Download free lectures about spirituality, religion, kabbalah, the Bible, Greek myth, Runes, astrology, alchemy, meditation, the Zohar, Tantra, sacred sexuality, and much more. A free public service from Glorian Publishing, a non-profit organization.
Conference of the Birds - Part 2
Part 2 of a discussion of the Sufi mystical poem, The Conference of the Birds, by Farid ud-Din Attar
5/18/2024 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 34 seconds
Conference of the Birds - Part 1
Part 1 of a discussion of the Sufi mystical poem, The Conference of the Birds, by Farid ud-Din Attar
5/18/2024 • 54 minutes, 45 seconds
What is the Gnostic Church?
People today mistakenly believe that the word Gnostic refers only to a few groups that were active in the Middle East almost two thousand years ago, and left behind the so-called gnostic gospels or gnostic scriptures. In reality, those groups were not isolated or unique. They were part of a worldwide tradition found on every continent, whose roots are not in the physical world at all. In fact, Jesus, the greatest gnostic of all and the inspiration for the so-called gnostic scriptures and the modern Christian tradition, is a master of Kabbalah and Judaism. He is a master of Egyptian, Indian, and Tibetan teachings. That is why we find so much of them in his teachings. Therefore, the so-called “gnostic” and Christian scriptures are not separate from those other traditions. All of these teachings are rooted in the same source, so it is a mistake to try to isolate one from another. That only leads to confusion and misunderstandings.
3/8/2024 • 22 minutes, 30 seconds
Artificial Intelligence and Authentic Intelligence
Artificial intelligence, or AI, has recently made several notable advancements. But is it actual intelligence? What is the source of authentic intelligence, consciousness, and understanding? Reviews the current state of A.I. technology, the impacts on society, and the pathway to authentic intelligence. PDF and transcription:
3/2/2024 • 45 minutes, 55 seconds
What is Consciousness?
"Wherever there is life, there is consciousness. Consciousness is as inherent to life as humidity is to water." —Samael Aun Weor, Sexology
2/9/2024 • 14 minutes, 28 seconds
Why Give at Christmas?
Christ is a force, not a person. Christ is selfless love, the power of sacrifice, compassion. This is not just an ideal: it is a living substance, a quality of consciousness, that in Buddhism is called bodhichitta. Christ can incarnate within the prepared individual. Jesus incarnated Christ. So did Buddha, Krishna, Joan of Arc, and many others. The whole purpose of the spiritual path is to earn that right: to become a bodhisattva, an incarnation of Christ. Christ Mass is a preparation for and a celebration of that possibility.
12/15/2023 • 12 minutes, 4 seconds
What Are the Three Brains?
"Perfect mental equilibrium is of vital importance for those who want spiritual progress. Almost all the aspirants of esotericism easily lose their mental equilibrium and usually fall into the most absurd things. Whosoever yearns for direct knowledge must ensure that their minds are in perfect equilibrium... Mental disequilibrium is avoided by balancing the three brains." —Samael Aun Weor
12/7/2023 • 19 minutes, 4 seconds
Infinite States of Consciousness
Explores the current state of our mind, emotions, and instincts, and how it relates to our states of consciousness. Explains the Four State of Consciousness in relationship to daily life and within meditation: Eikasia Pistis Dianoia Nous
In the books, lectures, and videos made by Glorian, we present in depth teachings about everything related to spirituality and religion: the existence of divinity and other dimensions, suffering and its causes, the truth of our ancestors, and most importantly, the dire situation we are in today, its roots in our sexual habits, and how to change it all. Since these teachings contradict popular beliefs and theories, people demand proof, evidence, and they are right to expect it. No one should just believe something because it is what others say, or because other people believe it. There are so many lies and half-truths that are very popular all over the world, and the pressure to go along with the crowd is immense. But when the very future of your consciousness is at stake, it is very dangerous to simply believe. The difficulty is in finding proof of something spiritual, like the existence of God, the soul, other dimensions. Is it possible to prove or disprove their existence? We say that it is, but it is not possible to prove it to others. Why? Because gnosis, knowledge acquired from experience, can only be acquired for oneself. We acquire experience through our own perception, and the understanding that comes from that perception.
For the wise, to imagine is to see. - Samael Aun Weor Explains the real meaning of imagination (clairvoyance), which can be divided into five types: Supraconscious Conscious Subconscious Unconscious Infraconscious Also: four ethers of the vital body and their importance in meditation. how the ego uses imagination how to use imagination in meditation for comprehension and elimination the stages of imagination, inspiration, and intuition
6/25/2023 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 10 seconds
Laws of Being
All of us experience our moment to moment existence, not according to our physical circumstances, but according to our psychological circumstances. Our quality of mind is our quality of being. Our psychological condition is our level of being. Furthermore, our psychological qualities determine our experience of life. An arrogant person has a quality of life that results from their arrogance. A lustful person has a quality of life that results from their lust. A patient person, a loving person, has a corresponding quality of life. If we are suffering, it is because of our level of being. When we have a life that is extremely rigid, with no real freedom of movement, but every day we are forced to work to earn a little money, to pay the bills, to fulfill our responsibilities, and to chase after our desires, that is all a result of our level of being. From day to day, most people are like a hamster in a wheel, repeating the same behaviors every day, over and over and over. Their level of being is very low because their life is ruled by many laws. They have no freedom, no freedom of movement, no freedom of thought, no freedom to change their circumstances. They are restricted, bound. If they want to change their circumstances, they need to change their level of being. Changing jobs or moving to a new country will not change their level of being. They will continue to attract the same circumstances, the same sufferings. We can change our level of being, and rise out of suffering. Here is how to do it.
11/2/2022 • 52 minutes, 43 seconds
Yoga is the Dissolution of Mental Activity
An explanation of the first four verses of the Yoga Sutra's of Patanjali. It details the use of a simple, direct method to achieve meditation and samadhi. Transcript: A quote: Today we are going to analyze one of the most important works on yoga: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Written around the year 400, it is a set of aphorisms or sutras. It is a practice manual of meditation. It is not concerned with intellectual study, but instead the actual practice of yoga. We all know in the popular sense yoga usually refers to a set of postures or asanas. Many of the popular western or modern yoga traditions reference the Yoga Sutras, yet Patanjali talks about asana (posture) as only one of the Eight Limbs or Ashtanga of yoga. The third limb is asana, which is your posture, but it is a foundational aspect. It is only a means to reach the real power of yoga, which is meditation (represented by dhyana and samadhi). The first chapter of the yoga sutras is about samadhi: an overview of what samadhi is and how to achieve it. Only later does Patanjali go through the 8 limbs of yoga. Today, we are going to begin where Patanjali does, directly with samadhi.
5/7/2022 • 34 minutes, 25 seconds
Peace and Where to Find It
If we were to walk through any office building or place of work, we would find that many of the workers look at computer screens with a background image of some peaceful beach or nature scene. The workers gaze at those images, wishing to not be where they are, and dream about being on that beach or in those mountains, at peace, with no stress or worries of any kind. No one wants to be where they are, so everyone dreams about being somewhere else. Many people work very hard to save money so they can go to those places for a vacation for a few days. Perhaps for those few days they have some excitement or some distraction, and maybe a bit of peace. Then they go back to their routine lives, back to the same problems and sufferings, and they dream about one day escaping it again. The truth is that peace does not come from our external circumstances. No matter how much effort we make to change our external circumstances, peace does not come from there. Peace comes from inside. Even if you are very wealthy and famous, and have everything that humanity dreams of having, if someone says just the right words to you, you will explode with anger, even violence, and can even kill someone... so, the fame and money brings no peace of mind. People who live on those famous beaches and resorts still commit suicide and other crimes. They have no peace. As much as we may admire those beautiful, serene-looking places, those supposedly perfectly relaxing circumstances, even if we retire there or live there, we would not have peace because the causes of discontentment are not outside of us, in our circumstances. Our suffering and our pain exist not because of where we live, but because of the quality of our mind. The causes of suffering and pain are within us. The cause of peace is also within us. To find peace, you do not need to seek outside of yourself, but inside. So, instead of looking for that relaxing beach outside of us somewhere in the world, we need to find it inside. But, when we look inside, what do we see? Not that beach, but this one: a beach packed with people. A crowded place, with no room to walk or sit or swim, and filled with clamoring voices, each one demanding its desires, demanding attention, insisting on being the only one who should be on that beach. This accurately reflects our inner state. Each one of those people is a longing, fear, resentment, some desire, some frustration, envy, pride, and all of them are constantly talking competing with each other, trying to stand out, and to be the one who's special. Our mind never shuts up. It is never at peace. It is constantly chattering about what it wants, what it lacks, what it fears. Truthfully, our longing for peace is the longing to escape the noise in our head, heart, and body. When you observe some people, you see that they constantly have music or a tv playing, or are always scrolling on their devices; they need constant noise, constant impressions. This is because they want to avoid the noise in their mind: the music, the tv, or the scrolling is like a hypnotic bandage that numbs them. If you turn it off, they feel the pain of their inner condition. The feelings of discontentment, stress, anxiety, and fear are all rooted in the constant chatter of our mind. Unfortunately, in modern times, we have not been educated about our mind and how to deal with it. We learn by example and by inheritance; when we're growing up and we adopt the habits that we observe. We're never given guidance or training in how to deal with thoughts, emotions and impulses and so they control us. They control our consciousness. That's why we are in a constant state of contradiction and inner conflict. We have contradictory thoughts, feelings, and impulses. As a young person, for example, when it's time for us to become defined in our life, we feel that urgency to develop a career and become self reliant, successful and that is normal and natural. But unfortunately, our pride interferes. We want to stand out, to rise above the rest, and be seen as better than our peers. Then our laziness says, That's too much work, its too hard. Maybe I could just hang out at my parents house, watch TV and maybe get money from the government, or find a husband or wife to pay for everything. Then our envy says, But I want with these people on and Instagram have, I want to be like these other people: famous and rich. Then fear says what if I fail, what if I end up alone, what if I become sick... We are always creating mental stories, dramas, tragedies, imagining events that never happen... we live most of our lives in a self-created fantasy that has no basis in reality. The result is that we are afflicted with constant worry, stress, and anxiety, all based on illusions. These surging contradictory, unpredictable thoughts, feelings and impulses are symbolized in this crowded beach. The Purpose of Meditation Maybe we've had enough of it, and we want to learn meditation. Whatever the reason, people are attracted to meditation because they want an escape from pain, they want relief from suffering. So most people would say that the purpose of meditation is to escape from pain, to get away from suffering. They might mention some terms like self-realization, liberation or enlightenment, but not really be able to define what those words mean. Meditation is related to those experiences; you can experience paradises, and reach self-realzation, etc, but it is not in the way that people think: that yoiu meditate in a cave for six years and you go to paradise. That is absurd! What is paradise? It is a place without conflict, without suffering. Therefore, in such a place, there can be no pride, anger, lust, or envy. So, the solution is simple: if you want to live in paradise, whether on Earth or beyond it, then you must not have any of those qualities in yourself. This is the actual purpose of meditation: to end suffering. The only way to end suffering is to understand what causes it. Since the causes of suffering are not visible with our senses physically, and those causes are not perceptible by our mind, we need to learn meditation so that we can harness the power of the consciousness, in order to perceive the causes of suffering and fix them. The purpose of meditation is to acquire information about suffering and its causes, so we can become free of them. From this you understand that pretty much everything popular culture is saying about meditation is kindergarten, very basic, and very shallow. Meditation is a vast, extensive science. Through meditation, you can perceive the causes of existence. This is not imaginary or a process of thinking: it is a lived experience, more real than what you are perceiving through your physical senses. The Buddha talked about atomic structures. He described atoms. He saw them in meditation. There is nothing special about that. It is an innate capability that all of us have. We just need to learn to use it. Meditation is a function of the consciousness. Meditation is not intellectual, emotional, or physical. Meditation is a state of perception that does not use the physical senses. To learn how to meditate, we first learn how to use the consciousness throughout the day. The process of learning meditation does not begin when you sit on your chair or on your cushion. To learn how to meditate, you have to practice constantly at all times and in all places. In everything that you do, be profoundly aware and present... Read the lecture transcription:
3/29/2022 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 21 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 09 The Healing of the Paralytic at Bethesda
The story of The Healing of the Paralytic at Bethesda is imbued with esoteric teachings on psychology and our greater spiritual work. Slides & Transcription: This lecture explains: What is the esoteric meaning of Bethesda? What does it mean in Kabbalah? What do the pools of water mean? Who is the “another” who comes in takes the place of the paralytic, preventing him healing? How does this relate to the letters מ Mem, ו Vav, ז Zayin, ח Chet, ט Teth, ש Shin, and ס Samech? … and more. Complete course:
2/19/2022 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 56 seconds
Purpose of Gnosis
As we are now, we are overwhelmed by negative emotional forces and negative mental forces, which create tremendous suffering in our lives. Every human being struggles daily with unhappiness, doubt, anger, fear, and more. These states cause us to act in harmful ways toward ourselves and toward others, which in turn creates more suffering for everyone. Gnosis is a direct and very potent way of transforming these problems, because it works upon the very foundations of suffering. Gnosis is a method to develop discipline and psychological stability. It is a means to arrive at genuine inner tranquility. And the great beauty of Gnosis is that it presents a method which uses tools that we already have within: we do not need to rely on anything or anyone other than ourselves. Truthfully, our happiness and well-being is up to us, and when we discover how to cultivate such qualities through the transformation of our own mind, we arrive at the understanding of the message that has been given by every great Saint and Prophet. Read along:
1/3/2022 • 20 minutes, 3 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 08 Healing the Royal Official's Son
An esoteric explanation of John 4:46-54, Healing the Royal Official's Son. This story is about the healing of our own soul. Then enquired he of them the hour when he began to amend. And they said unto him, Yesterday at the seventh hour [ז zayin] the fever [πυρετός , puretos: “scorching heat”] left him. John 4:52 The hour of healing was the seventh, related to the seventh letter, ז zayin. We discuss how we must work with “left” side of the Tree of Life to achieve spiritual life [חי chaim].
12/30/2021 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 14 seconds
Women Have the Power to Change the World
"It is certainly women who are able to transform the world, if that is what they want. The woman holds in her hands the key of power. Even the masculine biology is controllable by the woman; in fact, the woman controls the biological activities of the man (she has this power, and it is extraordinary, wonderful). The only thing that she must do is retain this prodigious force, this creative energy of the Third " data-placement="top" data-content= "(Greek λόγος) Generally speaking, Verb or Word of God. In the gnostic teachings, it refers to the universal intelligence of Divinity, which can be incarnated through the Direct or Straight Path. The First Logos is the Father, Brahma, Kether, Dharmakaya. The Second Logos is the Son, Vishnu, Chokmah, Sambogakaya. The Third Logos is the Holy Spirit, Shiva, Binah, Nirmanakaya.See Glossary: Logos" data-original-title="Meaning">Logos. She must not allow it to escape, she must not permit it to merge into the universal currents. It is for this reason that the married woman, in the chemical or metaphysical copula, must assume an edified and essentially dignified attitude. "Obviously, the Sacred Order of Love stems from the Earth’s most ancient times. We can recall (in Greece) the priestesses of love, the Hetairas (ἑταίρα). They were sacred in the most complete sense of the word, and knew how to administer that which is called “love,” and men had to be obedient to them. Let us recall there in the lands of Japan, the supreme priestesses. They ministered that which is called “love.” "Unfortunately, the people of this modern century have lost the true feeling of love. The modern woman must turn to the ancient wisdom, she must begin to educate the man. Sex is one hundred percent sacred, and she must teach the man veneration for love and respect for sex. If the woman acts in this manner, she will be able to transform the world in a definitive manner..." Before all, the woman must free herself from many constraining attitudes, she must approach the study of sex from a new angle, not considering sexology as “taboo” or “sin,” as a cause for shame, something covert etc. If the woman is to regenerate the man, she must confront directly the mysteries of sex; she must teach such mysteries to the man. Unfortunately the “intellectual animal” mistakenly called “man” not only does not know how to respect women, he commits adultery like an animal, fornicates incessantly, squanders money, that which is for his home, in the bar, in the casinos, etc. Unquestionably, the crude reality of the actions is that the woman is called to assume a new role. She needs to transform herself (by means of the creative energy) and teach the man the path of regeneration. But this will not be possible if she does not have a superior electro-sexual potential, which will permit her to realize such a magnificent labor... It is necessary for the woman to reserve her own creative energy. Only in this way will she be able to increase her electric potential, so as to have sufficient force or authority to enable her to transform the man, to take him from the bars and teach him the path of responsibility, to indicate to him the path of regeneration. A Reading from "Treatise of Sexual " data-placement="top" data-content= "The science of spiritual transformation through the combining of forces and elements within the body, soul, and spirit. While many relate alchemy to the Middle Ages, its precepts are timeless and found concealed within the esoteric aspects of all religions. The foundation of Alchemy is sexual transmutation. See Glossary: Alchemy" data-original-title="Meaning">Alchemy: Love, the Key of Spirituality and the Chemistry of the " data-placement="top" data-content= "Generally speaking, the emotional and spiritual aspect of a person. The common person does not have a 'soul' yet; they have the Essence or seed of the soul, which must be grown through the 'second birth.' Glossary: Soul Lecture: What is the Soul?" data-original-title="Meaning">Soul " by " data-placement="top" data-content= "(Hebrew סםאל און ואור) Pronounced sam-ayel on vay-ohr. The first two letters of Samael are samech (ס) and mem (מ), which mean 'bitter beverage' or 'poison'; the last two letters (אל aleph-lamed) mean 'God'. Aun (און) is Hebrew for 'sexual strength.' Weor or ve-Aur (ואור) means 'and light.' Thus, his full name reads 'The bitter beverage of God, sexual strength, and light.' The bitterness of Samael is similar to the bitterness of medicine, which is poison for the ego.See Glossary: Samael Aun Weor" data-original-title="Meaning">Samael Aun Weor ( This video was made possible by donations. Make a tax-deductible donation to help Glorian (a 501(c)3 non-profit organization) make more:
12/23/2021 • 5 minutes, 32 seconds
Kabbalah of Christmas
The birth of Christ is always celebrated on the 24th of December, at midnight. This warrants reflection: why is it that on the 24th of the 12th month, at 12 midnight that we celebrate Christmas. Kabbalah is the science of numbers, and helps us understand the laws that manage our self-development. Read the transcription and see the accompanying images.
12/9/2021 • 41 minutes, 24 seconds
Spontaneous Awareness
The Essence, or Buddha Nature, is beyond the body, emotions, and thoughts. It is beyond the mind. The Truth could never be grasped by the mind. Yet, when the mind is silent, then the Essence is free to apprehend the Truth. This lecture discusses the aspects of the Essence, the importance of meditation, and concludes with brief mediation practices.
9/26/2021 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 9 seconds
Teleios Gnosis: The Path of Perfect Knowledge
Howbeit we speak wisdom [σοφία, sophia] among them that are perfect [τελείοις, teleios]… 1 Corinthians 2:6 τέλειος (teleios): that which is perfect consummate human integrity and virtue the realization of one’s ultimate purpose in life τέλος (telos): the end purpose or goal of something the telos of an acorn is an oak tree. Cease not to seek day and night and remit not yourselves until ye find the purifying mysteries which will purify you and make you into a refined light, so that ye will go on high and inherit the light of my kingdom. Jesus (Aberamentho), Pistis Sophia, ch. 100 This lecture discusses: What is goal of the universe? What is our spiritual purpose? What are the forms of knowledge and how to do we know what is true?
8/5/2021 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 1 second
Anthropogenesis Part 4
7/29/2021 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 34 seconds
Anthropogenesis Part 3
Part three of a history of all the root races of the Earth, including the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, and Aryan races. Evolution is a law of nature that applies to the development of the soul (consciousness), but not in the way most people realize. Furthermore, the Bible explains the previous races and ages (Atlantean, Lemurian, and more), and about fallen angels and the existence of demons, but one has to know Hebrew and Kabbalah to understand. This course reveals the essential clues to understand how we got to where we are now. Learn about the reality of the development of the soul as it is hidden in the Kabbalah, the Bible, the Hebrew letters, and the Zohar.
6/16/2021 • 2 hours, 24 minutes, 14 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Entropy and Sacrifice
Learn how these two laws equilibrate every cosmic body and energy, from the cosmic level to the psychological, and how to utilize them on the Path of the Self-realization of the Being.
4/16/2021 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 25 seconds
Anthropogenesis Part 2
Part two of a history of all the root races of the Earth, including the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, and Aryan races. Evolution is a law of nature that applies to the development of the soul (consciousness), but not in the way most people realize. Furthermore, the Bible explains the previous races and ages (Atlantean, Lemurian, and more), and about fallen angels and the existence of demons, but one has to know Hebrew and Kabbalah to understand. This course reveals the essential clues to understand how we got to where we are now. Learn about the reality of the development of the soul as it is hidden in the Kabbalah, the Bible, the Hebrew letters, and the Zohar. Read the transcription here.
4/9/2021 • 2 hours, 24 minutes, 42 seconds
Ego Death
Ego Death is an essential aspect of spiritual work. Explains various ways the term ‘ego’ is used and how it must be understood in terms of the spiritual and psychological work. Provides practical method and advice on how to eliminate the ego. Concludes with a brief meditation on the ego. Topics include: The ego in terms of: Freudian, popular psychology, and religion. Ego Dystonic and Ego Syntonic states. “Our Personal Algorithm” How the ego relates to the Spirit, Soul, and Body Afflictions and Cognitive Obscurations Ego vs Consciousness Temporary Liberation and Final Liberation Steps of Ego Death: Observation, Comprehension, Elimination Ego Death and Psychedelics
3/13/2021 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 28 seconds
Melchizedec Practice
This lecture describes how to perform the meditation practice related to Melchizedec, which is performed at the 13th hour on any Saturday the 13th. "Malkhi-tzedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine. He was a priest to God, the Most High." - Genesis / Bereshit 14
2/15/2021 • 49 minutes, 42 seconds
Awakening Consciousness in Practical Life
A broad lecture about the state of our consciousness, and how to awaken it. Consciousness is the basis of our experience. Consciousness provides both perception and understanding from moment to moment. Our consciousness is conditioned, by what we typically call "the ego". The correct application of consciousness can remove the negative elements which presently condition it.
1/17/2021 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 8 seconds
The Microprosopus
“The Gnostic Pentagram is the human (אדם Adam) figure with four limbs, and one single apex which is the head. The sign of the Pentagram is also called the sign of the Microcosm. It represents what the Kabbalist Rabbis of the book Zohar call the Microprosopus.” - The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor
9/29/2020 • 3 hours, 7 minutes, 17 seconds
Meditation and Relaxation
Review the important foundations of meditation, and learn an effective relaxation technique.
9/28/2020 • 1 hour, 42 minutes, 50 seconds
Experience and the Three Minds
Why do some have spiritual experiences while others do not? Learn how to have reliable spiritual experiences. The Three Minds Sensual Mind Intermediate Mind Inner Mind “(Jesus)… taught them (Pharisees and Sadducees) in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this man this Sophia (σοφία), and these mighty works? …And they were offended in him... And he did not many mighty works there because of their Apistis.” —Matthew 13 “…your Pistis should not depend on the Sophia of men, but on the power (Binah) of Theos (God)… as it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard (sensual mind), neither have entered into the heart of man (intermediate mind), the things which Theos hath prepared for them that love him. But Theos hath revealed them unto us (inner mind) by his Pneuma (spirit): for the Pneuma searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of Theos. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the pnuema of man which is in him? even so the things of Theos knoweth no man, but the Pneuma of Theos… But the psychikos (sensual) man receiveth not the things of the Pneuma of Theos: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are pneumatikos (spiritually) discerned.” —1 Corinthians 2
8/4/2020 • 1 hour, 22 minutes, 1 second
Sexual Transmutation, Alchemy, & Tantra
An introduction to the universal teachings on sexual transmutation, also known as alchemy or tantra. Explains the following (and more): The Golden Bowl of Buddha. The Ark of the Covenant Crossing the Jordan River. Jesus Turing Water into Wine at the Wedding. The Mystery of Dionysus and Bacchus. The Hermetic Seal, and why it is the necessary basis of Alchemy. Tantric Bodhichitta. How to Practice Sexual Transmutation as a couple or a single person. Many practical questions answered. Slides (PDF): “The philosophy of Sexual Alchemy has its principles in the school of the Essenes, in the school of Alexandria, in the teachings of Pythagoras, in the mysteries of Egypt, Troy, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis, as well as in the wisdom of the Aztecs and Mayas, etc. The procedures of the science of Sexual Alchemy must be studied in the books of Paracelsus, Nicholas Flamel, Raymond Lully. We also find these procedures hidden within the veil of all symbols, in all the hieratic figures of ancient hieroglyphics of many ancient temples, as well as in the Greek and Egyptian myths.” - Samael Aun Weor, The Aquarian Message Additional reading: Frequently Asked Questions: Books The Perfect Matrimony Kundalini Yoga: Mysteries of the Fire The Mystery of the Golden Flower The Narrow Way Courses Alchemy Evolution of Sex Machinery of the Soul
5/11/2020 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 46 seconds
Psychological Death
Recording of online class and meditation practice.
4/20/2020 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 49 seconds
Mindfulness, Spaciousness, Emptiness
Mindfulness is paying attention to our experience. Mindfulness has a quality of openness, being open to the experience of the moment without avoidance or distortion. Spaciousness is what is directly experienced when mental content (thoughts and emotions) cease. We experience the space of our awareness through meditation. Emptiness, as an experience, is a radical annihilation of self-identity in which one perceives universal consciousness. Download PDF slides:
3/22/2020 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 56 seconds
Gnostic Psychology
Gnostic Psychology is a method of awakening consciousness. It can also be called Spiritual Psychology or Revolutionary Psychology. Get slides (PDF) here: Psychology is the combination of two Greek words, meaning ‘study of the soul’: ψυχή psyche: “breath, spirit, soul” λόγος logos: “explanation” This lecture discusses how all major religions have the elements of psychology, especially in their mystical aspect. It also discusses the differences between Gnostic Psychology, and modern materialistic psychology. It also teaches about the difference between the spirit and the soul, and four main states of consciousness: Eikasia Pistis Dianoia Nous The following quote from the Gospel of Philip is explained in detail: As for ourselves, let each one of us dig down after the root of evil which is within one, and let one pluck it out of one's heart from the root. It will be plucked out if we recognize it. But if we are ignorant of it, it takes root in us and produces its fruit in our heart. It masters us. We are its slaves. It takes us captive, to make us do what we do not want; and what we do want, we do not do. It is powerful because we have not recognized it. While it exists it is active. Ignorance is the mother of all evil. Ignorance will result in death, because those who come from ignorance neither were, nor are, nor shall be. - Gospel of Philip
2/17/2020 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 47 seconds
“The “Theomertmalogos” weaves and unweaves its own loom with infinite wisdom. All of Nature is the loom of God. The Four-and-twentieth Mystery only functions by way of the Sixth Mystery.” - Samael Aun Weor, The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled
12/22/2019 • 2 hours, 41 minutes, 40 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 07 Well & Ladder of Jacob
Explains the secrets behind the story of the woman and Jesus at the Well of Jacob, Jacob’s Ladder, the Jacob’s Stone Pillar, and Jacob’s Struggle with God. Slides (with quotes and references) found at the course home: Reviews the three primary souls of kabbalah: נפש Nephesh – Animal Soul רוח Ruach – Thinking-Emotional Soul נשמה Neshamah – Spiritual Soul All three souls can be translated literally as ‘breath’ or ‘wind.’ Explains the esoteric meaning of the Hebrew letters ו Vav, ז Zayin, and ט Teth. In the second half, the lecture explains the importance of breathing and meditation, quoting from the Philokalia. Since the intellect of those recently embarked on the spiritual path continually darts away again as soon as it has been concentrated, they must continually bring it back once more; […] some teachers recommend them to pay attention to the exhalation and inhalation of their breath, and to restrain it a little, so that while they are watching it, the mind, too, may be held in check. – Philokalia, St Gregory Palamas, In Defense of Those who Devoutly Practice a Life of Stillness Restrain the drawing-in of breath through your nostrils, so as not to breathe easily, and search inside yourself with your nous so as to find the place of the heart, where all the powers of the soul reside. – Philokalia, St Symeon the New Theologian, The Three Methods of Prayer Single people must transmute the seminal liquor with deep breathing, keeping the lungs full thirty seconds or more. – Samael Aun Weor And by the רוח ruach of your noses your [sexual] waters were gathered together, your flowing waters were lifted up like a pillar, and the depths [of Yesod] coagulated in the sea of your heart. – Exodus 15:8
12/22/2019 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 39 seconds
Winter Solstice
12/22/2019 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 20 seconds
And The Truth Shall Set You Free
This lecture looks at the factors that keep us trapped in cyclic existence through the lens of Hindu, Buddhist, and Gnostic scriptures, and how we can free ourselves from suffering through in-depth comprehension of our own Being and the reality that surrounds us.
11/10/2019 • 52 minutes, 27 seconds
Compassion 04 Transform Suffering into Wisdom
Suffering has a cause. When we perceive the cause, we can then apply the remedy. How do we know that suffering can be cured? Because of this simple law of nature: “A superior law overpowers an inferior law.” To cure suffering, we start by studying it. Classically, there are three basic forms of suffering: Suffering of suffering: pain, birth, illness, growing old, and dying Suffering of change: the anxiety or stress of trying to hold on to things that are constantly changing Suffering of conditioned existence: unsatisfactoriness, caused by mistaken perception of “self” Then, we go deeper: to see the specific qualities of that suffering and its roots. In Western religions, those roots are organized as seven vices: Avarice Laziness Lust Anger Pride Envy Gluttony Curing the vices has three steps: Discovery: observation of facts Judgment: meditation to perceive the defect in the subconsciousness Execution: use of divine power to destroy the defect The purpose of meditation is to acquire information inaccessible to the senses or the intellect. Only by acquiring that knowledge can the roots of suffering be seend and understood, and only then can they be destroyed. You cannot destroy what you cannot see. When a vice is destroyed, its corresponding virtue is liberated: Generosity Diligence Chastity Love Humility Happiness for Others Temperance To understand the suffering of others, we must first understand our own. That is why all genuine spiritual pursuits begin with knowledge of oneself. “All the joy the world contains has come through wishing happiness for others. All the misery the world contains has come through wanting pleasure for oneself.” —Bodhisattvacharyavatara
10/15/2019 • 1 hour, 42 minutes
Compassion 03 Three Ways to Acquire Compassion
To develop and expand compassion, the basis of liberation from suffering, one needs to know how to preserve and harness the substance of compassion (שמן, bodhichitta). This has three essential practical actions: Transmutation Transformation Transubstantiation These three acts develop the fire (ש) of compassion. "If someone is near me [Christ], he will burn. I [Christ] am the fire (ש) that blazes. Whoever is near me is near fire; whoever is far from me is far from life." —Gospel of the Savior "Now therefore if any one hath received the mysteries of Baptism (Transmutation), those mysteries become a great fire (ש), exceeding strong, and wise, so as to burn up all the sins: and the Fire [ש] entereth into the soul secretly, so that it may consume within it all the sins which the counterfeit of the spirit hath printed there." —Pistis Sophia
9/26/2019 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 40 seconds
Truth In Life & Meditation
“The object of the superior man is truth.” – Confucius This lecture is about discovering the truth within ourselves. It explains the Four States of Consciousness: Eikasia: Dream, Delusion Pistis: “Vigil,” Irrational Belief, Opinion Dianoia: Self-cognizance, Dialectical Analysis Nous: Objective cognizance, Intuition Also, the Tree of Life in relationship to psychology and meditation, and the Three Natures of truth according to the Yogachara school of Buddhism. “When you know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will understand that you are children of the living Father. But if you do not know yourselves, then you live in [psychological] poverty, and you are the [psychological] poverty.” – Gospel of Thomas
9/9/2019 • 1 hour, 22 minutes, 37 seconds
Compassion 02 Chemistry of Compassion
Anyone who has known love knows that it has physical effects: this experience demonstrates that love is a substance. Learn how to work with that substance in order to develop the fullest capabilities of your heart. Discusses how the highest virtue, compassion (bodhichitta, רחמים rachamim), is developed from the substances of our bodies, which is why the sexual energy is considered sacred in all religions. “The powers of the masters emanate from their purity of life [chastity] and the merits of their hearts. ” –Samael Aun Weor, Igneous Rose “The relative jasmine-flower-like [seminal essence; sexual energy] is the embodiment of bliss [Eden], the ultimate [Absolute].” –Hevajra Tantra “Whosoever is born [again] of God doth not commit sin; for his σπέρμα sperma [seed] remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” –1 John 3:9 “Do not allow the movement [loss] of bodhichitta… …not to lose the seminal essence serves as the cause for all powerful attainments… always maintain the ethics of not emitting [the seminal essence].” –Chakrasamvara Fundamental Tantra “If practitioners transgress pledges and do not restore them, the transgressions become the root cause for their fall into the hell of Unceasing Torture or another hell; thus they are called root downfalls. The fourteen root downfalls are explained as follows…. (5) To lose the jasmine-flower-like bodhichitta means to emit [through orgasm] the seminal essence, the support [for bliss].” –Jamgön Kongtrul, Treasury of Knowledge “There is precious treasure and משן shemen in the dwelling of the wise; but a foolish Adam spendeth it up.” –Proverbs 21:20 “And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured שמן shemen upon the top of it. And he called the name of that place Bethel (House of God)… And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house…” – Genesis 28:19-20 “To draw [bodhichitta] up the central channel [spinal column] means to draw up and stabilize at the crown focal point of energy the seminal essences that have flowed down to the tip of the secret place [sexual organ] by reversing them and experiencing the joys in the ascending order.” –Chakrasamvara Fundamental Tantra "Whether one be a man or a woman, by restraining the bindu [sexual seed] that others discharge during cohabitation [via orgasm], one obtains success in the practice of Vajroli… Through practice, the bindu that others discharge is drawn upwards. One can restrain and preserve one's own sexual matter. The Yogi who can preserve the bindu thus overcomes death; death comes by discharging the bindu, and life is prolonged by its preservation.” –Hatha Yoga Pradipika
8/21/2019 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 59 seconds
Compassion 01 Compassion and Lust
"Whatever joy there is in this world all comes from desiring others to be happy [compassion], and whatever suffering there is in this world, all comes from desiring myself to be happy [lust]. But what need is there to say much more? The childish work for their own benefit, the Buddhas work for the benefit of others. Just look at the difference between them!" —Shantideva The origin of all suffering, the "original sin," is lust. By simple axiom, the origin of all happiness is love (compassion). These are opposed to each other. That is why love and lust and 100% incompatible. They cannot be mixed, ever. If lust is present, love is expelled. That is how Adam and Eve fell from Eden (Hebrew, "bliss.") “In the region of Light live the beings who adore each other. In the region of darkness live the souls who become inebriated with the chalice of lust, and who after getting drunk spill the cup. Those souls are consumed in the fire of their own lust.” - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony As soon as there is an atom of lust, there is imperfection, thus perfection is gone. It is that simple. That is why Christ said: “Lust is insatiable and is a great devil, know this as the enemy. As the fire is covered by smoke, as the mirror by dust, and as the embryo by the amnion, similarly, self-knowledge gets covered by the different degrees of this insatiable lust, the eternal enemy of the wise.” That is the purpose of alchemy or tantra: to conquer lust and liberate our capacity for genuine love (compassion, bodhichitta). “The origin of the sinful “I” lies in lust. The Ego, Satan, is subject to the Law of the Eternal Return of all things. It returns to new wombs in order to satisfy desires. In each one of its lives, the “I” repeats the same dramas, the same errors. The “I” complicates itself over time, each time becoming more and more perverse.” - Samael Aun Weor, The Perfect Matrimony Recorded live at the 2019 Meditation Retreat. Read the lecture transcription: Compassion
7/29/2019 • 2 hours, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
Connecting with the Divine Mother
"We must search for the Divine Mother within our heart temple." -Samael Aun Weor What is your relationship to your Divine Mother? Do you feel her within? Do you sense her loving presence? Do you allow her into your heart, into your life? Through this lecture we will explore our personal relationship with our inner being represented by our Divine Mother and discuss how we can identify, how we can strengthen and how we can become more connected with this amazing divine force within us in our daily life.
7/21/2019 • 32 minutes, 2 seconds
Cosmic Evolution 06 Iccha-shakti Willpower
Iccha-shakti is the will of our consciousness and the sexual force of life, it is the will in all dynamic forces of the universe. It is willpower. Thelema. This lecture explains three types of will related to different stages of the path: Ratzon La’Hshpia רצון להשפיע – Will to Influence Ratzon La’Kabel רצון לקבל – Will to Receive Ratzon La’Tet רצון לתת – Will to Give
7/10/2019 • 2 hours, 38 minutes, 14 seconds
Cosmic Evolution 06 Iccha-shakti Willpower PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
7/10/2019 • 0
Purpose of Life PDF
PDF to accompany the lecture.
7/10/2019 • 0
Purpose of Life
Everyone wants to know their purpose in life, and to find meaning in living. If you look deeply, you can find the way to discover your purpose, the find meaning in being alive. Yet, that only emerges in an exact way. Most people believe that if they follow their traditional morals, they will get everything they need in life and when they die they will go to heaven, and that this is the purpose of life. In Hinduism, this is believed to be the meaning of the four purusharthas, which people call the "four desires" or "four aims" of life. The purushartas are dharma, artha, kama, and moksha, and are commonly believed to mean "morals, wealth, pleasure, and entry to heaven." Yet when we study the actual terms and scriptures, we discover that their meaning is much deeper, and corresponds exactly with what was taught by Jesus, Buddha, Moses, and other great teachers. “…take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the ethnos [multitudes] seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of Theos, and his dikaiosynē [dharma]; and all these things shall be added unto you.” —Matthew 6
5/20/2019 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 38 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 06 Being Born Again PDF
PDF slides to accompany the audio lecture.
5/11/2019 • 0
Esoteric Christianity 06 Being Born Again
Explains the true meaning of "Being Born Again." Nicodemus answered and said to Him, “How can these things be?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? Truly [ἀμήν, amen, אמן], Truly [ἀμήν, amen, אמן], I say to you, We speak what We know and testify [martyria: testify, martyr, עד od] what We have seen, and you do not receive [lambano, קבל kabal] Our witness [martyria: testify, martyr, עד od]. If I have told you earthly [ἐπίγειος, epigeios, הארץ erets] things and you do not believe [pistis: powerful comprehension, based on experience or witnessing], how will you believe [pistis] if I tell you heavenly [ἐπουράνιος, epouranios, שמים shamayim] things? John 3:9-12 This lecture goes into detail regarding the real meaning of pisits, which is usually translated as 'belief' but is actually 'faith.' Faith is not 'religious belief', or the courage to have blind belief, but an activity of your heart and mind, based upon conscious efforts and experience. The esoteric meaning of ἀμήν \ amen \ אמן is explained. Also explains the real meaning of Moses and why Jesus connects being born again with the Serpent of Brass that heals the people of Israel.
5/11/2019 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 19 seconds
Cosmic Evolution 05 Four Creatures of Alchemy PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
5/1/2019 • 0
Cosmic Evolution 05 Four Creatures of Alchemy AUDIO
The symbolism in the Bible has definite and exact meanings, but to see them you need to know Kabbalah, Alchemy, and the Hebrew letters. The four creatures of Ezekiel represent specific forces within nature and within us, and are synthesized in the sphinx, the four gospels of the New Testament, and the four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
4/30/2019 • 2 hours, 41 minutes, 3 seconds
Find Your Master
Every spiritual seeker wants to find their true master, their guru, but the world is filled with "wolves in sheep's clothing." "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits." - Jesus In this lecture you will learn the essential practical conditions you need in order to find your true master. Best of all, it works, and it uses tools you already have. "You shall love the Kyrios your Theos with all your kardias, and with all your psyche, and with all your dianoia, and with all your ischys.” —Mark 12:30
4/24/2019 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 50 seconds
Find Your Master PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
4/24/2019 • 0
Esoteric Christianity 05 Psychological Cleansing of the Temple
Esoteric Christianity teaches that we must perform “psychological work” in order to achieve perfection (teleios). This lecture explains the meaning of Jesus driving the money changers and merchants out of the temple. “Now the Passover of the Jews was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And He found in the temple those who sold oxen, and sheep, and doves, and the money changers doing business. When He had made a whip of cords, He drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and poured out the changers’ money and overturned the tables.” - John 2:13-15 We must learn how to be vigilant in life, and go to “war” against the enemy, which is our own ego. We do this through contemplation and comprehension of our sins and the psychological defects which produced them. This lecture also explains the basis of Christian Meditation, with quotes from The Desert Fathers and The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis.
3/18/2019 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 18 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 05 Psychological Cleansing of the Temple PDF
Slides which accompany the lecture.
3/18/2019 • 0
Path of Initiation 16 Three Logoic Kingdoms
From the lecture transcription: This lecture relates with what Jesus said: "Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my logoi (λόγοι words) shall not pass away." - Matthew 24: 35 When people read this, they assume that Jesus is talking about the words that he is speaking in that very moment. Of course, this does relate with his logoi; but, in Greek, "Logoi" is plural for "words." This relates to the three primary forces of creation: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in Christianity; Kether-Chokmah-Binah in Kabbalah, etc. These are the three aspects of the dragon of wisdom, or the lions of fire, which relate to the three kabbalistic worlds, kingdoms or spaces of the Trinity above the fourth kabbalistic world, named Assiah, Malkuth, our physicality, in the Tree of Life. “The three spaces of the First Mystery are the regions of the Demiurge Creator.” - The Pistis Sophia Unveiled by Samael Aun Weor “Demiurge” from Greek dēmiourgos (δημιουργός from ‘ergon’ builder; maker; creator of ‘dēmos’ people). Everything passes away, but not those three aspects, because they are eternal. They are within every single Monad that abides in the Absolute. The three spaces outside of the Absolute are represented in the three triangles of Tree of Life, namely, Atziluth, Briah and Yetzirah; these are the heavens of Genesis. The earth is Assiah, our physicality. From that point of view, we have to understand the words of Master Jesus, since the Master Aberamentho is a Paramarthasattya, an inhabitant of the Ain, the first aspect of the Ineffable, the Absolute.
2/20/2019 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 34 seconds
Path of Initiation 16 The Three Logoic Kingdoms PDF
PDF slides to accompany the audio lecture.
2/20/2019 • 0
What is the Soul?
In English, this word "soul" is used in a very unclear and vague way. It is from a root in Old English to indicate “the emotional or spiritual part of a person,” that represents their true identity or nature and that assumably, continues after death. That is the assumption that people in the western world have about the soul, that it is who we truly are, and that the way we perceive our inner self now is our soul and that it continues in its current form after death. Yet, if you ask people to define the soul or give practical or experiential examples of their soul, no one can give you that, because this is all just theory and belief. It is difficult to find facts about the soul, and that is exactly our purpose here: to find the facts. In Judaism and the Christianity originally taught by Jesus, there are five souls, and three are of immediate importance to us: Neshamah נשמה Ruach רוח Nephesh נפש Hinduism and Buddhism talk about atman, jiva, buddha nature... in this lecture, we show you have to reconcile all these terms with practical facts. ““Let every psyche [nephesh] be guided by the higher exousia [power of choice; strength, conscience: neshamah and ruach]. For there is no exousia [power of choice; strength: conscience] but that which is given by God: the exousias [power of choice; strength] that be are arranged by God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the exousia [neshamah and ruach], resisteth the arrangement of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation." - Romans 13
2/1/2019 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 47 seconds
What is the Soul? PDF
PDF slides which accompany the lecture.
2/1/2019 • 0
Esoteric Christianity 04 Spiritual Marriage
In this lecture, the first miracle of Jesus, the transmutation of water into wine at the Wedding in Cana of Galilee, is explained. Spiritual Marriage is the real beginning of Esoteric Christianity. A Spiritual Marriage makes use of all the forces manifested between husband and wife for spiritual development. Love blossoms in the spiritual marriage. The esoteric meanings of Cana, Galilee, Gilgal, syneisaktism, and the Hebrew letters ג Gimel, ל Lamed, י Iod, ו Vav, ז Zayin, and ח Chet and also explained. Syneisaktism (‘sin-ay-sak-tism’, from Greek συνεισάκ “to add or bring together”): the practice of a chaste man and woman living together in a spiritual marriage. The term is most closely associated with early and medieval Christianity. Several related terms are used to label such communities, for example, the virgins subintroductae, the agapetae, and the gynaikes syneisaktoi. The practice was widely adopted in early Christianity: “Nor was syneisaktism a phenomenon peculiar to one locality; it can be found in Ireland, Syria, North Africa, and many other centers of Christianity.” Clark, Elizabeth A., John Chrysostom and the Subintroductae, Church History, 46(1977), p. 173 “Of one thing we can be sure: there was hardly a church province in ancient Christianity in which spiritual marriages were unknown.” Seboldt, Roland H. A. Spiritual Marriage In the Early Church: A Suggested Interpretation of 1 Cor. 7:36-38, part 2, Concordia Theological Monthly Volume: 30 Number: 3 in 1959, p. 176-189
1/13/2019 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 35 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 04 Spiritual Marriage PDF
PDF slides to accompany the audio lecture.
1/13/2019 • 0
Light and Consciousness, Five Souls of Kabbalah
The five types of souls in Kabbalah: Yechidah, Chaiah, Neshemah, Ruach, and Nephesh. "In your patience possess ye your souls." - Luke 21: 19 Yehidah יחידה, the Universal Soul, Ain Soph, Kether, Chokmah and Binah in Atziluth Chaiah חיה, the Soul World, the soul of Jah-Havah Elohim Binah in Briah Neshamah נשמה, the Spiritual Soul, Buddhi, Geburah, in Briah and Yetzirah Ruach Elohim רוח אלהים, the Soul of Elohim, Chesed, our Innermost, Atman, in Briah Nephesh נפש, the Animal Soul, Assiah, Yesod and Malkuth These five types of souls, Yehidah, Chaiah, Neshamah, Ruach and Nephesh are the five types of Consciousness, or better said, cognizance (from Latin cognoscere, the range of what our Consciousness can know or understand). These souls relate to the seven cosmoses, and the Sephiroth of the Tree of Life. Read the lecture transcription: Light and Consciousness Note: This lecture was updated and recorded anew in December 2018.
1/11/2019 • 2 hours, 20 minutes, 51 seconds
Light and Consciousness, Five Souls of Kabbalah PDF
PDF slides to accompany the audio lecture
1/11/2019 • 0
Esoteric Christianity 03 Foundations of the Christian Path
This lecture continues to discuss the archetypes of our soul, and how the false archetypes are known as our imperfections, "passions" or simply egos. It continues with a general outline of the Paths of Peter, Judas, and John, at the introductory level. The inner meaning of the name “John” is explained, as well as the meaning of the “servant” and “witness” of God, the olive trees, the candlesticks, in relationship with Zechariah 4: 11 – 14 and Revelation 11:1 – 4. How to work with the Keys of Heaven, Two Keys of Peter, is explained. In relation to the Old and New Testament, The Path to Christ can be understood, at an introductory level, in the following way Abraham descends from the City of Aur (“light”). The Spirit emerges from the uncreated light into the created light. Isaac is born. The Spiritual Soul unfolds from the Spirit. Jacob is born, and becomes Israel. The Human Soul unfolds from the Spiritual Soul. The Human Soul unfolds further into mind, emotion, vital/sexual energy, and body, and may choose to begin the Path. Joseph and Benjamin (and all the 12 Tribes of Israel) develop. The Human Soul begins to develop superior qualities. The Inner Temple is constructed. Moses & Aaron liberate the Israelites by overcoming the Pharaoh (psychological defects, attachments, passions, etc.). John baptizes Jesus in the River Jordan. Joshua crosses the River Jordan after the laying of hands by Moses. John/Moses dies to make way for resurrection in Jesus/Joshua. Jesus (Yeshuah, Joshua, “savior”), the Intimate Christ, is the descension of the Universal Christ into the initiate who has achieved the level of “John” or “Moses.” After John, comes “Jesus” in the New Testament. After Moses, comes “Joshua” in the Old Testament, which is the same symbol.
1/5/2019 • 1 hour, 12 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 03 Foundations of the Christian Path PDF
Slides to accompany the audio lecture.
1/5/2019 • 0
Esoteric Christianity 02 Christ, the Universal Origin of Activity
He [Christ] was made man that we might be made God. – Saint Athanasius of Alexandria, De incarnatione verbi, sec. 54.3 (circa 318 AD) Esoteric Christianity is an inner path, a practical effort to discover our true nature within, which is the light of Christ. Through the perfection of the soul, the path toward telesis (perfection) and theosis (divine incarnation) is walked. We must see, acknowledge, and comprehend our errors, so that we may become one with the light. 1In the beginning [arché, origin] was the Word [Λόγος, Logos, primordial activity], and the Word [primordial activity] was with God [Θεὸς, Theos], and the Word [primordial activity] was God [Theos]. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light [the inner Christ] shineth in darkness; and the darkness [the ego, the “I”] comprehended it not. – John 1: 1 - 5 The very thing which is now called the Christian religion existed among the ancients also, nor was it wanting from the inception of the human race until the coming of Christ in the flesh, at which point the true religion which was already in existence began to be called Christian. – St. Augustine, Retractiones (427 AD) And when we say also that the Word, who is the first-birth of God, was produced without sexual union, and that He, Jesus Christ, our Teacher, was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended into heaven, we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding those whom you esteem sons of Jupiter. – Justin Martyr, First Apology, ch. 21 (circa 155 AD)
1/1/2019 • 37 minutes, 53 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 02 Christ, the Universal Origin of Activity PDF
PDF slides to accompany the audio lecture.
1/1/2019 • 0
Christ 06 The Name Yeshuah Elohim PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
12/24/2018 • 0
Christ 06 The Name Yeshuah Elohim AUDIO
Explains what Christ truly is, as demonstrated in the Hebrew letters, the Tree of Life, and in the symbols of many religions. "...the name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew word Joshua יהושע. The name Joshua יהושע is formed by the word הושע (“Hosea - to save") with the "addition" of י (“Iod”); therefore meaning "Iod" is salvation". Iod is Kether, which is also Aleph אל-פ, the Iod in the פ Phe, the mouth (Phe פ - mouth) of אל (El) God. Iod is also in the middle of מים Mayim, the creative waters of Yesod, sex, the kingdom of Binah, the Holy Spirit. However, Alchemists and Kabbalists spell it differently: they spell that name Yeshuah יהשוה. Either way, Joshua or Yeshuah means savior. Alchemists and Kabbalists know that, in order to write the name Yeshuah, we simply have to place the letter Shin ש, which symbolizes fire, in the middle of Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei יהוה. יהוה is in many bibles translated as Jehovah. When we place the letter Shin ש in the middle of Iod-Hei-Vav-Hei יהוה, we no longer read Jehovah, but Yeshuah."
12/24/2018 • 2 hours, 53 minutes, 52 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 01 Introduction to Esoteric Christianity
“The mysteries of the faith are not to be divulged to all. But since this tradition is not published alone for him who perceives the magnificence of the word; it is requisite, therefore, to hide in a mystery the wisdom spoken, which the Son of God taught.” — St. Clement of Alexandria, The Stromata, ch. 12 (circa 200 AD) We begin this course giving scriptural evidence for the hidden or esoteric doctrine of Christianity. In the past there were hidden meanings of the Old and New Testament concealed only for those initiated in to the esoteric doctrine of Christianity. Howbeit we speak wisdom [σοφία, sophia] among them that are perfect [τελείοις, teleios]: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery [μυστήριον, mustérion], even the hidden [ἀποκρύπτω, apokruptó] wisdom [σοφία, sophia], which God ordained before the world unto our glory… — 1 Corinthians 2:6-7 Mystery, μυστήριον (mustérion) is a secret, of which initiation is necessary; a mystery or secret doctrine; from mustés (one initiated). Today, the teachings are now open for all, and we will begin to unveil the mysteries of Christianity in this course.
12/23/2018 • 37 minutes, 24 seconds
Esoteric Christianity 01 Introduction to Esoteric Christianity PDF
PDF slides to accompany the lecture.
12/23/2018 • 0
Heroes on the Path of Love AUDIO
In our previous lecture "The Entire Path to Liberation" we outlined the awe-inspiring path to develop the full potential of the human being. Now, we will take a closer look at how to actually do it, by looking at some of the most radiant examples known to humankind: true heroes. The word hero is from Greek ἥρως, which is very closely related to the word ἔρως: Eros, the god of love. This little detail unveils the core meaning of every religion in the world, and illuminates our understanding of exactly what Christ is (also called Phanes, Avalokitesvara, Vishnu, Chenresig, etc). True heroes are those who enter the path of the bodhisattva, the direct path to the Absolute. They are known by the remarkable quality called bodhichitta: a mysterious word describing a quality of consciousness that can only be understood through direct experience. Such heroes include Jesus, Krishna, Joan of Arc, Moses, Buddha, Padmasambhava, and many more. "Whatever joy there is in this world All comes from desiring others to be happy, And whatever suffering there is in this world, All comes from desiring myself to be happy. But what need is there to say much more? The childish work for their own benefit, The Buddhas work for the benefit of others. Just look at the difference between them!"—Shantideva
12/20/2018 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 38 seconds
Heroes of the Path of Love PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
12/20/2018 • 0
The Entire Path to Liberation AUDIO
Many people believe that spiritual development happens just because of beliefs, or can even happen without our direct experience, but they could not be more wrong. Spiritual development is a lived experience created by conscious action. How can a deaf person compose music they cannot hear, or a tongueless person sing? Similarly, you cannot develop the consciousness without knowing that you are developing it. The authentic development of the consciousness means that one is conscious of what one is doing: it is a lived experience, confirmable by facts. If the consciousness is awakening, then one experiences being awakened, not only in the physical world but in the internal worlds. One stops dreaming. One can speak face to face with divinity. One can meditate on a question and get a factual, truthful answer. Suffering reduces, and virtues flourish, bringing genuine happiness and understanding. Thus, if one is not experiencing changes in the consciousness through confirmable facts, one is not awakening; instead, we are just dreaming about being awake. To truly awaken consciousness and become free of suffering, we need to know the precise science. All religions hint at the path to liberation from suffering, but none have taught the entire path openly. In this lecture, we outline all the stages of reaching our full potential, a process that is known internally as the Three Mountains. To understand the fully developed human being, we need to know about the twelve bodies and the worlds they correspond to, and the exact science to create and perfect them. This is accomplished by experiencing and fulfilling a precise series of events, including: Nine Initiations of Minor Mysteries The First Mountain: The Mountain of Initiation: the creation and perfection of the solar bodies The Second Mountain: The Mountain of Resurrection: the complete elimination of the causes of suffering The Third Mountain: The Mountain of Ascension: the entrance into the Absolute Those who are genuinely walking the path know from factual experience, because it is a conscious work. Thus, if you truly want to awaken consciousness and conquer suffering, you need to be firmly established in the facts of what you are experiencing. "...with the astral body [created in the First Mountain], we can move consciously and positively through the infinite space. One knows that one has an astral body when one can use it, as one knows that one has feet, because one can walk with them, or hands because one can use them; likewise, one knows that one has an astral body when one can travel with it. Having fabricated the astral body, one has not done everything. We will, indeed, have acquired immortality, yes, in the world of 24 laws, that is, in the astral world. People who have not acquired, who have not manufactured the astral body, are not immortal; at the time of their death their physical body becomes dust, and what continues in that astral world are the different elements that make up the “I”, the myself, self-will, in other words, their subhuman, inhuman, infra-human, bestial elements. That these elements return later... it is true! People, unfortunately, do not know how they are born and how they die..." —Samael Aun Weor, Gnostic Cult to Agnostos Theos Get the accompanying pdf.
12/15/2018 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 25 seconds
The Entire Path to Liberation PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
12/15/2018 • 0
Evolution of Sex 06 Adam Solus
Now, go deeper into our ancient past: learn more about the many civilizations that rose and fell before us, the real story of Adam and Eve and their children, and the role of sex in all of it. “And Elohim created (Ath HaDam) - את־הא דם (the blood) in his own image, the image of Elohim created with him; male and female created he them.” - Genesis 1: 27 "This is the ספר Sepher, the (ספרות Sephiroth) לדת religion of Adam. In the day that Elohim created Adam, in the likeness of Elohim made he האדם the man; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created. And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name שת Seth. And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters: And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died. And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat אנוש Enosh.” - Genesis 5: 1-6
10/19/2018 • 2 hours, 33 minutes, 59 seconds
Evolution of Sex 06 Adam Solus PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
10/19/2018 • 0
Evolution of Sex 05 Return to Paradise
Learn why you need a marriage for spiritual development, and importantly, how to use the Tree of Life to evaluate a potential mate. “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God... Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh [through common sex] is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” —Jesus from John 3
9/26/2018 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 2 seconds
Evolution of Sex 05 Return to Paradise PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
9/25/2018 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 12 The End of the Machine
Now, it is indeed necessary to make a full differentiation between alaya-vijnana and sunyata [...] Alaya-vijnana is a purely psychological concept. Sunyata is undoubtedly an ontological concept [...] One thing is the frightening and terrible machinery of relativity, and another thing, absolutely different, is the Illuminating Void... - Samael Aun Weor, Dharmakaya (lecture) This advanced lecture clarifies the difference between the alaya-vijnana and the Illuminating Void. It also speaks about building the Tree of Life in the world of Yetzirah, and, its connection with Nirmanakaya and Resurrection. Discusses how the Four Worlds of Kabbalah are related to the Three Realms of Samsara along with the Illuminated Void. Also covers: Samatha (meditative concentration), the Eight Dhyanas in relationship to the Illuminating Void, the necessity of vipasyana (insight), and power of tantra in combination with samatha to achieve liberation, and discussion of the Prajnaparamita Sutra mantra: gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha!
9/14/2018 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 48 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 12 The End of the Machine PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
9/14/2018 • 0
Beyond Good and Evil
Continuing the themes of The Region of Barbelo and King of Kings, this lecture details how Genesis, Hebrew, Kabbalah, and alchemy symbolically hide the practical method to transform the sexual force into spiritual liberation. “Lift up your eyes on high. Where? To the place whither all eyes are turned. There is the pathakh azeen, or opening of eyes. There you will recognize the mysterious Ancient One (מי־ברא אלה Mi Bara Eleh) ‘who created these (archetypes)’ and is the object of research. And who is he? It is מי Mi (who, the Holy Spirit) that is called the summit of the heavens above (in the Pineal Gland), for all things exist by his will. Because he is the object concealed and invisible after which all seek. Therefore is this mysterious being called Who (מי Mi), and beyond him search in vain. Rut at (the genitalia) the other extremity is another being known as What! (Mah מה, Schekinah).” —Zohar
8/28/2018 • 2 hours, 25 minutes, 22 seconds
Beyond Good and Evil PDF
Slides to accompany the audio lecture.
8/28/2018 • 0
Ragnarok: The Twilight of the Gods
An explanation of the Norse myth of Ragnarok. The origin of this saga was that Baldr the Good had a series of ominous dreams; he saw his life threatened. When he told the Aesir about his dreams, they took council and decided to seek a truce for Baldr, protecting him from all dangers. Frigg took oaths that Baldr would not be harmed by fire and water, iron and all kinds of metal, stones, the earth, trees, diseases, animals, birds, poisons, and snakes. When this was done and became known, Baldr and the Aesir took to amusing themselves by having Baldr stand in front of all the others at the assembly while some would shoot at him, some would strike blows, and some would hit him with stones. Whatever was done caused him no injury, and all thought this remarkable. But when Loki, son of Laufey, saw this, it angered him that Baldr was uninjured. After changing himself into the likeness of a woman, he went to Frigg at Fensalir. Frigg asked this woman if she knew what the Aesir were doing at the assembly. The woman replied that everyone was shooting at Baldr, yet he suffered no injury. Then Frigg said, “Neither weapons nor wood will harm Baldr. I have received oaths from all of them.” Then the woman asked, “Have all things given their oath not to harm Baldr?” Frigg answered, “A shoot of wood grows to the west of Valhalla. It is called mistletoe, and it seemed too young for me to demand its oath.” Immediately afterwards, the woman disappeared. Loki got hold of the mistletoe. He broke it off and went to the assembly. Hodr, because he was blind, stood at the edge of the circle of people. Loki spoke to him, asking: “Why aren’t you shooting at Baldr?” Hodr replied, “Because I can’t see where Baldr is, and also I have no weapon.” Then Loki said, “You should be behaving like the others, honoring Baldr as they do. I will direct you to where he is standing. Shoot this twig at him.” Hodr took the mistletoe and, following Loki’s directions, shot at Baldr. The shot went right through Baldr, who fell to the ground dead. This misfortune was the worst that had been worked against the Gods and men. Baldr’s death left the Gods speechless and so weak that they were unable to muster the strength to lift him up in their arms. They all looked at one another, and all were of a single mind against the one who had done the killing. But no one could take vengeance because the place was deeply revered as a sanctuary. When the Aesir first tried to speak, all they could do was weep, and no one could form words to tell the others of his grief. Odin suffered the most from this misfortune. This was because he understood most clearly how grievous was the loss, and that the death of Baldr was ruin for the Aesir.
8/5/2018 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 33 seconds
Paracelsus: Urim and Thummim PDF
Slides to accompany the audio lecture.
8/5/2018 • 0
Paracelsus: Urim and Thummim
An alchemical and kabbalistic explanation of the ancient text by Paracelsus: Urim and Thummim shewed to be made by Art, and are the same with the Universal Spirit, corporate and fixed.
Since the arrival of the age of Aquarius in the 1960's, society has been changing dramatically, especially in regard to consciousness and sexuality. Yet, the hippies utopian dreams and ideals about free love and the rise of a just society never came to be. With the teachings studied in this lecture, you will understand the recent decades more clearly, you will see current events in a new light, and easily see for yourself what will happen next to our civilization. Are you prepared for the changes that are coming? "All of us need and feel the necessity to change, of becoming something different... Nonetheless, when one is truly revolutionary, one wants to be different, one wants to change fundamentally and to be transformed into something distinct, to be transformed into a superhuman, to make Nietzsche’s doctrine a reality. This radical change is possible by means of sexual transmutation. "The sexual force placed us into the field of life, and you cannot deny it. We exist, live, because of the sexual energy of our father and mother. In the last synthesis, the root of our life is found in the copulation of a man and a woman. If the sexual force, the energy of sex, had the power to place us into the field of existence, obviously it is the only energy that has the power to transform us radically. "There are many ideologies and beliefs in the world, and everybody is free to believe whatever they wish to believe, but the only force that has the power to transform us is the energy that created us, the energy that placed us in the field of life. I am emphatically addressing the sexual force. So, to learn how to handle the marvelous energy of sex signifies to transform ourselves into lords of creation." —Samael Aun Weor, Sexology
7/2/2018 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
The Region of Barbelo PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
6/26/2018 • 0
The Region of Barbelo AUDIO
Learn a powerful prayer for defense against those who would harm you. It is related to the teachings Jesus gave after his resurrection and given in The Pistis Sophia. To understand it, this lecture explains its meaning through the Tree of Life, Hebrew words, and scriptures. "...for personal defense against the tenebrous ones. Sing this mantric chant before going to sleep: Belilin... Belilin... Belilin...Amphora of salvation.I would like to be next to you; Materialism has no power close to me. Belilin... Belilin... Belilin... These mantras must be chanted by placing all our love and sentiment into them. This is how we defend ourselves from the tenebrous ones." —Samael Aun Weor, Logos Mantra Theurgy "You said unto Lord JehovahYou are my goodness,Bel the supreme." —Psalm 16:2 “And Jesus, ― that is Aberamentho, ― said unto his disciples, “Amen, I say unto you: I have brought nothing into the world when I came, save this fire, this water, this wine and this blood. I have brought the water and the fire out of the region of the Light of the lights of the Treasury of the Light; and I have brought the wine and the blood out of the region of Barbelo.” —The Pistis Sophia
6/26/2018 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 4 seconds
Evolution of Sex 03 Where We Are Headed PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
5/26/2018 • 0
Evolution of Sex 03 Where We Are Headed AUDIO
Our life proceeds along a trajectory that we contribute towards every day, and our most significant actions are sexual. Learn how to control where your life is headed: towards genuine, conscious happiness, or towards deeper suffering and delusion. To understand this important, practical work, this lecture studies the solar and lunar bodies, being "born again," the four noble truths, hydrogens and the laws of nature, and much more. “…whosoever drinketh of the [living] water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.” The woman saith unto him, "Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not, neither come hither to draw.” Jesus saith unto her, "Go, call thy husband, and come hither.” —John 4 "Be sure of this, that no fornicator or impure man... has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God." —Ephesians 5.5 “Lustful people do not enter the path to liberation.” –Padmasambhava
5/26/2018 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 11 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 11 Bodhichitta and Impressions
This lecture asks the question: What is the nature of the impressions of life? It relates the capacity to transform impressions with Bodhichitta, also known as the Auric Embryo. The Auric Embryo (Bodhichitta) is the objective, awakened consciousness. The Auric Embryo (Bodhichitta) is imperishable, immortal, eternal. The Auric Embryo (Bodhichitta) is the result of terrible ordeals and conscious works. Regarding the Transformation of Impressions: We must comprehend the necessity of changing. There exists a superior mode of living we have not yet acquired. Life is actually our impression of it. If impressions are not transformed, the ego continues to develop and cause suffering. As the ego is eliminated, bodhichitta develops, consciousness awakens. To transform life, the transformation of impressions is essential.
5/25/2018 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 51 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 11 Bodhichitta and Impressions PDF
Slides which accompany the audio lecture.
5/25/2018 • 0
Gnostic Prayer Book Guidance
Discusses types of prayers and their uses. “When the mind has achieved absolute calm and silence, it can concentrate on the inner Self. This concentration is done with the help of prayer. Pray to your inner Self. Try to converse with your inner Self. Remember that praying is conversing with God. You can pray without formulae; in other words, talk to God, tell Him what your heart feels, with infinite love.” “When the mind has achieved absolute calm and silence, it can concentrate on the inner Self. This concentration is done with the help of prayer. Pray to your inner Self. Try to converse with your inner Self. Remember that praying is conversing with God. You can pray without formulae; in other words, talk to God, tell Him what your heart feels, with infinite love.” - Samael Aun Weor
5/24/2018 • 1 hour, 20 minutes, 14 seconds
Gnostic Prayer Book Guidance PDF
Slides which accompany the audio lecture.
5/24/2018 • 0
Evolution of Sex 02 Where We Came From PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
4/13/2018 • 0
Evolution of Sex 02 Where We Came From
Since modern scientists searching for our past are is severely limited by the scarcity of physical remains, the modern theories of our origins are very far from the truth. Surprisingly, one well-known anthropologist gave an important clue for learning our true history: “Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.” —Haeckel By studying the phases of development of the human embryo, we can see the mirror image of our true origins, which are far older and more incredible than your school textbooks or Sunday School teachers ever imagined, and in fact relate well with the most cutting-edge modern science and mathematics. This lecture compares the knowledge of modern science with conscious science and scripture, to study the evolution of sex from the ancient past to today, including: Our Ancestors “Polaris”: Thule. Non-physical. Asexual (division). “Hyperborea”: Androgynous. Reproduced by sprouting. “Lemuria” (Nephilim): gradual appearance into physical world, then division of sexes. Adam and Eve. “Atlantis”: Noah “Aryan”: contemporary humanity "By Chokmah (wisdom) in Yesod (sex) יהוה hath founded the earth (the body); by Binah (intelligence) he established שמים (fiery waters) .By his Daath (sexual knowledge) the depths are divided [into Abba and Aima, Father-Mother, Adam and Eve], and the clouds distillate the טל dew [sexual energy in Yesod]. My son, let not them depart from thine sight: keep working wisely and discretely…” - Proverbs 3 Three Types of Sexual Energy the energy related to reproduction of the race and the health of the physical body in general. the energy having to do with thought, feeling and will the energy related with the divine spirit (Innermost)
4/13/2018 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 13 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 10 Elixir of Bodhichitta
Bodhichitta is a Buddhist term for the enlightened qualities of compassion and wisdom. Many aspire for these qualities but are thwarted by the poisons of attachment, hatred, and ignorance. Bodhichitta is found in the elements of our soul. We must become an alchemist to transmute the venom of our suffering into the nectar of our salvation, through the wise combination of spiritual enthusiasm and transmutation of our creative energies. This lecture encompasses the common, greater, and limitless levels of motivation, and the inner, outer, and secret levels of bodhichitta, how it relates to spiritual birth, the Four Ethers of the Vital Body and how it relates to meditative concentration, the Four Immeasurables, the Six Paramitas, the Windhorse Energy, and Resurrection. Bodhicitta is just like the supreme kind of alchemical elixir, For it transforms this impure body we have taken Into the priceless jewel image of the Victorious One’s body. Therefore, very firmly seize (this elixir) called bodhicitta! - Bodhicaryavatara, 1:10
4/9/2018 • 1 hour, 41 minutes, 24 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 10 Elixir of Bodhichitta PDF
Slides which accompany the audio lecture.
4/9/2018 • 0
Evolution of Sex 01 Where We Are
To understand the role of sexuality in our development, we start by examining the first words of the Bible and Torah in their original language (בראשית ברא אלוהים –Genesis 1:1), which reveal a sexual truth that is not visible in modern translations of the scriptures, yet is well-known in all Asian religions: that God is not male, but Elohim, a plural word that means "gods and goddesses" that emerge from AElohim (Parabrahma, Sunyata, the Emptiness). This is explained by the Prajanaparamita Sutra. We then study the Tree of Life to gain insight to in our place in the universe right now, including multiple dimensions, the types of beings in the universe, the four states of consciousness, our endocrine system and its purpose, and much more. This is just the preface of a journey deep into our history, present predicament, and potential future. “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form; emptiness is not other than form, form too is not other than emptiness.” – Prajnaparamita, the Blessed Mother, the Heart of the Perfection of Wisdom
3/12/2018 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 46 seconds
Evolution of Sex 01 Where We Are PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
3/12/2018 • 0
Christ 05 Passion of Christ PDF
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3/5/2018 • 0
Christ 05 Passion of Christ AUDIO
Learn how to experience the practical reality of Christ for yourself by following the sexual instructions given by Jesus and other great masters (rabbis). Nicodemus answered and said unto him, How can these things be? Jesus answered and said unto him, Are you a Rabbi of Israel, and do not know these things? Verily, verily, I say unto you, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and you receive not our witness. If I have told you earthly things, and you believe not, how shall you believe, if I tell you of heavenly things? And no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that does truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are accomplished by God.” - John 3: 1-21
3/5/2018 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 49 seconds
Path of Initiation 15 Fire of Temptation
Every religion and mythological tradition is based on stories of temptation: Adam and Eve, Pandora, Jesus, Samson, King David, etc. Everyone faces temptation, but few know that temptation is the basis of the path to liberation from suffering. When we are tempted, we face those qualities in ourselves that otherwise we would never see — such as our pride, envy, anger, and lust— thus when we are tempted to act on them that is the moment we can choose to deny them, eliminate them, and finally become free of them. Facing and overcoming temptation is the way to actually walk on the spiritual path. “Blessed is the one that endures temptation: for when tried, that one shall receive the crown of life [Kether, Chokmah, Binah], which the Lord has promised to them that love him. Let no one say when tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempted he anyone: But every one is tempted, when drawn away of one’s own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death.” —James 1:12-15 “Temptation is fire. Triumph over temptation is light." —Samael Aun Weor
2/15/2018 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 42 seconds
Path of Initiation 15 Fire of Temptation PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
2/15/2018 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 09 Karma and Liberation PDF
Slides which accompany the audio lecture.
2/7/2018 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 09 Karma and Liberation
This lecture defines the basis of karma and its role in the development of gnosis or self-knowledge. In life, there are three types of action. First are actions that are the outcome of accidents, or simply, they correspond to the law of accidents. Second are actions that are the outcome of karma. Third are actions performed by conscious will; these are truly characteristic of initiates, masters, those who already have an individual, conscious will. Samael Aun Weor, Beyond the Mind (lecture)
2/7/2018 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 5 seconds
Christ 04 Epiphany PDF
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1/6/2018 • 0
Christ 04 Epiphany
In early January, all Christians celebrate Epiphany (ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance"), also called Theophany, Little Christmas, or Three Kings' Day. Yet, they do not know the real meaning of the event, which relates to how the solar force (Christ) emerges in the initiate or true Jew. "Wisdom (Chokmah) is found on (Daath) the lips of the one who has (Binah) understanding, and (Vav) a rod is for the (גו) back of the heartless one." - Proverb 10: 13 “When we have formed our inner Christ, He then enters into all of our vehicles through the pineal gland. The inner Christ has the shape of a small child. He comes out from within (Daath) his Ethereal womb to enter into (Malkuth) our physical body through the pineal gland. This is the descent of Christ into the atomic infernos of the human being. This is the Nativity of the heart. It is how we transform ourselves into Christs. Nature does not leap; this is why our inner Christ is born within us as a small child." - Kundalini Yoga by Samael Aun Weor
1/6/2018 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 13 seconds
Healthy Spirituality 08 Essential Oils PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
12/13/2017 • 0
Introduction to Essential Oils
Since ancient times, the essences of plants, extracted from their seeds, bark, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits and roots, have been used for health and spirituality. Learn the basics of how to use the essential oils of plants to enhance your spiritual life. "Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” - James 5:14
12/13/2017 • 1 hour, 13 minutes, 12 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 12 Alchemical Metamorphosis PDF
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11/29/2017 • 0
Gnostic Mysteries 12 Alchemical Metamorphosis
The transfiguration of Jesus is a long alchemical and kabbalistic process that occurs within those who follow the path of initiation. First, one must generate Moses and transfigure him. Thereafter, through the exodus, Elijah incarnates and is taken alive into heaven. All of these generations and transformations happen within the spirit, soul and body of the alchemist. Yet, these mysteries are unknown to the uneducated, who have only been fed "milk" for babies: "For every one that uses milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. But strong meat belongs to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” - Hebrews 5: 11-14 “And after six days Jesus took Peter, James, and John his brother, and led them up on a high mountain by themselves; and he was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elijah talking with him.” - Matthew 17: 1-3
11/29/2017 • 2 hours, 32 minutes
Practical Spirituality 10 Concentration PDF
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11/12/2017 • 0
Practical Spirituality 10 Concentration
Meditation is only possible from a state of strong concentration, thus: "...concentration is the first and foremost thing a sadhaka or aspirant should acquire in the spiritual path." —Swami Sivananda Concentration practice is taught in every meditation tradition, yet concentration is not meditation itself; concentration is only the preparation for meditation. In yoga, concentration is called Dharana, and is the sixth step of Ashtanga Yoga. The development of concentration is scientific and methodical, and is possible for anyone to achieve. While developing concentration, one passes through stages: Kshipta: wandering Mudha: forgetful Vikshipta: gathering Ekagrata: one-pointed Nirudha: well-restrained This lecture provides an explanation of dharana and many practical tips to help you rapidly establish concentration. "Without wise concentration of thought, the experience of the truth is impossible." —Samael Aun Weor, Spiritual Power of Sound
11/12/2017 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 48 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 08 The Elements of Ordeals PDF
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10/31/2017 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 08 The Elements of Ordeals
Explains the qualities of the soul related to earth, water, fire, air, and space, how these qualities are tested on the Path, and common signs of lacking balance of the elements. In the solitude of these mysterious sanctuaries, the neophytes were submitted to the four Initiatic ordeals. The ordeals of fire, air, water and earth always defined the diverse purifications of the neophytes. The neophytes are submitted to the four Initiatic ordeals which are verified in the Internal Worlds. The human being still is not a king or queen of nature, but the human being is called to be a king in accordance to Melchizedeck. Disciples must be tested by the four elements in order to examine them. They are submitted to ordeals in the forty-nine regions of thought. These ordeals are for everyone, man and woman. One can help oneself by having pure thoughts, but this is not enough; Meditation is necessary. - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
10/31/2017 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 28 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 07 Ethics, Love, and The Path
Discusses the meaning of The Path of Initiation, the three brains in relationship with the Tree of Life, and how love manifests in the three brains upon the Path of Initiation.
9/30/2017 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 42 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 07 Ethics, Love, and The Path PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
9/30/2017 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 06 Gnostic Revolutionary Ethics
The foundation of initiation is love, and for love to manifest we must embody revolutionary ethics. Revolutionary ethics are the conscious use of thoughts, emotions, and behaviors which transform or revolutionize the energy of life in ways conducive for psychological liberation.
9/14/2017 • 53 minutes, 57 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 06 Gnostic Revolutionary Ethics PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
9/14/2017 • 0
Practical Spirituality 09 Pratyahara
The fifth step of yoga is pratyahara, which literally means "withdrawal." This is the crux of yoga, the lever that lifts the consciousness to the heights of meditation. To master pratyahara, one must first have established the previous four steps of yoga, and then be able to control how the consciousness uses the senses. “When the mind follows the wandering senses, then it carries away one’s discrimination, as the wind does a ship on the water...” — Krishna, Bhagavad-gita 2:67 "...concentration is the first and foremost thing a sadhaka or aspirant should acquire in the spiritual path." —Swami Sivananda “When, like the tortoise that withdraws its limbs on all sides, one withdraws the indriya from sense-objects, then consciousness becomes steady.” — Krishna, Bhagavad-gita 2:67
9/3/2017 • 55 minutes, 16 seconds
Practical Spirituality 09 Pratyahara PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
9/3/2017 • 0
Practical Spirituality 08 Discrimination PDF
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8/29/2017 • 0
Practical Spirituality 08 Discrimination
Yoga is acheived through the development and perfection of discrimination: the knowledge that reveals what is real and what is not. "The afflictions are avidya [ignorance], egoism, attachment, hatred, and clinging to life. Avidya [ignorance] is the field of those (afflictions) that follow, whether they be in a dormant, thinned out, overpowered or expanded condition. Avidya [ignorance] is taking the non-eternal, impure, painful, and not-self as the eternal, pure, happy Self. The method for the removal of ignorance is the continuous practice of vivekakhyati." —Patanjali, Yoga Sutras "The knowers [who] behold Reality will teach you knowledge—having known which, you will not again succumb to confusion… Even if one is the most sinful of all sinners, one shall yet cross over the ocean of sin by the raft of Self-knowledge alone. As the blazing fire reduces wood to ashes; similarly, the fire of Self-knowledge reduces all bonds of karma to ashes...” —Krishna, Bhagavad-gita “Bliss is the essential nature of man… Man’s essential nature is divine, the awareness of which he has lost because of his animal propensities and the veil of ignorance.” —Swami Sivananda
8/17/2017 • 1 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds
Two Trees of Eden 03 Two Greatest Commandments
Jesus indicated which commandments are most important for us to follow, but to understand them fully one needs to know a bit of hebrew, alchemy and kabbalah, since Jesus is a master of them all. "And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all? And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is: Hear, Israel; Iod-Chavah our Elohim is one Iod-Chavah: And thou shalt love את Iod-Chavah thy Elohim with all thy לבב heart,and with all thy נפש soul,and with all thy דעת mind,and with all thy מאד strength:This is the first commandment. - Mark
8/6/2017 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 24 seconds
Two Trees of Eden 03 Two Greatest Commandments_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
8/6/2017 • 0
Path of Initiation 14 Hillel Ben Shachar Part One_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
7/6/2017 • 0
Path of Initiation 14 Hillel Ben Shachar Part One
The fifteenth arcanum of the Tarot is Passion, also called "The Devil," and relates to our ego and the means to eliminate it. Central to that process is Lucifer ("Bearer of Light"), also known as Prometheus, Mefisopheles, Mara, etc. Divinity sends Lucifer to tempt those who want to reach perfection, as seen in the stories of Jesus, Job, Buddha, etc. Lucifer is the serpent made by Jehovah Elohim in order to tempt Adam and Eve through sex. "How art thou fallen from heaven, (הילל בן שחר Hilel ben Shachar) praised one, son of the dawn! how are thou cut down to the Earth, to become weak among the Goyim! And thou has said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of (El ) אל God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; אדמה Adamah will be as the most High. But first thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit (the ninth sphere)." -Isaiah 14: 12-15
7/6/2017 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 57 seconds
Gnosis of Buddha Dharma 17 Saga Dawa PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
5/28/2017 • 0
Gnosis of Buddha Dharma 17 Saga Dawa
In Tibetan Buddhism, the lunar month of Saga Dawa (which in 2017 is May 26 to June 24) is the most important time of year; in other Buddhist traditions it is called Vesak, Vesākha (Pali), Vaiśākha (Sanskrit), Buddha Purnima, etc. During this four week time all Buddhists honor the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha Shakyamuni by intensifying their spiritual practices and acts of generosity. In this lecture we will discuss why this is important and how it relates to each of us, since no matter our beliefs, we have our own inner Buddha, and the potential to become a Buddha. That potential is called Budda Nature (Buddhadhatu, tathagatagarbha, etc), and the best way to develop it is through the full understanding and expansion of Bodhichitta. “…hidden within the kleshas [negative mental traits] of greed, desire, anger, and stupidity there is seated augustly and unmovingly the tathagata's wisdom, the tathagata's vision, and the tathagata's body. Good children, all beings, though they find themselves with all sorts of kleshas, have a tathagatagarbha that is eternally unsullied, and that is replete with virtues no different from my own.” —Tathagatagarbha Sutra "Whatever joy there is in this world All comes from desiring others to be happy, And whatever suffering there is in this world, All comes from desiring myself to be happy. But what need is there to say much more? The childish work for their own benefit, The Buddhas work for the benefit of others. Just look at the difference between them!" —Shantideva
5/28/2017 • 1 hour, 38 minutes, 32 seconds
Beginning Meditation - Theory and Practice
A comprehensive lecture on meditation which provides: An overview of the Three Trainings as a meditative path to wisdom (gnosis). The practical steps to begin a meditation practice (posture, relaxation, concentration) and tips to overcome common obstacles in achieving them. The difference between concentration (samatha) and insight (vipassana) practices, and how to intelligently combine them. What it means to have mindfulness (smrti) and apply introspection (samprajanya) within meditation, with quotes from Santideva's Bodhicaryavatara. An overview of several practices to develop concentration and insight. Recommended goals for a beginner of meditation. It is highly recommended the accompanying PDF is studied along with listening to the lecture.
5/10/2017 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 21 seconds
Beginning Here and Now - Beginning Meditation - Theory and Practice PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
5/8/2017 • 0
Meditation Essentials 15 Find Your Real Self_pdf
Accompanies the audio lecture.
4/13/2017 • 0
Meditation Essentials 15 Find Your Real Self
Everyone has theories and beliefs about what "the self" is, yet all those theories and beliefs conflict with one another. If the truth is a fact, it must be a fact we can confirm as true, thus the "self" must be something singular, factual, and provable. This lecture explains how meditation leads to the experience of the real self. Includes discussion of the tree of life, personality, ego, consciousness, and much more.
4/13/2017 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 32 seconds
Kabbalah of Genesis 26 Paradise Lost PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
4/11/2017 • 0
Paradise Lost Part Two
Continues the explanation of the departure from Eden, also called diaspora or exile. It is highly recommend that you read the accompanying pdf AND listen to the previous lecture before listening to this one.
4/8/2017 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 45 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Practical Tips for Spiritual Development AUDIO
This heart-warming and inspirational talk gives a thorough foundation upon which you can make your spiritual life truly fruitful, not only to reduce your own suffering, but to bring joy and happiness to others.
4/2/2017 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 7 seconds
Beginning Here and Now Practical Tips for Spiritual Development PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
4/2/2017 • 0
Kabbalah of Genesis 26 Paradise Lost
The story in the Bible about Adam and Eve leaving paradise and having children (Cain and Abel) has not been understood by humanity, since it is a teaching of Kabbalah that has been hidden from the uneducated. Learn the real meaning of the story as revealed by the Zohar and expressed in the Hebrew letters. This lecture explains the key Hebrew words Yehi and Ath. It is highly recommend that you read the accompanying pdf before listening to the lecture. "Wherever in the scripture this word יהי yehe (let there be) is used, it refers to or signifies this יהי ,divine light, namely Yehe Aur in Yesod אור sex of this world (Malkuth, or physicality), and ויהי אור VeYehe Aur in (the ו Vav or medulla, Central Pillar of) the world to come. אלהים The light created by Elohim in the work of creation, filled the world with its splendor, but was eventually withdrawn and concealed, why? In order that (the fornicators) transgressors of the good law might not participate in it, and therefore the Holy One conceals and preserves it for the right-doers." - Zohar
3/28/2017 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 59 seconds
Meditation Essentials 14 Understand a Problem_pdf
Accompanies the audio lecture.
3/10/2017 • 0
Meditation Essentials 14 Understand a Problem
Once we know how to meditate on something — especially when meditating on problems that create suffering — new obstacles emerge, primarily our mechanical tendencies to interpret what we see. When we see new information in meditation or in dreams, it is essential to know how to interpret what we see accurately, and the first step is to ensure that we are not deluding ourselves with false interpretations. For this, we need to remember our three brains, the three traitors, and understand the levels of acquiring information: Imagination Inspiration Intuition Learn the guidelines to follow for interpreting visions and dreams, so that you do not fall into delusions or mistakes.
3/10/2017 • 54 minutes, 22 seconds
Kabbalah of Genesis 25 Nimrod and the Tower of Babel_pdf
Accompanies the audio lecture.
2/13/2017 • 0
Kabbalah of Genesis 25 Nimrod and the Tower of Babel
The biblical story of Nimrod and the tower of Babel is an esoteric teaching of psychology, and by studying the Zohar, the Hebrew letters, and the Tree of Life, one can understand the path to liberation. This lecture explains the psychological basis of Genesis and the teachings of Jesus, while also indicating the practical method of eliminating the causes of our suffering. "Rabbi Simeon said: "The secret doctrine of Torah and its teaching have relation to two בbaith ( ביתhouses), or more explicitly the human ( ביתhouse) and divine ( ביתhouse), the lower and higher self, as it is written: And ( והיהva’heieh) Hei shall be for a sanctuary (to יIod and וVav); but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both ( הHei) the houses of Israel, for a trap and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. - Isaiah 8: 14 “Of these two ( היהHeis), one (in the throat) is a mystery beyond human comprehension, the other (in Yesod), though exceedingly occult, is within the range of the understanding (Binah). “The first ( הHei, in the throat) is symbolized by the Great Voice mentioned in (Deuteronomy 5: 23). 'The Great Voice את הקול Ath Ha’kwol that ceases not,' that is always resounding and speaking within us though unheard and unrecognized by the external ear. By it has been delivered and spoken the esoteric teachings known as 'the voice of Jacob' that they may become known. Now this great interior voice ( הקול- Hei’kwol) and the word ( אתAth) which expresses it are as it were two houses, the one visible, the other invisible. One is the eternal Wisdom ( חכמה עלאה Chokmah ilaah) hidden and concealed in (Daath) the divine mind and sent forth the great interior voice; the other the Voice of Jacob or esoteric teachings expressed by words, especially by the term בראשיתBarashith, or as it may be differently written and explained by the words ביתbaith ראשית reshith, meaning the house or doctrine called ראשיתreshith or beginning." - Zohar
2/13/2017 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 22 seconds
Meditation Essentials 13 How to Meditate on Something PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
2/11/2017 • 0
Meditation Essentials 13 How to Meditate on Something
Everyone who meditates wants to acquire knowledge, understanding, yet few know how to do it, especially at will, everytime they meditate. To meditate on any given object — whether a problem, dream, scripture, mantra, or anything else — requires an exact, scientific approach. Meditation is a science based on cause and effect: successfully acquiring new information thorugh meditation happens because of precise causes. Learn how to meditate on anything in order to gain insight, comprehension, objective knowledge. Reality is already there, one just needs to know how to perceive it.
2/11/2017 • 58 minutes, 15 seconds
Meditation Essentials 12 Change and Understanding
Our spiritual practice should bring great change to our experience of life: but how? Learn how to provoke, measure, and guide real change in your life through truly effective meditation. By conscious observation of the facts, and through intuition and conscience, we reach comprehension: knowledge of reality. It is this knowledge that initiates the greatest change.
2/7/2017 • 36 minutes, 9 seconds
Meditation Essentials 12 Change and Understanding_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
2/7/2017 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 05 The Alchemical Synthesis of the Soul PDF
1/22/2017 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 05 The Alchemical Synthesis of the Soul
Explains the difference between the spirit and the soul, and the need to create or "synthesize" a new type of soul, which is not animal but truly human. The Sexual Hydrogen SI-12 is explained and how the Solar Astral, Mental, and Causal bodies are crystalized through sexual alchemy, and much more. A quote from the lecture: Every act of sexual alchemy or sexual magic is a baking of spiritual bread. The bread is fed to the inner Being. This is what they called in Egypt the sepulchral cakes of the city of Pe, which is in lower Egypt. Egypt is the body, lower Egypt is the sexual organs. The cakes of the city of Pe are brought up to the city of Heliopolis, which is upper Egypt. God, the Inner Being, feeds on those breads. We have to continue to bake and re-bake in order to make a better bread that is more nourishing. In the beginning the bread is of a certain quality which nourishes the inner Being, but as you remove the impurities and learn how to become more scientific within your own psychological laboratory, and you bake a better bread to nourish your Being at a superior level.
1/22/2017 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 28 seconds
Prophecies of the Days to Come 07 Escape from Sodom and Gomorrah Part Two_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
12/23/2016 • 0
Prophecies of the Days to Come 07 Escape from Sodom and Gomorrah Part Two
Continues the kabbalistic explanation of the biblical symbol of Lot escaping from Sodom and Gomorrah. Includes explanations of the Hebrew letters, the four elements of alchemy, the salts of alchemy, the twelve astrological signs, the rapture, and much more. "And (האנשים Ha’Enoshim) the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but .יהוה Abraham stood yet before And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked? Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein? That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee: Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right? And יהוה said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes. And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto יהוה, which am but dust and ashes: Peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, If I find there forty and five, I will not destroy it. And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for forty's sake. And he said unto him, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: Peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there. And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: Peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for twenty's sake. And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: Peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for ten's sake. And יהוה went his way, as soon as he had left communing with Abraham: and Abraham returned unto his place." - Genesis 18: 22- 33
12/18/2016 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 26 seconds
Escape from Sodom and Gomorrah
The Bible tells the story of Lot being seduced by his daughters, while the Zohar explains what it means. Learn about the five souls in Kabbalah, the elements of Alchemy, the mother letters of Hebrew, and much more. "And לוט Lot and his two daughters remained in the cave, and they made their father drink wine, and they lay with him, for they said there was no man upon earth that could raise up seed from them, for they thought that the whole earth was destroyed. - Jasher 19: 57 The Five Souls: Nephesh נפש: Animal Soul Ruach רוח: Thinking Soul Neshamah נשמה: Spiritual Soul Chaiah חיה: Living Soul Yehidah יחודה: Universal Soul
12/9/2016 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 5 seconds
Prophecies of the Days to Come 06 Escape from Sodom and Gomorrah_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
12/9/2016 • 0
Meditation Essentials 11 Illusion and Reality_pdf
Accompanies the audio lecture.
11/15/2016 • 0
Meditation Essentials 11 Illusion and Reality
The purpose of meditation is to recover the ability to see illusions for what they are, and to see reality for what it is. Only in this way can we become liberated from suffering and find the purpose of our life. The root of our suffering is a profound ignorance about reality: like a blind person running down a dangerous path to chase a figment of the imagination, we chase after illusory images but cannot see where we are going or what is around us, thus we fall into pain again and again. When we comprehend the relationship between desire and pain, we can break the cycle of suffering. That comprehension emerges from observation and understanding of facts. Explains the three causes of suffering (ignorance, craving, aversion) and the universal trinity, also called trikaya: 1. Dharmakaya: truth / reality 2. Samboghakaya: compassion / wisdom 3. Nirmanakaya: intelligent action
11/15/2016 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 57 seconds
Meditation Essentials 10 Bliss
This is what every meditator seeks: liberation, emancipation, moksha, samadhi, ecstasy, bliss... there are many names for it, and as many interpretations, but all of them point towards a precise state of consciousness that can be found within each one of us. This is because ecstasy or bliss is the natural state of the consciousness, the state it should be in at all times but which is prevented by our psychological condition. Bliss or liberation is not a physical sensation, but the experience of the soul when it is free of the cage of desire, ego, fear, lust, envy, etc. When out of those cages, the consciousness is revealed in its true nature: happiness, freedom, peace, compassion, wisdom. Bliss or liberation is also not a subjective state or something vague, mild, or uncertain: it is a radiantly clear experience of expanded perception, perfect relaxation and confidence, and effortless insight into even the most perplexing of problems. Any human being can access the state of ecstasy; all that is required is to know (1) how to position the consciousness and sustain it, and (2) how to recognize obstacles and extract oneself from them. In this lecture, we will bring together everything explained in the previous nine lectures, so you can understand how to access bliss and experience it for yourself.
10/24/2016 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 8 seconds
Meditation Essentials 10 Bliss_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
10/24/2016 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 04 Sex, The Power of the Soul PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
10/11/2016 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 04 Sex, The Power of the Soul
Sexuality is the most important and most powerful aspect of any spiritual tradition. This lecture explains the doctrine of sexual transmutation and provides quotes from Hinduism, Judiasm, Buddhism, and ancient Gnostic texts in support it. Explains the Christian Spiritual Marriage, the turning of the Jordan River, White and Black Tantra, and more.
10/11/2016 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 2 seconds
Meditation Essentials 09 Imagination
One of the most powerful tools within us is our power of imagination. When developed, it is the lever that opens the perception of the past, present, and future. To hide its true nature people have hidden imagination behind diverting words like "clairvoyance, vipashyana, visions, prophecy, remote viewing, third eye, extrasensory perception," etc., but every one of these is nothing more than imagination in some form or another. Significantly, imagination is a polarity with many levels of development: the higher forms are positive, and the lower forms are negative. Believe it or not, you use them every single day, but without awareness of it. When you change that, you change your life. In this lecture, we will discuss the five primary forms of imagination, and practical exercises to develop our meditation practice effectively.
9/14/2016 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 9 seconds
Meditation Essentials 09 Imagination_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
9/14/2016 • 0
Path of Initiation 13 Mystery of the Sphinx
The ancient sphinx is a deep symbol that hides many valuable teachings about our spiritual potential. By studying the sphinx in relation with Kabbalah, the Bible, the Tarot, and Hebrew letters, we can begin to understand the path towards our full development.
9/14/2016 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 25 seconds
Path of Initiation 13 Mystery of the Sphinx_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
9/13/2016 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Preparing the Heart
8/1/2016 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 21 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Preparing the Mind
8/1/2016 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 50 seconds
Preparing the Body
8/1/2016 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 5 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 10 Alchemical Bath
All religions have ritual baths for removing impurities, but few realize the baths are symbolic of alchemy, the transmutation of sexual energy, and kundalini yoga. In fact, the Hebrew prayer used during the mikveh is a powerful mantra for the comprehension and elimination of our psychological defects. Learn about the Hebrew letters and words, Moses, meditation, willpower, the Tree of Life, and much more. Recorded at the 2016 Meditation Retreat. “Find this mysterious being called Who (מי Mi), and beyond him search in vain. But at the other extremity is another being known as What! (מה Mah). What distinguishes the one fromthe other? Who (מי Mi), the concealed and hidden One, is he whom all created beings are seeking to know, but after all their efforts and endeavors, by the gaining of knowledge, they only come at last to (מה Mah, the what). Then, what do we know, what understanding of him have we? What have we found out or discovered? Truly, all is mysterious, as at first, and מה( " ".Mah I take thee to witness מה" :this is what the scripture refers to where it is written Mah) (what) shall I liken thee to?" When the temple at Jerusalem was ravaged and destroyed there was heard a voice crying aloud: "What (מה Mah) shall I testify concerning thee? (Lamentations 2:13) “For from the beginning of creation have I testified to thee." Also, is it written: "I call heaven and earth this day to record.” (Deuteromomy 30:19) "(מה Mah) (what) shall be likened unto thee." "I will crown thee with crowns of holiness and make thee to rule over the world." So that it shall be said: "Is this the city called Beautiful, etc?" (Lamentations 2:15) “This is Jerusalem, the city most compacted in beauty." "(מה Mah) (what) shall equal thee?" That is, it shall ascend on high, where thou art sitting, and even as thou observest below, the holy people do not now enter the holy city; so I say unto thee I will not ascend there until the people have entered into thy walls below. Let this console and comfort thee. I will not ascend until, under the form of (מה Mah), I become like thee in all things. If the overflow of thy afflictions be like that of the sea, and if thou say there is no healing or remedy for thee, thou thinkest wrongly. (מי Mi) (who) shall heal thee? This is the highest scale of the mystery--the mystery of the being, upon whom dependeth all things. He shall heal and strengthen thee. (מי Mi) of the heavens above is the highest pole, (מה Mah) of the heavens below is the lower pole.” — Zohar
6/13/2016 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 9 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 10 Alchemical Bath_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
6/13/2016 • 0
Practical Spirituality 07 Pranayama_PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
5/27/2016 • 0
Practical Spirituality 07 Pranayama
The fourth step of Ashtanga Yoga (Raja Yoga) is Pranayama, in which one harnesses the most powerful energy within us so that one can then access the following steps of Yoga (dharana, dhyana, samadhi). Pranayama stabilizes the mind and energy within us, making meditation possible. Includes explanations of prana, ojas, brahamacharya, nadis, and how to perform a basic pranayama exercise. "Or [peace of mind comes] by exhalation and retention of breath... After securing that steadiness of posture [asana] follows regulation of breath or the control of Prana, the cessation of inhalation and exhalation." —Patanjali, Yoga Sutras 1.34 and 2.49 “You can hardly make any spiritual progresswithout the practice of Pranayama.”- Swami Sivananda
5/27/2016 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 31 seconds
Meditation Essentials 08 Deepening Serenity
The stages of meditative concentration lead to true serenity, and the remarkable quality of pliancy, when the body and mind have become totally pacified and happily serve the will of the consciousness. Therefore, whosoever wants to reach actual meditation needs to know how to recognize and navigate these stages of concentration: 1-2. Tight Focus. Requires strenuous effort. 3-7. Intermittent Focus. Interference of agitation and dullness. Unable to maintain long sessions. 8. Uninterrupted Focus. No interference by agitation or dullness. Able to maintain long sessions. 9. Spontaneous Focus. No interference, no exertion. Effortless focus. Complete pliancy and the establishment of perfect shamatha (concentration, serenity).
5/13/2016 • 48 minutes, 11 seconds
Meditation Essentials 08 Deepening Serenity PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
5/12/2016 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 03 Intelligence and Mechanicity
Explains the real meaning of intelligence, how it is a root aspect of our Being, and how it becomes mechanized into creation for the benefit for self-realization. "We have intelligence, but what we find when we try to do something, we can't see to get to that pure intelligence and just act, to do what we want to do. When we have a problem in life and we want to accomplish the solution to that problem. We want to move forward in life, but what happens? Immediately, there are obstacles. Or we achieve something, we get what we sought, but it ends up not being what we really want, which is some type of contentment, satisfaction, or happiness. We get what we want sometimes but we become jaded by the experience because it is not what we actually wanted - because we were mistaken. We saw the possibilities in a mistaken way. Intelligence (Binah in Kabbalah), is not just about creating. It is the capacity to see into the possibilities, to correctly discern the possibilities of the unmanifested potential."
5/9/2016 • 1 hour, 44 minutes, 43 seconds
Machinery of the Soul 03 Intelligence and Mechanicity PDF
Accompanies the lecture.
5/8/2016 • 0
Gnostic Mysteries 09 Zohar Ha-Adam
The Bible is a book of alchemy that explains how to "be perfect as your Father in Heaven," and the way to do it is hidden in Kabbalah and the Hebrew words and letters. Learn about the Tree of Life, the types of souls, the difference between chastity and fornication, and much more.
4/28/2016 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 52 seconds
Meditation Essentials 07 Recognizing Obstacles
The meditator ascends the nine stages of meditative concentration (serenity, shamatha) by recognizing the two essential features of concentration, recognizing the obstacles that impede it, and applying the antidotes. At this stage of the course, students begin a new practice: concentration combined with visualization, and learn how to recognize: Distinguishing Features of Concentration: vivid intensity, intense mental clarity stability, one-pointedness Faults That Prevent Serenity: Laziness Forgetting the instructions Not recognizing agitation and dullness Not applying antidotes Over-applying antidotes
4/2/2016 • 56 minutes, 33 seconds
Meditation Essentials 07 Recognizing Obstacles PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
4/2/2016 • 0
Meditation Essentials 06 Preparation for Serenity PDF
Accompanies the lecture.
3/19/2016 • 0
Meditation Essentials 06 Preparation for Serenity
Preparation for Meditative Serenity (concentration, shamatha) is made possible by adopting these simple principles: 1. Preparation: Conducive dwelling, Have little desire, Be content, Abandon useless activities, Pure ethical discipline, Stop thoughts of desires 2. Practice: Effective posture (Relaxation and Wakefulness). Effective practice (Mindfulness: attention is not distracted from object of concentration; and Vigilance: awareness of being distracted) When these basics are being applied daily, you can begin advancing through the stages of meditative concentration, which begin with the first two: First Stage: Settle the psyche by withdrawing attention from everything else, and direct it towards a single focus. Second Stage: Settling continually involves the attention that was directed initially to continue focusing without becoming distracted by anything else.
3/19/2016 • 1 hour, 12 minutes, 50 seconds
Meditation Essentials 05 The Path to Meditation PDF
Accompanies the lecture.
3/5/2016 • 0
Meditation Essentials 05 The Path to Meditation
How do you go from wild mind, out of control thinking, stress and anxiety — to serenity, relaxation, concentration, and a mind that rests in equanimity? That is what you will learn in this lecture, which explains an ancient map of the stages of concentration (shamatha, dharana, calm abiding, etc). Scientific, practical, step by step: the path to meditation is proven, clear, and easy to experience. Get the accompanying pdf: Meditation Essentials 05 The Path to Meditation PDF Get the poster of the Stages of Meditative Concentration.
3/5/2016 • 56 minutes, 16 seconds
Practical Spirituality 06 Equanimity PDF
Accompanies the audio lecture.
2/27/2016 • 0
Practical Spirituality 06 Equanimity
Continues the lectures about meditation and the real meaning of Yoga as taught by Patanjali (Yoga Sutras) and Krishna (Bhagavad Gita), who explained that equanimity or equilibrium is the necessary attitude to establish yoga. Specifically, this lecture discusses Yoga Sutras 1:2-4 and 33: "Yoga is the stilling of the modifications of consciousness. Then awareness abides in its own nature. Otherwise it is identified with the modifications. [...] The mind becomes still by cultivating habits of friendliness, mercy, gladness, and indifference towards happiness, pain, virtues and vices."
2/27/2016 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 23 seconds
Meditation Essentials 04 Action
The state of meditation can be accessed at will by using cause and effect, action and consequence. This lecture studies the stages of meditative concentration (dhyana) alongside the tree of life of kabbalah, so we understand the scientific map that leads from our current condition towards liberation from suffering. Accompanied by: Meditation Essentials 04 Action PDF Spiritual Diary Includes explanations of: The Three Trainings Sila: Ethics Samadhi: Ecstasy Prajna: Profound Wisdom The Laws of Action and Consequence Law of cause and effect Effects are greater than the cause You cannot receive the consequence without committing its corresponding action Once an action is performed, the consequence cannot be erased A superior law always overcomes an inferior one
2/22/2016 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Meditation Essentials 04 Action PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/22/2016 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 02 Sacrifice and Transformation PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/20/2016 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 02 Sacrifice and Transformation
Nothing can exist and be sustained without a sacrifice and transformation of energy form some other source. Our entire universe is only possible due to the great sacrifice of the Cosmic Christ. The world sacrifice comes from the Latin sacrificium, which means to make holy. A true sacrifice is a transformation of energy for a holy purpose. This lecture explains the three types of nourishment we feed ourselves with: Food Air Impressions It details how each type of nourishment is transformed, the necessity of consciously transforming the impressions of life to liberate the energy needed for our spiritual work, and to help sustain the life of the planet.
2/20/2016 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 46 seconds
Meditation Essentials 03 Energy
Meditation is a state of consciousness that depends upon energy. Empower your meditation practice by starting to conserve and transform energy. Topics include: Energy as: Greek energeia "activity, action, operation," from energos "active, working," from en "at" + ergon "work, that which is wrought; business; action" Used by Aristotle with a sense of "actuality, reality, existence" Basic Types of Energy: Cosmic (Logoic) Spiritual (Atmic) Conscious (Buddhic) Willpower (Causal) Intellectual (Mental) Emotional (Astral) Vital (Ethereal) Mechanical (Physical) Ways to Accumulate Energy: Sexual purity (Brahmacharya) Sacred sounds (Mantras) Breathing exercises (Pranayama) Ritually blessed food (Eucharist / Tsok) Movement exercises (Runes, Rites of Rejuvenation)
2/2/2016 • 1 hour, 31 minutes, 33 seconds
Meditation Essentials 03 Energy PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/2/2016 • 0
Path of Initiation 12 Times of the End PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/10/2016 • 0
Path of Initiation 12 Times of the End
Explains the esoteric importance of "time" in initiation, which is the domain of Saturn / Kronos, and is veiled in the books of Genesis, Daniel, Ecclesiastes, Revelation, and more. Includes explanations of the Kabbalah in related to the seven days, the four worlds, the three mountains, Greek myths, Nostradamus, kundalini, Daath, Christ, sexual transmutation, and much more. To understand this lecture better, it is recommended to read the accompanying pdf first: Path of Initiation 12 Times of the End PDF
1/10/2016 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 39 seconds
Meditation Essentials 02 Consciousness
Meditation is a state of consciousness, thus to reach it one must recognize what consciousness is, what qualities and powers it has, how it works, and then put it into motion. Topics include: Consciousness as: The state of being conscious; knowledge of one’s own existence, condition, sensations, mental operations, acts, etc. Immediate knowledge or perception of the presence of any object, state, or sensation. An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation. Basic Powers of Consciousness: Awareness: Broad spatial perception Attention: Focused specific perception Mindfulness: Recognized continuity Visualization: Non-physical imagery Degrees of Consciousness: Awake vs. Asleep Conditioned vs. Unconditioned States of Consciousness: 4. Nous: Perfect 3. Dianoia: Regenerating 2. Pistis: Common 1. Eikasia: Degenerated Suffering (Dukha): Suffering of suffering: pain, birth, illness, growing old, and dying Suffering of change: the anxiety or stress of trying to hold on to things that are constantly changing Suffering of conditioned existence: unsatisfactoriness, caused by mistaken perception of “self” Exercises 1. Every day, develop your Self-observation from moment to moment. At the end of each day, reflect on how you did. 2. Every day, do this preliminary meditation exercise. Adopt a relaxed, upright posture. Carefully relax all three brains (body, heart, intellect). Then visualize a brilliant sun in the center of your brain. No matter what distracts you, return to concentrating on the visualization of the brilliant sun. Do this for 30-60 minutes every day.
1/9/2016 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 37 seconds
Meditation Essentials 02 Consciousness PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/9/2016 • 0
Meditation Essentials 01 Basis of Meditation
If you want an effective meditation practice, you need to know these essentials: Observation of Facts Consciousness (Soul, Buddha nature, Essence, Awareness, Perception) The Tree of Life (Kabbalah), the Wheel of Becoming (Bhavachakra), and the many dimensions of nature Levels of spiritual instruction (Sutrayana, Mahayana, Tantrayana) Concentration, Imagination, Liberation (Shamatha, Vipashyana, Samadhi / Calm Abiding and Insight) Three Higher Trainings: Ethics, Meditation, Profound Wisdom (Sila, Samadhi, Prajna)
12/31/2015 • 53 minutes, 5 seconds
Meditation Essentials 01 Basis of Meditation PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/31/2015 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 01 The Three Brained Machine PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/15/2015 • 0
Machinery of the Soul 01 The Three Brained Machine
An outline of the evolution and devolution of the Three Brains, which are required to self-realize the three primary forces known as Father, Son, and The Holy Spirit in Christianity. A quote: It is necessary for the Earth to transform all of these different types of energy. The Earth needs to transform energy related to the mineral kingdom, the earth needs to transform energy related to the plant kingdom, and also to the animal and humanoid kingdom. Why is that? If you look at all the different organs of the physical body, there are all different types of organ systems, which handle different types of energy, and it is all necessary. The Earth exists in space, and there is a lot of invisible cosmic rays and energy that we are not aware of, that are going into the Earth which are related to the whole solar system. We might know that there are some types of radiation, cosmic radiation, x-rays, etc., but materialistic science doesn't really understand what is going on there. That energy is similar to the different types of energy that go through out body, related to chemical processes which go on in our blood all the time. Our life exists on a cellular level, so, the exchange of energy is within and between cells, and by breaking chemical bonds to liberate energy to run the human machine. The solar system, outside in space, is using magnetism and electricity to transmit that type of energy. The solar system is operating in an electronic sense.
12/15/2015 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 26 seconds
Path of Initiation 11 Exodus
There are two significant movements of the soul: Exile (Diaspora) and Exodus, both of which are explained by Moshe (Moses) in the first books of the Bible. Learn how they relate to the Three Chambers, Three Factors, Three Mountains, Bodhichitta, Jacob, Israel, and much more. "And these are the names of the children of Israel who came into Mitzrahim with Jacob; a man and his (archetypes or) household came into Mitzrahim." - Exodus 1:1 It is highly recommended that you read the entire PDF before listening to the lecture.
11/24/2015 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 36 seconds
Path of Initiation 11 Exodus PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/23/2015 • 0
Path of Initiation 10 Pistis Sophia and Yaldabaoth
Provides an introduction to the Gnostic work, The Pistis Sophia. Explains the 13 Aeons, the Three Triple Powers, the Three Spaces, the Treasury of the Light, Yaldabaoth, the Self-willed, the Lion faced light power, all in relation to the creation of the universe and the path of initiation. A quote from the lecture: "Amazing as it may sound, our Being has an essential quality of emptiness. That sounds very strange to us, but the Absolute is an abstract space, and that is where our Being comes from. Our Being manifests into forms... if our Being has the capacity to manifest in any form, it must be beyond form. It is empty of form. No form contains it."
10/18/2015 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 38 seconds
Path of Initiation 10 Pistis Sophia and Yaldabaoth PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/18/2015 • 0
Path of Initiation 09 Alpha and Omega
Explains alchemically what Christ said in Revelation: "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, said the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty [Shaddai in Hebrew]." - Revelation 1: 8
10/6/2015 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 17 seconds
Path of Initiation 09 Alpha and Omega PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/6/2015 • 0
Path of Initiation 08 Knowing Good and Evil
The transmutation of sexual energy is scientifically understood as a series of transformations of a base energy termed Hydrogen TI 12. As this energy is refined and elevated, it results in higher and higher forms of energy and matter. Learn how this is represented in the Bible, the Hebrew letters, Kabbalah, and more.
9/2/2015 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 39 seconds
Path of Initiation 07 The Secret of Satan PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
7/16/2015 • 0
The Secret of Satan
Learn the real meaning and importance of Lucifer and Satan according to the original scriptures and Kabbalah.
7/16/2015 • 2 hours, 45 minutes
Practical Spirituality 05 The Obstacles to Yoga and Their Antidotes
This lecture continues the explanation of the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali, specifically addressing the chief obstacles to yoga (union), and how to overcome them. The key passage says: "These are the obstacles [to achieving yoga]: disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, laziness, intemperance, worldliness or sensuality, mistaken notions due to illusions, missing the point, instability, causing distractions of the mind. Pain, despair, tremor of the body, [irregular] inhalation and exhalation are the companions of the causes of distraction [oscillation of the mind]. To prevent these, [one should have] intense practice on one subject." — Patanjali, Yoga Sutras 1:30-32
6/14/2015 • 1 hour, 26 minutes, 21 seconds
Practical Spirituality 05 The Obstacles to Yoga and Their Antidotes PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
6/14/2015 • 0
Kabbalah of Genesis 24 Eden & Menorah
A deep and powerful examination of Kabbalah and Hebrew in relation with Enoch, Metatron, and Abraham. Includes discussion of the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge, the Zohar, the Manna, and much more. "The ring of bronze is emphatically referred to (amongst others) as a symbol of time. Cyclically, it conducts the Gnostic arhat to that ancient patriarchal epoch, denominated the Age of Bronze, or Dvapara Yuga, which indubitably preceded our contemporary Age of Iron, or Kali Yuga... The best authors of occultism have always affirmed that the second transalpine catastrophe, which completely modified the geological physiognomy of the planet Earth, occurred between these two ages. The seventh, among the ten sublime anti-delugean patriarchs, is without any supposition, completely different from the six who in the course of the centuries preceded him... (Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared), as well as the three who succeeded him (Methuselah, Lamech, Noah). Nonetheless, it is clear that among all of this, what is more astonishing for us is the sacred name of Enoch, which when translated signifies, “initiate; devotee; consecrated one; master.” The Hebraic Genesis (5:24) solemnly asseverates that Enoch did not truly die physically, but rather “Enoch walked with God and was not; for God took him.” Very ancient esoteric traditions, which are lost within the night of the centuries, clearly say that while Enoch was upon the majestic summit of Mount Moria, he had a clairvoyant samadhi in which his illuminated objective consciousness was taken and transported into the nine heavens (which are cited by Dante in his Divine Comedy). In the last one of these heavens (in the heaven of Neptune), the patriarch found the Lost Word (his own Verb, his individual, particular Monad). Posteriorly, that great hierophant wanted to express his vision through a permanent and imperishable monument... Thus, he then absolutely determined with great wisdom to build under that blessed place itself a subterranean, secret temple, which was comprised of nine cellars successively arranged one under another, within the living innermost parts of the mount... Certainly, his son Methuselah was the physical architect in charge of such an extraordinary sancta... The specific and defined contents and the destiny of each one of these cellars or magical caves (which were connected to one another by means of a spiralling ladder) is not mentioned... Nonetheless, the last of these caves is the one which absorbs the whole occult importance. Therefore, the anterior cellars just constitute the indispensable secret path that finally leads to the last cellar, within the greatest profundity of the mountain... Within the latter, the “penetral” or most intimate “sancta,” is where the Patriarch Enoch deposited his most valuable, esoteric treasure... The “Golden Fleece” of the ancient ones, the ineffable and imperishable treasure that we search for, is never found on the surface. Rather, we must excavate, dig, and search within the innermost parts of the Earth until finding it... By courageously descending into the innermost parts or infernos of the mount of revelation, the initiate finds for himself the mystical treasure (his divine Monad), that was preserved throughout all the innumerable centuries which preceded us in the course of history... We can still read the following in Revelations 2:17: To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knows saving he that receives it." - Samael Aun Weor
5/16/2015 • 2 hours, 21 minutes, 33 seconds
Kabbalah of Genesis 24 Eden & Menorah PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
5/16/2015 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Our Dreamlike State of Existence PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
5/7/2015 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Our Dreamlike State of Existence
Explains the three primary aspects of consciousness, the process by which we find ourselves in our current state of confusion and suffering, and how to free ourselves from this confusion. "We are constantly perceiving the world in a way that doesn't actually correspond to reality. We receive the world, and impress that world upon our mind in a way that does not correspond to the actual state of affairs. When you start to think, “Why do I keep making mistakes? Why do I keep striving at something and I can’t seem to get it?” It is because we are continuously seeing the world in the wrong way, and we are basing our actions off misperceptions."
5/7/2015 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 2 seconds
Practical Spirituality 4 The Yoga of Devotion
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali explain that intense devotion to Ishvara can bring about Samadhi (ecstasy). Learn about real Bhakti Yoga, the real identity of Ishvara, the true Guru or Master, and how the stages of Yoga really work. Includes discussion of the psychological and ethical basis of yoga, what Japa is, and the power of the mantra OM. “Under whatever name and form, it is Isvara who is adored. Worship goes to the Indweller, the Lord in the form. It is ignorance to think that one form is superior to another. All forms are one and the same. All are adoring the same Lord. The differences are only differences of names due to differences in the worshippers, but not in the object of adoration. The real Jesus or Krishna is in your own heart. He lives there for ever. He is your Indweller. He is your partner always. There is no friend like the Indweller. Resort to Him. Take refuge in Him. Realise Him and be free.” - Swami Sivananda
4/27/2015 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 43 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Compassion and Equanimity PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
4/18/2015 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Compassion and Equanimity
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
4/18/2015 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 48 seconds
Kabbalah of Genesis 23 Iod, the River of Eden
The mysteries of Kabbalah and Alchemy are hidden within allegorical legends, which are like buried coffins that hide spiritual treasures, written by Initiates and rediscovered by Initiates. However, ignoramuses generally interpret these mysteries literally. "In the ancient book of Enoch, the course of the Celestial River of life is described as resembling the letter Iod." - Zohar This profound lecture reveals deep meanings hidden by Moses in the book of Genesis, especially related to the sexual nature of the waters of Eden. Also discusses the hands (יָד), the Tarot, the book of Enoch, the Zohar, the Hebrew letters, the rivers of Eden, the wives of the Patriarchs, the astral body, and much more.
3/30/2015 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
Kabbalah of Genesis 23 Iod, the River of Eden PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/29/2015 • 0
Practical Spirituality 04 The Yoga of Devotion PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/25/2015 • 0
Kabbalah of Genesis 22 Alchemical Archetypes of Genesis PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/8/2015 • 0
Kabbalah of Genesis 22 Alchemical Archetypes of Genesis
Continues the theme of "Abraham the Innermost" and "Kabbalistic & Alchemical Bodies," to explain Rebecca, Isaac, and Jacob in accordance to Kabbalah and the Zohar, and how they represent different parts of the initiate who is advancing on the spiritual path. Includes why the cow and bull are worshipped in all religions (Brahma / Abraham; Io; Hathor and Apis; Devi Shailputri and Lord Dattatreya), the four rivers of Eden, the real meaning of El Shaddai, and much more.
3/8/2015 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 1 second
Practical Spirituality 03 Yoga and the Senses
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
3/2/2015 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 12 seconds
Practical Spirituality 03 Yoga and the Senses PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/2/2015 • 0
Kabbalah of Genesis 21 Kabbalistic & Alchemical Bodies
This lecture continues the previous lecture "Abraham the Innermost," and explains the symbolism of his wives and children, as well as the meanings of mount Moriah, Mount Sinai, and the Mount of Olives. There is more to us than a physical body; learn about the internal bodies created through alchemy, that "Second Birth" described by Jesus when he said, "Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the pneuma, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the pneuma is pneuma. The pneuma bloweth where it listeth. . . . So is every one that is born of the pneuma." - John 3 And Paul wrote, "All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of anthrōpos humans, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds. There are also epouranios heavenly bodies, and epigeios terrestrial bodies: but the glory of the epouranios is one, and the glory of the epigeios is another. There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differs from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: It is sown a psychikos soul body; it is raised a pneumatikos spiritual body. There is a psychikos body, and there is a pneumatikos body. And so it is written, The first anthrōpos human Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a giving life spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is pneumatikos, but that which is psychikos; and afterward that which is pneumatikos. The first man is of the earth, choïkos earthy: the second man [Chokmah] is the Lord from ouranos heaven. As is the choïkos, such are they also that are choïkos: and as is the epouranios, such are they also that are epouranios. And as we have borne the image of the choïkos, we shall also bear the image of the epouranios. Now brothers, I tell you this: Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, and corruption cannot inherit incorruption. Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye [the pineal eye], at [Binah] the last trumpet: for [the seventh angel sounded] the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our [Inner] Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord." - 1 Corinthians 15: 39-58
2/22/2015 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 2 seconds
Kabbalah of Genesis 21 Kabbalistic & Alchemical Bodies PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/22/2015 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Preparation for the Gnostic Apocalypse PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/11/2015 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Preparation for the Gnostic Apocalypse
When confronted with the reality of the end of the world, how do we respond and prepare intelligently? This lecture explains the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of the Apocalypse (Greek "unveiling"), the need to unveil our fears, and understand the impermanence of all things. Includes a reading from the Tibetan Lojong (mind training) poem, "The Wheel of Sharp Weapons."
2/11/2015 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 39 seconds
Practical Spirituality 02 Spiritual Diary PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/26/2015 • 0
Practical Spirituality 02 Spiritual Diary PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/26/2015 • 0
Practical Spirituality 02 Spiritual Facts
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
1/26/2015 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 44 seconds
Kabbalah of Genesis 20 Abraham the Innermost
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
1/19/2015 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 38 seconds
Kabbalah of Genesis 20 Abraham the Innermost PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/18/2015 • 0
Christmas Greetings from Glorian Publishing (2014)
Christmas was originally a celebration of the compassion of the Light known as Christ, Apollo, Krishna, Chenresig, and many other names, who comes into the world to save us from ourselves. In gratitude to that Light, and in gratitude to all of you, we offer a bit of spiritual inspiration in the form of a podcast episode about that Light. Includes a reading from The Pistis Sophia, the teaching dictated by Jesus after his resurrection, as well as an explanation of the alchemical word Azoth and how it relates to Christ.
12/25/2014 • 40 minutes, 40 seconds
Corruption of Scripture in Early Christianity
Although modern believers assume the Bible has always existed as it is now, that is far from the facts. In reality, the scriptures have been steadily transformed over many centuries, resulting in changes in what people believe about Christianity. By investigating the original scriptures, one can begin to see that modern Christianity is quite different from what Jesus actually taught.
12/21/2014 • 1 hour, 40 minutes, 38 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Corruption of Scripture in Early Christianity PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/20/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now_ The Being and The Archetypes
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
12/17/2014 • 1 hour, 21 minutes, 35 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: The Being and The Archetypes PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/16/2014 • 0
Greek Mysteries 07 Apollo, the Alpha and Omega of Alchemy PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/7/2014 • 0
Greek Mysteries 07 Apollo, the Alpha and Omega of Alchemy
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
12/7/2014 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 2 seconds
Precepts of Alchemy 06 Compassion and Veneration (Revised)
The ninth and tenth precepts explained by the Zohar are compassion and veneration, which are hidden in the book of Genesis: "And your compassion and your veneration shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that creeps on the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered." - Genesis 9:2. These precepts are intimately related with our sexual life, and prayer. "And Elohim said [to the alchemists], behold, I have given you [the Chaiah or soul of the mercury of] every חיה herb bearing [זרע zera semen or brute mercury or] seed, which is upon the face of all the earth and [the Chaiah חיה or soul of the mercury of] every tree, which is in the fruit of a tree yielding zera semen or brute זרע[ mercury or] seed; to you it shall be for food. - Genesis 1:29
12/3/2014 • 2 hours, 53 minutes, 12 seconds
Precepts of Alchemy 06 Compassion and Veneration PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/3/2014 • 0
Beginning Practical Spirituality
The word practical means "applied, not merely theoretical." Thus, practical spirituality is something experienced and lived. This new course will describe how to live an essentially practical approach to religion: how to experience what is described in the scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity. Structurally, we will utilize the simple and effective approach of Yoga as taught by Krishna in the Bhagavad-gita, and Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. This is not a course of theory, belief, supposition, guesswork, or fantasy. Instead, the student will learn how to awaken their own perception of reality, and transform their experience of living, by setting aside harmful and useless behviors, and adopting behaviors that benefit themselves and others. In the first lecture, we learn about practical point of view of the course, and how to begin utilizing it in our daily lives: through using consciousness, attention, awareness. We also begin learning about how Krishna, the great teacher of Yoga, explained the three brains and how to use them spiritually: Karma Yoga: the path of work Bhakti Yoga: the path of devotion Jnana Yoga: the path of self-analysis and knowledge Raja Yoga: the path of psychic control Finally, we also study the eight steps of Raja Yoga (Ashtanga), as taught by Patanjali. The eight steps are: Yama: self-restraint Niyama: precepts Asana: posture; relaxation Pranayama: harnessing of life force Pratyahara: suspension of senses Dharana: concentration Dhyana: meditation Samadhi: super-conscious state, blissfulness, ecstasy
11/16/2014 • 1 hour, 25 minutes, 56 seconds
Practical Spirituality 01 Beginning Practical Spirituality PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/16/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Diamond Soul PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/14/2014 • 0
Gnostic Mysteries 08 Cognizance
The word cognizance describes the range of knowledge our consciousness can understand, which is directly related to our spiritual development and relationship with nature and the divine. Learn about the five types of souls in Kabbalah (Yehidah, Chaiah, Ruach, Neshamah, Nephesh), the perception of divinity, and much more.
10/29/2014 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 56 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 08 Cognizance PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/29/2014 • 0
Precepts of Alchemy 04 Elohim PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
9/24/2014 • 0
Precepts of Alchemy 04 Jehovah Elohim
Note: Re-recorded,with new material (the original lecture was titled simply "Elohim"). Throughout the Judeo-Christian scriptures, the Hebrew word Elohim is utilized, but few know what it means, since it was improperly translated to mean "God," even though the word is plural. Learn about the real meaning of the Elohim, the Multiple Perfect Unity, and how it relates to our spiritual development. "Elohim stands in the congregation of El, who judges in the midst of the Elohim. I have said, you are Elohim; and all of you are children of עליון Elion [the Most High]. Nevertheless, as Adam you shall die, and fall like [Tiphereth] one of the princes." - Psalm 82: 1, 6, 7 "Lift up your eyes on high and behold who has created these." - Isaiah 40:26. Lift up your eyes on high. Where? To the place whither all eyes are turned. There [at the magnetic center - the root of the nose] between the opening of eyes. There you will recognize the mysterious Ancient One who created these and is the object of research. And who is he? It is Mi (who) that is called the summit of the heavens above, for all things exist by his will. Because he is the object concealed and invisible after which all seek. Therefore is this mysterious being called Who (Mi), and beyond him search in vain. Delve at the other extremity [of your spinal coumn] where is another being known as What! (Mah). What distinguishes the one from the other? Mi (who), the concealed and hidden One, is he whom all created beings are seeking to know, but after all their efforts and endeavors, by the gaining of knowledge, they only come at last to Mah (the what, the Divine Mother Kundalini)." - Zohar
9/24/2014 • 2 hours, 51 minutes, 19 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: To Be or Not to Be Human
Continues the themes of the lecture "The Human Being," exploring the profound meaning of the words human and being, especially in relation with the runic, hebrew, aramaic, and sanskrit letters they come from.
9/18/2014 • 1 hour, 46 minutes, 41 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: To Be or Not to Be Human PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
9/18/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Gnostic Psychoanalysis, Part 2
This lecture details the method of Gnostic Psychoanalysis: the discovery, understanding, and elimination of character defects. Many speak about working on the ego, but few understand the details of how to use meditation to analyze and transform the mind. Topics include self-observation, inner self-remembering, and exactly how to meditate on an ego or defect.
9/17/2014 • 1 hour, 24 minutes, 4 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Gnostic Psychoanalysis, Part 2 PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
9/16/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: The Human Being
Learn about the difference between a human being and an intellectual animal. Recorded at the 2014 Gnostic Retreat America.
9/7/2014 • 1 hour, 28 minutes, 17 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 11 Resurrection the Sign of Jonah
8/1/2014 • 2 hours, 31 minutes, 33 seconds
Precepts of Alchemy 07 Pact of Fire PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
6/27/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Transmigration of Souls
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
6/24/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Transmigration of Souls
The Doctrine of Reincarnation, Karma, and Manifestation of the Divine. Learn how the soul migrates through its many experiences, and what laws we need to work with in order to escape suffering. Discusses how the manifestation of the soul (psyche) is depicted in Gnosis, Greece, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Kabbalah, and much more.
6/24/2014 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 9 seconds
Precepts of Alchemy 07 Pact of Fire
Explains the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth precepts of alchemy as explained by the Zohar, and hidden in the writings of Moses. This lecture discusses sexuality, chastity, fornication, Kabbalah, Tarot, kundalini, Daath, the Sabbath day, and much more. This lecture concludes the course.
6/22/2014 • 2 hours, 29 minutes, 57 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Poison of Desire PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
6/17/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Poison of Desire
Genuine spirituality is the pursuit of peace and lasting happiness, but what are peace and happiness? Upon what are they based, and why do they seem so elusive? These fundamental questions must be answered before the real path to liberation can be entered, thus this lecture explores our pursuit of happiness, the nature of suffering, sensations, pleasure, pain, cyclic existence, and much more. "Even if you gained the vast wonders of cyclic existence, they would be illusory." - Tsong Khapa, Lam Rim Chen Mo
6/17/2014 • 1 hour, 27 minutes, 37 seconds
Meditation and Comprehension
Real meditation is a scientific method to acquire knowledge. Learn the purpose and steps of meditation practice, and how to guide your own spiritual development. Recorded at the 2014 Gnostic Retreat in Europe.
5/29/2014 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 31 seconds
Alchemical Exodus
Before the cataclysms that are expected to come, there will be an exodus of selected souls who will be saved. Learn how to be liberated from bondage. This lecture discusses many stories from the Bible, Hebrew words, Kabbalah, alchemy, and much more. Recorded at the 2014 Gnostic Retreat in Europe.
5/28/2014 • 1 hour, 37 minutes, 5 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Gnostic Psychoanalysis, Part 1 PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
5/21/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Gnostic Psychoanalysis, Part 1
The theories and practices of the tradition established by Sigmund Freud has some things in common with the ancient spiritual science of psychology (psyche, "soul" + Logos: divinity), yet there are also significant differences between them. This lecture explains some of the important distinctions between modern psychology and esoteric psychology. Learn about self-observation, meditation, sexual transmutation, and much more.
5/21/2014 • 1 hour, 22 minutes
Precepts of Alchemy 05 Fertility and Mastery
Moses wrote in the book of Genesis / Bereshit: "And the Sea God blessed them, saying, 'Be fertile and Master, and fill the waters, the waters in me. And let angels strive in the earth." (Genesis 1:22), which is explained by the Zohar and Alchemy. Learn about the sixth and seventh precepts of Alchemy, and how they relate to sexuallity, the worship of idols, the Tree of Life, the spinal column, and the soul.
4/27/2014 • 1 hour, 56 minutes, 33 seconds
Precepts of Alchemy 05 Fertility and Mastery PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
4/27/2014 • 0
Precepts of Alchemy 03 Prakriti
Explains how the Divine Mother Kundalini is related to the awakening of consciousness, the three gunas, the Kabbalah, and much more. "The Great Prakriti is my womb; in that I place the seed; thence, oh Bharata, is the birth of all beings! Whatever forms are produced, oh Kountreya, in any womb whatsoever, the Prakriti is their womb and I am the seed-giving father. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas these three Gunas (aspects or qualities) born of the Prakriti, oh mighty-armed one, bind fast the embodied to the body. Of these Gunas, Sattva which from its stainlessness is luminous and good, binds by attachment to happiness and by attachment to knowledge, oh, impeccable one. Know thou, oh, Kountreya, that Rajas is of the nature of passion, the source of desire and attachment; this Guna binds fast the embodied being to action. But know thou, oh, Bharata, that Guna Tamas is born of ignorance, deluding all embodied beings; it binds fast the embodied being, by heedlessness, laziness, and sleep [asleep consciousness, the sleep of consciousness]." - The Bhagavad-Gita
4/18/2014 • 3 hours, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
Health, Healing, Awakening
Good health is important for anyone, but especially for those who aspire towards spiritual development. Health is not merely related to the physical body, but the heart and mind. In fact, both Jesus and Buddha taught that health is the outcome of the heart and mind. Learn about health in relation with kabbalah, dimensions, psychology, chakras, ethics, meditation, and much more. “The candle of σῶμα [soma, body] is perception: therefore when thine perception is of a good nature, thy whole σῶμα also is φωτεινός [phōteinas, full of light]; but when thine perception is of a bad nature, thy body also is full of σκότος [skotos, darkness]. Take heed therefore that the light [φῶς] which is in thee be not darkness. If thy whole body therefore be full of light, having no part dark, the whole shall be full of light, as when the bright shining of a candle doth enlighten thee.” - Jesus, Luke 11 “All sicknesses have their beginning in some of three substances: Salt, Sulphur, or Mercury; that is to say, they can have their origin in the world of matter, the sphere of the soul, or in the kingdom of the mind.” - Paracelsus
4/14/2014 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 25 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: The Chakras
Most people who study spirituality have heard of the chakras, but few know how they actually function, and that they can function in both harmful and beneficial ways. Learn about the primary chakras related to spirituality and awakening consciousness, as well as the seven Churches described in the Bible, plus Kundalini Yoga, Akash, Prana, hormones, meditation, tantra, and much more. From Beginning Here and Now: Introductory Lectures Here you will find a collection of audio lectures that introduce the basic concepts and practices of the ancient, practical spirituality in the heart of all religious and mystical traditions. All of these lectures were originally given live and unscripted.
4/11/2014 • 1 hour, 32 minutes, 48 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Health, Healing, Awakening PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
4/7/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: The Chakras PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
4/7/2014 • 0
Precepts of Alchemy 01 Children of God PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/17/2014 • 0
Precepts of Alchemy 02 Children of God
Learn how Moses and Jesus explained the real meaning of being a child of God. Includes examples from Genesis, the New Testament, the Zohar, Hinduism, and much more. This lecture is from the free online course Gnostic Mysteries. The scriptures of the Gnostics hide incredible knowledge for the sincere seeker: but to understand them, you must first understand Kabbalah, Hebrew, and Alchemy. This free online course will give you a deep overview of the fundamental knowledge of the Gnostics. Most importantly, you will learn how to acquire your own Gnosis: practical experience of the truth. Visit for transcriptions, accompanying pdfs, glossary, books, and much more.
3/17/2014 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 21 seconds
Precepts of Alchemy 02 The Serpents of Eden PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/16/2014 • 0
Precepts of Alchemy 01 The Serpents of Eden
Learn how the Bible and the Zohar (the spirit of the Bible) hide the knowledge of Kundalini and initiation, in the Hebrew letters and symbolic stories. Scripture References: "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as Jonah יונה [a dove]. For as Jonah [יונה a dove] was three days and three nights in the [final Nun] big fish's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of [ה Hei] the earth." - Matthew 10: 16; 12: 40 "A great fish [letter Nun Final] coming from the left swims through all these waterways to poison and corrupt them. Its scales are as steel. From its mouth comes forth a lurid flame and its tongue is like a sharp sword. Its object is to force its way into the sanctuary of the great ocean to pollute and defile it and thus extinguish light, and causing the waters to become frozen, and the great circulatory water system may cease to operate. "The occult meaning of this mystery is expressed in the words of scripture, 'Now the serpent was wiser than any beast of the field which יהוה אלהים had made,' (Genesis 3: 1). This Ida serpent wished to accomplish his aim by first corrupting the brooklets below [in Yesod] and making them impure and bitter, so that flowing back to the great ocean their fountain head, it might become polluted. This is why he first seduced Adam and brought death into the world and entered into the heart of Adam from the left side. "There is, however, another serpent that comes from the right. These two serpents [Pingala and Ida] are they that are closely attached to [Sushumna] Adam during his lifetime, as scripture saith, 'of all the beasts of the field that יהוה אלהים had made,' these two are the most cunning, crafty and subtle in tempting and destroying Adam. Woe unto him [the Initiate] who allows himself to be led on and seduced by the serpent, for death irretrievable is his doom, physically, morally and spiritually, both to himself and to those associated with him, as in the case of Adam who wished to know and become expert in nature's secrets and occult science. In revealing them and exciting within him a fictitious joy and happiness, the serpent acquired that influence and control over Adam that contributed to and brought his ruin and downfall and thus caused him to suffer, as also his successors. From the day that Israel came to the foot [Yesod] of Mount Sinai, the impurity and corruption wrought by the serpent has not disappeared from the world [Malkuth]. - Zohar This lecture is from the free online course Gnostic Mysteries The scriptures of the Gnostics hide incredible knowledge for the sincere seeker: but to understand them, you must first understand Kabbalah, Hebrew, and Alchemy. This free online course will give you a deep overview of the fundamental knowledge of the Gnostics. Most importantly, you will learn how to acquire your own Gnosis: practical experience of the truth. Visit for transcriptions, accompanying pdfs, glossary, books, and much more.
3/16/2014 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 15 seconds
Healthy Spirituality 04 Eating for a Healthy Body, Mind and Spirit
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
3/16/2014 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 29 seconds
Cosmic Evolution 04 Anthropogenesis History of Mankind
A history of all the root races of the Earth, incuding the Polar, Hyperborean, Lemurian, Atlantean, and Aryan races. Evolution is a law of nature that applies to the development of the soul (consciousness), but not in the way most people realize. Furthermore, the Bible explains the previous races and ages (Atlantena, Lemurian, and more), and about fallen angels and the existence of demons, but one has to know Hebrew and Kabbalah to understand. This course reveals the essential clues to understand how we got to where we are now. Learn about the reality of the development of the soul as it is hidden in the Kabbalah, the Bible, the Hebrew letters, and the Zohar.
3/16/2014 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 54 seconds
Bhavachakra 03 Qualities of Samsara
Cyclic existence has characteristics that facilitate enormous suffering for beings in all the six realms (gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and those in hell), but if we recognize and comprehend them in our moment to moment experience, that knowledge can lead one out of suffering. This lecture also explains the four paths: the direct path, the spiral path, the path of separation, and the path of the failures. "How could you not be afraid that you will be bound here, that there may be no end at all to the ocean of suffering in which you drown?" - Aryadeva Read the lecture transcription.
3/16/2014 • 2 hours, 30 minutes, 31 seconds
Alphabet of Kabbalah 02 The Hebrew Letter Aleph א
The meanings and importance of the first Hebrew letter, Aleph or Alef (א), and its relationship to the air, the Trinity, the Mayans, Allah, Aum, Mithra, Metatron, the sacred bull, and more.
3/16/2014 • 1 hour, 29 minutes, 18 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Ark of the Covenant
The explicit instructions to see and commune with God, by means of the Aron Kodesh (AR-K). Lecture quote: "Anyone who has heard of or participated in Christianity or Judaism knows about “the Ark.” Most Christians and Jews would say there are two Arks. But in fact, when we examine the scriptural evidence we discover there are not two Arks. Even if we study only the literal meaning of the scriptures we will find there are many more Arks in the Bible. If we rely on the Latin and later translations of the Bible, we can find at least four Arks. But if we look into the actual scriptures in the Hebrew language, we discover that there is not a single Ark anywhere in the scriptures. The word Ark does not appear in Hebrew, ever. Our English word “Ark” comes from a Latin word. We need to understand that this idea that we have inherited of a literal “Ark”—be it a boat or a box—is just a symbol, a myth. The real meaning is far more important and far more mysterious." From Beginning Here and Now: Introductory Lectures Here you will find a collection of audio lectures that introduce the basic concepts and practices of the ancient, practical spirituality in the heart of all religious and mystical traditions. All of these lectures were originally given live and unscripted.
3/15/2014 • 1 hour, 33 minutes, 47 seconds
Precepts of Alchemy 03 Prakriti PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/2/2014 • 0
Gnostic Mysteries 10 Prakriti
Explains how the Divine Mother Kundalini is related to the awakening of consciousness, the three gunas, the Kabbalah, and much more. "The Great Prakriti is my womb; in that I place the seed; thence, oh Bharata, is the birth of all beings! Whatever forms are produced, oh Kountreya, in any womb whatsoever, the Prakriti is their womb and I am the seed-giving father. Sattva, Rajas and Tamas these three Gunas (aspects or qualities) born of the Prakriti, oh mighty-armed one, bind fast the embodied to the body. Of these Gunas, Sattva which from its stainlessness is luminous and good, binds by attachment to happiness and by attachment to knowledge, oh, impeccable one. Know thou, oh, Kountreya, that Rajas is of the nature of passion, the source of desire and attachment; this Guna binds fast the embodied being to action. But know thou, oh, Bharata, that Guna Tamas is born of ignorance, deluding all embodied beings; it binds fast the embodied being, by heedlessness, laziness, and sleep [asleep consciousness, the sleep of consciousness]." - The Bhagavad-Gita. Visit for transcriptions, accompanying pdfs, glossary, books, and much more.
3/2/2014 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 7 seconds
Beginning Here and Now: Christic and Demonic Initiation PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/5/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Christic and Demonic Initiation
Explains the worldwide crisis in relation with evolution, psychology, ethics, and the use of the mind, especially in relation with spiritual initiation, which can be black or white. A quote from the lecture: When we use our sexual energy in relation with spirituality, it needs to be clearly elucidated that certain types of behavior develop our Consciousness by liberating it from the ego and that other types of behavior develop our ego. Both ways can give us experiences, both ways can empower the Consciousness to have an experience outside of our body or in the astral plane, but, only if we liberate our Consciousness will we be able have true objective knowledge. If you awaken your Consciousness in desire then you are what Homer would call a king in hell. You’re developing those powers but you’re developing them in hell. It’s better to be a beggar in heaven than a king in hell. This is something that most people don’t realize: that there are two ways.
2/5/2014 • 1 hour, 35 minutes, 57 seconds
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 06 The Invocation of Solomon, Part 1
Thousands of years ago, King Solomon, a master of the Kabbalah and the Egyptian mysteries, gave to humanity a powerful prayer called "The Invocation of Solomon," which is used to call upon the powers of divinity for protection and assistance. Learn how this prayer relates to the sephiroth and Four Worlds of Kabbalah, to the Pater Noster (Prayer of the Lord), the Divine Mother, sexuality, the Christ, and much more. This is a lecture from the free online course Defense for Spiritual Warfare: Prayers and Methods for Protection Course Description: Every religion provides methods of spiritual defense for protection against harmful entities and forces. Among all the prayers, there are several that have particular power. These lectures explain them in detail so that you will know very well what you are saying when you use them. Visit for transcriptions, accompanying pdfs, glossary, books, and much more.
1/26/2014 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 6 seconds
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 06 The Invocation of Solomon, Part 1
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/26/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Energy, Matter, and Consciousness PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/20/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Preparation for Esoteric Studies PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/18/2014 • 0
Beginning Here and Now_ Preparation for Esoteric Studies
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
1/18/2014 • 59 minutes, 9 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 07 The Son of God
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
11/24/2013 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 7 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 07 The Son of God PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/24/2013 • 0
Gnostic Mysteries 06 Halloween, Jonah, and the Gourd
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
11/16/2013 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 45 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 06 Halloween, Jonah, and the Gourd PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/16/2013 • 0
Christ 03 Death, the Christic Path PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/8/2013 • 0
Christ 01 Christ the Mystery of Light PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/8/2013 • 0
Christ 02 Christ the Source of Life PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/8/2013 • 0
Cosmic Evolution 02 Fallen Angels PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/2/2013 • 0
Cosmic Evolution 01 Cosmic Races in the Bible PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/2/2013 • 0
Cosmic Evolution 03 Cosmic Evolution in the Bible PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/2/2013 • 0
Gnostic Mysteries 04 Prometheus Lucifer
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
11/1/2013 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 47 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 04 Prometheus Lucifer PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/1/2013 • 0
Alchemy 01 The Elements in Spiritual Growth PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/30/2013 • 0
Alchemy 03 The Laboratory of the Alchemist PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/30/2013 • 0
Alchemy 02 Transmutation PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/30/2013 • 0
Alchemy 04 Laboratory Work PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/30/2013 • 0
Alchemy 06 Mercury, Hermes PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/30/2013 • 0
Alchemy 05 The Secret of Azoth PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/30/2013 • 0
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 09 Conjuration of the Seven
King Solomon gave to humanity an important prayer called "The Conjuration of the Seven" that invokes divinity in order to reject demonic influences. In order to use this prayer effectively, one needs more than belief: one needs knowledge and energy. This lecture explains the important Hebrew words of the prayer, and how it relates to the Bible and Kabbalah, the basis of Judaism and Christianity. It also explains the demons and how they influence humanity. Read the lecture transcription.
9/22/2013 • 2 hours, 22 minutes, 30 seconds
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 09 Conjuration of the Seven PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
9/22/2013 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Awake to Life
The Bible explains, "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life [חי], and some to shame and everlasting contempt." (Daniel 12:2). Although many people want to awaken, Jesus stated that most people enter the "wide and easy way to destruction," rather than the narrow path to liberation. Be sure that you are entering the path to life rather than the path deeper into suffering. From Beginning Here and Now: Introductory Lectures Here you will find a collection of audio lectures that introduce the basic concepts and practices of the ancient, practical spirituality in the heart of all religious and mystical traditions. All of these lectures were originally given live and unscripted.
9/8/2013 • 1 hour, 39 minutes, 36 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 05 Visions, Dreams, Revelations
All spiritual seekers want to receive messages from Divinity. Learn how it is made possible, and how to interpret them based on: the Law of Philosophical Analogies, the Law of Analogy of Contraries, and the Law of Correspondences, and the Law of Numerology. Includes in depth explanations of Kabbalah, meditation, astral projection, Hebrew letters, chakras and churches, and much more. "He that is wise will hear, and will increase learning; and the intelligent will gain wise counsels: To understand a parable, and its interpretation, the words of the wise, and their mysterious sayings." – Proverbs 1: 5, 6 This is a lecture from the free online course Gnostic Mysteries Course Description: The scriptures of the Gnostics hide incredible knowledge for the sincere seeker: but to understand them, you must first understand Kabbalah, Hebrew, and Alchemy. This free online course will give you a deep overview of the fundamental knowledge of the Gnostics. Most importantly, you will learn how to acquire your own Gnosis: practical experience of the truth.
7/28/2013 • 2 hours, 16 minutes, 8 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 05 Visions, Dreams, Revelations PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
7/28/2013 • 0
Beginning Here and Now: Diamond Soul
People always talk about "soul," but few know exactly what the soul is, or its purpose. In fact, Jesus said we do not have it yet. Learn about how to acquire a soul and why is is needed. This lecture discusses Vajrasattva, Kabbalah, spiritual psychology, and many core symbols of Greek Mythology, such as Psyche, Zeus, Hephaestus, Athena, Danae, Perseus, Medusa, Pegasus, and much more.
7/14/2013 • 2 hours, 23 minutes, 43 seconds
Two Trees of Eden 01 The Tree of Life Kabbalah
The Tree of Life described by Moses is a symbol of Kabbalah that represents the structure of the universe and the structure of the human being. By knowing the basics of the Tree of Life, anyone can understand the hidden knowledge in the scriptures of any religion, especially Judaism and Christianity, which are entirely based on Kabbalistic principles. This lecture explains the basics of the Tree of Life and its ten sephiroth, and how they relate to us. This the first of two lectures. Recorded as a live, unscripted lecture at the Gnostic Retreat England 2013.
6/10/2013 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 38 seconds
Two Trees of Eden 02 The Tree of Knowledge, Gnosis
The Tree of Knowledge described by Moses is a symbol of the science of transmutation that converts a person like us into a fully developed human being, called by names like Master, angel, god, deva, etc. Such a transformation does not happen automatically or mechanically, but must be crafted through precise application of energy and awareness. Primarily, it is accomplished through a radical revision of everything within us. This lecture explains an important statement by Samael Aun Weor: "We can experience the Being, the Innermost, only through profound meditation. The experience of the Being, the Innermost, transforms us radically... It is completely impossible to experience the Being—the Innermost, the Reality—without becoming true technical and scientific masters of that mysterious science called meditation." - Samael Aun Weor, The Spiritual Power of Sound This is the second of two lectures. Recorded as a live, unscripted lecture at the Gnostic Retreat England 2013.
6/10/2013 • 2 hours, 31 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 03 Kristus Lucifer
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
5/18/2013 • 1 hour, 59 minutes
Gnostic Mysteries 03 Kristus Lucifer PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
5/18/2013 • 0
Bhavachakra 08 Our True Nature
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
5/11/2013 • 1 hour, 52 minutes, 36 seconds
Bhavachakra 08 Our True Nature PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
5/11/2013 • 0
Gnostic Mysteries 02 The Son of Man
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
4/22/2013 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 22 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 02 The Son of Man PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
4/22/2013 • 0
Bhavachakra 07 Mystical Death
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4/6/2013 • 2 hours, 3 minutes, 1 second
Bhavachakra 07 Mystical Death PDF
Podcast Episode
4/6/2013 • 0
Gnostic Mysteries 01 The Cross
The story of Jesus on the cross hides a very deep teaching about the creation of the soul. Learn about the famous seven words of Jesus and they really mean. Explains the creation of the body of liberation, the astral body, mental body, causal body, the bodhisattva, the marriage with the twin soul, and much more.
3/23/2013 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 47 seconds
Gnostic Mysteries 01 The Cross PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/23/2013 • 0
Bhavachakra 06 Spiritual Birth
The sixth lecture about the Bhavachakra explains what real spiritual birth is and how it is acheived. Every form of birth is created by sex, including spiritual birth. The birth of a buddha ("awakened one") can happen by the grace of the Divine Mother (Maya). Learn about the seven steps of the child Buddha, the rice-milk brought by Sujata, the ficus (fig) tree, upright sexuality, and much more. "Difficult to obtain is the conception of men, Difficult is the life of mortals, Difficult is the hearing of the True Law, Difficult is the birth of the Awakened. - Dhammapada 14:182 Read the lecture transcription.
3/9/2013 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 13 seconds
Bhavachakra 06 Spiritual Birth PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/9/2013 • 0
Healthy Spirituality 07 Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
3/2/2013 • 1 hour, 47 minutes, 55 seconds
Healthy Spirituality 07 Health Risks of Genetically Modified Foods PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/2/2013 • 0
Bhavachakra 05 Service and Sacrifice
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
2/23/2013 • 2 hours, 49 seconds
Bhavachakra 05 Service and Sacrifice PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/23/2013 • 0
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 07 The Invocation of Solomon, Part 2
Continues the discussion of the powerful prayer called "The Invocation of Solomon," which is used to call upon the powers of divinity for protection and assistance. Learn more about how this prayer relates to the sephiroth and Four Worlds of Kabbalah, the development of the soul, sexuality, the Christ, and much more. This is a lecture from the free online course Defense for Spiritual Warfare: Prayers and Methods for Protection Course Description: Every religion provides methods of spiritual defense for protection against harmful entities and forces. Among all the prayers, there are several that have particular power. These lectures explain them in detail so that you will know very well what you are saying when you use them.
2/9/2013 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 46 seconds
Bhavachakra 04 Liberation from Suffering PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/22/2013 • 0
Bhavachakra 04 Liberation from Suffering
The fourth lecture about the Bhavachakra, the Wheel of Becoming, explains the four paths in more detail, specifically the path of the Bodhisattva, also known as the direct path to absolute liberation. Learn how to recognize and overcome the causes of suffering, in order to liberate yourself from recurring cycles of suffering. Explains the full meaning of bodhichitta, in corporating the sutrayana, mahayana, and tantrayana levels, and how the Bodhisattva path relates with Kabbalah, the Bible, Greek mythology, and much more. "Only the Bodhisattvas with compassionate hearts, who have given their life for humanity, can incarnate the intimate Christ." - Samael Aun Weor
1/13/2013 • 2 hours, 14 minutes, 48 seconds
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 05 Hail Mary
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
12/24/2012 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 17 seconds
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 05 Hail Mary PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/24/2012 • 0
Bhavachakra 03 Qualities of Samsara PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/5/2012 • 0
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 04 Prayer of the Lord
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
11/17/2012 • 1 hour, 45 minutes, 20 seconds
Defense for Spiritual Warfare 04 Prayer of the Lord PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/17/2012 • 0
Cosmic Evolution 03 Cosmic Evolution in the Bible
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
10/20/2012 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 45 seconds
Bhavachakra 02 Samsara and Nirvana
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
10/6/2012 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 57 seconds
Bhavachakra 02 Samsara and Nirvana PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
10/6/2012 • 0
Let Us Make Adam 12 Moses' Reincarnation PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
9/23/2012 • 0
Let Us Make Adam 12 Moses' Reincarnation
What is believed about reincarnation is very far from the reality. Learn about what the scriptures say about reincarnation, and how the subject is explained in Kabbalah and the Zohar, the mystical Hebrew scripture. This lecture describes the five types of souls taught in Kabbalah, and how they relate to Adam and Eve, Moses, Joshua, Jesus, the Exodus, Resurrection, and much more. Reincarnation: From Latin re - "again, and incarnare "to make flesh," and incarnare: From Latin in- “into” + carnis "flesh." "And Iod-Havah Elohim made unto Adam and his wife fleshy coats, skins and clothed them." - Genesis 3: 21
9/23/2012 • 2 hours, 12 minutes, 1 second
Bhavachakra 01 The Wheel of Becoming PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
9/22/2012 • 0
Bhavachakra 01 The Wheel of Becoming
Popularly called "the Wheel of Samsara," the Bhavachakra is one of the most important symbols in Buddhism, being an illustration of everything that exists and how existence functions. While the superficial, public-level meanings are fairly well-known (such as the three poisons, the twelve nidanas, the six realms), few know that the actual purpose of the symbol is very deep, revealing the inner workings of our mind, and thereby illustrates the source of suffering (samsara) or liberation from suffering (nirvana). This is a lecture from the free online course Bhavachakra: The Wheel of Becoming: The Real Message of Buddhism Course Description: Popularly called "the Wheel of Samsara," the Bhavachakra is one of the most important symbols in Buddhism, being an illustration of everything that exists and how existence functions. While the superficial, public-level meanings are fairly well-known (such as the three poisons, the twelve nidanas, the six realms), few know that the actual purpose of the symbol is very deep, revealing the inner workings of our mind, and thereby illustrates the source of suffering (samsara) or liberation from suffering (nirvana). “Those who are suffering or who fear suffering, think of Nirvana as an escape and a recompense. They imagine that Nirvana consists in the future annihilation of the senses and the sense-minds; they are not aware that Universal Mind and Nirvana are One, and that this life-and-death world and Nirvana are not to be separated. These ignorant ones, instead of meditating on the imagelessness of Nirvana, talk of different ways of emancipation. Being ignorant of, or not understanding, the teachings of the Tathagatas, they cling to the notion of Nirvana that is outside what is seen of the mind and, thus, go on rolling themselves along with the wheel of life and death.” - Buddha Shakyamuni, Lankavatara Sutra
9/8/2012 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 47 seconds
Cosmic Evolution 02 Fallen Angels
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
7/22/2012 • 2 hours, 14 seconds
Cosmic Evolution 01 Cosmic Races in the Bible
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
6/30/2012 • 2 hours, 38 seconds
Alchemy 06 Mercury, Hermes
The Alchemists said that without Mercury, there would be no Alchemy. This lecture follows "The Secret of Azoth," and ties together all the previous lectures on Alchemy to explain how Hermes / Mercury symbolizes the heart secret of all the ancient religions. This lecture examines the Greek gods, the Hermae, Abraham and his wives, Kabbalah, the stone of Jacob, Masonry, and much more. Read the lecture transcription.
6/23/2012 • 2 hours, 15 minutes, 50 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 11 Moses the Mystery of Baphomet
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
6/16/2012 • 2 hours, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 11 Moses the Mystery of Baphomet PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
6/16/2012 • 0
Alchemy 05 The Secret of Azoth
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6/9/2012 • 2 hours, 5 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 10 And Jehovah Elohim Took From Adam
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6/2/2012 • 2 hours, 58 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 10 And Jehovah Elohim Took From Adam PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
6/2/2012 • 0
Alchemy 04 Laboratory Work
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5/12/2012 • 2 hours, 1 minute, 58 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 09 And Adam Became a Living Soul
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5/5/2012 • 1 hour, 54 minutes, 7 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 09 And Adam Became a Living Soul PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
5/5/2012 • 0
Alchemy 03 The Laboratory of the Alchemist
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4/29/2012 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 53 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 08 Let Us Bring Living Souls
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4/21/2012 • 2 hours, 8 minutes, 8 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 07 Let the Waters Bring Forth PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
4/21/2012 • 0
Let Us Make Adam 07 Let the Waters Bring Forth
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4/14/2012 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 49 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 06 Let Yehi Be Lights
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4/7/2012 • 1 hour, 58 minutes, 19 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 06 Let Yehi Be Lights PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
4/7/2012 • 0
Alchemy 02 Transmutation
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3/31/2012 • 1 hour, 43 minutes, 35 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 05 Let the Dry Land Appear
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3/24/2012 • 3 hours, 21 minutes, 54 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 05 Let the Dry Land Appear PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
3/24/2012 • 0
Alchemy 01 The Elements in Spiritual Growth
Every religion describes basic elements (air, fire, water, earth) as the basis of all manifested things, but few people realize that these are not literal, physical elements, but allegories of psychological and spiritual forces within us. Genuine spiritual awakening is based on harnessing and directing these forces within ourselves, and developing the Fifth Element, the "quintessence," (the kundalini) whose true nature was always kept secret, until now. "From Atman did space come into being; from space, air; from air, fire; from fire, the waters, from the waters, the earth; from the earth, plants; from plants, food; and from food, man..." - Taittirīya Upaniṣad “The Magi in their wisdom asserted that all creatures might be brought to one unified substance, which substance they affirm may, by purifications and purgations, attain to so high a degree of subtlety, such divine nature and occult property, as to work wonderful results. For they considered that by returning to the earth, and by a supreme magical separation, a certain perfect substance would come forth, which is at length, by many industrious and prolonged preparations, exalted and raised up above the range of vegetable substances into mineral, above mineral into metallic, and above perfect metallic substances into a perpetual and divine Quintessence, including in itself the essence of all celestial and terrestrial creatures.” - Paracelsus, The Aurora of the Philosophers Read the lecture transcription.
3/17/2012 • 2 hours, 7 minutes, 23 seconds
Self knowledge 04 The Perception of This Moment
A follow-up and conclusion to the lectures about Atma Bodha by Shankaracharya, this lecture gives an overview of our psychological structure, and how to transform our experience of life. Explains the consciousness, ego, and personality in relation with astrology and kabbalah. Gives practical examples of how to recognize the difference between unmodified, free consciousness and the consciousness that is trapped, conditioned, and which causes suffering. This lecture was recorded at the 2012 Gnostic Retreat in Australia. This is a lecture from the free online course Self-knowledge: The Importance of This Moment Course Description: The fundamental basis of all spirituality is the urge to escape from suffering, and the means to do it is always the same: awaken the consciousness, and liberate it from conditioning. This short course introduces the practical methods that result in liberation from suffering. By applying the principles explained here, anyone can begin to experience for themselves the reality of the path to genuine happiness. "Know yourself, and you will know the universe and its gods." - The Oracle at Delphi "As fire is the direct cause of cooking, so knowledge and not any other form of discipline is the direct cause of liberation, for liberation cannot be attained without knowledge." - Shankara
3/12/2012 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 38 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 04 The Soul in Kabbalah
The Bible and the Zohar symbolize the structure of the soul (consciousness) as having many important aspects, including Yehuda (יחודה Unity), Ruach, Neshamah, and Nephesh. Explains the relationship between esoteric Christianity (especially The Pistis Sophia) and Kabbalah, alongside deep meanings hidden in many Hebrew words, including min (sex) and manna. This lecture was recorded at the 2012 Gnostic Retreat in Australia. This is a lecture from the free online course Let Us Make Adam. Course Description: The Hebrew words and letters of the Bible clearly say that the Gods and Goddesses (Elohim, a plural word) create Adam in their image. This course explains the development of the soul as taught by Moses in Genesis. Learn about the hidden meanings in the books of Moses and the Zohar in relation to Kabbalah, Hinduism, the Greek pantheon, and much more. "And Elohim said, Let us make Adam in our image, after our likeness..." - Genesis 1
3/12/2012 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 59 seconds
Self-knowledge 03 The Illusion of This Moment
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
2/25/2012 • 1 hour, 50 minutes, 41 seconds
Self knowledge 03 The Illusion of This Moment PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/25/2012 • 0
Let Us Make Adam 03 Let There Be a Firmament
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
2/19/2012 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 27 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 03 Let There Be a Firmament PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/19/2012 • 0
Let Us Make Adam 07 Let the Waters Bring Forth PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/14/2012 • 0
Self-knowledge 02 The Knowledge of This Moment
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
2/11/2012 • 2 hours, 11 minutes, 58 seconds
Self knowledge 02 The Knowledge of This Moment PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/11/2012 • 0
Let Us Make Adam 02 Let There Be Light
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
2/4/2012 • 1 hour, 51 minutes, 58 seconds
Let Us Make Adam 02 Let There Be Light PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
2/4/2012 • 0
Let Us Make Adam 01 Let Us Make Adam
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
1/14/2012 • 1 hour, 49 minutes
Let Us Make Adam 01 Let Us Make Adam PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
1/14/2012 • 0
Self knowledge 01 The Importance of This Moment
As difficult or uncertain as life may be, there is a way to transform life—and death—into a source of benefit. By learning to be present, here and now, we can learn how to transform our perception and experience of each moment. Change is possible through the activation of attention, conscious will, self-observation, and self-remembering. By learning about our intellect, heart, and body, their distinction from perception, we gain the power to transform ourselves and our future. Discusses spiritual psychology, meditation, transformation of energy, use of attention, time, relativity, and prophecies for our future. "...Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows. [...] Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come." - Matthew 24 This is a lecture from the free online course Self-knowledge: The Importance of This Moment Course Description: The fundamental basis of all spirituality is the urge to escape from suffering, and the means to do it is always the same: awaken the consciousness, and liberate it from conditioning. This short course introduces the practical methods that result in liberation from suffering. By applying the principles explained here, anyone can begin to experience for themselves the reality of the path to genuine happiness. "Know yourself, and you will know the universe and its gods." - The Oracle at Delphi "As fire is the direct cause of cooking, so knowledge and not any other form of discipline is the direct cause of liberation, for liberation cannot be attained without knowledge." - Shankara
1/7/2012 • 1 hour, 59 minutes, 25 seconds
The Gnostic Moses 07 Moses, the Exodus, and the Staff of Aaron PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/11/2011 • 0
The Gnostic Moses 09 Moses in the Wilderness
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
12/10/2011 • 2 hours, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
The Gnostic Moses 08 Moses, Israel, Satan, and Job
The stories of the Exodus of the Israelites and the ordeals Job suffers in the hands of Satan are deeply related, and symbolize processes of initiation on the path to develop the soul completely. This lecture describes how initiation relates to Kabbalah, and explains Exodus, sexuality, the Tree of Life, and the three types of Adept—Adeptus Minor, Adeptus Major, and Adeptus Exemptus. This is a lecture from the free online course Gnostic Moses: The Herald of Christ Course Description: One of the most important figures in religion is משה Moshe (Moses), yet his true identity and importance has been hidden for centuries behind the veil of Kabbalah. This course removes the veil so that anyone who wants to see the truth can do it. To follow Christ, the energy of life, is to incarnate that force within. The way to do this is hidden in the Bible and the Hebrew letters. This course explains the symbol of Moses in relation with our spiritual development and the spinal column, and discusses the Zohar, Genesis, the teachings of Gurdjieff, and much more.
12/3/2011 • 2 hours, 2 minutes, 16 seconds
The Gnostic Moses 08 Moses, Israel, Satan and Job PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
12/3/2011 • 0
Teachings of the Hindu Gods 05 Hanuman, The Perfect Hero
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
11/19/2011 • 2 hours, 6 minutes, 10 seconds
Teachings of the Hindu Gods 05 Hanuman, The Perfect Hero PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/19/2011 • 0
The Gnostic Moses 07 Moses, the Exodus, and the Staff of Aaron
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
11/12/2011 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 3 seconds
Teachings of the Hindu Gods 04 Ramachandra, The Perfect Man
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
11/5/2011 • 1 hour, 57 minutes, 11 seconds
Teachings of the Hindu Gods 04 Ramachandra, The Perfect Man PDF
PDF to accompany the audio lecture.
11/5/2011 • 0
The Gnostic Moses 06 Moses the Envoy of the Hallow of Hallows
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
10/29/2011 • 2 hours, 19 minutes, 20 seconds
Teachings of the Hindu Gods 03 Ganesha, Lord of Beginnings
This document accompanies the audio lecture.
10/22/2011 • 1 hour, 30 minutes, 59 seconds
Teachings of the Hindu Gods 03 Ganesha, Lord of Beginnings PDF