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Good Christian Podcast

English, Christianity, 3 seasons, 73 episodes, 1 day, 5 hours, 1 minute
We’re not always good Christians, but the Good Christian Podcast is always a good Podcast for Christians to listen to. We exist to to provide hope, encouragement, and equipping to follow Jesus well in our modern world.
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Gaining the Right Perspective for Bittersweet Changes in Life + [HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT]

God has put 3 things on my heart to share with you that I trust will add extreme value to your life. PLUS: Alex Sanfilippo, the founder of DailyPS, is passing the leadership baton on to the next generation. Alex shares his parting words/final thoughts.MORE:
12/6/202113 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Start Growing Closer to God Again

Have you hit a place in your walk with God where you don't feel like you're growing anymore? Maybe you're like me and you've found yourself asking, "what do I do when I'm a Christian but I'm not growing anymore?" This was me for a long time. Here's what I did.MORE:
11/1/202112 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Positively Impact the Course of the Future

Do you ever think about the future? Not just 10-20 years from now, what about tomorrow? Do you know that you have the power to alter the course of the future?MORE:
10/4/20217 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Christian's Need to Start Listening More

For the past couple of years, I've been thinking about the topic of listening. Many of us don't think about it, but the truth is, the simple (not easy) act of listening could positively change your life and improve your future.MORE:
9/6/20219 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Power of Waiting and How it Will Change Your Life

As I reflect on my life up to this point, I can credit one thing that led me to make better decisions in life. I am where I am today because of this one concept...READ THE BLOG POST:
7/5/202110 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Grow Yourself and Strengthen Your Leadership

If you wish to live life at the fullest and succeed the most you possibly can, you have to strengthen your leadership and grow yourself personally!MORE:
6/7/202114 minutes, 9 seconds
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Living a Proactive Lifestyle Instead of Reactive

Do you feel like you're stuck or not making progress in life? There is a solution! It's living a life that is proactive instead of reactive.MORE:
5/3/202116 minutes, 52 seconds
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Don't Trust Autopilot for Your Life - Take Back Control

Autopilot for an airplane is great, but for your life, it is not. Here's why we need to disengage autopilot and live our lives on purpose!MORE:
4/5/202117 minutes, 14 seconds
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How Positive Thinking Can Lead You to a Better Life

Do you focus on the negativity of life? Or are have you discovered the benefits of positive thinking? This is my story of transformation from living a life full of negativity to one focused on positivity.MORE:
3/2/202113 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Get Through Difficult Times in Life

We all face difficult times in our lives. I've learned that there is one way to respond that is supreme and will help you, preserver, in life.FULL POST:
2/1/202112 minutes, 30 seconds
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5 Ways to Make 2021 Your Best Year Yet

Say goodbye to 2020 and hello to the bright new year, 2021! Here's how you can make this year, your best year yet.For full blog post + a link to download the free eBook visit:
1/4/202114 minutes, 17 seconds
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How Christians Can Finish 2020 in the Best Way Possible

Want to end 2020 in the best possible way? Love people for who they are, not for what they do. This is a call to action to Christians. This is the job God has asked of every Christian: Love people for who they are, not for what they do.Join the discussion:
12/8/202010 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Truth EXPOSED About the Election and Politics

The 2020 Presidential Election is upon us! I'm about to expose the truth behind it. Something that most of us aren't considering right now.Answer questions: CTA question: What are you going to do today to keep God the priority over politics?
11/2/202013 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Seek God’s Approval More Than Man’s Approval

God’s Approval or Man’s Approval: Which Matters More? Most of us are quick to answer this question with "God's approval". But is that really the truth? Man's approval can challenge our hearts.Read the full blog post that goes along with this podcast episode:
10/5/202015 minutes, 21 seconds
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What to Do When You Don't Feel Close to God Anymore

Have you found yourself asking the question, "I don't feel close to God anymore?" I know I have. But, it's not because God has left us. There are 3 main reasons that Christians feel this way and they probably aren't what you're thinking.For the full blog post and discussion:
9/7/202015 minutes, 27 seconds
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3 Ways to Change Your Heart Despite Your Circumstances

Sometimes God doesn't change your situation because He is trying to change your heart. Here are three ways to begin allowing God to change your heart:#1. Fast.A practical way to begin letting God change your heart is by fasting. I've been fasting all summer (Not food, don't worry, I'm still here haha) I encourage you to pray about doing the same. Perhaps it's time for you to avoid social media and mainstream media like God has called me to do during this fast.#2. Let go of control.First off, you don't have control anyway. No matter how bitter, mad, or loud you get, you do not have any control over the world. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."#3. Pray.Prayer moves mountains. Through the power of prayer, I've seen more situations changed in my life and in the lives of those around me than through anything else. Are you praying for the world around you? More importantly, are you praying for your own heart? Think about this one. To read the full blog post and join the discussion please visit:
8/3/202012 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Solution to The World’s Biggest Problem

The biggest problem the world is facing is a lack of love, and Christians are the only solution to solve this problem.4 Ways Christians can begin to fix the broken world: #1. The greater our love is for God, the more projected it will be in our actions toward those around us.#2. Love is a verb; without action, it is merely a word.#3. Love people for who they are instead of judging them for who they are not.#4. What really changes people is the revelation of God's love.FOR FULL SHOW NOTES AND DISCUSSION: 
7/6/202019 minutes, 1 second
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How to Build Stronger Friendships

Here are 5 points will help you build stronger friendships. If you desire to meet more people and begin building lifelong friendships, this will help you.Here are 5 ways to build stronger friendships:#1. Seek first to be a friend.#2. Become a great conversationalist.#3. Be an encouragement.#4. Getting past face value communication.#5. Do something meaningful together. MY CALL TO ACTION QUESTION: What action has helped you build stronger friendships in your life that wasn't mentioned in this post?To answer this month's question and to read the full blog post please visit:
6/1/202019 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Help the World Get Better

In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo shares 5 things that Christians can begin doing to help the world heal as we near the end of the COVID-19 pandemic and global quarantine.  5 things you can do today to help the world get better:#5. Pray for people.#4. Spread positivity on the internet, and get out of your comfort zone.#3. Reach out to someone, text them, call them, better yet, do a video chat with them.#2. Invest financially in helping feed someone.#1. Serve someone in need, yes, even break quarantine early to make this happen.As Christians, we are called to be God's light and "workers on the ground" for the world. It's our job to get out there and shine that light as bright as we can. This is how we help the world get better!Full show notes and discussion:
5/4/202015 minutes, 4 seconds
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What to Do During the Coronavirus

What should Christians be doing during the Coronavirus? Three Questions every Christian needs to ask themselves during the Coronavirus pandemic:#1. “Have I humbled myself?”#2. “Have I been praying and seeking God’s face?”#3. “Have I turned from my wicked ways?”Many people are asking, "Where is God during the Coronavirus?" God is asking you the same thing. Here are three things Christians should be doing right now.Read more and respond to my question:
4/6/202020 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why It's Time to Stop Speaking Negatively About the Church

More and more we’ve noticed people speaking negatively about the church. Not just people who are not believers, but also people who came to be Christians. In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo covers a very controversial topic among Christians.It’s time for us to begin speaking life about the church and in the church. We can no longer speak negatively about the churches we attend or the Christian church as a whole. It’s time to make a change! Statistics are showing that less people are claiming to be Christians than ever before. If this is true, the church is our primary hope for turning this around and leading people to Christ. Speaking poorly about it is a huge mistake and needs to be addressed.What you’ll learn from this episode:A real life example of a Christian speaking negatively about the church and why it did more harm than bargained for.Three things that happen when we speak negatively about the church.How we can begin being more positive about the church in general and why this needs to start happening immediately. For full show notes and discussion:
3/2/202015 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Experience More Freedom in Your Life

Freedom. It's something we all long for more of in our lives. Joy, happiness and fulfillment of purpose seem to happen for the people that experience more freedom in their lives. In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo shares 3 ways begin experiencing more freedom in your life as a Christian!We live in a world that is full of more bondage than it ever has been. We live in bondage to our phones, to our highly demanding jobs, to the debts we have and to the circumstances of our lives. It's time for us to change this.For full show notes and discussion visit:
2/3/202019 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Make 2020 a WIN

Do you want 2020 to become the best year of your life so far? We want the same thing for you. In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo talks about how to make 2020 a WIN! If you want this year to be the best year of your life, this episode is for you.Alex is going to cover 5 main that explain how to make 2020 a win. Get ready for the best year of your life! Happy new year everyone! Enjoy another great episode.For full show notes and resources, visit:
1/6/202016 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Live a Happier Life

Being happy is something that we all want. It seems to be disappearing more and more from the world around us. How can we turn this around? How can we begin living happier lives?In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo talks about how we can become happier in our lives through expressing gratitude.In this episode we talk about:3 things that are stealing our happiness.3 ways to be happier and to be thankful for.Statistics point to the world becoming a more negative and sad place. That doesn't have to be the case for us! If you want to become happier, listen to this episode.For full show notes visit:
12/2/201916 minutes, 59 seconds
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Choosing God’s Approval Instead of Man’s Approval

We live in a society that is obsessed with gaining approval. Because of this, man’s approval has more weight in our hearts than we are willing to admin.Years ago, I was attending a church service, the pastor asked a big question. Would you be willing to die for God? I searched my own heart and thought to myself, Yes. 100% I would. After a pause that felt slightly too long for my quick sure answer, the next question this pastor asked blew my mind. He said, if you’re so willing to die for God, why will you not live for him?Discovering the purpose that God has placed on your life begins when you begin seeking God's approval above man's approval.JOIN THE CONVERSATION:
11/4/201911 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Grow Yourself and Become a Better Leader

In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo shares his notes from a conference he recently attended with another author from DailyPS, Jared Graybeal. Alex talks about how to grow yourself and become a better leader. This matters in today's world more than ever, because the world is getting further and further from God. Strong followers of Jesus are needed more than ever!For additional notes and more content on the topic, please visit the full blog post that Alex wrote on this topic. (Link below) He covers each point in detail and helps us understand the importance of growth in the life of a Christian. This is a blog post and podcast episode you're not going to want to miss!Answer the question from this episode:If you were to add a 5th point to this episode, what would it be, and why?For full show notes and discussion visit:
10/7/201915 minutes, 17 seconds
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You're Missing Out on Life If You’re Living in Fear

Do you want to life life at the fullest? If you do, you must stop living in fear. You're missing out on the best parts of life if you're living in fear.God has an amazing life in store for you. Are you living in it? Or are you missing out on life because you're living in fear of something or someone? What fear is holding you back? If you want to experience more freedom and joy than you could ever imagine, it's time to make a change. In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo covers how to begin overcoming fear and living a life of faith, on fire for God. When we overcome this fear, our lives will change and you'll have a more fulfilled life than you ever imagined.Don't miss the 5 points in this episode explaining how to live a life of faith. Here's one part that you need to remember: God has your best interest in mind. He's on your side and he wants you to have the best live you possibly can.For full show notes visit:
9/2/201912 minutes, 49 seconds
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7 Things You Can Do to Start Growing Closer to God

We've all gone through times and seasons in our lives where we've been close with God. But, something always seems to pull us away. In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo covers 7 things you can do to start growing closer to God. For some of us, this means growing closer to God again, as we've slipped away. For others, this may be the first time we're pursuing God.Alex wrote a full blog post on this topic last month. Be sure to take the time to read it as it covers other ideas and points on this same topic that you're not going to want to miss. Here's the link: to Do When You’re a Christian But Aren’t Growing AnymoreHave you hit a place in your walk with God where you don't feel like you're growing anymore? Maybe you're like me and you've found yourself asking, "what do I do when I'm a Christian but I'm not growing anymore?" This was me for a long time. Here's what I did.
8/5/201922 minutes, 49 seconds
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5 Ways Christians Can Let Go of Their Control Issues

Every human on earth has control issues to some extent. As Christians, we have the opportunity to be freed from our control issues. Here's how you can be FREE!5 Ways Christians Can Let Go of Their Control Issues:#1. Acknowledgment#2. Surrender#3. Self-control#4. Rest#5. OwnershipEncouragement: Letting go of control is freeing, not restricting. You’re not giving up your power, you're gaining it.When we begin to gain this perspective, we can start to live a more fulfilled life because we’re operating within the will of God and leaving space for Him to move. We can be the problem, the reason why we’re not further in life. Sometimes we have to get out of the way so God can make something happen. Here’s the thing about God, he’s rarely going to move you, you have to take that first step yourself.For full show notes and discussion visit
6/3/201927 minutes, 5 seconds
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What Do You Do When You’re Struggling in Life?

Have you ever been through a difficult time in your life? We've all had our share of pain and hardship. What matters if the faith we keep during these seasons that life throws at us. What do you do when you're struggling in life?Seasons of trial, hardship and difficulty are part of life. Thankfully, there is a proper mindset that can help us through the mess of life.Join Alex Sanfilippo as he shared his life experience to talk about overcoming difficult times!For show notes visit
5/6/201914 minutes, 18 seconds
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Hearing and Understanding the Voice of God

Hearing and understanding the voice of God is also a common question among believers. (But, it's no small topic!) I want to share 3 ways God has spoken to me.Years ago I was at a church service; the pastor challenged the congregation to listen to God for just a few minutes each day. I realized, hearing and understanding the voice of God was something I had been missing in my life. As a Christian, I knew I needed to change this. Hearing and understanding the voice of God is extremely important for all Christians.You all know me, I'm always practical with what I share. So I've broken this post down into three ways to begin hearing and understanding God's voice.FULL SHOW NOTES:
4/1/201915 minutes, 22 seconds
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How Believers can Discover and Discern Their Calling from God

Wouldn't it be great if all Christians could discover and discern their calling from God? We'd be far more focused and intentional with life. I have good news, you can discover what God has called you to do with your life! In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo shares 3 ways for Christians to further discover and discern their calling from God! (YOU'RE NOT GOING TO WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!)
3/4/201927 minutes, 13 seconds
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The 10 Most Asked Relationship Questions from Around the Web

If the Good Christian Podcast gets asked for a specific topic to cover, it's always relationships! In this episode, we decided to pull dating, marriage and general relationship questions from around the web. We pulled questions from websites like,,, and more! Join Alex and Alecia Sanfilippo as they discuss and share their answers to these BIG relationship questions.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
2/4/201924 minutes, 21 seconds
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Releasing the Power of Vision in Your Life

In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Joshua Delp on the topic of vision. More specifically, releasing the power of vision in your life. Quick disclaimer for all of our podcast listeners who like to listen on their drive... You're going to want to take notes! The conversation gets deep yet very practical. Every aspiring 'good Christian' needs to hear this episode to greater understand how to release the power of vision in their lives!  For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
1/7/201929 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why Every Christian Must Find Their Identity in Christ

In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Maximiliano Abreu on the topic of identity. They talk about why every Christian must find their identity in Christ. This interview goes deep on the topic and even covers other places we find identity and what God says about who we are. You aren't going to want to miss this one! For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
12/2/201826 minutes, 49 seconds
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We’re Now The Good Christian Podcast

Announcement Episode: DailyPS is renaming the Paradigm Shift Podcast to The Good Christian Podcast. By making this change in our podcast name, we're already receiving a 94% increase in organic reach. This is amazing! But, for us, it goes further than just reaching more people. It's about helping more people.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
11/5/20188 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to be Married

In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo and his wife/guest Alecia Sanfilippo share their thoughts on how to be married. Listening as they share 6 tips for how to be married while keeping your marriage awesome. (This is for people who are married or want to be married one day.)For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
10/1/201816 minutes
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Where is God During Difficult Times?

Where is God is during difficult times? This is a topic that has been requested and searched for more than any other topic on the Good Christian Podcast. Where is God during difficult times is a question we've all asked at one point or another. We'll define difficult times, explain where God is during them, and give some piratical steps for keeping God first even in these difficult times.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit: 
9/2/201820 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Powerful Choice to Stay in Christian Community

Why is Christian community the powerful choice? What makes it different? Christian Community is defined by Jesus Christ. Not tradition, but the reality of Grace. Dead hearts made alive by Jesus. Walking in the light of Grace brings true personal freedom. Healthy Christian community is centered completely on the person of Jesus. - You can’t have Christianity without Christian community.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
8/6/201823 minutes, 42 seconds
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How We Can Use Sports to Glorify God

 God and sports shouldn't be two completely separate parts of our lives. In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast we're talking about sports. Specifically, now to "not lose your Christianity" while engaging. We'll also answer the question, how you can glorify God while watching sports. (Believe it or not, it's possible!)For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
6/30/201817 minutes, 11 seconds
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Living a God First Life in the Military

We go behind the scenes with active military personnel to discuss how to live a Godly lifestyle while in the military. We talk about the military's culture, along with standing firm in faith despite opposition. Special thanks to all who have served and are currently serving the USA. We hope that this was encouraging to those of you who are living a God first life in the military. Happy Memorial Day!For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
5/26/201812 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Are You Lacking That Will Bring You Closer to God?

We can get into this rhythm where we feel like we haven’t felt God for a while. Or a season when we just don’t feel close to God. We tend to ask God, what am I lacking? How can I hear from You again? In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, we explore what the Bible says about these questions and how to answer them. For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
5/5/201815 minutes, 8 seconds
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Unity in The Body of Christ

We open this episode of the Good Christian Podcast with a question. Do you feel like the body of Christ unified? The answer may surprise you. We'll discuss what can be done differently and how we can practically cause change in our lives and churches. This episode goes deep; get ready! For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
3/31/201814 minutes, 4 seconds
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My Decision to Become a Christian

In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast Ellae Maisch shares her story about becoming a Christian. Ellae shares her struggles in life before becoming a Christian, and how that changed after giving her live to Christ. Also, we hear about what Ellae went through with family and friends along the way. This is one of the most inspirational, powerful “becoming a Christian” story that we’ve ever heard. Don't miss this one! For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
3/3/201819 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Most Asked Relationship Questions - Answered!

There are 8 questions about relationships that we've been asked. The Good Christian Podcast is going to answer them in this episode. These questions include, is it okay for Christians to date around? Is it okay to date someone who is not a Christian? Can I have sex before I'm married? ...The questions just get more intense from here!For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
1/30/201814 minutes, 29 seconds
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Bringing God to Work

This episode of the Good Christian Podcast is packed! Jared Graybeal owns multiple businesses and Alex Sanfilippo primarily works in aerospace as a director of commercial operations but also owns a coaching firm. They discuses how to bring God into the workplace. They give practical advise for bringing God into the culture of your business.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
12/30/201715 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Witness to Family and Close Friends

Here at the Good Christian Podcast, we know that everyone listening has a family member or close friend who is not a Christian. Often, we've found that those are the most difficult people to witness to. In today's episode we have an older brother who is witnessing to his younger brothers, and our guest, Danny grew up as a younger brother who was always being witnessed to. Here's how it looked from both perspectives.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit: 
11/29/201714 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Importance Of Guarding Your Heart

In this episode, Danny Tamayo speaks on the topic of guarding your heart. He is a nurse that works in a heart unit with a lot of wisdom on this topic. He shares how naturally guarding your heart relates to spiritually guarding your heart. The Good Christian Podcast is not a medical podcast, but we're getting an inside perspective into the hospital world!For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit: 
11/4/201711 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Line Between Truth and Grace

At the Good Christian Podcast, we're all about our listeners. Because of this, we took a poll asking about what topic we should cover. We received an overwhelming response to cover the topic of truth and grace. In this episode, we answer many of your questions about when to show grace or when to speak the truth; and how to do it. This is a challenging episode about sharing Godly truth and showing the grace of God.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
9/2/201718 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Struggles of Our Youth and How We Can Help

In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Eric Nelson on the topic of our youth. Eric answers questions in regards to the struggles of our youth and how we can help. Eric has worked in the school system, specifically with kids, for many years. Eric talks about the condition of our youth and what problems they are facing in today's harsh world. (This is eye opening!!!)For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
7/31/201716 minutes, 20 seconds
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Does God Really Love Me?

We've all asked this question before. And we've all known someone who's asked this question. "Does God really love me?" In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, we share the Bible's answer to this question. - Spoiler alert: God does love you. We'll explain this answer and more in this episode.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
7/22/201715 minutes, 9 seconds
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Finding Purpose in Your Career

In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, Alex Sanfilippo interviews Kaytie Zimmerman on the topic of finding purpose in your career. Kaytie is the founder of a company called Optimistic Millennials and is also a paid author for Forbes. Kaytie clears up some things about calling/purpose and career. They may not be as connected as some of us have believed...For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit: 
6/21/201712 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Keep Your Relationship with God Fresh

"Have you been through a season where it felt more like a task to spend time with God than a blessing?" I'll answer this question first... YES. Many of us have felt this way. In this episode of the Good Christian Podcast, we'll discuss 3 ways to keep our relationship with God fresh. (These are game changers!)For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
5/29/201714 minutes, 33 seconds
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What To Do When You Feel Like God is Silent In Your Life

Have you been through a season in life when you felt like God was being silent? At the Good Christian Podcast, we like to cover topics like this; because we believe we've all been through it. In this episode we talk to one of our authors, Tiffanie about how she responded to God during this time of her life. This will motivate you to continue to press on!For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit:
4/25/201710 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Motivational Christian Origin Story

Here it is! Episode 1 of the Good Christian Podcast. Alex Sanfilippo shares his journey in launching and his Paradigm Shift in life that lead to this podcast launching as well. This is a motivation Christian origin story that you do not want to miss. The purpose of this episode is for you to be motivated and receive your own paradigm shift in your Christian walk.For full show notes from this episode of the Good Christian Podcast visit: 
3/30/201712 minutes, 14 seconds