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Doing It Online : The Doable Online Marketing Podcast with Kate McKibbin

English, Finance, 1 season, 221 episodes, 2 days, 14 hours, 31 minutes
The Doing It Online Podcast with your host Kate McKibbin, where every week we're here talking nerdy, and sharing the things that actually work to help you do what you do online, but better, easier and with a ton more profit too.
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#219 - Is closing in the DMs more work than sales calls (and how to fix it)

Who actually loves sales calls? I know there are a few people who thrive on them, but for most of us out there, that’s not a reality.    These days, closing sales via Instagram DMs has appeared as this holy grail alternative to those anxiety-inducing sales calls. However, for many people, it has actually just created more work.    So, what’s the solution?    Today, I’m taking you through some practical ideas to help reduce the time spent on answering the influx of questions in your DMs and make your sales strategy a whole lot more efficient.    We’ll explore the realities and problems that come with DM sales, and my favourite solution to mitigate them: automation!   Automating messages can save a whole lot of time and energy, and you likely already have the tool to best execute this with: ManyChat.   I'll walk you through my experiments and findings over the last couple of months, illustrating how automation can be a game changer for your customer engagement.    So, tune in now and let’s get those DMs working for and not against you!    LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
7/23/202415 minutes, 1 second
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#218 - Stopping launching is not the answer... THIS IS

Most launches these days are using more time, effort and revenue than they’re giving back. It too often feels like there’s just no payoff for the amount of hours we spend on trying to make them work.   So what’s the answer? While you might be tempted to throw in the towel and give up on launching altogether, I'm here to tell you that stopping launching isn’t it.    Today, I’m sharing another behind-the-scenes look at our recent UFW live event—a three-day extravaganza that was incredibly fun and value-packed. I’ll take you through some of the biggest aha moments from those three days, as well as how to implement some practical strategies to combat those live launching blues and start making more sales.    So, strap in and get ready to learn how to transform your business, one simple piece at a time. I can guarantee that if you take the first step today, you’ll look back in a few months and be amazed at how far you’ve come.      LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
7/16/202424 minutes, 23 seconds
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#217 - The real secret to always selling out your offers

Want to know the secret to selling out your offers consistently?   Well, you’re in luck, because today I’m sharing a snippet from Day 2 of our UFW live event that blew our attendees away and armed them with some crucial strategies to sell their offers with much more ease.   With so much marketing advice making the rounds online, it can be really confusing to know what the best path to take is. But I have some good news for you: you don’t need to be a sales and marketing expert to make more sales.   In this episode, we’re talking about a simple reframe that will highlight what you should actually be focusing on to move the needle forward in your business.   I discuss how creating an irresistible offer is more important than being a sales and marketing guru, and share practical ways to set your pricing correctly. We’ll also explore how to approach delivering your program in a way that best suits both you and your ideal clients.    Despite the economic waves, your business can thrive with the right adjustments. Little tweaks add up, whether it’s pricing, promise or payment options. Remember, our goal is continuous improvement – the layer-by-layer approach often leads to the most substantial gains.     LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
7/9/202429 minutes, 41 seconds
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#216 - These exact words will make you more sales

I recently held an epic three-day experience called “Unf*ckwithable Live”. This was a  live online event packed with value to help business owners make more sales and thrive, no matter what the economy is doing.   We received such amazing feedback from this event, I couldn’t resist sharing the top three takeaways with you. So, pick up your pen and paper and get ready for some serious value bombs that you can take right into your business:   Speak Your Audience’s Language Getting in front of lots of people is one thing, but how do you make it so that they remember you? The answer: You need to learn to speak their language. We’ll explore learning your audience’s pain points and how to communicate with them in their own words.     Create Impactful Lead Magnets Once you’ve uncovered the right messaging, it’s time to create lead magnets that tie to your talking points. I talk about the 20-minute rule, where any freebie you offer should take no more than 20 minutes to consume. A concise and impactful lead magnet lets them see immediate value, making them much more likely to buy your paid offers.    Can You Afford to Pay for Your Customers? This might look like a weird question, but hear me out: once you’ve nailed offers that sell with ease, you’ll know exactly how much you can spend to acquire new customers safely. You can dive into the marketplace of paid ads and put them on repeat. It’s a bit like having a superpower – you’re protected against any market ups and downs, and you’ll keep making sales no matter what.   Now, don’t be scared off by these strategies if you don’t have the greatest budget or all your systems in place yet. They’re the end goal, the stuff we’re always working towards. Just start with connection, and you’ll be on your way to kicking all your business goals.    LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
7/2/202420 minutes, 23 seconds
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#215 - If your sales have plateaued or gone backwards, do this!

Have your sales stalled, plateaued or even started to decline? If so, please don’t beat yourself up.    It’s not just you, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with you. It’s happening to some of the biggest and longest standing businesses out there.    So, let’s take a deep breath, dust ourselves off and look at this six-step plan that will help you increase sales, maintain growth and stay proactive in these challenging times.    We’ll step through:     Getting clear on your numbers Identifying and focusing on profitable offers Adapting and optimising your offers Making more frequent offers Growing your audience Optimising existing processes   Remember, you don’t have to be a marketing expert to start seeing growth again, but you do need to take some practical steps towards getting there.   If you need help, that’s precisely what we do at eCourse Empire. Head over to  for more details. Remember, even if your sales have slowed, you can turn things around with the right strategies. Looking forward to seeing you inside when you’re ready!     LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
6/25/202414 minutes, 23 seconds
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#214 - What is a Sales Ecosystem and why do you need one for your course?

Have you ever been told that you could be just "one funnel away from a million dollars"?   While this sounds pretty enticing, I’ll be honest with you: it’s just a much-quoted line of BS. The truth is, relying on just one thing for your business is terrible advice.   So, what can you do instead that works easier, better and faster?    Today, we’ll explore creating a sales ecosystem, which includes these three main components:   Email Engine: The Heartbeat of Your Business Social Selling System: Engaging Your Audience Evergreen Launching: Sustaining and Growing By integrating these three systems, you can create a resilient sales ecosystem with multiple revenue layers. This approach gives you control, flexibility and peace of mind.    So, if you’re tired of running on the spot and hoping things work out in your business, give these strategies a try. I guarantee it’ll give you the confidence you need to plan and grow strategically.     LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
6/18/202415 minutes, 22 seconds
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#213 - 3 things you need to change in your business to survive in 2024

I recently celebrated a big milestone – five years in business! Reflecting on this journey got me thinking about how different it's been from my first online venture, a blog. Market maturation is a big reason why. Remember those free-wheeling blogging days? We were all about sharing knowledge and building communities. But as the market matured, things got more competitive. Higher-quality content became the norm, and established media crowded the space. That's market maturation at work! The online course industry, my current playground, is experiencing a similar shift. Those early days felt like a gold rush for creating and sharing knowledge. Now, market maturation is changing the game. There's more competition, and learners expect top-notch production and in-depth content. But here's the good news: market maturation can be your friend! In the episode, I share three key takeaways I've learned to navigate this evolving market: Find your niche and own it. Don't try to be everything to everyone. Become the go-to resource in your specific area. Show up and connect with your audience. People buy from people they know and trust. Build relationships by consistently showing up, providing value beyond your courses, and fostering a community. Offer courses more frequently. Ditch the launch-and-disappear strategy. Embrace an evergreen approach with smaller, more frequent course offerings. By understanding market maturation and implementing these tips, you can position yourself for long-term success in the online course world. LINKS:   Resources mentioned: Hello Funnels Live Event Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
6/11/202419 minutes, 26 seconds
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#212 - Are YOU the problem with your offer?

Are you finding it difficult to sell your online courses or offers right now? Let's be honest, things have gotten tougher lately, and I’ve been having so many conversations in our community and in my DMs about just how slow things are.  So what’s the secret sauce to actually making sales? For 90% of us, the answer isn’t in our marketing - it’s in the offer itself.  Before you go and try new selling tactics or binge on other people’s launch debriefs, let’s look at the basics. Is your offer the right fit for you? Does it suit the life you’re hoping to live, as well as address the needs of your audience?  Today I’m going to run you through: Creating the Right Offer Aligning Your Offer with You and Your Market Understanding the Market Understanding You The Result: A Win-Win Offer So, have a think about what you really want for your business. How do you like showing up? How do you like to sell? There’s no wrong answer here, and once you figure out how to tweak your offer to maximise your time, energy and joy, you’ll be on the right track to seeing your online sales grow. LINKS:   Resources mentioned: Hello Funnels Live Event   Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
6/4/202413 minutes, 12 seconds
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#211 - If launching feels hard right now : listen to this

Let's face it, launching online programs in 2024 is rough. It just keeps getting harder, and there's no magic bullet on the horizon. If this sounds like you, constantly launching but with fizzling results, you're not alone. So, what's the answer? We need a sustainable, manageable system to remove the launch cycle without sacrificing income.  Forget the one-size-fits-all funnel. We teach our clients to build an ecosystem that consists of three parts:  Social Sales System (aka InstaATM): This is your sales engine on autopilot, powered by the magic of ManyChat and a few automations.. Email Engine (aka M3 Funnel): This is your tireless salesperson, working 24/7 to turn leads into sales with a nurturing sequence. Evergreen Launches: We're not ditching launches entirely, but we're making them evergreen. This isn't a get-rich-quick scheme – it's about building a sustainable business. After a few months of implementing this ecosystem, you'll not only have a well-oiled sales engine, but you'll also have a system that pretty much runs on autopilot. This frees up your time and energy to focus on what truly matters – growing your business and serving your clients. We've got a free tool to help you see the potential – a calculator that lets you plug in your numbers and project your monthly revenue with this system in place. Head over to (as in "quit launching") to check it out.   LINKS:   Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
5/28/202416 minutes, 8 seconds
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#212 Are YOU the problem with your offer?

Are you finding it difficult to sell your online courses or offers right now? Let's be honest, things have gotten tougher lately, and I’ve been having so many conversations in our community and in my DMs about just how slow things are.  So what’s the secret sauce to actually making sales? For 90% of us, the answer isn’t in our marketing - it’s in the offer itself.  Before you go and try new selling tactics or binge on other people’s launch debriefs, let’s look at the basics. Is your offer the right fit for you? Does it suit the life you’re hoping to live, as well as address the needs of your audience?  Today I’m going to run you through: Creating the Right Offer Aligning Your Offer with You and Your Market Understanding the Market Understanding You The Result: A Win-Win Offer So, have a think about what you really want for your business. How do you like showing up? How do you like to sell? There’s no wrong answer here, and once you figure out how to tweak your offer to maximise your time, energy and joy, you’ll be on the right track to seeing your online sales grow.     Resources mentioned: Hello Funnels Live Event   Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
5/23/202413 minutes, 12 seconds
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#210 - 3 ways to 2024-proof your webinars

I love webinars. They're still one of my favourite ways to convert online, but let's face it – people's consumption habits are changing. I have seen so many business owners struggling recently with very low attendance rates, dismal consumption rates on their webinars and they’re starting to wonder whether webinars are dead. Well before you throw the whole strategy out, I’ve got three simple tweaks that can help your webinars convert for the sophisticated 2024 consumer.  Audio on the Go: Your New Secret Weapon Repurpose your webinar as an audio recording, basically a podcast episode. This lets folks consume your content while they're commuting, exercising, or tackling chores. Snackable Content: Bite-Sized Knowledge Bombs Let's be honest, attention spans are shrinking faster than a free sample table at Woolies. Instead of one long webinar, why not break it down into bite-sized, 10-minute modules? Think of them as "snackable content" – easy to digest and perfect for busy schedules.  The Mini-Webinar: Your Warm-Up Act Imagine a supercharged version of your webinar, condensed into a power-packed 10 minutes. This "mini-webinar" is a game-changer for warm audiences – people who already know you and trust your expertise. Use it to pique their interest and nudge them towards the next step, whether it's applying for your program or booking a sales call.  Remember, by staying adaptable and meeting your audience where they're at, you can keep your webinars converting like crazy in 2024 and beyond. Just like anything in business, our customers needs change and it’s up to us to adapt. Just because a long webinar used to work, doesn’t mean it always will. If you’re willing to shake things up, you’ll see your conversion rate increase. LINKS:   Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
5/21/202411 minutes, 35 seconds
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#209 - Thrivecart VS Samcart

In today's episode, we're diving into a showdown between two checkout platforms: Thrivecart and Samcart. With experience using both extensively, I've broken down their comparison into key categories to help you make an informed decision. Pricing: Samcart offers multiple price options, with the $149/month tier being the most common. Thrivecart, on the other hand, requires a one-time payment of around $500 for lifetime access, so it’s  the more cost-effective option. Stability: Thrivecart has a history of stability issues, prompting my switch to Samcart, which guarantees a 99.9% uptime. Support: Samcart shines in support, offering better communication and even a paid option for priority support. Courseware: While both platforms offer courseware, Thrivecart emerges as the easier-to-use and aesthetically pleasing option. Design: Thrivecart's checkout designs are visually appealing but come with stability concerns. Order Bump Design: Thrivecart offers a more user-friendly experience for creating order bumps, though limited to one per transaction. Samcart allows for multiple order bumps, albeit with more manual adjustments required. Affiliates: Thrivecart's all-inclusive pricing surpasses Samcart's tiered structure, particularly in affiliate management. Upsell Tracks: Samcart's unique feature of creating different upsell tracks based on purchase price puts it ahead of Thrivecart. Reporting: While Thrivecart offers clearer funnel breakdowns, Samcart provides a more comprehensive overview of individual product sales. Final Decision: After careful evaluation, Samcart emerges as the preferred choice due to its stability and support. However, the right choice between the two depends on individual business needs and preferences. Tune in to understand the nuances of each platform and make the best decision aligned with your business goals. LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
5/14/202416 minutes, 21 seconds
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#208 - How to make $538 from your $27 offer

So, you want to create a low ticket offer. You’ve seen the strategy and thought, “I just need to create something cheap and sell a bunch of it - easy!” But hang on - this thinking can be dangerous, because there’s actually a lot more to it than that!   I’m sorry to say it, but without putting all the other pieces into place, it’s going to be a total waste of your time, energy and effort. So, how can you actually turn your low ticket offers into profitable sales?   Let’s dive in and explore the best strategies to implement so that you can transform a $27 offer into a $200, $300 or even $500 sale!   Today I’m talking you through creating a really strong upsell track to go behind your low ticket offer. I walk you through what each step is, the numbers to look out for and which order you need to be launching them in:   1. The Order Bump: A Logical and Easy-to-Understand Offer 2. The First Upsell: Complementing the Initial Purchase 3. The Second Upsell: Offering an Even More Valuable Solution 4. Bonus Tip: Adding a Third Upsell as a Downsell   While it might look like a lot of work at first glance, you don't actually need to go and create a bunch of stuff to create this upsell track. There’s no doubt you have a lot of value already existing as bonuses in your programs.   So, get out there - create, test and play with this easy and effective strategy to start seeing more profit from your low ticket offer!  LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
5/7/202418 minutes, 40 seconds
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#207 -10 Qs to create a million dollar low ticket offer

If you’ve been with me for a while now, you’ve certainly noticed that I’m a big fan of low-ticket offers.  Low Ticket Offers, when done correctly, can be an absolute game changer for your business They have the potential to not only boost sales but also enhance your marketing strategy, increase your revenue streams, and attract high-quality leads. However, crafting a successful low-ticket offer requires careful consideration and strategic planning. That's why I want to share with you 10 questions that will help you evaluate a low-ticket offer so you can be confident it’ll work for your business. Does your offer grab your ideal client's attention with its uniqueness and relevance? Is your offer easily understandable, showcasing its value and target audience? Is your offer tailored to your ideal client while appealing to a broader audience? Does your offer provide enough value to prompt purchases? Will customers feel they've received exceptional value after consuming your offer? Does your offer reflect your unique approach, creating interest in working with you further? Does your offer leave customers wanting more without overwhelming them? Is your offer easy to implement without overwhelming the customer? Does your offer provide clients with immediate benefits, showcasing your expertise? Does your offer smoothly lead to your higher-tier offerings, maximizing sales potential? I’ll walk you through each of these questions, so you’ll be able to build irresistible low-ticket offers that don’t just drive sales, but also forge a lasting connection with your audience. Until next time, stay inspired and keep striving for success!   LINKS:   Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
4/30/202413 minutes, 9 seconds
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#206 - Our fave tools to sell on Social Media

I have got some very good news for you, my friend: it has  actually never been easier to sell your offers online than it is today! And it’s made even easier still when you have the right tools.   If you’ve been in my online world for any time at all, you'll know I'm a massive geek for tools and new software. And while some parts of online business have gotten more challenging, the tech side of things - particularly automation - just keeps getting more and more fun.   So today, we're going to be geeking out on what the best tools are to allow you to sell on social media with a lot more ease:   Canva: Elevate your visual content Airtable: Streamline your social media planning Metricool: Optimise your social media scheduling ChatGPT: Repurpose and generate engaging content Manychat: Personalise your social selling   Selling online can actually become a joy if you’re utilising the incredible tools available out there and getting creative to tailor them to your business.   So, which one are you going to try?  LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
4/23/20249 minutes, 46 seconds
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#205 - Steal our 6-figure social media funnel

Have you seen the abundance of Instagram posts asking you to DM a specific word to receive a freebie? I’m sure you have! It’s been a hugely popular strategy in recent months and has brought success for a lot of people. How exactly does something so simple create success and profit in your business? That’s what we’re exploring in today’s episode! I’ll take you through my Instagram funnel and the steps I use to maximise its impact.   Phase One: Engagement: The first phase of a social media funnel is where you engage with your audience and ask them to DM you a specific word or phrase for a freebie.  Then an automated tool like ManyChat, responds to them and gives them the product, all without you lifting a finger! Phase Two: Qualification: A bit of time after they received whatever they opted in for, you should check back in to tell them about another offer that could benefit them. If they’re interested, ask a qualifying question to help you determine which of your products is best suited to them.  Phase Three: Connect and Convert: The final phase of the social media funnel focuses on connecting with users on a deeper level and guiding them toward conversion. I don’t mean pretending they aren’t talking with a bot; I mean adding personal touches to the automation that helps people connect with you.    What happens next is going to differ for every business and every offer. Maybe some people get sent to a low-ticket offer, another group gets a discount code to access a program, and another group gets invited to book a call with you. Wherever they end up, phase two & three will significantly boost your chances of converting to a sale. Enjoy!   LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
4/16/20249 minutes, 15 seconds
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#204 - 3 most profitable ways to sell your low ticket offers (without ads!)

If you tuned in to last week's episode you would have heard me share five low-ticket offers you could use in your business, but you might be wondering – how exactly do I promote these? The obvious answer is to advertise but that process can be expensive and time-consuming which is something low ticket offers are meant to avoid! Don’t worry though, we’ve got other options!  This week I’m sharing three ways for you to market your low-ticket offers without using ads.  Live Workshops: By releasing content live you create a sense of urgency and exclusivity that will encourage your audience to purchase.  ManyChat Funnels: ManyChat is an automated chat marketing tool that can guide people through the process of purchasing from you.  Bundle Collaboration Join forces with another business (or multiple) that caters to a similar audience, and create a bundle together.  This approach boosts sales and lets you benefit from each other's promotion.  If you’re ready to embrace the power of low ticket offers and boost your revenue make sure you tune in. These marketing tactics can transform your online selling process and supercharge your sales!
4/9/20248 minutes, 21 seconds
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5 easy Low ticket offers to try next week

2024 is the year of low ticket offers. Maybe you’ve heard this before, but I mean it! Low ticket offers are going to be a serious game changer and if you haven’t been using them now is the time. They allow you to test new ideas swiftly without the hassle of lengthy product creation or elaborate launches. This flexibility keeps you ahead of the game in a rapidly changing market. Plus, they boost your revenue with small but consistent income bumps. Creating low-ticket offers doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, with the right approach, you can have a new offer up and running in an afternoon.  The key is to focus on high-value, easily consumable products or services that resonate with your target audience.  In this episode, I’ll take you through five easy-to-implement low-ticket offers that can help you attract new customers, and generate additional revenue. Run a live workshop that can deliver a quick win for your audience. Then, offer the replay as a low-ticket product. Create and sell templates that help your audience streamline their work and save time and effort. Create Chat GPT prompts that are tailored to your niche and offer your audience instant problem-solving.  Leverage the power of Notion to create dashboards, planners, and templates customised to your audience's needs. Bundling together existing digital products into one high-value package makes them irresistible to customers.  I hope this episode inspires you to implement one or all of them in your business, and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Until next time, happy selling! LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
4/2/202412 minutes, 14 seconds
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#202 - We started a new Instagram account and this is what happened

It’s tough out there in the world of social media. If you have an Instagram account, you've probably thought more than once about throwing it in the bin and just starting all over. You’ve also probably seen people shouting about how old accounts are dead and that you actually can get crazy growth if you start from scratch.    Yep, we’ve felt and heard it all too. So, you know what? We decided to give it a go!    Now, the idea of leaving behind our previous Instagram account of 24,000 followers was scary. And how would it look on the brand to have a new account with zero followers? But something had to be done. We had lost a whole lot of engagement on our previous account due to a rebrand, and were desperate to revive things.     So, we took the plunge and decided to make 2024 the year of trying things out to see what would happen. Today, I'm going to break down exactly what we did, how it's going and our takeaways after 30 days of starting our Instagram account completely from scratch.    I’ll take you through our strategy of 90 days of Reels, the surprising increase in reach we’ve seen after 30 days, and the tactics we’ll be turning to next.   As we continue on this interesting path of growing our new Instagram account from zero, we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop of what is and isn’t working. And of course, if you want to be one of our first 200 followers, then head on over to and check out what we’re doing!    LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
3/26/202414 minutes, 6 seconds
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#201 - If I had to start from scratch, this is what I would do

Are you wondering how to start a successful business in 2024? I was recently sent a question in my DMs asking me what I would do if I was starting all over again this year. Firstly, what I would do starting out in 2024 is very different from what I’ve done in the past.   And as someone who’s currently on business 3.0 and has grown faster with each iteration, I just may have a tip or two to share!   So whether you’re looking to start a successful business or start one over, grab your notes and listen in as I walk you through what I’ve learnt and what my exact strategies for 2024 would be, including:   Identifying Your Target Market Setting Up a Simple Funnel Hiring a Virtual Assistant  One-on-One Packages for Cash Flow Monthly Mini Workshops Creating an Implementation-Based Community Offer a High Ticket Online Course   While each step takes a little bit of work to set up in the first place, you’re doing it with the intent to eventually automate, systemise or outsource your processes. This gets your business working for you, while giving you the time to expand in other areas that will see it continue to grow!    LINKS:   Program mentioned: Ignite Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
3/19/202413 minutes, 50 seconds
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#200 - How to make sales the minute your launch starts

Let’s take a second and get real. Launching online programs has always been pretty hard. You pour your heart and soul into creating an amazing course. You’re nervous, you’re excited - and the day finally comes to launch it. You wait… and you wait - perhaps even a couple of days before a sale comes through.   Unfortunately, right now in 2024, it’s tougher than it’s ever been. We could blame the economy, the changing online landscape, we could complain… or we could do something about it!   So what can you do that actually works to make sales the minute your launch starts?   The strategy I’m taking you through today is one that we at Hello Funnels have been using with our clients for years. It gets our tried and tested tick of approval, and pretty much guarantees you to make a flood of sales within the first 60 seconds of your launch.   So, if you’re ready to see your launch sales flood in within the first 60 seconds, tune in and learn how to create that irresistible offer that will see potential customers lining up with credit card in hand.   If you want the full breakdown of creating and executing this offer, head on over to for our step-by-step guide to plug this strategy straight into your next launch!   LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
3/12/202413 minutes, 49 seconds
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#199 - Circle vs Kajabi for online course creation

If you’ve been around here for a while, you’ll know that I’m a bit of nerd for tech. So today, we’re talking software - specifically, platforms for online course creation and why moved away from our previous platform set up.   When it comes to delivering our online courses, we had been using a few different platforms: Kajabi for our course curriculum, Slack for our community, Zoom for our coaching calls and AddEvent for managing our client's calendars. While these tools all worked well individually, the lack of cohesiveness and the limitations of Kajabi was really starting to bug me!   In this episode, I’m talking about why we at Hello Funnels made the move from Kajabi to Circle. I take you through the different platforms we explored first, such as Mighty Networks and Heartbeat, as well as their pros and cons.    After a bit of a battle of the bots, Circle was the clear winner. I highlight the features that won us over, such as its user-friendly design, streamlined backend and overall simplicity.    A quick word of warning: moving platforms can be a big procrastination technique and a massive waste of time if you don’t need to do it. However, if you know it’s time to improve your processes for online course delivery, tune in and find out why I highly recommend giving Circle a closer look! LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
3/5/202415 minutes, 36 seconds
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#198 - The secret to 6-figures offers

Are you looking to hit the next level with your offers? Well you’re in luck, because today I’m going to be diving into one of my favourite topics: 6-figure offers. I see a lot of people becoming really stuck, under-earning and just working way too hard.   In this episode, I’m sharing with you the secret to 6-figure offers, including what to do and what not to do when it comes to creating them.    As well as running through the common mistakes I see business owners make, we’ll delve into creating a 6-figure offer suite that includes:   Premium one-on-one offer Signature online program Low ticket offer Diversifying your offerings really is the best way to achieve those 6 figures, and I encourage you to try them out so you can move forward easier, faster and with less stress.    Remember, if you want to dive even deeper into this topic, check out our brand new free masterclass, "Hello 10K". In this masterclass, we provide step-by-step guidance on creating your six-figure offer suite, list building, launches and mini funnels. Find out more by clicking the link below! LINKS:   Hello 10K Masterclass Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
2/27/202418 minutes, 36 seconds
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#197 - 3 best ways to get more eyeballs on your offers

How do you get your offers seen in today’s crazy online world? Standing out from the crowd can be tough, and seems to be getting even harder in this ever changing marketing landscape we find ourselves in.    But don’t worry - there are ways to get ahead of this, and I’m rerunning this episode to share them with you today. These tips are tried and true strategies that I’ve personally used, seen consistently amazing results from and that have stood the test of time.   So, are you ready to learn the 3 best ways you can get more eyeballs on your offers and bring in your ideal clients? In this episode, we’ll explore:   Leveraging Existing Communities and Guest Trainings Embracing Mini or Micro Offers to Make Your Marketing Pay for Itself Joint Ventures for Rapid List Growth The online marketing world may be a hectic and unpredictable one at times, but it doesn’t mean your sales have to suffer. So, join me today and learn the actionable steps that ACTUALLY WORK to get your offers seen!     LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
2/20/202410 minutes, 51 seconds
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#196 - Ask Kate Anything

When it comes to email marketing, finding the right frequency to connect with your audience can be a tricky task. So how do you know how often to email your email list? What about the amount of emails to send during a promotion?  I get so many questions like this about email marketing, that today I’m answering those I come across regularly:  How Often Should I Email My Email List?  How Often Should I Promote to My Email List? What is a Good Email List Open Rate? What Size Email List Do I Need To Start Selling?  What Percentage of My Email List Should I Expect To Buy From Me? What Size Email List Do I Need To Create A Funnel? How do you strike the right balance between maintaining engagement without overwhelming your email list subscribers? Tune in today and hear all about how you can find that sweet spot for your business!   LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
2/13/202417 minutes, 24 seconds
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#195 - My favourite hack to explode your list

Are you looking to skyrocket your email list without breaking the bank on advertising? Well, you're in luck! Today, I'm bringing back this episode to reshare my favourite hack that’s not only super quick to implement, but completely free.   This actionable little strategy added a whopping 10,000 subscribers to our email list last year. And while a lot of people may have heard the term “exit pop”, I’d say most aren’t utilising it in their business.    So, grab a pen and paper and get ready to learn how you can implement this simple yet powerful tool to see your list explode.   LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
2/6/20247 minutes, 24 seconds
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#194 - How to scale your course to 7-figures in 2024

You’re stuck at 6 figures. You’ve tried everything to get to that next level of 7 figures - you’ve rewritten your course, changed up your sales pitch… but you just can’t get that needle moving forward!    Trust me - as someone who has been in the online business game for many years, I've been there. I call my current business, Hello Funnels, ‘Business 3.2’, having been creating different online businesses since 2007. And while I’ve made my fair share of mistakes, I've also learnt some valuable lessons along the way on reaching - and even surpassing - my business goals.    Today, I’m rerunning this episode so you don’t miss out on learning the 7 simple steps to scale your online course to 7 figures and beyond.    LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
1/30/202410 minutes, 51 seconds
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#193 - This #1 marketing strategy you need for 2024

Do you want to scale your online course, or get more people on your list? Maybe you’re tired of having to make endless social media posts or appearances on podcasts. Well, look no further, because I’ve got just the thing for you: micro offers. Today I’m doing a rerun of this episode to help you hit the ground running and start 2024 right with this #1 marketing strategy.  If you've been around this part of the internet for a while, you've probably heard me talk about what we call ‘mini but mighty’ offers. They're also known as self liquidating offers and typically at a price point of $27. Micro offers, however, are a little different.  Usually around $9, micro offers aren’t so much about raking in huge profits. So what are they good for? The beauty in them is that they help cover your ad costs upfront. They provide a safety net for your business, allowing you to scale faster and reach higher levels of success.  So, if you want to learn how to make your ads pay for themselves and achieve the scalability in your business you’re after, this episode is for you!   LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
1/23/202413 minutes, 31 seconds
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#192 - The 5-minute Budget for Course Creators

Today, I want to continue on with our theme of helping you plan for this year to ensure it’s your best one yet. Now, I admit this topic is not a glamorous one - but it is important. And while it’s crucial to your business success, it’s often overlooked. We’re talking about creating a budget. I know it may sound boring, but trust me - I have a really simple process for creating a budget that will only take you five minutes to complete. Plus, it will help you gain clarity on your goals and make informed decisions as your business grows.  Numbers around how much you can spend, and whether you’re spending too much or too little, are important guardrails that will support you as you take your business to new heights. So, put aside five minutes, grab a pen and paper, and join me as I break down the simple process of creating a budget for your business. LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
1/16/20248 minutes, 28 seconds
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# 191 - How to reverse engineer your 2024 goals

Today, I want to get stuck into the topic of reverse engineering your goals and share with you the step-by-step process we use with our clients. This process will not only help you set effective goals but also create a plan to achieve them.  Planning out your year can be an overwhelming task, especially when you're not sure where to begin. You may have heard people talk about starting at the end and working your way backwards, but how do you ensure your goals are realistic and attainable? That's where reverse engineering your goals comes in. To begin, I recommend grabbing a spreadsheet or pen and paper along with a calculator. We'll be breaking down the process into five steps in this episode, so give it a listen, and get to work! LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
1/9/202411 minutes, 19 seconds
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#190 - Do this every 90-days and watch your business grow

As we step into a brand new year, the focus for myself and our clients turns to goal-setting. I can't help but feel the excitement that comes with a fresh outlook after a solid break.  And I know many of you are just as excited as I am about goal setting and reverse engineering these goals to create a clear path to success. Today, I want to share with you a powerful goal-setting strategy that can help take your business growth to new heights: our 90-Day Scoreboard. The 90-Day Scoreboard is a tool we use with our clients every quarter to assess their progress and gain clarity about what's working and what needs improvement. It's a brilliant way to remove any emotional bias and objectively evaluate your business's performance. By consistently reviewing your progress every 90 days, you can track your growth, set actionable goals and stay motivated throughout the year. LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
1/2/20247 minutes, 20 seconds
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#189 - Steal my end of year ritual

We’re approaching the end of the year, and I have a specific end-of-year ritual that I’m sharing with you today. You’re more than welcome to steal this very simple ritual, which will not only help you finish the year with a positive mindset, but will help you in the planning phase for the following year.   To really make the most of this process, I recommend finding a comfortable and inspiring space outside of your usual work environment. Whether it's a park, a cozy café, or your favourite corner of your home, choose a place where you can unwind and allow your thoughts to flow freely.   Celebrate Your Wins: Reflecting on all your wins, big and small. Did someone you admire follow you back on Instagram? Did you write an email that you were incredibly proud of? Celebrate every single achievement. Take a moment to acknowledge your progress and savour those victorious moments. You'll be surprised by how much positivity this exercise brings. Embrace the Lessons: Think about the lessons you've learned throughout the year.. Each one has contributed to your growth and will propel your business forward. Recognise your Improvements: Appreciate the areas in which you've improved or upleveled your business. Celebrate these significant upgrades, even if they overlap with the lessons you've learned. Identify Areas for Growth: Consider the aspects of your business or skills that you'd like to improve in the coming year. These goals will guide your future plans and help you achieve greater success. Set Three Meaningful Goals: Envision three goals—ambitious and exciting—that you want to accomplish in the new year. Choose goals that excite you and feel within reach, while still pushing your limits.   Once you've written everything down, take a deep breath, read over your notes, and make any necessary refinements. Consider this draft as the foundation for your future planning endeavours. LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
12/26/20238 minutes, 5 seconds
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#188 - Which of these marketing mistakes did you make this year?

It’s time to get a little reflective. 2023 is almost over, and we could probably all use a reality check to see how our year went. In particular, to think about which marketing mistakes we made this year. I’ve seen many people - hell, even myself! - fall into some harmful traps when it comes to messaging, creating content and showing up online.    I’m taking you through the biggest marketing mistakes I noticed so that you can ensure you don’t make them again next year:   Trying to Be Like Someone Else: Attempting to emulate someone else's marketing style or personality traits instead of being authentic and finding your unique voice. Lack of Planning: Failing to create a solid marketing plan, especially in a year of unpredictability, where traditional practices may not work as effectively. Single-Use Marketing: Spending too much energy on short-lived content like Instagram Stories or TikToks, resulting in wasted resources and a need to constantly create new content. Marketing for a Pre-Pandemic World: Relying on tactics that worked in previous years without adapting to the changing preferences and behaviours of the post-pandemic audience.   So, have you made any of these big marketing mistakes this year? If so, you are definitely not alone. The good news is, you don’t have to get it right straight away. Refining, testing and experimenting is the best way to uncover what works best for your business. Not only that, you’ll learn how to serve and engage with your audience in the most effective way.  LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
12/19/202318 minutes, 14 seconds
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#187 - Is Your Online Course Business Built To Last?

How do you make sure your online course business is built to last? In this episode, we’ll explore the essential elements of building an online empire that stands the test of time. I've had my fair share of ventures, but it was my third attempt that truly made me realise the importance of intentional business building. These experiences taught me the value of creating a business that resonates with your goals, passions and long-term vision.   In this episode, I break down the three critical pillars for a lasting online business:   A Strong Offer Suite: Your offers should be easy to sell, deliver exceptional results, be profitable, and align with your passions.     Effective Sales Systems: Create reliable, repeatable, predictable and ideally, enjoyable sales processes to achieve better planning and scaling.     Robust Marketing Systems: Simplify your marketing approach, make it resilient in the face of life's challenges, ensure predictability, measure success, and aim for self-sustainability.   Building an online course business that endures is all about having a strong foundation in these three pillars. Tune in to learn how to set yourself up for long-term success and navigate the unpredictable moments in business. Remember, it's not just about immediate success but creating something that lasts through changing times.     LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
12/12/202318 minutes, 51 seconds
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#186 - 3 ways to predict exactly how successful your business will be

In today’s episode, we're diving into the 3 characteristics for success that I see in clients who have smashed it out of the park and received insane results in their businesses.    So listen up, because I’ve got some strategies to help you think about how you’re showing up, learning and growing in your business. I would put money on the fact that if you learn to foster these values, you're going to see even better results than you thought possible:   #1 - Fast Implementation: Learn to let go of perfectionism and just get started. I believe that everything in business is an experiment, so rather than getting paralysed by the fear, just get it out there. This will give you the chance to iterate and refine until it’s right.   #2 - Genuine Client Care: In the online business world, authenticity and genuine care for your clients can set you apart. When your mission is to create impact and provide exceptional experiences for your clients, it resonates with them and changes the way you market and sell.    #3 - Bouncing Back from Failure: Failure is inevitable in business. And while it hurts, it can be a valuable teacher. Analyse your failures, learn from them and use those lessons to improve. Each setback can be a stepping stone toward future success.   I encourage you to take some time to reflect on how you embody these characteristics in your business. If you find that you're lacking in one or more areas, don't worry. Self-awareness is the first step toward growth and improvement in your business and your life. LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
12/5/202311 minutes, 55 seconds
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#185 - How She Did It: Behind the Scenes of a Naturopath’s 7-Figure funnel with Vesna Hrsto

Want to learn how to create a 7-figure funnel? In this episode, we dive into the world of sales funnels with our first ever guest on the podcast, Vesna Hrsto. Vesna is a successful naturopath and the first person I ever helped set up a funnel. We chat about the power of sales funnels and their undeniable impact on business growth.    While many people believe funnels are outdated, we've got real proof that well-optimised funnels not only still work, but can stand the test of time. Vesna shares her journey from struggling with a disorganised sales process to creating a 7-figure funnel that transformed her business. The best part? The funnel is still helping her achieve amazing results five years after its creation.    Vesna now enjoys the advantages of a well-optimised funnel and its ability to bring consistency in income and scalability to her business. We also explore the importance of continuous optimisation in funnel creation. Vesna’s dedication to testing, refining and learning from feedback was crucial in creating the successful funnel she has today.    Tune in to discover how a well-optimised funnel can revolutionise your own business and stand the test of time. LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
11/28/202322 minutes, 21 seconds
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#184 - 4 high-converting ideas to end the year with a bang

Have you hit all of your business goals this year? If there are some things you’re still hoping to achieve before the year’s end, I’ve got some high-converting ideas you can implement to see a bump in sales and end the year with a bang.     In this episode, I share four simple strategies that are fast to implement, yet super effective:   Refresh and relaunch one of your online programs. You can re-record a couple of lessons, or perhaps update the workbook fonts or colours for an updated look. This will give you a chance to sneak in one more little promotion for the year.    Create a VIP experience for existing clients. Whether it’s a live workshop or a planning session, you can show your appreciation to your valuable customers and provide added value during the busy holiday season.    Hold an end-of-year or new-year workshop. Consider hosting a live workshop to help your audience either wrap up the year on a high note or kickstart the new one with some energy.    Set up a funnel. This one is a game-changer that I believe every business owner should implement. So why should you set up a funnel? Funnels work tirelessly for you, like a little machine running in the background of your business. They effectively convert leads into customers, bringing in sales while you focus on other tasks in your business.    So, there you have it - four high-converting ideas to help boost your end-of-year sales and set the stage for an amazing 2024. Remember, you don't need to tackle all of them at once. Pick one or two that resonate with you, and take action. Your goals are absolutely within reach, and these strategies are here to help you achieve them.  LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
11/22/202310 minutes, 15 seconds
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#183 - 5 non-negotiables if you want to grow your course FAST

Today we're diving into the secrets you won’t want to miss if you’re looking to grow your online course fast. It can be difficult to know where to start, and watching those experts on social media with seven or eight figure businesses can make us feel we’re doing it wrong. However, seeing that rapid growth in your business doesn’t need to be hard.    In this episode, I run you through the five non-negotiables I focus on to see incredible results for not only my clients, but also for us here at Hello Funnels:    The ‘Hells Yes’ offer Deliver amazing client results Ramp up your list building Consistent and reliable sales Healthy profit margin   The ultimate goal for growing in business is to create not only financial freedom, but freedom in the various other areas of life. We want to have space for our creative pursuits, to spend more time with the people we love and the ability to focus on what really matters.    By mastering these five foundational elements, you'll allow yourself the chance to grow your course fast and in turn, create the business and lifestyle you really want.  LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
11/14/202312 minutes, 38 seconds
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#182 - Q: Do I have the wrong offer... or the wrong audience?

In today's episode, I'm diving deep into a question that's been top of mind for me lately: How can we tell if we've got the wrong offer or the wrong audience?    If you’ve launched an offer that hasn’t received great results, there’s no need to panic. It happens to many people, and quite a few of my clients have been asking for my guidance on what to do next. Before you consider throwing it all out and starting from scratch, let's take a step back, breathe and explore a few crucial questions.   We'll begin by examining the signs that could indicate your offer isn't quite right for your audience. I'll share insights into how you can align your offer with your audience's preferences and your own values. We'll also explore the red flags that might suggest you've attracted the wrong audience, including low engagement, customer service issues and resistance to sales.    I take you through some actionable steps to correct any underlying issues, such as refining your offer to better suit your audience and running tests to assess a different approach and attract the right audience.    So, tune in to this episode for a practical guide on not only getting yourself unstuck, but moving onwards and upwards in all that you have to offer.  LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
11/7/202317 minutes, 11 seconds
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#181 - 5 Clever ways to grow your list + make more sales using ManyChat

Chat marketing is a wonderful tool to engage with your audience and encourage them to opt in. But did you know your chat marketing can be automated?    Today I’m talking about ManyChat, an automated chat marketing tool that has been around for a while, but is currently making a serious comeback. I’m all about saving time and making it easier for people to engage - and I've got five game-changing strategies to share on how you can harness its power for your business.   I run through what ManyChat actually is, how to use it and what mistakes to avoid.    I also share five smart ways you can use ManyChat to optimise your chat marketing and engage your audience seamlessly.   Promote Your List Building Tools: Instead of just asking people to click a link in your bio to take them to your offer, you can encourage them to send you a message or comment with a specific trigger word and ManyChat will send out the details for you.    Linking to Your Content: Create static links to your most recent long-form content, such as YouTube videos or podcasts, and ManyChat can send them out to interested people for you.    Grow Your Email List: You can use ManyChat to prompt your audience to subscribe so they’re across any upcoming newsletters. It even allows you to create evergreen triggers that can be used again and again.    Asking For Reviews: Use ManyChat to collect reviews or feedback from your audience and create the opportunity to engage in a conversation that will deepen the connection.   Qualifying Leads for Sales Conversations: Rather than trying to talk to absolutely everyone who opts in to learn more, ManyChat can help identify potential buyers and handpick them for personalised sales conversations. So, if you're ready to supercharge your marketing strategies and take audience engagement to new heights, tune in and discover how ManyChat can work wonders for you. LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
10/31/202316 minutes
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#180 - Steal our totally do-able 90-Day content batching plan

I've got an exciting strategy to spill in this episode – how to batch-create three months' worth of content in just seven hours. Let's be honest, creating marketing content can be a bit of a drag and I’ve often struggled to find a way to make it more fun after creating so much content over the years.    I knew batching my content creation was something I needed to do, but I used to grapple with the planning versus changing plans dilemma. We like our content to align with our marketing events, but life happens and plans shift. Then, a friend dropped a brilliant idea – making content evergreen with "pre-roll ads." This game-changer allowed us to batch content creation efficiently while staying flexible.   I'll walk you through my detailed batching process, from planning to fleshing out and recording. Plus, I'll share the importance of taking breaks during recording to avoid voice strain. And here's the best part – my team takes care of the post-batch workflow, making my time required after I’ve created the content minimal.   If you've ever found content creation draining, my insights offer a fresh approach to reclaim your time and creativity. Tune in if you want to optimise your content creation process and make room for business growth. LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube
10/24/20239 minutes, 29 seconds
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The 4 emails you should be sending to your list right now

Email marketing is a powerful tool, but coming up with engaging content can be a challenge.    For the sake of my sanity, I've devised a simple structure that you can use to plan your emails each month. It's a lifeline, especially on those days when creativity seems to have abandoned you.   The template covers four types of emails: Value, Inspiration, Connection, and Aha.   Value Emails: provide practical content that your audience can use immediately. Share your best posts, resources, or tips related to your topic.   Inspiration Emails: feature success stories or testimonials from your clients, inspiring your subscribers.   Connection Emails: build a personal connection with your audience by sharing personal anecdotes or taking them behind the scenes.   Aha Emails: showcase your unique perspective and expertise on a topic, making you stand out.   This structure ensures you consistently provide value, inspiration, and connection to your audience while showcasing your unique perspective.    Use AI tools like chat GPT for content generation when needed, and watch your email marketing efforts soar.    Share your success stories with @hellofunnels on Instagram or in the comments over on YouTube: LINKS: Website |  Instagram | Programs | YouTube  
10/17/202310 minutes, 49 seconds
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#178 - What a Week in the Life of Hello Funnels Looks Like!

Hey, it's Kate McKibbin here, and I’m ready to give you all a sneak peek into the whirlwind of fun, flexibility, and, of course, productivity that is a week at Hello Funnels.  What’s Inside?  Our Virtual HQ: Find out how Slack became our vibrant virtual co-working space. A Glimpse of My Week: Sharing a look into my not-so-average 9-5. It’s all about balance! Day-to-Day Magic: Discover how a typical day rolls at Hello Funnels and our team's love for flexible, part-time roles Universal Nuggets: Grab some universally applicable insights for anyone looking to ace virtual team management and get inspired by our unique ways to keep creativity at its peak. So, whether you're well-versed in virtual team management or just starting out, hit play and dive in with me. You might just stumble upon your next game-changing idea for your team. And remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. For all the juicy details, you'll have to tune in. Can’t wait for you to join the conversation in the episode!
10/10/202310 minutes, 7 seconds
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#177 - Low ticket vs high ticket - What’s better for YOUR business right now?

It's Kate here, and in this episode, I'm diving deep into the low vs high ticket debate. If you're wondering which offer suits YOUR business right now, especially in this wild 2023 economy, buckle up! 🚀 🎙️ What we're chatting about: Low ticket offers? They're not just about gathering an audience. They're your chance to give potential clients a little taste, a teaser of the magnificent stuff you've got on offer. But, like everything, they come with their own set of challenges. On the other side of the spectrum, we've got the high-flying high ticket offers. Sure, they seem glamorous,(and profitable). There are ABSOLUTELY so many pros to high ticket offers... But to truly excel, you need those razor-sharp sales skills and expertise. If you're ready to find out which type of offer is your golden ticket, this episode's for you! Click play NOW and let's get started! Do you already have a course that you're ready to sell? With eCourse Empire, we can help you perfect your offer, scale your sales and add 6-figures to your business. Are you ready to work with an AMAZING team of mentors that will guide you every step of the way, from list building, nurturing your audience and  building funnels that convert? Don't hesitate to check out eCourse Empire or reach out to us if you've got Q's. 🚀  
10/3/202319 minutes, 33 seconds
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#176 - Evergreen vs Live Launch: Let’s Settle the Debate

Picture this: You, a tropical beach, a piña colada in hand, and your course selling like hotcakes in the background... Sounds perfect, doesn't it? Well, hold your horses because the evergreen vs live launch debate isn't as black and white as it seems! In this episode, we're cracking open the evergreen vs live launch debate wide open, and let's just say - you might not agree with everything I have to say! But bear with me, because this episode is packed with insights that could change your approach to your online course business. Here's a sneak peek into what we're discussing: Get the real scoop on what it takes to launch evergreen - it might just save you from a heap of headaches down the line. Uncover the true power of live launches, even if the thought makes you break out in hives (you're not alone, promise!). Discover why sometimes, eating your broccoli (AKA launching live) might be exactly what your business needs to flourish. 🎧 Ready to dive in? Click play now and join me in settling this debate, once and for all! Are you on your way to completing your course, launching and want some help for setting up your funnels and systems for when you do transition to evergreen? With eCourse Empire, you can take your business to the next level, add six figures to your income, and work with an AMAZING team of mentors that will guide you every step of the way. Dive into the podcast to hear more, and don't hesitate to check out eCourse Empire or reach out to us if you've got Q's. 🚀
9/26/20239 minutes, 14 seconds
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#175 - The things you need to do BEFORE you create your course

Hey there! It's Kate McKibbin, back with episode #175 of the Doing It Online Podcast. This week is all about setting the stage before you dive headfirst into creating your own online course.  In this episode, we're chatting about: The groundwork magic: Building a tried and tested strategy that's truly YOU  How to research what your audience REALLY wants Cultivating an audience that is begging to buy what you’re selling (and yeah, we're spilling the beans on why those 100 subscribers from 3 years ago won't cut it) Running a Beta Launch before you create your course (let's face it, nobody wants to launch to crickets) This episode is aimed at prepping you to kickstart your course creation journey with a bang. Before you even think about hitting that 'record' button, let's make sure you are standing on solid ground. So go on, grab that cuppa or pour yourself a glass of wine (we won't judge!), and join me! Click play NOW and let's get started! What’s Next? So you’ve just finished tuning in and you’re feeling ready to REALLY  kickstart your own online course journey? Or maybe you’ve taken these steps and you’re ready to launch (and SELL)? With eCourse Empire, we can help you scale your sales and add 6-figures to your business. If you’re ready to work with an AMAZING team of mentors that will guide you every step of the way, from list building, nurturing your audience, building funnels that convert and be a part of a driven, like minded community then make sure to check it out here!
9/19/202315 minutes, 12 seconds
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#174 - 5 non-scary ways to use AI in your business now

Have you ever freaked out a tiny bit at the idea of AI for your online course? Today we’re diving deep into the non-scary ways to sprinkle a bit of that AI magic without fearing a Skynet scenario. 🚀 In this episode, we're diving into: The rise of ChatGPT and its friends - what's the buzz? Why the AI convo has shifted from "should I?" to "HOW should I?" Gems in the AI Toolbox: Not every AI tool is a keeper. I’m sharing my top picks for streamlining your business. Discover better ways AI can fit into your biz.  That time AI REALLY dropped the ball on our team headshots - we shared the highlights over on Insta The future of AI in business is NOW, and it's not as daunting as you think. In fact, with the right tools, it can be a pretty handy sidekick, content writer and personal assistant! Ready to go down this AI rabbit hole with me? Click play NOW and let's get started! While we are talking about AI, this year we’ve added a new module to our courses SPECIFICALLY focussed on how to use AI in your online courses… and a deep dive on how to use it to help craft your funnels (detailed prompts included). If you want to see what else is included make sure you check out eCourse Empire! Tools and Resources: ChatGPT Descript Content Fries  Vidyo  Headshot Pro (maybe you’ll have better luck than we did)
9/12/202315 minutes, 40 seconds
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#173 - This 5-minute email marketing tactic got me 10K subscribers (for free!)

Hey there! It's Kate McKibbin, back with episode #173 of the Doing It Online Podcast. Are you ready to unlock a list-growing strategy that's quicker to implement than your morning coffee? Let's dive in! "This 5-minute email marketing tactic got me 10K subscribers (for free!)" What's the Secret? Hint: It's something you see every day but might be ignoring. The magic words: Exit pops. Yup, it's that simple. But aren’t they crazy annoying? Short answer - a lot of the time. Longer answer - not if you use them the RIGHT way! Ready for results like 10K new subscribers? You'll want to hit play right away! Why Should You Listen?  Ready to grow your list with VERY minimal effort?  Want to know exactly HOW to use exit pops without destroying your user experience?  Craving real-world examples right from my playbook?  Then this episode is perfect for you! Now, what are you waiting for? Click play, dive into this episode and start growing that list. This 5-minute tactic could be just what you need. Now if you finish listening, feel fired up by these exit pop strategies and like you’re ready to skyrocket your email list building, why not take the plunge with more growth techniques?  With eCourse Empire, you can take your business to the next level, add six figures to your income, and work with an AMAZING team of mentors that will guide you every step of the way. Dive into the podcast to hear more, and don't hesitate to check out eCourse Empire or reach out to me if you've got Q's. 🚀 Tools and Resources: Kajabi: A platform for online course creators with exit pop functionality. Leadpages: A landing page builder that includes the option to create exit pops. ClickFunnels: Offers exit pop functionality in addition to its sales funnel services. ConvertBox: A tool specifically for exit pops that offers a lifetime licence. Opt-in Monster: A monthly subscription service for exit pops.
9/5/20238 minutes, 42 seconds
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#172 - 3 best ways to get your offers seen right now!

Hey there, it's Kate McKibbin, and guess what? This week on the Doing It Online podcast, I've got something super special lined up for you! 🎉 I’m sharing the 3 best ways to get your offers seen that will keep working for you, year after year. No more crying over old strategies that just don’t work in 2023 or being distracted by flashy marketing fads. It's time to put that behind us. What's Inside? The Easiest Way To Boost Your Expert Factor: Spoiler: It's not just a one-time thing! Want to know why? Mini or Micro Offers 2.0: They're small, they're captivating, but why do they endure in a crowded market?  The BFF Factor: An oldie, but oh-so-goodie and why this might be your new (old) favourite. But there's an angle you might not have considered…  So, if you're tired of chasing marketing rainbows and you're ready to implement strategies that ACTUALLY WORK long after the latest fads have faded away, this episode is for you! Ready to dive in? Grab your favourite bevvie, get comfy, and let's get into these offer visibility tips.  Click play to check out the latest episode of the Doing It Online podcast! Have you already listened and taken action? eCourse Empire could be just what you need if you’re ready to grow your audience, get your offer seen and drive sales. Reach out or slide into my DMs if you have any questions!
8/29/202312 minutes, 10 seconds
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#171 - All your email marketing Qs answered!

Today I'm answering some of the most asked questions I get, as well as some you never knew you needed answers to. Trust me, you're going to want to click play and gather around for this one because we're diving deep into the world of email marketing. What's Inside: How often should you email your list? Spoiler: More than you think! What's a good open rate? Get ready to crunch some numbers. The best size email list for launching a product. It's not what you expect! Snackable Content: Long emails? No way! Let's keep it short and sassy. Promotion Balance: When and how to promote without being pushy. I know you've got questions, and I'm spilling the beans on all these topics and more.  Click play and let's get into the nitty-gritty. You'll laugh, you'll learn, and best of all, you'll walk away with an actionable to-do list that's going to level up your email game.  Ready to crack the code on email marketing? Your strategy is about to thank you. 💌 Now you’ve listened to the episode, implemented the tips and think you’re ready to kick your email marketing strategy into overdrive? It might be time for you to check out eCourse Empire…  we will give you the step-by-step framework to add 6 figures to your business (all on auto-pilot thanks to your emails). Reach out or DM if you have any questions!
8/22/202318 minutes, 56 seconds
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#170 - How to choose your next coach or mastermind!

Ever felt like something's missing in your biz? If you've hit that frustrating plateau and you're thinking of joining an online course, hiring a mentor, or diving into a mastermind group, this episode is a MUST-LISTEN. Here's a sneak peek of what's inside: 🧐 Why external input can be the secret sauce to kickstart that growth spurt in your business. 🤑 The golden number to set aside for personal growth - trust me, I’ve invested hundreds of thousands of dollars and have worked out exactly how to budget an affordable amount. 🔄 How different biz stages have different needs. We're diving deep into what YOU might need right now. 📝 The top questions I've personally used (and wish I had earlier) before investing in courses and coaches. 💬 Are you a community queen or one-on-one guru? Find out what's your jam! Look, diving into the online course world can feel like a maze, but with the right guide (like little ol' me 😉), you can make the right investment and level up like a pro. So if you're ready to turn that plateau into a mountain of success, 🎧 pop in those earbuds and let's get started! If you’re finally ready to take your business to the next level, add six figures to your income and work with an AMAZING team of mentors, then eCourse Empire might just be your next best investment! Check it out and DM me if you've got Q's.
8/15/202315 minutes, 57 seconds
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#169 - What do I do with my funnels when I am launching?

Hey, hey, everybody! Kate from Hello Funnels here, back with another juicy episode of the Doing It Online podcast. And let me tell you, this one's a real game-changer! We're talking about that little ol' problem that every online entrepreneur faces when running live promotions - what do you do with the folks already in your funnel? Well I’ve got a secret… I've got the Sorting Hat Automation up my sleeve, and trust me, it's like magic (cue the Harry Potter vibes!). This nifty little strategy is about to revolutionize your launches and make everything smoother than butter! So, in episode #169, we're diving deep into the Sorting Hat Automation and how you can use it to your advantage. From preventing email overload to creating excitement during live events, this is the secret sauce you've been missing! In this episode, I'm spilling the beans on: 🌟 The must-do balance between funnels and live promotions!  🌟 The two opposing approaches that leave people scratching their heads (and why I've got a better way!)  🌟 Step-by-step guide on setting up the Sorting Hat Automation to make your life a breeze.  🌟 A sneaky advanced strategy for next-level segmentation that'll blow your mind. Ready to wave your wand and charm your audience during your live launches? Tune in to episode #169 of The Doing It Online Podcast right now and get ready for some real funnel magic! Want to dive in deeper to all things funnels and automation? Go check out eCourse Empire   Tools and Resources Mentioned in the Episode: ActiveCampaign (email marketing platform used for the Sorting Hat live launch automation) eCourse Empire (our signature program that teaches you the secrets of successful course creation and marketing)
8/9/202314 minutes, 34 seconds
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#168 - 5 reasons you need a funnel in 2023

Hey there, it's Kate from Hello Funnels, and welcome to the Doing It Online podcast! Today, I'm super excited to talk about my favorite topic—funnels! Specifically, I want to discuss the five reasons why you absolutely need a funnel for your online course business in 2023 (and why your sales, business and life are suffering right now if you don’t have one!). So buckle up, folks, because we're diving right in! Here's a sneak peek of what we'll cover in this episode: What exactly is a funnel? And how can it automate your business processes? How to capture (and convert) those ready-to-buy leads.  How to stop relying on launches.  Why taking a break is essential and how you can do it without losing sales How to quickly scale your ads Say hello to lazy launches. And that's just the tip of the funnel! 😉 So grab your headphones and join me in this episode as we uncover the secrets of successful funnels in 2023. It's time to level up your online course business! Want to know more? Come check out eCourse Empire
8/1/202314 minutes, 53 seconds
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Q: Do you need a video on your sales page?

Hey there, it's Kate from Hello Funnels, and I'm back with another episode of the Doing It Online podcast! Today, we're tackling a question that sparked a bit of debate in our eCourse Empire community. The question is: "Do you need to have a video on your sales page?" Curious? Well, I've got some insights to share with you! In this episode, we're diving into the pros and cons of using videos on your sales page. We'll explore whether videos truly have the power to increase conversions or if they're just relics of the past. Trust me, the answer isn't as straightforward as you might think. Here's a sneak peek of what we cover in this episode: The different ways people consume information and why it's crucial to consider accessibility. My personal take (and preference) on videos as a buyer. Two important questions to ask yourself before you even think about filming Why adding a video to your sales page is an optimization task, not a miracle solution. The significance of closed captions and the potential pitfalls to avoid. Remember, everyone's experience and preferences are unique. What works for one person may not work for another. So, let's explore the world of sales page videos together and make an informed decision that suits your business needs. Now, if you're eager to hear more and want all the details, click that play button and tune in to episode #167 of the Doing It Online podcast. It's time to discover whether videos are the missing piece to skyrocket your conversions! Resources Mentioned in the Episode: eCourse Empire 
7/25/20239 minutes, 26 seconds
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My biggest lesson from Todd Brown’s mastermind

Hey there, it's Kate from Hello Funnels, and I'm super excited to share some game-changing insights with you on the latest episode of the Doing It Online podcast! In this episode, I spill all the juicy details from my recent experience at a mind-blowing marketing mastermind event. Trust me, it was a room full of incredibly talented individuals, and I couldn't wait to soak up all the wisdom from the digital marketing world's OG, Todd Brown. Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect: Discover the key lesson I learned from Todd Brown himself that can revolutionize your approach to marketing.  Learn how to apply it to your business right now. But that's not all! I'll also share how you can create a rock-solid foundation for your business by aiming for greatness, setting yourself up for success, and creating irresistible offers that can withstand any challenge. Ready to dive into all the incredible insights from the mastermind? Click play and listen to Episode #166 of the Doing It Online podcast. You don't want to miss this! Resources Mentioned in the Episode: eCourse Empire
7/18/20237 minutes, 38 seconds
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Will a $9 offer work for you?

Hey there, it's Kate from Hello Funnels and the Doing It Online podcast! In this week's episode, we're diving into the fascinating world of micro-offers and exploring whether a $9 offer could work wonders for your business. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one! Here's a sneak peek of what's in store for you: What exactly is a micro-offer?  We show you exactly how to use micro-offers to scale faster and safeguard against rising ad costs. Learn our exact psychology strategy that makes nine dollar offer so powerful  And we’ll show you all the tools you need to get it right. Want to create a micro-offer for yourself?  Come and join us inside Funnel Fuel, we are running an exclusive promo (you could win your investment back PLUS $250USD CASH) when we open our doors on 19th of July, 10am AEST (which is July 18th, 5pm PST!).  👉 Click here and save your place now.  So, if you're ready to unlock the power of micro-offers and take your business to new heights, hit play and listen to the Doing It Online podcast. 
7/11/202317 minutes, 58 seconds
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3 free (+ one crazy cheap) way to triple your email list

Hey there, it's Kate from Hello Funnels, and in the latest ep of the Doing It Online podcast we're diving into the ever-evolving topic of  growing your list. Whether you're just starting out or have been in the online business game for years, we've got three simple and cost-effective ways for you to grow your email list. In fact most of them are totally free. Trust me, you don't want to miss this! Want to grow your email list without breaking the bank? We've got you covered! Discover how to get subscribers every day, totally for free, from your existing website visitors. Find out the power of Facebook groups and how to use them to skyrocket your list growth. Learn the right way to use promo swaps and collaborations to tap into new audiences. Bonus tip: Get the scoop on an incredibly handy social media tool for boosting engagement and conversions. So there you have it… three simple (and mostly free) ways to supercharge your email list growth. To get the full details, including recommended tools and insider tips, click play and listen to episode #164.   Resources mentioned in this episode: Convert Box OptinMonster ManyChat
7/4/202315 minutes, 41 seconds
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Should you stop selling your course?

Hey there, it's Kate from Hello Funnels, and I'm thrilled to bring you this week's episode of The Doing It Online Podcast! We're diving into a burning question that's been on our minds and our clients' minds in the eCourse Empire program: What should you do with your sales page when there's no launch scheduled or your offer is on evergreen? Here's a sneak peek at what we'll cover: Should you keep your sales page open all the time? Real vs fake urgency The importance of deadlines Testing your strategy We've got some juicy insights for you, so get ready to take notes!  In this episode, we'll share more insights and strategies to help you boost your sales. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on these game-changing tips! Listen to the full episode of Doing It Online Podcast #163 to unlock the secrets to maximizing your sales with the right approach to your sales page. It's time to take your online business to the next level! Remember, it's not just about having a sales page; it's about leveraging it strategically. So join us on this episode, and let's do it online together! Tune in now and get ready to revolutionize your sales game. See you there!
6/27/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Choosing a killer name for your course (or business)

Hey there, it's Kate from the Doing It Online podcast! Get ready for an episode that will revolutionise your launch game. We all know funnels are fantastic, but pairing them with the right promos can take your results to a whole new level. Today, I'm spilling the beans on a game-changing strategy: secret launches. Tune in to this episode to discover why secret launches are about to become your business bestie. I'm diving deep into the nitty-gritty, revealing the benefits and strategies that will transform your approach. Join me on this journey of launch enlightenment, and you'll learn: The power of lazy launches and how they can build on each other for better results. Why big event launches, although still valuable, are no longer the only way to promote. How all-list promotions can be profitable without exhausting your resources. The magic behind secret launches, their shorter duration, and targeted appeal. The game-changing advantages of secret launches: less marketing time, increased sales, and a break for your audience. So, grab your favorite beverage, hit play, and prepare to level up your launch game. Trust me, you won't want to miss this episode!
6/20/202317 minutes, 41 seconds
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Choosing a killer name for your course (or business)

Hey there! It's Kate here from Hello Funnels, and I'm thrilled to bring you the latest episode of The Doing It Online Podcast. Today, we're getting back to basics and delving into the art of choosing a killer name for your business or program. Trust me, it's not as daunting as it sounds. In this episode, I'll be sharing some best practices and tips to help you come up with an awesome name that truly represents your brand and connects with your audience. Plus, I'll spill the beans on some real-life examples that will inspire you. But here's the thing, your name doesn't have to be perfect from the get-go. Don't let the pressure paralyze you! The key is to get your business or program out there and refine the name as you go. I've been there myself during my rebranding journey, and I'll share my personal experience with you. Here's a sneak peek at what you'll discover in this episode: The three "must haves" of a killer program name My 3 step strategy to ensuring the name isn't taken Why you should steer clear of trendy words and phrases What to do if you can’t think of a name you love! And much more! Trust me, these insights will help you make a lasting impression with your online course or business. Ready to dive deeper into the world of killer names? Join me on The Doing It Online Podcast for the full episode!
6/13/202310 minutes, 37 seconds
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3 hacks to get you off your phone!

Hey there! It's Kate from the Doing It Online podcast, and in today's episode, we're tackling a topic that hits close to home for many of us—phone addiction. If you've ever found yourself mindlessly scrolling, losing track of time, and feeling like you're missing out on life, then this one's for you! I’ll be sharing 3 INSANELY easy hacks that have helped me break free from the grip of my phone and reclaim my sanity. You’ll never guess what they are but if you're ready to break free from phone addiction, join me in this episode. Trust me, your productivity will soar, and you'll rediscover the joy of living in the present moment. Don't forget to share this episode with your friends who might need a digital detox too. Stay tuned for more valuable insights to help you thrive in the online world. Until then, stay awesome and stay connected in the real world. Bye for now! Resources mentioned in this episode: Opal app Kill the Newsfeed Chrome extension
6/6/20239 minutes, 53 seconds
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”Front End or Back End? What’s Your Offer Game Plan?”

Hey there everybody, it's Kate here from HelloFunnels, and welcome to the Doing It Online podcast. If you already have an online program that's selling but not as well as you want, and you're ready to scale and increase your profits, then this episode is for you. I'm going to dive into the concept of front-end offers and back-end offers, and why you need both if you want to grow a successful online education business. A front-end offer is designed to cover the cost of your marketing, while a back-end offer is pure profit. Having both allows you to scale without breaking the bank on ads. Here's a sneak peek of what we'll cover in this episode: The difference between front-end offers and back-end offers Why having only one offer can limit your growth The challenges of relying solely on paid traffic How a second offer can unlock new opportunities for your business Making the right decision for your niche and business goals I'll also share some pros and cons of running a mini offer upfront and the benefits of having a more premium back-end offer. Plus, I'll provide practical tips on creating solid funnels and maximizing your profits. So, if you want all the details, make sure you listen in to episode #159 of the Doing It Online podcast now!   Resources mentioned: eCourse Empire Elite program
5/30/202314 minutes, 18 seconds
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Top BS beliefs stopping you from hitting 6-figures

Hey there! It's Kate McKibbin, and on this episode of the Doing It Online podcast, I discuss the top BS beliefs that stop people from hitting 6 figures in their business.  I cover the power of recognizing the stories we tell ourselves, the importance of testing, tweaking, and refining, and how to automate your business to make sales without being physically present. Here are some key takeaways from this episode: Our subconscious tries to protect us by telling us certain things are better options, but they may not actually be true. Testing, tweaking, and refining is the only way to grow. Fast, furious, and imperfect action is how you move forward. It is possible to make sales without being physically present. You just need to be willing to test and refine your strategies until you find what works. Automation is a great tool for entrepreneurs and business owners to use in order to increase their success. Tune in to learn more about how you can overcome these beliefs and achieve success in your business.   Resources mentioned: 6-Figure School If you want more clarity about how to reach that 6 figure mark in your business, check out our six-figure school on demand course. You can grab it for just $6 at
5/23/202319 minutes, 23 seconds
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3 of the nerdiest hacks

Hey there, it's Kate McKibbin, and in this episode of Doing It Online, we're getting nerdy with three online hacks that will save you time and make your life a little easier. Here's what we'll be covering: Hack #1: The Plus Email Address Hack - Learn how to test opt-ins, automations, funnels, or purchases, using this hack that allows you to test infinite times with just one email address. Hack #2: The Multiple Clients Hack - Discover how creating multiple Google profiles can make managing multiple clients a breeze. Hack #3: Accurate Data Tracking - Keep track of who opted in and when, and which activities are actually driving sales. These hacks are perfect for software, funnel-loving, marketing service providers, or just anyone who wants to learn more about online marketing hacks. Listen to the full episode for all the nerdy details. Tools and resources mentioned in the episode: Google profiles LastPass So, if you want all the details on these nerdy hacks, make sure you listen in to episode #157 of the Doing It Online podcast now!
5/16/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to bring a dead email list back to life

In episode #156 of the Doing It Online podcast we share our *chefs kiss* strategy for bringing a dead email list back to life. If you're struggling with low email open rates or if you've been neglecting your list, then this is the episode for you. Kate shares a really simple and actionable process that you can complete in just a couple of hours to re-engage your list, increase your open rates, and give your list a kickstart.   Here's what you'll learn in the episode:   The importance of list hygiene and how to clean up your list How to create a segment of your most engaged contacts The importance of A/B split testing your subject lines The CPR email campaign: how to create three simple, text-based emails that will help to re-engage your list and increase open rates Tools and resources mentioned in the episode include:   ActiveCampaign ConvertKit MailChimp ChatGPT So, if you want to learn how to revive your dead email list and get more engagement from your subscribers, then listen to episode #156 of the Doing It Online podcast now!
5/9/202314 minutes, 18 seconds
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7 questions to make your offers sell out every time!

Hey there, it's Kate from the Doing It Online Podcast, and today's episode is all about making sure your offers sell out every time!   If you're tired of launching or promoting your online courses and programs and getting crickets instead of sales, then this episode is for you. I'm going to share seven questions you need to ask yourself to ensure your offers are irresistible to your audience.   Here’s part of what we’ll cover inside:   What is the number one thing that your ideal client wants, not needs, but wants when it comes to the area, the outcome that you help them with? How long do they actually want it to take, or how long do they want to spend on it? It's essential to find the realistic timeframe that they want. What do they not want to have to do to get it? This question will help you identify the roadblocks that your audience is facing when it comes to making a purchase. What would make them feel comfortable investing in it? This question will help you determine the elements that will make your audience feel secure and confident when investing in your offer. And that's just a taste of what you'll learn in this episode. I also share some bonus tips and tricks to help you make your offers even more irresistible.   So if you're ready to start selling out your offers every time, listen to the full episode now. And don't forget to check out the tools and resources mentioned in the show notes to help you implement what you learn.   Resources mentioned:   6-Figure School Deadline Funnel ConvertKit Stripe PayPal Squarespace Kajabi If you want to dive deeper into this topic and learn more about creating a "Hell's Yes" offer, check out our six-figure school on demand course. It includes a day-two deep dive into the "Hell's Yes" offer, pricing, bonuses, and more. You can grab it for just $6 at
5/2/202323 minutes, 9 seconds
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You’ve built your funnel... now what?

Hey, hey, hey! Welcome back to another episode of the Doing It Online podcast. I'm so excited to dive into today's topic because let's be real, what good is a funnel without a solid plan for success?   As entrepreneurs, we know how crucial it is to have a game plan in place, and that's what we'll be talking about today. It's time to put on those big-girl-nerd pants and get ready to learn all about how to create a funnel success plan that will take your online biz to the next level. Are you ready to crush it? Let's do this!   Here are the four main points we'll be covering: Why just having a funnel isn't enough - the importance of optimizing it for success. The three key steps to building a successful Funnel Success Plan: creating a sales machine, optimizing it, and planning live promotions to your email list. How to show some love to your existing email list and keep them engaged with your funnel. The traffic trifecta: why you need to have content marketing, paid traffic, and joint venture promotions all working together to truly make your funnel a success.   So there you have it, friends - a little sneak peek into what we'll be covering in today's episode. Don't miss out on all the juicy details, make sure to tune in to the full episode now!   Want more? What if every morning could feel like cart open day — without the stress of the launch? Check out our webinar, Evergreen Sales Machine, and learn how to sell 5+ programs every week. Want to learn the smart, sustainable, non-stressful way to create (and sell) successful courses? You’ll love eCourse Empire! Applications are closing super soon so click here to reserve your spot.
4/25/202314 minutes, 42 seconds
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Can Chat GPT really write your funnel for you?

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the writing process? Do you wish there was a way to make your funnels work for you, instead of the other way around? Well, get ready to breathe a sigh of relief, my friend, because we've got a solution! Our latest podcast episode, #153 - Can Chat GPT write your funnel for you?, is about leveraging AI-powered writing tools to create funnels that convert like crazy! We're talking about game-changing technology that can help you save time, increase your sales, and scale your business like never before! So, grab your favourite drink and tune in to the latest episode on your favourite podcast platform. Trust me, you won't regret it!   We dive into:  What is Chat GPT and how does it work? How can Chat GPT help you streamline your content creation process and save time? Tips for using Chat GPT to create successful email sequences. How to incorporate Chat GPT into your overall email marketing strategy.   Hit play now and geek out with us, then don’t forget to join our free coaching session at to geek out even more. Oh and yes, before you ask... These shownotes were written 100% by Chat GPT 🤖
4/18/202318 minutes, 7 seconds
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Do you upsell? (Encore Episode)

As someone who has been helping people to create, automate and scale their online courses for many, many years, you better believe I’ve racked up a few special party tricks over that time.   OK, so it’s not so much “tricks” but more like tried, true + specific strategies (not as catchy) that I just love to whip out and wow my clients with. And so, I wanted to share one of my faves with you today…   ...The upsell.    The reason this “trick” is so good? It’s super simple to implement, it works really well AND it costs absolutely nothing.    So! Together in this episode let’s nerd out about all things upsell — what they are, why I recommend everyone has at LEAST one and how you can quickly add them and increase your profit today.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 3 fave upsells: the ‘order bump,’ ‘course to maintenance,’ and ‘step one to step two.’  How to implement each of them PLUS… ...Any extra tools you might need tech-wise if you’re adding upsells for the first time. (It wouldn’t be me if I didn’t talk software would it…)     Want More? Want to learn 3 simple ways to double your marketing business — without new clients. Yeah, you do! Here’s the link you need for a replay of this super-popular masterclass. Wondering how much money a funnel could really make you? We’ve done the math so you don’t have to! Check our ever-so-clever calculator to run your numbers.
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3 simple tweaks to sell well in a c**p economy… (Encore Episode)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The most common mistakes people make when the economy freezes (+ how to avoid them!) How a small adjustment to your pricing can have a big impact on your sales! The difference between a refund policy and a guarantee and which one is going to help your business AND your potential buyers…   Is it possible to sell well in a weak economy?    We say yes!    And this episode is bringing you 3 simple things you can do that won’t mean starting from scratch or cost you precious hours. We’re talking small, simple and effective tweaks to make more sales in a c**p economy.    (While staying in integrity. Of course and always.)    Enjoy the episode!  Want More? Want to learn 3 simple ways to double your marketing business — without new clients. Yeah, you do! Here’s the link you need for a replay of this super-popular masterclass. Wondering how much money a funnel could really make you? We’ve done the math so you don’t have to! Check our ever-so-clever calculator to run your numbers.
4/4/202320 minutes, 7 seconds
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The biggest lesson I learned (again) this year

3 things birthdays are good for: Eating ALL the cake. Drinking something with bubbles. Reflecting on the previous 12 months (With bubbles in hand, obvs.) Here’s what I learned during this year’s birthday self-reflection: there’s ONE business lesson that I keep circling back to because: It’s so damn vital to running a successful business AND… I seem to keep forgetting it! Want to know what it is? Hit play on this week’s pod to find out. Want more? Want to learn 3 simple ways to double your marketing business — without new clients. Yeah, you do! Here’s the link you need for a replay of this super-popular masterclass. Wondering how much money a funnel could really make you? We’ve done the math so you don’t have to! Check our ever-so-clever calculator to run your numbers.
3/28/20239 minutes, 16 seconds
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3 things you need to track if you are trying to scale

Tracking metrics. We know it’s up there with doing your taxes and dealing with that one client that drives you crazy (yes, Sheila, I AM talking about you...) on the Things You’d Rather Avoid list. But here’s the thing about metrics: Tracking the right data — and acting on that information once you have it — is the best way to swiftly and efficiently move to the next level of business growth. So if you’re sitting at multiple 6 figures right now and running out of things to try to scale to 7 figures, you’re going to want to tune in to our latest pod episode. Hit play now to learn the 3 things you need to track if you’re trying to scale. Want more? We’ve just launched eCourse Elite, our new high-touch 12-month mentorship program for course creators who want to scale their business to 7 figures in a way that’s sustainable, intentional, profitable, and reliable — and we’d love to see you there. Here’s how to secure your spot. Not quite ready for 7 figures? Hit play on this pod to find out how to make 6 figures building sales funnels for your clients.
3/21/202316 minutes, 36 seconds
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The biggest mistakes people make trying to scale to 7 figures

You knew scaling to 7 figures wouldn’t be exactly easy. But c’mon, you know how to hit 6, 7 can’t be that far away, right? (Insert 800 sobbing emojis.) So what gives? Cards on the table: you’re probably making one of these suuuuper common mistakes… Hit play on this week’s pod episode to find out the 5 pitfalls that might be holding you back from 7-figure success. Want more? Want to know exactly what we’ve done in our business to grow from 6 to 7 figures, and how we’ve been helping our clients with the shifts we’ve made too? Join us for our brand new FREE training, the 7-figure Course Formula, where we pull back the curtain on how we pushed through the 6-figure plateau. Ready to double your profit without doubling your workload? Grab your spot on our Hourly Rate to Expert masterclass — perfect for digital freelancers, VAs, and OBMs.
3/14/202315 minutes, 6 seconds
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7 steps to scaling to 7 figures

You’ve been stuck at 6-figures for a long time now. And you’ve iterated. You’ve rewritten your sales page at least 32 times in the last month alone. You’ve tried just about everything you can think of. Still…you’re stuck. Been there! And we know it’s frustrating enough to make you want to pack it all in, move to an off-grid cabin in the wilderness and spend your time foraging for mushrooms and catching squirrels for dinner. Or something. #cottagecore Yes? Then take a deep breath. Step away from the squirrel. And hit play on our latest pod episode! Because this week we’re sharing 7 of the key steps that’ll help you smash through that 6-figure ceiling and finally scale to 7 figures. Want more?  Loved this episode, and want to dig even deeper into what it takes to create a 7-figure business? Save a spot on our upcoming FREE live masterclass, 7-Figure Course Formula. We’re pulling back the curtain on everything we did to move from 6 figures to 7, and talking about how we’re using the same shifts and systems to help clients scale to 7 figures really quickly too. See you there! Want to know more about how we created a lean, mean, evergreen sales machine? Find out more in this free webinar!
3/7/202314 minutes, 49 seconds
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The 5 minute exercise to become a dream client magnet

Picture it: Every DM, every email inquiry, every sales call…just so happens to be from EXACTLY the type of client you love to work with. Exactly the type of client you KNOW will get the best results from working with you. So what gives? Is it those new headshots of you sipping cappuccino out of a gigantic mug in a bougie coffeehouse? Those networking events you did a gazillion years ago finally bearing fruit? Maybe it’s all that manifesting you’ve been doing? Or…it’s because you’ve done the super quick exercise I’m sharing in this week’s pod episode! Yup, definitely that last one. Because this 5-minute exercise isn’t just quick, it’s spooky-good at helping you become a magnet for your dream clients. Want to know how it’s done? Hit play on the pod to find out. Want more? Want to attract even more of the people you can help best — without sales calls or stressful launches? Check out our Evergreen Sales Machine, and learn how to attract more of your dream client every week. Fancy being fully booked? No brainer, right? Find out how to make it happen in this FREE guide.
2/28/20238 minutes, 13 seconds
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3 things to simplify NOW to make more sales this year

The good thing about having been in business for a while? You start to feel like you know what you’re doing. The downside? With every year that goes by, your business gets more complicated. You know what it’s like. Everyone’s offering X as a lead magnet, so you figure you’ll do something similar. Shiny object syndrome kicks in every so often and your inner magpie has created a bunch of different offers for different audiences. And so on… By now, you’ve got a bunch of stuff running in the background, much of it held together by sticky tape and even more of it forgotten completely. We mean have you ever had a sale come through from a program you haven’t launched in three years and thought “Janet, how the hell did you find that!” If this is ringing all sorts of bells, you’ll love our latest pod where we look at 3 things you can simplify in your business right now to make life easier — and help you increase your sales. It’s a double whammy! Catch it here. Want more? Stuck in a stress spiral of constant launches and want to simplify your sales process. You know a funnel makes sense! Find out here how much a funnel could make you with our funnel calculator Want to learn a simpler way of creating successful courses? Then you’ll love eCourse Empire. Applications are closing next week — click here to reserve your spot.
2/21/20239 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to make your launches profitable BEFORE they start!

How to Make Your Launches Profitable Before They Start It’s a total rush: opening your inbox and finding a flurry of sales for your new launch. Then reality hits. It’s going to take at least another few days of consistent sales before you break even on what you’ve already spent on marketing your launch. Profit is still a long way away, baby! But it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right strategies, you can make bank before your cart even opens. For realsies. And that’s what we’re talking about in this pod episode. It’s perfect for you if you’re thinking of launching a course and already starting to sweat about how much you’ll have to spend on marketing. Oh, and if you want to learn more about how we do launching here at HelloFunnels (hint: debt and constant launching are NOT it), check out our free 90-minute coaching workshop. Click here to save your seat. Want more? What if every morning could feel like cart open day — without the stress of the launch? Check out our monthly webinar, Evergreen Sales Machine, and learn how to sell 5+ programs every week. Want to learn the smart, sustainable, non-stressful way to create (and sell) successful courses? You’ll love eCourse Empire! Applications are closing super soon so click here to reserve your spot.
2/14/202312 minutes, 4 seconds
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3 Questions You Need to Ask Your Customers

Quick question for you: When was the last time you did a customer survey? If your answer is “Well, it’s been a while…”, “Um, I meant to do one last year”, or (and I’m clutching my pearls now) “Never” — you’re going to want to see what I’ve got for you on this week’s pod episode. Because customer surveys are like a health check for your program or course. They can alert you to current problems or give you a heads-up on potential problems further down the road. Commit to doing them regularly, and you’ll get your diagnosis while the chances of recovery are still excellent. Want to know more about conducting effective customer surveys? Hit play on the pod and discover the 3 questions you definitely need to be asking your customers. Want More? Want to learn more about creating courses that always get amazing feedback on customer surveys? We’re currently filling slots for our next cohort of eCourse Empire — find out more here. Would you like to be fully booked? Um, who wouldn’t? Click here to get our free Fully Booked guide and let’s make it happen!
2/7/202310 minutes, 23 seconds
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3 ways to ditch sales calls

If you love making sales calls — let me save you some time. This one probably isn’t for you. But if you’re like the other 99% of the business-owning population, and would legit rather spend an hour doing your taxes or having a pap smear than making a sales call, you’re in the right place. In this latest episode, we’re sharing 3 alternatives that will allow you to ditch those sales calls, save you a bunch of time, and help you smash your annual sales figures. And if you love the idea of tip number 3, we’ve got something that will help you level up your business in a way that 100% works for how you like to run your show. Check it out here.   Want More? Want a consistently full pipeline? Download our free guide Fully Booked — and stop worrying about where the next client is going to come from.  Or how about turning your business into an Evergreen Sales Machine? Learn how with our free, live 90-minute coaching session called, appropriately enough, Evergreen Sales Machine. Details here.
1/31/202310 minutes, 24 seconds
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5 Biggest mistakes people make when launching their first course

A lot of people are super burnt out on courses — and for good reason!    The truth is, most of the teaching out there about how to create, market, fill, and run a course just isn’t very… umm… good.    So it’s no surprise that we see people doing some kind of shady (or straight up silly) things with courses.   Join us this week to learn about the 5 biggest mistakes people make when launching their first course. It’s perfect for you if you’re thinking about launching a course (or figuring out why a former course flopped!)   Oh and while we’re talking courses — you know that eCourse Empire can help you create and sell 6-figure courses without feeling like you’re pushing a thousand boulders up a thousand hills, right?   Applications for this cohort close THIS FRIDAY, so if you’re ready to learn how to do courses right, be sure to check it out here. Want more?  Can you really make 6 figs with a funnel? Let’s find out! Click here to use our Funnel Calculator and see how much money you can make.  In a more nuts and bolts kind of mood? Check out our pod on how to choose the best course platform for you! Want to learn a smart, sustainable way to reliably create successful courses? eCourse Empire is for you! Applications are closing this Friday, so click here to reserve your spot!
1/24/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to QUIT launching (but still sell more!)

Real talk: launching sucks.   (It’s not just you!)   The way most people are taught to launch is a death spiral of doom, and we’re not exaggerating — it’s built on this model that requires you to basically always be in debt to your next launch, and means you’re riding this constant wheel of stress and exhaustion.   There’s a better way though. And that’s what we’re talking about in this episode.    Join us to hear why we decided to quit launching in 2022 — and how you can actually make a lot more $$$ if you join us in trading out live launching for evergreen launching.   And if you have a listen and just have to learn how to do this for yourself, check out eCourse Empire!    In it we teach you proven strategies for creating and selling courses with ease.   (How much nicer does that sound than the launch spiral of doom??)   Want More? Want to know more about how we created a lean, mean, evergreen sales machine? Find out more in this free webinar!  Wish you never had to launch again? It’s possible! Check out our Quit Launching Planner here and let’s make it happen :) We’re currently filling spots for our next cohort of eCourse Empire, so go check it out. Applications close next week, so if you’re planning on launching (or relaunching) a course any time in Q1, you’re going to want to be a part of it.
1/17/202313 minutes, 32 seconds
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Could you earn 6-Figures building funnels for your clients?

Quick question: did you get into online service work to spend 800,000 hours a week doing boring (unpaid) Canva revisions … or did you get into it to have the freedom to work how and when you choose, and earn a good living doing so?   Obvs, the second one.   But if you’re finding yourself stuck doing scutwork and looking to level up, this pod is for you.   In it, we walk through the *exact* steps + numbers that go into making a 6-figure business for yourself … and how you can start doing that for clients.   And btw, if you’re interested in diving deep into this and getting hands-on training and support, we’ve got you covered.   Funnel Pro is designed specifically for service-based entrepreneurs like you who want to skill-up, level-up, and smash your business goals so you can spend your time doing things you really care about (and making bags of cash doing so!)   Applications are closing this week … so if you’re curious, now’s the time to check it out!   Click here for more info.   Want more? Curious about the nitty gritty numbers of funnel-building? Join me for a FREE premium pricing workshop where we deep-dive into pricing, targeting, and all that good stuff. Click here to jump in! Would you like to be fully booked? Of course you would. Click here to get our Fully Booked guide and let’s make it happen!
1/10/202311 minutes, 25 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #5 - My favourite part of the planning process! (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2022 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
1/5/202310 minutes, 11 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #4 - It‘s all about holes + habits! (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2023 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
1/4/202315 minutes, 13 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #3 - Make those goals into plans! (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2023 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
1/3/202310 minutes, 36 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #2 - How to set goals that WORK (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2023 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
1/2/202315 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Plan Your Epic Year - Part #1 - The REAL numbers you need (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2023 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
1/1/202313 minutes, 27 seconds
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Best of 2022 - No offer and no list? Here’s your 6-month action plan to fix both!

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Your very next steps to grow your list + get momentum, (+ in which order!) Our recommended content plan to build upon for your business… Our fave types of FREE list-building options   When you’re trying to grow your business and get some momentum happening in order to grow your business, you need the right steps, and in the right order. AKA: An action plan.    …So! We’re starting a new series on the “Action Plan” for the 5 places I see people get stuck growing their business.    And because each one of these needs a different plan to get UNSTUCK and move forward, over the next couple of episodes I’m going to go through these stages step-by-step. So no matter what stage of business you’re in, you’ll know exactly what you need to be doing and focusing on. No overwhelm allowed.    Today we're looking at stage 1: ground zero. We're talking to the people who have no email list and no offer.    And if you love this episode and our action plan for you and you just want some more support,  that’s exactly what eCourse Empire is for! The amount of incredible baked-in, step-by-step support is something I’m so, so proud of. You’ll freaking love it. And we’ll be so excited to support you in this part of your business journey…  Want More? Want help creating your own online course? Click here to apply for eCourse Empire today! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
12/28/202232 minutes, 11 seconds
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Best of 2022 - Q: Do I really need to do social media in 2022???

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The answer to the big Q: do I really need social media in 2022 Questions to help you navigate content creation in a way that works for you and your audience What we’re going to be doing with social media moving forward…   Do you really need social media in 2022?   That’s the question a LOT of people are asking themselves. Are you? Maybe you’re feeling like social media is a bit like a bad boyfriend that you’re just trying to keep happy…   …but getting nothing in return?   Or maybe you are worried about the political, social and even moral implications of using certain platforms. If so, then this episode is for you! It’s a Q+A style, where I take you through some questions to work out what’s going to make sense for you, your business and your audience.    If you’re ready to break up with social media, give this a listen first.    Want More? Want help creating your own online course? Click here to apply for eCourse Empire today! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
12/26/202217 minutes, 14 seconds
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Best of 2022 - 3 ways a $27 can help you sell more courses

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: What a Mini-But-Mighty offer is and how it works to help you sell more courses. Three different strategies that you can apply to a $27 offer in your own business. You’ll also have the chance to join our Funnel Fuel waitlist and unlock bonuses, plus the chance to win the course for free + a cash prize!    In this episode, we’re looking at 3 ways that a small offer (or what we call a Mini-But-Mighty offer) can help you sell more of your higher-ticket courses…   We’ve seen it work live-action in our own business and with our eCourse Empire members, over and over again…   And now that our Funnel Fuel VIP waitlist just opened, you’ll be able to see it work in your own business if you join!!   Funnel Fuel is the program that will give you my exact process in a simple, step-by-step program, (full of plug + play templates!) to help you to create, launch and start making sales from your own Mini-But-Mighty funnel…   So you can finally grow your business as fast as you want!    Why join the VIP waitlist?   Firstly, it’s the only way to actually get access to Funnel Fuel as it's only available to our eCourse Empire members.    Plus, when you join the list, you’ll unlock… An awesome deal for $200 off (so it’s now US$297, normally US$497)!! Over $1700 of exclusive bonuses… AND…  Just to sweeten the deal, if you’re the very first person from the waitlist to join Funnel Fuel when the doors open you’ll get the whole program for FREE + a $500 cash bonus. What are you waiting for?  Jump on the waitlist now!!   Want More? Want help creating your own online course? Click here to apply for eCourse Empire today! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
12/21/202224 minutes, 57 seconds
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Best of 2022 - Are funnels ’toxic marketing’?

Want to know how to sell without being sleazy, pushy or annoying? And how can you use the amazing world of funnels and automation and not be gross? This episode will give you some points to ponder. Toxic marketing. Let’s go there.    In this Episode of Doing it Online: We’re sharing a few guidelines for non-toxic marketing automation…(AKA: how to feel good about how you’re selling.) Plus, we'll look at deadlines and whether or not they should be real in the online world… And we’ll chat about how to sell without the icky, sleazy feelings… (yay!)   The thing is, at the moment there’s a bit of chatter and a lot of people getting mad at what they perceive to be toxic marketing…   So, how do you sell without annoying or offending people? And without feeling gross?   Well, if you’ve got an internal struggle going on about selling (and selling on autopilot especially!) I’m sharing a few thoughts about what I see happening in the online marketing world and also offering some of what is working (and feels good!) for us.   Dive in! Want More? Want help creating your own online course? Click here to apply for eCourse Empire today! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
12/19/202224 minutes, 59 seconds
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Best of 2022 - Are you making this crippling mistake with your course?

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why a cheaper, smaller course is NOT easier or more profitable… 3 steps to creating a high-value, profitable, online course…   So you want to create an online course? And you want it to SELL. So, “I’ll just make a cheap one.” You think. That’ll sell better, right?    Erm… Let’s chat about that in episode #110…    Deciding to create an online course in order to reach more people, and break through the ceiling of 1:1 is a great decision…   However, the problem comes in with the decisions that people make next, in terms of what type of course they create, how they structure and price it.    And if you get those decisions wrong, you’ll find yourself up against some crippling outcomes…   But! You can avoid them all with these 3 steps to creating a high-value program… Want More? Want help creating your own online course? Click here to apply for eCourse Empire today! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
12/14/202224 minutes, 4 seconds
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The 5 Minute End Of Year Review

This week on the podcast I'm sharing a crazy-powerful end of year exercise to help you pinpoint exactly what you need to be focusing on in 2023...   And the best part? It only takes 5 minutes.    Because let’s be honest, at the end of the year, who’s got the energy for more than that?   We don’t want complicated or time-consuming right now, but we do want to be able to reflect on the past year, so we can make some great decisions for the new year ahead.    Which is why we’ve done what we do best and broken the whole ‘end of year review thing’ down, made it easy and something that can be done in just a few minutes.    Plus, we’ve even created a super simple worksheet so you don’t even need to do anything but fill it out!    You can download your free copy right here.    Got that? Great, now let’s get into it…   Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Applications close for the next round on the 27th! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
12/6/202213 minutes, 1 second
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Our Predictions For 2023

I’m dusting off my crystal ball to make some predictions for the online world in 2023!   Including online programs and of course, (our fave thing to chat about here) online marketing.   And sure, there’s a strong chance I’ll regret these predictions in 12 months time, because if the last few years have taught us anything it’s that the world is freaking unpredictable..   …But! There are definitely some big picture trends that I wanted to chat with you about + some things you can start putting in place to make sure 2023 is your best year yet…   So let’s dive into them now!   Enjoy!    Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
11/29/202212 minutes, 49 seconds
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Do you NEED to Black Friday? (And if yes, how do you make the most of it?)

This week we’re talking about the craziness that is all things Black Friday.    Because we love a bargain (especially on tech!) as much as the next person… But, as a coach or course creator is it worth it to include your biz in the Black Friday deals?    And if so, what’s the best way to do it? (Hint: It’s not as simple as slapping a big red dot on your offers.)    How can your small business take part in a way that’s profitable?    Episode #126 gives you the full scoop.  Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Applications close for the next round on the 27th! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
11/22/202212 minutes, 16 seconds
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The secret to making course sales over Christmas

If ‘setting up funnel’ was on your list the whole year…   …and it didn't happen.    Don’t stress, we’ve got you covered.    Yep! Even though it’s already November, there IS still time to whip up a good funnel! (It doesn’t have to take as long as you think.)    And we’re walking through the 7 steps to do exactly that in this episode…    So you can be making sales (on autopilot) over the holidays and instead of stressing over sales you can get back to watching crappy Christmas movies and being with the people you love.   If you do want some extra help with this, we're actually going to be running a special end of year sprint together inside eCourse Empire called Funnel All The Way   4 short weeks… bite-size (tech-friendly) tasks plug ‘n’ play templates for everything you need to FINALLY get your funnel done so you can start making sales over these holidays...   …And holidays after that… and so on.   All you have to do to be a part of it is apply and join us inside eCourse Empire before we kick off on Nov 21st! Want More? Ready to get your funnel freaking DONE in time to make sales for christmas? Join us for our 4-week sprint: Funnel All the Way inside eCourse Empire. Apply + join before Nov 21 to be a part of it! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
11/15/202213 minutes, 21 seconds
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Lead Magnet smackdown - Which one is best?

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why choosing the right lead magnet for your biz is SO important.. The 3 most common mistakes people make when choosing (+ assessing lead magnets.)  The most common types of lead magnets + the pros/cons of each…   There are so many different types of lead magnets to choose from to help you grow your list, but they’re not all created equal.   Choosing the right one to build your list with (in line with your goals + offers) is so important because that one innocent lead magnet is going to impact the audience you attract…   …and then in turn your results and sales.   So, it’s important to know what your options are, and then cross-check them with your goals, as well as knowing what to look for as you track their performance.    We give you everything you need to do that in this episode, so give it a listen and let us know how you go!    Want More? Something exciting is coming soon for members inside eCourse Empire! Sharing details next week, but why wait to be a part of our fam? Apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
11/8/202220 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to choose the best course platform for you

Did you know choosing the right course tech and getting those pieces set up in your business properly will not only make your life infinitely easier…   …But your client’s experience will be infinitely better too.    And because there’s a million and twelve course-building platforms to choose from and new shiny ones popping up every second day, it’s so hard to know which one is right for you, your course and your business…   Which is why we got all nerdy over courseware on the podcast this week, where we talked about which platforms are great for what (+ why) and are helping you decide which one is right for you…   So now you can make an informed decision and get your course off to an amazing start. (Without having to sign up for a million free trials and spending 3 days unsubscribing from them all again. Anyone?)   So, let’s dive in…   Want More? Something exciting is coming soon for members inside eCourse Empire! Sharing details next week, but why wait to be a part of our fam? Apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
11/1/202215 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Spring clean your biz

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How to hold your very own ‘Momentum Session’ and claim back some critical CEO time… Where to find 5 free hours each week… Choosing a meaningful end of year goal for your biz…   On the podcast this week we’re looking at 3 ways to Spring clean your business.    Because yep, we’re in Australia so everything is weird and backwards.    But, whether you’re in Pumpkin Spice Latte season or you’re here in The Upside Down with us (IYKNK), it’s still so important to stop and take a moment, dust off some old goals and make the most of these last couple of months…   Let’s dive in, it’s time to revisit and reset old goals, free up your time and get the momentum you and your business need…   Want More? Applications closing on the 27th  for the next intake of eCourse Empire! Quick - get yours in here. Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply now
10/25/202211 minutes, 36 seconds
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Multiple Products Mayhem (How many offers is too many?)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How many offers we recommend while you’re trying to grow your business… Why ascension offers aren’t the answer… Common mistakes people make when adding offers to their business and trying to boost their growth…   When you have an offer that sells easily.. And reliably (as in, whenever you promote it, there are people waiting for it and excited to jump in), it is going to be so much easier to grow and scale your business #facts.   So, how do you get an amazing offer like this?    And if you get one should you have then have two? (Two has to be better than one, right?)    Or three? Or more? Or less?   How many offers do you need to grow your business?   Well, don’t ask the internet (or do but be warned), because there’s a multiverse of opinions on this.    But you’re here, and this is our podcast, so we’re going to give you ours… Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Applications close for the next round on the 27th! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
10/18/202217 minutes, 23 seconds
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Can you over-deliver with your free stuff? (Encore)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The answer to the question: can you over-deliver on your free content? How to add more value to your offers and blow your audience away. (That’s a good thing.)   If you’ve ever been afraid about how much content you can give away for free...then this episode of the Doing It Online podcast is for you.   We’ve been taught for a while now that there’s a super delicate balance we all need to meet… we have to give away just enough content to entice people and show them we know our stuff…   ...but not too much that they won’t want to buy with us…   But, is that actually true?   And how do we know how much is too much? Can we actually find that balance? Or is it a mythical quest like finding a unicorn or a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?   Well, I’m giving you the goods in this episode and let me tell you…   If you don’t feel empowered and free after listening...then you listened to the wrong episode.   Want More? Want the exact worksheets we give our clients in eCourse Empire to help them map out and create amazing high value courses that their students absolutely love? Snap them up for FREE here.  Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
10/11/202226 minutes, 12 seconds
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3 things I stopped caring about this year (that helped grow my business)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How a shift in focus away from launching has actually increased our conversions… The impact a pretty Instagram grid has on the success of our business… What we’ve done to help increase meaningful conversations with our audience…   This week on the podcast I’m taking you behind the scenes (or really into my brain) and sharing 3 things that I’ve stopped caring about this year…   …and how doing so has actually helped grow our business. (The second one still hurts a bit, but it was necessary!)    It’s short, sassy (not sweet) + might help you let go of a couple of things that aren’t serving you either...  Want More? Want the exact worksheets we give our clients in eCourse Empire to help them map out and create amazing high value courses that their students absolutely love? Snap them up for FREE here.  Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
10/4/202211 minutes, 32 seconds
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Cohort vs Evergreen - Which is Best for Your Course?

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The difference between evergreen + live courses + how to know which one is right for you and your specific program… The top 3 most common mistakes people make when creating their online courses… The chance to nab a brand new freebie! (You’re welcome already.)    This week we’re taking a big crunchy bite into one of the biggest decisions you'll need to make when creating your course...    The big Q: Live or evergreen?   Which one is going to be best for you + your clients? There's a lot to consider with this one simple question.  And while nothing is set in stone, and you can change your program down the track if you need to, (Yay for being the boss!), it is so much easier if you can get it set up right from the start. And that’s exactly what this episode is here to help you with! It’s a juicy one! Enjoy!    Want More? Want the exact worksheets we give our clients in eCourse Empire to help them map out and create amazing high-value courses that their students absolutely love? Snap them up for FREE here. Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
9/27/202218 minutes, 6 seconds
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5 Simple ways to scale your program support (without losing the personal touch)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Common mistakes to avoid when scaling your program… 5 simple ways to scale your program support (while still keeping it personal + human)... How to design + set up your support model in a sustainable way from the beginning…   You want to serve MORE people and make MORE sales, but you also want to make sure every single one of your clients gets incredible, personal support as your course grows…   Right?   Oh, and it also needs to be sustainable (+ enjoyable) for you and your team to deliver…    Are you asking for too much? No way!    In this episode, we’ll look at 5 simple ways you can add scalable support to your program, without losing the human, personal feel and being manageable for you, whether you have 5 clients or 500.    Want More? Apply for eCourse Empire before the 27th to join in our new bonus training to turn your one-to-one offer, or self-study course into an amazing premium program! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
9/20/202221 minutes, 31 seconds
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3 Reasons Your Funnel Flopped

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 3 mistakes to avoid if you haven’t built your funnel yet, OR 3 reasons why your funnel isn’t working as well as you’d like… (Or, it flopped, let’s just call a spade a spade.) Why a working, effective funnel is so damn important. (And why you need one!) 2 action steps you can take TODAY to create the funnel of your dreams!   Why isn’t your funnel working?    Or is it working brilliantly and you just don’t know what you’re looking for?    Funnels are powerful (even magical?) but they’re also tricky to get right if you’re not sure what you’re doing!    So, in this episode let’s look at 3 reasons why your funnel flopped…   And what you can do about it! So your funnel can do what it was created to do: bring you sales regularly, reliably every single week.    Want More? Join me for Evergreen Sales Machine, a free, LIVE 90-min group coaching session: ‘The Evergreen Machine’ which is all about how to make 5 program sales (minimum) EVERY week, without sales calls or stressful launches! Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Applications close for the next round on Oct 27th! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!)
9/13/202221 minutes, 40 seconds
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Hate sales calls? Try this instead!

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 3-step action plan for getting more sales, without the calls… A bonus tip on how to be a thank you page ninja  The chance to grab a seat at my next FREE 90 min coaching session…   Hate sales calls? This is your permission (you didn’t ask for and don’t actually need) to stop what you’re doing and listen to this episode because…   You don’t need to make calls in order to make sales and your conversions can be even higher without them.    That’s right, there IS another way!     And if hearing that has you fist-pumping the air with excitement, then make sure you join me for Evergreen Sales Machine, a free live 90-min group coaching session, where I’ll walk you through the 3 steps you need to make 5 program sales (minimum) EVERY week, without sales calls or stressful launches!    (Yep, even if you have a premium offer!)    It’s LIVE, it’s FREE and I can’t wait to see you there!    Until then, enjoy the episode!  Want More? Join me for Evergreen Sales Machine, a free, LIVE 90-min group coaching session: ‘The Evergreen Machine’ which is all about how to make 5 program sales (minimum) EVERY week, without sales calls or stressful launches! Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Applications close for the next round on Oct 27th! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!)
9/6/202219 minutes, 15 seconds
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Is Circle a better Facebook alternative for your online community?

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why you might want to look for an alternative to Facebook for your online groups… What we discovered about Circle: what didn’t work, what did and what might suit you...   We’ve got a ‘Tech Tryout’ episode for you today! Where we have a play around with some new tech and then give you the pros, and the cons and help you decide if it’s something you want to try out in your own business.    And today we’re looking at Circle, which is a Facebook alternative for your online community.  Want More? Course creator or course creator to be? Join us in eCourse Empire! Applications close for the next round on Sep 27th!  Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now! Come say hi to us on Instagram! Let us know which of these ideas you love + will be implementing. We love hearing from you!
8/30/202213 minutes, 8 seconds
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3 simple tweaks to sell well in a c**p economy…

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The most common mistakes people make when the economy freezes (+ how to avoid them!) How a small adjustment to your pricing can have a big impact on your sales! The difference between a refund policy and a guarantee and which one is going to help your business AND your potential buyers…   Is it possible to sell well in a weak economy?    We say yes!    And this episode is bringing you 3 simple things you can do that won’t mean starting from scratch or cost you precious hours. We’re talking small, simple and effective tweaks to make more sales in a c**p economy.    (While staying in integrity. Of course and always.)    Enjoy the episode!  Want More? Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now! Applications close 2nd September AEST + we’re only taking the first 25 successful applicants! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Come say hi to us on Instagram! Let us know which of these ideas you love + will be implementing. We love hearing from you!
8/23/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
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3 ways to raise your prices (& how to when it’s the right time…)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: A practical way to know if your market is ready for a price rise… How to test a new price before you commit to it… 3 unique approaches to raising your rates or prices…   The chances are, it’s probably time your prices got an upgrade. Especially if you’re a service provider, you need to be raising your rates at least once a year, so in this episode we’ll look at 3 ways to do just that.    No matter how you are packaging up your expertise and your time, the following applies to both online course prices and even service providers and their offerings…    So, let’s dive in! Want More? Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Want to create, scale + automate your own 6-figure online course? Hop on the waitlist for eCourse Empire to be the first to know when the doors open again!
8/16/202219 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to ”fake” a 7-figure team on a teeny budget

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The team member that’ll pay you back thousands of times throughout your biz… Amazing ideas to help you get some time back so you can work ON your business, instead of just in it…   You need a team for your online business, but you also need it on a budget? No problem! We’ve got some finance-friendly ideas to help you “fake”a 7-figure team so you can spend time actually growing your business and afford one for real.    They may not be as cost-effective as a full-time VA, but they can take a few things off your plate which might be just what you need so you can reinvest that time back into your business and grow…   …and then eventually hire the team of your dreams.    Tools mentioned   Moxie Copywriting Automation Agency  AdEspresso Content Crop Canva eCourse Empire    Want More? Want to turn your 1:1’s into a high-value course? Applications for eCourse Empire close today! Quick, get your skates on! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Funnel-builder or Funnel-builder to be? Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
8/9/202214 minutes, 21 seconds
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Are you making this crippling mistake with your course?

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why a cheaper, smaller course is NOT easier or more profitable… 3 steps to creating a high-value, profitable, online course…   So you want to create an online course? And you want it to SELL. So, “I’ll just make a cheap one.” You think. That’ll sell better, right?    Erm… Let’s chat about that in episode #110…    Deciding to create an online course in order to reach more people, and break through the ceiling of 1:1 is a great decision…   However, the problem comes in with the decisions that people make next, in terms of what type of course they create, how they structure and price it.    And if you get those decisions wrong, you’ll find yourself up against some crippling outcomes…   But! You can avoid them all with these 3 steps to creating a high-value program… Want More? Want to turn your 1:1’s into a high-value course? Join us in eCourse Empire for our special bonus training on this next month! Applications close 10th August. (Aussie time.) Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Funnel-builder or Funnel-builder to be? Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
8/2/202224 minutes, 4 seconds
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3 unusual ways a course can help grow your business

In this Episode of Doing it Online: How an online course can help you grow your list (in a BIG way!) Get ready to uplevel your 1:1 services with an online course…   …and more!   In today’s episode, we’re looking at 3 unusual ways that an online course can help you make more money, and have a bigger impact…   …and grow your business!   And not just in the all-in, take over your entire business kind of way…   Because once your course is created, it becomes an asset that can slot into your business growth strategy in a number of ways.   So let’s dive in!   Want More? eCourse Empire doors are OPEN for a limited time only! Don’t miss out! Click here to apply now! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
7/26/202211 minutes, 13 seconds
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6 Proven strategies to sell more courses in 2022

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 6 simple and proven strategies for selling more online courses… How to add urgency to your offers to help people get out of their own way… A 2-min hack that can make a massive difference to your sales this year!   You need some simple and proven marketing strategies if you want to make more sales of your online course than ever this year! And in this episode, I’m giving you 6 strategies to choose from…   And if you’d rather just sit down with me and map out a marketing plan for your biz together then you need to join 6-Figure School…   Over the 6 days of epic training, we’ll literally sit down and map out a plan for your 6, or even 7-figure course sales and marketing plan for the next 12 months...    And I’ll be there, LIVE to answer all your questions.     It’s value-packed, and will make a huge impact on your business. Tickets are only $66, but the doors are only open for a few more days, so get your skates on!   Want More? Snap up your ticket to the 6-Figure School workshop right here and join me LIVE for 6 epic days of training! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now! 
7/19/202218 minutes, 56 seconds
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Stop doing these things if you want a 6-figure course…

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 5 things you absolutely need to STOP doing if you want to scale up your online course to 6-figures (+beyond!)... Why slashing your prices isn’t the answer to making more sales… What you need to START putting in place to keep you on track for your 6-figure+ goals…   An amazing new episode AND exciting news today because…   …Our much raved about 6-Figure School is back and the doors are OPEN! All the details are here and for a limited time only you can snap up your ticket for 50% and only pay $33!    Once you’ve done that, tune in to this episode, we’re I’ll take you through 5 things you need to stop doing if you want to scale up your online course to 6-figures and beyond.   We’ve all made these mistakes, sometimes more than once. And if you don’t catch them and make some adjustments, they’re holding you and your biz back… Want More? Snap up your ticket to the 6-Figure School workshop right here and get 50% off! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
7/12/202219 minutes, 33 seconds
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Are funnels ”toxic marketing”?

Want to know how to sell without being sleazy, pushy or annoying? And how can you use the amazing world of funnels and automation and not be gross? This episode will give you some points to ponder. Toxic marketing. Let’s go there.    In this Episode of Doing it Online: We’re sharing a few guidelines for non-toxic marketing automation…(AKA: how to feel good about how you’re selling.) Plus, we'll look at deadlines and whether or not they should be real in the online world… And we’ll chat about how to sell without the icky, sleazy feelings… (yay!)   The thing is, at the moment there’s a bit of chatter and a lot of people getting mad at what they perceive to be toxic marketing…   So, how do you sell without annoying or offending people? And without feeling gross?   Well, if you’ve got an internal struggle going on about selling (and selling on autopilot especially!) I’m sharing a few thoughts about what I see happening in the online marketing world and also offering some of what is working (and feels good!) for us.   Dive in! Want More? Want help creating your own online course? Click here to apply for eCourse Empire today! Feeling stuck? Take our FREE quiz now and get a customised action plan to grow your course! (Worth $97!) Spots are filling up fast for our next Funnel Pro cohort! Click here to apply + save your spot now!
7/5/202224 minutes, 59 seconds
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New ”shortcuts” for creating a successful course

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How to leverage your expertise without the heavy-lifting of online course creation… The top new shortcuts that are trending right now in the online course world… My fave ideas right now for easy and consistent revenue (outside of funnels + creating your own course!)    So you think you want to create an online course?   (Yes, you do, trust me you do.) In fact, if I’m not talking about funnels, you’ll probably find me raving about how amazing, biz-changing and life-changing having an online course is…   But the dark side of these bad boys is that they are mega-time consuming.   Guess what, though…there are a few options for an easier way to create a successful online course that brings in all the amazing benefits, (reach more people, more revenue etc) but with WAY less stress and time. And today, we’re looking at a few of those alternatives, (or shortcuts) to do exactly that!   So, if you’ve ever asked yourself: isn’t there an easier way to create an online course AND still make it profitable? This episode has a few specific ideas for you (still sleaze-free) that’ll make your online course creation life so much easier…   It’s a must-listen.  Want More? Want help creating your own online course? Click here to apply for eCourse Empire today! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/28/202216 minutes, 11 seconds
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Ultimate beginners guide to list building (Encore Episode)

As much as I love nerding out on the more advanced stuff, the thing is, you don’t get to enjoy that kind of advanced nerdiness unless you’ve got some of the basics in place.    And in this week’s episode of The Doing it Online Podcast, we take things back to the start and zone in on everything ‘list building.’    A lot of people that jump into our eCourse Empire program are right at the start of their journey, so, I’ve put together a bunch of questions I get asked on repeat. But essentially, it all comes down to one question:    ‘How do I grow my list?’    So, think of this as an Ultimate Guide — Q + A style.    If you’re in the beginning phase or the re-starting phase or the “oh shit, I really should get around to that whole list-building caper” phase, this is for you… Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: What open rate you want to be aiming for + how to improve it The difference between a quantity vs quality methods for growing your list + when to use them Plus, my fave tools for list building    (And MORE - this episode covers a lot of ground.)     Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/21/202226 minutes, 50 seconds
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3 ways a $27 can help you sell more courses

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: What a Mini-But-Mighty offer is and how it works to help you sell more courses. Three different strategies that you can apply to a $27 offer in your own business. You’ll also have the chance to join our Funnel Fuel waitlist and unlock bonuses, plus the chance to win the course for free + a cash prize!    In this episode, we’re looking at 3 ways that a small offer (or what we call a Mini-But-Mighty offer) can help you sell more of your higher-ticket courses…   We’ve seen it work live-action in our own business and with our eCourse Empire members, over and over again…   And now that our Funnel Fuel VIP waitlist just opened, you’ll be able to see it work in your own business if you join!!   Funnel Fuel is the program that will give you my exact process in a simple, step-by-step program, (full of plug + play templates!) to help you to create, launch and start making sales from your own Mini-But-Mighty funnel…   So you can finally grow your business as fast as you want!    Why join the VIP waitlist?   Firstly, it’s the only way to actually get access to Funnel Fuel as it's only available to our eCourse Empire members.    Plus, when you join the list, you’ll unlock… An awesome deal for $200 off (so it’s now US$297, normally US$497)!! Over $1700 of exclusive bonuses… AND…  Just to sweeten the deal, if you’re the very first person from the waitlist to join Funnel Fuel when the doors open you’ll get the whole program for FREE + a $500 cash bonus. What are you waiting for?  Jump on the waitlist now!!   Want More? Want to makeJoin the Funnel Fuel VIP waitlist by June 22nd, 8am AEST to unlock bonuses and the chance to win the whole program for free AND a cash prize! All the details are here: Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/14/202224 minutes, 57 seconds
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”How the heck do you launch an online course in 2022” - Part 4

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The most commonly made mistakes to avoid in your first-ever launch… Our fave strategy for a successful (+ fun!) launch…  #1 thing we do NOT recommend when first launching your offer…   This is the final segment of our four-part mini-series!    Over these 4 episodes, we’ve stepped you through everything you need to know to create and launch an amazing and highly profitable program in 2022…   It’s basically been a condensed version of one of the projects we have inside eCourse Empire…(minus all the support, worksheets etc, but it’s still going to give you lots of great info to get you started!)     So far we’ve narrowed down your ideas, the best delivery format for you and your audience, how to price it…   And in this episode we’re looking at the final puzzle piece: launching.    I’m going to share with you what we recommend for a first launch, as well as some common mistakes (and what to do instead), so that your first launch is as successful as humanly possible.    Jump on in!   Want More? Want some help creating, launching, automating and scaling your own online course? Check out eCourse Empire, we’d love to have you! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/7/202221 minutes, 23 seconds
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”How the heck do you launch an online course in 2022” - Part 3

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How to sense-check your pricing to make sure you’re on track for hitting your business goals… How to get the balance right between value and price… Why lowering your prices isn’t the right answer for more sales. (And why increasing your prices isn’t it either!)    How the heck do you launch an online course in 2022? (PART 3!)   Great question! In fact, we love it so much we’re kicking off a new series just to answer it!    Over the next few episodes, we’re going to get our practical hats on (as you know I love to do) and I’m going to walk you through the process of how to launch your own online course…    Step by step.    It’s basically a condensed version of one of the projects we have inside eCourse Empire…(minus all the support, worksheets etc, but it’s still going to give you lots of great info to get you started!)     So far in this series we’ve narrowed down your ideas, we’ve looked at what format is best for your program, and now, in part 3, we’re looking at how to price your program. The juicy stuff.    There’s lots of layers to this and it’s critical to get it right, so I help you break it all down.    Jump on in!   Want More? Want some help creating, launching, automating and scaling your own online course? Check out eCourse Empire, we’d love to have you! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/31/202220 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Best Ever Biz + Life Advice…

In this Episode of Doing it Online: We're celebrating 100 episodes of Doing it Online! You’ll hear our fave pieces of biz + life advice, love from Team Hello Funnels   Episode one freaking hundred.    You know we had to celebrate this awesome milestone, right? That’s right, we want to collaborate with you in creating something super special (+ useful!)   So, we’re curating a beautiful new guide on ‘The Best Ever Advice’ to be available (+ free!) for everyone to download.    We’re talking the most useful, business and life-changing nuggets of gold.    My team and I are sharing our fave pieces of life-changing, biz-changing advice… Want More? Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/24/202212 minutes
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”How the heck do you launch an online course in 2022” - Part 2

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: We’ll go through the pros + cons of the different program formats… How to work out which format is the best one for you, your client + your business…   How the heck do you launch an online course in 2022?  (PART 2!)   Great question! In fact, we love it so much we’re kicking off a new series just to answer it!    Over the next few episodes we’re going to get our practical hats on (as you know I love to do) and I’m going to walk you through the process of how to launch your own online course…    Step by step.    It’s basically a condensed version of one of the projects we have inside eCourse Empire…(minus all the support, worksheets etc, but it’s still going to give you lots of great info to get you started!)     Last week you narrowed down your course ideas and now in part 2 we’re going to look at putting a plan around your idea and how you can make that amazing for your clients, and makes sense for your business too...    So jump in!   Want More? Want some help creating, launching, automating and scaling your own online course? Check out eCourse Empire, we’d love to have you! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/17/202226 minutes, 21 seconds
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”How the heck do you launch an online course in 2022” - Part 1

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: An exercise to help you narrow down all your ideas and choose the one to build your online course around… How to set yourself up with a course that you’ll love to teach even years down the track…   How the heck do you launch an online course in 2022?    Great question! In fact, we love it so much we’re kicking off a new series just to answer it!    Over the next few episodes, we’re going to get our practical hats on (as you know I love to do) and I’m going to walk you through the process of how to launch your own online course…    Step by step.    It’s basically a condensed version of one of the projects we have inside eCourse Empire…(minus all the support, worksheets etc, but it’s still going to give you lots of great info to get you started!)   And in part 1 I’ve got an exercise for you to help you narrow down and figure out what your online course could be about…   Want More? Want some help creating, launching, automating and scaling your own online course? Check out eCourse Empire, we’d love to have you! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/10/202216 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to avoid the ’Covid Launch Curse’

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 4 ideas for protecting your launches from the unexpected… The number 1 MOST important part of “life-proofing” your launches and your biz…   Hey entrepreneur! Do you have your new badge yet? The one that says “YAY! I’m a REAL entrepreneur now because sh*t hit the fan in the middle of a big launch?”   It could be Covid. It could be that your team or family got sick…   And while the old rite of passage for an online entrepreneur used to be: “My webinar crashed and burned so I must be a REAL entrepreneur now!”    This is the new rite of passage.     And let’s face it, it’s not just covid that can show up during a launch, all kinds of things can happen.    Life just shows up.    And it's made it more clear than ever how much it sucks to rely on a launch, AND for a launch to rely on YOU…   Because “life” happening at launch time, can affect your revenue, your community engagement and customer care, in a really big way…   But don’t stress, because in this episode, we dive into a few ideas to help you “life-proof” your launches! Want More? Click here to apply for eCourse Empire! We’d love to help you create, grow, automate and scale your online course! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/3/202215 minutes, 48 seconds
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Could you 10x your business by BUILDING funnels (and how do you do it)? (Encore Episode)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How you can elevate your business with funnel-building. (We’re talking 10X, not just a $5 pay rise.) How you can avoid the launch-zillas of the internet and be valued for the strategic, highly-skilled expert you are...   Funnels can be kind of addictive, so we totally get that.   But lately, I’ve noticed a trend in questions coming my way. Because I’ve been hearing from a lot of people who’ve loved building their own funnels with us and are thinking of adding funnel-building to their services.    And guess what? Right now, the demand for funnels is growing…   But! There’s this huge gap in the market, of people who can actually step in and build them.    Not just the tech and actually building it, but someone who knows the strategy AND the tech.    Someone who can advise people on the bigger picture, and make that picture happen.    And these people? They’ll be the unicorns of the internet. Or, as we’ve termed them…   ...Funnel Pro’s.    So, not only do we chat together over the pro’s + con’s of becoming a Funnel Pro, but I’m also creating a couple of awesome resources and tools for the Funnel-Pro-Curious out there…    If you want to nab them, then head to and pop in your details and I will send you them all when they’re done!   Want More? Curious about becoming a Funnel Pro? I’m whipping up some awesome free resources for you! Head to and pop in your details and I will send you them all when they’re done! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
4/26/202226 minutes, 42 seconds
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What to look for in a funnel pro (if you are hiring out your funnels)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Your non-negotiables when looking for a funnel-builder… 2 ways to know if your business is even ready for a funnel… Where to find amazing Funnel Pros (that we can vouch for!)...   …And more… So, you’re thinking your business could benefit from a brand new, shiny funnel? (One that actually freaking works.)    But you don’t want to build it? And now you need a funnel-builder… but you don’t want just anyone, you want a unicorn.    Someone who can be a trusted advisor and give you the funnel strategy AND technical execution that makes sense for you, your business and your goals…   So where do you find them? And what are you actually looking for? This episode is for you. I’m walking you through exactly what to look for when hiring a Funnel Pro, where you can go to find them and so many more of your funnel-build questions! Want More? Want to become a Funnel Pro? There are just a couple of spots left in our next cohort of our Funnel Pro Certification Program and we'd love you to join us! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
4/19/202224 minutes, 58 seconds
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3 ways to know you’re ready to BUILD funnels

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 3 ways to know you’re ready to build funnels and uplevel your business… Why your clients might be losing money right now… Your next step for creating amazing funnels if you decide that’s for you… This episode is for the ‘Funnel Curious.’ You’ll know that’s you if you've ever wondered if funnel-building is right for you… Maybe you’ve dabbled in funnel-building, or just thought about it.  How do you know if adding that to your services for your clients will help you grow your business and get where you’re wanting to go? Well, I’ve actually got 3 simple ways to run yourself through a bit of a mental checklist to know for sure. And I’ll walk you through them in Episode 94.    Want More? Get your FREE ticket to our brand new, 3 Day Video Workshop filled with value-packed trainings for funnel-builders and funnel-builders to be! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
4/12/202215 minutes, 35 seconds
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What funnels are REALLY working in 2022

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: What you need to be focusing on when building your own funnels or for others in 2022…(And why funnels are more important than EVER!) How to fix the drop in show up rates for webinars. (We’re giving you 3 ideas to test!) The big mindset shift you’re going to need to adapt to the changes in marketing right now…   Today I’m going to spill the tea on what we’re seeing working (or not working) in funnels right now… As with everything, there’s always trends and things are always changing. And it seems especially in the last few years that the world has been changing rapidly.    So whether you’re creating funnels for yourself, or (more importantly) for others, it’s so critical that you have your finger on the pulse, so you know what is or isn’t working so you and your clients can get the results you’re after.    I’m a big believer that the right funnel, at the right time, done in the right way, is such a powerful life-changing, business-changing tool…   So let’s dive in.    TOOLS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:  Hyros Segmetrics  Want More? Get your FREE ticket to our brand new 3 Day Video Workshop filled with value-packed trainings for funnel-builders and funnel-builders to be! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
4/5/202225 minutes, 55 seconds
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Ask Kate anything

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Our fave tech stack and what we recommend for beginners… My best advice for someone just getting started… How to babyproof your business, when to hire a VA, how to know if a funnel is right for you…   …and MORE…   It’s my birthday this week! Hip hip HOORAY!    So, to celebrate I thought we would do an ‘Ask Kate’ episode.   We asked our lovely community for the burning questions they’d love me to answer, and I've pulled together some of my favourites.   There’s heaps of gold nuggets in this episode!    So without any further fanfare (I’ll save that for all the birthday party celebrations!)    Dive on in… Want More? Apply for the next round of Funnel Pro! We start in May, spots are already filling up! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/29/202221 minutes, 36 seconds
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BIG Lessons from creating our funnel certification program

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Behind the scenes of creating our brand new certification program! Why we chose a certification for Funnel Pro over an online course… What you’ll need to consider if you’re thinking of creating a certification program.   Our first-ever cohort of Funnel Pros graduated from our certification program recently and we are SO proud.    Not just of our wonderful Certified Funnel Pros, but of the program itself.    Funnel Pro is our amazing, brand new 12 week Certification Program and the process to create something as high quality as this, with so much incredible baked-in support, wasn’t an easy feat! And as always, we like to pull back the curtain and walk you through what worked, what didn’t, and how we went about creating a Certification Program…   So, if you’ve thought about creating a certification program or you’re just really curious about what the difference is between an online course and a certification, we’re spilling all the details here.    And if you are looking for someone amazing to come and build your funnels, we have an awesome group of ladies who would absolutely love to help you out! Check out our Funnel Pro directory here.    PLUS! If you’re interested in becoming a Funnel Pro yourself, we’re kicking the next round off again in May. We’ve already booked out about a third of the spots available, so get your application in quickly.   Next round is going to be bigger and better again…   Want More? Apply for the next round of Funnel Pro! We start in May, spots are already filling up! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/22/202225 minutes
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My 3 fave funnels - which will be best for you? (Encore Episode)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My three fave funnels you need in order to create an ecosystem in your business. The purpose they each serve in your business and how you can know which one is right for you.    We’re talking nerdy, my favourite thing to do!   More specifically, we’re talking funnels. I’m going to geek out with you and share my three favourite funnels. (Yes, there’s more than one.)   Most people think that funnels only serve one purpose — to make more sales. But actually, this isn’t the case. And if you have an online business there are actually three different types of funnels you need. Don’t panic - you don’t have to set them all up at once! But when you do have them all up and running it becomes this incredible ecosystem.    As one grows then the next one grows and it comes around and around again. If you’re a nerd like me, it’s quite a beautiful thing to watch.    So that’s what I’m going to walk you through today. Get ready to get nerdy with me.    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/15/202215 minutes, 6 seconds
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Q: Do I really need to do social media in 2022???

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The answer to the big Q: do I really need social media in 2022 Questions to help you navigate content creation in a way that works for you and your audience What we’re going to be doing with social media moving forward…   Do you really need social media in 2022?   That’s the question a LOT of people are asking themselves. Are you? Maybe you’re feeling like social media is a bit like a bad boyfriend that you’re just trying to keep happy…   …but getting nothing in return?   Or maybe you are worried about the political, social and even moral implications of using certain platforms. If so, then this episode is for you! It’s a Q+A style, where I take you through some questions to work out what’s going to make sense for you, your business and your audience.    If you’re ready to break up with social media, give this a listen first.    Want More? Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/8/202217 minutes, 14 seconds
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You’re growing fast, but the wheels are falling off! (Part 5/5)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The backwards way to go forwards in business. (Hint: You’ve got to slow down, to go faster!) How to avoid burning out when you’re enjoying freaking-fast-growth! The 2 main areas you MUST get systemised to get your biz foundations locked in and ready to scale higher…   Welcome to part 5 of our brand new 5 part mini-series, where we’re sharing some of our favourite action plans from inside our eCourse Empire program!   And today, in part 5, we’re talking to people who are growing fast, but they’re finding that the wheels are falling off a bit… or a lot. If this is you, then you’re already kicking ass, you’re hitting that multi 6-figure mark… …But you’re also burning out… …Your to-do list just keeps getting longer, no matter how much you’re working.. …And you just need a freaking break! But you can’t stop… This episode is for you. Your action plan is waiting for you!   Want More? Only a couple of spots left for eCourse empire! Apply here! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/1/202226 minutes, 34 seconds
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Have an offer that sells but can’t seem to scale? (Part 4/5)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Our incredible 6-piece ecosystem that took us over the 7-figure mark and can help you scale BIG! Why getting to the Financial Freedom Checkpoint is a game-changer for your finances AND energy for your next big move…   Welcome to part 4 of our brand new 5 part mini-series, where we’re sharing some of our favourite action plans from inside our eCourse Empire program!   Today we’re talking to people who have an offer that is selling well… …and they’re ready to scale. (BIG!) It's a frustrating place to be. If you’re here then you might be feeling like you’re doing all the right things and now you just need to hit the gas and crank up the gears… …but nothing happens.  But don’t worry! That’s exactly why I’m bringing you the goods in this episode so you can get the momentum and growth you’re after, PROFITABLY and RELIABLY. (Yes, it’s totally possible!) Want More? We’ve got a couple of places left for this intake inside eCourse Empire! Apply here! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
2/23/202220 minutes, 14 seconds
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What to do with an offer that just doesn’t sell! (Part 3/5)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 3 crucial pieces that create a “Hells Yes!” offer… The 2 questions you need to ask yourself if your offer isn’t selling…  Your next steps to get momentum in your sales…   Welcome to part 3 of our brand new 5 part mini-series, where we’re sharing some of our favourite action plans from inside our eCourse Empire program!  Last week we looked at the action plan for people who already have a bit of a following, but don’t have an offer,and today we’re talking to people who have an offer… …but it’s not selling. (Ouch.) If that’s you don’t stress, we’ve broken down your action plan into a couple of questions you can ask yourself to see what the main issue could be. And then have a few simple steps you can follow to get some momentum in your sales.  Want More? We’ve got a couple of places left for this intake inside eCourse Empire! Apply here! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
2/15/202224 minutes, 21 seconds
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You’ve built a following... now what? (Part 2/5)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Our 5-step framework for getting your offer online and selling! A bonus step for people who have never sold online before… (This one is the confidence-booster you need!) How to make sure you test BEFORE you invest in creating your offer…(And how to make sure it SELLS!)   Welcome to part 2 of our brand new 5 part mini-series, where we’re sharing some of our favourite action plans from inside our eCourse Empire program!     People come into this program at all levels, we have people who are just starting out, and people who already have 6-figure businesses and are looking to scale. And we give them an action plan for where they’re at.    And that’s what this series is about!    While we can’t give you all of the extra goodies you get inside the program, like 1:1 feedback, page reviews, strategy, training and more…   …An action plan is an amazing place to start…    This week is for the people who have already built a following, but don’t have a leveraged offer yet.   In this episode I’ll walk you through our 5-step framework for getting your offer online and selling!   Want More? We’ve got a couple of places left for this intake inside eCourse Empire! Apply here! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
2/8/202227 minutes, 2 seconds
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No offer and no list? Here’s your 6-month action plan to fix both! (Part 1/5)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Your very next steps to grow your list + get momentum, (+ in which order!) Our recommended content plan to build upon for your business… Our fave types of FREE list-building options   When you’re trying to grow your business and get some momentum happening in order to grow your business, you need the right steps, and in the right order. AKA: An action plan.    …So! We’re starting a new series on the “Action Plan” for the 5 places I see people get stuck growing their business.    And because each one of these needs a different plan to get UNSTUCK and move forward, over the next couple of episodes I’m going to go through these stages step-by-step. So no matter what stage of business you’re in, you’ll know exactly what you need to be doing and focusing on. No overwhelm allowed.    Today we're looking at stage 1: ground zero. We're talking to the people who have no email list and no offer.    And if you love this episode and our action plan for you and you just want some more support,  that’s exactly what eCourse Empire is for! The amount of incredible baked-in, step-by-step support is something I’m so, so proud of. You’ll freaking love it. And we’ll be so excited to support you in this part of your business journey…  Want More? We’re accepting applications for eCourse Empire now! > Get yours in here
2/1/202232 minutes, 11 seconds
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Q: Stuck at $100k + can’t scale, help!

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 4 key shifts that need to take place in order to break through to the next level of revenue… Why having more than one offer might be holding your sales back… The 3 areas that are a MUST when it comes to systems + automations (to support sales!) in your business…   Last week we talked about why so many people hustle their butts off and never hit 6-figures…    So now let's talk about the next roadblock where we see people get stuck at: The low $100-300K level.    I even got stuck here myself for way too long with a previous business. It’s a weird place to be because you have some success, in fact, you’re probably earning more than you ever have before (although you are keeping very little of it!)…   …But you are definitely not working the laptop life, and it often feels really uncertain and unstable.   Plus you want to grow, but things keep falling flat, right?    You have lots of puzzle pieces... but you don't know how to put the puzzle together.   And that’s what we’re going to give you today. The missing pieces.    But! Before we dive into today's episode I just want to remind you that the doors are OPEN right now for our 6-Figure School! It’s a 6-day LIVE online workshop, and it’s going to be super fun and crazy valuable.  At the end of it you walk away with a customised (to your business) step-by-step plan on how to get amazing results with your online course over the next 12 months. And…it’s just $27 dollars.    We blew people's minds last time we ran this workshop, and we still get people sending us all the amazing results they've gotten.    It all kicks off on Jan 31st Aussie time. So click here to grab your tickets today because you do not want to miss out! Want More? Want access to Want to hang out with me for 6 days + walk away with your own marketing plan for 2022? This is your year to finally crack that 6 figure code! Check out The 6-Figure School here, we kick off Jan 31! Want my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
1/25/202224 minutes, 49 seconds
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3 reasons some people never hit 6 figures

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 3 main reasons why some people never hit 6 figures… (even though they’re hustling HARD!) One of the biggest mistakes people make when starting their business, (that keeps them stuck!) Why you can’t let fear boss you around anymore… (and the importance of mastery!)   In today’s episode, I’m going to dive into 3 of the reasons why some people never hit 6 figures…  Now, I’m not here to say that needs to be everyone’s goal — it doesn’t. And I’m definitely not saying that it’s better to earn one amount over another. I’m talking about the people who want their business to grow and reach more people and scale…   But, no matter how much they’re working, and despite all the blood, sweat and tears they're putting into their business…   Their business stays stuck in no man’s land. Which is a stressful and heartbreaking place to be.    But, I’ve got two pieces of exciting news!   Firstly, this is fixable! (Which is what we’re going to dive into today and why I’ve made this episode.)   And secondly, the doors are OPEN right now for our 6-Figure School!  It’s a 6-day LIVE online workshop, and it’s going to be super fun and crazy valuable.  At the end of it you walk away with a customised (to your business) step-by-step plan on how to get amazing results with your online course over the next 12 months. And…it’s just $27 dollars.    We blew people's minds last time we ran this workshop, and we still get people sending us all the amazing results they've gotten.    It all kicks off on Jan 31st Aussie time. So, enjoy the episode and click here to grab your tickets today! Want More? Want to hang out with me for 6 days + walk away with your own marketing plan for 2022? This is your year to finally crack that 6 figure code! Check out The 6-Figure School here, we kick off Jan 31! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
1/18/202221 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to create a 6-figure course in 2022

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why can't you just choose a yearly income goal out of thin air and hope it works… How to avoid ending up in a successful business that makes you miserable… What your offer needs to have in order to become a ‘Hells Yes!’ offer to your right people…   2022 is the year you’re finally going to crack the 6 figure code with your online course, I just know it.  How can I be so sure? Because right now I’m going to walk you through the 6 (often forgotten!) pillars which are the foundations for creating a successful online course… And if you don’t have them in place, it’s going to be super hard for you to get where you want to go and keep growing…    And the extra awesome news is that we actually go into every single one of these pillars in amazing nerdy depth in our 6-Figure School. It’s a 6 day LIVE online workshop, and it’s going to be super fun and crazy valuable.    At the end of it, you walk away with a customised (to your business) step-by-step plan on how to get all of this happening and bringing you amazing results over the next 12 months. And not just vague, pretty vision board style, we’re talking super freaking practical and break it down into doable steps.    It all kicks off January 31st, Aussie time and tickets are only $27! So grab your ticket and make sure you come along because it’s going to be amazing!   For now, enjoy the episode! Want More? Want to hang out with me for 6 days + walk away with your own marketing plan for 2022? This is your year to finally crack that 6 figure code! Check out The 6-Figure School here, we kick off Jan 31! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
1/11/202220 minutes, 48 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #5 - My favourite part of the planning process! (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2022 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/6/202210 minutes, 11 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #4 - It‘s all about holes + habits! (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2022 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/5/202215 minutes, 13 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #3 - Make those goals into plans! (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2022 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/4/202210 minutes, 36 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #2 - How to set goals that WORK (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2022 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/3/202215 minutes, 19 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #1 - The REAL numbers you need (Encore Episode)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet… Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2022 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans. This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too. You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.  Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/2/202213 minutes, 27 seconds
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My favourite things

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: All the details of our AMAZING nerdy hamper giveaway (+ how to enter!) Which software platforms we use and recommend… The tech I’m nerding out over right now...    ATT: All Nerd Bosses who like to win amazing (+ nerdy) things… This episode is for YOU. I’m channelling some serious Oprah vibes in Episode 75, because not only am I sharing with you my absolute favourite biz-building tech and tools today… ...But I’ve also got a HUGE holiday hamper worth almost $2K up for grabs for one very lucky Nerd Boss out there! Is it going to be YOU? There’s only one way to find out! All you have to do to enter is head to and pop in your details!   You can also share the comp with your biz BFFS if you want extra chances to win. If you want the full scoop on the giveaway AND to find out about all the best tech and tools you could ever want in your biz, (including what we use and why we love it!) then listen in now! Want More? Want to win our HUGE holiday hamper worth $1972? Go to and pop in your details! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
11/30/202123 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mini promos to smash end of year goals

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: A mini self audit to work out what type of ‘end-of-year-entrepreneur you are this year… Some fun and festive (+ quick/easy) ideas to boost your biz at this time… How to get people lining up at your virtual doors to buy your offer...   If you’re looking to show the end of the year who’s boss and smash some business goals…   Have I got the episode for you:    It’s filled with actionable, super practical ideas around ‘bang for your buck’ mini promotions you can run in your business and smash your end of year goals...   So, if you know exactly how many weeks/days/hours are left in the year and you’re ready to squeeze as much out of them as you can...    This episode is the firestarter you need to end 2021 with a big, business KABOOM.    You’re welcome. Get into it.    (Also, let me know if you try any of these! DM us on instagram, we LOVE hearing from you!)   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well! Want more funnel goodies? Head to
11/23/202114 minutes, 24 seconds
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Tripwire VS SLO

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The breakdown of both the Self-Liquidating Offer and Tripwire: who they’re for, when to use them, their objectives... The pros and cons of both... My recommendation for either SLO or Tripwire... (I share my fave option!)   I think it’s time for a good old fashioned smackdown. But the nerdy kind, not the violent kind.    Our opponents: the Self Liquidating Offer and the Tripwire.    See, I’ve had a lot of questions recently about whether I prefer (and would recommend) either a Self-Liquidating Offer (SLO) or a Tripwire…    Now, let’s be clear: they are BOTH a type of ‘Mini-But-Mighty’ offer. (Which is the term we use here at Hello Funnels for this kind of marketing strategy).  And at first glance, their objective appears very similar:    To make your marketing pay for itself (so you can invest even more in your marketing and grow faster without the stress!) But, there are differences...   So! Who are they for? When is the best time to use them? How do you implement them (correctly)?    Let’s break it all down now…   AND! If you want to learn HOW to create BOTH Of these amazing marketing assets for your business in just 5-days?    We show you exactly how inside our Funnel Fuel program…   Now normally, this is JUST for eCourse Empire clients, but we are going to be running a special round of Funnel Fuel very soon! And yes, of course, we’ve sweetened the deal with some amazing discounts and bonuses... But ONLY to the clever cats who jump in now and join the VIP Waitlist (And yes, this is the ONLY way to join Funnel Fuel, it’s normally JUST for our eCourse Empire crew )    This includes... A crazy-amazing discount of $500 off! (Plus, the very first person to join when the VIP doors open, wins a $500 voucher and the course cost back! Over $1200 of other business-boosting bonuses. (You can't get this deal anywhere else!) AND you’ll also get 30-days of eCourse Empire for FREE! Normally worth $299, but actually it's priceless because you get tonnes of hands-on support, 2-3 weekly live calls + feedback, plus access to over $6000 worth of our programs and MORE!   BUT this amazing opportunity is ONLY for people who are ON the Funnel Fuel waitlist!!   >>> Click here to be a part of the waitlist gang and then come back and listen to the episode!
11/16/202120 minutes, 29 seconds
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Double your opt-ins with this simple formula!

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 5 point simple but powerful formula that has our pages converting at 45% and higher! How to craft a killer headline for your opt-in page... Plus not 1 but 2 bonus tips!    One of our superpowers here at Hello Funnels is that we are really, really freaking good at creating high-converting lead magnet pages…   ...And not just for us, but we loan our superpowers to our clients + to help them be freaking good at it as well.    The industry standard for a “good” converting opt-in page is usually 25%.    But for our clients, we get them to aim (+ reach) 35% and above…and for our pages personally, we aim for 45% + higher…   And we usually get it. First go.    So how do we do it? What’s our magic formula? I’ll show you!    So check it out + let us know how you go!  Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
11/9/202114 minutes, 47 seconds
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3 ways to get more people to read your emails!

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How to use the power of emoji’s to help your open rates.. How to avoid ‘click-baiting’ but still grab attention… And other tricks to get your emails opened as much as possible!   We’re talking about email open rates today on The Doing It Online Podcast!    Because, Apple, in their infinite wisdom, has made some updates to tracking…   Now, we get it, it’s to help with privacy etc.    But, the nerds/entrepreneurs in us are all like…”Nooooo!” Because it’s going to make it harder to track things like email open rates. [BOO. HISS.]   This means it may look like your open rates are going to go way down, even if that’s not accurate. The tracking stats are just not going to be as reliable. Which is a bummer. But don’t stress, because even with all these new changes, we’ve got some tips + tweaks for you. 3, in fact. (+ a bonus tip).   Because in this episode, I’m going to walk you through 3 ways to get more people to read your emails!     So, dive on into the episode + let us know if this was helpful! Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
11/2/20219 minutes, 11 seconds
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Have you tried a ”Love me or leave me” email?

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: What the ‘Love Me or Leave Me’ email is + why it’s powerful How to create it + use it the ‘right’ way   In the words of Ron Burgundy, your email list is kinda a big deal, right?   But we don’t just want anybody on our lists. We want excited, engaged, totally in-sync subscribers...⁠ ⁠ So, how do you get a list full of people like that?⁠ ⁠ You give them the chance to opt-out, right at the start. ⁠   Nope, I’m not losing it.  ⁠ This short but super punchy episode has got all the info you need to make this little ‘list trick’ work for you.  Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
10/26/20215 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to get more (+ better!) testimonials from your offers

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why we need testimonials... How to know which type of testimonial to be collecting (+when). Creative ways to get the kinds of testimonials you need from your audience.   Humour me for a moment and imagine there’s a new program out... It sounds amazing, it’s got everything you think you might need right now at this stage of your business… But...there’s some scepticism sinking in…   Because of course, the creator of the course is going to say it’s amazing…   And you know what? It’s really not that hard to whip up a sales page to make it seem incredible… it really as good as it sounds?   And that, my friend, is where the power of the testimonial comes in.    Testimonials are going to be some of the best social proof that you can have for your business and your offers.    So, how do you get more of them? And how do you get the absolute golden ones that hit on all the right things? I’ll show you how in episode 69…   Join me!   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
10/19/202112 minutes, 10 seconds
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Funnel Pro Q&A

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:   The difference between eCourse Empire and Funnel Pro (+ which is right for you!) What makes a certification program different from a “normal” course?  And answers to all your other Funnel Pro questions!   If you’ve been thinking about joining our Funnel Pro Certification Program, (or even just been a bit curious!)    But you’ve got questions bouncing around and you’re wondering if it’s right for you and your business…   Then this episode is for you.    Because today on The Doing It Online Podcast, I’m answering all your burning Funnel Pro questions!    We’ve been having so much fun over the last week welcoming our new Funnel Pro members! (Our super nerds. We heart nerds.)    It’s such a hands-on support style of program, so we have to cap it at 25...   ...And there’s only a handful of spots left up for grabs, so you better get listening!   And if you’re keen to just get the ball rolling (which you should be!) head to NOW and apply before the last few spots are snapped up! Want More? Click here to apply to be a Funnel Pro now! (Quick last few spots left!) Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
10/12/202123 minutes, 15 seconds
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Funnel With Me : Create your own client getting funnel (for service providers)

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The BEST funnel for finding your dreamiest clients and bringing them into your world. The 3 key steps to making that funnel the best it can be (optimising your time, your clients time and automating the process as much as freaking possible!) The nerdiest, most biz-changing opportunity you do NOT want to miss out on...   This one is for the online service providers, especially if you build funnels for people or do some kind of other nerd-ery.    It’s another ‘Do it With Me!’ Episode, and this time, we’re funnelling together. Let’s go through step by step how to create your own ‘Client Getting Funnel.’ (Also known as a Client Acquisition Funnel,’ but that’s a bit of a boring name, right?) Basically, this funnel is going to help you bring in the dreamiest of clients, pre-qualify them (and weed out the tyre-kickers and people who aren’t the right fit!) and it’s going to do almost all of that…   ...On autopilot.   And the best type of funnel to help us do this? The Application Funnel.    It’s a trickier one to set up as there are a lot of moving parts, but it’s oh, so worth it!   There are 5 steps to this funnel, and today I’ll show you the 3 main ones to help you set up an amazing application funnel.    AND! If you’d love to dive into this further... (maybe even snag yourself one our one-click install templates, email copy prompts, swipe files AND done-for-you opt in bribes ready for you to simply rebrand + use!!)   ...Then you are going to want to make sure you hurry up and apply now for our Funnel Pro Certification program.   Inside, you’ll learn how to create each piece and make it convert as highly as possible, and when you come out of the end of our 12 weeks together, not only will you have up-leveled your skills, confidence and your offers, but you'll also have a killer funnel of your own ready to go and start landing you clients.    It's going to be all kinds of nerdy fun, BUT! It’s by application only, AND we only have 25 spots, so head to NOW and apply before they are all snapped up! Want More? Click here to apply to be a Funnel Pro now! (We only have 25 spots!) Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
10/6/202120 minutes, 53 seconds
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Be a Funnel Pro : Part 3 : How much should you charge for funnels?

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 3 steps to pricing your packages as a Funnel Pro (these principles apply to online services too!) The specific funnels and their price ranges…  How you can build on your packages to scale your biz in the future...   Let’s just imagine for a moment that you already have all the skills you need to be what we’re calling a Funnel Pro...   Which means you’re kickass at the tools of the trade (you know your shit, tech-wise)    AND, you have taken the time to learn which funnels actually work PLUS the strategy behind each of them...   And now, you’re ready to go out into the world with your new up-levelled skillset, so you’re going to need to uplevel your offers to match…   That’s super exciting!    But, much do you charge?   CUE: EPISODE 66!    I’m going to walk you through the 3 steps to knowing how to price your packages (these principles apply to online services as well!) AND break down the price range for specific funnels (the ones you’d be using the most) and how you can build on those packages in the future...   So, there’s maths, we get nerdy and we all have a lot of fun…   PLUS! If you’ve got more Q’s?    I’ve actually created a brand new, LIVE one-hour Funnel Pro masterclass dedicated completely to how to do this for your business and whichever niche you choose to go for… It's running LIVE on October 6th Aussie time, so click here grab yourself a FREE seat and we will see you inside! Want More? Come join our brand new, LIVE one-hour Funnel Pro masterclass dedicated completely to how to do this for your business, running LIVE on October 6th Aussie time, so make sure you grab yourself a FREE seat here at and we will see you inside! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well! Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/28/202121 minutes, 54 seconds
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Be a Funnel Pro : Part 2 : 3 ways to niche down (to level-up) your VA or OBM business

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:   The top 3 options for niching down (and why they work!) The 3 different categories of tech and tools you need to know about (including which notes to avoid like the plague!)  Why being super clear on who you serve creates an amazing experience for both you and your client.   Here’s part 2 of our special 3 part series on becoming a Funnel Pro! And at its core, being a Funnel Pro is about becoming specialised and niching down to level up your business…    Because we’ve all heard the saying, the riches are in the niches, right?  Basically that means the more specialised you can be… the better your knowledge and skills will become…the more dialled in your systems and offers…the better and faster the results you’ll get… the easier to attract new dream clients…    And then…(drum roll please)…the more you are valued and the more you can charge.    It’s just how it works.   You can try to be “kinda” good at everything, and always charge “kinda good” prices. Or you can get REALLY FREAKING AMAZING at one or two specific things.    And never has this been more true, than when offering services… particularly services as varied as creating funnels.  So how exactly should you (and even could you?) niche down?   Well, grab a cuppa and get comfy, cos in this episode we’re going to look at 3 ways you can niche down to level up your VA or OBM business by using funnels!   ALSO! You’ll probably still have questions, and I'm here to help!    So, I have actually created a brand new, LIVE one-hour Funnel Pro masterclass dedicated completely to how to do this for your business and whichever niche you choose to go for...   I'm going to take you behind the scenes of exactly how we are building some amazingly high converting funnels with our clients, as well as our exclusive funnel planning and building system, AND we'll also walk you through the funnels YOU NEED in your own business if you are going to be a Funnel Pro!    It's running LIVE on October 6th Aussie time, so click here grab yourself a FREE seat and we will see you inside! Want More? Come join our brand new, LIVE one-hour Funnel Pro masterclass dedicated completely to how to do this for your business, running LIVE on October 6th Aussie time, so make sure you grab yourself a FREE seat here at and we will see you inside! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well! Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/21/202116 minutes, 49 seconds
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Be a Funnel Pro : Part 1 : The 3 most profitable funnels you need to master

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:   The 3 most profitable funnels you need to master as a Funnel Pro Why the webinar isn’t dead and how you can make it as BS free as possible.   If there’s one thing we love almost as much as funnels, it’s a good ol’ mini-series.    Which is why I’m so excited to be bringing you this new series to the podcast on how to become what we’re calling a ‘Funnel Pro.’ And my goodness you can bet your nerdy little hat that the internet needs more funnel pros right now...   First of all, what’s a Funnel Pro? Someone who has the magic combo of skills, strategy AND steps up to become a trusted marketing advisor to 6, 7, even 8 figure businesses...   So, this episode I’ll be taking you through the 3 funnels you need to master if you want to become a funnel pro. I’ll show you where you need to add some secret, special sauce to the tried and true tactics out there to make your funnels stand out.    If you can really master these three funnels, you will never have any problems landing amazing, premium clients.   And if you haven't already make sure you grab our Fully Booked Funnel Pro 18-page guide, for FREE at right now, inside we go into even more details around how to create your own offers, how to niche down, the best clients to target and how to find them too! Want More? Curious about becoming a Funnel Pro? I’m whipping up some awesome free resources for you! Head to and pop in your details and I will send you them all when they’re done! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/14/202119 minutes, 23 seconds
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Could you 10x your business by BUILDING funnels (and how do you do it)?

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How you can elevate your business with funnel-building. (We’re talking 10X, not just a $5 pay rise.) How you can avoid the launch-zillas of the internet and be valued for the strategic, highly-skilled expert you are...   Funnels can be kind of addictive, so we totally get that.   But lately, I’ve noticed a trend in questions coming my way. Because I’ve been hearing from a lot of people who’ve loved building their own funnels with us and are thinking of adding funnel-building to their services.    And guess what? Right now, the demand for funnels is growing…   But! There’s this huge gap in the market, of people who can actually step in and build them.    Not just the tech and actually building it, but someone who knows the strategy AND the tech.    Someone who can advise people on the bigger picture, and make that picture happen.    And these people? They’ll be the unicorns of the internet. Or, as we’ve termed them…   ...Funnel Pro’s.    So, not only do we chat together over the pro’s + con’s of becoming a Funnel Pro, but I’m also creating a couple of awesome resources and tools for the Funnel-Pro-Curious out there…    If you want to nab them, then head to and pop in your details and I will send you them all when they’re done! Want More? Curious about becoming a Funnel Pro? I’m whipping up some awesome free resources for you! Head to and pop in your details and I will send you them all when they’re done! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/7/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to host a virtual retreat for your clients

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The benefits of the RSVP AND how to actually get your clients to send them in! How long your retreat should run for and the best way to structure it out… The tools we recommend and of course, a couple of extra tips + tricks along the way...   The online business life is amazing, right? It’s so INCREDIBLE to be living in a time where we can create communities with people from all over the world…    ...But there’s nothing quite like that ‘in person’ connection, is there? So, how do we recreate that in an online business? Well, one of my top answers would be to host a virtual retreat!    Sounds awesome, right? But how do you do it? And what do you need to get started? Is it expensive? How does a virtual retreat even work?   All of those questions are answered and more in this episode. I’m going to walk you through my top tips for how to host an epic virtual retreat for your clients and share what we’ve learned along the way. Because, yes. There are definitely do’s and don’ts! Find out what they are in episode 62.    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/31/202117 minutes, 56 seconds
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All your webinar Qs answered - Part 2

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:   If you have to show your face on your webinar, or if you can just use slides... How to incorporate bonuses, discounts and more... The best types of registration pages to create for more conversions...   We’re back for part 2! Answering all your webinar questions!    If you missed part 1, we go into how long a webinar should be, should you script it or just wing it? Do you have to do a webinar live or you can pre-record and more…    And today, we’re covering bonuses, discounts, registration pages and even whether or not you need to show your face!    And more. There’s always more.    PLUS! We still have a couple of spots still available for our incredible hands-on mentorship program, eCourse Empire! So, if you're ready to finally stop smacking your head on the time-for-dollars income ceiling, ready to swap out the ‘feast or famine’ game for reliable, scalable cash flow, and ready to finally create some mother freakin' freedom in your business...   ...Then eCourse Empire is where you want to be. Only a couple of places left, so hurry and apply now!  Want More? Keen to make your biz grow with the help of me + my team? AND get an extra 6 months of support? Applications are open now for our amazing, hands-on, mentorship program,  eCourse Empire! (Limited spots available!) Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/24/202119 minutes, 33 seconds
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All your webinar Qs answered - Part 1

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:   My pro-hack for how to show up LIVE on your webinar, even if you really don’t want to.  Whether or not you should script your webinar or just wing it... The best software to use for both LIVE or evergreen webinars...   Well you guys, it’s the thing we all love to hate.    The webinar. (GASP!! RUN AWAY!)   No, get back here. This episode isn’t my chance to win you over to the way of the webinar. So you can put your pitchforks back down, It’s not here to convert you.    It’s to help answer any and all of your questions about them. And there were a lot of Q’s! So I’ve turned it into 2 parts. In part 1, we’ll look at how long a webinar should be, should you script it or just wing it? Do you have to do a webinar live or you can pre-record and more…    Let’s deep-dive into it together in part 1.    PLUS! Amazing news, some spaces have opened up inside our incredible hands-on mentorship program, eCourse Empire! So, if you're ready to finally stop smacking your head on the time-for-dollars income ceiling, ready to swap out the ‘feast or famine’ game for reliable, scalable cash flow, and ready to finally create some mother freakin' freedom in your business...   ...Then eCourse Empire is where you want to be. Application only + limited spots available so apply now!  ⁠ Want More? Keen to make your biz grow with the help of me + my team? AND get an extra 6 months of support? Applications are open now for our amazing, hands-on, mentorship program,  eCourse Empire! (Limited spots available!) Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/17/202127 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to troubleshoot a failed launch

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:   The 3 questions to ask yourself after a “failed” launch. How to self-audit a launch that didn’t run to plan so you don’t throw away the elements that actually were working.  Why community is key when it comes to launching...   If you’ve had a “failed” launch at some point, you’ll know that it can trigger the disaster thinking 'I suck, my offer sucks, my business sucks!’ Etc. BUT! Before you go down that train of thought, grab a pen and paper and sit down with me for a moment while we go through a few questions…   Because in today’s episode, I’m going to take you through how to self-audit your launches (especially the ones that really didn’t go to plan) so you can pin-point exactly where things are going wrong.    And more importantly, where things are going right, so you don’t chuck away something that’s actually amazing!    Failed launches suck, sure. But there’s actually no such thing as failing, only learning. (Don’t roll your eyes at me.)    So, come on, let’s do this together and we’ll pin-point exactly where things are going off the rails for you, so that you can hold onto the pieces that are working, tweak the ones that aren’t and work towards your best launch ever. Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/10/202125 minutes, 21 seconds
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3 most common mistakes stopping you from hitting 6-figs

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online:   The biggest mistake you’re making that’s keeping you stuck in the ‘beginner phase.’ 3 ways you’re treating your business like a hobby, (not a business) and why that’s not working for you! How you’re sabotaging yourself away from the success you want. (It’s a tough love ep!)   In today’s episode we’re talking about the 3 biggest mistakes that stop you from hitting that elusive 6 figure mark with your online course.   BUT! Before that… Did you know, it’s only a handful of days until we kick off The 6-Figure School Workshop!   And I’m SO looking forward to it!    Do you have your ticket yet? If not, you need to get onto that, you don’t have long to jump in!   Now, let me ask you, does the idea of promoting yourself feel a bit gross and uncomfortable? Is that because when you think of marketing, you picture a salesman with a briefcase at the front door with slick hair, a power suit + some super pushy skills?    That’s not what we think of when we think of marketing.    Around here, it’s warm, it’s connected, it’s real and above all, it’s about VALUE EXCHANGE. And we pair all of that with some kick-ass strategy, a “hells-yeah” offer (+ a week hanging out with ME!) you’ve got yourself a winning marketing campaign.    One that makes you feel good inside. Come join The 6-Figure School Workshop and grab your own rock-solid, (sleaze-free), confidence-giving, (+ PROVEN!) 6-figure sales + marketing plan for your online course.   The doors are closing soon though so go grab your ticket...nnnnow!    And once you’ve done that, come dive into the episode where I’m handing you out a big serve of tough love. (More love than tough.)    But you’ll thank me later, because when you smash through these 3 things? You’ll be able to take your business further, and get the results you’ve been after now for too long. Time to make them yours.  Want More? Want to hang out with me for 6 days + walk away with your own marketing plan, check out The 6-Figure School here! We kick off August 9th! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/3/202120 minutes, 31 seconds
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Q: How often do you need to launch to hit 6 figures

You’ve probably wondered before how often you need to be launching to hit 6-figures?    Aaaand can you get away with launching as little as possible? Great questions! And I have the answers for you in episode 57 of The Doing It Online podcast.   I think the answer will surprise you…    But before you rush off to listen I want to ask you...    Do you want to make your next launch, your BEST launch? And to make more profit + sales off your online courses and offers than ever before?    Yes?    Then you can’t afford to miss The 6-Figure School Workshop!     I’ll walk you through a 6-day intensive and hands-on experience to show you exactly what you need to do to market + sell your own 6-figure + online course in 2021 (including creating a kick-ass, highly profitable marketing calendar that is customised for YOU).    And for the next 2 days ONLY the tickets are 50% off! (Which means they’re only $33!)  We kick off August on August 9th - August 14th.    >>> Grab your ticket for just $33 here! (But only for a LIMITED time!)    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How to create a launch plan that suits where you’re at in business right now. How often you can expect to be launching if you want to hit 6-figures. The chance to grab your own step-by-step plan to make more sales on your offers and online courses than ever before... Want More? Grab your ticket to The 6-Figure School Workshop for 50% off for the next 2 days only! Here at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
7/27/202113 minutes, 41 seconds
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Do it with me : let's plan out your launch emails!

‘Doing it Online’... and now?  You’re doing it with me.  Cos in this episode, we’re going to write your launch emails together! Yay! High-fives. Because you know and I know that if you run an online business?  There’s no escaping the launch emails. (Unless you want to rely solely on ads to a cold audience? I’m guessing not.) But what should you send? What should you say? Sure, flying by the seat of your pants can work. (I did it for years) But there are things you need to cover and hit well in a launch sequence. And because nerdy is my way of life, I’ve turned it into a formula...  And yes, you can tweak it and perfect it for your own audience, but this will at least take away some of the unnecessary thinking and decision making so you can focus on the other fun stuff. So grab something to take notes with (you’ll need it) and let’s make launching emails our bish.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My recommendations for a launching email sequence - what to send and when. The two types of buyers you need to make sure you’re writing to.  Ways to modify this sequence to speak to your specific audience.  Want More? Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
7/20/202121 minutes, 44 seconds
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Do you need to offer money-back guarantees (and what should they be?)

This week I answered the question: Do you need to offer money-back guarantees? And if yes, what should they be?   There are definitely two sides to this, and I have to say I can understand both perspectives.    But! Every business is different and even if you DO refund on a digital does that even work? It’s not like they can just give back all the knowledge they just got from you…? It’s a tricky one! I’ll chat it all through and share our personal policy, in this week’s episode of the Doing It Online Podcast.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: When you should never EVER use a money-back guarantee My suggestions for when it’s a good idea to offer guarantees.  Plus, how to protect yourself (+ your IP) when you do offer them.  Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
7/13/202112 minutes, 24 seconds
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3 "woo-ish" money habits I swear by ( + 3 not-so-woo ones)

I’m giving out 6 of my BEST tips for money in this week’s episode of the Doing It Online Podcast.   3 woo tips + 3 non-woo tips.    (I’d call myself “woo-curious.” I’m not woo-woo, but I can’t deny there IS something woo-ish out there…)   These are just small things you can add into your routines and rituals that really add up! I’ve definitely found that including these in my own life + business have made a huge difference in my money mindset.    Plus, just knowing your numbers (and what they actually mean!) is so empowering. So, if you’d like to attract more money + look after what you do have better, you’re going to want to listen to the episode now.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The daily money habit I’ve relied on for YEARS (+ how you can implement it, too!) What we do after every single sale, (we don’t even care if it IS woo, it makes a difference.) 3 super practical + doable money habits that I know you’ll find empowering... Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
7/6/202117 minutes, 22 seconds
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How we find and hire unicorn team members

In last week’s episode I gave you a behind the scenes look at the team that took our business to 6-figure vs the team that took us to 7-figures…    And it’s all really great for me to tell you all about my amazing unicorn team + how those roles + people have helped grow the business… But where do you find (+ how do you hire) these unicorns?    Well, you listen to today’s episode! Because I’m sharing 5 golden nuggets of wisdom for finding + then hiring your dream unicorn team.   And yes, they’re out there, I promise. (I mean, they do have invisibility powers, because they’re magical. Obviously. But they ARE around.)   If you’re planning on using any of these tips to find/hire your next team member I’d love to hear from you! Let me know how it goes! And if you only try one of these? I’d go with the first one… It sets the tone for the others.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How you can ensure you scare away the tyre-kickers + get a high-quality selection of applicants  The place you’re probably overlooking in your search for unicorns… What to include in your job description to make the role irresistible to the unicorn type...   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/29/202116 minutes, 17 seconds
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6 Figure team vs 7-figure team

One of the most important things when it comes to growing your business?   Your team.    In the last couple of years I’ve had to really focus on building the right team…    (I used to be pre-ttyyy stubborn about that idea. A few years ago I was determined I didn’t want a big team + didn’t understand how much of a biz-changer (+ life-changer) it could be to hire the right people, at the right time...   And so in episode 52 of the Doing It Online Podcast, I’m giving you a bit of a behind the scenes look at the 6-Figure team vs 7-Figure team. Obviously not in terms of comparing the *people* but the hired roles and what that’s meant for our business.   So, if you’re thinking about adding to your team + not sure what roles to hire or what you need to help you scale, give ep 52 a listen now!  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Which roles I hired first in my biz + why What the main differences have been from a team that got the business to 6-figures, to the team that’s taken us to 7… (who knows where we can go from here!)  The number one role I recommend starting with outsourcing first… (totally doable.) Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/22/202120 minutes, 2 seconds
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Is a $27 offer right for you?

Can you really hit 7 digits from a $27 product funnel? Yes, absolutely you can. It’s not only’s a game-changer. For my business AND my clients.   But I know how crazy that can sound and I understand the skeptic vibes, I really do. So, in this episode I’ve collected all your Q’s and gone through them all one by one, to help you work out if a $27 offer is right for you and your business.    BUT BEFORE YOU RUN OFF…   The doors are OPEN right now for a LIVE round of Funnel Fuel (where you create your offer, launch it, and start making sales in just 5-days (and the BEST bit, because it’s LIVE I’ll be going through it with you + you’ll get tonnes of feedback, support and advice).   Doors close in just a few days so jump in now! Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Does a lower priced offer cheapen your other offers? Exactly what we go through in the program day by day... The difference between $5K Funnel Formula + Funnel Fuel (+ how to know which one is right for you right now.)   And that’s just the start. This episode is packed with value + so if you’re the least bit curious about Funnel Fuel or what a $27 offer could do for your biz, check it out now.  Want More? The doors to Funnel Fuel LIVE are open now! (But not for long!) Jump in now here: Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/15/202129 minutes, 11 seconds
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Biggest lessons from 12-months of $27 offers

A few episodes ago (in episode 44) I mentioned that one of the biggest changes that got us over the 7-figure mark was adding something we call a ‘Mini-But-Mighty’ funnel…    And now that we’ve been running that funnel for over 12 months, I wanted to do a breakdown of what that “little” funnel has meant for our business and some of the biggest lessons we’ve learned in that time. (And, of course, give you all the behind-the-scenes numbers!)   Spoiler alert, it’s been pretty epic.   For example: How’d you like $5 for every $1 you put into your ads?   I thought so...    Want to know how? Listen to the episode now!   And if you’re ready to create this for yourself? Here’s the BONUS super exciting news…   I’m running a totally FREE 90min workshop on the 16th June called: “How I scaled my sales to 7-figures with a $27 offer!” It’s going to be LIVE (yes, actually live) and we’ll deep dive into my step-by-step process for creating your very own Mini-But-Mighty funnel in just 5 days. Including choosing your offer, how to create your sales page so it converts, the tech you need and how to create and scale your ads. (And so much more.) It’s going to be super fun, super nerdy and you super need to be there.    Make sure you save your seat at Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 8 lessons we’ve learned about how to run this specific funnel successfully (+ super profitably) You’ll get the inside scoop on our numbers: how much our ad spend was and our revenue for those 12 months… PLUS! You’ll get the chance to apply this funnel to your business by joining my brand new free workshop where I walk you through how to set this up step by step!   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/8/202134 minutes, 9 seconds
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Can you over-deliver with your free stuff?

If you’ve ever been afraid about how much content you can give away for free...then this episode of the Doing It Online podcast is for you.   We’ve been taught for a while now that there’s a super delicate balance we all need to meet… we have to give away just enough content to entice people and show them we know our stuff…   ...but not too much that they won’t want to buy with us…   But, is that actually true?   And how do we know how much is too much? Can we actually find that balance? Or is it a mythical quest like finding a unicorn or a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?   Well, I’m giving you the goods in this episode and let me tell you…   If you don’t feel empowered and free after listening...then you listened to the wrong episode. Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The answer to the question: can you over-deliver on your free content? How to add more value to your offers and blow your audience away. (That’s a good thing.)   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!)  Want more funnel goodies? Head to
6/1/202126 minutes, 12 seconds
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Make money may : Challenge #4 - Profitable price rises

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How to make the most of an opportunity most people overlook...  How to raise your prices the right (+profitable) way…   It’s our final week of Make Money May!   Each week of May I’ve been giving you a new money-making challenge (or biz experiment) on the Doing It Online podcast, for you to have a go at.   Each challenge is super actionable + powerful.    First week was on the power of a payment plan. The second week was all about the bundle offer. The third week (my fave) was all about making your marketing pay for itself!    And now, this is our 4th and final challenge: the price rise promotion…    I know, pricing - especially price rises - make people feel uncomfortable. And honestly, I see people doing this wrong,  A LOT.    So, if you know, (or have a strong hunch) that you’re undercharging… (you know who you are.)    This one’s for you.    And if you love awesome free things, you’ll love my epic calculator. It’ll show you exactly how much money and sales you’re currently missing out on...all because you don’t have a funnel! (SO fixable!) You can check out right now at Only takes about 30 seconds and I think it will really surprise you, so go check it out! Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!)  Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/25/202110 minutes, 40 seconds
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Make Money May: Challenge #3 - Make your marketing pay for itself

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: I’ll introduce you to our third experiment (and my FAVE) in our Make Money May challenge!  How you can make your marketing pay for itself! Learn all about my $30 mini experiment that turned into a mighty $11,363! (During April 2020!)    Part 3 of Make Money May is here!    Every week for the month of May, in the podcast episode I’ll be handing you a new challenge (or biz experiment) for you to have a go at. The goal here is obviously to just have fun testing things out and see what works and what doesn’t.    Each challenge is super actionable + powerful. But as I said, this one is the best.    I mean, I TRY not to play favourites. But this one totally gets the gold star from me.    I’m talking about the mini-funnel. It sounds mini, but it’s mighty. (Think: Gin + tonic water. It only takes a small shot of gin, right? But the result? Gooood.)    Seriously, you don’t want to miss this episode because this challenge has got the power to make your marketing pay for itself! (No, I’m not kidding.)    But before you go and hit play…   You might want to hop on the Funnel Fuel VIP waitlist…   Why? Because if you’re ON the waitlist, when the VIP-only doors fling open on May 25th, 2pm (Pacific Time) then you’ll get:   $200 off (It’s normally $497, but for the waitlist gang, it’s $297.) You won’t see that discount anywhere else! Over $2000 in bonuses (Including a ticket to our 5-day live online Funnel Fuel Accelerator, where we go through the program together, LIVE. We’ll create it with you, with page audits, ad reviews and MORE.) PLUS the very first person from the waitlist to join Funnel Fuel will win the whole program for FREE + a $500 cash bonus.    Want to learn more? Click here + make sure you join the waitlist today!    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/18/202114 minutes, 43 seconds
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Make money May: Challenge #2 - Bundle it baby!

Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: I’ll introduce you to our second experiment in our Make Money May challenge!  How bundling your offers can boost your sales! A few strategic tips on how to implement this challenge in your own biz this week!    Part 2 of Make Money May is here!    Every week for the month of May, in the podcast episode I’ll be handing you a new challenge (or biz experiment) for you to have a go at.    The goal here is obviously to just have fun testing things out and see what works and what doesn’t. It’s a good practice to get into, because testing things is really the only way to know what’s going to be a super-power in your business or your kryptonite.     And this week’s challenge? HINT: Bundle it, baby!   And if you do give it a try, make sure you DM me @hellofunnels + let me know! It could be so fun to see how much money we all collectively make!   Make sure you check back in next week for the next ‘minisode’ where I’ll hand out challenge number 3!   Bonus freebie! I also have a pretty epic (FREE) calculator which will show you exactly how much money and sales you’re currently missing out on...all because you don’t have a funnel. (My fave way to make sales.) You can check out right now at Only takes about 30 seconds and I think it will really surprise you, so go check it out!   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/11/20217 minutes, 27 seconds
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Make money May: Challenge #1 - The power of a payment plan

Things you’ll learn in this episode of Doing It Online I’ll introduce you to the first experiment to try in our Make Money May challenge!  How a payment plan can powerfully boost your sales - even during a pandemic! A few strategic tips on how to implement this promo in your biz this week!    This episode is your permission to become the crazy scientist you’ve always wanted to be...   Which means… it’s Make Money May!   (HOORAY!)   Still don’t know what I’m talking about? That’s cool. This is how it goes…    4 x weeks in May.  1 x (non-difficult, actionable) challenge a week 1 x minisode of the Doing It Online Podcast each week where I hand out your next challenge/experiment… Then you can hashtag + DM me like crazy to let me know what works/what doesn’t and we all make a lot of sales + fun.  = Make Money May!   And our first experiment? It’s all about the power of a payment plan…   Grab your test tubes, tech coat (faux fur?) listen to the ep + GO!    Actually — wait! First, I also have a pretty epic (FREE) calculator which will show you exactly how much money and sales you’re currently missing out on...all because you don’t have a funnel. (My fave way to make sales.) You can check out right now at Only takes about 30 seconds and I think it will really surprise you, so go check it out!   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
5/4/202110 minutes, 10 seconds
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3 changes I made to grow from 0 to 7 figures in sales in under 3 years

So, it’s almost embarrassing to say this — (Oh, HAI imposter syndrome and money blocks!) — but here goes…   Last year my business, Hello Funnels, did something we’ve never done before. We made over 1 million dollars in sales... (not revenue as we have lots of payment plans, but in sales.)   Yuh.   Aaand! This is after basically starting all over from scratch 2 and a half years COVID...AND adding a baby into the mix.    Double yuh.   Many of you know this is my third business...and a friend of mine asked me the other night (over a wine or two) what did I do differently this time?   And the answer to that (there are 3 specific changes I made) is what I want to share with you guys today… They’re not hard or vague or unreachable as you might think.    I reckon you’ll find it helpful to hear how doable these changes are.   Listen in to find out for yourself.    x Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 3 specific changes I made that helped my business grow from 0 to 7 figures in sales in under 3 years Why a change in focus and success measures made such a huge difference...   AND EVEN MORE EXCITING! How’d you like an EXTRA 6 months of support from me + my team? Because right now applications are open to our totally overhauled, totally amazing, eCourse Empire program! This is your chance to not just join myself and my team of experts as we guide you to creating your own 6 or even 7 figure exourse empire, but you’re also able to get a SECOND 6-months access to our support. It's application only, apply asap before all the spots are gone!   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
4/27/202115 minutes, 52 seconds
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Do you know what your biggest roadblocks are?

We want to make sure our precious time and energy is being channelled directly into the *right* areas — the places that will help us grow, right?    And knowing *where* you need to focus, is about discovering what’s YOUR biggest roadblock stopping you from moving forward and growing actually is.   We ran an online retreat earlier this year and took our eCourse Empire members through this exercise to discover (+ smash) their biggest roadblock and they LOVED it, so wanted to share a little taste of Empire life with you…   So, go grab a notebook, have a listen to the episode and pick up a big metaphorical hammer and get ready to smash the roadblock in front of you.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 5 most common roadblocks I see in my clients and members of our eCourse program How to determine which roadblock you’re up against right now (no guessing needed) Tips on where you need to be pouring out your creative energy, time and dollars over the next 3 months to make your business grow! Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
4/20/202112 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to price your offers so the sell easily (and make profit too!)

We just kicked off our 6-figure school workshop this week and our training yesterday was all about nailing the pricing. So! In this week’s episode of The Doing It Online Podcast, I wanted to share it with you too.    Your offers need to be something you can sell with ease, but also it MUST be profitable. And if they’re not both of those things, you’re going to run into a bunch of problems...  Things you’ll learn in this episode of Doing It Online The 5 factors that contribute to pricing your offers for profitability + selling with ease PLUS! There’s an extra 6 months of support up for grabs!   I know a lot of the conversation around making money at the moment is about mindset and standing in your power, releasing money blocks etc… And do I believe in all that? Absolutely.    But! It’s not the whole story.    There is so much strategy and so many steps that will help you craft a price for your offer. And you definitely don’t want to be pricing your offers at $2000 just because “Everyone is doing that.” No.    We need strategic pricing.    So how do we go about that?   Well! There’s 5 things that need to be factored in when you’re choosing your pricing, and where all 5 overlap? That’s the sweet spot we want.    Have a listen to episode 42 now + find that sweet spot for YOUR business!   AND EVEN MORE EXCITING! How’d you like an EXTRA 6 months of support from me + my team? Because right now applications are open to our totally overhauled, totally amazing, eCourse Empire program! This is your chance to not just join myself and my team of experts as we guide you to creating your own 6 or even 7 figure exourse empire, but you’re also able to get a SECOND 6-months access to our support. It's application only, apply asap before all the spots are gone! Want More? Keen to make your biz grow with the help of me + my team? AND get an extra 6 months of support? Applications are open now for our amazing, overhauled, eCourse Empire! Apply now! Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
4/13/202119 minutes, 48 seconds
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Is it better to grow fast or slow?

It’s the question EVERY entrepreneur wants to know: ”How long will it take to grow my business to [Insert your big awesome goal here]?”   Well, in this episode, I’ll give you the answer.    Because I'm going to walk you through 2 powerful, real-life stories from clients of ours who had very different journeys to their 6 figure goals…and just how long it took them!    And by the way...I think you’ll like my answer.  Things you’ll learn in this episode of Doing It Online How long it SHOULD take you to reach your business goals.  Hear two amazing, real-life stories of women who have created 6 figure+ businesses and just how long it took them!    BONUS: if your goal is to create or scale your own 6-figure plus online course this year AND you would like a whole tonne of help - (plus a proven step by step system to do it) - then make sure you have saved your ticket to our epic 6-figure school LIVE 6-day virtual workshop.   It all kicks off next week, and it is so jam packed. This is seriously one of the most value packed experiences I have ever created and tickets are JUST $66. We start on April 12th so you don't have long to jump in and save your seat.   Head to right now and grab your ticket and I can't wait to see you inside!     Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
4/6/20216 minutes, 13 seconds
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Do you upsell?

As someone who has been helping people to create, automate and scale their online courses for many, many years, you better believe I’ve racked up a few special party tricks over that time.   OK, so it’s not so much “tricks” but more like tried, true + specific strategies (not as catchy) that I just love to whip out and wow my clients with. And so, I wanted to share one of my faves with you today…   ...The upsell.    The reason this “trick” is so good? It’s super simple to implement, it works really well AND it costs absolutely nothing.    So! Together in this episode let’s nerd out about all things upsell — what they are, why I recommend everyone has at LEAST one and how you can quickly add them and increase your profit today.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 3 fave upsells: the ‘order bump,’ ‘course to maintenance,’ and ‘step one to step two.’  How to implement each of them PLUS… ...Any extra tools you might need tech-wise if you’re adding upsells for the first time. (It wouldn’t be me if I didn’t talk software would it…)     BONUS: If you want more help around pricing, packaging and creating amazing offers that sell easily (and that you feel AMAZING about selling) then that’s EXACTLY what DAY 2 of our epic, new 6-Day LIVE workshop is all about.    It’s called The 6-Figure School and it all kicks off on April 12. (Aussie time.) I’ll walk you through  a 6-day intensive and hands on experience to show you exactly what you need to do to market + sell your own 6-figure + online course in 2021.   It's going to be super valuable, and super fun too.    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/30/202111 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to STOP feeling gross about selling!

In this week’s episode of the Doing it Online podcast, I’m diving into a topic I know comes up again and again. (And again.)    >> How to stop feeling gross about selling.    Seriously. We need to talk about this because those gross feelings might be getting in the way of your business growth and making you some epic sales.    So, I’m sharing 3 things that have helped me get over the ick-factor and I’m hoping this’ll help give you a bit of peace, a new perspective + take you from *hating* selling to actually enjoying it. Yes, it is possible.  Things you’ll learn in this episode of Doing It Online 3 things I found helpful to shift me from *hating* selling to actually enjoying it. The main reason you might be finding it hard to sell your offer successfully. PLUS a bonus little tip to help you give imposter syndrome the boot.     BONUS: If you want more help around pricing, packaging and creating amazing offers that sell easily (and that you feel AMAZING about selling) then that’s EXACTLY what DAY 2 of our epic, new 6-Day LIVE workshop is all about.    It’s called The 6-Figure School and it all kicks off on April 12. (Aussie time.) I’ll walk you through  a 6-day intensive and hands on experience to show you exactly what you need to do to market + sell your own 6-figure + online course in 2021.   It's going to be super valuable, and super fun too. (Tickets are 50% off for the next few days!)    >> So hurry click on over, grab your ticket and I'll see you on the inside!   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/23/202114 minutes, 57 seconds
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Ultimate beginners guide to list building

As much as I love nerding out on the more advanced stuff, the thing is, you don’t get to enjoy that kind of advanced nerdiness unless you’ve got some of the basics in place.    And in this week’s episode of The Doing it Online Podcast, we take things back to the start and zone in on everything ‘list building.’    A lot of people that jump into our eCourse Empire program are right at the start of their journey, so, I’ve put together a bunch of questions I get asked on repeat. But essentially, it all comes down to one question:    ‘How do I grow my list?’    So, think of this as an Ultimate Guide — Q + A style.    If you’re in the beginning phase or the re-starting phase or the “oh shit, I really should get around to that whole list-building caper” phase, this is for you… Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: What open rate you want to be aiming for + how to improve it The difference between a quantity vs quality methods for growing your list + when to use them Plus, my fave tools for list building    (And MORE - this episode covers a lot of ground.)     Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/16/202126 minutes, 50 seconds
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My 3 fave funnels (which will be best for you?)

Episode 37 and we’re talking nerdy. My favourite thing to do.    More specifically, we’re talking funnels. I’m going to geek out with you and share my three favourite funnels. (Yes, there’s more than one.)   Most people think that funnels only serve one purpose — to make more sales. But actually, this isn’t the case. And if you have an online business there are actually three different types of funnels you need. Don’t panic - you don’t have to set them all up at once! But when you do have them all up and running it becomes this incredible ecosystem.    As one grows then the next one grows and it comes around and around again. If you’re a nerd like me, it’s quite a beautiful thing to watch.    So that’s what I’m going to walk you through today. Get ready to get nerdy with me.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My three fave funnels you need in order to create an ecosystem in your business. The purpose they each serve in your business and how you can know which one is right for you.    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/9/202115 minutes, 6 seconds
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3 of the best investments you can make in your business

I’ve said it before and it’s still true — sometimes we try to DIY things or sticky-tape things together because it’s “free” or cheaper, but it can end up costing us far more than dollars.    The tech or systems we’re working with can end up feeling like they’re working against us and life is just too short to be stuck on support chat for hours trying to get your business back up and running again.    These 3 investments I’m about to share with you can be a game changer.    None of them are huge investments of either time or money, but when you make the choice to put your resources into the RIGHT areas, they can make a HUGE difference in your business.   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 3 best investments you can make in your business (& why) A hybrid approach to getting awesome images for your business How you can get back 5 hours each week so you can spend that time on the stuff that counts.    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
3/2/202116 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to add an extra 20% of sales to your next launch (with just 3 emails!)

Episode thirty-freaking-five. Just like that. And in this episode I want to show you how to make MORE sales from your next launch with just 3 emails.    Sound too good to be true doesn’t it? 3 emails = 20% more sales?   Ah, but it is! And this is without being salesy or annoying your entire email list repeatedly.    AND this is without having to create anything new.    Behold, the power of the mini-funnel. I walk you through what it is and how you can create your own in this episode, step by step.    Go grab a notebook - you’re going to want to take some notes!   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The three emails you can send that will make you between 10% - 30% more sales My favourite types of mini funnels. What and when (timing is everything) to send this email sequence.   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
2/23/202114 minutes, 25 seconds
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Q&A - Ask kate anything

  I love these episodes, they’re so fun to make and I love hearing from you guys and being able to chat directly about where you’re feeling stuck or struggling.    So! We cover a LOT in this ep.   We talk fun things like pop-ups and pricing beta launches. And we go into some mindset stuff around dealing with overwhelm and how to create a chilled out business just like mine. (Lol, seriously though.)   Plus, I give you heaps of practical steps around the fastest and most strategic way to get clients, even when you’re starting from zero.     I’m not going to promise sexy, sparkly unicorn type answers. But I can promise solid, strategic, non-sexy yet helpful advice (you know, the kind that actually works!).    It’s all in there. Check it out.   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Strategic, practical steps for getting paid clients, even if you’re starting from zero.  How to price a beta launch.  My advice for how to deal with overwhelm.   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
2/16/202124 minutes, 6 seconds
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Can you audit my funnel for me?

Judging by all the DM’s, emails and hollers from the street, it would suggest that a lot of you are all wondering the same thing:    Can I audit your funnel?    Errrybody is asking me this lately and so I wanted to devote an entire podcast episode just to this question.    BUMMER OF ANSWER ALERT: In short, no. I don’t audit funnels. I know, booooo, hissss. BUT! The good news? If you build it correctly the first time? It won’t need auditing or fixing. At all. Because the way I build funnels and the way I teach through my programs means that the auditing is built right in.    99% of the time a funnel audit’s going to be a waste of time and money. It’s actually almost impossible to fix a broken funnel. Trawling your way backwards is just not how it works. Good funnels have to be created that way from the start.    So how do you do that? Well, it all comes back to my motto (and my nanna-style advice as applied to funnels...)    You must test before you invest.   It’s about mastering the basics and not skipping ahead. (I did warn you it was nanna’s advice.) Fear not, though! I walk you through that testing process in this ep, so grab a pen and paper and listen in…   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The 4 pieces you need to test to build your funnel *correctly* from the start. The 2 most common reasons I see funnels not working. The weirdest place I’ve ever made a sale and why it makes it ALLLL worth it.    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
2/9/202111 minutes, 53 seconds
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My favourite tech stack + what I recommend for beginners

In this week’s episode, we’re talking tech stacks — what they are and why you need one. Like, a proper one. None of this DIY ‘sticky-taped’ together and hope it works tech attempts. I’m getting my boss hat on and telling you why you MUST invest in your tech in order to help your business grow.    The good news? You only need 3 pieces of tech to get your online business up and running. Don’t worry, I’ll share with you what those 3 things are AND my recommendations for the best tools to invest in.   And, spoiler alert: your small investment in the right pieces of technology will pay you back 10 times over (or more). Plus, it’s going to make your life easier, help your business run smoothly, improve client experience and ultimately allow you to have more time to do the work you should be doing.    So, repeat after me: “I say no to DIY tech.”   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How much we spent on our tech last year. (It’s a big, shiny number.) Exactly what we’re using for our current tech stack (& why.) The only 3 pieces of tech you need to get started with a profitable online business. (PLUS: I recommend beginner friendly, budget friendly options to get you started right.)    Want More? If you need more convincing on why it’s worth investing in tech - check out this video here, on just how much ‘free’ tools are costing you.  Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
2/2/202137 minutes, 6 seconds
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3 easy ways to uplevel your business this year

New year, new uplevels.   If you’ve started the year with a boost of motivation and are planning how you can do better, go bigger and take things in your business to the next level this year…   In today’s episode I’m sharing 3 of my favourite ways to get you there.   They’re simple and impactful steps you can take that will help you to make your business more professional, run smoother, be less stressful and of course...make you more money! And the best thing is that you can do these upgrades RIGHT NOW!   No need to wait any longer, the next level is waiting for you.    So if you’re ready to make those new year upgrades, let’s begin.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How you can do better, go bigger and take things to the next level in 2021  3 of my favourite ways you can uplevel your business this year   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
1/26/202114 minutes, 19 seconds
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Why we moved to Slack for our support community

If you’re a little o-v-e-r using Facebook groups and you’re looking for a better solution for your need to listen!    In today’s episode, I’ll be taking you behind the scenes of our recent decision to move our support community here at Hello Funnels to a new channel.    Yes! We decided to take our customer service community (aka our Facebook Community) OFF Facebook (sorry Mark!) and move it to Slack.   It wasn’t an overnight decision (2 years in the making in fact) but we’ve been LOVING Slack (and so has our community) so allow me to tell you a little more to help you make your own choice and ease those Facebook frustrations.   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Behind the scenes of our recent decision to move our support community off Facebook and onto Slack The reasons behind our decision to say farewell to Facebook Why we chose Slack as our new Support Community Channel The tools we’re using to help make Slack even - both for our clients AND our team    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
1/19/202121 minutes, 30 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #5 (My favourite part of the planning process!)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet…   Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2021 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans.   This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too.   You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.    Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/7/202110 minutes, 11 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #4 (It's all about holes + habits!)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet…   Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2021 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans.   This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too.   You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.    Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/6/202115 minutes, 13 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #3 (Make those goals into plans!)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet…   Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2021 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans.   This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too.   You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.    Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/5/202110 minutes, 36 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #2 (How to set goals that WORK)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet…   Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2021 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans.   This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too.   You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.    Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/4/202115 minutes, 19 seconds
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Plan Your Epic Year - Part #1 (The REAL numbers you need)

Get ready, excited and confident for your most epic year yet…   Because in this 5 part mini-series I’m sharing my 5 step planning process to help you map out your 2021 goals and most importantly, turn them into actionable and achievable plans.   This is the special process I use in my business and I also take my eCourse Empire clients in this series I’ll walk you through it too.   You even get FREE access to my amazing planning spreadsheet which will step you through the entire process.    Download your copy at and let’s get planning!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: My 5 step process to plan your most epic year  How to map out your goals and most importantly turn them into actionable and achievable plans Download your FREE copy of my amazing planning spreadsheet at Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
1/3/202113 minutes, 27 seconds
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5 essentials for a sale page that sells

If people are clicking through to your sales page…   But they’re just not buying (aka it’s not converting into sales)...   It sounds like you have a sales page problem.   Now don’t stress, because it’s also totally fixable.    In fact, in today’s episode I’m sharing the 5 essentials you need for a sales page that sells.   There's even a formula to creating your sales page.   A step by step process for you to follow that takes your reader on the journey from interested in your offer to handing over their hard earned dollars.   A sales page that sells is only 5 steps away. Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 5 essential elements you need for a sales page that sells. What to do if people are clicking through to your sales page but they’re just not buying Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
12/15/202018 minutes, 26 seconds
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13 lessons from my 13-year bizaversary (part 2)

They say the sequel is never as good as the original…   But Part 2 of my 13 lessons from my 13-year bizaversary is pretty amazing!   Sure my biz looks a helluva lot different now to what it did those 13 years ago...   But each year I reflect on the major lessons just so I can share them with you.   So let’s dive into the remaining 6 lessons from my bizaversary special right now…   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Part 2 of my bizaversary celebrations The final 6 lessons from my 13 years in business Join the next round of our $5K Funnel FORMULA at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
12/8/202026 minutes, 29 seconds
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13 lessons from my 13-year bizaversary (part 1)

This week is my bizaversary!   It’s been 13 years since I hit send on my first ever email newsletter, and my very first business Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily was born.   It’s become a little ritual for me each year to really sit back and reflect on the lessons I have learned along the way.   So to celebrate this week I’m sharing 13 lessons from 13 years in business!   Today’s episode is PART 1 of a special bizaversery edition of the Doing It Online Podcast.   My hope is that by sharing these with you, there will be a nugget or two in here for you that will help you to move your business forward.   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Part 1 of my bizaversary celebrations 7 lessons I’ve learnt from 13 years in business Join my FREE 3-Day offer overhaul challenge - Sold-Out Success starting December 8th. Sign up at    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
12/1/202026 minutes, 15 seconds
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3 simple reasons your course is HARD to sell

It’s time for some tough love!   If right now your online courses and programs are not selling like hotcakes… If they don't have a waitlist hundreds of people long… If your launches are not blowing up…   It’s time to take a closer look at why your course sales suck.   Because the truth is most offers can go from HARD to sell... to selling like oh-so delicious hotcakes...with just 3 simple tweaks.   So let’s dive in and turn your course into a Sold Out Success.    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 3 oh-so common offer killers that make your course hard to sell How to take your course from hardly selling to selling like hotcakes with 3 simple tweaks Join my FREE 3-Day offer overhaul challenge - Sold-Out Success starting December 8th. Sign up at    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave a 5-Star review and then submit your details at Want the show notes + more funnel goodies? Head to
11/24/202021 minutes, 2 seconds
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The curse of the second launch (and how to avoid it)

Let me paint you a picture…   You’ve heard people talking all about online courses… You’re working 1:1 but your time is maxed out…   So you finally decide to go for it -  to take the jump, do the scary thing and create your first online course.   You pull it all together and it’s ready to go so you send some emails to your list and you talk about it on social media.    You’re SO excited about this new thing that you’ve created AND even more so when you get some sales (go you!).    You’ve launched it once so in a few months you decide it’s time to launch your course again - very similar to how you ran it the first time...   But this time you make less sales.   This is what I call the Curse of the Second Launch.   Now before you hit the panic button and throw your course in the bin - I want you to know this is perfectly normal!   That’s why in today’s episode I’ll be sharing more on the Curse of the Second launch - why it happens and how you can avoid (or recover from) it. Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: What exactly the Curse of the Second Launch is Why the Curse of the Second Launch happens My 4 tips for avoiding the Curse of the Second Launch happening to YOU Join my FREE 3-Day offer overhaul challenge - Sold-Out Success starting December 8th. Sign up at    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
11/17/202023 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to explode your email list... with pop-ups (without annoying your readers!)

What is the online business equivalent of Kale?   POP-UPS!   Sure pop-ups can suck… And no one really likes them, but man are they good for your business!   There is a RIGHT way to use them. And when you use them in that way they can absolutely explode your email list.   The reason no one likes pop-ups... is because they’ve been done so very very badly for so long.   So in today’s episode I’m sharing tips on how to make your pop-ups NOT suck.   Because once you’ve set up your non-sucky pop-ups, they’ll be one of the best hands-free tools you can use in your business to get your list building firing.   Let’s do this!  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why pop-ups are like kale My tips on how to make pop-ups NOT suck In 15 minutes you too can set up a handy pop-up tool that helps you explode your email list.  Resources: Convertbox   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
11/10/202013 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why you need to stop saying "but.. I'm no good at tech"

It’s time for a bit of tough love…   You need to STOP saying that you’re no good at tech.   There I said it!    But this dose of ass-kicking is done with love because I don’t want it to stop you from creating online courses and funnels in your business.   Because if you keep saying’s going to keep you stuck.    So if you’ve ever thought to yourself…“I’m no good at tech” or “Tech just hates me” - this episode is for YOU. Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why it’s time to stop using “I’m no good at tech” as an excuse The two reasons that saying you’re not good at tech is keeping you stuck My mantra to switch your mindset and learn the hard things!    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
11/3/202012 minutes, 3 seconds
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BTS of my first ever course launch (+ what I wish I knew back then!)

In the last 6 years...I’ve created and launched over 12 different courses and online programs.   YES! 12!   So in today’s episode, I want to share a behind the scenes of what my first ever course launch looked like.   Because I know that it’s helpful to lift the curtain and see where people started...not just where they are right now (many launches in).   This episode was prompted by a Facebook Memory of my very first website design. To see where my website started and where it is now, just shows how things can change when you take imperfect action. The same goes for launching online programs.    So if you still haven’t taken the leap to create and launch your first online course or program.    Let me take you through my very first course launch where you’ll see it was very imperfect too.   But the most important thing is that it happened! And I started...which has led me to launch twelve times and arrive at the business I have today.    So together let’s start that walk down memory lane of my very first online course launch… Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Behind the scenes of my first ever online course and how I brought it to life  The biggest wins from my first ever launch The lessons I’ve learned after creating and launching over 12 different online courses and programs   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
10/27/202023 minutes, 46 seconds
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Q&A - All your funnel Qs answered

If you’ve been thinking about funnels (I do it all the time)...   But you can’t quite get your head around if they will work for your biz…   In episode 16 I’ve answered all the funnel questions you asked me (straight from IG)!   The big, burning questions you’ve been mulling over...trying to decide if you’re ready for the funnel life and if my 5K Funnel Formula program is right for you.   And with doors closing for our special 4-week fast start LIVE round VERY SOON (October 22nd US time / October 23rd AUS time) you better get listening!  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: I’m answering ALL your funnel questions  All the info you need to decide if you need funnels in your biz (the answer is yes!) Join the special 4-week fast start LIVE round of $5K Funnel FORMULA at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
10/20/202029 minutes, 39 seconds
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3 unexpected ways funnels have changed my life

It’s no secret that funnels have changed my life. Of course there are the obvious ways...more money, more time, less stress…   But in this episode I’m sharing the 3 unexpected ways that funnels have changed my life.   And it’s because of this that I’m sooo passionate about helping other online business owners, coaches and course creators to set up their own funnels too.   To get their time, energy and creativity back.   And to be able to show up as their best selves again for their loved ones, and their clients.   Check out Episode 15 as I celebrate the wonderful (unexpected) upside to adding a simple sales system (aka Funnel) to your online business.  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 3 unexpected ways that funnels have changed my life. How funnels have made me more creative, given me clearer boundaries, and made me a better Mum Join the special 4-week fast start LIVE round of $5K Funnel FORMULA at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
10/13/202015 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to know what to focus on FIRST to grow your business

You want to know what you should focus on FIRST to grow your biz…   But you read a blog post about how someone swears by challenges to grow their business...   And then there's an Instagram story about how you need a self-liquidating offer...   And another person says you NEED to learn Pinterest.. and another Google...   And YOU JUST CAN’T KEEP UP!   You’re totally overwhelmed and second guessing how you’re actually going to grow your biz!   Introducing my simple 3 step process to help you figure out your plan to grow your biz. To get you crystal clear on exactly what you should be doing, your priorities and what to focus on to make the biggest impact in YOUR business.   And the can forget about, because it’s just white noise!   Let me tell you more... Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: How to get crystal clear on what you should be doing to grow your biz My simple 3 step process that I use when I am feeling overwhelmed, to help me find what is REALLY important to focus on, Join my FREE 3-Day offer overhaul challenge - Sold-Out Success starting October 12th. Sign up at   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
10/6/202021 minutes, 5 seconds
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3 easy tweaks to sell more courses TODAY

I’ve been creating and scaling my own online businesses since 2007 (no need to do the math on that one!)...   And in that time I’ve created and launched 12 different online products, programs and courses.   TWELVE!    And while most of them went on to sell 6-figures or more...some of them were total flops.   So that’s a whole lot of learning and a whole lot of tweaking to find out what works and ultimately what SELLS MORE.    And now I’m sharing that with you!    3 EASY tweaks you can make to SELL MORE of your online courses. Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: 3 EASY tweaks you can make to SELL MORE of your online courses And of these involves a F-U-N-N-E-L  Join my FREE 3-Day offer overhaul challenge - Sold-Out Success starting October 12th.   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/29/202015 minutes, 28 seconds
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Behind the scenes of going from 0 to 6-figures with a funnel

If you’re ready to give up because you have an offer that is barely selling…   You’ve tried e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g but it’s got to the point where nothing is working…   There is hope! And yes it involves a funnel!   In today’s episode I’m going to take you behind the scenes... of probably one of my most "funnel phobic" clients.    To share how we took a really step by step (and slow) approach to setting up her funnel.   From push and pushing and barely making any sales, to making up $40,000 a month totally on autopilot. Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Lessons from growing 0 to 6-figures with a funnel The story of one of my clients who went from close to giving up to making more money and sales than ever before...totally on autopilot The step by step process we took to get my funnel-phobic client to making $3000 while swimming at the beach Join my FREE 3-Day offer overhaul challenge - Sold-Out Success starting October 12th.    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/22/202025 minutes, 13 seconds
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Q: If I switch my course to evergreen, how do I still create great results?

You’ve been thinking about switching your course to evergreen…   But you’re not entirely sure how you’ll still be able to get great results for your clients.   If this thought has crossed your’re in luck!   In today’s episode, I’ll be sharing how to make evergreen work for you and your program, including some simple tweaks you can make to put your program on evergreen AND make sure it still gets those amazing client results you’re known for.   Welcome to Episode 11! Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: I’m answering an awesome question I was asked recently  Why it’s time to make the jump to evergreen (woohoo!) 5 tips to make evergreen work for you and your program. Get access to our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97) Join the $5K Funnel Formula Waitlist for an epic offer & bonuses   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/15/202016 minutes, 41 seconds
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Funnels 101 : The ultimate beginners guide

Do you…   Think funnels are an advanced tactic that are reserved for people who are more advanced in business than you...   Or    That funnels need to be crazy and complicated and expensive...   Well let me be your funnel-myth-busting to let you know this just isn’t true...I call BS!   Funnels are super important for ALL businesses (even if you’re just starting your business) and they can help you grow faster AND easier. You don’t even need crazy advanced marketing skills to get started with funnels either.   And to prove it to today’s episode I’m taking you back to basics!   Welcome to Funnel 101 - The ultimate beginner’s guide to funnels Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: We’re going back to basics - Funnels 101 - The ultimate beginner’s guide to funnels What a funnel actually is 4 reasons why you really need a funnel in your business The right time to add a funnel to your business (hint: it’s not in a few years) The 4 tech elements you need to create your funnel What you can expect once you’ve created your funnel How you get started with your kick-ass funnel When to add Facebook Ads to your funnel set up Get access to our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97)   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/8/202038 minutes, 2 seconds
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My biggest lessons from my first year of business PLUS baby!

The past 12 months have been a rollercoaster! It marked my first year of being a working mum and then throwing COVID into the mix.   Despite ALL of that.   I actually had one of my best years in business EVER - financially, client results wise, and just my own personal enjoyment of the business.    So today I’m sharing a sneak peak into behind the scenes (the stats, the figures, the nitty gritty) of what happened to my business after I had a baby! My biggest lessons from my first year of business PLUS baby.   I count myself lucky every single day that I was able to set up my business how I did before I had my baby, because it meant I didn’t miss out on a single second of his first year, I got to be here and present, AND still grow my business AND still help create amazing results for my clients.   And I can’t wait to share it with you...  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: A sneak peak into the behind the scenes (the stats, the figures, the nitty gritty) of what happened to my business after I had a baby I’m reflecting on what worked and what didn’t work in my first year as a working mum The juicy $$$ - my revenue and my expenses for the past 12 months Get access to our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97)   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
9/1/202030 minutes, 32 seconds
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5 Secrets to 5 figure months - How to make sure your course gets AMAZING results (5/5)

Now it’s been hard deciding what this top secret, secret should be…   But the one thing that tops them all (that oddly enough, no one gives much air time at all) is...   You need to make sure your product, service or program is actually really, really awesome.   That it is GREAT VALUE.   That it is the best it can be at delivering epic results.   The results are what matters here.   And #spoileralert - it doesn't need to be perfect, to be really great, and get people amazing results.   I’m sharing some of my tips to help you deliver a truly awesome offer that your customers love and that YOU love delivering!  Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why it’s a great business practice to make sure your products really blow your customers away Why it's so important to make sure your offer is awesome (and actually does what it says it will do) How to turn your program into the amazing, life-changing experience you know it can be. Get access to our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97)   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/27/202015 minutes, 34 seconds
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5 Secrets to 5 figure months - When to Hustle + When To HIRE! (4/5)

Right now, if Google is your go to business guru, and you don't feel like you are ever making progress in your business...because you’re barely keeping up with the day to day...   Then it sounds like you need some help, and you need it fast. This means outsourcing the years and years of figuring it out the hard way (by finding a coach), or outsourcing those day to day tasks that you know you don't need to be doing (by hiring a team)   But don’t wait until the perfect time (it doesn’t exist)...just know it only gets worse the longer you leave it...and I see people leave it far too long before they call in some help!   Knowing when to hustle and when to hire is something you need to know to reach 5-figure months and beyond.   The story behind how I scaled my first business (way back in 2007)...and how I did the same thing in my third business (just last year)...but about 5 years faster...highlights this perfectly.   And from someone who hustled for almost 6 years... let me just say, saving this little bit of time here by doing it yourself, is wasting you years of your time...and stopping you from reaching those 5-figure months you’re chasing.    Check out Episode 7 and then get hiring!    Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why you need to know when to hustle and when to hire How to know when you’re ready to get help - and what type of help you’re going to need How you can learn from my biz journey to scale your business (in much less time) Get access to our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97)   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/26/202011 minutes, 55 seconds
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5 Secrets to 5 figure months - The 3 systems everyone needs to sell more(3/5)

I get it...not everyone is a systems and automations nerd like me.   Which is why people put off creating and automating simple systems within their businesses for wayyyyyy too long.    But killer systems and automations will help save you hours and hours of time...that you can then spend on more important things!    And if you do them right will help you make more sales and profit too!   There are three main areas that if you can get automated asap...will make such a big difference to your business.   So what are the three systems you need to help you sell more?   Well, let me tell you. Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why you need to get into the habit of creating assets in your business, NOT just ticking off tasks. 3 areas that all online business owners need to systemise and automate to sell more Get access to our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97) Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/25/202016 minutes, 9 seconds
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5 Secrets to 5 figure months - Follow The Right Launch Plan (2/5)

When you’re trying to crack those 5 figure months, a common mistake you can make is NOT matching your promotions and launching schedule to where you are RIGHT NOW in business.   Not where you want to be WHEN you have a massive audience, a 5 to 6-figure ads budget and a team supporting you to bring the pieces together.   Trying to emulate the big people in your industry who are doing those big amazing launches...when your business is not at that point (yet) or doesn’t have the capacity to make it profitable, successful and achievable - is setting yourself up to be disappointed (and exhausted as heck - been there done that and seen it all!)    So let me suggest an alternate launching plan ok?   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Why matching your business model and your launch plan to someone else’s business will take you straight to exhaustion-ville The Right Launch Plan for you and your business RIGHT NOW Get access to our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97)   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/24/20209 minutes, 35 seconds
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5 Secrets to 5 figure months - Create a PROFITABLE Offer (1/5)

Welcome to our 5 part series where I’ll be sharing 5 secrets to get you hitting those much sought after 5 figure months.    Secret #1 Having a profitable offer   One of the biggest momentum killers out there...and the reason so many people get stuck and stay stuck...   Is that they don't have a profitable offer...or as I like to call it, a funnel friendly offer (because you KNOW I’m all about being able to sell your courses on autopilot).   And even if you’re a launcher (one of those crazy people), you still need a profitable offer.   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: The first (of 5) secret to help you reach 5 figure months - the profitable offer Exactly how you can create a profitable offer by ticking 3 boxes How you can unlock our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97)    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/23/202019 minutes, 8 seconds
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Steal my kick-ass email welcome sequence

I did it! I’ve had “start a podcast” on my to-do list for 4 to say I’m excited to cross that off (imperfections and all) is an understatement!   Now, something that I bet is sitting at the top of your to-do creating an email welcome sequence.   Am I right?    And because I’m crossing off something on my to-do list today (this podcast), I want to help you cross this off your the most kick-ass way possible.   Which is why I’m stepping you through a simple (I’m all about that life!) yet powerful email welcome sequence - including what to send in each and every email.   So let’s do this! Things You’ll Learn in this episode of Doing it Online: How I’m ticking off a biggie on my to-do list My simple, yet powerful 5 email welcome sequence Exactly what to include in each and every email  Your opportunity to get my eCourse MBA Workshop valued at $97 for FREE Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/18/202020 minutes, 15 seconds
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What's the BEST - A course, membership or mastermind?

    When you’re thinking about creating your first digital product, one of the first things to do is decide what is the best (aka most fun, easiest to run and most profitable) type of offer to create.   Now I know as well as anyone...there are soooooo many damn options out there to choose from - how do you choose which one is right?   Things You’ll Learn in this Episode of Doing it Online: Which offer should you choose to create - course vs membership vs mastermind? The pros and cons of these popular offer types My top tips for creating an amazing offer Unlock our eCourse MBA Workshop for FREE (usually $97)   Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/18/202032 minutes, 59 seconds
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3 of the best tools to sell MORE and hustle less

I’m sliding on my geekiest glasses and popping on my nerdiest hat to talk about one of my absolute FAVOURITE topics...   Tech Tools   Things You’ll Learn in this episode of Doing it Online: 3 of my favourite tech tools to help you sell more and hustle My present to you for leaving a review of Doing It Online    Want More? Make more course sales than ever before when you steal my exact funnel at Want access to my 5-Day eCourse MBA (Mini Business Accelerator) for FREE? Just leave an honest review and then submit your details at (and our favourites each week will win an exclusive Doing It Online camper mug as well!) Want more funnel goodies? Head to
8/18/202017 minutes, 51 seconds
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Guess what, I'm starting a podcast

It's been on my to-do list since 2015... so it feels real good to finally tick this puppy off. I am a teacher at heart, so you'll probably want to have a pen handy when ever you listen in.. because I am going to be sharing strategies, tools and techniques you can go away and add straight into your business.   So make sure you hit subscribe and I can't wait to celebrate with you then.  
8/12/20202 minutes, 34 seconds