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Good News Daily

English, Religion, 4 seasons, 518 episodes, 1 day, 3 hours, 10 minutes
Our founders Uebert and Beverly Angel are the core visionaries of Spirit Embassy, The GoodNews Church. They teach on the fundamental ways we can experience God's power and presence in our daily lives. We are on a mission to spread the GoodNews of Jesus Christ to every part of the world. Start your journey today and learn more about following Jesus Christ through the insightful teachings of Prophet Uebert Angel so that it will help you understand more about the Christian faith. May it also inspire you to think about the limitless God we serve and challenge you to hunger after God even more.
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Luke 21:8 (VOICE) Be careful. It’s easy to be deceived. Many people will come claiming to have My authority. They’ll shout, “I’m the One!” or “The time is now!” Don’t take a step in their direction.   In the fear-charged atmosphere of our present world, people cannot help but feel the disquieting hum of uncertainty. 'Doomsday prepping' is trending, with wealthy billionaires investing their fortunes in underground compounds and 'survival condos' to hedge against unforeseeable turmoil. This reflects the accuracy of the Word of God: men’s hearts will fail because of fear (Luke 21:26).  Yet God always provides a place of safety for those who are His. The children of Israel dwelt safely in Goshen, immune to the plagues of Egypt. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord and escaped the destruction of the flood in the ark God instructed him to build. Ultimately, God’s people will be caught away, safe from the enemy’s wicked onslaught that will besiege the Earth. Despite the palpable fear that surrounds us, we are reminded of the promised land – a place of refuge – where God’s people can dwell securely without fear of oppression or enemies. It reminds us that we are heavily protected, heavily guarded, and heavily defended – GOD PROTECTED! His protection transcends any physical stronghold billionaires may construct.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am under God’s divine protection. In the midst of global uncertainty and fear, not a single hair on my head will be harmed. I dwell securely without fear. I am heavily protected, heavily guarded, and heavenly defended in Jesus’ Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Exodus 6:8
9/13/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Job 11:7 (EXB) “Can you ·understand [L discover] the ·secrets [L deep things] of God?    Can you ·search [L discover] the limits of ·the Almighty [Shaddai]?   What a mighty God we serve! Have you contemplated the vastness of God's providence? How incredible it is that our God calls Himself El Shaddai, which means The Many-Breasted One. He is our Nourisher and Sustainer, the perfect provider of all that is essential, from the spiritual to the physical. Just as milk is a trusted source of calcium, vitamin D, and proteins that fortify our bones and muscles, so is God's Word, nourishing us with spiritual nutrients for our spirits, souls, and bodies.  His supplies are never-ending, plentiful, and tailored to meet our individual needs so that we would never be deficient in any aspect of our health. You are supplied and supported spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and in every way. As the old preacher said, no far-seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shoreless supplies. Glory be to God! Whatever you need for any area of your health, draw it out from El Shaddai. His abundant supply never runs out. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I declare that I am nourished and sustained by the Word of God. El Shaddai is my perfect provider, supplying all my needs spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Just as milk fortifies the body, God's Word nourishes every aspect of my being. I draw from His endless supply, confident that I lack nothing. Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY  Philippians 4:19
9/12/20242 minutes, 42 seconds
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Proverbs 23:4 (KJV) Labour not to be rich: cease from thine own wisdom.   We live in a hustle-and-get-rich-quick culture, leading some to labour endlessly to pursue riches. However, Proverbs 23:4 offers a different perspective that dissuades us from such tireless pursuit. It tells us we should not wear ourselves out trying to get rich. In other words, it should not be a struggle. Instead, it urges us to cease from our own wisdom and lean not on our understanding when it comes to getting rich. It is a powerful reminder that it is not through ceaseless toil and self-reliance that we find prosperity but through the wisdom that God freely offers. This wisdom surpasses all earthly understanding and promises not just wealth but wealth that comes without toil or strife. This truth is echoed beautifully in Ecclesiastes 10:10, which reminds us that wisdom sharpens the axe, giving us the advantage, we need to conquer. Without this wisdom, we merely swing a dull axe, exhausting ourselves needlessly. But with God's wisdom, any challenge life throws our way is felled effortlessly. This is the advantage and success that wisdom brings. Explore the wealth of business wisdom in the Bible. Sharpen your skills with wisdom and enjoy sweatless victories!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I release the burden of ceaseless toil for riches and yield to the wisdom of God. I receive the promise of wealth without struggle and gain the advantage that leads to sweet victories. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  James 1:5
9/11/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Numbers 14:36 (MSG) So it happened that the men Moses sent to scout out the land returned to circulate false rumours about the land causing the entire community to grumble against Moses—all these men died. Having spread false rumours of the land, they died in a plague, confronted by God.   One of the most tragic accounts in history occurred when the children of Israel arrived at the promised land. After wandering in barren desert places for so long, they became accustomed to noticing only lack. When some were sent to investigate the new territory and report back, all but two returned with what God calls “an evil report” – false rumours about perceived, fear-based danger. As a result of their complaints, they and all who joined them in complaining died without possessing the promised land.  God takes complaining personally. Why? Because every complaint affronts His goodness, faithfulness, and provision. He brought you into the promised land with all its benefits and blessings. So, if your body shows you symptoms that don’t look like a promise, cast them out! If your bank balance tries to convince you that you’re broke, never believe it! These are false rumours! Refuse to focus on any perceived problem. Focus instead on the plenty God has provided. Look for your abundance and possess it no matter what! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I refuse to entertain false rumours of lack or limitation. Complaining has no place in my life. I declare abundance only. I focus on plenty and possess His promises in Jesus' Name! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  Philippians 2:14-15
9/11/20242 minutes, 47 seconds
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Ecclesiastes 2:26 (KJV) For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.   Worker bees toil tirelessly to produce the most delicious honey. Not only do they collect nectar and transform it into honey, but they also are responsible for packaging and protecting the precious resource. Despite their immense effort in honey production, they're only allowed to consume enough to continue their laborious work. This is the story of sinners who strive to accumulate wealth. Little do they realize their efforts are meant to bless YOU.   According to the Bible, every sinner is unknowingly working for the benefit of God’s righteous heirs. God allows sinners to gather and amass riches, assigning them a life of hard labour, just so they end up turning their wages over to God’s favourites. The riches they worked for are meant for the righteous - the Christians. God was carefully orchestrating these “worker bees” to store up wealth specifically for you. This is the year you've been waiting for! Use every opportunity to harvest every “honeycomb” that has been safeguarded for this very moment, and take over all that has been stored up for you!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am God’s favourite, and I boldly claim every channel of wealth that has been protected for me. Every channel of blessing is producing at its highest level for me this year, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  Proverbs 13:22
9/10/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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Psalm 119:103 (GW) How sweet the taste of your promise is! It tastes sweeter than honey.   In the realm of love, the power of sweet words cannot be understated; they are like a soft rain that nurtures the heart's garden. Consider the phrase, “You’re as fundamental as an oasis!” Such words have the potential to stir the heart of anyone who knows they are cherished by the one uttering them.  Just as in a romantic relationship, God woos us with the sweetness of His Word. His promises and assurances of love found throughout the scriptures are meant to touch our souls, awaken our spirits, and draw us closer into an intimate relationship with Him. His words are more inviting and enduring than any human declaration of love. Challenge yourself to truly relish in the sweetness of God's Word from today onward. There is an unending depth to His wisdom and love, a richness that can only be experienced as you open your heart and savour His Word like a delectable feast. When life seems bitter, His Word is there to sweeten it; when you feel weak, it strengthens you. Taste and you’ll see that His Word is indeed sweeter than honey!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION The Word of God sweetens my life! Every trace of bitterness is banished! I enjoy the sweet nectar of His teachings more than ever! My spirit is strengthened as I delight daily in His Word! FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 34:8
9/8/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Psalm 50:10 (EASY) All the wild animals of the forest belong to me!All the cows on a thousand hills belong to me!   Different breeds of cows have been selectively bred for milk production. In the United States, the Holstein cow is widely recognized as the breed that produces the most milk. A Holstein can produce around 22,000 to 23,000 pounds of milk on average when it is actively producing. That's around 75 to 90 pounds (or 9 to 11 gallons) of milk daily during peak lactation.  Now, today’s scripture tells us the cows (plural) on a thousand hills belong to God. If there were just 1,000 hills and only one Holstein on each of them producing milk at their peak, that would produce up to 2.7 million gallons of milk in a day! For a rough estimate, let's assume an average price of $3 per gallon. That’s about $8 million in one day! Believe that’s possible for you! Brothers and sisters, I tell you, money is stampeding to your bank accounts in all different currencies! Cash cows on every continent are producing for you! Money has arrived! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The flow of prosperity in my life is unstoppable! Millions are stampeding into my bank accounts on a daily basis. I declare that cash cows are producing for me all over the world. A signal has gone out to nations, and money flows into my life from every direction. I need more room because THE MONEY IS HERE!  FURTHER STUDY  Isaiah 49:18 
9/7/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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3 John 2:1 (NKJV) Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.   Honey is often praised for its potential benefits for the skin. Applying honey can help hydrate and moisturize your skin, making it more supple and radiant. Its anti-inflammatory properties can soothe irritated skin and reduce redness. It also has natural antibacterial properties, which support wound healing. Honey contains enzymes that can remove dead skin cells and promote a smoother complexion. The natural enzymes in honey may contribute to a brighter complexion by promoting skin renewal. As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual. God created a year of the blessings of honey for you. As a prophet, I decree and declare there is no dryness in your life this year. Trouble has come to an end! The antibacterial shield of God’s favour surrounds you. Just as honey's antibacterial properties heal, divine healing is yours right now! Anything dead in your life is removed right this minute, and just as honey transforms the appearance, everything in your life is being transformed. PROSPER in the mighty Name of Jesus! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I declare an end to dryness, troubles, and hardships in my life for God's favour surrounds me! My health is restored, and everything dead in my life is removed. My life is filled with brightness, and I prosper in the mighty Name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY  Jeremiah 30:17
9/7/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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2 Corinthians 9:11 (AMPC) Thus you will be enriched in all things and in every way, so that you can be generous, and [your generosity as it is] administered by us will bring forth thanksgiving to God.   Misery loves company! Complainers thrive on spreading negativity. Prosperous people, however, enjoy sharing their prosperity by giving towards the work of God. In so doing, they infect their surroundings with positivity, creating a domino effect of gratitude.  God intends for you to live a generous life so that others will be blessed. As you action the Word concerning this year, it is surely a year of Milk and Honey for you. Know this: as you experience unprecedented financial prosperity, that money is not to “save for a rainy day” or to heap up possessions for yourself. Yours is money with a mission!  You are blessed to be a blessing and as you prosper, the impact of your giving creates a domino effect of thanksgiving to God. You’ll be living as generous a life as God created you to live, then others will be blessed, and thanksgiving will pour out of many mouths because of you! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a conduit of God's prosperity, and my life is a testament to generous living. My actions align with the Word, bringing me unprecedented financial prosperity. My money carries a mission to bless others, for I am blessed to be a blessing! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 9:8-11 
9/5/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV) To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.   Do you realize that Adam was not made a foetus or a new-born? He was brought into existence as a fully-grown man with years already in him. He did not need to go through periods of adolescence or puberty, waiting to become what God intended Him to be or to possess what God wanted him to have. Instead, God, in His sovereignty, condensed time so that Adam would not need to go through stages to get all that God had provided for him. The same is true for you. This year of Milk and Honey is loaded with abundance that God has provided for His people. Like Adam, God is ready for you to experience His provision now! So do not make the mistake of thinking that you have to wait for your prosperity. God can make you a millionaire tomorrow; He doesn’t have to wait. At the start of this new month, tell yourself, “As a rich person, my time to collect is here!” PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a creation of divine acceleration, formed in fullness and completeness. In this year of Milk and Honey, I recognize the abundance that God has already provided for me. I do not need to wait for prosperity; I declare that God's provision is ready for me, and my time to collect is now!  FURTHER STUDY  Numbers 23:20
9/4/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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1 Timothy 1:18 (KJV) This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare.    Prophecy is a dangerous weapon! When you hear a prophetic word, it is not a statement that you receive passively and expect to work automatically. It’s a weapon that you are commanded to use to wage warfare. That means you are on active duty and ought to be ready to wield that prophetic word in your mouth and contend for what God has ordained for your life.  God has declared this to be your year of Milk and Honey! That was not just a word: it was a bomb you can use to destroy every plan the enemy devises against your success. It is a ballistic missile, following a predetermined trajectory to carry you for days, months, years, and for generations to come! Boldly declare the provision of God over your life and all that concerns you. Everything in your life shall be sweet like honey and flowing like milk. Use your weapon: pray and declare it to be so! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am the Lord’s battle axe! I’m on active duty and ready to contend for all God has given me! I place an embargo on the enemy, and no demon has access to my wealth or will not touch me in any way, in Jesus' Mighty Name! FURTHER STUDY  Job 22:28
9/2/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Numbers 13:33 (KJV) And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.   Imagine standing before the gleaming counter of a fast-food restaurant. The aroma of sizzling fries wafts through the air, and the vibrant menu board overhead promises an array of mouth-watering delights. Suddenly, the attendant leans over and asks, "Would you like to super-size that?" This offer is a metaphor for the divine invitation that God extends to you this year.  God's menu of prosperity is not limited; it is vast, abundant, and overflowing. But to partake of these super-sized blessings, you must exercise your faith. Believe that He has done infinitely beyond your highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams, then act on that belief.  Refuse to stand on the threshold of your promised land gripped by fear because of giants you perceive too formidable to overcome! The only giants in your promised land are mere indicators – just a hint – of the magnitude of your blessings. So, step up, super-size your faith, and receive all that God has laid up for you! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a recipient of God's super-sized blessings. Faith is my currency, and I receive abundant prosperity. Any challenge is only an indicator of the magnitude of my blessings. I take over the Promised Land with unwavering faith, knowing that God has done infinitely beyond my highest hopes or dreams.  FURTHER STUDY  Ephesians 3:20
9/1/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalm 127:4-5 (KJV) As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.   Picture this. An expert archer stands tall and poised. His feet are shoulder-width apart; an arrow is carefully nocked on the bowstring, held in position with a firm yet relaxed grip. He skillfully draws back the string to his anchor point near his mouth. His focus narrows as he sights his target and takes a deep breath. Then, with the precision of years of practice, he releases. The arrow soars through the air, headed straight for the target. There’s a brief pause as he calmly observes the flight of his arrow, then the satisfying sound of impact. You, too, have been perfectly positioned, an arrow in the palm of an expert Bowman. You’ve been aimed with purpose and precision, and with the right amount of tension, you are propelled toward your target. The path may not always be straight, and the wind may try to sway you, yet remember, even obstacles play a role in refining your trajectory. Your success is guaranteed because you are guided by the Master Archer, who has never missed a mark! PROPHETIC DECLARATION My success is guaranteed! I’m set on course to hit every mark. Like an arrow in the hands of a warrior, I am launched to succeed. My win isn’t a maybe; it’s a certainty! Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Romans 8:37
8/31/20242 minutes, 54 seconds
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Philippians 4:6 (KJV) Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.    When you're faced with bills, court cases or any challenge that you might think of, remember that God is more than able to handle it. The heavens and the earth all belong to Him. He is more than able to turn your situation around. Our scripture for today says to make your request known, which means be specific about what you want from Him. This is a blank cheque from your heavenly Father. Specific requests are not just uttered but timed. Mention when you want that ministry to change, or that marriage or money to come. There's no need to beat around the bush about your request. Mention it by name and God will see you through. Give God your bills; He can afford them. If there's something giving you sleepless nights or stealing your joy, let your Father know. Today take time to pray and let Him know what you desire. Remember, He is the One who said come, let’s reason together. God is waiting for you to come and reason with Him in prayer. Talk to Him and your requests shall be granted. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My God is more than able to handle all my cases. I surrender all my needs unto Him and He will solve them, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 24:1
8/30/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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Joel 3:10 (KJV) Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.    The devil is a spiritual being who's spiritually dead because of his disengagement with the Giver of Life. There are things he'll never know about you unless you update him on your own. From the days of Adam, his approach was to find out information from men and pervert it for his own advantage. He can only tell that you are really sick or struggling by what you do or say. He takes notes and plots a graph from the coordinates you give him through your words and actions.  When negativity is spoken or any form of discontent is expressed, he'll use that as a gateway to attack. That’s why your Bible says, "Let the weak say I’m strong," not because they are strong already. Whilst they're still weak, discouraged or broke, they should say I am rich and blessed.  Don’t wait for the money to come; just declare that your money is coming and confuse the enemy. Write it all over that you're living a life of milk and honey. Every channel of blessing is producing to its maximum capacity for you in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am blessed beyond measure. My riches cannot be measured because everything is overflowing. I live a life of milk and honey in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  2 Peter 1:3-4
8/29/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.    It’s unscriptural for us to believe we're the cause of Jesus Christ's death. I understand it when the church tries to buy into that idea because that’s a generic understanding of scripture. Do you know you never existed before, according to the scripture? You emerged as an end product of Jesus' death and resurrection. The word 'new in today's scripture is the Greek 'kainos,' which means something that never existed. You are a product which never existed before. The one who caused Christ to die is not you but the old you. Since, as new creatures, we never existed before, we have no connection with the old man who caused Christ to be crucified. Rise up today and enjoy all the benefits of your salvation in the Name of Jesus. Your past is totally over - nonexistent! Not only are you forgiven, but you don’t have a sin committed. You are totally new! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a new creature in Jesus Christ. The righteousness of Christ is upon me. There is no condemnation for me in the Name of Jesus! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 5:21 
8/29/20242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Isaiah 12:3 (KJV) Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.    A balanced diet is a meal or feeding schedule comprising all the required nutrients for your body. When something lacks or is given in excess, symptoms appear in the form of stunted growth, diseases, etc. The same applies in the spiritual realm.  You need all the components or benefits of salvation to be active in your life. When you're enjoying one part and lacking in another, it distorts the glory of God. God wants to reveal His glory through you, which only happen if you have a spiritually balanced diet. Prophet Isaiah reveals that inside salvation, there are many "wells:" wells of health, prosperity, education, and all. For example, when you see someone very rich but sick, it’s because they drew water from the well of prosperity but missed the well of divine health.  Apportion the Word equally for each area of your life. Don’t allow any area to lag behind. When you get light regarding a certain area, you gain access to that well. As you read this Word, I command every well to open up for you.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION My salvation is a complete package. I draw water from every well of my salvation. Money, health, long life and excellence are coming to me in the Name of Jesus! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  Ecclesiastes 9:7  
8/27/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.    It’s unscriptural for us to believe we're the cause of Jesus Christ's death. I understand it when the church tries to buy into that idea because that’s a generic understanding of scripture. Do you know you never existed before, according to the scripture? You emerged as an end product of Jesus' death and resurrection. The word 'new in today's scripture is the Greek 'kainos,' which means something that never existed. You are a product which never existed before. The one who caused Christ to die is not you but the old you. Since, as new creatures, we never existed before, we have no connection with the old man who caused Christ to be crucified. Rise up today and enjoy all the benefits of your salvation in the Name of Jesus. Your past is totally over - nonexistent! Not only are you forgiven, but you don’t have a sin committed. You are totally new! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a new creature in Jesus Christ. The righteousness of Christ is upon me. There is no condemnation for me in the Name of Jesus! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 5:21 
8/27/20242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hosea 4:6 (KJV)  My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.    People perish not because of illiteracy but because they lack godly knowledge. Whenever Christians are ignorant, territories are lost. The biggest loophole for losses is ignorance. The enemy uses what you don’t know to deceive and steal from you.  God Himself confirmed that His people perish not because of a curse spoken over them but because of a lack of information. Get into the Word of God and bring enlightenment to your spirit. The Word of God in your spirit removes scales from your eyes, and you start to see things clearly. Make a deliberate commitment to feed on the Word of God day and night. Read your Bible and listen to messages that bring light to your spirit. When you have light through the knowledge of God, it becomes easy to take over territories. It gives you efficiency in executing assignments. Go for the Word, and you'll come back with a testimony! PROPHETIC DECLARATION The Word of the Lord is more than light in my soul. My ways are open for success and promotion in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  2 Timothy 2:15  
8/26/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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NATURE OF LOVE  Romans 5:5 (KJV)  And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.    Anything we call nature or natural is something that comes out naturally or is an inborn trait that we cannot erase. Today's scripture tells us love is our nature. Old Testament folks needed to be commanded to love, but not me and you. Our hearts are marinated in love! We are soaked into Jesus' love; hence, we don’t need to be commanded to love - it just comes out as naturally as breathing, because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts, we don't love by commandment but by nature. Choose to be a minister of reconciliation to your family and friends. Jesus Christ is coming back and there's no room for adversity, grudges, or enmity. There's someone you might not be talking to because of a small mistake or misunderstanding, but today is a day to make everything right. There's a Heaven to gain or lose. Don’t lose it because of hatred. Love by nature because your heart is marinated in love by our Lord Jesus Christ. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I love not by commandment but by nature. I forgive those who wronged me and pray that those who I wronged will forgive me too. I offload all anger, hatred and adversity in the Name of Jesus. FURTHER STUDY  1 John 4:8
8/24/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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1 Corinthians 15:33 (KJV) Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.    If you have four broke friends, you will definitely be the fifth. I don't need to prophesy; I can tell where you are going just by seeing your company. The people you surround yourself with either add or take away value from your life. Your network is your net worth. The Bible says bad company or communications corrupt character. That means the people you relate with have the power to corrupt or build you. Today, take time to reflect and do an introspection of your own radius. If there are people who are not adding value to you, there's no need to keep them. Keep only those who add value to your life and help you be a better person. In this year of Milk and Honey, there's no room for those who are not adding anything to your life, physically or spiritually. Check your phone book; scroll through all the numbers. Look for those who are not adding value to your Christian walk, business or anything. It’s high time to prune them and make better relationships that will benefit you and the Kingdom. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I decree and declare that my company shall be of value. My eyes are opened to see those who benefit the kingdom of God. My radius is blessed in the Name of Jesus. FURTHER STUDY  Proverbs 4:23 
8/24/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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John 15:19 (KJV)  If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.   There's unrest in the world as economies are crumbling, markets crashing, and economic depression seems imminent. Some Christians are wondering how they will get through this. The only strategy is to refuse to participate. Let those in darkness cry, but as for you, know that you are God's ambassador, and your supply is from on high.  The Bible says we are in this world but we are not of this world. Don't listen to the voice of the devil. We are not limited to this Earth where there is lack, depression and poverty. We are supplied by the economy of Zion. When the world says there is a going down, we shall say there is a lifting up.  As you read this prophetic message, you shall find answers from the strangest places. You are not a participant in chaos and disaster. Your milk and honey shall flow even in the desert. Your ground shall produce to its maximum capacity in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am born from above and my supply is from on high. I shall live a life of milk and honey this year in the Name of Jesus. FURTHER STUDY  Romans 12:2 
8/22/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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 Exodus 13:21 (KJV)  And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way, and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light, to go by day and night.   When the children of Israel left Egypt, the Lord was a pillar of fire at night and a cloud at noonday. The desert is very harsh; it’s cold at night and extremely hot during the day. With such knowledge, God gave them a tailor-made climate and environment to protect them from the harsh conditions.  There is a dimension where you start giving testimonies that others cannot comprehend. It will be like fiction because God is giving you your own tailor-made environment. When others say things are going down, you shall be saying there's a lifting up. Remember, you're an ambassador of Heaven; you are fed and supplied from above.  There's nothing to fear because we are in the world but not of this world. Our environment is from above. We live a life of milk and honey! You shall not lack any good thing in this life. You are provided for day in and day out till rapture. Amen. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I live a life of milk and honey. I am an ambassador of Christ, and the grace of God is more than sufficient for me in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Job 22:28
8/21/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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Acts 17:28 (KJV) For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.   Some Christians know Christ is a spiritual entity in the Godhead; some know him as a fatherly figure who is ready to receive your requests and plights, but brothers and sisters, Jesus is more than that. The Bible says in Jesus we live, move and have our being. There is a better revelation where you know Jesus as a location; we move inside His environment.  His environment is superior to all the challenges of this life. You shall bulldoze through anything because you embody the atmosphere of Jesus. Anything that attempts to stop you is considered a declaration of war in the heavens. Nothing can stop you when living inside of Christ. You are invincible and untouchable in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION Christ is my location. In Jesus Christ I live, move and have my being. Anything that pertains to my life is commanded to move and shift for the good in the Name of Jesus. FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 5:17 
8/20/20242 minutes, 16 seconds
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Psalm 119:130 (KJV)  The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.    Some Christians sing "this little light of mine," as if the light of God in them is something the devil or circumstances can blow away. There is nothing little about the light of God in you. The Bible says the entrance of God’s Word brings light. The Hebrew translation of 'light' there is 'photizo' or 'phos' in Greek, which means stadium lights or a great emission of light. With stadium lights, a sporting activity can be played in the middle of the night, and no one will complain about not seeing because it’s so bright. It’s a shimmering light that exposes even the tiniest thing. As you read this prophetic message, light is entering your system. There's no room for the devil to get habitation in your life. You have everything it takes to be a mountain mover in this life. Let this Word grow in you and you shall surely prevail over circumstances. The light in you is not only for you but even those around you shall witness the same grace working for you all the days of your life.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am the light of this world, and God's presence shines through me. I cannot be hidden or hindered by anything because greater is He that's in me than he that is in the world. FURTHER STUDY  Matthew 5:14
8/19/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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2 Peter 1:12 (KJV) Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.    The revelation of God is never static or stagnant but progressive. What made sense in the olden days might not make sense today. Therefore, God will pour out fresh manna from time to time. You don’t need God who resides in history but the One who lives in the now. We all know that God parted the sea in the days of Moses, but you need the One who divides your own sea today. Yours might be a financial situation or health issue which demands a "now" miracle.  The Bible says be established in the present truth. For there to be present truth, it means there is past and future truth. We used to know Jesus as our waymaker, but when you get the present truth, you realise you're a member of His Body. He's no longer paving the way, but you are making the way whilst you are inside Him. Nothing shall stop or resist you! Go out and take over in each and every environment in the Name of Jesus! PROPHETIC DECLARATION The Word of the Lord is a surer word of prophecy to me. I command every door to open for me in the Name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY  2 Peter 1:19
8/18/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jeremiah 20:9 (KJV) Then I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name. But his Word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I was weary with forbearing, and I could not stay.   A summons is a court order that demands you to be present or to follow a particular order. It might be delivered by a messenger on a bicycle, but its power is attached to its source. A heavenly summons is higher than a burden; it’s a pull you can't resist or argue with. These are superior calls of God.  Prophet Jeremiah tried to quit, but the Word of the Lord was like fire shut up in his bones, no matter how he wanted to resist it. Why do you follow this Goodnews message regardless of all the attacks we get. It’s because God summoned you to be part and parcel of this commission. Listen to the summons of God, and your testimony will be discovered inside your assignment. Whatever you're hearing the Spirit command you to do, do not delay. Do it urgently. You might be summoned to preach, give, or carry out a certain duty. Today is the day to start. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am called by God and His provision is more than enough for me. I shall never quit or resign from the assignment of God till rapture. Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Romans 1:16
8/17/20242 minutes, 23 seconds
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Philippians 2:13 (KJV)  For it is God which worketh in you both to will, and to do of his good pleasure.   There is a better understanding of the Word, brothers and sisters, where you realise that God is not a miracle worker. To label God as a miracle worker is to know him in a very generic way; when you get a better understanding, you realise that you are the miracle worker. I know it sounds taboo, but that’s the perfect knowledge of Christ you need to possess. The Bible says we are members of His body, which means when He moves, it’s us moving. We are a composition of His make and actions. We are the doers of the deeds. Apostle Paul says I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Who is doing it? It’s actually you!  When you get a hold of this revelation, nothing will move you or shake you. You will not only have confidence but also "Godfidence." Begin to command every miracle to come into being in the Name of Jesus. Don’t wait for God or any spiritual entity for a miracle to happen. Speak it and work it out in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a doer of the Word and God's grace is more than sufficient for me to prosper in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Philippians 4:13 
8/16/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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Jeremiah 1:4-5 (KJV) Then the Word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.    The word 'knew' in this verse is 'yada' in Hebrew, which means having experiential knowledge. God had a personal experience with Jeremiah before he was formed in his mother’s womb. You existed somewhere before you came to this earth. Therefore, He knows you better than anyone who might try to pull you down. You have a greater record of success from the One who knew you before your friend, teacher or pastor. Circumstances might try to diminish the glory of God in you, but just know this one thing for sure: God knows you better than you know yourself. He is closer to you than you are to yourself. Square up your shoulders and tell everything around you that you are known better by Someone who is higher than every authority on Earth. Some rejoice because of their worldly connections but your God is the biggest connection. Your money is coming and your health is more than certain in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My supply is from above; I shall not lack any good thing. Greater is my source and my supply in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 23:1-2
8/15/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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Psalms 55:22 (KJV) Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.    Those who leave everything in the Lord’s hands will always have God’s hands in everything. People often bother themselves with issues they shouldn’t bother themselves with. Remember, you didn’t come to this place by accident; the Master knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb.   God is more aware of the desires of your heart and knows everything you need, even more than you know. When you pray today, surrender everything to Him, and He will settle your case. You shall not be consumed by any circumstance, and every burden is being taken off your shoulders in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I surrender all my burdens to the hands of the Lord, and He will take care of them. I shall never lose sleep because my life is in good hands in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Jeremiah 29:11
8/14/20242 minutes, 5 seconds
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Luke 19:40 (KJV) And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.    When it comes to furniture in your house or clothes in your closet, there are some you can easily give away, but some are indispensable. You actually feel that you can’t even afford to lose them; they are irreplaceable. The same principle applies in the house of the Lord. There are people whom God does not want to lose. He values them as Kingdom assets based on what they do. It might be because of their commitment to a church department, giving, or anything that is considered a Kingdom role. In our scripture for today, Jesus told His followers even if the people of this world refuse to worship, stones will rise up to worship. God has a quick replacement.  Don’t let your replacement be found whilst you are still alive. Be irreplaceable! That position you're holding now, as long as you want it, you shall never be replaced, in the Name of Jesus. Commit yourself to the Lord and to every vision He gave you, and you shall never be replaced in Jesus' Mighty Name! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am irreplaceable, and I shall leave a mark on this Earth that no man can erase. Greater is the grace and anointing inside of me, in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY  2 Timothy 2:20-21
8/13/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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LICENCING HEAVEN  Genesis 1:26 (KJV) And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.   When God created the Earth, He gave man a mandate to dominate it. Adam was given all rights over the soil and all living creatures. This is why when God created Eve, He did not touch the soil: it was already under Adam’s authority and jurisdiction. Instead, He had to reach into Adam, the one He created and had control over.  All things are ours, brothers and sisters, and for God to intervene in the affairs of men, He needs to be licensed by men. I know you're already asking, how does one license God? The answer is prayer. When we pray, we give God license to intervene in our affairs. The Bible says men ought to pray and not faint, which means the moment you stop praying, you're fainting.  Take time to pray every day, starting today, and God will intervene in that situation that is giving you sleepless nights. Even if you feel tired and weary, take time to pray just a little, and God’s Spirit will remove every yoke in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I decree and declare that God is on my case and himself shall settle it. Everything giving me sleepless nights, I place in the hands of God. My lines have fallen in pleasant places in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Luke 18:1
8/12/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Daniel 7:9 (KJV) I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.    Every problem that befalls you is trying to undermine the power of God. Still, no situation is greater than God. God existed before time began, and there's nothing new, either negative or positive, before the sight of the Lord. No matter how complicated your situation is, God remains the supreme office.  Daniel called him the Ancient of Days. It means even the days call him old. When you worship Him, you're not worshipping an idol that was sculptured yesterday but the One who existed before time began. He knows you inside and out; your situation is nothing new to Him.  God can't be voted in or out: He sits in the circumference of Himself. That sickness in your body, or the situation at your workplace or school, can't compare to His power. See a turnaround in every facet of your life because the Lord’s hand is upon you. Glory! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My God is the Ancient of Days. He existed before my situation. I worship the great I Am. Everything in my life works together for my good in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  Revelation 22:13
8/11/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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EFFORTLESS HARVEST John 4:35 (KJV)  Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. The call to win souls is for every Christian. Bringing more souls to the Kingdom should be natural for those born of God. I have heard many ministers who go out to plant churches or do crusades come back saying the ground is very hard. When they mention the ground, they refer to the general environment where they're trying to win souls, which is a bad move when it comes to soul winning. We have thousands of churches and cell groups, and this is the knowledge that brought me results, so stay with me here. The Bible says we should look up, not down or on the ground. When you observe the ground, know you've taken a wrong turn because the Bible never instructed us to look on the ground. Christ is the giver of the harvest, and He said the harvest is plenty and effortless to bring it home. We don't have to look for the soul; they're already available. We just go and win them to Christ. Hallelujah! Your environment might seem intimidating but just know your harvest is plenty. Even youth are agents of change and evangelism. Someone somewhere is waiting for you to come and minister so they can receive Christ. Look up!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am an effective soul winner; the harvest I was called for is more than ready. l shall disciple nations in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Proverbs 11:30
8/11/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Acts 19:20 (KJV)  So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed.   Day and night people are looking for victory in different areas of life. You might be looking for an answer or solution to that situation in your career, business or marriage that is giving you sleepless nights, but where is the victory coming from? Today you shall have the answer.  Our scripture for today says something very profound. Notice that what grew and prevailed was not the apostle but the Word. There is prevailing power in the Word! Fill yourself with the Word, and the Word in you will prevail through you.  Today God is giving you victory through His Word. Every Word of God that you heard and kept in your spirit is sprouting as a force of victory!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The Word of God is prevailing through me. I am His favour and glory, in the Name of Jesus. FURTHER STUDY  Hebrews 4:12
8/9/20242 minutes, 8 seconds
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John 8:32 (KJV) And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Ignorance of the truth of God’s Word will cause you to remain in bondage and suffer the same things that the people of the world suffer. The Bible says the truth of God shall make you free. Notice that King James didn’t say set you free but "make." Imagine a fly in a closed bottle; if you open the lid of the bottle, you have set it free, but if you turn the bottle upside down and force it out, it means you are making it free. Knowing the truth of God will force you out of the calamities and grips of the enemy. It pushes you out like a force driving you out. This Word that you are reading is liberating you totally. Everything about your life is responding to this knowledge of Jesus Christ. Your life shall be flowing freely like milk and honey. You are being launched into a realm of limitless possibilities in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am the blessed one of the Lord. God is my own shield and buckler. I am heavenly defended and protected in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  John 8:36
8/8/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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Psalms 92:12-13 (NIV) The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. Lebanon is very harsh when it comes to its climatic conditions. Sometimes harsh, stormy winds will sweep through the breadth of the country, causing mass damage to structures and trees. There is one tree which is the main subject, the palm tree of Lebanon. This tree survives even the harshest of the storms. The palm tree of Lebanon will simply bend and return to its original position. It bends, not because it’s weak, but because it’s flexible. Christ made you God’s righteous one and the righteous ones are like the palm tree of Lebanon. Whether they speak or write evil about you, you will simply bend and return to your position. You are strong and flexible, just like the palm tree of Lebanon. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  Christ is my solid foundation, and I shall not be shaken. No storm or wind shall shake my business, marriage, ministry or anything that pertains to me, in the Name of Jesus!  FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 4:16-18
8/7/20242 minutes, 28 seconds
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John 1:13 (KJV) Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.   We are living in a world where even grown men and women can’t handle anything because they are still in search of their physical fathers who might have disappeared when they were not yet born. Most of these men and women suffer from a lot of emotional distress because of this.  The desire to know your genealogy can be a real threat to life. Some are thirsty only for belonging, they desire to at least belong to a certain class or group of people. Yet the Bible says we are the seed of God, born from on high. That is our real identity.  Remember, even Jeremiah was told by God that he was known by God before he was even formed in his mother’s womb, which means he existed in another realm before getting to his physical family. You are the seed of God, and his DNA is imprinted all over you.  Nothing and no one can stop you because you are the seed of the Highest. Go out and conquer. Milk and honey are yours in the Name of Jesus! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am an ambassador of Jesus Christ, born from above. Nothing and no one shall stop me! Milk and honey are mine in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Jeremiah 1:5
8/6/20242 minutes, 28 seconds
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Matthew 24:24 (KJV) For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.   Deception is the act of hiding the truth from someone in order to take advantage of them. Jesus said in the last days, meaning the end of the end, deception shall be prevalent. Therefore, we need to know the biggest gateway for deception the enemy will use. Jesus said to beware of false teachers, which means the teaching ministry is what the devil will try to use to deceive many. The kind of teaching you listen to is either a setup for deception or an escape from deception. Choose who and what to listen to carefully because this is what determines whether you will be deceived or not. The cure for deception is knowledge. Gain knowledge through the reading of the Word and sitting under correct teaching. As you read this prophetic message, light is coming to your spirit. It shall never be easy for the devil to deceive you. Commit yourself to the Word and do all you can to know it for yourself. Don’t wait for the preacher only; read it on your own, and even after it's preached, be like the Bereans and check to see if it is so. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The Word of the Lord inside of me is my light. I shall not stumble into deception or terror. I am spiritually guided in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 119:130
8/5/20242 minutes, 40 seconds
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Genesis 3:11 (KJV) And he said, who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?   The bedrock of character, behaviour or belief is information. It has the power to program you for failure or success. When the devil comes, he uses information to grip you, and what chases him away is the light gained through the acquisition of information. When the enemy visited Adam and Eve, he used information to lure them into eating the fruit, thereby exposing their nakedness. When God came down, He did not ask how they got naked but who told them that they were naked. Create a buffer and place a premium on the information that gets into you. Some sermons and books are just there to expose your nakedness. God redeemed you and there is no more blemish on you. Who told you that you are sinful or weak? That’s information from the devil. You are a chosen generation and a new creature in Jesus Christ. All things about you are new. Go out today with this brand new understanding that you are the epitome of God’s love. A chosen and royal priesthood. You have power in you no matter the circumstances or shortcomings. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My mind is transformed through the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am elevated through the Word of God, and now I know who I am in the Name of Jesus. FURTHER STUDY  Romans 12:2
8/4/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Job 22:29 (KJV) When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, there is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.  Many people say, "Man of God, we’re just trying to push under the circumstances." My question is, "What are you doing under the circumstances? “Brothers and sisters, we live above the circumstances. The Bible says when they say there is a going down, we shall say there is a lifting up. It’s not just a mere confession but a statement of faith and truth because we shall surely go up. We do not sink when others sink because our supply and sustenance are from above. How can you lack or go down if the One inside you does not lack or struggle? You are a seed of God, and poverty or sickness is not your portion. You shall continue to dominate and take over nations by the power of the Holy Spirit. When they tell you about all the calamities befalling the financial markets, tell them you refuse to participate in the Name of Jesus! Poverty, recession or inflation might be there, but as for you, refuse to participate! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I am born from above and I am here to dominate. I live above all circumstances in the Name of Jesus. FURTHER STUDY  John 3:31
8/3/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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BAPTISE ALL  John 1:33 (KJV) And I knew him not: but he that sent me to baptise with water, the same said unto me, upon whom thou shalt see the Spirit descending, and remaining on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the Holy Ghost.  When purpose and calling are discovered, success is imminent. However, many people's tragedy is knowing what they are called to do. When you do your correct assignment, operating in the right lane, provision will always be available. Where there is a vision, God will send provision. John gave us a real strategy for recognising the correct thing to do. He said he was baptising with water because he didn’t know Jesus. He was waiting to see the One on whom the Holy Spirit would descend. You might not know what business to do, but just baptise all, and the one on which money will flow is the right one. Do everything until you locate the one that has your money. Do not fold your hands whilst waiting for the right thing; just do something, and in the process of it, you shall discover what’s yours. Just baptise all and yours shall be discovered. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I avail myself to every means of production until l locate my produce in Jesus' Name. Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Isaiah 48:17
8/3/20242 minutes, 21 seconds
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Deuteronomy 26:9 (KJV) And he hath brought us into this place, and hath given us this land, even a land that floweth with milk and honey.   Where there is milk, there is dung of the cattle; where there is honey, there are bees ready to sting. This year is a year of Milk and Honey as the Lord revealed to us. There are no two ways about it; it’s our year to see abundance and progress like never before. The fact remains that the enemy will try by all means to spoil your miracle with dung and bees. It might be miscalculations in your business, persecution in ministry or negative talk around you but just know that God said it’s your year of Milk and Honey. All things shall surely work together for your good because you know your God, and He knows you. In the midst of adversity, maintain your faith, and God shall surely do it. Let this be a brand new day for you to witness tangible miracles in this year of Milk and Honey. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  This is my year of Milk and Honey; the lines are fallen unto pleasant places in every area of my life this year.  FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 16:6
8/1/20242 minutes, 10 seconds
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Revelation 22:9 (KJV) Then saith he unto me, see thou do it not: for I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.   To fraternise means to associate or to befriend someone. Do you know there is a dimension in the spirit where you become one with spiritual entities? The angel confirmed that John was in the same realm as them, being a fellow servant. Imagine an entity coming from Heaven, with all the power and glory, but still saying I’m the same as you. It sounds very remote and far-fetched, but if you can only realise who you are in the spirit, you will be a mountain shaker yourself. As you grow in the knowledge of God through His Word and teachings, light is coming into you, and that same light is what gives you recognition in the realms of the immortals.  This devotional is not just some ordinary message scripted but a life-giving manuscript. Today you are feeding on fresh manna from Heaven and you shall be invincible in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a spiritual juggernaut, a giant in the realm of the immortals. This year is my year to conquer and dominate territories in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Proverbs 18:24
7/31/20242 minutes, 24 seconds
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7/30/20242 minutes, 30 seconds
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7/29/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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7/24/20242 minutes, 30 seconds
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2 Kings 6:6 (NLT) “Where did it fall?” the man of God asked. When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it into the water at that spot. Then the axe head floated to the surface.   Some people within Christianity try to downplay the importance of the prophetic within the Body of Christ but don't fall for it. In the absence of the prophetic, how will the axe head be recovered? "Where did it fall?” the prophet asked. ‘Fall’ in Hebrew is naphal, which has to do with ‘lost’ and ‘cast down.’ So, the prophetic recovers and restores that which was lost. I speak now as a prophet: when men are cast down, there is lifting for you and your family!    2 Peter 1:19 (AMP) says, “So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay [close] attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the morning star arises in your hearts.” The prophetic brings light; it is sure and certain, for God entrusts His Word to the prophets, and when spoken, the confirmation thereof cannot be disputed.    PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The prophet is my advantage. When the prophetic word is released, I shall not suffer loss; I shall recover all; my finances are booming, my health is brilliant, and my family is Milk and Honey! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Exodus 15:25
7/23/20242 minutes, 41 seconds
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2 Chronicles 15:7 (KJV) Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded.   A cow generally resists when it senses it is about to be milked. So, milking the cow will meet with resistance, opposition, and hostilities. Get used to this. As you rise, there will be battles unleashed from hell to arise against your next level of greatness.    In this your promised land, effort will be required, early morning rising regardless of climatic conditions and challenges. Yes, milking a cow is wearisome and laborious under the guise of dawn, but be strong!   I prophesy that your labour will never be in vain as a child of God. The Word of God is tried, tested, and proven for success.    Productivity has come to you in this year of Milk and Honey. Where things have been stagnant in the past, by reason of the smoothness of honey and fluidity of milk, you will not struggle to achieve great results in your field, your marriage, your business, and your career.    Your finances will take on new meaning with uncommon expansion of figures and profits that will certify your gains as a harvest of a promised land! Amen.    PROPHETIC DECLARATION My life shall be filled with testimonies, with new benchmarks in my businesses and finances. I am blessed and highly favoured as my life flows with Milk and Honey! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Psalm 58:11
7/22/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hebrews 6:13 (KJV)  For when God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself. Generals of old carried the presence of God because they fraternise with Divinity! They have an affinity with Divinity that makes them spiritual entities. See the audacity with which Moses spoke to God in Exodus 32:12: “Why let the Egyptians say, ‘Their God rescued them with the evil intention of slaughtering them in the mountains and wiping them from the face of the earth’? Turn away from your fierce anger. Change your mind about this terrible disaster you have threatened against your people!” When Moses spoke, God listened and God repented from His anger!    There’s no way Moses would have spoken to God with such impudence if he hadn’t fraternised with Divinity! The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 2:16, “For who has known the mind and purposes of the Lord, so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ [to be guided by His thoughts and purposes]." Read God’s Word daily with understanding to know His mind and thoughts for your life in this year of Milk and Honey!    PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am not ignorant of the fact that God wants me to be well and prosperous with a sound mind. I know the revelation, purposes and will of God concerning my life. I opted for God’s Word and dismantled the devil’s trickery in an instant! Amen!   FURTHER STUDY Genesis 22:16  
7/21/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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Matthew 3:11 (KJV) I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance. but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:   The One who sits in the circumference of Himself, the One who made the universe out of nothing, the Bible says our Lord is a consuming FIRE! You are a partaker of His divine nature. You cannot be born of God and struggle under the fiery darts of the enemy, no! One thing the enemy cannot withstand is fire. Why? Because fire burns, fire eliminates, fire consumes, fire is hot, fire cooks, fire is dangerous. If anything troubles you, the answer is FIRE!    Stop the complaints, stop the analysis, and stop the argument. The only thing that chases out that problem of sleeplessness, depression and anxiety is Holy Ghost FIRE. This one is not contentious; when they touch you, they are finished! When you are on fire for God, the enemy flees from you. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost on the inside of you burn uncontrollably for all to see and glorify your Father in Heaven, hallelujah!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I shall move beyond the speed of light; my voice thunders fire in the enemy’s camp, and pandemonium erupts. This year, I win with the Holy Spirit on the inside of me, in Jesus' mighty name. Amen!   FURTHER STUDY Isaiah 4:4  
7/20/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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1 Thessalonians 2:9 (KJV)  For ye remember, brethren, our labour and travail: for labouring night and day, because we would not be chargeable unto any of you, we preached unto you the gospel of God.   The Promised Land is a land full of milk and honey, that's a fact, but the Promised Land also has giants that need to be annihilated. The Promised Land requires conquest and, therefore, a warrior's altitude; it requires discipline, the tenacity of a bulldog, and a change of character. You have moved from the environment of manna, where God supernaturally provided angels' food for your daily bread, to a land of hostility.    The Bible says from the days of John the Baptist till now, the Kingdom of God suffers violence, and it is the violent that takes it by force. The wait is over; you have arrived in your Promised Land. The One who promised is able to deliver when you focus on Him, not the size of the giants, not the size of your problems, not the size of the budget for that project. Certainly, He who gives the vision is more than able to give the provisions.    PROPHETIC DECLARATION My sleeves are rolled up, my belt is tightened, I gird up my loins, and I am ready for work. No more spoon-feeding. I'm ready to eat of the sweet and good of the land from my labour in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Acts 18:3
7/19/20242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hebrews 12:29 (KJV)  For our God is a consuming fire.   There was a time when the prophets of old had to challenge public opinion publicly. Joshua asked a wavering assembly who they would serve and declared, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Confronted with a similar scenario of waverers, Isaiah asked, "Whose report will you believe?" As for Prophet Elijah, his question to the masses was clear in 1 Kings 18:21: "How long will you vacillate between two opinions? If Baal, be god, then serve him, but if God be God, then serve Him,” and Jehovah Chikopokopo (the One who needs no runway) answered Elijah by fire.    Our God is a heavyweight. He is beyond comparison – the One who starts from the end and finishes at the beginning. It does not matter what part of the year of Milk and Honey; our God holds time in His hands, and His timing is always perfect. Your business will not go under, your children will not go wayward, and your finances will not dry up! The good work started in you already in this year of Milk and Honey will not cease. You’re rising higher and higher in Jesus' Name!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am headed for victory! No matter the public opinion, no matter the naysayers, no matter the altars of Baal, my God shall reward me publicly. My victory shall be undebatable. This one, I will win! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Exodus 24:17  
7/18/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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Acts 19:12 (KJV) So that from his body were brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from them, and the evil spirits went out of them.   The Bible says Paul's handkerchiefs were used to heal the sick. Notice that the handkerchief is simply a conduit, a channel through which the anointing flows. If you want to see the potency of the anointing you carry being manifested, you must be prepared to exercise your faith and act. Understand we are members of Christ's body, so when you move, Jesus is moving.    Imagine a handkerchief has no feeling; it does not hear; it is inanimate, yet Apostle Paul’s handkerchief was used to heal the sick when they came in contact with it. So, what about you, a living, breathing, tongue-talking, Spirit-filled Christian? When you see the sick out there, you know the power you carry, so begin to exercise it. You are better than a handkerchief! You are the conduit of the anointing!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am the God-Kind. The very headquarters of God is tabernacled in my body. No sickness, no virus can survive in my body. I carry the healing power, anointed to heal the sick and cast out devils in the Name of Jesus! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Mark 16:17  
7/17/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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2 Corinthians 9:11 (KJV)  Being enriched in everything to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.   One thing I noticed about God in this scripture is that God did not only bless Isaac; He caused Isaac and his seed to become conduits of blessings. God’s idea of blessing Isaac was to make him a conduit of the blessings of heaven and bless nations through him. As you receive the blessings of God upon your life, always remember that there are nations that should be blessed through you. Your blessings are indications that you should be a blessing to many more people.   God’s end-time purpose for blessing you is for you to serve as a pipeline through which the blessings flow. In this year of Milk and Honey, don’t be counted among those who imagine that whatever God does for them ends with them. As you get blessed, allow the nations to be blessed through you. Decide today to be a sole sponsor of conferences and crusades so that all the nations of the earth are reached with the good news as the waters cover the seas, for yours is a special call; don’t not ignore it.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a conduit for the blessings of nations; multitudes will be blessed through me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Matthew 20:15
7/16/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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Acts 10:4 (KJV) And when He looked on him, He was afraid, and said, what is it, Lord? And He said unto him, thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God.   There’s an unquenchable combination of spiritual realities that catch God's attention in a dramatic fashion. Cornelius’ prayer and giving effectively blocked God's panoramic view of planet Earth. God didn't visit him in a dream as he did with Solomon, but instead immediately dispatched an angel to announce his impact in the heavens. Giving backed up with effectual prayer becomes an irresistible force that changes destinies and generations. God clearly states in His word that He's unwilling to do without a prompt to give giver. A giver has a front-row seat in God’s assembly!    One man's prayer and giving made him the first successful candidate through whom salvation came to the Gentiles. When you’re a prayerful giver, you’re kept under God’s radar permanently. I’m surprised at Christians whose sole intent in bringing about a generational change is through the vehicle of prayer yet neglect or pay little attention to giving! From our scripture for today, prayer and giving must be simultaneously engaged to experience the full measure of Milk and Honey this year.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am relentless in prayer, and my giving in this year of Milk and Honey will shock me and move Heaven without fail to God's glory in Jesus' Name. Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Philippians 4:18  
7/15/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Psalms 119:130 (NLT)  The teaching of your word gives light, so even the simple can understand.    When we exude scriptures, we bring light to ourselves, individuals, families, institutions, communities, and nations. The amount of light you possess through the Word determines the extent of your dominance and prowess in the realm of the Spirit. You cannot be bankrupt of the Word and expect to dominate in the realm of the Spirit. Our Lord Jesus, when He confronted Satan in the wilderness, didn't treat the enemy casually but stood His ground on "It is written!" Jesus applied the Word to defeat the arch-enemy.    Jesus, in John 1:1, is the Word of God, yet He teaches us by example to go for the Word when under attack by the enemy. It is not how you feel or your opinion about the situation but what the Word says! You may be overdrawn, busted, and poverty may think there’s no way out of your condition, but the Word says, let the poor say I am rich! Go for the Word and see poverty flee out of your life. Read the Word, study the Word, meditate on the Word, and by so doing, you infect your environment with light that will transform your destiny forever.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The Word of God is oozing through my veins. I am unbreakable! I dominate through the Word of God and quench every fiery dart of the enemy. Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 6:23  
7/14/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Joshua 7:21 (KJV) When I saw among the spoils a goodly Babylonish garment, and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fifty shekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my tent, and the silver under it.   Money is a very sensitive subject to some within the body of Christ. Most Christians associate money with the devil and oppose prosperity, accepting poverty as a form of godliness and penury as piety. No wonder God said, “My people,” not people from outside the Church, but His own people die because of lack of knowledge. They take offerings during church services and conferences, yet they say money is evil. See how they get the Word of God twisted!    1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves ....” The love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself! A couple bitterly arguing at each other’s throats, check it thoroughly: the root cause will be the love of money! As for you, in this year of Milk and Honey, money will not escape you. You will experience the sweetness of being wealthy and prosperous. MONEY IS HERE! TAKE IT!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION My lines are fallen in pleasant places. I take hold of my possessions, and my life is a wonder to show forth God’s glory! Praise the Lord! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Matthew 6:19  
7/13/20242 minutes, 42 seconds
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2 Timothy 2:5 (KJV) And if a man also strives for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strives lawfully.   I talk to many of my spiritual sons and daughters, those with global and national ministries, and this goes for you, too: focus on what you do best. If you're good at teaching the word, stick to it. If you're good at the prophetic, focus on prophesying, and if it's evangelism, then evangelise. The moment you deviate from your calling, you have invited trouble. The principle here is to stick to your calling and see God move you from glory to glory in different dimensions. You cannot be a Jack of all trades and master of none.    John the Baptist strayed from his assignment as a forerunner of Christ baptising in the wilderness and took on the role of a marriage counsellor for Herod, then ended up losing his head. Gaining mastery in what you do catapults you to new dimensions with speed. Discover your calling and stick to it. In this year of Milk and Honey, as you move in your calling, I decree and declare an overflow of fresh anointing to announce you to your global audience in the Name of Jesus!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I shall not depart from my calling. No tricks of the enemy will convince me to abandon my post. I shall stay the course to experience God from glory to glory. Amen.   FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 9:25  
7/12/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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Deuteronomy 11:10 (KJV)  For the land, whither thou goest in to possess it, is not as the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot, as a garden of herbs: The journey from Egypt to the promised land was tedious, hazardous, and challenging. Yet, God provided for them supernaturally for forty years. In the promised land, you must occupy to settle. You must dig your heels in and tell that sickness, “You will not have me!” Tell that financial situation, "You will not embarrass me." Tell Satan and his cohorts, "You will not destroy my marriage!" Stand your ground and take hold of your possessions!   Inheritance belongs to sons. Notice, it was Joshua who crossed over with the Israelites into the promised land. The year of Milk and Honey means the sons have entered their promised land, and you have entered your inheritance. This is your season to occupy; possess your possessions! Bear in mind, this is not a gentle, kind, friendly takeover of the promised land, for there are giants in the land that will oppose your entry. So, if you're not born with it or into it, fight for it!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION Devil, I serve you final notice today. Get out of my property! The owner is home! No more chaos in my family! No more financial scarcity as I live in my promised land, in Jesus' Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Deuteronomy 11:11
7/11/20242 minutes, 42 seconds
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Psalm 68:11 (KJV) The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.   Yes, the Lord gives the Word, and great are those that publish it! The word ‘company’ in the Hebrew rendering means 'mass of people,' especially organised for war (an army), by implication a campaign. Now you see, in the army, there is no waiting when the battle cry is made, no idleness, no hesitation.    In like manner, the publication of the Word must be immediate. This last dispensation requires speed and urgency to spread the Word like never before. This is a campaign, and every platform, social media outlet, television, radio, Internet, and mobile phone must now be inundated with the GOODNEWS. Do not get tired; do not be weary. Not a single day should pass without your publication or posting.   There is no time for laxity. Church, or Christianity as we know it, is under severe attack as the enemy knows it is now timeout for him. “Do Not Say I Didn't Warn You." Familiar with this? Yes, to those of the GOODNEWS WORLD, GOODNEWS NATION, you are aware, but millions out there still need to be saved. They need Christ. You are that bridge that will snatch one soul at a time and depopulate hell while populating Heaven!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I’m a soldier on the battlefield. I’ve answered the call; I shall follow my commander, Jesus Christ, for with Him, victory is assured. Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 9:3
7/10/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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1 Kings 18:42 (KJV) So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. And Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; and he cast himself down upon the earth, and put his face between his knees.    See how Elijah prayed with his head between his knees. The strategy our Lord Jesus used to get the money changers out of the temple was not prayer and fasting but turning their tables upside down (Matthew 21:12). The woman with the issue of blood (Luke 8:43) was not anointed with oil; she merely touched Jesus' garment and was made whole. In Matthew 8:8, Jesus didn't need to travel to the centurion's house to heal his servant. Yet, it happened because of the audacious faith of the centurion.    Whether it is laying hands on the sick and they recover, sick people passing through my shadow and getting healed, or just kicking the air and people falling under the power of the anointing, these are spiritual dynamics powered by the Holy Ghost. Whatever methods and channels God uses this year for the flow of milk and honey towards you and your family, receive it, for God has a billion ways to bless you with a billion dollars. Catch it!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I know with God, all things are possible. I will not limit God and the ways at His disposal to bless me. I'm open to the endless possibilities of divine blessings from above in this year of Milk and Honey! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY James 5:18  
7/10/20242 minutes, 44 seconds
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Genesis 26:4-5 (NLT)  I will cause your descendants to become as numerous as the stars of the sky, and I will give them all these lands. And through your descendants all the nations of the earth will be blessed. I will do this because Abraham listened to me and obeyed all my requirements, commands, decrees, and instructions.    If the obedience of Abraham caused God to bless Isaac and his seed, just imagine what would have happened to if Abraham had been disobedient. Imagine what your own disobedience to God could be costing your next generation. Imagine the damage you may be doing to the future of your offspring by doing what God would not have you do.    Don’t be counted amongst those whose disobedience caused problems for their generations. Like Abraham, let your obedience to God cause Him to show favour to your next generation. Proverbs 13:22 says, “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.”    You have been given certain responsibilities in this last dispensation for a unique reason. Obedience respects the moment of the command. When you are given an assignment in the house of the Lord, do it with speed.    PROPHETIC DECLARATION My obedience to God attracts blessings for my next generation. I shall leave no stone unturned in remaining steadfast and unwavering in my faith! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Galatians 3:8  
7/9/20242 minutes, 42 seconds
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Luke 10:19 (KJV)  Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.   If you want to see the potency of the anointing you carry manifested, you must be prepared to exercise your faith and act. Understand what the Word of God says you are in Ephesians 2:10 (NLT), “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." We are members of Christ's Body, so when you move, Jesus is moving.    Begin to practice on yourself with that persistent headache and wrist pain. Speak with boldness in faith, standing on the authority you have in Christ, and see yourself healed! When you see the sick out there, know the power you carry and begin to exercise it. Don't wait for someone else to do it; you are the one with the authority to heal the sick. Speak to circumstances and see them change in the Name of Jesus. Hear the Word of the Lord: “All power in Heaven and on Earth had been given to Me, and I have given it to you.” Take charge!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I take authority over every circumstance that intends to embarrass me. I shall not go under; I shall rise over situations and circumstances and win every challenge in Jesus’ Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Psalm 91:13  
7/7/20242 minutes, 40 seconds
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Genesis 26:12 (KJV)  Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year a hundredfold: and the LORD blessed him.   Understand the background to this scripture for today: despite a famine, Isaac sowed in the land, meaning he still had seed. At a time when people were looking for what to eat, Isaac still had what to sow. Today, no matter the famine, you will still have seed. No matter the dryness, you will still have something to plant that can yield a harvest for you. No matter the famine, you will still have ideas that bring you profits.    No matter the economic decline, you will still have opportunities that will bring you abundance. No matter the dryness, you'll still have resources to produce more resources! Hallelujah!   Dryness may have taken its toll on people in the land of Gerar, but Isaac still had something left, and it became something that God could bless. If there is something left in your hands, in your house, then there is something that God can bless. If there is still any strength, effort, idea, or opportunity, God will use it to orchestrate a blessing that will blow your mind in this year of Milk and Honey.    PROPHETIC DECLARATION I decree and declare no famine will swallow my seed. I shall sow towards the things of God, and I shall reap bountifully in season and out of season. Hallelujah! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Matthew 13:8
7/6/20242 minutes, 42 seconds
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Mark 5:34 (NLT) And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over.”    The biblical definition of faith is very clear: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” On several occasions, Jesus boldly declared to the sick who were just healed, “Your faith has healed you!” This kind of faith is very rare in our churches today; it is the God-kind of faith, the faith God used in creating the world!    Many people think that they have no role to play in their healing; not so. Whatever you need requires a level of faith. Whether healing or prosperity, no one can do it for you in isolation of their faith. The power of God is present to heal, and the grace to prosper is there, but the participatory engagement of the person needing the miracle must be activated for the miracle to manifest. Most people blame apostles, prophets, pastors, and evangelists for not getting their miracle, yet they failed to exercise their faith. Let your faith be released now, for your prosperity is being distributed, and money is coming to you in Jesus’ Name.            PROPHETIC DECLARATION My faith is boosted! I take hold of every blessing that's mine. My miracle shall manifest in my life! I am living above the ordinary as I exercise the God-kind of faith now. Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Luke 7:50  
7/5/20242 minutes, 28 seconds
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 John 1:23 (NKJV)  He said: “I am ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Make straight the way of the Lord,”’ as the prophet Isaiah said.”   I've observed many people, Christians included, who try to do everything and be everything. John was sent as a forerunner of Jesus to announce Him to the world, but he did not know exactly who Jesus was. John focused on his calling initially as he continued to baptize people who flocked to him in the desert. His mission was fulfilled when Jesus finally appeared on the scene and was baptized by him with validation by God’s voice confirming Jesus’ sonship!   As John remained in his calling, there was no problem, but the moment he left his calling and took on the role of marriage counsellor with Herod’s love affairs, his life took a nose dive. He was apprehended, thrown into prison and eventually lost his head.    We are Christians, yet each one is called to perform certain tasks for the equipping of the saints. You cannot be everything at once, so carefully identify your calling and work within that setting for maximum output so that you become a blessing to the Body of Christ.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I walk my lane gallantly as a soldier on assignment. I will not sway or detour, but I press forward to the prize of the high calling now and always! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Isaiah 40:3
7/4/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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Hebrews 6:12 (NKJV)  that you do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.   When you go to fast-food restaurants like McDonalds or KFC, there are categories of service and corresponding time allotments. A customer who only needs two pieces of chicken or a hamburger will get served very fast and in no time. But when you arrive at the counter with a large order of twenty buckets of twenty pieces each, you will be told to step aside as your order is being prepared. Why? Because your order is a “special order” that needs more time and meticulous attention.    If you see that in the natural people take time and more resources to prepare special orders, as in KFC or McDonalds, how much more in spiritual things! If you want a brilliant wife who's dedicated to the things of God, highly intelligent, beautiful, loving, God-fearing, respectful, good at saving money and tolerant, be patient. You need the God-kind of faith and be prepared to wait. God is working on your special order to ensure you prosper beyond the normal in this year of Milk and Honey!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION My enemies will have no option but to admit that the favour of God is upon me. I shall have the last laugh; I'm coming out of every challenge in grand style to the glory of God, in the mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY 2 Thessalonians 1:4   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY AT : WWW.GOODNEWSDAILYDEVOTIONAL.COM  
7/3/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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John 18:37 (KJV) Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.   Focus is the key element to success. When you know why you are breathing this very minute, your attention shifts towards those things that matter most. Jesus told Pilate, “For the reason of bearing the truth, I was born.” He knew why He came to this world, and He remained focused on that cause for around three years. As a result, His influence is still talked about today. Choose that which matters in life. Focus on things which are profitable to the Kingdom. There is no more room for vain talk, adversity and grudges. It’s time for you to run with the Good news of our Lord Jesus Christ before the first flight takes off (i.e., the rapture or catching away of the saints). Use your time wisely: focus! Your family, ministry and business are all waiting for you. It’s time to focus on those things which are profitable to you and the Kingdom. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I was born to declare the Good News of Jesus Christ. Many shall see the light through me. My focus is on Christ till the rapture, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY James 1:8
6/29/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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1 Corinthians 3:19 (KJV) For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.    Wisdom is the quality of having experience, knowledge and good judgment. The world has its own standards to determine one’s level of wisdom. Sometimes it is measured in monetary terms, educational qualifications or influence in different spheres of life. Our scripture for today reveals that there is higher wisdom which is beyond the realm of humanity. As much as we see all the inventions on this planet, there is still wisdom considered that is far superior. Apostle Paul says the wisdom of this world is actually foolishness. You don’t need to trust or depend on the systems of this world because they always have shortcomings. Only God is an embodiment of supreme wisdom. Through His wisdom, He set the foundations of the Earth and commanded everything to be in position. As you meditate on this Word and pray, the same wisdom is penetrating your spirit. You shall function with higher wisdom which cannot fail, in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I possess wisdom from on high. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. The fruits of my labour are blessed in Jesus’ Name. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY James 1:5
6/29/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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Psalms 119:130 (KJV) The entrance of Thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.    The word Illuminati is associated with a secret society of people who claim to know more than the average human being. Who are the real Illuminati? Their name is derived from illumination, which means light-bringers. The Bible says the entrance of God’s Word brings light, and God Himself told us to let our light so shine. That means we are the real light-bringers. We are the light in this world! The world is nothing without us, the real light. We are the real Illuminati, the bringers of light to this world. When the world has no hope, we bring hope and faith through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Today, through the Word of God, your light is increasing, and all the answers of your family shall be found in you. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Go out and show forth God ‘s glory. You are God’s true expression, in the Name of Jesus! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I’m the real light-bringer. I possess power from on high, and everything around me has light. My paths are shining in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Matthew 5:14
6/27/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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Acts 17:28 (KJV) For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.   When you hit a wall, you will be injured and even have multiple fractures due to the impact. But if you get into a bulldozer, you will crush all the walls flat and pass through. If you are inside a bulldozer, you know there is no barrier strong enough to stop your efforts. The Bible tells us that we live, move and have our being in Jesus. This tells us that Jesus is not just a person but a location. Jesus is our location, and we move inside His environment. You are inside Someone greater than any bulldozer. Nothing can stop you. Your business cannot be denied by anyone because you are inside the greatest Force. Everything about you will surely have a smooth passage because you are moving in the superior environment, the Lord Jesus Christ. In Him, you are invincible and untouchable. PROPHETIC DECLARATION Christ is my location. In Jesus Christ I live, move, and have my being. I am irresistible because I am inside the highest authority. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 5:17
6/26/20242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Romans 5:5 (KJV) And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.    The call to love is not a commandment to us who are new covenant Christians. We don’t function by rules and commandments. Love is our nature. As for you and me, our word is found in the scripture above, “the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts.” We don’t love by commandment but by nature. Our hearts are marinated in love. We are soaked into Jesus’ love; consequently, we don’t need to be commanded to love. It just comes out as naturally as breathing. Choose to love and be a minister of reconciliation to your family and friends. There is no room to hold grudges or enmity. Jesus Christ is coming back, and there is no time for games and adversity. Love in all things and at all times; that is the nature of one whose heart is marinated in love by our Lord Jesus Christ. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I love, not by commandment but by nature. Today and every day, I choose to love and make peace with everyone around me. I offload grudges and enmity in the Name of Jesus.   FURTHER STUDY 1 John 4:8; John 3:16
6/25/20242 minutes, 28 seconds
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Proverbs 18:21 (KJV) Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.    When you utter words, remember those are not just mere words coming out of your mouth and dissipating into thin air. The words you utter have power to shape your life for the best or worst. That’s why you need to put a premium on the words you speak. Put a standard on the words that proceed out of your mouth. This has nothing to do with your emotional position. It’s all about charting the course of your life with your words. All the milk and honey you want lies in the power of your tongue. Today, chose to speak life, peace, and prosperity. Don’t allow your emotions or current status to shift your language. When things are good or not so good, speak positivity no matter what. Your destiny is waiting for you to speak that which is productive. Your tongue is a weapon to chart the course of your future. Decree and declare light in your day, and you shall surely see the manifestation of that word. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I decree and declare prosperity in every area of my life. I shall live a life of milk and honey in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Mathew 12:36-37
6/24/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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Judges 6:12 (KJV) And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him, and said unto him, The LORD is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.   God knows you more than you know yourself. He is more aware of your well-being than you are. The Bible says Gideon was hiding from the Philistines, who were coming each and every time to plunder and take the harvest from the Israelites. Gideon’s hiding was a clear sign of fear and timidity, but God did not address him according to how Gideon felt or saw himself. Instead, God called him what He knew Gideon to be: a “mighty man of valour.”  Gideon must have wondered, How can God call me mighty, yet I’m hiding from the adversaries? The answer is that when God looks at you, He sees beyond what you see. You might see yourself as a rising star or someone just trying to make ends meet, but God sees you as a solution to your country’s problems. You are a giant, according to God. So, don’t allow your environment, background, or educational status to define you. You were born to conquer in the Name of Jesus! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a mighty man/woman of valour. I possess power from above and the world is yet to see something greater and mightier coming out of me in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 1 Peter 2:9
6/24/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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Galatians 2:2 (KJV) And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain.    Apostle Paul gives us a secret to success in this verse. He said, “I went up by revelation.” Revelation is an opening of eyes, or more accurately, a removal of scales. Success is a product of the revelation that you possess. Paul entails a clear strategy to be elevated: he went “up” by revelation, letting us know that it is your understanding of the Word that determines your altitude in life. Your money, health, and business are all attached to the revelation that you have received. Getting revelation is the strategy for elevation. Go for the Word, and you will come back with a testimony! As you delve deeper into the Word of God, even starting today, the light of revelation is coming to you, and elevation is eminent. Make the Word your standard for promotion. Commit yourself to the Word, which the Bible calls a more sure word of prophecy, and your life will never be the same again.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The Word of God is my standard for elevation. I am marked for greatness and success in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 4:20-23
6/23/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Matthew 5:16 (KJV) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.    When it comes to products, expiration dates mark the date when something is no longer edible or usable. It is the end of something’s validity. Time or environment can cause something to expire. For you as a person, there are forces that want you to expire. This is why we have men of God, ministries, businesses or empires which were once very powerful, but now it’s all history. They were forced to expire by the forces that govern this world. The Bible says you are the light of this world. Your duty is to continue illuminating until Jesus Christ comes back. Let your light so shine and never dim. Refuse to expire! As you commune with God through this Word and prayer, everything about you is being revitalized. Everything about you shall stand the test of time, and you shall never expire in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am born from above. The energy of God is inside my spirit, soul and body. I shall continue to re-fire and never expire in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 1 Timothy 4:14
6/21/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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2 Corinthians 4:9 (KJV) Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;    Paul mentioned all manner or forms of persecution that come to us as children of God. But the best thing he said was that we are not destroyed or finished. When the world presses us, they should know what we are made of. We are born of the Spirit, and we feed on the Word of God. The Word is our genetic makeup. When a mango fruit is pressed, what comes out is mango juice. The same applies to any other fruit. When pressed by the challenges of this life, what must come out of you is “Word juice” because we are made up of the Word of God. Nothing shall shake you or your family because you are deeply rooted in His Word. You are standing on Christ the solid Rock, and no flood or persecution shall shake you in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am made up of the Word of God because I always feed on the Word of God. I shall not be shaken or moved because I have the Word in me. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Matthew 4:4
6/20/20242 minutes, 8 seconds
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Matthew 25:23 (KJV)  His lord said unto him, well done, good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, l will make thee ruler over many things; enter thou into the joy of thy lord.   When we get to Heaven, God will not ask you about the miracles He did for you. Neither will He ask you about how much you benefited from His grace and mercy. No, He’ll ask you about what you did with the grace and Christianity He gave you. He is more concerned about how profitable you are to this world while still on Earth. The end game is what you will present before the Master when you get to Heaven. Will He say, “Well done, good and faithful servant?” or will He see someone who was crying with prayer requests every day? Use this time profitably to bring light to your family, colleagues and everyone around you. Save a soul by sharing the Word or encouraging someone to be in church. You are here for a reason, so remember to pay attention to the end. You need to leave this world with something to present before the Master so that you can be proclaimed a good and faithful servant. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am born and ready to do the service of my Master. Souls shall be served through me. I am a minister of reconciliation in the Name of Jesus. FURTHER STUDY Philippians 3:14
6/19/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Galatians 4:19 (KJV)  My little children, of whom l travail in birth again until Christ be fully formed in you.   In worldly educational institutions, if you fail a module or class, you are not allowed to graduate or go to the next level. It is a system that governs educational standards in order to produce the best students. In the university of God, you also can’t skip classes. You have to pass all the modules until you reach a certain level. If it means you have to repeat, you have to do it until you graduate. When you see God‘s generals that you admire, remember they did not just appear on top, but they went through all manner of classes until they reached that level. Paul talks of Christ being fully formed in you. This shows that there are some Christians who might have only an ear of Jesus without His full body. Grow through the Word, step by step, until Christ is fully formed in you. As you grow, you shall see all the desired results coming to pass. Take time to grow one step and one level at a time until you become a spiritual giant. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I choose to grow step by step through the Word of God. My spirit is willing and compelled to grasp the Word of God. I am growing from glory to glory in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY 2 Peter 3:18
6/19/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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Genesis 13:15 (KJV) For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed for ever.    The Lord said something very profound to Abraham, “as much as you can see, you can have.” There is a visual element in faith. If you can see it, you can have it. Abraham was supposed to be given as much as he could imagine. Naturally speaking, it was difficult for Abraham to see probably beyond two hundred kilometres. Hence, God was calling him to the realm of imagination. Abraham later on possessed almost every piece on the face of the earth, which means when he was told to see, he was not using his physical eyes only, but that which is spiritual. Don’t be limited by your circumstances or any physical flaws within your radius. See beyond the natural, and know that as much as you can see, you can surely possess. The enemy might try to put blinders around you so that you don’t see beyond the recession, sickness, or poverty, but this Word is opening your eyes to see beyond!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am unstoppable through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Through grace, I see beyond my carnality in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 4:18
6/18/20242 minutes, 17 seconds
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Mark 6:5 (KJV)  And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them.   Tradition is the transmission of beliefs and customs from one generation to another. It’s frozen success. People are wired by traditions, either good or bad, and whatever they become is a result of this. The Bible tells us Jesus could not do any mighty miracle when He went to His home country. Note the Bible didn’t say He did not do, but He “could not do,” which means He tried and failed. Although He was God in the flesh, there are things He failed to do because of traditions. They made the Word of God of non-effect by their belief systems. Today is a new day. It’s a moment to go against all forms of negative traditions. Believe everything that God says without any shadow of doubt. If He says money is coming, for sure it is coming. When the world declares that you shall live up to a certain age, create a new pattern of godly tradition in your generation, and let the world know you are living longer to declare the goodness of the Lord. PROPHETIC DECLARATION All negative forms of traditions in my bloodline are broken today. I believe God for something greater in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Mark 7:13
6/17/20242 minutes, 23 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.    Many Christians are still stuck in the old understanding of Christ dying for us, believing that they caused Him to be bruised and crucified on the cross. It’s pathetic how the Body of Christ buys into this old, generic understanding. In fact, it is unscriptural for us to believe we are the cause of the death of Jesus Christ. We are not the cause of Christ’s death but the result of His resurrection. We did not cause Jesus to be persecuted and crucified; we emerged as a result of all that. Our scripture says if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. The word ‘new’ is the Greek kainós, which means something that never existed before. You can no longer be counted among those who caused Christ to die because you are a brand-new species of being! Walk in the consciousness that you are a new creature with no connection to your past sins or flaws. You are a new and finished product! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a new creature in Jesus Christ and everything about me is new. There is no trace of sin, poverty or failure in me, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:6
6/15/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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Luke 18:1 (KJV) And He spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;   A census is regarded as the official count or survey of a population. Most countries do their census periodically to capture different kinds of data. It helps countries to come up with general knowledge about population structure, demographics, income, etc. There is also a heavenly census of which many are ignorant, and our scripture today reveals something about it. “Men ought to pray.” In simpler terms, according to this scripture, you ought to be a praying person to be considered a man to God. Only man can pray. Those who do not offer prayers to God are not considered part of His population. It is through your prayers that you are recorded in the register of man in the spiritual realm. God desires communion with you through prayer. If you are not praying, you are an entity that is merely moving to and fro in the face of the Earth. Make prayer your lifestyle, and you will count with God. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I will pray and not faint. My prayers shall rise like incense every day. My communion with God is everything, and I shall continue to pray till rapture. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 1 Thessalonians 5:16
6/15/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hebrews 6:10 (KJV) For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shewed toward His name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.    Our scripture above gives a basic definition of unrighteousness, which many might not want to hear. Still, you are only helped when your ignorance is confronted. The Bible says God is not “unrighteous” to forget, which means if He were to forget, He would become “unrighteous.” According to this scripture, everyone who forgets something good done to him or her is “unrighteous.” There are no two ways about it. There is a brother or sister who helped you before, a ministry where you were nourished and assisted, or even a subordinate who might have helped you. Take time today to appreciate them. Call, text, or find some way to express your appreciation. Even a kind word is enough to appreciate someone. Choose to be righteous by not forgetting other people’s good works that they did in your own life. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have the righteousness of God, and I won’t forget those who did me good. I make it my culture to honour and appreciate my destiny helpers, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Ephesians 5:20
6/14/20242 minutes, 11 seconds
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1 Timothy 4:15 (KJV) Meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all.    Jesus, in His time, went to great extents to tell His audience that if they wouldn’t believe His message, at least they should believe the miracles. What are miracles? They are proofs of what we believe. The Gospel is not only in words but in the demonstration of power. When power is demonstrated, it provides tangible proof. The Bible reveals in today’s verse that if we meditate on the statutes of God, it won’t end there, but our profiting will appear to all. You might commune with God in private, but His manifestation will be very public. As you read this word and meditate upon it, your spirit is grabbing something that will manifest in your health, business, education and every area of your life. You are a proof-producing Christian. Today you shall see proof of what you believe!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am proof-producing Christian. I shall live long enough to see the glory of God manifesting in my life. Hallelujah.  FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 4:20
6/12/20242 minutes, 21 seconds
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Deuteronomy 1:6 (KJV)  THE LORD our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount.   Stagnant water is a breeding ground for all manner of bacteria and diseases where they freely breed and expand their empires. God hates stagnation because it breeds hate, contempt and war. Most haters are not successful people but those who have stagnant lives with nothing moving at all. Successful people are busy moving and have no time to cast their eyes on other people’s business. The Bible says we move from glory to glory, which means our walk of faith is a mobile one. We are not stagnant. The miracles we saw last week are nothing compared to what we shall be seeing today and tomorrow. We change in levels of glory every time. I personally experienced it. After filling stadiums and doing all manner of miracles, my father, Pastor Chris, told me, “All you have seen before was child’s play.” Wow! That means there is greater glory coming; the same applies to you. As you read this devotional, greater glory is coming to you right now! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I move from glory to glory. My life is mobile and every day I shall see brand new miracles and testimonies in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 3:18
6/11/20242 minutes, 24 seconds
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Psalm 69:30 (KJV) I will praise the name of God with a song, and I will magnify him with thanksgiving.   When you magnify God, it means you are telling your problems and your circumstances how powerful your God is. To do a prayer where you narrate your problems to God is nothing but a one-way conversation where God hears only your plights. Magnifying or glorifying God means we are going back to all these problems and telling them about our God. Right now, you have God who knows your issues, but your issues are not aware of your God. We are changing the game today. Tell that disease in your body that your God is a healer. Tell that spirit of poverty that your God is a provider, and tell that discouraging sense in your mind that your God is able to raise you from the dust and place you in high places to dine with the kings. Confront and freeze the strength of every problem in your life by magnifying God and proclaiming His greatness to every circumstance.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My God is superior and powerful; He sits in the circumference of Himself. He is majestic, and He holds everything in His hand. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Acts 16:25 
6/11/20242 minutes, 15 seconds
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ROMANS 10:17 (KJV) So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.    In the spiritual realm, you get promoted by the knowledge you acquire. Our scripture shows us that faith or any spiritual capability comes through hearing some information. It seems like the amount of knowledge you possess about God is tantamount to the mount of faith you carry. Weak faith is a result of poor knowledge of Christ. The Word of God develops muscles to move all the mountains that you see before you. Feed on the Word of God and grow your spiritual muscles. Your Bible is like your Holy Ghost gym: everything is there to make you a spiritual giant. You will understand strange codes that will shock the world around you. Glean the Word; grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. PROPHETIC DECLARATION God’s knowledge is growing inside of me. My ways are filled with light and glory. I possess all my possessions in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 10:23
6/10/20242 minutes, 5 seconds
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Joel 3:10 (KJV) Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.    The words we speak produce sound waves and frequencies that carry either demons or angels on assignment. Every spiritual entity needs a sound wave to be released through words for it to move. The words which you are speaking everyday are creating highways and pathways in the spirit to transport angels or demons. The forces in the spirit move through waves and frequencies produced by those words. When you come to a pastor and request a “word,” what you’re really requesting is a frequency to transport good things into your life. Prophet Joel gave a clear-cut strategy before Israel’s war. He declared, “Let the weak say I’m strong” (Joel 3:10). Those words would be their strength in the moment of battle. Today, you can also declare with your mouth that you are strong, rich and successful. Those words are a frequency for you to succeed in life. No matter what you are feeling in your body or what your bank balance is saying, just say, “I am strong, rich and blessed!” PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am strong, powerful and successful. I live above all the limitations of this world in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 13:5b-6
6/9/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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Isaiah 12:3 (KJV) Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation.    When you board a plane, your ticket fare doesn’t only cover your movement from one destination to another. It’s a full package for the entire journey. It covers your food, all manner of assistance, entertainment, comfort and convenience. This shows that when you paid for your ticket, you actually paid for a full package that covers everything, nothing lacking or missing. The same applies when it comes to salvation; it’s a full package which comes with every good thing that pertains to life till rapture. The prophet Isaiah said to draw from the “wells” of salvation. The Bible doesn’t say ‘well’ but ‘wells’ in plural, which means there is a well of money, health, intelligence and all. As you read the Bible, equally apportion time and your spiritual efforts to every area and all angles of your life. Nothing should be lacking at all in your life. Today, stand on your right as a child of God and claim all that belongs to you in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  Health, success, prosperity and power all belong to me and my family. We shall not lack any good thing in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 2 Peter 1:3 
6/8/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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John 6:63 (KJV) It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.   When you speak, you are sending signals in the atmosphere, and those words live to come to fruition. Your tongue doesn’t release mere words but a composition of life and death or success and failure. Your tongue is not just a muscle in your mouth but a creator of destinies. You are where you are today because of how you used your tongue, either positively or negatively. When you say, “Things are hard.” that word will go and wait for you to make sure that everything about you will be very hard. Jesus said the words He spoke were not just words but spirit and life. Have your own talking sessions starting today, speaking positive words. Success, health and prosperity all belong to you. Your situation must not determine what you say. Instead, let your mouth create the situation that you desire. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My mouth is the pen of a ready writer. Destinies and empires are coming out of me. Success, peace and prosperity all belong to me. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Job 22:28 
6/6/20242 minutes, 22 seconds
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Galatians 6:17 (KJV) From henceforth let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.    A mark is a visible impression on a person or any inanimate object. The idea of marks dates back to the early ages when they were used to separate one thing from another. Paul the Apostle says he bears marks or signatures as other versions put it across. The same applies to me and you: we have signatures of Jesus Christ in our systems. We are peculiar in nature, and it’s known in the spirit that we have signatures of Jesus Christ. Having Christ’s signature or mark means the Owner of the mark authenticated you to go and exhibit His goodness. God marked you and released you into this world to show forth His glory. Go ahead and demonstrate the glory of the One whose signature you bear, in Jesus' Name!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The signature of Christ is all over my life. I was born to show His glory to this world. Everything about me shall be a wonder in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Ezekiel 46:16
6/6/20242 minutes, 17 seconds
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SPIRITUAL LITERACY  Romans 10:17 (KJV) So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.    Christianity is the only belief system which is intellectual. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. You get information into yourself for you to understand and walk in the light of Jesus Christ. Remember, the Bible even confirms that it’s impossible to please God without faith. Without that “faith component” that you get through knowledge, it is utterly impossible to please God. In basic terms, Christianity is far from mediocrity. We are the enlightened ones. We are the ones with the light through the Word of God. For you to be called a child of God requires spiritual literacy. Square up your shoulders and walk boldly into the realm of dominance. You are a possessor of divine knowledge, and every fibre of your being is wired to succeed. As you read this devotional, more light and knowledge are getting into your spirit, and you shall surely live a life of victory in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. The great I Am lives inside of me. I am a light giver to everyone around me. Hallelujah.  FURTHER STUDY Psalm 119:130
6/4/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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2 Peter 1:12 (KJV) Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things, though ye know them, and be established in the present truth.    When we were kids, it was impossible for us to understand certain concepts of mathematics, science or geography because our brains couldn’t contain or understand those concepts. When wrestling with certain mathematical equations, we tended to say, “It can’t “or “It’s impossible” because of our inability to grasp the idea. When we were mature enough, we came to understand that one minus two (1-2) is a proper mathematics question and can give you a minus one (-1). The same applies when it comes to faith. The Bible talks of being established in this present truth, which means there is past, present and future truth. You miss God and His ideas if you walk in His past truth. For you to be established in the present truth of God, you must stay in the Word, prayer, and communion with Him. God is doing strange miracles, signs and wonders in our time. You can only be a partaker of this if you walk in present truth. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I choose to walk in present truth. My ways are full of light, and I shall not stumble or fail in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY 2 Timothy 2:15 
6/3/20242 minutes, 22 seconds
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GENESIS 11:6-7 (KJV) And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language, and this they begin to do; and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.   Culture is a set of beliefs that govern a society. One crucial element that forms the fibre of culture is language. All human societies use language. Language moulds our belief systems and conduct.  When the human race had one language at the Tower of Babel, they determined to build a tower that reached God. Even God couldn’t stop them and had to scatter them by introducing a diversity of languages. When you speak the language of God, everything you build shall stand. Don’t confuse your language as a child of God with that which comes from those in the world. When they say there is a going down, you shall continue to say there is a lifting up. Speak the language of success, and your whole life shall have the culture of success, progress and victory.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am the seed of God and I bring the culture from my Father (God). I stand on what I believe, and I shall continue to speak it in the Name of Jesus. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 18:21
6/3/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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John 15:5 (KJV) I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.    It takes common sense to understand that the blood that flows in your head is the same blood that flows in your entire body. It’s basic science. The nutrients that flow in the trunk of a tree are the same that flow to the branches. So when Jesus said, “I am the Vine, and you are the branches,” He meant the same life in Him is the same life flowing inside of us. If you want to check the DNA of God, just check yourself. You carry God’s DNA, and nothing is missing or left on that. There is no situation that has the right to give you sleepless nights because you are born from above, and your genetic makeup is from above. You are an embodiment of God’s glory and nature. Take this day as a day to conquer, and show everything around you that you are born from that which is superior. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am born from above and my DNA is of God. I’m made up of God components, and nothing shall hinder my success or progress all the days of my life. Amen. FURTHER STUDY 1 John 4:17
6/1/20242 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mark 11:23 (KJV) For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.   In science there are different types or dimensions of energy. Kinetic energy is power in motion producing results. There also is potential energy which is power that is just stored, not used or moving. Similarly, faith not practiced is power unrealized. It’s like a man carrying a dynamite but is unaware of the effect it can cause. Jesus revealed to His disciples that they not only had the potential to curse trees but to move mountains from one location to another. You have a seed of faith inside of you, but it can only produce results if you start exercising it. You might not start by commanding the dead to rise, but at least your headache should go before you ask your pastor for prayer. Exercise that muscle called faith today concerning your business, health, or education. Command whatever is standing before you to move without any doubt. You have the spirit of faith, and whatsoever you speak shall be established. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have the spirit of faith in me; therefore, I speak. Light is shining in every area of my life in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 11:1
5/31/20242 minutes, 28 seconds
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Matthew 21:22 (KJV) And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.   The account of the crippled man by the pool of Bethesda is a perfect example to put across today's verse adequately. The Lord Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be healed. Rather than answer 'yes,' right away he began to complain about how no one had helped him all these years. Sound familiar? Someone reading this today does exactly that. They complain and whine in prayer but never ask. The verse for today says ASK! Simple! Don't beat about the bush trying to explain to God what negativity has happened in your life - cut to the chase.  The Lord will never withhold good things from you. So, be bold to make your requests known to Him today. Just ask!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I prophesy that what I request shall come to pass swiftly. My Father has already given me the best, and I shall live and walk in it in Jesus' Name! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Matthew 7:11
5/30/20242 minutes, 8 seconds
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2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.   Think about that verse for a second! All scripture is given by the inspiration of God; that means it's God-breathed. Then it says it's profitable, meaning it gives you the advantage. What a word! So essentially, the scriptures are for doctrine, meaning they teach and condition you. The word is also for reproof and correction. The word 'correction' there is epanórthōsis in Greek, which means to fix. So the Word is for FIXING anything that is in need of repair in your life and circumstances. Do you see that? Have you ever seen it that way? The Word doesn't just correct character flaws; it fixes whatever else is going wrong with you so that you are restored. Whether it's money issues, health issues, relationship issues, etc. The Word will epanórthōsis you. It will fix you and anything wrong in your life.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have a fixer on my side. I can send the Word to fix all my problems. Today I rise and send the Word as a protocol to my future so that every obstacle is fixed in the Name of Jesus! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:28
5/29/20242 minutes, 22 seconds
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Deuteronomy 29:5 (NIV) Yet the LORD says, “During the forty years that I led you through the wilderness, your clothes did not wear out, nor did the sandals on your feet.   God offers each of His children superior provision! The Bible tells us that when the Israelites were freed from life as slaves in Egypt and were in the wilderness, God attended to every one of their needs. Despite the terrible and arid conditions of the desert, they weren't scorched by the hot sun, their clothes never wore out, and their feet were not swollen with pain. The Israelites were Old Testament beings. What more you, who has the Holy Spirit! That same God is providing for and nurturing you today!  Some make the mistake of trying to take on life's challenges all by themselves without fully realising that Christ wants to provide for them! Even if it appears like your situation is irreconcilable, or you are in the depths of the wilderness and anarchy surrounds you, remember that you live independent of circumstances and that if you recognise His presence in your life, He will give you superior provision, love and care.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I live independently of the situations around me! God is with me always! God will provide for me no matter the challenges I may face! In Christ I have SUPERIOR PROVISION! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Philippians 4:19
5/28/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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Psalm 1:3 (KJV) And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.   There are some Christians who say, "We shouldn't always expect good from God; we should sometimes expect bad things because life is full of ups and downs." That's a great misconception of the message of the Gospel. God is not the mastermind of the evil and sufferings in the world. His dream, which has already been actualized for you in Christ Jesus, is for you to walk in complete prosperity. That includes money but goes even beyond it! You see, no one born into this world was destined by God to be poor, sick, broken, depressed, downcast or afflicted. Rather, God's will is for all men to prosper and be in health, even as their souls prosper (3 John 1:2). He seeks the prosperity of your spirit, your soul, and your physical body. This is the reason you shouldn't accommodate or accept sickness, poverty, defeat, or expect money only; His will is beyond money. Live in this reality today! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I live a life above circumstances, way above them. My prosperity is guaranteed and includes money and things beyond it. I am wealthy, in the Name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 4:19
5/28/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Luke 6:12-13 (NIV) One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles.   If you want to live a life of success, who you choose to surround yourself with is essential! Today’s verse shows us how the Lord Jesus knew the importance of who He surrounded himself with and the lasting effects of that choice. He is shown going into a private area and spending a night's worth of prayer dedicated to this decision. Often, Christians choose their companions based on the standards the world has set rather than spiritual discernment! Don't choose friends based on whether someone enjoys the same television programmes as you. Choose people who align with your spiritual calling. Daniel is a perfect example from the Bible; he had great friends. When the king gave a decree that would have been detrimental and got him in trouble, Daniel called upon his friends to pray, and God gave them the solution to their predicament. These are the kind of friends you should keep, friends that bring you closer to God and inspire you in things that are right! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I'm guided by the Holy Spirit when choosing who I surround myself with. I choose friends that motivate me unto good works and never the contrary, in Jesus' Name! FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 13:20
5/23/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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SPIRITUAL POWERHOUSE Romans 8:5-6 (KJV) For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.    A common misconception amongst Christendom is that giving your life to Christ is the entirety of your walk with God. However, giving your life to Christ is simply the first step in your multifaceted journey. You must be conscious of your oneness with the Holy Spirit. God has made you, and God is a Spirit, meaning your very origin as a child of God is of the Spirit! To live life accordingly, you must reject the flesh at every turn! Whenever you are pushed or motivated to do something, question yourself on whether that motivation is coming from God, your flesh or even Satan!  Consult the Holy Spirit regarding your education, your job, your marriage and your children! When you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you, you will experience peace that exceeds what the world offers. Your very success in life depends on your ability to discern things of the Spirit. Ensure you read the word daily, separating yourself from those in the world, and see yourself become a spiritual powerhouse! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I AM A SPIRITUAL POWERHOUSE! I live a life governed by the spirit of God, and the flesh has no power over my decision-making!  FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 2:14
5/22/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Luke 5:16 (NLT) But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.    In a world with so many distractions, it is easy to neglect alone time with God. If you do not recognise the importance of solitude, there’s a lot you can miss in life! It’s vital for every Christian to establish private time with the Lord. Before revelation, there is isolation! When you learn the value of having private time with the Lord, you’ll be amazed at the lasting effects it will have on your life.  Several times in the Bible, we see the Lord Jesus set times to be completely alone with the Father! Every Christian should make the effort to have one-on-one time with the King of kings! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  As I spend time with the Lord alone, the intensity of His glory in my life is increased. I'm transfigured from glory to glory, in Jesus' Name! FURTHER STUDY Matthew 14:23
5/21/20242 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ecclesiastes 9:11 (KJV) I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.    Many Christians make the mistake of comparing their journey to the journey of others! Phrases like, "I know where I'm supposed to be by now," whilst popular, are not of God! Today's verse informs us that the race is not to the swift. Just because you’re not where you thought you’d be by now doesn't mean God has forgotten you or you are less important in His eyes. Your time and chance will come! In athletic circles, Olympic sprinters are encouraged to focus on the finish line and not to look back over their shoulders during a race, as it can potentially slow them down. In the same way, when you look at others’ race instead of focusing on your own lane, you may lose sight of the finish line and slow yourself down! Learn to focus solely on what God has called you to be. Grow in His Word every day, and don’t be concerned about what others are doing! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am in my own lane! I am focused on my finish line; I do not look over my shoulder during the race in Jesus’ Name! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Isaiah 26:3
5/20/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Philippians 4:6-7 (KJV) Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.   Oftentimes, you go through difficulties in your life and don’t know how to fix them simply because you were not equipped with the potent power of prayer! God did not tell us to pray just for praying’s sake but because there is a specific power attached to praying! Living life as a Christian without prayer is like walking onto a battlefield with no ammunition! When you pray, you are readying yourself for anything the enemy may try to throw at you! The verse above tells us that when you give thanks and pray, worry becomes a thing of the past, and the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your heart regardless of the situations you may be facing. Take advantage of the potent power in prayer today! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  When I pray things change! I equip myself for any situation through the power of my prayers! As a result of my prayers, the peace of the Lord has consumed my life, in Jesus' Name! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Luke 18:1
5/20/20242 minutes, 13 seconds
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Galatians 4:1 (KJV) Now I say That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all.    There are certain truths in the Word that can easily pass you by if you don't walk in the reality of the royal DNA in you! According to today's verse, it's up to you as a Christian to make a choice: are you going to be an heir or a servant?  If you remain in a state where you don't know who you are, where you don't grow or walk in the promises of God concerning your life, you will be a child and live a life of servanthood.  When you live the life of an heir, you never lack anything because lack is not your inheritance as a child of God!  Make the decision to grow from childhood to heir-hood, and enjoy every promise that already belongs to you by right!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The DNA of God is in me; therefore, I will never live the life of a servant. Riches are mine, hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY Psalm 32:8
5/19/20242 minutes, 8 seconds
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1 Corinthians 2:12 (KJV) Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.   To live ordinarily is an insult to the life God desires you to have! As a child of God, you live far above the systems of this world; therefore, your actions must align with what God has called you to be! Reject the ordinary in your life, whether that be ordinary finances, ordinary happiness or ordinary health. The Bible says that all things have been freely given to you! His intention is for you to live above the turmoil of this temporary world and live a life of excellence, an EXTRAORDINARY life!  There is nothing you need that God has not already made available to you as a Christian. Through growing in the Word, you learn all God has given you. When you walk in the consciousness of your inheritance as a Christian, there will be no space for the ordinary to occupy in your life! Make the anointing of the Holy Spirit your dwelling every single day, growing in God's Word and see your life go from ordinary to extraordinary! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I REJECT AN ORDINARY LIFE. I am a supernatural being; therefore, I live a life of excellence. I am born of God and live according to His divine nature! Amen. FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 3:21
5/17/20242 minutes, 28 seconds
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Proverbs 23:18 KJV) For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.   In spiritual matters, we say faith is the mother of miracles, and expectation is the midwife. In other words, in order for your miracle to be delivered safely and assuredly, you need the midwife of expectation to help you do just that!  You see, when you expect the supernatural, it adds the super to your natural. It doesn’t matter whether your life is dry. It doesn't matter whether you've been fired from work. With expectation, the one with nothing in his hand is the same one God uses to change not only his life but those around him for their benefit, too. Wherever you go, expect great things today! PROPHETIC DECLARATION As I start my day today, I am full of expectation that great things will happen. My miracle is no longer around the corner; it has arrived! I am coming back home with a testimony! Glory.  FURTHER STUDY Philippians 1:20
5/16/20242 minutes, 1 second
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Matthew 5:14 (KJV) Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.   You are the light of the world! Light gives direction; just like light, your duty as a Christian is to give direction to those in the world on how life ought to be lived! You are the one to show them how to be successful and how to be light irrespective of darkness. Christ already played His part by obtaining salvation for all mankind through His vicarious death and glorious resurrection! Now, it’s your responsibility to live a luminous life and tell every nation of His saving power! As a shining light, you dispel darkness wherever you go, meaning lack, sickness, and simply any bad thing have no place in your life or your family's lives! Let the Gospel fire burn perpetually in you and through you! You are God's very own representative on this Earth! Be an example through your speech and the way you conduct yourself. You are the light and hope of this world, a light that cannot be hidden! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I live a shining life! My light dispels darkness. I am like a lighthouse bringing direction to lost sailors! I am God's representative on Earth! My light will burn brighter than ever this year. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY John 8:12
5/15/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Psalm 105:1 (KJV) O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.   There is transformative power in your testimony! It is your sole responsibility to testify of the goodness of God in your life! The verse above tells us that we must proclaim the Name of God and make known to the nations what He has done for us. In other words, GO AND TELL SOMEBODY! Not every force of darkness knows who you are or who resides inside you. Therefore, the first thing you must do when you enter a new location is testify. When you testify, you send signals in the realm of the spirit that makes known to every creature that you are God’s child and His power is at work in you!  Through your transformative testimony, you encourage others, boosting their faith to receive their own miracle! The Bible tells us that by the power of our testimonies, we have overcome all things that try to rise against us. So remember, wherever you go, you have the power to transform your life through the power of your testimony! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I will testify wherever I go and tell the nations all God has done for me. I transform my life through the power of my testimony! When I testify, demons are paralyzed with fear. In this year, I will testify more than ever before! Agents of darkness, watch out! FURTHER STUDY Revelation 12:11 
5/14/20242 minutes, 41 seconds
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Romans 1:16 (KJV) For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.   Only the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ can place the sinner into a position of glorious salvation and righteousness. There's no other way! It's only through actually telling people about the Gospel that the Righteousness of God can be unveiled and embraced. Contrary to common lies about the different ways to get to God, there are no other methods to gain Christ except someone is ministered to and salvation accepted.  This is where you come in. If you're still trying to figure out what you're called to do, here is a mandatory calling. You have received the mandate to take the Gospel to the ends of the Earth. It's a calling not for church leaders only; it's something you're to do with all boldness, faith, courage, and conviction. You must never be ashamed or apologetic about Christ and the message of the Gospel. Don't be ashamed of who you are in Him, and don't let others make you feel ashamed of what you believe. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ! This is my higher calling, and I walk in it wholeheartedly and with boldness! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Daniel 12:3 
5/13/20242 minutes, 17 seconds
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1 John 1:2 (KJV) Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.   God's awesome plan for you is complete prosperity. He wants you to thrive in every way - in your spirit, in your health, and in your finances. You might be doing great in your faith in one area but still struggling with sickness or money problems. But God wants you to have it all together - spiritually, physically, and materially. That's what God's aiming for - a balanced prosperity type of life where every aspect is flourishing. The verse also talks about spiritual prosperity being the priority. God wants you to succeed financially and physically, and He also wants you to be in good health. When you're healthy, you don't need healing because you're not getting sick. Awesome, right? Make it happen by living the Word! Immerse yourself in it, study it, think about it, and it becomes the guiding light to complete prosperity! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a person of the Word, and I decree and declare that I have complete prosperity through the Word today in Jesus' Name. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Philippians 4:19
5/12/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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 1 John 5:4 (KJV) For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.   Many Christians often cite the verse above without fully grasping what it means to overcome the world. When you have overcome the world, you have the power and authority to subjugate earthly systems. The word 'subjugate' means to bring something under your dominion or control! This is what the Bible says we have done to the world and its systems! As a child of God, you are a joint heir with Christ! The Bible tells us that things present and all things to come are yours! Every so often, affirm who you are in Christ, saying, "I Have dominion over all things; the world is mine!" You have a legal document to that effect – the Word of God! Therefore, no matter what takes place around you, you still have the power to subjugate the world’s systems to your advantage! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I’m of God and have overcome the world! I’m a God-man, one in whom Christ literally dwells. God has given me authority over all things that pertain to life and godliness. I lack absolutely nothing; my wealth is limitless, inestimable, and unquantifiable. I have overcome every power and force that tries to rise against me, in Jesus' mighty Name! FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 3:21-22
5/11/20242 minutes, 30 seconds
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Daniel 12:3 (KJV) And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.   There is no greater pleasure than pleasing the Lord and fulfilling His will by leading sinners to salvation. You cannot claim to be a serious Christian without prioritising your call to minister the Gospel to others.  The Lord Jesus Christ Himself summarized His mission on Earth when He said, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost" (Luke 19:10). See that? If we claim to be Christ-like, then His mission should be our mission.  As Christians, we are called to fulfil the ministry of reconciliation and actively engage in soul winning as a lifestyle, not just something we do in the streets as a church group at the weekend.  Tell someone about Him today! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a missionary sent for such a time as this! Today I shall seize every opportunity to help someone receive the precious gift of salvation. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Matthew 28:19
5/10/20242 minutes, 15 seconds
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Proverbs 24:16 (KJV) For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: But the wicked shall fall into mischief.   Perseverance is one of the most essential principles for those who want to obtain a life of success! The Bible tells us the story of a young boy named Joseph who had the ability to interpret dreams. Joseph’s siblings grew jealous of him and sold him into slavery in Egypt. Amongst the many challenges he faced whilst in Egypt, he was falsely accused, which led to his imprisonment. However, his ability to decipher dreams reached the Pharaoh's attention, leading to his rise to power as a trusted adviser and second in command in the whole nation! Joseph is just one of many people in the Bible who showed the importance and power of perseverance. No matter the circumstances of life, remember that all things work together for the good of those who love God! As you go about the rest of your week, constantly affirm the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every situation regarding your life and the lives of your family. You will see the mighty hand of God doing wonders in your life!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I LIVE A LIFE OF PERSEVERENCE. NO MATTER THE CHALLENGE, I will overcome and exceed everyone’s expectations. In this year, MY EYES WILL WITNESS THE GOODNESS OF GOD! Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY Romans 28:8
5/9/20242 minutes, 22 seconds
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Romans 12:1 (KJV) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.    Once you're born again, it's your job to take care of your body, which is God's temple. It's up to you to keep it healthy and strong for God to use. The devil will try to harm your body, but you have the power to say no and stop him. Remember what our theme verse says: "Present your bodies a living sacrifice." God gives you the authority to manage your body. That's why some Christians, even though they have the Holy Spirit, still struggle with sickness. It's because they're the ones in charge of their bodies. God has the right to rule your body, but He appointed you to take care of it for Him. So today, rise through the Word and take charge of your house, which is your body. YOU ARE IN CHARGE, and everything is to your advantage! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am in charge; sickness is not a part of who I am. I'm a new creation in Christ, and He has made a way for my divine health. I refuse to be sick! I have the supernatural life of God that keeps me healthy. Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 6:19-20   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
5/8/20242 minutes, 21 seconds
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James 5:16-17 (AMPC) ... The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. Elijah was a human being with a nature such as we have [with feelings, affections, and a constitution like ours]; and he prayed earnestly for it not to rain, and no rain fell on the earth for three years and six months.    When the Bible refers to a righteous man, it's referring to you who is born again. With this in mind, today's verse was given to us as an example of the high effectiveness of prayer in taking dominion over our situations.  Elijah's prayer was fervent, meaning heartfelt, continued and persistent. He prayed for a change, and the heavens responded.  By taking dominion through prayer, you can change your business, your bank account, or your health. Is there anything you want to change this year? No matter what you are going through, bulldoze your way forward, knowing that you take dominion over it and change it through your effective prayers!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I live in complete dominion over everything in my life! Nothing shall fail or fall to the ground because I have said so, in Jesus' Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Genesis 1:28   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
5/6/20242 minutes, 18 seconds
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1 John 2:15-17 (KJV) Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.   Christ is living, breathing, and operating directly through you! The moment you accepted Him into your life, you immediately adopted his nature and godly culture! As a Christian, you have to be re-cultured by the Word of God! Whilst we all have individual mannerisms, personalities and preferences, we are followers of one God, which is Jesus Christ! The Bible says that whosoever abides in Christ ought to walk in the same way He did! The moral decay of the world is visible for all to see! As a child of God refuse to accept the desires and culture of the world with the knowledge that you have taken up the culture of Jesus Christ the moment you accepted Him into your life!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION The war of culture vs Christ has already been won! I have overcome the world and all its fleshly desires, in Jesus' mighty Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Romans 12:2 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
5/5/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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1 Peter 2:24 (KJV) Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.   In the world, you are taught that sickness, pestilence and disease are nothing out of the ordinary in the average human experience. Whereas these circumstances should be abnormalities in your walk with Christ! The Bible teaches us that the moment you accepted Jesus Christ into your life, you simultaneously rejected the ordinary! The Bible says that all things that pertain to life and godliness have been given to YOU! Therefore, sickness and disease have no place in your life as a child of God! All throughout the Old Testament, we see people’s barrenness being eradicated, people being raised from the dead, and many more miraculous healings. In the New Testament, the same Spirit who orchestrated those miracles is operating in you! The same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead is living and breathing in you! As soon as the Holy Spirit entered you, you were given power to vanquish sickness simply by your words. God has made healing as easy as breathing; begin to speak healing into every area of your life today! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I receive my healing today! God has made healing easy as breathing! Nothing is capable of harming or destroying me, in Jesus' mighty Name! FURTHER STUDY Matthew 10:1 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
5/4/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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Colossians 3:16 (KJV) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.   In the biblical account concerning the famous flood, the Lord commanded Noah to construct an ark to withstand the impending worldwide rainstorm. Despite the catastrophic flood that submerged entire cities and claimed countless lives, Noah's ark resiliently bore up the righteous. That was the means God used to save those who were for Him. We have something better than the ark! As storms of inflation, disaster, and violence surge in these latter days, it is essential that you resist anxiety and fear. To achieve victory over the storm, we have the Word, hallelujah! It is essential to cultivate a deep reservoir of God's Word within your spirit. Fostering a rich connection with the Word ensures your good success, irrespective of global catastrophes. Don't be submerged by the day's troubles; just consume the Word, and you will float above it all! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I declare that the Word of Christ dwells richly in me in all wisdom. I immerse my spirit in the Word, buoyant like Noah's ark. The circumstances that have been sinking businesses, careers, and finances for others will serve as a catalyst for my promotion in the Name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 4:12 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
5/2/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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2 Chronicles 29:6-11 (KJV) For our fathers have trespassed and done that which was evil in the eyes of the Lord our God, and have forsaken him, and have turned away their faces from the habitation of the Lord and turned their backs… My sons, be not now negligent: for the Lord hath chosen you to stand before him, to serve him, and that ye should minister unto him, and burn incense.   The devil's only advantage is his age! He’s seen the rising and falling of many and has a plethora of knowledge regarding your family tree. It may appear like no one ever gets married in your family, or everybody’s businesses seem to fail. This is because the world’s systems are rigged to cause you to repeat the mistakes of your ancestors! However, according to today’s verse, you were chosen to break such patterns! God has offered every person the opportunity to join His family tree! You have the option of belonging to His bloodline, a bloodline over which the devil has no hold. As you go about your day, walk in the continuous mentality that the mistakes of those who came before you shall end with you and never be repeated! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a pattern breaker! I belong to God's heavenly lineage; the devil has absolutely no hold on me or my family's lives in Jesus' mighty Name! FURTHER STUDY John 1:12-13   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
5/1/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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John 16:33 (KJV) These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  How comforting it is to read such words from our Lord Jesus! In a world that is so corrupt and full of sickness, economic hardships, disasters, wars and negativity everywhere, right here, in this verse, we have an escape! The words were spoken by the Lord Jesus Himself, and He, too, at the time of this writing, was living in a world that was dark. Yet He was so disconnected from the problems and corrupting influences of His day because He had the mindset of a victor! He did this to show us how to do 2024, praise God! Before you leave the house, look in the mirror today and tell yourself, “I am a victor!” Nothing in this world shall move you. Remember 1 John 4:4 says, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world." You have already overcome them – PAST TENSE! You're not going to overcome later; it is done already! You have the greatest One living in you; therefore, you’re not a victim. You’re a victor!  Act and live like it! PROPHETIC DECLARATION No predicament in this world shall affect me. I have the greater One living in me, and my victory is set in Jesus' Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY  1 John 5:4-5     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/29/20242 minutes, 46 seconds
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John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. In this verse are some of the most beautiful words put together in scripture! Our Father in Heaven is Love personified. I tell you this: you don’t love yourself as much as “Love” loves you! Today, someone needs to hear just this. God is so in love with you that He’s more ambitious for your success than you could ever be for yourself. This is a love that you could never fully comprehend. He’s more willing and concerned for your happiness, peace, and joy, than you could ever be for yourself. He knows every good thing you want for yourself, and He desires it even more for you.  The problem is many have had a bad experience with human love. They’ve been let down, frustrated, and betrayed by those who once "loved" them. Now the image of love is tainted in their consciousness. It is not so with the love of God. This one is love in its purest form. He is Love itself! Sink in His guiding arms and let Him lead you. Submit to the supremacy of His will, counsel and wisdom, for He desires only the best for you. Serve Him with all your heart. Trust Him with your life. When this becomes your consciousness, all your struggles will be over.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION Thank you, Dear Father! I surrender and submerge myself in Your love today! Glory.   FURTHER STUDY John 16:27     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
4/29/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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1 John 1:7 (KJV) But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.  There are some Christians who are fluent in counting sins. As one surnamed with Christ, you should never be on the lookout for your sins. If you do this, you become so conscious of not wanting to sin that you end up in sin. The verse says if we walk in the light (the Word) as He is in the light, the blood of Jesus automatically cleanses us from all sin. If, for example, you do something wrong, just say, “Lord, I’m sorry for what I did; I RECEIVE forgiveness in Jesus' Name," and that's it.  God never told you to ASK Him for forgiveness. When you were saved, you received salvation; you didn’t ask for it. It’s the same thing with forgiveness; you receive forgiveness; you don't ask for it because the Blood of Jesus Christ was shed for the remission of your sins. Some Christians are always asking God for forgiveness, and because they're asking for something that's been provided for them, they don't apply faith in their lives. You’re to receive forgiveness as an act of your faith. You’ve been washed and purged of your sins. You’re free! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I refuse to be sin-conscious. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus; therefore, I am righteousness-conscious from today, in Jesus' Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Romans 8:1   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
4/27/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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Colossians 2:9-10 (KJV) For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power.    Someone reading this today is feeling "incomplete." You might be feeling this way because you haven’t found the best man or woman to marry. Perhaps it’s a dream job you haven’t found, or it's your bank account that's bringing on these feelings of "incompleteness." Here’s a newsflash: when God looks at you, He sees completeness. He told you in the verse above that you are COMPLETE IN HIM! Everything you need in your life is all found in Him. The business is in Him, the peace you’re after is in Him – there is nothing good you desire that you won’t find in Him!  If you’re thinking, “If only my uncle could help me; if only the government could give me this or give me that, I’d be able to make it in life,” you’re confessing incompleteness, and that’s wrong. You’re capable in Christ’s capability. Become totally inundated with this consciousness. Tell yourself there's no shortage in my life. I am complete! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am complete in Christ. Everything I need is on the inside of me. Peace is mine, joy is mine, divine health is mine in Jesus' Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY  2 Peter 1:3   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/26/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalm 1:3 (KJV) And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.    Today marks the end of yet another working week. While some are excited and giving God thanks for a productive week, some are looking back with a heart full of the regrets of a wasted week. God brought you into a life of abundance. A life of fruitfulness, power and productivity. Remember He's alive and well, living on the inside of you. There is no way He relishes living and experiencing downfall after downfall right alongside you, no! He desires only the best for you.  The verse above says you will always produce fruits – that means results. You don’t start a business and it fails – never. That business has no choice but to produce fruits. It says whatsoever you do shall prosper! Go out today knowing you can do anything; you can be anything; you can get anything; you can go anywhere; you can be exactly what you want to be. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I decree and declare that my life shall be a life of results. Whatsoever I do shall not fail but prosper in Jesus' Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Psalm 92:12-15    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
4/25/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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Colossians 3:17 (KJV) And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.   Many people pray in the Name of Jesus; but for some, it’s just a religious observation or password. Some don’t even believe what they’re saying, but they pray in His Name anyway and hope for the best. Brothers and sisters, if only you fully understood just how powerful that Name is! It is so powerful that when it’s called, everyone submits to it in Heaven, in the Earth and under the Earth. Nothing and no one can resist the power in that name and God graciously gave us the Name of Jesus to live by. What amazing grace! When you’re told to do everything in the Name of Jesus, you’re being reminded that you possess a demon-busting, sickness-destroying, and life-giving Name! Nothing can enter your system or stay because of this name. You have been given so much authority that can cause you to dominate not only in your life but to influence and dominate nations with the GoodNews of our Lord Jesus Christ!  So whatever you do today, do all in the very able Name of the Lord Jesus! Hallelujah! PROPHETIC DECLARATION Every request I make today in the Name of Jesus shall be granted. I shall be as successful as my mouth says I am. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY Philippians 2:9-11   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/24/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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Colossians 3:17 (KJV) And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.   Many people pray in the Name of Jesus; but for some, it’s just a religious observation or password. Some don’t even believe what they’re saying, but they pray in His Name anyway and hope for the best. Brothers and sisters, if only you fully understood just how powerful that Name is! It is so powerful that when it’s called, everyone submits to it in Heaven, in the Earth and under the Earth. Nothing and no one can resist the power in that name and God graciously gave us the Name of Jesus to live by. What amazing grace! When you’re told to do everything in the Name of Jesus, you’re being reminded that you possess a demon-busting, sickness-destroying, and life-giving Name! Nothing can enter your system or stay because of this name. You have been given so much authority that can cause you to dominate not only in your life but to influence and dominate nations with the GoodNews of our Lord Jesus Christ!  So whatever you do today, do all in the very able Name of the Lord Jesus! Hallelujah! PROPHETIC DECLARATION Every request I make today in the Name of Jesus shall be granted. I shall be as successful as my mouth says I am. Glory be to God. Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY Philippians 2:9-11   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/23/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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Ephesians 3:8 (AMPC) To me, though I am the very least of all the saints (God’s consecrated people), this grace (favour, privilege) was granted and graciously entrusted: to proclaim to the Gentiles the unending (boundless, fathomless, incalculable, and exhaustless) riches of Christ [wealth which no human being could have searched out.   If there’s one scripture that proves God doesn’t always use qualified people, it’s this one. Paul was trusted to do so much in the Kingdom yet declared himself the least qualified. Many reading this are convinced God will never use them because they don’t “fit” a certain criterion. See what Paul says: “God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty” (1 Corinthians 1:27). God called you and endued you with supernatural ability to carry out His work. So, never look down on yourself or think there’s nothing special about you. He’s made you competent, not because of your societal standing or how well you did in college; it’s all by His grace. Learn to look beyond your physical ability. Always remember that you’re special to Him, and He has divinely enabled you to fulfil your assignment.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am set apart for such a time as this. I shall go above and beyond what I expected to achieve in life, in Jesus' name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 3:5   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/22/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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John 6:63 (KJV) It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.   I once saw the headline of an article that read, “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT." It is true that what you eat affects your body. Good or bad, your body responds one way or the other. So it is with your spirit. When you consume the Word, it becomes one with your spirit and gets to work as and where needed.   The scripture talks about words that are spirit, words that give life. The opposite of this is also true. There are negative words that are also spirit but they don’t give life. Just like not all food is good for your body, not all words are good for your spirit. Strive to study and meditate on the Word of God more than ever this year. Put down the novel or the newspaper and prioritise the life-giving Word. Let it be your daily bread. Tell yourself I will not consume food if I haven’t consumed the Word or prayed. As it gets into you as the Word, it then lives in you as God. Hallelujah!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I speak the words only my Father has said about me. My life is a life of success, prosperity, good health and peace, in Jesus' name!   FURTHER STUDY  Joshua 1:8   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/21/20242 minutes, 22 seconds
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Psalm 82:6 (KJV) I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.    You sometimes hear Christians say things like; “I’m only human," or “I’m just an ordinary person." They actually believe by saying such statements they immediately exude humility. That’s not so. This kind of talk only shows ignorance at the highest level.  Understand that you were very ordinary up until you were born again. After that, you became a powerhouse, a living temple of the Lord God Almighty. By the backing of today’s verse, allow this reality to come into your consciousness. Until you become conscious of it, the power therein won’t work for you. Never again say, “I’m just an ordinary human being.” When you received the Lordship of Jesus Christ, you became a god. You were literally born of God and a partaker of His divine nature. Remember John 4:17 says, “… as he is, so are we in this world." You’re just like your Father, hallelujah! Next time you’re tempted to say I’m only human, say instead, “I’m supernatural!” PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have a priceless treasure, God in me, making me a god too. Today I awaken to this reality more than ever, Christ in me the hope of Glory. In what am I failing? ZERO, NOTHING AT ALL, in Jesus' name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY John 10:34-35   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/20/20242 minutes, 41 seconds
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Psalm 82:3-4 (KJV) Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.   Your blessing is never for yourself. The moment you focus solely on your own comforts and never regard anyone else, you are lost. Some people’s life mission is making sure their rent is paid, their children are fed and in school, refrigerator is stocked, and their car is running – that’s it! They’re content with only meeting their personal needs and chasing their own dreams. Today’s scripture tells you that you are more than that. You can change the course of strangers’ lives.  As a generational captain, a defender of the poor and fatherless, never fold your hands and watch the devil wreak havoc in nations and in the lives of men. God expects us to do something about it. Look around your community today. Who their needs tuition fees? What evil policies need changing in your local schools or universities? Is there a senior citizen who needs your love and care? You have what it takes to change the course of your world and others. You can deliver someone from poverty and defend the voiceless in society, too. Put this into practise as you go out today. PROPHETIC DECLARATION My whole being is at the Lord’s service. I shall use my resources, voice, and abilities to defend those in need. Amen. FURTHER STUDY Jeremiah 22:3   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/19/20242 minutes, 21 seconds
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2 Timothy 2:15 (KJV) Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.   In order to be an effective Christian, it’s of paramount importance that you study, understand and live by God’s Word. Today’s scripture implies that every Christian must know how to dissect the Word and share it with others. The problem in the Church is we have people who will not miss a service; they will take notes of everything ministered, underline scriptures and never study what they just heard or wrote down themselves. The Word ought to be studied. Read your Bible at home, and read it to your children too. Some people only open their Bibles on Sundays at church. The problem with this is you become starved spiritually. You don’t have enough firepower to face any challenges that come your way, and you end up a frustrated Christian. God says in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." See that? Not reading your Bible on your own destroys you; that’s how serious it gets. Make Bible reading a daily habit and you will see your life transform.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION Today I make the decision to study and equip myself in the Word like never before. I am unstoppable and well-nourished in all areas, in Jesus' name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY John 8:31   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/18/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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Galatians 5:16 (KJV) This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.   When the Bible talks about your flesh, it’s talking about the things you desire to do, your senses and your appetites. I’ve seen and heard many cry as they pray to crucify their flesh. That prayer is wrong. You don’t have to struggle for your flesh to align with the Word of God; just fill your thoughts with the words of Christ. Simply walking in the Spirit in constant fellowship with God helps you overcome the flesh and its appetites.  When the Lord Jesus is the Lord of your body, you do what Paul explained in Romans 12:1, you present your body to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God because your body is His body. The body in which you live is God's property. You're living inside as a tenant and custodian; you’re taking care of it for God. So, be Christ-minded; that way, you become master over your flesh and mortify the deeds of the body. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My mind is completely yielded to the Word of God as I walk in the Spirit. I shall never struggle with the lust of the flesh in Jesus' Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:5   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/17/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Ephesians 3:20 (KJV) Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.   Do you know that you have the extraordinary ability of God in you? Someone needs to ponder this question seriously before proceeding. Too many of God’s precious people are suffering because they don’t really believe this. Listen, when you received the Holy Spirit in you, that power started working in you. It’s gushing through your veins, it’s in your bones, in your muscles, it’s all over you, hallelujah!  Now, see this. In Matthew 10:8, the Lord Jesus said, "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”  Now tell me, my brother, my sister, if you didn't have power, why are you being asked to do something that requires the power of God? You were told to use power to do all these exploits because YOU HAVE IT; THEREFORE, YOU CAN GIVE IT! Glory be to God!  Go ahead and use what you have today.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The power of God is made manifest through me. I am so full of this power; I shall heal the sick, cleanse lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils and do mighty works in Jesus' name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Acts 3:6   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/16/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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John 16:23-24 (KJV) And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.   God would never have asked us to pray if He didn’t plan on responding to those prayers. He specifically said, "... ask the Father in my name," because he planned to answer. Understand that prayer is our way of bringing the power of the Holy Spirit to effect changes in this world. You can expect definite results when you pray, brothers and sisters. God delights in seeing you being fruitful and productive. In today's scripture, He says, “…Ye shall receive, that your joy may be full.” See that? He wants your life to be full of joy! Some people don’t know this, so they tire easily and stop praying altogether if one thing they prayed for did not materialise. If only you knew that God’s glory is seen in answered prayer! Dare to believe, and expect answers when you pray! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The Lord delights in answering my prayers. So today I proclaim that every word I speak in prayer is fulfilled in Jesus’ name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY  1 Peter 3:12   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/15/20242 minutes, 30 seconds
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Colossians 1:12-13 (KJV) Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: Notice that this scripture is in the past tense. It says God has delivered us from the power of darkness, not He’s about to, or He’s going to when you get to church on Sunday – it has been done already. The devil is a defeated enemy! He tries to plant thoughts of suicide, thoughts of an early death, thoughts of debilitating sickness, etc. Then you find Christians running from church to church seeking "deliverance" from these fears or "attacks." Well, based on the scripture above, don’t lose sleep over Satan. He knows he's defeated and has no power but preys on people's ignorance and fears. You’re superior to him, even if you only gave your life to Christ a few minutes ago.  The Lord Jesus says in Mark 16:17 "... In my name shall they cast out devils." He’s talking about you! He gave you power to CAST OUT devils, not power that is so little that the devil has to be cast out of you every week during a deliverance service. Don’t give the devil a chance. If he tries to manifest anywhere around you, know you’re the one in charge!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION The devil is defeated and will always be defeated. I carry the Spirit of God in me; failure shall never be in my vocabulary, in Jesus' name! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 1 John 4:4   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/15/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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Romans 12:2 (KJV) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.    Ever seen people’s behaviour at the turn of a new year? It’s all about starting over. They make decisions about moving house, changing appearance, wardrobe, changing cars, the list is endless. All this is done as a way of "turning over a new leaf." By changing their appearance, they feel permanent changes will be created on the inside. What a deception! The Bible is clear when it comes to the complete transformation of a Christian. It says to renew your mind, simple! Who you are today is a product of the state of your mind. Proverbs 23:7 gives us an exposé on this. It says, "as a man thinks in his heart, so is he..." You can only be as good as who you see yourself to be. You’re not transformed because you finally lost weight and wear better suits now, no! God’s transformation is the real one. It starts from the inside out. Stay in the Word and work on being the real transformer.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I speak the beginning of a complete transformation in my life. As I fellowship with the Lord, my mind shall be renewed daily in Jesus' Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Philippians 4:8     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/13/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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Philippians 4:8 (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Thoughts have power, and they create realities. What you think about, you become; it’s as simple as that. This is why the Word of God talks about your thought life so much. Thoughts chart the course of your life. In the verse above, God didn’t only instruct us to guard our hearts against the wrong thoughts from passing through, but He also specifically told us the kind of thoughts to allow.  There are people who have heard something that wasn’t true, or honest, or pure, or of good report, yet they kept it in their minds until it controlled their lives and led to depression. Some will hold onto longstanding grudges, and all that does is produce an even more negative state of being. Don’t brood over anything that’s detrimental to your spirit. Rather, make a practice of forming the right images in your mind in consistency with the Word. Think so! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I think only on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. I shall prosper as a result, in Jesus' Name, hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY Joshua 1:8   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/12/20242 minutes, 45 seconds
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John 15:11 (KJV) These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. There’s a common expression that says, "Hurting people hurt people." The flipside of this is also true: joyful people make people joyful! Joy is God’s perfect will for your life. He’s given you joy that isn’t dependent on the happenings around you; joy that flows from your spirit and rubs off on everyone around you.  Now notice today’s verse says: "… that your joy might be full.” This implies that there is a joy that is not full. It’s possible to have a form of joy in you but it is not the same as what the scripture above describes. A sad fact is that some Christians are depressed all the time because they’re operating at only a small fraction of joy. Today they’re full of joy, tomorrow they’re crying a river. The Word of God has been given to you so that your joy is at full capacity at all times! When things get tough, instead of wallowing in self-pity, declare, “I refuse to be confused and depressed! I have full joy and victory after victory. The greater One lives in me! His joy is my strength, and I prevail gloriously in Jesus' Name."  PROPHETIC DECLARATION My life radiates joy! I prophesy that everyone I encounter today shall experience FULL JOY in the Lord! Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY Romans 14:17   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/12/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Ezekiel 36:27 (KJV) And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.   Many Christians I’ve come across in my years of ministry struggle to please God. They’ll cry and claim they’ve tried and tried to no avail. What if I tell you that you don’t have to try to please Him anymore? That the ability to do so is already in you and all you need to do is walk in that mindset? If you look at the verse closely, it clearly states, “… I will put my spirit within you, and CAUSE YOU …." Do you see that? Because of the Holy Spirit in you, you have been made righteous; you already please God by default. You don’t have to go on a fast for Him to be ok with you; it happens naturally from within! Armed with this knowledge, never struggle to do right. You’re born with the new nature of God to live right. This is the product of righteousness. The ability to do the right things can only flow from a righteous spirit.  Go out today conscious that you have God’s nature in you to be excellent! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I prophesy a fruitful day today because of the righteousness of God in me. Everything I do is perfect for the advancement of the Kingdom. Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY Romans 5:17   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/10/20242 minutes, 55 seconds
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Deuteronomy 30:19 (KJV) I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live: God is a gentleman. He’s so kind and gracious, and His love knows no bounds. All He wants is for His children to be, possess, and live the best.  Now consider today's verse. If God wanted to, every one of us would be in zombie or puppet mode where God just pulls the strings, and we would have no choice but to comply. He certainly has the power to do it; He is after all, the Almighty God! Instead, He lovingly gives us the ability to freely choose. One can choose to love God or not to love Him. You can choose to serve Him or to serve yourself. The choice is yours. He gave it to you as a gift, so be wise enough to make the right choice.  Remember Romans 11:29, It says, “For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” This directly supports our theme verse today. He gives you all the information you require to make the best choices and tells you the best choice to make, but never forces you to make it.  Today, make the right choice. PROPHETIC DECLARATION Every choice I make today will be the one that aligns with God’s perfect plan for my life in Jesus' Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Joshua 24:15   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/9/20242 minutes, 55 seconds
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Philippians 3:20 (NLT) But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior. Do you know Heaven is a country just like any other country, complete with government and citizens within it? Now, just like any country, there are ways you gain entry through its borders, namely citizenship or entry by visa. Without those requirements there is no access. So it is with Heaven. Heaven is for heavenly beings, those who have a heavenly life in the Earth. Those who have given their lives wholly to The Lord. No one can go to Heaven without a heavenly life. You must possess this before you’re granted entry. Remember, you’re not an earthling; you’re heavenly. Let this be your mindset and manner of life. Every so often, declare, “I’m a citizen of Heaven.” That’s the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ; He came to make you a citizen and grant you entry into the best country, Heaven! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am not subject to the depravities and corrupting influences of this present world. I am a citizen of Heaven, and that settles every problem in Jesus' Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 12:22   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/8/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  Many Christians think this change is one that will take place in Heaven or in the spirit realm somewhere; it has already happened! The Lord Jesus Christ came to give us the divine life, the life that makes us sons of God. You see, being born again doesn’t mean you have two lives or natures; you only have one, and that’s the God-kind of life, the divine life. Now, look at the phrase "new creature"; it suggests something that’s not known; it’s new or even "strange." You and I are a new species, a creature that never existed before, a new type of man! When you come to this realisation and understanding that what you have isn't a mix of the divine and human natures, you will cease from the struggles to live right, and you’ll find yourself fulfilling God’s will for your life gloriously from a position of rest. From today, walk in a Christ mindset; walk in this newness. New life in you, new life in your company or business, your children or anything that affects you.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  Behold, I am a new person! I have the power to defeat all things negative from around me, and I declare this is so right now, in Jesus' Name! Amen.     FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 5:17     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/7/20242 minutes, 46 seconds
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Matthew 5:48 (KJV) Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.  “No one is perfect!" How many times have you heard that expression throughout your life? If you’re like me, it might well be countless times. From the playground to the boardroom, and even to the pulpit, this lie has firmly established itself. If you dare utter the words “I am perfect, " folks start calling you prideful. That’s an error! The Bible says in today’s theme verse, “Be ye perfect even as your heavenly Father is perfect.” The word 'perfect' comes from the Greek word téleios, which means full-grown in maturity, blameless, unspotted; wanting nothing; a completeness. It refers to measuring your heart with the heart of God; and the way to do this is through the Word. This means that you do things as God would have you do them; you let your heart be like God's. You think, love, and forgive as God does because you have His heart.  Brothers and sisters, God would never ask us to do something He knows we can’t do. If He demands perfection of us in the earth, it means it’s possible.  Be perfected in all you do from now, in Jesus' Name! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My words, thoughts and actions are perfect from today! I speak excellence in everything I touch today in Jesus' Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Colossians 1:22 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/6/20242 minutes, 46 seconds
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Proverbs 15:4 (KJV) A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.  The word 'breach' in the verse for today is sheber in Hebrew. It means to break, to shatter or to crush something. Now, if you replace the word breach with these definitions, you can see that bad speech can be the biggest enemy, crushing or breaking your life and your loved ones right now! If there is a breach of premises, it means an enemy has just entered that premises, and no one likes intruders! The Kingdom of God, to which we belong, is a Kingdom of words. We live, operate and reign by words. It’s all about what you say. If you talk right, your life will be right. If you talk negatively, your life will also be negative. In the Book of Genesis, God was called the Voice. "The voice of the Lord was heard walking in the garden in the cool of the day" (Genesis 3:8). A voice is nothing without words. When you understand this, you’ll never speak empty, bad words. You’ll use words correctly. You’ll only speak words of blessings, words that give life and words that are wholesome. Start today! PROPHETIC DECLARATIO By the power of my tongue, I prophesy only the best in my life, my family, my community, my nation and the nations of the world. Strength and vitality are mine in Jesus' Name!   FURTHER STUDY  Proverbs 18:21     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/5/20243 minutes, 8 seconds
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Ephesians 1:4 (KJV) According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:   What a wonderful Father we have! Think about it for a second. A love so deep that He chooses us before the foundation of the world. Our God wanted us saved, not after man was created nor after man had fallen, but "before the foundation of the world." Brothers and sisters, we are face to face with a profound yet open mystery. Before the world was even founded, mankind presented themselves to God as lost. Yet the plan of salvation and its details were arranged from eternity past. All God wanted was to never be separated from His beloved creation.   Brethren, you're holy and without blame before the Father because of that verse above! He took responsibility for your sins, and this is the message of the Gospel, the euaggélion, the nearly too good to be true GoodNews we preach, hallelujah!   No wonder He calls us His righteous ones, His justified ones, meaning we can't be charged with sin because not only are we righteous, but we have also become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You're chosen. Go out today with your head held high knowing just that!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am not failing today or any day because I am chosen! Anything I do today shall yield positive results in Jesus' Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 5:21     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/4/20242 minutes, 58 seconds
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Genesis 26:12 (KJV) Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him.   Now, just to give a little context to the above scripture, there was a great famine in the land at the time Isaac sowed. There had also been a drought for many years, and survival was no easy feat. Now, just imagine how God tells Isaac that He’ll bless him in the midst of all this. There was no rain; everything from the weather forecast to the economy looked so bleak, yet Isaac went with what God said without question. Is it a wonder how he got a hundredfold when everyone else was down and out? No! This is what happens when you trust God. Right now, someone is reading this and preparing themselves for what seems like an impossible day ahead. Listen, you have God's Word on perfect health, perfect finances, perfect family, perfect everything! Whatever the negative report in the land, stand on the Word of God, and you will see more than just a hundredfold blessing! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I trust and stand on God’s Word to prosper in everything I do today without question! Thank You Lord for Your precious and sure promises for my success! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 10:22   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/3/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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2 Timothy 2:1 (KJV) Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. One thing many Christians don’t realise is that grace differentiates you in the world; it sets you apart for glory and excellence. You become a head above the rest, a pioneer, a record-breaker and a barrier-breaker! There’s absolutely nothing in this world, whether it's fame or fortune or having the best connections, that could be compared with what the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ has delivered to you.  To be strong in the grace of God, as today’s scripture states, is to walk in the fullness of His grace, that is, having a full understanding that it’s this same grace and not your own ability that makes you a champion. Being the seed of Abraham, the grace for prosperity is working in you. That grace puts you far ahead and positions you for success in every arena. Take advantage of this grace! PROPHETIC DECLARATION My life is the manifestation of excellence and perfection as I walk strong in multiplied grace, in Jesus' Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 6:1     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
4/2/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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James 2:17 (AMPC) So also faith, if it does not have works (deeds and actions of obedience to back it up), by itself is destitute of power (inoperative, dead).   Just imagine for a second how a parent will go all out to provide the best for their child, only for that child to act beggarly as if they have zero provisions at all. Unfortunately, this scenario rings true for many of God’s own children. They live as destitute, yet royal blood courses through their kingly veins. You see, when you receive the Word about your prosperity, health, or business, for example, it's important to back it up with the right actions. Without acting, your situation may remain the same, and you become a frustrated individual.  Understand that the Word has the power to change your situation AND recognise the call to action that accompanies it and respond immediately. Dance to its tune! Don’t hesitate or wait. By acting in faith, you position yourself to experience miracles daily. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I prophesy that I shall faith it till I make it in Jesus' Name! Hallelujah.   FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 8:7     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT: WWW.GOODNEWSWORLD.COM/GOODNEWSDAILY
4/1/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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Revelation 3:20 (KJV) Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.   One major lesson I’d like everyone to take away from this verse is that the Lord Jesus Christ is NOT knocking at the Church door; He’s knocking on your heart. The verse does not say if the Church will open its doors to the promptings of God; the call is to individuals. Individuals are the ones that open the doors to their hearts. Church membership or positions do not guarantee a relationship with God. So the only way for the Church of God to get right is by each person reading this to get right. Remember that the Church is not a building; the church is you and I.  Open the door to your heart. He’s knocking!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION My heart is inditing a good matter and open for my Heavenly Father to reside. I am ready for an even deeper relationship with Him from now. Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY John 10:3     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
4/1/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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Revelation 2:4 (NKJV) Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.”  When you truly want to be on FIRE for God, you must create hunger. It is within the hunger created that fire begins to burn from within. When there is hunger, you become sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Sitting alone in your room, a burden comes in the form of an instruction for ministry. However, if you’re not on fire, you may neglect what the Holy Spirit told you and take it lightly, postponing it. The Holy Spirit speaks to you expressly, but without hunger, you cannot ignite the fire!     Men and women filled with hunger will be used by God. They dare to challenge the routines and stay loyal to their God in the face of adversity! They will be like the three Hebrew boys who said, ‘O king, we will not bow to the golden statue, if God does not save us in this case, we will not succumb to worldly pressure; and though our lives are on the line, we have no say in this matter’, and God came through for them. Let your hunger for the things of God grow, and your life will become a perfect definition of MILK AND HONEY!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have hunger to disciple nations. I have no option but to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit promptly and without delay. I am on fire, praise the Lord! Further Study Matthew 24:12     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/31/20242 minutes, 24 seconds
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1 Samuel 9:3 Now the donkeys of Kish, Saul’s father, were lost. And Kish said to his son Saul, “Please take one of the servants with you, and arise, go and look for the donkeys. In Israel, donkeys represent a kingdom without end. That is why Jesus rode on a donkey at His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. When you read further in our scriptural story, Saul was eventually anointed by Prophet Samuel as the first king of Israel. It took the missing donkey scenario for Saul to move into his destiny to be king over Israel. The problem that erupted unexpectedly in your business and family is a setup for enlarging your financial empire.      Everything that is trying to destroy you, as we end this month, we put an end to it. Let anything missing from your life be found now in the Name of Jesus! There shall be no more delay to your milk and honey testimony! Stagnation is banished from your life, and today marks a new beginning. The Egyptians you see today, you shall see them no more! Let the king in you rise to the occasion. Your testimony shall be sure, and the brilliance of your next level will be glaring for all to see.     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am born to reign; no problem will pull me down. I live a victorious life! My going out and my coming in shall be blessed. I am a carrier of good news! Further Study Judges 5:10        DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/30/20242 minutes, 32 seconds
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Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Someone could be short, small, tall, or whatever you may perceive as average, but that is relative. However, power is absolute! There is no contest or argument when power is demonstrated. In these end times, we need the power of God to be displayed that will dismantle mere arguments and vain philosophies. The Church of today has to be the epitome of power for all to see that Jesus is Lord.       Could your cycles of unending problems be happening because of your failure to exercise your authority? Could it be that the enemy purposely decided to challenge you because you have not come to the realisation of who you are? Your position in Christ is emphasised in Ephesians 5:30: “For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones”. Let this sink down with you very well. When you walk, Jesus is walking; when you speak milk and honey, Jesus is speaking it too. The life you now live is in Christ. Christ in you, the hope of glory!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have the power to surmount obstacles that come my way. I am not afraid; I am a giant in the realm of the Spirit. When I move, Christ moves. My life is a life of excellence! Amen! Further Study Mark 16:18    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/29/20242 minutes, 53 seconds
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Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Soul winning is an investment of eternal significance that the Church needs to grasp. The world will do more for a lie than the Church is willing to do for truth. When a fashion trend is announced, people in the world will run with it as if that is all to life. Everybody out there will blindly follow and subject themselves to whatever the fashion world has imposed on them without hesitation or any objection to wearing it! Why? Because it is fashionable to appear so!      The tragedy of it all is that this has crept into the Church unawares and is being applauded. We are not just looking at it from a distance; we have joined in and promoted it. We are separated (holy) and called to be effective soul winners, but until we call sin what it is, we cannot be effective soul winners. To be an effective soul winner, you must see and recognise danger. Your aim as a soul winner is to get the person from Hell to Heaven! Understand today that you are born to win souls!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am going to my location, my assigned place of work, to win souls for Jesus! I understand my mandate perfectly now; my full-time work is soul winning now and always. Further Study James 5:20     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/28/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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1 Timothy 6:16 (NIV) Who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see. To him be honour and might forever. Amen. When the Bible speaks of the ‘hand of the Lord’ or the ‘finger of God’, it is not referring to literal hands or fingers but a dimension of God. Ephesians 4:10 says, “He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.” Also, Genesis 1:1 declares, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” If God can create the heaven, it means He is not there!      God ascended far above all the heavens: whether second or third heavens, God ascended above all! The Bible declares that the heaven of heavens cannot contain God! God is just too big for Heaven to host him! Some may say we see God dwells in Heaven. However, the Bible emphatically states that God dwells in light that no man can approach! What you see is a refraction of God in Heaven. The precious materials like jasper and sapphire that make up the throne of God all reflect light. God projects His light on the throne, not Him.      PROPHETIC DECLARATION I walk in God’s light. I shall not fear, for God’s Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path. Darkness has no power over me in the Name of Jesus! Further Study James 1:17   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
3/27/20242 minutes, 52 seconds
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1 John 2:17 (AMP) The world is passing away, and with it its lusts [the shameful pursuits and ungodly longings]; but the one who does the will of God and carries out His purposes lives forever.     Excesses and life beyond the ordinary are considered post-luxury life. People in the world who are considered wealthy live post-luxury lives, yet they eat vegetables and fruits and are not bothered about wearing the most expensive brands. A post-luxury life does not measure or intend to live like someone else. You do not know the pitfalls, ups and downs of the person who has “arrived” in life, so why try desperately to copy their life?     Copy the spiritual, not the natural. Youthfulness can blind you, and perception may be tearing you apart, so you miss the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Learn to live a Spirit-led life, which is a post-luxury life form. Do not go for those things that have the propensity to destroy you. You are a general in the making, so do not be pressured by people, society, or peer groups. You are a child of the King, so riches, honour, fame and prosperity are all yours! You are destined for greatness and will surely be productive and fruitful! Milk and honey are yours hallelujah!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I live over and beyond circumstances. I am a source of help for institutions and nations. I live a life of abundance grace, thank You Jesus! Further Study 1 Corinthians 7:31   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/26/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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  Isaiah 43:1 But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.     When destiny calls, you have no explanation for certain realities of your own life. You may find yourself in a ministry and cannot logically explain why you are there. The Bible says John the Baptist was in the desert. There was no Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube, or television. Yet, John’s voice echoed in the wilderness, and people from the city flocked to hear his teachings. When destiny calls, distance is no barrier, geographical positions are not considered, and social stratification is not imputed.      The only thing that resonates in your spirit when destiny calls is the voice of the one who is assigned to you. God uses men to change destinies, so it is important to know who God has placed in your life to change your destiny. God does not make sense; He makes faith. When God is about to bless you, He sends you a man, and it is your responsibility to find out who that man is. God called you for a reason. Take your calling seriously; it is destiny calling!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION My destiny is unfolding. I know I have been chosen to declare the Good News of God’s grace to this last dispensation with favour and without fear.   Further Study Psalm 100:3    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/25/20242 minutes, 53 seconds
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Ecclesiastes 10:19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.   The Word of God emphatically states that you cannot serve two masters; you will be more loyal to one and disloyal to the other. God puts money in the bracket of a master, a god, which means money exercises control. If you understand God entrusts you with money as a steward, a manager, when the Master who gave it to you requires it to be used for His purposes, you will have no hesitation.      Take note: money is an entity in the spiritual realm. The money in your purse or wallet has no knowledge that it belongs to you. Money is arrogant, so money can only be mastered by a master! Money is a spiritual thing, and it wants to be worshipped! The love of money is the root of all evil, so understand when your love is directed towards God, everything you have will be for Him, including your money. It will not control you! When money knows you gave it to another master – God – money will respect you and be attracted to you!      PROPHETIC DECLARATION I know now what to do with money; it shall not control me. I will hand over money as a captive to my Master Lord Jesus. When I speak, money obeys me and produces milk and honey in the Name of Jesus! Further Study Matthew 6:24   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/24/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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1 Corinthians 12:10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another divers kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues: The Christians living in this dispensation are the best informed yet the weakest. We have been supplied with the best weaponry God has in His arsenal, the gifts are distributed, but our failure to use the weapons results in living a lifestyle of mediocrity and defeat! We should be the most powerful, but regrettably, Christianity has been reduced to an ideology. It is about time that Christians utilize the voice and vocal cords of an archangel to manufacture the right data to create a code that will produce the manifestation of a miracle!      Sometimes, Christians pray for hours on end. Yet, their bills remain unpaid, unemployment continues to linger, and even financial support for the work of God becomes a choice and option! The power to dominate is already inside you. What is lacking is the combination of the right codes to produce results. Feed on the Word and inject some prayer dosage, coupled with fasting for breaking the flesh and being sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Then, when you command with the voice of an archangel, your petition will never be denied.     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I speak spirit; I speak milk and honey; I speak life. My sensitivity in the spiritual realm is raised to optimum levels. Spiritual substances I decree and declare shall manifest to God’s glory! Further Study Mark 16:17     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/23/20242 minutes, 54 seconds
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Psalm 41:9 Yea, mine own familiar friend, in whom I trusted, which did eat of my bread, hath lifted up his heel against me. Many of life’s challenges and problems come from unlikely sources. David lamented in the scripture above about the source of his troubles: friends who shared bread and ate with him. In the end, the one David considered a “friend” lifted their heel against him! This friend had become prideful and boastful and taken themselves to be too big when, in fact, they were nobodies. The worst betrayal a person can have is those you consider friends stabbing you in the back.     I have concluded that life is a blast with no friends. Some friends are enemies in waiting! Some will say he or she is my best friend, but two years later, they become your worst enemy! Examine your relations so that you can distinguish the ones that will stay with you through thick and thin. I pray for you today that God will give you discernment to quickly detect those people around you, whether they are there for a reason, which will make them stick with you, or for a season, so they leave quickly without causing injury to your destiny.       PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am surrounded by angels. Any pretence of the enemy masquerading as a friend will not survive! I am shielded in God’s grace; my life is secured in Christ! Further Study Luke 22:21   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/22/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Isaiah 54:2  Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; Sometimes, you need to be pregnant with something new to change your appetite. If there is nothing new to push you out of your comfort zone, expect nothing new to happen. When a woman becomes pregnant, there are certain changes in her appetite that do not normally surface until she’s pregnant. When this happens, understand that it is not the woman who is demanding the new food, the new dress code, the new accommodation, the new financial security, no. Something is pushing that demand, and that is the pregnancy!     When your surroundings suddenly seem uncomfortable for you, your vehicle is not adequate for you anymore, your wardrobe has become miniature, your dress code demands an upgrade, etc., then you know it’s time for milk and honey! When God is shifting you to another dimension, your current position becomes unsatisfying, and the motion for change becomes irreversible. The push from within is not of yourself but a call from the pregnancy to expand your horizons and birth something new that will become a blessing for generations to come!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am ready, set on fire to do exploits for God. I am birthing forth something new that will confound my generation. I have a high calling and set to conquer new territories for Jesus!    Further Study Isaiah 26:15     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/21/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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2 Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. In our early days, I once brought home a book I bought on finance. I explained to my wife how this book would make us rich! I told her we would have a million times what I spent on the book by the degree of knowledge acquired by reading it! The scriptures tell us in Proverbs 4:7, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” It is important that you read books and other materials that enrich your spiritual growth and understanding.     Some Christians queue in long lines waiting to buy a bottle of anointing oil rather than investing in books and other materials that will build their capacities and knowledge. While I do not object to anointing oil as a conduit of the anointing, knowledge acquired through books is compressed and enlarges your understanding of how best to navigate life and win. Do not neglect the study of the Word of God and other spiritual material by substituting them with an anointing jar. Each has a role in building you up for Kingdom advancement.     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am built up to conquer nations through knowledge. I’m not ordinary; I have wisdom from above. The Word of God in me gives me understanding to handle life challenges.  Further Study Hebrews 4:11     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/20/20242 minutes, 40 seconds
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Genesis 26:3 Stay in this land as a foreigner, and I will be with you and bless you. For I will give all these lands to you and your offspring, and I will confirm the oath that I swore to your father Abraham. It is laughable for someone to say that God is not involved in prosperity! When we declare a life of milk and honey, they don’t take it seriously. Yet, some well-meaning Christians believe when they live a mediocre, beggarly lifestyle of lack, it shows piety and their ticket to Heaven is booked! They are sincere but sincerely wrong! Some Christians even believe that if you prosper, your own mind and knowledge cause it, but God is not part of the equation.     If you are a Christian, then you should know Abraham, the Father of Faith, to whom God spoke clearly saying, “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:2). If you believe that God spoke these words to Abraham, then know that God does not take pleasure in poverty. Rather, He takes pleasure in the prosperity of His servant (Psalm 35:27). You are blessed to become a blessing to many!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION Prosperity is my surname. I am God’s headquarters; I cannot live a life of lack and want for my inheritance is of God. Wherever I go, I shall continue to be a blessing, in the Name of Jesus. Further Study Genesis 13:15   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/19/20242 minutes, 51 seconds
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John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Some people consider the ministration of the Word of God a mere and ordinary segment of the church service, just the preacher delivering the Word as a routine! However, this is not the case. When a man of God appears on the pulpit, what you see is physical, but the reality in the spirit realm is different! The words being released from the pulpit are not just empty and ordinary words, no. They are fiery weapons causing havoc in the enemy’s camp.      Apostle Paul is a prime example of someone who put his life in hazard for the sake of the gospel. He was always in one conundrum or the other. Ministering the Word of God could cause death, it is a hard hat area, but in the realm of the spirit, demons are crying as we minister! This is one of the reasons why Christians have a duty to pray for men of God everywhere no matter what. The devil’s agenda is destructive, and he shall by no means win if you stick to the life-giving word of God.     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I hold up the hands of my man of God. I am teaming up with my preacher to punish the devil; the words that I speak are life and spirit. The enemy is in trouble right now because I am speaking and praying! Hallelujah!   Further Study Hebrews 7:25   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/18/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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2 Chronicles 20:20 And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper. This declaration about believing God and His prophets is cardinal to life’s success. God’s preoccupation is not soul winning! Oh, someone is shaken as their entire belief system rested on this, but understand, facts have no feelings. God’s greatest desire is to be believed. That’s it! Change your mindset, believe, and confidently take God at His word, then your establishment will be solid as a concrete foundation.      Interestingly, God links your prosperity to believing his prophets. Prosperity is a function of believing God’s prophet. The significance is God is a God of order and principles. Amos 3:7 says: “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” God honours His word and teaches us to understand that He works on planet Earth through His mouthpiece, the prophet, and by simply believing His prophet, your prosperity is guaranteed! Prophet Declaration I am repositioned to walk into my prosperity and live a prosperous life as I believe God’s Prophet. I am blessed indeed to have a prophet. God’s Word cannot lie; in this year of milk and honey, my prosperity is now!   Further Study Jeremiah 38:20   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/17/20243 minutes, 7 seconds
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Matthew 7:25 (AMP) And the rain fell, and the floods and torrents came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. The Bible says there was rain, floods, torrents and winds – all representing the vicissitudes of life – pounding against a house. The house spoken of in this scripture is you. Yes, you reading this word now. Remember, you are the temple of God, so everything the enemy has is being thrown at you. You may be unemployed, and your marriage may be facing the strongest challenge ever. Like walking a tightrope, all these may be happening at the same time, but do not worry!      The storms of life come against you for the sole purpose of testing your foundation! The good news is, as Christians, Christ is our foundation. If the foundation is Christ, rest assured, you’re not stuck in that problem; you’re going through it! You’re not waiting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, no. You entered that tunnel as light, for you are the light of the world. Know for certain your problem has an expiry date, so you will not remain in it.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I stand on the solid rock which is Christ. I am not carried away by stormy weather. Regardless of the intensity of the storm, I will not go down, I shall remain standing! Hallelujah! Further Study Proverbs 10:25   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
3/16/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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2 Kings 2:11 (NIV) As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.   Before today’s scripture, Prophet Elijah moved from Gilgal to Bethel to Jericho and finally to Jordan, where he went to Heaven in a whirlwind. He moved from place to place until he found a conducive environment saturated with a level of spiritual sensitivity and activity that could serve as a portal to the next spiritual realm. There are some environments that push you in the Spirit to accomplish more. Environments in the Spirit set the stage to be transported to another dimension.      In the right environment, miracles are manifested, and healings take place. You must understand environments that are sustained by spiritual activities have possibilities that can change your destiny. There are mortals who are also carriers of environments that sustain the ability to transform your life forever. Your assignment is to locate these environments that when you encounter, your bank account must change, your marriage must change, your family must change, and when you find them, treasure them!       PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have entered the right environment to receive my miracle, and I am not leaving empty. My mind is alert, and my heart is ready to receive. My life is bound to change today, and I shall testify. Further Study Genesis 5:24   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/15/20243 minutes, 1 second
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Mark 10:27 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.   There are infinite possibilities in the realm of the Spirit. When the Bible says all things are possible with God, it simply means “all things”! There are no exceptions when it comes to possibilities with God. Note that most things in the Spirit are not taught but caught! One essential element you must know today is that accessing things of the Spirit requires a vehicle. Some vehicles can be human beings! Certain environments are called vehicles in the Spirit because they push you to a place where your destiny will be birthed forth.     When you locate your vehicle, you will be taken from one location to the other and see progress in your life. When you choose the right vehicle, you will rise and be celebrated. Some adversities cause you to rise, so inadvertently, they also become vehicles transporting you to your next level. That situation you called imprisonment that has harassed your marriage, finances, ministry, or children is the vehicle that will transport you to your palace. Do not fear it; go through it. There is a land of milk and honey on the other side!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am riding on winds of chariots; turbulences may come from behind, but they just push me with a thrust that will make me arrive at my destination faster and quicker. All things are working for my good! Further Study Matthew 19:26   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
3/14/20242 minutes, 55 seconds
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Revelation 4:7 (NLT) The first of these living beings was like a lion; the second was like an ox; the third had a human face; and the fourth was like an eagle in flight.   One of the four creatures that sat around God’s throne had the face of a man. So, in reality, man was with God before Adam’s creation, but notice the qualifier: God said let us create “man in our own image”. That lets us know that Adam as a man was created differently from the being that had the face of a man. God created us in His image with spirit, soul, and body. The body was made from dust, so the flesh or body is carnal.     When the devil tempted Eve to eat of the forbidden tree, and she enticed her husband to do the same, a curse was placed upon the serpent that it would eat dust (Genesis 3:14). Yet, we all know snakes don’t eat dust. So, what does this ‘dust’ actually refer to? It symbolizes the flesh. The enemy attacks the flesh, so it’s crucial to nourish your spirit daily with the Word of God to prevail over the desires of our flesh. Keep affirming milk and honey even in your spiritual life and it shall be so!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am growing in my spirit by the Word of God. I build up resistance against the fiery darts of the enemy. I have the spiritual fortitude to make the enemy flee in the Name of Jesus! Further Study Ezekiel 1:10     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
3/13/20242 minutes, 53 seconds
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Psalm 82:5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. One of the most powerful but often ignored men in the Bible is Adam! Adam’s fall created pandemonium in the heavenlies to the point that all the cosmos, the earth systems, and the moon and stars went out of alignment. The Bible tells us Jesus is the last Adam: “So it is written, The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” (1 Corinthians 15:45, CSB). So, do you think the first Adam was powerless? No, sir!     In the Garden of Eden, Adam got information from a tree, and today, we even get medication from trees. Money is made from paper, which is made from trees. So if Adam ate first of the tree of life, mankind would not have gotten sick! Adam’s authority and dominance far surpass the ordinary. Adam lost that authority when he fell, but the last Adam, Jesus, restored that power and authority back to us. Now you can speak to your surroundings and environment, and they have no option but to obey and see a change effected!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am restored to power in Christ. I speak creative words, I carry the DNA of God, I am royalty, and creation is my subject. I shall dominate, and winning is what I do!  Further Study Psalm 11:3     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/12/20242 minutes, 51 seconds
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1 Thessalonians 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: We have a peculiar advantage when it comes to ministry because of the revelation we have received from God. This is the foretaste of glory divine. The scripture is clear, but I think I need to expound on this one. The Lord, on that day, as He descends from Heaven, will shout with the voice of an archangel. The dead in Christ will rise first when they hear the last trumpet. This means only the voice of an archangel can be heard by the dead and resurrect them!    I often declare, “By the voice of an archangel”, because voices are different, and men and women of God are different. There is a pull in the Spirit that draws you to those who are afflicted and in need. Today, I speak with the voice of an archangel to that dead womb, to that dead marriage, to that dead company, to that dead bank account to resurrect now and begin to be fruitful and productive. Deadness is exiled from your life now!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION My voice shall dominate the airwaves, and with my voice, my money will hear me clearly. I decree and declare that I shall never be broke another day in my life! Further Study Matthew 24:31   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
3/11/20242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Psalms 92:12 The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Notice the flourishing of the righteous is compared to the palm tree. There is something unique about the palm tree that the righteous can be compared to it. There are certain qualities of the palm tree that we must emulate. The palm tree is flexible and resilient enough to withstand storms! The palm tree can bend backwards, forwards, and sideways in the face of heavy storms to the breaking point. Yet after the storm, the palm tree is still standing, unmovable, and steadfast.     The comparison of a palm tree to a righteous man – a Christian – as depicted in today’s scripture is not a coincidence. In the face of adversity, the Christian is expected to stand strong. In the face of life’s challenges, like the storms of life, the Christian should not budge but stand solid on the Word of God, rooted in faith. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 declares, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed.” You are coming out like milk and honey!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION My life shall be a wonder! When the storm is over, I shall remain standing strong. My life is hidden in Christ; I cannot be destroyed, I will not go under, but stand tall to declare God’s Word! Hallelujah! Further Study Psalm 1:3    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/10/20242 minutes, 59 seconds
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John 6:68 Simon Peter replied, "Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words of eternal life.” This statement made by Simon Peter signifies so many things. Simon Peter and the other disciples have thoroughly made their research and findings clear: only Jesus has the “Words of eternal life”. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Verse 14 of the same chapter says, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” (NKJV). Jesus is the WORD who was manifested in the flesh!      Recognise that Jesus is God, so the words that God speaks are eternal. That is a fact! Jesus says in Mark 13:31, “Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.” The words of Jesus are eternal and will stand the test of time! When you have the words of eternal life to drive you, sicknesses will flee from you. When you speak, your bank account as a creature will respond. What you carry is eternal and powerful and needs expression in your daily life!       PROPHETIC DECLARATION Eternity and divinity reside in me; therefore, I walk with power. When I speak, I exude dominion. My life is a life of excellence; my environment is saturated with miracles, signs and wonders. Further Study Matthew 16:16     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/9/20243 minutes, 8 seconds
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John 6:63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.   You need the binary code to communicate in the realm of the Spirit. Spirits do not speak your known languages like Swahili, English, French or German. Spirits communicate in signals and codes. There are categories of tongues, certain tongues you pray, like shooting machine guns and launching ballistic missiles in the realm of the Spirit, causing havoc in the enemy’s camp. See yourself as a powerhouse, a nuclear facility meant to decimate any enemy outpost.     The enemy continues to harass you because he thinks you are a weakling and ordinary individual. Now arise, take hold of your armoury embedded in your tongues, and begin to go ballistic, blast, and pulverise with your machine gun tongues. It is now time for war. In this year of milk and honey; go on the offence against the enemy until your peace is restored, your finances are restored, and your household is put back in order. Push your tongues to another level; do not relinquish until you capture what was taken from you.     PROPHETIC DECLARATION My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer. My voice shall send shockwaves in the camp of the enemy. I am a one-man army; with Jesus, I shall conquer territories. This year, I shall move from victory to victory in Jesus’ name!  Further Study John 5:21   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/8/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ … Today’s scripture involves understanding “all spiritual blessings”. God, in His sovereign power, decided to lavish “all spiritual blessings” upon us through Jesus! I mean the One who sits in the circumference of Himself made the decision to bless us with “all spiritual blessings” in Christ! If you think about it, God, in His benevolence, took it upon Himself to bless us regardless of our shortcomings and imperfections! That is why I always say God is not mad at you; He’s mad about you!     One thing that I believe you now understand is this: life is spiritual! So, when God decided to bless us with spiritual blessings in Christ, He demonstrated His goodness towards us at the highest level. When you have Christ, you have all spiritual blessings – not some, but all. Numbers 23:20 puts it this way, “Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it.” Whatever they say or think about you is of no consequence. What God says about you takes precedence. He said this year shall be a year of milk and honey; that settles the matter! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am blessed and highly favoured; I cannot be ignored. My life is a life of joy and peace. I am God’s treasure, valued beyond rubies. Whoever touches me, you are finished!    Further Study 2 Corinthians 1:3     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
3/7/20243 minutes
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James 1:24 (NKJV) … Or he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. The expressions and viewpoints of Christians are sometimes puzzling. They will say things like, “God is dealing with me, so I have to go through this hardship”, or “God is punishing me with this migraine”. This is just insane! There is no way God will take glory in your failures! There is no way that God is teaching you a lesson by giving you over to sickness; no, this is not God. God never uses the devil’s tools to teach His children lessons. God is not teaching you a lesson by keeping negativity in your life, no! God does not use the enemy’s tactics to drive through His agenda.      You are solely responsible for charting your aeons. There should not be someone or something to always blame when you do not see progress in your life! Self-introspection is important. Ask yourself, How am I managing my time? Am I consistent with my tithing? Am I disciplined and consistent with my prayer life? Do I take reading God’s word seriously? When you begin to do things differently, certainly different results will come through for you; start practicing it today.      PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am God’s techno, a new species that never existed before. I do not give up nor quit, and I am confident that I will testify very soon!   Further Study Luke 1:66   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/6/20242 minutes, 50 seconds
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Isaiah 43:18 Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Every seed has a cover or coat when planted in the ground, and there, under the ground, the seed is buried, yet it is a season for the seed. However, even in that state, there is a cushion around the seed. A Christian should never think that they are forgotten! You may feel buried under an avalanche of problems where it seems your relevance is forgotten, your skills buried, your connections cut off, your finances just not there, and your family is falling apart. Your problems are compounded one after the other, and there seems to be no way out for you!     I bring good news to you right now: you are not alone; you are not forgotten. Like the seed buried under the ground, it is just a matter of time to see that very seed germinate and manifest newness to the amazement of passers-by and the delight of the Farmer. Daylight is here despite your night season. As surely as the Lord lives, your family will not fall apart, your business will not collapse, and that sickness will not take you out. Your season of germination is now! You shall testify that indeed, milk and honey is what you’re experiencing this year; rejoice for evermore!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION In the face of adversity, my trust in God will not shrink. I am more than a conqueror; victory after victory, I conquer everything that comes my way! Glory to Jesus! Further Study 2 Corinthians 5:17     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/5/20242 minutes, 54 seconds
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Acts 12:9  So Peter followed him out, but he was unaware that what the angel was doing was real. He thought he was only seeing a vision. Peter’s release from prison was a divine intervention orchestrated by an angelic being. Interestingly, as the liberation was unfolding, Peter could not believe what was happening. In fact, in trying to process the interplay between the natural and supernatural entry and exit points, Peter concluded that it was a vision, refusing to accept the reality that he was now out of prison!    Today, I speak to that situation of barrenness in your marriage, your finances, your career, your ministry, that your moment of liberation is now! Like Peter, it will seem like a dream to you because it is happening so swiftly and fast that your reasoning capacity will be rendered useless. This miracle I declare to you now is beyond human comprehension: your finances are being pushed from the spiritual realm, your money is about to manifest, and your testimony of a life of milk and honey will shock you. A new reality of abundance has come to you. It is not a dream; this is now your new experience in Christ. Your life of imprisonment is over, never to revisit you!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I am God’s masterpiece, wonderfully made to show forth His glory and splendour. My kingly makeup is showing forth. Strongholds of impoverishment and lack are demolished now in the mighty Name of Jesus!  Further Study Psalm 126:1 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/4/20242 minutes, 52 seconds
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Isaiah 54:17 (MSG) But no weapon that can hurt you has ever been forged. Any accuser who takes you to court will be dismissed as a liar. This is what God's servants can expect. I'll see to it that everything works out for the best." God's Decree.   Today, I decree and declare the Word of the Lord to you as purposely stated in Isaiah 54:11-17 (MSG): “Afflicted city, storm-battered, unpitied: I’m about to rebuild you with stones of turquoise, lay your foundations with sapphires, construct your towers with rubies, Your gates with jewels, and all your walls with precious stones. All your children will have God for their teacher— what a mentor for your children!    You’ll be built solid, grounded in righteousness, far from any trouble—nothing to fear! Far from terror—it won’t even come close! If anyone attacks you, don’t for a moment suppose that I sent them, And if any should attack, nothing will come of it.   I create the blacksmith who fires up his forge and makes a weapon designed to kill I also create the destroyer—but no weapon that can hurt you has ever been forged. Any accuser who takes you to court will be dismissed as a liar. This is what God’s servants can expect. I will see to it that everything works out for the best.” God’s Decree.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION My life is packaged for success; I cannot fail! God said it, the Prophet heard it, that settles it!  Further Study Daniel 3:26     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/3/20243 minutes, 6 seconds
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Genesis 1:2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.     The scripture points out that the earth as we know it now was without “form” and “void” from the beginning. Void here entails emptiness, nothingness, like a wasteland where nothing is expected to grow! When the Spirit of God “moved”, the Hebrew rendering of the text is “rachaph”, meaning to brood in constant imagination of an outcome. It was there and then something new was birthed forth. The Holy Spirit was incubating or brooding, then finally said, “Light Be”, and there was light!   Spiritual incubation has conditions if you want the outcome to be as intended. Fluctuations in temperature greatly impact the result. Therefore, when spiritual incubation is happening, begin to raise the standard of your character, intensify your prayer life, increase the level of your worship and see your life become a life of milk and honey. The spiritual incubation process speeds up your spiritual growth and allows for spiritual capacities to be built. So, expand your fellowship with the Holy Spirit to empower you to live the newness of life supernaturally.     PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a new breed! I am born of the Spirit, and nothing can stop me from fulfilling my God-given purpose. The brilliance of my life will illuminate everything that surrounds me to God’s glory. Further Study 2 Corinthians 4:6   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
3/2/20242 minutes, 54 seconds
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Romans 1:1 (AMP)  Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle (special messenger, personally chosen representative), set apart for [preaching] the gospel of God [the good news of salvation]   During the old days in Israel, after seven years, a slave was entitled to his freedom. However, when the slave voluntarily chooses to remain in his master’s house and not leave him to live a free life of his own, then his ear is pierced, and he continues to work in his master’s house as “bondservant” or “BONDSLAVE”. So, Paul is saying he’s totally committed to serving Christ permanently without being forced.    Paul says, I was a slave that was given the liberty to leave my master, but because my master is so good to me, I cannot afford to leave him. I am committed with my entire being to serve Him! How many of us can genuinely say that is also true of me: I am ready with everything to serve my Lord Jesus; I am going to serve Him not under compulsion but willingly and cheerfully? The goodness of the Lord is overpowering and continues to flow regardless of our shortcomings. Count yourself a BONDSERVANT in his vineyard!     PROPHETIC DECLARATION I rededicate my life to Jesus, my King, Lord, and Saviour. I give my all for You, Lord, prepared to be used as Your battle axe to effect change in this last dispensation, in Jesus’ name!  Further Study 1 Corinthians 1:1   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
3/1/20242 minutes, 52 seconds
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  John 10:34 (KJV) Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?    Gods communicate with gods! This is the reason God remained silent; He had no other person to commune with. Even when you look at the god of this world (the devil), for the whole of Genesis, we never see him talking until he sees Adam! This means Adam's being was a complete replication of God! When you begin to dive into deeper realms in Christ, you must watch who you allow to have access to you. Make sure those you surround yourself with understand the level of revelation you have caught and the journeying it took for you in the spirit to reach the point you are at.   As a god, you must understand who you are! In the world today, people go to the graveyards and find tombstones of Muslims, Hindus and Christians all right beside each other. The reason for this is many Christians are not coming to the realisation of who they truly are in Christ and the life that is pulsating in them! Christians are gods and, therefore, should not die like mere men. Birds give birth to birds, and lions give birth to lions! You are a child of the most high God; you are a god!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am God undercover! I am born of God therefore death has no place in my life! Nothing will stop me this year of milk and honey! Hallelujah.    FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 82:6 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/29/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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1 John 5:4 (KJV)              For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.   Every single Christian should walk in a victory mindset. A concept such as failure should be foreign in your mind. A person possessing the most powerful weapon in the world and not knowing how to use it is the weakest person on the planet. This is how many of God’s children operate, yet you have already overcome this world!    The Bible says we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices. He holds absolutely no power over you as a child of the Lord. No weapon powerful enough to destroy you has ever been made or will ever be made! You are a child of the KING!    No matter what you go through today, there is a remedy within the Word of God! All those who fight against you are fighting a losing battle. You have been made a victor in Christ; as a child of God, victory is your heritage! Let failure be an inconceivable conceptualization! Have a victory mentality in everything you do, a milk and honey mindset; and you will see how your life will completely change!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a victor in Christ Jesus! Death, sickness or any other tool of the devil have no effect on me or my family! In this year, I shall experience unfathomable victories, in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Deuteronomy 20:4 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT: WWW.GOODNEWSWORLD.COM/GOODNEWSDAILY
2/28/20243 minutes, 2 seconds
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Revelation 1:10 (KJV) I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet.   It is impossible to be in the Spirit without having direct communication with the Lord. There are too many Christians who are not hearing the voice of God, who abuse their own words, voice, and mind to become the ‘voice of God.’ You’ll find when they apply for a job and get rejected, they say it was simply not God’s will for them to get the job, and when they get accepted, they say it was God’s will! The Bible tells us the Kingdom of God does not come by observation. Just because certain events seem a certain way does not mean God spoke or did not speak. Learn to be led by the Spirit of God. Learn to walk and function in the Spirit.   Do not be as those who prophesy their own vision and ambition instead of God’s vision and dream. You have a mission in your life which you must take seriously. So, do not be led by the voices of others, especially those who are of the world. Be disciplined enough to listen to the voice of God’s Spirit and allow God to be your driver!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I hear the voice of God’s Spirit; no situation can confuse me! Every decision I make is led entirely by the Spirit of the Lord. Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Psalms 143:10   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/27/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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Hebrews 12:22 (KJV) But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.   When your eyes are not open to the spiritual realm, you allow several problems to enter your life. As a Christian, seeing angels should be a regular experience in your life! When you observe the eye’s functionality, you are able to see based on light rays reflecting off an object and entering the eyes through the cornea (the transparent outer layer covering the eye). The amount of light is then adjusted by the pupil. Finally, a signal is sent to over 125 million sensors in the retina, allowing you to see. Just imagine that for you to see relies solely on light entering your eyes!   The Bible tells us the entrance of God’s Word gives light. This means that in order for you to see angels, you must read scriptures concerning angels so that the light of angels enters for you to see them! God created angels to help and assist you! When you consistently allow the light of angels to enter you, seeing angels will be an everyday occurrence!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I see angels everywhere I go! As I stand here now, there is an innumerable number of angels with me! As I read my Bible, light is entering me, in Jesus’ Name! Hallelujah.    FURTHER STUDY Psalm 119:130   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/26/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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Mark 16:17 (KJV) And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues.   Every single Christian has been given power to be a demon demolition expert! Whilst God gave us power to cast out devils in His name, some Christians are still tormented by all manner of ailments and issues. The reason for this can be attributed to many Christians using the name of God but not His character. The word ‘name’ in its original rendering is ónoma, meaning character.    The Bible speaks about seven sons of a Jewish high priest attempting to cast out a demon in the name of Jesus and failing! They simply did not have the character of Jesus to back up what they were saying. Do not fall for the devil’s trickery or allow him to infiltrate your life, for the Bible says God has given you power over all evil entities and power to trample serpents. Choose to walk in the character of Christ in everything you do. Sharpen your mind through the Word of God in order to be more like Christ. When you walk in the character of Jesus, nothing by any means shall harm you!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a DEMON DEMOLITION EXPERT! The devil’s tricks won't harm me or trick me. I refuse sickness; I have power to overcome anything and nothing will hurt me in Jesus’ Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Luke 10:19 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/25/20242 minutes, 58 seconds
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Galatians 2:20 (KJV)  I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.   As a child of God, you have been crucified with Christ! Whilst you are dead to the flesh, you do not live, but Christ is living and breathing through you. This means the Bible is literally saying when they see you, they have seen Christ! Once you grasp this concept and move with it as your reality in Christ, you don’t make mistakes! There is nothing called sickness or poverty because Jesus doesn’t struggle with sickness or poverty. Those who are dead to the flesh don’t care about what other people think or say!   When you live a crucified life, you must crucify the flesh daily! The flesh has desires of its own that you must burn; kill the desires of the flesh before they kill you. As a Christian, God has made and designed you to be exactly how Christ is. Walk in this mindset, and you will do mighty exploits in the Kingdom of God.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I live a crucified life! I am dead to the flesh and alive through Jesus Christ! NO manner of sickness can destroy me. All fleshly desires have been buried, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:13 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/24/20242 minutes, 54 seconds
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John 14:30 (KJV) Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.   The problem with people on earth today is that they do not realise every person emits energy! There is no way for any demonic influence to enter your life unless you emit something that attracts them. Jesus saw the devil and said there was not a single attribute He shared with him! In other words, one can credit several of the devil’s attacks to him finding characteristics of himself emitting from the inside of them.  Scientists have recently found that light and matter are co-dependent, as you cannot have light without matter and matter without light. This idea of cause and effect shows the reason you are the way you are is a result of two things being co-dependent and responding to one another! The reason God demands holiness is because holiness stops any emission that might attract the devil! As a child of God, refuse to accept any characteristics of the devil into your life. Do not accommodate sickness, poverty or anger. Let your calling push you and direct your life so that your emissions are removed from the devil’s access!    PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have absolutely no characteristics of the devil in me! I reflect God’s goodness in everything I do; I am holy and set apart. My calling is my only focus, in Jesus’ Name!    FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:29 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/23/20242 minutes, 55 seconds
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2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.   Currency and money are two different things. Currency measures the value of exchange whilst money is the storage of it. Today, money is not backed up by anything. What was once the universally used currency (the dollar) continues to decrease in value! Where it was once backed by gold, it is now our words that give money backing! This means money can also be commanded and controlled by the power of your words! Every Christian has adopted a godly inheritance in Christ Jesus, meaning as a child of God, poverty has no choice but to check out!   Currency must be portable, durable and divisible. When you increase your value, more money comes to validate that value. Give full attendance to reading the Word of God, as the Bible says that the reading of the Word is profitable in all areas of your life.                                                                                                                                                                                 God is a God of multiplication; He can’t multiply anything by zero. You must create value in yourself for God to use you and multiply you. Choose to associate yourself with like-minded individuals who do not take away but add value to your life!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The money is coming to me! My finances shall experience astronomical heights! Those who looked down upon me, will look up to my milk and honey, in Jesus’ Name!   FURTHER STUDY John 10:10   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/22/20242 minutes, 44 seconds
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John 3:16 (KJV) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.   What caused God to leave Heaven to forgive you? Why go through the process of finding a human body, becoming an embryo, waiting nine months only to grow to adulthood and eventually die on the cross, then forgive His children. Do you realise God took on the form of a servant and removed divinity just so he could come here and forgive you!    Why is it that the devil has not repented to this day, yet he is described as the one who sealest up the sum, in other words, the most intelligent being. Do you really think the devil has not calculated what he lost by now? The reason for this is spirits cannot forgive! In the eyes of spirits, forgiveness can only be fulfilled when death takes place. This is why God had to send His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for you so you could be forgiven!   Notice in the Bible it was the devil’s thoughts that caused him to be removed from Heaven. He never carried out or acted upon these thoughts! The devil hates God’s people because they sin every day, yet God continues to love and forgive!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I have been forgiven for all my sins; God sent His Son so that I could be forgiven and live a life of milk and honey, Glory be to God.   FURTHER STUDY Psalm 86:5 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:      
2/21/20242 minutes, 42 seconds
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Psalm 105:15 (KJV) Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.   The reality of spirituality is based on your ability to sense the unction! There is a certain way by which every general and luminary in the spirit is able to locate the anointing. Most people do not even realise there is such a thing as sensing the anointing. For this reason, most failures in your life can be attributed to not recognising the anointing of the people God sent to help you.    As you continue your walk in Christ, it is vital that you respect and sense the anointing on those whom God has ordained and placed in authority over you. In the Bible, we see a demon compelled to preach as Paul walked by because of the strong power the apostle had within him. This means the devil can also smell, touch and sense the anointing.   Refuse to let the words of others dictate your life! Especially if those words are contrary to what God says concerning your life. It may seem like your boss, teacher, or a colleague mistreats you for reasons unbeknownst to you, but it is because they are threatened by the anointing they sense in you! So chin up today!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I choose to recognise who God has sent to help me! I have been given the spirit of discernment; I will not rely on anyone to sense God’s anointing, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!   FURTHER STUDY 1 John 2:20 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/20/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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2 Corinthians 12:4 (KJV) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which is not lawful for a man to utter.   There is a certain realm where some humans can host the presence of God and go beyond the average man. You can be better than them in the prophetic or even healing, but in the eyes of the Father, they are superior spirits! Paul describes his experience going to Heaven saying he heard words that were unlawful for him to utter. Those who are superior spirits hear secrets from another world!    There are dimensions that can only be revealed through the mouth of superior spirits! Whilst they are not respected amongst the masses, they are respected by God. These men and women are signposts to God’s existence through Christianity alone!   God has made His ministers flames of fire! The prerequisite of being a superior spirit is fire. This means the reason your enemies are failing to destroy you is because they lack fire! The fire of God is birthed through conversing with the King of Kings and taking time to indulge in His Word. Imagine the power you would have if you only realised there is fire needed in you, and when you host the fire of God in you, you will become a superior spirit!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I hold the fire of God in me! My life is a signpost to Christ! I am a host of God’s presence in Jesus’ Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 1:7 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT: WWW.GOODNEWSWORLD.COM/GOODNEWSDAILY
2/19/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Contrary to what many believe, faith is current! The scripture states, ‘Now faith is,’ meaning you cannot use yesterday’s faith for today. Whilst faith certainly accumulates, it hinges on your current state of being. What are you doing now? Are you holding onto what faith is and abiding by its laws? The word ‘substance’ in the original rendering directly translates to hypóstasis, meaning substructure or fundamental reality that supports all else.  Faith acts as the title deed for what you want to obtain and is the proof and foundation of your belief. As a Christian, you are born into faith but must learn how to access it. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. So, for you to access faith, you must consume the Word daily! Ensure you attend church and read the Word of God so that faith can accumulate in you. Additionally, the Bible tells us to walk by faith and not by sight, meaning faith should be fully functioning regardless of your situation. When you walk in faith, poverty has no hold on you, and no sickness is strong enough to harm you.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I choose to walk in faith in every area of my life! As I consume more of God’s Word, faith is accumulating in me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY James 2:26 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
2/18/20242 minutes, 49 seconds
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Proverbs 18:21 (KJV) Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.     Your words carry power! From Genesis to Revelation, God has done nothing physically; all He has done is speak! Even in the process of creation, God is seen speaking! As His children, we have been given the same creative ability as Christ through our words. The Bible says the words you speak are spirit, and they are life. The word ‘life’ in the original rendering is zōé, meaning life as God has it, or in other words, the life that powers God! This is why the words you speak cannot die! If you say, ‘I am broke,’ those words are moving around, finding ways to make your confession a reality!   Your mouth is a production centre for spirits. Whatever you speak is looking for ways to confirm what you say concerning your life. The Bible says that the words you speak shall not return to you void, but they will accomplish everything you have sent them to do; therefore, if you speak the words, THE MONEY IS COMING, it will take place just as your words have declared!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I have power in my words! I choose to only speak good things into my life, regardless of the circumstances; my body is HEALTHY, I am a WEALTHY wonder in the Kingdom of God, In Jesus’ Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Isaiah 55:11   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/17/20242 minutes, 40 seconds
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John 4:35 (KJV) Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.   Winning souls is easy! Jesus has already answered every possible objection to the belief that soul winning is difficult. The problem is that Christians have read the scriptures about soul winning but have not taken the time to delve deeper into what God said. Jesus (the masterful soul-winner) understood the Jewish people’s love for agriculture and used it as the basis for this teaching.    To understand the question posed in the verse for today’s reading, you must understand that it takes four months for wheat to mature before it is ready to be harvested by a farmer, and the Lord uses this language deliberately, knowing His audience.   Now, you are not the farmer! So, it is not your duty to cultivate the grounds for soul winning. It was already done by God! This completely nullifies the belief that soul winning is difficult. Those who think this way have mistakenly given themselves the role of the farmer when that role belongs to God alone! Being a super soul-winner is recognising the involvement of God as the farmer! The harvest is ready for you to win souls TODAY!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a SUPER SOUL-WINNER! Winning souls has been made easy for me. The harvest is READY! Hallelujah.    FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 11:30 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/16/20242 minutes, 48 seconds
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Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV) For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.   God has spectacular plans for you! Know that as God’s child, all your needs are supplied according to His riches in glory. This means that lack has no place in your life. You may live poor, but know that no Christian is born to be sick, depressed, or poor. God’s intention is for you to prosper in every endeavour you choose to involve yourself in. Refuse to accommodate or accept poverty in your life or your family’s lives! Confess that God did away with your poverty the moment you became a Christian. Speak to your situation saying, I lack absolutely NOTHING!   The benefits of being prosperous are abundantly clear! In Genesis, prosperity is described as a shelter and hedge of protection from the devil. The Bible tells us that despite the devil’s attempts, he could not harm God’s servant Job due to the hedge of money surrounding him and his house. Continue to confess only positivity over your life and finances. The sooner you realise your riches in Christ, the sooner a hedge of wealth will rush towards you and surround you!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I have MEGA MONEY! I attract unlimited, unsearchable riches and great amounts of money! God has blessed the work of my hands! THE MONEY IS COMING TO ME LIKE MILK AND HONEY NOW! Glory!   FURTHER STUDY Ecclesiastes 7:12 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/15/20242 minutes, 49 seconds
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Ephesians 3:19 (KJV) And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all fulness of God.   Love is the totality of God’s nature; He is love personified! As a result, in Christ there is love that transcends all human understanding. The Bible tells us that God loves you so much that He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, so you may have eternal life. Whilst those in the world can revoke their feelings towards you depending on various circumstances or even actions you may have taken against them, God’s love is described as never-ending, meaning absolutely nothing can separate you from the love of Christ!   When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, His Spirit immediately dominated you with His love. So, as Christians, it’s important to be loving just as your Father is loving. As you progress in your walk with Christ, exercising your love for those around you, you become like your Father. The Bible tells us that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts; therefore, it is impossible to not love as a Christian! As a product of love, you must show it not only in your words but also in your actions. Throughout the rest of this week, choose to walk in the love of God!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  GOD loves me so much! I have the same nature as the Father, in Jesus’ Mighty Name.   FURTHER STUDY 1 John 4:7-8 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/14/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Psalm 133:1 (KJV) Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!   As Christians, we must function together in perfect, unwavering unity! The world is obsessed with prejudice, denominationalism, and identity politics; these are qualities you simply cannot allow to creep into your walk with God. No matter a person’s creed or background, hold each of your neighbours in high regard.    The Bible tells us that by loving one another, we are identified as followers of Jesus Christ. Ensure you do absolutely nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but instead do everything in humility, valuing others above yourself! You are your brother’s keeper! When a brother or sister in Christ needs help, let your first instinct be to assist them in the best way you can. These are the qualities we are expected to have as children of God.   The Church is the fulness of Christ! Christ is totally and completely made manifest in His Church, which is His body! The fullness of Christ is demonstrated and substantiated through His body in the Word. Everything relating to Jesus Christ is in His Church; His glory and character are in His Church. This means as a united body, we have ALL inherited the characteristics of Christ!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a problem SOLVER! Wherever help is needed, I am the SOLUTION. I look after my brothers and sisters in the Lord, in Jesus’ Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Ephesians 4:3 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/13/20242 minutes, 57 seconds
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  1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV) Pray without ceasing. As children of the living God, you must pray without ceasing! Prayer is not everything, but it changes absolutely everything! Prayer is a technology in which you can communicate with the Father. Through prayer, we are revitalised and charged up! The place of prayer is a place of rehabilitation and incubation. Men of prayer move from life to eternity! People of prayer have undeniable value in God’s Kingdom.    This is why the Bible tells us of Abel’s voice crying out to God even in death. Abel had built so much stature in the Kingdom through his prayer that his voice remained audible to God.  Ensure your house is a house of prayer. Prayer has the power to change your and your family’s lives. Know that when you create open dialogue with the King of Kings, your prayer is, without any exceptions, answered with a yes and amen before you even start praying.    This is why being consistent in prayer is essential to establishing a relationship with God. In the Bible, we see God’s disciples dedicating hours in their days to pray and worship God; this means it is important to respect allocated hours of prayer within your respective church. Regardless of what goes on in your life, make sure you dedicate time for prayer.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION There is power in my prayer! My prayer changes all the murky waters of my life into milk and honey In Jesus’ Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Philippians 4:6 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/12/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalm 41:3 (KJV) The LORD will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness.   The verse above details how God can restore those on their sick beds to perfect health! The Bible tells us that by Jesus’ wounds, we were healed. As a Christian, it is essential that you speak to sickness and command it to leave your body. Just as faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, fear comes by hearing and hearing by the words of the devil.    Refuse to incline your ears to the voice of the deceiver and solely focus on Jesus Christ. Faith at a base level is an argument with the devil; when he tries to say you are sick, speak healing into every fibre of your being. Through every single circumstance, maintain your confession!    Not only do we have the power to confess healing into our own bodies, but other people’s too! God has given every one of His children unquestionable authority over all things that pertain to life and godliness. Walk in the consciousness that sickness has no place in your or your family’s lives. As soon as you recognise your God-given power, sickness will have no choice but to check out!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION Sickness has no hold on my life! I have power to dispel sickness from my body. My life and health is SPECTACULAR and overflowing with milk and honey in Jesus’ Name!    FURTHER STUDY 1 Peter 2:4 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT: WWW.GOODNEWSWORLD.COM/GOODNEWSDAILY
2/11/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Matthew 10:31 (KJV) Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.   To God, some people are EXPENDABLE! Whilst that might come as a shock, stay with me. Every Christian can increase their value within the Kingdom of God and become irreplaceable in the sight of God. In the Bible, the devil claimed God’s servant Job (a man of great wealth and integrity) would reject Him if he was stripped of all he had. God allowed Satan to test Job but disallowed him from harming His child physically in any way. Although God prohibited the devil from harming Job, the devil was allowed to cause raiders to raid and kill Job’s farmhands.    This shows that God has those who are more important than others within the Kingdom. The Bible tells us that when you are important to God, you become His main priority, and He will give entire nations just to save you! As a child of God, you can increase your value in the Kingdom simply by being involved in the work of the ministry. Engaging in various church programs and activities centred around advancing the Kingdom of God can increase your importance. Whether you sing, clean, or even dance, allow your gift to be a blessing to God’s Kingdom!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I choose to increase my value today! I am IMPORTANT to GOD; I add undeniable value to the Kingdom, in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Isaiah 43:4 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/10/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Galatians 5:24 (KJV) And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.   As Christians, we are not slaves to the flesh and its desires! You are set apart from this world; this means when the world is experiencing drought, drought is not your portion. The Bible says we must not be conformed to the pattern of this world, meaning where the world experiences pestilences and pandemics, we experience unprecedented health and miracles!    The Word says that we are GODS! Every day, be conscious that you are a spirit being and above the systems and regulations of this world. The desires of the world are all vanity! Refuse to succumb to voices that speak contrary to God’s Word and attempt to influence you to do wrong.   If you choose to submit yourself to God and resist the devil, he will flee from you! The Bible tells us that a mindset on the flesh is hostile to God. This is why we are told we must renew our minds! Ensure as a Christian that your mind is fortified with the Word of God. Disallow any exterior voice to influence or lead you astray! You think differently than those who are in the world. You are not in the FLESH!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am not in the flesh! I have crucified the flesh and all its desires, in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY Romans 6:23 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
2/9/20242 minutes, 34 seconds
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Luke 1:37 (KJV) For with God nothing shall be impossible. There are limitless possibilities for those who believe in God. The Bible tells us in the above scripture that all things are possible with God! This means there is no situation God cannot solve, no drought that He is not the remedy. As Christians, we have been given power to combat all the devil’s antics and devices; there is nothing too difficult for the Lord!  In the Bible we see unimaginable miracles, signs and wonders, from people being raised from the dead, sickness being vacated from people’s bodies, and entire seas being divided in two. Yet, Jesus said we will do greater works! This means that as a child of God, you have the power to confess healing into your own body and finances into your life! Jesus placed power in YOU to do absolutely anything!  The Bible tells us that Christ strengthens us to do ALL things; God’s power is sufficient to make up for our weaknesses! As you continue your walk with Christ, know there are absolutely no limitations to what you can accomplish this year of milk and honey if you simply believe!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION   Through Christ I am strengthened to do ALL things. In this year, there shall be NO LIMIT to what I achieve! My health is superb! I shall exceed my peers’ expectations, and incomprehensible amounts of wealth shall run to me faster than a cheetah in Jesus’ Mighty Name!   FURTHER STUDY Philippians 4:13 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/8/20242 minutes, 57 seconds
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Hebrews 2:8 (KJV) Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.   Legally, God has put all things under the authority of men, but in human experience, we don’t see it! Christians are still consumed by sickness and poverty, yet this is not God’s intention for our lives! There are unquantifiable possibilities for the child of God; you have the power and authority to destroy every wall in front of you.  Declare to yourself daily that your finances, health, ALL THINGS are under your feet! The Bible says God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness. The sooner you realise this, the sooner you’ll see a shift in your everyday life.     There were people in the Bible who refused to succumb to their situations. Moses was between the Egyptians and the Red Sea; did he panic? NO! He refused to see the walls in front of him and parted the waters! Refuse to recognise any wall trying to block your milk and honey prophecy!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  All things are under my control. I am a wrecking ball crashing through any wall set to prevent me! My life is as sweet as honey, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!   FURTHER STUDY Psalms 82:6-7 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/7/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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Hebrews 13:2 (KJV) Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. In some of our daily interactions, we could be entertaining angels unaware. Therefore, as children of God, it is paramount that there is a stark contrast between your character and that of those who reside in the world.  The Bible states in 1 Peter 1:15, ‘But as he which hath called you is holy, so ye be holy in all manner of conversation.’ This scripture shows us we are expected to conduct ourselves in a godly manner in ALL manner of conversation. As you go about your day, whether in school, at university or at your job, conduct yourself in a Godly manner; you don’t always know who you’re interacting with!   Wherever we go, we must be an example, not just to non-Christians but also to Christians in word, conversation, charity, spirit, faith and purity. Never allow your emotions and situations around you to change the way you carry yourself; in everything you do, be an example to your peers and a light in your community!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am God’s child; I conduct myself in a godly manner wherever I go. I live a set-apart life far beyond the systems of this world. This year, I will be an example for my peers, in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.    FURTHER STUDY 1 John 2:6   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/6/20242 minutes, 49 seconds
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Hebrews 6:10 (KJV) For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.   Whether you help set up chairs before a service or are a worship leader or preacher in your church, God never forgets your labour of love! Your work towards forwarding the Kingdom of God never goes unnoticed by the Lord Jesus and is greatly rewarded.  Is that not amazing how God never forgets all you have done for the Kingdom? The Bible tells us that those who seek first the Kingdom and righteousness, all things will be added unto them. Whilst salvation is a gift freely given and not by our works, Jesus has special rewards awaiting those who were dedicated and progressed His Kingdom. Those who finance the spreading of the Gospel are also rewarded. The Bible tells us that those who give in secret, God shall reward them openly! As you continue to walk in your calling, know that your devotion and loyalty to the things of God never goes unnoticed, and you will be awarded milk and honey according to your works!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a soldier in God’s Kingdom. God has special rewards for my commitment to the Gospel. My devotion never goes unnoticed, and I will be rewarded publicly for all I’ve done in private, in the Mighty Name of Jesus!   FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 3:13-14 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/5/20242 minutes, 30 seconds
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Psalm 16:11 (KJV) Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.   Happiness is based on happenings, whereas joy is a decision every child of God has to make. Notice I said ‘decision’, not ‘feeling’. The Bible tells us to count it all joy when we fall into diverse temptations. This means joy is not dependent on circumstances but a choice.  A popular verse amongst preachers and congregation alike says, ‘Rejoice in the Lord always’ (Philippians 4:4). Many Christians do not realise the circumstances in which this passage was written. Paul was writing to the church of Philippi whilst in prison! Yet, despite the horrendous conditions he was subjected to, Paul could remain joyous through it all. God has equipped all His children with the weapon of joy. The Bible says joy is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries the bones. This shows us that not choosing to be joyful has detrimental effects on your life. Today, choose to confuse the enemy by being joyful regardless of your situation!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION JOY IS MY WEAPON, and my level of joy confuses my enemies. I choose to be joyous no matter what happens around me today in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY John 16:24 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
2/4/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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Matthew 6:27 (KJV) Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? In a world fast approaching its end, constantly bombarding us with terror on the news and all forms of mainstream media, it is easy to get distracted by exterior voices. Despite this, the verse says worry adds absolutely nothing to your life! As a Christian, tell yourself worrying is a baseless practice.  The Bible says that God provides for even the fowls of the air; what more YOU, His child! Refuse to let fear rule your life. The Word says let tomorrow worry for itself. This means every day has been allocated the responsibility of worrying, not you! We know as children of God, He has removed the burden of worry from our lives, and those who are weary and burdened have been given rest in the Father!  God gives each and every one of His children incomparable peace. Worry for us should be a strange concept that is impossible to comprehend! Deny worry at every turn, whether in your business, job or family life. Refuse to worry and allow your life to reflect God’s goodness!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I live a life of abundance! Money shall stampede through my business’ doors! I do not worry for ANYTHING. I live a WORRY-FREE, MILK and HONEY kind of life, in Jesus’ Mighty Name!   FURTHER STUDY 1 Peter 5:7 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/3/20242 minutes, 41 seconds
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James 2:26 (KJV) For as the body without the spirit is dead, so is faith without works is dead also.   Our duty as Christians is to put the Word to work! Many Christians pride themselves in attending services and church programs regularly, yet their lives remain the same! While some could suggest the preacher is at fault, it is actually the polar opposite! Some people make the mistake of simply hearing the Word without actioning it.  The Bible is clear on the negative attributes of being a hearer of the Word only when it states in James 1:22, ‘Be doers of the word, not merely hearers who deceive themselves.’ This tells us that those who hear only live a life of deception!   Learn to apply the Word of God in every area of your life. Our rhema word for this year is milk and honey, so refuse to be like those who hear this word but do not action it. The bible says the Word is a tool to equip us for every good work.  The moment you start actioning the Word of God, you will experience exponential growth in all aspects of your life and be thoroughly furnished for EVERY good work!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a proof-producing Christian, not just a hearer of the Word but a doer also. As I hear the Word, I am being equipped for every good work. In the Mighty Name of Jesus!   FURTHER STUDY 1 Peter 1:13 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/2/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Luke 10:19 (KJV) Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.   The verse above states that God gave His children authority over all power of the enemy, not some, not most, but ALL! This means as Christians, you have the power to declare life into any dead situation, whether it is crippling poverty or sickness – YOU have been given the power to overcome. As a child of God, it is important that you exercise this authority that was freely given to you the moment you accepted Christ into your life.   In the Bible, there are several instances we can cite that display the heroes of our faith being conscious of their spiritual authority. This is shown when Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 10:4, ‘For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God.’  Despite the heavy persecution Paul faced throughout the writing of this particular book of the Bible, he maintained the consciousness of his authority in God! Regardless of the vicissitudes of life you are facing, choose to walk in the consciousness that God has given you power over the devil!    PROPHETIC DECLARATION Today I choose to be conscious of my Spiritual Authority in Christ. I have been given power to overcome any situation I may face. My victory is set in Jesus’ Name!   FURTHER STUDY 1 John 4:4  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
2/1/20242 minutes, 41 seconds
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2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?   The Christian life is about eliminating demonic data and replacing it with holy spiritual data. In fact, the amount of light in you can be measured by how much darkness you have removed from around you. That is why in John 14:30 (AMP), He could boldly declare that the devil “has no claim on Me. [He has nothing in common with Me; there is nothing in Me that belongs to him, and he has no power over Me.]” How could He make such a bold claim? It is because He mastered the art of eliminating demonic data.   This is why you ought to be careful who you befriend. This is the admonition the Bible has given. Some people only enter your life to monitor and hinder your progress. They emit negative light that attracts demonic activity. Make the decision to live a designed life. Tell yourself I’m not going to do anything unless God is in it, unless it exalts God’s name, and is for my personal ministry for God. Choose to remove yourself from anyone who fellowships with the darkness you have decided to eliminate from your life.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I choose to live a designed life, free of the influence of darkness. I decree and declare, every demonic data is removed from my life!  FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 15:33  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/30/20242 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hebrews 11:3 (KJV) Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear. Invisible to our naked eyes are the molecules of hydrogen and oxygen, yet through a chemical reaction they become a visible substance called water. God set these invisible processes in motion at creation to respond continuously to His Word to form visible substances that add to our lives. He has done the same in the spiritual realm. Our spiritual genes hold the creative power to frame our personal world by the thoughts and words we think and speak, which are divine tools given for our creative use. We are surrounded by spiritual “molecules” that are designed to respond to our thoughts and words, or more scripturally put, our faith, to produce miracles. Since the spirit realm is the causal realm, then your miracle is always in motion. When I say, the money is coming, the mere fact that I speak it, it means, the mechanism to have the money deliver to you has already been set in motion, it’s yours in Jesus’ Name!    PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have the creative power in my mouth. I provoke a reaction to create my miracle as I speak. I possess God’s divine nature and know I walk in divine authority in the Name of Jesus! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY Psalm 33:6   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/30/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Revelation 1:16 (KJV) And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.   There’s a certain level of diplomatic immunity, a heavenly security that some Christians have realized, that they can say anything at any given time, and it happens. This privilege is not reserved for a select few in Christendom. You also have the capacity to do this through prayer. The secret of Christianity is in your mouth. Your mouth is not for eating.  As a matter of fact, the Greek rendering for ‘mouth’ is stoma, which means a knife you use to cut something down and into pieces. When you understand this, you will realize how dangerous your prayers are.   Prayer is an intercontinental ballistic missile you can use to destroy poverty, sickness, and any form of failure. Engage your mind as you are praying so that you are conscious of the weapon you are wielding.  As you pray to the Father in the Name of Jesus, begin to visualize yourself stabbing that sickness, stabbing failure, stabbing divorce, stabbing poverty! Use your stoma – your mouth – to cut down and cut out everything that tries to hinder your progress!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  God says I am rich; therefore, I will not die until I have possessed my milk and honey! No sickness will remove me from my prosperity. Nothing shall interrupt the peace of my mind, marriage, or any God-ordained relationship, in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 1 Timothy 1:18  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/29/20242 minutes, 52 seconds
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Proverbs 3:9 (AMP) Honor the LORD with your wealth And with the first fruits of all your crops (income).   Wealth management refers to the strategic management of an individual's financial assets to help achieve their financial goals. The world has its own ways of manipulating this system, but we are not of this world. God has given us our own system to secure, increase and protect our finances, even before they arrive. The world's financial system involves saving, but in God's system, the way to unquestionable financial dominion is through giving.  Tithing is a vehicle in God's financial system that empowers you to prosper. Within this system, you have the ability to control and accelerate your profit by investing or giving, not based on what your bank balance or budget dictates, but based on what you expect as a return.  You have been given power to tithe based on what you expect to receive. Decide what you want your income to be, then make it your goal to begin tithing at or towards that level now. Never allow your bank balance to decide your giving potential. Instead, give according to your expected harvest, and you will see wonders in your finances.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I push my finances into the spiritual realm where the devourer cannot touch them. I am anointed to manage wealth. My finances are protected, and the money is coming to me like milk and honey in Jesus Name!  FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 3:9-10 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT: WWW.GOODNEWSWORLD.COM/GOODNEWSDAILY
1/28/20242 minutes, 24 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:14 (KJV) For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead:   There is something about the mindset of a prostitute that every Christian ought to imitate. That may sound crazy, but I will explain. Have you ever noticed how a prostitute makes sure her product is always exposed so that every potential customer knows exactly what she is selling? She is compelled to do it because she recognizes the value of her product, and she understands that she is the best person to promote it.  She speaks with one goal in mind, and that is to promote her product. Despite the weather, come rain or thunder, she will be out there selling. Furthermore, if the corner she’s on is not attracting the customers she wants, she will find another corner.   Understand that God's greatest product is Jesus, and every Christian is His select salesperson. So, as a Christian, never hide God's Product. As you move around, let your Bible be seen. Don't hide it. Instead, display it proudly.  When you speak, let your conversation be a marketing tool that points others to Jesus. Adopt the mindset that come rain or shine, in all you do, you will promote Jesus no matter what!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a living, walking, talking advertisement for the greatest Product in the universe! I am the number one salesperson for the Product called Jesus, and I will never relent, in Jesus' Name! Amen. FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 3:2  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/27/20242 minutes, 47 seconds
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Genesis 1:3 (KJV) And God said, let there be light: and there was light.    Sonoluminescence is a phenomenon in physics that proves scientifically that sound produces energy that produces light. This is a technology created by God so that when He spoke, He emitted sound waves, and those sound waves created light. When He created you in His likeness, He gave you the same ability so that you also produce light when you speak. Understand that when you speak, you produce sound from what is inside you and then express or articulate it externally. The same is true in the spiritual realm. The Bible says, “The entrance of Thy words giveth [shows or becomes] light!” So, for you to emit light externally, light must first enter you. The Scripture tells us that the entrance of God’s Word is what produces that light in you. In other words, in the realm of the Spirit, words are measured by light. We speak by emitting light. So, the amount of light you have is the amount of vocabulary you can speak in the Spirit in light. Build your light vocabulary daily by immersing yourself in the Word of God. As you speak know that everything about your life is changing into milk and honey!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My light is increasing, and by the potency of the Word in me, I release light into my health, finances, family, and change every negative circumstance around for my good!  FURTHER STUDY Psalm 119:130  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/26/20242 minutes, 48 seconds
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Acts 19:15 (KJV) And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?    When you imagine the spiritual realm, what do you see? The spiritual realm is a world, not just some air, as some might think. It’s a region and a zone where there is life, tangible objects and real experiences. It is more real than this physical world. When you get a grip and control of the spiritual realm, you can control everything in the dimension of the natural, for it is the spiritual that controls the natural. In other words, the natural is a product of the spiritual.  The demons knew Jesus and Paul. The sons of Sceva were so unpopular and so irrelevant in the spirit to the extent that even demons couldn’t recognize them. They were just some nobodies walking on the face of the earth. Their father was a church leader, but it still didn’t give them value in the spirit. It’s not about your connections but about you. Today, chose to become popular in the spirit by God’s Word and prayer.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The Word is overflowing in my life. I am a giant in the spirit. My life is a life of victory and success in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Mark 16:18  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/25/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Mark 16:15 (KJV) And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.     Before a king arrives, he sends his entourage, which is his own protocol or advance team. The entourage signals the coming of the king before he even arrives. God assigned me and you to go preach the Gospel to every creature before the King comes because we are His own entourage. We are announcing the coming of the King of kings to all creatures.  Remember, the entourage is armed, skilled and equipped to handle the assignment. God is also equipping you with His Word and His provision for you to carry out the assignment. You might not be on the pulpit to preach, but whatever you do, you shall fulfil this special assignment. You are anointed and equipped to forerun the coming of the King of kings. You are God‘s ENTOURAGE. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I’m a God’s entourage. The anointing of God is upon me to preach the Good News to all creatures in Jesus’ Name. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY 2 Corinthians 5:20  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
1/24/20242 minutes, 15 seconds
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Ephesians 5:30 (KJV) For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.     Our scripture for today says we are “members of His body,” which means we are body parts of Jesus Christ. When you see a Christian, you are seeing a body part of Jesus Christ. That’s why we need each other to make “the Body of Christ.”  That is also why when Saul persecuted the Church, God considered it as an attack upon Himself. It was taken as persecution against God Himself, not against the individual members of the Church.  Whenever God wants to move in this earthly realm, He uses you. He walks and talks through you. Whatsoever you touch, it’s not you touching it but God. If you are denied a deal, job, or visa, it’s not you but God denied, and God cannot be denied. He owns everything, and He has no limitations. Exercise authority over all the elements of this world, for you are a superior creature.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I am a member of Jesus Christ’s body. Jesus is moving on this earth through me. I shall be victorious because I am an embodiment of power in Jesus’ name.   FURTHER STUDY 1 John 2:5  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
1/23/20242 minutes, 29 seconds
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Exodus 9:26 (KJV) Only in the land of Goshen, where the children of Israel were, was there no hail.    When the Children of Israel were in Egypt, they stayed in their own area called the land of Goshen. It was a location separated by God Himself to the extent that when there was darkness in Egypt, there was light only in Goshen. Goshen was exempted from all the calamities that the Egyptians faced. God ensured that His own children would not experience the diseases and plagues of Egypt.  It is the nature of God to protect and supply His own. The systems of this world will not hold you because, in God, you are in your Goshen. When the world talks of depression, refuse to participate. You are supplied from above. Your house is a new Goshen, and you shall continue to see the mighty hand of God.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I’m like a tree planted by the rivers of water. I shall never run dry because God’s grace is sufficient for me and my family. Milk and honey is my portion praise God! FURTHER STUDY Psalm 1:3   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/22/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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Matthew 5:14 (KJV) Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.     The world has mastered the system of replicating you so that you become common. It desires to make you less unique. You might have done a certain degree at the university in a class of more than two thousand graduates. This statistic denotes that as much as you have a degree, there is someone else with the same degree. You are at par and on the same level as the next person. So what will make you unique? The answer is Jesus, brothers, and sisters.  Commit and dedicate your life, and The Lord Jesus Himself will bring light that no man can hide. You are the light of the world. Even if there is darkness, competition, and criticism, you will still shine. Remember; this is the year of milk and honey! Let that prophecy be your mindset to become extraordinary! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I’m the light of the world, and I shall continue to shine. Nothing negative shall be able to hide me in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY 1 John 4:4  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
1/21/20242 minutes, 22 seconds
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Psalm 119:130 (KJV) The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.     I hear some Christians singing “this little light of mine,” as if the light of God in you is something that the devil or circumstances can just blow away. There is nothing little about the light of God in you. The Bible says the entrance of God’s Word brings light. Do you know the Greek translation of the word ‘light’ in the above verse is PHOTIZO, which means stadium light. You know the effect of stadium lights; you can even notice an ant moving during the middle of the night. It’s a radiant light that exposes even the tiniest thing that you might think of.   Through this Word of God, you have that kind of light in you, and no darkness can withstand that kind of light in you. You have stadium lights! Go out and illuminate your business, family, health, education, and all that pertains to your life!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I have the light of God in me, and I’m shining. Nothing shall hide or hinder my progress in Jesus mighty name! Glory. FURTHER STUDY Matthew 5:14   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/20/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:20 (KJV) Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.     There are world economies that are considered superpowers in terms of financial prowess and military strength. Most countries will try by all means to sign treaties and align with those that are considered giants so that they might get aid or protection in the time of need.  The Bible calls us ambassadors of Christ, which means we are not supplied from this world but from a higher economy, which is the economy of Zion. When others go down, we shall be saying there is a lifting up.  We are citizens of Mount Zion, not of this world, and in Mount Zion, there is no lack or need. You shall not lack any good thing in this life of milk and honey. Your Father, God, owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He shall continue to supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a citizen of Zion; my supply is from above. I am what God says I am, and I can do what He says I can do. I am marked for prosperity and success this year and always.   FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:19  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/19/20242 minutes, 32 seconds
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John 1:12 (KJV) But as many as received him, to them gave the power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:     There is a misconception amongst the Christian community whereby many believe that Christians are believers. However, according to scripture, we are not believers but products of believing. To them that believe, God gave power to become sons of God. Believing is the primary stage or prerequisite to becoming a son of God. We are past the level of believing; we are now sons of God. Sons, mature children of God, know their rights and the privileges that they possess. You are no longer a believer but a mature child of God who possesses all privileges in Jesus Christ. Prosperity, divine health and success are all yours. You have an invincible power to effect change in every area of your life. PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I am a mature child of God, and all good things belong to me and my family. I shall live to dominate today and all the days to follow in the Name of Jesus. Amen. FURTHER STUDY Romans 8:15-17  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/18/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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2 Kings 6:17 (KJV)  And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.     Suburbs are classified into three common classes: low density, middle density and high density. Low-income earners stay in high density, and the residences are very small compared to low-density. The same applies in the spiritual realm. We are not all in the same realm or class. That’s the main reason some miracles and encounters that we might have in the GoodNews World might sound strange somewhere else.  The servant of Elisha was in a different location than his own man of God. Where he was seeing imminent death, the man of God was seeing divine protection and life. As you read this word and commit yourself to prayer, you are shifting locations in the spirit. The light entering your spirit is relocating you right now. You are moving from glory to glory, from mediocrity to milk and honey in the Name of Jesus.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I have the light of God in me. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I shall excel in everything by the power of the Holy Spirit.  FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 12:22   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/17/20242 minutes, 37 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.     By virtue of being in Christ, the Bible says you are now a new creature. The word ‘new’ is the Greek word kainós, which means ‘a never existed before creature.’ You never existed before. When they try to remind you of your past weaknesses and failures, just let them know that you never existed before. You are a brand new creature on the face of the earth. Hallelujah!  As you read this word, all things have become new. Don’t allow the world to remind you of your past or weaknesses because you are a brand new species that never existed before. Failure and defeat are not your portion because you are a new creature with the DNA of God.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a new creature. No power of Hell can stop me in the Name of Jesus. Glory be to God. FURTHER STUDY Ephesians 3:20  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/16/20242 minutes, 12 seconds
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Luke 8:2-3 (KJV) And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils, And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.     The Gospel is absolutely free, but the means to bring it to the people is not free. It takes money to hire a stadium for a crusade, print devotionals – although we give them out freely – or buy PA systems to preach the Gospel to millions of people. This is the main reason why God wants to give you money, which is not just money but money with a mission. It’s money for His cause.  Money is coming to you as I prophesied, but remember, it’s not there to quench your personal desires but for God’s mission. It’s for God’s work to be forwarded. As you are reading this devotional, grace is available to make you rich, but bear in mind that the money is coming not only for you but also for God’s mission. Like those ladies who ministered to Jesus out of their substance, through your increase, nations shall receive the Gospel.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION Money is coming to me, and it’s not only money but money with a mission. I pray and prophesy that I shall not run out of resources or money in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 2:8  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/15/20242 minutes, 26 seconds
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Luke 16:13 (KJV)  No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve God and mammon.    There is only one thing in the Bible that God put himself on par with. Only one entity that God Himself confirmed that this one can give me perfect competition, and it’s not the devil but MONEY. Money is a master; it seeks to control and to be worshipped. When it sees you, it sees a subject to be controlled and dominated. According to scripture, God even called it a master, and He confirms that you cannot serve Him and money at the same time.  When you master the art of controlling money, you can easily serve God. How do you master money? Every time you give money to God or to His missions, you are telling money that there is a superior Master over you, thereby mastering money. Giving money is the only way to master money. Whatever ministry you might be a part of, never hesitate to give money, for it is the only way to master money, and more will come to you in different streams. PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I have financial dominance and mastery over money. I shall never be broke another day in my life and I shall enjoy milk and honey this year. My money is money with a mission. Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY Haggai 2:8 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/14/20242 minutes, 39 seconds
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Psalm 138:2 (KJV) I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.     When you go for the Word, you will surely come back with a testimony. Our ministry is known mainly for the revelation of the Word more than anything. Even if we prophesy and operate in other spiritual gifts, we still emphasize the Word of God, which is a more sure word of prophecy. According to the above scripture, God even exalted His Word more than His name. In fact, He consults His Word before doing anything. That is why the Word of the Lord is a standard for everything happening on this earth.   Everything is a result of God‘s Word, and the more you dive deep into the Word in the Word of God, the more you will find solutions. Create time to read and listen to the Word of God, and you will surely come back with a testimony. Never shun the Word of God; it is a surer word of prophecy.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I go for the Word of God, which is a surer word of prophecy to my life, health and business. My life is an embodiment of God’s Word, and I live according to God’s divine will in the Name of Jesus.   FURTHER STUDY  Isaiah 55:11    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/13/20242 minutes, 36 seconds
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Psalm 119:130 (KJV) The entrance of thy words giveth light, it giveth understanding unto the simple.   The greatest form of deliverance is when your ignorance is confronted. When the Bible calls the devil the prince of darkness, it’s not what many people think. ‘Prince’ means ‘first,’ and darkness means ‘ignorance,’ so it literally means the first one to be ignorant. When he thought of making a coup in Heaven, he became number one on the list of the ignorant ones. There are those areas that you have been ignorant about; those are the same places where the devil and his cohorts succeed the most. Let this Word of God shine in every area of your life. Pay attention to all the subjects where you were failing. The entrance of God’s Word will bring light, and you shall be transformed by the renewal of your mind.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION My mind is renewed by the Word of God. Christ in me is the hope of all glory. I am an embodiment of light, and success is surely mine.  FURTHER STUDY Colossians 3:10    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
1/12/20242 minutes, 20 seconds
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Acts 9:3 (KJV)  And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:     Prayer is a protocol or an usher that you send ahead of you to execute a task. To some, it might sound like just a bubbling of words, but prayer is a powerful tool to shape the future that you desire. Ananias was just a certain disciple, but his prayers condensed the atmosphere of Damascus to the extent that when Paul headed to Damascus, he was struck by lightning.  Though Ananias was just a certain disciple, his prayers were deployed in the atmosphere in order to trap all the threats to God’s mission. His prayers were on assignment, like protocol or ushers in the atmosphere.  Offer your prayers without ceasing, and every word that you declare shall be established. Speak milk and honey, that is, prosperity, longevity, health and promotion, and it shall be established in the Name of Jesus. Send your protocol to industries and all the unconquered territories. You are not weak if you can pray. Take this moment to assign your protocol, and victory is certain.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION   The future is mine, and nothing shall stop me from succeeding. My prayer is on assignment; it shall surely accomplish all its assignments in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  James 5:17    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/11/20242 minutes, 38 seconds
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Matthew 8:27 (KJV) But the men marveled, saying, what manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!    My father, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, vindicated me when many criticized me for miracle money. It was beyond many people‘s comprehension to believe that money can rain both physical and soft cash in millions. As much as even Jesus did miracle money, which your own Bible termed “miracle tribute money,” many still do not believe that in this day and age, God is still in the business of making money appear. In our scripture above, they couldn’t understand what manner of a man Jesus was because he had codes to control seas and storms.  Pastor Chris said all those who were questioning miracle money did not understand “the codes.“ There are spiritual codes, brothers and sisters, that cause you to get into a realm of miracles that others are not experiencing. It’s like writing computer programs; we input all the lines of code, and miracles will happen.  Today you shall experience strange miracles in the Name of Jesus. This word, together with your prayers, shall launch you into a realm of supernatural codes which will result in miracles upon miracles!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I’m full of the Word, and my spirit is alert. I live in a different realm of power. Supernatural activities shall continue to happen in my life in the Name of Jesus.   FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 2:14     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/10/20242 minutes, 33 seconds
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Joel 3:10 (KJV)  Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong.    When reduced to its basic component, you will realize that faith is nothing more than an argument. The enemy will be trying to push you to his own way, and your duty is to resist the plan of the enemy. The Bible is clear that when you submit to God and resist the devil, he will flee.  Our scripture for today says let the weak say I’m strong. Note, the weak do not say I’m strong when they get the strength but whilst they are still weak. They know the facts say that they are weak, not rich, or sick, but they should choose to argue with those circumstances. Today, make an argument against all the plans of negative occurrences in your life. If your bank account is empty, just say, “The money is coming in the year of milk and honey“; and it shall be so. Don’t buy into any situation emanating from the enemy; make an argument in the Name of Jesus.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I am born from above, and my source is divine. I’m blessed beyond measure, and the power of God shall manifest in my business, health and all areas of my life in the Name of Jesus.   FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 4:18    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/9/20242 minutes, 35 seconds
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1 Timothy 1:18 (KJV) This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare;    Prophecy is not just a mere utterance of words that are divine but a release of weapons. Paul charged Timothy to use his own prophecies to fight a good warfare. He didn’t tell him to use his connections, CVs or any physical advantage, but prophecy. When a prophetic word is released upon you through a preached word, scripture, or one-on-one encounter, it is an arsenal given to you. You are already equipped by that word.  Dig deep into every positive word given to you and stand on that word to launch a battle against the enemy. If you were told that you shall be the deliverer of your family, then the enemy cannot stop you or stop your progress because you carry a generational assignment to deliver an entire family. Go out and conquer in all streams of your life. Nothing shall hinder you in the Name of Jesus. PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I am a carrier of a prophetic word of God. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I shall not be defeated by any enemy or challenge. My foundation is solid and strong in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Deuteronomy 31:6  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/8/20242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Genesis 1:3 (KJV)  And God said; Let there be light; and there was light.   From Genesis to Revelation, God only did one thing: He spoke! Nothing physical, but His mouth created the earth, conquered walls and changed the course of many lives. Those things that look physical in your sight, if you search deeper, you will realize that He just spoke a word into being. That’s why God values the prophetic because the prophetic office only speaks.   When God saw darkness in the book of Genesis, He did not complain but spoke light into being. Today, use your mouth profitably by speaking into being anything that you desire. Is it money, a job, contracts, growth, or marriage? Just “SPEAK, and it shall be established.   PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I choose to use my mouth profitably and I create empires with my tongue. I decree and declare milk and honey in my life in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Matthew 12:36  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/7/20242 minutes, 6 seconds
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James 4:7 (KJV)  Submit yourselves therefore to God Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.   The word devil is not just a name but a job description that describes someone who pounces and pounces until he pierces through. What the devil mastered is consistency in his quest to defeat you. He even left Jesus for a season after he tempted Him, which means he was coming back for another season. Though Jesus was God in the flesh, the enemy still had the audacity to pounce and pounce on Him.  When you feed yourself with the Word and put a premium on the words you speak, pray in the Holy Ghost. You will build resistance against the enemy. You will create stamina against all the arrows of the enemy and the reality of milk and honey will be yours. Take time to go for the Word, praying in the Holy Ghost, and you will surely come back with a testimony. You will live a life of sure victory over the enemy. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I build myself in the most holy faith by the Word and prayer. My mouth is a giver of life, peace and prosperity in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  Jude 1:20  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:        
1/6/20242 minutes, 14 seconds
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Matthew 11:11 (KJV) Verily I say unto you, among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.     Our scripture is clear that to all those who came before John, there was no one greater than him. It might be Isaiah, Joshua or anyone that you might think of; there is no one who was graced like John. He was operating at his own unique level of grace and power. Surprisingly, Jesus went on to say that even the least amongst the born-again Christians is greater than John.  Brothers and sisters, John did wonders, but we can do wonders without number. Go out with this confidence that you are a five-star general of God, and you can shift things in your life. Speak words and prophesy into the atmosphere, and your environment shall yield to your word. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a five-star general born of the Spirit of God. I decree and declare that my life is more than a wonder. My steps are ordered by God in the Name of Jesus.  FURTHER STUDY  John 14:12   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/5/20242 minutes, 25 seconds
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Psalms 92:12-13 (KJV) The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree, he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.   Lebanon is very harsh when it comes to its climatic conditions. Sometimes harsh, stormy winds will sweep through the breadth of the country causing mass damage to structures and trees. Many will wonder what happens to the palm tree of Lebanon that causes even the psalmist to liken the righteous to the palm tree of Lebanon.   When the winds blow, the palm tree of Lebanon will just bend and come back to its position. It bends not because it’s weak but because it’s flexible. Christ made you God’s righteous one and the righteous ones are like the palm tree of Lebanon. Whether they speak or write evil about you, you will simply bend and come back to your position. You shall not be shaken or uprooted by anything. You are strong and flexible like the palm tree of Lebanon, and your foundation is stronger than the pressure of life.    PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I’m stronger and firmly rooted in Jesus Christ. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I was born to conquer and to prosper in the Name of Jesus.   FURTHER STUDY Psalm1:3-4  DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
1/4/20242 minutes, 27 seconds
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Job 22:28 (KJV)  Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.   Every word that proceeds from your mouth is working and waiting to be fulfilled. That’s why it’s vital to put a standard to the words that you utter from your lips. Remember, the Bible even says death and life lie in the power of your tongue. It didn’t refer to some sickness or failure of medical practitioners but your own words. Set a premium on the words you speak. The moment you say “things are hard,” that word is waiting to make everything hard for you. It will wait until it’s fulfilled. The only way to cancel negative words is by speaking positively. Speak positive words into the atmosphere, and you shall live according to the same words you speak. This is a new day; your language is only there to build, not to destroy. Even if the pressures of life press you, maintain your positive language. You are the blessed one of the Most High, and no poverty or sickness shall come closer to your tent in the Name of Jesus.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My mouth is the pen of a ready writer; I speak milk and honey in all circles of my life. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life in the Name of Jesus. Glory. FURTHER STUDY Proverbs 18:21   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/3/20242 minutes, 46 seconds
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Acts 9:3 (KJV)  And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven.   Life is a product of encounters, either divine or demonic. Spiritual encounters come in the form of God directly talking to you, a person meeting you, or any form of significant occurrence. Apostle Paul had his own encounter on the way to Damascus. He was struck by a strange light, which later resulted in him being the greatest apostle of all time to the extent that even Peter was bamboozled by some of his text. A text message from Paul was considered scripture because of his own encounter. As you are reading this devotional today, it might be your own encounter to change generations and the course of history in your family. Your encounter might be a person that you are meeting today. Use every positive encounter to declare your victory over the enemy. You have an encounter through this word, and you shall surely go out and make tangible impact. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I have my personal encounter through today’s word, and nothing shall stop me from experiencing milk and honey this year in Jesus’ Name. Amen. FURTHER STUDY  Hebrews 4:12 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
1/2/20242 minutes, 31 seconds
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1 Kings 3:5 (KJV) In Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night: and God said, Ask what I shall give thee.   Have you ever experienced the thrill of a "blank check" moment? I have, in my own way. When I attended boarding school, we had a system where we received upkeep cash through registered mail. While it was amazing to receive that extra money, the downside was we were limited to a set amount.  One day my brother came to visit and gave me his bank card. I asked how much I could take, and he said, ‘as much as you want’. Immediately, I realised the limitation of the registered mail.  Now the Lord gives you a blank check better than any bank card. He said ask ‘whatsoever you want’ and I’ll give it to you; there are absolutely no limits. God's Word in your mouth is a personal check from God. Being the last day of the year, all you must do is fill in your name and write out your request on God’s blank check so that this coming year will be the easiest yet.  Maybe all you want is to be used by God. You surviving this year means you have a purpose in the new year. Ask anything. Just one little piece of advice before you fill yours out and send it in: let it be for something with a God purpose. Happy New Year! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I fill my check with endless possibilities. My 2024 shall be nothing but the best in Jesus’ Name!   FURTHER STUDY  1 Kings 3:5-12 Psalm 45:1     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/31/20232 minutes, 47 seconds
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3 John 1:2 (KJV) Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.   The devil has no new tricks to use against God's people; he repeats what he's used in times past. One area he likes to take advantage of is your health. He'll keep telling you God is humbling you by making you sick or that healing is difficult. Those are lies and tricks of the devil! It’s God’s will and desire for you to be healthy and strong, so agree with that and live it.  Don’t wait for the doctor to give you a bad report before you start “trying” to meditate on the Word. Meditate on the Word ahead of the evil day. Remember, God’s Word is medicine. Take that medicine daily, agree with it, act on it, and it will keep you in sound health. Never be caught saying some sicknesses are normal. There's no such thing! Just because others are going through it doesn't make it ok. The Lord Jesus Christ took sickness and disease away from you and made divine health and divine healing available to you. This is God's wish above all things! It's your right to have good health. Don't cross over into a new year with infirmity in your body!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My health is sound. I am made healthy and strong by the Holy Spirit in me. Divine health is my birth right, hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY  Proverbs 4:20-22   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/30/20232 minutes, 34 seconds
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2 Chronicles 20:17 (KJV) Ye shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand ye still, and see the salvation of the Lord with you, O Judah and Jerusalem: fear not, nor be dismayed; tomorrow go out against them: for the Lord will be with you.   Do you see how God told His people to approach the war they were facing? He was so definite and sure. If you read the chapter in context, you will realise that God gave them a battle strategy, which was placing singers on the frontline praising God. Not a single sword was drawn, yet the battle was a resounding win. How do you face challenges as a Christian? Do you cower somewhere in a corner and hope you won't die, or do you stand firm, singing praises to God and declaring victory? The choice is yours. You have been given the life-giving Word of God, and that makes you undefeated. It makes no difference what you face today; face it with a heart full of praise. Worship the Lord and give Him thanks. All challenges have been overcome. Remember, we read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation; we know how this ends – we win! It's victory all the way, brothers and sisters! PROPHETIC DECLARATION Glory be to God! Any battle I face was already won before I was even born! I prophesy success all the days of my life in Jesus’ Name!   FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 13:15     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/29/20232 minutes, 37 seconds
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Isaiah 45:8 (KJV) Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it.   The idea that the Heavens are never closed is a deep concept for Christians to grasp. Prophet Isaiah saw it and exclaimed, "drip down, oh Heavens," and immediately saw the connection between the Heavens and the Earth opening up together to bring forth salvation. As a child of God, the Heavens are always open. They don't need to be opened again, and there is no need to pray for it to be opened over you. All things are set, and the salvation you received is bearing fruit in your business, in your relationships, in your intimacy with God, in your day-to-day life, family, work, and everything you do.  The words of the prophet above are sharp. He says DRIP DOWN which indicates the dripping of honey, that is, the falling of blessings at a consistent pace. You are now set for DRIPPING DOWN of fruit-bearing abilities in Jesus’ Name! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  The Heavens are constantly open to me! Blessings upon blessings shall continue to drip down like honey now and in the new year!   FURTHER STUDY  Isaiah 44:3     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/28/20232 minutes, 31 seconds
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CREATURES OF PRAYER   John 16:23-24 (KJV) And in that day ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.   So, this is the thing, God never asks us to pray for something He didn't plan to give us. He tells us to pray because He plans to answer. A lot of people don't know this, so they end up frustrated when it seems their prayers are not working. If only you knew that God delights in answering your prayers. He loves to see you flourish and do well in all areas of your life. He said in the verse above that He wants your joy to be FULL. Hallelujah! Prayer is our way of effecting changes in our world. The Prophets of old prayed, the Apostles of old prayed, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself prayed and taught us to pray. As we draw closer to the year's end, make deliberate efforts to pray more. This is God's way of relating with us, so if you don't pray, you simply have no relationship with Him. We are creatures of prayer, and prayer is the standard of our lives! PROPHETIC DECLARATION   I live a triumphant life, a life full of extraordinary results because I am a creature of prayer. Glory!   FURTHER STUDY  John 16:23-24   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
12/27/20232 minutes, 33 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV) Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old Things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.   I always say your self-portrait determines the number of miracles you experience in your life. Many Christians look at themselves in the mirror, and all they see is a sinner. As long as you see that, you make today’s scripture void. Don’t see yourself as a “sinner” who’s struggling to please God; it’ll make you ineffective in your Christian walk. Rather, have the consciousness that you’re the righteousness of God in Christ. You see, His life and nature in you give you the power to live above sin. The new you is fashioned to yield to the dominion of the Word and, as a result, produce fruits and works of righteousness. We've been washed, separated from sin unto God and declared righteous in the Name of the Lord, and by the Spirit of our God!  Next time you look in that mirror, recognise the new you and live accordingly. The old you died when you gave your all to God. Study the Word more, for it mirrors and describes the real you; it shows your true glory in Christ. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  Every residue of my old life doesn't exist anymore. I'm a light in a dark world, and I shall make impact that causes souls to be ushered into the Kingdom of God!   FURTHER STUDY  Ephesians 4:22-24   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
12/26/20232 minutes, 47 seconds
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Colossians 2:9 (KJV) For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.   Christmas is all about Christ in you. Today the whole world celebrates the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ; but, sadly, many don't really understand the spiritual impact of it. The plan for Christmas was so He would live in us and through us. If Christ is not in you, then all you have is a story. By receiving The Lord Jesus into your heart, you begin to experience that story. It becomes a reality in you. Everything Jesus came to accomplish was so it would be possible for man to become God’s living tabernacle. This was God’s plan all along, and He achieved it in the birth, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Rejoice today, the fullness of the Godhead tabernacles in you. Glory be to God! This is the reason Jesus came—to make you one with God—to make you more than a conqueror! Have this consciousness as you celebrate Christmas and share the best gift of salvation with someone today. Merry Christmas! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a tabernacle of God Himself. What a glorious treasure I carry. As I spread this news today, lives shall change for good, in Jesus’ Name!   FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 6:16   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
12/25/20232 minutes, 26 seconds
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1 John 4:7-8 (KJV) Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.   Love in this modern age has been watered down to such an extent that most people don't know what true love is. Understand that expressing love to others is not about what you stand to gain. It's about your love for God and your desire to do His will. So, even when it isn't convenient, or when someone is 'unlovable,' you have to walk in love. If those you love hate you back, continue to love them anyway. The proof that you love God is walking in love. Today's scripture says if you don't practice love, then you simply don't know God. You cannot call yourself a Christian. Even if you're the most revered person in your church, if you cannot love people no matter who they are, you're not of God because God is love. Look around you this festive season. Help those around you. Make someone’s life better. This is what you were called to do. Make that call, buy groceries and send them. Find opportunities to express God’s love today. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a channel of God’s love. What a joy it is to demonstrate His love. Many shall come to know Him through me, in Jesus’ Name!    FURTHER STUDY Ephesians 5:2   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
12/24/20232 minutes, 27 seconds
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Luke 1:38 (KJV) And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. When the angel of the Lord brought Mary the message of Christmas from God, that she would give birth to the Saviour, Jesus Christ, what a faith reaction she demonstrated! She said, "be it unto me according to Thy word." She simply trusted the message she was given, believed it, and spoke in agreement with it. When God's Word comes to you, it comes with the power to produce in you the message it bears. If He said prosperity is yours, that statement carries the power to produce that prosperity. All you need to do is respond accordingly. His Word never comes empty. You must receive it in faith and respond accordingly; that way, it works. Your faith reaction to everything makes the Word of God effective in your life. He never gave us His word so we could learn it; He gave it so we could respond to it. It's like a game of tennis; you serve the ball, and someone on the other side of the net must return it. God has served the Word. Return it to Him by speaking it in faith. It'll change your life forever! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I walk in financial abundance, divine health and victory in all areas of my life. I am blessed beyond measure. Thank you, Lord Jesus! FURTHER STUDY  Mark 11:23   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/23/20232 minutes, 31 seconds
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Colossians 2:9 (KJV) For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. When the Lord Jesus Christ came to Earth, He was the Word made flesh. He is called the Son of God because He was God in flesh. As He walked the dusty Earth as a man, He was filled with God, which means we too can be filled with God. If Jesus was filled with God and anointed without measure, we being sent of God also have been anointed without measure, because Jesus said, "as my Father hath sent Me, even so send I you" (John 20:21). The verse for today says He had 'the fullness' of the Godhead bodily, and if we are joint heirs with Him (which we are), that means the same Godhead dwells in us bodily as it did with the Lord Jesus. Oh hallelujah! Do you see who you truly are? You are anointed without limits. There is nothing you cannot do today. You’re up for whatever the task.  Rejoice for the fullness of God dwells in you! An extraordinary being is about to have a most fulfilling weekend! Be blessed! PROPHETIC DECLARATION The fullness of God lives in me. I am invincible, untouchable by any negativity, and anointed without limits. Bring on the day; I have already won!   FURTHER STUDY John 14:12   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/22/20232 minutes, 23 seconds
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Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. If you read from Genesis 11:1, you're introduced to a unique faith demonstrated by Abraham. He was told by God to leave the comfort of his father's house, the familiar faces in his community and country, to go to a place he had no idea where. We know he did just that without an argument ensuing. You see, faith requires that you proceed solely on the basis of God’s Word. When He tells you to do something, you go ahead and do it without asking Him how. There should never be a debate when it comes to His commands. This was how Abraham qualified to become the heir of the world and earned the title: "the Father of Faith." God willed the whole world to him because he had the right faith mentality. He must have considered that the whole world belonged to God anyway, so it didn't matter where God said to go; He would be there to bless Him ten times over!  As a seed of Abraham, have faith like he did. Be bold and unshakeable. Consistently do what the Word says, irrespective of contrary circumstances, and you'll experience Heaven on Earth all the days of your life! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I shall continue to experience ever-increasing grace in my life as I act on God's Word by faith! I am a success 24/7, hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY  James 2:17-19   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/21/20232 minutes, 34 seconds
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Luke 6:47-48 (KJV) Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.   I've seen many people get confused when brethren fall by the wayside or the lives of once mighty saints ebb into oblivion. One important thing you need to understand is preaching the Word and living the Word are two different things. You might be the most prized evangelist in your church branch, teaching others about the Lord Jesus daily, yet the Word doesn't work in your life. That's because living the Word is what counts more than just knowledge of it. The verse says whoever comes to Me, hears My word, and actually does the Word, can never fail no matter the challenge. You may be going through your toughest season yet, but trust the Word in you. Knowing the Lord and what he said won’t cut it; living it will! When you do, you cannot be shaken. You are firmly established upon a rock that is the Word of God! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am firmly rooted in the Word of God. As I live the Word, I walk in righteousness, health, prosperity and victory. Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 119:105     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/20/20232 minutes, 35 seconds
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1 Corinthians 2:12 (KJV) Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.    As God's children, there are blessings that have been afforded us by our Father. However, there’s no way you can apply the blessings of God to your life if you don’t know the Word. Through His Word, you discover your inheritance, but it’s not just knowing about your inheritance. Let me explain. It’s one thing to discover your inheritance through the Word; it's another thing to enjoy it, and that's where the Holy Spirit comes in. Today's verse tells us that He helps us know our divine benefits, things that have been given to us freely by God. Imagine living a hand-to-mouth life, ridden with sickness and lack of peace, only to discover when you get to Heaven, by way of rapture, that there was a simple solution to all those problems - fellowship with the Spirit. He teaches us to speak what we know. That’s the key to enjoying your inheritance. Saying what God says about you and acknowledging what He has given you makes it real. Speak forth! Once you do, great things begin to manifest in your life! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I speak peace, divine healing and health, prosperity, a life of glory and excellence are all my NOW possessions, in Jesus’ Name! FURTHER STUDY  Philemon 1:6   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/19/20232 minutes, 36 seconds
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1 Peter 2:9 (KJV) But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Take a closer look at our opening verse. You will notice that the verse doesn't say, "You're going to be ...." No! Understand the difference between when God is giving us a promise and when He's making a statement of fact. Here, He is stating facts! He said YOU ARE a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, right here, right now. It doesn't make a difference whether you feel that way or not.  Never submit that you’re nothing. Never say you’re not special. Never say you’re just an ordinary human because, according to today's verse, you're quite the opposite of ordinary, hallelujah! Adopt the winning mentality knowing full well you’re extraordinary! Boldly display and demonstrate the virtues, excellences, and perfections of Christ; that’s what royalty does! So today, square your shoulders. Step into the day and week knowing your full identity. You are out of the dark, and God's marvellous light in you shines so bright for all to see! You're special! Success is yours today! PROPHETIC DECLARATION    I’m an indestructible breed, born of God! I am not subject to sickness, defeat or failure. I'm an absolute success and victor in life in Jesus' Mighty Name!   FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 5:17   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
12/18/20232 minutes, 38 seconds
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Joshua 1:6 (KJV) Be strong and of a good courage: for unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land, which I sware unto their fathers to give them.  As a Christian, never find yourself in discouragement. Never wear a sad face, criticising yourself for what you might have done wrong or crying over what others might have said or done against you. That is not the mentality God gave us! We have the mindset of victors! A victor knows they win no matter what.  The scripture above gives us insight into how we are to face daily challenges. It doesn’t matter how seemingly powerful the challenge, or your adversaries are, "Be strong and of a good courage." discouragement is not for a child of God. We are to be strong and of good courage at all times – not when we feel like it, but at ALL times.  This is a requirement, brothers and sisters; it's something that God demands of you. He demanded it of Joshua as he started out in ministry, and He demands it of us all today. Take dominion over detractors, don't be afraid. You carry Christ in you! He’s your song, your victory and your salvation!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am a victor! Who or what can stand against me? I'm vibrant, courageous and strong. I win today and always because Christ is in me. Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 27:1-3   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
12/17/20232 minutes, 36 seconds
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1 Chronicles 16:29 (KJV) Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come before him: worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.  As The Year of Heaven On Earth draws to a glorious end, it’s important that we take time to thank God for His mighty blessings in our lives. Make today a special day of rejoicing, expressing profuse gratitude to the Lord for His blessings throughout 2023. Have a celebration session alone or with your family. Make it an entire day of celebration, because you’re grateful for all that Christ is to you; you acknowledge and appreciate His grace at work in you.  Refuse to spend time thinking about some unattained goals or “disappointments” you may have experienced in the year. Rather, celebrate Jesus, trusting that He’s already perfected all that concerns you. Celebrate His Word that’s working mightily in you. Celebrate the prosperity, health, peace, joy, victories and life of glory that God has given you this year. Some of you may not be where you thought you’d be by now, but still thank God for life itself, which is a precious gift. Spend time in prayer and worship; give Him an offering. Our God is a good, good God! PROPHETIC DECLARATION Thank You, precious Father, for my life! Thank You for decorating my life with Your glory. I celebrate You today and forevermore! FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 13:15    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
12/16/20232 minutes, 35 seconds
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2 Corinthians 5:18 (KJV) And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.  The Bible says in Luke 19:10, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost." This is a summary of Jesus' mission on Earth. Shortly before He ascended, He commissioned the Church to preach the Gospel to all men that they might receive eternal life. This is the ministry of reconciliation, which He has entrusted us with. Every Christian has a ministry to fulfil in soul winning. We’re called to turn men to righteousness; to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God. I always say you are all missionaries that have been commissioned to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to your world and beyond. The rapture is imminent, and we're His partners in soul winning and world evangelism. Don't tire when it comes to soul winning and evangelism. This Christmas season is a perfect opportunity for you to help someone receive salvation, as that's the most precious gift you could give to anyone who’s not yet born again. PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My words are anointed of the Spirit to bring salvation to the unsaved and impart to them the blessings of the Good News of Jesus Christ! Many shall receive this precious eternal gift through me in Jesus’ Name! FURTHER STUDY   Daniel 12:3   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/15/20232 minutes, 32 seconds
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Genesis 8:22 (KJV) While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease. Many Christians are not as excited to give as they are to receive, yet one of the most profound principles in the Word of God that guarantees continuous increase in finances is the principle of giving. We also learn from the Lord Jesus Christ who said it’s more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). So the promised blessing isn’t to the receiver but to the giver.  Your giving to the Lord connects you and everything that concerns you, with blessings that aren’t only for today, but for tomorrow and for all time. The scripture above in Genesis gives an assurance that as sure as you see seasons change, as you see the guarantee of night and day, so it is with giving and receiving. You cannot be a serial giver and live in abject poverty. It's impossible! Each time you have the opportunity to give, be excited. Our lives as Christians should depict the character of our heavenly Father, who gave His precious Son, Jesus, for our salvation. This is why we celebrate this festive season – it’s all about giving! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am blessed to be a giver. My storehouses shall continue to overflow because of my seeding, and my family shall never lack. Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY  2 Corinthians 9:8, Luke 6:38     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/14/20232 minutes, 31 seconds
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Philippians 4:13 (KJV) I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. I’d like you to look at the scripture again and notice that Paul didn't say, "I can do all things, because I'm so smart, or because I have the right connections, or I have the right qualifications," no. It's not about you; it's about Christ in you and His ministry in and through you.  The more you catch this, the more it becomes your mindset, your way of life, and the abilities of Christ are seen more and more in you. Suddenly you qualify to be in places you wouldn't normally qualify to be in. You discover wonderful talents you never thought you had, or start doing things you never knew you could do for the Kingdom and in the world. Never confess inability, for you’re able to do all things. Never see yourself as weak. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing, dwells in you in His fullness. Nothing shall be impossible for you today. You're up for any task!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  Christ lives in me; therefore, I'm loaded with limitless potential and possibilities. What I set out to do today shall be nothing but successful in Jesus’ Name! FURTHER STUDY  Mark 11:23   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/13/20232 minutes, 12 seconds
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Romans 12:2 (KJV) And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God,   Do you know that your mind is unlimited in its potential to create whatever you desire, that with the same mind you can recreate your world, and you can chart the course of your life just by using your mind the right way? When you put your mind-power to work, the possibilities are endless. You can be anything, succeed in any field or industry and grow to higher heights spiritually. There are no restrictions to what you can achieve. Our theme scripture is clear on how to live an efficient and enjoyable life; it’s by renewing your mind with the Word of God. Some Christians have prayed continually for their lives to change, yet the simple answer lies in this: who you are today is a direct result of how your mind works.Think of it as the manufacturing plant of all things you. By using the right raw materials (God’s Word), whatever you produce is perfect every time. Grab your Bible and get started on your contents. It'll change your life forever! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My mind is a perfect instrument for a complete transformation of my life. So I use it to chart the course of my day today. It shall be a fruitful and successful day in Jesus' Name!    FURTHER STUDY  2 Timothy 2:15     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/12/20232 minutes, 36 seconds
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STUCK TO THE BEST   Proverbs 18:24 (KJV) A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. It’s very possible for trusted friends and loved ones to disappoint you just when you need them the most. I’m sure everyone reading this today has experienced this in various degrees. However, there is only one Person you can count on, whatever the season. He never fails, He never disappoints, and He never shows up only when it's convenient for Him. He's there always, and that is The Lord Jesus Christ. The day you gave your life to Him and committed to a relationship with Him is the day He became fully invested in your day-to-day life through the Holy Spirit in you. Talk about being close! Hallelujah! As you start this fresh week, talk to Him. Let Him guide you; let His wisdom flow through you. The scripture says He sticks closer than a brother, and the expression ‘sticks closer’ means to stick like an adhesive. He is not going anywhere, brothers and sisters! You have a dear Friend who has promised to be with you even to the end of the world, and He doesn’t break His promises. Rejoice you’re stuck to the best! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  Glory, hallelujah, my God is in me, my best Friend, the only one I can fully count on! My world is transformed forever. I shall not run but fly in all my endeavours today in Jesus' Name! FURTHER STUDY  John 14:8   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/11/20232 minutes, 32 seconds
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Psalm 16:11 (KJV) You will show me the path of life; in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.   Today’s verse is a perfect reminder that the presence of God in your spirit brings indescribable joy to your life. We’re talking about the kind of Joy that no one can explain; joy that even shocks you as to how you’re calm and collected in the midst of a dark world.  You see, the good thing about joy is that it never moves alone. When it comes into your spirit, it brings with it cheerfulness, peace and laughter. You suddenly feel gloom and heaviness evaporating to a point where when people see you, they ask, “Which skin products are you using?” Yet it’s not the skin, brethren; it’s the joy of The Lord radiating through you from the inside out, hallelujah!  Keep the joy of the Spirit bubbling in your life. Whenever something tries to bother or depress you, don’t submit to it. Rather, consciously subdue it with the joy of the Lord from within your spirit by laughing your way to victory. PROPHETIC DECLARATION    My mouth is filled with laughter today! I’m strengthened because the joy of The Lord in me is my strength! I shall continue to experience joy unspeakable all the days of my life in Jesus' Name!   FURTHER STUDY  1 Peter 1:8    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/10/20232 minutes, 19 seconds
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  Romans 8:31 (KJV) What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?  Never allow adversaries or critics to breed fear in your life. It’s so easy to lie to yourself by thinking these same critics are speaking for God when they’re mere distractions from the enemy. When people spend time, money, or other effort, in an attempt to derail you, have no fear. It's evidence that you're making an impact. If you remain focused, you'll keep succeeding while they keep stumbling. See how the verse reminds you if God is in your corner, how can anyone dare come against you? Whatever people say, keep growing; keep winning; keep making progress. Let nothing stop you. The more powerful your critics, the more glorious your life really is. If it’s a boardroom you’re walking into this coming week, know that you’re not walking into that room alone – you have the most powerful, all-knowing God in your corner, and He IS for you. It is still the Year of Heaven on Earth. If you have not experienced enough of a beautified life this year, have confidence the One who is for you has the ability to turn things around now, not tomorrow - NOW!    PROPHETIC DECLARATION  My God is with me. Who or what can stand against me? I am confident of my success, and this shall remain the story of my life in Jesus' Name!   FURTHER STUDY  John 16:33   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/9/20232 minutes, 28 seconds
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  1 Peter 4:7 (KJV)  But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. The events and happenings all around the world today are clear indications that the Lord’s return is approaching, sooner than many think. We’re in the last days, the end of the end. You might think this talk is inappropriate right now, seeing that the festive season is in full swing; therefore, only cheerful talk should be entertained. But I tell you, brothers, and sisters, we must be awake and alert in the spirit now more than ever. The message of the Lord Jesus coming soon is no gloomy topic! His very birth and exemplary life led to His glorious death that brought salvation for you and me! The scripture above says to be sober, which means be in the right mind; don’t get carried away by feasts while forgetting the reason why we feast. Be in prayer always and stay focused. This festive season, the best gift you can afford anyone is the gift of salvation. Many are still unprepared for the Lord's return. It’s your duty to ensure as many as you can reach are aware of this. Let this drive be in you this season and recommit to winning more souls to Christ.    PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I recommit to being a prolific soul winner. I shall win souls this festive season more than I’ve ever done in Jesus' Name! Amen.   FURTHER STUDY  Matthew 24:44   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/8/20232 minutes, 32 seconds
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1 Timothy 4:12 (KJV) Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. God's Word was given to us to build, train, instruct, and correct in the life and way of righteousness. Today’s verse is all about living an exemplary life and is so necessary, especially now, where moral lines are becoming blurrier.  Remember, we are in the deeper life phase. Choose to not be the Christian whose behaviour and lifestyle are questionable. Some people’s uncommendable behaviour could be in the way they treat other people, be it their family, staff, colleagues or even their superiors. Their character and behaviour aren't Christ-like. If your manner of life is inconsistent with the Word, make a change today. Have pure desires and motives. Renew your mind with the Word, and be sure that your affections, choices, and decisions are in line with the Word. Be a true Christian, in heart and in action. Let others see Christ when they see you. Use the Word to check your actions, motives, thoughts, and desires. Do this, and you’ll experience the glory of God’s Spirit in your life as you should!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am the perfect example of my Heavenly Father. When people see me, they see Him! I show forth my light in a dark world, and I am blessed to do so in Jesus' Name!   FURTHER STUDY  1 Peter 1:14-16   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
12/7/20232 minutes, 41 seconds
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John 10:27 (KJV)  My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.  Some Christians today are in a dilemma because they yearn to ‘hear’ from a father who is speaking expressly every day. They think God is silent, yet He’s the complete opposite. This common problem comes because many ignore the Holy Spirit in them. I’ll tell you how. The Bible says in Romans 8:14, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God." You see that? That’s your birth right; it’s not something you fast for or pray about.  Having the Holy Spirit live in you is the greatest blessing of all. He’s your advantage and the secret to a glorious and successful life. Therefore, you must recognise and take advantage of His presence and guidance. You must let Him lead you through constant fellowship.  The more time you spend with Him, acknowledging Him throughout the day, taking heed of His counsel, His voice becomes more and more familiar until you can’t miss it. It becomes familiar. Your life becomes void of stress, much more excellent and full of glory.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I have the best counsel that places me at the top always. My day today is a success. I have my Father in me; failure is not an option!   FURTHER STUDY Psalms 16:7    DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
12/6/20232 minutes, 31 seconds
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  Ephesians 6:11 (KJV) Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.   To perfectly understand the above scripture, look at the two words, “put on,” endýō (in Greek), which means sink down into it, or to drown in the armour of God. When you sink into something, it means you go beneath the surface of that thing. So, you’re not putting on the armour as clothing as some of you have seen perhaps in films, you’re drowning in this armour of God, so not even the smallest part is left uncovered.  The Church, in large part, has had only a surface understanding of the armour of God, a juvenile revelation of it. Until you put on—endýō—the whole armour of God, you cannot do what the next part of the verse is saying - to stand. Notice: you are not fighting against the wiles of the devil. You are standing from a position of victory which you have already attained. You have already killed every form of negativity by simply putting on this armour. That means the purpose of the warfare is not to win. You have ALREADY WON in Christ. The purpose is to stand and maintain your position of victory.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION  I am fully dressed in the armour of God to kill every negativity in my life today. I have already attained victory in Christ, so I STAND!   FURTHER STUDY Ephesians 6:11-18   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
12/5/20232 minutes, 35 seconds
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Matthew 11:28 (KJV) Jesus says, Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.   Our Lord Jesus Christ is extraordinary! He is the embodiment of life itself, the source of everything amazing. He is joy, He is peace, He is love personified, and He is the perfect way. Now just imagine the grace and love that allows this extraordinary being to tell you to freely come to Him if you’re facing one challenge or the other. My God! What an honour and privilege this is, brethren. How can you fail?  This brand-new week, don’t fear, don’t struggle, don’t cry – just fix your gaze on The Lord Jesus. There is a rest and calmness only He can give you. While you’re preparing for a challenging end-of-year report, or going through some rough seas, remember He lives in you. That means He causes you to sail through every challenge like a walk in the park.  Once you established a relationship with Him, your search ended, you arrived, you made it! Let go of the heavy bags, leave them at His feet and embrace your Father. In Him you are home, and there is definitely no place like home! PROPHETIC DECLARATION  God’s divine presence in me places me at an advantage. By default, I am already triumphant in everything I choose to do today. I am at peace! Hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY  Psalm 55:22   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/4/20232 minutes, 39 seconds
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John 15:18 (KJV) If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.               I have often heard Christians cry out to God as they try to understand why they are hated so much. Maybe it’s you, reading this text today, going through persecution and trying to make sense of it all. Look no further than today’s scripture.   Understand that you signed up for persecution the moment you said yes to the Lord Jesus. By mentioning His name alone, you took on a host of enemies.  Every true Christian will face persecution: at work, school, in the family, amongst friends, or with strangers. God never lied to us. He said this in John 16:33: "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Do you see that? What a wonderful encouragement! Yes, you shall have tribulation, and yes, the world will hate you, BUT you have OVERCOME! Quit feeling sorry for yourself and awaken this mindset in you. Our God went through it all and overcame just to show you that you can do it too. Be of good cheer. You've got this in the bag! PROPHETIC DECLARATION Today is the beginning of the best of the rest of my life! Nothing on this earth has the power to stop me from success in Jesus' Name, hallelujah!   FURTHER STUDY 1 John 4:4   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
12/3/20232 minutes, 28 seconds
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Matthew 8:21-22 (KJV) And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead   At first glance, one would be tempted to think the Lord Jesus Christ demonstrated unnecessary harshness in this verse. After all, this is someone’s father, not a friend or distant cousin that died; it’s his father. So, let’s look closely at the significance of this lesson for us today.  When the Lord Jesus speaks about dead people burying other dead people, He’s talking about those that are spiritually dead. He gives us a clue here that there are people walking and talking, but they're not alive to God. He considers them dead because they’re not awakened to the Fatherhood of God and the reality of the Spirit realm. When you’re born again, the Holy Spirit becomes real to you, and you’re awakened to the value of the Word of God. Not only are you awakened to the Word, but you live it daily! You become alive to His healing power, His righteousness, prosperity, and wisdom! It’s easy for the Lord to instruct and guide you from within because you're tuned in to Him. Practice this new life today. You’re not dead!   PROPHETIC DECLARATION I’m alive to God. His power, glory, love and grace have just increased in my life. I have victory today in all my tasks, in Jesus' Name!   FURTHER STUDY John 15:19 DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
12/2/20232 minutes, 39 seconds
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2 Kings 6:1 (KJV)  And the sons of the prophets said unto Elisha, Behold now, the place where we dwell with thee is too strait for us.   Most of you if not all of you should know a lobster. There is something special about a lobster’s growth process. A Lobster does not grow with its shell; through the process of “moulting” the lobster breaks its old shell to form a new one and then grow again to that size. A Lobster’s growth process is very painful and uncomfortable! So, for a Lobster to grow it must entertain pain, physical distress, and discomfort. Expansion and growth come with cutting off the rough edges, the things that are preventing your growth.  From the scripture, the sons of the Prophet felt the place they were living was just too small, very uncomfortable, no more convenient. Notice while they felt a need to expand, they also recognise a need to have the presence of their Man of God. The sons of the Prophet realise in order to grow, the company of their Spiritual father was a necessity. For you to truly experience expansion and increase in your life, the voice of your man of God must continue to reverberate in your ears; be willing to receive the Word of God and live it. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am growing in my spiritual walk, my life is increasing, my business is expanding, I see multiplication to my finances even as I grow spiritually; wealth and riches are mine in Jesus’ Name. Amen. FURTHER STUDY Joshua 17:14     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/30/20232 minutes, 42 seconds
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Luke 1:10 (KJV)  And the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of incense.   Fullness of time or “HORAH” moment, this could be a moment or season known of God when something special must happen. The scripture mentioned “Time” of incense, that moment when Zacharias was to burn incense on the altar before God. It was Zacharias’ time of duty, a moment of service calculated by God himself to reveal His glory to Zacharias and his wife, Elizabeth. Notice: Zacharias means “God remembers” and Elizabeth means “God keeps his promise”. So, at that Horah moment, God remembers to keep His promise to Zacharias and Elizabeth, a woman considered by society as “barren”!  Understand, God’s timing is perfect, the Horah time wherein God in His own wisdom remembers it is now time to bring to past that which was plan for your life. Notice, Elizabeth gave birth to John the forerunner of Jesus’ ministry. It was God’s design and plan that the timing for the births of John and Jesus not be too far apart. Remember today that whatever situation you go through or face, God remembers and keeps His promises, you are coming out, the time is now in Jesus’ name.  PROPHETICE DECLARATION I am walking into my Horah moment. Good things are about to happen in my life that God alone will get the glory. I shall testify in this season of the year of Heaven on Earth! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Psalm 141:2     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/29/20232 minutes, 47 seconds
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3 John 1:2 (KJV)  Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.   It is worth noting that we understand the importance of these two words in our Christian journey. Ambition sees on the outside, what will people think and say about you, so your concern is with the outside appearance. Ambition survives on other people’s assessments about your life so you are subjected to people’s opinion and live a life of trying to please others. Ambition will lie, it cares only about reputation and outward appearance, obviously God is not in the equation, which is very dangerous. On the other hand, we have vision, which looks on the inside, your heart for God. Vision is what God says and thinks about you, translated into your realities. From today’s scripture, God is very intentional about your prosperity, your health, and your soul. Anything contrary to these three things is of the devil. Jesus is building His Church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it; be a part of this vision of making Hell empty and Heaven full. PROPHETIC DECLARATION My vision is clear, I shall continue to walk with God to achieve His purpose on Earth. I am a soul winner, a part of God’s plan for this dispensation. I must ensure that the good news of God’s grace reaches the four corners of the world in Jesus’ Name. Amen. FURTHER STUDY 1 Peter 4:8     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/28/20232 minutes, 44 seconds
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Psalm 24:1 (ESV)  The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.   I know people want to be prosperous, which is a good thing! Others will tell you boldly I want to be kingdom financier, sponsoring the gospel to the ends of the world, that is excellent. Fact: when it comes to riches, wealth, and prosperity, God does not shy away. God says gold is mine, silver is mine, and cattle on a thousand hills are mine. While people count their herds one by one, God counts His by hills of thousands. The scripture for today shows forth God's legitimate ownership to planet Earth and everything in it. Notice, God owns everything including you, so, He can distribute to whoever He pleases that which He owns. God wants you to be a channel of distribution, a vehicle through which He blesses others. So, God requires that His blessing flows through you. If God cannot get it through you, He will not get it to you. Let the blessing begin to flow through you and see yourself expand in capacity to receive more of God's blessings in this year of HEAVEN ON EARTH! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I stand as God’s warehouse of resources, a channel of distribution to the rest of the world. My life shall be a life of blessing for others, I shall walk in the fullness of my destiny be showing forth God’s glory when I appear. Amen. FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 10:26     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/27/20232 minutes, 33 seconds
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1 Corinthians 15:36 (KJV)  Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:   Notice by measuring the results of seed faith, it seems a lot of Christians still find it hard to grasp. When it comes to sowing and reaping or seeding and harvesting, we do not see much impactful performance. The problem is that a lot of Christians want to sow today and harvest 24 hours later. They do not understand, and neither are they willing to understand that the seed sown must first die, then germination takes place, and with time, the harvest comes in 30/60/100 folds!  If you want instant harvest, it is like refusing for your seed to die. Jesus said that unless a grain of seed falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone. Whether at the time of sowing the seed, it fell straight, sideways, head up or head down, that is irrelevant, the main things are it fell on good soil and that it dies. Do not worry much about the process of germination, leave that with the seed, soil, and God. As you follow the principle correctly, your harvest will surprise you, and your destiny will change forever.  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a Sower in God’s kingdom, my harvest is sure, my expectation shall be met, I shall never be denied my bountiful harvest as my seeds sown have died. I am going to reap lavishly and praise The Name of God almighty. Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY  John 12:24     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/26/20232 minutes, 44 seconds
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2 Corinthians 4:8 (KJV)  We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;   Moments are created during times of travail, when you refuse to give in to the devil’s harassments. Understand this: miracles happen when you are at the edge of the red sea. To see beyond the horizon and grasp the essence of going to the next level, you must know your moments and cease them. Most Christians miss their moments because of their failure to discern and recognise opportunities. The Chinese vocabulary lacks the direct interpretation of the word "crisis."" The closest definition they can find to "crisis" is "opportunity,"  When crisis erupts in an area, the Chinese rush on the scene because they equate crisis to opportunity and so benefit in the end. When you realise your moment, you move to get hold of it. Things of the spirit are caught not taught! There are moments where the Spirit of God is ministering to you to sow a seed or spend the night in prayer or just go and read the Bible, discern the moment, and cease the opportunity, consequently, your miracle shall manifest.  PROPHET DECLARATION The Word of God is my guarantee that whatever I face, there is a glorious end. As a child of God, I am destined for greatness, I shall climb the mountain of my next level to get a mountain top perspective of my Life; I am above only and not below. Amen.  FURTHER STUDY Galatians 6:9     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/25/20232 minutes, 30 seconds
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Matthew 5:14 (KJV)  Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.   Everything is controlled by light, your marriage is controlled by light, your money and finances are controlled by light. The amount of light that enters you will make you exercise dominion. The Bibles says that at the entrance of your Word gives light, and it gives understanding to the simple. Understanding then comes by the amount of light you allow to enter you; this implies, the amount of the Word of God you have stored in you, will bring out corresponding wisdom when faced with a challenge.  During Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness, it was the amount of light translated in the knowledge and Word of God that was being emanated to refute everything Satan threw at him. Jesus consistently said “IT IS WRITTEN” he relied on the Word of God in him to do battle against the strategies of the enemy. The more of the light you absorb by reading the Word of God, the more you surmount and dominate your health issues, your financial challenges, and your marital problems. Get in the Word which is light, submerge yourself, drown in it and see yourself experience dominion in this year of Heaven on Earth!  PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am the light of the world; I shall shine brighter and brighter till everything around me glows with the glorious presence of Jesus Christ! Hallelujah! FURTHER STUDY John 9:5     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
11/24/20232 minutes, 24 seconds
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Psalm 18:44 (KJV)  As soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me: the strangers shall submit themselves unto me.   Notice how the scripture is very clear; the psalmist was speaking of how strangers will respond to him, and he declared that it will be as soon as they hear of him. There was not going to be a delayed response. There was going to be a speedy response. Strangers were going to do their best, and there was not going to be any delays. By the psalmist’s affirmation, delay was deleted. I decree and declare; this shall be your portion now and always! We are in the in year of Heaven on Earth, and you are probably asking why is it not happening to you or for you? Especially in this month, you may think that the year is almost at the end, but notice, the theme of this year given to us by God is still alive and well, the year has not ended. The matters of your life will unfold without delays. Your miracles will not be delayed. Your congratulations will not be delayed. Your good news will not be delayed. It is still your year of Heaven on Earth! PROPHETIC DECLARATION The hand of the Lord is upon me, I attract destiny helpers in my corner, my life shall blossom in this year. I am moving forward with the speed of light. In this year of Heaven on Earth, I shall win! Amen. FURTHER STUDY 2 Samuel 22:44-46     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/23/20232 minutes, 35 seconds
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Romans 1:4 (KJV)  And declared to be the Son of God with power, according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead:   When you have the WORD without the SPIRIT you will dry up. However, when you have the SPIRIT without the WORD, you will blow up! Interestingly, when you have both the SPIRIT and the WORD, you will grow up. Get into the Word of God relying on the leading of the Spirit, and your life will flourish. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher you can ever have, who is there to teach you the deep things of God. Growth in the spiritual realm depends on the WORD and the leading of the Holy Spirit.  When you are dependent on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, you will be guarded wisely to make good choices for your family and business. The Bible says “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding”. There you have it, make the Holy Ghost to be your Tutor for delving into the Biblical syllabus, and you will experience the growth that will make your achievements undeniable. In your home, business and career make the Holy Spirit to be your guide. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am born of the Holy Spirit, I am a new species, I am a dominator, my life shall be led always by the Holy Spirit of God that resides in me! FURTHER STUDY Acts 2:24     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/22/20232 minutes, 27 seconds
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Psalm 18:47 (KJV)  It is God that avengeth me, and subdueth the people under me.   It is very difficult or near impossibility to find a genuine man of God who is not being fought. The moment you gave your life to Christ, you become a moving target for the devil and his cohorts. The scripture speaks of opposition against David, the Lord’s servant, but strangely, he needs not to fight them because God Himself was available to fight on his behalf. So, he did not look like someone fighting because the Lord took over his battles. Hear me as I hear the Lord: your battles have been taken over by the Lord.  Welcome to that season where God Himself will serve vengeance to all those that have chosen to fight against you. Personally, I have experience battles raging against me and sometimes I wonder how will I come out? But we serve a mighty God who arises and his enemies’ scatter. You enemies have automatically become God’s enemy because you are his servant. Now, welcome to that season where your battles and attackers will be subdued by the Lord. 2 Thessalonians 1:6 says: “Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you”. PROPHETIC DECLARATION My victory is of the Lord, I am like a battle axe in His hands. I shall never be defeated. Winning is what I do in Jesus’ Name. Amen. FURTHER STUDY Deuteronomy 32:35   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/21/20232 minutes, 32 seconds
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Romans 14:19 (KJV) Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.   Let’s me put it this way, your life before receiving Christ for some of you reading this right now, you were free to do whatever pleases you, I mean, everything was just acceptable to you. Now that you are in Christ, let's hear what Apostle Paul says in his epistle to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 6:12. “Everything is permissible for me, but not all things are beneficial. Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be enslaved by anything [and brought under its power, allowing it to control me].” AMP.  You can now clearly see that your life in Christ now is to show forth His glory, you are not your own anymore, certain places you used to go to, you cannot go to no more. Certain circles of people you used to hang out with, no more will you be found in those circles. You must have Christ consciousness that transcends "self" and realise you are now a new creation. Think of it this way, you never existed before, you are brand new because of the Holy Spirit that is now in you. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a new creature in Christ. Now Christ before me, Christ around me Christ above me and everything I do is Christ, I now live a new life of victory in Jesus Christ! Glory! FURTHER STUDY 1 Corinthians 10:23   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
11/20/20232 minutes, 40 seconds
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Acts 2:42 (KJV)  And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.   You do well for yourself to honour, respect and reverence the time you have with the Lord. The Church is the equipping centre to equip the soldiers of Jesus. Whatever the weapon and artillery you need to go out in victory is found in the Church. Get this: the real world is in the realm of the Spirit. Your body is like the suit you must wear to cover the spirit man inside you, to move around on planet earth. You are a Spirit man having an earthly experience.  Therefore, your place of equipping and preparation should be of priority if you are to conquer life challenges. Neglecting the Equipping Centre is tantamount to going to battle without ammunition and strategy! Your victory in the real world is tied to the worth of knowledge you have acquired and your authority in the spiritual realm. In the real world, Soldiers are properly trained and equipped and strategically placed to secure victory. The battle is raging everyday and your preparedness is of paramount importance to your survival! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I feed on the Word of God daily, I am a soldier in the Lord’s army. My mind is alert, I shall be found in the house of the Lord for my equipping. I shall live a life of victory always in the name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY Acts 20:7      DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
11/19/20232 minutes, 45 seconds
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1 Corinthians 16:13 (KJV) Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.   Until you realise that your experience in the physical is a manifestation of what happened in the realm of the spirit, your life will continue to be like a roller coaster. To see real progress in your life, your spiritual growth must excel. Unfortunately, your spiritual growth is not determined by the pastor or preacher, no, it is by the knowledge of the Word of God in you! Apostle Pauls final saying in Ephesians 6:10 “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might”. Notice that our strength is derived from knowing God and His word.  Paul says be strong, be enabled, be empowered in the WORD! The Word of God gives power, it enables you that is making you able to achieve the impossible. The empowerment from the word of God cannot be compared to worldly wisdom. This is a spiritual reality that you mush grasp to lift scriptures out of the Bible and make them part of your being and see yourself reign in victory in this year of HEAVEN ON EARTH. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I carry the strength of a roaring lion. With God I am the majority, I move and find my being in God who has established me as a one-man defence system. I cannot be defeated, God is on my side, victory is mine in The Mighty Name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY 2 Samuel 10:12     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:
11/18/20232 minutes, 45 seconds
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John 10:10 (KJV) The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.   The devil continues to use the same old tricks since the days of Adam and Eve. The devil's methods and trickery have followed the same pattern again and again. In fact, you may have realised by now the same manoeuvres and crafts the devil used before and you fell for it, he is now whispering the same things to you again! The devil cannot create so he recycles the same thing all the time. Demons do not procreate, there are no new generation of demons. The same demons during the days of Adam and Eve are roaming the Earth today, this is why they are in your genealogy. Do not fall for the same tricks, it is time to be astute, stand on the WORD of God and you will not fall a victim this time around! The devil will only use the very information you give him to attack you. Today is your day of victory, your rising cannot be tampered with anymore in this year of Heaven on Earth! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am a child of God; I shall live a life of victory and success. My health is divine, my business is prospering, my marriage is edified and my family are highly favoured in The Mighty Name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY Hebrews 7:25     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
11/17/20232 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ephesians 5:15-16 (KJV)  See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise; Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.   The word used in this text "circumspectly" in Greek connotes: perfectly, diligently, wisely.  Notice Apostle Paul is writing to Christians here. The Apostle is saying the days are evil, meaning every day will come with its challenges, so you are supposed to be fully girded in the armoury of the almighty! You are warned because the prince of the air in this world, the devil is cunning and is not retired yet, so the Word of God is your defence!  You must act on the Word and put your faith in action in your daily walk with Christ. You must discern the environment that you find yourself, pray that during challenging times, God will set before you a table. God is about to show up big time for you. I am persuaded that your new level is about to manifest. You have been single handily pulled out by God to showcase your prosperity as a testament to His greatness. Be wise, they left you because they were not part of you, now it is your time! Arise, shine! PROPHETIC DELARATION I am attired in the full amour of God; no space left for the enemy to penetrate and reach me. The balm of Gilead has surrounded me with His full cover. I am blessed going out and blessed coming in, securely rooted in Christ! Hallelujah. FURTHER STUDY Colossians 4:5     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:      
11/16/20237 minutes, 29 seconds
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Isaiah 53:1 (KJV)  Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?   Notice the same problems that confronted the people during the days of Prophet Isaiah before he dashed the question confronts this last dispensation. There were the proud and arrogant, those that say I will die with you, yet they are the one pulling the trigger.  Those that were thinking that God has gone on holiday and have left matters into their hands, those who were constantly challenging the existence of God, those who choose to entertain other forms and shades of belief systems other than the true and living God.  It seems that the Prophet was so much disappointed with the society that he puts a question forth to hear their response. The same question is relevant now than in the days of Prophet Isaiah. We have seen the tendencies of our modern-day society battling, protesting, and fighting to remove everything that is Godly or has the semblance of God thereof from our educational system. The report in question is believed by the one whom the arm of the Lord is being revealed to, that is the true Christian! PROPHETIC DECLARATION God’s report is final in my life! I am the head and above only. My life is full of grace and favour. When I move, mercy and goodness accompany me, I shall never be under the circumstances but above the circumstances now and forever! Amen. FURTHER STUDY Romans 10:16     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/15/20236 minutes, 53 seconds
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Isaiah 10:27 (KJV)  And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.   Listen carefully, the anointing can be sensed and you can feel the anointing in an atmosphere. The impact of the anointing is irreversible. Lives impacted by the anointing can take stock and testify that their destinies are changed simply because of the anointing. You see, spiritual materiality like the anointing carries tangibility that you can see change lives and destinies.  When we talk about the anointing, we are talking about the power of God in action. With God, nothing is impossible. This is so because of the anointing. When you see tumours dissolved from people, HIV healed, barrenness destroyed, and the backbone of poverty broken, that is the impact of anointing I am talking about. I declare to someone now, whatever held you captive, that thing is destroyed and never to return. Your life is being realigned to fulfil your destiny and impact nations in this year of HEAVEN ON EARTH! PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am called and anointed to take the gospel to the nations of the world. I am a yoke destroying, miracle working, one-man defence system that can never be defeated. When you touch me, you are ‘finished’, the power of God flows through my veins in The Mighty Name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY Psalm 81:6     DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/14/20237 minutes, 11 seconds
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Proverbs 10:22 (KJV) The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.   Understand this, your assignment in the kingdom matters to God, and life as we know requires sustenance. The scripture is replete with emphasis on God blessing His people. This entails wealth and riches to be in the hands of those who are called according to his purpose. God told Abraham, the father of our faith, that "I will bless you so that you become a blessing." This implies that Abraham's surname was blessing. When Abraham appears on the scene, then you know blessings just show up.  As a Christian, when you move, blessings are moving. When you appear anywhere, blessings just appears. An entire ecosystem that encounters you must be impacted with blessings. How in the world does your situation manifest the contrary? Lack is not in God's vocabulary, so shall it be with you now! You cannot live in lack and want in this year of Heaven on Earth. I reverse and place an embargo on any and every negativity in your life that makes people bring the integrity of God into question. Today, you are set free for free to walk into your destiny. PROPHETIC DECLARATION All part of my inner being and gene transport blessings. I am infused with wealth and riches to bequeath to generations yet unborn. I partake of a grace that births prosperity for the advancement of God’s kingdom now and always. Amen. FURTHER STUDY Genesis 26:13   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:  
11/13/20237 minutes, 24 seconds
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Luke 16:8 (KJV)  And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.   Can you see what I see? This is Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, commending the unjust servant. What are the doings of the children of this world that attracted Jesus’ attention and His commendation? The Word of God tells us that though we are in this world, but not of the world, that is a fact. At the same time, we are advised to be as wise as the serpent. To win souls and the world for Jesus, we need to acclimatise by making connections with those that matter in society.  The Apostle Paul preached the gospel to people of reputation, influencers in the community, in local, regional, and national government so that the Word of God penetrates the higher ups without fear. As Christians, we agreed on one thing, that the gospel must reach the utter most part of the world, which requires relationships. Your interaction with authorities is pivotal to the spreading of the GOODNEWS. We are mandated to win souls, how we do the soul winning is the strategy we need to discover through the Holy Spirit. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I am selected, handpicked, and mandated to spread the GOODNEWS. I have the wisdom and strength to move mountains and subdue territories, a powerhouse to shift destinies in The Name of Jesus! FURTHER STUDY Ephesians 5:8   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT:    
11/12/20236 minutes, 47 seconds
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Matthew 10:16 (KJV) Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.   One of the most important abilities of Hyena is its sensory capacity. Hyenas can smell and sense danger miles away. Hyenas, despite its aggressive prowess, fierce attacking strategy, it survives in the wild principally because of its high sensory intelligence.  When a Hyena senses danger, it will avoid it and pass the other way, far removed from a dangerous environment. The Bible says in Proverbs 22:3 “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” Only Christians see danger and walk towards it disregarding discernment and the leading of the Holy Spirit. Notice, the same God who allowed the three Hebrew boys to get into the fire and came out unscathed; is the same God who told Lot to run away from the fire! God uses different strategies for different situations, so begin to walk and act smart, having your spiritual senses active and wide awake, and you will continue to rise like an edifice in Jesus' Mighty Name. PROPHETIC DECLARATION I shall rise above circumstances always; I am alert and will avoid danger. Any trap set by the enemy for me will be in vain. In this year of Heaven on Earth, my elevation and promotion shall not be cut short, I shall shine. Glory. FURTHER STUDY Matthew 25:4   DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE COPY OF THE GOODNEWS DAILY DEVOTIONAL AT: