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Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Cover
Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Profile

Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy

English, Health / Medicine, 1 season, 436 episodes, 2 days, 17 hours, 1 minute
The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio. Dr. Fitness (Dr. Adam Shafran), Mighty Mom (Katie Scharf) and the Fat Guy (Lee Kantor) make healthy living fun for everyone each week with their radio show from Atlanta, GA.
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Leslie Sansone Interview

Leslie Sansone interview about her new dvds
3/30/201557 minutes, 55 seconds
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Krav Maga Interview Plus Fitness Guru Returns

Dave Ordini with Michael Feigin with FitnessGuruNYC,com and
11/3/201452 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dr Fitness and The Fat Guy

Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy recap the previous week
10/20/201444 minutes, 53 seconds
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Katy Bowman Interview

Katy Bowman Interview
10/6/20141 hour, 45 seconds
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Dr James Surrell Interview

Dr James Surrell Interview
9/15/20141 hour, 2 minutes, 21 seconds
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Interview with Jake Wisse from SUP Aqua Bound

Interview with Jake Wisse from SUP Aqua Bound
8/18/201451 minutes
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Lauren Sesselmann Interview

Lauren Sesselmann Interview
6/2/20141 hour, 1 minute, 53 seconds
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Dr Ian Smith Interview

Dr Ian Smith Interview
4/14/201454 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lisa Lillien Interview

Lisa Lillien Interview
3/31/201455 minutes, 46 seconds
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Your Doctors Manners Matter Interview

Your Doctors Manners Matter Interview
3/17/201447 minutes, 3 seconds
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Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy and Mighty Mom Talk Fitness

Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy and Mighty Mom Talk Fitness
3/3/201448 minutes, 4 seconds
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Shazzy Fitness Interview

Shazzy Fitness Interview
2/24/201436 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dane Rauschberg Interview

Dane Rauschberg Interview
1/27/201453 minutes, 14 seconds
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Squatty Potty Interview

Interview with Robert Edwards with Squatty Potty
1/13/201449 minutes, 8 seconds
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Lisa Welchel Exercise DVD Interview

Lisa Welchel Exercise DVD Interview 
12/16/201350 minutes, 14 seconds
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Adventure to Fitness Interview

Adventure to Fitness Interview
11/25/201356 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Band Is Back Again

The Band Is Back Again - Dr Fitness, Mighty Mom and the Fat Guy
11/11/201348 minutes, 56 seconds
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Fat Guy and Mighty Mom Discuss Chips and Salsa

Fat Guy and Mighty Mom Discuss Chips and Salsa
11/4/201335 minutes, 29 seconds
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Noom Fitness and Food Tracker Interview

Noom Fitness and Food Tracker Interview
10/14/20131 hour, 31 seconds
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Cystic Fibrosis Cycle For Life Special

Cystic Fibrosis Cycle For Life Special
9/16/201339 minutes, 43 seconds
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Ashley Turner Interview

Ashley Turner Interview
9/9/201345 minutes, 37 seconds
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Interview with Josh Weinsten and Cliff Harski from Fitwall

Interview with Josh Weinsten and Cliff Harski from Fitwall
8/19/201346 minutes, 11 seconds
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Interview with Authors Meredith Atwood and Traci Schuster

Swim Bike Mom Meredith Atwood interview. Pocket WODs author Traci Schuster
8/12/201351 minutes, 54 seconds
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Ellen Barrett Interview

Ellen Barrett Interview
8/5/201342 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dr Michele Olson Interview

Dr Michelle Olson Interview
7/22/201351 minutes, 22 seconds
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Interviews with Fitness Cycling Author Dr Shannon Sovndal and Fitness Blogger Karla Walsh

Interviews with Fitness Cycling Author Dr Shannon Sovndal and Fitness Blogger Karla Walsh
7/8/20131 hour, 3 minutes, 51 seconds
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Jamie Rosen with DietBet

Jamie Rosen with DietBet
6/24/201347 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dr Fitness Fathers Day

Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy celebrate Fathers Day
6/17/201344 minutes, 4 seconds
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Richard Laver Interview

Richard Laver Interview talking about Kate Farms
6/10/201352 minutes, 35 seconds
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Mudathlon Interview and YurBuds Interview

Mudathlon Interview and YurBuds Interview.
6/3/201359 minutes, 42 seconds
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Dr Jonny Bowden Interview

Dr Jonny Bowden Interview
5/27/201355 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lisa Lillien New Hungry Girl Book Interview

Lisa Lillien New Hungry Girl Book Interview
5/13/201355 minutes, 59 seconds
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Leah Sarago Interview

Leah Sarago Interview
5/6/201343 minutes, 58 seconds
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Fat Guy's Dad Returns

Fat Guy's dad makes a return appearance.
4/29/201354 minutes, 54 seconds
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Behind the Scenes at the Boston Marathon and on the New RHOA Exercise DVD

Behind the Scenes at the Boston Marathon with Mike Wien and on the New RHOA Kenya Exercise DVD Booty Boot Camp with fitness instructor Nikki Veal
4/22/201352 minutes, 34 seconds
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Dr Fitness and The Fat Guy and Mighty Mom Return

Dr Fitness and The Fat Guy and Mighty Mom Return to the studio.
4/15/201355 minutes, 14 seconds
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SurfSet Fitness Interview

SurfSet Fitness interview with Bill Ninteau
3/25/201351 minutes, 56 seconds
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Craig Evans Breakthrough Endurance Race Series Director Interview

Craig Evans Breakthrough Endurance Race Series Director Interview
3/18/201357 minutes, 6 seconds
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Beltline Race Director Dan Popovic Interview

Beltline Race Director Dan Popovic Interview
3/11/201355 minutes, 40 seconds
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Leslie Sansone Interview

Leslie Sansone interview
3/4/201351 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dr Fitness was Right. Fat Guy Was Wrong. Mighty Mom Was Sad

Dr Fitness was Right. Fat Guy Was Wrong. Mighty Mom Was Sad
2/25/201341 minutes, 44 seconds
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Trek Desk CEO Steve Bordley Interview

Trek Desk CEO Steve Bordley Interview
2/18/201352 minutes, 32 seconds
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Tom Kelso Interview

Interview with Tom Kelso
2/11/20131 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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Dr. Doug Harrington with Aviir Interview

Dr. Doug Harrington with Aviir interview.
1/28/201354 minutes, 3 seconds
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Stott Pilates Moira Merrithew Interview

Stott Pilates Moira Merrithew Interview
1/21/201350 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dr Fitness Returns. Plus Biggest Loser Review.

Dr Fitness Returns. Biggest Loser Review and lots more. 
1/14/201359 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dr Lisa Masterson Yoga Blast Interview

Dr Lisa Masterson from The Doctors has a new exercise dvd called Yoga Blast
1/7/201353 minutes, 4 seconds
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Christmas Special

Mighty Mom brings her folks as we celebrate Christmas on the air.
12/24/20121 hour, 3 minutes, 44 seconds
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2013 Fitness Predictions Show

Dr Fitness predicts fitness trends for 2013
12/17/20121 hour, 8 minutes, 35 seconds
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Interview with Lara Hudson

Interview with Lara Hudson
12/6/201258 minutes, 39 seconds
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Interviews with exercise dvd stars Paul Katami and Lisa Hubbard

Interviews with exercise dvd stars Paul Katami and Lisa Hubbard
11/29/201256 minutes, 21 seconds
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Jessica Gowen Interview

Jessica Gowen Interview
11/15/201249 minutes, 10 seconds
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Interview with Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien

Interview with Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien
11/8/201254 minutes, 39 seconds
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Jessica Smith Interview

Jessica Smith Interview about her new Thin in 10 dvd/book
11/1/201253 minutes, 15 seconds
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Mike Lenhart with Getting2Tri Interview

Interview with Mike Lenhart with Getting2Tri
10/25/20121 hour, 1 minute, 37 seconds
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Interview with Jill Miller

Interview with Jill Miller
10/18/201246 minutes, 21 seconds
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Interview with Veda Radanovich

Interview with Veda Radanovich spokesperson for the Harry Pappas book Slimmer: The New Mediterranean Way to  Lose Weight
10/11/201258 minutes, 57 seconds
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Carrie Adams Spartan Race Interview

Carrie Adams Spartan Race Interview
10/4/20121 hour, 45 seconds
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Interview with Dane Rauschenberg

Interview with Dane Rauschenberg
9/27/201253 minutes, 37 seconds
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Run The Morning Mile with Fitz

Run The Morning Mile with Fitz
9/20/201251 minutes, 31 seconds
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Interview with Trevor Short from The Necker Cup

Interview with Trevor Short from The Necker Cup
9/13/201253 minutes, 39 seconds
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Tony Horton Interview

Interview with Tony Horton
9/6/20121 hour, 1 minute, 31 seconds
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Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Cycle for Life Special

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Cycle for Life Special
8/30/201241 minutes, 57 seconds
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Kurt Miller Interview

Interview with Filmaker Kurt Miller about his new documentary The Movement
8/23/201256 minutes, 54 seconds
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Listener Questions

Listener Questions
8/16/201256 minutes, 14 seconds
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24 Hours of Booty Interview

24 Hours of Booty Interview
8/9/201253 minutes, 40 seconds
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Olympic Trainer Robert Forster Interview

Olympic Trainer Robert Forster Interview
8/2/20121 hour, 2 minutes, 5 seconds
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Matt Brzycki Interview

Matt Brzycki has published a new edition to his book A Practical Approach to Strength Training. Check it out at Barnes and Noble
7/26/20121 hour, 4 minutes, 1 second
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Interview Steve Yu

Interview with Steve Yu from Inspired, The Movie
7/19/201255 minutes, 12 seconds
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Ben Greenfield Interview

Ben Greenfield has a new book
7/13/201252 minutes, 5 seconds
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Dr. Rick Kattouf Interview. Plus Interview with Sahra Esmonde-White

Dr. Rick Kattouf Interview. Plus Interview with Sahra Esmonde-White
7/5/201255 minutes, 40 seconds
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Interview with Weight Watchers CEO David Kirchhoff

Interview with Weight Watchers CEO David Kirchhoff
6/28/20121 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
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Dave Wang with Striiv Interview

Dave Wang with Striiv Interview
5/31/201247 minutes, 54 seconds
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Interview With Dr Ted Freeman

Interview with Ted Freeman
5/24/201256 minutes, 21 seconds
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Interview with Sehin Belew

Interview with Sehin Belew
5/20/201259 minutes, 51 seconds
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Interviews with Former Soap Star Holly Mosier and Dr Ian Smith

Former Soap Star Holly Mosier has a new book titled Stress Less, Weigh Less. Dr Ian Smith has a new book titled The Truth About Men
5/17/20121 hour, 1 minute, 36 seconds
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Dan Hawthorne and his Trainer Tom Burge. Plus Kenlie Tiggeman

Interviews with Dan Hawthorne and his Trainer Tom Burge. Plus Kenlie Tiggeman
5/13/20121 hour, 3 minutes, 17 seconds
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Interview with Jammi Roscoe

Interview with Jammi Roscoe creator of Eat to Win Board Game.
5/12/201252 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dr Melina Jampolis Interview

Dr Melina Jampolis has a new book out titled The Calendar Diet
5/3/20121 hour, 3 minutes, 20 seconds
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Interviews with Fitness DVD Star Samantha Clayton and Triathlon App Makers Dawn and Ryan Holman.

Samantha Clayton makes awesome exercise dvds and fitness videos. Dawn and Ryan Holman created the Out Tri iPhone app for triathletes
4/30/201255 minutes, 37 seconds
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Interviews with Jackie Warner and Christine Avanti

Interviews with Christine Avanti and Jackie Warner
4/19/201253 minutes, 12 seconds
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Dirty Girl Mud Run Details

Jimmy Gohsman with the Dirty Girl Mud Run explains why you should run this adventure 5k.
3/29/201245 minutes, 36 seconds
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Warrior Dash Hits 1 Million. Kathy Smith is Ageless

Matt Robinson talks about 1 million participants worldwide in the Warrior Dash. Kathy Smith has a new exercise dvd Ageless with Kathy Smith: Total Body Turnaround
3/22/20121 hour, 59 seconds
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Jim Laughlin from Life is Good Playmakers. Sarah Neukom from the Great Urban Race

Jim Laughlin from Life is Good Playmakers. Sarah Neukom from the Great Urban Race
3/15/201252 minutes, 35 seconds
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Katy Widrick Shares Stories From Growing Bolder TV

Katy Widrick is the Executive Producer of Growing Bolder TV and Growing Bolder Radio, which air across the country on public television and radio affiliates.
3/8/201247 minutes, 6 seconds
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Stacey Lei Krauss Will Power Method Interview. Super Fan Karen Kemi

We opened the show with Stacey Lei Krauss with Will Power Method. We closed the show with superfan Karen Kemi
3/1/201255 minutes, 27 seconds
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Mighty Mom Celebrates Ash Wednesday. Fitness Magazine's Pam O'Brien Discusses March Issue

Mighty Mom Katie celebrated Ash Wednesday. We interview Pam O'Brien from Fitness Magazine.
2/23/201259 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien Interview. Plus Run For Your Lives Zombie Run Derrick Smith

Hungry Girl Lisa Lillien is finishing up her new book. Derrick Smith explains why a Run For Your Lives zombie run is better than a regular 5k
2/16/20121 hour, 31 seconds
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World Class Triathlete Mike Wein Shares His Specific Edge

We opened the show and noiticed Katie the Might Mom was absent. Dr Fitness proceeded to share his thoughts on the NY Giants Super Bowl victory and the Fat Guy invented a new weight loss product called Juggle Away The Jiggle Mike Wein started competing in triathlons at around 50 years old. Today he is one of the best 60 year old triathletes in the world. Learn about his specific edge to success and how he helps disabled athletes compete in triathlons
2/9/201259 minutes, 33 seconds
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Interviews with Andrea Metcalf Star of Naked Fitness and Alexis Eldridge with Yogurtland

We opened the show with Andrea Metcalf star of Naked Fitness and host of Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is reality TV show. We closed the show with Alexis Eldridge with Yogurtland.
2/2/20121 hour, 2 minutes, 40 seconds
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Healthy Skeptic Robert J Davis' New Book. Billy Blanks Jr's New Exercise DVD

Healthy Skeptic Robert J Davis has a new book Coffee Is Good For You. Billy Blanks Jr has a new exercise dvd
1/26/20121 hour, 7 seconds
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Fad Diet Tips Plus PrayFit DVD Exercise Star Jimmy Pena

Dr Fitness and Katie share fad diet tips. Jimmy Pena with PrayFit exercise dvd
1/19/201239 minutes, 38 seconds
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Fitness Trends From Around The World. Stuart Tomc from Nordic Naturals

Strength in Moms blogger Katie and Dr Fitness talked about some fitness trends from around the world. Then Nordic Naturals educator Stuart Tomc talked about dietary supplements and omega 3 testing.
1/12/201253 minutes, 41 seconds
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Lose Weight with Healthy Wage. SparkPeople's Coach Nicole Nichols New Exercise DVD

We opened the show with David Roddenberry co-founder of HealthyWage. We closed the show with Coach Nicole Nichols from SparkPeople who has a new exercise dvd out
1/5/201259 minutes, 43 seconds
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New Year's Resolution Tips. Ellen Barrett's New Exercise DVD

Strength in Moms blogger Katie Scharf and the Fat Guy hung out at the studio while Dr Fitness was on another vacation. Ellen Barrett shared some new Year's Resolution tips and some information about her new exercise dvd
12/29/20111 hour, 1 minute, 30 seconds
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Weight Loss Robot Takes Over Show. Tips To Survive Christmas

Dr Fitness pepper sprayed a dog. Dr Cory Kidd invented a robot to help you lose weight called Autom. Katie shared some Christmas weight loss tips.
12/22/201159 minutes, 50 seconds
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Katie Scharf and the Fat Guy Hold Down the Fort

We got to know all about Strength in Moms blogger Katie Scharf.
12/15/20111 hour, 1 minute, 25 seconds
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Exercise in the Cold. Exhale Spa Folks Have a New DVD

Dr Fitness and Katie Scharf discuss tips to exercise in the cold weather. Elisabeth Halfpapp with Exhale Spa talks about her new Core Fusion Exercise dvd.
12/8/20111 hour, 1 minute, 31 seconds
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Strength in Moms Katie Scharf Takes Over Show. Plus Katy Bowman Offers Foot Pain Relief

Katie Scharf took Dr Fitness' place and recapped her Thanksgiving. Kay Bowman offers foot pain relief in her new book
12/1/201155 minutes, 16 seconds
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Healthy Thanksgiving Tips. Bryan Pate Elliptigo Interview. Reggie Ramsey Healthways BluePrint to Quit Smoking

Strength in Moms blogger Katie Scharf shared some Thanksagiving tips. We opened with Bryan Pate, co-founder of ElliptiGo and we closed with Reggie Ramsey from Healthways who talked about their new Blueprint to Quit smoking cessation program. 
11/17/20111 hour, 3 minutes, 19 seconds
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Katie Scharf in the Studio. Dr Fitness Ragnar Relay Recap. Denise Austin Interview

Katie Scharf from the Strength in Moms blog joined us in the studio. Dr Fitness had Ragnar Relay co-founder Tanner Bell call into recap the race they ran together in Tennessee over the weekend. We interviewed Denise Austin about her new exercise dvd.
11/10/201153 minutes, 33 seconds
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Katie Scharf Officially Joins The Show. Team Type 1 Founder Phil Southerland,

Strength in Moms blogger Katie Scharf has joined the show. She shared her Halloween suirvival tips. Phil Southerland, founder of Team Type 1 also joined us in the studio.
11/3/201156 minutes, 57 seconds
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Billy Blanks PT247. Reggie Ramsey From Healthways

Dr Fitness recapped his LA trip. Billy Blanks talked about his new PT 24/7 Program. And Reggie Ramsey from Healthways talked about the Ragnar Relay
10/27/201158 minutes, 3 seconds
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Guest Co-Host Stacey Owens. SparkPeople Cookbook Author Chef Meg Galvin

We were lucky to have fitness lover Stacey Owens guest co-host with us today. Our guest was SparkPeople cookbook author Meg Galvin
10/20/201157 minutes, 43 seconds
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Megan Melgaard Co-Hosts. Yoga Superstar Tamal Dodge

Megan Melgaard with Fix My Swim guest co-hosts. Interview with Tamal Dodge Yoga dvd star
10/13/201152 minutes, 52 seconds
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Katie Scharf Co-Hosts. Dr Fitness Tries The ElliptiGO. Plus Ben Wagner From LifeKraze

Katie Scharf from Strength in Moms guest co-hosts. Dr Fitness tries the Elliptigo. Ben Wagner from LifeKraze.
10/6/201153 minutes, 20 seconds
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Tina Reale Guest Co-Hosts. Tanner Bell Explains the Ragnar Relay.

Tina Reale from Faith Fitness Fun guest co-hosted with us. Tanner Bell co-founder of the Ragnar Relay explained why we might enjoy a 200 mile long relay race
9/22/201156 minutes, 31 seconds
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Fat Guy's Missing Trainer Tips. Dr Fitness Needs A Workout Partner. And Learn About The Bare Dare 5K

What should you do if your trainer no shows? Dr Fitness is looking for a workout partner who will come on the air. Pete Williams is the Race Director for the Bare Dare 5K.
9/15/201139 minutes, 25 seconds
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Fat Guy Sees Dr J. Dr Fitness Warns Stability Ball Users. And Katy Widrick Talks Growing Bolder

The Fat Guy saw Dr J when he went to the gym. Dr Fitness is concerned people are going to get hurt misusing stability balls. And Katy Widrick shared some inspirational stories from the Growing Bolder TV show and website
9/8/201147 minutes, 33 seconds
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Folks From Do or Die Fitness and Kathy Smith Fitness Tips

Dr Fitness had a new biking adventure and the Fat Guy got hurt training. The folks at Do or Die Fitness have a great new product for your exercise workout. And Kathy Smith has a new fitness dvd to talk about
9/1/201151 minutes, 48 seconds
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Interview with Katie Scharf From Strength in Moms

Dr Fitness almost gets run over by a bike when running. The Fat Guy Family Fitness update. And Katie Scharf from Strength in Moms joins us in the studio 
8/25/201141 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dr Fitness Survives A Dog Attack. Fat Guy Family Fitness Update. ACSM Fitness Book Interview. Plus Pancreatic Oath Details

Dr Fitness gets attacked by a dog on his run. The Fat Guy is still doing family fitness training. Dr Barbara Bushman wrote the ACSM's Complete Guide To Fitness and Health. Candice Rosen explains the importance of the Pancreatic Oath.
8/18/201154 minutes, 11 seconds
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Gadget Update. Joan Denizot with Super Sized Bicycles

Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy share some of their hassles with the fitness gadgets they own. Plus Joan Denizot explains how owning one of her Super Sized Cycles can help you lose weight
8/11/201155 minutes, 50 seconds
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Dr Fitness Bikes Everywhere. Fat Guy Family Fitness Recap. Nicci Micco Talks Eating Well

Dr Fitness is now biking everywhere. The Fat Guy recaps his Family Fitness Adventures. Eating Well magazine Editor Nicci Micco talks about what is in this month's issue - The Georgia Peach cover...
8/4/201151 minutes, 4 seconds
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Dr Fitness Cruise Recap. Norbie Lara and Ray Upshaw Talk About Tough Mudder and the Wounder Warrior Project

Dr Fitness recaps his cruise to the Bahamas. Norbie Lara and Ray Upshaw talk about the Tough Mudder and the Wounded Warrior Project. We closed the show with the Fat Guy recapping his family fitness adventure through personal training at the Concourse Athletic Club
7/28/201157 minutes, 10 seconds
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Jim Hodgson Guest Co-Host. Karen Jashinsky with MaxUFitness

Dr Fitness was on vacation. Jim Hodgson was our guest co-host. He talked about losing 100+ pounds and his up coming Appalachian Trail walk. Karen Jashinsky came back to tell us about the new MaxUFitness program she is startiung in colleges.
7/22/201148 minutes, 24 seconds
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Dr Fitness Buys a Bike. The Fat Guy Goes To Court

The Fat Guy got a ticket and went to court. Dr Fitness bought a bike.
7/14/201146 minutes, 2 seconds
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Dr Fitness' Cardiologist Warning. Liz Neporent Running Tips

Dr Fitness shares a story about his kid's cardiologist that scared even him. And Liz Neporent gave us some of her best running tips.
7/7/201148 minutes, 45 seconds
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Dr Fitness's Women's World Cup Soccer Recap. Dr Gourmet and Lee Labrada Interviews

Dr Fitness recapped the Women's World Cup soccer matches. Then we interviewed Tim Harlan Dr Gourmet about his new book Just Tell Me What to Eat. then we interviewed body builder Lee Labrada and he said to be his friend on Facebook at Labrada Nutrition
6/30/201154 minutes, 19 seconds
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Father's Day Recap. MizFit Fitness Tips. JJ Virgin Freaky Eater Stories

Led off with a recap of our Father's Day. Then our good friend Miz Fit joined us with some fitness tips. Then JJ Virgin came on to talk about Freaky Eater stories from her TV show on TLC.
6/23/201159 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dr Fitness' Jet Ski Tips. Jeff Graves Explains The Mudathlon

We opened the show with some jet ski tips from Dr Fitness. Then Jeff Graves explained why the Mudathlon may be the dirtiest fitness event ever.
6/16/201155 minutes, 58 seconds
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Outdoor Adventures. Plus Interview with Attune Foods Guru Rob Hurlbut

Both Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy ventured outside and had some fun adventures. Then we interviewed Rob Hurlbut with Attune Foods home of delicious chocolate probiotics as well as Uncle Sam and Erewhon Cereal
6/9/201150 minutes, 54 seconds
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Our Memorial Day Adventure. Tracey Mallet Invites Us To The Booty Barre

We opened the show up with a recap of our Memorial Day. Then Tracey Mallet told us about her new exercise dvds that she has put out including The Booty Barre.
6/2/201149 minutes, 45 seconds
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FitBloggin Recap. NoMeatAthlete Matt Frazier. Seth Goldman TeaEO of Honest Tea. And Shelley Woodworth from Teva Mountain Games Vail

We opened the show with a recap of our FitBloggin experience. It was awesome. Big shout out to Roni Noone and all the other fitbloggers we got to hang out with. Our first guest was someone we met at FitBloggin No Meat Athlete Matt Frazier. He is a vegan ultramarathon runner. Next up we had on Seth Goldman TeaEO of Honest Tea Dr Fitness' new favorite beverage. We closed the show with Shelley Woodworth from the Vail Valley Foundation and the Teva Mountain Games Vail which is happeneing June 2-5
5/26/20111 hour, 6 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dr Fitness Bar Mitzvah Recap, Steven Ferrusi Describes the FitDesk. And Andrea Rogers of Xtend Barre

We opened with Dr Fitness giving us a recap of his kid's Bar Mitzvah. Then Steven Ferrusi joined us to explain the health benefits fo his FitDesk. Then we closed with Andrea Rogers sharing fitness tips from her new exercise dvd Xtend Barre: Lean & Chiseled from Acacia Lifestyle
5/19/201144 minutes, 25 seconds
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Dr Fitness Comments On Top Diets. Interview with Biggest Loser Season 10 Winner Patrick House

We talked about stuff like keynoting the FitBloggin 11 conference, and Dr Fitness gives his take on a recent report on the top 10 diets. We interview Biggest Loser Season 10 Winner Patrick House.
5/12/201151 minutes, 28 seconds
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Another Twitter Contest. And Are You Taking the Supreme 90 Day Challenge?

Dr Fitness shares his tornado aftermath stories. We interview the folks who created the Supreme 90 Day exercise video set. Their Workout system is more intense and less expensive than the P90X exercise dvd package. Their system is only $20 so check it out on their website or in stores everywhere. We also did another round of our Twitter Contest so be sure to listen here then enter on our Facebook page
5/5/201146 minutes, 48 seconds
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Dr Fitness Survives Devasting Tornado. Iced Tea Recipe Tips From Chris Cason,Tavalon Tea's Sommelier

Dodging one tornado after another, Dr Fitness used his superpowers to escape Alabama and keep his family safe in Georgia. Also Chris Cason sommelier from Tavalon Tea shared some great recipes and tips on making iced tea, sangria with tea and other healthy beverages.
4/28/201150 minutes, 18 seconds
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NY Trip Recap. Jennifer Nicole Lee is Our First Frenemy. New Who Tweeted What Contest. Plus Jill Miller Gives Us A Yoga Tuneup

We chatted a bit about our recent trip to New York and we wondered why Jennifer Nicole Lee snubbed us - and if she has become a frenemy. We talked to Jill Miller about her Yoga TuneUp dvds, balls and web videos that help you lead a calm and pain free life. We also played our Who Tweeted What contest - so be sure to listen to that becuase you might win something.
4/21/201151 minutes, 40 seconds
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Dr Fitness Goes To A Baseball Game. The Fat Guy Has A Birthday. And We Interview FitBlog Twitter Chat Founder Katy Widrick

Dr Fitness takes his kids to a baseball game. The Fat Guy gets older. And Katy Widrick talks about her FitBlog Twitter Chats plus the Growing Bolder TV Show.
4/14/201144 minutes, 58 seconds
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Another Twitter Contest. Dr Fitness Visits Asheville. The Fat Guy Plays Racquetball. Charla Krupp Explains How To Never Look Fat Again

Bet you can't wait to play this new Twitter contest. The Fat Guy plays racquetball and barely lives to tell about it. Dr Fitness takes his family to Asheville and gets in a car accident. Then we interviewed NY Times bestselling author Charla Krupp. She wrote the book How to Never Look Fat Again.
4/8/201154 minutes, 47 seconds
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Dr Fitness Quits Dancing. Dr Felicia Stoler Wants You Living Skinny In Fat Genes. And Alex Yount Explains The Warrior Dash

Breaking news - Dr Fitness is quitting his dance lessons. Dr Felicia Stoler wants to teach you how you can be Living Skinny in Fat Genes. And Alex Yount Explains why the Warrior Dash must be added to the fitness events you do this year. The Warrior Dash in Georgia is May 14-15 this year.
3/31/201151 minutes, 25 seconds
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Another Twitter Contest. The Fat Guy Breaks His Nordic Track and The Ampli5 Folks

We try another Twitter contest. the Fat Guy broke his Nordic Track that he bought in 1995. And the Ampli5 folks explain why their magic bracelet is better than the other guys magic bracelet.
3/24/201150 minutes, 29 seconds
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Sam Tickle Star of the Unstoppable Tour on ESPN Wants You To Get Fit

We talked about stuff like keynoting the FitBloggin 11 conference, a great corned beef and cabbage recipe and a new Twitter contest we're running on Facebook. Our guest today was Sam Tickle star of the Unstoppable Tour on ESPN.
3/17/201146 minutes, 10 seconds
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Race Director Jeff Graves Explains Why You Should Run In This Years Publix Georgia Marathon

We talked about our new limited edition Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy t-shirts. We only made a handful for personal use but.... We also mentioned that we will be going to New York on April 15 for an appearance on a media panel. So be on the look out for an invite from us and our buddies at Tavalon Tea for a get together in some hip NY hotspot that evening. Our guest today was Jeff Graves Race Director for the Publix Georgia Marathon. This event has been around for five years and will have over 18,000 people running. It is not too late to get your number so go to their website to get more information and to register.
3/10/201142 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Fat Guy Goes To Harry Potter World. Then We Interviewed Prom Fitness Founder Karen Jashinsky

The Fat Guy recapped his trip to Universal Studios and Harry Potter World. Then Karen Jashinsky told us all about Prom Fitness.
3/3/201148 minutes, 37 seconds
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Interview with Author Dr Melanie Rotenberg and Blogger Meghann Anderson

We talked stuff like keynoting the FitBloggin 11 conference and how awesome NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainers are for supporting our book. Our first guest was author Dr Melanie Rotenberg. Then our pal blogger Meghann Anderson shared her best group deal fitness tips
2/24/201157 minutes, 1 second
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Keynoting FitBloggin11 Plus Interview with Caitlin Boyle and Karla Walsh

We opened with news of our keynoting the FitBloggin 11 conference Our first guest was author and blogger Caitlin Boyle with Healthy Tipping Point and Operation Beautiful Then our pal Karla Walsh gave us the highlights from her article in Fitness Magazine highlighting the Top 10 Workout DVDs of 2011.
2/17/201156 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Tales From Our Book Signing. Plus Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox Author Dr Roni Deluz Shares Weight Loss Tips

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that bloggers like Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh and Social Media Expert Meghann Anderson are helping us with. They are running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that they are doing and want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids We talked about our recent  book signing at the Foxtale Book Shoppe in Woodstock. That went well. then we got into the real show. Our guest today was Dr Roni Deluz, from Martha's Vineyard Diet Detox fame. Her new book 21 Pounds in 21 Days is a NY Times bestseller. She shared her wieght loss tips about eating healthy foods that don't require chewing and the health benefits of enemas. A good time was had by all check out her websites and Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
2/10/201154 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr Fitness Tries Ballroom Dancing and Jon Basso Founder of The Heart Attack Grill Explains How To Eat, Drink and Smoke Your Way to Better Health

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that bloggers like Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh and Social Media Expert Meghann Anderson are helping us with. They are running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that they are doing and want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids Dr Fitness gave us his recap of his ballroom dancing class. Then we got into the real show. Our guest today was Jon Basso, founder of the Heart Attack Grill, a burger joint in Arizona that lets 350 pound people eat for free and give candy cigarettes to kids. They pride themselves on being politically incorrect at every turn. This former Jenny Craig owner and perosnal trainer has turned his back on healthy living and has built a burger empire on catering to the overweight and the people who just don't care about eating healthy. To learn more about this temple of unhealthy eating please go to Dr Jon's website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
2/3/201149 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Healthy Living Expo Recap. Elizabeth Dixon Explains How Chick-Fil-A Employees Stay Fit.

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that bloggers like Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh and Social Media Expert Meghann Anderson are helping us with. They are running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that they are doing and want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids First we talked about the great time we had at the Healthy Living Expo in Knoxville over the weekend. We shared the dirt on our time with the NuStep folks. Then we got into the real show. Our guest today was Elizabeth Dixon Chick-Fil-A's Wellness Initiatives person. Elizabeth does all kinds of innovative things to keep the Chick-Fil-A employees and their families healthy and fit. They also do things that go beyond their company - they are hosting a WinShape Retreat in March and do annual US City Challenges. We even talked about all the healthy food options there are on their menu. To learn more about Chick-Fil-A go to their website and to learn more about the retreat please go to and to learn more about the Most Fit Company Challenge please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
1/27/201155 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Inspirational Weight Loss Success Story Ben Davis Does Life

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that bloggers like Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh and Social Media Expert Meghann Anderson are helping us with. They are running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that they are doing and want to make sure they get the recognition they deserve. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had on  Ben Davis. Ben has a remarkable weight loss success story. On Christmas day 2008 he weighed 360 pounds and he made a promise to his grandmother to lose weight and get his life together. In two years he has lost 120 pounds and has run marathons and finsihed an Ironman Triathlon. You have to read about his inspirational story on his blog Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
1/20/201158 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lisa Lillien Talks About Her New Hungry Girl TV Show on the Cooking Channel

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had on  our good friend Lisa Lillien. I did some research the other day and discovered that she made her first appearance on our show at the end of 2005. Since then Lisa has added over 1 million readers to her daily newsletter, has written a bunch of Ny Times best selling books and has now launched her own Hungry Girl TV show on the new Cooking Channel. You can check out that show every Saturday at 4pm or throughout the week - becuase the replay the show all the time. Today Lisa gave us some tips, shared her favorite music, her favorite kitchen appliance and her go to knife for chopping things up on her show. To learn more about what is happening in the wonderful world of the Hungry Girl please go to her website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
1/14/201159 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Today Show's Joy Bauer Shares Her Best Nutrition, Fitness and Weight Loss Tips

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had on Joy Bauer, nutrition and fitness expert from the Today show. Not only did she give us a behind the scenes peek into the Today Show Green Room, she talked all about nutrition tips, fitness tips and even some recipes. She has a great new exercise dvd out right now titled Joy Bauer's SlimDown Workout. A Total Weight-Loss solution from the Today Show diet and nutrition expert. To learn more please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
1/6/201155 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Missi Wolf Explains How to Burn 900 Calories A Workout at Her Blast900 Fitness Center. Liz Weiss Shares Kid Tested Healthy Recipes. Gina Locklear's Zkano Makes The Most Comfortable All Cotton Socks

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Missi Wolf founder of the hot new fitness center concept Blast900 The Ultimate Workout. After struggling to lose over 100 pounds Missi decided to design a program that combines cardio, strength training, resistance training, abdominal work and stretching all in one one hour workout. This fitness chain has started in Atlanta but is looking to expand through franchising all over the place. To learn more please go to Next up Liz Weiss, author of No Whine with Dinner: 150 healthy Kid-Tested Recipes from the Meal Makeover Moms came on to share som of her best tips to get your kids to eat healthier. This registered dietitian had lots of do's and don'ts when it came to feeding your family. To learn more please go to We closed the show with Gina Locklear, owner of the innovative sock company Zkano. They produce the only 100% certified organic all cotton sock. We have named this sock the "Official Sock of the Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Show". It is so soft and cushy you will love wearing them. You can find them at some whole Foods or online at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
12/16/201054 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Coach Tom Kelso's Best Strength Training Workout Tips. Dr Bob Pretlow Helps Overweight Kids. Jessica Darrican Explains Withings The Wi-Fi Body Scale

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Coach Tom Kelso. This guy has been the strength and conditioning coach for everyone from the Florida Gators football team to the St Louis Police Department. He has put out a bunch of strength training mauals and now has a released 100 of the best Strength Training Workouts cd. Check it out if you are serious about working out the right way at This guy is the real deal and he knows what he's talking about. Next Dr Bob Pretlow explains why his website Weigh2Rock has been the best resource for overweight kids for over 11 years. This guy has seen all the research and has seen firsthand from the thousands of kids who frequent his website why kids are over weight and what can be done to stop this child obesity epidemic. His new book Overweight: What Kids Say is a must read if you have an overweight child in your life. Learn more at We closed the show with Jessica Darrican who is with Withings the first wi-fi enabled body scale. This amazing scale can weigh you then wirelessly transmit your weight and body fat to your own personal webpage. Then you can share that info online if you're brave enough. Learn more at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
12/9/20101 hour, 3 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Former Fat Guy Rob Cooper's Weight Loss Tips. Foundation For Intimacy Founder Dr Daniel Stein. KidzMed founder Dr Christopher Tirotta

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Former Fat Guy Rob Cooper. Rob has lost almost 300 pounds and shares his weight loss tips on the show. He went from being a totally sedentary cab driver to an athelte who has climbed Mt Kilimanjaro. To learn more about this amazing weight loss success story check out his website and Next up we had on The love Life Doctor, Dr Daniel Stein. He is promoting a new product called Dan-e which stands for day and night energy. This 30+ year gynecologist is the founder of the Foundation for Intimacy. He shares some inforamtion for women who want to feel great again. to learn more please go to We closed the show with Dr Christopher Tirotta, a pediatric specialist at Miami Children's hospital and CEO of American Scientific. His firm has created the Kidz-Med 5 in 1 non-contact thermometer. This is the best thermometer out there. To learn more please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
12/2/20101 hour, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Rick Osbourne Wants You To Do A Pull Up. Dustin Maher Wants to Help Moms Get In Shape. Keith Scott Shares the Healing Power of Spices

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Rick Osbourne, a former Physical Educator who wants to help kids immunize themselves from obesity by coaching them how to do a pull up. He says that if you can do just 1 pull up then you will not be obese. to learn more please go to Next fitness professional Dustin Maher came on to talk about his quest to get 1,000,000 moms in the best shape of their lives. To learn more please go to We closed the show with Dr Keith Scott, ER doctor and author of the book Medicinal Seasonings. The Healing Power of Spices. If you want to learn about the importance of spices in your own health please go to his website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
11/25/201054 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Interviews with The Family Dinner Author Laurie David and Robert Davis, Karla Walsh, Nicci Micco, John Biggs, Pam O'Brien and Roy Johnson

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Robert Davis, author of The Healthy Skeptic. Today Robert explained the dfangers of mixing energy drinks with alchohol. To learn more about Robert please go to his website Next Karla Walsh, author fo the Healthful Bites blog shared her thoughts on the new bike to work trend. To learn more about what Karla is up to please go to Next Nicci Micco came on to share the highlights of the new issue of Eating Well Magazine. The Pomegranate cover has been a long time coming. For some great holiday recipes be sure to check this issue out - to subscribe please go to Next John Biggs shared his must have fitness gadget for this holidayt season. To learn about all the latest gadgets, phones, watches and more please check out Next Pam O'Brien shared some of her favorite articles from the latest issue of Fitness magazine. This magazine is always packed with tips. To see what it is all about please go to Next we had Roy Johnson explain why The Situation is on the cover of this month's Men's Fitness magazine. Check it out online at And we closed the show out with Laurie David, author of the wonderful book The Family Dinner - Great Ways To Connect with Your Kids, One Meal at a Time (recipes by Kirstin Uhrenholdt). This wonderful book is a must have this holiday season. You can find it at bookstores everywhere - go to for more information. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
11/18/20101 hour, 3 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Matt Jenkins Ran Across North Carolina. Kathy Betty Owner of the WNBA's Atlanta Dream

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with barefoot runner Matt Jenkins. Matt is the author of A Barefoot Run Across North Carolina. Learn more about Matt and his crazy runs at We closed the show with Atlanta Dream owner Kathy Betty. The Atlanta dream recorded one of the most successful seasons for a rookie owner in professional sports history in 2010 as the Dream won the Eastern Conference title and advanced to the WNBA Finals. To learn more about the Atlanta Dream and all the cuases that kathy supports please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
11/11/201058 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dance With Me Exercise DVD Star Billy Blanks Jr. And Jackie Warner's New Xtreme Timesaver Training DVD

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Billy Blanks Jr, the face of the new generation of fitness. billy can be seen on Exercise TV and on TV shows like Ellen all the time. His new exercise dvd titled Dance with Me is out now. Billy has been dancing all his life and has worked with all the greats from Paula Abdul to Madonna. He is the best person to be teaching this new dance and cardio workout stuff. to learn more about what Billy is up to go to his website We closed the show with Jackie Warner star of a couple of Bravo shows, a bestselling book titled This is Why You're Fat and How to Get Thin Forever. She also has owned gyms and spas. Jackie is promoting her new exercise dvd titled Xtreme Timesaver Training. this 30 minute workout is like getting 2 dvds in one. You can buy it at stores like target or get it online at her website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
11/4/201053 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Denise Austin Has A New Yoga Exercise Dvd. Randy Karp Says You're Misinformed About Food. Matt McClellan's Pizza Diet

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with our good friend Denise Austin. Denise has some new exercise dvds coming out that will get you in great shape before the end of the year inlcuding one on yoga, pilates and cardio. Learn more at her website or at Next up we had on Randy Karp author of Misinformed About Food. Randy explains why cold water fish are better than farm raised and where you can get the best olive oil in the world. to learn more please go to his website We closed the show with Matt McClellan. Matt owns a pizza shop in Florida. He also created the 30 Day Pizza Diet as well as the Tour de Pizza which is a bike ride up the East Coast that stops at a bunch of pizza joints along the way. To learn how Matt lost weight on his pizza only diet go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
10/28/20101 hour, 5 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Soda Tax Facts From Healthy Skeptic Robert Davis. Fitness Magazine's Pam O'Brien. LeBootCamp's Valerie Orsoni in the Studio. And Blogger Karla Walsh

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened our good friend Robert Davis, author of The Healthy Skeptic. Robert explained why the soda tax might not be the way to decrease obesity. To check out the most informative videos on health and wellness go to Next up Pam O'Brien returned to tell us all about the most recent issue of Fitness magazine. this issue is packed with great recipes, fitness workouts and weight loss tips. To subscribe please go to Next Valerie Orsoni founder of LeBootCamp - Europes most popular weight loss site with over 800,000 members came into the studio. Valeire shared some great tips for Halloween. As well as her experience on TV sharing exercise tips for busy moms. Be sure to join the best online weight loss support group. We closed the show with our favorite healthful blogger Karla Walsh. She created the Healthful Bites blog and shared some fo her favorite group exercise classes. Her blog is filled with great tips and reviews. Check it out at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
10/21/20101 hour, 2 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Keeping Fit with Andrea Metcalf. Blogger Liz Staley Loses 100 Pounds with SparkPeople. Roni Noone Talks FitBloggin 2011

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with TV Host Andrea Metcalf. Andrea has a new dvd series from Acacia titled Keeping Fit. This 3 exercise dvd set includes quick blast cardio, strength and pilates workouts. to learn more please go to to learn more about what Andrea is up to please go to Next up blogger Liz Staley came on to share secrets behind her 100 pound weight loss. It took about a year and a half but her success story was truly inspiring. She shared some great tips and explained how was the key to her success. Check out her blog We closed the show witth Roni Noone who talked about her upcoming fitness and health blogger conference FitBloggi '11. FitBloggin was such a huge success last year that Roni has decided to basically double everything. To learn more and to sign up please go to and to learn more about all things Roni please go to her website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
10/14/201053 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Trek Desk's Steve Bordley. Anatoly System's Vladimir Chubinsky. And Lawson Harris is the Fitness Guress

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Also please checkout our new book 35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Steve Bordley from Trek Desk. Trek Desk was recently named one of the best office luxury items from Forbes Magazine. Trek Desk is an easy way to get your 10,000 steps a day you need to stay in shape - you can do it in 3 hours without breaking a sweat. To learn how you can start using that old treadmill in the basement again check out Next up we had on our good friend Vladimir Chubinsky with YWBI Wellness Center in Sandy Springs GA, (a suburb of Atlanta). Vladimir told us about the health benefits of doing his Anatoly System workouts. He says there is no better way to work the core than through his patented method. To learn more please go to his website We closed the show with the fitness guress Lawson Harris. Lawson runs The Fitness Guru, New York's first fitness lab. She has a new exercise dvd out titled Pilates Everyday Training. To learn more please go to her website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
10/7/20101 hour, 5 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Top Secret Recipes Author Todd Wilbur. Running Anatomy Author Joe Puleo. And UltraMarathon Tips From the Fittest Man on the Planet Dean Karnazes

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with one of the Fat Guy's favorites...Top Secret Recipes author Todd Wilbur. Todd clones your favorite recipes from your favorite restaurants and put them in recipe cookbooks. He's got a test kitchen in Las Vegas where he recreates your restaurant favorites. He has a new cookbook out now and he is giving away a bunch of them on our Facebook page - so friend us on Facebook and say you want a book and we'll send you one - while supplies last. To learn more about what Todd is up to please go to his website Next up we had on Joe Puleo author of Running Anatomy. Joe is one of the top running coaches in the country and he shared some great tips to help runners run better and without injuries. He talked about the barefoot running craze and had some great tips for new runners as well. To learn more please go to his website We closed the show with one of Dr Fitness' inspirational heroes. Dean Karnazes. Dean has been called the fittest man on the planet by Men's Fitness magazine and one fo the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine. Dean is an ultramarathoner who has completed 50 marathons in 50 days in each of the 50 states in the US. His effort was chronicled in both a movie and a book. Dean is also the founder of Karno Kids a group that is dedicated to getting kids moving and in shape. To learn more about what Dean is up please go to his website and to learn more about his non profit organization please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
9/30/20101 hour, 12 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Biggest Loser Ashley Johnston. Tavalon Teas' John-Paul Lee. iCore Sports' Alex Laws. And Life is Good Chief Playmaker Steve Gross

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Ashley Johnston who was the runner up on Biggest Loser Season 9. She enetered the couples show with her mother Sherry. This dynamic mother daughter team is appearing Oct 1-2 at the Chattanooga TN Healthy Living Expo.. What a great opportunity to meet them, work out with them, learn from them and be inspired by their amazing weight loss success story. To learn more about the expo please go to And search Facebook for Ashley's Fan page to see what she is up to. Next we had on our good friend John-Paul Lee, founder of Tavalon Tea - the official Tea of the Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Radio show. John-Paul updated us on Tavalon, especially the early bird special they are having this holiday season. What a creative gift for the holidays. Learn more at Next up we had on Alexandra Laws, founder of iCore Sports. Alex is a life long athlete from Australia. She is based here in America teaching the CHEK method of fitness and performance. Her website contains lots of videos of workouts and exercises all done with proper form - which is key to success. To learn more go to her website We closed the show with Steve Gross from Life is Good. Steve is the Chief Playmaker at the compnay and runs this part of their non-profit foundation. Steve explained that their mission is to support and provide resources for all the people who care for kids. He wants to make sure we appreciate and celebrate them. To learn more about this great cause please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
9/23/20101 hour, 10 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Brianna Norton From Exhale Midtown Atlanta Spa. Roy Johnson Talks Men's Fitness. Crunchgear's John Biggs Fitness Gadget Report. Chef Rock Harper's Healthy Cooking For Kids Tips

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had Brianna Norton from Exhale Midtown Atlanta Spa in the studio. Dr Fitness got to go to the Grand Opening of this 5 Star luxury spa and mind body gym located on its own floor of the brand new Loews Hotel. If you want to experience true luxury and the latest fitness classes like Core Fusion go to their website and check them out. Next up we had on our good friend Roy Johnson, editor-in-chief of Men's Fitness magazine. He let us know that Rob Lowe is this month's cover and he got in the best shape of his life to get there. The mag is filled with great fitness and health and nutrition tips. As usual! To learn more please go to their website Next up we had on John Biggs, editor of our favorite gadget blof Crunchgear. John called in from Israel where he searching for the next big thing. He shared his thoughts on everything from mp3 players to satellite radio all the back to the latest Wii competitor. If you love gadgets then should be a daily must read for you too. We closed the show with Chef Rock Harper, winner of Season 3 of FOX's Hell's Kitchen. He took us behind the scens of that show. Told us a little about how he loves to help out the March of Dimes and spent a lot of time talking about his new book 44 Things to Know About Healthy Cooking For Kids. To learn more about what Rock is up to check out his website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks
9/16/20101 hour, 1 minute, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

US Olympian Jeff Galloway Talks Running. Lose Weight for Good with Dr Russ. And Exercise TV's Chris Mansolillo Discusses Fitness and Technology

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   Special thanks to Susie Shina for guest hosting for Dr Fitness. Susie is working on a couple TV pilots as well as a line of luxury socks. Check out what she is up to at On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Jeff Galloway. Jeff is a US Olympian who is one of America's leading running gurus. His Galloway's Book on Running is a national bestseller. He writes a column for Runner's World and has trained thousands of runners on 5ks to marathons. He is the Director of Atlanta's Kaiser Permanente Corporate Run/Walk which will have about 15,000 participants. To learn more about Jeff go to Next up we had on Dr Russ L'HommeDieu who has lost over 200 pounds. Dr Russ says his syetm 10 Habits of Highly Successful Losers can help anyone lose the weight and keep it off for good. To learn more please go to We closed the show with Chris Mansolillo President of Exercise TV. Chris explained how Exercise TV helps people exercise when and where they'd like to whether it is at home on TV, at a hotel with your laptop or even on the trail with your iPod. Exercise TV offers you the ability to download workouts, connect with friends online to support you and even get nutrition and fitness advice from expertswith their Premium Pass subscription. to learn more please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
9/9/20101 hour, 1 minute, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

Fitness Magazine Editor Pam O'Brien Previews September Issue. Eating Well Magazine Editor Nicci Micco Busts Nutrition Myths. Plus Comfort Living by Christine Eisner

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Pam O'Brien Executive Editor of Fitness Magazine. Pam shared some behind the scene secrets from the Chelsie Hightower cover shoot. In the magazine Chelsie shares her workout tips from Dancing With The Stars. Fitness Magazine promotes health and wellness in a manageable non-intimidating manner with workouts, diet and health tips. Learn more and subscribe at Next up Nicci Micco with Eating Well magazine came on to debunk some common nutrition myths. This month's magazine has the apple on the cover. As usual this issue is packed with recipes and nutrition tips to keep you ewating healthy delicious meals. Be sure to subscribe to their great email newsletters and this beautiful magazine at We closed the show with Christine Eisner who wrote the book Comfort Living: A Back to Basics Guide to a More Balanced Lifestyle. She shared some great tips to help you bring your family closer together by getting back to basics. You can learn more about this great book and her regular online webinars at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
9/2/20101 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Fitness Magazine's Karla Walsh. Kathy Smith's Anti-Aging Workouts. Katy Bowman is Aligned and Well

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with health blogger and editorial assistant at Fitness magazine. Karla turned the tables on us by interviewing us about our new book "35 Things to Know to Raise Active Kids." which is available at . Read Karla's blog at and be sure to check out this month's Fitness magazine at Next up we had on our good friend Kathy Smith. Kathy turnsd 59 this year and she says aging schmaging and has put toghether a signature anti-aging program.  Kathy has partnered with Rejuvenation to create prevention and rehabilitation kits and exclusive exercise media to rejuvenate the growing baby boomer population. This complete line has both exercise equipment and dvd workouts for every fitness level from the very beginner to the more advanced recovering from injury to live a more healthful life and feel more youthful. To learn more please go to or We closed the show with Katy Bowman founder of the Restorative Exercise Institute. Get Aligned and Well with Katy teaches you how proper alignment can improve all kinds of chronic conditions like pelvic floor disorders, migraines, even diabetes. Katy looks at the body like a mechanic looks at a car. Katy's series of Aligned and Well dvds address all kinds of chronic ailments and diseases with simple stretches. They are available at Katy's blog is Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
8/26/20101 hour, 7 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

Elsa Simcik Shares Her Workout of the Week. Marta Montenegro's SobeFit Magazine Preview. And Dr Michael Aziz Perfect 10 Diet

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Elsa Simcik fitness writer and fitness instuctor who has started a brand new fitness blog titled Workout of the Week. On her blog she reviews exercise dvds, gym workouts and other fun fitness routines. Check out her blog each week so you can find out about different types of workouts  - and even try a new one each week. Check it out at Next up Marta Montenegro SOBeFiT's founder and CEO came on to preview this mponth issue and to tell us about her great exercise dvd series. This month's issue has Dwyane Wade and Serena Williams on the cover and features an 1164 calorie buring workout, some great recipes and restaurant profiles along with the usual top notch health and fitness features you expect in every issue. Check it out online at and We closed the show with Dr Michael Aziz author fo the book Perfect 10 Diet. His progream focuses on ten key hormones that help giver you a more balanced approach to losing weight and keeping it off. His 40-20-40 formula helps the weight come off easy and keeps up your energy levels as well. To learn more please go to his website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
8/19/20101 hour, 1 minute, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lose Weight On A Cruise Tips From A Travel Crew. Ramadan Fasting Tips From LeBootCamp's Valerie Orsoni. Roy S Johnson's Best Men's Fitness Tips.

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Captain Doug and Gala Reitz with A Travel Crew. They shared some great travel tips especially for you people who want to lose some weight during your next cruise. They also revealed the best time to book your airfare and which deck you should be on if you want a smooth cruise. Learn more travel tips at their website Next up our good friend Valerie Orsoni from LeBootCamp came on to share some great weight loss and fitness tips. She made sure to share some great tips for our friends who are fasting for Ramadan.To join the best online weight loss support group check out and toss drfitness in the coupon code to get 50% off. We closed the show with Roy S Johnsion Editor-in-Chief of Men's Fitness magazine. Roy said that action movie star Jason Stratham was on their cover and he shared his awesome workout. Roy also talked about the LeBron move to Miami and how it would impact his legacy. Check out this months Mens Fitness magazien for more challenging workouts, man meal recipes and more at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
8/12/20101 hour, 2 minutes, 16 seconds
Episode Artwork

Ryan Sullivan's Weight Loss Journey Began With No More Bacon. Medical Marijuana Expert Seth Ginsberg. And Fitness DVD Producer Cal Pozo

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Ryan Sullivan who has chronicled his mazing weight loss story on his blog NoMore Bacon and on his Twitter account @nomorebacon. Ryan says losing weight is a mental game and he shares sometips to help you get your head in the game. To learn more check out his blog or check out the fitness center that has helped him change his life at Next up Seth Ginsberg from TGI Healthworks came on to discuss an upcoming medical marijuan conference to be held in Colorado this September. The Plant Medicine Expo is being held in Denver from September 24-26. To learn more go to their website We closed the show with Cal Pozo, the legendary fitness and dance producer of over 300 best selling exercise  video titles. He shared some hilarious behind the scenes stories about your favorite fitness video stars. Cal has worked with them all from Bob Harper, to Denise Austin all the way to Regis Philbin. If you are thinking about producing your iown exercise dvd you have to contact Cal. Check out his websitew Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
8/5/20101 hour, 3 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

James Park Explains How FitBit Will Get Your Weight Loss Program Moving. Healthy Skeptic Robert Davis Debunks Health Claims and Myths

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with James Park from FitBit. FitBit is a small and stylish health and wellbeing monitoring tool. It automatically collects data about your daily activities literally 24/7. It then wirelessly syncs to your computer. Fitbit (with their premium service) is your 24 hour digital personal trainer, nutritioist and sleep consultant. Learn more and purchase yours at - be patient they might be backordered but they are worth the wait. We closed the show with our good friend Robert Davis, the Healthy Skeptic from Everwell. Robert talked about a new study that illustrates the dangers of sitting too much. Robert is an award winning health journalist who specializes in debunking the myths behind the health claims that make it in print and on TV. to learn more about Robert and his firm please go to - you'll find lots of great free info and don't forget to sign up for his informative newsletter as well. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
7/29/201054 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Marilyn Ann Migliore Explains the Hunger Within. Sports Nutrition Expert Leslie Bonci Loves Gatorade Natural. Blogger Karla Walsh's Fitness Magazine Rundown

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with eating and weight disorder specialist at the University of Michigan, Marilyn Ann Migliore. She wrote the breakthrough book The Hunger Within 10 years ago and she shared some of her best weight loss tips from the book and her workshop. To learn more please go to Next up Leslie Bonci, director of sports nutrition at the UPMC Center for Sports Medicine and nutrition consultant to countless organizations in Pittsburgh came on to discuss the new Gatorade sports drinks. She explained how G Natural and G2 Natural help athletes stay hydrated and replenish their fluids. To learn more about the latest Gatorade sports dirnks go to their website We closed the show with our good friend Karla Walsh. Karla parlayed her Healthful Bites blog into a job at Fitness magazine. So because of that, she came on to share the highlights of this months Fitness magazine. To read Karla's blog go to and to check out Fitness magazine go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
7/23/20101 hour, 7 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Weight Loss Tips From Biggest Loser Fitness Trainer Bob Harper. Weight Watchers Success Story Farredeh Baughcum.

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with one of the fitness trainers from the Biggest Loser TV show, Bob Harper. Bob has a new exercise dvd series called My Trainer Bob Inside Out Method, a raw workout with real results. This 4 part exercise dvd series features 1-Pure Burn Super Strength; 2-Body Rev Cardio Conditioning 3-Yoga for the Warriors and 4-Bob's Work Out. Bob also told the hilarious story about how he got chosen to work on the hit TV show. He also gave us a behind the scenes look at what it's like to go through a Biggest Loser workout. He also shared an important lesson he has learned from working with the contestants. Be sure to check out Bob's fitness dvd at his website or We closed the show with Farredeh Baughcum. She was recently featured on the cover of Good Housekeeping for her inspirational weight loss story. She lost her weight with the help of Weight Watchers and she is grateful for the support and inspiration her Weight Watchers leader gave to her. Be usre to go to to find a group near you. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
7/15/201057 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

Zone Diet Creator Barry Sears Weight Loss Tips. Eating Well Magazine's Nicci Micco. And Roy S Johnson's Mens Fitness Tips

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Dr Barry Sears, creator of the Zone Diet. Dr Sears is the leading authority on the dietary control of hormonal response. Dr Sears talked about the new Anti-Inflammatory Diet and what he calls silent inflammation. He alkso has a new book out titled Toxic Fat. Please go to his wenbsites and Next up we had on our good friend Nicci Micco, Deputy Editor of Eating Well magazine. Nicci shared some healthy skin tips from the magazine as well as some info on the magazine's new book titled Eating Well on a Budget - this cookbook features meals that can be made for less than $3 a serving. To learn more please go to We closed the show with our good friend Roy S Johnson, Editor-in-Chief of Men's Fitness magazine. This months issue is jam packed with cool stuff - including a look at the most dangerous gym in the world - the gym our servicemen in Afghanistan use everyday. Check out Mark Wahlberg on the cover and get the skinny on the upcoming Entourage season as well as his workout routine. Check out the magazine online at or Roy's new blog at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
7/8/20101 hour, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

Comfort Food Diet Tips From Taste of Home. Learn How to Get a SkinnyGirl Body by Bethenny. Fitness Tips From LeBootCamp

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Catherine Cassidy, Editor-in-Chief of the Taste of Home media group. Catherine shared some tips on how to cut calories from your favorite comfort food recipes. She also explained that Taste of Home magaizne and cookbooks feature reader submitted recipes that have been throughly tested in the Taste of Home kitchen. She also said that the recipes are so easy a husband can do it. To get your hands on the Comfort Food Diet Cookbook and browse through the 50,000 recipes on their website make sure you go to Next up we had on Bethenny Frankel, the star of Bravo's hit TV show Bethenny Getting Married? and the breakout star of The Real housewives of New Yok City. Bethenny called in from the Hamptons to share details on her brand new exercise dvd from Acacia titled Body by Bethenny: body-sculpting workouts to unleash your SkinnyGirl. If you are looking for an exercise dvd that features realistic, simple down to earth exercise that anyone can do then you have to check this out. Go to her website to learn more. We closed the show with our good friend Valerie Orsoni, creator of Le BootCamp, Europe's favorite online weight loss and fitness support website with over 600,000 members. Valerie shared details about the new Vampire Diet that is sweeping Hollywood. She also gave our listeners some of her favorite diet and exercise tips. To learn more about LeBootCamp go to their website and be sure to mention DRFITNESS when you join and you will get 50% off membership. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
7/1/20101 hour, 2 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Andy Lapointe Explains the Fruit Advantage. Celebrity Fitness Trainer Cornel Chin on How To Get A Celebrity Body on a Budget

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. And today she made her radio debut sharing some great Summer time fitness tips. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Andy Lapointe with Super Fruit Coach with Fruit Advantage. Andy explained the health benefits of eating fruits - he has written numerous books on the subject. His firm sells delicious dried, concentrate and powdered fruit. Learn more and buy a bunch for yourself at We have tried the dried tart cherries and believe me they are awesome. We closed the show with celebrity fitness trainer all the way from England Cornel Chin. Cornel shared some great fitness tips and told us all about his new book Celebrity Body on a Budget. Learn more about Cornel at and buy his book on Amazon. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
6/24/201054 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Healthy Skeptic Robert Davis Busts Sunscreen Myths. Biggest Loser Ali Vincent Weight Loss Tips. Robert Panzera on Cycling Fast

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Healthy Skeptic Robert Davis. He debunked all those myths about sunscreen. He shared tips on which sunscreens are safe and which are a rip off. He also explained that any sunscreen over 30 spf is pretty much overkill. To learn more please buy his book the Healthy Skeptic on Amazon and go to his website Next up, we had Ali Vincent in the studio with us (with her mom). She was the first female winner of the Biggest Loser TV show. She shared some hilarious behind the scenes stories as well as some of her favorite weight loss tips. she was in town promoting Famous Footwear's Mind Body Sole tour. And to learn more about Ali and her book as well as where she is now please go to her website We closed the show with author Robert Panzera. Robert wrote the book Cycling Fast which is a bicycling how to manual to get a newbie up to speed so they can ride their first race. Robert also runs cycling camps in Southern California. you can learn more about what he is up to and buy his book at his website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
6/17/20101 hour, 3 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pizza for the Hungry. Pure Physique's Mike Lipowski. Biggest Loser Pete Thomas. And Weight Watcher's Dr Lisa Thornton

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Obaid Kadwani from eyeBlink a non profit who is putting on the Pizza for the Hungry event around the U.S. Please go to their website and donate what you can to help the hungry. A one dollar donation buys 2 slices of pizza for someone who is hungry. Next up we had on Michael Lipowski with Pure Physique. Mike has written a book Pure Physique:How to Maximize Fat Loss and Muscular Development. Mike shared some of his best resistance training tips. to learn more please go to his website Next up we had on Pete Thomas from the Biggest Loser TV show. Pete walked away from the show $100,000 richer becuase he lost the most weight out of all the contestants that season. The amazing things about that is that he lost 123 of the 185 pounds he lost while working out on his own. To learn more about his amazing weight loss success story please go to his website We closed the show with Dr Lisa Thornton, spokesperson for Weight Watchers. Lisa has just written the new book Eat! Move! Play! A Parent's Guide to Rasising Healthy Happy Kids. Lisa shared some great weight loss tips for keeping kids healthy and in shape. To learn more about the book go to or order online at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
6/10/20101 hour, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Andrew Wood Says the Gruve is NEAT for Exercise. Tricia Bradley Produces Athlete 360. Bill Cortright's Stress Response Diet

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Andrew Wood with Muve. His company have created a device called The Gruve which is a positive feedback activity based wellness solution to monitor and increase your activity. Created with help from the Mayo Clinic this device encourages and tracks all of your movement - in accordance with the NEAT method of exercise and weight loss management. To learn more about getting your Gruve on check out their website Next up we had on Tricia Bradley producer and creator of lots of your favorite TV shows through her company Serious Fun Productions. Tricia's new show, Athlete 360, the sports medicine show on Fox Sports and Comcast Networks is the only sports show on TV that lets viewers get to meet their favorite athletes, inside and out - literally. The show's host Dr Mark Adickes, is a former NFL player who is also an orthopedic surgeon. He goes behind the scenes with each athlete to find out what brought them down and how they made it back. To learn more about Tricia's company go to and be sure to go to the Athlete 360 Facebook Fan page to find out when to check out the latest episode. We closed the show with Bill Cortright - this guy has gained and lost 100 pounds 3 different times and has now kept the weight off for almost 3 decades. He is doing amazing work in weigh loss management in Latin America and now in the US. He is opening Symbio Centers - that help people achieve total wellness and permanent weight loss through his BioFit Program. You can learn more about his weight loss philosophy through his new book The Stress Response Diet and Lifestyle Program. Please go to his website to learn more.  Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
6/4/20101 hour, 3 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Raise Free Range Kids. How To Live A Hall of Fame Life. Flirty Girl Fitness. The Georgia Chain Gang Bikes Across the US

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   First a special shout out to Hope Hughes our 300th Facebook Fan. We have given her tons of books and exercise dvds from our prize vault plus she got to come in the studio and see us in action. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Lenore Skenazy, sometimes called America's Worst Mom because she had the nerve to let her 9 year old ride the subway in NY alone. Lenore has written the book Free Range Kids: How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts With Worry) which talks about giving your kid a little more freedom to play and explore outside on their own.This is a must have book for today's over protective parents - check it out at Next up we had on Steve Below, author of Pigskin Dreams: Living A Hall of Fame Life. Steve interviewed dozens of NFL Hall of Fame football players to understand what made them succeed. The lessons are extremely valuable. To learn more about this great gift for the football fan in your house please go to Next up we got to meet master trainer and dancer Jennifer Hall. Jennifer is the lead Ultimate Flirty Girl for Flirty Girl Fitness, Booty Beat. Jennifer travels around the world sharing her love of fitness, dance and the Flirty Girl life with others. Learn more about Flirty Girl at or check out Jenn's group exercise classes at the Concourse Athletic Club at We closed the show with Tony Myers and Warren Bruno - two members of the Georgia Chain Gang. This gang of do-gooders are four over 50 guys from Atlanta who are riding in the Race Across America as a Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training. This amazing bike race starts in California and ends over 3000 miles away in Maryland. Last year they finished the race in a little over 7 days. This year they are trying to beat that time and raise over $140,000. Please help them achieve their goal at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
5/27/20101 hour, 4 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Elisabeth Halfpapp Opens A New Exhale Spa in Atlanta. Lisa Dorfman on The Reunion Diet. And The New Men's Fitness Issue Is Out

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with lisabeth Halfpapp one of the founders of Exhale Spa and the Core Fusion exercise dvd series. Elisabeth gave us a behind the scenes sneak peek of their new 22,000 sq ft spa that will be in the Loew's Hotel in Midtown Atlanta. She also talked about the new Core Fusion Lean and Tone exercise dvd that has just been released. To learn more please go to Next up Lisa Dorfman, author of the new book The Reunion Diet joined us to talk about her book. Lisa is called the Running Nutritionist becuase she has run numerous marathons, triathlons and other amazing races. Her books gives you tips to get into reunion shpe for all the reunion like events in your life. To learn more please go to We closed the show with our good friend Roy S Johnson, editor in chief of Men's Fitness magazine. Roy told us that Thomas Jane from the HBO series Hung is the on the cover and he shares his super secret kettlebell workout. Their are also tips from Lance Armstrong's trainer Chris Carmichael and grilling tips from Mario Lopez. To learn more and to subscribe to the best men's fitness magazine out there please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
5/20/201058 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Molly Barker Tells Us All About Girls on the Run. And Valerie Orsoni Talks About Le BootCamp

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Molly Barker, founder of Girls on the Run. This great group has helped tens of thousands of girls and women to know and feel their worth. They run programs in 160 cities right now and are looking to expand. So if you would like to learn more or get involved please go to We closed the show with Valerie Orsoni, founder of Le BootCamp and MyPrivateCoach. Valerie explained how she has helped hundreds of thousands of women who live aorund the world lose wieght and get inn great shape. Her program helps women unlock their inner potential in the areas of life, realtionships and weight loss. To learn more please go to and for a limited time mention drfitness when you order and get half off. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
5/13/201051 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

MizFitOnline Answers Fitness Questions From Her Tweeps. Oscar Wegner Explains How Dianetics Helps Your Tennis Game

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with our good friend Carla Birnberg aka MizFitOnline. Carla answered question from her followers on Twitter. So a big thank you to @dietgirl, @fatfightertv, @thefitlounge and all the @MizFitOnline fans. Sorry we couldn't get to all of you. To learn more of what Carla is up to check out her website We closed the show with tennis instructor to the stars Oscar Wegner who explained how Dianetics changed his life and how it could improve your tennis game. Oscar will be in Roswell, Ga giving a clinic on May 16 so sign up quick. To learn more about Oscar go to to learn more about Dianetics go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
5/6/20101 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

Karla Walsh's Must Have Exercise DVDs. New British Military Fitness App. Ellen Barrett's New Workout DVD

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with our good friend Karla Walsh. Karla shared some of her favorite exercise dvds that you should add to your collection. She explained the benefits of adding workout dvds to your exercise routine. To learn more about what Karla is up to please go to her blog Next we had David Stevens from British Military Fitness App. This great iPhone app gives you a real time workout led by some of Britain's finest military personnel. Their are virtually unlimited workouts becuase of a unique randomizing feature this app possesses. So whether you want a cardioworkout or a strength workout you can get a new one pretty much everyday. And you input the time you have available to exercise and your own personal fitness workout trainer is literally at your fingertips ready to get you in shape. To learn more please go to We closed the show with our good friend Ellen Barrett. Ellen has a great new exercise dvd for new moms titled Happy Baby Fit Mama. This workout dvd lets you bring your baby along as you exercise and get back in pre-baby shape. Thsi workout dvd is available everywhere but be sure to check out Ellen's website to see what she is up to.  Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
4/29/201057 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Team Nordic Naturals Rachelle Pecovsky Talks Football. New Exercise DVDs From SobeFit's Marta Montenegro. Plus Devin Alexander

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we openedwith IWFL star running back with the DC Divas Rachelle Pecovsky. Rachelle talked about her unique training method and how she transformed herself from a gymanist to a bruising running back who averaged over 10 yards a carry. She is now on Team Nordic Naturals and she says that taking thier omega 3 fish oil supplements help her skin and her performance. To learn more about her go to to learn more about the IWFL go to Next up we had on our good friend Editor in Chief of SobeFit Magazine Marta Montenegro. Marta talked about her brand new exercise dvd series MM21 Strength, MM21 Endurance and MM10 Power. The Montenegro Method has been shown to get people in shape fast and furiously. Check out the dvds at and check out the best fitness magazine at We closed the show with healthy cook Devin Alexander. She has written some of the top cookbooks on healthy eating. Her latest cookbook I Can't Believe It's Not Fattening will soon be joining the others on the Best Seller Charts. She shared some of her favorite healthy eating tips and go to meals. To learn more please go to her website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
4/22/20101 hour, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Don't Cha Want To Hear About Pussycat Dolls Founder Robin Antin's New Exercise DVD. Plus Gallup's Katie Bell

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we opened the show with Gallup's Katie Bell. She told us about the Well-Being Index that Gallup and Healthways has been doing for a few years. Each day they ask 1000 people questions about their life, their well-being and their health. Check out how your city and state are doing at their website or at the Gallup website We closed the show with Robin Antin, the founder and creator of the Pussycat Dolls. Robin shared her amazing success story and told us all about her brand new exercise dvd that lets you get in PCD shape listening to their music and dancing their songs. To learn more check out their website or buy this must own exercise dvd at fine stores everywhere or on Amazon. Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
4/15/201059 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Celebrity Chef and Author Rocco DiSpirito on Eating Healthy. Plus National Examiner Columnist LA Justice's Fitness Tips

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we opened the show with Celebrity Chef and author Rocco DiSpirito. Rocco, shared some great cooking tips from his new book Now Eat This! Where he transforms a bunch of your favorite comfort foods into healthier, low calorie but still delicious meals. That book is of course a number one bestseller and you can find it at bookstores everywhere or on line at Amazon. Rocco is also training for triathlons and ahd some tips about that as well. To learn more about what he is up to please go to his website or We closed the show with our good friend LA Justice. She is a columnist with the National Examiner and she shared some of her best fitness tips from her book A Slimmer You. you can buy her book at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
4/8/201051 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Men's Fitness' Roy S Johnson Reveals The 25 Fittest Men. The NuStep Recumbent Cross Trainer. Plus Belly Dancer Leilainia

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we opened the show with award winning journalist and Editor-in-Chief of Men's Fitness magazine. Roy shred some behind the scenes skinny on putting together the MF25 list of the 25 Fittest Men in the World. He also shared some exercise and fitness tips for our listeners. Check out May's issue and see who made the list of the 25 fittest men in the world and get workout tips from NCIS: Los Angeles star Chris O'Donnell. Check out the magazine online at Next up we had on Dan Brady with NuStep, the recumbent Cross Trainer featured in the Biggest Loser TV show. This exercise machine is perfect for the obese or he person suffering from ailments like diabetes or someone going through cardiac rehab. to learn more about getting one of these bad boys for your home please go to We closed the show with Belly Dancer Leilainia. She perfomrs with her sister and husband as The Shimmy sisters and she has just released a brand new exercise dvd titled Step By Step Belly Dance's Leilainia from Acacia. this is a great workout dvd to add to your collection. She says most people pick up the movements in just a few viewings. to learn more go to her website or Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
4/1/20101 hour, 2 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Blogger Karla Walsh Dishes About FitBLoggin'10. Dr Abs Michele Olson's New Exercise DVD. Plus Keith Ahrens Loses 200 lbs

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we opened the show with our good friend Karla Walsh who updated us on her trip to FitBloggin'10. She shared some great products she found and some tips to help your blogging. To learn more about what Karla is up to check out her blog at Next up we had on Dr Michele Olson a strength and conditioning guru who runs her own Human Performance Lab at Auburn University. She has a new exercise dvd out called Fitness Prescription: Perfect Legs, Glutes & Abs" This dvd illustrates why she is called Dr Abs. To learn more about what she is up to and order the dvd go to her website We closed the show with Keith Ahrens. Keith has lost over 200 pounds and has kept it off after open heart surgery. He has written a book titled Outrunning My Shadow: Surviving Open Heart Surgery and Battling Obesity. The decision to Change My Life. To learn more please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
3/25/20101 hour, 1 minute, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gadget God John Biggs From CrunchGear. MizFitOnline Carla Birnberg Answers Tweets. PlusTaste of Home Dietitian Peggy Woodward

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we opened the show with our good friend John Biggs, author of an upcoming book on Marie Antoinette's watch and the current editor of CrunchGear the best gadget blog out there. John shared some of his favorite gadgets and iphone apps. To learn more about what he's up to check out Next up, another old friht loss questions from our Twitter fans. She answered a bunch of questions and shared some of her best training tips. To learn more about what she is up to go to We closed the show with registered dietitian Peggy  Woodward, Food Editor of the Taste of Home Healthy Cooking Magazine and the author of the Ask Peggy column. She shared some healthy eating tiops from the Comfort Foood Diet Cookbook and answered some personal questions from Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy. To learn more about the most popular recipe magazine please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
3/18/20101 hour, 2 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Susie Shina Guest Hosts with A Happy You's Dr Elizabeth Lombardo and Ballet Body Star Jennifer Galardi

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy enjoyed the company of Susie Shina from who subbed for Dr Fitness. We opened the show with Susie's good friend Dr Elizabeth Lombardo who explained to our listners that the secret to staying compliant to your fitness and exercise program is to get a smaller "BUT" Check out Elizabeth's new book A Happy You: Your Ultimate Perscription for Happiness at her website We closed the show with exercise dvd superstar Jennifer Galardi. Jennifer is the creative force behind Carmen Electra's, Julianne Hough's, Robin Antin's and Kim Kardashian's exercise and dance dvds and she has come out with her own brand new Ballet Body exercise dvd. To learn more please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
3/11/201049 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

Meet Roni Noone The Brains Behind the FitBloggin 10 Conference. And Nicci Micco Eating Well Magazine's Deputy Editor

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we opened the show with blogger Veronica "Roni" Noone. Roni started blogging in 2005 as a way to stay compliant in her weight loss program. She was on Weight Watchers but her blog was her way to share her results. Over time she built an audience and has expanded her online prescence considerably. You can check all the things she is up to on And on March 20 she will be hosting the first annaul FitBloggin'10 conference for blogs that talk about fitness, wellness, good food and a healthy lifestyle. You can learn more about it at We closed the show with our good friend Nicci Micco Deputy Editor of Eating Well magazine. She told us all about the Avocado issue. She also covered all things chicken including farm fresh eggs. Learn more about our favorite healthy eating magazine at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
3/5/20101 hour, 10 minutes, 33 seconds
Episode Artwork

Weight Watchers Finalist Kimberly Frey. Healthy Skeptic Robert Davis Takes on Organic Food. Dr Melina's Healthy Heart Tips

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we opened the show with Kimberly Frey, a finalist in the 2009 Weight Watchers Inspiring Stories of Change contest. Kimberly needed to lose 40 pounds in order to be a healthy weight so she could donate a kidney to her sick child. She lost the weight by going to Weight Watchers. To learn more please go to and find a support group near you. Next up we had on our good friend Robert Davis, fitness journalist and author of The Healthy Skeptic. Today he shared some scientific truths about organic fruits, vegetables and meats. Are they worth the money? Robert is our resident health mythbuster. His book is a must read if you get overwelmed with information about heath, fitness, wellness and don't know who is telling the truth. You can trust Robert. To get his book check out or go to his website We closed the show with CNNHealth medical doctor Dr Melina Jampolis. Dr Melina shared some tips to be heart healthy. She also gave us some tips form her last book and told us about her new Dr Melina Bar. Learn more about what she is up to at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
2/26/201059 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Blogger Karla Walsh's Indoor Fitness Tips. SobeFit's Marta Montenegro's New DVD. Whitney Martin's Cougar BootCamp

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA. We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune To download the show on iTunes please click on this link To download the show on your Zune please click this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we opened the show with blogger Karla Walsh who shared her tips to perk up your indoor workout. We are in the heart of Winter and you probably are getting a little cabin fever. Karla shared some great tips to keep you working out when it's no fun to get outdoors. To learn more about Karla check out her blog Next up Marta Montenegro founder of SobeFit magazine came on to discuss this month's issue with tennis superstar Rafael Nadal on the cover. Marta shared some behind the scenes gossip about what really went on during her interview with Rafael. She also told our listeners about a brand new exerce dvd set titled The Montenegro Method that when you purchase this awesome 3 dvd set you will get a free subscription to the best fitness magazine in America  SobeFit magazine. What a deal - learn more at or We closed the show with Whitney Martin with the Styles Group Fitness Netwrok - Whitney is putting together fun fitness communities for women like: Cougar Bootcamp, Bride BootCamp even Puma BootCamp for the 20 somethings. To learn more please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
2/18/201057 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Teresa Tapp Co-Hosts. Michele Risa's Dial Up Yoga. Sarita Lou's Hip Hop Cardio. And Megan Armand's Cardio Striptease

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy we were pleased to have our good friend Teresa Tapp in the studio helping us out. Teresa was in town to promote the amazing work she is doing with TappCore in association with the HeadStart program. Her program has gotten amazing results and we always learn something when she is on. To learn more about T Tapp and all that Teresa is up to please go to her website Next we had on Michele Risa, author of the book Conscious Entrepreneurs:A Radical New Approach to Purpose, Passion and Profit. Michele has also developed Dial Up Yoga, an innovative way to get your exercise in by phone. To learn more please go to Next up was Sarita Lou, creator of Dance and Be Fit: Hip Hop Cardio from Acacia. Sarita explained how her dance and choreographer background enabled her to make an exercise dvd that will give you an awesome cardio workout. To learn more go to and to find the dvd go to We closed the show with one of Dr Fitness' favorite exercise dvd stars Megan Armand. She created the perfect Valentine's Day workout DVD Dance Off the Inches: Cardio Striptease. Megan has been part of several dance teams from the NBA to the MISL. she has even choreographed High School Cheerleading teams. Dr Fitness' couldn't stop gushing about this exercise dvd. It is as much fun to do this low impact workout as it is to just watch it like Dr Fitness did. Buy it at Amazon.Com or to learn more about Megan please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!  
2/11/201059 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Valentine's Day Weight Loss Tips. MizFitOnline's New Tattoo. Walk & Work with TrekDesk. Plus A Heart Surgeon Fitness Trainer

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened LA Justice, author of A Slimmer You: 93 Juicy Weight Loss Nuggets for Smart Women. She shared some Valentine's Day weight loss tips. To learn more about LA and her book please go to her website Next up we had on of good friend Carla Birnberg aka MizFitOnline. Carla is an award winning author and fitness trainer. Her blog is popular and informative - she is even part of the oprah Virtual Digital Blogging Network. Today Carla answered about a dozen fitness questions we received from the Twitterverse. To learn more about Carla chek her out at Next Steve Bordley came on to discuss his TrekDesk. According to Dr Fitness this will change the way you work. In his perfect world workers will move from cubicles to treadmill desks like the TrekDesk. Steve explained that by walking at a slow 1 mph pace all day long you can burn a significant amount of calories. For example sitting down burns about 15 calories an hour - standing burns about 50 calories an hour and walking at 1 mph can burn over 100 calories an hour. And at that slow pace you barely even notice you are doing anything - you're not tired or sweating. To learn more please go to We closed the show with cardiovascular surgeon and certified fitness trainer Dr Averel Snyder. Dr Snyder explained the health benefits of interval training and weight training. He also recommended some supplements like fish oil. To learn more about one of Atlanta's only Heart Surgeon Fitness Trainer combo please go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!  
2/5/201058 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Susie Shina Guest Hosts. Probiotic Expert Frank Hodal. Fitness Expert From Princeton. Biggest Loser Finalist Tara Costa

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Pagethat blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy   And special thanks to Susie Shina who covered for Dr Fitness in the studio today. Susie is the host of new TV pilot and has a great weight loss and support program which can be found at her website On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Frank Hodal from Vidazorb, Dr Fitness' favorite probiotic. Probiotics help with digestion and can relieve lots of stomach related issues. To learn more please go to Frank's website Listeners to the show can put in the code fitandfat and save 30% on their order. Next up we had on our good friend Matt Brzycki, Assistant Director of Campus Recreation and Fitness at Princeton University. Matt explained the dangers of weight lifting on swiss exercise balls, how to read supplement labels and the benefits fo drinking chocolate milk after you work out. Matt's new book on Youth Fitness can be found on Amazon. We closed the show with Tara Costa, The Biggest Loser Season 7 finalist who lost over 150 pounds on the show. Tara stars in a couple of new Biggest Loser exercise dvds. The Last Chance Workout and The 30 Day Jump Start.  Tara is also running marathons, triathlons and inspiring and supporting her fans on Team Tara. To learn more please go to her website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new or on iTunes here. Or our  Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!  
1/29/20101 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr Gourmet's Real World Diet Plan. Laura Lewis' Health Tips. And Robert Davis is The Healthy Skeptic

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy  On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Dr Timothy Harlan, Dr Gourmet has launched his Real World Diet and Software and Coaching. To learn more please go to www.drgourmet.comNext up fitness expert Laura Lewis came on to share some of her 52 Ways to a Healthy You. To learn more about what she is up to go to www.lauralewis.comWe closed the show with our good friend Robert Davis, author of The Healthy Skeptic. He shared his thoughts about anti-aging clinics and their controversial human growth hormone programs. To learn more about what Robert is up to go to Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
1/21/20101 hour, 10 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Chic Entrepreneur Author Elizabeth Gordon Guest Hosts. YogaWorks DVD Star Kori Fletchner. And Blogger Karla Walsh's Health Quiz

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy  On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had the Chic Entrepreneur, Elizabeth Gordon guest host in the studio. Dr Fitness had a family emergency and couldn't make it in. Elizabeth Gordon is an author, speaker and mentor who helps women put their business in higher heels. To learn more about Elizabeth please go to www.chicentrepreneur.comWe opened the show with Kori Fletchner star of the YorgaWorks exercise dvd series. Kori new titles BodySlim, Beginner AM/PM and Abs are available in stores everywhere or on her website www.yogaworks.comWe closed the show with our good friend Karla Walsh. In addition to running our Facebook fan page she is an accomplished blogger and fitness journalist. Karla thought it would be a good idea to give us a health news quiz. You'll have to listen for yourself to see who won. To see what Karla is up to please go to her awesome blog www.healthfulbitesblog.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
1/14/201054 minutes, 30 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pure Barre Opens in Birmingham. Prevent Teen Sexting. Eating Well's New 500 Calorie Dinners. Plus Try Nordic Natural Fish Oil

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. Hurry and get a free Premium Traineo membership. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy  On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with our good friend Carrie Rezabek from Pure Barre. She shared the news that a brand new Pure Barre center is opening just down the road from us in Birmingham, Alabama. To learn more please go to www.purebarre.comNext up we had on Karen Child Ogden from the Temptation series. Remember Karen and Danielle Tiano have that great series to help parents and children navigate the dangers of pornography addiction, self esteem, and other technology related issues. They have recently worked with Nickelodeon star Aria Wallace on her 40 days without technology challenge. To learn more please go to www.temptationseries.comNext up Nicci Micco Deputy Editor of Eating Well magazine came on to talk about the new Grapefruit edition of Eating Well magazine and her new 500 Calorie Dinners book she worked on with her Eating Well cohort Jessie Price. To learn more about our favorite healthy eating magazine and get yourself your own subscription please go to www.eatingwell.comWe closed the show with Stuart Tomc spokesperson for Nordic Naturals. Dr Fitness found Nordic Naturals when he was searching for a great tasting omega 3 supplement for his kids. Most of these fish oil supplements taste so nasty no kid would come near them. But Nordic Naturals has some that taste good. To get a free sample call them at 800-787-7208. to learn more about the company please go to www.nordicnaturals.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
1/7/20101 hour, 14 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

Kathy Smith Shares Some Fitness Tips. Catherine Cassidy's New Taste of Home Cookbook. Plus Autom Your Robot Weight Loss Coach

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy  On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with our good friend Kathy Smith. Kathy has recently been awarded a lifetime achievement ward for her work in fitness. She also has a new book out titled Feed Muscle. Shrink Fat. to learn more about what she is up to please go to her website www.kathysmith.comNext up we had on Catherine Cassidy, the face of Taste of Home. Taste of Home is filled with reader submitted recipes in all media - magazines, books and on TV.   Catherine talked about her new cookbook that is a great gift for the holidays Taste of Home, Cooks Who Care edition. To learn more please go to www.tasteofhome.comWe closed the show with our pal Dr Cory Kidd, inventor of Autom the most awesome robot and your personal weight loss coach who will help you lose weight. We have been following Autom's rise since 2007 and she is getting ready for the big time. Cory is in Hong Kong right now putting the finishing touches on her. Check out her video demonstration at his website www.myautom.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
12/17/20091 hour, 3 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Never Fried. Never Baked. PopChips. Dr Gerard Musante From Structure House. And Bravo TV's Jackie Warner From WorkOut

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And special thanks to Susie Shina who joined us in the studio today. Susie is the host of new TV pilot and has a great weight loss and support program which can be found at her website www.befitenough.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Patrick Turpin with one of Dr Fitness's healthy snacks PopChips. PopChips are never fried never baked only popped. They are an all natural line of potato chips that half half the half and about half the calories of regular potato chips. To learn more about where to find them please go to their website www.popchips.comNext up we had on our good friend Dr Gerard Musante from The Structure House in Durham NC. Dr Musante also is the author of the Structure House book. He shared some great weight loss tips and explained all that is happening on his new website. Please check it out at www.structurehouse.comWe closed the show with celebrity trainer Jackie Warner. Jackie is the star of the Bravo hit TV show Work Out and has a brand new exercise dvd out titled Personal Training with Jackie: Power Circuit Training. You can find that at as well as all the usual retail stores. to learn more about what Jackie is up to please go to her website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
12/10/20091 hour, 6 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mindset Coach Julie Rahm on Grinch Proofing Your Holiday. Born to Run Author Christopher McDougall. Plus Traineo CEO

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And special thanks to Jessica Petty for her questions to Born to Run author and barefoot runner Christopher McDougall.On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with the Mindset Coach Julie Rahm. Julie shared her tips on how to Grinch proof your holidays. Julie can be found at her website www.mindsettoolbelt.comNext up we had on Christopher McDougall, former war correspondent and now contributing editor for Men's Health and author of the NY Times Bestseller Born to Run. Chris shared his thoughts on the benefits of running barefoot. You can find this awesome book at Amazon and in bookstores everywhere.We closed the show with Alasdair McLean-Foreman founder of Traineo. Traineo is one of the premier online support and accountability web applications and training tools. This free app can help you keep track of your diet and exercise and motivate you through their unique tools and vibrant community. Be sure to check them out at Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
12/3/20091 hour, 8 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pittsburgh Steeler Sport Dietitian Leslie Bonci. Fitness Legend Denise Austin. Pain Relief Without Drugs Expert Mitchell Yass

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link We haven't updated our SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge in awhile because I think it's over - we did not lose 50 pounds combined - we lost over 30 pounds combined which isn't too shabby. Marta Montenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she comes on periodically to help us get back on track. We are still trying to lose more weight but the Fat Guy is gaining back his weight at a rapid pace, so please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comBefore we started the show we talked about our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. Also, on that page you can meet one of our listeners, Hollie who had lost about 15 pounds. Hollie is going through a bit of a rough time now and she is gaining back some of the weight she lost - so please Friend her from our page and give her the support she needs to get back on track. Thanks!  Hollie we know that you can do it - and we will help you any way we can. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Leslie Bonci. sports Dietitian for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Pittsburgh Penguins and the Pittsburgh Pirates. She is also the author of the new book Sports Nutrition for Coaches. On the show she shared some great nutrition tips for athletes and their trainers. To learn more about Leslie and her book please go to www.sportsmedicine.upmc.comNext up we had on our good friend the legendary fitness trainer Denise Austin. Denise has a couple of new exercise dvds that you must add to your collection. Denise Austin: Best Bun& Leg Shapers. She also has a new book coming out to kick off the New Year as well. to learn more about all things Denise please go to her website www.deniseaustin.comWe closed the show with Mitchell Yass, the author of the book Overpower Pain: The Strength Training Program that Stops Pain Without Drugs or Surgery. Mitchell explained that a lot of pain is caused by muscle weakness or muscle imbalance and that the right exercise can make your pain disappear. To learn more please go to his website www.mitchellyass.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
11/20/20091 hour, 1 minute, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

Perfect Portions w Heather Harvey's Measure Up Bowl. Weight Loss Cardio Star Violet Zaki. Functional Fitness' Suzanne Andrews

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link We haven't updated our SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge in awhile because I think it's over - we did not lose 50 pounds combined - we lost over 30 pounds combined which isn't too shabby. Marta Montenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she comes on periodically to help us get back on track. We are still trying to lose more weight but the Fat Guy is gaining back his weight at a rapid pace, so please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comBefore we started the show we talked about our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us. We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. Also, on that page you can meet one of our listeners, Hollie who had lost about 15 pounds. Hollie is going through a bit of a rough time now and she is gaining back some of the weight she lost - so please Friend her from our page and give her the support she needs to get back on track. Thanks!  Hollie we know that you can do it - and we will help you any way we can. On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Heather Harvey creator of the Measure Up Bowl. The Measure Up bowl is one of those product that once you see it you think, why didn't I think of that it is so obvious. The Measure up Bowl has subtle lines telling you how much you are putting into each bowl in quarter and half cup increments. You will not find a better product to control your portion sizes. Especially with cereal. Heather did a great job with the design and quality. These bowls are dishwasher and microwave safe. Check them out at www.measureupbowl.comNext up Violet Zaki, veteran exercise dvd star came on to tell us about her new Weight Loss Cardio Sculpt and Weight Loss Cardio Kick dvds she has out through Acacia. She also talked about her work with Body by Jake's Exercise TV. To learn more about her fitness training business and her dvds please go to and We closed the show with Suzanne Andrews star of PBS' Functional Fitness show. Suzanne has an occupational therapy background and has used that to created a fitness show that helps people do all the stuff they need to do every day. Activities, like taking out the trash, walking up stairs, carrying groceries, etc. To learn more about her dvds and her show please go www.healthwiseexercise.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
11/13/200953 minutes, 4 seconds
Episode Artwork

Don't Swallow Your Gum Author Dr Aaron Carroll. Slimmer You Author LA Justice. Yoga for Weight Loss Star Ashley Turner

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link We haven't updated our SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge in awhile because I think it's over - we did not lose 50 pounds combined - we lost over 30 pounds combined which isn't too shabby. Marta Montenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she comes on periodically to help us get back on track. We are still trying to lose more weight so please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Dr Aaron Carroll author of the new book Don't Swallow Your Gum: Myths, Half-Truths and Outright Lies About Your Body and Health. It was like an episode of Mythbusters, Dr Carroll was debunking myths left and right. No you don't have to wait before you go swimming. No sugar doesn't make your kid hyper. No turkey doesn't make you sleepy. To learn more and to buy his book please go to www.dontswallowyourgum.comNext up we had our good friend LA Justice, author A Slimmer You come on for some weight loss tips to help you get through the holidays. She says Fat Season is coming and you have to have a plan to get through it at the same weight as you entered. To learn more about LA and check out all her books please go to her website www.smartbooksusa.comWe closed the show with Ashley Turner, an exercise dvd star who is included in the Who's Who in Power Yoga. Ashley stars in yoga for Weight Loss dvd which is part of the Element series. Ashley helps her celebrity client lose weight and get in rock star shape with her unique mind body yoga technique. To learn more about Ashley please go to    Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
11/6/20091 hour, 1 minute
Episode Artwork

Carla Birnberg MizFitOnline Answers Questions From Twitter. Fred DeVito & Elisabeth Halfpapp w Exhale Core Fusion Exercise DVDs

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link We haven't updated our SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge in awhile because I think it's over - we did not lose 50 pounds combined - we lost over 30 pounds combined which isn't too shabby. Marta Montenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she comes on periodically to help us get back on track. We are still trying to lose more weight so please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened with Carla Birnberg aka MizFitOnline. Carla is an award winning author, blogger and fitness expert. To learn more please check out Carla's website or follow her on twitter at @mizfitonlineWe closed the show with Fred DeVito and Elisabeth Halfpapp creators of Exhale: Core Fusion exercise dvds and the the Exhale Spa's which are located all around the world. To learn more about heir dvd series please go to and to see what Fred and Elisabeth are up to go to their website www.exhalespa.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
10/29/200954 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Susie Shina Guest Co-Hosts. Karla Walsh on Eating Disorders. Randy Karp on Food. Breast Cancer Survivor Lauren Miller

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link We haven't updated our SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge in awhile because I think it's over - we did not lose 50 pounds combined - we lost over 30 pounds combined which isn't too shabby. Marta Montenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she comes on periodically to help us get back on track. We are still trying to lose more weight so please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had on Susie Shina taking Dr Fitness' place. As you remember Susie is a trainer, author coach and all around wonderful person. Her stuff can be found at www.befitenough.comOur first guest was Karla Walsh, an Iowa State University student and blogger who shared her struggle with an eating disorder. You can follow Karla's story on her blog Karla will also be doing a regular segment with us so be on the lookout for that.Next up nutrition and human behavior expert Randy Karp joined us. He talked all about how we are totally misinformed about food. You can learn more about his views in his book Misinformed About Food or on his website www.rkinformedliving.comWe closed the show with an inspirational story from breast cancer survivor and author Lauren Miller. Lauren's mantra "I Choose Life" helped her get through this harrowing ordeal. She has also used her battle with cancer not to feel like a victim but to empower her to live life in the moment. To learn more about her and her books please go to her website Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
10/23/20091 hour, 7 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

SobeFit Magazine Founder Marta Montenegro. Author Prasann Thakrar and Team in Training Director Maureen Davidson

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link We haven't updated our SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge in awhile because I think it's over - we did not lose 50 pounds combined - we lost over 30 pounds combined which isn't too shabby. Marta Montenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she came on to help us get back on track. We are still trying to lose more weight so please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had on author Prasann Thakrar. He wrote the book God Equals MC Squared. Getting Spirituality Down to a Science. To learn more please go to his website www.godequalsmcsquared.comWe closed the show with Maureen Davidson The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team in Training Director of the Georgia Chapter. Maureen explained how to get involved and how this organization has raised close to $1 Billion since its inception over 20 years a go. To learn more please go to their website www.teamintraining.orgRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
10/15/200953 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

A Critic Confronts Us. Rory Freedman's Skinny Bastard. Skeptic Robert Davis. Weighted Fork Tom Madden and Nurse Rob Luka

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link We haven't updated our SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge in awhile because I think it's over - we did not lose 50 pounds combined - we lost over 30 pounds combined which isn't too shabby. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach will be coming on soon to recap. We are still trying to lose more weight so please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with a guy who wrote into our website complaining that we should go to jail for telling people about Holey Donuts - he also we were mean to Gary Taubes. This guy has a major man crush on Gary and said we spent too much of the interview goofing on him rather than letting him share his low carb wisdom. He also says our show is a sham and we are the reason everyone is overweight. So you don't want to miss his part.The real show began with Rory Freedman, author of the NY Times Bestseller Skinny Bitch who came on to talk about Skinny Bastard. which is that kick in the butt men need to lose wight and get buff. Rory has a bunch of great advice for men who need to drop a few pounds. to learn more about this book please go to www.skinnybastard.netNext up we had on Robert Davis, author of the Healthy Skeptic. Robert is an award winning health journalist. He shared some tips on how to understand who to believe when it comes to health and science claims. It's like they said in All The President's Men - follow the money - who is paying for the study. To learn more about Robert and his book please go to his website www.everwell.comNext up we had on Thomas Madden, inventor of the Knife and Fork Lift. While all our listeners know Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have been talking about weighted silverware since we started the show, Thomas actually went out and invented it. He is a doer and we are just dreamers. His mini barbell like fork and knife set will definitely slow down your eating, just like we have been saying for years. To learn more please go to his website www.knifeandforklift.comWe closed the show with Rob Luka, author of the book How to Help Children Overcome Fear in a Medical Setting. Rob is a nurse with lots of first hand experience helping kids feel comfortable at the doctor's office. He has worked with lots of kids who have juvenile diabetes and has helped their families manage the regular injections and blood testing they have to deal with. To learn more please go to his website  Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
10/9/20091 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

Gary Taubes Good Calories, Bad Calories. Kara Wily Slim & Tone Pilates DVD. And Fit By Sara Holliday

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week thirteen has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost almost 30 pounds. Somehow Dr Fitness gained weight this week. We are now closing in on our goal of a 50 pound weight loss. Today was the day professional photographer Ellis Vener came into the studio to photograph us for our article in SobeFit magazine. Check out Ellis' website and you can see he can make pretty much anything look good - so we have a shot at looking better than we actually appear in real life. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and comes on our show periodically to help. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Gary Taubes, author of the controversial book Good Calories, Bad Calories. His mostly protein based eating plan is a favorite of Atkins lovers like Jimmy Moore with Livin La Vida  Low Carb. You can find Gary's book on Amazon and in bookstores.Next up we had on Kara Wily, who's hew exercise dvd Element: Slim & Tone Pilates dvd is available now. Her Pilates technique is sure to give you that dancer body that you've always wanted. To learn more please go to www.karawilypilates.comWe closed the show with Sara Holliday who is the recent winner of top health blogger for her Fit By Sara blog. Her website is filled with great information for moms who want to get to their pre-baby weight. To learn more please go to her website www.fitbysara.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
9/24/20091 hour, 2 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dental Hygiene Tips from Dr Sandy Venditti. Too Young For Cancer's Matthew Zachary. Dr David Kessler Ends Overeating

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week twelve has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a toltal of nearly 30 pounds. We are now closing in on our goal of a 50 pound weight loss. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and comes on our show periodically to help. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Dr Sandy Venditti, Canada's favorite dentist. Dr Venditti explained the importance of good dental hygiene and shared some great health tips from her new book Pearls of Wisdom. to learn more please go to her website www.drsandyv.comNext up we had on Matthew Zachary, host of The Stupid Cancer Show and creator of one of the best cancer websites focusing on young people called I'm Too Young For Cancer Foundation. To learn more or donate some much needed funds please go You can check out Matthew's other websites at or www.stupidcancershow.comWe closed the show with one of Dr Fitness' favorite authors. Dr. David Kessler. He is the former Commissioner of the FDA and author of the bestselling book The End of Overeating. This book will change the way you look at food. Dr Kessler explains why you overeat and gives you some ways to stop. To learn more please go to his website www.theendofovereatingbook.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
9/17/20091 hour, 9 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Guest Co-Host Susie Shina. Dr Eric Plasker's 100 Year Lifestyle. Wendy Beckers Yells At Her Fat. Harrison Forbes Talks to Dogs

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week eleven has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 27 pounds. We are now over halfway away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she came on today's show to help. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with our guest co-host Susie Shina (the Fat Guy had better things to do). You can find out more about Susie at www.befitenough.comFirst up we had on Dr Eric Plasker, a well known innovative wellness expert and author of The 100 Year Lifestyle. To learn more please go the www.thefamilypractice.netNext up we had on Wendy Beckers with Yell At Your Fat. Wendy's husband and her lost a combined 231 pounds on Jenny Craig. Check out her hilarious podcast at www.yellatyourfat.comWe closed the show our good friend Harrison Forbes host of Pet Talk and author of Dog Talk. to learn more about how your dog can help you lose weight go to his website www.harrisonforbes.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
9/10/20091 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

SobeFit Magazine's Marta Montenegro Helps Us Lose Weight. Stephanie Lee Mann Teaches Safe Kids Now. Nicci Micco on Eating Well

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week ten has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 27 pounds. We are now over halfway away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she came on today's show to help. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with our personal weight loss coach Marta Montenegro. Marta is the founder of SobeFit Magazine and creator of the Montenegro Method. Marta coached us up and has us ready to achieve our fitness and weight loss goal. To learn more about the best fitness magazine in the world please go to Next up we had on Stephanie Lee Mann, the pioneer of the Neighborhood Watch program. She explained how her Safe Kids Now program helps keep kids safe. She talked about neighborhood safety and even a little bit on how to create a fit neighborhood. To learn more about Stephanie, her books and her great cause please go to www.safekidsnow.comWe closed the show with our good friend Nicci Micco, Editor of Eating Well magazine. This months issue has the apple on the cover and features articles on food safety, speedy soups and lots of apple recipes. to learn more please go to www.eatingwell.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
9/3/20091 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Katie Neiman with FitFlops, The Flip Flop With The Gym Built-in. And Ingo Weigel Teaches Self Defense For Modern Times

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week nine has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 25 pounds. We are now halfway away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she will be coming on the show to help. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Katie Neiman with Dr Fitness' favorite footwear Fit Flops. Katie explain that Fit Flops are the only footwear than comes with a gym built-in. These will be the most comfortable pair of flip flops you will ever own. Go to their website and see why Oprah put these shoes on her Top 10 list www.fitflop.comWe closed the show with Ingo Weigel author of the book Self Defense for Modern Times. He teaches the Revat Fitness technique. He shared some of his best self defense tips for women or the Fat Guy. To learn more please go to his websites or Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
8/28/200953 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

New SobeFit Magazine Issue is Out. Dr Gourmet Weighs In On Carbs. LA Justice's A Slimmer You. And The Six O'Clock Scramble Cure

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week eight has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 22 pounds. We are now 28 pounds away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss in 3 months. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she will be coming on the show to help. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Marta Montenegro with SobeFit magazine. She shared some great information about what is in the new How to Be Healthier issue of SobeFit magazine. Subscribe to the best fitness magazine in America at www.sobefitmagazine.Next up Dr Tim Harlan aka Dr Gourmet came on his regular segment to explain the role of carbohydrates in your diet. He talked Glycemic Index and told us about how his website and program helps. To learn more please go to www.drgourmet.comNext LA Justice author of more books on more subjects than just about anyone we have ever met came on to talk about her new book A Slimmer You. LA has worked with some of the biggest tabloids in the world so she knows about the secrets to weight loss. Her book has 93 easy to follow tips to help you right away. To learn more please go to her website www.smartbooksusa.comWe closed the show with Aviva Goldfarb author of the Six O'Clock Scramble. Her seasonal online weekly meal planner and now book is hugely popular online and in family and health publications.  Go to her website to learn more about how to avoid that mealtime chaos by planning ahead.Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
8/20/200958 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Marta Montenegro Coaches Us in the SobeFit Magazine Weight Loss Challenge. Debi Silber is The Mojo Coach. Plus CrunchGear

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week seven has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 21 pounds. We are now 29 pounds away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss in 3 months. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she will be coming on the show to help. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Marta Montenegro with SobeFit magazine. She gave us some great weight loss advice and support. Subscribe to the best fitness magazine in America at www.sobefitmagazine.Next up Debi Silber the Mojo Coach shared some big news about her new book and dvds. She is helping moms be the best they can be. To learn more please go to www.themojocoach.comWe closed the show with John Biggs editor of CrunchGear. John gave us the inside scoop to one of Dr Fitness' favorite gadgets from Apple and Nike. He has been using it fro about a month to track his runs. To learn more about all things gadgets go to www.crunchgear.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
8/13/200958 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lou Paradise's Safe Pain Reliever Topricin. Hemalayaa's Bollywood Dance Workout. And The Daily Candy

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week six has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 19.5 pounds. We are now 30.5 pounds away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss in 3 months. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she will be coming on the show to help. Adam went down to Miami to get some private coaching from her last week. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Lou Paradise with Topricin, Dr Fitness' favorite pain reliever. Topricin is a doctor recommended pain reliever that works because it doesn't just mask the pain and it uses no volatile oils. It can be used throughout the day as much as you'd like because it is made with 11 homeopathic medicines that are safe for pretty much everyone. This ant-inflammatory pain reliever and healing cream is available in most healthy sections of stores but you can go online to their website to find a store near you.Next up we had on Hemalayaa, the best selling Bollywood dance instructor and exercise dvd star. Acacia is releasing Hemalayaa: Bollywood Dance Workouts which is a 3 dvd collection of her top workouts (Bollywood Booty, Bollywood Burn and the Bollywood Dance Workout). To learn more please go to or www.hemalayaa.comWe closed the show with our good friend Tiffany Davis Atlanta Editor with The Daily Candy. Tiffany shared some of her favorite social fitness communities like: customized urban cycling tours, singles sports leagues, non-structures sports leagues like CityChase which is Amazing Race for real people as well as rec leagues for the benchwarmers of the world. To get the latest on health, style and fashion please go to www.dailycandy.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
8/6/20091 hour, 3 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Andrea Leigh Rogers Shares Her Fave 10 Minute Workout. Jim Karas Gives Us an Energy Surge. And Desi Bartlett on Prenatal Yoga

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week five has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 18 pounds. We are now 32 pounds away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss in 3 months. Marta Monetenegro, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she will be coming on the show to help - starting today. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Andrea Leigh Rogers, pilates expert and Dance Your Body Thin dvd star. Andrea shared some of her favorite dance tips and explained why her 10 Minute Solution: Quick Sculpt Pilates dvd series is the perfect solution for busy women who are looking to lose weight and get fit fast. To learn more please go to her website www.xtendworkout.comNext up we had on Jim Karas, author of the Number 1 New York Times BestSeller Business Plkan for the Body and Cardio-Free Diet. Jim has a new book out that is titled The 7 Day Energy Surge. So if you are ready to energize your life check this book out. to learn more please go to his website www.jimkaras.comWe closed the show out with Desi Bartlett who has been teaching health and wellness for about 20 years. She is the host of Acacia dvd new Prenatal Yoga exercise dvd. She explained why it is important to do yoga  a little differently when you are pregnant. To learn more about her dvd please go to her website or Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
7/30/200957 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dr Joel Fuhrman Explains How Exercise Can Help Osteoporosis. And Leslie Sansone America's Walking Expert's New Program

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week four has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 16 pounds. We are now 34 pounds away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss in 3 months. Marta Monetenegro-Auvert, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she will be coming on the show to help - starting today. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Dr Joel Fuhrman who explained the connection between osteoporosis and exercise and good nutrition. For more information please go to his website www.drfuhrman.comNext up we had on America's Walking Expert Leslie Sansone who explained the importance of adding a walking program to your fitness plan. She is the creator of Walk Aerobics and has helped hundreds of thousands of people lose weight and get in shape through a walking program. to learn more please go to her websites and www.walkleader.comRemember, you can find a tip a day at our new website or on iTunes here. Or our blog Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website here or on iTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks!
7/23/200954 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

SobeFit Magazine's Marta Montenegro Coaches Us On Our Weight Loss Challenge. Carrie Rezabek Is Pure Barre. Plus Your Spa Report

The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.   To download the show on iTunes please click on this link Before we got too far into the show we gave our listeners an update on the SobeFit magazine Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy Weight Loss Challenge. Week two has ended and Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy have lost a combined 11.5 pounds. We are now 38.5 pounds away from our goal of a 50 pound weight loss in 3 months. Marta Monetenegro-Auvert, the founder of SobeFit, is our coach and she will be coming on the show to help - starting today. Please send your tips and words of encouragement or sabotage to adam @ or to @FatGuy on Twitter. And remember to check out SobeFit magazine at www.sobefitmagazine.comOn today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy opened the show with Marta Montenegro, founder of Sob