To support this ministry financially, visit: Focal Point is the Bible teaching ministry of author and pastor Mike Fabarez. Focal Point delivers relevant and accurate Bible exposition on its daily radio broadcast and is dedicated to clearly explaining the truth of Gods Word.
Examine Yourself
2 Corinthians 13:5 says, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith.” But, why? What does “examine yourselves” even mean? Pastor Mike Fabarez describes what a thriving relationship with God looks like and the importance of checking for fruit.
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9/13/2024 • 25 minutes
How Should Christians View Gender Roles in the Church?
In a culture pushing for "equality" at all costs, how should Christians view gender roles in the church? Pastor Mike Fabarez examines God's design for leadership and teaching roles. Discover how to joyfully affirm biblical distinctions while valuing the vital contributions of both men and women, as we press further into our study called Wisdom’s Toolbox.
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9/12/2024 • 25 minutes
What Does God's Word Say About Gender Roles?
From boardrooms to church leadership, gender roles are a hot topic. But what does God's word really say? Pastor Mike Fabarez cuts through the noise surrounding “complementarianism.” We'll separate biblical truth from cultural assumptions and discover the freedom found in embracing your unique, God-given calling.
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9/11/2024 • 25 minutes
What Does Scripture Say About Gender Roles in the Church?
What does scripture really say about gender roles in the church? Pastor Mike Fabarez dives into the often-misunderstood concept of “complementarianism.” We'll examine how God's design for men and women in ministry reflects His image, while debunking some common myths about biblical gender distinctions.
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9/10/2024 • 25 minutes
Is God Saying "Yes," "No," or "Go"?
Is God saying "yes," "no," or "go" to your plans? Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us navigate the challenging waters of discerning God's will. We'll discover how to recognize God's "no" even when circumstances seem favorable, and how to confidently move forward when He says "go!" Learn practical wisdom for making godly decisions in a complex world.
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9/9/2024 • 25 minutes
Wars vs Pacifism
Is it right for peace-loving Christians to wage war? Can we, in good conscience, support and serve in the military? Pastor Mike handles this contentious subject with far-reaching implications on this episode of Ask Pastor Mike.
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9/6/2024 • 25 minutes
How Can We Know God's Will for Our Lives?
Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles the tough question: How can we know God's will for our lives? We'll examine what it means to be "transformed by the renewal of your mind" and why comfort isn't always a sign of God's leading. Discover how to make decisions that honor God, even when the path is difficult!
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9/5/2024 • 25 minutes
Are You in the Center of God's Will?
Ever wonder if you're really in the center of God's will? Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles this common concern, offering practical insights for discerning God's guidance without dramatic visions. He'll discuss how to acknowledge God in all our ways, from major decisions to everyday choices, while applying biblical wisdom to life's crossroads.
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9/4/2024 • 25 minutes
Are You Reaching Your Full Potential in God's Eyes?
Are you living up to your full potential, in God’s eyes? Pastor Mike Fabarez unpacks Paul's strategy for truly effective ministry. We'll examine how investing in biblical knowledge and cultural understanding can make us more useful to God. Learn to identify and let go of the trivial, so you can focus on the eternal!
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9/3/2024 • 25 minutes
What Makes a True Leader in God's Kingdom?
What makes someone stand out as a leader in God's eyes? Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals the qualities that caught Paul's attention in young Timothy. We'll discuss how to build a godly reputation, even when it's unpopular, and we'll see how today's choices prepare us for tomorrow's ministry. Learn to live strategically for God's kingdom!
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9/2/2024 • 25 minutes
What About Traditions?
Everyone loves the comfort of familiar things—and being comfortable in general. But when does “staying in our comfort zone” keep us from growing, or impede our progress? Pastor Mike Fabarez fields a question about “church traditions” and dissects the problem of being outwardly compliant but inwardly defiant!
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8/30/2024 • 25 minutes
Does Your Faith Demand Sacrifice?
Is your faith costing you anything? Well according to scripture, it should! Pastor Mike Fabarez examines the sacrificial choices of a young believer named Timothy. We’re turning to Acts chapter 16 to uncover the connection between personal holiness and Kingdom impact, as we discuss how to make strategic sacrifices that matter for eternity.
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8/29/2024 • 25 minutes
Is Unity Always the Right Choice?
"Why can't we all just get along?" Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles this age-old question through the lens of a New Testament dispute. We'll consider when unity at all costs might not be God's plan, and learn how to discern between harmful and necessary conflicts. It’s a challenging yet unifying message on Christian disagreement.
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8/28/2024 • 25 minutes
What Happens When Godly People Disagree?
"Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another." But what happens when godly people disagree? Pastor Mike Fabarez unpacks some useful lessons from a rather confusing conflict found in Acts 15. Discover the difference between sinful division and principled disagreement, and learn how to approach conflict with wisdom and grace.
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8/27/2024 • 25 minutes
Can Church Conflict Be Part of God's Plan?
Is conflict always a bad thing in the church? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges our assumptions about Christian disagreements. We'll examine a surprising split between Paul and Barnabas, and get a better understanding of when conflict might actually be part of God's plan.
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8/26/2024 • 25 minutes
What Does God Say About Work?
Whether it’s the pressing deadlines, the long hours, or a difficult boss—sometimes work can seem more like a curse than a blessing. Pastor Mike Fabarez discusses God’s view of work, retirement and rest, in this “employee’s edition” of Ask Pastor Mike.
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8/23/2024 • 25 minutes
Do Bible Disputes Harm the Church's Mission?
Do arguments about Bible teachings hurt the Church's work? Pastor Mike Fabarez digs into Acts 15, revealing how early Christians found strength in unity. We'll explore why settling theological disputes is crucial for spiritual growth, as we learn some key lessons on how to build a strong, unified Church in a divided world.
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8/22/2024 • 25 minutes
How Do We Build a United Church in a Broken World?
"A house divided against itself cannot stand." But how do we build a united church in such a fractured world? Pastor Mike Fabarez delves into Acts 15, revealing the early believers' secret to strength and unity. Learn how certainty in God's truth can transform your faith and your church.
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8/21/2024 • 25 minutes
How Can Christians Stand Firm on Biblical Truth?
In a world where everyone claims their own reality, and people argue “my truth” vs. “your truth”, how can Christians stand firm on the claims of the Bible? Pastor Mike Fabarez explores the power of biblical certainty and the dangers of relativism in this eye-opening lesson about faith in an age of skepticism.
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8/20/2024 • 25 minutes
Is Truth Created or Discovered?
Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to think critically about truth. Is truth something we create, or something we discover? We'll discuss why aligning ourselves with God's Word and godly leaders is crucial for spiritual growth, and learn how to navigate personal convictions while maintaining unity.
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8/19/2024 • 25 minutes
Are There Absolute Truths?
Maybe you’ve heard people say, “That’s your truth, this is my truth.” Or perhaps you’ve heard someone say, “I’m speaking my truth.” But is there such a thing as THE truth? Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles the question: Is anything absolutely true in a relative world?
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8/16/2024 • 25 minutes
Do Diverse Beliefs About God Matter?
These days, we’re encouraged to embrace diversity in almost every area of life—but what about in our faith? Is it a good thing to have diverse beliefs about God? Or does it even matter? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares an important message about doctrinal unity, and what it really means to be Unified by the Truth.
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8/15/2024 • 25 minutes
Do Our Beliefs About God Matter?
Does it matter if Christians believe different things about God? Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles this pressing issue. We'll examine how the early church balanced cultural differences with biblical truth, and learn why aligning our beliefs with God's Word is vital for Christian unity.
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8/14/2024 • 25 minutes
Stand Firm: Upholding Biblical Authority
Pastor Mike Fabarez dives into the heart of biblical authority. In a world of competing voices, learn why "Scripture alone" is our bedrock for truth. We'll unpack the dangers of mixing human traditions with God's Word and discover how to stand firm on the Bible's teachings.
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8/13/2024 • 25 minutes
Grace and Faith Alone: The Foundation of Salvation
Is your understanding of salvation built on solid ground? Pastor Mike Fabarez takes us back to the Jerusalem Council for a crucial lesson on the true gospel. We'll explore why "grace alone" and "faith alone" are non-negotiable pillars of our faith, and how even well-meaning religious traditions can distort this vital truth.
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8/12/2024 • 25 minutes
Are Tattoos Biblical?
From the tiniest cross on an ankle to a colorful, full-body display, tattoos are becoming increasingly prevalent, even among Christians. So, what does the Bible say about this trend? Pastor Mike Fabarez answers the question: “Should Christians get tattoos?”
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8/11/2024 • 25 minutes
Why Should We Share the Gospel?
If you’re in sales, you understand the drive to close the deal, and meet your quotas. Salespeople of every industry are under great pressure to perform. Fortunately for Christians, that’s NOT the case when it comes to telling others about God! Pastor Mike Fabarez gives us good news about the Good News in this episode of Ask Pastor Mike.
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8/9/2024 • 25 minutes
Grace vs. Works: The Crucial Distinction
There are many key issues in life that deserve our attention, but without question, the most important topic we need clarity on is the truth of the gospel. Pastor Mike Fabarez highlights the crucial distinction between grace and works. We'll see why getting the gospel right is not just a matter of taste, but of eternal consequence as we unpack the biblical truth of salvation by grace alone, through faith alone.
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8/8/2024 • 25 minutes
Are You Ready to Defend Your Faith?
Do you feel ready to defend your faith? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why sometimes loving Christ means rocking the boat. We'll unpack the difference between being quarrelsome and courageously defending truth as we sharpen our readiness for the debates that matter. Learn about Guarding the Gospel in a world of spiritual compromise.
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8/7/2024 • 25 minutes
When Should Christians Engage in Debate?
Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles the question: When should Christians engage in debate? As we dive into Acts 15, we'll explore how to contend for the faith without being quarrelsome, and how to discern between essential gospel truths and secondary issues.
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8/6/2024 • 25 minutes
Knowing When to Argue for Our Faith
For most of us, conflict is something we actively avoid. But is there a time when Christians should engage in debate? Pastor Mike Fabarez explores Acts 15 and the wisdom of knowing when to argue for our faith. Discover how to balance gentleness with conviction, and learn why some issues are worth the discomfort of disagreement.
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8/5/2024 • 25 minutes
Do We Have Guardian Angels?
God’s Word tells us there’s an invisible reality all around us. Though we can’t see those in this spiritual realm, is it possible they can see us? Pastor Mike Fabarez answers the intriguing question about God’s heavenly servants: Do you have a guardian angel?
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8/2/2024 • 25 minutes
Staying Committed to the Church
Do you ever feel like giving up on church? Many people today are tempted to just walk away, but according to scripture, that’s a major mistake! Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals why Jesus is unwaveringly committed to his bride, the church. Discover the eternal significance Christ places on the church, and how it can multiply your impact for God’s Kingdom!
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8/1/2024 • 25 minutes
What Is Jesus' Vision for His Church?
Church can mean different things to different peoplebut what does Jesus have to say? On this episode of FOCAL POINT, Pastor Mike Fabarez continues an eye-opening lesson about God’s vision for his church, and what you should you expect from your own congregation.
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7/31/2024 • 25 minutes
Does the Church Still Matter?
Is the church still relevant today? Many voices say it’s outdated, overhyped, or simply not for them. Pastor Mike Fabarez shares five biblical reasons why the church matters eternally and what we can do to better embrace the church’s vital role in God’s ultimate plan.
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7/30/2024 • 25 minutes
Are You Living with Eternity in Mind?
Pastor Mike Fabarez shares an important wake-up call about living with eternity in view. We’ll unpack the sobering reality that how we live this life directly impacts our eternal experience. The more we understand about our heavenly home, the more we’ll strive to one day hear those coveted words from our Creator, "Well done, good and faithful servant."
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7/29/2024 • 25 minutes
Is Euthanasia Wrong?
When someone can’t live without artificial life support, have you ever wondered what’s the right thing to do? Pastor Mike Fabarez addresses the controversial topic of euthanasia in a special edition of Ask Pastor Mike. Jesus came to save lives, but what happens when allowing someone to live actually prolongs their suffering? Hear what the Bible has to say on this heavy topic.
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7/26/2024 • 25 minutes
Are You Focused on Eternal Purpose?
Pastor Mike Fabarez delivers a sobering wake-up call about the brevity of life, and the urgency of investing it for God's kingdom. With so many distractions in our modern lives, it’s critical to push through all the noise, and keep our focus on what's eternally significant. Be inspired to live with unstoppable purpose, passion and perseverance for the glory of Christ!
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7/25/2024 • 25 minutes
Feeling Aimless? Discover Life's True Purpose
Ever feel like you're just going through the motions of life? Like all your efforts are fleeting and temporary? Pastor Mike Fabarez confronts that nagging sense that there must be more to it all, as he unpacks the sobering truth that we're all on a journey towards an inevitable encounter—meeting our Maker face-to-face.
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7/24/2024 • 25 minutes
A Wake-Up Call for Radical Endurance
In our broken world, it takes courage and drive to live faithfully for God. Pastor Mike Fabarez shares how the apostle Paul modeled radical endurance, even when facing persecution and being stoned nearly to death! If you're wrestling with disillusionment or feeling too weary to keep standing for truth, this could be the wake-up call you need.
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7/23/2024 • 25 minutes
Feeling Burned Out?
Feel like you can't take one more disappointment or struggle in your Christian life? Like you're burned out, and ready to give up? Pastor Mike Fabarez gets honest about those times when our faith feels fatigued, and he’ll show us how Paul learned to rely not on himself, but on God who raises the dead.
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7/22/2024 • 25 minutes
Give Up Everything?
When you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you step into a whole new identity! But does that mean you’ve gotta throw everything from your old life out the window? Pastor Mike Fabarez answers the relevant question: What does it mean to “give your all” to Christ?
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7/19/2024 • 25 minutes
Where Do You Find Strength to Endure?
When the race of life leaves you battered and wanting to quit, where do you find the strength to endure? Pastor Mike Fabarez examines the Tenacious Endurance of the apostle Paul who, even after being stoned and left for dead, managed to push forward for the gospel. Discover how to shift your reliance from yourself to Christ.
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7/18/2024 • 25 minutes
What Does the Gospel Really Promise?
Some people wonder if following Christ will guarantee them better health, wealth, or happiness. But what does the gospel of Jesus Christ actually promise us? Pastor Mike Fabarez explores the answer as he addresses the five most common misunderstandings people have about the good news of Jesus.
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7/17/2024 • 25 minutes
Ready to Clear Up Gospel Misunderstandings?
When someone is presented with the gospel of Jesus Christ, sometimes the biggest barrier they face is rooted in a simple misunderstanding. Pastor Mike Fabarez helps prepare Christians for some of the most common misunderstandings that veer people away from the truth of the gospel.
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7/16/2024 • 25 minutes
Do You Have the Spirit to Never Surrender?
Have you ever gotten fed up while trying to help someone? Perhaps they continued to make things difficult until finally you said, I’ve had enough! Pastor Mike Fabarez shows that sharing the gospel can bring frustrating situations. But as ambassadors, we can't simply walk away when met with misunderstanding. Discover the "never surrender" spirit required to faithfully represent Christ.
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7/15/2024 • 25 minutes
What Is the Millennial Kingdom?
These days, a lot of attention and a lot of talk is being generated on the subject of End Times, and what God has in store for the future. Today, we’re diving into a scriptural discussion about the Millennial Kingdom as we join Pastor Mike Fabarez for a timely edition of Ask Pastor Mike.
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7/12/2024 • 25 minutes
Standing Firm in the Face of Opposition
Our culture seems to be growing more hostile to the teachings and truth of the gospel. So, when opposition arises, will you retreat or press on undeterred? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares how Paul and Barnabas modeled an unflinching commitment to their divine assignment, demonstrating what it takes to remain resolute for the gospel.
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7/11/2024 • 25 minutes
Finding Your Calling in the Christian Life
Pastor Mike Fabarez explores the profound questions at the heart of the Christian life. Where did I come from? Where am I going? And what is my purpose here? Like Paul and Barnabas, knowing the answers allows us to embrace life's challenges with courage, conviction, and hope.
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7/10/2024 • 25 minutes
Can You Find Peace in God's Plan?
When life doesn't go according to our plans, it can feel frustrating and disappointing. But those who are in Christ can find peace in knowing that God's sovereign purposes always prevail. Pastor Mike Fabarez presents the reassuring truth that our God is the ultimate "chess master," positioning us exactly where we need to be for His glory and our good.
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7/9/2024 • 25 minutes
Are You Ready to Embrace Biblical Change?
When life's plans get disrupted, we can trust God's redirection. Pastor Mike Fabarez shows us how to "embrace biblical change" like Paul did in Acts 13—turning disappointments into opportunities to spread the gospel further. Learn how an eternal perspective can help you walk through the unexpected doors God opens.
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7/8/2024 • 25 minutes
Christians & Sports
Are you obsessed with sports? Or has your kid’s athletic schedule simply taken your family hostage? Many families are finding it hard to juggle summer sports and their weekend priorities. In this edition of Ask Pastor Mike, we’re joining Mike Fabarez for a timely conversation about balancing America’s obsession with athletics.
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7/5/2024 • 25 minutes
How Do You Find Joy in Life's Disruptions?
When life doesn't go according plan, can you still find joy? Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that God is the ultimate chess master—moving us strategically for His greater purposes, even when it feels like we’re facing closed doors. We’re gaining biblical insights on how to trust God's sovereignty and rejoice amid the "disruptions."
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7/4/2024 • 25 minutes
Moving Beyond Casual Conversations
As a witness for Christ, are you ready to move beyond casual "gospel conversations"? Pastor Mike Fabarez equips us to boldly call for a response, just like the apostle Paul. You’ll learn how to handle unique responses, continue discipling new believers, and keep your nerve amid the critics as an undeterred evangelist!
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7/3/2024 • 25 minutes
How Will You Respond to the Gospel?
The implications of the gospel of Jesus Christ are as personal as they are eternal. So when someone hears the good news, and ignorance is no longer an option, they have no choice but to respond. Pastor Mike Fabarez highlights the three unique responses people have to the gospel, and the response Christians ought to give in turn.
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7/2/2024 • 25 minutes
Are You All In for the Gospel?
Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why sharing the gospel is about seeking a response—not just having "nice conversations." We'll discover how the apostle Paul boldly urged people to choose, echoing voices like Joshua and Elijah. Get prepared to wrestle with the weighty cost of following Jesus and discover what it means to truly be "all in" for Him.
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7/1/2024 • 25 minutes
What’s the Difference Between Soul and Spirit?
The Bible says we’re created in God’s image, but what exactly does that mean? What’s the difference between your soul and your spirit? These are good questions that deserve thoughtful answers. Pastor Mike Fabarez provides them in a special edition of Ask Pastor Mike.
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6/28/2024 • 25 minutes
Prepared for Eternity – Part C
Ironically, one of our biggest fears in this life is death. But Pastor Mike Fabarez unveils the pivotal event that conquers our ultimate dread. We’ll see how Jesus Christ's victory over the grave provides forgiveness of sins and secures eternal life for all who place their trust in Him.
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6/27/2024 • 25 minutes
Prepared for Eternity – Part B
As the world gropes in darkness, there is one blazing truth that pierces through—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez unpacks how Christ's victory over the grave provides the answer to humanity's ultimate problem of sin and death. Discover how the empty tomb secures eternal life for all who place their faith in the risen Savior!
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6/26/2024 • 25 minutes
Prepared for Eternity – Part A
Every night we inevitably fall asleep––our bodies shutting down in unconscious rest. It's a strange phenomenon when you think about it. But there's an even bigger inevitability we all face—the appointment with death itself. Pastor Mike Fabarez dives into this sobering reality and how the resurrection of Jesus Christ provides the ultimate solution.
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6/25/2024 • 25 minutes
Ultimate Realities – Part C
Between our jobs, our hobbies, our goals, and our fears, it can be so easy to lose sight of what really matters in this life. Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us lift our gaze from all of these earthly priorities to recognize and refocus on Ultimate Realities.
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6/24/2024 • 25 minutes
Does God Have a Plan for Israel?
Unrest in the Middle East never ceases, and the hostility against Jews by neighboring tribes and nations continues to escalate. So, what does the future hold for God’s historic people? Our Bible teacher Pastor Mike Fabarez examines what scripture says about Israel in the last days.
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6/21/2024 • 25 minutes
Ultimate Realities – Part B
When it comes to sharing your faith, do you ever feel like you’re just going through the motions, saying what you’re meant to say but with no sense of passion or urgency? Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals how a lackluster approach to sharing the gospel can actually do more harm than good. Discover the dangers and cures for a weak witness.
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6/20/2024 • 25 minutes
Ultimate Realities – Part A
“It’s the thought that counts” may be true of many things, but when it comes to sharing the gospel, good intentions just won’t cut it. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that passive, dispassionate approaches to preaching God’s word actually undermine its power. We need to represent Christ as passionate ambassadors compelling the world to be reconciled to God!
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6/19/2024 • 25 minutes
Imperfect Previews – Part C
We live in a broken world filled with temporary victories and fleeting pleasures. But as ambassadors for Christ, we've been given the solution this fallen world desperately needs—the promise of ultimate victory and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that every earthly win is just a glimpse of the ultimate victory through Christ's reign.
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6/18/2024 • 25 minutes
Imperfect Previews – Part B
In our success-driven culture, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. But Pastor Mike Fabarez delivers a timely wake-up call, encouraging us to view life's accomplishments as nothing more than Imperfect Previews of the permanent victories found in Christ.
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6/17/2024 • 25 minutes
Church Hopping
We’re a transient society. People are constantly changing jobs, changing homes, and even changing names and identities. But is there any benefit to keeping things the same? Join Pastor Mike Fabarez for a one-on-one discussion about the perks and pitfalls of church hopping, and how to combat Christian consumerism.
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6/14/2024 • 25 minutes
Imperfect Previews – Part A
Life is filled with little victories and temporary solutions, but through it all, there’s only one triumph that really matters—and that’s being Useful to the Lord. Pastor Mike Fabarez brings our attention to the fleeting nature of worldly pursuits, helping us realize the higher calling God has for our lives.
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6/13/2024 • 25 minutes
Open Doors for the Word – Part C
While the world gropes in hopelessness and guilt, Christ-followers carry the incredible truth that sins can be fully forgiven through faith in Jesus. Pastor Mike Fabarez awakens us to the urgency of our calling to share the life-saving truth of the gospel.
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6/12/2024 • 25 minutes
Open Doors for the Word – Part B
We live in a broken world, and our souls know something is desperately wrong, with us and with society. Yet as ambassadors for Christ, we’ve been given the solution that this fallen world so desperately needs. Pastor Mike Fabarez shows how the gospel speaks directly to humanity’s desire for redemption, and how we can be better ambassadors for Jesus Christ.
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6/11/2024 • 25 minutes
Open Doors for the Word – Part A
Pastor Mike Fabarez teaches that all Christians must think like missionaries sent by God and recognize their role as ambassadors for Christ. We’re not here to live for our own temporary reasons—we’re here to represent God’s kingdom and serve His eternal agenda.
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6/10/2024 • 25 minutes
Pastors Using Foul Language
You hear it in the news, on late shows, and even in the office—foul language grabs our attention. And yet at the same time, it seems to be growing more common and less taboo in modern culture. But should it also be coming from the pulpit? On this episode of Ask Pastor Mike, Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about the use and abuse of profanity.
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6/7/2024 • 25 minutes
Divine Authority – Part C
We know from scripture that God often calls the least qualified to accomplish his greatest feats. And that’s easy to read about, but what if God is calling you to do something you don’t feel quite ready for? Will you step out in faith—or sit back with fear? Pastor Mike Fabarez emphasizes the importance of obeying Divine Authority.
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6/6/2024 • 25 minutes
Divine Authority – Part B
If you’re a follower of Jesus Christ, you’ve been set apart from the world to do great things for the glory of God. But if we really want to be utilized for his divine purposes, we have to make sure we’re aligned under his authority. Pastor Mike Fabarez continues a pivotal lesson about following Divine Authority.
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6/5/2024 • 25 minutes
Divine Authority – Part A
It’s one thing to have a parent or a counselor speak into your life, but when you receive a clear calling from God—that’s divine authority you can’t ignore. On this episode of FOCAL POINT, Pastor Mike Fabarez begins a lesson on why the voice of God must always be our top authority.
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6/4/2024 • 25 minutes
Anything, Anyplace, Anytime – Part C
None of us wants to miss out on the special calling God has for our lives. But how far are you willing to go to serve his purposes rather than your own? Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us redefine what serving God really looks like as he continues a lesson in the book of Acts.
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6/3/2024 • 25 minutes
Raising a Godly Family
Nothing strikes fear into the heart of a parent like the words “family crisis.” Pastor Mike Fabarez sets down biblical guidance for strengthening family ties. While our culture seems dead set on tearing down the traditional family, the Bible affirms the beauty and blessing of this fundamental unit!
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5/31/2024 • 25 minutes
Anything, Anyplace, Anytime – Part B
So many people are just going through the motions of life, assuming the status quo is just the way it’s meant to be. But Pastor Mike Fabarez says that God has a very specific plan for your life, and sometimes that plan requires a major course correction.
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5/30/2024 • 25 minutes
Anything, Anyplace, Anytime – Part A
No matter who you are or where you come from, God has a special calling for your life. The only question is, are you doing the work he prepared for you? Or have you been missing out on the life you were designed for? Pastor Mike Fabarez begins a brand-new series about answering God’s calling.
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5/29/2024 • 25 minutes
Earthly Power and God’s Sovereignty
Pride, power, and politics—a very common, yet dangerous combination! And whether you’re running for local office, or supporting your favorite candidate, you need to be aware of the warnings and standards God has set for earthly leadership. Pastor Mike Fabarez opens the book of Acts for a relevant lesson about Earthly Power and God’s Sovereignty.
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5/28/2024 • 25 minutes
Victories and Vindication – Part C
Sometimes when our circumstances are bleak, the victorious power of God just doesn’t seem to be on our side. So, what do we do when victory and vindication feel out of reach? Pastor Mike Fabarez gives us the answer as he concludes a relevant lesson about trusting in God’s plan and the priority of prayer.
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5/27/2024 • 25 minutes
A Christian Funeral
We’ve all lost loved ones, and we often struggle with what to say to comfort grieving families—especially if their faith is unknown. But facing death and helping others through it is a necessary part of life, and so Pastor Mike Fabarez discusses how to deal with final rites.
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5/24/2024 • 25 minutes
Victories and Vindication – Part B
From a human perspective, there’s a lot to be afraid of this in this world. From violent crime and corrupt governments, to natural disasters and disease, there really is no shortage of potential threats. But Pastor Mike Fabarez says that Christians have no reason to be anxious—and he’s unpacking the spiritual truths behind this profound claim.
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5/23/2024 • 25 minutes
Victories and Vindication – Part A
With all the corruption and injustice we see, sometimes it can feel like the bad guys have the upper hand. And the Bible reveals that the powers of this world do have some authority—but what about God’s authority? Mike Fabarez offers some refreshing insight on the Victories and Vindication of God’s good plan.
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5/22/2024 • 25 minutes
Suffering and Solidarity – Part C
The Bible makes it crystal clear that followers of Jesus Christ will be persecuted. But have you ever wondered why our faith results in such hostility and opposition from the world? Pastor Mike Fabarez details the problem we face as heavenly citizens living amongst earthly authorities.
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5/21/2024 • 25 minutes
Suffering and Solidarity – Part B
Living as a Christian in today’s society isn’t always smooth sailing. More and more, our faith seems to be putting us at odds with the world around us. Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals the spiritual reasons behind the hostility we face as believers, and the strength we share together in Christ.
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5/20/2024 • 25 minutes
Pastor Mike’s Testimony
Mike Fabarez as an author and our Bible teacher here on Focal Point. But in this special edition of Ask Pastor Mike, we’re getting up close and personal with Pastor Mike to learn about his journey of faith in his own words! Get to know your Bible teacher and how God is working in the Fabarez family.
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5/17/2024 • 25 minutes
Suffering & Solidarity – Part A
The temperature is being turned up against Christians in our culture. Can you feel it? Are you ready to handle the rough realities of living out your faith in a hostile society? Pastor Mike Fabarez sheds light on why the world hates Christ followers and how we can stand united and strong in troubling times.
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5/16/2024 • 25 minutes
Shared Struggles & Mutual Aid – Part C
Are you enjoying the assurance that comes from being a part of God's family? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains what that assurance should look like and reminds us how to take care of each other through practical and sacrificial love for one another.
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5/15/2024 • 25 minutes
Shared Struggles & Mutual Aid – Part B
It’s easy to say, “I love my church.” But it’s harder to step up and sacrificially serve our brothers and sisters in the middle of challenging times––that takes supernatural help! Pastor and Bible teacher, Mike Fabarez continues a practical message about how to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
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5/14/2024 • 25 minutes
Shared Struggles & Mutual Aid – Part A
Love is way more than warm, fuzzy feelings! But what does it truly mean to love another person? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that biblical love works to meets other people’s needs, even if it costs us our own comfort and well-being.
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5/13/2024 • 25 minutes
Book Reading
Cultural critics have warned that modern-day technology will actually reshape the way we think. The problem is our “smart” devices don’t require us to think much at all! Are we limiting our capacity for critical thinking? Pastor and Bible teacher Mike Fabarez puts our “instant soundbite” generation on alert. We’re talking about the benefits of reading books.
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5/10/2024 • 25 minutes
Distinctions, Diversity & Devotion – Part C
In the book of Acts, we read about the remarkable expansion of the church as the first Christians shared the gospel and many people joined the movement. Along with this incredible growth came conflicts that challenged the unity of the church. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages all Christians to stay unified by remaining wholeheartedly faithful to Christ.
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5/9/2024 • 25 minutes
Distinctions, Diversity & Devotion – Part B
Ever signed up for a gym membership, but after a while you stopped showing up for the workouts? If so, you probably didn’t meet your fitness goals! Pastor Mike Fabarez says that in the same way, Christians who don’t get serious about following Christ’s instructions should not expect to thrive.
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5/8/2024 • 25 minutes
Distinctions, Diversity & Devotion – Part A
Like it or not, we can’t stay inside the church behind closed doors, just hoping people will stop by and check us out. It’s our job to go and invite people to come join us! Mike Fabarez encourages Christians to invite anyone and everyone to come and hear the gospel.
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5/7/2024 • 25 minutes
Scriptural Reasons & Reasonable Explanations–Part C
We all experience relational conflicts—even in the church. What should set church conflict apart is not the lack of disagreements, but how we resolve those problems. Pastor Mike Fabarez describes how to resolve conflict biblically. It begins by being willing to listen and be persuaded by Christ-honoring reason.
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5/6/2024 • 25 minutes
Can Satan Read My Thoughts?
As Christians, we have an enemy who wants to take us down! But how far can he go, and can he really defeat us? Pastor and Bible teacher Mike Fabarez sheds light on what Satan can and cannot do. Keep him from sabotaging your life with a glimpse into the dark side on this edition of Ask Pastor Mike.
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5/3/2024 • 25 minutes
Scriptural Reasons & Reasonable Explanations – Part B
Pastor Mike Fabarez examines one of the first conflicts that challenged the unity of the early Church––the inclusion of gentiles. While that may not be the problem facing your congregation, there are plenty of practical lessons for handling other issues causing division in the body of Christ. Pastor Mike is helping us learn how to resolve conflicts biblically!
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5/2/2024 • 25 minutes
Scriptural Reasons & Reasonable Explanations – Part A
As Christians, our goal is to be unified. But is that possible all the time? Conflicts are a predictable part of life, but somehow we get caught off guard when we experience disagreements within the body of Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez begins a study in Acts and explain why we should expect disagreements.
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5/1/2024 • 25 minutes
Fearless – Part C
Would you say that you pray with confidence? Or do you hesitate to bring your concerns to God? Pastor Mike Fabarez opens up to Psalm 27 to help you get to know God better and show you why you can pray with confidence!
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4/30/2024 • 25 minutes
Fearless – Part B
When we’re afraid, it feels good to have someone by our side. So why do we tend to isolate ourselves when we face pain and disappointment? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that the Christian life was not meant to be lived alone. He’ll encourage all of us to face our fears together.
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4/29/2024 • 25 minutes
Cremation V. Burial
The loss of a loved one is always hard. And the family is often left with some difficult decisions regarding the burial. Many these days are choosing cremation. But what does the Bible say about this practice? On this edition of Ask Pastor Mike, learn what the Bible says about our bodies, the resurrection, and burial traditions.
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4/26/2024 • 25 minutes
Fearless – Part A
David had no shortage of reasons to be anxious and afraid. He was hunted and his life threatened for years. And despite the attacks, he was determined to be fearless. Pastor Mike Fabarez gives us solid, biblical reasons to have confidence in God’s care so that we can be fearless too.
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4/25/2024 • 25 minutes
Citizens of the King – Part C
When Jesus came the first time, some people had trouble accepting him as Lord because he didn’t look like the powerful ruler they expected. But all that will change when Jesus comes back! Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us understand what Christ’s second coming will look like as we anticipate his return.
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4/24/2024 • 25 minutes
Citizens of the King – Part B
Frank Sinatra famously sang, “I did it my way.” But when we read the Bible, we discover a very different picture of our human autonomy. Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals the blessings and responsibilities of being a Citizen of the King.
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4/23/2024 • 25 minutes
Citizens of the King – Part A
Pastor Mike Fabarez begins a lesson from Psalms 24, which starts with the bold declaration that “the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.” Discover why this limitless assertion should cause us to reorient our lives, in light of the reality that God is the rightful owner of everything.
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4/22/2024 • 25 minutes
Earth Day
Recycling, greenhouse gasses, polar ice caps––environmental issues are hot buttons for debate and policy. But as Christians and future citizens of heaven what’s our take on celebrations like “Earth Day?” Pastor Mike offers a biblically grounded perspective on caring for the earth.
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4/19/2024 • 25 minutes
Faith-Filled Prayers – Part B
We are told to pray at all times and for all things. But the hard parting is trusting that God is good, even when we don’t necessarily get what we want and what we’ve prayed for. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages us to confidently put our trust in God’s goodness.
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4/18/2024 • 25 minutes
Faith-Filled Prayers – Part A
Prayer seems simple at first. But there are a lot of questions surrounding how to pray. What should we say? What should we ask for? Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals how we can get in sync with God’s will and know that we are praying for the right things.
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4/17/2024 • 25 minutes
When the Lord Seems Far Off – Part B
Does it sometimes feel like God is far off and detached from what’s happening in our lives and in the world? If we had it our way, God would step in right now to stop the pain, suffering, and injustice. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages Christians to find strength through prayer while we wait for God’s justice to come.
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4/16/2024 • 25 minutes
When the Lord Seems Far Off – Part A
Ever feel like you’re caught in the middle between two sides at war? On one side are people loudly demanding, “Justice now!” And on the other side are those who choose to look the other way. How are Christians supposed to respond? Pastor Mike Fabarez gives insight into the appropriate, biblical reaction to sin and injustice.
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4/15/2024 • 25 minutes
In Search of God's Will
Every day we’re faced with a thousand different decisions, ranging from what to wear, where to live, or which careers and relationships to pursue. But how do we know what’s right? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how to determine God’s will in every decision we make.
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4/12/2024 • 25 minutes
Reflections of Majesty – Part C
No doubt you enjoy countless small blessings as you live in God’s created world every day. But have you thanked God for these things lately? Do you have to? Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages us to recognize God’s greatness and thank him for his blessings.
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4/11/2024 • 25 minutes
Reflections of Majesty – Part B
The trend in modern philosophy is to reduce human beings to their primal urges and behaviors. But the Bible clearly sets people apart from the rest of creation. So, what’s so special about human beings? Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us recognize how every person reflects of the majesty of God.
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4/10/2024 • 25 minutes
Reflections of Majesty – Part A
When was the last time you paused to look at the flowers or listen to the birds singing? If you don’t stop once in a while, you’ll miss out on important reminders about the majesty of God! Pastor Mike Fabarez points out God’s greatness and glory everywhere.
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4/9/2024 • 25 minutes
When in Doubt – Part C
King David was called “a man after God’s own heart.” And yet despite God’s favor, his life was anything but trouble free. Time after time, David was attacked and pursued by enemies, including his own son! Pastor Mike Fabarez instructs us how to respond when the world rises up against us.
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4/8/2024 • 25 minutes
Are Tattoos Biblical?
From the tiniest cross on an ankle to a colorful, full-body display, tattoos are becoming increasingly prevalent, even among Christians. So, what does the Bible say about this trend? Pastor Mike Fabarez answers the question: “Should Christians get tattoos?”
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4/5/2024 • 25 minutes
When in Doubt – Part B
It’s impossible for people to look at our circumstances and tell whether or not we’re Christians. Christians have good days and bad days just like everyone else. But there should be something different about the way we respond! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds Christians to keep their heads lifted and their eyes on God’s faithfulness, even when everything seems to be falling apart.
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4/4/2024 • 25 minutes
When in Doubt – Part A
Christians aren’t exempt from the painful trials of this life. But we do have something that transcends the negative circumstances, something the world does not have. Pastor Mike Fabarez launches a month-long study series in the Psalms, exploring the timeless truths and encouragement found in these ancient songs.
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4/3/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: The Life Changing Message – Part C
Pastor Mike Fabarez returns to the amazing conversion story of a Roman centurion named Cornelius found in Acts 10. He’ll reveal how the gospel message radically changed this man and his entire household. And it should change your life, too!
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4/2/2024 • 25 minutes
The Kind of Love We Need – Part B
Easter may be in the rear-view mirror, but that doesn’t mean we need to simply return to our daily routine and push past the significance of Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds all of us about the incredible benefits of the resurrection that we can enjoy all year long.
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4/1/2024 • 25 minutes
The Stain of Sin
Even after you wash your clothes, they never really look as good as new. But when Jesus removes The Stain of Sin from your life, you can confidently stand before God, clothed in the righteousness of Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez shows us how we can be fully cleansed.
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3/29/2024 • 25 minutes
The Kind of Love We Need - Part A
At Easter, we often think about God’s redemptive love as a simple transaction––Jesus gave his life to save ours. But does this adequately communicate the reality of what God accomplished on Resurrection Sunday? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares a more complete view of redemption.
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3/28/2024 • 25 minutes
Palm Sunday Message – Part C
Most people today are unchurched. They may grace a pew at church once or twice a year at Christmas or Easter. But that’s it! With that in mind, Pastor Mike Fabarez instructs Christians about how to invite their unbelieving neighbors, co-workers, and friends to come and hear the truth about the resurrection.
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3/27/2024 • 25 minutes
Palm Sunday Message – Part B
Pastor Mike Fabarez takes a deep dive into Matthew 12:38-42 to find out how Jesus responded when the scribes and Pharisees stopped him to ask for a “sign.” You’ll hear the proof of Christ’s Lordship and consider why some people refuse to believe.
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3/26/2024 • 25 minutes
Palm Sunday Message – Part A
Can you imagine what it would have been like to witness the great events in the Bible, like the miracles of Jesus? Witnessing these supernatural feats would both amaze us and affirm our faith! However, Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us of the great wealth of evidence we already have as Christians living in the 21st century.
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3/25/2024 • 25 minutes
Conscience and the Holy Spirit
You know that “little voice” that warns you when you’ve made a mistake or convinces you to make good choices? Well, is that the Holy Spirit talking—or your own conscience? Pastor Mike Fabarez shows us how to determine the source, so we can respond appropriately.
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3/22/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: The Life Changing Message – Part B
We don’t naturally know how to make a hook shot or solve a math problem. Training is essential in fitness, academics and in our faith! Pastor Mike Fabarez prepares Christians to answer questions about the gospel and skillfully share their faith!
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3/21/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: The Life Changing Message – Part A
When it comes to evangelism, we often feel intense pressure to make the perfect pitch to persuade people to get right with God. Pastor Mike Fabarez clearly explains the crux of this Life Changing Message and what we need to tell others about their relationship with God.
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3/20/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Friends & Family – Part C
Too often, we try to live out our faith all by ourselves, without help from anyone. But it doesn’t have to be that way! In fact, Pastor Mike Fabarez says Christians should not live in isolation, but instead work together to share the gospel as Team Jesus!
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3/19/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Friends & Family – Part B
What would your neighbors and coworkers say about you? Do you have a reputation for caring for others and doing good works outside of your immediate circle? Pastor Mike Fabarez addresses some of the common concerns that keep many Christians from interacting with others and explains why a good reputation matters.
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3/18/2024 • 25 minutes
St. Patrick’s Day
On March 17th, many people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. For most people, that means wearing green and joking about leprechauns! But what is St. Patty’s Day all about? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares the real-life story of the man we all know as St. Patrick. You’ll be inspired by his true legacy of bold evangelism!
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3/15/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Friends & Family – Part A
With personal entertainment devices plugged in our ears, virtual meetings replacing face-to-face meetings, and church services being livestreamed online, it’s no surprise that more and more people are feeling disconnected. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why cultivating close relationships is an important part of a successful Christian life.
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3/14/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Reluctant Evangelists – Part C
In Acts, God told the Apostle Peter in a vision that he could eat all the foods that had been previously forbidden under Jewish law. And God instructed Peter to share the gospel with a Gentile named Cornelius. Why so specific? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains what Peter’s strange vision means for us today.
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3/13/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Reluctant Evangelists – Part B
God is sovereign and he’s going to carry out his perfect plan, no matter what. So why does it matter whether or not we share the gospel? Pastor Mike Fabarez knocks down all our excuses and explains why evangelism is the job of every believer.
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3/12/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Reluctant Evangelists – Part A
Perhaps you’ve found yourself in an awkward conversation with someone that needs to hear about Jesus, but you weren’t exactly sure how to get the conversation going. Pastor Mike Fabarez shares how we can push past the theological and social roadblocks that make some of us reluctant to share our faith.
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3/11/2024 • 25 minutes
The Lord’s Supper
Communion is observed in various ways by Christians all around the world. But what exactly is the Lord’s Supper, according to Scripture? Pastor Mike Fabarez walks through the significance of communion and compares the various church traditions surrounding this sacred ordinance.
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3/8/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Drawn to Seek God – Part C
The parable of the lost sheep, the prodigal son, and your own pre-Christian testimony all have one thing in common. God was supernaturally drawing people to himself! Pastor Mike Fabarez sharpens our understanding of how we really come to faith in Christ, as he presents a message from Acts 10.
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3/7/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Drawn to Seek God – Part B
Pastor Mike Fabarez continues the series Amazing Conversions with the story of Cornelius, who some consider to be the first gentile to come to faith in Christ. How did this Roman centurion––a gentile living in a pagan culture––have any interest in the one, true God?
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3/6/2024 • 25 minutes
Cornelius: Drawn to Seek God – Part A
We like to think we ’re in control. But when we step back for a moment and consider the big picture, we quickly realize that we’re at the mercy of some greater force that we cannot control. Pastor Mike Fabarez looks at the powerful forces that draw people to faith in Christ.
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3/5/2024 • 25 minutes
City of Joppa: Prepared by a Godly Example – Part C
If you’re a Christian, you’ve been saved by grace, and there’s nothing you did to earn that. So does it matter what you do after you’re saved? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why God’s grace should compel us to live a “good” life––a life worthy of the gospel.
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3/4/2024 • 25 minutes
What is Biblical Love?
What is biblical love? The word “love” is used to express many different sentiments. Some say they “love” football. Others say they “love” lasagna. Some even croon love songs to their dog or cat! Pastor Mike Fabarez re-examines the biblical standard for true love.
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3/1/2024 • 25 minutes
City of Joppa: Prepared by a Godly Example – Part B
If Christians are filled up with the Holy Spirit, then we should be the most generous people around. But are we? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to be more generous and to look for opportunities to bless others, even when it costs us. We’re examining the example of Tabitha in the book of Acts.
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2/29/2024 • 25 minutes
City of Joppa: Prepared by a Godly Example – Part A
There are a lot of stereotypes about Christians these days, both good and bad. But what would people say about you? Pastor Mike Fabarez opens the Bible and looks at a woman who was a wonderful example of Christian generosity and her impact on others. Discover the story of an early Christian influencer named Tabitha.
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2/28/2024 • 25 minutes
City of Lydda: Amazed by God’s Power
Many Christians are praying for godly change in our country and in our local communities. But no matter what happens in an election or in global politics, only God can change the direction of our nation, one heart at a time. Pastor Mike Fabarez teaches from Acts chapter nine about the incredible transformation at the City of Lydda.
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2/27/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: A New Family – Part C
A strong marker of a healthy family is how well they care for each other. Pastor Mike Fabarez shares practical ways the church family can support its members who are standing up for Christ in our hostile culture as we continue an in depth look at the start of the Apostle Paul’s ministry.
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2/26/2024 • 25 minutes
Contentment in Tough Times
In our materialistic world, contentment can be an elusive goal. Sadly, many people will never find it. But it doesn’t have to be that way! It’s possible to be content, no matter what cards you’ve been dealt. Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals the biblical secret to finding joy.
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2/23/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: A New Family – Part B
What if your church was filled with people who welcomed newcomers, overlooked minor offenses, and blessed one another? Would you want to be a part of a church like that? Pastor Mike Fabarez offers the example of Barnabas to show us how we can be a better, more Christ-like church.
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2/22/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: A New Family – Part A
Christians strive each day to be more like Christ, but nobody’s perfect. And as a result, churches are filled with imperfect people! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds you to expect imperfection, and encourages you to step up and fix misunderstandings wherever you can.
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2/21/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: New Challenges – Part C
Following Christ offers invaluable rewards. But if your goal is to be popular, then Christianity may not be for you! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why embracing Christ is incompatible with gaining the approval of men in a challenging lesson about the angry backlash Saul faced from his former friends after his conversion.
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2/20/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: New Challenges – Part B
There was a time when Christian values were mainstream, but those days are quickly waning. The reality of following Christ today means embracing the conflict that comes with maintaining a biblical worldview. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that when you align yourself with the truth, you will inevitably bump up against everything else.
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2/19/2024 • 25 minutes
Salvation A Gift?
The gift of salvation is free! So why do people make it sound so hard? Even Jesus said following him would require some sacrifice. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the simple difference between justification and sanctification.
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2/16/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: New Challenges – Part A
When you became a Christian, you willingly accepted a relationship with Christ and it makes sense that in order to develop your relationship with the Lord, you need to spend time with him. But how do you feel about his church? Pastor Mike Fabarez explores the blessings and conflicts that come with your connection to the church.
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2/15/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: A New Purpose – Part C
The conversion story of Saul offers us some clear and helpful lessons about how to understand the will of God. But the final hurdle may be the hardest step. Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals why it takes courage to follow God’s will and he urges you to let nothing stop you from obeying God.
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2/14/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: A New Purpose – Part B
The Bible includes remarkable stories of people who experienced God in unique ways. While receiving a dream, seeing a vision or a hearing God speak seem like compelling ways to discover God’s will, how can we know God’s direction for our lives if we don’t have one of these miraculous experiences? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares some helpful insights and practical ways to discover God’s will!
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2/13/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: A New Purpose – Part A
Are you willing to do anything for God? While we’d all like to think we’d answer with an enthusiastic “yes,” in reality most of us would prefer to pick and choose what we do for God. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why we need to be willing to do what he says, even before we know what it is.
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2/12/2024 • 25 minutes
Should Christians Observe Lent?
Many church traditions observe a season of fasting and penance leading up to Easter. But where did this practice come from? Is it something all Christians should do? Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about the facts surrounding the Lenten season.
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2/9/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: Fighting God – Part C
In church, we often sing about the “amazing grace that saved a wretch like me.” But do we fully understand the hopelessness of our situation without Christ? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges you to recall the moment when you finally reached the proverbial “end of your rope” and reached up towards your savior. It’s a lesson about true, biblical conversion.
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2/8/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: Fighting God – Part B
Most of us think we’re pretty “good” people, but the uncomfortable truth is that even unconverted hearts can obey the commands of Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the crucial difference between our external conformity to the rules of Christianity and our internal conversion to Christ.
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2/7/2024 • 25 minutes
Saul: Fighting God – Part A
Before Saul became the beloved Apostle Paul, he was a raging persecutor of Christians, hunting men and women from city to city as they attempted to flee—up until the moment he met Jesus. Pastor Mike Fabarez takes a closer look at the conversion of Saul to help us see our own pre-Christian rebellion.
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2/6/2024 • 25 minutes
Courage to be Identified with Christ – Part C
Before ascending into heaven, Jesus left Christians with a substantial task in the form of the Great Commission. So what must we do to advance the gospel? Pastor Mike Fabarez describes how Christians can effectively share the gospel and lead others to Christ.
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2/5/2024 • 25 minutes
Authority of the Believer vs. Trusting God
When it comes to prayer, some Christians say we should always take a position of authority, declaring things in the name of Christ! So, is that a biblical standpoint? On this edition of Ask Pastor Mike, Pastor Mike Fabarez presents a balanced and biblical view of our role in prayer.
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2/2/2024 • 25 minutes
Courage to be Identified with Christ – Part B
When the Ethiopian official asked Philp to explain what he was reading from the prophet Isaiah, he immediately responded by being baptized. He was convinced that Scripture is reliable! In this episode, Pastor Mike Fabarez provides an important clarification about the reliability of Scripture and why you can confidently and courageously identify with Christ!
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2/1/2024 • 25 minutes
Courage to be Identified with Christ – Part A
You’ve probably noticed that the cost of following Christ is going up. As the culture turns against the Bible and those who adhere to a biblical worldview, it’s going to take more and more courage to be identified with Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez urges us to stand up and be identified with Christ!
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1/31/2024 • 25 minutes
Knowing How the Scriptures Use Us – Part C
Benjamin Franklin mused that “time lost is never found again.” So how are you using your time? Are you investing in intentional and thoughtful Bible study or are you squandering your time on short-lived, personal entertainment? Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages you to take the time to read doctrinally-sound Christian books to boost your Bible knowledge!
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1/30/2024 • 25 minutes
Knowing How the Scriptures Use Us – Part B
How well do you know the Bible? Just enough to get by, or are you plumbing the depths of Scriptures? Pastor Mike Fabarez highlights the excellent example of Philip, who was not a preacher but was still called on to answers questions about Scripture.
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1/29/2024 • 25 minutes
After years of praying and anticipating a family, many couples struggle through the heartache of an empty home. So what encouragement does the Bible offer for those without children? Pastor Mike Fabarez conducts a sensitive conversation about the topic of infertility on a special edition of Ask Pastor Mike.
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1/26/2024 • 25 minutes
Knowing How the Scriptures Use Us – Part A
While more people identify as atheist or agnostic, many still struggle with questions about their purpose and existence. Do your friends and coworkers know you’re available to answer their questions about God? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how you can engage people in conversations about Christ and why you need to see yourself as a “Bible Guide.”
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1/25/2024 • 25 minutes
Showing Up for Divine Appointments – Part C
God has given us unique opportunities to share the gospel, but we miss these divine appointments when we are unwilling to engage people in conversations about Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to stop making excuses and start sharing the gospel.
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1/24/2024 • 25 minutes
Showing Up for Divine Appointments – Part B
If you prefer to have your day all mapped out, then God’s divine appointments may feel like interruptions or even inconvenient detours. But God may be intentionally sending you in a direction that wasn’t on your schedule. Are you willing to go along? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to expect to be redirected!
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1/23/2024 • 25 minutes
Showing Up for Divine Appointments – Part A
Benjamin Franklin wisely remarked: “If you fail to plan, you’re planning to fail.” Without clear goals, not much gets done! Pastor Mike Fabarez examines the account of Philip’s divine encounter with an Ethiopian eunuch and reveals God’s plan for us.
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1/22/2024 • 25 minutes
Resolving Conflict in Marriage
When “two become one,” it can be a challenging process of merging personal desires, especially when there’s a split opinion! When you want one thing, but your spouse wants another, how do you come up with a peaceful solution? Hear practical tips from Pastor Mike and Carlynn Fabarez about Resolving Conflict in Marriage.
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1/19/2024 • 25 minutes
The Challenges of Discipleship – Part C
Confrontation isn’t comfortable and sometimes it doesn’t feel like the “Christian” thing to do. But in Acts 8:20, Peter confronts Simon the Magician for his “wickedness,” and he doesn’t shy away from calling Simon to repent! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how we can deal confidently and effectivity with sin to bring about real repentance.
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1/18/2024 • 25 minutes
The Challenges of Discipleship – Part B
There’s a campaign slogan in crime prevention that goes like this: “See something, say something.” It means, you shouldn’t sit quietly by while red flags are flying and hope for the best. But too often Christians see the signs of sin and simply look the other way. Pastor Mike Fabarez says our response to sin should be a clear rebuke!
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1/17/2024 • 25 minutes
The Challenges of Discipleship – Part A
Remember driver’s training when the instructor taught you “defensive driving?” The idea was that you should expect other cars to cut you off, stop short, and that there would be bumps along the way! Your job was to anticipate these challenges and get safely to your destination. Your instructor, Pastor Mike Fabarez, urges you to fully expect ongoing temptations on the road of life!
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1/16/2024 • 25 minutes
Calling People to Repentance – Part C
Don’t ya love those store samples where you get to try a small taste of some goodie? Perhaps you’ve known people who treated Christianity like a sample––they tried, but decided they didn’t want to buy the whole thing. Monday on Focal Point, Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that there’s no half-way commitment to Christ!
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1/15/2024 • 25 minutes
Tools for a Godly Marriage
Guilt trips, manipulation, and pouting. Have any of these ugly habits reared up in your marriage? Pastor Mike Fabarez is joined by his wife, Carlynn, on Ask Pastor Mike for a “marital tune-up.” They’ll offer daily practices that can make for a better marriage.
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1/12/2024 • 25 minutes
Calling People to Repentance – Part B
The gospel of God is good! But it isn’t easy. Too many people have quickly accepted Christ as their loving, forgiving savior but abandoned their faith as soon as they found out that Christianity means doing thing God’s way! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why it’s essential to share a gospel that includes obedience.
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1/11/2024 • 25 minutes
Calling People to Repentance – Part A
There’s a strange and mysterious character in the Bible sometimes called “Simon the Magician.” He was a celebrity in his day who publicly declared faith in Christ. But Simon was missing an important element of faith––humility. Pastor Mike Fabarez explores this story and why we need to call people to humble themselves and repent!
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1/10/2024 • 25 minutes
Grateful for Secondary Benefits – Part C
Throughout history, Christians have generously blessed their communities with shelters, wells, hospitals, and so much more. While these are wonderful blessings, we need to remain focused on the greatest gift of all––salvation! Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages you to do good to others, so that you can share the best thing––Jesus Christ!
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1/9/2024 • 25 minutes
Grateful for Secondary Benefits – Part B
In Acts, we read that after persecution broke out against Christians, Philip went into Samaria to spread the good news of Jesus, and performed many miracles that God used to authenticate his message. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that Christians today should also go out and do good things for others in order to advance the gospel.
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1/8/2024 • 25 minutes
What is Biblical Marriage?
We’re often told to put Christ at the center of our marriage, but what exactly does that mean and how does it look from day-to-day? Pastor Mike Fabarez invites his wife Carlynn to join him and talk on the important topic of building a biblical marriage.
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1/5/2024 • 25 minutes
Grateful for Secondary Benefits – Part A
Ever heard the quip, “Some Christians are so heavenly-minded that they’re no Earthly good?” Well the opposite is also true. If we only “do good” and fail to share the gospel then we’ve missed the main point! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that earthly blessings are temporary and should be used to point people to Jesus Christ.
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1/4/2024 • 25 minutes
Motivated by the Martyrs – Part C
There’s increasing pressure on Christians to hide our faith. Those who speak up for Christ face hostility and many entities—including schools, workplaces, and even the government—are signaling to Christians to stay quiet. Pastor Mike Fabarez says we must stop hiding our Christianity and start telling the truth about Christ.
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1/3/2024 • 25 minutes
Motivated by the Martyrs – Part B
As our society gets more technologically advanced, in other ways it seems we’re going backwards––specifically, we’re becoming more and more hostile to the message of Jesus Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages you to remember the Christians who suffered and died for the cause of Christ. Find out why they matter today!
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1/2/2024 • 25 minutes
Motivated by the Martyrs – Part A
Monday on Focal Point Pastor Mike Fabarez looks at the early church to reveal what moved the first Christians to spread the gospel. He’ll explain why it’s the same thing that will motivate us as we face an increasingly anti-Christian culture.
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1/1/2024 • 25 minutes
Can We Trust the Bible?
From the “Gospel of Thomas” to books like The Da Vinci Code—it seems like the Scriptures are under attack! But there are solid answers to the questions about the Bible’s reliability. Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles these questions head-on and clarifies the confusion over alleged contradictions and misinterpretations.
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12/29/2023 • 25 minutes
Keep Going
If you’re a faithful ambassador for Christ, you will face opposition––just like Paul and so many other men and women who have passed on their faith from one generation to the next. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages you to keep pushing past your fears and complete the ministry God has given to you!
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12/28/2023 • 25 minutes
Go the Extra Mile – Part B
Shepherds were historically seen as low-class. So it’s a little surprising that a group of lowly shepherds received the angelic announcement of the birth of Christ––not government leaders, royalty, or celebrities of that time! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that God is looking for obedient people who will respond to him “in haste,” just like those shepherds.
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12/27/2023 • 25 minutes
Go the Extra Mile – Part A
The Wise Men packed up their belongings and travelled for months in search of the King. The shepherds left their flocks to see the baby in the manger. So how about you? Are you seeking after God? Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages you to start seeking hard after God!
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12/26/2023 • 25 minutes
A Christmas Feast!
God has built into our calendars regular times of feasting to remember his provision! And whether you’re sampling cookies or pumpkin pie, Christmas is a wonderful time to fill up on the goodness of God! Pastor Mike Fabarez focuses on the main dish of a Christmas feast––the Bread of Life.
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12/25/2023 • 25 minutes
Peace on Earth
Jesus came as the Prince of Peace. Yet, as we look around, it seems like chaos and conflict are still running rampant in the world. Why is that? Pastor Mike Fabarez answers a listener’s poignant question: Where’s the peace God promised?
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12/22/2023 • 25 minutes
Mega Christmas Message – Part C
You probably don’t have an “ascension” ornament on your Christmas tree. But when you think about it, if your Christmas celebration stops at the birth of Jesus, you’re missing out on the main point of God’s story. Pastor Mike Fabarez refocuses our attention on what Jesus accomplished and why we still celebrate Christmas today!
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12/21/2023 • 25 minutes
Mega Christmas Message – Part B
When angels appeared outside of Bethlehem, they made a bold announcement––the “Savior” was born! But those shepherds who eagerly rushed to see baby Jesus could not possibly conceive of the awesome reality of Christ’s life and ministry. Pastor Mike Fabarez presents evidence that proves that the baby in the manger was the divine Son of God!
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12/20/2023 • 25 minutes
Mega Christmas Message – Part A
The decorations, the lights, and the pageantry of Christmas are great. But if we’re not paying attention, we can miss the Mega Christmas Message! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us of the grand nature of what we’re celebrating––that God himself was manifested in the flesh!
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12/19/2023 • 25 minutes
Needful Lessons for Life’s Ups and Downs – Part C
Ever wondered why God doesn’t immediately heal all the sick? If God has the power to fix all our problems, then why doesn’t he do it? Pastor Mike explains why we need to keep praying, even when we don’t get the results we hoped for.
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12/18/2023 • 25 minutes
There are few biblical characters quite as intriguing and mysterious as the Wise Men, or Magi, in the Christmas narrative. But who were these men? Where did they come from? Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles these Christmas questions and much more.
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12/15/2023 • 25 minutes
Powerful Praying: Needful Lessons for Life’s Ups and Downs – Part B
Have you encountered someone who seems to have a direct line of communication with God? We call them “prayer warriors.” But prayer isn’t just for some Christians, it’s for all of us! So, how’s your prayer life? Would you call it “powerful?” Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges Christians to power up their prayer life!
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12/14/2023 • 25 minutes
Powerful Praying: Needful Lessons for Life’s Ups and Downs – Part A
There’s a spiritual war raging in today’s hostile culture. How are you protecting yourself and your family against the attacks? Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds Christians about the remarkable access we have to the all-powerful Creator of the Universe through prayer. It’s the greatest and most underutilized weapon in the battle against evil.
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12/13/2023 • 25 minutes
He’ll Be Back: And the Difference it Should Make – Part B
Are you ready for the return of Christ? Jesus shared several parables to help his followers understand what would happen on that day. Pastor Mike Fabarez shares four things you need know in order to be prepared for the Second Coming!
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12/12/2023 • 25 minutes
He’ll Be Back: And the Difference it Should Make – Part A
The Bible makes it clear that Jesus is coming back! But many Christians don’t often think about this reality since we don’t know when he will come. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why we need to contemplate the Second Coming and how this future event should change your life!
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12/11/2023 • 25 minutes
At Christmastime, we often hear mention of an ancient political figure named Herod the Great. But who was Herod? Is he the same “Herod” who later took part in the arrest and crucifixion of Jesus? Get answers from Pastor Mike Fabarez on this helpful and historical edition of Ask Pastor Mike.
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12/8/2023 • 25 minutes
Strategic Rest and Godly Work Ethic – Part C
Once you reach a certain age, you’ll hear people talking about and planning for retirement. And the typical idea is to live the remainder of your days relaxing, travelling, and definitely not working. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds Christians that we have a lifelong calling to work for the Kingdom of God!
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12/7/2023 • 25 minutes
Strategic Rest and Godly Work Ethic – Part B
If you work hard, most people agree you should be rewarded. But not everyone who works hard gets rich. In fact, many hard-working people live paycheck to paycheck. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that hard work is not a magic formula for success, but there are still good, biblical reasons why Christians should work diligently and humbly.
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12/6/2023 • 25 minutes
Strategic Rest and a Godly Work Ethic – Part A
Ever heard of the online trend called “quiet quitting ” or other life hacks for working less and getting paid more? While these fads are popular on social media, they’re antithetical to a biblical worldview. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages Christians to work hard because you’re really working for God!
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12/5/2023 • 25 minutes
Managing Your Emotions & Taming Your Tongue – Part C
The Bible says, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Pastor Mike Fabarez offers practical strategies to fill up our hearts and minds with the kind of thoughts that cause us to speak wise words.
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12/4/2023 • 25 minutes
Pharisees & Sadducees
As you read the Gospels, you’re bound to encounter the Pharisees and the Sadducees. But who were they and why were they so opposed to Jesus? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains what they believed and how the Pharisees and the Sadducees are surprisingly similar to people we still meet today.
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12/1/2023 • 25 minutes
Managing Your Emotions & Taming Your Tongue – Part B
There are dozens of Bible verses that warn us about the danger of an untamed tongue. The Bible calls it, “a restless evil, full of deadly poison” and compares our unwise words to a fire that sets a whole forest ablaze! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the connection between our emotions and the words that spill out of our mouths.
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11/30/2023 • 25 minutes
Managing Your Emotions & Taming Your Tongue – Part A
Have you ever encountered someone who talks too much? Most of their words may be idle chatter, but with many words comes a serious risk of causing harm. Pastor Mike Fabarez shows us how to avoid wounding others with our words.
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11/29/2023 • 25 minutes
Getting Serious About the Counterattack – Part C
When you see people with big bank accounts, influential jobs, and luxurious lives, you don’t often hear them thanking God for all that good stuff. So why do people who reject God seem to have more blessings than those who profess Christ? On the surface, it doesn’t make sense! Pastor Mike Fabarez cautions Christians against second-guessing or begrudging God’s generosity.
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11/28/2023 • 25 minutes
Getting Serious About the Counterattack – Part B
Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how to guard your thoughts against the insidious and destructive enemy called envy. He’s opening up the Bible to Psalm 73 for a powerful reminder about why Christians should never envy the world.
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11/27/2023 • 25 minutes
Conscience and the Holy Spirit
You know that “little voice” that warns you when you’ve made a mistake or convinces you to make good choices? Well, is that the Holy Spirit talking—or your own conscience? Pastor Mike Fabarez shows us how to determine the source, so we can respond appropriately.
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11/24/2023 • 25 minutes
Seeing God’s Gifts as We Should – Part B
There are tremendous benefits to being a Child of God, including our incredible inheritance! But in these challenging times, when our culture is increasingly hostile to the message of Christ, we can lose sight of God’s abundant blessings. Pastor Mike Fabarez gives a timely reminder about the remarkable gifts God gives to his children.
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11/23/2023 • 25 minutes
Seeing God’s Gifts as We Should – Part A
Tomorrow, you’ll likely enjoy a Thanksgiving meal, time with family and friends, and all the good things that come with this holiday celebration. And if you need help getting into the grateful mood, Pastor Mike Fabarez shares an encouraging message about the many blessings we all have and most importantly who deserves our thanks!
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11/22/2023 • 25 minutes
Getting Serious About the Counterattack – Part A
The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. But in order to be successful in the fight, you’ll need to rely on supernatural strength—and the same is true in our struggle against sin! Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals why we need the Holy Spirit to defeat a powerful enemy called envy.
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11/21/2023 • 25 minutes
God’s Gracious Solutions – Part C
When someone gets the promotion you wanted, takes the trip you’ve been dreaming about, or just seems to have advantages that you don’t have, how do you respond? Are you happy for them or do you resent their success? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how your response in these situations impacts your spiritual well-being.
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11/20/2023 • 25 minutes
The Lord’s Supper
Communion is observed in various ways by Christians all around the world. But what exactly is the Lord’s Supper, according to Scripture? Pastor Mike Fabarez walks through the significance of communion and compares the various church traditions surrounding this sacred ordinance.
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11/17/2023 • 25 minutes
God’s Gracious Solutions – Part B
Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why the greatest weapon in the fight against envy—is love! It may sound cliché, but you can’t truly love someone if you envy them! Right? Pastor Mike will show us how to deploy genuine Christian love for others to fend off our envious cravings.
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11/16/2023 • 25 minutes
God’s Gracious Solutions – Part A
The internal, relational, and societal costs of envy are evidenced all around us. And once you recognize this insidious sin and its destructive impact, you may be left wondering, “What can I do to stop it?” Pastor Mike Fabarez offers some practical ways you can protect yourself against envy and live with satisfaction and contentment.
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11/15/2023 • 25 minutes
The Relational Damage – Part C
Whether we recognize it or not, we are all suffering from some of the serious consequences of rampant and widespread envy in our world. Envy is at the root of the political, racial, economic, and personal strife all around us! In this eye-opening message, Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us identify and discern the devastating damage that envy is causing in our society.
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11/14/2023 • 25 minutes
The Relational Damage – Part B
Envy is the enemy of contentment. We may have everything we need in life, but we won’t be content with what we have as long as someone else has something that we want! Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us identify envy in our lives and charges us to recognize the hostility that envy brings into our relationships.
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11/13/2023 • 25 minutes
Biblical Love
What is biblical love? The word “love” is used to express many different sentiments. Some say they “love” football. Others say they “love” lasagna. Some even croon love songs to their dog or cat! Pastor Mike Fabarez re-examines the biblical standard for “true” love.
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11/10/2023 • 25 minutes
The Relational Damage – Part A
Are you satisfied with your life? Do you feel content? Or do you sometimes feel like you’re missing out on the good stuff? Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us understand why an invisible, but powerful sin may be at the root of our discontentment and broken relationships.
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11/9/2023 • 25 minutes
A Private But Disruptive Sin – Part C
Just like ignoring a serious diagnosis, pretending that you don’t have a problem with envy won’t stop its destructive symptoms. In fact, you’ll get a lot worse the longer you wait! Pastor Mike Fabarez gives us a tough but much-needed reality check about the pervasive problem of envy in our lives.
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11/8/2023 • 25 minutes
A Private But Disruptive Sin – Part B
In the age of materialism and social media, envy has crept into our daily lives. And whether we know it or not, it’s damaging our relationships and rotting our culture from the inside out. But there is hope! Pastor Mike Fabarez warns us to be on the lookout for the corrosive effects of envy in our lives.
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11/7/2023 • 25 minutes
A Private But Disruptive Sin – Part A
Some sins catch our attention quickly––they’re shocking, scandalous, or even frightening. But there’s a serious sin wreaking havoc in our society, in our relationships, and in our souls that too often goes undetected! Pastor Mike Fabarez talks the subtle, but pervasive and powerful sin of envy.
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11/6/2023 • 25 minutes
Politics – Part 2
We’re all anticipating the presidential election. But as Christians, what should be our role be in the public square? Should we wave banners of support for our candidate, protest, or refrain from getting involved at all? Pastor Mike Fabarez walks verse-by-verse through Romans 13 to discover the connections between politics and faith.
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11/3/2023 • 25 minutes
The Pushback Against the Messengers – Part B
When Stephen was dragged in front of the Sanhedrin, he responded with a powerful indictment against them and they were enraged! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why we need to share the diagnosis and remedy for sin, no matter what it costs, in hope that some will accept the truth!
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11/2/2023 • 25 minutes
The Pushback Against the Messengers – Part A
Jesus said he came to heal the sick. But if people don’t believe they’re suffering from the effects of sin, how can they accept the cure in Christ? Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about the painful diagnosis of sin and the deadly consequences of this dreadful disease.
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11/1/2023 • 25 minutes
The Places of Worship for Israel – Part C
When was the last time you stopped to marvel at God’s global plan for redemption––a plan that started in a small corner of the world, and expanded to the ends of the Earth ... to include you? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares how we should respond to our part in God’s amazing plan.
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10/31/2023 • 25 minutes
The Places of Worship for Israel – Part B
If you’ve been a Christian for a while, it may be difficult to remember that you used to be an outsider––someone far away from God! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us of God’s far-reaching plan for salvation and challenges our small, domesticated view of God.
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10/30/2023 • 25 minutes
Politics – Part 1
Should Christians pay their taxes, even if they don’t like what the government is doing with their money? Well, election season is heating up! And Pastor Mike Fabarez is addressing your questions about taxes, government spending policy, and what the Bible has to say about these controversial topics.
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10/27/2023 • 25 minutes
The Places of Worship for Israel – Part A
You’ve heard the saying, “You can’t keep God in a box.” But for generations, that’s precisely what Israel’s religious leaders did with the temple. So is that where God really lived? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why God used to affiliate with specific locations and why we must affirm God's infinite transcendence today!
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10/26/2023 • 25 minutes
The Paganism of the People – Part C
You’ve heard the warning: “Think before you act.” It’s good advice! So, when you’re wrestling with sin, the question is: Have you considered the consequences? Pastor Mike Fabarez urges us to carefully consider the consequences of sin.
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10/25/2023 • 25 minutes
The Paganism of the People – Part B
Frank Sinatra famously sang, “I did it my way,” and most of us can easily relate to that desire! Even mature Christians struggle to do things God’s way. Pastor Mike Fabarez warns new believers—and even those who’ve walked with the Lord for years—to beware of the desire to disobey God.
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10/24/2023 • 25 minutes
The Paganism of the People – Part A
Despite written laws and posted signs, people often claim ignorance when they get pulled over for traffic violations. But the Bible says that when it comes to God’s law, we are without excuse! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that God has clearly communicated what He expects from us.
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10/23/2023 • 25 minutes
In our materialistic world, contentment can be an elusive goal. Sadly, many people will never find it. But it doesn’t have to be that way! It’s possible to be content, no matter what cards you’ve been dealt! Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals the biblical secret to finding joy!
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10/20/2023 • 25 minutes
The Provision Through Moses – Part B
How confident are you in God’s plan for your life? Are you trusting God to provide everything you need? Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals how God provided for Israel, Moses, and how he’s providing for us today!
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10/19/2023 • 25 minutes
The Provision Through Moses – Part A
We love comfort food and comfy clothes. And some of us even have comfort animals! So it’s easy to forget that the most comforting thing in the world is the presence of God in our lives. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us not to worry about life’s pain and trouble, but to trust in the presence of the Holy Spirit to get us through.
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10/18/2023 • 25 minutes
The Postponement of Moses – Part C
Moses was a great leader. But before he crossed the Red Sea, Moses was rejected by his people and waited in the dessert for 40 years until God called him back to Egypt. Pastor Mike Fabarez shares an important lesson for us about dealing with rejection from Moses’s time as an outcast.
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10/17/2023 • 25 minutes
The Postponement of Moses – Part B
No one wants to be mistreated. But, if you stand up for biblical truth in today’s hostile culture, you will be rejected by the world. The question is: How will you react? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares practical ways to respond well and build your faith when you face affliction.
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10/16/2023 • 25 minutes
Salvation a Gift
The gift of salvation is free, so why do people make it sound so hard? Even Jesus said that following him was going to require sacrifice. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the simple but important difference between justification and sanctification.
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10/13/2023 • 25 minutes
The Postponement of Moses – Part A
We highly prefer instant results. But, like it or not, some things take time—including our faith! Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals a lesson in patience from the story of Moses. As a young man, Moses desired to help his people. But he had to wait in the desert for 40 long years before God was ready to use him!
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10/12/2023 • 25 minutes
The Preparation of Moses – Part B
We know God has a supernatural plan. But when it comes to the really important work, we often assume God will choose someone more qualified, more mature, or more spiritual for those tasks. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that God is providentially preparing us for his work and we need to participate in his plan.
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10/11/2023 • 25 minutes
The Preparation of Moses – Part A
How do you feel when a flight is delayed or a package arrives late? When something we eagerly expect is slow in coming, most of us get pretty anxious and annoyed. But God’s people are called to be patient! Pastor Mike Fabarez says that if we really believe God’s promises, it should change the way we live. Find out how!
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10/10/2023 • 25 minutes
The Preservation Through Joseph – Part B
Christians are rarely popular, but they’re of immeasurable value to the world. Like Joseph, who was mistreated by his brothers and imprisoned by Egypt, and yet God used this unlikely hero to save the world from a devastating famine! Pastor Mike Fabarez shares how we, like Joseph, can make a difference for God in a hostile culture.
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10/9/2023 • 25 minutes
Authority of the Believer
Is it okay to say “no” to God when we don’t agree with the Bible? Are we supposed to “let go and let God” or should we “take authority”? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the problem with exercising our authority without fully respecting God’s!
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10/6/2023 • 25 minutes
The Preservation Through Joseph – Part A
Are you willing to endure disapproval and hostility in order to win hearts for Christ? Like Joseph, who experienced his brothers’ jealousy. Or leaders in the early church like Stephen. Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to advance the cause of Christ, despite push back.
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10/5/2023 • 25 minutes
The Promises Through Abraham – Part C
God made promises to Abraham, some which he saw fulfilled, and others which he never experienced in his lifetime. Today, God makes promises to us, some which we experience here and now, and others that won’t be revealed until we enter eternity. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that we must never doubt God's solemn promises!
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10/4/2023 • 25 minutes
The Promises Through Abraham – Part B
Our customs and traditions look very different from the ceremonies performed in Jerusalem in the first century. But are the Old Testament rules and rituals relevant for us today? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why reality of our faith is not accomplished through a ceremony.
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10/3/2023 • 25 minutes
The Promises Through Abraham – Part A
The left side of our Bible is too often neglected. But it provides the indispensable foundation for understanding God’s amazing grace and his plan for our redemption. Pastor Mike Fabarez begins a brand-new series called, Gospel Lessons From the Old Testament to remind us how important and applicable the Old Testament is to our lives today.
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10/2/2023 • 25 minutes
Is There a Hell?
Is Hell a real place or simply a metaphor? Does our loving God really condemn people to eternal punishment? And how can we balance an understanding of God’s grace with this uncomfortable truth? Pastor Mike Fabarez leads us in searching the scriptures to answer these sobering questions.
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9/29/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Champions – Part C
There are men and women, serving among the body of Christ who are under attack, precisely because they are effective in advancing the gospel. The enemy would love to stop these champions, but you and I should help them. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us to protect and pray for our champions of faith.
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9/28/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Champions – Part B
Is there an unsung hero in your church––someone who is productive and devoted to serving the Lord and his people? If so, we should honor these champions of faith! Does our behavior really matter to God? Pastor Mike Fabarez gives us a biblical mandate to look out for and speak in defense of our heroes of faith!
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9/27/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Champions – Part A
Are some Christians better than others? Does God differentiate between his people? The answer might surprise you! To help answer these questions, Pastor Mike Fabarez examines the life of Stephen, a man who is described as “full of faith.” His life will help us understand why we should respect the extraordinary men and women who devote themselves to the Lord.
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9/26/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Needs – Part B
Jesus told us to pray, “give us this day our daily bread.” But what happens if he doesn’t provide something we need––not today, not tomorrow, or not in this lifetime? Can we still trust God? Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us recognize what God is really doing when he tests us.
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9/25/2023 • 25 minutes
Why Study the Old Testament
The Old Testament was written ages ago. So, how can it possibly apply to our lives today––especially now that the New Testament is available? Afterall, Jesus said he came to fulfill the law. So, aren’t those ancient rules obsolete? Pastor Mike Fabarez answers the question: “Why Study the Old Testament?”
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9/22/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Needs – Part A
We hope our faith is strong enough to sustain us in hard times, but we don’t really know until it’s tested. And one of the most challenging tests comes when we’ve asked, prayed, waited, and yet an important need remains unmet. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why we can be confident that God will meet our needs!
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9/21/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Suffering – Part B
Does God expect us to be happy if we give up everything to follow Christ? It sounds almost cruel. But it’s exactly what we discover when we read about the apostles, who gave up their lives for the gospel. They were glad! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why we can rejoice when we’re suffering for Christ.
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9/20/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Suffering – Part A
It’s easy say you’re a Christian. But what if it costs your friends, your job, or even your life? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to face the reality that our faith may cost the ultimate price.
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9/19/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Government – Part C
In the public sphere, Christians have been threatened, manipulated, and even persuaded to stay silent. God’s people have stopped sharing the gospel in schools and at public meetings, and the church is at odds with the government. But Pastor Mike Fabarez says that it is the government who should be afraid of silencing the Church!
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9/18/2023 • 25 minutes
Passionate About the Gospel
As Christians, we know evangelism is important. But how often do we actually put that knowledge into action? Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that our desire to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others grows stronger when we clearly see what’s at stake.
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9/15/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Government – Part B
The cost of following Christ has gone up! Worldwide persecution is on the rise and pressure from all sides seems to be increasing. But why are governments, including our own, so eager to persecute believers? What are they really afraid of? Pastor Mike Fabarez continues to explore the power struggle between God’s people and the government.
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9/14/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Government – Part A
The Bible reminds us that we are in a spiritual battle. And yet when we encounter pushback for our faith, when we are mocked or threatened, it catches us off guard! Pastor Mike Fabarez coaches us on how we should react when we are attacked.
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9/13/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Leaders – Part C
Second guessing, critiquing, and bad-mouthing our leaders is common behavior in the world. But what about at church? When was the last time you thanked your pastor? Have you ever prayed for him? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to pray for the effectiveness of our church leadership.
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9/12/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Leaders – Part B
Countless polls show declining approval for those in leadership, but God’s Word tells us to respect authority. So how can we honor leaders when we don’t agree with them? And how does this teaching apply to church leaders? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how we can act biblically even when we disagree.
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9/11/2023 • 25 minutes
We know there’s nothing we can do to earn, buy, or deserve God’s favor. But does that mean we can live as we please? Pastor Mike Fabarez examines what’s behind that question as he unpacks a scriptural understanding of God’s grace.
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9/8/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Leaders – Part A
Whether we like it or not, we need good leaders in businesses, families, and churches. In fact, the idea that we can have well-functioning organizations without leadership is simply unbiblical! Pastor Mike Fabarez will help us understand the importance of church leadership by examining the role of the Apostles.
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9/7/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Behavior – Part C
Does our behavior really matter to God? Or does God’s endless grace give us a “license to sin”? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares an important reminder from Acts 5 that God takes our holiness seriously.
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9/6/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Behavior – Part B
We typically think of fear as a bad thing. Afterall, the Bible repeatedly commands us to “Fear not!” But the Bible also describes a kind of fear we should embrace. Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about the fear that gripped the early church after Ananias and Saphira dropped dead at the feet of the Apostles.
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9/5/2023 • 25 minutes
Fear of God: And Our Behavior – Part A
You’ve likely heard popular hymns acknowledging our “Good Father.” But it’s less likely that you’ve listened to many songs, or sermons for that matter, extolling the blessings of our Heavenly Father as a righteous disciplinarian. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that God disciplines those he loves.
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9/4/2023 • 25 minutes
Different Bible Translations
When was the last time you shopped for a new Bible? The choices today are staggering! And it’s not always easy to discover the differences between all the translations. Pastor Mike Fabarez discusses how different versions of the Bible were derived, and he’ll offer guidelines for selecting a Bible that’s right for you.
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9/1/2023 • 25 minutes
God is Good – Part B
The Bible is filled with reminders that we should to be thankful to God. But when was the last time you sat down to contemplate God’s specific provisions? Have you thanked him for his goodness? Pastor Mike Fabarez points to Psalm 100 for biblical inspiration that prompts us to gather together to praise God!
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8/31/2023 • 25 minutes
God is Good – Part A
Most people have a tendency to be ungrateful. And when things go wrong, we’re downright hostile. But Jonah, David, and many others in the Bible found out the hard way that God is good all the time! Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to look beyond our circumstances and see God’s goodness!
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8/30/2023 • 25 minutes
The Lord is My Strength – Part B
In battle, whether it looks like you’re winning or losing, you can be confident of the outcome if you’re on God’s side! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that we can be joyful during tough times because we know Jesus is coming back! That truth should give us incredible confidence the rest of the world can’t comprehend.
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8/29/2023 • 25 minutes
The Lord is My Strength – Part A
The Bible says we can be strong and courageous, even when we are weak. It sounds like a contradiction doesn’t it? Well, Pastor Mike Fabarez presents a message of encouragement from Psalm 118 for anyone experiencing fear, anxiety, or uncertainty.
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8/28/2023 • 25 minutes
God is a God of order, and the universe follows His unchanging natural laws. But every so often, God steps in and breaks the very laws He created! Pastor Mike Fabarez applies logic and insight to the very real and biblical evidence for miracles.
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8/25/2023 • 25 minutes
Trusting God When You're Hurting – Part C
When we’re sick, or a loved-one is hurting, we desperately search for any possible remedy to alleviate the pain! And yet, too often we neglect to utilize the most powerful remedy available––God! Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about the power of God to take away our suffering.
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8/24/2023 • 25 minutes
Trusting God When You're Hurting – Part B
The Bible doesn’t deny the physical reality of pain and suffering. But it does offer a radically different perspective on life’s temporary trials, as compared to the world. Pastor Mike Fabarez examines the topic of suffering, in light of Christ’s triumph over death.
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8/23/2023 • 25 minutes
Trusting God When You're Hurting – Part A
Pastor Mike Fabarez shares a story from the life of King Asa––a man commended for trusting God in his youth. But his life took a tragic turn when Asa became sick and put his confidence in men, rather than God. Asa’s story poses a challenging question as we face the inevitable pains of life: Who will you trust?
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8/22/2023 • 25 minutes
Trusting God When You're Scared – Part C
Most people can think of lots of things that make them feel afraid––crime, losing a job, or wayward children, just to name a few. But the Bible says there is only one thing we should fear. Pastor Mike Fabarez shares a cautionary tale and a reminder to “call on God in the day of trouble!”
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8/21/2023 • 25 minutes
Keeping a Clear Conscience
You’ve probably faced some tricky questions, like: Is it OK for Christians to drink alcohol? What about gambling? And where and when do you draw the line on worldly enjoyments? Well, thankfully we can Ask Pastor Mike! Work through some uncomfortable “gray” areas with Pastor Mike Fabarez as he provides helpful biblical guidelines for decision-making!
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8/18/2023 • 25 minutes
Trusting God When You’re Scared – Part B
When we act out of fear, without seeking God, we inevitably make poor choices. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us of the incredible advantage we have when we put our confidence in God, who is more than willing and able to protect His people!
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8/17/2023 • 25 minutes
Trusting God When You're Scared – Part A
Crime, economic instability, fear, and anxiety seem to be getting worse. But the reality is scary times are nothing new. Gratefully, the Bible contains valuable lessons about facing our fears! Pastor Mike Fabarez exposes the hidden temptations we all face when we’re afraid.
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8/16/2023 • 25 minutes
Enjoying God’s Growing Family – Part C
In the book of Acts, we read about a Christ-follower named Barnabas who is called a “son of encouragement.” He helped correct and comfort to God’s people and provides a wonderful example of how we should care for one another. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages us to step up and be like Barnabas, adding to the strength of God’s church.
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8/15/2023 • 25 minutes
Enjoying God’s Growing Family – Part B
Everyone will face difficult times and experience loss. But our burdens feel much lighter if we have godly friends we can rely on! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds God’s people of the abundant security that comes with being a part of God’s family as we provide for each other’s needs.
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8/14/2023 • 25 minutes
Who is the Angel of the Lord?
Throughout the Old Testament, a mysterious figure keeps appearing in dramatic ways, speaking with unquestionable authority to God’s people. So, who is he? And why is his presence shrouded in such mystery? Pastor Mike Fabarez answers the question: “Who is the Angel of the Lord?”
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8/11/2023 • 25 minutes
Enjoying God’s Growing Family – Part A
Many Christians are experiencing increasing hostility as they speak up for the truth of God’s Word in today’s culture. But it’s important to remember that there are tremendous benefits too! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us of the great joy that comes from bringing people to faith in Christ.
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8/10/2023 • 25 minutes
Praying for Courage – Part C
Peter and the others who boldly proclaimed the gospel of Christ persisted with joy, despite hardship, delay, and persecution. In fact, they were strengthened by the very tribulation meant to discourage them! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that the difficulties we face when we share the gospel are a predicted part of advancing God’s Kingdom.
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8/9/2023 • 25 minutes
Praying for Courage – Part B
If you’re doing what God has called each of us to do and sharing the gospel, you will face opposition! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that when we experience a negative reaction to the gospel, we can find strength in God’s sovereignty.
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8/8/2023 • 25 minutes
Praying for Courage – Part A
Most people pray alone, perhaps at night before falling asleep. But when was the last time you grabbed someone by the hand and prayed together? Have you ever done that? Pastor Mike Fabarez poses a direct challenge––to pray with others for boldness to advance the gospel.
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8/7/2023 • 25 minutes
Is Jesus the Only Way?
Throughout the centuries, so-called prophets have claimed to know a path to spiritual enlightenment. And some of these leaders went on a establish major world religions. So why can’t there be many paths to God? Pastor Mike Fabarez addresses Jesus’ exclusive claim to be “the way, the truth and the life.”
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8/4/2023 • 25 minutes
Resolved to Keep Speaking – Part C
Even though our enemies would love for us to stay silent, God’s Word compels Christians to speak! Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to talk about God, His Word, and His salvation, even in the face of opposition.
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8/3/2023 • 25 minutes
Resolved to Keep Speaking – Part B
For a long time now, Christians have been pressured to keep quiet about their faith. But God has given us clear instructions to speak up! Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges Christians to share the gospel so that people will hear the truth about God’s incredible offer of salvation.
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8/2/2023 • 25 minutes
Resolved to Keep Speaking – Part A
Words are powerful! And there’s a lot of talk today about free speech and censorship––what messages can and should be heard. Pastor Mike Fabarez points to the remarkable example of Peter and John speaking to the Sanhedrin to remind us that we have a powerful message to share with the world.
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8/1/2023 • 25 minutes
Unashamed of God’s One Way – Part C
Many people think the Bible offers good advice. But Jesus isn’t offering suggestions. He’s making a much bolder claim––there is no other way! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why salvation is an exclusive offer from Jesus to all who believe.
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7/31/2023 • 25 minutes
Mike & Roger––The Importance of Radio Ministry
The media and entertainment space has been turned upside down and transformed in recent years, and yet radio audiences keep growing! Pastor Mike Fabarez is joined by producer, Roger Kemp, for a fascinating conversation about the impact of Christian radio broadcasting on this special edition of Ask Pastor Mike!
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7/28/2023 • 25 minutes
Unashamed of God’s One Way – Part B
A few weeks after Jesus was crucified and His disciples fled in fear, Peter boldly declared the supremacy of Jesus Christ in front of the same men who killed Him. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that the same courage to speak the truth under extreme pressure is promised to all Christians, not just the apostles.
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7/27/2023 • 25 minutes
Unashamed of God’s One Way – Part A
Imagine yourself dragged into a packed courtroom, charged with an offense, and pleading the case for the supremacy of Jesus Christ before a hostile audience. Sweaty palms and a croak in your throat would be a natural response! Pastor Mike Fabarez describes the supernatural courage Peter received and what we can learn from his example.
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7/26/2023 • 25 minutes
Expecting Opposition – Part C
Jesus called His followers into battle. We’re not in a physical fight. It won’t be won with weapons and artillery. But there is a very real danger! Pastor Mike Fabarez helps Christians understand spiritual warfare, how to destroy arguments that go against God, and how to do it with grace.
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7/25/2023 • 25 minutes
Expecting Opposition – Part B
Soldiers going into battle expect to get bloodied and bruised. They aren’t surprised when the enemy attacks. So why are Christians caught off guard when the enemies of the gospel push back? Pastor Mike Fabarez prepares Christians for the inevitable opposition they face as they proclaim the gospel.
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7/24/2023 • 25 minutes
Mike & Roger Celebrating 25 Years on the Air with Focal Point Ministries
What were you doing in 1998? A lot has changed over the past 25 years––fashion trends, technology, culture, and even Focal Point! On this special edition of Ask Pastor Mike. Pastor Mike Fabarez takes you on a trip back in time when Focal Point’s radio ministry first began!
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7/21/2023 • 25 minutes
Expecting Opposition – Part A
Many believers are shocked to receive a harsh response when they share the gospel. After all, the news we’re sharing is good! So why is the response so bad? Pastor Mike Fabarez prepares God’s people to engage in spiritual battle. Sadly, global persecution of Christians is nothing new. But in America, persecution for biblical faith is just emerging!
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7/20/2023 • 25 minutes
Declaring the Blessings of Obedience – Part C
Have you ever seen a little child hide from his parents because he knows he did something wrong? It seems silly and childish, but most adults are reluctant to expose their sins as well! Pastor Mike Fabarez describes the blessings of repentance, even daily repentance, to help us grow up in our faith.
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7/19/2023 • 25 minutes
Declaring the Blessings of Obedience – Part B
During the Civil War, President Lincoln was asked if he believed God was on his side. He replied, “Sir, my concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right!” Honest Abe understood the value of God’s protection! Pastor Mike Fabarez describes the security that comes with God’s covenant.
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7/18/2023 • 25 minutes
Declaring the Blessings of Obedience – Part A
When you find something that really works, don’t you just want to rush out and tell other people about it? Some of the best deals are passed on through word of mouth. So, are you sharing the good news of Jesus with your co-workers, neighbors, and friends? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges Christians to start talking to others about the Lordship of Christ!
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7/17/2023 • 25 minutes
Why Did Jesus Have to Die?
The Bible says Jesus was forgiving sins even before His crucifixion. So why did Jesus have to die at all? Pastor Mike Fabarez sits down for a personal conversation about the reasons why Christ needed to go to the cross.
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7/14/2023 • 25 minutes
Calling for Repentance – Part B
Following Jesus makes this life better—but that’s not the point. People need to know that being a Christian is not about having an easier, more successful life here and now. It’s about where we’re going when this life is over! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why you need to share the gospel with the future in mind.
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7/13/2023 • 25 minutes
Calling for Repentance – Part A
People all around you are on the path to eternal punishment and you know the solution. Are you taking your responsibility seriously? Are you offering God’s rescue plan to those who are perishing? Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges each one of us to urgently share God’s limited time offer of a full pardon through Jesus Christ!
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7/12/2023 • 25 minutes
Telling the Truth – Part C
Most people would say they’ve made some mistakes, but they’re less likely to admit that their sin is serious enough to deserve death! Yet that’s what the Bible teaches in no uncertain terms. Pastor Mike Fabarez provides clear answers about sin, death, and faith in Christ.
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7/11/2023 • 25 minutes
Telling the Truth – Part B
Nobody wants to hurt someone else’s feelings. We may even avoid telling the truth, if we think it might sting! But in order to point people to Christ, people need to hear that their sin has offended a holy God! Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges Christians to tell the truth about man’s sin and God’s punishment.
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7/10/2023 • 25 minutes
Why So Many Bibles?
King’s James, English Standard, New American Standard––when it comes to picking out a good Bible, it seems like there’s nothing “standard” about them! Are some versions better than others? Which one’s right for you? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the differences between several popular, modern versions on this practical and informative edition of Ask Pastor Mike!
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7/7/2023 • 25 minutes
Telling the Truth – Part A
We can’t effectively share the good news of Jesus Christ with people without first telling the bad news––their sin is separating them from Christ! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains that, like it or not, we are all sinners. And knowing this is the key to recognizing our need for a savior!
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7/6/2023 • 25 minutes
Proclaiming Christ’s Power – Part C
There are countless blessings for those who follow Jesus in this life, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that we are called to boldly share the hope of eternity in the face of persecution!
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7/5/2023 • 25 minutes
Proclaiming Christ’s Power – Part B
Jesus demonstrated His power over death by healing people, and even raising some to life! So why isn’t everyone healed? Pastor Mike Fabarez addresses this sensitive topic by sharing about his own daughter’s paralysis. If you’ve ever prayed for healing for yourself or a loved one, you don’t want to miss this message.
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7/4/2023 • 25 minutes
Proclaiming Christ’s Power – Part A
We all want our bodies to work properly and we pray for healing for the sick. But eventually everyone passes from this life into the next. And what happens in the next life matters most! Pastor Mike Fabarez helps believers refocus on the essential message of Christ—proclaiming the hope of eternity.
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7/3/2023 • 25 minutes
What is Legalism?
No one wants to be accused of being legalistic. It doesn’t sound good. But … just what does it really mean? Pastor Mike Fabarez helps us define “legalism” according to Scripture. Learn how God’s law and God’s grace can peacefully co-exist.
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6/30/2023 • 25 minutes
Being More Intentional About Biblical Fellowship – Part C
Are you knit closely together with others in the body of Christ or a bit threadbare in your relationships? In a hostile world, there’s great comfort in knowing you’re not alone. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why God arranges—and even requires—Christians to live in community.
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6/29/2023 • 25 minutes
Being More Intentional About Biblical Fellowship – Part B
When was the last time you connected in meaningful way with another Christian? Praying, serving, and caring for one another takes extra effort—but it’s an essential part of the Christian life. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us to sit side-by-side and face-to-face with our fellow believers in order to “hold unswervingly” to our faith.
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6/28/2023 • 25 minutes
Being More Intentional About Biblical Fellowship – Part A
We live in a “self-serve” world––at gas stations, at ATMs, and even in the grocery check-out line! We can go all day without speaking to a single person. But is that a good thing? Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that there’s intrinsic value in connecting with others.
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6/27/2023 • 25 minutes
The Unrivaled Fellowship of His Church – Part C
When trouble comes and friends flee, who can you count on for help? Who would spend the extra time? Give the extra dollar? God has designed a place where we can find strength, security, and support––His church! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds Christians about the unique and abundant blessings of church fellowship.
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6/26/2023 • 25 minutes
Who is Satan?
You may not think about Satan very often. Maybe you even avoid mentioning his name. But Scripture warns us not to be ignorant of his plans! Pastor Mike Fabarez answers these important questions: Who is Satan? How does he operate? And what’s his problem with mankind anyway?
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6/23/2023 • 25 minutes
The Unrivaled Fellowship of His Church – Part B
When troubles comes and life is hard, you need to be able to rely on someone. And that’s why God has established His Church as the place where His people can find safety and security in challenging times. Pastor Mike Fabarez continues to outline the incredible benefits of fellowship.
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6/22/2023 • 25 minutes
The Unrivaled Fellowship of His Church – Part A
You can join lots of clubs and organizations, but there’s nothing better than being a part of God’s Church. Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about the benefits of fellowship with other Christians.
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6/21/2023 • 25 minutes
The Life-Changing Message of His Church – Part C
Did you know feeling pain is a blessing? Without the ability to feel pain, we’d run headlong into danger. And when our heart feels those uncomfortable pangs of guilt, it’s telling us to fix the problem! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the proper, biblical response to guilt.
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6/20/2023 • 25 minutes
The Life-Changing Message of His Church – Part B
If we only tell people about God’s love, we’re not telling them the whole story. No one can receive the good news of Jesus Christ, unless they first accept the bad news––they’re sinners who need a Savior! Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges us to pray that people will be convicted of sin in order to be saved by grace.
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6/19/2023 • 25 minutes
Is the Bible Accurate?
We all know that nobody’s perfect! So how can we be sure the imperfect authors and transcribers of Scripture didn’t make mistakes along the way? Pastor Mike Fabarez grapples with this question: Does the Bible really contain the accurate words of God?
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6/16/2023 • 25 minutes
The Life-Changing Message of His Church – Part A
We can’t take credit for the Gospel, but we should acknowledge the amazing privilege we have to carry the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. In fact, you are uniquely positioned and equipped by God to reach the people in your sphere of influence! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us of the incredible honor we have to share The Life-Changing Message of His Church.
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6/15/2023 • 25 minutes
The Invincible Lord of His Church – Part C
There are incredible earthly benefits to being part of God’s Church. We receive biblical wisdom, moral support, and the blessings of community. But as we invite others join us, we must make sure our ultimate hope is in the resurrected Christ! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us of the blessings to come.
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6/14/2023 • 25 minutes
The Invincible Lord of His Church – Part B
A lot of people talk about having “faith.” But faith in what? When it comes time to lean on your faith, it really matters who you are depending on to hold you up! Pastor Mike Fabarez examines the evidence for our faith in Christ, and shares why you can and should trust Jesus.
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6/13/2023 • 25 minutes
The Invincible Lord of His Church – Part A
Church picnics, choir practice, and Vacation Bible School are important assemblies of the body of Christ. But these activities must never replace the true purpose of the church––to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ! Pastor Mike Fabarez refocuses our attention on the person of Christ and the essential work of His church.
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6/12/2023 • 25 minutes
What is God’s Name?
Yahweh … Jehovah … Adonai. God has many different titles throughout the Bible. So, what is God’s real name? Join Pastor Mike Fabarez for an insightful conversation about the significance of God’s names and how God wants to be known.
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6/9/2023 • 25 minutes
The Prophetic Anticipation of His Church – Part C
If you knew a disaster was coming, you’d warn your family, friends, and neighbors to help them get to safety. As Christians, we have a lifesaving message for the world–that Jesus saves! Pastor Mike Fabarez urges Christians to tell others about God’s offer of grace and forgiveness before it’s too late!
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6/8/2023 • 25 minutes
The Prophetic Anticipation of His Church – Part B
As Christ-followers, we love to study the Bible and the events of the past. But we also have a lot to look forward to! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us to be prepared for the return of Christ and trust in God’s Kingdom plan.
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6/7/2023 • 25 minutes
The Prophetic Anticipation of His Church – Part A
God’s Word is reliable and true, whether it’s telling us about events that have already occurred or events that are coming! Pastor Mike Fabarez examines an Old Testament prophecy. It was partially fulfilled at Pentecost, and now God is preparing His people to be ready for what’s next!
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6/6/2023 • 25 minutes
The Miraculous Launch of His Church – Part B
Today the Christian Church is a global phenomenon, but it began as a local movement. So, what sparked the explosion of the Gospel that spread across the globe and changed the world? Pastor Mike Fabarez recounts the miraculous events that moved the gospel from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth!
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6/5/2023 • 25 minutes
What is the Rapture?
It’s depicted in movies and novels and dismissed by many as a silly superstition. But scripture is clear––the Rapture is coming! Pastor Mike Fabarez sits down for a fascinating conversation about the return of Christ and what we can expect on that day.
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6/2/2023 • 25 minutes
The Miraculous Launch of His Church – Part A
The most exclusive club on earth has members who speak every language and come from every nation. But you won’t recognize them by their fame or bank accounts. The unique mark of this honored membership is the presence of the Holy Spirit! Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds Christians what a privilege it is to be a member of God’s Church!
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6/1/2023 • 25 minutes
Graciously Dealing with the Missteps – Part C
A good relationship is possible when husbands and wives actively reflect God’s character by practicing godly virtues, such as mercy and grace. Discover what that looks like when Pastor Mike Fabarez offers valuable and practical counsel for improving your marriage!
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5/31/2023 • 25 minutes
Graciously Dealing with the Missteps – Part B
When your spouse makes mistakes, how many times should you extend forgiveness? Well, according to Scripture, we’re to forgive without counting. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us God doesn’t keep a record of our wrongs and neither should we.
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5/30/2023 • 25 minutes
Graciously Dealing with the Missteps – Part A
No marriage is perfect. And even the best need a strong measure of grace! Whether you just said, “I do,” or you’ve been married for years, your marriage will benefit from learning how to graciously deal with missteps. Pastor Mike Fabarez draws our attention to those inevitable moments when mistakes are made and couples need to extend forgiveness.
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5/29/2023 • 25 minutes
We’ve all seen the statistics. It seems like divorce is just about as common as marriage, even among believers. Pastor Mike Fabarez has a heart-to-heart chat about getting through the heartache of a collapsing marriage. No matter what your marriage looks like today, there’s help and hope!
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5/26/2023 • 25 minutes
Adapting Your Style for a Grand Performance – Part B
In order for any marriage to be healthy, both parties must be willing to accept their inevitable differences. One-sided relationships, without give and take, just don’t work! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how compromise truly reflects the image of Christ. Rather than digging in our heels, we need to learn to compromise!
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5/25/2023 • 25 minutes
Adapting Your Style for a Grand Performance – Part A
When you stand with your spouse in front of the altar, you can hardly imagine being more in love. But once the mundane routine of day-to-day life settles in, married life isn’t always so picturesque! Pastor Mike Fabarez reveals how sacrifice and perseverance can produce a healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime.
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5/24/2023 • 25 minutes
Staying in Step for the Glory of God – Part B
At one time or another, we’ve all wished our spouse would think and act just like we do. Life seems easier when we get our way! But it’s hardly a recipe for a healthy marriage. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages married couples to celebrate their differences and grow in harmony.
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5/23/2023 • 25 minutes
Staying in Step for the Glory of God – Part A
Marriage is an intimate bond between one man and one woman. So, most of the time getting a third party involved means trouble! But there is someone who should be invited into the relationship—God! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why the same principles found in the relationship between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit also form the foundation for a healthy marriage.
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5/22/2023 • 25 minutes
Christian Parenting
Kids today have access to a virtual “Pandora’s box” of tech-driven entertainment. And many parents struggle to establish and enforce reasonable limits. Pastor Mike Fabarez and his wife, Carlynn, discuss dating, social media, and videogames, and explain how parents can navigate around the pitfalls of today’s technology.
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5/19/2023 • 25 minutes
Strategic Training & Direction – Part C
If you were a coach preparing for a crucial game, you would study footage of your players and your opponents to develop a game plan for success. Good leaders are strategic! Pastor Mike Fabarez is helping us strategize for our most important leadership role: parenthood.
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5/18/2023 • 25 minutes
Strategic Training & Direction – Part B
President Lincoln famously said, “All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.” A beautiful reminder that as parents, our decisions and example don’t just affect our kids in the moment, but for a lifetime. Pastor Mike Fabarez discusses the profound spiritual impact parents have on their children.
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5/17/2023 • 25 minutes
Strategic Training & Direction – Part A
Most of us love hearing stories about our family history: what our grandparents and great-grandparents did, where they lived, and what they accomplished. Pastor Mike Fabarez discusses how parents can pass along a legacy of godliness to their children.
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5/16/2023 • 25 minutes
Preparing Your Kids for Repentance & Faith – Part C
Pick up any contemporary parenting book and you’ll likely find tips to build up your child’s self-esteem. We’re constantly told we need to nurture their strong self-identity. But is stroking their little egos really the best thing we can do as parents? Pastor Mike Fabarez turns to God’s word for counter-cultural instructions on raising “gospel-receptive” kids.
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5/15/2023 • 25 minutes
Christian Parenting
How can we protect our kids from life’s dangerous pitfalls and still prepare and equip them to handle these challenges on their own? The temptation for many parents to hover over their children and guard them against any harm is understandable. But is it effective? Pastor Mike Fabarez and his wife, Carlynn, talk about the trap of “helicopter parenting.”
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5/12/2023 • 25 minutes
Preparing Your Kids for Repentance & Faith – Part B
From blocks to Legos and pillow forts, you’ve taught your kids that the secret to a sturdy structure lies in a firm foundation. And building a strong faith is no different! Pastor Mike Fabarez is talking about the importance of establishing your home on the gospel.
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5/11/2023 • 25 minutes
Preparing Your Kids for Repentance & Faith – Part A
Jesus commissioned each one of us to go and make disciples of all men. And if you’re a parent that task starts at home! For moms and dads who follow Jesus, our goal is to lay the foundation that leads our sons and daughters to genuine salvation. Pastor Mike Fabarez re-focuses our attention on the essential work of the Holy Spirit and reminds parents that faith can’t be forced!
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5/10/2023 • 25 minutes
Avoiding the Common Sins in Parenting – Part C
As parents, it’s our job to provide for our kids and look out for their safety. We lovingly bandage scraped knees and comfort broken hearts. But sometimes our good intentions can do more harm than good! Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about parental fear and how it can hinder us from God’s best for our kids.
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5/9/2023 • 25 minutes
Avoiding the Common Sins in Parenting – Part B
Whether it’s teaching your kid to ride a bike or helping him get into the “right” college, moms and dads worry a lot! Too often we become “lawnmower parents”—running ourselves ragged to create a smooth path for our kids. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how understanding God’s design for parenting can free you from anxiety.
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5/8/2023 • 25 minutes
Christian Parenting
We often see celebrity children photographed on social media and dressed up in designer outfits, looking like adorable accessories for their A-list moms and dads. But God’s purpose for children goes far beyond bringing status and attention to their parents. Pastor Mike Fabarez and his wife, Carlynn, discuss the true purpose and calling of parenthood.
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5/5/2023 • 25 minutes
Avoiding the Common Sins in Parenting – Part A
Most moms and dads understand that it’s part of the job to identify and correct our kids’ bad behaviors. We expend so much energy keeping our kids out of trouble, but we may have overlooked the trouble in ourselves! Pastor Mike Fabarez takes the focus off the kids for a moment to address some of the temptations facing parents.
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5/4/2023 • 25 minutes
Rethinking the Importance of Your Marriage – Part C
When you bring home a baby for the first time, that child is completely helpless and dependent on mom and dad. But it doesn’t stay that way forever! Being a parent is a tough job. And Pastor Mike Fabarez challenges some of our cultural expectations as we consider what the Bible has to say about this important role.
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5/3/2023 • 25 minutes
Rethinking the Importance of Your Marriage – Part B
Parents spend a lot of time pouring into their kids. Diaper changes, soccer games, and homework fill up much of the day for moms and dads. And while the kids are important, there’s someone else who needs your attention first—your spouse! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why the relationship between husbands and wives should take priority.
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5/2/2023 • 25 minutes
Rethinking the Importance of Your Marriage – Part A
There are few undertakings in life as overwhelming as parenting. Contemporary authors have countless theories about the proper way to go about this task, but only one book offers guidance from the One who created your children! Pastor Mike Fabarez begins a new study on biblical parenting.
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5/1/2023 • 25 minutes
We all know from experience that life can be unfair. But how far should we go to demand justice? If Christians are supposed to be loving and forgiving, is it ever okay to sue someone? Pastor Mike Fabarez turns to God’s Word to explain what Scripture teaches Christians about using the legal system.
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4/28/2023 • 25 minutes
Coached by the Right Leaders – Part B
There’s a popular saying that “with great power, comes great responsibility.” And while we often overlook the role of good leadership when things are going well, we pay close attention when trouble stirs up! Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about the importance of choosing good leaders and outlines the high standards God has established for them.
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4/27/2023 • 25 minutes
Coached by the Right Leaders – Part A
Our culture places a high value in independence and individuality. As a result, it’s pretty typical to hear people complain about authority! But God’s Word reveals that our leaders are established by God. So how should Christians respond to them? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why we should willingly and joyfully follow our church leaders.
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4/26/2023 • 25 minutes
Unfazed by Sovereign Challenges – Part B
Over the years, you’ve probably heard a few sensational stories about well-known Christian leaders who publicly abandoned their faith. The Bible reveals that while these events are disturbing and embarrassing, they should not deter true Christ-followers from pressing forward with the gospel message. Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages Christians to be resilient and Unfazed by Sovereign Challenges.
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4/25/2023 • 25 minutes
Unfazed by Sovereign Challenges – Part A
Judas was the most infamous traitor of all time. But, his betrayal of Jesus was not a shock. In fact, it was part of God’s sovereign plan. Does that surprise you? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why betrayals are hurtful but should be expected.
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4/24/2023 • 25 minutes
Am I Really A Christian?
How do you know you’re really saved? Are you sure beyond a shadow of doubt? That’s a question every one of us eventually needs to face. Pastor Mike Fabarez tackles this topic and explains what we need to know about the assurance of salvation.
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4/21/2023 • 25 minutes
Praying For Progress – Part B
Have you ever had that nagging feeling like you’re forgetting to do something important? With our busy lives—working at jobs, caring for families, and serving at church—it’s no wonder we often forget to pray! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why prayer is essential if we want to succeed as we evangelize the lost.
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4/20/2023 • 25 minutes
Praying For Progress – Part A
Most Christians pray for financial success, but God also wants us to ask for spiritual success. He wants to equip us with everything we need to carry out the task making disciples at home, in our community, and around the world! Pastor Mike Fabarez identifies five crucial things we need to pray for as we work to advance the gospel.
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4/19/2023 • 25 minutes
Urgent Till Christ Returns – Part B
As the day of Christ’s return draws closer, our time to share the gospel is running out! Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages you to refocus on the Royal Task of reaching people for Christ. This message from the first chapter of Acts may be the shot in the arm you need to stop procrastinating and get to work on this noble assignment!
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4/18/2023 • 25 minutes
Urgent Till Christ Returns – Part A
The last command Jesus Christ gave His followers before He ascended into Heaven was to go into all the world and preach the gospel. It was not a suggestion. It was an order from Almighty God! Pastor Mike Fabarez teaches from the first chapter of Acts and urges Christians to immediately and urgently take on The Royal Task!
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4/17/2023 • 25 minutes
Paying Taxes
The official day to file your taxes is coming soon! And along with bemoaning this deadline comes the usual complaints about excessive government spending. Pastor Mike Fabarez answers a timely question about obeying the government when you don’t agree with its actions!
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4/14/2023 • 25 minutes
Serious About Our Assignment – Part B
The power of the Holy Spirit empowered ordinary men and women in the first century to reach people all over the world with the message of Jesus Christ. Pastor Mike Fabarez explains why the Holy Spirit is still the hallmark of the New Covenant and the conduit for our role in advancing God’s Kingdom!
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4/13/2023 • 25 minutes
Serious About Our Assignment – Part A
Many Christians shy away from sharing the gospel. It’s a daunting task, but it’s the task God gave us! How can we faithfully fulfill our assignment despite fears of inadequacy? Pastor Mike Fabarez explains how the Holy Spirit empowered the Early Church to spread the gospel and how He’s still at work in us today!
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4/12/2023 • 25 minutes
Confident in Our King – Part B
Our world is filled with differing opinions and conflicting information. So who can we trust when it comes to the all-important topic of faith? Pastor Mike Fabarez urges us to put our trust in Christ and what God has written in His Word.
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4/11/2023 • 25 minutes
Confident in Our King – Part A
Modern churches come in countless shapes and sizes, but they should share a common cause– proclaiming the gospel! And in the book of Acts, God establishes the leadership of the apostles and provides a blueprint for faithful churches. Pastor Mike Fabarez affirms the purpose of the church and our role in The Royal Task!
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4/10/2023 • 25 minutes
Redeemed From Your Heavy Burden
It’s difficult to imagine how terrible life was for the Israelite slaves forced to carry heavy bricks in Egypt thousands of years ago. But their wretched condition gives us a picture of the crushing burden that has been lifted through the power of Christ’s resurrection. Pastor Mike Fabarez presents a weighty reminder of the reason to celebrate this Easter.
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4/7/2023 • 25 minutes
Rethinking Death, Life and Eternity – Part B
It’s tempting to think we’ll have plenty of time to figure out a solution to our sin problem later. But the reality is, you and I don’t know when that day will come. Eternity may start sooner than you expect! Pastor Mike Fabarez shares a sobering reminder that judgement is coming. Are you ready?
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4/6/2023 • 25 minutes
Rethinking Death, Life and Eternity – Part A
We hear a lot about getting what we deserve. However, few of us truly understand what our actions would earn us. Contrary to popular belief, the Bible says what we really deserve is death! But thanks to Jesus, we don’t have to receive our just rewards! Pastor Mike Fabarez explains the meaning and purpose of propitiation.
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4/5/2023 • 25 minutes
Three Things You Should Do If Jesus Really Rose From the Dead – Part B
Many Christians picture themselves as independent, capable people. But in the Bible, Christ-followers are often compared to sheep—and it’s not exactly a compliment. Sheep are stubborn, rebellious, and prone to wander off. So, what is God trying to tell us? Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us why we should follow the Good Shepherd.
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4/4/2023 • 25 minutes
Three Things You Should Do If Jesus Really Rose From the Dead – Part A
Jesus wasn’t the only person who claimed to be God. But Jesus is the only one who backed up his claim with an audacious prediction: that he would die, be buried, and be raised to life again! Pastor Mike Fabarez examines the bold assertion of Jesus Christ and asks: What’s your Resurrection Response?
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4/3/2023 • 25 minutes
Christian Mysticism
When a person becomes a Christian, do they enter into a full-access relationship with God? Or do some Christians have the special privilege of a deeper connection? Pastor Mike Fabarez talks about how we relate to God in our Christian experience. The topics are Christian Mysticism and “spiritual formation.”
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3/31/2023 • 25 minutes
How to Keep God at the Center of a "Successful Life" – Part B
Financial trouble, broken relationships, and health problems drive us to our knees and closer to God. But comfort and success can do just the opposite! Prosperity tends to make us complacent and reluctant to obey God. Pastor Mike Fabarez reminds us that we must never allow comfort to keep us from costly obedience.
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3/30/2023 • 25 minutes
How to Keep God at the Center of a "Successful Life" – Part A
Most Americans live in unprecedented comfort and prosperity. Even if you don’t feel rich, compared to the rest of the world, you’re at the top. But all that wealth comes with the temptation to trust in money instead of God. Pastor Mike Fabarez delivers a cautionary tale from the life of King David about the Hazards of Prosperity.
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3/29/2023 • 25 minutes
Learning How to Celebrate the Good Stuff – Part B
Most of us are pretty good at assigning blame for bad things that happen. But when something good occurs, who gets the credit? Are you quick to thank God and others? Pastor Mike Fabarez teaches from Second Samuel chapter 22, where David demonstrates the grateful attitude God wants us to have.
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3/28/2023 • 25 minutes
Learning How to Celebrate the Good Stuff – Part A
Did you wake up today and thank God you had a bed to sleep in? Or food on the table? It sounds simple to “count your blessings,” so why is it difficult to stay focused on the good things? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares practical steps to help you reframe your day and keep track of God’s goodness.
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3/27/2023 • 25 minutes
Non-Christian Friends
As followers of Christ, we’re called to reach our world with the gospel. But how can we connect with non-believing friends without being negatively influenced by them? And how do we know if it’s time to break off that relationship? Pastor Mike Fabarez sits down to answer your questions about friendships with non-Christians.
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3/24/2023 • 25 minutes
A Wake-Up Call to Deal with the Dirt in Our Lives – Part C
You can’t go back and change the past, but God may be calling you to go back and clean up the mess! Pastor Mike Fabarez points to a story in Second Samuel chapter 21 that reminds us no matter how long ago a sin occurred, we need to deal with it now—even if it costs us financially or personally.
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3/23/2023 • 25 minutes
A Wake-Up Call to Deal with the Dirt in Our Lives – Part B
It’s tempting to think that our sins aren’t as serious as someone else’s. But what does God say about our sin? And do you agree with Him? Pastor Mike Fabarez shares the two-step process to deal with sin. No matter how hard we try, we can’t make things right, until we agree with God and make amends.
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