Faith Bible Church is seeking to reach the Temecula-Murrieta Valley for Christ by equipping the saints to do the work of ministry. We are an evangelical, Bible-believing, God-centered church that works hard at declaring the greatness of God through our preaching, our ministry and our lives. We want our people to talk naturally about Jesus to others because of the deep love they have for Him in their own hearts.
What you need most (2 Thessalonians 2:13-15)
9/8/2024 • 0
Jesus is Our Hope – Revelation 1:12-18
9/1/2024 • 41 minutes, 37 seconds
Trust in the Lord – Proverbs 3:5-6
8/27/2024 • 0
Encouragment During Trials 1 Peter 1:1-12
8/20/2024 • 0
He Alone Is Worthy – Revelation 5
8/11/2024 • 39 minutes, 24 seconds
Compel Them to Come In – Luke 14:15-24
8/5/2024 • 45 minutes, 10 seconds
Jesus Came for Sinners Like UsMatthew 9:9-13
We're going to look at the calling of Matthew in his own gospel, Matthew 9:9-13. He was not a good man. And that makes me confident that you are going to come away encouraged and helped by the gospel news which Jesus teaches in this passage.
7/28/2024 • 42 minutes, 12 seconds
GREATEST GOSPEL PASSAGE... John 3:16. I cannot wait to summit the Everest of gospel passages with you and be in awe of the love of God!
7/21/2024 • 36 minutes, 40 seconds
The passage is Matthew 19:16-22. The story is the Rich Young Ruler. The question is, “How did Jesus present the gospel to this man?” The answer is not what you might expect. It is certainly not how a lot of evangelism is done today.
7/14/2024 • 41 minutes, 10 seconds
How Much Are You Forgiven? Matthew 18:21-35
This Sunday, we're going to look at Matthew 18:21-35, where Peter asks, 'How many times can my brother sin against me and I still have to forgive him?' Christ's answer reveals the limitless love that our Father has for us.
7/7/2024 • 48 minutes, 5 seconds
Jesus Is Your Life: At Work Colossians 3:22-4:1
We finish our series in Colossians 3 by examining Colossians 3:22–4:1. Is Jesus Your Life At Work? In this passage, Paul talks about the relationship between masters and slaves but as we apply it to our context today, we will discuss how we can magnify the Lord at work. Now, more than ever, people view work as a dread and a curse resulting from the fall. This is not true! Work existed before the fall and we can find great joy in our work if our hearts are focused on pleasing the Lord through it!
6/30/2024 • 39 minutes, 1 second
Jesus Is Your Life: At Home Colossians 3:20-21
We continue in Colossians 3:20–21 as Paul gives instructions to the family. What makes a great home? How can families work? Jesus must be your life. It is a love for Christ and a desire to obey Him that will lead children to obey their parents. It is the love, patience, and forgiveness found in Christ that leads parents to shepherd their children in a way that glorifies Him. The home will be transformed and used for His glory if it is centered on Christ!
6/23/2024 • 39 minutes, 19 seconds
Jesus Is Your Life: In Marriage p2 Colossians 3:19
We will consider Colossians 3:19 as Paul again reminds us that Jesus is Your Life: In Marriage (part 2). This time, the focus is on the husband as Paul says, "Husbands, love your wives and do not become bitter against them." In just one verse there are two vital commands that, if obeyed by the power of His Spirit, will completely transform and restore a marriage.
6/16/2024 • 51 minutes, 4 seconds
Three Qualities of a Usable Servant Isaiah 66:1-2
We have the privilage of welcoming the wild man, our very own missionary to Uganda, Shannon Hurley! He will be preaching from Isaiah 66:1–2 on the Three Qualities Of A Usable Servant.
6/9/2024 • 0
Jesus Is Your Life: In Marriage Pt. 1 Colossians 3:18
Paul gives A Message To Women in Colossians 3:18: "Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord." Submission is the theme as the Lord calls on all wives to submit to their husbands as if they are submitting to the Lord directly. Submission should not be viewed as a prison or some lesser role or responsibility, but rather as the greatest expression of your devotion to Christ and your husband.
6/2/2024 • 0
Christians Are Different P2 – Colossians 3:15-17
we continue in Colossians 3:15–17 as we consider Part 2 on how Christians Are Different. In a world filled with anger and war, Christians are controlled by peace as we follow the Prince of Peace. In a discontent, ungrateful, and never-satisfied culture, Christians are marked by thankfulness! Believers stand out as different from the world when the word of Christ lives deep in our hearts and drives everything we do, say, and think.
5/26/2024 • 0
Christians Are Different P1. Colossians 3:10-14
We continue in Colossians 3:10–14 as Paul will lay out how Christians Are Different. True Christianity is not just a list of negative do-nots but as we look to Christ, who is our life, we are also encouraged to put on the new self! This passage will remind us of our identity in Christ, the amazing grace He has lavished upon us, and His incredible love which drives us to become more like Him.
5/19/2024 • 54 minutes, 18 seconds
Die to Self Colossians 3:5-9
Colossians 3:5–9 will reveal to us the answer to our problem: we must Die to Self. In a culture that encourages us to join in worshipping and indulging in our immorality, impurity, passion, evil desires, and greed, which amounts to idolatry – Christ will call us to FLEE and put our sin to death.
5/12/2024 • 51 minutes, 47 seconds
Jesus Is Your Life Colossians 3:1-4
We begin with Colossians 3:1–4 as Paul calls on all believers to Set Your Mind. The world may offer an abundance of substitutes to satisfy your soul – sex, money, possessions, achievements, power, and more – but there is only one who offers true and lasting satisfaction: Jesus Christ.
5/5/2024 • 48 minutes, 9 seconds
Living Everyday Life for Chris
A special message, a unique time for us as a church that must not be missed – we will walk through God’s Word, focus on some of our distinctives, and teach on LIVING EVERY DAY FOR CHRIST. This time in the Word will be a combination of a church report, a teaching-pastor update, encouragement to look for opportunities, a challenge to do things God’s way, and an update on where we’re going.
4/28/2024 • 41 minutes, 1 second
The Amazing Authority of Christ Matthew 7:28-29
In Matthew 7:28–29, we conclude by considering The Amazing Authority of Christ. The sermon on the mount wraps up with the reaction of the crowd to Christ, which was AMAZEMENT without repentance. This Sunday, we will examine our hearts, embrace the greatness of our SAVIOR, and learn much about him.
4/21/2024 • 46 minutes, 48 seconds
The Rock of Assurance Matthew 7:24-27
Christ will remind us of The Rock of Assurance we all need. Christ will teach us the only way to survive the storms of life and the final storm of judgement is to build our lives upon the solid ROCK of Christ as our only foundation. May we all be able to sing and proclaim together: "On Christ, the solid rock, I stand!"
4/14/2024 • 49 minutes, 24 seconds
Moms By Grace Spring Panel
Spring Panel and the previous speakers were on the panel - Dori Lengyel, Sharon Verougstraete, and Lauren Dietrich.
4/13/2024 • 1 hour, 14 minutes, 14 seconds
The Danger of a Christianity Without Christ Matthew 7:21-23
Christ will continue in His Sermon on the Mount from warning of errant teachers last week to warning of errant hearers this week. Matthew 7:21–23 will reveal The Danger of a Christianity Without Christ. Our Lord will teach that many are professors of Christ but not possessors of Christ. Let’s learn how to discover and how to share the gospel with those who call themselves Christians yet do not have Christ. These are the words we don’t want to hear, but they are also the words we don’t want our loved ones to hear – let's hear what Christ says and ask ourselves and others the pointed questions that come from the text.
4/7/2024 • 50 minutes, 19 seconds
Walk to a New Life Luke 24:12-49
Luke 24:12–49 and take a Walk To A New Life!
3/31/2024 • 51 minutes, 14 seconds
Dangers Christians Face: False Teachers Matthew 7:15-20
: Christ will warn us in Matthew 7:15–20 of one of the biggest Dangers Christians Face: False Teachers. These false prophets will come to you in sheep’s clothing looking to deceive, derail, and destroy those walking on the narrow road. There were false teachers back then in the first century and there are false teachers today – disguising themselves through trendy social media posts, on TV, in Bible colleges, seminaries, Christian high schools, and churches.
3/24/2024 • 51 minutes, 15 seconds
Which Road Are You On? Matthew 7:13-14
Christ will ask in Matthew 7:13–14, Which Road Are You On? There is the broad road that leads to destruction and the narrow road that leads to Life. Both roads are marked “Heaven,” but only one road truly leads there. There is no dodging the question this Sunday. Jesus Christ is direct and He is calling for a decision! Which way will you choose? Are you truly one of the few?
3/17/2024 • 50 minutes, 7 seconds
The Joys Of Serving – Balancing Family And Ministry
We should have an eternal perspective remembering we are shaping our children to love what we love when we love and serve the church.
3/16/2024 • 34 minutes, 39 seconds
Grace For the Older Son Luke 15:11-32
THIS SUNDAY, Alex Montoya will unpack Luke 15:11–32, "Grace For The Older Son." In this passage, we will see the incredible grace offered to the older son and the amazing compassion of our Father. Do not miss this SPECIAL treat!
3/10/2024 • 49 minutes, 56 seconds
When You Feel Inadequate as a Christian Matthew 7:7-12
After all that Christ has called us to be thus far through His Sermon on the Mount, He recognizes that His audience may be feeling inadequate to do all He has commanded. So, in Matthew 7:7–12, Christ will give all believers hope to overcome inadequacy and to stand firm when the battle is hot.
3/3/2024 • 46 minutes, 23 seconds
How You TREAT Others: Do Not Judge Matthew 7:1-6
We will examine and clarify what the Lord is actually teaching in this famous, yet often misused, passage: Matthew 7:1–6. Continuing in His Sermon on the Mount, Christ will now teach us How to Treat Others. Don't miss this Sunday as we will be both challenged and encouraged to live more like Christ!
2/25/2024 • 47 minutes, 59 seconds
What, Me Worry? Matthew 6:25-34
For the true believer in Christ, worrying about anything simply reveals our lack of trust in our Sovereign Lord! The Sovereign Christ will continue His incredible Sermon on the Mount by addressing the crippling sins of anxiety and worry. Matthew 6:25–34 will remind all true believers in Christ: do NOT worry and DO seek the Lord first! Christ not only wants us to stop worrying, He wants us to also start seeking Him.
2/18/2024 • 48 minutes, 34 seconds
Whose Stuff Is It? Matthew 6:19-24
We are back in the Sermon on the Mount as Christ will reveal the purpose for all your possessions and money. Matthew 6:19–24 will answer the question: Whose Stuff Is It? No longer are we slaves to materialism but we have been made slaves of Christ and therefore stewards of all that He has given us.
2/11/2024 • 51 minutes, 29 seconds
Living for the Eternal in this Temporal World
Suffering here in the temporal world has an eternal purpose. Focusing on the eternal transforms how we live in the temporal.
2/10/2024 • 48 minutes, 12 seconds
You Need The Church! Hebrews 10:19-25
We are so excited to have Morgan Maitland open God's Word to us from Hebrews 10
2/4/2024 • 56 minutes, 39 seconds
Why Christians Sometimes Don’t Eat – Matthew 6:16-18
We will continue our journey through the Sermon on the Mount as the Lord will teach us the true spiritual purpose of fasting. Matthew 6:16–18 explains Why Christians Sometimes Don't Eat. Christ will expose our prideful hearts – wanting to impress others with our spiritual discipline – and reveal to us why, how, and when we ought to fast.
1/28/2024 • 48 minutes, 15 seconds
The Lord’s Sample Prayer For His Disciples – Matthew 6:9-15
We dive into a very familiar passage that is often misunderstood, misused, and mislabeled as "The Lord's Prayer." Many have taken this prayer and turned it into a stale repetition – used as a liturgy as if it were meant by God to be a prayer to God. Athletes huddle up and chant this prayer, families commit this prayer to memory and recite it daily, but this is NOT what the Lord intended!
Matthew 6:9–15 is better labeled, "The DISCIPLE'S Prayer!" It is The Lord's Sample Prayer For His Disciples and NOT to be used as a recitation to bend the will of God as so many do.
1/21/2024 • 49 minutes, 9 seconds
Living Life’s Realities with Hope
God wants us to live our reality filled with all joy, all peace, independent of how we think and feel because of Who we know.
1/20/2024 • 48 minutes, 23 seconds
How NOT to PRAY – Matthew 6:5-8
This Sunday the greatest preacher of all time in the greatest sermon of all time will not only expose His disciples' great NEED to pray but He will also teach them, and us, How NOT to Pray. Jesus, in Matthew 6:5–8, will warn us to STOP PRAYING with vain motives to impress people and start praying with hearts to commune with your Heavenly Father.
1/14/2024 • 49 minutes, 36 seconds
Living to Impress- Matthew 6:1-4
We continue in our study of the Sermon on the Mount with a most timely reminder for the New Year: Matthew 6:1–4 will expose our sinful motives when we are Living to Impress. Christ yet again shows the hypocrisy of the Pharisees as they give money to the poor in order to impress men not God.
1/7/2024 • 53 minutes, 13 seconds
The Shocking Love of Christ Through You – Matthew 5:43-48
We are back to the Sermon on the Mount! Matthew 5:43–48 - The Shocking Love of Christ Through You. With Jesus' final statement of "You have heard that it was said ... But I say to you," we will be challenged to truly love the Lord and one another.
12/31/2023 • 51 minutes, 31 seconds
Does Christ Have a Room for You? – Luke 2:1-7
This year we teach through Luke 2:7, Does Christ have room for you? And you will be encouraged and reminded about what OUR CREATOR, REDEEMER and our FRIEND has done for us.
12/24/2023 • 47 minutes, 38 seconds
Give up YOUR Rights! – Matthew 5:38-42
Christ challenges His followers to be willing to give up their DIGNITY; surrender your SECURITY, renounce your LIBERTY, even forfeit your PROPERTY – GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS – do not even fight for justice for yourself.
These verses are some of the most misunderstood and misapplied in the bible. Jesus is NOT teaching you to live as a doormat, or teach pacifism, or promote anarchy but to surrender your rights in order to point to Christ
12/18/2023 • 53 minutes, 6 seconds
Speaking the TRUTH; Not Making An Oath – Matthew 5:33-37
We don’t hear the truth any more. When I was a kid, I trusted Walter Cronkite – he was generally honest. But objective, propositional truth is gone from news, from social media, from politics, from almost every forum today. Sadly the people of our country have fallen in line and to the JOY of our EVIL ENEMY, LIES are the norm of the day – deception – manipulation – and more.
12/10/2023 • 49 minutes, 19 seconds
Why God Hates Divorce Matthew 5:31-32
Why does God hate divorce?
Like today, the religious leaders of the 1st Century in Israel had turned God’s Word into a license of LUST. So if they got frustrated with their wives or scoped out another potential spouse, they could easily DUMP their wives through the paperwork of divorce (no fault) and remarry.
This is why our Lord in His sermon on the mount, corrects their thinking, calling couples to treasure their spouse, be one in marriage and take divorce OFF the table – ONLY except if the spouse violates the marriage by committing adultery (and later in the NT, if there is abandonment).
12/3/2023 • 46 minutes, 52 seconds
Resisting the Deadly LURE of LUST Matthew 5:27-30
It’s just not adultery – it is lust in the heart and mind. Talk about hitting the target sin of our society and the one which pierces our hearts. Our Lord is preaching to people 2000 years ago, and it’s as if he is talking directly to southern Californian MEN and WOMEN.
The battle for holiness, the struggle of sanctification, and the desire to live for the glory of God explodes into possibility when we begin to live by TRUTH not emotions, and when we begin to follow God’s Word over our strong desires.
To please our creator, to live the way he designed, it is not merely avoiding adultery but it is also NOT to live by LUST, strong desires, strong emotions.
11/26/2023 • 49 minutes, 51 seconds
I Hate Anger (Matthew 5:21-26)
We will hear the Lord teach on ANGER. The Jewish leaders invested most of their time teaching on the external expression of anger, which results in MURDER. Jesus actually deals with the ANGER you and I find in our hearts and sometimes expressed with our mouths. Our Lord goes after the HEART, and you need to be present this Sunday as the Lord helps us deal with our INTERNAL ANGER.
11/19/2023 • 52 minutes, 14 seconds
Moms By Grace Fall Speaker Panel
Fall Speaker Panel
11/18/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 36 seconds
Religious Rules or Real Relationship (Matthew 5:21-48)
We are back to the Sermon on the Mount, posing a CRUCIAL question . . . do you live by RELIGIOUS RULES or do you enjoy a REAL RELATIONSHIP? In the next section of Christ’s sermon, He exposes religious tradition then points to God’s Word as the truth with six major comparisons.
11/12/2023 • 51 minutes, 45 seconds
What God Seeks From You (John 4)
We celebrate with a refreshing look from God’s Word on Worship – do you worship the Right God for the right Reasons in the Right way. As the Lord dialogues with the Samaritan woman at the well, he clarifies what true Worship is and you will love this study in God’s Word
11/5/2023 • 48 minutes, 38 seconds
You Can’t Handle the Truth! (Matthew 5:17-20)
We are back to the Sermon on the Mount – with "YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH" – Matthew 5:17-20. Jesus is being accused of undermining and dismantling God’s WORD, when just the opposite is TRUE. The spiritual leadership of Israel had replaced the written Word with Oral Traditions, as Christ rejected the Oral Traditions, the Scribes and Pharisees accused Christ of rejecting the TRUTH. So the Lord spells out his commitment to God’s living Word
10/29/2023 • 51 minutes, 14 seconds
Living Hot (2 Timothy 1:6-7)
Living Hot
10/22/2023 • 24 minutes, 38 seconds
The Heart of an Effective Church Titus 3:12-15
We get to hear from some old friends and hear God’s Word on the heart of an effective church from the very end of Titus 3:12-15.
10/22/2023 • 45 minutes, 9 seconds
Training and Discipline in Parenting
Children need guidance because they are desperately wicked and they need wisdom and guidance to set them up for success.
10/21/2023 • 58 minutes, 19 seconds
Tasty and Attractive (Matthew 5:13-16)
We jump back into the Sermon on the Mount, and Chris will show us from Matthew 5:13-16 the importance of being TASTY & ATTRACTIVE; flavoring this fallen world with the character of God and shining bright the light of Christ in the midst of the darkness. Christians, we must live out the beatitudes, dependently obeying our King and His Word, so that the world around us might see those good deeds and glorify our Father who is in Heaven!
10/15/2023 • 48 minutes, 50 seconds
The Cosmic Victory Proclamation Ephesians 3:7-10
Cory Cramer opens God’s Word with you in Ephesians 3:7-10.
10/8/2023 • 38 minutes, 19 seconds
Dying to Self – A Balanced Life
Balance is impossible without Christ as our Savior. We can only find balance as we meditate on who He is and what He has done for us in the gospel.
10/7/2023 • 35 minutes, 45 seconds
Are You Happy When You’re Pushed Down? (Matthew 5:9-12)
Take your marching orders, from the GOD who made you, understands people better than you, is in control of all those unfair events, and has designed a response which will bring HIM GLORY, advance the GOSPEL and result in your GOOD.
10/1/2023 • 49 minutes, 34 seconds
The Blessing of Audacious Attitudes, Part 2 (Matthew 5:6-8)
The Lord asks these questions as He teaches his audacious attitudes called the beatitudes. Find out what the BORN AGAIN heart is like and how we can live a life of dependent obedience which will point to the need of salvation by grace through faith in Christ alone.
9/24/2023 • 54 minutes, 3 seconds
Audacious Attitudes part 1, (Matthew 5:3-5)
We step into the AUDACIOUS ATTITUDES called the beatitudes – Matthew 5:3-5, speaking about your happiness. Life altering happiness doesn’t come from eating Cookies and Cream Ice Cream or an IN and OUT burger and fries (though that’s pleasant!) Jesus says genuine eternal happiness comes when you become permanently aware of your spiritual bankruptcy; aware of your deep grief over your sin; and aware of your dependency on God for everything.
9/17/2023 • 49 minutes, 10 seconds
Living with Balance
People make time for what is a priority for them. Godly women become godly by persevering in difficult situations making them beautiful instead of bitter.
9/16/2023 • 54 minutes, 48 seconds
Unforgettable WORDS (Matthew 5:1-2)
We set the scene this Sunday with Matthew 5:1-2 and the unforgettable Words of Jesus Christ. You may not realize, but you already have felt the impact of the sermon on the mount even before you read it the first time. That is because this sermon is a big part of the mental fabric of the world. People don’t remember the words of great historic speeches, but they know “Our father who is in heaven; no one can serve two masters; do not judge so that you will not be judged; and in everything treat people the same way you want them to treat you!” The Great Creator God of the entire universe was born a man, and what He did was profound and what He said was unforgettable.
9/10/2023 • 50 minutes, 13 seconds
The Sermon on the Heart (Matthew 5-7)
We continue in our study of the Sermon on the Mount with an OVERVIEW of the entire sermon, which I call, The Sermon on the HEART. This brief study into Matthew 5-6-7 will help us not only learn the focus of the Lord’s greatest sermon but also understand our Lord’s heart for YOU, His children.
9/3/2023 • 53 minutes, 30 seconds
Loving Your King (Matthew 1-4)
We begin our study of the SERMON ON THE MOUNT Matthew 5-7 with a brief look at Matthew 1-4 and the other gospels as to what happens in the life of Christ which leads up to this greatest of all sermons.
8/27/2023 • 53 minutes, 7 seconds
What Keeps The Church Afloat
What keeps the church afloat? We live in dangerous waters and for many, the local church is a leaky boat. Churches continue to compromise convictions and some have ceased being churches at all, though they keep the name. What commitments do we uphold to not only stay afloat, but to thrive during these dangerous times? Yes, we follow our great Captain, the head of our church – but how? And how do we glorify the Father by reaching the lost and equipping the saints?
8/20/2023 • 49 minutes, 9 seconds
Embrace the Tension Romans 13:11-14
Today we will study Romans 13:12-14. This passage tells us we are in a battle. We are ready to point our guns toward our government, or our media, or the culture around us, but the enemy is not somewhere out there; the enemy is within each of us. Our flesh desires to go back to its old ways, and sometimes we find ourselves slipping back into our pre-Christ struggles. But this passage is a call to take up arms!
8/13/2023 • 47 minutes, 23 seconds
Take Risks for the Glory of the King (Esther 4:13-16)
the Book of Esther. We step into the timeline of Redemptive History within 100 years of the silent period that separates the OT from the NT; Israelites are under Persian rule and facing impending destruction, yet God once again shows Himself faithful to preserve His people and He uses a young, beautiful woman who risks it all for His glory!
8/6/2023 • 46 minutes, 36 seconds
Will You Surpass Jonah? (Jonah 4)
As we open the book of Jonah this week, we are going to see a man who was decidedly unhappy with the paths God had him walking in. The book - while familiar - has some important truths that many people read right over. But we will see God's mercies and your own grumblings in a new way.
7/30/2023 • 46 minutes, 8 seconds
Isaiah’s Vision (Isaiah 6:1-8)
Our “Journey Thru the OT” stays in the time period of the prophets; Shawn Farrell will preach from Isaiah 6, the glorious throne room vision of Christ! It was a needed reminder of the glory of God to the people of Israel in exile, and it will be a massive encouragement for us this Sunday to behold our “holy, holy, holy” King!
7/23/2023 • 50 minutes, 3 seconds
How To Escape Depression (1 Kings 19)
After the 120-year long Monarchy and the split of the Kingdom in 931 BC. The Northern Kingdom was mixing biblical truth with error and actually moving away from the TRUTH that there is only ONE GOD. Baal worship was on the rise, and God used His prophets to keep His remnant faithful to the ONE true God and His Word. Elijah is an amazing man of God and holds a showdown between the prophets of Baal and the one prophet of God. God wins a great victory, but after this incredible victory and emotional high, Elijah, falls into a deep, low, crushing depression. As he does, God helps us understand what to do when we battle with our emotions and struggle with depression.
7/16/2023 • 48 minutes, 41 seconds
An Atheistic World – Psalm 14
Do you believe there is a God? Sadly, the majority of the population walk on the broad way and choose to deny the existence of God. Some even call themselves "atheists" – which, by the way, does not truly exist. Everyone knows there is a God (Romans 1), they just choose to deny, ignore, and reject Him.
This Sunday, Jesse Bocanegra will walk us through Psalm 14 and describe to us the folly and wickedness of men. We will see the Fool's Perspective, the Lord's Perspective, and the Hopeful Perspective. This will be a helpful Sunday that will prompt us to evaluate our own lives and how we should respond to those who deny the existence of God.
7/10/2023 • 46 minutes, 32 seconds
God’s choices are better than our choices (1 Samuel 16:1-7)
This coming Sunday, I am excited to preach. It’s the next sermon in our journey through the Old Testament. Read ahead and get yourself ready in 1 Samuel 16. What an incredible story and essential piece of God’s plan for His people.
Let me ask you a question . . . Do you trust God’s choices? Really? Most Christians usually answer, “Yes, of course.” But consider the question more carefully. Can you identify any areas of your life where you struggle to trust God sometimes? List them down, and come ready on Sunday to see how God will give you extra motivation to grow in your faith and really believe “God’s choices are better than our choices.” Can you tell I’m excited?
7/4/2023 • 45 minutes
Staying Young at Heart (Psalm 90)
NOW we take a minor hop back to the wilderness wanderings and the oldest Psalm in the bible, written by Moses, teaching Israel and US to number our days. Plus, this Psalm is a massive encouragement to live life to the fullest and teaches us how to keep our hearts hot for Christ in the midst of the demands of daily living. This Psalm was written by a very OLD man, so this Sunday is a unique challenge to OLDER SAINTS, though it is written to every age, in order to STAY YOUNG AT HEART.
6/25/2023 • 46 minutes, 23 seconds
Truth for When the Future Looks Tough Deuteronomy 4:32-40
This Sunday, we move the story of the Old Testament forward to the day when Israel is on the very edge of the Promised Land. Their wanderings were at an end, the land lays ahead and God had sustained them for 40 years in the wilderness. Moses now gives the nation a final charge before they march in to conquer. What would you say to a nation that's prone to grumbling, doubt and wandering? What he tells them is a truth you need to remember as well.
6/18/2023 • 47 minutes, 1 second
THE FLOOD (Genesis 6-9)
You know the story, the animals came in 2x2, Noah built a big boat, the rain came down, the dove returned with an olive branch, and God hung a rainbow in the sky. We visualize Noah’s flood as a kid’s story, but this is not an accurate description.
Outside of the cross of Jesus Christ, the flood is the greatest demonstration of the wrath of God in history. It is only in light of this reality that we can fully understand and appreciate the amazing salvation we often take for granted.
6/11/2023 • 53 minutes, 7 seconds
What’s the Real Story?
We are beginning our SUMMER STUDY of the OT - this summer in a fun way. We will teach selected passages from the OT, but then tie the old testament together with some instructional video helps. This week, we start at the beginning with an overview of Genesis and the OT …Four events and four big characters.
6/4/2023 • 49 minutes, 28 seconds
TROUBLE (John 14:1-6)
JOHN 14 reminds us of the trust we can have in our Savior Jesus, fully God, fully Man, the way, the truth and the life. Be there, and come prepared to be encouraged and challenged from God’s Word!
5/28/2023 • 48 minutes, 47 seconds
The War Within (Romans 7:13-25)
We will dive into Romans 7:13–25 and consider the great battle, the “War Within,” that every single true believer in Christ faces: the battle with our sinful flesh. Though we have been regenerated and given a new heart that no longer desires to sin, we still find ourselves having sinful inclinations. For the believer, this causes us great grief and trouble to do the very thing that we hate! So, in order to find victory and peace over our indwelling sin, we will seek to understand what the Apostle Paul lays out concerning the sinfulness of sin and the sufficiency of God’s grace.
5/21/2023 • 54 minutes, 36 seconds
Christians Are Cross! (Galatians 6:14-18)
Christians are CROSS – not angry, but totally focused on the CROSS of Christ. This weekend, we finish Galatians and you WILL BE BLESSED! Thinking, living, and being obsessed by the cross is the final challenge of Paul to the Galatians and us. The cross is your obsession, your brag, your reliance and transformation. Can you and I live a lifestyle consumed with GRACE – YES YOU CAN!
5/14/2023 • 54 minutes, 23 seconds
The Most Dangerous Motives (Galatians 6:11-13)
What drives those who teach error. As Paul wraps up his first and most pointed letter, He summarizes the entire book and exposes what drives those who want to teach salvation comes through keeping the law, getting circumcised and attending the festivals – not merely FAITH, but FAITH PLUS Jewish practice. Paul exhorts the Galatians to NOT doubt the bible, Run from pride, reject personal comfort, and refuse to be hypocritical.
5/7/2023 • 46 minutes, 51 seconds
You Always Reap What You Sow (Galatians 6:7-10)
Ever try to change a law – the law of time or the law of gravity
These are laws you can’t change. Well, there is another law that you can’t change – you always REAP what you SOW. Live by the deeds of the flesh and you will reap sin and consequences. Live dependently upon the Spirit, producing the fruit of the Spirit and you will reap the consequences of love and joy and peace. Though our salvation is by grace, through faith in Christ alone, a salvation that forgives you for all your sin, you will STILL, in this life, reap what you sow; you will experience the consequences of your actions, whether they be of the flesh or of the Spirit.
4/30/2023 • 50 minutes, 10 seconds
‘Spiritual’ Friends and Churches, Part 2 (Galatians 6:3-6)
The passage is NEXT LEVEL. Truly spiritual people not only pick others up, hold them up, but they consider others more important than themselves, we don’t compare ourselves to others, we actually are responsible for our own walk with God and ministry, and will support the ministry of our church in a BIG WAY. Get ready for a practical challenge to ALL who desire to be IN THE SPIRIT Spiritual.
4/23/2023 • 50 minutes, 3 seconds
‘Spiritual’ Friends and Churches, Part 1 Galatians 6:1-2
This Sunday is Galatians 6:1-2 (part one of verses 1-6) on Spiritual Friends and Spiritual Churches. And what God says will literally blow you away as to what a spiritual person is and what a spiritual person does – which is dramatically different from the world, and sadly, from what other churches teach.
4/16/2023 • 49 minutes, 27 seconds
Contentment: The Perspective of a New Heart
A Christian life is a life of realignment.... His amazing love should change the way we view circumstances in our lives
4/15/2023 • 1 hour, 7 minutes, 21 seconds
The Proof of Christianity (1 Corinthians 15:1-11)
Celebrate the life-changing work of Christ with us on Easter Sunday,
4/9/2023 • 47 minutes, 43 seconds
Attractive Christians and Tasty Churches (Galatians 5:22-26)
In contrast to the DEEDS of the FLESH where people TRY to earn their own salvation or TRY to live the Christian life in their own strength, even Christians who try to earn God’s favor over and over… in contrast to all that, is THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. This is what the Spirit produces in us and through us, making us ATTRACTIVE CHRISTIANS and making our church TASTY! Giving evidence of true salvation, appearing as a group and not individually, helping you overcome sin, is the display of God’s fruit through you.
4/2/2023 • 52 minutes, 54 seconds
The Disease of Loving Self (Galatians 5:19-22)
Galatians asks, do you ever get sick of your SELF? Are you blown away by how people now live selfishly and justify it with words like, ‘That’s is my identity’; or ‘This is what I am made for’ all the while, somehow legitimizing a narcissistic lifestyle. This week, Galatians 5:19-22 exposes the deeds of the flesh – you need these verses for your own life and you desperately need this passage to understand our world today in a new way. You must not miss it, it’s a real EYE OPENER!
3/26/2023 • 49 minutes, 1 second
‘Free in Christ’ is “Alive in Christ” (Galatians 5:13-18)
BACK TO GALATIANS – Free in Christ means ALIVE in Christ. You and I have been made free, but not free from responsibility, but free from enslavement to SIN, the DEVIL and this WORLD. We are now slaves of the perfect master, our friend and savior Jesus Christ. We are freed to SERVE, and freed to LOVE, and freed to actually GET ALONG with each other. As we WALK in the Spirit, we enjoy an entirely new kind of LIFE, known for its joy, peace, kindness, service to others and love. READ Galatians 5 – the entire chapter in preparation for this Sunday, focusing on Verses 13-18.
3/19/2023 • 48 minutes
Discipline with Purpose
Personal discipline is an obedient response to the gospel and not drudgery
3/18/2023 • 1 hour, 18 minutes
Anatomy of A Soul Winner (Acts 8:26-40)
Download the Sermon Outline
3/12/2023 • 53 minutes, 34 seconds
Parent Like God Designed Part 2 (Ephesians 6:1-4)
We will hearing the second part of our Parenting Series. Robert Dodson will be opening up God’s Word from Ephesians 6. This is the most poignant passage in scripture to parents. This passage provides us the most concise guidelines for parents for all times. Paul commands parents to apply these important truths to make these the core focus as we parent. These are tremendous truths that we as a church need to come along side all our families to support. We ALL need to know what God’s standards are for parents so that every aspect of ministry is aligned with these biblical truths.
3/5/2023 • 58 minutes, 16 seconds
Parenting Like A Boss Part 1, (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)
We will begin a short break from Galatians and a crucial two-week series on parenting and more. This Sunday Shawn Farrell opens up God’s Word from Deuteronomy 6. This passage was written to Israel as they were preparing to enter the promised land. It gives instruction on how they are to live as God’s people in a way that honors Him. There is a specific application for ALL OF US today as we seek to honor God in our lives and specifically our parenting.
2/26/2023 • 51 minutes, 13 seconds
What to Say About False Teachers (Galatians 5:7-12)
The social Gospel – which isn’t social OR gospel. Paul’s strongest words and some of the most pointed in the New Testament about what to say about False Teachers. READ Galatians 5:7-12 and see if you can discover how teachers today are not of God, hindering the truth, contaminating the Church, even persecuting the saints, resulting in God’s judgment and being cut off from God’s people. STRONG WORDS and a huge help for us today
2/19/2023 • 51 minutes, 31 seconds
Faithful Parenting
"Parenting must be intentional. You need a plan or you will be overwhelmed. The following are good principles from scripture which will allow you to have consistency in parenting."
2/18/2023 • 1 hour, 23 minutes, 4 seconds
Never Go There Again (Galatians 5:1-6)
Paul’s challenge to NEVER GO THERE AGAIN. Do not embrace works, the law, tradition, ceremony as a way of salvation – trust only in Christ by Grace through Faith. Stay Free, never go back to slavery. Paul is SHOCKING in these verses and says things that even solid Christians react to. He talks about those who walk away from Christ, those who determine to be saved their own way. YET ALSO celebrates the uniqueness of life in the Spirit, where we trust in Christ and live a life of loving works.
2/12/2023 • 54 minutes, 13 seconds
Nunca Vayas Allí Otra Vez (Gálatas 5:1-6)
El desafío de Paul de NUNCA VOLVER A IR ALLÍ. No abrace las obras, la ley, la tradición, la ceremonia como un camino de salvación, confíe solo en Cristo por Gracia a través de la Fe. Mantente libre, nunca vuelvas a la esclavitud. Pablo es IMPRESIONANTE en estos versículos y dice cosas a las que incluso los cristianos sólidos reaccionan. Habla de los que se alejan de Cristo, de los que deciden salvarse a su manera. SIN EMBARGO TAMBIÉN celebra la singularidad de la vida en el Espíritu, donde confiamos en Cristo y vivimos una vida de amor por las obras.
2/12/2023 • 36 minutes, 58 seconds
Two Mothers; Two Sons; Two Covenants; Two Cities Part 2 (Galatians 4:28-31)
GALATIANS 4:28-31 Part Two, Paul continues with his “literal analogy” and presses the Galatians to PICK A SIDE! Are you on the works salvation side, or are you on the grace salvation side? Any and all religion, no matter if you call it Christian, that seeks to work your way to heaven, leads to eternal torment in hell and ONLY salvation by Grace through Faith in Christ alone leads to eternal life in heaven with Christ. Paul is super practical this week asking if you are a child of the promise, are you persecuted, are you inheriting, and are you LIVING FREE? Only the Christian will.
GÁLATAS 4:28-31 En la segunda parte, Pablo continúa con su “analogía literal” y presiona a los gálatas para que ¡ELIJAN UN LADO! ¿Estás del lado de la salvación por obras, o estás del lado de la salvación por gracia? Cualquier y toda religión, no importa si la llamas cristiana, que busca abrirte camino al cielo, conduce al tormento eterno en el infierno y ÚNICAMENTE la salvación por gracia a través de la fe en Cristo solo conduce a la vida eterna en el cielo con Cristo. Pablo es súper práctico esta semana preguntando si eres un hijo de la promesa, eres perseguido, eres heredero y estás VIVIENDO LIBRE. Sólo el cristiano lo hará.
2/5/2023 • 39 minutes, 4 seconds
Two Mothers; Two Sons; Two Covenants; Two Cities Part 1 (Galatians 4:21-27)
GALATIANS 4:21-27 part one, is one of the most difficult passages to interpret in the NT – 2 mothers, 2 Sons, 2 Covenants and 2 cities. Without preaching an analogy, Paul uses literal history to preach the way the false teachers teach (which is to rewrite history through analogy). But Paul teaches without distorting scripture or rewriting history. He uses the false teacher Judaizer method, but Paul is actually literal and historical, to show the Galatians that God provides TRUE FREEDOM through salvation by GRACE ALONE, through FAITH ALONE, in CHRIST ALONE.
GÁLATAS 4:21-27 primera parte, es uno de los pasajes más difíciles de interpretar en el NT: 2 madres, 2 hijos, 2 pactos y 2 ciudades. Sin predicar una analogía, Pablo usa la historia literal para predicar de la forma en que enseñan los falsos maestros (que es reescribir la historia a través de la analogía). Pero Pablo enseña sin distorsionar las Escrituras ni reescribir la historia. Él usa el método judaizante del falso maestro, pero Pablo es en realidad literal e histórico, para mostrar a los Gálatas que Dios provee VERDADERA LIBERTAD a través de la salvación SOLO POR GRACIA, SOLO POR LA FE, SOLO EN CRISTO.
1/29/2023 • 41 minutes, 6 seconds
How to Make an Appeal to Those Moving Away From Truth, Part II (Galatians 4:12-20)
Galatians 4:12-20, Part 2 – What do you say to someone who claimed Christ but is moving toward a sexually aberrant lifestyle, or turning WOKE, or compromising the gospel of grace? Paul shows us how to talk to Friends and Family this week – even more personally and practically than last week. It is happening all around us, it is heartbreaking, so come this week and hear how Paul, led by the Spirit of God, dealt with those MOVING AWAY FROM TRUTH.
1/22/2023 • 49 minutes, 9 seconds
Qué Decir a los que se Alejan de la Verdad, Parte 2 (Gálatas 4:12-20)
Gálatas 4:12-20, Parte 2: ¿Qué le dices a alguien que reclamó a Cristo pero se está moviendo hacia un estilo de vida sexualmente aberrante, o se está volviendo loco, o compromete el evangelio de la gracia? Paul nos muestra cómo hablar con amigos y familiares esta semana, incluso de manera más personal y práctica que la semana pasada. Está sucediendo a nuestro alrededor, es desgarrador, así que venga esta semana y escuche cómo Pablo, guiado por el Espíritu de Dios, trató con aquellos que SE ALEJAN DE LA VERDAD.
1/22/2023 • 42 minutes, 26 seconds
Entrusting Your Children to the Lord
Cultivate a Heart of Dependence on Christ as we trust the Lord in His good and perfect will for us and our children
1/21/2023 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
What to Say to Those Moving Away From the Truth, Part I (Galatians 4:8-11)
We are BACK into our verse-by-verse walk through the Book of Galatians; this week Galatians 4:8-11, Paul’s plea to REMEMBER the way God saved them in the first place and not to depart from the TRUTH that set them free! We’ll learn together what God’s Word says about how to handle those who have moved away from the Truth of God’s Word and His Gospel of grace!
1/15/2023 • 39 minutes, 9 seconds
Qué Decir a los que se Vande la Verdad Parte 1 ( Gálatas 4:8-11)
Estamos de regreso en nuestro recorrido versículo por versículo a través del Libro de Gálatas; esta semana Gálatas 4:8-11, ¡la súplica de Pablo de recordar la forma en que Dios los salvó en primer lugar y no apartarse de la VERDAD que los liberó! ¡Aprenderemos juntos lo que dice la Palabra de Dios sobre cómo manejar a aquellos que se han alejado de la Verdad de la Palabra de Dios y Su Evangelio de gracia!
1/15/2023 • 39 minutes, 59 seconds
Our Priorities for 2023 (1 Peter 4:7-11)
We are going to hear exactly how we wants us to prepare our own hearts and lives for the coming challenges.
1/8/2023 • 48 minutes, 15 seconds
Nuestras Prioridades Para 2023 (1 Pedro 4:7-11)
Vamos a escuchar exactamente cómo queremos que preparemos nuestros propios corazones y vidas para los desafíos venideros.
1/8/2023 • 46 minutes, 37 seconds
From Slavery to Sonship (Galatians 4:1-7)
Galatians chapter 4:1-7, from Slavery to Sonship. God tells us to grow up,
move away from slavery to the Law and act like an adult and function by
Grace through Faith in Christ. With a special reference to Christmas, with
the Lord coming at the perfect time, from the perfect place, in the
perfect manner, with the perfect purpose, this Sunday will encourage all
of us to grow intimate with our Lord, Savior and Friend – be IN
1/1/2023 • 53 minutes, 7 seconds
De La Esclavitud A Ser Hijo (Gálatas 4:1-7)
Gálatas capítulo 4:1-7, de la esclavitud a la filiación.Dios nos dice que crezcamos, alejarse de la esclavitud a la Ley y actuar como un adulto y funcionar por gracia a través de la fe en Cristo
Con una referencia especial a la Navidad, con el Señor viniendo en el momento perfecto, desde el lugar perfecto, de la manera perfecta, con el propósito perfecto, este domingo nos animará a todos a crecer íntimo con nuestro Señor, Salvador y Amigo – ¡esté EN RELACIÓN con Cristo!
1/1/2023 • 40 minutes, 19 seconds
A Surprising Rescue (Luke 2:8-20)
With reverential alarm—both with reverence and fear they hear the angel speak of the BIRTH OF CHRIST, the God man (the God baby) who would come to RESCUE the repentant and give them NEW LIFE. This Sunday, a surprising rescue – the announcement to the Shepherds from Luke 2:8-20 –
12/25/2022 • 46 minutes, 14 seconds
Un Rescate Sorprendente (Lucas 2:8-20)
Con alarma reverencial, tanto con reverencia como con temor, escuchan al ángel hablar del NACIMIENTO DE CRISTO, el Dios hombre (el Dios bebé) que vendría a RESCATAR al arrepentido y darles NUEVA VIDA. Un rescate sorprendente: el anuncio a los pastores de Lucas 2: 8-20
12/25/2022 • 40 minutes, 59 seconds
The Incredible Freedom Given in Christ Part 2 (Galatians 3:23-29)
Do you remember when you were a non-Christian; enslaved and under condemnation? God wants you to remember so you will realize HOW FREE you are now in Christ. The law leads you to that freedom as it exposes your sin, then leads to salvation, which then makes you a part of God’s Family, immerses you in the person of Christ, causes you to be ONE with other believers, and blesses you with an amazing INHERITANCE that you and I do not deserve, nor worked for in ANY MANNER.
12/18/2022 • 50 minutes, 13 seconds
La Increíble Libertad Dada En Cristo (Gálatas 3:23-29 Parte 2)
¿Recuerdas cuando eras no cristiano? ¿Esclavizados y bajo condenación?Dios quiere que recuerdes para que te des cuenta de CUÁN LIBRE eres ahora en Cristo. La ley te lleva a esa libertad, ya que expone tu pecado, luego te lleva a la salvación, que luego te hace parte de la Familia de Dios, te sumerge en la persona de Cristo, hace que seas UNO con otros creyentes, y te bendice con una HERENCIA asombrosa que tú y yo no merecemos, ni trabajamos de ninguna manera.
12/18/2022 • 48 minutes, 31 seconds
Why Can’t I Obey the Rules? Part1 (Galatians 3:19-22)
Paul now discusses the inferiority of the law, yet its healthy purpose in our lives. You need Galatians 3:19-22. Instead of being a rule follower, guilt driven, external in our faith or living good but not saved, we need to know how the LAW fulfills its purpose in our lives – not just making us feel guilty
12/11/2022 • 48 minutes, 1 second
¿Por Qué No Puedo Obedecer Las Reglas? ¿ Parte 1 Gálatas 3:19-22
Pablo ahora discute la inferioridad de la ley, sin embargo, su propósito saludable en nuestras vidas. Necesitas Gálatas 3:19-22.En lugar de ser un seguidor de reglas, impulsado por la culpa, externo en nuestra fe o viviendo bien pero no ser salvos, necesitamos saber cómo la LEY cumple su propósito en nuestras vidas, no solo hacernos sentir culpables.
12/11/2022 • 51 minutes, 27 seconds
Your Lord Keeps Every Promise (Galatians 3:15-18)
Keeping promises is a big deal today because we live in a society filled with people who INCREASINGLY don’t keep their promises. But thankfully, the Lord we follow is the only perfect promise keeper. Paul reminds his Galatian readers this Sunday in Galatians 3:15-18, that God keeps His WORD. Since you already trust the promises people make in a legal way, then you can trust God’s promises to Abraham because of Christ. God does not CHANGE or FORGET His promises. And God gives incredible promises
12/4/2022 • 52 minutes, 5 seconds
Tu Señor Cumple Cada Promesa (Gálatas 3:15-18)
Cumplir las promesas es un gran problema hoy en día porque vivimos en una sociedad llena de personas que CADA VEZ más no cumplen sus promesas. Pero afortunadamente, el Señor que seguimos es el único perfecto guardián de promesas. Pablo le recuerda a sus lectores galatos este domingo en Gálatas 3:15-18, que Dios guarda su PALABRA. Puesto que usted ya confía en las promesas que la gente hace de una manera legal, entonces usted puede confiar en las promesas de Dios a Abraham debido a Cristo. Dios no CAMBIA ni OLVIDA sus promesas. Y Dios da increíble
12/4/2022 • 43 minutes, 8 seconds
Who Takes Your Curse? (Galatians 3:10-14)
Paul brings our understanding of true salvation, justification by faith to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL. The law brings DEATH, faith brings LIFE. The law CONDEMNS, faith CONVERTS. The law is CURSED, Faith is the CURE.
11/27/2022 • 50 minutes, 20 seconds
¿Quién Toma tu MALDICIÓN? (Gálatas 3:10-14)
Pablo trae nuestra comprensión de la verdadera salvación, justificación por fe a UN NUEVO NIVEL. La ley trae LA MUERTE, la fe trae LA VIDA. La ley CONDENA, la fe SE CONVIERTE. La ley es MALDITA, la fe es LA CURA.
11/27/2022 • 44 minutes, 27 seconds
La Salvación es la Misma (Gálatas 3:6-9)
Pablo nos ayuda a saber lo QUE SIGNIFICA PRÁCTICAMENTE vivir por fe cada día y los libera de nuevo con la verdad de la salvación por gracia sólo por la fe en Cristo. ¿Cómo agradan a Dios? ¿Cómo te imaginas vivir de una manera en que vives en alegría?
11/20/2022 • 51 minutes, 16 seconds
Salvation is the Same (Galatians 3:6-9)
Download the Sermon Outline Salvation is the Same Father Abraham has many sons and you’re one, when you’re saved by faith Galatians 3:6-9 Do you know it? Father Abraham had many sons, and many sons had Father Abraham; and I am one of them, and so are you, so let’s all praise the Lord! Do…
11/20/2022 • 51 minutes, 43 seconds
The Joy of Being Organized
When our rooms are in order and everything is tidy in its proper place, there is less confusion and more peace and harmony in our homes
11/19/2022 • 1 hour, 15 minutes, 47 seconds
Breaking the Spell of Self-Confidence (Galatians 3:1-5)
We are back in GALATIANS, now beginning the second major section (chapters 3-4) of this INCREDIBLE letter. God’s Word is so practical, for starting in chapter 3, Paul writes the Galatians with the purpose of breaking their SELF CONFIDENCE in chapter 3:1-5. We all battle with relying on ourselves instead of Christ, and Paul is clear as to how we can BREAK THE SPELL OF SELF CONFIDENCE and begin living every day, in Christ Confidence. The entire Trinity is involved in this process, and it is something the Lord wants to do in your heart.
11/13/2022 • 50 minutes, 29 seconds
Rompiendo el HECHIZO de la Confianza en Uno Mismo (Gálatas 3:1-5)
Estamos de regreso en GÁLATAS, ahora comenzando la segunda sección principal (capítulos 3-4) de esta carta INCREÍBLE. La Palabra de Dios es tan práctica, comenzando en el capítulo 3, Pablo escribe a los Gálatas con el propósito de quebrantar su AUTOCONFIANZA en el capítulo 3:1-5. Todos luchamos con confiar en nosotros mismos en lugar de confiar en Cristo, y Pablo es claro en cuanto a cómo podemos ROMPER EL HECHIZO DE LA AUTOCONFIANZA y comenzar a vivir todos los días, en la confianza de Cristo. La Trinidad entera está involucrada en este proceso, y es algo que el Señor quiere hacer en tu corazón.
11/13/2022 • 44 minutes, 37 seconds
Cómo Los Esposos Pueden Dejar de Dañar el Matrimonio (Efesios 5:22-33)
Cómo los Esposos pueden Destruir el Matrimonio Parte 4. Un vistazo breve al diseño de Dios para los esposos en el matrimonio de Efesios 5:22-33. Un desafío para hombres y mujeres de seguir el plan único de Dios para los sexos.
11/6/2022 • 50 minutes, 30 seconds
How Husbands Can Stop Damaging Marriage Ephesians 5:22-33
How Husband can Destroy Marriage Part 4. A brief look at God’s design for husbands in marriage from Ephesians 5:22-33. A challenge for both men and women to pursue God’s unique plan for the sexes
11/6/2022 • 50 minutes, 30 seconds
How Wives Can Stop Damaging Marriage Ephesians 5:22-33
How Wives can Destroy Marriage Part 3. A brief look at God’s design for wives in marriage from Ephesians 5:22-33. A challenge for both men and women to pursue God’s unique plan for the sexes
10/30/2022 • 51 minutes, 8 seconds
Cómo Las Esposas Pueden Dejar De Dañar El Matrimonio (Efesios 5:22-33)
Cómo las Esposas pueden Destruir el Matrimonio Parte 3. Un vistazo breve al diseño de Dios para las esposas en el matrimonio de Efesios 5:22-33. Un desafío para hombres y mujeres de seguir el plan único de Dios para los sexos.
10/30/2022 • 53 minutes, 8 seconds
El Poder Para Prevenir Daño (Efesios 5:18)
Relaciones, amistades, y MATRIMONIO - cómo destruir tu matrimonio, parte 2, con EL PODER INCREÍBLE para prevenir el Daño... ¿Cómo puede un Cristiano tener la fuerza para agradar realmente al Señor en su matrimonio y sus amistades? Efesios 5 CONTIENE la ORDEN CLAVE para el MATRIMONIO y el CAMINO CRISTIANO.
10/23/2022 • 51 minutes, 24 seconds
The Power to Prevent Damage, Part 2 (Ephesians 5:18b )
Relationships, friendships, and MARRIAGE – how to destroy your marriage part 2, with THE INCREDIBLE POWER to prevent Damage… How can a Christian have the strength to actually please the Lord in their marriage and their friendships… Ephesians 5 HOLDS the KEY COMMAND to MARRIAGE and the CHRISTIAN WALK.
10/23/2022 • 54 minutes, 43 seconds
God has uniquely equipped women to carry out His command of submission.
Obedience brings blessing
10/22/2022 • 26 minutes, 57 seconds
How to Damage Your Marriage, Part I
We open up God's Word on MARRIAGE for a short series. How to damage your marriage and the steps needed to restore a declining relationship. HELP for marriages and for all relationships
10/17/2022 • 49 minutes, 39 seconds
Como Dañar Tu Matrimonio (Efesios 5:22-33 22)
Abrimos la Palabra de Dios sobre el MATRIMONIO para una serie corta. Cómo dañar tu matrimonio y los pasos necesarios para restaurar una relación en declive. AYUDA para los matrimonios y para todas las relaciones.
10/16/2022 • 49 minutes, 40 seconds
Es Rendición Completa (Romanos 12:1)
Estudiaremos Romanos 12:1. Aquí veremos una hoja de ruta de cómo vivir como adoradores verdaderos.
10/9/2022 • 48 minutes, 12 seconds
It’s Complete Surrender (Romans 12:1)
We will study Romans 12:1. Here we will see a roadmap of how to live as true worshippers.
10/9/2022 • 48 minutes, 20 seconds
Meal Planning 101
"Planning in general is biblical and a blessing to your husband and family."
10/8/2022 • 26 minutes, 41 seconds
Dying to Live (Galatians 2:17-21)
Paul finishes Chapter two with the final part of his confrontation of Peter, actually defining the Christian life and one of the most important LIFE-CHANGING truths necessary that every single Christian, young and old, desperately needs in order to LIVE for Christ.
10/2/2022 • 51 minutes, 56 seconds
Muriendo Por Vivir (Gálatas 2:17-21)
Pablo termina el Capítulo dos con la parte final de su confrontación con Pedro, definiendo realmente la vida Cristiana y una de las verdades más importantes que CAMBIAN LA VIDA que cada Cristiano, joven y viejo, necesita desesperadamente para VIVIR para Cristo.
10/2/2022 • 46 minutes, 28 seconds
A Historic Battle for the Gospel (Galatians 2:11-16)
we will witness the BATTLE for the GOSPEL, when Paul takes on the BIG DOG, the spokesman of the Apostles, PETER, calling him on NOT LIVING OUT the truth of salvation by grace. This is a powerful struggle between TRUE salvation by Grace, and the FALSE salvation demanding Jewish custom and circumcision in order to be saved.
9/25/2022 • 50 minutes, 3 seconds
The Purity and Protection of the Gospel Part 3 (Galatians 2:1-10)
Trust in God’s CONTROL, celebrate God’s CALLING, embrace the way the gospel FREES you from slavery and continue to keep the gospel PURE and unmixed as a doctrinal truth along with a HEART guide.
9/18/2022 • 50 minutes, 9 seconds
ONE THING – Prioritizing Time with the Savior DAILY
A lack of continual refreshment and restoration from time with Jesus can be a very dangerous way to live. It makes us vulnerable to temptation and compromise.
9/17/2022 • 1 hour, 19 minutes, 26 seconds
A Man Whose Message You Can Trust Part 2 (Galatians 1:13-24)
A MAN WHOSE MESSAGE YOU CAN TRUST – as false teachers attack Paul in order to undermine the TRUE GOSPEL, the Spirit of God instructs believers about a life of credibility, a life of integrity, and life worth following. A message for parents, husbands, ministry leaders, employees and employers and more.
9/11/2022 • 48 minutes, 29 seconds
The Supernatural Gospel Part I (Galatians 1:10-12)
This Gospel comes directly from God, by God, to the apostle Paul (and the other apostles) to us and the message starts with bad news and ends up being really good news – if we respond to God’s grace, through Faith, in Christ alone.
9/4/2022 • 48 minutes, 14 seconds
Don’t Mess with God’s Gospel (Galatians 1:6-9)
Paul fights for the TRUTH of justification by grace, through Faith in Christ alone. This Sunday will help you articulate the true gospel, expose the errors attacking around the gospel and cause you to treasure the gospel in your own life in a great way.
8/28/2022 • 51 minutes, 10 seconds
The Fight for Freedom (Galatians 1:1-5)
We start the book of GALATIANS – FREEDOM! The true gospel of grace by faith in Christ alone brings spiritual freedom! This is a book needed in our day.
8/21/2022 • 51 minutes
The Church’s Passion for Purpose
This Sunday, is FBC future plans, FBC family conference – We will look at the scripture and apply it specifically the past, present and future of FBC.
8/14/2022 • 52 minutes, 18 seconds
The Shocking Salvation of Jesus Christ (Luke 23:39-43)
Shawn Farrell is preaching the final sermon in the “Shocking Christ” series. Shawn is walking us through Jesus' words to the thief on the cross from Luke 23.
8/7/2022 • 52 minutes, 26 seconds
A Pressure You Will Never Experience (Mark 14:32-36)
Chris is preaching out of Mark 14 with a sermon titled, “A Pressure You Don’t Experience”. In the gospels we get a glimpse of our Lord that may shock you!
7/31/2022 • 49 minutes, 59 seconds
Jesus’ Shocking Demand (Shocking, part 5) (Matthew 6:19-24)
Shannon will be preaching an awesome message this Sunday, as a part of The Shocking Christ sermon series, from Matthew 6 on “Jesus’ Shocking Demand.” You will be encouraged and challenged!
7/24/2022 • 51 minutes, 9 seconds
Love & Forgiveness (Shocking, part 4) (Luke 7:36-50)
Patrick Levis, continues in our Shocking Jesus summer series, he will preach from Luke 7 as we see Jesus’ shocking love and forgiveness.
7/17/2022 • 43 minutes, 16 seconds
Jesus’ Second-Busiest Day-Night-Day (Shocking, part 3) (Luke 8)
Luke 8 will spur you on in your efforts to work hard for the kingdom and love people even when you’re tired. It will show you how Jesus handled exhaustion and demanding crowds in a way that honored His Father and fulfilled His responsibilities with love and tenderness towards people.
7/10/2022 • 46 minutes, 16 seconds
The Perfection God Demands (Shocking, part 2) (Matthew 5:20-48)
We return to an earlier time in Jesus' ministry, on a ridge near Capernaum, overlooking the Sea of Galilee. He preached the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and by the time he finished, "the crowds were amazed at his teaching." I can't promise that for this Sunday, but I'm confident that you will understand just how radical the call to follow Jesus really is.
7/3/2022 • 42 minutes, 15 seconds
The Shocking Humility of Jesus Christ (John 13:1-17)
We will be kicking off our NEW summer series: Shocking Christ: The Jesus You May Not Know. The series will take us into different aspects of Jesus’ life that are unexpected, in some cases shocking, but always hugely encouraging.
6/26/2022 • 52 minutes, 31 seconds
What A Weird Church – Some Practices
The final message over the doctrine of Ecclesiology, in our SERIES, What a Weird Church, is this Sunday… studying God’s Word on Church practices, like Baptism, Communion , Church discipline, undistracted Praise, Evangelism, and Membership.
6/19/2022 • 49 minutes, 55 seconds
What a Weird Church – Morally
This Sunday, Chris Mueller continues our “What a Weird Church” series, focused on Christians being salt and light in MORALS. Our culture is running fast in the opposite direction of God, so when you stand for what the Bible says about GENDER, MARRIAGE, SEXUALITY, and LIFE IN THE WOMB, you’re going to look weird.
6/12/2022 • 49 minutes, 46 seconds
What a Weird Church – Relationally
THIS SUNDAY The church is counter-cultural in its relationships, and this Sunday's message will encourage and challenge you to live relationally as salt & light to the world around.
6/5/2022 • 45 minutes, 48 seconds
What a Weird Church – Practically
Our first SUMMER SERIES is under way with, WHAT A WEIRD CHURCH. This Sunday the series focuses on some of the PRIORITIES of a local church. As we commission two new elders, we will open the scriptures about a plurality of Elders, interconnection to the body of Christ, spiritual gifts, sacrificial giving, discipleship, and maturing in Christ. As we clarify the doctrine of ECCLESIOLOGY, we will also discover what makes the true church – you all - salt and light to the watching world.
5/29/2022 • 48 minutes, 4 seconds
What a Weird Church – Doctrinally (Matthew 5:13)
FIRST SUMMER SERIES = Starting this Sunday,WHAT A WEIRD CHURCH part 1 of 5. The culture has changed, making the church that actually attempts to take all its direction from the Word – APPEAR WEIRD, strange, different. But in the next five weeks, you will not want to miss a single week as we exposit through the DOCTRINE, PRIORITES, RELATIONSHIPS, MORALS and PRACTICES of the Church seeking to be LIGHT and SALT in a dark and tasteless world. There are going to be some TRUTHS that are LIT in this series; you will not want to miss a one.
5/22/2022 • 51 minutes, 50 seconds
Will The Real Phony Please Stand Out?! (James)
We wrap up our study of James with a helpful overview of most of the letter, filling in the gaps, tying it all together and making certain we highlight the most important point of the entire letter. You will love it as we study WILL THE REAL PHONY PLEASE STAND OUT, and it will be an incredible aid to you in order to reach the STRAY!
5/15/2022 • 46 minutes, 46 seconds
Chasing Strays (James 5:19-20)
We wrap up the exposition of James on this Mother’s Day and celebrate the Apostles Heart for those who attend Church, but don’t know Christ, those who say they have faith, but no works, those who hear the Word but don’t do the Word – with James 5:19-20, calls you and I to be Chasing Strays
5/8/2022 • 51 minutes, 2 seconds
Help for the Weak (James 5:13-18)
James 5:13-18 talks about suffering and prayer, elders and anointing with oil, confess your sins, along with Elijah praying for drought and rain.
5/1/2022 • 50 minutes, 1 second
Living and Speaking Honest (James 5:12)
Download the Sermon Outline Living and Speaking Honest The test of truthfulness–James 5:12 In almost every college ethics class today, the vast majority of students think, if a particular lie produces more good consequences than bad consequences, then the majority of the students are not morally offended with lying. Lying is a way of life…
4/24/2022 • 46 minutes, 21 seconds
The Beauty of Self Control
"Believers are to submit to the will of God and walk in the Spirit; in the Bible "walk" is often a metaphor for practical daily living. The Christian life is a journey, and we are to walk it—we are to make consistent forward progress. To walk in the Spirit means that we yield to His control, we follow His lead, and we allow Him to exert His influence over us."
4/23/2022 • 41 minutes, 7 seconds
The Certain Hope of Tomorrow (1 Corinthians 15:50-58)
We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the DEAD… we will live forever in glorified bodies in heavenly joy forever ALL because of what our LORD accomplished.
4/17/2022 • 48 minutes, 42 seconds
Good Friday
Good Friday is Good, because the Father gave His son to bring us all to glory.
4/16/2022 • 22 minutes, 33 seconds
Let the WOMEN be WOMEN (Titus 2:6-8)
Let the Women be Women (Titus 2:4-5). All feminists hate this passage! Get ready to have your heart challenged – both men and women
4/10/2022 • 48 minutes, 21 seconds
Let the MEN be MEN (Titus 2:6-8)
To worship Christ, equip the saints, evangelize the lost and instruct from God’s Word God’s perfect design for Men and Women , Chris will preach a brief summary overview of Let the Men be Men Titus 2:6-8.
4/3/2022 • 45 minutes, 13 seconds
God’s Guide to Painful Waiting (James 5:7-11)
This is one of THE MOST ENCOURAGING PASSAGES I have exposited from God’s Word; James 5:7-11. The treasure of this text is that it instructs all of us what to do when we experience the DARK DAYS of hardship, rejection, and PAINFUL WAITING.
3/27/2022 • 54 minutes, 6 seconds
When It’s Bad to be Rich (James 5:1-6)
We have finally reached chapter 5 of James and it is a rich one. This week, we will expose the wicked wealthy, those church attenders who were oppressing poor believers and making life hard. The passage teaches us about who are the wealthy, what we should do with our money and so much more.
3/20/2022 • 51 minutes, 50 seconds
Kindness and Goodness
Kindness is a heart attitude, a tender concern for others, created by the Holy Spirit. Goodness is kindness in action, empowered by the Holy Spirit.
3/19/2022 • 44 minutes, 10 seconds
Why Bad Things Happen to Good People (Job 1-2)
Pastor ALEX MONTOYA is joining us for both services (as he does every year In March) to exposit God’s Word
3/13/2022 • 46 minutes, 58 seconds
How Firm a Foundation (Psalm 19:7-11)
Jon Elliff, pastor of Makakilo Baptist Church in Oahu, preaching on the Firm Foundation of God’s Word.
3/6/2022 • 45 minutes, 34 seconds
Don’t Walk Through Life Blind (James 4:13-17)
We will continue in James 4:13-17 and the test of dependence upon God’s WILL. Do you walk through life without trusting in the Lord, depending on Him, praying to him, conditioning your decisions with his sovereignty and trusting in His Word to guide you in all you do? Then this Sunday is for you to NOT walk through life BLIND, but dependent upon God’s Will.
2/28/2022 • 52 minutes, 53 seconds
Stopping the Sick Sin of Slander (James 4:11-12)
We will continue in James 4:11-12 and study the next paragraph in the pointed epistle, as the half-brother of our Lord addresses the SICK SIN OF SLANDER. The world will CANCEL you but what does the Bible direct believers to do concerning our comments about others? Come this Sunday and have your eyes opened to God’s Heart.
2/20/2022 • 47 minutes, 2 seconds
The Heart of Genuine Conversion (James 4:7-10)
James 4:7-10 is a massively misunderstood yet powerful WORD from God to us on calling someone to TURN TO CHRIST! You will not want to miss this Sunday, let this truth wash over you and use this truth to impact others!
2/13/2022 • 50 minutes, 54 seconds
The Fruit of the Spirit – Joy
We are in Christ. We are the privileged ones who have the deep sense that this joy is not about our circumstances, it is our position in Christ.
2/12/2022 • 22 minutes, 44 seconds
Stop Being Friends (James 4:1-6)
James 4:1-6 contains a strong charge to stop being friends with the WORLD, including one the toughest verses in the NT to interpret: verse 5.
2/6/2022 • 50 minutes, 54 seconds
Wise Relationships Part 2, (James 3:17-18)
Chris is explaining the traits of true wisdom from James 3:17-18.
1/30/2022 • 51 minutes, 10 seconds
The Day Everything Went Wrong (Genesis 3)
Shawn Farrell will preach on “The Fall” from Genesis 3. We’ll be looking at the moment in history where sin and death entered the world; man was cursed, and yet God showed mercy and revealed His plan of redemption! Read Genesis 3, prepare your heart to be challenged and encouraged.