur from Wales? And why do fairy folk hold a particularly sinister place in Welsh folklore? Speaking to Elinor Evans, Mark Rees takes listeners on a tour of the remarkable creatures and stories of Welsh mythology and legend. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/6/202452 minutes, 31 seconds
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Tying the knot: 500 years of wedded bliss and marital misery

Over the last 500 years, countless people in England and Wales have decided to tie the knot. But what motivated people in the past to get married? What inspired the traditional wedding vows? And when was the first divorce in Britain? Legal historian Rebecca Probert explores how ideas about marriage – and the laws around it – have changed in England and Wales over the last five centuries. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/4/202445 minutes, 22 seconds
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Conspiracy Revisited: The JFK assassination – 95 per cent certain?

The killing of President John F Kennedy in Dallas in November 1963 is one of the defining events of the 20th century and the subject of multiple conspiracy theories. In part one of a special bonus episode of our Conspiracy series, Rob Attar rejoins the investigative journalist Gerald Posner to tackle your questions about the assassination and the web of intrigue that surrounds it. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/3/202443 minutes, 1 second
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The British empire's divisive legacy

Sathnam Sanghera’s bestselling 2021 book Empireland catapulted the author into the eye of a media storm. Following the release of its follow-up, Empireworld, he spoke to Matt Elton about how it felt to be at the centre of a heated national debate on empire – and how we can have constructive conversations about Britain’s imperial past. (Ad) Sathnam Sanghera is the author of Empireworld: How British Imperialism Has Shaped the Globe: Signed Edition (Penguin, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/2/202437 minutes, 43 seconds
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Saladin: life of the week

The name of medieval leader and military commander Saladin has gone down in history for unifying the Muslim Near East, capturing the holy city of Jerusalem and an iconic rivalry with Richard the Lionheart. But, is this extraordinary reputation just the product of his savvy PR team? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Jonathan Phillips charts the extraordinary rise of the Muslim leader, who usurped his patron before reaching dizzying heights – and questions how his legacy has changed across the centuries. (Ad) Jonathan Phillips is the author of The Life and Legend of the Sultan Saladin (Bodley Head, 2019). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
4/1/202455 minutes, 13 seconds
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Back in the USSR: the Soviet Sixties

Within just a few years of Stalin's death in 1953, the Soviet Union had sent the first artificial satellite, Sputnik, into orbit. An era of renewal and excitement beckoned. Speaking to Danny Bird, Robert Hornsby tells the story of how Soviet society embraced the 1960s – from new prospects for women, to faith in the energy of the young – before the era's promise was snuffed out by the Prague Spring of 1968. (Ad) Robert Hornsby is the author of The Soviet Sixties (Yale University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/31/202445 minutes, 50 seconds
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Anglo-Saxon kingdoms: everything you wanted to know

Were the Anglo-Saxons always called the Anglo-Saxons? What did it take to make or break an early medieval king? And how did Christianity revolutionise the governance of their kingdoms? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Joanna Story answers your top questions about the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/31/202443 minutes, 18 seconds
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Dinosaurs: a Victorian obsession

Through the 19th century, people began to find strange and spectacular bones of "impossible monsters" in the earth. But what creatures could these bones belong to – and what did that mean both for religious beliefs and new evolutionary theories? Michael Taylor joins Rebecca Franks to discuss how the discovery of dinosaurs shook up Victorian Britain. (Ad) Michael Taylor is the author of Impossible Monsters: Dinosaurs, Darwin and the War Between Science and Religion (Bodley Head, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/29/202440 minutes, 54 seconds
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Tiger Tamer | 6. battling against Bovril

At the turn of the 20th century, bicycles and motor cars became fixtures on Britain’s roads. Bob Carlisle, the original ‘wheelbarrow pedestrian’, found himself overtaken in this transport revolution. In the final episode of our new series on this larger-than-life character of the Victorian age, David Musgrove considers how Carlisle’s pedestrian career helps us understand major changes in society, from athleticism and transport to the boom in advertising and consumer goods. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/28/202434 minutes, 39 seconds
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How was Elizabeth I shaped by her childhood?

Elizabeth I is probably best remembered as an aging monarch, with a powdered white face and elaborate red wig. But she was just 25 when she became queen, and had by then had already lived a dramatic and tumultuous life. As author and historian Nicola Tallis tells Lauren Good, the queen's childhood and early years had a lasting impact on her as a ruler – and a woman. (Ad) Nicolas Tallis is the author of Young Elizabeth: Princess. Prisoner. Queen. (Michael O'Mara, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/27/202428 minutes, 3 seconds
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Joan of Arc: life of the week

Joan of Arc has gone down in history as the virgin saviour of France – a patriotic martyr who was unjustly burnt at the stake at the hands of her Anglo-Burgundian opponents. But there's more to the story than that. Speaking to Emily Briffett, historian Anne Curry charts the extraordinary rise and fall of the young peasant girl from Domrémy, whose visions and prophecies brought her face to face with King Charles VII and led to her spiritual leadership over the armies of France before ending in her unfortunate demise. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/26/202454 minutes, 34 seconds
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Leftovers: how our ancestors battled food waste

From Tudor slop buckets to WW2 potato peel recipes, Eleanor Barnett tells Ellie Cawthorne about how our ancestors used up food leftovers. She reveals some ingenious and appetising tactics for tackling food waste in the past and questions whether we might look back to history to help deal with the issue today. (Ad) Eleanor Barnett is the author of Leftovers: A History of Food Waste and Preservation (Apollo, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/25/202429 minutes, 57 seconds
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WW1's eastern front: everything you wanted to know

How did the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand lead events in Europe to spiral out of control so rapidly? Why was Germany and Austria-Hungary's bloody clash with the Russian empire during the First World War so brutal? And why has the fighting on the eastern front between 1914 and 1918 been overshadowed by its counterpart in the west? Speaking to Spencer Mizen, historian Nick Lloyd answers your questions on one of the most brutal theatres of conflict both in the First World War, and modern warfare as a whole. (Ad) Nick Lloyd is the author of The Eastern Front: A History of the First World War (Viking, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon:,the%20collapse%20of%20three%20empires./?tag=bbchistory045-21&ascsubtag=historyextra-social-histboty. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/24/202441 minutes, 17 seconds
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Eric 'Winkle' Brown: Britain's most extraordinary pilot

It would be fair to say that Second World War pilot Eric 'Winkle' Brown led an extraordinary life. He narrowly escaped death when his ship was torpedoed, smashed the world record for flying the most types of aircraft and had several unlikely encounters with the movers and shakers of his time. Speaking to Emily Briffett, historian and biographer Paul Beaver charts some of Brown's remarkable adventures and escapades. (Ad) Paul Beaver is the author of Winkle: The Extraordinary Life of Britain’s Greatest Pilot (Michael Joseph, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/22/202433 minutes, 1 second
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Tiger Tamer | 5. crazy about wheelbarrows

The great wheelbarrow craze of 1886-7 was a short-lived media sensation, witnessing a flood of people charging from Scotland to London with barrows. One man had kicked off this bizarre trend – Bob Carlisle. In the fifth episode of our series on this larger-than-life character of the Victorian age, David Musgrove talks to Bob Nicholson to explore the genesis of 19th-century Britain’s strangest crazes, and reveal what happened to Bob Carlisle while the wheelbarrow craze was in full swing. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/21/202428 minutes, 37 seconds
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Will the real Jesus please stand up?

In the modern world we have a relatively narrow idea of who Jesus was, but things were quite different in the early years of Christianity. Many alternative versions of his life and personality proliferated, while at the same time, several other saviours also competed for attention. These stories are at the centre of a new book Heresy: Jesus Christ and the Other Sons of God by the classicist and author Catherine Nixey, who is joined in conversation for this episode by Rob Attar. (Ad) Catherine Nixey is the author of Heresy: Jesus Christ and the Other Sons of God (Picador, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/20/202427 minutes, 59 seconds
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Mary Wollstonecraft: life of the week

Mary Wollstonecraft was a firebrand thinker of the Enlightenment – proposing radical ideas about the fundamental rights of women. And her life was just as groundbreaking as her work, from having a front row seat at the French Revolution and embarking on a treasure hunt for stolen silver along the Norwegian coast, to courting scandal by giving birth outside of wedlock. In today's Life of the Week episode, author Bee Rowlatt tells Ellie Cawthorne more about Wollstonecraft's life and legacy. (Ad) Bee Rowlatt is the author of In Search of Mary: The Mother of All Journeys (Alma Books, 2015). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/19/202441 minutes, 53 seconds
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An obscenity trial that shocked Victorian Britain

In 1877, Annie Besant took the stand. She was on trial for selling an "obscene publication" – a pamphlet designed to educate the masses on birth control. Author Michael Meyer tells Ellie Cawthorne about how this sensational legal case lit a fire under Victorian society, and why the woman at the centre of it decided to represent herself in the courtroom. (Ad) Michael Meyer is the author of A Dirty, Filthy Book: Sex, Scandal, and One Woman’s Fight in the Victorian Trial of the Century WH Allen, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/18/202438 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Capetians: everything you wanted to know

How did the Capetian dynasty hold on to the French throne for such a long time during the Middle Ages? How did deep-seated religious beliefs shape their rule? And what was the ‘Capetian miracle’? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Justine Firnhaber-Baker answers listener questions on the influential French dynasty – from how they popularised the name 'Phillip' and the iconic fleur-de-lis, to their religiously-inspired 'royal touch'. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/17/202455 minutes, 46 seconds
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Lothar II vs Theutberga: a marriage scandal that shook the ninth century

King Henry VIII famously ran into a world of problems trying to get out of his numerous marriages. And interestingly, we can find a similar story of royal marital strife all the way back in the ninth-century - during the reign of Lothar II. When this Carolingian ruler tried to divorce his wife, Theutberga, he ran headlong into a clash with the pope. Professor Charles West explains the story to David Musgrove and reveals what it can tell us about how power, politics and passions were intertwined in the ninth century. (Ad) Charles West is the author of The Fall of a Carolingian Kingdom: Lotharingia 855-869 (University of Toronto Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/15/202435 minutes, 22 seconds
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Tiger Tamer | 4. celebrity pedestrian

Tickling tigers one day, and cracking jokes to expectant crowds the next, Bob Carlisle was a circus showman, agent, clown and big cat tamer. In the third episode of our new series on this larger-than-life character of the Victorian age, David Musgrove speaks to historian John Woolf to consider Carlisle’s hair-raising life in the travelling circus, and how it helps us to understand the world of Victorian show business. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/14/202437 minutes, 40 seconds
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A political earthquake: Britain's first Labour government

In January 1924 Ramsay MacDonald, the son of a farm labourer, strode into 10 Downing Street as prime minister - and changed the nation's political landscape for good. David Torrance tells Spencer Mizen about Britain's first Labour government, revisiting successes, failures and a complex relationship with the establishment. (Ad) David Torrance is the author of The Wild Men: The Remarkable Story of Britain's First Labour Government (Bloomsbury, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/13/202434 minutes, 21 seconds
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James VI and I: life of the week

James Stuart became king of Scotland at just 13 months old, and has since been known as 'the cradle king'. So, what was his childhood like? How did he come to the throne of England? And how much is known about his relationships with his famed favourites, as portrayed in new historical drama Mary and George? Speaking to Elinor Evans, Joe Ellis explores the life and dual reign of King James VI of Scotland and I of England. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/12/202447 minutes, 54 seconds
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From Russia to Texas: the search for a Jewish homeland

At the turn of the 20th century, millions of European Jews were seeking an escape from antisemitic persecution. While many dreamed of Palestine, a few thousand made their way, instead, to Galveston in Texas. In conversation with Rob Attar, the author Rachel Cockerell tells the story of the little-known Galveston movement, explaining how it connects to the histories of America, Zionism and European Jewry. (Ad) Rachel Cockerell is the author of Melting Point: Family, Memory and the Search for a Promised Land (Wildfire, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/11/202438 minutes, 52 seconds
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British Redcoats: everything you wanted to know

Was the Duke of Marlborough Britain's greatest ever military commander? How did Britain face down the challenge of an expansionist France? And did soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars feel that they were living in the shadow of the Royal Navy? Military historian Saul David talks to Spencer Mizen about the evolution of the British Army between the 17th and 19th centuries. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/10/202435 minutes, 18 seconds
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The West's attempt to crush Bolshevik Russia

Following the October Revolution of 1917, Russia's nascent Bolshevik regime acted on its word to take the country out of the First World War by brokering peace with Germany. Speaking to Danny Bird, Anna Reid explains how this prompted Britain, France, America and Japan to launch a joint 'intervention', by invading the vast terrain of the crumbling Russian empire in support of anti-Bolshevik forces. (Ad) Anna Reid is the author of A Nasty Little War: The West's Fight to Reverse the Russian Revolution (John Murray Press, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/8/202438 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tiger Tamer | 3. would you let a tiger lick your face?

Tickling tigers one day, and cracking jokes to expectant crowds the next, Bob Carlisle was a circus showman, agent, clown and big cat tamer. In the third episode of our new series on this larger-than-life character of the Victorian age, David Musgrove speaks to historian John Woolf to consider Carlisle’s hair-raising life in the travelling circus, and how it helps us to understand the world of Victorian show business. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/7/202436 minutes, 24 seconds
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Mary & George: the real history behind the new drama

New drama Mary and George has just arrived on Sky Atlantic and HBO, transporting us back to the intrigues and scandals of the court of King James VI and I. Author and historical advisor Benjamin Woolley introduces Mary and George Villiers, the mother-and-son duo who changed the face of this early 17th-century royal court. Speaking to Elinor Evans, he explores what we really know about George's relationship with King James, and the lingering question over the Villiers' hand in the monarch's death. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/6/202437 minutes, 53 seconds
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History Behind the Headlines: ageing politicians & new names for the London Overground

The latest instalment of our monthly series sees Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter talk to Matt Elton about the extent to which age has historically been a factor in who gets elected. Plus: telling working-class stories, and the history behind the new names for London Overground lines. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/5/202440 minutes, 29 seconds
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The man who ran Auschwitz: the real story of The Zone of Interest

The Oscar-nominated film The Zone of Interest is one of the most acclaimed and talked about films of 2024. Directed by Jonathan Glazer and loosely based on a novel of the same name by Martin Amis, The Zone of Interest focuses on the life of Rudolf Höss and his family during the Second World War, when he was commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp. In today’s episode, Professor Richard J Evans, one of the world’s leading experts on Nazi Germany, speaks to Rob Attar about the real story of Rudolf Höss. He also offers his thoughts on the film and recounts his experience of working with Martin Amis on the original book. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/4/202439 minutes, 39 seconds
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Alcatraz: everything you wanted to know

Alcatraz is remembered as one of history's most hardline prisons, known for its ingenious escape attempts, gruelling regime, barren location and dangerous inmates. Speaking to Rebecca Franks, historian Ashley Rubin answers listener questions on 'The Rock', from how it withstood the corruption of the gangster era to its famous 'birdman'. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/3/202442 minutes, 20 seconds
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Plague, leprosy & murder: unlocking the secrets of medieval bones

What secrets can medieval human remains unlock? With exciting new developments in the science of palaeopathology, researchers are able to glean much more from human bones than ever before. Speaking to David Musgrove, Professor Alice Roberts explores what the study of these bones can tell us about disease and violence in medieval Britain – considering how learning about historical diseases, like the Black Death and leprosy, can help us to understand and tackle modern diseases too. (Ad) Alice Roberts is the author of Crypt: Life, death and disease in the Middle Ages (Simon & Schuster, 2024). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
3/1/202439 minutes, 52 seconds
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Tiger Tamer | 2. sail, steam & stormy seas

What was it like to sail the high seas in the Victorian age? In the second episode in our new series on Bob Carlisle, a widely forgotten but larger-than-life character of the 19th century, David Musgrove transports listeners back to the dangers and daring exploits of life in the Victorian Royal Navy. With the help of maritime historian Martin Wilcox, David explores Carlisle’s years spent as a sailor in the navy and the merchant fleet, including on opulent transatlantic liners – revealing what his experiences can tell us about shipping in the era. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/29/202431 minutes, 42 seconds
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The EU: from Maastricht to Brexit

From Maastricht to Brexit, the European Union's first three decades have entailed plenty of political and economic drama. Danny Bird speaks to Dermot Hodson about his new book, Circle of Stars, which focuses on some of the key individuals that helped shape the history of the EU, from advocates of European integration to dyed-in-the-wool Eurosceptics. (Ad) Dermot Hodson is the author of Circle of Stars: A History of the EU and the People Who Made It (Yale University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/28/202436 minutes, 32 seconds
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Rudyard Kipling: life of the week

Rudyard Kipling is beloved by many for his children's books and inspirational poems. But he was also called the "Bard of Empire", known for writing The White Man's Burden. For today's Life of the Week episode, Professor Janet Montefiore tells Rebecca Franks more about the life and contested legacy of the writer of The Jungle Book, If, the Just So Stories and Kim. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/27/202435 minutes, 37 seconds
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Winthrop Bell: a Canadian spy who predicted Nazi horrors

In his public life, Dr Winthrop Bell was a Harvard professor and wealthy businessman. But as a secret agent, reporting from Germany in the aftermath of the First World War, he was one of the first to warn of the Nazi plot for racial supremacy that would lead to the Second World War. Speaking to Elinor Evans, Jason Bell discusses this Canadian professor turned spy. (Ad) Jason Bell is the author of Cracking the Nazi Code: The Untold Story of Canada's Greatest Spy (HarperCollins, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/26/202440 minutes, 42 seconds
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Arts & Crafts movement: everything you wanted to know

What was the Arts and Crafts movement? How far was it associated with radical politics? And is it alive and well today? The Victorian cultural movement was transformative in our understanding of the importance of the maker in the artistic process, and Suzanne Fagence Cooper joins us for this 'Everything you wanted to know' episode to answer your questions on the subject. Speaking to Elinor Evans, she explores the ideas that underpinned this influential movement and the 19th-century artists that formed it. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/25/202442 minutes, 34 seconds
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Stonewall: the 1969 fight for gay rights

To mark LGBT+ history month, we're revisiting a classic episode on a pivotal moment in LGBTQ+ history. Speaking to Matt Elton in 2019, historian Chris Parkes explored the background to the 1969 Stonewall riots, when LGBT protests erupted at New York’s Stonewall Inn. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/24/202439 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Chinese migrants chasing an American dream

What led two teenagers from Canton province in China to emigrate to California in the late 19th-century? And what lives awaited them on America's west coast? Speaking to Elinor Evans, Hugo Wong discusses the interlocking stories of two of his ancestors, who left China as young men in the late 19th century for the riches of California. Met by both opportunity and prejudice, they later helped to establish a Chinese settlement in Mexico, with their descendants forging new cultural ties. (Ad) Hugo Wong is the author of America's Lost Chinese: The Rise and Fall of a Migrant Family Dream (C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/23/202435 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tiger Tamer | 1. “the life of a dozen men”

Bob Carlisle was a Victorian influencer and minor celebrity; a global seafarer, circus clown and lion tamer, and Britain’s original long-distance ‘wheelbarrow pedestrian’. This new six-part series sees David Musgrove recover the story of this widely forgotten and larger-than-life character. In this first episode, David talks to historians Valerie Sanders and Bob Nicholson to explore Bob’s early life and investigate what his experiences can tell us about life-writing and the media in 19th-century Britain. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/202426 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Tiger Tamer who went to sea | Trailer

The Tiger Tamer who went to sea, from HistoryExtra, is the story of one remarkable Victorian man who lived the life of a dozen men. His adventures as a global seafarer and as a circus clown, showman and yes, tiger tamer would be fascinating enough. However, he was also a celebrated athlete, and Britain’s original long-distance wheelbarrow pedestrian. He pushed a wheelbarrow from Lands End to John O’Groats in 1879 but sadly missed the great wheelbarrow craze of 1887 because he was sailing the high seas. In this six-part series, David Musgrove reveals the untold story of this Victorian influencer, Bob Carlisle, and chats to a range of experts to find out what his life tells us about broader themes in 19th and early 20th century history – we cover the rise of mass media, the Temperance movement, enterainment and celebrity culture, the changing face of global trade and technology, the Edwardian healthy living movement, and yes, the noble sport of wheelbarrow-pushing. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/22/20241 minute, 19 seconds
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The Britons who rebuilt postwar Germany

Daniel Cowling talks to Spencer Mizen about the British occupation of Germany from 1945-49, and describes how the young officials tasked with rebuilding a broken nation navigated acute privation, a traumatised population and scepticism among their compatriots back home to help set Germany on the road to democracy. (Ad) Daniel Cowling is the author of Don't Let's Be Beastly to the Germans: The British Occupation of Germany, 1945-49 (Apollo, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/21/202434 minutes, 16 seconds
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Christopher Columbus: life of the week

In the list of famous explorers, the name of Christopher Columbus stands out. Seen for many years as the man who supposedly 'discovered' the Americas, his heroic legacy is now being challenged and critiqued. Speaking to Paul Bloomfield, historian Julia McClure considers the exploits, achievements and failings of the explorer and navigator – from paving the way for the European exploration of the 'New World' to the poor treatment of the Americas' indigenous inhabitants. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/20/202443 minutes, 15 seconds
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Slavic Myths: vampires werewolves – and cabbages

The Slavic diaspora is one of the biggest in the world – so why aren't their myths better known? Speaking to Kev Lochun, Noah Charney and Svetlana Slapšak introduce the Slavic gods, explaining how their myths continue to hold sway over daily life – and how these stories have been used to shape nations. You'll never look at a cabbage the same way again. (Ad) Noah Charney and Svetlana Slapšak are the authors of The Slavic Myths (Thames & Hudson Ltd, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/19/202437 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Roman army: everything you wanted to know

What did the average Roman soldier eat and drink while on campaign? Were the legions seen as a oppressive force in the regions they conquered? And why was one Roman centurion nicknamed 'bring me another'? Speaking with Emily Briffett, ancient historian Adrian Goldsworthy answers listener questions on life in the Roman army – from training and punishment to whether legionaries really hated being sent to Britain. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/18/20241 hour, 6 minutes, 9 seconds
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Chanel: glamour and controversy on the Riviera

As AppleTV+ new drama The New Look hits our screens, we revisit this classic episode surrounding one of the series' central characters – fashion icon Coco Chanel. Speaking to Elinor Evans in 2020, writer and journalist Anne de Courcy discussed Chanel's experiences – alongside those of some other famous faces – on the French Riviera during the interwar years and the era of Nazi occupation. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/17/202443 minutes, 21 seconds
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Victorian death rituals

Death was an everyday part of life in 19th-century Britain – and the Victorians were fascinated by it, developing a wealth of customs and rules about how people should bury their dead and how they should grieve. Many of these – from hair jewellery to deathbed photography – seem strange to modern eyes, but they sprang from a deep desire to pay respect to the deceased. Speaking to Rebecca Franks, Judith Flanders takes us on a moving journey from the sickbed to the cemetery. (Ad) Judith Flanders is the author of Rites of Passage: Death and Mourning in Victorian Britain (Picador, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/16/202442 minutes, 26 seconds
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Conspiracy | 5. Legends of the Knights Templar

In the early 14th century, the Knights Templar were suppressed and the 200-year history of this military religious order came to an abrupt end. Or did it? What if some of the Templars escaped persecution to operate secretly until the present day, holding on to precious religious relics and maybe even discovering America? In this new episode of Conspiracy, Rob Attar is joined by medieval historian Steve Tibble to explore why myths have surrounded the Templars from the Middle Ages until the present day – and to explain how Rosslyn Chapel and the Holy Grail fit into the story. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/15/202439 minutes, 15 seconds
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Happily ever after? Love and marriage in Austen's era

From unwanted proposals and lingering looks across ballrooms to a wet-shirted Mr Darcy emerging from a lake, the romantic stories of Jane Austen – and their countless adaptations – have captured the hearts of many of us. But, if we turn to the real historical record of the Regency era, how much truth is there to these tales of happily ever after? As a nod to Valentine's Day, Lauren Good speaks to Rory Muir about the reality of love and marriage in the age of Jane Austen, from engagements and elopements to going on honeymoon with your mother-in-law. (Ad) Rory Muir is the author of Love and Marriage in the Age of Jane Austen (Yale University Press, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/14/202430 minutes, 54 seconds
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History Behind the Headlines: the Post Office, US elections and Alexander the Great

The latest instalment of our monthly series sees Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter explore the long history behind the Post Office Scandal, the historical precedents behind recent developments in US politics and more Our new monthly series explores the history hitting the headlines – and the way the past informs today’s world. The latest instalment of our monthly series sees Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter explore the long history behind the Post Office Scandal, the historical precedents behind recent developments in US politics and more. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/13/202437 minutes, 10 seconds
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Drag: a British history

Drag is an art form that's seen a great deal of success – and a little controversy – in recent years. Yet, as Jacob Bloomfield argues in his recent book, Drag: A British History, it's also entertained British audiences for decades, stretching back to the music halls of the Victorian era and revue shows of the Second World War. Matt Elton caught up with Jacob to find out more. (Ad) Jacob Bloomfield is the author of Drag: A British History (University of California Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/12/202437 minutes, 59 seconds
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Medieval Ireland: everything you wanted to know

How did medieval Ireland come to have 150 kings at the same time? Who were the gallowglass? What is Brehon law, and why is it so influential in our understanding of the country in the Middle Ages? Speaking to Emily Briffett in this 'Everything you wanted to know' episode, Professor Seán Duffy answers your top questions on Ireland during the Middle Ages. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/11/202459 minutes, 12 seconds
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Peking to Paris: the world’s first great motor race

In June 1907, five plucky teams departed the Chinese capital and embarked on a 9,317-mile automobile race to Paris. Traversing scorching deserts and perilous mountain passes in ill-equipped vehicles, the participants regularly risked their lives – but their tenacity would transform attitudes towards the car forever. Kassia St Clair spoke to Jon Bauckham about the story behind the race, and what it can tell us about the wider history of transport, communication and globalisation. (Ad) Kassia St Clair is the author of The Race to the Future: The Adventure that Accelerated the Twentieth Century (John Murray Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/9/202432 minutes, 20 seconds
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Conspiracy | 4. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

First published in Russia in 1903, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion purported to demonstrate evidence of a global Jewish conspiracy. Though it has repeatedly been proven to be a forgery, the text has helped fuel antisemitism across the world, from Henry Ford in America, to Nazi Germany, to Jew-hate today. In this new episode of Conspiracy, Rob Attar speaks to Professor Pamela S Nadell about why the infamous tract has proven so popular and how it connects to other antisemitic conspiracy theories. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/8/202430 minutes, 10 seconds
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Love: a weird & wonderful history

From prehistoric carvings and medieval spell books to grand romantic gestures and tokens of affection, throughout history there has been no shortage of ways to say those three little words. Speaking to Charlotte Hodgman, Edward Brooke-Hitching shares some incredible, and curious, stories of love through time – from ancient Mesopotamia to the modern day. (Ad) Edward Brooke-Hitching is the author of Love: A Curious History (Simon & Schuster, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/7/202426 minutes, 17 seconds
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Life of the week: the Duke of Wellington

Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington has gone down in history as one of Britain's most formidable military commanders. But how did he earn such an impressive reputation? In today's Life of the Week episode, Dr Zack White guides Ellie Cawthorne through Wellington's successes on the battlefield, as well as his controversial tenure as a politician and salacious personal life. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/6/202456 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ploughman's for the people: a culinary history of Britain

Did you know that the seemingly bucolic Ploughman's lunch actually came about because of a marketing ploy? Or that turnips were once thought to be an aphrodisiac? Pen Vogler takes Lauren Good on a culinary journey through Britain's history, exploring moments when food was at the centre of social change and upheaval. (Ad) Pen Vogler is the author of Stuffed: A History of Good Food and Hard Times in Britain (Atlantic Books, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/5/202427 minutes, 21 seconds
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Chivalry: everything you wanted to know

Where does the word "chivalry" come from? How should an honourable knight treat his vanquished foes? And do chivalric ideals underlie modern-day misogyny? In our latest Everything you wanted to know episode, medievalist Lydia Zeldenrust answers listener questions on the idealised code of knightly conduct that arose during the medieval era, in conversation with Rebecca Franks. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/4/202438 minutes, 48 seconds
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Alexandria: the first modern city

According to legend, when Alexander the Great rocked up on the island of Pharos in northern Egypt, he had a vision of a spectacular city – a vision that later became reality in the form of Alexandria. On the mainland nearby, connected by a new causeway to Pharos, the metropolis grew and thrived, drawing people in from far and wide. Its power was symbolised by the remarkable Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the Great Library, which aspired to be home to all the world's knowledge. Speaking to Rebecca Franks, Islam Issa explores the origin story of this remarkable city. (Ad) Islam Issa is the author of Alexandria: The City that Changed the World (Sceptre, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/2/202430 minutes, 27 seconds
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Conspiracy | 3. Who killed JFK?

On the 22 November 1963, President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested and charged with the murder, but over the past 60 years millions of people have come to believe that Oswald was just a small cog in a wider plot to murder the president, orchestrated by a powerful group such as the CIA, the Mafia or the Cuban regime. In this new episode of Conspiracy, Rob Attar speaks to the journalist Gerald Posner whose landmark 1993 book Case Closed famously concluded that Oswald had indeed acted alone. Together they dissect the evidence from the assassination and consider why conspiracy theories about it have become so widespread. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
2/1/20241 hour, 10 minutes, 37 seconds
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Masters of the Air: the real history behind the new show.

Donald L Miller shares how US 'bomber boys' made D-Day possible, a story now dramatised in the Apple TV+ series Masters of the Air Masters of the Air is the big-budget Apple TV+ follow-up to Band of Brothers and The Pacific. Exec produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, it follows the exploits of the 100th Bomb Group, charting the vital role played by American airmen in the run-up to D-Day. The series draws its inspiration from a book of the same name by Donald L Miller, and in today's episode Kev Lochun speaks to Donald about the terrifying realities of flying a B-17 Flying Fortress during WW2 bombing missions. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/31/202445 minutes, 14 seconds
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Life of the week: Spartacus

"I am Spartacus" is one of the most iconic lines in cinema history: from the 1960 film starring Kirk Douglas in the titular role, it has come to define how we see the Roman rebel. However, according to Roman historian Alison Futrell, the real man behind the legend has an equally fascinating story to tell. Speaking to Emily Briffett, Alison explains how Spartacus's life has been told through a variety of skewed lenses, explores the context surrounding his extraordinary uprising – and reveals how he has come to be seen as a revolutionary hero. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/30/202450 minutes, 49 seconds
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The West's enduring fascination with Asia

Asia has long enthralled people in the west, with voyages of discovery and military expeditions setting out in search of wealth, wisdom and the chance to explore a "strange new world". Historian and author Christopher Harding speaks to Matt Elton about westeners' enduring fascination with India, China and Japan, and the ways in which it has shaped the relationship between East and West from the ancient world to the 21st century. (Ad) Christopher Harding is the author of The Light of Asia: A History of Western Fascination with the East (Allen Lane, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/29/202450 minutes, 2 seconds
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Seven Wonders of the Ancient World: everything you wanted to know

Did the hanging gardens of Babylon really exist? How was Egypt's Great Pyramid built? And could any one person have seen all seven ancient wonders? In our latest Everything you wanted to know episode Rachel Dinning puts listener questions on the seven wonders of the ancient world to public historian Bettany Hughes, who gives us the lowdown on these spectacular monuments and explores why humanity has had such an enduring fascination with them. (Ad) Bettany Hughes is the author of The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2024). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/28/202442 minutes, 59 seconds
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Nicholas Winton: the 'British Schindler'

Shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War, a British stockbroker worked tirelessly to rescue hundreds of Jewish children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia by transporting them to new lives in Britain. Nicholas Winton's life and achievements are the subject of a new film // One Life //, and ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day, Edward Abel Smith joins Spencer Mizen to discuss his story. (Ad) Edward Abel Smith is the author of // The British Oskar Schindler: The Life and Work of Nicholas Winton The British Oskar Schindler: The Life and Work of Nicholas Winton // (Pen & Sword, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/26/202433 minutes, 30 seconds
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Conspiracy | 2. Was Pearl Harbor an inside job?

On 7 December 1941, Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor. It's one of the most notorious surprise attacks in history, but how much of a surprise was it? Did US President Franklin Roosevelt in fact know that the attack was coming and even encourage it as a means of propelling the US into World War Two? In this new episode of Conspiracy, the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Steve Twomey joins Rob Attar to tackle the "back door to war" conspiracy theory, explaining why many Americans have been willing to believe in a president's treachery. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/25/202436 minutes, 29 seconds
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Ireland's tangled relationship with empire

Often described as England's first colony, Ireland has a long – and deeply complicated – relationship with empire. Rhiannon Davies speaks to historian Jane Ohlmeyer to learn more about this complex picture, from how Ireland was a 'laboratory of empire' to how imperialism influenced the clothing people wore. (Ad) Jane Ohlmeyer is the author of Making Empire: Ireland, Imperialism, and the Early Modern World (Oxford University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/24/202434 minutes, 51 seconds
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Life of the Week: Harold Godwinson (Harold II)

King Harold II is famous for getting an arrow to the eye at the battle of Hastings. But is that story even true? And what else should we know about this man whose main claim to fame is being defeated by William the Conqueror? In this Life of the Week episode, David Musgrove explores the life of the king commonly known as Harold Godwinson, with Caitlin Ellis, associate professor in medieval nordic history at Oslo University. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/23/202431 minutes, 9 seconds
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Britain's long love affair with sport

Britons may not always be the best at playing sports. But, as David Horspool tells Spencer Mizen, when it comes to inventing, codifying and becoming utterly obsessed by them, they are bona fide world beaters. From the brutality of medieval jousts to the mega-bucks of the Premier League, David reveals how sport has embedded itself in the fabric of British life over the centuries. (Ad) David Horspool is the author of // More Than a Game: A History of How Sport Made Britain // (John Murray Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/22/202431 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Silk Road: everything you wanted to know

The Silk Road is one of the most famous trade routes in history, a vast interconnected network along which not only goods but ideas, knowledge and culture flowed. Sam Willis joins Rebecca Franks to discuss its remarkable history and answer listener questions on the subject, spotlighting unforgettable ancient cities, Marco Polo’s colourful tales of travel and asking whether the Silk Road ever entirely disappeared. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/21/202432 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Renaissance: an explosion of creativity

From the nightmarish creations of Hieronymus Bosch to the intricate flying machines of Leonardo da Vinci, the Renaissance was a time of experimentation and cultural exploration. Speaking to Charlotte Hodgman, art critic and writer Jonathan Jones takes a closer look at this period of seismic change and explores its enduring significance in European history. (Ad) Jonathan Jones is the author of Earthly Delights: A History of the Renaissance (Thames & Hudson, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/19/202430 minutes, 11 seconds
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Conspiracy | 1. Was Elizabeth I a man?

In her most famous speech, delivered on 9 August 1588, Queen Elizabeth I declared that she had the "heart and stomach of a king". Was that just rhetoric? Or could England’s iconic Tudor queen actually have been a man masquerading as a woman? In this new episode of Conspiracy, Tudor historian Tracy Borman speaks to Rob Attar about the bizarre 'Bisley Boy' conspiracy theory that was popularised by none other than Dracula author Bram Stoker. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/202426 minutes, 21 seconds
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Conspiracy | Series 2 Trailer

Who shot JFK? Have the Knights Templar been hiding the Holy Grail? And what really landed at Roswell in 1947? In the second series of Conspiracy from HistoryExtra, Rob Attar investigates some of history’s most popular and persistent conspiracy theories in the company of expert historians who are battling to set the record straight. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/18/20241 minute, 41 seconds
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From the Mongols to the Huns: the nomads who dominated Eurasia

From the Huns, Mongols and Magyars to the Turks, Xiongnu, Scythians and Goths, these nomadic people of the Eurasian steppes built long-lasting empires, facilitated global trade via the Silk Road and widely disseminated religion, technology, knowledge and goods. Speaking to Emily Briffett, Kenneth Harl details how these nomads profoundly shaped the course of history. (Ad) Kenneth Harl is the author of Empires of the Steppes: The Nomadic Tribes Who Shaped Civilisation (Bloomsbury, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/17/202433 minutes, 53 seconds
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Life of the Week: Frederick Douglass

Having run away from a life of slavery as a young man, Frederick Douglass went on to forge his own path as an abolitionist, orator, writer and statesman. In this 'Life of the Week' episode, Clare Elliott guides Paul Bloomfield through Douglass's life story, explaining how he came to play such a significant role in the fight for rights in the 19th-century US and beyond. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/16/202434 minutes, 29 seconds
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The hidden history of women in intelligence

From women who worked in vital wartime intelligence centres like Bletchley Park to those who parachuted behind enemy lines as part of SOE operations, Helen Fry introduces the women who dealt in intelligence during the world wars. In conversation with Elinor Evans, she reveals some of their fascinating stories, including knitting coded messages to aid the Belgian intelligence network ‘La Dame Blanche’ and interrogating German 'ace' pilots. (Ad) Helen Fry is the author of Women in Intelligence: The Hidden History of Two World Wars (Yale University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/15/202430 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Bloomsbury Group: everything you wanted to know

From the groundbreaking novels of Virginia Woolf to the economic theories of John Maynard Keynes, the Bloomsbury Group shook up British culture in the early 20th century. In conversation with Rebecca Franks, Frances Spalding answers listener questions on this daring set of intellectuals, artists and writers, revealing what united their varied talents, and exploring how their personal lives (and tangled love affairs) were often just as fascinating as their work. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/14/202435 minutes, 47 seconds
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'Madness' and the supernatural

The birth of psychiatry in the early-19th century changed the way that 'madness' was understood, with beliefs in the supernatural becoming evidence of insanity. Charlotte Hodgman spoke to Professor Owen Davies about the men and women who found themselves placed in asylums as a result of their supernatural beliefs, and investigates how old beliefs clashed with new ideas in a rapidly changing world. (Ad) Owen Davies is the author of Troubled by Faith: Insanity and the Supernatural in the Age of the Asylum (Oxford University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/12/202431 minutes, 3 seconds
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Boston Tea Party | 5. A complex legacy

Why does the Boston Tea Party still loom so large in the popular story of American independence today? Is it right that it holds so much significance? And what has been the impact of the protest in global history? In the final episode of our series, experts Benjamin Carp, Sarah Churchwell and Sarah Purcell weigh up the complicated legacy and discuss how we should regard the protest in the 21st century. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/11/202432 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why were the Romantics obsessed with Mount Vesuvius?

The Romantics were obsessed with Mount Vesuvius, climbing up to peer into its bubbling depths, and even using it as a metaphor to describe some of the tumultuous changes revolution was wreaking in Europe at the time. Rhiannon Davies spoke to John Brewer to learn more about this fascinating historical episode. (Ad) John Brewer is the author of Volcanic: Vesuvius in the Age of Revolutions (Yale University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/10/202428 minutes, 32 seconds
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Life of the Week: Stalin

Josef Stalin is a titan of modern history – and one of its most infamous leaders, responsible for the deaths of millions. Danny Bird spoke to Robert Service to chart the Soviet tyrant's life, from his childhood in Georgia to his rise to become the dictator of the Soviet Union and an architect of the post-war world. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/9/202446 minutes, 26 seconds
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James Longstreet: Confederate Judas

James Longstreet spent the American Civil War as one of the leading generals in the Confederate Army. But after 1865 he became a supporter of reconstruction and black voting, even leading an interracial force in battle against former Confederates in New Orleans. In this episode, Longstreet's latest biographer, Elizabeth R Varon, talks to Rob Attar about his remarkable life and extraordinary change of heart. (Ad) Elizabeth R Varon is the author of Longstreet: The Confederate General Who Defied the South (Simon & Schuster, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/8/202442 minutes, 12 seconds
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Medieval popes: everything you wanted to know

Who were some of the most influential popes of the Middle Ages? What did you have to do to earn the title of 'anti-pope'? And which pope was believed to keep a pet demon? Kev Lochun spoke to historian Brett Whalen to find out more about the fascinating role of the papacy in this period. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/7/202453 minutes, 20 seconds
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A history of song: from Schumann to Sting

Songs can trigger a range of emotions in their listeners: intense joy, sadness or even disgust. But how did this type of musical composition develop and become what it is today? The acclaimed singer and author John Potter takes Jon Bauckham on a tour through the history of song in Europe, covering everything from the works of Schumann and Sting to the musical troubadours of medieval Provence. (Ad) John Potter is the author of Song: A History in 12 Parts (Yale University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/5/202431 minutes, 48 seconds
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Boston Tea Party | 4. The crackdown

The consequences of the protest are vital in understanding the role of the Boston Tea Party in the revolution that was to come. In episode four, we hear more about the immediate fallout from the destruction of the tea, and the brutal crackdown by Britain’s government that proved to be a turning point in uniting the 13 American colonies, and a crucial staging post on the road to war. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/4/202435 minutes, 3 seconds
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Aztec warfare

Why did warfare play such a pivotal role in Aztec society? How could claiming captives benefit a warrior in life and death? And what was 'Flower War'? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Caroline Dodds Pennock takes a look at the warriors and weaponry of the Aztecs to consider how warfare played a prominent part in everyday life, from the cradle to the grave – and beyond. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/3/202443 minutes, 39 seconds
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History Behind the Headlines: Elections, ‘panda diplomacy’ and the word of the year

The latest instalment of our monthly sees Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter look back at the history behind the big stories of 2023 – and what they might tell us about the year to come Our monthly series exploring how the past informs today’s world returns with a special episode catching up on some of 2023’s biggest stories, and considering how they might shape the events of 2024. Regular panellists Hannah Skoda and Rana Mitter discuss the surprisingly brief history of elections, the panda democracy phenomenon, and the long roots of the Oxford Word of the Year – ‘charisma’. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/2/202443 minutes, 57 seconds
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How spies shaped the modern world

How did British agents bug German PoWs during the Second World War? What qualities do you need to be a successful spy? And how are deepfakes changing the face of modern warfare? Amanda Mason introduces Spencer Mizen to some of the 150 objects starring in the new Imperial War Museums’ exhibition, Spies, Lies and Deception. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
1/1/202423 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Habsburgs: everything you wanted to know

The Habsburgs were one of Europe's most formidable – and durable – dynasties, ruling over swathes of the continent for centuries. Speaking to Spencer Mizen, Pieter Judson tells the story of this powerhouse of a family, from their championing of Catholicism to the disastrous effects of their incestuous marriages. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/31/202344 minutes, 52 seconds
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The medieval Welsh Marches: identity on the frontier

The medieval Welsh Marches are often seen as a hotly contested border territory between Wales and England that frequently boiled over into violence. But, as Helen Fulton - who is leading a new research project on this topic - explains in today's episode, by examining Welsh literature and praise poetry we can explore an often overlooked side to frontier life. Emily Briffett spoke to Helen to find out more. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/29/202334 minutes, 50 seconds
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Boston Tea Party | 3. The destruction of the tea

The destruction of more than 46 tonnes of tea on the evening of 16 December 1773 is an event that holds huge importance in the popular story of the USA’s independence. But how much is actually known about the events of that night? Who organised it, and who took part? What can we learn from the disguises they employed? And how did the act of civil disobedience inflame tensions to new heights? The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/28/202333 minutes, 24 seconds
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Sherlock Holmes: the real history that inspired the detective stories

Sherlock Holmes is arguably the most famous fictional detective of all time. The resident of 221B Baker Street has been the subject of countless film and television portrayals, remaining a figure of fascination around the globe. But what inspired Holmes’s creator, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to bring him into the world in the first place? Jon Bauckham speaks to the author and biographer Andrew Lycett about the origins of the character and what the stories reveal about Conan Doyle himself. (Ad) Andrew Lycett is the author of The Worlds of Sherlock Holmes: The Inspiration Behind the World's Greatest Detective (Frances Lincoln, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon:,enduring%2C%20enigmatic%20and%20recognisable%20characters./?tag=bbchistory045-21&ascsubtag=historyextra-social-histboty The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/27/202333 minutes, 38 seconds
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Life of the week: Queen Victoria

What picture comes to mind when you think of Queen Victoria? For many, it will be a grieving woman in her mourning gown, or perhaps a monarch cooly stating "we are not amused". From her marriage to Prince Albert to founding many of the royal traditions we know today, Tracy Borman speaks to Lauren Good about Victoria’s life, and explains why we should rethink our opinion of her. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/26/202334 minutes, 49 seconds
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Merry Christmas from the HistoryExtra podcast

As a Christmas present from us, we're sharing an exclusive sneak peek into what 2024 has in store on the HistoryExtra podcast, from upcoming series delving into the Suffragettes and historical conspiracies, to new Everything You Wanted to Know episodes. Thanks for listening this year. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/25/20231 minute, 20 seconds
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Druids: everything you wanted to know

Were druids the wise, kindly and benevolent figures of ancient societies, or bloodthirsty, barbaric priests with a penchant for brutal human sacrifice? Were they purely religious guides, or practitioners of magic? And why did the Romans perceive them to be such a dangerous threat? Speaking to Emily Briffett, Ronald Hutton answers your top questions on the mystical druids of ancient north western Europe. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/24/202349 minutes
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Bannockburn: Robert the Bruce’s greatest victory

Robert the Bruce’s landmark victory over the English at the battle of Bannockburn has secured his place as a hero in the annals of Scottish history. Speaking to Rachel Dinning, historian Helen Carr chronicles the story of the battle and its aftermath, and also explains why it had profound consequences for Scotland, England, and Ireland across the first half of the 14th century and beyond. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/22/202341 minutes, 11 seconds
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Boston Tea Party | 2. The Sons of Liberty

The Boston Tea Party is often invoked as a symbol of non-violent protest, but how true is that picture? In episode two, we meet the Sons of Liberty – an organisation which, in combatting the rising taxes levied from the American colonists, sometimes turned to brutal and intimidating tactics that are often forgotten in the protest’s broader story. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/21/202330 minutes, 53 seconds
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Amazing Grace: a story of salvation and slavery

John Newton was a slave-ship captain in the 18th century. However, he was also a devout Christian who went on to become a famous preacher and wrote the globally recognised hymn Amazing Grace. James Walvin talks to David Musgrove about how Newton and his contemporaries made sense of the contradiction of slavery and Christianity, and how Amazing Grace has taken on a life of its own after him. (Ad) James Walvin is the author of Amazing Grace: A Cultural History of the Beloved Hymn (University of California Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/20/202334 minutes, 2 seconds
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Life of the week: Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart broke record after record in 20th-century aviation, being the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean – and famously attempting to circumnavigate the world in 1937, on a doomed voyage that ended in her mysterious disappearance. Rhiannon Davies speaks to Clare Mulley to learn more about this adventurous figure. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/19/202334 minutes, 24 seconds
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Nazi Germany: the myth of the innocent bystander

In 1945, after defeat in the Second World War, many Germans claimed to have known nothing about what had happened to their fellow Jewish citizens – and with that, the idea of the ‘innocent bystander’ was born. But just how true was this claim? Delving into a rich archive of personal accounts of life in the Nazi era, Mary Fulbrook has unearthed a far more complex story, as she tells Rebecca Franks. (Ad) Mary Fulbrook is the author of Bystander Society: Conformity and Complicity in Nazi Germany and the Holocaust (Oxford University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/18/202337 minutes, 18 seconds
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1970s Britain: everything you wanted to know

1970s Britain has gained a reputation for being fairly bleak, filled with strikes and economic turbulence. But was it really so terrible? From the uniting power of television to his grandfather's safari suit, Alwyn Turner takes Lauren Good on a journey through this decade of change, answering listener questions along the way. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/17/202330 minutes, 43 seconds
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Caesar | 4. Honourable men

In episode four of our new series on Julius Caesar’s rise and fall, we come face-to-face with the men who orchestrated the assassination. Professor Barry Strauss and Professor Philip Freeman join Rob Attar to dissect the characters of Brutus, Cassius and Decimus and reveal how the conspiracy got off the ground. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202320 minutes, 45 seconds
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Caesar | 2. Was this ambition?

When Julius Caesar was born, few would have expected him to climb to the summit of Roman political power, but by the time of his death that was exactly what he had done. In episode two of our new series on Caesar’s rise and fall, Rob Attar is joined by Professor Catherine Steel and Professor Philip Freeman to examine the early life and career of a man who would seek to reshape Rome in his image. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202322 minutes, 15 seconds
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Caesar | 5. The dogs of war

The deed is done, but the battle is far from over. In episode five of our new series on Julius Caesar’s rise and fall, Rob Attar is joined by Professor Philip Freeman, Professor Barry Strauss and Dr Volker Heuchert to plunge into the aftermath of Caesar’s murder as the dictator’s former allies and enemies go to war over the future of Rome. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202328 minutes, 8 seconds
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Caesar | 3. Master of his fate

The last decade of Julius Caesar’s life was dominated by civil war, his romance with Cleopatra and his quest for ultimate power. In episode three of our new series on Julius Caesar’s rise and fall, Rob Attar is joined by Professor Philip Freeman, Dr Jane Draycott and Dr Volker Heuchert to explore Caesar’s final years as the storm clouds were gathering around him. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202326 minutes, 32 seconds
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Caesar | 1. Beware the Ides of March

On 15 March 44 BC, Rome’s dictator strode into the Senate House of Pompey for a meeting with the city’s political elite. Little did he know that this would be the final meeting of his life. In episode one of our new series on Julius Caesar’s rise and fall, Rob Attar is joined by Professor Barry Strauss to describe the momentous events of a day that would transform Rome forever. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202319 minutes, 7 seconds
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Caesar | 6. The evil that men do

In the concluding part of our new series on Julius Caesar’s rise and fall, we take the story on to its dramatic coda as battles continue to rage over who will ultimately succeed the murdered dictator. Rob Attar is joined by Dr Jane Draycott to tell the story of Antony and Cleopatra’s war with Octavian, while Professor Philip Freeman, Professor Catherine Steel and Professor Barry Strauss reflect on the legacy of the Ides of March. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/16/202331 minutes, 20 seconds
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Netflix's The Crown: history and storytelling

Netflix's hit drama The Crown has come to a close after six seasons and 60 episodes, having dramatised the Windsor dynasty from the mid-20th century to the early years of the new millennium. While it has faced some controversy for its portrayals of living royals and storytelling choices, its mass appeal has seen it become one of the flagship historical dramas of the decade. Elinor Evans spoke to the show's head of research, Annie Sulzberger, to hear more about The Crown's approach to the real history it portrays on screen. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/15/202331 minutes, 50 seconds
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Boston Tea Party: Igniting a revolution | Trailer

On the evening of 16 December 1773, around a hundred men boarded three ships in Boston harbour, hoisting more than 46 tonnes of tea over the vessels’ rails and into the sea. The destruction of the goods became a pivotal moment on the road to the American Revolutionary War, and is better known to history as the Boston Tea Party. In our new HistoryExtra podcast series, on the 250th anniversary of the rebellion, we’ll be looking at the causes, tensions, and violent origins of the protest, the key players involved in the plan – and why exactly tea was so important to the story. Join experts Benjamin Carp, Sarah Churchwell and Sarah Purcell as we delve into the act of defiance that sparked a revolution. Subscribe to History Extra Plus on Apple Podcasts to listen to the whole series immediately and ad-free. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/20232 minutes, 2 seconds
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Boston Tea Party | 1. Tea and taxes

How did tea become such an incendiary issue in late 18th-century Boston? To understand this, we need to travel back at least a decade. Joined by experts Benjamin Carp, Sarah Churchwell and Sarah Purcell, we delve into the colonial grievances that were growing in the wake of the Seven Years’ War, and get closer to the unrest in colonial New England. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/14/202328 minutes, 14 seconds
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Georgian grand houses: the forgotten women who built them

Many might assume that Britain's grand houses were paid for, designed and built solely by men. However, as Amy Boyington reveals, this was far from the truth. Women acted as patrons, liaised with contractors, and even designed their homes with an expert hand. Speaking to Lauren Good, Amy uncovers these roles of women in Georgian architecture – some of which have been long forgotten. (Ad) Amy Boyington is the author of Hidden Patrons: Women and Architectural Patronage in Georgian Britain (Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/13/202328 minutes, 10 seconds
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Introducing Life of the Week

We’re making our new 'Life of the Week' series freely available for everyone to enjoy. Every Tuesday from 12 December, join us as we step back into the past and learn about the lives of some of history's most significant figures, from majestic ancient Egyptian pharaohs and medieval warriors to 20th-century daredevils.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/12/202351 seconds
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Life of the Week: Mansa Musa

In the list of the world’s all-time wealthiest people, one name regularly tops the charts: Mansa Musa. Ruling a kingdom that stretched across West Africa, the 14th-century Mali emperor is best known for undertaking a glittering pilgrimage towards the holy city of Mecca. Yet, speaking to Emily Briffett, Hannah Cusworth argues Mansa Musa left a much larger legacy than that. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/12/202331 minutes, 34 seconds
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Caesar: Death of a Dictator | Trailer

On the Ides of March, 44 BC, the most famous Roman in history was murdered. Julius Caesar’s killers hoped to save the Republic, but in the end they destroyed it. In the six episodes of Caesar: Death of a Dictator, Rob Attar is joined by a group of expert historians to revisit these dramatic events and reveal how the assassination helped turn Rome into an empire.  All episodes will be freely available everywhere on Saturday 16th December 2023. Want to listen to the whole series now or access it ad-free? Subscribe to History Extra Plus on Apple Podcasts where you can also enjoy an ad-free experience across all HistoryExtra episodes, as well as regular bonus content. Start your seven-day free trial now. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/11/20231 minute, 20 seconds
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Victoria's armpit and 'giant' bones: body parts that changed history

How did a severed ear start a war between Britain and Spain in the 18th century? And what has Queen Victoria's armpit got to do with the development of antiseptic? Speaking to Charlotte Hodgman, medical doctor and historian Dr Suzie Edge investigates our long-standing fascination with body parts, and explores the incredible stories of the people attached to them – from Albert Einstein's brain to the bones of 'Irish Giant' Charles Byrne. (Ad) Suzie Edge is a medical doctor, historian and the author of Vital Organs: A History of the World's Most Famous Body Parts (Wildfire, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/11/202322 minutes, 38 seconds
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The American Gilded Age: everything you wanted to know

How did the Gilded Ages get its name? What caused the explosion of industry at this time? Who were the great industrialists of the age, and what can their philanthropy tell us about the morals of the era? Speaking to Elinor Evans, Nancy C Unger answers listener questions on the so-called Gilded Age in the US, from the expansion of railroads and manufacturing that shaped the era and made millions for the industrial barons, to the 'dollar princesses' who married into British aristocracy The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/10/202353 minutes, 47 seconds
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Books and war: from James Bond to leaflet bombing

Throughout time, both authors and their readers have gone to war. In that process, the written word has become a deadly weapon and a glimmer of peace and hope – from the furious printing efforts behind publishing //Mein Kampf// to the daring exploits of James Bond. Speaking to Emily Briffett, Andrew Pettegree traces the surprising, and sometimes sinister, ways in which the written word has shaped, and been shaped, by the conflicts of last few centuries. (Ad) Andrew Pettegree is the author of The Book at War: Libraries and Readers in an Age of Conflict (Profile Books, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/8/202342 minutes, 25 seconds
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Shakespeare 4

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12/7/202328 minutes, 45 seconds
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Medieval manners: social etiquette in the Middle Ages

Medieval people are often portrayed in popular culture as being grubby and smelly, with few manners to recommend them. However, in reality, such uncouth behaviour would certainly have been frowned upon. Speaking with Emily Briffett, Danièle Cybulskie delves into the historical handbook to pull out some of the top tips on social etiquette from the Middle Ages – and explores why these rules and ideals were so important at the time. (Ad) Danièle Cybulskie is the author of Chivalry and Courtesy: Medieval Manners for Modern Life (Abbeville Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/6/202333 minutes, 53 seconds
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Marshal Pétain: Vichy France in the dock

Following its liberation in 1944, France began a reckoning with its years of defeat, occupation and collaboration with Nazi Germany. On trial was Marshal Philippe Pétain, the decorated World War I hero and onetime head of the collaborationist regime known as Vichy France. Speaking to Danny Bird, Julian Jackson discusses the role the trial played in the nation's attempt to reconcile itself with this controversial chapter in its history. (Ad) Julian Jackson is the author of France on Trial: The Case of Marshal Pétain (Allen Lane, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/4/202349 minutes, 41 seconds
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1950s Britain: everything you wanted to know

Was 1950s Britain a grim, grey nation, haunted by the spectre of the Second World War, or was it a vibrant, forward-thinking country that had – in the words of Harold Macmillan – “never had it so good”? Speaking with Jon Bauckham, Alwyn Turner separates fact from fiction and answers listeners’ questions about a decade that saw the birth of rock’n’roll, the Suez Crisis, and the crowning of a new queen. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/3/202341 minutes, 7 seconds
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The dangerous road to the Bastille

The French Revolution of 1789 is one of the defining events of world history – but the decades preceding the revolution were also seismic, being marked by war, royal scandal, financial crisis and scientific wonder. In conversation with Rob Attar, Robert Darnton takes us on a journey through the streets of Paris in the 40 years that preceded the storming of the Bastille. (Ad) Robert Darnton is the author of The Revolutionary Temper: Paris, 1748–1789 (Penguin, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
12/1/202345 minutes, 34 seconds
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Shakespeare: Past Master | 3. Julius Caesar

Islam Issa charts what the tragic history play tells us about the ancient world – and the insights it offers into the politics of the playwright’s own era It may be set in ancient Rome, with a cast of real-life characters – yet William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar also tells us a great deal about the machinations of the Elizabethan court. Islam Issa shares his thoughts on how the play offers a window into the politics of the playwright’s era. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/30/202330 minutes, 43 seconds
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Du Fu: China's greatest poet

Writing during the celebrated Tang dynasty, Du Fu is heralded as China's greatest poet, musing on subjects from how to cook noodles to war and rebellion. Speaking to Spencer Mizen, Michael Wood charts Du Fu's fascinating life, and explores what the poet can tell us about medieval Chinese culture. (Ad) Michael Wood is the author of In the Footsteps of Du Fu (Simon & Schuster, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/29/202327 minutes, 54 seconds
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Cities that turbocharged art history

From Renaissance Florence and ancient Babylon to the kingdom of Benin and Heian-era Kyoto, cities across history have served as launchpads for extraordinary outbursts of artistic flowering. Caroline Campbell, director of the National Gallery of Ireland and the author of The Power of Art, guides Ellie Cawthorne through some of these cultural metropolises, exploring what made them artistic hubs, and how they turbocharged the story of art. (Ad) Caroline Campbell is the author of The Power of Art: A World History in Fifteen Cities (The Bridge Street Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/27/202331 minutes, 28 seconds
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Astronomy history: everything you wanted to know

When was it established that the Earth is round? Did the Catholic church help or hinder the practice of astronomy? And how transformative was the big bang theory? Speaking to Spencer Mizen, James Hannam answers your queries on the long history of the study of the heavens. (Ad) James Hannam is the author of The Globe: How the Earth Became Round (Reaktion Books, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/26/202343 minutes, 20 seconds
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The dark side of Dickens

Charles Dickens was a master of managing his personal brand. In fact, almost everything we know about him comes from one biography, written by his friend John Forster. But, if you dig a little deeper, strange biographical inconsistencies begin to emerge. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, Helena Kelly outlines her new theories on the truth behind the stories Dickens told about everything from his family and childhood to his sex life, and how they paint a much darker picture of the author’s life. (Ad) Helena Kelly is the author of The Life and Lies of Charles Dickens (Icon, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/24/202338 minutes, 5 seconds
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Thanksgiving: everything you wanted to know

Rachel Herrmann charts the long history of America’s famous holiday – from modern parades and celebrations to the first feast From the fabled first feast between the Pilgrims and Native Americans to the darker side of the holiday's history, the American tradition of Thanksgiving has a long and complex past. Here, Charlotte Hodgman puts listener queries and popular search queries to Rachel Herrman on the history of Thanksgiving. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/202322 minutes, 17 seconds
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Shakespeare: Past Master | 2. Romeo and Juliet

Sophie Duncan delves into the playwright’s world-famous tragedy to reveal what it tells us about youth in the Tudor era The doomed romance of young lovers Romeo and Juliet has captured imaginations across the centuries – but what does William Shakespeare’s play tell us about the real experiences of youth at the time he was writing? Sophie Duncan offers her expert take. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/23/202325 minutes, 2 seconds
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The dangers of medieval travel

Why did medieval people hit the road or the high seas? Was it expensive to travel in the Middle Ages, and what were the biggest risks that a medieval traveller faced? Speaking to David Musgrove, Professor Anthony Bale gives the lowdown on the medieval travel experience. (Ad) Anthony Bale is the author of A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages: The World Through Medieval Eyes (Viking, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/22/202340 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Princes in the Tower: has the mystery been solved?

In the summer of 1483, two young princes disappeared from the Tower of London – and were never seen again. Had they been killed by their uncle, Richard III, in his bid for the English throne? Had someone else murdered them? Or had they been whisked away to safety? Philippa Langley, whose work helped to locate the bones of Richard III under a Leicester car park, talks to Rebecca Franks about new discoveries made by The Missing Princes Project. (Ad) Philippa Langley is the author of The Princes in the Tower: Solving History’s Greatest Cold Case (The History Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/20/202349 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Pre-Raphaelites: everything you wanted to know

How did the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood become so famous? Did Elizabeth Siddal really almost die in a bathtub when she modelled for John Everett Millais' Ophelia? And which Rosetti painting shocked the art establishment the most? Speaking to Elinor Evans, Suzanne Fagence Cooper answers your questions on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood: a group of artists founded in 1848 who pushed the boundaries of artistic realism and courted scandal in Victorian Britain through their lifestyles and art. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/19/202347 minutes, 51 seconds
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Resistance in the Second World War

Why, across Nazi-occupied Europe, did some people choose to resist the Third Reich? This is the question at the heart of Halik Kochanski's book Resistance, which has just won the 2023 Wolfson History Prize. In conversation with Rachel Dinning, Halik speaks about the different types of resistance against Nazi occupation across Europe between 1939 and 1945 – from open partisan warfare in the occupied Soviet Union, to dangerous acts of defiance in Norway. (Ad) Halik Kochanski is the author of Resistance: The Underground War in Europe, 1939-1945 (Allen Lane, 2022). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/17/202327 minutes, 26 seconds
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Shakespeare Trailer

William Shakespeare’s plays are among the celebrated works in all of English literature – but they also offer key insights into the time in which the playwright lived, and how the past was viewed in the Tudor era. In our new podcast series, Shakespeare: Past Master, experts delve into plays including Hamlet, Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet to explore how they depict the past. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/202339 seconds
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Shakespeare: Past Master | 1. Henry V

Jerry Brotton offers expert insights into what the playwright’s much-quoted history play tells about nationalism and nationhood at the time it was first performed Telling the story of the build-up to and aftermath of the 1415 battle of Agincourt, William Shakespeare’s Henry V has sometimes been linked to the nationalistic glorification of war. Yet, as Jerry Brotton reveals, the play also contains more nuanced and complex views of nationhood. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/16/202331 minutes, 14 seconds
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George Orwell’s forgotten wife

George Orwell – the author of classics like 1984 – is a household name. But have you heard of his first wife, Eileen O’Shaughnessy, who convinced her husband to write the political fable which evolved into Animal Farm? Despite being vital in Orwell’s career, she has been omitted from the historical narrative by both her husband and his biographers since. Speaking to Lauren Good, Anna Funder reveals O’Shaughnessy’s hidden life – and considers how women through the past have facilitated the success of their husbands from the shadows. (Ad) Anna Funder is the author of Wifedom: Mrs Orwell’s Invisible Life (Viking, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/15/202328 minutes, 10 seconds
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Magic books: a global history

What are the earliest forms of written magic? How do the stories of magic and religion intersect? And how will these stories’ continued presence in popular culture influence events yet to come? Professor Owen Davies takes Lauren Good on a journey through the twisting history of the Grimoire, from the use of papyrus to the effects of ‘WitchTok’. (Ad) Owen Davies is the author of Art of the Grimoire: An Illustrated History of Magic Books and Spells (Yale University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/13/202326 minutes, 3 seconds
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Norse myths: everything you wanted to know

What myths did the Norse believe, and what influence did they exert on daily life? Was the trickster god Loki really that bad, and was Odin really that wise? And why is Christianity a crucial part of the story? Speaking to Kev Lochun, historian and broadcaster Eleanor Rosamund Barraclough answers listener questions about the pantheon of Norse myths, from the yawning void of Ginnungagap to the end of days, Ragnarok. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/12/202358 minutes, 21 seconds
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Medieval Stalingrad: The siege of Calais

Dan Jones chronicles the brutal siege of Calais, an overlooked campaign in the Hundred Years’ War, and the focus of his new novel During the Hundred Years’ War, after the English had stormed to victory at the battle of Crécy, they turned their attention northwards: to the prized port city of Calais. Dan Jones brings the lengthy siege to life in his latest historical fiction novel, Wolves of Winter, and here he spoke to Rhiannon Davies to reveal why those trapped inside the city considered turning to cannibalism. (Ad) Dan Jones is the author of Wolves of Winter (Bloomsbury, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/10/202332 minutes, 4 seconds
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The First Crusade | 5. The end or the beginning?

In episode five of our new series on the First Crusade, we rejoin the crusaders for the last time as they reach their final goal, the holy city of Jerusalem Of all the holy places venerated by medieval Christians, there was nowhere quite as sacred as Jerusalem: the supposed location of Jesus Christ’s burial, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. It would be the jewel in the crown of Christendom – but first they had to capture it. In this fifth and final episode of our latest HistoryExtra podcast series, we’ll be charting the last leg of the First Crusade, as the crusaders race down the Levant towards their final goal, which they hoped would mark the conclusion of their arduous mission. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/9/202348 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Munich Putsch: Hitler’s bungled revolution

Frank McDonough explores the infamous failed coup that shaped the early history of the Nazi party On 8 November 1923, the Nazi Party launched a coup attempt in Munich that has come to be known as the ‘Beer Hall Putsch’. The putsch itself was an abject failure, but it taught Hitler valuable lessons that would aid his path to power a decade later. Historian Frank McDonough is joined by Rob Attar to explore one of the best-known moments in the early history of Hitler and the Nazis. (Ad) Frank McDonough is the author of The Weimar Years: Rise and Fall 1918-1933 (Apollo, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/8/202328 minutes, 58 seconds
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Women’s history: from 1066 to Margaret Thatcher

Novelist Philippa Gregory reflects on 900 years of women’s history, from the huge upheavals of the Norman invasion to successfully securing the right to vote in the 20th century How have women’s lives changed since the 11th century, when William the Conqueror invaded England? Novelist Philippa Gregory has set out to explore this tumultuous history, explaining how global conflicts, the job market, deadly diseases and more have transformed the lives of women. Rhiannon Davies spoke to her to find out more. (Ad) Philippa Gregory is the author of Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History (HarperCollins, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/6/202338 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ancient Egyptian pyramids: everything you wanted to know

For millennia, Egypt’s mighty pyramids have acted as emblems of the vibrant ancient civilisation that once straddled the Nile Valley. From mysteries surrounding their design and construction and the discovery of new passageways, to the enigma of the Great Sphinx, the pyramids continue to fascinate the world. Danny Bird puts some of our listeners’ questions to Egyptologist Mark Lehner. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/5/202356 minutes, 48 seconds
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Scotland’s last witch

Nicknamed ‘Hellish Nell’ from childhood, spiritualist medium Helen Duncan made a living from claiming to communicate with the spirits of the dead at seances around Britain. But in 1944, her ‘psychic predictions’ of wartime tragedy saw her become the last person to be imprisoned under the Witchcraft Act of 1735. Malcolm Gaskill explores the remarkable events that led to Duncan’s incarceration and investigates the mysterious world of 20th-century spiritualism. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/3/202342 minutes, 46 seconds
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The First Crusade | 4. Besieged

In late AD 1097, a weary and wartorn band of crusaders arrived at the imposing walls of Antioch: a key strategic location on the long journey down the Levant. In the shadow of the city’s tall towers, the crusaders plotted their next move. Morale was at an all-time low, but the stakes were high – a Turkish army was on its way. In this fourth episode of our latest HistoryExtra podcast series, we’ll be witnessing the moment the crusaders faced their biggest trial yet. Speaking to a host of expert historians, we’ll be considering top crusader tactics and revealing how the crusader army found the motivation to carry on in an unfamiliar and imposing land. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/2/202341 minutes, 50 seconds
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Fighting racism in postwar Britain

Sixties Britain didn’t swing for all its citizens – with racism, anti-immigration rhetoric and the spectre of unemployment affecting many black and Asian Britons. But those affected were determined to fight for their rights. Speaking to Rhiannon Davies, Preeti Dhillon revisits this familiar era to reveal examples of anti-racist activism that have been largely forgotten today. (Ad) Preeti Dhillon is the author of The Shoulders We Stand On: How Black and Brown people fought for change in the United Kingdom (Dialogue Books, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
11/1/202338 minutes, 28 seconds
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Horror films: a chilling cultural history

Ever since the shadow of Count Orlok crept up the staircase in 1922’s Nosferatu, and Fay Wray emitted her iconic scream in 1933’s King Kong, horror films have captivated and scandalised audiences in equal measure. Speaking to Matt Elton, Professor Roger Luckhurst explores how scary films have reflected changing social anxieties in the 20th and 21st centuries, and nominates the ten horror movies he thinks are most representative of their time. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/30/202350 minutes, 25 seconds
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The history of Jamaica: everything you wanted to know

The Caribbean island of Jamaica has a long and complex history, from its crucial role in the transatlantic slave trade to being the birthplace of Rastafari. Here, Rhiannon Davies puts listener queries and popular search queries on the island’s history to Audra A Diptee. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/28/202343 minutes, 54 seconds
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Killers of the Flower Moon: The real history

Killers of the Flower Moon, the new historical epic from Martin Scorsese, dramatises a series of murders that was described by press at the time as the “bloodiest chapter in American crime history”. The crimes caught the attention of J Edgar Hoover, and became the focus of one of the fledgling FBI’s first major homicide investigations. David Grann, author of the book on which the film is based, joined Elinor Evans back in 2017 to discuss the murders' horrific impact on the Native American Osage Nation.   (Ad) David Grann is the author of Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI (Doubleday Books, 2017). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/26/202330 minutes, 26 seconds
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The First Crusade | 3. Crossing into the unknown

In the call to crusade that ignited the idea of holy war in the minds of the western European populace, Pope Urban II painted a picture of evil “infidels” torturing and massacring the Christians of the Holy Land. However, when the armed pilgrims of the First Crusade crossed over into Asia Minor, the situation was not as they had been led to believe – not least because they found a Christian population living alongside their supposed mortal enemies. Speaking to a range of expert historians in this third episode of our latest HistoryExtra podcast series, we follow the crusaders from hardship to hardship, as they face their first conflict and struggle across Asia Minor en route to the Levant. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/25/202343 minutes, 55 seconds
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Disease killers: the black nurses who conquered TB

Tuberculosis – otherwise known as the ‘Great White Plague’ – was a scourge on society and killed countless sufferers. Rhiannon Davies spoke to Maria Smilios to find out about the little-known story of the black nurses of New York’s Seaview Hospital who helped fight the disease – and were part of the historic drug trials of the 1950s that saw the arrival of a long-awaited cure. (Ad) Maria Smilios is the author of The Black Angels: The Untold Story of the Nurses Who Helped Cure Tuberculosis (Little Brown, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/24/202335 minutes, 14 seconds
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Who moulded Winston Churchill?

Winston Churchill’s remarkable career saw him interact with many of the other great figures of the age, many of whom had a profound impact on Britain’s wartime leader. Speaking to Rob Attar, Professor David Reynolds examines Churchill’s relationships with the likes of Stalin, Mussolini, Gandhi and Clement Attlee – and considers how these figures left their mark on the statesman. (Ad) David Reynolds is the author of Mirrors of Greatness: Churchill and the Leaders Who Shaped Him (William Collins, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/22/202351 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Second Barons’ War: everything you wanted to know

Why was Henry III so unpopular with his barons? How did the future Edward I turn the tide of the war? Did leading rebel Simon de Montfort create the first English parliament? And is it true that, after being killed in battle, his testicles were placed into his mouth? Speaking with Spencer Mizen, Nicholas Vincent answers your queries on the Second Barons’ War. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/21/202339 minutes, 51 seconds
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Renaissance eugenics

Whether it was creating super-fast thoroughbreds, or fashioning dogs small enough to fit in your sleeve, animal breeding was an obsession of the Renaissance era. And, as Mackenzie Cooley reveals, animal husbandry prompted people to think about whether humankind could also be improved by selective breeding. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne about her Cundill Prize-shortlisted book The Perfection of Nature, she discusses how ideas about animal breeding tied into colonialism, race and eugenics. (Ad) Mackenzie Cooley is the author of The Perfection of Nature: Animals, Breeding, and Race in the Renaissance (University of Chicago Press, 2022). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/19/202328 minutes, 4 seconds
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The First Crusade | 2. On the road

The Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos had asked the pope for a small crack team of western knights to aid him with his struggles in Asia Minor – a plea for help which had set crusading wheels into motion. But, he was shocked when waves of unruly crusaders began arriving in waves outside the walls of his capital. In this second episode of our latest HistoryExtra podcast series, we’ll reconstruct the journey that saw the crusaders end up outside Constantinople, dealing with logistical challenges and fraught relationships along the way. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/18/202344 minutes, 5 seconds
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1960s Britain: smashing the status quo?

The early 1960s saw the British establishment face a challenging new landscape. It was an era of rapid change, but also of enduring conservatism. David Kynaston tells Spencer Mizen about Britain from 1962-65, when the rise of Harold Wilson and the Beatles threatened to shatter the status quo. (Ad) David Kynaston is the author of A Northern Wind: Britain 1962-65 (Bloomsbury, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/17/202329 minutes, 55 seconds
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Life of the week Trailer

Our new bonus series delves into the fascinating lives of some of history's most significant figures, from ancient pharaohs to 20th-century secret agents. To access this new series and listen to all episodes completely ad-free subscribe to History Extra Plus on Apple Podcasts here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/16/202340 seconds
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Disney at 100

October 2023 marks the centenary of the Walt Disney Company, which from its early days as one of the pioneers of animated films has grown to become a cultural behemoth. Speaking to Matt Elton, John Wills looks back at a hundred years of classic films, controversy and cultural dominance. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/15/202341 minutes, 29 seconds
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Weimar Germany: everything you wanted to know

The decade and a half between the end of the First World War and the ascent of Nazism is one of the most debated and mythologised periods of German history. The democratic Weimar Republic was a period of great political instability but is also renowned for its liberal social attitudes and cultural achievements. For today’s everything you wanted to know episode Rob Attar is joined by Professor Frank McDonough to tackle some of the big questions – including those submitted by listeners – surrounding this doomed experiment in democracy. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/14/202356 minutes, 34 seconds
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Slave traders: the men who built a brutal empire

The trans-Atlantic slave trade expanded greatly in the 18th century, growing from a relatively small enterprise to a global business that saw millions of African people clapped in irons, forced to undergo the tortuous Middle Passage and then sold at market in the Americas. Speaking to Rhiannon Davies, Nicholas Radburn investigates the merchants across the globe who tried to expand their bottom lines by branching out into slave trading. (Ad) Nicholas Radburn is the author of Traders in Men: Merchants and the Transformation of the Transatlantic Slave Trade (Yale University Press, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/12/202338 minutes, 6 seconds
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The First Crusade | 1. The call to arms

In episode one of our series on the First Crusade, we consider how a landmark papal bull lit a fire under the idea of crusading, triggering a military machine that saw tens of thousands make an unprecedented journey into the unknown and face off against an unfamiliar enemy When we talk about the crusades today the mental images that spring to mind are as clear as they are striking – valiant crusader knights emblazoned with crosses and penniless pilgrims in search of salvation, perhaps even a brutal clash of civilisations. But, there's more to them than that. In the first episode of our latest HistoryExtra podcast series, we’re travelling back in time to where it all started, uncovering the origins of the First Crusade. Speaking to a range of expert historians, we trace how a complex web of ideas and problems came together to form a major movement, fired with religious zeal. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/202351 minutes, 39 seconds
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The First Crusade Trailer

When we talk about the crusades today the mental images that spring to mind are as clear as they are striking – valiant crusader knights emblazoned with crosses and penniless pilgrims in search of salvation, perhaps even a brutal clash of civilisations. But, behind the popular myths, there lies a far more fascinating story. In our new HistoryExtra podcast series, The First Crusade: The War that Transformed the Medieval World, we’ll be travelling back in time to walk in the footsteps of the first crusaders, witnessing the hardships they faced, meeting the people they came across and seeing the landscapes they traversed through their eyes.     Episodes will be released weekly from 12 October. To gain early, ad-free access to all episodes now, subscribe to History Extra Plus on Apple Podcasts. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/11/20232 minutes, 6 seconds
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Re-examining women in the Roman empire

St Augustine of Hippo is one of the most influential Christian thinkers of the past 2,000 years – and his work also offers fresh insights into the lives of women in the late Roman empire. That’s the contention of the historian Kate Cooper, who has drawn on his Confessions to tell the stories of Augustine’s mother, his lover, his fiancée and the Roman empress Justina, in her Cundill History Prize-shortlisted book Queens of a Fallen World. She speaks to Rob Attar about this unique window into the 4th century. (Ad) Kate Cooper is the author of Queens of a Fallen World: The Lost Women of Augustine's Confessions (John Murray Press, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/10/202344 minutes, 50 seconds
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History Behind the Headlines Trailer

Our new monthly series explores the historical stories hitting the headlines – and the way in which the past informs today’s world. To access this new series and listen to all episodes completely ad-free subscribe to History Extra Plus on Apple Podcasts here: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/9/202341 seconds
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Is black history still being overlooked?

As the UK marks Black History Month, a panel of expert historians – Hannah Cusworth, Pamela Roberts and Hakim Adi – tackle some of the biggest questions around bringing black histories to light. Speaking to Matt Elton, they explore the value of Black History Month in highlighting stories that may otherwise be obscured – and whether the focus on black history sparked by 2020's global protests has been maintained. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/8/202340 minutes, 5 seconds
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Cat history: everything you wanted to know

Cats have lived alongside us for centuries, and our relationship with them has transformed over time – from venerating them to vilifying them. What roles have humans cast cats in over the years? Why were they seen as deities by the ancient Egyptians? And how did they come to be synonymous with witches? In our latest Everything You Wanted to Know episode, Dr Andrew Flack answers listener questions about the history of our relationship with these fascinating creatures. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/7/202334 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Huxleys: how one family shaped our view of nature

Known as “Darwin’s bulldog”, Thomas Henry Huxley fought a tireless battle against the opponents of evolutionary theory. His grandson Julian lived among the animals of London Zoo and made nature documentaries with a young David Attenborough. Alison Bashford is the author of a Cundill Prize-shortlisted book on the Huxley family, An Intimate History of Evolution. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, she reveals how this pioneering dynasty of scientists and thinkers shaped our view of nature across the 19th and 20th centuries. (Ad) Alison Bashford is the author of An Intimate History of Evolution: The Story of the Huxley Family (Penguin, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/5/202336 minutes, 30 seconds
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Great Reputations: Gandhi

In the latest in our series charting the contested reputations of key historical figures, Vikram Visana and Jad Adams debate the complex, sometimes controversial life and legacy of Mahatma Gandhi, and discuss his views on everything from sex and gender to class and ethnicity The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/4/20231 hour, 7 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Cultural Revolution: a Chinese catastrophe

For the decade between 1966 and 1976, Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution wreaked immense havoc on China – with up to 2 million killed, and another 36 million persecuted for perceived political or cultural sins. Tania Branigan is the author of a Cundill Prize-shortlisted book Red Memory, which draws on personal testimonies to chart the story of this terrifying decade. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, she discusses why the Cultural Revolution was such a significant moment in Chinese history and explores its continued impact on the country’s politics, culture and psyche today. (Ad) Tania Branigan is the author of Red Memory: Living, Remembering and Forgetting China's Cultural Revolution (Faber & Faber, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/3/202339 minutes, 18 seconds
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The brutal WW2 battle for Italy

When Allied forces invaded Italy in September 1943, they hoped to be in Rome by Christmas. But by the end of the year, after four months of unrelenting warfare, the Italian capital was still 70 miles away. Historian, author and podcaster James Holland speaks to Rob Attar about this savage clash between the Allies and Nazi Germany. (Ad) James Holland is the author of The Savage Storm: The Battle for Italy 1943 (Bantam, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/2/202343 minutes, 28 seconds
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David Mitchell on a new history of England’s monarchy

From his turn as Shakespeare in Upstart Crow to his historical sketches with Robert Webb, comedian and actor David Mitchell’s work has often touched on the past. Now he’s written his first history book, Unruly, charting England’s monarchy from its earliest days to the reign of Elizabeth I. David tells Matt Elton about this storied history. (Ad) David Mitchell is the author of Unruly: A History of England's Kings and Queens (Penguin, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
10/1/202341 minutes, 29 seconds
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Archaeology’s golden age: everything you wanted to know

The first half of the 20th century is often talked about as a golden age of archaeology – a time marked by thrilling finds such as those of Tutankhamun’s tomb and the ship burial at Sutton Hoo. But was it really as golden as we might wish to believe? Speaking to Kev Lochun, Dr Hélène Maloigne answers listener questions about one of most exciting periods in the history of archaeology, where glittering discoveries and moral conundrums stood shoulder to shoulder. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/30/202336 minutes, 2 seconds
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One day in the British empire

On 29 September 1923, the British empire was at its territorial height. But even as British power stretched across the globe, were the seeds of the empire’s destruction already sown? Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, Matthew Parker charts what was happening across diverse territories in September 1923, through the testimonies of those on the ground, from Samoa and Nigeria to New Zealand and India. (Ad) Matthew Parker is the author of One Fine Day: Britain's Empire on the Brink (Little, Brown, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/28/202328 minutes
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Great Reputations: Emmeline Pankhurst

In the latest in our series charting the reputations of key historical figures, June Purvis and Lyndsey Jenkins discuss the life and contested legacy of Emmeline Pankhurst – from whether her story obscures that of the wider suffragette movement to whether her political activism really means she can be labelled a ‘terrorist’ The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/27/202344 minutes, 25 seconds
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Radio Times: a century of British broadcasting

In 1923, a new periodical was launched to guide listeners through the BBC’s nascent radio offerings. Its name? The Radio Times. Across the coming decades, it not only featured radio and TV listings, but also offered a window into the nation’s changing media and social landscape. As Radio Times magazine marks its centenary, Matt Elton assembles a panel of experts to discuss the ways in which the dramatic social and media shifts of the past century are captured in its pages. The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/26/202352 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to live like a Roman emperor

What did Roman emperors actually do all day? Were they really as bloodthirsty as legend would suggest? And why was food so important? Speaking to Matt Elton, popular historian, author and broadcaster Mary Beard tackles some of the big questions about life as a Roman emperor, profiling some extraordinary figures along the way. (Ad) Mary Beard is the author of Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World (Profile Books, 2023). Buy it now from Amazon: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/25/202345 minutes, 22 seconds
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How has fear shaped history?

With the climate crisis, war in Ukraine, a recent pandemic and the rise of AI, it can feel like there is more to be fearful of today than ever before. But according to historian Robert Peckham, human society has always been shaped by fear – and not always in the ways you might expect. Speaking to Ellie Cawthorne, Robert reveals how fear has been a force for both good and ill, from the Black Death and colonisation to the abolition movement and 19th-century concerns about technology. (Ad) Robert Peckham is the author of Fear: An Alternative History of the World (Profile, 2023). Buy it now from Waterstones: The HistoryExtra podcast is produced by the team behind BBC History Magazine and BBC History Revealed. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
9/24/202326 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Battle of Britain: everything yo