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Divine Living

English, Religion, 1 season, 311 episodes, 6 days, 11 hours, 43 minutes
Embrace what is rightfully yours: the call to play a much bigger game in the world. Your feminine leadership is desperately needed. It’s time for you to be the benevolent Queen who never denies her abilities, her self-worth, or her spiritual purpose on this planet. Global women’s empowerment coach, speaker, and author, Gina DeVee, brings you controversial, soul-awakening stories and candid conversations with influential women who are modeling what it looks like to create total career fulfillment while also enjoying a beautiful lifestyle of their design (and not apologizing for either!). We’ve gotten pretty good at ‘divine working’, Gina affirms, and now she’s here to show you how to do “divine living”. Come join the conversation! Follow @ginadevee on Instagram for daily inspo, subscribe to this podcast, and be sure to share the show with other women in your life. There is #nowomanleftbehind in this community and you can help that mission! Looking for more? Head over to
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I’m in a Secret Bliss Bubble

It's been quite some time since I've felt this deep sense of passion, especially when it comes to the intricate behind-the-scenes work involved in crafting a new program, orchestrating a launch, and navigating the world of marketing. You see, there are different seasons in a woman's life, and it's essential for you to understand that if you find yourself feeling stuck or uncertain about your path, holding onto that belief is paramount. Trust me, inspiration and divine guidance will find their way to you. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESOwn Your Throne MastermindDivine Living Academy
12/19/202317 minutes, 53 seconds
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Confronting Poor Behavior

Have you ever found yourself playing a role in a script that doesn't align with your true self? Have you been in relationships where something didn't feel right, yet you silently accommodated it? Requests would pour in, and certain types of communication would leave you feeling uneasy, but you hesitated to speak up. Today, I invite you to step into your power and be unavailable to have people treat you poorly and still have access to you and the good that comes with you. It's time to have better boundaries, to show up for yourself and speak up faster. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) 
11/29/202326 minutes, 9 seconds
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Feeling the feels on Thanksgiving

11/23/202313 minutes, 23 seconds
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3 Ways to Make Money Now
11/11/202328 minutes, 57 seconds
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Time To Turn Your Finances Around

When we find ourselves in financial struggles, it often indicates a self-obsessed mindset. It’s a shift in perspective that can truly change the game. Remember, when you make yourself available, unexpected opportunities arise, regardless of personal preferences. It’s time to move from tolerating financial hardship to a resolute stance against it. You must know your true desires, and decree and declare financial abundance with authority. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESDivine Living Team ContactOwn Your Throne Mastermind
11/7/202328 minutes, 1 second
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How to Take Care of Yourself When the World is Falling Apart

Queens, in these turbulent times, our world is burdened with heartache, and the weight can be overwhelming for us all. Today, I want to share what's been helping me navigate these challenging moments and prioritize self-care during significant events. I'm not here to impose a 'one-size-fits-all' coping strategy; rather, I offer these insights as a source of support for those who may find them helpful. While the world grapples with distressing events, please remember that YOU are a queen, and caring for yourself and your needs is not an act of selfishness. YOU matter. Much love, Gina.EPISODE RESOURCESNew Orleans Retreat
10/12/202320 minutes, 30 seconds
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When You Don’t Know What To Say

Let's hold onto the vital essence of seeing, loving, and showing compassion to one another. Witnessing any form of mistreatment reminds us of life's preciousness and the necessity of treating each other with utmost kindness. As we journey together through different seasons and make choices, let's generously support one another, recognizing that good intentions may not always resonate, and judgment isn't the solution. Stay connected and keep your hearts wide open. Much love, Gina.
10/10/202320 minutes, 2 seconds
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Own Your Financial Throne

Darlings, today marks the grand commencement of your journey towards embracing your inner queenhood! To truly liberate yourself from the shackles of limitation, it's imperative to embark on a profound journey of healing. Understand that there is no scarcity to be found in any facet of your existence, be it financial riches, a multitude of clients, or a myriad of opportunities. YOU have not come this far to stop now. Money is an endlessly renewable resource, and let me emphasize, that abundance is your BIRTHRIGHT! Much akin to the illustrious Queen Esther of Persia, you, my radiant souls, possess a unique purpose, and your destiny is to claim your rightful throne! Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESFREE 4-day Wealth Revival SeriesOwn Your Financial Throne 9-week Program
10/5/20231 hour, 33 seconds
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Own Your Future By Creating Financial Abundance

The beautiful things you have now, the experiences you’ve had... They were once dreams, weren't they? Your financial dreams and goals can become a reality too. It may seem out of reach, but just look back. Dreams come true, but not on their own. You've created the life you have now, and you can do the same with your finances. The first step to financial abundance is shedding the princess mentality that's held you back and embracing the Queen who knows the three essential keys to financial abundance. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESFREE 4-day Wealth Revival SeriesOwn Your Financial Throne 9-week Program
10/4/20231 hour, 51 seconds
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Own Your Present Financial Potential

Healing your wounded feminine instincts is the initial step toward unlocking your current financial potential. As little girls, many of us were instilled with limiting beliefs about ourselves and money, such as feeling unworthy or that money is scarce. However, the reality is that money is a form of energy, and every energy possesses its unique frequency, which you can tap into. Abundance carries a specific frequency, and healing your feminine instincts will enable you to become the perfect vibrational match with your financial desires. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESFREE 4-day Wealth Revival Series
10/3/20231 hour, 3 minutes, 48 seconds
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Own Your (Perceived) Past Financial Failures

The key to unlocking financial abundance, or what I like to call "financial relaxation," isn't about working harder or doing more. Today, we took a deep dive, working backward to demystify the true reason why you are not experiencing the wealth you are meant to. Your early interactions with your mother figure played a significant role in shaping your beliefs about security and love. It's time to release those limiting childhood beliefs and recognize that true financial abundance comes from God, not your mother or any external source. We are all children of God, inherently deserving of abundance. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESFREE 4-day Wealth Revival Series
10/2/20231 hour, 1 minute, 7 seconds
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Transforming Money Worries

The financial stress, unwavering generosity, and hope for our dreams are all part of our journey. Whether it's the fear of running out of money or that daily worry about making ends meet, I've been there too. But being stuck in scarcity and fear is no way to live. The toll it takes on your body can be immense, and often, we don't even realize it because we've grown accustomed to the stress. We're here on this planet for a greater purpose and it's time to transform your money worries, and live a life of abundance. Enjoy!FREE 4-day Wealth Revival Series -
9/29/202325 minutes, 1 second
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How to End Financial Stress

In moments of doubt, remember: your desires are your guide, your purpose is unique, and abundance is your birthright. Align with your true self, focus on what you desire, and have unwavering faith. And stop imagining what you don't want, instead channel your creativity into creating financial abundance. Your life is meant to be abundant; believe it, and you'll manifest it. Today let’s end financial stress! Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESFREE 4-day Wealth Revival Series
9/28/202322 minutes, 8 seconds
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Overcoming Financial Goliaths

Are you drowning in financial pressure, struggling just to get by, and overwhelmed by the weight of it all? It’s a common experience, but it’s essential to recognize that this feeling often stems from a misalignment in our financial lives. When your bank account seems perpetually empty, and the world feels like it’s closing in, it’s time to confront the truth. Abundance cannot flourish in an atmosphere of fear. If you’re currently in this space, know that I hold immense compassion for you, and today, together, we’re going to initiate a powerful shift. Today marks the beginning of a profound financial transformation. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESFREE 4-day Wealth Revival Series
9/26/202326 minutes, 29 seconds
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Feel Like Giving Up?

Darling, have you been clinging to a fragile thread for far too long? Wondering when this will finally come to an end? You see, when we find ourselves in these precarious states, desperately trying to escape discomfort, we inadvertently obstruct our own desires. The Princess, she's the one who clutches the Queen's tiara, always fighting her way out, reluctant to sit with the discomfort, avoiding responsibility for how things unfolded, and sidestepping a deeper exploration of the beliefs that set the stage. But today, my love, let's release the Princess and summon forth the Queen within. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESFREE 4-day Wealth Revival SeriesGet the book here
9/25/202331 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Money Is Coming

Let me share a profound truth: The money is on its way, and I urge you to embrace it with unwavering faith. Today, cast aside fear, frustration, and distractions, for they only distance you from your inner power. Focus on what you can do right now, how you can show up for your life and desires. Each day offers a fresh start, where your focus molds your reality. Know that you're precisely where you're meant to be. When you take daily inspired action, in divine timing, your desires will manifest. Have faith! Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESLet The Church Say AmenFREE 4-day Wealth Revival Series
9/22/202328 minutes, 22 seconds
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Need A Wealth Revival?

In the world of financial matters, many of us feel like we're carrying a heavy burden. It's like wearing a cloak made of shame, anxiety, and constant pressure. Have you ever worked tirelessly just to make ends meet? Or maybe you've ended up in a job that doesn't really align with your passions, all because you needed the money? Whether it's dealing with financial stress, the never-ending cycle of work and bills, or even choosing money over your true passions, this episode is for all of you who can relate. It's time for you to embark on a journey to revive your wealth! Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESFREE 4-day Wealth Revival Series
9/21/202331 minutes, 53 seconds
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From Financial Fear to Abundance

Did you know that you have the power to shift your consciousness and attract more abundance into your life? Often, we find ourselves fixated on our fears and challenges. However, it's essential to understand that no challenge is insurmountable; none of them are bigger than you. Even in your darkest moments, there's a glimmer of light waiting to shine through.It's time to redirect your focus away from what you don't want and toward what's possible. Let's collectively turn our focus toward the realm of possibilities. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted by this episode!EPISODE RESOURCESApply for the Own Your Throne MastermindRegister for the New Orleans Retreat hereGet the book here
9/13/202325 minutes, 14 seconds
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Forgot Who You Are?

Are you feeling stuck? Perhaps things aren't working out, and you're scared to try again. Maybe you're even waiting for the "perfect moment". That persistent voice of ego whispers, "You don’t need it." Queen, we've all been there. But let me tell you, if you’ve been feeling this way lately, I urge you to step out of your comfort zone. Break free from your routine, and immerse yourself in a new environment. You might feel stuck because you're not evolving. Remember, there's no perfect time or situation. Today, say "yes" to your dreams. Pursue your burning desires so that you no longer put them on the back burner. It's time to prioritize your dreams and shun all excuses. Powerful episode today, enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany Retreat
8/11/202321 minutes, 27 seconds
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Postponing Perfectionism

In our digital world, it's easy to question our worth and wonder if we're heard. Recently, I've been stuck waiting for the 'perfect moment' or content, only to feel frustrated when it doesn't arrive. I've realized that this pursuit of perfection can blind us to the value of the present. Instead of awaiting 'perfect moments' or content, I've learned there's no time like the present. As we navigate life, let's seek divine guidance and embrace the mysteries of tomorrow. Today, let's move forward. I hope you find this episode both insightful and empowering. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany Retreat
8/3/202323 minutes, 22 seconds
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Who Do You Desire To Be In Love? w/ Gina DeVee & Dr. Glenn A. Sisk

The truth is you can’t think, work, or push your way into true love…divine timing is always at play. However, you CAN prepare, heal and open yourself up to receive that opportunity when it arrives. Today my babylove and I hosted a free training session where we shared the necessary components for cultivating a healthy, thriving relationship and how to get out of your own way so you can claim it. Enjoy!EPSIODE RESOURCESRegister for The Key to Legendary Love Program
6/21/202354 minutes, 53 seconds
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Queenly Communication & Conflict Resolution w/ Gina DeVee & Dr. Glenn A. Sisk

Do you shy away from confrontation within your relationships? Or hold onto small arguments that then turn into divisive walls of resentment? My husband and I share how we prioritize healthy communication within our relationship so we can set loving boundaries and resolve conflict in the moment, while deeply acknowledging each other’s needs (as well as our own) in the process. Enjoy this peek into a free class we hosted today on this exact topic and let us know your takeaways!  EPSIODE RESOURCESRegister for The Key to Legendary Love Program
6/20/202357 minutes, 50 seconds
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How To Become Visible in Love w/ Gina DeVee & Dr. Glenn A. Sisk

Do you feel invisible when it comes to love? Either chronically single or constantly feeling unseen in your relationships? My husband, Dr. Glenn A. Sisk, and I used to feel like this too before we found each other. We share the ONE profound practice that transformed it all for us in this free class we hosted today so you can break free from invisibility too. Enjoy!EPSIODE RESOURCESRegister for The Key to Legendary Love Program
6/19/202358 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Power of TEDx Scripts with Ashley Stahl

Today I have a treat for you! One of my very best friends, as well as bestselling author and viral TEDx speaker, Ashley Stahl, returns to the show for a beautiful conversation on the power of storytelling. If you’ve ever wanted to share your story on big stages, empower others through a journey you’ve walked, and grow your reach organically, then Ashley’s your Queen. In this episode, she shares how she delivered a viral TEDx Talk that continues to receive over 10,000 views a day, has over 8 million views total, and has ranked in the top 100 talks of all time! Even better, she shares how you can overcome imposter syndrome and enhance your uniqueness to do it too. Enjoy!Ashley Stahl is a counter-terrorism professional turned career coach and bestselling author of You Turn, and she’s passionate about helping people step into a fulfilling career they’re aligned with. Through her two viral TEDx speeches, online courses, podcast episodes, and expansive audience, she has supported clients in over 81 countries to discover their best career path and up-level their confidence. In addition, she has a monthly career column in Forbes and has been featured in major media outlets like The Wall Street Journal, CBS, SELF, The Washington Post, The Chicago Tribune and more.CONNECT WITH ASHLEY:Apply for Ted Talk MentorshipBook: You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, and Design Your Dream CareerInstagram: @ashleystahlWebsite: Ashley’s TedTalk
6/14/202332 minutes, 20 seconds
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Becoming Unavailable for Toxic Entanglement

Have you ever been confronted with a situation where you prioritized pleasing someone else versus speaking your truth? If so, you probably left feeling suffocated and silenced, right? We can all fall into these patterns of people-pleasing. The question is, how do we lovingly escape them, courageously express our truth, and allow our inner Queen to shine through?  Come join me for this conversation to discover what this looks for you.Episode Resources:The Key to Legendary Love FREE 3-day Training
6/12/202324 minutes, 3 seconds
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How To Unhook From Toxicity

Sometimes we feel so hooked into specific thoughts, beliefs, dynamics, circumstances, feelings, etc. that we forget we have the power to CHOOSE differently. And how freeing is it to know you’re one decision away from a total transformation? This episode will empower you to re-root yourself in the present moment, allow yourself to be guided, and discover all the ways in which you can show up for you. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany Retreat
5/30/202326 minutes, 58 seconds
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How I was ruining my life (and marriage)

Have you ever been so deep in the stress of future-tripping that you find yourself with an emotional hangover? I was there recently when I thought we were going to have to move out of our Italian dream home that took us over a year to find (more about that in this episode!). If you’re in the midst of a stressful situation, not sure what’s next, tune in! We all come across these types of human experiences and it’s up to us to get intentional about the questions we ask in alignment with our desires.EPISODE RESOURCESGet the bookTransformation in Tuscany Retreat
5/26/202337 minutes, 8 seconds
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Take The Stage with Judi Holler

Do you find yourself fearing fear? In this amazing conversation with public speaking phenomenon and entrepreneur, Judi Holler, discover how you can begin leveraging fear in your favor. Judi shares how she built her empire from the ground up, overcame crippling perfectionism, and made the corporate to entrepreneurial leap (plus all the juicy secrets she learned along the way) that will guide you in making your epic dreams come true!Judi Holler is a keynote speaker, podcaster, best-selling author, and entrepreneur. For the last decade, Judi has built an enterprise that includes a robust keynote speaking business, a top 13% podcast on iTunes, and a publishing arm that has created a line of personal development products that has gotten the attention of clients like Four Seasons, Ford Motor Company, Marriott, Bank of America, T-Mobile, The Boston Red Sox, The Ritz Carlton, and more. Judi’s professional accomplishments have earned her praise with Forbes and Success Magazine. Additionally, her podcast, “Yes, And” with Judi Holler, highlights her professional improv training as an alumnus of Second City’s Conservatory in Chicago, bringing thought-provoking ideas and inspiring weekly interviews to help elevate your mindset and take more confident action.CONNECT WITH JUDIBook: Fear Is My HomeboyWebsite: judiholler.comInstagram: @judihollerSpeaker School: Pay In Full: Payment Plan: RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany Retreat
5/19/202344 minutes, 33 seconds
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It’s Safe to Set Boundaries (+ My Wedding Story)

When in Rome…recently babylove and I took a quick trip to Rome where we stood atop the Spanish Steps reminiscing on our wedding day from the exact spot we got married over a decade ago. I’m sharing all the details from our special day in this episode + other lessons I learned while in Rome – like how to set strong and loving boundaries. Listen in and give yourself permission to start showing up fully for YOU!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany Retreat
5/18/202329 minutes, 43 seconds
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Lost your spark?

EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany Retreat
5/4/202321 minutes, 1 second
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Creating The Unexpected

EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatGet the book here
5/3/202336 minutes, 48 seconds
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Queen’s Fave: It’s Not Selfish to Prioritize You

When was the last time anyone asked you what *you* want? In today’s throwback episode prepare to reimagine your deepest desires and get great at receiving them. This is the age of feminine leadership and it all begins with prioritizing our values and dreams. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/25/202321 minutes, 56 seconds
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Queen’s Fave: Release Resistance and Receive

Welcome to Day 5 of our favorite throwback podcasts week. Today we’re talking about releasing resistance. If you’re asking the question “what am I doing with my life?” you’re in good company! So many women are asking this same question right now. This can be scary when we try to answer it on our own, resist new ways of being, and make prayer a last resort. In this episode, I share how you can open yourself up to new opportunities and tap into Infinite Intelligence to find your true bliss. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
4/21/202327 minutes, 37 seconds
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Queen’s Fave: The Intentionality of a Queen

Today’s throwback episode is the perfect motivational boost to usher in the spring season! If you’re ready to clear out the old to make space for the new, this is the conversation to tune into. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/20/202336 minutes, 32 seconds
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Queen’s Fave: Time To Heal The Injured Feminine Instinct

Today’s throwback episode is designed to usher in life-changing levels of transformation! In a world that’s obsessed with over-masculine ways of doing, it’s time to heal and reclaim the feminine art of being. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/19/202328 minutes, 16 seconds
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Queen’s Fave: Activate Your Feminine Power

Today we continue with our week of highlighting past favorite episodes with this special conversation on how to activate the feminine power of receiving. Scripture tells us to ask, seek, and knock and our desires shall be given. Not pound, push, or thrust. As Queens, we get to release the “go out and get it” mentality and instead become confident in our magnetism. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/18/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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Queen’s Fave: How To Claim The Biggest Up-Level of Your Life!

While I’m away at a retreat this week evolving my own spiritual growth, I’m delighted to share some of our past community favorite episodes with you! This one was fun to reflect on, as it was during a time when babylove and I were searching for a new home, not knowing what was in store for us. Blessed to have our dream home in Italy today, it’s incredible to look back and see how God orchestrated it all in divine timing. Let us all use this reminder that the best is yet to come and to keep the faith. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/17/202325 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Feminine Art of Collaboration

What I’ve noticed for so many well-meaning women is chronic isolation. We’ve been conditioned to believe that in order to get further ahead, we are better off “doing things ourselves.” What I’ve also come to notice is that when we show up for ourselves and indulge in the art of collaboration, we find deeper alignment. If you’re ready to discover this transformation for yourself, tune into this episode and be sure to check out my Transformation in Tuscany retreat!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/15/202321 minutes, 16 seconds
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TBT: The Key To Adding More Spark In Your Life

Babylove and I are in London for a couple days and it reminded me of this podcast that aired over the summer when I was in London last. I want to share it with you again today as I believe this message of embodying the feminine and releasing the mundane is a refresher we all could use. If you’re ready to take the next step in adding more spark in your life, be sure to check out my Transformation in Tuscany retreat here!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
4/13/202325 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Antidote to Anxiety

Are you feeling anxious lately? Stuck in comparisonitis, worried that money won’t come in, or wondering how it’s all going to work out for you? What I know for sure is that everything is happening for your highest good. This episode will connect you deeper into faith so you can release all thoughts of fear and lack and remain open to the solution.EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/12/202320 minutes, 29 seconds
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Worthiness To Receive

Do you struggle to receive money, love, support, opportunities, and compliments? So many smart, successful women are right there with you (I used to be one of them!). You can read more about it in this Instagram caption. What I’ve learned and now know for sure, is that it’s our God-given birthright to receive our highest good. This episode will unveil your own limiting self-perceptions and help you reclaim your worthiness so you can receive the abundance meant for you!EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/6/202326 minutes, 34 seconds
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Waiting For The Miracle?

Many women have been asking: “when do I wait for the miracle and when do I take action?” If you’re awaiting a major breakthrough in your life right now, asking yourself this question, then this episode is for you! I share the spiritual approach to taking action in the pursuit of transformation (without the hustle) that will empower your journey.EPISODE RESOURCESTransformation in Tuscany RetreatJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/5/202337 minutes, 27 seconds
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Can’t Live Like That Anymore?

I don’t know a single woman right now who isn’t saying to herself: “I don’t know what else to do, but I can’t live like this anymore.”  Whether it be in relationships, finances, or career, groundbreaking change is of the essence. If you feel like a long awaited dream of yours is starting to feel more like a fantasy, tune into this episode. I’m sharing the spiritual principles that will usher in your transformation!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
3/23/202335 minutes, 55 seconds
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From Frustration to Manifestation

So many women are in a state of transition, up-leveling, and desiring to leave old ways of being in the past but are finding themselves face-to-face with a pretty large challenge right now. Is this you? If so, tune into this episode as I talk about how to shift your perspective and become the vibrational match for your desires.EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/16/202336 minutes, 57 seconds
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Transition Takes Time

Are you in a season of transition or change? Me too. And I’m committed to fully embodying the next-level, evolved version of myself. To not just resort to what was or autopilot ways of being. This takes a great amount of grace and much deeper levels of self-permission. Are you ready to evolve with me? Tune into this episode and be sure to check out the links below to get yourself into a high-vibe community that will support your growth.EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/22/202326 minutes, 47 seconds
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Receiving Spiritual Guidance to a Life Better than Your Dreams

Envision your biggest dream. What does that look like? Have you been holding yourself back from claiming it because of fear or limitation? I get it, Queen. The best part is we don’t have to figure it out alone. We just have to be open to receiving spiritual guidance. And believe me, when we co-create with Spirit, the dream will come to fruition in ways you can’t even imagine!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/15/202326 minutes, 48 seconds
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I’m Moving To Italy Tomorrow!

What happens when you let go of perfectionism, release the role of the “good girl”, and let things be easy? I’ll tell you, you get to live life by design. Tomorrow I’m fulfilling my lifelong dream of moving to Italy! It was one of those dreams that was set for “one day” with the belief that there would always be more time. But then it became clear to say yes now. So I’ll ask you, what if you stopped waiting and said YES today? If you used the feminine art of manifesting to take your big dreams out of the ethers into reality? Tune in and let’s disrupt the status quo together.EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/31/202328 minutes, 18 seconds
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The New Feminine Success Frequency

Today’s a special episode because I’m taking you behind the scenes into a high-level mastermind conversation I was honored to be a part of recently. This divine message flowed through and I was inspired to share it here because I believe we can all benefit from it. In the age of hustle and sacrifice, it’s time for Queens like us to raise the frequency and redefine “success” by putting fulfillment, happiness, lifestyle, and spirituality back into the equation. Tune in to discover how you can curate your life and business by design in a way that’s authentic to you!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Apply for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/24/202336 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Gentleness Is Not Weakness

If you, like me, didn’t start the New Year with a whole lot of gusto then this conversation is for you. Let’s lean into the power of being gentle with ourselves, taking inspired action vs. massive action, and using this time to make space for our greatness.EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Connect with Dr. Prudence HallApply for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/11/202319 minutes, 29 seconds
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How To Be In Your Power & Magnetize Miracles

Queen, we know Scripture tells us to ask and it will be given, yet we also know this isn’t a verbal ask. We ask through our beingness – our energy, our presence, and our vibration. When we fully own our power in this way, miracles magnetize. Ready to unleash this power within you? Tune into this conversation.EPISODE RESOURCESFree eBook: The 4 Biggest Mistakes That Keep You From Living a Miraculous LifeApply for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/28/202225 minutes, 45 seconds
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My 50th Birthday Reflections

Today is my 50th birthday!! And as I was in my meditation & journaling room this morning, I had many reflections about this milestone moment that I felt called to share with you. Tune into this conversation to recenter on the preciousness of life and discover your own journey of becoming.EPISODE RESOURCESConnect with Dr. Prudence HallApply for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/22/202233 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Message Of Hope & Healing

Today I come to you with a heavy heart and a deep understanding that the holiday season isn’t always joyous, as it can spark feelings of heaviness, sadness and grief for many. If this is you today, know you’re not alone. Also know that you are so loved! Come join me for this soulful conversation and be reminded that the solution always exists, for this too shall pass.P.S. If you or someone you know is seeking support, dial 988 to connect with the National Suicide & Crisis Center.EPISODE RESOURCESApply for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/15/202215 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Key To Manifesting Your Desires

As 2022 comes to a completion, I’ve been reflecting on what’s come to fruition over this past year. And truly, every single desire I had on my heart has manifested….even the ones that waited until the 11th hour or that I couldn’t see exactly how they were going to happen. In this episode, I’m sharing how I showed up differently to co-create these epic manifestations and how you can too! EPISODE RESOURCESWant to become a beauty brand ambassador with me? DM me on Instagram with your cell or WhatsApp numberApply for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/12/202223 minutes, 32 seconds
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How To Declare This Season ‘Your Turn’

There’s so much joy, inspiration, and high-vibe energy to be found when we stay out of “shoulds,” crazymaking, and future-tripping tendencies. Lately I’ve been seeing women everywhere declaring this season as “their turn” by setting strong boundaries, breaking through the status quo, and simplifying their lives in order to be more present. Are you ready to claim YOUR turn too? Tune into this episode!P.S. Come join a powerful vortex of Queens in the 12-month Own Your Throne Mastermind!EPISODE RESOURCESApply for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/5/202219 minutes, 49 seconds
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The 11th Hour Of 2022

It’s amazing how much can happen in a day, never mind a month!! While 2023 is on the horizon, that doesn’t mean your big 2022 dreams have to be pushed aside…there’s still time to manifest them! When we as Queens open up to the power of the here and now, we will find a higher level of possibility. If you’re ready to raise your vibe, belief, and worth to claim this for yourself, press play on this conversation!P.S. Want to join me for a 7-Day cleanse?! Get the details here and order your favorite flavor here: chocolate or vanilla.  EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/2/202231 minutes, 59 seconds
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Anchor Into Possibility & Attract Your Desire

Today’s a special day on the podcast where I’m sharing with you a little sneak peek into my Own Your Throne program! This conversation is an opportunity to deepen into your power, elevate your magnetism, and reopen to the infinite possibilities that are available to you in every moment. Things can change in a holy instant, Queen! Let’s draw that manifestation to you.EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
12/1/202218 minutes, 41 seconds
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Permission To Go At Your Own Pace

Let this episode serve as a permission slip to grant yourself grace and go at the pace that feels right for you…without any guilt, shame, or force. The Queen within knows that busy is boring and she also knows that you deserve to take care of you, in the same way you lovingly take care of so many others. Come tune in and together let’s unwind and check-in to what your body truly desires!P.S. LAST CHANCE to claim the Black Friday Special of 50% off the Divine Living Academy!EPISODE RESOURCESBlack Friday Special: 50% OFF the Divine Living Academy!Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/28/202216 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Access Your Greatness
11/27/202215 minutes, 6 seconds
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Self Permission 
11/26/202211 minutes, 23 seconds
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My UN-Thanksgiving 
11/25/202221 minutes, 41 seconds
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Deepen Into Gratitude

Queen ~ today, and every day, I am so grateful for YOU! And, I want you to find a deeper sense of gratitude for yourself too. Come tune in for a very special episode as we uncover all that we have to be thankful for!P.S. Check out all the details for your Black Friday Special ~ 50% off the Divine Living Academy!EPISODE RESOURCESBlack Friday Special: 50% OFF the Divine Living Academy!Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/24/202217 minutes, 12 seconds
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Be Gentle With Yourself

What if you only let your yes be yes and no be no? As Queens, we know we create our reality. And at the same time, we know that things come up. The question is, how can we be gentle with ourselves and consider our desires in the process? Come tune into this episode as we re-center and ground ourselves in life’s little luxuries!P.S. Check out all the details for your Black Friday Special ~ 50% off the Divine Living Academy!EPISODE RESOURCESBlack Friday Special: 50% OFF the Divine Living Academy!Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/23/202229 minutes, 15 seconds
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How Are You Prioritizing YOU?

With 2023 on the horizon and holiday season quickly approaching, it’s time to focus on refilling your own cup, Queen! How are you going to prioritize you? For me, I’m committed to cleansing, learning from some of the best experts, and investing in my own growth. Tune in to inspire your own nourishing practices that will propel you into a peaceful season of expansion!P.S. If you’re interested in the upcoming retreats, reach out to my team at [email protected] or DM me on Instagram @ginadevee!P.P.S. Want to join me for a 7-day, revitalizing cleanse?! You can get all the details here and purchase your favorite flavors here: chocolate or vanilla.EPISODE RESOURCESBlack Friday Special: 50% OFF the Divine Living Academy!Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/16/202216 minutes, 4 seconds
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How I Manifested My Dream Home!

QUEEN! If you’ve been on the journey with me, you know that #babylove and I have been on the search for our dream home for quite some time now. Today, I can officially say the search is COMPLETE! And not only did one dream home come to fruition, but two!! This is truly the work of the Divine. If you’re in the question right now and can’t quite see the desire of your heart fully manifest yet, tune into this episode. What I know for sure is that desire is designed to be yours, let’s declare and decree it so!EPISODE RESOURCESBlack Friday Special: 50% OFF the Divine Living Academy!Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/15/202230 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Art Of The Heroine’s Journey: My Interview On The Obsessed Podcast

Oh my goodness, Queen! I had the most EPIC, soulful, and vulnerable conversation with the wonderful hosts of The Obsessed Podcast – Julie, Mika, and Tia! This episode was FILLED with so much value on topics I know every spiritual, big-thinking woman can relate to including wealth & spirituality, how to grant yourself permission to live your truth, being fierce yet feminine, setting boundaries with love, letting go of resistance, and so much more. Tune in, I promise you won’t be disappointed! EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Own Your Throne 12-month Mastermind hereGet the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/14/202254 minutes, 4 seconds
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Give Yourself The Gift of Guidance

How many times have you put yourself into crazymaking mode, trying to over-control a situation, just so you could move the needle forward a tiny bit in the direction of your dreams? Ah Queen, yes. I’ve been there too. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? And everytime I’m reminded of how powerful God is, and how perfect divine timing is, and ultimately how beautiful it is to SURRENDER to the truth of that! If you need this reminder today too, then I encourage you to come join me in this conversation!EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/7/202224 minutes, 23 seconds
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Your Dreams Aren’t Too Big For God

The quickest way to derail your dreams is by making other people and things source instead of turning to Source! In the realm of the miraculous, the solution you’re seeking already exists. If you’re ready to let go of anxiety, depression, and frustration and instead cultivate a deeper trust in divine timing, then this episode is a must-listen!P.S. Come join me for a 3-day luxury retreat in Santa Monica (11/9-11/11) to dive deeper into the feminine and spiritual principles of manifesting!EPISODE RESOURCESSanta Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Register for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/18/202226 minutes, 14 seconds
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How To Shift Stagnant Energy

Have you ever felt bored (and borderline crazy) because you kept relentlessly holding onto a desire even when there was no evidence of it manifesting? Oh I get it, Queen! And in this episode, I’m sharing how I shifted stagnant energy to elevate my faith. As Scripture tells us, “ask and you shall receive.” The Divine is ALWAYS working in our favor...even when we can’t see it. This conversation will reinspire your faith so you can receive your 11th hour miracle! P.S. Come join me for a 3-day luxury retreat in Santa Monica (11/9-11/11) to receive your big breakthrough!EPISODE RESOURCESSanta Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Register for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
10/14/202221 minutes, 6 seconds
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Shatter the Confidence Con with Nicole Kalil

QUEEN! Let me tell you, you are in for a real treat today! On the show we have my good friend, Nicole Kalil!! Nicole is a motivational speaker, exceptional coach, host of the This Is Woman's Work podcast, and brand new author of the book Validation Is For Parking (get your copy ASAP & thank me later!). Known as the Confidence Sherpa, Nicole reveals how-to strategies that set her apart from other self-help experts. Previously a Fortune 100 C-suite executive to successful entrepreneur, she's helped thousands of women reclaim their confidence so they can live authentically, both personally and professionally. This conversation touches on it all! So much more than hypothetical stories highlighting mountain top moments and “I’ve already heard this” tips, Nicole dives into the raw, real, relatable, and shocking practicalities that build confidence (as well as chip it away). If you struggle with perfectionism, lack of self-trust, or Imposter Syndrome, then do yourself a favor and get in on this episode!CONNECT WITH NICOLEWebsite: https://nicolekalil.comBook: Validation Is For Parking: How Women Can Beat the Confidence ConPodcast: This is Woman’s WorkInstagram: @nicolemkalil EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindSanta Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/11/202246 minutes, 40 seconds
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Courage To Do Life Differently

As I’ve been enjoying my solo travels, I’ve really been leaning into the new experiences, friendships, adventures, and slower pace it has gifted me. In western culture, success is typically confined to routine, rigidity, and hustle. But as I embrace this other way of living, success has taken a new form. Success to me is being in alignment with my values and being completely in LOVE with what I’m doing. If you feel like you’re hitting the pavement yet gaining no traction, then press play on this episode! P.S. If you’re ready to do life differently and find your own transformation, come join my 10-week Own Your Throne program, class starts today (10/4)!EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindSanta Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/4/202215 minutes
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How To Transform Your Life

Ciao from Florence! I woke up today with so much gratitude for the transformation God has granted me within the past year and the beauty that unfolded when I finally surrendered. If you’re in a space right now where you’re grateful but not content, craving something different in your life, then come tune into this episode. I’m sharing the spiritual truth that has transformed every area of my life so that you too can find a new perspective and attract limitless opportunities! P.S. If you’re ready to find what more is meant for you and reveal your own transformation, come join my 10-week Own Your Throne program, class starts Tuesday (10/4)!EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindSanta Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/2/202221 minutes, 1 second
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Dust Off Your Dreams

Do you feel disappointed in pursuit of a dream that doesn’t seem possible? This happens when we believe in manmade probability over spirituality. Spirit is the truth! In today’s episode, indulge in a mini-masterclass on miracles to reinspire your dreams. Discover how you can choose to realign and fulfill these desires in your heart and find accomplishment in the most pleasurable way possible!EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindSanta Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/30/202226 minutes, 16 seconds
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What’s Required To Manifest

Ever wonder how to transform a want into a MUST? This episode from day 3 of the Own Your Throne series will take you through elevating your consciousness and deepening your connection with Source so you can get great at manifesting! EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindSanta Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
9/29/202251 minutes, 47 seconds
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How To Stop Chasing & Receive

Do you feel like you've done EVERYTHINGGG to bring your desire to fruition and it still hasn't manifested? If so, there's one thing that hasn't happened yet that will make a BIG difference! Tune into this episode from today’s Own Your Throne training to discover what that is.P.S. Join us live tomorrow (9/29) for the last day of this FREE Own Your Throne virtual training series!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin my FREE virtual Own Your Throne event (Sept. 27- 29)Register for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindSanta Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
9/28/202256 minutes, 46 seconds
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Solutions For Stuckness

What’s one big desire that you have on your heart today? Whether it’s money, love, travel, homeownership, starting a business…I want you to hold that vision. Do you feel doubts arising? If yes, tune into this episode from today’s Own Your Throne training, where we go through proven-to-work practices that will eradicate your top 3 self-sabotaging patterns of the past to unlock your abundant present!P.S. Join us for the next two days of this FREE Own Your Throne virtual training series (9/27-9/29).EPISODE RESOURCESJoin my FREE virtual Own Your Throne event (Sept. 27- 29)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
9/27/202253 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Do You Desire?

Stuck in the Monday blues? This conversation is here to pull you out of any lack or fear-based thoughts and remind you of the miraculous, quantum leaps that occur when you show up for you! The real work is the inner work. So tune in to get clear on your desires and begin soaking in what each day is meant for as if they have already manifested. P.S. Be sure to get in for my upcoming FREE 3-day virtual event, Own Your Throne, starting tomorrow (9/27-9/29)!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin my FREE virtual Own Your Throne event (Sept. 27- 29)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/26/202219 minutes, 46 seconds
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Get Great At The Art of Receiving

Hi from Megeve! I’ve been unplugged and offline lately as I’ve been enjoying my travels (which I share with you in this episode!). I’ve been so committed to the spontaneity and simplicity of life. I mean, how often do we allow ourselves to just enjoy and value our time? Too often we’re “going through the motions” and taking massive action to get things done and check a box off the list. To that, I’ve unsubscribed. I’m committed to INSPIRED, pleasurable action and getting great at receiving the abundance that magnetizes from allowing the feminine to lead. Want to join me? Tune into this conversation + get in for my upcoming FREE 3-day virtual event (9/27-9/29) and if you want more, join the 12-month Own Your Throne Mastermind!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin my FREE virtual Own Your Throne event (Sept. 27- 29)Register for the 12-month Own Your Throne MastermindRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/23/202224 minutes, 13 seconds
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The 5 Feminine Steps To Create Your Epic Life

On today’s final day of my 3-day virtual event, Own Your Throne, I share the 5 feminine steps to begin creating your most epic life. And while the feminine ways may seem deceivingly simple, they aren’t always easy. Committing to these steps will open you up to divine guidance, increase your self-perception, and get you great at receiving. Tune in to listen to the full conversation if you’re ready to attract the abundance you desire to you!EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee Gina’s Journal:
9/15/202234 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Weak Will Become Strong

Scripture tells us “and the weak will become strong” which is true…when we heal properly. Well-meaning women too often hold themselves back from success, joy, freedom, and abundance because they are stuck in the past. Is this you? Let me tell you, these weaknesses are only here to be transformed into the STRONGEST parts of your life.  Tune in to this conversation from Day 2 of my FREE 3-day virtual event, Own Your Throne, to realign with your desires + shift your power so you're in charge of the present, free of the past. EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for my FREE 3-day virtual event: Own Your Throne (Sept. 13-15)Register for the Own Your Throne 10-Week Program (starts Oct. 4th)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee Gina’s Journal:
9/14/202254 minutes, 1 second
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Eradicate Paradoxes of the Past

Feeling deflated, defeated, disappointed, tired of overworking + underearning, missing vibrancy in your life, just craving something NEW & FRESH?? I hear you, Queen. Day 1 of my 3-day virtual event, Own Your Throne, dove deep into the patterns + paradoxes of the past so you can begin the process of healing and connecting the dots to your soul's calling. Tune in to the conversation now & get yourself in for the next two days for FREE here!EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for my FREE 3-day virtual event: Own Your Throne (Sept. 13-15)Join my 12-month Mastermind here (starts September 2022)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial) Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee Gina’s Journal:
9/13/202254 minutes, 53 seconds
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From 3 Drops of Joy to Abundance

If you’re waiting for your BIG breakthrough in love, abundance, bliss, career, money, etc.  it’s not going to be found from working harder, pushing harder, or going faster. It’s going to be found in trusting the process and allowing it to unfold. It's going to be found in escaping “should” mentality and leading from the heart. It's going to be found from having FUN!Queen, I want this for you! Tune in to this episode if you’re ready to claim your big breakthrough + check out the links below to join me for transformational coaching!EPISODE RESOURCESRegister for my FREE 3-day virtual event: Own Your Throne (Sept. 13-15)Join my 12-month Mastermind here (starts September 2022)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Join the Q Club (2-week free trial)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee Gina’s Journal:
9/8/202227 minutes, 56 seconds
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In Decision Fatigue?

You don’t always have to have all the answers, allow the divine to dazzle you!  This morning in the Q Club, we had our monthly community call where we talked about really allowing ourselves to access the realm of the miraculous– to be led by synchronicities, receive guidance, and bend time + space. If you’ve been feeling locked into decision fatigue lately, surrender into this beautiful conversation (and to receive access to the full conversation, start your free Q Club trial here!).EPISODE RESOURCESJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial) Join my 12-month Mastermind here (starts September 2022)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDM me on Instagram @ginadevee Gina’s Journal:
9/6/202228 minutes, 16 seconds
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Let The Feminine Lead The Way

Where can you start replacing “should” with spontaneity? I truly believe that every second of our life gets to be a choice. And it’s when we give ourselves permission to embrace more play, fun, ease, flow, pleasure, and joy that we make way for the feminine to dazzle us. If you’re curious how you can begin allowing your feminine to lead, tune into this conversation!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin my 12-month Mastermind here (starts September 2022)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Gina’s Journal:
8/30/202210 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Key To Adding More Spark In Your Life

Are you settling for a “this is fine” experience? Or are you holding out for the “OMG THIS IS EPIC!” experience? In this episode, I share my weekend London adventures with a girlfriend that was the pure embodiment of the feminine– spacious, fun, spontaneous and pleasurable. Are you ready to lean into the feminine way of doing life…without the guilt or shame? Come join this conversation + get yourself in the room for my upcoming Own Your Throne Mastermind!EPISODE RESOURCESJoin my 12-month Mastermind here (starts September 2022)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Gina’s Journal:
8/29/202228 minutes, 48 seconds
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How To Claim The Biggest Up-Level Of Your Life!

Are you currently navigating the unknown? Get ready for the BIGGEST up-level of your life! This episode will guide you on how to claim it with spiritual + feminine flair. Enjoy! EPISODE RESOURCESJoin my 12-month Mastermind here (starts September 2022)Santa Monica Retreat (Nov.9-11, 2022)Get the book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin the Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/24/202223 minutes, 30 seconds
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P.7 : How To Get The Wall To Fall

One thing I know for sure is you will not attract your manifestation from a place of despair, jealousy, lack or frustration. This can feel especially difficult to avoid when the desire is taking FOREVER to be fulfilled. And yet, this preparation period is serving a purpose too. So what will get the wall to crumble and reveal your victory? Finding the wisdom within. Energetically shifting low-vibe feelings when they arise. Tuning into this episode for support!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/3/202211 minutes, 31 seconds
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P.6 : Your Highest Good Doesn’t Involve Sacrifice

What one may see as a detour, a Queen sees as an adventure! When we encounter a wall, we know that in spiritual principle it has to eventually crumble. And on this road towards our highest good, we do not have to sacrifice our desires. If you’re in a space right now of feeling like you have to settle or give up, then tune into this episode. There’s a bigger plan for you!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/2/202215 minutes, 22 seconds
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P.5: In A State of ManiFRUSTration?

Feel like your desires aren’t coming to fruition? Sometimes we can (well-intentionally) block our own manifestations by hyper-focusing on the exact details and disregarding the essence. Today, let’s slow down and trust. As Queens, we get to receive all that our heart desires which will flow from the art of surrender and joy in the process!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/1/202219 minutes, 32 seconds
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P.4: Give Up vs. Give Over

No Queen has to settle. Although, we may feel tempted just to transcend the feeling of discomfort that comes with being in the question for so long. Let me remind you, the victory WILL happen when we surrender to God’s divine plan and remain open to the miraculous. Tune in to see what that looks like for you!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/31/202210 minutes, 48 seconds
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P.3: Feel Like A Freshman Again?

Are you daring to be a freshman again? The leap of faith to start something new can be simultaneously liberating and uncomfortable. If you’re there, listen to this episode! The process of becoming is just that, a process. And there’s so many gifts and lessons to find in the newness…lean into it. This conversation will restore your faith in the abundance the Universe has in store for you, even when you’re second guessing your path.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/30/202234 minutes, 22 seconds
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P.2: Let’s Claim Your Victory

Waiting for your victory yet have found a wall instead? I hear you, Queen! Some manifestations are instantaneous (we LOVE those!), while others take a little longer because God has bigger plans for us.Before you go to pull the flower open when it’s not ready to bloom, listen to this episode. You’ll discover how you can step into your power (yes, even when you’re frustrated) so you can march around the wall in full faith to claim your much-deserved victory.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/29/202224 minutes, 36 seconds
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P.1 : What Am I Doing With My Life?

Have you noticed there seems to be a collective energy of depression, anxiety, and angst right now…yet not a lot of hope? If you’re feeling the heaviness, this episode is here to lift your spirit back into truth! Faith is the evidence of things not seen and sometimes what feels like confusion is just the connector of the dots. This conversation will encourage you to find the through line in your life that will guide you towards your next big chapter! Ready? Press play.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/28/202233 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Feminine Art of Entrepreneurship with Abigail Cook Stone

Ready to inspire all your entrepreneurial dreams? This episode is the PERFECT one to tune into. I was honored to sit down with luxury candle designer and founder of Otherland, Abigail  Cook Stone. I discovered her story through Entrepreneur Magazine on my recent flight from Miami to NYC. Her story jumped off the page and immediately captured my heart. I know this enchanting conversation is sure to do the same for you! Abigail shares her inspirational journey to entrepreneurship, navigating the ‘world inbetween worlds’ phases, and staying strong in her passionate convictions that saw the vision through. Abigail Cook Stone, CEO & Co-Founder of Otherland, set out to build a different kind of candle brand when she launched in 2017, inspired by her passion for art and interiors, a moderately healthy obsession with candles, and her family philosophy of finding small ways to elevate everyday life with an “extra verve.” To create Otherland, Abigail married her backgrounds in art, e-commerce, and venture capital. While attending Columbia Business School, she was an associate at Founder Collective, a seed stage venture fund, and a partner at Dorm Room Fund, First Round Capital’s student-run VC fund. She has an MBA from Columbia and previously worked at Ralph Lauren in Art Acquisitions.CONNECT WITH ABIGAILWebsite: www.otherland.comInstagram: @alphagail / @otherlandcoTikTok: otherlandIn-Store Location: 454 West Broadway New York, NY, 10012  EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/21/202248 minutes, 32 seconds
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Keep Believing In Your Dreams

Need a little motivational boost to keep holding the faith for that desire on your heart? This episode is it! You were destined for greatness and this dream is destined for you (even when it looks like it’s not). It’s time to turn back to Source and empower yourself in order to fulfill it.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/20/202221 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Secret To Finding Connection

This weekend I had the most epic experience at one of my fav NYC restaurants La Grenouille with my AMAZING friend + founder/designer of Skin Worldwide, Susan Beischel. Which made me reflect on the essence of life– experience. Experience is rooted in connection. A deeper connection with spirit, with yourself, and with others is where life gets really good! If you’re looking for soul-nourishing connections, tune into this episode + get in the room with other big-thinking women!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/18/202219 minutes, 57 seconds
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Are You Ignoring Your Desires?

It seems there’s a collective energy right now where many women are feeling as if their desires aren’t manifesting fast enough. This can happen when we put our power into the hands and influence of others. Or when we place limitations on our own version of glorious. And even when we flat out ignore what our true desire is. If you’re looking for a boost of divine guidance, then go ahead and press play! EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/14/202225 minutes, 30 seconds
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How To Prepare For Your Desire

Ever wonder how to manifest successfully? We always talk about becoming a match for our desires in order to receive them, but what does that actually mean? In this episode, I’m breaking down exactly what this looks like and how to prepare. I share how to stop being hooked to external validation and instead cultivate certainty from the internal. When you can master this, your manifestations will become an effortless flow of abundance!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/11/202221 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Answer Isn’t Always Instantaneous

There’s nothing more courageous than a woman who’s willing to sit in the question. Too often we jump into a decision just to make one and avoid the discomfort that comes with embracing the unknown. No longer are women like us available for anything less than epic. If you’re in the midst of transformation looking for your answer, then this episode is for you!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/7/202220 minutes, 45 seconds
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Feel Like You're Losing Faith?

Have you ever woken up with a pit in your stomach because you’re unclear and uncertain about what’s next for you? It can be easy to lose faith when we can’t see the physical evidence of our desired manifestation. But what if I told you this is happening because God has a BIGGER assignment for you? Because you’re stronger and more capable now than ever before? Yes, Queen. Tune in and let’s discover! EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
6/30/202219 minutes, 45 seconds
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For Such A Time As This

Women are amazing! There’s so much we go through. And yet, we rise up and still stand for our “for such a time as this” moment. One thing I know for sure is no matter where you’ve been, you have the power to heal it. With Spirit by your side, all things are possible.If you’re available for the bigger life, then press play!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/28/202228 minutes, 1 second
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Become a Magnet for Abundance

Becoming a MAGNET for abundance happens when you decree + declare your ultimate truth. If you’ve found yourself in a cycle of self-sabotaging behaviors that have become demagnetizers in your life, then this episode is here to remind you that complete and total healing IS possible for you. Press play to begin attracting at a higher frequency than ever before!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/21/202237 minutes, 12 seconds
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Overcome Disappointment

Have you ever been so attached to a certain outcome that you had a hard time accessing your spiritual toolbox when things didn’t go as planned? What I’ve come to learn is that when this happens, it’s a clear sign my imagination wasn’t big enough. There’s so much more available to us all that we don’t need to settle for “good enough.” In this episode, reclaim the power of the present moment + receive the gifts it's meant to give you!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/20/202214 minutes, 19 seconds
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Own Your Future

What if you gave yourself permission to dream bigger than you ever have before? To become the magnetic match for your manifestations without having to “go out and get it”? Today on the podcast, I’m sharing Day 3 of the Own Your Throne series where we royally declare the co-creation of our epic futures through spiritual activation. Tune in to discover how to increase your magnetism and draw every opportunity to you + manifest your deepest desires in the most pleasurable ways possible!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/17/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 16 seconds
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Own Your Present

Are you working really really hard to find abundance yet gaining zero traction or worse, burning out?Today on the podcast I’m sharing the second session of my Own Your Throne  3-day series, where we talk about  how to become a Queen Bee vs. a worker bee to generate abundance the feminine way plus find ultimate clarity + fulfillment. Tune in!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/16/20221 hour, 2 minutes, 51 seconds
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Own Your Past

Ever wonder how you’re holding back your own success? Today on the podcast I’m sharing the first session of my Own Your Throne 3-day series, where we dove deep into our subconscious programming + how it’s manifesting into our reality. Even better, WHAT we can do to transform it to manifest our dreams! Ready to own your past and create an epic future? Tune in.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/15/20221 hour, 49 minutes, 31 seconds
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Activate Your Feminine Power

Do you want to "go out and get it" or do you want to be a magnetic Queen who draws her desires to her? If you're ready for the latter, then today's episode is for you. Prepare to see synchronicities swirl like snowflakes because that's what happens when you get great at activating your feminine power—you surrender effort for effortless. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/14/202227 minutes, 15 seconds
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How To Elevate Your Magnetism

This weekend I went on a romantic getaway to Naples with #babylove EVEN though I was in the midst of a launch (gasp!). And it reminded me of the incredible power of magnetism that we all naturally have when we surrender to feminine and spiritual principles. I share in this episode all the fun, miraculous moments that found me while in Naples (that I wouldn’t have been able to access hunched over my laptop).If you’re ready to elevate your own level of magnetism and be dazzled by the Universe, then tune into this conversation!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
6/13/202224 minutes, 20 seconds
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Pleasure > Productivity

Where in spiritual scripture does it say we must work really really hard to find success and abundance? As I’m getting ready to launch a new and exciting program, I reflect on prioritizing pleasure over productivity. Of course it’s important to take inspired action, and it’s equally important to enjoy the process! Are you in “busy mode” right now looking to embrace more fun? Tune into this conversation.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/11/202221 minutes, 26 seconds
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I Hit A Pothole On My Road To Bliss

Have you ever found yourself so invigorated by your next-level vision that you want to rush it into being? That’s where I’ve been lately. And what I’ve been reminded of is that when these feelings of impatience arise, grounding ourselves in spiritual principles will help to feel more calm within the excitement. Remember if the vision is finally clear, that means we can trust the Universe already has it mapped out in our favor.Tune in for the full conversation!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/10/202233 minutes, 57 seconds
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Clearing a Cluttered Mind

This morning while I was journaling what came through for me was that there’s still more to release. Recently I’ve been coming out of my “world in between worlds” phase and excitedly stepping into the answer of my long awaited question! And the most miraculous part was the answer had been there all along…I just couldn’t see it. Oftentimes we get so caught up and distracted, that we miss the divine guidance unfolding right in front of us. Is this true for you too? In today’s episode I’m expanding on how I’m actively releasing and creating space for the new, and how you can also. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/9/202228 minutes, 48 seconds
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Own Your Past, Present, and Future

Are you asking the deeper questions right now? Wondering what’s next for you as you bring old patterns to a completion? I hear you, Queen! I was recently there too. Then I realized the answer I was seeking was right there in front of me the whole time…I just couldn’t see it. One thing I know for sure is that it’s only from the position of Queen that we can truly fulfill our calling. And that often comes from collecting the pieces of the past, owning the present, and creating the most epic future!Ready to get started? Press play and come join me for this empowering conversation.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
6/8/202225 minutes, 14 seconds
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Experiencing Heartbreak?

Are you going through heartbreak? Divorce? Job loss? Or some other major life event? If yes, know you’re not alone. Many women are reimagining their life right now, wondering what else is possible for them. It’s a time to deepen into your feminine way of life, realign with your intuition, and prioritize your truest desires as you access your highest truth.If you’re looking to nurture and empower yourself through the process, press play on this special message!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
6/6/202224 minutes
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Why I Took Myself On A Solo Vacation…

Hi from beautiful upstate New York! I’ve decided to take myself on a little solo retreat. If you’ve been following me, you know I’ve been in the question for some time now. I knew that in order to receive the answers I desired about my next level, I needed to listen (not be busy!). Being in this serene space has been the perfect way to reassess, reimage, and recreate. Are you currently in the midst of a big life transition? Are you waking up to where you’ve been settling and just going through the motions? Wondering what more is possible for you? You’re not alone, Queen! Tune into this episode and let’s navigate our divine paths together.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESListen to my reflections from a Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat here 
5/23/202229 minutes, 38 seconds
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Time To Heal The Injured Feminine Instinct

Ready for life-changing levels of transformation? I’m talking beyond the quote and memes posted on Instagram. This is about BIG, BOLD, COURAGEOUS. If that’s a yes, then it’s time to reclaim your power by healing the Injured Feminine Instinct. Feminine energy is all about receiving. What’s blocking you from receiving the next level you desire needs to be made conscious to heal and ultimately transform.Are you with me? Are you ready to do the deep work + reimagine what’s possible for you? Press play and let’s dive in.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
5/14/202228 minutes, 40 seconds
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Transcending Trauma with Gabby Bernstein

I’m super honored to have spiritual leader Gabby Bernstein back on the podcast to talk about her latest book, Happy Days: The Guided Path from Trauma to Profound Freedom and Inner Peace.In her book, she charts readers a path to heal trauma, unlearn fear, and remember love. This conversation holds so much wisdom in transcending big T and small t traumas to find ultimate love, safety, peace within yourself. We hope this conversation illuminates the road to healing for you because you deserve to thrive, not just survive, Queen!Gabrielle Bernstein is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of eight books including The Universe Has Your Back and Super Attractor. In addition, she’s a podcast host and motivational speaker in which she’s reached tens of thousands in sold-out venues across the world. Gabby was featured on Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday as a “next-generation thought leader.” The New York Times identified Gabby as “a new role model.” She even co-hosted the Guinness World Records’ largest guided meditation with Deepak Chopra. Gabby appears regularly as an expert on Today and Good Morning America among other publications. CONNECT WITH GABBY:Website: https://gabbybernstein.comPurchase Happy Days herePodcast: Dear GabbyInstagram: @gabbybernsteinEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESDaniel J. Siegel books 
5/13/202229 minutes, 26 seconds
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Be Visible & Let Your Light Shine: 500k Download Reflections

OMG QUEEN!!!! Today we’re celebrating 500K downloads of this podcast! I’m extremely grateful to you, to all the superstar guests who have made this experience epic, and to my good friend Cathy Heller who lovingly pushed me to start this journey. Which brings me to the deeper reflection I want to share with you today– the power of showing up and being VISIBLE. So let me ask you, how can you share your message? How can you shine your light for others? How can you let your life be used to serve? You never know who needs only what you have to offer….EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
5/12/202231 minutes, 45 seconds
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Steve Harvey’s Power of 300 Law

Remember when what you have now was once just a dream? There’s so much power in the art of imagining. So whatever feels stuck right now, allow yourself to imagine it differently. The big dreams in your heart, imagine them. You have the ability to shift your reality!In this episode, I share a transformational exercise created by one of my fave people, Steve Harvey. Dare to dream Queen, because we’re doing it! I can’t wait to hear your list and the successful manifestations that come from it.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
5/11/202233 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Intentionality of a Queen

Have you ever found yourself just going through the motions? Stuck in the same old, same old routine? Well Queen, you’re not alone! The spring season is here to refresh and illuminate your next level. Can you feel it? If you, like myself, are ready to clear out the old and make space for the new, then tune into this episode.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
5/10/202238 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Become a Soul-Aligned Creator with Kimberly Snyder

I’m super excited to have spiritual Queen, Kimberly Snyder, on the podcast today where we talk about her latest book, You Are More Than You Think You Are: Practical Enlightenment for Everyday Life. We dive into the essence of what it means to be a true, soul-aligned creator in order to live out our divine purpose in all its power. If you’re ready to unleash your intuitive soul qualities, then this episode is for you!Kimberly Snyder is a multi-time New York Times bestselling author, spiritual and meditation teacher, nutritionist, holistic wellness expert, and podcast host. She is the founder of Solluna, a holistic lifestyle brand, where she has worked with dozens of celebrities to feel their best. Her work has also been featured on major media outlets including Good Morning America, The Today Show, and The Wall Street Journal. CONNECT WITH KIM:Website: https://mysolluna.comPurchase the Book: You Are More Than You Think You Are: Practical Enlightenment for Everyday LifeInstagram: @_kimberlysnyderEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESParamahansa YoganandaRadical Beauty: How to Transform Yourself from the Inside Out by Kimberly Snyder and Deepak Chopra The Beauty Detox Solution by Kimberly Snyder 
5/5/202235 minutes, 48 seconds
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Derailing Your Desires?

Have you found yourself in a state of self-sabotage? Well, this is the day to put an end to that and reclaim access to your truth! Because the truth is you were meant for the epic life. In this powerful 10 minutes, get ready to re-inspire your worth and let the low vibrations go.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
4/29/202211 minutes, 20 seconds
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Goodbye Comparisonitis!

She who makes the most money the fastest does not win in my book. She who is living a quality life, she who is living a life on purpose, she who has her business by her own design and is making the level of money she desires, how she desires, is the woman that wins to me. And a big part of that win? Knowing your worth! Tune in if you’re ready to say goodbye to comparisonitis once and for all.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/28/202215 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Truth Behind Success

We’re told so many rules about what success *should* look like, aren’t we? In this segment from a previous live event, I share what I believe (and know!) to be the true essence of success that will lead to effortless accomplishment. Prepare to feel inspired as I bring my dear client, Erika, up on stage to share her success story of going from 50K in debt, burnt out, running a gym out of her garage to earning her annual salary in just one month! By investing in herself and her dream (and changing her money mindset), she was able to completely transform her life without sacrificing sleep, time with loved ones, or her adrenals. Yes Queen, it’s possible!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESRead Erika’s full story in the Divine Living Magazine here 
4/27/20229 minutes, 40 seconds
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Money Manifestation Meditation

Are you ready to fall deep into financial relaxation? To expand your business and the impact it will have on so many lives? To tap into the realm of the miraculous and open yourself up to the power of possibility? To turn your yearly income into your monthly income? And most importantly, to feel fully supported in doing so?This meditation is here to ease your desires and call in the abundance that will bring your dreams to fruition. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
4/26/202221 minutes, 37 seconds
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Busy is Boring

You’re no longer a beginner, Queen! You’re ready for next-level abundance and support. It’s time to let go of having to be “busy” all the time, because a true visionary isn’t busy. She’s effective, powerful, and productive. Are you ready to claim it and make radical shifts? If yes, press play and come join me!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESMiddle Class Millionaires Magazine Article 
4/25/202212 minutes, 34 seconds
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How To Lead Your Dream Team

There’s only one way to get from solopreneur, to business owner, to company owner and that’s by hiring an A Team to support you and your vision!In this episode, I share my top tips on not only finding your dream team, but also delegating, training and setting appropriate expectations so you can all grow together. When you use these strategies (that took me quite a few years to figure out!) you’ll find both exponential expansion and so much fun along the way.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
4/21/202211 minutes, 28 seconds
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Money Is Spiritual

What I’ve come to discover is that our relationship with money and Spirit are one in the same.Money is a resource that’s here to fund the dreams in your heart. While selling is serving at the highest level. When we cultivate an intentional spiritual practice around receiving and spending money, that’s when we allow ourselves to fall into true alignment with our deepest desires. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
4/18/202210 minutes, 55 seconds
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Safeguard Your Success

What’s one decision you’re going to make today to prioritize you and your future? Too often we put our dreams on a shelf and wait for “one day” to arrive in order to grant them. However, “one day” doesn’t arrive until we decide it so. So open yourself up to the new– new opportunities, miracles, and relationships. Allow yourself to get excited about what’s next and begin taking inspired action towards your vision. Listen in and let’s make it happen!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
4/14/202223 minutes, 15 seconds
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Permission To Grieve with Marisa Renee Lee

There seems to be a stigma around grief, doesn’t there? As if this very raw and real human emotion is somehow “bad” and must do everything in our power to suppress it. In this liberating episode, Marisa Renee Lee, author of the new book Grief is Love, speaks to this. After experiencing the significant loss of her mother at a young age to Multiple Sclerosis and stage four breast cancer and then going through a miscarriage later in life, she began asking the deeper questions of how to live a life of joy through the acceptance of grief. If you’ve ever experienced loss, as we all do at some time or another, I encourage you to press play and immerse yourself in this beautiful conversation!Marisa Renee Lee is a writer, speaker and entrepreneur well-known for her advocacy for women, black communities, and those overcoming grief. She’s the CEO of Beacon Advisors, co-founder of Supportal, and founder of The Pink Agenda. Prior to, she served as the Managing Director of the My Brother's Keeper Alliance, a non-profit organization born out of President Obama's initiative to address success barriers for men of color.CONNECT WITH MARISA:Website: https://www.marisareneelee.comInstagram: @marisareneeleePurchase the Book: Grief is LoveEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
4/12/202234 minutes, 37 seconds
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Dismantling Discouragement

Are you feeling defeated, deflated, discouraged, or doubtful right now? Like things just aren’t moving forward the way you desire? If that’s a yes, I encourage you to get rejuvenated today by showing up for yourself, in whatever way that is. This episode is a great place to start! Go ahead and press play, together let’s collect back the true essence of you.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/28/202223 minutes, 50 seconds
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How To Be A Beauty Brand Ambassador With Me!

Ahhh Queen! I’m so excited to finally be sharing this with you. If you’re looking to be in community with high-vibe women, have access to beauty products you’ll LOVE, and make amazing passive residual income…then this may be the perfect opportunity for you!In this episode, I’m sharing alllll the behind the scenes of this journey and why I’m absolutely obsessed with this new skincare line. I can’t wait to hear what you think! EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
3/24/202229 minutes, 27 seconds
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How To Overcome Setbacks

What’s going on for you…behind the scenes? Abundance is limitless in this world; however, it’s often our own limitations that block us from receiving it. We encounter completions not because the flow has discontinued, rather because we’re meant to access it in a new way. So ask yourself- What am I creating today? What am I available for? How can I choose to see things differently?Tune in and let’s reframe “setbacks” into opportunities!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
3/22/202220 minutes, 28 seconds
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6 Months to Manifesting Life Changing Results with Michelle Barr

It all started when Michelle was walking along the Camino and received a text….to come to one of my events in New York City. Not even six months later and her life has completely changed. She’s now living in financial relaxation, running a thriving coaching business, experiencing freedom of time, and rapidly manifesting every desire in her heart. In this episode she shares her experience of how she followed her intuition and did her part so the Universe could do its part too. If you’re wondering “but how do people manifest?” then Michelle’s story is for you!Michelle Barr is a business expert, coach, author, intuitive strategist, master healer, mindset mentor, and director of The Spiritual Coach School with an extensive background in therapy and ministry. She’s committed to helping people connect with their Soul Purpose and express it within their businesses and lives.CONNECT WITH MICHELLE:Website: https://michellebarr.comFacebook: Michelle BarrInstagram: @michellebarrmediumPodcast: Working for Spirit with Michelle BarrAccess The Spiritual Coach School hereEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/15/202245 minutes, 42 seconds
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Shift Your Focus To Joy

It’s amazing how distracted we can become from having too many opportunities, isn’t it? I was recently feeling discombobulated when I had my perspective completely changed by an incredible woman from Mexico. Her circumstances instantly reminded me of how blessed we truly are. And her infectious spirit of joy and gratitude amidst it all inspired me to see things differently.So today if you’re feeling frazzled, give yourself grace and shift the focus back to abundance and bliss. Start by pressing play and joining me for this episode!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/14/202213 minutes, 51 seconds
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Channeling Your Inner Queen (My Interview with Coach Mike Bayer)

While in LA, I had such an amazing time connecting with friends including Coach Mike Bayer. Mike is a highly sought-after personal development coach (a regular on Dr. Phil!), interventionist, and New York Times bestselling author. He had me on his podcast, Always Evolving, and the conversation was incredibly valuable so I wanted to share it here too!We talk about how to escape the trap of overthinking, the personal journey of spirituality, and how to define the expectations you hold for yourself and others…amongst many other topics. It’s a good one. Enjoy!CONNECT WITH MIKE Instagram @coachmikebayerPurchase Mike’s book One Decision: The First Step to a Better LifeEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJen Sincero’s You Are a Badass SeriesThe Different Drum by Scott PeckKatherine Woodward ThomasDr. Joe Dispenza 
3/11/202253 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Feminine CEO

What does feminine leadership look like? Whether it’s in the office or at home, we all have to step into leadership roles at some point or another. In this episode, I’m sharing my favorite qualities that embody femininity while also establishing a powerful presence. Tune in to discover how you can begin implementing these traits today!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
3/10/202211 minutes, 11 seconds
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Celebrating You, Queen!

Happy International Women’s Day! Let’s take some time to focus on what it really means to love ourselves, shall we? As we know, when one Queen rises, we all rise. And by being unapologetic about our desires, finding permission within instead of without, and trusting Spirit as our ultimate source of wisdom, we automatically light the way for the next woman to go after her big dreams.So let’s come together and honor this amazing community today (and everyday!) with this special celebratory conversation! Press play and I’ll see you inside.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
3/8/202212 minutes, 29 seconds
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How To Not Doubt Yourself

Have you ever been stuck in the trap of “should-ing” yourself? Doubting your intuition and doing something out of guilt or obligation when deep down you didn’t really want to? After weeks of being in a state of bliss, I found myself exactly here…and it didn’t feel great. In this episode, I’m sharing how to reroute back to your truth and nourish yourself more deeply when this happens. Press play and let’s dive in!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee  
3/7/202224 minutes, 34 seconds
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Becoming Available For Love

Today’s episode was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend recently that I believe could serve you too. Have you ever felt shame, lack, anxiety or guilt in relationships? This is often a reflection of the Injured Feminine Instinct, which is essentially the inability to receive. When we can’t receive, we find ourselves in a state of sabotage or seeking comfort by making others Source. However, instead of seeking safety in others, this is an opportunity to deepen into our own spiritual connection.Tune in and let’s expand on this more!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
3/3/202216 minutes, 42 seconds
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How To Get More Done…Without Overwhelm

Recently, I’ve been waking up at 3:30am each morning because I’m just feeling that energized. And the truth is, life’s been kind of crazy…in the most blissful ways possible! There’s been lots of traveling and new opportunities, which if not managed properly could lead to overwhelm. But Queens don’t do overwhelm! Which is why I make it a priority to protect my time. The question I continually ask myself is “how can I work smarter, not harder?” In this episode, I’m sharing some of my favorite time-saving tips with you so you can also begin creating more space in your days. Ready? Press play!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESAsk and It Is Given by Esther Hicks 
3/2/202214 minutes, 18 seconds
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Be Present With Yourself

Have you ever felt so abundant that it put you into overwhelm? Or perhaps you’ve committed so fiercely to a goal, just to find yourself going backwards? Whatever season you’re in, I want you to give yourself permission to be present. Because when we create space, we find grace, love, and clarity to inform our next step.I’m sharing my best practices on this in today’s episode, come tune in!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
3/1/202218 minutes, 47 seconds
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Been Settling Too Long?

What ever happened to fabulous? Queen, you were put here to do more than just merely survive. You are here to live the epic life…we all are.If you’re ready to tap back into that child-like wonder, find bliss in the little moments, and commit to your most audacious dreams, then press play!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
2/24/202210 minutes, 55 seconds
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Your Life Can Change In A Holy Instant

This time last year I was living in fear, lack, and most definitely in the question. I was in this “world inbetween worlds” where I didn’t really know what was next for me or my business.Today, I reflect on that and the ABUNDANCE that has come in since then. In fact it seems it's flooded in within the past couple weeks, making it the only type of exhaustion I’ll ever advocate for - the kind that comes with overwhelming happiness!I’m sharing all these new opportunities with you in this episode, as well as how to create the space for your own big opportunities!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESHuman Design: Discover the Person You Were Born to Be by Chetan Parkyn 
2/23/202215 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Spice Of Life…BIG NEWS!

You know Queen, life has an incredible way of working out. When we stay with our desires, show up for them, take inspired action (even when it’s not always the right action), and stop needing to know the hows…we allow ourselves to be delighted.In this episode, I share some BIG news with you! Tune in to find out.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
2/22/202214 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Law On Love With Faith Jenkins

On the show we have American lawyer and author of Sis Don’t Settle, Faith Jenkins, bringing an abundance of wisdom! In this episode, Faith shares what it takes to maintain high standards in love, life, and business.From top-of-the-class law student to reigning Miss Louisiana, and then stepping into television becoming one of the most well-known judges of all time with shows Divorce Court and Judge Faith, she’s learned a lot about balancing ambition and relationships.Faith attributes manifesting the life of her dreams to all the lessons she’s learned throughout these previous life experiences. With inspiring advice and spiritual guidance, Faith gives listeners hope in the face of rejection and practical ways to eradicate low-level beliefs. Prepare to leave this conversation feeling inspired and in full trust of God’s divine timing!CONNECT WITH FAITHBook: Sis Don’t Settle: How to Stay Smart in Matters of the HeartInstagram: @judgefaithjenkinsKiller Relationships on OxygenEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESLive Your Dreams by Les BrownConnect with Krishan Trotman of Legacy Lit here 
2/21/202239 minutes, 59 seconds
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Let Opportunities Find You

Have you ever found yourself pushing, chasing, working to make something happen just to be met with….well….disappointments? If yes, you’re not the only one. Recently, I had an experience like that here in Mexico. What I learned was to embrace the art of receiving more deeply. Meaning, allowing opportunities to find me instead of always having to find them. God is in charge, afterall. And you’ll know when it’s right. What’s for you can’t miss you, Queen…so allow yourself to relax into bliss!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
2/18/202226 minutes, 4 seconds
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Anchor In The Awesome

How many times have we focused on all that’s going wrong rather than what’s going right? How much we aren’t doing rather than how much we are doing? How much we don’t have rather than how much we do have?This episode is your reminder that you are awesome and you are enough. If you have a desire for different, then match it with action. But for today, find comfort in the idea that you’re exactly where you need to be and the best is yet to come!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
2/17/202221 minutes, 45 seconds
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Rework Your Beliefs Into Alignment

Every thought has a vibration. How are yours? Are you open to truth, bigness, and possibility? Or are you closed off in fear, uncertainty, and doubt?Sometimes we can be a mix of both. I know I’ve certainly encountered each experience before. But the truth is, we get to be ONE with our desires. By becoming the vibrational match, the woman who receives, and aligned with infinite intelligence, we can trust that our desires are already done. They’re just waiting for us to claim them.Tune in as we rework our beliefs to be at the highest level of alignment for our desires!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESListen to my reflections on the Joe Dispenza retreat hereAsk and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther Hicks
2/16/202224 minutes, 41 seconds
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Guilt Free Self Care

Guilt Free Self-CareThere’s nothing sexy about staying stagnant. This is true when it comes to money too. Money is energy, it’s meant to flow. So allow yourself to say yes and enjoy the cyclic process of generating, saving, investing, and spending it. Tune in for my best tips around this topic of treating yourself, guilt-free!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
2/15/202212 minutes, 59 seconds
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Meditation Retreat Reflections

As you may know, Glenn and I were recently off the grid for a week at an incredible Joe Dispenza retreat. Now we’re soaking up the sun in Cabo and I wanted to take a few minutes to share some of my major “a-ha” moments with you. This retreat had me reflecting deeply on my own life, business, and everything in between. So go ahead and pour yourself a cup of coffee (I’ve got mine!) and tune in as we uncover what living in bliss means for you!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJoe Dispenza Website 
2/14/202223 minutes, 27 seconds
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It’s Always Awkward Before It’s Elegant

This past live event from Miami was so much fun and my goodness, did we dive deep into an array of topics! From the art of successfully manifesting even when it seems impossible, to cultivating a healthy relationship with money, and the ever so awkward first steps we take on our entrepreneurial journeys (I share mine in this clip!), there’s always room to grow.What’s important is that we don’t hold the expectation of being perfect. Because this isn’t about perfection, it’s about becoming the very best version of you!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJoe Dispenza Books 
2/11/202232 minutes, 31 seconds
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What Drives You?

According to Human Needs Psychology, every person has 6 intrinsic needs: certainty, variety, significance, love & connection, growth, and contribution.These essential needs, and how they are uniquely prioritized, serve as innate motivators and can be used to better understand others.In this segment from a previous live event hosted in Paris, we dive deep into what each of these needs are so you can begin identifying what drives you.I can’t wait to hear what you discover. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJoe Dispenza BooksDiscover the 6 Human Needs by Team Tony Robbins 
2/10/202212 minutes, 1 second
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Design Your Non-Negotiables

Press play and enjoy this segment from one of my previous live events hosted in Florence, where we get intentional about our truest desires!From self-care routines and airplane seating, to business and family values, it all gets to be created by your design. Remember, the path to success doesn’t have to be about sacrifice. Give yourself permission to unapologetically create what’s in alignment for you.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJoe Dispenza Books 
2/9/202213 minutes, 40 seconds
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He Who Created A Good Work In You

Sometimes we find ourselves making up stories as to why things are possible for someone else and not for us. Or we encounter pitfalls and challenges then think that means we have to give up on our big dreams altogether. But Queen, let’s choose to see it differently shall we? Remember, He who created a good work in you will be faithful to complete it.Tune into this high-vibe episode from one of my favorite live events in Florence! The energy is sensational. Enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJoe Dispenza Books 
2/8/202213 minutes, 23 seconds
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Only 5% Will Do This…

It’s time to get fiercely honest with yourself, Queen. Remember, you get to decide how to live your life. You get to create it by design. There’s no need to stay lost or stuck. You can choose at any given moment to go to your next level. By investing in yourself and moving with unstoppable passion, you will find a breakthrough. And from there, you will claim a spot with the 5%. So what will it be? Tune into this powerful episode from one of my favorite past live events in Montreal and find out.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESThink and Grow Rich by Napoleon HillJoe Dispenza Books 
2/7/202225 minutes, 2 seconds
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Love With A Capital L

Faith. Power. Confidence. Sparkle. Certainty. Pizazz.It’s from THIS place you can conquer fear and find love. In this throwback event from Cannes, France we go deep into the art of self-love. Infusing pleasure, faith, and individuality into every single thing you create. Take David (from the iconic biblical story: David & Goliath). All he needed was unwavering faith, God, and a small slingshot to take down a giant. Same goes for you, Queen! EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJoe Dispenza Books 
2/4/202224 minutes, 44 seconds
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A Feminine State of Mind

How is your relationship with the feminine? For me, the feminine is my gateway to an epic life. It’s my feminine that guides me towards the spiritual realm, where anything is possible!In this episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes to one of my favorite live events from Venice! Prepare for pearls of Queenly wisdom that will connect you deeper into the art of receiving and have you curating your feminine essence.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJoe Dispenza Books 
2/3/202215 minutes, 23 seconds
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Money Making Results: The Process

Today we’re continuing our travels around the world and back in time to previous live events with this juicy segment from Cairo, Egypt!What I want for all female entrepreneurs is exponential expansion. To see them create results beyond their wildest dreams. By getting past the danger zone of plateauing and becoming solution-oriented, you can unearth the barriers of your money making process. This episode is here to show you how, just press play!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
2/2/202218 minutes, 19 seconds
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Click Funnels Aren’t God

This week is all about travel! I’m taking you back in time and all over the globe to some of my favorite live events from over the years. Today we’re headed to Santa Monica to talk all things spirituality and business…I’m excited for you to listen!It’s time for us business women to begin prioritizing prayer, instead of saving it as a last resort. I see so many well-meaning women (I used to be one of them) that will frantically ask the questions but never listen for the answer. Spiritual principle gets to be applied in business too, Queen! When you allow it in, miracles can happen.Tune in and enjoy!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESA Course In Miracles by Helen Schucman 
2/1/202218 minutes, 36 seconds
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This Took Me 18 Years To Achieve

Hola from Mexico, Queen! Glenn and I are in Riviera Maya for a Joe Dispenza event that I could not be any more excited to attend! While I planned to go off the grid for the week, I just feel so motivated and inspired…It reminded me that at any moment we have the option to choose love or fear. And love is always rooted in our truth. In this episode, I’m sharing what took me 18 years in business to finally achieve. It’s probably not what you’re imagining, however definitely my most treasured accomplishment to date. One I hope you find too!Press play and let’s check in.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESJoe Dispenza books 
1/31/202214 minutes, 50 seconds
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Boundaries Gone Bad

When we’re in a state of compliance or defiance, we deny ourselves access to alliance with our highest truth. I used to be a chronic people-pleaser, which also meant I had loose boundaries. And trust me, unsecure boundaries will show up everywhere- business, relationships, family dynamics, you name it.In this episode, let’s discuss what strong (yet reasonable) boundaries look like. This is the perfect opportunity to reassess your own so you can feel fully supported!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESThe Different Drum: Community Making and Peace by M. Scott Peck 
1/25/202220 minutes, 36 seconds
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Create Progress Like A Queen

Glenn and I just got back from a high-level mastermind filled with lots of valuable information in regards to health, longevity, and aging. It was amazing to be in the room with experts and people who were committed to this quality of life.As you may have seen over on my Instagram, my BIG goal for this year is to reach a “G-Lo” bikini bod (inspired by JLo). I’m starting on week 2 of this commitment, and in this episode I want to remind you to be loving and gentle with yourself on the road to transformation!Tune in for the encouragement to move your life forward in the direction of your dreams (in the most pleasurable way possible). EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/24/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
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Success The Feminine Way

In this episode, I’m sharing my success secrets with you. The feminine way to access freedom is by achieving your desires without taking the fun and pleasure out of it.To do this, we’re breaking your BIG dream down into digestible, actionable steps with weekly, monthly, and 90 day intentions. So get out your schedule, press play, and let’s get started!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/20/202211 minutes, 6 seconds
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Protect Your Peace

This episode is for any woman out there who is focused on her next-level, yet her friends/family just don’t get it. Or for the woman who is trying so desperately to “save” someone from their own life path.If you find yourself in one of these challenging situations, I encourage you to press play as we commit to the art of surrender!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/18/202212 minutes, 29 seconds
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How To Get Grounded, Prioritized, And Accomplished

Today as I prep for a private client session, I have some reflections about investing in ourselves and receiving expert mentorship to share with you. It’s so helpful to have someone else give an outside perspective so we can get focused and accelerate on our goals. By prioritizing and getting out of the drama of our own thoughts, we can accomplish all that is meant for us!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESMiracles Happen by Mary Kay Ash  
1/13/202216 minutes, 5 seconds
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What Are You Graduating From This Year?

If you’re in this community, then more than likely you’re a smart, capable, spiritual, self-aware woman who knows her thoughts, actions, and beliefs create her reality. Yet, like many, do you still find yourself having a challenging time applying these principles that you already know?In this episode, I’m encouraging you to get fierce about how you want to spend your time. What kind of life do you want to create? How do you want to feel? What are you unavailable for? Because the life we desire all comes down to choices we make. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESBecoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza 
1/12/202220 minutes, 17 seconds
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Lessons I Learned From Mary Kay (The Billionaire)

While away for almost 3 weeks on a holiday hiatus, I had the chance to read a phenomenal book by Mary Kay (yes, founder of the infamous billion dollar makeup company!). Her story was…incredible!!!Let’s just say she had anything but an easy life, yet exemplified what’s possible for us as women when we set goals, program our thoughts for success, and become highly visible with our desires.Tune into this episode as I take you through the success strategies I learned from this icon and how you can begin applying them today!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESMiracles Happen by Mary Kay Ash 
1/11/202231 minutes, 23 seconds
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My Interview with Jessie Harris Bouton on Believing It’s Possible

It was so much fun to be interviewed by the fabulous Jessie Harris Bouton on the Millionaire Mompreneur Project Podcast. Jessie is a 7-figure life and business coach, speaker, podcaster, former 300+ mph world champion race car driver, and mom of 5!I’m sharing our conversation here because I know so many of you could greatly benefit from this episode (especially all the mamas out there!). We keep it real and honest about our own dreams, moments of defeat, and why we kept showing up EVEN when it looked impossible. Every entrepreneur goes through moments of self-doubt, but it’s the successful ones who know how to rise into possibility! I’m telling you, you won’t want to miss a second of this! So press play and let’s dive in.CONNECT WITH JESSIE:Instagram: @jessieharrisboutonPodcast: The Millionaire Mompreneur ProjectWebsite: EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
1/4/202250 minutes, 39 seconds
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Sydney Lotuaco on Taking Risks & Finding Love (Part 2)

This episode is JUICY for all my #bachelornation fans out there!The stunning Sydney Lotuaco joins me to talk all things Bachelor, love, dating, and entrepreneurship. If you find yourself stuck in the same dating patterns or hesitant to take risks (in relationships or business!) then this conversation will be the divine guidance and inspirational boost to carry you through to your next destination.Sydney is well-known for her Season 23 appearance on The Bachelor followed by the 6th Season of Bachelor in Paradise. Her decision to self-eliminate made her one of the most admired stars from the show (tune in to find out more about this!). In addition to her career in tv personality, Sydney is also a model, NBA dancer, and podcaster. She is passionate about helping others step up courageously, think big, and claim their dreams!CONNECT WITH SYDNEY:Instagram: @sydneylotuaco Podcast: Something To Share PodcastYouTube: Something To Share PodcastTikTok: @sydneylotuacoEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESCalling In The One by Katherine Woodward ThomasTune into Gina + Sydney’s conversation on the Something To Share Podcast
12/30/202146 minutes, 47 seconds
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My Interview with Sydney Lotuaco on Keeping The Faith (Part 1)

I was so honored to be featured on Bachelor star, Sydney Lotuaco’s podcast, Something To Share. We had the most high-vibe conversation that I know many can benefit from, so we’re sharing it here too! Tune into this episode for our advice on raising your standards like a Queen, claiming your divine assignments, and keeping the faith when things get uncertain.Sydney is well-known for her Season 23 appearance on The Bachelor followed by the 6th Season of Bachelor in Paradise. Her decision to self-eliminate made her one of the most admired stars from the show! In addition to her career in tv personality, Sydney is also a model, NBA dancer, and podcaster. She is passionate about helping others step up courageously, think big, and claim their dreams!CONNECT WITH SYDNEY:Instagram: @sydneylotuaco Podcast: Something To Share PodcastYouTube: Something To Share PodcastTikTok: @sydneylotuacoEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/28/202153 minutes, 48 seconds
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Permission Granted- Enjoy The Holidays!

What does enjoying the holidays mean for you? Over the years it has had many different meanings for me. And what I want for you is to be in total bliss by standing in your power of permission. Unapologetic permission to receive, to relax, and to just be during this special time of year.Tune in as we talk about giving ourselves this gift of time and space during the holiday season!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/21/202120 minutes, 56 seconds
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They Don't ALL Have To Be Ideal Clients

Looking for an instant cash injection but also looking for *ideal* clients only?I hear this dilemma. And trust me, I’ve been there before. Which has resulted in many many lessons learned over the years (all of which I’m thankful for!). In this episode, I’m sharing my personal decision-making processes with you. The intention is to guide you in granting yourself the permission and grace that will serve you best in this season!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/20/202114 minutes, 48 seconds
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You Don’t Have To Do It ALL

In the spirit of the holidays and gift giving I want to ask you…have you given yourself the gift of support??Sometimes as women, and especially as entrepreneurs, we feel like we have to do everything ALL. THE. TIME. Which makes us exhausted, miserable, and completely burnt out. And let’s be real Queen, we can’t show up for our big dreams when we’re in that energy!So pour yourself some tea, take a deep breath, press play and come join me as we talk all things delegation.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/17/202119 minutes, 47 seconds
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It’s Okay To Be At Peace

It’s interesting because as I was reflecting on this month and looking ahead to 2022, I was like “wow! this is truly one of the most peaceful December’s I’ve ever had!”And then I immediately went into making it wrong. Wondering if I had lost my spark or if I had missed something...But the truth is, it’s okay to be at peace!In this episode, I expand on this and how to reframe dominant thoughts if you too find yourself in moments of limited thinking. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/16/202120 minutes, 51 seconds
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A Time To Let Go: Love & Career

With the new year on the horizon, let’s slow down and enter it with full intention.Part of that process is using December as a time of release and surrender. Where have you been overgiving/ overextending? What are you unavailable for? What lessons have you learned? These answers will help to guide your next steps and reevaluate where to raise your standards in true Queen fashion!Join me in this conversation as we reflect + set our love and career goals for 2022.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/14/202133 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Style Of Living In Your Skin With Susan Beischel

I am so honored to introduce you to my soul sister and talented fashion designer, Susan Beischel! Susan is the founder of Skin Worldwide, a clothing line recognized globally for its soft natural fabrics, organic cotton materials, and sophisticated silhouettes. The Skin brand is so elegant in fact that Oprah voted it her favorite pajamas, Martha Stewart’s daughter became a fangirl (then Martha of course!), and Robert DeNiro made it his go-to gift purchase for none other than the stunning Angelina Jolie!  All discovered without PR, marketing or gimmicks may I add.In this episode, Susan is here to show you what’s possible when you dream with pure intentions and authenticity! We talk about the beauty of divine design, feeling confident in your own skin, and using core values to establish a brand. If you’re a woman questioning her next steps in life or business, then you’ll find incredible inspiration here.Go ahead and press play, and be sure to check the links below to purchase your Skin garments today!CONNECT WITH SUSAN Instagram: @skinworldwide Website: https://skinworldwide.comEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/9/202149 minutes, 30 seconds
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Receive From Bliss

I don’t believe in massive action or in phrases like, “no pain, no gain”.In fact, I’m unavailable to do things just because I can anymore. I want big. I want epic. I want exciting! It’s proven that our attraction factor magnetizes when we’re in a state of bliss and passion. And as women, it’s our feminine instinct to receive. So if we’re just going through the motions, dull and empty, that tells me we’re blocking our deepest desires and manifestations.Queen, if you’re ready to commit to the epic life with me, then press play and tune into this conversation!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESBecoming Supernatural by Joe DispenzaConscious Uncoupling by Katherine Woodward Thomas
11/30/202126 minutes, 41 seconds
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How To Manifest Big Results

While working with a private client recently on expanding her wealth consciousness to increase her monthly income (#yasqueen!), I thought maybe these pearls of wisdom could be of service to you too!In this conversation, I’m sharing all my best practices to have you manifesting big results more powerfully + intentionally than ever before. By seeking the joy, enthusiasm, and passion that comes from the double blessing, get ready to effortlessly turn your wants into musts without any added exhaustion or force.Press play now and come find out what this looks like for you!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/26/202129 minutes, 23 seconds
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How To Be Safe In Your Emotions with Scout Sobel

Today on the show we have special guest, Scout Sobel! Widely known for co-hosting the popular podcast, Okay Sis, and running her thriving empire, Scout’s Agency, she’s admired for her specialization in podcast PR for female entrepreneurs.With an impressive jumpstart in business, running podcast tours for high-profile women like Catt Sadler, Kelley Baker, and Rebecca Minkoff as well as booking celebrity guests including Colbie Caillat, Sophia Amoruso, and Jillian Michaels, Scout quickly became one of the leading influences in podcasting.The most inspiring part of Scout’s journey however, was her determination to overcome a severe case of bipolar disorder. At one point, she was unable to hold a job, go to college, or function in society. Through incredible self-healing work and perseverance, Scout has learned to successfully manage her bipolar disorder and use her mental strength to fuel her dreams. In this conversation, Scout beautifully opens up about her experiences, how to find safety in your emotions, and take radical responsibility for your life.CONNECT WITH SCOUT:Instagram: @scoutsobelWebsite: https://www.scoutsobel.comBook: The Emotional EntrepreneurEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/23/202138 minutes, 49 seconds
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When Rest Is Needed

How are you feeling today? Check in with your body. Is your jaw clenched? Back tight? Shoulders tense?Sometimes we women feel the need to just push through and keep going, even when our bodies desire rest. Take 15 minutes today to tune into this episode, rejuvenate with some deep breaths, and give yourself permission to relax. You’ll be so happy you did!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/18/202118 minutes, 40 seconds
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Amplify Your Message with Allison Walsh

On the show today, I had the pleasure of interviewing Miss Florida 2006, Allison Walsh!Allison is the living proof that women can indeed have it all. She’s a mother, podcast host, creator of Savvy Girl, seasoned executive, philanthropist, speaker, and professional consultant (with an impressive reach of 250+ private clients worldwide). Additionally, she serves as the VP of Business Development and Branding for Advanced Recovery Systems and is a contributing member of Forbes Business Council. All done with the mission of helping women build authentic brands and lead their most successful lives.In this episode, we discuss the evolution of Allison’s life journey and how it helped her receive the clarity for her calling. Through the development of deep healing, self-awareness and resiliency, she is able to use life’s lessons and triumphs to uniquely serve her ideal clients. If you’ve ever wondered how you can use your own personal stories to serve, then tune in! CONNECT WITH ALLISON:Instagram: @allisonwalshWebsite: https://www.allisonwalshconsulting.comMastermind: Elevate Mastermind EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/11/202134 minutes, 2 seconds
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The State of Bliss & Being

I’m in Santa Monica today and it brought up so many memories for me.As I sat with my almond milk cappuccino and began journaling, I was inspired to share this reflection with you.If you’re an ambitious woman who’s ready to get out of control, practical, and predictable and step more into the power of surrender, pleasure, and play….then you’re going to want to listen to this one!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/10/202114 minutes, 51 seconds
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Keep The Faith

Was it Mercury Retrograde or unshakeable faith? Maybe it was both! I have some exciting news to share with you in this episode about our farmhouse search in Italy! Plus, I’m letting you in on all my best tips when it comes to claiming your desires and becoming the vibrational match to receive them.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/5/202113 minutes, 48 seconds
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Let Today Be Enough

Do you ever feel like you’re being pulled in a million different directions? Caught up in your business, immersed in family drama, stuck in social media rabbit can be exhausting as you look to find your role in it all.In this episode, join me in re-centering and focusing on what today is about.Take the time to create space just for you and fill your cup in ways that are nourishing and of high service.I promise you’ll leave this conversation feeling refreshed, knowing you and God got this!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/4/202116 minutes, 11 seconds
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How To Love Today (Pleasures In Piedmont No.19)

In the last episode, we talked about not allowing low-vibrational distractions to cloud our day. In this episode, let’s take the time to focus on what today is really about.Allow yourself to release overwhelming, future-tripping thoughts and prioritize finding pleasure here in the present moment. Because the truth is, we always have the power to create our own realities no matter the circumstances!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/29/202111 minutes, 57 seconds
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Dismantling Distraction (Pleasures In Piedmont No.18)

Here I am on stunning Lake Maggiore, Italy. Indulging in a 3-hour lunch on a Wednesday, vibrating high after wrapping up a live event with amazing women from around the world, surrounded by blue waters and chandeliers…..and then I get a text.My bubble of bliss seemingly bursted as I yet again found myself tangled in dysfunctional family dynamics. But this time it was different. I had a choice to make- either feed the trigger or turn to spiritual principle. If you’ve ever been placed in a state of low-vibrational distraction, you’ll want to join me in this conversation!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/28/202123 minutes, 36 seconds
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Calling All Women In Real Estate! Plus How To Expand Your Self-Expression (Pleasures In Piedmont No.17)

OMG! I PASSED MY REAL ESTATE EXAM!This is definitely a different, fresh, out-of-the-box expression for me after over 20 years of business coaching. I’m so excited to share the upcoming projects this new avenue opens up, especially for my women in real estate!Which leads me to my next point- are you giving yourself permission to expand? To be the student again and try new things that bring you joy + abundance?If you’re wondering what that looks like for you, come tune into this episode!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/20/202115 minutes
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How To Get Out Of A Funk: AKA Lessons From A Ladybug (Pleasures In Piedmont No.16)

So your day starts out amazing, you’re in all the high-vibes! Then one small disappointment snags your energy and sends you in a downward spiral of future tripping...Self-doubt, fear, overwhelm consume your thoughts and you’re left feeling anything but Queenly. Have you been here? I just was! This episode is about recentering and asking this one powerful question: “what is today about?”Plus a surprise visitor makes a guest appearance, affirming divine support. Tune in to find out more!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/19/202133 minutes, 51 seconds
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Dismantling Disappointment (Pleasures In Piedmont No.15)

Well, that dream Italian farmhouse on the countryside I’ve been talking about has since been SOLD...and not to me!Of course I felt disappointed at first. Then I redirected my focus to gratitude and all that is currently manifesting in this moment. As I stepped into this frequency, the disappointment dissolved and I was able to lean into trust. If you’re currently experiencing disappointment about a circumstance, tune into this episode. I’m certain you’ll hear some inspiration to carry you through!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/15/202118 minutes, 40 seconds
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3:07 A.M. Thoughts (Pleasures In Piedmont No.14)

I woke up at 3:07am this morning. Not because I was stressed or worried, but because I was just so elated!Glenn and I are very close to purchasing our dream home here in Italy!My heart is fluttering with gratitude- gratitude for God’s guidance, gratitude for the generosity we’ve received here, and gratitude for finally saying YES to my big dream.Today, let’s get you saying yes to your own BIG dream! What would happen if you just went for it? Tune in to find out.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/14/202118 minutes, 18 seconds
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“What Do You Want?” (Pleasures In Piedmont No.13)

When was the last time someone asked you “what do YOU want?” Sadly for most of us, we can’t recall. In this episode, get ready to ask the deeper questions from a feminine perspective. Because you deserve to experience the pleasures and joys of your desires!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/13/202122 minutes, 49 seconds
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Be The Architect Of Your Life (Pleasures In Piedmont No.12)

Today, give yourself permission to say YES and commit to your desires!In this episode, I share the unfolding of one of my longtime desires- buying a farmhouse here in Italy.Through the process, I became aware of how willing I was to settle for other people’s choices and preferences without realizing I could design whatever kind of home I desired.And the same is true for us all with life!In this moment, let’s dream bigger than what’s in front of us and enjoy the process of manifesting it.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/12/202115 minutes, 45 seconds
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Wine Tasting Manifestations (Pleasures In Piedmont No.11)

Have you ever had your feminine instinct sound with an intuitive inkling that you just know something is going to happen...yet, you ignore it because your logical mind interjects with “but how could it?”Well Queen, it’s time we let that feminine instinct take the throne!Tune into this episode to take in a miracle moment that just transpired here in Piedmont and let this message thread into your life because it truly can be this easy.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/8/202124 minutes, 26 seconds
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Overcoming Betrayal (Pleasures In Piedmont No.10)

If you’ve ever experienced betrayal, then you know how debilitating the human experience of it can be. Oftentimes it leaves us gasping for air, knocked down with grief and pain.Queen, I’ve been here. We all have! And now that I know about Spiritual Law, I understand how we can reassign our power in these circumstances because God did not put us here to be in lack, despair, or rejection.If you’re ready to step out of reaction to the situation, and into devotion to creating a new reality, then tune into this episode!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/7/202120 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Feminine Art Of Manifesting (Pleasures In Piedmont No.9)

If hard work alone was the answer to massive results, most of us would have claimed our biggest dreams by now!We’ve been conditioned to believe that hard work is the direct line to success. However, we all have evidence that this isn’t always true.In this episode, I take you through the feminine practices of manifestation that are joyful, spiritual, and expansive.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/5/202123 minutes, 34 seconds
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Be Your Dream (Pleasures In Piedmont No.8)

Do you have a vision board set for “one day”? This is something we women are conditioned to do, put off our desires and take away the power of the present moment.That ends now, Queen!God created YOU to live life abundantly, not to beg or scrape by.In this episode, we’re rediscovering the enthusiasm and ease that manifests when we become the vibrational match for our desires!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/4/202133 minutes, 22 seconds
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See Things Not As They Are But As They Could Be (Pleasures In Piedmont No.7)

Queen, you are worthy of your every desire!I see so many strong, brilliant, beautiful women often sitting on the sidelines, afraid to be visible, shine their light, and speak their truth.But the truth is, you were meant to manifest your deepest desires...even when it seems impossible. Because a Queen knows infinite wisdom + abundance is found in Spirit.Today, let’s shift the focus from lack and see things not as they are but as they could be.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/1/202116 minutes, 36 seconds
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Become Unavailable For Anything Less Than Your Greatness (Pleasures In Piedmont No.6)

If you have a desire within you, that’s God’s guidance.Too often we allow our natural feminine craving for expansion to be consumed in a masuline charged world. We believe it takes massive action to achieve, or that we’re not worthy in some way, and sometimes even that our desire is “too crazy”.In this episode I’m introducing you to the 12 Qualities of Being so you can raise your level of consciousness and become the declared vibrational match for your desire!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/30/202139 minutes, 6 seconds
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From Meltdown To Mission Accomplished (Pleasures In Piedmont No.5)

It happened. I had a meltdown.While I have so much to be grateful for (and am grateful for!) there’s just this one project I couldn’t get to budge.Frustrated, I began to spiral into comparisonitis.Ever been there? Stuck in compare, despair, and defeat?If so, then I encourage you to press play on this episode. I found some spiritual wisdom that is guaranteed to help you as much as it did me!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/29/202126 minutes, 57 seconds
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I Dare You To Work Less (Pleasures In Piedmont No.4)

I’m going to challenge you to do things differently.To step outside the status quo of always working in order to be successful, because I want you to be successful at living too.In today’s episode, we’re dropping the excuses and redesigning our schedules with more intention and pleasure. Press play and let’s go!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/28/202115 minutes, 45 seconds
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Live On Brand To Grow Your Audience (Pleasures In Piedmont No.3)

It’s true Queen, YOU are your brand! So what does that mean for you? I’ve noticed that when I travel, I live in the fullest expression of divine living. My energy is expansive and as a result, life and business just become easier. Today, let’s define what living on brand is for you, so you can amplify your attraction factor and simultaneously be in bliss.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/27/202120 minutes, 8 seconds
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Perseverance Pays Off (Pleasures In Piedmont No.2)

Queen, I want to see you give wings to your dreams and sometimes that comes in the form of perseverance!In today’s episode, I’m sharing our experiences farmhouse hunting here in Italy. How we’re keeping the faith amidst setbacks, using intuitive indicators, and of course trusting in God’s divine plan….even when it’s not clear.If you’ve got a big dream you want to manifest, then this is for you!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/24/202114 minutes, 40 seconds
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Miracles In Milan (Pleasures In Piedmont No.1)

Are you open to being dazzled by the divine? Sometimes we think we’re receptive yet stress, anxiety, and constantly working can cloud our ability.In this episode, I’m sharing some miracles that recently took place here in Milan and how you can start saying YES today to big opportunities presenting themselves in your life!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/23/202127 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Become a Millionaire

Ever been stuck in the “shoulds”? “I should go to college.”“I should buy that house.”“I should stay at this job.”The practical is what often suffocates our deepest dreams and desires. I heard once that anyone could become a millionaire in 3 years, so that’s just what I did.In this episode I take you through my journey from low-earning psychotherapist to multimillionaire entrepreneur and how it’s possible for you too!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/21/202116 minutes, 58 seconds
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Your Power Is Infinite

Since we were little girls we’ve been immersed in a certain belief system, societal hierarchy, or family dynamic that demonstrated power being unequal or unattainable.That day is over! When we prioritize prayer and ask for guidance, divine power will be infinitely given. Our job as women is to be open to receiving its miracles.Tune into this episode to rise above limiting beliefs and step into all your glorious feminine power!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/16/202127 minutes, 24 seconds
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How Travel Enhances Your Business

I’m sharing this solocast with you from behind the scenes of my recent Divine Direction event in New York City.Know what I realized while there? Travel is truly a business enhancer. Actually, anytime a woman says yes to her desires, she elevates her life and opens herself up to the realm of the miraculous.Too often we find ourselves silencing our desires in order to stay comfortable and commit to what’s practical.  Yet, when we say yes and follow our feminine instincts, we can receive fresh, new, and exciting endeavors. For me, travel has always inspired this deeper level of connection, collaboration, and attraction that reflects back in my business.Join me in the episode to discover what that desire is for you and grant yourself permission to take action on it.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/14/202125 minutes, 12 seconds
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Spirit Has The Solution

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your to-do list? Or lost as you navigate a new season in your life? Maybe you’ve even felt compelled to follow the “shoulds” knowing it wasn’t true to you or your unique expression?In each of these scenarios we find ourselves burdened, limited, and plagued with analysis paralysis, desperately craving a solution.The good news is that the solution always exists for us in each given moment, and it exists in the form of prayer. Spirit is continuously surrounding us, ready to support our deepest desires, we just have to ask.In this episode, get ready to release all the stress and overwhelm by surrendering to Spirit and receiving its guidance.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
9/9/202126 minutes, 15 seconds
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Let Go & Find Love Again With Dr. Marcy Cole

I’ve always said women will find themselves in one of these three schools: Love, Money, or Health. If you’ve been following me for some time, you know my school of genius is money. Yet, I know so many women who find themselves stuck in the school of love. Before calling in my King, I too was stuck in love, attracting all the local loser rockstars of Detroit. I see so many brilliant, beautiful women struggling with similar patterns- toxic dating cycles, settling for comfort, or feeling they need to choose between love or career (yet, we know Queens can have both!) I’m so delighted to have Dr. Marcy Cole on the show today to share her expertise around changing thought patterns, embracing authenticity, and developing the courage to let go and find love again.Dr. Marcy Cole is a Holistic Psychotherapist, Life Enrichment Producer, Writer, Speaker, Community Mobilizer & Humanitarian Visionary. She has been practicing Psychotherapy for over 25 years!Her articles have been published by Goop, The Huffington Post, and Thrive Global. In addition, she’s been featured on TV shows such as Millionaire Matchmaker, and networks like Bravo and WE.In 2004, Marcy began producing monthly Life Enrichment events for women, through the platform First Tuesday USA where conversations revolve around professional/ personal development and social issues.You’ll want to press play and soak in all the expertise Dr. Marcy has accumulated over the years to find your royal romance! CONNECT WITH DR. MARCY COLEWebsite: https://drmarcycole.comEmail: [email protected] Dr. Marcy’s First Tuesday USA community!Join Dr. Marcy’s 4-week Find Love Again After 40 webinar for womenEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/7/202142 minutes, 12 seconds
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Don’t Settle For Settling

This is a short and sweet episode to get directly to the point Queen, and that’s why are you settling?!The truth is every woman finds herself settling in some area of her life, at some point in her life, whether it be in love, money, health, business, you name it. (I was there!!) Yet, we have the power to transform. We have the power to create our reality. We have the power to manifest all the things that delight us. Sometimes, we just need a reminder of how capable we truly here it is!Tune into this episode and let’s begin transforming your top 3 areas today.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/2/202112 minutes, 52 seconds
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Lead By Desire!

We know you’re a brilliant, strong, and more than capable let’s adjust that crown, shall we?After this episode, never again find yourself saying “I’d love to but I can’t because _____.”Today we’re clarifying your desires, protecting your passions, and making prayer a priority so you can lead a life you love filled with pleasure.Press play and let’s get started! EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESThe Secret by Rhonda Byrne 
8/31/20211 hour, 8 minutes, 52 seconds
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Expand Your Wealth & Worth

Welcome to the 100th episode of the Divine Living Podcast!What better way to celebrate than talk about the core quality of Queenhood- self-worth.Trust that you can have what you want and you can have it now. With God by your side, you’re unstoppable. No longer are women settling for mediocrity, baby amounts of money, or limiting thinking.Life is a manifestation of what we create!Join in on this conversation to begin asking “how is it possible” and expand your worth to fulfill the double blessing you were destined for.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/26/202127 minutes, 51 seconds
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Become Your Own Success Story

What would happen if you stopped prolonging your desires and moved fearlessly in the direction of your dreams? If you put all limiting beliefs aside, shifted out of despair into possibility, and asked for BIGGER?God is the master of miracles, you know. He wants you to serve at your highest contribution.And when we align with Spirit, we get to bend time and space to make our desires happen faster than we ever thought possible. You’re worthy of this! Tune into this episode as we claim the power granted to us to become our own success story.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESA Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman 
8/24/202116 minutes, 23 seconds
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Activate Your Dream Muscles With Marcia Martin

Too often we’re conditioned to believe we have to choose, limiting the expansiveness of our dreams and potential. Or we get caught up in “failures,” resisting the flow of our life path, as opposed to trusting it.This incredible conversation with the industry’s “Godmother of Transformation,” Marcia Martin, is all about exercising your dream muscles to match the frequency of your desires.Marcia is renowned as one of the most effective transformational leadership trainers and executive coaches in the world. She has personally trained over 350,000 people globally to be more powerful and competent speakers and leaders. As the CEO of Marcia Martin Productions, Inc., an international executive training firm, she has trained and developed tens of thousands of executives across the world to strengthen and expand their leadership results in life and in business (including clients such as Warner Bros., Capital One Financial, and Hard Rock Hotel). You’ll want to listen to this episode to receive Marcia’s unique genius and methods of manifesting!CONNECT WITH MARCIAWebsite: https://www.marciamartin.comMembership Club: https://www.marciamartinclub.comInstagram: @marcia_martin_EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/19/202140 minutes, 37 seconds
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Settling For Good Enough?

Queen, have you found yourself settling for “good enough”? Just going through the motions and routines because they’re comfortable?If that’s a yes, then it’s time to reimagine what’s possible!You’re here to live an abundant life not to just scrape by on the bare minimum. You are destined for greatness...God has made sure of it.Tune into this episode to tap into the realm of possibility, clarify your 90 day vision, and begin prioritizing your big dreams!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/17/202125 minutes, 14 seconds
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Are You An Empath?

Have you ever been told you’re an empath? You easily resonate and take on the energy in the room, to a point it can feel heavy and all-consuming?Well Queen, that is one of your superpowers! Being an empath has an incredible amount of value when it comes to connection and healing; however, with every superpower comes the radical responsibility to shield our energy and not allow the strengths to become our weaknesses.Tune into this episode as we talk about utilizing spiritual preparation, releasing the need to know the answers, and building an empire from a feminine perspective.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/12/202132 minutes, 46 seconds
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Access Intuitive Intelligence Through Breathwork With Samantha Skelly

“It’s getting high off your own supply” Samantha explains. After riding the rollercoaster of eating disorders and damaging body images through much of her younger years as a child actress and performer, Sam was left feeling extremely disconnected from her intuition, body, and sense of self.Inspired by the movie Eat, Pray, Love she journeyed to Bali to find her own healing where she discovered breathwork for the first time. Although skeptical, she immersed herself in the practice and was immediately hooked as her body responded and she, for the first time, could identify her own intuition.Today, Sam is the CEO of two multimillion dollar wellness companies, a bestselling author, highly sought after international speaker, and wellness expert with a heart-centered approach to business. She’s a leading authority in healing addiction, anxiety, and mental health all through the power of breathwork.You don’t want to miss this transformational, insightful, and humorous episode!CONNECT WITH SAMANTHAInstagram: @samanthaskellyWebsite: https://www.samanthaskelly.comPause Breathwork App: RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/10/202134 minutes, 17 seconds
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It’s Not Selfish to Prioritize You

When does this world ever ask a woman what she wants? We’re constantly living our lives in service to others, being at our highest contribution, forgetting that we too have needs.That ends now. This is the new age of feminine leadership. A time to swing the pendulum back into the values of the feminine. It all begins with our ability to prioritize our desires and get great at receiving them.Today, let’s clarify what that new world would look like. Let’s tap into our soul and connect with the Divine to unleash the miraculous power within.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/5/202129 minutes, 2 seconds
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Lessons Learned From Receiving My Italian Passport

Do you realize how much had to happen so you could be here, today, in this moment?It’s humbling to think how wildly supported we are by the Universe. I had a moment of deep reflection the other day when finally, after 10 years, I received my Italian passport!I thought back to the hardship my great-grandmother had to endure as she came over on a boat from Southern Italy with her 9 children, not knowing the language and creating a whole new life in America.Because of her bravery, I was able to fulfill my divine destiny as an American-Italian and contribute to the purpose I was meant to serve.When scenarios feel especially difficult or stressful, I like to think back to this and remember how deeply supported I always am.Join me in this powerful conversation as we connect all the ways the Universe is working in your favor at every given moment!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESAsk and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther Hicks
8/3/202129 minutes, 23 seconds
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Become Masterful At Manifesting

There are two ways to manifest, either with masculine energy or with feminine energy.While both are effective, masucline manifesting requires massive action whereas the feminine is about flow and creating space for the miraculous.I’ve personally found my biggest, most vibrant desires manifested through the feminine. The process allowed a more peaceful, relaxed state of knowing as opposed to pushing. The foundations of manifesting the feminine way come from being with your own thoughts, meditating, and listening in order to receive divine downloads. This art also requires healing the Injured Feminine Instinct to strengthen your ability to receive.Tune into this episode as we begin the healing process, journal our desires, and confidently devote ourselves to the next-level.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseJoin The Q Club (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee Divineliving.comADDITIONAL RESOURCESAsk and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther Hicks 
7/29/202138 minutes, 22 seconds
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Weight Loss And Fitness Through Feminine Flair With Stephanie Mansour

Looking to improve your energy, lose weight, and balance your hormones the feminine and holistic way? Health and Fitness Coach for Women, Stephanie Mansour, is here on the podcast to share all her best secrets with you!Stephanie has been featured on CNN, Dr. Oz, The Today Show, and over 50 other television networks for her strides in empowering women through health and fitness (helping one TV show client lose 83 pounds in just 12 weeks with no restrictions or gimmicks). Stephanie studied Communications, Psychology and Women’s Studies as well as received her certifications in Personal Training, Yoga, Pilates, and Professional Life Coaching...combining her wealth of knowledge and personal experience to bring you her very own transformational TV show, Step It Up with Steph. Tune into this episode as Stephanie walks you through what inspired her journey and her favorite tips to begin taking control of your health starting today!CONNECT WITH STEPHInstagram: @stepitupwithstephWebsite: https://stepitupwithsteph.comEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
7/27/202142 minutes, 13 seconds
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What True Feminine Devotion Looks Like

No longer are we women embodying a “just do it” mentality, committing to the “shoulds”, or living in lack statements like “I’d love to but I don’t have the time/money.” Instead, we’re devoted to listening to our authentic voice within, our ultimate truth, that’s connected to the infinite. By tapping into the feminine energy of seeing things not as they are, but as they could be, we give ourselves permission to live in the power of the present moment trusting that Spirit is working on our behalf. Prioritizing our wellbeing is the key to creating not just a successful life, but an epic one!Tune into this episode today to begin immersing yourself into the miraculous power of your feminine essence.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/22/20211 hour, 6 minutes, 11 seconds
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What If You Didn’t Have to Worry?

What does it take to manifest? Focus, belief, commitment...notice I didn’t say work?We can’t truly embody the feminine art of manifesting if we’re still relying on the over-masculine ways of “doing” to make things happen.Whenever you find yourself forcing the “how’s”, recognize that’s not your job. Your job is to be confident in who you’re committed to being and let Spirit handle the rest.The logical mind may try to convince you otherwise, and that’s when you can actively choose to surrender to the Divine. Remember, surrendering isn’t about giving up, it’s about giving over.In this episode, we go into more depth about the art of surrender. Be sure to tune in today!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/20/202135 minutes, 44 seconds
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Activate Your Faith & Discover Whatever's Possible

Have you been the one limiting yourself this whole time? Your success, your finances, your impact, your ability to receive pleasure? If yes, it’s time to let go and let God!When we show up and put in the work, we allow Spirit to lead our message into the hands of those who need it most. You have no idea who’s watching and craving the light only you have to offer.Today let’s commit to ourselves and drop all doubt, even when we don’t know the “hows” or feel like it’s not happening for us. It’s time to activate our faith and claim our big purpose, opening up to receive our next level of high-service and contribution.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee 
7/15/202119 minutes, 41 seconds
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Get Out Of Doing And Start Being

When was the last time you allowed yourself to just be? You didn’t force, activate your masculine energy of go-go-go, or feel guilty for craving rest?We’ve been taught that “to do” is “to have”. However, it’s been my experience that being provides the most clarity because it’s aligned with our full feminine power. When we leave space, God gets to show us what we’re designed to do...which is usually far better than our own plans of what we believe we should be doing. Just think, we might actually get to be the first generation of women on the planet who demonstrate what human potential connected to the Divine looks like! Are you ready to see what’s possible for you in this moment? If that’s a yes, click play and come join me in this conversation.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/13/202122 minutes, 42 seconds
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Release Resistance And Receive

“What am I doing with my life?” is a painful question when it’s met with resistance. Trust me, I know. For the past couple months I’ve found myself where so many have found themselves as they emerge from a global pandemic into this new, awakening question.Questioning my purpose, my business, my true happiness, my friendships, my revenue streams, and the list goes on.Only to discover the best news of all- I don’t have to be the one to figure it all out! And neither do you. What I know for sure is we are all made for big, epic lives and Spirit already has the answers we’re seeking (isn’t that a relief?!).In this episode, let’s surrender to divine guidance and finally receive the bliss we’ve been blocking.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/8/202133 minutes, 23 seconds
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An End To Status Quo

Queen, welcome back to a brand new episode of Divine Living.Today is a new day, and everything is possible. This is something I always want you to remember.No matter what happens, God is by your side. And when God is by your side, all dreams come true!All you have to do is let yourself bask in the epicness of it all. You're a gorgeous, strong, talented, blessed being, and you should NEVER forget that! This is why I urge, URGE you to ask yourself the right "what if" question. There might be a voice inside of you that's saying: "What if I'm not good enough?". But, what if you ARE? What if everything is possible?If you find yourself having difficulties holding on to your dreams and remembering that they WILL come true, this episode is for you, so queen, grab yourself a drink and tune in now!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/6/202135 minutes, 34 seconds
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It’s Time for Wealth!

Queen, it is time to stop surviving and start living! How can you do that? By strengthening your own wealth consciousness.Not only will doing this help you open your money channels, it's also a great way to learn how to become great at receiving abundance. Yes queen, you deserve more than you think! You deserve money, you deserve to live comfortably, and you deserve to follow your own dreams.And if money helps with that, then there is no shame in pursuing it!Queen, this episode is for you, so, if you're tired of living the ordinary life when you know you're meant to be extraordinary, tune in now!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
7/1/202125 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Original Gold Digger With Alicia Dunams

Hello queen and welcome to a brand-new episode of Divine Living!Today, I'm interviewing one of the most wonderful women I've ever had the pleasure of knowing: Alicia Dunams!Alicia is not only a badass mom and former international model, but also an AMAZING businesswoman! International speaker, trainer, and best-selling author, Alicia is a jack of all trades and master of ALL of them, and we love her for it!She's also a dear friend of mine and I am so excited for you to get to know her, because her story is just fascinating.Want to learn more about Alicia? Grab yourself a drink and tune in now!CONNECT WITH ALICIAAlicia Dunams, what a beautiful soul! If you want to learn more about her, check out her websites here: EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/29/202135 minutes, 55 seconds
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Dealing With Dysfunctional Family Dynamics?

Today let’s honor the fact that every family has a story. As much as we want to have picture perfect relationships, that’s not always possible...or in our control.Through my own experiences, I recognize there’s a lot of pain, grief, hurt and silent suffering out there. Growing up with dysfunctional family dynamics, addiction, or codependency can be extremely challenging when left unhealed. These wounds easily resurface in our businesses too with excessive people pleasing, lack of boundaries, and invisibility.While we can’t change other people, what we can change is our response to them. In this episode, I take you through the intimacy of my past experiences, what unhealed emotional wounds can look like in business, and how to transform them.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/24/202127 minutes, 26 seconds
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Overcome Your Villains With Heather Monahan

Queen, I am so glad you're here, because this week's episode is amaaazing and you DESERVE the knowledge my guest is going to share with you today.Speaking of guests, ladies and gentlemen, say hello to one of my favorite people: The amazing, gorgeous, brilliant Heather Monahan.Yesss, I know you recognize the name!! And if you don't, well, all you need to know is that Heather is a bestselling author, a TEDx speaker, and a professor at Harvard University. Talk about excellence!!!!Today, she'll be sharing with us her journey and she'll tell us everything about how she went from C-Suite Executive to motivational speaker.So, if this sounds like something you'd be interested in, queen, grab yourself a drink, have a seat, and give us a listen! I promise, we won't disappoint.CONNECT WITH HEATHERHeather Monahan, what an absolute Queen! If you want to learn more about her, check out website here: and follow her on Instagram at @heathermonahan!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/22/202128 minutes, 49 seconds
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Your Personal Power Is Real!

Queen, I'm back with a brand new episode of Divine Living, and in this one, I discuss something important to all of us: Personal power. Lately, I've been thinking a lot about that subject. Yes, we know we're powerful. Our thoughts can actually be manifested, and we can be, do, and have anything that our hearts desire!And yet, we all keep listening to that scary voice in our head. The one asking all of the negative "what if" questions. What if I don't make it? What if I lose everything? What if I'm not worthy?But I want you to remember: None of those thoughts are true!! So, queen, if you've been feeling like this lately, grab yourself a drink, have a seat, and listen to this episode. I hope it helps you see yourself as I do!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/17/202126 minutes, 42 seconds
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When Abundance and Spirituality Come Together With Dr. Erin Haskell

Queen, thank you so much for gracing us with your presence today.This week's episode of Divine Living is an interview with the AMAZING Dr. Erin Haskell, and I'm so excited for you to get to know her!!Dr. Erin Haskell is a dear friend of mine, and she is all things divine. Not only is she a doctor of divinity, but she's also an entrepreneur, a TV host, a top rated podcaster, an international best-selling author, AND a mom.Erin is living an amazingly spiritual life. But she also doesn't say no to abundance, because, as I said in an earlier episode, we deserve BOTH!So, if you want to learn more about Dr. Erin Haskell and her journey, tune in now!CONNECT WITH DR. ERINDr. Erin Haskell, everyone! What a gorgeous soul!  If you want to learn more about her, check out website here: Give her amazing podcast The Dr. Erin Show a listen here, plus follow her on Instagram at EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/15/202131 minutes, 30 seconds
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Own Your Entrepreneurship Journey

Hey queen!! I'm so happy you're here, you know I love you and I'm always excited about helping you find your divine life!And today is no different!In this week's episode, I discuss all things entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is not always the easiest path. It can be hard, it can be tiring, and you might want to give up, but don't! Keep going, because this is your calling! Use spirit along the way, remember that God is on your side, and never give up!It WILL get easier, all you need is consistency, faith, and a reminder that you are being divinely guided as an entrepreneur (which is what I'm here for)!So, grab yourself a glass of wine, have a seat, and give us a listen, because today, my mission is to pump you up so you can work to get the money YOU deserve!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/10/202120 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Millionaire Within Her With Kristi Frank

Queen, welcome back to a new episode of Divine Living! It’s gonna be a great one, so don’t tune out just yet!Today, I'm having an AMAZING interview with the gorgeous, strong, fabulous Kristi Frank.Do you recognize the name? Yep, it's THE Kristi Frank, from the first season of The Apprentice, Oprah, and many more shows. Kristi is one of my besties, and for a reason: she's a great woman!! She's incredibly talented, and I'm so excited about you getting to know her!Today, she tells us all about her experience in The Apprentice, her start in television, and her brand new docuseries, The Millionaire Within Her.So, if this sounds like your cup of tea (and I know it does), get yourself a glass of wine, grab a seat, and give us a listen!CONNECT WITH KRISTIKristi Frank, what a Queen!!  Check out her brand new docuseries, The Millionaire Within Her, here: RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/8/202142 minutes, 26 seconds
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Money Transformation Training

Queen, you deserve everything in the world and more!!And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. Yes, you deserve money, and you deserve to live a beautiful, fulfilling, good life!So many of you listening to this podcast are spiritual people, and I applaud you for that. But for years and years, we have been taught that spirituality and money and abundance don't go together, and that's an idea I want you to let go off.Being spiritual doesn't mean having to live a small life, devoid of material happiness. You can be wealthy AND God-loving. I want you to live life abundantly, because you deserve it! There is nothing spiritual about lack, so don't feel ashamed for wanting more. Money is currency and currency is energy. And you are meant to live on energy, so yes queen, go after that money!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/3/202129 minutes, 49 seconds
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Bring Out Your Authentic Self with Mike Bayer

Hey queens, I'm so glad you're tuning in to today's episode, because you're about to learn some pretty cool stuff!This week, I'm interviewing the one and only Mike Bayer, the first male guest on the Divine Living podcast, so yayy for that!If you’re not sure who he is, then you'll really get to know him today. Mike is a coach, a New York Times best-selling author, and a mental health practitioner based in LA. He has worked with some pretty famous people from Demi Lovato to JLO, and today, he's here to share his wisdom and knowledge with us!So, if you want to learn how you can grow into the person you're meant to be this episode is for you, so tune in now! CONNECT WITH MIKEMike Bayer, what a breath of fresh air!  If you want to learn more about him, check out his website here: + follow over on Instagram at @coachmikebayerEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
6/1/202148 minutes, 32 seconds
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Train Your Brain for Success and Create YOUR Reality

Queen, let me tell you something: It is meant to be easy! Yes, even if you're struggling now, know that it won't be hard forever.Breathe in, breathe out, and remember: You are capable of great, extraordinary things. You have it in you, and all you have to do is reach within and unlock the potential you've been given by God.However, you will have to be a different person to achieve everything you're set out for. You will have to train your brain for success, and that will give you the key to bending time and space to your will.So, if this sounds like something you want to do, grab a seat and give this episode a listen. I promise you, it won't disappoint!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
5/27/202114 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Star Among Stars with Lisa Cannon

Queen, today’s episode is something I’ve been excited about for a long time, and it’s because I’m interviewing one of my closest friends, the amazing, beautiful, badass Lisa Cannon.For those who don’t recognize her name, Lisa is an award-winning TV presenter, spokeswoman, producer, AND writer. She truly is the personification of the saying “Women can have it all.”I am completely enamored by her (as you’ll see when you listen to the episode), and I am certain you will feel the same when you get to know her!Today, she tells us all about her career, how she shines around even the most famous people, and shares with us a tip or two about being confident!So, grab a glass of wine, have a seat, and tune in now to get to know Lisa!CONNECT WITH LISAIsn't Lisa AH-MAZING?! Be sure to check out her show here + say hi on Insta at @lisacannonEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
5/25/202136 minutes, 31 seconds
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Say YES to Living Your Epic Life!

Queen, it is time for you to say YES to living your epic life!Know that the epic life is always available to the plucking, and all you need to do is reach up and take it. Don’t wait for others to do it for you.Stop limiting yourself! You’re extraordinary, and you deserve to live your legendary life! Raise your hands in prayer and God WILL answer.God WILL choose you, but first, you will have to choose yourself.This is why, today, I want you to listen with your heart and not just with your ears. Open yourself to opportunity, and it will knock on your door.You are only a few steps away from living your epic life, so keep going, and claim it.And remember, you aren’t on this journey alone!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
5/20/202151 minutes, 58 seconds
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Beautifully Brave with Sarah Pendrick

Queen, on this week's episode of Divine Living, I had the most amazing interview with the fabulous Sarah Pendrick.Truth be told, I have been waiting for this conversation for so long!! Sarah's book is coming out soon, and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to have her on the podcast and discuss her inspiring journey.Sarah is one of my besties, and I couldn't enjoy her company more! She's a woman with a gorgeous soul, and she has been through so much, but she came out of it more inspiring than ever. What’s her story? And how is she doing it all?She answers these questions and more in today’s episode, so, get ready for an amazing conversation where you'll learn everything about Sarah, her journey, and how she went against the grain to become the awesome woman she is now.CONNECT WITH SARAHWhat a Queen! If you want to learn more about her inspiring journey, check out her book Beautifully Brave here: + be sure to follow her on Insta at @sarahpendrickEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
5/18/202135 minutes, 27 seconds
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What If You Said YES to Your Dreams?

Queen, you are meant to shine, and what better way to do that than by going and doing BIG?Today, I want you to look at what you want and say "Yes, I deserve it!". I want you to say yes to your dreams, yes to your passions, and yes to what you truly desire in life!You are meant to be a light that shines every day. You are a creation of God, and God doesn't create mediocre or untalented. This is why, today, I want you to wake up and take every opportunity that comes your way. I want you to live the epic life a queen like you should. How can you start dreaming big?I tell you all about it in this week's episode, so grab yourself a nice drink, have a seat, relax, and give us a listen!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
5/13/202123 minutes, 16 seconds
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Talking Love and Calling in the One with Katherine Woodward Thomas

Queen, we welcome my mentor Katherine Woodward Thomas once again! This is a woman who will pour wisdom and love into every cell of your being - and a woman who’s done the same for me, time and time again. Katherine is the true master of love and today she shares her best advice for calling in the one and manifesting the love we deserve.Katherine is the author of the New York Times Bestseller Conscious Uncoupling: 5 Steps to Living Happily Even After and the love-manifesting bible Calling in “The One:” 7 Weeks to Attract the Love of Your Life. This is a book that changed so many lives (mine included!) and Katherine is just about to release a new edition revised and updated with new insights, stories, teaching points, and transformational exercises. Queen, this is the book we’ve been waiting for… Tune in today for a preview of all the good stuff and to find out what all about the feminine way to manifest love and transform relationships. I just know this is a blessing we all need in our lives right now. Plus, there’s going to be a special appearance… CONNECT WITH KATHERINEQueen, you need to get Katherine's books - I promise, they are life-changing and miraculous.  Get Calling in “The One” here . To browse Katherine’s other books, go here: . Also be sure to follow Katherine on Insta at @katherinewoodwardthomasEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
5/11/202144 minutes, 43 seconds
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No Longer Blocking Your Blessings

We are going in deep today because I want every single one of you to be completely freed of any kind of stress, struggle, and pain. Money and men are the two of the biggest stories on the planet, but they’re not meant to be. As Queens, we’re not meant to dedicate our time, let alone spiritual energy, to either money or men. There isn't any spiritual scripture out there that says you are supposed to struggle chronically about finances or relationships. That’s not what you’re destiny is about!As modern women, we get to eradicate these old ways of thinking and establish new patterns that serve our divine purpose. We are ALL God’s children and we are all meant to receive his abundance. We’re meant to receive and share all His blessings, so Queen, STOP blocking the blessings He so generously gives you.Today I share the tactics and spiritual guidance that helped me understand that money and men won’t bring the blessings I thought they would. God is the only one who we should turn to elevate our lives and His truth should be our only source!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
5/6/202128 minutes, 15 seconds
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Jenni Parker Brown on Using the Trinity Code to Manifest Her Dreams

My guest today is a truly special Queen - Jenni Parker Brown! If you don’t know Jenni already, you’re in for a treat. She’s the founder of the highly acclaimed House of Preeminence magazine (you should keep an eye out for the May issue…), she’s worked in fashion, retail, she’s a professional dancer, she did equestrian cabaret… Jenni is truly a visionary multi-potentialite and someone who lives life to the fullest. Today she shares some of her adventures with us and she dives deep into the Trinity Code she developed to manifest all her (and your) dreams. We discuss all things next level and get ourselves ready for the new era! This was a super fun interview and Queen, I KNOW Jenni will bring so many blessings into your life today. Tune in now!CONNECT WITH JENNIWow! What a woman Jenni is. I’m just so fascinated with her story and spirit. Please make sure to follow her on Instagram and  grab a copy of her magazine House of Preeminence - like I said, May is going to be a special issue you want to get!  EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
5/4/202137 minutes, 1 second
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The Truth About Manifesting Money

Are you ready for a financial uplevel? Do you want to expand your wealth consciousness and live in abundance? Queen, you know I’ve completely transformed my money story. In this episode, I will help you open up and receive all the wealth God has in store for you!Money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure makes life easier. For us Queens, money gives us the opportunity to fulfill our desires and bless all the lives we touch. I want you to understand one thing: money is not evil, just like water, air, or sun aren’t. They’re all resources that we deserve in our lives. So many lies are spread through the scarcity mindset that we can’t help but hold ourselves back when it comes to money. Queen, that ends now. There is NOTHING wrong with women having, investing, saving, or making money! We are all children of God and we are all on our value-driven missions, contributing to society. So, I want you to drop all those lies you’ve been told and embrace the abundance that you deserve! Tune in to find out the spiritual truth about manifesting money and how to ask the right questions from God. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/29/202130 minutes, 10 seconds
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Uncovering Your Next Level Calling

Thank you for being a woman who's not too busy to take time to go into deep introspection and receive divine guidance about what’s actually next for you. Your next level is not the same old, same old, it’s nothing that other people are doing, and it doesn’t include you just pushing through. As a Queen, you get to say: I’m not available for that anymore. I want my next level miracle and I’m ready to receive it!Dahling, I don’t know about you, but I just can’t do another funnel or another sales page or another to-list. I’m so done with everything old and I deeply believe this next season is going to call on us to transform. Because we are in tune with the divine spirit, we’re going to be ready for everything amazing God has in store for us. In this episode, I want us to take a deep dive into the feminine so we can discover the big calling for your life, a calling that’s bigger than your biggest dreams. I also want to share some of the things I’ve been going through lately - it hasn’t been easy but I learned so many valuable lessons that will help both you and me uncover our next level calling!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/27/202127 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Take the Leap Of Faith

We are all given this opportunity to take the leap of faith into the next level. I know this because we are all here and we are all committed to growth. We all know there is something BIGGER for us out there. But, to get there, we must up-level. We must experience the end of the season and face the unknown. To do that, we are called to take a leap of faith… In this episode, I want to encourage you and guide you through that next big step!Some of you are stuck in boring jobs. Some of you are running a business that’s not getting that much traction. Some of you might be more established in business and asking yourself what can be done to move forward with more joy. Whatever the case may be, I know you can benefit from taking a leap of faith and living your life with more joy, pleasure, and purpose.I don't want to see you stuck playing it safe and boring. At the same time, I don't want you to do an overreach and take a leap so big that you fall. There’s a difference between being reckless and taking a leap of faith - tune in and let’s find out what your next level is!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/22/202123 minutes, 1 second
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Become a Boundary Boss with Terri Cole

How to establish healthy boundaries and stop the cycle of people-pleasing? Queen, today is the day you find out! My guest is the incredible Terri Cole, a licensed psychotherapist and a global relationship and empowerment expert. Terri got her Ph.D. in fear (you’ll hear all about her inspiring life story) and she went on to share her wisdom with thousands of women just like you. She’s coming out with a brand new book and today she shares her best tips to become a boundary boss in every area of your life!Terri’s story is one of persistence and courage. Whatever God threw in her path, she overcame with grace and came out with amazing lessons she shares with us today. Terri combines her rich personal experience, the insights she learned working with her clients, and her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychotherapy to empower and teach women how to attract and sustain healthy, vibrant, real love into their lives and how to establish and maintain effective boundaries with ease and grace.We had such an enlightening conversation - I’m SURE this episode will be an absolute blessing in your life. Tune in now, Queen!CONNECT WITH TERRIIsn’t Terri just a miracle? The way she owned her experiences to become the Queen she is today… I was so impressed with her. If you need more Terri in your life, go get her book Boundary Boss: The Essential Guide to Talk True, Be Seen, and (Finally) Live Free+ follow her on Instagram at @terricole.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/20/202150 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to Stop Future-Tripping: Your Daily Divine Assignment

Your next-level success is already within you. Take this as fact: your big breakthrough, your calling, your next level, it’s meant to be experienced at the highest level. That includes money issues, visibility issues, your level of impact, and your level of joy and creativity. For all that to line up, you don’t need to work harder - you need to work smarter. You need to get out of your way and get divine guidance. The best way I know how to do that is to focus on your daily divine assignment!The conditioning is that if you're not working 20 hours a day, then you're going to miss out and you're not going to make the money. I invite you to just stop with that chatter and stop with the stress. There’s no need for massive action that isn’t getting you where you want to be - most importantly, there’s no need for any action that prevents you from enjoying your experience along the path.And if there’s anything that will put you in the state of overwhelm, it’s future-tripping. In this episode, I want you to learn how to open up to receive all the daily dazzle God has in store for you. I want you to let today be today. I promise, when you start your days in gratitude and when you let God shower you in guidance, you will get to your next level so much faster and in so much more joy.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/15/202128 minutes, 15 seconds
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Prayer for an Awakening and Surrender

God has your back. He has a plan for you. It doesn’t matter how much you might be struggling right now. God is always there and always pushing us forward towards our destiny. The way to navigate the amazingness that God has in store for you is through both mindset and spiritual practices, and I’m delighted to delve into these topics today. We’re going to talk about the foundation of spiritual connection for feminine women entrepreneurs and we’re also going to see that surrender is an active spiritual practice that benefits us so, so much.Like so many of us, I had to pivot during 2020. And even now in 2021, things are not going exactly to plan. Today I want to share with you some of what I’ve been going through - I hope this story will be of service. One big thing that I’ve always known but got strongly reaffirmed in the last period is that redirection always leads us to a higher path. Having a spiritual connection, you can let go of the need to control everything when life is not going according to your plan. You can also understand that there’s meaning to such events, there’s a purpose to it. There’s power in redirection, there’s power in seasons ending - it results in an awakening. All we have to do is surrender.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/13/202132 minutes, 49 seconds
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Overcoming the Entrepreneurial Roller Coaster

There’s not a woman in the world, including myself, who sometimes doesn’t feel less-than-great. If I’m not staying in faith and working on my connection with God every day, I definitely feel a temptation to be anxious, to doubt myself, to become snappy. And on the entrepreneurial roller coaster, all these feelings, good and bad, they get amplified. As I always say, starting and running your business is the most powerful transformation vehicle there is. So, there’s a lot of deep work to do there and in this episode, we’ll do just that!My dahling Queen, if you ever find yourself asking: “Why is this so hard? When will my time come? Will I ever reach my dreams? When will God give me a blessing?”, then this episode is a must-listen. Today I want to remove that pressure from you and talk about exactly how we can all get back on track. Let’s find a way to stay in the center, stay in our zone, and stay in truth, because, my dahling, truth is the only thing that will set us all free.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/8/202139 minutes, 32 seconds
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Changing the World One Book at a Time with Krishan Trotman

Krishan Trotman is definitely here for such a time as this… Queen! This is an amazing woman, I’m just so excited to introduce her to you today. She’s played such an impactful role in my life and in my career - she’s the reason you have The Audacity to Be Queen today. Krishan is an extraordinary editor, she works at Hachette Books as an executive editor, and she just started her own imprint to support BIPOC and other marginalized authors. You’ll hear all about it in the episode so tune in now!Krishan’s new imprint Legacy Lit is set to promote equality, equity, and inclusion for all people. Krishan plans to publish books that are bold, mission-driven, dedicated to social justice and empowerment. We are all so excited about this venture, especially because Krishan is so incredibly talented and dedicated. She has worked with such a wide range of award-winning and bestselling authors, including congressman John Lewis, journalist Stephanie Land, columnist Lindy West, and of course, yours truly. Krishan’s been featured in New York Times, Essence Magazine, New York Magazine, and so many others. She is a woman of power, she is a woman of spirit, she is a woman of substance, and she’s changing the world one book at a time!CONNECT WITH KRISHANIsn’t Krishan so inspiring? We had a long and wonderful conversation and Queen, I really want you to hear it. Tune in now and check out Krishan’s website where you can learn all about Legacy Lit and the Queens of the Resistance series she co-authored. And don't forget to show some love on Insta at @krishantrotman. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/6/202144 minutes, 43 seconds
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Don't Just Go Through the Motions

Your good will come to you when you’re open to receiving - not when you’re just going through the motions, doing what everyone else wants. We are here to co-create with God, we are here to live an EPIC life. Queen, this episode will jolt you out of your slum and have you going for excellence!I know that there is a spirit in you that is larger than life. You are here to live your divine purpose - you have unlimited potential, Queen. And to the degree that you have been playing a smaller game, you are bored. Now, I'm not pointing the finger. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to me. I'm talking to all of us. We let ourselves think that we need to play it safe, that we shouldn’t rock the boat. We let people tell us that our big dreams aren’t really possible. Queen, God is the only source we should turn to. Our spiritual connection is our ultimate superpower. When you connect to the spirit within you… Queen, that’s when miracles happen.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
4/1/202128 minutes, 22 seconds
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Stop Suffering in Silence with Sarah Pendrick

It’s time for Queens everywhere to bravely speak their truth. We’re done suffering in silence! And if you need a little push to break free, today my guest is the beautifully brave Sarah Pendrick. She shares her journey from suffering in silence to becoming empowered through radical honesty. Sarah is the founder of one of the original women-supporting-women movements, The GirlTalk Network. She’s also a self-love advocate, life coach, writer, empowerment speaker, and one of my very best friends!We discuss her childhood, the hurdles she had to work through to get to where she is today, and the power of forgiveness. Sarah reveals why she made it her mission in life to empower women everywhere and how her new book Beautifully Brave is set to do just that for you.Queen, this is one of those episodes that will touch you deeply and inspire you to live your life with more honesty, courage, and self-love. Tune in right now!  CONNECT WITH SARAHQueen… I hoped you enjoyed this conversation as much as I did! Go get Sarah’s book , check out  The GirlTalk Network + follow her on Insta at  @sarahpendrick.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/30/202134 minutes, 16 seconds
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Upleveling Your Lifestyle

Queen, today we’re really going to dive deep into what divine living actually means. Your life isn’t just about working - it’s about all the big and small rituals you can do to light up your fire and get in a high vibe state. Whether that’s hiring support or having a beautiful meal on the beach, there are so many things you can do to uplevel your lifestyle!Of course, I know some of you are still struggling with giving yourself permission to follow your desires. Well, I want to tell you that your desires aren’t there by accident. They are not meant to be ignored. It was God himself who placed those desires in your heart. By following them, you will get one step closer to your purpose.We are Queens. The feminine is not the default of our Western society, but it’s up to us to choose our pleasure, our joy, our playfulness, our creativity. We get to live our divine lifestyles! Give yourself permission to dream big and let’s dive right in!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/25/202135 minutes, 16 seconds
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Strengthen Your Faith with Real Talk Kim

The fact that this episode happened is just beyond my dreams. My guest today is the amazing, unstoppable, brilliant Real Talk Kim. She is the absolute Queen of encouragement and someone I turn to when I start fumbling in my faith. I owe this woman so much! She is a pastor at My Limitless Church in Georgia, she’s an author, she’s a miracle.Real Talk Kim is someone who will make you fall in love with yourself. She will make you feel God’s love like no one else can. Queen, this conversation has been my dream for a while and I KNOW you will get so much out of it.We discuss faith, scriptures, feminine power. Real Talk Kim explains why it’s so important to guard your heart and how to do it so you can serve more people with more love. She also talks about her own journey, why she wears Gucci in the pulpit, and how to be a fearless trailblazer. Tune in right now!CONNECT WITH REAL TALK KIMDidn’t I tell you? Wasn’t this conversation just so inspiring and amazing? Please, please, go subscribe to Real Talk Kim’s podcast, get ALL her books, and sign up for everything over on her website! You'll also love her downloads over on Instagram at @realtalkkim.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/23/202151 minutes, 58 seconds
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Manifesting Money Like a Queen

Money is one of the biggest topics on the planet. It's one of the biggest ways women struggle, and I know this from personal experience. Whether it’s fear, not-enoughness, feeling stuck, money can seem like a perfect solution. But, Queen, the number of zeros really doesn’t matter. Never make money your source. The source is and always should be God.Now, the number of zeros will not give you what only God can give, but money has its own lessons. I’m lit about women developing a highly vibrant, alive, and healthy relationship with money. Growing your business leads to so much personal transformation too. And when it comes to manifesting money, there is no one formula that works. But, you can choose between it being easy and it being a struggle. Manifesting money like a Queen means being divinely guided and inspired. What do I mean by that?Tune in today to hear more!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/18/202130 minutes, 59 seconds
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Jessica Zweig on How to Build Your Brand

Queen, my guest today is the amazing Jessica Zweig, an award-winning entrepreneur, personal branding expert, and the founder and CEO of SimplyBe Agency. She’s someone who isn’t afraid to share her life and she’s obsessed with authenticity. Jessica helps entrepreneurs grow and leverage their personal brands and today she will share her secrets with us! Jessica's story was full of ups and downs and is a true testament to what you can do when you believe in yourself. Queen, I was so impressed with Jessica, I can’t wait for you to hear this conversation. We discuss her new book “Be. - A No Bullsh*t Guide to Increasing Your Self Worth and Your Net Worth by Simply Being Yourself”, what it means to build a dedicated community, and what your personal brand is really about. Tune in now!CONNECT WITH JESSICAMy dahling Queen, wasn’t that inspiring? Go get Jessica’s book NOW and start building your personal brand that truly reflects your light. Don’t forget to subscribe to her podcast and follow her on Instagram at @jessicazweig.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/16/202141 minutes, 35 seconds
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Let Yourself Take a Break

My dahling Queen, you are meant for greatness. You have an extraordinary mission that was designed just for you. I also know that you can’t express your divine assignment from a place of exhaustion. Society has conditioned us to constantly hustle and stay busy, but that’s not the way of the Queen. It’s time to give yourself permission to take a break!We’re not supposed to work all the time, believe me. Being constantly busy and over-giving is in such stark contrast with feminine principles. We get to create from a place of rest and silence. Did you know I get my best ideas at a beach club?And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying don’t work. I enjoy my work, but my life is about so much more. I want you to give yourself that permission as well. So, let’s dive in today and find out what divine living is all about!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/11/202125 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Secrets of Personal Branding with Chelsea Krost

My guest today is the Millennial influencer and branding expert Chelsea Krost. She’s a force to be reckoned with and I’m so excited for you to get this download! Chelsea started her first radio show when she was just 15 years old. Today Chelsea runs a media empire and her influence shapes marketing strategies of not only small businesses but Fortune 500 corporations.Chelsea shares her story, inspiration, and personal branding tactics that she used to carve a unique market space for her message. We discuss the importance of authenticity, why you have to say NO to haters, how to identify your unique selling proposition, and most importantly - how to work smarter, not harder. CONNECT WITH CHELSEAChelsea has so many fun and worthwhile programs out there! You can find everything on her website, but I want you to really check out her Rainbow Reality Method, her How to Work Smarter Not Harder LinkedIn course, and her amazing podcast!  Plus don't forget to say hi on Insta at @chelseakrost.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/9/202132 minutes, 43 seconds
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Overcoming Fear

Today I want to talk about overcoming fear and pain. I know this year has been tough for so many of us, but regardless of the obstacles, doubt, and despair, we always find a way to overcome whatever is standing in our way. It’s actually in our nature as Queens. This episode is here to shed light on how we can use our feminine power and spiritual connection to shorten the timeline on overcoming these hurdles. It doesn’t have to take weeks, months, or even years. Let’s understand how to make that process faster, easier, and much more enjoyable!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/4/202131 minutes, 21 seconds
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Turn Rejection Into a Billion-Dollar Business with Jamie Kern Lima

I have never been more excited, honored, thrilled, and maybe slightly obsessed to interview anyone on my podcast than I am today! I had the privilege of interviewing Jamie Kern Lima, founder of IT Cosmetics and a human extraordinaire. You are going to love, love, love this conversation! In case you don’t know her, Jamie started her cosmetics company in her living room. She grew the company into the largest luxury makeup brand in the country and then sold it to L'Oreal in a billion-dollar deal. Her love of her customers and remarkable authenticity and belief eventually landed her on Forbes America's richest self-made woman list. Today she's the mother of two, an active investor, speaker, and thought leader who's passionate about inspiring and elevating women. We discuss her amazing new book Believe IT, how she turned rejection into outstanding success, and why you DON’T need to work 100-hour weeks to succeed!CONNECT WITH JAMIEMy dahling Queen. I’m just SUCH a fan of this woman. I’m not even trying to flatter her, but her book Believe IT is one of the best books I’ve read in… forever. Please, go get it NOW! Plus receive so much more inspo from her on Insta at  @jamiekernlima.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
3/2/202146 minutes, 28 seconds
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Marshawn Evans Daniels on Embracing Disruption and Reinventing Yourself

In today's episode, you’re going to be reminded of your greatness, importance, and the fact that the best is yet to come in your life. My guest is Marshawn Evans Daniels, an extraordinary woman and my immediate soul sister. This is the woman who has really done the work of personal development and who has an incredible depth of wisdom.Marshawn is a reinvention strategist and first-generation millionaire, who mentors women around the world to live bolder and believe bigger. She has had so much success in her life and we’ll get into all that in the show. Marshawn has also been through some challenging times and I was so honored that she decided to share her trials and lessons with us today. She is a deeply spiritual and wise woman and I must warn you - you will listen to this episode again and again. Relax and get ready for some serious transformation, inspiration, and truth coming your way.CONNECT WITH MARSHAWNQueen, wasn’t this conversation such a blessing? Marshawn is just such a delight. Learn more about her here and make sure to get her page-turner Believe Bigger! For more inspo, be sure to follow her on Insta at @marshawnevans.  EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/25/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 14 seconds
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Living by Your Spiritual Truth

Any time we're tempted to go with the fear-based thought and take it on as truth, that becomes our life. And that becomes our reality. It becomes what we're living. So we reinforce that belief and think that it's true. But, that doesn't make it true. Truth with a capital T is a spiritual truth. And when you are rooted and grounded and have faith in spiritual truth, life gets really exciting.Today I want to talk about your divine assignment and what you’re meant to do and be. When we tap into our purpose, we live a life of double blessing. What’s meant for us is also a blessing for everyone we help and support. I think there is so much fear and worry that some people are meant for greater things than you; that some people are luckier or have some sort of advantage. But when we really turn our eyes to God and let ourselves be seen the way God sees us, all of that gets to dissipate. The truth is, not only do you have a purpose, but you have a purpose that was pre-designed by the universe. There’s no need to stress or doubt in your purpose, in its greatness, in the level of prosperity, and the level of impact that you specifically are designed to bring forth in this world. All you need to do is ground yourself in the spiritual truth that shines through from your heart.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/23/202124 minutes, 22 seconds
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Mastermind Call with Cathy Heller & All My Girlfriends: Don’t Be Afraid to Take Messy Action

Today is such a special episode! My dear friend and the connecting Queen Cathy Heller got together some of the coolest women ever for a super inspiring conversation. This is a sneak peek into our mastermind and you’ll get to meet and hang out with Cathy Heller, Amy Purdy, Alison Prince, Jill Stanton, Brit Morin, Allie Casazza, and myself!  Every week we're so filled up from this community we've created and the level of support that we give each other. It's just such a rich experience and I really wanted you to join in. You deserve to have an experience like this! Personally, I didn't know women could be this supportive. I just didn't know, I shared this on the podcast already. So if you’ve ever been in my shoes, I need you to know that this is possible for everyone. Queen, enjoy this sneak peek into our mastermind, we talk all things mindset, business, and femininity, we also answer a lot of your questions. You’ve already had a chance to meet some of these Queens but if you didn’t, now is the time! CONNECT WITH USQueen! Wasn’t this amazing? We’d love to know your takeaways, please screenshot the episode and tag us on Instagram! My handle is @ginadevee and then we have Cathy, Amy, Alison, Jill, Brit, and Allie!Also, make sure you subscribe to all their wonderful podcasts:Don’t Keep Your Day Job with Cathy HellerBouncing Forward with Amy Purd‪y‬Because I Can Life with Alison PrinceMillionaire Girls Club Podcas‪t‬ with Jill StantonTeach Me Something New with Brit Mori‪n‬The Purpose Sho‪w‬ with Allie Casazza⭐ Get FREE meditations, workbooks, and Q&As with me
2/18/20211 hour, 45 minutes, 20 seconds
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Release the Negative Through Faith and Focus

We are on this path to Queenhood together, but that doesn’t mean we’re perfect. In fact, we sometimes fall into despair and comparison - it’s actually something I’m going through right now. Today I want us to come together and align with faith and focus. Let’s release everything negative and focus on what really matters!Queen, we don’t need to play God. He’s got it handled. What we need to do is trust and always come back to our desires. Always have faith and always stay focused on what you want. That’s one of the best ways I know to get out of despair and comparison.Join me today as we reaffirm the higher vibration thoughts that lit up the spirit and thank God for all the miracles coming our way.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/16/202127 minutes, 14 seconds
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Step Into Your Power with Tory Archbold

My guest today is one of the strongest women you’ll ever meet. Queen, it’s the amazing Tory Archbold, one of the most famous publicists in Australia and an absolute powerhouse of a woman, both personally and professionally. I invited her today to share her business wisdom but also her personal story. I know that listening to this episode will lift your spirits and make you realize that every challenge is also an opportunity. Tory founded her brand agency Torstar in her twenties and she’s had amazing success with it. She’s worked with global brands such as Nespresso, Zara, or Victoria’s Secret, and today she will share expert secrets on how to build your personal brand. But, while she was taking on the world, she was also going through a personal hell. When she decided to take off the mask and share her story, Tory understood the incredible power that comes with honesty. These days her mission is to empower incredible women like yourself to go out in the world and build business empires. Tune in to hear her story and advice - Queen, this is one of those episodes you just can’t miss!CONNECT WITH TORYBe sure to say hi to Tory on Instagram at  @powerfulsteps.  If you’re as inspired by her as I am, make sure to also check out her website, podcast, and book a coffee dateEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/11/202139 minutes, 39 seconds
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Let Your Light Shine

Don't assume everyone knows what you know. Don't assume that people don't need the specialness that comes just from you. Queen, don't dim your light in any way. We know so much and we have so much to share, so let’s get out of our own way and let that light shine!Whether it’s you dimming your light or it’s other people, the time to stop is now. Scriptures are clear: we need to let our light shine and bless so many lives. And once you get over the fear and redesign your thought process, you will see the light pouring out of you in a bigger and a brighter way, and on a more consistent basis. And you know what, Queen? You are going to love your life so much more!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/9/202127 minutes, 1 second
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Stop Overcomplicating Business

Queen. If you are finally ready to truly commit to your passion and drop all excuses, then today's episode is a must-listen for you. If you’ve been dabbling with or wondering who your ideal client is, this episode is going to answer that. Today I am giving you a segment from one of my live challenges where… Let’s just say it like this: I brought some serious dazzle. I was just felt so led to remind each and every one of us that our time is now. We don't need to overcomplicate business. There is a simple formula to figuring out what you’re meant to do, and that’s exactly what you’ll get today. And mostly, this episode will show you how capable you are of putting yourself in the big game. Not just getting your feet wet, but really showing up for you, your business, your future clients, and ultimately, your purpose and your destiny. So sit back, take a listen, enjoy, absorb and then take action. The time to discover your calling and make a business out of it is now.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/4/202159 minutes, 19 seconds
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Break the Default and Raise Your Vibration

We know the universal laws. Now is the time to start applying them! We are so blessed to understand that we have the power to create our reality. And when we apply this knowledge in everyday life, we train our brains to think differently. We break through the default lower vibrations and joyfully raise to meet all the miracles.When we make higher vibrations our habit, we win every single time. This is how we can go through life with so much more success, so much more power, so much more grace, so much more abundance, and of course, so much more joy and happiness. Today I want to call on you, Queen, to all of us really, so we can practice what we preach. I’ll go through manifesting principles and give you some examples that will serve you well on this path. Let’s get started!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
2/2/202131 minutes, 55 seconds
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Principles of Conscious Creation with Jennifer Racioppi

Today I’m delighted to introduce my friend and mentor Jennifer Racioppi. She is a very experienced success coach and an astrologer, and Queen, to tell you the truth, I don’t know where I’d be without her! Jen is a source of infinite feminine wisdom and today we talk conscious creation, lunar cycles, and her new book, “Cosmic Health”.Jen is one of those rare Queens who just shines this clean energy, she is a guiding light for so many, her feminine power is in full bloom. She lives her life following lunar cycles and staying in touch with the deep well of spiritual femininity.In this episode, she shares the principles of conscious creation that are aligned with the divine truth and the higher purpose. She also shares an astrological sneak peek into 2021, so make sure to tune in! CONNECT WITH JENOh, my dahling, I hope you enjoyed this conversation as much as I have. For more of Jen’s wisdom, check out her website , make sure to get her Cosmic Health book, and follow her on Instagram @jennracioppi. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/28/202136 minutes, 1 second
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How to Conduct Your Business Worry-Free

We are perfectly capable of living our lives 100% worry-free. Similarly, we can conduct our businesses without any worries. And when I say this, it doesn't mean that the worries won't pop up! However, Queens like us have the skills and the ability to train our brains and change our old habits. This is something I am completely obsessed with right now. And because I’m focused on a worry-free life, I’m presented with so many opportunities to practice this attitude. I'm super excited to share my experiences with you today. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/26/202121 minutes, 36 seconds
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Ashley Stahl on How to Make a YOU Turn

It’s my absolute honor to welcome Ashley Stahl to the show today! You might remember her from Chapter 18 of “The Audacity to Be Queen”, but if not, you should know that she’s an extraordinary human. From the Pentagon to your bookshelves, Ashley is a career coach with a heart. Today we’re discussing “You Turn”, her new book that’s designed to get you unstuck, help you discover your direction, and design your dream career. For the longest time, Ashley felt something was missing at her work and she just had to figure it out. She wrote this book for everyone who feels the same way and who needs clarity on their path. The book is full of actionable steps and heartfelt advice, so it’s my sincerest recommendation that you go and get it immediately. For now, tune in to find out what’s it like to work at the Pentagon, how to set up your inner alarm bells, and how to deal with change. CONNECT WITH ASHLEYYou just have to get this book! Head over to Ashley’s website for more details + get in on her Instagram goodness @ashleystahl. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/21/202134 minutes, 34 seconds
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Living the EPIC Life

This is our time to wake up, to trust spirit more deeply, and to believe in abundance more strongly. We know miracles are coming our way. We know the epic life is our foundation, so we’re committed to waking up every day and saying: “God, I wonder how you're going to dazzle me today! I'm open to receiving the miracle.”This epic life is within our grasp. It means we always, always trust ourselves. Even when it’s not a popular choice. What we need is the audacity… the audacity to be Queen.Join me today for a dose of pure Queenhood and glory. Let’s become the truest versions of ourselves and live this life at the highest possible vibration!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/19/202139 minutes, 26 seconds
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Discovering Your Dharma with Sahara Rose

Today I’m beyond delighted to share an incredible interview with Sahara Rose, my dear friend who just exudes all things femininity, spirituality, and wisdom. Her powerful, abundant Goddess energy will give you full-blown permission to be yourself. Not only that, but you’ll realize that’s the best way to thrive in life!If you don't already know Sahara, she’s a leading voice for the millennial generation into the new paradigm shift. She’s the bestselling author and even Deepak Chopra wrote the foreword for her books. Sarah is also the host of the Highest Self podcast, with over 25 million downloads.Today we talk about her brand new book “Discover your Dharma”. Sarah will also take us through Ayurveda, different energy types, and the best methods to find your Dharma. Queen, Sahara is here to remind you of your purpose, so you can embody your sacred mission on this planet. Tune in now.CONNECT WITH SAHARAOh my goodness, Queen, I was so inspired by this talk! I can’t wait to get Sahara’s new book - you can get it here. Subscribe to her podcast the Highest Self and make sure to check out the Rose Gold Goddesses membership program! Of course, be sure to say hi on Insta @iamsahararoseEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/14/202139 minutes, 17 seconds
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It’s Time to Focus on What Really Matters

Hey Queen, I have a little bit of an unusual episode for you today. This is something that I recorded in the ER parking lot, at the tail end of December 2020. The message I want to share is simple: life is so, so precious. Look for the good, look for the opportunities, look for God's messages, look for the lessons, and look for the dazzle and the wonderment of life today. That's gonna change everything for all of us.I hope that you enjoy this very personal story and really understand that we have no time to waste on fear and confusion. We are only available for what we want: love, truth, abundance, glory, and dazzle. This year, we’re saying YES only to things that really matter.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/12/202123 minutes, 54 seconds
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Susie Moore on How to Confidently Tell Your Story

Today we have a very special guest and my new friend, Susie Moore. Susie is a former business mogul turned life coach and bestselling author. Today we talk all the big things: how to gain confidence, choose the story you tell yourself, and stop checking your likes. Susie also shares her experience with media and showing up as herself on Oprah, Today show, Business Insider, and countless others. But the big, big news? Susie’s new bestselling book “Stop Checking Your Likes”.In this book, Susie shares heartfelt stories and advice to help you shake off the need for approval and live your best life. And if you think that’s great, wait until you hear all the gems she shares in this episode!CONNECT WITH SUSIEImpressed with Susie? I was too! Get on her website and Instagram @susie.moore to explore everything: her books, courses, articles… there’s so much to learn from this wonder woman! EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/7/202146 minutes, 55 seconds
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Expecting Miracles in 2021

My darling Queen, Happy New Year. Let's just come together and welcome in all this luscious brand new sparkly energy into what I know is going to be the best year of our lives. How do I know this? Because I remember that freedom is just a thought away and that we get to choose how we design our lives. We are all powered through the Spirit that is in us. When we focus on the truth, it will set us free. There’s no doubt about that. I love a blank slate and I hope that you are well-rested and rejuvenated. Today we open up to everything miraculous that’s coming our way. This episode is quite special and it’s a message that’s very dear to my heart. In fact, this is a sneak peek into one of the introductions for a program that I did recently. I know this message is the perfect way to kick off this year, so let’s get started!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
1/5/202129 minutes, 44 seconds
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Breaking Through My Resistance with Laura Belgray

Queen, this is an episode I didn’t want to share. Part of me still doesn't. And yet, I know this will be great and really freeing. For most of my career, I haven't shared failure or bumps along the way. Today, that changes.I’m here with Laura Belgray, a celebrity copywriter and an extraordinary human being. Instead of an interview, this episode ended up being my personal therapy session with Laura. I’m so grateful to her for all the wisdom, insight, and understanding, and I'm sure her words will serve you well too.Recently, I had to come face to face with failure. This story is related to my business, but it’s very personal and vulnerable to me. I wanted to share it in part because I needed to work through it, but mostly because I want you to know you’re not alone. This is something I want to leave behind. And on this last day of 2020, let’s get it all out of our system. Everyone is doing their best, and today is the day to leave behind feeling less-than just because something didn’t work out. We're all in this together and I’m so proud of everything we’ve done. CONNECT WITH LAURAWow! Laura just blew my mind today. I’m sure you want to connect with her and learn more about what she does. Go visit her website, get her amazing offers, and keep an eye out for her book. For more on the copy Queen, follow her Insta @talkingshrimpnyc. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/31/202054 minutes, 45 seconds
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Ending the Year in Style

Queen, let’s close out this year by saying: I am DONE with distractions. Done with everything that’s not serving my divine purpose. And I’m ready to focus on abundance, not lack. I am focusing on what I want rather than what I don’t want. I am focusing on LOVE.Dahling, today I really want to dive deep into the subject of distractions. We often let other people and meaningless things get in our own way. We all do it, but we also have the power to stop. We choose what we focus on. We can transform our mindset to best serve us. Let’s go where we’re loved, not where we’re just needed. I’m so grateful that we are closing out this year as powerful feminine Queens that we are. In 2021, we accept nothing less than miracles!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/29/202027 minutes, 52 seconds
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Brit Morin on Being a Media Queen and Investing in Women

Queen, I’m coming to you today with a very special guest. It’s the one and only Brit Morin of the Brit + Co, a media company that inspires creativity in all areas of life. Brit is a business mogul, a mom, a great friend, and a truly creative soul. Today she shares how she got the nickname “Silicon Valley’s Martha Stewart”, why creativity is such a big part of her life, and how to have it all without being overstressed. We also talk about being a mom, fun media appearances, Instagram challenges… Brit has also just started a venture fund to raise $100 million. Talk about dreaming big! She shares how she got over the fear and why she finds it so important to invest in women-backed businesses. CONNECT WITH BRITBrit is the ultimate entrepreneur Queen! Want more of her creativity-filled world? Check out Brit + Co, listen to her podcast,  get her new book, and say hi on Instagram at @brit. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/24/202045 minutes, 11 seconds
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My Birthday Wish: Blissipline

Today I choose to say YES to the glory. YES to the dazzle. Yes to that which seems so invisible, but at the same time is so clear: deeper faith and wisdom. I trust that I don't have to be the one to figure it out, and neither do you. Queen, today is my birthday! Join me in this celebration as we present our desires to the Universe and trust that we always get what we want.  I trust when I show up to do the work that is in my heart, the right people will take notice. I trust that higher levels of financial abundance are not just meant for other people. They're meant for women like you and me. Finally, let’s trust that we get even greater and quicker and better at becoming the vibrational match. We embrace blisscipline. We take joy in reprogramming every thought that doesn’t serve us. We do what it takes to transform. We deserve to have it all. Today, Queen, let’s say it loud and proud: “There is no difficulty in miracles. I’m available for miracles. I am asking for a miracle!”EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/22/202030 minutes, 20 seconds
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Jill Stanton on Genuine Connections & Showing up as Yourself

Queen! Welcome to a very special conversation with one of my besties, Jill Stanton. Jill is a business mogul, formerly of the Screw the Nine to Five, where she was helping online course creators and coaches start their own businesses. These days, she’s proudly launching the Millionaire Girls Club. We could go on and on about Jill’s business successes, but today we’re talking about girlfriend connections, taking risks, big thinking, women and money, and how to show up as your genuine, amazing self.Jill was one of the first girlfriends to pull me out of my involuntary social isolation and she’s been such a divine presence in my life. In this conversation, we bring you the dazzling world of feminine entrepreneurial spirit and Jill explains what’s the secret to connecting unapologetically successful women who want to 10x their wealth, connections, and impact!CONNECT WITH JILLWho doesn’t want to be a millionaire divine living Queen? Sign up to stay in the loop and get the latest updates on Jill’s Millionaire Girls Club! For more inspo, follow her on Instagram @themillionairegirlsclub and @wealthycoursecreatorEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/17/202037 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Courage to Have It All

Are you the limiting factor in your own life? We women often grapple with the concept that we can, indeed, have it all. So instead of thwarting our own success, joy, and happiness, today I want us to drop all limitations and get great at receiving.What would happen if you woke up every day expecting miracles? Absolutely everything is happening for you, not to you. With that attitude, every day can be full of gifts and dazzle and transformation. Queen, I want you to live in your truth. Having it all really means experiencing your destiny to its fullness. Join me today as I explore different ways we can let go of limitations and embrace our divine purpose.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/15/202023 minutes, 26 seconds
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Alison J Prince on How to Build an Ecommerce Empire

Queen! Today I had the honor to talk with Alison J Prince, who went from being a junior high teacher to building four multi-million-dollar online brands. Did I mention she did it all while being a wife and a mom of four kids? In this episode, Alison shares her amazing journey and all the lessons she learned along the way. She is a true example of what we can do when we lean into our femininity and go after our biggest dreams unapologetically. Alison reveals her secret to making millions through online sales, the key step every female entrepreneur must take on the path to success, and why she made God her business partner.We also talk about the ups and downs of the entrepreneurial rollercoaster and why it’s so important to be in a community of entrepreneur Queens.CONNECT WITH ALISONIf you want to learn about ecommerce, there’s no one better than Alison! Go to her website, sign up for her programs, listen to Because I Can Life podcast, and get in touch on Instagram @alisonjprince. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/10/202044 minutes, 48 seconds
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Raising Standards for the Clients You Deserve

You get to work with your ideal clients. And the only way that that is going to happen is if you take charge of your destiny! Get clear on your requirements and don’t settle for anything less.I'm going to share some really personal stories with you today. I also want to take a stand for all of us to step into our greatness. It can be difficult to say “NO” to work. I’ve been there and it took me some time to get out of this mindset of scarcity and lack. I’ve overlooked so many red flags, but the truth is, whether the client is right or wrong for you, you will know immediately. Give yourself permission to act out of abundance and higher vibration. Your dream clients are out there, waiting for you to raise your standards.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/8/202030 minutes, 3 seconds
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Katherine Woodward Thomas on Love and Relationships

Dahling, today is a special day at the Divine Living podcast. I’m here with my mentor, Katherine Woodward Thomas. Katherine is the reason I and many others found their soulmates. She helped me develop the power of the feminine and become the Queen I am today.If you don’t know already, Katherine is the best-selling author of “Calling in The One” and “Conscious Uncoupling”. She’s a licensed marriage and family therapist and a strong voice for modern femininity.We discuss what it means to be a woman today and how to denounce our former roles, without forgetting the essence of our femininity. Katherine explains the source of feminine power and shares advice to help you find the one.We also talk about what to do when you find your partner and how to embrace relationships between equal partners. Dive in for a dose of timeless feminine wisdom!CONNECT WITH KATHERINEWhat a blessing! If you want more, find all things Katherine at her website. Sign up for programs, get her amazing books, and get in touch! Also, be sure to follow her on Instagram @katherinewoodwardthomas. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/3/202032 minutes, 44 seconds
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End Procrastination and Manage Your Time Like a Queen

A Queen has more than enough time. We owe it ourselves to end the low vibe of procrastination and move our lives forward. Procrastination comes from a place of fear. It robs our activities of joy and it’s time to stop procrastinating!Today I share with you some of the ways in which I caught myself procrastinating. To be honest, I was not behaving like a Queen, but I quickly woke up to what I was doing and got myself back on track. When I stop putting things off for the last minute, I made more space for things I’m obsessed with. Life became more fun, more enjoyable, more carefree. I hope that you can learn from my experiences and learn how to prioritize DIVINE LIVING.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
12/1/202028 minutes, 22 seconds
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Scaling Up Your Business with Natalie Workman

Queen, today you’re in for a special episode! My guest is Natalie Workman, the Vice President of Operations at Cardone Ventures. She’s an expert in leading teams and developing people. Natalie also has a knack for scaling businesses to 7-figures and above.Today she shares how she and her fiancé met Grant and Elena Cardone and pitched them a million-dollar business idea. She also gives some valuable advice to all you entrepreneur Queens who want to jumpstart and scale your businesses. We also discuss the mindset of women in business, what can be learned from the guys’ playbook, and how to set goals like a Queen. CONNECT WITH NATALIEIf you want to learn about business, there’s no one better than Natalie! Join her Facebook group 10X People Skills and look out for her live stream, every day at 9 pm PST. Visit her website, listen to her podcast, get involved! For more updates, follow Natalie on Instagram @natalieworkman. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/27/202053 minutes, 30 seconds
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Developing an Attitude of Gratitude

Today, Queen, I want you to take a deep breath and think of all the things you’re thankful for. I’m coming to you from a place of deep gratitude and humbleness. Let’s take today to meditate on everything that we love and enjoy. Let’s rejoice in peacefulness. When I look back at this year, we haven’t only survived—dare I say, we even thrived. And I want you to give yourself a moment to feel at peace and look around yourself. Can you appreciate all the beauty, all the abundance? Can you give yourself permission to stop feeling the pressure?We did an amazing job this year. Queen, we woke up every day and we showed up for ourselves. It’s not to say that the doom and gloom weren’t there, but I’m proud and thankful that we chose not to focus on it. Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving or not, I want you to take this episode as a blessing. Let us look back in gratitude and choose gratitude as our attitude moving forward.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/24/202027 minutes, 5 seconds
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Motherhood as a Superpower with Allie Casazza

Allie Casazza is a supermom who has a strong no-excuse policy! Today we got together to break stereotypes about motherhood, business, and money. Allie is a mother of four AND a business mogul AND an unapologetic Queen who enjoys her life, so Queen, get ready for a fabulous interview!It’s all too easy to give in to society’s expectations and think that because you have children, you don’t deserve any time for yourself. “Hot mess mom” culture can have you thinking you have to sacrifice everything you are for your kids. Allie is on a mission to break that myth apart and teach you how to simplify your life! As a mom and a businesswoman, Allie has cracked the formula on divine living for mothers who want to have it all. The best part is, when you become a Queen mom, you give your kids an amazing example to follow!CONNECT WITH ALLIEAllie is such a force of nature! If you want her to help you simplify your life, go to her website and check out her programs, podcast, and upcoming book! For more inspo, follow her on Instagram @allie_thatsme. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/19/202051 minutes
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The End to People-Pleasing

You just can't please everyone all the time. And you know what, Queen? You shouldn’t even try. We deserve to prioritize our feelings, our perspective, and our point of view. There is a gracious way to stop people-pleasing and today I’m coming to you with my own experiences and lessons.I want to help you face your fear of confrontation, stand up for your right to #divineliving, and learn how to agree to disagree without burning bridges. We all want that sweet approval, but if you go for it without being true to yourself, you’ll end up feeling even worse. Because when you bow to another’s opinion, they’re not even going to like you that much anyway. They will feel you’re not being true to yourself. And that, my dahling, is not a path to Queenhood.As Queens, we get to be visible and we get to be fierce. We get to live in truth and love. Every YES we say needs to come from the heart. Because when we make other people the source of our happiness or the source of our safety, we turn our backs on God. So I say give God his rightful position! Don't give other people your power. Be there for yourself and let God do the rest!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/17/202031 minutes, 7 seconds
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Danielle Canty on Building the BossBabe Business

Queen! What’s the fastest way to building an amazing business? According to the BossBabe Danielle Canty, it’s all about being unapologetically ambitious and asking for support!Here at Divine Living, we love to dream big and it’s always so inspiring to see other Queens building their empires on feminine principles. If you don’t know Danielle already, she’s the President of the BossBabe, a company that supports female entrepreneurs with a passion.In this episode, Danielle generously shared practical business tips that will help you launch your entrepreneurial career. The best part? All the advice comes from a place of deep feminine power and a receiving mindset. So, my dear Queen, if you’re looking for a BossBabe blueprint for feminine success, be sure to tune in today!CONNECT WITH DANIELLEWhat a BossBabe! I’m just so impressed by Danielle and I recommend you go visit BossBabe immediately! You will find incredible entrepreneurial advice, an inspiring podcast, and a chance to join the Société! Also be sure to follow Danielle on Insta @daniellecanty. EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/12/202046 minutes, 50 seconds
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Get Great at Receiving Support

Queen, what’s your relationship with support? Are you giving yourself permission to be worthy? Or are you still thinking you have to do everything by yourself? Today I want to dive deep into this topic and show you how to become a Queen who graciously accepts support!Whether you need support in your business, around the house, or you want to feel supported by a community, it’s time to unapologetically ask for it. We Queens are great at giving, but now is our time to receive. In this episode, I’m talking to all you Queens who are struggling to receive inspiring clients and great team members, but these concepts apply to every area of divine living. Once you allow yourself to receive support with one thing, you transform everything else. But how do we reprogram ourselves and become great at receiving support? Tune in to find out!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/10/202033 minutes, 42 seconds
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Breathing Your Way to Success with Sam Skelly

Sam Skelly is the Queen of breathwork and today she’ll tell us how to breathe our way to success! Sam is also a visionary business mastermind with a new book coming out soon. We’ll dive deep into all things breath, manifestation, and body transformation!Sam is all about embodying our true nature and living in alignment with the divine. She’s a breathwork master who can empower you to fully feel and release all those suppressed emotions holding you back. After our talk today, I finally understood what breathwork is all about, and I must say—I’m a convert! Breathwork can be an incredible tool for transformation and I’m here for it!We will also talk about Sam’s new book Hungry for Happiness that’s designed to help you get in touch with your body, stop emotional eating, and feel self-love like never before.I’m thrilled for you to get this download, so let’s just jump right in!CONNECT WITH SAMANTHAAre you excited to try Sam’s breathwork methods? I know I am! Find more info about breathwork along with Sam’s programs on her website and make sure to get her new book Hungry for Happiness! For more updates,  follow her on Instagram @samanthaskelly.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/5/202035 minutes, 14 seconds
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Becoming the Vibrational Match

Let’s delegate to the Universe! How do we become a vibrational match for every desire we have, so that we can work less and receive more? I'm ready for the next level. I know you are too. And to get there, we need to raise our vibration. We don’t have to have all the answers. As Queens, all we need is to remain open, ready to say YES, and let go of control. It's time for us to return to the feminine arts of play and passion. This is where we get our power from and it's time we prioritize our spirit, today. Whether that’s a massage, journaling, cooking a wonderful meal, or reading a book, we need that space where our thoughts can develop and our devotion can grow. It’s from that place that we can manifest love and confidence and match the vibration of all our desires. The Universe is so ready to guide our steps. Let’s allow these wonderful, invisible forces to use us and show us the way so that we can stop over-giving and start receiving all the miracles that are meant for us.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
11/3/202033 minutes, 21 seconds
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Lori Harder on the Feminine Way of Big Business

Today I’m talking with Lori Harder, an already crazy successful Queen, who took a plunge and decided to go even bigger! Lori was already a fitness expert, cover model, and podcaster with 24 million downloads, but that just wasn’t enough. She decided to break into the alcohol business, a generally male-dominated industry, and make a big splash. A rosé flavored wine seltzer splash!Lori will tell us all about launching Lite Pink, a drink designed to create intentional, meaningful experiences and help Queens connect. Why did she decide to uproot everything and start anew? How did she make it work? Let’s find out! We’re talking big vision, big goals, and big energy, and it’s all centered and dedicated to Queens like you.Lori is a great example of a Queen who goes after what she wants in a deeply vulnerable, feminine, and smart way.I’m so thrilled for you to hear this talk, my dahling! It’s an amazing episode for anyone who is in the world of entrepreneurship, either just beginning or looking to take their business to the next level.So let’s jump right in and find out how and why Lori took this quantum leap forward!CONNECT WITH LORIWow, what a story! Lori dreams big and really goes for it and I want that for you too! Get in touch with Lori via her Instagram, follow Lite Pink, and check out the Lite Pink website for more exciting content!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/29/202053 minutes, 11 seconds
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When Your Dream Is About to Die

My dahling, today I want to share some real-life BTS about what’s been going on lately. I was so excited about a dream and then I felt like it was about to die… I’m sure you all felt it, so let’s go through it together!This feeling can so easily overcome us if we let it. In this episode, I want to go through this process with you, right here and right now. This is the kind of thing every successful woman will face when going not just for the next level, but for the most EPIC dream she can imagine.So rather than try to figure this out by myself, I think that this something we can all do together. And whatever process I'm about to do, I wanted to be in connection with you and I wanted to be in service with you!I invite you to bring any epic desire that you have, something in your life that you deeply crave and desire. Do you have fears that it won’t happen? Or are you afraid it will and you won’t be ready? What if it takes too long? What if it’s impossible? Bring those desires and let's turn that mindset that around, shall we? It’s time for miracles!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/28/202026 minutes, 23 seconds
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Give Yourself the Gift of Meditation

What’s your upper limit? What’s blocking you on your path to fulfill your biggest dreams? Today I want us to hold our desires in the space of love and manifest all our dreams through meditation.My dahling, I was recently offered a chance to manifest one of my wildest dreams. This would be just beyond. But I found myself hitting my upper limit and even some of my triggers showed up. Luckily, my self-awareness allowed me to catch this feeling and let it go. So I want to ask you today: Are you telling yourself that you don't have time to go after your dreams? Are maybe afraid of what other people will think of you? Do you feel like you won’t know what to do or say? What’s stopping you to really go after your dreams?I want you to think about that and I also want us to do a meditation together. Let’s open ourselves to receiving these blessings that are meant for us. Meditation is one of the fastest ways I know for getting there. I want us to hold our desires in love and let the Universe manifest everything that’s meant for us. Let’s become a vibrational match for our desires and their manifestation!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/27/202016 minutes, 44 seconds
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Dr. Judy Ho on How to Stop Self-Sabotaging

I’m so thrilled to bring the amazing Dr. Judy Ho to you today! We will dive deep into her book “Stop Self-Sabotage” and Dr. Judy will explain each of the 6 steps that can empower you to find motivation, develop willpower, and get out of your own way!Queen, I’ll be the first to admit that when I got Dr. Judy’s book, I thought to myself: “This isn’t really for me. I don’t self-sabotage.” #LORD was I wrong! Once I began reading through, I quickly realized that there are some areas of my life where I do indeed get in my own way. And as Dr. Judy said, we actually ALL do that. Self-sabotage is universal. It can apply to your career, relationships, habits, or self-image. But why do we do it? Why do we self-sabotage? We say we want to manifest our biggest dreams, but somehow we never really go for it. Why is that? My dear Queens, these are exactly the questions Dr. Judy unpacks in this episode! From the fear of failure, analysis-paralysis, and black and white thinking, to forming good habits and developing authentic goals, we will get our very own private session with the ultimate expert on the human brain.  As Queens who are dedicated to our personal development, we want it all. We want the divine living and the divine working and the divine lifestyle and the divine business. And if we want to get there, we need to get out of our own way! CONNECT WITH DR. JUDYI’m so grateful to Dr. Judy for all her wisdom! Have you found her advice to be a blessing? Then don’t hesitate and go get her book Stop Self-Sabotage, subscribe to her podcast Supercharged Life and find her on Instagram!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/22/202046 minutes, 14 seconds
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Let Yourself Be Dazzled

Today’s episode was inspired by a very special feeling, my dahlings. I’m so lit up about this, and I know that this story will lift you up into whatever the next level is for you.I know better than to ignore the divine messages, so I took inspired action last week and made a wonderful connection. I’ll tell you all about it in the episode!This experience left me with just this one thought: Let us be dazzled! Let us be dazzled in every way—with your work, with financial abundance, with everyday joys, with divine living. When we give ourselves permission to be dazzled, this is when effortless solutions to seemingly unsolvable issues appear. This year especially, we all need to give ourselves permission to reimagine life, to figure it all out again. Let’s not put any pressure on ourselves to have all the answers or plans. Let’s just be open for the divine unfolding.Give yourself the space to discover who you are as a woman. And remember, being a Queen is the most generous contribution you can make.So let us be dazzled and let us enjoy all things Queen—play, pleasure, desire, fun, abundance, flow, and feeling amazing! Only then can we take meaningful action in the world.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/20/202031 minutes, 1 second
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Amanda Bucci’s Guide to Becoming a Social Media Queen

Dahlings, today we have the honor to learn from Amanda Bucci, the Queen of Instagram! In this episode, she generously shares her strategies and tips on making it big on social media. This woman is magic in every sense of the word, as an entrepreneur and as a #divineliving Queen. I’m thrilled for us to get this download! Amanda is a holistic business mentor, social media strategist, and podcast star with a passionate community on Instagram and YouTube. Her mission is to help brands and entrepreneurs find their place in the market by focusing on being authentic and relatable. In this episode, she will teach us how to approach social media with enthusiasm. We will learn how to build a creative presence online, craft social media strategies, and improve our personal brand!Plus, we will get the tips on how to graciously accept feedback, whether positive or negative. Did you know haters can be a great inspiration on your personal development journey? Oh yes!I have to say, I was really inspired by Amanda today. She made me super excited about my own social media story and I hope you feel the same!So grab a notebook, a cup of coffee, and let’s jump right in!CONNECT WITH AMANDAInspired by Amanda? Go follow her right now at @amandabucci or check out her website for the latest courses, programs, and her amazing podcast!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/15/202054 minutes, 11 seconds
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A Queenly Superpower: It's All About Receiving

My dahlings, this is going to be a quintessential Divine Living episode. At the moment, I’m on a mission to create more space in my life for receiving the awareness and insights that I need. And that ability to receive, that’s one of the greatest feminine arts.What does it even mean to receive? I’d say it’s all about noticing and taking in the things that nourish your soul. Whether that’s receiving flowers or reading your favorite books, the feminine means creating the space for beauty. However, somewhere along the lines, women picked up the lies that they couldn't receive, or began to felt awkward and uncomfortable around it. Deeming it as greedy, unnecessary, or 'not for them'...That ends today!This episode is here to help you release the guilt around the feminine art of receiving: whether it's receiving more romance, play, passion, exciting new ideas, a compliment, flowers, support in your business or around the house... it's time to open up to what's meant for you and graciously accept it!So where is your next uplevel for receiving? Is it in your personal relationships, your work, your relationship with yourself? Let me know, I would love to hear your stories!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/13/202028 minutes, 26 seconds
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Almost 30: A Divine Example of a Powerful Female Friendship

My dahlings! Today we welcome Krista Williams & Lindsey Simcik of the amazing Almost 30 podcast. They are now in the top 50 podcasts globally on Apple! These Queens are such an inspiring example of what a powerful female friendship looks like and I can’t wait for you to meet them.When they were reaching 30, Krista & Lindsey both felt like life wasn’t turning out the way they imagined it would. As they became fast BFFs, they started a podcast with a mission to make people feel less alone. Today these Queens have a thriving and supportive community, they are growing a crazy successful business and getting ready to write a book!I wanted to know how they balance their friendship and their business, how they met, what brought them together, how they started the podcast… But what we really dive deep into is the idea of female friendship. As adult women, we sometimes feel that it’s hard to make these new connections. I certainly struggled with that. So I want you to know that your tribe is there for you!  And here at Divine Living, all Queens are welcome.CONNECT WITH ALMOST 30Instagram: @almost30podcastWebsite: https://almost30.comEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/8/202033 minutes, 38 seconds
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Setting Weight Loss Goals like a Queen

This episode is inspired by a fellow Queen Joanne, who asked me about my wellness journey and how to lose weight like a Queen. Body transformation is a big topic for all us women, wherever you may be in your journey. So I really felt this is a relevant conversation that we need to have today!I’ve never had significant body issues, but over the years, I’ve definitely put on more weight than what felt comfortable... And this January, I decided to make it a #nonnegotiable to finally create my big body transformation story, which I’ll share all about in the episode.The process is still ongoing, and I’ve definitely continued to have my ups and downs, but you know what, I’m not going to be harsh on myself. As Queens, we get to start again every day, and I’m all in now. It’s all about making that decision.And when it comes to losing weight, don’t do it because someone tells you to do it. Do it because you give yourself permission to have the body that you will LOVE. Whatever that means for you. Don’t ever forget—we get to have it ALL. We can have great money, great relationships, great lifestyle, AND great bodies, all while having fun and enjoying our life. That’s the Queenly way. That’s divine living.EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/7/202036 minutes, 51 seconds
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Choosing To Prioritize Yourself

What should a Queen do to take care of herself? My dahling, I will admit I’m feeling a little depleted today. But as I always say, use where you’re at! So in this episode, I want to talk about setting healthy boundaries and taking the time for YOURSELF.We’ve gotten so great at divine working, and that’s definitely a blessing. We’re so lucky to have work that we enjoy and that is aligned with our dreams. But what about divine living?How do we take that time for ourselves, to just sit and enjoy our own thoughts? Do you feel like you have to do everything yourself, or do you ask for support?Today I want to talk about that. I want to share how I prioritize feminine principles and how I make sure I have enough space to nurture my dreams. I invite you to really listen and take this message to heart. Dear Queen, I hope this episode comes as a welcome respite in your busy day!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/6/202026 minutes, 20 seconds
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How To Handle Triggers Like a Queen

We all have core wounds that get triggered from time to time. But is that really the worst thing that can happen? Not at all! My dahling, when you’re committed to the process of healing, you get the power to welcome triggers as blessings.I’m not saying I never get triggered, because I do. But by working to overcome these triggers and heal my core wounds, I’ve gotten so much better at handling my reactions. That’s the key here - triggers WILL happen. But it’s up to you if you’re going to react like a Queen, or if you’re going to let your emotions give into the unconscious programming. In this episode, I’m sharing with you how I handle triggering situations and how I work to make progress. Remember, our journey is all about progress - NOT perfection.And I also want you to know that some triggers hit at our very deep, core wounds. This is something you don’t have to handle alone! Give yourself permission to ask for help and actually receive it.  When you’re committed to the process and when you work with other Queens to overcome your triggers, everything becomes a blessing that gives us even more light to shine on the world.My dahlings, I’m so thrilled for you to hear this! Please tune in and share your takeaways after!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/2/202029 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Radical State of Acceptance and Surrender with Gabby Bernstein

Today I’m excited to share a heartfelt conversation I had with a fellow Queen Gabby Bernstein. If you don’t know her already, Gabby is a New York Times bestselling author and a trailblazer in the world of spiritual entrepreneurship. In this episode, we’ll talk about what it means to accept our circumstances and surrender. As Gabby so wisely put it, surrender isn’t about giving up, but about giving over.I feel like these lessons are especially important this year, in the light of all the uncertainty we’ve been suddenly thrown in. And things may seem scary, but that’s not a reason to postpone manifesting our dreams! Gabby will share some ways to do just that while tapping into the intrinsically feminine spaces of spirituality and surrender.We will also talk about what it means to feel worthy and give yourself permission to dream big and manifest all your wildest desires.My dahlings, I’m so thrilled for you to hear this! Please tune in and share your takeaways after!CONNECT WITH GABBYInstagram: @gabbybernsteinWebsite: https://gabbybernstein.comEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
10/1/202032 minutes, 7 seconds
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6 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Queen

When do you shine? I’m usually at my best when I maintain my no-excuses, high vibe policy, and I’m sure you are too! And I’m often asked: How to stay on track? How to stay motivated? So today I want to show you the feminine way of re-energizing yourself and getting back to the divine plane of functioning… We’re going to do this together, my dahlings! Just before I sat down to record this episode, I felt that my energy wasn’t optimal. And I remembered we all have a choice. We can change our state and choose to be high vibe if we want. I’m going take you through some steps that I use to pick myself up and make sure I’m always going in the direction of my dreams. The feminine way is the way of creativity, playfulness, innovation… This is how we succeed, this is the path to a fierce and audacious Queen. Let’s learn how to show up for ourselves, how to stay focused, and thrive in our Queenly lives!EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/30/202024 minutes, 28 seconds
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Cathy Heller on Finding Your Divine Assignment & Celebrating the Full Human Experience

We all need friends like Cathy Heller! My dahlings, I’m SO EXCITED to share this episode with you. My guest is my girlfriend and fellow Queen Cathy Heller, who you might otherwise know her as the fierce feminine entrepreneur with the top-rated podcast, Don’t Keep Your Day Job. She’s an incredible source of inspiration and a modern-day mystic. It’s hard to put into words just how special Cathy is, so you’re just going to have to listen to this episode! We will open up our hearts, open up to spirit, open up to you—and have crazy fun!Curious on how she went from writing music for a living to interviewing icons like Rob Lowe, Matthew McConaughey, and Howard Schultz? Well, get ready because she’s here to tell us all about it! We’ll also get to hear Cathy’s thoughts on religion, motherhood, feminine friendship, success, and Queenly mindset. Priceless!So tune in and let’s find out how to live our EPIC lives from one of the original Queens!CONNECT WITH CATHY:Instagram: @cathy.hellerWebsite: https://www.cathyheller.comEPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/29/20201 hour, 1 minute, 8 seconds
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When One Queen Rises, We All Rise - My Journey

Welcome to the first-ever Divine Living podcast episode! I’m Gina DeVee and I’m thrilled to be your host as we build this community of Queens TOGETHER. This is OUR show and it will be a place where we can share our experiences and celebrate our stories. We’re going to share all things spiritual, entrepreneurial, lifestyle, self-care, and ultimately all things Queenhood.In this episode, I want to tell you my personal story. It’s a story of deep and meaningful transformation that I’m so excited to share with you! Take it as an invitation to share your own stories and experiences, my dahling Queens.I strongly believe that we can manifest all our dreams when we tap into that unlimited well of feminine power. The world is calling on us to manifest feminine leadership at every level and I want to help you awaken the Queen within! This world needs more innovation, more creativity, more beauty. It needs YOU. It needs us to show up as Queens that we are and live our lives in divine style. Let’s awaken and manifest that energy to create our EPIC lives together! Press play now and become the Queen you’re meant to be! EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
9/28/202034 minutes, 44 seconds
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Welcome To The Divine Living Podcast!

EPISODE RESOURCESGet my book hereClaim your FREE companion courseDownload the Q Club App (2-week free trial)DM me on Instagram @ginadevee
8/26/20204 minutes, 52 seconds