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First15 Devotional

English, Religion, 1 season, 2305 episodes, 2 days, 18 hours, 10 minutes
First15 is a daily devotional written and read by Craig Denison. Each day, the devotional features scripture, a devotional thought, guided prayer, and action steps. For more information, please visit To hear the music from the devotional, search for First15 Worship on Spotify or Apple Music. Tags: First15 Devotional, Craig Denison, First 15, First15 Worship
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The Spirit

Today we’ll explore who the Holy Spirit is, and what that means for knowing the heart of God richly in our daily lives. The concept of God’s Spirit is often seen as elusive, but it’s my hope today we’ll come to know him as a person—just as we have Jesus. The Spirit longs to have a beautiful, deep friendship with you. And all it takes is opening our hearts to him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/25/20248 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Word

As we seek to know the heart of God this week, today we’ll look to his word as a steady, ever-present guide to God’s feelings toward us. If you’re ever feeling lost or confused about his heart, look no further than his word. May we begin to turn to the Bible as our source of truth and direction first and foremost, rather than the world around us.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/24/20248 minutes, 32 seconds
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Continual Revelation

As we continue our week on knowing God’s heart, today we’ll explore the idea of continually seeking God in our day to day lives, rather than living off of one-time experiences. God is always available to us, and as his children, we have his Spirit speaking to us as all times, in all places. May we walk away today more inclined to listen and more open to finding God in unexpected ways.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/23/20248 minutes, 32 seconds
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You Can Know God

One of our greatest privileges as a child of God is that we can have the heart of our heavenly Father. We don’t have to wonder how he feels about us. We don’t have to wonder if he will guide us. We don’t have to question whether he loves us or cares about us. Through the Holy Spirit we have continual, free access to the heart of God. May your relationship with God go deeper and become freer as we learn how to have God’s heart this week.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/22/20248 minutes, 31 seconds
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Live for His Glory

In the final devotional of our series on experiencing God’s promises, today we’re going to look at what it means to live for God’s glory. There are a wealth of promises that can only be experienced when we choose to lay down our own glory, and live for the glory of God instead. We weren’t created to live for our own advancement, and attachment to advancement only breeds pain and suffering. But if we’ll choose instead to seek God’s glory, to lift him up and lead others to him, we’ll find life, purpose, peace, and joy. May God give us the courage to seek humility today, and the wisdom to know how to glorify him in meaningful ways.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/21/202412 minutes, 14 seconds
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Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus

As we near the end of our week long series on experiencing the promises of God, today we’re going to look at how living with faithful action, being the hands of feet of Jesus, position us to experience more of God’s promises. May God guide us to into a work birthed from the place of abiding in him, that our lives would be marked by the fruit of God’s promises coming to fruition every day.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/20/202410 minutes, 59 seconds
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Make Time to Experience God

In today’s First15, we’re going to look at how being wise with our time, and investing it in the place of meeting with God face to face, positions us to more fully experience God’s promises every day. May God open our eyes to see the true value of our time, and how deeply he cherishes when we choose to spend it on him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/19/202411 minutes, 19 seconds
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Casting Off Negativity

As we continue our series looking at how we can position ourselves to experience the fullness of God’s promises, today we’re looking at how we can cast off negativity, so that we, right here and now, can experience to greater depth the joy that’s available to us in God. May God grant us the courage and perspective to choose life over death today as we seek to live the abundant life wholly available to us in Christ.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/18/202410 minutes, 37 seconds
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Trust in God’s Promise

In today’s First15, we’re going to go deeper into the place of trust, seeking to open up more of our hearts to our good and loving Father, so we can experience more of his promises, moment by moment. Without trust, we’ll miss out on so many of the gifts God wants to give us every day. Without trust, our hearts will be closed off to the fullness of what this life has to offer us.May we as God’s children trust him more fully today in response to his trustworthiness. More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/17/202410 minutes, 36 seconds
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Experiencing God’s Promises through the Renewing of Your Mind

In our second episode positioning ourselves to more fully experience God’s promises, today we’re going to look at the role of renewing our minds in opening our heads and hearts to receive all God longs to give. May God do a mighty work today as we make space for him to fill. More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/16/20249 minutes, 40 seconds
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Waiting on the Lord

In today’s First15 we’re launching a brand new series seeking to position ourselves to receive more of the reality of God’s promises every day. There is so much available to you and to me in God, that we fail to tap into. And today we’re looking specifically at how waiting on the Lord, sitting patiently and intentionally at his feet, positions us to receive God’s promise of strength. May God guide us to a better understanding, and deeper experience of his promises today. Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/15/20249 minutes, 47 seconds
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God Promises His Return

In the last episode of this series on God’s promises, today we’re looking at the promise of his return. The suffering and pain we’re right now experience is not for forever. There is a conclusion to this story, to all of our stories. And that conclusion is being written by a God so good, so loving, and so powerful, that we know this story of humanity ends triumphantly. So may God fill us with hope, peace, and passion today as we take time to focus on his return.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/14/20249 minutes, 1 second
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God Promises His Presence

As we near the end of series on God’s promises, today we’re going to look at the promise of his presence. The nearness of God is always to our good. In every situation, good or bad, challenging or easy, it’s so good to be near to God. So wherever you are today, lay down every other pursuit, just for the next few minutes, and focus simply on resting on God’s presence.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/13/20249 minutes, 17 seconds
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God Promises His Comfort

In today’s First15, we’re continuing our series focusing on God’s promises by looking at his promise of comfort. We serve a God of all mercy and comfort, a God who knows our pain, weeps with us, and has a perfect plan to lead us to abundant life even in the midst of it all. Let’s come to God today open hearted, ready and willing to receive his comfort, that we might be nearer to him as the result of our time together.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/12/20249 minutes, 16 seconds
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God Promises Freedom

As we enter the middle of our series on God’s promises, today we’re going to look at his promise of freedom. Every day this world tries to chain us to its ways, holding us down where God is trying to lift us up. But in Jesus, we’ve been offered total and complete freedom. And in the Spirit we’re offered a continual pathway to exercise that freedom. Whether it’s fear, lust, pride, or something else, God has real freedom for you today in his presence. May chains break today in light of God’s glorious grace.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/11/202410 minutes, 20 seconds
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God Promises His Compassion

On today’s First15, we’re going to look at God’s promise of compassion. Few things draw me nearer to God, faster, than a fresh revelation of his compassion. In a world that judges us so quickly, and so often fails to offer second chances, compassion is in short supply. May we not only get a revelation of God’s compassion in our own lives today, but may God mold and fashion us into his likeness, that we would be a people of compassion.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/10/20249 minutes, 19 seconds
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God Promises His Strength

In today’s First15, we’re continuing our series of taking hold of God’s promises by looking at his promise of strength. Every day I wake up, I’m reminded of my weakness. No human, has ever lived a perfect day. But the goodness of this promise lies in that God promises his strength when we are weak. In his grace, you and I can live with the real, meaningful, and powerful strength of our God.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/9/202410 minutes, 15 seconds
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God Promises His Will

In today’s First15, we’re launching a brand new series looking at various promises our heavenly Father makes towards us, and creating space to take hold of them a little bit more every day. Today we’re looking at how God promises us his will, and how we can live our lives in connection to his desires and plans for us. May God stir our hearts to surrender anything that isn’t best for us, and may he empower us to take hold of his passion, and his desires, that we might align our lives with his will.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/8/20249 minutes, 22 seconds
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As we have learned this week, our God is fully trustworthy. Placing our trust in his hands is the wisest thing we could ever do. As we finish up our week on trust today, we’ll explore how trust plays a role in our sanctification and maturing as believers. As we commit to walk with and trust the Lord, may he bring forth a harvest of righteousness in our lives.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected]
7/7/20249 minutes, 35 seconds
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As we begin to wrap up our week on trust, today we’ll look at the idea of trusting God for provision. May we find rest and peace today as we remind ourselves of our infinite Father’s ability to provide each and every need—big or small. There is rest available for God’s children today in the place of toil and striving. Your good Father wants to assure you of that today.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected]
7/6/20249 minutes, 54 seconds
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Today we’ll explore how emotional health and trust are linked. We are all emotional beings and how we’re doing emotionally affects us all on a regular basis. God has something to say about your emotional health, and it is my hope you are encouraged and feel afresh how deeply you’re loved by the Lord as we focus in on this truth.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected]
7/5/20249 minutes, 45 seconds
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Today we’ll be discussing the plans we make for our lives. So often, our plans symbolize control. Giving up control of our life’s direction can be scary and feel unsafe. But this is all part of growing in trust of our heavenly Father. As we continue in that direction today, may you feel encouraged and motivated to place your plans in the hands of a capable, trustworthy Father who has your best interest in mind, always.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected]
7/4/202411 minutes, 8 seconds
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Today we’ll explore how leaning on the Lord for truth and understanding relates to trust. Where do you look for wisdom? God promises us that when we look to him, he will deliver all the wisdom and understanding we need for any circumstance. May you find the understanding you need for your situation today as you learn to trust the Father and lean into him.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected]
7/3/20249 minutes, 57 seconds
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As we focus this week on growing in trusting God, today we’ll explore the concept of obedience. Trust and obedience are directly related. Willing, joyful obedience comes from a place of deep-rooted trust in the character and intentions of your God. When we learn to trust the heart of the Father, obedience is a natural response to whatever he asks. May you grow today in your willingness and excitement to quickly obey the Lord as you learn of his love and goodness.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected]
7/2/202410 minutes, 6 seconds
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Trust is something we are not created to give away lightly. We value trust like we value our own lives, constantly scrutinizing others to see if they're worthy of our trust. But still we are made to do life with help. We are made to place our trust in that which will provide us with more life, joy, and peace. I pray that this week you and I will discover how trustworthy our heavenly Father is. I pray that we will willingly hand over control of our lives to a capable, loving, and near God. And I pray we will experience the abundant life that can only come through placing our trust in a God who gives up everything for relationship with us.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
7/1/202410 minutes, 7 seconds
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God’s Heart to Meet with Man: John on Patmos

As we wrap up our week on God’s heart to meet with man, today we’ll look at the encouraging story of John on the island of Patmos. Right when we think we’re unusable, a season is too dry or we’re past our prime, God comes and speaks fresh life and vision. If you find yourself like John on Patmos today, I pray God brings a new word of courage and life to you despite your season.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/30/202410 minutes, 13 seconds
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God’s Heart to Meet with Man at Pentecost

As we near the end of our week on God’s heart to meet with man, we look today at Pentecost. The day of Pentecost was a major fulfillment of God’s desire to meet with us. On that day, his Holy Spirit flooded the earth and was poured out on ordinary people, just like you and me. We see God’s desire to dwell with a people satisfied as his Spirit fills them and remains with them forever. May you be encouraged today as you look more deeply at God’s overwhelming desire to be one with you in your day to day life.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/29/20249 minutes, 13 seconds
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God’s Heart to Meet with Man: The Woman Caught in Adultery

Have you ever believed the lie that your sin makes you unlovable to God? I think we all have at one time or another. We will look today at the story of the woman caught in adultery. For some reason, every time I read this story it surprises me again. God is oftentimes different than we expect, much kinder in fact. May today be no different. I pray you’re met by a generous, kind, merciful Savior as you open your heart to him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/28/20249 minutes, 34 seconds
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God’s Heart to meet with Man: Jesus to Us

As we continue our week on God’s heart to meet with man, today we’ll look at the best example I can think of. Many of us doubt the love of God due to all kinds of circumstances, but I pray today you become even a little bit more convinced and sure of his pursuit and unconditional love for you specifically. Open your heart today and allow God to give you a renewed sense of how much you mean to him.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/27/20249 minutes, 12 seconds
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God’s Heart to Meet with Moses

Oftentimes we look at Old Testament stories of man’s encounters with God and grow jealous. We question why God doesn’t show up in the way he did with Moses for us now. There is a portion of relationship, encounter and intimacy available to us with God today that men of the Old Testament could have never dreamed of. It is my hope and prayer that you leave today having experienced the richness, unity and oneness with the Spirit of God you would made for.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/26/202411 minutes, 6 seconds
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God’s Heart to Meet with Gideon

Have you ever felt incompetent for the work God sets before you? The mission and call of God on our lives can seem daunting and impossible. Know that Gideon felt that way, and it’s okay if you do too. But God wants to speak courage and empowerment to our hearts today that he will be with us, moving through us every step of our journey. Open your heart today that God may fill it with fresh fire and excitement for the call on your life.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/25/20248 minutes, 43 seconds
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God’s Heart to Meet with David

Throughout Scripture we see countless examples of God meeting with man and countless lives being transformed as the result. These examples are in Scripture to stir our faith and fill us with a desire to meet with our Creator. When we read about the life of David, we should be filled with a longing to live as he did, centered around meeting with our heavenly Father. When we read about Gideon or Moses, we should long to know our God as they did. When we read about Jesus coming down to us or his heart for the woman caught in adultery, we should respond by pursuing encounters with our Savior. And when we read of Pentecost and Jesus’ second coming, we should seek out the fullness of God’s presence available to us on this earth in preparation for the age that is to come. May your heart be filled with a wholehearted desire to pursue meeting with God this week.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/24/202410 minutes, 2 seconds
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Encountering God through Others

People are messy. We are difficult and challenging. And it’s because of that no church is perfect. But there must be some reason Jesus desires for us to be unified and be one. Today we’ll explore how and why it’s important to encounter God through other people. May your wounds be healed, and your heart be opened to how God wants to use others to lead you to him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/23/20249 minutes, 40 seconds
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Encountering God through the Receiving of His Presence

Many of us know God’s presence is always available to us, but rarely do we take a second to become aware of how near he truly is. Today we’ll explore what it means to encounter God through receiving his presence. This simple concept has radically changed my life, and it is my prayer it changes yours too. May we learn to practice God’s presence on a regular basis and see his goodness flood our lives.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/22/20249 minutes, 32 seconds
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Encountering God through Scripture

In this world, it’s not difficult to become disheartened, visionless and confused about the direction of our lives or our circumstances. But God has given us a priceless gift to ground and root us in truth and vision for life—his word. If you’re feeling purposeless or lost today, look no further than the wisdom God has graciously provided through the Bible. Today we’ll dive into how we can encounter God through Scripture.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/21/20249 minutes, 22 seconds
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Encountering God through Worship

Worship is essential to a vibrant, thriving Christian life. In worship, much like thanksgiving, we are reminded of who our God is, and who we are. Worshipping Jesus grounds us in our identity because it reminds us whose we are and all that he has done on our behalf. Jesus is worthy of all our worship, and it’s my prayer today that you have a fresh encounter with him through this transformative avenue.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/20/20249 minutes, 11 seconds
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Encountering God through Thanksgiving

Expressing gratitude and thanks to God has a miraculous way of opening and changing our hearts. Today we’ll explore the discipline of thanksgiving, and encounter God in response. May you take away from our time today, timeless principles that quickly get your heart in the right place despite your season or circumstances.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/19/20249 minutes, 10 seconds
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Encountering God through Prayer

Prayer is so simple, but often times our minds convolute and complicate it. Today we’re exploring how to encounter God through prayer, and I pray you take away a simplified, childlike approach to spending time with your heavenly Father. May your heart and mind be at peace today as you encounter the living God.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/18/20248 minutes, 53 seconds
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Encountering God through Faith

Having consistent and transformational encounters with God while on earth is meant to be foundational to the Christian life. Our God has not left us. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we’ve been filled with the very Spirit of God who longs to reveal to us daily the nearness and love of our heavenly Father. We are never alone. There is nowhere we can flee from the presence of our God. May this week be filled with transformational encounters with the living God as we learn what it is to seek the face of the one who has formed us, knows us, and loves us unconditionally.Help keep First15 free!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgShare a testimony or feedback at [email protected] is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/17/20248 minutes, 47 seconds
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Overcome Evil with Good

In our final episode of this week long series on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re looking at God’s command to overcome evil with good. May God show us the pathway to his power today, and illuminate specific ways we can overcome evil with good today.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/16/20249 minutes, 27 seconds
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Live in Harmony

As we near the end of our series on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re going to explore together what it means to live in harmony with one another. There’s hardly a better feeling than being in harmony with those that are close to you. We were created for close, thriving relationship with God and others. And God in his power and love wants to equip us to build and keep harmony, even in the midst of our brokenness. May God give us wisdom, and empower us to walk the path of humility and love as we seek to live in harmony today.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/15/202410 minutes, 5 seconds
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Rejoicing and Weeping with Others

In today’s First15, we’re going to continue our series on the marks of a true Christian by looking at Paul’s encouragement to rejoice and weep with others. One of the most powerful acts of love we can make is to follow the way of empathy and compassion. Jesus allowed himself to be burdened by others burdens, pained by their pain. And may we follow the way of our Savior today as we spend time in his word, and in his presence.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/14/20249 minutes, 40 seconds
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Bless Those Who Persecute You

In the middle of our week on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re looking at Paul’s command to bless those who persecute you. Truly blessing those around us that seem to be against us is an incredible act of love, producing fruit not only in the lives of others, but in our lives as well. May God give us insight into his heart for this command today, as well as the courage to live it out.Support First15 and double your gift!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/13/20249 minutes, 5 seconds
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Rejoice in Hope

In our third episode in this week-long series on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re going to explore together what it means to rejoice in hope. In a world that can so often bring us down, so often appear to be without hope, today we have the opportunity to make room for God to give us his perspective, that we might rejoice in his hope. May God give us wisdom, joy, and eternal perspective today as we make space for him to fill.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/12/202410 minutes, 31 seconds
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Be Fervent in Spirit

As we continue this week on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re going to look at what it means to be fervent in spirit. You were made to live with a fervent faith, zealous in response to God’s passionate love for you. May God fill all our hearts with his love in a meaningful, authentic way. And may we find the courage in him to live our faith passionately.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/11/202410 minutes, 38 seconds
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Let Love be Genuine

This week in the First15 podcast, we're going to take a look at seven principles found in Romans 12 that describe the marks of a true Christian. The intent of studying this passage is not to condemn or lead you to comparison, but instead, let Paul's teaching fill you with a deep, transformative longing to wholeheartedly pursue the life God intends for you. Ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you, to see the grace He's placed upon your life by the blood of Jesus, so that you might walk more fully in the power and anointing of the Spirit. May you discover God's grace and perspective this week as you examine your life in light of this powerful passage of Scripture.Support First15 and double your gift!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/10/202410 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Power of Faith

In today’s First15 we’re wrapping up our week on faith by looking at the power of faith. Trusting in God changes things. Faith is powerful. As we’re going to discover today, when we choose a lifestyle of faith, our life shifts and comes into greater alignment with God’s desires, his kingdom. May God fill our hearts with faith, and may our lives be filled with the fruit of trusting in our good and able God.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/9/20248 minutes, 32 seconds
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Faith in Trials

Today we’re looking at a topic I think all of us can relate to, how to have faith in the midst of trials. All throughout Scripture we see examples of God’s people struggling with faith in the midst of challenges. Doubt is something so natural, so human. And the world teaches us that when things get tough, we need to take this life into our own hands and sort it out. But God has a better way for us – the way of faith. May God empower us with revelation today that would bear the fruit of steadfast faith, even in the midst of trials.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/8/20248 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Marriage of Faith and Works

In today’s First15, we’re going to look together at the marriage of faith and works. One of my greatest struggles is working with God rather than for God. God cares deeply about our work, our impact in this life, but not because he needs us to serve him or work for him, but because he wants to work with us. He wants to give us a picture of his goodness and love at work in the lives of others, and he wants to deepen our relationship with him by identifying and empowering us in our unique calling. May we gain revelation today that would stick, that would transform our understanding and deepen our experience of the connection, the relationship between faith and works.Support First15 and double your gift!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/7/20248 minutes, 32 seconds
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Praying in Faith

In today’s First15, we’re going to look at what it means to pray in faith. We have a good Father who listens to every word we pray, and knows every need of our hearts before we even ask for it. May God’s goodness become the foundation of our prayer, that we would learn to pray out of a place of belief instead of begging, and hope instead of doubt.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/6/20248 minutes, 19 seconds
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Living by Faith

We’re in our third day in our series on Faith. Today we’re going to look in greater depth at how we can actually live by faith, experiencing every moment the incredible fruit that comes from trusting in the faithfulness of God. God is with you, and his heart is filled with love for you. May you find the strength and courage to trust in him today with all that you are.Support First15 and double your gift!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/5/202410 minutes, 2 seconds
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Faith Comes by Hearing

In this week of First15, we’re focusing on faith. Living with our faith stirred up is absolutely foundational to living an abundant life. God is faithful no matter what. But faith allows us to have trust in that faithfulness, producing a peace and calmness in the midst of challenges that we desperately need. I pray that your faith would be stirred today as we look at the biblical principle, that faith comes by hearing.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/4/20247 minutes, 56 seconds
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At the Heart of Faith

Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Faith is the undercurrent of everything we do as followers of Jesus. Without faith we lose all that Christ died to give us while here on earth. It is by faith we access the peace, joy, guidance, love, and purpose that comes from restored relationship with our heavenly Father. In this week's First15, we’re going to seek an increase in faith in response to God’s faithfulness. May you experience a greater depth of intimacy with your living, Almighty, and loving heavenly Father.Support First15 and double your gift!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/3/202410 minutes, 31 seconds
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Love Wins

In our final day of this week-long series seeking to put our faith to action, today we’re going to look at the victory we have in God’s love.As God’s people, he’s inviting us into his victory, a victory we so desperately need. May God establish us in his power today, and may chains fall off us and others as God guides us into a lifestyle of victory in him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/2/20248 minutes, 23 seconds
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Love Hopes

As we near the end of our series on love does, today we’re going to look at the role of hope in putting our faith into action. You and I need hope more than ever. We need God to give us fresh vision for the work he’s doing and will do in the world around us. And we need him to empower us to share that vision with others, that our perspective would be grounded in his goodness. May God fill us as his people with fresh hope in his presence today.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
6/1/202417 minutes, 14 seconds
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Love Forgives

In today’s podcast, we’re going to look at the role of forgiveness in putting our love into action. In God we have forgiveness for every sin we can commit. And that forgiveness not only washes us clean, but empowers us to become like our great Forgiver. Every day we’re wronged in some way. And every day is an opportunity to show others forgiveness, not because they deserve it, but because loving forgiveness is the way of our Good Shepherd, the author and founder of our faith. May God empower us to forgive as he does today.
5/31/202410 minutes, 36 seconds
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Love Encourages

In today’s podcast we’re going to look at the role of encouragement in putting our love into action. In a world that constantly seems to beat us down, we’re in need of some real encouragement. God has an encouraging word to speak to everyone around you. And if we’ll make space to listen, he longs to share that word with us that we might see his kingdom advancing in the heart of another. May God encourage us today, and empower us to encourage another as we make space for his loving presence.
5/30/20248 minutes, 15 seconds
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Love Makes Time for Others

In our third day of this series exploring how to put our faith into action, we’re looking at how we can love others by simply making time for them. The busier our schedules get, the harder it can be to make time for the needs of others. But we see in Jesus someone who while holding the power to save and heal the world, made time for the one. May God grant us his perspective and fashion us into his likeness today.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/29/202416 minutes, 57 seconds
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Love is Present

As we continue this week’s focus, seeking to put love into action, today we’re going to look at how simply being present can make all the difference in the life of another. As our world becomes more and more distracted, and takes less time to notice what’s happening in the life of another, may God empower us as his people to simply be present today.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/28/20249 minutes, 9 seconds
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Action Fueled by Love

James 2:26 tells us, “Faith apart from works is dead.” If we are going to experience the fullness of life offered to us through our faith we must be those who put our words into action. We must not profess to love God on Sundays and live as if he isn’t present, real, or good on Monday. May your faith come alive this week as you seek to be a doer of the word.Request your copy of our new kids devotional!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/27/20249 minutes, 47 seconds
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Loving the Church

As we wrap up our week on loving people, we look today at how we can love the Church as God does. Jesus says we will be known by the way we love each other. Would people know you’re a Christian by the way you love your brothers and sisters? People are messy, it’s true. We all are. And yet Jesus saw our worth and loved us in the midst of our messiness. How can you mimic that same love today as you seek to love his Church? Today we’ll look at the perspective and affections of Jesus for his people. May our hearts and minds be transformed as a result.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/26/20247 minutes, 46 seconds
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Loving Strangers

As we near the end of our week on loving people, today we shift to loving those we don’t know. We are all so busy, and most often unaware of those around us, becoming too focused on ourselves to notice others. Perhaps today God would shift our focus upward to see the faces we pass on the streets or on the elevator. How much could a kind word or smile help someone out having a rough day? Let’s try to take our eyes off ourselves and see those we pass every day and don’t seem to notice. Could God want to use you to minster to someone you don’t even know? Let’s find out.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/25/20247 minutes, 16 seconds
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Loving Friends

On today’s podcast, we’ll be learning about what it means to be a friend who loves well. Think about your dearest friends. What role have they played in your life in the best and in the worst times? Does your heart fill with thankfulness as you acknowledge what a good gift God has given you in them? May we pinpoint exactly what it means to intentionally love our friends well today. May we be filled with the love of Jesus and grace of God to go out of way to love and minister to those special people in our lives today.Request your copy of our new kids devotional!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/24/20248 minutes, 11 seconds
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Loving Family

As we continue in our week of loving people well, today we’re going to learn about loving family. For some this is an easy task, but for many this is a little more difficult. The beauty of it is, our God is with us every step along the way. He has purpose and power for you in loving the family in which he’s placed you. Our families have the potential to be our greatest place of influence. How might he use you today to minister for his goodness and glory? Let’s take a closer look.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/23/20248 minutes, 38 seconds
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Jesus is the Model

As we continue our week on loving people well, we’re going to fix our eyes on Jesus. What better example or model for how to love than the One who laid his life down for the world? Today may you catch a glimpse of this beautiful King who loves perfectly. May you not only get a picture of how you could love others, but experience his incredible love for yourself afresh.Request your copy of our new kids devotional!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/22/20249 minutes, 45 seconds
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Seeing Past the Brokenness

We are all broken people, living in a broken world. It’s that simple. Unfortunately, no one is exempt from the effects of sin. The good news for all of us is that Jesus steps into the midst of our brokenness, is near to us and makes us whole in his love. What’s even more amazing is God wants to use you to see past the broken exterior to the hearts of the people in your life. Brokenness can often make us hard, bitter and difficult to deal with. But we’ve been given the call to see past that hard exterior and love people in the midst of their pain. In today’s podcast, we’re looking together at how we can see past the brokenness in others to love them well.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/21/202411 minutes, 8 seconds
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Living Without Offense

Loving others is one of the most important and difficult commands Jesus gave us. We are a messy, needy, and broken people. We constantly have to deal with our own wounds and the wounds of others. But if we can learn to love others well, rich, life-giving relationship will be our reward. May you receive the love of your Father given you by his grace, and be empowered to love others this week as we look to grow in our obedience of Jesus’ command to love others.Request your copy of our new kids devotional!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/20/202410 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Simplicity of Grace

As we wrap up this week of simple Christianity, today we look at grace. Many of us are so hard on ourselves and struggle to allow ourselves to taste the grace the Father has for us. We look to earn love and acceptance in this world, but God’s way of grace couldn’t be more different from the world who tells us we are what we do. May today be a breath of fresh air as you encounter the grace of God that requires nothing in return.
5/19/20247 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Simple Truth of Freedom

As we near the end of our week on simple Christianity, we look today at the simple truth of our freedom in Christ. Our sin and bondage often feels like a convoluted web that entangles us. Satan would like nothing more than to keep us foggy and confused about the freedom and righteousness bought for us through the precious blood of Jesus. Today I’m praying that chains are broken in God’s presence. May we gain clarity and deep understanding of the freedom afforded to us as children of God. May we adopt the simple truth of our freedom and truly be set free.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/18/202410 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Discipline of Simplicity

Today we are going to explore the actual discipline of simplicity by answering questions like, What does it mean to simplify life? How would Jesus have us actually simplify our lives? How can embracing simplicity enrich our day to day experience? May your heart and mind be open to all the wisdom and goodness God has for you today. And may you find comfort in making Jesus your one necessary thing.Request your copy of our new kids devotional!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/17/202411 minutes, 21 seconds
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Rest in God

As we continue our week on simple Christianity, we have the joy today of discovering what it means to truly rest in God. In all the stress and hurry of life, don’t we all need to find even just a few moments of rest today? May God reorient the way you see him today, and show you his purpose and pleasure over his children taking time for true rest in him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/16/20249 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Life of Sacrifice

On the third day of our series on pursuing simple Christianity, we’re looking at what it means to live a life of sacrifice to God. May we discover what it means for our hearts, minds and will to be fully surrendered to Jesus, and in return may we find the abundant joy he has promised. He is trustworthy and true. And we will find the life God has planned for us when we surrender all to him.Request your copy of our new kids devotional!
5/15/202411 minutes, 33 seconds
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Love People

As we continue our week exploring the simple principles of the Christian faith, today let’s look at what it means to love people. Many of us know that God asks us to love others, but often loving people is easier said than done. God knows our weaknesses, and any command he gives, he has a plan to empower us and give us grace to be obedient. As you explore how God may want you to love people today, may your heart be opened to his profound grace.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/14/202412 minutes, 36 seconds
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Love God: It’s All about Relationship

This week we’re going to focus on the simplicity the Christian life is meant to be marked by. Jesus summed up our purpose with two statements: love God and love people. But in our humanity we have made complex what God designed to be peaceful, purposeful, and simple. A. W. Tozer remarks in The Pursuit of God, “Every age has its own characteristics. Right now we are in an age of religious complexity. The simplicity which is in Christ is rarely found among us. In its stead are programs, methods, organizations and a world of nervous activities which occupy time and attention but can never satisfy the longing of the heart. The shallowness of our inner experience, the hollowness of our worship, and that servile imitation of the world which marks our promotional methods all testify that we in this day, know God only imperfectly, and the peace of God scarcely at all. If we would find God amid all the religious externals, we must first determine to find Him, and then proceed in the way of simplicity.” May we discover the peace and joy that come from pursuing a simple Christianity this week.Request your copy of our new kids devotional!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/13/20249 minutes, 10 seconds
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Love-based Simplicity

As we wrap up our week on the simplicity of love, today we’ll look at the concept of simplicity itself and what it means to have a solitary pursuit. As you fix your eyes on Jesus today, may you find that the weight of the world falls away. And may you choose the path of simplicity and love going forward living out in joy and peace.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/12/20249 minutes, 15 seconds
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Love-based Obedience

God is the perfect parent. He is unlike anyone we’ve ever known, and his love is unlike anything we’ve experienced before. Imagine knowing your parent loved you perfectly, and that their intentions and motives behind giving you direction was literally perfectly loving? That’s how God is with us. His wisdom and direction is something we can trust implicitly because he can trust his heart toward us, and that truth makes obedience a joy. As we explore love-based obedience today, may your heart be open to the goodness of your loving Father.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/11/202411 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Joy of a Love-based Life

Most of the time our emotional happiness is based on our life’s circumstances. As we continue our week on the simplicity of love, today we’ll be taking a look at the joy that comes from living a love-based life. Once we know that God’s love is for us always, unconditionally—no matter what, our hope is secure and joy is ours for the taking. May you walk in joy today as you lean into this love-based reality a bit more.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/10/202411 minutes, 1 second
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All He Asks of Us is Love

It has been and always will be easy for people, especially religious people, to become focused on the wrong things in life. I constantly find myself making things more difficult or convoluted than they really are. The reality of this life with God is that all he asks of us is love. As we continue this week on the simplicity of love, today we’ll explore God’s heart on the subject. What does God require of us? What does he ask of us? May we take a step back today, examine our own hearts’ pursuits, and rest in the reality of how simple God’s love really is.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/9/202410 minutes
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His Love Has Set Us Free

There is nothing in the world more freeing than being loved as you are. Today we’ll be exploring how God’s love has set us free as we continue in our week of the simplicity of love. Having God’s love and affection from the start before giving him anything in return frees us from the burdens and weight of having to earn his love and strive for his affections. Today God wants us to step out in and fully live experiencing that freedom as beloved children. May your heart be even a little more free today after a fresh encounter with the Father’s love.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/8/202412 minutes, 4 seconds
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His Love Has Redeemed Us

As we explore the simplicity of love this week, today we’ll look at how God’s love has redeemed us. There is an amazing Brennan Manning quote that says, “In loving me, you made me lovable.” And that is basically the concept we’ll be unpacking today. God’s love has come in and given us meaning, beauty, redemption, and purpose. It is through God loving us that we become sons and daughters; we become saints. I hope today you’ll open your heart up to this life-changing love, and never be the same again.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/7/202412 minutes, 33 seconds
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His Love Pursues Us

1 Corinthians 13:13 says, “So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” The greatest of all aspects of the Christian life is love. Love is to be at the foundation of all we do, all we are, and all we hold on to. If we focus on love and allow the Holy Spirit to strip everything else away, what will be left is a life of blessed simplicity rooted in face-to-face relationship with our heavenly Father. As we spend time this week looking at the simplicity of love, I pray that all the weighty, frivolous things of the world that rob you of an abundant life fall away in light of the glorious goodness of God’s unconditional and wholly available love for you.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/6/202410 minutes, 47 seconds
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God is a Fun Father

God loves to exceed our expectations and break our boxes. Today’s topic does just that. As we end our week, today we’re exploring God’s attributes that make him a fun, joyful Father. Let’s allow God to reshape our notion of him and free our hearts up to enjoy just how good God really is. He is better than anyone we’ve ever known, and it’s my hope today we can see that with clear eyes.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/5/20249 minutes, 31 seconds
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God Disciplines Us in Love

Discipline can be a tricky subject. Many of us have not seen discipline done well, and no one really loves being disciplined or having something they’ve done wrong pointed out. But something we must keep in mind with our heavenly Father is that he loves perfectly, so discipline must be a part of his perfect love. As we wrap up our week of looking at who God is, this is a crucial topic we have to look at to engage with all the ways God loves us. As we dig deeper today, may our hearts be open to God’s loving perspective on correction for our good.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/4/20249 minutes, 40 seconds
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God Encourages Us

As we continue our week on God being our Father, we look today at how God encourages us. There is nothing like an encouraging word from the Father when we’re feeling low and discouraged. Sometimes life can be daunting, and our good Father knows just what to say when we need to hear it most. If you’re feeling discouraged today, I pray the Lord speaks courage to your weary heart and strengthens your weary bones to keep running the race set before you.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/3/20249 minutes, 29 seconds
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God is Our Provider

In the kingdom of God, we find a culture different from that of our world. We are often taught to be self-made, pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, and that it’s the survival of the fittest. God’s kingdom turns these principles on their head. We are encouraged to wait, trust, and receive from our God who supplies for our every need. Does your life mimic one of trust and waiting? One of open hands and thankfulness? Today as we move forward in our week of God being our Father we’ll look at his provisional nature. As we learn of God’s intentions to meet our every need, open your heart today to trust in this God who’s our Provider.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
5/2/20248 minutes, 14 seconds
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God is Present

Many of us deal with a fear of abandonment, rejection, or loneliness, and often for good reason. The beautiful thing about our heavenly Father is that he is present in our lives, and we are never alone. As we continue our week looking at the ways God is good to us, open your heart today to the very tangible presence of your Father, even now in your midst. Allow truth to permeate the broken places and make you confident and whole in God’s ever-present love.
5/1/20248 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Patient Passion of God

In our fallen state, patience isn’t something we find very often in ourselves or others. I don’t know if I know one person who has perfectly displayed patience for me, myself included. What’s incredible about our Father in heaven is that he is an endless well of patience. He has patience in abundance, and it never runs out for us. Today allow God to reorient the way you understand him and his heart towards you. He is slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love, unlike anyone we’ve ever known.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/30/202413 minutes, 26 seconds
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An Unconditional Love

There is no better father than our Creator God. He formed us and knows us. He provides for us, loves us unconditionally, and longs for a real, life-giving relationship with us. He runs out to meet us in our sin, clothes us with a new identity, and restores to us the abundant life he has always planned for us. As we spend time looking at the father’s heart, may a fresh revelation of his love for you guide you into greater depths of relationship with your heavenly Father.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/29/20247 minutes, 54 seconds
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God the Giver of Courage

In today’s devotional, we wrap up our week on God giving good gifts by looking at how God is the giver of courage. Fear is something that plagues us all in this life. But our Father’s way is better. The Lord wants to cast out all fear with his perfect love and empower you to live boldly, full of courage and confidence. Open your heart today in light of God’s love. Let go of anything holding you back from abundant life, and step forward with Jesus into fearless living.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/28/20248 minutes, 19 seconds
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God the Giver of Strength

In today’s devotional, we’re going to explore and experience the ways God gives us strength. There is not much better than becoming aware of our weakness and being met by God’s strength and grace in the midst of it. God fills in all the places we lack, and he wants to hold you up and strengthen you today in your weakness. We can release the need to appear strong because we have a very strong God on our behalf. May you experience the embrace of the Father today as you draw near.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/27/20246 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Lord Gives Direction

As we near the end of our week on God giving us good, heavenly gifts, we’re going to take time today to discover and reflect on the ways God gives us direction. Sometimes life can be confusing, and it is difficult to know which decisions to make. Thankfully, we have a Father who has sent his Spirit to speak and lead us through life’s winding paths. He has a plan for each of our lives, and he desires to partner with us to watch it unfold. May you find rest today in the direction God brings.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/26/20248 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Lord Gives Contentment

In today’s devotional, we’re going to explore the way God gives us contentment in the midst of every season and place he plants us. May you walk in immense satisfaction today as you open your heart and mind to the Lord’s presence and truth. As you fix your eyes on Jesus and trust him, I pray you experience rich contentment today in God’s love and provision.Get your copy of Living Intentionally today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/25/20249 minutes, 28 seconds
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God Gives Peace

As we continue our series on God the Giver of Gifts, we’re going to take time today to look at the peace God is faithful to give. We all need peace in this chaotic world, and thankfully God has an abundance of it, which he wants to lavish on his children. Open your heart today, be still, and take in the peace of heaven.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/24/202410 minutes, 12 seconds
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God Our Great Deliverer

Today as we continue to explore ways God is a wonderful, giving Father, we’re going to focus on the delivering power of God to set the captive free and rescue his people. Wherever you find yourself today, know that God is a safe rescue and the deliverer of our souls. He loves you mightily and is working on your behalf at all times. May that truth bring you immense peace and comfort as you experience his presence.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/23/202410 minutes, 23 seconds
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God the Giver of Comfort

Our heavenly Father is the giver of every good gift. This week in the First15 devotional we’re going to explore the different gifts only God can give. His mercies are vast, powerful, and real. His love has the ability to completely overwhelm and satisfy every one of our needs. Everything he gives us satisfies, transforms, and leads us to abundant life. As we spend this week stirring up our affections toward God, allow your heart to become soft and open. Allow his loving character to draw you close and provide life to every dry and weary place in your soul.Get your copy of Living Intentionally today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/22/20248 minutes, 28 seconds
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God Desires to be Encountered

In today’s podcast, we’re going to respond to God’s open invitation to seek his face. God desires to meet with you just as you are. So great was his desire for real, restored relationship with you, that he would send his only Son. May the weights and cares of the world fall off of your shoulders today as you set out to seek the heart of your good and loving Father.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/21/20248 minutes, 37 seconds
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God’s Great Gift of Love

In today’s podcast we’re going to create space to talk about and receive God’s great gift of love. You and I were made to be loved by God. And until we make room to receive the unselfish, steadfast, tangible love of God, we’ll spend the rest of our lives striving, vying for affection from others. May striving cease today as we receive the lavish affection of our good and loving God.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/20/20247 minutes, 43 seconds
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God is Good

In today’s devotional, we’re going to dive deeper into the reality of God’s goodness. At every turn, just when I wonder how good God really is, he always has a plan to show me how truly loving and good he is. So as we begin, where are you questioning God’s goodness today? When things go wrong, when we get hurt, it’s only natural to start questioning and building walls. But rather than going our own way, let’s come before God with confidence, asking our questions and inviting him to meet us in a meaningful way today.Get your copy of Living Intentionally today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/19/20248 minutes, 19 seconds
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God is Worthy of Devotion

In today’s devotional, we’re going to spend time reflecting on how worthy God is of our devotion. Life is never better than when God is fully at the center of our lives, and fully at the center of our hearts. May we authentically give God our devotion today as we take time to discover how holy and worthy he is.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/18/20247 minutes, 43 seconds
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God is Trustworthy

In today’s devotional, we’re going to take time today to simply focus on how trustworthy our heavenly Father is. Our trust is always meant to be a response to God’s trustworthiness, an act of love given as we receive the unconditional, life-changing love of God. May our hearts be filled with greater measures of trust as we make space for God to fill.Get your copy of Living Intentionally today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/17/20249 minutes, 44 seconds
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God Our Great Protector

Every day we experience fear in some way. Whether it’s fear over the opinion of others, fear of the future, or fear over the ways and plans of evil, we’re in need of comfort and faith. Today we’re going to spend time focusing to protection God offers us every day in his goodness and love. May our hearts be comforted and our hands filled with strength as we make space for God to fill.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/16/202413 minutes, 54 seconds
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Sanctification in the Waiting

It’s vital to the Christian life that we as sons and daughters of the most high God allow our affections to be stirred by the loving, powerful nature of our heavenly Father. Too often we feel that God is distant or separated from us. Too often we allow misconceptions or lies to place a rift between us and experiencing God. So as we spend time this week focusing on God’s character, allow who he is to stir up your desire to know him even more. Get your copy of Living Intentionally today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/15/202410 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Faithfulness of God

In the last episode of this week where we’re seeking to stir up our affections for God, today we’re going to look at God’s faithfulness. You and I can have faith, because God is faithful. His faithfulness lays the foundation we need to love him, follow him, and walk with him.May God draw us closer to him, and give us a greater measure of faith today as we focus on his steadfast love and faithfulness.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/14/20248 minutes, 13 seconds
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Being the Child of God

In today’s podcast, we’re going to stir up our affections for God by looking at what it means, when Scripture calls us his children. As a child of God, you are adopted into the family of the Creator of all. And you have a good, and loving Father, filled with grace, mercy, and compassion.May God give us eyes to see who we are to him today, and the courage to abide in him in life-giving relationship.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/13/20249 minutes, 54 seconds
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No Better Friend

In today’s podcast, we’re going to stir up our affections by looking at God’s invitation to us in Revelation 3:20 to share a meal with him. This metaphor, this image of sitting across the table from God, especially in the context of the author of Revelation, John’s, culture, creates a pathway for you and me to journey down that leads to real, close relationship with our Creator and Savior.May we all draw nearer to God today in this time together.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/12/20249 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Wisdom of God

In today’s podcast, we’re going to stir up our affections for God by looking at his wisdom. Not only is our God wise, but he longs to share his wisdom with us as his people. Living with true wisdom, true perspective, knowing how to order our desires and our days is one of the real keys to living an abundant life.May we praise God for his wisdom, and ask him with boldness and confidence to share that wisdom with us today.Get your copy of Living Intentionally today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/11/20249 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Boundless Grace of God

In today’s podcast, we’re going to continue our series seeking to simply stir our affections toward God, by looking at his boundless grace. On a daily basis, it’s God’s grace that always draws me close first. His forgiveness, his loving compassion, his gaze changes everything.May God open our eyes and hearts in a special way today to receive his grace in every corner of our hearts.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/10/20249 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Yoke of Jesus

In today’s podcast, we’re going to continue our pursuit of stirring up our affections for God by looking at how God exchanges our burdens for his peace. As a society, we are more continually stressed now than ever. Stress has become our new normal. But in God, we have the opportunity to live with a peace that surpasses our understanding.May God guide us down his path to peace today as we make space for his presence.Get your copy of Living Intentionally today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/9/202411 minutes, 55 seconds
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Your Father Gives Good Gifts

This week we’ll start a new series, making space to simply stir up our affections for God every day.Today, we’re going to look at the reality that our God loves to give us good gifts. May God empower us to live with open hands and an open heart, ready and willing to receive all that he longs to give.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/8/20248 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Constant Companion

Today we’re wrapping up our week-long series of stirring up our affections for God by looking at what it means to have friendship with the Holy Spirit. The nearness of God’s Spirit, the reality of his voice and leadership, is our deepest connection to God on this earth. And like any other relationship, any other connection, it takes time to develop a true friendship with the Spirit. So today we’re embarking on a journey with one simple goal in mind: growing a little bit closer to the Spirit in friendship. May God guide us and empower us today, and reveal himself in a fresh way.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/7/20248 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Heart of God to Forgive

As we near the end of our week, creating space every day to simply have our affections stirred up for God, we’re going to take time today to look at God’s heart to forgive us. God’s forgiveness is as constant as our need for his forgiveness. And today, I hope and pray that he reveals his heart to forgive us completely and immediately when we confess our sin to him, and his heart to constantly restore us to intimacy with him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/6/20249 minutes, 14 seconds
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God Heals Hearts

On today’s podcast, we’re going to look at the reality that God loves to heal hearts. As we continue this series allowing who God is and what he does to stir up our affections for him, may his desire to heal us emotionally, to bind up our wounds to draw us closer to him in meaningful ways.Download the First15 App!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/5/20248 minutes, 4 seconds
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Delighting in God’s Love

As we reach the middle of our week-long focus on stirring up our affections for God, today we’re going to create space to simply delight in God’s love.Oftentimes focusing on the simple, foundational aspects of our relationship with God will produce more fruit than trying to journey beyond them. And I pray that God reveals his love in a tangible and fresh way today for you and me as we open our hearts to meet with him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/4/20247 minutes, 9 seconds
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God Our Father

In the third day of this week-long series, taking time every day to stir up our affections for God, today we’re going to look at all it means for him to be our Father. Out of all of the metaphors used for our relationship with this eternal, transcendent God, the concept of him being a Father today has been most meaningful.May he draw us closer as he reveals what a good Father he is to us.Download the First15 App!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/3/202410 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Lord Your God is in Your Midst

As we continue our focus on simply stirring up our affections for God this week, today we’re going to take time to focus on the fact that God is present in our lives. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, God is with you in and through it all. And his presence, his nearness is the foundation on which we are meant to live as his people.May we develop a greater sense of his nearness today and learn how we can live our life in light of the goodness of his presence.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/2/202410 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Sweetness of God’s Love

As we continue our focus on simply stirring up our affections for God this week, today we’re going to take time to focus on the fact that God is present in our lives. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, God is with you in and through it all. And his presence, his nearness is the foundation on which we are meant to live as his people. May we develop a greater sense of his nearness today and learn how we can live our life in light of the goodness of his presence.Download the First15 App!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
4/1/202410 minutes, 11 seconds
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Receiving God’s Word through Action

As we finish this week of looking at different ways God speaks, today we’re going to look at the role of taking action in hearing God. One of the most powerful ways to discover what God thinks and how God feels is joining him where he is at work in the world around us. My prayer today is that God opens our eyes and ears to discover fresh parts of how he declares his heart to us, and that we’re empowered to take action today in even more meaningful ways.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/31/20249 minutes, 26 seconds
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God Speaks in Solitude

In today’s podcast, we’re going to look at the value of solitude in making space to hear from God. In all the noise of our world, solitude is more important now than ever. We need quiet to tune our ears to the still, small voice of God. We need the type of peace that only comes from quieting our hearts and minds. We need the type of relationship with God that can only be formed in solitude.May God empower us to quiet ourselves today in his presence.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/30/202412 minutes, 33 seconds
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God Speaks through Meditation

In today’s podcast, we’re going to look at the role of meditation in hearing from God. Meditation for many reasons, seems to have found its way out of our Christian context. But the reality is that meditation has been central to our faith throughout its history. And the Bible is chocked full of encouragement to meditate on who God is, on his word, allowing space for God to fill in our daily lives.May God reveal his heart for us to meditate as a central discipline of our faith. And may he empower us to make room for his presence in a meaningful way today.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/29/20248 minutes, 36 seconds
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God Speaks through His Creation

As we arrive in the middle of this week-long focus on hearing from God, today we’re going to look at the role of Creation in God speaking to us as his children. Throughout human history mankind has gone to nature to get a deeper sense of the divine. And I believe that when we open our ears to hear what God is declaring to us through that which he’s made, we’ll find a wonderful avenue to stay in communication with our heavenly Father.May God reveal his heart today to speak through his Creation. And may our hearts be stirred to listen.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/28/202410 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hearing God’s Voice

As we continue this series looking at different ways God speaks to us as his children, today we’re going to look at what it means to hear God’s voice. The idea of hearing the voice of God is something I get asked about all the time. And I think it’s because, honestly, it sounds kind of crazy! But Scripture and Christian History tell us clearly that God loves to communicate with his people. So may he guide each of us into a fuller understanding of what it means to hear his voice, and may we grow in grace and confidence today to make space to simply listen to whatever it is God wants to say.Get your copy of A Great Calm!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/27/20248 minutes, 49 seconds
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God Speaks through His Word

As we continue our series looking at different ways God speaks to us as his children, today we’re going to look at the role of Scripture in hearing God. The pages of Scripture contain so many amazing stories of how God spoke to his people. Within these stories we see the power of a people focused on following God’s leadership, and the destruction that takes place when people go their own way.May God stir up our heart to hear his voice through the pages of Scripture today. And may we align our hearts with the principles found in its pages.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/26/202414 minutes, 56 seconds
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God Speaks

You and I have been given the invaluable gift of communication with God. Last week we learned about the process of making the soil of our hearts soft and receptive to God. This week we’ll learn some different ways to receive the seed of his word. May your communion with God flourish as you engage in continual conversation with your loving, present heavenly Father.Get your copy of A Great Calm!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/25/20249 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Experience of His Presence

One of the greatest gifts of my life has been experiencing the presence of God. His presence is essential to experiencing and knowing him. And God has made himself so available to us through all that Jesus accomplished. May we simplify what it means to experience God’s presence today and gain a greater sense of confidence to experience the presence of God for ourselves at all times.
3/24/20249 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Experience of His Freedom

Today we’ll explore the experience of God’s freedom as it relates to our identity and what we believe about ourselves. Many of us have yet to truly taste the freedom available to us through the finished work of Christ. There is nothing else like it in the world. It is my prayer you are liberated today, and that your thinking toward yourself changes and in result changes your actions. Christ said his work was finished on the cross, and it’s about time we start living in the new reality he instated for us.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/23/20249 minutes, 46 seconds
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Partnering in His Purposes

Today we’ll explore the concept of partnering with God in his purposes in the earth. God is already at work all around us. He is asking us today to have eyes to see it, and step in with him to see his will fulfilled in the earth. As we assess our hearts today, may you go forward with a deep sense of purpose and calling. Everything with God starts and ends with relationship, and he simply wants to co-labor with you.Get your copy of A Great Calm!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/22/20249 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Experience of His Peace

Life this side of heaven is plagued with all kinds of stress and anxiety. This time of year can be especially stressful too. None of us is immune to this reality, but thankfully we have Jesus who the Bible tells us is himself our peace. What a beautiful comfort we have found in him. May you lose yourself in Jesus today and allow him to wrap you in his peace afresh. Bring whatever fears, stresses or worries you have to the risen Christ today, and experience the very real breath of heaven.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/21/202410 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Experience of His Voice

As we continue our week on knowing God through experiencing him, today we’ll explore what it means and looks like to experience his voice. This can often be an intimidating topic. Many of us feel inadequate or even unable to hear the voice of God—but nothing could be further than the truth. I hope today you will feel the pressure or weight lift off your shoulders as you learn just how simple the relationship and knowing God truly is.Get your copy of A Great Calm!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/20/202411 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Experience of His Love

As we spend this week wholeheartedly seeking to know God with all we are, we’ll take time today to experience God’s love for us. We all may live with the head knowledge that God loves us, but go long spurts of time without actually experiencing God’s love. God’s love is most radical and life-changing upon encounter, and it’s my hope today you’ll press into him and really feel first hand yourself how much God truly loves you.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/19/202414 minutes, 2 seconds
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God Wants to be Known

To know God is to experience God. Just as we experience aspects of one another as we grow in friendship, we experience the wonders of God as we seek to simply know him. God is calling us to a life of seeking him with all we are. He is calling us to value relationship with him above all else that we would love no other but him. May you encounter wonderful aspects of relationship with your heavenly Father this week as we wholeheartedly seek to know him with all we are.Get your copy of A Great Calm!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/18/20249 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Baptism of Jesus

As we wrap up our week exploring the tangible, life changing presence of God, we’ll look to the baptism of Jesus and how the Spirit of God descended and rested upon him. What does this mean for us as Christ’s followers? Is the Spirit’s presence available to us just the same? Find rest today as we encounter the Spirit of the living God and allow him to minister to us.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/17/202411 minutes, 41 seconds
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Pentecost means so much to us as believers. The day of Pentecost changed everything for us. Today we’ll explore walking with the Holy Spirit and how he affects our daily life so much. May your heart grow in gratitude and friendship with the Spirit today as a result of your time with him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/16/202417 minutes, 1 second
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The Holy of Holies

Today as we look at the Holy of Holies, we’ll see how Jesus fulfilled the requirements of God’s law and is the perfect High Priest on our behalf. As we learn of all Jesus’ sacrifice accomplished, may our hearts swell in worship and thanks to our King.Get your copy of A Great Calm!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/15/202414 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Pillar of God's Presence

Today as we explore the stories of the Israelites being led by the pillar of God’s presence, we’ll examine what that means for God’s leadership in our own lives. As we submit to his leadership, may we find how truly faithful he is to lead us in every single season. Open your heart to trust him afresh today, and remember he is for you.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/14/202413 minutes, 48 seconds
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Moses, Isaiah, and the Holiness of God

Today we will look at the stories of Moses and Isaiah. They encountered the holiness of God and were changed forever. As we look upon him, may we be changed just the same. Know that as you come before him, you are loved by him and made right with him through the blood of Jesus. He simply wants you to come.Get your copy of A Great Calm!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/13/202414 minutes, 26 seconds
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Moses and the Tent of Meeting

In today’s devotional, we’re going to build on the foundation we built yesterday by looking at different stories in which God made his presence known in a perspective-changing way. Today, we’ll look at Moses and the Tent of Meeting.May God make all our faces shine in his presence today, that the world would see the goodness that comes from spending meaningful time alone with God.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/12/202417 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Reality of God’s Presence

God’s presence is real, full of love, and completely transformational. It takes what was broken and brings healing. It takes what was lost and guides us to our rightful place in the Father. It satisfies the weary, brings light to the darkness, and pours out the refreshing rain of God’s love on the dryest, deepest parts of the soul.Today we’re beginning a new series, focusing on deepening our understanding and practice of God’s presence by focusing on the reality of his presence. May God open our eyes and hearts to see and sense his nearness in a meaningful way today.Get your copy of A Great Calm!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/11/202413 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

In the final First15 of this series on the Holy Spirit, we’re going to look at what God’s word has to say about the gifts of the Spirit. God has called and equipped each of us uniquely, and importantly to co-labor with him. I pray that God would reveal to you how he’s wired and gifted you in the Spirit today, that you would find joy and deeper relationship with him in walking out your unique calling in the earth.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/10/202410 minutes, 57 seconds
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Sanctification in the Holy Spirit

Today we’re going to explore the concept of sanctification in the Holy Spirit. Every day, every moment, God is working to mold us into his likeness. We were made in his image. And the Holy Spirit is so insightful, so good at molding us and correcting. There is so much peace in store for us if we’ll allow God to take away anything in our life holding us back from what we were originally created for, to live free from sin, free from shame, free from the weight of the world, and holy and righteous in him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/9/202411 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Today we’re going to explore how we can bear the life-giving, world-changing fruit of the Holy Spirit. Your life is meant to be marked by love, joy, and peace. And plants don’t bear fruit by trying harder, but by simply receiving abundantly whatever they need to bear fruit. May you experience the richness of God’s presence, the water of his peace, and the warmth of his love today as we seek to allow God to bear his fruit in our lives.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/8/202410 minutes, 18 seconds
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Being Taught by the Holy Spirit

In this life there are constant lessons for us to learn. And in the Holy Spirit, we have been given an amazing teacher. In today’s First15 podcast we’re going to explore what it means to be taught by the Holy Spirit. May we be good students of God’s word today, and allow him to guide us into a lifestyle of learning with him. For his glory, and our good.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/7/202411 minutes, 5 seconds
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Praying with the Holy Spirit

Today we’re going to look at one of the most life giving topics we can discuss, Praying with the Holy Spirit. We’ve been given an incredible gift in God that most of us fail to use enough, and that’s real communication with God himself in the Holy Spirit.I pray that your ears would be opened to hear the loving voice of your Creator today, as we discover together what it means to pray with the Holy Spirit.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/6/20249 minutes, 25 seconds
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Friendship with the Holy Spirit

Today we continue our week long focus on the Holy Spirit by exploring what it means for us to grow in friendship with him. We’ll never have a kinder, more present friend than the God who dwells within us. May we discover the pathway he’s laid before us to grow in friendship with him today, as we take time to experience him in a fresh way.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/5/202411 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Leading of the Holy Spirit

As believers, we’ve been given the Holy Spirit as a Helper, Teacher, Friend, and seal for the promised inheritance of eternal life with God. His presence, guidance, and wisdom in our lives are our greatest gifts while here on earth. Through him we have access to direct connection with our heavenly Father. Through him we receive spiritual gifts to empower us. And through him we are able to bear the incredible fruit of abundant life.Today we begin a week long focus, looking at how we can grow in our understanding and in our relationship with the Holy Spirit. And as a special addition, we’re including a brand new worship song from First15 Worship called Hide and Seek at the end of our time in guided prayer, so make sure to spend some time in worship this morning.May God reveal himself to each of us in real and fresh ways as we seek him today.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/4/202411 minutes, 46 seconds
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Living Courageously

As we wrap up our week on being used by God, today we’ll ask God to fill us with courage to live uncomfortably. May we bare our hearts before God, and ask him to change us, to rid us of all that hinders us. There is nothing to fear, and God is ready and excited to use us for his kingdom purposes. Will you accept his invitation?More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/3/20249 minutes, 36 seconds
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Living Compassionately

As we begin to wrap up our week on being used by God, today we’ll explore what it means to live compassionately. This radical way of living will transform the people around you and expose them to the beautiful nature of Jesus. After we experience his great compassion for us, may we have no choice but to mimic that with others.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/2/20249 minutes, 15 seconds
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Today we’ll explore the concept of evangelism. There are so many fears and misconceptions wrapped up in this topic, and my hope today is that we’ll simplify it, and get straight to the heart of the issue. As we assess our hearts, may we remain soft and open to the commands and will of God for us.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
3/1/20247 minutes, 50 seconds
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Light in the Darkness

One of the best ways we can be used by God is by simply being ourselves. The identity Christ has given us as daughters and sons is meant to shine forth and be a witness to those around us. May you be encouraged today in your identity in Christ and freed from any unnecessary weight you’ve been carrying. More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/29/20247 minutes, 57 seconds
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Declaring God’s Glory

Being used by God requires inward humility and exaltation of Jesus as King. It’s the only way being used by the Lord can work. Today we’ll take a deeper dive in our own hearts and examine who is actually enthroned there.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/28/20248 minutes
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God is Already at Work

If we are going to be used by God, we must first acknowledge that he is already at work all around us, and that his work isn’t contingent upon us. This is not something we’re starting up. The weight is not on our shoulders—the pressure is off. I hope today you’re freed up to be used by God out of joy and delight rather than obligation or stress.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/27/20248 minutes
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God Wants to Use You

In response to knowing the heart of God we are called to share the wonders of his invisible nature with a world in desperate need of him. God has chosen to use us to reveal himself. He filled us with the Spirit and empowered us to proclaim the good news of salvation and restored relationship with our Creator. May you discover this week that you were made to share God’s heart. And may you find joy and passion in God’s longing to use you in powerful and unique ways.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/26/20248 minutes, 22 seconds
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Gaining Spiritual Eyes

Today as we wrap up our week of diving deeper into the fullness of life available to us, we’ll explore what it means to gain spiritual eyes. Our human perspective is so utterly limited this side of heaven. We see ourselves, God, and others incorrectly on a regular basis. To experience the fullness of life, it’s imperative that we take up God’s perspective on all things and allow him to enlighten the eyes of our hearts. May you walk away from today with a new, eternal perspective.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/25/20249 minutes, 25 seconds
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Fullness of life and surrender are inextricably linked. As we begin to wrap up our week on diving into the fullness of life, today we’ll explore the concept of surrendering to Jesus. May you be encouraged instead of burdened and take whatever next steps necessary to give Jesus your all.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/24/20248 minutes, 45 seconds
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This week as we dive deeper into the fullness of life available to us, we’ll look today at the biblical concept of understanding and how it relates to experiencing God. May God shift your perspective today and bring you into greater fullness of life in your relationship with him. What’s beautiful about God is that no matter where you’re at in your walk with him, there is always more.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/23/20248 minutes, 37 seconds
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Faith and Trust

Are you standing on sinking sand? Or do you feel the ground firm beneath your feet? Assess your heart in this moment. Are you living in fear? Are you shaken as things appear to be falling apart? Allow your answers to be indicators of whether or not you’re placing your faith and trust in God alone. The Lord is a firm foundation, and the only solid place to place your trust. In diving deeper today, we’re going to secure our foundation in the only steady hope—Jesus.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/22/20249 minutes, 13 seconds
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Acknowledging Our Need

As we dive deeper into the fullness of life available to us this week, looking at the concept of acknowledging our need for God is essential. We will never taste the fullness of God’s sufficient grace until we learn to live low, acknowledging our need and weakness before the Lord. So many of us are fearful of appearing weak and work our fingers to the bone to feel sufficient within ourselves. The only path to true power and freedom comes through embracing our need and lack. May you experience that freedom and strength from God today.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/21/20248 minutes, 33 seconds
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Honesty before Man

As we continue to dive deeper into the fullness of life available to us, today we’ll explore what it means to live honestly before man. In a world of facades and striving, God wants to offer us freedom and confidence to be fully who he has made us to be. May you learn to value honesty above all else in dealing with those around you and find joy and peace abundant.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/20/202413 minutes, 35 seconds
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Honesty before God

God’s goodness over our lives far exceeds anything we’ve experienced. We’ve only yet splashed around in the shallows of God’s deep love and mercy. In order to dive deeper into the fullness of life available to us, we must learn how to posture our hearts. May your relationship with God be enriched this week as you position yourself to receive all your loving heavenly Father has to give.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/19/20249 minutes, 1 second
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Living Honestly

In the last devotional in our series on honesty, today we’re going to focus simply on what it means to live honestly every day. My hope for today, is that God will empower us all to continue this journey of honesty and humility on a daily basis. Let’s open up our hearts in real, intentional ways today, as we experience the power and love of our heavenly Father.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at
2/18/20247 minutes, 23 seconds
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Freedom in the Light

As we near the end of our week on honesty, today we’re going to discover together how there is freedom in the light. Any part of our lives in which we’re walking in darkness, living isolated and unknown, makes space for our hearts to be chained to thoughts and temptations God wants to set us free from. So may the Spirit lead us into the light today, and may we find the courage to follow him.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/17/20247 minutes, 41 seconds
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Fully Loved

As we continue our week focusing on honesty, today we’re going to look at how true honesty affords us the ability to be more fully loved. At the foundation of it all, we’re all searching for love. And the fullness of love can only be experienced when we allow true love to find its way into every part of us by bringing who we fully are into our relationships. May God love us powerfully today as we make space to be more honest with him and ourselves.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/16/20248 minutes, 8 seconds
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Fully Known

As we hit the middle of our week on honesty, today we’re going to explore how being truly honest, or living fully known, is critical to experiencing fullness of life. There may be nothing more terrifying to me than being fully known, but I also know there is nothing more liberating than being my full self with those closest to me. May God replace fear with faith today as we experience his grace and love right now.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/15/20247 minutes, 42 seconds
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Tearing Down Walls

In today’s devotional, we’re continuing our focus on honesty by looking at how we can tear down walls we’ve built up in God’s presence every day. There is true life in vulnerability. And if we can trust God to be our shield, living with openness and love towards him, ourselves, and others, we’ll experience a greater abundance of life than we thought was possible. Let’s come before God today with courage, trust, and humility.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/14/20247 minutes, 19 seconds
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In day 2 of our series on honesty, today we’re going to look at the temptation to build a façade and invite God to tear it down as we seek to live more honestly. May God show you how loved you are, just as you are. And may his love bring you freedom and life as we rest in his presence right now.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/13/202410 minutes, 41 seconds
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Honesty is the Foundation

Today we’re launching a brand-new series, looking at the role of honesty in getting the most out of our time alone with God, and the most out of life. And we’re starting that series off by looking today at how honesty is the foundation. May God give us the courage to be who we truly are with him, with ourselves, and with others today. And may newfound freedom be the fruit in our hearts and lives.Become a First15 Monthly Partner!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/12/20248 minutes, 9 seconds
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Living from the Heart

In the last episode of this series on God’s pursuit of our hearts, we’re wrapping it all up by looking at what it means to live from the heart. There are so many places to live from, so many different ways to go about a day. But God, in his power and love, wants to free us to live from the heart, to share with the world who we truly are, and how he is fully meeting with us. May God use our time today to empower us to advance his kingdom in meaningful, authentic ways.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/11/20247 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Spirit and the Heart

As we near the end of our week looking at how God is after our hearts, today we’re going to look at how the Holy Spirit connects with the heart, and take time to today to invite the Holy Spirit to do a meaningful work in and through us. There’s no greater gift God gives every day than the gift of relationship with him through the Spirit. May he come and meet us right now, and reveal God’s love in a fresh way.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/10/20247 minutes, 55 seconds
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Be Who You Are

In today’s devotional, we’re going to look at the opportunity God gives us every day, to simply be who we are. His pursuit of our hearts frees us as we experience his unconditional, all-encompassing love. So as we open our hearts to his loving pursuit today, I pray that God would do a mighty work of freedom in our hearts.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/9/20246 minutes, 57 seconds
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An Open Heart

In the middle of our week looking at how God is after our hearts, in today’s devotional we’re going to focus on what it means to live with an open heart. Every day, every moment is an opportunity to live with an open heart, or to live with walls up around our hearts. And God’s pursuit of us, his steadfast love, affords us a pathway to open ourselves with confidence and security. May he fills us with courage and grace today as we experience his nearness together.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/8/20247 minutes, 36 seconds
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Identity of the Heart

In our third devotional discovering the reality that God is after our hearts, today we’re going to look at how our hearts reveal our identity. May God call out from within us who he’s truly made us to be as we draw near to him in his presence.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/7/20247 minutes, 2 seconds
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Made for Relationship

In our second devotional seeking to discover God’s pursuit of our hearts, today we’re going to spend time looking at our true purpose, why you and I were created. Every day, every moment is an opportunity to choose the purpose for which we’re living. But only living in line with our true purpose has the power the produce an abundant life. May God reveal his purpose behind our creation today, and may he make central to our lives his pursuit and love in a fresh way.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/6/20247 minutes, 25 seconds
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God's Relentless Pursuit

In today’s devotional we’re beginning a brand new series, focusing on the fact that God is first and foremost, after our hearts. In a world that defines us by what we do, God looks at who we are. May we openly accept his gaze today, with faith in our hearts that he always looks at us with grace. And may his pursuit of our hearts stir up a pursuit within us of his heart, setting out every morning to experience the fullness of his love and compassion.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/5/20248 minutes, 20 seconds
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Abiding in God’s Joy

As we end our week today on abiding in the True Vine, today we’ll explore how to abide in God’s promised joy. What does it mean for us to walk in joy and be people marked by joy in this world? How do we even go about doing that? May we be filled afresh with joy today as we seek these answers out.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/4/202411 minutes, 38 seconds
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God Prunes Us in His Love

As we start to wrap up our week on different ways we are to abide in the true vine of God, today we’ll look at how God prunes us in his love. Discipline can often be a tricky subject, but it’s my hope our hearts would remain soft and open today as we remember how good and loving the God is that we serve.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/3/202412 minutes, 55 seconds
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Abiding Fruit

Did you know God has plans for your life specifically? He has dreams for you and vision for you. Things in store that would make your heart swell and soar. What does it look like to live a life that brings God glory? How does abiding in Christ bear fruit in our lives? As we explore these concepts and more, may our hearts be open to God’s word and all he has to say.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/2/202410 minutes, 36 seconds
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Abiding in God’s Friendship

Today we will look at what it means to be a friend of God. Friendship with God is a beautiful, sought after thing. And he has made his friendship fully available to us. What a gift! May you fall deeper in love with God today as you learn what it means to abide in God’s friendship.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
2/1/20249 minutes, 37 seconds
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Abiding through Obedience

As we continue our week on abiding in the true vine of God, today we’ll explore obedience and how it relates to abiding in God. Take a moment even now to open your heart to trust God afresh. He will always be for us, and know what is best for us in every part of life. He is so good. He is so kind. And he simply wants to walk with us.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/31/20247 minutes, 51 seconds
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Abiding in the Heartbeat of God

As we look at the different ways we are to abide in the true vine of God, today we’ll explore the concept of prayer. It is my hope today we walk away with simplified prayer lives. As you learn to seek out the heartbeat of God, may you grow in confidence in his love for you and those around you.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/30/20249 minutes, 51 seconds
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Abide in the Vine

The absolute, most important single act of the children of God is making space to encounter our heavenly Father in the secret place. Abiding in God is the foundation on which every other aspect of the Christian life finds success. May we be marked by wonderful, satisfying, and fulfilling encounters with the presence of God as we look at John 15:1-17 this week.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/29/20248 minutes, 14 seconds
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Do We Know Him?

As we end our week on God’s longing to be encountered, today we’ll examine our hearts and ask the most important question, “Do we know him?” As we take time today to fix our hearts on the single pursuit of Jesus, may your heart swell with fresh love and devotion for him. He alone is worthy of all our hearts. And today may you place your heart solely in his hands.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/28/20249 minutes, 24 seconds
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Mystery is to be Sought Out

So much of our faith is shrouded by mystery. It is impossible to fully comprehend the grandeur and elaborateness of God with our limited human understanding. But as we’ve seen this week, we have a God who longs to be sought out. May your questions and wonderings about God and his creation only push you farther into seeking him. Because he has made it clear that if you’ll seek him, you will find him.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/27/20248 minutes, 33 seconds
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God Longs to Share His Will

The will of God is often a scary and difficult process to discern. But just as we learned earlier this week—God longs for us to know his voice. And God promises to speak his will to us in a way we’ll understand. My hope is that today you can rest at ease in total peace that your future is in God’s hands, and he’s got you. May you gain some insight about next steps for you today, and fresh peace in the midst of whatever season you’re in.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/26/20248 minutes, 42 seconds
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God Longs for Us to Know His Truth

As we continue our week on God’s longing to be encountered, today we’ll dig deeper into how he desires for us to know his truth. God has given us everything we need to walk in his truth and ways this side of heaven. As we look to Jesus as our model, may we be filled with courage and light to love not just in word but in deed and truth.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/25/20249 minutes, 36 seconds
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God Longs for Us To Know His Voice

Hearing the voice of God can always be a tricky subject. Many feel inadequate or wounded when it comes to the topic of hearing God speak. Today we’ll discover the beauty and simplicity of God’s longing for us to know his voice, just as you know the voice of a parent, spouse or friend. Hearing from God is essential to encountering the Lord. May you walk away today feeling more confident and equipped for intimate relationship with Jesus.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/24/20249 minutes, 42 seconds
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God Longs for us to Know His Love

As we focus this week on God’s radical desire to meet with his people, today we’ll explore his longing for us to know his love. There is nothing more transformative than encountering the love of God. It changes everything about us and our lives. Every one of us needs to be reminded of the depth of his love on a regular basis, and it’s my hope that today we can take some time to do so. May you never be the same again.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/23/20249 minutes, 20 seconds
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God Longs to be Encountered

One of the most scandalous truths of the gospel is that our Creator longs to be encountered by his creation. God longs to meet with us. His greatest desire is for relationship with us. God is pursuing each of us with his relentless love, seeking out those who might respond to his open invitation by opening the door of their hearts to him. My prayer is that in response to God’s desire to meet with his people we would be those who say yes to centering our lives around his nearness. May your week focus on God’s desire to be encountered be marked by the reality of his presence and love.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/22/20249 minutes, 32 seconds
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Living from Union

As we finish up our week on centering our lives around meeting with God, today we’ll discover the beauty of living from union with him. Today may you discover and wonder at how incredibly connected and one with God you already are through Christ. May you live each day aware of and benefitting from that union, and be forever changed. It is my prayer that the reality of Christ’s finished work on the cross sinks into our hearts and minds today, and that our lives are turned upside down as a result.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/21/20249 minutes, 13 seconds
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Making the Most of our Time

As we begin wrapping up our week focused on centering our lives around Jesus, today we’ll look at how to make the most of our time. Where we spend our time is where we place our value. As you begin to examine your life today, may God give you eyes to see what’s hindering you and what truly brings you life. How we spend our time is foundational to how we center our lives around Christ.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/20/20247 minutes, 53 seconds
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Jesus is the Center

Like we said at the beginning of the week, this life is marked by a single choice: who or what will we center our lives around? Today we will look to the person of Jesus Christ. He is the first and the last; everything was created for him, by him and through him. To center your life around anyone else is futile and empty. As we look to Jesus today, may our eyes be fixed on his eternal goodness and glory. Allow your heart to be stirred in adoration, worship and devotion to the only true King this world has even known.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/19/20248 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Fruit of Abiding

Every Christian I know wants to live an effective life for Jesus. The key to succeeding in this is abiding in him. Abiding in Christ is foundational to centering your whole life around God. Tapping into Christ’s presence and power is what will allow you to bear good fruit in this life. It is my hope that after today you are more equipped and empowered to live out a life centered about God.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/18/20247 minutes, 42 seconds
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Seeing God as our Father

Seeing God correctly is essential to centering your life around him and his presence. Many of us have a tainted view of earthly fathers, but today God wants to renew your view of him as your perfect heavenly Father. As we grow in understanding of God’s perfect love and relation to us, may centering your life around his presence come naturally.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/17/20248 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Longing of God to Meet with You

As we continue our week on centering our lives around meeting with God, today we’ll explore how this is always preceded by the longing of God to meet with you. God’s affections for us are always meant to be our starting place in seeking him. As you are reminded today of God’s great love and desire for you, may your heart be stirred with fervor to seek him and center your life around his presence.Request your copy of Awaken My Heart today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries. 
1/16/20247 minutes, 59 seconds
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Choosing a Center

This life is marked by a single choice: who or what will we center our lives around? This choice takes each of us down a path of decisions that shape who we are, what we feel, who or what we value, and what we will have accomplished at the end of our days. To center our lives around ourselves or the things of this world leads only to destruction. But, to center our lives around meeting with God fills each moment with the glorious abundance of God’s love, provision, and transcendent peace. May your life be marked by union with your Creator as we explore what it means to center our lives around meeting with God this week.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/15/202410 minutes, 20 seconds
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Freedom through Enjoying God

As we wrap up this week-long focus seeking to answer the important question, why should we spend time alone with God, today we’re going to look at how God provides freedom through simply enjoying him. I hope and pray that chains weighing you down to the cares and sins of the world fall off of you today as we follow the Spirit down a path to more fully enjoying God.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/14/20247 minutes, 52 seconds
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Life in Surrender

As we near the end of our week long focus of why spending time alone with God is so important, today we’re going to look at the value of living in surrender. Every day there is an opportunity to hand over the burdens and cares of this world that we might pick up the peace and joy of relationship with God. And for me, that opportunity has presented itself most often in the rhythm of spending time alone with God. So I hope today that we both learn a little about the value of living in surrender, and experience the life that comes through actually dying to ourselves, that we might live in Christ more fully.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/13/20249 minutes, 12 seconds
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Having Time Alone

As we continue our week-long series looking answering the important question, Why should we spend time alone with God, we’re going to look today simply at the value of having time alone. In a world where we’re inundated with media, people, stress, and work from the moment we wake up, God has a better beginning to every day in store for us if we’ll follow him.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/12/20249 minutes, 49 seconds
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Renewing Your Mind

Today we’re going to look at how spending time alone with God every morning provides a daily opportunity to renew our minds to the goodness of God, the goodness of this life, and the moment by moment potential of living in real relationship with God. I pray that after today’s time, your mind is clear and focused on truth, and that your emotions and actions are marked by abundant life as a result.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/11/20247 minutes, 21 seconds
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Live for Love

Today we’re going to look at what it means to live for love, to build our lives on the foundation of giving and receiving love. You and I were made in God’s image, and his very nature is love. So may he guide us into a deep discovery of who we are in him, and how we can live our lives filled with the passionate pursuit of love.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/10/20248 minutes, 28 seconds
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Storing the Treasure of Your Heart in Heaven

As we continue our series looking at the heart behind spending time alone with God, today we’re going to look at the daily opportunity to store the treasure of our hearts in heaven. May God guide us into a passion for investing our lives in his kingdom, that we would have the most joy and peace possible here on earth as well as in heaven.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/9/20247 minutes, 6 seconds
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Start Your Day with the Best Thing

Why should we spend time alone with God? Why is meeting with God in the secret place so important? Until we gain an understanding of the immense value and availability of encountering God, we will never consistently engage in this foundational, vital practice. As we discover God’s heart to meet with us in order that we might experience the depths of his love, I pray that your life would be marked by a new grace to consistently and powerfully encounter the living God.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/8/20248 minutes, 39 seconds
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What is Christian Meditation?

In our last day focusing on getting back the basics of a quality time alone with God, we’re going to focus on what it means to meditate as a Christian. There is so much life to be had in the practice of meditation. And there is so much history within Christianity around this wonderful practice of meditating. May the encouragements of Scripture and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit lead each of us to an embracing of this incredible opportunity in Christian meditation.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/7/20246 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Presence of God

As we near the end of our week getting back to the basics of a quality time alone with God, we’re going to take time today to look simply at the presence of God.  As mysterious as it may sound, God’s presence is meant to be a regular part of all our lives. Just as we experience the nearness of those we do life with every day, and the fruit of them simply being with us, God wants us to experience his nearness as well. My hope is that today the presence of God is demystified a bit, and becomes a regular part of every day we set aside to meet with him. He’s done so much to be close to us, and I can’t wait to see how he fills the space we set aside for him today.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/6/202411 minutes, 20 seconds
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Communion with God

Today we’ll explore what I hope is the fruit of every day’s devotional, communion with God. We serve a God who is simply after being with us. Every moment of every day is a chance to let God in, to live in real restored relationship with him.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/5/20248 minutes, 58 seconds
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What is Prayer?

Today we’re going to look at what I believe is the most life-giving aspect of daily time alone with God, prayer. There are so many ideas out there about what prayer should be. Today my hope is to clarify what prayer can mean for you and me in this space we’re creating for God’s presence by looking at Scripture together. And then ultimately, making space today to really pray. My hope is that today clarifies a pathway for us that we can walk every day into deeper relationship with God.Our Scripture for today comes from 1 Corinthians 14:15.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/4/20249 minutes, 44 seconds
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What is a Devotional?

Today in our week-long focus on the foundations of a quality time alone with God, we’re going to look at the devotional piece of our times together. I’m so excited to share the heart behind writing what you hear every day, and I know that our time together will help you get even more out of this space for God’s presence.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/3/20248 minutes, 2 seconds
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What is Worship?

Today we’ll continue our week looking at the foundation of a quality time alone with God by looking at the value of worship. Worship is perhaps the most foundational part of a quality time alone with God. It takes what can so often be a self-centered time, and empowers us to put God, with all his love and goodness, right at the center of our time instead.Get your copy of Rhythms today!More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/2/202411 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Does it Mean to have Time Alone with God?

This week we’ll spend time breaking down the individual components of First15 by sharing God’s desire for each of them. The majority of First15 is dedicated to encountering God and learning about his character, but every now and then we will cover some teaching and tools that will help in pursuing God to greater depths. This week we will get back to the basics and learn some spiritual disciplines that will help us encounter him in deeper, more transformative ways.Our Scripture for today comes from Psalm 27:8. More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries.
1/1/202411 minutes, 7 seconds
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God has so many incredible plans for you this year. He has so many dreams in his heart for you. And today as we create space for him, my hope is that he shares those dreams with us, that we could partner with him in running after the abundant life he has for each of us.More from First15Read today's devotional or listen to today's worship song at the First15 appDonate to First15 at supportfirst15.orgFirst15 is a brand of Denison Ministries. 
12/31/20239 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hope in God's Nearness

Today we’re going to take a look at the fresh hope we have in God’s nearness. God’s promise to be near to us as his people, and the great lengths he’s gone to commune with us in the Holy Spirit, has the power to change every moment of our lives. And one of the most powerful changes his nearness provides is hope, and the peace that comes with it.Our Scripture for today comes from Psalm 33:22, and today's worship is Closer by Brandon Lake. Has this podcast been a blessing to you? You can help make this a blessing for others as well, by giving a year-end donation to ensure we can continue producing this show and reach even more listeners in 2024.First15 has set a $378,160 goal to be reached by December 31 so that together, we can end the year strong and help more people connect with God in 2024. Click the link in the show notes or go to to give today.
12/30/20239 minutes, 8 seconds
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You Can Do All Things

As we continue our series allowing God to prepare us for the new year, today we’re going to look at the promise of God that we can do all things in his strength.My hope is that we’re filled with courage and hope today for what God can and will do in us as we make space to live and work in him in this new year.Our Scripture for today comes from Philippians 4:13, and today's worship is Center of All History by Steffany Gretzinger.Thanks for listening to today’s podcast, You Can Do All Things.We’re in the last days of our year-end campaign, where we’re seeking to raise $100,000 to wrap up 2018 in a place of strength for the new year. If God is moving in your life through this resource, please click here to support this space for his presence. Have a wonderful rest of your day, and may God bless you as you seek him.
12/29/202311 minutes, 16 seconds
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Trust in God’s Promise

In today’s devotional, we’re going to go deeper into the place of trust, seeking to open more of our hearts to our good and loving Father, so we can experience more of his promises, moment by moment. Without trust, we’ll miss out on so many of the gifts God wants to give us every day. Without trust, our hearts will be closed off to the fullness of what this life has to offer us. May we as God’s children trust him more fully today in response to his trustworthiness. Our Scripture for today comes from Isaiah 26:3–4, and today's worship is Take Me Home by Matthew McGinley. Check out our Worship for the Weekday playlist on Spotify! ________ Your gift will be DOUBLED to help more Spanish-speakers connect with God Two years ago, First15 began a Spanish version called Primeros15. And God is using it to impact many lives. But today, he’s calling us to more.  More Spanish-speaking men and women connecting with him and impacting the culture around them. That’s why we’ve just launched a summer campaign to deepen the reach and impact of Primeros15 — and why we’re asking you to jump in with us! We’ve set a $100,000 goal, and a generous $25,000 Matching Grant has been offered to double the impact of any gift given by July 31. So please give to help more Spanish-speakers connect with God. CLICK HERE TO GIVE
7/18/202110 minutes, 18 seconds
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Communion with God

Today we’ll explore what I hope is the fruit of every day’s devotional, communion with God. We serve a God who is simply after being with us. Every moment of every day is a chance to let God in, to live in real restored relationship with him. May God guide us ever closer to him as we create room for him to fill right now. Our Scripture for today comes from John 15:4-5, and today's worship is I Always Will by Vineyard Anaheim. ________ Last year felt like a wilderness and a desert in many ways. Yet in the midst of the fear, unrest, and anxiety, God moved. In fact, during 2020, over half a million men and women joined the First15 community! With all this growth, we need financial help to propel forward the mission to guide believers all around the world to experience God the first 15 minutes of their day. We’ve set a goal of seeing 221 new monthly donors come on board this first month of 2021. And we want to invite you to give your first gift as a First15 monthly partner today. Become A Monthly Partner! _____ First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website.   
1/5/20218 minutes, 51 seconds
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A Conversation with Val Woerner (Val Marie Paper/Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday)

Valerie Woerner is the owner of Val Marie Paper and author of Grumpy Mom Takes a Holiday and The Finishing School. Her mission is to create practical tools, including prompted prayer journals, and content that equips women to cut through the noise of everyday life and find fullness in the presence of the Lord. She lives in South Louisiana with her husband Tyler and two girls, Vivi and Vana.   To sign up for Val's prayer course we referenced, click here:      
11/11/201931 minutes, 47 seconds
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Misconceptions About God - An Interview with Stephen Murray

Our relationship with our earthly father often shapes how we view God.  Stephen Murray works with Forerunner Ministries to raise up mentors for those without a good example of a father's love.  To find out more about Forerunner Ministries, click here. You can also watch the video on our Youtube Vlog!  First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website.  Click here to help even more people encounter God through the ministry of First15.
10/30/201957 minutes, 17 seconds
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An Interview with Rise+Shine

Today we're talking with Bethany and Jordan Cranfield from an incredible ministry called Rise+Shine. Their mission is to come alongside the less fortunate in South Asia, helping them to rise above their current circumstances, and then train and release them to rise and shine in their communities. You don't want to miss this! For more information on Rise+Shine, click here!  
8/22/201953 minutes, 7 seconds
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Forgiving Yourself - Aug 19

As we reach the end of our weeklong focus on forgiveness, today we’re going to look at what it takes to forgive ourselves. For some of us, forgiving ourselves can be the hardest part of forgiveness. May God give us the grace to see ourselves as he does, and offer ourselves love, compassion, and forgiveness regardless of what we’ve done. Our Scripture for today comes from Proverbs 28:13, and today's worship is Always Have by Vertical Church Band. If you feel called to support First15 financially and double your impact today with a matching grant, you may give here or text GIVE15 to 50700. First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website. 
8/19/20199 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Life of Sacrifice - July 11

On the third day of our series on pursuing simple Christianity, we’re looking at what it means to live a life of sacrifice to God. May we discover what it means for our hearts, minds and will to be fully surrendered to Jesus, and in return may we find the abundant joy he has promised. He is trustworthy and true. And we will find the life God has planned for us when we surrender all to him. Our Scripture for today comes from Luke 9:23, and today's worship is I Surrender by Hillsong Worship. If you feel called to support First15 financially and double your impact today with a matching grant, you may give here or text GIVE15 to 50700. First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website. 
7/11/20199 minutes, 49 seconds
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Seeking God Through Worship - July 2

Worship through song is one of the most powerful ways to connect directly to the love, compassion, power, and grace of God. In worship, walls we’ve placed between God and us get torn down, just as God tore the veil at the death of Christ. In worship, our hearts become soft, aware, and open to the glorious majesties of God’s nearness. In worship, God makes his nearness known to us and fills us anew with the power of his manifest presence. Our Scripture for today comes from Psalm 27:14, and today's worship is Breathe by Influence Music feat. Matt Gilman. First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website. And, if you feel called to support First15 financially, you may give here. We'd love your feedback! Please help us improve our podcast by filling out our survey here.
7/2/201910 minutes, 19 seconds
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How Do I Lead My Family Like Jesus?

Join us in a conversation about how to lead your family in a way that honors Jesus. Jerrad, founder of Dad Tired, shares his story of becoming a better father and husband through the power of Jesus.  Dad Tired is a ministry specifically meant to reach fathers who are tired and looking for peace and rest in Jesus. The community is hundreds of thousands of men strong, and you can find them on all major podcast platforms. If you're a dad looking for help on how to raise your kids well and love your wife well, this ministry is for you. And if you're not, you probably know someone who is.  Listen to the Dad Tired podcast here.  First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website. And, if you feel called to support First15 financially, you may give here. We'd love your feedback! Please help us improve our podcast by filling out our survey here.    
5/23/201939 minutes, 12 seconds
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What is Inner Healing Prayer?

Are you curious about what Inner Healing Prayer is? Do you have deep hurts in your own life that you haven't yet submitted to the Lord in prayer? In this month's interview, Craig talks with a friend of the ministry, Bonnie, who does inner healing prayer ministry. Listen to learn more about what prayer for inner healing is, and to be encouraged by Bonnie's testimony.  And, we'd love to hear from you! If you want to help us better understand our podcast audience, please fill out the survey here! First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website. And, if you feel called to support First15 financially, you may give here.
3/28/201922 minutes, 2 seconds
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Rejoice in Hope - March 14

In our third episode in this week-long series on the marks of a true Christian, today we’re going to explore together what it means to rejoice in hope. In a world that can so often bring us down, so often appear to be without hope, today we have the opportunity to make room for God to give us his perspective, that we might rejoice in his hope. May God give us wisdom, joy, and eternal perspective today as we make space for him to fill. Our Scripture for day comes from Romans 12:12, and today's worship is Get Your Hopes Up by Josh Baldwin. First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website. And, if you feel called to support First15 financially, you may give here.
3/14/201912 minutes, 12 seconds
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Light and Dark - Nov 5

We live in the reality that there is both light and darkness around us at all times. This world has both good and evil, right and wrong. As believers we must grow in both our acceptance of this reality and our pursuit of the light. We must allow God to mold and shape us into those who rid ourselves of any darkness, become fully known to God, and allow his light to transform us into reflections of his Son. May the Lord open our eyes to see the glorious light before us this week. Welcome to the First15 podcast. Our Scripture for today comes from Ephesians 5:14, and today's worship is Let There Be Light by Hillsong Worship feat. Matt Crocker. Last week, we announced a really exciting new project we’re hoping to launch January 1st, called Primeros15. For the first time we’ll be offering our daily devotional for Spanish speaking believers in their original language. If God is stirring your heart to give First15 to another believer just like you, you can do so here. First15 is a daily devotional written and recorded by Craig Denison. If you would like to learn more about the First15 app, books, blogs, videos and our other resources, please visit You can always reach out to us on our contact page on the website. And, if you feel called to support First15 financially, you may give here.
11/5/201810 minutes, 4 seconds