Sometimes the truth is hard to hear. Sometimes it’s a little triggering and very uncomfortable. Yet, we all know that this space is where the true magic happens. Luckily for you, Monica Yates is like the best friend you never had. She gives it to you straight, without all the fluff, so that you can pursue more of what you desire in love, relationships and career. From emotional and energetic trauma/blocks to health, period problems, business and manifestation, Monica helps you get out of your own way to become the version of you that has only been a dream, until now.
393: WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS (Or a Black Eye): How to Handle Life’s Inevitable Curveballs
333: The Reality of Real Relationships [Not Just What You See On Instagram]
Today, Monica’s giving it to you straight — the REALITY of real relationships. Like not the fluffy stuff you see on Instagram… but the real-deal of what healthy relationships look like behind-the-scenes [and you might be surprised just how *normal* your relationship actually is!?].
Whether you’re single or in a relationship, this episode has GOLD for you! Monica’s dishing out secrets and giving you an insider scoop on her relationship with her fiancé, and she’s naming the things that others seem to be too afraid to say, but ummm… we’re ALL thinking them!? 😅
This episode is a breath of fresh freaking air. And there’s something in it for everyone!
So tune in to hear Monica share:
🔥 What healthy relationships are ACTUALLY like behind-the-scenes
🔥 Why it’s okay if your man isn’t into the “woo woo” like you are
🔥 Getting out of the comparison trap with other relationships on Instagram
🔥 Why it’s normal to have doubts *sometimes* in your relationship
🔥 The dangerous overuse of the terms NARCISSIST & GASLIGHTING
🔥 Why not wanting to have sex all the time can actually be healthy
🔥 What the trend of masculine/feminine on Instagram is forgetting to mention
🔥 The part that passion plays in the way we communicate
🔥 Why the ability to call yourself out and not self-sabotage is so vital
🔥 Why we need to change how we’re showing up in relationships
🔥 The importance of boundaries & independence in a relationship
🔥 How to know whether or not you’re in a healthy relationship
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Sign Up For The Free “Understanding Your Trauma” Masterclass:
Embodiment of Dating No. 2:
Be A Lover, Not A Mother:
Feminine Female Breadwinner:
How To Surrender with Ease Podcast Episode:
Monica’s Love Story Episodes (3 parts):
Email from Paris (How to create independence when you’re so f*cking in love):
Monica’s Instagram:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
All of the Freebies/Downloads:
Join Monica’s Email List:
2024 NYC and/or Paris Immersion:
1:1 Coaching (3 or 6 month):
Mini 1:1 Package:
Queen Alchemy Round 13:
Full Podcast Directory:
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
10/11/2023 • 43 minutes, 21 seconds
332: Breaking Down The ‘Alpha Male’ vs. The ‘Soft Boi’
The Dangers of Buying Into The Narrative of “Toxic Masculinity” & How To Support Your Man To *Rise*
Another juicy episode for you, ladies AND men - and it’s an important episode *especially* in our culture today. Monica’s breaking down the difference between the “ALPHA MALE” & the “SOFT BOI” and how integral this is to our thriving as a society. We need this now more than ever!
She’s debunking myths about how the “alpha male” is inherently “toxic,” and shedding some light on the dangers of the “soft boi” & the way we’re conditioning boys, and men, today to be too feminine… this is a BIG topic, and one that you’ll definitely want to share and circle back to again & again!
Monica’s covering:
🌶️ Common traits of the “soft boi” and the healthy vs unhealthy “alpha male”
🌶️ The real meaning of “toxic masculinity” and how we’ve twisted it today
🌶️ How what we consider “toxic” will look different for all of us
🌶️ How dangerous it is to have men who are too soft & the primal nature of men
🌶️ The difference between inherent masculine traits vs feminine traits
🌶️ How trauma affects intimate relationships and leads to lacking trust
🌶️ Why men feel inherently “wrong” & how this affects sub/dom in relationships
🌶️ The danger of saying “all men need to apologize”
🌶️ Understanding your reticular activating system
🌶️ How mothers of boys play a pivotal role in raising good men
🌶️ Why there aren’t enough “good men” to marry today
🌶️ How you *actually* break the patterns of intergenerational trauma
🌶️ Things that women can be doing to support a man’s “alpha male” in coming out
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Sign Up For The Free “Understanding Your Trauma” Masterclass:
The Man:
Feminine Female Breadwinner:
Podcast on “my man won’t lead me” :
Podcast on “how to be a good mother to boys” :
Podcast on “intergenerational trauma” :
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
The Boundaries Masterclass:
Monica’s Instagram:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
All of the Freebies/Downloads:
Join Monica’s Email List:
2024 NYC and/or Paris Immersion:
1:1 Coaching (3 or 6 month):
Mini 1:1 Package:
Queen Alchemy Round 13:
Full Podcast Directory:
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
10/4/2023 • 49 minutes, 45 seconds
331: PART 2 - Why Your Nervous System Is Key To Weight Loss & Full Health
Today, we’re talking about the area of your health that TikTok trends have missed—and that is your NERVOUS SYSTEM & how key it is to weight loss (and whole body health).
Monica’s cutting through the overwhelm and the conflicting advice that’s all over the internet, and she’s giving you REAL and tangible tips to thrive in every area of your health. Don’t wait for a diagnosis, or for something to be wrong for you to take control of your health. Do it today. CHOOSE to thrive. You deserve it. And Monica’s going to break down for you HOW.
(If you haven’t listened to part 1 yet, start there to get the most out of this topic--link below!!)
She’s talking:
🍋 the role your nervous system plays in your health
🍋 why body work and somatic healing are so important
🍋 why expanders are so key for our growth
🍋 how you CAN change your physical health now
🍋 how being so distracted from what’s happening in our lives is harming our health
🍋 the problem with being “skinny fat” is and why it’s harmful for your health
🍋 why the quality of the food matters more than the quantity
🍋 why losing weight is not just about “eating less”
🍋 the difference between wanting to lose weight from self hate vs self love
🍋 integrating your healing with embodiment & why you can’t override the physical body
🍋 why processing your emotions and detoxing your liver is vital to your physical health
🍋 questions to ask yourself to gauge why you’re not losing the weight even though you’re “doing everything”
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Listen to PART 1 of this episode:
Sign Up For The Free “Understanding Your Trauma” Masterclass:
Trauma Cycle Podcast Episode:
2024 NYC and/or Paris Immersion:
Monica’s Instagram:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
All of the Freebies/Downloads:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Queen Alchemy Round 13:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
Full Podcast Directory:
BTS Bubble:
1:1 Coaching (3 or 6 month):
Mini 1:1 Package:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
9/29/2023 • 29 minutes, 59 seconds
330: PART 1 - The Fundamentals Of Whole Body Health (ps. it’s okay to want to lose weight)
In a day and age with social media and ALL of the opinions, tips, tricks, and advice at our fingertips — losing weight and getting healthy can feel more confusing than ever, right!? Pair that with the “body positivity” movement and indulging in shit food as “self-care,” and we’re also FEELING worse than ever.
Well, in this week’s two-part episode, Monica is clearing it ALL up of you and giving you the clear, tangible areas to focus on for *whole body* health & thriving. She’s reminding you that while healthy is NOT a certain size, you also don’t have to feel shame for wanting to lose weight. And if you don’t want to lose weight, but you want to optimize your health — this two-part episode has everything you need to know!!
She’s talking:
🍋 weight loss as a form of self-love
🍋 where we’ve gotten it wrong with the “body positivity” message
🍋 other forms of self-care besides eating shit foods
🍋 the confusion and stress and overwhelm wreaking havoc on our bodies
🍋 how to get to a place here you won’t even have to think about eating healthy
🍋 why you have to look at the whole body when you want to lose weight
🍋 the role that energetics & hormones plays in your health
🍋 why people pleasers are, a lot of times, chronically ill
🍋 the dangerously low tester one levels in men today
🍋 the fastest way to get results in your health, whatever your goals might be
🍋 why women actually need body fat & shouldn’t strive for a flat stomach
🍋 the keys to finally loving yourself and quitting the yo-yo dieting
🍋 the behind-the-scenes of Monica’s weight loss journey after her ski accident
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Energetic Weight Loss Podcast Episode:
Monica’s Favourite Products Page:
Get 40% off your first order on Thrive Market:
The Pilates Class:
Bailey Brown’s Pilates:
Ski Accident Reel:
2024 NYC and/or Paris Immersion:
1:1 Coaching (3 or 6 month):
Mini 1:1 Package:
Monica’s Instagram:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
All of the Freebies/Downloads:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Queen Alchemy Round 13:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
Full Podcast Directory:
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
9/27/2023 • 48 minutes, 44 seconds
329: WWMD: "My Man Won't Lead"
In this juicy quickie episode, Monica is giving you her honest answer to the popular question of: “I’ve done everything I can to be in my feminine, but what if my man still won’t lead me?”
Tune in as she explores the many layers to this question and if you’re in this situation—what she would recommend to do next to get your man to *finally* step up & lead. 🔥
As Mentioned In The Episode —
"The Lazy Boy" and Thus "The Bitter Bitch" Blog Post:
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
Monica’s Instagram:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
All of the Freebies/Downloads:
Join Monica’s Email List:
2024 NYC and/or Paris Immersion:
Queen Alchemy Round 13:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
Full Podcast Directory:
BTS Bubble:
1:1 Coaching (3 or 6 month):
Mini 1:1 Package:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
9/22/2023 • 24 minutes, 41 seconds
328: The Correlation Between Men, Money, & Receivership
**Why Making More Money and Letting Him Lead Feels Scary As Hell (And How To Change It)**
MEN + MONEY. 💸🔥 Two very-much “taboo” topics in today’s society — but we all know Monica isn’t afraid of a little controversial, “off limits” conversation, right!? 🫦 So buckle up, friends, because today she is speaking straight FIRE.
She’s sharing tons of juicy details on the correlation between men and money, and she’s giving you tangible action steps to implement right away to actually begin seeing a shift in your relationship with both (and therefore, finally creating and attracting more of what you want)! Grab your notebooks, settle in, and write this homework down!
This conversation discusses:
💦 why fatigue doesn’t just mean that you’re tired (and what it’s trying to tell you)
💦 how every single thing is connected in your life
💦 how opening yourself up to receive more will literally change your life
💦 why your triggers are your doorway to growth
💦 why receiving more requires you to actually feel safe to *hold* more
💦 unsubscribing from beliefs that don’t serve you & changing your story
💦 how receiving his masculine leadership allows you to receive your money & manifestations
💦 healing the wound of “I don’t want to ask for too much”
💦 how to know if you’re in your feminine or masculine energy
💦 why your “control freak” tendencies are keeping you from everything you want
💦 what to do if you don’t have time for all the practices, rituals, and morning routines
💦 why your body is addicted to dopamine and your adrenals are f*cked
💦 why receiving a lot of money feels scary
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Updates Podcast Episode Link:
“Busy Woman’s Guide To Cycle Syncing” Free Download (and other freebies):
Join Monica’s Email List:
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
Monica’s Instagram:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
1:1 Coaching (3 or 6 month):
Mini 1:1 Package:
2024 NYC Immersion:
Europe Immersion 2024 Waitlist:
Queen Alchemy Round 13:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
Full Podcast Directory:
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
9/20/2023 • 44 minutes, 12 seconds
327: Playing The Long Game In Business: The Myth Of The “Overnight Success” + How To Build Authority, Sign Dream Clients, Balance Your Biz/Relationship, And Live A Decadent Life with Samantha Daily
This conversation between Monica and Samantha is seriously going to go down in history as one of the most important conversations EVER to listen to as a business owner, or an aspiring business owner. WOW. Monica was right when she said get two Sagittarius’ in a room wearing RED and it’s sure to be spicy!! And this one does NOT disappoint. 🔥
In this episode, the girls are covering the TRUTH about what it looks like to play at a high level in business, they’re exposing some shady practices of the industry today (don’t fall for these traps!!), and they’re reminding you that hard work IS absolutely required to build a successful business—but you don’t have to burn yourself out doing it.
Together, they go into ALL the juicy details of exactly where to start and what to focus on—including:
💎 how to handle the sister wounding that shows up in business
💎 how the coaching industry has changed over the years (inc. the dark side no one’s talking about!!)
💎 navigating the fear/challenge of juggling a relationship and growing a business
💎 the mindset shifts that had an impact on Samantha creating her dream business
💎 things you’re doing wrong in business today that are holding you back from success
💎 debunking the myth of the “overnight success” & why context in success stories matters
💎 why business coaching isn’t always the best ROI compared to other types of coaching
💎 how to build authority in a way that does not involve sharing how much $$ you make
💎 why creating POLARITY matters in your marketing, especially in today’s social media climate
💎 the truth about finances in business & what it actually looks like to play at a higher level
💎 why living your life to the fullest & taking big risks is so much more important than $$
GUEST BIO: Samantha Smith is a Spiritual Business & Mindset Coach, certified Past Life Regression Practitioner & top podcast host from New York. Her journey into the world of self-development began after she graduated college and decided to take the untraditional path by turning down her corporate job offers and moving to Europe. She packed her life into two suitcases and left everything behind to explore the world, expand her mind and find her purpose. Now, as a professional coach she helps women all over the world rewire their subconscious minds, build successful businesses, attract love & money, and manifest their dreams by empowering them with elite mindset tools and powerful daily rituals.
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Connect with Samantha Smith:
The Feminine CEO:
Business Journal Prompts Download (and other freebies):
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
2024 NYC Immersion:
Europe Immersion 2024 Waitlist:
Monica’s Instagram:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Queen Alchemy Round 13:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
Full Podcast Directory:
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected].
9/13/2023 • 1 hour, 16 minutes, 3 seconds
326: A Guy’s Guide To Periods: How To Optimize Sex, Intimacy, Communication, & Time In Your Relationship By Getting To Know HER Cycle (this is a MUST KNOW for every man!!)
Okay, ladies, this episode is a MUST for your man!! Here’s the best way to utilize this epi: YOU listen, take notes, see what aligns with your cycle & note what’s *different* about each phase of your cycle than what Monica shared about hers, and then SEND THIS EPISODE ASAP to your man—bonus points if you schedule time in your calendar to sit down & talk about it together. And actually discuss the nitty gritty.
This should be a non-negotiable in every relationship, really.
Monica’s diving into some juicy, need-to-know details about why women are “so different” depending on where they’re at in their cycle, and why this matters so much. If you want to truly optimize your sex life, intimacy, communication, and your TIME together (and separately)—you don’t want to miss this!!
In this episode, Monica’s covering:
🌶️ the four different phases of your woman’s cycle—you NEED to know this, men!
🌶️ why she’s acting/responding so differently throughout the month
🌶️ when the best time is for you to go out with the guys without her getting pissed
🌶️ the type of sex women *actually* want (and yes it changes!!)
🌶️ the best time to tackle hard conversations together
🌶️ why the deeper healing work is so important
🌶️ other ways to turn her on and introduce foreplay outside of the bedroom
🌶️ how to treat her like a QUEEN while she bleeds (and why this is a win-win for you too)
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Dude’s Guide To Periods (Free PDF):
Join Monica’s Email List:
The Man:
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
2024 NYC Immersion:
Europe Immersion 2024 Waitlist:
Queen Alchemy Round 13:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
Monica’s Instagram:
Full Podcast Directory:
Business Journal Prompts Download (and other freebies):
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected].
9/6/2023 • 55 minutes, 15 seconds
325: How To Set Yourself Up For Being THAT Mumma In Postpartum & Motherhood - Optimizing Fertility & Cultivating Your Village with Millie Poppins (Men, listen to this!!)
Let’s just say that today’s conversation with Millie Poppins, a Motherhood Mentor & Baby Care Expert with over ten years of experience, is one you’ll want to definitely take notes on & then immediately send the link to your man because he NEEDS to be in on this too!! We’re talking about preparing for babies, caring for babies — and how we can truly THRIVE through becoming parents instead of just merely surviving. 🫶🏻
Whether you’re a new mother, a mother-to-be, or are planning on becoming a mother one day in the future (especially if you’re a working mother or plan to be)…this is a must-listen for you!
There is sooo much beautiful wisdom and advice that Millie and Monica unpack together around:
🌹 the biggest challenges & myths of postpartum and new motherhood
🌹 how to set yourself up for the most beautiful postpartum period
🌹 things men can also do to prepare themselves before baby comes/before conception even
🌹 why birth prep is for men AND women, and fertility is just as much a man’s responsibility
🌹 a bit on how Monica and her fiancé are preparing *now* for future babies
🌹 healthy choices you can make to start improving your health slowly over time
🌹 what a “day in the life” of a nanny looks like & how she supports the mother/family
🌹 basic tips for new mothers or mothers-to-be to help juggle work & motherhood
🌹 ways to care for a new mother that might not be what you think
🌹 the biggest myths you’ve helped women debunk around motherhood🌹 the necessities women need to align in their life before conception if possible
🌹 setting your business up for new motherhood and why hiring NOW is key
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Connect with Millie Poppins :
Join Monica’s Email List:
The Man:
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
2024 NYC Immersion:
Europe Immersion 2024 Waitlist:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Monica’s Instagram:
Full Podcast Directory:
Business Journal Prompts Download (and other freebies):
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected].
8/30/2023 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 35 seconds
324: What's Coming Up Next? | Program Launches, In-Person Events, PLUS How I'm Shifting My Content & The Way I Show Up On Instagram Going Into Wedding Season + Preparing For Motherhood
A little quickie “news broadcast” style episode to share more on what you can expect from MYH coming up over the next 6 months to a year! Monica’s sharing the nitty gritty on upcoming program launches, juicy details about upcoming in-person events, PLUS how she’s shifting the way she shows up on Instagram in the coming months going into wedding season (her DREAM!!) + preparing for motherhood in the next couple of years. ❤️
***Skip to minute 10:36 if you want to skip the program updates and simply hear the shifts she’s making on social media!***
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Join Monica’s Email List:
Queen Alchemy:
**QA Round 12 registration closes on August 30, 2023 || Round 13 begins in February 2024**
The Man:
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
2024 NYC Immersion:
Europe Immersion 2024 Waitlist:
Monica’s Book Waitlist (coming out March 2024):
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Monica’s Instagram:
Full Podcast Directory:
Business Journal Prompts Download (and other freebies):
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected].
8/25/2023 • 20 minutes, 5 seconds
323: How To Be "Empoweredly Submissive" In Your Relationship, Business, & Manifestations - AKA Everything You Need To Know About Softening Into Your Feminine, Boundaries, and Trauma
Today’s new podcast episode (323) is all about how to be “empoweredly submissive” — and, yes, Monica knows that “empoweredly” is not actually a word, but she’s making it one as she unpacks the topic of feminine submission, and spoiler alert… it might not be what you think.
Listen now for everything you need to know about the correlation between being able to soften into your feminine, boundaries, and your trauma. You might be surprised at how GOOD and empowering this conversation feels for your nervous system.
In this episode, Monica’s discussing:
🌶️ Why you can “know” how to be feminine, but still struggle with living it naturally
🌶️ Why submissiveness is not a trauma response, it’s a choice
🌶️ How our constant need for validation & being accepted inhibits us from releasing control
🌶️ What it means to be “empoweredly submissive”
🌶️ Redefining what “empowered” looks like for you
🌶️ How to stand up for yourself & express your boundaries in the moment
🌶️ Why when you are in your body, you know what alignment and regulation looks like
🌶️ What to know about boundaries & trauma
🌶️ Why you’re probably overthinking everything
🌶️ Why you might have a hard time deciphering what is a yes and what is a no
🌶️ Why people get into trauma bonds and normalize toxic behaviours
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Trauma Cycle Episode (on YT so you can see the image):
Queen Alchemy:
Boundaries Masterclass:
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
1:1 Coaching for Women:
1:1 Coaching for Men:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Monica’s Instagram:
Full Podcast Directory:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Business Journal Prompts Download (and other freebies):
Monica’s Meditations:
BTS Bubble:
2024 NYC Immersion:
The Man:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected].
8/23/2023 • 46 minutes, 33 seconds
322: Everything You Need To Know About How Trauma Affects Your Comfort Zone (Hint: You NEED This If You Want To Expand)
321: THE BARBIE MOVIE - Monica's Hot Take On Empowerment, Emasculation, Feminism, And Where Did Nicholas Sparks Go!?!
You asked, and Monica’s excited to deliver! Today, she’s giving you her unfiltered, fiery hot take on the BARBIE MOVIE. All of the cringe moments included.
We’ve seriously never received this many DM’s at one time on any topic before.. you guys seriously want the tea! ;) So after a date night out to see the movie, plus a couple more hours of putting together her notes for this episode… the conversation you’ve all been waiting for is ready! 🔥
In today’s episode, she’s covering:
🎀 Why they’ve made Barbie the “empowering feminist icon”
🎀 How the character of Barbie has changed over the years
🎀 How television/movies/media is programming us
🎀 The biggest problems with this movie, for young girls especially
🎀 The breakdown of the agenda they’re pushing with this movie
🎀 The issues with modern-day feminism
🎀 How trauma plays into relationship dynamics
🎀 What was most frustrating for Monica when she was watching
🎀 Why feminism has destroyed true sisterhood
🎀 French culture and the difference in beauty standards
🎀 What empowerment *really* means
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Queen Alchemy:
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
Full Podcast Directory:
2024 NYC Immersion:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Business Journal Prompts Download (and other freebies):
Monica’s Meditations:
BTS Bubble:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
8/9/2023 • 57 minutes, 28 seconds
320: The Mother Wound And Its Link To Your Feminine Blueprint, Plus Why Our Generation Is Obsessed With Being A "Girl Boss"
Well we talked all things the daddy wound in episode 318 (linked below), it only makes sense that we unpack the MOMMY wound next, yeah!?
So that’s what today’s episode is alllllll about! Monica is giving you the nitty gritty on what the mother wound is, how it shows up for both men AND women, and why it might be what’s holding you back from being where you want to be in your life.
Today’s episode covers:
🌹 why the “strong independent woman” blueprint is so prevalent in our generation today
🌹 why trying to earn your parent’s love is a never-ending cycle (that isn’t worth it)
🌹 Monica’s experience with her own mother growing up
🌹 the difference between empowerment & coming home to yourself
🌹 how the mother wound shows up in men vs how it shows up in women
🌹 the importance of somatic work (vs just mindset) for full healing
🌹 how the isolation during covid impacted us and our nervous systems
🌹 why soooo many women are chronic overthinkers
🌹 where a lot of our body image & weight issues come from
🌹 questions to ask yourself to know which program of Monica’s would be best for you
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Daddy Wound Episode:
How to Prevent Trauma in Your Children Episode:
The Difference Between Dominating Her & Being Aggressive Episode:
Pop-Up LA One-Day Event:
Queen Alchemy:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
The Man Program:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Business Journal Prompts Download (and other freebies):
Monica’s Meditations:
BTS Bubble:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
Full Podcast Directory:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
8/2/2023 • 33 minutes, 19 seconds
319: The Gifts & Shadows Of The '4 Flavours Of The Feminine' - Creating Your Own Feminine Blueprint, Plus How This Relates To Your Business & Branding
We’re unraveling the multi-faceted expression of the FEMININE in today’s podcast… one of the topics that Monica is not only most known for, but is also asked about constantly — the idea of being more in our feminine, and what that even means or looks like for us as individuals.
Monica is teaching you her signature methodology on the FOUR main flavours of the feminine, and is giving you full permission to ditch the “shoulds” and create your OWN feminine blueprint, meaning complete freedom in your self-expression and style (and if you have a business — total freedom in your branding & marketing there too). 🙌🏻
In this episode, she’s dishing on:
🔥 how we pigeon hole ourselves into what the feminine *should* look like
🔥 how your childhood plays a role in what “feminine” means to you
🔥 creating your OWN feminine blueprint
🔥 tangible examples of how Monica expresses in her feminine
🔥 misconceptions about branding that might be holding you back
🔥 why you can’t stick to one thing as a woman, but men can
🔥 the illusion of safety through pigeon-holing your feminine
🔥 the gifts & shadows of each of the four flavours of the feminine
🔥 how this can show up in your relationship
🔥 healing your trauma to shift through all of your different flavors
🔥 how your expression of the feminine plays into your business & branding
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Queen Alchemy:
Business Journal Prompts Download (and other freebies):
The Feminine CEO:
Rome Guide:
Paris Guide:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Monica’s Meditations:
Waitlist for the LA One-Day Event:
BTS Bubble:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
Full Podcast Directory:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
7/26/2023 • 40 minutes, 48 seconds
318: Unpacking The Daddy Wound - Why The Majority Of Women Have It (Even If You Had The Idyllic Childhood), Plus How It's Holding You Back From Feeling Safe In Your Life, Relationships, & Business
DADDY WOUNDS. We’ve all got them to some degree (especially as women), and the truth is - they could be what’s holding you back from feeling truly safe in your life, business, and relationship — and therefore the very thing that’s keeping you from manifesting what it is that you want! 🤯
So in today’s episode, Monica is giving you the full scoop on all things daddy wounds and how they could be showing up in your life. It’s time to identify whether or not you’re carrying this trauma (even if you had the “idyllic childhood”) and how to begin healing it!
She’s talking:
🥀 Why when clients tell Monica that they “don’t have any trauma,” she knows there’s something there
🥀 How the daddy wound shows up differently for men and women
🥀 What to look for to know if you have a “daddy wound”
🥀 Why you can’t guide yourself to get to the root and heal (even if you “do this work”)
🥀 The root of the fear of abandonment that you might not realize
🥀 Why our wounds can differ so much between siblings
🥀 Why Monica’s healing modalities are so unique
🥀 The power of understanding the opposite sex (and how this is important as parents!!)
🥀 Why we should have grace for our fathers (and our husbands/partners becoming fathers)
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Energetic Weight Podcast Episode:
How to Prevent Trauma in Your Children Episode:
The Difference in Men & Women’s Brains Episode:
Full Podcast Directory:
Your Perfect Period:
Queen Alchemy:
Monica’s Meditations:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Waitlist for the LA One-Day Event:
All the freebies:
BTS Bubble:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
7/19/2023 • 28 minutes, 31 seconds
317: They’re Putting Profit Over People’s Health - Everything You Need To Know (and what you haven’t heard yet) In Order To Make EDUCATED Choices When It Comes To Your Food & Water with Courtney Swan
Monica’s conversation with Courtney Swan of @realfoodology is about to blow your MIND. Truly. We’re going beyond the basics and having an unfiltered conversation on everything you NEED to know to make the most educated choices for yourself and your health and your vitality.
Whether you live in the US (where things are REALLY f*cking scary - but don’t worry, Monica & Courtney are going to tell you exactly what to do), or in Europe or Australia or anywhere in the world — there is GOLD for you in this episode. It’s time to take your power back, and know that you DO have more control of your health than you might think.
Topics covered in this episode:
🔥 Ingredients that are terrible for you that you might not even realize
🔥 Why they want you addicted to sh*t foods
🔥 The truth about chronic dis-ease today and how much power you DO have over your health
🔥 Glyphosate and other pesticides - and how they’re harming our health
🔥 Do you really NEED to eat organic!?
🔥 Choosing how you eat is a form of self-respect OR self-hatred
🔥 The scary truth about our tap water, especially in the US
🔥 HOW to find out what’s really in your tap water
🔥 How your makeup & skincare affects your fertility, and what brands to choose
🔥 3 things everyone needs to be doing for optimal physical health (beyond the basics)
🔥 How grass-fed beef is THEE superfood of all superfoods
🔥 Thinking critically and making educated choices for yourself
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Connect with Courtney Swan of @realfoodology:
Monica’s Recent Episode on Courtney’s Podcast, Realfoodology:
Men & Money Bundle:
Podcast Directory:
Your Perfect Period:
Queen Alchemy:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Waitlist for the LA One-Day Event:
All the freebies:
BTS Bubble:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
7/12/2023 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 8 seconds
316: Monica’s Hot Take on Porn & Porn “Addiction” in Your Relationship - Sexual Desires, Shame, Comparisonitis, Double Standards, and How to Have Hard Conversations with Your Partner on Touchy Topics
ASK, & you shall receive. Ooooh this conversation is a HOT-button one. Monica has been asked her take on porn & porn “addiction” for yearsssss, and today she’s finally give it to you straight (no chaser)…
In this episode, Monica’s covering:
🌶️ Why CONTEXT matters when it comes to deeming literally anything “good” or “bad”
🌶️ The truth about the growth & open-mindedness required in healthy relationships
🌶️ Understanding your man and the way his brain works
🌶️ The poison of comparisonitis, especially as women
🌶️ The difference between male & female pleasure (and therefore how we get off)
🌶️ The dangerous double standard when it comes to men & women
🌶️ The signs that there is something much BIGGER going on
🌶️ The intricate blend that’s required if you don’t want your partner to do something anymore
🌶️ Being the MUSE for your man
🌶️ The importance of valuing yourself and your relationship
🌶️ How to have a healthy conversation with your partner about porn (or other hot-button topics)
🌶️ What to do if you’re not getting what you want in your relationship
Honestly, her take on this topic might actually surprise you! OR it might also trigger you. BUT she invites you to listen with an open heart, and an open mind, and just see how this lands for you.
Whether it’s porn or drinking or other habits or sticky situations you’re navigating in your relationship right now — this episode holds the keys to give you your power back in whatever way that looks for you. ❤️🔥
As Mentioned In The Episode —
“Are They A Narcissist?” Podcast Episode:
Men & Money Bundle:
The Man:
The Boundaries Masterclass:
Queen Alchemy:
Waitlist for the LA One-Day Event:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Podcast Directory:
All the freebies:
BTS Bubble:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected].
7/5/2023 • 45 minutes, 47 seconds
315: How To Manifest Your Man (or Turn Up The Polarity in Your Current Relationship): The Art of Masculine Claiming, Feminine Receivership, and The Often Missed KEY Pieces in Manifestation
In this episode, Monica is giving you the juice on all things ‘manifesting your man + reigniting polarity’ because you deserve the DREAM relationship. She’s giving you the tips + tools to know exactly where to focus your time, energy, and resources to finally find your soulmate or reignite that SPARK that you’re missing in your current romantic relationship. ❤️🔥
Here’s a taste of what she’s breaking down for you:
🌶️ The health of your relationship = the health of your polarity
🌶️ Taking responsibility vs surrendering and trusting the divine timing
🌶️ Masculine claiming and the feminine state of being
🌶️ Why you NEED to heal your shit + “the onion” analogy
🌶️ The power of embodying your Queen energy
🌶️ Monica’s fiancé’s exact words of why he was drawn to her
🌶️ Navigating dating fatigue + creating energetic space
🌶️ The importance of ACTION in manifesting your man
🌶️ How to turn the volume up on your radiance and your magnetism
🌶️ The pieces that are often skipped over when manifesting that are KEY
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Men & Money Bundle:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Monica’s Love Story Podcast Episodes —
Plus, visit the full podcast directory for even MORE!
All the freebies:
Queen Alchemy (Round 12):
BTS Bubble:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
6/28/2023 • 58 minutes, 59 seconds
314: The Fundamentals of Emasculation: Why We as Women Emasculate Our Men (When Really ALL WE WANT is for Him to Step Up + LEAD US)
Emasculation & letting HIM lead is one of the topics that Monica is most well-known for, and for damn good reason. This is an important conversation that needs to be had, especially in today’s culture, and she’s going right into the heart of it in today’s episode! 🙌🏻
This doesn’t just apply to women who have male partners - this also applies to women interacting with MEN in every day life. Whether it’s your father or brother, raising son(s), coworkers, or even the men you interact with at the grocery store or in your everyday life. Emasculation is a dis-ease that is harming our society, and we as women have the power to rewrite the narrative! Let’s goooo!!
***IMPORTANT TIMESTAMPS Monica wants you to be aware of:
24:51 Questions to ask yourself
26:04 Common ways we emasculate
Inside this episode:
🔥 What emasculation even means
🔥 Why we emasculate men
🔥 How this applies to how we mother our sons
🔥 The key being to actually LET him lead
🔥 The alpha woman & the problem with modern-day feminism
🔥 The different archetypes & seasons of being a woman
🔥 Our power to choose a different reality
🔥 Common ways we emasculate
🔥 Questions for women to reflect on this
🔥 The difference between men & women’s brains
🔥 How this difference in our brains affects our communication
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Men & Money Bundle:
Queen Alchemy (Round 12):
Join Monica’s Email List:
All the freebies:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Podcast episode on preventing trauma in your kids:
More podcast episodes on this topic:
Visit the full podcast directory for even MORE - scroll to the “Relationships, Dating, Sex, Emasculation, & Feminine Pleasure” section!
BTS Bubble:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
6/21/2023 • 51 minutes, 55 seconds
313: Guided Meditation to Shift Your State Back to Abundance, Expansion & Purpose
Today’s episode is a special one, and it’s a bit different than what you might be used to around here. Monica is gifting you an exclusive, never-heard-before, channeled meditation that you can return to again & again to shift your state.
Her intention with this practice is that you will feel expanded, tapped into the infinite abundant energy that already exists within you, and aligned with the most empowered, trustworthy version of yourself. This meditation will bring you back to your core purpose and natural state whenever you need it.
Make sure to save this one to revisit often, and share with anyone you know who you feel would benefit from this guided practice.
Pour yourself a mug of cacao, get comfy, close your eyes, and allow yourself to simply receive. ✨
Important Links For More —
Meditations + Meditation Bundle:
MMM Level 2:
Men & Money Bundle:
Join Monica’s Email List:
BTS Bubble:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
6/15/2023 • 13 minutes, 44 seconds
312: How to Operate at a High Vibrational Frequency to Attract in Unlimited Abundance & The Real Reason You're Not Getting What You Want
In today’s podcast, Monica is giving you her top tips to help you shift back into your natural state of abundance, expansion, and “lucky girl syndrome” - without needing a whole 3 hour morning routine to do it. We’re talking about being intentional in the micromoments in a way that will change your whole life.
In this episode, you’ll be diving into:
🔥 The importance of consistency in anything in life
🔥 Why your car is a vortex for expansion
🔥 How the Universe is like “Google Maps”
🔥 An easy somatic practice to align with what you want
🔥 How you’re holding yourself back & why you’re not getting what you want
🔥 The law of assumption aka “lucky girl syndrome”
🔥 Stacking your manifestations
This episode is a powerful one, and if you integrate what she breaks down for you in this episode - we’re not kidding when we say that you very well could upgrade your entire life. ENJOY! 💋
As Mentioned In The Episode —
“Stretch Phase” Episode:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Meditations + Meditation Bundle:
The Feminine CEO:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
MMM Level 2:
Men & Money Bundle:
BTS Bubble:
Queen Alchemy (Round 12) Extended Payment Plan:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
6/14/2023 • 37 minutes, 46 seconds
311: She's Baring It All - A Deep Dive Into Astrology through Monica's Birth Chart: Compatibility, Purpose, and Wellness Routines with Carolina Salazar
In today’s new episode, we’re talking all things astrology. That’s right! Monica is baring it all - up close & vulnerable - as her girlfriend Carolina shares what’s written in the stars for Monica and her purpose/business, her relationship with her fiancé, friends, and her clients; and how she best moves through life.
Here’s a rundown of some of key things their conversation covers:
🌹 Are birth charts ACTUALLY legit!?
🌹 Breaking down the language of astrology
🌹 The best place to grab your chart as you follow along
🌹 The benefit of having your chart read by a professional
🌹 How to use astrology to support you rather than limit you
🌹 Compatibility - are Monica and her fiancé a good match!?
🌹 The biggest lesson Monica is being asked to learn right now
🌹 Learning to express our inner polarities in a healthy way
🌹 How Monica balances travel, business, and her relationships
Plus - the girls dive into Monica’s top tips for supporting your body during stressful times, what stress/digestion/the nervous system have to do with one another, and their favorite wellness routines & habits to support their best life.
Even though this conversation is a live reading of Monica’s birth chart - you’re SURE to find something you can walk away with and implement in your life to uplevel your mindset, your health, and your routines. 🍋🔥 AND you’re definitely going to want to run and grab your own birth chart ASAP to see what’s written in the stars for you! 👅
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Meditations + Meditation Bundle:
The Feminine CEO:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
(NEW!!) Business Journal Prompts Freebie:
Men & Money Bundle:
Carolina's Stan Store:
Carolina's Instagram:
+++++BTS Bubble:
Queen Alchemy (Round 12) Extended Payment Plan:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT: 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
6/7/2023 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
310: Business Q+A - Real Talk on "Flopped" Launches, Getting Clients, Staying Motivated, Cash Flow & More
Pour a cup of decaf and pull up a seat for some real talk and major truth bombs on all things BUSINESS in this exclusive Q+A.. it’s everything you guys wanted to know, and Monica does NOT hold back! 🔥
🌹 03:00 - How did you learn your healing techniques?
🌹 06:00 - Have you ever experienced a flopped launch or no one buying plus how did you navigate it?
🌹 13:21 - Tips for working from the feminine and managing anxiety around work?
🌹 15:46 - How do you use manifesting in your business
🌹 17:00 - Did you have a vision of how big your business would be before you started or did that come?
🌹 19:05 - Did you ever have to go into debt or invest before making bank?
🌹 23:33 - Who did you go to first to help you set up your business - lawyer or financial advisor - not sure where to start?
🌹 25:34 - How did you establish/embody authority in the space you work in?
🌹 29:42 - How did you get better at automation and systemizing everything during your evolution? Also examples of your processes and automations that you’ve used over time?
🌹 34:10 - At what point did you start to get a huge influx of followers?
🌹 38:37 - How do you handle people who get triggered by your authenticity in person?
🌹 43:09 - How do you stay motivated?
🌹 43:21 - What do you think healthy profit margins are as a business grows?
🌹 47:14 - How did you get your first paying clients? How did you design your offers?
🌹 47:51 - What do you need to let go of to get to the next level in life?
As Mentioned In The Episode —
(NEW!!) Business Journal Prompts Freebie:
June Manifestation Challenge:
Men & Money Bundle:
BTS Bubble:
Queen Alchemy (Round 12) Extended Payment Plan:
The Feminine CEO:
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
Join Monica’s Email List:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
NEXT LIVE EVENT - 2024 NYC Immersion:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
5/31/2023 • 53 minutes, 27 seconds
309: How To Navigate The "Stretch" Phase Of A Manifestation & Uplevel
Get ready for some real talk, girls, because Monica is giving you the TEA on what’s been unfolding for her BTS lately as she’s expanding her “normal” set point in life & biz, and taking things up a few several notches. It’s not all super sexy VIBES though, and she’s giving you the details of how to push past your own limits and ride the waves of expansion with confidence.
We’re covering topics like:
🔥 The importance of having expanders as you grow
🔥 What to do when it feels like “too much” but it’s everything you’ve always wanted
🔥 Knowing when you’re hitting a limit vs when you’re just stretching
🔥 Why stretching is a GOOD thing, even when it’s painful
🔥 How to make even the most micro moments a manifestation practice
🔥 Your spiritual gifts expanding as a result of stretching
🔥 How you might be repelling the things you actually want
🔥 What might be blocking you from calling in more money
Plus, Monica is opening up about what it’s really been like publishing her book and hiring more full-time team members, and you’re getting an invite to a vibe-y manifestation challenge in June!
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Watch on YouTube:
(NEW!!) Business Journal Prompts Freebie:
June Manifestation Challenge:
Men & Money Bundle:
The Feminine Female Breadwinner:
Join Monica’s Email List:
BTS Bubble:
Queen Alchemy (Round 12) Extended Payment Plan:
The Feminine CEO:
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
Mini 1:1 Package:
The Blog:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
5/24/2023 • 46 minutes, 22 seconds
308: The Energetics of Getting Your Man to Lead You | The Bitter B*tch, Dangerous Femininity, & Getting Radically Honest in Your Relationship
In this episode, Monica is giving you the real (somewhat unpopular) talk on getting your man to lead. It’s one of her most highly-requested topics to speak on, and today she’s breaking it down. Gear up for some radical honesty that will change the game for you and your man.
Unpacked in today’s episode:
🔥The 3 core dynamics of getting your man to lead: the actual relationship dynamic, self-respect & personal growth, and crystal clear communication
🔥The difference between self-love and self-respect (plus the TRUE meaning of “self-care”)
🔥Owning your part in the relationship, and how to NOT become “the bitter b*tch”
🔥Re-polarizing your relationship if you’ve been out of sync
🔥Creating more space in your life to allow you to be more in your receptive feminine energy
🔥The difference in your nervous system between rushing and calm energetically, even when things are moving “quickly”
🔥What it takes to create an overflow of life-force energy and a balanced libido
🔥The way men have been hypnotized by the allure of the feminine for centuries
Plus, she’s giving you her honest review of Turks & Caicos, the “problem” with women making more $$$ than their man, AND is she becoming a YOUTUBER!? Tune in to find out!
As Mentioned In The Episode —
Monica’s YouTube Channel:
The Feminine Female Breadwinner:
The Man:
Queen Alchemy (Round 12) Extended Payment Plan (join the waitlist to fill out the application):
Join Monica’s Email List:
Other Important Notes —
Monica’s Book Waitlist:
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
For 1:1 coaching inquiries or to take advantage of the extended payment plan for QA, email us at [email protected].
5/17/2023 • 51 minutes, 13 seconds
307: Sex Life (Part 6) | Polarity for Hotter Sex, Embracing Your Slut Archetype, & How Modern-Day "Feminism" is Screwing You Over
SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t finished Season 2 of Sex/Life, then you might want to before listening to this podcast episode!
Whilst the show is, sadly, being canceled (because people apparently can’t handle the “controversial” view on relationships that Monica is SO here for) — Monica is obviously still all about it and has her notes ready to break down the second half of Season 2 of SEX/LIFE on the podcast this week!
(P.S. Scroll to the bottom of this Podcast Directory to "Pop Culture" for direct links to her other 5 Sex/Life breakdown episodes !!)
In this juicy episode, she’s sharing:
🌹 Why the first step in embodying your feminine energy is actually to heal your inner masculine
🌹 The grounding, direct, “calling you out on your bullshit” masculine energy that makes for hot sex & fiery polarity in your relationship
🌹 Redefining and embracing your slut archetype
🌹 Why being/wanting “vanilla” in your relationship isn’t as boring as society would want us to believe
🌹 Her perspective on open relationships & polyamory
🌹 Being a passionate feminist whilst being devoted to your man
🌹 What to do when you feel like your relationship is limiting your success
🌹 Why it’s not “toxic” if you’re not ready for commitment (and same goes for men)
As Mentioned In The Episode:
The Feminine CEO
Monica's Meditations
Join Monica's Email List
***Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
Other Important Notes:
Monica's Book Waitlist
1:1 Coaching
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected].
5/10/2023 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 26 seconds
306: The confidence boost you need in your biz
This mini-episode is short and juicy for anyone in business who just feels like they need a bit of a pick-me-up and a Monica fire pep talk. Let's dive into whatever fears or insecurities you may be feeling and allow Monica to help you extinguish them once and for all.
Key takeaways:
🌹 How to shift your mindset away from feelings like fear and toward your success
🌹 How has social media falsely framed business and confidence?
🌹 How can you best approach bigger challenges and hurdles in your business?
🌹 How do you figure out what fears you need to work through?
🌹 What is the most effective way to work through those fears?
🌹 What is the best mindset to have when approaching any kind of investment?
🌹 How can you achieve sustainable, authentic, magnetic confidence in every area of your business?
As Mentioned:
The Feminine CEO:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
Join Monica's Email List:
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
5/4/2023 • 15 minutes, 39 seconds
305: Live Q+A on Gut, Acne, Australia Immersion, Feminine Leadership, Vaginal Health
This episode is conversational and informative. Grab your favorite drink, or go for a short stroll, and get caught up on the latest with Monica as she answers questions live from her community on trending topics related to women's health and femininity. She also shares first insights into the topic of her book! Please note: this Instagram Q+A is a live recording from April 11, 2023; the NEW Gut & Skin healing masterclasses are now OPEN for enrollment. Links are below.
Topics covered and questions answered:
🌹 Details of what to expect in each of the new gut & skin healing masterclasses
🌹 What can one expect from this Monica's new program, 'HER'?
🌹 Is the gut healing masterclass good for someone with Crohn's Disease or Fibromyalgia?
🌹 Are backne and chest acne related to energetics or hormone imbalance?
🌹 Monica gives first insights into the topic of her book and when it will be published
🌹 How to be a good feminine leader in summary?
🌹 Will Monica ever do an online version of the Immersion?
🌹 How do you best treat acne caused by wearing masks?
As Mentioned:
Gut & Skin Healing Masterclasses:
Original Live Video on Instagram:
BTS Bubble:
Episode 303: The ultimate guide to healing bloating, gut issues, and excess weight:
Episode 304: My skin journey & how to get clear skin, especially post covid-19:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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5/3/2023 • 39 minutes, 58 seconds
304: My skin journey & how to get clear skin, especially post covid-19
Your skin is an outward-facing map and a direct reflection of everything that is happening inside your body, for better or worse. You cannot hide from your skin, nor can you keep ignoring the signals it is giving you. This episode is everything you need if you are ready to heal your skin once and for all. It will give you every approach you need to be taking, from what you consume to shifting how you react to stress, and more.
Juiciest nuggets:
🌹 Monica opens up about her skin journey and how the stress of COVID deeply affected her
🌹 Which hidden stress factors of everyday life directly affect your skin?
🌹 What is your skin telling you if it is oily?
🌹 Which hormones affect your skin, and how can you regulate them?
🌹 How to keep your skin clear through mindful dairy consumption
🌹 Why are medications (like hormonal birth control and Accutane) a bandaid approach to healthy skin?
🌹 How do environmental toxins affect your skin?
As Mentioned:
NEW Gut & Skin Healing Masterclasses:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Most Recent Instagram Live Q+A:
Blog on How to travel and eat healthy:
Previous episode 4: Fixing Hormonal Acne:
Previous episode 229: Losing weight from a place of love:
Thrive Market (40% off your first order):
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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4/25/2023 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
303: The ultimate guide to healing bloating, gut issues, and excess weight
Gut health is one of the most complex discussions in health and wellness. Leave it to Monica to break down all of the things you need to be aware of in regard to healing your gut. She is an expert in not only energetic healing, but she also has a B.S. in nutrition and has helped hundreds of clients heal their stomach issues, especially when they've tried "everything" and nothing else has worked.
Learnings from this episode:
🌹 What are the common causes of bloating and gut issues?
🌹 How to heal the energetic side of your guts
🌹 How to heal your gut from a nutritional stance
🌹 What is the relationship between stress and your gut?
🌹 Why is cooking such an important factor for a healthy gut?
🌹 Which foods should you eliminate from your diet, and for how long?
🌹 What role does sleep play in gut health?
🌹 Why you should stop taking probiotics immediately
As Mentioned:
Gut/Skin Healing Masterclass (WL Gets 20% off):
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
BTS Bubble:
Episode on the dangers of vegetable oil:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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4/18/2023 • 46 minutes, 42 seconds
302: White Lotus | Part 2: Women want to be claimed and wanted, + how to fight well
In this breakdown of White Lotus, Monica takes a deep dive into the different relationships we see in season two of the show. There is so much to learn from these relationships in such a relatable way, and Monica, of course, sheds light on how these couples can improve their communication, sex life, safety, and more.
Takeaways and nuggets:
🌹 For men: how to make a move in the way women want to receive it
🌹 How to co-create within a romantic relationship?
🌹 What does a woman need in order to feel fully safe in her feminine energy?
🌹 Why do women test men? Is this healthy?
🌹 What is Harper's coping mechanism?
🌹 How to recognize if you know how to fight well with your partner?
🌹 In what ways does Ethan gaslight Harper? Why does he do this?
🌹 Why is healing your relationship toward your own gender and other genders so important?
As Mentioned:
Gut & Skin Healing Masterclass Waitlist (20% off discount):
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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4/10/2023 • 58 minutes, 46 seconds
301: Cycle syncing for the Busy Woman | Part 2
Ladies, grab a pen and paper, and save this one to come back to! This episode is part two of the fundamentals of tracking your cycle. It is short and sweet, and to the point (perfect for the busy woman) on exactly how to sustainably sync with your cycle to improve your health, energy, vitality, and mood long term.
In this episode, you will learn:
🩸 Can you practice cycle syncing if you are on hormonal birth control?
🩸 Why should you cycle sync, but also, why should you not be too anal about it?
🩸 What is the most incorrect key piece of advice being shown on social media with regard to cycle syncing?
🩸 What type of exercise should you be doing during each phase of your menstrual cycle?
🩸 Generally speaking, what should your diet include during each phase of your cycle?
🩸 How can this information help you improve your approach toward work?
🩸 How can you work with the strengths of your cycle to make your life easier?
PART ONE is 300: The Fundamentals of Tracking Your Cycle:
As Mentioned:
Gut/Skin Healing Masterclass Waitlist (WL Gets 20% off!):
Mini 1:1 Package:
Your Perfect Period:
How to Cycle Sync Without a Period:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Baily Brown Pilates:
The Pilates Class:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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4/3/2023 • 30 minutes, 59 seconds
300: The Fundamentals of Tracking Your Cycle | Part 1
For the 300th episode, we are dropping TWO episodes for you on the topic that put Monica on the map when she first started growing her community and building her business: your menstrual cycle. Even with more people bringing this conversation to the table, still, to this day, we see so much misguided information about cycle tracking, birth control, and period health. Please note: the second part of this episode is also linked below! Part two is episode number 301: Cycle Syncing for the Busy Woman.
In this episode, you will learn:
🩸 The truth about medicinal birth control methods and what other options are there?
🩸 What are the chances of pregnancy on the fertility awareness method vs. other birth control methods?
🩸 What are the side effects of hormonal birth control?
🩸 Which symptoms are actually normal during menstruation vs. what has become normalized?
🩸 What tools are available for tracking your cycle? And which of those tools is the most reliable?
🩸 How do you open conversations about this with your partner?
🩸 What changes can you observe in your cervical fluid during the four phases of your cycle?
🩸 What external factors can affect your cycle and delay ovulation, for example?
PART TWO of this episode is 301: Cycle syncing for the busy woman:
As Mentioned:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Gut/Skin Healing Masterclass Waitlist (WL Gets 20% off!):
Your Perfect Period:
1:1 Coaching:
Previous podcast episodes on birth control options:
Episode 83:
Episode 84:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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4/3/2023 • 51 minutes, 40 seconds
299: Are female breadwinners more likely to get cheated on?
It's no secret that more and more women are outearning their male counterparts, which, unfortunately, is also leading to more and more relationship problems. If you want to make sure you don't become one of the statistics reported on in this episode, press play now.
Takeaways from this episode:
💔 Why is polarity a crucial topic in any romantic relationship, but especially when the woman is the breadwinner?
💔 How high is the percentage of couples that admit money is the number one stressor in their relationship?
💔 What other ways can a partner provide and protect which are not related to money?
💔 What is the fundamental difference between masculinity and femininity?
💔 Why do people cheat?
💔 What's the danger of hyper-independence?
💔 How has social media single-handedly destroyed relationship values?
💔 What are relationship green flags you need to start prioritizing?
As Mentioned:
The Feminine Female Breadwinner:
Embodiment of Dating No. 2:
Magic, Money, and Manifestation Level 1:
Symptoms and Solutions Blog Post:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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3/27/2023 • 46 minutes, 34 seconds
298: Reclaiming value for the role of mother & what I am doing now to set myself up for motherhood
Whether you're planning to have kids in the near future or not so near future, this mini-episode will be one you will want to come back to! P.S. this episode is complimentary to the recent episode 292 on abortions, miscarriages, and birth, so if you missed that one, be sure to listen to that one as well.
Takeaways from this episode:
🌹 What is postpartum really like?
🌹 What precautions should you take so your body is not depleted of nutrients during and after pregnancy?
🌹 How do you get back to feeling sexy after having a baby?
🌹 How can you start building a village of support for motherhood?
🌹 What do most women forget to acknowledge along their maiden-to-mother journey?
🌹 Which unrealistic expectations are women putting upon each other?
As Mentioned:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
3/22/2023 • 23 minutes, 33 seconds
297: Sex Life (Part 5) | Season two is here!... How to unapologetically have it ALL
SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t watched the first two episodes of Season 2 of Sex/Life, then you might want to before listening to this podcast episode. Between all the yummy new characters and hot elevator sex, you may have missed some key learnings, but don't worry, Monica took notes and didn't miss a single beat.
Delicious takeaways:
💦 Which male character is a great example of the healthy masculine?
💦 What paradigm is Sasha’s character promoting? And how does this promote a message of which Monica thinks women should be wary?
💦 Why are so many women stuck in their hypermasculine nowadays? Where does this stem from?
💦 Which scene does Monica refer to as “the best thing she’s ever heard on a television show,” and why?
💦 Which trends does Monica see in the show that mirror real-life scenarios she works through with many clients?
💦 Which scene perfectly depicts how men and women perceive things differently and how easily miscommunication occurs between genders?
As Mentioned:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Monica's Book Waitlist:
The Femine Female Breadwinner:
Embodiment of Dating:
Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
3/20/2023 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 40 seconds
296: What's really causing the increase in burnout and women's mental load? (Men, listen to this, too)
Women oftentimes feel like they have to do it all and can never catch a break due to the internal pressure they put on themselves and the mental load of endless to-dos. Monica is here to remind you that it does not have to feel overwhelming, you do not have to make compromises, and you can have it all without burning out. You just need to execute differently than you've been taught by the previous generation and societal trends.
Juicy learnings from this episode:
🌹 In what ways do we see the feminine role becoming increasingly devalued nowadays?
🌹 What is the decline of female happiness? What's surprising and unexpected about this?
🌹 Why do women burn out more easily than men?
🌹 What does it actually mean to work smarter, not harder?
🌹 Monica opens up about her relationship with mental load and how she's successfully adjusted over the years.
🌹 Which limiting beliefs do so many women share that need to be healed?
🌹 In what way do women need to prioritize? How is this different from how women typically prioritize?
Time Stamps for Ads:
6:40 - Podcast Overview Sneek Peak
26:33 - Mini 1:1 Package
36:46 - Australia Immersion
39:24 - HER
As Mentioned:
Becoming Her Free Masterclass:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Mini 1:1 Package:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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3/13/2023 • 57 minutes, 12 seconds
295: Life and business updates, & what you can expect to see from me over the next year! DON'T MISS THIS EP!
This episode is short, sweet, and to the point. Monica takes you behind the scenes on some life and business updates, as well as what you can expect for the remainder of the year in every aspect of the business.
Takeaways and nuggets:
🌹 How Monica is getting YEARS ahead in her business to plan for motherhood
🌹 What things is she beginning to take off her plate as CEO?
🌹 Which content changes can you expect and why?
🌹 What does the true embodiment of feminine leadership look like?
🌹 What episodes should you look out for this year on the podcast?
As Mentioned:
The Feminine Female Breadwinner:
The Blog:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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3/8/2023 • 32 minutes, 2 seconds
294: White Lotus | Part 1: Cheating, polarity, and not being a victim
If you've binged the show The White Lotus, you'll LOVE part one of Monica's take on season two! In this series, part one focuses on the polarity of the relationships portrayed by each character, what we can learn from observing their behavior, and opening the door for other possible outcomes, had the characters handled differently. If you're keen for more, be sure to share and tag @monicayateshealth xx
From this episode:
🌹 Breakdown of each character and their relationships.
🌹 Which self-fulfilling prophecy does Tanya embody to which so many women relate?
🌹 Why do Portia's romantic fantasies contradict her logical desires?
🌹 If good guys finish last, what can good guys do to get ahead?
🌹 What truly lies behind sex addiction and cheating?
🌹 What can we learn from Ethan and Harper's missed opportunities for connection?
🌹 Which female characters embody masculine armor, and how does it present itself?
🌹 Using examples from the show, how to spot red flags of a man who cannot lead.
As Mentioned:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
HER Waitlist:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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3/6/2023 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
293: How to create your dream home with interior design expert Jacque Yates
We are pleased to introduce you to Monica’s mum Jacque who is an Interior Designer based in Melbourne, Australia. If you are interested in enhancing the vibe and feel of your space, then this episode is for you – it’s chock full of juicy “chicken nuggets,” as Monica would say. She’s giving helpful tips and solutions to all your questions from Monica’s Behind the Scenes Bubble. For a virtual consultation with Jacque, email her at [email protected] or use the contact form through her website BUT be sure to use the word 'MONICA' as the subject line for an exclusive single-session offer of US$400.
Jacque teaches you:
🗝️ How can you spot a professional, educated interior designer?
🗝️ What else goes into interior design outside of the aesthetic?
🗝️ Which interior design trends are on their way in, and which are fading out? What trends are timeless?
🗝️ What fabrics and colors are aesthetically appealing but not functional?
🗝️ How to carry out a vision and color palate as an overarching theme for the entire house?
🗝️ How to plan a space that promotes organization without losing aesthetics?
🗝️ What's the first question you should answer before you start designing your living space?
🗝️ How do you meet in the middle when you and your partner have different styles?
🗝️ Which pieces are worth splurging on? And which ones are good for lower price points?
As Mentioned:
Jacque Yates Three Little Pigs Interior Design:
Jacque Yates on Instagram:
BTS Bubble:
Queen Alchemy:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Her Waitlist:
Meditation Bundle:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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3/1/2023 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 49 seconds
292: Breaking Down the Trauma, for Both Men and Women, of Abortions, Miscarriages and the Birth Process Itself
If you have women in your life or are a woman yourself, this episode is a must-listen. Pregnancy, birth, and everything in between are normalized parts of society, as they should be. However, due to their normalcy, the trauma associated with all of these experiences often gets overlooked and brushed aside when it needs to be addressed and acknowledged. Let's break the ice on this important conversation and open ourselves up to giving permission to heal from these events.
Learnings from this episode:
🌹 Why can an abortion feel like a traumatic experience?
🌹 How can men be affected by abortions and pregnancy?
🌹 How can you help your partner feel closer to the baby and the experience?
🌹 What's a crucial part of grieving that most people often forget?
🌹 How can pregnancy lead to internalized mistrust?
🌹 What are some of the reasons why mothers feel shame after birth?
🌹 How does unprocessed birth trauma show up IRL?
Time stamps:
10:15 - Abortion
17:20 - Miscarriage
As Mentioned:
Queen Alchemy:
HER Waitlist:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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2/27/2023 • 45 minutes
291: Creating Your Dream Life Series | Part 3: The Fear of Spending Money on Your Dream Life
Most people say that money is one of the most stressful aspects of their lives, which is why this is the perfect topic to wrap up the Creating Your Dream Life series. Please NOTE that Queen Alchemy (Round 11) closes its doors at the end of February 2023, and the payment plan option for the Australia Immersion will also only be available until the end of Feb. 2023. So please do not wait to take action on either of these offers. Save this episode, as it has tons of journal prompts and reminders that you will want to come back to (time stamps below). Listen to the WHOLE episode for journal prompts and homework, and do not turn it off until Monica says goodbye cause she mentions an exciting travel moment coming up that you don't want to miss out on seeing!
In part three of this series:
🌹 Why fear is a normal part of investing in yourself.
🌹 The energetics of Love vs. Loss
🌹 What is the law of assumption?
🌹 How most people treat money vs. how it should be treated.
🌹 Journal prompts and money homework (32:15)
🌹 Which limiting beliefs should you look at if you want to heal your relationship with money?
🌹 What is the law of motion?
🌹 How to listen to your body and decipher the difference between intuitive guidance and fear.
🌹 More journal prompts (50:40)
Time stamps for Ads:
10:30 Queen Alchemy Testimonial
53:44 Queen Alchemy & Immersion
As Mentioned:
Queen Alchemy:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
Episode 233: Understanding your "zones":
Episode 264: A riff to get you back into an abundant state:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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2/20/2023 • 54 minutes, 32 seconds
290: Creating Your Dream Life Series | Part 2: Are You Normalizing Your Hormonal Issues? Endometriosis, PCOS, Acne, Mood swings, & more
If you struggle with any kind of hormonal issues, whether it be skin or gut related, have a confirmed diagnosis, or think you might have Endo or PCOS - you need to save this episode; you may have to listen to it a few times to soak in all the knowledge because this one is jam-packed! There is crucial information in this episode that could help you or someone close to you.
In this episode:
🌹 What's stopping you from surrendering and letting go?
🌹 When does manifestation become second nature? How do you get there?
🌹 How society has normalized symptoms that are not normal.
🌹 What blood tests should you get done to check your hormone levels?
🌹 What simple things can you implement to balance your hormones and reduce subconscious stress?
🌹 What is endometriosis? This information is important even if you don't have it!
🌹 Why is gut health so important? How to approach assessing your gut health
🌹 What you need to do to ensure you are not reliant on western medicine and to ensure that your health issue does not after treatment.
Time stamps for Ads:
3:21 - Queen Alchemy & Australian Immersion
5:46 - HER Feminine Leadership (NEW PROGRAM)
49:50 - How to know which program you need
50:23 - Energetic Clearing of Skin & Gut Issues Masterclasses
As Mentioned:
Queen Alchemy:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
HER Waitlist:
Coming off HBC:
Your Perfect Period:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
2/13/2023 • 54 minutes, 32 seconds
289: Three reasons why events are a MUST for 2023
This is a short little juicy episode for EVERYONE. As our lives are slowly but surely getting back to normal after the last couple of years, we've become very comfortable staying at home and being less social. But what are the ramifications of that? Monica breaks down three reasons why everyone should be attending more in-person events this year.
Takeaways and nuggets:
🌹 How the pandemic has changed our social habits
🌹 How does loneliness affect us?
🌹 What does it mean to connect with like-minded individuals?
🌹 How to condense your timeline.
...& more
As Mentioned:
Queen Alchemy:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
2/9/2023 • 16 minutes, 37 seconds
288: Creating Your Dream Life Series | Part 1: The Fundamentals of Trauma and How It Affects Your Manifestation Process
This is part one of the Creating Your Dream Life SERIES - yep, that means this is just the beginning! Monica is bringing it back to basics for you this week so that you can understand just how important foundational work is if you want all areas of your life to align with your desires. Do you want to manifest your dream life? This episode is step one of that process - hit play!
Takeaways and nuggets:
🌹 Three major life updates for you! And a brief recap of the ups and downs that led Monica to her current dream reality.
🌹 What is trauma? 👉 Definition, explanation, physiological and behavioral effects of trauma.
🌹 What is the amygdala? Where is it located? And what role does it play in processing trauma?
🌹 Why mantras and journaling don't work for everyone.
🌹 Shadow work can be painful. Learn how to shift your mindset when approaching heavy healing work.
🌹 Is your unprocessed trauma physically holding you back? What's the proof?
🌹 What is the hippocampus, and how is it affected by trauma?
🌹 What is the freeze response? Who is most susceptible to exhibiting this trauma response?
Time stamps for Ads:
1:09 - How to leave a review
19:45 - Queen Alchemy & Australia Immersion
43:30 - Email list
As Mentioned:
Queen Alchemy:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries, email us at [email protected]
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
2/6/2023 • 50 minutes, 36 seconds
287: What's the deal with crying during sex?
This episode is about SO much more than sex. If you're sexually active (or desire to be), though, you need to press play. Take a coffee break, listen, and learn about sex, intimacy, and the ability to slip into your feminine (inside and outside of the bedroom).
Learnings from this episode:
🌹 What does it mean when you cry during/after sex?
🌹 Is the mind-blowing, take-me-to-another-planet type of sex possible for everyone?
🌹 What if you're not having mind-blowing sex all the time? Should you be worried?
🌹 Intimacy vs. sex: what's the difference and what roles do they play in a relationship?
🌹 What happens over time when trauma goes unprocessed?
🌹 What ways can sexual trauma show up in your life? What behavior stems from that trauma?
🌹 What do you NEED to do in order to let go completely during sex?
🌹 How to recognize if you have a fear of being seen.
As Mentioned:
EOD N°2:
Queen Alchemy:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries email us at [email protected]
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
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Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
1/30/2023 • 32 minutes, 48 seconds
286: Why Sex And The City is *not* as sexy as you think
Firstly, disclaimer: we love the show Sex and The City. Did it teach us some pretty questionable values when it comes to dating, though? Absolutely. As did many shows in the '90s and early 2000s. If you've seen the show, you'll love this episode. Monica gives you all the takeaways.
Hot topics:
👠 What warning signs in Carrie and Big's relationship point to a 'Trauma Bond?'
👠 Which character from the show was the most emotionally stable and pursued the healthiest relationships?
👠 An analysis of how the show portrayed each woman in the original and new versions of the show.
👠 Why do we, as the viewer, idealize Carrie and Big's relationship?
👠 Why does Carrie always run back to Big? What is she trying to prove?
👠 Why did Miranda and Steve not work from day one?
👠 Which toxic limiting beliefs does this show promote?
👠 What were the positive takeaways from the show?
As Mentioned:
EOD N°2:
Queen Alchemy:
HER Waitlist:
The Feminine Female Breadwinner:
The Female CEO:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries email us at [email protected]
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
Join Monica's Email List:
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
1/23/2023 • 42 minutes, 7 seconds
285: Are they a narcissist?
The fact that everyone now has an awareness of 'narcissism' has led to massive overuse and mislabeling of anyone who exhibits narcissistic tendencies to be a 'Narcissist.' Monica is here to set the record straight and educate you on everything you need to know about this complex personality trait.
In this episode:
🚩 What percentage of the population truly falls under the personality trait 'Narcissist' vs. how often is this label overused?
🚩 What are all of the traits a narcissist must exhibit in order to be labeled as such?
🚩 What would it be like to be in a relationship with a narcissist?
🚩 Why is it so hard to get out of a relationship with a narcissist?
🚩 What are common struggles you may deal with after having dealt with a narcissist?
🚩 What are some things that often lead to narcissism?
As Mentioned:
EOD N°2:
Boundaries Masterclass:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries email us at [email protected]
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, and email it to us at [email protected] to receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
1/16/2023 • 37 minutes, 37 seconds
284: Are you yo-yoing in your business or embracing The Feminine CEO™?
It's the start of the year, and with that momentum, Monica is opening up the discussion on red-flag business trends she is observing 🚩 🚩 🚩🚩 This is a pragmatic episode for anyone in business, full of tangible nuggets for you to optimize how you operate as a business leader 👩💻 in 2023.
Juicy Nuggets:
⚖️ Why does yo-yo-ing in your business happen, and what can you do to avoid this in the future?
⚖️ What to do when life happens, and you need to take time off.
⚖️ What is an absolute non-negotiable to building trust as a business owner?
⚖️ How to evaluate whether your business is running sustainably.
⚖️ What tools can you use to help make your business sustainable long-term?
⚖️ What are common BIG energy leaks as a business owner?
As Mentioned:
HER Waitlist:
Quantum Leadership Masterclass:
The Feminine CEO™:
1:1 Coaching:
For 1:1 coaching inquiries email us at [email protected]
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, email it to us at [email protected], & receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
1/9/2023 • 43 minutes, 43 seconds
283: My Story 2.0 (Part 2)
Four years is a lot to catch up on, so here is part TWO and if you missed part one, go back one episode and then come back. It's definitely worth it! Part two takes place post-COVID packed with details on Monica's past relationships, health updates, and the evolution of her business.
In Part 2 of this series:
⇢ What loophole did Monica find to get out of London and back to the U.S.?
⇢ What are the positive takeaways from the lockdown era?
⇢ How did friendships change after Monica started her business?
⇢ Monica recaps the long-term effects of her ski accident and other health issues
⇢ Learning to listen to your body when it shows you symptoms and how they are tied to subconscious stress
⇢ What changes is Monica making in her business?
As Mentioned:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Magic, Money, & Manifestation Level 2:
NYE Bundle:
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, email it to us at [email protected], & receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
1/5/2023 • 50 minutes, 31 seconds
282: My Story 2.0 (Part 1)
This update has been a long time coming. Monica lets you in on everything that has happened in her life over the last four years, from when she first started the podcast, through covid, all the way up until now. Note: this is a two-part series so keep an eye out for the second half of this duo!
In Part 1 of this series:
⇢ When and why did Monica's business really start to take off?
⇢ How did Monica land on her feet after being kicked out of her apartment from one day to the next?
⇢ Why did Monica move to London during COVID?
⇢ Why was Monica's arrival in London anything but pleasant?
⇢ How did Monica stay sane during COVID?
⇢ Trigger warning: Suicide is a topic discussed in this episode.
As Mentioned:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Magic, Money, & Manifestation Level 2:
Remember to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts, screenshot it before you submit it, email it to us at [email protected], & receive an exclusive meditation track as a 'thank you' from Monica.
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
1/2/2023 • 53 minutes, 21 seconds
281: Practices I use to protect my environment, time, relationships, and self
This is something Monica gets asked about quite frequently. Thankfully she made it into a juicy podcast episode for you because these tips are pure gold. Nothing is more essential than ensuring that the most important things in your life are protected. Listen to this episode if you are ready to make the most out of these areas of your life.
In this episode:
⇢ Why is investing in your environment a non-negotiable?
⇢ How to build routines that benefit a calm nervous system and boost productivity.
⇢ What's one rule Monica breaks to save time and have peace of mind down the road?
⇢ What mantra does Monica live by that is a constant reminder to her?
⇢ How do the roles you play in your relationships work towards making your lives easier?
⇢ How to train your brain to prioritize what is essential in the big picture.
As Mentioned:
NYE Bundle:
BLNM Waitlist:
The Feminine Female Breadwinner:
Mini 1:1 Coaching Package:
Magic of I Planner (Use the code "MONICAYATES" for a discount):
Cymbiotika Supplements (Use my name "Monica Yates" for a discount):
Contact us at [email protected]
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
12/26/2022 • 55 minutes, 31 seconds
280: Our Love Story (Part 3)
Drumroll, please! This entire series has been leading up to the moment when he pops the question and Monica says YES (of course). This proposal story is so heartfelt and authentic full of all the feels. If you haven't watched/listened to parts 1 & 2 of this series, make sure you do! Then come back here for the grand finale. To watch this episode click here:
In Part 3 of this series:
⇢ How did Monica's now-fiance plan the perfect engagement?
⇢ What were the little things he did that completely threw Monica off so that she didn't know it was happening?
⇢ Where and how did he propose?
⇢ Monica breaks down the meaning behind the design of her engagement ring.
⇢ The truth about being in a relationship: the pros and cons.
⇢ What you can do to quantum leap in all areas of your life.
As Mentioned:
NYE Bundle:
Join Monica's Email List:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Finding The One Masterclass Waitlist:
Queen Alchemy:
For EOD VIP please email us at [email protected]
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
12/19/2022 • 41 minutes, 39 seconds
258: BONUS: Paris Update and Divine Timing
Today, I give an update on my trip to Paris a few weeks ago.
I dive into:
· How sometimes timing can truly seem divinely influenced.
· Being open to changing plans if the change will benefit you with only minor inconveniences
· CHICKEN NUGGET: The universe is always on your side.
⇢Join The Feminine Female Breadwinner Masterclass
⇢ Join The Man:
⇢ Join Waitlist for Be A Lover Not A Mother:
⇢ Follow the Podcast Instagram:
⇢ Follow Monica on Instagram:
⇢ Follow the UNEDITED Instagram:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ UNEDITED magazine:
12/17/2022 • 32 minutes, 20 seconds
279: Our Love Story (Part 2)
Monica left you off in the last episode just after she and her now-fiance spent their first weekend together. Emotions are on high, what happens next?! If you haven't watched/listened to Part 1 of this series yet, be sure to do that before starting this episode, Part 2. Don't worry, though, there is still a Part 3 coming as well with all the proposal details! To watch this episode click here:
In Part 2 of this series:
⇢ For how many hours and where did Monica and her now fiance get lost on their first date?
⇢ How many days (maximum) did they spend apart when they were dating?
⇢ Does Monica believe in soul mates? And what is a twin flame?
⇢ Where did he ask Monica to be his girlfriend?
⇢ Who said I love you first and what took so long? What happened that delayed this from happening sooner?
⇢ Why are healthy relationships the most triggering?
As Mentioned:
NYE Bundle:
The Feminine Female Breadwinner:
Melbourne Immersion 2023:
Finding The One Masterclass Waitlist:
Queen Alchemy:
For EOD VIP please email us at [email protected]
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
12/15/2022 • 42 minutes, 12 seconds
278: Our Love Story (Part 1)
Watch this series on YouTube here:
This is THE episode series you have been waiting for. Press play, don't wait another second. And for the sake of transparency, know that you're in it for the long haul. This is part one of three. Monica spills ALL the details on how she met the man of her dreams on a chairlift and ten months later has an engagement ring on her finger! This is a proposal story like no other. Grab your popcorn, get cozy, and make sure you hit subscribe so you get notified when part two is released!
In Part One of this series:
⇢ Why does Monica keep her relationship so private?
⇢What was Monica's first impression of her now fiancé?
⇢Who was the first to 'know' the other person was 'the one?'
⇢Where did they fly to on their first date?
⇢Did they have sex right away or did they wait a bit?
⇢What was the ONE thing they had both done separately that made it possible for them to be ready to date?
As Mentioned:
Secure 1:1 Coaching for 2023:
Queen Alchemy:
Podcast Directory:
Monica's Instagram:
12/12/2022 • 56 minutes, 53 seconds
277: Girl Chat #6 | The Reality About Sex & Relationships Nobody Talks About
Girl chat is back and spicier than ever🌶 Monica and Louise are in Tulum and dive into the reality about sex and relationships that nobody talks about. Uncomfortable things that often get pushed aside, but are so, so important to making your relationship better than ever.
In this episode:
Why orgasms should not be the goal of sex
Is it okay to pleasure yourself when you're in a relationship?
The insecurities that come up when you go through a less sexual phase in your relationship
Why that pressure we put on ourselves and sex can be so toxic
Why is it so important to have open communications around uncomfortable topics? And how to go about it.
Why it is so important to understand the differences between the male a female brains
How do you create an environment at home that supports a regulated nervous system?
Do you know your erotic blueprint?
If you liked this episode, don't forget to share it and tag @monicayateshealth and @feminineasfck 🌹🙏
As Mentioned:
Mini 1:1 Coaching Package:
Erotic Blueprint:
Available for Purchase through December 9, 2022:
Embodiment of Dating Masterclass:
EOD VIP Option Pay in Full:
EOD VIP Option Payment Plan:
Be a Lover, Not a Mother Pay in Full:
Be a Lover, Not a Mother Payment Plan:
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
12/5/2022 • 51 minutes, 7 seconds
276: Kelli interviews Monica on sex, spirituality, & her own healing journey
Monica is in the hot seat this week 🔥 We're re-releasing this episode of Kelli Moore's Podcast 'Ok, Babe.' where Kelli interviews Monica as a guest on her show. It's refreshing to see Monica take off her coaching cap for a moment to allow her listeners to re-get to know her on a personal and professional level. Don't worry though, even when she's not coaching, she's spewing wisdom left and right for you.
In this episode:
What kind of energy does Monica thrive in & where does that energy come from?
What does spirituality mean to Monica?
Why doesn't Monica follow spiritual trends?
Monica spills the tea on her personal preferences in the bedroom.
Which specific trauma did Monica have to heal in order to start having healthy romantic relationships?
How do people get addicted to their trauma?
What philosophy does Monica teach her female clients for them to shift into a magnetic upward spiral of abundance?
How to be blunt and straightforward without coming across as rude.
Don't forget that doors close to the Embodiment of Dating Masterclass and Be a Lover, Not a Mother on December 2nd! Links below.
As Mentioned:
→ Embodiment of Dating Masterclass:
→ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
→ Kelli Moore on Instagram:
→ For the NYE bundle:
→ For 1:1 coaching, please email [email protected] if you would like to take a 2023 spot and you can read about it here
Did you know we've organized and categorized all of Monica's episodes for you in one single directory?
Feminine as F*ck Podcast Directory:
11/28/2022 • 51 minutes, 25 seconds
275: Q+A - sex, men, dating
This is one of the JUICIEST episodes Monica has dropped in a while. Why? Because she answers questions straight from YOU - the Feminine as F*ck community. You wanted it? You got it.
Monica breaks down:
How to ask for what you want in bed
What's the deal with polyamory? Is it weird to want traditional monogamy nowadays?
How do you know if a man is truly interested in you?
How do you get the best outcome when you start dating someone?
What's the difference between understanding and implementing inner work?
What's the issue with ghosting? Should you be offended?
Where does guilt come from? How do you deal with guilt?
Monica also shares so many personal stories and opens up about moments in her relationship that she hasn't yet shared with you. If you want to get to know Monica on a more personal level and dive deeper with her, while still getting all of the knowledge drops - this episode is for you.
DON'T FORGET that Monica's programs The Embodiment of Dating and Be a Lover, Not a Mother just opened their doors! Doors will stay open until December 2, 2022. We don't know when the next round will be, but it won't be for a while, so best to jump in on this round (links below).
How to leave a written review on Apple Podcasts from any device:
Don't forget to screenshot your review BEFORE you hit submit and email it to us at [email protected]
As mentioned:
⇢ The Embodiment of Dating:
⇢ Mini 1:1 Package:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
11/21/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 59 seconds
274: Everything to know for Black Friday!
YES - Monica is in fact doing a BLACK FRIDAY SALE this year!! 😍 She has never done a Black Friday sale before and it may be the only one she ever does. Everything you need to know (lots of information) is in this episode, so listen carefully & tell your friends ! ❤️ 🙌
You get:
Important sale dates: When does Black Friday start & end?
What is included in the sale?
Does Monica's email list get a higher discount than the general public? (Insider tip: YES - get on her email list ASAP!)
Which extras are included?
How do you enter to win extras?
Black Friday Sales Page:
If you have any questions please email us at [email protected]
And did I mention...
You should definitely get on Monica's email list for that higher discount?!
To join the email list visit Monica's website, scroll to the bottom, enter your information.
Follow Monica on Social Media:
11/18/2022 • 10 minutes, 22 seconds
273: Is it time to give up on Dating Apps?
Using dating apps can be oh so frustrating and draining, to say the least. We've all been there. Leave it to relationship expert, Monica Yates, to light the way down the dark tunnel of the dating apps experience.
In this episode you get:
How to meet high quality men on dating apps
The steps that you need to take to ensure that you're not getting dating-app burnout
How to chance your scarcity mindset around dating to an abundant one
The healthy things to look for in dating
The amazing things about dating apps, and the things to look out for to make this experience enjoyable
Steps to meet your dream man
If you've written off all dating apps, give this episode a listen, you might think differently afterwards.
If you're frustrated with your dating experience, sign up for the Embodiment of Dating Masterclass. If you want to take it a step further, join Monica's program, Be a Lover, Not a Mother. Both of these will only be available to join until December 2, 2022! The doors will not open up again for a while, so don't miss out.
As mentioned:
⇢ Waitlist for 'Finding the One' Masterclass:
⇢ Embodiment of Dating:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
11/14/2022 • 33 minutes, 11 seconds
272: the Lover vs. the Mother
Ladies - hold on to your seats, because Monica is not holding back in this episode. If you feel like you are the one leading in your relationship, or you simply haven't been able to find THE one yet, this episode might trigger you, but it's the harsh truth that you need to hear right now.
Monica breaks down:
The many ways women emasculate men without even realizing they are doing it.
She gives insight onto what men actually want and more importantly, why they have those desires.
Where does chivalry actually come from?
What has society shaped us to believe about men, women, and dating?
Gender roles and why they're important for the success of your dating life
Don't forget that Monica's programs The Embodiment of Dating and Be a Lover, Not a Mother just opened their doors! Doors will stay open until December 2, 2022. We don't know when the next round will be, but it won't be for a while, so best to jump in on this round (links below).
⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
⇢ Mini 1:1 Package:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
11/7/2022 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
271: The disease of people pleasing
If you are struggling in any way with your identity or think you may be a people pleaser, this one is for you. In this episode, Monica breaks down people pleasing from all sides. You’ll learn why people develop this trait and how to identify signs of people pleasing. She goes through some of the more obvious signs, but there are definitely many of which you may not be aware. Monica reviews them all for you and takes it a step further and explains how these behaviors can affect your mental and physical health, as well as, how the relationships in your life may be suffering as a result of people pleasing.
If you have any questions from this episode or questions about Monica’s programs such as, Queen Alchemy, The Man, Be a Lover Not a Mother, or The Embodiment of Dating Masterclass, don’t hesitate to reach out on social media @monicayateshealth or @feminineasfck.
As mentioned:
⇢ Mini 1:1 Package:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
⇢ The Embodiment of Dating:
⇢ Queen Alchemy:
⇢ The Man:
⇢ Follow the Podcast Instagram:
⇢ Follow Monica on Instagram:
⇢ Follow the UNEDITED Instagram:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ UNEDITED Magazine:
11/2/2022 • 44 minutes, 29 seconds
270: Religious trauma, the difference between God and the Church
In this episode, Monica dissects what religion really is from an objective point of view. She intentionally explains throughout the episode her own experiences, in contrast to her analysis of what society is taught about religion, as well as, the impacts religion can have on any individual, both positive and negative. Whether you have a personal connection to religion or not, this episode is for everyone. It's an inquisitive monologue shedding light on many topics such as tarot, witchcraft, white vs. black magic, prayer, rituals, and manifestation. Be sure to share with us your experience and insights after listening to this episode, Monica loves your feedback - remember to tag @monicayateshealth and @feminineasfck.
As mentioned:
⇢ Mini 1:1 Package:
⇢ Queen Alchemy:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
⇢ Follow the Podcast Instagram:
⇢ Follow Monica on Instagram:
⇢ Follow the UNEDITED Instagram:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ UNEDITED Magazine:
10/31/2022 • 35 minutes, 52 seconds
269: WWMD: My boyfriend left me and I want him back
In this episode, Monica gives so much good advice to a heartbroken listener, who's boyfriend just left her and the desire to separate was not mutual. This kind of situation can be soul crushing. But, it can also be an opportunity to do some deep work on yourself. If you've ever been left - this episode may help you heal those wounds for good. It's a shorter episode, but packed with so much density, every minute is juicy. After listening, if this episode helped you, please pay it forward by sharing and tagging us on social media ❤️
As mentioned:
⇢ Audio Tracks:
⇢ Mini 1:1 Package:
⇢ Queen Alchemy:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
⇢ Follow the Podcast Instagram:
⇢ Follow Monica on Instagram:
⇢ Follow the UNEDITED Instagram:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ UNEDITED Magazine:
10/26/2022 • 28 minutes, 57 seconds
268: Is co-dependency always bad? What does a healthy relationship actually look like?
We've all heard the term co-dependency painted as something very negative. Well - there are in fact healthy versions of co-dependency and unhealthy versions. In this episode, Monica shows you all the green and red flags to watch out for in your relationships. She also reminds you that co-dependency can encompass much more than just your relationships; the butterfly effect is real. Everything in your life affects your relationships and vice versa. It doesn't matter if you're in a committed relationship, single, or whatever - we all have relationships with the people in our lives, our hobbies, our habits, etc. - this episode is for anyone looking to reflect a bit deeper on the role they play in all relationships. If you loved this one, don't hesitate to share, tag us on social, and/or leave a positive review. Happy listening!
As mentioned:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
⇢ Boundaries Masterclass:
⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother Waitlist:
⇢ Follow the Podcast Instagram:
⇢ Follow Monica on Instagram:
⇢ Follow the UNEDITED Instagram:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ UNEDITED Magazine:
10/24/2022 • 56 minutes, 37 seconds
267: How you can prevent trauma in your children & break ancestral patterns/trauma
This episode is for all parents or anyone who wishes to become one. Monica has successfully helped many parents prevent passing along their trauma to their children and this episode is full of helpful tips you can start implementing on your own. She explains key differences between the male and female brain, why this is important, and how you can best serve your child as a mother or father. Monica also gives tons of examples from working with past clients on things one should definitely avoid, but also, empowering ideas on how to show up best for your family. If you resonate with this episode, please pay it forward it to other parents who you think could benefit from Monica's advice.
As mentioned:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
⇢ MMM level 1
⇢ Plenty of Food & Manifestation Audio Tracks:
⇢ Queen Alchemy 2023 Waitlist:
⇢ Follow the Podcast Instagram:
⇢ Follow Monica on Instagram:
⇢ Follow the UNEDITED Instagram:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ UNEDITED Magazine:
10/19/2022 • 59 minutes, 37 seconds
266: Creating safety around having more in your life. More money, love, health, happiness, success.
In this episode Monica explains the importance of creating safety in your life BEFORE you expand areas of your life. The thing about having more is, more is more. You might strive for more money, happiness, love, etc., however, with more, comes more challenges, stress, fear, anxieties, and so on. All the trauma that has been hiding underneath the surface will be holding you back from reaching the full potential of the next level you desire. If you are unable to reach the levels of expansion you desire, this episode is for you. Listen & share. And don't forget, if you were on the waitlist for Monica's 2023 three-day Immersion in Melbourne, Australia, presale tickets go on sale 4pm EST! Tickets for the general public will be available for purchase on October 19th.
As mentioned:
⇢ 2023 Melbourne Immersion:
⇢ Follow the Podcast Instagram:
⇢ Follow Monica on Instagram:
⇢ Follow the UNEDITED Instagram:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ UNEDITED magazine:
10/17/2022 • 29 minutes, 43 seconds
265: Manifesting your dream man *because* you did the work. Everything to know about my 3 DAY EVENT and Andrea's story on working with me
In this episode I'm sharing what to expect with my 3 day Immersion, answering questions and then spontaneously a past attendee came on to share her experience with you all! If you're on the fence about the event, this podcast is a MUST listen.
Pre-sale tickets ($1000 off) open Oct 17th for the waitlist and Oct 19th for the public
To watch the Instagram live:
3:40 - Explaining the event and all details
12:20 - Is it safe to go to the immersion if you’re pregnant?
13:24 - Can I bring my baby to the event?
14:39 - Will you let us know where in Melbourne the event is?
16 :00 - I’ve done work with you before (Queen Alchemy etc). Will I still get anything out of the event?
20:38 - Previous client Andrea came on the live to talk about the previous events and her testimonial
26:15 - Investing in masculine mentors vs working with Monica in our feminine
31:00 - You have to allow yourself to go all in
35: 20 - You have to follow your gut feeling
36:50 - Investing when you’re broke
10/15/2022 • 44 minutes, 11 seconds
264: A riff to get you back into an abundant state
Are you feeling like you are currently living in scarcity? Do you often feel like you do not have enough money / time / resources? If yes, this episode is exactly what you need to turn that energy around. Monica gives a beautiful reminder that all things are energy and energy is infinite. Life is limitless and the only limit that exists, is the limit you are placing on it within your mind. We have to embody the energy of abundance before we can become truly abundant. If you are ready to step into endless abundant energy, don't wait any longer, listen and share.
As mentioned:
Purchase the Manifestation Bundle Meditations:
Money Mantra Meditation:
Monica's Meditations Bundle:
Free Journaling Prompts:
My 2023 Immersion:
Follow the Podcast Instagram:
Follow Monica on Instagram:
UNEDITED magazine:
10/12/2022 • 24 minutes, 1 second
263: Kelli Moore's journey with IVF, pregnancy, sex, and all the in-betweens
This episode is educational, hilarious and for EVERYONE. Kelly Moore opens up to Monica about her experience with IVF, what it's like to have sex while pregnant, and gets vulnerable about how hormonal birth control really affected her in different stages of her life. Monica and Kelly briefly dissect the industry of western medicine, more importantly though, they peel back the layers of what we are taught about women's hormonal cycles vs. what is actually true, and how this affects both men's perception of women, women's perception of themselves, and the overall experience of birth currently trending in the United States. This episode contains crucial knowledge for all genders and sexual orientations. Listen & share.
As mentioned:
Kelli Moore:
Coming off HBC:
Your Perfect Period:
My 2023 Immersion:
Follow the Podcast Instagram:
Follow Monica on Instagram:
Purchase the Manifestation Bundle Meditations:
UNEDITED magazine:
10/10/2022 • 55 minutes, 51 seconds
262: WWMD: People being nasty behind your back
I feel like this is such a normal experience we all have - people being rude behind our backs. Well in today's episode Monica dives straight into her no bulllshit answer of how she handles these situations
⇢ Follow the Podcast Instagram:
⇢ Follow Monica on Instagram:
⇢ Follow the UNEDITED Instagram:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ UNEDITED magazine:
10/5/2022 • 10 minutes, 42 seconds
261: Finding your purpose & figuring out the career of your dreams
Today's episode is going to allow you to feel empowered, aligned and in flow with finding your purpose.
If you are often thinking 'how do I find my purpose?' then you must listen to this episode.
I discuss:
🌹How to find your purpose
🌹Creating the job/life of your dreams
🌹Manifesting your dream job even if you don't know what it is
As mentioned:
Fave products:
Queen Alchemy:
My 2023 Immersion:
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10/3/2022 • 34 minutes, 37 seconds
260: WWMD: How to integrate "the work" that you've done on yourself
What happens when you've "done the work" but it's not sticking?
Monica answers it all in todays What Would Monica Do episode.
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9/28/2022 • 6 minutes, 42 seconds
259: Owning the motherhood that you desire with Georgie Stevenson | being a mum & CEO, new relationship dynamics and doing it all
Today, Monica chats with Georgie Stevenson, Founder of the Rise and Conquer podcast and Naked Harvest Supplements.
We dive into:
🌹 Finding the balance between maternity and working.
🌹Transitioning family dynamics from the traditional male breadwinner model.
🌹 The best tips for helping your baby sleep more and you get into your routine
🌹 How to "do it all"
🌹Normalizing having and hiring help as a new mother.
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9/27/2022 • 53 minutes, 46 seconds
257: WWMD: How do you know when a relationship has run its course?
Monica dives into:
🌹Acknowledging that every relationship has challenges and disagreements.
🌹What is the goal when you’re fighting? It should be to understand your partner better.
🌹A good relationship makes you grateful that your partner is in your life, even when things aren’t perfect.
🌹CHICKEN NUGGET: If you’re asking if the relationship is worth saving, is that just you asking for permission to leave?
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9/21/2022 • 21 minutes, 15 seconds
256: How to be a feminine woman that's also a highly successful one
Today Monica is talking about how to be both feminine and successful, and how not to see those two ideas as being at odds.
She dives into:
🌹The false narrative that you can’t be ‘provided for’ and ‘successful’ at the same time.
🌹How you can stay in your feminine while he can be in his masculine, even around money.
🌹Communication and energy being the key to this balance
🌹CHICKEN NUGGET: The ultimate feminine energy that you should be striving for is one of grace and magnetism and surrender.
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9/19/2022 • 34 minutes, 49 seconds
255: WWMD: Should I let my boyfriend move in with me?
Today on the show Monica answers the WWMD from listener, Brandy. How do you know when it's time to move in with a partner? Find out in todays episode.
Submitting questions for Monica to answer is an exclusive perk for members of the BTS Bubble HOWEVER between today and next Monday 19th September if you sign up to my email list (If you are already signed up you will receive this email) you will receive an email telling you how you can leave your WWMD question and I might answer it on the show. Sign up to my email list here:
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9/14/2022 • 15 minutes, 57 seconds
254: How to be the masculine, whilst she's making the money
Today we are talking about how to be the masculine when your female partner is earning the money. It is very common now that women are making more money than men but of course, we still want to be looked after, led by and cherished by men.
I dive into:
· How the online space has transformed the way the way that women can earn money
· How to know if you have work to do around money and masculinity
· Examples of how I stay in my feminine as the breadwinner
· Your woman doesn’t want to feel wrong for making more money than you
· CHICKEN NUGGET: Your ability to be masculine is not about the size of your bank account, it’s an energy
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9/12/2022 • 35 minutes, 7 seconds
253: The Feminine Female Breadwinner
I will be teaching you about:
The energy behind money, feminine energy and masculine energy
The exact things that I do to stay in my feminine, even when I’m the one paying
How to feel cherished and adored on vacation even when you’re the one paying for *most* things
If you are a man you’ll learn how to claim her with your actions and words so that you feel like The Man and she feels claimed by you (and therefore safe)
The simple yet profound things that my man and I do to keep our polarity hot and heavy
Communication tips that we use on a daily basis
Knowing when to actually draw a boundary with money and go into your ‘boss’ mode and when to not
Navigating a situation so that he feels like he is leading and ‘doing’ it, even if you are the one providing the financing
Supporting your man in being in his masculine towards you
If you are a man, you’ll gain the knowledge of how to be in your masculine and not let her emasculate you
How to stay in your feminine and let him lead day to day
How we split out finances up (so far) in a way that feels good for both of us and tips on how you can do the same
How to let him feel like he is the provider and protector even if you are the one bringing in most of the money
Having boundaries around your finances at the start of dating and into your relationship in a way that feels good to you
9/7/2022 • 19 minutes, 47 seconds
252: WWMD: My sister told me that becoming a successful life coach is one in a million
In this episode Monica answers what she would do if if her sister told her that becoming a successful life coach was a one in a million chance?
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9/7/2022 • 7 minutes, 18 seconds
251: Why selling is sexy and investing is a turn on
Today I am talking about why selling is sexy, and investing is a turn on. No matter what area you are in, we are always selling ourselves. Whether you are in business or not, this is an important episode to listen to, I riff on:
🌹 We are always selling ourselves
🌹 Why you need to fix the root to get out of your trauma cycle
🌹 The qualities you need to be able to sell easily
🌹 How your blocks and trauma dull your shine and magnetism
🌹 Do you let yourself be seen?
🌹 Why you feel icky around selling
🌹 CHICKEN NUGGET: The investments that you make and the way that you act in small moments, add up to big things
🌹 My two cents on investing
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9/5/2022 • 40 minutes, 20 seconds
250: WWMD: "Who should text first?"
Who should text first? In this episode Monica answers a question from a listener who has been receiving backlash for believing the guy should text first.
Monica dives into:
· Gender roles
· Why men need to chase
· The importance of understanding the opposite sex
· Dealing with backlash
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8/31/2022 • 17 minutes, 47 seconds
249: BONUS: How to get your man to do the work
In this episode I talk about how to get your man to ‘do the work’.
I chat about:
❤️🔥 How you doing the work and becoming the ‘light’ inspires him
❤️🔥 Men wait to hit rock bottom, how about starting with you?
❤️🔥 Giving an ultimatum vs giving a nudge
❤️🔥 Why you should not push anyone to do this kind of work
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8/29/2022 • 14 minutes, 47 seconds
248: Why being "Mr Nice Guy" isn't making you feel like THE man
Today we are going to talk about ‘nice guy syndrome’ for men, this will be helpful for you to notice these behaviours and stop doing it. For the ladies, it’s going to be helpful to validate some of your experiences and feelings towards guys that are really, really nice.
In this episode I riff on:
🌹 The difference between a guy who is nice and a nice guy who is a door mat
🌹 Boundaries are sexy
🌹 If you cannot lead and make decisions for yourself you will not be able to lead a woman
🌹 This influx in ‘nice guys’ has come after an influx in emasculation, berating, shaming and putting down of men
🌹 How being ‘Mr Nice Guy’ can lead to resentment from you and your partner
🌹 Is she really toxic or are you letting yourself be manipulated because you can’t draw a boundary?
🌹 Men want respect and women want attention and connection
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8/29/2022 • 37 minutes, 23 seconds
247: WWMD: "My man doesn't go down on me and I have mentioned to him that I like it."
The WWMD segment today is extra juicy 💦
Monica shares what she would do if her man wasn't going down on her after having mentioning to him that she likes it.
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8/24/2022 • 12 minutes, 16 seconds
246: Redefining what it means to be "a man" | Leading yourself, knowing yourself and being the man you want to be
Today I want to talk about redefining what it means to be a man. In society a masculine man is painted in one way and I think we are finally coming away from that ‘traditional alpha man’. The way that you’re raised will shape how you view what a man ‘should’ be. Masculine is an energy, if you don’t feel masculine, that’s where the problem is.
In this episode I dive into:
🌹 What has shaped your view what a man ‘should’ be?
🌹 Wanting to emulate your father or be the opposite
🌹 Stop seeking validation from others, only you can make you feel like a man
🌹 Committing to yourself allows you to commit to others
🌹 Men process differently to women and society has shamed that primal need
🌹 The problem with the ‘happy wife, happy life’ mentality
🌹 Why avoidance is not the answer
🌹 Putting your foot down is sexy
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8/22/2022 • 40 minutes, 28 seconds
245: Anxious/avoidant attachment styles towards money, refunds and manifestations
Today I want to talk about attachment styles towards money, refunds, debt, and manifestation.
I dive into:
🌹 What anxious and avoidant attachment styles are
🌹 Why healing your relationship with money is so important for your life as a whole
🌹 The power of regulating your nervous system
🌹 How your trauma response may be negatively impacting your business
🌹 Why your manifestations aren’t coming true
🌹 Stop waiting to take the next step... what would future you do?
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8/18/2022 • 26 minutes, 43 seconds
244: WWMD: "How do I stay in my feminine whilst being a leader in a male dominated workplace?"
In this episode of WWMD Kates asks what Monica would do if she was constantly coming up against challenges and hitting a wall. Kate also wants to know how to navigate being a leader in a masculine work space whilst remaining in her feminine. This is a juicy episode, listen to find out what Monica would do.
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8/17/2022 • 12 minutes, 37 seconds
243: The difference between leading her and being an authoritarian | redefining masculinity, integrity, insecurities and ego (Men listen to this too)
Today we are talking about the difference between leading and being a dictator or authoritarian to your partner. This is an episode for the men, ladies you will get a lot out of this too.
Leadership is sexy but being so dominant with no space of accepting is controlling and not in a sexy way, let’s dive into the differences between these two spaces and how you can avoid being a dictator or authoritarian.
I speak about:
🖤 Doing the work means the leadership is coming from a good space and not a trauma response space
🖤 How our biology impacts our leading and stress management
🖤 Taking the lead in high stress situations
🖤 A truly amazing man wants to understand women
🖤 NUGGET: A man that leads himself, knows how to lead others
🖤 The power and importance of integrity
🖤 Needing vs desiring to lead
🖤 The fear of failure leads to the avoidance of the parts that need to be healed
⇢Listen to Episode 217: Is Feminism causing men to stop pursuing women?
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8/15/2022 • 57 minutes, 24 seconds
242: Girl chat #5 | Dealing with overwhelm, the power of outsourcing, why you need to implement masculine structure, how to increase productivity and reduce procrastination
In this episode of girl chat, Monica and Louise dive into:
🌹 BTS of running a business (what people don’t tell you)
🌹 Dealing with overwhelm and asking for help
🌹 Implementing more masculine structure
🌹 Navigating a long-distance relationship
🌹 A mindset shift for outsourcing and investing
🌹 Cancel plans or push through?
🌹 Procrastination and productivity
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8/12/2022 • 37 minutes, 52 seconds
241: WWMD: “I am growing, my partner is procrastinating… and I don’t want to mother him”
Ever wonder what Monica would do if she was growing but her partner was procrastinating?
Find out in todays episode of 'What Would Monica Do?'
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8/10/2022 • 10 minutes, 32 seconds
240: Staying in abundance even in economic downturn | Pivoting your business, finding opportunity and money mindset
Let’s talk about staying in abundance even in economic downturn. You can still tap into the frequency and energy of abundance even when everyone around you is running around like a headless chicken and going into chronic saving mode.
In this episode, I dive into:
🌹 Why abundance money mindset are aspects you need to constantly work on
🌹 How I purchase and invest from a frequency of abundance, not scarcity
🌹 Successful people view hurdles as opportunities
🌹 Why you need to get more confident in your offerings and in yourself
🌹 The process of pivoting in business, what you need to think about
🌹 Your blocks are not a lack of strategy, it’s your inner world and unhealed trauma
🌹 Why this is the time to double down on what makes you feel good
🌹 The importance of being proactive not reactive
🌹 What you need to get clear on in your business
🌹 Why you want to feel ‘stretched’ when investing in your business
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8/8/2022 • 49 minutes, 47 seconds
239: What are your money leaks?
Today I am talking about money leaks, and I want to kick off with a chicken nugget I said that someone emailed to me..
“Investing in yourself is setting your value, not paying a bill.”
When you are investing in yourself, you are not paying a bill, what you are paying for is your future, the better and truer version of yourself. The way you invest is claiming how you value yourself.
In this episode I chat about:
🌹 What are energy leaks and what happens if you don’t close them?
🌹 How to clean up your leaks with money
🌹 Waiting for your boyfriend to give you flowers or an orgasm? Listen to this!
🌹 Giving yourself closure after friendships or relationships ending
🌹 Why you need to delete his number
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8/4/2022 • 24 minutes, 38 seconds
238: How men and women can reduce hormonal imbalances and optimize their health | PMS, fertility, inflammation and testosterone
Today I am talking about balancing your hormones, this is an episode that men also need to listen to because men have hormones too.
I dive into:
☾ The seven top foods that I love to incorporate into my diet that help with balancing hormones
☾ Eating for optimal health and fertility
☾ Foods that cause inflammation
☾ How trauma can impact your cycle and imbalance your hormones
☾ Not embracing your femininity can cause painful periods
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8/1/2022 • 34 minutes, 39 seconds
237: Girl chat #4 | Green flags, Red flags & How to Spot a Mommy's Boy
In this episode of Girl Chat, Monica and Louise chat about their Green flags and riff on:
❤️🔥 What gives them the ‘ick’
❤️🔥 Masculine holding space for the feminine
❤️🔥 Plastic surgery, body image and self-acceptance
❤️🔥 Thoughts on alcohol and drinking habits
❤️🔥 Mommy’s boy vs a healthy relationship with their mother
❤️🔥 Communication without ego
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7/29/2022 • 45 minutes, 57 seconds
236: Is BDSM a Trauma Response? | Sexuality, Validation, Disassociation & Seasons of Sex
Today we are talking about Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission, Sadochism and Masochism (BDSM). I am all for BDSM, kink and all of the things, whatever your sexual fantasies are, I am here for it. Something to be mindful of is that your sexual fantasies in the bedroom should also be coming out in your life. I riff on why this is in today's episode and also dive into:
🌹 What are your sexual fantasies telling you?
🌹 How trauma can impact you in the bedroom
🌹 The difference between a trauma response and a trigger
🌹 Healing yourself and your partner through sex and intimacy
🌹 Being sexual to seek validation and wearing BDSM as badge of honour
🌹 Some questions to ask yourself
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7/26/2022 • 37 minutes, 29 seconds
235: Roe v Wade Q+As | Where is abortion legal still? What does this mean for plan B pill? How do I trust my body?
Today I am answering your questions that have come up from the episode that I did regarding Roe V. Wade, I have gotten my research from reputable articles but encourage you to do your own research also.
· Overview of the specifics, conditions and differentiation of abortion law in each state
· The difference between abortion and the morning after pill
· My thoughts on abortions
· The empowerment that comes from understanding your cycle
· The danger of practicing unsafe abortions
· Should we delete our period tracking apps?
· We need to stop blaming men for everything
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7/25/2022 • 54 minutes, 40 seconds
234: Did I give up on NYC? | Grounding in Atlanta, Quantum leaps and moving for love
This episode is all about how I am navigating this new season of my life. I grew up in New York and it is the only city in the world that felt like home so moving back to New York as an adult felt so good. I had my dream apartment, in the Jenga building, Tribeca and worked with an interior designer to fit it out, it felt so good to make it mine. Then, I met the man of my dreams who lives in Atlanta.
In this episode I dive into:
· Why I left New York
· Why moving is traumatic for everyone
· Recognising the dream beyond the dream
· Realising that ‘home’ can be a person
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7/22/2022 • 48 minutes, 12 seconds
233: Understanding your "zones" and why your shit holds you back from upleveling. | Intuition vs fear, why your man isn't leading, spiritual bypassing and feeling 'frozen' in life
Today I am talking about understanding the blocks to your zones. You have different zones throughout your life, different zones of genius, love and money etc. What can happen is you can get stuck in one zone that inhibits you from getting to the next zone but the next zone is where you need to get for something to happen.
Chicken nugget: Just because it doesn’t feel safe, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. Staying where you are out of fear is just letting your trauma run the show
I dive into:
🌹How to change your ‘zones’ and the impact trauma has on them.
🌹The difference between your intuitive nudges vs fear overriding you and limiting you
🌹Why your man isn’t leading you
🌹Spiritual bypassing
🌹You feeling ‘frozen’ in your life
And so much more!
Queen Alchemy is my signature program for healing your trauma, confidence issues, limiting beliefs, subconscious beliefs and bad cycles so that you can be embodied in your most feminine, sensual and radiant version of yourself.
Enrollment closes soon and so if you haven’t already filled in your form and/or paid for your spot, please do so ASAP to avoid missing out!
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7/22/2022 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 50 seconds
232: Abortions & Feeling empowered during Roe v. Wade
Today we are going to talk about abortion, Roe v. Wade and the influence that these things have on us as women. Regardless of the reason of your abortion, terminating a pregnancy is a very emotionally challenging thing for you to go through. I have had clients come to me after an abortion who are unsure why they are feeling the way that they are because they backed themselves 100%. I want to normalise that every single woman is going to feel those emotions, if you are struggling with that please join Queen Alchemy to be able to let go of the guilt or shame or whatever you are holding onto from this experience.
In this episode I dive into:
· A quick overview of what has happened over the last few weeks in terms of Roe v. Wade
· Negative repercussions of restrictions to abortions
· Why hating on men is not the answer
· Why you shouldn’t stop trusting your body
· Why hormonal birth control is not women empowerment
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7/17/2022 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 21 seconds
231: Girl chat #3 | Being the female 'breadwinner' & staying in your feminine
In this episode of Girl Chat, Monica and Louise dive into:
· Monica’s feelings about relocating to the South
· The expansive nature of investing in your comfort, time and health
· Being the ‘bread winner’ as a woman does not mean your man can’t provide in other masculine ways
· Examples of how your man can provide for you even when you earn more money
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7/8/2022 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 29 seconds
230: Why the 'girl boss' movement is hurting women
Today we are talking about how the ‘girl boss’ movement is hurting women. Our core desires as a feminine woman are to feel connected, loved and nourished in our body and without those things we feel out of alignment. In this episode I dive into how striving to emulate the ‘girl boss’ ideal leads women to ignore those very desires. I touch on:
· Where the ‘girl boss’ idea came from
· The important question to ask yourself... ‘does that actually nourish your heart?’
· Why women need to ask for help to ‘do it all’
· Validation seeking
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7/4/2022 • 43 minutes, 50 seconds
229: Losing weight from a place of love | Energetic & emotional weight, trauma & weight gain
Today I am talking about losing weight from a place of love and I am so excited to jam on this. I have had my own journey with my body and let’s be real, I think every single man and woman has had some sort of journey in terms of their relationship with their body. My purpose always is for us all to be living within our truth and in a respectful, kind and loving way with ourselves and with those around us. When I am talking about eating well, exercising, looking after yourself and all of the things that I do for my body and for my health they all come from a place of self-respect. In this episode I dove into:
· The body positivity movement and how social media is resulting in shame for those wanting to lose weight
· How unhealed trauma can show up in your relationship with food
· How a fear of being seen can result in weight gain
· Why changing your body to feel enough, to feel worthy or to feel loved won’t work
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6/27/2022 • 43 minutes, 28 seconds
228: Masculine & Feminine energy in life, business and dating
This episode is from an interview I did on the ‘Make Shift Happen’ Podcast with Samantha Daily. We discuss masculine and feminine energy in relation to life, business and dating.
I dive into:
· What you need to consider before hiring a coach
· The decision you need to make to have a successful business
· How masculine tasks can feed the feminine
· Why emasculating men stops them from leading
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6/21/2022 • 1 hour, 9 minutes, 18 seconds
227: Girl Chat #2 | The energetics of getting a man to claim you
In this episode of Girl Chat, Monica and Louise dive into:
· Monica receiving backlash on her views of being led by your man
· Balancing your masculine and feminine energy
· Living your life for you and not by societies standards
· Why not letting a man lead keeps you in the dark
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6/10/2022 • 55 minutes, 3 seconds
226: Talking transformative, healing sex with Jamie Rea | What masculine men need, what it takes for a man to commit and what emasculation feels like
In today’s episode I spoke with Jamie Rea a Relationship & Transformation Coach, Award-Winning Screenwriter, Filmmaker, Storyteller, Comedian and Comedy Writer. Jamie combines a deeply somatic and energetic approach to his coaching and healing work that helps move clients into deeper levels of integration and release inside the body, helping clients to unlock their power, claim their voice and connect deeply to their greatest soul potential. We dive into:
· what it takes for a man to be in that space and to claim a woman
· What holds men back from fully committing to themselves
· Transformative and healing sex
· what a masculine man looks for in a woman
· Emasculation
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6/9/2022 • 48 minutes, 10 seconds
225: My journey with manifestation and building wealth
Today we are talking about my journey with manifestation and building wealth. I remember sitting at my desk in Sydney with New York on my vision board and I achieved that dream in less than three years. Now I have this opportunity to expand and achieve my dream beyond the dream. In today’s episode I chat about:
· The ins and outs of my manifestation journey the last few years
· The hard and challenging parts of manifestation
· Why the physical body heavily influences your energetic body
· Why you should invest in yourself in different forms that scare you
· My next chapter
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6/6/2022 • 34 minutes, 33 seconds
224: Taking Sub/ Dom outside of the bedroom
In today’s episode I am talking about the submissive and dominant dynamic (sub dom) outside of the bedroom. The reality is that for majority of us, this is what we want, a sub dom kind of relationship. When we think about it, it is really us following our biological urges and our natural desires. Today I dive into:
· What your desires in the bedroom tell you about your day-today life
· How healing your relationship with men allows you to receive from them
· How the stories in your head about men are preventing you from recognising the good men out there
· What to do if you want your man to lead more
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6/2/2022 • 29 minutes, 49 seconds
223: GIRL CHAT | Stop texting men all the time & are you your own red flag?
In this episode of Girl Chat, Monica and Louise dive into a juicy convo touching on:
🌹 Relationships
🌹Red flags
🌹Healing sex
🌹Why you might be seeking validation
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5/31/2022 • 33 minutes, 12 seconds
222: What actually is manifestation?
Today we are talking about what manifestation actually is and what wealth frequency actually is. Let’s break it all down in Monica lingo.
I dive into:
· Breaking down manifestation
· Understanding wealth frequency and how to increase yours
· Law of attraction and law of action
· Does ‘act as if’ really work?
· An exercise for you to upgrade your wealth frequency today
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5/30/2022 • 34 minutes, 49 seconds
221: Owning our gender differences with Mike Gunner from Married at First Sight | Emasculation, backlash & BTS of MAFS
Today I am speaking with Mike Gunner who appeared on season six of Married at First Sight (MAFS) back in 2019. In episode 41 Mike said that women cannot cope under as much pressure as men can. Mike unsurprisingly received a lot of backlash for this statement but as many of you will know, I am very fond of helping us dismantle this political correctness around men and women and understanding ourselves as biological beings and not trying to shove us into a box that fits a political agenda. I was really excited to have Mike on the show to chat with me about this topic, we dive into:
· The varied responses to Mike’s opinions on the show from different cultures
· Double standards of communication between men and women
· What true feminism is and how radical feminism is changing how men approach women
· How Mike deals with emasculation
⇢Some of my other episodes on this topic:
⇢164: Understanding the difference between how men and women date
⇢135: Let men be men, and women be women | An interview w/ Monica Yates
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5/26/2022 • 50 minutes, 40 seconds
220: How to reset your energy and get out of a slump | My biggest meltdown
Today I want to talk about resetting your energy, resetting your vibe and getting back into a frequency that you were in a couple of weeks or months ago. We are human and sometimes we can fall off the bandwagon and I am sharing this with you because around a month ago I had a week where I cried the whole week. I actually had a meltdown like no other in my adult life whilst at the airport at 6am. I was overwhelmed and over tired and I noticed that I had fallen off the bandwagon of doing my practices and being in my energy. I had forgotten that I am supported, looked after and that everything is going to be okay.
I chat about:
· The importance of understanding manifestation, frequency and energy
· Why you have to be so committed to yourself
· My recommendations for when you are in a slump, when you’ve lost that sense of connection to something greater, lost that sense of flow or don’t know where you are going
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5/23/2022 • 19 minutes, 20 seconds
219: How old is too old to date?
Today I am talking about a topic that came up with a friend of mine. How old is too old to date, is there an age that a person is too old for you to date? This is obviously a mass generalisation but it is such a juicy topic that I have some insight on.
I dive into:
· Some red flags you may be missing
· The importance of energy and discipline in dating and relationships
· The healthy daddy dynamic vs the unhealthy daddy dynamic
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5/15/2022 • 28 minutes, 51 seconds
218: Why you're making dating hard for yourself
Today I am talking about how dating can be draining but doesn’t need to be. I did a really good job, (before my current situation) of going into dating with different mindsets, dating different kinds of men and showing up differently to figure out how to date in a way where I stayed in a feeling of calm, wasn’t attached, felt secure, peaceful and didn’t obsess over my phone. If this resonates with you then I highly recommend you listen to this episode where I dive into:
· Attachment and sex
· Why engaging in half arse sh*t is holding you back from the relationship you actually desire
· How understanding men's biology changes the dating game
· How the pandemic has impacted dating
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5/9/2022 • 34 minutes, 53 seconds
217: Is Feminism causing men to stop pursuing women?
Today’s discussion is in answer to a client question, is feminism causing men to stop pursuing? In this episode I dive into the following:
· Why I think the answer to this question is a big YES
· How radical feminism and women empowerment has changed behaviours
· How we have created a culture in which we are allowed to be non-comital and avoidant
· NUGGET: The resentment you have for men is actually the resentment you have for yourself
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Listen to episode 197: How masculine men actually make society safer, and feminine-men make it unsafe
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5/2/2022 • 54 minutes, 5 seconds
216: How we can support the men in our lives
Today we are talking about how to support the men in your life. Whether it be your uncle, colleague, partner or father, it doesn’t matter. It is so important to support not only the women in our lives but also the men and the way to support men is different from the women in our lives.
I touch on:
· Things that our men want to hear more of
· Why men want to feel like they are received by you
· The importance of allowing space
· Creating a safe space for the men in our lives
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4/25/2022 • 30 minutes, 24 seconds
215: I fired everybody and this is why | All the juicy business updates that you are dying to hear
Today I have a business update for you because I feel like people need permission to do some things and there are a lot of points for me to jam on, I touch on:
· The positives and negatives of having a team
· Massive changes in my business
· Giving YOU permission
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4/18/2022 • 22 minutes, 35 seconds
214: Business Q&A
I love Q&A’s because I can just riff and chat about what you really want to know, this is such a juicy episode today with a bunch of nuggets on feminine business, sales calls, decision making and so much more.
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4/11/2022 • 35 minutes, 4 seconds
213: How to manifest the business of your dreams
In today’s episode I talk to you about how to manifest the business of your dreams. I want to also preface that when I say the business of your dreams I also mean manifesting the life of your dreams, your business is part of your life, part of you, your purpose and your legacy.
I dive into:
· The importance of the law of action
· My ‘failed’ attempts and when I started making money from my business
· Embodying the energetics of your desired business and life without being stupid with money
· The balance of spirituality and strategy in business
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3/29/2022 • 24 minutes, 52 seconds
212: BONUS EPISODE🎙What you need to know to call in your dream home
In this episode I chat with past BABA client, Marina who is a Realestate Agent and Realestate Coach. I feel like so many of us, including myself are not educated enough when it comes to purchasing and understanding property. Marina has so many chicken nuggets that I found so helpful, I don't want to buy a house right now but I know that in the next year or two I will be ready. It is so important to be prepared and feel empowered around these big life decisions. When it comes to manifesting your house, being in the frequency and the energy of calling in that dream house an important piece of this is the law of action and that requires education and understanding.
Marina and I chat about:
What a mortgage actually is
The importance of finding the right person to assist you on your property journey
The benefits of building a property investment portfolio
The Real Estate Queen Academy (The Signature Group Program):
The Real Estate Queen Academy (The Evergreen Course):
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3/24/2022 • 40 minutes, 38 seconds
211: How trauma shows up in your business
In today’s episode I talk all about how trauma shows up in your business. Your problems in your business actually tell me where your trauma is sitting and then I heal that trauma and as a result we will implement those other practices and your business will thrive. If you don’t fix you, your business is on a rocky foundation. I chat about:
· Why you need to heal your trauma before being able to fully implement strategy
· How a lack of confidence can negatively impact your business
· The inability to speak your truth
· The importance of magnetism
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3/21/2022 • 36 minutes, 17 seconds
210: Feminine business myths
Today I want to talk to you about the feminine business myths that are everywhere on social media right now. Some business coaches claim and preach that if you just masturbate, radiate orgasmic energy and are in your feminine then you’ll make millions. I want to come from a place of sustainability. I chat about:
· The importance of acknowledging life changes and seasons
· What it takes to actually reach your goals and desires
· Why cultivating a masculine container allows your feminine to flow
· Done is better than perfect!
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3/14/2022 • 30 minutes, 56 seconds
209: The link between sexual energy and money. Plus let's redefine success
This episode is an interview I did on the Activated Woman Podcast. This is a juicy one talking everything self-trust, my relationship with alcohol, what success looks like to me now and the energetics of money.
I dive into:
· Physical issues masking energetic issues
· Redefining success
· How getting drunk with friends is a spiritual practice for me
· Sexual energy and money having the same frequency
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3/7/2022 • 34 minutes, 59 seconds
208: Are you escaping reality with spirituality?
In today’s episode I ask, are you escaping reality with spirituality? Where we slip up when it comes to spirituality and trust is when we use it in a way where we are bypassing something and use it as an excuse, a self-sabotage tool or a way to avoid taking responsibility. I chat about:
· Having faith and believing in a higher source
· The implications of spiritually bypassing
· The benefits of taking radical responsibility of your life
· That the equation is not just be a vibe = make money
· The importance of committing to yourself
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2/28/2022 • 25 minutes, 29 seconds
207: What is trauma?
Today I am talking all about trauma and explaining what exactly it is for anyone who is confused by it.
I dive into:
· What the trauma cycle is and how it can negatively impact your libido
· Why getting to the root is the only way to really fix your trauma
· How every single person regardless of their upbringing has trauma
· How numbing out and disassociating inhibits your ability to feel pleasure
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2/21/2022 • 28 minutes, 29 seconds
206: Daddy issues, preserving your feminine energy and empowering sex
This episode is an interview I did on The Kelli Show and it is full of value and chicken nuggets all about healing your trauma, preserving your feminine energy, validation + men and how allowing yourself to feel sexy starts a cycle of abundance and magnetic energy. I chat about:
Why showing up online in a real, human and authentic way is so important for building trust
How strict spiritual practices could actually be holding you back and draining your life force energy
Chicken nugget: I’m not afraid of rejection because I don’t reject myself anymore
Healing your Daddy issues to release sexual shame and be able to validate yourself
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2/14/2022 • 48 minutes, 34 seconds
205: The shit side of business
In today’s episode, I talk about the shit side of business and how sometimes I hate being a business owner, I hate being a boss and things feel really hard. I want to share this side with you because often we don’t see the behind the scenes or the nitty gritty and this leads us to glamorise and romanticise different roles and careers.
I share with you:
· What the hard days and moments of being a business owner can look like
· Behind the scenes of hiring and firing team members
· The importance of showing authenticity and being truthful to ourselves
· The myth to feminine business and how not to fall into that trap
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2/7/2022 • 24 minutes, 32 seconds
204: Labels limit you and inhibit your sense of freedom
Today I am talking about labels and how they can be really fucking damaging, inhibit your growth and hold you back from your goals and desires.
I chat about:
Different types of labels and how they stop you from searching for the root cause
Social media and how this platform along with labels are impacting our productivity
Why we reach and search for labels and what happens when you get rid of them
Chicken Nugget: When you label yourself, you limit yourself!
How labels allow avoidance an in turn hold you back from your desired reality
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1/31/2022 • 30 minutes, 4 seconds
203: Your addiction to victimhood is what could be holding you back from getting your manifestations
Today we're talking about victimhood and how people are actually addicted to being a victim.
This episode is going to trigger some of you, but I want you to stick with me and know that the next 33 minutes are going to light a fire up your arse to break your victim cycle.
I dive into:
☽ Why people get addicted to their victimhood
☽ The vicious cycle of the high you get from complaining
☽ The truth about talk therapy and trauma
☽ Ask yourself, what are you getting from staying in your victimhood?
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1/17/2022 • 33 minutes, 55 seconds
202: The 2022 Queen Alchemy Update
I'm here with the down low on the new format of Queen Alchemy and what to expect in this round! So if you want to join and you have questions, chances are they're going to be answered in this 7 minutes.
How the group calls work
Why I've decided to scrap FaceBook and start a Telegram group
Introducing the new additional trauma calls
Why I've replaced the 1:1 call with the additional trauma calls
What to do if you've already joined a previous round of Queen Alchemy and you've got FOMO of the new format
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1/12/2022 • 8 minutes, 49 seconds
201: How trauma shows up in your sex life - for both men and women
In this episode, I discuss why trauma can affect your sex life. Your mind and body hold trauma which causes overthinking, stiffness in the body, and insecure thoughts which leads to shitty sex. Trauma is held in the body and until you release that stagnant energy you will not be able to fully relax. In order to feel all the amazing sensations, you must release the negative sensations stemming from the trauma that has been stored in your body.
I dive into:
Men and Women both have sexual trauma -- learn how it affects both genders
Why trauma causes overthinking and insecurities in the bedroom
Clear your trauma to have the ultimate orgasm
Our bodies and minds try to black out the trauma causing us not to feel anything at all.
Replacing the feeling of detached and numb to confident and sexy
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1/12/2022 • 45 minutes, 20 seconds
200: 2022 is YOUR YEAR
In this episode, we discussed what the new year is really about. We no longer have time for negativity or fake friends. Let’s make this year our b*tch. I discuss how to manifest and how to figure out which tools work best for you. 2022 brings a new sense of self. During this episode, I teach you how to look inward and listen to your true self. Now is the time to be selfish and focus on yourself. Changes do not happen overnight and I will help guide you into a healthy routine in order to manifest your dream life.
Go out and network
Ask, believe, achieve energy
Make a list and set your intentions for 2022
“I can’t” is no longer part of your vocabulary.
Manifestations can happen during your downtime, relax and breathe
Be intentional with manifestations
Focus on which practice feels the best for YOU
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1/6/2022 • 18 minutes, 24 seconds
199: Energetic blueprints | Love, wealth & career
This episode is a game changer in understanding this world of blueprints and energetics. If you want a deeper insight into anything I mention, Magic, Money & Manifestation: Level 1 is your intro into this world, and Level 2 is that higher level.
In episode 199, I chat about:
☽ The basics of blueprints
☽ Breaking your ceilings and shifting your energy
☽ How a blueprint is made and the questions to ask yourself
☽ Chicken nugget: If you want radical shifts, you have to actually invest
☽ Mismatch of blueprints in relationships and things to consider
☽ The four key things that you must be doing in order to change your financial blueprint
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1/4/2022 • 35 minutes, 51 seconds
198: How sisterhood wounding can inhibit your growth
Sisterhood wounding is a wound women have around their friendships with other women. It's the backstabbing, bitchness, sly comments, nastiness, bullying that goes on in girl friendship groups. A lot of us will either have this, or have struggled with this wound in the past.
In episode 198, I chat about:
☽ My story with sisterhood wounding when I started my business
☽ Why sisterhood wounding affects us
☽ Some reassurance that you're not alone and how it's such a common struggle for my clients that are business owners
☽ Queen bee nature, competitiveness, safety and rejection
☽ Why biologically, women sometimes diminish their light (whether that be success, taken, beauty) so they fit in
☽ Truth bomb: women can be bitches and 'women supporting women' is often BS
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⇢ Listen to the previous sisterhood wounding rant I did in 2020:
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12/29/2021 • 53 minutes, 7 seconds
197: How masculine men actually make society safer, and feminine-men make it unsafe
Today's episode is all about how as a woman you need to understand that if you want to feel safe, you need to feel safe around men. This is also a good episode for men to listening to, as a great permission slip to be in their grounded masculine. I chat about:
☽ The MeToo movement, feminism and how the intention of these movements have shifted, been taken out of context and blown out of proportion, thus creating a manhunt which is causing the opposite of what we want.
☽ How biologically, men will make women feel safer
☽ How the answer to women feeling 'unsafe' is actually in MEN
☽ Understanding that as women we want to feel ravished, loved, cherished and wanted by men.
☽ How society has made men's good dominance to become an unhealthy, toxic, masculine trait when actually it the thing that makes women feel grounded and safe.
☽ Why biologically and energetically, the feminine wants to be devoured by the masculine.
☽ Why we need to give permission for men to be their masculine
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⇢ Here is the survey I mention (share this with the men in your life!):
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12/15/2021 • 39 minutes, 31 seconds
196: How to heal your stress of not being "enough of a man"
This is going to be a good episode for my male listeners and also my female listeners, so that you can have more compassion towards men (cc: Be A Lover, Not A Mother) and understand that they have struggles too. I chat about:
- The stress of not being 'enough of a man'
- External factors and what your partner actually deems as being 'a man'
- Looking at the root of feeling not 'enough'
- You saying "I want to be a better man" isn't admitting fault. It's saying that you want more for yourself, which is an attractive trait.
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12/6/2021 • 20 minutes, 45 seconds
195: I stopped drinking alcohol for three months, and this is what happened
I haven't been drinking for about three months now. I didn't start for any particular reason and I didn't intend on keeping it up for a particular length of time either. Until I felt the benefits of not drinking, I wasn't fully aware of how much drinking alcohol was affecting me. In this episode I chat about the benefits I experienced by abstaining from alcohol, including:
☽ Clarity
☽ See things in people and their behaviours
☽ Have higher levels of motivation
☽ Clear skin
☽ Wake up earlier and be less stressed because I have more time
☽ Have less attachment to things and more surrender
Want more?
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ The Man:
⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ Tickets for my NYC April 2022 event are available:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy:
⇢ UNEDITED magazine:
12/1/2021 • 46 minutes, 16 seconds
194: Where are all the good men? B!tch, they're around me! (Quit emasculating)
This is a juicy episode I recorded with Lee Noto. We chat about:
☽ The breakdown of what masculine armour and emasculation is, and the impact of both
☽ How to dance between the masculine and feminine
☽ Understanding biology and the nervous system to receive freedom and grace in your life
☽ Permission to stop being a fucking man and let men be men
Want more?
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ The Man:
⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ Tickets for my NYC April 2022 event are available:⇢ Join Queen Alchemy:
11/22/2021 • 40 minutes, 8 seconds
193: How understanding the opposite sex will help you get further in your career
This is something I haven't actually properly touched on in any of my episodes before. This episode is all about how understanding the opposite sex will help you get further in your career. I chat about:
☽ Feeling safe in your workplace and creating a supportive environment
☽ Learning how to change your communication slightly for men, and vice versus
☽ What drives the opposite sex, including purpose, power, leadership, support, validation, attention and communication
Want more?
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ The Man:
⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ Tickets for my NYC April 2022 event are released on the 16th November:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy:
11/16/2021 • 28 minutes, 16 seconds
192: Breakdown of the Netflix show YOU (part 2) | Blackout rage is a real thing
Welcome to part two of the YOU series ( if you haven’t listened to part one obviously make sure you do first!)
In this episode I cover:
☽ Blackout rage attacks
☽ Sociopaths, psychopaths and narcissists
☽ Abandonment wounds
☽ Love languages
☽ The importance of keeping things spicy in a long term relationship
Also mentioned in this ep:
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ The Man:
⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ Join the waitlist for my NYC event:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy:
11/8/2021 • 36 minutes, 5 seconds
191: Breakdown of the Netflix show YOU (part 1) | What's fucked up about this show
You guys all loved my SexLife series and asked for more podcasts in this style! So you asked and I've delivered ;) This time I'm going to be chatting about You season 3 (if you haven't watched it yet, this will include spoilers!)
In this ep I dive into:
☽ The exacerbation of violence towards women, that "men aren't safe" and that women are afraid of trusting men
☽ The proliferation of the societal norm that "women are crazy"
☽ Why these shows can be damaging to your subconscious
☽ The measles storyline
☽ Childhood wounding, control and feeling safe
☽ What made me really fucking angry
☽ Trauma bonds and the search for 'the one'
☽ Rage and the ability to express healthy anger
Also mentioned in this episode:
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ The Man:
⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ Join the waitlist for my NYC event:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy:
11/1/2021 • 50 minutes, 22 seconds
190: How emasculation hurts both men and women
In this juicy ep I cover:
☽ Examples of emasculation
☽ How men can also emasculate the masculine part of a women
☽ Emasculation in the workplace
☽ When you are actually empowered, you empower others
☽ How emasculation actually stems from insecurity
Want more?...
⇢ Here is the episode Monica mentions about 'what is emasculation?':
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ The Man:
⇢ Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
⇢ BTS Bubble:
⇢ Join the waitlist for my NYC event:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy:
10/25/2021 • 32 minutes, 43 seconds
189: The story of how I developed my intuition
This is the story of how I developed my intuition. In this ep, I chat about:
☽ Past life regression
☽ The memory of when I think my intuition shut down (because I was too scared of how on point it was!)
☽ How I started to bring my intuition back up
☽ Examples of how I know that it's really strong now
☽ The importance of listening to your intuitive nudges, even if you don't know the reason behind the 'why'...
☽ Plus, I answer a bunch of questions that all. my ladies in the BTS bubble group asked me about developing intuition, feeling comfortable with it and whether everyone is psychic or not.
Want more?...
⇢The Man:
⇢Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
⇢BTS Bubble:
⇢Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢Witch Womb Wisdom:
⇢Join the waitlist for my NYC event:
10/22/2021 • 51 minutes, 27 seconds
188: 8 ways your inner child wounds play out in your relationship
Today I'm talking about predominately romantic relationships. I dive into the following 8 ways your inner child wounds play out in your relationship:
1: The way in which you communicate during a fight
2: Attachment styles
3: You didn't feel loved as a child
4: Projecting insecurities
5: Eating disorders
6: Suppressed emotions
7: Mummy issues
8: Daddy issues
Read the blog version of this episode:
The Man:
Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
BTS Bubble:
Join the waitlist for my NYC event:
10/12/2021 • 29 minutes, 21 seconds
187: The energetics of expansion
In a nutshell, if you're not taking scary leaps, don't expect to expand. In this episode I also cover:
☽ What is expansion and how does it feel?
☽ Why a little bit of fear is important
☽ Communicating with the universe
☽ Investing in yourself
☽ What you can and can't afford is all in your mind
☽ The law of action
☽ Cheap behaviour attracts cheap situations
☽ Reciprocated energy
Listen to the blog version of this episode:
The Man:
Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
BTS Bubble:
Read the blog version of this episode:
Witch Womb Wisdom:
Join the waitlist for my NYC event:
10/6/2021 • 24 minutes, 59 seconds
186: How to get through a breakup 101
In this episode, Monica is riffing on all things breakups and giving you some important words of wisdom to get through a rough patch.
Whether you're going through heartache after a fun few months, or after years, this is a must listen to, with more episodes to come on this topic.
As mentioned, program links are below:
The Man:
Be a Lover, Not a Mother:
BTS Bubble:
Read the blog version of this episode:
10/4/2021 • 27 minutes, 2 seconds
185: Your manifestation FAQ’s
Today I'm answering all your manifestation FAQ’s, including:
☽ Manifesting things overnight vs. manifestations taking forever
☽ I address a BS statement
☽ The path of least resistance
☽ Tips for practising the law of attraction, calling in and receiving
☽ Whether you need to let go, or constantly think about your manifestations
☽ How to know when you're close to your manifestations
☽ Can you get manifestation burnout?
☽ Ideas on inspired ways to take action
⇢ Join my exclusive BTS bubble:
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ Join Magic, Money & Manifestation Level 2:
⇢ My bundle:
9/23/2021 • 21 minutes, 49 seconds
184: The laws of the universe
This is an educational episode on the different laws of the universe.
It’s important that you’re embodying and understanding all of these laws. These laws serve as a reminder to surrender to the flows of life and nature, rather than resisting and trying to make it perfect all the time.
I dive into:
☽ The law of correspondence
☽ The law of attraction
☽ The law of action
☽ The law of oneness
☽ The law of least effort
☽ The law of perpetual transmutation
☽ The law of cause and effect
☽ The law of rhythm
☽ The law of polarity
⇢ My new program for men, The Man:
⇢ Join my exclusive BTS bubble:
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ Join Magic, Money & Manifestation Level 2:
⇢ My bundle:
9/20/2021 • 21 minutes, 43 seconds
183: Cacao & Convos with Rachel Hunt | Micro-manifestations, miracles and energy of neutrality
This episode I recorded with Rachel Hunt for her podcast and I had to re-share because it’s so full of chicken nuggets!
We jam on:
☽ My tips on how to lean into neutrality.
☽ How you can get clear on your intentions and what you want to manifest, and then be cool, calm and collected and detached from the outcome.
☽ How to tune into micro-manifestations and find gratitude in the every day, simple things.
☽ Why environment is key, in order to expand your energy and become a match for those next-level things.
☽ Why you should be open to the universe delivering your manifestations in ways you didn’t expect.
⇢ Join my exclusive BTS bubble:
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ Join Magic, Money & Manifestation Level 2:
⇢ My bundle:
9/16/2021 • 58 minutes, 56 seconds
182: Manifesting, the law of action and when your words become your spells
This is a short chicken nugget episode. Today I’m talking about fear, vibes and manifestation:
☽ How to get rid of scarcity
☽ The answer to ‘how can I be manifesting all that I want when everything feels heavy from the state of the world at the moment?’
☽ Truth bomb: being spiritual and believing in the universe doesn’t mean that you always need to be high-fucking-vibe all the time.
☽ Why you shouldn’t suppress your emotions.
☽ Why you need to be able to differentiate your fear from your trauma.
☽ The KEY to manifesting.
☽ The law of action.
⇢ Join my exclusive BTS bubble:
⇢ My bundle:
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode:
⇢ Join Magic, Money & Manifestation Level 2:
9/13/2021 • 18 minutes, 31 seconds
181: Real Talk & Collective Energy
Real talk. A lot of us are experiencing the collective anxiety and it’s incredibly heightened at the moment. If you're feeling this too, you're not alone. And know, this will pass.
The point of this episode is to share that life isn't all rosey. I'm having down moments, and in these down moments I'm also having bliss. I'm having this weird-ass feeling and I'm also having amazing things that are developing within my life. So, it's not black and white, it's not one or the other, it's everything together.
I share:
☽ How I’m feeling right now
☽ How I’m fortunate to be able to compartmentalise
☽ How I’m 100% sure this anxiety is collective
☽ My tips and tricks for navigating this weird-ass feeling
☽ Why creating a bubble and those ‘bliss’ moments is key
☽ An invitation to FEEL
If you haven't heard the exciting announcement, I've started a Telegram. If you're wondering what that is, it's basically my Instagram stories on steroids. Expect voice notes, chicken nuggets, reminders of things to do, more BTS videos and things we're up to and planning. It's for those of you who want to be more within my bubble, my energy and be able to receive more of my tips, tricks, and vibes.
⇢ Join my exclusive BTS bubble:
⇢ Join the bundle:
⇢ Listen to the blog version of this episode:
⇢ Join Magic, Money & Manifestation Level 2:
9/7/2021 • 18 minutes, 15 seconds
180: Cacao & Convos: Human Design with Livy Iasonos | How my gifts are written in the stars
I’m so excited to welcome Livy Iasonos onto the podcast today! Livy is a Human Design Business Mentor helping healers, coaches and space holders unlock their unique energetic imprint and grow their business in alignment with their design.
Spoiler, this is going to be a juicy one. Brace yourself, because you’re about to learn a LOT more about me. This is a beautiful and super interesting episode which I hope inspires you to get your own human design reading with Livy.
We chat about:
☽ Livy’s story and how she discovered her calling for human design
☽ What Livy loves about human design and the common misperceptions that people have
☽ My energy type
☽ We dive deeper into the nuances of my chart and the things very specific to my design
☽ How my job and gifts are quite literally in my DNA, written in the stars and I was born here to do this.
☽ How I felt so light and accepted at the end of my reading, it’s a serious permission slip
⇢ My bundle:
⇢ Listen to the blog version of this episode:
⇢ Join Magic, Money & Manifestation Level 2:
8/31/2021 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 9 seconds
179: Sex Life (Part 4) | Silent treatment, being honest with your desires, and shame vs. empowerment
Welcome to the last part of the Sex Life series. If you haven't listened to part 1, 2 & 3 do this first! Part 4 is all about episodes 7 & 8.
☽ Why silent treatment is ineffective in relationships and can make things worse in your relationship
☽ Why space is important in relationships and how healthy space can actually bring you closer together
☽ How understanding your partner deep down can allow you to see the best in each other and allow for boundaries to be drawn
☽ Why we are addicted to our trauma and self sabotaging
☽ Importance of honesty with your partner on sexual desires
☽ Living in your truth with what your highest self wants
☽ Why spicing things up in the bedroom is very beneficial to your sex life and relationship
☽ Trauma bonds and why they're addictive
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode here:
⇢ My bundle:
⇢ Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy (enrollment is now open!):
8/16/2021 • 42 minutes, 7 seconds
178: Sex Life (Part 3) | Communicating your desires & hot sex vs. safety (you can have it all)
Welcome to part 3 of the Sex Life series. If you haven't listened to part 1 & 2, do this first! Part 3 is all about episodes 5 & 6.
☽ Communication is KEY
☽ Desire is EVERYTHING
☽ The danger of getting stuck in mundane routines
☽ Relationships require effort
☽ The difference between a shit friend and a good friend
☽ Why men are single focused and logical, whilst women are emotional
☽ Saying NO
☽ Trauma, and why fixing it will change your LIFE
☽ Hot sex vs. safety (you can have it all)
☽ Sexual shame and what’s really stopping you from voicing your desires
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode here:
⇢ My bundle:
⇢ Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy (enrolment is now open!):
8/10/2021 • 34 minutes, 36 seconds
177: Sex Life (Part 2) | Clitoral stimulation, the shower scene (IYKYK) & addiction vs feeling safe
177: Sex Life (Part 2) | Clit stimulation, the shower scene (IYKYK) & addiction vs feeling safe
This is part 2 of my Sex Life series. So, if you haven’t listened to episode 1 yet, or watched episodes 3 & 4, you need to first!
In this juicy episode I dive into:
☽ The feeling of not being ‘good enough’
☽ The importance of postpartum support
☽ Kinky, nourishing sex
☽ Normalising the need for clitoral stimulation
☽ The shower scene (IYKYK)
☽ Your childhood does affect your relationship
☽ The struggles of threatened masculinity
☽ Addiction
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode here:
⇢ My bundle:
⇢ Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy (enrolment is now open!):
8/5/2021 • 50 minutes, 55 seconds
176: Sex Life (Part 1) | Desire & sub/dom f*cking, addiction & manipulation, mother/lover archetypes
This is a mini podcast series all about SEX LIFE. Not my sex life, lol, but the Netflix show that everyone seems to be obsessed with.
As you may of seen on my IG stories I've already watched it once, and I'm re-watching it to refresh my memory to record these episodes (had a LOT of excited DM's from you guys who are VERY keen for this!
I'm going to be talking about two episodes per podcast ep. If you want to understand, you'll need to watch Sex Life. The reason why I'm doing this is because I want you guys to start realising these patterns so that you notice when there are unhealthy patterns, wounding, behaviour and trauma in your life.
This ep is about episode 1 & 2.
I dive into:
☽ The struggles that mothers have postpartum
☽ Sex drive and the difference between men and women
☽ Mother and lover archetypes
☽ The feminine and wanting to feel desired
☽ Addiction, manipulation and trauma bonds
☽ Communicating sexual desires
☽ Sexual shame around kinky, sub-dom sex
⇢ Read the blog version of this episode here:
⇢ My bundle:
⇢ Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1:
⇢ Join Queen Alchemy (enrolment is now open!):
8/3/2021 • 38 minutes, 8 seconds
175: The secret to success | Embracing seasons in business and stepping out of comfort zones
I cut episode 174 slightly short and I still have a LOT of juicy stuff I want to say related to business and fear, so I thought I'd record part 2.
Also in this episode:
- Stepping out of your comfort zone and the risk, failure and success that comes hand in hand
- What led me to keep going, the energy of 'of course' and my NYC vision
- Seasons in business and what to do when it feels like nothing is moving
- The beauty of quantum leaping
- Q+A time with all your juicy biz-related questions
Read the blog version of this episode here:
This is the blog post I mention at the end of this episode:
Doors for BABA close Tuesday 27th July:
My bundle:
Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1:
- Email [email protected] if you want to sneak into Queen Alchemy pre-enrolment:
7/21/2021 • 40 minutes, 20 seconds
174: The highs and lows of the last 4 years in growing my company, taking scary leaps, the hard times, what I wish I knew and more
If you are a woman in business or in pursuit of starting a business, LISTEN UP! This episode is dedicated towards you.
This super JUICY business-related episode reveals how I started my business, what inspired me, things I did to kickstart my journey, and what led me to grow my business.
A few other topics I hit:
- How my business was born
- How I grew my following
- Getting through having no support, no guidance, and being burnt out in business
- Deciding to moving to NYC, nomad traveling, and living in Sydney
- Learning new experiences through relationships and living in different cities, whilst becoming a business owner
- The secret to dealing with slow starts in business
- And I answer all your juicy business related questions
Read the blog version of this ep:
Join BABA:
My bundle:
Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1:
- Email [email protected] if you want to sneak into Queen Alchemy pre-enrolment:
7/19/2021 • 51 minutes, 50 seconds
173: The fundamentals of feminine energy | Receivership, pleasure & being magnetic AF in life & biz
This episode is full of some fucking vibes with my friend Georgie Stevenson. I'm currently in Sedona, but this episode was actually recorded when I was in Tulum a few months ago, so the energy in this episode in potent!
We chat about all things feminine energy, biz, life, libido, sexual energy, all the juicy things that you guys love, so buckle up and enjoy!
- The fundamentals of feminine and masculine energies
- Why the masculine is important in business for discipline, direction and deadlines and how it's really important for you (as a woman) not to let the masculine drive the train in your business
- The one thing that makes you radiant and magnetic, and makes people want to be in your energy
- Why having a good relationship with your masculine will allow your feminine to thrive
- Things you can be doing to integrate more feminine pleasure into your life, because the definition of feminine energy is pleasure, receptivity and magnetism
- Read the blog version of this ep:
Join BABA:
My bundle:
Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1:
- Email [email protected] if you want to sneak into Queen Alchemy pre-enrolment:
7/16/2021 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 33 seconds
172: Growing a business isn't just meditation & masturbation, you have to work hard too. | Breaking down the IG illusions, real talk and the personality traits you need for success
In today’s podcast, I am sharing with you guys some fucking TRUTH BOMBS of how growing my business wasn’t just about feminine energy.
I started talking about running by business in the feminine when I first started BABA about 2 years ago, and since then the popularity of feminine business modules has been growing rapidly. Whilst this is fantastic, I’m worried that new business owners are under the illusion that if they just masturbate and meditate, they’ll become millionaires.
So on today’s episode, I am sharing with you guys some fundamental TRUTH bombs to light a fire under your ass and to ground you into the knowing that it does take hard work and it’s not just all rainbows and butterflies in your business.
I’ll also be sharing with you the top personality traits that I’ve seen in my most successful business clients of mine.
Read the blog version of this ep:
Make sure you're on the waitlist for BABA to get access to the early bird offering!
My bundle:
Magic, Money and Manifestation level 1:
7/5/2021 • 26 minutes, 3 seconds
171: How creating a 5 year plan could actually be limiting yourself and your business with Gabby Flegg
Welcome to part 5 of 5, of this mini podcast series. Today I am joined by Gabby, a photographer and past BABA client.
Gabby is a professional photographer with over 10 years experience manipulating light and encompassing the whimsical, mysterious sides of her clients.
A few juicy chicken nuggets Gabby shares:
— You're always going to get exactly what you’re meant to have
— The more you enjoy yourself in business, the more frequently it happens with ease
— However your business started, don’t expect it to be the same in the next 6 months
— Be open to pivoting and changing
— We never realize how much bigger we could go
— Setting a very strict plan you could be closing doors
— 5 year plan can be limiting because you may not be aware of what's actually possible because your energy isn’t close to being a match for that
Make sure you check out Gabby:
BABA is officially opening for enrolment on the 6th July. Make sure you're on the waitlist for an early bird offer you won't want to miss:
If you want a taste of BABA, check out the Feminine As F*ck Beginnger Bundle and my masterclass on tapping into your feminine energy to avoid burnout:
Read the blog version of this episode:
7/4/2021 • 21 minutes, 18 seconds
170: Why passion in business is everything with Jenna Doherty | Feminine pleasure and manifestations
Welcome to part 4 of 5 of the mini series. I am thrilled to welcome Jenna onto the podcast today!
Jenna is a past BABA client, an experienced beauty and skin therapist and owner of healing hands skin & beauty clinic.
We chat about:
- What inspired her to start her business
- How almost being hit with burnout shifted her whole mindset
- Why passion is everything
- How indulging in all things feminine pleasure makes her be a better person for her clients
- A personal list of manifestations that have all come true post-BABA
Make sure you check out Jenna: @healinghandsskinbeauty
BABA is officially opening for enrollment on the 6th July. Make sure you're on the waitlist for an early bird offer you won't want to miss:
If you want a taste of BABA, check out the Feminine As F*ck Beginner Bundle and my masterclass on tapping into your feminine energy to avoid burnout:
Check out the blog version of this podcast:
7/3/2021 • 30 minutes, 17 seconds
169: The secret to finding balance when owning a business with your partner, with Mackalyn Rykers
Welcome to episode 3 of our 5 part mini podcast series. Today we are joined by Mackalyn, who was in my most recent round of BABA.
Mackalyn is a holistic nutrition coach helping her clients improve their diet, lifestyle, mindset and habits through education and accountability. Mack runs her company with her partner, which is awesome! (Mack is a nutrition coach and her boyfriend is a PT).
We chat about:
Limiting beliefs and 100% backing yourself
Imposter syndrome and the chicken nugget that changed her whole approach
The dynamic and reality of owning a business with your partner
How she’s found the perfect dance between business and pleasure
BABA is officially opening for enrollment on the 6th July. Make sure you're on the waitlist for an early bird offer you won't want to miss:
If you want a taste of BABA, check out the Feminine As F*ck Beginner Bundle and my masterclass on tapping into your feminine energy to avoid burnout:
Check out the blog version of this podcast:
7/2/2021 • 16 minutes, 7 seconds
168: Be the queen of your own life with Marina Shiferman | Real estate and empowering women
Welcome to part 2 of 5, of this mini podcast series.
Today I am joined by Marina, a realtor and past BABA client. Marina and her team of amazing women realtors have sold close to a billion dollars in real estate. She is a proud homeowner (a few times over) and founder of the Real Estate Academy where she teaches women how to buy real estate correctly and actually understand it, the big ideas and concepts down to the specific steps and strategies. She will not rest until all women become homeowners and there are more badass women role models, which I am SO HERE FOR.
We chat about:
- Why Marina became a realtor and set her own academy
- The key things Marina has learnt through building her biz that has changed the game for her
- A juicy chicken nugget that’s impacted her life
- Truth bomb: education is empowerment
- Why she feels it’s so important to understand owning and buying real estate
Expect a lot of passion, sass and inspiration as to why you should be the queen of your own life and have a seat at the table when discussing, buying and owning real estate.
Make sure you check out Marina:
BABA is officially opening for enrolment on the 6th July. Make sure you're on the waitlist for an early bird offer you won't want to miss:
If you want a taste of BABA, check out the Feminine As F*ck Beginnger Bundle and my masterclass on tapping into your feminine energy to avoid burnout:
Read the blog version of this episode:
7/1/2021 • 23 minutes, 19 seconds
167: How I went from $200 a month to $60,000 a month with Olivia Marie
This is episode 1 of a 5 part of a special segment coming to you guys. I am opening up BABA and so I’m bringing a few of my past BABA clients onto the podcast to share their chicken nuggets, wins, and other things they’ve learned since starting their business.
This episode I'm joined by the beautiful Liv Marie, past BABA client, current Feminine As F*ck Coaching Certification student and a natural health and eating expert.
Brace yourself, because this is one intelligent, powerful, magical women (and also a Sag so, vibes). Side note - she is seriously KILLING it in her biz and is set to break a USD$60k ceiling this month, so go Liv.
Liv shares:
- An insight into her biz
- The 3 key things she's learnt this year
- A real gamechanger for her
- The one thing she'd tell someone who's starting out in their business
- Some serious chicken nuggets, inspirational advice and mic drop moments
Make sure you check out and 'keep up with' Liv:
BABA is officially opening for enrollment on the 6th July. Make sure you're on the waitlist for an early bird offer you won't want to miss:
If you want a taste of BABA, check out the Feminine As F*ck Beginnger Bundle and my masterclass on tapping into your feminine energy to avoid burnout:
Read the blog version of this episode:
6/30/2021 • 16 minutes, 29 seconds
166: Honouring your feminine energy as a business owner
This is a juicy chat I had with my friend Christina on her podcast Her Life By Design. We chat about:
- Why having your period is so important
- How you can work on accelerating getting your cycle back after coming off HBC
- How you can shift into your feminine energy, after a day of being in your masculine
- How I work at different phases of my cycle
- Libido and relationships
- The importance of feminine energy, particularly during launches and in business
If you loved this episode and you want to learn more, check out the Feminine As Fuck Beginner Bundle, as I added a new masterclass on 'Tapping Into Your Feminine Energy to Avoid Burnout':
Also, I'm very excited to announce that BABA is open for enrolment very soon! So, if you want your business and life of your dreams to be the most juicy, delicious and orgasmic thing you do everyday, this is for you:
Read the blog version of this episode:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
6/28/2021 • 1 hour, 14 seconds
165: Being a social butterfly, energy leaking and how to come back to yourself
This is a short and sweet, chicken nugget episode.
In this episode I chat about:
- A realisation I’ve had since living in NY
- Energy leaking
- Dating and socialising
- A behaviour pattern I picked up
- The importance of protecting your energy
- Why others will actually respect you taking a ‘me’ weekend
I’m flash opening The Female Hustlers - A Masterclass Series for one week only:
BABA opens for enrolment very soon:
If you need deep trauma healing, check out Queen Alchemy:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
Read the blog version of this episode:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
6/21/2021 • 16 minutes, 6 seconds
164: Understanding the difference between how men and women date
I’ve been really noticing this lately, as we're all starting to date again coming out of Covid. Dating is fun and I'm enjoying this little bit of time that I have to explore dating different people - I've done some good market research for you all ;)
Disclaimer: this is a generalisation for masculine men and feminine women.
In this episode I chat about:
- Primal differences
- How our brains operate
- How these differences effect us in the dating world
This is a teaser of what you'll be learning in the new module of Be A Lover, Not A Mother (which will be held live on June 22nd 4:30pm EDT).
I'm flash opening Be A Lover, Not A Mother on Thursday 17th June for the weekend:
If need to do this deep inner work and trauma release, join Queen Alchemy:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
Read the blog version of this episode:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
6/17/2021 • 35 minutes, 32 seconds
163: Has the feminist movement gone too far? How are we suppressing men now?
I was interview by Georgie Stevenson on The Rise & Conquer Podcast. Female empowerment has been such an incredible & important movement, but I believe empowerment should never come from the disempowerment of others. I believe men shouldn’t have to be put down so we can rise up.
In this episode we chat about:
How we can find an equal balance
How we can support men to lead and step into their masculine
How this will allow us to step into our feminine energy, receive and be supported
Disclaimer: this episode may be triggering for you. Even for Georgie, this topic used to be incredibly triggering for her. I am talking about how we are emasculating men and how the feminist movement gone too far. This is a politically incorrect subject. If you find yourself triggered, I would encourage you to go back and listen to any of my other episodes or IGTV's about this topic. If you're listening through the ears of your trauma, it can be very hard for you to have an open mind.
I'm flash opening Be A Lover, Not A Mother on Thursday 17th June for the weekend. (It won't be open again until November 2021). If you want to do some healing around men, understand men, learn how to communicate with them better, this is for you:
If need to do this deep inner work and trauma release, join Queen Alchemy:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
Read the blog version of this episode:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
6/14/2021 • 38 minutes, 48 seconds
162: Let’s talk “vacations” | Shedding, alarming effects on women’s health and shocking statistics
Today we are talking about the ‘vacation’, our periods, and reproductive health.
Firstly I’d like to preface, this is not just my interpretation and everything I’m sharing today is all backed by doctors. I’ve provided references in my blog post (linked below) so if you’d like to check these articles out, you can.
To be safe in this conversation, I use a bit of code language: vacation = v a c c i n e s
I chat about:
- What vacation shedding is
- My experience with vacation shedding and how my cycle has been affected
- How the mass media gaslight women’s period issues
- Examples of the hundred’s of DM’s I’ve received
- The overbearing amounts of women reporting a change in their cycle
- Alarming reports, statistics and facts shared by doctors
Read the blog post here:
If you want to join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
6/7/2021 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 37 seconds
161: Cacao & Convos with Christie Melhorn: How my trauma made me think I wanted to be a man
In this episode, Christie shares her story, her relationship with the feminine and masculine and why her trauma made her think she wanted to be a man. Essentially, this was a trauma response to Christie holding shit around the feminine, putting the masculine on a pedestal and wanting to feel safe. In this episode, we go deep. Trigger warning, we touch on suicide, as well as:
- Christie’s story
- Why she wanted to become a man
- How her idolisation of men and the masculine effected her in her adolescences
- How this effected the dynamic of her future relationships
- How Christie feels about being a women now, versus being a man
- Her advice to other women who have a similar story, or think men have it ‘easier’
If need to do this deep inner work and trauma release, join Queen Alchemy:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
5/31/2021 • 48 minutes, 13 seconds
160: Do you need to be overly concerned about abnormal pap smears?
This episode is all about abnormal pap smears. I was inspired to record this episode after one of my clients was told there was nothing she could do to clear her HPV and she messaged me saying FUCK THAT, because OF COURSE there are things she can be doing and AMEN to taking control of and supporting your body.
Disclaimer: this is not a diagnosis or me telling you not to have pap smears. This is simply my personal take and reasons of why I choose not to have pap smears.
In this episode I share:
- Reassurance that abnormal pap smears are SO COMMON.
- The things you can do to support your body in healing.
- The areas of your life you should be looking at, including stress, diet, removing toxic products and being au naturel.
If you are experiencing any other symptoms including headaches, heavy bleeding, sore boobs, etc, it definitely could be linked to your abnormal pap smear result. Your body could be telling you something.
If you’re not already in Your Perfect Period, I'd definitely consider joining so you can get to know your symptoms and how to heal them. Ultimately, this program will help you get to the root of your period problems and fix them (for life).
If you need to do this deep inner work and trauma release, join Queen Alchemy:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
5/19/2021 • 15 minutes, 28 seconds
159: The reasons behind your skin issues for men and women (energetic reasons included)
This episode is all about how stress, energetic and your physical body can impact your skin health.
Unless your exceptionally lucky, bad skin is something we’ve all experienced and I want you all to have clear, beautiful skin. Because let’s face it, how fucking good does it feel to have good skin? You feel so confident, abundant and happy.
So this episode is all about what you can do to fix your skin issues! I talk about:
- A variety of skin issues which affect men and women, including acne.
- How hormones affect your skin.
- What are the energetic reasons behind breakouts?
- What else you should be paying attention to including gut health, your liver and healthy fats.
- And as always, some serious chicken nuggets, skincare tips and my favourite products!
If you haven’t joined Your Perfect Period yet, this is going to help support your hormones and as a result improve your skin health:
If you need to do this deep inner work and trauma release, join Queen Alchemy:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
5/17/2021 • 36 minutes, 9 seconds
158: Cacao & Convos with Georgie Stevenson | Her Journey with Breast Implant Illness Disease
Today we welcome the beautiful Georgie Stevenson onto the podcast. Get ready, because this is a seriously enlightening conversation that EVERY woman needs to listen to, whether that be someone who's had implants, is thinking about it, or is post-surgery.
This episode is going to help so many women which I'm thrilled about, because so many of us have been in the dark about BII (breast implant illness) for far too long.
Georgie shares:
- Her first hand experience and journey with breast implants
- What influenced her decision to have them
- Why women feel the need to alter their natural bodies
- The complications she experienced
- Harmful effects of breast implants
- The moment she was like ‘get these fuckers out of me’
- Why she is so glad she made the decision to remove them
- Her advice for anyone who’s considering getting them
If you need to do this deep inner work and trauma release, join Queen Alchemy:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
5/13/2021 • 37 minutes, 43 seconds
157: Hitting rock bottom, conscious choices and honouring your fear
Why do we wait to hit rock fucking bottom? This goes for men and women.
In this episode I cover:
- Truth bomb: you always have a choice.
- Why it’s common for people to put their mental, emotional and physical health on the back burner.
- How to reach your higher self.
- TRIGGER WARNING: why people are addicted to their trauma.
Watch the IGTV I mentioned:
Read my blog post on this episode:
If you haven’t joined Your Perfect Period yet, I hope this episode has helped you realise FUCK waiting to do something about your period problems. FUCK waiting until I hit rock bottom, have to get surgery or I'm in screaming pain on the floor:
If you need to do this deep inner work and trauma release, join Queen Alchemy:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
If you want to explore how else we can work together, check out my website:
Follow me on Instagram:
Check out UNEDITED, my online magazine:
5/10/2021 • 17 minutes, 20 seconds
156: Is your social life burning you out? (Especially post-Covid)
Many of us are experiencing post-Covid social fatigue.
After spending months in lockdown, we are adjusting to socializing and interacting with others more than we are used to. Spending time with friends and loved ones can be very exciting, but also may put a lot of stress on our bodies physically and mentally. In this episode I will talk about the reason behind post-covid social burnout, and what you can do to put less stress on your body while maintaining a fun and healthy social life.
Other topics mentioned in this episode:
Excessive social interactions leading to burnout.
Understanding the effects of a loss of serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin
Why you feel 'low' after a super fun weekend
How to manage your hormones when you are having the time of your life
Drinking and socializing
The negative effect of phones on your social life
Your Perfect Period:
Period Masterclass that I mentioned:
Tulum Immersion:
5/4/2021 • 36 minutes, 52 seconds
155: Spiritual bypassing: human reality and when spirituality can become detrimental
Spiritual bypassing.
This word gives me goosebumps.
If you don’t know the meaning of spiritual bypassing, it’s when people are using spiritual ideas, practises or conscious words to avoid facing unresolved emotional issues, shit going in their lives, human reality and experiences.
In this episode I cover:
- What is spiritual bypassing?
- Examples I've seen of this recently, particularly on social media.
- Why people spiritual bypass.
- Seeing everything as a 'sign from the universe'.
- When spirituality becomes detrimental.
- Some important questions to ask yourself.
- And as always, some serious chicken nuggets!
If you want a taste of my work, join the Feminine As F*ck Beginner Bundle:
If you're in need of deep healing and trauma release, email [email protected]:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
If you want to improve your relationship and communication, get your sexy ass into Be A Lover Not A Mother:
For all the other ways we can work together, head to my website or get in touch:
4/26/2021 • 23 minutes, 18 seconds
154: Attachment styles 101, why are you avoidant or anxious in a relationship?
Today we are talking about attachment styles.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with attachment styles, this is the way you relate to a person in a relationship. In this episode I explain the 3 main attachment styles: anxious, avoidant and secure, and reveal reveal what type of attachment style I am.
I also answer all your questions and share:
-How to open up to love with an avoidant attachment style
-How to deal with jealousy and insecurity
-Tips on dating when you’re partner is a different attachment style
-How easy it is to change attachment styles
-How do you shift from anxious to secure
-How to communicate based on your attachment styles
-How attachment styles show up in other areas of your life and business.
-Are there benefits of each attachment style?
If you want to learn more about attachment styles, join the Feminine As F*ck Beginner Bundle as I'll be sharing a new workshop here soon:
If you need to heal your attachment style, join Queen Alchemy for that deep inner work and trauma release:
If you want to accelerate your healing, join me in Tulum for my Intimate Immersion:
If you want to improve your relationship and communication, get your sexy ass into Be A Lover Not A Mother:
4/19/2021 • 41 minutes
153: Are breast implants and cosmetic work okay for your body? The way to get a NATURAL boob job & breast implant illness disease.
This episode has honestly been requested for YEARS and I finally got around to it. It may ruffle some feathers, but i'm speaking my truth and I hope this helps some of you really consider the potential consequences of getting cosmetic work done.
I'm talking about
Breast implant and the illness that can come with it
Why the media doesn't talk about these life-threatening side effects
How to get a NATURAL boob job
The toxins that are in these cosmetics
Why doctors aren't diagnosing BIID
Do I think breast implants and cosmetic fillers are okay?
Here is the FDA reference i was talking about (go to page like 16 onwards) :
Here is the list of ingredients: