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Entrepreneur Mastermind Podcast Cover
Entrepreneur Mastermind Podcast Profile

Entrepreneur Mastermind Podcast

English, Computing/Technology, 267 seasons, 430 episodes, 3 days, 19 hours, 28 minutes
Get a fly-on-the-wall perspective from 4 developers turned entrepreneurs, as they struggle with the business and learn lessons the hard way. This is the weekly mastermind group of the entreprogrammers - a no holds barred, unedited look at what it really takes to be an entrepreneur.
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Episode 423 "Key Difference"

  We're Live. Many of the paths that any entrepreneur takes can lead to specific situations, for example using only ads to promote, or using focus blocks to improve productivity, will represent the key difference to obtaining the best possible results.   Mani and John have a great chat about this topic, where to apply this, and having the best approach to the decision-making process.   Thought of the week   John - “I get the problem sure, but what are you doing about it? ”.
3/28/202356 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 423 "Key Difference"

  We're Live. Many of the paths that any entrepreneur takes can lead to specific situations, for example using only ads to promote, or using focus blocks to improve productivity, will represent the key difference to obtaining the best possible results.   Mani and John have a great chat about this topic, where to apply this, and having the best approach to the decision-making process.   Thought of the week   John - “I get the problem sure, but what are you doing about it? ”.
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Episode 422 "Adding Value"

We're Live. Growth in this area is the most anticipated thing that any entrepreneur needs to achieve, this also means more people and more responsibilities which will bring more value to your company. Josh brings this topic up because it can be a quite difficult decision, not only adding new people but actually deciding what your role will be that can also bring value to the equation. Thought of the week John - “The vision needs to be the same in other to move forward”.
3/7/202356 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 421 "Business Partner"

We're Live. In the entrepreneur world having a business partner is a common occurrence, it can be a great asset in order to get the best possible scenario that will bring the best profit. That´s the area that can get tricky.   Talking about money will always be a difficult subject that has to be approached strategically. The guys have an awesome debate regarding this topic   Thought of the week   Josh - “My Business partner thinks that he brings more value, I have mixed feelings about this”.
2/28/20231 hour, 18 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 420 "Creating Good Content"

We're Live. Content creation is one of the most creative things that anyone can do, but it can be difficult depending on the area or niche that you are working on. There are a lot of key components to bare in mind to get the best content, and analyzing your competition is one of them.   John raises this topic because Josh is working on his youtube channel trying to make it blow up, looking for that specific content that will make the difference.   Thought of the week   John - “One of the best approaches to create good content is to be contrary, go into a different direction that the trend is”.  
2/7/20231 hour, 52 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 419 "Bottom Up Approach"

We're Live. Looking at your work from a specific view sometimes can be frustrating, a change of perspective is due when this is happening. You start to get the feeling that you’re not advancing and everything that you do is simply not working.   John raises this topic because he’s going through some changes on his entrepreneurship, the bottom up approach can change your game, great discussion.   Thought of the week   John - “The amount of skill that you learned is unprecedented”.  
1/31/202349 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 418 "Rushed Out The Door"

  We're Live. Getting your goals clear in mind is one of the most important things in any entrepreneurship, but sometimes during this journey your goals will derive from your original intentions and become something entirely different.   This is where you start doing stuff just to get them out the door, there’s no actual meaning or intention behind them. This can be frustrating at levels that can make you want to quit. John and Josh have an interesting conversation on how to get back to your roots and do the stuff that you actually want to do in order to meet your goals.   Thought of the week   Josh - “This is the Artist Dilemma”
1/24/202352 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 417 "Win or Lose"

We’re Live. Under the decision-making process, there’s something that you'll always have to bare in mind, you can lose. It doesn't matter if all the chances and probabilities show that you will be successful in your entrepreneurship, there's always the possibility of losing, and you have to prepare for that moment.   John and Josh have a great discussion about this topic and the many preparations that you have to do to thrive if this moment ever passes.   Thought of the week   John - “It is Win or Lose, just take the chance”
1/17/202355 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 416 "Starting New Year"

We’re Live. John and Mani get back together after a long overdue break in December. 2022 was a year of big changes for both of them, getting stuff out that was not working and all the new and ongoing work that promise to bring great success in 2023.   Great conversation catching up and the plans for the start of this year.   Thought of the week   John - “There were big changes in my life last year”    
1/10/202353 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 415 "AI Implications"

We’re Live. Artificial Intelligence has been a sci-fi dream since the ’70s but nowadays is a complete reality, from apps that draw or Ai design to make contracts, there are no limits to the use of these new forms of creations.   The guys have an interesting debate on how these AIs are going the change the world and what are the implications in the entrepreneur world. Thought of the week    John - “I'm still amazed at what this AI can do”  
12/13/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 414 "Everything is Negotiable"

We’re Live. Difficult clients always appear when you’re doing entrepreneurship, there can be ones that have zero collab intentions or try to slip dirty things in the contract that can make you lose money, the matter is, it can be resolved.   Knowledge is the main factor here, to get a clear understanding of the situation. The guys have a great debate around many of the possible ways to resolve these situations   Thought of the week    John - “There’s the client that wants to sleaze something in the contract”      
12/6/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 413 "Adapt and Overcome"

We’re Live. The final days of the year are coming and the guys are checking everything out on their content. Adapting to the situation has been the constant in these passing years many ups and downs but the answer is always the same, adapt and overcome. Great debate around the many situations that the guys have recently gone through, always looking for the best possible outcome and getting to an interesting conclusion. Thought of the week John - “There always has to be that hook that gets you”
11/22/202259 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 412 "Extending The Reach"

We’re Live. Social media games will always be evolving, and adapting to the current situation is a must if you want your goals to be met. Recently there’s a new marketing strategy that has proven to be quite effective, but the numbers need a different approach in order to understand them.   John starts this off on how to actually take this on and understand that there’s a big difference in growing and reaching, and both of them work in parallel.   Thought of the week    John - “Paying for performance is a great way to market the channel”
11/15/202254 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 411 "Significant Losses"

Significant Losses We’re Live. Entrepreneurship will always have risks involved, and this makes things clear, sometimes you will lose money and sometimes it will be a lot. This is part of the process and having the right tools and taking the correct actions at the exact time will make the difference. The guys start a great debate around the subject, what to do in this case, and what needs to be analyzed. Taking into account all the possible factors that can fail during this process. Thought of the week Mani - “Let’s not talk about losing days, let’s talk about numbers”
11/8/20221 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Episode 410 " Occam's Razor"

We’re Live. Decision-making is a process that any entrepreneur needs to have in their arsenal some situations present a lot of alternatives that can work but some of it could be easier than others. That´s where Occam’s Razor comes in. The principle gives precedence to simplicity: of two competing theories, the simpler explanation of an entity is to be preferred.   The guys have an interesting debate on when and how to make these decisions to produce the best possible outcome.   Thought of the week   Mani - “ Your data needs to be precise to make these decisions”
10/18/20221 hour, 1 minute, 27 seconds
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Episode 409 "Ups and Downs"

We’re Live. Main social media platforms are the best option to promote your entrepreneurship these days. Doing it organically will set you on the right path, but using ads is the next step in this journey.   The problem with this is that the platforms are highly irregular with ads. They can work well for some time and they can take them down for no apparent reason. What should you do here? The guys have an interesting debate on what should the plan be in any of these cases.   Thoughts of the week   Josh - “September was definitely my best month in quite some time, but Youtube just decided to take down all my ads”.
10/11/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 408 "Behaviors in Success"

We’re Live. There’s a specific scenario where your goals are met, success is finally here and what most people do is start relaxing during this process, which is a big mistake.   Josh asks John for tips and standard processes during this time, it is always a good idea to be prepared for what’s coming.    Thought of the week    John - “It all depends on what you are willing to do to get to the next level”
9/20/202255 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 407 " Different Kinds of Problems"

We’re Live. The topic for this week fluctuates through the many types of issues that the guys go through in their entrep[neurship, regarding that most of the issues, can be common but not all of them affect them the same way.   There’s an interesting debate on how to tackle these situations and how much the perspective changes depending on your level of success.   Thought of the week    Mani - “That’s not a problem for a guy that makes Twenty Million dollars”
9/13/202254 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 406 "Seize Momentum"

We’re Live. Josh asks the guys for advice on when to apply certain kinds of ads or what social media platform to use to promote your business, there’s no actual right answer for this.   John and Mani share different perspectives on how the main focus in the decision-making process should be momentum. Capturing that frame of time and getting the best out of it.   Thought of the week    Mani - “One thing has to work, and one thing has to work most of the time”
9/6/202257 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 405 "Aggressive Approach"

We’re Live. Dealing with clients will always be a hassle, Josh comes up to the plate with a situation concerning some types of clients that are not complying or not completing the process.   An Aggressive approach is the focus here, the guys have an interesting debate on how to do this and how to make the clients actually comply or at moments just stop working with them.   Thought of the week    John - “These are the types of clients that you need to hold back”  
8/30/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 404 "Touching Base"

We’re Live. Mani is back to the usual roundabouts and gets started checking everything is running smoothly. John is currently on the same page getting some numbers on tracks and making sure where the traffic is coming from.   One of the main types of traffic is warm traffic, both guys start analyzing and explaining thoroughly what warm traffic means.   Thought of the week    Mani - “Warm Traffic will always get you numbers”
8/23/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 403 "Unique Style"

We’re Live. Guys start a very interesting debate on how to make youtube channels work. This si something that can be confusing sometimes, one of the first topics is content and as it turns out it is not the main factor.   Competition in the platform is over the top, finding an unique style is one of the most important things you can do for your youtube channel to work.   Thought of the week    Josh - “There’s just so many guys that say practically nothing and it works”  
8/9/202255 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 402 "Perspective of Reality"

We’re Live. Josh proposes a very interesting topic regarding masculinity and being a man and how to approach life in all general aspects to become a better person and apply this to all your goals and purposes.   John tells it straight, it s about being real and accepting the facts. Great conversation on how to keep your feet on the ground and always keep moving towards your goals.   Thought of the week    John. “Accepting the hard truth is the best thing you can do in these situations”  
8/2/202256 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 401 "Strategic Thinking"

We’re Live. Under any kind of entrepreneurship, the constant that will always come up is decision making, whether is hiring new staff or even letting go of them, where to invest, what to invest, etc. Strategic Thinking is a must in this field.   Great discussion surrounding the next steps for the three guys that will definitely help you improve your decision-making process.   Thought of the Week   Mani - “If the guy just not on high-level thinking you just have let him go”  
7/26/202258 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 400 "Creating Superior Content"

We’re Live. First of all, there’s so,e big news regarding Entreprogrammers, it's currently a rebranding! So stay tuned to see a new face! The Content that social media has at the moment is extremely variant and different, to say the least. Publishing superior content will not only make you stand out from the crowd but it will improve your chances of success. The guys have a really interesting conversation regarding this with each different perception. Thought of the week John - “All it matters is to get that specific Lead”
7/19/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 399 "Sharing Strategies"

We’re Live. One of the main focuses of this podcast is to share current strategies that are being applied to get feedback and get the best possible outcome. John leads the way on main strategies based on Social media, ads, etc. Thought of the week John - “Engagement is not exactly the most important factor on Instagram”
7/12/202259 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 398 "Marketing Equity"

We’re Live. The guys start with a roundtable of ongoing projects that each has and is it going and giving each other great feedback to improve the whole process. One thing that came in common is Marketing Equity, there are just so many projects going on that there’s a point that focus is lost, so cutting off some of them may be the way to go. Thought of the week Mani - “If your emails throughout a month talk about 10 different topics, you cannot sell”
7/5/20221 hour, 5 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 397 "The Real Struggle"

We’re live. One of the many problems that clients encounter is that they don't really understand how the process of any endeavor works or even worse than that, they can't trust the process. This seems to be a recurring problem with some of John's Clients, finding out that there’s actual work that they need to do, and realizing that the problem lies in the drive to get the work done. Thought of the week Mani - “They think they can't do it? Or they think that they can't do the work?”
6/14/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 396 "Analyzing the Wreckage"

We’re Live. Mani some stuff that did not work out as planned, but he’s not quite sure what exactly failed in the process. He and John start analyzing the whole scenario to find out and improve upon it.   It is quite normal that this kind of problem arises from time to time, but as always this offers so much improving potential so it does deserve thorough analysis.   Thought of the week   John - “There’s always a logical explanation when this happens”
6/7/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 395 "Setting The Right Filter"

We’re live. John and Mani get the conversation going with how the process of admittance in their programs should be, getting the right client is the core foundation that the program needs to work. There are definitely many ways to filter clients or even get an onboarding process, this is going to entirely depend on what type of actions the client has to do in order to stay and be accountable. John - “Move quickly but do not rush”
5/31/202256 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 394 "The Hot Seat"

We’re Live. Today the guys are starting off with a new segment called the hot seat, where each of them gets a specific amount of time to show any kind of issue on his entrepreneurship and get the feedback needed to get the best possible solution. Definitely, an interesting way to solve problems and get a fresh perspective and actually get the issue under the spotlight. Thought of the week John - “Red pill content is incredibly difficult to get growth from it”
5/24/202256 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 393 "Pain Points"

We’re Live. Once again the boys are trying new blood for the team, and it has started an amazing debate of what the pain points are for each of the clients and what actually are the ones that work as selling points. The perfect example of this was Mani’s Focus blocks, which in this particular thing almost any pain point will work, based on the productivity you'll need to solve your problems. Thought of the week. John - “Mani you sound like a lawyer”
5/17/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 392 "Different Utilities"

We’re LIve. Getting a new partner in the entreprogrammers podcast has been a long endeavor and has definitely not been successful, some guests show up once and then do not show up anymore. John and Mani agree that when this happens is just not the right fit, but, MAni has a theory on why this happening, not everyone sees value in the live cast, John doesn't agree with this. Great debate this week. Thought of the week Mani - “ Not everybody sees the utility in showing yourself to different eyes”
5/10/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 391 "Show Your Guns"

We’re Live. New blood is coming into town and one of the first steps, when this happens, is to start sharing strategies with one another, based on their entrepreneurship and perspectives. Which always proves to be quite helpful, no matter how much time you have spent on a business there will be that missing that only outside perspective will bring it to light. Thought of the week Mani .”Data will always show you the truth overtime”
5/3/20221 hour, 14 minutes, 56 seconds
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Episode 390 "Finding Real Value"

We’re Live. There’s always a project that just does not work no matter what amount of effort you put into it, the idea could be solid but if people don't see the real value in it it's just not going to work. John and Mani Analyse various scenarios when this happens and steps to follow to get back on track as soon as possible. Thought of the week John - “Selfe-confidence as an outcome is just not valuable to people”
4/26/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 389 "Take The Risk"

  We’re Live. John recently hired someone dedicated to sales, that is helping him through Instagram dm and other areas. It turns out that the price range was way higher than expected, but, is it worth it? It Absolutely is and here they tell you why.   There are lots of benefits that come from high risks, especially in the long run. As long everything is analyzed correctly it is always worth your time and money.   Thought of the week    Mani - “Once you get this working you will triple your original investment”
4/19/20221 hour, 7 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 388 ”The Wrong Picture"

 We’re Live. One of the most common things to happen in any enterprise, webinar, or any kind of business is that the client gets the whole perspective of it wrong, especially when the matter is making money.   John and Mani have an interesting discussion about the most important factors of this process that most people just miss or simply do not understand.   Mani -” If Your client has to do a lot of work you have to charge them even more ”.
4/12/202257 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 387 "People Fail the System"

We’re live. The guys are in new offices and talking about productivity systems that have worked and also failed in the past, coming to one logical conclusion: Systems work, people are the ones who fail.   There’s one simple explanation for this and it is based on accountability basically, there’s nothing that forces you to commit to the system, that’s why it is doomed to fail.   Thought of the week   Mani - “All Humans are going to get in and out of the system every time”.
4/5/20221 hour, 12 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 386 "Extreme Makeover"

We’re Live. John and Mani are currently in the process of reinventing their business, getting new ideas out, testing out processes, and finding out what type of new audiences can come in a have a taste.   This has taken most of the time that the guys have in hand, and also it has been proven that getting these conversations is extremely valuable to the whole process.   Mani - “Now is time to get the right audience into the funnel”
3/29/202249 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 385 "Look for More People"

We’re live. Mani starts with the continuing process of his upcoming webinar, and how the writing aspect of it is very similar to writing a book, what makes people buy the book or assisting the webinar which brings the same results.   John adds up to this topic on how to get more people to your project, specially future costumers that you want them to stay and consume more content.   John - “Definitely getting more people will always punch the numbers”
3/8/202251 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 384 "Self Discipline?"

  We’re Live. Mani is currently working on his new webinar and one of the most important steps is getting that hook or punchline that will get the consumer to truly stay and buy the product.   Many insights and ideas grow here during the discussion, getting to the point that it is necessary to convince people even before they buy the product, that will give the customer the confidence to come back again.     Mani -"If you depend on some discipline system or habits to be productive, you’ll fail to be productive"
3/1/20221 hour, 8 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 383 "New Blood"

  We’re Live. Getting to know a new team member it's always a part of the process, with the Depart of Chuck from the podcast it’s time for changes.   The guys are looking forward to keeping Entreprogrammers alive and evolving, so the next step was clear and recruits are trying out!   Mani: ”You've been doing this since you were 15 and you’re 23? Right on man!”
2/22/20221 hour, 16 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 382 "Scale Productivity"

  We’re Live. This is a topic that will always pop up when you’re an entrepreneur, there’s going to be a certain point in time that you will have success, or in other cases, this is needed to get to the point where you want to be.   Mani and John have an interesting discussion on when and how you need to push productivity. Hiring personnel, delegating jobs, using ads to promote, and many other possibilities.   Mani - “There’s always a way to push productivity and not deal with the hassle that this involves”
2/15/202243 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 381 " Shifting Gears"

  We’re Live. Chuck is back in the scene but he’s coming with not-so-great news! In this episode, Chuck and John Talk about how their lives have changed over the passing years.   Looking forward to the new paths that both are building towards their journey in entrepreneurship.   Chuck - “There are hours that I need to get back and just focus on the ones that I'm currently working on”
2/8/202258 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 380 'Cold Traffic"

  We’re Live. Analysing the necessary data in order to make the best decisions in your entrepreneurship has to be one of the most important steps that you have to make, this will definitely take you closer to success no doubt about it.   To get this data you need traffic, as it turns out Cold Traffic sometimes it’s actually the best way to get the best perspective, it’s constant and starts to show patterns that in hot traffic are difficul to see.   Mani - “Cold Traffic is the key here, details have come up due to this”
2/1/20221 hour, 3 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 379 "New Master Plan"

  We’re Live. The guys finally meet up for the first time this year and the main topic here are the new ideas and new goals for this upcoming year, how to approach these situations and make the best of it.   New exciting ideas like really show the world how success works, to analyzing what is the best value you have to offer to your future clients.   Thought of the day    Mani - “History is written by the winners, is time to change that”
1/18/202252 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 378 "Selective Sponsorship"

We’re Live. Usual report from the guys except that there’s a small situation in Chuck’s mind, Podcast and Sponsorship has been the main game that has kept Chuck in the game. Now the main concern is that the standard approach can be faulty sometimes. Chuck Doesn’t feel optimistic about this.   John and Mani’s message here is plain and simple, sponsorship at this level cannot be standard, it has to be unique for every client.    Thought of the week   Mani - “Standard Approach only works when you’re a big corporation”
12/21/20211 hour, 47 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 377 "Never Stop Learning"

We’re Live. Mani is currently finding the best way possible to sell one of his newest products, he decided to get an out perspective. As it turns out, it was the best thing that he could do, many new ideas came to him just by introducing this outside perspective.   Great discussion with the guys based on these new ideas, this is just another way to learn. There are tons of ways to sell a product, especially in these changing times.   Thought of the week    Mani - “You’ll be surprised how your front-end product can change so easily.”
12/7/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 376 "Boosting Strategies"

We’re Live. John is pretty happy at the moment because one of his strategies had an amazing list of emails and subscribers to one of his programs. The funny thing is that it really was a small one and the reward was big.   Sometimes the most powerful message can be the shortest one, and in fact, will reach more people than expected given its simplicity. This made a huge boost that was completely unexpected.   Thought of the week   John - “ A short video on Tiktok and a small message worked very well, not even a link was needed”
11/30/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 375 "Attention To Detail"

    We’re Live. John Starts off with the situation that he’s handling for the project manager spot, long story short is not working out. There is a series of skills that a person needs to have in order to fulfill this job at the level that John requires.   Mani Agrees, these strengths that make you excel in these situations cant be taught, especially things like attention to detail, organization, and the compulsive need to get everything done on time.   Thought of the week    Mani - “Some people are just organized that’s it. You can spend years trying to teach a dog to be a bear and it’s not going to happen”
11/23/202153 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 374 "Bottleneck in our business"

We’re Live. Long time since the guys had a chat to talk about their business and one of the first topics that John brings to the table is the need to delegate certain tasks that are put simply, It takes too much time to do although is easy stuff but they are annoying in a matter of speaking.   This type of task has to be delegated to focus on the most important part of your business. otherwise, the rate of growth will be extremely slow.   Thought of the week    Charles - “This definitely a recurring problem in my business I step into that boulder over and over again”
11/16/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 373 "Mixing The Prices"

We’re Live. In the business game, the price and value of things can change overnight, the guys are currently experimenting with different types of approaches to their products it doesn’t matter if the product is new or old.   In fact, trying out old products from a different approach can always work again, it’s just a matter of finding the right angle for the audience. This is something that as entrepreneurs you have to be able to adapt every time.   Thought of the week   Mani - “That product that made you money will always make you money”
10/12/202154 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 372 "Pay to Play"

We’re Live. Long time since 3 guys got together to talk about stuff, and the first thing that comes up is that John has been banned from Tiktok, and possibly shadow-banned on Youtube.   Mani Gets into a great argument on how they have demonstrated that you can't put all your eggs in one social media basket, one day it could be gone and that’s that, you need to have back up.   So based on this argument, pay to play is the best to proceed in these situations.   Thought of the Week   Mani - “Sometimes you spend $10000 or sometimes you spend $100 on Ads, but this money always comes back”
9/28/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 371 "The Time Has Come"

We’re Live. After a long time of coming back to a regular job, Chuck Finally is on the point that he can start making decisions to get back fully on his Entrepreneurship, income is covering everything but as always is not as easy as it sounds.   Mani gives some advice on what the next steps should be in order to get everything set in stone and not turning back to the regular job, which is a complex process that Chuck has to go through so that he can quit his job safely.   Thought of the week   Chuck - “ I’m actually pretty excited for this I’m willing to take anything that comes my way I just need to be prepared”.
8/31/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 370 "Irresistible Offer"

We’re Live. The first topic of conversations goes to the importance of having a sales page, and that it has to be fast and efficient in order for it to work. But this develops a great idea that John has for Mani to get even better sales with the focus blocks.   The key here is to get in touch with the right people, as a matter of fact, John has some contacts that can make a huge difference in sales regarding the focus blocks. During this episode, John explains that an irresistible offer has to be made to the exact person.   Thought of the Week    John - “If you get this person, this CEO to actually test your product that’s when they get it”
8/24/20211 hour, 23 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 369 "Fix Your Funnels"

We’re Live. Chuck starts off by saying that he just came back from a nice camping trip where he had the chance to really have some quiet time with his thoughts a take a look at things from a different perspective, especially on the business side to come up with solutions or practices that have been made yet.   Chuck has a big audience, but he’s not having the reach and come back as expected, he was trying to get new prospects thinking that could be the problem.   Mani offered some advice, he should be getting the reach due to the audience that he has so, what Chuck has to do is check how the funnels are doing and find the problems there.   Thought of the week    Mani - “Having a big audience as you do, should get you 50000 members easily”
8/17/202145 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 368 "A LIttle Push"

We’re Live. the guys talk about a situation that has always been such a struggle throughout any business or entrepreneurship that they have put in the effort in order for the customers to get the memberships.   What happens when the customer pays for the membership and does not use it? The answer is simple, this is a lost customer. So, the question that the guys bring here is Why is this happening?    The little things sometimes are the ones that make biggest difference, what’s that little push that will make the customer to keep on? Thought of the week    Mani - “I’m pulling my hairs man, why are you not using the focus group if you paid for it?”  
8/10/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 367 "Getting Over Frustration"

We’re Live, Chuck is currently having some issues with his entrepreneurial process, he’s lacking motivation and actually is just doing the steps without the proper angle, so the outcome is not being the best.   He has an interesting conversation with Mani about this issue and brings to the table that your process is not going to work only with a flawless strategy and a routine, there has to be a dedicated person over the whole thing in order to function properly.   Thought of the week    Chuck - “I have planed what I have to do, I know what I have to do. I just have to get up and do it no matter what”
7/20/202158 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 366 "Ideal Customer"

We’re Live. One of the main concerns of any entrepreneurship is the niche. This is a  decision that has to be made on day one before starting off, based on this the whole strategy will move accordingly. Word of advice, the specific the niche the better.   Once this process is completed, then you got to start mapping out your ideal customer to actually capture those that belong to the niche that you’re working with, this can be tiresome as Chuck explains but it’s a basic move.   Thought of the week    John - “You won’t believe the specific content you can find on Youtube.
7/13/202154 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 365 "Quick Results"

We’re Live. It’s a fact that people when committing to a program or something, in particular, want quick results. In the area of Coaching, clients can go away if the results are not seen or the value of the program in a very short time, they tend to feel disappointed and just leave.   This is a natural behavior, people have the need to grab on to something every step of the way/ Chuck is having this issue at the moment, and Mani gives great advice on how to solve this.   Thought of the week   Mani - “This Quick results can make the difference between staying or not”
7/6/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 364 "Just Use It"

We’re Live. Selling Memberships is hard, there’s no doubt about it. According to Mani the secret here is to get the client to use your product, that’s it. Once they are there they are hooked up.   And that’s the mission of entrepreneurship, you need to offer a product that keeps the client coming in, which obviously is not an easy task. This involves a lot of testing and the most difficult part is that, people are always changing, so basically this process never stops.   Thought of the week    Mani - “People always likes the new angle, the new sale”
6/29/202156 minutes, 6 seconds
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Episode 363 "Resources"

We’re Live. The guys start an interesting conversation based on where to apply their efforts with the number of resources that always keep flowing in, Chuck is currently having some issues because the business is not reflecting well on the revenue. Is not a problem of Traffic, all the effort must be mapping out to money in your pocket, the recommendation here is to use the resources exactly where the problem is and make sure is not wasted on something that will not solve the issue. Thought of the week John - “This is an 80/20 solution once you apply this correctly you will solve the revenue issue”
6/22/202155 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 362 " High-Quality Leisures"

We’re Live. Getting things is definitely the core factor when you’re an entrepreneur. The guys talk recently about focus blocks that have really helped improve this process, today brings up something extremely important.   High-quality leisures are activities outside of work (no matter what they are) that bring some form of creativity or positive reinforcement. For example a hobby or working out. This is something that most of the people that start a business don’t bare in mind.   Thought of the week   Mani - “This is the main reason why people are not being productive, time is being wasted on crap every time”
6/15/202156 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 361 "Focus Blocks"

We’re Live. Chuck starts off with some issues he’s got with getting people to actually convert to clients, emphasis on doing a headline that will capture the person without even seeing the complete landing page is the key here.   Focus is the main issue here, the conversation segways to this topic which is mani current project and it’s working wonders with everybody including the guys. Chuck is using it also John and the levels of productivity are through the roof.   Thought of the week    Mani - “If the person does not focus on the headline, by the time it gets to the questionnaire this person is long gone”.  
6/8/202156 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 360 "Recurring Payment"

We’re Live. The guys start off smoothly to a subject that seemed not that important but in the end, it makes you feel safe as entrepreneurs and it is a recurring payment.   Chuck talks about he usually takes sponsorships under contract for a number of episodes of the podcast,.then has to go through this process again to keep this ongoing client.   This actually makes no sense, not for Chuck or the client. Mani offers some thought on how to change this, building up offers that will end up in monthly payments with various benefits depending on the hierarchy of the contract. This keeps the client happy and the money flowing every month.   Thought of the week    Mani - “ I Would take the 15 thousand offer with benefits over the 20 thousand offer any day, it gives incentive”
5/25/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 359 "Intentions to Accountability"

We’re Live. Mani starts off by saying that he has launched a new business. It is definitely a different and exciting concept. As we know Mani likes to experiment with new things to get the best outcome possible.   There’s a serious issue on possible clients that have not been taken care of is that intentions must constant in order to get accountability, commitment needs to be serious enough to carry through.   Focus is the main key here, this new system will make you maintain focus for as long as you want.   Thought of the week    Mani - “You enter with clear intentions and get out with clear intentions that’s the beauty of it”
5/18/202158 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 358 "Start Listening"

We’re Live. First Off, there’s a nice retrospective about how long these guys have been doing Podcast shows, a long time indeed more than 10 years which is incredible taking into account how much the programming community has changed. In Other Topics, Chuck brings out that in sales call he realizes that he has to speak less, which is definitely Ironic. According to Mani, this makes total sense because you need to start listening carefully to what your possible client needs in order to Deliver the Best Possible Outcome.   Thought of the Week    Mani - “There’s a huge difference in being a Doctor and Being the salesperson”
5/11/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 357 "Relationships"

We’re Live. Chuck Starts by saying to the guys that during a business trip to Nashville, some things that happened there made him realize that his business’s focus has not been in the right place the whole time.   His Business is based on Technology but it needs to be focused on relationships, that’s where everything happens not on the technical side of things, at the beginning of most entrepreneurship this would be a common ground but the only way to build up your business is founding those relationships that make the difference.   Thought of the week   Chuck - “There’s always so much going on that sometimes you kind of miss the point of having a business”
4/27/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 356 "Sequencing"

We’re Live. Mani brings up a subject that is really interesting and very important if you are planning on becoming an entrepreneur. There are literally thousands of courses and coaches that will teach you how to get your business going and hundreds of things that you have to do at the same time in order for it to work.   Yes, this has to be done, but the most important thing in this whole process is actually doing the right thing at a specific time, the only way to do this is sequencing.   Thought of the week   Mani - “Doing the right thing is a million time more important than doing it right” 
4/13/20211 hour, 2 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 355 "Life or Death"

We’re Live. Chuck starts off with something that has been in his mind for the last couple of  weeks, he feels that from a certain point of view he has not fought for something with everything he’s got because all of his life that need was never there.   It’s not that he’s been doing things wrong, it’s the feeling that there is more to it if Chuck actually puts up to it. This is Basically John Cup of tea, and the recommendation was simple.   John treats everything he does like life or death situations, which means the mindset es based on doing something with the feeling of a huge risk you just have to give it all.   Thought of the week   John - “You Can’t control your results, your results are not yours. What you can control is your actions”
4/6/20211 hour, 3 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 354 "Patience is Key"

  We’re Live..Mani starts off sharing with the guys an anecdote of a technique he learned to actually lose the minimum amount of money during the test phase when segmenting an audience.   The usual steps were testing to a broad audience, get the data, and then narrow the audience to get the proper response, this technique does work but it has some failure points which including losing money and even losing the whole focus.   Being patient is key here, the idea is to start really narrow with a surgical selected segment of the audience and test there, make it work, and then gradually make small increments. It may seem slow at first but is for sure the safest way to get an organic audience.   Thought of the week   Mani -” By the time you get the data, if you get the data correctly you may lose your shirt”  
3/30/202154 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 353 "Attentive Marketer"

We’re Live. This week Mani explains to the guys the whole process that he has been working on for the last couple of weeks, and it has been quite a journey. He has been going through a transformation on how he’s doing things, some of the stuff is experimental but most of it has been improved versions of old techniques for placing Ads.   Basically what Mani explains is that he’s now in charge of so many details during the process that it can be overwhelming at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will actually see where each dollar is coming in, and it’s incredibly worth it.   Thought of the week    Mani - “There’s a huge difference between a Lazy Marketer and an Attentive Marketer”
3/23/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 352 "Converter Sales Page"

  We’re Live. John starts off the conversation with a boom, he’s looking to Sale Simple Programmer. No surprise it is actually something that was predicted because he’s entirely focused on other stuff at the moment.   In Other Topics, Mani’s experiment with ads was a complete success, numbers are coming in and as he says it is organic and stable which is the kind of business he always runs, tells the difference between having explosive success and the need for security in other for it to be long term.   Thought of the week   Mani - “A converter sales page does what it’s supposed to be doing”’
3/16/20211 hour, 22 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 351 "Tasks Take Time"

We’re Live. Starts off with some good news from his Masterclass, better numbers than expected, he;s at a point that he can raise the price on the masterclass which is great. Only to find that sweet spot where people keep coming in and keeping the audience that really wants to stay and take advantage of the content.   In other topics, the guys have a nice conversation about stuff that really needs time to do and how is always beneficial to hire someone specifically for that job. For Example, John hired someone just to do analytics which is extremely important but it takes a lot of time to do.   Thought of the week   John - “There’s an easy way to get famous these days, and it’s really quick. It’s called being canceled”
3/2/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 350 "Branding"

  We’re live. John and Mani have a nice talk about branding which Mani is thinking of do major changes to his. New Logo, Color s chem, the whole nine yards. This a crucial step in the wholesale scenario.   It basically means you are professional and doing business, that’s what the branding is going  to represent, otherwise, it doesn’t matter how good the copy is or your content. This is how people see you.    Thought of the week   John - “I really like it when colors pop and get your attention, but everything else is easy on the eyes”
2/23/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 349 "Approaching a sales conversation"

We’re Live. Chuck and Mani start off the conversation by talking about their workspace and how important it is to separate work from home, it may sound simple but it makes such a big difference in the productivity levels that is just amazing. It’s the difference between normal work and amazing work.   Coming back to the Mastermind project that Chuck is going at the moment, there’s an interesting back and forth with Mani on how to approach the sales conversation that will definitely capture the client, how to maintain the flow of conversation, and always keep it interesting.   This is essential on sales, it is basically convincing the prospect why he needs the product.   Thought of the week   Mani - “You always need to know how much money the client is making in his current job”
2/16/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 348 "Language for Sales"

We’re Live. Chuck and /mani start off checking up their sales pages approach, both basically have the same program which is a Mastermind program, a high ticket product that requires specific language or approach if you will, to capture that specific client.   This has to be evolving every time, for example, Mani on his program had a Sales page with a copy that was focused on warm people, now he’s looking to change this for cold people.   What the guys are trying to say is that there is no master formula for this, it always has to be customized.   Thought of the week   Mani - “Who knew that weather could have that effect”
2/9/20211 hour, 15 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 347 "GameStop"

  We´re Live. Chuck and John start off with the most recent events on the stock market, which was something that nobody expected it was even possible, but they did it.   This is what a revolution is, this represents the great deal of control that people can have only if they organized on go against the system. The storming of the capitol was nothing next to this.   This is something is going to the history books for sure.   Thought of the Week   John - “This is going to change the financial industry”
2/2/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 346 "Sense of Value"

We´re Live. Chuck is currently doing a second take on his product getting the new emails the 2nd go, it definitely showed improvement but there´s still room for improvement.   One of the main reasons the emails are not fully working is because they are not creating a sense of value. This is crucial in order to work, people need to have clear in their minds that there is a massive value that is worth way more than what they are spending.   This is marketing at its core and something that cannot be learned on bools, this is a task that needs repetition and constant improvement.   Thought of the week   John -” Client needs to be absolutely sure of the value that your product is representing”
1/26/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 345 "Minor Setback"

We’re Live. Chuck starts off the conversation with that one of his projects did not hit any sales. This was surprising because he said that everything was done as planned, prediction numbers were good, it was supposed to work.   Mani proposes to analyze the whole situation, after a delicate and special search they found what the issues were, and during the search, they even found loopholes or setbacks that could turn down the sale.   So, as they say, “The Devil is the details” what you think may be a stupid error, this could be the small screw that did not hold the building.   Thought of the week   Mani - “It definitely should have worked, but the only to work is that all the invites go out”  
1/19/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 344 "Time and Effort"

We´re Live. Chuck and John with the controversial topic of the week, (we all know what happened) but they are here to talk about how to make money as Mani appointed.   Lots of Stuff on Chuck Plate right now, Mani advises him that timing is crucial here and that the effort must be focused on the most secure path, he makes it clear that is not about work work work, it{s about being efficient and stable.   Thought of the week   Mani -” Man these decisions will take you time and effort so these need to be done ASAP”
1/12/202155 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 343 "Enterprise Value"

We´re Live. Chuck starts off by saying that heñs passing through Covid right now, and apparently John has it too. So, Quick recovery for these guys.    In Other Topics, Chuck explains that current plans are going well but is something that is solely base on sponsorship, Mani advises him that he needs to build for himself an enterprise that is self-sustainable, this is basically the only way that he{s not going to be in any danger financially speaking, the secret is building Enterprise Value   Thought of the week   Mani - “Not all Money or Not all Revenue is Equal”
1/5/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 342 "Upcoming Plans"

We’re Live. John and Mani are discussing future plans for 2021, this involves experimenting in areas that not been tested before, John Despises Tiktok but he’s conscious that this the biggest rapid growth media at the moment, so investments have been done.   Mani on the other hand is going full-on with the Ad strategy which has proven to work every time, just tweaking some stuff a little to test out that everything will work out in the end.   Thought of the week   Mani - “There’s just no way that ads are not going to work”   John - “Tiktok Investment is a sure thing, it’s going to be hard not to get the money back in revenue”
12/29/20201 hour, 27 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 341 "Focus & New Ideas"

We´re Live. Right now Chuck is moving his Weels towards his entrepreneurship, and things are looking good. There’s a ton of stuff that’s coming his way and the main thing that he needs to do now is focused on the correct choices.   Lots of new ideas were discussed with the guys in order for Chuck to make the money in a passive way and his business self sustained, frankly a great close up for 2020 on the right path.   Thought of the week   Mani - “All you need to do is get that 5 figure so you can finally relax”  
12/22/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 340 "Keep an eye for details"

We’re Live. Chuck is really starting to get his business moving with all that’s going with the full work and whatnot, business never seems to stop just slowed the pace.   The decision-making process is extremely important in this whole endeavor, although money is thriving, Mani advises him to always te keep an eye on stuff that can really make you lose money which at first seems like nothing, it could create a lot of damage.   Thought of the week    Mani - “That seems scary to me dude, i would never trust those numbers”  
12/15/202057 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 338 "Black Friday?"

  We’re Live. John and Mani, have a weird figuring out what is going with Black Friday? John has a theory on it, there’s not much hype this year there’s no actual rush to go and take the sales.   There are different variations to this, sales and good deals are still going on, but there’s a big difference in numbers compared to the past years. Could This be a trend?   Thought of the week   Mani - “Was I shopping all night for nothing? I’m sure these were definitely good deals”  
12/1/20201 hour, 54 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 337 "Time to Decide"

We’re Live. The guys start the conversation talking about the difference manufacturers on tech right and who’s really got their game on, there’s definitely a lot to choose from especially next year which there’s going to be a lot of new stuff coming.   John has taken the decision to quit running, which surprises the guys but overall he has a valid reason, he has definitely come a long way in the running world taking in account that John weighs more than 200 pounds.   Chuck has decided to take down some of his podcast shows and ask for advice to the guys on which ones to keep.   So Decisions decisions decisions, we all have to make them and they definitely need to be made at the right time.   Thought of the week   Mani - “Nvidia is the big winner here”
11/24/20201 hour, 49 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 336 " The Tech Community"

We’re live. John received an interesting tweet that could have created a whole new internet drama. It turns out his old publisher was trying to get a book with the same name as John’s Soft Skills Book… the shame.   Nevertheless, things were cleared out and they decided to change the name of the book, which is ironic because John was the one that got the term popularized on the Tech Community.   As Chuck says, with all the canceled culture and everything the old Tech Community needs to come back, and leave politics aside.   Thought of the Week   Chuck -  “Let’s bring back the old tech community where we used to help out each other to boost our careers”
11/17/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 335 "Obstacles in the Way"

We´re live. Chuck is on the verge of taking an important decision regarding his full-time job, and the entrepreneurship that he wants to keep on doing. But there´s definitely a ton of stuff that comes in the way to do this, it has been a crossroad for Chuck, he has said it out loud.    Nevertheless, Bills need to be paid.   The advice is clear from the guys, try not to delay more the whole process, this can make chuck lose the momentum and just stay in the full-time job for an even longer time.   In Other Topics, the guys have a discussion on the upcoming promos for Black Friday.   Thought of the week   Mani - “You gotta do what you gotta do man, just don´t let it bum you down”
11/10/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 334 “The Level of Dedication”

We’re Live. Chuck is currently training for a marathon and he’s looking forward to an Iron Man. This Triathlon is not a walk in the park, it is compared to a full 50-mile run which is really difficult to do and requires a lot of training.   The guys have a conversation on this topic, on how this runs and marathons, the whole purpose of it is to demonstrate to yourself that you are disciplined enough to do it. It is not about winning or even doing the run itself, it’s about the training and dedication   Thought of the week    John - “Doing an Iron man without the training does not impress me, what impresses me it’s the whole training that you have to do for 6 months in order to be ready for it”  
11/3/20201 hour, 22 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 333 "Grass is Greener"

  We’re Live. John is currently trying to catch on to some stuff that he needs to do while Chuck is already based on his new full-time job, which he’s not quite happy about it. Not that there’s anything wrong with the job itself, but is just not what he wants to do. Although time has been quite difficult for Chuck during this process, he has not stopped doing his own thing things have been going well on that side of the business. Something is clear here, Chuck considers his fulltime-job a waste of time because it is not spent on his own thing. Thought of the week Chuck “Try Catching up to stuff you need to do while having a fulltime-job”
10/27/20201 hour, 1 minute, 43 seconds
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Episode 332 "Building Ads"

We’re live. John is currently working on some ads that are much longer than ads usually are and it’s struggling to get the right topics and building the whole structure around it.   Mani is actually a lot of help on this due to his background and pitches some great ideas in order to build this ad, which is more than 9 mins.   In Other Topics, John has a hilarious comment about using masks outside, a not so pleasant encounter while he was doing his run.   Thought of the week   John - “You have the best example, if I see a man with a gun in the street, I’m not going to approach the guy to tell him that what he’s doing is wrong”
10/20/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 331 " The Name of the Game"

We’re Live. John Was recently in a conference where he had to some talking and the topic was a bit controversial, it was basically a “Mans man” conference but he had the approach of feminism.   Many women were there just to get the perception that will lead them out of the toxic ways of false feminism, for John it was like talking to the enemy and give advice. He had to play an important part in the game where he has to help both sides in the conflict, the best thing about this is that it will always benefit him and his business.   In other topics, Mani is currently looking to hire a copywriter for a longterm position, he wants to systemize various places in his business, copywriting is one of them, in other to be ready for any upcoming tasks coming through   Thought of the week   Mani - “ That’s why it’s called The game”
10/13/202052 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 330 "Getting Back On Track"

We’re live. John Definitely had a hard time during the whole process for the 100 mile race, the whole thing got canceled, he got injured, and he’s signing up for another 100 mile race in texas…   I know it’s difficult to believe but is John we are talking about, the situation is a bit different and it probably won’t be canceled. Already started training on a 10 week prior to the race.   Other topics, Chuck is looking to do 1 on 1 Coach to complement his main job income. Guys give him advice on this. Thoughts of the week John - “It’s hard to drive sale for books for some reason”  
9/29/202058 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 329 "Getting a job you don’t want"

We’re live. Chuck is finally starting on his new job and currently struggling with the time schedule that he’s into, coming back to this has been a nightmare for him. Getting everything together and trying to run his podcast business has been the major concern for the time being.   He’s clearly not happy about this, his coworkers actually think the opposite, receiving congratulations for a job that you don’t really want puts you in an awkward situation   The main Advice from the guys is simple, get up earlier and get the job done, and definitely don’t lose focus over the business. This is just a speed bump that needs to get passed.   Mani - “Don’t let your main work be the sugar daddy for your business”
9/15/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 328 "High Stress Levels"

We’re Live. John is currently on his training for the 100-mile marathon, actually on site. There’s actually rumors of a possible cancellation of the whole event due to the pandemic.   Bulldog Mindset has got a good Growth recently on the membership side of things, numbers are rising organically at a good pace, small changes on the sales page, and really good content have been working to get a nice flow of prospects.   Chuck on the other is on the process of transition to the full-time job, managing and documenting his time to take over some of his business so they won’t need him as often. All this is taking a toll on Chuck, he has been suffering of fatigue and productivity has been low due to all that’s going on.   Thoughts of the week   Chuck - “I´m not thrilled to go get a job but… Bills have to be paid”
8/25/202053 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 327 "Unexpected News"

We’re Live. John is planning on taking a trip to finish off his training for the 100-mile marathon that he’s planning to do. A Whole month just to get your body adapted to the high altitude that he’s going to be facing on this marathon.   On Other Topics, Chuck landed a great sponsorship from a big-name company, but being honest he wasn’t expecting that.   The main recommendation from the guys to Chuck, it’s to be smart with this. There are certain decisions that Chuck cannot be made lightly. just in case everything goes south.   Toughts of the week   John “You have to cut those costs, you have to cut those production costs and have a reserve in order to make things right.
8/18/202054 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 326 "Full-time Job"

We’re Live. New strategies are arising regarding Affiliate Marketing. Chuck is testing out some new stuff on Podcast episodes, also John Is trying a new approach too. It seems to me that there’s no end to the possibilities of this type of marketing. Although, the guys agreed there’s one best way to do it.   In Other Topics, Chuck is still working things out to ake his Podcast Network self sustainable, lots of ups and downs, new people are coming in. At Some Point, it is self-sustainable, it just needs minor twitches.   Toughts of the week   Chuck - “A thousand dollars per sponsor has been very difficult to do, in the meantime, it{s still a full-time job”
8/11/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 325 "Tough Decisions"

We’re Live. John had some bad time during training recently. He’s training for a 100-mile run and one of the phases of the training was doing a really complicated Hike., Let’s just say he had a bad time on it, almost broke both of his ankles and ran out of water.   In Other Topics, Chuck is in a difficult spot on a current negotiation has to make tough decisions in order to move forward. Some Stuff that he has been doing for the last 9 months has not worked properly and actually is affecting his life.   Thought of the week   Chuck - “The whole idea of the business is that it becomes self-sustained, even if it’s generating big revenue at least it has to survive on its own”
8/4/202054 minutes, 2 seconds
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Episode 324 " Showing Progress"

We’re live. Chuck is currently having some issues with his email that are actually affecting his finances, the list of mails started to go to spam and he had to change to another email address. Turns out the transition is taking longer than expected.   Continuing with the business side of things, Chuck is doing good with some challenges and programs that he’s charging a fair amount of money to get, mostly educational but the best thing is that his audience is responding very well.   This is a different area that Chuck is experimenting with, although podcasts and Sponsorships are still the main at the moment. it’s definitely the best bet in the long run.   Thought of the week   Chuck - “Showing Progress is always good, especially to the team”  
7/28/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 323 "Narrow Your Audience"

We’re Live. Chuck and John start comparing notes with their training schedule. Chuck is actually extremely tired with the whole training and eating well, and Jhon due to his training is eating a ton of food and keeps getting hungry.   In Other Topics, John is currently experimenting with some Ads to capture a specific type of Audience. Looking for a better way to promote is just the way that is working right now. Actually Mani Recommends going as specific as possible to really narrow down the search.   Thought of the week   Mani - “ If you’re optimizing for purchase you need to narrow it down as much as possible”
7/21/20201 hour, 26 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 322 "The Higher Level"

We’re Live. Chuck and John are currently full with work and also training, which has been a nightmare for John, because he needs to get more sleep than usual. Chuck is getting back to training but going at a slow pace.    Things have been going interesting for Chuck, he has been trying some new stuff in the search for focus on his recent shift change work-wise. Definitely prioritizing work and selecting the type of stuff that other people can do, so he can focus on the more important things, it is clear that this is the way to go.    He and John have tried to manage everything themselves many times, and it always ends the same way, falling off the wagon and getting back up.   Thought of the week   Chuck - “They want to be at the higher level, but they don’t know the path to get there”
7/14/20201 hour, 1 minute, 55 seconds
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Episode 321 "Change, Adapt, Overcome"

We’re Live. As we know John is planning to do another really difficult run and one of the training processes is adjusting to the altitude, like all things is about really knowing the field and feel confident about it.    On This note, Chuck is actually looking for product placement that will generate income outside of the Programming World, which is a big step because programming has been his niche for so many time, but the situation and environment have been dramatically changing with all recent events, so he feels it’s time to make a change.   Thought of the week   Chuck -  I’m trying to stay away from the podcast itself instead, I’m  focusing on the podcast network money-making”
7/7/202059 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 320 "The Good Old Days"

We’re Live. John and Mani are currently working on a promotion and it’s going way better than expected, it seems to me that some old tricks seem to do the work, and even work better than before.   After analyzing the data they cam to a clear conclusion, if the product is extremely clear to the customer, meaning they know exactly what the outcome will be, it’s pretty much a successful product because it’s a simple answer it’s going to sale.   Thought of the week   Mani - “It’s amazing to be able to come back to the old days of these promotions”
6/30/202054 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 319 "The Master of Clickbait"

We’re Live. John has recently been having a lot of traffic on his Youtube Channel Bulldog Mindset, various factors have arise to show that are contributing to this cause, like good clickbait names.    He’s been currently working with a new video editor, which is doing a great job in making the videos smooth transitioning as possible which basically translates to more viewing time.   So logically the next step is to analyze what else is helping here, how many clicks, how many sales. He has narrowed to a basic idea that will give him clear statistics to actually plan and manage for future posts.   Thought of the week   Mani - “ If Your retargeting sucks, then your funnel is broken, there’s no use for it”    
6/23/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 318 "Don't Give Up"

We’re Live. So One of the first things that pop out in the conversation is that John recently finished a 50-mile run, which is something incredibly difficult, talk about Bulldog Mindset huh? Pun aside, Congrats to John on this Achievement, and He’s actually planning on doing the 100-mile run. Way to go.   In Other Topics, Chuck Seems to be doing well with the recent experiments and sponsors are arriving, some of them are not but this was expected.   Bulldog Mindset is actually growing amongst the whole situation. Good numbers on high paying ticket items, It definitely is paying off trying new stuff.   Thought of the week:   John - “I was not going to be the guy that gave up on 40, Who does that? Who gives up on 40 on a 50-mile run?”
6/16/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 317 "Halfway There"

We’re Live. What a year it has been, definitely the most interesting ones in decades. All situations aside business has thrive no matter what.   Guys start the conversation reviewing various experiments and processes that they have been through the year so far, and actual numbers are not bad at all. Marketing has proven to be the best way to thrive in any kind of situation that comes.   On Recent events, guys have a discussion on the racial situation and the riots that are occurring, nevertheless, it’s all about business.   Thought of the week:   Mani - “Getting anybody to put a lot of money online is a lot of work”
6/9/20201 hour, 39 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 316 "Hot Potato"

We’re Live. Chuck starts off with an anecdote about a person that both he and John have done business with, In Fact, had a nice trade with this person which actually made him earn a good amount of signups to his membership plan. Small World huh?    In other topics, Chuck is experimenting with affiliates at the moment. Mani and John Experiment when really well. Actually want to implement this system again because it created great revenue.   Guys have started making money in all sorts of different ways, there’s a nice momentum with sales.   Thought of the week:   John - “So we learned something, start a promotion with someone else list and then as soon as that promotion ends, start a new promotion on your own and you are sure to get sales with this new buyers”
6/2/20201 hour, 25 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 315 "Simplifying things"

  We’re live. John starts the conversation with a nostalgia train remembering the founding members of Entreprogrammers, also that intro needs to changed LOL.   In other topics, chuck is experimenting with his podcast audience and it’s looking for advice from Jhon looking for the best possible outcome.   John is actually going through some employee changes, training process, etc. Getting new blood and analyzing what the next step for Simple Programmer will be.   Thought of the week:   John - “There’s a slow point when you have to refactor your way out”
5/26/202057 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 314 "Upsell Are Not as Good as They Used To Be"

  We’re Live. John and Mani are currently doing a promotion together through the Simple Programmer Channel, testing different approaches to the current market right now.   Turns Out Upsell is working less than expected, which at the moment is really not a bad thing, they are testing the market at the moment so it’s basically a calculated risk. It’s not actually bad but it could definitely be better.   Strategies need to be refresh in order for any of this to work, they have an interesting conversation on many possible outcomes and paths they can take.   Thought of the week:   Mani - “ Leads to Market are not always very impactful”
5/19/202048 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 313 "Sanding off the edges"

We’re Live. Recently Chuck and John did a small partnership helping out Chuck with some sales using the Simple Programmer Audience, and it worked.   Not only worked, but it also did pretty well. 50-50 share and both parties got a nice chunk. But now comes the step, pull up the next step strategy, and look forward to keeping those numbers.   Chuck has some ideas, Mani and John offered him solid guidance on the matter.   Thought of the week:   John - “ IT is always got to improve the strategy, just make sure it is always profitable”
5/12/202054 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 312 "Sales Are Coming Back"

  We’re Live. Great news from the guys. All points out that recent strategies are working on bringing sales home. People are constantly online these days. Chuck made a few alterations on one of his sites design-wise and had a big sales uprising in just one week.   John has been applying new strategies as well, and they are working better than expected. Lots of new stuff that did not work in the past are currently working on this new sales environment.   There’s a big room for new ideas and improvement, it’s time to take the calculated risks.   Thought of the week:   John - “All you need to do is stick to your plan”
5/5/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 311 "Turn Crisis Into Victory"

We’re Live. One of the most important things when hiring someone is high levels of communication. For the guys is even more important than delivering the tasks assigned on time, there’s nothing more frustrating than having to follow up with a person to check on pending tasks.   Simple emails, chat contact, anything. This has been the case of many hires for the guys and the primary cause of letting go of the employee.   In other topics, Mani is trying new stuff with emails that have been working really well and have nop idea why they are working so well. New Business is thriving and needs to in order for anything post-COVID to work.   Thought of the week: Mani - “ So many people out there are screwing up, it’s time to take action”
4/28/202058 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 310 "Nobody Knows The Truth Anymore"

We’re Live. The guys start with how many things are being speculated in the market these days. Housing prices especially are going to have a dramatic change among other issues that are just not clear in the present day. One of the most concerning issues is the gatherings and at what point people are going to feel safe to do this? Many things depend on this. The only thing that we can do is try to protect our assets. Thought of the week: John – “ Businesses Will open eventually, but when will people want to go to them?”
4/21/20201 hour, 28 minutes, 9 seconds
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Episode 309 "Impending Crash"

We’re Live. The Guys start discussing the actual measures that the government is applying during this crisis, essentially they are doing all the wrong things at the wrong time.   This is basically going to cost the government and amazing amount of money and the inflation ratio is going to be up the roof by the amount of money printed to cover for everything. This is affecting everybody, even the fast-food worker.   The solution is what the guys are proposing right now. Find new ways to make money. That’s it.   Thoughts of the week   John - ”With these measures, the fast-food worker is going to be making more money being unemployed”
4/14/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 308 "The Uncertainty Is The Killer"

We’re Live. Mani tells the story to John of How he was on a COVID-19 Isolation Ward. Mani was not infected thankfully but went through a big process just to get in quarantine again al because of simple flu that he had. That’s the situation right now   Other topics start analyzing where to invest money during these times, it can get really complicated because the whole situation may last a year, if not more. Solid Plans need to be made but there’s definitely a new path to be walked on.   Mani in this point states it clearly, business is dying because they don’t really know what's going to happen, the decisions needed are not made due to lack of knowledge.   Thoughts of the week   Mani - “The Killer uncertainty is the problem, not the killer itself”
4/7/20201 hour, 44 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 307 "The Name Of The Game: Survive"

We’re Live. Chuck and John definitely have been affected by the whole situation. Many businesses are doing stuff for free just to keep clientele. It’s definitely hard times ahead.   Regarding the decisions made worldwide, the guys have a discussion on how principles should be taken into account rather than morals or even science. Economic shutdown does help save a lot of lives, but in some cases this an extreme desition to make.   The standard business had to fire a big part of his employees in order to stay alive in the market. All decisions have consequences, not only economically but socially speaking.   Thoughts of the week:   John - “The Name of the game is Survival”   Chuck - “People need to take responsibilities for themselves”
3/31/202058 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 306 "Common Sense is not the Law"

We’re Live. Guys start the conversation debating all the processes that they have been gone through (and the population) due to the lockdown, quarantine, etc. There’s a lot of contradiction with what the government is doing and the constitution, but the bottom line is basically the only way to control a majority of people that are not rational.   Another subject comes and it’s that if the virus itself would be 10 times more deadly what would be the reaction of the people? Does it have to be that scary for people to take a pandemic situation seriously?   Thought of the week:   Mani - “Math is a F*cker, People don’t understand math then we cannot expect people to understand everything.”
3/24/20201 hour, 10 minutes, 19 seconds
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Episode 305 "The COVID-19 Effect"

We’re Live. Coronavirus has had a huge effect on the economy in the last passing weeks, and the guys were not left out in this process. John Starts the conversations by telling how he lost a big amount of money on a bad investment due to bad timing and the current situation.   This goes for everybody, there’s a big concern amongst entrepreneurs on what exactly to do in these cases. People need to be strategic cause a bad step can make you lose everything in a matter of hours.   Stay Indoors and Stay safe.   Thought of the week:    John – “You Only lose the money when you cash out? That’s a Fallacy that people have”
3/17/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 10 seconds
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Episode 304 "The Sales Streak is over"

We’re Live. Mani Starts the conversation summarizing last week for Chuck, he went with John to meet up with high ticket players in the business and conferences just to increase the contact, overall great Week for the guys. On the other hand, things have slowed down for Chuck, the sale streak has stopped, almost to zero. He Starts to discuss with Mani what could possibly cause this and looking for ways to get sales back up and in rhythm. Thought of the week: Mani –“The easiest thing you can say when things go south, is that something has changed in the market”
3/10/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 303 "High Quality Customer"

We’re Live. John and Mani start the conversation reviewing a strategy that Jhon has been applying to Bulldog Mindset recently, the thing is, he’s looking for high-quality clients only which is a niche that can be tricky. He has been trying different things but they have not been working as expected.    Mani gives really specific advice on what to try. One of the most important things when looking for this kind of client is that the filter has to be bulletproof, he really doesn’t want a bunch of people that are just not going add anything to the membership area.   Basic idea is that he wants people to see the immense value that the group has.   Thought of the week   Mani - “Who cares if you lose a customer, that was never going to be a customer”
2/25/20201 hour, 57 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 302 "The Leads Hunt"

We’re Live. Chuck solve his issue with the email broadcast and has got his team ready for action. On the other hand, it appears than the outsourced way to get the leads works well, he’s currently finalizing details on it, and yes, business it’s on the top for chuck. Another week to the record!   The team is also ready to get as much leads as possible, it’s actually the way that it has been working in the passing weeks, the guys have a small concern about this and give some advice to Chuck, We’ll see how it goes.   Thought of the week   Mani - “ That’s they key, you are bound to ge bigger and it only works if you find the way”
2/18/20201 hour, 36 seconds
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Episode 301 "Guilty By Association"

  We’re Live. Another week in a row for Chuck with Sales through the roof! But not all is good news, he has an issue with the payments, but nonetheless sales don’t seem to want to end at least for the nearest feature.   Continuing on the Chuck Sales Fest, He’s reviewing some steps with John, One of them is getting the rate up every time a new partner comes in, John gives great advice on how to continue on this path. Also, Chuck explains a situation that is occurring with one of his partners that made one of the Podcast host to quit.   Thought of the week   Chuck - “We are not even talking about that, we are talking about software development. I’m not even pushing the message you don’t like”
2/11/202044 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 300 "A System That Works"

We’re Live. Chuck is absolutely killing it with sales, he has made more sales in 3 weeks than the whole last year, Incredible moment for chuck and he just keeps on getting more.   He.s currently looking for ways to increase his leads, share some stuff with the guys and John like it so much that he’s probably going to do the same.   Mani shoots some important advice, the system that Chuck is using at the moment it’s working flawlessly, the best thing he could, is actually improving the system. Some people like to change it, and that’s the worst thing they could do.   Thought of the week   Mani - “The more you used this system, the more you sale these things”
2/4/20201 hour, 42 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 299 "Keeping Momentum"

We’re Live. Guys start the conversation with how they’re trying to get back on track with their exercise routine. Chuck is thinking of doing the Dopey challenge, John relives this as the hell that it was haha. John is actually training for a 100-mile run this year, which is a big step up and a difficult challenge definitely. In other topics, Chuck updates the guys on the new system he’s been implementing, It’s working extremely well. John and Mani advise on how to maintain this momentum. Thoughts of the week John - “ On one hand I’m like WTF… On the other hand, I’m like hey that's a great idea”
1/28/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 298 "The Pursuit For Sales"

We’re Live. Chuck starts the conversation with Mani, talking about his whole process of sale through email marketing, numbers, conversion rates, etc. He’s doing good and does a great job at it, but it’s the more tiresome area of the business, really pursuing those sales. Chuck Makes it clear that he’s tired of it, Mani tells him that’s the way to get results, and it does work. Mani gives some advice, this is something that can be outsourced but it’s always better to take this for yourself, there’s complete control of the sales. It can be tiresome, yeah but the rewards are always big. Thought of the week Chuck - “I’m so tired of sales man!”
1/21/202057 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 297 "Call Me When You Need To Make Money"

We’re Live. John starts the conversation about a person that has worked with him recently and marks a recurrent trend, they only go to John when they want to make money otherwise, he’s not on the radar. Most of the “Liberal” People have their ideals always in front until they start a business, once you got the need to start making money, all the political thinking and ideals just gets out of the picture, it doesn’t help at all and that’s the harsh truth. Thought of the week: Chuck - “Well, i hate you until i need you too so..”
1/14/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 296 "Big Plans"

We’re Live. Great Sales Plans to start 2020 for Chuck, has 3 major goals to reach. Not impossible ones, but difficult to achieve. Big numbers to reach and one of the things that Chuck is doing is documenting his whole process on Sales, There’s a possibility that in the future somebody else could take care of this area of the business. This will ease the transition process and save a lot of time. Putting on sales the Podcast is one of the plans, Mani gives great advice to Chuck on this. He needs to take up all the juice he can get from each of the podcasts. Lots to do for 2020, it’s just a matter of organizing and get everything done. Thoughts of the week Mani – “You need to squeeze every sale possible from each of the podcasts”
1/7/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 47 seconds
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Episode 295 "New Years Resolutions"

We’re live. Last Entreprogrammers of the year! It has definitely been a heck of a ride for all of the guys. The conversation starts about plans for 2020 and small closures needed to move on. Big Plans for Chuck. Mani and John Advise Chuck who has had massive growth and Improvement in 2019, secure guidance to enter the next level and dominate. Sponsorship management is one of the big things that Chuck talks about. In other topics, the guys discuss the problems that they don’t want to have next year, one of them is hiring the right person or even the proper training of the current employee, it has been a recurrent problem. Thoughts of the week Chuck – “Either you have a hiring problem or a training problem”
12/31/20191 hour, 38 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 294 "Happy Holidays"

We’re Live. New Approach for Chuck has been working exceptionally well, lots of sponsors, people seem to be comfortable with how things are being handled at the moment and he’s been having lots of responses and great feedback on everything. Great Work Chuck! He just developed a perfect way to manage his team and make sure everybody is clear on what they need to do, no more lost emails or unnecessary text or whatnot. Direct and concise and gets the job done.   Happy Holidays Everyone!
12/24/20191 hour, 24 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 293 "New Approach"

We’re live, after all the blurriness that the guys have passed recently, they have continued their life and their work like nothing happened. Chuck has come back to using the Pomodoro technique to pick up productivity and it’s been going well, in fact, Chuck has gained a lot of new audiences and people that want to work with him. There’s no such thing as bad publicity right? Apparently not. Some people say that Chuck's reputation and business have gone down, there’s nothing farther from the truth. John recommends him to keep on going and even at a higher pace. Thoughts of the week John – “You just need to build your system to gather the sponsors and practically make a manual with it”
12/17/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 292 "Best Seller"

We´re live. Chuck had great success with his Book Launch, Currently a best seller in Amazon, Kudos! But not everything was peachy for this book. It was a really long and tiresome process to finally get the product ready, this includes cover, digital files, audible version, etc. Chuck Tells his story about the whole Journey The most ironic thing is that John offered Chuck to publish the book, he really regrets he didn't take that chance and save himself a lot of hassle Thoughts of the week John - “I Offered you to publish the book” Chuck - “ I KNOW!”
11/26/20191 hour, 2 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 291 "The Witchhunt Continues!"

We’re live. And the Witchhunt Continues! Believe it or not ladies and gentlemen, they are still pursuing Chuck and John to take them down from the internet (LOL). This is practically impossible for 2 main reasons, John is practically showing his middle finger to their faces and he’s just going to keep at it, that’s just how John is, and in a Witchhunt that just doesn’t work. On the other hand, Chuck Does not even care, it’s just not that important for him and this type of behavior also freaks out the mob. But they are still coming for them, Chuck is receiving much more attacks because they still think they can take him down. It’s just not going to happen, deal with it people. Thought of the week John – “In order to have a Witchhunt, there needs to be fear and it´s not happening”
11/19/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 290 "Internet is a happy place"

We´re Live. The guys start the conversation with a situation that concerns Chuck, regarding the Linux Foundation. Chuck is thinking about this because he doesn’t want any trouble. John Clearly says he has a case here, Chuck was publicly defamed. The situation has blown out of proportion for a lot of time, the guys just want to finish it and continue working. The conversation turns into the storytelling of different disputes that the guys had. The Internet is an abstract place with people that just attack, it's just not worth the time. John says that this has been growing over the years and probably get worse. Thoughts of the week Chuck - “I don’t want to do this out of anger, I want to do it because it benefits me”
11/12/201954 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 289 "No Privilege"

We´re Live. Chuck and John Tell us a funny anecdote of how hatred took over a twitter post from Chuck, John probably did not respond the most civil way haha. People ended up calling any type of names the guys, but that´s how it is in the social storm right? Never on an argument, always in the mood for a battle. This move on to a nice conversation with the guys focused on how any system does not welcome newcomers unless you´re strictly thinking the same way as they are. They always talk about tolerance, which is practically none existent. Satya gives a great anecdote on how at some point he had to change his accent just to be accepted. Thoughts of the week Satya - “There´s no real advantage or privilege”
10/29/201954 minutes, 58 seconds
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Episode 288 "Family & Business"

We´re Live. Satya explains to Chuck the process of how he manages his whole business, which is divided into 3 parts. Gives great explanation and Chuck is something completely different from how things are managed in life. Lots of learning here. Satya is a Family man but has accomplished dividing family and business in a great manner, has time for everything, in fact by next year half of his business will not need his attention. Chuck and Satya share their experience, they are basically in the same spot but have different perspectives. Thoughts of the week Satya - “When running a business is always a good idea to have cash cushion”
10/15/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 287 "Best Moment to Hire"

We´re Live. John is crunching some numbers for Bulldog Mindset, and it's looking really good. Low Expenses and big Revenue, the next step now is to increment the expenses to get even bigger revenue. This became the main topic of conversation, When is the best time to hire? Expenses will always need to grow in order for the business to evolve, this includes more employees. As an Entrepreneur this needs to be done at the exact moment, it could get problematic and even not finding the right person to hire. Nevertheless, it's a risk that needs to be taken. Thoughts of the week: Mani - “ In order to get big you need to expend a lot”
10/8/201955 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 286 "Start From Zero?"

We´re Live. Guys start the conversation sharing a few laughs about an accident that Chuck had and has a nice scar in the head to prove it hehe (Harry potter Reference comes in). Chuck´s First Marathon is coming in, he feels ready. John Gives him some advice but overall it's looking good for chuck. John Gives a summary of what he is currently doing with Simple Programmer and the plans that he has for the future of SP. As far as everything goes this is a business that´s self-sustainable wich is good. Mani asks him, what would John do differently if SP started from cero. The First thing John says is taking off his face from the branding. When a business is based on yourself it makes it so difficult to transition. The great conversation starts here on how to start a business and how to make it work. Thoughts of the week John – “Competition has become so hard on youtube, back in the days you needed content, now you need to have a good looking ass”
10/1/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 285 "Track Your Sales"

We´re Live. Mani is running different ways to do sales at this point. Just to make it more fun or interesting. This set up quite a nice topic on discounts. This is a double-sided blade, yes, you will sell, but there´s going to be a point that you are only going to sale when there´s a discount, there are many ways to work this to your advantage. Take Udemy for example, they only sell with discounts, and it works. GTM comes to conversation, any tracking method in that case. Mani wants this set up and the best advice that Satya gives him, yeah this task can be outsourced but he needs to make sure what he wants to track. There´s actually a lot of pages and stuff that can be tracked, if the path is not laid down correctly It can get really confusing and just track the wrong thing. Thoughts of the week Satya – “Make sure you know what you want to track on your sales”
9/24/201956 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 284 "New Blood"

We´re Live. Ladies and Gentleman, We Have new blood on Entreprogrammers. Welcome To Satya Mallick! Satya is an entrepreneur and gives us a brief review of his work, a small presentation of self if you will. Been on various business and had some success. Satya starts an interesting conversation about skills that an engineer needed 5 or 10 a years ago, but he´s looking into the future now. Guys totally agree on this, AI is everywhere today from self-driven cars to computers that make their own decisions. John Talks a little about the transition of Simple Programmer, Everything is going good for both of them (John and Josh). Really positive movement for Josh, Gets good payment for 30 months and gets to work on his own thing. So, Much success to Josh on his endeavors Thoughts of the week Satya – “An Engineer without programming skills 5 years ago was useless… In 5 years without AI skills it will be useless too”
9/17/20191 hour, 22 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 283 "Moving Day"

We´re Live. Chuck Starts the conversation with John, about how he´s been lifting weights recently and how sore he got, especially on legs than even on his runs, couldn’t complete the goal for that time. John Gives him great advice on this and focuses on nutrition to keep the long runs coming. Chuck is talking about migrating all of his podcast processes to a different system, the last one didn’t have an API so automation is off the table, which really slows down the whole process. Also, his Email list has stopped growing insanely like it was recently. Thoughts of the week John – “You got to analyze the decision you make, what´s that going to do at the bottom line”
9/10/201947 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 282 "Long Term Decisions"

We´re Live. The conversation starts on how much Chuck is doing in half a month, he is crunching really good numbers, although he´s been slacking on his major focus which is sponsorship sales, this is great for him because he´s a master at this. John Tells him clearly, that he doesn’t know anybody who can do that amount of sales in so little time. So, Kudos Chuck. Josh is struggling with a very important decision business-wise, its something that could take him years to work, so he´s looking for advice from the guys. Big Decision from him, apparently he´s going solo with other projects. John is trying to prepare him as much as possible On the other hand, John needs to make decisions too based on this, Josh did a lot of the day to day business that keeps bringing Revenue on this entrepreneurship. Thoughts of the week CHUCK - “The Thing is, as long your delivering value they´ll keep paying you”
8/27/20191 hour, 23 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 281 "Your Money, My Time"

We´re Live. The guys talk about about a system to minimize decisions called Flywheel, it works really well. Mani explained clearly, with fewer decisions you add it works better so you need to focus. Chuck is getting really good on his running, is competing on a Bulldog Mindset Challenge against marathon runners and he´s killing it. Chuck is planning to charge people to manage other people podcast until they can get all their sponsors and experience ready, which is brilliant. Charges $2500 per podcast a month, until they get their sponsorship. Really easy money for Chuck. John and Mani give really good advice on this, Chuck is in the stage that he can charge a minimum amount for any of his services, and still get the client no problem. John says his minimum is a $1000, if it's less it is just not worth the time. Thoughts of the week John - “If its not a $1000 I don’t even bother to open the email”
8/20/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 280 "Chuck at the Top"

We´re Live, Guys talk about the app to record the program, Zoom seems to be working fine with the guys, but there´s a slight audio decrease on quality so bare with us. Chuck got a serious issue with his Drip account, they stop doing everything he configured to do without telling anything to him, Big rant. Trying out Active campaign, this is important on email marketing, deliverability can never stop. Podcast business for Chuck has been growing wild, incredibly good in a really short time. Congrats to Chuck! But the guys are checking the numbers and something seems weird, low traffic cant brings lots of subscribers. Thoughts of the week MANI- “400 people a day and 50% conversion rate on the opt-in, something´s wrong”
8/13/20191 hour, 28 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 279 "Choose Wisely"

We´re Live, The guys start discussing and comparing sales of the same product but with 2 different approaches, direct promo sales and a funnel to a sales pages. Funnels worked way much better and haven’t even finished the sale. There are different levels of audience or possible buyers to the product, this is important when making a sale, we´ll make things easier to reach goals and even to spot failures. Mani Shows the guys and even way to split groups with just the names of the subscribers, great brainstorming here. Thoughts of the week “Choose your sale technique Wisely”  
8/6/20191 hour, 18 minutes, 52 seconds
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Episode 278 "The Pomodoro Contest"

We´re Live. The guys start talking about a competition about Pomodoro, who´s more discipline who gets more Pomodoro done. John and Josh share strategies to work on this, using apps that block your social media or internet connection, but the guys agree that they are too smart for that, they will find a way around. Discipline is the key here. Mani was participating in this, and couldn’t get much done because he was on vacation. Guys share a few laughs, John had a huge advantage and had way more Pomodoro, there was money involved too. Hilarious haha On at all, the guys really get productive with this system, although there are losers, the productivity skyrocketed. Thoughts of the Week “Don’t bet against a person that has run a marathon with Broken ribs”
7/23/20191 hour, 12 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 277 "Social Media Transformation"

We´re Live. John is checking back with his 10 Pomodoro a day technique, and it's amazing how much of a difference it makes. It´s the equivalent of 4 weeks of work in 1 week, that´s something else. To put the cherry on top, between 5 Pomodoro break, he´s reading a book. John talks about some real state he´s been making recently, that´s something that he can't stop doing and makes a lot of progress on it, it just makes a good revenue, on the other Josh asks him how are things with Bulldog Mindset, stable position but he´s been losing some subscribers. Emphasis on growing on youtube, the algorithm has changed so much which makes it really difficult to progress. Social media has changed a lot throughout the years, one of the main reasons why is so difficult to grow, its because there´s so much content right now. There´s a lot and depends on the audience in the case of the length of videos, for example, some people prefer small curated content than a full contrast of one point. Thoughts of the week JOHN – “The best strategy in social media is to be prolific as possible”
7/16/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 13 seconds
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Episode 276 "You´ve got to push through"

We´re Live. Google Hangouts is finally going die and supposedly going to be replaced by Youtube Webcam, we´ll see how it goes. Other topics, Charles feel off a roof and really hurt his elbow, he has a really funny anecdote on it. He´s a little worried because he´s got a 5k really soon, his doctor will tell him. There´s an interesting argument with the guys about how Doctors do stuff, are they really needed? They all agree that doctors (Medics) mostly work o tell you what is wrong and prescribe you medicine, but there´s an actual belief that they don’t actually fix the stuff that you wanted to be fixed. Charles says clearly that he will go to anyone who really believes that he can fix him! Charles is getting really serious about running, Jonh has solid advice on how to push through the fatigue that accumulates off all the training. It's really a difficult job to do the only way to do it its to have the mindset for it. John talks about the Pomodoro technique, It has been doing 10 Pomodoro a day, but the game changer here is that he´s not looking at his phone until he completes the 10 Pomodoro. The results are amazingly good. Thoughts of the day JOHN – “Put the phone down and do the work!”
7/2/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 275 "Pick up the Torch"

We´re Live. The guys start the conversation with how Google gets so many apps on the run just to experiment with them, Wave or Google plus is just an example even Google Health, that are completely shut down right now. That just leads to knowing that sometimes google is out of their game, and this is happening much more. Chuck tells some good news to the guys, he´s now a host for 3 more podcast shows and some more business that he´s into, life is going pretty well for Chuck and he´s looking for advice with the guys. The first thing that they tell him is that he needs to take more action up front, hold the torch he´s on the perfect time and moment for this to happen. Thoughts of the week Josh – “ITS TIME TO TAKE UP FRONT ACTION”
6/25/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 274 "E-mail list Clean up"

We´re Live. Chuck starts the conversation about some emails that he had with some producers and involves John in the process, there was some type of complaint of how John is writing his emails, looks like he´s not giving much information away, chuck wanted feedback from the guys on this. Chuck asks some advice to Josh about a problem that he´s been having with deliverability to his subscribers there was a serious issue that he should have at least send an email to tech support (Wich he didn’t) because almost half of his subscribers were not receiving anything, had to reorganize everything and in the process lost quite a pack of subscribers. This is a really important topic for the guys, most of the business they conduct rely a lot on this email lists, all of the content and interaction goes through here , if this not taken care of, could be a game changer for the bad on any of the entrepreneurship they are doing, these are big numbers, so there´s lots of software that helps the guys with this. Thoughts of the week “IT doesn’t matter if your business is small or big, deliverability to your audience must impeccable”
6/18/20191 hour, 22 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 273 "Youtube Algorithm"

We´re Live. Mani wants some feedback on a video that changes his traffic with little details changed on it like changing the title and thumbnail, there was a huge difference in traffic and the guys are analyzing it. They´re not sure what actually happened, the various hypothesis is on but is a mystery still. They Go through all the changes you can make to a youtube video just to make sure what makes the dramatic uprise. The main concern is the tags, which actually it only leads the search engine to find the video, the guys agree that tags have no effect whatsoever, but Mani insists that the tags must do something, if not, why keep them? Youtube algorithm has changed a lot across the years, so it is essential to get up to date with this changes, your strategy can just plummet in a day if you don’t know what´s happening. John claims that Youtube is a neural network, they have enough data to take the decisions of which videos will be recommended in your feed and what not, the algorithm do changes every now then but the concept remains the same. Thoughts of the week “Youtube is a temporary business, it's not eternal so you have to learn how to move in the network”
6/11/20191 hour, 30 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 272 "Build Your Brand"

We´re Live. Mani Talks to the guys about an email campaign about some new courses that he´s developing and looking for feedback on this especially from Josh who´s done this lots of times for Simple Programmer. The main topic in this conversation is that when your doing a campaign there are two ways to do it, build the products for a brand you´re already working on and be correlated to the brand or the product itself alone, this depends on how are you running things and what are the end results you are looking for. Mani talks about his entrepreneurship on book summaries and explain to the guys how this has become a great way to get a profit, but not only that, the knowledge and content that people are aware with this is tremendous and that´s what´s makes the difference between selling the book itself and the summary. Josh gives an example of a brand transition, this happened with Simple Programmer. John Message didn’t get through completely people got really confused with it at some point. Charles recommends that they should circle back to their basic idea and build it from there because there´s already an audience, they will lose some people but actually gain newcomers. Thoughts of the week Mani: “If don’t focus your push on the brand, that´s a recipe for disaster”
6/4/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 271 "Price Point"

We´re live. Mani talks with John about how he´s preparing to come back to his cycle of work, always a difficult thing to do especially when you have a long vacation. Mani is thinking about some launch that he wants to do, and his rambling on ideas. John Advice him to focus on the main plan, getting back to the cycle is crucial and focus is what he needs. The next item in hand for mani was to set the price point, critical issue because it is based on a lot of factors and can be the decisive point between getting amazing success and just blowing it all away. The most important factor in this is the value of the product. This can get really deep and dense especially when the product is expensive, setting the price point is based on the trust that the client has in it, there can be a lot of people that can pay high prices but not all of them are willing to do it because of that fact, there is no trust that the product will work for the client. Thoughts of the Week MANI – “ The Price Point is a crucial decision, if you don’t know what to put, you´re stuck, You´re f*cked”
5/28/20191 hour, 14 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 270 "You Pay For Social Media"

We´re Live. Mani is back from his vacation, he reiterates how cheap it is to travel to Thailand and Bali. Although he had an amazing time and lots of fun, he was looking to work every day at least 4 hours but it becomes really difficult because he couldn’t find a proper place to work. He explains how difficult is to work and especially focus when the only space you have to work is a crappy desk, tried going to coffee shops but didn’t work either. Changing Hotels did the trick found some accommodations that a proper desk in the room and he could do at least 6 hours of work a day and still have lots of fun. Mani explains how important it is to really take a look at the expense and cost of time when you do something. Talks about a theory that says, if people would pay for the use of social media, how much will they pay? HE clearly says that people are already paying for social because the goal of social media is to catch your attention, they don’t sell content, they are consuming your time and attention which is the most expensive pay you could ever do. Thoughts of the week MANI- “Everything has a cost, especially when the toll is time”
5/21/20193 hours, 16 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 269 "Python is on"

We´re Live. Chuck tells how ti went with the podcast booth. I manage to get a lot a business and a lot of sponsors, lots of contacts were made, which was the main goal for the booth, so incredibly great for Charles. The best thing about booth is that is movable, Charles is looking to get to the booth on many conferences as possible. Josh Gives some ideas and programs that Charles can have shows with. Python is on right now, its really really popular between programmers and is the actual niche, Charles agrees, he´s a bit surprised but its something that has been growing rapidly. John Charles about his running schedule. Charles tells him that he´s doing really good, that the main problem that he had was that, not that it hurt (Wich it didn’t ), it was that he felt completely bored doing it, its completely mind game to pass this barrier, cause the distances get longer. Thoughts of the week CHARLES – “All it matters is that you have the mental fortitude to keep going, whether you like it or not”
5/14/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 268 "The Simple Programmer Show"

We´re Live. No Mani today, he´s on vacation in Thailand and Charles we are not sure where he is. So this is a Simple Programmer guys show. Guys talk about possible negotiations for the future of SP and a lot of people that are turning down because they don’t have a clue what they want or how to do anything even. There´s a pretty nice option in the table that can bring a lot of profit, but the guys need to talk to the person, there are funnels that work and are completely functional and proven to bring great profit, so they just need to get in sync. Python is making a lot of money these days, you can make six figures being a python freelancer, the guys are aiming this way. Guys talk about ads that were added to Facebook, and how they were not being really efficient. Thoughts of the week John – “Python Freelancers are making six figures, that´s amazing”
5/7/20191 hour, 33 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 266 "No Downtime"

We´re Live. Guys start joking about John possibly having Mono, and Mani tells him that he´s pretty sure that he doesn’t have mono because mono is one most horrible experiences he´s had in his life. Apparently, he´s just tired. Mani is experimenting to find new stuff for his business to grow. He tells its really difficult to sell to other people audiences, but I can be seen as leverage when working as a team, this is happening with Josh and john. There are new promos that mani is trying but he´s not getting great results, compares numbers with Charles and gives some advice to boost the numbers. They talk about some software that is actually not helping get the goal. Sometimes experimenting with new stuff its not the best way to get to the finish line. Just need to make sure that the mistake it´s not a 200.000 $ one. Guys make the statement that show notes on podcast are not the best tool to promo a sale, but nevertheless, it should be done correctly in order to get more people to buy, it doesn’t matter if its 2 or 3 sales, they always sum up. Thoughts of the week Mani- “Selling to other people audiences it’s the most hard thing to do, but there´s always leverage”
4/23/20191 hour, 54 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 265 "Taxes, Taxes, Taxes"

We´re Live, Guys start talking about that they´re finally taking down hangouts but going to keep youtube streaming. Charles is still traveling having meetings with the sponsors for the podcast shows. Also giving an anecdote about a podcast booth that he is mounting. John gives advice to Charles on who to work with, that he needs to start with small groups and little enterprises and go way up, that way is safe and a make a profit without going crazy. Besides, what you´re looking for is that they know you and eventually pay you to be at the conferences. Charles Talks about adding video to his format, but not entirely sure because his strong suit is audio. Josh Talks about paying taxes, an issue he has about a huge debt that he was due to a change of state, its basically a mess that he needs to sort out because this can catch him down and make a real problem of it. Thoughts of the week: JOHN –“THERE IS NO TAX LAW, THERE IS JUST TAX IMPLEMENTATION”
4/16/20191 hour, 13 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 264 "Devil may care attitude"

We´re Live. Charles starts sharing some good news that he´s got on the podcaster world, being super successful a looking for improvement. Lots of podcasters and sponsors want to work with Charles. Talks about some podcast show that have gone silent and had a great audience at one time wanting them to bring them back up. John Agrees with Charles, he´s going in the right direction. John Recommends that is a great idea to help other podcasters grow, and is a good business model with a great profit. Charles makes clear that he doesn’t want to control other podcasters or just tell them what to do, but instead put them in the right position for them go on forward themselves. The second edition of soft skills is a go, John explains that process wen really well based on how good the first one did. Also talks about the bulldog mindset membership that had some issues with the credit of some people. Nonetheless, exponential growth is predicted for this campaign. Thoughts of the week CHARLES - “I DON’T WANT TO BOX PEOPLE IN A CORNER, I HATE BUSINESSES THAT DO THAT”
4/9/20191 hour, 41 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 263 "Subscriber Does Not Mean Sale

We´re Live. Josh Talks about how a negotiation went and getting some feedback from Mani. It went really well for Josh on this negotiation and the client ends up with a big profit too so everyone´s a winner. Mani gives advice to Josh about traffic and the debate starts on when you need organic traffic or not. Josh states that I totally depend on who responded to the traffic, this can make a huge difference in the sale. Tells an anecdote of a sale with 500 subscribers that gave 0 sales. Little details can make a sale go great to go incredibly bad, Mani and Josh share stories of various sales that went ridiculously high and some that went horrible and getting to the realization that small detail could make everything change with the knowledge that they already have. Thoughts of the week MANI – “TRAFFIC THAT FINDS YOU IS WAY MORE RESPONSIVE THAT TRAFFIC THAT YOU HAVE TO GO FIND”
4/2/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 262 "Valuable Connections"

We´re live. John talks about a new server they´re testing which is better and self-maintained. Its been a whole adventure coming back to Linux based server. Lots of stuff to relearn and mistakes made during the process. Sweet come back to programming for John. Mani talks about the social media marketing world, he´s evaluating if it's going to go or not pros and cons etc. The Best pro is the amount of the great connections that he makes during these conferences, the content of the conference is not that important at all, the connections make it worth it. The group talks about wich conferences are they going to go this year. They all agreed that is a necessary evil, to thrive on any business you need to make contacts and conferences are the best places to find them. There are a few conferences that have a value as the conference itself not only for the money (If you´re speaking on it) but the actual content, but this not a common occurrence for the guys. Most of the people go to the cconference to get a higher audience but they´re not getting the point of it. Thoughts of the week MANI – “CONNECTIONS WITH PEOPLE ARE EXTREMELY VALUABLE” JOSH- “I THINK IM GOING TO BUY… IS THE EXACT REACTION YOU WANT FROM A COSTUMER” JOHN-”I DON’T SUBMIT TO ABSTRACTS… PEOPLE HAVE TO INVITE ME TO SPEAK IN”
3/26/20191 hour, 25 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 261 "Podfest"

We´re Live. Starting off John and Mani talk about the evolution of entreprogrammers podcast through time, lots have changed and even talk about doing a more private versión. Somebody´s has some skeletons in their closets. Charles Talks about a podcast event that he went, and some great ideas that were shown there. Goes into detail of some of them and one his shows to get feedback from the guys. Lots of good stuff regarding podcasters and people that want to enter this world. Mani Talks about the grid and how is the perfect thing to monitor all your marketing processes and make sure everything falls in the right place to make the sales and make whatever you´re doing profitable. Charles and Mani debate about the best ways to produce content for podcast shows and how to expose it. Not just random conversation but it has to have meaning and directed to something specific. Blog posts it’s a great way to publish your content. Thoughts of the week MANI – “ A LOT OF TIME WE PRODUCE CONTENT WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE BIGGER PICTURE”
3/19/20191 hour, 23 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 260 "High Quality Employees"

We´re Live, Late start for the guys and John start´s off telling that he needs to stop selling his shirts because its taking people from youtube and not making any money, on the other hand, Charles talks about his running schedule. John Talks about the launch of the Bulldog Mindset Membership and the person that he hired to this, which actually was a deal that he couldn’t refuse and turn to be great, and a whole lot of plans that he has for Bulldog Mindset. Josh and John get into a long discussion on when to know and how to handle small response offers, it is completely worth it and it keeps appearing a lot, especially sponsors who just want to make money a do not completely understand the whole process. Definitely, lots of time lost when you deal with stuff like this. Thoughts of the week JOHN –“SMALL RESPONSE BUSINESS IS NOT WORTH IT”
3/12/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 259 "Solid Business Models"

We´re Live, Charles starts off saying that he is in California too for a conference and tells John that he pissed off about what John said last week about him being bored. Tells him that John is completely right and because of this, he has become more productive than before. Also tells Mani that he was right too, really good advice for Charles last week has paid off. John Talks about that he´s been doing a lot of videos based on current stuff that is happening right now, and that youtube is working that way now, kinda like a “Trending Topic” situation. Mani adds to the conversation that this could problematic due to the types of subscribers you will get doing this, it can easily get off track of the original content of the channel. Its something to keep an eye on. Mani gets to a point that says your business model cannot be based on a social network, at any given moment that social network can totally change or even completely fail, just like Myspace. This is happening to a lot of YouTubers because youtube keeps changing every day. On this note to get the audience you want, you have to think like the costumer, how would you like to be treated and even get that feeling of belonging to something that can be more fulfilling than any product out there. Josh adds to this that positioning and time are crucial in this game, gives an example of a business that is not refined right now but its working because the product is hot. Thoughts of the week MANI- “AS A COSTUMER THE JOURNEY MUST NEVER END, IT SHOULD BE A CONSTANT” JOSH- “IN ORDER TO GROW, YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE RIGHT PLACE AND THE RIGHT TIME”
3/5/20191 hour, 40 minutes, 45 seconds
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Episode 258 "Money Making Machine"

We´re live. Charles starts talking to Mani about a podcast he has with him and wishes some guest would jump in. Asks Josh and John for advise on an ebook launch that he´s planning to do, regarding editors, proofreading and that kind of stuff. Charles is looking to use the sales of the book as a lead magnet, John tells him that he needs to be clear on what the goal of the lead magnet is, makes a huge difference on how to use this lead, it has lots of marketing variations that can be used not just to make money. Mani makes it clear that the main money machine when you do this type of actions is the email listing. The most important thing in all these marketing techniques (which are a lot), is the proper building of it, people want to market everything right away without the proper build for it. The main reason why so many entrepreneurs fail. John gives a bit of solid advice to Charles on how he needs to focus on what he is good at and what he can scale up, to stop trying to look for an adventure that probably won't make him any money and worst of all could destroy everything that he has build up for years. He needs to get to the point where scale up sufficiently enough for him to leave the main work to someone else and get that free time to create. THOUGHTS OF THE WEEK MANI –“ONE OF THE BIGGEST CHALLENGES OF AN ENTREPRENEUR IS BUILDING RATHER THAN MARKETING” JOSH –“ IF A PRODUCT IS REALLY GOOD IT WILL PROBABLY SEEL ITSELF” JOHN-“IT MAKES SENSE BUT IS BULLSHIT. JUST FOCUS AND SCALE-UP”
2/26/20191 hour, 56 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 257 "Affiliate Sales & Integrated Marketing"

We´re Live. The group starts talking about affiliate sales, and how mani is helping Charles with this. Charles Has a great start on it, had a 10% click which is really good. Mani adds some cool ideas that can boost everything. John gives a little explanation of how affiliate sales work and how many types of you can use, and the functionality of each one. Mani explains too that some of it can be confused with integrated marketing. Charles Talks about his past experiences in sales, saying there was always money on the table that wasn’t gained or used, that he has been learning all this time that he still has a lot to learn. Josh talks about how he is sick and has a virus and tells a funny anecdote about a new dryer that he bought. Also, tells the guys about some click funnels through Facebook that is not working very well. Thought of the week “You have to be really selective of the product that you want to sale, and be clear of the sheer amount of work that will be needed to take the gains”
2/19/20191 hour, 29 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 256 "Complex Situations"

We´re live. Josh starts joking how cold it is! Mani asks the guys how the sale went, Josh explains that is has been difficult. Using ads for interviews needs a time-sensitive aiming, it needs to be exact. Josh Talks about the transition that Simple Programmer has gone through, it has evolved very well it's looking pretty optimistic for the next years. The group talks about organic growth in the business. Al tough is a thing of the past that actually is something that makes no money at all, all business must start with organic growth because it’s the best way to know your audience and gather all the info needed to take the next step. Charles and Mani Talk about a campaign that Charles is planning for the podcast answering some questions that were sent on a “Rant” on how to convert these rants and show them all the good stuff that people can get not only on the podcast but courses, sales etc. John and Mani Talk about Social skills, and how John is looking at an investment he made with a guy that just a got arrested for Grand Theft and Arsony, finding out ways to solve this issue looking not lose all the money invested. Thoughts of the week JOHN – “YOU GOTTA PAY TO PLAY” JOSH – “MORE MONEY, MORE PROBLEMS” CHARLES -- "MANI YOU CAPITALIST, ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS THE MONEY"
2/12/20191 hour, 50 minutes, 48 seconds
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Episode 255 "It`s All About The Money"

We´re Live, Google hangouts is going away and the guys are talking about what is the next solution for the reunions going to be, apparently lots of apps are getting erased due to the massive competition. Youtube Hangouts maybe? John and Josh talk about an attribution problem they had with simple programmer, they started a sale on 199$ and then suddenly one person buys it really quickly but it's not appearing on the de data. The guys say that there´s a high probability that Facebook took the credit for the sale (WTF). John explains to mani how a profitable funnel work when you invest money and makes more money than you spend on, but it has to work repeatedly, a money-making machine that works once is not a money-making machine. The group talks about how ads can be very expensive and if you´re not careful it can be a lot of wasted money, especially when you hire an agency that runs these ads, various examples are given , one of them is a person that spends thousands of dollars on google ads and 80% is wasted. That is not the way to make money. In all business, the best way to go with this is to learn yourself and go with it and you can make sure that everything is running smoothly, but there´s a point that you are going to need to hire someone for the financial end of things because you are running the business. Knowledge of all this can be the difference between being the one that fires the person or agency your hire or that person just leaves because on anyways no one is making any money.   THOUGHTS OF THE WEEK JOHN –“ALL I CARE ABOUT IS MAKING MONEY” MANI- ”THIS IS LIKE PROGRAMMING YOU DON’T PUT SOMEONE ELSE TO WRITE THE CODE FOR YOU”
2/5/20191 hour, 39 minutes, 49 seconds
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Episode 254 "Marketing Never Changes"

We´re live. It all starts joking around on the Response that John had on his channel about the Gillette “Toxic Masculinity” Ad. Everyone thinks is the dumbest thing there is, it's completely misguided to masculinity, Charles says “It should be called DON´T BE AN A**HOLE You know? Or toxic Humanity” Masculinity and A*sshole behavior are completely different things. Josh and Mani talk about how marketing almost never changes, what really changes over the years is the products or the quality of the products per se. Its all like a gold rush, it comes and goes like a wave and everybody needs to take the wave in order to stay in the market. The conversation goes to how difficult it gets throughout the years to become an entrepreneur because communications have grown at an exaggerated rate that costumers are overflown with information and are basically saturated and the main thing to do is to focus that info for the customer. On this same note John points out, yeah funnels work, but it doesn’t mean that all the people that are coming in are the same people that are going to buy, that this the real issue that needs to be handled and the only way to make it work is testing it. The need to be convinced for consumption, that is the key message. Communication that respects the medium. Thoughts of the day JOSH – “THE FUNDAMENTALS OF REALLY GOOD MARKETING DON´T CHANGE” MANI – “IM GLAD THE TIME FOR SELLING TRASH IS OVER” JOHN – “IT HAS NEVER BEEN EASY TO BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR”  
1/29/20191 hour, 43 minutes, 20 seconds
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Episode 253 "Great Audiences & Collaborations"

We´re Live, starting the show as a duo Josh and Mani talk about how John is running for “his life” on a marathon in Orlando, then start a discussion on how the Dan Lok Special went and how the promotions came through. Numbers were good. John Jumps into the conversation and talks about how Dan Ran something called Cold Traffic from his site and explains the main differences between normal traffic and it Works. Also that he was part of the Webinar that Dan promoted. Mani and John talk about how amazing it is to have a great audience and makes a complete difference when you´re growing a business, they´ll always respond and not only that they´ll respond amazingly good. John talks about how collaborations are now one of the best ways to market your business, if not the best. He compares it how 5 years they were doing everything on their own, and it worked, but that is something you cannot do nowadays if you do not collaborate you are doomed to fail. THOUGHTS OF THE DAY MANI: TRAFFIC IS ONE OF THE CHEAPEST WAYS TO GROW A BUSINESS JOHN: ONCE YOU GET A GREAT AUDIENCE THE NUMBERS WILL GO UP JOSH: CONVERSION RATES CAN BE MISLEADING TOO
1/22/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 252 "Sales Tactics & Strategies"

John Talks about the experience with Dan Lok, how they take every detail for granted, even check with John to see how many sales he can make, how Many views his channel does, how many hits, the videos can make. The guy is no walk in the park. Everyone agreed that $2500 is a really a low price for the course Dan Gives, because of the value that you get is way more than that. The Group talks about the different strategies that they can use to pick up sales and which ones have worked best for each of them, they even talk about using messenger. Charles talks about how he screwed up this week, had some issues with his editor, which he says “it's my own fault”, not having a great communication can mislead to bad outcomes or even not publishing at all, this happened to Charles and he is trying to catch up. This happened with another editor before, so it's an issue that needs to be taken care of. The group talks about brand advertising, how It will always work but it can be risky because it can take up a lot of money and if you don’t lead perfectly where it needs to be, lots of money can be down the drain. Thought for the Week Josh – THE JOB OF AN AFFILIATE MANAGER IS LIKE A PERSONAL TRAINER, THEY WANT TO MAKE YOU AS PUMP UP AS PÓSSIBLE John – THE BIGGEST RISK IN DRAN ADVERTISING IS THAT YOU WON'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY Mani – ALL OF THIS SHIT WORKS, IF YOU DO THE WORK Charles – FACEBOOK MESSENGER IS FOR FAMS, FRIENDS AND POLITICAL MEMES RIGHT? THAT´S WHAT IS FOR  
1/15/20191 hour, 57 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 251 "Back From The Holidays"

Charles Talks about jogging and the style of pacing and losing weight, comments that it has been really difficult to jog especially with the cold weather and that he has been doing his work on the treadmill. On the other hand, John said he gained like 10 pounds that he has been eating a lot of junk. A great way to come back is to use the Pomodoro technique, Charles talks about this that it is definitely the best way to get organized especially after a holiday, he says that he even had to buy a Pomodoro clock to get a physical reminder that the notifications on the app were just annoying and turn them off. Josh and Mani talk about launches and promotions, lead magnets and testing them to see which one is best. Josh talks about this process that has been present on Simple Programmer and trying lead magnets to get the best possible outcome. Josh asks John for insights on the LLC for Simple Programmer and the legal part is asking for 300$ for a consultation, is this how they roll? actually, that is not cheap, but if you´re looking for the business to grow it is something that you need to do and cut no expenses. Josh, John, and Mani talk about the differences, pros, and cons of personal and group coaching. Lots of factors to be taken but the most important thing is the time spent on it, makes a huge difference to have to spend the time to market this and get a group between just no advertising and get selective people at a high price under a 3-month commitment, which is what John recommends. Thought for the Week Josh – CUT NO EXPENSES John – FIGURE OUT WAYS TO MAKE MONEY WITHOUT SPENDING SO MUCH TIME ON IT Mani – PROGRAMMERS NEED TO GET LAID TOO Charles – COMING BACK FROM THE HOLIDAYS ITS HARD
1/8/20191 hour, 27 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 250 “Profitable Funnels”

We’re live.  John talks but the trying to cancel the Pennsylvania tax form. John talks about trying to fill out a cancelation form for Pennsylvania taxes.  John mentions that Bulldog Mindset is ready as far as logos and website. Mani asks about the load time on the website. Mani suggests a website speedup process. Chuck talks about moving his podcast website to a type of static HTML type sites. Mani talks about how Wordpress is always coming out with stuff and how is Chuck going to keep up with it. Chuck explains how this is important as far as maintaining it and having his assistant upkeep it. Chuck continues with the reasons how this will help his workflow in the long run as far as poll requests and updates by listeners. Chuck talks about how his main focus is working with selling sponsorships. Chuck mentions selling out of January and some February spots. John suggests having a salesperson sell ad space and what percentage is he willing to pay for selling spots. John talks about closers who sell spots. Chuck talks about how he searches for sponsors and closes at 50-60% closing rate.  Josh suggests ways they automate some of the work.  Chuck talks more about email marketing. Mani asks about everyone productivity. John says he was traveling, Josh said he was in meetings, and everyone was still doing the Pomodoro. Mani talks about how he met a girl who was able to grow her business with Facebook Ads and paid traffic. Mani talks about organic scale versus paid scale. Josh shares about some marketing project he had been working on this past week. Josh talks about funnels using video or video views. Mani asks about cost per click and various kinds of analytics. Josh about bot traffic and avoiding bot traffic using facebook traffic. Josh talks about creating evergreen webinars and automation. John says webinars are a fad, and the funnels should be profitable without the webinar.  Mani and John talk about the profitable funnels with heavy opinions.  John talks about the Coding Bootcamp funnel and the baseline of the funnel should be profitable in order to know the webinar is working as well. Mani talks about his group mastermind project plan and coaching as some possible next step for other ways to generate revenue. Josh talks about the difficulties of low ticket versus high ticket offerings. Mani talks about projects he has help people become more profitable. John compares these decisions to pay the cost of the phone. Manis asks if John is going to removing pricing from the email. John says he does not even advertise his coaching. John talks about filling the pipelines of business as far as screening. Mani says he would like to gain another 5 clients. John suggests effective ways to find these new clients. John suggests ways to get to talk about money with the new incoming clients, allowing ways to filter those who can afford coaching. John talks about ways to talk about affordability on coaching. EntreProgrammer talk about ways Mani can implement a coaching or mastermind business. Chuck talks about masterminds he joined in the past and how he now only like coaching. Mani asks about the end result of the mastermind or coaching. John says it is about helping those overcome problems they have. Chuck talks about other coaching programs he is apart of as ways to give Mani ideas. Mani talks about the credentials of his current coach and processes in the engagement. John talks about shares visions and affinity with theses coaching as examples for Mani.  More talks about ways Mani can start this coaching business. Thought for the Week Josh - High-bandwidth Mani - Don’t wait to plan for the new year. Chuck - Priorities don’t exist. It is one priority at a time.
1/1/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 249 “Charm the Pants Off Anyone”

We’re live. Mani having some tech issues. Chuck mentions that he is 39 today. Chuck talks about being pulled over. Also, mentions that his truck was not registered and had an expired license due to medical issues. John says Chuck is lucky he did not get his car impounded for not having an up to date license and registration. Chuck talks about on-boarding a developer and show-notes writers. Mani shows and Instagram hack, a picture with his pup. John talks about growing his Instagram account with posting and a variety of content. John talks about his post being a mix of patterns. John shows his phone screen and is posting 6 days a week with a blog post in the mix. John continues with the strategies with self-marketing on Instagram. Mani asks for suggestions on running a contest King Sumo Style.  Chuck jokes about getting support from Josh. Mani says he is doing a book giveaway. EntreProgarmmers chime in with a suggestion on implementing a book giveaway. John talks about how some people like collecting books, but the never read them. John suggests a 3 to 10 book prize to generate excitement. Mani says these are for Top Social Skills books. John talks about what makes a great book gift. John suggests a bundle package on Productivity. Mani talks about running the campaigns. John talks about the one chance to run the campaigns and the proper way to send this to Mani’s email lists. Chuck suggest email lists. John asks what is the main propose of this giveaway. Mani and the EntreProgrammers dive deep in the topics of books to giveaway. Josh says the headlines are important. Josh says to rethink the digital requirement, and how he would hate going to the post office. More talks about how Mani should execute a book giveaway. Josh suggests simplicity. Chuck says he does not really like the idea of suggesting this giveaway as a social skill giveaway. Mani says this is at best on one line copy. Mani asks what would it be? John says the keyword Get Laid is the higher ranking cost per click keyword. John says Emotional Intelligence has the highest ranking. Josh suggests lightweight ways to test the keywords, like in a Tweet. John suggests “How to charm the pants off anyone.”  John suggests “Charisma in a box” as a title. John mentions trying to raise money for St. Jude. John talks about his experiment with his coaching slots for donations. John talks about his 8k plus donations for St. Jude. John mentions those on his big influencers and money makers. EntreProgrammers talk about the reason those contribute to a cause like the St. Jude fundraisers. Chuck splits at the mastermind. Mani talks about the subscriber count of his Youtube Channel. Mani talks about his “Think and Grow Rich” video on Youtube.  Thought for the Week Josh - Imposter Syndrome from going to the small pot to the bigger pot. John - Appeal to the selfish motive Mani - Appeal to self-interest
12/25/20181 hour, 23 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 248 "Pomodoro Action"

  We are alive! John pokes fun as Mani still work on his pomodoros. Chuck joke that he just started his Pomodoro. John maps out his week of us and shares his intense workload. Productivity to its max. John talks about having to be downtown to do a marketing meeting. Also, trying to fit all exercising in with his insane workload. John talks more about knocking out 8 Pomodoro in before 8 am. Chuck talks about having to be up at 4 am to get all the pomodoros in. Chuck maps out his whole week and describes how this helps him clear off things on his schedule. Chuck shares his screen, and show a document on the processes on running sev Chat TV podcasts. Chuck shares more on what he has accomplished doing these pomodoros. John pokes fun at Mani about the reports on practicing pomodoros. John opens up the email on the results on the pomodoros. Mani calls BS on the process because he was not getting the emails, except for Josh. EntreProgrammers discuss the email issues on the results or activity. Mani asks why they are not happy with Slack. Josh says they like Slack but it gets noisy with all the activity. Mani shares his screen and shows his activity. Chuck still demands to be paid. Chuck begins the actual show talking about the master process of the Dev Chat TV. Chuck continues to talk about a co-host who bought a video company/podcast who need production. Chuck then continues to talk about developing another arm of the Dev Chat company to do promotion and production. Chuck says this will be a kind of case study to take on this show on the Dev Chat network. Chuck talks about how getting up early sucked but, again he got a lot accomplished for his business. Chuck shares about the sales call he did and how he sees activity coming in on sponsorships for Q1. Chuck talk about shows that sell out on sponsorships in the past. Mani asks what is the new plan for the pomodoros. Chuck says he is going to stop at noon. John says the big problem he has is there are meeting in the morning. Mani asks if we are going to keep doing this since it is proven that it works. EntreProgrammer talk out things that get in the way for the pomodoros.  Some might have to be shifted until 2 pm. John says he thought about committing to 6 pomodoros before noon. Mani says this speed up his day. The EntreProgrammers discuss how they will be accountable to the pomodoros. Each learns they will have to tailor their practice to their needs. John gives reason to why they should be 8 per day before noon. John says they can always do more but 8 is reasonable. EntreProgrammes talks about ways this will work for them.  Josh suggests 6 pomodoros by noon ongoing. EntreProgrammers agree to 6 by noon. Mani creates his owns terms but agrees to the team keeping him accountable. Chuck talks about his exercise and training for a marathon. EntreProgrammers joke about their exercising times and plans for the upcoming weeks. Thoughts for the Week John - Check your optimism    Mani - Accountability matters Josh - Deadlines Chuck - Implementation is what matters
12/18/20181 hour, 12 minutes, 21 seconds
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Episode 247 “Grind It Out”

Full house today, Everyone picks on Josh about being gone and doing some Black Friday shopping. John mentions that finally sold somethings. Josh talks about the recent Plural Sight promotion. Josh talks about the new direction Plural Sight has taking since they’ve become public, in competition with Udemy. Josh continues with the promote terms with had with Plural Sight. John mentions that Josh was on full-on dick mode with the demands or the promotion. John mention with made about 40k this past month in sales. Josh talks about work with Plural Sight. Josh talks about other sales tactics with existing clients and partners.  John talks about the strategies they worked for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Josh talks about their lists and where sales were coming in from. EntreProgrammers talk about responses to emails. Josh talks about unsubscribes and more on emails. Josh talks about the membership group from a freelancer. John talks about getting an email from a guy to workout with and meetup. Mani talks about the expectations of communications via email. More talk about nasty customers via email and replying to email. Josh talks about their actual customer base and those who actually buy. Josh shares numbers on sales from the holiday weekend. John talks about getting emails from a coaching client and their services. Chuck talks about this email list and campaign for onboarding. Chuck talks about sending invitations for chatting on Discord to listeners and hosts of the Dev Chat podcast network. Chuck talks about getting the affiliation material offers together. Chuck says with want to do an offer on Ten Ways To Learn Anything. Josh give feedback on how to implement these offer via email. John talks about a guy who did an affiliate offer using Free link . Mani shares that he was talking with John about creating a flagship product to generate monthly income. Mani mentions that this could be a Mastermind with a focus on books or book reading. Josh talk about how this idea could work based on how others in the industry do something similar. Chuck ask how Mani is going to test this idea. Mani talks about how he wants to get people behind the cause.   Thoughts for the Week John - Consistency trumps intensity Mani -   Strategies lead to results… Josh - It is important not to lose sight of what you set out to do. Chuck - Trust your gut
12/12/20181 hour, 53 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 246 “Black Friday Tactics”

John and Mani start the show talking about their Black Friday sales. Mani talks about what he is choosing to put on sale. Mani talks about doing a daily deal, as John says he likes to do bundle sales. John talks about how people how still buy a bundle even if that already own apart of the product, as long as the discount is steep enough. John talks about getting a list back that Josh deleted in the past.  John and Mani discuss strategies for making product sales on Black Friday or sales in general. John talks about reading about launches. John talks about the importance of the prelaunch and such steps. Mani talks about what would be his prelaunch material. Mani says his offering is off and not working properly. Mani asks about when the Black Friday launch with suppose to close. John talks about the sales lasting throughout Cyber Monday. Mani and John talk about recent launches and sales within Simple Programmer. John talks about how this recent launch was bad and not as great as their past sales. Mani continues with the mental toughness product and how the sales were impacted on the marketing side. John continues with the numbers and sales with the cold and warm list. John talks about bringing in an outside consultant the help figure out what is wound because this should be a 100k launch. Mani thinks the product is not aligned with the audience.  Mani shares he created a department in his business call Simplification, with the focus on simplifying things. Mani talks but having one flagship product and those in the industry who offer only one flagship product. John and Mani continue to talk about price increases. Mani talks about his book club, but John talks about turning this into a mastermind group instead of 1k a month.  John continues to provide ideas on building out a mastermind model. Mani goes back to how he could find a 100 dollar a month product, service or idea.  Mani asks John about his idea about a book club that looks similar to a mastermind. John asks why he would have a 100 dollar a month business while he could a 1k a month business with the book club idea.  More discussion on building a book club… and other avenues that make more sense.    Thoughts for the Week John - An email list is not necessarily an ATM Mani -  Market research is the key component of any product
12/5/20181 hour, 27 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 245 "Dancing Bear"

John and Mani start the show poking fun at Josh buying a minivan. John talks about problems with the website forms on Simple Programmer. John mentions there were some issues with the content upgrade forms.  John talks about creating opt-ins for a new guide. John talks about doing his work for Simple Programmer for the year. John talks more about the content upgrade. John says this upgrade is a 25 percent revenue increase. Mani makes suggestions with pop upgrades.  John thinks this may triple the email activity.  John talks about looking at some blog sites. John talks about running the marathon and destroyed the time.  Mani talks about buying sites and converting them into money making sites. Mani talks scalable businesses. Mani continues talking about Money Master the Game by Tony Robbins. Mani talks about other ways to increase revenue on book summaries, as well as the idea of bringing on authors. Mani talks about the idea of selling a number of books in the live session. Mani and John talk about getting an author to join in on the book club/master class. Mani gets some suggestions of authors from John.  John suggests ways to market that book club event with the author present for a live session. Mani continues with the live component with the book club. Mani asks about who they could get as the author.  Chuck joins the call midway. John suggests someone like James Clear as the book author and live session. Chuck talk about getting some big names on the Freelancer show like Dave Allen and Micheal Porter. Chuck mentions this could be a type of case study for Mani. Chuck suggests lower tier book or author. John says he will email James Clear and help. John tells Mani how they should approach the session/masterclass and book sales from the point of view of the author.    Thoughts for the Week John - Double down.    Chuck - Partial done is close to being done.  Mani - Try to find out how to make your business scalable
11/28/20181 hour, 23 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 244 “We Be Roll’N”

John opens the show and throws off Josh. John shows his new Bulldog Mindset designs. John talks about using 99 Designs. John talks about trying to find a non-gangster look for the Bulldog Mindset logo.  John talks about how he chose his logo and merchandise for the BullDog Mindset. Socks are on the list for Bulldog merchandise. John talks about making a mistake with hiring a designer/WP helper. EntreProgrammers talks about design creation and branding. John talks about hiring a pixel artist and membership for YouTube channels. John talks about the audiobook final being out. Josh shares about capital gains and opportunity zones to save on taxes.  Mani asks questions about his email sequence and how to optimize the chain of email for more impact. John gives some comical suggestions with USDA meat and such. Mani talks about the PDF downloads and how his audience is downloading them. Josh suggests ways to do email marketing. Josh talks about those making the sale on the book summaries. John and Josh talk about building trust on a product like these book summaries. Josh talks about how he does not like indoctrination campaigns. Chuck gives some suggestions based on his business. Mani asks for more about his email sequence. John goes with Mani embodies the result as a way to gain trust on the sale of the products.  Chuck talks about creating a listing for show notes and development. But no one showed up for the interview for show notes interview. John chimes in on how he would go through the process. Entreprogrammers look at the posting and make suggestions on how to weed out people with your posting. Chuck talks about the kinds of who notes he wants for the Dev Chat TV Podcast. John suggests ways to look for the right person for the job. Josh talks more about hiring and interviewing. Josh gives suggestion on hiring local.  Thoughts for the Week John - Hire people for the jobs they are good at Chuck - Coaches  Mani - When something is working, go hard on it    Josh - Coaches as well
11/21/20181 hour, 39 minutes
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Episode 243 “Chuck and John Show”

John and Chuck talk about Google Hangouts disappearing soon. Also, finding out ways to do the mastermind call. Chuck talks about using for recording the podcast call. Chuck talks about using Chuck talks about some marketing and email marketing for the sponsorship for the podcasts, and get help from John to execute the plan properly. Chuck talks about working with another developer to help with Podwrench.  John suggests getting a sales person to sell sponsorships. Chuck talks about possible working with affiliates. Chuck talks about selling sponsorship for 50 percent off.  John talks about waking up early at 6:15 am, and creating content and materials for Bulldog Mindset, and memberships. John talks about optimizing and creating content for YouTube. John talks about getting into Real estate and invest in some building in the local area. John talks about selling his options. John mentions hiring a coach for the next marathon. John talks about people taking the Bulldog quiz. John talks about creating goals for who he wants to become in all kinds of areas. John talks about the positive return on hiring a coach for things you are lacking in, rather it is in business or health. Also some talks about the upcoming audiobook, just waiting on Amazon.  Thoughts for the Week!  John - Use Coaches Chuck - Productive procrastination
11/14/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 242 “Dumb Blind Persistence”

0:15 We’re Live! John mentions having to hop off soon. John mentions that Josh is not on the podcast because he was not happy with the result they have been getting with the membership drive. John sarcastically says people don’t want him back because no one is signing up for memberships. 3:10 John talks about kicking some ass as he is back to work. John gives a rundown on the things he has accomplished over the week. Mostly get stuff ready for the Bulldog Mindset materials. John says Bulldog Mindset is looking good. Also some good numbers on the quiz. 7:25 Chuck asks about launching content under the Bulldog Mindset brand. John talks about reopening the Simple Programmer website and other things that allow them to market the new products and services. John talks about hiring a pixel artist to create emojis and badges for the members. John talks about waiting on the new podcast to get approved and the ACX book. 10:00 Mani shares that he was working on automation and clean up things. Chuck shares how he is working with Zapier and other tools. Mani asks about Chucks email list. Chuck talks about setting up and figuring out what to do for his lead magnets. Chuck and John talk about the Affiliate Gauntlet. Mani and Chuck talk about selling products to his list. 15:00 Mani suggests using his list to sell products. John asks about the size of Chuck’s email list. John further explains the Affiliate Gauntlet. Chuck says he hired a developer to help build out Podwrench, to speed up the process. Chuck share his ideas about a course to teach people to get started with Rails. Chuck talks about creating a program along the lines of Developer Freedom. 22:00 Chuck talk about creating a subscription program that will teach developer to get into Developer Freedom. John says these ideas might be another brand and business. Chuck says all these plans are going to go under the DevRev brand. John says that Chuck needs to get the podcast production to run without him. Chuck talks about hiring someone to sell Podwrench once it is done. 25:00 Chuck talks about freeing things up so he can focus on Podwrench. Chuck says is a very excited about his work so far. Mani asks why he is excited about the new found excitement. John says since he has made the jump to get back to work he is excited too. John shares that he is reading the book “How to Kill a Hydra.” 30:00 John continues to talk about the proving yourself phase that he learn from the book. Chuck talks about how he has changed and how the things he wants has now changed. Mani continues with mocking around with the Automation topic. John talks about tweaking things and how he does things one YouTube to increase in other areas. Small tweaks everywhere leads to Huge impacts. 37:00 Mani and John talk about the effectiveness of emails and data to capture more values. Mani says email automation is the big scary monster. Johns says some of the most profitable things he has ever done, he did in an afternoon. 42:00 Mani talks about those who write a new email sequence every time. John says it is dumb blind persistence. John talk about the biggest losers in life are the people in the Menza Meetings. They don’t apply themselves, John says. 46:00 Mani says when you start to expect things to get easier, you are fucked.  John says that 10X Rule is a good book. More talks about automation. Thoughts for the Week! Mani - Expect it to be 10X harder John - Find evidence of why you suck and not a badass Chuck - Figure out why you are doing it
11/7/201856 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 241 “Do you want fries with that… ”

0:15 We’re live. Josh ask if Mani was standing at his desk. Josh says he has runner knee. Mani and Josh talk about standing and actively standing and working.  John talks about the intensity of running and being on a call at a treadmill. More talks about exercise and working at the same time. Mani talks about listening a being at a stationary bike. 4:00 Mani talks about draw.ioand automation work. John talks about the work they are doing a the blogging course. More talk about up selling on products. John talks about milking the sale of a of product. EntreProgrammer talk about marketing strategies on up sales. 10:00 John talks about converting your audience and gaining sales. Mani and Josh talks about the percentages and sales on cart values. John talks about the opinion on up sales on course.  More talks about strategically pricing a product and up selling later on. 15:00 Mani talks about selling a product without discounts. Josh says with will no work. Josh says the time limit and scarcity make the sale. John says you have to have scarcity to sell the product. Josh says you will get clicks but not sales without discounts and scarcity. Josh talk about when people will become a customer. 19:00 Josh talks about working on ways to not have to keep on doing the up sales. Josh says you can take the up sales to the bank. EntreProgrammer continue to talk about the Meditation Course as an up sales in Mani’s sales cart. 23:00 Mani jumping into talking about membership and how it changing the game. John talks about kicking ass this week and waking up 6 am and hitting the Pomodoros. John talks about doing the Bull Dog Mindset  and logo design. John talks about the quiz for the Bull Dog Mindset. 27:00 Mani talks about how John should do a live video on YouTube once a month. John talks about charging 5 dollars a month for the membership. John talks about hopping on a coaching call and making 1500 dollars for one hour. John talks about how he only want to make a live stream for just the members. John talks about his content syndication plan. 34:00 John talks about recording  audio for The Stop Being Lazy book. Mani ask about the book sales. John give to numbers on sales and revenue.  John think he is making 5 sales a day. John talks about doing the audio and adding more content because it was not written by him. Josh talks about doing the audio first then the book can be written. Mani talks about how Gary V. and others ad lib the book. 40:00 John talks about hiring a cheap audio editor for the book. Entreprogrammer talk about reading an audiobook and doing a great job. Mani talks about natural sounding reading and emphasis in audiobook. More talk about audio books and professional readers vs. authors reading the book. 46:00 John talks about the subscribers for the Bulldog Mindset emails. John talks about the clicks on the Mental Toughness emails.  John shares his email for the Bulldog Mindset coaching. John says he has 57 opens and several clicks. John talks about only having 5 slots. 53:00 Josh talks out wrapping up the course and workflow with Jason. Josh talk about doing a membership push with John help with creating a video for the offers. Josh says he is not changing the offer. Mani jokes about firing John if he does not move the needle forward on the business. Some talk about WordPress generated passwords. 1:00:00 Josh talks about making a mistake with custom field and APIs. John talks about after this month they are going to do themed months and content. Josh talks about doing a split test with emails with half with Johns name on it. Josh talks about doing a membership enrollment with increase price if John’s name brings in more people. 1:05:00 EntreProgrammer talk about doing a Getting Over Your Fears course. Josh and Mani discuss which course might do better with sales. EntreProgrammer discuss which topic will do better, Metal Toughness or Getting Over Your Fears. Mani talks about a keyword research on controlling emotions vs. controlling anger. 1:15:00 More talk on keyword research. John talks about how these keywords fit into how the audience is looking to change. EntreProgrammer research the top hitting keyword to further their reach on course topics. EntreProgrammer make jokes about keyword for drunk driving. Thoughts for the week! John - Don't underestimate hard work Josh - Don’t drive drunk Mani - Cutting off work at a certain time.
10/31/20181 hour, 51 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 240: “Lazy Bulldog”

0:15  We’re Live. John talks about Google Hangouts going away. Chuck suggest moving to Zoom for recordings and live streaming. John talks about being back at it. John says he is going to be a bit more involved with projects at Simple Programmer and reviving the old Simple Programmer youtube channel. Mani ask is a podcast would be useful for this next step. John and Josh say that there is a podcast with all this. John talks about getting back to Pomodoros and back to doing work. John shares some info on book sales and launch info. John talks about the review of the F-word used in his book on Amazon. John says to Bulldog Mindsetwebs is now up.  8:30 John talks about getting traffic for the book and website quiz on Are You a Bulldog. John talks about the impressions and emails he collected from the quiz. John shares more on the terms of the kinds of bulldogs on of the quiz. John talks about his email strategy for the Bulldog Mindset campaign for coaching. Mani asks questions about the emails base membership levels. Johns talks about segmenting the email list and how he is targeting the audience.  John talks about the Drip integrations and support for their needs.  17:30 John shares about hitting the pain points for what the Bulldog Mindset is about. John talks about the how he is sharing about the BullDog Mindset. John talks about the tasks of creating and shoot videos and podcasts. John talks about toying with the idea of a Youtube Bulldog Mindset membership. Mani asks about Patreon. John says he is done with Patreon. John says he will work on this Bulldog Mindset stuff and help his boss John with Simple Programmer.  23:00 John talks about the tuff job of putting out a course and battling free information on the web. John says this is curated information tailored for those who want it. Mani asks if he was getting replies to the Simple Programmer emails since he was back working. John mentions looking into other people’s courses like Gary V. And others to get several ideas for streams of content and products. John says he now might have to record at least one video a day.  30:00 Mani ask Josh about what he is going to do since he got John back as his employee. Josh share his plans for the next four months. Josh about creating themes for these next few months as a way to be productive and max out the time with John. Josh share about a members-only webinar. Mani talks about the tip jar on Youtube that John uses when he takes off his shirt. Josh talks about doing Mani’s book topics for Cyber Monday. Josh talks about membership drive and webinars for the Cyber Monday. EntreProgrammers general talks about setting up product sales for the upcoming holiday sales.  40:00 Josh talks about John leaving Simple Programmer made him a scarce commodity. But now he is back for a time, they can promote with better confidence for the next coming memberships and products. Mani suggests checking the Asian Efficiency website. John joking about making a website called anglo efficiency. John jokes about the Red-headed model on the Asian website.  Mani says they have 3 great components. Josh talks about his hopes for the rotation of these themes.  51:00 Chuck ask about where people signup for membership. Josh says this is done via WooCommerce. EntreProgrammers discuss Thrive Cart. John talks about what he learned from VidCon. Mani talks about VidSummit, and how Gary V does not talks about SnapChat anymore. Mani talks about what he learned form VidSummit and Gary V. Mani share what he heard from the summit and Gary V about emails and reaching out. John talks about the Barbell strategy and investing for a guaranteed return and investing in high yield risky investment with 10 percent. John talks about being prolific on YouTube and grow your audience. Mani and John talk about the strategy of Prolific content and time for growth.  1:11:00 Chuck asks about how he has a couple of people who are interested in selling sponsorship for him. But he is worried about how to pay him. Mani says commission only. John asks if you get the best salesmen if you do commission only. John mentions to watch out for those who don’t care about working for commission, because there is a chance of getting high quality or shitty salesmen. Chuck mentions that the two interested people are his neighbor and brother. John says hell no, those are in the group of people you don’t do business with.   John says Chet Holmes’ book Ultimate Sales Machinesuggest not hiring only one salesperson for sales, there should be hired in pairs to compete.  1:21:00 Mani asks about the number of total sponsorship availability for the year. Chuck says about 600K. John suggests going to Best Buy to find salespeople as a joke. Josh again going to the Ultimate Sales Machine for more knowledge for sales. Chuck ask about how to do his renewals for a salesman. Chuck leaves the call to interview someone. Mani shares about book discussions. Mani talks about summaries and how he likes the format. Josh talks about writing a script with Jason for webinars.  1:30:00 Chuck returns. Mani shares more about getting help with recording the summaries to make them more interesting, rather than doing solo recordings. EntreProgrammers talks about how Mani should hire someone who is interested in doing these reviews without much or no pay. Josh gives suggestions about how to do the book report with another person or audience member. John suggests dropping some breadcrumbs on the possibility of payment for work is the business continues to grow.  1:43:00 John talks about how he hired their writer for the Bulldog book. Chuck chimes in with hiring someone to take the task off his plate. Chuck talks about the quality of product and vision for a good hire to help move the business forward. More talks about scaling business and spokespersons. Chuck ask about stopping the hosting role on some of the podcasts… Josh says that would be a good question for next week.  Thoughts for the Week  Chuck - Nothing is for free. Prioritize.  Mani - You need more at-bats John - Kicking ass is the cure for a lot of things    
10/24/201854 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 239 “I’m a Unique Snowflake”

0:15 We’re Live! John is finally back home. EntreProgrammer talks about returning home from travels. John says he is done traveling until the Marathon in La Vegas in November. Chuck suggest to John doing an Ultra Marathon. John says depending on how he feels this might be his last marathon. John talks about hiring a marathon coach to help get under a 4-hour marathon run.  5:30 Charles asks for business advice after speaking with his coach. Chuck gives a rundown on the task assigned to himself after consulting with his business coach. Chuck says he is halfway done with the book. But his coach wants him to work on acquiring more sponsors. So the book might be put on the back burner until Chuck has more time. Chuck says he might refund the sales on the course. This will allow him to get Podwrench done though.  10:00 John asks what task on the schedule will allow him more time. Chuck says Podwrench. John says to weigh out what task will get done sooner. The book? Podwrench? Chuck thinks that dropping all other tasks and focusing on the book might take a month. But he never done it before so the timing is up in the air. Chuck thinks he might have to put off the book. Josh suggest finding someone to help write the book.  18:00 Mani asks Chuck about the numbers on traffic and building the email lists. Josh talk about the tasks and logistics for launching a book. Chuck decides to refund on the book and finish Podwrench. John suggests a refund or apply the funds to a conference.  25:00 Josh talks more about webinars and courses sales. Mani talks about the challenges of selling the course. Josh comments about the use of paid traffic. EntreProgrammers talks about marketing and other kinds of strategies to sell courses and or products. Josh talks about developing content with Jason. Mani and Josh continue to discuss pitching courses via live streams. Mani talks about the responses on doing live streams.  33:00 Mani shares more about his recent strategy on answering questions on a live stream. Josh shares how people wait out prices on Udemy. More talk from the EntreProgrammers about the price on products such as book and courses. Josh talks about building a course around the Complete Guide for Software Developer, as a 12-month program.  Mani talks about the change in the pricing model for Podcaster’s Paradise by John Lee Dumas. Josh talks about courses on their network that do not have John apart of the project.  45:00 John talks about ranking on Google and how traffic works to sell products. Chuck interjects with more questions on things that involve making a sale. Chuck talks about trying something different. Mani talks about how these are based on marketing theory and numbers. Josh says he knows what the levers are in the range and strategy of marketing products. Chuck suggest walking down a different road and trying different things for their marketing strategy. Josh talks about marketing in a lousy market.  52:00 Mani talks about the Microblading market and courses. Josh says testing takes 2-3 months to figure out what is working. Josh talks about the need to Paid Traffic. Josh talks about the handheld community. EntreProgrammers continue to talks about marketing a content base product. Josh talks about selling a mock interview courses.  1:00:00 EntreProgrammers continue to talk about how the course package was presented. Mani talks about the recording products over live presented products.  Josh talks about needing Facebook to market. Mani says running Facebook traffic is another kind of beast. Mani talks about the amount of work Josh is doing and burning through their own list. EntreProgrammers talks about the percentage cut John took as he was making videos for Plural Sight.  1:15:00 John talks about the warped view of money. More talks about selling courses for clients. John talks about about getting a free box of snacks, and considering the value. John refers back to a rip off of a course from a past client. John explains they are selling the outcome of the course. Chuck exists the podcasts. EntreProgrammers continues discussing that Udemy effect and the value of the course.  1:22:00 Josh talks about how videos courses became commoditzied like books over the past decades. John talks about the getting the offer to the right people in their marking strategies. Mani ask about banner ads on the websites. Mani ask about how many clicks do they get on the banner ads. Josh talks about all the test and conversion they did.  1:30:00 Mani ask about driving traffic to the opt-in. Josh continues with testing remarking…. Thoughts for the week!  Josh - Test before you test..   John - It is about what you become after the process Mani -   Simple wins. Complicated does not scale.  
10/16/20182 hours, 21 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 238 “Eat the Bear”

0:15  We’re Live. Chuck coming in from the Frameworks Summit in Park City Utah. Chuck gives a fun down of the various core teams and technologies being discussed at the Summit. Chuck talks about networking and meeting with previous guests on the podcasts show on Dev Chat TV. Chuck talks about being in Orlando last week and being productive.  5:00 Josh asked about the pre-sale on the book. Chuck about selling 16 copies of the book. Mani gives suggestions on what he would have done. Mani was concern about the book sales verses the course sales. Mani and Josh talk about the offers and ways to execute the sales success. Mani asks more about the emails and links for the landing page.  10:00 Josh and Mani talk about the analytics and the actions people were taking when they visited the landing page.  Mani and Josh continue with their opinions about the next steps on how to successfully complete the sales. Mani thinks there is too much information on the page. Mani mentions that the carts have to be optimized a bit more. Mani suggests losing the navigation on the shopping cart.  18:00 Both Mani and Josh show their add to cart features and show how it works. Mani asks about cart abandon rate for Simple Programmer. Chuck asked if there is a list of numbers of analytics on cart abandonment. Josh talks about the different carts he has used in the past. More talk about carts and sales between Mani and Josh.  25:00 Chuck says his plan is to sell the book on Amazon and let the book drive sales to the course. Chuck says this process is helping him learn about pricing, carts, and marketing his product in general. More talk about trial and error.  28:00 Josh and Mani discuss the launch numbers. Mani makes some guess based on a few numbers Josh provides.  Josh says $199 on the live 3 week course, 80k emails sent out. Mani makes some great guesses on the out rate and clicks. Josh says there were no prices mentioned in the email. Mani settles on 100 sales. Josh says he only got 40 sales. Mani says with that rate, Simple Programmer should start selling book summaries. Mani and Josh continue with ideas on the live sale.  38:00 Josh talks about how the high price course model is dead. Also a bit on the overall take on the products since John is not teaching the courses or feature on the product. Josh says no one. Is willing to pay over 200 dollars for any course anymore. More on price declining on the course.   45:00 Josh talks about tactics with Interview Cake. Josh talks about caps on promotions as in their take.  Josh continues to talk about John lasting impact from leaving Simple Programmer. Josh talks about a slow decline of audience and engagement.  53:00 Josh talks about promoting more than a few products. Mani talks about Robert Farrington and his email courses and affiliate courses. Mani mention pushing things down the route of the Simple Programmer community that may help. Chuck mentions that Josh should clarify what he is trying to transition too as the manager of the business. More talks about Interview Cake. Chuck chimes in with telling people where he wants to take them.  1:07:00 John shows up with no shirt.  Chuck suggests ways to look and execute Josh’s vision for the future of Simple Programmer. Chuck thinks a John had a vision of what people wanted. Mani suggests that John should talk rather than talking on his behalf. Josh gives his numbers to John base on the launch on his part. John talks about the economy and talks job market at the present moment. John talks about the immediate situation of the economy and what people need.  1:15:00 Chuck talks more about making a connection with the audience with John’s direction. Mani talks about the growing pains and void of personality. John talks about the sales on the membership. Josh shares on how it is flat based on the email list. Chuck leaves the podcast called. John talks about those who need the resources like Interview Cake.  1:24:00 John says Chuck is probably right about how people associated Simple Programmer as a company that helps people find ways to improve their life a programmer or developer. Mani talks about how he gets emails about John’s Soft Skill program or book. Josh talks about doing a launch on a type of reading club. Mani says excuse me, you thought of that.  1:33:00 Josh says he is surprised by the grown of the Simple Programmer company. John talks about the staple of the company. John talks about doing a Complete Software Developer Career Guide in the near future. John talks about doing videos and such. Josh says for the foreseeable future is the only idea he is wanting to launch at the moment. Mani suggests a membership or community with this title.  1:40:00 Josh talks about what he thinks Simple Programmer is as John the face of the company compared to who he is and is about.  So he is seeing an underline issue if it is not there. John talks about the things Josh has started to do, and follow the path as an entrepreneur with an extreme talent.  So Josh is fit to take the company to the next level. John shares more on the influence he has had on the Simple Programmer mission with Jason Humphrey.  1:50:00 John talks about the Dave Ramsey dinner or gets together. John talks about how if you develop the smarts to become a successful entrepreneur. Mani asks about the value entailed to find the level John is talking about.  1:55:00  Mani asks John to run a list to begin the process. John says it is a way to promote yourself and self development. Mani asks this is a way to replicate John.  John talks about ways to co-write idea to appeal to people to improve their lives.  2:00:00 More talk about the Career Guide” sales and greatness. John talks about the values of the message. Josh talks about testing this out. John suggests a free webinar about Simple Programmer is about, including what Mani has to say. Mani is blown away with what John says about Teaching Programmers that They Can Be More. Mani talks about John be the move without being the face of it.  2:10:00 More talks about the movement. Mani suggests talks about the course once a week. Josh talks about a general discussion. Josh surest following the Soft Skill guide. Josh joke about the OMAD diet. John reinforces Josh’s confidence that he is still doing a great job with Simple Programmer.  2:17:00 John talks about the values of the company and how Josh values all those things. John says that BlueHost is willing to help them with websites and marketing for their customers because that is where self-marketing being, a website. More talks about meeting people on John’s visit to. Thoughts for the Week! Mani - Going back to the purpose or why… John -  Stay the course.  Josh -  Sometimes you eat the bear, Sometimes the bear eats you 
10/7/20182 hours, 27 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 237 "Give Me the Pretzels"

0:15  We’re Live! Chuck says he is having one of those weeks that makes him want to be a pig farmer. Chuck talks about his sponsors not paying him on time. John jokes that Chuck is going to burn down the building. Chuck continues with how these companies are promising to pay in 45 days, but no show. Chuck says he understands that this is a process. John and Chuck agree on a paying upfront policy.  5:10  John talks about sticking to what was agreed upon as far as due payment. John jokes to put up an ad that out the issues of nonpayment from the sponsor. Mani asks about book sales. As Chuck goes into having issues with PayPal restricting his account, but he cannot pull money out from the book sales.  9:10  Chuck talk about talking to Richard at .NetRocks. Mani suggests not using PayPal and switch to Strip to receive payments. Mani jokes about running an 'I cannot buy my lunch' sale. John talks more about using this injustice as a marketing strategy.  13:00 Mani ask is the course is for sale now. Chuck mentions that it is on sales for 500 dollars as of now. Mani asks about some analytics on the current sale. Josh and Mani suggests an urgency strategy for the course and using a timer on the sales page. Josh and Mani give other kinds of suggestion for the sales and marketing strategies.  18:00 Mani suggests writing up 4 marketing emails for revamping the sales of the course. Mani asks about Simple Programmers sales on Plural Sight. Josh gives some analytics and numbers on the sales. Josh says it is about 18k in sales. Josh talks about the issues with the commission and discount offer.  25:00 Josh talks about the 45k sales last year. And Josh says their attitude is what have you done for me lately. Josh says John’s numbers are still pushing in sales at Plural Sight. Mani talks about the tier of commissions according to a Robert Farrington. Josh continues to talk about the clicks and conversions of the material on Plural Sight.  30:00 Josh and John talk about the EPC target. John suggests working backward to figure out how to meet the EPC. John talks more about the complexity of the sales.  Josh talks about experimenting with a waitlist. Mani and John talk about the traffic direction, click and marketing with courses on Simple Programmer.  40:00 John asks Josh talk offering their own discount to up the sales. Josh think it has to be beyond 25% to make it worth it. Josh talks about the sales on the membership.  Josh talks about Jonathan Stark’s book called  The Freelancers Roadmap and how he is using this as a bonus to the sales they’re doing.  45:00 Josh talks about a plugin to setup authors call WooCommerce Authors. Chuck talks about how he is using the WooCommerce site. Chuck ask about how to set up the author plugin as far as getting people on the site.  50:00 Mani and Josh discuss marketing and writing copy for courses, rather they are martial arts or developer material. Josh talks about the skill of building out the course. Josh talks about doing a 21-day course but did not work, then they switch to interviews on webinars. Josh talks more about working with Jason on building courses.  55:00 Josh continues to talk about the process of marketing courses on books or videos. More on the complexities of launching courses.  Chuck says he likes to idea of hiring someone for their skills to build a course. Chuck talks about how he could do this with one of the developers.  1:00:00 Josh talk about his idea with this upcoming course with coding and technical material. Josh talks about this as a review type course to prepare for coding. John talks about signing up for another marathon but he got sick.  Mani suggests chewing garlic to help with a cough. Josh asks about the Thrive convention.  1:08:00 John says is it wipeout from running. John asks if they notice the merge with Create Space and Kindle. Which could help with sales on their book. Mani ask about John’s book Bulldog Mindset. EntreProgrammer talk about the publishing companies. Josh and John talk about Novel Rink that pulls Amazon API and how it is being shut down.  1:13:00 EntreProgrammers talks about how this is similar to people running Facebook ads and such. Mani talks about how it is short-lived as people are trying to build businesses off of a social media platform. Mani says like Alex Jones. John says Alex would be able to write a book. Josh says Alex is still very diversified with several places to pull his material.  1:19:00 Josh said he did have the opportunity to get into the Prepper niche. Josh talks about how Google controls 80% of their email list. So they are done if they get in trouble with them. Mani talks about Alex Jones traffic numbers.  Thoughts of the Week!  Josh - Pomodoros are effective John - Have an exact why Charles - Just got to keep going Mani - Syndicate your content
9/28/20181 hour, 32 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 236 “Josh and Chuck Show 3”

0:15 We are live. John and Mani are at Thrive Conference. Not related to Thrive Cart or Themes. Chuck mentions recording some 14 plus EntreProgrammers podcast this week. Chuck also mention some new signups the the My Story podcasts on the Dev Chat TV network. Chuck explain how the My Story shows fit into the Dev Chat TV network. 4:00 Chuck continues to explain the type of guests on the My Story Podcasts. Josh talks about interview he did with student of Jason Humphrey. Josh and Chuck talks about their guests and topics that are most interesting to them. Sharing all kinds of perspectives. 7:00 Josh ask about the unique guest on the Dev Chat TV network. Chuck explains some of the dynamics between the panelists and guest. Chuck talks about the different perspective and diverse outlook of the panelist on the podcasts. Chuck share that this diversity helps him learn new things. 11:00 Chuck talks about the freedom and goals he is working on with his business coach. Chuck says he is going to work hard in the next few months so he can step back form the business. However, he does plan to have a passion podcasts that he want to continue with. Chuck says this shows are on Podcasting and getting a job or working in the business. 14:00 Chuck says his only issues is time and having a lot of things to do. Chuck talks about getting in to automation and building out systems. Chuck says he is traveling and still working on his book. 20:00 Chuck ask for a suggestion if the needs to hire someone else to handle the sponsorship scheduling. Or should he continue to have Michele do the podcast production and sponsorships tasks. Chuck mention he needs more help with sales calls and selling sponsorship spots. 23:00 Josh thinks a non-skilled person can handle this. Chuck says the outreach for sponsorship might get automated to some degree. Chuck explain his plans for outreach. Chuck says he just trying to figure out how to automate the task in the business. 28:00 Chuck mentions how he needs people that work for him to help, if needed, to create process. Josh says the good salesperson is a good relationship person. As far as Chuck looking to fill the spot for sales calls. Chuck says he does not want to bring someone in, thinking they have a long-term job. Josh thinks he needs to hire himself a figure out the process. 35:00 Josh says getting clarity and honing in on the actual work is difficult. Chuck ask about things on the Simple Programmer end of things. Josh talks about another launch he is about to do. Josh says he is excited about how the contents is coming together. Josh says he is really looking into the prelaunch material. 38:00 Josh and Chuck talk about content creation and marketing content like Jeff Walker. Josh talks more about video material and content for people to engage with. 45:00 Josh talks more about creating content with John. Chuck talks about the tactics with writing a book and Getting a Job and creating or locking in the theme of a hero’s journey. Chuck talks about how his process is working with writing his book. 55:00 Josh talks about rerunning the Plural Sight campaign. Josh talks about the reduced commission from Plural Sight. Josh says this course feeds into the membership. Josh says he is hoping for a 250 sales to boost the membership. 1:00:00 Chuck ask about using WooCommerce but there was an issue with completing the sale with PayPal. Josh says there are always issues with people paying with PayPal. Chuck and Josh continue to uncover issues with the lost sale on Chucks WooCommerces store. 1:05:00 Chuck explains the content of his early copy of this book. Chuck says he is interested in doing some webinars soon. Josh says with launch will be different without John. Josh says this is a good test to see where they are. Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Be willing to challenge what you think the way things are. Josh - We tend to procrastinate on the things that are most important
9/17/20181 hour, 13 minutes, 34 seconds
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Episode 235 “Double Dongle”

0:15 We’re Live! John is back from vacation. Chuck sporting his Javascript Jabber wear. Mani comments on the cooler weather coming soon. Josh jokes about the small weather changes in San Diego. Chuck continues the talks about the 69 and below weather in CA. Josh talks about the -15 degree weather in Pennsylvania.  4:30  Josh talks about the bulge at the bottom of his computer and it needing a battery change. Josh talks about the features of his new MacBook, and how he doesn’t like it. Josh can’t wait for his old computer to get back. More tech talk about computers and John having issues with playing back YouTube videos. Josh talks about double dongle commercial.  11:30  John talks about getting back to work and just interviewed James Clear. John mentions getting his slides done for FinCon. John talks about his strategies and his talk for the event.  15:00 John and Josh talk about their SEO and other lists of things they need to do for Simple Programmer and John’s side projects.  Mani asks if they have an editor. Josh talks about working with their outsource content editor. Josh mentions that the title and backlinks are most important for them. More talk about content creation and things that work now and the types of content that does not bring traffic anymore.  20:00 Josh ask if anyone wants to write a blog post about interview questions. John and Josh talks more about questions and content for their site. Mani ask more about their editors fees and time it takes. More talk about link backs. Mani mentions a membership site transition.  27:00 John mentions reading Blue Ocean Strategy. John continues to describe the courses and subscriptions models of businesses. More on what a Blues Ocean business is about. Josh talks about building the business like ax PluralSight. Josh thinks that a podcast is what the business needs.  Josh talks about their subscriber numbers and the direction he would like to take his podcast.  34:00 John suggest that Chuck take care of the podcast production for Josh. John suggest the podcasts run under Chucks network and they can share sponsorship. Mani talks about a blogger he really enjoys to follow. Mani talks about the problem with the celebrity businesses or business models. Josh says he like what he does right now, but would like to do the same thing and have the business grow. 40:00 Josh mention Zigziglar’s business model. Josh thinks this will be a good experiment since there are a lot of things starting up. John talks about the presence that he might have in the Simple Programmer business. Mani ask why would they Josh and John would want to redo the business model, but only with Josh in the seat. Chuck gives his ideas with what Josh could do in place of running Simple Programmer.  47:00 Mani says Simple Programmer says that Simple Programmer is the Kingmaker as a business model. John says you have to business brand first. John talks about being exposed to the brand at different times. John continues with the introduction to point of sale. Josh talks about the sellability. Josh continues with the time people enter into the business or engage with the content.  55:00 Chuck gives his view on what Simple Programmer is without the help of John’s celebrity. Josh talks about how they have had thing fail when they hand it off. Josh talk about running a business similar to Udemy. Josh talks about help Jason out with the course creation for their community. Josh talks about what he learn with building out the community and coursed and then replacing the hosts.  1:02:00 Chuck talks about reading the book “The One Thing.” The pertains to the podcast production software PodWrench and working on the network. Chuck talks about moving to Google Calendar, away from Schedule Once. Chuck explain how they are using the calendar for appointments. John suggest moving to his process with Assistiant.2, a chrome plugin.  1:05:00 Chuck talks more about scheduling appointments and stuff within the podcast recording process. Chuck talks about the Show Runner material for running the podcast without him. Chuck mentions that a few of his sponsors wanted live ads. So in October Chuck is moving to live ad reads in the podcasts shows.  1:10:00 John suggests some automated features for ads reads and show notes material. Josh says there are podcast services that offer a full service for podcasting, but if Chuck had software it would be a game changer. Josh continues with disrupting the market with podcast production software.  1:20:00 Chuck talks more about getting people on the show in an automated fashion. John talks about what Richard Branson with with T-Mobile as an example. Chuck talks about just solving his own problem. Chuck mentions that they are two show he would like to do as podcast shows, and step away from hosting most of the shows.  1:25:00 Chuck talks more about podcast production with authors or technically savvy guests. Mani mentions a podcast call Optimize Daily.  Josh talks about using podcast as a conversion for memberships rather than a traffic generator. Josh talks about his ideas with Copy Chief.  1:35:00 The EntreProgrammers discuss podcasting and marketing tactics for memberships and courses. More talks about podcasts tailoring for membership. John talks about Tropical MBA podcasts and how it drives membership. Chuck talks about John coming in periodically on the podcasts and writing posts for the membership.  1:41:00 Mani talks about BiggerPockets Podcast and their business model.  Thoughts for the Week!  Josh - Pruning  John - Variation is the enemy of progress  Chuck -  Focus on the things that matter Mani - Don’t build a personality business   
9/17/20181 hour, 50 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 234 “Mistakes and Moving Sites”

0:15  We’re live. I believe. Josh talks about getting emails from Chuck. Chuck mentions going back to shaving his head.  Also, Chuck mentions that things are getting better and is very busy. Chuck talks about how his WooCommerce was not working for him. So no sales for the pre-sale on his new book. Chuck talks about more issues with the commerce site. But immediately sell 5 books as soon as it was set up.  4:00 Chuck talks about extending the deadline on the pre-sale since there were issues with the site. Mani asks about open and click-thru rates for emails and other marketing tactics. Mani asks more about the email open analytics. Josh mentions that he might be better off looking at the Google analytics. Chuck says he is matching peoples expectations on the price. Chuck mentions learning a lot from this launch and being able to do better next time around.  9:30 Chuck mentions other simple mistakes he made like not sending people to the landing page form the e-commerce site. Josh says welcome to the club of marketing and e-commerce mistakes. Josh talk about all the moving parts of shopping carts and WooCommerce. Chuck talk more about the issues with his shopping cart and web page.  14:00 EntreProgrammers talk about mistakes with marketing and more simple mistakes on top of it all. Chuck talks about focusing on having his business run without being involved. So no recording podcast with the other hosts or panelist on Dev Chat TV. Chuck mentions that he needs to have more of a presence on YouTube to help the traffic on the podcasts.  21:00 Chuck talks about possibly releasing the podcasts as video on Youtube. Also, some talks about getting the podcasts on Spotify. Chuck says that he does not like certain podcasts hosting sites. Mani talks about moving his website to a different hosting site like Liquid Web. Josh talks about being on a custom Digital Ocean system. Mani asks about using Simple Programmers web guy for help.  25:00 Mani talks about moving his content around on his website for 2000 Books. Mani talks about getting some help moving his web content without ruining the activity and other stuff. Chuck asks about why rebranding from 2000 Books to 10X Books.  Josh suggest not doing this all at once. Josh suggest cleaning up the site, moving to a new host, and working on the domain name as a safe way to move the site. Josh and Mani talk about making the transition smoother along with not ruin the Google traffic.  32:00 Chuck suggests creating another site or duplicating the site them running both before taking down the older. Josh asked about DNS and other things to think about website directing. Josh suggest setting up the DNS. Josh talks about Simple Programmer traffic and website information.  40:00 More talks about indexing and redirecting. Josh talks about changing EngineX and rolling back sites.  Mani says he feels more comfortable hiring someone to do this for him. Mani asks if they know anyone who could help him. Mani says he thinks he knows who he wants to hire.   45:00 Josh suggests asking about the migration services and waiting to change the domain last. EntreProgrammers talks about growing out their websites. Manis asks about Josh's selling of the memberships and course sales. Josh talks about testing and issues with Zappier.  52:00 Josh talks more about issues and getting help from Podia. Josh talks about activity with the memberships. Josh talks about more plans with the community and memberships. Josh talks about the how he had to change the name of the community.  1:00:00 Josh and Mani discuss the thing they did that could have made the launch more successful. Chuck talks about doing something similar. Josh talks about the types of groups that they could sell membership or subscription too. Josh suggest to Chuck to start a community around the course Chuck is creating.  1:05:00 Josh talks about selling automated products and prices. Mani asks about Chuck course and possible membership group.  Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Focus Josh - Let go of things that you can have someone else do Mani - Products make you money, system make you a fortune
9/12/20181 hour, 15 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 233 "Free Slurpee Coupons!"

0:15  We’re live. John in progress talks about a 15 person meet up in Barcelona. John mentions the numbers he gets on engagement on Instagram. John says the engagement numbers are better than email. John says that he is basically doing an email via Instagram.  4:30 Josh talks about selling sponsorship for spots on Simple Programmer. Josh mentions that the spots were filled immediately. Josh continues to talks about the membership stuff in Simple Programmer. 8:00 Josh and Mani talk about the course, How To Market Yourself, and how they are working out the marketing material. Josh continues to discuss the community and courses he is helping market with a client. Josh talks about his launch is for next month.  10:00 Mani asks if they are getting a discount from Plural Sight. Josh talks about doing a test for another client’s product marketing. Josh continues to talk about the strategies he learned to get the marketing strategies on point. Josh talks about working with pop-ups. Josh talks about testing the opt-in rates. Mani asks about testing with  Two Step Carts. Josh mentions that Podio does the same thing.  19:00 Josh talks about cart abandonment and how their system works at the checkout. John talks about how million dollar companies are able to hire people to do all their testing. Mani suggests that how retargeting could work, but Josh should hire someone to hire someone to do it for him.  23:00 Mani and Josh continue to talks about their strategies for marketing, and outsourcing. Josh mentions using banners as something different in marketing. Mani and Josh go back and forth on testing and marking emails. More marketing and email discussion.  29:00 Josh talks about using a timer with the banner. Mani shares a story about a marketing strategy with coupons and collecting emails to build a list and get more sales. Josh talks about using a wait list page and filling out forms for membership. John talks about the psychological effect of coupons.  35:00 The EntreProgrammers continues to discuss the using coupons. Josh says he may segment the new coupon idea geographically. Josh talks about the new Asia subscribers and traffic form the email list in the US and other counties. Josh talks about the unopened email form those in Asia. Josh says the US subscribers have twice the engagement after that fully subscribe.  40:00 Mani shares some comedy relief from a comedian who talks about negotiation between the different nationalities. Charles mentions having a great week and has written 6,000 words on this book, and is up for pre-sale. Chuck mentions that the book should be complete soon. John talks about helping Chuck with the information he needs to launch on Amazon. Chuck mentions doing a self-publish on Amazon.  45:00 Josh and John give Chuck some pointers on how to launch directly and on Amazon. Chuck talk about implementing an opt-in page along with the book. John gives the rundown about how to launch from book, Kindle, to audio. Johns says this is a great way to not compete with yourself on Amazon. John says the order should be a printed book first, Kindle, then audio with extra content with a relaunch between each format.  50:00 The EntreProgrammer give their best ideas to Chuck to have a successful book launch. John and Mani discuss that the book launch in the first format should be hardcover and softcover later. John says the Kindle book will hurt the printed version because of the price.  55:00 Chuck says the book form him is apart of a course and should be relaunched multiple times with each format. Chuck says he is very interested in raking and build his product offerings.  Thoughts for the Week John - Pick the difficult path Chuck - Your vision is going to change… Josh - Scarcity is everything  Mani - You have to walk the path of complexity, to get to simplicity  
9/3/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 232 “No Longer Making The Pizza”

0:15 We’re live. Let’s take off our shirts and talk. John is still in Barcelona, and John gives a rundown of other travels after vacation. Chuck mentions some other avid listeners of EntreProgrammers and some activity at VidCon. Chuck talks about the stages of his business and work. Chuck talks about his activity and automation in Zappier for last week. Chuck shares his strategy using Zappier for reminders for podcasts.   5:20 Chuck talks about moving off of UpWork with Michelle to a paid salary contractor. John talks about the situation now for Chuck business now rather than in the past with former contractor or workers. Chuck talks about the result he needs with his employees and what they need to document. Chuck continues to talks about the processes he needs to know in his business with John.  11:00 John talks about processes and how Grant Cardone manages things. John shares his thoughts on how he would run a service-based business. Chuck shares his thoughts with working with his contractor Michelle. Chuck shares other kinds of technology he uses to run the production of the podcast with Michelle’s help.  15:00 Chuck talk about using PipeDrive and Notion for the business.  John talks about saving of money on services, but how things are flowing in the business. Chuck talks about how to work with Notion.  Chuck talks about other DevChat show he host on his network.  19:00 Chuck talks about wanting to start on Python show, but has no experience with the language. But he has the knowledge in place to easily start a show and find sponsors. Chuck talks about the automation for social sharing.   23:00 John and Chuck talk about using an intern to help with content and building other arms of the business. John talks about what task he would like an intern do to help build the business. Chuck talks about his team meetings with Michelle along with getting his book started with 10k words.  28:00 Chuck ask about the things John does in the business. John talks about the plans he has for “The Bulldog Mindset.” John talks about working on the “Bulldog Mindset” first them helping with Simple Programmer material. Chuck asked if Bulldog Mindset was separate from Simple Programmer. John thinks this is a separate thing.  33:00 John and Josh talk about how their business has moved away slightly from programming and coding, but they still love it. John says they are no longer making the pizza. John mentions the duties of a content creator verses on being a business owner and podcaster.  37:00 Chuck talks about sponsors being late on payments and such. Chuck talks about partnerships. John shares his idea with a 50k reserve with their Simple Programmer account. Chuck and John discuss their ideas for reserve accounts. Chuck asked if John is working on the Bulldog Mindset book? Josh mentions he is working on the Instagram platform.  45:00 John says that even retired, he like busting his ass and still building other kinds of businesses. John says he is growing in the sponsorship area in the Simple Programmer business. John says he is still connected to the Simple Program channel, which should be separate from Bulldog Mindset. Chuck talks about a self-publishing platform. John talks about helping Chuck with his book launch.  50:00 John shares reviews on books and how they leverage to do so. John shares more about the different tasks to launch book. John talks about the optimal price for the recent book. Also having a meeting with Chuck to talk about marketing his upcoming book.  56:00 Chuck asks about what John uses to write the book. John says he used Google Docs. John says he would do about 200 pages. John talks about the nuances of selling on Amazon. Chuck talks about how he wants to launch his book.    Thoughts for the Week Chuck - The buck stops here.  John - Pain is good.   
8/24/20181 hour, 12 minutes, 8 seconds
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Episode 231 “Pay in Chucks”

0:15 We are Live! John coming to us from Barcelona. Chuck suggest ordering a Topas. Chuck talks about numbers dropping because on the IAB Tracking system for podcasts. Chuck gives info on how Apple podcasts app relay tracking to host systems. Chuck mentions this due to what the sponsor Digital Ocean was expecting, but the tracking had changed since iOS 11. 5:15 John says that Chuck should not change the pricing according to the new tracking system. Chuck asked if should steer away from the gold standard as far as pricing goes. John suggests not to put if you foot in your mouth. Also some talk around keeping prices constant according to traffic. Chuck says the sponsors pay based on traffic. Chuck said he wants to deal straight. 10:00 John says he would not say anything on lowering prices base on the changes. Chuck said he will put the rates on Josh says that Chuck should ramp up on offering additional value. Chuck says he might do something like showing how to use the sponsor product as a bonus. John talks about be forthcoming and how that can hurt you. Josh talks about what they are promised and what they’re getting. 15:00 Josh says this is based on what was happening historically. The number of downloads do not correspond to the numbers in traffic. Josh mentions asking for their numbers or using some sort of tracking to figure the actual numbers. John says if you are getting paid on conversations then he should charge more. John gives some examples of their affiliate on Bluehost since they are controlling the funnel. 22:00 Chuck says a lot of sponsors want to spend the money to feel better because they feel like they are doing something. Chuck talks about KendalUi\I and how they are getting value out of sponsoring DevChat TV. John says we live in a bubble of people tracking conversations. Josh makes a funny correlation to casinos and sponsorships conversations. 27:00 Mani pops into the mastermind, immediately the topic switches to Facebook Ads. Chuck talk about his open rate and click thru rate on a recent email. John, Josh, and Mani talk about still getting emails for Traffic and Conversion event after unsubscribing. Mani talks about emailing for a long time, and warming up the audience. Mani talks about how people are so afraid of emailing the list. 33:00 Mani mentions talking to Jason Hartman, about emailing a list. Mani says even he could write an email to sell his products. Chuck talk out thinking about run ads to Facebook. Mani talks about running the email promotion to Josh’s email lists. Mani talks about starting a campaign for his promotion. Mani continues to talk about getting 7 dollars per customer list. 41:00 Mani talks about learning to campaign with real money burning. Mani says that the costs for marketing is the prices of repetition. Mani talks about the money he spends to see what would happen. More discussion about the marketing strategies and behavior of the audience. John says this makes the Facebook marketing strategies profitable with the re-marketing. 50:11 Josh talks about remarking and how it works. Mani talks about how this was a learning experience and how they could run ads to Facebook if the wanted too. John mentions the book, Thinking in Bets. Which is about putting money on the line. Mani said he could not do his ad spend right away on Facebook. John mentions that Instagram might be the future of advertisement. Josh mentions that Facebook is losing their hold on advertisements. 58:00 John mentions the engagement on posting a picture on Instagram. More talk on rerunning ads on Facebook. John talks about ads from a supermarket. More talks on email emails and marketing. 1:10:00 John talks about doing a contest among themselves. Josh talks about more how sending more emails verses bringing in more money. Thoughts for the Week! Josh - Curiosity is powerful! Confusion is the death of the sale. Mani - The learning happens when you are forced to deliver results John - Content is King! Chuck - My phone is my work avoidance
8/17/20181 hour, 26 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 230 “You Don’t Need Underwear…”

0:15  We’re Live! Josh is moved and partially unpacked in his new home. 3X the work he expected. EntreProgrammers discuss the trail of moving. Josh talks about how did not get anything done during the move. Josh talks about trying to move with children in the house. Mani talks about minimizing the things you own.  5:20 Chuck compared Josh’s move to life lessons he learned about stuff you have to do, and the extra stuff you did not know you had to do. Josh says the stuff they moved was sentimental materials. Move talk about sorting through your belongings, your business, and life in general.  9:30 Mani asks if their emails for their re-run on the 10X Productivity course is going to launch again. Josh talk about the up sale that Mani has in place for the product. Josh and Mani talk about the new variables in the product since Josh and Mani are doing this without John. Josh says he is going to do 4 email for this promotion.  14:00 Mani talks about the upsell products that are apart of the promotion. Josh and Mani mention that is 29 dollar promotion for a couple of the products. Josh and Mani discuss raising prices where they can. Mani mentions why he is doing these crazy tests, and he looks at the EPC numbers. Mani asks the bump should be higher or lower. Lower is probably best according to Josh.  25:00 Josh continues the discuss the actions and plan around the past promotion he has done with Mani. Mani says there is nothing like being in front of the right people at the right time. Mani asks if this list is going to be on a different list. Josh says this list is some 37K people.  30:00 Mani asks about the difference between the Simple Programmer and Sublime list. Josh and Chuck talk about having to lock their office doors to keep the kids out of the office. Chuck talk about being frustrated with not being able to get work done.  35:00 Chuck talks about the problems of trying to sell his parents house. Chuck share more about his idea to write his book on release on labor day. Chuck talks about his ideas to write 1500 words per day for the book. The book pre-sale is at The course and book are at 50% off for now on pre-sale.  39:00 Mani and Josh talk to Chuck about ideas on how to pitch the book and course to Chuck’s list. Josh suggest going to the audience and doing a webinar to figure out what the need.  45:00 Josh talks about a customer who bought a 10 dollar course on Udemy. Chuck talks about sending out emails and doing a webinar later this week to pitch the book and course. Mani talks about sending a non-sales email about creating excitement for the products. Josh asks how he is delivering the course content. Chuck says he is using WP courseware on Woocommerce.  50:00 Chuck talks about finding a plugin for woo commerce to help thank your customers. Chuck talks about other ways he is using the Thank You page.  Thoughts for the Week! Mani -  Commitments or Pre-Commitments Chuck - Killing Procrastination Josh - Getting an assistant  
8/16/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 229 "Alternate Reality"

0:15 John talks about his 12 hour trip to Rome. John talks about starting a podcast call Mic Check. John mentions visiting only 3 countries this summer. John says he is glad there are more EntreProgrammers, because he can now sleep during the show. 5:30 Chuck mentions going to Podcast Movement 2018 and talks about the events that took place during the conference and the best take aways of the conference. Chuck talks about the new tracking research he learned about from the conference. Also some ideas on how to pull tracking numbers form 3rd party services. Chuck talks about talking to Self Publishing School for a book. Chuck talk about doing so videos for subscribers 17:00 Mani ask about downloads verse subscribers on the podcasts. Chuck talks about creating book for React, JavaScript, Python, etc., and explain the concepts in the book for newbies. Chuck talks about he idea to do consistent production launches and create a continuous incoming.  23:00 Chuck talks about talking to he audience. Mani thinks Chuck could sale the product, or a pre sale, before he makes the videos. Mani talks about transparency in the product sales and testing. Mani talks about selling his course before he makes or create the content. Mani talks more about testing before selling to the public.  29:00 Mani says to get over to subconscious fear of selling. Chuck talks about opening sponsor spots on his podcasts where he could talks about his product. Mani talks about how to use lead magnets to evaluate what people want. Chuck asks about what is in Rome for John. John says he is going on a cruise later in the week.  33:00 Mani ask about the Podia , a course software company, affiliate promotion. Josh thinks it was a disaster or did not go well for them. Josh talks about the emails he wrote  to the 86k people an no conversions and no sales on day one. Josh mention that subscription software is not reality their thing, but courses are key for them.  40:00 EntreProgrammers talks about selling 2X4s to build a hypothetical house in the entrepreneur world. Josh gives his thought a bit early. EntreProgarmmer talk about making course about how to create courses.  50:00 Josh talks about doing a test launch for another client selling more courses. Josh talks more about the courses he will be working on in August and some idea he has for the community. Mani talks about marketing strategies of other entrepreneurs and how they increase conversions and sales.  1:00:00 John talks about paying for coaching to push you ahead on a full-time job before becoming an entrepreneur. John says it depends on on the kind of coaching you do.  Mani mentions that he is working on video upsets scripts. Mani talks about he recent affiliate launch. Rc Thoughts for the Week!  John - The key to figuring out where you fuck up now, it in the past Chuck - Get out of your comfort zone Josh - It either I good Idea, or a good story Mani - Shrink the scope, keep the discipline 
8/16/20181 hour, 13 minutes, 51 seconds
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Episode 228 “Simple Programmer Edition”

Josh and John discuss the Simple Programmer business and product discount for members. Discount starts at 50%.  Chuck joins and talks about landscaping and yard work. Yes, entrepreneurs do yard work too. More promotional talks with Mani and Josh. 
7/30/20181 hour, 12 minutes, 7 seconds
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Episode 227 "Just Josh and Chuck"

Chuck and Josh start off talking about golfing and working on the yard. Chuck talks about some sponsors paying late and working on the podcast business. Also some discussion on how sponsor/business works.   
7/30/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 226 “Monster Sheep”

John, Chuck, and John discuss Josh’s recent trip to Ireland with hisPerry Marshall group. Again more talks about the heat wave and retreat talk. John talks about changing his youtube channel to BullDog Mindset. Chuck talks about landing more sponsors for Dev Chat TV Podcasts, and much more!
7/30/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 225 “We are the Only Ones”

John and Mani only today. The show must go on. John and Mani discuss getting ready, but never being ready ever. John talks about taking the shot anyway even if you are ready or not. Commit first! 
7/30/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 224 "Are You Here For Pleasure, or Pleasure"

EntreProgrammers talk about upcoming international travels, Interview Cake and upcoming collaborations and much more!
7/30/20181 hour, 39 minutes, 37 seconds
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Episode 223 "Home Improvement?"

0:15 Josh is currently in Ireland. Chuck mentions that John forced Josh to retire. Also, some talk about the climbing stock of Plural Sight Stock, and how other are wishing the bought when the prices were low. 3:15 Chuck talks about mentioning to his cohost that he was not going to host with them for a few weeks. Chuck mentions putting to use the extra time to reach out to sponsors and getting some leads. Main talks about persistence at its max, and how to strategically leverage your persistence. 7:10 Mani talks about open and unopened emails with email marketing. It does not necessarily mean that they are not listening. John mentions Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes . Mani mentions how the recent launch went for himself and John. Mani speaks about the meditation product and the price point. Mani talks about how John sells on Youtube. 11:30 Mani talks about going into sales pitches in a very careful manner, so it does not look like a money grab. Mani continues with selling out youtube. 14:00 Chuck talks about the placement of the marketing pitch on youtube videos, and the strategics on giving a proper offer. Chuck talks about the body language the relays via the videos during a pitch. Mani says there is nothing wrong with giving a pitch.  Mani talks about how sleazy is easy to see on the video. Some talks about Alph M Channelon selling. 20:00 John talks about his ideas and strategies for completing a pitch. Mani talks about how they’ve learned a lot with this last launch. Chuck says that if John was talking more about Meditation on his channel sales might have been better for him. Mani talks about his strategy for connecting the feeds of the two videos created by himself and John. Mani talks about doing priming and creating pre-content. John says he would change the price point of the product. 27:00 Mani talks about thinking about you pitch when making a product on Youtube. John talks about being contacted for a casting director to a home improvement channel and want him for a host. John says he is going to do a demo reel and if get the gig he will be a host on a home improvement show. Chuck says they will be famous by association. 32:00 Josh and the EntreProgrammers mention that this home improvement show might similar and base on Air BnB type homes. Mani says after this, John could sell anything on Youtube if this goes through. John talks about hitting on the elements of urgency. More talk about clicks and pitches. 37:00 Mani says he cannot wait for John to sale like Alph M channel. John says he like SAX brand for underwear. John says he decided to undertake a new book “Bulldog Mindset.” John says he is working on a book proposal for his agent. Johns says he has all the outlines and all he has to do is write. Chuck ask about his workflow for prepping for the book. John says this book is going to be 80,000 words. John talks about the pricing and pricing of creating a book. John says writing smaller book to keep production cost down to make money. 44:00 Mani asks about the process for John’s next book as far as writing. John say he is going to focus on the manuscripts and proposal. Mani talks about how the Cast Director is probably looking for his personality. John reads the email he got form CBMC. Mani suggests the John should go to Best Buy to buy a camera holder before his interview with CMBC. Thoughts for the Week Chuck - If you need time, take time.  Work on your business, not in your business John - Always have a hustle Mani - If you don't pay, you will not get anything out of it
6/30/201857 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 222 “Caching”

0:15  We’re live. John is currently on a house swap vacation in 10 degree cooler weather. Josh is talking about having San Diego on his weather app and loves the weather. Mani talks about his recent launch, 600 clicks, 17 sales at 300 dollars. Mani mentions being asked to unsubscribe some people on the list. Mani talks more about the logistic of the launch and email writing.  5:00 Mani talks about a 502 error and trying to figure out the issues with the sales page. Josh gives some feedback on the Chrome feedback. EntreProgrammer thinks there is something wrong with Mani’s WordPress page. This is a great episode to learn about the HTTP and HTTPS setting in WordPress and how to correct the issue of an un-viewable page.  10:00 Mani asks if there are any other settings he needs to know about the page. Chuck explains how the security features work on the page, and also some plugin info, and how to clear the cache. Mani talks more about the setting on the sales page. Josh gives some information on Mani’s overall conversion rate for the recent Meditation product launch.  18:00 Josh talks about his email launch experience and things to look for on a launch. EntreProgrammers are still trying to help Mani refresh his page. Josh talks about replacing the Patreon income. Mani talks about killing the Caching plugin to help the sales page. Mani asks about how dollar per subscriber should work. Mani talks about deactivating the caching page. Josh talks about the caching activity on their Simple Programmer page and the SEO team starting to change things.  25:00 Chuck talks about emailing his cohost and telling them about how he was not recording podcasts for at least 3 weeks. Chuck talks about creating a media kit for the sponsorship purposes. Chuck talks about some Blubrry issues. Chuck talks about the analytics of the popular show on Dev Chat TV. Chuck talks about building out his own tracking system for podcast downloads, to track the activity of the individual shows.  30:00 Chuck talks about switching feeds or activity on the shows to get a more updated and accurate statistic of the shows. Josh mentions a tracking data system on a new letter to track data analytics on the activity on the new letter. Chuck talks more about tracking on ROI of sponsors and trying to get feedback to help ROI. Chuck talks about his issue with recording podcasts and creating content for the shows.  37:00 Mani asks about the compensation of hosting shows on Dev Chat TV. Chuck explains how this works for the Dev Chat TV network. Chuck talks about how this might be an issue with a few hosts, but not all. John mentions a book to help the people show up for hosting. The book is called. “Pimp: The story of my life.” More talks about how to control the hosting situation. Josh suggests a way to create an automated system to allow hosts and panelist to attend to call.  43:00 Chuck talks about his critical role in the podcast business. Mani thinks that Chuck’s business is scalable. Chuck talks about being the talent and getting to the place or goal. EntreProgrammers talks about bring the host in the sponsorship sales. But that is not a good idea according to EntreProgrammers.  50:00 Mani asks about Josh’s mastermind emails. Josh explains that he is going to do a paid webinar as apart of the community growth. Mani talks about how he wants to see Josh’s personal story with LinkedIn. Josh says he is going to shut down the Sublime Text new letter and merge the program with the Simple Programmer list.  1:00:00 Josh talks about how to properly transition a dead list and move into a new direction. Josh talks about how he implemented ways to unsubscribe and move forward as a subscriber. Josh talks about how he is going to work on LinkedIn projects next week and help Mani in early July. Mani jokes about Killing John in the business, then scaling the business. Josh says John is like Cornel Sanders in the business. 1:07:00 Mani suggests listening to Dan Fagella podcasts. More talks about Mani’s launch.  Thought of the Week! John - Optimize for the future or for life. Mani - Sometimes I should push through or create better systems  Josh - It important to have a big goal, to take big action. 
6/14/20181 hour, 24 minutes, 46 seconds
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Episode 221 “The Hamster Wheel”

0:15 We’re Live. Josh talks about getting shocked about a newsletter email entitle GDR is Bullshit. Mani says he would like to see an unsubscribe rather than a spam issue. EntreProgrammers talks about the rights or non rights of GDPR. Josh talks about his goal to gain 25 subscribers and some email activity in the marketing area. Josh continues his goal to reach 100 subscribers. More talk about this community from Josh. 10:00 Josh talks about using Facebook and Slack for the community he created, and how to manage the conversations and resources. Josh talk about the tiers of the community, similar to a small mastermind group. Josh says he is focusing on the bottom tier because that is where most people will be. Josh talks about the signup and sales, and growing the product. Chuck says he finds this interesting as another thing to do for the developer community. Josh says this is going to be his focus for the next few months. 17:00 Chuck asks about the training material that Josh is going to be offering for the community. Josh explain how he is going to sort of duplicate this base on another persons community or group. Josh talks about an email he received and how it is useful for giving value for reaching out. Mani talks about John Lee Duma’s group that he created and the terms of being in the group. Mani says this was similar to a Facebook group. 22:00 Mani ask what is Josh’s goal for the group. Josh says he wants this to replace their product revenue, about 30K. Josh says he is trying to create scarcity with the product and sell more spots. Josh talk more about the terms in which he is letting people into the group. Mani says John Lee used price rising as a way to get more people in the group. John talks about the “Make More Money” situation, as they are in the business of make more money in your job, rather then in your business. 30:00 More discussion about the possible future of the community and help people get jobs using this platform. More talks about urgency, pricing and targeting. Josh ask if Mani did his launch. Mani says no. Mani shares his email/info with the EntreProgrammers. 40:00 Josh provide feedback to Mani on the formatting. Josh continues with text color and other aspects of formatting. Chuck give feedback on the story on Mani’s document and marketing strategy. Chuck gives feedback on the social proof and amount of content. Mani ask about the sweet spot on the amount of story he should tell. Josh give some feedback on the optimum percentage of story in sales copy. 50:00 EntreProgrammers talk about the strategy of sharing stories in sales copy. Josh says Mani need 5 kinds of copy. Chuck says to boiling it down to one common success story. More talk about the elements of sales copy. Mani asks about the research material and tying in the science into the sales copy. Chuck and Josh give feedback on how they would execute the sales copy. 1:00:00 Mani talks about ship out his launch next week. Chuck talks about how a sponsor is not going to renew their sponsorship. Chuck talks about how he wanted to offer a different marketing strategy to his sponsors. Josh says to try it out with a few customers as a test. Chuck says he wants to be the premier place for developers to go for material. But he is willing to try this for a few sponsors. Chuck talks about the rotation of the sponsors. Chuck says he wants  see their numbers but the sponsors are not providing that numbers. Josh asks that they should look at the business model and their marketing strategies. 1:07:00 Chuck shares that sponsors are asking about a sales type page to provide the information for the optimum sponsor reach. This would be similar to a media kit.  Chuck says he needs to take a week and create this kit or document. Chuck says he might not have enough time for hosting the newer shows, and may have too only keep up the older shows. 1:10:00 Josh suggest training the host and freeing up time. Josh ask about the amount of time Chuck is using to produce content. John suggests moving away from the shows and working on the business. Josh suggests putting systems in place so the show do not die without Chuck as a host in the show. Mani asks about what Pat Flynn does. 1:15:00 Josh says he like the sabbatical idea for Chuck to take some time to work on growing the business. EntreProgrammers agree that Chuck should focus on picking only the show he wants to do. John gives a brief updates on his Bulldog Mind Set ideas.   Thoughts for the Week! Chuck -  Reorganizing, forward motion, finding quiet space John - Getting the momentum back Mani - It is ok to have a tough time once in a while Josh - Getting back to winning!
6/6/20181 hour, 28 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 220 “Come at me bro!”

0:15 We are live. Josh mentions being sick of GDPR, and the tons of emails and notifications about the change with Data. John says fuck GDPR. Chuck explains some of the implementations of GDPR. John mentions the VAT Tax. Josh explains the paying of taxes in other countries. Josh talks about his stance on GDPR.  Mani asks about how to be GDPR compliant. Josh explains how marketing and emails will work when becoming GDPR compliant.  6:00 Josh talks about how small business will hurt in Europe due to the changes with GDPR. EntreProgrammers discuss more about how GDPR will affect marketing email lists. John says to wait for fo the idiots comply first the wait for the law to rollback. 11:00 Josh talks about having to pay California State tax because of some business ties there. Mani talks about some copyright infringement some with the Think and Grow Rich people or owners. John talks about the growth of technology and how our data is everywhere.  15:00 John says data should be up to the consumers and how they choose to provide that to business and public. Josh asks about Mani’s meditation course and the email he was receiving. Mani reads his list on how his mediation will help subscribers. Mani talks more about his email list.  25:00 Josh talks about the email list for EntreProgrammers. Josh continues to talks about dropping open rate with other business emails. Josh talks about how he saw a drop in open rate as well. John says with the GDPR happening everyone might see some open rates dropping.  29:00 Mani talks about the angle he wants to take with selling the mediation course and the survey.  Mani asks about other things he may not have considered with launching the course.  Also some talk on addressing the “woo woo” in the practice. Mani and the EntreProgrammers discuss and address ways to present this course to the email list. EntreProgrammers suggest selling to those who have not tried mediation yet.  36:00 Mani jokes about sending an email on what Chuck said about meditation on “Oomm.”  Mani continues to talk about the other content he has and his plans for other products.  42:00 Josh and Mani talk about backlinks and how to leverage with backlinks. Josh suggests another way to approach people or other business for backlinks.   50:00 John talks about being contacted by a newscaster about one of his videos on being 30 and living in at home. But she misunderstood that John was not living at home with his parents.  John talks about how Skills Soft paid them some money for the license to use the skill guide. Mani asks about the hired writer, and some talk on SEO, and link building with a company they are working with.  1:00:00 Josh says he might be able to get links for 100 bucks a link. Josh says this is about an hour a job, which means the links are worth saving time. Mani and Josh talk about the values of links and how that can create SEO traffic and double the business. Josh talks about working on a blog post and SEO.  Thoughts for the Week Mani -   Order of consequence  Chuck - Building something different  Josh - Figuring out incremental steps  John - Stoic Philosophy and Reaching a point of contentment
5/30/20181 hour, 20 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 219 “Russian Brides”

0:15 Mani talks about almost becoming a video game developer. Josh talks about doing an experiment with a viewer named Jason, who was writing some emails for Josh about video game development. Josh talks about the email marketing experiment. John jokes about emailing about about being interested in a Russian bride.  Josh talks more about how this could be viewed as a hobby rather then something to build a career.  5:00 Mani and Josh discuss the type of revenue this could generate with being primarily concern with the price and list. Josh talks more about the launch of another project and more talks about video game development projects. Mani talks about the details of changing your tribe verse stay with your current focus.  11:00 John says he open the Nasdaq yesterday, or he was there with the group of people who did, like the CEO of Plural Sight. Josh asks how big Lynda is now. More talk about the voting power on Facebook and IPO within Plural Sight and Lynda. Mani talks about the power of Facebook ads, that blew up a Photographer business. Josh says he met Gene Simmons at Nasdaq. John talks about buying shares of Plural Sight. Josh talks about the tax benefits of holding shares.  20:00 Mani ask if there is an app Sumo of software developers. Chuck talks about having a rough time getting stuff done. Chuck says he has been slightly depressed and doing his best to get by. John suggests that Chuck go into trend water mode. Chuck says he is frustrated but knows he needs to push through. Josh says since that things are running on in-place systems, thing might run better without him.  27:00 Chuck says he is deciding rather he wants to continue doing certain things on his schedule, like recording podcasts, setting up sponsorships, etc. Chuck continues talks but lacking that motivation to do work that requires at least ten minutes of time. Chuck talks about taking with his helper about doing to production manager tasks.  30:00 Mani brings in an example of how John Lee Dumas has changed up his format up to keep up the motivation in his podcast production. Chuck says he might change up his office to get a different view of things. Maybe next week he will be in a better emotional place. John suggests worrying only about the critical stuff to keep the business running. Chuck says he mentally gave himself the permission to take some downtime to recover.  35:00 Mani says his deliverability of Convertkit just tanked. Josh explains a similar situation he experienced with Simple Programmer when he was not using John’s email. Josh talks about moving off of ConvertKit, but has heard of people thinking is was a Drip problem.  40:00 Josh says that Mani should try creating a new email to see if this fixes the issue. Mani says every time he fixes something, something else happens in business. John says email is dying as well to SnapChat. EntreProgarmmers talks about the many different facets of marketing. Chuck talks about Josh’s point about people’s emails living on the Gmail servers.  45:00 Josh tries to backtrack and figure out the email deliverability issues for Mani. Josh looks about the open rates and other analytics and explain when the issues began. Josh and Mani that Google just has so much power with content and emails. Josh suggests again creating several dummy email accounts and do some testing.  50:00 EntreProgrammers suggests that Mani do more AB testing or split tests. Mani says he is going to cut out the images. Josh suggests that the email should look natural. Mani says the issues is in the promotions tab. Mani says just like that his email marketing is over. Chuck suggests becoming a pig farmer.  55:00 EntreProgrammers talk about snake oil products and those other projects that actually help people. John says the next product is about Making Money, Getting Russian Wives, and Lose Belly Fat! Mani says Zuckerberg tanks their businesses. Josh talks about all the changes coming to the internets and social media.  Josh gives more suggestions. 1:04:30 Call gets cut short Thoughts of the Week  John - Talk to Richard Simmons 
5/24/20181 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
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Episode 218 “Building Systems”

0:15 We’re live. Chuck talks about getting back form Microsoft Build. Josh talks about attending a Perry Marshall seminar called Rosetta Stone , and meeting great marketing folks. Josh says John and Mani are not going to join, but he wanted to hear about Mani’s launch  5:15 Chuck talks about his experience at Microsoft launch, but watch the live stream from the hotel and had a better experience. Chuck talks about the podcast recordings he recorded at Build and having recording issues. But was able to record several episodes for JavaScript Jabber. Chuck talks about creating a job board or org-chart of some sort prescribed by his business coach.  10:00 Chuck says this role process will help everyone to know their exact job as far hosts, editor and all facets of the podcast production. Chuck and Josh talk about their processes with their bookkeepers. Chuck talks about how the job role program is helping him get clarity with the production process.  15:00 Chuck talks about the many different areas where the system processes with help optimize production. Chuck talks about going back to MatterMost for the communication process within his network. Also, Chuck talks about moving off of Asana and on to Trello, so he could see every task at a glance.   20:00 Chuck shares this screen to see the overall organization change he has made in the last few weeks. Chuck talks about the using Team Drives and all the content and documents for the company process for inviting guess on the the podcasts.  25:00 Josh talks about how he was surprised with Microsoft's Visual Studio Code. Chuck continues with the job roles and training for the production manager. Chuck shows his Dev Chat TV product board and the kinds of things he is using it for to keep systems running smoothly.  30:00 Josh ask if someone is responsible for maintaining the Trello board. Chuck says he is excited to get this organizational stuff together. Chuck talks more about the sponsorship machine. Josh says Ops would be easier to source. Chuck says he wants his help to rock the boat a help improve the processes.  37:00 Chuck and Josh discuss the sponsorship pipeline with Dev Chat TV. Chuck talks about being emotional drain lately, but was able to build out his org chart. Josh talks  about the marketing of one for the products on Simple Programmer. Josh talks about the conversion rates on the books and products.  40:00 Josh talks about doing some AB testing on the sales funnel and possibly creating a new lead magnet. Josh talks about switching emails and is finally seeing a better open rate. Josh says the old email address or John’s email address was tainted or automatically going to spam or junk mail.  50:00 Josh talks about the sales drop during March, and was beating himself trying to figure out the the issues with the funnel. Josh talks about figuring out what he wants his new business model to be during this transition. Josh talks about platforms for mentoring those who want to learn marketing and such. Chuck talks about AirPair and how they help. Josh says his is going to work on Paid Membership communities. Also some talks about DisCourse.  58:00 Josh talks about is plans for the paid membership course. Josh talks about the paid mentorship course and the coaching plans that he was to implement as apart of the paid membership product. Josh says he feels like the technical platform community will scales easier.  1:03:00 Josh says he got clarity on this the past week, and he wants something that could be purchased. Chuck says he has no desired to sell Dev Chat TV, but the system running smoothly is very important. Josh says he was to build something that could be bought by a company like Plural Sight.  1:08:00 More talk about building system and the next clear step for the business. Chuck says his focus is to bolt the machine together.  Thoughts for the Week!  Chuck - It’s ok to back up and go the other way Josh - Common values 
5/16/20181 hour, 14 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 217 "Buy My $hit!"

0:15 We’re Live.  John talks about a company with a language learning course that he met with at MircoConf and how they have no email marketing strategy. We need Josh Earl in there. Josh says he needs to open a re-education center for marketing. John mentions how everyone at MircoConf was looking for Josh. 6:00 Chuck mentions that his father passed during or after his sister’s wedding. Also, Chuck talked about his traveling to MircoConf and taking care of his family. 10:00 Josh asks about their, John and Chuck’s experience was at MicroConf. John says he was asked why he was there, after being retired. John talks about kidnapping a couple of sponsors. John says there were a lot of repeat attendees. John says Josh had a lot of fans at MicroConf. Chuck says he goes to MircoConf to catch up with people. 15:00 Josh says Vegas is one big truck stop. Mani says he does not like Vegas to much. Chuck says the marketing of Vegas is based on all the wrong stuff. Mani mentions to he is now writing out his sales page, and asking for proofing from the EntreProgrammers. Josh gives a rundown on what he likes and not likes on a sales page. 20:00 EntreProgrammers give Mani feedback and suggestions on the new sales page and their best insight on how to properly market his new Meditation product. John suggests using a guilt to sale the product. Chuck and Josh talk about there reason they do or do not practice meditation. More talk about how to market Mani’s Mediation course. 28:00 Chuck suggests that the sales page should not be a huge block of text. But it should be easy to digest and very easy to read. Josh gives an example of what John’s sales pages look like, about the difference on Desktop and Mobile. Mani says he was to share his story and some scientific research on the page. Josh talks about what the proof elements are for Mani’s page. 35:00 John suggests using stories on those who decide to meditate later in the game and saw a huge improvement in their personal and business life.  Josh suggests leads with only one thing, and the angle is very important before you talk about the sales page content. Chuck suggest doing interviews with those who are seeing the benefit of meditation, and those who have trouble finding the time to meditate. 40:00 John suggests plan be is to use a Justin Bieber meme that says “F-You Buy My Shit!.” Josh and Mani talk about VSL and conversations. Mani talks about how his story starts with one benefit to the next. Josh says to start with one benefit. John says the biggest question is to sell them on how it will not take too much time to meditate. 50:00 Josh refers back to a previous promotion they did on JavaScript courses, and the topic of waiting for people to come around. Josh says he agrees with John’s suggestion on to market to those who need to be sold on starting meditation, but already know the benefits of meditation. Mani says TM has done significant marketing on their products. John says he took a poll on his YouTube channel on how many videos he should make per day.  Here are the numbers, 1 per day 30%, 2  per day 9%, more than 2 8%,  3 per week about 53%. Chuck says people do not know what they want. 1:00:00 More talk about the rate of video production and publishing verses subscribers and unsubscribes. John mentions some feedback on a subscriber how talks about low-quality content and number of videos. John breaks down video production and viewers. Maybe fewer videos will get more views from subscribers, versus publishing several videos and multiple views across all of them. 1:10:00 Josh continues with content creation and read/view times. Mani talks about trial and error time, and engagement. More talk about gaining traction. Mani talks about Amanda Bucci and how she transitioned from Instagram to YouTube. Mani suggests John just take off his shirt. Mani says the focus has to be on content and creativity of the video. 1:20:00 John talks about view time on the videos on YouTube and how it is important. John says this is the “5- 10 ways to do something” strategy to get higher view time. John shares some analytics on his highest video views and shares. Mani talks about animation and content creation. Chuck says he likes that they are back to some 2 hour long episodes. 1:30:00 Mani says to this type of video production Johns editor will have to learn to think like a marketer as well. Thoughts of the Week! John - Reality is stranger than fiction Chuck - Take the time out to care Josh -  Letting go of things and find people to get this done Mani - Very few things actually matter  
5/9/20181 hour, 38 minutes, 59 seconds
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Episode 216: “I’m Not Wearing Underwear”

0:15 Chuck talks about buying a van in progress, and issues with his father’s health. Josh says he is feeling underdress. Also some talk about Kanye West. John talks about doing a live stream with Antonio from Real Men Real Style. John talks about the Q&A format and interview with Antonio. John mentions that a lot of things are “down” as far as Youtube view and other things.  6:30 Mani asks about unsubscribes and gains of Simple Programmer. John drops some numbers and metrics. Josh talks about the rising numbers of subscribers verse the decreasing numbers or unsubscribes. Mani asks about numbers from last year as far as subscribes and unsubscribes.  10:30 John talks about how the YouTube subscriber notifications work. More talk about monetization of videos. John gives a rundown of video formats to help viewer and content consumption. John mentions the format or show-flow of the Youtubers like Antonio. Some talks about viral videos. John talks about the Alph M channel be Aaron Marion.  18:00 John talks about the rate of video post for some companies and their sales base on the video engagement. John talks about the many things he bought base, not he thing Alph M talk about in his videos. Mani asks why John is not doing it. More talk about marketing and tactics that business used to sell.  25:00 EntreProgrammers talk more about marketing and tactics that business used to sell. John mentions reach and the potential market. Mani mentions a personality type channel, similar to what John has built. John mentions some strategies in growing YouTube channels.  30:00 Chuck talks about going to MicroConf and how to grow a big following on YouTube. Josh suggests SEO, and keywords pull from Google. John jokingly suggests the girl next door thumbnails for videos. Chuck says he will just unbutton his shirt. Mani suggests cross promotion and selling it on the podcast network. John suggests interview Chuck as a Mormon Mafia Media Mogul on his channel.  34:00 John mentions an almost 4 day fast, and dropping 16 lbs of water weight. John talks about the Top 50  Coding Interview Questions blog post on Simple Programmer.  45:00 Mani mentions the experimentation of the meditation course to see if it works. Mani talks about how Tim Ferris is using the same meditation that is on his course. John talks about the series he is doing. Mani asks if Josh is meditating. More talk about laughing on Mani’s Meditation Course. John suggests laughing and not waiting on him testing the product. Mani says he is going to do an Early Bird sale.  52:00 John says he is feeling better due to the Fasting. More talks about email promotions and consultations in the works from Josh. Josh and Mani chat about the different strategies and promotions.  1:00:00 John talks about open slots for coaching. Josh talks about taking the place or filing the shoes of John in the business. Or hiring a secondary personality that is himself that does coaching in the business. Mani suggests killing that John persona in the business. But John jokingly says he wants to be the visionary still.  1:10:00 Josh talks about the Bootcamp courses and different ideas. Josh says this could be a good money maker. Josh says this is a career boot camp, John says this is brilliant.  Mani asks if there was a job board. Thoughts for the Week! Josh - Motion beats Meditation... John - Does the action you are about to do move you toward you goal or away…  Chuck - Organization  Mani -  Structure leads to Freedom   
5/2/20181 hour, 27 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 215 “Sleeping in my office…”

0:15 We’re live! Josh mentions some openings for two new members on Team Wolfpack. For more information email at [email protected].  John joke about moving into his office due to the sales slump. Josh mentions a new sales test with Hot Jar.  Josh talks about the technologies are links to the sales page. Mani asks about cart abandonment tracking, Josh thinks WooCommerce does not have that feature.  5:44 Josh continues with the test sales and says the sale is still not making the numbers they anticipated. Mani and Josh continue discussing the past pricing of the product, but still not big sales at 49 bucks. Josh says there is no excitement about the sale or the product at this new low price.  10:00 Josh talks but the check out page activity. John talks about how the long form emails maybe hurting them on sales, and think they should switch to shorter emails as a test. Josh and Mani talk about the How to Beat Procrastination course and Productivity course. Also, some talk about the Mental Toughness and or Confidence courses.  15:00 Mani mentions starting to sell his meditation course soon, and my do a procrastination master class with John. Chuck asks but sees that sales are still down at Simple Programmer. Josh mentions he may just look into building a new product. John chimes in with the exposure and urgency tactic.  21:00 Josh mentions doing and AB testing with the shopping cart. Mani suggests a countdown timer on the shopping cart. Josh says he was not impressed with the countdown timer. Chuck asks it's they’ve hit saturation, or hit everyone they could possibly hit with the sale.  27:00 Josh mentions some frustrations with the slumps and does not have the excitement to begin a new production. Josh says they do not want to be dependent on affiliate offers to afloat. But they are still profitable. John says the only way to turn this around is with a flagship product and different tiers for products. John says they need a solid seller and a lead magnet.  33:00 John mention doing something like a boot camp in a box type product. Mani asks about the EPC  and other kinds of stats. Josh says they are getting about half the traffic they use to and drop-offs at the sales carts. Josh continues with the traffic drop-offs.  37:00 Mani asks when John announced when he quit Simple Programmer. Josh says this was on March 1st, but still, thinks this does not have an effect on the sales or brand. Mani thinks that this may have affected the sales. John says this is ok because this is something that needs to happen until they get new customers.  40:00 Mani gives an example he heard of in this similar situation. Chuck says the market has changed, or there is something else going on in the market that they don’t know about. John says do you want to do an email explaining how John is still an owner of Simple Programmer. Josh talks about a course where he sees the main face of the company is still involved with products, but as a right-hand man making the products. Josh mentions some one-off paid coaching.  50:00 Josh says he is going to hire himself and promote himself through John to sell new products or offerings. Josh says there is some component of this that is all growing pains and they just have to do it. Mani asks about pricing on his meditation course, he wants to do an early bird sales to get an idea.  1:00:00 Josh suggests to keep that product at one price, and Mani should rethink the early bird. Mani talks about an example of Social Media Marketing World. Josh gets his thoughts on early bird pricing. John talks about price anchoring. Mani mentions a tactic John Lee Dumas did with his course. More talk on how to implement pricing and early bird pricing. 1:08:00 John mentions Grant Cardone’s 10k price anchor. Also, John mentions that he like that high price anchor. Josh goes back to their old price setting with their How to Market Yourself course. John talks about confident with your price.  1:15:00 Chuck talks about timing of the sales and when start time of the sales. John mentions a funny comment on YouTube but was deleted. Thoughts for the Week! Josh - Focus on the positive! Chuck - Set some keystone behaviors in place John - Be un-reactive or be chill Mani - Act Faster  
4/25/20181 hour, 29 minutes, 18 seconds
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Episode 214 “Memorial Day Sale

0:15 We’re are live! Josh is talking about micro conf. Chuck talks about the Mac updated blues.  Chuck talks about how his podcast network is getting crazy recording podcast almost every day. Chuck talks about rearranging record time to fit them all in with his schedule.  Chuck talks about helping start an Elixir podcast.  4:00 Josh suggests recording bi-weekly or appearing on the shows bi-weekly. Josh thinks this will help him scales the network. Chuck talks about switching over to Zoom to record the shows, switch helps when he is not there to initiate the call recording. Chuck mentions that Digital Ocean an older sponsor is will to come back as a sponsor.  7:00 Chuck talks about prewriting some follow-up information for future sponsorship submissions. Chuck talks about getting a list of conferences lined up to attend. Chuck talks about how he was surprised about how one of his sponsors called to renew sponsorship. This means he needs a reminder or automation for renewals.  12:00 Chuck mentions all the tasks he was to line up for Michelle. Also, some reaching out to Ruby Kaigi for some collaboration. Also, Chuck mentions how some of the conferences are again renewing sponsorships. Chuck says this will help generate traffic for the podcasts.  18:00 Chuck talks about possibly renting out conference space in San Jose for upcoming conferences. If this does not work, he mentions he could always speak with the speakers. Josh again suggest reaching out to current sponsors about renewals 2 months before the sponsorship ends. Josh says the easiest money to get is from the current customers. Josh quickly mentions how Facebook is cracking down on their sponsorships.  24:00 Josh suggests newsletters as another avenue to sell sponsorship.  So more talk about email marketing and traffic generated. Josh mentions using Pretty links, to track clicks.  30:00 Josh mentions Peter Cooper and how he uses new letters to generate sponsorships. Chuck asked when Josh send out newsletters. Josh says this is a way to cross promote for Dev Chat Network. More talk about affiliate offers and promotions.  35:00 Mani mention going live with his Mediation product next week. Mani will be laughing at his list and YouTube audience.  Josh talks about damaging an upscale market. Mani and Josh discuss discounts on high priced products and closing the doors on a product. Josh suggests testing a discount with a small portion of the list.  40:00 Josh talks about price testing and bonuses. Mani talks about trying to figure out something to create urgency for the Mediation product. Chuck says he wants to get the affiliates to get back into hearing from him. Basically warming them back up to sponsor ideas and such.  50:00 Mani ask to look at the Alexa ranking website and figure what their (Fitness Company) revenue numbers are at? Josh gives his best ideas based on the numbers. Josh says the fitness market is super competitive. Josh talks about Facebook and paid traffic.  55:00 Mani talks about how this strategy is tailored for cold traffic, not the warmed up type of traffic. Josh talks about is mix up with John on created a memorial day sale.  Thoughts for the Week!  Josh -  Don’t take anything for granted, verify everything.  Mani - Talking it out and give clarity Chuck - Find a friend  
4/18/20181 hour, 8 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 213 "Sale Slumps”

0:15 We’re live!   Josh talks about opening on EntreProgarmmers: Team Wolf Pack. One or two opening for  [email protected] . Great opportunity to join the mastermind podcasts. John talks about getting sick right before starting up his routine again. But he is back. Mani joke s that Chuck may have partied too hard in Vegas, that is why he is absent.  3:00 Josh asks for help on some marketing and advice on the current revenue slump. Josh provides some analytics from last year and this year comparisons. Josh and John talk about the short February month. Mani asks about the new WooCommerce shopping cart. Josh talks about the past shopping cart views and such.   9:00 Josh talks about the particular products that they are selling, but no sales on “How To Market Yourself” course. Josh talks about the many changes since January, like shopping carts, John stepping away, and other factors. Josh mentions the decline of sales with fewer emails sent out.   15:00 John mentions doing a flash sales of the How to Market Yourself course to test the waters. Josh talks about the clicks in September and currently in March, some 60-70 per day of click on the product page. John mentions the possibility of people trying to find a coupon code, but come across a pirated copy.  20:00 Josh says that they are not getting any emails of people trying to buy. So he is puzzled for where the issue may be. John suggests a browser change issues. Mani asks about more recent changes made to the shopping cart and websites for pinpointing the issue. Again, John suggests a sale for a fair price, to make sure there is nothing wrong with the sales funnel.   25:00 Josh thinks another slump might because this is tax season, and people are sitting on their wallets. Josh goes back to see the possible issues with the sales pages. John thinks the content is not stale, so there might be another unforeseen issue.   28:00 Josh asks John about the stepping down video if that had any impact on sales. John does not think so, or at least not this early. Josh talks about his outside promotions that may help with finding technical errors.  32:00 John and Josh agree on doing crowdsource sale, to figure out the issues. Josh and Mani discuss card abandonment. Chuck joins the call! Mani says if the sales page is the same, then the traffic is the problem. Mani asks about the email sequence and the email marketing strategy. Josh says he is going to research the traffic source and check the google ranking.  38:00 Josh talks about trying to do a sales to catch up on revenue and looking into the sales funnel. Mani looks and the WooCommerce cart and finds that total price of the course, rather than the monthly pricing. Mani asks questions about the 90-day guarantee and one year guarantee. Kind of confusing?   45:00 Mani suggests the split test with a guarantee. Josh thinks he is just going to put it back to a year. John suggests going back to Thrive Cart. Josh talks about changing out PayPal on the sales cart. Chuck suggest making a list of the things he is going to do, to keep track of changes.  50:00 Josh says re-adding PayPal is a pain, but he is going to do it. Mani suggests a money back guarantee button next to the add to cart. John talks about the bitcoin impact and losing money in the currency.   55:00 John says to book revenue is still good. Josh says the revenue is still the same but the slice of pie in the revenue graphs have changed. John mentions the refund request for the course because of the content in the book. Chuck says you can only take care of what is in your control with current sales situation. Mani talks about the cannibalizing sales from the book. Chuck suggests raising pricing on the book if sales are being cannibalized by the book.  1:00:00 Mani suggests doing a productivity product as a joke because of all the work Josh has to do for SEO and the changes to the sales page and shopping cart. Josh says he took up all the time on the show. 1:05:00 Chuck says to keep truck’n. Mani offers his Mental toughness course to Josh for support on the slump. Chuck suggest trying something different as well.    Thoughts of the week!  Josh -  Life if hard! 
4/11/20181 hour, 7 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 212 “Focus and Stick to the Plan!”

0:15 Is Mani still having breakfast? Mani was asking about this past weeks promotion for Profitable Programmer. Predictions in progress. Josh reveals the clicks and conversions, and total revenue for the promotion around 30k. Josh talks about the ideal scenario for 50k profitability. 5:00 Josh talks about the clicks (3500) compared to Mani’s recent promotion. Josh says he is sticking to 2-day promotions.  Josh says 65% of the revenue comes in closer to the deadline. Mani talks about the clicks from a 2day compared to a 3day promotion. EntreProgrammers continue to discuss the marketing strategy and warming up the audience to buy. 10:00 Josh talks about testing, daily emails, and the working strategy that brings in sales. Josh talks about open rate on emails and reach. Josh refers back to the promotion on the Self Confidence course. Entreprogrammers discuss more marketing strategies with raising prices and up sales. John talks about impulse buys. 22:00 Josh talks about their failure on their Career Guide product. Josh talk about the 5 learning mistake lead magnet and doing more testing to see if they can still pull revenue from these less successful lead magnets. Josh and John talk about the misunderstanding about the free PDF or ebook. 29:00 Josh talks about the issues with a disabled sales button on WooCommerce. Mani asks for advice on the Focus at Will collaboration or promotion. John asks if Mani interviewed Steven Pressfield, about being a lazy fucker. Charles suggests life hacks as an up sale, most likely a boring ritual hack. 38:00 Josh suggests a bundle of other people products and splitting the revenue. Mani asks about Josh’s learning course. Mani rethinks the splitting of revenue with Simple Programmer. Josh suggests offering more products or up sales on Productivity. 45:00 Josh suggests a 1k product. Mani thinks a coaching call would help, but people don’t know him well enough yet. Mani talks about Russel Branson talking about selling similar products, so productivity might be to repetitive as a sale point. John suggests an entrepreneurial product, but Mani is not sure. Mani asks about Chuck’s email list. 50:00 Chuck talks about his recent React Dev Summit, and more talks about JavaScript Dev Summit. Chuck talks about the recent turnout and growing his list. Chuck mentions that he submitted the new podcasts wrong so they were not showing up on iTunes or the website. Chuck shares his screen and shows the podcast sponsorship planning page. Josh figures that Chucks is at a 30 percent production rate. Chuck mentions is back on the 12 week year and doing more reaching out to fill the sponsorship slots. 55:00 Chuck talks about ways to increase traffic to the podcasts. Mani suggests collaborations or getting out someone else’s podcasts. Mani thinks this will increase the podcast traffic by 20 percent. John suggests talking about getting on a podcast to talk about how he is running a podcast empire on tech podcasts. The Entreprogrammers discuss the different ways Chuck can increase traffic by getting out other podcasts as a guess to talks about how he runs the shows. 1:00:00 John suggests discounting the prices to fill the open slots as a way to fill the slots fast.  Josh suggests a use it or lose it space on the sponsor slots. Josh thinks with will recapture revenue. John says Chuck’s fill rates need to be a 75%. EntreProgrammers discuss how to fill the unused space for the episodes on Dev Chat TV. 1:07:00 Josh suggest getting in contact with someone about ad placement on filling the spots. Mani asks about companies the Chuck needs to approach that is already on his lists. Mani says this will increase revenue rather then listenership. More talk about getting out other podcasts and slowly growing the listenership and revenue. 1:11:00 John suggests offering to advertise to the biggest podcasts he can find to help one another or swapping advertising for the shows. Chuck talks about getting feedback about a junior developer or podcast, a community for those groups. Chuck talks about starting a junior developer club. 1:15:00 John suggests filling 75% inventory first before creating a new podcast. Mani asks about the number of goals for implementing the 12 week year. Josh suggest keeping in mind that 2/3 of the audience is established. Chuck talks about his plan of attack on all this advice. Thoughts for the Week!   Josh - “The decision to refund is made before the purchase is committed” Mani - People’s minds are not made up Chuck  - Masterminds and focus John - Stick to the plan!
4/4/20181 hour, 31 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 211 "Watch My Cat Videos"

0:15 We’re live. John jokes about being lazy and talks about hurting his shoulder. Josh talk about his wrist issue call “Mommy Thumb.” Josh talks about having to wear a cast or band to help rest and heal his thumb. Josh talks about ordering special ergonomic mouse to get through work. 3:00 Mani talks about he past issues he was experiencing with his hand and shoulders. Mani talks about his exercise to help his hands, surprisingly Mani talks about stretching his Hamstrings to help his back and shoulders. John suggests building up the quads. John mentions that he has to lay off lifting in order to recover. 9:00 John talks about 90 percent adherence rather than 100 percent. EntreProgrammers talks about the benefits of exercise but practicing it a safe manner to prevent injury. Mani talks about his new publishing pace with YouTube and collaborating with speakers. Mani talks about the viewer numbers when he does “colabs” rather than not. 14:00 John talks about watch time on Youtube and the value a channel provides to the views. John mention search volume and gaining subscriber-ship. John talks about the benefit of guess blogging or commenting on other people’s blog sites. Mani mentions plans to do a summary for Pat Flynn’s book. Mani and John talk about end cards and analytics. 21:00 More talk about how End Cards work and best practices and use cases. John and Josh joke about inserting their own cat videos as viewer lose interest in the videos. Mani suggests Reddit postings and how they should Reddit post there to get traffic. Mani calls Reddit the school of copywriting. 28:00 EntreProgrammers talks about posting videos about not giving a fuck about the Reddit police. Josh talks about be blacking list posting link on his own site. 30:00 Chuck talks about what he wants to do on YouTube. Chuck talks about what he learned about using YouTube in another coaching call he does. Chuck mention wanting to do 5 minutes videos a day on small developer topics, and a recap of episodes. Chuck talks about new hot ideas about growing the subscribers and incoming from sponsorships.  Most of these ideas are coming from trying out the  Alexa flash briefings. 35:00 Josh mentions that he should give it several months for this Flash Briefing tactic to take off. Chuck thinks that this will help other areas of the podcast to grow. Chuck mentions being elected as a chair of the local Republican party. Chuck talks about not having any time, while he has been taking care of his family. 40:00 Chuck mention Michelle talking over some areas and task that were on Chuck’s plate. John mentions talking to Flippa, and the market in buying online businesses. John talks about Flippa courses, and how to start a business and have Flippa sell it. 46:00 Josh mentions working with David, who he is taking Brian Deans marketing course. Josh talks about working with an SEO team to help him with a project. Josh mentions he needs help making a decision on doing a pilot project with this SEO team. 55:00 Chuck gives a suggestion on waiting till there is a payoff before taking on the team to do the SEO. John says the results and length of time till they see an ROI, but how long do they have to wait. 1:00:00 Josh says he could shape or have some sort of control and time to see if the SEO agency is worth the time to optimize site or project. More talks about how well this agency is known in the industry. Thoughts for the Week! John - 90 adherence! Josh - Being patient Chuck - If are not there, do something productive
3/28/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 210 “ You Need a Bigger Mailman..."

0:15 We’re Live. Mani’s breakfast is in progress. Chuck mentions seeing politics on the TV behind Mani. Mani talks about going “whole hog” on YouTube and having some issues with production. Josh ask about the lengths of Mani’s videos. Mani describes the production process on his book summary videos. 4:45 Mani talks about the marketing tactics at Focus at Will. Mani mentions that John does on like the process. John says growing the company is better, that making money now. Josh mention two things Mani needs to do if thing works out well. Mani says this could grow his list and potential boost company growth. 10:00 Josh suggests retargeting to Mani and watching for specific growth numbers in order to determine the worthiness of marketing tactic. 15:00 John talks about doing a series of how to build an online business. Mani jokes about John stealing his product idea. John continues his process of creating these videos. Mani suggests that John coming on to his channel to include books in this video project. Josh asks about subscriber numbers for Mani and John’s channels. More talk about how company names help subscribers, rather than the person. Mani shares his subscriber numbers. 20:00 Josh shares that they have over 400 reviews on the new book. John talks about a one-star review that hurt the numbers. EntreProgrammers talks about Amazon review and how they may not be relevant later on as reviews grow. More talk about Amazon reviews and how they might work. 26:00 Josh talks about doing a Kindle 7-day Promotion for 99 cents. Josh talks but the sweet spot pricing for Kindle books. John talks about doing a YouTube video on thing people sent him as a joke. 31:00 Mani talks about how he is still getting Grant Cordone emails. John talks about getting a call from a medical marketing company for Viagra. John talks about his joking ways with this company. John talks about how they need to school Mani on his audio. 34:00 Chuck talks about assigning tasks in Asana for Michelle. Chuck talks more on the website update and people having issues with subscribing. Chuck talks about getting DMs and twitter messages about subscribing. Chuck about still being about to get things done even when he was sick. 39:00 Josh talks about an outreach program and learning new online marketing strategies. Josh continues with his project with backlinks. Josh talks about using PipeDrive. Josh talks about more backlinks and emails.  Josh and John discuss backlinks and emails on their website. John suggests other kinds of ways to do the links and mentioning production in their email. 50:00 Josh talks about reaching out and fixing broken links. Josh continues with looking deeper into these blogs sites and finding ways to add value. Josh goes on to talk about how he could build a list on content with these bloggers. Josh talks about ways these emails could not be spammy to the blogger. 55:00 Josh talks about how he could outsource this project and build a list at the same time. Josh says he is going to do the Clever Programmer affiliate deal. John talks about a potential issue with the people understanding the value of the product. 1:00:00 John talks about the Stack Overflow survey. John says he learned a new word “Genderqueer.” Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Planning and Coordination Josh - Create space for yourself to create John - Sometimes you can’t fight your nature Mani - Structure leads to freedom  
3/21/20181 hour, 18 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 209 “Learning New Lessons”

0:15 We’re Live! YouTube live discussion in progress.  EntreProgrammers attempt to do a live stream with chat. John talks about a how he an Chuck have a sickness to feel sick and eat junk food. Bad STDs according to Mani. John talks about his recovery strategy of resting a fasting.  6:45 John talks about learning new lessons when you get sick, and how to maintain without throwing your health down the drain. Mani takes John’ suggestion to do more videos per week. Mani talks about committing to doing two videos per week and do updates and announcements.  10:00 John talks about sending an F-U to Moscow. Chuck talks about how people are approaching him about starting new shows, possible new shows starting in the next few months. Mani talks about how he can do more videos, regardless of lighting and equipment.  15:00 Mani’s voices his concern with quality. John talks about how to start out with video recording and keeping up with consistency. Chuck talks about how he knows a friend who records his podcasts from the car, because the content is more important, compared to the quality.  20:00 EntreProgrammers talk about podcast production ahead of time for the month. EntreProgrammer talks about strategies for war or crude behavior on videos. Mani talks about meeting with someone who knew his podcasts. Mani talks about getting invited to speak at Podfest.  25:00 Chuck talks about releasing the new Vue and React podcasts, during an update on the website. So there were some issues with subscribing and listening. Chuck talks about using the Smart Play podcast to listen to shows on the website.  Chuck talks about the new features on the podcast page.  30:00 Chuck continues with details about the podcast page update. Chuck talk about an update for the course and delaying recording because he was sick. Also more on automation on test coding process. Chuck talks about going to an upcoming Meetup Event in Denver.  35:00 Mani mentions to Josh that they need to do another promotion. Chuck mentions that he could probably help sell some of Mani’s products on his network.  40:00 Josh talks about doing one more affiliate offer and working with another programmer who does Python. Josh talks about the many different features of this particular course, and how he wants to do a launch. John talks about further discounting the product.  45:00 Josh talks about testing with internal backlinks and doing outreach with a particular product. Josh mentions doing some cold call for the first time. Josh goes into the time it takes to finish the testing and other kinds of extra detailed tasks to make these backlinks work properly.  50:00 Mani suggests a cold call video tool Bonjour . Mani explains how the tool is connected. More talk about how the tool works.  Josh talks about keywords and marketing tactics for their current products. Also some info on long tail keywords.  1:00:00 Josh talks about moving EntreProgrammers over and talks about teams sets up for invoicing and keeping account separate but easily payable. More talk about traffic and funnels.  1:05:00 Josh mentions generating urgency and doing promotions. Josh gives example with the interview cake promotion.    Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Look back at what you accomplished  Josh - Figure when the extra effort is going to pay-off  John -  Riding the horse is fine, being dragged by the horse is bad  Mani - Free content!
3/13/20181 hour, 16 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 208 “You Need To Get A Cover Job!”

0:15 We’re Live. EnterProgarmmers joke about why there was no episode lates week. John talks about the Grant Cardone event last week. John mention it was a motivational rant. John talks about some interesting things they heard. But it was really for the younger generation looking to become entrepreneurial.  5:00 Mani talks about some other events they’ve attended. John talks mention an event for influencers and brands selling their product via YouTubers. Chuck mentions he is not charging enough for sponsorships. Mani mentions CPM numbers. John mentions a strategy that is similar to Chuck’s podcast sponsorship, which confirms that Chuck is headed in the right directions with his podcasting network.  12:00 Chuck shares his screen and talks but how he runs his sponsorship slots. Chuck mentions getting somewhat depressed and did not have motivation. Chuck said he is thankful he did not blow anything up. Chuck talks about having to take care of his father more closely. Chuck says his family thinks he is retired because runs his business from home.  17:00 Chuck is redoing the video for a Job course. Chuck mentions he can’t wait to get to work with Josh about selling/marketing a course on How To Get A Job course. Chuck gives a rundown on the different topics this course will cover for those in the job market.  21:00 Josh talks about being contacted by the person who run the Clever Programmer.  John says he is going a great job growing his network and audience. John talks about being sick. Mani says John needs to wear a jacket. 26:00 Mani talks about people trying to take down he business. Mani mentions being contacted by an attorney about copyright infringement. Mani talks about writing an email about how is was not an infringement. John talks about him an Mani doing some research on the attorney and making some changes on their strategy to make amends and defuse the situation. Chuck joke about a course on flattery.  30:00 Mani mentions things he could do to avoid more situations like this. John talks about making a case and praising the person will make light of the situation. John says, the bigger the ego, the more they can be flattered. 40:00 Josh talks but some issues with Thrive Cart. Mani asks about the pitch on a recent product. Josh talks about an example promotion with the book last year. John talks some email course information or analytics. Josh says that their customers don’t buy anything without creating urgency.  45:00 Josh explain some of the analytics of the promotion products or courses. Josh talks about increasing the blog traffic last week. Josh talks about indexing and correcting pretty links to increase these traffic numbers.  53:00 Josh continues with other sources of traffic and pushing other ways to increase. Josh talks about signing up for Brian Deans course. Josh talks about interesting research on this topic of outreach.  1:00:00 More talks about Brian Deans course and backlinks. Josh talks about sharing the course info with their content writer. More talk on outreach and responsiveness of the customers. John says no matter what people say about SEO, it still comes back to backlinks. John talks about his strategy to gain traffic when building Simple Programmer.  1:07:00 Josh talks about wanting to take the top 10 posts. Josh mentions working on some Dev Ops stuff and cleaning up. Chuck ask about the cost of the course and planning his next 12 weeks.  Thoughts for the Week!  John - Be persistent at the wide scale..  Chuck -  You are going to hit a wall.. but you can get through it Josh - Negative values…cut the bottom 20 percent. Mani - Learn to negotiate 
3/6/20181 hour, 24 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 207 “Gimme All Your Quests Bars @#%ker”

0:15 We’re Live! Mani is eating his mic and eating his iPad. Technical issues. Josh mentions to not having luck with bluetooth headphones. John comments on how the EntreProgrammer Sub-Group are above 50 episodes.  Josh mentions that the Seal Team rung the bell and tapped out this past week.  5:00 EntreProgrammers joke of retinal branding as Mani’s logo is bright on the eyes. Chuck mention starting two new podcasts this pass week, podcast on Vue and React. Chuck mentions the frenzy on the new shows. Mani asks if Chuck is going to  hire people to run the show.  Chuck explains the logistics of how the podcasts work. Chuck talks about the Rev Share he does with some of the people  on the shows.  8:00 Chuck explains how he pays people who run the podcasts. Chuck talks about working to get a bigger presents on Youtube. So good camera equipment is important. Chuck talks about working with his Business Coach  and working with first graders and moon landing technology.  15:00 Chuck talks about working with one of his employees who does the reach out for conferences. Also, he is trying to find time to figure out what to do with the CES video soon. Chuck is going to be doing a talk soon. EntreProgrammers talk about BlockChain and BitCoin.  22:00 Josh mentions breaking everything this week. Also Josh has transfer everything to the WooCommerce site. So all the products are in a new store.  Josh talks about transition to the new site, and all frustrations he encountered. 26:00 Josh mention moving all the products in one day, but his is having to fix the “one click” button plugin. Chuck asks, about the t shirts. Chuck mentions that he likes the store and might want to move to something like this. Chuck ask question about the fulfillment or ship station that sells and ships the t-shirts. Josh explains how the plugin works to help fill the t shirt sales.  30:00 Josh talks about the issues he had with digital deliver with Thrive cart. Josh explain that he had to send DropBox links to retrieve the digital products.  37:00 Mani ask Josh about promotions he would like to do next. Mani ask about topics and timelines for the upcoming projects. Josh explain that they need a impulse buy type of product to hook the customer. Josh talks about a few topics that could help build this product.  41:00 John explains the object to the product, that include information on the books Mani could use for this product. EntreProgrammer talks about ideas for marketing for Mani’s product. Mani ask about doing a course type product rather than a book summary. Josh thinks that doing more summaries, the list will get know him better before a bigger promotion.  50:00 John talks about up selling, down selling affiliate programs.  Josh talks about LinkedIn courses and all the question he got.  Mani ask more abut information on the LinkedIn project.  59:00 Josh talks about having to become John or John’s character for these upcoming project in order to sell the products.  John talks about interview Pat Flynn recently on YouTube.  Thoughts for the Week Mani - Keep the momentum with the customer when you have it!  John - Embrace contradictions  Chuck - Having a weekly routine… Josh - How cyclical thing can be… refunds   
2/21/20181 hour, 11 minutes, 11 seconds
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Episode 206 "Blow Sh*t Up!"

0:15 We’re live! Chuck having technical difficulties. Discussion n progress with the Mental Toughness project. There is testing, testing, and more testing. EntreProgrammers talk about the marketing strategies for this new project, price testing and checking the number of sales.  5:00 Josh explains marketing tactics. John explains the promotion of the Bulldog mindset course along with the Mental Toughness project. Josh talk about the sells that took place during the promotion.  9:00 John explains more on the marketing analytics, conversion, and the emails sent to the list. John and Mani joke about the 9 dollar product price. Mani talks about creating a subset of the product. Josh talks about the product he can possibly sell, but the cheaper 5-9 dollar products will sell as a promotional tactic.  15:00 Mani, John, and Josh talk about Interview Cake. John mentions reading the Predictably Irrational book because of the interesting price setting topics. Josh mentioned that he is tapped out on writing promotions. Josh talks about strategies he has put out from John’s book.  24:00 Josh talks about a possible new course about how to get a job, and statics on interested and disinterested customers on promotions. Otherwise selling to a very small group which might not be worth the time. John asks about growing product sales after a long flatline.  30:00 Josh mention working with Podia, but needed to get some direction. Josh jokes about John being very knowledgeable about the numbers for someone who is not involved in the business anymore. Josh talks about having issues with permalinks.  37:00 Chuck talks about turning off caching on his podcast website because of a similar issue. Chuck talks about his recent trips to conferences and encountering bad rooms and bad internet.  40:00 Chuck talks about have done 20-30 recording at NG Atlanta for podcast purposes and youtube. Chuck shows the progress in his new PodWrench application and his plans on how this will eventually work with productions and placing sponsors.  47:00 Chuck explain how inviting and placing new sponsor will work. Mani asks about listenership, and download numbers. Mani asks a question about CPM and pricing and how the sponsor slots work. More talk on CPM.  56:00 Josh jokes about Baba, and how this new system is great for his business. Chuck talks about the evolving process with PodWrench and upcoming plans for the system. John and Josh say that PodWrench can be a great SAAS business soon.  1:00:00 Chuck talks about the different stages to move the application along. Chuck says PodWrench is not ready for the public, but it is getting there. Chuck talks about the different areas this sponsorship process can possibly fill for other podcasters. Chuck says this could turn him into a marketing agency for the podcast as this project grows.  1:05:00 Josh says this would be a great platform for marketing.  Thoughts for the Week John - Just hang in there!  Chuck - Take the breather  Josh - Treat you affiliate like gold  Mani - Understanding numbers  
2/14/20181 hour, 28 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 205 ”Keywords and Penis Pumps”

0:15 Chuck joke about his glare and Mani is in a detention room. Josh talks about his wireless 8lb headset. The EntreProgrammers talk about the wireless headphones and the troubles with the AirPods. John jokes that Josh electronic trouble because he is like Powder. 5:00 Mani talks about his recent price increase with his product and research on keywords for branding proposes. Mani talks about change or rebranding based on Confidence and Mental Toughness keywords. John gives feedback on a book What Doesn’t Kill Us. 9:00 John talks about doing an AB test on the titles to see what does better. Josh suggest base on YouTube content. Chuck talks about long tail searches base on titles and words. Mani talks about the issues with titling Mental Toughness and Self Confidence. Mani asks John what he would like to use as a title, Mental Toughness. Josh, John, and Mani plan their attack with the upcoming product. 15:00 John talks about doing an interview with the founder of Quest Nutrition, Tom Bilyeu. John talks about Tom’s Youtube channel, Impact Theory. John and Mani talk about the net worth of the company and other details. John talks about trying to get Tye Lopez on the show… 20:00 John talks about the myth of Facebook advertising. John says show him a profitable Facebook ad. The EntreProgarmmer talk about finding someone who has profitable Facebook Ads. Josh talks about selling low price products verse high price product on platforms like Facebook. 25:00 The EntreProgrammer talk about webinars and facebook marketing. Also some talk about paid traffic. John talks about what profitable Facebook ads should look like. 30:00 Josh talks about the blog update in Simple Programmer. Looks like the numbers have increased and ranking boost. Josh talks about the traffic on their blog posts and the guest posting numbers. Mani ask a question about posts from 2016. John talks about guests post and numbers reached last year. 35:00 John talks about pruning some posts to increase the numbers. Chuck talks about his visit at NG Atlanta. Chuck talks about doing an interview on Youtube and podcasts. Chuck talks about how is camera does not have an audio input.  Mani suggests recording the video with a phone and having audio hookups. 40:00 Chuck says his Social Media person quit. Also, some work with Dropbox cleanup and moving files around to get organized. Josh chimes back in with numbers from last years traffic. Josh talks about the editorial team for the blog posts. 45:00 Josh talk about testing out the articles. Josh talks about doing keyword optimization and backlinking. John talks about the strategy with backlinks and getting some coaching on the topic. 53:00 Chuck talks about getting some big name for the first episode of the Vue Podcast Thoughts of the Week! John - Make sure you remind yourself of things that nullify your goals  Josh - Believe there is a solution! Chuck - Building Systems! Mani - Understanding the customer journey!
2/6/20181 hour, 1 minute, 18 seconds
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Episode 204 “Mani & 2000 Books”

0:15 We’re Live! Joining the show is Mani Vaya, who has been working with Josh and John doing affiliate promotion with Simple Program. Mani is a programmer by trade, he has worked in electrical and computer engineering, to project management, and worked with a variety of cell phone companies. Currently, Mani is the host of 2000 Books for Ambitious Entrepreneurs podcast, a business based on book summaries. Mani talks about the huge selection of book summaries and his work with Simple Programmer. 3:30 Mani mentions working on this business for the last 2.25 years now. Mani talks about the exciting things he has learned from books and how it has changed his life. Mani talks about the bigger picture of the book summaries and his business. Mani mentions becoming a philosopher in his field. 6:00 EntreProgrammers talk about what a personality business is about and transitioning it over into something else. John talks about the options and traction of building up a business like Mani’s current book summary business. 9:00 Chuck talks about the content, entertainment, personality for the platform or business. Josh talks out marketing and business. Josh talks about reconfiguring John’s email account as the business transitions without John. Josh talks about growing the business further to function without videos. 14:00 Josh talks about the traffic from YouTube and the blog site. Josh continues to talk about redirects and some SEO work he has implemented. Josh talks about more traffic and server issues. 22:00 Josh talks about doing a skyscraper strategy for the book piece products. Josh talks about their transparency with the new writers. Mani asks questions about how to sell bundles and products. More talk about the product sale strategies with the “How To Read a Book” product. 29:00 Mani, Josh, and John discuss the next steps on the “How To Read a Book” product. Josh and Mani talk about the price of the product. John talks about options on how to interview successful entrepreneurs to help produce the product on how to read books. 36:00 John talks about not having much free time during his free time. John mentions running 5 miles a couple times a day, and working out, and getting ready to do taxes. John talks about being tempted to work with Josh and Mani on the new idea for an upcoming project. 40:00 Josh talks about the new workflow at Simple Programmer without John. Josh talks about the functions of Google Drive Business. Josh talks about the Team Drive business. Thoughts of the Week Chuck  - Take a minute and think about your entrepreneurial lifestyle John - Don’t use personal accounts when starting a business Josh - Responding, not reacting Mani - Health is everything
1/30/201853 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 203 “Hangover and Missing a Kidney”

0:15 We’re Live! John is slacking and is late to the podcast. Chuck talks about selling some more sponsorship spots for his podcast network. Chuck talk about his sales pitch and changing how that new podcast sponsor application works as of now. Also some talk about how his new sponsorship slots will work as far as payments. 4:30 Chuck talks about his new sponsors and return sponsors. Interview Cake, Kendo UI, among a few others are sponsors of the Dev Chat podcasts. Chuck mention this audience or listener numbers for Ruby Rogues. Also some talk on conversion and ROI.  8:30 Josh suggests video testimonials for the sponsorship material. Chuck talks about selling sponsorship slots for podcasts show that is still in the works.  13:00 Chuck and talks about the process of closing deals for sponsorships and more automation and systemizing. Chuck talks about having an inside sales team and working more on PodWrench. Josh talks about building more feature into the system later on. 15:00 Chuck talk about how this time of the year is a great time to sell sponsorships. There is definitely a cycle. Chuck talks about becoming a vendor, and sponsorships with certain companies. Chuck talks about some of the companies and technologies used and talked about in the podcasts. 21:00 Chuck talk about getting sponsorship for the React Native Radio Podcast . Also more talks about launching new podcasts for Dev Chat TV. Chuck says he will for now host them and run them for awhile till the show is up an running. Chuck talks about selling a document or course on the process for launching a podcast for a platform like Dev Chat TV.   26:00 John suggests a tool like Help Scout to for emails account for team members. Chuck mentions possibly doing a help desk of some sort. Chuck talks about using Missive app. Chuck talks about wanted to move everything to PipeDrive. 35:00 In other news, Josh says he is debt free, paid off his mortgage. The EntreProgarmmers talks about the process for paying off a mortgage. Pay off is possible. Josh talks about signing up MediShare programs. More talks on MediShare programs. 42:00 Josh talks about how he and John are working on transitioning over the company over to Josh. Josh does not think he is going to continue with the Youtube channel. Josh talks about the type of content he chooses to have for the company. Also more on possibly hiring content writers in the specialized material. EntreProgrammers talks about the incentives for the content. 52:00 Josh talks about the content produced by John and having a health topic list to keep content going. Josh talks about custom dimensions in Google Analytics. Josh talk about pulling out of Kindle unlimited. Josh talks about the down sales on the book on all mediums. 58:00 Josh talk about writing an email to the list about why they have not purchased the book. Josh mentions that he has to get good at SEO. John mentions hiring someone to help accelerate the learning curve. 1:01:00 John says he changed to YouTube Channel name to John Sonmez instead of Simple Programmer. Josh talks about setting up push notifications for the website. Josh talks about the excitement of Push Notifications. 1:05:00 Josh talk out doubling the signup rate and pitching to the email list. Chuck jokes about John being hangover and sold off his kidneys. 1:10:00 John talks about trying to keep from going into hustle mode and thinking about growing the youtube channel further. John thinks Josh can double Simple Programmer in a year. Thought for the Week! John - Sometimes it’s good to force yourself to make decisions. Josh - If there is something you hate doing, chance are you can hire someone to do it. Chuck -  Be your own client
1/23/20181 hour, 20 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 202 “I Am Leaving Simple Programmer”

0:15 We’re Live! Chuck is coming in from Las Vegas. Big news! John says he is leaving Simple Programmer. In other words, John says he is leaving the CEO role, but still doing the videos. John says he wants to take time to try other things and take a break from the programmer world. 4:30 Josh mentions the talk John and he as and the notice things changed after the book launch and the Europe trip. Josh talks about his plans as with Simple Programmer as they have continuous growth and transition. 8:00 Josh talks about maybe keep trucking along with Simple Programmer and keep doing emails and consulting. Or work on growing Simple Programmer even further into a multi-million dollar company. Josh says he is still not sure what to do yet, but he is leaning toward growing the company. 11:00 Chuck says he sees where they are coming from. Chuck asks if they have all the processes documented to run Simple Programmer. John says Simple Programmer is built on systems and basically runs on its own. Josh mentions that some of the things are not systemized as far as John and Josh’s part of the job. 16:00 Josh and John talk about the revenue that could make if they put everything on autopilot. Chuck asked if they will be happy with this change. John talks about how his goals kept growing even when he knew he should take a break or retire. John says he is now trying to simplify things and get rid of things. 19:00 John talks about allowing himself the freedom from work and has been thinking about this for a long long time. Chuck suggests a possible sabbatical instead of totally leaving the company. John says his last book was everything he wanted to say about software development and he is done with that topic. 24:00 John talks about the possible direction Josh could take Simple Programmer, and where he could contribute to that later on. Josh talks about the 6 month cooling off period before they know what they want to do for sure, and tidy of the company for the transition. Josh says John was the traffic engine and that is where he will need help. 27:00 Josh talks about the kinds of phases he will have to plan for traffic, books, courses, and marketing to continue growing the Simple Programmer without or minimal help from John.30:00 Chuck says Josh’s plan sounds similar to what he is trying to do. Chuck says he is curious to see how things go. 31:00 John talks about maybe going to Tibet or building/programming a game. John says he is firing himself from his own company. John says Josh can grow the company in the direction it needs to grow. 33:00 Josh asks about the light going out at the CES event. Chuck talks about the Samsung and LG booths at CES. Chuck talks about the power loss and the kinds of things going on at the event. Chuck says he is looking into the traffic engine details to drive traffic to his websites. 40:00 Chuck talks about his interviews and talks at the conferences. Chuck talks about his plan for building products. Chuck talks about the processes for starting a podcast and running a podcast, as he starting a React and View podcast soon. Chuck signs off. Booth babes. 43:00 John says they have Chuck’s blessing for the upcoming transition in Simple Programmer. Josh and John talk more about the reversible changes in case things are not going well. Or if things are going great, then there is no need to reverse the changes. 43:00 John talks about making an announcement video for the company. Also, changing emails and maybe creating a customer service system for Simple Programmer. John talks about the current situation in running Simple Programmer. 46:00 John talks about instead he should be the Chief Story Teller for the company. Josh says this is an absentee own role for the company. C Thoughts of the Week John - Change your vision and identity, and then actions with change. Josh - It is worth paying the premium price.
1/16/201856 minutes, 29 seconds
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Episode 201 “T Rex and Velociraptor”

0:15 We’re Live. Technical difficulties, what? John mentions he is sitting again because he has been running 5miles in the morning. Josh says the pine box is the solution to standing desks, and such so call health alternatives to work.    2:00 Chuck mentions he was on .NetRocks podcast.  Chuck mention they talk about the Finding A Job course he created a while back. John talks about being on .NetRock podcast to gain some traffic to products, but it was not a whole lot traffic.    5:00 Chuck say people keep asking him about the Ruby Rogues issues awhile back. John says Chuck should ignore it or explode it as a reenactment on YouTube. EntreProgrammers talk about death threats and Net Neutrality.    8:00 Josh talks about what the what Net Neutrality would be mean in the long term or if is really mattered. Chuck says the government should stay out of it and let the kid figure it out.    15:00 Josh asks how much drama are you willing to deal with to Chuck. Express yourself more. John talks about the Girl who did the fat shaming video and another on ADHD. John says to take you pant off instead of your shirt during the podcast. John talks about how to handle a situation and buying into a reality.   20:00 Josh talks about reading T Rex vs. VS Raptor, and make s some strong connections. Chuck talk about being ahead in the podcast recordings and having his team to more to help the podcast request for guests.    24:00 Chuck talks about the current situations and goals for scheduling podcasts sponsors. Also his plans for schedule team members on Asana. John and Josh talk about missing a check or having a 6-week delay in getting the money.   30:00 EntreProgrammers figure out the missing money situation on air. Josh talks about their giveaway on Sublime text. Josh talks about their Drip setup and plans for the giveaway. Josh talks about IntelliJ.    39:00 John talks about the death threats and funny emails he gets about refunds. John talks about a refund with a very convincing customer, and blacklisting this dude, kinda. More talk about weeding out scammers and refunds. John talks more about future videos he is producing for Simple Programmer.    54:00 Josh talks about Thinkful.  Also,  the comparison of those who go to college, have a degree, and could earn million dollars more in their lifetime. More talk about product sales.    1:02:00 Josh talks about turning one of Johns coaching calls into an email to gain audience and sales. John talks about bringing in sales on YouTube. Chuck is cracking jokes about twitter and youtube.    Thoughts of the Week John - Keep pushing  Chuck - Find someone who knows this stuff to help you Josh - Short-term goals   
1/10/20181 hour, 15 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 200 “Drunk Uncle Sam”

0:15 We’re Live! The EntreProgrammers talk about how the mixer idea with the rest of the EntreProgrammer Sub Groups was a great idea. John talks about falling off the wagon with his diet for the last 2 weeks. John also mentions winning another cruise package in a Poker tournament on the cruise. 5:00 Josh mentions doing nothin and disengaging from work during the new years. Chuck mentions doing 2 podcasts and getting work done. Chuck mentions hiring a new business coach for direct coaching and formal guidance. 8:00 Chuck talks about his plans for weekly meetings and podcast scheduling. Chuck ask for advice on how to go about putting some on a full-time working schedule. Josh says since they already work for your just up their hours and commit to a step up level before a full time position. 15:00 Josh and John talk about their employees at Simple Programmer and how were hired into their positions. Chuck talks about how he would eventually like his team work for him. Chuck talks about going to Micro Conf this year. 20:00 The EntreProgrammers talks about doing a get together of some sort with the EntreProgrammers Sub Group.  John says it was great to get away with no internet access during the cruise. 24:00 EntreProgrammers talk about how the new tax laws will affect them. Josh thinks it might be somewhat in his favor. More complexity and confusion? Josh talks about doing a 529 or a pass through. EntreProgrammers talks about drunk Uncle Sam and welfare. Chuck talks about his wishes for taxes and problems with the government tax rules. 32:00 Josh mentions liking the new Star Wars. More geek talk on Star Wars. EntreProgrammers  talks about hiring geeky Star Wars fans. EntreProgrammers talks about Andy Weir, the writer of The Martian, and George Lucas. 44:00 Chuck ask what are the plans for Josh and John this year. Josh talk about some affiliate promotions and such. Josh talks about working with Manny.  Josh talks about breaking Manny’s website. 50:00 Chuck says for the next 6 months, he will be working out making the business grow. Josh talks more about pricing and sales templates. John and Josh talks about sales tactics and sending emails out to customers. Thoughts for the Week John - You have to have a plan, and force yourself to follow the plan. Josh - Floundering… Chuck - Keep moving forward
1/3/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 54 seconds
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Episode 199 “Consulting Talk with Rick”

0:15 We’re Live ! Josh and Chuck speak with special guest, Ricky of the Poodle Team. Josh mentions that John is on a cruise with no internet connection. Josh and Chuck talk with Rick about the funny name of the subgroup Poodle Team. 2:00 Rick explains how the team came up with the team name. Josh talks about not having time to participate in the team mixer. Chuck and Rick talk about when they first met at the code camp conference. 5:00 Rick talks about running a software consulting company in Salt Lake City. Rick talks about his entrepreneurial background and the shifts into new ideas. Rick says he hates doing the consulting business. But he is trying to start another business along with this. 11:00 EntreProgrammers talks about how to grow a business with Rick. Josh ask who are his customers currently. Rick mentions he focus on higher education and interactive games. Rick talks about 3D mapping and the interactive projects. 15:00 Rick talks about the frustrations he encounters while building his consulting business. Josh and Chuck give advice. Josh asked if he is exploring new niches. 17:00 EntreProgrammers talk about how their sales work and signing contracts. Josh talks about working in Higher education, and how shifting to a different industry would help Rick make more money doing the same thing. 21:00 Josh talks about the dysfunctional operations at a higher education level. It is like corporate on steroids. Josh talks about the work he was doing at TrackAbout. Rick mentions moving to Healthcare and the difference in operations in that industry. Josh tells a story about doing SharePoint development. 28:00 Josh talks about Lifers. Josh asks Rick about his specialization. Rick says he is excellent at picking out what the customers need in a program and sending that to programmers. Josh asks Rick what was his most successful project or client. 36:00 Josh talks about his role and expectations versus Johns role and expectations in the business. EntreProgarmmers talk about being in control and making their own money and being an entrepreneur. Josh talks about switching out industries and not wanting to go back to a regular job. Chuck says he agrees and knows how to build a business. 43:00 The EntreProgarmmers talks about the strategies to get a job. Chuck mentions setting up interviews for CES and trying to get sponsors to fund the trip. Chuck talks about the coming conferences and how he is lining up sponsorships to fund the trips to the conferences. Chuck mentioned tactics from the book Pragmatic Thinker. 50:00 Josh and Chuck talk about the skills needed to build a business with Rick. Chuck talks about investing in camera equipment the plans for conferences. Chuck talks about travel costs and expense cutting with a service. 1:00:00 Chuck talks about his Drip account and his other needs in the new year. Chuck says he is getting emails about Elixer and React Podcasts, and particularly the View. Chuck says he has been doing all the Indiegogo for the upcoming shows. Josh says he loves WooCommerce. 1:03:00 Josh says he has been converting their views to a streaming version. Also, they finally got their audiobook is on the market. Josh is off next week. Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Take some time for the family Josh - Mental Adjustments Rick - All it takes is all you got.
12/27/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 40 seconds
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Episode 198 “People Flexing”

0:15 We’re live! Josh points out most people have profiles pictures of themselves in the driver seats of their cars. Chuck talks about acquiring sponsorship for NG Conf Atlanta. So his idea to get it paid for is working out. Chuck talks about the logistics of the sponsorship and possibly getting a DSLR camera for the recording.  4:45 Josh jokes about the details of Chuck's sponsorship. Chuck talks about doing professional videos for the interviews. Chuck discusses what the rest of the sponsorships could look like for the upcoming conferences.  10:00 Josh asks about recurring bill for the sponsors on Chuck's network. Chuck talks about how the billing is set up for the sponsors. Chuck talks about the analytics he wants to incorporate into his sponsorship program.  15:00 Chuck talks about his sponsor Linode and possibly getting Digital Ocean onboard for sponsoring trips instead of podcasts episodes. Also, so up to the minute updates on sponsoring individual sponsors on the Dev Chat TV podcast network.  17:00 Chuck talks about how the new hire is working out as far as booking  guests for episodes. Chuck says he is booked out far in advance for most of the big show on Dev Chat TV. Chuck talk about having a social media person do the postings and sharing. Chuck says this social media person is hired to help with the growth of the podcasts in general.  21:00 Chuck talks more about starting new shows or React and getting funding by Indiegogo or crowdfunding. Chuck talks about the ideas for growth starting new shows. Josh says he is excited about Chuck's business and the growth is really starting to pick up.  27:00 Chuck says this all happening because he is not self-sabotaging and realizing he can make his business grow. Chuck talks about his success goals for the upcoming year. Chuck mention he turned 38 this past week.  30:00 John talks about doing more affiliate launches and getting their new hires to do SEO. Josh talks about the gift for programmers launch and traffic.  Josh talks about traffic and details with Amazon.  Josh and John talk about the commission structure of Amazon.  40:00 Josh talks about search volume and search ranking with Amazon. Also some optimization talk with Google and analytics. Josh talk about Manny’s book summaries. Josh talks about writing emails in real-time.  45:00 Josh talks about his email marketing strategy this past week, despite some challenges and wins. Chuck asked if this is going through a Plinko machine.   50:00 Josh talks about experimenting with offering a bonus and not offering a bonus. He learns the bonus does not matter. 55:00 Josh talks about how nobody watches the video that was in an email. But the sales came from Youtube. Josh talks about doing giveaways and other kinds of lead generation ideas.  Thought for the week Chuck -  Do the stuff you know you need to do. Put the system in place.  Josh - Do a Colby test… or an assessment test of sorts  
12/19/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 1 second
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Episode 197 "Die Trying"

0:15 We’re are alive! EntreProgrammers joke about ending on episode 199 with some cliffhangers. EntreProgarmmers talk about BS TV show endings that suck. 3:30 John mentions hiring a new SEO person and soon a writer to join Simple Programmer. Josh talks but some new on search formats on Google mobile. Josh says this is a tactic from Google to only click on Google Ads, rather than clicking through to actual sites. 8:00 Josh talks about, what if ISPs charges to be on YouTube. Thinning of the herd or channels. John says you need to be willing to take the anit-fragile approach and adapted to the changes. 11:00 Chuck talks about government or FCC control of the internet. John talks about how monopolies work when you are a billionaire. EntreProgarmmers discuss government control of the internet and the talk about net neutrality. John further gives his thought on new neutrality and herd mentality. 22:00 Josh mentions a death threat at Simple Programmer. But, generally a great month for product sales and launches. John and Josh talk about the book sales and finally seeing the revenue this month. John mentions reading the book Profit First. John mentions that they already have been taking profits first in Simple Programmer. 28:00 Josh talks about taking a budget amount for themselves for business expenses and payroll. John asks, where can we put our money to grow the revenue since expenses are low at the time. John talks about growing the company to the point where your hires are hiring people. 32:00 Johns said that were trying to launch the audiobook next week, but it looks unlikely. Audible has some other plans to review the book before it is published. EntreProgrammers discuss the Kindle and Audible books and how to choose to publish. 36:00 Chuck talks about being sick and not being able to send out important emails. Also, some talks about getting support on Patreon for some new launches conference and podcasts. 38:00 Chuck talks about possibly selling The Freelancer’s Show. Chuck mentions the new features on Podwrench and the slick automation functions. Chuck talks about hiring Michelle, to help with booking podcasts guest for the shows. Also a new hire for social media stuff. 42:00 Chuck mention moving to the app called Convo, instead of Slack. Chuck also mentions doing some work for growing the podcast business. Chuck mentions that Linode also renewed for the rest of the year. 46:00 Chuck talks about reaching the NG Atlanta and Angular conference to do some interview for Angular podcasts. Chuck talks about his plans do interview at conferences and do networking in the next year. 53:00 Chuck talks about learning about the Netty Pot and cleaning out sinus. Chuck talks about plugging away to find great hires. Looking for people who don’t need to be managed Thoughts of the Week Chuck - It hurts to move up to the top. Josh - Trying to help people remove barriers. John - Project forward 5 years a decision. No matter what you do, you’re going to get burned. So you might as well make a decision, rather do nothing.  
12/12/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 196 “Money Is Good”

0:15 We’re Live. John says it was weird to be live with a shirt on. John recaps the “Cyber” Monday sales, with 17K in the bag. Josh gives details report on the task he executed during the sales. The revenue generated is 7K more than last year. Also, some reports of the sales on from their products on Plural Sight. Most of which were renewals of subscriptions to Plural Sight.  7:00 Surprisingly, John mentions a good turn out on the offers on the Sublime email list. Josh and John discuss the tactics and strategies used to maximize sales implementing urgency and discount to the email list. John and Josh talk about the receipts turn-ins for offerings on bonus material. John talks about controlling the deals and offering a good enough deal to make it work.  11:00 Josh talks about the spam control or spam complaints to the email lists. Josh talks about not being afraid to email. John talks about capturing John’s voice in the ad copy or email he is writing for Simple Programmer.  15:00 John talks about transcribing some of the videos on YouTube for repurposing material for other products. John talks about Rodrigo trying to emulate the way John says things. John mentions doing a live stream about asking him anything.  20:00 Josh mentions that strangely the affiliate list is working, when several months ago with seems not likely. John talks about having lunch with Noah Kagan. John talks about reaching out to possibly become a consultant.  25:00 John talks about onboarding a new hire and getting the new writer. John talks about being transparent with the writer. John talks about while doing the live stream, someone was asking out they can get a job at Simple Programmers. John talks about showing value before hiring someone.  31:00 Chuck mentions that someone has just offered to take The Freelancer’s Show off Chuck’s hands. Chuck talks about the issues on the backend services on the podcast network. Chuck mentions growing the podcast audience.  35:00 John talks about the negotiations for selling the podcast show. Basically, John says you will have to be excited to sell it for price X.  Josh says not to sell short, because of all the emails and traffic attached to the show currently. 40:00 John suggests doing a partnership/owning the show with this person. This way if it continues to grow, so will your (Chuck’s) business.  Chuck says he is still thinking about this idea, and he may be interested in dollars.  42:00 Chuck says his podcast sponsorship app is ready to use and is currently being used for the current shows. Josh ask if Chuck has plans for a Python podcast. EntreProgrammers talk about the popular language people are using. Chuck gives a quick summary of where Python sits in the developing industry. Chuck says he wants to do shows on Machine Learning, Ai, Hollow lens, etc.  48:00 Chuck says that if he starts new shows, he has to figure out if he wants to be on them regularly.                 John asks if Troy Hunt was on the Web Security podcast. Chuck mention sponsor want to sponsor the Web Security Warriors show but it has not been running lately.  52:00 Chuck says he is worried that things are going to go right. The fear of success is real. Chuck asked if there are ways to getting around this feeling of fear of success. John says that he fears more responsibility when things are growing. Chuck says he does not know what the blueprint looks like to help him get to the next level.  57:00 John says fear is because of the unknown. Chuck says his fear is that he might take 5 steps up, but tumble down even further. Josh says he fears running out of ideas. John talks about making choice on sub-optimal things.  Thoughts of the Week John - Go full out. Go committed.  Josh - The offer is paramount… Chuck -  There is nothing wrong with aiming high    
12/5/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 195 “Are You a Bulldog or a Chew Toy”

0:15 EntreProgrammers share that they are getting sick during Thanksgiving. Chuck talks about knowing what his Christmas present is going to be this year. EntreProgrammers share their experience with cleaning meat smokers.  3:00 Chuck say his smoker should be medical equipment since he is on the Keto diet. Chuck talks about finding a great new hire who is willing to go beyond the task he needs. Josh mentions that when they ask questions you have to think about, then they are worth the time. Chuck’s new hire is hired for reaching out to potential podcasting and others podcast related tasks.  9:00 Chuck talks about how his new software is driving the processes for podcast scheduling and sponsor tasks. Josh and Chuck discuss emails and mailing list validation. Chuck talks about some topics and resources.  15:00 Chuck explains that he is still working on automating the process for the podcast production. It is on its way to being a well-oiled machine. John says they are in the process of looking for a writer for the Kindle book.  19:00 Josh and John talk about their applicants and the level of expertise they are looking for for the job. John says they may have found a great applicant, but they are looking further into the qualifications.  21:00 EntreProgrammers go into further discussion of content on the Simple Programmer channel and how this regards the political view of Simple Programmer. Chuck gets clarification that John is turning some of the videos on the Simple Programmer Youtube channel into ebooks for Kindle.  30:00 EntreProgrammers talks about pissing people off with the ideas and the things they say on their video and podcasts. Josh talks about a meme about the bulldog army created by John.  35:00 John talks about his holiday gift post. Josh talks about a Plural Sight quiz for rating your developer. You can check it out at Josh explains how the quiz can help developers learn what skills they need to sharpen up on.  39:00 Josh talks about at the sales at Simple Programmer and the price experiment with a product.  Also some talks about an experiment with the printed book and Kindle book. Josh talks about a Sublime promotion to this particular list. Josh continues to talks about learning from Plural Sight.  48:00 John talks about working on some new courses soon.  Thoughts of the Week Turkey messed up our brains…   
11/28/201749 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 194 “F-U I’m A Podcaster Now!"

0:15 We’re Live! Discussion about autoplay in progress. Chuck hates Thunderbolt 3 because there is nothing available for it. Apple trashing and Apple praising going on concerning the iPhone X and newer MacBook Pros. Josh talks about the wireless charging feature possible wiping out credit cards. 7:30 EntreProgrammers trash the chip feature on credit card or debit cards. Is it really faster? John says phones need a backup battery to help the Apple Pay feature works during emergencies. 10:00 John explains why he is sitting for the podcast. John talks about being Thor during the Disney marathon. John talks about carbing up and falling off the wagon.  All the challenges lead to John getting sick. 16:00 Publicly chair shame John about sitting down. John talks about affiliate deals or charging for ad copy. This would be Josh writhing copy for a separate business or project. EntreProgrammer talks about using stories in ad copy as a way to connect with the audience. 25:00 Chuck mentions that he is at Microsoft connect. Chuck mentions doing a lot of podcasts at the conference and meetups. The EntreProgrammers continue to talk about marketing strategies with working with outside business or placing ads in shows. 31:00 John talks about the hiring process for a ghostwriter at Simple Programmer. John is interested in ebooks and such types of products. John also talks about a new hire for Simple Programmer. 34:00 Chuck talk about being in NYC and making connections at Microsoft Connect. Chuck talks about missing a small thing on the Sponsorship signup. Chuck mentions wanting to know what is in the pipeline for the podcast shows. 39:00 Chuck is also in the market for hiring a college student to help with some of the tasks around dev chat tv business. Chuck talks about looking into finding more panelist for some of the show on his podcast network. Chuck explain his plans for upcoming events like NG Conf and other events. 44:00 Chuck mentions meeting David Spark and how he creates his content. Chuck says he might not have made enough progress this year. But next year might be a better year as far as getting things launched. 47:00 John talks about getting the audio back soon from the audio editor for the audiobook version. Josh gives some feedback on the sales on the Kindle site. John and Josh talk about the optimal price for the Kindle book. 56:00 Josh and Josh continue to talk about ways they can determine prices on the upcoming products and books. 58:00 John mentions that the recent book will be on Audible soon. They are expecting the get the editing audio back in December. Thought for the Week! Chuck -  You can’t always see progress in things, but don’t give up. Josh - Creative is con-nectivity… John - When you’re having a hard day, make it harder.    
11/21/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 193 “Josh & Chuck Land”

Episode 193 “Josh & Chuck Land”  0:15 Josh and Chuck talk about their late start and new Apple hardware. Josh talk about his iPhone 8 plus and Kindle reading. Josh talks about selling his Apple Watch because some features do not work for him anymore since the latest iOS update.  5:30 Chuck talks about his Fitbit Blaze, and some talk about pebble watch features. John talks about open enrollment for health insurance and increasing premiums.  8:00 Josh further digs into the healthcare from the National Association for the Self Employed, with some surprises with a webinar type sales call.  Josh talks about the call and features of the plan, even though it sounded great.  12:00 Josh talks about digging up dirt on this healthcare company. Basically, Josh found out this was a scam after googling information on them. Josh talks about asking for 3 to 4 positive review on the company for the sales representative.  20:00 Josh talks about the high deductibles on current healthcare insurance.  Josh and Chuck talk about how the costs outweigh the purpose of health insurance.  25:00 Josh talks about dropping sales numbers at Simple Programmer. Josh talks about trying to find the source of the problem for dropping sales. Josh finds the traffic was generated by the free book offer.  29:00 Josh talk about doing some testing on lead magnets for the funnels.  Josh mentions he is going to test 20 different headlines. Josh also mentions that headline doesn't make a difference.  36:00 Chuck talks about feeling stuck and dealing with being rear-ended and car insurance issues. Chuck also fixes an RSS feed on the podcast episodes. Chuck mentions finding a bug with Android.   40:00 Chuck talks about setting up websites for the dev summits for customers. Lots to do and no sleep.    41:00 Chuck talks about going to Microsoft Connect next week and possibly getting ahead on episodes for JavaScript Jabber and the others on his network. Chuck talks about having a rough time with car issues at home.  46:00 Josh suggests setting up things to help reduce all the tasks on his plate at the moment. Josh mentions he learned that Thrive cart will not work for them at Simple Programmer. Josh says they are moving to WooCommerce so they can have their own sales page. Also, it works with WordPress.  Thoughts of the Week!  Josh - Challenging assumptions… Chuck - Sometimes the train goes off the tracks   
11/14/201758 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 192 “Sexy Voice”

0:15 We’re live! Chuck talks about his old MacBook Pro dying, and replacing it with a new version. Josh talks about the selling price of old MacBooks. Chuck mentions that his MacBook was unrepairable, because of missing parts. 4:50 Chuck talk about having a bad week and being rear-ended, the internet went out, and a disconnecting Windows machine. Chuck mentions having trouble with the Air pods. John say you can fix magic. 8:15 Chuck mentions having a getting away with his wife over the weekend. Chuck talks about his plan for hiring someone to take care of managing the sponsorship tasks. 11:30 Josh and John talk about the weekly reports from Rodrigo. Chuck says this is the reason he fired Gerald. Because he was not providing feedback on the job he does. 13:00 Chuck mentions that his new sponsorship system called Podwrench. Chuck talks about the past work with Mandy. The EntreProgrammers talks about working yourself out of a job and automation. 15:00 Chuck continues to talks about raising the bar on the sponsorship service since the system is built. John talks about doing with video shoot with SkillSoft. John talks about having to do hair and makeup for the video shoot for SkillSoft. 19:00 John talks about possibly being apart of the soft skills meet up or program/event. John says this will be exactly like fights club. John talks about being hit on by guys in SF. 22:00 Josh and John talk about getting the Kindle Daily Deal. Josh explains the catch on of sales promotion tactics. Josh talks about the sales this program generated. John and Josh talk about the reach Amazon has with this program. 30:00 John talks about selling the book in other marketplaces besides KDP. Josh talks the possible ways to do promotions with KDP. Josh talks about the price change of the book since last week. 37:00 John and Josh talk about selling a printed book in a different format to make more sales. Josh talks about working with Interview Cake and Parker. 43:00 Josh talks about a marketing strategy to gain names or a list for driving sells to a product. Josh talks out sending out emails, an expecting to get unsubscribes. Josh is talking about building a pinko machine of sales offers. 50:00 Josh talks about the active subscribers on their list, and the customer lifetime value. Josh talks about doing a fire sale to a country with low income. Josh asked for a feature in Drip from Rob. Josh talks about the individual worth of subscribers in different countries. 57:00 Josh talks about trying to find a workaround for working with time zones. Chuck ask about Micro Conf.   Thoughts for the Week! John - Once you see it is possible, you can do it. Josh - Consistency trumps intensity Chuck - Suck it up an do it.
11/7/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 191 "You're Kinda Like a Pimp"

Episode 191 “Your Kinda Like A Pimp” 0:15 We’re Live! Chuck give an introduction to the podcast directory for DevChat TV. Chuck talks about how the directory works for sponsorship slot purchases.  Chuck talks about talking to people at Libsyn about the directory.  3:50 Chuck talks about the inner workings of the directory and things that need to be fixed or refined. Chuck talks about speaking with React Native Radio to get a set schedule. Also, some talk about the new workflow for the whole podcast production process.  8:00 Chuck talks about selling service to use this service for a monthly fee. Chuck talks about the fees and costs to run the new service.  John mentions to not expanded this out until it is running great for his podcast production.  13:00 The EntreProgrammers talk about the process of sponsors for the top 10 shows. Chuck talks about giving credit to the loss of traffic to sponsors. Josh suggests this can go to used space or sponsor slots. John talks about automating the system in the future.  20:00 Chuck talks about how this project with bringing back former sponsors and get some firm commits to the new system.  25:00 Josh critiques Chuck ad copy. Josh mentions he like that story but says that he was teaching to much. Josh talks about maybe doing some affiliate marketing.  Josh mentions testing about doing launches.  29:00 Josh gives some details on warming up the audience and getting backing to sales. John talks about doing some live video recordings as a kind of marketing strategy. Also, build some new courses and build up membership.  33:00 John talks about doing “shirts off” video broadcast. John says this is a huge lift on the viewership on YouTube.  John talks about the watch time and the traffic to the live videos once they are posted.  38:00 John show his new t-shirt “Video Begins at 0:00,” which is available in the Simple Programmer store 41:00 John talks about calling out people base on their Intent, rather than some sort of ignorance. John and Josh talk about the topic of Corn Pops, and the issues this raises when people take this in the wrong context.  48:00 John talks about getting some mouth hardware, didn’t even notice. John talks about using Invisalign. Josh, talks about the rising cost of healthcare.  53:00 John and Josh talk about Healthcare and the non-sense high cost of useless coverage. Josh talks about how private insurance works which does not fully compile with Obamacare.  Look up private insurance for the self-employed.  59:00 Josh explains how the penalty works for the self-employed, and how the government collects that fine. John explains that health insurance is a kind of hedge. Chuck talks about his health care situation, especially being diabetic.  1:05:00 John and Chuck talk about pulling together an association to get health care across state lines.  John talks about the level of income of those at 100k to the millions, have no troubles with paying health care. But those at least making 100k can barely handle the hits of the rising costs.  Thoughts for the Weeks John - Out earn it!  Chuck - Put it in my control!   Josh - There are no limits to the number of doors.
10/31/20171 hour, 21 minutes, 53 seconds
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Episode 190 “Lets Take Our Shirts Off and Talk About…”

0:15  We’re live! Let take our shirts up and talk about X. John talks about his recent shit storm rant on YouTube. John mention some had told him about starting a Twich channel. John says he likes doing the live videos and he gets great audience interaction with live video.  5:00 John talks about doing a live show called “Let Take Our Shirts Off and Talk About…” The Ted talks about Simple Programmer.  6:30  Josh mentions catching up on sleep after a trip to Wisconsin, for a Perry Marshall Round Table meeting.  Josh talks about the ins and outs of building the membership program for their products. Josh talks about the direction their product or programs are about, after analyzing the marketing and platform.  11:45 Josh talk about defining what this membership off is about before launching it. John and Josh talk about how this would be a different kind of launch. 15:50 Chuck mentions that Thrive Cart is still in beta and only by invitation. Josh talk about the 900 amazon bill and bring that bill down. John talks about the membership course and products. Josh talks about setting up some email redirects.  19:00 John talks about recording 40 chapters of his audiobook, and 20 chapters to go. John talks about the crude language and titles of his YouTube videos, and how they don’t something serve the buttoned-up business corporations.  22:00 Chuck talks about the numbers of attendees of the Ruby Dev Summit and Angular Dev Summit. But some were paid passes and free passes to the conferences.  25:00 Chuck talks about some of the topics like machine learning and how nothing has really changed in Ruby, but on other platforms have constant change  27:00 John talks about finding an audience with those who were unpaid attendees to the recent conferences. Chuck talks about updating the websites and sites for the conferences.  31:00 Josh says that these different elements of the conferences help build Chuck’s podcast empire. The EntreProgrammers suggest the many ideas to help Chuck with making a profit on the conference tickets. Chuck talks about the pricing model for the conferences.  42:00 The EntreProgrammers talks about the various ways to make money from conferences paid or fee. John lists off several ways to create revenue streams from these annual conferences.  45:00 Chuck talks about the speakers doing talks for free and ways compensate them. John talks about the doing affiliate links and paying a percentage of the ticket sales.  55:00 Chuck talks about setting up the conferences as a kind of lead magnet for emails or product sales. Josh talks about talks with a person whose was not ready to become an e-commerce store. John says e-commerce is very different.  1:00:00 Chuck says that everyone he has talked to says he needs to get the sponsorship stuff down. John again talks about spinning up more podcasts and podcast audience. More podcasts views, listeners, downloads, equals more money for sponsorships.    Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Take a break when you need one. John - Show up consistently to not fear failure  Josh -  Getting away, getting clear      
10/24/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 57 seconds
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Episode 189 “Video Starts at 0:00”

0:15  We’re live!  We are here, and we need a fourth. John mentions causing a shit storm on the internet.  John talks about saying something about comments on his videos, based on the opinion of when relevant content starts in his video. 7:00 John talks about starting a live stream to talk about the issues people had about the comment. And he as able to reverse the negativity and downvotes.  10:00 John mentions he started a cult in support of “video starts at video 0:00." The EntreProgrammers talk about the craziness people get into without knowing the whole story.  13:45 John talks about a book called  For New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto. John talks about how this book will make you libertarian.    16:00 John talks about cut the ads or turning off monetization on his YouTube videos. Because it stunts the growth of the subscribers. John and Josh explore other avenues to accelerate the growth. Josh suggest testing and turning off the ads.    23:00 Chuck talk about how he is almost done with the app to handle the sponsorship for the podcast. Chuck talks about the different kinds of ideas for signing up for sponsor slots on the podcasts.    25:00 Chuck talks about maybe creating a way to look at available slots for sponsorship without an account. Then if they want to purchase a time slot, then they will need to set up an account.    27:00 Chuck talks about overhauling the Dev Chat TV site in the future. John and Josh suggest not to do the overhaul until his app is in place and working.    31:00 John talks about creating an immediate income stream by doing affiliate or commission. John talks about the cash flow that will be available once his sponsorship app is in-place.    35:00 John talks about the B to B type business, and add more podcasts to his network. John continues to talk about the goldmine scenario, but you have to hit the mother load first before you move on to the next hill. Also, some talks about multiplying the podcast shows.    45:00 Chuck talks about keeping his list warm, with affiliate stuff or newsletters. John, again, suggests creating and promoting a new podcast show.    50:00 John talks about the permission market approach that Seth Godin and Grant Cardone implement. Chuck says he done not know how people have the time to do stuff like this. John says that despite the shit storm, he got tons of engagement.    56:00 John gives a rundown of his new camera and mic equipment.    Thoughts for the Weeks   John - Stand your ground.   Josh - Focus too!      Chuck  - Focus 
10/17/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 188 “Get To Coding”

0:15 We’re Live. John mentions that he was in Las Vegas during the shooting last week. John talks about the chaos in Las Vegas and the many different quick decisions he had to make. 6:00 EntreProgrammers talk about the past visits to Las Vegas, and John continues to talk about the coaching he was trying to do, and being hit on at the lounges. 10:00 John talks about how great the Thrive conference was in Las Vegas. John talks about meeting and seeing people like Grant Cardone, Ty Lopez and much more. Chuck talks about going to Las Vegas next year for a conference. 14:00 Chuck talks about recently hiring and firing a project manager, and another. Chuck talks about hiring a person to handle the sponsorship information. 17:00 Chuck talks about speaking with an open source developer/entrepreneur. Chuck talk about his encounter with syndicated ads. Chuck talks about having a miscommunication with a sponsor trying to find an ad. 21:00 Chuck continues with finding a renewed spark for doing the ad reads and being more animated in the podcast shows, also his new plan for managing sponsorships. 25:00 Josh suggests the kinds of information sponsors are looking for in a sponsorship, like transparency and analytics. Chuck talks about the type of analytic tool he needs to provide information back to his sponsors. Chuck says he keeps getting sponsor asking for certain criteria for sponsorship. 30:00 Chuck talks about creating the tools he needs for the sponsors. Chuck also talks about conflicts with sponsors advertising the similar services or products.  Chuck told a sponsor that if they want to be exclusive, they have to buy it out the sponsor slots. 35:00 Chuck talks about this build idea that is very unique and could be your bread and butter for a long time. 40:00 Chuck talk about searching for tool and coding. Chuck says he might end up building a system similar to what. Derrick’s  Signal Leaf did when it was up an running. 45:00 Josh talk about working on a project with he is working for promoting John on Plural Sight. Also, work on some email list projects and marketing. John thinks they can make some money off this project on Plural Sight. 49:00 Chuck mentions Ruby Dev. Summit at Thoughts of the Week Chuck - If you not happy with what you are getting, change what you are doing.,. John - Until you see what is possible, everything is impossible Josh - Have a plan..
10/10/201757 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 187 “Josh & Chuck Show”

0:15 We’re Live!  Josh turned 37 this past week. Josh says he is so mad at some idiot. Josh talks about getting a message from John about an issue with he book on Kindle.  Josh talks about what he thinks happen for this book to be taken down.  8:00 Josh mentions the book was losing ranking because sales were lost. Josh talks about issues when getting John’s book republished. Josh they may have to do another promotion to gain the ranking back.  11:00 Josh says this book is not their business, so it difficult not to have the power to do what the need at any time. Josh talks about how royalties are set within Amazon book sales. Josh talks about his thought about selling books on Amazon.  18:00 Josh talks about liking Thrive Cart . Josh and Chuck talk about the types of carts they currently use. Josh talks about the current Simple Programmer shopping cart, and all the features available to make sales.  24:00 Josh goes into some market strategy and tools he uses from day to day. Chuck ask about payment on Thrive Cart. Chuck talks about how he uses MemberPress.  31:00 Chuck talks about getting his water main fixed. Chuck talks about reading Profit First. Chuck talks about the way Profit First tells you to divide your money into different accounts.  37:00 Josh talks who Simple Programmer handles the accounting. Chuck talks about how Profit First talks about cutting expenses. Chuck goes back to how he fires people… Chuck talks about the current plans for cutting expenses.  49:00 Chuck talks about moving to Pipedrive CRM and Sale management, but still, needs some functions that BlueTick offers.  53:00 Josh recommends as a free tool for searching and check valid emails. Chuck wants to us this for find prospects.  59:00 Chuck says he is thinking about taking out the bronze package for sponsorships. Chuck talks about backlog episodes.  Josh talks about how Podcast vs Radio are paid in sponsors.  1:05:00 Chuck talks about the impression vs. volume of episodes. Josh climes in with how CPMs work for sponsorships. Chuck says he should talk to Derick about the podcast hosting and adding other features like sponsor clips.  1:15:00 Chuck admits that John was right about how Chuck was running his business awhile back. Thoughts for the Week!  Chuck - You cant keep doing the same thing, expecting something different to happen. Josh - Every system is perfectly designed to produce the results that it is producing.                                                                   
10/3/20171 hour, 27 minutes, 31 seconds
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Episode 186 "Gaining Momentum"

0:15 We’re Live. John is back and exhaust from all the traveling. John mentions that he did not miss a workout during the whole trip. John says he did gain about 20lbs, but has force himself to get through the grind. John describes how people get into depression or gain momentum into positivity.  8:00 Chuck compares he recents trails to what Johns was just talking about. Chuck also talks about the book You Are The Placebo. Chuck says looking over the abyss and considering the walk back is freaking hard.  11:00 John says you might as well try to charge up the hill, and build a new city. Chuck compares his finances  to last year, and is looking for a way forward, rather it is in finances or podcast production. Chuck says this is about just breaking even and moving forward.  15:00 Josh suggests looking into the profitability. John talks about the same ideas relayed in the current book Chuck has been reading, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind… and others. John talks about how the little league is these to beat you up to get to the big leagues.  22:00 Johns says the struggle is figuring out all the wrong ways of doing things, but leads to the well oiled machine that works every time. Josh says this maybe cheaper in the long run and less headaches.  25:00 Chuck talks about the new project manager he hired and the new processes to help all the different events and weekly tasks from week to week. Chuck talks about maybe moving things to Jira as he starts building new processes.  29:00 Chuck talks about his new project manager, where he is from, and his new tasks. Josh mentions that they may want to hire a project manager to handle task in Simple Programmer. But John talks about the different situations where it could work.  33:00 John says this position may be a intern type job, and grow it into a position with a bigger capacity, but, possibly someone with an entrepreneurial mindset. John says if something like this was available in his mid twenties, he would have certainly done it. This would have help gain traction into entrepreneurship.  37:00 John talks about interviewing James Damore, and the different things that happen with  this tech firing situation. John talks about historical events that led to huge changes we see in situations like James Damore’s.  45:00 The EntreProgarmmers give their thoughts on companies having the right to fire as they see fit. The EntreProgrammers speak on topics about  discriminations such as race and levels of intelligence from race to race. John compares this ideas to the breeding of dogs… and thing humans have done in the past. 57:00 The EntreProgrammers ask questions like, What makes a good coder? Male or Female? Do some people have advantages or do we need to just work harder to get somewhere if life?  Thoughts of the Week John - Fight from a position of strength  Charles - What are you going to do?  Josh -  Someone in business always has the upper hand.. It’s your job to be that person.
9/26/20171 hour, 15 minutes, 17 seconds
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Episode 185 "Got This Nut Cracked"

0:15 We're live.  Just Chuck and Josh. Josh talks about a Chrome bug that is not letting him use his good mic. Also, some tech tech about Josh’s new screen. Chuck says it is rain and he is not going to fix this leaking pipe. 2:30  Chuck says he was doing Angular Dev Summit all week, and gain some 700 emails for his list. Chuck say it was a good summit ad great talks. Chuck mentions that he is home alone with he kiddos.  5:00 Chuck talks about working with Fulcrum an automation tool.  Chuck mentions that he has a new process with his podcast production. Chuck is also working on the renewals of sponsorships.  8:00 Chuck says he is finally releasing the episode before the show notes are done, then he can catch up with the show notes later. Josh talks about maybe using  a place holder for the show notes. Chuck talks about the downward spiral with a  show note writer.  10:00 Josh ask about the Angular Dev Summit, and some general attendee questions. Chuck talks about sending a email out about the summit to those who did not show up. Chuck says he want to find some to do this leg work for coordinating the summits and conferences.  15:00 Josh ask about how the “Free Model” work this time around. Chuck says the emails he gain were worth the whole event. This is a 5% bump for Chuck’s list. Josh asks about the popularity of Angular to React. Chuck explains the difference  17:00 Josh and Chuck talk about the Angular JS, and how React is growing. Chuck says he does not have a React show on yet.  But he is working on it. Chuck talks about the mainstream support of the different programming languages.  20:00 Chuck talks about the banner issue that was not happening with the sponsors. Josh mentions hat John is flying home now.  23:00 Josh talks about the revenue and reach of the sponsorship. Josh talks about finding the qualified leads and get the customer value. Josh talks about the $6 a click. Josh talks about how is learning and reinventing the wheel for the sponsorships and sales. Josh thinks that they need to out source sponsorship sales. Maybe a 15 -20% commission.  28:00 Josh thinks this is outside of his niche to do the sponsorship sales. Chuck talks about the sales process from his point of view. Josh thinks that his would be a full time job for him, but he might have better use for his time.  30:00 Chuck talks about what a new show means for the revenue of sponsorships. Chuck and Josh talks about all the task for doing sales call and working with the CRM.  37:00 Chuck says he wants to build his own CRM. Josh and Chuck about their biggest problems with a CRMs. Josh says he want to mash a CRM with Trello.   39:00 Josh says he is looking for someone who does media sales. Josh talks about doing some experimentation with LinkedIn Ads. But they’re expensive. Josh talks about the campaign he did, and who he targeted.  42:00 Josh talks about how  LinkedIn ads work. Josh says the is probably how he was find someone to help them. Chuck says he would give an introduction to someone who does marketing for podcasts.  44:00 Josh talks about a new licensing program they’re apart of for the new book and podcasts. Next this is working on the audio book.  47:00 Chuck says he like listening to audio. Josh says he does both kindle and audio. Chuck and Josh discuss the next process of the show notes on the podcasts.  Thoughts of the Week! Chuck - Creating the process and trusting the process.  Josh - It talks some time in marketing…  
9/19/201757 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 184 "Leaky Pipes"

0:15  We’re Live! Just Josh and Chuck today. Josh is calling in form a rotary phone. Chuck mentions he had to write show notes. Chuck is firing again. Chuck talks about a high utility bill and trying to find out why? Leaking pipes! Murphy lives here.  7:00 Chuck mentions getting a new sponsor and getting some help to fund the month till sponsors pay.  10:00 Chuck says he is going to hire 4 writers to be responsible for the show’s notes. Also Chuck is working to keep production ahead so the production line has some buffer.  Chuck and Josh talks about evergreen content and how podcasting and publishing works to help traffic.  18:00 Josh mentions that Chuck could recycle some shows to buy some time to till production catches up. Chuck talks about planning ahead with the other podcast hosts to replace topics.  20:00 Josh talks what the process is on producing the show notes for one episode. Josh asks is the writers need to know code to write the notes. Chuck says no, that is no needed.  23:00 Josh suggests hiring 10 people to write the notes from UpWork. Chuck talks about getting off of Slack and switching to MatterMost for podcast production.  28:00 Chuck says that his podcast production broken and his house broke, but Angular Dev Summit is working out just fine. Josh says this production line needs to be a Zero Tolerance policy.  32:00 Josh talks about working at a new paper and making sure that things get done. Josh says this maybe because they are doing this on a budget, is the big reason things fall apart.  33:00 Josh talks about Hub Spot and the free CRM. Josh describes his issues with loading data into these kinds of tools, and trying to build tasks. Josh talks about the G Mail plugin in Hub Spot.  38:00 Josh talks about he issues with his email tools. Chuck talks about the kind of features he needs to these CRM tools.  40:00 Josh says he is struggling with the outreach, and these tools need to be configurable to cater to their needs. Josh talks about doing Cold Out Reach and Warm Follow up, using these tools.  45:00 More talk on how similar CRMs are, and the one or two small differences. Josh talks about finally setting up their membership site. Josh talks about flipping the switch and making the site go live, but with a test first.  50:00 Josh talks about how the title on the membership site was broken due to the title. Josh talks about how he was not impress by Digital Access Pass.  56:00 Chuck says he was to take a look into this, because he wants to do something similar. Josh says he has not hear from John. He should be back this coming week. More talk on CRM features.  1:02:00 Josh and Chuck mentioned scripting or writing a bit of code, or learning new things.    Thoughts for the Week  Chuck - Don’t go to victim-land.  Josh - Taking the time to figure out the steps. 
9/12/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 23 seconds
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Episode 183 "I Don't Owe You S&%$"

Episode 183  "I Don't Owe You S&%$” 0:15 It appears that we’re live.. John in Tuscany…somewhere. John says is no AC at the gym. And some talk on about superstitions on opening windows.  5:00 Chuck talks about maybe visiting Italy one day. John talks about the outdoor activity and site seeing. John talks about practicing his Italian, because less people speak Italian.  8:00 Chuck talks about going to Las Vegas with his father in-law. Chuck one the a conference and made some connections and possibly landing guess for future podcast episodes. Also, possible gaining some sponsorship. Overall a good experience for Chuck. So Chuck worked on Conferences, Podcasts, and Sponsorship.  12:00 Chuck says he might want to replace Baba again… Bells ringing. Chuck and Josh take about setup a system. John suggest some testing out a popular episode.  17:00 Chuck talks about the next steps for the publishing for the episodes. Josh suggest adding a subscribe link or button.  21:00 Chuck talks abut opposition for putting out content among podcasters or bloggers. It happens, and it is normal.  Chuck ask about who is answering John’s email. Josh says he wants to have some one in a personal assistant role.  25:00 John say he want to revamp his email, or get a personal assistant who know everything about his email. John talks about email and assistants. John talks about the Art of Computer Science guy, who does not have email. John says email is a difficult problem and no one has solved them yet..  31:00 John says he got an electronic voicemail from the IRS. But he said the word “kindly” gave them away. John talks about dealing with the IRS.  36:00 EntreProgrammers talk about auto pay and mail service. Josh ask Chuck how he is tracking sponsorship out reach.  42:00 Chuck say he need more out of Blue Tick. Josh talks about looking into Salesforce, and they figure out a plan for you. Josh talks about how emails are harvested.  47:00 John talks about screen scraping.. John asks Josh what has been going on at simple programmer. Josh talks about Ads.  55:00 Josh says sales have plummeted, it may just be because it is the end of August. Josh talks about getting a membership site finally. Josh continues to talk about what he was up to at Simple Programmer.  Thoughts for the Week  John - Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems  Chuck - Make a plan and follow it Josh - Practice ….virtue 
9/5/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 182 “Silenzio”

0:15 Josh mentions that he finally got his new monitor. Some talk on monitors and tech. John says on a wimp, he sign up to run a half marathon. Wow. Rome by night. John talks about all the regulations before he can participate in the run.  John talks about he EKG test and the doctor's remarks.  8:00 Chuck talks but a new sponsor coming soon. Big news, and Chuck talks about how the routine follow ups worked. Persistence. Chuck talks about reading the Secrets of the Millionaire Mind again, and a few others that gave Chuck a paradigm shift.  12:00 John talks about being internally ready to receive. John says he like Joe Dispenza. Chuck talks about how most people are only set up for being comfortable. John talks about quantum physics and how thoughts work as far as shaping your own reality.  17:00 John ask if you know a successful person who is a pessimist. Chuck talks about a friend who has the means to continually be successfully because that is just who he is as a person. Chuck talks about manifesting other event and thing in his current situation.  23:00 Chuck says there is a power in the things that we want to do and we can make it happen for ourselves. John says that it is all in the mind set. Josh ask Chuck how many time he follows up with people. Chuck talks about his messaging and the opportunities he looks for to break the ice.  31:00 John says his sends everyone to Josh when people are looking for sponsoring. John talks about some of these prospects can be good for the company.  35:00 Johns mention that he is helping guys videos on plural sight, by sending traffic to it videos. The Entreprogrammers talk about helping courses and video with sending traffic to the area. John talks about visiting the Sistine Chapel.  43:00 Josh again, talks about dealing with the workman’s compensation stuff. John talks about how to fix the situation. John talks about running a business and have certain kinds of insurance.  50:00 Chuck talks about making changes, gaining traffic, and redesigning the website. John talks about some details to looking into. Chuck says he wants to grow the podcast audience.  John talks about text to join features to gain an audience.  Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Getting up early John -  Be willing to go further Josh - Don’t try to hack this on your own.
8/29/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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Episode 181 “Just Ninja Side Kick That @$#!@$”

0:15 Technical issues with video and sound. John talks about a scam with trying to buy a sim card and getting internet access.  5:00 Chuck talks about his experience with data and cell phones in Italy some 20 years ago. Chuck says get away form the airports. John and Chuck talks about their experiences in Italy. John talks about trying to find a gym.  John also talks about making the effort to speaking Italian only.  10:00 John talks about wanting to hire to tutor for speaking Italian. Chuck talks about his crash course with Italian. John mentions their travel plans until the 17th of September. Chuck talks about the time he staying Italy and everything he explored.  15:00 John mentions liking the cornettos. John ask what he has to try while he is in Italy. Chuck says to ask he locals. More talk about the similarities today with European culture and American culture.  21:00 John and Josh talks about who is in charge at Simple Programmer. Josh talks about his recent family adventure to The Great Wolfs Lodge. Josh further describes his adventure with his kids.  30:00 John and Josh talk about how they hate  to responding to loads of emails after vacation. John says some opportunities and more emails with Blue Host and such.  32:00 Chuck talks about his getaway to get some work done and relax. Now Chuck has been planing and doing the 12 week year. Chuck says he is going to have to miss the podcast movement.  35:00 Chuck talks about this sponsorship workflow with Asana, but he may need to change how that is setup. Chuck says he is getting sponsors, but that can't pay until a month away.  41:00 Johns makes some suggestions and help Chuck think about things to think about. John talks about ways Chuck can line up new sponsors.   45:00 Chuck talks about planning to going to the Build conference. Josh ask what Chuck’s plan is for the 12 week year.  Chuck explains some steps and strategy for the next 12 years.  49:00 Chuck talks about his plans for the sponsorship on some of his podcasts. Chuck has need talking to Wes Boss and Dave Thomas.  51:00 Chuck asks how to get hooked up with Plural Sight as a sponsor. John says he might be able to do an intro email for Chuck.  John and Josh talks about the sponsors or affiliates that have been working for them.  55:00 John talks about interview Cake. Josh again talks about how helpful PluralSight will be as an affiliate for Chuck.  1:01:00 Chuck talks about what he did after his short getaway, from small steps and following the plan. Entreprogrammers talks about which numbers to care about.  1:05:00 EntreProgrammers talk about testing an debugging and thinking they are going to use the data. Josh talks about the wrap up of the book launch and what is next. Plural Sight and sponsorships.   Thoughts for the Week John - If someone is not a challenge…  Josh - You have to take risk… Chuck - You inner world creates your outer world. 
8/22/20171 hour, 19 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 180 “Pineapple Inc.”

0:15 We’re Live! Guess where John is at? John talks about his experience with fondue in Switzerland.  Did they dye this lake…Lake Geneva.  3:00 Chuck talks about finding a getaway. EntreProgrammers talk about stupidity in everything. John talks about forming a secret society and such. Secret society of Anti fill-in the blank.  8:30  Derick congratulate Chuck on being like Jerry Springer. John say that Europe is a bunch of rule following pricks. Derick raises a questions about why rules are in place anywhere. John talks about rule following.  12:00 John talks about how people are running on a program and the stupidity is funny. People are living life base on a social type of program.  14:00 Derick talks about starting work with a client. Derick talks about his contract job as an architect, or a non-coding architect. Derick says he is impress with the people he is working with from all over the world. Derick said with job with run for a good while and will pay the bills.  18:00 Derick talks about getting a second client who has prepaid for work. Also, was approach by  a popular fruit company that has budgeted money for him to do some Docker videos for training.  John says that the podcast he did with Chuck has landed him this gig.  Derick says he needs some time to get the class off the ground.  24:00 Josh ask if these videos/classes/training with be exclusive to the company or will it be open.  Derick is excited for the brand new class and brand new client work.  29:00 Derick talks about saying no to the latest and greatest technology. Derick talks his excitement for new computers.  32:00 Chuck talks about freaking out, and making ends meet. John says to stop trying to control the situation. We can only control our actions. John says he has try to eliminate things he did not want to happen, but it never worked.  38:00 John talks about running on the auto-pilot program and retraining or reprogram. Johns say he has to shift thinking and change the self talk. Chuck talks about trying to figure out how to overcome the cycle of freaking out.  41:00 Josh talks about journaling and embracing what is going on in your head, and get it out. John talks a book called Your Erroneous Zones. John reads some paradigm shifting quotes.  49:00 Derick talks about doubling the medication, and finally feeling like himself. Chuck talks about feeling guilt taking time off. John makes some suggestion about when and how to take a break. Derick makes a suggestion of trading time off with the wife.  1:02:00 John makes another book suggestion called The way of the Superior Man. Thoughts for the Week Derick - listen to other people…  Chuck - Lay down, have a plan..  Josh - No Thoughts.. 
8/15/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 30 seconds
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Episode 179 “Starting to Sound Like a Country Song…”

Episode 179 “Starting to Sound Like a Country Song…” 0:15  We're Live! Just Chuck and Josh today.  EntreProgrammers talks about  fireworks, 4th of July,  and state holidays.  Where do we buy legal fireworks? Chuck is at a coffee shop and talks about his week paying bills. Dead AC issues.  5:00 Chuck talks about all the problems happening around him. Tons of personal issues and some business issues. Funny thing , Chuck says he is not discouraged. Chuck talks about his deal with MicroSoft sponsorship. Chuck wants to be an approved vendor as some point.  9:30  Chuck talks about letting go of one of his contractors. Chuck talks about specific need of sponsors who are looking to target geographically. Chuck talks about having to figure out the conferences and sales to gain some revenue.  15:00 Derick enters with a suggestion about upgrades to those who bought ticket to some of these conferences. Derick mentions ways to do up-sales. Chuck continues with talk about the all access pass. 20:00 Josh ask Chuck what his plan is to not get back in to this position. Chuck talks about getting a plan together and implementing ideas from the book Profit First. Chuck talks about how Profit First works.  26:00 Josh talks about the Salary process John and himself do each month. Chuck talks about reading Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. Chuck talks about talking with his bookkeeper and cutting back on some useless services.  32:00 Derick talks about his interesting week… Short version: A phone call with a guy from Canada… Derick mentions getting a contract for 30 hours a week and wondering how to get all the working done. When a few hours ago he did not know how to pay the bills.  37:00 Derick, again talks about getting a prepay on a Rabbit MQ  contract as well. Derick says he sees the light at the end of the tunnel for his recent financial fall back.  40:00 Derick talk about the health care contractor is use to do work for, and some of the issues he had encountered. Chuck says he is glad that things are looking up for Derick.  46:00 Derick talks about his Tweet last week, and nothing happen. But all of a sudden has turn around this week. Chuck say he may have to pick up some contract work.  48:00 Derick talks about upping his medication dosage after talking to his doctor. But he is feeling a bit sick stomach wise..  Derick says things are looking better altogether. 51:00 Derick mentions that Watch Me Code is going on the back burner for now, and he does not want bother with it for now.  Derick says he is talking about this to help others not for a pat on the back.  52:00 Josh says he is going crazy with Simple Programmer, because John has been offline for the past few days. Josh talks about telling everyone when to do so far. Josh talks about way to implement Workman or Workers Compensation.  54:00 Derick says that Josh needs to looking into talking to a lawyer for workman’s comp. Josh talks about try to get answers…  57:00 Derick pokes fun at John’s story telling.. Josh talks about is dealing with a shopping cart feature or program. Josh talks about maybe using Member Press..  Derick gives some suggestions on the streaming on other features.    Thoughts of the Week Derick - Careful what you wish for Chuck -  It ain’t over till its over  Josh -  If someone does a good job, let them know.  
8/9/20171 hour, 12 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 178 “Will Code For Food”

0:15 Chuck says he could try to convince John to fire himself from Simple Programmer. Chuck says he is tried of writing show notes. Chuck has been trying to catch up. John pops in! Chuck gives an more detailed update on his podcasts situations. Chuck lays down the rules on his podcast production.  5:00 Josh gives some feedback on the workflows that Chuck has recently implemented. Things are looking better. Chuck say he does not have to have these people like him. Josh say they will like you if you are super clear with them and there is a lot of communication.  10:00 Derick talks about how is doing better, still working on feeling 100 percent. Better talks about his recent publishing deal for his courses. Derick talks about getting work doing consulting and contract work.  13:00 Derick talks about a new contracting work doing development. Derick mentions talking to people to about getting client work. Progress is being made.  19:00 Derick talks about when he will be getting the first payment for the new publishing deal. Derick says he is their first screencaster for Manning. Josh asks if he is able to implement a kind of lead magnet. Derick say he is able to do so, and he make no mention on behalf of Manning.  23:00 John says they sold over 10K book within the first few days, and out sold some big names whom launch at the same time. John also mention selling 173 in the printed copy sales. John talks about all the logicist with the book sales. John mention getting in contact with a known book agent.  28:00 John talks about how the book can up the overall revenue of Simple Programmer. Josh mention the Look Inside feature and gaining subscribers. Josh says this is the #2 source of subscribers. John talks about kill it, even while launch along people like Ryan Holiday.  32:00 John talks about the perks on using his own Amazon affiliate link. John continues with his plan and out reach with the newly launched book. Josh and Chuck talks about troubles with working with book publishers.  41:00 Josh talks about the dark sides of success. Josh talks about the account rep from Drip, and being notified about spam. Josh goes into questing Drip about pruning  their list, or deleting half of their business. Josh talks about how they discovered a person who may be seeding their list.  47:00 Josh talks about the bonus material that is apart of the book. Josh talk about using a new tool call Price Cart.  51:00 Josh talks about needing Derick’s help with setting up a membership site. Derick says there is a number ways to accomplish a membership site. Derick talks about Member Press  and Content Pro.  John says this will solve a lot of problem they have.  55:00 John says with will solve their issues with streaming HD video. John says he is Sweden. John says the best thing he found a his favor ice cream.  1:00:00 John and Josh talks about doing a short notice meet up.  Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Commitment  Derick - Don’t wait for it work for it  John - Sleep is really important  Josh - Check your thyroid, get blood work done
8/1/20171 hour, 11 minutes, 22 seconds
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Episode 177 “Entrepreneurial Cxck Blockxr”

0:15 Chuck wants to shake some people. Chuck talks about his podcast  show notes backup. Josh ask about what the back up might be. Chuck talks about his frustrations with episodes not be released on time.  4:00 Josh stay to him, Chuck need to hire new writers. John talks about asking why things were not getting done. John says he needs to set a deadline, and expectation. John, also mentions that he need to tell new hires that “They Never Miss A Deadline”  9:00 Chuck talks about he is going to handle the situation, with getting the podcasts back on regular schedule.  Josh says this may mean that he hires new people. John says that “The New Paper goes out everyday!” 12:00 Chuck mentions that he had  to abandoned transcripts for now. Chuck say he is also probably going to put a hold on Shandi, as Gerald has stepped up in the production of the shows. Josh talk about how Chuck keeps getting a surprises with the the show notes writers.  16:00 Josh talks about a possible bot that deletes anything by Simple Programmer on Hacker News. John ask for some help form listeners to post a link on Hacker News.  20:00 John talks about his book status on Amazon.  John talks about how his book is surrounded by chesty men book covers on Amazon.  23:00 John goes by and talks about he marketed his book to Hacker News, for a news spot. But he has not heard anything. John says hew found an Entrepreneurial Cock Blocker.  28:00 Josh talks about the recent amazon link submission to hacker news by a listener. Josh thinks they are more sophisticated then the NSA.  31:00 John talks about his book sales numbers, and getting screw on the KDP selection. Chuck says it is awesome to be one of the top 25. Josh says some people do not know how to use Amazon, especially those in other countries try to buy on US amazon sites.  35:00 Josh talks about the issues the Kindle Select. John talks about this particular person who is a complex code teacher, but he was have trouble with buying the new 99 cent book off of amazon.  40:00 John talks about how he was not concern about the 99 cent price. Because it will sell over a million dollars over the next 10 years.  Also with some interest for place in China. John gives an update on the link post to hack news, and talks about up voting it  live.  45:00 John does some horn tutting about hitting a new top selling book about software developing. John talks about Ryan Holiday book launch on the same day.  50:00 John says to avoid Create Space if you are doing a launch. There're good but not for a big launch. John continues to talk about the logistics of the book launch.  52:00 Chuck says a lot of his work is paying off, and cashflow is starting to look better. Also, out reach is looking better, as he is talking to Microsoft and getting invoices paid.  56:00 Josh ask his anyone know  the hot submission page and how it works. John talks about things he could have done better for the book launch.    Thoughts for the Week John - Blast through the finish line with your spaceship. Josh -   Ready for anything. Chuck - Trust the Process.  
7/25/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 55 seconds
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Episode 176 “Monkeys In Suits…”

0:15 We’re are live! When there are 5 it is really 4. Derick is back! WooHoo! Derick says he was sleeping the whole time. In the good news, Derick mentions getting a distribution deal with Manning Books. Manning Books is picking ups some of Derick’s screencasts for distribution. Derick also has built some new video animation material for branding.  3:00 In the downer news, Derick says that his business had been tanking.Derick openly talks about is depression and therapy visits. Derick talks about how his wife helped him by calling their family doctor.  6:30 Derick talks about his medication, home life and other important events that push him to get help. Derick describes his mental battle and things he had to do to take care of himself.  10:00 Derick talks about how he has been working on things for Manning Books, and making financial changes to get  of top of things.  13:00 John talks about his concern for Dericks health and business. John suggests reading Tony Robbin’s Awaken The Giant Within. John talks about his encounter with anxiety and some depression. John also suggest reading anything by Dr. Wayne Dryer.  18:30 Derick says he is not a fan of medication, but is was something that help him. Derick says he most likely will not need to be on medication. Derick says he wants to talk about this on the show because depression is serious. Derick says that depression is a lair. Derick suggests  to anyone out there to find that help they need if they’re battling depression.  24:00 John talks about the roller coaster each member of the group has been on. John talks more about the getting the defense to help yourself. Johns cutting out all the bad stuff and only take in positive stuff.  28:00 Chuck chimes in on his routines, books and is faith to help his current business, and life trials. Chuck says he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. John says you are exactly where you need to be at any moment… John describes his thoughts on encountering the mid-way point. 34:00 Derick talks about the things he was looking forward to, and stopping negatively. Derick talk about getting down low enough with emotions. Derick talks about apathy.  39:00 Derick suggests checking out if they need help with depression. John talks about taking the pressure off. John make a great point about everyone being monkeys in suits, doing things we think that matters…  42:00 John talks about not losing the desire to make things better, and rebuilding.  Derick talks having his wife understand his situation. Derick talks about climbing out of the big “U”. 48:00 Derick talks about how the phase is “I’m Freaking Out Right Now” is a key  to notice his situation. John suggests pick something that is out of context  to break out and have a pattern interrupt.  52:00 John rants about the scientific physical experiences now feels with anxiety. Derick talks about how he diverts anxiety during a talk or presentation. Derick talks how he business is anxiety inducing or looking at the signs and noticing the “burning room.” Derick says “Don't try to pushing yourself during recovery.”  59:00 John suggests to Derick to perhaps maybe get a regular job for awhile to reduce the  anxiety and other taxing situations. Derick mentions that his therapist  suggest the same thing.  1:03:00 Chuck says that he has been feeling similar things as Derick, and his wife ask if she should get another job. John gives some suggestions to Chuck. John suggest giving it 6 months to help getting into cover stuff. Chuck talks about cutting expenses. Josh says he does not see a problem after a couple of months.  1:11:00 John talks about clients paying up front before starting business. John suggests to Chuck to put a time limit on the situation, before changing  his business situation. Josh mentions that he needs to make sure that it is working before handing it off.  1:15:00 John’s book is out!  Thoughts for the Week John - None of this shit matters… take the pressure off.  Josh - Backups and redundancy.  Chuck - Take some time to code… or do what you love.
7/18/20171 hour, 26 minutes, 50 seconds
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Episode 175 “Veiny 2.0”

Episode 175 “Veiny 2.0” 0:15  We're Live! Yay. John talks about a video of a father burning his kids XBox. John talks about reasons why Derick might not be showing up for the master mind call. EntreProgrammers talk about destroying their video games consoles.  2:45  John updates us on his fitness levels and goals, and cracking the diet 2.0. John talks about dropping weigh after cutting all sugar, including fructose and artificial sweeteners. Josh chimes in a what he has notice about John’s calorie intake and what he burns during exercise.  6:00 John talks about a v02 max test, and the off the charts performance. John says his new diet is about  insulin resistance. John talks about possible producing a program on the science of this  diet. 10:00 Chuck mentions that he has lost 12lbs on the Ketogenic diet. Chuck talks about going to a new doctor and getting his meds changed. Josh talks about his fasting. John ask about the medication Chuck is taking.  17:00 John talks about what is happening to your body on the Keto diet, but also taking diabetic medication. Josh talks about his small carb intake right before workouts. Basically, tricking the brain into thinking it is getting carbs.  20:00 John talks about his experiment with his diet, with pre and post intake. John gives Chuck some  suggestions on cutting out artificial sweeteners.  25:00 Josh talks about an on going debate about fitness he had with John. Josh talks about flipping a switch with his diet. Josh talks about the math of a diet and how it works, after his crash diet.  30:00 John talks about how Josh’s diet is causing insulin levels to be low and not spike. John mention reading the Obesity Code .  35:00 Chuck says that everyone’s metabolism is different. Chuck changes the subject to business and talks about his business and cashflow. Chuck talks about setting a KPI or key performance indicator.  40:00 Johns talks about how he want finding out where and how to manually find sponsors. Chuck talks about how his VA, Gerald is helping him out. Chuck talks she using LinkedIn to reach out.  45:00 Chuck talks about doing cold out reaching for sponsors. John talks about wanting to find someone to do out reach for sponsorship.  Chuck shares how he is doing out reach, and shares his Asana broad. 48:00 Josh says he sees a lot of the companies he wants to reach out to as well on Chuck’s task board. Chuck show his sponsorship package.  Chuck talks about his plan and how that sponsorships work for the client. John talks about a re sign up clause for the sponsorship plans.  53:00 Chuck talks about selling a solution, not a product. John talks about ROI with selling sponsorships. Josh mentions then interest levels and getting people to understand when a sponsorship actually works for a client. Chuck says he see away out of it.  1:02:00 Chuck talks about helping  find sponsorship for other people’s shows. John announces a new EntreProgrammers subgroup. John says this could lead to an event or conference as some point.  Thoughts for the Week! Josh - Setting your goals for the week. Chuck - Just stick too it. Make a list of things to quit.  John - All labels are bad.   
7/11/20171 hour, 15 minutes, 15 seconds
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Episode 174 "Ratchet It Up"

0:15 We’re Live! Barely alive… John talks about Josh asking questions about the lighting in John's space. John talks about his new video projects and equipment.  John continues to talk about setting up a new Rode shotgun mic for better audio quality on his videos. Josh talks about considering a hair light.   6:30  John mentions that he spent 2500 on the equipment. Not a bad investment, considering that John does many videos for Simple Programmer. Josh says that John needs to make it to where Alexa controls all the video equipment in the room. 11:00 John mention the surprising video quality on the iPhone.  Chuck asks about the difference in the sound foam  an sound panels. Chuck mentions that he is thinking about doing video at some point in the near future.  13:45 Chuck talks about his podcast processes and how the scheduling is working. Chuck is trying to determine if the podcast transcripts are worth doing. John mentions a few ways to check if people are viewing the transcripts. John also mentions that cost effectiveness of the transcripts.  19:00 John asks Josh if he know of any kinds of metrics to see the effectiveness of the transcripts, and to see if they are beneficial and cost effective.  22:00 Chuck talks about the performance of the new hires for transcripts and show notes. John goes back to the benefits of the transcripts.  Josh takes a peel at the analytics of a podcast on Dev Chat TV. John talks about how to gauge the need for the transcripts.  28:00 John wants to cut off the assholes podcasters who complain about giving information, as John helps provides traffic to their podcasts.  Josh tries to leverage traffic by using Chuck’s list. Josh continues to look into JavaScript Podcast transcript traffic. John think it is not worth doing the transcripts.  33:00 John thinks that dropping the transcripts, to move the other parts of the podcast production faster. And maybe revisit transcripts in the future when revenue is up. John talks about maybe opening the transcripts behind a pay wall.  38:00 Josh help setup an automatic Tweet to help Simple Programmers book launch using Chuck’s reach.  43:00 John shows Chuck the new landing page for Simple Programmer Career Guide. John talks about Smashing Mag. Josh talks about how they would not allow them a subscription.  50:00 Josh talks about their plans with the book launch. Josh talks about getting hooked on the Facebook group for the book. John talks about the numbers he wants to hit  for the book and career guide.  53:00 Josh mentions a Facebook Live appearance  that John is going to do soon to the group. John mention that whoever is watching this progress of the book launch is probably afraid to do their own, after all the issues Simple Programmer had.  58:00 John talks about his plans post book launch and possible tripling business.  EntreProgarmmers talk about other kinds of projects they could do once the book launch is done.   Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Finding the systems that work for you.  Josh - Ratcheting it up takes time.  John - Learning to maintain this new level. 
7/4/20171 hour, 13 minutes, 4 seconds
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Episode 173 “John’s Law”

Episode 173 “John’s Law” 0:15 Simple Programmer Edition of EntreProgrammers. John talks about his visit at Fit Con. Highschool party? John talks about feeling like the “old pervert” at this conference. John talks about how 14 year old girl articulate building a following on Youtube. John goes on to talk about trying to network with a young crowd. John goes on the talk about traveling to and from the conference.  7:30 John talks about possibly going to another YouTube conference. John talks about his sport activities as the conference. John tries to out punch the Six Pack Ads guy Mike Chan. John continues to rant about his encounters at the conference.  12:00 John talks about learning techniques for deescalating a situation, and his experience at the expos. John explains his idea for installing a shoot gun mic.  16:00 Josh talks about his busy week and get down to the wire of the book launch. Josh talks about how in the beginning of his career he managed printed material. Josh talks she hiring someone form UpWork to help with design of the book layout.  19:00 Josh talk about his distrust with some UpWork freelance designers. John and Josh talks the Kindle book designers. Josh talks about the new UpWork hire, and the process of designing the book. Josh talks about trying to figure out why her service was more then they budgeted. 23:00 As a back up, Josh mentions hiring a firm as a back up for the book design. Josh says this is their flagship and need great job done of the book design.  28:00 Josh talks she his confidence in the book designer, who is a book publishing veteran. Josh talks he doing Op-Ins for the book.  30:00 John mention how he was explaining his book launch to a person. John say you can launch a book in a few weeks, but it will not be a premium product lacking all the marketing perks.  34:00 John mentions how some tradition publisher execute a book design and launch. John talks about promoting a video that was once from PluralSight. John says book Book Trailer is ready to go, as long as the Book landing page is done.  40:00 Josh says he has not yet looked into the emails and copy he has to create for the book.  John talks about getting of .Net Rocks, and a bunch of podcast to help the book launch.  45:00 John talks about how his book SoftSkill was available for download from a Chinese site, but after it was taken down, book sales on Amazon are up again.  50:00 John talks about creating “Johns Law” for productivity. John talks about having a personal/business assistant in the future. Josh talks about finding someone as good as Aaron for another hire at Simple Programmer.  54:00 John and Josh talks about about everyone on their team is an A plus player, and replacing Aaron is going to be a challenge.  Thoughts for the Week John - Be willing to take the skunk cost.. Josh - If you have something critical, get redundancy on it.   
6/27/20171 hour, 1 minute, 51 seconds
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Episode 172 “Kiss off Mickey”

Episode 172 “Kiss off Mickey” 0:15 We’re Live! Chuck immediately says he world is blowing up. Chuck mentions having to find ways to pay things, such as server hosting. John says it is good that things blow up early, to figure out how to not go into the hole bad.  3:30 Chuck talks about how some of his revenue is not till a few weeks away, according to to sponsor payment cycles. “Its just freaking hard.” Chuck talks about an upcoming conference he is coordinating for quick income.  5:44 John asks questions about how to avoid short term solutions. Chuck talks about how at the beginning of the month he will have funds for business, but questionable for personal stuff. Chuck talks about adding possible podcast sponsor to his lists.    9:00 Josh ask what cause the “Current Crunch.” Chuck says it was paying taxes for the whole year last year. Chuck talks about his plan to not going into he red with paying taxes at the end of the year. Chuck talks about cutting on spending an saving in places where he is not using services.  14:00 John says to tells Mickey Mouse to kiss off. John talks about how they have to live an die based on looking at the monthly report. Chuck says he expected this year to look like last year as far as number goes. John says “You need buffers.”  17:00 John suggests to have your book keeper level off or spread the cash over the next few months to get a better idea of how much money you have. Chuck says this is kind of a belt tightening mode.  21:00 John talks about 6, 12 month rolling averages to gauge budgets. Josh suggests going back a looking the sales cycle, it is the summer, and that effects sales every year.  25:00 John says that Chuck is setting up himself great for the future, he just needs to survive till the future. Chuck says he is not going to be able to get to a promised project. John says just to do the deliverables, and tell your clients what you are going to do next.  29:00 John talks about threading or multitasking, and how that still slows progress. So bucket own and do the projects.  31:00 Josh ask if Chuck heard the new of Josh hitting mile stone 2, and is now a 50% Simple Programmer owner. John talks about arm wrestling his father. John says there is only two things that can only happen with money in Simple Programmer, expenses or income.  36:00 Josh talks about exporting his bank info. and built a budget around that information. Josh talks about getting a call from his bank, and how they see that he is run a business out of his account. So Josh is opening a credit card account for business.  40:00 John suggest just setting up a business account rather than changing banks. EntreProgrammers talk about business credit cards.  44:00 John talks about using 99 Designs or a designer for the UK  for the book landing page. John talks about DHH.    Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Git yer done.  John - Like is an obstacle course..  Josh - Carve away stuff.. 
6/20/201756 minutes, 38 seconds
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Episode 171 “Veiny Bastard Program”

Episode 171 “Veiny Bastard Program” 0:15 We’re Live. EntreProgrammers talk about trying to not discuss anything before they air. John shares information on his body fat measurements, at 11 percent. John talks about low hanging fruit and having a lot of room to grow. Be harsher on yourself as you measure your goals. John get off his soapbox.  5:00 Josh share his encounter with a very strict diet, and measuring his calories. Josh talks about the mental aspects and reaching the goals. Josh mentions being at 12 percent body fat.  10:00 John says losing weight does not take long, but getting to a certain body fat percentage is difficult. Josh talks about his conflict goal between gymnastic training and body building. Josh says the train helps him feel better, with less aches and pains.  12:00 Josh explains his maintenance levels for maintaining his body weight. John suggests workouts for Josh. Josh continue to talks the the other types of thing he was to continue and change with his workouts.  16:00 John talks about putting Josh on his Veiny Bastard program. John talks about finishing his marathon in some 4 hours this past Sunday.  20:00 John talks still doing leg day even after running a marathon. Josh talks about the Keto diet and his experience with broccoli tasting like butter. John talks about low fat diet and how sex drive.  25:00 John say vanity has a high price. Josh talks about how he finally achieved his childhood dream with his bracer. Josh asks questions about John’s two image consulting meeting. John shares how using two image consultants are creating an image for him 30:00 Josh talks about doing an interview for software developers and professionals for image. John and Josh discuss how people are dressed in the work place, and how that effects how people see them.  37:00 John mentions that Josh now is an equal partner in Simple Programmer! Josh talks about building a business is a quick way to build wealth.  40:00 John talks about Ty Lopez’s new video or commercial. John talks about the main points of Ty’s video on creating wealth.  John compares this to MJ DeMarco’s practice to building wealth.  John talks about investing in real estate to build wealth.  46:00 John and Josh discuss different ways to invest money from your business into real estate, stocks, and Angle Investing. John talks about adding a “Hey John” section in his book.  50:00 John talks about the value of his book as he is working on it. Josh thinks this is going to be a very long audio book. John talks about how they are going to blast 1 million developers on launch day. John wants to hit the biggest launch numbers in Amazon, not mainstream numbers.  1:00:00 Josh and John discuss the developmental ideas for John’s new book and the launch preparations that are coming up quickly.  John talks about another idea that is similar to the new book landing page.  1:03:00 John and Josh talk about polarizing and getting people excited about the book. John talks about Algorithms to Live By  1:09:00 Josh talks about YouTube ads on mobile, verse desktop ads. John talks about different pay platforms like ApplePay. John talks about break the store with updates.  Thoughts for the Week! Josh - Little bit at a time and chipping away, don’t despise the little things.  John - Plan your day ahead of time and cut away the distractions.
6/13/20171 hour, 15 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 170 “Cheap Bastard”

Episode 170 “Cheap Bastard” 0:15 We’re Live! Derick is frozen, kinda. Chuck wants to rant about having a cancelled guest because of sponsors.  John talks about finding a pattern of refunds form a particular customer.  5:00 Josh talks about his reasoning for asking for a refund. Chuck, said that John should go to a movie, and if it was not a good, to as for a refund. Chuck talks about  taking the EntreProgrammers advice about doing an urgent time sensitive deal for sponsor slots. Chuck talks about doing a pre-sale on his book.  9:00 Josh say that chuck when to opposite direction of a pig farmer this pass week. Derick talks about a jerk giving away his course for free. Derick says he need to create a sales sequence.  11:00 John talks about reading a great book,  Algorithms To Live By . Josh talks about the issues with the emails on the last sale at Simple Programmer.  Josh shares his email flop. Josh say him may not want to do FAQ emails anymore. Josh say he may just highlight just the bonuses.  17:00 John talks about a Tweet from Drunk Old Bastard, and how they turned in this situation around. Josh talks about other ways them could have converted on the course.  22:30 Josh described that cost for an email subscriber. John and talks about training customers, and how doing fire sales are not good for business.  26:00 Derick talks about a friend’s course that returns very low sales on UDemy. Derick talks about doing or noticing geographical pricing on courses.  30:00 John talks about new customers and return customers, and small percentage for sales are form return customers. Derick talks about his discount situation at Watch Me Code. Derick says there is a balance to be found when doing discounts on products or services.  35:00 Josh talks on customer lifetime value, and cost per subscriber. Entreprogrammers talks more about discounts, which is like buying customers. John talks about price tiering.  39:00 John talk about the different tiers of discounting. Josh talks about noticing the ShutterFly discounting pattern. Chuck says most people will react to the price that make sense to them.  42:00 Derick talks about a game discount supplier. John talks about how the best customers will learn the discount pattern or frequency. Josh says the whole point of a discount is urgency and scarcity of a product.  47:00 John talks about resistance to sales. Derick talks have finally cracked the 8K number on his mailing list. Derick interactive publishing company for multiple kinds of media. Derick mentions that his lead magnets are begin to work.  55:00 John says the key thing is to own the source, or ow the platform for blogs and content. John talks about publishing all video as a membership type site for Simple Programmer.  Thoughts for the Week Josh - When you don't have time for a checklist, that is when you need a checklist. John - Pomodoro Technique…  Derick - Focus on the right thing Chuck - Being deliberate…
6/6/20171 hour, 6 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 169 “Short on Top, Long on Sides?”

Episode 169 “Short on Top, Long on Sides” 0:15 Chuck mention he would not mind being a pig farmer. Entrepreneurship is taking a toll these days. Derick cracks jokes about John’s situation at Simple Programmer, and Josh’s Apple Air Pods.  3:45 Chuck talk about having to pay taxes, paying a lot of money out, and maybe having to do something desperate. Chuck talks about his email conversation with a former sponsor.  7:00 Chuck talks about having to do some deep discounts and other dealings with this former sponsor.  10:00 John talks above creating perceptions within a business, in order to follow through with business. John more about the 100K goal that Chuck created for himself. John talks about hitting goals first that are steps to the target.  15:00 Josh makes a suggestion on Chuck’s LinkedIn profile. Josh says that benefit of huge goals or targets make you think in ways you haven’t. John thinks that Chuck did have a great month.  21:00 John says that at any given time we can only do what we are capable of doing at the time. Josh suggest a time sensitive offer to gain some quick income. Chuck mentions going back to quarterly and annually sponsor spots. 28:30 Josh says the easiest place to get money is from those who already gave you money.  31:00 John talks about going shopping to change his image, and not look like a muscle bound freak.  Johns says that he bought stretchy pants at actually fit. John says that he is ban from wearing tank tops. John says that experience has open his eyes on image.  40:00 Johns talks about the perception he was putting off according to his new stylist. Chuck makes comment on the perception rant. Chuck ask if John was taking the videos down. John says this is a moving forward change with image.  45:00 John talks his plan for changing up the Simple Programmer brand in to something more mainstream. John eagerly awaits feedback from the mastermind.  50:00 Chuck talks the difference of marketing when going mainstream. John says the next book he writes will not be about programming, but about self development.  John talks about expanding out of the niche into the more mainstream.  53:00 Josh says this change might be something that Chuck would be interested in doing with podcasts.  55:00 Chuck mentions taking over a couple of shows, but is not sure when this will happen.  57:00 Derick says he is actively looking for client work within companies for training purposes. Derick says that What Me Code is still paying the bills, and he is done with one of his clients.  Derick talks about his income numbers with Watch Me Code.  1:05:00 Derick says he is still waiting on his big final success with Watch Me Code. Derick say he feels that he can’t not give feedback on the rest of the guys, because they are somewhat far ahead of him business wise.  1:08:00 Derrick talks about he video game youtube channel, and a viral video he created.  1:12:00 Go to to join an EntreProgrammers Subgroup! One spot left!  Thoughts for the Week John - Use an expert as leverage.  Josh - Know when to say no..   Chuck - Make a plan and get with it.  Derick - Timing is everything.   
5/30/20171 hour, 24 minutes, 39 seconds
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Episode 168 “Shock Collar!”

Episode 168 “Shock Collar!” 0:15 John talks about take your iPhone 7 into the shower. John talk about every time they hire an expert, they John and Josh still know more than them. John says to only thing they lack is the time to get to all the ideas they have. John explains that the more money they have, the more issue that have getting too extend their business into new areas.  8:00 John mentions that he made the same mistake he tell Chuck not to do.John says you either implement it or project manage it.  12:00 Chuck talks about having a hard talk with Jamie about the podcast editing. Chuck talks about finding an new podcast editor. John says he the asshole who tells everyone to fire their employees.  Chuck talks about communicating with your help or employees to make sure things are getting done correctly.  19:00 John tell Chuck that he should be careful not to fire someone prematurely. John  says you have to be thrilled with your help to make things work.   21:00 John ask if Chuck got a transcriptionist, but not a show notes writer. Chuck says he thinks he may have mess that up. Josh talks about the order of publishing of the podcast. Chuck says he have at least 8 episode going out every week. Chuck talk that different type of transcription services he has used in the past. Still wait on technology  to get better.  28:00 John mentions using Hot Jar to find out how many people actually use the show notes. John say a better workflow will up the output production. Chuck talks about getting started on   the Kickstarter for React and Elixir shows.  32:00 Chuck talks about how people at the Build Microsoft conference are reaching out o him for sponsorships. Chuck explains how people got interested in the sponsorships. Chuck talks about changing his philosophy on acquiring sponsors, and how he want people to get an great ROI.  37:00 Chuck talks about helping the customer reach their ROI as a sponsor as a new approach to selling sponsorships. Chuck talks about going to other kinds of events outside of developer conferences to find sponsors.  43:00 Chuck says that Grace is no longer doing conference task for him, he is now having more meetings or call to help stay on track.  Chuck talks about doing things in a 3 month plans.  46:00 John talks about having to many ideas and thing to do as the shit hits the fan. Chuck show his tasks board, and tell us how it works to keep him on schedule.  59:00 2 more spots available for Entreprogrammers Subgroups at Thoughts for the Week John - Plan ahead for the days you are away Josh - Ckicken and waffles!  Chuck - “The way you do anything, is the way you do everything”
5/23/20171 hour, 17 seconds
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Episode 167 “Turning Sh!t Into Shitake!”

Episode 167 “Turning Sh!t Into Shitake!” 0:15 We’re live and there are 4 of us! John tells us about a strange phenomenon and his video responses. Crazy stuff. John talks about receiving his Apple Air Pods in another strange event.  6:28 Derick tells a story about about a double from amazon. Derick talks about his strange coincidence. Derick asks about a tale about at Simple Programmer. John shares about working with someone to create a course for Simple Programmer. John talks about a mistake on the video. Josh and John talk about trying to salvage the video.  15:00 Josh talks about the uncertainty of the quality of the course. John goes on to explains being accused of stealing the course, and going on to verify the content on UDemy . Come to find out… it was stolen by the hired person.  22:00 John talks about trying to turn this around, by using the actual author’s course to replace the stolen material. Tony the author agrees and launch the course through Simple Programmer. Bubba gets called out publicly. John talks about confronting Bubba.  32:00 John talks about how he learn from his mistakes of not check Bubba’s background. Josh talks about his mistakes as well and cognizing the warning signs.  40:00 Stressfully week at Simple Programmer. Chuck is in Seattle at Microsoft Build. Chuck asks Josh about how he using LinkedIn. Josh gives some pointers on how to use LinkedIn to reach people in a more professional connection. Chuck talks about using BlueTick.  48:00 Chuck talks about looking for sponsors at the conference, and doing in person meetings. Derick talks about his webinar, replacing floors and washing machine. Derick talks about camping with ADHD kids.  52:00 Derick says the webinar went well, and sold 58 spots for the webinar. Derick describes this email sequence. Derick talks about the different JS language he is offer in the videos. Derick talks about what he is offering with his Docker videos.  1:00:00 Derick talks about his survey, and what he learn from it to create the webinar and sales page. Derick is not going to do webinars in May, but plans to get bak to the e-book.  1:03:00 Josh talks about Micro Conf. and a story about a 2 Star review. Josh talks about catching flak about doing a review in the course. Josh and John talk about the out coming and down votes on this review. Thoughts of the Week Derick  -  Do the Copy Hour Course. John -  Turn shit into shiitake.  Josh - You don't know anything. Chuck - Reaching out to people…
5/16/20171 hour, 16 minutes, 36 seconds
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Episode 166 “Salted Pork” 

0:15 Live on a Monday! Weird.. Luis gets ahold of Chuck after hearing the podcast. John talks about running 20 miles. John is still training for the marathon, that is going to happen in the next month. Chuck stalls on the Keto Diet. Chuck mentions using the internet and researching what he need to do to bring down his blood sugar.  4:30 John talks how what Chuck need to do to possibly bring down is blood sugar. Josh suggests taking MCT oils or brain octane oils by Dave Asprey. Josh thinks that Chuck is though the hard part of the Keto diet.  9:40 josh talks about increasing his fat intake  and the effects. John talks about going in and out of ketosis and fasting. Chuck talks about hiring a new book keeper, and attempting doing 100K in  sales this month. Chuck finds out the BlueTick does not work in Safari.  14:00 Chuck talks about having issues with his VA in the Philippines. Josh talks about someone has not been fired in awhile. John talks about how family is in high regard in the Philippines, and this may be the issue with a missing VA.  15:00 Josh and Chuck about having an emergency fund. John suggest having some stored salted pork. Josh talks about testing book covers, and running Facebook Ads.  Josh talks about doing Facebook ads and having some issues with text. 21:00 Josh talks about working with Ad sets.  John and Josh talk about the process of the book launch and Facebook ads. Josh talks about reaching cold traffic and retargeting. Josh continues talks about the many different ways to reach cold traffic, warming up and audience, and creating effective ads on Facebook.  32:00 Josh talks about the 99 Design contest, and how the poll was being reused or copied by designers. John talks about how to do a 99 designs contest. John thinks that 99 designs is worth the work.  36:00 Chuck talks about having issues with his podcast editor, and podcast are not getting done. The EntreProgrammers talk about Chuck’s situation with finding a new podcast show note editor. John thinks that Chuck should turn he podcast editing into an in house editor.  49:00 Chuck is postponing Ruby Remote conf. and is going to take care of the product side of things. John talks about interviewing MJ DeMarco of Millionaire FastLane! John say having huge following allows them to get big names for interviews.  53:00 John talks about leaving the Sub groups applications open. Apply at . Thoughts For The Week Chuck -  Share our warts…  John - It is easier to forget where you were…. Josh - Trilled to be where I am…
5/9/20171 hour, 4 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 165 “Random Dude”

Episode 165 “Random Dude” 0:15 John mentions looking at book cover designs, and not sure about the design or creativity. Josh describes the designs and issues and challenges with the book cover. John talks about the 99 designs contests for the book cover.  John talks about using 99 designs for a lot of projects and how they should be sponsors.  6:00 Chuck chimes in on his thoughts on the contest of using 99 designs. Josh mentions using Facebook ads to promote the book. Josh think a cover with a photo is more usable for the real book cover. Josh says asking people what they like is usually the best bet. John mentions the colors people pick and other things that are pleasing to the eye. Honey badger and Unicorns… 13:00 Chuck talks about trying to figure out his launch sequence. John ask where he is at in the process. Chuck talks about his crazy number of 75K with the upcoming conferences and sponsorships.  16:00 Chuck talks about launching a book at the end of May. John say it does not have to be finished to do a pre-sale. At Chuck’s current pre-sale of 1500 dollars, Josh suggest having more to offer.  Josh suggests a 10 week course, or releasing content overtime, to create value.   22:00 Chuck asks how he can package the product into a 500 dollar product.. Chuck mention the beta package paying 300 dollars. John says not to write a book, unless you are going to publish on Amazon.  27:00 John says you have to ask yourself why you are writing you book. Josh suggest doing video to gain an audience. John compares this to a gym membership service.  31:00 John talks about doing a running with Manny, and running 9 miles with him. Chuck talks about needed carbs, badly. Chuck is doing the Keto diet.  Josh talks about finding things that have too much protein calories. Chuck talks about his experiment with the Ketogenic diet.  37:00 John talks about the night and day body fat percentage. Josh talk about reaching out to Red Gate. Josh talks about using BlueTick.  41:00 Chuck talk about have a VA find people who sponsor podcast. Josh talks about how Blue Tick does what he needs it to do.  45:00 John talks about growing the pool of audience and sponsorships. Josh mentions sponsorships. Chuck talks about his plan for the funnels, cold groups, podcast sponsorships.  49:00 John talks about reaching out to DPD. Chuck asks why Josh’s WordPress guy never got back to him.  52:00 John talks about possibly getting an interview with MJ De Marco or Millionaire Fastlane. John is looking of a personal  stylist or image consultant.  1:05:00 We need 4 people for another EntreProgrammers Sub Group Mastermind podcast at: Thoughts For The Week  Chuck - “How You Do Anything,Is How You Do Everything…” John - There is nothing that is difficult in life…   Josh - “It’s important to know what you enjoy…”  
5/2/20171 hour, 5 minutes, 44 seconds
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Episode 164 “I Need a Job, Come Work For Me”

Episode 164 “I Need a Job, Come Work For Me” 0:15 Derick mentions that he needs new clients. Need help wth Docker..? Josh mention that he needs to email some 12000 people for clients and building his business.  4:00 Derick mentions creating 15 emails for he launch sequence. Derick talk about doing a Jeff Walker type of launch for his project.  7:40 Derick mention that Monday is launch day, with 40 percent off for his mailing list. Derick also talks about the mistakes and challenge he encountered. Derick says he is going to use this sequence as an evergreen funnel if it works well.  11:30 Derick talks about free bonus with this Docker product. Derick says he wrote 2300 word for his most current emails. Derick say he still has to write the last chance emails. Derick says that only has been writing tons, but has not had time to build the webinar.  18:00 Chuck says he cancelled Freelance Remote Conf., and lower some prices on others. EntreProgrammers talk about  marketer and their strategies. John says he is afraid of Ministry of Tests…John says they are similar to Hell Angles.  25:00 Chuck ask what he should do as are as sponsor cost. Chuck says he is looking into trading services to cut cost.  Chuck talks about his beta test project. Josh gives some suggestion on how to keep growing a list.  31:00 John talks about opening up another sub group of 4 people at 50 dollar application fee and 50 a month.    34:00 John   talk about hiring Native Commerce to do content production and SEO. Josh talks about getting into the zero spot for a blog post. Josh talks about the meeting with the Native Commerce people.  40:00 John talks about getting the price down to 6K a month for Native Commerce services. John says they should be able to double or triple traffic within a year. Josh talks about BlueTick.  47:00 Josh hope The EntreProgrammers are the backlink to BluetTick for request on their software. Similar to how they use to ask Rob Walling who created Drip. Chuck ask if he should check out BlueTick.  53:00 Chuck asks about key features he would need if he were to use BlueTick. Chuck talks about features challenge with Contactually. Chuck talks about reaching out to people to acquire podcast, as well as doing a survey. Chuck says people were interested in React and Elixir. Chuck talk about his ideas of this project. The EntreProgrammers gives feedback on marketing and ways to be most effective with podcasts and audiences reached.  1:05:00 Derick talk about the Elixir community and Rob Conery.  Thoughts for the Week Derick - Trust The Process John - Ignore what everyone says and do what you think is right. Chuck - Do what you want to do, but dot be afraid to ask for help.  Josh - Be willing to negotiate on things, its uncomfortable but worth it.
4/25/20171 hour, 14 minutes, 35 seconds
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Episode 163 “That was Vegas…”

Episode 163 “That was Vegas…” 0:15 We’re Live and Alive! Josh talks about his flight with an annoying lady. John crack jokes about United Airlines.  3:30 Josh talks about how John won 2 awards in a row at MicroConf. John talks about going to nightclubs in Vegas, and getting girls to go to a club. 7:00 Chuck talks about how he has no interesting nightclubs. So that was Vegas… John ask how Chuck like MicroConf. EntreProgrammers talk about their thought about the events at MicroConf. 13:00 EntreProgrammers continue on their thought on the talks and event organization at MicroConf. John says that because they’ve been to tons of conferences in the past, they have heard it all and noting new is happening in the world of marketing.  18:00 Chuck says that after learning from MicroConf., he feels like he should cancel the rest of conferences he has schedule until he gathers more information. Josh suggest looking at the math and his list.  22:00 Chuck talks about the last funnel he was building to gain more people on his list. Josh suggest growing the audience would be quickest for Chuck. Chuck is think about doing somethings for free and Summit event as a land grab.  27:00 Josh ask Chuck about how long does it take for Chuck to set up the conference events. Josh suggest looking at the costs first. 31:00 John talks about having a mountain of email during traveling. Including taxes. Chuck talks about his tax situation. John explains pay taxes as you go up the tax bracket. Death and Taxes.. 37:00 Chuck talks both doing an Audience Survey with his assistant’s help, and mistakenly gets 11,000 emails because they did not check a  certain box in Drip.  39:00 Chuck ask if anyone had some major takeaways from MicroConf. John talks about a ideas and new ways to do things at Simple Programmer.  44:00 Josh talks about how most of his takeaways were from talking to people at the conference. Chuck says the conference have become generic, and most great information come from talking to people.  48:00 John mentions the BlueTick… Thoughts for the Week John - Beliefs and contrast. Chuck - Open up and be honest at conferences.  Josh - Physical proximity works best.  
4/18/201754 minutes, 25 seconds
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Episode 162 “Live From Vegas!”

Episode 162 “Live From Vegas!” 0:15  EntreProgrammers minus Derick, Live from Vegas! Chuck talks about the recent retreat he attended by Jamie and some notable marketers. Chuck talks about getting help with how to create more revenue with podcast and sponsorships, all mapped out by Jamie.  5:00 Chuck talks about getting some direction for the marketer’s perspective.  Chuck talks about not being able to walk after doing some martial arts.  Chuck says he is still looking for a good CRM. Josh is leaning toward Contactually . John about another type of CRM.  14:00 Chuck talks about 17Hats. EntreProgrammers discuss the features of their current CRMs and which service works best for them.  20:00 EntreProgrammers talk about their tactic for setting up emails and unsubscribes. Josh talks about how unsubscribe process works, within emails. John talks about predicting revenue. Josh talks about the process of a pipeline, verses a waiting list.  27:00 John talks about changing their sponsorship model, because of an incident at Simple Programmer. Josh continues with extending a sponsorship for a client. Josh talks about the possibilities if they could bring in 30k in sponsorship revenue.  32:00 John talks about how they want to do sponsorship in a different way for the way Chuck does sponsorship. John talks about the process they would do for sponsorship at Simple Programmer.  36:00 Josh asks Chuck about the slots available for podcast sponsorship at Dev Chat TV. Chuck talks about how he wants to do individual stories of the podcasts at Dev Chat TV. Chuck is planning to recording podcast episodes 2 months ahead, maybe twice a year.  42:00 Chuck talks about having trouble with his podcast editor. Chuck is looking into the issues for the podcast editorial process. Chuck talk about using Cashfly rather then Libsyn for podcast hosting.  47:00 Josh talks about the bottleneck situation for copywriting at Simple Programmer. Josh talks about how getting 2-3 week ahead will help him with get Q&A ready.  Chuck talk about his issues and frustrations with the editorial process with podcast editing.  51:00 John talks about how”Baba” email him about creating an audio and e-books out of the past videos  posted on the YouTube channel. John talks about how this individual want to do an internship to create content. Josh describes this as reusing the byproduct of the left overs of the material on YouTube.  1:00:00 Chuck talks the indoctrination email. John is covering the mic again…. lip reading would help… Not subtitles. Sorry. Derick saves the day.  Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Don’t be afraid to ask… Josh - The easiest money in the world is like taking money for a baby.  John - There is always something that comes up…stuff still has to happen.  
4/11/20171 hour, 16 minutes, 26 seconds
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Episode 161 “Quality Check…”

Episode 161 “Quality Check…”   0:15 EntreProgrammers  joke about Chuck’s microphone issues and the usual technical podcasting challenges. Derick mentions he had a hold lot of nothing happening and only 6 hours of work. John talks about the issues with their newest white label launch. Quality Check anyone?  4:00 Josh say he was too focus on the marketing to worry about the quality of the product. John says he is going to have the author go back through  the product quality to make sure is it good to go for the next round.  6:00 John says he feels bad about no double checking the product, and worried a little about their reputation. Josh says is not great a doing quality control for video and audio. John gives the workflow for making sure your audio sound is the same or consistent when edited.  13:00 John is not sure if he wants to continue with the White Label material. John talks about listening to an audio book, “The Everything Store.” 18:30 Derick says he had a successful webinar. Also, he mention the sale of the seats and the Q &A sessions. Derick was able to connect the current webinar to previous webinar material. Derick says he generated 616 dollars for this webinar. Derick mentions that after doing webinars, he gets and influx of subscribers.  25:00 Derick and Josh discuss email lists and marketing strategies. John talks about the hypothetical store front that Derick created, and what the next step of marketing is going to be.  Josh talks more about what Derick can do to rework is email list.  34:00 Derick talks about how is was able to get back on his health care client work. Chuck talks about being sick all last week, and dealing with a broken washer. Chuck talks about an interesting budget system he learned. Chuck mention that he is going to prioritize and focusing on his business. John talks about advertisers putting out of Google ads.  44:00 Josh talks about how he know people are using ad blocking. Chuck talks about how Microsoft are spending money for their presents on podcast on the Dev Chat TV network. Derick says sometime it is about brand awareness.  51:00 John talks about the book , The Ultimate Sales Machine. Chuck their inner workings or relationship with Microsoft. Chuck talks about the possibility of connecting with Dell for sponsorship proposes. John said to do anti-sponsorship. Chuck talks about how he wants to tell stories and experience in his ad copy. Chuck says he might want to find someone to write copy. Josh thinks he need to find a develops and train them as a copywriter.  1:00:00 EntreProgramers talk about working with a copywriter, and the learning to do copywriting as an entrepreneur. Josh talks about the copy he writes verses the sales generated, hit and miss. Thoughts for the Week Derick - Practicing and improving, shift away from the “this has to work”  John - What is success? Maximizing your potential.  Josh - Take the hit and own it.  Chuck - Priority   
4/4/20171 hour, 30 minutes, 24 seconds
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Episode 160 “Italian Fever”

Episode 160 “Italian Fever” 0:15 We’re Live! EntreProgrammers talk about needing tech support for starting the podcast call. Chuck talks about how his computer has no optical drive.  John mentions being sick for the last few days.  Also has to run a half marathon. Chuck says he has been sick this past week as well.  2:50 Chuck has a question about the ticket price situation for his conferences. Chuck thinks he should lower the prices a bit to increase the sales. Josh talks about doing the split test on the ticket prices, also increasing the response rate. Josh says to test on the less popular conference to see if it works.  6:00 John advises to limit features on the test ticket price. Josh said to go back to the people and ask that reason people did not see the value. Chuck talks about those who did not understand the conference was remote or online.  12:00 John and Josh suggests offering the ticket price at half prices to those who did not signup yet, but remove some small features, like youtube video access later on or something lesser to the full paying access.  Josh talks about the  pricing situation on training courses at Simple Programmer.  John gets and idea from the advice he gives to Chuck.  20:00 Josh talks about the sales launch Simple Programmer recently did, and how they could do things better. Also, the idea for the courses they will be offering. Josh talks about the type of courses will reach a certain audience. Josh says they have to scale their efforts.  28:00 John talks about how the audience is the most important and that is where the value is at. Josh talks about selling this template as a business opportunity. John says this is reinventing Plural Sight, unfortunately.  35:00 John talks about his idea for the  12 month courses. Josh says he really wants to do this. John mentions that they need to get the book launch out of the way first. Josh says that he is almost done reading John’s new book. John talks about ways one can claim being “the best in the world” at some niche. Chuck says sometime it is up to “just showing up” to be in the ring of best in the world.   42:00 Chuck moving the Ruby Rogues parlait to Slack. Chuck talks about writing code to make the move. Chuck talks about pissing people off on hack news or other forums.  50:00 Chuck mentions have at least 10 for the beta on the Getting A Job project. Josh talks about his pass ideas for learning  and maintaining services like SharePoint.  52:00 John mentions that he is learning Italian to Chuck. Apparently, Chuck knows Italian. Chuck think he want to learn Japanese. John talks about how is learning Italian. Chuck says to practice just for a half hour.  57:00 Chuck reveals how he learned Italian. Chuck also took French in high school.  Thoughts of the Week Josh - Increasing work capacity John - No matter how much you don’t like it, what it is, is what it is.  Chuck - Get the prospective right.
3/28/20171 hour, 9 minutes, 27 seconds
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Episode 159 “Trust the Process”

Episode 159 “Trust the Process” 0:15 I think we’re live? But, Trust the Process.  Going Retro!  Josh says that he's is cancelling his email account and everyone can reach him by carrier pigeon. John trackpad clicking a super loud. Windows issues still prevail. 5:00 Chuck talks about his recent conference experience. John talks about his live YouTube board cast, and how popular it is. John talks about his weird encounter with a YouTube viewer.  10:00 Derick says he goes around screaming to people too. John talks about being called a Nazi and how things got crazy. Chuck talks about how people misunderstand comments or discussions.  15:00 Chuck ask about how to present YouTube videos for Ruby Rants. John mentions that YouTube is getting rid of annotations.  So cards are the next thing. Derick says that annotations did not work on mobile anyways. Cards work better.  19:00 Chuck asks what happens to old videos with annotations. Johns says that still will work, but you can’t create new annotations.  22:00 John question why YouTube did not just make annotations work on mobile. Derick says he is going to have to cancel his plans to go to Micro Conf. Chuck offers to share a room, but Derick says he is a horrible roommate. 25:00 Derick says he is does not have the funds to spend on extra events, but he is still able to cover bills. Derick talks about how America Airlines will not refund tickets. Derick shares where the expenses are, and how he got into some debt.  30:00 John suggest that Derrick should start contract work full-time to get out of debt, and get into a better situation. Then start his regular Watch Me Code work when he is in a better situation.  35:00 Josh says even if Derick has credit cards, he needs that pressure on, to get him into the mindset of working with regular income not credit cards transactions.  37:00 John ask if there is way he and Josh could launch a product that Derick has created through Simple Programmer. Chuck talks about looking into his channels to help Derick. Johns says these options are bandaids to help the situation.  42:00 Josh talks about he credit card situation of a 500 dollar limit. John mentions that he is in Boise Idaho, visiting all the old place he use to visit.  Thoughts of the Week John - To let go of everything.  Josh - Challenge equals opportunity Chuck - You probably know more than you think and start asking the hard questions Derick - Don’t Be Derick   
3/21/201753 minutes, 42 seconds
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Episode 158 “Hookers and Green M&Ms”

Episode 158 “Hookers and Green M&Ms” 0:15 John and Josh in the same room. John and Josh talk about getting help with the book launch. John thinks that they will have a successful book launch, and are hoping to take the number one spot in all of Amazon. Josh talks about the pre-sale strategy for Amazon.  4:30 Josh talks about working with Tom in the book launch and the tasks he is doing for the book. John describe the book review process.  6:00 Chuck talks about his week and getting his Get A Job product out. Chuck talks about the questions he is often asked about getting a first developer job or getting a  better developer job. Chuck talks about he process for acquiring information for his new product.  10:00 John and Chuck talk about the process of “Stalking.” Chuck is trying to get people into his funnel. Also, Chuck is doing the JS conference this week.  13:00 Chuck talks about getting a logo job out on Fivrr, for his short videos. Chuck discuss his plans for his next product. Chuck mention his plans for doing a Kickstarter. John explains how it is important on planning how to exit. Chuck talks about his plans for the various podcasts on his channels.  23:00 Chuck talks she doing press kits for some of his podcasts, possible for sponsorship slots. Josh gives some feedback on how Chuck should handle the sponsors or ad slots for various companies.  25:00  John suggests that Chuck should do a partnership with a company that wanted to buy Simple Programmer. John says this would broaden the reach.  28:00 Chuck says this plan is blowing up his brain. Chuck says in a couple with he is going to be at a retreat with Jamie Masters.  30:00 Josh explains what he saw a the Traffic and Conversion conference. Chuck compare this to using the Amazon Echo.  35:00 Chuck talks about sending out email for a 17Hats account. Chuck has discovered that 17Hats does not have and API. John talks about google collaborative group boxes.  39:00 Josh talk about building the perfect tool, and how every tool can talk to one another. Chuck ask if the Rails Conference is worth going too. Chuck talks about wearing a pole to stranded out. John says he wants to invite himself hang out with Chuck to hang out with book authors.  47:00 Chuck mentions that he is building a new PC. John is excited about how everyone is going back to PC. The EntreProgrammers talk about the computer setups.  Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Just get out and do it.  John - Putting some changes it place . Josh - Don’t let yourself off the hook.   
3/20/201757 minutes, 43 seconds
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Episode 157 “Cloning Chuck”

Episode 157 “Cloning Chuck” 0:15 Only Josh and Chuck today. Derick is in a meeting and John is not responding. Chuck talks about the sales on conference tickets. Chuck talks about how each day has not been below a thousand dollars in sales.  3:00 Chuck mention another hire from UpWork,  to help with the conference and doing research. Chuck talks about using 17Hats . Chuck talks about cloning his employees to be more efficient. Chuck talks about working with an employee who is having some trouble in the business.  9:15 Chuck mentions a few issues with his new hires no following through on their job. Chuck is trying to decide if it is he who is have some communication issues. Chuck talks about getting up a 4am and getting a bunch of work done, especially when no one is awake to bother him. 12:00 Chuck explains his work connection to Chris Voss  and Jesse Stay. Chuck talks about his plans to go to SXSW. Chuck talks about how to get a programming job or a raise in your current job.  17:00 Chuck talks about splitting the sponsorship expense for the two marketers mentioned. Josh ask what kind of door this could open for Chucks business. Chuck thinks that the way the year is going, he thinks this might be good for his business. But the timing is not right.  21:00 Josh talks about the “Bar Bell Strategy” for the book “Anti-Fragile.”  26:00 Josh says that passing on these opportunities are hard, but he thinks Chuck should probable pass. Chuck agrees, but asks himself if he should be spending money on market. Chuck talks about reading,  “Invisible Sales Machine." Chuck says it is similar what Josh is doing with Simple Programmer.  30:00 Chuck and Josh discuss marketing tactics they are learning and using.  Chuck mention that people respond saying that they like getting is emails.  35:00 Josh talks about he process for emailing, or fishing for customers. Josh mention reporting their subscriber number to their sponsors.  38:00 Josh talks about what was going on with Simple Programmer this pass week. Josh talks about the week they had bad sales. Josh says he did not know what was the problem. But things are looking normal again.  40:00 Josh talks about a new hire who work with John Lee Dumas. Josh is excited about working with Tom. Josh talks the reading John new book.  45:00 Chuck ask if they are going to do a KickStarter for the book launch. Josh think that might do some sort of launch at sone point. Josh talks about working with Tom on the book launch.  48:00 Josh talks about doing a 30 day challenge on sending out emails to their most engaged subscribers.  54:00 Chuck ask is John used an Copy Editor for the book. Josh explains John’s editorial process.  Thoughts of the Week Josh - Focus on Mental Toughness Chuck - Getting Up Early
3/7/201756 minutes, 28 seconds
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Episode 156 “Selling Magic Twigs”

Episode 156 “Selling Magic Twigs” 0:15  Josh is wondering why he is the default thumbnail for every episode. Trying to change it up today. John says he is skipping the Disney Princess run this time around. John talks about getting around the tickets for the run. John thinks nobody has ever seen the Yoplait Yogurt lick breast cancer campaign some 10 years ago.  6:00 Derick talks about scheduling he webinar. It’s not free..wink, wink. Derick mentions that 80 people are signup.  Derick says he has been wearing out his email list lately.  10:00 John talks about getting compliments on Josh’s ad copy, but sales are down. Josh says he can not find a correlation in the issues with sales and email lists.  John says that they probably need to do a test purchase to make sure the sales page is working. Might that people are paying taxes? Rather than buying products. 13:00 John says they need to hire a WordPress developer and sell on WooCommerce. Josh says that the emails are only going to the top 25 percent of their list, with a 50 percent open rate.  17:00 Josh and John talks about pulling together a possible course on marketing called “Cracking The Coding Course.” Josh thinks they need a 99 dollar course in help them in the tiers of sales. John talks about what Derick should have done help those along for paying for the webinar fee. John suggests that Derick be funny about it whole situation.  23:00 Derick thinks that there might be my issues with the payment system into the webinar. Derick talk about some issues this week with his car and getting a tube put in his ear. Beside all the challenges, he finally got is webinar script done.  27:00 Derick says he is take a break from his health care client. Derick mention the slow pace and not getting working for this particular client. Now his is trying to find ways replace that income.  31:00 Derick talks about missing out the the Copy Hours stuff. He mentions that he did not like the secret leads stuff. John ask what a dowsing rod is all about. John talks about making your way to sell magic twigs. 35:00 Derick talks about getting an interesting compliment on his new marketing skills. Josh says he is getting close to the point that market with not be his problem anymore.  41:00 Josh and John talk about getting ready to launch John’s new book, and getting help from an individual to make it successful. Josh talks about the growing email list for the book.  47:00 Josh talks about reading the new book, and mentions how this could have really help him coming up as a developer. Josh talks about doing a review on the book and getting 500 applications.  50:00 Derick mentions that he like Wes Boss’ marketing strategy, and might implement that same setup.  Thoughts of the Week  None   
2/28/201757 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 155 “Painful Lessons”

Episode 155 “Painful Lessons”  0:15  John and Chuck are out. Josh and Derick talk about Derick’s sales at Watch Me Code. Derick shares his frustrations with some of the marketing emails.  3:20 Derrick talks about the email he sent on Monday. Derick talks about the discount code his sent out 160 people that had a wrong link. Derick said that even with all the trouble, he had at least 50 people sign-up.  7:19  Derick talks about the negative charges on the discount system. Derrick says he is now sitting out zero dollars  for the registration, and might be at zero for sales.  12:40 Josh talks about the email list they have at Simple Programmer. Josh talks about the engaging customers and marketing tactics. Derick talks about his strategy on getting people to signup.  17:30 Josh talks about using a plugin to update pages for Derick’s situation. Derick talks about how this webinar is apart of the rest of the bundle for Docker. Josh talks about how Derick should maybe have not give it away of free, but that lease discount it.  22:00 Derick talks about how participates can use Docker and other products. Derick says that he got a interview lined up. Josh asks about what Docker is, and a about. Derick talks about how the Open Standard came about of Docker.  26:00 Derick mentions how to approach someone for an interview. Derick explains how to build interest to get people on the line for podcast interview. Derrick and Josh talk about their open ended email that build interest for a response.  31:00 Josh ask if this person form the Docker company, could connect him with other things. Josh say that all you can eat models are difficult to measure. 35:00 Derick talks about the Master Minds that he is active in. He realize that Josh was part of one of the groups. 39:00 Josh talks about how they are reaching their super fans with product like the T-Shirt. Derick talks about the different sources of income to support projects and ideas.  43:00 Derick mentions that in the middle of the week he did not now what to do to respond to his situation. Josh says to look at how much he is doing with this core audience. Josh thinks that Derick is get traction, but he does not see it yet in his income. 48:00 Derrick talks about his retirement working for him, and he will be a multimillionaire at some point. Derick mention how that pass year was taxing on his income. However the copy hour was a good investment.  50:00 Josh talks about the things Derick could do to gain traction and build sustainable income.  Thoughts for the Week  Derick - The most important lessons are always the most painful ones.
2/21/201758 minutes, 33 seconds
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Episode 154 “All Kinds Of Shady…”

Episode 154 “All Kinds Of Shady…” 0:15 We’re Live! Chuck talks about his extra stuff he had to do with Toast Masters, and teaching WordPress. Chuck says no go for Go Daddy website builder.  4:00 Chuck mentions that he almost got scammed trying to sell his desk on Facebook or Classified sites. Chuck talks about being over ambitious with his help. Chuck says he says he is trying to organize things for his conferences about 6 months out, but his employees are occupied with regular work and emergencies.  10:00 Chuck ask what he should do with his situation. Chuck says he may have to hire another person to help with his conference organizing. Josh mention that Chuck might want to use Fivrr  for extra help on web searching. Chuck says he initially hired Grace for this job, but he may bring on some one from previous interviews.  15:00 Chuck ask what he should do when it comes to going to a Mastermind. Josh compares this to a roundtable talk with John at Simple Programmer. Josh talks about how to look a the growth of the business verses the projects you do to 10X business.  20:00 Chuck talks above the things or plan he want to put into action to scale the podcast business. Chuck mentions talking to people about starting at WordPress podcast and Dev Ops podcasts. Also, started back up the news podcasts for JS and Ruby. Josh says to chart out the growth. 25:00 Josh mentions the second podcast Simple Programmer is doing by just turning videos into another show. Chuck think he might do video at some point.  Josh ask how many podcast show he releases a week.  32:00 Derick talks about the things Chuck could do with video or YouTube podcasts, as far as show notes and annotations. Derick talks about why good tags, title and descriptions, are important for videos on YouTube and you website.  40:00 The EntreProgarmmers talks about how and what Chuck can do to hire someone to handle a new video podcast project.  47:00 Derick talks about working toward not relying a clients for main income source. Derick is looking into doing smaller projects and sales pages. Derick shares things he has learned form the Copy Hour. Derick says that he is now not getting any work from his clients.  53:00  Josh and Derick talks about how to go about doing a sales page launch. Derick ask how much of a buildup he needs to do before the launch. Josh suggest a 2 week, but not much of an announcement. Josh call this an impulse buy for Derick’s audience.  59:00 Josh says that Derick now is getting to a good place with all the new information he is learning from the Copy Hour. Derick says he is handwriting all his research, which is helping with training himself. Chuck says he is seeing a change in Derick as fas as learning how to do copy writing.  Thoughts for the Week Chuck - Bitting off more then you can chew…  Josh - People complain even with free content.  
2/14/20171 hour, 16 minutes, 32 seconds
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Episode 153 “Biomarkers for Inflation”

Episode 153 “Biomarkers for Inflation”  0:15 We are live. Josh is cutting carbs and wants to destroy stuff. Chuck talks about his allergies to Wheat and Milk. John talks about only drinking human breast milk. John explains why drink milk from a cow is  a bit odd, compared to human breast milk. EntreProgrammers describe their allergies to dairy products.  9:55 Chuck says he really enjoys having people do work for him. Chuck ask for advice on what he should do about targeting his audience for his “Get a Coder Job” book. Josh suggest doing a paid webinar about the book.  15:40 John suggest to Chuck that he has to do something he wants to create or is passionate about.  19:00 Derick suggests that if Chuck is going to do multiple books, and that he should not flip the order and confuse his audience on which book is first in the process of job hunting. Chuck talks about systemizing  his employees, which will help his focus for the book and  other products. 25:00 Derick says he likes Josh’s idea about doing paid webinars. He says this is something he could do. Derick asks Chuck about his WordPress setup for paying of webinar access and membership.  32:00 Derick says he want to have his first paid webinar in February. Unless you bought the presale book or an annual subscription, you will have to pay.  34:00 Chuck talks about switching from Drip to Active Campaign. Chuck says he needs a CRM. Derick suggest Zepier for a CRM. John suggest pretty links instead. EntrePorgarmmers talk about ways Chuck can get around promoting affiliates while using Active Campaign.  42:00 Josh talks about how Amazon will ban you if you have affiliate link in an email or pdf. Chuck talks about putting Amazon affiliate link in show notes.  45:00 John suggest doing more podcast in stead of affiliate links.  47:00 Derick says to 264 people bought the pre-sale.  Derick explains the question he is incorporating in the book for the Docker Project. Chuck suggests that Derick need to be on the phone with people more often, for the Docker Project.  52:00 Derick ask if 29 dollars is a good price for a webinar. John suggest going a higher price, because you want to make it worth your time.  Josh suggest promote it for a week, don't just send out an email.  55:00 The EntreProgarmmers talks about the price tag of a webinar, and how that relates to the pain the custom is experiencing.  57:00 Looking to replace an EntreProgrammer Subgroup member! Only one slot! email John!  59:00 John talks about how his daughter is selling Girls Scouts cookies. John says he like the idea of starting entrepreneurship early. The EntreProgarmmers talks able the scams schools and clubs get children into.  Thoughts for the Week Chuck - If you think you need help, do it.  John - Do it like Elon Musk.  Josh  - Carbs make you happy. 
2/7/20171 hour, 14 minutes, 16 seconds
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Episode 152 “Kill The Ponies That Don't Perform”

Episode 152 “Kill The Ponies That Don't Perform” 0:15  We’re tangled…. Chuck gots a new deck and having mic issues for podcasting apparently. Derick mention that last week he has been rearranging too in his living room. Derick talks about his trip to the recycling center in his Subaru Outback.  5:00 John talks about getting rid of everything on Ebay and Amazon, which made organizing easy. Derick talks about trying to reorganize. Derick says it is freeing to get rid of stuff. Josh says everything you see, that you own, that you don't use, is a reminder of a failure.  11:40 Derick talks about handcopying sheets of paper and doing homework for the Copy Hour. Derick talks about his blog response on the 5 stages of the Copy Hour. Derick talks about the one word change to make headlines effective.  17:00 Josh talks about his experience with taking the Copy Hour class. Derick mention that he ramp up the studies for the classes. Derick says he need to not rely on his client work for meet his income needs. He need Watch Me Code to be a reliable source of income soon.  20:00 Derick talks about the power of  writhing down your financial goals and continually look at it to help make decisions in the future. Chuck talks about doing the same practice to help meet his goals.  23:00  Josh says to look at all the levelers and controls that he has access to, to control the next 10 to 20 percent goal.  26:30 John talks about the book, How To Fail at Anything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams. John talks about writing down affirmations and following them to completion. Derick talks about selling 150 copies of his Docker product.  33:00 Josh shares some info on the 80 20 rule. Josh ask for the Tony Robbins of  Docker… Derick talks about the thing you can do with Docker for development.  40:00 John talks above the freak-o-nomics of owning a Tesla. Josh suggest a podcast tour to increase income on Watch Me Code.  Chuck suggest  a JS podcast he knows to get some traction.  47:00 John says he launched the Simple Programmer T-Shirts this past week. Josh mentions that he is happy about WooCommerce. John this is something that they will just have for fans.  53:00 Josh says he predicted 60 sales. John says people were upset that he was throwing away T- Shirts. Chuck says he uses t-shirts for garage clean up.  57:00 Chuck talks about hiring a human. Chuck talks above moving off of service that he does not use. Chuck mentions doing a beta launch of the Get a Coder Job book. John talks about his issues with pre selling a book, in Chuck’ s situation.  1:05:00 Josh suggest outline the book if he is going to pre selling the book.  Thoughts for the Week John - You shouldn't be trapped under the expectations of who you were before.  Derick - Trust the Process. When in doubt, handwrite it out.  Chuck - Having that plan.
1/31/20171 hour, 17 minutes, 14 seconds
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Episode 151 “I Want To Be A Pig Farmer…”

Episode 151 “I Want To Be A Pig Farmer…”  0:15 Chuck expresses his need to become a pig farmer, in recent times at least. John talks about how this is why EntreProgrammers is a soap opera for entrepreneurs.  4:30 Chuck talks about having a rough time with hiring and all kinds of business challenges. John relates this to exercise, being sore, and worn out. There is a purpose and reasoning. 7:30 Chuck asks about when to pull the plug on references criteria for his new hires. Josh mentions that the information he gets form the references is pretty low, after the test project.  11:00 Josh asks questions about pull the plug, on employees now, compared to the ones Chuck is about to hire. Chuck talks about the test projects he had the candidates do.  15:00 John talks about why he is understanding about people on UpWork, who work from the Philippines, verses those in the US. John stresses the need for people to have “Mommy Skills.”  20:00 Chuck talks about the pay the candidates are asking for pay, verse what he is paying now, and all the stress to keep up, if he has to do it himself. Chuck says he is looking for an excitative assistant, and any for regular tasks. John says to make the job descriptions clear.  26:00 John and Josh talk about what the new interviews are telling them as far as time they need off or can't do. The EntreProgrammers talk about complicated needs that they have when hiring new people. Also the communication they have with the team for short notice communication for important events.  29:00 Chuck says he is creating a standard operating procedure for hiring. John talks about he and Josh going to attend a Perry Marshall event for learning marketing. Josh talks about the celebrity type business and how he wants to study how they work in the marketing world.  35:00 John talks about going main stream while gaining freedom. John talks about doing optimal work for his business. Josh talks about how Simple pProgrammer is a known company in the programming niche. Josh talks about mirroring what John is doing on YouTube, to the email list.  41:00 John his talking about how they need to get people hooked on their content for more sales and a growing following. John talks about have a corporate clean brand instead of the startup or raw version. Kind of like Toyota to Lexus.  44:00 Josh talks about having a mental model for the project they were doing. John talks about having 100 percent growth. John says they built a good machine and model.  47:00 Josh says someone is says that John is a free range horse that does not need to be chain to the plow. Chuck asks to what degree can he use his celebrity to leverage his business.   Josh says that Chuck is a curator and some who brings information together.  53:00 Chuck talks about starting new podcast, where he is note the “main guy.” \ 58:00 John talks about give the 24 hour challenge to the EntreProgrammer Sub Groups. Thoughts of the Week! Chuck - Once it all in place, it going to get done… John - If I’m doing something, it need to be a 9 or above…  Josh - Investing time in understanding your own DNA, is worth the time.
1/24/20171 hour, 7 minutes, 3 seconds
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Episode 150 “#Fail”

Episode 150 “#Fail” 0:15 Derick asks If Chuck still has his PR40 mic. Chuck changes our his podcasting mic. Derick talks about how his new gaming channel has gain more subscribers.  More talks about the difference in usb mics and regular condenser or dynamic microphones. Derick talks about being apart of the copy hour classes, and getting bad photocopy sheets to work with.  6:19 5 days in with the Copy Hour classes and Derick feels like he is learning a lot and gaining much insight with the conversations. Josh asks some questions about exercises and how this is changing Derick’s perspective on how ad copy is created.  13:00 Derick talks about pattern interruption, and how encouraged this is. Derick says the gears are starting to turn in his head with the things he learned among the EntreProgrammers and the Copy Hour class-mates.    20:00 Josh talks about scientific marketing and how giving away free products can work against the business, by cheap’n the value of the product.  23:00 John talks about the book the Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes, as an example for Enterprise companies to gain as a client. Derick says in a month he will regret taking these classes, but will eventually see the results payoff.  29:00 John  talks about running a 5 minute mile in a treadmill. John shares how he plays to hit his goals for the year. Josh suggests starting the Simple Programmer journal. John says he came up with his own version on a journal.   35:00 John starts his day with visualization, practicing gratefulness, thoughts, ideas, and lastly, facing mistakes and failures. John says his big idea is to create a failure journal to help shift the mindset. John shares his idea about hanging Costco racks and Craigslist hire mistakes.  John kills the Christmas ornaments. Listen or Watch this part. 40:00 John talks about in detail sabout the mistakes in not vetting the hire to create racks in his house. In all, the failure journal might me a good idea of up coming Devs.  53:00 Josh talks about reading the book, Anitfragile by Nassim Taleb 54:00 Chuck talks about the failed transition between Podcast editor companpies. John talks about getting a week buffer for the editing in podcast episodes.  Chuck says he is tried of hiring. Chuck talks about Grace his new hire, and how she is doing a great job for Dev Chat TV. Chuck thinks he still needs help in the future.  1:03:00 Chuck explains his plan for his 12 week plan. John shares how he kills procrastination. Chuck shares how fast they can move ahead if that can automate tasks.   1:10:00 Chuck shares some info on the Dev Ops Remote Conf. Chuck talks about double his revenue, and creating some new podcasts on his channels.   Thoughts for the Week Derick - Whatever you suck on, triple down on it.  Chuck - Have a plan.  John  -  What can you cut out that you don’t need.  Josh - Once you get past a certain point, improvement take more effort.     
1/17/20171 hour, 22 minutes
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Episode 149 “Lay Off The Gravy”

Episode 149 “Lay Off The Gravy” 0:15 Josh talks about watching Parks and Recreation and compares and episode to how someone or some company was interested in buying Simple Programmer. Josh and John, for fun entertain the idea.  But they found out that they might as well purchase some of their websites, for traffic purposes. John negotiates down the prices for the sites he purchased.   6:22 John talks about the extreme anchor technique from the book, “Never Split The Difference”. Flash Bang! John talks about his new style for negotiating.  10:00 John talks about how to create revenue from dead assets with the sites that Simple Programmer purchased. John says that Simple Programmer will recoup their cost in a year.  11:00 John announces that Josh hit the first mile stone. Derick talks about his Christmas vacation and family challenges during the holidays. Derick say he needs another vacation. Derick say he has been working on the first version of his Docker project. Pre-Sales are happening on January 16th.  14:00 Derick talks about getting a new client and learning about new products and strategies. Josh says he is surprised to see JS is being use to kill bugs. Derick say he is only working for his client 5 hour a week.  19:00  Derick also says things are moving forward, and hoping the ebook launch sales will do well. John, again talks about his excitement over VR and the Oculus Riff. John talks about his interest in investing in VR. But he says building VR games or going to companies like Blizzard to invest in VR.  23:00 Derick chimes in on his thoughts on VR, but he t