Hey, everyone! Aqui na Fluency TV Inglês, você vai encontrar oito tipos de podcasts para aprimorar seus estudos com diferentes assuntos: Walk 'n' Talk Essentials, Walk 'n' Talk Level Up, Fluency News, Pronunciation Bootcamp, Culture Talks, Go Getter, Infinite Vocab e Like A Native. Pratique diálogos, aprenda novas expressões, ouça como os nativos falam e fique por dentro das notícias — tudo isso enquanto segue sua rotina diária! Are you ready? Let’s go!
Artistas que são australianos e neozelandeses e você não sabia - Culture Talks
Hi there! :) No episódio de hoje vamos falar sobre artistas icônicos do mundo da música e do cinema que vieram da Nova Zelândia ou da Autrália, mas você não sabia. Além de dicas sobre filmes, músicas e muito mais. Let's GO!
12/13/2022 • 14 minutes, 53 seconds
The most unpredictable World Cup in ages, China’s silent protest and the Russian spy who took Forró classes - Fluency News
Neste episódio, vamos falar das partidas mais inacreditáveis da copa, da onda de protestos censurados que estão rolando na China e do espião russo que se passou por brasileiro por anos e até fazia aulas de forró! Ready?
12/1/2022 • 13 minutes, 25 seconds
Como a língua influencia a forma de ver o mundo - Culture Talks
Hoje o nosso episódio é uma reflexão importante sobre o poder da linguagem. Você acreditaria se disséssemos que a língua que você fala influencia e molda a sua forma de perceber o mundo ao seu redor? E que aprender outra língua também pode mudar isso? Pois é, a teacher Rafa te explica tudo! Are you ready? Dá play nesse episódio!
12/1/2022 • 9 minutes
Corporate crimes - Go Getter
Hi there, listeners! Welcome to another episode of Go Getter!
No episódio de hoje, vamos conversar sobre corporate crimes, ou seja, crimes que são seríssimos cometidos por empresas e sua impunidade. Vamos aprender bastante vocabulário e treinar muito o listening analisando os crimes cometidos pela FIFA, pelo governo e as empresas do Catar na organização da Copa do Mundo. Are you ready?
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
11/29/2022 • 11 minutes
The World Cup opening ceremony causes mixed reactions, school experiment goes wrong in Australia and public figures in Iran are arrested - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai ficar por dentro da abertura da copa do mundo que surpreendeu e causou reações variadas, de um experimento escolar que deu errado e provocou acidente em escola australiana, e sobre as atrizes proeminentes que foram presas pelo governo iraniano após demonstrar apoio a manifestações. Get ready and come join us!
This episode was written by Rebeca Pereira.
11/24/2022 • 11 minutes, 56 seconds
Quais são os melhores episódios de série sobre Thanksgiving? - Culture Talks
Vem ficar sabendo quais são os episódios de série mais icônicos de Thanksgiving para você entender e sentir o clima desse feriado tão amado pelos EUA e Canadá enquanto pratica o seu listening com algumas descrições e sinopses!
11/24/2022 • 13 minutes, 49 seconds
5 Erros mais comuns que os nativos de inglês cometem - Like a Native
Quando estamos aprendendo uma língua nova sempre ficamos muito preocupados em não cometer erros, mas quer saber um segredo? Até os nativos cometem erros! Então vem conferir os 5 erros mais comuns cometidos pelos nativos do inglês! Are you ready? Let’s gooo!
11/19/2022 • 10 minutes, 3 seconds
Explosion in Turkey leaves dozens wounded, Qatar World Cup surrounded by controversies, Milton Nascimento’s final tour - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai ficar por sabendo da explosão que ocorreu em uma rua movimentada de Istambul, dos boicotes e controvérsias sobre a Copa do Mundo no Catar e sobre o último show de uma das lendas da música brasileira. Get ready and come join us!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
11/18/2022 • 11 minutes, 39 seconds
Aprenda a ler qualquer palavra em inglês - Magic E - Pronunciation Bootcamp
Welcome to another episode of Pronunciation Bootcamp, o nosso podcast especial que te ajuda a aprimorar a pronúncia do inglês!
11/11/2022 • 13 minutes, 5 seconds
Seneca Village, a comunidade embaixo do Central Park - Culture Talks
Você certamente já ouviu falar do Central Park, mas você conhece a Seneca Village? Aproveite o Culture Talks de hoje para aprender um pouco sobre essa parte nada glamurosa da história do Central Park e, de quebra, treinar um pouco do seu listening. So take a deep breath, open up your ears e dá play nesse episódio!
11/10/2022 • 13 minutes, 12 seconds
More than 3 thousand Twitter employees laid off, Brazilian tourist crushed by ice in Argentina, and the death of Aaron Carter - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai ficar por dentro da demissão em massa no Twitter, sobre o triste fim do homem que viajava a américa latina com sua gata de estimação e também sobre a morte precoce do Aaron Carter. Get ready and come join us!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
11/9/2022 • 12 minutes, 8 seconds
Palavras que ninguém te ensina - Infinite Vocab
Batata da perna se diz potato leg? Você já foi aquele aluno que perguntou as palavras mais aleatórias para seu profe de inglês? Ou você já se perguntou como se diz as palavras mais estranhas como alça, gorro, axila? Então seu momento chegou, nesse episódio vamos falar de algumas dessas palavras para você adicionar ao seu vocabulário. Let’s go?
11/4/2022 • 15 minutes, 17 seconds
Falência do Kanye, tragédia em Seoul e segundo turno
Neste episódio, você vai descobrir as questões históricas do segundo turno, como o Halloween em Seoul virou um terror na vida real e o buraco em que o Kanye West se enfiou que pode ser o fim da carreira dele! Get ready and come join us!
11/3/2022 • 13 minutes, 8 seconds
Quem são as pessoas no dinheiro americano? - Culture Talks
Você sabia que o dinheiro também pode contar histórias? Nesse Culture Talks, a teacher Becs te explica quem são os rostos estampados no dinheiro americano e o que eles fizeram para chegar até ali, tudo isso em inglês para desafiar seus ouvidos! Mas, relaxa, teremos contexto e palavras-chaves em português. Are you ready? Dá play nesse episódio!
11/2/2022 • 16 minutes, 34 seconds
Tipos de intercâmbio - Go Getter
Hi there, listeners! Welcome to another episode of Go Getter!
No episódio de hoje, vamos conversar sobre oportunidades incríveis de intercâmbio e como conquistá-las! Fique ligado pra não perder essas dicas, afinal, essas oportunidades podem ser muito mais acessíveis do que se imagina!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
10/28/2022 • 9 minutes, 39 seconds
Bruxas de Salem - Culture Talks
Hello monsters and witches! Y’all feeling spooktacular? You better! Welcome to another episode of Culture Talks - Halloween Edition!
10/26/2022 • 14 minutes, 24 seconds
British Prime Minister Liz Truss resigns after 44 days in charge, 75 people are rescued on the Greek seas and Taylor Swift’s new album divides opinions - Fluency News
Neste episódio, vamos falar da renúncia da primeira ministra britânica Liz Truss, sobre as 75 pessoas resgatadas no mar da Grécia e do novo álbum da Taylor Swift, Midnights, que dividiu opiniões. Ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
10/25/2022 • 11 minutes, 14 seconds
Os sotaques em inglês - Like a Native
Preparados pra decifrar aquele personagem impossível de entender em um filme ou série? Pra não ficar na dúvida se aquilo que você ouviu era inglês ou não? É hora de descobrir a diferença entre alguns dos sotaques do inglês mais comuns e ouvir exemplos para treinar o seu listening!
10/21/2022 • 14 minutes, 2 seconds
Volta do Blink-182, países ameaçam a Rússia e Amazon mais verde! - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai descobrir como outros países estão reagindo às ações da Rússia, vai ficar sabendo sobre o retorno da banda Blink-182 depois de 10 anos e também sobre como a Amazon está gastando seus bilhões! Get ready and come join us!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
10/20/2022 • 11 minutes, 37 seconds
Lendas urbanas - Culture Talks
Ainda é Outubro, o mês Halloween! Nesse Culture Talks, a teacher Becs te conta lendas urbanas de diversos países, que te ajudam a treinar muito o seu listening com histórias apresentadas 100% em inglês. Are you ready to be spooked? Dá play nesse episódio!
10/20/2022 • 11 minutes, 11 seconds
Como inserir o inglês na vida das crianças desde cedo - Infinite Vocab
Colocar o inglês na vida das crianças pode ser um grande desafio, mas acredite, eles já saem com muita vantagem nesse processo! E por que não aprender juntos? Em comemoração ao dia das crianças, o episódio de hoje será sobre educação bilíngue e métodos de colocar o inglês na vida das crianças! Are you ready? Let’s gooo!
10/14/2022 • 8 minutes, 22 seconds
Eleições, mísseis e Coldplay | As notícias do mundo em inglês - Fluency News
Neste episódio, vamos falar de como foram as eleições, do porque o Coldplay cancelou os shows no Brasil e ainda de uma possível antecipação da terceira guerra mundial. Ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
10/13/2022 • 10 minutes, 34 seconds
De onde surgiu o gênero terror? - Culture Talks
Chegou aquela época do ano em que tudo é desculpa para sentir aquele arrepio, a adrenalina gostosa do medo! Por isso, no episódio de hoje, a teacher Rafa vai contar a história do horror como gênero enquanto faz alguns “listening challenges” com os maiores clássicos do gênero. E o treino começa agora! Então coloque o fone e dê play neste episódio!
10/11/2022 • 17 minutes, 51 seconds
Flap T, o mais americano dos sons do inglês - Pronunciation Bootcamp
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Você já ouviu falar do Flap T, o mais americano dos sons do inglês? Sabia que a pronúncia dessa letra é bem diferente da do inglês Britânico? Ficou curiosa, curioso? Então vem ouvir o Pronunciation Bootcamp de hoje e aprenda ainda mais uma dica pra fazer o seu inglês soar super natural e fluído. Let’s go?
10/7/2022 • 9 minutes, 20 seconds
Jeffrey Dahmer, Nasa e outras notícias do mundo em inglês!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Neste episódio, você vai saber mais sobre os familiares das vítimas do serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer que criticaram a nova série da Netflix, sobre o asteróide que a NASA destruiu e também sobre a semana de trabalho de apenas 4 dias que está ganhando popularidade pelo mundo! Get ready and come join us!
10/7/2022 • 10 minutes, 20 seconds
Séries de terror baseadas em livros - Culture talks
Você já percebeu que estamos em Outubro? Isso significa Halloween! Hora de se aconchegar nas cobertas e assistir séries e filmes de suspense e terror sem tapar os olhos! Nesse Culture Talks falamos da nossa lista de quatro filmes e séries de terror baseados em livros que não são extremamente conhecidos, mas que merecem ser assistidos. Are you brave enough to watch all of them?
10/5/2022 • 11 minutes, 46 seconds
Por que procrastinamos e como parar? - Go Getter
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to another episode of Go Getter!
No episódio de hoje, vamos conversar sobre o que procrastinação, porque ela ocorre e como vencê-la. Fique ligado, ligado pra não perder essas dicas, aprender muito vocabulário novo e ainda treinar o seu listening.
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
9/30/2022 • 14 minutes, 30 seconds
Adam Levine infiel e outras notícias do mundo em inglês - Fluency News
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Neste episódio, você vai saber mais sobre a mulher que forjou o próprio sequestro, sobre os detalhes mais pessoais do funeral da rainha e sobre as alegações de traição sobre o vocalista do Maroon 5. Get ready!
9/29/2022 • 10 minutes, 58 seconds
O dia nacional do “faça uma pergunta estúpida” - Culture Talks
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Você sabia que hoje, on september 28th, as pessoas comemoram um feriado bem único nos Estados Unidos? Pois é, hoje é o National Ask a Stupid Question Day! O dia nacional do “faça uma pergunta estúpida”… Mas como se comemora e o que é o ask a stupid question day?
9/28/2022 • 5 minutes, 45 seconds
British monarchy alliances questioned, Rock in Rio has iconic performances and generates a fortune for the local economy - Fluency News
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Neste episódio, você vai saber mais sobre os países que estão repensando suas alianças depois da morte da rainha Elizabeth, as tropas russas que estão finalmente deixando algumas regiões da Ucrânia e a fortuna que o Rock in Rio gerou para o Rio de Janeiro. Are you ready?
9/23/2022 • 8 minutes, 24 seconds
O que faz um monarca britânico e o que é commonwealth? - Culture Talks
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Desde a morte da rainha, muito se fala na monarquia do Reino Unido e na comunidade das nações, a Commonwealth of Nations, que costumava estar sob seu comando. Mas, afinal, o que é a Commonwealth? E o que faz um rei ou rainha nos dias atuais? Esse é o nosso papo de hoje no Culture Talks! Então coloque o fone e dê play neste episódio!
9/21/2022 • 8 minutes, 18 seconds
Chutar o balde é kick the bucket? - Like a Native
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Preparados para mais um episódio do Like a Native? Hoje, a teacher Paula Gabriela e o teacher Scott batem um papo sobre expressões e palavras que existem tanto no português quanto no inglês, mas que significam coisas totalmente diferentes! Então, coloque o fone e já dê o play aqui para não passar vergonha na gringa!
9/20/2022 • 14 minutes, 1 second
Ritmos musicais que contam a história dos lugares em que nasceram! - Culture Talks
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Se você curte música, sabe que a maioria dos ritmos pertencem a movimentos que surgiram em alguns lugares específicos e carregam sua história e cultura. Hoje, a teacher Becs fala um pouco sobre alguns desses ritmos e suas maiores influências – e, ainda, como a cultura do lugar onde eles surgiram se traduz nas músicas! Então coloque o fone e dê play neste episódio!
9/15/2022 • 7 minutes, 55 seconds
Did Harry Styles spit on Chris Pine? Russia quits supplying gas to Europe and Woman accidentally gets over R$37 million and spends it all right away - Fluency News
Neste episódio, vamos falar do ícone Harry Styles e a possível “cuspida” que ele deu no Chris Pine, vamos ouvir a história da mulher que, por acaso, recebeu mais do equivalente a 37 milhões de reais e ainda das medidas da Rússia para tentar derrubar suas sanções econômicas. Ready?
9/15/2022 • 11 minutes, 6 seconds
Filmes americanos que bombaram no Brasil e floparam nos EUA - Culture Talks
Tenho certeza que algumas das séries e filmes deste episódio marcaram sua infância. Quem não ama Todo Mundo Odeia o Chris? E Eu, a Patroa e as Crianças? E quem ainda não para na frente da TV toda vez que passa As Branquelas? Bem, aparentemente, os americanos! Pois é, muitos desses filmes e séries que fizeram sucesso estrondoso no Brasil não cativaram muito os americanos. Hoje, o teacher Scott nos ajuda a entender por quê! Então coloque o fone e dê play neste episódio!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
9/12/2022 • 9 minutes, 42 seconds
Aprenda como pronunciar as consoantes em inglês! - Pronunciation Bootcamp
Hey there! Welcome to another episode of Pronunciation Bootcamp!
No episódio de hoje, nós vamos nos aprofundar na pronúncia de algumas consoantes no inglês!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
9/12/2022 • 19 minutes, 58 seconds
Anitta vence o VMA e outras notícias do mundo em inglês - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai saber mais sobre as intenções da NASA ao enviar uma espaçonave para a lua, a possível reação da Netflix à perda de assinantes no último ano e como a cantora Anitta fez história no VMA. Ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
9/9/2022 • 11 minutes, 36 seconds
Como funciona a educação nos Estados Unidos? - Infinite Vocab
Você conhece o sistema de ensino americano? Tem vontade de estudar por lá? Então não deixe de conferir este episódio, em que o teacher Scott vai te contar tudo sobre a educação nos EUA e o vocabulário necessário para um estudante se virar por lá! Are you ready? Let’s gooo!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
9/2/2022 • 14 minutes, 28 seconds
The heart of D. Pedro I arrives in Brazil from Portugal to celebrate the independence, Russian missile strikes a railway station in Ukraine and misogynist influencer Andrew Tate was banne Fluency News
Neste episódio, vamos falar da viagem realizada pelo coração de Dom Pedro I ao Brasil, em comemoração aos 200 anos da nossa independência, vamos saber mais sobre o míssil que atingiu uma estação de trem e deixou mortos e feridos na Ucrânia, além de descobrir quem é o influencer banido de todas as redes sociais. Ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
9/1/2022 • 13 minutes, 15 seconds
Dá pra sobreviver só com o inglês na Europa? - Culture Talks
Você já visitou ou pensa em visitar a Europa? Já ouviu dizer que esse continente é uma verdadeira escola de idiomas? Imagina os motivos pelos quais os europeus possam ter facilidade em se comunicar em inglês? Hoje, a teacher Rafa recebe Nati Catalano, uma estudante que morou e estudou na Europa, para bater um papo sobre a relação dos europeus com as línguas estrangeiras, principalmente o inglês. E, se seu sonho é se tornar poliglota, a primeira lição pode estar bem aqui! Então coloque o fone e dê play neste episódio!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/31/2022 • 32 minutes, 18 seconds
Analisando o sucesso da Starbucks - Go getter
PLAYLIST Go getter
Preparados para mais um episódio do Go Getter? Hoje, a prof Carol vai analisar os três fatores mais importantes para o sucesso da Starbucks no mundo, aproveitando para te ensinar um monte de vocabulário relacionado ao tema. Are you ready? Let’s go!Analisando o sucesso da Starbucks.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/26/2022 • 10 minutes, 38 seconds
Aggressive dolphin on the loose in Japan, Hollywood finally apologizes for the 1973 disaster, Ezra Miller finally talks about behavior - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai entender a treta do Oscar relacionada ao filme “O Poderoso Chefão”, o motivo de os banhistas de uma região no Japão precisarem ficar atentos aos golfinhos e o que Ezra Miller tem a dizer sobre os últimos meses de peripécias. Ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/25/2022 • 10 minutes, 13 seconds
Sobre morar fora do seu país - Culture Talks
PLAYLIST Culture Talks
Você já sonhou em morar fora do Brasil? Já imaginou alguns dos desafios que você pode encontrar? Então venha com a Becs bater um papo sobre isso! Are you ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/25/2022 • 11 minutes, 44 seconds
Ditados e provérbios em inglês - Like a Native
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Preparados para mais um episódio de Like a Native? Hoje, a teacher Becs vai voltar no tempo para te ensinar alguns provérbios e ditados populares usados em inglês. Let’s do it!
8/24/2022 • 10 minutes, 30 seconds
Droughts in Europe are revealing the cautionary “Hunger Stones”, the death and legacy of Olivia Newton John and Jô Soares and Meta’s bot rebelling against its owner Mark Zuckemberg - Fluency News
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Neste episódio, vamos falar das “Pedras de Fome”, pedras reveladas pela seca na Europa que carregam mensagens misteriosas de mau presságio. Você também vai ouvir sobre a morte e o legado do nosso querido Jô Soares e da estrela Olivia Newton-John. Para finalizar, ainda vamos te contar as opiniões do robô da Meta sobre seu próprio chefe. Ready?
8/22/2022 • 10 minutes, 39 seconds
Livros para começar a ler em inglês - Culture Talks
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Você gosta de ler? Já pensou em ler seus livros favoritos em inglês? Hoje, a teacher Rafa te conta algumas dicas para começar a ler em inglês e ainda te sugere livros para começar, independentemente da sua idade ou nível de proficiência! Ficou curioso? Não deixe de conferir esse e outros conteúdos gratuitos no nosso portal!
8/17/2022 • 13 minutes, 12 seconds
Primeiros Socorros em inglês - Infinite Vocab
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Preparados para mais um episódio do Infinite Vocab? Hoje, a teacher Becs vai te ensinar algo essencial, mas pouco abordado: Emergency vocab, ou vocabulário de emergência. Ninguém nunca deseja que nada aconteça, mas é sempre bom estar preparado para todas as situações, right? Let’s go!
8/12/2022 • 13 minutes, 4 seconds
Você sabe o que é Spanglish? - Culture Talks
Você já ouviu falar no Spanglish? Hoje, a Teacher Paula e sua convidada Peti Ferrari vão bater um papo e te mostrar como conseguimos unir dois idiomas completamente diferentes em um novo dialeto. Are you ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/10/2022 • 19 minutes, 9 seconds
World's tallest tree now off-limits, tension around US visit to Taiwan and DC movie canceled during post-production - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai entender por que a árvore mais alta do mundo não pode mais ser visitada, vai ficar sabendo o motivo da tensão entre os EUA e a China e sobre um dos projetos mais caros a serem descartados na história do cinema. Ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/9/2022 • 10 minutes, 30 seconds
Marcas em Inglês - Pronunciation Bootcamp
PLAYLIST Pronunciation Bootcamp
Você já se pegou na dúvida de como dizer o nome de alguma marca em inglês? Hoje, a teacher Becs te ensina como pronunciar algumas das marcas mais famosas em inglês! O episódio está recheado de dicas! Are you ready? Não deixe de acompanhar o material de apoio no nosso portal!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/5/2022 • 16 minutes, 29 seconds
O inglês de 60 países - Culture Talks
Você sabe quantos países hoje tem o inglês como língua oficial? Sabia que eles estão espalhados por todo o globo? Hoje o teacher Scott conta um pouco sobre os países onde a maior parte da população fala inglês, seja essa a língua oficial ou não, além de expressões e curiosidades sobre a fala dos outros países! Are you ready? Não deixe de conferir outros conteúdos gratuitos no nosso portal!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/4/2022 • 11 minutes, 32 seconds
The “abandoned house” from the podcast becomes a tourist attraction in São Paulo, Pet trades may be forbidden in New York and Kylie Jenner hates the new Instagram. - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai entender mais sobre a famosa mulher da casa abandonada que mobilizou o Brasil e como sua mansão em Higienópolis virou ponto turístico em São Paulo. Também vamos falar sobre as vendas de animais de estimação serem proibidas em Nova Iorque, e o que a Kylie Jenner achou das mudanças do Instagram. Ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/4/2022 • 14 minutes, 36 seconds
Você sabe o que é “glass ceiling”? - Go Getter
Você já ouviu falar de “glass ceiling”? Apesar da tradução ser “teto de vidro”, o assunto de hoje não tem nada a ver com arquitetura! Nossa conversa é sobre as barreiras invisíveis e os desafios que mulheres e minorias enfrentam no mundo corporativo. A teacher Becs te conta o que é glass ceiling e como enfrentá-lo, enquanto te ensina alguns dos principais vocabulários para o trabalho. Are you ready? Não deixe de conferir outros conteúdos gratuitos no nosso portal!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
8/1/2022 • 15 minutes, 1 second
Por que um gringo escolhe morar no Brasil? - Culture Talks
Por que será que os gringos decidem viver no Brasil? E quais são os principais choques entre a cultura norte-americana e a brasileira? Escute um bate-papo entre dois gringos e suas histórias e experiências em terras tupiniquins! Let’s go!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/27/2022 • 36 minutes, 7 seconds
As expressões mais usadas nos EUA - Like a Native
Preparados para mais um episódio do Like a Native? Hoje, a teacher Becs vai falar de algumas expressões idiomáticas com cores muito úteis e frequentes no inglês. Assim, você vai conseguir se comunicar como um nativo – well, like a native! Come check it out!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/26/2022 • 16 minutes, 28 seconds
Man lost at sea is saved by a toy, heatwaves in Europe and the benefits of being near water - Fluency News
Neste episódio, você vai saber sobre o homem que sobreviveu 18 horas no meio do oceano graças a um brinquedo, sobre as ondas de calor que estão acontecendo na Europa e sobre os benefícios de visitar locais da natureza com água!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/26/2022 • 10 minutes, 29 seconds
Quando é preciso ser formal? - Culture Talks
Você sabe em quais momentos você precisa ser menos ou mais formal em inglês? Hoje é dia de tirar suas dúvidas! Vamos falar sobre algumas diferenças na formalidade e suas intensidades, para você ficar craque na fala e na escrita. Are you ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/21/2022 • 9 minutes, 56 seconds
The breathtaking pictures from space, the Emmy’s, and why you should give that friend a call - Fluency News
Neste episódio, falamos sobre as imagens incríveis mandadas pelo James Webb Space Telescope, sobre as indicações ao Emmy de 2022, e sobre um novo estudo que vai te incentivar a ligar para aquele amigo distante!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
7/20/2022 • 11 minutes, 11 seconds
Comidas tradicionais dos Estados Unidos - Culture Talks
Preparado, preparada para o Culture Talks de hoje? Neste episódio, o teacher Scott fala sobre as comidas típicas dos Estados Unidos. É hora de aprender sobre a cultura norte-americana e expandir seu vocabulário! Are you ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/18/2022 • 14 minutes, 4 seconds
Inverno - Infinite Vocab
PERFIL DO INSTAGRAM @fluencytvingles
Hey there! Welcome to another episode of Infinite Vocab!
O friozinho chegou e no episódio de hoje nós vamos aprender palavras relacionadas ao inverno!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/13/2022 • 13 minutes, 8 seconds
Brazil’s obsession with plastic surgery, climbers found after the Italian avalanche, and the end of Stranger Things - Fluency News
INSTAGRAM @fluencytvingles
Neste episódio, falamos sobre o Brasil no topo de um ranking mundial, a avalanche que aconteceu nos alpes da Itália e sobre a próxima temporada de Stranger Things!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/12/2022 • 9 minutes, 34 seconds
O sotaque brasileiro - Pronunciation Bootcamp
Será que a minha pronúncia de “Facebook” está certa? Neste episódio do Pronunciation Bootcamp, você vai aprender como trabalhar na sua pronúncia de palavras que nós usamos em português! Não se esqueça de repetir em voz alta com a teacher Liv!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/9/2022 • 9 minutes, 31 seconds
Cinema brasileiro - Culture Talks
Os filmes brasileiros fazem sucesso no exterior? Você provavelmente já assistiu - ou deveria ter assistido - os filmes nacionais mais aclamados pelos brasileiros… Mas será que os gringos já ouviram falar deles? Alguns dos filmes mais famosos alcançaram o público estrangeiro e chegaram na gringa com alguns nomes bem diferentes! No bate-papo de hoje, os teachers Scott e Paula vão falar sobre esses filmes e o Scott vai tentar adivinhar como são chamados nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil. Are you ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/7/2022 • 16 minutes, 54 seconds
A Friends’ donation, the man infected by Covid for science, and Matilda becomes a musical - Fluency News
No episódio dessa semana, nós falamos sobre a doação que a criadora de Friends fez para uma universidade, sobre Jacob Hopkins, que foi infectado com Covid voluntariamente, e sobre o novo musical Matilda.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/5/2022 • 9 minutes, 32 seconds
As principais perguntas de uma entrevista de emprego - Go Getter
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to another episode of Go Getter!
No episódio de hoje, você vai ouvir algumas das principais perguntas que você pode esperar ao entrar em uma entrevista de emprego, e vai aprender como responder algumas delas!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
7/5/2022 • 10 minutes, 29 seconds
Sotaques - Culture Talks
Welcome to another episode of Culture Talks. Neste episódio, a teacher Liv e a teacher Becs se juntam para falar sobre o sotaque brasileiro e sobre como ele é percebido no exterior. Enjoy!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
6/30/2022 • 25 minutes, 42 seconds
The scandal around Netflix production, Suspects arrested in Dom Philips case, Queen Bey is back - Fluency News
Neste episódio falamos sobre um caso suspeito durante gravações da Netflix, sobre o que aconteceu com o jornalista britânico que visitava a amazônia, e sobre o retorno de uma diva pop.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
This episode was written by Rebeca Pereira.
6/28/2022 • 9 minutes, 26 seconds
Gírias jovens - Like a Native
Welcome to another episode of Like a Native. Neste episódio, você vai aprender as gírias mais usadas no momento com a teacher Liv! Assim, conseguirá entender e se comunicar como um nativo, like a native! E tudo de forma natural, sem te confundir com diálogos formais! Let’s go!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
6/27/2022 • 9 minutes, 54 seconds
Viajando o mundo através do cinema - Culture Talks
Todo mundo que estuda inglês gostaria de viver uma experiência de imersão em algum país de língua inglesa. Você já pensou que é possível ter esse gostinho sem sair de casa? O cinema nos ajuda nisso! Neste episódio, as teachers Carol e Thalita dão várias dicas legais de filmes para você viajar na cultura de alguns países anglófonos.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
6/22/2022 • 12 minutes, 27 seconds
Lightyear’s premiere, Anitta’s European tour and the Twitter/Musk meeting - Fluency News
INSTAGRAM @fluencytvingles
No episódio dessa semana, nós falamos sobre a estreia de Lightyear, a turnê europeia de Anitta e a reunião de Elon Musk com funcionários do Twitter.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
This episode was written by Lívia Pond
6/21/2022 • 9 minutes, 33 seconds
Como é a vida no Canadá? - Culture Talks
Welcome to another episode of Culture Talks. Nesse episódio, a teacher Liv vai compartilhar um pouco da sua experiência com o intercâmbio para o Canadá, os passos tomados e a vida universitária no país. Enjoy!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
6/17/2022 • 15 minutes, 54 seconds
Os signos do Zodíaco - Infinite Vocab
What’s your sign? O episódio de Infinite Vocab de hoje está todo trabalhado nos astros! É hora de aprender a falar sobre signos e expandir seu vocabulário. Are you ready?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
6/16/2022 • 12 minutes, 58 seconds
The Queen’s goodbye, Adam Sandler gets a black eye and the Addams family - Fluency News
Neste episódio falamos sobre o jubileu da rainha da Inglaterra, do olho roxo do Adam Sandler e da família Addams!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
This episode was written by Rebeca Pereira.
6/15/2022 • 9 minutes, 2 seconds
Os vários países que têm inglês como língua oficial - Culture Talks
Todo mundo sabe que se fala inglês nos EUA, na Inglaterra, no Canadá ou na Austrália. Mas você sabia que mais de quarenta países têm o inglês como língua oficial? Neste episódio, a teacher Thalita Uba fala sobre alguns deles.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
6/10/2022 • 5 minutes, 29 seconds
Trava línguas em inglês! - Pronunciation Bootcamp
Será que tem como aprender alguma coisa com um trava-línguas? Venha ouvir para descobrir!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
6/8/2022 • 19 minutes, 59 seconds
A cake at Monalisa, Stranger Things 4 and the world largest plant is discovered - Fluency News
Neste episódio falamos sobre o quadro da Mona Lisa ter sido atacado com um bolo, sobre novidades de Stranger Things e sobre a descoberta da maior planta do mundo na Austrália.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
6/7/2022 • 10 minutes, 9 seconds
Ganhando tempo pra pensar - Go Getter
Sabe quando alguém te faz uma pergunta e você precisa de alguns segundos pra poder organizar seus pensamentos e responder da melhor forma possível? Quando isso acontece, nós podemos lançar mão de algumas expressões que não têm nenhum significado agregado, mas que nos ajudam a ganhar um tempinho pra encontrar a melhor resposta.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
6/3/2022 • 11 minutes, 32 seconds
Austrália e suas curiosidades - Culture Talks
Que a Austrália é famosa pelos cangurus você já sabe, mas hoje é dia de falar sobre o que ninguém te contou de lá. Está pronto, pronta para conferir? Let’s go!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
6/2/2022 • 8 minutes, 43 seconds
Stranger Things, China’s mysterious hole, CS:GO Major in Rio, Monkeypox - Fluency News
Neste episódio falamos sobre as novidades no mundo de filmes e séries com Stranger Things, Thor e Missão Impossível, uma floresta encontrada na China, a varíola de macaco, Monkeypox e finalmente, CS:GO no Rio de Janeiro em novembro.
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
This episode was written by Becs Oliveira.
5/31/2022 • 13 minutes, 20 seconds
Entonação - Like a Native
Welcome to another episode of Like a Native. A teacher Becs vai falar sobre um jeito de deixar a sua fala mais natural e mais clara! É algo que vai te ajudar a entender melhor e a se comunicar como um nativo, like a native! Let’s go!
5/27/2022 • 11 minutes, 20 seconds
Anitta takes over the world, She-Hulk is coming, Covid-Zero in China - Fluency News
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this episode, we talk about Anitta’s performance at Billboard MusicCon and Coachella. We also talk about the slightly doubtful zero-Covid milestone in Shanghai and finally, Marvel fans unhappiness due to She-Hulk CGI.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Becs Oliveira.
Transcrição do episódio: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-83
5/25/2022 • 13 minutes, 28 seconds
Coisas estranhas do inglês (e do português) - Culture Talks
Descubra as principais diferenças entre o português e inglês analisando gramática, pronúncia, vocabulário e mais. Ouça agora.
5/23/2022 • 36 minutes, 57 seconds
Palavras Opostas - Infinite Vocab
No episódio de hoje, nós vamos aprender palavras opostas, será que o oposto de dark é apenas light? Vem aprender!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
5/20/2022 • 17 minutes, 44 seconds
No one puts Baby in a corner… twice - Fluency News
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this episode, we talk about drones that are taking deforestation prevention to another level. We also talk about the man who managed to land a plane by himself after his pilot became unconscious, and finally, we talk about a sequel that’s coming 35 years after its original movie.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
5/17/2022 • 8 minutes, 20 seconds
9 palavras difíceis de pronunciar - Pronunciation Bootcamp
Como é que eu falo “throughout”? E “thorough”? Tem o mesmo significado? Neste episódio do Pronunciation Bootcamp, você vai aprender como pronunciar essas palavras e outras que são consideradas difíceis para quem está aprendendo inglês. Não esquece de repetir em voz alta com a teacher Liv!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/pb-ing-09
5/16/2022 • 21 minutes, 26 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #127 - Long time no see
Where have you been?
In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, we’ll hear friends meeting up for the first time in a while. They talk about what’s changed since, and we use that dialogue to practice some hard to pronounce words!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-ing-127
5/12/2022 • 26 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #130 - Aqueles pobres pinguins
Ouça um diálogo entre dois amigos conversando sobre o aquecimento global. De quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-130
5/11/2022 • 22 minutes, 26 seconds
Astronauts bound to a life without crime - Fluency News
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this episode, we comment the events, and yes, clothing, of the atendees of the Met Gala. We talk about news coming from Canada with an incredible headline, and about Tasmania becoming one of the first places in the world to be “carbon negative”.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-81
5/10/2022 • 12 minutes, 48 seconds
Como dar conselhos em inglês - Go Getter
Dar conselhos nem sempre é uma tarefa fácil. É preciso encontrar um equilíbrio entre ser delicado e ser honesto. Por isso, é sempre bom ter umas cartas na manga para conseguir se expressar de forma assertiva, mas também educada.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/go-getter-ing-08
5/5/2022 • 10 minutes, 43 seconds
Endless possibilities for plastic recycling - Fluency News
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the lifting of a decades-old ban in Canada. We also talk about the insane temperatures in India and Pakistan, the Webb telescope’s perfect functioning so far, and the possibility of an enzyme changing the recycling world.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
5/5/2022 • 15 minutes, 7 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #126 - Go easier on yourself!
I feel like I never have time! Have you ever felt that way?
5/5/2022 • 18 minutes, 1 second
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #129 - Qual deles eu deveria escolher?
Hey there!
Welcome to another episode of Walk 'n' Talk Essentials! No episódio de hoje, duas amigas falam sobre um dilema, e quando temos um dilema, esperamos um conselho, não é mesmo? Não se esqueça de praticar sua pronúncia repetindo as palavras depois da teacher Becs. Ouça o episódio quantas vezes quiser, até estar com as expressões na ponta da língua! Come on!
5/4/2022 • 21 minutes, 19 seconds
Expressões da Nova Zelândia - Like a Native
Welcome to another episode of Like a Native. A teacher Becs vai te ensinar termos e expressões e frases para você se virar quando for para a Nova Zelândia! Assim você consegue fugir de muitos perrengues e se comunicar como um nativo, like a native! Let’s go!
4/28/2022 • 14 minutes, 48 seconds
Pokémon Go might help your depression - Fluency News
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the reelection of French president Emmanuel Macron, the Twitter acquisition by Elon Musk, and the measures China is taking against Covid. We also talk about how games like Pokémon Go can help alleviate depression symptoms.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
4/28/2022 • 13 minutes, 50 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #128 - Para onde vamos?
Don’t mess with me! E se você pudesse aparecer no set de filmagem do seu filme favorito?
4/27/2022 • 19 minutes, 53 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #125 - Back from New Zealand
Did you ever travel anywhere and end up absorbing expressions and mannerisms of the place?
In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, we’ll hear Nancy and Frank talking about her coming back from vacation! But something is a little different about her!
4/27/2022 • 22 minutes, 7 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #117 - Na cantina
He did it off the cuff!
Você é bom de improviso? Sabe se virar nos 30? No episódio desta semana, nós vamos escutar dois amigos conversando sobre um trabalho escolar muito bem feito, que foi totalmente improvisado!
Let’s go!
4/25/2022 • 18 minutes, 53 seconds
Você já reformou a sua casa - Infinite Vocab
Você é o tipo de pessoa que ama fazer mudanças na casa, uma reforminha aqui e ali, ou é daquelas que só derruba parede quando um cano estoura? Bom, independente da opção em que você se encaixa, é sempre bom saber o nome das ferramentas e saber qual profissional procurar quando quiser renovar a sua cozinha, certo? Neste episódio, a teacher Thalita apresenta algumas palavras úteis relacionadas a reformas e às profissões da área. Está pronto, pronta para conferir? Let’s go!
4/23/2022 • 11 minutes, 4 seconds
Book banning leads to banned books book clubs - Fluency News
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we take a quick look on the most recent news from Ukraine, and we see the devastating effects of climate change in South Africa. We also see some advances in solar-energy, and the movement that is growing between students to read books conservatives don’t want them to read.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
4/22/2022 • 14 minutes, 26 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #124 - What’s khaki?
Do you prefer marble or wooden kitchen surfaces? Come see what's going on with Val’s remodel.
4/21/2022 • 16 minutes, 56 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #127 - Vamos fazer uma tatuagem!
Ouça um diálogo entre um tatuador e seu cliente sobre a tatuagem que irão fazer. De quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
4/21/2022 • 23 minutes, 18 seconds
Indo para a faculdade USA x BR - Culture Talks
Hoje é dia de falar sobre os estudos! Você provavelmente já assistiu algum filme ou série em que o personagem está tentando entrar em uma faculdade. É um processo bem diferente do que temos no Brasil, né? No bate-papo de hoje, os teachers Scott e Paula vão falar sobre as diferenças de conseguir entrar para a faculdade nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil. Are you ready?
4/14/2022 • 10 minutes, 15 seconds
New technology to predict heart disease - Fluency News
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we’ll talk about the appointment of the first Black woman to the Supreme Court in the United States. We’ll also see a quick update on the Ukrainian war, along with some interesting discoveries in the science field!
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
4/14/2022 • 13 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #123 - The college application essay
What should you write about when applying for college?
In this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up, we’ll talk about getting into universities and what you should write about in your application essay!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-123
4/14/2022 • 23 minutes, 48 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #126 - Precisando de um professor particular
Math doesn’t make any sense! Você já pensou em ter aulas particulares de matemática?
“Live” e “to live” possuem o mesmo significado? Neste episódio do Pronunciation Bootcamp, a teacher Becs mostra alguns casos de palavras que têm a mesma escrita, mas que, com pronúncias diferentes, carregam significados diferentes!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/pb-ing-08
4/7/2022 • 18 minutes, 25 seconds
Music will break through - Fluency News
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we have an update about the situation between Russia and Ukraine, and we talk about the Grammys, that took place during the weekend. We also discuss the recent China lockdown, and the teenagers who became vaccine hunters to help out their communities.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-76
4/7/2022 • 12 minutes, 24 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #125 - Nós temos um gatinho!
What is that sound?
Surpresas nem sempre são boas, mas algumas são sensacionais, não é? Alguém já te surpreendeu com um novo animal de estimação? No episódio de hoje, a teacher Liv te guia em uma conversa sobre um novo membro de uma família. Lembre-se de fazer sua prática em voz alta, para ter melhores resultados!
Let’s get started!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing125
4/6/2022 • 24 minutes, 19 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #122 - After 9, please!
Are you a morning person? Come on and listen to this episode to find out how our character feels!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-ing122
4/6/2022 • 14 minutes, 38 seconds
Preparação para fazer intercâmbio em países falantes de inglês - Go Getter
Já imaginou poder adicionar um intercâmbio ao seu currículo? Vamos falar sobre alguns passos que você precisa dar para iniciar a sua preparação para um intercâmbio no futuro!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/go-getter-ing-07
4/1/2022 • 15 minutes, 12 seconds
The greatest night in the history of television - Fluency News
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we look at the Oscars’ ceremony, the winners and what happened during it. We also have a quick update on the war between Russia and Ukraine. We take a look at Antarctica, where a heatwave may have caused a collapse, and we see the heroes helping give people food and hope where there’s none.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
3/31/2022 • 11 minutes, 14 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #121 - Summer is over!
Summer is over, and it’s time to go back to work or school! What did you do during your summer break?
Listen to this episode to hear about some summertime activities, and about what Thomas did during his time off!
3/31/2022 • 20 minutes, 34 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #124 - Eu odeio o calor!
Ouça um diálogo entre dois amigos conversando sobre um problema que um deles enfrenta quando faz muito calor. De quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
3/30/2022 • 27 minutes, 48 seconds
Linking Sounds - Like a Native
Preparados para mais um episódio de Like a Native? Neste episódio, o teacher Scott te ensina alguns linking sounds do inglês muito usados no dia a dia. Assim você consegue se comunicar como um nativo, well, like a native! Come check it out!
3/25/2022 • 14 minutes, 5 seconds
There can be no talk of surrender - Fluency News
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we see what’s still happening between Ukraine and Russia, in a conflict that’s nearing a month since Russia’s invasion. We also talk about a Chinese passenger plane crashing, and about the return of Indian artifacts to India.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-74
3/24/2022 • 11 minutes, 56 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #120 - True crime or animation?
Did you watch that new documentary on Netflix? Come listen to this episode so we can talk about it!
3/24/2022 • 16 minutes, 20 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #123 - Eu estou de férias
Stop calling me!
Estar de férias significa não ter que se preocupar com o trabalho! Quem é que tem coragem de ligar sem parar para uma pessoa que está curtindo seu tempo off? No episódio de hoje, nós vamos escutar duas amigas conversando sobre o porquê de o telefone de uma delas não parar de tocar.
Let’s go!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-123
3/24/2022 • 19 minutes, 25 seconds
Infinite Vocab #07 - Tamanhos de vestuário
Boas-vindas ao Infinite Vocab. Aqui, você vai aprender novas palavras para expandir seu vocabulário em inglês! Neste episódio, a teacher Thalita te ensina vocabulários e expressões super úteis que vão te ajudar nas compras virtuais de vestuário, ou até mesmo nas compras presenciais, quando você estiver lá nos States. Dê um play para ouvir este episódio e não se esqueça de conferir o material abaixo que a teacher Thalita preparou para você!
3/18/2022 • 12 minutes, 37 seconds
Fluency News #73 – Hand in hand, we're making the world a better place.
What’s up, everyone?
Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to practice your listening skills, and be up to date with what’s happening all around the world.
Today, you’ll listen to four new stories, all of them in English. We’ll talk about the BAFTAs 2022 and mention the winners, we’ll see how people are helping raise funds for Ukraine, we’ll also check on bad news regarding COVID 19 in China, and we’ll end the episode talking about Queenie, a baby white rhino.
By the way, visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content, and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fluency-news-73
3/17/2022 • 17 minutes, 21 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #119 - Let’s close up!
Have you ever felt so bored at work or at school that you wish you had more tasks to do? Check out this episode to find out what the characters say about their boring day!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-119
3/17/2022 • 20 minutes, 33 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #122 - Não sai da minha cabeça!
The song is stuck in my head! Você já ficou com uma música grudada na cabeça?
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-122
3/17/2022 • 19 minutes, 33 seconds
Fluency News #72 - Fresh efforts to free civilians as new ceasefire agreed.
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we see what’s happening in Ukraine, how it started and what to expect next. We also talk about puppies and kiwis, to lift our spirits.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-72
3/10/2022 • 13 minutes, 48 seconds
Culture Talks #07 - Semelhanças e diferenças entre o Canadá e a Nova Zelândia
Que se fala inglês no Canadá e na Nova Zelândia você provavelmente já sabe. Mas você sabia que ambos os países têm uma mesma imagem impressa em suas moedas? No sétimo episódio de Culture Talks, as teachers Liv e Becs batem um papo sobre semelhanças e diferenças entre esses dois países!
3/10/2022 • 29 minutes, 3 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #118 - Cups of Coffee
What makes you lose sleep? Come check out what happened to our character during these last few days!
Episode transcription: https://www.fluencytv.com/conteudos/walk-n-talk-level-up-118-5-cups-of-coffee
3/9/2022 • 14 minutes, 38 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #121 - É um encontro?
Ouça um diálogo entre mãe e filha conversando sobre os planos da filha de sair com um… “amigo”. De quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
3/9/2022 • 23 minutes, 36 seconds
Pronunciation Bootcamp #07 - Can e can't em frases
Neste episódio do Pronunciation Bootcamp, a teacher Liv te ajuda a identificar, entender e usar os verbos “can” e “can’t” em frases!
3/5/2022 • 11 minutes, 56 seconds
Fluency news #71
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. Since this week has been tough and full of sad stories, we present you some fun and interesting news of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention. It seems as if we’re surrounded by bad news, so we created this episode as a way of escaping that scenario. Anyhow, you’ll still be practicing English and its journalistic language with us!
In this week’s episode, we start with the Oscars list of nominees and take a look at the story of a 16-year old boy in India who is doing an amazing job at chess. Then, we talk a little about a new discovery on how singing is connected to our brains and, in the end, we recommend some movies to watch in March.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
3/3/2022 • 15 minutes, 14 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #117 - This is going to kill me
Do you get anxious when you need to give a presentation? Check out this episode to find out how the characters feel about it!
3/3/2022 • 14 minutes, 40 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #120 - Manda mensagem, não me liga!
Can you ring me? Você pode me ligar? Quem nunca perdeu o celular dentro da própria casa e pediu para alguém ligar? Neste episódio, dois amigos passam por essa situação, e nós vamos aprender várias expressões novas!
3/3/2022 • 14 minutes, 41 seconds
Go Getter #06 - Como falar sobre seus pontos fortes e fracos
No mundo dos negócios, frequentemente precisamos falar dos nossos pontos fortes e fracos, e não é incomum que as pessoas travem e acabem passando uma imagem de insegurança. Por isso, é bom ter algumas frases bem memorizadas para não passar perrengue quando a hora chegar.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/go-getter-ing-06
2/26/2022 • 13 minutes, 40 seconds
Fluency News #70
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we share some updates to the stories we covered last week. We also talk about the documents that exposed clients of one of Switzerland’s biggest financial institutions, and about the study that shows that eradicating extreme poverty could be done with minimal impact to the world’s climate.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-70
2/25/2022 • 10 minutes, 21 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #119 - Dor de dente
Ouça um diálogo entre dois amigos conversando sobre uma ida ao dentista e, de quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-119
2/24/2022 • 20 minutes, 19 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #116 - We’re getting married!
Buckle up! There is a new Level Up episode in the area for you to enjoy!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-ing-116
2/24/2022 • 13 minutes, 4 seconds
Like a Native #06 - Interjeições em inglês!
Preparados para mais um episódio de Like a Native? Neste episódio, a teacher Becs te ensina expressões e sons do inglês que são muito usados para expressar sentimentos no dia a dia. Assim você consegue se comunicar como um nativo, quer dizer, like a native! Come check it out!
2/11/2022 • 11 minutes, 26 seconds
Fluency News #69
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about what’s been happening on the Russia-Ukraine border, and the frightening possibility of an invasion leading to a new world war. We also talk about the protests that have stopped the Canadian capital, and about the advances in technology that are giving hope to paralyzed people.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-69
2/10/2022 • 13 minutes, 58 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #115 - You look frazzled!
Have you ever lost track of time? Check out what happened to Sophie to make her late!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-115
2/9/2022 • 14 minutes, 32 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #118 - Tarde demais
Don’t be such a penny-pincher! Que conselho você daria para seu filho antes de ele ir para um encontro?
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-118
2/9/2022 • 19 minutes, 15 seconds
Fluency News #68
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the different oil spills threatening the environment across the world, and the efforts of one family to save Australian wildlife.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-68
2/4/2022 • 12 minutes, 54 seconds
Infinite Vocab #06 - Problema no Carro
No episódio de hoje, nós vamos ter que pedir ajuda para resolver um probleminha com o nosso carro, então se prepare e venha comigo!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
2/3/2022 • 9 minutes, 11 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #114 - Wednesday night
Wednesday night is going to be fun! Isn’t it? Our characters are making plans, but they might be forgetting something.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-ing-114
2/2/2022 • 17 minutes, 40 seconds
Culture Talks #06 - Dia de São Valentim nos Estados Unidos
Preparado, preparada para mais um episódio de Culture Talks? No episódio de hoje, o teacher Scott fala sobre um dos maiores feriados dos Estados Unidos! É hora de aprender sobre a cultura norte-americana e praticar o seu listening. Are you ready?
1/28/2022 • 11 minutes, 51 seconds
Fluency News #67
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you four of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we have some updates on the volcanic eruption in Tonga, we talk about an incident that took place in Africa, we give our condolences to Elza Soares and we take a look at James Webb, the world's largest and most powerful space telescope.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-67
1/27/2022 • 12 minutes, 41 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #116 - Se arrumando
Did you take a coat? Você pegou um casaco? Vamos ver se o Nate vai ficar pronto a tempo para a viagem!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-116
1/26/2022 • 17 minutes, 35 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #113 - Down to California
We’d better stop daydreaming and start studying! The girls’ summer break is just around the corner, but they need to start studying.
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-113
1/26/2022 • 15 minutes, 20 seconds
Fluency News #66
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the volcanic eruption in Tonga, and about the world’s wealthiest men doubling their wealth during the pandemic. We also talk about the animals two plant-based companies are saving.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-66
1/21/2022 • 14 minutes, 25 seconds
Pronunciation Bootcamp #06 - T com som de R
Você sabia que a letra “T” em inglês às vezes é pronunciada com o som de “R”?
No sexto episódio do Pronunciation Bootcamp, o teacher Scott ajuda você a entender esse fenômeno linguístico!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/pb-ing-06
1/20/2022 • 11 minutes, 37 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #115 - Uma mudança de planos
Things are gonna change soon! Faz tempo que eles não almoçam juntos por conta de horários de trabalho alternados, mas com sorte isso logo vai mudar!
Episode transcription: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-115
1/19/2022 • 18 minutes, 46 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #112 - Fresh News
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk 'n' Talk Level Up! In this episode, we’ll listen to two friends talking about Karen. One of them is interested in her.
You’ll learn some new expressions and structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat the phrases out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode transcription: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-ing-112
1/19/2022 • 19 minutes, 42 seconds
Fluency News #65
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about some news coming from Brazil: the sad accident that has left at least dead in Minas Gerais and the decision to stop monitoring the Brazilian cerrado. We also talk about Iran’s statement that there are only a dozen cheetahs in their habitat and canada’s decision to outlaw conversion therapy.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-65
1/13/2022 • 11 minutes, 59 seconds
Go Getter #05 - Entrevista de emprego em inglês
Toda entrevista de emprego é um pouco tensa, especialmente quando é em outro idioma… O mais importante em uma situação como essas é a preparação – e é justamente para isso que, neste episódio do Go Getter, separamos oito frases muito úteis para você poder se preparar da melhor forma possível!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/go-getter-ing-05
1/13/2022 • 11 minutes, 42 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #111 - In the office
Isn’t it awful when you’re tired and find out you still have more things to do? Looks like our character Jace needs to deal with that today!
Episode transcription: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-ing-111
1/13/2022 • 16 minutes, 35 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #114 - Um dia de verão
Let’s get some lemonade! Como o Carl vai fazer para convencer a Julie a dar um passeio para aproveitar um dia de verão? Ouça o episódio para descobrir!
Episode transcription: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-114
1/13/2022 • 20 minutes, 16 seconds
Like a Native #05 - É fácil dizer isso em inglês?
Welcome to another episode of Like a Native. A teacher Liv vai te ensinar expressões e frases para dizer que algo é fácil de forma natural. Assim você consegue se comunicar como um nativo, like a native! Let’s go!
1/7/2022 • 11 minutes, 54 seconds
Fluency News #64
What’s up, everyone? Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, the first of the year, we talk about COVID updates and the P5 promise to not use nuclear power. We also go through some good news from the week, like an experimental cancer treatment that showed great promise and the return of wild elephants and otters to Cambodia.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-64
1/7/2022 • 13 minutes, 24 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #110 - A Literature Project
What do you like to do when you are home alone? Let’s find out what our character is planning!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-ing-110
1/6/2022 • 16 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #113 - Planejando uma viagem
Can I take a rain check? A Madison não vai poder viajar com os amigos por um motivo bem importante. Vem escutar o episódio para descobrir o que aconteceu!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-113
1/5/2022 • 18 minutes, 57 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #112 - Depois da prova
Wait up!
Qual foi a última prova que você fez? Acertou todas as questões? Lembrou de verificar o verso da folha? No episódio de hoje, nós vamos escutar dois amigos conversando sobre uma prova que acabaram de fazer.
Let’s go!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-112
12/30/2021 • 18 minutes, 55 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #109 - You knew it?
My earphones are missing! What would you do if something happened to your favorite earphones?
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-ing-109
12/29/2021 • 16 minutes, 33 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #111 - Férias de inverno
As férias de final de ano são sempre uma maravilha, não é mesmo? E todo mundo tem memórias inesquecíveis sobre as férias. Aqui no Brasil a gente vai pra praia, toma água de coco… mas e no hemisfério norte, onde é inverno no Natal? É tudo completamente diferente! Neste episódio vamos ouvir uma conversa entre dois amigos que estão relembrando memórias das férias de inverno e aprender um pouco da cultura estadunidense com eles! Check it out!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-111
12/23/2021 • 26 minutes, 8 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #108 - What About the Eggnog?
Christmas is just around the corner, have you bought gifts yet?
Episode transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-108
12/23/2021 • 17 minutes, 13 seconds
Fluency News #63
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the possible peace treaty between North and South Korea, about the consequences of Russia potentially invading Ukraine’s territory and about Dubai becoming the world’s first paperless government. We also talk about preservation efforts happening in the Bolivia-Brazil border.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-63
12/17/2021 • 11 minutes, 7 seconds
Infinite Vocab #05 - Gêneros do cinema
Hey there! Você curte cinema? Então vamos expandir o seu vocabulário falando sobre os diferentes gêneros! Vamos aprender como falar de drama, comédia, ficção científica, documentário, entre outros - focando também na pronúncia! Let’s go!
12/17/2021 • 8 minutes, 38 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #110 - Prioridades
Quando estamos em casa, às vezes só queremos fazer coisas para relaxar. Mas não podemos nos esquecer das tarefas também! Ouça um diálogo entre mãe e filho sobre as regras e prioridades da casa e, de quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-110
12/16/2021 • 14 minutes, 57 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #107 - A silly guy
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up! In this episode, we’ll listen to two friends talking, and one of them says things that aren’t very nice.
You’ll learn some new expressions and structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat the phrases out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-107
12/16/2021 • 15 minutes, 57 seconds
Culture Talks #05 - Tradições de fim de ano norte-americanas
Preparado, preparada para mais um episódio de Culture Talks? No episódio de hoje, a teacher Becs fala sobre as atividades de final de ano nos Estados Unidos! É hora de aprender sobre a cultura norte-americana e praticar o seu listening. Are you ready?
12/3/2021 • 11 minutes
Fluency News #62
In today’s episode of Fluency News we talk about the global risk of the new omicron variant and how NYC is handling this issue; about Barbados, which has just become a republic; we also take a look at Magdalena Andersson, who’s the first female Prime Minister in Sweden; we see a negative aspect of the fashion industry, and discover that rhinos can fly.
Remember Fluency Academy's news podcast series gives you the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present to you some of the most important stories of the week in English, and add some explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-62
12/3/2021 • 18 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #106 - Lucky Carol
She got filthy rich! Ever heard this expression? Check out this episode to know what it means!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-106
12/2/2021 • 17 minutes, 25 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #109 - Aprendendo a cozinhar
Careful, that’s sugar! Quem nunca confundiu sal com açúcar na hora de cozinhar? O resultado nunca é agradável. Neste episódio, vamos ouvir uma cena muito fofa de um pai ensinando sua filha pequena a cozinhar -- e a não confundir sal com açúcar!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-109
12/1/2021 • 13 minutes, 46 seconds
Pronunciation Bootcamp #5: O passado de verbos regulares - ED
Se você é daqueles que se batem na hora de pronunciar os verbos regulares no passado, este episódio é para você!
11/26/2021 • 7 minutes, 54 seconds
Fluency News #61
In today’s episode we talk about Austria re-entering Covid lockdown, some updates on Afghanistan, good news about Ann Arbor becoming the first US city to require free menstrual products in public restrooms, Adele changing Spotify’s platform, and some great news for Harry Potter fans as well.
Remember Fluency Academy's news podcast series gives you the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you five of the most important stories of the week in English, and add some explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles! We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
11/26/2021 • 14 minutes, 49 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #105 - A confused customer
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk 'n' Talk Level Up!In this episode, we’ll hear two men talking about a problem one of them is having and the best way to fix it.
You’ll hear some new expressions, learn about a few structures and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound! Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
11/25/2021 • 19 minutes, 23 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #108 - Dando uma ajuda
Two heads think better than one!
A Daisy está com um probleminha na casa dela, mas ela não tem planos de chamar ninguém para consertar, será que ela pode contar com a amiga dela para ajudar?
Come on, check it out!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-108
11/24/2021 • 12 minutes, 10 seconds
Go Getter #04 - Frases para expressar sua opinião
Neste episódio da série Go Getter vamos falar de um assunto bem importante e necessário para quem atua no mercado de trabalho: como expressar a sua opinião de forma variada e também bem-educada.
Material: https://rhavi.co/go-getter-04
11/19/2021 • 6 minutes, 35 seconds
Fluency News #60
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the surge in bird flu cases, the danger the ISS crew is in due to a Russian anti-satellite weapons test, and the damage extreme weather has caused in Egypt. We also talk about the solar farm that is changing oil country in Canada.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-60
11/19/2021 • 13 minutes, 33 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #104 - A concerned parent
“We need a CT, stat!” Have you ever heard those terms? Learn more about them in this Level Up episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-104
11/18/2021 • 14 minutes, 39 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #107 - No mundo da lua
Be careful!
Você se esquece de olhar para os lados antes de atravessar a rua? Se distrai olhando o celular? Neste episódio, vamos falar sobre uma pessoa que está “no mundo da lua”!
Let’s go!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-107
11/18/2021 • 17 minutes, 32 seconds
Like a Native #04 – Expressões bizarras no inglês!
Preparados para mais um episódio de Like a Native? Neste episódio, o teacher Scott te ensina expressões bizarras do inglês muito usadas no dia a dia. Assim você consegue se comunicar como um nativo, well, like a native! Come check it out!
11/12/2021 • 9 minutes, 59 seconds
Fluency News #59
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we talk about the border crisis between Poland and Belarus, the migrant boat with over 800 passengers that docked in Italy and the CO2 emissions rapidly rising again. We also talk about a woman fighting against the Taliban with education.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
11/12/2021 • 14 minutes, 12 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #103 - First things First
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk 'n' Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we’ll listen to two friends talking about their college choices.
You’ll learn some new expressions and structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat the phrases out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-103
11/11/2021 • 11 minutes, 45 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #106 - Vai mais devagar
Quando a nossa vida está muito intensa, não percebemos qual é o momento de levar as coisas mais devagar. Ouça um diálogo entre duas amigas conversando sobre a correria da vida e, de quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-106
11/11/2021 • 17 minutes, 20 seconds
Fluency News #58
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we talk about the results of the G-20 and COP26 summits, the alleged assault on Brazilian reporters by Bolsonaro’s security team, and the operation in Brazil against criminal groups that left at least 25 dead. We also talk about the first North American whale sanctuary.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://rhavi.co/fn-ing-58
11/9/2021 • 13 minutes, 30 seconds
Infinite Vocab #04 - Vamos à praia
No episódio de hoje, nós vamos tirar uma folga e vamos à praia, curtir um sol, um mar, sentir o vento no rosto e nós vamos nos divertir! Join me!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
11/8/2021 • 7 minutes, 15 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #102 - What have you done, bubbles?
Oh, no! I think I know what happened to Bubbles!
Try to figure out what happened to poor Bubbles in this Level Up episode
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-102
11/8/2021 • 16 minutes, 53 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #105 - Pobre Banguela
Poor Toothless! Tadinho do Banguela!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-105
11/8/2021 • 16 minutes, 23 seconds
Fluency News #57
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here, you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we’ll talk about the leaked documents showing countries asking for changes in the IPCC’s report. We’ll talk about the arrest of Colombia’s most wanted criminal, and personal data protection becoming a fundamental right in Brazil.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-57
10/29/2021 • 15 minutes, 41 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #101 - Boiling mad
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we’ll hear Lisa talking about something that made her extremely angry.
You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode description: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-101
10/28/2021 • 14 minutes, 36 seconds
Culture Talks #04 – Halloween nos EUA
Preparado, preparada para mais um episódio de Culture Talks?. No episódio de hoje, o teacher Scott fala sobre o feriado mais sombrio dos Estados Unidos: o Halloween! É hora de aprender sobre a cultura norte-americana e praticar o seu listening. Are you ready for it?
10/28/2021 • 9 minutes, 8 seconds
Walk 'N' Talk Essentials #104 - Distraído
Quando estamos com a cabeça mais avoada, às vezes nem percebemos o que está do nosso lado! Ouça um diálogo entre dois amigos se questionando sobre onde está o controle remoto e, de quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
Episode transcription: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-104
10/28/2021 • 17 minutes, 3 seconds
Pronunciation Bootcamp #04 - Os sons de TH
Preparado ou preparada para falar de um assunto polêmico? No quarto episódio do Pronunciation Bootcamp, a teacher Liv ajuda você com uma das pronúncias mais difíceis do inglês: o TH!
Material: https://rhavi.co/pb-04
10/22/2021 • 11 minutes, 46 seconds
Fluency News #56
Hey, you! How’re you doing?
Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to practice your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening all around the world.
Today, you’ll listen to four new stories, all of them in English. We’ll talk about the horrendous loss of Colin Powell, we’ll talk about new laws in Texas, we’ll hear about a disaster that took place in India, and we’ll comment on the Squid Game phenomenon and its consequences among children.
By the way, visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content, and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-56
10/22/2021 • 13 minutes, 54 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #100 - It’s a Celebration
It’s time to celebrate! Molly has just reached an important milestone, and we’re going to see what she has to say about it.
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-100
10/21/2021 • 14 minutes, 56 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #103 - Que "campista" novato!
Você é daquelas pessoas que, quando parte em uma aventura, se planeja nos mínimos detalhes e leva absolutamente tudo que possa precisar ou você vai mais no “free style” e se vira com o que tem? Neste episódio, vamos ver duas pessoas indo acampar, e elas pensam em tudo! Ou melhor, QUASE tudo! Vamos aprender muito sobre o inglês e coisas importantes para um acampamento com nossos amigos “campistas” novatos!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-103
10/20/2021 • 14 minutes, 7 seconds
Go Getter #03 - Como ser educado no ambiente de trabalho
Muitas vezes, o que é considerado aceitável no ambiente corporativo brasileiro não é visto com bons olhos por empresas estrangeiras. Para te preparar direitinho para o dia em que você precisar se comunicar com um estrangeiro em um contexto profissional com polidez e educação, nós separamos algumas expressões bem úteis e versáteis!
Material: https://rhavi.co/go-getter-03
10/15/2021 • 6 minutes, 40 seconds
Fluency News #55
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here, you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with some of the most important stories of the week, in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode, you’ll hear about the oil spill that is threatening the lives of nine million people in Yemen. We’ll also talk about Bolsonaro’s decision to block the distribution of free sanitary pads and tampons for people in need and Ontario’s decision and agreement to do the exact opposite. We’ll also talk about the new treatment that might eradicate Lyme disease and a very peculiar lawsuit.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-55
10/14/2021 • 15 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #99 - Going to school
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we will listen to siblings, on their way to school, discussing something that may happen if one of them doesn’t take action.
You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-99
10/14/2021 • 15 minutes, 1 second
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #102 - Surpresa!
Depois de um longo dia de trabalho, tudo o que queremos é chegar em casa com uma comida já pronta! Ouça um diálogo entre um casal conversando sobre quem vai preparar o jantar e, de quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas em inglês!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-102
10/13/2021 • 12 minutes, 58 seconds
Fluency News #54
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here, you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week, in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode, we’ll see an update of the South and North Korea story we covered last week. We’ll talk about the Pandora papers, and the return of ownership of an area to its original people.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-54
10/8/2021 • 12 minutes, 9 seconds
Like a Native #03 - Gírias e expressões do baseball
Vamos para mais um episódio de Like a Native! No episódio de hoje, o teacher Scott vai te ensinar expressões muito usadas no dia a dia que têm origem no baseball. Assim, você consegue se comunicar como um nativo, well, like a native! Come check it out!
10/8/2021 • 8 minutes, 52 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #98 - A Shut Mouth Catches no Flies
Have you ever accidentally revealed a secret? Our character, Jack, came home after a night out and let something slip!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-lvl-ing-98
10/7/2021 • 16 minutes, 13 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #101 - Um zumbi de verdade
You look like a real zombie!
Sabe quando você vê um amigo que está com aquela cara de zumbi, porque ficou a noite toda assistindo seriado? Então… É sobre isso que vamos falar no episódio de hoje! Então pegue o seu copo d’água, que hoje vai ter muita prática por aqui!
Material: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/wnt-ess-ing-101
10/6/2021 • 18 minutes, 9 seconds
Infinite Vocab #03
Assim como acontece nos países que falam português, cada país que tem o inglês como língua oficial tem suas peculiaridades e expressões características. Neste episódio, a teacher Thalita apresenta algumas palavras e termos que são muito usados pelos canadenses. Está pronto ou pronta para conferir?
Let’s go!
10/1/2021 • 9 minutes, 29 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #100 - Um dia especial
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
It’s my special day!
É sempre importante lembrar e comemorar datas importantes! Neste episódio, vamos acompanhar dois amigos conversando sobre o motivo de um deles estar tão feliz! É dia de celebrar as realizações pessoais e dar um tempo para comemorar de verdade!
Are you ready for it? Let’s go!
9/30/2021 • 19 minutes, 37 seconds
Fluency News #53
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here, you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week, in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode, we talk about the possible changes involving South Korea and North Korea and the possibility of ending the war that’s lasted over half a century. We also talk about the countries that held important votes and the good news surrounding Covid-19 and the vaccines.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-53
9/30/2021 • 13 minutes, 11 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #97 - A change of plans
Hello, everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we will listen to two friends talking about a change of plans one of them had. We see a couple of expressions and natural ways of speaking to someone you know well.
You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/lvl-ingles-97
9/29/2021 • 16 minutes, 18 seconds
Culture Talks #03 - Um presente da França!
É hora de Culture Talks! Neste episódio, o professor Scott traz algumas curiosidades sobre um dos maiores símbolos dos Estados Unidos! Pegue seus fones de ouvido, porque agora você vai praticar suas habilidades de compreensão auditiva. Venha conferir!
9/24/2021 • 9 minutes, 41 seconds
Fluency News #52
What is up, everybody?
Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to practice your listening skills, and be up to date with what’s happening all around the world.
Today, you’ll listen to five new stories, all of them in English. In this week’s episode, we’ll have an update on the Taliban situation, we’ll take a look at the Emmy Awards 2021, we’ll see a sad story that took place in Russia, and we’ll also talk about some news on animals!
By the way, visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content, and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-52
9/23/2021 • 15 minutes, 8 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #99 - Pega leve, cara
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Trabalhar é importante, né? Mas temos sempre que cuidar para não deixar o trabalho roubar toda a nossa diversão! Ouça um diálogo entre dois nativos conversando sobre as suas rotinas cansativas, aprenda um provérbio muito comum em inglês e, de quebra, descubra muitas palavras e expressões novas!
9/22/2021 • 12 minutes, 48 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #96 - Before Class
A first date can sometimes be unforgettable, right? Especially if it was a terrible experience, which is what happened to our character Emma in this episode.
9/22/2021 • 20 minutes, 25 seconds
Fluency News #51
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here, you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week, in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode, we talk about the Taliban situation, Google being accused of underpaying their staff and land defender “Orca” being online.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode Transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-51
9/17/2021 • 11 minutes, 45 seconds
Pronunciation Bootcamp #03
Hello, lovely people! Seja bem-vindo e bem-vinda a mais um episódio do Pronunciation Bootcamp, um podcast pensado para trabalhar a sua pronúncia!
Material: https://rhavi.co/pb-ingles-03
9/17/2021 • 7 minutes, 22 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #95 - At the office?
Mr. Green asks Mrs. Morgans to give him a hand, but she doesn’t seem to like it! Come check it out!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-95
9/16/2021 • 16 minutes, 45 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #98 - Até mais, Chris!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Farewell, Chris!
Festas são legais, mas as festas de despedida nem tanto, né? Vamos acompanhar dois amigos que estão comentando sobre o Chris, um amigo em comum que está se mudando para o exterior! A nossa personagem, Sarah, está por dentro de tudo, incluindo quanto tempo ele vai ficar por lá.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
9/16/2021 • 13 minutes, 34 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #97 - Antes de uma festa
It’s nowhere to be found! Não tá em nenhum lugar! Sabe quando você quer usar AQUELA roupa específica e não consegue encontrar em lugar nenhum? Daí na pressa você tem que pensar num plano B pra não se atrasar pra festa? Vamos falar sobre isso no episódio de hoje e aprender a descrever alguns looks em inglês!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-97
9/9/2021 • 16 minutes, 10 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #94 - In the car
Do you get nervous before taking a test? That’s what Emmy, our character is going through this episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-94
9/9/2021 • 21 minutes, 57 seconds
Fluency News #50
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the Brazilian bank robberies, the Afghan media under the Taliban and the countries who have vaccinated more than 70% of their population.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode transcript: https://go.fluencyacademy.co/fn-ing-50
9/6/2021 • 14 minutes, 1 second
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #93 - During break
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we saw a lot of new expressions while listening to two students talking about their teacher during their break.
You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-93
9/2/2021 • 11 minutes, 30 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #96 - Horário exigente
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Hello, everyone! How’s it going?
Welcome to our podcast Walk 'n' Talk Essentials! Neste episódio, você vai ouvir dois amigos conversando sobre rotina de trabalho. Você vai expandir seu vocabulário com palavras muito úteis, além de algumas expressões bem usadas por nativos. Come check it out!
9/2/2021 • 17 minutes, 1 second
Fluency News #49
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the Taliban taking over Afghanistan, the aftermath of a major earthquake in Haiti and the effects of Brazilian deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. We also talk about humans being awesome!
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-49
8/26/2021 • 16 minutes, 15 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #92 - Are you coming or not?
Lucy lost track of time and now she’d better hurry up if she wants to say goodbye to her friend who is headed to the airport! Come check it out!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-92
8/26/2021 • 12 minutes, 59 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #95 - Put it back!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Put it back! Essa é a frase que você pode falar para qualquer um que mexer nas suas coisas sem autorização. Coloque de volta! Neste episódio, vamos relembrar os tempos das aulas de biologia na escola - você também teve que fazer aquele projeto de recolher insetos?
8/26/2021 • 14 minutes, 13 seconds
Go Getter #02 - Cinco maneiras de falar que alguém foi demitido
Demissão. Embora seja uma situação pela qual ninguém quer passar, ela faz parte do dia a dia de quem atua no mercado de trabalho, e existem diversas formas de falar sobre o assunto – desde palavras mais polidas até gírias mais informais. Que tal aprender algumas delas?
Material: https://rhavi.co/go-getter-ing-02
8/26/2021 • 4 minutes, 26 seconds
Fluency News #48
What is up, everybody?
Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to practice your listening skills, and be up to date with what’s happening all around the world.
Today, you’ll listen to four new stories, all of them in English. In this week’s episode, we talk about the Tokyo Olympics’ ending, Simone Biles, open streets in New York, and the new features on Instagram!
By the way, visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content, and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
Episode Transcript: https://rhavi.co/fn-ing-48
8/16/2021 • 12 minutes, 10 seconds
Walk 'n'Talk Essentials #94 - Já vou, mãe!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
In a minute, mom!
Quem nunca falou um “já vou” para a mãe ou o pai depois de receber uma tarefa? No episódio de hoje, você vai acompanhar a Monica falando com o filho dela, o David. Ela vai pedir para ele limpar o quarto, mas ele vai fazer de tudo para dar uma enrolada!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
8/12/2021 • 13 minutes, 54 seconds
Walk'n'Talk Level Up #91 You’ve got to be kidding me
Hey! Do you ever read something online and think “this has to be a joke”? Well, that’s what our character is feeling in this episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-91
8/12/2021 • 11 minutes, 6 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level up #90 - I'll show you the ropes
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk 'n' Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we hear a man teaching a young woman how to light up a fire!
You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-90
8/6/2021 • 11 minutes, 32 seconds
Fluency News #47
What is up, everyone!
Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills, and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. Today, you will listen to four interesting news stories, all of them in English. In this week’s episode, we talk about the Tokyo Olympic Games, Lollapalooza and tattoos.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content, and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Alessandro Ladelfa.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-47
8/6/2021 • 13 minutes, 27 seconds
Like a Native #02 - Falando sobre relacionamentos
Vamos para mais um episódio de Like a Native. A professora Liv vai te ensinar expressões e verbos comuns usados para falar sobre relacionamentos. Assim você consegue se comunicar como um nativo, like a native! Come check it out!
8/5/2021 • 8 minutes, 33 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #93 - Volta às aulas
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Ouça um diálogo sobre volta às aulas cheio de palavras novas para enriquecer seu vocabulário.
8/5/2021 • 15 minutes, 20 seconds
Fluency News #46
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the Tokyo Olympic Games, North and South Korea reconciling, the threat to Brazil’s coffee and sugar crops, and the dad that built his son an exoskeleton!
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-46
7/30/2021 • 11 minutes, 55 seconds
Infinite Vocab #02 - Novos adjetivos!
Bora aprender uns adjetivos mais interessantes? Neste episódio, o teacher Scott vai te apresentar palavras legais para descrever coisas e, também, para falar sobre como a gente se sente!
7/29/2021 • 6 minutes, 35 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #92 - May I speak to the manager?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
I am the manager! Oh no!! No diálogo de hoje, uma mulher tenta devolver um secador de cabelo em uma loja, mas o gerente não está muito a fim de ajudar!
7/29/2021 • 13 minutes, 32 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #89 - Free Doughnuts!
Hey! Do you like getting free food? In this episode, we’re going to check out some sayings that express that something is free and available to whoever wants it. Enjoy!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-89
7/29/2021 • 11 minutes, 22 seconds
Fluency News #45
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the Pegasus Project and the investigation that revealed that countries around the world are misusing their citizens’ data to further their agenda and target oppositionists. We also talk about China being blamed for the attacks on Microsoft Exchange earlier this year, and the news coming from NASA.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-45
7/23/2021 • 15 minutes, 51 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #88 - The wrong book
"This class is so boring…" A student is struggling during his literature class, and the teacher will tell him off. Come check it out!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-88
7/22/2021 • 12 minutes, 37 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #91 - Pronto para fazer o pedido?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Quem nunca fica super em dúvida sobre o que escolher quando o cardápio tem muitas opções? É sempre difícil decidir entre a lasanha, o hambúrguer ou o spaghetti… Veja então como ter esse tipo de conversa em um restaurante, em inglês!
7/21/2021 • 18 minutes, 2 seconds
Fluency News #44
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we see the 500 million euro fine Google was ordered to pay, and the good news coming from the U.S Annual Cancer Report. We also talk about the riots and protests happening in South Africa and Cuba.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-44
7/16/2021 • 15 minutes, 18 seconds
Culture Talks #2 - O verão nos Estados Unidos
Que tal saber um pouco mais sobre o que os americanos fazem no verão? É hora de Culture Talks. Neste episódio, o professor Scott fala sobre as atividades de verão preferidas - e outras nem tanto - dos jovens nos Estados Unidos! Come check it out!
7/15/2021 • 9 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #87 - I Hate Studying
Hey there! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we’re going to listen to a mom and a dad who need to help their kids with homework. The dad doesn’t want to do it, so let’s find out why! You’ll learn new vocabulary related to school subjects. Remember to always repeat out loud when you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
7/15/2021 • 18 minutes, 36 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials ##90 - Venda de garagem
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
How much is this?? Venha conferir este diálogo sobre uma venda de garagem, uma prática muito comum nos Estados Unidos!
7/14/2021 • 14 minutes, 39 seconds
Fluency News #43
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the ongoing protests in Brazil, the “tsunami” of mud that swept a Japanese city, the possibility of an HIV vaccine, the four-day workweek trial success in Iceland and the good news that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine seems to hold up against the dangerous delta variant.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
7/12/2021 • 13 minutes, 24 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #86 - Who's playing?
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk 'n' Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we’re going to hear two friends talking about a sporting event, and who’s playingl
You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-86
7/8/2021 • 15 minutes, 9 seconds
Pronunciation Bootcamp #02
Você conhece as diferentes pronúncias da letra U? Neste episódio, a teacher Paula vai te ensinar!
Material: https://rhavi.co/pb-ingles-02
7/8/2021 • 7 minutes, 9 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #89 - Aula de Atuação para Iniciantes
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Acting for beginners.
No episódio de hoje, você vai acompanhar o primeiro dia de aula de atuação da Gina. A aula está começando, e ela quer estar totalmente preparada, então vai fazer várias perguntas para o professor que talvez não tenha tanta paciência.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
7/8/2021 • 19 minutes, 49 seconds
Fluency News #42
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we have an update on the Derek Chauvin’s case and sentencing. We also talk about the U.S. air strikes on Syria and Iraq, and the arrest of yet another journalist connected to the now defunct Apple Daily.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-42
7/1/2021 • 12 minutes, 18 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #85 - Carpooling to work
Can you give me a ride? Let’s listen to an interesting conversation between two friends who are talking about somebody else. They also make plans to go to work together! You will learn nice phrasal verbs and expand your vocabulary! Come check it out!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-85
7/1/2021 • 14 minutes, 23 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #88 - Thank God you’re here!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Quem nunca teve aquele gelo na barriga por não ter entregado um relatório ou trabalho superimportante na data certa? É isso que aconteceu com a garota do diálogo deste episódio. Mas, graças a Deus, seu colega estava lá para salvá-la! Neste episódio, você vai aprender a dizer expressões como “graças a Deus”, “aqui está” e “não se preocupe” em inglês!
Lembre-se de acessar o nosso portal para conferir o conteúdo extra que preparamos para você! See you!
7/1/2021 • 12 minutes, 14 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #87 - No parque de diversões
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Hey, you! Todo mundo curte um parque de diversões! Mas você já passou pela experiência de não poder andar em um brinquedo por não ter altura suficiente? No episódio de hoje você vai acompanhar uma mãe e seu filho falando sobre os brinquedos que a menina quer andar. Aperta o cinto, porque é hora de expandir seu vocabulário com várias expressões muito usadas do inglês. Let’s go!
6/28/2021 • 11 minutes, 5 seconds
Fluency News Inglês #41
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about Iran’s sole nuclear plant undergoing an emergency shutdown. Our main story focuses on Brazil, on the coronavirus and the government’s handling of it. We also talk about countries doing their part and vaccinating their population.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode transcript: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-41
6/25/2021 • 13 minutes, 19 seconds
Go Getter #01 - Falando ao telefone em inglês
Falar ao telefone nem sempre é uma tarefa fácil. Quando se trata de falar em outro idioma, pode parecer um bicho de sete cabeças! Mas, com um pouco de preparação e algumas “frases coringa” para te ajudar a se sentir mais à vontade na hora de encarar o desafio, você, com certeza, vai tirar de letra!
Material: https://rhavi.co/go-getter-ing-01
6/24/2021 • 7 minutes, 25 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #84 - Distracted
Hey you! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
For this episode, we’re going to listen to two colleagues talking about some difficulties. One of them seems a little distracted and we are going to find out why! You’ll learn new expressions related to relationships and the idea of destiny. Remember to always repeat out loud when you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-84
6/24/2021 • 15 minutes, 45 seconds
Fluency News #40
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about Israel's new coalition, the G-7 summit and about the deforestation of the Amazon forest, especially in Brazil. We also see Ghana’s effort to stop deforestation in the country.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Material: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-40
6/18/2021 • 15 minutes, 52 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #83 - Snake in the grass
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk 'n' Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we’re going to hear two friends talking about a bad decision one of them made.
You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-83
6/17/2021 • 16 minutes, 34 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #86 - Perguntando o Caminho
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
No episódio de hoje, você vai acompanhar o nosso personagem David. Ele está passeando e se sente perdido, então vai precisar pedir ajuda! Vamos ver como ele faz isso em uma interação educada e tranquila.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
6/16/2021 • 13 minutes, 33 seconds
Fluency News #39
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we have a couple of technology-related stories, from Google following Apple’s lead to websites worldwide going down due to a glitch. We also talk about some good Covid news, the massive operation against organized crime that resulted in hundreds of arrests, and the Indian ban on “cure therapy” for LGBTQIA+.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
6/12/2021 • 11 minutes, 22 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #85 - Plans for the weekend
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
E aí, qual a boa do final de semana? Neste episódio, a gente vai ver como combinar o “rolezinho” do final de semana.
Lembre-se de acessar o nosso portal para conferir o conteúdo extra que preparamos para você! See you!
6/11/2021 • 12 minutes, 5 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #82 - The latest gossip
Gossip, gossip, time to gossip! Two friends are talking about someone else’s life. If you’re a curious person, you’re gonna like this one. The dialogue is filled with nice idioms! Come check it out!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-82
6/10/2021 • 15 minutes, 37 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #84 - What are you doing?
Quando sua televisão quebra, o que você faz? You fix it! Ou, ao menos, tenta. O Walk 'n' Talk Essentials de hoje é sobre um casal que se vê com a televisão quebrada e tenta dar um jeito. Como você já pode imaginar, não é tão fácil quanto parece. Escute muito bem os diálogos para aprender novas expressões em inglês e enriquecer o seu vocabulário. E, claro, aprender um pouco mais sobre o presente contínuo. Let’s go!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-84
6/7/2021 • 11 minutes, 53 seconds
Fluency News #38
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese of what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we talk about the black fungus found in some Covid-19 patients in India, China’s major policy shift and Russia going against the distribution of a Disney short film featuring a gay character. We also talk about the protests across Brazil against president Jair Bolsonaro and the Covid-19 repercussions in the country.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-38
6/7/2021 • 14 minutes, 4 seconds
Like a Native #01 - Fazendo compras!
Este é o primeiro episódio do nosso mais novo podcast: Like a Native.
O professor Scott vai te ensinar expressões e frases úteis para quando se vai às compras. Assim você consegue se comunicar como um nativo, like a native! Come check it out!
6/4/2021 • 8 minutes, 26 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #81 - Things Change
Hey you! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
For this episode, we’re going to listen to two friends catching up. They haven’t seen each other in a long time and one of them has big news! You’ll learn fun collocations related to when you meet someone you haven’t seen in a long time. Remember to always repeat out loud when you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-81
6/2/2021 • 13 minutes, 44 seconds
Fluency News #37
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we talk about Belarus forcing a flight to make an emergency landing to detain an opposition blogger critical of authoritarian president Alexander Lukashenko. We also talk about some of the decisions made at an EU conference and the use of vaccines in young people. We also revisit Samoa, where the Prime Minister-elect was locked out of parliament.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-37
5/28/2021 • 16 minutes, 36 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #80 - What time is it there?
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we’re going to hear two women talking on the phone, about their sleeping schedules and time differences!
You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-80
5/27/2021 • 18 minutes, 27 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials #83 - Eu não tenho tempo
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
I don’t have time!
No episódio de hoje, você vai conhecer uma tradição das escolas dos Estados Unidos e, também, algumas diferenças entre o inglês americano e o britânico. O diálogo, que vamos estudar neste episódio, é bem descontraído, entre uma mãe e o filho.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
5/26/2021 • 27 minutes, 19 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #79 - You're driving me crazy!
You know when you’re so nervous you can’t stop moving your legs? Listen to Chris and Leslie having a conversation where Chris is almost driving his friend crazy! Check it out!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-79
5/21/2021 • 12 minutes, 25 seconds
Fluency News #36
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we have a quick update on India’s struggle with covid-19. We talk about the Israel/Gaza conflict, Melinda and Bill Gates’ divorce and the unsettling drying up of water reservoirs in Brazil.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-36
5/20/2021 • 12 minutes, 49 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #82 - As mulheres precisam de bolsos!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Se você é mulher, você sabe o quão chato é querer carregar uma coisinha que seja, sua carteira, celular, uma máscara reserva, etc, e não ter nenhum bolso sequer na sua roupa! Ou quando tem, é aquele bolsinho minúsculo que não cabe quase nada. E se você é homem, você sabe como é chato ter que ficar carregando as coisas das suas amigas, irmãs e companheiras nos SEUS bolsos. Pois bem, este episódio é um protesto pacífico contra a falta de bolsos nas roupas femininas!
Lembre-se de acessar o nosso portal para conferir o conteúdo extra que preparamos para você! See you!
5/20/2021 • 16 minutes, 16 seconds
Fluency News #35
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you with three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we talk about Covid-19 in India and the developments since last week, the new Facebook controversy and the school shooting in Russia. We also have some good news pandemic-wise!
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-35
5/16/2021 • 15 minutes, 10 seconds
Fluency News #34
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we have an update to the Apple versus Facebook story. We also talk about German police cracking down on a child pornography website and Verizon selling Yahoo for about half of what it paid. To restore our faith in humanity, we also have some good news coming in from India.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-34
5/8/2021 • 11 minutes, 39 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #78 - Don't bite off more than you can chew!
Hey there busy bee! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
For this episode, we’re going to listen to a conversation between a couple. One of them has an excessive to-do list and she doesn’t want to let it go! You’ll learn fun collocations about being busy and practice loads of linking sounds. Remember to always repeat with your loud voice when you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-78
5/6/2021 • 19 minutes, 55 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #77 - Give me the recipe!
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In this episode, we’re going to listen to a conversation between two friends and see why lying is not a good idea! You’ll learn some new expressions, learn about some structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-77
5/6/2021 • 24 minutes, 48 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #81 - Eu vou receber a promoção?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Você vai ser promovido! Que notícia boa! Tão boa quanto este episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! No diálogo de hoje, dois colegas de trabalho conversam sobre um deles estar sendo promovido! Vem expandir vocabulário e afiar sua pronúncia com a gente!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
5/6/2021 • 12 minutes, 20 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials #80 - A propósito e para sua informação
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
FYI, I did study!
No episódio de hoje, você vai conhecer algumas abreviações e alguns acrônimos que são muito comuns no inglês cotidiano. No diálogo que vamos estudar, você vai ouvir duas pessoas tendo uma conversa bem casual.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
5/5/2021 • 12 minutes, 54 seconds
Fluency News #33
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we see several quick news, including the verdict of the Derek Chauvin’s trial and the Academy’s winners. We also talk about Apple and Facebook’s feud, and the issues India is facing in this pandemic, specially now. In good news, we see New Zealand celebrate its handling of the virus, the promising numbers in Israel and the study about Chernobyl affecting children.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-33
5/3/2021 • 14 minutes, 9 seconds
Fluency News #32
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we’re going to see what’s been happening in Brazil with the indigenous protests against Bill 191 which would allow for mining in protected land. We also see the United Nations report on global warming, and the aid Venezuela is getting to help its children.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-32
4/26/2021 • 13 minutes, 51 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #76 - Hindsight is 20/20
Well, now you know! Are you ready to listen to a fun conversation between two friends? One of them has apparently made a bad decision! Come check it out!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-76
4/24/2021 • 15 minutes, 26 seconds
Infinite Vocab #1
Chega de “very good”!
Nesse episódio do nosso novo podcast, o Infinite Vobca, a teacher Paula Gabriela vai te mostrar diversas expressões que podem substituir o uso excessivo do very. Depois desse episódio, seu vocabulário no inglês com certeza vai ficar bem mais rico! Let’s go!
4/23/2021 • 8 minutes, 58 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #79 - Posso trocar?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
O que você faz quando ganha um presente e não gosta? Finge que gostou e dá pra outra pessoa? Troca? Diz a verdade? Quem nunca passou por isso? No episódio de hoje, você vai ver como fazer a troca de um produto em inglês! Lembre-se de acessar o nosso portal para conferir o conteúdo extra que preparamos para você! See you!
4/23/2021 • 13 minutes, 49 seconds
Fluency News #31
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we’re going to see what’s been happening in Brazil with COVID and vaccines, we’re going to take a look at the changes Vladimir Putin has been making, and the increase of Nepal’s rhino population.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-31
4/20/2021 • 14 minutes, 59 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #78 - Eu quero te conhecer
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Oi, gato(a)! Vamos nos conhecer melhor? No episódio de hoje, você vai ouvir um casal se conhecendo melhor num primeiro encontro. Hora de praticar algumas expressões legais!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
4/14/2021 • 15 minutes, 42 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #75 - I’m Getting Hitched
For today’s episode, we’re going to check out a conversation between two good friends, about the fact that one of them is getting married soon and that is a surprise for some reason! You’ll learn many new ways to talk about marriage and relationships, learn about some new structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content! Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-75
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
4/14/2021 • 10 minutes, 39 seconds
Fluency News #30
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
This week we talk about the beginning of Derek Chauvin’s trial, charged with the murder of George Floyd. We cover the apology made by Amazon, and the rise in coronavirus cases in India. We also talk about the advances on a vaccine to combat the HIV virus.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-30
4/10/2021 • 12 minutes, 37 seconds
Culture Talks #1
What is up, everyone! No primeiríssimo episódio de Culture Talks falamos sobre uma regra gramatical que envolve frases negativas em inglês, e se ela realmente é usada pelos nativos.
Are you ready?
4/9/2021 • 11 minutes, 6 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #77 - Você viu meu diário?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Alguém aí vive perdendo as coisas pela casa? Isso é normal, ainda mais hoje em dia, em que passamos tanto tempo em casa! No episódio de hoje, vamos ver como pedir ajuda para procurar algo e falar sobre as partes da casa em inglês! Check it out!
4/9/2021 • 16 minutes, 39 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #74 - Take it with a grain of salt
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In today’s episode, we’re going to hear some gossip and try to understand what is real and what is rumor! You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-74
4/9/2021 • 17 minutes, 31 seconds
Fluency News #29
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this episode, we talk about the container ship that paralized the Suez Canal, and we have another update to the Myanmar story. We also talked about how Mexico surpassed Brazil in COVID-19 cases and how the pandemic has been good to whales!
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-29
4/8/2021 • 16 minutes, 19 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #76 - Primeiros Socorros
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
You don’t need stitches! No episódio de hoje, vamos acompanhar duas pessoas em uma situação um pouco tensa, e assim ouvir e praticar várias palavras usadas quando alguém se machuca ou está com dor. Are you ready? Let’s go!
4/5/2021 • 17 minutes, 25 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #73 - Grasping at straws
Desperately grasping at straws!
Hey, guys! Today’s episode is full of new expressions for you to expand your vocab and the context is quite funny: a student making excuses because he hasn’t submitted his term paper yet. Come check it out!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-73
4/2/2021 • 16 minutes, 5 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #75 - Você pode me ajudar?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Posso ajudar? No episódio de hoje, você vai ouvir e praticar vários usos do “can” e do “could” em inglês. No diálogo que vamos estudar, você vai ouvir duas pessoas em uma situação bem corriqueira, conversando de forma educada!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
3/29/2021 • 16 minutes, 9 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #72 - Setting up the table
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In today’s episode, we’ll see a couple conversing about a special dinner, mentioning various details such as cutlery used only on special occasions! You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-72
3/24/2021 • 14 minutes, 4 seconds
Fluency News #28
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this episode, we have yet another update to the Myanmar story we’ve been covering since February. We also dive into what’s been going on in Australia with the March4Justice. In good news, El Salvador is the first country in Central America to be declared malaria-free, and a meteorite found in the U.K may contain information about the beginning of our solar system.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-28
3/19/2021 • 13 minutes, 46 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #71 - Follow-Up
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
In today’s episode, we’ll see a woman being interviewed for the second time for a job opening! You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Material: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-71
3/18/2021 • 20 minutes, 33 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #74 - Há quanto tempo!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Hey, everyone! Long time no see!
Espera aí… o que isso significa? No episódio de hoje, você vai aprender diversas expressões úteis para um diálogo do dia a dia em inglês. Vem que o episódio está incrível e, como sempre, o link para o seu material de apoio está disponível aqui abaixo!
Are you ready? Let’s go!
3/18/2021 • 18 minutes, 42 seconds
Fluency News #27
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we’ll talk about Latin American’s troubles with COVID-19 and vaccinations, Brazil’s drop in GDP, the Angolan law protecting gay and bisexual people of discrimination. We also talk about Fiji’s corals coming back to life after a cyclone in 2016.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-27
3/12/2021 • 14 minutes, 30 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #70 - You look like a million bucks!
And the Oscar goes to…! Today you’ll listen to a conversation between two friends and one of them is going to a special ceremony. If you want to know what kind of ceremony it is, come listen to it! With this dialogue and the PDF file which is available for you to download, you’ll be able to expand your vocabulary, and practice your pronunciation! Remember to always repeat the words and sentences out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
And don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
Now, let’s go!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-70
3/12/2021 • 15 minutes, 6 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #73 - Com ou sem adrenalina?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
O que você prefere: com ou sem adrenalina? Hoje, vamos acompanhar o diálogo entre dois amigos durante um passeio em um parque de diversões, mas parece que um deles não curte muito os brinquedos radicais. Durante o episódio, você vai ampliar seu vocabulário em inglês e conhecer o nome de alguns brinquedos do parque de diversões. Acompanhe o diálogo completo disponível em PDF no nosso site! Enjoy!
3/11/2021 • 15 minutes, 51 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Especial Fluency Week Edição Poliglota - Inglês - Aula 02
Neste episódio especial do nosso Walk ‘n’ Talk, o prof Scott vai te ajudar a praticar a pronúncia com as frases que estudamos na aula prática da Fluency Week Edição Poliglota. Vem que está incrível!
3/10/2021 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Especial Fluency Week Edição Poliglota - Inglês - Aula 01
Hello lovely people!
Welcome to the special episode of our Walk 'n' Talk. Hoje nós vamos praticar a pronúncia com as frases que estudamos na aula prática da Fluency Week Edição Poliglota. Depois, contem para nós o que achou aqui nos comentários da página do evento!
3/10/2021 • 21 minutes, 22 seconds
Fluency News #26
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we update you on the Myanmar and Alexei Navalny stories, and we cover the horrible systematic killings happening in villages in Ethiopia. We also talk about improvements in dealing with Malaria-carrying mosquitoes.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-26
3/5/2021 • 14 minutes, 44 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #69 - Where's my room?
Hey, guys! In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between a hotel front desk clerk and a guest, trying to check in. There seems to be a problem with the room, can you figure out what it is? You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound! Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content. We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-69
3/3/2021 • 20 minutes, 25 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #72 - Nós temos tempo para um smoothie!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Nada melhor que chegar com antecedência ao aeroporto! Neste episódio, vamos acompanhar dois amigos conversando sobre o que podem fazer antes de embarcar no seu voo. No decorrer do diálogo, você vai aprender sobre o past continuous e o simple present, dois tempos verbais do inglês. Acompanhe o episódio com o PDF, disponível no nosso site, para aproveitar o conteúdo ao máximo! Enjoy!
3/3/2021 • 21 minutes
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #68 - Deep clean the house!
Hey, guys! Today you’ll listen to a conversation between two friends and one of them is extremely tired! If you want to know why, come check this out! With this dialogue and the PDF file which is available for you to download, you’ll be able to expand your vocabulary, and practice pronunciation! Remember to always repeat the word and sentences out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
And don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
Are you ready? Let’s go!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-ingles-68
2/25/2021 • 15 minutes, 28 seconds
Fluency News #25
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we update you on the WhatsApp story from last week, and we cover the Boeing incidents and the attack that killed Italian ambassador in Congo. We also talk about the House of One, a worship temple being built in Berlin.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-25
2/25/2021 • 15 minutes, 2 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #71 - Mas hoje é o último jogo!
Hoje a história é típica de adolescentes! Uma mãe quer que seu filho se apronte logo para ir ao aniversário do tio. Ele não quer ir porque diz estar cansado, mas a verdade é que o time dele vai jogar na final e ele obviamente quer assistir ao jogo! Durante o episódio, você vai conhecer novas expressões para aumentar o seu vocabulário e pode acompanhar o diálogo baixando o PDF disponível no nosso site. Enjoy!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-71
2/24/2021 • 16 minutes, 5 seconds
Fluency News #24
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we give you updates to the Trump impeachment and Myanmar’s unrest. We also talk about Whatsapp’s new privacy policies and their pushback in India, and we share some awesome news!
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-24
2/19/2021 • 12 minutes, 59 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #70 - Briga de irmãos
Quem tem irmãos vai se identificar com este episódio! Afinal, uma irmandade sem pequenas brigas não tem nem graça! É isso que iremos acompanhar neste diálogo: dois irmãos discutem sobre quem tem direito à tv e o que eles vão assistir. Pareceu familiar? No decorrer do episódio, você vai conhecer mais sobre gêneros do cinema e outras expressões em inglês. Aproveite para aprofundar seus estudos com o material do episódio disponível no nosso site! Enjoy!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-70
2/18/2021 • 17 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #67 Cliffhangers and plot twists!
Hey guys! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up! In today’s episode, we’ll take a look at a conversation between two friends, talking about a book and its exciting plot! You’ll learn some new vocabulary and idioms, and improve your pronunciation. Don’t forget to repeat out loud, so you can hear yourself!
You can download the PDF file here, it’ll help you to expand your knowledge and build your personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
See you next week for our brand new episode!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-ing-67
2/17/2021 • 14 minutes, 59 seconds
Fluency News #23
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we talk about the Myanmar situation with the recent coup, Tesla buying U$1.5 billion in bitcoin, and the Kenyan woman who is recycling plastic waste into bricks that are stronger than concrete. We also give you an update on COVID-19 vaccinations around the world.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-23
2/12/2021 • 16 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #69 - Conta comigo!
“Conta comigo” é uma daquelas frases que todo mundo adora ouvir de um amigo, mas às vezes imprevistos acontecem! Neste episódio, vamos acompanhar dois amigos conversando sobre uma festa recente e um convite para um novo encontro. Com o diálogo, você vai aprender a falar sobre algo que já aconteceu usando a estrutura do simple past. Não deixe de baixar o material completo do episódio no nosso site! Enjoy!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-69
2/10/2021 • 15 minutes, 17 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #66 - Pay cuts
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between two friends, talking about the difficulties one of them is having, and how the other can help. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-ing-66
2/10/2021 • 20 minutes, 15 seconds
Fluency News #22
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we give you an update on the miners’ story from last week, we touch on the Whatsapp update that made the messaging app lose millions of users, we take a look at what’s happening in Brazil with COVID-19, and we talk about the positive news surrounding renewable energy sources.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Check the episode's transcript: https://rhavi.co/fluencynews-22
1/29/2021 • 14 minutes, 51 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #65 - A watched pot never boils!
In today’s episode, we’ll hear two friends talking about making a risky phone call! You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-65
1/28/2021 • 14 minutes, 28 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #68 - Um donut de chocolate, por favor!
Você sabe como pedir um café em inglês? Neste episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, além de aprender a fazer pedidos, você também vai conhecer um vocabulário delicioso relacionado aos locais especializados em café, os coffee shops ou coffee houses! Aproveite e acompanhe o episódio com o nosso PDF, disponível para download no nosso site, fluencytv.com. Enjoy!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-68
1/28/2021 • 16 minutes, 20 seconds
Fluency News #21
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we give you an update on the news coming from the United States, we talk about dissident Navalny’s arrest in Russia, the ongoing vaccinations in England, the ONU initiative called “Ocean Decade”, and finally, the positive news that 12 miners were found alive after a blast in a mining shaft in China.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-21
1/22/2021 • 11 minutes, 21 seconds
Pronunciation Bootcamp #01 - Como pronunciar “would” e “could”?
Seja bem vindo ao primeiro episódio do Pronunciation Bootcamp, um podcast pensado para trabalhar a sua pronúncia! O inglês tem um monte de sons bem diferentes dos que estamos acostumados no português, e essa série vai te ajudar a desvendar todos eles!
Neste episódio, nós trabalhamos na pronúncia das palavras "would" e "could", muito usadas em todos os tipos de situação!
Escute agora o episódio e não se esqueça de repetir em voz alta!
1/22/2021 • 9 minutes, 26 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #67 - Adeus, Mary!
Você sabe como pedir ajuda a alguém em inglês? É o que eu vou te ensinar neste episódio! Vamos acompanhar o diálogo entre dois amigos que estão fazendo um cartão de despedida para uma colega que está de mudança. No decorrer da conversa, você vai aprender mais sobre o famoso CAN em frases afirmativas, negativas e em perguntas. Não se esqueça de acompanhar o episódio com o PDF, disponível para download no nosso site. Enjoy!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-67
1/21/2021 • 15 minutes, 38 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #64 - Rise and shine!
In today’s episode, we’ll hear a conversation between two people, as one of them tries to get the other to wake up. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content. We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-64
1/20/2021 • 14 minutes, 13 seconds
Fluency News #20
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we talk about what’s been going on in the United States, and how Donald Trump may be the first president in the country’s history to be impeached twice. We also talk about the commitment 50 countries made to protect 30% of Earth’s lands and oceans.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-20
1/16/2021 • 13 minutes, 33 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #66 - A prova é amanhã!
O teste é amanhã: quatro palavras que assustam qualquer estudante desprevenido! No Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials de hoje, dois amigos conversam sobre uma prova que vai acontecer no dia seguinte, mas da qual um deles não se lembrava. E vamos aproveitar para te ensinar tudo sobre datas em inglês durante o diálogo! Não deixe de acompanhar o episódio baixando o PDF, que está disponível para download no nosso site. Enjoy!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-66
1/15/2021 • 15 minutes, 42 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #63 - Doggy check-up!
In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between two people, about one of them taking their dog to the vet for check-ups! You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound! Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-ing-63
1/13/2021 • 12 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #62 - Leave it to chance
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 62 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between a couple, talking about their plans for the new year and their resolutions. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
1/4/2021 • 18 minutes, 51 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #65 - Lista de desejos
Você já parou para pensar em todas as coisas que gostaria de fazer antes de morrer? No nosso Walk ‘n’ Talk de hoje , vamos acompanhar um diálogo entre dois amigos que farão suas "bucket list", uma lista de desejos que gostariam de fazer antes de morrer. Durante o diálogo, você irá aprender algumas expressões e o uso das preposições. Acompanhe o episódio com o PDF, que está disponível para baixar no link abaixo.
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-65
12/31/2020 • 15 minutes, 5 seconds
Fluency News #19
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we talk about doctor Anthony Fauci’s visit to Santa Claus, to make sure that children all around the world would get their Christmas’s gifts. We also talk about how New Zealand has bought enough Covid-19 vaccines to vaccinate their citizens and give free doses to neighboring countries, the children rescued by vigilantes in Nigeria and Pope Francis taking the Pfizer coronavirus vaccine.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-19
12/28/2020 • 10 minutes, 14 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #61 - Diets on Christmas
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 61 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between a couple, talking about something they need to do in the kitchen. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
12/23/2020 • 16 minutes, 53 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials #64 - Alguma coisa cheira estranho
Você já sentiu um cheiro estranho saindo da geladeira? É por essa situação chata que um casal vai passar neste episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk: os dois vão discutir sobre a necessidade de limpar o eletrodoméstico. Durante o diálogo, você ainda vai aprender alguns phrasal verbs muito úteis para o seu dia a dia! Acompanhe o episódio com o PDF, que está disponível para baixar clicando aqui. Enjoy!
12/22/2020 • 15 minutes, 59 seconds
Fluency News #18
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we talk about the Datafolha polls, that show an alarming percentage of Brazilians would not be willing to take the Covid-19 vaccine. We also talk about the hundreds of Nigerian students that were kidnapped, and the laws changing in England, to allow gay and bisexual men to donate blood.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-18
12/17/2020 • 10 minutes, 53 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #60 - Walking over ride-share!
Hello, lovely people! In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between two friends about their plans for tomorrow and about ways of going home. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-lvl-60
12/16/2020 • 18 minutes, 3 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #63 - Cachorrinho na bolsa!
Uma mulher está no metrô, quando de repente... sua bolsa começa a se mexer! Como não se pode levar cães no metrô, ela deu um jeitinho de levar o filhote dentro da bolsa! E com base nesse diálogo inusitado, hoje vou te falar sobre uma palavra bem comum que indica o futuro em inglês: will! Não deixe de estudar o conteúdo do podcast baixando o PDF no nosso site. Enjoy!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-63
12/16/2020 • 13 minutes, 52 seconds
Fluency News #17
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode we cover the bank heists that took place in two different cities in Brazil, Coca-Cola, Pepsi and Nestlé being named the top plastic polluters in the world for the third year in a row, the “Millionaire’s Tax” bill passed in Argentina, the deterioration of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, and finally, 14 nations that came together and committed to protect the oceans.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-17
12/10/2020 • 13 minutes, 17 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #62 - O que tem na sua playlist?
Buscando mais músicas e artistas para escutar enquanto trabalha, estuda ou se diverte? O diálogo de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials é sobre isso! Dois amigos estão conversando sobre uma nova playlist, estilos de música e o que não podem deixar de ouvir. Para estudar o vocabulário, baixe o PDF no nosso site para acompanhar o conteúdo completo enquanto escuta o episódio. Enjoy!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ess-62
12/10/2020 • 14 minutes, 40 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #59 - Superpowers!
In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between two friends about which superpowers they would like to have, if possible. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve your pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound! You can download the PDF file here. We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode
12/10/2020 • 18 minutes, 13 seconds
Fluency News #16
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we talk about the Amazonian discovery of an ancient “Sistine Chapel”, the France protests against police violence, and the Singapore woman who gave birth to a baby with Covid-19 antibodies after being infected while pregnant.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
This episode was written by Lívia Pond.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-16
12/4/2020 • 16 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #58 - Look at her go!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 58 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between two friends. They meet by chance at a park, and talk about what they’re doing there. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-58
12/2/2020 • 13 minutes, 27 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials #61 - Reunião de pais e professores
Lembra das reuniões de pais e professores da escola? O episódio do Walk ’n’ Talk Essentials de hoje é sobre esse encontro! Vamos acompanhar um pai que vai à escola porque a professora tem algumas reclamações sobre o filho dele. Durante o diálogo, você vai conhecer um novo phrasal verb, aprender sobre present perfect continuous e descobrir algumas exclamações em inglês. Não deixe de acompanhar o episódio baixando o PDF! See you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTEss-61
12/2/2020 • 19 minutes, 16 seconds
Fluency News #15
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In today’s episode we talk about the G-20 summit, the protests in Brazil following the death of a black man at a Carrefour store, the news around the COVID-19 vaccines, and ̣̣the withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan and Iraq
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-15
11/27/2020 • 14 minutes, 9 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #60 - Uma viagem para a Tailândia!
Preparado para viajar para a Tailândia? Neste episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, vamos acompanhar o relato de uma viagem até esse país asiático. E o melhor é que você vai conferir mais sobre frases no passado, aprender maneiras de dizer “parece” e como usar “how about”, além de conhecer tudo sobre os superlativos. Lembre-se de baixar o PDF para acompanhar o diálogo e expandir ainda mais seu vocabulário!
Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTEss-60
11/26/2020 • 23 minutes, 23 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #57 - A mean birthday cake!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 57 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode, we’ll work on a conversation between two friends. One of them has a birthday coming up and she’s making her own birthday cake! You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-57
11/26/2020 • 16 minutes, 29 seconds
Fluency News #14
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the political turmoil in Peru, give you snippets of the NASA launch and the trial results for possible COVID-19 vaccines, and about the Oxford study that suggests video gaming is good for your mental health.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-14
11/20/2020 • 16 minutes, 46 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #56 - My back is killing me!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 56 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode, you’ll hear friends talking about a problem one of them is having and hear the other give suggestions on how to make it better. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ing-lvl-56
That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
11/18/2020 • 17 minutes, 21 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #59 - Lista de tarefas
Você já deu uma de “espertinho” ou “espertinha” quando alguém tentou te ajudar com alguma coisa? Como será que podemos dizer isso em inglês? É o que você vai aprender com o episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, em que vamos acompanhar um rapaz conversando com a sua amiga sobre as coisas que precisa fazer. Aproveite para praticar o uso do “gotta” e aprender algumas perguntas possíveis com “could”, e lembre-se de baixar o PDF para expandir ainda mais seu vocabulário! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-ess-59
11/18/2020 • 17 minutes, 5 seconds
Fluency News #13
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we focus on the U.S elections, the democrats winning, and what we can expect from elected president Joe Biden.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-13
11/13/2020 • 23 minutes, 47 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #55 - Call a plumber and call it a day!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 55 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode, you’ll hear a couple talking about a problem in the kitchen and what is the best way to fix it! You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ing-lvl-55
That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
11/12/2020 • 17 minutes, 14 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #58 - Cuidando das plantas!
Você se considera uma pessoa “com o dedo verde”? Ou as plantas que você pega pra cuidar sempre acabam morrendo? No episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, vamos acompanhar um diálogo em inglês justamente sobre isso! Aproveite para aprender o vocabulário relacionado à jardinagem no idioma, assim como a falar e a fazer perguntas sobre frequência! Lembre-se de repetir os exemplos em voz alta para treinar sua pronúncia, e baixe o material em PDF para expandir seu repertório! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ing-ess-58
11/12/2020 • 18 minutes, 38 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #57 - A vó ta no hospital
Imagine que algum amigo ou familiar seu está doente e tem que ir para o hospital. Como descrever o que ele ou ela está sentindo em inglês? É o que vamos aprender no episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Aproveite para expandir o seu vocabulário sobre doenças no idioma, assim como treinar sua escuta e pronúncia! Lembre-se também de baixar o material complementar para ter acesso a outros exemplos de frases inspiradas no diálogo! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-ess-57
11/5/2020 • 15 minutes, 46 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #54 - Stationery Haul!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 54 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! Today’s dialogue revolves around two friends talking about purchases and materials for planning and organizing your life. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-lvl-54
11/5/2020 • 17 minutes, 29 seconds
Fluency News #12
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the Ohio state operation Autumn Hope, the largest anti-trafficking operation in U.S. history. We also talk about Jair Bolsonaro’s positioning on the Covid-19 vaccines and possible cures, and about the draft of a new constitution in Chile. Lastly, we talk about how a New York bookstore pleaded for help and got it.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-12
10/29/2020 • 22 minutes, 12 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #53 - Plans for the holiday?
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 53 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! Today’s dialogue revolves around two friends talking about plans for the end of the year’s holidays. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-lvl-53
10/29/2020 • 17 minutes, 4 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #56 - Um cachecol minúsculo!
Você já imaginou um cãozinho de cachecol? Teria que ser um bem pequeno, não é mesmo? É sobre isso que vamos falar no episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, em que acompanhamos a conversa entre um casal que está se preparando para ir dormir. O homem pergunta se pode apagar a luz, mas a mulher pede mais 5 minutos para terminar um cachecol que está tricotando. Escute o episódio com atenção e aproveite para aprender como usar o verbo “can” e as expressões “too” e “about to” em inglês! Lembre-se de repetir os exemplos em voz alta para treinar sua pronúncia, e baixe o material complementar para expandir seu vocabulário! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-ess-56
10/28/2020 • 12 minutes, 54 seconds
Fluency News #11
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about the fishing controversies happening in Nova Scotia, the death of a zookeeper in front of tourists, and China’s economy rising again as Covid-19 seems to be under control.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-11
10/23/2020 • 26 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #52 - Training for battle
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 52 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode you’ll hear two siblings talking about what the sister is doing in her room. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-lvl-52
10/21/2020 • 14 minutes, 35 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #55 - Vovô é um herói!
Tem alguém na sua família que você admira muito? Talvez uma avó, um tio, sua mãe ou seu pai… No episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, vamos acompanhar uma conversa entre uma garotinha e seu avô. O que o avô fez quando era jovem para que a neta o chamasse de “meu herói”? Escute o episódio para descobrir, e aproveite para aprender também como falar sobre hábitos do passado em inglês! Não se esqueça de baixar o material complementar para ter acesso à expansão de vocabulário, e repita os exemplos em voz alta para treinar sua pronúncia! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-ess-55
10/21/2020 • 15 minutes, 14 seconds
Fluency News #10
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
This week’s episode was themed around the Nobel Prize 2020 winners, that were announced in the beginning of October. We talked about the winners in the Physics, Literature, Economics, Medicine and Peace awards. To hear about the Chesmistry award winners, listen to our last episode!
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-10
10/19/2020 • 34 minutes, 37 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #51 - Breakfast in bed
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 51 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode you’ll hear a couple talking about the day’s chores and the possibility of getting breakfast in bed. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-lvl-51
10/14/2020 • 11 minutes, 1 second
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #54 - You got mail!
Poucas sensações na vida são melhores do que receber uma encomenda que você estava esperando há tempos, não é mesmo? É exatamente isso que acontece com a nossa personagem do episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Nele, vamos acompanhar uma conversa entre o porteiro e a moradora de um prédio. Descubra quais encomendas ela recebeu e que expressão o porteiro usa para dizer que “não se pode ter tudo nessa vida” em inglês! Além disso, hoje também vamos aprender alguns usos do verbo “have”, como para indicar posse ou necessidade. Lembre-se de baixar o material extra para conferir a expansão de vocabulário e repita os exemplos em voz alta para treinar sua pronúncia! See you guys next week!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-ess-54
10/14/2020 • 17 minutes, 11 seconds
Fluency News #09
What is up, everyone! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this week’s episode, we talk about what’s been happening in the White House since Trump announced he and the First Lady both tested positive for the coronavirus. We also talk about the historic chemistry prize won by two scientists, the probable cause of the death of 95% of marine life in a province of Russia, and finally, how New Zealand beat COVID-19 for the second time.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-9
10/8/2020 • 23 minutes, 21 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #50 - Spring is here!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 50 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode you’ll hear two friends talking about the beginning of spring, flowers blooming and gardening! You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
You can also download the Fluency Hacking Method e-book for free! Check it out! We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-lvl-50
10/8/2020 • 21 minutes, 38 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #53 - Is there a gas station around here?
Imagine que você está dirigindo pelos Estados Unidos e fica sem gasolina! Como você perguntaria se tem algum posto de combustíveis por perto em inglês? É isso que vamos aprender hoje com este episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Nele, vamos escutar um diálogo entre um casal que está passando por essa situação. Aproveite para aprender a usar as estruturas “there is” e “there are” em inglês, assim como a fazer perguntas com elas! Lembre-se de repetir os exemplos em voz alta com a teacher Becca e baixe o material extra para conferir mais exemplos de frases e expandir seu vocabulário! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-ess-53
10/7/2020 • 19 minutes, 17 seconds
Fluency News #08
What is up, guys!! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this episode, we talk about the New York Times’s report on Trumps taxes, the cyberattacks on the U.S. major hospital system, the possibility of finding water on Mars, and lastly, about the cell therapy designed to treat IBS.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-8
10/1/2020 • 25 minutes, 52 seconds
Fluency News #07
What is up, guys!! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
In this episode, we revisit last week’s story around the mummies found in a well in Egypt. We also talk about the death of Justice Ginsburg and Trump’s course of action following it, as well as Nikola founder Trevor Milton stepping down. Finally, we talk about Chuck Feeney, a billionaire who wanted to die broke.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and check out our new Instagram page, @fluencytvingles!
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-7
9/25/2020 • 27 minutes, 35 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #49 - Cravings
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 49 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In today’s episode you’ll hear two friends talking about what they want to eat. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-lvl-49
9/25/2020 • 15 minutes, 5 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #52 - Dinner’s at seven!
Imagine a seguinte situação: você está em uma reunião de trabalho, mas tem um compromisso logo depois e não pode se atrasar. Como falar sobre isso em inglês? É o que vamos aprender com o episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Nele, vamos acompanhar dois colegas de trabalho conversando sobre seus compromissos depois de uma reunião, e assim aprender algumas expressões muito importantes do inglês para falar sobre horários e necessidades. Lembre-se de repetir os exemplos em voz alta com a prof Liv e baixe o material extra para que sua biblioteca de inglês fique cada vez mais completa. Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-ess-52
9/25/2020 • 19 minutes, 50 seconds
Fluency News #06
What is up, guys!! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
This week we give you an update to the Belarus story we covered a couple of episodes ago, and talk about the Silicon Valley’s measures to prevent fake news around the US Election. We also give you a movie and tool recommendation to help you with English. Other than that, we talk about Japan’s initiative to boost tourism, the 13 mummies found in Egypt and the families that bought over 90 acres of land to build a city safe for African-Americans.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and to a “expand your knowledge” section.
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-6
9/17/2020 • 23 minutes, 23 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #48 - A brother visits!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 48 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In this episode, you’ll hear a conversation between friends, talking about a visit one of them is receiving. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ing-lvl-48
That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
9/16/2020 • 18 minutes, 34 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #51 - Cancelando um compromisso
Já aconteceu de você precisar cancelar algum compromisso? Provavelmente sim! Então, que tal aprender a fazer isso em inglês? É o que vamos te ensinar no episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, em que vamos acompanhar uma conversa entre uma paciente e a secretária de uma clínica. Aproveite para descobrir algumas formas de oferecer algo e falar sobre o futuro em inglês, além das despedidas mais usadas no dia a dia! Não se esqueça de repetir os exemplos em voz alta com a teacher Becca para praticar sua fala e baixe o material extra para ampliar seu vocabulário. We’ll see you next week, bye!
Baixe aqui o PDF: https://rhavi.co/wnt-ing-ess-51
9/16/2020 • 20 minutes, 11 seconds
Fluency News #05
What is up, guys!! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
This week we talk about the controversies around Disney’s live-action Mulan, the Brazilian court decision that sparked fear over Indigenous land, and the destruction of Greece’s migrant camp, which housed over 13000 people.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and to a “expand your knowledge” section.
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-5
9/11/2020 • 28 minutes, 2 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #47 - Be careful online!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 46 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In this episode, you’ll hear a conversation between a couple, talking about the dangers of being careless online. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-47. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
9/10/2020 • 13 minutes, 48 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #50 - Pizza para o jantar!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Se você precisasse pedir uma pizza em inglês, saberia como fazer isso? É exatamente o que você vai aprender com o episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, em que vamos acompanhar a ligação de uma mulher para uma pizzaria! Além disso, também vamos explorar outras formas de oferecer ajuda e fazer pedidos em inglês, o que pode ser muito útil caso você viaje para o exterior!
9/10/2020 • 20 minutes, 15 seconds
Fluency News #04
What is up, guys!! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
This week’s episode revolves around the untimely death of Chadwick Boseman, famous for bringing King T’Challa to life, the peace deal in Sudan, ending a 17-year conflict, and the staggering six million coronavirus cases in the United States.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and to a “expand your knowledge” section.
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-4
9/4/2020 • 23 minutes, 9 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #46 - Get off the couch!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 46 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In this episode, you’ll hear a conversation between a couple, talking about their plans for the day. You’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-46. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
9/2/2020 • 15 minutes, 45 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #49 - Como está o tempo?
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Imagine que você está planejando uma festa. De que forma você gostaria que estivesse o tempo para que ela acontecesse da melhor forma? No episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, vamos aprender a falar sobre isso em inglês! Você vai descobrir como dizer que está ensolarado, nublado, chovendo, quente ou frio no idioma, assim como várias outras palavras! Aproveite para aprender também alguns usos usos da expressão “make sure”, além de maneiras de reagir positivamente ou negativamente a uma notícia.
9/2/2020 • 19 minutes, 27 seconds
Fluency News #03
What is up, guys!! Welcome to another episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
This week we talk about the wildfires raging in California, the first confirmed case of coronavirus re-infection and the global efforts to create a vaccine against the virus that has killed over 800000 people worldwide.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and to a “expand your knowledge” section.
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-3
8/27/2020 • 25 minutes, 17 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #45 - You're better off!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to episode 45 of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In this episode, you’ll hear a conversation between two friends. One of them is dealing with a bad break up, and the other comes to help. You’ll learn a lot of new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures, and improve our pronunciation. Remember to always repeat out loud every time you hear the beeping sound!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal English library. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-45
8/26/2020 • 18 minutes, 36 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #48 - Fazendo tarefas
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Sabe aquelas atividades “de adulto” que todo mundo tem que fazer? Ir ao supermercado, pagar contas, sacar dinheiro, passar na farmácia, etc? Você sabe como falar sobre isso em inglês? É isso que vamos explorar no episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Nele, vamos acompanhar uma conversa entre dois amigos sobre as tarefas que um deles precisa realizar durante o dia. Aproveite para baixar o material extra e expandir o seu vocabulário no idioma e repita todos os exemplos em voz alta com a teacher Liv para treinar sua pronúncia! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
8/26/2020 • 19 minutes, 2 seconds
Fluency News #02
What is up, guys!! Welcome to the second episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
This week we talk about the Japanese carried that has split off Mauritius, the unrest in Belarus and the fires plaguing the Amazon Forest.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and to a “expand your knowledge” section. We also have a few exercises for you to test what you learn here.
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-2
8/20/2020 • 31 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #44 - Happy Father's day!
Hello, lovely people of the internet! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In this episode, you’ll hear a conversation between siblings, in which they try to decide what to do for Father’s Day. In Brazil, Father’s Day is on the second Sunday in August, so we’re past that, but you’ll learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures and improve our pronunciation. To make sure you’re using this time the best way possible, remember to repeat out loud every time!
You can download the PDF file here: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-44. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal library with this awesome material. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
8/19/2020 • 20 minutes, 12 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #47 - Compartilhando boas notícias!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Como você costuma contar as novidades para seus familiares e amigos? E que tal começar a fazer isso em inglês? É isso que vamos aprender no episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, em que vamos acompanhar dois amigos conversando sobre uma notícia incrível: um deles vai se tornar pai! Aproveite para aprender novas maneiras de compartilhar novidades, comemorar com alguém e falar sobre planos futuros, tudo isso em inglês! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
8/19/2020 • 16 minutes, 5 seconds
Fluency News #01
Hello, everyone! Welcome to the very first episode of our new podcast series, Fluency News! Here you’ll have the opportunity to train your listening skills and be up to date with what’s happening in the world. We present you three of the most important stories of the week in English, and add snippets of explanations in Portuguese on what we think requires more attention.
This week we talk about the explosion in Beirut, the number of cases and deaths by coronavirus and, lastly, about the repercussions of the Black Lives Matter movement, following George Floyd’s death.
Visit fluencytv.com to have access to more free content and to a “expand your knowledge” section. We also have a few exercises for you to test what you learn here.
We’ll have a new episode of Fluency News every week, and we’ll be waiting for you!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/fn-ingles-1
8/12/2020 • 11 minutes, 20 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #43 - Cookies are an inspiration!
Hello, lovely people of the internet! Welcome to this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In this episode, you’ll hear a conversation between a grandmother and a granddaughter, about some issues the younger one is having. We’re going to learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures and improve our pronunciation. To make sure you’re using this time the best way possible, remember to repeat out loud every time!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal library with this awesome material. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-43
8/12/2020 • 13 minutes, 10 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #46 - Vamos comer fora!
Hello lovely people of the internet! Sejam bem-vindos e bem-vindas ao Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Quando a sua geladeira está vazia e você está com fome, o que você faz? Nesses casos, a melhor opção é pedir comida em casa ou então sair pra comer! Mas você sabe como falar sobre isso em inglês? É isso que vamos aprender no episódio de hoje do nosso podcast, em que vamos acompanhar um casal conversando sobre o que vão comer no almoço. Não se esqueça de baixar o PDF para ter acesso à expansão de vocabulário e lembre-se de repetir os exemplos em voz alta com a prof Liv para treinar sua pronúncia! Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTEss46
8/12/2020 • 13 minutes, 57 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #42 - Meteor showers and blankets!
Hello, lovely people! Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series and we’re so happy you decided to join us today! In this episode, you’ll hear a conversation between two friends, about an event happening at night. We’re going to learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures and improve our pronunciation. To make sure you’re using this time the best way possible, remember to repeat out loud every time!
You can download the PDF file here: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-42. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal library with this awesome material. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
8/5/2020 • 17 minutes, 58 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #45 - A gente era inseparável!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hi there, welcome back!
No Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials desta semana, vamos ouvir uma conversa saudosa sobre uma amizade da adolescência. Você já perdeu o contato com alguém e sente muita falta dessa pessoa? Pois é! Neste episódio, vamos ouvir o áudio e descobrir o que aconteceu com uma das nossas personagens, e que ela vai fazer para matar a saudade da sua amiga!
Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you!
8/5/2020 • 22 minutes, 8 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #41 - I could use some help!
Hello, lovely people of the internet! Welcome to this episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English podcast and we’re so happy to have you here with us! Today you’ll hear a conversation between two friends. We’re going to learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures and improve our pronunciation. We’re also going to explore how to ask someone for a favor! Remember to repeat out loud every time!
You can download the PDF file here: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-41. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal library with this awesome material. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
We’ll see you next week for a brand new episode!
7/29/2020 • 13 minutes, 48 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #44 - Estou atrasado!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hello, lovely people!
Você é uma pessoa pontual ou sempre acaba se atrasando um pouquinho? No episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials de hoje, vamos ouvir uma conversa entre um homem e uma mulher de manhã cedo, e assim aprender como falar sobre as horas em inglês, além de dizer que você está atrasado!
Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you soon!
7/29/2020 • 24 minutes, 14 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #40 - Listen to your mom!
Hello, lovely people of the internet! Welcome to the 40th episode Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast series and we’re so happy to have you here with us! Today you’ll hear a conversation between a mom and a daughter. We’re going to learn some new expressions and idioms, see some new and old structures and improve our pronunciation. Remember to repeat out loud every time, that guarantees you’re using this time to its fullest.
Very soon we'll have de PDF of this episode! That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal library with this awesome material. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
Also, click here to download our e-book and learn more about the Fluency Hacking Method!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-40
Check back next week for a brand new episode!
7/22/2020 • 17 minutes, 3 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #43 - Você está ótima!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV.
Hey, how’s it going? Sejam bem-vindos e bem-vindas a mais um episódio do nosso podcast!
Como você faz para elogiar quem você ama nesses tempos de isolamento social? E como você fala sobre o que tem feito recentemente? No Walk ‘n’ Talk desta semana, vamos ouvir uma conversa por vídeo-chamada entre mãe e filha e aprender algumas estruturas e expressões sobre isso em inglês!
Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you soon!
7/22/2020 • 18 minutes, 47 seconds
Walk 'n' Level Up #39 - Barbecue and fireworks
Hello, lovely people of the internet! Welcome to episode 39 of our all English podcast!
We’re so happy to have you here with us! Today you’ll hear two friends meeting somewhere and talking about their plans for a long weekend. We’re going to explore a lot of new expressions, retouch on some structures you’ve seen before and have a lot of fun repeating and improving our pronunciation. Don’t let teacher Liv talk by herself, and speak up!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal library with this awesome material. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
Don’t forget to check back next week for a brand new episode!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-39
7/15/2020 • 17 minutes, 26 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #42 - Bar e drinks
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Imagine que você está viajando por algum país que fala inglês e vai a um bar com os seus amigos. Como você faria o seu pedido em inglês? É isso que você vai aprender hoje com este episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Nele, também vamos falar sobre algumas estruturas bem importantes do inglês, assim como ampliar nosso vocabulário sobre bebidas e sabores. Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you!
7/15/2020 • 23 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #38 - It's a road trip
Hello, lovely people! Welcome back!
This is the all English version of our podcast series, Walk ‘n’ Talk! We’re so happy to have you here with us! Today you’ll hear a couple talking about their plans after a tiring day in a car. We’re going to explore new expressions, retouch on some structures you’ve seen before and have a lot of fun repeating and improving our pronunciation. Don’t let teacher Liv talk by herself, and speak up!
You can download the PDF file here. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal library with this awesome material. You’ll also be able to read the dialogue and connect what you hear to what you read. Don’t forget to check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
When was the last time you went on a road trip? Make sure to leave us a comment and tell us what you think of our series, we love to hear from you! Don’t forget to check back next week for a brand new episode!
PDF: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-38
7/8/2020 • 21 minutes, 32 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #41 - Cremosos, crocantes e doces!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Neste friozinho, nada mais delicioso do que falar de comida! E se o assunto forem cookies cremosos, crocantes e bem docinhos? Melhor ainda! Então aproveite, porque é justamente esse o assunto do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials de hoje! Nele, você vai aprender algumas expressões para descrever comida em inglês, assim como maneiras de expressar a sua opinião sobre algum prato. E, como bônus, você também vai aprender a fazer os seus próprios cookies! Nos vemos na próxima semana, see you!
7/8/2020 • 21 minutes, 48 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #37 - You light up the room
Hello, lovely people of the internet! How are you doing?
Welcome back to the all English version of our podcast series! We’re glad to have you here! In today’s episode, you’ll hear a person complimenting another! You’ll learn some new expressions, work with some structures you’ve seen before and new ones, and, of course, improve your pronunciation. Make sure you are repeating with teacher Liv out loud every time, ok?
Don’t forget to download the PDF: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-37. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and build a personal library with this awesome material. Also check out fluencytv.com for more free content.
So, who do you know that “lights up the room”? How about giving them a call or sending them a message to tell them? Make sure to leave us a comment and tell us what you think of our series, we love to hear from you! Don’t forget to check back next week for a brand new episode!
6/24/2020 • 14 minutes, 46 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #40 - O friozinho chegou!
O que você acha da combinação de uma coberta macia, chocolate quente e um filme durante um dia frio? É sobre isso que vamos falar no episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Então aproveite para expandir seu vocabulário sobre o tempo em inglês, praticar sua pronúncia e aprender novas expressões!
Pra isso, não se esqueça de baixar o PDF do episódio: https://rhavi.co/WNTEss-40!
E aqui vai o link para o e-book do Fluency Hacking Method: http://rhavi.co/o-metodo.
Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
6/24/2020 • 27 minutes, 37 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #39 - Ela é perfeita para você
Imagine que você tem dois amigos que fariam um casal perfeito, mas eles ainda não se conhecem. Como você descreveria a aparência e a personalidade deles para despertar o interesse no outro? É exatamente sobre isso que vamos falar no episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Então aproveite para aprender várias palavras novas em inglês e ficar craque na hora de descrever uma pessoa!
E não se esqueça de repetir os exemplos em voz alta para treinar a sua pronúncia e de baixar o PDF para ter acesso à expansão de vocabulário: https://rhavi.co/WNTEss-39
Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye!
6/17/2020 • 26 minutes, 2 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #36 - Feeling head over heels!
Hello, lovely people! How are you?
Welcome back to the all English version of our podcast! In today’s episode, you’ll hear two friends talking about a happy, romantic event! You’ll learn some new expressions, work with some structures you’ve seen before and new ones, and, of course, improve your pronunciation. Make sure you are repeating out loud every time, to maximize your learning.
Don’t forget to download the PDF from the description. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and keep that material for future reference: http://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-36
Did you have fun this Valentine’s Day? Are you thinking about asking someone out? Leave us a comment and tell us what you think! Don’t forget to check back next week for a brand new episode!
6/17/2020 • 13 minutes, 12 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #35 - Cats have parties too!
Hello lovely people of the internet! How are you doing?
Welcome back to the all English version of our podcast! In today’s episode, you’ll hear about a birthday party for a cat! You’ll learn some new expressions, work with some structures you’ve seen before and new ones, and, of course, improve your pronunciation. Make sure you are repeating out loud to maximize your learning.
Don’t forget to download the PDF from the description. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and keep that material for future reference.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvlIng-35
Do you have any pets? Have you thrown them a birthday party yet? Leave us a comment and tell us what you think! Don’t forget to check back next week for a brand new episode. We’ll see you then!
6/10/2020 • 16 minutes, 41 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #38 - Vamos te animar
O que você faz para se sentir melhor quando está meio pra baixo?
Comer uma comidinha gostosa costuma te ajudar nessas horas?
No episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, vamos falar justamente sobre isso, então aproveite para expandir expandir o seu vocabulário sobre sentimentos em inglês!
Por isso, não se esqueça de baixar o PDF do episódio!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTEssIng-38
Até a próxima semana, see you!
6/10/2020 • 22 minutes, 29 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #37 - Como ele é?
Hey guys! What’s up?
Se você tivesse que descrever uma pessoa em inglês, saberia que palavras usar?
No episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, vamos falar sobre características físicas e de personalidade. Ouça com atenção para expandir seu vocabulário com a gente!
E, para que o seu aprendizado seja ainda mais completo, não se esqueça de baixar o PDF e repetir os exemplos em voz alta!
PDF: http://rhavi.co/WNTEssIng-37
Nos vemos na próxima semana, bye bye!
6/3/2020 • 20 minutes, 7 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #34 - Moving up in the world
Hello lovely people! How are you all doing?
Welcome back to our all English podcast! Today’s episode is centered around two people in a work environment. You’ll learn some new expressions, work with some structures you’ve seen in previous episodes and new ones, and improve your pronunciation. Make sure to repeat out loud every time, to guarantee your pronunciation is getting better and better!
Don’t forget to download the PDF from the description. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and keep that material for future reference.
PDF: http://rhavi.co/WNTLvlIng-34
So, tell us, what did you think of today’s episode? Have you been burning the midnight oil? Leave us a comment and share it with us! Don’t forget to check back next week. We’ll see you then!
6/3/2020 • 14 minutes, 25 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #33 - May the force be with you
Hello, lovely people of the internet! How are you?
Welcome to a brand new episode of our all English podcast! Today you’ll learn some cool new expressions, work with some structures you’ve seen in previous episodes, and improve your pronunciation. You’re going to listen to a somewhat nerdy conversation between two friends. Remember to repeat out loud with teacher Liv to maximize your learning and make your pronunciation perfect.
Don’t forget to download the PDF from the description. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and keep that material for future reference.
PDF: http://rhavi.co/WNTLvlIng-33
May the force be with you! We’ll see you next time! Stay awesome.
5/27/2020 • 13 minutes, 12 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #36 - Pegando um mentiroso no flagra
Você é um bom mentiroso?
E os seus amigos, conseguem perceber quando você está mentindo?
No episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, vamos ouvir um diálogo entre duas amigas, em que uma delas é “pega no flagra” em uma mentira. Você saberia como dizer isso em inglês? Ouça o episódio para descobrir!
Aproveite para baixar o PDF e aprender um pouco mais sobre verbos regulares e irregulares no passado e expandir seu vocabulário.
PDF: http://rhavi.co/WNTEssIng-36
Nos vemos na próxima, bye!
5/27/2020 • 16 minutes, 24 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials #35 - Conhecendo Um Gringo
Hello lovely people of the internet!
Você já imaginou como seria uma conversa com um nativo no inglês? No episódio de hoje do nosso Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, vamos ouvir um diálogo entre uma brasileira e um gringo. Descubra sobre o que eles falaram e aproveite para expandir seu vocabulário!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/wnt-en-ess-35-portal
See y’all on the next one!
5/20/2020 • 17 minutes
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #32 - Thank you, nurse!
Hello lovely peoplet! How are you?
Welcome to another episode of our all English podcast! Today you’ll learn some cool new expressions, work with some structures you’ve seen in previous episodes, and improve your pronunciation. We’ll listen to a conversation between a patient and a nurse, in a doctor’s office. Repeat out loud with teacher Liv to maximize your learning.
Don’t forget to download the PDF from the description. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and keep that material for future reference.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvlIng-32
So, tell us, what did you think of today’s episode? We’ll see you next time!
5/20/2020 • 11 minutes, 18 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #34 - Dia do Trabalho
O que você gosta de fazer em feriados prolongados? No episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, você vai ouvir dois colegas de trabalho conversando sobre o feriado de 1º de maio! O que cada um deles planejou fazer? E como você pode falar sobre os seus próprios planos em inglês? Escute o episódio para descobrir!
Não se esqueça de baixar o PDF para acompanhar o diálogo escrito e expandir seu vocabulário. Nos vemos no próximo episódio, bye!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTE34
5/13/2020 • 16 minutes, 21 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #31 - A Gift For Mom
Hello lovely people of the internet! How are you doing?
Today’s episode is themed around Mother’s Day, which was on March 10th. You’ll learn some cool new expressions, work with some structures you’ve seen in previous episodes, and improve your pronunciation. Repeat out loud with teacher Liv to maximize your learning.
Don’t forget to download the PDF from the description. That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and keep that material for future reference.
So, tell us, what did you think of today’s episode? We’ll see you next time!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvlIng-31
5/13/2020 • 14 minutes, 49 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up #30 - Exchanging Favors
Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the thirtieth episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level up! In this special episode, we look back to what our method is and give you plenty of opportunities to practice your pronunciation and expand your knowledge of modal verbs.
You can download the PDF for this episode and the Fluency Hacking Method e-book here!
4/29/2020 • 10 minutes, 27 seconds
Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials #33 - Planejando Uma Festa De Aniversário!
Hey everyone!
Hoje é dia de Walk ‘n’ Talk! Neste episódio, vamos acompanhar a conversa entre duas pessoas sobre uma festa de aniversário, e você vai poder conhecer melhor o vocabulário em inglês relacionado a esse tema.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTEss-33
See y’all on the next one!
4/29/2020 • 16 minutes, 37 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #32 - Tendo um dia ruim
Hello everyone!
Todo mundo já teve um dia daqueles, que você só quer que acabe logo - e o episódio de hoje do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials é exatamente sobre isso!
Vamos ouvir um diálogo no qual uma pessoa não está passando por um dia muito legal. Escute para ver se você já passou pelas mesmas situações!
O PDF está disponível para baixar e te ajudar a acompanhar melhor o diálogo, então lembre-se de praticar em voz alta todos os exemplos.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTE32
We hope you guys enjoy it! See y’all on the next one!
4/22/2020 • 17 minutes, 8 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #29 - International Book Day
Hello lovely people! How’s it going?
Today’s episode is really special because it’s in celebration of International Book Day!
You’ll learn new vocabulary and explore some news structures. Make sure to repeat with teacher Liv aloud to ensure your learning.
Don’t forget to download the PDF from the description.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU29
That way you’ll be able to expand your knowledge and keep that material for future reference.
4/22/2020 • 12 minutes, 59 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #31 - Indo acampar
Hey guys!
Sejam muito bem-vindos a mais um episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Se você gosta de acampar e ficar em contato com a natureza, este episódio é para você! Neste diálogo, você vai ouvir duas pessoas que estão planejando fazer justamente isso.
Desta vez, você terá dois materiais: o ebook do método do Rhavi Carneiro e o PDF do episódio!
Fluency Hacking Method: http://rhavi.co/ometodo
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTE31
Espero que tenham gostado do episódio de hoje! See y’all next time!
4/15/2020 • 17 minutes, 18 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #28 - Bank holidays
Hello lovely people of the internet!
Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
This is the all English version of our podcast, so you can enjoy and challenge yourself. In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about bank holidays and make plans! Check it out!
Don’t forget to download the PDF file that’s in the description of this episode. You’ll be able to see the dialogue and different expressions in use.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU28
Have fun!
4/15/2020 • 13 minutes, 45 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #30 - Hora da Páscoa!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hello guys! How are you?
Nosso episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials de hoje é sobre uma data comemorativa que está chegando: a Páscoa!
E, no diálogo, você vai conhecer algumas das tradições americanas relacionadas a esse dia. Não esqueça de baixar o material para aprofundar ainda mais seus estudos!
See you next time!
4/10/2020 • 15 minutes, 36 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #27 - Easter
Hi everyone! How are you?
Welcome to another episode of Walk ‘n’ Talk Level Up!
Today we’re going to learn new expressions with a dialogue regarding Easter. So grab your chocolate and don’t forget to speak up!
You can download the PDF file for this episode here.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU27
How was it? We hope you enjoyed it! See you next time!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hi everyone!
Sejam muito bem-vindos a mais um episódio do nosso Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials! Você já pensou em fazer uma banda com seus amigos? No diálogo de hoje, vamos ouvir duas pessoas falando sobre formar uma banda!
Let’s go!
Baixe aqui o material em PDF para acompanhar o diálogo e fixar melhor o vocabulário do episódio.
4/2/2020 • 11 minutes, 16 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #25 - International Happiness Day
Hello everyone!!
We're so HAPPY you're here with us! Today's podcast is in honor of International Happiness Day!
We're going to listen to a brand new dialogue, check out some expressions and structures and as always, work on our pronunciation.
Don't forget to download the PDF file to learn more.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU25
3/25/2020 • 12 minutes, 8 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #24 - St. Patrick's Day
Hello guys!
Today's episode is about St. Patrick's Day, an Irish holiday celebrated all over the world!
We're going to listen to a brand new dialogue, check out some new expressions and practice our pronunciation.
Make sure to download the PDF file with extra material to learn more.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU24
3/18/2020 • 11 minutes, 54 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #28 - De ressaca
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hello everyone!
Vamos para mais um episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials!
No diálogo de hoje, vamos ouvir uma conversa entre uma mãe e seu filho sobre algo que o garoto fez na noite anterior.
Você vai ver os verbos no passado e vai aprender a palavra “hangover”, que significa ressaca!
3/18/2020 • 19 minutes, 22 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #23 - At the doctor
Hello there!
Welcome to Walk 'n' Talk Level Up, our all English podcast. In today's episode we're going to a doctor's appointment. We're going to listen to a brand new dialogue, check out some expressions and structures and as always, work on our pronunciation.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU23
3/13/2020 • 12 minutes, 3 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #27 - Diga "xis"!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey folks!
No episódio de hoje, vamos ouvir um diálogo sobre uma situação que sempre acontece quando viajamos.
Aposto que, quando você encontra um ponto turístico, também quer tirar uma boa foto! Então, "say cheese!".
3/11/2020 • 16 minutes, 5 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #22 - International Women's Day
Happy International Women's Day to all the lovely women hearing us! You rock!
We're going to listen to a brand new dialogue and check out some expressions on today's episode. Make sure to download the PDF file with extra material to learn more.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU22
3/4/2020 • 18 minutes, 28 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #26 - É feriado!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey folks!
Nesse episódio falamos sobre aquilo que todo mundo gosta: BANK HOLIDAY, ou seja, FERIADO! :
Temos também uma curiosidade incrível para os que amam pipoca!
Check it out!
3/4/2020 • 16 minutes, 10 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #25 - Terminando um relacionamento
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey guys!
No episódio de hoje vamos falar sobre uma coisa meio triste, mas que quase todo mundo já passou: um término de relacionamento!
Seja levando um pé na bunda ou sendo quem quebra corações, vamos aprender como enfrentar essa barra em inglês!
2/26/2020 • 18 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #21 - Planning your vacation
Happy Carnival! We hope you're having a great time. We’re going to check some more expressions from a brand new dialogue.
Today’s episode is about planning a vacation!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU21
2/26/2020 • 13 minutes, 26 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #20 - When I was a kid
Welcome to our all English podcast!
We’re going to check some more expressions from a brand new dialogue.
Today’s episode is about things from when you were a kid!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU20
2/19/2020 • 16 minutes, 5 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #24 - Na farmácia
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey guys!
Neste episódio, vamos ver uma conversa inusitada de um senhor em uma farmácia. Por que será que ele precisa de 20 curativos para bolhas?
Confira o episódio para descobrir!
2/19/2020 • 15 minutes, 12 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #19 - Early bird
Hey everyone!
We’re going to check some more expressions from a brand new dialogue.
Today’s episode is about early bird!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU19
2/12/2020 • 13 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #23 - Telemarketing
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey everyone!
No episódio de hoje vamos ouvir uma conversa sobre telemarketing!
Agora você já vai saber como dizer que não está interessado em uma ligação de telemarketing!
Check it out!
2/12/2020 • 13 minutes, 54 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #18 - Getting engaged
Hey everyone!
We’re going to check some more expressions from a brand new dialogue.
Today’s episode is about getting engaged!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU18
2/6/2020 • 11 minutes, 42 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #22 - No zoológico
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey everyone!
No episódio de hoje vamos ouvir uma conversa sobre ir ao zoológico!
Você gosta de ver várias espécies de perto?
Check it out!
2/6/2020 • 17 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #21 - Em um restaurante
Hey everyone!
No episódio de hoje vamos ouvir uma conversa sobre ir ao restaurante!
Quem não gosta de sair para comer algo diferente?!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTE21
Check it out!
1/29/2020 • 18 minutes, 35 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #17 - Keeping it cool
Hey everyone!
We’re going to check some more expressions from a brand new dialogue.
Today’s episode is about keeping it cool! Do you keep it cool?
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU17
1/29/2020 • 13 minutes, 53 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #16 - Adopting a child
Hello everyone!
Let's welcome Liv, our new teacher at Fluency Academy! Today's episode is with her, check it out!
We’re going to check some more expressions from a brand new dialogue.
Today’s episode is about a challenging but rather beautiful thing: to adopt a child.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU16
1/22/2020 • 14 minutes, 2 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #20 - Comprando sapatos
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey folks!
No episódio de hoje vamos ver uma conversa numa loja de sapatos.
Vamos aprender sobre tamanhos e cores, e no PDF você encontra uma parte de expansão de vocabulário que vai te ajudar bastante quando for comprar sapatos ou até roupas em outro país!
1/22/2020 • 17 minutes, 38 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #19 - Aula de yoga
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Neste episódio vamos falar sobre algo que pode ser o sonho de uns ou pesadelo de outros: aula de yoga!
No diálogo vemos um aluno bem mau-humorado, que só reclama. Ele diz que é velho demais para isso... Será que é mesmo?
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTE19
Check it out!
1/15/2020 • 18 minutes, 55 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #18 - É verão!
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey everyone!
Se você tá curtindo aquelas férias e quer aproveitar para continuar praticando inglês, esse episódio é para você! Mas se não está de férias (assim como a gente), também é muito bem-vindo ao time!
Neste episódio falamos sobre praia e sol e coisas relacionadas
1/8/2020 • 20 minutes, 45 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #15 - Run Into
Happy New Year!
Today we’re going to focus on one specific phrasal verb which is to Run into.
We are going to listen to three dialogues! And repeat all the sentences together. So remember, it is very important that you repeat the sentences out loud - active participation in thinking and speaking will ensure your success in mastering the language”
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU15
Enjoy it!
1/2/2020 • 13 minutes, 11 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #17 - Resoluções de Ano Novo
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey folks! Happy New Year!!
Nesse episódio vamos falar sobre as clássicas resoluções de ano novo: perder peso, se exercitar mais, trabalhar menos... E vamos ver uma ideia um tanto quanto inusitada para resolver o problema de resoluções não cumpridas!
1/2/2020 • 17 minutes, 21 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #14 - Christmas presents
Merry Christmas, everyone!
How are you? I hope you’re doing amazing and I hope you’re having a great one!
Today our dialogue is about Christmas!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU14
Enjoy it!
12/25/2019 • 13 minutes, 1 second
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #16 - Feriado de Natal
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hey everyone!
Neste episódio, falamos, é claro, sobre o Natal e tradições natalinas!
Sua família tem muitas tradições?
E o arroz, é com passas ou sem passas?
12/25/2019 • 22 minutes, 12 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Especial #02 - Guia prático de reduções do inglês.
Welcome to another edition of Walk ’n’ Talk!
Bem-vindos a mais uma edição do Walk’n’Talk!
Mais uma edição especial com mais ebook feito especialmente pra você!
Este ebook é o "Guia Prático de Reduções do Inglês"!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/blog-reducoes-ingles
Let's do this!
12/20/2019 • 13 minutes, 10 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #15 - Restrições alimentares
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Neste episódio, vamos ouvir uma conversa um tanto peculiar entre duas amigas, sendo que uma delas é cheia de restrições alimentares.
É bem importante saber como falar esse tipo de coisa, principalmente se você tem alguma restrição, por isso preste atenção!
12/19/2019 • 20 minutes, 31 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #13 - Changes
Today we’re going to check some more expressions from a brand new dialogue.
This dialogue is about two friends going through some changes!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU13
Enjoy it!
12/19/2019 • 13 minutes, 8 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #12 - Rushing to the hospital
Yo guys, today we’re going to check some more expressions from a dialogue.
This dialogue is about a couple having to rush to a hospital!
She’s probably really sick because she’s rushing her boyfriend who’s concerned that his car might not have enough gas! Dang!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU12
12/11/2019 • 8 minutes, 4 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #14 - Levando o cachorro pra passear
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Bem-vindos ao episódio número 14 do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, que é para você que está tendo os primeiros contatos com o inglês, ou que já tem uma pequena base!
Nesse episódio a gente vê aquela típica conversa entre dois estranhos que se cruzam na rua ou no parque, e o melhor jeito de puxar assunto é falar sobre o cachorro, não é mesmo?
Quem já saiu passear com seu cachorro sabe do que estou falando.
12/11/2019 • 24 minutes, 7 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #13 - Estar doente
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Nesse episódio vemos dois amigos conversando, e um deles não está se sentindo muito bem.
Vamos aprender palavras e expressões relacionadas com estar doente, porque é importante saber isso, já que pode acontecer com qualquer um, não é mesmo?
12/4/2019 • 14 minutes, 55 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #11 - Getting to know each other
Today we'll be talking about a subject that haunts every single Brazilian who’s studying English.
I’m talking about the Present Perfect Tense!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU11
Let's do this!
12/4/2019 • 11 minutes, 47 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #10 - Teenagers
Are you ready to learn some more expressions?
Today our dialogue is about teenagers.
We have here two parents talking about how teenagers can be moody sometimes. If you don’t know what that means, I want to invite you to listen to this whole episode of Walk’n’Talk Level Up to learn not only this expression but some more!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU10
Let's do it!
11/27/2019 • 8 minutes, 6 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #12 - Ligando para um amigo
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Bem-vindos ao episódio número 12 do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials, que é para você que está tendo os primeiros contatos com o inglês, ou que já tem uma pequena base!
11/27/2019 • 15 minutes, 4 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #09 - Office Conversation
Welcome to the #9 episode of Walk’n’Talk Level up!
Today our dialogue takes place in an office. Exactly! Let’s talk about business. We’ll see some expressions that it might appear in a business environment. We’ll check every expression, then we’ll see some examples, then we’re going to repeat all of them so we can internalize everything!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU9
Check it out!
11/20/2019 • 9 minutes, 28 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #11 - Clima
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV
Hoje vamos falar sobre o clássico das conversas de elevador: o tempo!
Como sempre, vamos ouvir um diálogo e depois analisar frase por frase, para contextualizar e expandir nosso vocabulário, pra tudo fazer sentido no final.
Então solte sua voz e vamos praticar!
11/20/2019 • 8 minutes, 41 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #10 - Família
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Hoje vamos sobre Família!
Como sempre, vamos ouvir um diálogo e depois analisar cada frase, para contextualizar e expandir nosso vocabulário, pra tudo fazer sentido no final.
Então solte sua voz e vamos praticar!
11/13/2019 • 12 minutes, 55 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #08 - Wallflower
Welcome to the eight episode of Walk’n’Talk Level up!
Today we’re gonna talk about some expressions!
The main one, which gives the title to this episode is “Wallflower”.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WnTLU8
Check it out!
11/13/2019 • 7 minutes, 58 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #09 - Comida
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Hoje vamos falar de um assunto que todo mundo gosta!
O que pode ser melhor do que falar de comida?
Como sempre, vamos ouvir um diálogo e depois analisar cada frase, para contextualizar e expandir nosso vocabulário, pra tudo fazer sentido no final.
Então solte sua voz e vamos praticar!
11/6/2019 • 12 minutes, 48 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #07 - Sharing News
Welcome to the sixth episode of Walk’n’Talk Level up!
Today we’re gonna talk about sharing news! Our dialogue is about the born of a new baby! That’s right! A new baby is born, my friends.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvlIng-07
Are you ready?
11/6/2019 • 9 minutes, 2 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Especial #01 - Inglês Nativo? Palavras que você aprendeu e que ninguém fala
Neste episódio especial de Walk'n'Talk vamos conversar um pouco sobre as palavras e expressões que você aprendeu na escola de inglês, mas que nenhum nativo usa!
Você vai poder fazer o download do e-book, que foi criado com objetivo de ajudar você!
Este e-book aborda não somente esses termos, mas também o que usar no lugar deles! Como o uso de “a little bit” ao invés de “so so” para expressar a ideia de “um pouco” ou “mais ou menos”.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/ebook-ingles-nativo
Let's do this?
11/4/2019 • 15 minutes, 4 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #08 - Perguntando por direções
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Hoje vamos falar sobre uma coisa bem importante de se saber, principalmente quando viajamos: como pedir direções!
Quem nunca se perdeu na rua?!
Como sempre, vamos ouvir um diálogo e depois analisar cada frase, para contextualizar e expandir nosso vocabulário, pra tudo fazer sentido no final.
Então solte sua voz e vamos praticar!
10/23/2019 • 10 minutes, 4 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #06 - Renting a new apartment
Welcome to the sixth episode of Walk ’n’ Talk Level Up!
Walk ’n’ Talk it’s a project by Inglês com Rhavi Carneiro.
Today we’re gonna talk about something you probably have experienced at least once in life or you know somebody who has experienced it. I’m talking about renting a new apartment or house.
Are you ready?
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-06
10/23/2019 • 7 minutes, 46 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #07 - Escola
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês.
Welcome to the seventh edition of Walk 'n' Talk Essentials!
Are you ready? Vocês estão prontos?
Hoje o assunto é sobre uma conversa na escola, e vamos trabalhar um pouquinho com os object pronouns, ou seja, os pronomes objeto, aquelas palavra me, him, her e etc.
10/16/2019 • 9 minutes, 38 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #05 - TV shows and Series
Welcome to Walk 'n' Talk Level Up episode #5!
Today we’ll be talking about TV shows and Series. So remember: speak out, so you can hear yourself. We are exchanging ideas personally!
Are you ready?
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-05
10/16/2019 • 12 minutes, 6 seconds
Music Time - Can't Buy Me Love - Beatles
No Music Time de hoje, nós vamos ouvir "Can't buy me love", dos Beatles! 🎸 Nesse episódio, eu falo um pouquinho sobre as expressões
Cause I don't care too much for money
For money can’t buy me love
Porque eu não ligo tanto para dinheiro
Porque dinheiro não pode comprar amor
Na primeira frase o “for” faz parte da expressão “care for”, que significa “ligar” ou “se importar” com algo.
Na segunda frase o “for” funciona como um substituto da palavra “because”.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/mt-cbml
10/15/2019 • 4 minutes, 50 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #04 - Asking for a date
Welcome to Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #4!
YES, we’re back! This is our fourth episode 99% in English, for you who want to immerse yourself in the English language! Today we’ll be talking about Asking somebody for a date! Wow! Have you ever had to do that? Plus in English?!
Are you ready?
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-04
10/10/2019 • 11 minutes, 39 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #06 - Trabalho
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Sejam bem-vindos ao sexto episódio do Walk ‘n’ Talk Essentials!
Hoje vamos falar sobre Trabalho!
Como sempre vamos ouvir um diálogo e depois analisar cada frase, para contextualizar e expandir nosso vocabulário, pra tudo fazer sentido no final. Solte sua voz e repita todas as frases!
10/10/2019 • 12 minutes, 53 seconds
Music Time - Don't Pass Me By - Beatles
No Music Time de hoje, nós vamos ouvir "Don't pass me by", dos Beatles! 🎸 Nesse episódio, eu falo um pouquinho sobre as expressões "To pass someone by", que pode significar ignorar, e "To make someone blue" que significa deixar alguém triste.
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/mt-dpmb
10/9/2019 • 5 minutes, 7 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #03 - Shopping
This is an episode 99% in English, dedicated to those who want to immerse themselves in the English language! Today we’ll be talking about Shopping! Who doesn’t love that? So remember: speak out, so you can hear yourself. Imagine that we are exchanging ideas personally!
Are you ready?
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-03
10/3/2019 • 16 minutes, 37 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #05 - Filmes
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
No último episódio, falamos sobre weekend, o final de semana, e como conversar sobre o que fizemos no fim de semana.
Hoje o assunto é cinema!
Antes de a gente ouvir o diálogo, é importante lembrar: solte a voz!
É importante que você pratique os sons em voz alta pra ter uma boa percepção sobre sua própria voz.
10/3/2019 • 13 minutes, 3 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #04 - Falando sobre o final de semana
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Na edição passada a gente falou sobre música. Ouvimos um diálogo e vocabulário relacionado a isso.
Na edição de hoje, vamos aprender a perguntar a alguém o que fez no final de semana, esse é um tipo de pergunta que é um bom starter pra começar uma conversa!
9/30/2019 • 14 minutes, 59 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #02 - Moving
On the second episode of Walk'n'Talk Level Up we’ll be talking about “moving”, which is something, I guess most of us have experienced at least once in life, am I wrong? Remember, the idea of these classes is that you study while you’re doing your own things like driving your car, on the bus, riding your bicycle or even cleaning your house. It is by fitting English into the rush of your routine that you will really learn!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-02
9/30/2019 • 13 minutes, 13 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Level Up #01 - What do you do in your free time?
This is our first edition 99% in English, for intermediate and advanced students who want to simulate immersion. We named this edition “Walk ’n’ Talk Level Up!”, so welcome to it! We hope you can make the most of it!
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/WNTLvl-01
9/24/2019 • 11 minutes, 5 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #03 - Música
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês.
Na edição passada a gente falou de cores e preços. Vimos o vocabulário relacionado a isso e aprendemos o que dizer quando queremos especificar cores.
Na edição de hoje, vamos falar sobre algo muito interessante: Música!
Hoje, o walk’n’ talk será feito pelo Vini, um dos nossos professores da Fluency Academy, minha academia de fluência em idiomas!
Tenho certeza que vocês vão gostar muito dele!
9/24/2019 • 12 minutes, 16 seconds
Music Time - Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
No Music Time de hoje a gente vai ouvir "Nothing Else Matters", do Metallica! 🎸 Nesse episódio eu falo um pouquinho sobre a palavra "matter", que pode significar um substantivo ou verbo, e também sobre as expressões "as a matter of fact" e "no matter".
Episode's transcription: https://rhavi.co/mt-nem
9/16/2019 • 6 minutes, 40 seconds
Walk 'n' Talk Essentials #02 - Cores
MATERIAL DE APOIO do Portal Fluency TV Inglês
Hoje eu quero falar com vocês sobre cores, que é um tipo de vocabulário que a gente usa bastante!
Lembrando que a ideia dessas aulas é que você estude enquanto faz as coisas normais do seu dia-a-dia. É encaixando o inglês na correria da rotina que a gente consegue aprender!