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Declutter Your Chaos - Minimalism, Decluttering, Home Organization Profile

Declutter Your Chaos - Minimalism, Decluttering, Home Organization

English, Education, 1 season, 184 episodes, 2 days, 5 hours, 20 minutes
Are you a working mom living in a house that is stressing you out, and no time to fix it? Welcome to Declutter Your Chaos. You have just taken the first step to taking control and restoring pease and sanity back in your day. This show will give you all the strategies, resources, and support you need to take control of your time and your home. We will also dive into your mindset, where we shift your thinking so that you are giving yourself the respect, time, and love you need in order to make sure you are living your best life. I am your support. And I am an email away if you need me: [email protected]. I love to connect with my listeners so please do not hesitate to reach out if you need me! Even more importantly than all the good decluttering tips I’m going to give you, I want you to walk away from each of these episodes feeling like you are not alone. Because you aren’t. I know what’s like to to be living in utter chaos, with a house busting at the seams, and little kids pulling you in every direction. You want so badly to take control of the clutter in your home, but there’s just not enough time. Well I’m here to tell you - to promise you - that you can get out of survival mode and take control of your home. I’m going to share my best tips and strategies for decluttering, broken in to small actionable steps. I’m going to help you manage you time to help keep you on track and motivated, and I’m going to help you shift your mindset so that you be aware of what causes the clutter so that you can prevent it forever. Let's do this! Welcome! xo Amber
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183 | What Does Meditation Have to do With Decluttering? | Tales From the Retreat

Hi Guys, I'm here in Denver and wanted to share some of what I am learning at this retreat.  We are learning and practicing so much here in terms of energy creation and manifesting. I only share a little bit about it here, but if you want me to share more with you individually, dm me.  If you'd like to join the challenge click here to join the fb group:  Facebook Group: Ask any question you'd like in the group or you can message me on IG. Instagram: Thank you for being here! XO, Amber  
7/25/202414 minutes, 33 seconds
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182 | How to Become the BEST Version of YOU | Are You Ready to Up-level Your Life?

Hi Guys, In this episode I remind you how we are all surrounded by victim culture and how it prevents us from making change and upleveling our lives.   If you'd like to join the challenge click here to join the fb group:  Facebook Group: Ask any question you'd like in the group or you can message me on IG. Instagram: Thank you for being here! XO, Amber  
7/23/202417 minutes, 14 seconds
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181 | How and When to Say Goodbye to Sentimental Items When Decluttering | How to Declutter Meaningful Memorabilia

Hi Friends!  In this episode I talk about a client who I worked with who let go of a lifetime of memories and did NOT regret it.  The biggest take away from this episode is that it is normal to feel sad when letting go of items that were meaningful, but you still won't regret it.  It's okay to feel the sadness because it's a loss.  But when you open up your space you allow yourself to grow, and that's what we all want - that's what makes us feel good - growth. If you'd like to join the challenge click here to join the fb group:  Facebook Group: Ask any question you'd like in the group or you can message me on IG. Instagram: Thank you for being here! XO, Amber
7/18/202416 minutes, 47 seconds
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180 | Clutter Makes Us Fat, Tired and Stupid | How Our Clutter Contributes to Our Stress

Hi Guys!  In this episode I talk about how clutter creates stress.  This elevated stress is not noticable to us on a day to day basis, but inside our bodies it is taking its toll.  It is making us eat mindlessly, become lethargic, and make decreases our ability to focus.  We are paying a very high price for our clutter and we don't even realize it.  But it is something we can control, so we should. Please come join me in the facebook group. Facebook Group: Ask any question you'd like in the group or you can message me on IG. Instagram: Thank you for being here! XO, Amber
7/16/202414 minutes, 17 seconds
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179 | Why Can't I Keep My House Clean? | Why Am I Messy?

Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about three things we tend to do that keep us messy. We identify as being messy Our perfectionism stops us from starting We blame not having enough time  I hope that you are able to shift your mindset to focus on being organized, doing it imperfectly, and having an abundance of time. Come join me in our facebook group and follow along on instagram: Facebook Group: Instagram: XO, Amber
7/11/202418 minutes
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178 | Do You Have an Upper Limit Problem?

HI Guys, In this episode I talk about the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks.  In the book, he talks about how we all have a threshold for happiness and how to break past that.  I also talk about our new challenge in the facebook group.  You can join the facebook group here: Hope this helps you! XO, Amber
7/9/202418 minutes, 42 seconds
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177 | A Framework To Use For Your Decluttering Project | How to Start Decluttering a Room

Hi Guys!   In this episode I share about how to approach decluttering and then I walk you through a decluttering session.  Declutter by room, rather than by category, but use the following sections to keep you focused: Keep - Stuff you need Keep - Sentimental items Eliminate-Trash Eliminate-Stuff not not needed in this season of life Eliminate-Stuff not good enough for you Also, use the AMBER method so you don't get overwhelmed during decluttering.  Hope this helps! XO, Amber Here's the link to my facebook group:    
7/4/202422 minutes, 13 seconds
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176 | The One Thing You Should NEVER Declutter

Hi Guys!  In this episode I talk about how women are conditioned to give their power away.  We do it all the time - we don't mean to - but it is ingrained in us.  We are taught to be nice, and pretty, and quiet... not to be powerful.  I'm hoping that this episode will give some awareness  of this tendency and help you (and me) remember how powerful we are. PS:  Also, you don't need to declutter photos.  The memories are worth the space. XO, Amber [email protected]  
7/2/202418 minutes, 52 seconds
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175 | How To Transform Your Life So That You Can Receive What You Really Want (Not More Clutter)

Hi Guys! This is the last episode in the series on the Amber Method.  In this episode I talk about how to change your vibration so that you are able to receive the things you really want in life, rather than continuing to feel stuck, overwhelmed, and living in chaos. I hope this helps you! XO, Amber [email protected]    
6/27/202423 minutes, 8 seconds
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174 | The Steps to Eliminate Items From Your House

Hi Guys! In this episode I talk about the fourth step in the Amber Method, which is to eliminate the items from your home.  This is the actual "decluttering" step.  The Amber Method is A for Assess, M for Manifest, B for Breathe, E for Eliminate, and R for Receive.  The most important thing to remember during this step is to stay out of your head.  You can do this by using strategies that activate your prefrontal cortex:  make the project about numbers,  a specific space, or focus on a specific category. Similar to Mel Robbins' Five Second Rule, when she says 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and take action.   Imagine that your clutter is little pieces of your stress and anxiety that you are literally removing from your life.   Hope this episode helps you and don't hesitate to reach out [email protected] XO, Amber
6/20/202429 minutes, 29 seconds
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173 | The NUMBER ONE Way to Decrease Stress and Anxiety When Decluttering

Hey Guys,  In this episode I talk about how important it is to do conscious breathing during your decluttering session.  Intentional, conscious, mindful breathing is the number one way to decrease stress and anxiety when decluttering.  This episode focuses on the B in the Amber Method.  Here are the breathing techniques I talk about here: The Surrender Breath Alternate Nostril Breathing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Breath Yogic Breath Double the Exhale Samantha Skelly is my go to person for breathwork.  Her IG is :   The Book I'm recommending is called Breath by James Nestor   I hope this helps you.  Please do not hesitate to reach out by email or on Instagram. [email protected]   XO, Amber
6/13/202430 minutes, 31 seconds
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172 | How to Manifest Your Decluttered Home | The "M" in the Amber Method for Decluttering

Hi guys, In this episode I explain how to manifest your decluttered home.  Here are the steps: Change your energy by raising your vibration Imagine the result you want and let it go Visualize the hardest part Visualize yourself taking action on the smallest first micro-step I hope this helps you!  Thank you for being patient on the course.  Website is almost done. xo, Amber
5/28/202417 minutes, 43 seconds
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171 | How to Declutter Using My Unique Method | How to Start Your Decluttering Project

Hi Guys!  In the next few episodes I'm so excited to share with you my unique method of decluttering.  We all know that decluttering is not hard, so why don't we do it?  It's really a mental game.  We need to learn how to regulate our nervous system so we are able to feel emotionally safe and not a prisoner of our things.  In this episode I talk about the first step in the AMBER Method.  It is to "Assess" the space.  Listen to this episode to get you started.  Here's the  AMBER Method to get you started: A:  Assess, M: Manifest, B: Breathe, E: Eliminate, R: Remove I hope this helps you.  BTW - My website is almost done so I will be offering you lots of both free and paid stuff soon!  Thank you for being so patient! XO, Amber
5/16/202411 minutes, 28 seconds
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170 | My Three MOST Downloaded Episodes | A Half Million Downloads!

Hey Guys, I just passed a half-million downloads and with this milestone I wanted to tell you about the three most popular episodes.  Episode 145 is about how to use a checklist. Episode 155 is about how to find more peace in your day. Episode 160 is about a book called The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. Hope you enjoy! XO, Amber
5/13/202416 minutes, 33 seconds
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169 | What We Wear (even alone at home) Influences How We Feel

Hi Friends, In this episode I chat with Jennifer Mackey Mary, who has a podcast called Everyday Style.  We talk about how what we wear has the power to change the way we feel.  Similar to how our homes makes us feel a certain way, what we put on our bodies has a huge impact on how we show up in our lives.   I have been personally transformed by this conversation - I didn't realize that what I wore around the house mattered - it does! Here is a link to her membership, where they offer everything women need to make style easy for just $27 a month:  Website-Style Circle:  Instagram:  Hope you enjoy, Amber   
5/2/202430 minutes, 4 seconds
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168 | Decluttering the Pantry IS Worth Your Time

Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about four levels, or steps, to decluttering the pantry.  They are: Take inspiration from the grocery store Modify it for your family Make it funtional with containers if needed Make it look cool In short, decluttering and organizing your pantry is an easy win and can be done in an hour or two.  Just take everything out, wipe it down, and put only the items back that you use.  Use these four levels to help you with your process. Hope this helps! XO, Amber
4/30/202419 minutes, 52 seconds
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167 | The Secret to Making Decisions About Your Clutter

Hey Guys! In this episode I talk about decision making.  I talk about the secret to making decisions about clutter...spoiler alert...there is no wrong decision!!!  Just make a decision.  Listen to this episode to hear what indecision is doing to you.  It is shocking!   I hope this helps helps you! Reach out with any questions or to book a consultation to get help with your clutter.  [email protected] XO, Amber
4/13/202415 minutes, 6 seconds
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166 | Could Shame and Unworthiness be Contributing to your Clutter?

Hey Guys, In this episode I talk about how my unconsciously be creating clutter due to subconscious feelings of unworthiness.  Everything in our environment is a reflection of our subconscious.  So if there is clutter in your world, something either conscious or not, is fueling it.  This episode talks about how to let go of both.   Hope it helps you! XO, Amber
3/22/202422 minutes, 39 seconds
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165 | How to Turn Your Decluttering Project Into a Practice in Mindfulness

Hey Guys,  In this episode I talk about how to turn your decluttering session into a mindful experience. Here's your plan: A=assess M=manifest B=breathe E=eliminate R=remove I hope this helps you.  Reach out anytime: [email protected] Click here to join my accountability group: XO, Amber
3/16/202424 minutes, 20 seconds
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164 | How to Keep a Lifetime of Things

Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about letting go of sentimental items.  I give you some steps that will help you declutter any of your items, but specifically how to make it easier to let go of some of the sentimental stuff that's so difficult to say goodbye to. Here's your plan: Categorize If items are sentimental, keep one item and take pictures of the rest Donate, trash, or give away the remaining items I hope this helps you.  Reach out anytime: [email protected] Click here to join my accountability group: XO, Amber
2/26/202414 minutes, 27 seconds
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163 | The Weekend Warrior Approach | How to Avoid Overwhelm When Decluttering

Hi Guys, In this episode I tell you how to approach your decluttering project when you are only have the weekends to work on it.  This is how I used to have to declutter when I worked full time and had two young kids.  Now that my kids are a little older, I can squeeze in 10 minutes a day, but if the weekends are all you have available, this episode will help keep you focused and to stay out of your emotional brain. Here are some ideas but come up with your own. Just no stories! numbers physical space size categories If you would like to join my accountablility group here's the link: Here's a link to my morning body awarness meditation: __________ XO, Amber    
2/26/202418 minutes, 4 seconds
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162 | The 10/10 Habit | How to Make Decluttering a Habit

Hi Guys!  In this episode, I explain how to incorportate 10 minutes of decluttering and 10 minutes of meditation into your daily routine.  This episode is about changing your habits by stacking the habit of decluttering for 10 minutes (or less) onto an errand or task you already do every day. I also talk about meditating for 10 minutes each morning which clears your mind and allows you to make very quick decisions while decluttering your "stuff." In the next episode, coming out on Thursday,  I will talk about how to approach decluttering on the weekends:  The Weekend Warrior episode.  In this upcoming episode, I will help you get out of your emotional brain and into the logical brain so you don't find yourself stuck with a room full of stuff that is overwhelming you. I you are interested in the accountability group, click here: Feel free to reach out with any questions or specific needs: [email protected] XO, Amber      
2/26/202421 minutes, 15 seconds
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161 | How to Navigate Unworthiness in a Toxic Culture

Hi Guys, This episode is about how our culture really does feed into our sense of unworthiness, and how you can almost instantly shift your perspective. If you are interested in the year-long course, click here: I also have my accountability group available for you to join.  I'm so excited to meet you and get you started on your journey into minimalism. If you would like to join my accountability group click here: If you have any decluttering questions please ask.  Email me at  [email protected] XO, Amber
2/1/202418 minutes, 31 seconds
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160 | How to Declutter Your Life in 2024

Hi Guys, Happy New Year!  In this episode I talk about my new course, which is available here: If you have any decluttering questions please ask.  Email me at  [email protected] XO, Amber
1/10/202415 minutes, 14 seconds
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159 | How to Let Go of Items When You Have Lost Someone You Love | Decluttering When Someone Has Passed Away

Hi Guys,   In this episode I answer a question from one of my listeners.  She recently lost her mom and was wondering how to let go of her mom's things without dishonoring her.  I loved answering Shari’s question,  and I would love to help you too if you have a specific question please email it to [email protected].   If you would like to join my accountability group click here:   Happy Holidays to you all!   XO,   Amber
12/23/202316 minutes, 14 seconds
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158 | Your Environment Reflects Your Inner State | A Decluttering Meditation/Mindful Minute

Hi Guys!  In this episode. you will find some declluttering motivation, as well as a guided mindful minute to help you let go of the stress and chaos.  Remember:  Your external environment reflects you internal experience of life.  So if you want a peaceful home, nurture a peaceful mind. I hope this helps. you!  Here is the link to my accountability group:  We'd love to have you! Xo, Amber 
12/7/202321 minutes, 30 seconds
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157 | How to Declutter Learned Helplessness

Hey Guys, In this episode I talk about learned helplessness and how it can prevent us from becoming our best selves, but also how to break free from it. Here's the link to join my group.  This is your ticket to guarantee you will get it done..It will be every Friday, 6pm Eastern/3pm Pacific.  Here is the link to join: I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
10/30/202316 minutes, 4 seconds
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156 | Two Books That Will Change Your Life

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155 | The Secret to Making Your Day More Peaceful

Hey Guys! Making this tiny shift will change your entire day.  And when you do it repeatedly, it will change your life.  Give this to yourself: writing meditation or prayer being in nature It seems silly because it's so small, but the transformation it will make in you will be life changing. I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
9/25/202318 minutes, 24 seconds
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154 | Accepting Change and Decluttering Sentimental Items

Hi Guys, In this episode I talk about the main reasons why people hang on to so many things:  fear of change, and fear of losing the memories.  Usually people say it's the fear of losing the memories, but it's really fear of change.   I hope this helps you in your decluttering journey. XO, Amber [email protected]  
9/18/202315 minutes, 14 seconds
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153 | The Number One Cause for Feelings Unworthiness

Hello!  I missed you!  I'm sorry I took such a long break, but I didn't really have a choice.  I promise to never show up as anything less than my authentic self, and I think that if I would have shown up the past few weeks I would have had to fake it.  But I'm back!  In this episode I explain what I've been up to the past few weeks, and I talk about what I think is the number one cause of the feelings of unworthiness many of us struggle with.  Hope this helps! XO, Amber [email protected]  
9/11/202320 minutes, 1 second
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152 | How to Get Clarity on What to Part With

Hi Guys, This episode is not a step-by-step on how to declutter your house, but it is related!  It's about how to get clarity of mind so that you re able to trust your intuiton.  You will learn how to trust your gut on the small things, like whether to keep that t-shirt, AND you will know how to listen to your own truth about big things, such as whether to stay in your marriage. Hope this helps you! XO, Amber [email protected]                
8/3/202317 minutes, 59 seconds
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151 | What to Do With Paper Clutter | How to Organize Paper Clutter | Decluttering Paper

Hi Guys! No matter what kind of paper cluter you have, this system will help you!  Here are the categories: Action Items Reference Time will tell To be filed While I can NOT take credit for this amazing system, I heard about it from the Minimal Mom (Dawn), I can attest that it works.  I've been using it for a long time and LOVE it. Please let me know how it goes for you or if you have any adaptations to it (like I do with my husband's stuff). XO, Amber [email protected]  
7/25/202314 minutes, 37 seconds
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150 | When You Don't Feel Like Decluttering - I have a HACK for you!

Hi guys, Yes, sometimes we just need to remember to use some of the tried and true strategies that got us through school.  Here's one:  the first, then strategy.  When we are feeling like we just can't, we just need to remember that doing SOMEthing, even ONE thing, will take us so much farther, and make us feel so much better,  than doing nothing.  So do the ONE thing, then reward yourself.  You will feel better because of it! Here's the Mel Robbins book I was referring to in the episode:  The Five Second Rule: Transform Your Life, Work, and Confidence with Everyday Courage Here's a link to my socials: Here's my email so you can say hi: [email protected] Hope this helps you! XO, Amber    
7/18/202311 minutes, 59 seconds
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149 | The Best, Most Affordable Organizing Containers

Hey Guys! In this episode I talk about how I came to find the containers that I recommend for my clients and that I use myself.  Rather than buyig a bunch of ugly, cheap plastic containers that are bad for the environment, try these.  Here are the takeaways from the episode: It's not about finding the right containers; it's about having less stuff. Containers are simply a vessel for a label. Make the categories your own; label the container in a way that makes sense to YOU. The best containers are the cardboard boxes I recommend in my amazon link here: Hope this helps!  Email me with questions: [email protected] XO, Amber          
7/4/202314 minutes, 15 seconds
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148 | Use the $20 Rule to Make Decluttering Easier

Hi guys! Sometimes we just need to make it simple.  This hack will help you do that.  Decluttering can be so many decisions.  But if you have one benchmark, from which to measure whether you should keep something, it will make everything a little easier.  I hope this helps you!  If you try this "sweep" this weekend, send me a before and after.  I love them. [email protected] XO, Amber
6/29/202311 minutes, 4 seconds
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147 | How to Use Your Impulsivity to Your Advantage

Hi Friends! After listening to this episode you are going to look at your impulsivity in a whole new light. What you thought was a negative quality is going to be your ticket to a clutter-free house.  Because you are just going to dive in.  And guess what?  It's going to be fine.  You are going to make progress, and it's not going to take you as long as you think!  So set that decluttering date with yourself for this weekend, and make it happen!   And if you want to send be before and after two hours pics, send to [email protected].  I'd LOVE to see them! XO, Amber
6/27/20239 minutes, 15 seconds
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146 | Decluttering Can Help You Determine Your Next Right Move

Hey Friends, This is a personal episode about how getting rid of the clutter can help you make progress toward more significant change.   I'm sharing it in hopes that it will help you on your journey, and if you may be going through something similar, to help you feel supported.  Hope this helps you.  XO, Amber My next program begins THIS SUNDAY, June 25th.  Find out more information at 
6/20/202316 minutes, 59 seconds
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145 | The Easiest, Cheapest, Most Effective Decluttering Hack EVER!!! | Best Decluttering Strategy for How to Declutter Your House

Hey Friends! This episode really will change your home if you use the tool described here.  But you must use these three steps: Braindump Prioritize Mini Checklists I KNOW this is going to help you, but if you want more help and accountabiity, let me be your accountability partner!  We will actually have fun while decluttering:  Use code PRELAUNCH at checkout to get 50% off until June 12. XO, Amber
6/5/202317 minutes, 1 second
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144 | What Does a Cluttered Mind Have to do With a Cluttered Home?

Hey Guys, The quickest pathway to an uncluttered home, is actually not a three step plan.  The quickest way to an uncluttered home is through uncluttering your mind.  And through connecting to the truest form of you.  This is easier said than done because it involves stripping off years of limiting beliefs from your psyche.  But it can be done instantaneously, when you use techniques such as meditation and breathwork.  If you would like to save your spot in my next program here's the link: XO, Amber
5/25/202312 minutes, 18 seconds
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143 | How to Get Kids to Help Around the House | Kids' Chores

Hi Guys! This is a session I recorded with my most recent group of women I helped declutter their most cluttered room.  During this session we talk about how to get kids to help around the house.  The answer is to have them do exactly what I'm having you do: Step 1:  Step into your energy Step 2:  Create a checklist Step 3:  Hold them accountable Try it!  This will work! If you want to save your spot in my program go to XO, Amber
5/23/202325 minutes, 48 seconds
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142 | What Types of Self Care are Worth Your Time

Hi guys, Whether you call it self care, meditation, or prayer, in this episode I'm talking about ways to be in the present moment and connect to the spiritual plane.  When we are in an environment that we WANT to be in we have easier access to the present moment, and we can be come connected and happier.  That is what this episode is about. Hope this helps you! XO, Amber
5/10/202312 minutes, 46 seconds
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141 | How to Let Go of Resistance When Decluttering

Hey Guys, This episode will help you get out of your head when you are decluttering.  Remember the ABCs: Awareness Breathe (stay) Conscious Also remember that suffering is simply resistance to pain.  When you let go of the resistance to the imagined pain (in your mind) that will be caused by letting something go, you will actually be able to let it go. Hope this helps! XO, Amber If you want to save your spot in my June Declutter Your Chaos Program you can sign up here:    
5/2/20239 minutes, 46 seconds
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140 | Last Day to Join Program | How to declutter the Sentimental Baby and Childhood Items

Hi Guys! This week we're working on sentimental items. This episode speaks to the beloved baby stuff.  Don't worry, you don't have to get rid of all of it!   I extended the live decluttering program until tomorrow.  Go to to save your spot.  We begin on April 23, 2023. XO, Amber
4/21/202311 minutes, 12 seconds
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139 | How to Declutter Memorabilia

Hi Guys! This week we're working on sentimental items.  If you have a lots of memorabilia that you don't want to get rid of because you still want to preserve the memory, this one is for you. I extended the program until Friday.  Go to to claim your spot.  We begin on April 23.  XO, Amber
4/20/20238 minutes, 4 seconds
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138 | How to Declutter Sentimental Items That Don't Belong to You | When Your Husband is a Hoarder

Hi Guys! This week we're working on sentimental items. If you live with someone who has a hard time saying goodbye to the things that no longer serve them, this episode is for you! This is the last day to join the program. Go to to claim your spot.  We begin on April 23.  XO, Amber
4/16/202315 minutes, 51 seconds
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137 | What to Do With Inherited Items | How to Get Rid of Family Heirlooms

Hi Guys! This is day 18 of the 21 day challenge and I am so proud of you for sticking in there.  This week we're working on sentimental items. If you have a garage full of items that you're not sure what to do with because someone passed away and left them with you, this episode is for you. This is not a step-by-step episode, but it will help give you some perspective and put you in the right mindset for either keeping or getting rid of the stuff.… Whatever you decide is fine, but make sure that you are doing it for the right reasons, and not getting it dumped on you. Only a few days left to join my program before the doors closed. Go to to claim your spot. Also, feel free to enter to win by emailing me at [email protected] with "enter to win" in the subject line. XO, Amber
4/14/202320 minutes, 41 seconds
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136 | Decluttering Kid Art Work and Sentimental Paper Clutter

Hi Guys, I love a step-by-step, but this episode is NOT a step by step.   This episode addresses the burried emotions we carry around that may be preventing us from getting rid of paper clutter.  So if you think you can relate to this, give it a listen.   Also, if you want in the program you can sign up here: Or, you can email me with "enter to win" in the subject line and I will enter you in the drawing to win a free spot in the program.  [email protected]   I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
4/13/202313 minutes, 54 seconds
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135 | Decluttering Sentimental Items | How to Declutter Photos

Hi Friends! My next program begins on Sunday!  This is a four-week program where we declutter your most cluttered room TOGETHER!  Live on Zoom we will strategize, declutter and organize, so in four weeks you will have that space back that has been taken over by clutter!  I am doing a special give away, where you can screenshot this episode and tag me on instagram and you will be entered in a drawing to get into the program for free.  Or you can go to to join.  My instagram is Can't wait to see you inside the program! Today's episode is a live decluttering episode that will help you reduce your printed photos by half.  I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
4/12/202313 minutes, 13 seconds
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134 | Decluttering Sentimental Items | Two Very Different Types of Boxes

Hi guys, I just realized that this episode may be confusing.  I'm talking about two different types of boxes in this episode: One is the kind of box you don't want:  Those are the random boxes in the garage containing a bunch of stuff that you are afraid to go through.  The other kind is the box you do want:  Creating an intentional memory box.  One that is very personal and important.  So I apologize if there is any confusion between the two types of boxes I am referring to in this episode.  There are only a few more days to get into my program: XO, Amber
4/11/20239 minutes, 10 seconds
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133 | Decluttering Shoes| Declutter in Real Time! Week 2, Day 6 - 21 Day Challenge

Hey guys!  Declutter in real time! Welcome to week 2, day 7 of our 21 day decluttering challenge.  We are decluttering shoes.  Today we are on accessories. Last week we decluttered the kitchen, next week we will do sentimental items, and this week, we are focusing on the wardrobe.  Here's the day-by-day breakdown for this week: Today is tops.  Here are the categories I recommend: Tank tops Work out tops T-shirts Long sleeved t-shirts Sweatshirts Sweaters Blouses Collar shirts Day 1: Jackets, Coats, Hoodies, Etc. Day 2: One Piece Outfits -  Dresses, Rompers, Etc Day 3:  Tops - T-shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Tanks, Etc. Day 4: Bottoms - Leggings, Jeans, Sweatpants, Pants, Skirts, Etc. Day 5: Undergarmets - Bras, Underwear, Socks & Swimwear Day 6: Accessories - Belts, Scarves, Jewlery, Etc. Day 7: Shoes Do these whenever it works for you!  All together or one day at a time!   If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: Here's my amazon link: I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
4/9/20237 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

132 | Decluttering Scarves, Belts, and Jewelry | Declutter in Real Time! Week 2, Day 6 - 21 Day Challenge

Hey guys!  Declutter in real time! Welcome to week 2, day 6 of our 21 day decluttering challenge.  We are decluttering the wardrobe.  Today we are on accessories. Last week we decluttered the kitchen, next week we will do sentimental items, and this week, we are focusing on the wardrobe.  Here's the day-by-day breakdown for this week: Today is tops.  Here are the categories I recommend: Tank tops Work out tops T-shirts Long sleeved t-shirts Sweatshirts Sweaters Blouses Collar shirts Day 1: Jackets, Coats, Hoodies, Etc. Day 2: One Piece Outfits -  Dresses, Rompers, Etc Day 3:  Tops - T-shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Tanks, Etc. Day 4: Bottoms - Leggings, Jeans, Sweatpants, Pants, Skirts, Etc. Day 5: Undergarmets - Bras, Underwear, Socks & Swimwear Day 6: Accessories - Belts, Scarves, Jewlery, Etc. Day 7: Shoes Do these whenever it works for you!  All together or one day at a time!   If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: Here's my amazon link: I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
4/8/202313 minutes, 9 seconds
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131 | Decluttering Undergarments | Declutter in Real Time! Week 2, Day 5 - 21 Day Challenge

Hey guys!  Declutter in real time! Welcome to week 2, day 5 of our 21 day decluttering challenge.  We are decluttering the wardrobe.  Today we are on undergarments. Last week we decluttered the kitchen, next week we will do sentimental items, and this week, we are focusing on the wardrobe.  Here's the day-by-day breakdown for this week: Today is tops.  Here are the categories I recommend: Tank tops Work out tops T-shirts Long sleeved t-shirts Sweatshirts Sweaters Blouses Collar shirts Day 1: Jackets, Coats, Hoodies, Etc. Day 2: One Piece Outfits -  Dresses, Rompers, Etc Day 3:  Tops - T-shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Tanks, Etc. Day 4: Bottoms - Leggings, Jeans, Sweatpants, Pants, Skirts, Etc. Day 5: Undergarmets - Bras, Underwear, Socks & Swimwear Day 6: Accessories - Belts, Scarves, Jewlery, Etc. Day 7: Shoes Do these whenever it works for you!  All together or one day at a time!   If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: Here's my amazon link: I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
4/7/20239 minutes, 29 seconds
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130 | Decluttering Pants, Shorts and Skirts | Declutter in Real Time! Week 2, Day 4 - 21 Day Challenge

Hey guys!  Declutter in real time! Welcome to week 2, day 4 of our 21 day decluttering challenge.  We are decluttering the wardrobe.  Today we are on pants, shorts, and skirts. Last week we decluttered the kitchen, next week we will do sentimental items, and this week, we are focusing on the wardrobe.  Here's the day-by-day breakdown for this week: Today is tops.  Here are the categories I recommend: Tank tops Work out tops T-shirts Long sleeved t-shirts Sweatshirts Sweaters Blouses Collar shirts Day 1: Jackets, Coats, Hoodies, Etc. Day 2: One Piece Outfits -  Dresses, Rompers, Etc Day 3:  Tops - T-shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Tanks, Etc. Day 4: Bottoms - Leggings, Jeans, Sweatpants, Pants, Skirts, Etc. Day 5: Undergarmets - Bras, Underwear, Socks & Swimwear Day 6: Accessories - Belts, Scarves, Jewlery, Etc. Day 7: Shoes Do these whenever it works for you!  All together or one day at a time!   If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: Here's my amazon link: I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
4/6/20239 minutes, 38 seconds
Episode Artwork

129 | Decluttering Shirts | Declutter in Real Time! Week 2, Day 3 - 21 Day Challenge

Hey guys! Welcome to week 2, day 3 of our 21 day decluttering challenge.  Last week we decluttered the kitchen, next week we will do sentimental items, and this week, we are focusing on the wardrobe.  Here's the day-by-day breakdown for this week: Today is tops.  Here are the categories I recommend: Tank tops Work out tops T-shirts Long sleeved t-shirts Sweatshirts Sweaters Blouses Collar shirts Day 1: Jackets, Coats, Hoodies, Etc. Day 2: One Piece Outfits -  Dresses, Rompers, Etc Day 3:  Tops - T-shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Tanks, Etc. Day 4: Bottoms - Leggings, Jeans, Sweatpants, Pants, Skirts, Etc. Day 5: Undergarmets - Bras, Underwear, Socks & Swimwear Day 6: Accessories - Belts, Scarves, Jewlery, Etc. Day 7: Shoes Do these whenever it works for you!  All together or one day at a time!   If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: Here's my amazon link: I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
4/5/20239 minutes, 46 seconds
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128 | Decluttering Dresses| Declutter in Real Time! Week 2, Day 2 - 21 Day Challenge

Hi guys!  Only 1 day  left for free bonuses on my decluttering program.  Check out  if you need one-on-one help with your house.  Welcome to week 2, day 2 of our 21 day decluttering challenge.  Last week we decluttered the kitchen, next week we will do sentimental items, and this week, we are focusing on the wardrobe.  Here's the day-by-day breakdown for this week: Day 1: Jackets, Coats, Hoodies, Etc. Day 2: One Piece Outfits -  Dresses, Rompers, Etc Day 3:  Tops - T-shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Tanks, Etc. Day 4: Bottoms - Leggings, Jeans, Sweatpants, Pants, Skirts, Etc. Day 5: Undergarmets - Bras, Underwear, Socks & Swimwear Day 6: Accessories - Belts, Scarves, Jewlery, Etc. Day 7: Shoes Do these whenever it works for you!  All together or one day at a time!   I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: Here's my amazon link:
4/4/20237 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

127 | Decluttering Jackets and Coats | Declutter in Real Time! Week 2, Day 1 - 21 Day Challenge

Hi guys!  Only 2 days left for free bonuses on my decluttering program.  Check out  if you need one-on-one help with your house.  Welcome to week 2, day 1 of our 21 day decluttering challenge.  Last week we decluttered the kitchen, next week we will do sentimental items, and this week, we are focusing on the wardrobe.  Here's the day-by-day breakdown for this week: Day 1: Jackets, Coats, Hoodies, Etc. Day 2: One Piece Outfits -  Dresses, Rompers, Etc Day 3:  Tops - T-shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Tanks, Etc. Day 4: Bottoms - Leggings, Jeans, Sweatpants, Pants, Skirts, Etc. Day 5: Undergarmets - Bras, Underwear, Socks & Swimwear Day 6: Accessories - Belts, Scarves, Jewlery, Etc. Day 7: Shoes Do these whenever it works for you!  All together or one day at a time!   I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: And here's the amazon link I mentioned in the episode:
4/2/202318 minutes, 4 seconds
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126 | 21-Day Decluttering Challenge, Week 1, Day 7 | How to Declutter the Pantry

Hey guys, We are on Day 7, week one, where we are decluttering the pantry.   This week is the kitchen, next week the wardrobe, and the following week we will tackle the sentimental items.  So pick an choose as needed.  Go through it as fast or slowly as you need to, and feel free to skip around to fit your needs.  Here are the sections I mentioned for the pantry: Bottles (oil, vinegar, sauces, pasta sauce,  ketchup, etc) Pastes (peanut butter, nutella, etc) Coffee, tea Pasta and anything pasta-like, like mac n cheese, ramen, etc. Bread Prepackaged meals Chips, salty snacks Sweet snacks Breakfast items, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, etc. Baking things, dry goods like rice, dried beans, etc. Cans Anything else If you get distracted or overwhelmed, just go back to this list of questions to ask: Is it trash? It it expired? Do I need it? Do I want it? Do I like it? Here's the timeline for the kitchen: Day 1:  Appliances Day 2: Pots, pans, skillets, cookware, and mixing bowls Day 3: Serving dishes, cutting boards, and cookie sheets Day 4: Storage Containers Day 5: Dishes Day 6: Utensils and silverware Day 7:  The pantry I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: And here's the amazon link I mentioned in the episode:   XO, Amber  
4/2/202315 minutes, 13 seconds
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125 | 21-Day Decluttering Challenge, Week 1, Day 6 | How to Declutter the Kitchen

Hey guys, We are on Day 6, week one, where we are decluttering the silverware, utensils, and measuring cups.   This week is the kitchen, next week the wardrobe, and the following week we will tackle the sentimental items.  So pick an choose as needed.  Go through it as fast or slowly as you need to, and feel free to skip around to fit your needs.  Here's the plan for the kitchen: Day 1:  Appliances Day 2: Pots, pans, skillets, cookware, and mixing bowls Day 3: Serving dishes, cutting boards, and cookie sheets Day 4: Storage Containers Day 5: Dishes Day 6: Utensils and silverware Day 7:  The pantry I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: XO, Amber
4/1/20237 minutes, 42 seconds
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124 | 21-Day Decluttering Challenge, Week 1, Day 5 | How to Declutter the Kitchen

Hey guys, We are on Day 5, week one, where we are decluttering the dishes.   This week is the kitchen, next week the wardrobe, and the following week we will tackle the sentimental items.  So pick an choose as needed.  Go through it as fast or slowly as you need to, and feel free to skip around to fit your needs.  Here's the plan for the kitchen: Day 1:  Appliances Day 2: Pots, pans, skillets, cookware, and mixing bowls Day 3: Serving dishes, cutting boards, and cookie sheets Day 4: Storage Containers Day 5: Dishes Day 6: Utensils and silverware Day 7:  The pantry I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: XO, Amber
3/31/202317 minutes, 20 seconds
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123 | 21-Day Decluttering Challenge, Week 1, Day 4 | How to Declutter the Kitchen

Hey guys, We are on Day 4, week one, where we are decluttering the storage containers, tupperware and water bottles.   This week is the kitchen, next week the wardrobe, and the following week we will tackle the sentimental items.  So pick an choose as needed.  Go through it as fast or slowly as you need to, and feel free to skip around to fit your needs.  Here's the plan for the kitchen: Day 1:  Appliances Day 2: Pots, pans, skillets, cookware, and mixing bowls Day 3: Serving dishes, cutting boards, and cookie sheets Day 4: Storage Containers Day 5: Dishes Day 6: Utensils and silverware Day 7:  The pantry I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: XO, Amber
3/29/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
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122 | 21-Day Decluttering Challenge, Week 1, Day 3 | How to Declutter the Kitchen

Hey guys, We are on Day 3, week one, where we are decluttering the cutting boards, cookie sheets, serving dishes, and anything that is this shape.  I also have a great hack for storing these items in this episode.  This week is the kitchen, next week the wardrobe, and the following week we will tackle the sentimental items.  So pick an choose as needed.  Go through it as fast or slowly as you need to, and feel free to skip around to fit your needs.  Here's the plan for the kitchen: Day 1:  Appliances Day 2: Pots, pans, skillets, cookware, and mixing bowls Day 3: Serving dishes, cutting boards, and cookie sheets Day 4: Storage Containers Day 5: Dishes Day 6: Utensils and silverware Day 7:  The pantry I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: XO, Amber
3/29/202315 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

121 | 21-Day Decluttering Challenge, Week 1, Day 2 | How to Declutter the Kitchen

Hey guys, We are on Day 2, week one, where we are tackling the pots and pans.   This week is the kitchen, next week the wardrobe, and the following week we will tackle the sentimental items.  So pick an choose as needed.  Go through it as fast or slowly as you need to, and feel free to skip around to fit your needs.  Here's the plan for the kitchen: Day 1:  Appliances Day 2: Pots, pans, skillets, cookware, and mixing bowls Day 3: Serving dishes, cutting boards, and cookie sheets Day 4: Storage Containers Day 5: Dishes Day 6: Utensils and silverware Day 7:  The pantry I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: XO, Amber
3/28/202312 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

120 | 21-Day Decluttering Challenge, Week 1, Day 1 | How to Declutter the Kitchen

Hey guys, I'm so excited for this challenge.  This week is the kitchen, next week the wardrobe, and the following week we will tackle the sentimental items.  So pick an choose as needed.  Go through it as fast or slowly as you need to, and feel free to skip around to fit your needs.  Here's the plan for the kitchen: Day 1:  Appliances Day 2: Pots, pans, skillets, cookware, and mixing bowls Day 3: Serving dishes, cutting boards, and cookie sheets Day 4: Storage Containers Day 5: Dishes Day 6: Utensils and silverware Day 7:  The pantry I hope this helps you! If you want one-on-one guidance and accountability for your most cluttered room check out my program: XO, Amber
3/27/202313 minutes, 43 seconds
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119 | How to Create a Morning Routine

Hi guys!  Solid routines will save you.  When you have a baby you forget about yourself, and start adapting to your baby's routine.  Well, if you never got back into finding your own routine, here it is.  But you can't just have a morning routine, especially if you have kids, because your PM routines and your evening routines help support a solid morning routine.  Here is a fillable pdf for you to create your own, as well as an example of the one I use: Also, here's a link to to the time blocking worksheet I mentioned in episodes 109 and  110: Hope this helps you! XO, Amber Here are some of the containers I use:  
3/23/202321 minutes, 16 seconds
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118 | 3 Things That You Can Do To Be Happier Right Now | Get Rid of the Clutter

Hey guys, Have you been brainwashed?  Probably.  All of us have!  What's the remedy?  Awareness.  That's all you need.  I hope this episode helps you wake up to the damaging messages we are getting from our environment.   Get help from me by decluttering your life: Hope this episode helps you! XO, Amber  
3/16/202315 minutes
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117 | My Decluttering Approach | 5 Steps to Stress-Free Decluttering

Hi guys! In this episode I go over the 5-steps to decluttering any space.  This method will take the stress away, help you relax, and leave you with more space in your home.  The steps are: Set an alarm/timer Manifest/Visualize Take a few deep breaths Eliminate items from the space Remove items from your house I hope this helps you! XO, Amber [email protected] Here's a link to my facebook group: Can't wait to see you in the group!    
3/7/202313 minutes, 29 seconds
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116 | Is Your Anxiety Contributing to Your Clutter? How Letting go of Clutter Can Help Let Go of Anxiety

Hi guys! This episode explains how decluttering can help you with your anxiety.  In this episode I tell the short version of my anxiety story and how decluttering was the catalyst that helped me get to the other side.  I hope this inspires you. XO, Amber [email protected]
3/3/202311 minutes, 49 seconds
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115 | TWO reasons Your House is Messy and How to Fix It

Hey Friend, We are all sick of cleaning up all day long.  Here's is how to make it stop: Solution #1: Schedule in "daily resets," which are just little tidy breaks Solution #2: Declutter your house...when you have less to clean, you have LESS to clean Hope this helps you! XO, Amber
2/23/202319 minutes, 10 seconds
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114 | Are You Decluttering Your Medicine Safely? | How to Dispose of Pills

Hi guys, If your medicine cabinet is overflowing and you aren't sure how to dispose of the contents, check out this episode for some pointers from the fda. Hope this helps you! XO, Amber [email protected]  
2/15/202316 minutes, 16 seconds
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113 | Time Management Hack + How to Organize Your Wardrobe for the Coming Week

Hey Girl, We are always trying to find more time.  This inexpensive system of planning your outfits for the week will save you time and stress throughout the week.  Below is my amazon link to the organizer I use for this, but you can use anything with five sections! Hope this helps you! XO, Amber [email protected]  amazon link: IG:    
2/9/202314 minutes, 26 seconds
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112 | The ONE Thing That is Keeping you from STARTING Your Decluttering Project

"How can I be a perfectionist when my house is so messy!?"  Does this sounds familiar?   It is extremely common for a perfectionist to be paralysed by perfection; they won't even start because there is no way they can make it look like that picture they saw on Pinterest.  Well, guess what...that picture on Pinterest started messy...and so will your project.  But nothing will happen if you don't start.  Hopefully this episode helps remind you to let go of your perfectionism and just start.   XO, Amber [email protected] PS:  Here's my amazon link:        
1/31/202311 minutes, 52 seconds
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111 | Top 5 Decluttering Hacks

Hi guys, When you are feeling overwhelmed and you don't know where to start, here are five very simple hacks that will help you trick your brain into getting rid of stuf you don't need.  Try it! XO, Amber [email protected]  
1/27/202320 minutes, 13 seconds
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110 | Your Time Blocked Schedule Part 2 | Decluttering Your Schedule Part 2 | Time Management for Moms

Hi guys!  Here are the PDF planning pages.  Please download and print or copy on your own paper.  Using this block schedule will allow you time to declutter your ENTIRE house, and get everything else done that is important to you! If you need help do not hesitate to reach out:  [email protected] xo, Amber
1/20/202349 minutes, 35 seconds
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109 | Your Time Blocked Schedule | Decluttering Your Schedule Part 1 | How to Have More Time

Hi guys!  Here are your planning pages.  Please download and print or copy on your own paper.  This will change your life!   If you can give me 10 minutes for market research here's my email: [email protected]   xo,   Amber
1/11/202332 minutes, 51 seconds
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108 | Your Decluttering Plan for 2023

Happy New Year!  2023 will be the year you declutter your chaos.  Here's a sample schedule to get you motivated.  This plan only requires you to declutter 4 hours a week! Kid Bedroom, 1/7, 1/8, 1/15, 1/16  (checkpoint - adjust plan if needed) Playroom. 1/21, 1/22, 1/28, 1/29  (checkpoint - adjust plan if needed) Your Bedroom  2/4, 2/5, 2/11, 2/12  (checkpoint - adjust plan if needed) Office 2/18, 2/19, 2/25, 2/26 (checkpoint - adjust plan if needed) Kitchen 3/4, 3/5, 3/11, 3/12 (checkpoint - adjust plan if needed) Storage (garage, closets) 3/18, 3/19, 3/25, 3/26  (project FINISHED) I hope this helps you remember that you CAN  get this done.  You simply have to commit.  And don't worry about it if you have to adjust.  Just don't give up.   It may take you a little less or a little more time, but you can get this done.  Please reach out if you need free advice...I love helping you!  [email protected] HAPPY 2023!!!  XO, Amber  
12/31/202222 minutes, 28 seconds
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107 | How to Declutter the Holiday Chaos

Hey Friends, Is your schedule overwhelming you?  Too many to dos.  Too much to buy.  Too many errands.  Too many obligations.  Oh, and you're supposed to have time to be with your kids, and actually try to enjoy the holidays.  Here is your answer:  the brain dump.   Write down everything that is in your head Circle what needs to get done yesterday Put a rectangle around anything that is not urgent and can wait until January Prioritize the remining items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Remeber to breathe...this will help you be present, so you can actually enjoy, and remember the holidays this year.   As always, I'm only an email away [email protected]. XO, Amber
12/22/202218 minutes, 49 seconds
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106 | How to Maintain Energy During the Holidays

Hi Guys, This time of year it is so hard to stay on track.  We are thrown off our schedule and tempted to eat all kinds of crap.  Plus the weather is cold, which makes it even harder to go outside and exercise or get to the gym.  That being said, we MUST KEEP GOING.  This episode is your friendly reminder of what to do to keep your energy high, especially this time of year.   Hope this helps! XO, Amber
12/15/202215 minutes, 39 seconds
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105 | Declutter Your Life | The Declutter Your Chaos Approach

Hi Friends, My approach to decluttering your chaos is a three pronged approach:  declutter your schedule, declutter your house, and declutter your mind.  All three are equally important, and are a prerequisite to becoming the best version of yourself.  Listen to this episode to learn more.  XO, Amber
12/6/202214 minutes, 41 seconds
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104 | Let it Go

Hi Friends, This episode is a friendly reminder to let go of the guilt and the shame, as well as all the material stuff that is holding you back. Hope this helps! XO, Amber
11/29/20228 minutes, 44 seconds
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103 | Happy Thanksgiving!

Hi guys, I just wanted to say how grateful I am for you.  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  XO, Amber
11/24/202212 minutes, 44 seconds
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102 | How to Declutter and Organize the Junk Drawer | How to Label Drawer Organizers

Hi guys!  The junk drawer is one of those areas that requires a lot of maintenance.  But if you use this hack with binder clips, your junk drawer will go a lot longer without needing attention.   Here are your steps:  Purchase label maker, binder clips, drawer organizers that fit in your drawer Take everything out of the drawer Vacuum and wipe it out Be selective and instinctive about what you put back in the drawer Throw the rest away, or put it where it goes Create labels with arrows for the binder clip Clip the binder clip onto the side of the drawer organizer Here's a link to the label maker I mention in the episode:  Here's the link to the containers I was talking about... I can always be reached at [email protected] Hope this helps you! XO, Amber
11/22/202216 minutes, 8 seconds
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101 | The "Amber" Method for Decluttering | How to Declutter Without the Stress

Hi guys! I came up with the Amber method as a way to help people declutter without getting stressed and overwhelmed.  Here is the acronym, but listen to the episode for details: A- set an alarm M-manifes the space B-breathe-at least five deep focused breaths E-eliminate stuff from the space R-remove stuff from your house I hope this helps you! Xo, Amber [email protected]  
11/17/202216 minutes, 32 seconds
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100 | Why I Started This Podcast

Hi Guys!  I wanted to use this 100th episode milestone as an opportunity to let you know why I started this podcast in the first place.  This podcast has become a labor of love... I love sharing with you and I hope you are continuing to feel inspired and less alone.  Please reach out if I can help you.  [email protected] xo, Amber
11/15/202218 minutes, 49 seconds
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099 | What to Do With Random Piles of Clutter

Hey guys! Everyone has a spot in their home that seems to collect all the random objects.  In this episode I give you some strategies on how to avoid these piles and create homes for the objects that end up there. Here are the steps: Take a close look at your clutter If it doesn’t have a home, create one as close as possible to the clutter pile If it does have a home, consider making the home more accessible If your the items in your container are no longer in use, repurpose the home for more current categories Label the home Have your kids put the clutter away! I hope this helps you! XO, Amber [email protected] Here are some links for more info...
11/10/202217 minutes, 25 seconds
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098 | The Evolution Gap and Decluttering

Hey friends!  Humans have not evolved to easily get rid of clutter.  We think we need it to survive; that's what our instincts tell us every time we attempt to get rid of stuff.  We have second thoughts.  We talk ourselves out of it.  This is because that is what we have evolved to do...survive.  Your instincts are right on.  But since we know that we no longer need all this clutter to survive, we actually have to let logic step in and save us.   I hope this helps you! XO, Amber [email protected] Here are some links for more info...
11/8/202219 minutes, 32 seconds
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097 | How to Declutter and Organize Your Car

Hey guys! If you have a hard time getting things to and from your car this episode will help you. xo, Amber Here's the link to the containers I was talking about...
10/11/202218 minutes, 8 seconds
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096 | How to Meditate for Moms | Declutter Your Mind

Hi Guys! I hope you can find ten minutes in the mom cracks of time to try this. Get comfortable Set a timer Take a few deep breaths Close the eyes Tune in to the sounds around you Scan from head to toe, checking in with the body...go all the way to the pinky toes Notice the breath going in and out When you notice you’re thinking come back to watching the breath When your timer goes off, open your eyes, notice how you feel I hope this helps you! XO, Amber
10/6/202220 minutes, 55 seconds
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095 | How to Organize Seasonal Decorations for Messy People | Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Decorations

Hey guys! This is a very straightforward reminder to simply buy and label a bin and give your seasonal decorations a home.  Nothing revolutionary here, but we all need a reminder sometimes to give our seasonal decorations a home.  And please don't overthink it!  It's one day a year.  Make it easy! Hope this helps you! xo, Amber Here's the link to the containers I was talking about...      
10/4/202214 minutes, 57 seconds
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094 | How to Organize and Declutter Your House in 30 Days

Hi Guys, This episode will guide you through all the steps you need to organize and declutter your house in 30 days.  You can refer to episode 69 to learn about the "amber" method.  You can refer to episodes 51 - 55 to get details on how to declutter your wardrobe.  Here are the two phases and steps to follow to declutter and organize your home in 30 days: Phase 1: Prep measure shelves Purchase boxes, label maker, post its and trash bags Create a timeline: Divide your house into four sections. Determine which section you will do in weeks 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Phase 2: Get it done  Declutter (this is when you use the “amber” method) Subdivide items Arrange items in boxes Arrange boxes on shelves Create labels I hope this helps you! Here is a link to the supplies I recommend: Xo, Amber
9/29/202224 minutes, 4 seconds
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093 | How to Declutter Your House on a Budget

Hi Guys! This episode will tell you how to organize your house on a budget.  Just listen to this episode and click on my link here if you want to see the products I talk about in the episode.  Good luck with your organizing!!!  Here's your link to the products: Please reach out to me if you want to be on my podcast: [email protected] Love you guys! Amber  
9/27/202221 minutes, 52 seconds
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092 | Finding the Balance

Hey Friends, Life truly is about finding the balance between letting go (of expectations), and taking back control (or personal boundaries).  This is so much easier said than done.  But when you are able to let go you will find your entire live shift.  And you will start appreciating every single moment.  Even the ones when your kids are screaming and your house is a mess. I hope this helps give you some space in your day. Here is a link to the magnetic calendar I talked about in this episode... And here are some more links for more info... XO, Amber     Here's a link to the refrigerator calendar/note taking thing I was talking about...    
9/13/202223 minutes, 28 seconds
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091 | We Have to Stop Abandoning Ourselves

Hey Friends, Why do we always come last?  Because that is what we have been brainwashed to believe.  Ever since we can remember, we were taught that love is selfless, that you are truly showing how much you love someone by how much you are willing to abandon yourself.  This is crap.  The truth is you can't truly love someone else until you love yourself.  And the first step to loving yourself if to stop abandoning your self.  I hope this episode inspires you to give yourself some time, space, and love.  Here is a link to the products I recommend... And here are some more links for more info... XO, Amber  
9/8/202218 minutes, 2 seconds
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090 | Why Do I Still Feel Empty? | The Upside of Anxiety

Hi Friend, So, you have everything you wanted in life: a kid, a house, a husband, a career, but you still feel something is missing.  You don't feel fulfilled.  In this episode we talk about what is missing: you. I hope this helps you!  Here is a link to the products I recommend... And here are some more links for more info... XO, Amber  
8/30/202223 minutes, 15 seconds
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089 | How to Declutter Toys, Games, Books, DVDs | How to Declutter the Playroom, Living Room, Family Room

Hi Guys, In this episode I am sharing one of my modules from the course I created in March.  It is packed with great strategies for decluttering the shared spaces in our homes.  I hope this helps! Here is a link to the products I recommend... And here are some more links for more info... XO, Amber    
8/19/202236 minutes, 45 seconds
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088 | The Best Book I've Read All Year | The One Thing You Can Do TODAY to Improve Your Life

Hey Guys, In this episode I talk about the book I just discovered called, Quit Like a Woman, by Holly Whittaker.  It is amazing.  Please read it, even if you don't's all about how to take care of yourself.  And I just love her voice.   Also, and related to the book, I recommend doing this one thing every day to improve your day:  don't check your phone first thing in the morning; meditate instead. I hope this helps you.  Love you guys! Here is a link to the products I recommend Here are some more links for more info XO, Amber  
8/16/202224 minutes, 28 seconds
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087 | How to Declutter the Office

Hey guys, Here is a module from one of my courses that takes you step by step through decluttering your office.  It is meant to be done in real time, so when you are ready, just push play. Love, Amber Here is a link to the products I recommend Here are some more links for more info
8/11/202213 minutes, 31 seconds
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086 | Nine Basic Things We Need in Our Homes

Hey Guys, The only things material things we really need to live very comfortably are: A place to sleep A place to gather Clothes to wear Food to eat Things to cook the food with Things to keep our bodies clean Things to keep our space clean Things to stimulate our brains - hobbies/art/toys A car Anything in excess of these is taking you out of the present and putting you in the past.  Get rid of the fluff.  Love y'all. Amber Here is a link to the products I recommend Here are some more links for more info
8/10/20229 minutes, 58 seconds
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085 | Five Day Decluttering Project - Day 5

You made it to day five!  Congratulations!  I'm so excited about your progress and that you made it to day five.  Today is fun!  You get to start labeling and deciding where the "home" will be for all your things.   Now you will start to see where all your hard work has led you. To a place where you are free.  You will have more time, more space, more love.  You deserve to live in a space that fills you with joy.  Remember that.  Love, Amber Here is a link to the boxes I talk about
8/5/20227 minutes, 40 seconds
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084 | Five Day Decluttering Project - Day 4

Welcome back!  We are on day four of our five day decluttering project.  Today we continue with the elimination step.  We are breathing, we are eliminating things, and we will just keep on going.  There is an end to this.  And you are almost there!  Home stretch is tomorrow! Love,  Amber Here is a link to the boxes I talk about
8/4/20227 minutes, 39 seconds
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083 | Five Day Decluttering Project - Day 3

Welcome back!  It is day three in our journey of getting rid of all the things that are not serving you.  Today we will start step "E" which is ELIMINATE the clutter.  This is where you will be decluttering the items you no longer need and making space for what is important - you.  Just keep on going.  You can do this. Amber Here is a link to the boxes I talk about
8/3/20227 minutes, 15 seconds
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082 | Five Day Decluttering Project - Day 2

Hi Everyone, This is day two in your week of decluttering.  Today we will start making categories.  This step will allow you to see how many items you have in a given category, and help make the discarding process a little easier. I hope this helps you! Here is a link to the boxes I talk about
8/2/20229 minutes, 56 seconds
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081 | Five Day Decluttering Project - Day 1 | How to Declutter a Semi Hoarder

Hi Guys! I'm so excited to bring you these five days of decluttering.  This is day one, and today I will be walking you through my philosophy of decluttering, what supplies you need to get started, and how to plan your week.   I hope this brings you awareness and inspiration. Here is a link to the boxes I talk about Love,  Amber
8/1/202227 minutes, 39 seconds
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080 | My Morning Routine | Eight Steps to an Epic Day

Hi Guys! In this episode I share my morning routine, in hopes that you can tweak it to help you come up with a morning routine that works for you.  This episode doesn't involve decluttering your home, but it does involve decluttering your mind, which is just as important.  Here are eight steps to an epic day:  Write Meditate Connect Get ready Make bed Make coffee Put in a load of laundry Unload the dishwasher I hope this helps you!  Feel free to reach out to me on instagram @declutteryourchaos or email me at [email protected].  I'd love to hear how you are doing with your morning routine, decluttering, organizing, or anything you'd like to share! Check out more links here: XO, Amber  
7/28/202213 minutes, 34 seconds
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079 | How to Declutter, Organize and Clean When You Have NO MOTIVATION | What to Do When You Have No Motivation

Hey guys, Here's a 5 step process on how to kick start your motivation and get what you need to do done around your house.  We all suffer from laziness, hungoverness, or just plain don't feel like it sometimes.   If you follow these five steps you will get stuff done.  Even when you really don't want to...because it's all about the reward.  And who doesn't want the reward, right? Write down your reward Drink some caffine Set an alarm Don't stop moving Give yourself the reward Hope this helps! Feel free to reach out to me on instagram @declutteryourchaos or email me at [email protected].  I'd love to hear how you are doing with your morning routine, decluttering, organizing, or anything you'd like to share! Check out more links here:   Xo, Amber
7/26/202213 minutes, 34 seconds
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078 |  How to organize your whole house on a budget |  Affordable Organizing

Hey guys, Have you left the Container Store with sticker shock?  Home Organization can really add up when you have to buy hundreds of matching bins.  Not to mention the hassle of having to return any that you didn’t end up using.  Then they just sit in your car past the return date and you’re stuck with them.  Been there. Today, I’m going to tell you how to organize your whole house for under $200.  Now, if your house is huge you may need to spend a little more, but most of us will be able to get away with spending less than $200.   Here are your five steps: Measure Make Purhases Create Categories Find a Home for Everything Label That’s it!  If you follow this 5- step plan you can clean and organize any room for cheap, and a whole house for under $200.  Hope this helps!  Check out more links here: Xo, Amber
7/21/202219 minutes, 36 seconds
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077 | How to live with a neurotic partner | What to do when your spouse is a clean freak | What to do When Your Spouse says You're a Slob

Hey Guys, If you live with someone who has different standards of messiness and cleanliness, and who makes you feel bad about it.  This episode is for you. Here are the boundaries you can enforce asap:  No shaming and blaming No passive aggressive comments If you don’t like it, fix it yourself I don’t accept your bad energy Good luck, and please reach out to me on instagram or at [email protected].  I'd love to hear your story. xo, Amber Check out more links here:    
7/19/202229 minutes, 7 seconds
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076 | How to Deal With Hoarding | How to Help a Hoarder Let Go

Hey guys, In this episode I am giving you some guidance on how to help someone in your family who may have a hard time letting go of things.  I give you some tips on how to deal with them emotionally, as well as six steps to actually get the stuff out of your house.  I hope it helps! Xo, Amber Check out more links here:
7/14/202229 minutes, 31 seconds
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075 | Decluttering and Organizing the Garage, Utility, or Storage Room

Hey guys, In this episode I'm gifting you a module from a course I made earlier this year.  It is meant to be listened to while you are decluttering so feel free to wait until you are ready to declutter your garage, or whatever room you use as storage.  I hope it helps! Xo, Amber Check out more links here:
7/12/202245 minutes, 10 seconds
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074 | What Organizing Containers are the Best | How to Organize Your Home on a Budget

Hey guys, In this episode I describe which organizing containers I use for my business, where to get them, how to use them, and which containers are actually worth the money.   I hope it helps! Here is a link to the boxes I talk about Xo, Amber If you can, come to my FB Group this Sunday at noon so I can show you some of these containers:
7/7/202225 minutes, 58 seconds
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073 | How to Get Kids to Help With Housework | How to Get Young Kids to Do Chores

Hey guys, In this episode I explain how to use mini checklists to help teach your kids how to help with housework. I hope it helps! Xo, Amber Here are some of my links to check out:
7/5/202219 minutes, 20 seconds
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072 | What Does Your Birth Order Say About Your Messiness?

Hey Guys, In this episode I share with you what I learned about how your birth order applies to how organized and tidy, or how messy you are.  I'm fascinated with how birth order shapes personalities, and wanted to find out how this related to being organized.  I hope you enjoy! Xo, Amber Here are some of my links to check out:
6/30/202221 minutes, 20 seconds
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071 | How to Organize a Pantry in an Old House

Hi Guys! In this episode, I hope to inspire you to organize your pantry into categories that make sense for your family.  In the episode I tell you about the client's kitchen I organized last week.  She had a kitchen that can be very frustrating without the right guidance.  If you have a kitchen like hers, I hope this episode helps you with wrapping your brain around how to organize it. Xo, Amber Check out the pics on instagram: @declutteryourchaos Here is a link to the boxes I talk about
6/28/202223 minutes, 46 seconds
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070 | How to Survive Motherhood | Top 10 Mom Hacks

Hey girl!  Here are your top 10 things to do to get out of the overwhelm: Do a load of laundry a day It's okay to go to bed with dishes in the sink Make your bed Don't judge yourself Interpret everything as a win Don't drink alcohol Prioritize Sleep Don't resrict what you eat (too much) Have a weekend meeting with yourself meditate I will post a link to this cheat sheet here later today.   Love y'all, Amber
6/23/202223 minutes, 50 seconds
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069 | The AMBER Method | Five Steps to Create Space by Decluttering

Hey guys!  I was in a Covid daze last week and I tried to come up with an acronym that would encompass the most important tenets of my method, manifesting and breathing, and low and behold, my own name came up in my google search.   Within the five steps of the Amber Method, there are other fives: take five deep breaths, declutter five items at a time.  The reason for this is intentional.  We get so distracted when we are decluttering, and I just want you to be able to use your five fingers as a guide.  Five of this, five of that.   A=alarm M=manifest B=breathe-take five deep breaths E=eliminate five things R=remove from your home I hope this helps you! Here's my free decluttering quickstart guide: Xo, Amber [email protected]    
6/21/202222 minutes, 48 seconds
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068 | Decluttering Builds Confidence

Hi friends, Have you ever noticed that everyone in your home is afraid to make a decision to get rid of things?  It's because we are all living in fear.  Fear of what though?  Fear of making the wrong decision?  Who cares!  It's just a stupid object.  It doesn't get to have that power over you.  Thinks are not people!  We need to gain confidence to get rid of the things in our homes that are not serving us.   And it is decluttering itself that helps us gain confidence.  Try it! This episode is straight to you from my bedroom, where I've been quarantined for 4 days, so forgive the "all over the place ness" of this episode.  Here's the link to Six Weeks to a Decluttered Garage:  Come to my facebook group.  I usually show up on Sundays. :) XO, Amber xo Amber
6/16/202214 minutes, 6 seconds
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067 | What To Do When We Feel Shame About our Homes | House Shaming

Hey Friends!  If you are feeling shame about your home you can do three things to alleviate that: 1. meditate so feel connected and get out of comparison 2. make a promise to yourself that you will get rid of the clutter and keep your promise 3. cleaning your house will make you love it more (even though I hate cleaning) I hope this helps you!  Here's the link to Six Weeks to a Decluttered Garage:  Come to my facebook group.  I usually show up on Sundays. :) XO, Amber  
6/14/202221 minutes, 17 seconds
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066 | Steps to Decluttering Your Garage | Step by Step to Declutter Garage

Hey friends!  Come to my free garage decluttering workshop this Saturday, June 10th at noon Pacific Time. Here's the link: Here's your 4x4 CHECKLIST for decluttering your garage: 1. MIDDLE part of the garage Trash Big stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) meduim stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) small stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) 2. LEFT SIDE of the garage Trash Big stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) meduim stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) small stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) 3.  BACK WALL of the garage Trash Big stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) meduim stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) small stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) 4. RIGHT SIDE of the garage Trash Big stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) meduim stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) small stuff (trash, recycle, donate, organize) Here are some more of my links to check out:  Love, Amber [email protected]    
6/9/202222 minutes, 6 seconds
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065 | Are You an Over Functioning or Under Functioning Person? | Applying the work of Brene Brown to Cleaning, Organizing and Decluttering

Hey guys!  In this episode we will talk about what may be contributing to our messiness, because understanding this is the first step to correcting the problem.   Come join me in this facebook group on Saturday at noon pacific time: Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are some more of my links to check out: Love, Amber    
6/7/202222 minutes, 17 seconds
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064 | How to Declutter the Entry | How to Organize the Entryway

Hi friends! This episode will tell you the steps to decluttering and organizing your entry.  Come check out my facebook group this Sunday at noon PST so I can show you some examples of what I'm talking about. Here's are the steps I talk about in the episode: Assess Identify and Declutter Create Lable Enforce Love y'all, Amber Here's the link to my facebook group: Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are some more of my links to check out:    
6/2/202215 minutes, 30 seconds
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063 | Declutter Your Mind | Meditation is a Cure for Anxiety

Hey guys, If you are struggling with anxiety this episode is for you.  Meditation is truly life changing for me and I know it will be for you too.  Try it! Love y'all, Amber Here's the link to my facebook group: Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are some more of my links to check out:    
5/31/202218 minutes, 3 seconds
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062 | Decluttering Only ONE Thing Will Create Momentum and Change

Hey girl!  I know it sounds crazy, but decluttering one thing will really help to create the momentum and the confidence to keep going.  Test it yourself!  It really works!  Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are some more of my links to check out: Hope this helps you!  Xo, Amber  
5/26/202212 minutes, 37 seconds
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061 | Should I Declutter My Husband?

I'm not ready to declutter my husband, but I wanted to share this with you because I know some of you can relate.  And I'm hoping it will be the impetus for you to start meditating if you don't already. Love you!!!! Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are some more of my links to check out: Hope this helps you!  Xo, Amber  
5/24/202223 minutes, 19 seconds
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060 | How to Get the Clutter Our of Your Head | Come to my Decluttering Workshop on June 11, 12, and 13

Hello!   Today is a short episode.  I'm talking briefly about why we are messy and why it's important to declutter our minds.    Don't forget to save the date for my Decluttering Workshop on June 11, 12, and 13.  Details to come! Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are some more of my links to check out: Hope this helps you!  Xo, Amber  
5/20/20229 minutes, 15 seconds
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059 | How to Declutter Board Games | Tap into Your Universal Energy

Hey Girl! This episode is part of the Daily Dose of Decluttering Series.  In this series we are tackling a different space in your house every week.  I break up the space into manageable chunks and we tackle one piece every day, so by the end of the week, that entire space is decluttered! In this episode I guide you through decluttering your board games.  Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are some more of my links to check out: Hope this helps you!  Xo, Amber  
5/19/202218 minutes, 7 seconds
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058 | How to Declutter Electronics, DVDs, and CDs | Step in to Your True Boss Self

Hey Girl! This episode is part of the Daily Dose of Decluttering Series.  In this series we are tackling a different space in your house every week.  I break up the space into manageable chunks and we tackle one piece every day, so by the end of the week, that entire space is decluttered! In this episode I guide you through decluttering your electronics.  Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are some more of my links to check out: Hope this helps you!  Xo, Amber  
5/18/202218 minutes, 59 seconds
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057 | How to Declutter Your Books | How Decluttering Can Open up Your World

In this episode I guide you through decluttering your books.  Don't let any material objects steal your space!  xo Hope this helps you! Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are a few more of my links to check out: xo, Amber
5/17/202213 minutes, 33 seconds
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056 | How to Declutter Toys & Playrooms | Stepping in to Your Highest and Best Self

Hey!  In this episode I am going to teach you how to declutter the oh so annoying toys without upsetting your kids.  I'm also going to share a simple system for managing toy clutter. Hope this helps you! Here's the link to my Mentorship Program: Here are a few more of my links to check out:   xo, Amber
5/16/202216 minutes, 7 seconds
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055 | How to Declutter Your Wardrobe | How Your Childhood May Play a Part in Dysfunctional Boundaries

Hey girl,   This episode is part of the Daily Dose of Decluttering Series.  In this series we are tackling a different space in your house every week.  I break up the space into manageable chunks and we tackle one piece every day, so by the end of the week, that entire space is decluttered! This week we are working on your wardrobe, and today we are focusing on shoes, belts, handbags, scarves, and shoes. We will also be decluttering the tendency toward codependency.  The first step toward decluttering your codependency is becoming aware of it.  I hope you make progress today!  Here's the link to my mentorship program:   Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected] Love you guys, Amber  
5/13/202219 minutes, 17 seconds
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054 | How to Declutter Your Wardrobe | Can Boundary Setting Save Your Marriage?

Hey girl,   This episode is part of the Daily Dose of Decluttering Series.  In this series we are tackling a different space in your house every week.  I break up the space into manageable chunks and we tackle one piece every day, so by the end of the week, that entire space is decluttered! This week we are working on your wardrobe, and today we are focusing on the little items like socks, underwear, bras, swim wear, and sleep wear.   We will also be decluttering the tendency toward codependency.  The first step toward decluttering your codependency is becoming aware of it.  I hope you make progress today!  Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected] Love you guys, Amber  
5/12/202223 minutes, 16 seconds
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053 | How to Declutter and Organize Your Wardrobe and Dresses | How to Help Avoid Divorce by Decluttering Your Relationships

Hey! This episode is part of the Daily Dose of Decluttering Series.  In this series we are tackling a different space in your house every week.  I break up the space into manageable chunks and we tackle one piece every day, so by the end of the week, that entire space is decluttered! This week we are working on your wardrobe, and today we are focusing on the one-piece outfits and jackets. We will also be decluttering the tendency toward codependency.  The first step toward decluttering your codependency is becoming aware of it.  I hope you make progress today!  Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected] Love you guys, Amber  
5/11/202228 minutes, 7 seconds
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052 | How to Declutter Your Wardrobe and Closet | Become Aware of Boundaries and Co-Dependency

Hey girl, This episode is part of the Daily Dose of Decluttering Series.  In this series we are tackling a different space in your house every week.  I break up the space into manageable chunks and we tackle one piece every day, so by the end of the week, that entire space is decluttered! This week we are working on your wardrobe, and today we are focusing on the tops.  So any shirts, tanks, sweaters, sweatshirts will be decuttered today. We will also be decluttering the tendency toward codependency.  The first step toward decluttering your codependency is becoming aware of it.  I hope you make progress today!  Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected] Love you guys, Amber  
5/10/202217 minutes, 49 seconds
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051 | How to Declutter Your Wardrobe | How to Stop Being Co-dependent

Hey guys! Welcome to you daily dose of decluttering.  This week we are decluttering your closet. And today we are decluttering all the bottoms: pants, skirts, leggings, sweatpants, and shorts. Our theme for this week is codependency, and the first step in beating codependency is awareness.  I hope this helps you! Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected] Love you guys, Amber  
5/9/202217 minutes, 9 seconds
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050 | How to Organize Your Pantry | Decluttering and Organizing for the Working Mom

Hey guys! Welcome to day 5  in the kitchen!   Today we are working on decluttering and organizing your pantry!   I'm hoping you were able to slow down have some time to yourself this week.  If not, take it right now.  You need it.   Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected] Love you guys, Amber  
5/6/202213 minutes, 3 seconds
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049 | How to Organize Your Refrigerator and Freezer | Slowing Down to Ease the Chaos When You are a Working Mom

Hey guys! Welcome to day 4  in the kitchen!  In this episode we I give you the tips to have the most organized and beautiful fridge possible.   Our theme this week is to slow down.  Remember that slowing down will actually help you stay present in your day, which will help you move through this chaotic stage and guide you to a place of clarity.    Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected]  
5/5/202220 minutes, 30 seconds
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048 | How to Declutter the Kitchen | Home Organizing and Time Blocking for the working solo parent

Hey guys! Welcome to day 3 in the kitchen!  In this episode we will focus on dishes, barware, cups, utensils and silverware.   This week's goal is to try to slow down.  Try time blocking in order to give yourself some peace during tasks.   I hope this helps you!  Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected]  
5/4/202216 minutes, 24 seconds
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047 | How to Declutter the Kitchen Day 2 | Home organizing and decluttering for Solo Working Moms

Hey girl! Welcome to day 2 in the kitchen.  In this episode I will give you a gentle reminder to slow truly is one reason why we are so messy!  We are on to the next thing before we have even finished (and cleaned up) the first.   We also declutter the pots, pans, lids, serving platters, mixing bowls, cookie sheets, tupperware, and food storage food storage. Let's get it done! Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected]  
5/3/202219 minutes, 2 seconds
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046 | How to Declutter Your Kitchen Day 1 | Home Organization and Decluttering for the Working Solo Parent

Hey Friend, This week we are decluttering your kitchen.  And this week's theme is to slow down.  The whole purpose of decluttering is to give you time back in your day that has been lost in the chaos.  But the secondary benefit is that decluttering gives you the mental space you need for expansion, which allows you to to  become the best possible version of yourself. And just slowing down is key to getting there.  Put rest on your to do list! I hope this helps you! Here's the link to my mentorship program: Come hang out with me every Sunday at noon pst - here's the link to my facebook group: Feel free to reach out [email protected] And here's the link to my Mentorship Program if you'd like to work with me one-on-one (you can get all the details for my mentorship program in episode 37):   Xo, Amber                
5/2/202221 minutes, 13 seconds
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045 | How to Declutter Your Office Day 5 | Decluttering and Organizing for the Solo Parent

Happy Friday! Congratulations!  You made it to day five in the office!  In this episode we are tackling the office supplies and in this episode I'm sharing my system for containers with lids and labels.  I am going to show up in my facebook group on Sunday to give you a visual.  I hope you can join Sunday at noon pst.  here's the link to the group: Feel free to reach out [email protected] Here's the link to my mentorship program: Love you guys! Amber            
4/29/202214 minutes, 54 seconds
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044 | How to Declutter your Office Day 4 Paper Clutter | Meditation to Forgive Yourself and Let Go of Mom Guilt and Shame

Hey girl, Here is day four in your office:  paper memories and photos.  This episode will not only free you from some of your clutter from the past, but it will help you accept your former self, which is something we all struggle with.   Feel free to reach out if you have any specific decluttering and organizing issues... [email protected] Here's the link to my mentorship program: Love you guys! Amber Here's a link to my facebook group:          
4/28/202225 minutes, 52 seconds
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043 | How to Declutter Your Office Day 3 | Home Organization and Decluttering for the Working Mom

Hey girl, Here's day three for your office. Today we are working on the short and long term paper clutter.  Tomorrow is the sentimental paper clutter, and Friday will be the office supplies.   Feel free to reach out if you have any specific decluttering and organizing issues... [email protected] Here's the link to my mentorship program:   Love you guys! Amber      
4/27/202216 minutes, 39 seconds
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042 | How to Declutter Your Office Day 2 | What I learned from Decluttering | Home Organization and Decluttering for the solo parent

Hey girl, Here's day two for your office.  We are working on decluttering electronics today.  Please allow yourself to declutter one category at a time.  It really helps prevent the overwhelm.   And I hope you can relate to some parts of my decluttering story.  Let me know if you do: [email protected] Here's the link to my mentorship program: Love you guys! Amber [email protected]    
4/26/202224 minutes, 30 seconds
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041 | How to Declutter Your Office Day 1 | Your Daily Dose of Decluttering | Expectations Cause Mom Guilt

Hey girl, I hope these weekly sessions are helping you!   Here's the link to my mentorship program: Love you guys! Amber [email protected]    
4/25/202215 minutes, 41 seconds
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040 | You Can't Organize Clutter

Happy Earth Day, Y'all! We've ALL been guilty of hanging on to things that we don't touch for years. We organize them neatly - maybe even label them - and stick them in the back of our house to be forgotten.   Today is the day you can reach back there and take it away from your house for good.  And allow yourself to feel the lightness that comes along with the purging.   I hope this helps you!   Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:    
4/22/202213 minutes, 14 seconds
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039 | How to Slow Down | It's Okay to be Messy

Hey friend, The solution to feeling overwhelmed is SLOWING DOWN.  I know it feels like you don't have time to slow down, but you do.  You really do.  Everything will be okay.  Here's what you need to do: Plan EVERYTHING for the week ahead Take mini-breaks during the day where you clear your mind and think about NOTHING I hope this helps you! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:  
4/21/202220 minutes, 53 seconds
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038 | Steps to Stress Free Decluttering | How to Declutter Anything and Everything

Hey girl, Follow these ten steps for stress free decluttering: Get your supplies Breathe Set an intention Visualize your ideal space Trash Remove anything that belongs elsewhere Sort into categories Separate into two piles and declutter half Arrange Label I hope following these steps allows you to take some of the stress and anxiety out of your decluttering. Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:  
4/20/202221 minutes, 17 seconds
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037 | What I Offer aka Your Ticket to Clarity

Hey girl! I wanted to create an episode all about my Mentorship Program so you can decide if it's right for you.  Please email me if there is any way I can better serve you or help you!!! You CAN do this! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:  
4/19/202211 minutes, 8 seconds
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036 | Don't Fall Into the Scarcity Trap When Decluttering

Hey girl!  We've all done it...forgotten how much abundance there is in the world.  Well, I'm here to remind you there is enough and you are enough.  I hope this episode lifts you up! Xo, Amber
4/18/202215 minutes, 56 seconds
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035 | How to Manifest Your Decluttered and Organized Home

Hey friend! In this episode I'm going to explain how manifestation really works and reveal the part about manifesting that most people skip over. The part they skip over is the part that is actually required for your visions to become a reality.  I hope you enjoy this episode! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/15/202218 minutes, 43 seconds
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034 | Finding the Motivation to Declutter and Organize Your House

Hey girl! We both know the motivation is never going to just appear.  If it hasn't appeared by now, it's not gonna...this is why you have to hack it.  Here are my motivation hacks that will help you: Write it down Do it first thing in the morning Do something you love while decluttering Give yourself a reward when you're done with your time...don't make yourself wait until the whole job is done; reward yourself for even starting! Hope this helps you! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/14/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
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033 | THREE Different Approaches to Organizing and Decluttering for Messy Moms

Hey girl!   Here are three different ways to approach your organizing and decluttering.  Each will give you the same result, which is the result that creates the most maintainable system:  ONE home for all your items.  Here are the approaches: dive-in time block whole house sleep I hope this helps you!!!  xo, Amber Email me to save your spot: [email protected] Here's the link for my private one-on-one decluttering and organizing program if you want to go straight to the application: Private Decluttering Program Here's the link to the Declutter Your Chaos self-guided course: DYC Course
4/13/202225 minutes, 31 seconds
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032 | The ONE Thing That is Preventing You from Being Organized | How to Beat Perfectionism and Get Started Organizing

Hey Friend!  If you have ever "over" organized only to become deflated because your system only lasted a week?  It's because you were being a perfectionist.  What's the solution?  Keep the categoies matter what area you are organizing.  And for god sakes, DON'T MAKE IT PERFECT!  It's too hard to keep up with perfection!  You are perfect enough as you don't need a perfect t-shirt drawer too! :) Hope this helps you! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/12/202215 minutes, 1 second
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031 | How to Get HOURS Back Into Your Week by Planning Instead of Reacting | How To Deal With Difficult Husbands

Girl!  You know those moms who are always annoyingly prepared.  Here's the one thing they do that you are going to START doing:  plan.  And I don't mean just planning the big stuff.  I mean planning the little stuff.  Because it's the little stuff that will throw us into the beating that is our day...but if we plan our day we can happily coast through our day instead of getting beaten up!  XO, Amber  Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/11/202218 minutes, 38 seconds
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030 | Time Blocking for a Balanced Life | Decluttering, Minimalism & Home Management for Busy Moms

Hi Friend! Sometimes it feels like if we are kicking ass at work, we are failing at home.  And sometomes it feels like we are simply sucking in all areas. When we feel like this is usually means we need to  This episode will help you identify your core values so that you can make sure you are spending time in each of area of life that is important to you.  I hope this inspires you! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/8/202214 minutes, 54 seconds
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029 | How to Shift Your Perspective, Stop the Resentment, and Stop Getting Angry About Cleaning

Hey Friend, We do everything for everyone else ALL...THE...TIME.  We have been conditioned to abandon ourselves for others in the name of love.  This is a sad truth that we need to change.  We have to start living life for ourselves.  Even doing small tasks around the house can be for our OWN benefit...becuase we deserve to live in a beautiful space, and to not only do it for the other people in our family. Hope this lifts you up. Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/7/202211 minutes, 46 seconds
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028 | Should I Hire a Professional Organizer? | Decluttering and Minimalism for Busy and Messy Moms

What's up girl!  So happy you are here.  Here are four questions to ask yourself when considering if it's time to hire a professional: Your space has been cluttered for a decade The clutter is causing problems with your spouse Overly attached to certain items You have to move and can't afford to move all the stuff Hope this helps you! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/6/202213 minutes, 13 seconds
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027 | Three Things to Declutter TODAY! | Minimize What You Have to Clean so Your House Stays Clean

Hey guys!  Here are three things that will make your life easier if you declutter them.  Can you imagine NOT spending an hour in front of the sink every evening???!!  And NOT spending your whole weekend doing laundry?  Well, Here's your answer.  Yes, it's drastic, but so is you losing hours of your life!  xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/5/202215 minutes
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026 | How to NOT Get Overwhelmed When Decluttering and Organizing

Hey Girl! Ya know when you open the door to that room that is full of boxes and clutter thinking you want to declutter and organize...but instead you have a panic attack?   Yeah, been there.  Well, this episode is going to give you the strategies to use before you even begin organizing and decluttering so that you can GET IT DONE.  Here they are: Breathe in 4, hold 7, out 8 Set an intention Visualize the space how you want it I hope this helps you! xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
4/4/202218 minutes, 24 seconds
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025 | Get Rid of Emotional Clutter by Putting Yourself FIRST

Hi Friends, We are conditioned to put everyone else first.  Our husbands, our kids, our friends, our work.  But this is a one-way road to depression.  Get clarity by giving your self what you need. Hope this helps you!  I'm here for you! xo, Amber Here's the link to my mentorship program:
3/31/202215 minutes, 59 seconds
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024 | Four Steps to Get Rid of Your Clutter

Hey Girl!  This episode is for you if you keep getting overwhelmed. Just go back to the 4 steps. Make it methodical instead of emotional. You can do it!  The reward is so worth it.  xo, Amber  Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:  
3/29/202214 minutes, 21 seconds
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023 \\ Are You a Messy Person? You May Need a Confidence Boost from Decluttering | Help Stop Depression by Decluttering

Hey girl!  I lived much of my life with anxiety and low self-worth.  But by taking action I was able to come out on the other side of it with clarity and happiness.  I want the same for you.  xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
3/24/202213 minutes, 30 seconds
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022 \\ How to Declutter Toys | Hacks for Decluttering Toys

Hey Mama!  We are all swimming with toys.  In this strategy the kids will separate the toys into piles of "like" and "love" and then you will start a toy rotation with the remaining toys.   I hope this episode helps you! You can do this!  xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
3/22/20228 minutes, 47 seconds
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021 \\ How to Recycle Electronics, DVDs, and CDs | Decluttering and Getting Rid of Old Electronics, E-waste, or Electronic Waste

Hey friend!  If you are in the midst of decluttering and wondering where to recycle your electornics, this episode is for you! Hope this serves you! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
3/17/20228 minutes, 57 seconds
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021 \\ Declutter Your Bathroom | Special FREE Decluttering Session

Hey Friends, My course will be released on Thursday and I wanted to give you a sneak peek.   I'm gifting you the first module, which is Decluttering the Bathroom in this episode.   So, you may want to wait to listen to this until you are in your bathroom ready to declutter.  I will guide you through the steps in this podcast.  The remaining modules will be available on Thursday.  You can do this!  The sooner you start this the sooner you get to living your best life!   Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
3/15/202235 minutes, 14 seconds
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020 \\ Two Things to do TODAY for a better life | Decluttering and Minimizing to Get OUT of Survival Mode

Hey, You may have had many days like the one I describe here...I know I did.  With very many of these, you start to feel defeated by everything around you.  But if you do these two things, you can reset your day.  And if you keep doing them daily you will reset your life.  Trust me.  Just try it. I'm here for you! xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
3/10/202213 minutes, 42 seconds
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019 \\ How to Stay Motivated With Decluttering

Hi!  Staying motivated is the hardest part about decluttering.  Staying motivated is even harder than getting started!  One big burst of energy and you can's staying with it that takes massive amounts of self-dicipline and drive.  Here are four ways for you to stay motivated: Find your why Break it up into tiny bites of time Only focus on ONE room at a time Find an accountability partner I hope this episode helps you.  I'm rooting for you always. xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
3/8/202217 minutes, 28 seconds
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018 \\ You Already Have the Power to Declutter | Finding Your Own Inner Strength When it Seems Impossible

Hey! Decluttering is hard work.  There is no doubt about that.  But it isn't too hard for you.  You have so much more power than you think.  You just have to tap into it. You got this! xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
3/3/202219 minutes, 17 seconds
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017 \\ How to Declutter Your Clothes | Minimizing Your Wardrobe

Hey Friend, If you declutter your wardrobe you will actually have MORE time because you won't be sifting through clothes you don't want to wear to get to the clothes you like.   You won't have decision fatigue every single day about what to wear.  You will only have the clothes you love, so your decision will be easy.  You will also not let your laundry pile up because you will actually be wearing the clothes you love, washing them, and putting them away before they pile up. Here is the order in which to declutter your wardrobe: underwear socks sleepwear tshirts shorts jeans/pants tops/blouses one - pieces/dresses   Tackle one catagory at a time.  Be honest with yourself.  Things have changed since Covid and we are starting to have a better understanding of who we are and what we want to wear.  NOW is the time to do something about it!  xo, Amber   P.S. If you are interested in a free coaching/live decluttering session, email me at [email protected] During this zoom/IG stream session, I will help you get unstuck and start you on your decluttering journey.    *If you’d like purchase my comprehensive decluttering course for the limited-time pre-sale price of $48.50, use coupon code: 2022PRESALE, and click the link below.  The course will be available in March 2022, but the discount will be over after it is released, so if you’d like your step-by-step course to decluttering your whole house, be sure to get in before the pre-sale is over.   *If you’d like to get my free fillable checklists and get on my email list, click here:   *If you’d like to follow or DM  me on instagram:   *If you’d like to join my facebook community:
3/1/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
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016 \\ You've Started Decluttering But Can't Finish | Minimalism, Decluttering and Organizing for Moms

Hey!   If you've ever started decluttering a space and given up, leaving the room more messy than when you started,  this episode is for you! I hope this helps you and if you are someone who is in this situation right now, please reach out to me so we can have a live IG decluttering session together!  I'd love to help you.  xo, Amber   *If you’d like purchase my comprehensive decluttering course for the limited-time pre-sale price of $48.50, use coupon code: 2022PRESALE, and click the link below.  The course will be available mid February  2022, but the discount will be over after it is released, so if you’d like your step-by-step course to decluttering your whole house, be sure to get in before the pre-sale is over.   *If you’d like to get my free fillable checklists and get on my email list, click here:   *If you’d like to follow or DM  me on instagram: *If you’d like to join my facebook community:
2/24/20228 minutes, 5 seconds
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015 \\ When You Just Can't | Overcoming Depression and Overwhelm by Decluttering

Hey, When you are trying your best to just get through the day and you just can't...when you're too tired and overwhelmed to do anything you may be dealing with depression.  This episode tells about what helped me crawl my way out of it.  Here's what you need: Stillness Exercise Food cooked for you (not them) Self-love Decluttering - and here's why decluttering helps you: You get to decide You are taking ownership You are making space You are allowing more energy to flow in the space You are making more time for yourself It's an act of self-love You can do this.  I'm rooting for you. xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
2/22/202216 minutes, 20 seconds
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014 \\ When You Are Doing it All on Your Own | Minimalism, Decluttering and Organizing for Moms Who Have No Support

Hey! When you are doing it all on your own and you only have yourself to keep encouraging you, it can be tough.  I’m here to tell you that you can do it on your own, with no support, because I am here for you.  I am rooting for you.  I see you, girl.  You can do it.  Just keep going and don’t let anyone stop you! I hope this inspires you! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
2/17/202213 minutes, 11 seconds
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013 \\ What's it Like to Hire a Professional Organizer? | How to Make Your House Look Like it was Professionally Organized

Hey Friend! We all want a house with beautifully organized, color coded and perfectly labeled and spaced containers.  Well, that's the easy part.  The hard part is making space...that's right, decluttering.  In this episode you will learn how to make the spaces in your house look like a professional organizer was there.  Here are the steps: Declutter (this will be 90% of your work) Measure the space of your storage area (length, width and depth and height) Purchase bins or containers to fit in the measured space...make sure there is room between the bins Label the bins with matching labels made with a professional label maker or computer, using a handwritten script font I hope this helps you!  If you have any questions, reach out.  I'd love to help. Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
2/15/202213 minutes, 28 seconds
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012 \\ How to Declutter and Organize your Entry | Minimizing, Decluttering, and Organizing for Busy Moms

Hey Friend! Solving the problem of incoming daily clutter will help you to not to have to pick up after yourself and/or your family all day long! In this episode you will learn how to declutter, organize, systemize and maintain the entry area of your home. Here’s your 5-step plan: ASSESS THE CLUTTER - take pics of the clutter  DECLUTTER  CREATE, buy or design an orderly space for outcoming and incoming items    PLAN Come up with a plan  REHEARSE the plan My hope is that having a systemized entry will save you time in the long run, and get you to thriving and out of surviving asap! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
2/10/202221 minutes, 56 seconds
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011 \\ How to Get Your Husband on Board with Decluttering (spoiler alert: you may not) | Organizing, Minimalism, and dealing with Disorganization and Messy People

Hi Friend, When your spouse is giving you a hard time to do something you are already dreading, it is pretty discouraging.  What you need right now is ENCOURAGEMENT for god sakes.  It's already hard enough, right!? Well, you've come to the right place Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
2/8/202225 minutes, 55 seconds
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010 \\ How to Declutter Your Garage | How to Organize AND De- Hoarder -ize Your Garage

Hi Friend!  Is your garage your own personal hell hole?  I get it.  Are you afraid to go in it?  Are you not going biking and playing with all the things in your garage because you don't even want to go in there?  And don't even think about parking a car in there!  You crazy? Well, all that is about to change.  First of all, you can do this.  It's just moving things around.  Is it easy?  NO.  Does it take time?  YES.  Is it worth it?  YES.  Here are the steps:  Plan at least three 2-hour sessions Get rid of the big things (exercise equipment, couches, matresses) Draw out a visual plan with four categories Start moving things into these categories Declutter Like a Motherfucker Label, label, label This is one of the biggest jobs you will take on.  Give yourself plenty of time and plenty of mini wins.  You CAN do this.  xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
2/3/202220 minutes, 30 seconds
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009 \\ How to Create More Time in the Day | A Load of Laundry a Day Keeps the Overwhelm Away & How to Stop Constantly Doing Dishes

Hey!  I know you have no time.  How could you when you are racing to get out of the house in the morning, getting your work done at work as fast as humanly possible so you can get back home and clock back in at your other job: "mom"?  Well, in this episode you will learn three hacks to getting an hour (or more) back every single day.  Here they are: Decrease laundry time: Do one load of laundry a day Decrease doing dishes time: Donate, declutter, or hide your extra dishes so you and your family have to use only one a day Use your resources, ie your kids, by having a checklist ready for them to refer to when they have extra time to help out I hope this episode is helpful.  Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
2/1/202216 minutes, 39 seconds
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008 \\ How to Declutter and Organize your Kitchen | Decluttering, minimalism, and cleaning for moms who have no time

Hey Friend, I hope this episode helps you make space in the most used space in your house - your kitchen.   While you are decluttering your kitchen, I want you to remember one thing:  If you didn't use it during quarantine, you aren't gonna!  Here's a list of what I cover in this episode: Break the rules Get rid of duplicates Use vertical space Get rid of storage containers with no lid Keep only as many baking sheets as you use at once Keep only the pots and pans that use use Keep two dishes for every family member, and a few for guests - get rid of the rest Only keep the appliances you used in the past year. The photos I mentioned in this episode are in my instagram highlights under podcast.  Here's my IG: Love you guys, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
1/27/202218 minutes, 38 seconds
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007 \\ What to Do When Stuff is EVERYWHERE | Decluttering, Minimalism, Organizing and De - Hoarder - ing your House for Good!

Hi!  This episode is for you if you have all kinds of items all over your house and need to find a home for them.   Using the system I talk about in this episode, you will approach the items in your home as if they are items in a store.  The system is called the 4 Ps: Predict - Do a walk through of your home, and it's storage.  Take note of what is working. Plan - Create a three column chart with the following titles: Space | Purpose | Item Post-it - List the items you plan to write under the column "item" on a post it and put it in the corresponding space. Place-it - Go around your house and place all the items around your house in their designated space (written on the post-it) This will allow you and your family members to have only ONE location for each item, which creates trust in your organizational system, and encourages family members to actually use the system. Good luck, Friends!  xo Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
1/25/202215 minutes, 56 seconds
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006 \\ 2022 Will Be Your Best Year Yet | Tips on Decluttering, Minimalism, Time Management and How to Overcome Guilt and Shame in 2022

Hey Friend! 2022 is your year to take control.  Give yourself the gift this year of figuring out what you need in life, and give it to yourself unapologetically.  Don't let the voices in your head stop you! If you are like me, and sometimes feel you need permission to give yourself what you need, THIS EPISODE IS YOUR PERMISSION to follow through with what you know in your heart is the right thing to do...Whether it is decluttering and organizing your house, or taking a drive to get OUT of your house.  You take care of you.   I wish you the best, most awakened year of your life! Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
12/28/202114 minutes, 36 seconds
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005 \\ What to Do With Your Child's Artwork | Decluttering, Minimalism, and Organizing for Overwhelmed Moms

Hey!  Do you have a giant bin filled with your kids' work from preschool and on?  If so, this episode is for you.  In this episode I'm going to walk you through how to declutter and organize that big bin of papers. Get your supplies:  A bin, filing box, apple box, or bankers box At least 7 hanging files in different colors for each child  Tabs labeled Preschool, Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th Start pulling out stuff and create a piles for each child Pick up one piece at a time and toss it, unless it is a good example of this stage of their life.  If so, file it in the correct folder (Preschool - 5th) I hope this help to ease the overwhelm of the piles of art projects.  As always, don't hesitate to reach out on instagram @tidyhour. Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
12/21/202115 minutes, 31 seconds
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004 \\ Go From Overwhelmed to DECLUTTERED in 3 Months | Minimalism, declutter, decluttering, cleaning, organizing and time management for overwhelmed moms

Hey!   You want an easier home life?  You want to stop cleaning up all the time?  Or you just want things to be simpler?  If you answered yes to these questions, this episode is for you. Most people don't succeed in decluttering because they don't have a's your plan: 1.  Create a future event 2.  Get decluttering on your schedule (see episode 3) 3.  Write out a 3 column plan This episode will help you get from overwhelmed to decluttered in three months.  But you have to take action. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me for help or if you want me to focus on a specific area in one of my upcoming podcasts. Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
12/14/202114 minutes, 39 seconds
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003 \\ How to SCHEDULE Time for Decluttering | Minimalism, cleaning, organizing, declutter, and time management for moms

Hey Friend, If you need help finding the time to declutter your house this is the episode for you.   Your schedule is packed.  You barely have time to take a shower, let alone declutter!  And now you are supposed to make time for decluttering?  Impossible.  But it is decluttering that will help you simplify your life so that you have time for everything else.  And many showers a day if you want em. This episode outlines the steps to take to make room in your schedule for decluttering, and how to make it a habit, so it doesn't feel like a massive chore. Here are the steps: 1.  Make a list of 5 to 7 things you do on a daily basis throughout the week. 2.  Pick one of those things to piggyback your decluttering session at the end of. 3.  After decluttering, give yourself a reward. Push through, find 30 seconds of courage, and get started.   I hope this inspires you!  xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
12/9/202112 minutes, 41 seconds
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002 \\ What to Do When You're Too OVERWHELMED to Start Decluttering | Declutter, minimalism, organizing, get organized, time management for moms

Hey Friend! When your house is taking over and you are just too overwhelmed to start, what do you do?  You follow this step-by-step process.  You can do this!  Just keep breathing, remember the big-picture, and take action.   Xo, Amber Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
11/22/202111 minutes, 15 seconds
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001 \\ Introducing Declutter Your Chaos | Minimalism, Home Organization, Decluttering, Organizing, Time Management for Moms

Hey!  Welcome to Declutter your Chaos!  A  podcast about how to declutter your home and create the life of your dreams.  In this very first episode, Amber shares her personal story, and why it’s so important to create a home that is free from clutter and what you can expect from future episodes of this show.  In this introductory episode, you’ll learn: *Why I created this podcast *Whether you are the type of person this podcast can help *What to expect from the future episodes of this show Please email or DM me anytime Here's the link to my Mentorship Program:
8/29/202110 minutes, 51 seconds