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Groks Science Radio Show and Podcast Cover
Groks Science Radio Show and Podcast Profile

Groks Science Radio Show and Podcast

English, Sciences, 1 season, 1102 episodes, 3 days, 13 hours, 18 minutes
Weekly science radio program hosted by Dr. Charles Lee and Dr. Frank Ling. Each show features interviews with scientists and technical innovators, humorous commentary on recent discoveries, plus the Grokotron 5000 and the World Famous Question of the Week! Tune in every week and rediscover the world as you think you know it.
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Pandemic Information -— Groks Science Show 2023-09-13

The COVID pandemic saw many fringe medical ideas brought to bear on public policy, surprisingly by highly influential medical professionals. What lessons can be learned from these past mistakes? On this episode, Dr. Jonathan Howard discussed his book, We Want Them Infected.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Biodiesel Cars -— Groks Science Show 2023-09-06

With the ongoing changes to the global climate, what can average citizens do to help curb emissions? Can biodiesel cars be a solution? On this episode, we explore biofuel cars.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Last Island -— Groks Science Show 2023-09-20

The world seems so fully interconnected that it is hard to believe that there are still groups of people on an island that has been untouched by the modern world. On this episode, Adam Goodheart discussed his book, The Last Island.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Hypothesis Driven -— Groks Science Show 2023-09-27

Typical business development processes often ignore the principle of hypothesis driven science. How can these scientific approaches be applied to business? On this episode, Alex Cowan discussed his book, Hypothesis Driven Development.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Techlash -— Groks Science Show 2023-10-04

The current dominance by a few technology companies has many similarities to the gilded age, including the detrimental effects on society. Who is making the rules in our current technological gilded age? On this episode, Tom Wheeler discussed his book, Techlash.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Medical Art -— Groks Science Show 2023-10-11

Technological and scientific advances have revolutionized the field of medicine, but has it left everyone better off? On this episode, Dr. Allen Sussman discussed his book, Saving the Art of Medicine.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sugar Unglued -— Groks Science Show 2023-10-18

The deleterious effects of excess sugar in the diet is implicated in a host of health conditions. How is it possible to address these issues? On this episode, Dr. Richard Jacoby discussed his book, Un-Glued.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Earth Parallels -— Groks Science Show 2023-10-25

Our planet has undergone remarkable transformations over the course of its natural history, but parallel reminders of those days can still be observed among our celestial neighbors. On this episode, Michael Carroll discussed his book, Planet Earth, Past and Present.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ourselves Equation -— Groks Science Show 2023-11-01

How can advances in the science of artificial intelligence and consciousness inform advances in the physical sciences? On this episode, George Musser discussed his book, Putting Ourselves Back in the Equation.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Facing Death -— Groks Science Show 2023-11-08

All our lives are hurtling towards the same inevitable conclusion. The ways in which science can inform our understanding of the inevitable are still evolving. On this episode, Dr. Brad Stuart discussed his new book, Facing Death.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Universe Purpose -— Groks Science Show 2023-11-15

What can advances in science tell us about the purpose of the universe? How can this relate to the emergence of life and consciousness? On this episode, Dr. Philip Goff discussed his new book, Why? The Purpose of the Universe.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Global Environment -— Groks Science Show 2023-11-22

The Conference of the Parties (COP) has annually gathered representatives from around the world to address climate change, but the inner workings of this meeting have rarely been explored. On this episode, Dr. Naveeda Khan discussed her new book, In Quest of a Shared Planet.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Cosmic Chaos -— Groks Science Show 2023-11-29

The universe is more chaotic than appears in the night sky, but how have astronomers discovered these events? On this episode, Dr. C. Renee James discussed her book, Things That Go Bump in the Universe.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Her Spacetime -— Groks Science Show 2023-12-06

Our modern description of the physical universe would not have been possible without the contributions of pioneering women scientists. On this episode, Dr. Shohini Ghose discussed her new book, Her Space, Her Time.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Planetary Insides -— Groks Science Show 2023-12-27

The surface and atmosphere of planets are their most obvious features, but what is buried beneath their surfaces? On this episode, Dr. Sabine Stanley discussed new book, What's Hidden Inside Planets?
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Surgeon Maverick -— Groks Science Show 2023-12-13

The field of cardiovascular medicine owes a great deal to the groundbreaking and ongoing work of Dr. Magdi Yacoub. On this episode, Simon Pearson and Fiona Gorman discussed their new biography, A Surgeon and a Maverick: The Life and Pioneering Work of Magdi Yacoub.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Technological Marketing -— Groks Science Show 2023-12-20

Technological advances in areas such as artificial intelligence are informing creative decisions in marketing. How will this affect businesses and consumers? On this episode, Aditya Varanasi discussed the role of technology in marketing.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Space Shuttle -— Groks Science Show 2024-01-10

The space shuttle is perhaps one of the most iconic vehicles to usher in the exploration of the final frontier. But, the personal stories of the astronauts who helmed those missions has rarely been told. On this episode, Dr. Tom Jones discussed his book, Space Shuttle Stories.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Business Technology -— Groks Science Show 2024-01-17

Establishing a business can be an arduous task, but how can technology benefit this process? On this episode, Shane Mishler discussed the implementation of technology in business.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sustainable Aluminum -— Groks Science Show 2024-01-03

The history of the discovery and manufacturing of aluminum can provide profound insights into managing material sustainability. On this episode, Dr. Saleem Ali discussed his book, Soil to Foil.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Adrenaline Dominance -— Groks Science Show 2024-01-24

Adrenaline is a key hormone and neurotransmitter in the body that is often associated with the fight or flight response. However, excess amounts of adrenaline may be linked to several diseases. On this episode, Dr. Michael Platt discussed his book, Adrenaline Dominance.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Medical Legacy -— Groks Science Show 2024-01-31

Healthcare in the United States exhibits severe inequalities for individuals of color and rural populations. How does one address these deep rooted medical inequalities? On this episode, Dr. Uche Blackstock discussed her book, Legacy.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Quakes Clouds Cardio -— Groks Science Show 2024-04-17

More from the world of science news! On this episode, the crew reviews the recent Taiwan quake, cloud seeding, and healthy science.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sugar Sugar -— Groks Science Show 2024-02-07

Sugar is ubiquitous in the modern food landscape, but its abundance is at the root of many health problems. How do we cope with too much sugar? On this episode, Maria Dello discusses health issues arising from excessive sugar consumption.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sports Analytics -— Groks Science Show 2024-02-14

How can an applied mathematical and statistical understanding of sports improve these games for coaches, players and fans? On this episode, Dr. Tim Chartier discussed his new book, Get in the Game.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Robot Literati -— Groks Science Show 2024-02-21

Advances in artificial intelligence are now affecting areas such as writing and literature. How can computers learn to write? On this episode, Dr. Dennis Yi Tenen discussed his book, Literacy Theory for Robots.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Twenty Three -— Groks Science Show 2024-02-28

This episode marks the twenty-third anniversary of the Groks Science Show, which first started airing as a radio show and podcast in February of 2001. On this episode, we look back at the past and gaze forward to the future of science on the show.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Power Foods -— Groks Science Show 2024-03-13

Dietary modifications to lose weight can often be fraught with difficulty and confusion. Can power foods help? On this episode, Dr. Neal Barnard discussed his book, The Power Foods Diet.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Round Up -— Groks Science Show 2024-03-06

The science news round up is back! On this episode, we discussed nuclear batteries and geohacking the environment with viruses.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Critical Learning -— Groks Science Show 2024-03-20

Learning to think critically is a challenging skill to master. How does the influence of the early environment affect this development? On this episode, Tracy King discussed her book, Learning to Think.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Atoms and Neurons -— Groks Science Show 2024-03-27

The science news roundup returns. On this episode, we discussed the latest developments in nuclear energy and machine-brain interfaces.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Traumatic Growth -— Groks Science Show 2024-04-03

The world can be a traumatic place, but how do we learn and grow from traumatic experiences? On this episode, Dr. Christine Gibson discussed her book, The Modern Trauma Toolkit.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Space Oddities -— Groks Science Show 2024-04-10

Physical experiments sometimes yield unexpected and anomalous results. What do these oddities tell us about the nature of the universe? On this episode, Dr. Harry Cliff discussed his book, Space Oddities.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Disciplined Listening -— Groks Science Show 2024-04-24

General conversation conventions may not establish effective communication. What does it take to be a good listener? On this episode, Michael Reddington discussed his book, The Disciplined Listening Method.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Regenerative Medicine -— Groks Science Show 2024-05-01

Regenerative medicine has been largely underdeveloped in the United States, while it has been embraced elsewhere. On this episode, Dr. Jeffrey Gross discussed regenerative medicine.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Medical Cannibis -— Groks Science Show 2024-05-08

Cannabis use in medicine has become more widely used, however information and access continues to be opaque. On this episode, Dr. Benjamin Caplan discussed his book, The Doctor-Approved Cannabis Handbook.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Educability -— Groks Science Show 2024-05-22

What are the unique features of human beings that distinguishes it as a species? Information processing and the ability to apply knowledge may be key factors. On this episode, Leslie Valiant discussed his new book, The Importance of Being Educable.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Got Milk -— Groks Science Show 2024-05-15

Does anger lead to the dark side? Should we drink raw milk? What's up with water? On this episode, we look at the science behind these questions.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Trauma Valley -— Groks Science Show 2024-05-29

Traumatic events often leave indelible marks on mental health. What are the avenues for healing? On this episode, Banning Lyon discussed his book, The Chair and the Valley.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Great River -— Groks Science Show 2024-06-05

Perhaps no other river in the United States is as iconic as the Mississippi River. What is the past, present, and future of this river? On this episode, Bryce Upholt discussed his book, The Great River.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Thought Leader -— Groks Science Show 2024-06-12

Even the best ideas can be lost in the deluge of information that surround us daily. How can the best thoughts be conveyed? On this episode, Rhea Wessel discussed her book, Write Like a Thought Leader.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Protest History -— Groks Science Show 2024-06-19

The 1999 WTO protests were a landmark event in history, but one that has been largely forgotten. What lessons were learned from this event? On this episode, DW Gibson discussed his book, One Week to Change the World.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Vanishing Aeronautics -— Groks Science Show 2024-06-26

The history of the Doolittle Raid in WWII continues to reveal unresolved mysteries regarding the vanishing eighth plane. On this episode, Dan Hampton discussed his book, Vanishing Act.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Interbellum Constitution -— Groks Science Show 2024-07-03

Federalism may seem inherent in the United States constitution, but it is a concept that has seen constant refinement, particularly in the interbellum period of the early 1800s. On this episode, Dr. Alison LaCroix discussed her book, The Interbellum Constitution.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Leadership Insights -— Groks Science Show 2024-07-10

Leadership does not require exerting complete control. Rather, the most effective leaders empower their organizations and individuals for success. On this episode, James Wetrich discussed his book, Stifled: Where Good Leaders Go Wrong.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Hactivism -— Groks Science Show 2024-07-17

Public awareness of institutional malfeasance relies on investigative journalists. How has the landscape of such activism changed? On this episode, Barrett Brown discussed his book, My Glorious Defeats.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Far UVC -— Groks Science Show 2024-07-24

Reducing pathogens in indoor environments is a major challenge, which can benefit from novel approaches. On this episode, John Rajchert discussed the development of Far UVC technology.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Negativity Online -— Groks Science Show 2024-07-31

The internet has enabled a brand of anonymous negativity that often manifests physically. On this episode, Robyn Harding discussed her new book, The Haters.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Oversubscribed -— Groks Science Show 2024-08-07

Technological advances have inundated daily lives and resulted in a massive oversubscription in unnecessary activities. How do we take back our time? On this episode, Julio Vincent Gambuto discussed his book, Please Unsubscribe, Thanks.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Seeing Seconds -— Groks Science Show 2024-08-14

The human brain operates in a manner to predict changes in the environment, but what happens when this prediction window changes? On this episode, Alexander Boldizar discussed his book, The Man Who Saw Seconds.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Tomorrow Assembly -— Groks Science Show 2024-08-28

Technological design is often hampered by runaway features with limited utility. How do we design a better future? On this episode, Scott Doorley discussed his book, Assembling Tomorrow.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Governing AI -— Groks Science Show 2024-08-21

What are the limitations and promises of artificial intelligence? How do we employ it effectively? On this episode, Dr. Pedro Domingos discussed his book, 2040, A Silicon Valley Satire.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Comfort Antidote -— Groks Science Show 2024-09-04

Modern life has provided many creature comforts that may cause more harm than benefit for our health. What is the benefit of discomfort? On this episode, Paul Taylor discussed his book, Death by Comfort.
1/1/128 minutes, 30 seconds
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Devil Element -— Groks Science Show 2023-03-15

Phosphorous is one of the most essential elements for life on earth, but it is not an element with an unlimited supply. Overuse of fertilizers containing phosphorous also has led to unintended environmental consequences. On this episode, Dan Egan discussed his new book, The Devils Element.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Planet Hunting -- Groks Science Show 2008-04-09

Astronomers searching for extrasolar worlds have recently discovered several fascinating planets orbiting other stars. On this program, Dr. Jason Wright discussed the science and technology behind the search for extrasolar worlds.
28 minutes, 36 seconds
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Better Open -- Groks Science Show 2013-08-07

Most scientific articles are not published in open access journals. On this program, Dr. Patrick Brown and Dr. Michael Eisen discussed the state of the publishing system, the shift towards open access, and the story of PLoS.
31 minutes, 19 seconds
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Radio Astronomy -- Groks Science Show 2004-09-15

Although visible telescope have shed new light on celestial objects, radio astronomy has pushed the boundaries even farther. On this program, Prof. Jack Welch discussed radio astronomy and the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.
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Human Story -— Groks Science Show 2022-07-13

Homo sapiens has come to dominate the planet, but what are the traits that have allowed humans to have such a position. On this episode, Dr. Liat Ben David discussed her book, The Story of Our Lives.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Synthetic Diamonds -- Groks Science Show 2008-08-06

While most diamonds in the world are mined from natural sources, technological advances are now making synthetic diamonds a viable alternative. On this program, Ulrich Boser discussed the world of synthetic diamonds.
26 minutes, 5 seconds
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Probability Theory -- Groks Science Show 2006-09-20

Chance occurrences often dramatically effect our daily lives. But, how can we evaluate randomness and weigh its influence appropriately? On this program, Prof. Jeffery S. Rosenthal discussed probability theory.
27 minutes, 47 seconds
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Richter Scale -- Groks Science Show 2007-06-27

The Richter Scale is well known to anyone who has experienced an earthquake. But, most are unaware of the man who invented the scale. On this program, Dr. Susan Hough discussed the life and science of Dr. Charles Richter.
26 minutes, 24 seconds
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Full Ecology -— Groks Science Show 2021-08-25

The changes to the global environment can cause much consternation, but how does one develop the resolve to address these issues? On this episode, Mary M. Clare and Gary Ferguson discussed the Full Ecology Project.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Supersense -- Groks Science Show 2009-04-15

Everybody forms a model of the natural world based on their experience with it. However, sometimes these models are flawed and lead to superstitious beliefs. On this program, Dr. Bruce Hood discussed the origins of superstitious beliefs and why we believe in the unbelievable.
26 minutes, 47 seconds
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Adult ADD -- Groks Science Show 2009-01-07

Attention Deficit Disorder is a condition that is thought to mainly affect children. However, more adults are being diagnosed with the condition. On this program, Dr. Lara Honos-Webb discussed the gift of adult ADD.
25 minutes, 59 seconds
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Illness Medicine -— Groks Science Show 2021-01-13

Medical care in the United States continues to face serious challenges in improving the health of the populace. What are the problems and solutions? On this episode, Dr. Michael J. Young discussed his book, The Illness of Medicine.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Distributed Capitalism -- Groks Science Show 2003-01-29

Managerial capitalism is the prevalent system in business for organizing large industries for mass production of goods. However, the failings of this type of capitalism are all too evident. This program presented ideas by Prof. Shoshana and Dr. James Maxmin of a new kind of capitalism, a distributed capitalism.
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Lunar Rover -— Groks Science Show 2021-07-07

The final Apollo missions were aided by the invention of the lunar lover, which greatly expanded the exploration of the moon. On this episode, Earl Swift discussed his book, Across the Airless Wilds.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Writing Wild -— Groks Science Show 2020-07-08

Our appreciation for the natural world is influenced by great nature writing. However, the contribution of women to this genre has often been unappreciated. On this episode, Kathryn Aalto discussed these writers in her new book, Writing Wild.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Debating Time -- Groks Science Show 2015-11-04

n 1922, two famous men publically debated the nature of time. On this episode, Jimena Canales discussed the debate of Albert Einstin and Henri Bergson.
31 minutes, 58 seconds
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The New BART -- Groks Science Show 2003-01-22

The new BART lines are nearing completion, allowing expanded service to new locations. The show featured a discussion with Mitch Stogner regarding the technology needed to operate these new lines.
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Debunking 9-11 Myths -- Groks Science Show 2006-09-06

Conspiracy theories surrounding the 9-11 tragedy have taken on a life of their own, divorced from the empirical data. Do these theories have any basis in fact? On this program, James Meigs, editor-in-chief of Popular Mechanics, debunked these conspiracy myths.
27 minutes, 45 seconds
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MRSA -- Groks Science Show 2010-05-05

MRSA, otherwise known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, may be the greatest public health threat since AIDS. What is being done to combat this deadly disease? On this program, Maryn McKenna discussed the threat of this Superbug.
26 minutes, 53 seconds
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Koalas -— Groks Science Show 2023-01-25

Koalas are an amazing species found across Australia, but their natural history and uncertain future remain largely unknown to most. On this episode, Dr. Danielle Clode discussed her new book, Koala.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Private Spaceflight -- Groks Science Show 2017-09-13

Private spaceflight is quickly becoming a reality, but how did the birth of this industry begin? On this episode, Julian Guthrie discussed how to build a spaceship.
22 minutes, 36 seconds
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Environmental Policy -- Groks Science Show 2004-02-11

The problems facing the earth's environment will rely on scientific solutions from numerous disciplines. Integrating these solutions with political resources remains a major challenge for the future, and was the focus of this discussion with Nobel Laureate, Prof. Y.T. Lee.
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Planetology -— Groks Science Show 2019-12–04

The development of the planets and the solar system has continued to intrigue scientists. Recent advances in planetary science have broadened our perspective on the issue. On this episode, Dr. Erik Asphaug discussed his book, When the Earth had Two Moons.
25 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Beautiful Question-- Groks Science Show 2015-07-15

What do movie stars, ocean sunsets, and the fundamental laws of physics all have in common? On this episode, Frank Wilczek discussed how the universe embodies beautiful ideas and the ways this realization has affected his work.
32 minutes, 12 seconds
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Enduring Change -— Groks Science Show 2021-02-17

How can enduring change be implemented through psychotherapeutic practices? How can the neuroscience of memory inform these clinical approached? On this episode, Dr. Richard Lane discussed his book, The Neuroscience of Enduring Change.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Aging Memory -- Groks Science Show 2008-06-25

The normal decline of our cognitive abilities is one of the hallmarks of the aging process. But, what is the dividing line between normal and abnormal memory loss? On this program, Martha Weinman Lear discussed normal memory loss.
26 minutes, 45 seconds
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Logical Leap -- Groks Science Show 2010-11-03

What is the process of induction and how does it benefit the progress of scientific ideas? On this program, David Harriman discussed the logical leap and inductive reasoning in physics.
27 minutes, 43 seconds
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Twister Theory -- Groks Science Show 2005-03-16

While superstring theory dominates the landscape of unified field theories, alternative theories exist, such as twister theory. On this program, Sir Roger Penrose joined us to discuss the structure of the universe and quantum consciousness.
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Modern Madness -— Groks Science Show 2020-09-16

Mental health issues often hides in the darkness, but what can we be done to increase understanding and awareness of mental health? On this episode, Terri Cheney discussed her book, Modern Madness: An Owner's Manual.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Revolutionary Scientists -- Groks Science Show 2003-09-24

Scientists often do not receive recognition for their work, and toil in relative obscurity. Nevertheless, their discoveries change the world. This show profiled ten scientists conducting such revolutionary work.
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Fracking -- Groks Science Show 2013-08-28

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, has been lauded as the solution to the peak oil problem, and will provide hundreds of years of cheap energy. But, the reality is very different. On this program, Richard Heinberg discussed the false promises of franking.
29 minutes, 30 seconds
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Arctic Ice -- Groks Science Show 2009-12-16

The Arctic Ocean is important politically, environmentally, and socially. However, the rapid melting of ice in the arctic is quickly changing the dynamics of humans and wildlife in the region. On this program, Dr. Alun Anderson discussed the future of the Arctic Ocean after the ice melts.
24 minutes, 29 seconds
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Snowflake Physics -- Groks Science Show 2007-01-03

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. But, what are the physical processes that underlie the formation of snowflakes, and how can this process be reproduced? On this program, Prof. Kenneth Libbrecht from Caltech discussed the physics of snowflakes.
25 minutes, 4 seconds
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Plastic Oceans -- Groks Science Show 2011-10-19

Plastic debris has become a substantial threats to the oceans in the world. Where does this pollution originate and what can be done to stop it? On this program, Capt. Charles Moore discussed the pollution of the oceans by plastic.
25 minutes, 14 seconds
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Climate Poker -- Groks Science Show 2012-10-10

Nature does not bluff but she also does not show her cards readily. That is at the root of the climate problem. On this program, Dr. Scott Barrett gives an overview of the international climate regime to reduce greenhouse gases and explains how uncertainty in climate predictions hamper negotiations.
30 minutes, 15 seconds
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Toba Catastrophe -— Groks Science Show 2018-10–24

Humans nearly vanished due to a major explosion from the Toba Volcano. On this episode, Dr. Donald Prothero discusses when humans nearly vanished.
14 minutes, 46 seconds
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Sand Resources -— Groks Science Show 2018-08–15

Sand is the most consumed natural resources on earth, incorporated in building materials throughout the world. But, are we endanger of depleting this resource? On this episode, Vince Beiser discussed the story of sand.
18 minutes, 45 seconds
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Thrive among disruption -- Groks Science Show 2012-08-01

We can't always forecast what difficulties lie ahead but we can prepare ourselves to thrive despite these challenges. Andrew Zolli joins us to discuss his new book Resiliency: How Things Bounce Back.
33 minutes, 23 seconds
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Ancient Human Civilizations -- Groks Science Show 2016-01-06

The history of ancient human civilization is mysterious almost by definition. On this episode, Graham Hancock presents an alternative story of the past.
37 minutes, 10 seconds
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Haphazard Minds -- Groks Science Show 2008-07-23

The human brain is capable of remarkable tasks. But surprisingly, it is not optimally designed for solving most problems. On this program, Prof. Gary Marcus discussed how the brain is like a kluge.
29 minutes, 52 seconds
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Momentum Meeting -— Groks Science Show 2020-12-09

The conduct of most meetings often leaves something to be desired. How can meetings be more effective, engaging and enjoyable? On this episode, Mamie Kanfer Stewart discussed her new book, Momentum.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Experimental Particle Physics -- Groks Science Show 2005-05-11

Fundamental particle physics is replete with novel theories that are merely academic until experimentally verified by high energy particle colliders. On this program, Prof. Michael Peskin from the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center discussed these experimental techniques.
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Biosolar -- Groks Science Show 2008-12-31

Current energy challenges will require advances in alternative energy technology. One of the most promising is solar power. On this program, Dr. David Lee discussed advances in biosolar materials.
27 minutes, 4 seconds
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Probable Impossibities -— Groks Science Show 2022-05-04

The great questions of science and philosophy continue to undergo rigorous exploration and experimentation. What is our understanding of these questions? On this episode, Alan Lightman discussed his new book, Probable Impossibilities.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Psychological Reckoning -— Groks Science Show 2020-09-09

The internal narratives that form a basis for personality psychology may be a factor that distinguishes the 45th President of the United States. On this episode, Prof. Dan McAdams discusses his new book, The Strange Case of Donald J. Trump: A Psychological Reckoning.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sea King -- Groks Science Show 2010-01-27

The remarkable world residing under the sea may have been unknown to many were it not for Jacques Cousteau. On this program, Brad Matsen discussed the life and work of the famed Sea King.
26 minutes, 37 seconds
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Animal Myths -— Groks Science Show 2018-11–14

The animal kingdom is a diverse and exciting place, but how much of what we know about it is true? On this episode, Nick Caruso discussed the truths and myths about the animal kingdom.
12 minutes, 48 seconds
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Seven Sins -— Groks Science Show 2020-12-02

The concept of sin is one that has evolved from the middle ages to the present day. How have we arrived at our current concept of sin? On this episode, Dr. David Salomon discussed his new book, The Seven Deadly Sins: How Sin Influenced the West from the Middle Ages to the Modern Era.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Core -- Groks Science Show 2016-10-12

What do ice core bubbles tell us about the past earth? On this program, Takuro Kobashi joins us to discuss the last 4000 years.
30 minutes, 35 seconds
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Promethean Science -- Groks Science Show 2009-08-26

Communicating science to a young audience is facilitated by using novel techniques. On this program, Doug Richards discussed the Prometheus Project.
26 minutes, 55 seconds
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All Tangled Up -- Groks Science Show 2014-12-03

Particle entanglement is a strange prediction of quantum mechanics. On this episode, Dr. Jason Gallicchio discussed particle entanglement, quasars, and more.
32 minutes, 9 seconds
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Quantum Computing Bamboo -- Groks Science Show 2006-11-29

Quantum computing makes use of the unique quantum states of a molecular system to store information. On this program, Dr. Michael Hartmann discussed quantum information theory. In addition, Chin Ong discussed the agricultural merits of bamboo.
25 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Hubbert Peak -- Groks Science Show 2004-03-10

The Hubbert peak defines the point of no return as far as fossil fuels are concerned. Have we reached this point? And, how do we create a sustainable energy future. We explored this issue with Prof. David Goodstein, Vice Provost of Caltech.
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Cochlear Implants -- Groks Science Show 2009-08-12

Cochlear implants are remarkable devices for alleviating lost hearing. But, how do these devices work? On this program, Prof. Valeriy Shafiro discussed the mechanisms of normal hearing and cochlear implants.
31 minutes, 52 seconds
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Zika Olympics -- Groks Science Show 2016-06-29

The Zika virus has become an epidemic in Brazil, so much so that it has caused many to question holding the Olympic games there. On this episode, Dr. Joe Alton discussed the Zika Virus and the Olympics.
17 minutes, 30 seconds
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Vitamania -- Groks Science Show 2015-04-01

Have you ever wondered if it is okay to get all 13 essential vitamins from a gummy bear? On this episode, Catherine Price discussed the history of American confusion and obsession with vitamins.
25 minutes, 45 seconds
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Calling the Shots -- Groks Science Show 2016-09-28

Although vaccinations have cured several diseases, many parents are now choosing not to have their children vaccinated. On this episode, Jennifer Reich discussed why parents decide not to vaccinate their children.
20 minutes, 31 seconds
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Opportunity Mindset -— Groks Science Show 2020-06-17

The world is full of chaotic and unexpected events. So, what is the best method for dealing with a crisis? On this episode, Dr. Jim Taylor discussed his new book, How to Survive and Thrive When Bad Things Happen.
21 minutes, 38 seconds
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Forgiveness -- Groks Science Show 2012-01-18

Forgiving is a difficult task, even for the most resolute individual. How can we cultivate a sense of forgiveness? On this program, Mary Hayes Grieco discussed forgiveness.
25 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dinosaur History -— Groks Science Show 2018-05–09

Dinosaurs have long captivated the public imagination, but how much do we really know about their history? On this episode, Dr. Steve Brusatte discussed the rise and fall of the dinosaurs.
17 minutes, 41 seconds
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Art and the Brain -- Groks Science Show 2003-04-16

Can art exist without human observers? Or, is art wholly an expression of the unique capacities of the human brain? On this program, Prof. Semir Zeki discussed how the human brain could give rise to artistic expression.
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Information Bridge -- Groks Science Show 2008-11-12

Although information technology has revolutionized modern life, many parts of the world still require considerable development. On this program, Manolo Figallo discussed bridging the information gap in developing parts of the world.
26 minutes, 15 seconds
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Bioecology -- Groks Science Show 2004-01-07

Preserving the environment requires an interdisciplinary approach, especially in terms of maintaining biological diversity. On this program, we explored issues in bioecology with our guest, Prof. Shepley Chen.
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Einsteins Jewish Science -- Groks Science Show 2012-07-25

The theory of relativity is a landmark in modern physics, but one that can not be divorced from the socio-political climate of its time. On this program, Dr. Steven Gimbel discusses Einsteins Jewish Science: Physics at the intersection of politics and religion.
28 minutes, 41 seconds
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Universe Verse -- Groks Science Show 2010-06-30

The universe is very large, which makes understanding its origins complicated. But, the fundamental principles are readily accessible with some creative assistance. On this program, James Lu Dunbar discussed the Universe Verse.
25 minutes, 44 seconds
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Sustainable Fungi -- Groks Science Show 2010-12-15

Fungi is everywhere. It is a decomposer and it can be a parasite. But can it also be the key to environmental sustainability? On this program, Sue Van Hook discussed the wonders of this mysterious life form.
27 minutes, 33 seconds
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Carbon Taxes -- Groks Science Show 2007-05-02

What is the appropriate market mechanism for moving away from a fossil fuel economy? On this program, Lester Brown from the Earth Policy Institute discussed how carbon taxes could better represent the true cost of energy.
30 minutes, 3 seconds
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Nightmare Scenario -— Groks Science Show 2021-08-18

The early response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to draw much criticism, with many lessons to be learned. On this episode, Damian Paletta discussed the early administration responses in his book, Nightmare Scenario.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ants -- Groks Science Show 2010-06-16

Ants are amazing creatures due to their variety, ubiquity, and complexity of behavior. And, they share many unique features with humans. On this program, Mark Moffett discussed his adventures among ants.
28 minutes, 10 seconds
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Eternity Soup -- Groks Science Show 2010-03-03

Longevity is a fashionable subject in the popular press. But, what is the scientific evidence supporting popular anti-aging approaches? And, can the country support an expanding elderly population. On this program, Greg Critser discussed Eternity Soup.
24 minutes, 43 seconds
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Satirical Nation -- Groks Science Show 2014-11-26

Satirical commentary on public events is nothing new, but now may be a greater force in shaping modern discourse. On this episode, Sophia McClennen discussed how satire is saving the nation.
18 minutes, 54 seconds
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Child Development Myths -- Groks Science Show 2015-03-25

Parenting is a daunting task, but separating science from pseudo-science in child rearing is even more challenging. On this episode, Dr. Stephen Hupp dispelled the great myths of child development.
17 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hearing -— Groks Science Show 2019-11–13

Hearing is one of the basic senses that is often ignored until something goes wrong. What can we do to protect our hearing and what are the current treatments for hearing problems? On this episode, David Owen discussed his book, Volume Control.
22 minutes, 55 seconds
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Insect Songs -- Groks Science Show 2007-05-30

Crickets, cicadas, and katydids are the noise makers among the insects. But, how are their sounds distinguished from one another? On this program, Lang Elliot discussed the songs of insects.
24 minutes, 15 seconds
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Cool Space -— Groks Science Show 2019-03–20

Outer space is certainly cool, but just how cool is it? On this episode, Kate Howells discussed her new book, Space is Cool as F-ck.
17 minutes, 45 seconds
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Cyberbullying -— Groks Science Show 2020-07-15

With the mandated quarantines affecting children and their peers, bullying and cyberbullying have taken on new forms. On this episode, Dr. Elizabeth Englander discussed her book, 25 Myths About Bullying and Cyberbullying.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Recycling -— Groks Science Show 2021-06-09

Recycling may seem as easy as placing items in the appropriate bin, but there are many caveats that limit what can be recycled. On this episode, Jennie Romer discussed her book, Can I Recycle This?
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Euclidean Space -- Groks Science Show 2013-04-03

Euclidean geometry seems fundamental to the way the world operates, so much so that we often take for granted its basic tenets. On this program, Dr. David Berlinski discussed his book, The King of Infinite Space: Euclid and His Elements.
25 minutes, 26 seconds
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Pet Cloning -- Groks Science Show 2011-02-02

Our pets provide years of enjoyment. So much so, that the possibility of preserving their existence indefinitely is a tantalizing prospect. On this program, John Woestendiek discussed the science and practice of cloning pets.
32 minutes, 35 seconds
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Umbilical Stem Cells -- Groks Science Show 2006-08-09

Stem cells have the potential to cure many diseases, but viable therapies are mainly still experimental, especially those involving umbilical cord blood stem cells. On this program, Dr. David Steenblock discussed these stem cell therapies.
29 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Information -- Groks Science Show 2011-03-30

Information has never been more facile and easy to obtain, such that managing it can be almost overhwelming. But, how is information defined scientifically? And, what does the history of information tell us about its future? On this program, James Gleick discussed information theory.
25 minutes, 5 seconds
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Universe Ticket -- Groks Science Show 2013-05-22

The universe is a very large place and it often helps to have a guide. On this episode, Megan Watzke discussed a guide to the cosmos.
20 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ambiguous Math -- Groks Science Show 2007-12-12

Mathematics may appear to be constructed on absolute foundations derived from first principles. But, are mathematical tenets as absolute as they seem? On this program, Gaurav Suri discussed the philosophical implications of ambiguity in math.
29 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mona Lisa Math -- Groks Science Show 2006-06-28

Art and science are inexorably intertwined, with advances in one often inspiring advances in the other. Nowhere is this more evident than in the work of Leonardo da Vinci. On this program, Prof. Bulent Atalay discussed math and the Mona Lisa.
31 minutes, 14 seconds
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Oncology Excellence -— Groks Science Show 2020-07-01

Although medical science has advanced cancer treatment, it has not been well implemented throughout the world, especially in developing countries. On this episode, Dr. B.S. Ajaikumar discussed his new book, Excellence Has No Borders.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Bohr and Einstein -- Groks Science Show 2004-05-19

During the quantum revolution, the views of the physical universe at the atomic scale were changing rapidly. During this tumultuous time, two physicists, Neils Bohr and Albert Einstein, struggled over this rapidly changing landscape. On this show Edmond Blair Bolles discussed his book, Einstein Defiant: Genius vs. genius in the quantum revolution.
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Bees and Eusocial Insects -- Groks Science Show 2012-02-15

It can be difficult to discern the impact of genes on behaviour from the effect of behaviour on genes. On this program Dr. Gene Robinson talks about using the honeybee and other eusocial insects to tease apart this web.
32 minutes, 54 seconds
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Mixed Fires -- Groks Science Show 2015-09-23

Mixed severity fires help to rejuvenate the forests, but how will current policy shifts affect the health of the forests. On this episode, Dominick DellaSalla discussed the importance of mixed severity fires.
14 minutes, 38 seconds
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WHO and Taiwan -- Groks Science Show 2006-05-17

All countries are eligible for membership into the World Health Organization (WHO) with one notable exception. On this program, Dr. Julin Tang and Dr. Sophia Yen discussed the Taiwanese efforts to join this health organization.
31 minutes, 11 seconds
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Body Mechanics -- Groks Science Show 2008-12-24

The remarkable construction of the human body often provokes many questions, especially among children, but providing the answers may stump most adults. On this program, Dr. Beth Ann Ditkoff discussed how the body works. In addition, Prof. Mason Porter discussed Oxford mathematics.
30 minutes, 10 seconds
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NBO -- Groks Science Show 2010-01-13

Negative Body Obsession, or NBO, can adversely affect the quality of life. However, overcoming NBO is possible with the correct approach. On this program, Sarah Maria discussed methods for dealing with NBO.
23 minutes, 30 seconds
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Frankenstein Cat -- Groks Science Show 2013-03-27

Bioengineering is changing the way we think about the nature of biology. What do the advances in biotechnology mean for the future? On this program, Emily Anthes discussed bioengineering and her book, Frankensteins Cat.
25 minutes, 22 seconds
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Clean Foods -- Groks Science Show 2009-10-07

Eating a sustainable diet involves moving closer to the source of the nutrients. But, is this possible in most of our diets? On this program, Terry Walters discussed establishing a clean food diet.
30 minutes, 11 seconds
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Accidental Scientist -— Groks Science Show 2021-04-28

Traversing a career in science can be somewhat daunting, even for those who reach the highest levels. On this episode, Dr. Robert Lefkowitz discussed his adventures as an accidental scientist.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Pediatric Advances -— Groks Science Show 2020-09-30

Through advances in modern medicine and public health, infant mortality has been largely relegated to the past. On this episode, Dr. Perri Klass discussed how science and medicine gave children a future.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Robot Management -- Groks Science Show 2017-04-26

Can robotics completely dominate the workforce? Are any jobs immune from automation and artificial intelligence? On this episode, Don Mazella discussed automation in the workforce.
16 minutes, 7 seconds
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Envisioning Exoplanets -— Groks Science Show 2020-12-23

Exoplanets are now a common feature of astronomical discoveries, but what do some of these exoplanets look like? On this episode, Michael Carroll discussed his new book, Envisioning Exoplanets.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Setpoint Diet -— Groks Science Show 2018-12–26

The setpoint theory suggests that our bodies have a natural range of weight that is determined. This setpoint can be changed to improve health and longevity. On this episode, Jonathan Bailor discussed the setpoint diet.
17 minutes, 25 seconds
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Smart Medicine -- Groks Science Show 2011-06-15

Advances in information technology are revolutioning the way medicine is practiced. Team-based and patient-centered models have begun to modernize medicine for both doctors and patients. On this program, William Hanson discussed Smart Medicine.
24 minutes, 22 seconds
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Optimal Investing -- Groks Science Show 2006-01-04

The efficiency of the stock market is a topic of much debate among economists. Yet, a scientific approach to betting effectively may maximize returns in an imperfect market. On this program, William Poundstone discussed the Kelly Formula for optimal investing.
26 minutes, 52 seconds
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Roswell Investigations -- Groks Science Show 2007-07-04

While the incident that occurred in Roswell, NM is now 60 years old, theories and rampant speculation remain as to what occurred. On this program, Donald Schmitt discussed investigations into the Roswell incident. Special note: this is our -Independence Day- episode. If you do not get the joke, search the Internet Movie Database.
30 minutes, 22 seconds
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Talking Science -— Groks Science Show 2021-09-15

Science is continually under attack from science deniers. What is the best way to talk about science with a science denier? On this episode, Dr. Lee McIntyre discussed his book, How to Talk to a Science Denier.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Homelessness Cures -— Groks Science Show 2021-01-20

The problem of homelessness may seem insurmountable, but there are possible solutions requiring the will to implement them. On this episode, Dr. Marybeth Shinn discussed her new book, In the Midst of Plenty.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Power Rivals -— Groks Science Show 2023-02-23

Technological advances have brought to light the growing rivalry between the U.S. and China. How will this rivalry define the future going forward? On this episode, Carl Delfeld discussed his book, Power Rivals.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Alan Turing -- Groks Science Show 2006-03-29

Alan Turing was a prominent figure in the development of the computer, and is well known for many important computing concepts, including the famous Turing Test. On this program Prof. David Leavitt discussed the life of Alan Turing.
30 minutes, 2 seconds
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Supervolcanoes -- Groks Science Show 2008-02-06

Supervolcanic eruptions have the potential to drastically alter the environment and seriously affect human civilization. Understanding the geological consequences of these events continues to challenge scientists. On this program, Dr. John Savino discussed the impact of a supervolcanic eruption.
28 minutes, 44 seconds
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Venomous -- Groks Science Show 2016-11-02

There are many species on our planet which use venom for a diversity of survival situations. These creatures have fascinated scientists and amateurs alike. On this episode we chat with toxin biologist and science blogger Christie Wilcox about her new book Venomous.
17 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Computing Revolution -- Groks Science Show 2005-01-05

The personal computing revolution is a relatively recent historical event, but one that is already open to historical interpretation. On this program, Andy Hertzfeld discussed his insider look at the creation of the Macintosh, as portrayed in his book, Revolution in the Valley.
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Expressly Human -— Groks Science Show 2022-06-22

Although emotional expression through language is often viewed as supplemental to rational thoughts, the actual organization may be reversed. On this episode, Dr. Mark Changizi discussed his book, Expressly Human.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Peacekeeping Economy -- Groks Science Show 2011-12-07

Although military might is often viewed as the primary method for national security, forging economic relationships may be more beneficial in the long run. On this program, Prof. Lloyd J. Dumas discussed the peacekeeping economy.
31 minutes, 29 seconds
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Monkey Voyage -- Groks Science Show 2014-01-29

How do the species of the world wind up in their geographical locations? On this episode, Prof. Alan De Queiroz discusses ocean crossings and speciation.
20 minutes, 43 seconds
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Nerve Endings -- Groks Science Show 2005-11-30

The brain is composed of millions of neurons that are connected at specialized structures called synapses. The discovery of the synapse by Ramon y Cajal won him the Nobel Prize, but not without a contentious debate from another Nobel laureate, Camillo Golgi. On this program, Dr. Richard Rapport discussed the discovery of the nerve endings.
30 minutes, 55 seconds
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Framers -— Groks Science Show 2021-05-26

What are the advantages that humans have over machines in the age of technology and turmoil? On this episode, Kenneth Cukier discussed his new book, Framers.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Space Robots -- Groks Science Show 2013-11-06

We have learned a great deal about the surface of Mars, the moons of Saturn, and the origins of our universe. On this episode, Chris Impey discussed unmanned space exploration of distant worlds.
39 minutes, 28 seconds
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Outgrowing Capitalism -— Groks Science Show 2022-09-07

Although capitalism has led to the creation of wealth across the globe, severe inequalities and inefficiencies remain in the system. How can we rectify these problems? On this episode, Marco Dondi discussed his new book, Outgrowing Capitalism.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Eruption Changed World -- Groks Science Show 2014-10-01

The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora precipitated three years of dramatic global events that are only now being traced to the eruption. On this episode, Dr. Gillen Wood discuss the effects of this eruption.
35 minutes
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Brain Sports -— Groks Science Show 2018-05–02

Sports are a big part of popular culture, but how can neuroscience improve how professional sports are played? On this episode, Zach Schonbrun discussed the neuroscience of sports.
16 minutes, 29 seconds
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Perfect Predator -— Groks Science Show 2019-03–13

How do you fight an antibiotic-resistant bacteria? What would you do if one of your loved ones was fighting off such a bacteria? On this episode, Dr. Stephanie Strathdee discussed her story in the Perfect Predator.
11 minutes, 2 seconds
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Big Media and Journalism -- Groks Science Show 2004-07-14

Legendary journalist, Bill Moyers, joined us to discuss some current issues of big media and journalism.
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Einstein and his miraculous year -- Groks Science Show 2005-11-16

In the year 1905, Albert Einstein published five papers that changed the face of modern physics and led to two Nobel Prizes, including one for Einstein himself. On this program, Prof. John Stachel discussed Einstein and the importance of each of these papers.
35 minutes, 55 seconds
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New Year Fitness -- Groks Science Show 2005-01-12

New year resolutions will come and go, but with the right motivation they can be fully realized. On this program, former Heavyweight Boxing Champion, George Foreman, discussed how to meet fitness goals.
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Climate Adaptation -- Groks Science Show 2011-01-05

How should we cope to the threat of climate change? On this program, Professor John Hay discusses strategies for climate adaptation and the role of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
29 minutes, 30 seconds
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Laser Development -- Groks Science Show 2004-11-24

Lasers have multiple applications, from simple pointing devices to guiding missiles. On this program, Nobel Laureate Prof. Charles Townes discussed the development of the laser.
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Exercise Medicine -— Groks Science Show 2020-01-15

Aging may seem like an inevitable deterioration of our bodies, but is there a routine way to prevent it? Can exercise help? On this episode, Judy Foreman discussed her book, Exercise is Medicine.
19 minutes, 13 seconds
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ADHD EMP -- Groks Science Show 2010-03-24

Most approaches to curing ADHD rely on medications. On this program, Dr. Stanley Greenspan discussed overcoming ADHD without a pill. On the second half of the program, Dr. William Forstchen discussed the detrimental effects following the detonation of an electromagnetic pulse.
31 minutes, 2 seconds
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Crowded Planet -- Groks Science Show 2014-07-30

Overpopulation affects not only humans but also wildlife. On this episode, Stephanie Feldstein discussed the crowded planet.
18 minutes, 8 seconds
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Gravitational Waves -- Groks Science Show 2016-03-02

Predicted 100 years ago by Albert Einstein and his general theory of relativity, gravitational waves have finally been detected. On this episode, Dr. Marco Cavaglia explained these waves and what they can tell us about the universe.
26 minutes, 35 seconds
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Information Ascent -— Groks Science Show 2021-06-23

Information may seem to be constantly increasing in our increasingly complex world, but what if it is actually a fundamental part of the universe? On this episode, Caleb Scharf discussed his new book, The Ascent of Information.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Mental Thrive -— Groks Science Show 2021-11-24

Mental illnesses contribute significantly to the health burden in the country, but finding good treatments is often more difficult than necessary. On this episode, Dr. Margaret Chisolm discussed her book, From Survive to Thrive.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Science and Politics -- Groks Science Show 2006-01-25

While scientific inquiry leads to the rational explanations for natural phenomena, the political interpretation of science often leads to chaos. On this program, Chris Mooney discussed the Republican War on Science.
23 minutes, 51 seconds
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Zen and Cytology -- Groks Science Show 2015-07-01

Drs. Jeffrey Mueller and Allison Cavallo discuss their mission trips to Nigeria and other African countries where they provided care in underserved populations.
13 minutes, 9 seconds
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Relaxation through Neurogenesis -- Groks Science Show 2013-10-02

Anxiety disorders are a part of life for people around the world, but there has been a revolution in our understanding of these disorders. Dr. Mazen Kheirbek discusses anxiety disorders, adult neurogenesis, and the hippocampus.
25 minutes, 15 seconds
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Narcissism -- Groks Science Show 2015-09-30

Narcissism may have become more prevalent and even celebrated in society. On this episode, Dr. Joseph Burgo discussed the narcissist you know.
6 minutes, 18 seconds
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Comet Dust -- Groks Science Show 2007-01-24

Billions and billions of years ago, stars in the universe created elements that scattered throughout the galaxies. Until recently, these dust particles from the early universe were frozen in comets. On this program, Dr. Andrew Westphal discussed the StarDust project, the challenges in collecting comet dust and the surprising discoveries made from these samples.
23 minutes, 58 seconds
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Everyday Equations -- Groks Science Show 2007-02-14

Do I have a chance with them? Should I drink the milk at the back of the refrigerator? Solving everyday problems like these can be especially problematic without the proper tools. Luckily, math can provide the answer. On this program, Garth Sundem discussed mathematical solutions to everyday problems.
24 minutes, 3 seconds
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Tumor Detection-- Groks Science Show 2015-03-11

While medical advances have helped to overcome many life threatening illnesses, cancer still strikes fear in many. On this episode, Sanjiv Gambir discusses the detection of tumor cells using blood sampling.
16 minutes, 34 seconds
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Heavenly Intrigue -- Groks Science Show 2005-08-24

The physical laws governing planetary motion were first defined by Johannes Kepler using the data of Tyco Brahe. On this program, Joshua and Anne-Lee Gilder discussed this discovery and the controversy surrounding it.
32 minutes, 58 seconds
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Home Fauna -— Groks Science Show 2018-11–28

Although a spotless home may seem like a land where no creature may venture, one might be surprised to find several species residing there. On this episode, Rob Dunn discussed the animals that never leave us home alone.
15 minutes, 7 seconds
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Jack and the Microbiome -- Groks Science Show 2013-01-16

Bacteria are everywhere. How do you study the microbiome? On this episode, microbial ecologist Jack Gilbert discussed the Earth Microbiome Project.
31 minutes, 57 seconds
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Happiness -- Groks Science Show 2008-11-19

Happiness is a state that most people try to achieve, but which often seems elusive. How can science inform our understanding of the pursuit of happiness? On this program, Prof. Ed Diener discussed the science of happiness.
30 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dropsy Dialysis Transplant -- Groks Science Show 2008-04-30

The kidneys are an often unappreciated organ in the human body. But, the importance of their function becomes readily apparent when something disrupts their normal operation. On this program, Dr. Steven J. Peitzman discussed a short history of failing kidneys.
29 minutes, 47 seconds
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Super Gut -— Groks Science Show 2022-02-09

The gut microbiome can greatly influence the health of the organism, but is often overlooked when considering lifestyle dietary choices. On this episode, Dr. William Davis discussed his new book, Super Gut.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Trauma EMDR -— Groks Science Show 2022-09-14

Psychological trauma is often a debilitating condition for those who experience it, but therapies can often be ineffective. Can EMDR therapy help alleviate these problems? On this episode, Dr. Deborah Korn discussed her new book, Every Memory Deserves Respect.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Cult of Mac -- Groks Science Show 2004-12-08

The expressive fervor of cultish beliefs can take many forms, especially when the object of such devotion is the Macintosh computer. On this program, we examined the Cult of Mac, with Wired Magzine editor Leander Kahney.
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Mercury Mystery -- Groks Science Show 2015-09-09

Scientists have long known and taught that mercury is a neurotoxin in humans and animals. On this program, Jennifer Cossaboon talks about a surprising source of mercury in the seas.
17 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Biniki -- Groks Science Show 2003-11-05

Gravitational effects on the human body are especially prevalent on the gluteus maximus. Countering these effects is a unique device called the Biniki. On this show, we examined this unique everyday invention.
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Cancer Nutrition -- Groks Science Show 2010-09-01

Cancer is a formidable disease, but overcoming it is aided by proper nutrition during therapy. On this program, Jodi Buckman Weinstein discussed proper nutrition during cancer therapy.
24 minutes, 18 seconds
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Click Identity -— Groks Science Show 2021-09-29

Social media has many positive and negative sides. How can we best utilize this technology. On this episode, Dr. Brian Primack discussed his book, You Are What You Click.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Your Genes Your Brain -- Groks Science Show 2014-05-07

Genes influence personality and risk for psychiatric disorders. On this episode, Dr. Abraham Palmer discussed psychiatric genetics.
30 minutes, 57 seconds
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There Will Be Blood -- Groks Science Show 2012-11-14

Why do humans have blood types? On this program, Laure Segurel talks about her work in finding out the origins of the ABO blood type. Alexei Kitaev also joins us to talk about quantum computing error correction.
25 minutes, 56 seconds
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Character Flux -- Groks Science Show 2011-07-06

Although we often view our moral character as being immutable, behavioral research has begun to demonstrate the intense flexibility of our moral character. On this program, David DeSteno discussed the biology of character.
28 minutes, 12 seconds
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Science versus Religion -- Groks Science Show 2010-11-17

The continued clashes between science and religion over the theory of evolution appears to have no middle ground for agreement. But, can these two worldviews be reconciled? On this program, Ron Frost discussed the debate over evolution.
22 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hormones in Prostate Cancer -- Groks Science Show 2015-02-04

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer mortality in American men. On this episode, Edwin Reyes tells us about the role of the androgen receptor in circulating tumor cells.
26 minutes, 11 seconds
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Marijuana Legalization -- Groks Science Show 2004-06-23

The effort to legalize marijuana remains a major issue in society. The relative merits and disadvantages of such a policy were discussed on this program.
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Primal Healing -- Groks Science Show 2007-04-04

The sources of emotional pain are wide and varied, but are firmly rooted in the deepest centers of the brain. Treating such mental anguish thus requires accessing these deeply ingrained structures. On this program, Drs. Arthur and France Janov discussed Primal Healing.
27 minutes, 57 seconds
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Large Scale Universe -- Groks Science Show 2006-10-18

How did the universe begin? How will it end? And, what do we do in the mean time? On this program, Prof. P. James Peebles from Princeton University discussed cosmology, dark matter, and the large scale universe.
30 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ethanol Production -- Groks Science Show 2009-03-18

The search for alternative fuel sources is a major concern, and ethanol is a factor in this new energy market. New technologies for converting cellulose to ethanol may help supply much of the demand. On this program, Arnold Klann discussed bluefire ethanol.
30 minutes, 49 seconds
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Weather Prediction -- Groks Science Show 2004-12-15

Weather prediction can be notoriously unreliable. But, one publication has been doing it with 80% accuracy since 1792. The Old Farmers Almanac.
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Philosophical Ethics -- Groks Science Show 2006-08-02

Ethics is a sometimes nebulous concept in the world of business, where it is often shunned at the expense of the bottom line. On this program, Prof. Tom Morris discussed the philosophy of ethics.
32 minutes, 26 seconds
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PhD Value -- Groks Science Show 2012-09-05

Is a PhD in science a good idea? And do graduate programs give students the tools necessary to help PhDs in science capitalize on good ideas? Dan Lametti, Jennifer Dugas-Ford, Yelena Grinberg, and Aya Pusic share their thoughts.
25 minutes, 45 seconds
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Creative Together -— Groks Science Show 2023-02-15

Rapid technological changes are altering the way that organizations innovate. How can facilitating group creativity help? On this episode, Dr. Steven Kowalski discussed his book, Creative Together.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Little Strings -- Groks Science Show 2010-06-02

String theory may explain the fundamental properties of the universe. But, who can explain string theory? On this program, Steven Gubser discussed the little book of strings.
29 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Iraq War -- Groks Science Show 2003-03-26

The war in Iraq has begun, and the technological issues of executing a war in the twenty-first century have already become apparent. On this program, Prof. Richard Muller offered an analysis of several of these issues.
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Zap Em -- Groks Science Show 2013-07-10

Exposure to radiation gave us Spiderman and the Incredible Hulk but what really happens when people are exposed to it? On this program, Dr. Charles Limoli discusses radiation and brain cells.
21 minutes, 8 seconds
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Habitable Planets -- Groks Science Show 2010-05-19

The search for habitable planets outside the solar system has been aided by advanced detection methods. What are the prospects for finding life outside the solar system? On this program, James Kasting discussed how to find a habitable planet.
25 minutes, 2 seconds
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Phone Breakup -- Groks Science Show 2018-02–07

Modern phones have gone from being a tool to a temptation. But, how do we break the cycle of addiction to our phones? On this episode, Catherine Price discussed how to break up with your phone.
18 minutes, 12 seconds
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Friendship -— Groks Science Show 2020-01-29

Friendship is an important part of maintaining a healthy mental life, but can it also improve our biological health? On this episode, Lydia Denworth discussed the new science of friendship.
18 minutes, 3 seconds
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Asymmetric Catalysis -- Groks Science Show 2004-09-01

The asymmetric structure of biologically active molecules has confounded those interested in replicating their structures. However, novel chemical methods are being developed to attack this synthetic problem, as revealed on this episode.
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Revitalized Space -— Groks Science Show 2020-04-15

Public urban spaces are central to civic life, but the revitalization and upkeep of these spaces is critical to their success. On this episode, Andrew Manshel discussed his book, Learning from Bryant Park.
13 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dirty Minds -- Groks Science Show 2012-02-22

Why do we fall in love? What is it about the circuitry and neurochemistry of the brain that enables this behavior? On this program, Kayt Sukel discussed Diry Minds.
25 minutes, 42 seconds
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Foreign Transplants -- Groks Science Show 2009-06-10

For those awaiting organ transplants, everyday brings continued challenges for survival. One solution that some consider is to search overseas for an organ, which poses its own unique obstacles and challenges. On this program, Daniel Asa Rose discussed his search for a kidney in China.
28 minutes, 3 seconds
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Galileo Error -— Groks Science Show 2019-11–06

The scientific study of consciousness continues to be plagued by a gap in understanding that may be traced to the foundations of modern science. On this episode, Philip Goff discussed the foundations for a new science of consciousness.
19 minutes, 41 seconds
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Fourth Phase of Water 1 -- Groks Science Show 2017-03-01

Does water only have three phases? It turns out the answer is a little more complicated. On this program, Gerald Pollack discusses an intermediary phase between liquid and solid water and what this means for biology.
28 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Hospital -— Groks Science Show 2021-03-24

The problems facing the American health care system are perhaps nowhere else more evident than in small rural hospitals. On this episode, Brian Alexander discussed his book, The Hospital.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Seismographic Monitoring -- Groks Science Show 2005-02-16

While nothing can undo the devastation caused by the recent tsunami disaster in southeast asia, improvements in global monitoring of seismic activity may lessen the effects of future events. On this program, Prof. Jeffrey Park discussed seismographic monitoring.
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Shakespeare and the Brain -- Groks Science Show 2003-07-16

Shakespearean insights into the human condition also reflect fundamental operating processes of the human brain. On this show, Prof. Paul Matthews discussed the guid between Shakespeare and modern neuroscience.
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Lab in a Fishbowl -- Groks Science Show 2012-07-04

Have you ever had the feeling that you're being watched? Dr. Julie Horvath from the Nature Research Center at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences has that feeling every day. She and her lab are in the middle of a museum and viewable to the thousands of people who pass by every day. We talk to Dr. Horvath about her work, her lab, and how the Nature Research Center inspires and educates.
31 minutes, 22 seconds
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Airplanes -- Groks Science Show 2009-01-14

Airplanes are modern marvels whose ingenious development is the result of decades of innovation from numerous pioneers, thinkers, and tinkerers. On this program, Mr. Jay Spenser discussed the history of the airplane.
26 minutes, 1 second
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Dr Krinsky goes to Washington -- Groks Science Show 2015-01-07

Can we make government more friendly to science and technology? Yes we can. On this episode, Dr. Benjamin Krinsky discusses affecting scientific policy
27 minutes, 32 seconds
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Brain Trust -- Groks Science Show 2012-03-07

Keeping up with the advances in science and technology can be daunting and it would help to have a brain trust. On this program, Garth Sundem discussed the Brain Trust.
30 minutes, 31 seconds
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Environmental Science -- Groks Science Show 2002-12-04

Maintaining the earth environment is a critical scientific and political issue. On this program, Prof. Michael Hoffman from Caltech discussesd current research directed at maintaining the earth environment.
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Bullying -- Groks Science Show 2017-05-17

Bullying has become a national issue, even more so with advances in technology. On this episode, Clete Bulach discussed dealing with bullying.
22 minutes, 21 seconds
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Ponderables -- Groks Science Show 2012-10-03

Several recent books walk the reader through human history by describing the history of specific objects or commodities such as salt, cod, coffee, and even the lowly toothpick. In this episode, Tom Jackson discusses his new series of books, Ponderables.
25 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dog Cognition -- Groks Science Show 2017-09-07

What is it like to be a dog? Modern neuroscience may allow us to peer beyond the veil of how a dog perceives the world. On this episode, Dr. Gregory Berns discussed what it is like to be a dog.
20 minutes, 29 seconds
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Technologists -- Groks Science Show 2012-04-04

Although technology rules modern life, the establishment of modern centers for technological education was not met without resistance. On this program, Matthew Pearl discussed the technologists.
26 minutes, 20 seconds
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Ice Ice -- Groks Science Show 2014-07-09

Water is fundamental to all life but little is actually known about its inter-molecular dynamics and structures. On this program, Anders Nilsson talks about the frontiers of water science.
28 minutes, 52 seconds
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Anger Management -— Groks Science Show 2018-05–23

Anger may be one of the most difficult emotions to manage, but how can we manage healthy and destructive anger? On this episode, Bernard Golden discussed anger management.
15 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Planets -- Groks Science Show 2006-03-15

Our solar system contains nine acknowledged planets, each with their own unique personalities that continue to inspire scientists. On this episode, Dava Sobel discussed her perspective of the planets.
29 minutes, 28 seconds
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Vonnegut -- Groks Science Show 2011-11-16

The literary world would be a much poorer place without the works of Kurt Vonnegut, but few know about the life story of the author himself. On this program, Charles J. Shields discussed the life and times of Kurt Vonnegut.
30 minutes, 18 seconds
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Puppy Year -— Groks Science Show 2022-10-12

The development of puppies into full grown dogs demonstrates much about both their behavior and our own. On this episode, Dr. Alexandra Horowitz discussed her new book, The Year of the Puppy.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Best Science Writing -- Groks Science Show 2009-10-21

The rapid developments in science and technology are made easier to follow by excellent science writing. On this program, Jesse Cohen discussed the Best American Science Writing for 2009.
25 minutes, 31 seconds
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Sudden Wealth Syndrome -- Groks Science Show 2013-07-24

Sudden wealth can be a blessing and a curse, especially if the wealth is mismanaged. On this episode, Mr. Irvin Schorsch discussed dealing with sudden wealth syndrome.
18 minutes, 41 seconds
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Mindful Temperance -— Groks Science Show 2020-07-29

Alcohol use can be problematic if individuals are unable to control their intake. This can be made more difficult living in a culture that promotes drinking. On this episode, Lisa Boucher discussed her book, Raising the Bottom.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Gut Microbes -- Groks Science Show 2017-09-20

The gut is filled with a whole host of microbes that are essential for good health. On this episode, Dr. Marie Claire-Arietta discussed the gut microbiome.
21 minutes, 8 seconds
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Besting the Pests -- Groks Science Show 2014-05-21

No one likes getting sick, not even plants. On this episode, Talia Karasov explains her research on how plants and pathogens coevolve and the possible implications that this work might have on crop science.
22 minutes, 58 seconds
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Mind Reading Ethics -- Groks Science Show 2011-11-30

Mind reading is not something we have to worry about in our daily lives, but the day when we do have that worry may be closer than we think. On this program, Paul Root Wolpe joined us to discuss why we should develop legal and ethical frameworks for dealing with mind reading sooner rather than later
27 minutes, 5 seconds
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Corporate Corruption of Higher Education -- Groks Science Show 2005-05-18

Research at public universities is increasingly being driven by profit motives that undermine academic integrity and limit the free expression of ideas. What does this shift mean for higher education? On this program, Jennifer Washburn discussed the corporate corruption of higher education.
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The Blank Slate -- Groks Science Show 2002-10-30

The debate of nature versus nurture in understanding behavior is ongoing. The blank slate is the idea that humans are not born with innate behaviors. On this program, Prof. Steven Pinker joined us to critique the idea of the blank slate.
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Digital Natives -- Groks Science Show 2008-12-03

Digital technology has radically changed the landscape of modern life, but what does this mean for those born into this digital era? On this program, Prof. John Palfrey discussed the digital natives.
23 minutes, 21 seconds
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Millenialism -- Groks Science Show 2012-05-23

A wide variety of apocalyptic prophecies and movements have occurred throughout history. But, what accounts for their continued emergence? On this program, Prof. Richard Landes discussed the history of millenial movements.
29 minutes, 5 seconds
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Electric Cars -- Groks Science Show 2011-12-28

The electric car has seen some fals starts, but new technical advances and changes to the global environment are propelling the adoption of these vehicles. On this program, Jim Motavalli discussed the new developments in the electric car.
26 minutes, 51 seconds
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Grow Now -— Groks Science Show 2022-02-16

The changes to the global environment seem daunting to those who wish to act. Can part of the solution be in our own backyard gardens? On this episode, Emily Murphy discussed her book, Grow Now.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Genetically-Engineered Soldiers -- Groks Science Show 2003-07-02

What if the military were designing genetically-engineered animals to serve as soldiers? That's the premise of a new novel by Stephen J. Cannell, based on current scientific technology. On this show, we explored the implications of such a development with the author.
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Lost World -— Groks Science Show 2019-05–01

The history of the settlement of North America may be more complicated than the classic story of the land bridge. On this episode, Craig Childs discussed the Atlas of a Lost World.
16 minutes, 7 seconds
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Truth Freedom -- Groks Science Show 2012-12-12

Is the scientific enterprise driven by the truth or by social good? How should the truth inform our world view? On this program, Terry Chay discussed the relationship between science and social activism, and the open web.
30 minutes, 9 seconds
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Celiac Disease -- Groks Science Show 2006-04-26

Celiac disease is a disorder caused by the inability to tolerate gluten. The effects of the disease are wide ranging, resulting from the inability to absorb certain nutrients. On this program, Rory Jones discussed this hidden epidemic.
23 minutes, 39 seconds
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Mathematical Universe -- Groks Science Show 2014-01-22

What is the nature of reality? And, how can math provide the answers? On this program, Prof. Max Tegmark discussed the ultimate nature of reality.
22 minutes, 48 seconds
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Mantle Plumes -- Groks Science Show 2014-10-08

According to plate tectonics, volcanoes arise where two plates meet. However, volcano chains like those that form the Hawaii islands occur in the middle of the plates. On this program, Gillian Foulger discusses current theories in intraplate volcano sites.
24 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Future Forward -— Groks Science Show 2018-10–17

What does it take to make an impact in the tech publishing world? What leadership qualities and values do we need to build a successful and trustworthy organization? On this episode, Glenn Rifkin talks about the founder of IDG publishing and the lessons to thrive in the global computer publishing industry.
26 minutes, 33 seconds
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Energy Policy -- Groks Science Show 2007-06-06

Setting energy policy continues to be a challenge for government officials. On this program, Dr. Arthur Rosenfeld, California Energy Commissioner, discussed energy policy.
20 minutes, 18 seconds
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Alzheimers Solution -- Groks Science Show 2017-09-27

Alzheimers disease has become a major issue among the elderly, but how much of the progression of the disease is preventable through lifestyle choices? On this episode, Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai discussed the Alzheimers Solution.
23 minutes, 54 seconds
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The First -— Groks Science Show 2020-05-06

Free speech is often touted as a guiding principle of American civic life, but is this truly the case? What is guaranteed under the first amendment to the constitution? On this episode, Prof. Stanley Fish discussed his book, The First.
17 minutes, 17 seconds
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Altruistic Evolution -- Groks Science Show 2007-01-31

Altruistic behavior is seemingly at odds with the classic notion of evolution. How can altruism be reconciled with the survival of the fittest? On this program, Prof. Lee Alan Dugatkin discussed the altruism equation.
25 minutes, 51 seconds
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Craigslist and Global Warming -- Groks Science Show 2006-07-12

The internet has become a venue where one can obtain just about anything. On this program, Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, discussed the internet marketplace. In addition, Prof. Margaret Torn from Lawrence Berkeley Labs discussed new models of global warming.
29 minutes, 37 seconds
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International Energy Policy -- Groks Science Show 2003-12-03

Establishing adequate policies for maintaining the environment remains a profound challenge requiring international cooperation. On this program, we explored this multi-faceted issue with Dr. Masaka Yamabi.
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Nanotechnology -- Groks Science Show 2003-08-06

Advances in manipulating materials on the nano-scale is beginning to yield promising results. The current state of the field was discussed on this show with William Atkinson.
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Robotics -- Groks Science Show 2003-05-07

Robotics is a field that has revolutionized our modern society. The next-generation of robots will perform duties that were once thought impossible. On this show, a group of mechanical engineers discussed the future of robotics.
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Drill Baby Drill -- Groks Science Show 2012-08-08

For ages, earthquakes were thought to under the control of the divine. But what happens when massive amounts of fluid is injected into the ground? In this program, Dr. Cliff Frohlich join us to talk about human induced tremors.
26 minutes, 9 seconds
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String Field Theory -- Groks Science Show 2003-05-14

A major goal in physics is constructing a theory that unifies the four fundamental forces. The leading contender in this debate is String Field Theory, and was the focus of this discussion with Prof. Michio Kaku.
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Moral Landscape -- Groks Science Show 2010-10-20

Morality is often viewed as being outside the domain of scientific inquiry, but is an objective understanding of morality possible? On this program, Sam Harris discussed the Moral Landscape.
29 minutes, 44 seconds
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Scientific Attitude -— Groks Science Show 2019-05–15

Scientific findings are under increasing attack from pseudoscientific views. Why does this persist and what can be done to address this issue? On this episode, Lee C. McIntyre discussed the scientific attitude.
21 minutes
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Social Psychology -- Groks Science Show 2010-11-10

The theory of cognitive dissonance was one of the revolutionary ideas in social psychology, and it was developed by one of the pioneers in the field. On this program, Elliot Aronson discussed life as a social psychologist.
25 minutes, 18 seconds
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Social Networks -- Groks Science Show 2004-03-31

Social networks have been popularized by the play, Six Degrees of Separation. But, predicting the behavior of these networks in reality proves to be quite challenging. We explored this issue with Prof. Duncan Watts from Columbia University.
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Dice God -— Groks Science Show 2019-09–18

The universe is filled with uncertainty, from the fundamental to the uncalculable. But, how can we deal with uncertainty in our predictions of the future. On this episode, Prof. Ian Stewart discussed Do Dice Play God.
27 minutes, 29 seconds
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Impostures -— Groks Science Show 2020-04-22

Can a literary work be untranslatable, especially if the work is meant to highlight the uniqueness of a language itself? On this episode, Michael Cooperson discussed his new translation of the works of the Silk Merchant, Impostures: Fifty Rogues Tales Translated Fifty Ways.
13 minutes, 54 seconds
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Dark Light -— Groks Science Show 2018-12–19

Chronic illness can be a challenge for those coping with their condition. How can one transcend a chronic illness? On this episode, Lisa Sniderman discussed a Light in the Darkness.
15 minutes, 21 seconds
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Math World -- Groks Science Show 2008-09-03

Mathematics is often regarded as highly abstract, yet many fundamental explanations about the natural world have come from seemingly arcane mathematical research. On this program, Prof. James Stein discussed how math explains the world.
31 minutes, 25 seconds
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Synaptic Self -- Groks Science Show 2003-03-12

The complex interplay among our genes and our environment is presumed to influence the uniqueness of our behavior. The biological crux of this interaction may be our synapses. On this program, Prof. Joseph Ledoux discussed these ideas as presented in his new book.
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Open Skies -— Groks Science Show 2021-07-28

Becoming a military pilot is not an easy task, and one that has additional obstacles for a woman in Afghanistan. On this episode, Niloofar Rahmani discussed her life as the first female fixed-wing aviator in Afghanistan.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Exoplanets -- Groks Science Show 2017-03-22

Discoveries of planets around other stars have now become commonplace. But, the composition of these planets is anything but ordinary. On this episode, Michael Summers discussed the discovery of exoplanets.
28 minutes, 50 seconds
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Talking Trash -- Groks Science Show 2012-05-16

What happens to our garbage after it leaves the bins behind out houses? Is all trash waste? Author and Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Ed Humes joins us to discuss, Garbology and Our Dirty Love Affair With Trash.
33 minutes, 5 seconds
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Aging Code -- Groks Science Show 2017-07-26

Why do our bodies age? Is it due to natural wear and tear or are our bodies programmed to age on a schedule? On this episode, Dr. Josh Mitteldorf discussed the science of aging.
19 minutes, 32 seconds
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NASCAR Energy -- Groks Science Show 2008-06-04

Developing clean energy is a major challenge for policy makers and scientists. On this program, Dr. Lester Brown discussed clean energy technology. In addition, Prof. Diandra Leslie-Pelecky discussed the physics of NASCAR.
30 minutes, 59 seconds
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Sugar -- Groks Science Show 2011-02-16

Sugar may seem like a common household ingredient, however the tortuous history and science behind the establishment of sugar has had global effects. On this program, Marc Aronson and Marina Budhos discussed how sugar changed the world.
31 minutes, 8 seconds
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Quantum Moment -- Groks Science Show 2015-01-21

Since the theory of quantum mechanics became accepted, we have been living in a world of quantum leaps. On this episode, Dr. Robert Crease discussed how terms from quantum mechanics found their way into everyday discourse.
32 minutes, 16 seconds
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Super Age -— Groks Science Show 2022-01-26

The aging demographics will put tremendous pressures on modern societies. How can the world adapt to the aging of the populace? On this episode, Bradley Schurman discussed his book, The Super Age: Decoding Our Demographic Destiny.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Ecotwaza -- Groks Science Show 2010-02-17

Our consumer driven economies are imposing an enormous burden on the environment. Can traditional Japanese practices help us live more sustainably and comfortably? Reina Otsuka and Nanao Sonobe joins us to talk about Ecotwaza.
30 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pebble Planet -- Groks Science Show 2011-01-12

What can a pebble tell us about the history of the earth? And, what are the geological tools that can unravel this mystery? On this program, Jan Zalasiewicz discussed the planet in a pebble.
25 minutes, 55 seconds
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Sleep Prescription -— Groks Science Show 2022-11-30

Although we spend nearly a third of our lives sleeping, our attention to good sleep health is often overlooked. How do we promote good sleep? On this episode, Dr. Aric Prather discussed his book, The Sleep Prescription.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Bitcoins -- Groks Science Show 2014-08-13

Can a digitally encrypted currency uproot the financial institutions of the world? On this episode, Jimmy Homma discusses bitcoins.
31 minutes, 5 seconds
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Unconventional Archaeology -- Groks Science Show 2010-07-28

Archaeology is often portrayed as a romantic adventure to the remote corners of the globe. But, what is the life of an archaeologist really like? On this program, Dr. Donald Ryan discussed unconventional archaeology.
29 minutes, 42 seconds
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Otterficial Intelligence -— Groks Science Show 2019-01–02

What if computers could be as smart as otters? What would they do? On this program, Sam Liang joins us to talk about his artificial intelligence startup.
19 minutes, 31 seconds
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Environmental Policy -- Groks Science Show 2002-11-06

The adverse changes to the global climate will require widespread measures to halt. However, legislating these changes is perhaps even more challenging than the science needed to reverse these trends. This show featured a discussion with Prof. Steven Schneider regarding legislating environmental policy.
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Bezonomics -— Groks Science Show 2020-06-24

The incredible ubiquity of Amazon in our current economy has influenced not just online retailing, but other areas as well. What is the data driven approach employed by this company? On this episode, Brian Dumaine discussed his new book, Bezonomics.
25 minutes, 55 seconds
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Path Immunity -— Groks Science Show 2023-02-08

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be taxing on many fronts, but the psychological and mental health aspects are often not effectively addressed. On this episode, Dr. Sophia Edwards-Bennett discussed her book, The Path to Soul Immunity.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Peking Man Fossils -- Groks Science Show 2008-01-09

The discovery of the Peking Man fossils in China was a landmark discovery for archaeologists and anthropologists. On this program, Dr. Amir Aczel discussed the discovery of the fossils and the tale of one of the main investigators involved in the project, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
29 minutes, 10 seconds
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Life Admin -— Groks Science Show 2019-02–20

Although the daily chores of life may seem to be a burden, the ability to deal with these tasks is of growing importance. On this episode, Elizabeth Emens discussed tips and tricks for life admin.
19 minutes, 25 seconds
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Once More with Feeling -- Groks Science Show 2014-08-20

This episode we speak with neuroscientist Dr. Sliman Bensmaia. He tells us about his research on touch, how our hands feel, how our brains process this information, and how this research is being used to design better prostheses.
28 minutes, 18 seconds
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Shift Age -- Groks Science Show 2008-10-01

The rapid pace of technological change is daunting for those attempting to predict the outcome of these many innovations. On this program, David Houle discussed living in the Shift Age and its implications for the future.
29 minutes, 19 seconds
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Autisms Mysteries -- Groks Science Show 2015-09-02

Despite increasing awareness about autism, it remains one of the most mysterious topics of this generation. On this episode, Steve Silberman addresses some of the mysteries of autism.
30 minutes, 28 seconds
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Emotional Intelligence -— Groks Science Show 2022-10-26

Developing a complete intelligence requires more than just learning facts and figures. Teaching emotional intelligence in children is equally important. On this episode, Rachel Katz discussed, The Emotionally Intelligent Child.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Humanistic Psychology -- Groks Science Show 2013-01-23

What are the roots of our current psychological notions of individuality and the inner self? On this program, Dr. Jessica Grogan discussed the history of humanistic psychology.
26 minutes, 8 seconds
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Moral Origins -- Groks Science Show 2012-05-30

What are the origins of moral behaviors in humans? Did they spontaneously emerge or are there precursors in the natural history of human evolution? On this program, Prof. Richard Boehm discussed our moral origins.
30 minutes, 44 seconds
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Solar Energy Initiatives -- Groks Science Show 2005-06-22

While solar energy may be one of the most viable forms of renewable energy, it has not yet reached the level of affordability for most consumers. On this program, Monique Sullivan discussed this issue and the million home solar energy initiative.
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ADHD Therapy -- Groks Science Show 2010-12-29

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a commonly diagnosed in young children. However, alternatives exist to the common treatments. On this program, Nancy ODell and Patricia Cook discussed stopping ADHD.
30 minutes, 7 seconds
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Volcano Adventures -— Groks Science Show 2021-03-31

Volcanoes may be some of the most fearsome, yet fascinating places on earth. What can they tell us about the geology of the planet? On this episode, Jess Phoenix discussed the science of volcanology.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Memory Rescue -- Groks Science Show 2017-12–13

Although our bodies will inevitably age, how our brains age is another matter. On this issue, Dr. Daniel Amen discussed memory rescue.
11 minutes, 11 seconds
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Carbon Recycling -- Groks Science Show 2009-06-03

Industrial processes produce carbon dioxide emissions at a staggering rate. Recycling carbon dioxide into fuel sources may help recapture some of these emissions into a useful form. On this program, Byron Elton discussed carbon recycling technology.
25 minutes, 31 seconds
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Silent Earthquakes -- Groks Science Show 2006-12-27

Most of us know earthquakes by their groundbreaking nature, but what has intrigued seismologists recently are silent earthquakes. On this program, Prof. Paul Segall discussed the significance of these imperceptible ground movements. In addition, Chuck McMinn discussed combined heat and power systems at Vineyard29.
30 minutes, 42 seconds
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Forever Fix -- Groks Science Show 2012-06-20

Fifteen years ago, gene therapy was a promising technology with the potential to revolutionize medicine. Since then some of that potential has been fulfilled but the path from the lab to the clinic has been bumpy. Dr. Ricki Lewis joins us to discuss that path and her new book, The Forever Fix.
29 minutes, 22 seconds
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String Theory -- Groks Science Show 2005-03-02

Physicists are constantly searching for elegant theories that describe the universe. One such theory, string theory, has the potential to unify the disparate theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity.
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Taskforce 714 -— Groks Science Show 2022-07-27

Throughout the history of warfare, rapidly adapting and utilizing new technologies has been key to success. On this episode, Dr. Richard Schultz discussed his book, Transforming US Intelligence for Irregular War.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Mindless -- Groks Science Show 2014-03-26

Computer business systems have been designed to streamline and increase productivity in various organizations. But, have these systems been implemented appropriately? On this episode, Simon Head discussed why smarter machines are making dumber humans.
20 minutes, 37 seconds
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Intimate Bond -- Groks Science Show 2016-01-20

The interaction between humans and animals has varied dramatically throughout human history. On this episode, Brian Fagan discussed how animals have shaped our history and how our conception of them has changed over time.
22 minutes, 57 seconds
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Negotiation -- Groks Science Show 2008-05-14

Effective negotiation is a skill that is necessary for resolving conflict peacefully, but the strategies and practices of negotiation are often not properly taught. On this program, William Ury discussed the power of a positive negotiation.
26 minutes, 52 seconds
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Superhero Physics -- Groks Science Show 2006-02-22

Faster than a speeding bullet? Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound? Superman may be confined to the comics, but could his superpowers exist in the natural world? On this program, Prof. James Kakalios discussed the Physics of Superheroes.
28 minutes, 47 seconds
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Cosmic Roots -— Groks Science Show 2022-12-21

The conflict between science and religion can be traced to several observations in cosmology dating back millennia. What are the origins of these ideas about the universe? On this episode, Ira Mark Egdall discussed his new book, Cosmic Roots.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Treating the Individual -- Groks Science Show 2015-03-18

Advances in genomics are allowing us to see how a person and DNA interacts with their environment and lifestyle to influence his or her health. On this episode, Dr. Eric Green discussed genomic technology and precision medicine.
44 minutes, 40 seconds
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Galileo Middle Finger -- Groks Science Show 2015-04-15

In their pursuit of truth and understanding of the natural world, scientists have been known to step on some toes. On this episode, Professor Alice Dreger discussed the conflicts between social justice activists and scientists.
28 minutes, 42 seconds
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Gratitude -- Groks Science Show 2007-11-21

Gratitude and thankfulness are often in short supply. But, what can science tell us about increasing our sense of thankfulness? On this program, Prof. Robert Emmons discussed the psychology of gratitude.
26 minutes, 42 seconds
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Politics of Global Warming -- Groks Science Show 2005-02-02

Global warming is a scientific issue that is particularly sensitive to the political climate. On this program, Prof. Patrick J. Michaels from the University of Virginia discussed the politics of global warming.
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Ambidextrous Universe -- Groks Science Show 2006-02-15

Symmetry or parity is intriguing, not only in the arts and music, but also in science and the natural world. Interestingly, parity may not be conserved between the mirror images of molecules and consequently their energies would not be equivalent. On this program, Professor Harris and Gina discussed how parity violation could be observed using sum frequency generation experiments.
30 minutes, 35 seconds
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Discovering Bird Species -- Groks Science Show 2013-11-20

Evolution has created a wide range of bird species, many of which have not been characterized. On this episode, Ben Winger discusses his research on how new species of birds evolve and his work in the Peruvian cloud forests
20 minutes, 30 seconds
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Emotional Design -- Groks Science Show 2004-07-07

Technological gadgets promise to ease the burden of every day living, but often prove more trouble than they are worth. On this week's program, we explored making technology more fun and user-friendly with Prof. Donald Norman from Northwestern University.
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Internet Travel Tips -- Groks Science Show 2004-08-18

Traveling in the age of the internet can be perilous, but also profitable if you know your way around. On this program, we uncovered the best internet travel options for the frugal traveler.
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Earthquake Prediction -- Groks Science Show 2004-08-04

Predicting earthquakes is of prime importance to urban regions situated near fault zones. The science behind these methods was explored with the recent recipient of the prestigious Japan Academy Prize, Prof. Hiroo Kanamori.
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DSM Dilemma -- Groks Science Show 2009-02-25

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is considered the bible of modern psychiatry. However, many of the listed disorders are not without controversy. On this program, Prof. Christopher Lane discussed the issues surrounding the DSM IV.
24 minutes, 56 seconds
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Football Physics -- Groks Science Show 2015-02-18

Professional football players today play a highly regulated game, but the toughest rules of all are the laws of physics. On this episode, Dr. Timothy Gay discusses the physics of football.
37 minutes, 57 seconds
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Wildlife Conservation -- Groks Science Show 2006-03-22

Preserving wildlife populations that are displaced or actively diminished by human activity remains essential for maintaining biodiversity. Nowhere is this more evident than in Africa, where many wildlife species are being driven to extinction by human activity. On this program, Paul Raffaele discussed wildlife preservation in Africa.
29 minutes, 21 seconds
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Understandable Economics -— Groks Science Show 2023-03-08

Economics is often presented in a manner that obfuscates the meaning of its pronouncements. How can economics be better understood? On this episode, Howard Yaruss discussed his book, Understandable Economics.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Rules for Revolutionaries -- Groks Science Show 2003-02-19

Technological revolutions fuel economic growth and improve the quality of life for everyone. Often, the revolutionaries who envision these innovations must struggle to make their dreams a reality. This show featured a discussion with Guy Kawasaki about the common traits of these technological innovators.
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Coyote City -- Groks Science Show 2012-06-13

Over the past 20 years, coyotes have been moving into large midwestern cities like Chicago. Dr. Stanley Gehrt, the Principal Investigator of the Cook County Coyote Project, joins us to discuss the fascinating biology of these wily, urban coyotes.
29 minutes, 43 seconds
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Paneled Mind -- Groks Science Show 2013-12-04

Dr. Dwayne Godwin contributes regularly to Scientific American in the form of neuroscience comics. On this episode, he discusses his creative process and goals for the series.
33 minutes, 16 seconds
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Cultural Linguistics -- Groks Science Show 2009-12-09

Is human language an innate characteristic of the human brain? Is there a universal grammar? Or, is language inherently tied to society and cultural forces? On this program, Prof. Daniel Everett discussed linguistics, the Piraha, and religion in Dont Sleep There are Snakes.
30 minutes, 19 seconds
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Sex Differences in Brain -- Groks Science Show 2015-03-04

That male and female brains are wired differently is simultaneously well-accepted and controversial. On this episode, Dr. Ruben Gur discussed functional and anatomical sex differences in the brain.
39 minutes
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Vitality Code -— Groks Science Show 2022-06-01

Can achieving good health and wellness be influenced by integrating healthy lifestyle choices? On this episode, Neil Cannon discussed health and wellness and his new book, The Vitality Code.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Arctic Mystery -— Groks Science Show 2018-06–20

Technology often comes into conflict with nature. How has technology changed how we interact with the world? On this episode, Lawrence Millman discussed issues in his book: At The End of the World.
50 minutes, 48 seconds
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Doctors Blackwell -— Groks Science Show 2021-02-10

The history of women would be quite different were it not for the pioneering work of Elizabeth and Emily Blackwell. On this episode, Janice Nimura discussed their story and her new book, The Doctors Blackwell.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Optical Telescopes -- Groks Science Show 2007-08-08

The invention of the telescope 400 years ago opened a window to the universe that continues to amaze and enlighten. On this program, Dr. Geoff Andersen discussed the history and invention of the telescope.
27 minutes, 39 seconds
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Language Death -— Groks Science Show 2019-07–03

What happens when a language dies? What happens to the culture and history of the speakers of that language? On this episode, Prof. Don Kulick discussed his book, A Death in The Rainforest.
20 minutes, 35 seconds
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Quantum Reality -- Groks Science Show 2018-03–21

Quantum mechanics may be a powerful theory that enables everyday life, but what does it tell us about the nature of reality? On this episode, Dr. Adam Becker discusses the search for meaning of quantum mechanics.
19 minutes, 10 seconds
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Renewable Energy -- Groks Science Show 2003-07-23

Fossil fuels are a problematic energy source. They are bad for the environment and are non-renewable. Developing the resources and infrastructure for renewable energy sources is a major goal of the next century. On this program, we explored such renewable energy sources with Prof. Daniel M. Kammen.
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Science Literacy -- Groks Science Show 2004-03-24

Everyday events are readily explained within a scientific framework, yet science literacy is still quite low. On this program, Curt Suplee discussed everyday science education.
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Online Investing Hacks -- Groks Science Show 2005-04-27

The stock market may often seem impenetrable to personal investing, but advances in internet trading have vastly simplified many complex transactions. On this program, Bonnie Biafore discusses online investing hacks.
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Malaria -- Groks Science Show 2008-03-05

Malaria has often been regarded as a third world disease. Yet, it has been found worldwide, with socioeconomic factors largely contributing to its prevalence or absence in different regions. On this program, Prof. Randall Packard discussed the history and treatment of malaria.
28 minutes, 51 seconds
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Terminated -- Groks Science Show 2013-05-29

The rapid increases in the processing power of computers is heralding a brave new world where jobs will be completely automated. On this program, Kevin Drum discussed the economics of a robotic future.
27 minutes, 24 seconds
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Longest Threads -- Groks Science Show 2014-12-24

The excitement surrounding the advances in physics can be more difficult to convey than the actual advances themselves. On this episode, Tasneem Zehra Husain discussed the exciting threads weaving through the history of physics.
16 minutes, 50 seconds
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Happy Minds -- Groks Science Show 2009-12-02

Common behavioral patterns and instincts are often the source of many forms of unhappiness. What can be done to ensure a happy mind? On this program, Dr. Harold Shinitzky discussed ten simple principles for developing a happy mind.
29 minutes, 13 seconds
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PLATO System -- Groks Science Show 2017-11–01

The PLATO system was a networked computer system that may have spurred the advent of the social networking. On this episode, Brian Dear discussed the history of the PLATO system.
18 minutes, 8 seconds
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DARPA -- Groks Science Show 2009-12-23

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, also known as DARPA, has been at the forefront of numerous technological innovations. Yet, their work is often unheralded. On this program, Michael Belfiore discussed this department of mad scientists.
25 minutes, 15 seconds
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Afterlife Science -- Groks Science Show 2006-02-08

The afterlife is generally the subject of theology, but what can science contribute to the issue? On this program, Mary Roach discusses the science of the afterlife.
28 minutes, 31 seconds
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Mantids -- Groks Science Show 2010-09-22

Mantids are a diverse and amazing order of insects, whose attributes continue to amaze and astound scientists. On this program, Dr. Gavin Svenson and Dr. David Yager discussed mantodea.
31 minutes, 36 seconds
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Proof -- Groks Science Show 2003-06-18

In the rarified circles of mathematical research, understanding theorems often precedes cultivating human relations. On this program, actors from Proof, the prize winning play, explored this issue in depth.
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Quantum Metal -— Groks Science Show 2018-07–25

How can Heavy Metal music help us understand the Heisenberg uncertainty principle? On this episode, Dr. Philip Moriarty discussed heavy metal music and quantum physics.
18 minutes, 45 seconds
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Fourth Phase of Water 2 -- Groks Science Show 2017-03-08

Second part of our discussion on the phases of water with Gerald Pollack. On this program, he joins us for the Groktron 5000.
23 minutes, 18 seconds
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Social Network -- Groks Science Show 2013-04-10

Are social networks a good way to mobilize masses of people from around the globe for a common cause? On this program, Alex Rutherford talks about locating balloons through the DARPA Network Challenge using social networks.
29 minutes, 39 seconds
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Unconquered -- Groks Science Show 2012-03-28

The Amazon is one of the last unspoiled territories, where the indiginous tribes have remained largely untouched by modern civilization. On this program, Scott Wallace discussed the unconquered tribes of the Amazon.
23 minutes, 45 seconds
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Science of Longevity -- Groks Science Show 2013-05-01

Who doesn't want to live a longer, healthier life? What can a laboratory worm, the nematode, teach us about longevity? On this episode, Professor Ted Anton joins us to discuss The Longevity Seekers.
27 minutes, 10 seconds
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Conscious Feeling -— Groks Science Show 2019-10–02

How does the brain give rise to subject feelings and is this the basis for consciousness? On this episode, Dr. Christof Koch discussed his research on consciousness.
24 minutes, 6 seconds
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General Ignorance -- Groks Science Show 2007-10-17

There are some facts that are common knowledge, but these often turn out to be completely wrong. When does common knowledge become general ignorance? On this program, John Lloyd and John Mitchinson from the BBC program, QI, will discuss the book of general ignorance.
31 minutes, 23 seconds
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Exhale -— Groks Science Show 2021-06-30

Transplant medicine is one of the most challenging areas of medicine that is rapidly evolving. On this episode, Dr. David Weill discussed his book, Exhale.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Global Warnings -- Groks Science Show 2005-12-28

Global warming is a larger threat than terrorism, according to our guest Sir David King, science advisor to UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. On this program, he discussed the indicators of this worldwide threat and counters the skeptics of climate change.
31 minutes, 55 seconds
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Think Tank -— Groks Science Show 2018-05–16

Uncovering the mysteries of the brain is an ongoing endeavor. So, what do we really know about the brain? On this episode, Dr. David Linden discussed these issues in the new book, Think Tank.
19 minutes, 7 seconds
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Seahorses and Jellyfish -- Groks Science Show 2014-02-05

Dr. Brad Gemmell gives us a glimpse into the secret predatory lives of seahorses, and describes how we are getting ideas from the anatomy of the jellyfish for designing vehicles for water and air travel.
25 minutes, 6 seconds
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Anesthesiology -- Groks Science Show 2017-11–29

The field of anesthesiology is opaque to many, even including some of the practitioners. On this episode, Dr. Henry Jay Przybylo discussed the field of anesthesiology.
20 minutes, 21 seconds
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Homo Nouveau -- Groks Science Show 2017-12–20

What will be the next step in human evolution? Will genetic engineering and artificial intelligence be the driving force? On this episode, Dr. Don Simborg discussed what comes after Homo sapiens?
20 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dream Existence -— Groks Science Show 2022-07-20

Although the nature of reality may appear to be solidly constructed, our conscious experiences may arise from other fundamental properties of nature. On this episode, Dr. Howard Eisenberg discussed his book, Dream It to Do It.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Snowball Mystery -- Groks Science Show 2015-04-22

In different earth periods, scientists have speculated that the planet was covered in glacier. On this program, Daniel Herwartz shows how the past climate can be reconstructed through oxygen isotope analysis.
16 minutes, 34 seconds
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Sex Matters -— Groks Science Show 2020-02-05

Our emotional health is intimately related to the proper operations of evolutionarily ancient parts of our brain. How can our sex lives be a window into these critical aspects of our brains? On this episode, Dr. Nan Wise discussed her book, Why Good Sex Matters.
26 minutes, 8 seconds
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Egyptology -- Groks Science Show 2004-06-30

Egypt continues to intrigue archaeologists with its seemingly endless supply of artifacts. Many recent findings are shedding new light on this ancient society. We discussed this issue with Mark Rose, editor of Archaeology magazine.
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Lost Mind -— Groks Science Show 2019-09–11

How do the operations of the brain result in the mind? And, how has the study of the two been influenced by early medical cases? On this episode, Drs. Allan H. Ropper and Brian Burrell discussed how the brain lost its mind.
19 minutes, 13 seconds
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Generic Drugs -— Groks Science Show 2019-06–19

Generic drugs are a ubiquitous part of the pharmaceutical market, but do they deliver the same effects? On this episode, Ms. Katherine Eban discussed problems with generic drug manufacturing.
13 minutes, 56 seconds
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Neutrino Hunters -- Groks Science Show 2014-02-12

Trillions of subatomic particles called neutrinos are zipping through our bodies every second of every day. On this episode, Dr. Ray Jayawardhana discussed the hunt for neutrinos.
34 minutes, 2 seconds
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Making Labs Happy -- Groks Science Show 2014-03-05

Why do lab supplies cost so much? Is there a way to make science more efficient? On this episode, Tom Ruginis discussed improving the happiness of scientists and the quality of their research.
13 minutes, 57 seconds
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Its Elementary -— Groks Science Show 2020-02-12

There is a question of a periodic table analogue for elementary particles and the nature of dark energy and dark matter. On this episode, Thomas Buckholtz joins us to discuss these classic problems and unified approaches for explaining them.
31 minutes, 56 seconds
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Commanding Attraction -- Groks Science Show 2016-05-11

In our fast paced world of modern dating, what does it take to succeed? On this episode, Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk discussed how open postures improves the chance of getting a first date.
16 minutes, 44 seconds
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Charts -— Groks Science Show 2019-11–27

Charts and graphical displays of information are essential to the modern age, but they are only as useful if one is prepared to us them. On this episode, Prof. Alberto Cairo discussed his book, How Charts Lie.
18 minutes, 35 seconds
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Biological Enhancement -- Groks Science Show 2005-06-01

Breakthroughs in biomedical research will soon allow us to live longer, grow stronger, and think smarter. But, will these advances come at a price? On this program, Ramez Naam discussed the promise of biological enhancement..
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Gombe Ghosts -— Groks Science Show 2018-07–04

The famous discoveries made by the investigators at the Jane Goodall campsite in Gombe were perhaps made possible by Ruth Davis. Who was she and what happened to her? On this episode, Dr. Dale Peterson discussed the Ghosts of Gombe.
21 minutes, 4 seconds
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Nature or Nurture -- Groks Science Show 2010-10-27

What is in a name? How are our behaviors and outcomes determined? Does nature or nurture play the biggest role? On this program, Wes Moore discussed the Other Wes Moore with guest host Mario.
27 minutes, 17 seconds
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End of Absence -- Groks Science Show 2014-09-03

Advances in technology have changed the way we work, the way we socialize, and the way we learn. On this episode, Michael Harris discusses what constant connectedness means for the well being of future generations.
27 minutes, 42 seconds
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AI Countdown -— Groks Science Show 2020-09-23

Artificial intelligence has expanded greatly, such that it has reshaped the modern world. What is the future of AI? On this episode, Michael Kanaan discussed his book, T-Minus AI.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Age of Ivory -- Groks Science Show 2013-07-03

Less than a half a million African elephants live in the wild and more than 25,000 of those are poached every year. On this episode, Dr. Kevin Uno discussed carbon, ecology, elephants, and conservation
23 minutes, 30 seconds
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Genome Defense -— Groks Science Show 2022-12-07

Although the DNA in our bodies may seem like an obvious product of nature, are the individual genes patentable? This is the question at the center of a landmark legal case. On this episode, Jorge Contreras discussed his new book, The Genome Defense.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Mission to Mars -- Groks Science Show 2004-01-14

The recent landing of the Mars Explorer rover has renewed interest in the red planet. On this program, we talked with Andrew Mishkin, a senior systems at NASA, about the status of past, present, and future missions to Mars.
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Brain History -- Groks Science Show 2015-10-28

The history of neuroscience is still in a relative infancy compared with other sciences. On this episode, Tom Jackson discussed an illustrated history of the brain.
18 minutes, 52 seconds
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Moores Law -- Groks Science Show 2015-07-22

Gordon Moore has perhaps done more to revolutionize our modern world than any other scientist, but few may know about his achievements. On this episode, Arnold Thackray discussed the life and times of Gordon Moore.
30 minutes, 8 seconds
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Space Exploration -- Groks Science Show 2003-01-08

Space may indeed be the final frontier, but our ability to physically explore it has been limited. Still, new technology may change this state of affairs in the near future.
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Darwinian Agriculture -- Groks Science Show 2012-07-18

How can understanding Darwins theory of natural selection help us feed the planet? Dr. R. Ford Denison joins us to discuss his new book, Darwinian Agriculture: How Understanding Evolution Can Improve Agriculture.
33 minutes, 20 seconds
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Empathy in Rats -- Groks Science Show 2012-01-11

Empathic motivations for pro-social behaviours are unique to humans, or are they? Dr. Peggy Mason joins us to discuss empathy and pro-social behaviour in rats.
24 minutes, 49 seconds
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Your Inner Macaque -- Groks Science Show 2012-05-02

Have you ever noticed that people behave strangely in elevators? On this show, Dr. Dario Maestripieri discussed how studying the behavior of rhesus monkeys and other non-human primates can help us understand why humans act the way we do.
24 minutes, 46 seconds
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Underwater Blast -— Groks Science Show 2020-03-25

The H.L. Hunley was a civil war submarine whose recovery raised more questions than answers. On this episode, Rachel Lance discussed her investigation of this subject in her new book, In the Waves.
14 minutes, 43 seconds
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Touch -- Groks Science Show 2015-01-28

Touch is a sensation that may be overlooked, but is essential to our development, everyday language, and emotional well-being. On this episode, Prof. David Linden discussed the neuroscience of touch.
21 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Beautiful Mind -- Groks Science Show 2002-05-01

The life and times of mathematician John F. Nash Jr. have garnered a great deal of attention since the release of the popular movie, A Beautiful Mind, chronicled events in his life. This show featured an interview with Sylvia Nassar, the author of Nash's biography, who discussed Nash's struggles with math, schizophrenia, and the Nobel Prize.
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Global Arms -- Groks Science Show 2011-11-23

The world of arms trading continues to affect global political and economic affairs. Yet, few investigations have delved into the shadowy and corrupt world of global arms trading. On this program, Andrew Feinstein discussed this shadow world.
30 minutes, 22 seconds
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Prehistoric Females -- Groks Science Show 2007-05-23

Archaeological findings have generally focussed on the prehistoric activities of males, while neglecting those of females. However, recent archaeological findings are challenging this framework. On this program, Jake Page discussed these new archaeological findings.
26 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ig Nobel 2010 -- Groks Science Show 2010-12-22

Although most scientists strive to win a Nobel Prize, a handful are even luckier to win an Ig Nobel Prize. On this program, Marc Abrahams discussed the winners of the 2010 Ig Nobel Prize.
29 minutes, 5 seconds
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Atari Demise -— Groks Science Show 2022-06-08

The video game industry of the early 80s was dominated for a time by the Atari VCS. But, the fall of the industry has been attributed to one video game, E.T. On this episode, Howard Scott Warshaw discussed his new book, Once Upon Atari.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Quantum Hoops -- Groks Science Show 2008-03-12

Science and sports seem strangely dissimilar, but both strive to bring out the best in human endeavors. On this program, Rick Greenwald discussed the quest for such consilience in Quantum Hoops.
29 minutes, 7 seconds
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Perfect Swarm -- Groks Science Show 2010-04-14

Complex systems dominate the natural world and can often seem to have a mind of their own. But, what are the rules governing complex systems? On this program, Len Fisher discussed the Perfect Swarm.
27 minutes, 52 seconds
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Rebel Cell -— Groks Science Show 2020-09-02

Cancer is perhaps the oldest and most formidable disease that has plagued human history. How are new theoretical advances improving our understanding of how to treat cancer? On this episode, Kat Arney discussed her new book, Rebel Cell.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Infinite Beginnings -- Groks Science Show 2011-09-07

How are explanations of the world developed and how do we sort good and bad explanations? Is there a limit to our knowledge of the world? On this program, Prof. David Deutsch discussed the beginning of infinity.
27 minutes, 2 seconds
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Technological Innovations -- Groks Science Show 2009-09-16

Technology drives much of the development of human society and economy. Yet, little attention is given to how technological innovations arise. On this program, Prof. W. Brian Arthur discussed the nature of technology.
32 minutes, 16 seconds
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Cold Fusion -- Groks Science Show 2009-05-06

In the years since the famous experiment by Martin Fleischman and Stanley Pons, the field of cold fusion has had difficulty igniting the interest of the scientific community. However, recent advances are now sparking renewed promise and focus. On this program, Dr. Michael McKubre and Dr. Irving Dardik discussed the advances in cold fusion research.
28 minutes, 36 seconds
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Polar Expedition -— Groks Science Show 2020-01-08

The polar region continues to be a mysterious and unexplored region of the earth. One of the first to explore the area was an expedition led by Adolphus W. Greely. On this episode, Buddy Levy discussed the Greely Polar Expedition.
16 minutes, 17 seconds
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Holistic Birding -- Groks Science Show 2008-07-16

Observing birds in nature is a rapidly growing past time for many birding enthusiasts, which is especially rewarding when combined with a holistic approach. On this program, Ted Floyd discussed holistic birding.
28 minutes, 40 seconds
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Saving Wine from Destruction -- Groks Science Show 2005-07-13

Vineyards across Europe were nearly destroyed in the late 1800s by a pestilent aphid known as Phylloxera vastatrix. The scientific quest to discover a remedy and save wine for the world was discussed on this program with Mr. Christy Campbell
29 minutes, 13 seconds
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Spring Migration -- Groks Science Show 2018-02–14

The epic migration of songbirds heralds the dawning of spring. But, what does their migration tell us about nature? On this episode, Bruce Beehler discussed the springtime songbird migration.
20 minutes, 21 seconds
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Pretty Good Security -- Groks Science Show 2016-02-10

The recents events guided to terrorism have renewed the debate on balancing individual privacy and public security. On this program, Michael Kearns discusses algorithms that could ensure privacy while maintaining public security.
22 minutes, 37 seconds
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Zoological Galaxy -— Groks Science Show 2021-04-07

The diversity of life on earth continues to astound zoologists, such that some may begin to ponder what it means for the possibility of life on other planets. On this episode, Arik Kershenbaum discussed the diversity of life.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Age Reboot-— Groks Science Show 2022-09-28

Advances in the science of aging are revealing new approaches to extending and enhancing the lifespan. On this episode, Dr. Michael Roizen discussed his book, The Great Age Reboot.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Geek Cooking -- Groks Science Show 2010-11-24

Science and cooking are intertwined. How can science be applied to create magnificent cuisine? On this program, Jeff Potter discussed cooking for geeks.
29 minutes, 57 seconds
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Resilience -- Groks Science Show 2018-03–07

Resilience is a term that is often referred to when discussing highly effective individuals. But, how do we build resilience in kids? On this episode, Dr. Kate Lund discussed building resilience in kids.
17 minutes, 52 seconds
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Age of Opportunity -- Groks Science Show 2014-10-29

While a select few remember their adolescent years fondly, most of us want to pretend they never happened. On this episode, Laurence Steinberg discussed the neuroscience of adolescence.
31 minutes, 37 seconds
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Meteorites -— Groks Science Show 2020-10-21

The natural history of the earth and solar system can be surprisingly gleaned from the study of meteorites. On this episode, Dr. Tim Gregory discussed his new book, Meteorite: How Stones From Outer Space Made Our World.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sleepyhead -— Groks Science Show 2018-09–12

Sleep is an essential part of our lives, but one that we rarely think about, unless something goes wrong. On this episode, Henry Nicholls discussed the neuroscience of sleep.
30 minutes, 55 seconds
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Strange Harvests -— Groks Science Show 2019-08–14

The natural world is filled with resources that are harvested without thought for the long term consequences. Can we live sustainably with the environment? On this episode, Edward Posnett discussed the strange harvests.
16 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dot Aligning -— Groks Science Show 2021-01-06

What are the essential features for growing a business? Are there methods to align these necessary features? On this episode, Dr. Phillipe Bouissou discussed his book, Aligning the Dots.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Disappearing Spoon -- Groks Science Show 2011-06-22

The periodic table of the elements represents one of the crowning achievements of modern science. More surprising may be the history behind the table and the elements of nature. On this program, Sam Kean discussed the periodic table of the elements.
28 minutes, 15 seconds
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Science of Oakland -- Groks Science Show 2013-10-09

What happens when old friends meet again? Wildness ensues. On this episode, our man on the street Vikram Kulkarni, joins us to talk about the science of Oakland.
26 minutes, 3 seconds
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Ig-Nobel Prizes 2003 -- Groks Science Show 2003-11-26

The Ig-Nobel Prizes are awarded every year to research that first makes you laugh, then makes you think. The founder of these unique awards, Dr. Marc Abrahams, joined us to discuss these awards.
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Body Maps -- Groks Science Show 2008-01-16

Sensory events are conveyed to our brains and interpreted in specialized maps of the outside world. On this program, Sandra Blakeslee discussed the function of these body maps in the brain.
28 minutes, 32 seconds
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Citizen Science -- Groks Science Show 2017-02-22

Ordinary citizens are now contributing in extraordinary ways to the scientific enterprise. On this episode, Caren Cooper discussed citizen science.
22 minutes, 25 seconds
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Permaculture -- Groks Science Show 2005-09-14

Nature has evolved without an electrical power grid, but can humans learn to live without one as well? Todd Jersey, architect and designer, joined us to talk about permaculture.
28 minutes, 6 seconds
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Global Philanthropy -— Groks Science Show 2022-01-19

Although the inequities across the globe require philanthropic solutions, most projects can do more harm than good. Is there another way? On this episode, Prof. Kirk Bowman discussed his new book, Reimagining Global Philanthropy.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Salty Clouds -- Groks Science Show 2012-09-12

Particulates in the air act as nucleation sites for the formation of rain clouds. But what are they made of? On this episode, Dr. Mary Gilles discussed their discovery of potassium salts and fungi as seeds for clouds.
28 minutes, 50 seconds
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Just a Geek -- Groks Science Show 2004-09-29

Astronomers are interested in the fate of stars, but what happens to stars of the Holywood variety? On this program, Wil Wheaton talks about blogging, life after Star Trek, and his book, Just a Geek.
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Science News -- Groks Science Show 2016-07-06

In this episode, Unjin and Ron discuss the second event detected by LIGO, gene changes in a cadaver, Space X and what Brexit means for Horizon 2020.
32 minutes, 37 seconds
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Genetic Toxicology -- Groks Science Show 2008-07-09

Toxicology tests have typically relied on outmoded and non-specific measures. On this program, Dr. Bruce Gillis discussed advances in genetic toxicology. In addition, Prof. Jerry Crabtree discussed transgenic technology.
26 minutes
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Arrival of the Fittest -- Groks Science Show 2014-10-22

The theory of evolution explains how the fittest traits survive in a species, but not how those traits arise in the first place. On this episode, Andreas Wagner discussed the arrival of the fittest.
24 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ten Planets -- Groks Science Show 2006-08-16

The recent debate over what defines a planet has been partially motivated by the discovery of a candidate tenth planet. On this program, Dr. Ken Croswell discussed this newly discovered tenth planets.
28 minutes, 45 seconds
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Science Diplomacy -- Groks Science Show 2008-09-24

Science is often construed as being divorced from diplomatic considerations. Yet, scientists, due to their shared concerns, are uniquely poised to break political and national barriers. On this program, Cathy Campbell discussed the importance of science diplomacy.
22 minutes, 9 seconds
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Future Weather -- Groks Science Show 2010-09-15

What will the weather of the future be like? What do current trends tell us about changes to the global environment. On this program, Heidi Cullen discussed the weather of the future.
26 minutes, 21 seconds
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Wild Rituals -— Groks Science Show 2021-01-27

Ritualistic behaviors are not limited to humans, but abound in the animal kingdom. What can we learn from these ritualistic animal behaviors? On this episode, Dr. Caitlin O'Connell discussed her new book, Wild Rituals.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
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Concierge Medicine -- Groks Science Show 2006-12-06

The growing disparities in health care provided by primary care physicians has caused some to offer a service known as concierge medicine. But, this potential cure may result in more problems than solutions. On this program, Dr. Robin Cook discussed the problems with concierge medicine.
33 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wearable Tech -- Groks Science Show 2016-11-23

Wearable technology has changed the way we interact with our mobile devices. On this episode, Nile Nickel reviewed the new Apple watch.
12 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Brain History -— Groks Science Show 2021-04-14

The human brain is one of the most remarkable biological creations in nature, but its natural history is unknown to most. On this episode, Bret Stetka discussed his book, A History of the Human Brain.
28 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Srinivasa Ramunujan -- Groks Science Show 2003-04-09

Srinivasa Ramunujan was one of the most brilliant, self-taught mathematicians of his time. The story of his life and relationship with Cambridge Professor, Thomas Hardy, is the subject of the new play, Partition, and was discussed on this program.