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Flight Safety Australia - Close calls Cover
Flight Safety Australia - Close calls Profile

Flight Safety Australia - Close calls

English, Education, 1 season, 45 episodes, 5 hours, 1 minute
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority is a government body that regulates Australian aviation safety. We license pilots, register aircraft and oversee safety.
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CASA Close Call - Bogged Down In Assumptions

A quick glance suggested everything would be okay – this was an expectations-driven illusion. Read this close call at:
7/4/20245 minutes, 37 seconds
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Ignore The Sirens

In Greek mythology, the sirens' seductive voices lured mariners to their deaths. In modern aviation, the siren is pilot fixation, as Luke Bayly was lucky enough to discover early in his training.
5/10/20246 minutes, 47 seconds
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One wrong turn

A recreational pilot's first flight after learning the basics of navigation unravels into an embarrassment that could have been a disaster.
4/9/20247 minutes, 6 seconds
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Planning for remote possibilities

The tiniest change of heading took this pilot out of his comfort zone. Read this close call at:
2/23/20245 minutes, 8 seconds
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CASA Close Calls - I Didn't Plan On That

Sticking to a rigid schedule when circumstances have changed is the opposite of safe flight planning. Read this close call at
1/14/20244 minutes, 28 seconds
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It Never Strikes Twice

This newly minted instructor was jolted out of his complacency by an unexpected thunderstorm. Read the close call at
10/31/20235 minutes, 46 seconds
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Ice Bucket Challenge

A first officer becomes a mere spectator to poor cockpit decision-making and feels the cold hand of fear.
9/29/20237 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dog legs & goat tracks

He was heading straight for disaster with 2 passengers on board, when something clicked in. Hear how one pilot learnt his limitations and strengths.
9/20/20236 minutes, 44 seconds
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A tumble of numbers

Subtle psychological pressures and an unintentional signal almost killed this experienced flier in the first hours of their career.
8/3/20236 minutes, 28 seconds
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Alice, through the looking glass

A private pilot reflects on an early flight and how they would do things differently now.
7/10/20239 minutes, 22 seconds
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CASA Close Call - Decision or design

A gliding incident is the culmination of factors, including ergonomics, maintenance and pilot action. Read this close call at
7/3/20235 minutes, 38 seconds
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Maiden flight

A paraglider pilot’s skills and drills are tested to the limit on her very first time in the air. Read this close call at
6/29/20234 minutes, 56 seconds
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What did I think I was doing?

Weather affects short flights and long ones equally, as this pilot found out.  I hadn’t ever been so glad to feel the earth beneath my wheels as I did when my aircraft touched the runway after this flight. Read this Close call at
5/26/20235 minutes, 19 seconds
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Stuck On Top

Despite all good intentions, a pilot ends up in a nightmare situation. Self-analysis follows a lucky escape. Read this close call at
5/24/20239 minutes, 6 seconds
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Night fright

Having purchased a Piper Warrior, endorsements for manual propeller pitch control and retractable undercarriage were straightforward. The next issue that seemed worthwhile addressing was the deadline imposed on VFR pilots by last light. So I embarked on a night VFR endorsement. The darkness of regional Australia at night proves to be more than a match for a city slicker’s night VFR rating.
4/4/20236 minutes, 14 seconds
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Too Close For Comfort

Some years ago, I was involved in an incident that nearly resulted in a mid-air collision. It happened in the vicinity of the Archerfield Southern Training Area during a training session that I was conducting in a Cessna 172... Read this Close call at
3/1/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
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Assumed risk

A former boss once warned me that 'an assumption is the basis of a screw-up'. While I've often repeated that maxim to others, it took 5 white-knuckle minutes to teach myself the wisdom of those words. Read this Close call at
1/22/20236 minutes, 26 seconds
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Belting Along

In this unexpected and scary incident, the pilot reaches for something familiar to use in an unusual way. Read this Close Call at
12/5/20226 minutes, 37 seconds
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Water Water Everywhere

Recent la Niña rainfall has amplified a longstanding aviation hazard, as Steve Blackie discovered. Read this Close call at
10/31/20225 minutes, 7 seconds
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When EFATO calls

Recreational pilot Luke Bayly discovers the reasons for the seemingly endless drills of his initial training. Read this Close call at
10/4/20226 minutes, 20 seconds
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No getting over it

An encounter with lenticular cloud literally shook this pilot out of complacency Read this Close call at
9/5/20226 minutes, 31 seconds
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Trim set mindset

Pressure drove this pilot towards an error, discipline allowed for a recovery. Read the full story at
8/11/20226 minutes, 20 seconds
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Fear for lunch

A newly minted rating, a blandly confident low-hours pilot, time pressure and a desire to impress. What could possibly go wrong? Read this close call at
7/4/20227 minutes, 47 seconds
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Taking the low road

A pilot flying at an incorrect level in a busy lane making garbled radio calls creates a wake of confusion and danger. Read this close call at
5/4/20228 minutes, 9 seconds
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Twisting the blade

A pilot listens to their nagging doubt, and makes a horrifying discovery. Read this close call at
12/17/20214 minutes, 26 seconds
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It’s a health hazard

Rising terrain, worsening visibility and the smell of smoke in the cockpit. ’I couldn’t believe I’d found myself in this situation.’
12/12/20216 minutes, 38 seconds
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Clouded thinking

How ‘marginal but do-able,’ turned into a sobering lesson for an eager pilot who was unaware of being subtly overconfident.
11/27/20208 minutes, 18 seconds
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Down and dirty

A mustering pilot experiences the longest five minutes of his life: ‘I was under no illusions. I knew the engine was going to seize.’
10/29/20204 minutes, 43 seconds
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His story … almost history

Pilot Michael Ralph’s graphic retelling of an all-too-common VFR occurrence. Read this close call at
9/11/202015 minutes, 21 seconds
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Nothing on the clock

A pilot has to make quick decisions after the airspeed indicator fails. Read this close call at
4/15/20206 minutes, 24 seconds
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Avoid assumptions without confirmation

A series of small decisions, none harmful in isolation created a terrifying situation by the end of the day. Read this close call at
10/9/20186 minutes, 52 seconds
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Valuable lesson learned

How heat and stress incubated a horrifying human error. Read this close call at
6/29/20184 minutes, 10 seconds
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Past the point of no return

An aviation professional shudders to recall but draws lessons from an accident in his callow youth. Read this close call at
5/4/20188 minutes, 32 seconds
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Fully loaded and going fast

Skydivers are often asked why they'd want to jump out of a perfectly good aeroplane, but what if it wasn't perfect? Read more at
2/27/20188 minutes, 58 seconds
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The hills are alive

I’ve held a VFR private pilot’s licence since 1988 and have around 1100 hours in command. Recently, I was involved in an incident, which could’ve ended in tragedy. Read more at
7/7/20175 minutes, 13 seconds
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Easter road trip

It’s the Easter weekend. The weather’s perfect, skies are clear and my mate Kevin and I are in the cockpit of my beloved Kitfox 3 ‘rag and tube’ light plane. We’re at 5000 ft and heading east for Kalgoorlie, 590 km away. Read this close call at
5/3/20175 minutes, 10 seconds
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Down to the last drop

A hangar story that could easily have been a front-page newspaper story. Read via Flight Safety Australia at
3/8/20179 minutes, 7 seconds
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The devil in the detail

How a recreational pilot found himself loaded with fuel without a drop to spare. Read this close call at
9/6/20167 minutes, 1 second
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Out in Africa

This newly instrument rated pilot was as happy as a warthog in elephant dung. I was flying old, but still shiny, twin pistons for a living; and Zimbabwe was now a relatively peaceful country with a new name and what looked like a bright future, now that the Bush War was over! Life was good. Read the full story at
7/15/20164 minutes, 42 seconds
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What you don't find can kill you

How secure is your cockpit and cabin? Is everything stowed safely, but still readily available if needed? Read this close call at
5/10/20165 minutes, 56 seconds
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Undone over Gulgong

A hang glider tells how fatigue and human factors almost had disastrous outcomes. Read the full article at
3/2/20167 minutes, 8 seconds
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The rule of three

This is a story about the time that I let commercial pressures get in the way of my personal margins, and learnt the value of boundaries the hard way. You can read this close call at
1/12/20166 minutes, 27 seconds
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Running from the storm

'Pressing on into an approaching storm-front, then going into low level ‘turn and run’ mode; this was as close to a terminal accident in a light aircraft as I ever want to get.' Read this close call at
7/8/20156 minutes, 15 seconds
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Freight forward

Listen to a pilot's first-hand account of a close call where unbalanced freight nearly brought down a ATR 72-212 cargo flight. (Image: © ATR | Barthe Pierre) Read this close call at
5/4/20159 minutes, 2 seconds
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When the pedal hits the stop

Listen to this close call experienced by a military helicopter pilot while flying a Bell UH-1H for the RAAF near Townsville. For the first time, Flight Safety Australia brings it's popular 'close calls' in audio format, allowing you to listen and experience a near miss like never before. Read this close call and more by visiting:
3/10/20158 minutes, 2 seconds