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Hanns Seidel Foundation Kenya & Ethiopia Podcast Profile

Hanns Seidel Foundation Kenya & Ethiopia Podcast

English, Finance, 1 season, 3 episodes, 3 hours, 58 minutes
The Economic Club of Nairobi is a platform for established and emerging leaders across the East Africa region to engage and dialogue on topical issues in business, the economy and current affairs.
Episode Artwork

Africa Energy Conversations: The need for a Just Energy Transition with Carlos Pimenta

The global pressure to adopt a renewable-only stance is inevitably creating more pressure on Development Finance Institutions, Multilateral Development Banks and Bilateral Development Agencies to consider this position. While some African countries have the renewable energy resources to support such a transition, many do not and will still have to rely on fossil fuel sources in the interim. In this session we explore the implications of such a change on Africa’s ability to achieve its development objectives and learn from Carlos Pimenta’s energy and climate journey, from being Portugal’s youngest Secretary of State for the Environment, to leading EU negotiations for the Kyoto Protocol, becoming the Chairman of a Renewable Energy Investment Fund.
6/17/20211 hour, 36 minutes, 1 second
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Leadership in a Time of Crisis : A Time to Think

The on-going pandemic has placed extraordinary demands on leaders across society in business, Government and beyond. The inherent unpredictability of a crisis places the process of effective decision-making under significant pressure and more than ever before, leaders are tested to their full ability to keep the ship afloat and heading in the right direction. How should one approach leadership in a time of crisis? What lessons have been learnt, if any, from the last six months? With no near end in sight, it is certain that the pandemics evident sluggish evolution in East Africa will continue to mutate and unfold over the next year. Leaders must therefore be even more adept and nimble to adjust their ways and navigate the turbulent waters to come.To provide some rooted and deep experience in the process, the Economic Club of Nairobi convened a peer-to-peer dialogue between Mucai Kunyiha, Chairman of the Kenya Assoication of Manufacturers and Paul Smith, the CEO of Java House Group to discuss the approach to leadership in crisis.
8/24/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Future of Africa – Long Term Trends Shaping the Trajectory of the Continent

Africa is a continent with boundless potential – it has the natural resources, the population and the land mass to become a major player on the global stage. Why then, is the gap between Africa and the rest of the world increasing? What needs to be done to unleash Africa’s potential and ignite a growth revolution? To discuss these and other questions, The Economic Club of Nairobi hosted Prof. Laundry Signe and Dr. Jakkie Cilliers to discuss how Africa’s potential can be unlocked to achieve an Africa First Scenario.  The discussion was based on their new books “Unlocking Africa’s Business Potential” and “Africa First! – Igniting a Growth Revolution respectively."
6/10/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 1 second