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Compete Every Day with Jake Thompson | A Show for Driven People Cover
Compete Every Day with Jake Thompson | A Show for Driven People Profile

Compete Every Day with Jake Thompson | A Show for Driven People

English, Education, 8 seasons, 815 episodes, 2 days, 7 hours, 22 minutes
The show for ambitious people who want to be great. Discover how you can build the mindset + skills required to WIN your career, training + life each week with Compete Every Day's Jake Thompson. Learn what mental, habitual, & physical systems elite performers use to succeed in their professional and personal lives. Our episodes are motivating - but they go beyond a fire that fades by providing actual takeaways listeners can implement to build their own winning mindset to succeed in their career, fitness, relationships, and life. For more information on how you can build your competitive advantage in life, visit
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The Seismic Shift in Leadership with Michelle Johnston

Executive coach and university professor Dr. Michelle Johnston joins today's show to discuss her new book and the power of connection within leadership and today's hybrid world. Learn insights into how to better cultivate connection with yourself and your team and why it's crucial to not only our professional success, but our personal health.Connect with Michelle on LinkedIn here & listen to her podcast here. Order Michelle's book, The Seismic Shift In Leadership: How To Thrive In A New Era Of Connection, here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/24/202428 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why Everything Changes When a Leader Does This

Once someone in a position of influence begins to intentionally do this one thing, it permeates throughout a culture and changes how well a team can collaborate toward a goal.Shop the BRAND NEW Summer Capsule featuring new shirts, performance clothes, and hats HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/22/20247 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Power of Mentoring Relationships with Andy Lopata

Six-time author and professional speaker Andy Lopata joins today's show to discuss the power of mentoring for both the mentor and mentee. Lopata is an acclaimed professional relationships strategist, who has worked with global clients including Paypal, GlaxoSmithKline and Brother.Connect with Andy on LinkedIn here.Order Andy & Ruth Gotian's new book, The Financial Times Guide to Mentoring, here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/17/202433 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Use Failures to Build You Instead of Break You

Learn from research on how to leverage failures to fuel your motivation to improve instead of allowing it to encourage you to quit.Shop the BRAND NEW Summer Capsule featuring new shirts, performance clothes, and hats HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/15/20249 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Power of a Company's Story for Attracting Talent with Rachel Kennedy

LinkedIn branding coach and speaker Rachel Kennedy joins today's show to discuss how cultures can grow by empowering their employees to build out their personal brands & tell more stories of the "get and give."Connect with Rachel on LinkedIn here and her website here. ___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/10/202427 minutes, 15 seconds
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Just Do Your Job

Leaning on the Bill Belichek coaching philosophy of "do your job," what does that look like for leaders today, and why is it more than just what our job description says?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/8/20247 minutes, 14 seconds
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If I Could Have One Birthday Wish, It Would Be This (For You)

___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/5/20245 minutes, 23 seconds
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Fight for Your Independence (From These Thoughts)

In the spirit of Independence Day, learn steps to reclaim your freedom from tyranneous internal stories & limiting beliefs.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/3/202413 minutes, 57 seconds
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Fighting Shame to Find Growth

Learn why instead of hiding our setbacks, we should face the shame and obstacle in order to better overcome them.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
7/1/202410 minutes, 2 seconds
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Push the Sled with DJ Hillier

Mental performance coach DJ Hillier joins today's episode to talk mindset and the release of his new book, Push the Sled.Connect with DJ on Instagram here.Order DJ's book Push the Sled here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
6/26/202445 minutes, 22 seconds
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Filling Silence with Not-So-Good Things

When we don’t communicate consistently, we can run into the problems of negativity and doubt filling the silence for our teams.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
6/24/20247 minutes, 59 seconds
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Say Less, Get More with Negotiation Expert & Author Fotini Iconomopoulos

Take Fotini's FREE quiz for insights here.Negotiation expert and author of Say Less, Get More Fotini Iconomopoulos on how to improve our ask for what we want. We discuss her upbringing as first-generation Canadian in a "Big Fat Greek Wedding" family, how challenges in her personal & professional life led her to start advocating for herself (and the work she does now), and how each of us as leaders can start negotiating better to find win-wins in work & life. Connect with Fotini on LinkedIn here or her website here. Order Fotini's book Say Less, Get More here. ___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
6/19/202446 minutes, 12 seconds
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How Well Do You Know Your People?

If you were given a test on your 200 team members, how well would you you do? This is a lesson on relational deposits and a great culture because, as leaders, it's important to remember that we can't influence our people if we don't know them.Grab your copy of Lead Better now here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
6/17/20249 minutes, 48 seconds
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What Happens If You Stop After a Setback?

Hear this powerful story from a comedy legend and what it's imperative to not quit after one failure.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
6/14/20248 minutes, 57 seconds
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Tips for Leading Teams in Multiple Locations with Civitas Senior Living's Anthony Ormsbee-Hale

Civitas Senior Living's Senior VP of Strategic Operations Anthony Ormsbee-Hale joins today show to discuss tips for leading teams in multiple locations. As a senior VP of a senior care / assisted living team, we discuss how he and the executive team ensure values are lived out to the standards of excellence when you can't physically see the team every day.Connect with Anthony on LinkedIn here.Learn more about Civitas Senior Living here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
6/12/202414 minutes, 13 seconds
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Leaving Something in the Tank

Why 'leaving something in the tank' is actually just preparing your excuse ahead of time.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
6/10/20246 minutes, 35 seconds
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Heading into Work with Optimistic Wonder with Nobel Prize winner Dr. Bob Lefkowitz

Order Dr. Bob Lefkowitz's book here.2012 Nobel Prize winner and Professor of Medicine and Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry at Duke University Dr. Bob Lefkowitz joins this week's show to discuss the importance of loving the work over awards, entering each work day with optimism, and the power of mentoring. Learn more about Dr. Lefkowitz's work here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE!
6/5/202431 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Power of a Leader's Words

The power of the words we use has more potential than most people understand. Leverage this power as a leader to grow your influence.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
6/3/202413 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Story Needs a Struggle

Every great story needs a struggle - finish May with some encouragement on how to reframe the setbacks into something much more productive.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/31/202415 minutes, 51 seconds
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Being a Competitive Athlete While Building a Professional Career with HYROX Ambassador Alex Shabo

Realtor & HYROX ambassador Alex Shabo joins the podcast to discuss how she balances her athletic love with growing her professional career. We discuss vulnerability & community, the importance of pushing yourself consistently and creating non-negotiables in your schedule.Sign up for Alex's newsletter Hybrid Letter here. Connect with Alex on Instagram here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/29/202436 minutes, 36 seconds
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One Choice That Separates Great Careers from Average Ones

It's not enough to learn about your blind spots - great careers are determined by those who act upon their knowledge. ___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/27/202413 minutes, 40 seconds
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Being Purposeful & Intentional with Your Team's Culture with Angie McGilvrey of APEX Physical Therapy

Grab YOUR copy of 'PT Runs Free' on Amazon here.APEX Physical Therapy's co-founder Angie McGilvrey joins the show to discuss the importance of integrating your purpose & values into your culture, how to make those two vital foundations stick, and what she does as a small business owner of multiple locations to empower her leadership team to step up. Learn more about APEX Physical Therapy here.Connect with APEX team on Instagram here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/22/202438 minutes, 28 seconds
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What If You Changed the Focus of the Game You're Playing?

What if you stopped trying to win just this week - and started making choices to win the next 5 years? How would that impact your grit, relationships, and growth?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/20/20248 minutes, 6 seconds
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Building a Great Life Now vs. Waiting Until You Get *There* with Steve Riley of Atticus Advantage

Atticus Advantage partner Steve Riley joins the show to discuss the importance of building a great life while you're building an impactful career instead of falling into the trap of 'there.' He shares his own story of struggle with this as well as what lessons he's learned from working with the top 1% of legal practice owners - and how all leaders can apply those lessons to their work. Learn more about Atticus Advantage's coaching programs here.Connect with Steve on LinkedIn here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/15/202436 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Use Sundays to Set Up a Winning Week

Learn the 10-minute ritual Jake does every Sunday to set up wins during his upcoming week.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/13/20249 minutes, 28 seconds
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Olympic Gold Medalist Caryn Davies on Gratitude, Performance, & the Boring Work

Grab the new Manifesto / Strong Sailor drops here!Three-time Olympic medalist and recipient of the 2023 Thomas Keller Medal (lifetime achievement in rowing) Caryn Davies joins the show to discuss her Olympic career, high-performance mindset, and how she leveraged gratitude over fear in her performance.Connect with Caryn on LinkedIn here.Learn more about her Boston-area legal practice and team here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/8/202442 minutes, 56 seconds
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One Reason to Give Yourself Grace

One of the hardest things a high performer can do is give themselves grace for a mistake - but here's why you should and how learning to can help you ultimately perform better in the long-run.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
5/6/20249 minutes
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A Massive Key to Being a High Performance with Dr. Ruth Gotian

Jake sits down with high-performance thought leader Dr. Ruth Gotian to discuss key findings with high performance in the workplace, including motivation, rewards, and the power of mentorship.Connect with Dr. Ruth Gotian on LinkedIn here & order her newest book, Financial Times Guide to Mentoring, here.Order the Manifesto 3.0 shirt early here!Join the FREE May Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
5/1/202434 minutes, 30 seconds
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An Exercise to Being More Productive

Inspired by a coaching conversation, try this four-step method to improve your productivity on priorities.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
4/29/20247 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Horseshoe Relationship of Confidence & Imposter Syndrome with Rocky Garza

Coach Rocky Garza is focused on helping people 'kill doubt & build confidence.' In today's episode, he and Jake discuss the challenges of his childhood, the work to break some of those habits developed, how they ultimately ended up started him down the path to helping achievers battle back against fear and imposter syndrome to lead more effectively.Learn more about Rocky's coaching programs here.Connect with Rocky on LinkedIn here & Instagram here. ___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
4/24/202437 minutes, 31 seconds
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What is "Perfect" Costing You?

What progress do we end up costing ourselves by looking for 'perfect' in the current moment?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
4/22/20245 minutes, 57 seconds
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[HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT] Dealing with Insecurity as a Leader with Tyler Dickerhoof

Click here to buy your ticket for Tyler's event where you can see me AND John Maxwell speaking!Impact Driven Leader's founder and leadership coach Tyler Dickerhoof joins today's show to talk about a leader's biggest challenge and how to work through the discomfort to make your biggest impact.Learn more about Tyler's coaching program here.Connect with Tyler on Instagram here.Mentioned in the episode:The Andrew Schulz Flagrant podcast episode with JJ Redick here.Book: The Twin Thieves How Great Leaders Build Great Teams by Lucas Jadin here.Book: The Culture System by J.P. Nerbun here.J.P.'s appearance on the Compete Every Day podcast here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
4/17/202451 minutes, 2 seconds
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A Fun Exercise for Dealing with That (annoying, frustrating, etc) Coworker

What is a leader supposed to do when dealing with *that* coworker or direct report? You could complain... but that would be doing what most people do. Do better and try today's activity.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
4/15/20246 minutes, 8 seconds
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When You Lack Your Best

How should you respond when you wake up and realize, 'I don't have my best today.'___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE
4/10/20246 minutes, 29 seconds
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Are You Learning from Both Directions?

Be careful to make sure you're not solely focused on learning from the people ahead of you...Grab the NEW 'Make Life Count' design here. Save 15% with code PODCAST at checkout!___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
4/8/20246 minutes, 37 seconds
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Are You Surrounded by Cheerleaders or Coaches?

What do the people surrounding you sound like?Grab the NEW 'Make Life Count' design here. Save 15% with code PODCAST at checkout!___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
4/3/202410 minutes, 6 seconds
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One Way to Replace the Limiting Beliefs Limiting You

How do you start to reprogram limiting beliefs that are limiting you?Join the FREE April Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
4/1/202412 minutes, 12 seconds
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A Different Way to Encourage Confidence in Yourself

Jake shares strategies to encourage himself during challenging moments and how each of us can implement the same strategy for whatever situation we face.Join the FREE April Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/27/20249 minutes, 11 seconds
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What's In Your Mental Carry-On?

What are you packing in your mental carry-on to be able to pull out when you need it?Listen to this past episode referenced with Lauren Rantala here.Join the FREE April Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/25/202410 minutes, 5 seconds
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An Inspiring Story of Resilience with Michael Bednarz

Compete Every Day community member Mike Bednarz shares his near-death experience in 2023 and how he's approached the long, painful road back with a Competitor Mindset.Follow Mike's journey on Instagram here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/20/202432 minutes, 8 seconds
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Four Underrated Skills that Will Make You a Better Leader

Learn four underrated skills that will make you a better leader and take on Jake's challenge to actively work on one of them this next quarter.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/18/20246 minutes, 49 seconds
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Flex Your Courage Muscle

Building your confidence requires that you flex this more often.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/13/20243 minutes, 30 seconds
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Discomfort Done Beats Comfortable "Wish I Had"

This is why you want to make a choice that most people won't.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/11/20242 minutes, 57 seconds
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Building a Strong Culture Virtually with Grant Baldwin

Grant Baldwin is an entrepreneur and founder of The Speaker Lab. Today we discuss the challenges of building culture in an all-virtual organization, and what Grant has done to build an intentional culture while scaling this multimillion-dollar business. Learn more about The Speaker Lab and their programs here.Grab Grant's book, The Successful Speaker, on Amazon here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/6/202443 minutes, 15 seconds
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What If I Can't Change the Culture?

What's a leader supposed to do if they can't change the entire culture from their position in the organizational chart?Join the FREE March Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/4/20244 minutes, 28 seconds
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Why You Need to Bet On Yourself

Learn four vital reasons why you should bet on yourself in your career. Check out the inspiration for today's episode here.Join the FREE March Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
3/1/202412 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why It's Important to Celebrate Small Wins

Don't overlook the importance of celebrating even your smallest steps forward.Join the FREE March Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/28/20246 minutes, 38 seconds
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Do You Throw It In or Try Again?

Join the FREE March Challenge with Jake HERE.Are you building the habit of throwing in the towel or trying again when you get off-track? ___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/26/20247 minutes, 10 seconds
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What If I Don't Believe I'm Good Enough?

Join the FREE March Challenge with Jake HERE.What do you do when you lack the confidence that you're even capable of reaching that goal?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/23/202421 minutes, 2 seconds
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Creating Your Culture's System with JP Nerburn

Author and sports' coaches' coach J.P. Nerburn joins the show to discuss his book The Culture System and ideas for improving your team's culture and instilling larger impact on your people.Grab JP's books on his website here.Connect with JP on Twitter here.  Want even MORE? Grab JP's FREE course on  here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/21/202427 minutes, 33 seconds
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Leaders Who Want to Be Great Crave This

Most people avoid getting truthful (sometimes negative) feedback, because of how it makes them feel. Leaders have to separate the feedback of what they do from the facts of who they are - so they can leverage feedback to get better.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/19/20247 minutes, 10 seconds
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Reframing Discomfort Instead of Running From It

Our relationship with discomfort - and our ability to reframe how we see it - is vital to our relationship with growth and success.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/16/20241 minute, 39 seconds
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Getting More out of Your Day with 3.3 Author John Briggs

Author & small business owner John Briggs returns to the podcast to discuss his newest book, The 3.3 Rule for better controlling your focus, and how we can squeeze more productivity out of less working hours. Grab John's book The 3.3 Rule here.Follow John on LinkedIn here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/14/202431 minutes, 38 seconds
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My Advice to a Women's College Basketball Team - And You

Sit in on the words of encouragement I gave recently to a college basketball team and how that same advice can help you as you step into work and life today.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/12/20246 minutes, 21 seconds
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Excellence Isn't Common

Excellence isn't common, so why do we try so hard to blend in with society when society isn't achieving excellent outcomes?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/8/20247 minutes, 10 seconds
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Is This Getting in the Way of Your Growth as a Leader?

Take a page from this research project featuring CEOs, MBA students, lawyers, and more against.... kindergarteners. Guess who won?It's not who you think - and what this lesson can teach about improvement.Join the FREE February Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/5/20244 minutes, 57 seconds
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Success is the Byproduct, not the Destination

In today's episode, I dive into the importance of focusing on something other than success in order to actually reach it.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
2/2/20244 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Reason Why I Always Say "I'm Cheering For You"

There's a very special reason why I close every podcast and every social media post with the line, "I'm cheering for you." In this episode, I reveal why it's so important to me.Join the FREE February Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/31/20242 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is This Keeping You From Going?

Are we honest with ourselves to admit when it's FOPO that's stopping us from starting - and how can we reframe that mindset to reach our goals & realize no one that matters actually cares. Join the FREE February Challenge with Jake HERE.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/29/20245 minutes, 16 seconds
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Embracing the Boring (Nutrition) to Build Your Best Self with Justin Murphy

iCoach founder & nutritional coach Justin Murphy makes his second appearance on the show to discuss the importance of embracing the basics and small shifts to fit your lifestyle vs trying to change everything in your diet. We talk accountability, LEGO blocks, and the importance of consistency.Learn more about iCoach here.Sign up for the FREE CED February Challenge here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/24/202437 minutes, 39 seconds
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One Thing a Leader Has to Do Consistently

It's vital when cultivating influence as a leader to continually keep your mind open to doing this on a consistent basis.Join the FREE February Challenge here!___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/22/20244 minutes, 55 seconds
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Embracing "Just One" for Building Momentum

Could you get started if you saw it as "just one" step?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/19/20245 minutes, 49 seconds
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A New Way to Deal with Crowded Gyms & Those "Resolution Chasers"

What if we stopped complaining about all of the new gym-goers (and resolution chasers) and started using it as an opportunity to encourage?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/17/20247 minutes, 10 seconds
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Transforming Grumbles into Gratitude

Are your complaints something that someone else would gladly take? An encouraging conversation on the power of reframing our situations as leaders.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/15/202411 minutes, 42 seconds
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Stop Shrinking This to Make Others Feel Comfortable

You're only hurting yourself when you shrink your goals to make other people feel comfortable about them.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/12/20242 minutes, 43 seconds
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Living Full After Hiding It All: A Former HYROX World Champion’s Journey to Overcome Adversity with Lauren Rantala

Warning: NSFW Language in this episode - but it's one you MUST listen to.2022 HYROX Doubles champion Lauren Rantala joins the show to discuss her journey to sobriety, the importance of gratitude & self-talk during competition, and why it's more important to get in the arena rather than sit on the sidelines.Key Links from the Show:Follow Lauren on Instagram here.Check out Lauren's hybrid coaching programming here.Jake's newest book, Lead Better Now, is available for preorder here & on Amazon Kindle here.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/10/202442 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Privilege of Influencing Others: Inspiring Courage Through Your Actions

Will your actions be a shining example or a stirring warning?___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/8/20248 minutes, 35 seconds
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It's Never Too Late (Yet) to Rewrite Your Story

Your time is ticking...but here's a reminder that it's not too late for you to get started.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/5/20246 minutes, 13 seconds
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No Quit Living Part 2 with Christopher J Wirth

Mental performance coach Christopher J Wirth joins the show to discuss actionable strategies for resetting after disappointment and refocusing on the "play of life" at hand.Key Links from the Show: Follow Christopher on Instagram here. Listen to his first interview back from 2020 here. Jake's newest book, Lead Better Now, is available for preorder here & on Amazon Kindle here.JOIN the FREE January Challenge with Jake here!___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/3/202430 minutes, 9 seconds
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You vs You: Maximize Performance and Pursue Greatness

Join the FREE January Challenge with Jake HERE.Be reminded that your competition this year - is with the person you were yesterday.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
1/1/20241 minute, 19 seconds
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Building Self-Belief: Using Visualization to Propel Yourself Toward Greatness

Be sure to join my FREE January Challenge starting soon by signing up here.A quick exercise to help you cast a vision for the new year and whom you want to become in it.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
12/29/202312 minutes, 36 seconds
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Growth is Uncomfortable and Often Invisible

Join the FREE January Challenge with Jake HERE.You don't need to see progress to be consistently making it.___________________Continue building your Competitor Mindset after today's episode by clicking HERE.
12/27/20235 minutes, 14 seconds