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English, Religion, 1 season, 727 episodes, 1 day, 9 hours, 45 minutes
Learn to think biblically about everything! Teaching theology, apologetics, and verse-by-verse Bible studies. Mike Winger teaches with clarity, doesn't shy away from controversial topics, and always seeks to teach the Bible accurately. This podcast will equip you to know and defend the Christian faith and understand the Bible in a deeper way.
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The NEW and Dangerous False Prophet

He rose to popularity because of the Trump assassination attempt prophecy, but his followers are going to suffer greatly if they don't abandon this false prophet. Here's the evidence that Brandon Biggs is more dangerous than you think. Time Stamp Map 0:00 - Intro1. 2:25 The Trump Prophecy2. 25:00 The Many, Many Prophecies of Brandon Biggs3. 42:26 Examples of Brandon’s Past Prophecies he Claims have Been Fulfilled4. 49:50 Brandon’s Failures/False Prophecies5. 1:19:22 Brandon’s Prophecies for 2024 and Into Next Year6. 1:42:28 “When Brandon is Wrong, He’s Still Right.”7. 1:54:10 Brandon’s Prophecies for Our Future8. 2:08:30 Doomsday Prophecies9. 2:11:41 2024 Politics – What’s In Store According to Brandon?10. 2:20:59 A Correction for Christian YouTubers & My Favorite Message from Brandon My website:
7/25/20242 hours, 30 minutes, 4 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 22)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:40 {The Bible Doesn’t Exist?} Can you please respond to Abraham Piper’s claim that the Bible doesn’t even exist? 2. 12:03 {Jesus’ Deity in Scripture} In Luke 4:9-12, Satan uses the term "Son of God" yet Jesus responds with Deuteronomy 6:16. Is this a possible claim that Christ is God, similarly to how He takes God's names for Himself?3. 20:52 {Lack of Works = No Heaven?} Why do we only talk about what will get you into Heaven (faith or works or both)? The Bible seems to teach that only faith can get you in, but lack of works can keep you out. Any thoughts?4. 24:01 {Are Sinful Desires Sinful?} James 1:15 speaks about your desire giving birth to sin, but if you have an evil desire, isn’t that already sin?5. 37:48 {Are Natural Disasters from God?} We recently had a tornado touch down here in upstate New York. How does one explain to a non-believer that the tornado was not from God? Was it man-made?6. 45:40 {Does Hebrews 1 Prove Cessationism?} Is Hebrews 1:1 supportive of the idea that there are no prophets since the 1st century as God only speaks from Jesus Christ? 7. 54:14 {Does Blas. of the Spirit Debunk Calvinism?} Is the fact that we can commit Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit proof that Calvinism is false?8. 58:58 {Jesus & the Samaritan Woman} Was Jesus pointing out the sin of the Samaritan woman, or was He letting her know He understood her circumstances, considering women had little control over their marital status?9. 1:09:34 {Modalism & Oneness – Truly Saved?} Are people who believe in Modalism or Oneness doctrines truly saved? Should I allow my kids to participate in events at churches that believe in Modalism?10. 1:15:44 {Receiving the Holy Spirit} When does a Christian receive the Holy Spirit? The apostles, it seems, received the Holy Spirit twice (John 20:22, Acts 2:1-4). Others had different experiences (Acts 8:14-17, 11:15, 19:1-6).BONUS Q! 1:24:01 What language do you think we will speak in Heaven?LINKS: Atheist scholar, Bart Ehrman misleads people about the Bible (not low-hanging fruit): Click Here The dating of the book of Daniel (also not low hanging fruit): Click Here How Jesus was tempted: Click Here Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit explained and analyzed: Click Here Why God hardens hearts: Click Here Why I think the phrase "Baptism of the Spirit" should be used to refer to salvation, not a later event: Click Here I take YOUR questions from the live chat on anything related to Christianity and thinking biblically about everything.
7/19/20241 hour, 33 minutes, 20 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger SKEPTICS EDITION (Episode 21)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:40 {Discussing Biblical “Contradictions”!} Can you please discuss some different Bible passages that appear to be contradictory?2. 41:10 {Unnecessary Body Parts = Evolution?} I have a coworker that is an atheist. He said that there are parts of our bodies that are not necessary and that might prove evolution rather than a Creator. Any thoughts?3. 48:11 {Is Salvation Sometimes Unfair?} One of my biggest issues is that you NEED to believe in Jesus to be saved. If someone is born in a Muslim country, they would have to sacrifice way more than the average westerner. How is that fair?4. 53:53 {Historical Jesus & Manuscripts} How can we believe in a historical Jesus if the oldest manuscripts we have are from the second or third century?5. 1:00:40 {Is Christianity the True Religion?} How do I know Christianity is right/true compared to other world religions?6. 1:09:20 {Does God Make Mistakes?} I often hear the argument, “If God doesn't make mistakes when it comes to gender, then what about people with disabilities?" How would you respond?7. 1:15:08 {Applying PSA on Earth?} If the doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is just, would it be just for an earthly judge to impute the guilt of a murderer to an innocent volunteer and sentence the volunteer to death instead of the murderer? If not, why?8. 1:18:30 {Joseph in Jesus’ Lineage?} Any idea why Matthew and Luke list Joseph’s genealogy when he’s not Jesus’ birth father? Does that mean Jesus’ lineage isn’t what it needs to be to fulfill prophecy?9. 1:20:27 {Is there Really an Afterlife?} Why do Christians think there is an afterlife? Why not just look at death as a return to the quantum state, like before we were born?10. 1:24:26 {Did God Create Cancer?} If God created everything, why did He create cancer? As a Christian mother, I still struggle with these sorts of questions.11. 1:27:54 {The Best Argument for God} What do you think is the best evidence/argument there is for God?12. 1:30:21 {Does Trusting First Invalidate our Faith?} If you have to believe first in order to experience the reality of Christianity, if the "proof" only comes alive when one chooses to trust it, isn't that "truth" make-believe?13. 1:33:54 {Would a Good God make a Terrible Hell?} When Jesus said that for the person who would betray Him it would be better not to be born, I assume Hell is worse than non-existence. How does this match with a good God?14. 1:35:58 {Unrepentant Heart – Still Saved by Faith?} If I believe in my heart that Jesus rose from the dead and trust in Him alone for salvation, why would God then send me to Hell for being actively gay? Am I not saved by my faith instead of my works?15. 1:42:16 {Salvation in the OT} How were people saved in the Old Testament before Jesus? And if they were saved without believing in Jesus, then why did it change?16. 1:46:11 {Why do Christians Ask for Forgiveness?} My question from a skeptic is, if you are already saved, why do you still ask for forgiveness for your sins?17. 1:47:26 {Hypostatic Union – Contradictory?} Is Jesus being God and Man a contradiction? The Bible says that the Son doesn’t know the day or the hour of His coming. Can Jesus know (as God) and not know (as Man) at the same time?18. 1:49:32 {Bible = Pure Fiction?} As a Christian, what is an appropriate answer to an atheist claiming that the Bible is pure fiction? 19. 1:55:48 {Mixed Messages in Scripture?} I lost my faith due to all the mixed messages in the Bible. For example, is salvation by faith alone like John 5:24, or faith plus works like James 2? Why doesn’t this cause you to doubt?20. 1:58:39 {Does the Concept of Sin Apply to God?} Is God holy and sinless? Can God do things which, if we did them, would be considered sin? One exa
7/12/20242 hours, 7 minutes, 55 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 20)

Today's Time Stamps: 1. 0:54 {Taking On an Atheist’s Challenge} Can you please respond to Holy Koolaid’s video alleging various Bible contradictions and problems with Christianity? Did Jesus Himself undermine Christianity? 2. 30:34 {Preston Sprinkle & “Side B” Christianity} What's your take on Preston Sprinkle? Some Christians like him, but others call him a heretic or "side B Christian.” The issue seems to be about him not thinking same-sex attraction is a sin when not meditated/acted on.3. 38:08 {Is Family Planning Sinful?} My church teaches that a couple must continuously have as many children as they're able, and it's seen as selfish and a sin resulting in church discipline if they use any form of family planning to stop. Many have 12-18 children as a result. Leadership says God wouldn't give more children than a couple can handle. Is this biblical? We already have 5 children.4. 47:49 {The Pinnacle of Wickedness} Mike, are we there yet? The Bible says it will be as in the days of Noah in the last days. Have we arrived at the pinnacle of wickedness yet?5. 53:41 {Can we still Glean from Reckless Charismatism?} I learned that Bethel's prophecy teachings and those of Storms, Wimber, Deere, Randolph, etc. trace back to scandalous Kansas City prophets. Should all be ignored, or can the chaff be separated?6. 1:04:11 {Trusting God with Deep Fears} I’m a mom of three young children. I struggle with a lot of fear over their safety. How can I give this to God, knowing that it doesn’t mean something bad won’t still happen?7. 1:11:44 {Healing = the Children’s Bread?} "Healing is the children's bread" is taught by a pastor friend when he prays for the sick. He uses Mark 7:24-30 as the proof text. What is the “bread” in v. 27?8. 1:18:05 {Household Responsibilities in Marriage} Does God care who does the dishes and cooks the food? Is the wife called to manage the household? What if both the husband and wife work similar full-time jobs (Proverbs 31:15,21,27; Titus 2:5)?9. 1:26:13 {Questioning Salvation = Not Saved?} I asked the youth how confident they are of salvation on a 1-10 scale. One replied with a ”7” citing that they still sin and don’t read their Bible often. Can one be saved if they associate salvation with works like Bible reading? Are the warnings in Galatians fitting here?10. 1:33:31 {Are All of Paul’s Writings Inspired?} What should we make of Paul saying "I, not the Lord" as if he's just giving his own opinion, while also believing that all Scripture (which includes that statement) is Holy Spirit inspired (1 Corinthians 7)? LINKS and cool stuff: Original video from Holy Koolaid on how to undermine all of Christianity with one verse: Click Here My series of videos defending the VERY important doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement: Click Here The Clear Truth Media website that just launched. Here's my first article, on Andy Stanley: Click Here Can the guy stay home while the woman works? Click Here Why did Jesus call a woman "dog"? Click Here The MASSIVE series on Women in Ministry. All the
7/5/20241 hour, 41 minutes, 20 seconds
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Benny Hinn's New Doomsday Scam?

Keep in mind that Benny Hinn recently told the world he didn't think he would need to do very much fundraising in the future. To me, this seems like a scam that uses Benny Hinn's supposed prophetic knowledge, coupled with unbiblical understandings of giving, as a way of manipulating his followers to give money to him. Original video HERE. My website:
7/2/20241 minute, 6 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 19)

Today's Time Stamps: 1. 3:08 {Was Jesus’ Death Suicide?} I need help responding to the objection that Jesus voluntarily going to the cross was suicide. I know this isn’t the case, but I’m having a hard time expressing why. 2. 20:23 {How Can We Sin if Indwelled?} How are we able to sin if the Holy Spirit is in us?3. 24:52 {Defining Inerrancy} How can we biblically define inerrancy? Even the writers of the Chicago Statement seem to hold slightly different views on harmonization (according to Mike Licona).4. 31:45 {Is Nakedness Inherently Sinful?} My 16 year old daughter was wondering why with the Fall in Genesis, shame is associated with being naked. What’s the correlation between sin, nakedness, and the Fall? I didn't really know.5. 34:51 {How were Private Events Recorded?} Do you know how biblical authors recorded events, conversations, and moments that transpired despite being in private or in a one-man scenario, perhaps like Judas' death?6. 43:08 {When did the Old Covenant End?} When did the Old Covenant officially end? Christ's birth? Death (Temple veil torn in 2)? Resurrection? Pentecost? 70 A.D. (destruction of the Temple)? Or was it a gradual "end" similar to U.S. slavery?7. 49:05 {Overcoming Pride} I often feel myself getting prideful and I’m worried that if I don't get control over it, God will humble me. What are some ways to keep myself humble, before God does it for me?8. 53:40 {Did God or an Angel Give Moses the Tablets?} How do we reconcile Exodus 31:18 with Acts 7:38, Galatians 3:19, and Hebrews 2:2? I’m unconvinced that Scripture contradicts itself, but this lives in my head rent free and I need a resolution.9. 57:55 {Why Pray for Others?} If Jesus is our final intercessor, why should we intercede for or pray over other believers' needs? Is this related to the spiritual realm and prayer delays, like in Daniel 10:12-14?10. 1:08:26 {Commentary Recommendations} What is your go-to commentary?-- Bonus Q: 1:11:00 {Co-Led Studies & Complementarianism} After watching your Women in Ministry series, I’d like to know if biblically, you believe a woman helping her husband teach a co-ed adult Sunday school class would be an elder-type role and would be wrong. Helpful links: Oops. The Clear Truth Media website actually launches on Monday morning, July 1st 2024. I got the dates mixed up. Check it out here on Monday morning/early afternoon.  Women in Ministry playlist Penal Substitutionary Atonement playlist (this is about the very theology of the cross and it’s a pretty big deal) Who wrote the Gospel of Mark? (evidence based) To participate in a future session, show up when the livestream starts (you see me actually on screen) and post your question in the chat. It helps if you reference one or two specific verses if they are relevant to your question and if you put a Q at the beginning of your comment in the live chat. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.My website:
6/28/20241 hour, 19 minutes, 35 seconds
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I’m better than Jesus.

You just won’t learn that much by reading the book. Try Doctrine and Covenants, the Book of Abraham, or this passage I read from today that is in Histories of the Church, Volume 6, 408-409.
6/26/20242 minutes, 45 seconds
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Benn Hinn's nephew confirms the worst. Here's our interview.

Thank you, Costi Hinn, for having the courage to expose Benny Hinn's harms even when it impacts your own family. Thank you to Jeremiah and Andrew, the guys at Cultish, for caring about the victims of Benny Hinn. See my four hour documentary showing the evidence that Benny Hinn has been spiritually abusing people for over 30 years HERE. My website:
6/25/20242 hours, 22 minutes, 22 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 18)

How can a just God hold people accountable for their beliefs if those beliefs are influenced by cultural, social, and psychological factors beyond their control? Today's Timestamps:1. 1:08 {Should I Really be Held Accountable?} How can a just God hold people accountable for their beliefs if those beliefs are influenced by cultural, social, and psychological factors beyond their control?2. 28:53 {Is Hell Just the Absence of God?} Is it accurate when people say, "Hell is simply the absence of God"? For Example, Jesus is the water of life so there's no water in Hell, or we rest in Christ so there's no rest in Hell.3. 38:26 {Political Signups in Church?} Do you think churches should allow political signup ballots for certain bills in the church? I had an older woman come up to me and ask me to sign. For context, it was about gas and electricity.4. 45:43 {Slaves or Friends of Christ?} Does Jesus “call” us His slaves? In John 15:15 He says He does not, but in Revelation 2:20 He seems to do so.5. 50:11 {Jesus – the Son of Man} Why does Jesus switch from first person to third person only when He’s referring to Himself as The Son of Man?6. 52:53 {Does Refusal of Sex Justify Divorce?} Does 1 Corinthians 7 really mean we can never say no to sex except for a season of fasting and prayer? My pastor told my husband that if I deny him for too long then he has biblical grounds for divorce.7. 1:02:27 {Did Jesus Teach on the Rapture?} A friend doesn’t believe in the Rapture because “Jesus never taught it” and he doesn’t consider Paul (or his writings) to be authoritative. How would you approach something like that?8. 1:10:25 {Do Only Good Things Come from God?} Is the concept of only good things coming from God biblical? I hear this a LOT in CCM and I am just not sure, given how our culture defines "good.” Is God not finished if your story isn't "good”? 9. 1:18:10 {Biblical Support for Calvinism?} What's up with Isaiah 63:17? Is this a bullet in the Calvinist gun?10. 1:24:57 {Did Jesus ever Make Mistakes at Work?} Do you suppose Jesus was the most skilled carpenter who ever lived? Is it heretical to imagine Him ever making a mistake on the job? Helpful Links: A video on misconceptions of and challenges to Hell: Click Here Defending the Trinity: Click Here Jesus taught against polygamy: Click Here To participate in a future Q&A session, show up when the livestream starts (you see me actually on screen) and post your question into the chat. It helps if you reference one or two specific verses if they are relevant to your question and if you put a Q at the beginning of your comment in live chat. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
6/21/20241 hour, 31 minutes
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 17)

Learn to think biblically about everything, including doomsday prepping. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:25 {Is Doomsday Prepping Biblical?} Should we as Christians be stockpiling food and supplies for some future global catastrophe? Some of my Bible study sisters are constantly talking about this and have started preparing for impending doom. Scripture tells us, “Do not worry about tomorrow” and "Be anxious for nothing.” But at the same time, I don't want to be caught off guard. Should Christians be stockpiling just in case?2. 17:42 {Navigating Difficult Pregnancies} What are your thoughts on terminating a pregnancy due to a “lethal” condition like anencephaly? This seems like euthanasia. Applicable passages might be Genesis 9:4-6 and 2 Samuel 1:1-16.3. 31:29 {Praying for the Sins of Others} Do we in any way need to (or can we) pray for the sins of another person, such as a family member? This topic was a recent one in some chats I am in. The verse cited was Leviticus 26:40.4. 36:45 {Was Mary Asking Jesus for a Miracle?} When Mary told Jesus that the wedding was out of wine, was she asking Him to do a miracle, or a more prosaic fix? I was taught that she asked for a miracle, but I wonder due to her other actions.5. 43:26 {Thinking Biblically about Dating} I’m a late 20s Christian man struggling with anxiety in dating. As things progress, I tend to overanalyze everything to determine if I can marry the girl, and things end about 3 months in. Any scriptural advice?6. 49:50 {Blasphemy in the Sermon on the Mount?} In The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus refers to God as the audience’s Father. How was this not blasphemous in the way that Jesus claiming to be the Son of God was a big deal in the Passion narrative?7. 54:22 {Asking Others for Help When Needed} I have an illness that leaves me physically and mentally fatigued. My wife and I need a lot of help but struggle with asking. How do I ask for help in a way that is God-honoring and not selfish?8. 1:00:10 {What Exactly Is Sin?} What exactly is sin? Is there a difference between sins against the flesh and sins against the heart/spirit? Does 1 John 5:17 have anything to do with that? Is sin only sin when it causes death?9. 1:06:36 {What does “Woke” Mean?} I have heard you use the word “woke.” Please define it. Since being hijacked from the Black community, it seems to mean different things.10. 1:21:45 {Salvation before the Reformation} Were people saved before the Reformation? It is hard to believe everyone went to Hell during that time, so I've heard people use this to argue in favor of Catholicism. Is this a valid argument? Additional links/info: ***HERE is the clip search feature on my website. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely there. Show up when the livestream starts (you see me actually on screen) and post your question in the chat. It helps if you reference one or two specific verses if they are relevant to your question and if you put a Q at the beginning of your comment in the live chat. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.My website:
6/7/20241 hour, 31 minutes, 25 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 16)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:36 {Did Jesus Baptize?} Considering John 3:22 and 4:2, did Jesus Himself baptize others, or not? A Mormon brought this up to me, and the only thing I could think of was that John 3:22 wasn’t actually saying Jesus baptized, perhaps only that He oversaw the baptisms. Any insight? 2. 21:45 {Did Jesus’ Deity Die?} Did Jesus' deity die on the cross, and if not, then how could He be an atoning sacrifice for sin? If it died, then how could He be God without affirming the kenotic heresy?3. 27:34 {God’s Eternal Covenant} I see in Jeremiah 33 that God extends His eternal covenant not only to the house of David as kings, but also Levi as priests (Jeremiah 33:17-22). Who fulfills this promise? Does Jesus?4. 35:49 {Not Worthy = Not Saved?} Do Jesus' words in Matthew 10:37-39 give the impression that if we don't put Him first in everything, we're not saved? Does the phrase "not worthy of Me" not refer to salvation?5. 44:44 {Does God Veil/Blind Understanding?} Why do we assume that 2 Corinthians 4:4 is not about God, but presumably about Satan? In the context of chapters 3 and 4, and also in other verses, we learn that God veils/blinds eyes (ex: John 12:40, Romans 11:8).6. 50:44 {How Could God Need Strengthening?} Can you explain how an angel could have strengthened Jesus since He is God (Luke 22:43)?7. 58:39 {Translation Discrepancies?} Mark 1:41 in the NIV says Jesus was indignant, but other translations don't. What’s up with that?8. 1:04:13 {“Real Presence” in Communion?} Do you think “Real Presence” in the Lord's Supper could be true? The fact that the disciples say "this is a hard teaching" and many of them leave makes me think it was more than symbolic.9. 1:15:28 {Responding Biblically to Idols} Was it biblical for the man in Iowa to destroy the Satanic Temple display at the state capitol last December? How should Christians respond to the public display of literal idols in our society?10. 1:23:14 {How to Walk by the Spirit} Can we as Christians really truly live an upright and blameless life? Links you may want… ***HERE is the clip search feature on my website. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely there.  How we got our Bible (translation issues and manuscript issues - 3 part series): Click Here  Jesus' suffering and humanity in the Garden of Gethsemane (Gospel of Mark series): Click Here  The Unchristian Belief of TOP Progressive Christian Influencers: Click Here How Melchizedek represents Jesus (but isn't Jesus): Click Here Show up when the livestream starts (you see me actually on screen) and post your question in the chat. It helps if you reference one or two specific verses if they are relevant to your question and if you put a Q at the beginning of your comment in the live chat. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
5/31/20241 hour, 30 minutes, 40 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 15)

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time.Today's Time Stamps:1. 0:07 {What Makes a Cult?} What makes a cult? I grew up in a church that took many hard stances on issues that led our elders to act in unbiblical ways. Most would say it was a cult. Where is the line drawn?2. 25:30 {Female Elders under Male Elder Headship?} Any advice for a member of a church with a male lead elder pastoring alongside ordained female elders who often teach on Sundays? Is there any warrant to the idea that they are under his headship?3. 31:40 {Does God Overlook Ignorance?} In Acts 17:30, what does Paul mean by God overlooking the times of ignorance? Was He more lenient toward idolatry before the time of Christ? Or did He stop trying to save the idolaters of that time?4. 40:18 {Evangelizing the Apathetic} My wife and I are having difficulty ministering to her father who doesn’t seem to care about the topic of God at all. How do you help someone realize the importance of salvation?5. 46:57 {Does God Operate Outside of Time?} Can you talk about your views on God’s relationship to time? Personally, I find the timeless God view incoherent and unbiblical. It seems He operates within time.6. 54:52 {What if Election Isn’t about Salvation?} What are your thoughts on election being about service and blessing rather than salvation (i.e., Judas was chosen by Jesus to serve Him but obviously wasn't saved)?7. 58:08 {Mark of the Beast: Literal or Symbolic?} Could the Mark of the Beast being on the forehead or right hand symbolize something that dominates the mind or actions of those who submit to it instead of a literal mark on the body as many assume?8. 1:00:37 {Ancient Israel & The Trinity} Did ancient Israelites believe in the concept of a "multi-personal God"? By multi-personal God, I mean a concept similar to the Trinity, where there is one God made up of multiple Persons.9. 1:06:11 {Christ Ascending & Descending} What is Paul talking about in Romans 10:6-7 when he’s speaking of Christ descending and ascending? The way he phrases things seems like it should be the other way around.10. 1:10:11 {Making True Disciples} According to Scripture, if the disciple you make doesn't make a disciple, have you really made a disciple? LINKS BELOW: ***HERE is the Clip Search feature on my website. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here  Click Here for the giant Women in Ministry research project Click Here for the study on Romans 9:25-10:9 I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
5/24/20241 hour, 19 minutes, 55 seconds
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The NEW lie from Benny Hinn. Here's the video evidence.

There were three videos where Benny made prophetic statements about peace in Israel in 2024. Two are currently still watchable on his channel, the third has been made private. Here are the links.1. "Momentous Prophecy Alert" 2. "Why Must Normalization Happen Prophetically Between Israel and Saudi Arabia?" 3. REMOVED VIDEO **In the video I accidentally said "December" when I should have said "September." At any rate, I have dates on the screen for when each video was posted online. This is his recent video denying he ever prophesied about this stuff and was just quoting other people's political commentary: Click Here To the vast majority of those listening in, Hinn appeared to prophesy that this peace would come and went on to ask people to send him money as a way of guaranteeing that they would get a bunch more money coming in when the prophesied "transfer of wealth" came in. To go on and deny that this was prophecy (and false prophecy at that) seems like a total deception on Benny's part. My website:
5/21/202422 minutes, 30 seconds
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Benny Hinn is doing it AGAIN (Charisma Media Interview)

Here's the backstory... I did this four hour video showing the evils of Benny Hinn's ministry: Click Here Those who know me know that I am slow to say stuff like this. I've NEVER made such a scathing critique of someone. Benny Hinn has been doing damage control and did a fake apology video with Charisma Magazine's Steven Strang here... • Benny Hinn Speaks Out Part 1- EXCLUSIVE and here... • Benny Hinn Speaks Out Part 2- EXCLUSIVE Charisma also wrote an article that seems to defend Hinn and portray me as making a career out of criticizing Hinn, as well as just using old footage of Hinn's past (both of which are not true). That's HERE. I have a lot of respect for my interviewer, John Matarazzo, for doing this interview when I imagine it could cause some waves for him. Disclaimer: I know I will be accused of being obsessed with Benny Hinn or of just having a vendetta. Someone who isn't paying attention could believe that pretty easily. They just make a few assumptions and ignore the details. In reality, this isn't about Benny Hinn. It's about his victims. Every day someone is hurt by Hinn or the myriad of pastors who are copying his manipulative ways. It harms the church and excuses the unbelief of skeptics. We should have collectively called him out decades ago. If my coverage of this bothers you then I understand. For the sake of the victims, this is worth addressing. Paul the Apostle would have kicked Hinn out a long time ago. My website:
5/18/202448 minutes, 41 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 14)

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. ***HERE is the clip search feature. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here.  Today's Time Stamps: 1. 0:01 {Jesus Supporting Violence?} Why does Jesus tell the disciples to buy swords? Is this Jesus supporting violence in self-defense?2. 22:23 {Overcome by Strong Delusion?} In 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, when the antichrist is revealed, God will send a strong delusion to those who refused to be saved. Will everyone who has heard the Gospel but not repented be overcome by it?3. 27:50 {What is “Coarse Joking”?} How do we know what coarse joking is (Ephesians 4:29, 5:20)? My teen's Christian friends often joke about being LGBTQ and getting high or drunk. Is this a freedom issue, or is this sinful? How should a teen respond?4. 34:48 {Led by the Spirit vs. our Own Feelings} My mom changed her name recently. She felt God was giving her a new name. She often feels led by the Spirit where I don't agree. Any advice for those times, and should I introduce her by new name?5. 42:53 {The Unrighteous Entering the Millennium?} In the Premillennial view, who are the unrighteous (not saved) that enter into the Millennium? During the sheep/goats judgment, it seems like all the goats get sent to their eternity in Hell.6. 45:46 {God Taking someone to Avoid Apostasy?} Is there any precedent for God taking home a believer before he might fall away? I Kings 14:13 says some good was found in Jeroboam’s son.7. 50:31 {Will We Remember “The Bad” in Eternity?} Can you go into detail as to what Isaiah 65:17 means by “not remembered” and the “nor come to mind” part? I was told it meant literal memory loss and that scares me. I want to remember even the bad.8. 55:01 {The Most Pressing Issue for Deconstructionists} What do you believe is the most pressing issue for deconstructionists?9. 1:02:51 {Advice for When We’re Exhausted} Do you have any advice for someone who is spiritually and physically exhausted (like Elijah in 1 Kings 19)?10. 1:11:40 {Standing Firm for Christ at Work} My work environment is very vulgar and toxic. It's "easier" for me to blend in and not honor Christ with my language and attitude. How can I have more confidence and not give in?BONUS Q! 1:14:55 {Is All Pain Bad?} My 8 year old, Ben wants to know: If there is no pain in Heaven, will there be hot sauce? Sounds funny, but makes you think. Click Here for the Sean McDowell teaching on hearing from God. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
5/18/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 25 seconds
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Benny Hinn is in full on damage control mode. Don’t believe him.

Quick update. So much is going on. Click Here for the recent "repentance" video. I think this is going to backfire badly for Hinn. People can see through this fairly easily.  
5/11/202417 minutes, 10 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 13)

Is going to the cemetery and talking to loved ones necromancy or otherwise off limits for a Christian? Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Today's Time Stamps: 1. 0:07 {Deceased Loved Ones & Necromancy?} Is going to the cemetery and talking to loved ones necromancy?2. 27:59 {Our Choices & God’s Sovereign Will} Do we have any true control over life entering the world, or is it only based on God's sovereignty? I think if it’s God's plan for me to have a child, I'll get pregnant even if on birth control. But my husband thinks we control conception through birth control. If Jeremiah 1:5 applies to all people, wouldn't that mean God's plan overrides our plan for procreation?3. 31:45 {Jesus’ Death: Physical but Not Spiritual?} If Jesus' humanity and divinity are inseparable, then how could He experience bodily death on the cross without His deity dying, as well?4. 36:33 {Do Christians Continue to Need Forgiveness?} 1 John 1:9 perplexes me. I am a Christian. In what sense does my daily confession apply "forgiveness" to me? What happens if I die with “unforgiven” sin?5. 41:19 {Why Doesn’t God Just Satisfy Skeptics’ Doubts?} How would you answer someone who says, “If there is a God, He knows what evidence I would need to believe and has not given it to me” and seems to genuinely mean it, not mocking/scoffing?6. 51:33 {Metaphorical, Spiritual, or Physical Resurrection?} Is Romans 8:11 referring to a metaphorical, spiritual, or physical resurrection later to come? I thought it was spiritual, but the term "mortal bodies" has me thinking differently.7. 57:43 {Too Much Theology & Doctrine?} My pastor says that theology is “just someone’s opinion” and that “we shouldn’t get hooked on theology and doctrine.” How would you respond?8. 1:03:05 {Did Peter & Other Disciples Quit?} Did Peter and the others "quit the ministry" when they went fishing in John 21:3? It seems that Peter had already seen the risen Christ 2 or 3 times before this event.9. 1:08:33 {Stewarding Friendships with Unbelievers} How do you navigate having worldly friends? At times I enjoy their company and the conversation is good, but at other times they are unbearable to be around, making crude jokes.10. 1:14:19 {God Conceals a Matter?} In Proverbs 25:2, in what sense is the author saying that God conceals a matter? It's clearly not an absolute (i.e., He does reveal things). Here's the clip I mentioned about how to handle grief over a loved one who is not saved: Click Here My series of videos going verse-by-verse through Romans: Click Here ***HERE is the clip search feature. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
5/3/20241 hour, 21 minutes, 14 seconds
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It's HARD to think of my loved ones in hell.

This is hard for me, too. I don't offer my answer with a calloused heart or without considering how difficult it really is. But, I hope that in my own limited attempt to offer help, you will find some wisdom and hopefulness. My answer will probably fall short, but I am really just saying "wait" because the full revelation of the glory and goodness of God will answer this for you in due time. My website:
4/30/20244 minutes, 52 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 12)

This is the supposed Bible contradiction that I couldn't explain. Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Today's Time Stamps:1. 0:07 {A Difficult Bible Contradiction} Can you please explain 1 Corinthians 14:22-24? Verse 22 states that tongues are a sign for unbelievers, and prophecy is for believers. But vv. 23 and 24 then go on to seemingly describe the exact opposite.2. 27:09 {John Rejects but Jesus Affirms?} How should we understand John's rejection of being Elijah and a prophet (John 1:21), while Jesus affirmed it (Matthew 11:14)?3. 34:42 {Debates on the Canon} What do we do with some of the earliest listed Bible canons and church fathers that exclude Esther and include Sirach and Wisdom of Solomon?4. 39:47 {Are Easier Translations Unwise?} I struggle reading word for word translations of the Bible like the ESV. I love the NLT for its simple vocabulary and how easy it is to understand. Is it unwise to use the NLT to memorize and study from?5. 41:56 {Proper Interpretation of a Common Passage} What are your thoughts on 1 Corinthians 6:19? I hear people use this Scripture to call anything they don’t like sin (tattoos, drugs, junk food, etc.). But it seems it’s mostly about sexual immorality.6. 52:36 {Are We Still Made in God’s Image?} Can you explain Genesis 5:1-3? Why is it different with the birth of Seth? Are we still God’s image bearers?7. 56:10 {Is “Déjà Vu” a Biblical Concept?} What are your thoughts on Deja Vu and are there any examples of it in the Bible? I've definitely had times where I had the feeling of being somewhere before when it was the first time being there.8. 1:01:02 {Are Eating Challenges Sinful?} Could you talk a little on what is and is not gluttony? Is it just eating more than you need to, or is there more involved (i.e., eating challenges)?9. 1:07:38 {When Competition turns Sinful} How do I know when my competitiveness is sinful? I coach baseball and want to ensure I'm providing the right model of competition for the players, while also still being as competitive as possible.10. 1:10:29 {“Apostasy” = “Departed”?} I've heard that the word translated "apostasy" in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 can also be translated as "departed," as in "the end will not come until the departing (rapture) comes first." Do you think this is true? 6 Different Christian Views of the End Times explained: Click Here How we got the Old Testament books: Click Here My full video on "Thinking Biblically About Tattoos": Click Here ***HERE is the Clip Search feature. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
4/26/20241 hour, 18 minutes, 30 seconds
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Most Quoted Verse for Anti Semitism and Why it Doesn't Work.

Racism and Christianity do not mix. I genuinely hope that those who try to support their antisemitism through quoting the Bible or claiming that it is Christian, will actually listen to this video and RESPOND to the specific Scripture verses that I brought up. If you ignore these verses then please don't pretend your views are Christian. The Gospel is for all people. My website:
4/24/20249 minutes, 26 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 11)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 1:32 {Discerning the Spirit’s Voice} Is the confirmation of the Holy Spirit distinguishable from an evil demon or psychological self-deception?2. 29:50 {Do We Give Off “Energy”?} Is “energy” in the esoteric form of the word biblical? I was recently told in a Christian forum that I was “giving off [blank] energy.” Is this biblical?3. 36:36 {Who will Sit on the Thrones?} In Matthew 19:28, Jesus states the 12 disciples will sit on 12/24 thrones in the regeneration. In Revelation 4:4, 24 elders are sitting on the thrones. Who are the other 12?4. 39:08 {Proof of Transubstantiation?} If Jesus identifies Himself as “the Word” and Ezekiel literally ate the Word of God (Ezekiel 3:1-3), is this a good case for Ezekiel being an analogy to the Catholic transubstantiation of the Eucharist being true?5. 47:28 {Tongues/Prophecy for Believers or Unbelievers?} Can you please explain 1 Corinthians 14:22-24? Verse 22 states that tongues are a sign for unbelievers, and prophecy is for believers. But vv. 23 and 24 then go on to, seemingly, describe the exact opposite. 6. 50:57 {God’s Name in Vain} What does it mean to not mention God's name in vain?7. 56:13 {The Spirit With, In & Upon Us} When David is anointed in 1 Samuel 16, the Bible says that “the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward.” How would this be similar or different from us receiving the Spirit now?8. 1:00:32 {Can a Pastor’s Wife be an Unbeliever?} Do the qualifications for pastors/elders in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 disqualify a man who has an unbelieving wife?9. 1:09:56 {About OT Quotes in the NT} How should we understand inerrancy for New Testament passages that appear to quote the Old Testament, but no clear reference can be found? (e.g., James 4:5, Matthew 2:23).10. 1:14:49 {Grieving our Loved Ones when Not Sure of Salvation} My mom just passed away and I am unsure of her salvation. I know she prayed with the hospital's chaplains. My kids ask if they will see her in Heaven. How do I talk to them about this? ***HERE is the clip search feature. Find any topic I've talked about by searching freely here. Why I don't think infant baptism is biblical: Click Here My video on Bethel and Bill Johnson's Bridge to the New Age (the book Physics of Heaven): Click Here Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
4/19/20241 hour, 30 minutes, 14 seconds
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Benny Hinn is trying to silence me. I won't back down.

Please help spread awareness. My original video with ALL the evidence (watch it while you can): Click Here. My website:
4/18/202419 minutes, 19 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 10)

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My big Benny Hinn video: Click Here 6 different Christian views of the end times: Click Here How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament playlist of videos: Click Here My website:
4/12/20241 hour, 19 minutes, 31 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 9)

Taking YOUR questions from the live chat. Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro1. 0:21 {Benny Hinn Update} What’s your update on the Benny Hinn situation? 2. 16:37 {Don’t Add or Take Away!} People often use Revelation 22:18-19 referring to the whole Bible. When I read it, I see it only referring to Revelation, since the New Testament wasn't formed yet. Could you provide some clarity?3. 21:18 {Different Methodologies for Missions} There's a lot of debate in missions right now about methodologies (i.e., church planting movements vs. more slow-paced approaches). How should we think through both sides biblically?4. 29:56 {Does Satan Have Power?} Is it a biblical idea that it's blasphemy to say that Satan has any power?5. 33:12 {Freedom from Addictions} How does one get set free from nicotine addiction when current medications do not work?6. 37:54 {Determinism vs. Luck} If we don’t believe that God determines/causes everything, do we believe in some form of luck? For example, when you hit all green lights on your way to work: “Man that was good luck!” Or when you stub your toe: “That was bad luck.” 7. 45:37 {Homosexuality vs. Other Sins} Why should we not ordain homosexuals in church although it’s a sin, when other people with less visible sins (hate, anger, etc.) are serving? What is the biblical view on this?8. 49:54 {Why was David’s Family Punished?} In 2 Samuel 12:10, why was the sword to never depart from David’s house if our sins aren’t supposed to carry over? Why was his family punished for his sin, and not just his son with Bathsheba but Ammon, etc.?9. 57:35 {The Father & Spirit in Heaven & Ezekiel’s Vision} Will we see both the Father and the Holy Spirit in Heaven? Also, can you explain Ezekiel’s vision of God and how it relates to Jesus and the Father?10. 1:03:12 {Does God still Speak through Dreams?} Does God still communicate through dreams? Is there any New Testament examples of God doing so, apart from Mary and Joseph?Bonus Prayer: 1:06:40 Could you pray for my youth leader? He collapsed one day and has been in the hospital ever since. He was supposed to be leading a youth camp I was going to. Asking for prayer for his healing. Thanks. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website: My video on the victims of Benny Hinn: Click Here Here's a video where Benny Hinn predicts the second coming of Jesus in 2048 and that the rapture will happen sometime before that: Click Here Why it is unbiblical to say that all sins are the same: Click Here
4/5/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 10 seconds
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I made an ERROR in today’s video on Benny Hinn.

I’m making this short because I can’t edit the original video and don’t know when or if I will be able to in the future.
4/1/202457 seconds
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The Victims of Benny Hinn: 30 Years of Spiritual Deception.

This video is dedicated to the victims of Benny Hinn. Benny Hinn is a very bad man. It's past time everyone knew it. Timestamps:0:00:00 Intro1. 0:07:31 Benny's Old Lies2. 0:46:28 Benny's Many False Prophecies3. 1:32:22 Benny's Fake Healings4. 2:31:46 Benny and Chris the "Man of God"5. 2:36:47 Benny Raising the Dead6. 2:48:27 How He "Slays in the Spirit"7. 3:05:47 Benny's Recent Repentance8. 3:21:31 Proof Benny Is Still Grifting9. 3:56:03 Benny's Resurgence and Current Influence10. 4:11:35 How Do We Stop Him? My notes HERE have tons of links which you may find useful. I can't promise that Benny Hinn won't delete many of the videos I used once this goes public. Todd White and his fake miracles (leg lengthening trick): Click Here Bill Johnson and Bethel Church's bridge to the New Age: Click Here I'm grateful for the people who have worked hard to expose Benny Hinn, especially Justin Peters @JustinPetersMin , Costi Hinn @forthegospelmin and Steven Kozar @StevenKozarMessedUpChurch My website: [Edit: I made an ERROR in this video. At 00:50:20 Hinn said “created in” and I thought he said “greater than.” Please note this mistake on my part. Hinn is still teaching heresy in that section, on other grounds. I would edit out that section of the video but I can’t because Jesus Image Church has filed a false copyright claim on my video and YouTube doesn’t allow editing of videos with copyright claims pending. I’m fighting the claim and hope it (or any future claims from Hinn) won’t result in issues for the viewers. Currently they just want to get money from ads on this video but it could quickly turn into them requesting the video be taken down.]
4/1/20244 hours, 19 minutes, 39 seconds
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Will This Make You Believe in Jesus? The Isaiah 53 Prophecy.

This was literally written hundreds of years before Jesus was crucified. CLICK HERE for my long video on this, where I not only explain in more detail but I answer a bunch of objections and challenges to the idea that Jesus really did fulfill this prophecy. I highly recommend you check it out and consider this evidence for the truth of Jesus. My website:
3/30/202411 minutes, 57 seconds
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Pro-gay theology: "Leviticus doesn't count."

If God judged nations for these things when those nations never had the Law of Moses, then we really can't set it aside because the account of it is found in the Old Testament. My website:
3/25/20244 minutes, 11 seconds
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What if this is Satanism in its final form?

Why make this video? Because I believe that this sort of teaching is going on in a lot more churches than many of us realize. Having the video out there may reach someone and deliver them from this movement. In addition, it helps to examine extreme examples of the most progressive teaching out there so that viewers can develop the ability to start recognizing that sort of teaching when it appears in more subtle forms. I don't make this video primarily for Jermell or his church, even though I hope it helps them. I have a much wider audience and impact in mind. Please do not harass Common Good Church or Jernell. If you must reach out to them (I am not trying to instigate a ton of people doing so), you need to have the wisdom, fortitude, and grace to do so as an ambassador of truth. LINKS: You can see the full, original video HERE (though I would not be surprised if they take it down) This is the video defending the doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement against slogans like what we hear from Jermell: Click Here Thank you to Woke Preacher Clips for exposing this kind of false teaching.  I'm Mike Winger and my goal is to help people learn to think biblically about everything. My website:
3/18/20241 hour, 1 minute, 34 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 8)

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Today I'll be discussing Andrew Tate and his wild claims about the Bible. The other 9 questions will come from the chat. Here's a link to a video with 9 minutes of footage showing Tate's issues.WARNING, this video has language and some inapropriate images. It's not for pop-consumption; It's evidence that some people need in order to avoid Tate's scams. Click Here to view. What is the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Click Here  Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:08 {Andrew Tate vs. Scripture} Who is Andrew Tate, and do his views line up with the Bible?2. 35:07 {About Saul’s Motives} Was Saul's hostility toward the Jewish Christians based on his biblical beliefs, or was he really on a mission to achieve status considering his age prior to conversion and extreme actions?3. 41:25 {Can a Christian become Reprobate?} Is it possible for a Christian to become a reprobate? If so, can it still be undone? I don't know why, but God seems out of reach.4. 47:42 {Blaspheming the Spirit vs. the Son/Father} Why is the unforgivable sin described as blaspheming the Holy Spirit, as opposed to blaspheming the Son or the Father?5. 51:45 {Fulfilled or Unfilled Prophecy?} Has Zechariah 9:1-8 already been fulfilled? If not, is it possible that it is in the process of being fulfilled today?6. 56:08 {Is Jesus Presently “King”?} Is it right to call Jesus "king" since He has not yet set up His Millennial Kingdom on Earth (Revelation 20:4-6)?7. 1:01:48 {Reaching a Pagan Friend} I've got a Pagan friend. He believes that all the different gods exist, including the Abrahamic God, and that the Norse Pantheon is most worthy of worship. Any advice on reaching him?8. 1:07:58 {Marital Relations during Menstruation?} Is it a sin to have marital relations during the menstrual cycle? In Leviticus 18:19, 24-25, it indicates that this is an abomination. But Leviticus 15:24 puts it in the category of ritual uncleanness.9. 1:18:25 {Human Sacrifice in the OT?} I'm curious about how to handle 2 Samuel 21. This sounds very close to a form of human sacrifice to honor God.10. 1:27:45 {Do All Incorrect Secondary Views Warrant Repentance?} You said egalitarians need to repent (I agree). But do we apply that same response to other secondary issues such as Calvinism? That's higher on the list of secondary issues compared to egalitarianism vs. complementarianism. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.My website:
3/15/20241 hour, 37 minutes, 25 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 7)

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 0:27 {About the Queen James Bible} What are your thoughts about the Queen James Bible, also known as the “Gay Bible”? Is this a blasphemous translation to be avoided, or did the QJV publishers have any linguistically valid reason to remove negative references to homosexuality from the Bible? Also, can the Holy Spirit still speak through heretical Bible translations?2. 26:36 {Should Christians Leave Ungodly Areas?} Does the Bible say Christians should relocate their family (especially with young kids), or stop having kids altogether if evil/injustice continues to grow in their community?3. 34:35 {Should We Only Help Others, Never Ourselves?} Is it a sin to help myself instead of others? I only know Scripture that tells me to give to others (Philippians). I'm often frustrated when I'm forced to help others when I need time myself.4. 38:10 {Why is Only a Single Creator Obvious?} What about creation makes a singular Creator obvious, as Paul suggests? What keeps us from concluding that multiple deities created the different aspects of the universe?5. 43:15 {What to Do if Your Pastor is Female} I've watched your Women in Ministry series and come to basically the same conclusions you have. However, I'm part of a church with a female lead pastor. How do I handle this?6. 47:25 {Paul’s Hands vs. Jesus’ Hands} “These hands” provided for Paul in Acts 20:34 NKJV & ESV. But “…of mine” (i.e., “these hands of mine”) is in some translations such as NIV & NET. Is Paul referring to Jesus’ hands or his OWN hands?7. 54:55 {Are Angels Purely Spiritual, Not Physical?} How can we know that angels are spiritual beings and not potentially physical beings? Some people say they're spiritual and do not have reproductive organs (since Jesus said they're not given in marriage).8. 58:12 {When Parents are Difficult} How does one biblically deal with an oppressive (but not abusive) parent? Lately they have been really stressed, anxious, and far from God. I’m not sure if they are truly a Christian.9. 1:00:53 {Navigating a Difficult Marital Situation} Am I dishonoring God if I initiate separation? I’ve been married for over 12 years, always rocky. I've begged for counseling, but my husband (professing believer) said he'd pick divorce first. He says he no longer loves me.10. 1:05:20 {Was Josiah Being Prideful?} In 2 Chronicles 35:20-27, should Josiah have realized that it was God speaking (some suggest he was prideful)? LINKS: THE FINAL VIDEO in the Women in Ministry series is right here. This serves as both a summary of all the Bible teaches on the topic as well as answering all the questions about application that people have been asking for. Here's a playlist with other content I have related to the topic of LGBT ideology and Bible interpretation. This is the video where I talk about the Nephilim and "Sons of God." Everything the Bible says about Divorce and Remarriage: Click Here. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything.My website:
3/8/20241 hour, 11 minutes, 40 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 6)

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro1. 4:41 {Has Anyone Seen God?} John 1:18 tells us, “No man has seen God at any time…” but in Genesis 32:30, Jacob says, “I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved.” Which is it? 2. 19:19 {Are we Equal with God in Heaven?} My wife had a question I did not know how to answer: If we are perfected at the end of time and perfect in God's presence, how are we not then equal with God? We realize that we will not be greater than God, but I am not sure how to explain this subject.3. 22:35 {Godly Womanhood/Biblical Femininity} How does godly womanhood differ from godly manhood outside of marriage? How do we define biblical femininity, especially for the unmarried woman? Does discipleship look different for women?4. 30:13 {The LXX More Reliable for Typology?} Is the Septuagint more reliable for finding Jesus in the Old Testament? S. Douglas Woodward & others say that messianic passages & timelines in the Masoretic Text were altered in 2nd century to keep Jews from converting to Christianity.5. 35:52 {Effectively Caring for the Homeless} How are we expected to help homeless people in our modern culture? Are we still expected to invite strangers into our very homes as they did in Bible times?6. 42:35 {Must We Have an Eschatological View?} Do you think it is important to have a view on eschatology? Can we just all agree that one day, if we believe in Jesus and what He did on the cross and abide in Him, that we will go to Heaven?7. 47:34 {When was the Old Covenant in Effect?} Hebrews 8:13 says that the Old Covenant is becoming obsolete and about to disappear. Does this mean the Old Covenant was still in effect at the time this book was written?8. 54:03 {Should Unequally Yoked Believers Bear Children?} I'm married to an unbeliever. I regret it and I worry that I’ve jeopardized my son's salvation! Would it be better not to have any more children in my “ungodly” marriage even though we'd like to have more?9. 1:01:02 {Jesus Leaves & Advocate Comes – Modalism?} Why is the Advocate unable to come unless Jesus leaves (John 16:7)? Why does this not imply Modalism?10. 1:05:41 {Believing in God but Not the Bible} How do I bring the Gospel to someone who believes there is a God, but rejects the Bible? My mom doesn’t believe God gave us the Bible and thinks that Christianity is man-made. 1:13:26 BONUS Q! What's your favorite video game? LINKS: Who is the Angel of the LORD in the Old Testament? Click Here THE FINAL VIDEO in the Women in Ministry series is right here. This serves as both a summary of all the Bible teaches on the topic as well as answering all the questions about application that people have been asking for.  What the book of Acts teaches about Gentiles and Jews observing the Law: Click Here Evidence for the Bible (playlist): Click Here How Psalm 22 is prophecy of Jesus (with objections answered): Click Here Natasha Crain’s excellent content helping parents raise Christian kids: Click Here I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
3/1/20241 hour, 17 minutes, 10 seconds
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Everything Women Can and Can't Do According to the Bible: Women in Ministry part 13

Timestamps0:00:00 Intro0:02:16 Why I refused to talk about this for years0:06:38 What are Egalitarian, Complementarian, and Patriarchal?0:15:00 I have over 40 hours of teaching on this debate0:16:57 What you can expect today0:18:46 What surprised me the most about this research project0:22:33 The growing tide of egalitarianism0:26:05 Egalitarians are right but still wrong0:26:55 Comps and Pats are wrong but still right0:28:07 This is a secondary/family issue but it’s worth arguing over0:30:03 We bypass the Bible0:33:49 Three things you need to believe when you study this issue0:34:49 THE THREE PILLARS: Solid truths that should not be debated0:35:26 Pillar #1: Male headship and female submission in marriage0:47:26 Pillar #2: Elders positions and functions are for men only1:01:03 Pillar #3: Women’s status as image bearers and sons of God is inviolable1:26:00 The 3 pillars summarized1:27:24 The big question: How far should we draw out the application beyond marriage and eldership?1:35:49 My interpretive methodology of “rules and examples” explained1:40:12 An example of a good wife rebelling against her husband.1:44:15 Quick summary of the impact of letting biblical examples help us apply gender rules.1:47:12 Women in government: Deborah breaks the strongest patriarchal view.1:52:37 Are women in government some lofty ideal?1:53:32 Women bosses/employers.1:56:56 Queens had some authority that men were told to yield to.1:58:39 Should men have a resistant attitude toward women in positions of authority?1:59:20 Should women vote?2:01:28 The Bible is not limiting all women from all authority over all men2:01:59 Women being “homemakers”2:11:08 Am I saying there is no application outside marriage and church?2:12:09 Scripture refutes modern gender values.2:15:23 We should embrace these gender stereotypes.2:19:17 Negative stereotypes to reject.2:21:20 What do we do in our society that kicks against God’s design?2:23:18 What would I say to a young woman who is looking at family and career options?2:23:53 SUMMARY of how to apply biblical principles in society, outside of ministry and marriage2:29:09 What detailed guidelines do we have for women in ministry?2:29:44 what is an elder/pastor?2:37:50 What’s wrong with using “pastor” for people who aren’t biblical elders?2:43:32 What is a deacon? 2:53:22 The two simple principles guiding us regarding women in ministry.2:55:01 Can women be church ushers?2:56:23 What about serving in tech and media ministry?2:56:47 What about being a children’s ministry teacher?2:57:13 What about food ministry?2:57:22 What about unofficial teaching moments?2:59:15 What about women evangelizing men?3:00:28 What about “stage evangelism” like Greg Laurie?3:01:46 What about women theologians?3:06:08 What about being in seminary classes?3:07:53 A woman theologian who writes a book on theology that men read?3:12:19 Running a podcast or YouTube channel?3:17:00 Women’s ministries and weak women3:18:07 Women prophesying in mixed gathering?3:22:17 Doing church announcements?3:22:47 Leading in prayer congregationally?3:23:48 Any ministry that isn’t to adult men?3:24:43 When does a boy become a man?3:30:03 Being a leader and teacher in youth ministry?3:32:16 Women teaching men and women outside of the church setting?3:37:09 Teaching in church apart from the Sunday pulpit?3:41:00 Teaching in church from the Sunday morning pulpit?3:48:01 Women worship leaders?3:51:41 Leading ministries to children with men under their authority?3:53
3/1/20244 hours, 21 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ricky Gervais Strikes Again

What Ricky Gervais is saying here is simultaneously impressive and rather empty. One must recognize that Christianity doesn't claim to be discoverable through repeated experiments. Nor are the truth claims of Christianity dependent on their discoverability through the same means that gravity is discovered. Saying we wouldn't rediscover Christianity through natural sciences is about as impressive as saying we wouldn't discover that chocolate tastes good through geological research. So what? God can be discovered through creation but the details about the Gospel and the death and resurrection of Christ are only made public through direct revelation. Interestingly, we happen to live in a world where exactly that has happened. My website:
2/27/20246 minutes, 52 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 5)

Welcome to the new weekly stream! 10 questions every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 1:32 {Did Jesus Leave the 99 in Danger?} Regarding Matthew 18:12, does Jesus know the 99 are safe when He leaves to find the 1? I’m trying to understand how this is responsible. Should we not do things for the greater good, but for the 1?2. 14:53 {Are We Living in Satan’s Deception?} Have you heard of the theory that we're already living in Satan's short season of deception from Revelation 20:3-8? Some of the ideas are intriguing, but most also claim extra conspiracy baggage, e.g., the "mud flood" and much more.3. 24:45 {Markan Sandwich in James?} Could James 1:13-18, 1:19-27 & 2:1-13 be similar to a Markan sandwich? If so, would it be correct that the focused interpretation of the 2 breads should be “Do not accuse God” of: 1. Tempting us to sin, 2. Not creating people equally? Can you explain the meat relative to the bread?4. 35:53 {Does Satan Know his End?} Does Satan know he is going to lose? People say, “Satan just wants to take as many people down with him as he can.” Does he/can he know Scripture?5. 43:29 {Strategic Evangelism to Strangers} How do you initiate sharing the Gospel with a stranger? Is it best to be direct (e.g., “Can I share the Gospel with you?”), or would you recommend a more gradual approach?6. 47:30 {Different Views on Communion} Have you considered differing views on communion? I’ve just recently learned there are more than just the typical Baptist, Lutheran, and Catholic views. Some believe in Real Presence in spirit, not corporeal.7. 50:30 {Does Acts 13 Prove Calvinism?} I'd like to hear your thoughts about Acts 13:48. It seems to contradict the idea that God wants everyone to be saved and that everyone has the same opportunity/free will to believe in Him.8. 58:15 Many Scriptures sound as if the Father and Jesus have different authority. Does the Father have a higher authority than Jesus (John 14:28, 1 Corinthians 11:3, Matthew 28:18, Mathew 10:40, Matthew 20:23)?9. 1:05:25 {Living Productively & Overcoming Bad Habits} My apartment is a mess, I wake up late, I eat junk food, I'm too lazy to read the Bible and I feel like I know a lot about God, but I don't feel like His daughter. How can I turn my life around?10. 1:11:55 {Mark vs. Matthew – Contradiction?} Can you explain what some say is contradictory between Mark 9:38-41 (not against us = for us) & Matthew 12:30 (not with me = against me) & how that applies to NAR/false teachers who profess Jesus? Links and resources: Flat Earth video  5 Different Christian Views of the End Times The Mark series for Gospel tracts My 6 hour video on the head covering passage in 1 Cor. 11 I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think biblically about everything. My website:
2/23/20241 hour, 21 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why does God let Satan cause so much harm?

Do you think there are other biblical ideas to consider about this? Please share them in the comments so you can help others think biblically. My website:
2/20/20244 minutes, 15 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 4)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 0:38 {Is God Abusive?} Does a Christian’s relationship with God mirror what an abusive relationship would look like in other scenarios?2. 18:34 {Are Healings being Hindered Today?} What does James 5:13-15 look like today? Are we missing something today that is hindering more healings from the Holy Spirit?3. 25:28 {Is Charity Meaningless Apart from the Church?} A pastor I listen to says that any community service/charity work that is not done through the Church or a Christian organization is meaningless to God. What are your thoughts on this?4. 32:02 {Does Sin Separate Believers from God?} I often hear that sin "breaks fellowship" or causes "relational unforgiveness" (to quote, but is there Scripture to show that sin can, in any way, separate a Christian from God (Hebrews 10:19)?5. 37:48 {Are We Called to Love AND “Like” Others?} Do I have to like a brother in Christ? I know I should love my neighbor and not hate anyone, but there are some personalities I don't like. Is that sinful?6. 42:00 {Who Will be Told by Jesus to “Depart”?} How is it that some people can cast out demons in Jesus’ name but then be told, “Depart from me for I never knew you”? How do I avoid that fate?7. 44:29 {Removing Shoes on Holy Ground?} What is the significance of people taking their shoes off in the presence of God in the Old Testament?8. 46:43 {Overcoming the Pressure of Comparison} How do I stop comparing myself to others? As a college student, I’m surrounded by a highly competitive environment and I find myself comparing my grades and career to others. How do I overcome this?9. 51:27 {Jews vs. Christians – Same God?} Do current Jews and Christians worship the same God? They claim to worship the God of Moses and the saints, but reject part of God.10. 55:50 {Solomon: Salvation & “The Book of His Acts”?} My question is, was Solomon saved? Did he repent after what he did? what is the Book of the Acts of Solomon (1 Kings 11:41)?11. 1:02:47 (Just for fun!) BONUS Q: In LOTR Return of the King, it is mentioned that 3 days are needed to gather more forces. Before Aragorn leaves. However, only 1 day seems to pass. How do you reconcile this? THIS is the video I mentioned which goes into detail on promises about getting what we pray for in faith.  Quick announcement: I've got bad news and good news. The bad news is that I'll only be doing 10 questions each Q&A instead of 20. The good news is that I'll be doing the Q&As every Friday instead of every other Friday. While I have the first question ready to go, I take the other 9 from the live chat. Just show up in time for the stream to begin and, once you see me live on camera, post your question in the chat. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think Biblically about everything. My website:
2/17/20241 hour, 6 minutes
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Jesus' Parable of the Wineskins

What are your thoughts on this parable?Do you think I've understood it correctly? My website:
2/13/20245 minutes, 40 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 3)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 0:03 {What if God Has No Free Will?} Does God lack free will Himself, since He cannot act outside of or contrary to His nature? If so, doesn’t that make His actions questionable?2. 20:31 {How Did John have Materials to Write?} Were papyrus and writing supplies expensive? How did John, banished to the Island of Patmos, have all the necessary items to write down his Revelation?3. 23:22 {Should we Infer Doctrine from Scripture?} Is it wrong to base doctrine on inference? Is it ever legitimate? E.g., the context of Hebrews 12:1 says nothing about saints watching us from Heaven, but some say it’s implied by the word “witnesses.”4. 31:43 {Where is the 2nd Coming in Scripture?} Where does it say in the Bible that the Messiah will have a second coming? Does Jesus tell His disciples that He won’t be fulfilling all of the Old Testament prophecies just yet?5. 36:29 {Did Jesus Always Have Power to Heal?} Regarding when Luke 5:17 says, “The power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal,” did Jesus not always have this power, or does Luke emphasize it here because of what happens next? What’s your take on this?6. 42:01 {Do Our Prayers Affect Others’ Salvation?} Do our prayers for the unsaved actually increase their chances of being saved, vs. if they didn’t have anyone praying for them?7. 48:52 {Our Sinful Flesh vs. Spiritual Warfare} How can I discern the difference between demonic influence and my flesh when it comes to sinful struggles?8. 52:52 {Which Scripture is God-Breathed?} In 2 Timothy 3:16, when it says “All Scripture is God-breathed…” what would the author have meant by “Scripture”? Because as far as I know, books like Jude and Revelation hadn’t been written yet.9. 55:00 {About Asexuality} Is asexuality real? I know believers who say they’re asexual (not sexually attracted to anyone). I think this may be true of me, but could it just be God guarding my heart from lust over the years?10. 1:01:25 {Physical Appearances of Jesus Today?} Does Mark 13:21-23 refute present-day claims of Jesus physically appearing to people, or is this a misapplication of the text? Why you should stop saying "I’m spiritual but not religious" - Click Here Quick announcement: I've got bad news and good news. The bad news is that I'll only be doing 10 questions each Q&A. The good news is that I'll be doing the Q&As every Friday instead of every other Friday. I’m Mike Winger and my goal is to help people think Biblically about everything.My website:
2/9/20241 hour, 9 minutes, 30 seconds
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What Prosperity Preachers Hide From You

We do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. My website:
2/7/202413 minutes, 8 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 115)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:05 {Does Exodus Condone Abortion?} Does exodus 21:22 really condone abortion? I've seen multiple commentaries and translations, and it does really seem like abortion is accepted as the baby's life appears to be less valuable.2. 10:58 {How Long to Date Before Marriage} Is being in a long-term dating relationship wise? And how long should you wait for someone to make the decision to marry you or not?3. 14:32 {Why Did God Create Drugs?} Why would God create psychedelics, since they lead so many astray?4. 20:39 {“Too Much Bible”?!} How would you respond to the phrase “Too little Spirit, too much Bible”? I’d love to know how to respond.5. 25:03 {Can I Marry a Divorced Person?} My fiancée came to the Lord after our relationship started and I recently found out that she has been divorced twice. Has she been forgiven, or should we call off the marriage?6. 30:17 {Why Did God Give the Law First?} Why did God, knowing everything, give the Law first and not go straight to grace with Jesus?7. 35:50 {Can Christians File Restraining Orders?} Does 1 Corinthians 6 apply to restraining orders? A boy in a Christian household was harassing my sister, and my parents were told it was wrong of them for filing a restraining order.8. 42:34 {Eternal Forgiveness vs. Accountability?} Why does the Bible say we will give an account for every idle word if we will be forgiven?9. 48:45 {The Father’s Spirit or Spirit of Christ?} In Matthew 10:20 the Spirit is the Father's Spirit, but elsewhere it says the Spirit is that of Christ. How does this work with the Oneness vs. Trinitarian views?10. 52:22 {Personal Relationship = Biblical?} Does the Bible actually talk about having a personal relationship with Jesus? Links: Jesus in the Old Testament series Jesus in the 5 sacrifices of Leviticus How Passover pictures Christ Divorce and Remarriage according to the Bible The biblical call of a husband  The biblical call of a wife Some of my abortion related videos in a playlist My video responding to Catholic claims about purgatory My website:
2/2/202459 minutes, 21 seconds
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2nd Most Powerful Argument Against God

The idea is that God, as the Christian describes Him, cannot exist, since a loving God would reveal Himself to the non-resistant non-believer and He does not. Therefore, such a loving God must not exist. I think this is a truly challenging argument, not only because it tackles what feels like a very real world issue (I admit) but because arguing against it can quickly put you into the position where you are no longer arguing so much about philosophy or logic but where you are pigeon-holed into a situation where people will think you are personally attacking individuals. In other words, when I say that humans are accountable to know that God exists, this argument can quickly turn things into the social foul of saying that people have bad motives or are otherwise insincere. What starts as a philosophical view of the apparentness of God's existence turns into a bullying situation where the Christian is painted as personally attacking others. I reject that framing but I realize that many will continue to see things in that perspective, sadly. This is a short video and it doesn't get into all the issues related to "Divine Hiddenness." It only covers a couple aspects of it. Other arguments should be made about how apparent God's existence is and to address other issues. I hoped to simply do some work that would build a bit of a bridge past the sense of personal offense many feel on this issue and open them up to another way of seeing things. Are you wondering what I would consider the STRONGEST argument against God? Well, in terms of persuasiveness, it would be the Problem of Evil.I have a video on that right here. My website:
1/31/20245 minutes, 48 seconds
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10 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 114)

"Satan's Guide to the Bible" is a popular video pretending to represent scholarship in general while only promoting selective skeptical talking points. I'll tackle that as the first question today. The rest come from you, in the comments section during the live stream. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 0:18 {Satan&rsquo;s Guide to The Bible?} There is a dangerous video gaining popularity, called "Satan's Guide to The Bible," that illustrates a pretend children's Sunday school class learning from Satan as their substitute teacher. He claims that pastors keep secrets from their congregants, but that he will reveal those secrets and tell them the truth. Can you please analyze this video and refute its false claims about the Bible?2. 38:34 {Was Evolution Used by God?} Genesis 1:24 sounds like God created animals through evolution (at God&rsquo;s command) &ndash; &ldquo;The Earth brings forth&hellip;&rdquo; V. 11 also uses the same language. Interestingly, it&rsquo;s not used with water, birds, animals &amp; man. Thoughts on why this may be?3. 42:56 {Israel &ndash; Male &amp; Female?} What is the explanation for God referring to Israel as male (Hosea 14:5-6) and as female (Jeremiah 3:6)? Is it context related, or is there another explanation?4. 45:42 {Bethlehem &amp; The Messiah} Did people not know that Jesus was born in Bethlehem (John 7:41-43 NIV)? I feel like that would have cleared up some of their issues with Him being the Messiah!5. 47:38 {Does Deuteronomy Prohibit Witnessing to Cults?} Does Deuteronomy 12:30 prohibit current Christians from learning about other worldviews/religions/cults in order to evangelize them and utilize appropriate apologetics techniques?6. 50:14 {Why Did God Appoint Unfaithful Leaders?} Why did God choose bad kings if He knows every heart? Saul, Solomon, Jeroboam, Hazael, and Jehu all turned away, but were directly chosen by Him. Why not choose kings He knew would stay faithful?7. 55:00 {The Divine Council Theory} I heard you once say you didn't agree with Michael Heiser's views on the Divine Council. What part of it do you not agree with?8. 59:25 {Speaking in Tongues} When did &ldquo;speaking in tongues&rdquo; change from being real human languages that the speaker didn&rsquo;t naturally know to being a non-human/Spirit language?9. 1:05:24 {Biblically, how is &ldquo;Neighbor&rdquo; Defined?} Is there a biblical definition for the term &ldquo;neighbor&rdquo;? I've always thought it was a term used to describe a non-believer who shows love to a Christian (or means them no harm).10. 1:08:28 {Interpreting the Book of Acts} How do we interpret the book of Acts? Is it a reasonable interpretation that it&rsquo;s merely a transitional period and that we have to be careful how much doctrine we take from it? Resources:Two different Christian takes on the Exodus:1. Early dating - Titus Kennedy2. Late dating - Inspiring Philosophy On the dating of the book of Daniel: CLICK HERE Did Jesus say the end would happen soon? CLICK HERE Evidence for the empty tomb: CLICK HERE Tom Holland&rsquo;s book &ldquo;Dominion&rdquo; about Christian values undergirding modern values: <a href=";redir_token=QUFFLUhqazhMOHQ1a1Nyb3FkS2pZenVycFRlRFhmUnRZQXxBQ3Jtc0tsZEdUT1VjdU5Qa1EwRzZjT0d0MW9wRU1OaFFpV1ktSVdUNDV4aUVlMnB6cE9kRk5TbnBuc3AzZmZSemE2MWJod0hwZEpKYWc5dVZTNzYyeUR1MFZzbFMweU1veHN1OHlVRG1IQUtXWmtVMXh0Nkctdw&amp;
1/26/20241 hour, 14 minutes, 30 seconds
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Is Coffee Sinful? Maybe

This question was such a good reminder for me. I appreciate it. I'm Mike Winger and my goal is to help people learn to think biblically about everything. My website:
1/21/20245 minutes, 2 seconds
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My pushback against the Christian Poverty Movement.

I really hope that those who have freely chosen to be part of communal living or to sell all they have will pay close attention to the actual verses of Scripture I use here and how consistently the Bible makes it clear that this command is not for all believers. I've made several different points which each seem quite powerful in proving that this movement has misapplied some verses and missed the meaning of others. You can freely do so, but to tell everyone that they are obligated to do so is not only demonstrably unbiblical, it comes with a lot of heartache and can cause whole communities of Christians to become a burden on their neighbors. My website:
1/15/202410 minutes, 55 seconds
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Joel Osteen WRONG About Speaking Things Into Existence

Joel Osteen uses the Bible wrong over 90% of the time in this teaching...Click Here My website:&nbsp;
1/9/20246 minutes, 38 seconds
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My prediction about the rapture.

Brace yourselves... We'll soon have a whole new round of end times panic on our hands. CLICK HERE for a sobering examination of 6 different views of the end times and strengths and weaknesses of them. My website:
1/1/20243 minutes, 56 seconds
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20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 113)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 0:04 {Which Denomination is True?} Why are there over 30,000 Christian denominations all claiming to be the &ldquo;true Christians&rdquo;? Which one should I follow, and why?2. 25:17 {Was Jesus Only Condemning the Religious?} I often hear people saying that Jesus was speaking to and condemning the religious only, not speaking to the world. How would you respond to this sentiment?3. 28:41 {Punished for Adam&rsquo;s Sin?} Are we guilty of the sin of Adam and Eve? If so, isn&rsquo;t it unjust for God hold us accountable for something we had no part of (Ezekiel 18, Romans 5:12)?4. 31:46 {Worship Only Services?} When it comes to a church service, would it be appropriate on occasion to just have worship instead of both worship and the Word preached? Should it always be both?5. 34:16 {Three Dippings during Baptism?} What are your thoughts on &ldquo;Trine Immersion&rdquo; during baptism, specifically three dippings? Is it justified in Matthew 28:19?6. 37:02 {Repentant but Still Rejected} I was rejected by my church because of my behavior, PTSD &amp; my mouth. They didn&rsquo;t excommunicate me but stopped talking to me/started ignoring me. I&rsquo;ve repented, apologized, and begged but they still ignore me. It has left me feeling flawed &amp; unloved. What would Scripture tell me about my situation?7. 40:22 {Is God Deterministic?} If Jesus in the Old Testament was intentional by God, does that mean that God is sometimes deterministic? For example, did God orchestrate Joseph&rsquo;s life?8. 42:22 {How to &ldquo;Build Up&rdquo; One Another} What does &ldquo;building others up&rdquo; with your words really mean? Does it mean that you should compliment people and just say nice things to them? Does it mean more, or something entirely different?9. 44:16 {Why Ask for Forgiveness?} If we are saved by faith alone, why are there so many prayers asking that our sins be forgiven, when by faith we know that they have been? Thank You10. 45:09 {Should We Limit our Fun?} I read my Bible every day and pray, but I feel guilty when I engage in a hobby or have &ldquo;fun.&rdquo; Is there a limit to the amount of fun one can have in a day?11. 45:42 {Jesus Just an Ordinary Prophet?} Why did Jesus refer to Himself as a prophet in Luke 13:33 and not the Son of God? Wouldn't that be putting Himself on the same level as regular prophets when He was in fact elevated?12. 48:51 {Life on Other Planets = Abiogenesis?} If basic organisms are discovered on other planets, would that prove abiogenesis and prove evolution?13. 54:17 {Should we &ldquo;Sin Boldly&rdquo;?} Martin Luther has a quote that says &ldquo;sin boldly.&rdquo; I&rsquo;ve heard he meant don&rsquo;t be afraid of sinning and do so boldly knowing it has been paid for, but I feel that this is dangerous. Your thoughts?14. 56:42 {Mortal &amp; Venial Sins?} 1 John 5:16-17 seems to support the Roman Catholic understanding of mortal and venial sins. Is that the proper interpretation of this verse, and if not, how should we understand sin and the death it causes?15. 1:00:39 {Why Follow Any of the OT?} What would you say to the objection that &ldquo;if we don't follow the old covenant anymore, why should we care about Leviticus 18&rdquo;?16. 1:05:32 {How to Rejoice and Weep With Others} Since both good and bad things happen in the body of Christ daily, how can we accurately practice Romans 12:15?17. 1:08:22 {Has the HS Been Left Out?} Why is the Holy Spirit not mentioned in the greetings of Paul, and why He is left out in such statements like 1 Corinthians 8:6?18. 1:12:13 {The Granville Sharp&rsquo;s Rule} How reliable is the Granville Sharp's rule? Is it implemented outside of New Testament writings?19. 1:13:37 {The &ldquo;Secret Sauce&rdquo; to Fasting} Please help me with how to fast. I am praying for a friend&rsquo;s salvation and protection from
12/30/20231 hour, 27 minutes, 4 seconds
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Famous people being wrong about Christmas being Pagan

Someone should do a research paper about how gullible people are when it comes to believing that things are Pagan in origin. Hey, I used to think so too. I swallowed this stuff quite easily and didn't realize until years later that I had pointlessly criticized things I didn't understand. My website:
12/21/20233 minutes, 46 seconds
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"We Three Kings": the BAD and the GREAT

We three kings of orient areBearing gifts we traverse afarField and fountainMoor and mountainFollowing yonder star O star of wonder, star of nightStar with royal beauty brightWestward leading, still proceedingGuide us to thy perfect light Born a King on Bethlehem's plainGold I bring to crown Him againKing for ever, ceasing neverOver us all to reign Frankincense to offer have IIncense owns a Deity nighPrayer and praisingAll men raisingWorship Him, God most high Myrrh is mine It's bitter perfumebreathes a life of gathering gloomSorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dyingSealed in the stone cold tomb Glorious now behold Him ariseKing and God and SacrificeAl-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-iaHeaven to earth replies My website:
12/21/202311 minutes, 27 seconds
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20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 112)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 1:08 {Did God Command Sin?} In Genesis 22:2, God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering. How can God ask men to do something that is sinful, and how could Abraham obey God&rsquo;s direction to sin?2. 19:11 {Proof of Virginity Required?} In Deuteronomy 22:13-21, why were the women to be stoned to death if they didn&rsquo;t present proof of virginity? Was it the same for the men?3. 25:30 {Keep All but 1 Commandment?} Why do Christians try to keep all 10 commandments except the 4th one? I hope this doesn't sound rude.4. 37:36 {Does God Have Blood?} Does God have blood? If not, isn&rsquo;t that Nestorian?5. 39:22 {How to Put Faith in Christ} As an atheist who would like to believe in God, goes to church, and has read the Gospel, what steps do I take to believe?6. 45:16 {Is it Logical to Believe the Bible?} How can Christians believe in a literal Adam and Eve account or a literal worldwide flood?7. 51:32 {Did Jesus Doubt?} Is it true to say that Jesus doubted? How would you respond to someone that claims that He did (in Gethsemane), implying it's OK to doubt?8. 55:12 {Why Doesn&rsquo;t God Immediately Help/Heal?} Why would I "surrender" myself to someone who could help me (be well, not be in pain, heal me) and is with me at all times, but doesn't help me?9. 58:43 {Why is Belief Necessary for Forgiveness?} Why does God require belief for forgiveness? Why can&rsquo;t God simply forgive our sins since Jesus died for all and not attach belief to that?10. 1:03:23 {Why does God Heal Some Cancer but Not All?} I have a neighbor who can't get past this question: &ldquo;My dad had cancer and died. You [me] had it and lived. Why does God think that's fair?&rdquo;11. 1:08:18 {Rejecting the Message due to Credentials} Any advice for lay people doing public ministry that get attacked by non-believers on the basis of their credentials? I feel I am capable of interpretation and ministry despite never having been to seminary.12. 1:12:03 {Does the Devil Know Our Thoughts?} Can the Devil interpret what a non-believer may be thinking or what's on their mind? Can he understand what a person is thinking?13. 1:14:57 {Prophecies Written Afterwards?} How can you prove that parts of the Bible weren't written after the events took place, like prophecies or historical accounts of God's providence?14. 1:17:35 {Proof of God&rsquo;s Existence} What proof apart from science is there that there&rsquo;s a God?15. 1:22:01 {Couldn&rsquo;t the Bible be More Clear?} Do you honestly think the Bible couldn't have been more clear about important moral issues where the church has been very wrong (treatment of gays, etc.)? What does that say about authorship?16. 1:27:39 {How to Know Christianity is the Truth} I am so afraid. There is so many views about God. How can I be sure I am following the correct ways? I claim to be a Christian but there are too many different views.17. 1:33:01 {The Problem of Evil} Why is there so much suffering if God is good? If He is almighty, why doesn&rsquo;t He stop all the bad things?18. 1:38:38 {Faith/Trust Defined} Define faith/trust. If someone intellectually knows that God exists but doesn't know how to trust in Him, how would you counsel them?19. 1:41:28 {Didn&rsquo;t the Israelites Have Meat to Eat?} If the Israelites had flocks and herds, why did they complain that they had no meat? They didn't have the Law of Moses yet on what not to eat.20. 1:42:36 {Would God Pass the Test?} Ricky Gervais says that if all scientific knowledge and religion were erased, science would be eventually re-discovered, but not God. Thoughts?Videos I mentioned: Evidence for the Bible series <a href="
12/15/20231 hour, 51 minutes
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Does "Mary Did You Know?" Glorify Mary?

Mary, did you know that your baby boyWould one day walk on water?Mary, did you know that your baby boyWould save our sons and daughters?Did you know that your baby boyHas come to make you new?This child that you delivered, will soon deliver you Mary, did you know that your baby boyWill give sight to a blind man?Mary, did you know that your baby boyWill calm the storm with his hand?Did you know that your baby boyHas walked where angels trod?When you kiss your little babyYou kiss the face of God The blind will see, the deaf will hearThe dead will live againThe lame will leap, the dumb will speakThe praises of the Lamb Mary, did you know that your baby boyIs Lord of all creation?Mary, did you know that your baby boyWould one day rule the nations?Did you know that your baby boyIs heaven's perfect Lamb?That sleeping child you're holding is the great, I Am I make content to help people learn to think biblically about everything.My free website: This video and the others in this set of Christmas Song Explanations were recorded and uploaded as one single video a couple years back. I am just cutting them into individual videos now since it will make them much easier to find and use.
12/14/20236 minutes, 15 seconds
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How O Holy Night is anti-slavery. Do you know how good this song is?

O Holy night! The stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior's birthLong lay the world in sin and error pining'Til He appears and the soul felt its worthA thrill of hope the weary world rejoicesFor yonder breaks a new and glorious mornFall on your knees; O hear the Angel voices!O night divine, O night when Christ was bornO night, O Holy night, O night divine! Led by the light of Faith serenely beamingWith glowing hearts by His cradle we standSo led by light of a star sweetly gleamingHere come the Wise Men from Orient landThe King of kings lay thus in lowly mangerIn all our trials born to be our friendHe knows our need, to our weakness is no strangerBehold your King; before Him lowly bendBehold your King; before Him lowly bend Truly He taught us to love one another;His law is love and His Gospel is PeaceChains shall He break, for the slave is our brotherAnd in His name, all oppression shall ceaseSweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise weLet all within us Praise His Holy nameChrist is the Lord; O praise His name forever!His power and glory evermore proclaimHis power and glory evermore proclaim I'm Mike Winger and my goal is to help people learn to think biblically about everything. My website:
12/12/20239 minutes, 11 seconds
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Prophecy Update on The War in Israel

I'm not saying we can't look at current events through the lens of biblical prophecy. We absolutely can. I am saying that we need to curb our excitement by making sure that our interpretations of Scripture are accurate and our application of those interpretations to current events is both clearly indicated from Scripture and not malleable to fit any time period we happen to be living in. It would also go a long way for prophecy people to admit when their views are conjecture. My website:
12/8/20236 minutes, 23 seconds
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My complex thoughts on "tricking" kids about Santa

Complaints can be sent to me at Perhaps you have heard that Christmas is Pagan... yeah, that's not factual. While many Pagans delight themselves in the idea that Christians have coopted Christmas from them, it simply isn't the case. CLICK HERE for a video on that and the more genuine concern that Christmas is in danger of secularization and materialism.&nbsp; Also, Christmas trees aren't Pagan either. And that is not what Jeremiah 10 is about. HERE'S A VIDEO showing that people who say Christmas trees are expressly forbidden in the Bible have misunderstood Jeremiah 10.&nbsp;
12/7/20238 minutes, 32 seconds
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20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 111)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:36 {A Misogynistic Bible Verse?} In Ecclesiastes 7:27-29, my fianc&eacute;e who is new to Bible reading and study wondered why this verse sounded misogynistic. Do you have any ideas?2. 22:42 {Reaching Atheist Children} I'm a new Christian from Islam. My son &amp; daughter are like Richard Dawkins (atheist). What do you think would be the best way to give them the Gospel, short but clear?3. 26:34 {Was Jesus&rsquo; Death Truly Sacrificial?} What is the biblical nature of sacrifice? An atheist asked me how Christ's death &amp; resurrection is truly a sacrifice if God is infinite. How do I best explain Jesus' sacrifice?4. 34:52 {Faith in Christ = Guaranteed Protection?} Matthew 6:25-34 seems to promise earthly protection. How do we contrast this with the "nakedness and starvation" that Paul and other Christians went through (especially under persecution)?5. 40:23 {Is &ldquo;Allah&rdquo; an Idol?} How do I explain to a "Palestinian Christian" that Allah is an idol and isn't God? My coworker claims to follow Jesus and doesn&rsquo;t follow Mohammed but insists it is OK to call God &ldquo;Allah&rdquo; in her language.6. 43:34 {Are Pseudonyms Sinful?} Do you think it is sinful to use pseudonyms online to protect your personal identity? Could this be considered intentional deception? As Christians, to what extent do we have a right to privacy?7. 45:59 {Uphold the Constitution vs. Obey Government?} In general, Christians should not rebel against the government without biblical reason, but as one in the military, should I keep my oath to defend the Constitution if the government violates it?8. 48:30 {Is it OK to Tour Other Religions&rsquo; Places?} Where do you see the Bible speak to touring temples of other faiths for the goal of building long-term relationships and sharing the Gospel while also guarding against demonic influence or causing people to stumble?9. 54:39 {Scapegoat = Satan?} How can we be certain that the &ldquo;scapegoat&rdquo; isn't Satan in Leviticus 16 and Revelation 20?10. 1:00:03 {Are You Casting Pearls Before Swine?} When should we apply Matthew 7:6? I ask because for Christmas, I want to give a spiritually themed gift to my unbelieving sister, who has crudely rejected the Bible and God multiple times. Should I even bother?11. 1:04:39 {How to Honor your Parents} How can I honor my parents while not agreeing with their lifestyle or theology? What does it mean to honor your parents biblically as a young adult, and when/where do you draw the line?12. 1:07:56 {Responding to &ldquo;Oneness&rdquo; Teachings} How would you respond to a Oneness believer who denies the distinct Personhood of the Father, Son, and Spirit, even after showing them clear verses that distinguish the Father from the Son, etc.?13. 1:09:57 {Why is Jesus Called the &ldquo;Son&rdquo;?} Why is the title of Jesus &ldquo;Son&rdquo;? Why isn't the Holy Spirit called the Son of God?14. 1:11:30 {Honoring God &amp; Each Other in Marital Intimacy} Does a wife have to do everything her husband wishes in the bedroom? I feel so uncomfortable doing oral acts, but he says it&rsquo;s the only thing that satisfies him. I feel guilty. We both are believers.15. 1:14:47 {Did Jesus Tell a Lie?} Did Jesus actually lie in John 7:6-11?16. 1:18:49 {Is God a Biased Hypocrite?} Aren't we saved when we do our best to live Godly lives? Otherwise, God is a biased hypocrite who plays favoritism. We're to be perfect as He is! Other logic is a fallacy, thus false teaching.17. 1:22:11 {Christian Science} Would you ever be interested in doing a video on Christian Science and the teachings of Mary Baker Eddy? 18. 1:23:12 {Which Proverbs are Commands?} How can we know which proverbs (if any) are direct, unilateral commands of God (example: Proverbs 23:13-14)?19. 1:29:44 {They&rsquo;re Not Worried about Eternity!} What adv
12/1/20231 hour, 43 minutes
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ALL The Debates Over 1 Tim 2:11-15: Women in Ministry part 12 (it took me a year to make this)

Time Stamp Map: 12:59 What this passage appears to be saying.23:32 How egalitarians see the passage.33:00 Was this just Paul's personal opinion?1:02:50 The word "permit" shows this doesn't apply to us.1:21:25 Paul has no jurisdiction over us.1:32:07 This is about wives not women.1:46:30 What does "quietly" mean?2:05:30 Does the cult of Artemis change everything?3:36:44 Is "have authority" a wrong translation?8:03:15 The "Bunch of Female False Teachers" view.9:14:32 Why does Paul appeal to Adam and Eve?9:20:44 Are women more easily deceived than men?9:44:00 What does "saved through childbearing" mean?10:56:30 The "Elders Don't Have Authority Anyways" view.11:04:18 Final conclusions. 1 Timothy 2: 11-15 is THE most hotly debated passage in the Bible today, at least in regard to Women in Ministry and possibly in regards to scholarship in general. It APPEARS to clearly limit women's roles in church ministry but... Some say this passage shows that women can't be elders.Others claim it means they can't even be college teachers or politicians.Others say it's just combating ancient hyper-feminism.Others say it's been mistranslated, perhaps by misogynists. Others claim it is really just fighting against the ancient cult of Artemis.Some say it's just about wives and has no application into church ministry.Others say Paul's ruling here has no jurisdiction over us today.Others say it's just Paul's personal opinion and not an apostolic ruling at all.Still others claim a number of other things about this passage, most often seeking to find a newer way to understand it so that it won't limit the roles of women in ministry. Today I'm going to go through ALL the debates and demonstrate the sad failure of egalitarian scholarship to reinterpret this passage, as well as provide some proper corrections for many in the patriarchalist camp. Helpful links... CLICK HERE for the entire Women in Ministry playlist CLICK HERE for my FREE notes for this video, which include countless links and references to sources I quote throughout this teaching CLICK HERE for our brand NEW (and free) scholarly paper from Gary Manning on the use of Authentew in papyrus BGU 1208 CLICK HERE for my year long study through the book of Romans, verse-by-verse CLICK HERE for my full study on divorce and remarriage according to the Bible My website:
11/22/202311 hours, 24 minutes, 46 seconds
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20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 110)

I'm Mike Winger and I think we've underestimated how amazing the Bible is. Every other Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific Time we do these live Q&amp;As. Check back a bit after the stream for time stamps. To ask a question in a future session, just wait until after the stream has actually begun, type your question in the chat, and start it with a "Q" to help us identify it as a question.&nbsp; I may have already answered your question. You can check the "Clip Search" feature HERE on my website to see if I have. Click HERE for my verse-by-verse study through the entire Gospel of Mark. Click HERE for my verse-by-verse study through the whole book of Romans. THIS is the book I recommended related to LGBT issues.
11/18/20231 hour, 36 minutes, 55 seconds
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Praying to Mary

Mary is blessed among women! Yet, I do not think she would appreciate all the exaltation people have tried to give her. This humble, faithful, blessed woman would likely redirect people to the Lord Jesus. My website:
11/15/20236 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dealing with TROLLS who manipulate you with the Bible

Jesus did not always answer people on their own terms. It's understandable that we won't always do that either. It's not an issue of being unprepared or unwilling to share truth, but an issue of wisdom. My website:
11/10/20235 minutes, 29 seconds
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20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 109)

A rare Tuesday stream! I'm Mike Winger and I think we've underestimated how amazing the Bible is. Every other Friday at 1:00 p.m. Pacific Time we do these live Q&amp;As. To ask a question during a future stream, just wait until after the stream has actually begun, type your question into the chat (on YouTube), and start it with a "Q" to help us identify it as a question. I may have already answered your question. You can check the "Clip Search" feature HERE on my website to see if I have.&nbsp; Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 1:12 {Different Wills among the Godhead?} In the Trinity, do the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all have three separate wills?2. 22:15 {Conflict in Israel &ndash; Eschatological Significance?} Is the war going on in Israel right now part of a biblical prophecy? 3. 30:28 {One Governor or 12?} In 1 Kings 4:7-19, there are twelve governors for Israel listed. I&rsquo;m confused by verse 19b: &ldquo;There was one governor...&rdquo; What&rsquo;s your take on this? 12 or 1?4. 36:22 {Do Some Sins Indicate a Lack of Salvation?} Verses like Matthew 6:14 make me feel like there are sins so bad that if you commit them (like unforgiveness), you&rsquo;re 100% not a Christian. I feel like I have to maintain my own salvation.5. 41:04 {Would the Spirit Ever Leave Us?} Can you please explain what it meant in 1 Samuel when the Spirit left Saul?6. 44:16 {The Vatican &amp; Revelation} Does Revelation 7:9 apply to Vatican City despite its size and hosting unbiblical stuff?7. 48:42 {Is Marital Intimacy Only for Procreation?} Can a biblical case be made for the purpose of sex within marriage being for procreation AND intimacy/pleasure and not just for procreation? Is sex without the possibility of procreation evil?8. 55:11 {Christians Made Whole &ldquo;Again&rdquo;?} How do you feel about songs that state, &ldquo;You make me whole again&rdquo;? It&rsquo;s my understating that before faith in Christ we aren&rsquo;t whole, saved, or forgiven. Thoughts?9. 58:38 {Teaching Convictions as Truth} How should we deal with a pastor who is unwilling to receive correction on anything against his own convictions? It wouldn&rsquo;t be as big of an issue, but he preaches his ideas as truth (i.e., no alcohol).10. 1:03:57 {Counting our Trials as Joy} How are we to &ldquo;count it all joy&rdquo; when we face trials and temptations, as James chapter 1 says?11. 1:09:58 {Wisdom = &ldquo;She&rdquo;?} Can you help me understand why in Proverbs 2 the Bible refers to wisdom as &ldquo;she&rdquo;? How do we argue this with those who try to speak about multiple gods, or LGBTQ+ people saying He is neither gender?12. 1:13:45 {Refuting Modalism} What is the best way to dismantle Modalism in a loving way to someone?13. 1:17:05 {The Commander of the Lord&rsquo;s Army} In Joshua 5:13, who is the commander of the Lord&rsquo;s army? Is this another Christophany? And why do we read so little about him if he helped Joshua in his ventures?14. 1:20:53 {Are the Mentally Disabled Saved?} What happens to autistic people or mentally disabled people? Do they go to Heaven?15. 1:22:54 {Am I Saved if I Have An Addiction?} How do I know If I actually have a saving faith, especially considering that I&rsquo;m addicted to pornography, and am having a hard time asking for someone to help me stop. Thanks.16. 1:29:46 {Congregational Votes &ndash; Sometimes Sinful?} Is it against the Bible to have your congregation vote on whether or not to have women as elders?17. 1:31:48 {Indwelling, Infilling &amp; Assurance} Do you have the Holy Spirit if you haven't been baptized with Him? I don't feel/believe like I do. I can't hear His voice. 18. 1:34:51 {The Day of The Lord &amp; His Second Coming} How do the ideas of "The Day of The Lord" in the Old Testament
10/17/20231 hour, 48 minutes, 50 seconds
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Youth pastor told her that her dad would NOT remember her in heaven.

While I don't know of any Scripture that clearly says we will not forget our lives before Heaven (and "not be brought to remembrance" doesn't mean "literally can't remember"), I do find that a number of verses as well as the logic of heavenly worship seem to imply we will remember.
10/4/20235 minutes, 40 seconds
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20 Questions with Mike Winger (Episode 108)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:15 {When Should I NOT Take Communion?} When should a believer NOT take communion? Is finding myself repenting of the same sin over and over and having an ongoing struggle with the same sin a reason not to? 18:56 {Can A False Prophet Glorify God?} My parents sit under a pastor who claims to have a prophecy from God almost weekly. He preaches in Jesus&rsquo; name and glorifies God, but his prophecies are always totally wrong or incredibly vague. Can a man who glorifies God also prophesy falsely? 24:09 {Christ &amp; H.S. In Us = Modalism?} At the end of Colossians, it talks about Christ in us, and in Galatians, it talks about the Spirit of His son in our hearts crying out &ldquo;Abba, Father.&rdquo; That sounds like the Holy Spirit, but is it Modalism to call Christ in you the Holy Spirit? 27:57 {Animal Sacrifices in Millen. Kingdom?} Why will there be animal sacrifices in the Millennial Kingdom? 35:25 {Should Slaves have Run Away from Masters?} In light of Ephesians 6:5-8 and Colossians 3:22-23, was it wrong for African slaves to run away from their masters? 42:48 {Do Our Prayers Need to be Specific?} People have been saying with increasing frequency, "Make your prayers specific.&rdquo; I&rsquo;m wondering why I keep hearing this lately. Is this biblical? 46:40 {Did Jesus Have a Sin Nature?} Was Jesus the biological son of Mary? If so, how did He not inherit a sin nature? 50:49 {Does Heaven Last for Eternity?} Do we live in Heaven for eternity, or will it be a finite time period (Isaiah 65:20)? 54:50 {Share Our Burdens?} Galatians 6:2 says to carry each other&rsquo;s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ, but verse 5 says that each person should carry their own load. Should we share our burdens or carry our own? 59:13 {Reject the Church = Reject Christianity?} If I reject the Church as an institution, do I automatically reject the Christian faith? 1:02:00 {Committed Relationships as Good as Marriage?} How would you answer claims that &ldquo;committed sexual relationships&rdquo; have everything good that a marriage has? What&rsquo;s the essence of marriage that withstands infertility/impotence/distance, etc.? 1:06:09 {Recovering from Works Based Thinking} I left the Hebrew Israelite movement 3 years ago, and since then, I&rsquo;ve been struggling with my walk. I know we have God&rsquo;s grace, but I was so used to doing works that I feel lost now. Any suggestions? 1:11:05 {Laws, Islam &amp; Executing Apostates} Looking at Deuteronomy 13:6-10, is the apostasy law similar to Muslims? And is it inherently immoral for an apostate to be put to death because of their beliefs, according to the Old Testament? 1:16:48 {Was Jesus&rsquo; Body Broken For Us?} What are your thoughts on when people say &ldquo;This is the body of Christ, broken for you.&rdquo; To me, this is not accurate, as Jesus was not &ldquo;broken&rdquo; for us (no bones broken like the Passover lamb). 1:18:54 {Are Non-Believers Always Wrong? { Some Christians act like non-believers are inherently untrustworthy or dishonest, like they shouldn't be taken seriously. This feels really wrong. Can you please help me find biblical teaching on this? 1:23:01 {Our Bodies during the Millennial Reign} What kind of body will each "group" of people have during the Millennial Reign? I know the previously dead will receive knew bodies, and those that die in God during the Tribulation will get new bodies. 1:24:17 {The &ldquo;Prize&rdquo; in Philippians} What is the prize of the upward call" in Philippians 3:14? 1:27:56 {Raising Children w/Unbelieving Family} Is it wrong that I don&rsquo;t want to raise my son around my unbelieving family members? They can even be hostile to the faith. I even have a transgender niece
9/29/20231 hour, 40 minutes, 15 seconds
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About those objections to Hell…

Some of the confusion and problems that people have with the idea of Hell can be helped with these 8 facts. My website:
9/28/202315 minutes, 58 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 107)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:55 {Greater Works than Jesus?} In John 14:12, Jesus said we would do even greater things than Him. That&rsquo;s a tough pill to swallow since He died for our sins and created everything. How do I process Jesus&rsquo; statement?2. 23:42 {Did God Endorse Polygamy in the OT?} In 2 Samuel 12:8, God says that He gave David his wives (multiple), and if he had asked for more, God would&rsquo;ve given him more. This sounds to be directly saying that God would be endorsing polygamy. How should we as Christians feel about one man having multiple wives according to the Bible, specifically this passage?3. 30:21 {Is Only OT Scripture &ldquo;God-Breathed?&rdquo;} In 2 Timothy 3:16, was Paul speaking of ONLY OT Scriptures, since that&rsquo;s all they had at the time? What about the inspiration of the NT?4. 37:13 {Relearning Proper Theology} One of your videos gave my fianc&eacute; a change of heart. He is a former Jehovah&rsquo;s Witness and feels like he has to start over and unlearn then relearn everything. Where do you suggest we start studying?5. 43:57 {Is the Hypostatic Union Illogical?} How can Christ truly be God and man at the same time, infringing upon the laws of logic? If it&rsquo;s true, I know I can't understand it fully, but I do expect to be able to demonstrate how it isn't illogical.6. 48:54 {Is it Wrong to Teach Kids About Santa?} What do you tell your kids about Santa? Is there a chance that kids who find out Santa isn't real might think the same about Jesus? Would you spoil Santa for children that aren't yours?7. 57:18 {Should We Avoid Semi-Pelagianism?} I'm a Calvinist, and recently I have been noticing Semi-Pelagian theology in Arminian churches. Can you distinguish between the two and explain why we should avoid Semi-Pelagianism?8. 1:06:19 {Can We Give God Too Much Credit?} Is it OK to give credit to God for something He might not have done (like a salary raise, new job, or other material or worldly things)?9. 1:09:52 {New Command or Old Command?} Why does 1 John 2:7 say that he is not writing a new command, but in the next verse (1 John 2:8) he says that he is writing a new command? What's going on here?10. 1:14:10 {Hasn&rsquo;t Jesus Always Been Lord?} Peter said in Acts 2:36 that God has "made Jesus both Lord and Christ." He was already Lord and Christ, so what does this mean? Same with Jesus being &ldquo;given all authority&rdquo; in Matthew 28:18.11. 1:24:33 {Were Christ&rsquo;s Sufferings Lacking Something?} In Colossians 1:24, what is lacking in Christ&rsquo;s sufferings, and how is Paul contributing to them?12. 1:30:12 {Is God Constantly Speaking to Us?} My friend doesn't want to have too small of a view of God, so he sees every small event in his life as God speaking to him, even trivial things. Am I being too stingy, or is he "over-spiritualizing"?13. 1:36:08 {Examples of Serving God Daily} I&rsquo;m wondering what discipling others, sharing the Gospel, and service to God looks like in your life day-to-day? Anything you&rsquo;ve learned over the years?14. 1:39:38 {How Do We Find Joy in Our Trials?} In James 1, how do we count our trials as joy?15. 1:45:24 {Does the Devil Persecute Believers?} Is God giving the Devil permission to persecute the lives of certain Christians today, like in the book of Job?16. 1:47:02 {Does Praising Jesus Exclude the Father &amp; Spirit?} I've been struggling with phrases or lyrics such as "All glory be to Christ" and "All Heaven sings to Christ alone.&rdquo; Do these incorrectly exclude the Father and Holy Spirit?17. 1:49:28 {Exploring the Different Words for God&rsquo;s Law} Every verse in Psalm 119 refers to God's Law, and ten different words are used, including: commandments, precepts, law, testimonies, ways, etc. Why? Does each word have a different meaning?18. 1:51:58 {How to Prepare Large Study Projects} How do yo
9/15/20232 hours, 12 minutes, 15 seconds
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How many wives can I have in heaven?

My hope for any LDS person watching this video is that you would discover the unadulterated truth of Jesus Christ without the distortions of Joseph Smith. I do anticipate some Mormons claiming that they do not believe that people can become gods, in spite of much evidence to the contrary. Consider looking at the following scholarly paper which not only shows that they do teach such a thing but exposes some PR attempts to hide the fact: CLICK HERE My website:&nbsp;
9/5/20235 minutes, 8 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 106)

Today's Timestamps: 0:12 {ARRGH! The Pirate Bible!} Have you heard of The Pirate Bible? Apparently, it has been translated from the KJV into "pirate vernacular" using AI. It seems like a joke to me, but what are your thoughts? 14:28 {Does Video Auto-Play Lead to Sin?} Is it a sin to use a social media service that often displays ungodly messages and music? Short-form video services such as TikTok display videos directly on your feed rather than suggesting them to you. I will still often see ungodly videos even though I don't want to. 19:01 {Is Jesus Presently King?} Is Jesus presently on the throne or at the right hand of the throne? Is He King today? In what sense is He King? Proof text? How does the answer impact premillennial eschatology? 23:23 {Uncontacted Tribes &amp; Judgment} I was wondering, what will happen to the uncontacted tribes during the time of Jacob&rsquo;s trouble, and without the ability to hear the Gospel, what does judgment look like for them? 29:31 {Are Violent Video Games Permissible?} What are your thoughts on Christians playing violent video games like Call of Duty or Doom? At what point does it become a question of conscience vs. it just being wrong? 38:39 {Have a Pure Mind &ndash; Battling Lust} I came to Christ around 9 months ago, but I&rsquo;ve been really struggling with getting closer God. I&rsquo;m 15 and I have problems with lust. How can I stop always falling back into sin through lusting? 45:19 {Does Catholicism Save?} If at the end of days, the Protestant belief is proven true, would Catholics be saved? Conversely, if Catholicism turns out to be the truth, would Protestants be saved? 53:53 {Is Long Life a Blessing?} Proverbs 16:31 says that long life is the reward of the righteous. But in Philippians 1:23, Paul says he longs to go and be with Christ, which would be far better. So how is long life a blessing? 59:00 {About the 2nd Temple&rsquo;s Construction} Given that Ezekiel's temple prophecy with its strict measurements was written before the second temple was built, why didn't the second temple get built to those specifications? 1:01:38 {Do Christians Still Sin?} How should I understand 1 John 3 when it talks about those who abide in Christ no longer sinning, even as someone who continues to sin? 1:10:31 {Leviticus &ndash; Burnt Offerings} In Leviticus 1:9, why were only the legs and entrails washed before burning? Cultural? 1:15:24 {Are Crop-Tops Appropriate?} Most of the older girls and young women at our church are wearing crop tops to church. I find this obviously inappropriate for church and in general, but I don't want to be legalistic. Thoughts? 1:21:10 {Are All Medications Tied to Witchcraft?} Galatians 5:20 uses &ldquo;witchcraft.&rdquo; The word is only used 2 times in the Bible, with the origin word being where we get pharmacy/medicine. Can you clarify? I grew up learning this was literal and still applies. 1:26:20 {Honoring God through Singleness} How can I enjoy my singleness? I'm a young adult woman and I want to be in a relationship one day, but I want to be content where I am now. How can I grow closer to God during this time? 1:30:14 {Forgiving Others} Jesus said forgive others so that God will forgive us, but Paul says we forgive BECAUSE God has forgiven us. How do you reconcile those statements? 1:34:45 {Deliverance &amp; the &ldquo;Spirit of Jezebel&rdquo;} How do we lovingly correct someone who believes the deliverance ministry doctrine (people saying they have a &ldquo;spirit of Jezebel&rdquo; that needs to be prayed away)? 1:36:50 {About the Filioque} Can you flesh out the Filioque and its implications for the Western church? 1:38:56 {Attending Catholic Ceremonies?} Can Christians go to Catholic weddings, funerals, and baptisms? 1:44:36
9/1/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 45 seconds
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Why I say Mormon isn't Christian, though I wish it was.

I wish I could say that Mormonism was a genuine branch of Christianity. Sadly, it is not. And to affirm that it is would be cruel to people and disrespectful to God. Here's the playlist of videos I have that go over Latter-Day Saint (Mormon) content in a lot of detail, including addressing the false claims of Joseph Smith: &bull; Pastor Mike Winger - Mormonism Playlist My website:
8/23/20238 minutes, 49 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 105)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro1. 0:43 {Faith = Just a Family Tradition?} My husband believes that faith comes about by family tradition, and that someone's faith is just an expression of what their family has taught them rather than actual faith in God. What does the bible say about this?2. 20:34 {Wealth &amp; Poverty in Heaven} If we all get different wealth in Heaven based on our deeds on Earth, won&rsquo;t that create a situation where some people are poor and some are rich? And what happens once we spend it all?3. 25:28 {Was Paul Married? Widowed?} Acts 26:9-10: "...cast my vote" has implications that Paul was in the Sanhedrin (also residing over Stephen's trial in 8:1), which would have required him to be married (even though that requirement wasn't recorded until later; I'm guessing it was still implemented). Could Paul have been married? Perhaps widowed?4. 30:04 {Did Saul Know who David Was?} Why at the end of 1 Samuel 16 did the author emphasize David's service to and recognition by Saul, but in 1 Samuel 17, Saul didn't seem to even know who David was (no one seemed to know him for that matter)?5. 35:40 {Is Doubting OK?} I love Mark 9:24 - &ldquo;I believe, help my unbelief.&rdquo; But how do we understand that along with James 1:6-8 which says to ask in faith with no doubting, as the one who doubts will not receive anything from the Lord? 6. 41:10 {Should We Pray to Mary?} How can I respond with Scripture to a Catholic friend who says, &ldquo;Mary is the mother of Jesus, so why wouldn&rsquo;t you seek help from her? Jesus wouldn&rsquo;t like you disrespecting His mom in any way&rdquo;? 7. 48:25 {Are Our Souls Truly Immortal?} I was raised in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, and they say that the belief in an immortal/immaterial soul is Pagan in origin and has no basis in the Bible. Is this true?8. 52:30 {The Fruit of False Prophets} In Matthew 7:15-20, what are the fruits of the false prophets? The teaching? The followers? The acts? Or something else?9. 57:36 {Leading with Proper Wisdom} In light of 1 Corinthians 3:18, how can I lead others spiritually with wisdom without considering myself to be wise?10. 1:01:35 {Will God Give Up on Repetitive Sinners?} I suffer from same-sex attraction. I fight it, but sometimes I give in. Will God give up on me at some point if I give in?11. 1:07:35 {Premarital Cohabitation Without Sex?} Is it OK for me and my long-distance girlfriend to stay in an Air BnB for a couple of months if we do not fall into sexual sin, but are not married?12. 1:10:31 {Must Christians Attend Church?} Do you have to attend church to be a Christian?13. 1:14:18 {When Other Faiths Pray for Us} When people of other religions pray for us and we see these prayers answered, how do we reconcile that with Christianity? Does that mean all faiths are good?14. 1:18:32 {Why did Jesus Die if Humans Still Die?} If the payment for sin is death, and both believers and non-believers will die anyways, then why did Jesus have to die for us? Was it for a chance at us entering Heaven?15. 1:21:53 {Did Augustine Consider the Apocrypha Canon?} How would you respond to those who point out that Augustine considered the Apocrypha as canon? 16. 1:24:40 {Satan&rsquo;s Fall in Luke 10} Could you shed some light on what Jesus meant in Luke 10:18? Is Jesus talking about Satan's initial fall here, and what purpose does it serve in the passage?17. 1:28:58 {OCD-Like Prayers} Any thoughts on struggles with OCD-like prayers? Ex: feeling the need to pray for protection over family members every day in fear that something bad will happen to them if I don&rsquo;t.18. 1:33:55 {God Didn&rsquo;t Reveal Himself?} What do you tell an atheist who says he looked for God and God didn't reveal Himself to him? And in general, what do you make of the argument of nonresistant non-believers?19. 1:40:16 {How to Hea
8/18/20231 hour, 49 minutes, 15 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 104)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:38 {Avoiding the Appearance of Evil?} You recently said, "Scripture says: avoid the appearance of evil." I was wondering, if 1 Thessalonians 5:22 is the verse you were thinking of, isn't that Scripture referring to staying away from partaking in evil, not abstaining from things that look like you're partaking in evil to others? 17:49 {About Jesus&rsquo; DNA} What was Jesus' DNA? Was Jesus' DNA 100% from God, or did He have Mary's human DNA? Perhaps it's the same DNA as Adam, since Jesus is the 2nd Adam? 23:25 {Angels Ascending &amp; Descending?} What did Jesus mean in John 1:51? Was it a specific word for Nathanael, or does it apply to everyone? Would really love some clarity. 30:58 {Brotherly Support vs. Enabling Legalism} How do we balance being careful not to stumble a fellow believer, while also not catering to someone's legalism? 37:24 {Polygamy in Scripture?} Polygamy? Exodus 21:10&ndash;11 says if he takes to himself another woman, he may not reduce her food, her clothing, or her conjugal rights. Clearly, God is speaking of multiple wives. Your thoughts? 44:11 {Negative Words = Neg. Consequences?} In WOF (Word of Faith) circles, 2 Kings 4:8-37 is an example of why you shouldn&rsquo;t speak or pray negatively about your situation. What is the actual idea of this passage? 53:41 {Envy vs. Jealousy?} Is there a difference between envy and jealousy? Can you describe what the difference is biblically? 56:09 {Did Joseph Fail to &ldquo;Test the Spirits&rdquo;?} 1 John 4 says to &ldquo;test the spirits.&rdquo; But Mary's husband, Joseph, didn't appear to do this when he had the dream to flee to Egypt. How should we understand or interpret this? 1:00:20 {Must we &ldquo;Wait for God&rdquo; before Salvation?} Can you get saved whenever? My church teaches that God must first &ldquo;knock on your heart&rdquo; before you can respond and accept salvation. This leads to some people wanting to be saved, but waiting. 1:05:51 {Clarifying a Difficult Passage} A local UMC pastor preached on Matthew 18:21-35. She said scholars say that Matthew added verses 34-35 and that the master does not represent God. I've never heard this take and it sounds concerning. Any insight? 1:09:12 {Why Didn&rsquo;t Jesus Baptize?} Why didn&rsquo;t Jesus water baptize anyone Himself (John 4:2)? 1:13:20 {Do Not Evangelize to Some People?} Are there situations or groups of people for whom we shouldn't share the Gospel? Acts 16:6-7 seems to say so, but I'd love to hear your insight on the topic and your interpretation of this passage. 1:17:21 {Godly Headship Carried Out} What does a husband being the head of the wife actually mean he does? I don't find any actionable steps or clear examples in the Bible. Does he boss her around or just be a good man? 1:22:20 {Do We Each Have a &ldquo;Calling&rdquo;?} How do we know how we (individually) are meant to serve the Lord? 1:25:32 {Thoughts on Genesis 1/Creation} I've recently seen Inspiring Philosophy's video on Genesis 1. He says that it's most likely mirroring the near East tradition of assigning purpose rather than actual creation. Thoughts? 1:34:09 {Song of Solomon = Christ &amp; Church?} I am currently studying Song of Solomon, and I was wondering, do you believe that it represents Christ and the Church? I have an issue with that, as the book describes a sexual relationship. 1:37:30 {Can Same-Sex Attractions Change?} I'm a Christian, converted this year. I've felt the Holy Spirit inspire me to live a better life in many ways. But I still struggle with one thing. I'm gay and I struggle to see how my attraction could change. 1:40:35 {DND, Harry Potter, etc.} The Bible is clear about its stance on sorcery and witchcraft. My husband and I play DND and some people were having an issue with this a
7/22/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 25 seconds
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When your pastor uses The Passion Translation.

If you want to know more about The Passion Translation, you can find it in these links: CLICK HERE for an overview of issues for those who want the "big picture." CLICK HERE for my full playlist of interviews with top scholars that I hired to do reviews of The Passion Translation. These guys are all experienced in working on major Bible translations. They reviewed TPT and helped us take a look "under the hood." I'm Mike Winger and it's my goal to help people learn to think biblically about everything. My website:
7/20/20234 minutes, 4 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 103)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:53 {The Sin of Sodom} What Was the Sin of Sodom &amp; Gomorrah? 30:37 {Proper Posture for Prayer} Does God really care about our physical position while we pray or praise and worship? Does He care whether we are standing, sitting, bowing, etc.? 33:31 {Why isn&rsquo;t Dan Listed?} In Revelation 7, 12 x 1200 are listed from 11 of the 12 tribes. Dan isn't listed. What's up with that? 39:11 {How to View Mythical &ldquo;gods&rdquo;} How should we view mythical gods? Were they real? They had to come from somewhere to get the idea, right? 41:44 {Casting Out = Abolishing?} How do you reconcile Galatians 4:28-31 with Jesus saying He didn&rsquo;t come to abolish the Law? Casting them out kind of seems like abolishing. 45:11 {How to Explain Perceived Miracles} How can I respond with Scripture to my Catholic friend who says, &ldquo;I&rsquo;ve seen Mary &amp; saints do miracles when my dad was in the ICU. That&rsquo;s why it&rsquo;s hard to leave the catholic religion: I&rsquo;ve seen It&rdquo;? 47:22 {Created More Obedient?} If God knew humans would rebel in the garden, and that humanity is so prone to rebellion, why didn't He create us more suitable to be obedient to Him? Was His plan to always to perfect us in Christ? 53:23 {Is a Lack of Structure &amp; Liturgy Problematic?} What do you think about tradition and church liturgy? Is it not a problem that contemporary churches lack beauty and tradition in their doctrine? 58:32 {Will the Gospel Reach All Nations Soon?} It seems that Jesus, in Matthew 24:14, indicates that His return will come once the Gospel is preached to all nations. Can we assume this will happen sooner rather than much later? 1:02:29 {Jesus = Michael the Archangel?} Is Michael the Archangel Jesus? I once heard a pastor give praises and prayers to Michael on the pulpit, and when I asked him about it, he referenced a few Scriptures but I&rsquo;m just not fully convinced. 1:06:41 {About Behemoth &amp; Leviathan} Can you shed some clarity on what exactly is behemoth and leviathan in the Old Testament? 1:08:24 {Jesus Indwelt by the Spirit?} Was Jesus indwelt by the Holy Spirit, or was it His own divine nature that sustained Him while on Earth in His human form? 1:11:45 {Healing: By Faith or By God?} In Luke 8:43-48, Jesus says, &ldquo;Your faith has made you well.&rdquo; He didn&rsquo;t say God did it, but her faith. How is this different than the Law of Attraction as told by New Agers? 1:17:25 {Hellfire &amp; Brimstone Preaching} What are your thoughts on the "Hellfire and Brimstone" style of preaching? Is there any truth in it? 1:22:19 {Is Debt Inherently Sinful?} I have a question on debt. Do you see debt as sinful, or is it something that can become sinful if abused, like alcohol consumption? Any clear biblical lines on the issue? 1:25:39 {When Believers Disagree} Can you give me any advice on living in unity with other brothers and sisters in Christ? I always try to keep secondary issues secondary, but I&rsquo;ve heard &ldquo;Well, your secondary issues are someone else&rsquo;s primary issues.&rdquo; 1:29:53 {Using &ldquo;Preferred Pronouns&rdquo;?} I am a manager for a large retailer, and I have recently had two employees request that I address them by their non-binary pronouns. Do you have any thoughts on how I should proceed? 1:34:36 {The Doctrine of Inspiration} What evidence and encouragement can you offer a believer who is struggling to trust the doctrine of inspiration? I know that it&rsquo;s true, but I struggle with doubt. 1:38:03 {Teaching PSA to Our Youth} My ex is Muslim. He taught our kids that God&rsquo;s forgiveness is enough and there is no need for God to die for our sins. Do you have any ideas on how to discuss Penal Substitution with a 9 yr. old? 1:41:14 {A
7/8/20231 hour, 45 minutes, 57 seconds
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Is This a Biblical Tactic for Outreach?

As I am uploading this video, I realize there's a confusion that could easily arise. I'll try to clear it up here: The NT does not teach all believers to actually attend literal synagogues. Nor do we have any examples I know of where Gentile converts to Christianity ever attended, or were told to attend synagogues literally. I am speaking here of the common practice of evangelism where we seek out public opportunities and locations to tell people about Jesus and the Gospel. This is an area where Christians in general could use a lot more boldness and intentionality. Go for it! My website:
6/27/20236 minutes, 20 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 102)

Today's first question is about 4 passages in the Bible that supposedly show God lying. Time Stamps: 0:01 {God Lied 4 Times??} I&rsquo;ve recently had someone use Jeremiah 20:7, Matthew 16:28, the lack of immediate death in Genesis 3, and Cain&rsquo;s exile in Genesis 4 as &ldquo;evidence&rdquo; that God is a liar. How would you respond? 38:46 {Animal Death Before the Fall?} If animal death occurred prior to the fall, wouldn&rsquo;t that mean God called animal death/suffering &ldquo;very good?&rdquo; If we later see a wolf dwelling with a lamb, wouldn&rsquo;t that indicate that prior to the fall, that was what we had enjoyed? 45:12 {Avoid the Appearance of Evil?} You recently said, "Scripture says: avoid the appearance of evil." I was wondering, if 1 Thessalonians 5:22 is the verse you were thinking of, isn't that verse referring to staying away from partaking in evil, not abstaining from things that look like you're partaking in evil to others? 48:19 {Human Souls vs. Animal Souls} Does Ecclesiastes 3:18-21 teach that there is no difference between the spirits of humans and those of animals? I&rsquo;ve heard this claim from those who reject an immortal soul. 55:07 {Has Jesus Always Had a Physical Body?} What form did Jesus exist in before He was conceived in Mary&rsquo;s womb? Did He have a physical body before that? 57:27 {Evangelism Required for Salvation?} Is our salvation based not only on being saved and accepting Jesus into our life and believing in Him, but also on a need to be spreading the Word of God (the Bible)? 1:01:37 {Is Repentance a Change of Mind?} If repentance (metanoia) literally means &ldquo;change of mind,&rdquo; then why do we say repentance means changing our mind/attitude about sin? Why isn't it changing our minds from unbelief to belief? 1:04:16 {Theocracy &amp; Theonomy} Could Christ's commission to disciple the nations in Matthew 28:19 mean the Christianization of countries and nation-states, or does it apply only to individual people? 1:11:18 {Will We Judge Angels?} 1 Corinthians 6:3 states that we will judge angels. What do you think Paul means by this, and is there any other reference about us judging angels? 1:14:18 {Cursing &amp; Blessing in the OT} When prophets such as Elisha cursed or blessed people, was it God who put it in their minds to do that, or did they have a Spirit-given ability to do such things without having to consult Him? 1:18:00 {Does the HS Help Us or Take Over?} Does the Holy Spirit enhance who we are, as in assisting us in Godly behavior? Or does He, at times, take over completely so that we behave, see, and feel things opposite of our ungodly flesh? 1:24:20 {The Purpose of Scripture in Eternity} Matthew 5:18 seems to say some Scripture will pass away at the end times, but Matthew 24:35 appears to contradict this. What use might we have for Scripture in the next life where there is no temptation to sin? 1:27:55 {Are We to Administer Revenge Ourselves?} Someone said it was okay to exact revenge on pedophiles, and they used Matthew 18:6 to justify it. Is that what this Scripture really means or allows for? 1:32:14 {Death on the New Earth?} Why is there a reference to death and a lifespan (albeit a long one) in Isaiah 65:20 when speaking of the New Earth? 1:34:37 {Will We Remember our Lives in Heaven?} Do you think we will remember our earthly lives in Heaven, given that there is nothing negative in Heaven and this world is so full of negative things and memories? 1:40:24 {The Serious Sin of Blasphemy} Why do so many Christians take the Lord&rsquo;s name in vain? I know several Christians (even two pastors) who do this often. Should we tell them they&rsquo;re in sin? 1:43:25 {What did Jesus Mean?} What do you think Jesus meant when He said "The first shall be last and the last shall be f
6/24/20232 hours, 4 minutes, 12 seconds
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Stealing Jesus for LGBT ideology.

This is not a video primarily about LGBT stuff. It's about Jesus. It's about not letting interest groups tell a fake story about a fake Jesus and thereby highjack the Lord of all creation to teach some ideology that He would never have supported. Historically, theologically, and logically, it's just not right to say such things. My website:
6/22/20235 minutes, 24 seconds
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Just winging it (8-year anniversary stream)

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A Q&amp;A I don't imagine this video will be of wide interest, but for those who want to watch, this is in celebration of the 8 year anniversary of when I started making regular content online. I have a number of random issues I'll be discussing, and I'll also be interacting with the chat. Again, this is not a Q&amp;A. Even though I may glance at the chat here and there and interact in real time (which I don't do during teaching videos), I won't be gathering 20 questions and answering them like I do in the Q&amp;A videos. The next Q&amp;A is Friday, June 23 at 1 p.m. PT.
6/17/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 35 seconds
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Surprising things I learned reading the Quran.

I've shared specific verses from the Quran so that people can double check for themselves. For more on this topic, I recommend you check out the book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus by former Muslim, Nabeel Qureshi.CLICK HERE for some of his content in video form. It's very powerful. My website:
6/11/20236 minutes, 14 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 101)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro 0:08 {Is the Canon Closed?} Why can no new books of the Bible be written? Why is the canon closed? 26:49 {Must we Share our Faith in Every Circumstance?} Looking at 1 Peter 3:15-17, what would you say to anyone who would ask you about "the hope you have in you"? And are there times or certain people who you wouldn't bother providing that answer to (e.g., someone you know isn't really interested in the answer and just seeks to make fun of you)? 33:27 {How did the Thief on the Cross Know?} The thief on the cross believed Jesus would come into His kingdom, despite knowing that Jesus was going to die. How might that be, since even the disciples didn&rsquo;t grasp this until the resurrection? 36:58 {How to Reach a Wiccan} What can or should I say to a Wiccan relative who wants to have seances to reach her dead son? She&rsquo;s not a believer, so should I just hold my tongue? 39:53 {The Man in Mark 14} Who was the man in Mark 14:51-52? Could it be that this was somehow Jesus Himself escaping? As an unbeliever, how should I approach my readings? Any questions I should keep in mind? 45:42 {Understanding Parallel Prophecies} Is there a process you go through to understand parallel prophecies? For example, 2 Samuel 7:14 seems to be about Jesus, but clearly not completely because he doesn&rsquo;t commit iniquity. 53:11 {Different Personalities in the Trinity?} Do the different Persons of the Trinity have different personalities? Would God the Father, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit act in a different way than the others in a given situation? 55:54 {Do Heavenly Rewards Support LDS Doctrine?} Every time you answer a question about rewards in Heaven, I can't help but think of the LDS levels of Heaven. How do I debate with them when they use rewards as the basis for their belief about there being different levels of Heaven? 1:03:13 {Can a Christian Struggle to Obey God?} Can a Christian still struggle with submitting completely to God? Or is that a symptom that you're not truly saved? 1:05:20 {About the &ldquo;Two Witnesses&rdquo; in Rev.} Who are the two witnesses in the book of Revelation, and is it possible for them to be people that are walking the Earth today that are not in the Bible? 1:11:01 {Are Casual Conversations Sinful?} Someone argued with me that because of Matthew 12:36 (every idle word&hellip;), all jokes and fun conversations are sinful, and that Jesus never spoke in a casual, non-serious way. Is this true? 1:16:54 {Should We Still Forgive when Not Asked?} Do we still need to forgive others if they don&rsquo;t ask for forgiveness? My grandma believes that as Christians, we don&rsquo;t forgive unless the other person repents and asks for forgiveness. 1:20:17 {Christian Creators: Make This Content!} As a YouTube pastor, do you have any suggestions for content you would like to see Christians make? I'm in seminary and I&rsquo;m thinking about making videos, but I wonder what I should create (if I did). 1:22:56 {Being Open about Sexual Sin} Do you have any advice on how to come out (for lack of a better word) to my Christian parents about being same-sex attracted and addicted to pornography? I know Christianity is true. 1:27:23 {Does Titus 3:5 Teach Calvinism?} What is a non-Calvinist way of understanding regeneration in Titus 3:5? 1:31:34 {Is God&rsquo;s Love Actually Conditional?} If the Bible says God loves those who love Him, thereby making a condition we have to fulfill for His love (Proverbs 8:17, John 14:21, 23), can we still say that God's love is unconditional (John 3:16, etc.)? 1:35:43 {Lessons from a Peculiar Bible Story} What is the lesson for us from 1 Kings 13:11-24 where the man of God is deceived by the old prophet, eats with him, and is killed by the lion? 1:46:28 {About Cath
6/9/20232 hours
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You probably don’t know this.

Some people think of &ldquo;sinners and tax collectors&rdquo; as categories of people who Jesus treats as if they are oppressed and misunderstood. The reality is that Jesus treats all people as if even the best of us are &ldquo;sinners and tax collectors&rdquo; when it comes to our need for repentance and God&rsquo;s grace. When you see yourself as you are, it will become so encouraging that Jesus called this lousy tax collector to follow Him. It means that Jesus calls you, as well, even though you (and me) aren&rsquo;t worthy.
6/1/20231 minute, 15 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 100)

0:00 - Intro 0:09 {AI &ndash; Image of the Beast?} What are your thoughts on Chat GPT (and AI in general)? As Christians, should we be concerned about this type of technology? Is it OK to experiment with, or should we "steer clear"? 27:13 {Worshiping at Work: Divided Attention?} Is it bad to listen to worship music when you're working? I prefer it over secular music, but I also feel guilty for not giving it my full attention. Is this treating it as entertainment? 31:34 {Speaking Over Our Lives} Is &ldquo;speaking something over your life&rdquo; a biblical concept? A Christian said something like, &ldquo;If you were going to die in one week, how would you live? I'm not speaking that over your life though!&rdquo; 38:36 {God Sent an Evil Spirit?} 1 Samuel 16:14 and 1 Samuel 19:9 speak of an &ldquo;evil spirit from the Lord&rdquo; tormenting Saul. How could a holy/righteous and loving God give him a tormenting spirit? 46:07 {Disqualified from our Rewards?} Since sanctification is a work of the Holy Spirit, and we will never be fully sinless in this life, how do we not become disqualified from/lose rewards in Heaven (1 Corinthians 9:27)? 52:56 {The Biblical Way to Get Married} Why do we have to have an ordained pastor to get married? Is there Scripture to back this up? If two people make a commitment to each other and God, is that enough? 58:53 {What Does Evil Music Sound Like?} If we took away the lyrics from music, would there still be such a thing as &ldquo;bad music&rdquo; or &ldquo;evil music&rdquo;? If so, what does evil music sound like? 1:01:04 {Do We Still Have a Sin Nature?} Does flesh = sin nature? Adam &amp; Eve sinned, even without a sin nature. After salvation, we still have the flesh (Romans 7:18), but we&rsquo;re dead to sin/not slaves to sin (Rom 6:2-7). Does this mean we no longer have a sin nature? 1:06:34 {Can We Go Outside of Scripture for Context?} I've heard 1 Corinthians 4:6 used to say not to go "outside" of scripture (e.g., learning history to help interpret biblical context). Your thoughts? 1:14:34 {The Origin of Sunday Worship} When is the earliest, in church history, that we see Christians worshiping on Sunday instead of the Sabbath? Did it begin with the Catholic Church, or was it before? 1:19:23 {What Makes &ldquo;Drag&rdquo; Wrong?} Drag queen culture is championed by the LGBTQ movement, and therefore feels immoral by association, but I find it hard to put a finger on why drag by itself is biblically wrong. Any thoughts? 1:24:09 {Eating Meat After the Flood} In Genesis 9:3, why did God allow us to start eating meat after the flood? 1:27:28 {Using Cannabis Before Quiet Time?} I take mild cannabis edibles for my ADHD. On them I have wonderful quiet times in prayer and Bible study. Would it be rightly dividing Scripture to say this is how I personally am being &ldquo;sober-minded&rdquo;? 1:32:42 {John 15 &ndash; Will I be &ldquo;Taken Away&rdquo;?} What are your thoughts on John 15:2 and the Greek word for "takes away"? I've heard that it would be more accurately translated as "raise up." This word seems to change the meaning of the verse. 1:39:07 {Do God &amp; Satan Talk?} Is the devil talking to God in today&rsquo;s generation like in the book of Job? If angels are warring with demons, can we assume there is communication? 1:43:20 {Which Faith is True?} How can I know I have the right faith? I've been watching many apologetics videos since I first found your videos over four years ago, and many Catholics, reformed believers, and evangelicals all have convincing arguments. 1:49:02 {About the Shroud of Turin} What are your thoughts on the Shroud of Turin? 1:52:13 {Leading Others to Biblical Teachings} My family member LOVES Joel Osteen. What are some thoughtful questions I could ask that would naturally lead them to a m
5/26/20232 hours, 8 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Bible "Translation" That "Needs a Surgeon General's Warning"

You can have free access to all interviews and scholarly papers on this topic right here. Watch the interviews on YouTube HERE. Get the papers and/or interviews free on my website (no signup required) HERE. For the sake of the body of Christ we need to be aware of the problematic "translation" that is strangely and undeservedly popular, due to the reckless endorsement of pastors who should know better. I did NOT search for scholars who would oppose TPT. I did NOT check to see what denomination they were from. Nor did I ask them to slam the work or provide a particularly negative review. I simply hired scholars who were well-qualified and asked them each to review a different book from The Passion Translation of the Bible. They unanimously agree that it isn't what it pretends to be. Their full reviews and papers are available to you at the links above. My website:
5/25/20237 minutes, 4 seconds
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A powerful argument against Christianity.

This is a delicate issue because the terms of the discussion push an evaluation of the person who is failing to find God. I hope that listeners can hear that I am not trying to offer any personal attacks on individuals, but am trying to offer an analysis of how a claim like "I'm trying to find God and I am not finding Him" can actually involve a situation more complicated than a simple, sincere, two-dimensional search. Without labeling people with specific explanations for their particular situation, I can acknowledge several layers to this issue which undercut this argument's power as evidence that God does not exist. My honest hope and prayer for those who feel they are seeking God and failing to find Him is that they would continue seeking as sincerely as they can and wait on God to open their eyes to Him. Perhaps you find my answer unsatisfactory. In that case you might be interested in a more detailed answer from a philosopher who is better versed in such things. CLICK HERE. My website:
5/23/20236 minutes, 11 seconds
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Call out sin or keep my mouth shut?

Jesus called out sin in others, except when He didn't. This question takes more wisdom than a simple, hard and fast rule will allow. Here are a few thoughts and a relevant passage of Scripture for you to consider. Hopefully it helps you figure out if you should call out sin or keep your mouth shut. My website:
5/15/20233 minutes, 35 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 99)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:01 {Infinite Punishment for Finite Crimes?} Why does God give infinite punishment for finite crimes? Even from a biblical point of view, not every crime is prescribed the same punishment. So why, then, can a person never serve the entirety of their punishment in Hell? 28:35 {Why Did God Allow Sin?} If God knew that humans would fall into sin, why did He allow us to live in this fallen world and not take us straight to Heaven? 34:36 {Has Christianity Changed Over Time?} How do you know the Christianity you believe is the same they were practicing in the early Church if history says Constantine and the Greeks changed things? 39:06 {Why Won&rsquo;t Christians Marry Non-Christians?} A woman stopped dating me because of worldview differences. I believe in a higher power and wouldn&rsquo;t have pulled her away from her faith. It hurt badly. Why do some Christians do that? She seems indoctrinated (&ldquo;can&rsquo;t marry a non-Christian&rdquo;). 43:49 {Is Christianity Itself a Cult?} How is Christianity like (or not like) a cult in either definition and/or practice? 47:46 {Is Every Good Thing an Answered Prayer?} Why are some people so quick to celebrate when God answers &ldquo;small&rdquo; prayers, but they overlook the fact that He didn&rsquo;t answer &ldquo;bigger&rdquo; prayers like healing someone of cancer? 53:12 {Why Aren&rsquo;t Mormons Christians?} Ex-Mormon here. Surely all Christians believe things about God that are incorrect, but they're still saved. What makes the LDS different? How are my misconceptions acceptable when theirs aren't? 1:02:12 {Are Miracles Unreliable?} If Satan and his workers can perform miracles to mislead people, why should I believe Christians when they tell me to look at miracles, or when Jesus says to look at His miracles? 1:07:05{Why Does God Allow Painful Grieving?} Why did God allow My cat to be attacked by a dog if He could have stopped it? We are heartbroken. 1:10:07 {Did Jesus Know He&rsquo;d be Resurrected?} Did Jesus know He was only going to die for 3 days and it wouldn&rsquo;t actually be for eternity? And why did the father require a sacrifice if it wasn&rsquo;t for eternity? 1:14:18 {Did Jesus Exist &amp; Is Scripture Really Inspired?} What proof is there that Jesus really existed, and if the Gospels were written by man, how do you prove they were inspired by God and not by man? 1:20:55 {Why does God Require Prayer?} Why would God require prayer for what He knows He SHOULD heal? 1:25:07 {Can Non-Believers Come to Church to Observe?} Are there any good rules of thumb for atheists attending a church service for the purposes of learning? Assuming they have no intention of conversion, is this considered rude or invasive? 1:27:23 {Is God Egotistical?} Isn&rsquo;t it egotistical for God to ask us to worship Him? 1:31:14 {Why does God Expect Perfection} The Bible says, &ldquo;Be perfect as your father in Heaven is perfect.&rdquo; Why would God, knowing that we will always be sinful when we are in flesh, expect perfection? 1:34:46 {Is the Bible Just a Storybook?} How can you believe in a storybook (referring to the Bible)? This was actually a question I faced several times when I stayed in Germany for a while. 1:37:21 {Does God Know Every Choice We&rsquo;ll Make?} Does God already know what choices we will make? Does He just know the outcome of every single option, or are there maybe two or a couple possible options for everyone&rsquo;s choices? If the first, what's the point? 1:40:48 {Was YHWH a &ldquo;Storm god&rdquo;?} I have been hearing atheists &amp; Muslims saying our God YHWH was originally a storm god. Has this been proven archeologically? Any implications on our faith? Any thoughts on that? 1:42:01 {Stumbled by Theological Doctrines?} The differen
5/13/20231 hour, 54 minutes, 41 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 98)

0:00 - Intro 0:56 {&ldquo;Work Out&rdquo; My Salvation??} What does it mean to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling"? Is that a literal statement? 20:14 {Did Jesus Bodily Rise if He Appeared in the Flesh?} Jehovah's Witnesses claim that Jesus was resurrected as a spirit only (not a bodily resurrection) since He appeared in a locked room, and if He was in the flesh He couldn't have done that. What are your thoughts in response to this? 25:06 {Honoring Parents through Marital Friction} How can I honor and love my parents biblically when they take offense at and criticize my wife and I for every little thing we do? It's making my wife anxious, and we're going to have a baby. We want a relationship with them, but they seem committed to bitterness. 30:44 {Can Non-Believers bear the Fruit of the Spirit?} Can someone who is not a Christian show the fruit of the Spirit? 34:28 {Will Sharing Tough Truth Ruin our Witness?} I'm afraid to talk about issues like abortion, LGBT, etc. for fear that I'll turn people off so much that they won't listen AT ALL when I try to share the Gospel. How can I resolve this? 43:54 {How Do We &ldquo;Abstain from Blood&rdquo; Today?} How, as 21st century Christians, should we understand the decree for gentile believers to abstain from blood (Acts 15:20, 28, 29)? 53:28 {Are there Really Any &ldquo;Righteous&rdquo; People?} Do the Righteous live by faith, or is no one Righteous? How do we reconcile these ideas without compromising their original meaning? 58:38 {Does Sincerity = Salvation?} I have a Muslim friend that I speak with regularly about God. I am a firm Christian, but I question how other God-fearing people who have been indoctrinated into a specific religion are not saved. 1:04:17 {Could the HS be Feminine?} Could the Holy Spirit be feminine? A biblically sound, wiser, older Christian in my life is unsure about this. He brings up decent arguments affirming this view, but then there's John 15:26. Thoughts? 1:09:01 {Has God Hidden What We Need to Know?} What are your thoughts on Mathew 11:25? I was raised in the Branham cult where there is a great deal of anti-intellectualism. They also claim that God has blinded most Christians from Branham. 1:14:41 {Will We Receive Anything We Ask of God?} The Bible says, &ldquo;Ask and you shall receive.&rdquo; I asked Jesus to save my mother, but He didn&rsquo;t. Then why did He say, &ldquo;Ask and you shall receive&rdquo;? 1:21:03 {Resolving Translational Differences} Why does 1 Corinthians 11:16 seem to have opposite meanings depending on the translation? How should we understand it? 1:24:30 {Missing Verses? Is My Bible Reliable?} I've just learned that some Bibles are missing passages. How should we approach the Bible knowing some verses have been left out? 1:32:27 {Why Is There Still Evil on Earth?} My 10-year-old wants to know, if Satan was defeated, then why is there still evil on the planet? I couldn&rsquo;t think of a good way to answer her. Help? 1:36:43 {What is &ldquo;Hyper-Charismatic&rdquo;?} Please explain what "hyper-charismatic&rdquo; means. Thank you. 1:39:27 {Why was Achan&rsquo;s Household Punished?} Ezekiel 18:20 says that the son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father. How do you explain the story of Achan in Joshua 7:25 where he and his household were stoned and burned because of his sin? 1:47:17 {Did YHWH Lose to the &ldquo;god&rdquo; of Moab?} Did Yahweh lose to the god of Moab in 2 Kings 3:27? 1:58:54 {Is There a Temple in Heaven?} Is there a literal temple in Heaven, or is that meant to be understood figuratively? I have always understood that the temple/tabernacle on Earth were to represent truths about Heaven. 1:59:54 {Using Time Wisely in Marriage} My husband likes to spend hours on meaningless videos or gaming. How can I t
5/5/20232 hours, 8 minutes, 30 seconds
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When to be scared you're NOT a genuine Christian.

I'm hoping and praying that God would use this to comfort those who need comfort and to shine a light on those who are living dangerously, so they can make a true faith commitment to Jesus. Trust in Jesus, follow Jesus, be real about it. My website:
4/28/20235 minutes, 1 second
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 97)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro 0:56 {Self-Loathing vs. Self-Love?} As Christians, how do we deal with self-loathing without indulging in and practicing too much self-love? 26:19 {Evolved from Monkeys?} From a biblical standpoint, is there any reason that Christians believe we evolved from monkeys? I'm confused why some Christians believe that, and I&rsquo;m curious if it&rsquo;s purely a worldview standpoint? 37:50 {Who Are God&rsquo;s Chosen People?} I had a debate with a friend about Israel still being God's chosen people. Doesn't Romans 9:6-8 and Galatians 3:28-29 communicate that God's chosen people are anyone who places their faith in Jesus? 48:20 {Do Animals Sin?} Are animals able to sin? They kill for food and sometimes it appears this may be likened to murder, but what does the Bible say about this? 51:28 {Should our Main Focus be Evangelism?} John Wesley says, &ldquo;You have one business on this earth: to save souls.&rdquo; Is Christlikeness or spiritual maturity chiefly a means to an end &ndash; of bringing people to Christ (Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians 3:18, 2 Peter 3:18)? 55:00 {Setting Biblical Boundaries as Parents} I had a domestic violence upbringing, and I now have a son of my own. I have fears of family telling me how to parent my son. How do I set healthy biblical boundaries that protect my son and honor Christ? 59:19 {Bored in the OT!} How do I read the Old Testament without getting bored and distracted 2 minutes in? 1:02:13 {How to be a Worthwhile Servant} What makes a servant worthwhile to Christ? It seems like in Matthew 25, the servant was cast into outer darkness because he did not DO enough. 1:09:29 {Understanding a Difficult Passage} I'm struggling to interpret Judges 19:2, 25 on why the concubine suffered abuse. Some have said God was punishing her for adultery. How do I understand this without reading into the text? 1:23:18 {Who Sinned First?} I have been asked, "Was Adam's sin the first sin?" Something along the lines of: &ldquo;Wasn't Satan the first one that sinned?&rdquo; Thoughts? 1:25:00 {How to &ldquo;Work Out Our Salvation&hellip;&rdquo;} What does it mean to "Work out your salvation with fear and trembling"? Is that a literal statement? 1:28:07 {Is Nepotism Sinful?} Is nepotism a sin? My church was founded by my grandpa, my dad is the senior pastor, and my brother is a youth leader. I do believe they legitimately earned these roles, but others at my church don&rsquo;t. 1:35:16 {Repentance After Death?} Can someone repent after death? Hebrews 9:27 seems to say &ldquo;no,&rdquo; BUT Revelation 2:21-27 seems to suggest &ldquo;yes&rdquo; for it is the &ldquo;unwillingness&rdquo; to repent that condemns. I really hope the latter is true. 1:41:23 {Did Adam Know Right from Wrong?} I was talking to an atheist and they asked, &ldquo;If Adam had not yet eaten of the tree of knowledge, therefore not knowing disobedience, how can God hold him accountable and judge him for it?&rdquo; 1:46:09 {The Waters &ldquo;Above the Expanse&rdquo;} What do you think the waters &ldquo;above the expanse&rdquo; are in Genesis 1:6-8? 1:49:01 {How to Biblically Process Grief} How do we deal with grief in the right &amp; biblical way? I lost my dad months ago by sudden death. I feel worried, I&rsquo;m angry, and I cry. I&rsquo;m so tired of the rollercoaster feelings. 1:53:07 {About Foul Language} What makes language foul? Is it the words themselves, or the context? Like if I use a word in a friendly way, is it still considered foul language? 1:57:37 {Can Evolution be Plausible?} Do you think evolution is plausible theologically? I have never heard a good response to how there would have been death before the fall. 2:01:39 {How Could Satan Stand in God&rsquo;s Presence?} If sin cannot enter God's pres
4/21/20232 hours, 10 minutes, 5 seconds
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Who will Jesus reject? It might not be what you think.

Learn to think biblically about everything. Countless hours of free content available here or at my website,
4/18/20233 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why I no longer say "I'm spiritual but not religious."

If you don't know what's wrong with the phrase, please take a moment to think it through with me. My website:
4/13/202322 minutes, 41 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 96)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:14 {Feminism&rsquo;s Impact on the Church} What&rsquo;s your opinion on how feminism is impacting the modern Church? 16:30 {Is Ordination Necessary?} What are your thoughts on the necessity to be ordained into ministry? Can I turn my home Bible study into a church? 19:33 {Heaven or Earth During 2nd Coming?} Will we be taken to Heaven during the second coming, or will God&rsquo;s Kingdom come to Earth to reign? Seems odd to create Earth for Him to just destroy it and bring us to His domain. 24:59 {Relationship Dynamics Before Divorce} I was wondering, if a couple is married and one of them is seeking an unbiblical divorce, does that give them the right to start dating other people before the divorce is finalized? 27:34 {Witnessing to Muslims} I'm 15, and my best friend at school is a Muslim. Do you have any advice for trying to evangelize Muslims who are intelligent and rational but very set in their ways? 35:43 {Should Men Move Out Before Dating?} Looking at Ephesians 5:31, Should a Christian man move out of his parents&rsquo; house before trying to date, to prove they can provide an income and a house? 40:07 {If God Seems Silent, Does He Still Care?} My sister walked away from God because she begged for direction in her life and she says she heard nothing from God. This led her to believe God doesn&rsquo;t care about her. How do I respond to this? 45:48 {Slave to Sin?} In Romans 7:14, is Paul describing his experience before or after he became a Christian? He&rsquo;s just shifted to the present tense, but says he is sold as a slave to sin. Does this differ from Romans 8? 52:45 {How Should We View Extrabiblical Books?} With extrabiblical books such as Enoch or 1 &amp; 2 Maccabees, how do you discern within these books if they're true accounts, if they don't contradict our canon? 55:59 {Earthly Rulers vs. Spiritual Rulers?} In 1 Corinthians 2:8, is Paul referring to earthly rulers (i.e. Pharisees or Romans) or spiritual rulers as he does in Ephesians 6:12? 1:01:08 {Forgiveness while Guarding Against Abuse} In 1 Corinthians 13:1, we are told that love "keeps no record of wrongs.&rdquo; But how do we reconcile this with setting boundaries to protect us from abusive behaviors? 1:03:11 {Should we Pray for Specific Gifts?} What do you think about praying expectantly for a very specific gift of the Holy Spirit? I see people blessed with certain gifts teaching classes. For example, I've seen classes on how to prophesy.13.1:10:02 {Thoughts on the Anglican Church} Any thoughts on the Anglican Church? I found a church I like, but I have never been a part of a proper denomination before, so I&rsquo;m worried about bureaucracy. 1:12:05 {Was Jesus Really Buried for 3 Days &amp; Nights?} If Jesus died on a Friday and rose on a Sunday, then He was not in the grave for three days and three nights. Why is it that this seems never to be addressed? 1:18:33 {About Theistic Evolution} Can you explain your understanding of Theistic Evolution? I saw a video by InspiringPhilosophy and have a hard time accepting this viewpoint. 1:25:37 {Was Abel a Prophet?} Does Luke 11:50-51 mean that Abel was a prophet? 1:30:04 {Who Can Baptize People?} Can anyone baptize? Or must one be a pastor? 1:32:40 {Communicating with God} How can we have a relationship with God when He doesn&rsquo;t talk back? 1:34:54 {Was Saul Justified in Ending his Life?} Could we say that Saul killing himself in 1 Samuel 31:3-5 was justifiable for the same reason 9/11 jumpers were justified? 1:41:51 {Holy Week Reflections} With Easter coming up, what is something that we might overlook but shouldn&rsquo;t, considering that celebrating Easter might just become a yearly habit or tradition to people? <a href="https://www.
4/8/20231 hour, 47 minutes, 20 seconds
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Calling out false teachings.

Videos referenced in this episode: Todd White "miracles" examined Bill Johnson's theology examined(I was genuinely too soft on Bill in this video, so please also consider watching the recent follow-up video HERE) Brian Zahnd's teaching examined A project with several credentialed scholars examining Brian Simmons' problematic new translation of the Bible: CLICK HERE My website:
3/24/20238 minutes, 50 seconds
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Happy, Smiley, Heresy.

According to his website, Salvatore Sapienza is an ordained minister serving as pastor of the UCC church in Saugatuck/Douglas, Michigan, where he lives with his husband, Gregg. Listen carefully and see if you can spot how this one Progressive Christian pastor twists John 3:16 to reject the Gospel. Note the rhetorical move of pretending that those who don't agree with him are mean-hearted and delight in condemning people. Note how he isolates one part of one verse from its full context so that he can more easily pretend it teaches something very different than it really does. Note, most of all, how a thoughtful reading of Scripture in context will protect you from nice-sounding, false doctrines. Do you want to see the whole video this is from? It's a full analysis of this pastor's sermon on John 3:16. Deeply troubling. CLICK HERE to view. My website:
3/22/20235 minutes, 18 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 95)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:23 {Overcoming Covetousness} Why is it so hard to be content? I've been blessed with more than most people, but I'm always wanting MORE. I drain so much money buying more "stuff" and once I see something I like, I'm bummed/stressed until I get to buy it. I don't want to be this way. Please help! 25:10 {Eschatological Timings} What effect does Psalm 110:1 and Luke 20:42-43 have on the timing or placement of the rapture of the Church in reference to the tribulation? 29:59 {How to Pray for Unbelievers} I don&rsquo;t believe Calvinism is biblical, but I find that my prayers for unbelievers often sound Calvinistic: &ldquo;Change their hearts, bring them to You,&rdquo; etc. How should we pray for unbelievers' salvation? 32:10 {Can We Be as Close as the Disciples?} Do you think that we can have as personal and intimate of a relationship with Jesus as His twelve disciples did? I've heard 1 John 1:1-3 used to support this. 36:17 {Did God Direct Moses to Deceive Pharaoh?} Why did God tell Moses to ask Pharaoh to go "three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the Lord our God" (Exodus 3:18) if it wasn't God's intention for them to return to Egypt? 42:58 {Do our Prophecies Create Reality?} Kris Vallotton cites Ezekiel 37:1-6 to claim that our prophecies create reality, rather than just foretelling the future. Is there merit to this? 52:24 {Does Jesus&rsquo; Compassion Change?} When Jesus interacts with people, He is often compassionate. However, with the 12, he most often sounds harsh. Does His relationship toward us change once we are &ldquo;on the team"? 1:00:17 {Moving Forward after Church Hurt} What are your thoughts on how to best get back involved with the Church after you have had past hurts both done to you, and you toward others? Also, should a person go back to the same church, or seek a new one? 1:05:48 {Trinitarian Clarity} How is the Holy Spirit not the Son or Father (Matthew 10:20, Philippians 1:19)? These verses confuse me when I&rsquo;m trying to answer this question. 1:10:38 {Warnings about False Teachings} Do warnings to Churches and believers in verses such as Jude 1:3-4 or other Epistles regarding false/heretical doctrines apply to Mormons who want a relationship with God/Jesus but are just deceived? 1:15:29 {Knowing When to Yield} My pastor wants me to obey my husband even when it hurts my mental health, triggers my eating disorder, or my sleep disorder. Is he right or wrong? He says I should &ldquo;Die like Christ.&rdquo; 1:19:03 {Encouragement Amid Physical Limitations} What counsel would you give a discouraged believer with a debilitating chronic illness who carries a lot of guilt for not being able to serve in the ways they want to be able to? 1:24:10 {Jesus AND the Bible = &ldquo;The Word&rdquo;?} What is the distinction that is to be made between Jesus and the Bible, as far as the title "Word of God" goes, which is applied to both of them? 1:28:15 {When Translations Vary} What do we do when we find significant difference between translations (such as 1 John 5:7 in the KJV vs. modern translations)? 1:33:08 {Why Did God Choose the Tribe of Levi?} Do we know why God chose the tribe of Levi to be the priesthood? 1:34:26 {Tips for Preparing Your First Sermon} I give my first sermon this Sunday. Any tips/pointers for those going through seminary/preparing for their first sermon(s)? 1:39:29 {Advice for Raising Kids in the Faith} I want to raise my two kids aged 7 and 9 in the faith. I don&rsquo;t want to push too hard. Any advice? My ex-wife has left the faith, so I feel like it&rsquo;s up to me (and God). 1:41:23 {Was Paul Married?} I heard a theory that the Apostle Paul was married and a widower. Do you think that&rsquo;s relevant, and does it have any biblical standi
3/18/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 5 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 94)

A worthwhile ministry to support right now&hellip;."Restoring Faith" is a ministry that helps bring aid to people in crisis. They are sending funds to Syria to assist victims of the recent earthquake. 100% of the money donated goes to aid for the victims: Today's Time Stamps: 0:29 What does it mean to worship God &ldquo;in Spirit and in truth&rdquo;? 14:14 Is Hebrews 1:1 a reasonable proof text for cessationism in relation to prophecy? It says God spoke to our ancestors through prophets, but "in these last days," He has spoken to us through Christ. Are we in the "last days" Paul refers to? 21:23 At my age and health, it&rsquo;s hard to manage my long hair. May I cut it chin length as long as I keep it looking feminine and still relatively longer than a man&rsquo;s? Is simply maintaining that gender distinction the important part? 23:16 Coming from a &ldquo;2 works movement&rdquo; (CHM), I&rsquo;ve always heard 1 Thessalonians 5:23 taught as calling people to a second work of Grace, or an experience of entire sanctification. What is Paul actually saying there? 29:42 How much do my efforts influence situations when God is sovereign and in control? For example, my hard work vs. God blessing my business, improving my health to "extend" my life vs. God setting the number of my days, etc. 33:25 What does the harvest refer to in Luke 10? I've always heard it talked about relating to evangelism, but a harvest implies that the work has already been done and you're able to get the fruit of your labor. 37:01 Can Satan stop God's plan? I had to cancel a mission trip at the last minute due to something I couldn't control, but doors had opened and things had fallen into place for us to go, so it seemed like it was God's will. 41:47 1 Timothy 3:4-5 and Titus 1:6 seem to indicate if someone desires to be an elder they are disqualified by unbelieving children. Does this include adult children? The wife? What do these verses mean? 48:19 How are we to relate to fallen brothers in terms of fellowship, and to cult members with hospitality according to 1 Corinthians 5:11 and 2 John 1:10? 55:56 If I have a friend who is not saved and I have tried to evangelize them and have only been met with resistance, do I need to stop hanging out with them? 58:41 Why does God allow success for celebrities that don&rsquo;t follow Him? 1:02:17 1 Corinthians 14:27-28 says that someone should not speak in tongues unless there is an interpreter, but how are they supposed to know if there is an interpreter present? 1:04:19 What is a correct approach to reach someone you care about who is dealing with suicidal thoughts? 1:06:18 In the KJV, 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2 give two completely different ages for Ahaziah when he took the throne. How can we account for this? 1:14:43 I am a new Christian and my brother is an atheist. He has brought up the question of &ldquo;What if God is lying about everything and this all a big cosmic joke?&rdquo; How do I combat this thinking? 1:19:55 Ephesians 5:5 says that the sexually immoral will have no place in the Kingdom of God, yet later, Ephesians says we&rsquo;re saved by grace through faith. Is this contradictory? 1:25:20 If all meats were made clean, then how do Christians interpret Isaiah 66:15-18, as that passage, I believe, refers to Christ&rsquo;s second coming, and in it He &ldquo;destroys&rdquo; those who eat unclean meats? 1:28:48 When is the right age to evangelize? I'm 15 and I used to evangelize and many believed, but I also got into trouble with the police and at my school. My pastor told me to wait until I&rsquo;m more mature and I&rsquo;ve learned more of God&rsquo;s Word. 1:31:09 How do I help my dad (an unbeliever)
3/4/20231 hour, 42 minutes, 30 seconds
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Did Pharaoh Have Free Will When "God Hardened His Heart"?

CLICK HERE for the full study on this topic from my verse-by-verse teaching through Romans. This is my best understanding of this topic and I think that it fits really well with a wide variety of Scripture that speaks to the issue. For a fuller defense of my own view, please see the video I have linked above. My website:&nbsp;
2/28/20236 minutes, 2 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 93)

0:15 {Do We Pray For or Against our Enemies?} How do you reconcile the New Testament's clear teachings to love and pray for our enemies with Psalms like Psalm 69:22-28? Is there ever a time when we should pray against our enemies? 23:44 {Gospel Patterns?} Is Genesis 1:1-6 a foreshadowing of the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? John 1:1, Luke 1:1, Mark 1:1, Matthew 4:17, and 1 John 1:1 all speak of beginning, then water, light, and darkness. 29:25 {Unhealthy Associations w/Gratitude} Growing up, I had people expect me to show gratitude as a way to ignore abuse. Now, I want to be thankful for blessings in my life, but I associate gratitude with abuse. How do I separate that? 33:24 {Prophecy Fulfillment, or Just Staged?} People quote prophecy as evidence of Jesus&rsquo; deity. Couldn&rsquo;t He have deliberately fulfilled some prophecies, such as bribing men to divide His clothes, or purposefully riding a donkey into Jerusalem? 37:38 {Why Physical vs. Spiritual Blessings?} What is the significance of God promising physical blessings to nations (thinking particularly of the promise to Ishmael), when, in light of eternity, physical blessings are nearly insignificant? 39:38 {About the Septuagint &amp; Masoretic Text} Is the Greek LXX (Septuagint) considered a flawed copy? The genealogy of Shem adds hundreds of years which is quite significant. Is the Masoretic Text inerrant, or am I misunderstanding inerrancy? 44:38 {Thoughts on the Asbury Revival} What are your thoughts about what is happening at Asbury? 48:04 {Is there a Proper Format for Church Services?} Is the current way we do church services prescribed in the Bible? Where did this current style of worship come from? 51:34 {Was Aaron Punished for the Golden Calf?} Why didn't Aaron get punished for making the golden calf in Exodus 32? 1:00:38 {Butterfly Effect/Multiple Universes?} What are your thoughts on the butterfly effect and the possibility of multiple universes? 1:06:31 {Galatians 5 &ndash; Heaven or Rewards?} In Galatians 5:19-21, is the &ldquo;kingdom of God&rdquo; a reference to Heaven itself, or a reference to rewards? A local pastor says it is about rewards, but I am skeptical. 1:14:17 {Did God Permit Child Sacrifice?} Why did God allow child sacrifice in Judges when the man said he will sacrifice anything that walks through the door, and then his daughter walks out? Aren't the other nations judged for this action? 1:19:22 {Can Killing a Leader be Justified At Times?} We know that self-defense is biblical, but what about assassinations like Project Valkyrie (Hitler) or times when killing a leader might save other lives? Are we still bound to their authority? 1:23:50 {Bible Reading Schedule &ndash; Required?} Do you think it's wrong if I don't read the Bible regularly? I do read and study it, but I don't have a consistent schedule. 1:26:36 {Parable of the Minas} I was just wondering what your interpretation of the parable in Luke 19: 11-27 is. Specifically, what do you think the slaves and the minas represent? 1:34:07 {Must We Always be &ldquo;Nice&rdquo;?} Is it biblical to be nice? My boyfriend is extremely honest and it rubs a lot of people the wrong way. Does he have a biblical obligation to be nice with his words? 1:35:57 {The Holiness of God&rsquo;s Justice} Any tips for how to become less opposed to God&rsquo;s judgment, and to see it as holy? It can cause me to feel like God is an unloving God sometimes. 1:42:01 {Dancing as a Form of Worship?} Is dancing allowed in church? Can it be considered worship? 1:44:15 {Works-Based Salvation?} Does Matthew 7:21 tell us that works are necessary to get saved? 1:46:25 {Are Men&rsquo;s Beards Prideful?} What do you think about beards? I heard a pastor say that it is a prideful thing to wear a beard, and ther
2/18/20231 hour, 52 minutes, 55 seconds
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What I got wrong about Heaven.

I probably shouldn't have gotten my theology from cartoons. Here are specific, common, false beliefs about Heaven and a number of things we can know about Heaven based on the Bible. My website:
2/14/202321 minutes, 6 seconds
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Explaining EACH piece of "The Armor of God"

Christians, you are in a spiritual battle every day. You need the armor of God, lest you fall victim to the schemes of Satan. This reality should stir us up and make us very serious about our spiritual well-being and preparation for the daily battle we face. Put on the armor of God, not just a short video about it. Seek practical application of these principles in your life today. My website: What each piece means.We are in a war.
2/7/20237 minutes, 33 seconds
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Bethel and Bill Johnson’s Bridge to the New Age and Spiritual Fakery.

I have been wanting to make this video for quite a while. It's based on the teaching in the book The Physics of Heaven, which is very much a "Bethel book." It is sold in their bookstore, it's endorsed by their leaders, it's written by people from Bethel, including their two lead pastors, Bill Johnson and Beni Johnson. The book is a very open appeal to Christians to embrace New Age beliefs and practices. I truly wish I was exaggerating. In today's video, I'm going to share quotes from the book to demonstrate the problems with its teachings and show its dangers. I'll address the way they misuse Scripture to support these teachings. I'll also be sharing content from a physicist who has weighed in to demonstrate how fake the "science" of the book is. Finally, I'll share some shocking details about the deceptions in the book related to the supposed credentials of the "quantum physicist" who they lean on as an expert. Spoiler: he's not. Bethel Church in Redding, California has presented itself to the worldwide body of Christ as a guide for deeper and more miraculous spiritual experiences. Since they have such a wide impact and reach, and their teachings on these issues are, I am sad to say, not only reckless but dangerous and unbiblical, I feel this video is worth making. A physicist reviews the wacky science claims in The Physics of Heaven. Special thanks to Dr. Martin Krause for providing this analysis for free. Do you want my notes from today's video? Here they are, with all book references. CLICK HERE for my video showing that James Goll (used a source in the book) pretended to prophesy while just reporting commonly held political speculation. CLICK HERE for my original video on Bill Johnson and Bethel Church's theology and practice. I would be harsher today, though I will leave this video up because I believe it has a good analysis of problems.
1/31/20231 hour, 56 minutes, 25 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 92)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:19 {Can a Christian Have a Demon?} Can a true Christian be &ldquo;possessed&rdquo; or have demons? 12:33 {About Plagiarism in Preaching} Plagiarism in preaching seems to be on the rise. In Philippians 1:15-18, Paul seems to be saying the end justifies the means when preaching. Is this an accurate interpretation, and applicable to plagiarism? 20:09 {Should Pastors Discuss Politics?} Should pastors avoid discussing current political issues with their congregation? 24:19 {How Smart Must We Be to Evangelize?} I often get overwhelmed because it seems that I need to know EVERYTHING about EVERY topic (history, science, linguistics, etc.) to be able to defend the faith. Do you have any advice? 27:35 {Jesus&rsquo; Sacrifice Contradicted?} Does Deuteronomy 24:16 contradict Jesus' sacrifice? 33:26 {When Will Every Tongue Confess?} When do you think Philippians 2:10-11 will be fulfilled? At the end of the millennium, at Armageddon, or throughout the future at different stages? I think Romans 14:10-12 gives us some insight. 36:24 {Sharing Truth with a Defensive Person} My husband doesn't believe in the Trinity and gets so defensive when I try to talk to him about the true God. Should I not bring it up anymore and just live as an example? 40:01 {How Old Will We Be in Heaven?} How old will we be in Heaven? 44:09 {About the &ldquo;Church of Christ&rdquo;} Do you have any insight on Church of Christ doctrine? I have a friend I'm planning to open a dialogue with who is in the Church of Christ. I see works based salvation emphasized, but need help. 46:05 {Are Believers Still &ldquo;Sinners&rdquo;?} I was wondering, when we get saved, are we still &ldquo;sinners&rdquo;? I know that after being saved we sometimes sin. But does that still label us as sinners? I thought we were new creations. 52:27 {Is the Senior Pastor Role Biblical?} Why do so many churches have a &ldquo;head&rdquo; pastor that does mostly all the teaching when God gives teaching gifts and words to many people? 57:27 {Cowardice in the Book of Jonah?} Were the mariners and shipmaster selfish cowards and Pagans in Jonah 1:5-15? Even with drowning in a stormy sea, I sense hesitation to discard Jonah to save their own lives. 1:04:43 {Mercy vs. Sacrifice} What does Jesus mean when He says, &ldquo;I desire mercy and not sacrifice&rdquo; in Matthew 9:12-13? 1:08:17 {Can Coffee be Addictive?} Does proverbs 25:28 apply to coffee? A lot of people are addicted to coffee, and without drinking coffee they get headaches and other problems. Does that mean it is sinful? 1:13:38 {About the Nicolaitans} Isn't Jesus hating the Nicolaitans in Revelation 2:6 out of character? Also, who were they? I hear they were a cult from the Nicholas of Acts 6, one of the 7 deacons. 1:20:32 {The Destruction of Jerusalem} Do you think that Jesus prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70? Or do you think the passages people refer to are only about end times events that have not been fulfilled yet? 1:23:26 {Living Together if a Couple Abstains?} Is living together without being married while abstaining living in sin? I don't know how to deal with so many Christians that think it's OK, in light of 1 Corinthians 5:9-13. 1:27:34 {Parental Guidance &ndash; Sexual Identities} HELP! My wife and I have access to our kids&rsquo; text messages. We discovered our daughter texted a friend that she wants to tell us that she's "coming out as bi-sexual.&rdquo; What do we do? 1:33:37 {Can Christians Serve in the Military?} I was curious what your thoughts are on the modern American military and if Christians can/should serve in it. 1:36:15 {Are there Additional Spiritual Gifts?} Are there more spiritual gifts than those talked about in the Bible?
1/27/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 55 seconds
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Atheism vs Christianity

If I was an atheist, I would be logically compelled to conclude we have no true purpose, no ultimate meaning, and no genuine morality, beauty, or value. I&rsquo;m not alone in this view. Many atheists have made the same devastating conclusion. Interestingly, this seems to push against common human perception and my own incredibly strong intuitions of these things (it most likely goes against yours, as well). This alone is a strong reason to challenge atheism. On the other hand, Christians have a clear purpose, meaning, and concepts of morality, beauty, and value. My website:
1/24/202315 minutes, 48 seconds
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A rising doctrine I currently DON'T agree with: Theonomy

After this rather long chat, I can say that I do have a lot to learn about theonomy to understand it better but that I am currently convinced that the core foundation of the view is not biblical. I consider this an in-house discussion, and one which we could disagree on without demonizing each other. Special thanks to Joel Webbon of Right Response Ministries for inviting me to have this discussion and being willing to hear some pushback. CLICK HERE to visit pastor Joel's YT channel. My website:
1/17/20231 hour, 55 minutes, 26 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 91)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1:01 {Yoga Pants &amp; Ripped Jeans?} Ladies on the worship team sometimes wear yoga pants and ripped jeans. I think that goes against the Romans 14 principle of not causing a brother to stumble. What do you think? 21:29 {Did Jesus&rsquo; Atonement Require His Divinity?} Why was it necessary for Jesus to be fully divine in regard to our salvation? Wayne Grudem states, &ldquo;Only someone who is the infinite God could bear the full penalty for all the sins of all those who would believe in Him&hellip;" Do you agree, and are there any other reasons stated in Scripture? 25:54 {Daniel: The Iron &amp; Clay Kingdom} What is your interpretation of the 4th kingdom made of iron &amp; clay in Daniel 2? 30:36 {Did God Need to Create Humans?} It may be a simple question, but why did God create humans? I&rsquo;d be happy to get your insight. He didn&rsquo;t need to, or did he? 36:35 {Do Tiny Choices Affect History?} Should Christians ever concern themselves with ideas like the butterfly effect (the idea that tiny choices have big impacts on history)? 38:38 {Ministering to LDS Members} I showed some LDS members your Book of Abraham video, but because they believe they heard from the Holy Spirit, biblical arguments haven&rsquo;t worked. How can I show that they haven&rsquo;t heard the Spirit? 45:18 {When Were the Apostles Saved?} When were the Apostles saved? They didn't have the full knowledge of what Jesus was doing until His appearance after His resurrection. Could they be considered "saved" before Pentecost? 47:40 {Will God Reveal when our Thinking is Unbiblical?} Philippians 3:15 says God will reveal when our thinking is opposed to His calling. How, then, do so many dedicated Christians get all the way through life still utterly confused about essential moral issues? 52:02 {How to Tell When Love Has Become Idolatry} Have I made my crush an idol? I&rsquo;ve found myself crushing on a brother in Christ. I&rsquo;ve also found that sometimes I prefer thinking about him more than God. I don&rsquo;t want to do this. Any advice? 56:48 {Are Drugs OK if they&rsquo;re Grown Naturally?} Is Genesis 1:29 allowing us to smoke weed and to eat magic mushrooms because they&rsquo;re found naturally? Hasn&rsquo;t sin surely had a big impact after the fall, on vegetation? 1:00:45 {The Bible on Transgenderism} What is the best biblical case against transgender behavior? 1:04:31 {Did God Die / Is Mary God&rsquo;s Mother?} Can we say God died since Jesus died? And can we say Mary is the mother of God? 1:08:38 {Can We Add Punctuation to Scripture?} A pastor at a local Bible study wants me to add punctuation to a section of Scripture that is just words to see multiple meanings. I feel uncomfortable with this. What are your thoughts on doing this? 1:10:03 {How to Grow in Self-Control} Because it is a fruit of the Spirit, is self-control a teachable skill like in Titus 2, or a gift of the Spirit? What practical advice do you have to get more emotional and verbal self-control? 1:16:11 {Must our Salvation Produce an Emotional Response?} Most Christians have a moment where they break down and weep as they realize what Jesus did for them on the cross. Is it normal to not have experienced this? I'm grateful, but also weirdly indifferent. 1:18:43 {Is Reading the Bible Better than Listening?} I have difficulty reading the Bible, and I think that listening to the Bible (like an audio Bible) might be helpful, but I feel like I'm missing something by not reading it. Any thoughts? 1:20:50 {Is it OK to Correct our Parents?} Is correcting your parents biblical, and what do you do if they do not respect correction? 1:24:32 {About Love in 1 Cor. 13:7} What does it mean practically that &ldquo;Love bears all things, believes all thin
1/14/20231 hour, 39 minutes, 35 seconds
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No marriage in heaven

It can seem like your relationship with your believing spouse has been downgraded when you think about there not being marriage in heaven. But I think we should consider it an upgrade. The closeness, unity, and love that we will have with each other, not to mention being "married" to Christ, will be so much more than what we have had on Earth. My website:
1/4/20234 minutes, 4 seconds
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Examples of modern idolatry and do I worry people will idolize me?

In light of the biblical teaching that covetousness is idolatry, I am deeply aware of how relevant this issue is for my life. My desires can pull me away from God. My desires, unchecked, can become idolatry. My website:
12/29/20226 minutes, 20 seconds
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I hope you don't believe this myth...

I've tested a lot of myths in my time, but this one is particularly bad. My website where I don't give away any free cookies. But I've got hundreds of hours of free video content helping you learn to think biblically about everything... bring your own cookies.
12/21/20227 minutes, 42 seconds
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Some concerning facts about Santa

It's difficult but worthwhile to test our own traditions against the principles and values of Scripture. More Christmas videos here: CLICK HERE&nbsp;for the full &ldquo;Is Christmas Pagan?&rdquo; video CLICK HERE&nbsp;for my video dispelling other Christmas myths and wrong popular beliefs about Jesus&rsquo; birth CLICK HERE&nbsp;for my video about the theology behind Christmas songs Does Jeremiah 10 ban Christmas trees?&nbsp;CLICK HERE&nbsp;to find out My website:
12/19/20228 minutes, 26 seconds
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People are still making this stuff up about Christmas trees.

&nbsp; For anyone out there thinking, "But doesn't the Bible specifically say not to decorate a tree and put it in your home in Jeremiah 10?" I have a video showing that the Jer. 10 passage is being distorted when we apply it to Christmas trees. CLICK HERE to watch! More Christmas videos here: The full "Is Christmas Pagan?" video: CLICK HERE Dispelling other Christmas myths and wrong popular beliefs about Jesus' birth: CLICK HERE The theology behind Christmas songs: CLICK HERE My website:
12/18/20228 minutes, 7 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 90)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro 0:14 {Bookshelf Tour!} When can we get a bookshelf tour? 11:48 {Should Churches Keep Records of Giving?} My church requires all employees to give to the church (in general; any amount is fine). They pulled me aside to ask why I haven&rsquo;t been giving, and when I told them I was, but that I felt better giving anonymously in the offering plate rather than having a record attached to my name, they told me it needed to be tracked. Am I wrong for feeling weird about this, or are they? 17:49 {Is Absolution or Absolving of Sins Biblical?} Does John 20:23 and Matthew 6:14 indicate that absolution (the act of forgiving someone for having done something wrong or sinful) is biblical? 23:52 {New Names in Heaven?} Do you have any insight about Revelation 2:17, specifically about the implication of new names in Heaven? 29:07 {Is Changing our Appearance Sinful?} Would changing our appearance in any way be a sin since God has created us in His image? For example, if we wear makeup, is that covering our natural beauty? And if we shave our body, is that destroying the beauty God has given us? 33:53 {Am I Obedient Enough? Repentant Enough?} I have recently been worrying a lot about whether I am obedient enough, repentant enough, or believing enough to be a real Christian. How can I biblically deal with this struggle? 39:55 {Why Does Jesus Conceal the Meaning of Things?} In Luke 9:44-45, why would Jesus tell His disciples this, only to have the meaning concealed? Why tell them if it wasn&rsquo;t meant for them to understand? 43:52 {Raising Dead &amp; Healing for Today?} Raising the Dead: Should we practice Matthew 10:8 today, or has the command to heal, cast out demons, and raise the dead ceased? 47:53 {Why is Abraham Commended for being with Hagar?} Why is Abraham commended for his faith when he tries to conceive a son through his slave, Hagar? Isn't that an indication that he had a moment where he lacked faith? 50:24 {Can the Deceased Hear/See Us?} Do you think that dead people can hear us and see what&rsquo;s happening in our world? 55:40 {Discerning God&rsquo;s Voice} How can I tell when the Holy Spirit is talking to me? Ever since hearing a sermon about a pastor's conviction to spend more time with God, I think I&rsquo;m hearing God ask for more time when I close my Bible. 59:56 {Encouragement amid Infertility} My husband and I have struggled to have a baby, and I have had Psalm 127:3 on my mind. It makes me feel like there is something I need to do, and a lack of faith. What is the context of the &ldquo;reward&rdquo;? 1:04:18 {Why Can I Be Saved, But Not Judas?} Heartbreakingly, I have betrayed Christ for things worth far less than 30 pieces of silver. What is fundamentally different between Judas and me? Why can I still be saved, but he couldn&rsquo;t? 1:06:36 {Who are the Called According to His Purpose?} Given the way Romans 8:28 is worded, I am wondering: are all people called according to His purpose, or only those of us who love Him? 1:09:27 {Hot? Cold? Lukewarm?} What does Jesus mean in Revelation 3:16 when He says it&rsquo;s better to be hot or cold than lukewarm? 1:13:50 {Could Cain Still Be Alive?} How do you feel about the Bible conspiracy that Cain is still alive somehow and is wandering the Earth to this day? 1:15:20 {Witnessing to Stubborn Family Members} Does &ldquo;shaking the dust off your feet&rdquo; (Matthew 10: 14) ever apply to family? Or are we to always endure in witnessing to family, despite continual rejection? 1:18:15 {Was Jesus&rsquo; Analogy Flawed?} Someone's response to Matthew 5:13 was &ldquo;How can salt lose its saltiness? If it wasn&rsquo;t salty, it wouldn't be salt.&rdquo; I understand what Jesus is saying here, but does this mean Je
12/17/20221 hour, 29 minutes, 12 seconds
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Is it OK to celebrate a holiday that's not in the Bible?

If our Lord could observe a holiday not found in the Old Testament and not instructed in the New Testament, then how can we say that it's automatically wrong to observe a holiday not directly taught in Scripture? We can't. Instead we need to actually consider the quality and meaning of the day along with the method of celebrating it. More Christmas videos here: CLICK HERE for the full "Is Christmas Pagan?" video CLICK HERE for my video dispelling other Christmas myths and wrong popular beliefs about Jesus' birth CLICK HERE for my video about the theology behind Christmas songs Does Jeremiah 10 ban Christmas trees? CLICK HERE to find out My website:
12/15/20221 minute, 55 seconds
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The connection between Christmas and Saturnalia

One thing I didn't mention in the video is the idea that Saturnalia did involve gift giving. At first glance, this might seem to imply that the gift giving of Christmas must be borrowed from the gift giving of Saturnalia. But there are some obstacles to establishing that connection. First, gift giving is a widespread practice across many different celebratory days. It doesn't really mean that much to see the giving of gifts on a holiday of some kind. It's the error of many to presume that similarity = origin, even when they don't have additional evidence to support that it does. Second, gifts were given on the 19th of December in association with Saturnalia, not the 25th. Imagine how clumsy it would be for the early Christians to feel they need to have a festival to replace Saturnalia, only to put it on the wrong date, leaving the people with nothing to replace Saturnalia during its actual events. More Christmas videos here: CLICK HERE for the full "Is Christmas Pagan?" video CLICK HERE for my video dispelling other Christmas myths and wrong popular beliefs about Jesus' birth CLICK HERE for my video about the theology behind Christmas songs Does Jeremiah 10 ban Christmas trees? CLICK HERE to find out My website:
12/14/20223 minutes, 2 seconds
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We don't think gluttony is a sin anymore

Here's the big red flag that I see. The Bible seems to make a way bigger deal out of gluttony than we do. That's all we need to know that something very concerning is going on in our very affluent culture. My website:
12/13/20224 minutes, 25 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 89)

0:00 - Intro 0:40 {Are Soul Ties Biblical?} What are &ldquo;soul ties,&rdquo; and are they biblical? 18:00 {Has Jesus Always Been God?} Our pastor said on Sunday that Jesus wasn&rsquo;t God here on Earth until the baptism of John and descending of the Holy Spirit. It sounded really bad to my ears. Can you comment, please? 22:46 {Honoring God Regardless of Feelings} When I feel "good" I find myself doubting less, being more loving, and sinning less. How do I know if I'm growing in the spirit or if it's just my antidepressants making me nicer? 26:44 {Witnessing to Muslims} How do you convince a Muslim that Jesus is more than just a prophet? 30:31 {Did Jesus Overturn the Tables Twice?} Why is Jesus overturning the money tables in John 2 and not later when He enters Jerusalem (around John 11 or 12)? Did He do this 2 times and not just in His last week (Matthew 21:12; Mark 11:15)? 35:06 {Did God Foretell Something that Didn&rsquo;t Happen?} In 1 Samuel 23:11-13 (ESV), the Lord says David will be handed over to Saul at Keilah, then David leaves town before Saul gets there, so he was not. Why did the Lord foretell a future event that didn't happen? 40:28 {About the Cruciform Hermeneutic} What are your thoughts on the cruciform hermeneutic or cruciform theology? 45:20 {Advice for a Tough Marital Situation} If my wife committed adultery against me and a child resulted from the affair, am I bound to care for the child? Why or why not, and how would I go about handling the situation after finding out? 46:48 {Should Couples Promise &ldquo;Till Death Do Us Part&rdquo;?} In many modern weddings, people promise before God "till death do us part,&rdquo; or something similar. Doesn't that biblically preclude the option of even a biblical divorce? 50:16 {Why was the Cross Necessary if God is All-Powerful?} I have an agnostic friend who can&rsquo;t accept that the cross was necessary. They believe God was not all powerful if He could not find another way of saving humanity without sacrificing Jesus. Thoughts? 52:59 {About Jacob&rsquo;s Wrestle with God} How do you interpret Genesis 32, when Jacob wrestles with God? 58:50 {Having Insurance = Lack of Trust in God?} What are your thoughts on having insurance and medical aid? I've heard it said that these things are rooted in fear and keep us from truly trusting God. Is that a biblical/wise perspective to have? 1:01:25 {What Kind of Jokes Fall Under &ldquo;Jesting&rdquo;?} I'm confused about &ldquo;eutrapelia&rdquo; and I don&rsquo;t know if it is just crude joking or all jokes that word speaks of in Ephesians 5:4. I use the KJV and it just says "jesting." 1:06:47 {Can We Rebuke the Enemy Ourselves?} Can we rebuke the enemy? 1:08:38 {Are Flashy Lights Inappropriate for a Church?} My church recently renovated our hall to be more upbeat and have flashy lights. I'm extremely disheartened by this. Do you have any advice? 1:13:25 {Slavery in the Old Covenant} How do we reconcile the treatment of foreigner slaves (not Israelite servitude) under the old covenant (bought as property, handed down to children, etc. &ndash; Leviticus 25:44-46)? 1:19:36 {Should we Only Have One Teacher?} Please, can you talk about what we should do when a spiritual leader wants you to only take advice from them and no one else, especially when the Bible says to have a &ldquo;multitude of counselors&rdquo;? 1:20:55 {Why did Some Men in the Bible Have Multiple Wives?} Most of the men in Bible had multiple wives. Can&rsquo;t you then say they lived in sin their entire lives? Many people say that continual sin doesn&rsquo;t equate to being a true Christian. 1:24:32 {Respectfully &amp; Effectively Witnessing to a Boss} My boss is a leader in the LDS church. He is a good and friendly boss but calls himself a Christian.
12/9/20221 hour, 39 minutes, 11 seconds
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Pt. 11: 5 Views on “Women Keep Silent" (1 Cor 14:35-36) - Women in Ministry Series

Some say we should remove it from the Bible. Intro - 0:009:26 The Take It Out of the Bible View48:58 The Refutation View1:34:51 The Education or Clatter View2:05:56 The Strict View2:24:44 The Judging Prophecy View3:09:54 Conclusions Others say the Bible is rejecting these statements about women, not endorsing them. Others say this is why women shouldn't speak in church in any way, perhaps singing in the congregation is ok though. Others say this is a prohibition on women as teachers during regular all-church services. Others say this passage is about prophecy and who is supposed to participate in the judging of prophetic gifts, discerning whether those messages are from God. It's hard to get around the idea that this passage seems to endorse complementarian or patriarchal views of gender roles. But we will explore various attempts to do so. "As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says. If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak." 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 We'll examine all sides and dig deep to get as much clarity as I am able to offer on not only 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 but also how it applies to the topic of Women in Ministry. After years of being a bit confused about the topic of women in ministry I set out to spend months researching the topic in great detail to produce this exhaustive teaching series on the topic. This is part 11. CLICK HERE for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them). CLICK HERE for my teaching notes from today&rsquo;s video. You can find footnotes there, as well. CLICK HERE for my two part series on "How to Understand the Old Testament Law" CLICK HERE for my three videos explaining manuscript differences and how reliable the New Testament is. You can also find more videos freely available on my website:
12/4/20223 hours, 16 minutes, 16 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 88)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:Intro - 0:001. 1:05 {Our Reign With Christ &amp; Purpose of Authority in Eternity} What does it mean that we will reign with Christ in Heaven? What use will there be for any kind of authority in a sinless universe where our righteousness and wisdom are perfect?2. 9:54 {Study Resource Recommendations} Are there any non-Calvinist Systematic Theology books you recommend?3. 11:50 {Biblical Hair Length of Movie Characters?} In Lord of the Rings, would you consider the hair length too long for some characters, such as Aragorn or Legolas? How do I apply 1 Corinthians 11 when designing characters for my own projects?4. 16:35 {How Was the &ldquo;Thief on the Cross&rdquo; Saved?} How was the &ldquo;good thief&rdquo; in Luke 23:42 saved? He died without knowing Jesus' resurrection. Jesus tells him, &ldquo;Today you will be with me in paradise,&rdquo; but Christ doesn&rsquo;t rise for 3 days. Confused!5. 22:35 {Should We Hate Evildoers?} How do you talk to someone who claims the Christian faith but hates people groups because they are &ldquo;haters of God and denied Jesus&rdquo;? My friend won&rsquo;t talk to me because I don&rsquo;t hate evil people enough.6. 26:24 {Meaning of the Leftover Miracle Food} What is the meaning of the 12 and 7 baskets left over from the feeding of the 5,000 and 4,000?7. 28:31 {Should I Leave My Job if I&rsquo;m Kept from Church?} Due to work, I&rsquo;m not able to go to church. should I look for another job so I can maintain fellowship, or should I just continue with the job I have now?8. 31:36 {Why is the NAR Unbiblical?} Please explain why the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is unbiblical.9. 38:32 {Is Heaven a Choice?} Does Revelation 22:17 mean that we have a choice to stay in Heaven (the last sentence specifically)? Would we be able to blink out of existence? Would this offend God?10. 41:05 {How Would Adam &amp; Eve Know Disobedience was Wrong?} If Adam and Eve didn&rsquo;t have knowledge of good and evil, how would they know it is wrong to disobey God and eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?11. 43:54 {Can We &ldquo;Declare&rdquo; things in Prayer?} What are your thoughts on &ldquo;declarative prayer&rdquo; or &ldquo;positive confession&rdquo; (e.g., &ldquo;I declare revival for this city,&rdquo; &ldquo;I declare that this day is blessed,&rdquo; etc.)?12. 46:59 {About Boycotting Businesses} Should Christians boycott businesses paying for abortion travel?13. 51:24 {How Deep in Theology to go while Evangelizing} How much of the doctrine of the Trinity do we need to explain while sharing the Gospel (especially when it comes to the hypostatic union)?14. 52:34 {Was Jesus&rsquo; Second Coming Prophesied?} Is it clear in Old Testament prophecies that Jesus will come not only once, but twice?15. 54:59 {Should We Settle On a Religion that &ldquo;Feels Right&rdquo;?} If a friend says they're looking for a religion that "feels right," how do I approach them if they&rsquo;ve already left Christianity?16. 59:22 {Will We Remember Unbelievers in Eternity?} After a believer dies, will they remember their loved ones who were unbelievers? I understand "perfect peace," but that doesn&rsquo;t answer the question.17. 1:04:29 {Why Do Two Peoples&rsquo; Prayers Yield Different Results?} Why do some people have a gift of healing that works when they pray for people, but I can&rsquo;t do the same? If we are praying to the same God, why do two peoples&rsquo; prayers give different results?18. 1:07:50 {Choosing Biblical Homeschooling Resources} We homeschool, and one of the most popular "Christian" curricula happens to be from a Mormon. I keep going back and forth over if I should use it because it's very solid academically. Advice?19. 1:09:27 {Handling our Emotions Biblically} What's the difference between suppressing our emotions vs. having self-
12/2/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 15 seconds
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Low self-worth and abandonment issues. Any advice?

Learn to think biblically about everything. 100s of free videos: Bible studies, topical issues, apologetics, theology, and more, on my YouTube channel and on my website:
11/16/20224 minutes, 34 seconds
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Pt. 10: All The Head Covering Debates (1 Cor 11) - Women in Ministry Series

Video map below... 0:00 Intro DIFFERENT WAYS OF INTERPRETING 1 Cor 1112:05 The Traditional Interpretation47:36 The Hairstyle View1:02:32 The Refutation View1:05:13 The “It Doesn’t Belong in the Bible” View1:06:25 The “Cloth Covering but not Submission” View1:17:15 How we are going to make sense of all this (14 questions) THE 14 QUESTIONS THAT WILL EXPLAIN THIS PASSAGE1:19:32 #1 Does this passage belong in the Bible?1:27:11 #2 Is Paul refuting, rather than teaching, much of what we read here?1:37:02 #3 What does “head” (kephale) mean in this passage?1:50:41 #4 What were the ongoing cultural customs around head coverings? 3:15:03 #5 What does Paul want men to do?3:17:39 #6 What does Paul want women to do? 3:21:53 #7 What is Paul’s point about the order and purpose in the creation of man and woman in vs. 8-9?3:40:44 #8 What does “nature” mean in vs 14?3:59:50 #9 Is this passage about women and men or husbands and wives?4:06:15 #10 How is woman the glory of man and man the glory of God? And what about the image language in vs 7?4:35:02 #11 Does the woman have a “symbol of authority” on her head or does she “have authority over her own head” in vs 10?5:00:40 #12 What does “because of the angels” man in vs 10?5:24:26 #13 Is this whole thing really based on the ancient medical idea that women’s hair functioned as a testicle?6:10:50 #14 How does it apply today? 6:37:00 Conclusion: What 1 Cor 11 means for the Women in Ministry series. Here are my notes for today's video. I've included many links and references for you to follow up on while doing your own research. This is THE LINK to the playlist of ALL the videos in the Women in Ministry playlist: My website:
11/11/20226 hours, 45 minutes, 50 seconds
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When the wife is more spiritual than the husband.

I suppose it just doesn't matter if the wife is more spiritual than the husband. The real bummer is when the husband isn't spiritual at all. My website:
10/26/20222 minutes, 52 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 87)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro1. 2:14 {&ldquo;My Yoke is Easy&rdquo; vs. &ldquo;Take Up Your Cross&rdquo;?} I&rsquo;m confused about why Jesus says &ldquo;Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden&rdquo; but then instructs us to pick up our cross (of suffering?) and follow Him. That sounds like a heavy burden to me, to try to love and obey Jesus perfectly.2. 11:46 {Trusting God&rsquo;s Will for our Loved Ones} We are supposed to trust God with all our hearts. But what does it look like to trust God with the free will decisions of others, like our adult children?3. 16:51 {Pastors Teaching Dream Interpretation?} What is your take on Christian pastors practicing and teaching dream interpretation using dream dictionaries, Google, and their own reasoning to interpret?4. 20:11 {Was Christianity Made Up to Control People?} What do you say to a skeptic that thinks Christianity is just a man-made thing created as a means to control people?5. 24:20 {Is Monarchy Unbiblical?} I&rsquo;ve been thinking about this question a lot since Queen Elizabeth died last month, but I&rsquo;ve had it for a while. Does 1 Samuel 8:6-7 teach that monarchy is unbiblical?6. 29:49 {Does Satan Think He&rsquo;ll Win in the End?} How can Satan, an angel much smarter than us, be so unwise as to oppose an all-powerful God? Does Satan think he stands a chance of winning in the end?7. 35:39 {Should Israel be Referred To as Palestine?} Why do you refer to biblical Israel as Palestine when Palestine wasn&rsquo;t even a country until about 135 B.C.?8. 39:00 {Should I Date a Hyper-Charismatic?} I've been on a few dates with a great girl, but I've realized she's in a church that over emphasizes prophecy, tongues, possibly NAR things. Any advice on how to approach this?9. 42:33 {How Could Jesus have been &ldquo;Perfected&rdquo;?} Hebrews 5:9 says Jesus was "perfected" when He became the author of salvation to those who obey Him. How can an already perfect Jesus be &ldquo;perfected&rdquo;?10. 46:00 {Does God fill the role of Heavenly Father AND Mother?} My 7 year old asked me why we need an earthly father AND mother, but only a Heavenly Father? I started to say God fills both roles, but was hesitant about that in this gender-confused culture.11. 50:11 {Overcoming Difficult &amp; Serious Sins} Do believers eventually overcome big sins like lust? What if we don't before we die? Does that mean we were never saved?12. 54:40 {Knowing God&rsquo;s Plan for our Career} How do you know what job/career God wants you to pursue?13. 57:50 {Are Only Men Called to Sacrificially Love?} Can you explain how Ephesians 5:25 is a particularly masculine command? Many verses including John 15:12-13 call ALL believers to love one another sacrificially.14. 1:00:59 {Did Luke Journey With Paul?} I have studied Acts verse-by-verse and I have noticed that in some parts the writer uses &ldquo;we&rdquo; and &ldquo;us&rdquo; (Chapter 28 for example). Was Luke with Paul on his missionary journeys?15. 1:02:03 {Codex Vaticanus vs. Modern Bibles?} If the Codex Vaticanus is the oldest Bible, how much does it differ from modern Bibles, if at all?16. 1:06:00 {Overcoming a Fear of the Dark} How can I overcome a fear of the dark? Ever since I was young until now (I&rsquo;m 25 years old), it&rsquo;s hard for me to fall asleep every night because I&rsquo;m scared that there might be something evil watching me sleeping.17. 1:09:40 {Does This Verse Justify False Teaching?} How should we understand 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5,14, 3:18-19? Ray Comfort quoted this to say Bible stories are supposed to sound dumb! Can't this be quoted to justify any dumb-sounding false teaching?18. 1:14:50 {Why didn&rsquo;t JTB&rsquo;s Followers just Follow Jesus?} Why did John the Baptist still have disciples after he clearly pointed out Jesus? Shouldn't they have followed Jesus?19. 1:18:18 {We
10/22/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 44 seconds
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Does Christianity make wives "ripe for abuse"?

I disagree. More importantly, I can show why Scripture, which would protect wives from abuse, is often ignored. I would go so far as to say that Christianity would protect wives from such abuse and encourage them to take recourse in self-protection if the Bible is applied to their situation. It may be that the problem we often see is not too much Bible, it's too little Bible.
10/19/20228 minutes, 35 seconds
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Confronting a hyper-jealous person

This is one of those videos where I'm just hoping people will think carefully about what I'm saying. I race through a few things here rather quickly, though I fully mean what I'm saying. I think there's an obvious implication in the bitter water ritual that has application toward the idea of an overly jealous and suspicious spouse. Isolation tends to make them worse, public accountability may help them realize they are experiencing delusional thoughts and treating others wrongly as a result. My website:
10/12/20225 minutes, 20 seconds
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I don't care anymore, I just want out.

What do you say to someone who doesn't care anymore? I truly hope these words offer some help. My website:
10/5/20227 minutes, 12 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 86)

0:00 - Intro1. 0:22 {Can We Resist Sin Without the Spirit?} How were the disciples able to follow Jesus and resist sin without the Spirit indwelling them? Is it possible to be a Christian without the Spirit?2. 8:52 {Help with the Hiddenness of God} The hiddenness (and silence) of God is causing me doubts. Is there any advice or help you can offer (such as that God is silent now because revelation has been completed with the New Testament)?3. 16:35 {A Young Pastor being Disrespected} I am a young pastor of a church with people mostly in their 60s and 70s. My staff often micromanages me, corrects me in public, and treats me like a grandchild instead of their pastor. Any advice?4. 22:00 {Is Christian Nationalism Biblical?} Is Christian nationalism in the sense of theocracy a scriptural concept?5. 25:49 {God&rsquo;s Judgment vs. Justice} How are God's judgment (him being a judge who carries out consequences) and His justice (establishing order) different if He uses His judgment to apply justice? Or can you explain His judgment vs. His justice?6. 28:29 {Are Batchelor Parties Always Sinful?} I am attending a bachelor party and I have a Christian co-worker who said "Christians shouldn't go to bachelor parties." How would you response to this? All at the party profess to be Christians.7. 32:49 {Are Rapture Dreams Truly from God?} What are your thoughts on Christians that have &ldquo;rapture dreams&rdquo; claiming that the rapture will be soon? Do you think these are from God, or just a result of all of the end times talk that has ramped up lately?8. 37:00 {Was Aaron Punished In Place of Moses?} In the book of Numbers, why did God punish Aaron for unbelief when Moses is the one who struck the rock?9. 41:19 {Overcoming Addictions} I struggle with an addiction to nicotine and caffeine. There are no rehab centers for these. What do I do? I know its sinful, but I need help to overcome. I can&rsquo;t be a slave to two masters.10. 45:45 {How Were Jesus&rsquo; Words Translated?} Did the synoptic writers translate Jesus&rsquo; words from Aramaic to Greek? Does that partially explain why they don&rsquo;t match each other exactly, because they translated to best explain His teaching?11. 50:46 {Will the Father Not Forgive Us?} Matthew 6:14-15 says we should forgive others of their trespasses or our Father will not forgive us of ours. But the Bible also says that all of our sins have been atoned for on the cross. Can you explain?12. 55:06 {Is Typology Only About Jesus?} Is typology only ever about Jesus? If so, how do we explain the type/antitype in 1 Peter 3:21? If not, how do we tell true vs. false types when "no new theology" can come from typology?13. 1:01:27 {Christ&rsquo;s Law vs. the Moral Law} What is Christ&rsquo;s law, and how is it different from the 10 commandments which many argue is the moral law we are to keep to this day?14. 1:05:36 {Do Our Spiritual Gifts Ever Change?} As believers, are we given a static set of spiritual gifts, or are our gifts more dynamic in nature so that God adds to and/or subtracts from them according to our season of life or our maturity in Him?15. 1:09:48 {Should We Date Unbelievers for Evangelism?} My cousin is dating someone who is not a Christian in the hopes that they will get saved. Is this okay to do?16. 1:13:58 {If My Own Child Comes Out&hellip;} What is your take on what we should say when unbelievers ask, &ldquo;What would you do if your child came out to be gay?&rdquo; Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.17. 1:16:55 {Avoiding Distraction in Prayer} What is the best way to focus on God? Do you know of any techniques for this? While I'm praying, I try to focus on God, but I always seem to get distracted.18. 1:18:45 {Can We Wear Cross Jewelry?} What are your thoughts about wearing cross jewelry?19. 1:21:05 {Am I Doing Enough in Marriage?} My wife works very hard, long hours. She
10/1/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 14 seconds
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He's obviously being a very horrible jerk.

It can seem like weak advice to people to "look to Jesus" in their situation. But it only seems like weak advice to those who haven't yet grasped what it means to "look to Jesus." Look to Jesus. My website:
9/28/20224 minutes, 47 seconds
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A situation where you should NOT give to your church.

If you want some more info on why I think that 10% is NOT required giving from believers to their local churches, then watch THIS video:;t=0s My website:
9/24/20223 minutes, 49 seconds
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I told you so

Dr. Peter Gurry is a well respected scholar, Greek professor at Phoenix Seminary, and the author or coauthor of numerous articles and books, including the new "Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism," which is careful analysis of rhetoric and facts about how reliable the New Testament is. Here is the playlist where top scholar after top scholar review The Passion Translation and demonstrate that when it offers something new it's frequently something wrong. This is the interview on Alisa Childers' channel where today's clip was found. She was interviewing both Dr. Peter Gurry and Dr. John Meade on "The Amazing Story of How We Got the Bible." It's worth a listen if you find that topic interesting. My website:
9/21/20223 minutes, 30 seconds
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I hate to have to make this video. These are the lies two Christians are spreading about me.

Some related links: Since both Tim Hurd and Doctrinal Watchdog seem to think that I am only now changing my views because of a response to their criticisms, here are a bunch of old clips of me having these views long before their videos ever came out. Click here for the MacArthur clip (what I really think about John MacArthur) This clip is about being "slain in the Spirit," how self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, and how you still should have control over yourself, according to Scripture, while speaking in tongues. Click here for a second clip about being "slain or drunk in the Spirit" and "unknown utterances." Specifically, how "there's no biblical foundation" for being slain in the Spirit. Click here for my shorter video called "Spirit-Filled: What it Does and Doesn't Mean." Why I don't use people's preferred (and untrue) pronouns: Click here. Why I would not attend a same-sex wedding: Click here. This clip against living a homosexual lifestyle (in addition to my 4-part series). The green text at the end of Tim's video also says, "Winger also told Joel Webbon of Right Response Ministries that Christians are [not] obligated to keep the 10 commandments." Here's that clip in context. It should be clear that I am not saying it's ok for you to murder people. Nor is my view so strange. John Piper holds the same view. Since Doctrinal Watchdog has also claimed that I have no problem with female pastors and teachers, I will provide related clips. Though I would nuance my views more than he wants me to, this is definitely a deception. This clip is stating that women are not to be the teaching elder of the fellowship and that "women are not to take the role of lead pastor or teaching elder, and to have that position as a woman would be what 1 Timothy is saying not to do." And that it's "God's ordained structure for men and women." Reiterated here that women are not called to the pastoral role. You can also check out my whole Women in Ministry Series to see my views. This clip giving my position on "By His stripes we are healed" and if that relates to physical healing for us today. Another point where I disagree with Bethel. Doctrinal Watchdog's multiple deceptive videos about me (his channel seems to do this to others, as well):Example 1Example 2Example 3His channel has several others on me. They seem to grow in number daily. Click here for BTWN's (Tim Hurd's) misleading video about me. (He has also added another yesterday.) My website:
9/17/20221 hour, 6 minutes, 53 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 85)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro 1:00 {Is Loan Forgiveness Moral or Immoral?} Is it biblical for a Christian to file for student loan forgiveness? I attended college in my 20s and racked up 20k in student loans. The balance is currently at 16k. Biden's student loan forgiveness plan would really help, but would I be "taking the easy way out" when I'm able-bodied to pay off the remainder over time myself? Would it be selfish and irresponsible, or a blessing, to accept the aid? 19:15 {Does God Not Knowing a Soul Mean They Never Loved Him?} Through 1 Corinthians 8:3, we know that whoever loves God is known by Him. Thus, would you agree that Jesus saying &ldquo;I never knew you&rdquo; in Matthew 7 is the equivalent of Him saying &ldquo;You never loved Me&rdquo;? 23:51 {About the Patriarchs&rsquo; Ages in Genesis} Were the biological ages of the Patriarchs from Adam to Noah congruent with their chronological ages? At 900 years old, were they biologically 90? How long do you think they spent in childhood? 27:50 {Was Sacrificing to Molech Similar to Abortion?} Was Molech child sacrifice similar to abortion in that a key purpose was to get rid of unwanted babies born (most often) of sexual sin? Ezekiel 16:20-21(NKJV) clearly links the practice to fornication. 31:54 {How Much Should we Desire Marriage?} How fervently should I pray for the possibility of marriage being included in God&rsquo;s will for my life? It has always felt pointless considering that it's likely God may not ever give it in my life. 36:12 {How Will Jesus Reconcile All Things in Heaven?} In Colossians 1:20, Paul says that Jesus reconciles all things to Himself, both in Heaven and on Earth. What does it mean for Jesus to reconcile all things in Heaven? 39:09 {Am I Called to Global Missions?} Is Matthew 28:18-20 a calling for all Christians to leave their respective countries to share the Gospel, or just some? How can I tell if I am to leave my home country to share the Gospel? 44:05 {Should We Celebrate Friends&rsquo; &ldquo;Out of Wedlock&rdquo; Pregnancies?} I have some Christian friends who have gotten pregnant out of wedlock, and I feel like they expect you to react just the same as if they were married. What&rsquo;s the right response in this situation? 47:35 {Is it Possible to be &ldquo;Good&rdquo;?} &ldquo;Good Man&rdquo;? Jesus said there is none good but God in Luke 18:19, Mathew 19:17, and Mark 10:18. But, in Acts 11:24 it talks about a Good Man. Also in Matthew 12:35, Proverbs 13:22, and Romans 5:7 (NIV). 51:12 {About Moral, Civil &amp; Ceremonial Laws} Why do we differentiate between moral, ceremonial, and civil law? Meaning, who decided the moral law was to be continued but not the other two types? 56:02 {About Abraham&rsquo;s Bosom &amp; King Saul&rsquo;s Salvation} Does 1 Samuel 28:19 disprove the theological idea of &ldquo;Abraham&rsquo;s Bosom,&rdquo; or could we perhaps assume that King Saul was saved? 1:00:34 {Can Only God be Perfect?} As a philosopher, I want to say that only God is (or can possibly be) perfect. How do I reconcile this with Matthew 5:48? 1:03:14 {A Family Attending Different Churches} Is it okay to go to different churches while being under the same household? My family goes to a Pentecostal church, but I prefer a Baptist one. 1:05:07 {Should We Require a Sign from God Before Belief?} How would you respond if someone you love said something like, "I won't believe in any God unless He performs a supernatural miracle right in front of me&rdquo;? 1:08:27 {Is Satan Omnipresent?} I was asked if Satan was omnipresent. I said no, but was met with some push back. What are some good Bible verses to prove why Satan is not omnipresent and why this attribute is exclusive to God? 1:10:59 {Does the Opportunity for Repentan
9/16/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 21 seconds
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My husband is addicted to porn. Should I divorce?

This question is painful and difficult to answer. I really hope that me sharing my own thoughts and including several relevant verses from the Bible brings some help to those who need it. My website:
9/14/20227 minutes, 13 seconds
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What do I do? My husband demands I don't go to church.

This seems to me to be an area where rebellion against his request is required by faithfulness to God. My website:
9/7/20222 minutes, 58 seconds
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Joel Osteen misuses the Bible 14 out of 15 times in one sermon.

Since Joel Osteen removed my first video giving a full analysis of his sermon, I am uploading this highly edited one focused on his use of Scripture specifically. Why are you doing this, Mike? Because you can't think biblically if your teachers are misusing the Bible all the time. And pointing out when and how this happens is one of the best ways to help people learn not to do it themselves. I don't have anything personal against Joel Osteen. I do, however, feel a calling to help people learn to think biblically about everything and I recognize that the pop-level teaching of popular internet/TV preachers has done a lot of harm to our ability to read the Bible and our awareness of how serious Jesus' call to discipleship really is. My website:
9/6/20221 hour, 31 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 84)

Here's the link I told you about, for searching on my site for answers to your questions. HERE&rsquo;S my video on the unforgivable sin. HERE&rsquo;S my video on how atheist scholar, Bart Ehrman, misleads millions. My goal is to help you on the road to thinking biblically about everything. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro 0:39 {Did Jesus Contradict Himself?} Why would Jesus instruct us to let our good works be seen by others (Matthew 5:16) if He also instructed us to do our good works in secret (Matthew 6:1-4)? Am I misunderstanding something? 12:19 {Do Some People Get More Grace?} Romans 5:2 says we stand on grace. In Acts 4:33, it says great grace was upon them all. Does that mean some people have more grace? I&rsquo;ve heard you say we don't get grace little by little. 18:10 {If You&rsquo;ve Forgotten a Promise to God} What do you do when you&rsquo;ve made a promise to God and either forget the specifics of it or forget you&rsquo;ve made it altogether? 20:58 {Should We Fear Future Events?} What is a healthy way to look at the future with all the disasters in Revelation? I have trouble building up my life without fearing everything will change soon, for the worse. 25:51 {Responding to Pro-Choice Thinking} How can we respond to someone who uses, &ldquo;A creator has the right to do whatever they want with their own creation&rdquo; as a pro-choice argument? 30:54 {About &ldquo;Holy Water&rdquo; or &ldquo;Blessed&rdquo; Objects} A local street preacher uses holy water on the ground, which he says keeps demonic activity from disrupting his preaching. I haven't seen Scripture support this. Is it biblical? 36:18 {About the Millennial Kingdom} If God is eternal and He knows everything from the beginning to the end, then why does He set up a 1000 year Millennium Kingdom? What are the reasons for this, biblically? 42:18 {Perichoresis vs. Modalism} Can you explain the difference between the concepts of perichoresis and modalism? They seem to be very similar ideas on the surface. 46:06 {About Bart Ehrman&rsquo;s Teachings &amp; Tactics} You have talked about Dr. Bart Ehrman (ex: your &ldquo;Atheist Scholar Misleads Millions Of People&rdquo; video). Does he also use these "techniques" on his professional peers? 51:27 {Trusting God when He Seems Silent} What practical steps do you do to trust in the Lord? I frequently have difficulty trusting Him during difficult times, especially when He doesn&rsquo;t seem to be answering prayer. 59:20 {Were the Nazis Appointed by God?} Were the Nazis as a government authority "appointed by God" according to Romans 13? 1:03:39 {Why did God Send Jacob to Egypt?} In Genesis 12:10, Abraham goes to Egypt. That decision is considered by many as disobedience to God. If going to Egypt is related to a bad decision, why is it that later, God sent Jacob to Egypt? 1:06:30 {Are We Dead to Sin, or Sold Under It?} Why does Paul say "&hellip;reckon ye yourselves to be dead unto sin, but alive unto God through Christ Jesus our Lord" in Romans 6:11, yet in Romans 7:14, he says, "&hellip;but I am carnal, sold under sin"? 1:10:05 {Traditional Preferences over Biblical Theology?} I&rsquo;m an ex-Catholic, but I&rsquo;m getting pulled back in. I don&rsquo;t know why, but I just like praying in Latin, the Rosary, praying to saints, and using scripted prayers because I don&rsquo;t know how to pray on my own. 1:18:15 {How to Understand the Bible} What is your general advice on understanding Bible verses that we don't understand? 1
9/2/20221 hour, 43 minutes, 24 seconds
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Is your marriage “Christian”?

It's very important that we recognize the incredible value of our marriages, whether they involve two Christians or not. You can honor Christ in your marriage whether your spouse does or not. My website:&nbsp;
8/31/20221 minute, 33 seconds
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"Can I marry a Muslim?"

The most important issue here is that we first decide that we are willing to yield to whatever God says on the topic. Once we&rsquo;ve decided to obey we will be more likely to actually listen to the answer without distorting it to fit our desires. Original Q&amp;A video is HERE. My website:
8/29/20223 minutes, 46 seconds
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When a Christian spouse can be treated as a non-believer (and why abuse is hard to define)

This is a quick overview of several points that I explain in much more detail in my full teaching on everything the Bible says about divorce and remarriage. CLICK HERE for that 3 hour video with timestamps to help you navigate to exactly what you need. My website:
8/24/20227 minutes, 21 seconds
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"I find it difficult to pray for the President even though the Bible tells me to.”

Yes, we want to pray for their salvation! But I think that some people have a hard time praying for those who they see as causing large scale harm or problems for others when they mistakenly think we are supposed to ask God to prosper them in their efforts. Instead, we can pray for God to bring good out of their leadership and for other blessings which don't involve supporting ungodly commitments or commitments that we see as ungodly. Unfortunately, this is pretty much the way I have found myself praying for every president I've known. Original Q&amp;A video is HERE. My website:
8/22/20223 minutes, 15 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 83)

My goal is to help you on the road to thinking biblically about everything. Here&rsquo;s my video analyzing how Roman Catholic apologists abuse typology to teach Mariology. THIS is the entire &ldquo;How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament&rdquo; series. The most personally rewarding and thrilling series I&rsquo;ve ever done. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:54 {The Purpose of our Lives} As Christians, what is the purpose of our lives? 16:53 {About Kenosis Theology} Is Bethel style Kenosis theology from Philippians 2:5-11 heretical (where Christ is said to have lost His divinity to live instead as a human)? Or is that a secondary issue like sacraments and eschatology? 25:39 {When People Justify Bad Behavior w/Scripture} When strong Christians suddenly start to justify sinful treatment of others (rage, control, insults, blaming) through Scripture twisting, could this be due to a shipwrecked faith or mental illness? 28:09 {Should we Pray in Public Before Meals?} I grew up praying before every meal, even in restaurants. I want to know how often I should do this, since I don&rsquo;t want to be like the Pharisees praying publicly to be seen by others. 32:45 {Can Satan Heal People?} In view of the magicians in Exodus potentially getting their power from Satan, can Satan and demons heal, and are these potentially healings that don't last? 37:58 {How to Reach Catholic Family Members} I&rsquo;m a new believer, and my wife is a Catholic. Married 5 years. We have 2 very young baby daughters. How do I win my wife to Christ if she grew up rigidly Catholic? I can't break past her typological beliefs. 43:35 {Empathizing with Victims of Tragic Events} How should I view the pain I feel for victims of the Holocaust, Nanking Massacre, etc. when these groups were mostly un-elect vessels of wrath who will receive no comfort? 49:06 {Is Psychology Satanic?} I&rsquo;ve heard some people say that psychology belongs to Satan and that Christians should stray from studying it. What is your opinion on that, and is there any biblical basis for avoiding it? 57:58 {How Might Fathers Exasperate their Children?} What does &ldquo;Fathers, do not exasperate your children&rdquo; in Colossians 3:21 mean? Is this meant to be a general guidance to raising children, or discipling them? 1:03:06 {How to Distinguish Core Doctrines} How do I know what things are a &ldquo;salvation issue&rdquo; that I have to be right about, and what things are more open to interpretation that if I am wrong about my salvation will not be affected? 1:06:27 {Why is the Resurrection so Important?} Why are Jesus' claims and resurrection the one true root of our faith? Asking to help explain it to unbelievers who believe all religions lead to God. 1:11:22 {Must We Look Forward to our Glorified Bodies?} As a disabled person, some claim I&rsquo;m missing out because I&rsquo;m not looking forward to a new body. I&rsquo;m content. Thoughts? 1:13:22 {Why was Tamar a &ldquo;Disgraced Woman&rdquo;?} Why was Tamar in 2 Samuel considered &ldquo;a disgraced woman&rdquo; after being raped by her half-brother, Amnon? 1:22:04 {Should we Insert Names into Scripture?} A friend likes to substitute names in place of "you" in Scripture. Is that biblical? Romans 15:13 for example. 1:25:15 {Why does Jesus need to Pray in Heaven?} Why does Jesus pray for us in Heaven when He could just directly ask God, since He is seated at the right hand of God? 1:29:50 {How to get Others Excited about Apologetics} What is the best way to get a fellow believer to realize the importance of apologetics? I meet way too many Christians who are just like, "I j
8/20/20221 hour, 55 minutes, 12 seconds
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I endorse husband-leaders, but there is a danger in it.

It seems to me that a balanced, biblical view will affirm both the role of the husband as having higher authority in the household and his responsibility to utilize that authority for self-sacrificial service. Any teaching that doesn't emphasize both of these aspects seems to be unbiblical. CLICK HERE for my video on "How to Be a Husband" My website:
8/18/20224 minutes, 17 seconds
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Pt. 9: Have We Misunderstood "Wives Submit"? - Women in Ministry Series

Many (not all) egalitarians say that the fundamental way that marriage works, in relationship to authority, has been widely misunderstood by Christians throughout history. They say that wives are not called to submit in any greater fashion than their husbands are. They say that the real biblical teaching is for "mutual submission." Today we will cover the main passages that seem to teach an authority imbalance in the marriage relationship, examine the context of each from a traditional, complementarian perspective, and then we'll spend the majority of our time going over egalitarian claims that would offer linguistic, contextual and historical reasons for why that's not what it means. They will generally say that a passage simply does not say that there is an authority imbalance in marriage, or that it does say that but it was only for a particular culture and a particular time. After years of being a bit confused about the topic of women in ministry, I set out to spend months researching the topic in great detail to produce this exhaustive teaching series on the topic. This is part 9. CLICK HERE for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them). You can also find more videos freely available here on my website. I have other references and data in my notes from this series, which you can freely access through this website. Time Stamps: 10:36 Mike&rsquo;s teaching through 1 Peter 3:1-7 30:19 Mike&rsquo;s teaching through Col. 3: 18-19 35:04 Mike&rsquo;s teaching through Titus 2:5 35:52 Mike&rsquo;s teaching through Eph. 5: 21-33 49:23 Mike&rsquo;s teaching on 1 Cor. 7:3-5 55:14 Egalitarian view of 1 Pet. 3:1-7 1:21:55 Egalitarian view of Col. 3: 18-19 1:30:45 Egalitarian view of Eph. 5: 21-36 2:40:47 The slavery objection 3:05:07 Conclusion
8/16/20223 hours, 9 minutes
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 82)

My goal is to help you on the road to thinking biblically about everything. LINKS I MENTIONED: Help for Jehovah's Witnesses playlist Penal Substitution Series What the Bible teaches about Alcohol Here's the link for my next video in the Women in Ministry series. This is part 9 and we will be covering the claim that many egalitarians make that there is no authority imbalance in marriage and the idea of "wives submit" has been misunderstood throughout time; it should really be understood, they say, as "mutual submission." This issue is massively important since it impacts every Christian marriage! 0:00 - Intro 0:30 {Are Retirement Savings Sinful?} Based off of the Parable of the Rich Fool (Luke 12:16-21) and the story in Matthew 19:21, do you think it is sinful to save up for retirement? 14:59 {Communion Elements/Did Jesus Drink Wine?} My family and I attend a church that is in fellowship with an organization that uses water during communion instead of wine or grape juice. They attempt to use John 19:34 to justify this, and they also believe Jesus never consumed wine. Is this biblical? 21:10 {Does Jesus Live in Us?} Would it be accurate after reading 1 Corinthians 6:19 &amp; 2 Corinthians 13:5 to state that both the Holy Spirit and Jesus live in the believer? 26:40 {Are &ldquo;God-Given Rights&rdquo; Biblical?} Does the Bible say anything about "God Given Rights,&rdquo; at least the way many Americans use the phrase? 33:20 {When &amp; How to Evangelize} I want everyone to be saved &amp; I feel guilty if I don't share the Gospel with every person I see. How do I know when I should share the Gospel &amp; how do I start the conversation? 38:08 {Is the Curse of the Ground Still Active?} In what way did Noah bring relief from the curse of the ground (Genesis 5:28-29)? Am I mistaken in thinking the curse still seems active today (Genesis 3:17-19; 8:21)? 43:47 {What is a False Teacher?} What do you think is the biblical definition of a false teacher? People's interpretations of this vary widely. I&rsquo;d just like to have a fresh pair of eyes on it. 47:58 {About Fantasy Entertainment} What is your stance on fantasy entertainment which utilizes pagan/made up religions such as GoT, Lotr, Zelda, Hercules, or Valheim? Isn&rsquo;t it promoting Idolatry? 52:05 {Safeguarding Ourselves While Witnessing} I have felt God call me to minister to the JWs, and He has opened doors for me to do so. What should I do to make sure my faith is not endangered when I am doing ministry? I meet with them tonight. 56:21 {How does Our Will Intertwine with God&rsquo;s?} In Genesis 20:4-6, Abimelech seems to think he didn&rsquo;t touch Sarah out of his own will, but God says HE didn&rsquo;t allow it. Any insight on the intersection between our will and God&rsquo;s hand making stuff happen? 1:01:29 {How did Jesus Pay in Advance for our Sin?} I'm not sure about penal substitution. How can it be that my sins, which were not yet committed at the time of the crucifixion, could have been imputed to Christ on the cross? 1:06:43 {Discerning God&rsquo;s Calling from Our Feelings?} How can I tell the difference between when God is truly calling me to something or if I am just searching for signs? 1:11:44 {Is Being Baptized in a Special Location More &ldquo;Spiritual&rdquo;?} Is it wrong to think being baptized in the Jordan Rive
8/12/20221 hour, 41 minutes, 24 seconds
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"Abuser" at Home - "Respected Christian Man" at Church.

&nbsp; I don't pretend my advice here is going to "fix" things for everyone suffering from an abusive spouse. I'm just trying to give the best answers I can, which I believe are biblical, to offer some measure of help. Please seek godly counsel from multiple people if you're in an abusive situation. It's ok for you to get help. My website:
8/10/20227 minutes, 38 seconds
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I Found These Atheist Memes Online. Here’s What’s Wrong with Them.

I hope that this video doesn't just trigger people (though I'm sure that's unavoidable) but that it stirs serious thought and consideration. Timestamps!0:00 - IntroMeme 1: 0:43Meme 2: 4:51Meme 3: 11:28Meme 4: 21:39Meme 5: 31:37Meme 6: 35:57Meme 7: 39:49
8/8/202251 minutes, 29 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 81)

My goal is to help you on the road to thinking biblically about everything. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro 0:13 {Overcoming Negativity &amp; Responding to &ldquo;Church People&rdquo; Behaving Badly} How can I overcome bitterness &amp; negativity? I have been disappointed in friends, family, and "church people" a lot and I found out it has a big impact in my life. 15:36 {Could Satan Repent?} Would God forgive Satan if he repented? 19:33 {One Death or Two in Scripture?} How do we reconcile Hebrews 9:27 with there also being a &ldquo;second death&rdquo; (as in: Revelation 2:11, Revelation 20:6,14, &amp; Revelation 21:8)? Is there one death or two? 22:56 {Is it Wrong to Honor a DNR?} What do you think about DNR (do not resuscitate) orders? If I can&rsquo;t perform CPR on a patient when it could save their life because the order forbids it, am I committing murder by honoring it? 27:10 {Does Breath Determine Life?} I've heard people quote Genesis 2:7 (usually from the KJV) to show that a soul can't live or exist without both body and breath. Is this an accurate understanding, and if not, why? 34:27 {Why Did God Call a &ldquo;Chosen People&rdquo;?} Why did God decide to have a &ldquo;chosen people&rdquo;? Was this due to His will to have a &ldquo;people&rdquo; that His Son would come from? 38:09 {Are We All Lying on the Internet?} Is it a sin to tick a box that says "I have read and accepted the terms and conditions&hellip;" without having read them first (e.g. when installing software)? Key word being "read.&rdquo; That would be lying, yes? 41:37 {Are Pictures of God in Movies or School Biblical?} Is Christian entertainment like The Chosen a violation of the 2nd Commandment? Are things like Sunday school lessons hurting our theology by using pictures of things or people? 46:45 {About the Doctrine of Election} How do you interpret 2 Thessalonians 2:13 in light of the debate on the doctrine of election? 49:51 {Is Jesus in Human Form in Heaven?} My question is about the incarnation of Christ. Since He was bodily raised from the dead, does that mean He is still the incarnation in Heaven? 54:17 {Who did God Purchase Us From?} 1Corinthians 6:19 says "You are not your own, you were bought with a price.&rdquo; Are the buyer and the seller the same person (e.g., Is God buying the people from Himself)? 57:19 {Are Altar Calls Biblical?} Are altar calls biblical? Hard to find much of this in the New Testament. Hard to think this through without preconceived notions. 1:05:01 {Overcoming Nervousness in Evangelism} I&rsquo;m starting high school soon, and I feel very nervous to share the Gospel in person. Is it wrong for me to just stick to sharing it online where I don&rsquo;t feel nervous at all? 1:07:07 {Can we Trust Paul&rsquo;s Writings?} I was wondering how you combat the claims against the Apostle Paul if you have heard of the claims against him, such as preaching a different Gospel than Jesus and the 12. 1:10:24 {About Egypt&rsquo;s Sacrifices in Isaiah} Isaiah 19:21 speaks of Egypt repenting and offering Jewish sacrifices. How can this be, since we no longer have those sacrifices? 1:12:41 {Solidifying our Identities} How do I know if I am solidified in my own identity? And do you think it is biblically important for people who walk with you in the faith to understand your identity and who you are as a person? 1:16:31 {Should we be Baptized while Having Doubts?} People encourage me to get baptized ASAP (Acts 22:16), but I struggle with serious psychological doubts. Should I disregard my doubts and get baptized? Can I take more time? 1:20:04 {Why did Jesus call the Father His God?} I've been wrestling with this passage for a couple of months, and I haven't found a solid answer yet. It
8/5/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 32 seconds
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Contradicting your husband in public.

Sometimes you should and sometimes you shouldn't. It seems to me that, if we are honest with ourselves about our motives and paying careful attention to the situation, we will be able to tell easily if it's worth correcting our spouse in public. Generally, it's probably best to err on the side of not saying anything or waiting for a private moment to share.
8/3/20227 minutes, 52 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 80)

&nbsp; CLICK HERE for my video about 6 different views of the end times. What Romans 14 says about convictions and conscience: CLICK HERE CLICK HERE for 3 videos that explain translations and manuscript issues related to the Bible. CLICK HERE for my 4 hour debate on whether baptism is required for salvation. What happens to those who never hear the Gospel? CLICK HERE CLICK HERE for my 4 part teaching on homosexuality and the Bible. What we got wrong about end times: CLICK HERE What is the abomination of desolation? CLICK HERE <p id="block-cfdf3e7c-cb6f-452f-9916-4e2bfea92244" class="block-editor-rich-text__editable block-editor-block-list__block wp-block rich-text" tabindex="0" role="group" aria-multiline="true" aria-label="Paragraph block" data-block="cfdf3e7c-cb6f-452f-9916-4e2bfea92244" data-type="core/paragraph" data-title="Paragr
7/29/20221 hour, 57 minutes, 26 seconds
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Can the guy stay home while the woman works, according to the Bible?

I surveyed the Scripture looking for an answer to this question, and it seems to me that even though there are more typical situations in biblical times, it's not the hard and fast rule that many think it is. In fact, there's quite of lot of support for a flexible attitude toward who "brings home the bacon." My website:
7/27/20228 minutes, 15 seconds
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Did God Speak to Him or Was it the Newspaper?

Consider carefully the timeline of this prophecy and the articles I share with you in this video. I think it reveals not only insight into James Goll, but into the low standards by which these large media-focused charismatic programs will lift up "prophets" for us all. May God bring true prophecy for us all to learn, grow, and be instructed from! But we all probably need to get better at spotting the fake. Personally, I'd rather have one word of prophecy every thirty years than thirty fake ones every day. CLICK HERE for the original, 8 hour video analyzing 2020 prophecies on The Remnant Radio. My website, with hundreds and hundreds of free videos helping you learn to think biblically about everything:
7/26/202220 minutes, 20 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 79)

Restoring Faith ministry to refugees - CLICK HERE for the correct link! CLICK HERE for my video on what Bible version to read and where to read in the Bible depending on your situation. CLICK HERE for my playlist defending the very important doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement. This is the secret location where I store my searchable database of hundreds of videos. You can also find me on podcast, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and the dreadful TikTok. Just search my name. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro 0:34 {Are All Pastors Pro-Life?} What is your view on the many progressive "pastors" coming out against the overturning of Roe v. Wade? 19:09 {About God&rsquo;s Description} God's description in Scripture is often called anthropomorphic. Is it not true though that we are theomorphic instead? Why, therefore, must the imagery of God standing, etc. be metaphorical and not real? 24:51 {How do the Dead in Christ Rise if they&rsquo;re in Heaven?} If believers are taken directly to Heaven when they die, then why does 1 Thessalonians 4:16 say the dead in Christ rise at His return? Doesn't that suggest they are in their graves? 29:32 {About Near-Death Experiences} What do you think about near-death experiences? 35:50 {Does our Evangelism Determine Salvation?} Could our failure to share the Gospel actually determine someone&rsquo;s salvation? Or will God provide the same opportunity somewhere else? I can&rsquo;t imagine we have control over each other&rsquo;s salvation? 40:18 {Why did Some Disciples Doubt?} Why does Matthew record that some disciples doubted the resurrection? Is there some sort of significance to this? How could they doubt if Jesus was right in front of them? 44:56 {Should Incarcerated Parents be Involved?} My 2-year-old adopted son&rsquo;s birth mom is in prison for 15 years for using/selling meth. Biblically, should we let her be involved in his life? My wife thinks they should have an active relationship. 47:59 {Is &ldquo;Spiritual Attack&rdquo; Legitimate?} Is "spiritual attack" really a thing? Is that biblical? (i.e., during some notable season as a Christian, if we have intensified doubt, hopelessness, illness, etc. why's that not just, y'know, life?) 55:46 {About OT Prophet Credibility} Why were many of the prophets who wrote books included in the Old Testament if they didn't perform miracles and their prophecies didn't come true until the New Testament? What made them stand out from false prophets? 58:40 {Why is Abraham our Spiritual Father?} Why is Abraham our spiritual father (Romans 4:16-25) if people before him also had faith in God: Abel, Enoch, Noah, etc.? Were they not "counted righteous" through faith the same way Abraham was? 1:04:15 {What is a &ldquo;Clear Conscience&rdquo; Before God?} I'm getting baptized soon, and one of the questions my church asks is basically, &ldquo;Do you promise to follow God with a clear conscience?&rdquo; I deal with a condemning conscience. Would this break the promise? 1:06:34 {When did the Holy Spirit Come?} My question is about the Spirit. Jesus spoke of the Spirit coming after Him in John 14, but He is there in Luke 1 before Jesus&rsquo; birth. When did the Spirit actually come? 1:13:44 {Does God Need Death to Atone for Sins?} In Isaiah 6, sin is taken away by hot coals. Does God need death to forgive something or atone for sin (i.e. Jesus on the cross)? If so, how was Isaiah forgiven? If not,
7/22/20221 hour, 47 minutes, 54 seconds
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Do girls just have to vent sometimes?

I would honestly LOVE to hear some thoughtful feedback from you all on this topic. I have tried to give what I think are biblical principles and to apply them carefully. But I also recognize that drawing the line between proper sharing and improper gossip can be challenging. My website:
7/20/20227 minutes, 43 seconds
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Pt. 8: Male Headship: Is it REALLY Biblical? - Women in Ministry Series

It's undeniable that the Bible explicitly teaches that a husband is the "head" of his wife. While church history has pretty much always believed this means the husband is the primary leader in the marriage and household, there has been serious pushback against this view from egalitarian scholars in more recent years. Time Stamps!! 0:00 - Intro 1. 10:33 - Part 1: Medical Claims That "Head" Means "Source" 2. 31:47 - Part 2: Bible Context Claims That "Head" Doesn't Imply "Authority" 3. 54:20 - Part 3: Church History Argument 4. 1:01:10 - Part 4: The Battle of Lexicons; does kephale mean authority? 5. 1:33:33 - Conclusions Their basic contention is that "head" doesn't mean what you probably think it means when you read it in Scripture as the description of the relationship between husbands and wives. They tend to offer 4 main arguments to support their case:1) In the Greek speaking world of New Testament times, general medical opinion was that the heart or liver controlled the body while the head was merely the "source" of nutrition. The egalitarians say that we need to factor in this popular medical understanding of "head" or we will mistakenly think the husband is the leader of his wife.2) Egalitarian scholars say that when you look carefully at Paul's use of the metaphor "head" and the specific context of the passages when it is used, you come to see that Paul is NOT meaning to imply anything about authority, but is speaking of nourishment or source. For instance, they will say that man is the source of woman in the sense that Eve was formed from Adam. Adam was her source.3) Surprisingly, some Egalitarians will actually share a quote from Chrysostom to show that one of the church fathers understood perfectly well that this term "head" didn't mean to imply authority. Catherine Kroeger, founder of CBE promotes this view, and many echo her.4) Finally, we get to the biggest one. They will claim that the Greek word translated "head" really means "source" and not "authority." I've found that egalitarians will repeatedly make very similar claims that ancient lexicons do not support the meaning of "authority" and that one very respected lexicon in particular (the LSJ) defends their case. I'm going to analyze each of these claims to see what the Bible really says about husbands being the head of their wives. This is super important, because it doesn't just impact who is in church leadership, it impacts every single marriage in the body of Christ! I can't overstate the practical impact of getting this topic wrong, so I have spent a ton of time gathering and, more importantly, researching to properly vet and test egalitarian claims about male headship. I'll give you the spoiler here in the description. On every single point they are very wrong, and even putting out blatant misinformation. I'll provide both analysis and evidence to support all this in today's video.‬ After years of being a bit confused about the topic of women in ministry, I set out to spend months researching the topic in great detail to produce this exhaustive teaching series on the topic. This is just part 8. <a href=";list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuBtpJlwi7F5J
7/18/20221 hour, 37 minutes, 34 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 78)

CLICK HERE for the video on Christophanies (appearances of Jesus) in the Old Testament. CLICK HERE for the FULL series on How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament. CLICK HERE for Natasha Crain's content that helps parents to disciple their kids. CLICK HERE for Foundation Worldview which has actual video lessons to help teach your kids a Christian worldview. CLICK HERE for BibleThinker shirts, mugs, and other stuff. The goal isn't to make money on these, they are just for you, for fun, since we set the profit margin as low as they'll allow us to go. 0:00 - Intro 0:07 {Spiritual but Not Religious?} How should we respond when someone says, &ldquo;I&rsquo;m not religious, I&rsquo;m spiritual&rdquo;? 23:14 {Who is our &ldquo;Neighbor&rdquo;?} &ldquo;Who, then, is my neighbor?&rdquo; In Luke 10:25-37, I know the Good Samaritan is me, but who does the "neighbor" he helped represent? I have never met a naked, beaten, and robbed Jew&hellip;I don't think. 26:35 {About Mid-Acts Dispensationalism} Can you give some more information on the Mid-Acts Dispensationalism movement? It sounds biblical. 31:11 {Should Ungodly Behavior Cause Doubt?} If I were to doubt Christianity (I don't), it would be because of a lack of holiness. Christians seem to be jerks at the same rate as the world, or more. Why is this, if we have the Holy Spirit? 36:40 {God in the Garden} Who was walking in the garden in Genesis 3:8? Was it Jesus, the Father, the Holy Spirit, or all three? 41:50 {About Anglo/British Israelism} What are your thoughts on Anglo-Israelism or British Israelism? It is the belief that America and the British commonwealth are physical descendants of Israel. 44:41 {Discerning True vs. False Prophecies} How do you test WOF prophecy when it sounds more like insights/encouragements, not foretelling future events? What SHOULD modern prophecy sound like? 48:49 {Is Fear of Hell a Valid Motivator?} Would a death bed conversion work if the main driving factor is the fear of Hell rather than choosing to trust God? 51:58 {Biblical Advice for Parents} What advice can you give to parents in these times to help them raise children who choose to trust and follow Jesus later in life? Can you do a biblical series on parenting? 55:33 {What Should I Do if I Question My Salvation?} If someone is thinking that they might not be saved, seeing their sinfulness, what should they do? &ldquo;Not sinning&rdquo; sort of seems like a Band-Aid on the problem. 1:00:07 {Singular vs. Plural Pronouns for God?} Why is it improper to refer to God as "they" instead of "He," since He is three persons? Example of the problem: "He spoke to Job out of the storm" tends to make us think the Father alone is speaking. 1:03:03 {Can Past Sins Disqualify a Man from Leadership?} If a man&rsquo;s pre-salvation life is especially disgraceful, could he ever t
7/16/20221 hour, 44 minutes, 44 seconds
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My MAIN challenge to Flat Earth Proponents

There are several links to additional stuff you might be interested in: 1) An article on "raqia" or the Hebrew word we often see translated as "firmament." The big debate on this word is whether it implies the sky has a hard, solid dome or if it's just talking about an expansive space. I didn't cover it in today's video because it isn't about the shape of the earth. But, people are interested, so CLICK HERE for an article that Cultish put together on the topic. 2) Cultish is a very interesting show which covers lots of fringe topics and a variety of groups from Charles Manson's group, to Masons, to the JW's strange Bible translation, to the "cult of right wing politics." CLICK HERE to visit their YouTube channel.And CLICK HERE for their website.You can also find them on whatever podcast app you use. Allow me to react to some of the kinds of comments I expect to get on this video, since they also came in on the Cultish version of this interview which released earlier, and to make a few requests for those inclined to consider them. 1) "Mike is biased and untrustworthy, disingenuous, and generally bad."My response: That's a lot of bad stuff about me, but you haven't touched my reasoning or handled the Bible in context in order to demonstrate your position. Please comment below with Bible verses that, when examined in full context, promote your view. And please don't just post a verse, post your interpretation of it, as well, so that we can all understand and learn. 2) "No flat earth proponents use those verses. Mike isn't dealing with the real Bible verses we use."My response: That's definitely not true. I got these verses from flat earthers, I didn't make them up. However, it's true that many of those who say the Bible supports a flat earth never really get around to offering specific verses that you can examine. They tend to just reference the Bible more vaguely or lean on what someone else says about the Ancient Near East. If you reject these as flat earth Bible verses, then you actually agree with me that those who use them (and plenty do) are misinterpreting the Bible for their purposes. However, if you have OTHER verses that support a flat earth, then please comment below with Bible verses that, when examined in full context, promote your view. And please don't just post a verse, post your interpretation of it, as well, so that we can all understand and learn. 3) "You should have a flat earth proponent on to talk about this stuff for themselves."My response: No thanks. I don't need to have every single person on my channel who I disagree with. Imagine the apostle Paul inviting Judaizers on tour with him or cowriting Galatians with someone who disagrees with him for, you know, objectivity. That's silly. I can handle views without turning my entire ministry into a debate and interview platform. I read plenty of flat earth literature and looked at plenty of videos from proponents in order to make sure I got Bible verses that were really being used to support that side. This complaint is merely a way of ignoring what I've said and saying I should have done something totally different. I'm not your puppet, and this response ignores careful Bible study instead of considering it. I've got books by Rob Skiba and Dean Odle, and have had a private and long conversation with Dean Od
7/13/20222 hours, 7 minutes, 34 seconds
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One UNbiblical belief that will kill your marriage.

I know it can feel oppressive to constantly hear that we have such a high calling to self-sacrifice and self-examination. But it's only oppressive to our flesh. And if you don't kill that sinful selfishness, it will kill everything else. My website:&nbsp;
7/11/202210 minutes, 3 seconds
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Yes, spouses should join their finances, unless…

You know, there's one benefit of sharing bank accounts that I never mentioned in this video. It's the reality that you can't hide things as easily when you both can see what the money is being spent on. This inability to hide expenses is a good thing since grievous sins are often nurtured in the dark. Thank you to Lisa Laizure, of &ldquo;Women&rsquo;s Bible Study&rdquo; for organizing and hosting this event. Her ministry website is HERE. My website
7/8/20221 minute, 48 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 77)

0:12 {People we Shouldn&rsquo;t Pray For?} My father believes that there are people we do not (or should not) pray for. He backs it up with John 17:9, saying that it may even be a sin to pray for people we shouldn&rsquo;t pray for. I would love to hear your thoughts! 8:22 {Truth in Love when Family is in Sin} My fianc&eacute;'s sibling is transgender. I'm scared our future children will think it is a good thing and that it&rsquo;s right. His family accepts this lifestyle unquestionably. I don't want to cut them out of our lives, but I don't know what else to do to protect our family. How can I be obedient to God and still be loving to his sibling and the rest of the family? 12:43 {Spiritual vs. Political Progressivism} Isn't Progressive Christianity simply the outcome of forcing progressive/leftist ideology onto Christianity? Should we even make the distinction between politically &amp; religiously progressive beliefs? 19:04 {Witnessing to a Dying Loved One} My grandpa is dying, and doesn't have long. He has dementia/Alzheimer&rsquo;s now and has never been a Christian. Is it too late to share the Gospel with him? If not, how do I do it effectively? 23:32 {About House Churches} What do you think of the house church movement (Francis Chan)? 29:04 {About Levirate Marriages} Why did God endorse levirate marriage? Isn&rsquo;t it wrong to pressure a man to marry someone he doesn&rsquo;t want to? And since marriage will supposedly end in Heaven, is love not a factor for God? 35:08 {Must Pastors be Married?} Does 1 Timothy 3:2 mean that I must have a wife to be a pastor? What about a man who doesn&rsquo;t have a wife? 40:56 {Are Illusionists&rsquo; Tricks Sinful?} Is there anything wrong with learning sleight of hand magic or using it in evangelism? 46:16 {About Marriage in Heaven} In Matthew 22:23-29, Jesus rebukes the Sadducees for trying to trap Him, saying they don&rsquo;t know the Scriptures. Where in the Scriptures is this topic of marriage in Heaven mentioned? 51:03 {About the Census: Luke 2} Is there any extrabiblical evidence for the census in Luke 2? I heard it would be a pretty dumb idea to send people to their place of birth if you later want them to pay taxes from their current home. 57:46 {About Jesus&rsquo; Divinity Upon His Death} Was Jesus still fully God when He died? What happened to His divinity between God "turning His face away" and the resurrection? 1:01:37 {Navigating Marital Struggles} What should a Christian wife do if her husband doesn't want to work on their marriage, expects her to do almost everything when it comes to responsibilities, and doesn't provide enough for her needs? 1:06:09 {Overcoming Self-Consciousness} Mike how can we be less self-aware or self-conscious? It stops me from preaching to anybody because my thoughts tell me I'm being disingenuous. 1:09:00 {Ideas for What to Pray About} I have issues praying every day because I feel like I don&rsquo;t have anything to pray about. What would you suggest, to help with this? 1:10:49 {Is Islam an &ldquo;Abrahamic Faith&rdquo; that Saves?} How do I defend the Christian faith with my family when they always bring up Genesis 22:18, arguing that Islam can also lead to salvation because it's an Abrahamic faith? 1:16:01 {Should I Correct my Christian Boss?} I work for a company that is owned by a professing Christian. He makes inappropriate jokes. I don't know if rebuking or correcting my boss is proper or not. How do I go about this? 1:20:08 {Catholic vs. SDA School for Children?} Would it be better to send my children to a Catholic School or a 7th Day Adventist school? We are looking to take our children out of public schools, and these are the two options available to us. 1:22:28 {Guiding a Wayward Teen} How do I respond to my 17 year old daughter who is persistent
7/2/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 39 seconds
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Lead Pastor Tries and Fails to Quote the Bible for Pro-choice Legislation

Reading the Bible in context is all it takes to solve most of these bad teaching issues. This is Senior Pastor Mike Thomas, from Radiant Church in Seattle, Washington. Original video can be found HERE. Thank you to Woke Preacher Clips for making these sorts of clips available for needful discussion. Here's me on Twitter. My website, with hundreds of hours of free content helping you learn to think biblically about everything:
7/1/202216 minutes, 12 seconds
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Who cares about the real Jesus? Give us "Meme Jesus!"

There's a popular, fairly progressive Christian meme that has made the rounds online. It pretends to refute a "colonizer Jesus" and to support a "historical Jesus." But it turns out to just be another piece of poorly thought out propaganda. Proving once again that lots of people care very little about understanding Jesus and care very much about claiming that Jesus is supportive of their agenda. You all said that I should walk through this popular progressive meme and unpack it. We aren't going to shoot for talking points or picking sides here, unless the "side" is Jesus' side. This will be a thoughtful analysis of each point in this popular meme.
6/27/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 24 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 76)

0:24 {The &ldquo;What is a Woman?&rdquo; Bandwagon} Do you think that the now famous question "What is a Woman?" is a relevant area of focus for biblical Christians? Doesn't the Gospel naturally address these issues we face today? 18:54 {Helping Friends be Biblical} Most of my friends claim to be Christians, but they support &ldquo;pride month.&rdquo; It depresses me that they encourage gay marriage which the Bible clearly says is a sin. How do I talk to them about this? 25:16 {Friends vs. Servants of Christ?} In John 15:15, Jesus tells the apostles, &ldquo;No longer do I call you servants, but friends.&rdquo; How do we properly approach our position as &ldquo;friends of Jesus&rdquo; while not neglecting to still serve Him? 29:01 {Is John 1 about the Bible?} What does John 1:1-4 say about the importance of the Bible? Should we worship the Bible? Some say they won't read the Bible, but at the same time say they are Christian. 34:37 {Are there Sins we Really Can&rsquo;t Help Doing?} How can I reconcile 1 Corinthians 10:13 after decades of struggling with sloth, bad work ethic, sin at work, etc.? I&rsquo;m praying for forgiveness, but was recently diagnosed with ADHD. I now see I can&rsquo;t help it without meds. 41:26 {Was the Bible Written w/Chapters &amp; Verses?} Since the Bible wasn't written with chapters and verses, how should that impact our reading of the current translations? 43:40 {Why Don&rsquo;t the Jews Believe?} What is your understanding as to why the Jews don&rsquo;t believe in Jesus and are waiting on someone else to come? 49:59 {About Receiving the Spirit} If we are to believe that you receive the Holy Spirit when you believe, why does there seem to be a separation from believing and receiving in Acts 19:1-2? 52:12 {Are Cards Inherently Sinful?} Are playing cards wrong? My parents think they are wrong even if I&rsquo;m not playing Poker or anything like that. They think that there is some kind of evil in the card itself. 56:40 {Will We Fall into Sin in Heaven?} If Satan was able to disobey and sin against God in Heaven (along with him persuading others to sin), how do we know we will not sin against God when we are home with Him? I&rsquo;m struggling with this question. 1:01:07 {Should Christians be Organ Donors?} I am wondering how Christians should think about organ donation? Is there a clear answer in Scripture? 1:03:43 {Loving God vs. Fearing Punishment} I find that I fear Hell rather than love God. Prayer and Bible reading feel like selfishly avoiding Hell more than devotedly pursuing God. How do I stop my fear from getting in the way of my relationship with God? 1:08:37 {Marriage in Heaven?} Since Jesus says that wives will be had in Heaven in Matthew 19: 29, why do most Christians say marriage won't exist in Heaven? 1:13:42 {Mental vs. Spiritual Health Struggles} When I talk to some people about my mental health struggles, they suggest that the cause is a spiritual issue. How do I explain that being a faithful Christian doesn't mean I can't struggle? 1:17:42 {What is an Apostate?} What is an apostate? Can they come back to God? 1:19:32 {About Elisha &amp; the Bears} How can we explain 2 Kings 2:23-24 in context? it involves Elisha and a group of young mockers who then get killed by 2 bears. 1:26:58 {Should Immoral Things Be Illegal?} Should biblically immoral mean illegal? Surely if sin harms the community, then all legal sin harms society and should be against the law. 1:29:28 {Fellowshipping as an Introvert} I am worried that being an introvert is keeping me from congregating in the church. Does this mean that I'm truly not saved? Where is the joy that I'm supposed to have in the Lord? Please help. 1:33:05 {Was Elihu in Job Correct?} In Job 32:7-9, the Lord tells Job&rsquo;s 3 friends to sacrifice burnt of
6/24/20221 hour, 42 minutes, 31 seconds
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Pt. 7: The Egalitarian "Silver Bullet" Bible Verse - Women in Ministry Series

Did you know that there is an egalitarian &ldquo;silver bullet&rdquo; Bible verse? Many egalitarians (who hold that women can rightly be elders, or any other position in the church) see Galatians 3:28 as such a powerful and wide-sweeping statement that it overrules any interpretation of any other passage in the Bible that would restrict roles of women in any fashion. In my own experience, every egalitarian knows about this but many complementarians do not. In this video, part 7 of my Women in Ministry series, I&rsquo;ll be doing a detailed analysis of egalitarian scholar, Cynthia Long Westfall&rsquo;s case for why Galatians 3:28 is such a pivotal passage for understanding women&rsquo;s roles and for proving that complementarian views are fundamentally wrong. &ldquo;There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.&rdquo; Galatians 3:28 After years of being a bit confused about the topic of women in ministry I set out to spend months researching the topic in great detail to produce this exhaustive teaching series on the topic. CLICK HERE for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them). Resources you may be interested in: My notes from today Discovering Biblical Equality is the most updated work from a slew of egalitarian scholars. While I thoroughly disagree with it in a somewhat continual manner, it's a good resource for cutting edge egalitarian scholarship. The publisher, IVP, was kind enough to send me an advanced copy when I first started this research project. Ben Witherington's 1981 paper, "Rite and Rights for Women" CLICK HERE for my video on the Hebrew Roots Movement in regards to Acts (this relates to my claim that Jews and Gentiles did, indeed, have differences in the church in some ways) CLICK HERE for my video on what the Bible teaches about slavery I have other references and data in my notes from this series, which you can freely have through my website
6/21/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 4 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 75)

Today's Time Stamps: 0:14 {Can Christians ever Sue Christians?} Does 1 Corinthians 6 prohibit believers from ever taking other believers to court? Is there ever an appropriate time to take a brother &ldquo;before unbelievers&rdquo;? 20:43 {Working for God Without Selfishness} How can I do work for God to receive a reward but not be seeking to put myself first, such as in Luke 22:24-30? 25:50 {Are Secret Churches &ldquo;Denying God Before Men?&rdquo;} Do secret churches in countries where Christianity is illegal contradict Matthew 10:32-33? 28:50 {Is Rapture Theology Biblical?} Is it true that rapture theology didn't exist before the 19th century and that it&rsquo;s a relatively modern interpretation? 33:00 {Anxiety about Hell} I've become anxious about the thought of eternal torment in Hell. If that's the punishment for our sins, wouldn't it have been best for unbelievers never to be born? 39:30 {Understanding Philippians 4} Philippians 4:8 confuses me because so many true things are none of the other things on the list. A lot of truth is just the opposite. I read books about true things that are not the other things. 44:03 {Is Eternal Subordinationism Biblical?} I read recently that the idea that God the Son has been eternally submissive to God the Father is heresy (Arianism). Is that true? Was Jesus only temporarily submissive to God the Father while on Earth? 47:32 {Prayer for a Struggling Marriage} Would you please pray for my wife and I? I know it's a vague request without much detail, but we are struggling in our marriage and prayers are much needed. 48:53 {Balancing Duties as a Young Leader} I am a full time high school/youth pastor whose role involves a lot of leadership and administrative duties. As a young person, I find it challenging and catch myself trying to overcompensate. Advice? 51:28 {Breaking the Sin Cycle of Lust} I&rsquo;m a 15 year old that has struggled with lust for such a long time, and I honestly don&rsquo;t know what to do anymore. It feels like I will never get out of this constant sin cycle. Could you please help me? 54:37 {Dealing with Toxic People} What biblical counsel would you give for dealing with toxic people, especially Christian family members you live with, who are oftentimes mentally and emotionally unhealthy to be around? x 58:18 {Why Would God Give us our Heart&rsquo;s Desires?} Why would God give us the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4) if the heart is deceitful above all things (Jeremiah 17:9)? 1:04:56 {About OT Sacrifices} In the Old Testament sacrificial system, there seems to be a lot of required sacrifices. How often were those sacrifices required, and who was required to offer them? Was it just the heads of households? 1:07:24 {Volunteering vs. Getting a Paying Job?} I'm 31, living with my unbelieving parents. They're pushing me to get a real job, but I feel I should continue volunteering to keep a Foundation alive that's barely holding on. Any biblical advice? 1:11:05 {About the Joy of the Lord} What is the &ldquo;joy of the Lord,&rdquo; and how is it our strength? 1:13:48 {Can we be Refilled with the Spirit?} Is it unbiblical to ask for a "refilling of the Holy Spirit"? Don't we already have Him living inside us? I hear this a lot at my church, and I don't know what to think of it. 1:16:57 {The Descriptions of Jesus in Scripture} After reading Daniel 10 and Revelation 1, I was wondering what the connection is between the descriptions of the visions. The description of Jesus in Revelation is so similar to the description given in Daniel 10. 1:19:13 {When Israel is Mentioned in Scripture} In the Bible, when Israel is mentioned in the context, is it referring more to the people or to the land (country)? (Ex: Romans 11:26) 1:22:43 {When Science Cannot Answ
6/17/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 17 seconds
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Why I am NOT suing Joel Osteen - Final update on my copyright strike and a personal message to Joel.

I plan to post a very edited version of the Joel Osteen review video in about 3 months. It will only use a small portion of his original video and it will be uploaded after my copyright strike has faded off my record with YouTube. The edited down version will just consist of every time that Joel quoted the Bible. Unfortunately, he distorted the meaning of the Bible every time, except once, in the "Let it Go" sermon. My website:
6/10/202221 minutes, 40 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 74)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro1. 0:09 {Is it Helpful to Offer &ldquo;Thoughts &amp; Prayers&rdquo;?} Following a tragedy, people will often say, &ldquo;Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who are affected,&rdquo; which is often followed by angry or mocking non-believer comments such as, &ldquo;Your prayers clearly aren&rsquo;t working. Do something that will actually help like changing the laws.&rdquo; What are some proper, biblical ways to respond to that sort of position?2. 10:02 {How Creative Can Worship Be in Church?} I would like your views on flag waving (as the Lord is my banner), dancing, and body painting as part of &ldquo;creative worship&rdquo; in church. When I questioned these things, Zechariah 1: 20-21 was quoted to me. Since creativity is inspired by God, am I being overly cautious and resisting change which is from God?3. 18:02 {Can Legalism be Spiritually Abusive?} Our pastor and denomination as a whole requires that any women serving (even volunteers) must only wear skirts, and that only the KJV is God's Word (every other version is a "perversion") and requires tithing. Are these things spiritual abuse?4. 25:25 {Does Scripture talk about Sex Slaves?} What&rsquo;s your advice on how to approach numbers 31:15-18 (the passage about sex slaves)?5. 32:58 {Discerning God&rsquo;s Will and Calling} How do I know if I&rsquo;m called to preach? My family depends on my income, and I don&rsquo;t want to unwisely step into anything against God&rsquo;s will, but I feel I must evangelize much more than I can now.6. 38:15 {Why is Deborah not Mentioned in Hebrews 11?} I&rsquo;ve appreciated your Women in Ministry series so much. Regarding Deborah, why do you suppose her name is not mentioned with the other 4 Judges in Hebrews 11: 32, but Barak is mentioned?7. 40:25 {How to Biblically Choose Who to Date?} How should mental health issues affect dating for Christians (both one's own issues and a spouse candidate's potential issues)? Overall, what things should be considered when choosing to start dating?8. 43:41 {What are the &ldquo;Best Spiritual Gifts&rdquo;?} What do you think Paul is referring to in 1 Corinthians 12: 31 when he says to desire "the best gifts"?9. 48:23 {Are Anti-Abortion Laws Biblical?} Is it biblical to make abortion unavailable to others by law? Or is it better to support organizations like Mom's House who help single moms with having a baby?10. 52:02 {Did Adam &amp; Eve&rsquo;s Offspring Commit Incest?} Does Genesis lead us to believe that if every person came from Adam, then there was incest between Adam and Eve's offspring to create mankind?11. 56:26 {Can we Only Have Belief through the Spirit?} &ldquo;Only by the Spirit can one believe&rdquo; &hellip; Can this be considered gaslighting unbelievers and a way of compensating for a lack of enough evidence? Please help my pain, I'm struggling.12. 1:00:58 {Tips for Ministering to Youth at Camp} Youth camp is in two weeks. Suggestions for ministering to teenagers?13. 1:04:01 {Why does Satan Tempt Believers?} Why does the devil bother to tempt people to sin if they are already saved? What's the gain for him?14. 1:05:48 {What do we Make &ldquo;Our Own&rdquo; In Phil. 3?} In Philippians 3: 12, what is Paul referring to when he says "...I press on to make it my own"? Make what his own? Help me. I am really confused.15. 1:10:04 {Rapture vs. Second Coming?} Do you think the rapture and the second coming could be different events? I have heard some Christians suggest this, explaining how the rapture will come before the tribulation.16. 1:14:44 {Should We Close Our Eyes &amp; Bow While Praying?} I was wondering, is it biblical to close your eyes and bow your head while you pray, or is that a tradition that has been made up over time?17. 1:18:27 {Does Infant Salvation Conflict w/Original Sin?} How can we believe in the doctr
6/3/20221 hour, 33 minutes, 3 seconds
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Pt. 6: Things I Didn't Know as a Complementarian - Women in Ministry Series

After years of being a bit confused about the topic of women in ministry, I set out to spend months researching the topic in great detail to produce this exhaustive teaching series on the topic. In today's teaching we will cover several topics that, to be honest, I didn't really think much about as a complementarian. These egalitarian arguments really do challenge some complementarians ideas in a good way. Though I can't agree with them all the way through. 1) Was Jesus training women to be rabbis/teachers?2) Does the fact that women were persecuted imply that they were in leadership?3) What about the egalitarian argument that men and women both can have the gifts of teaching or leadership? If women are gifted in those areas, can't they express those gifts in the biblical role of elder?4) The Bible clearly indicates that all believers are priests. Does this mean that women, who are also priests in Christ, can be elders? And does this challenge the idea that a man is the priest of his home?5) If women in the NT times freely prophesied at church gatherings, to mixed sex audiences, why can't they teach in that same context? Doesn't prophecy involve an element of teaching? CLICK HERE for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them). CLICK HERE for John MacArthur's paper, which I referenced in today's video. You can also find more videos freely available on my website: Time Stamp Guide: 0:00 &ndash; Intro 7:12 Persecuted women = women leaders 17:50 Jesus trained women to be rabbis 28:23 If NT women are priests, they can be elders, too 59:35 Women prophets = women elders 1:33:38 Spiritual gifts in women means they can teach and lead2:08:53 Today&rsquo;s conclusion and summary
5/30/20222 hours, 13 minutes, 19 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 73)

0:00 - Intro 0:49 {Conviction vs. Condemnation} Can you help me process the difference between &ldquo;conviction&rdquo; and &ldquo;condemnation&rdquo;? I know it&rsquo;s right to feel sorry when I sin, but where&rsquo;s the fine line between that feeling and allowing my guilt to cripple me and make me feel like a failure who is unclean before God? 14:09 {Thoughts about IVF} What are your thoughts about IVF? I&rsquo;ve been battling infertility for a few years, but I&rsquo;m concerned about whether IVF is biblically acceptable, especially about discarding the extra embryos. Is it equal to abortion to discard the embryos even if we can't guarantee they will grow if planted in the womb? 18:32 {Did the Father Turn His Face Away?} Did the Father really turn His face away from Jesus on the cross? 24:27 {About the Witness in John 8} In John 8:13-19, Jesus testifies that the Father is His witness. Given the emphasis on 2 witnesses in the Law, why did He not mention the Holy Spirit in this point? The absence is conspicuous. 31:06 {Are Ministry Raffles &amp; Lotteries Biblical?} What does the Bible say about ministries that raise money using raffles, lotteries, or giveaways? Would you give money to them? They appeal to my (and presumably others&rsquo;) carnality. Is this sinful? 37:01 {The Trinity: Can We Ever be 100% Certain?} I've been fighting doubts and "what ifs" about the Trinity lately, and though I'm confident in the answers I've gotten, I fear I'll never be certain about it again. Any advice? 45:02 {Help Understanding Gossip} I&rsquo;ve been confused about what type of talk is considered &ldquo;gossip.&rdquo; I don&rsquo;t want to be doing it, but sometimes it&rsquo;s hard for me to tell if it&rsquo;s gossip or not. How do I tell what is and isn&rsquo;t gossip? 49:32 {Are there Differing Accounts of Who Saw Jesus?} How should we explain the differing accounts of people who saw Jesus after He rose? Some verses say women saw Him first, and others say men. 52:04 {Is it Biblical to Spank Children?} Is it biblical for parents to spank their children? Does it model Christian character? Any advice for parents on how to biblically discipline their children, especially young children (around 2 years old)? 57:47 {About the Treasure/Pearl in Matthew 13} Is Matthew 13:44-46 about us finding salvation in Jesus, OR is it about Jesus giving all for us? Is the treasure/pearl our salvation in Jesus? Or is it our value to Him? 1:02:38 {Wisdom in Applying for Ministry Jobs} I'm pursuing a degree in religion, and considering looking for ministry jobs. Is it right of me to apply for ministry jobs I might not be qualified for and trust the church to make a good decision? 1:04:13 {Clarifying a Confusing Verse} What&rsquo;s your opinion on Genesis 3:16? ESV says &ldquo;contrary to&rdquo; and other translations say &ldquo;for.&rdquo; It can&rsquo;t be both, can it? I&rsquo;m so confused by it. 1:09:39 {Did God Command Balaam &amp; then Become Upset?} Why does God get angry with Balaam in Numbers 22:20-22 for going when it seems He just told him to go in verse 20? 1:16:01 {About Repentance &amp; Rebuke} Can you talk about Luke 17:3? Should you rebuke someone after they repent? 1:19:23 {Does God Only Speak through Scripture?} Does God still speak to us? I have heard it said that if you want to hear God speak, read your Bible; and if you want to hear Him speak audibly, read the Bible out loud. I believe God does still speak, but I&rsquo;m conflicted. 1:25:43 {Why is Transgender Surgery Wrong?} If Christian work is restorative: healing the sick, clothing the naked, etc. to create "foretastes" of Heaven, then why is transgender surgery wrong? Isn't that also restorative/fixing disorder? 1:31:53 {About Prophecy in Matthew&rsquo;s Gospel} A Muslim asked: &ldquo;Why did the
5/20/20221 hour, 45 minutes, 31 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 72)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro1. 0:25 {Do we Need Religion to have Morals?} How would you respond to this statement?: &ldquo;You don&rsquo;t need religion to have morals. If you can&rsquo;t determine right from wrong, then you lack empathy, not religion.&rdquo; 2. 6:19 {Can we be Sure of the Resurrection?} In Acts 25: 20, if Festus and Agrippa can't be sure of the resurrection claim, how can we be sure now?3. 12:23 {Comments on Reincarnation/Simpsons&rsquo; Prophecies?} Do you have any suggestions to help a believer of reincarnation? Ex: Ryan Hammons has 55 verified statements about having a past life. Also, Bible prophecies mean nothing since The Simpsons have predicted the future many times.4. 16:38 {Was I Really Saved in the Past?} Was I ever really saved and had a relationship with Christ if I left heterosexuality and embraced my same sex attraction and married my wife?5. 20:46 {Resolving a &ldquo;Contradiction&rdquo;} Does Ezekiel 18: 20 contradict the stoning of Achan and his family in Joshua 7: 24-26 (the idea of original sin passed down through Adam) and 2 Samuel 12: 13-15?6. 29:59 {Do we &ldquo;Just Believe&rdquo; to be Saved?} To be saved, all we need to do is believe? Like how I believed that Santa was real when I was younger? Or is there more to this belief?7. 33:19 {How are Miracles Proof if Satan Can Also Do Them?} One of the proofs you've put forward that the Bible is from God is miracles and prophecy. If we see that Satan is also able to do miracles, like Pharaoh's magicians, then why are those things proof it&rsquo;s from God?8. 36:53 {Can an Infinite God relate to Finite Creation?} How can an infinite God relate to a finite creation? Compared to infinity, our world's age is nothing, be it 10,000 years or billions. Same with the size of universe.9. 39:44 {Could God Exist but Not be Perfectly Good?} Atheist here. What stops a supernatural but not perfectly good being from being the author of the miracles in the Bible, especially when you already accept the existence of supernatural beings?10. 43:57 {Does Creating Time Require Time?} An atheist posited this question: If God created time, doesn't that require time, to create time?11. 46:09 {Is a Belief in God an Attempt to Personalize the Impersonal?} An atheist claims: &ldquo;Belief in God is what happens when social brains try to explain an impersonal universe. Personal explanations for impersonal events fail to deal with logic of uncertainty.&rdquo; Any help?12. 51:38 {How can Jesus be Sinless if &ldquo;Unclean&rdquo; at Times?} My professor brought up this question and I need to know your opinion. According to Hebrew Scripture, anything not of God&rsquo;s perfect eschatological view is sin (human excretion, etc.). So how can we say Jesus is sinless?13. 54:46 {Should Mormons Celebrate Christmas and Easter?} As a Mormon, since you'd consider us non-Christian, should we be allowed to celebrate Christmas or Easter?14. 57:29 {Why Christianity vs. Other Religions?} Why should a person be Christian over another monotheistic religion which claims to be the truth, such as Islam?15. 1:01:55 {Why does God Allow Children to have Cancer?} Why does God allow children to get cancer and other terminal illnesses?16. 1:08:07 {Why Didn&rsquo;t God Show Sodom Miracles?} In Matthew 11: 23-24, Jesus says that Sodom would have been saved if they had seen His miracles. Why, then, didn&rsquo;t God perform miracles so that they would believe? Doesn&rsquo;t He want everyone to be saved?17. 1:14:43 {If God Doesn&rsquo;t Change, Why do His Rules?} From a non-Christian friend: If God doesn&rsquo;t change over time, how come He commands Jews not to eat certain foods in the Old Testament, but deems them OK in the New Testament?18. 1:17:46 {Can God Give Commands when He Forced us to Exist?} Is it fair for God to demand our everything when we are f
5/14/20221 hour, 32 minutes, 45 seconds
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Pt. 5: Were Women Apostles in the New Testament? - Women in Ministry Series

I spent months researching the topic of women in ministry so that I could present you with this exhaustive analysis of everything the Bible says about it. Was Mary Magdalene "an apostle to the apostles" as NT Wright claims?Was Junia an apostle, as a consensus of NT scholars believe?If so, what kind of apostle was she and does that mean that women can be elders, too? The basic view of the egalitarians (who see no role differences for men and women regarding leadership in the church) is that women were in the highest possible realm of leadership in the NT since some of them were apostles. They conclude that this means women can be in any leadership role, including pastor or elder. The basic view of the complementarians (who say that the role of elder is preserved for men) is that women were either not apostles at all or that they only were in the sense of being missionaries. Some say this means that in a period of church planting a woman can have a transitory role of authority and teaching over men but that the permanent role of elder is reserved for men. Others say that even though they were missionaries it is reasonable to think that they had different roles than male missionaries in their work. As always, we will be going deep. Here are my notes from this study. If you&rsquo;re looking to check my references, here&rsquo;s where you will find them: CLICK HERE for Burer and Wallace's paper from 2001 on why Junia is not an apostle. Richard Bauckham's response is on pages 192-200 (Kindle edition) of Gospel Women: Studies of Named Women in the Gospels. CLICK HERE for Burer's response to critics. He gives a ton more evidence for his position that Junia was well known to the apostles but not one of them. I really hope more scholars will interact with this paper. CLICK HERE for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them). You can also find more videos freely available on my
5/10/20221 hour, 17 minutes, 15 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 71)

1. 1:33 {How to Respectfully Correct our Husbands} As a Christian wife, what are some principles I can apply in order to respectfully and lovingly offer my husband correction when needed? 2. 10:27 {Can we Trust what Moses Wrote?} Besides simply &ldquo;the Bible says so&rdquo; and biblical figures certifying them, how do we trust revelations that what Moses wrote of others&rsquo; lives and/or words (all of Genesis) are things those people actually said/happened?3. 17:23 {Should I Get Re-Baptized?} If I was baptized as a teen and "messed up" a bunch, even not going to church as I should, should I get re-baptized after "coming to my senses" and trying to live for God again?4. 21:41 {Responding to Others about Divorce} How do you handle Christians who don&rsquo;t believe that your divorce was biblical? He was a narcissist/sociopath who convinced them before he died that I was the problem, and my children won&rsquo;t speak to me.5. 24:33 {Wisdom for Young Marrieds} Do you have any advice or mistakes to avoid for a young marriage?6. 31:14 {Struggling with Repeated Sin} There are sins listed in 1 Corinthians 6 that seem to send people to Hell. I struggle often with gluttony and anger. I repent, but I fall back into it often. What&rsquo;s the difference?7. 38:41 {How to Interpret Proverbs} Verses in Proverbs often seem like unrelated thoughts. Their vague quality makes it hard to know how to interpret them correctly. How do you determine the context of these verses?8. 46:10 {Can Christians Work for Secular Businesses?} Should Christians work for businesses that include agendas promoting sin (like Disney)? It has a diverse product but sinful ideas are included. How do we make sure we&rsquo;re not being unequally yoked in non-marital situations?9. 50:57 {Should we Command People to be Healed?} Should we command for someone to be healed, or ask God for someone to be healed (Acts 3:6)? Do we have the very same authority of the Apostles to perform miracles (Mark 16: 17-18)?10. 59:04 {Are the Beatitudes Eschatological?} Can it be said that the Beatitudes are eschatological? I've heard that the word &ldquo;blessed&rdquo; can be better translated as &ldquo;blissful&rdquo; in them.11. 1:03:05 {Speaking the Truth in Love &ndash; Abortion} How do we discuss abortion in a way that doesn't push people away from the Gospel? Despite being very careful to speak up with gentleness, I'm still getting accused of being hateful, and blocked.12. 1:05:41 {Bearing with One Another's Conscience} The Bible says to bear with brethren of weaker faith. If instrumental music is a liberty, shouldn&rsquo;t we bear with those who believe a cappella is the right way and not use instruments?13. 1:08:13 {About Pastors Purchasing Sermons} What are your thoughts about pastors purchasing sermons and not acknowledging the original author, basically plagiarizing another pastor? It has been a huge problem at our former church.14. 1:12:46 {Who Were the Spirits in Prison?} Who are the spirits in prison Jesus preached to in 1 Peter 3: 19?15. 1:17:26 {Is it Sometimes Biblical to Pray for Death?} Is there ever a biblical case to pray for someone to die? Didn't Paul pray for the destruction of some peoples&rsquo; flesh for the spirit to be saved in the day of judgment?16. 1:22:32 {About Medical Marijuana Use} I have an incurable sleep disorder that my Doctor has authorized the use of Marijuana for as it is one of the few things that helps. Should I pray for healing or keep taking this drug that I hate?17. 1:26:13 {God&rsquo;s Voice or My Own Thoughts?} How do I differentiate between God's voice and my own intrusive thoughts?18. 1:32:35 {True Believer but No Life Change?} Is it possible to believe in Jesus yet never have a change of life? My father has cheated and lived with his mistress. he said he believed in Jesus, yet he never came back home to live with his family.19.
5/6/20221 hour, 45 minutes, 19 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 70)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:34 {Why Did Jesus&rsquo; Body Still Have Marks?} Why did Jesus' resurrected body still bear the scars and injuries which brought about His death? It is my understanding that our own resurrected bodies will be perfect in every way, not merely those we had just prior to death. I, for one, want all my absent teeth and hair back! Why wasn't Jesus' body also perfect, as ours will be?2. 10:28 {Typology in Noah&rsquo;s Story?} Do you think Noah could be a &ldquo;type&rdquo; of Christ? Why or why not?3. 13:18 {Learning to Desire our Study Time} How do I develop a craving for solid biblical teaching? I really enjoy your content, but I become bored easily. It&rsquo;s easy for me to get distracted in my free time.4. 16:25 {Is Evolution Contrary to Belief in God?} I've noticed many people don't believe in God because of evolution. Is evolution contrary to God? Could God really have created the earth in 6 literal days? Can God &ldquo;speed up&rdquo; the creation process?5. 25:26 {Was Adam the First Man?} It seems in Genesis 1, that God creates humanity and blesses them, but then later in Genesis 2, God creates Adam as a representative in Eden. Doesn&rsquo;t Scripture teach Adam was the first man?6. 31:09 {Are Angels Made in the Image of God?} In a previous episode, you stated that angels are not made in the image of God. Is that really something that we can state definitively?7. 34:32 {God/Satan in our Dreams?} Does God and/or Satan visit us in dreams?8. 39:12 {Was Simon Magus Repentant?} In Acts 8:9, Do you think Simon Magus was aware that he wasn&rsquo;t right with God before Peter rebuked him? Some commentaries assume that he was never truly repentant, but some say he was genuine.9. 43:56 {Can We &ldquo;Over-Study&rdquo; the Bible?} Is it possible to over-study Scripture &amp; theology? I feel like I constantly burn myself out on God's Word, but I also feel terrible if I go too long (like a day or two) without studying it.10. 46:33 {Where Did Satan&rsquo;s Rebellion Come From?} Since God is not the author of evil and didn't create a kingdom with temptation or evil beings, how did Lucifer's pride and rebellion come about?11. 50:27 {How Intimate Before Marriage is Appropriate?} I think sexual intimacy prior to marriage (i.e., clothed sexual touching/rubbing) is sinful, but my fianc&eacute;e disagrees. What do I do, as a soon to be husband, when we disagree on what is sinful?12. 58:15 {Resolving a &ldquo;Contradiction&rdquo;} About generational sin: Exodus 34:7 vs Ezekiel 18:20&hellip;can you please explain how we should understand this apparent contradiction?13. 1:03:51 {Is a Continuous Drunkard Saved?} Are you still saved if you can't stop drinking?14. 1:07:48 {Does God Control our Free Will?} In Proverbs 21:1 it says, "The king&rsquo;s heart is in the hand of the Lord. Like the rivers of water He turns it wherever He wishes." Does that mean God controls the king's free will?15. 1:09:53 {How was Solomon Wise since he Turned Away?} How was Solomon considered to be the wisest man on Earth and yet he, too, turns away from God in his old age? He also doesn't seem to recognize his sinful ways. He doesn't even ask God to relent.16. 1:12:01 {Witnessing Opportunity vs. Spiritual Trap!} I met some Muslims who were evangelizing, and I went up to them to challenge their beliefs. They invited me to a Ramadan dinner at a mosque. Should I go, or would that be a spiritual trap?17. 1:13:28 {Are Court Weddings Recognized by God?} I watched the whole marriage series and didn&rsquo;t find anything about this: my wife and I have been married for 8 years (through the court) and she claims God doesn&rsquo;t acknowledge it. Thoughts?18. 1:16:13 {About Jesus&rsquo; 40 Days in the Desert} I saw a video where you said &ldquo;3 days and nights&rdquo; was a Jewish idiom. Is 40 days in the desert the same
4/15/20221 hour, 35 minutes, 6 seconds
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Pt. 4: Women Leaders in the New Testament - Women in Ministry Series

I spent months researching the topic of women in ministry so that I could present you with this exhaustive analysis of everything the Bible says about it. Today we are surveying the New Testament to look for examples of women in positions of leadership. We will examine claims that there were women apostles, women elders, women deacons, and various other hints that some say offer us evidence of women in very significant leadership positions in the New Testament. We will also get into 1 Timothy and Titus and the requirements that Paul gives for elders and deacons.CLICK HERE (;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuBtpJlwi7F5JYw3N5pKyLC&amp;t=0s) for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them). Marriage Conference -&nbsp; You can also find more videos freely available on my website: VIDEO MAP: 0:00 - Intro &amp; Overview1. 3:00 What egalitarians claims about women leaders2. 7:18 Was Nympha an overseer?3. 13:47 Were homeowners overseers?4. 26:22 Were Euodia and Syntyche leaders?5. 33:20 What about Priscilla?6. 59:03 What is an overseer, elder, bishop or pastor?7. 1:00:58 Were women &ldquo;elders&rdquo;?8. 1:15:16 Were letter carriers approved teachers?9. 1:23:36 Col. 3:16 and women teaching10. 1:26:24 Paranoid masculinity11. 1:29:24 What exactly is a deacon?12. 1:36:04 Was Phoebe a deacon?13. 1:41:04 Egalitarian overreach on deacons.14. 1:53:16 1 Tim. 3, deacons&rsquo; wives or deaconesses?
4/13/20222 hours, 5 minutes, 9 seconds
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Biblical (or not) exceptions to the "don't separate” “don’t divorce" rules.

Allow me to say three things to those who would want to push back against my views here:1) This is a somewhat rushed summary of my teaching on the topic which can be found here with great detail. These videos represent a long, careful case for each point I have made:&nbsp; 2) If you disagree, then please consider responding not only with your own arguments but with a fair handling of my arguments. Very often I see responses which simply ignore all I've said, and the evidence, and Scripture which I have used to establish my case. 3) Let's remember what it means to be part of the body of Christ. We will one day be worshiping God, in glory, with full joy and fellowship together. Juli Slattery's content and podcast can be found here: My website:
4/11/202248 minutes, 17 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 69)

What's the point of the prodigal son's brother? Why is he in the story, upset about the celebration and getting no celebration of his own? Today's Time Stamps: 1. 0:47 {About the Parable of the Prodigal Son} Can you please teach us about the Parable of the Prodigal Son, specifically focusing on the obedient son who stays in his father's house and ends up resenting his prodigal brother? It seems like there's no real benefit to being the obedient son in that situation. Am I missing cultural context that would enhance my understanding of this parable?2. 13:44 {Did David Not Understand Heaven?} In Psalm 6:5 David asks God to spare his life because "For in death there is no remembrance of you; in Sheol who will give you praise?" Does David not have a belief or understanding of Heaven at this point in his life?3. 17:32 {About &ldquo;The Last Reformation&rdquo;} Have you heard of a movement called The Last Reformation, started by Torben Sondergaard in Denmark? Now he&rsquo;s based in the U.S., but it has grown worldwide. Would you consider it a cult?4. 19:09 {About the Devil&rsquo;s Disguise} The devil, according to 2 Corinthians 11:14, disguises as angel of light, but can't fight against himself (Mark 3:24) or his kingdom won't stand. What if in disguising himself, he condemns himself?5. 22:41 {Raising Children with an Unbelieving Spouse} My husband doesn't believe in God and our 6 year old has started to notice and is asking why daddy doesn't believe. How should I approach this in a way that's helpful and honors my husband and God?6. 26:16 {Biblical or Unbiblical Use of a Verse?} Many Christians use "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away" from Job (1:21) to explain difficult things such as the death of a loved one. Is this biblical, or is it a misinterpretation of Job?7. 32:19 {Drawing Near to God on Spiritual Holidays} First Easter being saved! Do you have any suggestions for some God honoring ways to spend Good Friday and Holy Saturday? I&rsquo;m so excited and want to do whatever is in my power to feel especially close to Christ.8. 36:40 {Strengthening our Faith When Others are Doubting} I have been doubting lately because I know of so many people deconverting even after finding apologetics. It makes me question my reasoning at times. What are your thoughts on this?9. 41:53 {Why Don&rsquo;t We Have To Obey the Sabbath?} It seems the only commandment of the 10 that we don't still HAVE to follow is the Sabbath. If it was as important as the other 10, why are they all still upheld without exception and not that one?10. 44:33 {Handling Local Church Concerns} I&rsquo;m afraid our church is being unknowingly influenced by progressivism. Ex: People love the podcast &ldquo;the bible for normal people&rdquo; with Pete Enns. Should we be worried? How do I share my concerns?11. 48:31 {When a Spouse Refuses to Follow Scripture} Can you help a brotha out on what to do if your wife says she will never be a biblical wife for her husband? She is a believer.12. 51:33 {Should We Bring Back Crusades?} Do you think that churches should bring back Gospel crusades? As I was saved at one in the 70s. These days, no one wants to preach the Gospel, but rather, do community works.13. 56:03 {Was Marriage Different in Biblical Times / Premarital Sex} Some say the biblical prohibition against premarital sex no longer applies since marriage then was so different. How was marriage different then, and how should that impact our view of sex now?14. 1:02:09 {Does Scripture Teach Familial Marriage?} 1 Corinthians 7:36-38 seems like Paul is saying someone can marry their own daughter. The translations usually say fianc&eacute;e but when I looked at the Greek the word used means virgin daughter.15. 1:05:08 {Does John 6 Teach Faith as a Work?} I recently watched your Calvinism series and you didn't address John 6:28-29 where Jesus calls belief "work.&rdquo; I don
4/8/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 5 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 68)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro 1:05 {Advice for a Difficult Marital Situation} My husband has joined a &ldquo;Christian&rdquo; cult where women are taught they'll go to Hell if they wear makeup, trousers, jewelry, etc., and I refuse to follow that teaching. He will not listen to the counsel of our pastor. Should I submit to his decision to leave our biblical church and be a part of the cult? He now thinks of me as "not saved" and I'm considering leaving the house. 11:50 {Does Moses Refer to himself as YHWH?} Why does Moses refer to himself as YHWH in Deuteronomy 29:6? 16:34 {The Beatitudes in Luke vs. Matthew} The beatitudes in Luke 6:20-21 seem to have a different emphasis than those in Matthew 5 (physical poverty/hunger in Luke vs. spiritual poverty/hunger in Matthew). Much of the discourse in Luke 6 seems to cover similar teaching points as the Sermon on the Mount, so should the beatitudes in Luke be understood as the same as those in Matthew? If they are different, what is the takeaway from Luke's beatitudes? 22:08 {Were Adam &amp; Eve Cursed?} When reading Genesis 3:16 (especially in the KJV), I&rsquo;m under the impression that Adam and Eve were not cursed, but only the Earth. Could you please weigh in on this? 26:28 {Advice for Entering College &amp; Adulthood} I&rsquo;m turning 18 this year, and have been a Christian for 2 years now. I&rsquo;m looking at colleges now because I&rsquo;m a junior in high school. Any advice for looking at colleges and going into adulthood? 31:47 {About 1 Cor. 5 &amp; Banning Abortion} Does 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 mean we shouldn't pass laws to ban abortion for "outsiders"? 38:26 {Can Pagan Traditions be Redeemed?} Are things with proven or supposed Pagan origins (such as wedding rings or birthday candles) to be avoided, according to Scripture? Or are they able to be redeemed? 43:20 {How Much to Confess Past Sins} I have some past sins that are pretty bad and very shameful. Do I need to confess these sins to my family and friends? I've confessed them to God and a personal pastor. 46:53 {Encouragement for a Progressive Friend} My friend has always been a strong Christian and is now struggling with same-sex attraction. He has adopted progressive thoughts on the Bible. How can I encourage him otherwise? 49:35 {Can We Do God&rsquo;s Will Without Realizing It?} As a kid, my mom taught me to treat others as you would want them to treat you. I remember living by this, but I didn't know it came from Jesus. Does this show us that we can do God's will without realizing it? 53:26 {Can We Hear the &ldquo;Still Small Voice&rdquo; Today?} Pastors have preached about this &ldquo;still small voice&rdquo; that approached Elijah when he was distressed in the caves. Is this something we are supposed to be waiting and staying still to listen to today? 57:50 {How to Be Content While Suffering} God has blessed my life and I know it could be worse, but I'm severely disabled and sometimes I feel so trapped in my body that I want to die, but know that I can't. How do I learn to be content? 1:04:40 {Understanding Jesus&rsquo; Atonement} Is it more accurate to say that Jesus' death was sufficient for all rather than that He paid for all? Otherwise, wouldn't there be people in Hell right now for sins that Jesus already paid for? 1:10:35 {About YEC &amp; &ldquo;Mockers&rdquo;} How do you interpret 2 Peter 3:4 (in context)?I&rsquo;ve heard Young Earth Creationists compare the mockers to people who say rates like erosion or radioactive decay are unchanging and deny the biblical creation account. 1:16:58 {How Important is a Church&rsquo;s Statement of Faith?} How important is a church's statement of faith? If a church has a basic, correct statement but adds and emphasizes serious errors in their services, wh
4/1/20221 hour, 40 minutes, 23 seconds
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Pt. 3: How Women Could and Couldn’t Lead in the Old Testament - Women in Ministry Series

I spent months researching the topic of women in ministry so that I could present you with this exhaustive analysis of everything the Bible says about it. Today we are surveying the Old Testament to look for examples of women in positions like leadership. We'll see Deborah, an actual "judge" of Israel who definitely exercised real authority in ancient Israel with God's approval. How does that impact our view of women's roles? Was Deborah limited in her role in any way? We'll look at Miriam and ask if she was a leader like Moses during the time of Exodus. Many egalitarians claim that there are quite a few women in leadership roles in the Old Testament. Women as civic authorities, royal authorities, prophetesses (and there's no denying that one!). While there are more women in roles that carry some degree of authority than many of us have realized, we still need to answer the question of why they were forbidden from being priests in the service of God even though pagan religions had female priests. I'll tackle both sides and try real hard not to go beyond the text of Scripture. I want to make sure that whatever my understanding of the New Testament teaching on women in ministry is, it's consistent with God's overall revelation and example of how He used women in the Old Testament. CLICK HERE for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them). You can also find the videos and my notes freely available on my website: Video Map for Quick Reference:0:00 Introduction &amp; Part 1&amp;2 Recap 13:49 Miriam as a Leader of Israel 34:54 Huldah the Prophetess 42:42 Isaiah&rsquo;s Wife 43:54 Noadiah 47:24 Deborah the Judge 1:11:28 Jezebel 1:14:15 Athaliah 1:16:57 Esther 1:35:09 Why Weren&rsquo;t Women Priests? 1:49:57 Conclusions 1:50:58 Coming Up Next in Part 4
3/28/20221 hour, 53 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Hidden Unchristian Belief of TOP Progressive Christian Influencers

I spent over a week reading and listening to progressive Christian influencers, trying to find some sort of central belief that connects them all together in a way that makes sense. I think I finally understand it. It's actually pretty simple. And it's not about Jesus. The teaching you are watching was given at the Battle for the Next Generation Conference in Palm Springs, put on by in February of 2022, sponsored by World Gospel Mission. Check their website for info on other events they do. My website:
3/24/202256 minutes, 2 seconds
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She asked me to talk about politics.

Timestamps to help you find what you want:0:00 Intro1:46 Don&rsquo;t expect the wrong thing5:47 How to navigate when people are angry about politics11:02 Who can I trust on political topics?12:03 Is it biblical to get involved in protests and political debates?19:59 Are people naturally prone to embrace bondage and create tyranny?23:31 What are some things God requires of all governments?24:47 What the NT said to people in governmental roles26:22 Is it a lost cause for Christians to influence culture?34:50 For those struggling to &ldquo;respect&rdquo; horrible people in government41:21 Was Jesus a socialist? Nah.49:35 The hijacking of Jesus52:41 Some hope54:12 Progressives and their error56:35 Are things only going to get worse? Kira Davis&rsquo; podcast &ldquo;Just Listen to Yourself&rdquo;: Spotify Apple Google or search for her on whatever you use. My website
3/21/20221 hour, 13 minutes, 16 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 67)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro1. 0:35 {How to have More Self Control} You mentioned in a past session the issue of &ldquo;becoming slaves to our desires&rdquo; instead of "just doing the right things we don't feel like doing." Whether it&rsquo;s reading Scripture, doing the housework, eating the right things, etc., I struggle with this daily, and my whole house is a disaster. Please, can you offer some advice on how to target this issue?2. 12:27 {Is Marriage Required after Kissing or Sex?} Some say that because my ex-boyfriend and I French kissed, we must marry. We broke up 2 years ago and he didn't answer when I asked to talk. I want to be free to marry someone else, but I'm scared to sin against God. Help. How can I know I am free?3. 16:34 {Why Isn&rsquo;t the Greek OT More Authoritative?} Why isn&rsquo;t the Greek Old Testament more authoritative? Its manuscripts are older and are referenced in the New Testament. E.g., Jesus mentions Greek version of Isaiah 61 with &ldquo;blind&rdquo; in Luke 4:18.4. 20:54 {Is it Unfair that Certain People Receive God&rsquo;s Forgiveness?} People in my life push against "saved by faith alone" asking &ldquo;How can people like Hitler accept Jesus right before death and then go and sit in Heaven next to Mother Teresa? How do I address that?5. 26:47 {About the Elect &amp; The Tribulation} Can you be saved but not elect? I&rsquo;m confused by Mark 13:20. Will the elect be taken by the rapture, or will they suffer during the Tribulation?6. 30:35 {Is Self-Forgiveness Biblical?} Any thoughts on self-forgiveness? Do you think it&rsquo;s biblical?7. 34:33 {Is Contraception Sinful?} Why do people say there is no biblical basis against contraception when God kills Onan for it (Genesis 38:8-10)? And the punishment for that is not death according to Deuteronomy 25:7-10.8. 41:07 {About Parachurch Ministries / CRU} What do you think of parachurch organizations like Cru? They don't seem biblical to me because they assume the duties of a local church. I would love to know what you think.9. 43:35 {About Conviction of Sin} How can someone know if they are truly feeling convicted about something? I am trying to get right with God, and I sometimes feel everything I do is damning. I don&rsquo;t want to sugarcoat things &ndash; I want to be realistic.10. 48:41 {Will we See the Father &amp; Jesus in Heaven?} Jesus said that no one has seen the Father except Himself. Do you think when we get to Heaven, that we will be able to see the Father, as well as Jesus?11. 50:48 {Did Moses Write in Hebrew or Hieroglyphics?} I am curious about the theory that Moses wrote in Egyptian Hieroglyphics, not Hebrew. Arguing for an oral tradition, not a written text. I had never heard this before, and I'm a little baffled.12. 52:47 {Scriptural Support for Continuationism} Is there Scripture that supports being a Continuationist? I am a "soft-charismatic," but personal experience is not convincing to a Cessasionist claiming I'm being unbiblical, or even heretical.13. 56:30 {Could a Gentile Become a Jew in the OT?} In the Old Testament, God worked with the Israelites. Could a Gentile become a Jew in the Old Testament and be saved?14. 59:52 {Can Christians Marry Non-Christians?} Would you recommend marrying someone of a different religion? Say, Seventh Day Adventist, for example?15. 1:02:51 {About the Fall of Satan} How could the devil fall, being perfect (moral excellence), knowing the full comprehension of God? How could he even think evil thoughts?16. 1:05:14 {About the &ldquo;Lying Spirit&rdquo; in 1 Kings} How do you interpret the lying spirit in 1 kings 22?17. 1:12:26 {Theism vs. Biblical Christianity} I&rsquo;m a theist, but I am not a Christian. What are some attributes of God? And how does Jesus exhibit them in specific situations in the Bible? Could you please pray that God gives me confirmat
3/18/20221 hour, 30 minutes, 47 seconds
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Pt. 2: Was Women's Submission Just a Curse to Be Overturned? - Women in Ministry Series

There are some REALLY important debates about Genesis 1-3 and what they say about God's ideal for men and women and their relationships. Today I'm going DEEP on those issues. Here's a small sample of what we'll get into: Does Genesis 1 giving dominion over the Earth to women as well as men mean that egalitarians are right in their contention that no authority differences based on gender should exist? Does Genesis 2 have indications that before the fall, Adam had a leadership role in his relationship with Eve? Lots of debate on this issue! Does Genesis 3:16, which says the husband will rule over his wife, actually mean that he will have control of her sexual desires? Dr. Linda Belleville argues for this. Can we say that male leadership in a marriage is only the result of the fall, and we should therefore try to overturn it as much as possible just like we try to overturn other elements of the curse? Was Adam a sexless being until after Eve was made? Dr. Phyllis Trible thinks so. Does Adam show leadership of Eve by giving her a name? Why is Adam made before Eve? Why does Satan tempt Eve first? Why does Adam seem to bear greater responsibility and consequences for the fall? Was Eve meant to be Adam's "savior" and not his "helper"? Today's video will be longer than usual, but I'm going to plow through a ton of content and I think it will give you simple clarity at the end, so don't feel overwhelmed by all the issues and debates. I'm going to do my best to make it as clear as I can and help you walk away with solid understanding of the nature of men and women in the image of God and their relationship to each other, both before and after the fall. Here are some resource links you might be looking for: CLICK HERE for the first video in this series discussing how many people bypass the Bible completely on this topic. CLICK HERE for Dr. David Freedman's paper saying "ezer kenegdo" (helper fit for him) actually means "power equal to him." CLICK HERE for Dr. Mark Steven Francois' video which gives the closest thing to a skilled breakdown of that paper that laymen can mostly follow. CLICK HERE for Dr. Ramsay's paper on &ldquo;Is Name-Giving an Act of Domination in Genesis 2:23 and Elsewhere?&rdquo; The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, vol. 50, no. 1, Catholic Biblical Association, 1988, pp. 24&ndash;35. CLICK HERE for the playlist of ALL the videos in this series (more will be added as I make them). You can also find the videos and my notes freely available on my website:
3/15/20222 hours, 10 minutes, 24 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 66)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Intro1. 0:24 {Should we Follow our Hearts?} "Follow your heart" is a popular mantra, but is not encouraged in some Christian circles. I understand that Jeremiah 17.9 says "the heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick," but Proverbs 4.23 says "the springs of life" flow from our hearts. Also, since God's word is written on our hearts (Jeremiah 31.33), shouldn't we follow our hearts?2. 15:36 {Will We Have Memories in Heaven?} I recently heard people at my church say that when we get to Heaven our memories will essentially be wiped, and we won&rsquo;t have any knowledge of our friends/family who are in Hell. Thoughts?3. 23:25 {Are Job and Jonah Historical?} My pastor says Job and Jonah are probably not historical events, but more poetic lessons. How do I decide true stories from parables in the Old Testament without questioning everything?4. 28:04 {Does Regeneration Precede Faith?} Is it first that you are born again and by that you confess Jesus as Lord and get Salvation, or you confess Jesus as your Lord first, and by that you get born again and will be granted Salvation?5. 32:45 {Comparing Paul &amp; Joseph Smith} Compared with Paul, is Joseph Smith such a novelty? E.g., they both had a vision of Jesus only they reported on, introduced new teachings, weren&rsquo;t prophesied of by Jesus, and were martyred as result of ministry.6. 42:53 {About Aggressive Countries/Leaders} Can you please explain what the Bible says we should do about an aggressor like Putin, and should other countries intervene to help Ukraine?7. 46:19 {Pastor Mike&rsquo;s Favorite Attributes of God} What is your personal favorite aspect/quality of each member of the Trinity?8. 47:45 {Deconstruction vs. Deconversion} Is deconstruction just another term for deconversion? Why can't we deconstruct deconstructionism?9. 52:25 {Does God Sometimes Not Know Things?} Why does God ask, &ldquo;Who told you that you were naked?&rdquo; in Genesis 3:11? Does He not know?10. 53:37 {Help for a Tough Marital Situation} What do you do when your spouse, who claims to be a Christian, has separated/said they want a divorce when they don&rsquo;t have biblical grounds, and the church that married you won&rsquo;t confront them?11. 57:47 {Why did Paul Preach to the Jews?} Why did Paul go to Jerusalem to preach to the Jews in the temple when it seems he knew very clearly he was called to be an apostle to the Gentiles? He chose Jerusalem before he went to Rome.12. 1:01:18 {Does God Forgive &ldquo;Extreme&rdquo; Sins?} A loved one is struggling with the idea that God would forgive an abuser or a murderer if they started following God after their evil actions. What can I say to help them through this doubt?13. 1:04:57 {About Harry Potter &amp; Lord of the Rings} Biblically thinking, are The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter different regarding sorcery? Lots of Christians disapprove of Harry Potter, yet admire LOTR. Is this distinction biblically justified?14. 1:09:55 {Should we Desire to Read Scripture Daily?} Shouldn't a truly born-again believer desire to read the Scriptures regularly (even daily)? How should I approach and encourage a "Christian" who doesn't?15. 1:12:21 {Reformed Theology vs. Calvinism} What&rsquo;s the difference between &ldquo;Reformed theology&rdquo; and Calvinism? It seems like the two are different, but also the same. Just curious to know all the different groups within this body of believers.16. 1:14:07 {How to &ldquo;Carry our Cross&rdquo;} How should we carry our cross in a practical sense?17. 1:17:28 {Reconciling the Accounts of Jesus&rsquo; Birth} How can the accounts of Jesus' birth in Matthew and Luke be reconciled when Josephus says that Quirinius didn't become governor until after the banishment of Archelaus?18. 1:21:44 {About Gog &amp; Magog} I thought Gog &amp; Ma
3/11/20221 hour, 31 minutes, 55 seconds
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It is biblical to leave a truly abusive spouse. But be careful.

This is merely a snippet from 2 years ago when I did my 3 hour teaching on "Divorce and Remarriage: Everything the Bible says about It" back in May of 2020. This video may raise more questions than it answers for some people, but I promise I've got the answers to those questions and more in the big video. Here's a link to the FULL VIDEO with time stamps to help you find just what you need: I'm Mike Winger and my goal is to help you learn to think biblically about everything. I've got a free, searchable database of over 600 videos on my website here:
3/10/20227 minutes, 54 seconds
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Pt. 1: Why We Can't Think Biblically About It - Women In Ministry Series

For years, I&rsquo;ve refused to answer the question about women in ministry. Because I worried I might be wrong, and was fearful of how big of an impact my teaching can have in the life of another. I take that issue very seriously. I spent the last few months doing an in-depth research project on women in ministry. My goal was to read the best egalitarian scholars on the topic and see if I might change my position. To be totally open with you, I actually WANTED to become egalitarian. That may sound strange to some, but I&rsquo;m just being honest about my own motivations. Now that my research is close to done, I&rsquo;m going to present you with the &ldquo;Women in Ministry&rdquo; series; a thorough and systematic study of the topic, looking at all relevant biblical passages, historical research, linguistic studies, and philosophical concerns, interacting with the most recent scholarship on the issue (and there is a lot of it). This will be a somewhat exhaustive series to go over everything the Bible teaches on the topic and engage in all the important debates you will want to know about. Each video will cover different issues/passages of Scripture, and I&rsquo;ll try to present the content in a way that helps you make informed decisions for yourself, and not just to parrot me. But I&rsquo;m not interested being one of those people who pretends they don&rsquo;t have their own opinions on the topic. So, after months of focused research, here are my general conclusions, which I will go on to support with great detail over the next 10 videos. I think egalitarian views (which hold there are simply no role differences related to authority between men and women in the government of the church) are obviously false. I mean that I went into this study hoping I&rsquo;d see really strong and thoughtful cases for egalitarian views from top scholars and I saw, over and over again, insufficient evidence, poor reasoning, inconsistent positions, and bad Bible study practices. I don&rsquo;t say ANY of that as a way of slapping at the sincerity or good will of those scholars. I think many of these scholars are strongly committed to Jesus and are my genuine brothers and sisters in Christ. But, as a result of studying this topic in detail, hoping to change my own mind and focusing on the work of egalitarian scholars, I am actually far more confidently complementarian than I was before. However, I have changed my mind on some important issues, and would consider my self a &ldquo;soft complementarian&rdquo; who holds that the biblical role of &ldquo;elder&rdquo; is reserved for men but that women have been FAR too restricted in other ways because of clumsy and incomplete views of complementarians, and sometimes simply because Christians aren&rsquo;t quite sure where to draw the lines so they are overly cautious and unnecessarily limiting to women (and often to themselves). What I&rsquo;m saying here is that I agree with many egalitarian complaints about abuses, restrictions, and general disrespect toward women that has been too common in complementarian circles. I&rsquo;ve seen it firsthand many times, and I think Scripture offers us needed correction. So, I am rather firm in saying egalitarian interpretations are generally flawed, but that complementarians have much to refine and even remove from their own views, though the biblical core remains quite sound. I offer the above explanation as I introduce this series simply because I respect your intelligence and want to be as open as possible with you all. In today&rsquo;s video, I&rsquo;ll walk through the biggest reason why I&rsquo;m not egalitarian as I discuss philosophical beliefs that egalitarians often bring into the debate which make it impossible for them to be open to following the Bible if it leads toward complementarian views. I&rsquo;ll try to apply this standard fairly on both sides and set a tone for the debate that refuses to use polemics,
3/8/20221 hour, 9 minutes, 49 seconds
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This is what spiritual abuse looks like.

Ed's 4 hour long church service which this clip came from. The clip I used starts at 30 minutes in: You may think I've picked the worst example of Ed's behavior, but I really haven't. Ed can be seen doing all manner of far stranger and more extreme things in other videos. I chose this example to offer an analysis of how to identify this kind of spiritual abuse in an effort to help people caught up in it to do two things: First, to get out from under the control of dangerous leaders. Second, to realize that those bad leaders do not represent true Christianity so that people who've been burned by them won't turn away from Christ, the perfectly humble leader, as a result. I've got over 600 videos helping you learn to think biblically about everything, and I promise not to make up stuff about your family tree. My website:
3/5/202235 minutes, 13 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 65)

I answer questions every Friday live on YT at 1 p.m. Pacific time. Wait till the live stream actually starts, post your question with a "Q" at the beginning, and try to check your wording for clarity. I apologize ahead of time if I don't get to your question. I know that can be dissapointing, but we try to prioritize questions I haven't answered before so you might check my website to see if your question has already been addressed in a previous stream. You can do so with the link below, using the "clip search" feature that takes you to specific moments in specific videos. Here's my website with a new clip search feature for finding exactly where in a video a particular issue is addressed. 1. 0:00 {Only One Way to Evangelize?} Before Jesus left, He gave us the Great Commission: "Go spread the Gospel and make Disciples." Sounds good, I can do that. But since Jesus didn't tell us exactly how to share the Gospel (He just tells us to do it), can we share the Gospel however we want, or do we have to do it a certain way?2. 13:05 {Is Modalism Heresy?} Why is modalism considered such heresy? I think it&rsquo;s incorrect, but many people question the very salvation of those who hold to this doctrine. How vital to salvation is the correct understanding of the Trinity?3. 16:58 {When You&rsquo;re Far from God} My heart is hardened, I&rsquo;m backslidden, a carnal Christian&hellip;whatever you want to call it. I am so far from God right now. I want to love Him, but I don&rsquo;t. I&rsquo;m afraid of Hell. What can I do to heal?4. 21:23 {Why Didn&rsquo;t Jesus Inherit Adam&rsquo;s Sin?} Since Jesus was fully man, as well as fully God, according to the hypostatic union, how did He not inherit Adam's sin that all men inherit according to Psalm 51:5?5. 25:27 {Is the Resurrection Proof of Jesus&rsquo; Deity?} What should I say to someone who isn&rsquo;t impressed with the resurrection of Jesus proving that He is God? I don&rsquo;t think there is a better miracle explaining who God is and what He does.6. 28:17 {Advising Others on Theologically Bad Content} What do you say to Christians who say they have been blessed by the movie &ldquo;The Shack&rdquo; and other Progressive content, even though it is filled with New Age themes and Progressive Christianity?7. 31:37 {Explaining a Confusing Passage of Scripture} Is the man in Matthew 22: 11-13 thrown out for not doing good works, considering Revelation 19:8?8. 36:17 {Transubstantiation, Consubstantiation, &amp; Symbolism} What are your thoughts on the Lutheran view of communion (consubstantiation in contrast to the Catholic transubstantiation)? What would be a good case for an entirely symbolic view?9. 44:36 {Exceptions to Marital Submission?} Your 1 Peter 3:1-6 teaching said Abigail's story was the only valid exception for wives not submitting to husbands. Why was &ldquo;life threatening situations&rdquo; the lens in which you interpreted her example?10. 47:17 {Is a Fear of Sin Biblical?} I find myself feeling paranoid and anxious because I'm scared to fall into sin. I'm no longer in bondage to sin, but I feel like the fear of sin can hold me captive. Is the fear of sin biblical?11. 48:59 {Help for Overcoming Pride} I struggle with pride. I hate that. Even with a past as filthy as mine that I&rsquo;ve been forgiven for, I still catch myself looking at other people sideways. How can I be more loving?12. 54:12 {About &ldquo;Not Boasting of Tomorrow&rdquo;} In James 4: 13-17, The conclusion (v. 17) seems unrelated to vv. 13-16. I don&rsquo;t see how it relates specifically to not boasting of tomorrow. Is it just a general statement that could be said after any command?13. 57:52 {Tongues: Heavenly or Earthly Language?} When we pray in tongues in private prayer time, is this a heavenly language, or an earthly language?14. 1:01:21 {About the La
3/5/20221 hour, 25 minutes, 10 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 64)

Your questions can get answered live during my next stream by doing the following:1- Wait until after the stream begins. 2- Post a clear, concise question in the live chat with a "Q" at the beginning. How to understand the Old Testament law (Part 1): How to understand the Old Testament law (Part 2): "How correct is Kenneth Copeland?" (This is the teaching on prayer in faith that is answered with a &ldquo;no&rdquo; and how to reconcile that with Jesus saying that if we believed we would have what we asked.) This is the &ldquo;Battle for the Next Generation&rdquo; apologetics conference I&rsquo;m speaking at in Palm Springs, CA on February 25-26 of 2022. You can watch the livestream with half off with this promo code: "WINGER10" (only $10) Here's my website with a new clip search feature for finding exactly where in a video a particular issue is addressed. 1. 0:33 {About &ldquo;Binding and Loosing&rdquo;} In Matthew 16: 19, what does the Bible mean in terms of "binding" and "loosing," and how do we rightly understand and apply that concept today?2. 25:28 {Giving to Different Ministries} If I don't feel edified by the watered-down milk preaching at my local church, it is wrong to give less money to the local church and more money to online ministries that I spend hours listening to? 3. 28:50 {Should we &ldquo;Cut Someone Off&rdquo; in Life?} How do I know if I am doing the right thing by cutting off a very toxic family member? I still pray for him, but I think he is dangerous and unbalanced and he refuses to get help.4. 31:32 {Defending the Trinity} What are your thoughts on the argument against the Trinity that points out the lack of a Trinitarian controversy (like that of Nicaea) in the time of Acts and the writing of the New Testament?5. 33:36 {About False Prophets} How should we interpret Deuteronomy 13:6-9? Part of chapter is often used on Mormons for Joseph Smith being a false prophet...but if rejecting a false prophet is required, would it follow that this is required, too? This chapter - all or nothing?6. 38:38 {&ldquo;Being the Light&rdquo; in Difficult Situations} As a new believer, I feel I won&rsquo;t be able to go to my sister-in-law&rsquo;s house again because they smoke weed at every gathering. How do I find balance between being the light &amp; not being in certain situations?7. 41:19 {Leading with Confidence, Not Cockiness} I just came into a lead role in a local ministry where many of the other adults are older than I. I want to be confident, but not cocky; Firm, but able to learn. Any tips?8. 44:52 {About Cult Shunning/Shaming} How can we differentiate the instructions given by Paul in 1 Corinthians 5: 11 &amp; by Jesus in Matthew 18: 15-17 with the shunning/shaming practices of certain cults like Jehovah&rsquo;s Witnesses, Mormons, etc.?9. 49:01 {About Jesus&rsquo; Suffering} Did Jesus need to have suffered the most pain ever for Him to be worthy to save us? How should we answer the objection that some people have supposedly suffered worse pain, i.e. from torture or the Holocaust?10. 52:29 {Praying for and Trusting in God&rsquo;s Will} How should I pray? I prayed for my husband's health, and shortly thereafter, he died suddenly &amp; unexpectedly. Oftentimes, I feel that my will is out of sync with Yahweh's. It hurts.11. 55:36 {Do Modern Translations Hide Mythology?} Why do modern translations hide so much mythology? Leviathan and Behemoth are animals. Isaiah 34: 14, Lillith is an owl. Psalm 96: 5, Gods are idols and not demons. I fear this leads to materialism.12. 59:46 {Witnessing Well at Work} I've had some really good conversations with friends at work about being a Christian. Wha
2/11/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 3 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 63)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Intro1. 0:19 {About the &ldquo;Serpent Seed&rdquo; Doctrine} What are your thoughts about the &ldquo;Serpent Seed Doctrine&rdquo; which states that the serpent mated with Eve in the Garden of Eden as the first sin, and that the offspring of their union was Cain?2. 15:00 {Difficult Passages &ndash; Trusting in God&rsquo;s Goodness} How do you respond to 1 Samuel 15:3 that includes in the command "child &amp; infant"? It doesn't ruin my trust in God's goodness, but it is hard to understand/explain. Any insight you have is appreciated!3. 21:56 {About Mars Hill / Pr. Mark Driscoll} What are the lessons we all can learn from Mark Driscoll and the &ldquo;Rise and Fall of Mars Hill&rdquo;?4. 24:49 {Are Dating Apps OK?} Should a Christian use Christian dating apps? I don&rsquo;t see anything wrong with meeting people through these apps, but when I try to use them, I feel guilty. Does the Bible guide us somehow on this?5. 28:34 {Intellectual Agreement vs. Faith in Christ} I believe I'm trusting in Jesus' death and resurrection for salvation, but I have OCD and can't control my thoughts. So how do I know if I'm really trusting, or just agreeing with facts intellectually?6. 31:06 {Reaching Difficult Students for Christ} I'm a high school teacher at a school that&rsquo;s heavily influenced by culture and broken homes. The students lack respect, and hate following rules. How can I reach these students that appear far from God?7. 33:38 {About Seraphim, Snakes &amp; Satan} If the word &ldquo;seraphim&rdquo; is derived from the same Hebrew root word for snake, it is really a stretch to say that Lucifer (who is a seraphim) in the Garden of Eden could have appeared reptilian?8. 37:34 {Staying in Fellowship While Working} I just moved to a new city, and I work every Sunday. How do I find a church family if I work every Sunday?9. 38:33 {Encouragement for New Bible Teachers} I'm a recent MDiv graduate who gets questions from friends and family about the Bible. I do a study and answer them, and they respond with "that's what I thought." Any encouragement to keep trying?10. 41:57 {Watching Inappropriate Content} Do you think it&rsquo;s a sin to watch movies or shows that make inappropriate jokes and have some language? Or is it only a sin when we personally make crude jokes and use that language?11. 45:30 {Refuting a Calvinist Interpretation} I am not a Calvinist, but I am having a very hard time finding a non-Calvinist interpretation of Acts 13:48.12. 49:45 {Which OT Teachings are for Us Today?} How are some biblical teachings like hair length considered cultural and specific only to ancient times, when other things apply even today, like homosexuality?13. 52:49 {Theological Disagreements in Marriage} Should a husband refuse to go to a hyper-Charismatic church that his wife wants to attend, and rather attend his own church that emphasizes the Bible?14. 54:50 {About being &ldquo;Unequally Yoked&rdquo;} What does being &ldquo;unequally yoked&rdquo; look like?15. 57:45 {About the &ldquo;7 Mountain Mandate&rdquo;} Could you explain why the &ldquo;7 Mountain Mandate&rdquo; is wrong theology? It is so popular and, on the surface, seems like such a good idea.16. 1:01:25 {Do Salvation Numbers = Biblical Practices?} Should we always see new souls coming to Christ as a sign/indicator that the Lord was with us in a particular event, service, or mission field?17. 1:04:40 {Attending No Church vs. an Unbiblical Church?} Is it better to attend a church you disagree with in theology, rather than not attending church at all?18. 1:06:41 {Do Sources of Inspiration Matter?} I want my music to glorify God. When I make music with computer though, I worry a lot about the sources of my inspiration. Any tips or principles to ensure that I&rsquo;m not being influenced by ungodly sources?19. 1:09:33
2/5/20221 hour, 19 minutes, 13 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 62)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Intro1. 0:04 {My Fault if Someone&rsquo;s Not Saved?} I know God is in control, but since prayer and fasting makes a difference, is it my fault if someone is not saved because I didn&rsquo;t pray or fast enough for them? I feel responsible when I eat or forget to pray.2. 9:31 {About the 2 Witnesses / Rapture?} It seems like the 2 witnesses in Zechariah 4 and Revelation 11 are like two peoples instead of individuals, as Romans 11: 17-21 speaks of olive trees/branches being Jews/Gentiles. If so, would the rapture be the "calling up" of them?3. 17:01 {Does Romans Teach Works for Salvation?} Does Romans 6: 22 preach salvation by works? John Piper claims that this verse suggests that at final salvation, our works coming from sanctification result in eternal life.4. 24:30 {Does God Grant People Faith? / Calvinism} How would you interpret the end of Matthew 11 in a non-Calvinist way, since it seems at a quick read to me that God grants people faith?5. 29:55 {Thinking Biblically about Trends} There is a trend in many young male Christians where they are wearing earrings, painting nails, fixing eyebrows, and putting on makeup. Help me think biblically about this, as it's a bit shocking.6. 35:04 {Advice for being a Godly Man} I just turned 18 today, and for the past few months, I've been struggling with the transition into adulthood. Got any advice for someone trying to become the man God wants them to be?7. 39:22 {Does Blindness Cover Sin?} In John 9: 41, Jesus says, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin..." What does it mean to be "blind" in this context? Does this blindness also cover sin?8. 45:43 {Discerning Extrabiblical Prophecies} When should extrabiblical prophecy be accepted or rejected? I don&rsquo;t know how to discern or &ldquo;test the spirits,&rdquo; and I don&rsquo;t want to be overly dismissive, even if the claims seem astonishing.9. 51:34 {About Submission in Marriage} If a husband's rule over his wife was a curse of the fall, why is it taught as God-ordained in the New Testament? Aren't husbands and wives called to submit to each other under the New Covenant?10. 54:18 {Right and Wrong Public Worship/Prayer} In Matthew 6:5, Jesus says not to pray like people in public who try to get attention. Would that include praying and worshiping in church?11. 58:18 {Interpreting the Psalms} In Psalm 2: 12, What does the psalmist mean by this verse in its non-messianic context?12. 1:02:23 {Judging &amp; Correcting Non-Believers} Are we supposed to judge those outside of the Church, and do we have any right to control/direct what they do (Romans 1: 32; 1 Corinthians 5: 12)?13. 1:06:30 {Theological Differences while Dating} I've just discovered my long-term girlfriend does not believe homosexuality is a sin, and I'm really struggling with anxiety regarding this. Is it wrong to break up over this, and how should I approach this?14. 1:09:04 {How Does the HS Guide Us?} I'm a new born-again Christian and I'd like to know, how does the Holy Spirit guide us?15. 1:12:34 {Resources for Seniors} Are there any good sources for ministering to seniors you can recommend?16. 1:13:07 {Is Sheol/Hades the Same as Hell?} Are the biblical references to Sheol/Hades necessarily Hell? Some Christian traditions have it as the underworld, with Hell only being something after the resurrection.17. 1:15:45 {Abortion OK - Babies will Go to Heaven?} What would you say to a vicar who says that abortion isn't the biggest issue or problem for God as the babies will end up in Heaven anyway?18. 1:20:58 {Did Jesus Come to Abolish the Law?} Why does Paul say in Ephesians 2: 15 &ldquo;&hellip;by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances&hellip;&rdquo; when Jesus said that He did not come to abolish the law in Matthew 5: 17?19. 1:27:14 {Book of Ecclesiastes &ndash; Enjoyi
1/28/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 57 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 61)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:34 {What does it mean that God IS Love?} What does it mean that God IS love, rather than just saying that He is loving or that He loves us?2. 9:37 {Is it Wrong to have Vaxxed &amp; Non-Vaxxed Services?} My church has decided to have 2 different services: one for those who have gotten the vaccine, and one for those who have not. I love my pastors, but I disagree with this approach, and I see it as divisive. Is this something I should leave the church over? I wouldn&rsquo;t think Jesus would ever be for this option.3. 14:38 {Should we Worship the Holy Spirit?} Why isn't the Holy Spirit mentioned in any of the instances in Revelation when praise is being given to the Father and the lamb if He is to be worshiped as separate? For example: Revelation 5: 13.4. 19:48 {About Jannes &amp; Jambres} Why does Paul mention Jannes and Jambres in 2 Timothy as being part of the Exodus story when they weren&rsquo;t? Did he have a different exodus? Is he referring to an extra-biblical book so authoritatively?5. 26:55 {Is Being Poor a Godly Virtue?} In Luke 16: 19-31 we read the story of Lazarus and the rich man and it seems that the only thing Lazarus did to deserve Paradise was being a sick beggar. Does this story teach virtue in being poor?6. 35:36 {How to Respond to Friends&rsquo; Ungodly Behavior} How should I respond when hanging out with friends who cuss / curse or play foul music celebrating sinful behavior, some of them being believers?7. 39:12 {About &ldquo;Twilight&rdquo; relating to Passover} What does &ldquo;twilight&rdquo; mean when the Passover lamb is sacrificed? Is it the start of the 14th, or the end leading into the 15th (first day of unleavened bread)?8. 40:28 {How to Forgive the Abuse of a Loved One} My disabled daughter w/ MS was abused by her ex (hit, pushed her head through a wall, broke her jaw twice requiring three surgeries, told her he&rsquo;s going to have her killed, &amp; more). I know I should forgive him, but how?9. 45:10 {When to Lovingly tell Someone they&rsquo;re Deceived} If you spend years lovingly bringing scripture to someone in a religion that corrupts it, hoping to open their eyes but fail, is it wrong to finally say directly they've been deceived, and that the religion is a lie?10. 47:46 {About &ldquo;Dynamic Omniscience} Could you please explain and give your take on the Open Theist position called " dynamic omniscience" and how biblical or unbiblical the position is?11. 50:18 {Called to be Single? How to Know} How do you know if God has called you to be single?12. 1:01:39 {Did Jesus Not Know Who Touched Him?} In Luke 8: 45, Jesus asks who touched His garment while in a crowd. Did Jesus really not know who had touched Him, nor that this miracle would take place?13. 1:06:23 {About Jews &amp; the Great Tribulation} I heard a pastor claim that 2/3 of Jews will die during the Great Tribulation, and the ones who survive will become Christians. Is this what Paul was referring to with &ldquo;all Israel will be saved&rdquo;?14. 1:13:26 {Can Mental Issues Sometimes be Demonic?} Could my Generalized Anxiety Disorder and OCD be a demonic issue rather than a mental health issue? I'm a believer, but I suffer from both of these issues and I feel trapped.15. 1:17:02 {Was Creation an Incarnation of God?} What do you think of Richard Rohr's claim that "creation was the first incarnation of God"?16. 1:19:51 {About &ldquo;Boot Camp&rdquo; Churches} What is your opinion on "Boot Camp" Churches such as Elevation and Newspring that say that their church is for unbelievers and is not a permanent space for believers to remain?17. 1:22:26 {About the Virgin Birth} Is the virgin birth an invention by Matthew to buff up the Gospel narrative? The "double-fulfillment" of Isaiah's prophecy sounds like a convenience interpretation. Does the virgin birth m
1/21/20221 hour, 34 minutes, 50 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 60)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction1. 0:37 {Tips for Consistent Bible Reading} I&rsquo;ve been pretty terrible with reading my Bible in past years, and I really want to stay in God&rsquo;s Word this year (and always). Can you please give me some advice on how to read my Bible consistently? I always start reading plans, fall behind, then just stop reading altogether.2. 7:48 {Were OT Sacrifices Purely Symbolic?} Did Levitical sacrifices really do anything beyond point people to Jesus? Hebrews 10:4 and Romans 3: 25 tell us that Jesus' atonement was applied retroactively to Old Testament saints, so were their sacrifices only symbolic?3. 12:36 {Do Pastors Have Authority over Believers?} A lot of people in my circle talk about being under the "covering" and authority of their pastor and elders. Is this a thing?4. 16:31 {Tips for Reading Scripture w/Children} It seems like the more I try and teach my kids the Word (ages 8,12 yrs.) the more they say the Bible is boring and groan every time I want to read with them. I&rsquo;m getting discouraged. Suggestions?5. 19:22 {When to be Re-Baptized} If I lacked repentance at the time of my baptism years ago as a teen, should I be rebaptized now as an adult? This past year I've experienced true, heart-felt repentance and now I just want to obey.6. 23:32 {Does the P. of Talents demand Physical Work?} My preacher uses the Parable of Talents to say we must go out to do work for the Lord. I have chronic illness and I don't have energy for stuff outside of my family. Does this mean I waste my talents?7. 30:47 {Why Didn&rsquo;t Adam Stop Eve?} Since Adam was sinless before the fall, why didn't he fulfill his role as a husband when Eve was tempted by the serpent (it seems like he was nearby)?8. 37:40 {Legal, but Is It Moral / Biblical?} In bodybuilding, the usage of performance enhancing drugs are not illegal and are used by higher level competitors. As a Christian, would those drugs be considered sinful to utilize as a tool to be competitive in the pro league?9. 42:32 {How is the Bible Perfect, Written by Humans?} According to Scripture, all humans are flawed. There are no examples of humans being perfect, apart from Christ. Therefore, how can anyone deem the Bible 100% perfect when its authors were imperfect?10. 44:27 {A Prayer Request from Pastor Mike} Today I want to know how we can all pray for YOU and your ministry.11. 46:03 {Who are the Watchers in Daniel 4?} Who are the &ldquo;watchers&rdquo; of Daniel 4: 17? Do they play an end times role?12. 51:23 {Advice for a Transgender Situation} My baby&rsquo;s kindergarten has hired a transgender person who advocates. If kids ask, they will say that he is a trans. My baby is just 1 yr. old. Is it even safe for her to be with this confused person? Any advice?13. 55:52 {Comfort from Scripture after a Breakup} My girlfriend (devout Catholic) and I (devout "protestant") broke up recently after dating for a year. We wanted to get married, but we broke up due to our faiths. Where can I read for comfort?14. 57:27 {Will we be Judged for our Words or Intentions?} Will God judge us for what we said, or for what we meant by those words?15. 59:43 {Understanding the Trinity} How should we understand the "power dynamic" within the Trinity specifically as it applies to "sending" (filioque clause in mind)? Does the Father have a sort of "sending" authority over the Son &amp; the Spirit?16. 1:02:33 {About the &ldquo;Little gods&rdquo; Theory} Can you explain a biblical view of the "little gods" theory (Psalm 82:6 and John 10: 34)?17. 1:12:34 {About Jacob&rsquo;s &ldquo;Wrestle&rdquo; with God} Did Jacob really "wrestle" with God? Why does Genesis make it sound as though he "won" this fight?18. 1:15:04 {About the &ldquo;Tongues of Angels&rdquo;} 1Corinthians 13:1 refers to "speaking in the tongues of men and of angels." The to
1/14/20221 hour, 28 minutes, 25 seconds
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How did we miss this?

I don't think I have ever heard someone say it quite like this. J. Warner Wallace's new book, Person of Interest, can be found here: Here's my website with a new clip search feature for finding exactly where in a video a particular issue is addressed.
12/21/202157 minutes, 37 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 59)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:46 {How to &ldquo;Take Every Thought Captive&rdquo;} What does it mean to "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" in 2 Corinthians 10:5? What are some examples of how we can live this out?2. 9:04 {Advice for a Difficult Church Situation} My daughter and her father-in-law visited the church I attend. They brought my 3 month old Grandson who was making loud sounds. One of the attendants asked them to leave. Now I have mixed feelings about this church. Should I continue to attend?3. 11:08 {Can Remarried People Serve in Church?} A divorced lady in my church recently got remarried to someone else. The church is not allowing remarried couples to serve in any area of the church. Is this biblical?4. 14:03 {Why are there Sacrifices if Jesus is our Sacrifice?} Why are there sacrifices (more specifically, sin offerings) in the millennial temple on Earth (ex. Ezekiel 42: 13)? I don't get it since Jesus was the final and perfect sacrifice.5. 20:07 {Surrendering to God when it&rsquo;s Difficult} I'm double-minded and depressed. I want real salvation but have a hard time fully surrendering. Good works and prayer feel like pushing a boulder up a hill. Any advice?6. 24:14 {What is Love, According to the Bible?} Define love according to the Bible. Is it a feeling? Act? Choice? This is very important to me because it will inform how I view if I was loving or not in situations.7. J. 30:42 {Does Sanctification Continue in Eternity?} Do you think sanctification is complete upon our death and resurrection, or do we continue to &ldquo;improve&rdquo; throughout eternity?8. 32:57 {How to be Calm &amp; Kind on Social Media} I often find myself being rude on social media. I don&rsquo;t mean to be, but it just gets the better of me. How do you approach people, consistently, in such a loving manner?9. 36:12 Angels, Free Will, &amp; Did God Command Satan to Rebel?} How would you react to someone who claims that angels don't have free will, and that by extension, God commanded Satan to rebel? Hoping to address the issue and the heart here, thanks!10. 39:41 {Biblical Help when Struggling with Infertility} I recently have had intense disappointment and grief in my life re: fertility and am struggling with not knowing God's path for my life. Do you have any biblical help to heal and move forward?11. 42:26 {Is Luke a &ldquo;Social Justice Gospel&rdquo;?} The book of Luke is being described as the "social justice gospel&rdquo; in Progressive circles. What do you think about Luke being described as the social justice gospel?12. 46:00 {About the Vows in Numbers 30} What specific examples of vows or oaths do you think Numbers 30 was referring to?13. 50:16 {Refuting WMSCOG Theology} I was approached by the Mother God cult in a department store, and they used Galatians 4: 26. How could I bring clarity to this verse for them next time?14. 56:22 {Should we Choose a Denomination Right Away?} I'm a new convert. I love God. However, since I'm a new convert I haven't "chosen" a denomination yet. Must I hurry and choose one? Right now, I'm just happy reading the Bible, believing, and praying.15. 58:44 {About &ldquo;Seal&rdquo; &amp; &ldquo;Deposit&rdquo; in 2 Cor.} What is the meaning of the words "seal" and "deposit" in 2 Corinthians 1: 22?16. 1:02:18 {Lovingly Calling Out Sin} How do I love and exhort a close family member who knows &amp; believes the Gospel but doesn't seem bothered by some sinful choices (e.g., going to rowdy parties, getting drunk)?17. 1:06:41 {About Leviathan} What are your thoughts on Leviathan? Do you believe he is an actual creature, or more symbolic? Where is he now?18. 1:14:48 {What if I Don&rsquo;t Live near a Bible-based Church?} What do you do when there are only Jehovah&rsquo;s whiteness, Catholic, and extremely Progressive churches within a
12/17/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 7 seconds
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Dealing with Skeptics and Progressive Christians on The Bob Dutko Show

If you'd like to see more of the Bob Dutko Show it can be found here: I'm Mike Winger and I have tons of FREE content, helping you learn to think biblically, on my YouTube channel or on my website (which includes a search feature helping you find exactly what you are looking for):
12/13/202118 minutes, 2 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 58)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:45 {Theology Books for Teens/College Age} My 17 yr. old son is into theology. Do you have any theology books you&rsquo;d recommend for teens/college students that aren&rsquo;t weighty reads, but offer good, biblical answers to Christian questions? Something that will interest a teenager without getting lost into a huge textbook. 2. 4:24 {Does God Bless in Material Ways?} Does God still bless us in material ways, or was that just for the old covenant and now He solely blesses us in spiritual ways?3. 9:05 {How Does God Speak to Us?} How does God communicate to us outside of the Bible? Does He speak through mediums like words, numbers, coincidences, etc.?4. 12:38 {About Separation from Bishops} How is separation from all bishops okay when all &ldquo;early church fathers&rdquo; (especially Cyprian &amp; Ignatius) taught that separation from your bishop can call into question your salvation (Cyprian Epistle 26, Ignatius Phil.)?5. 18:39 {About Revelation/Great Tribulation} Do you have any idea why Revelation 7:14 in the NLT says these are the ones who died, but other translations say they came out of the Great Tribulation?6. 21:40 {How to Initiate Gospel Conversations} How do I start conversations about Jesus with strangers/acquaintances?7. 23:25 {About the Extent of the Atonement} Do the two different stances on the extent of the atonement (unlimited and definite) ultimately represent two different gospels? This is a fear of mine.8. 27:09 {Does Prayer Have a Required Formula?} I talk to God in my head and pray during the day, but my thoughts drift and sometimes I realize I never said &ldquo;amen.&rdquo; I know that He&rsquo;s listening, but if it&rsquo;s not formatted like a prayer, does it still count?9. 29:00 {How to Find Counsel in Scripture} How do I go about searching the Scriptures to help me find a solution or to come to a decision in an area of my life?10. 32:16 {About being Born of God/of the Spirit} Prior to Pentecost, was anyone &ldquo;born of God/Spirit&rdquo; as the Spirit hadn&rsquo;t been given yet (John 1:13; 3:1-7; 7:39)? Can this discredit regeneration preceding faith/total inability?11. 34:22 {Was Historical Proof of Biblical Events Just Made Up?} I heard that the historians&rsquo; consensus for the Patriarchs, the Exodus, and the Conquest of Canaan was that they didn&rsquo;t happen but were made up later. Any input on this?12. 36:42 {If we Confess our Doubts, Are We Still Saved?} I was having doubts about the atonement, and I was questioning if I really believed it. I had thoughts about me not believing. Am I still saved if confessed those and do believe now?13. 43:08 {Was Jesus Rich? &amp; How to Challenge False Claims} Someone told me &ldquo;Jesus was rich and that was how He was able to feed the 5,000 and their families.&rdquo; I know that&rsquo;s wrong, but where do they find these theories and how do I help them see that&rsquo;s not true?14. 46:33 {How to Share a Summary of the Gospel} Do you have a simple way to share the Gospel? How can we know what to say to be obedient and share the Gospel effectively without missing any of the essentials?15. 48:42 {Thinking Biblically about Covid Restrictions} My province has new Covid mandates that my pastor is implementing. Reduced attendance, vaccine passport checks, and masks even while singing. I think this is unbiblical. What can I do?16. 52:53 {Advice for Finding a Godly Spouse / Our Desires} I&rsquo;m 23 yrs. old. 6 yrs. ago, my attraction to women just disappeared. This messed with my head a lot, and also, because of physical problems, I can&rsquo;t approach girls in order to find a wife. Please, can you advise me?17. 54:29 {Was David&rsquo;s Son Punished for David&rsquo;s Sin?} In a past video, it sounded like Mike said David's child dying was "collateral damage.&rdquo; How is th
12/10/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 33 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 57)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:10 {Is Hypnosis OK for Christians?} What does the Bible say about hypnosis as a form of medical treatment? I struggle with food addiction and have heard that it can help by reaching the subconscious. However, I want to be super careful not to dip into the supernatural demonic realm that can sometimes happen during yoga sessions when "channeling your inner-self" and "connecting with the universe."2. 9:26 {Was the Temple Ever Cleaned?} Blood was sprinkled around the altar in the Tabernacle and Temple. Did the priests ever clean up all the blood splatter? Or just let it accumulate? I cannot find the answer in Scripture.3. 11:51 {About the Evidence of the Spirit} In Acts 8, how did they know when the Samaritans had and had not received the Holy Spirit? Pentecostals teach that it must have been tongues. Is there another explanation?4. 18:36 {What is the Light in Gen. 1?} What is the light in Genesis 1:3? Some say the light is a spiritual force, Jesus, stars, the Big Bang, etc. I know it&rsquo;s not Jesus, but I&rsquo;m getting a lot of feedback in a group without any real solid answers.5. 24:46 {Should We Apologize for Every Past Sin?} Should Christians apologize to everyone from their past? I had so much anxiety, messaging people from high school about every lie or mean comment I could think of, even some things people didn't remember.6. 30:11 {About Pastors Preaching on Certain Sins} How would you respond to a pastor who says &ldquo;I don't need to teach that a particular practice is a sin&rdquo;? What dangers do you think are there if someone doesn't recognize certain sins?7. 33:46 {Are Works Required? (Sheep &amp; Goats)} Does John 5: 29 or the Parable of Sheep and Goats mean that Jesus taught we need works to be saved? It seems to align with the mid-acts dispensational view.8. 37:46 {What is a Relationship with God?} What does a relationship with God look like practically?9. 42:10 {About Limited Atonement} If the extent of Jesus&rsquo; death was for all, but the application of His death was only for His sheep, why does Jesus say that He lays down His life for His sheep in John 10: 15 (v. 16 clarifies extent, right?)?10. 45:56 {About Demons Confessing Jesus&rsquo; Identity} Why did demons always announce Jesus' true identity when they were in His presence? Wouldn't they rather lie and claim He was a false prophet or something to deceive others? (Ex: Luke 4: 33-34)11. 48:04 {Should We Pray Once or Repeatedly?} I&rsquo;ve heard several teachings about prayer and I&rsquo;m a bit confused. Are we to pray once, believe we have it, and walk in faith? Or should we pray repeatedly until God gives us an answer?12. 52:16 {About Boundaries w/Unsaved Friends} I turned away from God 14 yrs. ago, but got saved this summer. My "best friend" has since made many bad remarks about me AND God. I only hear from him if HE needs something. Do I cut him off, or show him love?13. 54:55 {Should we Use the Word &ldquo;Christian&rdquo;?} The original definers of the word &ldquo;Christian&rdquo; were the enemies of Jesus&rsquo; followers. What authorizes us today to define who is/isn&rsquo;t a Christian? Especially if we don&rsquo;t know what their OG criteria was?14. 58:08 {About Ephraim / Israel} Often when I see Ephraim mentioned, it looks to me like God is referring to all of Israel. Have I misunderstood something? Why does He use this tribe? My reading today: Jeremiah 31:6 (?), 18, &amp; 20.15. 1:01:01 {About YT Ads} As a fellow YouTuber, do you get concerned about the ads your viewers see on your videos?16. 1:03:37 {About Lifting Hands in Worship &amp; Others Watching Us} I have trouble lifting my hands during worship songs, though commanded in Psalms. I can&rsquo;t get over the mental block that I&rsquo;m trying to look good to people around me. Do I have a weak conscience,
12/3/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 43 seconds
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Are You a Pop-Christian or a Real Christian?

This concerns me deeply. All my content is free and it's meant to help you go DEEP into the word of God and strengthen your relationship with Christ. This is the last clip from my video collaboration with Allen Parr and I hope that you've benefitted from it. My website. Tons of free, searchable content helping you learn to think biblically about everything:
11/29/202118 minutes, 33 seconds
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Allen Parr's Concerns about Seventh Day Adventists

This is one of several clips I will be uploading from a big video I did with Allen Parr evaluating a few different religious groups in light of biblical Christianity. Subscribe to my channel to get notified when the other videos in this series go up. Here is Allen Parr's channel. I recommend you check it out: Allen's videos on SDA...Allen's deep dive on the SDA: video on responding to SDA teaching on the sabbath: My website. Tons of free, searchable content helping you learn to think biblically about everything:
11/25/202123 minutes, 7 seconds
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My Response to Roman Catholic Apologist Trent Horn's Rebuttal of Me

Trent Horn has over 8 hours of video content "refuting" me. Today, I'm going to respond to some of that content. Because there is FAR too much to do a thorough response to, I will be reacting to one of his recent videos point by point. Here's Trent's video: This can be a bit awkward for me, to be honest, because I don't want to spend time "defending myself" but I don't intend for this to be that. The issues we are discussing here are really important and I think that Trent Horn's videos are doing more to sow confusion than they are to offer any kind of proper refutation to the things I have said (and still hold) regarding Roman Catholic claims. I hope you will consider this response thoughtfully and, if you are a Roman Catholic, know that I do not do this with any personal animus toward you at all! What I think we should all agree on is that if the pope is who the Roman Catholic church says he is, then we all need to submit to him - but if he is not, then an open opposition to such claims is only an expression of loyalty to God. If Roman Catholicism is true in its claims to have authority over all believers, then we need to all submit. If it is false, and if it is propagating various doctrines of man, then it is only a kindness to tell others about it. This issue is worth discussing, for love of God and love of man. My teaching on James 2 and a Catholic vs. a Protestant view: My long debate on baptism and whether it saves (with time stamps): Depending on the response to this video, I may make another dealing with the rest of Trent Horn's "rebuttal" because there are some very serious problems with what he has said. But because this video is already going to be really long, I have chosen to focus on the first half of his video which deals primarily with justification. I'm Mike Winger and my website, with all free content, is:
11/22/20211 hour, 59 minutes, 14 seconds
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Catholicism Isn't a Cult... But I Have Serious Concerns

ANNOUNCEMENT! The podcast you're listening to was offered a refutation by Roman Catholic apologist Trent Horn. I'm going to be giving a response to that refutation on this coming Monday, November 22 at 1 p.m. Pacific time. Here's the link to that response: This is one of several clips I will be uploading from a big video I did with Allen Parr evaluating a few different religious groups in light of biblical Christianity. Subscribe to my channel to get notified when the other videos in this series go up. Here is Allen Parr's channel. I recommend you check it out: More videos of mine related to Catholicism below... Why I can't be a Roman Catholic (2 hour, detailed video): The "justified by works" passage in James 2 explained from a Protestant perspective: In this video, I deal with Roman Catholic apologists and Scripture they use to try to say that purgatory is in the Bible: Explaining and defending Sola Scriptura: My website. Tons of free, searchable content helping you learn to think biblically about everything:
11/18/202124 minutes, 41 seconds
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What's up with the "Black Hebrew Israelites"? Allen Parr explains.

This is one of several clips I will be uploading from a collaboration I did with Allen Parr evaluating a few different religious groups in light of biblical Christianity. Subscribe to my channel to get notified when the other videos in this series go up. If you enjoyed this, you will probably enjoy a lot of the content that Allen Parr has. Here is his channel, I recommend you check it out: This is Allen Parr's much longer video on this topic, if you want to get a lot more info: My website. Tons of free, searchable content helping you learn to think biblically about everything:
11/15/202120 minutes, 36 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 56)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction1. 0:16 {Was the Flood Overkill?} In Genesis, God destroys the world saying that the world has become unholy, but He saves Noah. Why couldn't He just do something bad to the people instead of doing all of the work to start over after the flood?2. 5:46 {Will Unbelievers Bow?} Does &ldquo;every knee shall bow&rdquo; refer to each person when they die and stand before God, or mankind collectively at the return of Jesus? If it's the latter, does this mean unbelievers will be forced to do this?3. 10:35 {Is it Sin, or Am I Legalistic?} A pastor told me it was a sin to watch Star Wars &amp; Dragon Ball Z &amp; listen to rock music because they're Pagan. I'm willing to give these up if they are, but how do I know if it's a sin or legalism?4. 16:35 {About Pastor Nathan Finochio} What do you know about Nathan Finochio? My daughter was invited to a youth event where he is the main preacher, but I'm not sure if I should let her attend.5. 17:44 {About Judgment, Sinners, &amp; New Jerusalem} After the Great White Throne judgment and the Second Death (Revelation 21: 10), where do the sinners come from that are kept outside the New Jerusalem (Revelation 22: 15)?6. 21:53 {Taking Communion Unworthily} In 1 Corinthians 11: 30 when Paul says you can get weak, sick, or die if taking the last supper in an unworthy manner, what specific sins are punishable by death?7. 28:42 {About Tongues &amp; God&rsquo;s Will} If the Holy Spirit gives tongues, how is it that anyone uses it against the will of God, if the Spirit only does what the Father wills? (For example, misusing it in church services.)8. 30:50 {Anxiety about Repenting of Every Sin} How can I deal with the urge to ask for forgiveness for nearly every intrusive thought, feeling, and temptation? If I'm asking out of anxiety, am I asking in vain? I don't want to treat sin lightly.9. 33:33 {When a Spouse is Unrepentant} How should we approach a situation where one spouse is doing something potentially harmful to the health of the family, yet won't quit? Ex: vaping inside of the home.10. 37:17 {Do Paul &amp; God Keep Secrets?} Regarding Paul's vision of Heaven in 2 Corinthians 12, Why can't Paul tell us what he saw? Did he see something bad? Why do Paul and God have to be secretive and hide things?11. 43:09 {Does Scripture Value Children?} In the book of Job, his children were killed as part of his trials. At the end, he was blessed with more children. This has always bothered me. Why does it appear that children are disposable like that?12. 45:57 {Is &ldquo;Accepting Jesus&rdquo; Man-Centered Soteriology?} Is it man-centered thinking to say that &ldquo;Jesus died for everyone but it is only applied to you if/when you accept it&rdquo;? Are we the ones who give the cross its power? I&rsquo;d Like to hear your thoughts on this.13. 48:23 {Coming Back to the Lord after Doubting} I wanted to ask if you have any biblical guidance on coming back to your Christ-like identity when you've fallen into doubt.14. 53:25 {Can People be Tricked into Hell?} Can people be tricked into Hell, such as people born into false religions or North Korea? If so, how is that fair?15. 56:33 {About Praying for the Sick} How should James 5: 13-16 be interpreted in the light of praying for the sick to be healed, especially in church? I&rsquo;ve seen people praying for others expecting them to be healed immediately.16. 1:00:25 {About the Trinity / Divine Simplicity} Isn't it problematic to affirm the Trinity while rejecting the metaphysical hermeneutic that was used to articulate/defend the doctrine (e.g., divine simplicity) in the early centuries?17. 1:02:40 {Should We Correct Non-Believers&rsquo; Sins?} What is the Christian&rsquo;s role in bringing up non-believers&rsquo; specific sins? Should we, at all? I hear people reference John 16:8. How should we bes
11/12/20211 hour, 21 minutes, 9 seconds
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Analyzing a typical Joel Osteen sermon

This is not a hit piece. I just think that it can be really helpful to evaluate Joel Osteen's extremely popular teaching through the eyes of a teacher who cares an awful lot about representing the Bible properly. We often hear of problems with teachers when someone gathers just the most offensive, problematic, or otherwise inflammatory parts of their teachings and evaluates them. I am not doing that today. I'm grabbing a recent, random Joel Osteen sermon to have a "typical" example of his teaching. We will look at how he uses the Bible, what his general teaching style is, and how a Christian can evaluate and discern what to accept and reject. In the video, I will be referencing my series, How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament, and I highly recommend you check it out. It's been the most spiritually rewarding Bible series I've ever done: I'm Mike Winger and my website, with all free content, is:
11/8/20212 hours, 4 minutes, 49 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 55)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:45 {About Church Discipline} Can you please explain what the Bible says about local churches having a process of &ldquo;church discipline&rdquo; and how that should be carried out? Should it be rare, or a regular part of church life? Where should leaders draw the line when deciding if someone made a minor mistake vs. someone needing discipline?2. 13:02 {Is Baptism Required?} Why does the Bible sound like baptism is required for salvation in some places (eg. Mark 16: 16)? Does Acts 1:5 answer what KIND of baptism IS required (Holy Spirit baptism)? And what did Jesus mean by &ldquo;to fulfill righteousness&rdquo;?3. 18:31 {About Tithing &amp; &ldquo;Prosperity&rdquo; Teachings} My church says a declaration before tithing. Part of it is: "I am believing Him for advancements, God-ideas, blessings &amp; increases, financial freedom, &amp; breakthroughs." Is this a prosperity church red flag?4. 22:00 {Are Murder Mysteries Appropriate for Believers?} I watched your video on Halloween, and I&rsquo;m wondering what your thoughts are on murder mystery dinner parties (and for that matter, murder mysteries in general). Is it wrong to be entertained by them?5. 25:17 {Why does Pastor Mike Love Jesus?} I would love to know, why do you love Jesus?6. 26:52 {About Doubt, Truth, &amp; Bias} My friend is doubting his faith and reality because he claims there's no way to discern truth objectively without some sort of bias. How would you answer him?7. 31:06 {Can Sons be Punished for Parents&rsquo; Sins?} Don't questions like 2 Kings 5: 27, 2 Kings 9:8, and Exodus 12: 29 contradict Ezekiel 18: 20 which says that sons cannot be punished for the sins of their fathers?8. 34:44 {Should We Ever Hate People?} Should we hate the evil doer (e.g., those who promote or perform abortion) or should we just keep their salvation in mind? Or can we do both at the same time?9. 38:19 {Can the Deceased Send us Signs?} How do you explain to someone that their dead loved one is not sending signs to them, no matter how convincing those signs are?10. 40:43 {About Questionable Worship Lyrics} I play guitar at my church. I don&rsquo;t always agree with the theology couched in some songs. I don&rsquo;t sing lines I don&rsquo;t agree with, but I am still on stage. Would love to hear your general thoughts on this!11. 43:02 {How to Repent When We&rsquo;re Not &ldquo;Feeling&rdquo; It} How do I repent unto salvation (repent and be saved) when I do not want to? I am asking from the current place of being unsaved.12. 45:04 {About the Fear of Eternity} A student recently shared a fear of hers: the idea of eternity, even if in Heaven. I have to admit I struggle with this, as well. Any advice for me, for how I can comfort her from the Bible?13. 49:45 {About our Music Choices} Is it OK to listen to old music from former Christians, like Kevin Max or Ray Boltz? Is their music prior to them leaving Christ OK to listen to?14. 52:36 {About Adam &amp; Eve / Sin Nature} Were Adam and Eve created WITH a sin nature at their creation? If not, why then did they choose to sin in the first place, all the while God having called His creation good?15. 54:44 {About God being our Loving Father} I've been a believer for a very long time, but still struggle with the concept of God as loving Father. Mainly due to my upbringing. How do I overcome this? The doubt is overwhelming.16. 57:50 {Clashing Translations?} In 1 Corinthians 7, whom do verses 36-38 address? Some versions add "daughter," implying fathers, but ESV, in using "his betrothed" and "his passions" seem to indicate a groom.17. 1:01:44 {How to Witness to an Angry Person} My friend has left Christianity. His family is a bit extreme and aggressive with their faith, and he says they are what pushed him away from his. If I try to talk with him, he gets angry. What ca
11/5/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Jehovah's Witnesses Religion Quickly Explained and Refuted

This is one of several clips I will be uploading from a collab I did with Allen Parr, evaluating a few different religious groups in light of biblical Christianity. Subscribe to my channel to get notified when the other videos in this series go up. If you enjoyed this, you will probably enjoy a lot of the content that Allen Parr has. Here is his channel. I recommend you check it out: Tips on how to practically reach JWs with the gospel of Christ: Why Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong about blood transfusions: JWs teaching on the resurrection of Christ as well as the second coming is examined and refuted in this video: My interview with former JWs: JWs are taught that Jesus died on a stake, not a cross. This video gives tons of evidence supporting the cross: My longer video on JW beliefs, practices, and errors: My website. Tons of free, searchable content helping you learn to think biblically about everything:
11/1/202118 minutes, 55 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 54)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:36 {Should we &ldquo;Apply&rdquo; the Blood of Jesus?} Someone recently told me to always "apply the blood of Jesus" over my family, my home, myself, and everything that belongs to me before I pray, since there is spiritual warfare going on. Have you heard of this, and what are your thoughts?2. 5:44 {About the Curse in 2 Kings} How should we explain 2 Kings 2: 23-25? I had somebody bring it up to me and was unsure of how to answer them. On the surface, it seems problematic. What can I say to them?3. 11:10 {A Godly Attitude for Workplace Struggles} My parents think Christians shouldn&rsquo;t unionize or strike, and should just do what they&rsquo;re told or go elsewhere, citing the Parable of the Vineyard. But that sounds crazy to me. What should a Christian attitude be to workplace struggles?4. 15:46 {About &ldquo;Leaven,&rdquo; Destruction, &amp; Revelation} Any thoughts on using Matthew 13: 33 to prove that people inside the faithful church will try to destroy it (saying that yeast is bad and the woman Jesus referred to is the same as in Revelation)?5. 18:52 {About Being Alive in Christ/Future Resurrection} Please explain John 11: 25-26, how the first person became dead but believed and the second person being a believer never dies.6. 23:05 {Thoughts about Steven Crowder} What is your opinion on Christian YouTuber Steven Crowder? A lot of his content (while in the name of comedy and free speech) is quite vulgar and feels insensitive. Is his method biblical?7. {Accidentally skipped - sorry about that!}8. 24:42 {Why did People Fall Over in John 18?} My question is about John 18:6. It&rsquo;s a really powerful moment, but did the other disciples not see it?9. 30:36 {Repentance of the Heart &amp; Mind} I am a former crossdresser (not transgender), but I don't feel any guilt or remorse for when I used to cross-dress. Any advice on how to not just repent with my actions, but also repent with my mind/heart?10. 35:08 {Is Marriage Different Now?} My friend says the definition of marriage evolved over time, and that now it&rsquo;s a legal contract, but in biblical times she claims it was a social transfer of care. Thus, she believes living with her boyfriend unmarried is biblical. Thoughts?11. 39:29 {About Sin and our Flesh} Does Romans 7: 24 suggest that sin is in our flesh? Is this the reason why some people may be predisposed to certain sinful behaviors?12. 43:29 {Is Jesus Finite or Infinite?} Jesus said, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end" (Revelation 22: 13 ESV). Does this mean God the Son is finite? Is He saying Jesus, fully man, is finite?13. 46:19 {Why does God Allow More Wicked Generations?} Why does God allow wicked people to persist and bring forth more generations that will mostly go to Hell, instead of bringing judgment on them and erasing their culture as soon as they go astray?14. 51:00 {Help with Doubts &amp; Unbelief} How do you stop doubting that God exists or that Christianity is the true religion out of many, especially Islam? Sometimes my faith wanders from belief to unbelief. Any tips?15. 54:44 {Why was Jesus Given Sedatives?} Why would the Roman soldiers try to give Jesus the wine and myrrh (which I understand to be a sedative)? Wouldn&rsquo;t they want the crucifixion to be as painful as possible?16. 55:32 {Are Prayers from Books Spells?} Could prayers from prayer books be considered spells?17. 57:04 {Should a Protestant Marry a Catholic?} What do I do if I'm thinking about marrying a Catholic girl, myself being Protestant? She has no problems with my faith but wants our sons baptized, since she and her whole family is Catholic.18. 59:43 {About Theophanies &amp; Christophanies} Would you say that every theophany is a Christophany? (John 1: 17-18, Jude 1:5, John 8: 58, Matthew 11: 2
10/30/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 54 seconds
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A Brief Comparison of Mormonism and Christianity (with Allen Parr)

This is one of several clips I will be uploading from a colab I did with Allen Parr evaluating a few different religious groups in light of biblical Christianity. Subscribe to my channel on YouTube to get notified when the other videos in this series go up. We are using the word &ldquo;cult&rdquo; here in the popular negative sense that Christian theology uses; to indicate a religion which imitates Christianity but is not genuinely Christian. The term also has another technical meaning: referring to any religion that has rituals associated with it. That&rsquo;s not the definition we intend in this video. If you enjoyed this, you will probably enjoy a lot of the content that Allen Parr has. Here is his channel. I recommend you check it out: Allen's interview with a former Mormon named Micah Wilder: My website. Tons of free, searchable content helping you learn to think biblically about everything:
10/25/202114 minutes, 47 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 53)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:30 {Should We Ask God to Change Us?} You taught once in a past video that when we pray, we should NOT ask God to change us, as that would be like asking or expecting God to do all of the work. Can you please elaborate on that, and how to rightly pray instead?2. 7:49 {About Forgiveness of Unconfessed Sin} Are you forgiven or held accountable for the sins you&rsquo;re not aware of and don&rsquo;t repent of? For example: gluttony, laziness, or even getting mad at someone and later forgetting about it.3. 10:37 {Why is Suicide a Sin?} Why do Christians see suicide as a sin if it&rsquo;s never condemned in the Bible? Why should I be forced to live a pathetic life I never asked for?4. 15:55 {About &ldquo;Feeling&rdquo; God&rsquo;s Presence} I always hear Christians say they &ldquo;felt the presence of God.&rdquo; How can I feel His presence? I read His Word as much as I can and pray often, but have never &ldquo;felt&rdquo; His presence.5. 20:11 {About Astronomical Alignment} Do you think the astronomical alignment on Sept 23rd, 2017 is a fulfillment of Revelation 12:1-3? It feels like astrology to me.6. 24:55 {Was Martin Luther Saved?} Do you think Martin Luther went to Heaven, despite the fact that he had a hatred toward Jews and was unrepentant?7. 29:04 {About Worship Principles} What is difference between the normative and regulative principle of worship? Any useful thoughts to this discussion, what to avoid, what to strive for?8. 35:03 {How to Keep Marriage God-Centered} Is your wife a part of your ministry? How do you keep your marriage God-centered?9. 38:17 {Do Numbers &amp; Leviticus Contradict?} In Numbers 5, there is a test for an unfaithful wife. In verses 27-28 however, the punishment called for appears to differ from that in Leviticus 20: 10 which calls for death. Am I missing something?10. 44:30 {Can a Muslim be Saved?} Is it possible for a Muslim to be saved through faith since they also believe in to getting into Heaven by God's grace (although through works) and through repentance of sins?11. 49:53 {About the &ldquo;Wages of Sin&rdquo;} If &ldquo;the wages of sin is death,&rdquo; why is there a Hell? When a non-believer dies, why wasn't that debt paid by their death?12. 53:03 {Did Pharaoh in Exodus have Free Will?} I was just wondering what your thoughts were on Exodus 9: 12. Did Pharaoh have free will?13. 59:25 {How Important is Inerrancy?} I found out that several big teachers and content writers at my church don't believe that the Bible is inerrant? Should I be concerned?14. 1:02:39 {About Adoption/Homosexual Couples} How should Christians who are unwilling/uncalled to adopt respond to gay couples who adopt without looking like hypocrites or inhospitable (since they&rsquo;re not taking in these kids themselves)?15. 1:06:43 {Should we Read Non-Canonical Books?} Would you recommend that current Christians develop an awareness of Scripture that is no longer canon?16. 1:09:46 {About the Galilean Wedding/The Rapture} Have you studied the Galilean wedding being justification for a pre-trib rapture? I&rsquo;m having a hard time finding trusted sources to teach on this.17. 1:12:28 {About the &ldquo;2 or 3 Witnesses&rdquo; Principle} What is the significance of the Bible saying "2 or 3 witnesses" to establish an accusation, as opposed to saying "2 witnesses" or "3 witnesses"?18. 1:14:13 {Should a Head Pastor be Close to His Staff?} What are your thoughts on a head pastor who does not interact with his staff? I teach at a church and have no real relationship (to the point of pain) with my pastor as he is never present.19. 1:17:53 {Do Ghosts / Demons Exist?} I have a feeling that something is living in my house that shouldn't be there, and it is taking all the energy out of me! Do ghosts/demons really exist, and how can I get rid of
10/23/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 32 seconds
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The longest interview I've ever done.

Info and timestamps below!0:00 Intro1- 0:24 Who are these guys from Reddit?2- 3:36 Mike's thoughts on Dr. Michael Heiser3- 9:41 Can you lose your salvation?4- 16:23 Handling doctrinal disagreement on secondary stuff5- 24:09 How important is baptism?6- 27:17 Define &ldquo;Baptism in the Spirit&rdquo;7- 36:23 Which Bible version and where to read when you are&hellip;8- 43:59 Mike&rsquo;s response to King James Onlyists9- 47:27 David&rsquo;s census and why the numbers don&rsquo;t match10- 1:06:49 Did God tempt David?11- 1:10:36 Is the Bible&rsquo;s history out of order?12- 1:12:33 Does Mike find contradictions in the Bible?13- 1:14:36 Why doesn&rsquo;t Mike play that guitar more?14- 1:16:14 Why must women be silent? (This is only an answer to one passage, not every related passage)15- 1:28:56 Why does Leviticus say homosexual behavior is an abomination?16- 1:43:18 What about meditation and mantras?17- 1:46:33 If I have the Holy Spirit why do I need the Bible?18- 1:49:19 Is &ldquo;Omnism&rdquo; ok?19- 1:55:30 About people who NEVER hear the Gospel20- 2:02:40 What&rsquo;s the right view of biblical causality?21- 2:11:24 Catholicism and the Lord&rsquo;s supper22- 2:17:10 Jesus as the &ldquo;firstborn of all creation&rdquo;23- 2:22:06 The Witch of Endor (not a Star Wars reference)24- 2:27:44 Are animals resurrected?25- 2:35:38 Mike&rsquo;s thoughts on Bart Ehrman26- 2:40:19 It&rsquo;s over, we just blabbin This interview was filmed several months ago when I was asked by the moderators of the subreddit r/bible, to respond to a bunch of questions from their subreddit. So I fielded a number of extremely challenging questions (and a couple easy ones) in an interview that took over three hours to film, once you factor in how much time was spent sound and video testing before we could begin. Anyhow, we may seem a bit tired by the end but I hope you find the content helpful, thoughtful, and useful in learning to think biblically about everything. Specific videos I mentioned in the interview:1- A biblical evaluation of the topic of suicide: What about people who die but NEVER hear the gospel? Divorce and remarriage (the LONG video) website:
10/18/20212 hours, 43 minutes, 53 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 52)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:48 {Does Scripture Promote Evil Things?} I&rsquo;ve been challenged with the accusation that the Bible &ldquo;promotes killing, rape, and slavery,&rdquo; quoting Numbers 31: 15-18. I don&rsquo;t want to simply prove them wrong; that doesn&rsquo;t address this person&rsquo;s heart. Would you please help?2. 18:36 {About the Death Penalty} As a follow up to your teaching on the death penalty, this question is from my skeptic brother: "Isn't it better to rehabilitate offenders in hopes that they may come to repentance and give their lives to God?"3. 22:32 {About the Apostles &amp; Judas&rsquo; Position} I&rsquo;ve heard it taught that the Apostles were being presumptuous when filling Judas&rsquo; empty position. Why did they choose to apply Psalm 69: 25 and Psalm 109:8 to the situation?4. 30:38 {Can we See God&rsquo;s Face &amp; Still Live?} Exodus 33: 20 says "no one can see my face and live.&rdquo; How do we reconcile this with Exodus 33: 11 which says, "the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as to a friend"?5. 36:02 {About the 70th Week &amp; Seven Seals} Is there any biblical evidence that the beginning of Daniel's 70th week and Jesus opening the first of the seven seals in Revelation will occur roughly at the same time?6. 37:44 {Why Didn&rsquo;t God Rewrite Difficult Passages?} Can you explain the Holy Spirit Inspiration Doctrine? I struggle with understanding why God did not rewrite controversial Bible passages. I know I am only a man, and I seek to understand.7. 41:35 {Advice for an Unequally Yoked Marriage} My wife is an unbeliever. The more I attend church, the more strain it puts on our marriage. Is it right to continue going to church, or should I stop? (1 Corinthians 7: 14) I pray for her every day.8. 44:40 {About the Book of Numbers} What is the best way to read the book of Numbers? What&rsquo;s some really cool stuff about it and how it ties to JESUS?9. 47:36 {Is &ldquo;Deliverance&rdquo; / Demon Casting Biblical?} I'm wondering about your thoughts on deliverance. Would you consider calling and identifying demons biblical, or is it not?10. 50:43 {Reconciling 2 Important Verses/Worldly Christians?} Can you explain Matthew 7: 21 vs. Romans 10: 13? Also, how do you spot worldly Christians (1 Corinthians 3:1) from those who are unsaved but have good works (Matthew 7: 22-23)? Shouldn't we have grace for sanctification?11. 55:15 {Advice for Christian College Students} What advice do you have for Christians in college?12. 59:12 {Is there Hope After Death for the Unsaved?} Can the Gospel be preached to the dead? According to 1 Peter 4:6, is there any hope for people after they die? Also, in 1 Peter 3:19-20, what does &ldquo;preached unto the spirits in prison&rdquo; mean?13. 1:03:43 {About Assurance of Salvation} How can I be sure that I am going to Heaven when I die?14. 1:06:35 {How is Satan the World&rsquo;s Ruler?} Can you explain how Satan became the ruler of this world?15. 1:09:48 {About Salvation by Grace vs. Our Efforts} If we don't have to do works to get saved, why does Jesus tell us to "make every effort to enter through the narrow door" in Luke 13: 24?16. 1:13:07 {Help for Anxiety over Unsaved Loved Ones} How do I combat anxiety about my newborn daughter&rsquo;s salvation? It&rsquo;s a difficult topic for me due to my younger brother walking away from the faith as a teenager.17. 1:16:10 {About God&rsquo;s Omnipotence &amp; Non-Contradiction} Since God can&rsquo;t contradict Himself, does that mean that His power is limited in a way? I know God is all powerful, but what is the logical reason behind Him being powerful and non-contradictory?18. 1:20:06 {About Vaccines &amp; Aborted Fetal Tissue} What are your thought on vaccines using aborted fetal cell lines for development? I&rsquo;m about to lose my job at big MN clinic if
10/15/20211 hour, 33 minutes, 33 seconds
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How a "Progressive Christian" Pastor BUTCHERS John 3:16

If Pastor Salvatore represents "Progressive Christianity" then we need to start realizing that this isn't just another stream of Christian thought, it is a false gospel trying to replace the true one. Jesus is merely being highjacked by some who want to utilize His fame for their unchristian cause. The full video I'm responding to can be found here: This is my video explaining the real symbolism of the bronze serpent (hint: it's not about elevating your awareness): I create free content meant to help you learn to think biblically about everything. My website: has hundreds of free, searchable videos for you.
10/11/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 24 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 51)

Time Stamps:1. 0:17 {Can Megachurches be Effective?} From a biblical and practical standpoint, is there a maximum number of people that can or should make up a local church? Assuming their doctrine is biblical, can a megachurch with multiple satellite sites or campuses be an effective church?2. 13:52 {Was Mary Surprised about Jesus&rsquo; Deity?} If Mary was aware of the immaculate conception (visited by an angel, etc.), why in Mark 3: 21 does it seem she&rsquo;s surprised about Jesus being the Messiah? Scripture says His "family" that goes to "take charge of Him" for being out of His mind are His mother &amp; brothers. Why would Mary think He is out of His mind if she had been visited by an angel?3. 19:40 {About the Apostles&rsquo; Martyrdom} A big defense for Christianity is that the Apostles died &amp; were tortured, never recanting Jesus. How are the Heavens Gate &amp; Jonestown 1978 incidents any different? They all willingly died for a lie, too.4. 24:33 {Who are the Called &amp; Chosen in Matt.?} Who are the called &amp; chosen ones in Matthew 22: 14? Is it God who does both the calling &amp; the choosing?5. 30:32 {Does Jesus Mean &ldquo;Hail Zeus&rdquo;?} What do you say to people who claim that the name Jesus really means &ldquo;hail Zeus&rdquo;? They say one is unknowingly doing witchcraft by using the name Jesus. Why didn&rsquo;t His name just continue as Yeshua?6. 35:17 {Is John 15 Works-Based?} Is John 15 works-based? v.10 says, &ldquo;IF you keep my commandments, THEN you will abide in my love.&rdquo; That sounds like obedience earns God's love, contrary to the Gospel. What does a life of "abiding" look like daily?7. 42:25 {Ways to Grow in Christ} I've recently found a renewed desire to get closer with God and was just wondering if you have any advice about how to do so.8. 44:05 {Did God Ordain Animal Sacrifices?} Does Jeremiah 7: 22 &amp; Matthew 9: 13 indicate God never ordained animal sacrifices? To me it seems God has gradually moved mankind away from sacrifices &amp; idol worship and into His ideal form of religion.9. 54:05 {About Angels} I know that we are made in the image and likeness of God and are called God&rsquo;s children, but what are angels to God? Are they made in the image and likeness of God? Are they God&rsquo;s children?10. 57:22 {Is there a Contradiction?} In Matthew 2: 19-22, was Joseph&rsquo;s second dream (vs. 22) from God? God says all who mean to kill you are dead, but God warns him again. Some translations of vs. 22 leave out &ldquo;God.&rdquo; Is this a contradiction?11. 1:00:40 {How Many People are in Heaven?} It's estimated that 60% of natural conceptions fail to implant in the uterus and that at least 50 billion people lived until now. Does that mean there are around 75 billion people in Heaven?12. 1:05:32 {How to Recognize the Spirit vs. Enemy} How do we know when we feel the Holy Spirit that it isn't a trick from Satan making us think that it&rsquo;s God? And how do you know Jesus&rsquo;s resurrection wasn&rsquo;t a false miracle/wonder by Satan?13. 1:09:26 {How to Glorify God as an Artist} I like to draw and write fiction in my spare time, and I want to glorify God as best I can doing this. Is there anything I should do or avoid doing as a Christian artist?14. 1:11:19 {Does Forgiveness Challenge Responsibility?} My grandma rejects Christianity because she claims relying on the forgiveness of a savior teaches us that we don&rsquo;t have to be responsible for our own actions. How can I help her untangle that belief?15. 1:14:35 {About the &ldquo;Day of the Lord&rdquo;} What must come first, per 2 Thessalonians 2:3? Does &ldquo;apostasia&rdquo; mean a spiritual falling away/rebellion, or a physical departure, as in the rapture?16. 1:19:03 {What does &ldquo;Cowardly&rdquo; Mean in Revelation?} Can you shed some light on what Revelation 21:8 really means by the cowardly or the fearful hav
10/8/20211 hour, 39 minutes, 19 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 50)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:28 {How the Jewish Bible is Different} Why aren't there Bibles with the Hebrew order of the Old Testament? Some say the Hebrew order helps to show additional context and beauty of the Prophets and writings within Israel&rsquo;s history. Any reason to stick to the English order? If either is fine, why aren&rsquo;t there options?2. 14:15 {Advice - Tough Marriage/Divorce Situation} Regarding divorce, you mentioned that verbal/emotional abuse is only a valid justification when it is extreme. How do we think biblically about what God would consider to be extreme? I'm finding it hard not to doubt my own perceptions, but my husband is in complete denial. Also, where the husband has essentially separated from the wife within the marriage, is it still not permissible to remarry?3. 19:43 {About the &ldquo;Faithful &amp; Discreet Slave&rdquo;} Can you explain how we should properly interpret Matthew 24: 45-47? I know Jehovah&rsquo;s Witnesses think it&rsquo;s referring to their governing body, but I&rsquo;d like your opinion.4. 25:46 {Can Sin be Subjective At Times?} Sin is objective, but isn't it sometimes subjective? For example, you may be convicted of a certain activity and won't do it, but I do, or vice versa&hellip;and how modesty is different around the world.5. 30:21 {Are there Really &ldquo;Accidents&rdquo;?} Are there really accidents? For example, a freak car accident? How do we square God&rsquo;s will with what might seem like a totally random event or &ldquo;accident&rdquo;?6. 33:26 {How to Quickly Defend Christianity} Please teach us to talk about why Christianity is true (3-5 points in 2-3 minutes).7. 41:44 {Can we Write Jesus into Games or Stories?} I'm a hobbyist/game developer and have started making Bible themed games. I want to include Jesus in one of my projects, but I feel uncomfortable writing words for Him. Any advice? Can I even do this?8. 45:10 {About the Natural Condition of Man} I've heard you say that you don't agree with any of the points in TULIP. What do you believe about the natural condition of man?9. 49:18 {Can There Be Differing Interpretations of Scripture?} If the word &ldquo;clear&rdquo; is used to describe a teaching in the Bible by two Christians with opposing views on the same teaching, wouldn&rsquo;t that void the effectiveness of using the word in that way?10. 50:58 {Trusting God in Very Difficult Times} Do you have any advice for dealing with a miscarriage? It&rsquo;s the first time in my life where I&rsquo;ve been angry at God. I know He&rsquo;s sovereign, but it&rsquo;s difficult to accept right now.11. 54:56 {Does James Teach Guaranteed Healing?} Does James 5: 14-15 say that a sick person should ask elders to pray for him and he will be always healed? The text seems to be quite straight forward on this.12. 1:01:48 {Can we Give to Non-Christian Causes?} Thoughts on charitable giving to organizations that I'm passionate about but aren't overtly Christian? Even if it's above my normal tithe, is this "taking money away" from Kingdom advancement?13. 1:03:37 {Is There a Contradiction?} The Synoptics seem to indicate that the Feeding of 5,000 took place on the Sea of Galilee's West side (Mark 6:30-56), but it seems to take place on the East side in John 6. How do we resolve this?14. 1:04:58 {Is Worrying a Sin?} Is worrying (stress/anxiety) a sin? If so, could you provide some thoughts on the reasons you think it is?15. 1:10:51 {Is it Wrong to Visit an Unbiblical Church?} Is it wrong to attend a &ldquo;prosperity gospel&rdquo; church with our in-laws when we visit them?16. 1:11:59 {Protecting Children from Bad Teaching} My Hubby was raised Mormon. He still believes it all but isn't active. His family takes my son to church if he stays with them &amp; they've started teaching him LDS doctrine. I want to not let him go anymore
10/1/20211 hour, 34 minutes, 17 seconds
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4 Complex Bible "Contradictions" in David’s Census of Israel

Was it God or Satan who incited David to take the census?How many troops were counted? 2 Sam. and 1 Chron. have different numbers.The book of James says God doesn't tempt anyone, so how can that be reconciled with him inciting David?Why are Israel and Judah talked about as different groups before the kingdom split into those groups? This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos, so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. Here's a playlist where I will add them as they come out:&nbsp; My website
9/27/202125 minutes, 36 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 49)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:1. 0:10 {How to Support a Recovering Spouse} My husband is a recovering alcoholic, now beginning to attend AA meetings. As a wife, what are the most practical ways I can support him while encouraging him to begin leading our home in a biblical way without overwhelming him?2. 7:00 {Where did Lazarus Temporarily Go?} Where were people who died and later got resurrected located in that period? Do they go to Heaven or Hell and get snatched back to Earth after they&rsquo;re resurrected (e.g., Lazarus, Dorcas, Eutychus etc.)?3. 10:50 {Our Own Thoughts vs. the Holy Spirit} In something like pursuing a relationship, or even in general, how do you tell the difference between the Holy Spirit and your own anxiety telling you not to do something?4. 18:42 {How to Biblically Grieve Painful Loss} My only son died from an overdose last year. I was angry at God and walked away from Him for a bit. I told Him &ldquo;If I am to serve you, I want the real God.&rdquo; Isaiah 43: 18-19 says to get over it. How do I get over it?5. 23:28 {Can Horror Movies &amp; Secular Music Invite Demons?} What are your thoughts about Christians having to be careful so that they don&rsquo;t invite demons into their lives through watching horror movies or listening to secular music? Is this biblical?6. 27:50 {About Evidence &amp; Belief} Imagine if someone asked you, &ldquo;Would you be willing to disbelieve in God if the evidence led there?&rdquo; What would your response be? Are we obligated to say yes? Does that dishonor God?7. 34:07 {About the &ldquo;Golden Rule&rdquo;} Is the Golden Rule objective or subjective? For example, I tease my friend and he teases me back because we think it's funny, but I won't do it to others because they don't think it's funny.8. 35:58 {Are All of God&rsquo;s Actions Infallible?} How do I approach a conversation with someone who doesn't believe God is infallible? He believes in the God of the Bible, but he doesn't think all of God's actions are "good," like in the book of Job.9. 43:44 {Identifying &amp; Rejecting False Teaching} What's up with all the bad hermeneutics out there? How can those of us without formal training avoid bad interpretation/application of Scripture by ourselves and be able to spot them in sermons, etc.?10. 46:21 {Does God Hate Satan?} Does God hate Satan and the demons?11. 48:01 {What Did Jesus Mean by &ldquo;Be Perfect&rdquo;?} What did Jesus mean when He said, "Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect" in Matthew 5: 48? Wouldn't that mean we're all condemned since we sin every day/week?12. 54:39 {About Jacob &amp; Esau} Why didn't God punish Jacob and his mother for stealing Esau's birthright and blessing (Genesis 27)? In fact, why does He love Jacob and hate Esau (Malachi 1)?13. 57:53 {About &ldquo;Unknown&rdquo;/ Tongues in 1 Cor.} What do you make of the added word &ldquo;unknown&rdquo; in 1 Corinthians 14:2-3, which is not in the original Greek? Could it mean that it is not a different sort of tongues, rather, that no one understands them?14. 1:00:27 {A Difficult Passage &ndash; Ezekiel 45} Is Jesus offering sin sacrifices in Ezekiel 45?15. 1:03:23 {Should we Worship Using Instruments?} Should we use instruments in congregational church worship? Why or why not? The early church did not use instruments.16. 1:07:54 {What to Do When a Church Member is Out of Line} What should I do if a member of my fellowship with some mental issues has been making several false prophecies every day, saying literally "hear me for the lord speaks&rdquo;?17. 1:09:27 {Book Recommendations?} What are some good books for important topics like systematic theology, hermeneutics, complementarianism, etc.?18. 1:11:50 {About the Subordination of the Son} How do you explain the subordination of Jesus (1 Corinthians 11:3; 15: 28) to the Father within Trinitarian t
9/24/20211 hour, 23 minutes, 57 seconds
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This note on my car showed me just how HORRIFYING pro-choice logic is.

I have a bumper sticker on my car that occasionally causes pro-choice people to want to interact with me. In this case, someone left a note on my windshield explaining why she thinks I wasn't aborted and thinks it's not only allowable to kill babies in the womb but that it is morally required! I'm going to walk through the logic of this note and try to show why I think it demonstrates the same thinking in pro-choice people that was present in almost every genocide in history. Yes, it's that bad. And until we all see it as being that bad, we will be likely to fall into the continual moral compromise of our worldly culture. Make your own bumper sticker here (I haven't used this service and am not sponsored by them but their reviews look good): Samaritan's Purse effort to help the Democratic Republic of Congo: Thank you to for giving me permission to use their invaluable videos. My website:
9/20/202156 minutes, 44 seconds
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First And More - Worship Song

9/17/20214 minutes, 10 seconds
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Day Of The Dawn - Worship Song

9/17/20214 minutes, 12 seconds
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Bow To You - Worship Song

9/17/20215 minutes, 21 seconds
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You Are My Joy - Worship Song

9/17/20217 minutes, 34 seconds
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All My Cares - Worship Song

"And He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me... For when I am weak, then I am strong."2 Corinthians 12:9, 10b (NKJV)Lyrics:Verse:I DO NOT HAVE THE WORDS TO SAYBUT IT&rsquo;S ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU&rsquo;RE LISTENINGI CAN NOT SEE BEYOND TODAYBUT IT&rsquo;S ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU&rsquo;RE GUIDING MEI DO NOT HAVE THE STRENGTH IT TAKESBUT IT&rsquo;S ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU&rsquo;LL CARRY MEFOR WHEN I AM HUMBLED AND ABASEDTHAT IS WHEN YOU&rsquo;RE FREE TO USE ME, USE ME Chorus:I CAST ALL MY CARES DOWN BEFORE YOUI LOSE ALL MY FEARS HERE BEFORE YOULIVING EACH DAY BY YOUR GRACEWALKING EVERMORE BY FAITH
9/17/20213 minutes, 44 seconds
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You Created The Heavens - Worship Song

I'd like to take a moment to explain one of the lyrics on this song. "Who am I to gain such worth, that my Lord would share my birth, when you created the heavens"God shared our birth in that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. This increased our worth in that He bought us not with silver or gold (which perishes) but with the precious blood of the Christ. The amazing honor He has bestowed upon us by coming in the flesh, as a man.... wow. The maker of the heavens and the earth, the Eternal God humbled Himself so that He could lift us up."When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?"Psalm 8:3-4Lyrics:Verse:YOUR KINDNESS OH LORD IS ALL THAT I NEEDYOU FILL ME WITH LOVE YOUR GRACE AND YOUR PEACEYOU&rsquo;VE RECONCILED MY LIFE TO YOUR OWNTHROUGH JESUS THE SON OF GODYOU MADE YOURSELF KNOWN Chorus:YOU CREATED THE HEAVENSYOU LAID THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTHYOU DWELL IN GLORYWHO AM I TO GAIN SUCH WORTHTHAT MY LORD WOULD SHARE MY BIRTHWHEN YOU CREATED THE HEAVENS
9/17/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
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I Believe - Worship Song

9/17/20214 minutes, 28 seconds
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I've Fallen In Love (Amazing Grace) - Worship Song

9/17/20213 minutes, 44 seconds
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We Will Praise - Worship Song

9/17/20213 minutes, 56 seconds
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Your Holy Name - Worship Song

9/17/20214 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Kind of Meditation That Christians Should Avoid

Meditation is good and meditation is bad. It really depends on what you mean by "meditation." Here's a biblical perspective on it. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos, so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. Here's a playlist where I will add them as they come out: My website:
9/13/20213 minutes, 7 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 48)

Our first question today is about the 7 tenets of Satanism. I think most people don't really understand what they are about. Let's get into it a bit. Here's that video giving a biblical evaluation of suicide: To get your own questions answered, please show up at the start of the stream and type a question beginning with "Q" (or ANQ to ask anonymously), but don't send it before you see me on screen. I can only get to 20 each week, so please forgive me for not being able to answer all that come in. BibleThinker is a ministry committed to helping you learn to think biblically about everything. My website: Time Stamps: 0:00 - Introduction1. 0:29 {About the Satanic Temple&rsquo;s 7 Tenets} The Satanic Temple has been gaining popularity online due to their &ldquo;7 tenets&rdquo; they believe people should live by. Many people see these tenets as positive and morally good, and are being drawn into their organization as a result. What are your thoughts about this?2. 13:31 {Does Isaiah Disprove the Trinity?} Does Isaiah 9:6 disprove the Trinity since it calls Jesus the Father? many Oneness/Unitarians use this verse to support Oneness/modalism.3. 18:19 {About our Souls/Spirits} What exactly is a soul or a spirit?4. 20:14 {Biblical Dating Advice} What things should a high school student consider while deciding if or how to date a godly woman?5. 23:17 {Should we Always Say &ldquo;God Willing&rdquo;?} What does James 4: 13 mean? Should we always say &ldquo;God willing&rdquo; when making or talking about our plans?6. 27:03 {About the &ldquo;Doctrines of Demons&rdquo;} Can you give more examples about the &ldquo;doctrines of demons&rdquo; mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:1?7. 32:27 {About Becoming a Disciple} How do you become a disciple in light of Matthew 28: 19? Can you be unsaved yet still a disciple? I haven&rsquo;t found the Greek word (&mu;&alpha;&theta;&eta;&tau;&epsilon;&upsilon;&omega;) elsewhere. Seems to normally be &mu;&alpha;&theta;&eta;&tau;&eta;&sigmaf; (ex. Acts 11: 29; 19: 30; 21:4, 16).8. 35:12 {When we Should and Shouldn&rsquo;t Witness} How do we know when to speak up about the truth of Christ vs. when not to? I am grieved by what I see being claimed as &ldquo;truth&rdquo; today, but I don&rsquo;t want to just sit back and say &ldquo;I&rsquo;m not supposed to judge.&rdquo;9. 40:11 {About the Fear of God and Dinosaurs} Does the "fear" of the Lord mean "scared"? If not, why is "fear&rdquo; still used in today&rsquo;s Bibles? Translation problem? Confused here! And were dinosaur bones/fossils created by the devil to cast doubt?10. 44:42 {About Denominations} Do you think denominations are a &ldquo;concession&rdquo; from God in that He knew we would disagree on doctrine, or is it more like differing members of the body reaching different people in different ways?11. 48:58 {Responding to Mormon Arguments} What is your best answer to a Mormon responding to "There is only ONE God" by saying "Yes, only one God for US. Only one God we are to worship &amp; that&rsquo;s OUR Heavenly Father but there are others elsewhere"?12. 55:29 {What is the Mark of the Beast?} What is the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13? I&rsquo;ve heard and read so many things, and I&rsquo;m not sure how to make sense of it.13. 1:03:47 {Is it Biblical? Jesus in our Hearts} Do we have "Jesus in our hearts" as believers? What about worship songs about Jesus in the room? John 16:5-10, Acts 1:9-11 and basically all of Revelation seems to say Jesus is in Heaven for now.14. 1:08:43 {Why did God Allow our Sin Nature?} Frank Turek said (paraphrasing) that in Heaven we will have free will, but we won't sin because we won't have a sin nature. If that's the case, why didn't God just make us like that on Earth?15. 1:13:49 {How to Comf
9/10/20211 hour, 37 minutes, 15 seconds
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Can I Really Justify Seeing Pictures of Jesus In The Old Testament?

"Typology" is a fancy word for how God put intricate details about Jesus throughout the stories of the Old Testament. I'm not talking about prophecy here, although there is a relationship between typology and prophecy. I'm saying that Jesus is the main topic of the Bible so much that God shaped history and people's lives so that the Bible would become a beautiful literary tapestry that shows Jesus throughout its pages. From the story of Joseph going from slavery and presumed death to the right hand of Pharaoh as a savior of many, to the feasts of Israel demonstrating the very nature and mission of Jesus to die for our sins. In today's interview I will explain what "typology" is, give a number of examples of it, and answer objections to it. Thanks to Micah Gunn for having me on his podcast, Truth Be Told, to do this interview. Micah&rsquo;s YT Channel &ndash; Truth Be Told;s Podcast on Spotify &ndash; Truth Be Told;nd=1 THIS is my 27 part series on Jesus In The Old Testament, the most rewarding and exciting topic I have ever had the pleasure of teaching!&nbsp;;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO&amp;t=0s My website:
9/8/202145 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Super-Cute and Super-Wrong Religion of Omnism

Omnism, in the sense that we just pretend all religions are true, is a really nice (in the old sense of the word) religion. It has high hopes and seems to help everyone to "get along," but it depends entirely on utter irrationality and dishonest evaluations of the really important issues that religions are disagreeing on. If you have fallen for Omnism, then I hope you'll consider this a kindness and a wake-up call to consider the evidence for Jesus and the importance of the truth about God and us. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions, and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos, so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. Here's a playlist where I will add them as they come out:
9/6/20216 minutes, 6 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 47)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:23 {Will Psychopaths be Judged the Same?} It has recently been scientifically proven that many psychopaths have a physical brain alteration that doesn't allow their synapses to receive the neuron chemicals for emotions such as sympathy. Oftentimes, they become violent criminals or even murderers. Will they be judged by God the same as any other person, even though they have something physiologically wrong with them?2. 8:03 {What do Miracles/Healing Depend On?} If one were to pray over someone for a miracle or for healing, what would the chances of it working depend on? Jesus said that it depends on faith. Does it also depend on being a relatively righteous person?3. 15:07 {About Glorified Bodies/Resurrection} If our bodies are glorified at the rapture, what happens to those people who are saved post-rapture? Is there a second resurrection?4. 17:19 {About the Moral Argument} My brother has a very biblical worldview despite being an agnostic (in terms of homosexuality and celibacy, etc.) based on science. How do I prove that morality comes from God?5. 26:41 {Is Everyone Claiming to be Saved Really Saved?} Paul Washer said that Matthew 7: 13-14 is not about Christians and non-Christians, but rather, real Christians and Christians who think they&rsquo;re saved. He says many who think they are saved aren&rsquo;t really saved. Thoughts?6. 32:26 {About Giving Everything for the Lord} If salvation is a free gift and not by works, then why does Jesus say those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples? How do we know when we have given up everything?7. 38:53 {Honesty vs. Kindness?} Where do you draw the line between honest communication about things that bother you about something someone does, and &ldquo;dying to self&rdquo; if the person is a very close friend/loved one/spouse?8. 44:09 {About Demons and The Nephilim} Are demons the spirits of dead Nephilim? Genesis 6 explains that the Nephilim are the offspring of women and angels. Demons never materialize, but we know angels can. Luke 22:3 is not convincing to me.9. 48:04 {Can We Love Truth More than God?} Can I be a truth-seeker and a good Christian? Is it possible to love the truth more than God, considering that Jesus is the truth?10. 55:35 {About the Sun Standing Still &ndash; Josh. 10} What do you think really happened during "the long day" in Joshua 10 during the battle between Israel and the armies of the 5 kings when "the sun stood still, and the moon stopped"?11. 58:20 {About the OT Law &amp; Sacrifices vs. Faith} Why was the old covenant law set up to require animal sacrifice, since we see Abraham was atoned for by his faith in the promise to come of what was Jesus (dimly perceived)?12. 1:03:22 {Bethel Worship Music?} Can I keep listening to Bethel&rsquo;s music, given the intent (as far as I understand) to invoke emotional responses? I want to avoid the idol of &ldquo;emotional highs,&rdquo; but I still see value in their music.13. 1:07:03 {About the 153 Fish in John} In John 21, it is written that Peter caught 153 "large fish" and that "although there were so many, the net was not torn." Is there a message or theme John was conveying here?14. 1:12:01 {Leaving a Church the Biblical Way} How do I go about leaving my church? Do I talk to my leaders? Do I have to explain why? What do I need to do to make sure that I do it the right way?15. 1:16:28 {About the Dead Jesus Raised} Where did all the people that Jesus and the disciples raised from the dead go while they were dead? I would hate to think they were in Paradise somewhere, then had to come back.16. 1:19:05 {About Asking for Forgiveness/Mark of the Beast} A popular internet ministry says Jesus never said we need to ask for forgiveness and the Bible doesn&rsquo;t mention it. Is that true? They also say it&rsquo;s impossi
9/3/20211 hour, 44 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Mark's Gospel Has Such a Strange Ending: The Mark Series pt 70 (16:8)

I'm not exaggerating when I say that some skeptics, and even some Christians, and some scholars in both categories, will teach that if Mark ends his Gospel at 16:8 then it destroys Christianity as we know it. I think this is silly. But I also think it needs a response. After going through those over the top claims we will deal with the more subtle and thoughtful claims of those who say that there are internal and external reasons for thinking that Mark could not have meant for 16:8 to be the ending of his Gospel originally. All told I will walk through 7 specific claims against the shorter ending of Mark and give a case for how this seemingly strange ending is actually quite powerful and meant to cause us to sit with the massive implications of the death and resurrection of the Messiah, until we are stirred to action. This is the last video in the Mark Series. I have SO enjoyed doing this with you and appreciate your prayers for me to have wisdom as I seek to launch into future series and videos. Next up is a thorough study of women in ministry (that will probably take months to prep, sorry for the wait) and then I'll do a verse-by-verse teaching through the book of Hebrews, with the same sort of methods you've seen in the study of Mark. This is part 70 of the Mark Series - a thorough verse-by-verse study through the Gospel of Mark paying special attention to theology, apologetics, and historical context. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here: Here's Kelley Iverson's article, "A Further Word on Final Gar": The notes for many of my studies are also available for free on my website (as is all the content on my website).
8/30/20211 hour, 38 minutes, 30 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 46)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction1. 0:29 {Why Didn&rsquo;t Jesus Mention Paul?} Hello, I am a Christian, and it's been important to me to understand why the Lord Jesus didn't mention to the apostles or anyone that Paul would be coming to enlighten the Way for His Church. This question hasn't been addressed in any of the studies I've researched, nor by any of the pastors I listen to. But isn't this question a most serious matter, since Paul wrote the majority of our New Testament?2. 6:45 {Is God Male?} Is God a male?3. 10:08 {About the Woman of Tekoa &amp; Banishing} How can someone be banished, and yet not cast out from God? I&rsquo;m referring to what the woman of Tekoa said in 2 Samuel 14: 14. Is it only within that context, or can it be applied transcendently?4. 17:34 {About OCD, Vows, &amp; Fear} I&rsquo;ve been struggling with OCD vows recently (such as, if I don&rsquo;t say this in prayer, I&rsquo;m not saved). Many places online say to let it go, and that you can&rsquo;t make a vow out of fear. How can I look at this biblically?5. 22:39 {Are Souls Eternal?} Is the soul as an eternal entity more of a Greek philosophical idea, or confirmed in Scripture? Do you have any biblical references for an eternal soul?6. 25:20 {Did Anyone in &ldquo;The Flood&rdquo; Go to Heaven?} Do you think any of the people that died in the flood (above the age of accountability) may have been saved or will not go to Hell?7. 29:01 {About Natural Revelation &amp; Salvation} You've said people who've never heard of Jesus need to respond to natural revelation to be saved. Can you give an example of how a woman growing up in Saudi Arabia would respond to natural revelation?8. 33:55 {About the &ldquo;Mysteries of God&rdquo; in Ephesians} Please explain what is meant by the mysteries of God in Ephesians 3:5.9. 38:09 {About the Beginning of the New Covenant} Did the New Covenant start when the Temple, which housed the Ark of the Covenant, was destroyed?10. 44:07 {About Miracles &amp; False Religions} You've said miracles in other religions are false signs from Satan. Why would other religions have reason to think these signs are from Satan? Couldn't a Muslim say the same thing to a Christian?11. 48:47 {Do We Have to Attend Church?} Is it OK to not attend church at all? I live in Russia and Christianity here is very unbiblical. I&rsquo;ve tried a lot of churches and I don&rsquo;t feel comfortable there.12. 50:53 {Is it a Sin to Depict God?} I&rsquo;m a new believer. I watched a Christian cartoon with my son, and it depicted God as a Santa-looking man. My son asked if we were breaking the 2nd commandment. Is it a sin to depict God in any way? (Exodus 20:4)13. 56:07 {Do those who Seek God Really Find Him?} The Bible says that those who diligently seek God will find Him. What about the Muslims, Hindus, and all the people who are diligently seeking God but never find Jesus and stay in their religion?14. 1:02:31 {Does God Forgive Repeated Sin?} If you struggle with sin and there is true contrition but you still keep repeating the same sin and asking for forgiveness, will God still forgive you?15. 1:05:59 {Advice for the Timing of Baptism} I recently converted to Christianity. Our church does baptisms once a year, but my husband has Covid and can't attend. I want him to be there, but I also want to get baptized ASAP. What should I do?16. 1:07:12 {About a &ldquo;Gap&rdquo; in Scripture} Can you explain the gap between the early churches in the New Testament and the first Protestants like Martin Luther?17. 1:11:32 {Men of Valor Living in Sin?} Why does the Lord call Gideon a mighty man of Valor when he had many wives? Was this always a sin? I'm confused about this, honestly.18. 1:16:59 {Where Does Sin Nature Come From?} If God knits us in our mothers&rsquo; wombs, where do we get our sin nature?19. 1:19:
8/27/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 7 seconds
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100+ hours of research. Is the longer ending of Mark authentic?: The Mark Series pt 69 (16:9-20)

Today's the day. I've spent weeks trying to dig deep on the debate of whether the last 12 verses of the Gospel of Mark are actually part of the Gospel of Mark. We will look at manuscript evidence, translations, church fathers, lectionaries, internal evidence from vocabulary and style, and consider the question of how all this weighs in on the fact that most Christians throughout time have had these 12 verses as their ending to Mark. I want to warn you of one issue that I slowly noticed in my research. Proponents of the vs. 8 ending (the short ending) have a habit of overstating their case and making some mistakes in accuracy while proponents of the longer ending have the same tendency, perhaps worse than the former. Yeah, this was hard to muddle through but I'll share with you my own confusion and eventual clarity on the issue. I hope that you find it clear, thorough, and edifying. I'm hoping today's video will not only answer your questions but serve as a good launching point for those who want to do more research on the topic. For that reason, I'm including several links here for you to consider looking into: This is a book where 4 scholars each build a case for their different views on the ending of Mark. It&rsquo;s a good introduction into the issues of the debate even if no one scholar has the space to fully flesh out their case. &ldquo;Perspectives on the Ending of Mark: Four Views&rdquo;: Nicholas Lunn recently wrote a book offering a very detailed case that the longer ending was always part of Mark&rsquo;s Gospel. At first, I found Lunn&rsquo;s book to be really helpful in challenging the scholarly majority. But after spending a lot of time with it, I&rsquo;ve come to think that his work causes more confusion than clarity on the topic. Uneven standards in how evidence is handled make his work difficult to read without leading to important misimpressions. &ldquo;The Original Ending of Mark: A New Case for the Authenticity of Mark 16:9-20&rdquo; Larry Hurtado offered three short reviews of Lunn&rsquo;s book, all three at this link: James Snapp&rsquo;s theory is that Mark wrote the longer ending but it was originally not part of the Gospel of Mark. It was taken from some other work from Mark and then added on to the end of the Gospel of Mark. He offers 5 different theories for why it is missing from some manuscripts. I respect Snapp&rsquo;s tenacity, but I think his logic has regular logical problems. I mean no insult by this, I just want you to be prepared to think very carefully about what he says. His book, &ldquo;Authentic: The Case for Mark 16:9-20,&rdquo; is free here: The most helpful resource I found for dealing with the internal evidence in the longer ending of Mark is this article from Travis Williams: For those wanting to hear my verse-by-verse study of the longer ending of Mark, it&rsquo;s here. It&rsquo;s long, methodical, and shows that the passage doesn&rsquo;t pose theological problems, even if it wasn&rsquo;t written by Mark: For the 12th century Greek Codex 304, which is Byzantine in nature and ends Mark at 16:8, see the two links following; and you&rsquo;ll need them because Snapp and Lunn have bad info on this and this is a really interesting piece of evidence showing not only a lack of the LE, but apparent debate on it from different owners of the codex! The text is viewable here:<a href=""
8/23/20212 hours, 9 minutes, 44 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 45)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:37 {Conscience before the New Covenant?} Based on Jeremiah 31: 33-34, did people before the New Covenant not have a conscience (innate knowledge of God and the ability to know right from wrong as we do now)? Based on the radical changes that Jesus and the Church brought to the world, and God seemingly needing to give people constant special revelation in the OT, could there be a case for this? Could the need for the cycle of sin-judgement-repentance/cry for help-deliverance be connected to this?2. 8:16 {Help for Maintaining a Godly Attitude} The Lord has blessed me tremendously in life. I love Him &amp; want to please Him! But for some reason (&amp; I have no excuse) I find it really hard to have a calm, grateful, God-honoring attitude. I'm easily irritated &amp; find myself complaining about little things constantly, especially when I don't get my way or experience a minor inconvenience. I'm ashamed of this &amp; don't want my attitude to be this way but I can't seem to change.3. 12:31 {Covenant vs. Dispensational Theology} What's your thought on the reformed perspective of Covenant Theology vs. the dispensational view?4. 15:46 {Jesus &ndash; &ldquo;Forgive them, for they know not&hellip;&rdquo;} Why did Jesus say &ldquo;Forgive them, for they know not what they do&rdquo; if Jesus knew they had to do it to save us at the cross?5. 17:59 {About the Vanishing &amp; Glass Seas &ndash; Revelation} In Revelation 21:1, it describes the "sea vanishing." Is this sea the same as the "sea of glass" in Revelation 4:6 where some have suggested it symbolizes the barrier that separated God from man?6. 20:51 {Discussing Theology Without Focusing on Death} My 14 y.o. does not like the subject of death (her father/my husband died suddenly 4 years ago). How can I talk about salvation and other biblical things in a way that doesn&rsquo;t make her anxious?7. 23:37 {About the Paraclete} John 16:7 says Paraclete is the Holy Spirit, and 1 John 2:1 says it is Jesus Christ. I cannot believe this is a mistranslation, so what is 1 John 2:1 talking about?8. 28:16 {Did Moses Write the Pentateuch?} Do we have evidence that Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible? My atheist friend is questioning this.9. 31:14 {Does the Man Sin when an Abortion is Done?} Is it a sin for the man if a woman decides to get an abortion? With or without his consent (does that make a difference?) 10. 34:00 {Are We Obligated to Obey God&rsquo;s Standards?} My friend asked me: If we didn't choose to exist or come into existence, why do we have to follow what God says or His "standards"? Why does He have standards anyways? How do I respond?11. 37:45 {About the Covid Vaccine} How should Christians respond to the push to get the Covid vaccine (especially here in LA)? Is it our Christian duty to put others above ourselves, even if it betrays our own conscience?12. 40:41 {About the Doctrine of Preservation} Does Matthew 5: 18 teach the doctrine of preservation? What are your thoughts on this doctrine?13. 46:37 {About the Trinity &amp; God&rsquo;s Attributes} How can the three persons of the Trinity be distinct if they all have the same attributes (Omni-s) and their wills are the same?14. 50:22 {Is Depression Ever a Sin Issue?} Is there ever a point where depression can be a sin issue? How should I view it in light of what Scripture says about worrying, while being charitable toward those who are struggling?15. 54:23 {How to Evangelize at Work} What&rsquo;s the best way to share the Gospel in the workplace? Is there a guide to sharing the Gospel that you keep to?16. 56:56 {About Exodus 4 &amp; Zipporah} Please explain Exodus 4: 20-26, especially Zipporah's part in it.17. 1:02:46 {When Married Couples Disagree on Theology} What is your view of a husband and wife having differing opinions on eschatology or
8/20/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 17 seconds
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Clarity on Homosexuality and the Biblical Term "Abomination"

Is Leviticus just offering advice about medical health? Is it identifying homosexual acts as sinful, or just potentially unhealthy? Can we calmly and carefully try to understand the passage in context? I hope so. I think that the overall context of the passage makes its application pretty clear, and even though our current culture tends to misunderstand this as condemning certain kinds of people instead of certain kinds of behavior, we simply cannot be biblically faithful without standing our ground on this topic. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. Here's a playlist where I will add them as they come out: My website:
8/18/202112 minutes, 39 seconds
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How I Would Interpret The Longer Ending of Mark: The Mark Series pt 68 (16:9-20)

This passage is probably most well known because of its abuse by snake handling preachers in the United States. I will address that issue but it's far from the only important thing to talk about in these verses! Though the snake comments in the passage get a lot of attention from normal people, scholars are mostly interested in the question of whether the passage belongs in the Gospel of Mark at all. But, today I'm not answering the question of whether the last 12 verses of Mark are authentic or not. I'm just answering the question of how I would interpret the passage as it stands. Next week I'll deal with the complex issues related to whether the passage belongs in Mark in the first place. This is part 68 of the Mark Series, going verse-by-verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in Mark 16:9-20. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here: I have live videos Mondays and Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. My website:
8/16/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 29 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 44)

Here&rsquo;s the video on dealing with depression, which I mentioned during the stream: Taking live questions from the YT live chat! Every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific time. While I don't pretend to know all the answers, I hope to offer some thoughts that will help you in the direction of thinking biblically about things. The BibleThinker mugs can be found here. I don't make any profit from these -&nbsp; they are made by a third party and $5 per mug will go to support different ministries I choose. My website: 1. 0:31 {Were Jesus&rsquo; Disciples Married?} Were Christ&rsquo;s disciples married / did they have families? I believe there is a reference to Peter&rsquo;s in-law, but I find it to be an interesting question. What would it be like for them? How would that fit with what the Lord tells us about the role of a husband/father? The love for God trumps all, so did that override their responsibilities as a husband/father?2. 9:55 {Should We Give to Beggars?} I've had multiple encounters where people directly approach me and my wife on the street or at a gas station asking for money, food, or a ride. I know most people would say don't give anything because you're feeding their bad habit, and I know there is also the risk that if you do help/give, they may try to push for even more favors. But it's obvious that Jesus was compassionate toward beggars. What are some biblical principles for this in today's age?3. 15:37 {What is a Miracle?} What is a miracle? If it can be explained, is it still a miracle?4. 20:54 {Should we be Worried about Gov&rsquo;t Control?} Should Christians be worried about government control? I have friends not getting the Covid vaccine because "it's a way to be controlled by the government.&rdquo; I want to think biblically about this.5. 26:09 {About Walking by the Spirit} Does living in the Spirit mean fighting the flesh? How do you fight something that is already dead?6. 32:04 {About &ldquo;Perfect Love Casting Out Fear&rdquo;} What did John mean in 1 John by &ldquo;perfect love casts out fear, and that whoever fears has not been made perfect&hellip;&rdquo;?7. 34:43 {About Paul and a Time Gap in Scripture} Why didn&rsquo;t Luke mention the time gap that took place during Acts 9: 20-26, that Paul mentioned in Galatians 1: 17-18?8. 40:20 {Prayer to Help with Deep Depression} Can you pray for me? I&rsquo;ve battled depression my whole life, and the past 2 weeks I&rsquo;ve gotten so low I need some prayer if you have the time.9. 43:13 {Why did Jesus need to be Led by the Spirit?} Why did Jesus (God) need to be filled, led, or anointed by the Spirit? Troubled by some saying that Jesus did everything as a man through the Spirit, so we should be able to do everything Jesus did.10. 48:10 {Forming a Healthy Work/Rest Balance} Since life is finite and Heaven is infinite, how do we justify spending any time not working to influence eternity? Where is the balance between relaxation &amp; work? (Ephesians 5: 15-16 vs. 1 Thessalonians 4: 11)11. 53:10 {Refuting Catholic &ldquo;Queenship&rdquo; of Mary} How would you answer a Catholic who uses Revelation 12 to argue Mary's queenship?12. 59:06 {Can we be Confident in God&rsquo;s Existence?} How can one ever be sure that the arguments for God&rsquo;s existence are truly sound? Is it because all current objections fail? Maybe there is an Achilles heel that has not come up yet.13. 1:02:44 {What is Prevenient Grace?} I just heard about prevenient grace. I have looked it up and it just don't understand it. Can you explain it?14. 1:05:48 {Finding Hope in Difficult Situations} How do you interpret the hopelessness of Psalm 88? How can you comfort someone who feels what Psalm 88:18b (NIV) implies?15.
8/13/20211 hour, 37 minutes, 1 second
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 43)

Taking live questions from the YT live chat! Every Friday at 1 p.m. Pacific time. While I don't pretend to know all the answers, I hope to offer some thoughts that will help you in the direction of thinking biblically about things. The BibleThinker mugs can be found here. $5 per mug will go toward supporting different ministries I choose. For the time being, it's supporting refugees driven from their homes by ISIS. Here is Restoring Faith, the ministry helping refugees in the name of Christ: My website: https://BibleThinker.org1. 0:17 {Did Jesus Consider the OT to be Scripture?} You said in a past Q&amp;A session that Jude references Enoch, and your best explanation is that it's just to make a point, not to say that Enoch is canon or inerrant. But that's also my conclusion about when Jesus refers to the Old Testament. Isn&rsquo;t it the same for when Jesus refers to the Old Testament?2. 5:18 {If I Don&rsquo;t Read Scripture, am I Still Accountable?} Romans 1:8-2: 16&hellip;Responsibility? I'm afraid to read/not read the Scriptures. So I read/don't read, sometimes feeling physically ill/deeply anxious/even empty. Is it normal to feel like this?3. 10:16 {Discussing a Confusing Verse} What are your thoughts about Matthew 26: 13? You taught earlier that this specific action is not even recorded in all the Gospels, so what does Jesus mean?4. 13:42 {How did OT Punishments Display God&rsquo;s Love?} What was the point of capital punishment in OT, which was way too harsh to the point that it was not strictly followed back then? How does it display God's love when people are killed for not obeying?5. 22:19 {Reconciling Two Verses} How does Ecclesiastes 9:4-6 reconcile with Paul&rsquo;s statement that &ldquo;to live is Christ and to die is gain&rdquo;? Am I misreading it?6. 27:01 {Overcoming Condemnation/Embracing God&rsquo;s Grace} I have a good understanding of God&rsquo;s Love and forgiveness in my head, but I have trouble living as though I believe it in my heart, and I still feel condemned at times (1 John 4: 16-18). Any advice?7. 32:36 {About Paul&rsquo;s Thorn in the Flesh} What is your opinion on Paul's thorn in the flesh? I heard it was his eyes, maybe from his encounter on the road to Damascus? 1) He had Luke, a doctor, with him during his travels 2) He had others write his letters.8. 40:00 {How to &ldquo;Walk in the Spirit&rdquo;} From Galatians 5, what is does it mean to &ldquo;walk in the Spirit&rdquo;? And do you have any pastoral advice for a new disciple on this subject?9. 47:46 {Difference: Doubt vs. Unbelief} What is the difference biblically between doubt &amp; unbelief? Are either of them a sin?10. 52:48 {How is the Holy Spirit Received?} How does receiving the Holy Spirit work? In Acts, there are two times the HS is poured out: Jews (Ch. 2) and then Gentiles (Ch. 10), but every other time is passed by laying on of hands (Acts 8: 14-18, 19:6, etc.).11. 56:27 {Advice for a Difficult College Situation} I have to read &ldquo;The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks&rdquo; for school, but Oprah did a movie on it. Since she denied that Jesus is the only way, I don&rsquo;t know if I should drop the class. Thoughts?12. 58:24 {About the Timing of our Death} Are our deaths appointed to us in both time and manner? If a person dies being hit by a car on the corner of Times Square, was it always going to end that way?13. 1:02:20 {How to Handle Online-Only Congregants} How should churches handle their local online only congregants? This is a big dilemma in my church's leadership right now. (Let's assume that it is safe to return to in-person church.)14. 1:04:13 {About the &ldquo;Day of the Lord&rdquo;} What is the day of the Lord?15. 1:06:16 {Was Jesus Created? Answerin
8/6/20211 hour, 36 minutes, 13 seconds
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If You Die Without Hearing About Jesus... What Happens Next?

I know you have questions about this. I hope this helps answer them.But if my short answer isn't enough (and it's probably not) THIS is the link to my FULL teaching on the issue, where I go through many specific verses of the Bible which give us help working out the answer to this very concerning issue. I hope you will give some thought to it. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos, so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. Here's a playlist where I will add them as they come out.&nbsp; My website:
8/4/20214 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why Skeptics Don't Think Jesus Was Buried But I Do: The Mark Series pt 67 (15:42-46)

They tell me that the internet is where religion goes to die, but they also tell me the internet is full of poor research and unreasonable arguments. We are going to get pretty technical today. Lots of different threads of evidence will be explained and drawn together to support the factuality of the burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea. This may seem like it's not a big deal if you haven't recognized the evidential value of the burial and empty tomb for the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus. I'll be drawing from the work of a number of different scholars (Craig Evans is particularly helpful) and responding to the work of Dr. Bart Ehrman, who has influenced countless people to reject the resurrection of Christ. This is part 67 of the Mark Series, going verse-by-verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in Mark 15:42-46. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here: Here are resources I'll mention in the video: How Jesus Became God, by Bart Ehrman - How God Became Jesus, a response to Ehrman by 5 scholars: Article on chemical analysis of nails from Caiaphas' ossuary - "Petrochemistry of Sediment and Organic Materials Sampled from Ossuaries and Two Nails from the Tomb of the Family of the High Priest Caiaphas, Jerusalem": Jody Magness' article on why the archaeological data supports the historicity of the burial of Jesus by Joseph of Arimathea. "Ossuaries and the Burials of Jesus and James": I have live videos Mondays and Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. My website:
8/2/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 33 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 42)

1. 0:19 {Church Leader Living in Sin? Letter vs. Spirit} I am a young adult, still living in my parents' home. My father is the pastor of our small church. One of my siblings has leadership roles, but is living in sin (cohabitation). My father has talked with him, but hasn't taken any biblical action to remove him from leadership or from church. The elders don't see a need to do anything either. What should I do? (I'm the youngest and a daughter.) I was told I was taking the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law.2. 10:33 {About John the Baptist being Jesus&rsquo; Cousin} Is it a big deal that John the Baptist was Jesus' cousin? I haven't heard this talked about much; wouldn't that mean that they knew each other when they were kids/before their ministries?3. 16:30 {About the Early Church &amp; Socialism} Should Christians be living like the early Church in a sort of voluntary Socialism as found in Acts 2: 42-47 and Acts 4: 32-37?4. 27:03 {MW&rsquo;s Personal Experience Witnessing} Could you share your most memorable experience in leading someone to the Lord?5. 30:08 {About Recent &ldquo;Deconstruction&rdquo; Stories} I find myself sympathizing with some who have deconstructed and walked away from the faith (though I don't agree with their decision). How can I keep from deconstructing myself?6. 41:08 {Is Yahweh Only the Father&rsquo;s Name?} Some people I know say Yahweh is the name of the whole Trinity combined. I thought Yahweh was only the name of the Father (like how Jesus is the name of the Son). What are your thoughts?7. 47:13 {About Artaxerxes in Ezra} Are there two Artaxerxes in Ezra, or could it be that there is an interlude in Ezra 4:5-23? Artaxerxes stopped the building, but later seems to endorse it.8. 48:10 {Are the Church and Israel the Same?} Are the church and Israel the same or different? Is the church the continuation of Israel and heirs of the promises of God to OT Israel?9. 50:53 {Can Christians Attend JW Weddings?} Is it ok to attend a wedding of a Jehovah&rsquo;s Witness? My colleague is a JW and she is getting married in 3 weeks. I was wondering if it&rsquo;s ok for me to attend because of the belief system.10. 52:35 {How to Have Godly Sorrow Over Sin} How do you have a godly sorrow over sin (2 Corinthians 7: 10)? When I sin, I repent, feel really bad, and ask for forgiveness, but eventually fall for the same sin again. Do you just pray for God to give godly sorrow?11. 59:44 {About Approving of/Watching Inappropriate Shows} How do you respond to another Christian who thinks that watching movies or shows with nudity/sexual content is a liberty they have in Christ because they do not struggle with lust?12. 1:06:35 {Interpreting a Difficult Verse} I&rsquo;ve read two different views on 1 John 3: 20. 1: If our heart condemns us, how much more will God since He is greater than our heart? 2: Even though we feel guilty, God knows our heart. Thoughts?13. 1:11:04 {What does Ecumenical Mean?} I'd rather not identify myself with any particular denomination. What does it mean to be an ecumenical Christian?14. 1:13:46 {Some Great Wisdom for Us} What&rsquo;s the greatest lesson of wisdom you&rsquo;ve learned as you&rsquo;ve matured in your faith?15. 1:16:06 {About Believer/Non-Believer Relationships} What should a new Christian do if he or she has been in a relationship for 7+ years with a non-Christian (not married), and the non-Christian doesn't slow down the spiritual growth of the Christian?16. 1:19:36 {Is it Fair that Some People are Born in Unbelieving Areas?} How is it just that because a person is born in a specific region in the world, that they are more likely to follow the traditions and religion they are raised in and end up going to hell?17. 1:24:17 {Is the Fire Mentioned in 2 Peter Literal?} In 2 Peter 3: 10 it says that on the "Day of the Lord" God will destroy the world and "its elements" with
7/31/20211 hour, 40 minutes, 55 seconds
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7 Lies Your Kids Will Believe Unless You Do Something - with Elizabeth Urbanowicz

This matters. These lies are being absorbed by youth in our culture and they are breaking their ability to think rationally and biblically faithfully. I HIGHLY recommend that parents check out Elizabeth's foundation worldview curriculum. It's a really good tool to train your kids (and yourself while you are at it) in how to think biblically about things. Since your kids are being exposed to worldly and unbiblical thinking all the time they are very likely to simply absorb it and assimilate it if they aren't given the tools to reason through the issues well. This is where Elizabeth's project comes in. You can have your kids do these classes once a week from home whenever it's convenient for you. I'm not making ANYTHING for telling you this. I think this is just a really needful program for Christian families in modern times. I know life is crazy busy for parents but I think this is one of those things that's worth your time and is really underpriced for the benefit it brings. Here is where you can learn more and sign up: My website, with the NEW search features that help you find exactly what you're looking for:
7/27/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 59 seconds
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20 Questions episode 41 (part 2 after internet issues)

This is the second part of today's stream. My internet dropped and then came back and I had to make a second video to finish things. Link to my 3 videos explaining textual variants and stuff related to why I don't think the story of the woman caught in adultery is originally part of John: Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Re-Introduction3. 0:50 {If our Sins are Forgiven, Why Ask for Forgiveness?} If Jesus paid for all of our sins once and for all, why are we still called throughout Scripture to continually ask for forgiveness (ex: The Lord's Prayer)?4. 2:59 {About the Enneagram} What is your view on the Enneagram? I recently had a lot of problems within my church about this.5. 5:24 {About "Sin Leading/Not Leading to Death&rdquo;} Can you shed some light on 1 John 5: 16-17?6. 8:36 {About Freedom from the Law} When Paul says we're saved by grace apart from the works of the law, is he referring only to the Law of Moses, or the moral law, as well?7. 13:44 {About Gematria &amp; Numerology} In light of today&rsquo;s first question, how do you account for more subtle/compelling examples of Gematria such as JESUS (IESOUS in Greek) calculating to "888"? Contrast with "666.&rdquo; 8=new life, etc.8. 15:28 {About &ldquo;The Passion of the Christ&rdquo;} As a Christian, is The Passion of The Christ film OK to watch, and is it biblical?9. 19:27 {About Ezekiel &amp; OT Prophecies} What does Ezekiel 40-48 mean for us? What about OT prophecies about future sacrifices?10. 22:28 {About the Doxology in Scripture} How should we make sense of the Doxology at the end of The Lord's Prayer in some English Bibles when it doesn't occur in earlier manuscripts? Should we not use it?11. 25:01 {What does it Mean that God has a Plan?} I always hear "God has a plan for your life." What does this mean? Is this about salvation, gifting/calling, or about God's overall will for believers? Is this specific or general?12. 29:55 {About Graven Images &amp; Biblical Actors} Could you explain Exodus 20:4? Is God stating we shouldn&rsquo;t have any images at all, like the images we see of Jesus in churches? And what about the people who portray Jesus in biblical movies?13. 34:25 {How to Respond to Unbiblical Statements} I was wondering of a kind way to correct people who just say "God just wants me to be happy.&rdquo;14. 37:00 {Can Disobedience Thwart God&rsquo;s Promises?} If God gives us a promise, could His promise be dependent on our obedience, and could we veto a promise either by our actions or by our unwillingness to receive? Please elaborate on Romans 4:13-15.15. 40:00 {About the Perpetual Virginity of Mary} What are your thoughts on the Protoevangelium of James? Does it support the perpetual virginity of Mary?16. 43:39 {About the phrase &ldquo;Son of Perdition&rdquo;} What is the Greek meaning of &ldquo;Son of Perdition&rdquo;? Is it a specific person, or a general statement?17. 47:04 {Should Atheist Arguments Concern Us?} Should we be concerned about counterarguments that atheists and skeptics present to our faith? 18. 49:30 {Is &ldquo;Praying the Gay Away&rdquo; Biblical?} Is &ldquo;praying the gay away&rdquo; wrong? It seems biblical to me.19. 53:45 {Am I Rightly or Wrongly Judging?} How do I know if I have a judgmental attitude toward someone or an honest concern about their sin?20. 54:56 {About the Woman Caught in Adultery Passage} It's said that the story from John 7: 53 to 8: 11 isn't found in the earlier manuscripts. It's one of my favorite pictures of God's grace. What do you think about how we should deal with this? My website
7/24/20211 hour, 4 minutes, 2 seconds
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20 Questions Episode 41 (part 1) see description for part two.

The rest of today's stream can be found here. Sorry, I had internet issues: Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction1. 0:40 {Is Biblical Numerology Really Biblical?} What are your thoughts about &ldquo;biblical numerology&rdquo;? Are certain numbers in Scripture intended by God to carry hidden theological significance for us to find, or is this a man-made and potentially dangerous thing to look for while studying?2. 14:48 {About our Future Glorified Bodies} Will we still have scars and such in our new bodies? Like when Jesus was resurrected, He still had His crucifixion marks. Was that just for God&rsquo;s purposes (Thomas) or is it a sneak-peek of what our new bodies will be like? If you want a question answered live it must be submitted in the live chat after the stream starts (not before) and know that we always receive many more than I can answer so please give me grace if your question is not selected. You may try your question on the search feature on as well, since it's possible I have already answered it in another Q&amp;A video. The NEW BibleThinker mugs can be found here. Made by a third party, I'm not making any money here, BUT $5 per mug will go toward to support different ministries I choose. This July it's supporting refugees driven from their homes by ISIS.&nbsp; Here is Restoring Faith, the ministry helping refugees in the name of Christ. My website:
7/24/202120 minutes, 24 seconds
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I Hear The Holy Spirit, So Why Do I Need The Bible?

If someone says this, you can know for sure that they are not hearing from the Holy Spirit. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. My website:&nbsp;
7/21/20212 minutes, 38 seconds
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Rethinking The Women at The Empty Tomb: The Mark Series pt 66 (15:40-16:8)

It will be helpful for us to look at the account of the women finding the tomb of Jesus empty with fresh eyes. When we consider how embarrassing it was in 1st century culture to rely upon female witnesses, how important the idea of Jesus being physically raised was, and how impactful the claim of the empty tomb was, we find that what we have here is remarkable evidence for the trustworthiness of the Gospel accounts of women finding the tomb of Jesus empty after He was buried there. Add this to the rest of the evidence for the resurrection of Christ, and the case is quite powerful. What was considered and embarrassing fact of history back then is a wonderful piece of evidence from a modern historiographical perspective. In other words, it's true. This is part 66 of the Mark Series, going verse-by-verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in Mark 15:40-16:8. I have live videos Mondays and Fridays at 1 p.m. Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. My website
7/19/202154 minutes, 44 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 40)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:36 {Should Repetitive Bible Passages Concern Us?} I'm very confused about why Psalms 14 &amp; 53 are almost identical. Is this an error in Scripture? Are any other pairs of psalms also duplicate? This is causing me to worry about the reliability of Scripture. Please help me understand this! 2. 11:07 {How to Connect Deeply with God} I struggle deeply with feeling the presence of a relationship with God. I believe I am saved, but I had wandered far and often during my youth. To this day, I try to "imagine" my relationship with God, but I still feel estranged (mostly I think because of sinfulness). I am desperate for that deep, living connection to the Father. What can I do to get connected in relationship with Him? 3. 15:34 {More Miracles than Jesus?} Often, John 14:12-14 is used by &ldquo;word of faith&rdquo; preachers that I used to listen to. Their claim is that we are to do the same and more of the miracles that Jesus did. How should I see these verses? 4. 22:28 {Is Common Sense an Argument for God?} Some weeks ago you said you believed common sense is the best argument for God. Can you elaborate? 5. 26:27 {About Jupiter in the Bible} In Acts 19:35 where it says &ldquo;the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter,&rdquo; is this referring to the planet Jupiter, and did they know of other planets in that period of time? 6. 29:15 {Are the Son &amp; Spirit Extensions of the Father?} What would you say to people who say that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are mere extensions of the one God, the Father? 7. 33:29 {What is a Biblical Perspective on Anointing
7/16/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 42 seconds
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Will my pet be in heaven?

I am by no means certain about my answer here but it does seem to be right based on my understanding of the passage in question. Initially when I was challenged to look at this passage more carefully I started to doubt that I had properly understood it in the past. But when I really examined it carefully I came to feel even more firmly about this interpretation. If any of you disagree then I hope you are right! Please feel free to share your reasons in the comments. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. Here's a playlist where I will add them as they come out.
7/14/20217 minutes, 10 seconds
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How An Atheist Scholar Misleads Millions Of People: The Mark Series pt 65 (15:34)

Bart Ehrman has convinced more people to reject the Christian faith than almost anyone alive today. But he has done so largely through being very misleading. I'm going to provide some solid examples of this as it relates to the crucifixion of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark because I think there is a lot of benefit in dealing with misleading claims about the Bible. I'm doing a lot of apologetics related stuff here at the end of this series on the Gospel of Mark and I hope you find it faith building and inspiring! Here's my teaching on Psalm 22 as an amazing passage that gives us good evidence that Jesus was prophesied ahead of time. This is part 65 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 14:53-72. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here. The video clip I used from Bart Ehrman is from this debate he had with Craig Evans I have live videos every Monday and Friday at 1pm Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.
7/12/20211 hour, 10 minutes, 51 seconds
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How I CURRENTLY Understand The Bible Saying "Women Be Silent In The Church"

I am totally open to changing my mind on this passage but I do currently think this is the right way to understand it and I didn't come to this opinion rashly. My research project on the topic of women in ministry and related issues is going to start once I'm done teaching through the Gospel of Mark (probably less than two months from now) and I hope I can offer real clarity on all this stuff. I know how important the issue is and how important it is that we strip away confusion and truly follow what God is telling us.
7/9/202112 minutes, 32 seconds
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Necromancy in the Bible: The Witch of Endor

There's a passage in the Bible that, according to some, shows necromancy working in the real world. Here are my thoughts on what we can learn about the legitimacy of necromancy from this text. Anti-supernaturalists would deny it and sensationalists might want to use it to say too much. But I will offer my own theory as to what was going on when the witch at Endor was used to try to access Samuel after he died and Samuel actually showed up! This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set.
7/4/20215 minutes, 34 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 39)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:39 {Do you Know of any Biblical Marriage Songs?} I write lyrics for songs and I'm wondering if there are any marriage songs based on biblical theology. I spent years writing one to my wife and it still doesn't work. Looking for examples to follow.2. 6:00 {About Jude Quoting Enoch} How do you explain Jude&rsquo;s apparent quote of the book of Enoch in verses 14-15?3. 9:14 {Was Jesus Dead for Three Days?} According to Matthew 12: 40, Jesus predicted He would be dead for 3 days. But according to Mathew 28:1 and Mark 16:9, it seems this wasn&rsquo;t the case. Thoughts?4. 14:50 {About Confession of Sins to Others} Is apologizing to people we&rsquo;ve sinned against (e.g. lust) always necessary, and if so, to what extent? We must if they know about it, but what if they don't (or are indifferent/hard to contact)?5. 17:28 {How to Combat Intrusive Thoughts} As a new Christian, I&rsquo;m constantly bombarded with intrusive thoughts, including blasphemous ones. I feel guilty sometimes and I wonder if it's me thinking these things. How can I combat this?6. 20:59 {About Apologetics being Used in Fiction} How effective do you believe apologetics can be done in works of fiction (like Narnia) rather than just straight arguments? Should there be more of it?7. 23:27 {About the 24 Elders} Who are the 24 elders? They are not mentioned in the creation account. Are they a collection of people such as Enoch, Moses, etc.?8. 28:54 {Understanding a Difficult Verse} Can you please explain Matthew 10:34-39 where Jesus says a man&rsquo;s household will be his enemy?9. 34:10 {Can we Only Attend Smaller Groups?} I&rsquo;m an introvert and have never felt comfortable at large Bible studies with people I don&rsquo;t know. Do I have to enjoy large group studies? Is it OK to stick to small studies with one or two others?10. 36:34 {About Evangelism &amp; Guilt/Responsibility} If we don&rsquo;t share the Gospel with our friends and family, is their blood on our hands?11. 40:18 {About Imputed Righteousness} Is imputed righteousness synonymous with forgiveness of sins? Or does God require more than just sinlessness (that is to say: a positive ascribed righteousness)?12. 44:00 {About Jesus Making Himself Eq. w/God} The Pharisees were wrong in much of what they did, so wouldn&rsquo;t that mean they were also incorrect in thinking Jesus was trying to make Himself equal with God?13. 48:36 {About Jesus Descending to Hell&rdquo; If someone believes Jesus had to suffer in Hell for three days after the crucifixion, could they truly be saved? Don't we need to believe it was all accomplished on the cross?14. 50:23 {Biblical Wisdom for a Tough Family Situation} My mother-in-law is in a gay marriage. My wife has shared the Gospel with her, but she rejects it. Lord willing, we'd like to have kids. Should there be boundaries between the kid/grandma relationship?15. 52:46 {About Aquinas&rsquo; Summa Theologica} Have you ever read or studied the work by St. Thomas Aquinas called "Summa Theologica," and if so, what are your thoughts?16. 53:44 {About being &ldquo;In Christ&rdquo; in Paul&rsquo;s Letters} In Paul&rsquo;s prison letters, he uses the phrases &ldquo;in him, in Christ, and in whom.&rdquo; He seems to use these a lot in Ephesians 1, but also uses them in Philippians and Colossians. What does it mean?17. 58:13 {About Jesus being Truly Man} If Jesus was fully man and subject to time and space, how is John 21: 25 possible? Or is it hyperbole?18. 1:01:30 {How Can We Pray Constantly?} What are some practical ways to practice 1 Thessalonians 5:7? Trying to pray constantly can be draining &amp; discouraging because it feels like there are only so many things I can pray over.19. 1:07:25 {About the Year of Jesus&rsquo; Birth} What year do you believe Jesus was born, and how do you reconcile it w
7/2/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why Does the Bible Call Jesus "Firstborn"? Does It Mean He's Not God?

If you encounter a cult that denies the deity of Christ, they WILL quote this verse. Here's a quick analysis of why Jesus is called "firstborn" in Colossians 1:15. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set.
6/30/20214 minutes, 12 seconds
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Controversies and Biblical Clarity on Baptism

Time Stamp Map0:00 - Introduction1. 1:11 About BibleThinker2. 2:46 What is baptism, what does it do, and what does it declare?3. 5:23 Is baptism purely a symbol, or is there something spiritual that happens when a person is baptized? Does baptism affect salvation?4. 6:35 When a person makes a profession of faith, should they be baptized right away, or should there be a waiting period for their leaders to observe their conduct before allowing them to be baptized?5. 8:02 Is pedo-baptism (infant baptism) biblical? And is it biblical to draw a parallel between circumcision and baptism?6. 13:51 When studying Scripture, what is the difference between a descriptive text and a prescriptive text?7. 14:55 Time stamp #5 continued (circumcision vs. baptism)8. 16:09 What does the New Testament say is the parallel we should draw from the Old Testament practice of circumcision?9. 18:14 What passages of Scripture do pedo-baptists refer to in support of their belief?10. 24:22 What is the difference between infant baptism and infant dedication?11. 26:00 Even though baptism isn't salvific, is there any harm in baptizing infants just as a blessing? And do some people believe infants can, in fact, have saving faith already? How can we respond to that claim?12. 30:53 What happens to infants when they die? Are baptized infants more likely to go to Heaven?13. 32:11 Refuting the most powerful argument commonly used to defend infant baptism14. 44:59 Should believers now who were baptized as an infant be re-baptized after truly coming to saving faith in Christ?15. 49:10 Is it correct to baptize "in the name of Jesus," or "in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit"? And should a person be re-baptized if a different formula was used during their baptism?16. 53:56 Who can baptize people?17. 59:00 Closing thoughts I did this interview 3 years ago on The Remnant Radio program. Here's a link to their channel.&nbsp;
6/29/202159 minutes, 47 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 38)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction1. 0:43 {Why does John and Other Passages Not Mention Repentance?} If repentance is required to be saved, why is it not mentioned in the Gospel of John and other evangelical texts like Acts 16: 31 and Romans 10? Can repentance be somewhat synonymous with belief?2. 10:41 {About Orthodox Beliefs} What do Orthodox Christians believe vs. Protestants? Is their doctrine as problematic as Catholic doctrine? (I heard Hank Hanegraaf converted to it.)3. 15:43 {About the Greek in Bible Translations} Pastors often say, "what the Greek REALLY says is&hellip;" Why don't translators use the Greek that pastors cite in sermons then? (Like how Peter is akin to pebble but is translated as rock.)4. 19:41 {Explanation of Ezekiel 14 &ndash; Prophets} In Ezekiel 14:9 it says if a prophet is deceived, it&rsquo;s the Lord who deceived him. Could you offer some explanation to this verse, as it seems out of character for God?5. 25:38 {About Saving Faith in the OT} Romans 4 tells us that Abraham was saved because of his faith. He believed in God. How can we say that just because he was saved that way, everyone else in the OT was saved that way? Also, if they were saved that way, why did they have to sacrifice lambs? And if people were always saved by just believing in God, why was it necessary for Christ to come?6. 31:15 {Fruit of the Spirit &ndash; Longsuffering} Could you please explain what longsuffering means, in regard to the fruit of the Spirit?7. 32:40 {Is All of Scripture Inspired?} When Paul says, "I say, not the Lord but I..." in 1 Corinthians 7: 12, does that mean that portion of Scripture was not inspired? 8. 36:12 {Assurance of God&rsquo;s Love &amp;amp; Salvation} Does God really love me, and am I really saved? I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but I am still sinful and I struggle with sin. However, it seems that God answers my prayers. Am I really saved?9. 39:47 {Has Mankind always only had One Spirit?} What are your views that God only created one spirit and gave it to Adam which was then passed through generations? This explains how God doesn&rsquo;t create an impure spirit at birth, or generational curse.10. 42:44 {About Witnessing and Exemplifying Christ} My husband isn&rsquo;t open to hearing me speak truth, so I have stopped correcting him. Is this a sin?? If he dies, he will go to hell.11. 45:00 {Promises vs. Prophecies} Is there a difference between a promise and a prophecy? Are all God's promises prophecies? Am I responsible if a prophecy told about me doesn't come to pass? A church leader told me these things.12. 47:54 {How to Be Kind when it&rsquo;s Difficult} What specific actions can one who has no empathy do to be kind? (Thinking 1 Corinthians 13 "kind.")13. 50:27 {Help with Marital Conflict} I feel led by God to homeschool my teens. My husband disagrees. He doesn't want them to be sheltered. I want to submit, but I&rsquo;m conflicted. Thoughts?14. 53:13 {&ldquo;Free Grace&rdquo; Theology, Faith, &amp;amp; Works} Free grace theology says that "save" in James 2: 14 means from physical death or harm. All uses of the word &ldquo;save&rdquo; in James 2: 14 are in the context of physical harm, so why is this different for you in 2: 14?15. 57:31 {When is Kissing Sinful?} Is all kinds of romantic kissing outside of marriage a sin? Could a Christian actor/actress do a kissing scene?16. 1:00:28 {Do Jew. &amp;amp; Gent. Christians Worship Together?} I&rsquo;m an ethnically Jewish Christian and have seen that some believe that Jewish &amp;amp; Gentile Christians worship together, but with different lifestyle callings. This has been stressful. Input?17. 1:03:25 {Did God Promote Adultery in Genesis?} In Genesis 38:7-10, Someone was commanded to lay with his brother&rsquo;s wife and impregnate her. He didn&rsquo;t impregnate her, and the Lord struck him down. Is G
6/26/20211 hour, 19 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Jewishness of Passover Refutes Transubstantiation

After this interview I was thinking about the possibility of other examples where Jesus uses a present physical object in a purely symbolic sense and I think we do have some. When Jesus spoke to the woman at the well He told her that she should ask Him for water, and while there was physical water present the real point Jesus is making is that she needs non-physical water which is representative of new life in the Holy Spirit. Jesus also manifested bread for the crowd but told them that this was food that perishes and they need food that gives everlasting life. He goes on to show that this food is belief in Jesus. Even in the favorite passage for those who promote transubstantiation (John 6) Jesus adds the clarity/commentary that the flesh profits nothing and the Spirit gives life. This is not merely saying the word "spirit" means "symbolism"; rather it is saying that "spirit" is not "flesh" and cannot be interpreted to mean "my physical body being eaten by you". A whole lot more can and should be said about all this but I hope that the above answer will be seen as offering strong support simply for the fact that the Jewish context of the Last Supper is such that we should conclude symbolic meaning in the act and not transubstantiation. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. I'm Mike Winger and my goal is to help you learn to think biblically about everything! &nbsp;
6/21/20215 minutes, 19 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 37)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction1. 0:11 {About the &ldquo;5-Fold Ministry&rdquo;} Have you heard of the "5-Fold Ministry" way of thinking about apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers exercising those gifts today? And if so, what are your thoughts about it?2. 12:40 {When does Competition become Unbiblical?} The Bible stresses the importance of unity within the body of Christ. When does competition among believers (even seemingly friendly competition - games, sports, etc.) become unhealthy?3. 16:21 {What is &ldquo;Fundamental Christianity&rdquo;?} Can you define "Fundamental Christianity" for me? Recently I've been seeing it referred to as a negative thing. Is it?4. 20:48 {Why do Animals Die or Become Extinct?} If &ldquo;the wages of sin is death,&rdquo; why do animals die? (My question also involves the extinction of the dinosaurs - why would God create them to be exterminated?)5. 26:51 {Using the Morality Argument} If using the morality argument, how would you respond to an unbeliever that uses the objection that morality is subjective and there is no real objective right or wrong?6. 32:30 {About Feeling Angry toward God} When someone is angry at God, are they able to bring that to God, or do they wait until they are not angry and then go to God? Do we have to be 100% before talking with God, as to not disrespect Him?7. 38:55 {About John 15 &ndash; Bearing Fruit} What do you think of the view that states that in John 15, Jesus actually said in Greek that those who don't bear fruit are lifted up instead of cut off? Is this us practicing bad Greek?8. 42:45 {About Gratitude in the Midst of Hardship} When I was an atheist, I got depressed and actually planned to end my life to escape all its struggles. I now know God exists, but I can&rsquo;t be grateful for being created. How do I repent from that?9. 47:23 {Should Prayer be a Dialogue or Monologue?} About prayer, I&rsquo;ve heard many people say that praying to God should be more of a dialogue than a monologue. Isn&rsquo;t the Lord&rsquo;s Prayer spoken by Jesus a monologue? How should we pray then?10. 50:19 {About Leaving a Church} Is it necessary to ask your church to remove your name from its records if you are leaving due to false teaching/beliefs? I wonder if that&rsquo;s what God means when He says &ldquo;come out of her.&rdquo;11. 53:24 {About 1 Kings 13} In 1 Kings 13, what are we supposed to learn from this passage? It seems as though the prophet lied to the man of God, tricking him so that he wouldn&rsquo;t stay the course. Why lead him into this trap?12. 1:02:44 {About the 1st Resurrection &ndash; Revelation} Will all believers partake of the first resurrection, or only those who have been beheaded in the name of Christ? Revelation 20:413. 1:04:59 {About Matthew 27 &ndash; Holy People Raised} Can you please explain Matthew 27: 51-53? Hoping to get some clarity about the holy people raised to life. Where did they go? Did they die again?14. 1:09:19 {About &ldquo;Divine Simplicity&rdquo;} Do you believe in divine simplicity? If so, how do you reconcile it with the Trinity?15. 1:11:40 {Did the Covid Mandates Involve a Spiritual Battle?} A lot of believers seemed to believe the Church was being persecuted by being required to wear masks, meet in smaller groups, etc. Was a spiritual battle being waged in the Covid mandates?16. 1:13:51 {About being Used by God in our Lives} I see others being used by God, and I want to be used too. Because of this, I often struggle with envy, jealousy, &amp;amp; comparison. How would you encourage &amp;amp; help me grow past this sin?17. 1:18:27 {About the Death of our Pets} My cat died this week. Where did he go?18. 1:22:03 {How Should we Study Other Religions?} Do you have any recommendations for studying other religions and how to approach others with the intention to evangelize?
6/18/20211 hour, 36 minutes, 1 second
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I Had to Vote on a Medical Ethics Committee on Whether to Pull the Plug

For anyone who finds this video too short... here's my much longer video on the topic of suicide. Please share your thoughts (hopefully in a gracious manner) in the comments below. These are tough topics. Do you think I'm right about seeing suicide and euthanasia as fundamentally different situations from having a DNR or pulling the plug on life support under certain dire conditions?
6/17/20213 minutes, 33 seconds
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Should you be baptized in a church you don’t agree with?

This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. &nbsp;
6/16/20212 minutes, 52 seconds
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Jesus' Cross Defended Historically and Theologically: The Mark Series pt 64 (15:15-39)

On one side we have skeptics who want to easily dismiss much of the biblical account of Jesus' crucifixion. On the other side we have "progressive Christian" teachers who want to take away essential theological truths about the meaning of the cross of Christ. I'm tackling all of that today. I find it genuinely intimidating to be speaking on the topic of the death of our Lord, since I don't know how any man could do true justice to the glory and horror of the cross, but I pray that God uses this to bless you and draw you closer to Him. This is part 64 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 14:53-72.
6/14/20211 hour, 54 minutes, 56 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 36)

0:00 - Introduction1. 0:10 {Regrets about Not Sharing the Gospel} My father recently died, and I don&rsquo;t think he was a true Christian. I&rsquo;ve been a Christian for 7 months and I didn&rsquo;t share the Gospel with him. Would things have gone differently if I did?2. 7:03 {Witnessing to Mormon Family Members} I'm a Christian who is married to a non-practicing Mormon who still bases his beliefs on LDS doctrine. I think I want to go into apologetics (largely inspired by you), but I don't think my husband will approve. I also feel called to evangelize my Mormon in-laws, but I struggle to get past their feelings-based testimony and their beliefs about who Jesus is and salvation. Any advice on my apologetic aspirations in my specific circumstances, and on the best way to surmount these LDS hurdles?3. 12:45 {How do we Meditate on Scripture?} I was wondering: how do you remember Scripture? I will read in the morning, and by the time night/the next day comes, I forget what I read. I know we&rsquo;re to meditate on it, but how do we do this?4. 15:26 {How to Pray for our Leaders} I find it very difficult to pray for the current administration. I know they need it desperately. How do I overcome this struggle?5. 19:06 {Is &ldquo;Deliverance&rdquo; for Today?} Is deliverance for today? Should we be praying for each other to be set free from demonic bondage in our lives, along with seeking medical assistance and counseling where needed?6. 25:51 {About Pastor/Elder Qualifications} How literally should we follow the "qualifications" for pastors/elders in 1 Timothy and Titus?7. 31:10 {Can a Christian Marry a Non-Christian?} Is it OK for a Christian to marry a non-Christian like a Buddhist, atheist, or Muslim? And what if they already have children? How would you counsel the Christian?8. 35:07 {About Married Couples in Heaven} Does Luke 20: 27-36 teach that people who are married on Earth won't be married anymore in Heaven? I feel sad that my husband and I might not be together still in Heaven.9. 39:20 {About the Lord&rsquo;s Supper during Covid} In my church, holy communion is postponed because of the measures surrounding Covid. Drinking from one cup is not possible. To justify this, they use Joshua 5:1-8. Is this biblical reasoning?10. 45:06 {Will God Understand if I Hide my Faith?} I&rsquo;m an ex-Muslim who became a Christian in 2020 and I have secretly been Christian but I still have to do Muslim practices. Will God understand that I have to keep it a secret?11. 50:49 {Can we Truly Feel God&rsquo;s Presence?} Todd Friel (Wretched Radio) said &ldquo;The Bible doesn&rsquo;t teach that we can feel God&rsquo;s presence&rdquo; and the &ldquo;warm fuzzies&rdquo; are only an emotional response when our minds receive biblical truth. Is this true?12. 57:28 {Can we Compare Jesus &amp;amp; the Tree of Life?} What's your view on the comparison between Jesus and the Tree of Life? It came to me in a dream, and I googled it and found that it was exclusively an Orthodox belief.13. 59:50 {What did Paul Do before his Missionary Work?} 11 years went by from the time Paul was saved &lsquo;til his first missionary journey - I always thought it was only a few months. What did Paul do during those 11 years other than fasting and praying?14. 1:00:34 {Are a Person&rsquo;s Days Determined?} Job 14:5 says a person's days are determined, yet in Isaiah 38, God extends Hezekiah&rsquo;s life. It almost seems that with enough prayer &amp;amp; faith, we can persuade God to change His mind. Thoughts?15. 1:04:32 {Will we receive Glorified Bodies AND Minds?} We know that we will eventually gain glorified bodies, but what about glorified minds? Will someone who suffers from a mental disorder (like Down&rsquo;s Syndrome) be &ldquo;healed&rdquo;?16. 1:07:00 {Encouragement when we feel Empty} I struggle with emotional emptiness, abandonment issues, &amp;amp; having low self-
6/11/20211 hour, 28 minutes, 10 seconds
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Is it too late for me?

This clip is taken from my weekly Q&amp;A video, which happens live at 1pm pacific time on Fridays. Several people reached out to tell me this particular answer was helpful to them so I decided to cut it out and make it into it's own video in the hopes that it would bless you.
6/10/20214 minutes, 13 seconds
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How I Respond to King James Only Christians

You may be interested in my 3 part video series on what the original manuscripts of the Bible really say and how reliable our modern translations are. You can watch it here for only $29.99! Just kidding, all my stuff is free. Here it is!;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuzJhPtmrgqpVoXhjvqiIjWThis is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set.
6/9/20213 minutes, 26 seconds
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6 MAJOR Religious Groups Compared to Biblical Christianity with Mike Winger

Can you believe in Christ and NOT Be a Christian? Join Mike Winger and I as we break down 6 MAJOR religious groups that ALL claim to believe in Jesus and compare them to Biblical Christianity. These six major groups, if not careful, can make you think that what they believe is the same as what you believe. Mike Winger and I will break down some of the similarities and differences of these six groups as we compare them against Biblical Christianity. TIME STAMPS 00:00 - Opening remarks06:34 - Opening prayer07:40 - Group #1 - The Mormon Church22:18 - Group #2 - Jehovah's Witnesses41:03 - Group #3 - Hebrew Israelites1:01:38 - Group #4 - Roman Catholicism1:26:43 - Group #5 - Seventh-Day Adventism1:49:32 - Group #6 - "Pop" Christianity2:07:54 - Final Remarks
6/8/20212 hours, 11 minutes, 57 seconds
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Skeptics Say "No" to Barabbas and Pilate: The Mark Series pt 63 (15:1-15)

Skeptics claim that Barabbas was invented by the Gospels for symbolic purposes. Skeptics say that Pilate would never have given in to the requests of the Jewish leaders to crucify Jesus. Skeptics say that Pilate would not have released prisoners, like Barabbas or Jesus, for the Passover feast. I'll be answering all that today!But I have two other really important things to cover as well. One of them is the sad fact that the trial of Jesus before Pilate has been historically used to justify persecution of Jewish communities by those who name the name of Christ; the Jewish Messiah, ironically enough! The second issue is simply the point of the passage as it relates to the theology we are learning from the trial of Jesus. Whether you are joining me for the live stream or watching afterward I hope and pray that this will be a blessing to you and increase your confidence in the truth of Scripture and the love of God for all people. This is part 63 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 14:53-72. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.
6/7/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 54 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 35)

0:00 - Introduction1. 1:13 {Adam Buried Beneath where Jesus Crucified?} I heard on a program by the National Geographic that there&rsquo;s a belief out there that Adam was buried beneath where Jesus was crucified. They say when Jesus died, His blood flowed down into the ground and through some cracks inside a tomb where Adam was buried, and Adam was resurrected from that. I am trying to find out where this belief even started, why it was started, and if there is any Biblical or Historical evidence to suggest that this ever happened. Have you ever heard of this, and do you know of any resources on this subject that might help me?2. 6:04 {About Bribery in the book of Proverbs} Can you please help me and my friend understand Proverbs 21: 14 about bribery? We read the references below the verse but still find it hard to understand. 3. 10:15 {Should I Attend a Calvinist Church?} The church that I currently attend is in search of a new pastor, and the one that will be voted in is a Calvinist. I don't agree with Calvinism and question if I can submit to his authority/teaching. What do I do? Stay? Go? I don't want to be divisive but want to stand on God's truth in love.4. 14:09 {Faith vs. Works Contradiction?} I&rsquo;m confused on two verses, Romans 4:3 and James 2: 21. I don&rsquo;t believe the Bible has any contradictions, can you please clear up my confusion on this?5. 22:51 {Is God Faithful when We&rsquo;re Faithless?} Is 2 Timothy 2: 13 saying God is faithful to us, or to Himself? I hear people thanking God that when we are faithless, He is faithful to us, but it seems to read the opposite.6. 25:26 {About God&rsquo;s Will in our Lives} How do I know if I am living in the will of God for my life? Do wrong choices mean we have messed up Gods plan and we&rsquo;re now living plan B?7. 29:32 {About the Age of Accountability} Does Numbers 14: 29 give us any biblical reason to believe the age of accountability to be 20? In Numbers 14: 18-19 Moses pleads with God, and God pardons the sins of the children 19 and younger.8. 34:40 {About the Wedding Feast/Garments} The man who was at the wedding feast without a wedding garment in Matthew 22: 11, is he like what would called a nominal Christian?9. 41:48 {About Cohabitation Before Marriage} What Scripture shows that 2 heterosexual Christians who love each other and intend to marry can&rsquo;t cohabitate if they are celibate?10. 46:18 {How to Honor an Abusive Parent} My father was physically and mentally abusive when I was a child. Can I stop talking to him and still be honoring him?11. 49:19 {About Assisted Suicide/Euthanasia} What are your thoughts about assisted suicide and euthanasia?12. 52:55 {Is the Holy Spirit Jesus&rsquo; Father?} Might be a dumb question but if the Holy Spirit came upon Mary so that Jesus could be born, wouldn't that make the Holy Spirit Jesus' father?13. 54:59 {About &ldquo;Pascal&rsquo;s Wager&rdquo;} What is Pascal&rsquo;s Wager, and do you believe that it has been refuted?14. 59:10 {About Revelation &ndash; New Names/White Stones} What is the "new name" in Revelation 2: 17? Is it the individual's new name that receives the white stone, or is it Jesus' new name?15. 1:01:28 {Should Pro-Life = Immigration Support?} Do you think that being pro-life means that I should also support immigration/refugee resettlement due to the pro-life belief that children should be taken care of regardless of circumstances?16. 1:04:40 {Can a False Teacher Cast Out Demons?} What is the deeper meaning of Matthew 12:22-28? I&rsquo;m a little confused. Can a false teacher cast out demons? If so, wouldn't that be a kingdom that is divided against itself?17. 1:09:20 {Defense of the Trinity} Hi Mike! I fully believe in the Trinity due to ALL of Scripture. But 1 Corinthians 8:6 is a bit problematic and seems Unitarian. What do you make of it?18. 1:13:20 {Should our Shortcomings Disco
6/4/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Best Bible Version May Depend on Your Education Level

These are my tips on Bible versions as well as where to read depending on what's going on in your life. Please share your recommendations in the comments as well! This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. I'm Mike Winger and my goal is to help you learn to think biblically about everything!
6/2/20217 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Theology of the Holy Spirit Explained and Defended

Can we prove the Holy Spirit is a person and not just an "active force" as the Jehovah's Witnesses claim?Can we prove that the Holy Spirit is actually God and not just Gabriel the angel as the Muslims claim?Today we'll do that and more as we look at a ton of verses that teach us about the nature and work of the Holy Spirit. I think you'll find that the most often ignored person of the Trinity is not only clearly taught about in the Bible, He is a blessing to know about. Here's my study on what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is. I have live videos every Monday and Friday at 1pm Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.
5/31/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 14 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 34)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:52 {Offering Counsel in Difficult Situations} I&rsquo;m in a master's program with Liberty University for clinical mental health counseling. During our training, we were asked how we would handle certain difficult situations, such as if a LGBTQ couple would request help strengthening their relationship, or request help advocating for adoption rights, or advocating for trans. people. Can you please give me some biblical principles to follow, to help me counsel these people in a caring way without condoning unbiblical behavior?2. 11:14 {Advice for a Difficult Marriage} Any advice on how to help a brother in Christ (who's also a preacher) not leave his marriage because he's miserable and he claims "God doesn't want him miserable"?3. 19:19 {Refuting JW Theology} A Jehovah&rsquo;s Witness said that all the letters in the NT addressed to saints are for the 144,000 (example: Romans 1:7). How do I show that a saint is a believer, and that the NT should be applied to everyone?4. 26:00 {Does Modalism Jeopardize Salvation?} Does modalism lead to other fallacies? If someone believes in Christ except they don&rsquo;t believe that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each distinct, could their salvation be in jeopardy?5. 30:00 {Witnessing to Abuse Victims} A friend was sexually abused by her family including her mother, foster family, the school priests, and her first husband. Understandably, she refuses to believe in any God. How can I witness to her?6. 33:22 {Are man-made Covenants Biblical?} Are man-made covenants for pastoral ordination biblical (specifically, covenants binding oneself to denominational doctrines and principles)? The Salvation Army requires this for their pastors.7. 37:19 {Should Believers Expect to Hear/Feel God?} I have never "felt"/"heard" from the Holy Spirit/God. I believe in and follow Jesus, but I feel like I am missing something. Should a Christian be literally hearing/feeling something from God?8. 45:23 {About the Overcomers in Rev.} What are your thoughts on the overcomers mentioned by Jesus in Revelation 3:5-12? Would you consider these to be believers in general, a specific group of believers, or some other group?9. 50:47 {Do Angels Sing?} Do angels sing? Or is worshipping via singing something unique to humanity? Thank you so much for your ministry. It really is encouraging for me and my wife. How can we be praying for you and your family?10. 54:22 {Can we find Proof of Jesus&rsquo; Existence?} I heard there are more proofs that Jesus is a real person than there are for people like King Tut, etc. is this true? If so, is there somewhere I can go to find those proofs?11. 1:01:02 {Is Satan an Actual &ldquo;being&rdquo;?} What would you say to the brethren that suggest that Satan is not actually a being? People argue that the OT doesn&rsquo;t describe him as a singular being but something of the human mind.12. 1:03:44 {Same Spirit but Different Opinions?} Discerning the Spirit: I&rsquo;m having a hard time understanding how Christians are all supposed to have the same Holy Spirit but we are so divided on so many issues.13. 1:06:30 {Bible Contradiction?} Can you explain the what appears to be contradiction in 1 Kings 7: 26 and 2 Chronicles 4:5, due to the different numbers?14. 1:12:59 {Jesus&rsquo; Genealogy/Lineage} How historically plausible is it that the Jesus&lsquo; genealogies in Matthew and Luke authentically trace back to the Exile, Kind David, Abraham, and so on?15. 1:16:02 {About Same-Sex Attraction} As a Side B/Celibate same-sex attracted Christian, do you believe God can change my attraction to eventually desire to marry a woman?16. 1:21:21 {Encouragement through Chronic Illness} I&rsquo;m newly diagnosed with a very debilitating chronic illness. How do I continue to serve the Lord in my role as a wife and mother and serve the body o
5/28/20211 hour, 43 minutes, 5 seconds
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What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit?

The Bible turns out to use this term to mean something very different than what I was originally taught. The "baptism of the Spirit" is not a secondary experience that Christians have after salvation, it is something that happens to everyone who is saved, when they believe. This is just one question from a long interview I did for the moderators of the r/Bible subreddit. They asked their subreddit to send me a bunch of questions and I spent a lot of time preparing so that I would be able to offer the best answers I could. I'll be posting these answers as individual videos so keep an eye out for the rest in the set. I'm Mike Winger and my goal is to help you learn to think biblically about everything! I go live every Monday and Friday at 1pm. Monday is usually a vs by vs teaching and Friday is a live Q&amp;amp;A where I take questions from the live chat on YT.
5/27/20219 minutes, 4 seconds
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Jesus Is Prophesied in the Book of Proverbs

How Proverbs 30:1-4 is a prophecy about Jesus. Here's my whole playlist on How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament.;amp;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO I have live videos every Monday and Friday at 1pm Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.
5/24/202149 minutes, 4 seconds
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Everything Wrong With The Passion Translation in Colossians

0:00 Why this matters3:44 Meet Alex Hewitson and Dr. Brad Bitner6:16 Alex&rsquo;s approach to reviewing Col in TPT7:39 Brian Simmons&rsquo; wild claims about TPT10:21 What are the different kinds of translations?11:45 TPT is not a real translation13:38 Are we being too critical of translations?15:52 Broad Street publishing misleading people18:20 Simmons badly wrong about &ldquo;Aramaic&rdquo;32:24 Simmons makes stuff up about &ldquo;tetelestai&rdquo;37:04 Testing Simmons&rsquo; claims about &ldquo;love language&rdquo;41:04 Why is TPT longer than other Bibles?44:02 Simmons translates the same Greek phrase in many different ways46:58 Adding and subtracting from the Bible50:19 TPT radically expands the Bible54:21 Seeing the agenda behind TPT59:30 What concerns me about the people who endorse TPT?1:01:41 TPT using joint verse numbers1:04:08 Divine titles are weird in TPT1:13:52 How TPT softens hard teachings from the Bible1:17:22 Translators should be invisible. Simmons is not.1:19:13 Failure to quote scholars1:20:35 Simmons uses outdated resources1:23:48 Is Simmons a scholar or not?1:28:08 Testing the &ldquo;secrets&rdquo; Brian says are coming from God1:32:32 Brian Simmons homonyms are deeply concerning1:38:30 God&rsquo;s wrath is changed1:40:40 Changing the meaning of Col 1 vs 91:43:38 Italics in TPT are problematic1:45:18 TPT wrong on slaves and masters1:48:24 TPT wrong on husbands and wives1:54:17 TPT wrong on children and parents1:56:15 Adds &ldquo;prophetic songs&rdquo; to Colossians2:01:36 &ldquo;Buzz words&rdquo; in TPT don&rsquo;t belong2:04:52 Basic grammar errors show Simmons shouldn&rsquo;t be translating2:09:19 Simmons&rsquo; style replaces the biblical authors style2:12:35 What they really think of TPT2:14:43 Should TPT be sold in Christian bookstores?2:15:47 Can someone get saved reading TPT?2:18:10 How will TPT impact you if you use it? Dr. Brad Bitner's academia profile Here's every video and paper in The Passion Project (including Alex's paper)
5/20/20212 hours, 20 minutes, 31 seconds
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How Jesus Used His Trial To Teach Christology: The Mark Series pt 62 (14:53-72)

Mark is one of the favorite books of skeptics of Christianity. They will sometimes say that it has "low Christology" (a low view of who Jesus was) and suggest that this is evidence that belief in the deity of Christ came not from Jesus and the apostles teachings but from other people "developing" Christianity afterward. Others will claim that orthodox Christian teaching about how Jesus died on the cross to suffer the just punishment of our sins so that we could be forgiven, as an atoning sacrifice, is an invention of Christians coming centuries after the time of Christ and the apostles. One of the reasons I love the book of Mark is because a careful study of it shows that all of those claims are false. In today's study we will look at Jesus on trial before the high priest and we'll see that there are two major lessons that Jesus wants to teach everyone about the nature of the Messiah. The Messiah is divine and the Messiah must suffer and die for the sins of others. Not only do these two teachings refute how some have distorted the Gospel of Mark, these teachings are actually central to the whole Gospel. They come at the climax of Mark's message and they reveal that the divine nature and the atoning work of the Messiah are absolutely essential in the Gospel of Mark. I love this stuff! This is part 62 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 14:53-72. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
5/17/20211 hour, 20 minutes, 24 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 33)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference 0:00 - Introduction 1. 1:04 {The Gospel of Thomas} Do you have any thoughts about the "Gospel of Thomas"? 2. 9:55 {Can Denominations Substitute Baptism?} Is it within biblical "freedom" for a denomination like the Salvation Army to replace water baptisms with wearing a uniform instead, and to not practice communion regularly, as well? 3. 12:29 {Is God Truly Impartial?} How is God impartial when He makes some people with disabilities and some normal, when some people are born into abject poverty while some are born into riches, and gives some people a relatively easy life and others a miserable life? 4. 18:10 {How Should we Define &ldquo;Fruit&rdquo;?} How do we practically use Matthew 7: 15-20 to discern? People often define fruit as whatever they&rsquo;d like. Some call being &ldquo;drunk in the Spirit&rdquo; good fruit, some say telling people to repent is judgey and bad fruit. 5. 25:55 {About being Born Again &amp;amp; Indwelling} Jesus said unless you are born again you cannot see the Kingdom of God." Does Luke 13: 28 imply that &ldquo;born again&rdquo; doesn't mean &ldquo;indwelt by the Spirit&rdquo; since that wasn't possible until Jesus came? 6. 30:20 {Psalm 51 &ndash; Were Sacrifices Optional?} In Psalm 51: 16-17, it talks about God not wanting sacrifices/burnt offerings. Does this mean those were optional, or is it just talking about the person&rsquo;s heart in giving? 7. 36:56 {Bible Contradiction about Demon Possession?} In Luke 9:1, Jesus gives the twelve "power and authority over all the demons." And in Luke 9: 40, a man tells Jesus the disciples could not cast out the demon possessing his son. Is this a contradiction? 8. 40:17 {About the Book of Ezekiel} What are your thoughts and opinions on Ezekiel 38- 39, as well as what it may mean for us? 9. 44:26 {Overcoming Alcoholism Biblically} How do you help a fellow Christian (including your spouse) deal and overcome alcoholism biblically? 10. 50:48 {Why are Bystanders Sometimes Killed in Scripture?} Why were the families of people who broke the law like Achan killed with their families? Why were they not killed alone? 11. 52:45 {Why Wasn&rsquo;t Daniel w/Shad./Mesh./&amp;amp;Abed.?} Where was Daniel when the 3 Hebrew young men were thrown into the fire? 12. 55:06 {How to Think Biblically about Exorcisms} I was wondering about how a modern Christian would deal with demonic activity. You only see in movies priests doing exorcisms, but what would a pastor do if this was happening today? 13. 57:04 AND 1:20:59 {About William Webb&rsquo;s Hermeneutics} What do you think of William Webb's "Redemptive Movement" model for hermeneutics? My pastor is embracing it, but it seems almost heretical to me. 14. 57:42 {About Intercessory Prayer} Is intercessory prayer a spiritual gift, possibly within the spiritual gift of faith that Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 12:9)? Any knowledge you have on intercessory prayer is appreciated! 15. 1:01:23 {About Church Membership Classes} What are your thoughts on churches that require classes and interviews before becoming a member? I think we should be actively involved in a church, but it seems like steps that aren&rsquo;t biblical. 16. 1:04:33 {Witnessing to LDS Members} What's the best way to respond to LDS friends who say "in the beginning" means only the beginning of "OUR world," and say then it's possible that Jesus was created before He created all things "here"? 17. 1:08:41 {Overcoming Pornography / Accountability} I&rsquo;m getting married in 2 weeks and am hit with doubts and worries that my struggle with porn will lead into my marriage. My fianc&eacute; knows about it. Do you have any advice? 18. 1:12:10 {Would Jesus have Died of Old Age?} Since Jesus never sinned, would he NOT have died of old age eventually (if he hadn&rsquo;t been crucified), or would he have? 19. 1:14:34 {About the Mosaic Law} How would you explain 1 John 3:4 (sin is transgression of the law) to someone trying to convin
5/14/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Religious Beliefs of the Black Hebrew Israelites - with Vocab Malone

Who are they and what do they believe? How do you reach them with the gospel of Christ? What is going on with the Black Hebrew Israelites and their sudden rise in power. I invited Vocab Malone to talk to us about this group because he has spent countless hours not only researching the BHI but also interacting with them and helping deliver people from the false teachings they have fallen under. This is Vocab Malone's YT channel Here's my series on the Hebrew Roots movement. It gives a ton of info for the issue of Torah observant teachings.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuOD_BytSxbejzCnGPOcgFw I have live videos every Monday and Friday at 1pm Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.
5/10/20211 hour, 38 minutes, 44 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 32)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:56 {Sharing the Gospel/Unsaved Loved Ones} How do you share the Gospel to people with unsaved loved ones who have already passed? (Accepting it to be true would mean accepting that their loved ones are in hell.) 2. 6:31 {What does “Turn the Other Cheek” Mean?} In the Bible, it says to “turn the other cheek.” Does that mean no one is supposed to be punished, except by God? (Meaning we shouldn't have prisons or protect ourselves and loved ones.) 3. 14:07 {About Adam’s Sin Nature/Original Sin} Does Psalm 51:5 teach that we inherit the guilt of Adam's sin, not just his sin nature? 4. 23:49 {Unity When We Disagree Politically} There is a lot of contempt within the body of Christ across the political aisle. How can there be genuine unity with those who differ so greatly in thinking when it comes to things like abortion or BLM? 5. 29:36 {How can I Better Support my Pastor?} Aside from tithing and prayer, what are good ways to support my pastor? Would it be weird to send an email each week thanking him for the sermon? I have a social disorder, so I’m always unsure. 6. 34:10 {Bible Study Resource Recommendations?} Do you know of any good Bible Study resources for a group with no teacher, only facilitators? 7. 35:40 {When to “Shake the Dust from our Feet”} At what point are we to "shake off the dust from our feet" as mentioned in Matthew 10: 14 when trying to witness to friends, strangers, loved ones, etc.? 8. 42:53 {God of the Living AND the Dead?} In Mark 12: 27, Jesus says God is the God of the living, not the dead; yet in Roman 14:9, Paul says He is the God of the living and the dead. How do I reconcile this? 9. 48:06 {Should we Ask Qs while Reading Scripture?} Does God want us to ask Him questions and look for the answers in Scripture, even if the Bible does not specifically deal with the question? 10. 50:06 {Historical Evidence for God’s Judgments?} Is there any historical evidence for any of the prophets of the old testament or for any judgments God pronounced on people? 11. 52:26 {Is the Parable of the Talents Works Based?} How do you separate the Parable of the Talents from a works-based Salvation? 12. 59:06 {About Jewish Interpretation} What's your take on Jewish interpretive methods for Scripture such as Gematria (Matthew 1: 17, Revelation 13: 18) or the Hebrew alphabet and pictographic symbolism? (Psalm 119: 73 for example) "Yod" = Hand, etc. 13. 1:06:17 {About the 10 Plagues of Egypt} How long did the 10 plagues of Egypt last? Were these consecutive events? 14. 1:06:52 {Women are the “Glory” of Man?} I'm studying 1 Corinthians 11, and I'm really struggling with verse 7. It says the woman is the “glory” of the man. What’s your opinion what this glory means? 15. 1:09:28 {Why Didn’t the Father Send Jesus Earlier?} Why didn’t God simply use the “new” covenant right away (meaning, why didn’t He just send Jesus much earlier in the world’s history)? 16. 1:14:00 {Contradicting Genealogies?} Why are the genealogies of Jesus different in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke? 17. 1:15:42 {What is the Purpose of the Christian Life?} If a non-Christian asked you “What is the purpose of life as a Christian?” what would you say, and what Scriptures would you use as a reference? 18. 1:19:16 {Does God Make Mistakes?} How can I help my Christian friend trust God? He reads the OT and thinks God keeps making mistakes and tries to fix them (snake in garden, Noah's flood). He doesn't trust Heaven will be better. 19. 1:23:04 {How to Overcome Nervousness in Prayer} Why do I feel nervous to pray? I want to but it feels unnatural to me. 20. 1:25:21 {The Deity of the Holy Spirit} I was wondering if the Bible mentions that the Holy Spirit was in the beginning with God the Father and the Son, and where is the Holy Spirit said to be God? The NEW BibleThinker mugs can be found here. These are made by a third party and I'm not making any money off of them BUT $5 per mug will go toward to supp
5/7/20211 hour, 32 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus Dreaded The Cross: The Mark Series pt 61 (14:32-52)

I'm not exaggerating when I say that this passage of the Gospel of Mark records Jesus' most intense, emotional low point, full of agony, and absolute dread. Theological liberals will sometimes distort the agony of Christ in this passage while conservatives have sometimes minimized it. In fact, I would say that it has been radically minimized in history, to the point of us missing the main thrust of what is happening here. In addition to the horror and beauty of the moment where Jesus stands alone, the only faithful one, going to die for the world at great personal cost and pain, we have a lot of absolutely WONDERFUL theological insights from the Psalms, Jonah and parallels with the Garden of Eden that give me chills! I can't wait to share it all with you! This is part 61 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 14:32-52. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here. Here's the 6 video series I mentioned offering a theological, historical, philosophical and rhetorical defense of Penal Substitutionary Atonement.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHttVR0rkvhBfA-IKrg5SGcp This is the article about the very recent discovery of a ritual bath from Jesus' time that works well with the idea that olive production was happening in the Garden of Gethsemane during the 1st century. I have live videos every Monday and Friday at 1pm Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.
5/3/20211 hour, 38 minutes, 49 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 31)

Here’s my video on “the priesthood of all believers” Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 1:08 [What does Paul Mean by “The Faith”?] In Ephesians 4:7-16, what exactly does Paul mean by “the faith”? How does the Church attain to this unity, why is the Church so apparently lacking in unity, and why are so few believers participating? 2. 10:31 [About Stephen, Terah, &amp; Abraham] Why does Stephen mention that Abraham's father Terah died before Abraham left his home (in Haran) in Acts 7:4? That seems to contradict Genesis 11: 26 and 11: 32 which say that Terah became the father of Abraham (then called Abram) by the time he was 70 and Terah died in Haran at the age of 205. This means that Stephen is saying Abraham was 135 when he left Haran, but Genesis 12:4 says he was (only) 75 when he set out from Haran. 3. 12:43 [Do You Have any Favorite Teachers?] What is your opinion of the written works of Emanuel Swedenborg, Watchman Nee, and Charles Spurgeon? Please share your favorite teachers. 4. 14:28 [Is Dancing a Sin?] Why do people think that dancing is a sin? Is there a biblical basis to this, or is this legalistic/unnecessary? 5. 19:38 [Should We Ask for Signs from God?] When we pray for direction from God, should we ask for specific signs to guide us or confirm God's will (similar to Gideon and the fleece) when the answer isn't clear to us? 6. 27:24 [Overcoming Laziness] PLEASE give me tips on how to overcome laziness! I work very hard at work but get literally nothing done around the house when I get home. Feel free 2 be harsh. I need it. Thanks! 7. 29:45 [Why did Jesus call Judas “Friend”?] In Matthew 26: 50, Jesus calls Judas "friend" as He is betrayed. Was Jesus being sarcastic at such a dire moment? The Greek word ἑταῖρος (hetairos) is used only by Matthew (11:16; 20:13; 22:12; 26:50). 8. 32:47 [Why Doesn’t God Fully Reveal Himself?] Why does God not appear physically and audibly speak to everyone? I know some people that He does this with, but what makes them so special? Would it not get rid of all unbelief if He did? 9. 39:14 [About Jewish Forgiveness/Atonement] How do Jews today obtain forgiveness for sin without the temple and sacrificial system in place? 10. 43:46 [About Psalm 82] Who are the “gods” in Psalm 82? 11. 50:10 [About the Big Bang Theory] Should Christians believe in the Big Bang? My brother says it isn’t biblical because the Big Bang Theory includes light, and God created light after the creation of the Earth. 12. 57:06 [About Modalism / Discussing the Trinity] How do I lovingly witness to my husband raised Oneness Pentecostal? Discussing the Trinity, he gets angry. Tongues, falling out, etc…he says I just don't get it because I haven't experienced it. 13. 1:00:18 [How to Summarize the Gospel] How do you summarize the Gospel when you are sharing it in conversation (e.g. with a stranger on the street or with someone from a different religion)? 14. 1:02:53 [How does the HS Speak?] How does the Holy Spirit speaks to me personally? I've left a hyper-charismatic church and am confused. 15. 1:06:24 [Why did God Choose to Die?] Why did God choose to die to redeem our sin? Does the Bible mention His motives for this method? Is this to show His power over death, or is there another reason? 16. 1:08:23 [Did Jesus get Tricked by Demons?] In the account of the demoniac at Gerasene, did Jesus make the swine run down the steep embankment and into the sea, therefore tricking the demons? Or did the demons somehow trick Jesus? 17. 1:15:05 [About Marriage Documentation] Due to the Coronavirus, me and my fiancé haven't had a chance to get documentally (or even in church) married (he's in another country right now). We behave as if we were, almost in everything. Is it justified? 18. 1:17:23 [How to Overcome Gluttony] How do I avoid gluttony? Should I stay within a strict calorie limit, or is that too legalistic? 19. 1:21:57 [About the “Priesthood of Believers”] I'm a Lat
4/30/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 25 seconds
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How To Test Your Faith: The Mark Series Pt 60 (14:26-31)

Peter said He would rather die with Jesus than deny Him. Then he denied Him. What about you? What about me? This passage of Scripture has many lessons for us in theology and apologetics but what stands out to me the most is the lesson of how suffering and confusion test out faith in such a dramatic way. This is a link to the entire Mark series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark looking for theological, historical, apologetic and practical insights. I go live every Monday and Friday at 1pm pacific time, if my internet is working! haha
4/26/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 2 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 30)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:23 [Movies/Shows Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain] There is so much debate going on among me, my family, and friends regarding watching movies or TV shows that use the Lord’s name in vain. Like saying “Oh my G…” or when they get angry and say “J..C...” Could you shed some light on this, please? Is there anything in the bible that tells us if it’s wrong or right to watch these movies even if we ourselves don’t use the Lord’s name in vain? 2. 8:30 [Are We Free from the Enemy’s Power?] In one of your videos, you said some things have been provided on the cross but not fully finished. One of them was being free from the Enemy’s power. Isn't that finished? (Colossians 1: 13, Acts 26: 18) 3. 14:55 [Question about Priesthoods] Could you please explain the difference between the Aaronic, Levitical, and Melchizedekian priesthoods? 4. 21:09 [Understanding OT Commands for Death] How does one justify God's directive to kill all the Amalekites, specifically the children, and even infants in 1 Samuel 15:3? 5. 27:24 [Should good teachers teach w/false teachers?] What would be your opinion on pastors with sound doctrine who share stages with false prophets? Will they be considered guilty by association? 6. 30:08 [About God’s Discipline/Correction] Hebrews 12:5-6 quotes Proverbs 3: 11-12. Why does the end of v. 6 say “scourge,” not “correct”? I get the first part, but to say God brutally whips EVERY believer “sounds” like a misquote. What does it imply? 8. 36:36 [About Sin and Death] James 1:15 ends with "…and sin, when full-grown, brings forth death." If we are in Christ, what does he mean by “death”? Is he speaking about unbelievers? Any insight to this verse would be helpful! 9. 41:54 [Growing Closer to the Holy Spirit] I'm struggling with trusting and wanting Christ. How do you stop keeping the Holy Spirit at an arm's length distance, spiritually? 10. 44:48 [Does Luke teach “Purgatory”?] Does Luke 12: 44-48 teach Purgatory? There are 4 servants: The faithful, the one sent to unbelievers, and then two others that only receive punishment, not casting out. 11. 52:00 [Is Nudity in Art o.k. for Christians?] A lot of classical art has nudity in it, like the statue of David. How should Christians approach this art? Is it o.k. to like it, or to make art similar to it? 12. 54:38 [About OT Law &amp; Morality] I am having trouble understanding the morality of Deuteronomy 22: 28-29. Some say it is consensual, but this contradicts 2 Samuel 13: 14-16. How do you interpret and justify the morality of this law? 13. 1:01:56 [A Biblical View of Self-Worth] We are talking about self-worth in a young ladies group and I wanted to ask, “What is the biblical view of self-worth?” 14. 1:06:10 [Overcoming the Sin of Pride] How do you deal with pride? I find it paradoxical; I often get proud of how humble I am when I notice my pride, thus leading to more pride. It just goes into an infinite regress of layers of pride. 15. 1:08:08 [Loving our Neighbor During Quarantine Times] In what ways can we love our neighbor and live lives that honor God in times like these, when many of us can't congregate and instead spend a lot of time at home? 16. 1:10:04 [About “Jesus Ben Ananias”] What do you think about the claim that Jesus Christ was based off of Jesus Ben Ananias in Josephus’ Jewish War? 17. 1:15:25 [Drawing Close to God when it Feels Difficult] I have felt cut off from the Lord. When I pray, I wonder if I am talking to myself and if everything I hold dear is wishful thinking. Why won't God help me when I am crying out to Him? 18. 1:21:17 [About Military Service / Self-Defense] Is a will to fight for this country in opposition to a faith in Jesus? Furthermore, is there provision in Scripture for self-preservation from things such as home invasion, foreign threats, etc.? 19. 1:23:15 [Did Jesus Lie?] Why does it seem like Jesus lied to His brothers in John 7:8-10? 20. 1:26:12 [Christian vs. Non-Christian
4/23/20211 hour, 30 minutes, 47 seconds
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Asking Mike Winger Those Controversial Questions

0:00 - Introduction 1. 5:55 What are your thoughts on divorce and remarriage for Christians? Is it biblical? 2. 15:33 What are your thoughts about the Covid vaccine, and about following other government mandates or laws? 3. 22:52 What do you think of women in positions of Christian leadership? 4. 24:39 Is it o.k. for Christians to live in prosperity? How prosperous is too prosperous for a Christian, when it comes to possessions? Should Christians sell all that they have? 5. 29:05 How can we share the gospel to gay friends? Do you believe there is such a thing as a "gay Christian" that continues to act on their temptations? If someone is currently in a gay marriage, should they divorce, or stay committed to the marriage? 6. 44:01 What does Pastor Mike think about Nate and Sutton’s channel? 7. 45:47 Why do we worship on Sundays when the 10 Commandments talk about the Sabbath and even Jesus kept the Sabbath? 8. 49:49 What is your perspective on the practice of speaking in tongues? Is that gift for today? And what do you think about people who say if you don't speak in tongues, you don't have the Holy Spirit? 9. 54:57 When it comes to our giving, is there a specific percentage Christians are supposed to tithe or give? 10. 1:02:37 How did Satan have the ability to sin before the fall, and how did sin come to exist? 11. 1:05:21 Why should we pray for unbelievers to be saved when God already has His “Elect” chosen? Here's Nate and Sutton's channel. I had a great time with them but also think that they have valuable content that is helping people know and follow Christ. Check them out! This is my exhaustive video on divorce and remarriage. If you really want help on this I recommend you patiently watch it all and prayerfully consider it.
4/22/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 10 seconds
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Brought To You By "Progressive Christianity"

The best selling book "A Rhythm of Prayer" has a number of prayers, including one that asks God to help you hate white people. Let's analyze this prayer because it's not only wrong on the surface, it's a rather clever way to get us to embrace the very unbiblical views of Critical Race Theory, racial guilt and to replace a biblical value of impartiality and oneness in Christ with one of sectarian power dynamics. We will look at the prayer as well as the justification that the author offers for it. It might surprise you to find out that there is a real worldview behind it. It probably won't surprise you to find out that it's not consistent with Jesus. Here's my video on Critical Race Theory with Neil Shenvi. Please watch it in full before judging it. We are serious about these issues and want to be biblical in how we handle them. Here's a link to the prayer in full - Please note that Dr. Chanequa, the author of the prayer, is the one who made it freely available online. This is why I feel it's ok to share the whole thing with you. Dr. Chanequa's defense of her prayer is here. If you reach out to her, do so with the love of Christ seasoning your words. The book, Rhythm of Prayer, is here. I have live videos every Monday and Friday at 1pm Pacific Time. Monday is a Bible study and Friday is a Q&amp;A. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.
4/19/20211 hour, 21 seconds
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Relearning The Last Supper: The Mark Series pt 59 (14:12-26)

I remember the first time I read through this passage. I definitely missed out on MOST of the wonderful stuff that is in here for us to enjoy. But even after years of studying the Bible I think it's easy to miss out on some of the subtle and powerful truths hidden in the text. Jesus' last supper is something "everyone knows" and, I would like to suggest that assumption of knowledge is causing many of us to miss out on the beauty and brilliance of this famous event. This is part 59 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 14:12-26. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here. Here's my video on how Jesus fulfilled Passover... it's pretty amazing how intricately God laid out the symbolism! Here's a teaching on Jesus fulfilling Isaiah 53, which He alludes to in Mark 14 as well. This is my favorite series ever! How to find Jesus in the Old Testament. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture.
4/12/20211 hour, 27 minutes, 4 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 29)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:20 {Should We Obey the Sabbath?} What exactly does Jesus mean in Matthew 12:1-8 when He says we must obey His commands? Do we receive special rewards for obeying the sabbath, and are we jeopardized for not obeying the sabbath? 2. 7:09 {Are Unwanted Bad Thoughts from the Enemy?} I struggle a lot with bad thoughts popping into my head out of nowhere. I'm kind of horrified and I don't agree with them! Is it possible that they can come from the Enemy? 3. 12:19 {About the Local Church} What is a local church and how should one be started? Many teach that it should be a plant under the authority of an existing church, but is that a biblical mandate? 4. 16:09 {How to Rest in God’s Presence} How should we as Christians rest in the presence of the Lord? Is there anything you do to be connected to Him throughout the day? 5. 20:35 {How Could Judas Betray Jesus} Does Hebrews 6:4-6 apply to Judas Iscariot? How else could Judas betray Jesus even after he had "been enlightened" and "tasted of the heavenly gift" and had "partaken of the Holy Spirit"? 6. 28:00 {Refuting “Universal Salvation} How do you square Romans 5: 18 and 1 Corinthians 15: 22 (among others) with 2 Thessalonians 1:9 and Matthew 25: 46 (among others) regarding the issue of universal salvation? 7. 32:10 {Do Online Church Services Violate Hebrews 10?} How absolute is the instruction in Hebrews 10: 25 about "meeting together"? Are churches who go online-only due to COVID and/or government rules failing to live up to it? 8. 37:41 {Why did Command Killing Instead of Moving People?} In the Old Testament, I struggle with why God has Israel kill thousands of people to take the promised land, rather than just driving them out or trying to convert them. 9. 45:12 {Why was Zacharias Disciplined but Not Mary?] In Luke 1: 18 &amp; 34, both Zacharias &amp; Mary questioned Gabriel when he told them of their future offspring. So why was Zacharias disciplined for his question, but not Mary? 10. 49:16 {Does God Ever Stop Forgiving?} Can we anger God to the point where He never forgives? 11. 51:26 {Advice for Agnostics Seeking God} I am agnostic, trying to believe. How would you recommend someone should approach this? I am reading though the Bible – I started with John as some recommend, but my heart hasn't changed yet. Any advice? 12. 55:28 {About “Total Depravity”} How do you read 1 Peter 1:3 in light of your rejection of the doctrine of Total Depravity? 13. 58:15 {About Justification, Sanctification, &amp; sin} Can someone be justified without being sanctified? In other words, can someone live a lifestyle of habitual sin and still be saved? 14. 1:03:30 {About the “Mandela Effect”} This is purely hypothetical, but: How would you respond to the suggestion that the disciples’ confidence in the resurrection was produced by the Mandela Effect? 15. 1:06:08 {Do Non-Believers get Physical Bodies Back?} Do the non-believers who have died or will die get their physical bodies back at the final judgment? I know we will, but does Scripture mention this about those who reject Christ? 16. 1:09:55 {About Peter &amp; Satan – Was Satan Divided?} Jesus says to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan!" when Peter tries to rebuke Him from dying in Jerusalem, but "Satan entered into [Judas]" leading him to betray Jesus. Was Satan "divided against himself"? 17. 1:11:44 {About Fear of Kids Rejecting Christ} A friend is afraid to have kids because she’s afraid they’ll reject Jesus. She would feel guilty for having them if they went to Hell and doesn’t want to take that chance. How should I respond? 18. 1:13:44 {About Old Testament Scholarship} What is your take on scholarship that attempts to alter our common understanding of the Old Testament by questioning the translations or our understanding of the culture? 19. 1:17:06 {Does Jesus Directly Say He is “Son of Man”?} In the Gospel of Mark, since Jesus talked about the Son of Man in the third person, that me
4/9/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 53 seconds
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When Your “Progressive Christian” Heresy Is Really, Really Clever

Since Brandan Robertson has accused me of editing his clips to take him out of context here is a link to the full teaching on “Truth” that I got the clips from. The teaching portion begins at about 37 minutes in. You can see for yourself that I haven’t done that. Here’s the video where Brandan makes this rather odd and baseless claim. He also said that I don’t want people to ask questions. Which is a great time to remind you of my weekly Friday Q&amp;A! See you there! Sometimes it's helpful to examine a theological car accident. Brandan, or any of those who share his views, I have no bitterness toward you and hope that one day we can look at the Bible together and see the same Jesus. Most of the other video content I used can be found on Brandan Robertson's web site. Just match the background of the video to find whichever one you are looking for.
4/6/202137 minutes, 44 seconds
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When You Throw Jesus Under the Bus For Your Social Agenda

I know, I said this was going to be a shorter video but after having looked at hours of misleading teaching from Brandan Robertson I decided to dig a bit deeper. Here are some links that may interest you. My original teaching on the passage in Mark where Jesus says "dogs" My video on Critical Race Theory (I think this one is pretty important) Reverend Brandan Robertson's original TikTok video saying Jesus repented of racism.;is_copy_url=0&amp;is_from_webapp=v3&amp;sender_device=pc&amp;sender_web_id=6940438139509196294 Dr. Miguel De La Torre's original teaching video where he offers his Latinx version of Jesus;ref=watch_permalink This next link is a tough one, it has Brandan and Miguel in conversation, trying to defend their views. I considered covering it all in detail but it is so chock full of misinformation (I really mean it, almost everything Miguel claims is not true and many of their answers are ignoring the real issues at hand) that I decided not to address all of it. You are welcome to watch it but please know that he is wrong on history, wrong on 1st century culture, wrong on Greek, wrong on Anselm and how the early Christians viewed Jesus, wrong on the nature of sin and complicity and almost never right at all. You all know me, I never use such strong words, I'm really not exaggerating here. Why do I share links with such terrible content? Because I want to equip you to think biblically about things and not to try to control what you can and can't listen to. You should be able to see that I have not misrepresented these guys but have honestly dealt with misinformation and spiritually dangerous teachings.
3/30/202143 minutes, 44 seconds
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"The Poor You Will Always Have With You": The Mark Series pt 58 (14:1-11 again)

I have often heard this passage used in ways that I don't think it was ever intended to be. In this study we are going through the anointing of Jesus by Mary, but unlike last time where we handled a rather complex set of questions about how this passage supposedly shows irreconcilable contradiction in the Gospels we are now looking at this passage to learn what we can from it in the way of answering a few questions. Why did Jesus say we would always have the poor with us? Does that mean we don't need to give money to the poor? What about those who say that taking care of the poor is the job of the Church and not the government (a phrase I have heard on the lips of pastors many times)? Why was Jesus anointed with oil for burial? What symbolic meaning is in this (spoiler, it's beautiful)? Why did Judas fall the way he did? Can we learn something from it to keep ourselves from slip sliding away like he did? This is part 58 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 14:1-11. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
3/29/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 40 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 28)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 1:29 [Is Salvation Applied to All Mankind?] Since Jesus died to save all of mankind, won't everyone be saved regardless of whether or not they place their faith in Christ, just like how gravity still works on everyone whether they believe in it or not? 2. 6:47 [About Energy &amp; the Kalam] Why couldn’t energy be infinite, considering that we (as Christians) believe in an infinite God? The reason I’m asking is because the biggest Atheist objection I get to the Kalam while evangelizing is that 1. Energy can create a universe (quantum fluctuations) and 2. Energy may be constant (infinite). Can you object to these claims thoughtfully? 3. 10:18 [How can Jesus “become” sin?] The Bible says that Jesus “became sin who knew no sin” (2 Corinthians 5:21). You also mentioned it at times in your videos. How can Jesus become sin? 4. 15:08 [About Jerome, Latin Vulgate, Changes] Around 400 A.D., what were the biggest changes in doctrine that Jerome introduced in his first Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible, and how did they differ from the original Gospel? 5. 18:55 [What does “impure” mean in Ephesians?] What does Paul mean, specifically, by "impure" in Ephesians 5:5? I can't find anything at all that clearly defines this. I would love to know what Paul, as a Jew, meant exactly by this term. 6. 25:23 [Advice while “Waiting on the Lord”] I'm currently in a season of "waiting on the Lord" to know what He wants me to do with my life. Any advice for someone in this season? 7. 28:20 [Can Christians Serve in Government Roles?] Can a Christian be called to be a governing authority talked about in Romans 13:1 with all that such a role would demand? Does it conflict or contradict with Romans 12:17 onwards? 8. 32:07 [What does Idolatry Look Like Today?] What would you say is modern day idolatry? I spend way more time on Christian YouTube channels and my phone than I do reading the Bible or praying. Do you get concerned that people may idolize you? 9. 38:37 [About Unclean Food/Items] In Mark 7: 14-19, why does Jesus seem appalled that the Jews believe that touching or eating certain things could make them unclean, given Leviticus 5:2-6 and Leviticus 11? This concept came from God. 10. 44:21 [Why Would God Give Multiple Wives?] It's often said that God does not affirm polygamy in the Old Testament, but 2 Samuel 12:8 seems to refute that. Why would God give multiple wives to David if he opposes polygamy? 11. 51:05 [When Were the Angels Created?] Were angels created on day 1 (with the heavens and all the hosts in them? (Nehemiah 9-6) Genesis 1 is not as clear. Are the hosts the angels? 12. 54:03 [How to Lovingly Correct Others] When discussing “correcting each other” in Bible studies (eg. Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18: 15), people mostly focus on when/why we shouldn't admonish someone. What does loving and appropriate discipline look like? 13. 59:33 [How do we Biblically Love Ourselves?] How can I love myself biblically? Any advice or Scripture? I feel like I hate myself sometimes. 14. 1:04:54 [Help with Reaching Atheist Family Members] Most of my friends and family are atheists and don’t take any argument for God seriously. How can I reach them in a way that they will listen and start to take Christianity seriously? 15. 1:06:38 [Biblical Thoughts about Birth Control] What is a biblical perspective on married believers using birth control or permanent measures (e.g. a vasectomy)? Heard some say no based on Genesis 38 and Psalm 139. 16. 1:09:40 [Why did God Allow Satan into the Garden?] Why would a God who hates evil place evil incarnate (Satan) into the garden, when the world was still good and sinless, knowing it would lead to the corruption of humans? 17. 1:12:39 [Does Judas have a Throne?] In Matthew 19: 28, Jesus told His twelve disciples that they will have twelve thrones of judgment to judge the twelve tribes in the future. Does Judas still have a throne? 18. 1:16:17 [Why is Jesus C
3/26/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 17 seconds
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He lost his daughter to the Mother God Cult. Don't let it happen to you.

To protect himself from possible retribution by the World Mission Society Church of God, “David Erdman” is using a fake name and his face is blurred out. This is because the WMSCOG is alleged to use law suits and family separation as ways of silencing those who openly come against them. Here are some resources that came up in my discussion with David. I thought you might find something here interesting… and hopefully it will strengthen your confidence that Christianity is true. All of my videos on the WMSCOG (except for the one they had YT remove under a copyright complaint);list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHvwOzziMOk9ZIHKphdag47d Misquoting Jesus appendix info. A response to Bart Ehrman’s “How Jesus Became God” Dan Wallace and Bart Ehrman debate William Lane Craig’s not-as-hard-to-understand “On Guard”. Evidence for God and for Christianity in particular. Josh Rasmussen’s brilliant argument for God. Watch me try to use fulfilled prophecy to prove that Christianity is true.
3/24/20211 hour, 31 minutes, 53 seconds
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A Very Challenging "Contradiction" in the Gospels: The Mark Series pt 57 (14:1-12)

I almost gave up trying to resolve this supposed "contradiction" between Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Was Jesus anointed with oil/perfume once, twice or three times? Is there error in the Gospels about this? This is a rather complicated set of problems that will take time to unpack. In my study this week I searched and searched and could not find a satisfactory answer; and I'm not really ok with half-answers, so I was about to give up on the issue when I set aside all my resources and just worked with the texts themselves. Now I think I understand a very plausible explanation for the differences and similarities in the four Gospels on this issue. Today is all about apologetics! I'll be answering a lot of the following questions. If Luke is a separate account that happened at a different time and place how do we explain the similarities between his account and those in Mt, Mk and John? Like the other Gospels, Luke records a woman anointing Jesus, using fragrance from an alabaster flask and the name of the home owner being "Simon". Even if Luke is a separate account we have questions about how John can be harmonized with Matt and Mark. Critics claim that John has this event happening 6 days before Passover while Mark and Matt have it happening 2 days before Passover. They say that John has this happening at the home of Lazarus while Mark and Matt have it happening at the home of Simon the Leper. Yet these three accounts seem too similar to say it happened twice in such a short period of time. This puzzle had me confused for a time, and when I looked up resources from other people who tried to figure out a good solution I found myself bothered even more. The solutions often disregarded obvious challenges! In the end, I think I've figured it out and decided to do a whole video on it to make sure a good resource was out there for those looking to answer the question. I also think we should talk a bit about the anxiety Christians often feel when trying to resolve a supposed contradiction. How do we process that, especially if we simply don't know the answer yet? This is part 57 of the Mark Series, going verse-by-verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 14:1-12. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here:
3/22/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 39 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 27)

0:00 - Intro1. 1:20 When using the Kalam Cosmological Argument, how can I convince skeptics that this argument should lead to belief in the God of the Bible specifically, and not just "a creator" in general?2. 7:58 Is there any biblical support for the idea that Daniel 11:36-45 is talking about the antichrist instead of Antiochus IV?3. 16:08 How do you address the advanced ages found in the book of Genesis? My wife and I were discussing this last night. She takes them literally, while I view them more symbolically. How do you view it?4. 23:15 I was speaking with Orthodox Christian friends about tradition, and they said John 21:24-25 was the best example of the Bible mentioning oral tradition as being as authoritative as itself. Thoughts?5. 27:52 Are Mark 13:24-27 and Revelation 6:12-17 describing the same event?6. 31:37 How do we determine the difference between text in the Bible that only relates to the cultural context of the time vs. text that is trans-cultural and relevant for all time?7. 37:41 When the restrainer is removed, will non-believers lose their compassion and morals? (See 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7)8. 41:40 Are you ever shaken by why there are brilliant philosophers of religion, like Graham Oppy, who are atheists? I sometimes feel like I must be missing something.9. 45:30 I was wondering, what is a good alternative to the &ldquo;sinners prayer&rdquo;? How should we lead someone to salvation?10. 46:37 In Molinism (or your soteriology), is people's choice to believe only dependent upon the circumstances God places them in? If so, why doesn't God make circumstances that makes everyone believe?11. 50:35 A friend of mine points to the law on women and rape in Deuteronomy 22:23-24 as an example of "flawed teaching" in the Bible. How should we understand this verse?12. 56:10 Why is Esther in the Bible? I see no moral purpose, no mention of God anywhere, and the last two chapters have dangerous implications.13. 1:00:53 A friend who is a recent Christian hasn&rsquo;t chosen to be baptized yet. He seems to not understand the importance of baptism. How can I explain the importance of baptism without being pushy? Ultimately, it&rsquo;s his decision.14. 1:03:48 What does it mean to "wait on the Lord," and how (in general) would you counsel someone who's in that season?15. 1:05:44 Can you speak to how to tell the difference between the Spirit burdening your heart &amp; just being obsessive about something? A friend broke contact with me during great pain a long time ago, and I still worry.16. 1:09:45 My unborn baby has a serious birth defect. Several friends are praying for a miracle. Is it o.k. if we don't? I do believe God could heal that way, but I'm just trying to live with what's real right now.17. 1:12:36 What is your perspective on the application of the &ldquo;Do not even eat with them&hellip;&rdquo; passage when it comes to family (1 Corinthians 5: 11)? Do you think this includes not going to family gatherings?18. 1:16:39 How do I talk to my wife, who believes in Jesus &amp; prays &ldquo;In Jesus Name, Amen,&rdquo; but doesn&rsquo;t read the Bible or know the true meaning &amp; story behind Jesus Christ? Her lifestyle doesn&rsquo;t add up with the script.19. 1:18:01 Do politics belong in the pulpit? I 100% disagree with politics being in the pulpit for various reasons, but I wanted your opinion also. 20. 1:23:03 I was saved last year, and my husband is still an atheist. He doesn't want me sharing Jesus with our daughter because he thinks she'll "think he's going to hell." How do I balance my faith and my respect for him? Helping you learn to think biblically about everything, because the Bible is more brilliant, beautiful, and life-changing than most of us have realized. Every Friday at 1 p.m. PT.
3/19/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 8 seconds
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Teen Atheist Becomes Christian Because of This Evidence

Mario became convinced that Jesus bodily rose from the dead because of the historical evidence for it. He wrote a paper defending the resurrection for a school project, in Belgium, and asked me to do an interview on the topic as well as to answer several objections from his teacher. What excites me the most is just knowing his story and how those of us who have been doing online ministry have been able to play a role in it. To any skeptics who may be listening. I encourage you to take this evidence seriously and to dig on your own. Not just looking for reasons to reject Christianity but looking to discover what the truth is. Here are some VERY helpful links. My video explaining why, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence", doesn't help the skeptic deny the resurrection. A large video giving tons of evidence for the resurrection. A short video for those who only have moment to hear the evidence. This is something to get the conversation started with a friend. My video on the evidence for the empty tomb. My playlist of live Q&amp;A videos. Mario mentioned these have been helpful for him and I thought you might be interested as well.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsF2AppZDY7p1wGK0BwahuZ Here is my verse by verse series going through the Gospel of Mark and covering various theology and apologetics issues.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuGenHwUdeiQ5M-uj5XW4sF
3/17/20211 hour, 7 minutes, 25 seconds
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If Jesus Is God, Why Didn’t He Know Everything?: The Mark Series pt 56 (13:32-37)

People have been using this verse of Scripture to deny the deity of Christ for a long time. in reality, it's actually a beautiful way of teaching the deity and humanity of Christ. We will go through it in detail and answer objections while trying to make sure we don't lose the simple and profound teaching of the passage. Jesus didn't know the day or the hour. Why not? Does He know it now? Did the Holy Spirit know it? If Jesus didn't know then how does that bear down on so many today who are trying to figure out the day and hour? This is part 56 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 13:32-37. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
3/15/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 39 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 26)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 1:11 [Grieving the death of the unsaved] How do we biblically grieve the death of a loved one who wasn't saved? Since we don't believe in purgatory, and therefore we don't pray for deceased people, what is an appropriate (but still loving) response in this situation? And how can we kindly correct those who make a well-meaning offer to pray for a dead loved one without being harsh? 2. 8:20 [Plato &amp; Christianity?] What does Plato have to do with Christianity? I recently read that Plato had as much influence on Christianity as the Bible. 3. 11:29 [Does Christianity impede critical thinking?] Is/was Christianity guilty of impeding critical thinking and exploring the mysteries of the cosmos and physics of the natural world? How would you advise a believer involved in both worlds? 4. 17:06 [Does God have a sense of humor?] Deep theological and philosophical question: Does God have a sense of humor? 5. 21:18 [Should I be rebaptized?] Are there biblical examples of people being baptized more than once? I was baptized LDS but don't consider it to be a legitimate baptism. I want to be rebaptized now that I found Christ. Is this ok? 6. 26:16 [About ‘gods’ of other religions] In Numbers 33:3-4, YHWH never denies other ‘gods.’ Are we then to understand gods of other religions (Allah, Zeus, etc.) as very much real ‘gods,’ albeit demons? 7. 32:00 [Does God really forget sins? Should we?] After forgiveness, all sin is wiped clean. Can a person then claim to have never taken part in certain sin in his past? If the Lord remembers our sin no more, why should we? 8. 35:17 [Is it biblical to mandate traditions?] The church I grew up in had extrabiblical "traditions" (women wear dresses, men are clean shaven, etc.), and justified this using Proverbs 22: 28 &amp; Matthew 18: 18. Is it biblical to mandate adherence to tradition? 9. 40:38 [Answering skeptics’ claims online] I've been trying to reach skeptics online, but they've told me belief in God is irrational and that I must believe rape &amp; torture are o.k. since I'm a Christian. They also call God evil, a murderer, and a megalomaniac, and say Christians are wasting their time believing in "fairytales." How should I respond to these claims, and how can I tell when a debate is not even going to be fruitful? 10. 45:35 [Should we pray against “spirits” of sins?] Is it Biblical to pray against spirits (e.g., the "spirit of" offense, laziness, depression, confusion, etc.)? What is a "Jezebel spirit," and is it real? 11. 51:15 [Perpetual virginity of Mary?] Did Mary remain a virgin? I've heard that the brothers of Jesus that are mentioned were actually his cousins, and that if she had other sons, John wouldn't have needed to care for her (John 19:26). 12. 58:16 [Defining persecution] Can you please define "persecution" and speak to whether these pastors imprisoned or being penalized for defying public health orders are in fact being persecuted? 13. 1:00:35 [Can secular songs be turned into worship?] What are your thoughts on using secular music as a form of worship music where half of the lyrics are secular words and the other half is supposedly Jesus’ words? 14. 1:02:34 [Do real Christians stop sinning?] Does 1 John 3:4-10 mean your aren’t a real Christian if you still struggle with sin? At face value that’s how it sounds, but then nobody would qualify for Grace - so I’m confused. 15. 1:11:30 [Why did God command death?] My 12 year old daughter asked me after reading Exodus 32: 28 “If God gives us free will to worship Him, why did He have Moses command the Levites to kill those 3,000 people who chose not to?” 16. 1:14:29 [Did God make individuals &amp; not just mankind?] Even though I know people (as a whole) were made by God, because God made Adam, how do I know that I/people (individually) are also made by God, especially when they are conceived out of sin? 17. 1:17:03 [How to rekindle passion for God] How would you counsel som
3/12/20211 hour, 26 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why Did Pastor Chuck Predict the Rapture?: The Mark Series pt 55 (13:28-30)

I've had a number of people asking me about when pastor Chuck Smith predicted the rapture. It's an uncomfortable topic for a Calvary Chapel pastor, which I am, and for someone who looks up to and deeply appreciates pastor Chuck, as I do. This is because Chuck Smith is the founder of Calvary Chapel and I can say that his ministry has had a big, positive impact in my own life. But I think we should talk about it for a few specific reasons. 1) It did happen. 2) It has not been publicly dealt with, to my knowledge. In fact, it appears as though it has been denied. 3) My own ministry has led many people to Calvary Chapels and I feel obligated to talk about this because it's a significant issue in our past and I owe it to those who are or will attend Calvary Chapel churches because of my influence. 4) It wasn't just mentioned in one message. Pastor Chuck predicted it in multiple books and over the course of years. 5) It's based on a misinterpretation of Scripture which is still common among pastors today. It just so happens that this passage of Scripture is the one we are covering today in our verse by verse study in the Gospel of Mark. 6) Many pastors, in my own movement as well as beyond, have gotten in the habit of playing fast and loose with predictions related to the rapture, the tribulation and the second coming and I think that if we look honestly about mistakes of the past we can be warned not to fall into the same mistakes in the future. And if my own understanding is correct, we can expect to see a great deal of reckless prophetic speculation in the years to come. We would do well to be prepared for it. I really should have mentioned that in Mark 11 the fig tree being cursed is thought by some to specially represent Israel. Here is my response to that. The fig tree there is used to make an example that relates to Israel or the Temple but I don’t think that’s because fig trees in general represent Israel (see my survey of its usage in the Old Testament from the video). Also, the context in Mark 13 shows Jesus is using the budding of the fig tree to refer to the two signs He mentions and not using fig trees in general as a representation of the nation Israel existing. In addition to this, the parallel passage in Luke shows that Jesus said “the fig tree and all the trees”. In other words, even if a fig tree might specially represent Israel in some cases it didn’t in this passage because all the trees aren’t fig trees. This is part 55 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 13:28-30. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
3/8/20211 hour, 5 minutes, 19 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 25)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:36 [Parable of the Dishonest Manager] What is the meaning of the Parable of the Dishonest Manager in Luke 16: 1-13? I was having a Bible study with a friend over Discord, and we're wondering about this. 2. 10:01 [Anxiety about the Rapture] Is it bad to hope that Jesus doesn’t come back until after I have died? Not knowing when the rapture will come (pre or post-trib) causes me anxiety. 3. 12:46 [Can Christians claim all biblical promises?] How do we respond to someone who says we can "claim" all the promises in the Bible for ourselves because we are "grafted into Israel" or because God is "no respecter of persons"? 4. 16:35 [Resources to guard against confirmation bias] I am afraid that I am just partaking in confirmation bias for theism, but I find that most atheistic arguments are just strawmen and ad-hominem attacks. Are there any good, thoughtful resources? 5. 23:42 [Premarital abstinence] I've been a follower of Christ for about 3 months now and my girlfriend of 2 years who I would say is "lukewarm" is hesitant to abstain. How should I handle this? 6. 26:08 [Golden chain of redemption – Romans 8] Can you give your interpretation of the "golden chain of redemption" in Romans 8: 29-30? 7. 29:53 [How is God glorified when a soul perishes?] Everything works together for God's glory, but I have a hard time reconciling that with the idea that God creates people that He knows are destined for Hell. Any thoughts? 8. 36:17 [Do different biblical interpretations make Scripture contradictory?] Given the multiple schools of thought on concepts like eschatology and Calvinism, and each school has Scripture to back up their contradicting views, does that make Scripture contradictory? 9. 41:28 [Advice for an atheist teen] Please give advice on what say to my 16 yr. old who has told me he is an atheist. He can barely defend his position. He has basically fallen victim to internet atheism, and he no longer wants to go to church. 10. 43:50 [Have I truly forgiven if I don’t feel it?] How do you know when you truly have forgiven someone in your heart? I can say the words but I’m unsure if my heart has changed. 11. 46:33 [Is Satan omniscient?] The Bible indicates that the mystery of God's plan for salvation was kept hidden for ages until after the resurrection. Could that mean Satan is omniscient, i.e. when Jesus had to rebuke Peter? 12. 50:30 [Matt. 10 &amp; Mark 13 written similarly] Why does Matthew 10: 16-24 have Olivet Discourse wording (same wording as Mark 13:9-13)? It does not seem to fit here/make sense &amp; this is NOT found in the parallel verses (Luke 9:1-6, Mark 6:7-13). 13. 52:56 [Is meditation style prayer o.k.?] I enjoy mindful meditation for mental health reasons and want to involve God in this, but I've heard this type of prayer is wrong. Why couldn’t I memorize a Psalm and repeat it in prayerful thought? 14. 55:21 [Intro to apologetics resources] What are some good sources to look at to start studying apologetics? 15. 57:50 [Can we allow extrabiblical sources to inspire us?] Is it sinful to be inspired by historical people in and outside of the Bible? Should I instead be exclusively inspired by the Holy Spirit who enabled believers or by the Father? 16. 1:00:21 [Caring for a grieving loved one] A loved one of mine (a believer) is going through a season of mental anguish. What are some practical ways that I can help and encourage them? 17. 1:02:37 [Disciples’ memory – Miracles in Mark 6 vs. Mark 8] How is it that when Jesus feeds the 4,000 in Mark 8, the disciples don’t seem to remember Him already doing the same thing in Mark 6 (the 5,000)? 18. 1:04:03 [Jesus’ death, burial, &amp; resurrection] If Jesus was beaten unrecognizably, how can we be sure they checked the right tomb? 19. 1:08:41 [How could Adam &amp; Eve know right from wrong?] If eating from the tree of knowledge is what gave Adam and Eve the knowledge of good vs. evil, how could they have been e
3/5/20211 hour, 16 minutes, 11 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 24)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:13 I'm a follower of Christ, and I have several major illnesses which makes me uninsurable, and I can’t afford a funeral plan. My family will likely cremate me, but I’m REALLY troubled about this. Can only buried bodies be resurrected? Will I miss out on eternal life and go to Hell if my body is cremated? When I asked a pastor nearby, he said cremation is Pagan and only burial is biblical. Is this true? 2. 8:10 How do you see God when you pray? My mind wants to envision a person. 3. 10:29 Is there a possibility that “Lady Wisdom” in Proverbs 8 is actually the Holy Spirit? Is there ever any definitively male or female pronouns used in the Hebrew or Greek to know? 4. 13:26 Romans 11: 25-32 seems to say that the Jewish people will turn back to Christ. Do you have any thoughts on that or see a connection between that and the rising number of Messianic Jews is Israel? 5. 18:59 I am a new Christian, formally LDS. Many LDS folk have been very active at challenging my new beliefs (the Trinity, etc.) I want to share the Gospel with them, but I recognize I'm still learning. Do new Christians have an obligation to defend our beliefs and evangelize, or is it o.k. to ask these challengers to give me space? 6. 22:02 If God is timeless, how could He have sequential thoughts, especially before time was created (e.g., His decision to make time and creation)? 7. 25:36 What are our "non-negotiables" as Christians? What doctrines do we unapologetically plant our flags on and refuse to back down from? 8. 32:33 To what extent do we expose works of darkness? (Ephesians 5:8-14) A family member who claims to be a Christian is openly selling food w vulgar text &amp; images and I found out she’s supplying alcohol to minors as well, through her business. The 1st part was bad enough, but I can’t stay silent anymore. She is already unhappy with me and another family member calling her out on behavior that endangered her child &amp; our family, but admitted at the time that she “should be a better Christian.” How do we handle this? 9. 34:12 Is the Paradise mentioned by Paul in his vision of being taken to the third Heaven, Jesus to the thief on the cross, and in the account of Lazarus the same place? 10. 37:11 How can God love the whole world while hating sinners like in Psalm 5:5? 11. 41:23 Any advice for a wife whose husband has admitted he is not as spiritually mature as the wife? She doesn’t want to lead *him,* but is more spiritually mature. 12. 44:07 If a born-again Christian dies suddenly with an unconfessed sin (not a lifestyle) like momentary lust or deceit, will this lead to Hell? Or does Christ's sacrifice cover all sins (past &amp; future)? 13. 49:05 Where are we when we are judged? On Earth, in Heaven, or somewhere in between? 14. 50:51 In Matthew 27, who are the people coming out of the tombs when Jesus rises? Did they continue earthly life and die again, or ascend too? 15. 54:22 How can I get close to God and overcome demons I have and oppression? 16. 57:31 My wife and I think we are called to move to Alaska for missions (to Remote Alaska). How can I know God is guiding us there? 17. 1:01:47 Would you please explain Matthew 10: 23? What is meant by “before the Son of Man comes”? Mark does NOT state this in his rendition of “Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles” (Mark 6:7-13). 18. 1:05:04 Have you ever read anything on the Eastern Orthodox view of the Holy Trinity called the Monarchy of the Father? If you have, do you have any thoughts? 19. 1:06:22 I think I'm getting diagnosed with Covert Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Proverbs 16:5 scares me. Am I unsavable? I want to be saved and truly converted, but fear is my motive. 20. 1:13:22 My heart has become hard due to continued rebellion which led to a problem trusting Christ and resting in Him. How do I know if I’m repentant when I’m not “sorry” anymore? I miss living near to Christ. Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you ge
2/26/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Will The Second Coming Look Like?: The Mark Series pt 54 (13:24-27)

This is part 54 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 13:24-27 Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
2/22/20211 hour, 12 minutes, 4 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 23)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 - Introduction 1. 0:38 The NT has a lot of examples of demons being very active, and Jesus &amp; the Apostles had to cast many demons out of people - there was a lot of activity and possession. But in the OT, demonic activity and possession is not talked about at all (or very, very rarely). I was wondering what happened to cause the change and huge increase…or why we rarely read about it in the OT but there are so many examples in the NT. 2. 9:32 How can Jesus be fully God and fully man if He died? How can God die? I can understand Him putting aside some of His divinity in order to die, but don’t we believe that He is both fully God and fully man? How can He be FULLY God at the crucifixion? 3. 13:44 Some pastors I respect live in in huge homes in gated communities. Their salaries are higher than about 90% of their church members. Do you find anything wrong with this? 4. 16:42 My sister has decided to make a vision board and was asking me to follow. I did a bit of research and it looks like it has ties with the New Age. Could you explain how Christians should deal with goals &amp; dreams? 5. 20:42 In Matthew and Mark, Jesus calls the first disciples before healing Peter’s mother in law and heals her by touch. In Luke, they're called after, and she’s healed by “rebuking the fever.” Is this significant? 6. 21:38 What's your view of 2 Timothy 2: 20-21 saying people can "cleanse themselves" &amp; using the same “honorable vs. dishonorable” wording as Romans 9? Does this refute the Calvinist view of “Total Depravity”? 7. 27:14 What should we do when confused on doctrine? I’ve seen your videos on Catholicism, but recently had a debate with a Catholic and feel so confused. My faith is shaken, and I don’t know what to believe. 8. 31:09 Any thoughts about the ecumenical movement? If my church is in it, should I get out of that church? In Finland, most churches have papers that you are officially in it. Is that biblical? 9. 34:15 If Jesus doesn't return until the Temple is rebuilt, how is the Temple rebuilt when the ark and its contents are gone? Perhaps I have a big misunderstanding of prophecy or the specs for the Temple. 10. 36:55 What happens to animals/insects when they die? 11. 39:31 Is there anything Christians should fear apart from God? 12. 41:41 Can you please comment on John 8: 30-38? Why was Jesus talking like this to those who believed Him? Would love to hear your insight! 13. 46:49 What does the Bible say about modesty in clothing? Are there certain parts of our body that we cannot show, or is it just a heart issue? If the uniform for a sport is a bikini, should we avoid that sport? 14. 51:18 Could you run through an explanation of the Armor of God in Ephesians? 15. 59:07 Does Psalm 121:6 literally mean that God can protect you from being sunburnt? I want to not wear sunblock but don’t want to ruin my skin if I’m wrong. 16. 1:01:44 Why do people go to Hell? Is it a penalty for sins, or for not believing in Jesus? Some say everyone's sins are forgiven, but that doesn't seem to square with Ephesians 5:5-6 and Colossians 3:5-6. 17. 1:04:44 In one of your past Q&amp;As, you shared your thoughts on “JESUS CALLING.” I was wondering if it’s okay for someone to get quiet and try to hear God and write it down just for themselves. Is that wrong? 18. 1:07:18 You mentioned in an earlier video that you do not believe one goes directly to Hell once dead. Can you elaborate on that? 19. 1:09:29 Given the fact that evolution occurs, is observable, and is supported by a vast body of scientific evidence, earning it the highest degree of scientific support, how do you interpret Genesis 1 &amp; 2? 20. 1:13:00 I have ADHD, and while looking for a Christian perspective on my condition I came across a website that calls mental illness a myth and attributes any abnormality in thinking to the influence of the devil and demonic spirits. It also says ADHD is a "behavioral problem" that happens because pa
2/19/20211 hour, 18 minutes, 5 seconds
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What Ravi Did and Where We Go From Here.

Lori Anne Thompson's full victim impact statement video - This is not a video I'm looking forward to. But this is why I'm doing it. 1) Ravi's victims need vindication. In particular, Lori Anne Thompson has been continually maligned and horribly treated because she brought TRUE accusations against Ravi. I believed the worst about her because of the comments from Ravi and the echoes of those comments from RZIM. This only made her a continual victim. We need to clear her name. 2) Ravi's sins have left a lot of open wounds that need tending. Both in the body of Christ and in RZIM. Believers need to be reminded of how to process all this as a follower of Christ, of how true Christ remains regardless of this tragedy and how to handle this situation so that we don't wrongly treat RZIM staff, Ravi's family or continue to make the error of ignoring red flags that may still lead to more discoveries. I've seen every kind of wrong response online already. I pray to God that I would have wisdom to help us all to have wisdom here. If you are reading this before I go live then please stop and pray for me as I prepare for this video. 3) Scripture commands us to openly deal with a leader who persists in sin, which is proven by evidence, by telling the local body so that other leaders can properly fear their own falling (1 Tim 5:19-20). Since Ravi was a leader in worldwide Christianity with personal character endorsements from countless other leaders this command can only be fulfilled by taking the truth as public as his endorsements were. 4) If we as the body of Christ do not deal with this issue openly then I feel that we implicate ourselves in some sort of complicity at this point. The witness of Christ in the world has been harmed by Ravi's sin and we do need to publicly deal with it. Due to my own place in ministry as a public figure I do feel compelled to speak on this. Like many of you I am angry and I'm sad. But we can't respond with conspiracy theories that deny the overwhelming evidence of persistent sin, abuse of power, abuse of ministry funds, abuse of women and how calculated and deliberate it all was. The facts are in, all that is left is to face them and try to respond in ways that honor Christ. To Ravi's family, I'm really sorry I am making a video about your father/husband/relative. It breaks my heart and I hate the idea of adding hurt to what you are going through. Please know that I don't mean you harm and I'm not on the bandwagon of heartless crowds. I am compelled that this must be done and I pray that you will find, in some way, some help in it as well. The PDF of the full Miller &amp; Martin investigative report on Ravi The board of RZIM's most recent statement (as of 2/15/2020) The timeline according to Brad and Lori - Christianity Today Spa Article World Magazine Spa Article Open Letter from Thompsons - 10-13-2020 My teaching explaining that all sin is NOT the same. My website
2/15/20211 hour, 49 minutes, 34 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 22)

0:00 - Introduction 1. 2:11 If Revelation was written after 70AD, why wouldn't John say anything about the destruction of Jerusalem? Wouldn't he write about a prophecy of Jesus that came true? Pretty big event to ignore. 2. 6:09 Do we have free will? If not, how does that affect God's sovereignty? If yes, how can we be punished for sins when we had no other option? 3. 13:11 As a conservative Christian, is it wrong to enjoy New Age music? I enjoy playing and listening to the relaxing piano music, but if it is connected to New Age, I do not want to disrespect the Lord. 4. 16:08 From a Christian perspective, do you have any advice on dealing with and overcoming the fear of death? I've been experiencing a lot of anxiety over my own death and the death(s) of my loved ones. 5. 21:01 How do you view the false prophecies of Trump winning? Pride? A lying spirit spreading the same false prophecy? Do we stop listening to all those who claimed this? 6. 26:50 In a futurist view of the end times, which current country do you think would best represent Babylon? 7. 28:27 What is your advice for a young adult who wants to start a ministry platform similar to yours, but who doesn’t have any formal training? I want other young adults to care about theology like I do. 8. 31:02 If God is omnipresent, would His presence also be in Hell? 9. 34:23 Can you help me understand why Paul would permit Timothy to drink wine for his sickness in 1 Timothy 5: 23 even though it seems that he was under the Nazarite vow? (Numbers 6:1-4) 10. 38:25 In Galatians 4: 27 who is "the desolate" referring to: Sarah or Hagar? My Bible study disagreed and I can see arguments for either one. 11. 43:13 Who can baptize? Can I baptize my kids? 12. 45:56 Why is it that big name Calvinists, in general, are super arrogant and ultimately unloving? And shouldn't this disqualify them from leadership and make them false teachers? 13. 48:11 Should I stop reading the devotional on my “Bible in one year” plan? It seems to be eisegetical and groups the Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms/Prov. daily reading under one common theme each day. 14. 49:05 Can it be argued that the authority and power Jesus gave to the 12/70 disciples in Luke 3: 15 and Luke 10:9 to heal the sick and to cast out demons is different from using our spiritual gifts? 15. 52:37 In Matthew 11: 22-24, Jesus says if Sodom saw and heard the miracles you have they would have repented. So why didn’t Jesus do those works in Sodom instead of destroy them? 16. 57:41 In your marriage videos, you referred to men as “knuckleheads” that weren't acting as the “head” in decision making. Is it permissible to actively consult with and make decisions with your wife, cooperatively? 17. 59:18 Am I a covenant breaker if I agreed to a divorce that I didn't want? My wife is divorcing me, and I told her we need to go to counseling first but she said she doesn't want to fix the marriage. 18. 1:01:11 Does the Bible teach that we can “feel Gods presence,” or is it just human emotion in response to our minds receiving biblical truths? 19. 1:05:26 What advice would you give to me who struggles with apathy in my spiritual life? 20. 1:07:11 Do we need to feel bad for our sin when we repent? Or is knowing it’s supposed to be wrong enough? My ex-girlfriend and I sinned and I feel bad about it, but she doesn’t. Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks! Helping you learn to think bi
2/12/20211 hour, 11 minutes, 16 seconds
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Jesus Said THIS Was The Sign to Watch For.. But What Does it Mean?: The Mark Series pt 53 (13:14-23)

I'm surveying different interpretations of "the abomination of desolation" and comparing them to the Scripture to see if they fit. If you want to see my teaching surveying 6 different end times perspectives then click here - Here’s my video on Daniel 9 And here’s one on Daniel 11, the most prophecy packed chapter of the Bible This is part 53 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 13:14-23 Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
2/8/20211 hour, 9 minutes, 42 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 21)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:53 Recently, I've seen several of your videos dealing with The Passion Translation, and the criticism seems very much on point. Clearly, Brian Simmons is a bit of a nut and I think you'd agree that religions can attract those types of people. So, why would you assume Paul, or the authors of Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John weren't also nutty? At the very least you should be skeptical of their writings. Further, there is no way to go back and do the sort of analysis of those authors, the way you can with Simmons. For example, the review you do of Simmons' lectures, as opposed to simply having his Passion Translation, is very effective in demonstrating just how nutty he is. Nothing even close to that is possible with the biblical authors. So why give them credence? 2. 9:05 If Moses was God's chosen one, why did God want to kill him in Exodus 4: 24? Also, what did Zipporah mean by "Surely a bloody husband art thou to me"? 3. 14:00 Can you help me understand the comparison/contrast between how the Holy Spirit comes upon vs. in someone? Is it correct that in the Old Testament, He came UPON someone (Exodus 29: 45 &amp; Ezekiel 37: 27) but not IN, and in the New Testament, He indwells believers? 4. 19:08 What are your thoughts on Kenneth Hagin's "The Authority of the Believer" and other Christian spiritual authority concepts? If none, would you consider looking into it? 5. 21:27 Are angels immortal? if not, does that mean demons might have a chance to defeat them or some in a war? I ask because sometimes I see paintings of angels vs demons. 6. 23:03 I was wondering, why are there times where Jesus tells people not to talk about Him? Some Verses: Matt. 8:4, 9: 30, 12: 16) 7. 26:05 If God’s will is always done in Heaven, was Satan’s rebellion God’s will? 8. 28:41 What are some ways God disciplines us as it’s said in Hebrews? How do we know if He is disciplining? Can He discipline through physical or psychological ailments? 9. 32:34 What does someone need to believe for you to consider them your brother or sister in Christ? 10. 35:13 Could you comment on Matthew 13: 44-45? Most people seem to feel that the merchant is a man and the pearl/treasure is Christ, but in context I seem to see the opposite. 11. 40:27 You were in American Gospel 2. What do you think of the final 10 minutes teaching God's whole purpose for everything is His own glory, and we're "merely" incidental to that? 12. 44:17 Does the integrity of our faith need Adam and Eve to be literal historical people? Some people say the account of Adam and Eve is a myth, or a story to teach us theological and moral truth. 13. 47:01 If God is good and perfect, how can He ever be jealous (Exodus 20:6) or angry (Exodus 34:6) since both jealousy and anger are sins of the flesh (Galatians 5: 20)? More Cat Cam! 14. 51:48 Can you explain how you understand John 20: 23? I’ve read several commentaries on this verse and still have difficulty rightly understanding it. 15. 55:02 How can I learn to see God as a loving Father? I’m afraid and sometimes I feel that God is indifferent and impatient with me. Am I gonna make it to heaven? 16. 59:40 Any books you recommend for those courting and preparing for marriage? If not, any advice? 17. 1:02:00 If someone passes away, is it wrong to pray for their salvation? This would not be “get them out of purgatory,” this would just be in a “God, you knew back then that I would pray this” sort of way. 18. 1:03:20 In your opinion, who are the “gods of Egypt” in Exodus 12? The options seem to be rulers, idols, demons, or actual gods. 19. 1:07:59 I shared your Passion Project with the Elders of my church. They thought it was nitpicking. How do I decide to leave? Long history with these people. Seem to be becoming hyper-charismatic. 20. 1:09:52 What boundaries (biblical separation) should a Christian establish with a professed believer who is now in a gay marriage? BONUS Q: 1:12:11 I am a new cat owne
2/5/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 17 seconds
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What's Wrong With "Progressive" Christianity

How could it end any other way. Step one: Take Scripture out of context. Step two: Absolutely demonize those who disagree, with highly emotional and extremely judgmental language. Step three: Summarize your unbiblical views with utter hypocrisy and plank-eyed judgment toward anyone who dares to hold to a biblical Christianity. Step four: Conclude that your views, which Jesus most certainly would not have agreed with, are righteous and loving while those who disagree are going to go to your version of hell (but do this while condemning others for thinking they are righteous and loving and that those who disagree are going to their version of hell). Step five: Ignore all those who would rationally analyze your view and compare it to biblical teaching and historical Christianity. Here's Alisa Childers's channel. I recommend subscribing because I see so much value in her content. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
2/5/202114 minutes, 23 seconds
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Have We Made Sin Too Big of a Deal?

It's hard to find a group of so many words directly from the Bible being used to mean the exact opposite of what the Bible means. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
2/4/20213 minutes, 59 seconds
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I Changed My Mind About The Bible and Alcohol

I actually had a hard time coming around on this topic but, in the end, the Bible constrained me to change my view on alcohol. The difference between me and the progressives we are responding to is that my mind was changed by the Bible and I get the impression that they would believe whatever they want whether the Bible said it or not. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
2/3/20212 minutes, 33 seconds
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Christians Have Probably Overreacted to Smoking.

I'm hoping to offer some balance and wisdom on this issue. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
2/2/20213 minutes, 56 seconds
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They Tell Me God Didn't Want Jesus' Sacrifice. Here's My Response.

If you are around progressive thinkers and teachers much you will probably have heard them say, "God didn't demand a sacrifice, we did!" The problem with this quotable and heartwarming phrase is that it's terribly unbiblical and would have been rejected by Jesus and all the apostles. As it should be by us. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
2/1/20214 minutes, 41 seconds
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Different Christian Views of Revelation Explained

0:00 Introduction &amp; Overview 1. 4:09 Post Millennial/Preterist 2. 39:40 Hyper-Preterist 3. 45:11 Dispensational Pre-Millennial/Futurist 4. 1:05:17 Progressive Dispensational Pre-Millennial/Futurist 5. 1:16:02 Amillennial/Idealist 6. 1:29:28 Historicist I'll be teaching you the beliefs of premillennial, postmillennial, and amillennial views as well understanding their VERY different interpretations of the Book of Revelation. We'll cover preterist, hyper-preterist, 2 futurist views and idealist views of Revelation. I'm Mike Winger and my passion is helping people learn to think biblically about everything because the Bible is more brilliant, beautiful and life-changing than the world knows.
2/1/20211 hour, 39 minutes
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Are Different Religions Just Ways of Pronouncing God's Name?

It starts to feel like they aren't making any effort at all to understand biblical Christianity. Instead there are just a series of shallow misrepresentations that help to try to justify unbiblical beliefs. Don't fall for it. This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/31/20214 minutes, 36 seconds
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How They Misrepresent the God I Love

Please notice that the heart of progressive Christian distortions of Christianity is NOT a careful interpretation of the Bible but emotion-filled shaming. This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/30/20215 minutes, 46 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 20)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 2:49 What led to the “charismatic conundrum” of 2020 where large numbers of false prophecies were being given by seemingly well-respected &amp; well-known teachers online? 2. 9:13 I'm writing a book with a Native American friend and I want to help him come to Christ. He is respectful of Christianity, but terrible things have been done to him and his family by people professing to be Christians (his aunt was beaten to death by a Catholic nun just to prove she had the authority). I want to share the Gospel with him in a way that is accurate, but at the same time, sensitive to what his people have endured. Any advice? 3. 13:19 Matthew 19: 12 talks about eunuchs from birth. Does that include intersex people? It seems to advise that eunuchs should not marry and should just serve God. Is that right? 4. 20:52 Is Ruth 4:5-6 typologically connected with Galatians 3: 23-25, where Boaz replaces the guardian-redeemer to redeem Ruth, Christ takes the place of the law to redeem the Church? 5. 25:08 I have a Japanese friend who believes in a false Japanese religion, mainly because when she sprained her ankle, her mom prayed over it and the Dr. said it was healed. How can I effectively share that her religion is false, after she experienced this convincing miracle? 6. 29:39 Can you please comment on the Book of Life and how one is written into it or blotted out from it? 7. 32:15 Is there biblical basis for a Christian being able to “release healing” into the atmosphere? I hear this quite a bit at my church, and I’m uneasy with it for some reason. 8. 36:26 What is the leaven of Herod? It seemed Herod was intrigued by John, even though John was against his unlawful marriage, and Herod did what people thought instead of God's law. 9. 39:44 As a youth leader, my students share these New Age things they learn to do on TikTok, and 1 of them sounds like Astral Projection. How do we talk about this with them without sounding crazy? 10. 41:52 Why should we care about false doctrine/teaching like the prosperity gospel or the word of faith movement? Does believing in such compromise one’s salvation? If not, why care at all? 11. 44:35 In Romans 8: 34, why is Jesus still interceding for the elect since they are already saved? 12. 47:44 Do you believe Solomon was saved seeing as he died worshiping false gods? 13. 48:55 I preach with a stutter, and sometimes it can be very discouraging! I know God uses it still, but do you have any advice for me, both practical and biblical? It tends to be worse when I'm nervous or tense. 14. 52:18 If you could visit any one moment in both the Old and New Testaments, what would it be, and how do you know when you’re ready to disciple others? 15. 54:58 Could you clarify the difference between forgiveness and salvation? 16. 56:27 How would someone test a prophecy until it had or haven't come to pass? Including you for all of the Trump prophecies? 17. 58:42 I constantly sin. I have prayed, struggled, and fought to stay on the narrow path. I can't seem to stop sinning. The guilt is still there but there is no change. Can a heart be too cold to change? 18. 1:02:48 In Hosea, God sends a message through Hosea and the names of his children. His family has to live with their children named things like "not loved" (Hosea 1:6). Does Hosea deserve this?! Is this a type of Christ, bearing others’ burdens? Is there more beyond the simple meaning of "Your child will be given a horrible name to get the attention of Israel"? 19. 1:05:40 What to do when tempted with lust online? I watch it to deal with stress &amp; struggled to stop this week without it. I repent &amp; believe the gospel, but I feel like my house is built on sand. 20. 1:08:25 I'm a biblical studies major with an end goal of being an online youth pastor. Do you have any advice about interpreting the Scriptures faithfully for the next generation? Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered i
1/29/20211 hour, 13 minutes, 51 seconds
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Are We Guilty of Worshipping the Bible?

You know they have no real argument when they accuse you of worshipping the Bible. Take it as a compliment. This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/29/20215 minutes, 1 second
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They Want Me to Pick Between Jesus and the Bible

Today's video is really important to me. I think this tactic of having a distorted version of Jesus and using him to reject and reinterpret the Bible is a rising trend in progressive circles. I hope this short response will help those who have become confused by this tactic. I don't want us to replace the true Christ with a Christ fashioned after ourselves. This sort of thing promises that it will make Christianity more likeable but it ends up fundamentally changing Christian truth. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/28/20215 minutes, 17 seconds
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DON'T Interpret The Bible Like This

If we are going to think biblically then we need to do better. This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/27/20217 minutes, 52 seconds
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Will People Be Punished for Picking the Wrong Religion?

This is the sort of funny and depressing caricature I've come to expect nowadays. I hope my answer helps. This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/26/20212 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hell's Not Real. Duh.

Behind all of these various claims from this progressive Christian is the idea that you can reinvent Christianity however you like with no accountability to a consistent view of Scripture or Jesus. In today's case there seems to be a very odd reference (seemingly out of context or just made up) to a former pope in the place of quoting scripture. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/25/20215 minutes, 2 seconds
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The True Meaning of Jesus Washing The Disciples' Feet

This is one of my favorite Bible passages. I still remember when I was reading it and trying to figure out what sort of special meaning there was behind the actions of Jesus, and it hit me. I'm excited to get to share it with you. I'm not the first to discover this but it sure is a wonderful discovery! Today's study is from John 13, where Jesus humbles himself and washes the disciples' feet. I'm Mike Winger and my passion is helping people learn to think biblically about everything because the Bible is more brilliant, beautiful and life-changing than the world knows.
1/25/202143 minutes, 49 seconds
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"Jesus Didn't Die to Satisfy God's Wrath But To Satisfy Yours"

It seems to me that what they hate is God's righteous judgment. I'm very sad to say it but since they are hating it in the name of Christianity someone needs to say it. Please don't let the emotional language of progressives confuse you on this issue. I'm including a link to my series explaining and defending Penal Substitutionary Atonement here just in case someone needs it. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/24/20214 minutes, 41 seconds
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Are Christians Saved by a “Magical Sinner's Prayer”?

This is just weird. Are people in trouble merely for picking the wrong religion? Are they saved by magical magicky prayers? Here's my response. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/23/20213 minutes, 35 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 19)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference : 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:32 Since the Bible says we can "lift holy hands" up to the Lord, and this is due to the imputed righteousness of Christ and not our own, can you explain David's words in Psalm 18: 20-24? 2. 8:12 What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? As someone who has studied the Bible &amp; believes the story of Adam &amp; Eve, I want to learn more about the timeline. How are there fossils? 3. 16:10 I saw your video explaining that babies go to Heaven and I agree with you. Does this apply to people with severe dementia (so they can't repent) because they had a clear mind before? 4. 17:38 How do you respond to people who say that religion is just a way to control society (perhaps even in a good way) and that it just psychologically helps people not to fear death? 5. 22:18 Do you think Matthew 23:8-12 means that we shouldn’t use ministry titles? Elders (1 Timothy 3) and Pastors (Ephesians 4) seem to be roles and gifts rather than titles. 6. 28:47 Trying to wrap my head around why God would create people that He knew would not choose Him. What are your thoughts? 7. 31:59 Any advice on how to humbly share Jesus with loved ones who are facing struggle? I find that most people are defiant or see you as a Bible thumper on a high horse, even some believers. 8. 34:59 I’m a teen and got saved in March. I haven’t read the entire Bible yet. How can I protect against false doctrines and test them when I haven’t read the entire Bible? 9. 37:09 In your view, what is the fate of the Devil? Romans 16: 20 uses a verb (“crush”) that is common in warfare contexts, suggesting destruction. See also Hebrews 2: 14. How does this all work with 1 Corinthians 15: 24-28? 10. 40:37 I constantly hear the cliché, “God is in control.” Is it anything more than a meaningless platitude? It seems to me theologically sloppy, and implies divine determinism, which I reject. 11. 42:34 What are your thoughts on "Generational Curses"? Can believers be "cursed" by the actions of a parent or grandparent, or by having Native American blood? 12. 46:35 How do you know a vision given with eyes open while you're very lucid, is from the Holy Spirit and not your actual subconscious? 13. 48:19 Is it biblical to pronounce a blessing on someone? E.g. with words like "I bless you..."? I can sense a good wish but also looking down on someone (Hebrews 7:7). 14. 51:00 Why is Jesus called “everlasting Father” in Isaiah if He’s not the Father according to Trinitarian explanation? 15. 53:25 Is it possible that the current trend and level of awful political prophecies is actually setting up the Antichrist rather nicely to come and “save” the world? Will he be a progressive? 16. 57:33 I recently joined a ministry that goes into strip clubs to spend time with the women in the clubs. I've gotten backlash from my family and I’m just curious if in your opinion it is Biblical. 17. 59:32 I joined a prayer group at my church. This prayer group is discussing and praying for unbiblical things, and using a concerning “devotional” (Jesus Calling). What should I do? 18. 1:01:14 Why did Paul warn the Corinthians about "another Jesus" in 2 Corinthians 11:4? How is that relevant for us today, in light of John 17:3? 19. 1:05:21 My family is “oneness” and wanted me to get baptized their way forever. I was baptized at my trinitarian church and didn't tell them, to avoid disputes, but should I have been bold in my faith (from a teen)? 20. 1:08:06 Is there Biblical evidence for ghosts? Maybe not if a soul can only go to Heaven or Hell? Have those who believe they've seen ghosts actually seen demons? Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking
1/23/20211 hour, 14 minutes, 55 seconds
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Wrath and Hell Are Just Metaphors?!

You can't just take whatever you don't like and call it a metaphor for a metaphor. At least not if you want to have intellectual integrity in your religious beliefs. I think the reason progressives redefine words is because they want the appearance of Christianity but without it's meaning. The claim of being Christian without the burden of following the teachings of Christ. Changing the meanings of words is sadly just a rejection of Christian teachings. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro This clip is from a recent interview I did on Alisa Childers' channel. I took that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/22/202110 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Dogmatic and Heartbreaking Politics of "Progressive Christianity"

With their first quote you'd think they aren't dogmatic at all. That they are open to people having their own convictions. But the second quote shows this is all just part of "abortion in the name of Christ". It's tragic. Christians don't have to be republican but the issue of abortion is one where justice, love and the protection of the innocent compels us to stand pro-life. Abortion is one of the clearest social justice issues of our time. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro I was recently interviewed by Alisa Childers and I've taken that interview and broken it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/21/20215 minutes, 12 seconds
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It Depends on What You Mean by "Gay"

Today we deal with claim #2, "It's not a sin to be gay." I hope I can help us to think a bit more deeply about this. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro I was recently interviewed by Alisa Childers and I've taken that interview and broke it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. Here's a link where you can see every video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/20/20214 minutes, 16 seconds
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I'm Answering Progressive Christian Memes with Alisa Childers

I was recently interviewed by Alisa Childers and I've taken that interview and broken it down into topical videos dealing with the 23 different claims made by the "progressive Christian" Ragamuffin TV. You'll see a new video EVERY DAY until the whole series is uploaded. 0:00 intro 0:18 to SKIP intro Today's meme is about whether it is a sin to cuss or not. But because this is the first video in the series we will take some time to explain what this is about. I'd like to add that I know there are plenty of believers who disagree with me on this issue. I consider them my brothers and sister and I'm open to changing my mind but I have yet to hear an intelligent and biblical case that cussing is generally permissible Here's a link where you can see EVERY video in this series (as they go up) Here are the links to the long form interviews which are on Alisa's channel Part 1 Part 2
1/19/20216 minutes, 18 seconds
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Pandemics and Earthquakes Are NOT Signs: The Mark Series pt 52 (13:1-13)

I still remember when I first started to realize that we had completely misused the words of Jesus. It took a while to be able to confront the fact that the teachers I had been so blessed by had actually reversed the meaning Jesus intended when He spoke these words. I hope that I can encourage us today to have humility and greater accuracy when dealing with end times prophecy and how current events might play in to God's end times plans. Humility itself can save us from a lot of errors and lessen the harm caused even when we do fall into error. In short, today's study shows how many of the things people often appeal to as indicators that the second coming is soon are actually not indicators at all. Earthquakes, wars, famines and pandemics included. This is part 52 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 13:1-13 Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
1/18/20211 hour, 53 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 18)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction - Allow me to deflate myself. 1. 5:16 What are your thoughts about Hillsong? Are they a progressive Christian church? Is their theology sound? 2. 13:48 Is it o.k. for Christians have icons in their home? 3. 19:06 Did the apostles speak a language everyone understood in Acts 2, or did each one speak one of the foreign languages? Any thoughts? Also, why exactly did some people mock them? 4. 25:06 Can you tell me your thoughts/insights about “missionary” Spencer Smith? He’s a fundamental Southern Baptist whose ministry seems more a witch hunt than the Gospel. 5. 26:48 Can a spiritual gift be taught? I am of the mind that no spiritual gift can be taught simply because a gift is, by definition, free to the recipient. The gift costs nothing. 6. 30:47 I am struggling to find a good response to Leviticus 25: 44-46 in terms of the Bible endorsing slavery. What are your thoughts on this passage? 7. 41:37 What does it mean for believers to be "one in us" (the Father and the Son) in the same way that they are in each other? John 17: 21 has me confused. 8. 46:26 I've heard my grandma say that sometimes she doesn't pray out loud so that the devil can't hear her, because "the devil can't know our thoughts.” Is there biblical basis for this? 9. 48:32 If God is the potter and I'm the clay, am I responsible for my own life, or not? Is it up to me to make something of myself, or is it my job simply to trust and obey God (and His will for my life)? 10. 51:12 Which “form” does Jesus have in Heaven: a human one, or a shapeless one? I am having a hard time picturing Him in my prayers. 11. 53:24 How do we know that the long book of Jeremiah which we use today is the right one (instead of Jeremiah in the Septuagint which is much shorter)? 12. 55:14 Can you explain Matthew 25: 14? What are the “bags of silver”? Are they the same as in 1 Corinthians 3: 12 (gold, silver, etc.)? 13. 57:46 What’re your thoughts on Christian Rock/Metal? Is it difficult (or even impossible) to honor God and spread the Gospel using genres often expressing dangerous messages and imagery? 14. 1:00:18 How do you respond to someone who demands you give a chapter and verse from the Bible to support any claim you make regarding things that tend to be more nuanced or situation specific. 15. 1:01:36 Is it biblical to anoint your home with oil that you’ve prayed over to combat spiritual warfare? 16. 1:03:33 I was baptized as an infant in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, but got saved a little over a year ago. Should I get baptized again? 17. 1:05:06 Hosea 8:4 vs. Romans 13:1? My county hasn’t allowed more than 2 households together in months. I want to be subject, but I wouldn't consider this a "godly" law as He taught hospitality. Thoughts? 18. 1:10:13 I've heard Mormons equate Paul's conversion experience with Joseph Smith's in order to justify Mormonism. From an apologetics standpoint, why is Paul's conversion story credible? 19. 1:12:59 On the subject of divorce, can the offending spouse remarry after trying to reconcile? Or is remarriage only available for the offended? What if the offense is sexually immoral to some, but not to others? 20. 1:15:04 Is imputed righteousness biblical? I find Evangelical Christians will say “the blood covers my sins,” but the Bible says we have to turn from wickedness. 21. 1:18:01 (Bonus Q!) Can you please give your thoughts on the New Century Version, The Amplified Version, and the Contemporary English Version of the Bible? I heard your video on translations, but these were not mentioned. I use the ESV and NLT mainly, but I like to use others from time to time, too. Here’s the video I did going through a variety of passages related to slavery Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we
1/15/20211 hour, 24 minutes, 2 seconds
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Dr. Craig Blomberg Reviews The Passion Translation Book of 1 Corinthians

Open description for time stamps. I've hired a number of scholars to review Brian Simmons' seriously flawed Bible version. This is my "Passion Project". Today's video features Dr. Craig Blomberg and his thoughts after reviewing the book of 1 Corinthians in The Passion Translation. Scroll down for links to Dr. Blomberg's paper. This same link will have ALL the reviews and papers as they are published. You should see a total of 5 uploaded by the beginning of January. After that I will need to wait a while for more scholars to finish their papers and do interviews. I hope to have it all done in the next few months. What's was my goal with this? I want the people of Christ to know the truth about this "translation" so that they can love what God has said without Brian Simmons altering it in unjustified ways. However, in the course of researching for this project I've uncovered some other very concerning things about Brian Simmons' teachings including false prophecy and various extreme claims regarding his own spiritual experiences. I'll be sharing some of this in future videos as well since I have realized that he is not just styling himself as a Bible translator but as an inspired Bible interpreter who is going to release a last days transformation in the people of God so that "everything that can be said about Jesus can be said about you". Yeah, it's weird. LINK to all interviews AND papers as they are uploaded. Dr. Blomberg’s book – Can We Trust The Bible? For even MORE content on TPT here is a playlist of my own research into this translation. I think it’s even worse than many of the scholars have said, but that’s not because of a failure on their part. They restricted themselves to reviewing the translation text of a single book each, and only glancing at the footnotes, whereas I looked at the work as a whole and found various other issues of concern including misleading statements from Brian about his own experience as a translator for the Paya Kuna Bible, his degree of education and even stunningly false prophecies he has given. My website *These timestamps will work after the video has premiered. 0:00 Intro 0:17 Why this video is important: Brian Simmons wild claims. 1:55 What my Passion Project is. 2:35 Who is Dr. Blomberg and why is he reviewing TPT? 4:52 Dr. Blomberg's attitude toward paraphrases. 6:41 Dr. Blomberg is not driven by bias against TPT but by credible concerns. 7:51 Is TPT misleading people when it calls itself a "translation"? 9:27 A great example of why TPT isn't a translation. 10:07 The "glaring, recurring error" in TPT's footnotes (the "Aramaic"). 12:38 This is REALLY bad. Brian Simmons is deceiving people about what "all the scholars" think. 17:37 Simmons' knowingly misuses Mike Bird's scholarship even after Dr. Bird rebuked the misuse. 19:42 Brian Simmons claims that his FOOTNOTES in TPT are the result of God's inspiration. 23:50 Why we should reject Simmons' claims. 24:53 Why the "lack of italics" in TPT is deceiving people. 27:29 1 Cor 1 vv. 11-12 that show TPT is inconsistent with italics. 30:38 How Simmons messes up the "gender role" passage in 1 Corinthians. 35:07 Simmons has an axe to grind on the topic of women which he seems to be wrongly forcing into his translation of the Bible. 38:48 The one place where Simmons translation seems complementarian. 43:26 What attracts people to The Passion Translation? 45:03 Examples of Simmons adding "passion" to the Bible where he shouldn't. 46:08 TPT is named after and angel that Brian saw, according to Brian Simmons. 46:38 How Brian represents TPT as if it's a quality work without bias. 47:42 But Brian sometimes admits his translation is very much a sectarian work. 52:03 Simmons "reverses Paul's meaning" in 1 Cor 10 v. 13. 5
1/13/20211 hour, 39 minutes, 58 seconds
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It's Sad That We Still Fall For This: The Mark Series pt 51 (12:38-44)

Fakery, false spirituality and money-grubbing is a multi-million dollar industry. But it's not new. Jesus warned us about these issues in the first century and they just keep coming up again and again. But I don't think we would be wise to limit this warning to an issue that we see in some leaders. We should take seriously the fact that humans seem to have a natural drift from authentic spirituality to impersonated spirituality. From genuine character and godliness to laboring at the appearance of character and godliness. This is something that leaders will probably be tempted with the most but any one of us can fall into. God give us wisdom! This is part 51 of the Mark Series, going verse by verse through the Gospel of Mark. Today we are in chapter 12:38-44 Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
1/11/20211 hour, 25 minutes, 38 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 17)

Open for timestamps to each question (I did 25 of them today). My teaching on the fate of those who die without ever hearing the gospel. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 1:56 When reading and studying the Bible, when is a good time to refer to a second translation to clarify what I’m reading? 2. 5:22 How do we reach a fellow believer who is not only believing in the lies but siding with them in the MSM when it comes to politics (i.e. Trump) or about any conservative viewpoint? 3. 9:11 How can we look at Psalm 37: 4 without falling into a WOF trap? 4. 15:27 Can a Christian work in the CIA, NSA, etc. when lying and deception is part of the job? You lie to enemies, other times you lie to your family, ex: saying you work for State dept. to maintain cover. 5. 20:47 Over the past year, my wife has gained a lot of weight. She’s been wanting to have more intimacy, but lately I don’t feel any sexual desire or lust toward her. Is sexual deprivation toward a spouse a sin? 6. 27:28 Mike, any comments for Christians? US Congress convened in the name of the Hindu god Brahma, and all the other monotheistic Gods called by other names. Then they said, Amen, Awoman… Idolatry? 7. 30:50 How can my relationship with God grow even more? I have felt so many times that I am “not there yet” or as if the fire I used to have is gone and something is wrong between me and God. 8. 33:51 The Epistle of Jude cites Enoch and the Testament of Moses. How do we know this letter isn't a fabrication of sorts like from Gnostic sects, and was snuck in during the council that established the NT? 9. 36:26 Please recommend reading for marriage counseling. Christian counselors say too submissive = codependent; biblical counselors say if you're submissive enough your spouse will repent (about 1 peter 3:1). 10. 43:39 What happens to all of the people who lived and died before Jesus was born? How will they be judged and saved? 11. 46:00 I am an ex-Catholic still doing a daily Rosary. I understand the theological problems. Can you suggest a replacement daily devotional? 12. 51:46 Does Hebrews 2: 17 "like them in every respect" indicate that Jesus had the same human nature as we do in every way? If so, can we conclude that we, like him, are born with an innocent human nature? 13. 54:32 Christians are using John 16: 13 to qualify a wide variety of claims, believing that the Holy Spirit led them to particular beliefs or practices. To what extent does this apply to a Christian today? 14. 58:47 I watched the conscience video and Romans 14: 23 confuses me. My conscience is so weak at the moment that I doubt just about everything…basic things. Should I obey my anxious inklings every time? 15. 1:02:37 What are your thoughts about going to church during a pandemic? 16. 1:03:50 In Judges 20: 18, why did God appear to deceive Israel and Judah as they sought His help in bringing justice on the tribe of Benjamin? They lost 40,000 people before He actually helped them. 17. 1:10:53 If the man in the Gospel of Mark was born blind, how did he even know what trees look like? This troubles me a bit. 18. 1:12:32 Do we have extrabiblical evidence for the earthquake &amp; darkness that took place at the time of the crucifixion? 19. 1:13:21 In the U.K., COVID-19 laws are getting stricter. As Christians, are we obligated to follow these rules even we think some of them are pointless and could put a strain on relationships? 20. 1:15:19 What are your thoughts on baptizing children? my 8-year-old has made a profession of faith that we feel is genuine. Should we wait until he is older, say 12 or 13? 21. 1:18:10 Have you reached out to Dr. Michael Brown to discuss TPT? I believe he endorsed it. I've been loving the passion project by the way! 22. 1:19:07 Are re-baptisms biblical? 23. 1:21:02 What do I do if I have to be around someone who is easily angered and I have to walk on eggshells? 24. 1:22:40 I recently started posting Christian Yo
1/9/20211 hour, 29 minutes, 6 seconds
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What Dr. Douglas Moo Thinks About Romans in The Passion Translation

Open description for time stamps. Welcome to my Passion Project! Where real scholars test the wild claims of Brian Simmons about his new Bible, The Passion Translation, so that YOU can know what’s really going on with this suddenly popular new Bible version. Today's video features Dr. Douglas Moo and his thoughts after reviewing the book of Romans. Dr. Moo has invested much of his scholarly life on the book of Romans and I am so excited to have such an expert weigh in on The Passion Translation. There's a link below to where I will put ALL the reviews and papers as they are published. You should see a total of 5 uploaded by mid-January. After that I will need to wait a while for more scholars to finish their papers and do interviews. I hope to have it all done in the next few months. What's was my goal with this? I want the people of Christ to know the truth about this "translation" so that they can love what God has said without Brian Simmons altering it in unjustified ways. However, in the course of researching for this project I've uncovered some other very concerning things about Brian Simmons' teachings including false prophecy and various extreme claims regarding his own spiritual experiences. I'll be sharing some of this in future videos as well since I have realized that he is not just styling himself as a Bible translator but as an inspired Bible interpreter who is going to release a last days transformation in the people of God so that "everything that can be said about Jesus can be said about you". Yeah, it's weird. Stay tuned to my channel for more info on this in the coming weeks. LINK to all interviews AND papers as they are uploaded. If you are interested in Dr. Moo's books and commentary they can be found here. He's a brilliant and highly accomplished scholar and has a lot of interesting insights, especially on the letters of Paul. My website *These time stamps will begin working after the premiere has aired. 0:00 Brian Simmons says God "increased the capacity" of his brain. 0:26 Brian says God gave him secrets of Hebrew and Greek. 1:03 What is "My Passion Project" 1:16 What today's video is about. 2:46 Brian says God gave him extra special help from an angel to do the book of Romans. 3:25 Who is Dr. Douglas Moo and why did he review Romans in TPT? 5:13 What positive things does Dr. Moo have to say about TPT's rendering of Romans? 6:34 How TPT has a "confusing translation philosophy". 9:39 TPT adds stuff to the Bible. Examples given. 12:12 Brian Simmons presents himself as a spiritual guru. 13:34 Shocking claims in TPT commercial from Sid Roth's show. 14:29 The suspicious nature of a one-man translation. 16:00 Brian Simmons' wild claims about inspiration from God. 17:44 A CENTRAL issue showing TPT can't be trusted; "the Aramaic." 20:10 Brain is making stuff up and pretending it is "scholarship". 23:51 Simmons uses "false appeal to etymology" in TPT (a lot). 25:55 Testing one of Brian Simmons "secrets of Hebrew", Homonyms. 29:56 Brian Simmons claims he is a linguist but makes basic linguistic errors. 30:44 Example of "questionable interpretations" in Romans in TPT. 32:38 Footnotes in the TPT that Brian claims are from God are sometimes "frankly nonsense." 35:33 Does TPT look like it was reviewed by scholars as most translations are. 38:23 Dr. Moo views "translation" and "paraphrase" differently than others I have interviewed. 39:34 TPT says that it "reclaims lost Aramaic texts," what does Dr. Moo think about that? 41:20 The TPT web site claims it is "an excellent translation you can use as your primary text to seriously study God's word," Dr. Moo responds. 41:59 Dr. Moo responds to the Bill Johnson quote. 43:27 Is TPT misleading people in it's promotional material? 44:51 What would Dr. Moo say to someone who loves TPT? 45:43 Did God grow Bria
1/6/202152 minutes, 24 seconds
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Letting Jesus Settle Our Theological Debates: The Mark Series pt 50 (12:35-37)

What's super interesting to me about what Jesus says here is that, in one short passage He covers the nature of the inspiration and authorship of the Bible, how messianic hermeneutics functions, and the identity of the Messiah as greater than they had known. In a couple sentences he gives us so much clarity and tools for our own understanding and interpretation of the Bible. And also shows some clever behavior in asking His own question to finally trump the numerous trick questions of the opposition. Showing superior knowledge of God, Messiah and the Scripture. Jesus is awesome! Here’s that video on Melchizedek and how he represents Christ. Feel free to use my videos in your own gatherings as an aid to studying Scripture. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here.
1/4/202157 minutes, 44 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 16)

Open video description for time stamps. Here's the video I mentioned which explains the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:29 What are your upcoming plans and/or announcements for this coming year? 2. 12:04 You seemed to imply in a previous video that the dead can be aware of what happens on Earth. How do you reconcile that with Ecclesiastes 9:5, which says "the dead know nothing"? 3. 16:00 In Genesis 4, what is your take on why God was not pleased with Cain’s sacrifice? The text says he was a worker of the ground, and Abel was a cattle owner, so wouldn’t it make sense that Cain would give grain and Abel would give meat, since those were just their individual professions? 4. 21:02 If soul sleep isn't a thing, people who have been resurrected are essentially being snatched out of Paradise or Hell and put back into a body. Why would that be? 5. 23:34 Scripture is clear that we are sinful, but do Christians sin every second, minute, and hour? ~(Bonus Q) 26:51 I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and baptized as a kid, but not in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How do I know what church to choose now, and who should baptize me? I’m afraid of being misled. 6. 30:57 In your video on Mark 11: 22-25 you talked about how important the Temple was for the Jews in regard to prayer. But didn't God hear the prayers of believers like Daniel without a temple? 7. 33:35 The other day my friend/future roommate, a Christian, told me he has pursued a gay lifestyle since March. Any advice on points to hit when he and I are able to talk again? 8. 37:28 Is it sinful to not want to marry? How do I know if I'm called to stay single? 9. 39:22 A lot of people like "happy church" where everything is "positive.” Thus, positivity and negativity become moral categories. What are the dangers of this approach? 10. 43:20 Who was the most notable old testament leader in your mind, and why? I am doing a study on biblical leadership and would love your response. 11. 44:10 Do you have any suggestions for someone who procrastinates on deeply studying the scriptures in fear of messing up? I want to study theological topics like eschatology, but fear I'll do it wrong. 12. 46:15 I have 100 Qs, but could you pray for me? I'm anxious about my salvation and fear often that I've blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Also, how can we be praying for you and your wife? 13. 49:15 If we can’t “lean on our own understanding” or trust in man or a group and there are many ways to interpret the Bible, how do we know whether we are following our heart or conscience? 14. 56:05 Does God actually love us unconditionally? Does He still love the people whose conscience He intentionally hardens, those who blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and those who go to Hell? 15. 59:05 Ehrman says the word for “born again” in Aramaic doesn’t have the double meaning it has in Greek, thus the conversation couldn't have gone the way it is referred to in John 3. What is the solution? 16. 1:03:12 What practices in a party/wedding should be different for Christians vs. non-believers? Or what should one not practice as a Christian…drinking? Dancing? 17. 1:05:56 Do you think the apostles taught the doctrine of imminence? Could it have been possible for someone like Peter who knew he was going to die according to Jesus’ words? Can we believe it today? 18. 1:08:23 1 Corinthians 11: 10 states that the husband has authority over his wife, and Ephesians 5: 23 states the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church. Since Christ disciplines the Church, is there biblical grounds for wife discipline, and to what extend can a husband enforce his authority? 19. 1:13:20 How literally should we take what is said about Hell? Is it a literal place of fire, gnashing of teeth, etc., or is it metaphor? Is either interpretation wrong? 20. 1:14:37 My kids (2 &amp; 4) received children's books on evolution from a family
1/1/20211 hour, 17 minutes, 58 seconds
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What Dr. Darrell Bock Thinks About Ephesians in The Passion Translation

Open description for time stamps. Welcome to my Passion Project! Where real scholars test the wild claims of Brian Simmons about his new Bible, The Passion Translation, so that YOU can know what’s really going on with this suddenly popular new Bible version. Today's video features Dr. Darrell Bock and his thoughts after reviewing the book of Ephesians. Scroll down for links to Dr. Bock's paper. This same link will have ALL the reviews and papers as they are published. You should see a total of 5 uploaded by mid way through January. After that I will need to wait a while for more scholars to finish their papers and do interviews. I hope to have it all done in the next few months. What was my goal with this? I want the people of Christ to know the truth about this "translation" so that they can love what God has said without Brian Simmons altering it in unjustified ways. However, in the course of researching for this project I've uncovered some other very concerning things about Brian Simmons' teachings including false prophecy and various extreme claims regarding his own spiritual experiences. I'll be sharing some of this in future videos as well since I have realized that he is not just styling himself as a Bible translator but as an inspired Bible interpreter who is going to release a last days transformation in the people of God so that "everything that can be said about Jesus can be said about you". Yeah, it's weird. Stay tuned to my channel for more info on this in the coming weeks. LINK to all interviews AND papers as they are uploaded. A direct download link for just Dr. Bock's paper Here is Dr. Bock's "The Table" program on YouTube - Darrell Bock's CV My website Time Stamps 0:00 Intro 0:16 What is My Passion Project? 0:38 Today's video synopsis. 1:41 Who is Dr. Darrell Bock and why is he reviewing TPT? 2:50 Why it is not truthful to call TPT a "translation." 4:09 If Dr. Bock was to evaluate TPT as if it were a paraphrase what would he say? 5:15 The CENTRAL issue of Simmons misleading people about using Aramaic in Ephesians. 8:14 How Brian Simmons abuses homonyms which he says are a secret that God gave him. 12:32 TPT changes the focus in Ephesians 1 from God to us. It is too anthropocentric. 13:59 One example of a where Simmons adds a whole sentence to the Bible. without italics or footnote. 15:50 In Eph 2 Simmons gives us more authority than we have in this passage. 17:32 Another passage where TPT changes the focus from God to us. 19:30 Are getting what Paul really wrote in TPT version of Ephesians? Spoiler: no. 20:38 A number of times Ephesians is changed in TPT from speaking to tho corporate church to individuals. 21:48 How a mistranslation in Eph 5 vs. 11 will can mess up how we apply the Bible. 23:25 How TPT limits what Ephesians is saying about marriage roles. 26:13 Brian tries to use "the Aramaic" to justify his alterations but Dr. Bock says this misleads the reader. 27:17 How TPT mishandled the passage on slavery in Ephesians. 28:45 Another example of taking the issue of slavery out of Ephesians with an unjustified appeal to "Aramaic" that doesn't exist. 30:40 The danger of TPT. 32:08 Dr. Bock comments on the claims that TPT website makes. 32:46 Dr. Bock reacts to Bill Johnson's quote endorsing TPT. 33:37 What paraphrase Bible would Dr. Bock recommend? 34:13 The challenge of translation and paraphrase and where TPT fits in that. 35:19 I ask Dr. Bock to comment briefly on The Message. I'm still not very happy with it ;) 36:29 Does TPT distort the Bible even though their web site says they don't? 37:26 Should TPT be in bookstores, Bible app, and Bible web sites? 39:10 Did God give Brian Simmons secrets of Hebrew and Greek? 41:37 Brian lacks real credentials and claims supernatural gifting. It could be true but it sure
12/28/202047 minutes, 14 seconds
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A Scholar Reviews The Passion Translation: GALATIANS (Dr. Nijay Gupta)

Open description for time stamps. I've hired a number of scholars to review Brian Simmons' seriously flawed Bible version. This is my "Passion Project". Today's video features Dr. Nijay Gupta and his thoughts after reviewing the book of Galatians. Scroll down for links to Dr. Gupta's paper. This same link will have ALL the reviews and papers as they are published. You should see a total of 5 uploaded by the beginning of January. After that I will need to wait a while for more scholars to finish their papers and do interviews. I hope to have it all done in the next few months. What's was my goal with this? I want the people of Christ to know the truth about this "translation" so that they can love what God has said without Brian Simmons altering it in unjustified ways. However, in the course of researching for this project I've uncovered some other very concerning things about Brian Simmons' teachings including false prophecy and various extreme claims regarding his own spiritual experiences. I'll be sharing some of this in future videos as well since I have realized that he is not just styling himself as a Bible translator but as an inspired Bible interpreter who is going to release a last days transformation in the people of God so that "everything that can be said about Jesus can be said about you". Yeah, it's weird. Stay tuned to my channel for more info on this in the coming weeks. 0:00 How Simmons’ secret revelation led to my Passion Project. 1:43 My disclaimer. 2:36 Who is Dr. Gupta and why is he reviewing Galatians? 4:19 Brian Simmons claims to have supernatural secrets. 5:53 Simmons claims TPT is a translation but it is NOT. 8:23 The difference between “official use” and “supplementary” Bibles. 10:51 TPT web site misleads people. 14:38 Does it seem like TPT has gone through the normal scholarly reviews before publishing? 17:02 Outrageous claims Simmons is making about TPT. 20:39 Does Dr. Gupta think Brian Simmons is qualified to make a translation? 22:08 “Unusual decisions” in TPT. 22:37 What Dr. Gupta find “MOST TROUBLING” about TPT (hint: Aramaic). 31:44 Should we just use TPT as a supplementary/secondary Bible? 33:22 Me and Dr. Gupta discuss The Message Bible briefly. 35:01 TPT is a lot like a “Targum”. 37:28 What “positive” choices were made in TPT? 39:02 TPT handles the word “religion” in unusual ways. 40:49 TPT uses “legalism” in unusual ways. 41:02 TPT does confusing things with the word “faith.” 41:56 Slave is mistranslated in a “most egregious” way. 43:47 Simmons’ “natural realm” creates a gnostic-like mistake. 44:29 The cumulative effect the TPT can have on you. 45:34 Artificial insertion of theology into Galatians. 46:50 Didn’t TPT just come out with a new 2020 edition that fixed these problems? 47:08 Dr. Gupta reacts to misleading quotes from TPT website. 49:10 Dr. Gupta reacts to the Bill Johnson endorsement of TPT. 50:38 Is it good for TPT be in apps, websites and bookstores? 51:21 What paraphrase would Dr. Gupta recommend? 52:51 What can you say to someone who loves TPT? 53:42 How do Simmons’ outrageous claims measure up to reality? 56:56 Dr. Gupta’s final word on TPT. 57:50 Plugging some other books by Dr. Gupta. 58:22 We reflect on my Passion Project. 1:00:11 I’ve got a few announcements for you all. 1:01:08 Brian Simmons’ false prophecy. LINK to all interviews AND papers as they are uploaded. Dr. Gupta's gave me links to a few books of his you might be interested in. 1 &amp; 2 Thessalonians Colossians A Beginner’s Guide to New Testament Studies Philippians My website
12/21/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 24 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 15)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:18 Is the command in Genesis to “be fruitful and multiply” still applicable to us today? Is it wrong for married couples to choose not to have children if they don’t feel the desire or the calling to be parents? 2. 13:43 Am I being too legalistic by not wanting to sing Hillsong, Elevation Worship, and Bethel Music due to the doctrines of the churches they are a part of? 3. 17:50 Can you please talk about your view on Netflix? Should Christians cancel their Netflix subscription? 4. 19:33 Why did the Holy Spirit leave Saul, and why did an evil spirit from the Lord enter into him? Why in the world would God do something that seems to be evil? 5. 22:25 Shmuley Boteach says that the New Testament contains anti-Semitic propaganda, and that Christians should reject those passages as forgeries. What do you think? 6. 24:56 I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness and baptized as a kid, but not in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. How do I know what church to choose now, and who should baptize me? I’m afraid of being misled. 7. 28:06 I have liberal Christian friends who believe they are Christians, but also have many unbiblical beliefs and practices. How should 1 Corinthians 5: 11 affect my relationships with them? 8. 31:52What does the Bible say about the role of church? Should it be focused more on reaching unbelievers, or on teaching believers who then go out and evangelize? 9. 34:28 Do you ever plan to do a deep dive into the authorship of the contested Pauline epistles? I feel this would be a great resource for those in talks with more liberal Christians. 10. 35:24 What are the steps to take while dealing with psychological doubts where no amount of reason helps you feel better? 11. 39:06 Do you think the SDA church (Seventh Day Adventism) is a cult? 12. 39:37 I have family that believes that Jews will go to Heaven even if they haven’t been saved by Jesus. What should I say to them when they say that? 13. 42:37 How does God’s will not infringe on free will? What is the sense of even praying for a situation if it’s already in Gods will? 14. 44:48 Do you believe amillennialism is biblical, and what arguments do you have for or against it? 15. 46:00 I feel called to spread God's Word but I suffer greatly from Asperger's Syndrome. Is my fear of crowds, public speaking, and inability to convey a thought coherently a valid fear? 16. 48:10 I got away with felonies years ago. No one got hurt &amp; I have confessed to God &amp; repented. Is the Godly thing to do to turn myself in? I have OCD &amp; can’t tell if I’m feeling OCD or God's conviction. 17. 48:53 If the Angels weren't "100% safe" in Heaven seeing as they were able to be seduced by Satan, how can we be certain we will be safe in eternity with God once we go to Heaven. 18. 51:24 I have recently gotten back into full-time ministry. I'm dealing with online “heresy hunters” that badger me through email and such about my teaching. How do you handle these kinds of people? 19. 54:10 Can you talk about why Jesus allowed Simon to help Him carry His cross? 20. 55:45 How much utility should we find in the Church Fathers? I am still Protestant, but want to be consistent with historic Christianity, so should we view the fathers with any extra credibility? 1:00:24 Passion Project Update &amp; Closing Announcements Here's my study on Penal Substitutionary Atonement -;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHttVR0rkvhBfA-IKrg5SGcp Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my
12/18/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 12 seconds
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Can I Beat The 3 Minute Atheist Challenge?

Here's Tim Barnett's answer to the challenge! I hope you'll consider subscribing to his channel. It's one of my favorite Christian YouTube channels and they are just getting started! It's not very easy to deal with so many confusions and misconceptions with only 18 seconds per answer. As I'm typing this I don't know if Tim made it under 3 minutes or not, so we may all end up atheists anyways. Oh well. Here's my video on "Did God create evil?" which explains Isaiah 45:7, among other things.
12/17/20206 minutes, 17 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 14)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:09 If aliens do exist, how would that affect the faith of Christians? Would aliens disprove Christianity? 2. 16:19 Regarding 1 Corinthians 7: 14 where it speaks of sanctification for the unbeliever if married to a believer, I have found it hard to understand that passage and was wondering if you could help me. 3. 20:11 Have you heard of the Documentary Hypothesis, and if so, can you tell me your thoughts about it? 4. 22:00 I believe in Christianity, but I have major doubts about Heaven &amp; a fear of death. Can I know for sure while here on earth that it's true? 5. 27:00 How is Hebrews 13:2 to be interpreted? Have some people literally entertained angels without being aware? Do angels actually interact with creation in a tangible sense? 6. 30:39 I often hear Christians say that when we face big struggles it's because good things are coming. Is there any Biblical truth to this, or is this just a different version of the prosperity gospel? 7. 32:04 Is “revival” biblical? 8. 33:42 Why does Isaiah 9:6 call Jesus the “everlasting Father”? Oneness Pentecostals keep using this verse against me and I haven’t seen a good response. I don’t want to twist the Bible. 9. 34:56 I have such a sensitive conscience that I feel it’s a burden sometimes. People can’t even remember what I’m apologizing for! How can I change this? Not to be free to sin, but to live. 10. 37:36 Are women allowed to speak at all during Bible study? Such as read the Bible, pray the opening/closing prayer, or give commentary, and just not teach? Or do we have to be completely silent the entire time? 11. 38:07 What are your thoughts on Judges 11 and why Jephthah made his vow and followed through with it, even after God's Spirit was on him? 12. 43:35 Why don’t we celebrate Jewish holidays? God says in the OT to observe them forever. During the 1,000 year reign with Christ, we all observe them. Why don’t grafted-in Christians observe them now? 13. 46:00 I am trying to disciple my dad and he says he believes in Christ, yet wants nothing to do with Him. What do I do? 14. 47:53 How would you recommend determining credible commentaries, studies, &amp; pastors? I am a new Christian &amp; have concern about being inadvertently led astray by unbiblical interpretations &amp; viewpoints. 15. 49:20 Mike describes himself as “charismatic” a lot. I’m just wondering if he can clarify what he means by that. Does he or his church practice the “gifts of the Spirit,” like tongues, prophecy, etc.? 16. 54:00 How can you know for sure that a loved one went to heaven? 17. 54:44 I have heard the range for Jesus' death to be between 26-36 (A.D.) with 30 and 33 being the most agreed upon contenders for Jesus’ death. Can we know for certain the exact year He died? 18. 55:58 If God said He would rid all creatures with a flood, what happened to the fish? And if they died, how did they multiply, because fish can’t be on an ark? 19. 56:29 Are "white lies" ok, to spare your spouse’s feelings? For example, when they ask what someone said and you say "I'm not really sure," but you do remember. 20. 59:09 How much freedom do we have in the marriage bed? Are some sexual acts prohibited even for married couples? Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks!
12/15/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 55 seconds
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Review of TPT Song of Songs by Tremper Longman

Dr. Tremper Longman tells you what's up with The Passion Translation. My name is Mike Winger and this is my "Passion Project". A project where I've hired a number of scholars to do reviews of different books Brian Simmons' seriously flawed Bible version. Scroll down for the links you are looking for! 0:00 The glorious intro 1:50 The reviewer’s credentials 3:30 Is it honest to call TPT a “translation”? 5:45 Dr. Longman’s BIGGEST issue with TPT’s Song of Songs? 8:19 How big of a deal is this really? 10:01 Simmons is wrong about church history. 16:25 Simmons blames DEMONS for people not agreeing with him. 18:57 How much alteration is taking place in TPT’s Song of Songs? 20:01 Is Dr. Longman bothered by translations that aren’t word for word? 20:51 Does Brian Simmons mislead people about The Passion Translation? 22:20 How Brian Simmons uses the etymological fallacy to translate. 25:00 An example of Simmons adding words to the text. 26:52 Simmons’ use of homonyms is unjustified and misleading. 29:34 How you CAN see Christ in the Song of Songs without altering the text. 30:25 How Simmons misuses the Greek Septuagint and Aramaic. 33:36 Footnotes in TPT may mislead people about scholars. 35:31 Should we trust Simmons’ wild claims? 38:47 Factual error #1 – En Gedi means goat, not lamb. 41:15 Factual error #2 – Sharon does not mean “his song”. 44:32 Factual error #3 – Seal does not mean “prison cell”. 46:50 Where does Dr. Longman think Simmons is getting this stuff from? 48:01 How the way TPT was made is different than how most translations are made. 50:52 What degree qualifications does Brian Simmons have? 51:43 Are people opposed to TPT just spiritually dead religious scholars? 52:55 Are most translations bad? 53:56 Should TPT be in churches, bookstores and Bible apps? 55:21 Do you have anything NICE to say about Song of Songs in TPT? 55:44 A deceptive quote from Simmons’ web site. 56:21 Bill Johnson’s endorsement of The Passion Translation 56:54 A misleading quote from the 2020 edition of TPT 57:28 What Dr. Longman would say to a Christian who loves The Passion Translation 58:19 My FAVORITE part of Dr. Longman’s review! 58:55 What you can expect from my Passion Project. 59:22 Special “cameo” from Brian Simmons You can download Dr. Longman's paper as a Microsoft Word document for free right here. If you want to read it on my website instead of downloading it, this link will work. This is the playlist where I will eventually upload all the interviews as they become available. There should be 5 coming over the next couple months and I hope to eventually add more as I'm able to get more scholars involved in the project. I want to give thanks to those who have donated to this ministry to not only enable me to continue teaching regularly online but to go above and beyond by doing this special project and to make everything I do totally free.
12/7/202059 minutes, 34 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 13)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:09 One of my pastors used TPT on Sunday. What should I do? I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt that he just doesn’t know much about it, but I’m not happy at all that this “thing” (can’t even call it a translation) was used in my church. WWJD? 2. 5:14 Have you any solid information on Nicky Gumbel, Alpha, and The Message Bible (which he recommends)? Couldn't find it in a search here, and some friends think he's OK! 3. 10:29 What is the best way for me to prepare to one day be a pastor? I am 20 years old and attending college and then seminary. Any suggestions for the years of preparation ahead of me? 4. 13:30 How do I organize my prayer life and find ways to serve the Lord in quarantine? 5. 15:58 How would you respond to an abusive father who pushes the narrative to “honor your parents” (when he really means submit/worship) and disregards the Scripture to “leave and cleave”? 6. 19:20 How do you go about finding scholarly articles for the studies you are doing? I have begun doing my own study going through Matthew, and some scholarly work would be really helpful! 7. 21:26 What does the bible say about “listening prayer”? Should we spend time in silence listening for God's voice? 8. 24:09 Why did God not desire for the people to “return and be healed” in Isaiah 6? 9. 29:23 What did Jesus mean by turn the other cheek, give away your tunic, and go an extra mile in Mathew 5: 38-42? What about self-defense, or when being taken advantage of? 10. 37:02 Is accepting Jesus in our life the only way to Heaven? For someone who has never heard the Gospel or has seen harmful representations of it (i.e. JWs), will they also be given grace? 11. 41:00 How do I help my mother in law she says she has been ordained as an elder in the church and she is excited about it? thanks. 12. 42:47 How do I find God? Praying and reading the Bible got me nowhere in 5 months. And church is not available at the moment. New Age gave me comfort while searching, but Christ only gave me confusion. 13. 47:10 How do we study the Bible properly? 14. 48:06 Is there any evidence on the inspiration of the canonization of the Bible? or is the canonization something that was helpful but not inspired and thus inspired texts beyond the Bible could exist? 15. 52:28 Why did god create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil if His foreknowledge knew they would sin? 16. 54:46 In Mark 8:5-9, why does Jesus ask for bread in vs. 5, and why do they bring the fish to Him in vs. 7? Does it mean Jesus cannot create food "out of thin air,” but He needs something to start with? 17. 57:36 Do you view the early chapters of genesis as mythology or as history? I know it’s not a key issue, but would love your opinion! 18. 59:46 If I have turned away from the Lord after being close to him is there any chance of coming back to him? I basically lived like the world for a year and a half and don’t know if God is done with me. 19. 1:01:05 Any tips on how to start believing? I've been atheistic all my life. 20. 1:03:08 Our church believes you have the Holy Spirit once saved but can receive a prayer language through a separate experience called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Is this scriptural? Bonus Q: 21. 1:05:08 Should a Christian take the Covid vaccine? My most recent video on The Passion Translation. But interviews with scholars are coming very soon! Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already ga
12/4/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 10 seconds
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Answering Hitchens' Impossible Question

This is a clip from one of the most important videos I've made, here's the full video - Christopher Hitchens is an icon to many atheists. He was an entertaining mix of brilliant, snarky, irreverent and British. One thing he is well-known for is debating theists and making fools of them, at least from the perspective of some people. I was always struck by this particular challenge that he threw out regularly in debates. Hitchens was so proud of it that I once heard him encouraging crowds of atheists to use this challenge as well. He felt that it really proved something, and I dare say many atheists agreed. What's really odd to me is that none of his debate partners (to my knowledge) ever offered a good response to his challenge. This is odd because the primary moral of loving God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength answers this atheist dilemma quite well. It not only answers the question it gets right to the heart of what an atheist has lost when they have sadly embraced a false worldview which rejects God's existence. To any atheists that have read this far I'd like to say that this isn't meant to be a smackdown or a slap in the face. Rather, this is meant to open a door to the possibility that the most important thing in life is being robbed from you, and your atheism is the robber. After I uploaded this video a friend sent me a clip of William Lane Craig answering this challenge 10 years ago! I was surprised to see how similar his answer was and now I’m wondering how much my own answer may have been influenced by Craig’s but without me remembering it. Obviously we are both influenced by the teaching of Jesus, but still, It seems likely that I heard this somewhere along the way and forgot. Anyhow, here is Craig’s answer (he is always brilliant).
11/27/20203 minutes, 27 seconds
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THIS is why you need to CHUCK The Passion Translation

This was my favorite interview so far on The Passion Translation. I'm really hoping that those who are open to hearing the evidence will consider ditching Brian Simmons' Passion Translation. The evidence is mounting up more and more that this is not a good or faithful Bible translation. As scholars weigh in on this work it's only becoming more and more evident that my early concerns about it were well-founded. I'm hoping that my brothers and sisters in the charismatic movement will have ears to hear this and that organizations like YouVersion, Bible Gateway and various Christian bookstores would stop carrying this problematic and misleading "translation". Stay tuned because I will start posting interviews with scholars VERY soon which will help to drive the final nail in the coffin of The Passion Translation. I love the word of God way too much to just stand by and tolerate such alterations being made to what God has said.
11/25/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 48 seconds
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Exactly What's Wrong With Everyone's Morality: The Mark Series pt 49 (12:28-34)

Jesus, save us from modern morals! Actually, that's pretty much what He does when a scribe asks Him to tell us the most important command in the Law. Jesus brilliantly and simply sums up not only the Law of Moses but the moral duty of mankind with two simple statements. Love God with all and above all and love others as yourself. Our job is to let this truth invade all our moral reasoning and to make sure we don't turn it into a cliché and rob it of it's beauty and life changing results. The way this truth saves us from modern morality is by installing love of God above love of self or others. Yeah, that's the part everyone gets wrong. But Jesus sets us right. To me, one of the most remarkable things about all this is that love and relationship is at the heart of the moral purpose of mankind. We exist for love. We literally have love as our highest and constant moral duty toward God and others. Wow. I'm literally blown away by this but how could it be any different? After all, God IS love. Let that sink in. Man, I LOVE this study through Mark! This is part 49, see the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here
11/23/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 50 seconds
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Kenneth Copeland Cures Your Baldness and Ruins Your Faith

Oh my. Kenneth Copeland will "cure your baldness" and ruin your faith. This is a serious response to the sad, dangerous and demonstrably false teachings of Kenneth Copeland. Perhaps the most valuable thing I have to offer here is why people actually follow this guy. Here's my hope to change as many of his followers as possible! I’ve seen people asking for the full video of the blood thing (and FYI, he didn’t really cut himself, he was pretending)
11/22/202032 minutes, 15 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 12)

My video on why I think the death penalty is biblical. Please hear me out and if you disagree share why in the comments. 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:04 Is there a conflict between being pro-life and pro-death penalty at the same time? 2. 3:54 Can you address what John means when he says that certain sins lead to death and some do not (1 John 5: 16-17)? Is there evidence in this passage that suggests you can lose your salvation? 3. 7:37 When, in the research process, do you (1) know you have read enough secondary literature to comment on the topic and (2) become confident enough to share your conclusion with thousands of people? 4. 12:40 Are there any verses in the Bible where it clearly states or implies that rights (life, liberty, and property) are inalienable and inherently possessed, as opposed to being dependent on self-ownership? 5. 19:03 God answered Hagar directly. Both her and many others before and after Christ. Do you think God sometimes uses the still small voice today, or only directly through the Scriptures? (Hebrews 1:2) 6. 24:53 Do you think that macro evolution is consistent with Scripture, since evolution works by death? As sin entered the world through Adam and through sin entered death (Rom 5: 12, Rom 8: 21-22). 7. 29:06 In 1 Corinthians 14: 22, Paul says tongues are a sign for non-believers and prophecy is a sign for believers. The next verses seem to flip it though. I can't make sense of it but I wondered your take on it. 8. 32:50 My parents think religion is stupid and I don't want to evangelize to them because they'll judge me and say that I'm stupid. Is that ok, or should I try anyway? If so, how? 9. 35:47 How would you understand the numbers in Revelation 7: 4? What does it mean by "144,000 were sealed"? Does it mean only 144,000 are faithful Christians? 10. 41:11 In 2 Peter 2:6, is the example of Sodom &amp; Gomorrah literal? Does it mean that on the final day of judgment the ungodly will literally be condemned to extinction like they were? 11. 43:58 Is the Athanasian Creed biblical (specifically the first part which seems to imply that one cannot be saved without believing the doctrine of the Trinity)? 12. 45:53 Is it biblical to say that all temptation comes from Satan and the demonic? Or can temptation also come from your sinful self? 13. 50:23 Is there biblical support for having monarchies today? What attitude should we have toward monarchy, specifically? 14. 52:48 What is your view on the Creation account given in Genesis? Some people hold to a young earth, but with modern science, that seems unlikely. Questions then arise such as: did Adam and Eve exist? 15. 59:22 Were Old Testament believers born-again? Could they be called (during their lives) "children of God" as Christians can be called nowadays? 16. 1:02:06 Are nerdy hobbies (comics, movies, games, etc.) reconcilable with Christianity? Or should we discard them and use our time in other ways? 17. 1:04:21 My pastor teaches that we are "little Gods" from the word of faith movement. I have disagreed with him in private conversation about this and he is firm in his belief. How important is this issue to salvation? 18. 1:05:43 How does Israel in the Bible correlate to the present day political state of Israel? Are the promises for Israel meant for Israel today? 19. 1:07:39 Is there a difference between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven? If yes, can you explain it for me? 20. 1:09:04 What do you think of “dual covenant theology” (the belief that Jews can be saved without believing in Jesus due to their special covenant with God)? Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5)
11/20/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 40 seconds
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I've Seen More Christians Fall From This Than Anything Else

It's a bigger issue now than ever before in my lifetime. We live in an upside down and rebellious culture and this is seen nowhere more clearly than our attitudes toward sex, marriage, dating, gender and purity. Dr. Sean McDowell has just written a book that is meant to give people a biblical vision for loving God and loving others in these areas. And if that seems like a cliche to you then it's because you too have become victim to upside down thinking on these issues. As a youth pastor I discovered that the most common reason people have for serious moral failure in their lives is a lack of godliness in relationships, particularly romantic ones. I'm happy to host Sean as we talk about this issue. Maybe you should get this book, for yourself or for someone else who can be saved a lot of pain and rebellion by getting their heads and hearts right on loving God in sexual purity. Sean's book, available December 1st or for preorder now. "Chasing Love" (affiliate link) Sean's video on Transgender Identities (really good content here) Https://
11/18/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 30 seconds
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Progressive Christians Are The Modern Sadducees: The Mark Series pt 48 (12:18-27)

I'm amazed at the similarities that exist between modern progressive Christians and the Sadducees in the gospels. I'm even more amazed at how Jesus' roasting of the bad theology of the Sadducees applies to modern liberal theologians and progressives in general. Disclaimer: I am talking about religious progressives or liberal theology, not politics. It's true that those who have liberal theology tend to have liberal politics but they aren't the same thing. In this continuing series through the Gospel of Mark we will see how Jesus brilliantly refutes the Sadducees (and progressives and even Mormons) and we'll learn how we can better identify and not fall victim to the tactics that liberal teachers often use to get us to abandon biblical truth. Man, I love this series and love how applicable it is in our lives today! This is part 48 of a verse by verse study through the Gospel of Mark. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here HERE is me dealing with a popular progressive/liberal Christian teacher named Brian Zahnd. This may be my BEST example of how to notice and combat the common tactics of progressives who sadly twist the heart of Christianity and do so in the name of Christ.
11/16/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 20 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 11)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:44 Is it right or wrong to refute other pastors who publicly teach false teachings? 2. 7:24 I was wondering if you could talk about and help me understand Mark 16: 17-18 (specifically verse 18). I haven’t seen those two signs played out...perhaps it could be metaphorical? 3. 13:58 How should we interpret 2 Corinthians 12:2? Are there “levels” in Heaven? And does it have anything at all to do with the phrase “seventh heaven”? 4. 17:55 Are Christians who believe that Genesis 1-11 is allegorical (unintentionally or not) denying the divinity and validity of Christ, considering what Jesus said in John 5: 44-47? 5. 23:33 What are the biblical principles, if any, about keeping our bodies physically healthy, and to what extent? (Think smoking, piercings, or eating/exercise habits) 6. 28:29 How do you respond to Matthew 16: 28? 7. 32:09 Do Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 speak about Satan? 8. 33:46 Can you explain what Lordship Salvation is, please? 9. 35:54 How would you react if someone said that all truth is subjective and that there is no concept of truth, except what "works for you"? 10. 37:50 When you first accept Jesus into your life, is that when you become "born again" and baptized with the Holy Spirit? Or are they two different things? 11. 40:24 My bible teacher said my family is saved because I believe in Jesus, citing Acts 16: 31. I think she misused scripture. If so, how do I address the issue? Does forgiving mean trusting her again? 12. 45:33 Is it a salvation issue if someone rejects the idea of Jesus being one and the same with God? 13. 46:56 Are unbelievers forgiven to some degree? I'm looking at Luke 23: 34 14. 50:40 My daughter was baptized in 2018, and came out as bisexual in 2019. Any thoughts on how to talk to her about this? I’ve tried! 15. 53:08 What do you think about the Noahide Laws? I’ve been told that if they’re enacted, Christians would be found guilty of “idolatry” and executed. Should we be worried? 16. 54:26 I've seen your Mormonism series and have met with Mormons quite often, and I am wondering, what might be a good approach to addressing their belief in "sons and daughters of God" and pre-mortal existence? 17. 55:30 What are the "seven spirits of God"? 18. 56:38 My in-laws are WOF leaders and church owners, and it’s a constant "name it and claim it" around them. Should we have a doctrine "sit down," or just ignore? Its tough. 19. 59:02 Should Christians drink alcoholic wine at the commemoration of the Lord's Supper? And must we use unleavened bread? 20. 1:00:57 If I live in habitual sin from addiction, and I really want to overcome it but I keep backsliding, am I still saved, or am I using it as a license to sin? If I don’t stop before I die, what happens? My NEW YouTube channel "YouTube Tactics with Mike Winger" Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks! My video on "Was Jesus a Failed Prophet" Satan: according to the Bible. My video analyzing the YouTube miracles of Todd White (and a few others) My video on Bethel and Bill Johnson's teachings. My videos on The Passion Translation of Brian Simmons.;
11/6/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Death Penalty Is Biblical... Obviously

If I put the Bible first, before politics, I will end up supporting the death penalty. But I think the Bible also answers some of the fears of those who do oppose the death penalty. This will basically be a survey of several key Bible verses that deal with the death penalty. From it's initial inception in Genesis 9 to it's use in the Old Testament Law and the important teaching in Romans 13 on the role of government in enacting lethal punishment. Along the way I'm going to answer a few challenges that I've heard regarding the death penalty. 1) What about those who are innocent but get the death penalty? 2) But didn't Jesus reject the death penalty when He said to "turn the other cheek" or when he wouldn't kill the adulterous woman? 3) But God's justice is restorative and not retributive. And the death penalty ends any chance to restore the person who committed the crime. 4) I just don't trust the government to get it right, therefore capital punishment should be off the table. 5) But we aren't under the Law of Moses any more. I realize there are major ramifications for political issues related to this question but I want us to approach it first as a question of what the Bible teaches. This is my own commitment in trying to think biblically about everything and it's what I hope you will do as well. My website
11/2/202043 minutes, 46 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 10)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:42 How should I approach a friend who does not believe in objective truth? 2. 7:34 Do you think that Melchizedek was was a theophany? How does the writer of Hebrews know so much about him if there's only a few verses in the Hebrew Scriptures about him? 3. 14:44 The Bible says that Satan is the "god of this world" (2 Cor. 4:4), but I know that God is sovereign over all things. How do I reconcile these two truths in a biblical way? 4. 17:55 What are your thoughts on "Oneness Pentecostalism"? 5. 19:13 Is marriage a choice? I've heard that marriage is God's will for most people, but I like Paul's argument in 1 Cor. 7: 25-40. If someone desires singleness, could it go against God's will? 6. 22:20 In John 3 where Jesus says "you must be born again," it isn't like you chose to be born, you just were. Any thoughts on that? 7. 23:59 What are your thoughts on attending a wedding between a believer and an unbeliever? 8. 25:40 My church encourages kids to participate in communion. My 4 year old does not participate because we feel she's not ready. Not because of sin, but not fully understanding what she's doing. Any thoughts? 9. 27:01 In regard to our spirit, soul, body, mind, and heart, what does each biblically consist of, and what is their purpose? 10. 29:00 What are your thoughts on this prevalent kind of "repentance-free Christianity" where psychological goals (self-improvement/fulfillment) have replaced pursuing holiness? 11. 32:57 Does Revelation 3: 16 mean that lukewarm Christians will not be in Heaven? ("...because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spit you out of my mouth.") What does lukewarm mean? 12. 38:36 What happened to Jesus on the cross? What does it mean that He took God's wrath? Was it just pain and death like we deserved, or something more? Was it the equivalent of spending eternity in Hell? 13. 43:51 I got saved a couple of months ago! Any tips on studying the Bible? Where could I look to get background information on different books of the Bible before I begin studying them? 14. 45:39 Could you please explain why there are two demon possessed men in Matthew 8, but only one in Mark 5? 15. 49:01 How do you respond to teaching that says the verses that say homosexuality is wrong are actually about pedophilia, and not about same sex relationships? Do you have a video on this? 16. 51:20 What do you do if you can't live at peace with a family member at home? 17. 52:45 I like David Wood, but do you think his approach is biblical? It is effective, but isn't it too harsh? 18. 54:37 At Pentecost, they were mocked for appearing to be drunk. Does this suggest that we should expect laughing, shaking, or falling when closely sensing the Holy Spirit? 19. 59:12 My friend told me that their relationship with God and religion in general is something they keep private. Is this biblical? How should I respond? Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks! My website
10/30/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 16 seconds
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Is "Critical Race Theory" Biblical? No.

Here's all I want to know. What is Critical Race Theory and is it biblical? We'll answer both questions today with special guest Neil Shenvi. I agree that racism is a serious problem in our lives today. A very serious problem. But real problems can sometimes lead us to bad solutions. The solutions provided by Critical Race Theory (and concepts of "whiteness", "systems of oppression", "internalized oppression", the redefining of "racism" etc.) are actually solutions that involve more racism. It is injustice in response to injustice. It's unbalanced scales in response to unbalanced scales. It's prejudice in response to prejudice. A biblical Christian should recognize that because racism, partiality and injustice are serious issues, we can not embrace Critical Race Theory. This isn't about taking political sides or pleasing crowds, it's about being biblical and pleasing God. Neil Shenvi's web site - Neil Shenvi on Twitter - My website
10/28/20202 hours, 3 minutes, 46 seconds
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Literally the WORST Bible Translation I've Ever Seen

I'm not going to pull punches today. This isn't really a "translation" of the Bible. It is one man's attempt to replace the gospel with his own false teaching. His false teaching is truly heart warming and encouraging. Francois Du Toit is a brilliant man, skilled communicator and as far as I can tell he is absolutely sincere and well-meaning in replacing the gospel with his feel good message that the real problem with people is that they believe the gospel when it says that all have sinned, are deserving of judgment and need to be born again in Christ. I'm not exaggerating when I say that the Mirror Bible is the worst translation I've ever looked into. In today's video we will survey through a number of Bible passages he has mistranslated and explain how he is trying to fight against the clear teaching of the text and how he tries to use Greek to trick people (and himself) into believing his anti-gospel. Yeah, it's really that bad. Wesley Huff's article on Bible translations My NEW YouTube channel teaching you how to be a successful Christian YouTuber. My website
10/26/202058 minutes, 25 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 9)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:15 How do the Jehovah's Witnesses mistranslate and misuse John 1:1 in their "New World Translation"? 2. 10:22 What does Matthew 24: 34 mean? What is the "all these things" Jesus speaks of? Would the original audience/early church have thought He was referring to the second and final coming? 3. 20:54 What does Matthew 26: 46 mean? 4. 22:08 Can you explain the parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1? It cannot possibly mean that half the Church fails to enter in...or does it? 5. 26:18 I've heard people support abortion using Numbers 5, specifically v. 27. What is your take on that? 6. 30:43 The OT often calls the Old Covenant an eternal or everlasting covenant. If it is eternal and everlasting, how can there be a New Covenant? 7. 32:22 If I don’t read the Bible and pray every day, I feel a huge amount of guilt - like I’ve sinned and am not even worthy to be a Christian. Is this kind of guilty conscience or conviction healthy, or not? 8. 34:57 In Mark 7: 27-28, do you think that this passage is a good way to highlight that the eucharist is specifically spiritual and not physical flesh, or do you think it's not correlated enough? 9. 36:26 What is the "rod" in Proverbs 13: 24? Is it a method of corporal punishment, or does it refer to a rod of truth with which we hold our children/households accountable to? 10. 39:52 As a struggling Calvinist, could you explain the apparent favoritism of God throughout the Bible and why He "chooses" some over others? (ex. Jacob/Esau, Abraham, Prophets, and Moses.) 11. 43:01 In Genesis 9, Noah seems to curse Canaan for the actions of his father, Ham. Do you think Noah cursed Canaan, or is Moses emphasizing Canaan on purpose? 12. 44:26 How do you respond to the claim that Jesus came to dismantle systems of oppression? though He did dismantle "systems" like legalism, it also seems to diminish the Gospel when it becomes the focus. 13. 45:55 My wife and I are wondering if the parable of the sower (Luke 8:4-15) clarifies Hebrews 6:4-6...We both believe salvation is eternal. Thoughts? 14. 49:32 I don't feel the witness of the Holy Spirit or a love for God. I trust Christ to save me, but I'm not seeing fruit. Does the inward work of God take longer for some people? 15. 52:19 ​Is "the anointing" a real thing, or is it just another word for the Holy Spirit? And can we get an anointing today? Any verses to support your argument? 16. 53:54 How do we reconcile forgiveness for our sins by His work on the cross with being examined on Judgment Day? If we sin and receive forgiveness, will that be brought up again when we stand before God? 17. 57:03 Would you ever recommend The Message Bible? Any possible problems you see with it? 18. 58:53 Do you think some people focus too much on extravagant mission trips or campaigns instead of evangelizing by acting good in the world? 19. 1:02:13 In 1 Corinthians 6: 12 &amp; 1 Corinthians 10: 22, Paul says all things are lawful. I know he isn't talking about sinful things, but is he talking about the law? I need some clarification. Thanks! 20. 1:06:38 I’ve heard some churches teach the "holy kiss" (1 Corinthians 16: 20) as a commandment. I’m curious about your thoughts on the matter. Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks! My website
10/23/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Controversy Over "Literary Devices" in The Gospels with Dr. Lydia McGrew

Are there what appear to our eyes to be significant, deliberate, factual changes about the life of Jesus in the Gospels? Did the gospel writers seem to fabricate significant details about Jesus? If so, was this an expected and appropriate practice when writing a Greco-Roman Biography? Do "literary devices" exist, which were employed by the gospel authors, which allowed an ancient biographer to add fictional information to historical stories as a kind of "special effects"? Dr. Lydia McGrew joins me to discuss several controversial and important issues related to the reliability of the Gospels. This can be a rather complicated issue but I hope that today's interview will be enlightening and bring some clarity. Even if you don't agree with my guest (I'm not entirely sure what all my own views are on this issue) I think it's valuable to hear what she has to say because she has gone to such great lengths to bring clarity to a pretty fuzzy area of scholarship where I am genuinely concerned that some well-meaning, wonderful Christian scholars are making some significant mistakes. Get Lydia McGrew's book "The Mirror or the Mask: Liberating the Gospels from Literary Devices" Lydia's new YouTube Channel Dr. Mike Licona (a genuine Christian who I respect) has a series of videos responding to Dr. Lydia McGrew's book which you can watch on this playlist on his YT channel Lydia McGrew did a series of videos in response to Mike Licona's series and you can watch that playlist on her YT channel at this link
10/21/20202 hours, 42 seconds
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Being More Biblical About Politics: The Mark Series pt 47 (12:13-17)

Jesus taught people to pay taxes. I think that most of us know that. But I think there is a lot more going on here and it helps us answer some of our tough ethical questions about how to deal with current issues in politics. If my understanding of the Bible is accurate on this then I think many Christians really need to have something of an overhaul on the way they deal with current political issues. This is part 47 of a verse by verse study through the Gospel of Mark. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here
10/19/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 11 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 8)

~Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: ~ 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:12 Do you agree with any of the 5 points of Calvinism? And what is the one “point” you see as the hardest to reconcile? 2. 16:17 Jesus cast out many demon-possessed people on Earth. With the explosion of the human population and religions, one would think this phenomenon would be more prevalent today, but it’s not. Any insight? 3. 18:31 What's your response to the idea that Isaiah was written by multiple authors? 4. 20:06 Do you believe that God is a matchmaker for Christian couples? The idea of waiting on “the one” whom God has chosen as your spouse? Some pastors say this is a waste of time, or unrealistic. 5. 24:49 Is it biblically o.k. for a trinitarian Christian to marry a Oneness Christian? 6. 25:41 In constructing a biblical theology, where do we start? How do we construct a biblical method for doing theology? 7. 28:00 Any advice for a Christian who lives with parents that are always swearing, drinking, and watching vulgar things? Whenever I give them my opinion, they think I'm being judgmental. Am I? 8. 30:09 My country, Armenia, a Christian Nation since 301AD, is defending their lives from genocide by Turkey &amp; Azerbaijan. What are some actions I can take as a Christian? That is, can I go to war if it is to defend? 9. 32:04 What separates us from an angel? They had (have?) free will too, right? Is it still possible for them to fall from grace/Heaven if they choose? 10. 33:52 Have you heard of the Berisheet Prophecy in Genesis 1:1 regarding end times? It is something I've run into a lot recently and wanted to know if you have any thoughts on it. 11. 34:46 My JW friend says the Greek for “soul” just refers to any living being (person or animal) and that the “immortal soul” is taken from the Greeks and was not a Jewish belief. How would you respond? 12. 36:22 Do you plan to do more verse-by-verse studies of other books of the Bible? (Mark is great!) 13. 36:59 Is it a sin for a Christian not to vote in elections? Will not voting negatively affect one's relationship with God? Thoughts or advice? 14. 38:44 Is it better not to give if you can't do it cheerfully/lovingly, or would it be better to give even if reluctantly in order to pick up your cross and try to imitate Jesus? (I don't mean just money.) 15. 40:39 What is the purpose of a church service? Should it primarily be for believers, or should it be intentionally inclusive of those in attendance who are not saved? 16. 43:00 How do you respond to people who use verses like 1 John 3:6 to say that, as they mature in the faith, Christians come to a point where they will completely stop sinning? 17. 46:05 I’ve been told by Christians that their relationship with God is personal and they don’t wish to discuss anything in regard to religion. Is this biblical? 18. 48:18 What is your favorite Bible verse? (A verse that you would look at daily that gives you courage and strengthens you…or multiple?) 19. 50:07 Where is God's help when fighting a porn addiction? Why does it seem that crying out in prayer yields little help, and even when resisting the temptation, I'm left exhausted? 20. 54:54 Should Christians follow OT dietary laws? Many people point to Acts, but I'm stuck on the prophecy in Isaiah 66: 16-17 where eating pork still seems to be detestable to God, even in the end times.Every Friday at 1pm PT A biblical survey of the doctrine of divine hardening, which seem incompatible with Calvinism.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHu8PlY0J-G2B9Pyp59S0pLZ&amp;index=4 My video on how faith is not a work and how this relates to Calvinist teaching.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHu8PlY0J-G2B9Pyp59S0pLZ&amp;index=1 After my first video on Limited Atonement I got a rebuttal video from Dr. James White and I did a MUCH more in depth response to the Calvinist reasoning and to Dr. White in a second video (both are linked below and you can find Dr. Whit
10/16/202058 minutes, 49 seconds
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Does Mark 11:26 Belong in Your Bible: The Mark Series pt 46

Why is this verse missing from the ESV translation? Why does it have brackets in the NASB? Here's a summary of the reasons why this verse may not be original and how I think we should think about it. This is the shortest video in the whole Mark series so far and I'm just tossing it out there in the middle of a bunch of other content but I thought it was worth taking some time to discuss. Here's the playlist to my three videos on manuscript issues and translations of the Bible (which I mentioned in the vid);list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuzJhPtmrgqpVoXhjvqiIjW Here's the entire Mark series playlist. I am absolutely LOVING this series and hope it blesses you tremendously.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuGenHwUdeiQ5M-uj5XW4sF
10/15/202010 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Parable of the Vineyard: The Mark Series pt 45 (12:1-12)

This was an "in your face" moment between Jesus and the leaders of the Jews. But what strikes me the most isn't just Jesus' rebuke of the leaders, or how cleverly He does it (so that they cannot charge Him with a crime), or how Jesus integrates Isaiah 5 into this parable of the vineyard. What strikes me the most is how they could be totally aware of the failures of their forefathers and totally blind to those same issues when they were to be found in themselves. God help us to see our lives clearly, for we can all be just like they were. This is part 45 of a verse by verse study through the Gospel of Mark. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here My website
10/12/202053 minutes, 17 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 7)

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:17 Do we go directly to be with God when we die? Will we see Him immediately, or is there some type of "soul sleep" that happens? 2. 8:29 What do you think about pages like "Memes for Jesus"? Is it ok to make jokes about Bible stories or situations? 3. 11:29 Premil, Amil, or Postmil - which view is the most correct? 4. 13:37 Recently, many people have been uploading videos of their "prophetic dreams," with many implying that the rapture will be within the next couple of months...What do you make of these dreams? 5. 17:52 How do you answer a friend that says that "spiritualism" (all new age stuff, tarot, yoga, manifesting) needs to be rescued from the New Age &amp; that spiritualism is pure and is what Jesus practiced? 6. 23:08 We are proud that the NT is based on eyewitness accounts, but how could the Gospel writers have known what Jesus said and did while He was alone, like in the desert or the garden of Gethsemane? 7. 26:20 Does the Bible support celebrating birthdays and Christmas? Recovering JW here. 8. 30:36 If I get raptured before the Tribulation, will I, from my new place of residence, be able to do something good for my loved ones who were left behind on Earth? 9. 32:34 Speaking of whether or not we go directly to Heaven or Hell when we die, what are your thoughts on the comma in Luke 23: 43? A lot of mortalists say it belongs after the word "today" instead of before. 10. 36:38 My entire family is Pentecostal. They say I'm demon possessed and a male chauvinist because I believe Paul's teachings on women. Am I wrong to think that those family members may not be saved? 11. 40:31 Have you seen "The Chosen" series? If so, what do you think of it? 12. 43:45 I was reading Galatians, and got confused by Galatians 3: 23. I know that we are saved by our faith and not by the law, but what does it mean to be "confined to" and "imprisoned by" the law? 13. 46:48 If Jesus was raised back to life as a human with a body, and not as a spiritual being, then how did He suddenly appear in the locked room with the disciples? 14. 48:02 I would love to know your thoughts on what it means to pray "in Jesus' name" such as in John 16: 24. 15. 50:10 If a man wants to be water baptized, do they need a specific level of understanding of the Bible and Christianity, or just the desire and a simple understanding of baptism? 16. 51:39 How can I renew my love for God when He seems commonplace? 17. 53:26 I have left a "Word of Faith" church and I am actively speaking out about their false doctrine, but it is affecting my relationship with my sister. What should I do? 18. 55:04 How do we draw the line between wrestling with God and having vain repetitions in our prayers? How long is it appropriate to keep praying for something? 19. 56:45 I am an aspiring pastor, and I hope to be the shepherd of a church one day. Until then, what are some good things for me to be doing? How can I prepare myself better for pastorship? 20. 59:14 How do I speak to a pastor who tends to use feel good phrases like "you are enough" and "Jesus came to bring a piece of Heaven to Earth"? I find these phrases unbiblical. Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks! My website
10/9/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Catholic Magisterium Is a LOT Like the Sanhedrin: The Mark Series pt 44 (11:27-33)

It seems eerie to me how similar the claims that Roman Catholicism makes are to the claims that the Pharisees and Sanhedrin were making in the time of Christ. The Pharisees claimed to have and oral tradition that wasn't written down but was handed down through an elder-succession from Sinai to Jesus' time (which was simply not historically true). They claimed that this tradition was equal in authority to the written word. They claimed that they had a special right to interpret that Bible and felt more authority than they really possessed. They thought they were sitting in Moses' seat and carrying the continuation of his authority in their own role. Well, all of these points are alive and present in the claims of the Roman Catholic Magisterium. They claim to have an oral tradition that wasn't written down but is equal in authority to the New Testament (which is simply not historically true). They claim to have special right to interpret the Bible. They claim to have special authority over God's people due to a claim that they have apostolic succession in their leadership roles. They claim to sit in the seat of Peter and carry the continuation of his authority in their own role. All of the parallels make it really interesting when Jesus simply dismisses the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees in the New Testament. In other words, we have a sample of how Jesus might respond to modern Roman Catholicism in the way that He responded to the 1st century Sanhedrin. And I think we should respond the same way. This is part 44 of a verse by verse study through the Gospel of Mark. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here My website
10/5/202056 minutes, 4 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 6)

0:00 Introduction 1. 0:12 Are Christians supposed to "tithe"? 2. 10:17 To what extent should Christians protect and retaliate? Should we do what we can to stop others from abusing others? 3. 16:14 Someone wants to disciple me, and is asking for payment, citing Luke 8:1-3, Galatians 6:6, 1 Timothy 5:8 &amp; 5: 18, Acts 2: 42, and 2 Samuel 23:8-17. Is being discipled similar to going to school, that you'd need to pay for it? 4. 19:20 Hebrews 10: 26-27 seems to teach a non-merciful judgment for those who reject the Gospel but know its truth, does this mean mercy will be shown to those who haven't heard? 5. 23:36 I grew up Lutheran but lately I’ve had doubts about how biblical Lutheran doctrine is. Would you consider covering it sometime? God bless you ministry, you’ve been a huge blessing! 6. 25:07 Should we repent and ask the Lord for forgiveness of sins we commit in our dreams? 7. 26:09 What is your practical advice for young man in small local church with growing call to do the ministry of the Word? It's a circle without ordained ministers, only lay preachers. Thank you! 8. 30:00 How should I understand the warning against apostasy in Heb 6:4-6? It's hard to believe the experiences described do not refer to true believers. Yet salvation isn't earned, so how could it be lost? 9. 30:54 If the Bible says that works born from within = no boasting/bad fruit, and works born from the Spirit = good fruit, then why do we think that faith born from within (prior to regeneration) is fruitful faith? Wouldn't faith born from our fallen nature be insufficient? Wouldn’t we be incapable of bearing ‘good fruit’ faith? (Similar to saying we had good works alone.) 10. 36:15 Some folks on Facebook were flipping out about idea of "Q" that scholars talk about as a potential source material. Is it another Gospel? Can you speak to what the idea of "Q" as used in scholarship discussion is, to help calm some nerves? 11. 39:01 What are your thoughts as to professed accounts of people (selling books about) visiting either Heaven or hell? 12. 42:49 In John 3, what does the Bible mean by “unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God”? Is "born of water" referring to baptism, or is it referring to actual birth? 13. 44:02 Is being charismatically "slain in the Spirit" biblical (falling backwards, animalistic sounds, etc.)? If it is, how do we discern someone being "slain in the Spirit" vs. being demonically possessed? 14. 48:21 As an unemployed Christian, I feel convicted that I should not work at the cannabis sector, despite the fact that there are so many job opportunities now. As a Christian, can I apply to this sector, or not? 15. 49:56 Many people are prophesying right now. It seems like the Lord is pouring His spirit out just like He prophesied. What are your thoughts on that? 16. 51:37 I've heard you talk about annihilationism. Could you please expand on why you think it is not biblical. Does it affect any other doctrines? Can we disagree? 17. 53:11 I’ve heard Calvinists say that God is not guilty for sin He decrees, because His purposes are good. This seems like a version of the “ends justify the means." Is this a biblical way of thinking? 18. 55:45 What do you think of Grace Community Church disobeying the government of California by keeping their church open (since we are told to obey the government, but also to meet together as the Church)? 19. 59:17 1 Cor 6: 19-20 is often quoted at people who use tobacco or sometimes those who are just overweight. What is the biblical basis (if any) for maintaining our bodily health? 20. 1:04:58 What is Gossip? Is it simply sharing personal information about someone without their permission, even in a nice way? That is how I have understood it to be. Here is the podcast on interpreting "born of water" in John 3. Let me preface with this before you listen to it. I don't agree with all the reasoning here, in particular some of the objections to the evangelical view seem weak,
10/2/20201 hour, 9 minutes
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A Serious Study of the Best "Name-It-and-Claim-It" Verse Ever: The Mark Series pt 43 (11:22-25)

This, right here, is probably the most powerful "name-it-and-claim-it" verse in the Bible. Mark 11:23–24 (NASB95) “Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him. “Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you. Honestly, I really struggled in prep for this study. At first I found myself wanting to just make sure that this passage wasn't used for the kind of stuff Kenneth Copeland teaches. But I sensed that, in my desire to avoid a particular interpretation, I might be blinding myself to what the passage is saying. So, I took a different approach, one that I try to always take but one that was particularly difficult for me to do this time around. I took myself out of the debate over "name-it-and-claim-it" teaching in the 21st century and instead sought to thoroughly understand how this radical passage makes sense in the context of Mark and the rest of the New Testament. The result has been a really rewarding study on the power of prayer and the reality of faith in the midst of suffering. This passage doesn't fit "name-it-and-claim-it" and it doesn't fit cessationism either. My hope is that I can bring clarity with this study and stir up faith. Faith for miracles and faith for suffering. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here
9/28/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 27 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 5)

Every Friday at 1pm PT! 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:04 Must we speak in tongues in order to be saved? 2. 11:39 Does Scripture authorize only one cup during the Lord's Supper? How should we face different government regulations of Eucharist? (E.g. forbidden one cup drinking.) 3. 14:35 What are your thoughts on the book of 1 Enoch? 4. 17:36 A friend just told me he doesn't believe that the Bible is historically accurate (ex. The Exodus, flood). Any advice on resources to help him? 5. 21:26 Can you please explain the parable about using your talents, and how we can be sure about what our gifts are? 6. 25:44 What are your thoughts on the Lutheran Church? Is the liturgy/tradition a hindrance to the Gospel and true repentance, or is there any value in it? 7. 28:59 How do you understand 1 Thess. 5: 23? Is Paul saying that every person has a distinct spirit, soul, and body, or just that everyone has a material and immaterial nature? Also, how are spirit &amp; soul different? 8. 31:41 People often use Proverbs 18: 21 to say that our words have power, and that we can use them to speak things into existence. Is that the true meaning of the verse? Are there any verses that support that point? 9. 36:17 What does it mean that God made the world through the Son in Hebrews 1:1-2? Is using the word “through” different than using the word “by”? 10. 40:04 How do I know the Holy Spirit? Are there any teachings about having a relationship with Him which are not focusing only on the gifts? 11. 42:20 Would it be appropriate for a Christian to attend a same-sex "wedding" of a family member/friend, or would that express acceptance of the union? 12. 43:46 For several years, when thinking about the afterlife, I've felt strong anxiety and I fear that these feelings might indicate that I don't love God. Any thoughts and/or tips on this? 13. 49:29 Do you think there is such a thing as neutral/common ground in apologetics? Or are our presuppositions so important that they have to be addressed before any evidence may be be examined, as presups say? 14. 52:29 How do you think biblically about RPG video games such as Elder Scrolls? Most RPGs you can play as a Warlock using fantasy magic. Does the content and nature of a game affect your game choice? 15. 57:19 Is there scientific evidence that speaking in tongues real? 16. 57:58 Can you please explain what Jesus meant when He said to sell your cloak and buy a sword in Luke 22: 36? 17. 1:00:35 I'm confused about fasting...should all Christians fast from time to time as a reminder that God is our true need? I've just never felt compelled to skip meals to grow closer to God. 18. 1:04:18 Hi Pastor Mike, I was wondering how the pharaoh's magicians were able to duplicate changing their staffs into snakes as Aaron did when accompanied by Moses in Exodus. 19. 1:07:19 How would you respond to a person who sees the Church as a historically bloody and evil organization? Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks!
9/25/20201 hour, 11 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Interview I Can't Explain

I was interviewed by Rachelle and Carder on the Anything But Quiet Time Podcast. We talked about a variety of issues and I think the one consistent theme that might apply to this whole interview is having more wisdom in how we handle theology, apologetics and evangelism. Anyhow, I hope you'll find some personal benefit in it! Here is Rachelle and Carder's podcast but you can also find it on whatever pod catcher you have
9/23/202034 minutes, 50 seconds
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How Free Will Conflicts with Atheism (Dr. Tim Stratton)

Dr. Tim Stratton presents his case that free will is evidence for God. Tim has spent a good deal of time refining this argument in his PhD studies and we're going to get an accessible breakdown of how it works. Now, Tim doesn't normally have an eye patch but since he didn't send me over a better photo I'm punishing him... and really, I just thought it was funny. I hope this breakdown of the "free will argument against naturalism" will be not only personally enlightening and convincing to you but will become another tool in your own intellectual toolbox of ways to help others see the truth of Jesus Christ. Here's Tim's web site and specifically an article on the problem of evil and how he answers it. Tim has TONS of free articles you may be interested on his site in addition to this one. Another article from Tim on "unjustified suffering" Tim's YouTube channel, which he intends to utilize more in the future, has a video he asked me to share with you on how he handles divine determinism which many Calvinists affirm.
9/22/20201 hour, 54 minutes, 41 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 4)

Every Friday at 1pm PT! Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction &amp; Cat Cam! 1. 0:16 How should we correctly interpret "by His stripes we are healed" in Isaiah 53:5? Has physical healing for today been purchased through the atonement? 2. 11:22 Can you explain why Old Testament sacrifices and offerings were "seasoned with salt"? Is there a spiritual/messianic picture or element involved in that? 3. 13:49 We are told to have a large amount of faith, but Jesus said that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. So what does that mean, in terms of faith? 4. 16:10 Is it biblical to sign a marriage contract before you marry someone? 5. 17:39 If you've had an abortion in the past, is it hypocritical to stand against it now, and would it be hypocritical to have a baby afterwards or think that you deserve to have a child afterwards? 6. 23:07 What does the Bible teach about masturbation? Is that act permissible for a follower of Christ? 7. 29:20 Do you share the opinion that we shouldn't ask God to heal diseases, but instead should speak over the sick person as if we have authority over sickness? Should we do it like Peter in Acts 3:6? 8. 35:02 What do you think of denominations? Are divisions ok, and can multiple factions of Christianity be legit? 9. 37:33 What are your thoughts on the apparitions of Mary at Fatima and messages given to the shepherd children? 10. 40:39 What is the "witness of the Spirit" mentioned in Romans 8: 16? Is it an experience like John Wesley's "strangely warmed" heart? How do you obtain the witness if you don't think you have it? 11. 43:58 What is the best way to study the Bible? Should I start in Matthew, or maybe Genesis? 12. 45:28 Mike what happened in Gethsemane? Was Jesus Christ separated or forsaken by the Father? 13. 48:39 What does Mark 16: 17-18 mean? I grew up in the prosperity gospel, and my family and 80% of my country is in it! I would really like to help them open their eyes to it. 14. 51:02 I know you're not a Calvinist, so are you Arminian, Molinist, or none of the above? 15. 51:41 Does Matthew 6: 14-15 imply that forgiving others is necessary for salvation? 16. 52:31 Do you have any counsel on how to be discerning and grow in the Lord without constantly worrying about every new heresy and false teaching that crops up? 17. 53:30 How should I approach a growing issue at my church where the Bible is not being preached, the pastoral staff is beginning to go off base, and the lead pastor bulldozes over people? 18. 54:55 To what extend should we try to rectify our sins? (e.g. should two Christians who fornicate then marry?) 19. 55:55 Where was Jesus' spirit during the 2 days he was dead? 20. 56:36 How to you stop bitterness and hatred from being in your heart, if you’ve held onto it for years? Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks!
9/18/202059 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Secret History of the Fast Growing “Mother God” Cult (with NEW info I've never shared before)

Time Stamp Map 0:00 Introduction 1. 6:24 How did you initially find out about the WMSCOG, and what caused you to recognize the need for their teachings to be refuted? 2. 11:40 What are some of the books and other resources you used to delve into your research of this cult, and how did the difficulty of obtaining certain resources impact your studies? 3. 15:15 Overview of the origin &amp; history of the WMSCOG, and their current teachings 4. 23:55 How does the WMSCOG's modalistic view of God allow them to elevate the position of key leaders in their organization? 5. 26:25 Does the WMSCOG believe there is a distinction between "Christ" and "Jesus"? 6. 27:23 How does the WMSCOG respond to the biblical truth that "the fullness of deity dwells bodily" in Christ (Colossians 2:9), and in all cults, how does their tendency to take verses of Scripture out of context affect their ability to spread false teaching? 7. 32:16 (Overview of the WMSCOG's current teachings *continued*) 8. 36:01 About AhnSahngHong's book, "The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Interpretation on Women's Veil" 9. 40:27 What are some of the definitive cultic characteristics of the WMSCOG, and how can having a solid Christian worldview serve as a safeguard for us against false teaching? 10. 42:12 About Steven Hassan, his books, and his B.I.T.E. Model of cult characteristics --43:19 B - Behavior Control --48:00 I - Information Control --1:05:02 T&amp;E - Thought &amp; Emotional Control 11. 1:00:07 and 2:00:53 If any of our listeners have WMSCOG books and would like to donate them to help equip our ministry, where can they send them? 12. 1:11:14 What role can spiritual warfare play in how the characteristics of the B.I.T.E. Model can affect cult members? 13. 1:13:05 When we engage in conversations with WMSCOG members, what are some of the key verses/arguments that get brought up, their perspective on how those verses/arguments support their theology, and some good responses we can offer to those verses/arguments? 14. 1:31:34 About the "Prophecy of the 40 Years of David" that WMSCOG members are taught 15. 1:38:53 Do you think the WMSCOG may claim that AhnSahngHong's baptism was at the age of 30 in order to strengthen the connection between him and Jesus (who was baptized at the age of 30)? 16. 1:39:33 About their observance of the feasts, and their claim that observance is necessary for salvation 17. 1:48:00 How do WMSCOG members interpret Galatians 4: 26, and how can we respond to that verse, offering them an explanation of its proper context? 18. 1:55:37 If I've come to realize that I've been a part of a cult (either formerly or presently), what should I do? Here is EVERYTHING I have on the WMSCOG. Please share this content with those who need it because there isn't nearly enough stuff out there on this group and they are making inroads all over the place. Cultish appears on podcast or on the YouTube channel Apologia Studios, here's a link.
9/17/20202 hours, 4 minutes, 40 seconds
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"TOP" Atheists "BEST" Arguments Against God

An atheist offers what he sees as the best arguments against God. I admit ahead of time that this is mostly low hanging fruit. But I also would say that this sort of atheist reasoning is so prevalent that it needs to be addressed. That being said, this stuff is pretty bad. I want to offer a breakdown of this atheist's article which is perhaps a pretty serious commentary on some of the problems in pop-atheism. All in all, there are 4 really bad arguments, and 1 really tough one. I'll try to get to all of them, but when I did this for my small group yesterday I was only able to get to the first four. We'll see how it goes. This video is in lieu of the Mark series which will pick up in TWO weeks. Time Stamps: 1. 6:23 We Are All Atheists2. 24:46 Religion Only Exists Through Indoctrination3. 44:42 Atheism Is Instinctual4. 48:06 Religion Is Desperation5. 1:00:58 The Problem of Evil Links and more links to stuff you probably want to see: The original article I'm responding to is HERE. The Kalam Cosmological Argument (this is so thorough and simple it can be used in line at Disneyland or in academic debate). Click here for a teleological argument from the design in the universe presented by a physicist. A playlist of videos going deep into a moral argument for God by one of my favorite people, Dr. William Lane Craig. Click here for the argument from beauty (and yes, you should take this more seriously than you do). A ridiculous amount of evidence for the resurrection of Jesus presented by two historians: Click here To show the unity of the Bible, here is my "Jesus in the Old Testament" series. I think this is a very strong cumulative case for "unity" which is best explained by inspiration. For parents wanting to teach their kids critical thinking, here's a resource on Natasha Crain's blog for Christian parents. She not only teaches you to teach your kids to think critically, she teaches you to think critically, as well. Extraordinary claims don't require extraordinary evidence. Seriously, let's think critically about this slogan. Click here A great resource for the problem of evil is Clay Jones' book "Why Does God Allow Evil." I'm giving this to you as a book instead of a video as I honestly think it's going to be more helpful to read this one instead of casually watching a video. This topic is tremendously difficult, and the patience and thought that reading invokes is going to serve you well as you process it. Click here
9/16/20201 hour, 23 minutes, 5 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 3)

Every Friday at 1pm PT! Time Stamps! 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:33 Since Jesus flipped over tables in the temple, does that give people an excuse to have violent protests today? 2. 9:59 I've been dealing with doubts lately, and it never seems to be the cause of any intellectual problem - It feels like an attack. How would you handle this? 3. 12:39 We can see in the Bible that we are to care for the orphan, widow, etc. and uplift those whom society shuns. Should this play out differently in the life of a believer than it does currently in the world (e.g. many people, especially in my young student circles see political action/ideals like socialism or communism as the way forward in this)? Basically, do you think there’s a difference between biblical justice and modern social justice? 4. 22:00 Any suggestions of Christian resources/ministries for women struggling with pornography? Why does the church focus more on men with this sin? 5. 24:09 What are your thoughts on the Enneagram and its origins? Some research states that it was created by desert fathers and mystics, however, some churches point its origins to Catholicism. 6. 26:46 You say we are saved by faith alone and not by works, so how can you say someone is not saved if they live in a homosexual lifestyle? Isn't that blending faith and works? So which works are required? 7. 29:55 How do you know if you believe in your heart vs just logically thinking in your mind that the evidence points more toward Christianity being true than false? referring to Romans 10:9 8. 32:51 Romans 6: 23 says, “for the wages of sin is death”...what kind of death it is referring to? Is it an eternal death? A physical one on Earth? A spiritual death? 9. 34:55 Have you heard of the dreams of Pastor Dana Coverstone? If so, what are your thoughts? 10. 37:42 Why is God the Father just called "God" in the NT? He doesn't typically have the descriptor "the Father" added, where as Jesus is specifically called the Son and the Spirit is called the Spirit? 11. 40:15 What in your mind is the difference between simple sexual attraction and lust, if any? It seems like too many Christians conflate them as one and the same. 12. 45:03 1 Cor 13: 10 is so controversial. If "the perfect" means the Bible and not Jesus, then spiritual gifts have ceased - so wouldn't that leave so many in deception and false understanding? 13. 48:11 Was God angry with Eli as a father or as a priest for not keeping his sons in check? 14. 50:07 What do you think about the Book of Enoch? 15. 52:13 We relocated, and the pastor at the church we are going to and want to join has been reading out of The Passion Translation more and more. Should we rethink our decision? 16. 53:51 How can I lovingly bring up and reveal the errors of the prosperity gospel to friends and family? 17. 55:09 If I am truly seeking God, will He show up for me? 18. 55:31 I've been reading lots of reports of exploitation of the laborers who make the products we use everyday (chocolate, phones, etc.) Should we as Christians boycott/abstain from these things? 19. 55:57 Are Christians allowed to read and study the Quran? In Denmark I have to take a class on religion before I can study theology at the university, but I feel convicted when reading. Should I stop? 20. 57:31 Why was the tree of knowledge of good and evil bad? Isn’t wisdom generally regarded as a good trait in the bible? Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks!
9/11/202059 minutes, 18 seconds
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Why Jesus Cursed the Fig Tree and "Flipped Out" in the Temple: The Mark Series pt 42 (11:12-25)

Jesus isn't "acting like Jesus" here. He does a number of things that simply don't fit our modern pacified version of Jesus. And that's a good thing. I don't want to fall into the pacified version of Jesus that our culture likes but I also don't want to act like Jesus' radical and aggressive actions of cursing the fig tree and kicking people and animals out of the temple while flipping tables is somehow an excuse for me to overstep my own authority and act sinfully in my own anger just because I think I am in the right. But, there's more to this passage than just finding the balance of how we can apply Jesus' extreme actions. We need to see the theological message of the passage as well as apply it into our lives by seriously evaluating our own status as the "temple of the Holy Spirit" and restoring the purpose of prayer and relationship with God in our lives. Craig Evan's article, which had a lot of interesting historical insights into this passage. "Jesus' Action in the Temple: Cleansing or Portent of Destruction?";seq=23#page_scan_tab_contents See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here
9/7/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 56 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 2)

Every Friday at 1pm PT! Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:16 Do 1 Timothy 2:9 and 1 Peter 3:3-4 prohibit jewelry (wedding bands, necklaces, etc.)? 2. 9:16 In Matthew 21:1-8, there is a donkey and a colt (2 animals). Does this have something to do with Jews and Gentiles? 3. 11:30 Can a person who struggles with addiction be born again? Can you be saved, but not enter the Kingdom of God? (John 3:3) 4. 14:39 How do I pray for a believer who isn't truly walking in line with Christ, and not showing evidence of any growth or transformation in their life due to habitual sin and lack of intimacy with God? 5. 18:23 When you ask God for wisdom, how do you expect a reply? How do you hear from God? Does He send thoughts? 6. 22:27 My church is having an indoor wedding tomorrow, despite the local government's current mandate prohibiting indoor ceremonies. Is this in accordance with God's Word? (Romans 13, 1 Peter 2: 13) 7. 27:25 Shouldn't Christians practicing polygamy have the same moral obligation to obey God's commands on marriage as divorced Christians who should pursue restoration? Isn't polygamy a sin, no matter what? 8. 30:05 In 1 John 5: 16-17, can you explain what is meant by "sin not leading to death" and "sin leading to death"? 9. 34:05 Can you elaborate on Hebrews 6:4? Is it referring to backsliding, or salvation? 10. 35:00 What is "righteous anger" according to Scripture, and could it be applicable for us to occasionally experience today? 11. 37:47 What are your views on communion and the eucharist? How much should the early Church writings affect our views on communion? 12. 44:36 Is there any good reason to think that the rapture of the Church will most likely happen during the "Feast of Trumpets"? 13. 45:33 What is the difference between a feeling and a conviction? 14. 46:40 How much authority does a father have over his adult children, and does it differ between sons and daughters? 15. 49:33 Can you comment on Michael Heiser and his "Divine Council Theory"? 16. 53:29 How would you respond to someone who claims that the Old Testament is not true due to their belief that there was never a biblical flood or Exodus, and that the Hebrews just copied the cultures around them, etc.? 17. 59:04 In Genesis 6 and 1 Samuel 15, God regretted His decisions. How can God, who knows all things, make a decision that He later decides was wrong? Here is the video I mentioned about why God "repents" and "changes his mind" Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&amp;A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already gathered 20 questions. Please check the live chat to see if we are full on Qs. Thanks!
9/4/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
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If A Polygamist Gets Saved Should They Get Divorced?

This question is NOT just a hypothetical. Missionaries in Africa asked me to answer this and I don't think it's application will be limited to them for too long. It seems to me that the moral slip-slide of our culture is heading toward a time when more and more of us will be confronted with the topic of polygamy. This is one of my final videos in the series I have done on divorce and remarriage. Here's the playlist with all those videos.
9/1/202010 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Triumphal Entry Was Really Ironic: The Mark Series pt 41 (11:1-11)

OH MAN! I forgot to mention a really cool historical insight we get from the Mishnah! Apparently, Jews were expected to enter Jerusalem on foot when travelling there for Passover. This means that when Jesus entered on a donkey it would have stood out as particularly odd and unique. This give us another reason to see the profound and deliberate proclamation to be the Messianic King. I meant to share that during the study to help those who might think, "so what, lots of people ride donkeys into Jerusalem". This was obviously a lot more than just a donkey ride. Sometimes it's the passages we find the most familiar that we have the most new stuff to learn from. This will be a careful study of the "Triumphal Entry", or "Palm Sunday" where we intend to get a deeper understanding of the passage and hopefully a greater appreciation for how strategically ironic the whole thing is. Mark 1:1-11 is probably the most ironic passage in the book, in my opinion. Here's my study on 24 ways Jesus fulfilled Passover. Here's my study on Daniel 9 and it's connection to the timing of Jesus' sacrifice. See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here
8/31/20201 hour, 1 minute, 33 seconds
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20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 1)

Every Friday at 1pm PT! Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:47 Since there is no marriage in Heaven, are married couples going to be strangers in Heaven? 2. 5:11 If I’m not mistaken, you hold the view of conditional election, prevenient grace, and total depravity (though maybe not to the extent of the Calvinist). ​My question is, if Christ dies for all people and all sins, why does a sinner have to overcome the sin of unbelief on their own? 3. 8:38 A friend, at age 12, signed his soul over (in a blood pact) to Satan, in an at-home ceremony. He was a kid, but he now feels that he cannot be saved. Please comment on this deal with the Devil. 4. 10:01 What are your thoughts on Proverbs 16:4? Does that passage suggest that God created (perhaps predestined) the unsaved for judgment or condemnation? 5. 13:40 You inspire me to study my Bible verse-by-verse, but I don't know where to start! I was wondering what study resources you use or would recommend for someone not familiar with the original languages. 6. 18:16 How should I speak to someone who is going to die because of cancer, while another Christian got her hopes up that her cancer wouldn't return, claiming that "God said" it wouldn't? And how should I speak about evil &amp; suffering to her? 7. 22:31 You mentioned, in Part 2 of your Mark series, that John the Baptist was the one setting the way for the Lord (Yahweh). Why, then, did you use the word "Yahweh", when Logos displays the Hebrew word there as "kyrios"? 8. 24:32 Verses like Jeremiah 29: 11 are quoted a lot to us, and I get confused while trying to understand whether God was speaking only to a group of people back then specifically, or whether we can still apply those verses to us personally today. 9. 28:18 I go to a liberal Christian university, and the Bible teaching here is untrue. Scripture and the Gospel are undermined consistently. How do I properly address these issues in my Bible class? 10. 30:40 Why does Paul teach that we are saved by faith alone and not by works, but Jesus teaches that works (like obeying the commandments) are necessary to get into the Kingdom of God? 11. 32:06 How does Matthew 28: 18-20 apply to each individual Christian, and how does one make a disciple? Is it just evangelism and baptism of a lost person, or is it overseeing their growth? 12. 35:28 Could you please share your testimony, and the struggles you may have had as a new believer? 13. 36:57 It is said that Jacob fought against God in Scripture, but the text refers to a fight with an angel...Is God the Angel of the Lord? 14. 39:20 Can someone who commits suicide go to Heaven? I’ve heard it argued that if they were true believers who just happened to commit that act in a moment of weakness/confusion, they are still saved. Is that biblical? 15. 42:53 I don't understand the biblical idea of "the elect"...Does that mean some people cannot be saved, no matter what? 16. 44:06 My husband grew up Catholic, and his family keeps telling us we "aren't really married" because we were not married by the Catholic Church. How can we lovingly respond to them with biblical truth? 17. 46:31 What if someone gets an unbiblical divorce, but their ex-spouse is already remarried, making reconciliation impossible? Are they free to remarry? 18. 47:41 I have a question about 1 Timothy 2: 12-15...Due to the text, does this make co-ed bible studies unbiblical? what about women's ministry? 19. 50:50 How do I address a lack of plurality in leadership? We have one pastor who teaches every sermon &amp; every class, and no elders. How do I bring up this issue with the church, when we're relying too much on one person? 20. 53:11 Why do we, as Christians, not keep the Sabbath, even though it is part of the moral law? It is written by the finger of God in stone, not just spoken to Moses like the Mosaic Law. Shouldn't we keep it? 21. 1:01:05 In 1 Samuel 28, Saul talks to Samuel and asks for his help. I think it's sinful to pray to the de
8/28/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 58 seconds
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Answering 4 Final Questions on Divorce and Remarriage

Expand for time stamps. I'm almost done with all my videos on this topic and boy is my brain tired! Seriously though, this study has been very rewarding personally and the feedback I have received from many of you, saying that this teaching series has really impacted your lives in positive ways, has been the absolute highlight. 0:00 quick stuff 0:48 Was Jesus really just talking about Herod when he mentioned divorce? 7:47 Does the OT prove that remarriage after divorce was normally allowed? 11:44 Does Deuteronomy 24 teach that 2nd marriages are invalid? 16:57 Deut 24 forbids remarrying a former spouse. Is that binding on us today? This is the playlist with all my videos on the topic of divorce and remarriage.
8/26/202021 minutes, 24 seconds
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Taking Jesus Back from the NEW AGE: The Mark Series pt 40 (10:46-52)

Some times we have been so indoctrinated into unbiblical ideas about faith, healing and prayer that we don't notice when the Bible is trying to correct us. As we study this passage I'm going to try and point out specifically how Jesus is not giving us the hyper-charismatic or new age views on prayer, healing and faith. But there is a risk that in refuting these false ideas we will miss out on the wonderful things God is trying to communicate. The Bible isn't just telling us what NOT to believe but also what TO believe. So, we are going to embrace what it says about faith, healing and prayer... all of it. Unlike the new age and hyper-charismatic tendency to ignore context and distort things to fit their movement and the "vibe" they are trying to create in their communities. Are you interested in the supposed contradiction regarding the healing of the blind man? Here's what I've got on that See the WHOLE Gospel of Mark playlist here
8/24/20201 hour, 5 minutes, 19 seconds
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Q&A with Pastor Mike Winger

0:00 CAT CAM! and Introduction1. 1:32 What are your views on the rapture, or being &ldquo;caught up&rdquo;?2. 8:14 A friend of mine believes that Mark 16:17-18 is a sign for true believers today, because Jesus also sent the 70 besides the apostles to do signs and wonders. Can you help me to help him?3. 16:15 Do you have any advice for someone just starting out in ministry, especially as a missionary?4. 17:51 What are your thoughts on 1 Corinthians 11, regarding women wearing head coverings while praying or prophesying? We only stopped in the later half of the 20th century.5. 18:50 Could you do an in-depth study on believers committing deliberate sin and/or struggling with condemnation?6. 21:01 What is a biblical view of entertainment?7. 25:27 How can I trust manuscripts, especially ones from Alexandria?8. 27:08 My friend recently said she &ldquo;still feels the presence of her dead loved one.&rdquo; What is the biblical and loving response to this?9. 29:20 I grew up a &ldquo;Christian&rdquo;, but now, after trials which have caused me to turn to God in prayer, I have become more loving toward God and others. Was there a time when I may not have actually been saved, before this?10. 30:40 If a person is genuinely suffering from gender dysphoria, and as a result, they dress as the opposite gender, are they living in sin? What can they do to overcome gender dysphoria?11. 35:16 Can you please explain the Parable of the 10 Virgins in Matthew 25:1? What does the oil represent? Some say it represents the Torah, and others say it represents the Holy Spirit.12. 40:11 What is your take on Jonathan Cahn and his books?13. 40:29 What is the significance of Jesus&rsquo; sacrifice being done through the eternal Spirit? Was Jesus separated from the Father?14. 43:41 What is your interpretation of John 6: 44? What is the &ldquo;drawing&rdquo; here referring to?15. 48:51 I am a school bus driver who is struggling to share Jesus with students, as it would be against school policy to do so. Is it more biblical for me to obey school policies, or to obey God&rsquo;s command to spread the Gospel?16. 50:34 Can someone lose their salvation?17. 52:49 Are &ldquo;tongues&rdquo; overrated? I grew up hearing that tongues were like a special status symbol to give you better access to God, but is that biblical?18. 55:31 Some people say that not everyone can go to Heaven, because then, Heaven would be spoiled by bad people. But others say that by believing on Jesus, anyone can go to Heaven. Can these two be reconciled?19. 57:25 How do you properly repent from a sin?20. 58:26 Is having a more conscientious acknowledgement of God&rsquo;s presence unto repentance of sin a symptom of being indwelt by the Holy Spirit?
8/21/20201 hour, 1 minute, 6 seconds
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How Jesus' Anticipated Pastoral Abuse: The Mark Series pt 39 (10:35-45)

I honestly think that most pastoral abuse would stop if we would take seriously Jesus' teaching in this passage. We sometimes miss the forest through the trees when it comes to studying verse by verse. So, I'm going to start this study with a survey of how the Gospel of Mark repeatedly is contrasting the true mission of the Messiah with the false expectations of the disciples and the Jews of Jesus' day (and modern day Judaism as well). Then we will see how big of a deal it is when Jesus tries to correct our thinking on the topic of servanthood as greatness and leadership as servants. Do you want to go through the whole book of Mark with me vs by vs, covering theology and apologetics in detail?
8/18/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 57 seconds
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This might become a regular thing. Live Q&A!

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction and a bit about the American Gospel movie 1. 5:15 Did Old Testament saints believe in "faith + works" for salvation? 2. 11:34 How familiar are you with Steven Furtick and Elevation Church? Is it wrong of me to be wary of mainstream churches that seem to be too "seeker-friendly"? 3. 15:22 How do you respond to Richard Carrier's argument that Jesus was in outer space and the Apostles where schizophrenic or schizotypal? 4. 18:33 In Romans 5: 12-21, does our nature inherit the guilt of Adam's sin, or are we only guilty of our own sin? In Hebrews 2: 17 and 4: 15, did Christ's human nature inherit Adam's sin, or just desire sin like us? 5. 27:19 How do you interpret the Beatitudes at the beginning of Matthew 5? 6. 30:57 What are your thoughts on the 2 trees in the Garden of Eden representing both the law and the Gospel in Genesis 3 (The Tree of Knowledge representing the law, and the Tree of life representing Christ)? 7. 32:13 Does it say in the Old Testament that Jesus will baptize with the Holy Spirit and with fire? 8. 34:06 How would you biblically define our fallen state, and how would this compare to the Calvinistic view of "Total Depravity" and "Total Inability"? What are the key passages to help us understand our fallen state? 9. 38:45 How can we know that we're saved, when the heart is deceitful, since it's not biblical to believe that speaking in tongues is the indication of whether or not someone is saved? 10. 41:30 How often do you fast, and do you allow yourself coffee while fasting? 11. 42:51 I know that it's better than anything in this present Earth, but what does it mean to be "least in the Kingdom of Heaven"? 12. 45:01 What's wrong with "The Shack"? 13. 46:43 The book of James tells us that God will never tempt us, but in the Lord's Prayer, Jesus teaches us to ask the Father not to lead us into temptation. Why is this? 14. 51:24 Why didn't Jesus stone the adulteress, if it was written in the law to stone those found in that sin? Quick rules for the Q&amp;A 1) Please wait to ask questions until the stream starts 2) Before you submit your question please reread it to make sure it's clear and that I will be able to figure out what you are asking. Thanks! 3) Do not ask your question multiple times because it confuses our mods when they are compiling the questions 4) I apologize ahead of time for those who ask important questions which I won't have time to answer. There's only one of me.
8/14/202057 minutes, 40 seconds
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Historical Evidence Jesus Predicted His Death and Resurrection: The Mark Series pt 38 (10:32-34)

Here are 5 historical arguments for and responses to 3 arguments against Jesus actually predicting His own death and resurrection along. After that apologetic section, which will take a big chunk of today's teaching, I'll share some theological and pastoral insights from this passage in Mark 10:32-34. Do you want to go through the whole book of Mark with me vs by vs, covering theology and apologetics in detail? My website If you like podcasts you can get this content in that form. Search for "BibleThinker" podcast or for my name, which is Mike, not Mark :)
8/11/20201 hour, 14 minutes, 51 seconds
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I’ve got announcements and then I’m taking your live questions.

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction and Announcements 1. 12:15 How do you go about doing a systematic theology on any given subject, such as soteriology? 2. 14:46 I was taught that Christians don't sin. 1 John 3:9 says, "Whoever has been born of God does not sin", and Romans is littered with talk of us being "free from sin". So why is this teaching wrong? 3. 22:55 What are your thoughts on "corporate responsibility" for pas sins, and "individual responsibility"? Can both be true? I see both in the Bible. 4. 25:24 Can you explain the Parable of the Talents? In Matthew 25: 14, what are our "talents", and why do the two servants get different rewards, when they both increased the amount by 100%? 5. 33:55 What does God say about men who abuse their wives emotionally, physically, etc.? 6. 35:49 What are the biblical definitions of sin, transgression, and iniquity? How can I be certain that the sins I've committed, while knowing they were wrong, are forgiven? 7. 38:49 What are your thoughts on the "new perspective on Paul"? 8. 41:43 Why did God put the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden just to test Adam &amp; Eve? 9. 44:38 What advice would you give to a woman who is interested in doing ministry in apologetics? How can women pursue this calling while being careful to stay within the parameters set in Scripture? 10. 46:03 If the punishment for sin is eternal suffering, how was it sufficient for Jesus to suffer temporarily? 11. 48:02 Is there any evidence for the biblical Exodus? If so, will you be making a video on this topic? 12. 49:42 How strongly do we need to believe that Jesus is Lord in order to be saved? I know the Bible talks about just having a mustard seed of faith. Some days, I have a lot of faith, and other days, I still have doubts. My website Here are the new BibleThinker mug designs and products from Zockoll Pottery. I don't receive any financial benefit from this, it's just for fun. 4 styles here - 2 styles here - BibleThinker magnets here -
8/7/202055 minutes, 38 seconds
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You Must Be POOR to Be Saved: The Mark Series pt 37

Jesus' interaction with the rich, young ruler has been used by some to promote socialism and others have approached it looking for an explanation of justification like what we find in Romans. After spending some time on this passage and in the Gospel of Mark as a whole I think both of these approaches are wrong. This will be a careful, vs by vs study of Jesus' interaction with the rich man in Mark 10. We'll look at some controversy about this passage but our main concern will be to hear Jesus' radical call to come to Him for salvation, which is impossible for us to obtain without Him, and to come fully invested in His kingdom. What Jesus teaches through this encounter gives us not only an offer of salvation but a call to discipleship, where Jesus is not only a source of forgiveness, He is the very purpose of our live's and choosing Him means choosing His kingdom over our own or the kingdom of this age. It's that last part that I think people overlook when teaching on the rich man and I hope that this study helps you to understand it well. For all the videos in the Mark click here -
8/3/20201 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
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Am I Motivating People to Commit Adultery So They Can Divorce?

This is a common and terrible tactic in trying to get away from an interpretation you don't like. I'm not surprised to see this come up in the comments section of my video but I am surprised to see respectful and thoughtful men like Gordon Wenham using this sort of nonsense in print. The objection goes as follows; "When you say that adultery is justification for divorce you actually encourage people to go out and commit adultery so they can have a justified divorce". Here's the playlist with all my divorce and remarriage content My web site
7/29/20204 minutes, 21 seconds
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Infant Salvation Causes These Theological Riddles (CONJECTURE WARNING): The Mark Series pt 36

Teaching that all babies who die go to heaven immediately brings up a number of important theological questions. Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 5:10 How do we determine when a person is accountable? 2. 11:52 What role does sin nature have? 3. 19:00 What role does Jesus have in their salvation? 4. 20:53 What about free will? 5. 43:53 Does this give people an excuse to commit abortion? All this and more in today's follow-up study looking at the theological implications of saying that babies or anyone who is similarly handicapped in mental capacities are saved. Do you want to go through the whole book of Mark with me? Here's the playlist where we go verse by verse and tackle issues of theology, apologetics and the Christian life! My website New videos every week, helping you learn how to think biblically about everything.
7/27/202053 minutes, 44 seconds
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Why Jesus' Teaching on Divorce Was So Shocking That the Disciples Wanted to Give up on Marriage.

Any correct interpretation of Jesus' teaching on divorce needs to account for the fact that the disciples were so shocked by Jesus that they said it was better to just stay single. In this video I try to explain how I account for the shock of the disciples with my view of Jesus' teaching on divorce and remarriage. Here's the playlist of all my videos on the topic of divorce and remarriage. My web site
7/22/20205 minutes, 43 seconds
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Do Babies Go to Heaven? A Biblical Examination (The Mark Series pt 35, 10:13-16)

This is a heavy issue and while many people think the Bible doesn't give us much to go on, I disagree. In this study I am going to examine a number of passages people use when trying to explain what the eternal fate of those who die in infancy is. It starts with a survey of Bible passages which don't seem to help us answer our question and then a survey of passages which do. This is part of the "Mark Series" where I am going vs by vs through the Gospel of Mark, covering theology, apologetics and the Christian life. Here's the whole series playlist - My web site
7/20/20201 hour, 15 minutes, 57 seconds
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What if Your Spouse Squanders All The Money?

Some tough situations have us asking whether a divorce can be justified for things not clearly mentioned in scripture. Not only do I give my best answer to the question of divorce for a spouse habitually draining the bank account, I hope that this answer will help you work through other tough questions like this one. I think the principles here apply very broadly. Here's my playlist with ALL my teaching on divorce and remarriage. My web site
7/17/20206 minutes, 22 seconds
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Does “Always Forgive” Mean You Can NEVER Divorce?

While the Bible teaches that some divorces are justified, some people think that the command to &ldquo;forgive&hellip; as God in Christ forgave you&rdquo; requires us to NEVER divorce, because we must forgive even those offenses that would normally justify a divorce. This a challenging question, and I hope that my answer helps! Here&rsquo;s my playlist&nbsp;with all my teaching on divorce and remarriage.
7/15/20208 minutes, 42 seconds
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We Desperately Need to Hear What Jesus Said in Mark 10: The Mark Series pt 34 (10:1-12)

People in Jesus' time had a bad attitude about marriage, just like today. They seemed to think it was a person's right to divorce whenever they decided they wanted to, just like today. But Jesus corrected this by pointing them toward the nature of marriage and showing that marriage it a holy and wonderful union that God Himself has created. Jesus takes away their excuses and calls them to get back to the heart of marriage rather than seeking excuses to divorce. It was a message people desperately needed to hear at the time, just like today. Here's my big video on divorce and remarriage and everything the Bible says about it.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHtBvJzugPJp9P5X1T-hA91j&amp;index=2 Here's the entire Mark playlist where we are working through the whole book of Mark verse by verse.
7/13/202047 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Total Distortion of Jesus On Divorce (13 minute vid)

I went down a rabbit hole of research to find out how some people have taken Jesus' teaching on divorce to mean the opposite of what it seems like He was saying. The issue is whether there is a special definition of "put away" as compared to "writ of divorce". On this peculiar view "put away" is taken to mean "send away a spouse without a divorce certificate", which means that if you are "put away" you are still married. On the other hand, "writ of divorce" (or certificate of divorce) is taken to refer to an actual divorce with a divorce paper. Here's why this view is wrong. Here is the playlist to all my videos on divorce and remarriage. My web site
7/8/202013 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Jesus meant by “because of the hardness of your heart"

What did Jesus mean by "because of your hardness of hearts Moses permitted you to divorce your wives"? Does this mean you can get a divorce if your heart is hard? Does it mean you can get a divorce if your spouse has a hard heart? Does it mean that divorce was regulated with protections for human rights because people's hearts are so hard they are going to divorce anyways? Yeah, it's the third one. If you have a bunch more questions on divorce and remarriage then you should start with my big and thorough teaching on the topic, linked here. Here is a playlist of all my videos on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage. My website:
7/6/20206 minutes, 51 seconds
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Are Divorced People Free to Marry Another Biblically?

It may seem peculiar but I think that this solves a riddle about why scripture speaks the way it does on the topic of divorce. Jesus acknowledged divorce but taught that it didn't always free you from your moral obligation to your prior spouse. Paul, in 1 Cor 7, taught that a divorced couple was really divorced but still obliged to get back together or stay unmarried. In my view, this view comes naturally from taking the Bible at face value on it's teaching on divorce and remarriage. If you want to understand better what ends your moral obligation to a prior spouse then please watch the BIG video (the 1st one in the playlist below) which also has time stamps to help you find exactly what you are looking for. For all my videos on the topic of Divorce and Remarriage check out this playlist My web site
7/1/20203 minutes, 55 seconds
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If You Sleep With Someone Are You Biblically Married?

If sex doesn't equal marriage then what does? We will take a look at a number of biblical passages to find the answer to this question. The bottom line is that sex does join you to a person in a very intimate way, but that this alone does not constitute a marriage. Marriage is more than sex and it takes more to be truly married than to just start sleeping with someone. Here's the playlist for all the videos (as they come out) on marriage, divorce and remarriage.
6/29/20209 minutes, 13 seconds
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Roman Catholicism: Contending for the Faith

I try to graciously, honestly and without misrepresentation, deal with a number of important issues related to Catholicism; the Pope, purgatory, Mary, the authority claims of Roman Catholicism, historical challenges to official teachings of the RC church, theological problems with the gospel as it is taught in the official councils of Catholicism (especially Trent) and the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The truth is that I wish I could say the disagreements I have with official Roman Catholic teaching were merely secondary issues. But, despite incredible agreement on many primary issues such as the inspiration and authority of scripture, the Trinity and the death and resurrection of Jesus, there remains the fact that Roman Catholicism teaches errors that seem to compromise the very gospel itself. I really wish I could affirm that the gospel is still in tact in the council of Trent or the Catechism of the Catholic Church, but I am honestly convinced it's not. So, with a heavy heart I think we need to talk about it. While the biggest issue here is the gospel I will still deal with a number of other connected topics and hope you'll find it helpful. Lisa Laizure's ministry - The playlist for this "Contending for the Faith" conference, which includes a teaching on Jehovah's Witnesses and on Mormonism. My website
6/25/20201 hour, 53 minutes, 57 seconds
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Answering Your Questions and Push-Back on My Divorce and Remarriage Teaching

1. 0:00 Intro and explanation 2. 1:56 In Jeremiah, God divorced Israel but didn’t marry someone else - he offered them restoration! Doesn’t this undermine your case for remarriage? 3. 6:08 If a person who illegitimately divorced their spouse is unmarried and repentant and if their former spouse has remarried, may that person marry someone else? 4. 9:04 If the punishment for adultery was death under the law then how can adultery be a cause for divorce? 5. 19:49 Is addiction to porn considered sexual immorality and therefore, grounds for divorce? 6. 22:54 Does the requirement for leaders to be the “husband of one wife” mean that a divorced man can’t be a pastor? 7. 44:20 What do you do when a spouse wants to separate but not divorce, leaving you in limbo? 8. 50:33 What about domestic abuse such as verbal/spiritual abuses? 9. 55:42 If a person becomes a Christian after an invalid divorce, and reconciliation is not an option (former spouse is remarried), is that person free to remarry? 10. 57:42 Mike, you’re saying marriage isn’t really for life. Two don’t become one-flesh? 11. 1:00:06 If adultery justifies divorce and the man who divorces his wife commits adultery then why is the innocent woman in Luke 16 vs. 18 not allowed to get remarried? 12. 1:06:28 What’s with the jar of gummy bears in the background? 13. 1:07:14 What about the mass divorce that God commanded in Ezra and Nehemiah? ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬................................ Conclusion of Pt. 1 ................................ The questions below will be answered in future videos on this channel. Subscribe and click the "bell" icon to get notifications when those short videos come out! ~ 14. When are two people considered “married” in God’s eyes? Is living and sleeping together enough? 15. What if a polygamist gives his life to Christ? Do they stay married to all their wives? 16. Can you please elaborate on what is meant by "still being morally obligated" after a divorce? 17. Can you explain what Jesus meant by “because of the hardness of your hearts” and comment on Roman Catholic annulment? 18. Some teach that the key to understanding the Bible is knowing the difference between “putting away” and “writ of divorce”. What’s up with that? 19. Is not one of the highest laws to forgive? Doesn’t Jesus say to forgive 70 times 7? If Jesus forgives Israel (see Romans 11), shouldn’t we, in our marriages, be forgiving all the time and never divorce? 20. What about a spouse who keeps draining the bank account and refuses to stop? 21. You have said adultery, abandonment, and abuse (lots of ways out of a marriage) are exceptions to divorce and remarry---why would the disciples be shocked in Matthew 19 if that's what Jesus truly meant? 22. If you can justify divorce with adultery then why not just go commit adultery to get out of a marriage as some people have? 23. Is it possible that Jesus was just talking about king Herod and we’ve misunderstood? 24. Since priests are forbidden from marrying a divorced woman does this mean it was allowed for everyone else under the O.T. Law? 25. Could Deut. 24 really be showing us that second marriages are invalid and adulterous, which is why she can’t go back to her first husband? 26. Given Deut. 24, should we also say today that remarrying an ex-spouse who you filed a certificate of divorce for is also not allowed? 27. Can I tell you whether to divorce or not? 28. Why I’m concerned about saying “abuse” justifies divorce. 29. Should ANY second marriage be broken up? 30. Have I changed my mind on my teaching? Here's the playlist on divorce and remarriage which has my LONG video on the topic On a biblical view of "interracial marriage" My web site
6/19/20201 hour, 29 minutes, 15 seconds
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Interracial Marriage OK According to Bible

Some say the Bible forbids interracial marriage. Here's WHY they say it and WHY they are wrong. I'm still in the middle of making a series of videos on marriage, divorce and remarriage and since this particular question didn't really fit well into one of those videos I thought I'd make a stand alone video on it. I actually did some research to find out what passages of scripture people used to try to support a ban on interracial marriage (also called anti-miscegenation) and I'm responding to those particular passages and talking points in this video. Here's my full and in-depth teaching on divorce and remarriage in the Bible. This is my teaching on a biblical understanding of wive's submitting to their husbands This is my teaching on how to be a husband according to the Bible. Subscribe to get new videos every week and learn to think biblically about everything. Here's my web site
6/8/202022 minutes, 21 seconds
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You asked for it! New Believer's Q&A!

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Intro and announcements. 5:55 A Christian view of racism. 14:06 Is it biblical to believe that physical healing is equal to salvation in the atonement? 18:07 What is your advice for a new believer encountering militant anti-theists? 21:14 Is creation in Genesis 1 to be taken literally, as in 6 24-hour days, and why? 24:37 What is food offered to idols? In Acts 15: 20 and Revelation 2: 20, is there a law we have to keep? Is Halal food offered to idols? 31:14 Once someone is born again, can they lose their salvation due to bad behavior? 33:43 What does it mean to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength? 36:25 How can a person be sanctified? 40:46 What is your advice for a new Christian who is having trouble getting into the routine of studying Scripture and praying? 44:11 Should new Christians avoid watching non-Christian movies? 47:20 Is there such a thing as a non-Trinitarian Christian? 48:25 How can I gently correct a friend who thinks we can "speak things into existence"? 49:43 Is my pastor my "spiritual father"? 51:05 Is speaking in tongues required? 54:17 Is it biblical to have to do baptism classes and pass a test before being baptized, instead of being baptized right away? 56:29 Please explain "original sin"...Is it inherited, or something we commit? Are children born corrupted? 58:27 How can I help my little brother get closer to the Lord, in addition to Bible study and teaching him what's right and wrong? 59:47 Are the soul and the spirit two different things, and if so, what is the difference? 1:00:24 What law is in our hearts? 1:02:29 What are the "essentials" of the Christian faith? 1:04:04 What should I do if I've realized that my own church is taking after Bethel's "word-of-faith" model? My website Get your own BibleThinker mug here!
6/2/20201 hour, 7 minutes, 58 seconds
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Divorce and Remarriage: EVERYTHING the Bible Says about It - Part 2

VIDEO MAP/TIME STAMPS 0:00 Intro to topic #1 10:07 What you need to know about the Jewish backdrop of Jesus’ teaching on divorce. #2 25:53 Why you should be open to exceptions to Jesus’ rule about not divorcing. #3 37:15 What all four Gospels have in common on this topic. #4 39:00 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Mark 10. #5 46:54 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Luke 16. #6 48:42 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Matthew 5. #7 50:16 I’ve been taught that marriage is literally unbreakable; that it is ontologically impossible to end unless your spouse dies. What about that? #8 54:26 What did Jesus mean by “sexual immorality”. #9 1:11:00 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Matthew 19. #10 1:21:22 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Romans 7. #11 1:28:17 Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 10-16. #12 1:37:54 Does “not enslaved” allow remarriage after divorce in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 15? #13 1:51:19 When can a Christian spouse be treated like a non-Christian? #14 2:00:49 What about abuse or extreme situations? #15 2:08:25 If you divorce for abuse or extreme situations can you get remarried? #16 2:10:51 Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 17-40. #17 2:19:05 Who are we to disagree with the church fathers? #18 2:31:46 God said, “I hate divorce”, doesn’t that mean you can’t get divorced? #19 2:33:53 What about those who will abuse the exceptions and wrongly divorce? #20 2:36:28 What about alcoholism, gambling, drug use, etc.? #21 2:37:29 What about a marriage that was entered sinfully? Should it be broken up? #22 2:44:05 What about David Instone-Brewer? #23 2:57:06 Should a pastor marry someone who is wrongly divorced? #24 2:58:53 Summary of all 16 biblical principles. #25 3:02:45 What are bad reasons for getting a divorce? #26 3:03:16 Final thoughts. RESOURCE LIST My teaching for husbands. My teaching for wives. Know that I don’t endorse these different works. They are resources showing a wide variety of interpretations from the most strict to relatively lenient. If you want to go deep on this topic then I recommend reading several authors, especially those you disagree with. ARTICLES: John Piper, “Divorce and Remarriage: A Position Paper” Raymond Westbrook, “The Prohibition on Restoration of Marriage in Deuteronomy 24:1-4” this is where he gives his case for the first marriage involving a man keeping the ketubah and the second marriage involving the woman getting it. Wayne Grudem, “Grounds for Divorce: Why I Believe There Are More Than Two” (the infamous paper delivered at last year’s ETS) David Instone-Brewer’s article on ancient marriage and divorce papyri. The Damascus Document Carol Osburn article refuting David Pawson’s view that the Greek shows second marriages are continual adultery. “The Present Indicative in Matthew 19:9”;context=restorationquarterly BOOKS: David Pawson - “Remarriage is Adultery Unless…” Gordon Wenham, “Jesus, Divorce, and Remarriage: In Their Historical Setting” Wenham, Heth &amp; Keener, “Remarriage after Divorce in Today’s Church: 3 Views” David Instone-Brewer, “Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary Context” See reviews of Instone-Brewer’s work here (Gagnon’s negative review and I-B’s response are particularly interesting) Craig Keener, “…And Marries Another: Divorce and Remarriage in the Teach
5/27/20201 hour, 36 minutes, 10 seconds
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Divorce and Remarriage: EVERYTHING the Bible Says about It.

VIDEO MAP/TIME STAMPS 0:00 Intro to topic #1 10:07 What you need to know about the Jewish backdrop of Jesus’ teaching on divorce. #2 25:53 Why you should be open to exceptions to Jesus’ rule about not divorcing. #3 37:15 What all four Gospels have in common on this topic. #4 39:00 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Mark 10. #5 46:54 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Luke 16. #6 48:42 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Matthew 5. #7 50:16 I’ve been taught that marriage is literally unbreakable; that it is ontologically impossible to end unless your spouse dies. What about that? #8 54:26 What did Jesus mean by “sexual immorality”. #9 1:11:00 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Matthew 19. #10 1:21:22 Jesus’ teaching on divorce in Romans 7. #11 1:28:17 Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 10-16. #12 1:37:54 Does “not enslaved” allow remarriage after divorce in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 15? #13 1:51:19 When can a Christian spouse be treated like a non-Christian? #14 2:00:49 What about abuse or extreme situations? #15 2:08:25 If you divorce for abuse or extreme situations can you get remarried? #16 2:10:51 Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 7 vs. 17-40. #17 2:19:05 Who are we to disagree with the church fathers? #18 2:31:46 God said, “I hate divorce”, doesn’t that mean you can’t get divorced? #19 2:33:53 What about those who will abuse the exceptions and wrongly divorce? #20 2:36:28 What about alcoholism, gambling, drug use, etc.? #21 2:37:29 What about a marriage that was entered sinfully? Should it be broken up? #22 2:44:05 What about David Instone-Brewer? #23 2:57:06 Should a pastor marry someone who is wrongly divorced? #24 2:58:53 Summary of all 16 biblical principles. #25 3:02:45 What are bad reasons for getting a divorce? #26 3:03:16 Final thoughts. RESOURCE LIST My teaching for husbands. My teaching for wives. Know that I don’t endorse these different works. They are resources showing a wide variety of interpretations from the most strict to relatively lenient. If you want to go deep on this topic then I recommend reading several authors, especially those you disagree with. ARTICLES: John Piper, “Divorce and Remarriage: A Position Paper” Raymond Westbrook, “The Prohibition on Restoration of Marriage in Deuteronomy 24:1-4” this is where he gives his case for the first marriage involving a man keeping the ketubah and the second marriage involving the woman getting it. Wayne Grudem, “Grounds for Divorce: Why I Believe There Are More Than Two” (the infamous paper delivered at last year’s ETS) David Instone-Brewer’s article on ancient marriage and divorce papyri. The Damascus Document Carol Osburn article refuting David Pawson’s view that the Greek shows second marriages are continual adultery. “The Present Indicative in Matthew 19:9”;context=restorationquarterly BOOKS: David Pawson - “Remarriage is Adultery Unless…” Gordon Wenham, “Jesus, Divorce, and Remarriage: In Their Historical Setting” Wenham, Heth &amp; Keener, “Remarriage after Divorce in Today’s Church: 3 Views” David Instone-Brewer, “Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible: The Social and Literary Context” See reviews of Instone-Brewer’s work here (Gagnon’s negative review and I-B’s response are particularly interesting) Craig Keener, “…And Marries Another: Divorce and Remarriage in the Teach
5/27/20201 hour, 28 minutes, 45 seconds
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Mormonism: Contending for the Faith Conference

Want to skip right to the meat? 7:52 Thank you to Lisa Laizure and Women's Bible Study ministry for inviting me to do this and letting me upload it on to my YouTube channel! Here's a link to their web site and if you are reading this before June 25th you still have time to sign up for free and join us for the live web conference on Catholicism. This video is about Mormonism and it is done with a heart of love for them and a desire for them to know the true peace that comes through the true Jesus. I've got two more videos that will be in this series eventually. One on Jehovah's Witnesses and one on Catholicism. Here is the link for the playlist of all these "Contending for the Faith Conference" videos The final video on Catholicism will be uploaded in late June. My website
5/25/20201 hour, 55 minutes, 31 seconds
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Jehovah's Witnesses: Contending for the Faith Conference

Thank you to Lisa Laizure and Women's Bible Study ministry for letting me upload this on to my YouTube channel! Here's a link to their web site and if you are reading this before June 25th you still have time to sign up for free and join us for the live web conference on Catholicism. This video is about Jehovah's Witnesses and it is done with a heart of love for them and a desire for them to know the true peace that comes through the true Jesus. Here is the link for the playlist of all these "Contending for the Faith Conference" videos The final video on Catholicism will be uploaded in late June. My website
5/22/20201 hour, 55 minutes
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Solid Scholarship Shows The Gospels Can Be Trusted!

My guest, Peter Williams, has a wonderful approach to showing that the Gospels are reliable. He builds his case with lots good scholarship but makes it easily understandable for the rest of us. I highly recommend his book to you all and I've given away several copies to friends of mine. Here's the book (and I'm not getting anything for this, I really just think it's that great): Get the free Tyndale House magazing "Ink"; which gives normal people access to scholarship on the Bible and Christianity. I just subscribed! My website is here:
5/21/202057 minutes, 39 seconds
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Dr. Sean McDowell Critiques “The Myth of Persecution” by Candida Moss

Her book says that persecution of early Christians wasn't really a thing. This is actually a very important issue when it comes to the evidence for the resurrection of Christ. If the apostles experienced persecution then we have reason to think that they were sincere in their claims that Jesus had risen from the dead. In this video you'll hear several of Dr. Candida Moss' reasons for thinking their is a "Myth of Persecution" and you'll get thoughtful responses from Dr. Sean McDowell who has specialized in researching and writing on this topic. You'll get a balanced and thoughtful view of this topic today. Dr. Sean McDowell on YouTube Dr. Sean McDowell's book "The Fate of the Apostles:Examining the Martyrdom Accounts of the Closest Followers of Jesus" Dr. Candida Moss's book "The Myth of Persecution" My website
5/5/20201 hour, 30 minutes, 39 seconds
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I've kept this project a secret... until today.

*Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:* ~ 1. 15:02 What is your view on the death penalty? Is "capital punishment" still valid today? ~ 2. 20:29 How many times was Jesus anointed during the week of the 3rd Passover? There seems to be a difference with the anointing at Bethany, when comparing the Synoptic Gospels with John's Gospel. ~ 3. 21:03 Looking at Colossians 3: 25 and 2 Corinthians 5: 10, will saved Christians who endure to the end be punished on judgment day? ~ 4. 28:35 As a young Christian, how do I deal with worrying about death? ~ 5. 31:12 Have you watched David Pawson on the subject of marriage and divorce? ~ 6. 31:43 How would you handle a conversation with someone who believes to hear directly from God, but is saying unbiblical things, and won't listen to biblical correction? ~ 7. 33:35 Can you do a "new-believer Q&amp;A" again soon? ~ 8. 33:52 Do you disregard self-professing prophets/prophetesses if they give one prophecy which doesn't come to pass, like in O.T. times? Or is it different now? Also, are unfaithful prophets of the O.T. the same as "new-agers" now? ~ 9. 38:10 What are some good books or resources to use for historical, cultural, and social contexts when studying the Bible? ~ 10. 39:13 Do you think there are gaps in the genealogies in Genesis 5 and Genesis 11? ~ 11. 42:34 If a recently elected pastor's unwed and under-aged daughter is pregnant and he hid it prior to his election, how should this be addressed? ~ 12. 43:49 What are your thoughts on "Dominion Theology"? ~ 13. 44:36 Is the staff and rod in Psalm 23 a sign pointing to the cross? ~ 14. 46:08 What is your advice on getting a breakthrough from God, when dealing with habitual sin? ~ 15. 48:18 When using hermeneutics for interpreting texts, is the literal historical grammatical hermeneutic the preferred option? Or was the Canonical Principle used by the early church fathers? I've got a few things going on that I'd like to update you on. The first is a project where I'm working with a number of highly respected biblical scholars to provide scholarly reviews of The Passion Translation which will be understandable to the lay person. The second is a quick update on my study on marriage, divorce and remarriage. After that I will take some questions from the live chat. My web site
4/28/202053 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Mind Blowing Significance of Passover as Prophecy

We will go through 24 different ways in which Jesus fulfilled the Jewish Feast of Passover. Passover was given by God in the Old Testament and fulfilled by Jesus in the New. I hope this teaching stirs your heart with appreciation for the brilliance of the Bible as well as the incredible, loving self-sacrifice of Christ for our sins. He is our Passover and we are forgiven because of His offering. The full Jesus in the Old Testament Playlist (this is my absolute favorite series) My web site - Check out the FREE BibleThinker app in your app store.
4/19/20201 hour, 21 minutes, 2 seconds
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Q&A + Jesus Taught Monogamy

***Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference*** ~1. 8:05 Since 1 Timothy 2: 12 is still applicable today, what does that mean for 1 Timothy 2: 15 and 1 Corinthians 11:6? What would the modern application be? Also, are you still selling BibleThinker mugs? ~2. 12:31 What did Jesus mean in Matthew 27: 46 when He says, "Why have You forsaken Me"? ~3. 23:55 What would be your advice to a husband whose wife has not been intimate with him for over 10 years, if she refuses counseling? ~4. 25:59 What is your view on the letters to the churches in Revelation being prophesy? ~5. 28:37 What are your thoughts about Christians marrying people outside of the Church, and sex before marriage? ~6. 33:23 How do we distinguish between feeling guilt vs. feeling shame after we sin? ~7. 35:12 When Jesus became incarnate, did He temporarily cease to be omniscient while on Earth, and then become omniscient/omnipresent once again after His resurrection/ascension? ~8. 38:31 What are your thoughts on the opinion that we only have to forgive someone if they repent? Should we forgive someone even if they don't repent? ~9. 40:13 How does God respond to the prayers of/for an unbeliever? ~10. 42:37 Can you please research the doctrines of the Mosaic Church (a popular church in L.A.) and their teaching? ~11. 43:11 Since, as Christians, our sin is paid for, why do some people believe you can lose your salvation? Can the "payment" for our sins become "unpaid"? ~12. 44:52 How would you describe the sovereignty of God to a new believer, or someone who doesn't fully understand that concept? ~13. 48:02 What is God's will? ~14. 49:42 Is church attendance biblically required? Are you a member of your church? ~15. 52:41 How do we know that the Gospels were written by the authors Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? ~16. 56:01 Have you ever had a former LDS member say that only the FLDS members believe in things like "God was once a man and became God" or "All good Mormons can become a god one day"? ~17. 58:13 Please expound the biblical practice of worship described in Romans 12:1. How do we yield our bodies to God? ~18. 1:00:51 What are your thoughts on Judges 19? Why isn't the story of the Levite and the concubine commonly mentioned in sermons? Do you think the sin in this chapter is adultery, or idolatry? ~19. 1:05:29 Many of the faith's forefathers in the Old Testament had multiple wives. Was this wrong at the time, or is this something that was o.k. then, but not o.k. now? I want everything I do to be FREE and with NO obligation for you to give money. It's my delight to do it this way! If you do choose to support this ministry you can do so at my web site.
4/14/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 39 seconds
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Yes, Christian Parents Can (and Should) Teach Kids Apologetics. Here's How.

Talking to your kids about Jesus is a powerful resource for giving your kids the theological and apologetics training that they probably won't get from church. I'm joined today by Natasha Crain, who has spent years helping parents do a good job training their kids to be able to have a confident and well-informed faith. She has three books that all follow the format of unpacking important questions about God, Jesus and Christianity with the help of short chapters that answer those questions quickly and thoughtfully. My favorite part of her books is the conversation guides which help parents to talk to their kids about those questions in a healthy, educational and interactive way. Her blog and resources can be found here. The book is "Talking to Your Kids about Jesus", I HIGHLY recommend it and it's available here. My web site is here.
4/8/20201 hour, 9 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Get Saved

There is a big step between knowing Jesus rose from the dead and actually being saved by Jesus. This video is meant for those who want to understand, in really practical ways, how to be forgiven of sin and obtain eternal life. I'm going to do my best to explain the gospel message in a way that is accessible to those who haven't spent a lot of time in church but also in a way that gives you an awareness of the grandeur of what God has done for us through Christ. The gospel in about 1 minute Do you want to know the Bible better? Here are some videos that can get you started with the Bible and take you really deep in understanding it better. I suggest you watch this first. "The Bible for Beginners" is a teaching where you will get an overview of the Bible which will equip you to understand what you are reading much more easily. The book of Romans is a really good thing to study for new believers. Here is a verse by verse Bible study series through the whole book.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHvQ9G4NCvuiN4Evbp13uQa1 As I type this I am in an ongoing study through the Gospel of Mark. Here is the playlist where I will upload regular videos until the whole series is done. Join me!;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuGenHwUdeiQ5M-uj5XW4sF My web site -
4/7/20201 hour, 30 minutes, 28 seconds
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Some Flat Earth Ramblings and Q&A

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: ~~~1:13 Pastor Mike's thoughts on the book "Like Clay Under the Seal" by Pastor Dean Odle (who teaches that the Bible supports a "flat Earth" perspective)~~~ 1. 12:14 What does the Bible say about taking communion at home? Can we do it, and if so, how? What do we need to be aware of? 2. 14:43 In 1 Corinthians 15: 2, what does Paul mean when he says, "...unless you believed in vain"? 3. 17:48 Since you say that Ephesians 2: 8 does not teach that faith is the "gift of God", does it originate with us then? How does that square with 1 Corinthians 2: 14, since the "natural man" cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God? 4. 25:36 To what extent is Satan involved in the sins of mankind? Some believe that he has little to do with the current sins of man, but others believe he is at the heart of every temptation. 5. 28:47 In your opinion, who is the "he" referring to, in 2 Thessalonians 2: 7? Do you think this verse pertains to the rapture? 6. 32:48 What do you believe about "Mystery Babylon"? 7. 34:21 What are some practical things I can do to help further God's Kingdom through apologetics? 8. 37:13 What would you say to an atheist who agrees with Christian values but can't get around the idea of the existence of a "higher being"? 9. 39:20 What do I say to someone who says they can't believe that the Bible is the Word of God because it's "been tampered with" by many people? 10. 41:07 Can you please do a study on 1 John? 1 John makes it seem like we have to be perfect (literally), which seems works-based. 11. 45:16 What does 1 John 5: 16 mean? What are some responses to "future judgment" verses and verses about future temple sacrifice being used to get believers to observe the Torah? 12. 47:37 Question about divorce &amp; an announcement about upcoming content 13. 48:43 Is baptism required for salvation? 14. 50:20 My current church is unsteady and I've found a new church that I love. How can I leave my current church in a loving manner without causing hurt? 15. 51:53 Sometimes I feel intimidated by the Catholic Church's claim of authority and the claim that non-Catholics are damned. Do you recommend any verses for me, and may I have your advice? 16. 55:04 How do I explain to a 17 year old that we have "free will" when God knows the outcome? If God knows what I'm going to do, did I really have the choice to do it? 17. 56:34 Is it a good analogy to think of the Trinity like the "body, soul, and spirit" that we have? 18. 57:56 What are we to make of the name Jehovah? My web site is My original flat earth video showing that the Bible does not teach the earth is flat. My long debate with my friend Dean Meadows on baptism and whether or not it saves
3/31/20201 hour, 3 minutes, 32 seconds
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Before You Cut Your Hand Off for Jesus Watch THIS: The Mark Series pt 33 (9:43-50)

The next live stream is planned for Tuesday at 5pm PST. Hope to see you there! Some people have sadly misunderstood the words of Jesus here and cut off parts of their bodies as a way of avoiding sin. Not only does this fail to keep you from sinning, it isn't what Jesus wants. Today I'll be teaching on what Jesus meant by "cut off your hand", "cut off your foot" and "gouge out your eye". His words, when understood rightly, are still extreme, they just aren't about causing physical harm. Another HUGE issue in this passage is Jesus trying to wake us up as to the eternal consequences of choosing sin over God. May we be woken up and may we follow his commands to be salt in this world. Here's the whole Gospel of Mark playlist.
3/29/20201 hour, 1 minute, 9 seconds
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Oops. I guess I'll do Q&A instead.

Tech issues with a planned interview resulted in an impromptu live Q&amp;A. Video on the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Here's a link where you can support my ministry. You are under NO obligation to support what I do, I'm perfectly happy and thankful to God to be able to give this content out for free.
3/26/20201 hour, 43 minutes, 11 seconds
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Dumb Things People Really Believe About Mary Magdalene and Jesus

Dispelling popular myths about Mary Magdalene and giving you an actual survey into the historical data about her. The stuff you see about Mary Magdalene in movies, plays and even in news articles is so bad it hurts my brain. And after this, it may hurt your brain too. If you want the lowdown on the "true Jesus", the "authentic Jesus", the "real Jesus" then you're going to have to face the fact that our best information about Jesus is found in the documents of the New Testament. The "itch" that many people have to find a Jesus different than that which we read about in the Bible has lead them to embrace a lot of weird, unsubstantiated and just plain dumb ideas. My guest is Wesley Huff and you can find his teaching on how we got the canon of the New Testament here (link to be added later) Wes' web site is here My ministry is supported by donations and if you want to help enable me to continue please click the following link. But, I have a concern right now due to the economic hardships caused by coronavirus. If you are making hard choices between which ministries to continue to support, I ask that you stop supporting me for the time being and continue to support those which are under threat of closing. If my own budget starts to get dangerously tight then I will let you know.
3/24/20201 hour, 28 minutes, 14 seconds
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I'm Live Streaming My Sunday Night Bible Study: The Mark Series Pt 32 (9:33-42)

For the first time I'm going to be streaming my Sunday evening Bible study from home. Jesus' teaching in this passage, Mark 9:33-42, is meant to stop abuses in leadership, unnecessary division and competitive self-seeking in Christians. These issues are so relevant to us today that we need to take Jesus' words to heart. It may require that we change some things about ourselves or our ministries. Subscribe and make sure to click the bell icon if you want notifications when I go live. Keep your eyes on Jesus. This is part 32 in the ongoing series through the Gospel of Mark. You can catch the whole series here (and perhaps now is a good time to start a series!) If you want to support this ministry please click here. But, if you are deciding between helping my ministry and another one which may be at great financial risk during this crisis I ask that you support the other ministry as I am not currently at risk of shutting down like they might be. Thank you.
3/22/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 52 seconds
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His Research Shows Jesus Is the REAL Messiah

I will be joined by Dr. Michael Brown has spent a large part of his life finding evidence that Jesus is the Messiah and he is one of my favorite go-to sources for answering objections to Jesus as the Messiah. In this interview we will cover not only a number of scriptures that show Jesus is the Messiah but we will answer objections from skeptics and Jewish anti-missionaries like Tovia Singer. Dr. Brown's YouTube channel is here (and it has tons of content) Dr. Brown's twitter profile - My twitter profile - March apologetics tournament on Twitter Your votes will help increase the reach of the ministries you vote for If you want to help me continue to make free online content click here. But I sincerely want you to know that this ministry is meant to be free to you. We only need a small number of supporters for us to keep doing what we are doing so enjoy the content with no obligation!
3/19/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 2 seconds
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How Do The Dead Sea Scroll Forgeries Impact Christianity?

I'll give you the summary in the first minute of this video and you can get the full download if you stick around for the whole talk. I'ts a lot of interesting stuff and some fun with weird comments on Twitter. We will show exactly what was forged, what it means for Christianity, what it means for the Museum of the Bible, and what it means for the Dead Sea Scrolls as a whole. I think it's important to realize that news outlets, in an effort to get more views on their articles, have given people a false impression about this discovery. Wesley Huff has his own web site here More resources if you're interested in knowing more about the Dead Sea Scrolls. Lay-Level Christian Beginnings and the Dead Sea Scrolls;qid=1584370753&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-1 Intermediate: The Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls (3 vol.) Advanced: The Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls;qid=1584370840&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-1���DSS Translations�The Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition Vol. 1;qid=1584370923&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-1 Vol. 2;qid=1584371001&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-2 The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation;qid=1584371016&amp;s=books&amp;sr=1-3
3/19/202036 minutes, 34 seconds
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Live Q&A with Mike Winger

Question Timestamps for Quick Reference: 1. 1:36 How do you reconcile Luke 9: 50 and Luke 11: 23? How do we understand them in their proper context, and how can we apply them in our lives today? 2. 5:15 Regarding your recent "flat Earth" video, what does the Bible say about other planets and their purpose for being created? 3. 8:08 Is it possible that Christians made up martyrs' claims to make their claims about Christianity hold more value and truth to the people in later centuries? 4. 11:55 What is the biblical way to proceed when a member of your church shares a clearly "new age" message, believing it to be a "call to prayer"? 5. 14:20 How do I fire people at work and still show grace and be a godly leader? 6. 15:48 Have you had the opportunity yet to study deeper about whether or not we can lose our salvation? 7. 17:08 Matthew 6: 25-34 talks about not worrying, and that God knows what we need and will provide. But how can that be true when there are Christians who suffer without "the essentials"? 8. 24:10 Why circumcision? Of all things, why did God choose that as the sign of the covenant? What is the history/meaning behind it? 9. 26:12 Can you please teach on remarriage after a divorce of 2 Christians? Is it sinful for one spouse to remarry if the other person is not willing to reconcile? 10. 26:58 How would you suggest I help other believers understand that Christians are not immune to the troubles of daily life in a way that will not cause them to be fearful/anxious? 11. 29:39 I have an unbelieving sister &amp; niece in homosexual relationships. We have a good/loving relationship with them, but have not allowed their partners into our home. Should we reconsider this approach? 12. 30:53 What would you say to someone who is trying to compare mythology to Christianity? 13. 33:08 I was recently asked, "How can I trust your (or any other person's) interpretation of a Bible verse?" and "If the Holy Spirit is helping both you and I interpret, then why might we disagree?" Thoughts? 14. 36:04 Is the rapture "pre-tribulation", "post-tribulation", or "pre-wrath", and where does the Bible say? 15. 39:38 Do you think Jeremiah 17: 13 is a prophecy of John 8: 1-11? 16. 41:50 I would like to serve the body by making videos, but I'm afraid my sin is too great to be any sort of teacher. Should I deal with my sin first, or am I still able to be a teacher in spite of it? 17. 43:48 What does it mean to "boast in the Lord", and how should we do it? 18. 44:37 Did Jesus cause or permit drunkenness by providing more wine to (assumably) drunk guests? What is drunkenness? 19. 48:19 Do you have any advice for starting a Christian YouTube channel? 20. 49:18 What is your view on Christians writing fiction and fantasy books? 21. 50:13 In Genesis 4: 13-17, how was Cain afraid of someone finding and killing him, and how did he get a wife if he, Adam, and Eve were the only people on Earth at this point? 22. 53:38 If we are all happy in Heaven/Paradise, will we not be sad/mourning for those in Hell/Sheol? 23. 57:20 Is there hope for Christians struggling with continuous sin like pornography? Or is repentance/struggling through it sufficient? 24. 58:03 Who is the word "Lord" referring to in 2 Corinthians 3: 17? Is it implying that Jesus is the Holy Spirit? 25. 1:00:56 In the Genesis 6 reference to the "sons of God", who is that referring to? 26. 1:02:34 How do I know if I have blasphemed the Holy Spirit? 27. 1:03:04 Question about Mark/Olivet Discourse 28. 1:03:33 Can a Christian read Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle? 29. 1:04:44 Is there good evidence for the Exodus? 30. 1:05:31 How would you answer a Christian who claims (using 1 Jn. 2: 1) that believers don't have a "sinful flesh" after being born again, ignoring other verses? 31. 1:07:12 How is annihilationism not the obvious teaching of Scripture, when eternal life is dependent upon salvation and substitutionary atonement requires that the proper punishment be served? 32. 1:09:08 Does ev
3/17/20201 hour, 18 minutes, 30 seconds
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We Desperately Need Some Biblical Wisdom During Coronavirus

Should churches close? Should I change my lifestyle? How does faith impact a choice to put myself or others at risk? How do I respond if government overreaches? I don't pretend to have answers to all my own questions about coronavirus or pandemics but I think we have a lot of scripture that does give us some relevant guidance. If we will remember biblical wisdom we'll be in a much better place to make good choices. ANNOUNCEMENT - I'm going to try to do more videos while so many people are "social distancing" so make sure to subscribe AND click the bell if you want to know when I'm going live or uploading something new. That bell icon is the only way you can know you'll get a notification. If you love this ministry and want to help me continue to make free content please click here.
3/16/202043 minutes, 57 seconds
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When I Realized What it Meant I Was Amazed: The Mark Series pt 31 (9:14-29)

At first it seems like this story is dropped awkwardly into Mark 9 with no apparent reason. But studying the passage more carefully shows that it may well be a deliberate act on the part of God to illustrate the need for faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus. This poor boy, afflicted by a demon for years, seems to be a representation of Jesus on the cross and how challenging it would be for the disciples to trust in a Messiah who would die. This passage also has something that is hugely important to me personally; the father of the child crying out, “I believe, help my unbelief!” The fact that Jesus received the conflicted faith of this man shows me that He receives us when our faith is equally conflicted. Thank God for His patience. This is part 31 in the ongoing Mark series, here’s the whole thing! If you love this ministry and want to help me keep making free content, please click here.
3/15/202053 minutes, 28 seconds
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Irrefutable Proof the Bible Doesn't Teach Flat Earth

Here's how this video is going to be different than what some people would expect. 1- If you are a flat-earther you are welcome here. I'm not here to mock anyone. I respect people on both sides of the issue. 2- I'm not going to get side-tracked on questions about geocentricity, the firmament, or ANE views outside the Bible. I'm just focusing on the flat earth question. 3- I'm going to methodically handle the proof-texts used by flat earth proponents to support their views. I only want to ask "do these verses support a conclusion that the Bible teaches a flat earth?" 4- I'm not interested, in this teaching, about what "science says" or questions of conspiracies. I'm only asking about the Bible. The simple method here is to have a sober look at the passages used to support a flat earth theory and show what they are really saying, in context. This video is meant to be a helpful resource for those who sincerely want to ask whether or not the Bible, on it's own, is teaching a flat earth. Links you may be interested in. The full Dean Odle video I played clips of (really bad exegesis) Strong's concordance for "platus" Want a BibleThinker mug? Thanks to supporters I can study all day and make completely free videos teaching theology and apologetics. If you want to support this work please click here.
3/10/20201 hour, 37 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Amazing Meaning Behind Jesus’ Transfiguration: The Mark Series Pt 30 (9:1-13)

We can easily read through this passage without having a clue as to how much deep and thoughtful material it contains. We learn stuff about the relationship between Jesus, Moses and Elijah, the difference between the first and second coming, why Peter wanted to build tabernacles for them, how Jesus' glory shows He is greater than Moses and much more. On a personal note, I have been thoroughly enjoying this methodical study through the Gospel of Mark and I'm grateful that you can join me as we mine the depths of scripture for it's treasures! Here's the whole Mark series playlist covering both theology and apologetics in Mark. If you love this ministry and want to help support my continued creation of free content helping people learn to think biblically about everything, click here.
3/8/202053 minutes, 6 seconds
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Your Theology and Apologetics Questions

Here are all the questions and time stamps to them. Thanks to Sarah Zimmerman for providing them! 1. 2:48 Do you think the flood in Genesis was local or global? Do you think it matters a great deal either way/affects the intention/theology of the event? 2. 6:41 Have you ever heard of John G. Lake Ministries, or Curry Blake? If yes, what are your thoughts on their theology? If no, can I pay you to research them? 3. 7:35 Can you explain the reason Jesus cursed the fig tree in Mark 11? 4. 11:27 What does it mean to be “born of water” in John 3: 5? 5. 15:13 Is Romans 1: 20 a good verse to help refute the doctrine of “Total Depravity”? 6. 16:59 How do you love God more? 7. 18:28 I feel the Enemy attacking me as if he’s trying to make me fall. Please help me. What can I do, or what verses should I read? 8. 20:22 How should we reconcile the baptism verses in the book of Acts (Acts 2: 38, 19: 5-6, 10: 48, 8: 16) with Matthew 28: 19? 9. 27:29 Why can’t we be forgiven after death if God’s mercy is forever? 10. 28:24 Do you believe we can lose our salvation? 11. 29:22 Why did God permit the serpent to deceive Adam and Eve? 12. 31:21 I’m starting Bible college in August. Any advice for me? 13. 32:00 Why do we translate Yeshua into Jesus and not Joshua? 14. 33:19 Do women need to wear head coverings when praying or prophesying? 15. 33:35 In 1 Corinthians 3: 15, it seems to mention that even “carnal Christians” can be saved. Does this mean Heaven will have some form of hierarchy among Christians? 16. 39:08 What is the best way to use apologetics to witness to your family? 17. 40:02 Can you explain “saved by faith alone”? Does that mean even if you go on sinning you still have salvation just because you believe? 18. 42:37 What is the difference between a false teacher and someone whose interpretation you simply don’t agree with? 19. 43:42 What is your opinion on nudity in art? 20. 46:03 I know the evidence for Jesus’ resurrection is very strong, but what about the evidence for His virgin birth? 21. 47:49 What is your take on Acts 4: 32-37? Why don’t we see this practice more in congregations today? 22. 51:25 What powers or abilities do demons have? 23. 55:27 Why can an atheist appear to be a better person than a Christian? 24. 56:44 Why would God ever order someone to be killed (ex: in the Old Testament)? 25. 1:00:57 Speaking in tongues is something that really confuses me. Is it real? 26. 1:02:32 How does one make sure that he does not elevate Christian thought and scholarship above God, especially in disciplines like apologetics? How do you avoid making intellect an idol? 27. 1:05:11 Who is the Bride of Christ and the 144,000 in the book of Revelation? 28. 1:06:01 Do you think people should go to college to become a pastor? 29. 1:07:06 I left a church because they taught KJV onlyism and only sang hymns. They thought that contemporary worship music was worldly and not pleasing to God but I really liked the warm, loving people. 30. 1:09:24 What good apologetic books do you recommend? 31. 1:10:27 My Christian friend says we should not offend people while sharing the Gospel. My understanding was that they must get offended in order to be convicted of their sin and see their need for Jesus. What are your thoughts? 32. 1:11:40 What can you share about the “old Earth/young Earth” topic of discussion? 33. 1:13:37 What is your opinion on Christians doing yoga? 34. 1:13:54 How do we know if Joseph Smith was wrong theologically but the Book of Mormon is right? I see more contradictions within the D&amp;C and not really in the Book of Mormon. 35. 1:15:53 Where is your church located? If you want to support the work I do with this ministry then click here.
3/3/20201 hour, 17 minutes, 36 seconds
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Even The Disciples Didn't Know THIS About Jesus: The Mark Series pt 29 (8:27-38)

This is the "big reveal" moment in the Gospel of Mark. It turns out that Jesus was highly anticipated and largely misunderstood. What Jesus does in Mark 8 is to keep us from misunderstanding who He is or what He has come to do. It's really remarkable! Come and see how the cross is at the center of the purposes of Christ and how Jesus wanted to make sure that nobody interpreted Him apart from His death and resurrection. This is part 29 in the Mark series, here's a link to the whole playlist If you want to support this ministry then please click here.
3/2/202057 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why 8 People Couldn't Be Pro-Choice Any Longer: Here's What They Said

I asked real people why they became pro-life. Here's what they said. What changed their minds should probably change yours too. I posted this question on Twitter the other day. "For those who went from pro-choice to pro-life I’m really interested to know what it was that changed your mind. Among all the possible reasons to change your mind, what was it that changed yours personally? I thought the answers were awesome! Here's a link to that thread on Twitter Here's the paper about a consensus of biologists saying human life begins at conception. I try to make everything I produce free so it can reach and minister to the largest number of people. If you want to help me in this mission please click here.
2/27/20201 hour, 12 minutes, 41 seconds
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When Jesus Warns You, It's Best To Pay Attention: The Mark Series Pt 28 (8:13-26)

The problem here is that Jesus’ warning is a puzzle. But, looking at the passage in context it’s not that hard to see what it’s about. We’ll cover the meaning of “the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod”. We’ll also find out why Jesus healed a blind man in two stages and how it relates to the disciples understanding of Jesus. This is a verse by verse study of Mark 8:13-26 and it is part of a larger verse by verse study through Mark, available here If you love this ministry and want to (and can afford to) help support my continued production of free content then please click here.
2/24/202049 minutes, 19 seconds
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Before You Use The Passion Translation Watch THIS

This video is all you need to know about The Passion Translation of the Bible. I summarize many hours of research in this one interview and I hope this becomes a resource for pastors, churches and anyone who has run into The Passion Translation and wants to know more about it or its chief architect, Brian Simmons. You’ll hear about several issues with the translation, with example passages, you’ll find out about Brian’s supposed visions and how his credentials aren’t what he has claimed. We’ll compare TPT to other translations, show how it unjustifiably changes God’s word, reveal the truth about Brian’s so-called training and experience, and hear what actual scholars have said about TPT. Melissa Dougherty interviewed me, this is her YouTube channel – My other videos on The Passion Translation, which offer a more in depth analysis. Video Where Brian Simmons is Talking About His 'Linguistic Training': Brian Simmons on Sid Roth explaining His Revelation of The Passion Translation: Andrew Shead’s article against The Passion Translation
2/22/20201 hour, 16 seconds
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Why This Pro-Choice Artist BLOCKED Me

Find out what I said to her in a private message that got her to block me on Twitter. And see how this art perfectly represents the propaganda of the pro-choice movement. We can actually learn a TON from how this artist is abusing the words of Jesus to support abortion. See the art, understand what it means, and learn how it totally distorts the teachings of Jesus. This is that artist whose work I am critiquing. I want to make sure to give her full credit. If you want to check out her work this is her Twitter page (although I can no longer see what's on it) Some of the issues that will come up in today's live stream. Does Jesus saying "With you always" mean that He supports abortion? Why does this art ignore the issue of the baby? Which side of the abortion line would Jesus actually be on, based on HIS OWN words? Why don't pro-choice people want a calm, rational conversation? Here's a short video explaining what happens in a pill abortion. The video in this link does have drawn images but no actual photos. We really need to know what this is since people think it's not a big deal to take pills that cause abortions. Published paper on consensus of Biologists saying human life begins at conception If you love this teaching and want to support it please click here.
2/18/20201 hour, 6 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why It's a Bad Idea to Try to Disprove Christianity: The Mark Series Part 27 (8:11-12)

When people ask for evidence for God are they putting up a smokescreen? Is there such a thing as "blind unbelief"? It's remarkable to me, how much the Pharisees in this story are like many today who reject the evidence for Jesus while asking for evidence for Jesus. Now, please listen carefully to this message because I am NOT trying to say that everyone who doesn't believe is the same as these Pharisees. I am saying that a lot of people are, and while I know that some will find this offensive I ask that they be open-minded enough to consider the possibility that what happened to Hume, Atkins, Dillahunty, and Flew could be happening to them as well. This is part 27 in the ongoing series through the whole Gospel of Mark. Here's the whole playlist. Here's the link I mentioned where Atkins admits to his atheism that not even evidence can refute. If you want to support this ministry and my continued production of free content please click here
2/16/202050 minutes, 14 seconds
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One effective way to show people God REALLY exists (with objections answered)

You're about to get a crash course on evidence for God! And we will deal with a bunch of objections to it as well. I'm joined today by Braxton Hunter from Trinity Radio (his channel here ) and we are teaching you the Kalam Cosmological Argument for God's existence. This is supported by philosophical and scientific arguments and evidence. In this video we intend to give you a simple version of the argument as well as a more careful and complex explanation of it. Then we will interact with objections that you can expect to come across when you are using this to show people God exists. Here's one video from Braxton that I thought you might want to check out! "A Christian Response to 15 Atheist YouTubers" I mentioned my videos on understanding variants in the New Testament (in response to a question on John 8) here's a link to those three videos.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuzJhPtmrgqpVoXhjvqiIjW My work in this ministry is fully supported by donations and I intend to keep it that way so that everything I produce can be offered for free. If you want to help make this possible here's the link.
2/11/20201 hour, 22 minutes, 40 seconds
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Apologetics Empire! 12 YouTube Channels LIVE at Once!

12 Apologetics YouTube channels join forces for an epic live stream. Here's everyone's info. Capturing Christianity Whaddo You Meme?? Believing Thinkers One Minute Apologist Acts 17 Apologetics Inspiring Philosophy Maven Tru-ID Apologetics Cross Examined Vocab Malone What Would You Say? I hope that you find some great resources in these channels and that at least one or two of them really helps you!
2/4/20201 hour, 27 minutes, 53 seconds
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How You Can Know and Show Christianity Is True (Understanding Apologetic Methodology)

Having recently done a debate against a Presuppositionalist, on the topic of "What Apologetic Methodology is Biblical?", I think it would be good to have a video online simply and thoughtfully explaining what I take to be the biblical view on this topic. This is going to be my understanding of a biblical approach to apologetics answering many of the following questions. What role does evidence play in evangelism? What about Christians who live in circumstances where they can not find the arguments and evidence that supports their faith? Should they still believe? If so, based on what? Do we need to offer arguments for God before offering the evidence for the resurrection? What is the difference between "knowing" Christianity is true and "showing" that it's true? Is the witness of the Holy Spirit evidence? How is that different than a what a Mormon claims? My work in this ministry is fully supported by donations and I intend to keep it that way so that everything I produce can be offered for free. If you want to help make this possible here's the link.
1/28/20201 hour, 47 seconds
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Majority of Scholars Wrong about Jesus Feeding the 4000: The Mark Series pt 26 (8:1-10)

The majority of scholars think that Mark has unintentionally reduplicated the story of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes. It turns out that they are wrong for a number of reasons. In this study through Mark 8:1-10 we will try to understand the deep theological meaning of the passage as well as answer scholarship which has been unable to see the forest through the trees. One of the major issues with scholarship when it comes to the gospels is an unwise assumption that Mark is based on a bunch of stories about Jesus floating around a community of people, changing over time, and finally being written down after the fact. The evidence shows that Mark is not the result of a community who changed stories over time. It's from eye witness testimony! If you want more on this please listen to the first video in the Mark series where I go through "Who Wrote Mark" and discuss evidence of it's eye witness sources. Seriously, it's really neat stuff.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuGenHwUdeiQ5M-uj5XW4sF&amp;index=2&amp;t=0s Here is the whole Mark playlist - If you want to support this ministry you can do so here.
1/26/202046 minutes, 13 seconds
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How Proverbs Changed How I See Everything

Any one of these verses can change your life. Store up this wisdom and look for ways to apply it. To study proverbs is to methodically gather wisdom much like the way a farmer gathers in his crop, knowing that it will be essential for the future. I'm hoping this little tour through Proverbs 27 will ignite in you an appreciation for the book and renew your own hunger for wisdom. Let's honor God's name by being a wise people in the midst of a foolish world. If you love this ministry and want to help support my continued production of free content please click here.
1/19/20201 hour, 2 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Spit of Jesus: The Mark Series part 25 (Mark 7:31-37)

Jesus put His fingers in a man’s ears and His spit in the man’s mouth. Do you know what it means? We will cover the deep theological meaning behind this act and also deal with some critical objections to the reliability of Mark. Critics say that Mark doesn’t understand the geography of Israel because of Mark 7:31. Some will even say that Jesus is copying pagan rituals when He heals this way. Well, that’s silly and I’d like to share why. Mark 7:31–37 (NASB95)Again He went out from the region of Tyre, and came through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, within the region of Decapolis. They brought to Him one who was deaf and spoke with difficulty, and they implored Him to lay His hand on him. Jesus took him aside from the crowd, by himself, and put His fingers into his ears, and after spitting, He touched his tongue with the saliva; and looking up to heaven with a deep sigh, He said to him, “Ephphatha!” that is, “Be opened!” And his ears were opened, and the impediment of his tongue was removed, and he began speaking plainly. And He gave them orders not to tell anyone; but the more He ordered them, the more widely they continued to proclaim it. They were utterly astonished, saying, “He has done all things well; He makes even the deaf to hear and the mute to speak.” This is the article comparing Epidaurus with the Gospels, in which the author says, "An influence of Epidaurus on the Gospels is not possible to trace." Here's the whole Mark series If you love this ministry and want to support the free content I produce please click here.
1/12/202051 minutes, 3 seconds
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4 Weird Questions That Should Not Make You an Atheist

Drew (Genetically Modified Skeptic) offered his "4 Weird Questions That Might Make You an Atheist" we've heard him out and thought it through and want to explain how these 4 questions shouldn't make you an atheist. In fact, if you work through them carefully you'll see that they actually give us more reason to believe in God. Here is Braxton Hunter's channel "Trinity Radio" Here is Jon McCray's channel "Whaddo You Meme??" Here is Cameron Bertuzzi's channel "Capturing Christianity" Here's Drew's original video which we are responding to Info on Pascal's Wager: This is a playlist from Crash Course Apologetics on Pascal's Wager. VERY well done and extremely thorough.;list=PLlVH-ThCazKlqtTVa-3hvKfBXy5LajVsw Here's an interview with Dr. Liz Jackson on her case for Pascal's Wager. It's very accessible and she answers a ton of objections to it as well. My work in this ministry is fully supported by donations and I intend to keep it that way so that everything I produce can be offered for free. If you want to help make this possible here's the link.
1/7/20201 hour, 16 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Jesus Called This Woman a Dog: The Mark Series Part 24 (7:24-30)

Modern people sometimes flip out because of misunderstanding what Jesus said to this woman. On the other hand, this passage does have something that is offensive to those who are blinded by entitlement and think that the grace of God is something they deserve. I ask that you suspend forming an immediate opinion about why Jesus referred to this woman (and Gentiles in general) as "dogs" and you take the time to really understand what Jesus was saying because it has important application into our relationship with God and our theology of the Old Testament. This is part 24 in a series going through the gospel of Mark, here is the whole playlist. If you love this ministry and want to (and can afford to) help support my continued production of free content then please click here.
1/6/202041 minutes, 22 seconds
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Answering The TOUGHEST Objections to Penal Substitution

There are some serious objections to Penal Substitution when it comes to the morality of punishing the innocent, the idea of forgiveness being accomplished through punishment and several other moral, philosophical and legal concerns. In this video I'm going to systematically deal with these straightforward objections to the logic of Penal Substitution. Check out the whole series on Penal Substitution to see the historical case for the church fathers holding to elements of penalty and substitution in the cross, the case for the OId Testament teaching PSA through typology, the Book of Romans and PSA, and how to unravel and disarm the constant rhetorical deceptions of that are most commonly labeled against the cross. Here's my whole series on Penal Substitution Here's that video on Limited Atonement My work in this ministry is fully supported by donations and I intend to keep it that way so that everything I produce can be offered for free. If you want to help make this possible here's the link.
12/24/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 29 seconds
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How the Pharisees Blew It and We Might Too: The Mark Series pt 23 (7:1-23)

This stuff is in scripture for a reason folks. The issues Jesus had with the Pharisees are the same issues we deal with today. This is how the Pharisees used tradition as a way of missing out on the heart of God and neglecting to obey scripture. There's some really interesting parallels between the Pharisees and Catholicism. The Pharisees had the "Oral Torah" and Catholicism has "Sacred Tradition". This is a verse by verse Bible study through the whole gospel of Mark. Here is the whole playlist. My video on "Is Christmas Pagan" (I hope all will be openminded and consider it) A Biblical Look at Tattoos Everything Scripture Says About Alcohol
12/23/20191 hour, 19 minutes, 27 seconds
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They Are Trying to Shame Us out of Good Theology by Misrepresenting Penal Substitution

Critics of Penal Substitutionary Atonement will often misrepresent it as "cosmic child abuse" or a slew of other straw men. This teaching is meant to showcase how many of the people who publicly criticize penal substitution do so by ignoring the core teaching and focusing on making a ridiculous and monstrous fake version of penal substitution which is designed to be so disgusting that you will reject it. The result of all this is that you reject the biblical teaching about Jesus' death on the cross because you've been misinformed about what it actually teaches. In today's live stream I'm tackling these representations and hope to offer some sober clarity on what Penal Substitution really is as well as to disarm the rhetoric of so many today who aren't dealing with it accurately. Here's my whole series on Penal Substitution (dealing with church history, scripture, rhetoric, philosophy and morality related to it) My work in this ministry is fully supported by donations and I intend to keep it that way so that everything I produce can be offered for free. If you want to help make this possible here's the link.
12/10/20191 hour, 12 minutes, 7 seconds
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Do You Know WHY Jesus Walked on Water? The Mark Series part 22

One of the most important things in the Gospel of Mark is the identity of Jesus. But many people don't realize that Mark is telling who Jesus is through the stories about what Jesus did. When we look at the text carefully we can see one amazing revelation after another revealing the "high Christology" of the gospel of Mark. In other words, the skeptics who sometimes claim Mark has a low view of the person of Christ are completely mistaken. In the passage we are in today (6:45-56) we will see that Jesus' walking on water has an interesting connection to the book of Job and, once again, is best explained by connecting the person of Christ to God Himself. I'll also tackle some challenges to the accuracy of the Gospel of Mark when he talks about the journey's of the disciples across the Sea of Galilee. The whole Mark series playlist is here. Here are the links I mentioned in the video. My video on "Biggest Bible Contradictions" where I unpack today's issue (and more) with maps on screen. Richard Bauckham's lecture on the accuracy of Mark's geography Steve Hays' article on today's apologetics topic. Lydia McGrew's article on the same Jonathan McLatchie's article on the same. I've shared all three so you can see how different people handle it. If you have the funds and want to help me continue doing this ministry and producing all my content for free then please click here.
12/8/201958 minutes, 16 seconds
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Non-Christians Ask Me Questions

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: **QUESTIONS FROM NON-CHRISTIANS** (thanks to Sarah Zimmerman for making these) 1. 3:37 How do you explain to non-Christians that Jesus indeed was a real person? 2. 8:30 Do you struggle to accept the teaching in 1 Timothy regarding women's roles in the Church? Do you ever find it hard to reconcile your human sense of justice with what the Bible says? 3. 11:32 If it's so obvious that Christianity is true, why do the overwhelming majority of scientists and people with high IQs not believe in God? (Not just 1 or 2, but the majority.) 4. 14:52 What do you say to what seems as sexism in 1 Corinthians 11 and 1 Timothy and the Old Testament, how women are treated as ''second class''? 5. 17:43 We have a will, but we cannot choose our will. If we can't be perfect on our own, why are we deserving of punishment for being imperfect? 6. 21:04 Why is theism a better view than atheism and agnosticism? 7. 26:52 What would you say to an Egyptology expert who comes to believe that Jesus existed, died, rose, and reigns but refuses to give Jesus allegiance because of His belief in the historical Exodus? 8. 30:14 In Genesis 3, the serpent tells Eve that the fruit would not kill her, but would open her eyes - and that's what the fruit did. So why do Christians call this interaction a deception or a lie? 9. 33:24 My brother doesn't believe the Bible, arguing that there are much older religions that Christianity copies (ex: the Virgin Birth and other aspects that are the same). How would you respond? 10. 36:10 How do you reconcile the disputed letters of Paul? Do you believe translations like the NLT, ESV, etc. are still infallible, compared to the original Greek manuscripts? 11. 38:34 Jesus says about false prophets, "By their fruit you will recognize them." (Matthew 7 :16). We can see "fruit" in the lives of many Mormons, Bahais, etc. How do you explain that? 12. 41:21 How does secular marriage between 2 people of the same gender affect Christianity? Why do Christians spend so much time advocating against something that isn't relevant to them? 13. 44:36 Why is the doctrine of inerrancy so important? Why believe it, if prophesies don't indicate inerrancy? 14. 46:14 What is your response to the claim that Ephesians is a forgery due to having longer sentences than Paul's other epistles? 15. 47:44 I sometimes call myself an "agnostic Calvinist". If God is real, He hasn't "selected" me. If He wants me to be saved and I desire to understand Him, but I am unconvinced by the Bible, where do I stand? 16. 51:13 What is your advice for someone who finds the arguments for Christianity someone persuasive, but always seems to fall short of having actual faith? (Still having severe doubts/reservations.) 17. 52:58 Don't the first 11 chapters of the Bible seem ridiculous? (Ex: Spiritual beings having sex with women and producing giants, and humans living nearly a thousand years old.) 18. 56:09 Is it forbidden for Christians to have more than 1 wife? In my country (South Africa), it is legal in some parts to have more than 1 wife, and this is a question I get from my people. 19. 58:36 There is good evidence that an all-powerful being exists. What is the evidence for the nature of this all-powerful being? An all-powerful being would have absolute power to deceive. **QUESTIONS FROM CHRISTIANS** 20. 1:01:25 If your pastor's total focus is on divine healing and wants to call his church a "healing center" for the purpose of bringing in the lost, should I stay, or find a different church? 21. 1:02:15 Do "once saved, always saved" people and "lordship salvation" people agree with one another, and only argue over semantics? 22. 1:03:24 Are you going to make any more worship songs? 23. 1:04:11 How would you explain to non-Christians that it's not unfair or inconsistent that we, as humans, are represented by Adam, thus inheriting Adam's sinful nature? 24. 1:06:18 How do I explain to deists the divinity of the Scriptures? Most reject
12/3/20191 hour, 18 minutes, 36 seconds
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What Romans Really Tells Us About the Cross and How it Saves

This stuff should be obvious to all Christians but sadly, progressives have a way of making obvious things very confusing. Here's a look at what the book of Romans teaches about Christ's penal substitution. It gives us clear support for the idea that Jesus died in our place, suffering the penalty we deserved because of sin and thereby provided a way for us to be forgiven so that God could forgive us of our sins without violating His own righteousness and justice by failing to punish sin. This is a beautiful and biblical truth that is being fought against by an increasing number of those who call themselves Bible believing followers of Jesus. Well, I'm not here to rip on them, I'm here to help those who want to see for themselves how the scripture teaches this wonderful truth about the cross. Here's the whole playlist on Penal Substitutionary Atonement (or how Jesus saves us through the cross) My work in this ministry is fully supported by donations and I intend to keep it that way so that everything I produce can be offered for free. If you want to help make this possible here's the link.
11/19/20191 hour, 17 minutes, 45 seconds
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What Feeding the 5000 Was Meant to Mean: The Mark Series Pt 21 (6:30-44)

When Jesus fed the 5,000 it was meant to teach them something really significant about who Jesus is. This meaning was largely lost on the people at the time and people in our time have much the same problem. In this passage we see Jesus as The Prophet like Moses. We also will get a taste of some "undesigned coincidences" which help confirm that the gospels are accurate accounts of actual history rather than the radically evolved oral traditions that some scholars suggest they are. There's also a wonderful lesson for those who are overworked in ministry and seeking to figure out how to balance their own needs and the needs of serving others. I hope the balance in this passage helps you balance your own life and to know how to take care of yourself, take appropriate breaks and remain unselfish while doing so. The miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 is pretty amazing and there's a lot we have to learn from it, but nothing is so wonderful as the light it sheds on the identity of Jesus. If you want to help support this ministry so that I can continue to make free theology and apologetics content then please click here to visit my web site.
11/17/201959 minutes, 25 seconds
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How You Should and Shouldn't Interpret Violence in the Old Testament

I'm hoping to some more content on violence in the Old Testament as well as a much more detailed and thoughtful response to Greg Boyd's "Cruciform Hermeneutic" in the future. Until then, here is a video getting started on those topics and hopefully offering some help on topics like "How could God kill people?", "What about the Amalekites?", "How literal are the 'destroy them all' passages?", "Is it reasonable to just say that those passages don't really reflect God's commands?" Here's a link to Paul Copan's book "Is God a Moral Monster?";btkr=1 Here's a link to the YouTube channel for The Remnant Radio Here are my three videos on whether the Bible has been changed or not and it includes my full explanation of what’s going on with the passage in John about the woman caught in adultery. If you want to help me continue making free content then you can do so through my website at this link
11/14/20191 hour, 11 minutes
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Biblical Tools For Dealing With Sadness and Depression

My goal here is to give you a set of tools, some of which you may find truly helpful. While I have very little to say about medication I think that scripture does offer us some guidance to really help us with the sadness of our souls and looking at several biblical passages that give examples of dealing with and processing depression can help us to better deal with our own. I don't want you to think I'm fully answering the problem of depression or sadness here, just that I'm trying to help us all have more help with it and to let the Bible speak more fully to this issue. May God give you an increase of His joy even in the midst of sorrow and may the patience and hope of Christ be yours. My work in this ministry is fully supported by donations and I intend to keep it that way so that everything I produce can be offered for free. If you want to help make this possible here's the link. Here's the link to the 1st Peter series, I think it will bless you.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHs4JVWfSPM5ygzyLMTASL0h
11/12/20191 hour, 19 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Shocking Murder of John the Baptist: The Mark Series pt 20 (6:14-29)

A study on the tragic end of John the Baptist. This is the only passage in Mark that isn't directly about Jesus and it records the sad reality of how pride, corruption and lust lead to the murder of John the Baptist. In addition to the discussion on what lead to John's murder under the orders of Herod we will also get into some apologetics issues surrounding the death of John that skeptics bring up, which actually give us more reason to trust what Mark says. Here's the video I mentioned from Inspiring Philosophy on the topic of supposed contradictions in the death of John the Baptist. Here's a link to the full Mark playlist. If you love this ministry and want to support my continued work please click here.
11/10/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 2 seconds
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This Is How The Cross Works

This is the Old Testament Passage that most clearly shows that Jesus died in our place as a substitutionary sacrifice for us because of our sins. It shows that Christ was our sin bearer and our sin offering and that His sacrifice justifies us. It's also the passage most often ignored by those who deny Penal Substitutionary Atonement. In other words, it's important. We will look at how this passage, with the relevant background understanding of the Levitical sacrifices undeniably teaches that Jesus justifies us with a substitutionary sacrifice according to the will of God. I will cover the debate on this passage as well and even get into why the Septuagint (LXX) translation of Isaiah 53 doesn't give us good reason to reject what we read in the Hebrew text. This is part 3 in a series on Penal Substitutionary Atonement. Check out the whole series here. If you want to help support the continued work of my ministry then please click here.
11/5/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 32 seconds
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Jesus Said It to Them, How Does It Apply to Me? The Mark Series Pt 19 (6:7-13)

In an attempt to help you learn how to better analyze and apply commands to the 12 apostles we look at when Jesus sent the Twelve out two by two, telling them to take no money and no extra supplies. We'll see that this command does not apply directly to us but we'll also see that there is still a simply and biblical way to apply it into our lives, a way that I think the Holy Spirit intended for us to find. In this study we'll also look at the use of oil in healing. I hope this helps equip you to better evaluate and apply passages of Scripture which may not directly be about you but are indirectly teaching you truths about following Jesus. The whole Mark Series is right here;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuGenHwUdeiQ5M-uj5XW4sF If you love this ministry and would like to help support my work please click here.
11/3/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 52 seconds
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Sola Scriptura: why I believe it and how it works

Sola Scriptura is the idea that the Bible is the final authority on what Christians believe and how we live. In this video I’ll explain it simply, give some biblical reasons to support Sola Scriptura and deal with some Catholic rebuttals to it. I’m hoping this is a charitable and gracious experience for everyone even though I know it will be hard stuff for some people to hear. I am convinced this is a huge issue because so many of the teachings of Roman Catholicism are not found in Scripture but in selected traditions. Some points from the video are. 1- Sola Scriptura is a natural understanding of what it means to have inspired Scripture. 2- In Old Testament times they were to test future teachers and teachings by the Scripture they had received. 3- in the New Testament the gospel, once communicated, was to be held to no matter who came to teach otherwise. This absolutely requires individual understanding of the gospel (which is in the New Testament) and the ability to tell any potential “authority” to take a hike. 4- challenges about denominations or the origin of the canon are not defectors for Sola Scriptura. 5- Striking Parallels between Catholicism and Pharisaism seem to demonstrate precedence for how to deal with supposed church authority when it ads tradition to the commands of God. If you want to support this ministry please click here
10/29/201953 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dealing with a bit of atheism and Catholicism today: The Mark Series Pt 18 (6:1-6)

Was Nazareth fake? Was Mary a perpetual virgin? And what can we learn from Jesus being rejected in His hometown of Nazareth? I admit that today's study may seem a bit random but I think you will find it interesting and have some insights that will bless you. Rene Salm wrote a book suggesting that Nazareth was a myth and even though it has been debunked it still shows up on popular atheist web sties today. We'll also deal with the Roman Catholic claim that Mary remained a virgin her whole life and never had children after Jesus. This claim is made even stronger when we realize that the Roman Catholic Church says anyone who says Mary did have other children has committed a mortal sin and will be condemned. Scripture, on the other hand, says that Jesus had brothers and sisters. All of this is in context of our continued series through the gospel of Mark. We will continue this study weekly until I've taught through the whole book verse by verse, tackling issues of theology and apologetics. Here's the whole Mark series playlist. If you want to support this ministry you can click here.
10/28/201959 minutes, 52 seconds
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Where The Old Testament Teaches Penal Substitution

The idea that Jesus died in our place, suffering the penalty for our sins, is under serious attack. We need to understand where we can find Penal Substitutionary Atonement ideas in the Bible, starting with the Old Testament. This is part of a series explaining and defending Penal Substitutionary Atonement. I'll cover biblical data, historical data, moral objections and more so that you will understand the doctrine, how to defend it and what's really wrong with this modern move against the biblical teaching on Jesus' sacrificial death. Today we are looking at the idea of sacrifice and atonement in the OT, the Day of Atonement, the Passover sacrifice, and (if we have time) Isaiah 53 and penal substitution. Here's the whole playlist on PSA More amazing connections between Jesus and Passover How the 5 main sacrifices in Leviticus point to Jesus This ministry content is all presented free to you and that's the way I want to keep it. This is made possible by those few who have the ability and desire to partner with me through donations. I deeply appreciate those who have made this possible through their support and love the fact that it's free to everyone as a result. If you want to partner with me here's the link. If you want a BibleThinker coffee mug they are available for purchase here. Read carefully the shipping details and discount details on that page and contact them if you are outside the USA and need shipping costs/info.
10/22/20191 hour, 20 minutes
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Jesus, Jairus and the Woman: The Mark Series Pt 17 (5:21-43)

In the best example of a "Markan sandwich" we see two remarkable healings which are meant to teach us some remarkable and needful lessons. Jesus meets our deepest fear with a call to faith that calms our hearts and changes the way we see death forever. I hope and pray that the beautiful truths of this passage of Scripture will get stuck in your head and heart. Here's a link to the whole series through the Gospel of Mark I'm dedicated to making FREE content helping people learn to think biblically about everything. If you love this ministry and want to support it please click here but please feel NO obligation or compulsion to give.
10/20/201957 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Real History of Penal Substitutionary Atonement

A lot of leaders who reject Penal Substitution will say that it was invented by Calvin or Anselm and that the early church held to Christus Victor or Ransom theories of the atonement. This turns out to be a painful distortion of history. I mean, this is pure historical revisionism in the name of teaching bad theology! I was shocked to find out how badly church history has been twisted by progressive leaders who, whether they realize it or not, are teaching unbiblical views of how we are saved. In this video you'll hear quotes from many church fathers on the topic of whether the cross included a penal and substitutionary aspect. You'll get needed clarity to help you see through the historical revisionism of guys like Greg Boyd, Steve Chalke and others. And you'll be equipped to head into the next video in this series on Penal Substitutionary Atonement. Which will probably be on the topic of "Does the Bible Teach Penal Substitution?" As I add more videos to this PSA playlist I will put them HERE Here's an article on this topic from The Masters Seminary Journal Here is Gary Williams' defense of his own work on PSA in the early church fathers Here's Joseph Mitros' content on how people misrepresent the church fathers on this If you love this ministry and want to support my ongoing work producing free content to help people learn to think biblically about everything then please click here.
10/15/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 6 seconds
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Answering New Believers' Questions Live

Expand this for time stamps (also in the first comment for mobile users) Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 1:04 Can a wife or mom have a job outside of the house? 2. 4:43 Is profanity ever acceptable? E.g. "I _-ing love you, man!" (not in anger) 3. 8:21 Can you talk about the relationship between obedience and faith? 4. 9:28 What purpose does prayer serve for an all-powerful God? How do we affect anyone/anything with prayer? 5. 13:36 Why do you think God created us if He knew it would result in the fall of man and He would have to save us through such an extreme act of love? 6. 16:45 How do you know that you're REALLY saved? 7. 20:28 What do you think about the idea that it's the worship leader's job to "create an atmosphere for people to encounter God"? 8. 23:15 What are your thoughts on the belief that the Church is "spiritual" Israel which seems to lead to observing Torah? Is the Body of Christ separate from Israel? 9. 24:41 If Jesus, being God, knew He would defeat death, what is the significance of His sacrifice? I understand His resurrection is a pillar of the faith, but how can Jesus being dead for only a few days 'count'? 10. 27:16 What is meant by the phrase "sharing the Gospel"? How do we share the Gospel, and what part of the Gospel do we include? 11. 29:35 I'm writing a paper on limited atonement for class. Any ideas on books to get/passages to cover? 12. 30:17 Any advice on how to "put sin to death"? 13: 35:45 Should all Christians follow the Old Testament Law, considering that Jesus didn't come to change the Law? 14. 38:01 Do you have to speak in tongues to be saved? 15. 39:30 Where is the best place for teens who are new believers to start in the Bible? 16. 41:17 Is the doctrine of "soul sleep" biblical? 17. 42:47 Do you believe seminary is needed to be a minister of God's Word? 18. 43:50 Is the Body of Christ separate from Israel? 19. 45:12 If the New Testament was implemented when Jesus died &amp; rose again, is it fair to say that Matthew, Mark, Luke, &amp; John should be considered part of the Old Testament, since Jesus hadn't died yet? 20. 46:27 Does Lucifer's fall (and ours) mean that God made a mistake? Or does it mean that He planned on sin and the fall happening? 21. 47:49 Do you have any tips for a new believer who wants to begin looking into theology and researching topics in the Bible? 22. 48:30 Is it ok to listen to music that is not classified as "Christian" but has no bad words/profanity? 23. 50:55 Should we go to church at all if we've been watching Bart Ehrman videos and we're not sure? 24. 54:30 Do 12-step programs reconcile with being a Christian? 25. 55:40 Why are there so many denominations and only one true God? 26. 56:54 When we die, will we go to Heaven, or are we all dead until Jesus comes back? 27. 57:19 Some Christians who claim to not believe in sinless perfectionism say if we can go without sinning for minutes or hours, we can go without sinning for days, weeks, or months. Is this biblical? 28. 58:43 Do I have to be baptized when I decide to become a Christian? 29. 59:38 How much do you think aesthetics affects ethics? Do you think wearing worn-out/torn/ragged clothing is a means for the culture of death and destruction? 30. 1:00:19 If I read the Bible and pray, and still doubt &amp; struggle with my faith, what can I do? It's difficult to fight it. 31. 1:01:09 Is lust as simple as looking at a woman and thinking "Wow, nice!" or is it's original meaning something much more, like, "I need to sleep with her. I want to make her mine."? 32. 1:02:44 What do you think about 1 Tim. 2: 11-12 on women's roles in the Church? 33. 1:03:39 Is Halloween Satan's holiday? 34. 1:03:58 When should you stop asking for something in prayer, and start trying to transition your thinking into accepting "no" as God's answer? I highly recommend "The Bible for Beginners" if you haven't heard it yet. The Romans series will ground you in solid theology https://www.yo
10/8/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 49 seconds
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Insights from Jesus and the Demoniac: The Mark Series Part 16 (Mk 5:1-20)

Get insights about demonology, the identity of Christ, the hope Jesus gives to even the most broken life, and some apologetics about a geography issue in Mark 5 related to the location of the region of the Gerasenes. I got a questions after this study about why Matthew says "Gadarenes" instead of Gerasenes. I forgot to mention it during the study but Gadara was a well known city about 6 miles from Galilee with some territory reaching all the way to Galilee. Matthew seems to be using a different way of referring a region toward the south/east of the Sea of Galilee. When it comes to the issue of demons I hope to provide a needed balance where we embrace the biblical worldview and reality of demons while being able to acknowledge other possible causes of illness. It can be harmful to land on either extreme of denying the spiritual realm or acting as if every ailment is caused by demons. Here's the playlist for the whole gospel of Mark series. My goal is to provide all my teaching for free and that nobody will ever be forced to pay for it in order to be blessed by it. If you want to support this ministry so others can be blessed then please click here.
10/6/201956 minutes, 1 second
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Stop Saying All Roads Lead to God!

It's worse than nonsense. It's destructive. I think this is one of the most common bad ideas people have about God and religion. Let's thoughtfully analyze the idea that all roads lead to God and see why this incredibly common viewpoint couldn't possibly be true. Here's a list of other slogans we'll deal with today. "All roads lead to God" "How can you say that Jesus is the only way? How rude! How arrogant! How judgy!" "All religions teach basically the same thing." "All religions have a different piece of the truth." "I think that sincere people will be OK." "I just think that God knows our hearts and that good people will be OK." Because I suspect someone will ask about it. Here's what the Bible says about those who die without hearing the gospel - I've devoted this ministry to producing free content meant to bring people to Christ and help them learn to think biblically about everything. I never want anyone to feel obligated but if you would like to support this work then please click here. BibleThinker coffee mugs are being made by a potter who is a fan of this ministry and they can be purchased here.
10/1/20191 hour, 16 minutes, 38 seconds
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Why God Repents and Changes His Mind in the Bible

Let's get a handle on the various passages where the Bible says that God repents, relents or changes His mind. Personally, I found this study very rewarding and I hope it blesses you as well. Someone came up after I taught this study and shared something with me that I think might add to the content in this message. They said something like, "God is jealous, but not like man's jealousy. God has wrath, but not like man's wrath. And in a similar way God repents but not in the same way or with the same meaning as when man does it." I thought this was worth adding here for you. If you love this ministry and want to help support the creation of more free content then please click here. BibleThinker mugs are available here (created by a potter who is a friend of the ministry) Here's an affiliate link to the Bible software I've been using for the past 13 years; Logos. This link get's you 10% off if you use the code "BIBLETHINKER8" at checkout.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner
9/29/201944 minutes, 58 seconds
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Tips for Bible Teachers

Tips on how to prepare a message, how to maximize your gifting, good software to use to make your study time more efficient, how to think about failures, how to stay true to the Bible, how to process insecurities and nervousness, how to avoid pitfalls of pride, and much more. Free, and very useful, Bible study resources - NetBible has good insights into textual issues and some stuff commentaries often skip. - BlueLetterBible has tons of free commentaries and helps. I wish it had been around when I first started teaching. Paid Bible software. - Here's the link for a discount on Logos software. Make sure to use the coupon code BIBLETHINKER8 at checkout.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner This ministry is supported by donations. I don't ever want you to feel pressured to give or to give more than is wise for them. The point here is that those who can joyfully support this ministry are making it possible for everyone else to be blessed with free content. BibleThinker coffee mugs are available here.
9/24/20191 hour, 31 minutes, 15 seconds
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Why Jesus Calmed the Storm: The Mark Series pt 15 (4:35-41)

I've heard whole Bible studies through the passage where Jesus calms the storm where the teacher fails to identify a key point in it. When Jesus commanded the storm to cease it revealed something of the divinity of Jesus that had the apostles in awe and reverence for Jesus in a whole new way. Even though they had previously seen Jesus cast out demons and heal the sick, this act of commanding a storm to stop meant something to these first century Jews which is often overlooked by people today. This is part 15 in the Mark series covering theology and apologetics through a verse by verse study of the Gospel of Mark. Here is the whole playlist (new vids added weekly) If you want to help support this ministry and the free content I make every week then please click here. BibleThinker coffee mugs are available here. Made by a potter who is a fan of this ministry. I have use Logos Bible software for many years and have recently partnered with them to get you a 10% discount and some free books if you use this affiliate link and the code BIBLETHINKER8.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner
9/22/201949 minutes, 27 seconds
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A Christian Evaluation of Suicide

Suicide is a big issue that most of us haven't thought about very carefully. I'm not going to pretend to have all the answers, or easy answers. But what I can do is analyze some of the issues related to suicide from a biblical worldview and try to point you toward biblical help. I need to offer a disclaimer though. Some of what I share here is going to be based not just on the plain teaching of scripture but on my own experience as a counselor, friend and human being. I want you to consider and weigh what I share rather than thinking everything out of my mouth is clearly taught in scripture. My goal isn't to say that I have figured it all out but to offer some clarity and some help to those who deal with their own suicidal thoughts or the life-devastating impact of the suicide of a loved one. I hope and PRAY this is useful for you and brings blessings into your life. Find a suicide hotline for your own country and language. Be sure to subscribe if you want to learn to think biblically about everything. And check out the hundreds of videos on my channel! My video on the unforgivable sin Everything I do is made available for free. If you love this ministry and want to help support it click here. If you want a BibleThinker coffee mug they are here. If you're interested in what Bible software I have been using for the past 13 years here it is. I've recently partnered with Logos to give you 10% off and some free books if you use the code BIBLETHINKER8 and this affiliate link. At no cost to you a commission will also come to me to help me continue doing this work.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner
9/18/20191 hour, 25 minutes, 16 seconds
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Making Sense of Jesus' Parables: The Mark Series pt 14

I hope this helps you understand the parables better than ever before. These four parables are found in Mark 4:21-34 and they include the parable of the lamp on a stand, the parable of the measuring scales, the parable of growing seed, and the parable of the mustard seed. Unlocking the parables of Jesus depends simply on learning the pattern of interpretation Jesus established when he explained the parable of the soils and that of the tares. In this study we will give special attention to the meaning of the birds in the parable of the mustard seed because this is not only debated, it's also really interesting. If you love this ministry and want to support its mission please click here. If you want a BibleThinker coffee mug you can order one here. They are made by a potter who loves the BibleThinker ministry. I have used Logos Bible Software for the past 13 years and you can check it out and get 10% off of it if you use this affiliate link. Be sure to use the code BIBLETHINKER8 to get your discount.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner
9/16/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 39 seconds
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Really Specific Prophecy Jesus Fulfilled on the Cross! Amazing!

A detailed description of the crucifixion of Jesus was written hundreds of years before it happened! Let's analyze this Old Testament passage and respond to objections from an atheist and a Jewish Rabbi. Does Psalm 22 really support the idea that God inspired the Bible and planned ahead of time for Jesus to die for us? Can it stand under careful examination and scrutiny from contrary sources? I think the answer is yes. Allow me to make my case. Here's that REALLY good video I mentioned where Dr. Michael Brown goes into even more detail on the "pierced" controversy: If you love this ministry and would like to help support this work, please click here: If you want a BibleThinker coffee mug they are available here: The Bible software I use is called Logos. Logos has given me this link where you can get a discount on it and some free books as well:;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner The BibleThinker app is now available in your App Store. Just search BibleThinker or Mike Winger. We are currently working on updating and improving this app.
9/10/20191 hour, 25 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Key to All the Parables: The Mark Series part 13

The Parable of the Sower helps us understand all parables from Jesus. Learn it's meaning and some principles for interpreting the parables of Jesus from this study in Mark 4:1-20. I also encourage you to really consider how to apply this passage to your own life. This is part 13 in the Mark series. Here's the whole paylist. If you love this ministry and would like to help support it please click here (but feel no obligation as my intention is for all the content to be and remain free). If your interested in a BibleThinker coffee mug they can be found here.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner
9/8/20191 hour, 9 minutes, 50 seconds
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Did Jesus Die on a Cross or a Stake? Here's the Evidence.

I've compiled historical evidence to respond to Jehovah's Witness claims that Jesus died on a "torture stake". We will look at the Greek word "stauros" and it's meaning, ancient images of the cross, historical documentation about the shape of Jesus' cross and give some time to examine how the Watchtower abuses sources to teach false things. Christianity does not stand or fall on the shape of the cross but it seems to me that the Watchtower does, and in this case, it falls. We only need a fraction of people to actually offer any financial support for this ministry. Please enjoy this content with NO obligation to ever give! If you are one of the few who has the ability and desire to partner in giving then please click here. You can order your own BibleThinker coffee mug here if you like.
9/3/201946 minutes, 28 seconds
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What EXACTLY Is the Unforgivable Sin? The Mark Series pt 12

The blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is probably not what you're thinking of. This is a careful study of the unforgivable sin and it will seek to answer a bunch of specific questions about the topic. What is it? Have you committed it? Is it possible for a believer to commit it? Can someone repent after they have done it? Should Christians try to label people with this sin? I hope that this study will not only give you good information but also give you good counsel on how to deal with this difficult and important issue. This ministry is made possible by those who support online. If you want to partner with me in supporting the continued word of this ministry then please click here. BibleThinker mugs are available here (made by Brent Zockoll, a friend of the ministry).
9/1/20191 hour, 54 seconds
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How New Age & Word of Faith Misunderstand the Bible (Mike Winger and Melissa Dougherty)

I've never done this before. Here's my conversation with a former New Age/New Thought woman. We talk about specific Bible verses that are often used to support New Age as well as Word of Faith teaching and I do my best to respond with a careful explanation of each of those verses. If you are New Age, New Thought or Word of Faith then I'm hoping this video will bless you and change your life. If you aren't then I'm hoping it will equip you to be ready to help someone who is. Melissa Doughtery's channel is here check out her testimony of going from New Age to genuine Christianity! If you love this ministry and want to help support me continuing to make more free content then please click below. But don't do it out of obligation or guilt, only give if you can AND if you specifically desire to partner with what I'm doing here. God bless you. If you'd like to order a special BibleThinker mug the link is here. Make sure to read the ordering details so you can get the shipping discount.
9/1/20192 hours, 4 minutes, 34 seconds
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Amazing Study! How to Find Jesus in the OT pt 23

Here&rsquo;s how Psalm 16 predicts Jesus&rsquo; resurrection&hellip; and more. This Psalm was quoted by both Peter and Paul in the New Testament as speaking prophetically of the resurrection of Christ. It turns out that there is some support for this sort of view in ancient rabbinic writings as well! Here&rsquo;s the whole &ldquo;Jesus in the Old Testament&rdquo; playlist:;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO All the teaching content in this ministry is provided for free. If you love this ministry and would like to help support us, you can do so through my website here: A potter partnered with BibleThinker to provide one-of-a-kind mugs you can get here:
8/18/20191 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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SHORTISH Live Stream Today! A Bit of Q & A

Time Stamps Here (and in 1st comment for mobile users) Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: ~ 1. 3:26 A lot of people think the Bible is not clear about divorce and remarriage. Are there some “gray areas”? ~ 2. 6:20 My fellowship did a salvation prayer which didn’t involve any confessing or repenting, just believing. Does this mean those who prayed the prayer were not really saved? ~ 3. 11:21 Can you explain your non-Calvinist interpretation of Isaiah 63: 17? ~ 4. 15:07 What does it mean to “pray in the Spirit”? My pastor said it means praying in tongues, and he said we can all pray in tongues. Thoughts? ~ 5. 17:47 Does Hebrews 12: 2 teach “irresistible grace”? ~ 6. 20:53 What is your opinion on birth control used within a marriage relationship? ~ 7. 23:08 In Matthew 25, concerning the 10 virgins, my teachers have said the oil represents the Holy Spirit – but how can you run out or get more of the Holy Spirit (especially if you’re not saved)? ~ 8. 24:12 I work with a non-profit whose core value is hearing God’s voice, and everything we do must be based on a specific “word from the Lord”. I’m struggling with understanding how God speaks to us, and whether or not this practice is biblical. ~ 9. 28:48 Do you have any opinions on Preterism, and will you ever do a study on eschatology? ~ 10. 29:51 If our life is in our breath, can’t we justify abortion, since babies in the womb don’t breathe air? ~ 11. 33:20 Where was Jesus seated before He was at the right hand of the Father? I’m trying to envision this in my head. I'll be doing a shorter than normal live stream today and taking some of your questions from the live chat. Also, there will be no live stream on 8/20 and 8/27 (the next two weeks). Other than that I have many wonderful and important topics coming up and I hope you find them really helpful in your walk and your witnessing. If you love this ministry and want to help support it you can do so at the following link to my web site. Would you like a BibleThinker mug? A potter has partnered with me and made them available here.
8/13/201938 minutes, 41 seconds
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Jesus, the Crowds and the Twelve: The Mark Series part 11 (3:7-19)

Why did Jesus have 12 apostles? Why did Jesus sometimes ignore crowds or even purposely diminish them? What is it that these "seekers" didn't understand? We'll cover this as well as a survey of each of the 12 apostles trying to see what we can learn from them individually. Oh yeah, and some great apologetics stuff too! Don't forget to check out the brand new BibleThinker app! Search "Mike Winger" in your app store. If you love this ministry and want to help support it please click here. BibleThinker mugs are available here!
8/11/20191 hour, 13 minutes, 7 seconds
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God's Wrath is Good

We are going to have a decent amount of Q&amp;A today but I'm starting us off by talking a bit about God's wrath. I hope to help us think about it more clearly and more biblically. If you don’t see the BibleThinker app in the App Store yet then try again tomorrow. It has been submitted and we are just waiting on approval. If you love this ministry and want to support it you can do so through my web site support
8/6/201958 minutes, 9 seconds
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How Jesus Used Sabbath Controversies to Teach Us Stuff: The Mark Series part 10 (2:23-3:6)

Two controversies reveal what was wrong with the Pharisees' and what might be wrong with us. Covering Mark 2:23-3:6 Jesus corrects the Pharisees for adding their traditions to God's commands as well as for missing out on the heart of God's commands. We'll look at how Jesus' claim that "the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath" is both a claim to deity and a claim to have the right to explain the meaning of the Old Testament law. There's also an apologetics moment today where we deal with a supposed Bible contradiction where some say Jesus was simply wrong about the Old Testament. Here is the playlist to the whole Mark series (updated weekly until it is finished) Just a quick note related to the Sabbath. I do not think Christians are called to be under the Law and we do not have the same obligation to observe the Sabbath that they did at the time of the events of Mark chapter 2. I have teaching content on how to view the Law and how we can read and learn from it in the light of Christ here. (2 video playlist);list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuBirH5Rw3IhJinWrcTufY6 I also have a series dealing with the Hebrew Roots Movement (who teach that we should all obey the Law of Moses today) here (4 video playlist) If you love this ministry and want to partner with me in support please click here (though all my content is free and you are under NO obligation to give). If you want to get your own BibleThinker mug, you can click here to go to a web site owned by a potter who is a fan of the ministry and has made special mugs available.
8/4/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 31 seconds
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Infant Baptism Not In Bible

What can we say about infant baptism based just on the Bible? This video is a survey through a bunch of key passages that relate to the topic. I present it as an issue that we should not divide over but an issue that is worth examining biblically and talking about. We will be looking at the "household" baptisms in Acts, and the idea that a parallel between circumcision and baptism means we should baptize infants. We'll also examine the New Testament nature of baptism since this relates to the idea of baptizing infants. Here's the link to my very long debate on whether baptism saves or not. Time stamps on this video will help you navigate it. If you love this ministry and would like to partner by supporting it please click below. BibleThinker mugs are available here. Made by Brent Zockoll, a potter who is a fan of this ministry. I'm often asked about the Bible software I use. It's called Logos and I find it really helpful in my studies. If you order it through this affiliate link you get a discount and some free books. Use coupon code BIBLETHINKER8;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner
7/30/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 16 seconds
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Responding to Calvinist Arguments for Limited Atonement

In this video I will be handling the following Calvinist objections to the idea that Jesus died for all people. 1) Trinitarian Harmony in the Atonement. This involves the idea that there is conflict between the intention of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit if Jesus meant to die for all people. 2) The idea that if Jesus tried to save all people but didn't then He failed. Therefore Jesus didn't try to save all and didn't die for all people. 3) The idea that Jesus' atonement and intercession are the same in extent and application. 4) Dilemmas Calvinists sometimes present as logically forcing you to affirm limited atonement. In particular we will look at John Owen's dilemma/trilemma 5) The double-payment or double-jeopardy argument. This says that if Jesus died for all then to punish anyone in the future would be to punish sin twice and would threaten God's justice. I'm actually covering more than this but this is the main focus. Here is my original video making a case for unlimited atonement Here is Dr. White's video in response to my video (most of what I'm reacting to today was found in his response) Here is a playlist of all my videos related to the topic of Calvinism.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHu8PlY0J-G2B9Pyp59S0pLZ Finally, this is an in house discussion and I affirm Calvinists as my beloved brothers and sisters and would welcome them in full fellowship (and so should you). If you love this ministry and want to partner in supporting it please click below to go to my web site. BibleThinker mugs are available here
7/25/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 37 seconds
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Testing Your Christian Worldview: The Mark Series pt 9

In today’s study of Mark 2:13-22 we cover some often misused passages in Mark, we test our Christian worldview, ask if Jesus really "partied with sinners", we examine some parables of Jesus and note how the beautiful message of the gospel also includes the sober reality of man’s sinfulness. The parables we are covering (though they are more like illustrations really) are the bride groom, the old and new wine/wineskins and the Here’s a link to the whole Mark playlist (new videos added as I make them). If you ever want to come to this Sunday evening service for a visit, here are the details. 16523 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower CA 90706 The service starts at 5pm. Park in the rear and look for the dove, then head upstairs. NOTICE: we will not be meeting next week 7/28/2019 If you want to support this ministry, please click here. Although it is truly my goal to present all this content for free so please enjoy, be blessed and feel absolutely no obligation!
7/21/201958 minutes, 15 seconds
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My Ministry Update and Q&A

I've been meaning to give a full update on what's going on with this online ministry for a while now. Today's the day! Question Time-Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 28:51 How can we justify God wiping out the Canaanites in the Old Testament? A lot of skeptics would say that it was genocidal. 2. 32:18 I’ve been taking courses on proper hermeneutics, and I feel ready to study God’s Word, but I’m intimidated by the fear of misinterpretation/not knowing where to start. Suggestions? 3. 33:52 Why does the NIV call Jesus Satan? (Isaiah 14: 12 and Revelation 22: 16) 4. 36:00 How do I approach a family member who may be dying soon and thinks they are saved, when in my gut I truly question their salvation? 5. 37:08 Why don’t you see Luke 21 (at least the beginning) as fulfilled prophecy? 6. 39:25 What is the difference between godly grief and worldly grief, and how can I repent better, specifically when dealing with lust (2 Cor. 7: 10)? 7. 44:33 Can you explain what the sevenfold spirit is, in Revelation 1: 4? 8. 48:40 What are your views on Complementarianism/Egalitarianism? 9. 52:36 Are you going to release any new worship music? 10. 53:05 Would you be able to discuss Lutheran theology sometime?/Also, would you be able to teach about eschatology and Heaven? 11. 53:58 Why has God stopped performing “big signs” like in the Old Testament? (ex: burning bush, parting the Red Sea, fire from Heaven…etc.) 12. 55:21 How can we differentiate between someone claiming new revelation from God above the Bible, and revelation as in a word or prophecy, such as 1 Corinthians 14: 30? 13. 57:53 Do you have any suggestions for a devotional that would grab my attention but be exegetical in its content? I teach a Sunday evening Bible study at Hosanna Christian Fellowship, here's the info if you want to come for a visit. Be mindful that we have two buildings and this is the correct address for my study. 16523 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower CA, 90706 - Starts at 5pm. Park in the rear. Look for the dove. Head upstairs. My desire is for this ministry to be freely available to all so please enjoy and be blessed by it without ever feeling any obligation to give. If you are among the few that do want to partner in supporting this work then please click here. People often as about what Bible software I use. It's called Logos and you can get a copy, some free books and a 10% discount at this affiliate link if you use the code BIBLETHINKER8 at checkout.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner A potter, who is a fan of the ministry, has made some BibleThinker mugs. Here's his web site. Be sure to read the shipping details info if you order one.
7/16/20191 hour, 1 minute, 48 seconds
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Why Jesus Was Accused of Blasphemy? The Mark Series pt 8 (2:1-12)

This is part 8 in the ongoing series through the Gospel of Mark covering theology, apologetics, historical/cultural insights and life application through a verse by verse study of the Gospel of Mark with pastor Mike Winger. Today's study covers Mark 2:1-12 and will deal with a supposed "Bible contradiction", why Jesus was accused of blasphemy, how to interpret and apply the miracles of Jesus, a short survey of how Jesus used the title "Son of Man" in Mark, and some beautiful truths about prayer and forgiveness. Here's the link to the whole Mark playlist (new videos added weekly) My ministry work is made possible by supporters like you. If you love this ministry and want to partner with me through offering support then please click below. Just know that I don't want anyone feeling pressured to give! Please freely enjoy and be blessed by my teaching without feeling any obligation to ever give! I mean that. I use Logos Bible software. If you're interested in getting your own copy you can use the following affiliate link and coupon code for 10% off. BIBLETHINKER8;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner BibleThinker mugs are available here.
7/14/20191 hour, 10 minutes
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Did God Create Evil? A Misunderstood Bible Verse: Isaiah 45:7

Examining the idea that God created evil and looking at Isaiah 45:7 where God says, in the KJV, "I create evil". We'll examine the passage in context, looking at the Hebrew word for "evil" and then tackle some common problems/misconceptions people have on the topic of the existence of evil. Here's a wonderfully helpful video on the problem of evil from Inspiring Philosophy I'm Mike Winger and this ministry is dedicated to teaching and defending biblical truth. My intention is to continue producing free material that is easily accessible to help bring people to Christ, build up Christians and equip people to minister to others. If you want to support this ministry (though I don't want anyone to feel obligated) please visit my web site here. I'm often asked what Bible software I use. It's called "Logos" and I've been happily using it for a number of years. You can check it out at the link below. This is an affiliate link and will get you some free resources as well as a 10% discount on any package you purchase but be sure to use the coupon code BIBLETHINKER8;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner Brent Zockoll, a potter who is a fan of this ministry, has made some special BibleThinker mugs which you can purchase at the link below if you like.
7/2/201955 minutes, 23 seconds
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Why Jesus Was Secretive: The Mark Series part 7 (1:29-45)

Covering a lot of interesting stuff in today's study of Mark. What is the "Messianic Secret" and does it mean that Mark made stuff up about Jesus? Catholicism and the implications of Peter having a wife. Why Jesus healed the way He did and how it is like a living parable of the gospel. Answering Brian Zahnd's claim that the Jesus contradicts the Old Testament. The difference between sickness and demonic possession. The importance of personal solitude in prayer, and more. In this verse by verse study through the Gospel of Mark I will take advantage of opportunities to cover relevant theological and apologetic issues and I hope it's a blessing to you. Here's the whole Mark playlist (new videos added as I teach them weekly) If you ever want to come visit, I teach on Sunday evenings at 5pm at 16523 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower CA 90706 Parking is in the rear and the entrance is upstairs (look for the dove). If you love this ministry and are interested in supporting it please click here. Just a few months ago I went full time with online ministry so I appreciate your help but don't feel obligated. My real goal is to continue making free content that helps people so if you don't support financially just thank God and be blessed! The Bible software I use (which people ask me about frequently) is Logos. It's available at this affiliate link and if you use the coupon code BIBLETHINKER8 you can get 10% off.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner If you are interested in getting a BibleThinker coffee mug, they are hand made and available here. Read the instructions for shipping details, especially if you are outside the continental US.
6/30/201952 minutes, 31 seconds
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Does This Verse Teach Cessationism? 1 Cor 13:10-12

Some cessationists (those who believe that the gifts of the Spirit are not for today) will say that 1 Corinthians 13:10-12 teaches that after the Bible was fully delivered to the church we no longer expect to see the gifts of the Spirit operating. While I think cessationists can give us valuable insights I think this particular passage is used wrongly when they use it to support cessationism. I'll be giving an analysis of 1 Cor 13:10-12 and interacting with the views of some cessationists. I want to point out that there are plenty of cessationists who are with me on this passage and say not to use it in support of their position. So don't consider this a debunking of all cessationism but merely a refutation of a misuse of 1 Cor 13. Here's the article I referenced from the Master's Seminary If you love this ministry and want to help support me continuing to make free content then please click here. If you want your own "BibleThinker" coffee mug then click here (and be sure to read the page for instructions of shipping discounts and details) I often get asked about what Bible software I use. It's called Logos and you can get it at the link below. There is a free version which you will find helpful. The nicer versions are a serious investment but I've found it to be really integral in my own Bible studies. I also have a 10% discount for you if you use the coupon code BIBLETHINKER8 when you make your purchase. This is an affiliate link but I only recommend it because it really is an incredibly useful software I have used for 13 years and because I can get you a discount with this link.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner
6/25/201958 minutes, 10 seconds
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Real Historian Responds to "Jesus Was a Myth" Claims

The internet is a breeding ground for the claim that Jesus never existed. Historical Jesus scholar, Mike Licona takes on these claims and will be responding to mythicist questions in the Q&amp;A at the end of the video. Mike Licona's web site If you love this ministry and want to help support me continuing to make free content then please click here. If you want your own "BibleThinker" coffee mug then click here (and be sure to read the page for instructions of shipping discounts and details) I often get asked about what Bible software I use. It's called Logos and you can get it at the link below. There is a free version which you will find helpful. The nicer versions are a serious investment but I've found it to be really integral in my own Bible studies. I also have a 10% discount for you if you use the coupon code BIBLETHINKER8 when you make your purchase. This is an affiliate link but I only recommend it because it really is an incredibly useful software I have used for 13 years and because I can get you a discount with this link.;utm_medium=partner&amp;utm_campaign=promo-partner
6/18/20191 hour, 10 minutes, 32 seconds
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Steven Anderson vs The Biblical Gospel

This video refutes, with scripture, the teaching of Steven Anderson. I focus on the gospel and a biblical analysis of his teaching as well as trying to offer real clarity on the topic of homosexuality. I hope that this video helps Christians and non-Christians to better understand the biblical view of these issues. Even if we don't agree, it is good to get clarity and to show that Steven Anderson's doctrine is not biblical. Links: Video evaluating different Bible translations Playlist for understanding textual issues and how we know what the New Testament originally said My recent video on whether repentance is part of gospel preaching (and what it means) To support this ministry please click here. Thank you, your support literally makes it possible for me to do ministry (and eat food). Live Streams every Tuesday at 5pm PT
6/12/201940 minutes, 8 seconds
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Jesus the Disciples and the Demon: The Mark Series part 6 (1:16-28)

There are some deep and simple truths we learn from Jesus calling His first disciples (and how that applies to Jesus calling you). We'll see Jesus teach with authority and then confirm that authority through His interaction with a demon. This is part 6 in the Mark series, here's a link to the whole playlist. I am full time with this online ministry now and if you want to support me continuing to create free content please click here. Partners like you make BibleThinker possible.
6/9/201943 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Pivotal Issue: Hebrew Roots part 4

How we understand the repeated teaching that we are not "under the Law" is really important. I'll look at one example of how some in the Hebrew Roots movement interpret this phrase and then we will compare that with what the Bible says to see if it's viable. This is part 4 in my series on the Hebrew Roots movement. Here is the link to the whole playlist. Here's the original video from 119 ministries - I produce free teaching content helping people learn to think biblically about everything and by God's grace it really is having an impact in people's lives around the world! If you want to partner with me and help me keep producing this content you can do so at this link. If you want to get your own "BibleThinker" coffee mug then click here.
6/4/201954 minutes, 36 seconds
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Repentance is Part of the Gospel: The Mark Series part 5 (1:14-15)

The first public message of Jesus is a condensed gospel message. I think that it boils down the gospel to certain essential truths that we need to be sharing when we evangelize. In particular we will look at the concept of repentance and how pervasive it is in gospel preaching in the New Testament. We'll answer some of the following questions. 1. Is calling people to repentance a normal part of gospel preaching? 2. Is repentance a work? 3. What is the biblical definition of the word "repent"? 4. Can Christians repent multiple times? Today's study covers Mark 1:14-15 and you can find the whole Mark playlist right here. I (Mike Winger) make free videos helping people learn to think biblically about everything. If you want to support this effort please click here.
6/2/201946 minutes, 9 seconds
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Limited Atonement, Universalism and why I disagree with both.

Does 2 Corinthians 5:14-15 teach Limited Atonement? Does it teach Universalism? Does 1 John 2:2 present a challenge to Limited Atonement? Disclaimer - This is not a comprehensive discussion of these topics but I have gathered some questions I have been sent about a few specific passages of scripture dealing with limited atonement (the L in the Calvinist TULIP) and universalism (the idea that all people will be saved). I expect many of my brethren who are Calvinists to disagree with a lot of what I say in this video. You are more than welcome to share your disagreement in the comments and I appreciate you doing so in a manner representing our common faith in Christ. If you love this ministry and want to help me continue to produce free content teaching people to think biblically about everything then click here. If you want one of the new BibleThinker coffee mugs they are avaiable here (be sure to read the info at that link for instructions on shipping discounts and how to ship outside the continental US).
5/29/201956 minutes, 15 seconds
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Satan Tempts Jesus EXPLAINED: The Mark Series part 4 (1:12-13)

Many mysterious things happen in this passage. Jesus' temptation brings up the issue of how God could be tempted. It also raises the question of whether Jesus could sin or not. We also have some neat typology related to Moses, Adam, Israel and Jesus. And we will look at some information on Satan and how to pay attention to the spiritual battle you are in every day. This is part 4 in the my series through the Gospel of Mark click here for the whole playlist (new videos added weekly) If you love this ministry and would like to support my continued creation of free content please click here.
5/26/201955 minutes, 11 seconds
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Does Acts Teach Us to Follow the Law of Moses? Hebrew Roots part 3

There is a growing movement of people teaching that followers of Jesus/Yeshua ought to be followers of the Old Testament Law. If we pay close attention to the book of Acts we will see that this is not the case. In this video we are surveying the book of Acts to answer some of the following questions. 1- When someone who already followed the Law of Moses believed in Jesus did they continue to follow it? 2- When someone who did not follow the Law of Moses believed in Jesus did they start following it? 3- What direct teachings do we have from the book of Acts related to obeying the Law of Moses. Here's the PLAYLIST where I will put all the videos I do that relate to the Hebrew Roots Movement or specifically the idea that all followers of Jesus should obey the Law of Moses. My goal in this ministry is to help people learn to think biblically about everything. I do this by spending my time studying and creating free content meant to teach and defend biblical truth. If you love this ministry and want to partner with me through financial support click here. BibleThinker coffee mugs are now available. Order your own right here. Make sure to read what's on that page so you can get the discount code!
5/21/20191 hour, 34 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why Baptize Jesus? The Mark Series part 3 (1:9-11)

Most of us are naturally curious as to why Jesus underwent baptism. Especially since John baptized Jesus after saying the Bible says John preached a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins! In this video I'll explain why Jesus was baptized and what deep theological truths we learn from it. I'll also tackle some of the false teaching of Bart Ehrman about the gospel of Mark. Here's the playlist for the whole Mark series (videos added weekly) If you want to help support the free content I produce with this ministry then please click here (but know first that I don't want anyone to feel any pressure to give, I only need a minority of people to support in order to sustain this work) Go to my channel to see hundreds of free videos all meant to help you think biblically about everything.
5/19/201946 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Bunch Of Reasons Christianity Is True: special guest Jonathan McLatchie

Most people don't realize that there are lot of good reasons to think Christianity is true. This video is meant to introduce you to a bunch of them and to help you get thinking about something called "the cumulative case for Christianity". Check the rest of this description for links to further resources you can use to learn to better master these arguments. Jonathan McLatchie's links - YouTube channel and his web site More on PROPHECY in my "Evidence for the Bible" playlist.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuhA0RPKZFHVcjIMN_-F596 The UNITY OF THE BIBLE is taught in depth in this series on "Jesus in the Old Testament";list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO Learn about UNDESIGNED COINCIDENCES briefly in this YT video OR in detail in the wonderful book by Lydia McGrew (Amazon affiliate link) For a resource on the GENERAL RELIABILITY OF THE GOSPELS please see Peter Williams NEW book (I've read it and it is fantastic) (Amazon affiliate link) Also see a video lecture by him with less information than the book. For the HISTORICITY OF THE BOOK OF ACTS check out this book. (Amazon affiliate link) it is quite pricey but thorough. Here is a short video by Dr. Craig Keener summarizing some of these points For NATURAL THEOLOGY (philosophical and science related arguments for God) see the following. -- William Lane Craig's books - "On Guard" is a more pop-level work (affiliate) whereas "Reasonable Faith" is much more in challenging and equally rewarding. (affiliate) Here are links to specific videos related to Natural Theology arguments. -- Kalam Cosmological. Short clip the same but in greater detail -- The Leibnizian Cosmological Argument -- The Ontological Argument briefly explained and here given in great detail with objections answered. -- Fine Tuning in Biology -- Fine Tuning of Our Universe. Short video explanation Long video defending this in detail. Argument from philosophy for the Trinity. Short clip here In greater detail here (affiliate) -- Argument from the Resurrection of Jesus. Lecture by Dr. William Lane Craig I hope these resources are of great use to you and that they lead you or help you lead others to Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. He is the central truth we need to know so that we can be forgiven by God and receive relationship with God and eternal life. Its simple, and its true. If you want to help me (Mike Winger) continue producing free ministry content online then consider clicking here.
5/16/20192 hours, 4 minutes, 1 second
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The Law of Moses, the Gentiles and Jesus: Hebrew Roots part 2

This may be the most important passage to those who say that all followers of Jesus should be obeying the Law of Moses (sometimes called the Hebrew Roots movement). To be honest, I really can understand why they interpret it that way, even though I disagree. This video will analyze Matthew 5:17-19 and Matthew 28:20 as they relate to the Hebrew Roots teaching as well as looking at some other often misunderstood things about the Law of Moses. Next week I will pick up where I've left off this week and cover more content from the New Testament on the topic of whether Christians are under the Law. Here’s the first video in this series on the Hebrew Roots movement. My ministry is all about teaching and defending biblical truth in order to help people learn to think biblically about everything. If you want to support this ministry please click here. If you are interested in the new BibleThinker mug here it is. Make sure to use promo code "THINKER" when checking out so your shipping charges will be voided. And message them for shipping outside the continental US.
5/14/20191 hour, 11 minutes, 39 seconds
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Stressed Out? Biblical Help That's NOT a Cliche

I (Mike Winger) recently had the honor of teaching and leading communion in at my fellowship. As I prepared I thought that the Lord was leading me to teach on the topic of handling terrible stresses and heart breaking worries in a biblical way. This isn't just a self-help study for those who feel stressed by non-issues. This is biblical help for those who are worried to death or feeling totally overwhelmed by the anxieties and stresses they are facing in their lives. I pray that the truth of the Scripture comforts your heart as you put your hope in Christ and are reminded of how that hope impacts your troubled heart. This online ministry (BibleThinker) is made possible by the support of people like you. If you want to support my continued ministry of creating free resources that teach and defend biblical truth then visit my web site here
5/9/201928 minutes, 36 seconds
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Mike Winger LIVE Q&A on Theology, Apologetics and the Christian Life

Open this description to see time stamps (or look at the first comment below). I'll get to as many of your questions as I can today. As always I won't pretend to have all the answers but will try to share what I can that may be helpful and will do so from a place of trusting Christ and letting the Bible be the authority that it is. Interested in ordering one of the new BibleThinker mugs? Here's the link (for shipping outside the continental US you can message them at this web site and work it out). The pricing of these mugs is partially because they are a fund raiser for me to continue doing this ministry. By having a product like this I can keep producing my teaching for free. I am now doing this ministry full time I want to keep researching and producing tons of free content. I never want to require people to pay utilize my teaching. Those of you who have the ability and the desire to offer some support will enable me to keep pursuing that vision. BUT, while I am opening the door for donations I don't want anyone to feel compelled to give, only do so if you really want to partner with me and you see the same needs that I do. Question Time-Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 3:43 Is it O.K. for churches to focus just on discipling their congregation vs. placing any emphasis on community outreach? 2. 6:33 Would you consider books such as “23 Minutes in Hell” or “90 Minutes in Heaven” to be theologically accurate? 3. 8:42 What are two of your favorite prophecies that even atheists might think “Whoa!” when they hear them? 4. 11:24 What do you believe about the soul? 5. 12:49 Will you ever do a video on confirmation bias? 6. 13:41 Regarding apologetics, how does one go about getting the primary source info? How do I find objective evidence in a sea of biased online content? 7. 14:52 Is the Kalam Cosmological Argument a bad argument that has been thoroughly debunked, as many atheists claim? 8. 21:02 Is the idea of there being modern-day apostles biblical? 9. 23:58 In 1 John 4: 2, can this test really be considered sufficient? What about those claiming to speak by the Spirit and readily confess Jesus Christ, but push false teaching? 10. 27:20 When are you going to write a book? 11. 27:50 Does God change with culture? As time passes in the Scriptures, it seems as though God’s punishments for sin lessen in severity. He kills many in the O.T. but not very many in the N.T. 12. 30:52 Is the Sabbath Saturday or Sunday, and does it matter for Gentiles? 13. 32:23 Did Jesus have a human body before He came into the world 2,000 years ago? 14. 35:40 Atheists bring up the Hebraic cosmology now with the rise of “flat Earth”. What is your view on how we interpret the Bible scientifically? 15. 38:41 If there is a song with questionable lyrics or meaning, is it O.K. to sing it with different, more godly lyrics? 16. 40:15 Can you do a biblical look at Arminianism? 17. 40:32 How can we currently pray for Pastor Mike? 18. 41:24 What do I tell Christians who tell me I don’t have to keep the Sabbath, or that I can change it to any day I want? 19. 42:57 What are your thoughts on “eternal security” and Hebrews 6 and 10? 20. 44:02 Why do some people say that the woman caught in adultery in John 8 is Mary Magdalene? And why did they stone her and not the man who was with her? 21. 45:25 What are your thoughts on the Orthodox church? 22. 45:41 How should Christians deal with the issue of immigration, and what about the issue of criminals entering the U.S.? 23. 47:10 Question about future punishment, holidays, and the Mosaic law. 24. 48:19 In John 20: 17, why did Jesus not want Mary Magdalene to touch Him? 25. 51:43 What is your opinion of N.T. Wright’s view on Paul and his epistles? 26. 52:09 How should Christians apply Matthew 6: 14-15 to life situations? 27. 54:56 Is the idea that “G
5/7/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 55 seconds
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John the Baptizer: The Mark Series Part 2 (1:1-8)

Have you ever really thought about John the Baptist? This is part 2 in the Mark series covering Mark 1:1-8. This 4 dimensional study through the Gospel of Mark is looking for 1- contextual/historical analysis 2- theological insights 3- genuine application of biblical truth 4- apologetics related insights Check out the whole Mark playlist (new videos weekly) here If you want to support my work and help me continue making free resources that teach and defend biblical truth then please click here
5/5/201956 minutes, 26 seconds
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Do Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence? Nah.

Examining the slogan "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". It may seem simple and true when you first hear it but when you really think it through it's full of problems. In reality this slogan is often used to keep people from following evidence to things they simply don't want to believe in or things that they don't already believe in. This video will be an attempt to thoughtfully work through this issue in the hopes that it will help people to avoid the subjective confirmation bias that tends to come with the slogan, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." I mentioned an upcoming interview with Dr. Tim McGrew on the topic of Extraordinary Events Require Extraordinary Evidence?" on Capturing Christianity's YT channel. I highly recommend you check it out, Dr. McGrew is knowledgeable and explains things well. If you want to partner with me by supporting this ministry please click here.
4/30/201957 minutes, 27 seconds
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Who Wrote Mark's Gospel? Part 1 of the new Mark series

This is part 1 of a new series in the gospel of Mark. Today we look at evidence that Mark really is the author of the Gospel of Mark and that Peter and other named eyewitnesses were sources of the information in it. I'll generally be uploading one new video each week. Special thanks to Richard Bauckham and Tim McGrew whose work was really helpful in preparing for this teaching. HERE is the playlist for every video in the series (new ones added as they come out) You may want to click on my channel page and see some other playlists and videos. I have many hours of bingeable Bible-Thinking. If you want to support my ministry work please click here.
4/28/201952 minutes, 45 seconds
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Debate Review! Mike Winger vs Matt Dillahunty on the Resurrection

At the end of a long day when I was abnormally busy, and cutting back on my coffee intake, I did a 2 hour debate review video. Haha. I may be a bit tired but I think the content here is valuable and I'm looking forward to getting some feedback on it. Here are the timestamps (though I strongly recommend you watch this whole video) 8:00 Matt's flawed treatment of history 8:55 "Claims not evidence" 17:43 How history actually works 21:01 How a cumulative case works 25:48 Matt vs history and historians 57:20 Double standards which avoid the evidence 1:13:59 Elvis sightings and testing miracle claims 1:25:26 Summary of historical problems in Matt's criticism of the case for the resurrection. 1:27:55 BIGGEST ISSUE IN THE DEBATE: Philosophy 1:50:55 When I offended Matt. Dr. Craig Blomberg's article on the potential ages of the gospel writers. How we really got the books of the New Testament (watch 4 consecutive videos in this playlist);list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuhA0RPKZFHVcjIMN_-F596&amp;index=12 Journal of the American Medical Association article "On The Physical Death of Jesus Christ" Inspiring Philosophy's video "Matt Dillahunty vs Science" Dr. Tim McGrew "How to Think About Miracles" Matt implied that we didn't really know what the New Testament originally said. Here's 3 videos about textual critcism;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuzJhPtmrgqpVoXhjvqiIjW How "inference the best explanation" (my method for concluding that Jesus rose from the dead and God did it) is solid epistemology Great video from Acts17Apologetics called "Scooby Doo and the Silly Skeptic", which helps explain the problem of special pleading Lastly, for those who want more info on why "inherent improbability" of a miracle is not a good reason to reject one outright check out these two podcast episodes from Capturing Christianity. Calum Miller walks through the problems this philosophical position which is called "frequentism". If you would like to support this ministry please click here
4/24/20192 hours, 1 minute, 20 seconds
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The State of Youth Today and How to Disciple Them (Dr. Sean McDowell)

Special Guest Dr. Sean McDowell gives us help on reaching youth. The book is called "So The Next Generation Will Know" and can ordered here (May 1st 2019 is the release date and this is an affiliate link) These tips should help parents, educators and ministers in effectively discipling youth so that they can have and hold a strong Christian faith.
4/23/20191 hour, 1 minute, 12 seconds
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Why We Can't Agree on What Faith Is and What We Can Learn From It.

Based on results from a recent poll on the definition of faith we can see that Christians and non-Christians seem to have opposing views of the word "faith". Here's what I think has caused this divide and what I think we can learn from it. Here's the original poll on Twitter Here are the graphs developed from the poll Here’s my debate with Matt Dillahunty To support this ministry go to
4/9/201953 minutes
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Were They Really Persecuted for Saying Jesus Rose?

If we show that the eye-witnesses to the resurrection also endured great suffering as a result of their claims then we have good reason to think that they were being sincere. They really did believe they saw Jesus after He had risen from the grave and this made them willing to suffer and even die for Jesus.
4/2/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 25 seconds
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20 Arguments against the existence of God In this playlist, three Christian YouTubers (Cameron Bertuzzi of Capturing Christianity, Mike Winger, and Jon McCray of Whaddo You Meme) respond to the "Atheist Voice" and his "20 Short Arguments Against God."
3/27/20191 hour, 24 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is "A Manual for Creating Atheists" Actually Brainwashing You?

The book "A Manual for Creating Atheists" has sparked an entire movement of atheists with a special set of tools which are supposed to help people restore their "sense of wonder". But I'm wondering if this continual misrepresentation of facts and reason is actually brainwashing the very people it purports to help. If you are into "Street Epistemology" then I hope you will watch and consider the following. I've spent many hours interacting with people who use some form of Street Epistemology (Pine Creek, Paulogia, etc.) and I have some things I'd like to share about it. Here's the link for the live stream on Capturing Christianity (Jon, Cam and I talk about our series on 20 arguments against God). My video on how faith is not belief without evidence My special guests, in the order they appeared Tim Barnett Jon McCray Cameron Bertuzzi Greg Koukl
3/26/201953 minutes, 51 seconds
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Philemon Explained

The 1 chapter book of Philemon is about a runaway slave (Onesimus) being sent back to his master by the suggestion of Paul the Apostle. While some would want to mine this little book for attacks on the Christian worldview it's actually very profound in what it teaches us about Christian brotherhood and loving others not by compulsion but from the inside out. This study will also get into how Paul's appeals on the behalf of Onesimus are much like Jesus' appeals on our behalf to love and forgive one another. May you be reminded of our calling in the letter to Philemon.
3/24/201958 minutes, 20 seconds
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Here's What Paul Knew About Jesus

What Paul the Apostle knew about Jesus is important if for no other reason than the dismantle poor arguments against the resurrection of Christ. This is a systematic look at what historical details Paul had about Jesus so that we can rule out the idea that Paul didn't know of a historical Jesus or that Paul was merely making things up as he went along. Link to our playlist answering objections to God's existence. Evidence for the empty tomb -
3/19/201956 minutes, 10 seconds
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YouTube Atheism vs YouTube Christianity

Discussing some issues around the intellectual and rhetorical nature of atheism as it is presented on YouTube. I&rsquo;m joined by two other Christian YouTubers today as we discuss this and our recent series answering 20 arguments against God&rsquo;s existence.Jon McCray&rsquo;s channel &ndash;&nbsp;Whaddo You Meme??Cameron Bertuzzi&rsquo;s channel &ndash;&nbsp;Capturing ChristianityCheck out the playlist&nbsp;answering 20 atheist arguments against God
3/13/20191 hour, 15 minutes, 45 seconds
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Answering Questions From Live Chat Today on Theology, Apologetics and the Christian Life

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 1. 2:16 If Jesus is not the Father, why did He say He was in John 14: 9? 2. 7:06 Does God, at times, want a believer to be wealthy, pursue wealth, have a big house, or buy an expensive car? Would you trust someone whose prophecy is weighted toward wealth and success? 3. 11:40 There’s a video going around by Creation Liberty Evangelism, that the word ‘repent’ (metanoia) means “godly grief and sorrow”. Is there any merit to this teaching? 4. 16:55 Do you have any study tips for someone starting to dig deeper into the Bible? (Note taking tips, how to determine whether a source is credible, questions to ask while studying…etc.) 5. 20:38 Matthew 27 mentions saints being raised from the dead. No one else mentions this, even in the other gospels. Why? 6. 25:05 What were your thoughts on the debate you moderated between Hovind and Garte? 7. 27:12 Do you believe that those who teach false doctrines (for ex., that homosexual relations are o.k.) are in a sense rejecting the true Jesus/true gospel since they preach something counter to the gospel? 8. 31:55 Is there any secular historical or archaeological evidence for the Exodus? 9. 33:29 Could you please comment on 1 Timothy 2: 11-15 about women being “silent” and not having authority in church, particularly about how they are “saved through childbirth” in verse 15? 10. 44:37 People claim that the idea of a pre-trib rapture was made up very recently and was not originally believed by the early church fathers. Is there any validity to this claim? 11. 45:16 Should I stay in a church where they use materials by false teachers, or are reluctant to address the issues of false teachings/teachers? 12. 47:43 What are your thoughts on being “slain in the Spirit/drunk in the Spirit”, and in regards to tongues, are the “unknown utterances” that Paul talked about the same as what people call “tongues” today? 13. 53:56 Are ghosts real, or are they evil spirits? 14. 55:03 Have you heard of the International Christian Church? They seem to have a legalistic doctrine that controls and manipulates their members. What do you think? 15. 56:27 I’ve heard different takes on the connection between the rapture and the 3rd temple. Some people say the temple has to be built prior to rapture, and others say it doesn’t. Where do you stand? 16. 57:25 What is the biblical view on women teaching men in a pastoral role or having a leadership position in church? 17. 59:09 How would you evangelize to a pantheist and prove pantheism false? And how would you evangelize to a polytheist (such as a Hindu) to prove their religion false? 18. 1:01:19 Does the baptism of the Holy Spirit happen at salvation, or after? 19. 1:02:30 Why does Jesus refer to Mary’s God as "His God" in John 17? 20. 1:04:03 What are your thoughts on preterism? 21. 1:05:49 Are Christian head coverings biblical? I just got back from vacation and I am unable to prepare content for tonight's live stream so I'm doing a Q&amp;A instead. I hope this will be beneficial for you and that you will have some of your own questions answered. As always, the goal is to learn how to think biblically about everything and if I don't know the answer to a question I reserved the right (and have the responsibility) to just tell you I don't know. I try to make all my content free and available to everyone but if you love this ministry and want to support my continued work then please visit this link on my site.
3/12/20191 hour, 8 minutes, 26 seconds
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A Bunch Of Reasons The Empty Tomb Is Historical

There are several reasons to believe that the empty tomb accounts in the Bible are historically true, even if you aren't a Christian. And if they are historically true, then perhaps you should become a Christian. In this video I will outline several specific lines of argument that build a cumulative case for the historicity of the empty tomb and support the resurrection of Christ. Join for the live stream (after this live stream) where me, Whaddo You Meme??, and Capturing Christianity reveal our 20 video secret project! After years of doing this online ministry I am now seeking to make it my full time job. This means I've added a donate option on my web site. While I'm honestly uncomfortable with the whole "money" thing I do want to keep doing this ministry and for this content to be totally free and available to all. But I still need to be a provider for my wife and I so this is our attempt to see if this is how God will provide. If you want to help support me continuing to produce regular videos on theology and apologetics then here's the link, and thank you.
2/26/20191 hour, 15 minutes, 6 seconds
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Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Booths: How to Find Jesus in the OT 22

I LOVE this stuff! See how Jesus is pictured in the final feasts of Israel. The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement and The Feast of Booths/Tabernacles. This is just part of the extensive series on "How to Find Jesus In The Old Testament" - Find the whole series playlist here. If you love this teaching ministry and would like to support it please click here
2/24/20191 hour, 4 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Gospels Are History Not Myth

Sometimes complicated issues can be made very simple. Here are some good reasons to think the Gospels are the preserved testimony of eye-witnesses from the 1st century. We will talk about the early second century writings of Papias, the introduction to the gospel of Luke, the riddle of names in the gospels and the issue of genre. All these elements are like arrows pointing to one big fact; the gospels contain the record of eye-witness testimony and attempts to treat them as though they are a hodgepodge of rumor which are far removed from the original sources simply fail. Jesus and the Eyewitnesses - excellent book by Richard Bauckham (this is an affiliate link) If you want to support my continued work on theology and apologetics click here.
2/19/20191 hour, 23 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Spring Feasts of Israel: How to Find Jesus in the OT pt 21

This study looks at the typology of the feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Pentecost. You will see how they are actually a kind of prophecy about Christ which Jesus fulfilled at His first coming. The next study in this series will look at how the remaining feasts of Israel foreshadow Jesus. See the whole playlist here. If you would like to support this ministry and please click here.
2/17/201953 minutes, 12 seconds
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Live Q&A - Theology, Apologetics and The Christian Life

Taking questions from the live chat here on YouTube on the topics of Apologetics, Theology and the Christian life. Question Time Stamps: 1. 2:06 How does a Christian not let the evil of abortion consume their mind? 2. 4:43 How can Jesus be God if in Mark 13: 32 it says only the Father knows the day or the hour? 3. 9:21 Can you explain what Job's friends are talking about in the beginning of the book of Job? 4. 11:05 Can you please differentiate between "the law" and "the commandments"? 5. 12:33 How do you defend the Trinity when encountering Jehovah's Witnesses? 6. 13:51 Can you give some examples of what it means that we're created in the image of God, and how do we reflect God's image? 7. 17:18 Where is the Trinity in the Gospel of Mark? 8. 18:53 How literally should we read the Bible, especially concerning Genesis and the Old Testament? 9. 21:13 How should I respond to someone who asks me why they should believe in Christianity and no other religion? 10: 23:27 What are your thoughts on the Nicene Creed and the Apostle's Creed? 11. 23:59 Shouldn't we obey Jesus' process of becoming a disciple, regarding baptism? 12. 25:27 What do you think of the interpretation of the governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses teaching that the King of the North in Daniel 11 represents the Russian government and its allies? 13. 27:15 Are we going to have free will in Heaven? 14. 30:06 Do you believe in "once saved, always saved"? 15. 31:22 How do you deal with heretics and cults who try to recruit people on your college campus? 16. 33:33 What do you think about Luis de Molina and Molinism? 17. 36:16 When finding a spouse, is there only "the one" person for us? How does this play in with free will, and does marriage have meaning in the afterlife? 18. 41:48 In 1 Corinthians 11: 16, was having a woman cover her head a law and a custom? Should women today be covering their hair? 19. 42:41 Can you clarify the topic of God's aseity (self-existence)? How can God be prior to all abstract objects? 20. 45:07 What is your view of Jesus' statement in John 3: 13 that no one has ascended if Elijah did? 21. 47:16 What would you say is the proper way to observe the Sabbath? 22. 48:16 Can you tell us how and when you knew you were saved? 23. 50:23 Is repentance a component of justification or sanctification? 24. 51:16 How can we know our authority as believers over evil spirits and sickness? 25. 51:59 Should a Christian get involved in politics/imposing injustice from the state? 26. 53:52 Did Jesus go to Hell when He died, before He was resurrected? 27. 54:46 Why are books like Job in the Bible if we don't know the author or have much detail about them? 28. 56:13 When are you doing your biblical flat earth video? 29. 56:54 Why do we just practice "giving" as opposed to "tithing", as non-jews? 30. 1:00:27 As a young new pastor, how should I go about prayerfully considering a position at a church of a different denomination with slight doctrinal differences? If you love this ministry and want to help support it please click here.
2/12/20191 hour, 5 minutes, 58 seconds
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Who Is The Son of Man? How to Find Jesus In The OT pt 20

When Jesus called Himself "The Son of Man" it meant a lot more than most people realize. This will be a survey of the various "son of man" passages in the Old Testament to see what Jesus was saying about Himself and what He though about His own identity when He used the title. This is part 20 in the series "How to Find Jesus in The Old Testament", this is the playlist with the whole series. This may change the way you view the Old Testament (in a good way).;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO
2/10/201936 minutes, 52 seconds
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Update - My Channel Has Been Restored! Thank you! (with Q&A)

Your efforts have resulted in YouTube restoring my channel and the video about the Hebrew Roots Movement that was taken down has been reinstated as well. Here it is - I don't even know how many of you tweeted, emailed, snail-mailed or faxed information to YouTube but I know it was a lot. Thank you so much, you made the difference here because I know that my own appeals didn't do anything. :) I'm grateful to YouTube employees who found out about this and went to bat for me. YT is a fantastic place to do ministry and I hope to continue doing it here for a long time. Here is the link if you want to support what I'm doing here online. Do not feel any obligation to give, I want my content to be as free as possible.
2/7/201941 minutes, 15 seconds
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Will I Be Banned from YT and I Need Your Help

My channel may be at risk due to a recent video being deleted by YouTube. I explain in detail in this video. If anyone from YT is reading this please reach out and explain to me what I did wrong so I won't do it again and unwittingly get my channel deleted. The video that was deleted was titled, "I've Been Looking Into The Hebrew Roots Movement and Here's What I've Found So Far" Here is a sample message you can send to YT to help by asking them to address this issue. Make sure that whatever you send them is sent with honesty and respect. Thank you. Dear YouTube, please reconsider your removal of the video “I’ve Been Looking Into The Hebrew Roots Movement and Here’s What I’ve Found So Far” from the channel As a YouTube viewer I have watched the video and read the YT policies on “spam, deceptive practices or scams” and think that this video was falsely flagged. If you still deem his video a violation of YT policies then please let Mike know specifically what he did wrong so that he can comply with YT policies in the future and avoid further consequences. I love his content and don’t want it to be deleted because of a misunderstanding. Thank you for providing such a wonderful platform for content creation! If you haven't watched the original video then rewrite your message accordingly. Thank you, Mike
2/5/201921 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Mystery of The High Priest's Garments: How to find Jesus in the OT pt 19

This teaching looks at Leviticus 8 and Exodus 28 to find out how the garments and the ordination of the high priest represent Christ. I turns out that there is some really neat typology of Christ in these chapters. Here's the link to the entire "How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament" playlist.
2/3/201948 minutes, 27 seconds
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I've Been Looking Into The Hebrew Roots Movement and Here's What I've Found So Far

YouTube deleted this video but the audio is still available here on this web site and the video is available on the Mike Winger Facebook Page. Evaluating some of the teaching and rhetoric of a representative of the Hebrew Roots Movement, 119 Ministries. I applaud them that they are willing to go through passages verse by verse but I find their interpretations of the scripture to be problematic and their conclusions to be unbiblical. Here's the video I'm responding to from 119 Ministries
1/29/20191 hour, 15 minutes, 13 seconds
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Why Every Pro-Choice Argument Fails

When it comes to the topic of abortion there is usually a lot more heat than light. This video is meant to be an analysis of abortion for the sake of clarity. The central question of "what is this thing that we are aborting?" Once this is answered, the issue of abortion becomes crystal clear. The answer to this ONE question is also the answer to every pro-choice argument. It's simple. When we realize the nature of the thing being aborted we see that every pro-choice argument fails and this is why they work so hard avoiding the issue of what an abortion kills. Links you may like. Abort73 is a web site that gathers incredibly useful data for making the case for life. Life Training Institute is a worthwhile organization that educates and debates on the topic of abortion to change minds and culture. They have speakers available to come to your events as well.
1/22/201954 minutes, 46 seconds
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Typology in the 5 Sacrifices of Leviticus: How to find Jesus in the OT pt 18

Examining the 5 sacrifices in Leviticus 1-7 to find Typological significance as to how they relate to Christ. This study should encourage us to appreciate the book of Leviticus more. If you haven't seen the whole teaching series of "How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament" then I recommend checking it out here.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO Disclaimer: There are actually more than 5 kinds of sacrifices in the book of Leviticus but these 5 are the main ones and this study focuses on just the first 7 chapters of the book.
1/20/201958 minutes, 59 seconds
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Please Stop Saying Faith Is Belief Without Evidence

I am very happy to report that the Christian definition of faith is NOT belief without evidence! I'll establish this by looking at specific passages of scripture which refute this definition. The problem is that by saying "faith is belief without evidence" we are no longer talking about the way we hold to a belief. We are saying something about the evidence for the Christian faith. Specifically we are saying there is no evidence. I have a problem with this... and so should you. This ministry exists to help people see the truth of Christianity and to think more deeply and biblically about it. Link to the video "Tough Bible Questions Atheists Ask Answered by Christian Mike Winger" Link to Amy Hall's article on Hebrews 11 and how it doesn't mean "faith is belief without evidence"
1/15/20191 hour, 11 seconds
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The Book of Hebrews: How to find Jesus in the OT pt 17

This teaching survey's the book of Hebrews gathering data about typology (foreshadowing) of Christ in the Old Testament. It turns out that the book of Hebrews is chock full of examples of types. Not only that, it gives us cause to look for very specific kinds of types when we are reading the Old Testament. This book unlocks the Old Testament in a wonderful way.
1/13/20191 hour, 13 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Trinity: Can We Defend it Biblically?

Every cult and false religion challenges the Trinity and a lot of Christians don't have answers. This will be a simple but detailed examination of how we support the Trinity with the Bible AND how to answer 7 of the typical questions that generally stumble Christians on the topic of the Trinity.
1/8/20191 hour, 26 minutes, 12 seconds
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Jesus in the Book of Judges: How to find Jesus in the OT pt 16

Pastor Mike Winger's survey through the entire book of Judges looking for pictures and types of Christ. This is part 16 in the series "How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament". Check out the whole series here.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO To learn to think biblically about everything please check out my youtube channel or my website
1/6/20191 hour, 3 minutes, 6 seconds
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Thinking Biblically About Tattoos

In answering the question of tattoos it's important to not only consider Leviticus 19:28 but also what Romans 14 teaches us about handling potentially contentious issues of conscience. On one side we have those who can not distinguish the difference between following their own conscience and requiring that everyone else does. On the other side we have some who recognize a liberty to get a tattoo while forgetting to partner this liberty with wisdom and love. Both of these errors causes division in the body of Christ. I'm hoping this video helps. Here is the video from Graham Allen (Rant Nation) that I referenced Here is my fuller teaching on How To Understand and Apply The Old Testament Law;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuBirH5Rw3IhJinWrcTufY6
1/1/20191 hour, 5 seconds
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The Deep Meaning of "O Come O Come Emmanuel"

This will be my last video for 2018 and I'm excited to dig into the incredibly profound lyrics of one of my favorite Christmas songs, "O Come O Come Emmanuel". This video will explain the meaning of the lyrics of this classic Christmas song.
12/20/201858 minutes, 35 seconds
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Ben Shapiro, a Catholic Bishop and the Gospel.

When Robert Barron told Ben Shapiro how to get to heaven was he saying what Jesus or Paul would have said? What did he mean by "follow your conscience" and what would a biblical response to Ben's important question be? To hear everything Ben Shapiro and Robert Barron talked about click here - or go to Here are some related videos that may interest you What About the Sincere Jew - Witnessing to Jews - About People Who Never Hear the Gospel -
12/18/201858 minutes, 19 seconds
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Christmas Trees Are Not in the Bible

When we read Jeremiah 10 in context it is obvious that it is not about Christmas trees or anything like it.
12/17/201824 minutes, 21 seconds
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False Gospel + Fake Jesus = Brian Zahnd

I recently read Brian Zahnd's book "Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God" and discovered one of the most blasphemous works I've ever read. This video is an analysis of some key issues relating to the false gospel and fake Jesus of Brian Zahnd. Please do not be dulled by his use of poetry or shamed by his constant misrepresentation of biblical Christianity. Brian Zahnd is a rhetorician and poet more than a theologian or pastor but I'm going to try and bring clarity to exactly where his gospel goes wrong and why his Jesus is really just a mirror image of Brian Zahnd rather than the true Jesus.
12/11/20181 hour, 12 minutes, 18 seconds
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Lauren Daigle and the Homosexuality Question

Disclaimer: I'm not here to mistreat Lauren but to try to help with this challenging and contentious issue. I think that Lauren's comments in a recent interview on the Domenick Nati show reflect the struggle that millions of people have on the topic of homosexuality and I hope this video helps. Why is it so hard for some people to openly speak about the issue homosexuality? What does the Bible say about homosexuality being a sin? Is it wise, or biblical to get on the fence on this topic? Here is the 4 part teaching on Homosexuality from scriptural, historical, medical and social concerns.
12/4/20181 hour, 5 minutes, 13 seconds
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Q&A with Mike Winger

LOOK HERE! This is the list of questions with time stamps to each one! (for mobile users I will put this list as the first comment so you can click the time stamps) 0:33 Why does the Bible say to test God yet also tells us not to test God? 10:55 Is the seal on the foreheads of those in Revelation 7 a physical seal? 14:14 Why did God create all this? 17:04 Did God create all things in seven 24-hour days? 23:29 Are morals subjective or objective? 33:00 A question about Satan’s realm and Hell. 37:27 When was Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem? 38:09 Regarding Daniel 9, how does one get from 444BC to 30AD by adding 483 years? 41:04 Why do Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25th? 47:32 Who was Saint Nicholas? 49:21 What is “the time of the Gentiles” 52:39 Were people in the Old Testament times saved by works of the Law? 54:48 Are you still saved if you live after the flesh
12/2/20181 hour, 41 seconds
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Atheists Can Be Gullible Too

Jim Majors is the CEO for the worldwide group Atheist Republic. He has a new book on the way, refuting Christianity and boy does he have a lot of influence! With over 2 million followers on facebook and a chapter in every state of the US I consider it a kindness to my atheist friends to deal with his claims. He's just not your source for truth guys. Links I mentioned: The NonSequitir Show video I am responding to Dan Wallace's article on the dating of John's gospel BBC article on the life-spans of ancient people Bible Archaeology article on Herod and how murderous he was University of Texas Austin article on Koine Greek My three videos on supposed Bible contradictions  My videos explaining tough textual issues (like the ending of Mark);list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuzJhPtmrgqpVoXhjvqiIjW
11/30/201851 minutes, 31 seconds
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Catholic Apologists Abuse Typology to Teach Mariology: How to find Jesus in the OT pt 15

I'll demonstrate how NOT to do typology by using examples of Catholic apologists twisting the Bible out of shape to squeeze the dogmas about Mary into the scripture. The types of Mary are supposedly the New Eve, the Ark of the New Covenant and the Queen Mother. But when we examine them we see that they not only aren't types, they don't give the dogmas that Catholic apologists pretend they do. From the "New Eve" they want to say that Mary was immaculately conceived (that she was born without sin and never sinned through her life). From the "Ark of the New Covenant" they want to say she was perpetually a virgin (even after Jesus' birth) and that she was taken bodily up into heaven at the end of her life. From the "Queen Mother" they want to say she is exalted to the right hand of Jesus and can intercede for us today. Here are the links to the Catholic sources I mentioned in this teaching. "Dr. Scott Hahn The Virgin Mary Revealed Through Scripture" Article on The National Catholic Register titled "Amazing Parallels Between Mary and the Ark of the Covenant" Article on the Catholic Answers web site called "Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant" Article from Catholic Answers called "Is Mary's Queenship Biblical?"
11/18/20181 hour, 59 seconds
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A Calm and Biblical View of Anger

Honestly, I think this is some pretty basic stuff that many believers have ignored. Surveying some Bible passages on the topic of anger and how we ought to handle it. Specifically, we are told not to bottle it up and not to let it out. But if that's the case, how are Christians supposed to deal with anger? The biblical answer is to "put it off". In other news, here is a link to my recent talk with atheist Skylar Fiction on moral issues and the Bible.
11/13/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 49 seconds
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Amazing! How Jesus is Like the Tabernacle of Moses: How to find Jesus in the OT pt14

A survey of examples of how Jesus is pictured in the Tabernacle of Moses. This is one of my favorite examples of typology! From the bronze altar to the ark of the covenant to the materials used in the coverings of the tabernacle we have wonderful illustrations of the person and work of Christ. Check out my channel for more videos and learn how to think biblically about everything.
11/11/201848 minutes, 30 seconds
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Here's Me Using the Bible to Prove the Bible

Many skeptics respond to the evidence for the Bible by ignoring it and saying "You can't use the Bible to prove the Bible". I think there is a sense in which this is true, but there are several senses in which this is false. In this video I will explain 7 (and maybe 8) ways to use the Bible to prove the Bible. Links for you. My recent debate with an Atheist on the Evidence for the Resurrection - My series on How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament -;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO
11/6/201859 minutes, 19 seconds
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What Christians Need to Prioritize: Matthew 6:33

If we are going to keep the main thing the main thing in our lives then we need to apply what Jesus said in Matthew 6:33. It has special instructions that should affect every area of our lives. We will examine the meaning and application of, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you.”
11/4/201845 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Evidence for the Resurrection | Paulogia vs Mike Winger

Is there sufficient evidence to believe in the resurrection?
11/1/20181 hour, 2 minutes, 52 seconds
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Part 2 Audio - The Evidence for the Resurrection | Paulogia vs Mike Winger

Is there sufficient evidence to believe in the resurrection? Subscribe to Paulogia: Subscribe to Mike Winger:
11/1/201856 minutes, 6 seconds
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Live Q&A With Mike Winger

A quick open Q&amp;A video for today. Open description for time stamps to questions (once I have them). I may also discuss some random stuff about the Reformation and Martin Luther.
10/30/20181 hour, 12 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Pastor Shares His Thoughts on Halloween

In my opinion, people are often one-sided when dealing with the topic of Halloween (or holidays in general). I hope to add something worthwhile to the conversation as I bring up 7 different issues to consider related to Halloween.
10/23/201852 minutes, 56 seconds
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Are Some Sins Worse Than Others? Please don't get this wrong!

Sometimes we hear that "all sin is the same" or that "no sin is worse than any other", but is this biblical? Is it true? We will survey the Bible verses that relate to this issue and try to get a thorough understanding of it. In my opinion, people usually form this opinion based on sound bites instead of on the clear teaching of the Bible. I also think that getting this issue wrong makes us vulnerable to manipulation. Let's get biblical on the topic of sin. Earlier today was interviewed on Doreen Virtue's YT channel. We talked about New Age beliefs and if all people go to heaven. Here's the link. Check out her stuff to see the transformation of a New Age teacher into a disciple of Christ.
10/16/20181 hour, 59 seconds
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David is a Type of Christ: How to find Jesus in the OT pt 13

An examination of the life of David only to find how he is a type of Christ. This is not a study of the life of David in general, it is specifically an overview of how his life foreshadows Jesus. This is part 13 in the series "How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament". Click here for the whole playlist!
10/14/20181 hour, 1 minute, 2 seconds
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Exposing the Agenda and Origins of "The Passion Translation"

See the agenda built into "The Passion Translation" and get the truth about it's translator, Brian Simmons. Including interview footage and eye witness testimony, this will hopefully give you what you need to know in order to reject this translation for being a sectarian mistranslation of the Bible. Links below Scholarly Article Dealing with TPT - My first video on TPT - lots of good examples of changes! My web site -
10/9/201858 minutes
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You Won't Believe What Joseph Smith Added to The Bible!

Joseph Smith made his own translation of the Bible and added quite a lot of new and interesting content to the original, including prophecy about Joseph Smith! Links: What you need to know about how we got the Bible -;index=1&amp;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuzJhPtmrgqpVoXhjvqiIjW My recent End Times debate on Matthew 24 -
10/2/201856 minutes, 45 seconds
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Subscriber Hangout and Q&A - LIVE!

You have my undivided attention! I will be answering your questions from the live chat. While I like to focus on theology and apologetics I will also take questions related to other issues. Do you know how much content I have available on YouTube? I have over 250 videos. Check out my channel or to see if I have something that may be of help to you!
9/25/20181 hour, 31 minutes, 18 seconds
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Hall of Types continued: How to find Jesus in the OT pt12

How was the Passover a type of Christ? How was the promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob about Christ? How does all of Hebrews chapter 11 relate to the person and work of Jesus? This continues the series "How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament" Here is the teaching for the first half of Hebrews 11 Here is the playlist for the whole series;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO
9/23/201856 minutes, 53 seconds
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My Concerns About The Passion Translation and Brian Simmons

We'll look at specific verses that are translated strangely, additions to the Bible, how the Aramaic is used to change the Bible and some concerning statements from Brian Simmons, who is the chief translator of The Passion Translation. Some links: Brian Simmons being interviewed about TPT TPT's FAQ page where they seem to misrepresent the translation An blog about TPT's use of Aramaic - Brian's response TO the blog (note that he never removed the quotes from Keener and Bird from the FAQ page) What "Greater works" will we do than Jesus?
9/20/20181 hour, 26 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hebrews 11 is a Hall of Typology! How to find Jesus in the OT pt 11

This is part 1 of a 2 part study of the rampant typology we see in Hebrews chapter 11. It's pretty amazing stuff and it really blesses and excites me to study it and share it with you! We will look at typology in Creation, in Abel, in Enoch, in the flood and the Ark, in Abraham, in Sarah and more! Link to the whole Jesus in the OT playlist -;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO
9/16/201852 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why I Think Calvinism Is Unbiblical

I present this in Christian brotherhood to my fellow believers. I am not intending to attack or misrepresent Calvinism but to offer an honest biblical critique of what I see as one of the major pillars in Calvinism. I welcome responses and encourage them to stay on topic and to focus on clear exegesis. However, if a comment or response ignores what I am saying and how I am building my case biblically I probably won't give it much time. Links you may be interested in My video on predestination and election -;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHvQ9G4NCvuiN4Evbp13uQa1&amp;index=25&amp;t=0s My video on a non-Calvinist interpretation of Romans 9 -;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHvQ9G4NCvuiN4Evbp13uQa1&amp;index=26&amp;t=0s My video on why God hardens hearts -;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHvQ9G4NCvuiN4Evbp13uQa1&amp;index=28&amp;t=0s
9/11/20181 hour, 14 minutes, 5 seconds
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Ways That Moses Is a Type of Christ: How to Find Jesus in the OT pt 10

Do you know how many parallels there are between Moses and Jesus? It's pretty amazing to see! This is part 10 of the series "How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament" and we are dealing with how Moses is a type of Christ. Here is every video in the Jesus in the OT playlist -
9/9/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 52 seconds
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Refuting AronRa: Bible Prophecy Fails? part 2

Aron Ra (well known internet Atheist) made a video about how the Bible has no fulfilled prophecy. This is my response. We will be looking at what he said in context and will see that the Bible withstands the many criticisms he has for it. We will look at the prophecy of the suffering servant in Isaiah 53, the prophecy of the crucifixion in Psalm 22 and of the destruction of Tyre in Ezekiel 26. I ask that the comments reflect mutual respect in the midst of disagreement. Thank you. Here's my interview by Leighton Flowers - Link to "Was Jesus a False Prophet" - Link to the FIRST video refuting Aron Ra (worth a watch) - Link to Aron Ra's video on "Unfulfilling Prophecies" - Link to my video on the destruction of Tyre - Link to my video on Isaiah 53 - Link to my video on Psalm 22 -
9/4/20181 hour, 19 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Bible Prophecy Confuses You: How to find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 9

Some think that New Testament writers abuse the Old Testament when it comes to interpreting prophecy. In this study you will see that there are different kinds of fulfilled prophecy and why it is sometimes hard to tell how an Old Testament passage is connected to Jesus. Understanding direct fulfillment, typological fulfillment, double fulfillment and analogical fulfillment is key to being able to understand how the New Testament handles fulfilled prophecy. This is part 9 in the Jesus in the Old Testament Playlist - Here is the whole playlist.;index=1&amp;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHsHyvMtfgOgSPU6zEnCvxUO
9/2/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 12 seconds
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Refuting Atheist Video: Bible Has ZERO Fulfilled Prophecy

Aron Ra (well known internet Atheist) made a video about how the Bible has no fulfilled prophecy. This is my response. We will be looking at what he said in context and will see that the Bible withstands the many criticisms he has for it. We will look at the prophecy of the suffering servant in Isaiah 53, the prophecy of the crucifixion in Psalm 22 and of the destruction of Tyre in Ezekiel 26. I ask that the comments reflect mutual respect in the midst of disagreement. Thank you. Link to Aron Ra's video on "Unfulfilling Prophecies" - Link to my video on the destruction of Tyre - Link to my video on Isaiah 53 - Link to my video on Psalm 22 -
8/28/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 34 seconds
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Joseph as a Type of Christ: How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 8

A survey of the many ways in which Joseph IS and MIGHT be a type of Christ. This is just one of the many messages in the series "How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament". HERE is the study on Abraham offering Isaac in Genesis 22 -
8/26/20181 hour, 11 minutes, 6 seconds
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The False Teachings and Lies of Joo-Cheol Kim (Pastor of the Church of God)

This is done in love and is meant to help people who have been decieved by Joo-Cheol Kim. Joo-Cheol Kim is the leader and driving force behind the rising cult, the "World Mission Society Church of God". In this video I will tell you what Joo-Cheol Kim teaches and refute it biblically. We will analyze his teachings about Passover, Christmas, heresy and the cross as well as expose exactly how he twists the truth. I don't want to be uncharitable here but this guy is radically lying to people and leading them away from Jesus Christ and his lies need to be exposed. Join me every Tuesday for the Theology and Apologetics Live Stream! LINKS: Video on "Mother God" teaching - Video on "AhnSahnHong" - 2 Videos on "Understanding the Old Testament Law" -;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuBirH5Rw3IhJinWrcTufY6 Is Christmas Pagan - Biblical Archaeology Society article on origins of Christmas -
8/21/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 35 seconds
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How Many Types of Christ Are There? How to find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 7

How many types of Christ are there and how pervasive are they? What New Testament teaching reveals about typology and foreshadowing of Christ is possibly the most neglected are of Bible study today. Which is sad, because it very much has to do with the foundational purpose of the Bible. Do you want to learn to think biblically about everything? Subscribe for new videos weekly and join the Tuesday Livestream at 5pm (PST).
8/19/201859 minutes, 6 seconds
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Does Presup Apologetics Have a Biblical Foundation? Mike Winger and Sye Ten Bruggencate Discuss

Sye Ten Bruggencate is a well known proponent of a certain style of evangelism called "Presuppostional Apologetics" which tends to discount all other forms of apologetics. I (Mike Winger) think that this method seems to go against biblical teaching and examples. Listen as the two of us talk through the issues. Link to Sye's movie "How to Answer the Fool": Link to Mike's critique of presuppositional apologetics: to Sye's YouTube channel:
8/16/20182 hours, 15 minutes, 40 seconds
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Tough Questions and Biblical Answers – Q&A

Everything from the nature of demons to whether God&rsquo;s sovereignty makes Him the cause of evil. This was a very interesting Q&amp;A and I hope that it answers some of your questions as well. &nbsp;
8/13/20181 hour, 5 minutes, 51 seconds
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Melchizedek and Jesus: How to find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 6

Examining the Bible to find out who Melchizedek was and how he relates to Jesus. Some think he was a Christophany and others that he is just a type of Christ. I will lay out some reasons for why I see him as a type of Christ and we will learn some principles to add to our tool kit for finding other types of Christ in the Old Testament. Melchizedek shows up out of nowhere in Genesis 14 and then, in Psalm 110 we hear a promise from God that the Messiah will be a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Finally, the book of Hebrews offers us divinely inspired commentary on the nature of Melchizedek, and that is where the real debate lies. Is Hebrews speaking of Melchizedek in a literal sense or in a literary sense when it says "without father without mother and without genealogy"?
7/31/201849 minutes, 51 seconds
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Examples of Christophanies: How to find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 5

Methodical study of multiple passages in the Old Testament that seem to present examples of Christ showing up before the incarnation. This is part 5 of the long series "How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament" which seeks to build a biblically sound case for seeing Jesus in typology and other ways throughout the Old Testament. Here is a link to the full playlist (which is being added to almost every week at the time I write this). Here's the link to the video I mentioned where I explain how Christophanies do not challenge the doctrine of the incarnation.
7/22/201849 minutes, 44 seconds
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Who Is the Angel of the Lord? How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament pt 4

How can this “Angel of the Lord” be YHWH and not be YHWH at the same time? This is a thoughtful survey of the passages of the Bible where the angel of the LORD shows up and we seek to identify exactly WHO he is based on clues from the text. Here is the playlist for all the Jesus in the OT videos (added as they are made)
7/1/201855 minutes, 29 seconds
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Jesus as a Serpent? How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament part 3

How is the bronze serpent a type of Christ? Jesus said, “as moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness so the Son of Man must be lifted up”. We can learn how to see types of Christ when we see that Jesus is not only giving us an analogy but wonderful insights into how we can discover types of Christ in the Old Testament. This is part 3 in the long series on Jesus in the OT, watch the whole series to learn all the principles of how to find Jesus in the OT. Link to this series playlist:
6/10/201845 minutes, 34 seconds
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Adam and Christ: How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament part 2

In what specific ways is Adam a type of Christ? In this series we discuss typology of Christ in the Old Testament and focus on learning principles that will give us the ability to better find Jesus in the Old Testament. We also handle a couple objections to finding Jesus in the Old Testament. Here is the whole playlist for Jesus in the OT -
6/3/201848 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Shocking Truth About Christ AhnSahngHong!

This video is to help people stuck in the WMSCOG and to expose the truth about who AhnSahngHong really was. Above all else two facts stand out about the real AhnSahngHong. 1- He didn&rsquo;t think he was Christ. 2- He openly taught against God the mother. Check below for the links I mentioned in the video. Link to the video where I debunk WMSCOG propaganda about &ldquo;God the Mother&rdquo; Link to the translation of the book where AhnSahngHong spoke against God the Mother, &ldquo;The New Jerusalem and the Bride: Interpretation on Women&rsquo;s Veil&rdquo;
5/31/201838 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Find Jesus in the Old Testament: part 1

In this series we will seek to understand how the New Testament finds Jesus in the Old Testament in order to learn principles that will guide us in our own reading of the Old Testament so that we can discover Jesus there as well. This message is about laying a foundation for seeing Jesus in the Old Testament by surveying what Jesus said about Jesus in the Old Testament and seeing how the book of Acts models preaching Jesus from the Old Testament. In fact, all of the New Testament seems to be built on the idea that Jesus IS in the Old Testament. This is the first video in a series on how to find Jesus in the Old Testament.
5/27/201856 minutes, 51 seconds
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Debate: "Is Water Baptism Required for Salvation?” Dean Meadows and Mike Winger

Debate topic &ldquo;Is Water Baptism Required for Salvation?&rdquo;Debaters: Dean Meadows ( and Mike Winger ( Dean Meadows; that water baptism is required for salvation. Mike Winger; that water baptism is not required for salvation. Verse reference map: in many instances we come back to a verse after it is first discussed. I only included the first time a passage is brought up in this map.Acts 2 vs 36-41 &ndash; 2:56Matthew 3 vs 11 &ndash; 8:30Mark 1 vs 4-5 &ndash; 11:00Luke 24 vs 44-49 &ndash; 15:34Acts 10 vs 43-48 &ndash; 29:09Acts 11 vs 15 - 32:49Eph 1 vs 13, 2 Cor 1 vs 22 - 45:07Colossians 2 6-12 &ndash; 59:53Romans 2 vs 23 &ndash; 01:06:23Acts 8 vs 38-39 &ndash; 01:22:09Thief on the Cross (Luke 23 vs 39-43, Mark 15 vs 32, Matthew 27 vs 41-44) 01:24:53Hebrews 9 vs 16-18 - 01:28:33Romans 4 vs 23-25 &ndash; 01:46:10 and 03:10:59Acts 18 vs 24-28 - 01:59:40Acts 19 vs 1-5 &ndash; 02:07:43Romans 5 vs 20 through 6 vs 4 &ndash; 02:17:18Romans 6 vs 15-17 &ndash; 02:19:20Romans 2 vs 26-29 &ndash; 02:24:341 Cor 12 vs 13 &ndash; 02:26:58Romans 1 vs 5 &ndash; 02:32:58Romans 16 vs 26 &ndash; 02:34:14Romans 4 &ndash; 03:10:12Romans 10 vs 9-13 &ndash; 02:39:03Acts 22 vs 16 &ndash; 02:54:12Joel 2 vs 32 &ndash; 02:56:47Acts 22 &ndash; 02:58:15Acts 9 vs 18-19 &ndash; 03:04:47 Gen 4 vs 26, 21 vs 33, Acts 2 vs 21, 7 vs 59, 1 Cor 1 vs 2, 2 Tim 2 vs 22 &ndash; 03:05:57Hebrews 11 vs 8-9 &ndash; 03:14:26Matt 18 vs 18-20 &ndash; 03:43:101 Peter 3 vs 18-22 &ndash; 03:52:51
5/24/20184 hours, 13 minutes, 27 seconds
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The End of Romans

This is it. The final study in our verse by verse journey through the book of Romans. I hope and pray this has been a blessing to you and I’m happy to announce that I’ll begin a series on “Jesus in Genesis” starting next week. Romans 16:19-27
5/21/201847 minutes, 22 seconds
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What the Bible REALLY says about God the Mother! WMSCOG refuted

They banned my first video, but this one is even better! Examining the theology of the WMSCOG. I really hope this helps a lot of people to come out of this group and come to simple trust in the truth of Christ. God the Mother is unbiblical and irrational and this video will explain what the Bible teaches about God the Mother as well as respond to the teachings and theology of the World Mission Society Church of God and their worship of Zhang Gil-ja. Links I mentioned:The WMSCOG propaganda video: The WMSCOG website: If you want to support my ministry work please click here:
5/16/201841 minutes, 51 seconds
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Q&A with Mike Winger

You asked and I answered! Here's a LIST of all the questions along with a link to where each one is answered: 0:00 Intro#1 01:40 How can a teen witness to their family? #2 08:13 What does it mean to be in &ldquo;eternity with God&rdquo;?#3 13:25 Is there a paradox in believing God is omniscient and man has free will?#4 18:39 What happens when we die, and what&rsquo;s up with 1 Samuel 28 and 2 Corinthians 5:8?#5 30:44 When should you leave a church?#6 38:03 When someone leaves a cult, is it normal for them to still have some bad theology?#7 41:28 How can a young person deal with theological ignorance/arrogance in their elders?#8 46:09 How do I help someone out of the prosperity gospel?#9 50:05 Are we under Law or under Grace?#10 50:45 Should we give tithes to the church?#11 57:19 What should I do when God feels distant or silent?#12 1:03:00 What&rsquo;s my opinion of Hugh Ross&rsquo; approach to the Bible?#13 1:06:29 Which promises of God are for today, and how do we evaluate Old Testament promises?#14 1:14:47 Is it a problem if a former JW continues using the New World Translation?#15 1:18:54 Did Jesus break the Sabbath?#16 1:23:54 How is weed different from alcohol?#17 1:33:10 Did Jesus only come for the Jews?#18 1:36:18 Do we need to learn Hebrew to understand the Bible?#19 1:38:26 Was there baptism prior to John the Baptist? If not, do we know how the Jews viewed baptism prior to Jesus' resurrection?#20 1:42:42 Could you cover the Catholic Church, if baptism saves, and celebrating holidays? Links I mentioned: Teachings exposing or dealing with the prosperity gospel: Click here How to Understand the Old Testament Law: Click here What The Bible Really Says About Alcohol: Click here Book of Romans playlist: Click here Catholicism playlist: Click here Is Christmas Pagan?: Click here Christmas Myth busting: Click here Using Halloween for Jesus: Click here
5/10/20181 hour, 46 minutes, 24 seconds
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Identifying False Teachers: Romans 16:17-19

Who is a false teacher and what are their tactics? Discussing the tactics of false teachers along with how the Bible says we can identify them. This is not just something for leaders, it is something that all Christians are called to do. May we apply this passage with wisdom and faithfulness to the word of God.
5/7/201850 minutes
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How to Reach Jehovah's Witnesses

This is a training for those who want to effectively reach Jehovah's Witnesses. You will learn to have a heart of compassion for the JWs when you understand what it's like to be a Jehovah's Witness and you will learn some tactics and strategies for effectively getting people out of the Watchtower. BELOW are the links I mentioned in the video. My video on JW false prophecies Link to the site for the &ldquo;Witness for Jesus Now&rdquo; conference I spoke at recently The Forgotten Trinity by James White (I highly recommend it) (affiliate) Kingdom Interlinear Translation (published by the Watchtower) (affiliate) If you want to support my ministry work please click here: DISCLAIMER: This video description contains affiliate links.
5/5/201846 minutes, 30 seconds
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Why Jesus Was NOT A Failed Apocalyptic Prophet

An analysis of several statements of Jesus which are taken, by some, to mean that Jesus was supposed to return within the first century. I think that you will find a verse-by-verse study of those passages to be extremely helpful in understanding what Jesus meant by &ldquo;this generation&rdquo; and what delay He implied before His second coming. &nbsp;
4/24/20181 hour, 17 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hidden Gems In This Neglected Bible Passage: Romans 16:1-16

You may be surprised by how relevant and applicable a simple section of greetings can be. God’s word was written to equip us for every good work and this passage is no exception. We’ll learn about women in ministry, some undesigned coincidences, and some great insights that might change the way you look at relationships with fellow Christians.
4/23/201851 minutes, 19 seconds
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Should Churches Tithe Money To Israel? Romans 15:22-33

This passage brings up a variety of issues which we cover one at a time. Some pastors think this passage means that churches should be tithing to the state of Israel. What it really teaches us about giving is quite helpful in making decisions about your own budget as well as how the church takes care of the poor. We also learn about how to make good decisions when you don&rsquo;t know exactly what the Holy Spirit is guiding you to do, using Paul as our example.
4/9/201847 minutes, 26 seconds
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Skeptics Respond To The Evidence For The Resurrection of Jesus

Here's some links you may want... My full presentation on the resurrection of Jesus - CLICK HERE A lot of good stuff on the evidence for the resurrection - CLICK HERE &nbsp;Some of the debates or other vids that I watched where you can hear the skeptics react to the evidence... Dan Barker Matt Dillahunty Sam Harris Bart Ehrman How do skeptics respond to the evidential case for the resurrection of Jesus? We will look at Bart Ehrman, Dan Barker, Richard Carrier, Sam Harris, Dan Barker, and Matt Dillahunty. If you pay attention to what these guys say then you can see that they don't actually try to come up with reasonable explanations of the evidence. Instead, they tend to attack the idea of miracles or say that belief in the resurrection is the same as belief in some other miracle claims which don't have evidence like the resurrection does. I find these tactics very revealing.
3/27/201855 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Most Untapped Resource in Christianity: Romans 15:14-21

So important. So simple. The thing that the church needs is for the member of the body of Christ to step out into serving one another with boldness. God gives us the Holy Spirit and uses us to be a blessing to one another in countless ways and the Bible is telling us to step out into those giftings. Pastors aren’t the only ones with a ministry! I hope and pray this Bible study encourages, and admonishes you to step out.
3/26/201842 minutes, 43 seconds
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Responding to Catholic Apologists on Purgatory

Examining the passage most often quoted by Catholic apologists to defend the doctrine of purgatory. 1 Corinthians 3 is quoted by Tim Staples and Jimmy Akin of Catholic Answers. It's even quote by pope Benedict in his 2007 encyclical "Spe Salvi." We are going to examine the passage thoughtfully to see what it really says.
3/20/20181 hour, 3 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Debate Over James 2: Catholic or Protestant View

Catholics, JWs and Mormons all agree about James 2. And this is why they are wrong. Please consider these points thoughtfully as we reason through the passage that everyone is fighting over.
3/13/20181 hour, 6 minutes, 20 seconds
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Why was Jesus a Jew? Romans 15:8-13

As we continue our verse by verse teaching through Romans we will look at several topics today. Learn why Jesus came. Why He was a Jew. What Jewish expectations of the Messiah. How the New Testament uses Old Testament Messianic prophecy. How hope comes from belief and is assured by fulfilled prophecy and the knowledge of the character of God. All that and more in this verse by verse teaching through Romans 15:8-13 Teacher: Mike Winger Web site – Podcast – BibleThinker: with Mike Winger
3/12/201849 minutes, 24 seconds
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Former JWs Share Their Story: Simon and Maria

Leaving the Watchtower cost them everyone they knew and loved. But they say it was worth it! Listen to their story of discovery, trial, fear, frustration, and liberation! Please consider supporting Simon and Maria as they post videos on their YouTube channel trying to help others.
3/6/20181 hour, 31 minutes, 56 seconds
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Pop-Atheism and Its Problems

Pop-atheism has a fatal flaw! Let&rsquo;s analyze some of the thinking and tactics that go into this very popular atheistic method of scoffing as if it were a way of discovering truth. We&rsquo;ll look at some clips from Ricky Gervais and critique modern pop-atheism. &nbsp;
2/27/20181 hour, 10 minutes, 21 seconds
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Blood Transfusions: Facts, Fictions and Fractions - Refuting The Watchtower

I will show why blood transfusions are biblically and medically good! We will look at specific watchtower teachings on this issue as well as examining what the Bible and medicine say about blood transfusions.This link is about medical statistics of how many JWs die each year from the Watchtower blood policy: More links for additional research:
2/21/201844 minutes, 47 seconds
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Unity is more important than we realize. Romans 15:1-7

Christian unity is massively important. This passage teaches us how to have Christian unity when we don’t agree about everything. One of the most amazing truths we will see in this verse by verse teaching through Romans 15 is that unity isn’t just about you getting along with other Christians. It’s about the glory of God! Last week’s message in Romans 14 can be found here (this gives the context for Romans 15) Check out the whole Romans playlist here.;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHvQ9G4NCvuiN4Evbp13uQa1
2/19/201840 minutes, 36 seconds
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Bill Johnson's Theology and Movement Examined Biblically.

Come with an open mind and an open Bible. We will try to really understand what's going on with this movement, what's up with their theology, and how we ought to respond to it.
2/13/20181 hour, 19 minutes, 15 seconds
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What you need to know about your convictions: Romans 14

Is alcohol sinful? How about tattoos, movies, music, the Sabbath, or food? We have got to get biblical when it comes to our convictions. Biblical in our understanding of whether or not these things are sinful and biblical in how we treat those who disagree with us. This verse by verse teaching through Romans 14 will give real clarity to the issue of your convictions and how to treat others who differ. You’ll also find out what is meant by “the one who is weak in faith” and what is meant by “whatsoever is not of faith is sin”. Teacher: Mike Winger Check out the whole Romans playlist here.
2/12/201846 minutes, 27 seconds
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Christians Need To Wake Up! Romans 13:11-14

Christians need a wake up call! To cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light! Thank God for this wonderful passage of scripture in Romans 13:11-14 that we are studying verse by verse. Learn about the armor of light. Learn about eschatology and how it changes the way we live today.
2/4/201857 minutes, 4 seconds
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I Think I Have Proof That Mormonism Is Not True

This is not just conjecture. We have actual evidence that Joseph Smith was lying to Mormons when he invented his new "scripture," the Book of Abraham. This is proof that Mormonism is not true. The book of Abraham was not translated, it was fabricated. Here is the evidence. Share this video so that more people can be set free from the tangled lies of Joseph Smith. Mormons are the victims of Mormonism and we can show them love by showing them the truth so they can put faith in Jesus for real. LINKSGreat site with support for claims about the Book of Abraham: Article outlining some of these facts: This is the article I quoted from on the official LDS website:
1/31/201842 minutes, 58 seconds
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What The Bible Teaches About Borrowing: Romans 13:8-14

What exactly does the Bible teach about the morality of debt and wisdom in money matters. Does "owe no one anything" reflect a moral rule on what the Bible teaches about borrowing? Or is it really about something different? This and more in today's verse by verse Bible study through Romans 13:8-14. Continuing our study through the book of Romans and trying to learn how to think biblically about everything. Upload schedule: Monday's 5pm PST: Bible Teaching Tuesday's 5pm PST: Theology and Apologetics Livestream (come and join me!) Wednesday's 5pm PST: Wisdom in the Word (a short video on practical tips to live in biblical wisdom) Subscribe and click the bell icon to get notifications when I have new videos or when I go live. Mike Winger (not Wagner or Wigner like some of you in the comments think, haha)
1/29/201842 minutes, 2 seconds
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Why Mormons and Christians Can't Understand Each Other

They don't mean what you THINK they mean. You'll find out about Mormons using the same vocabulary as Christians but having a different dictionary for what those words actually mean to them. Some of the terms we will cover are; God the Father, Jesus, Salvation, Create, Monotheism, Grace, and others.Use this resource to share with others so they too can have the Mormon secret language revealed.
1/24/201850 minutes, 40 seconds
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A Biblical View of the Separation of Church and State: Romans 13:1-7

Looking at specific Bible passages that give us principles to answer some very tough questions about government. 1. What’s a biblical view of the separation of church and state? 2. Is there such a thing as an entirely secular government? 3. What’s wrong with govt trying to act like it’s the church? 4. What’s wrong with church acting like it’s the govt? 5. Why shouldn’t Christians turn their back on govt? 6. Where does the Bible stand on capital punishment? 7. Should preachers speak out against government? 8. Do Christians want a theocracy?
1/21/201850 minutes, 33 seconds
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If Only Christians Would Act Like This! Romans 12:12-21

Romans 12 gives us a SUCH a character challenge that I find myself saying "If only Christians would act like this". But the more important question I need to ask myself is, "am I acting like this". Let's take a moment to get the plank out of our own eye in this verse by verse study of Romans 12:12-21. We will tackle all the major issues head on and be reminded of the kind of person Jesus exampled for us and the kind of person we are called to be. I hope and pray this motivates you powerfully and even if it breaks your heart a bit it would only be to make you stronger in Christ! in Christ, Mike
1/15/201854 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Watchtower and the Second Coming | Live-stream

I'm responding to Watchtower claims about Jesus' resurrection and second coming. Did Jesus' body rot in the tomb? What are the signs of Jesus' return?&nbsp; It's time to deal with the Watchtower and the second coming! Click this link to go to the article we are reviewing:&nbsp; Here is the video I mentioned about documented, false JW prophecies:
1/10/201845 minutes, 31 seconds
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How You Can Be More Like Jesus: Romans 12:9-11

Living out the 8 character traits in Romans 12:9-11 is how you can be more like Jesus. We are constantly being called to live a more Christ-like life and to allow God to transform our attitudes and actions. In preparing this Bible study I found that my own life was changed and it made me really excited to share these wonderful truths with you! Romans 12:9-11 has a very serious character challenge for us. It reminds us of what kind of person Jesus really was and what type of person a Christian is supposed to be. If you want to do Bible study, verse by verse through the whole book of Romans then just follow this link. This YouTube channel is dedicated to thinking biblically about everything. Check out my playlists for tons of content on theology, controversial issues, evidence for the Bible, verse by verse teaching and more. New videos on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 5pm PST.
1/8/201850 minutes, 38 seconds
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How the Gifts of the Spirit Function in the Church: Romans 12:7-8

We look today at the gifts of teaching, exhortation, giving, mercy, leading and serving. To get a more biblical philosophy of the church. To understand how the gifts of the Spirit are to operate in a local fellowship of Christians. What astounds me as we look into Romans 12 is the universality of the gifts of the Spirit and the call to all of us to do our part in a godly way. This means that many believers today should probably be more involved in using these gifts than they already are. The pastor isn’t the only gifted person in the church! You too have gifts and a calling to use them!
12/10/201759 minutes, 54 seconds
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Becoming a More Biblical Church: Romans 12:3-6

Toward becoming more biblical about the gift of prophecy, humility and church in general. Often the debate is over whether the gifts are valid today and we stop short of asking, "but what does the Bible say about how they are to be practiced?" This results in some reckless attitudes toward things like the gift of prophecy. Although this message deals with humility and unity I really think some important and needful points are made regarding prophecy. This is info that our churches need today. I speak openly about Bill Johnson and Bethel Church in Redding, CA. But I do not do so out of spite or a lack of grace. I do so because of a desire to help them and the large number of churches around the world being impacted by the same issues I see coming from that ministry. We don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater but it would be nice to get rid of the bathwater and to be a more biblical church.
12/3/201753 minutes
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How To Change Your Mind: Romans 12:2

Spiritual transformation has something of a formula in Romans 12. And what could be more necessary than having our minds changed to be more like the Lord? In this message we will look at how the things we do with our bodies impacts our inner self and see the important of separation from worldliness. Changing our minds the biblical way.
11/19/201758 minutes, 19 seconds
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God Wants A Living Sacrifice: Romans 12:1

Perhaps we need to get out of our comfort zone and remember what God has called us to. What does it mean to be a living sacrifice? What inspires such devotion and what does it look like in our daily lives? It's time to get really practical about our worship. This is part of a verse by verse series through the book of Romans with pastor Mike Winger.
11/12/201750 minutes, 27 seconds
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To God Be The Glory: Romans 11:33-36

A study of a humbling and healing worship passage in Romans. This song is beautiful in how it is the overflow of theology into worship. As we study it we learn how to humbly trust in God’s goodness, knowledge and wisdom. We take note of how important worship is in the Church as well as learning some priceless lessons about not thinking we know more than we do and letting God’s glory be our ultimate purpose.
11/6/201756 minutes, 2 seconds
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About Replacement Theology: Romans 11:25-32

What specific Old Testament prophecies about Israel are yet to be fulfilled? What expectations does the New Testament have for the future of national Israel? This study focuses on the biblical data at hand and avoids getting distracted by claiming that one side is anti-Semitic. Bible believing Christians are primarily concerned with what the text says rather than emotional arguments.
10/29/201749 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Is God's Plan for ISRAEL: Romans 11:7-24

This will require some thinking on your part. We are trying to get a careful, biblical and thoughtful understanding of God's plan for Israel as revealed in the Bible and in Romans 11 in particular. We need a biblical and balanced view of Israel. Romans 11 gives us just this. We see the fact that Israel rejected the Messiah. We see why they didn’t believe. We see that this failure is not universal. And we see that there is a glorious hope for their future! When you understand God’s gracious plan for Israel you see into the heart of God’s grace toward yourself as well.
10/22/201747 minutes, 41 seconds
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God has NOT forsaken Israel: Romans 11:1-6

After establishing that prophecy indicated Messiah would be rejected and that the Gentiles would come to believe in Yahweh through Him(in Romans 9 and 10) we come to the issue of Israel and their current relationship with God. The question is, "has God forsaken Israel?" And the answer is a big "no way!" Not only does this truth give hope for Israel, it gives us courage and hope in God's patient love for all who come to Him through the grace of Christ. In this study we will also take a look at 1 Kings 19 and hear a word of encouragement about facing discouragement from what Elijah went through.
10/8/201744 minutes, 34 seconds
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Street Preachers, More Faith, Prophecy & Stiff Necks: Romans 10:14-21

A verse by verse study through Romans 10:14-21 including a variety of related topics.
10/1/201755 minutes, 56 seconds
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About people who NEVER hear the gospel

A transparent and thorough treatment of the question from a biblical perspective. Various issues are dealt with such as why people get judged in the first place, what all people should know, biblical examples of people who were saved without hearing the gospel, a rebuttal of universalism, how we ought not suppose that all religions offer a path to God, and how the reality of people responding to the gospel means that we need to be serious and vigilant in evangelism.
9/24/201746 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Worship When You Don't "Feel It"

How to truly worship God even when you have no emotions. When praise is a sacrifice.
9/14/20176 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Jewish Gospel: Romans 9:25-10:9

Learn the meaning of this passage and how Paul is using the Old Testament teaching to establish New Testament teaching. Amazing stuff!
9/10/201756 minutes, 49 seconds
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Why God Hardens Hearts: Romans 9:17-24

9 conclusions we can make about the doctrine of hardening. Starting with Romans 9 we look at the biblical teaching on how, when and why God hardens hearts. Questions from the Q&A at the end of the video Does Romans 9:29 mean that God will create some people specifically to dishonor Him in order to carry out His will? Is this an example of God simply knowing what the actions of Pharaoh would be if he were in that situation? The process of a person becoming hard seems to begin with that person’s own will before God hardens them. Does the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit relate to having a permanently hard heart? Can you pray for someone’s heart to be softened?
9/3/20171 hour, 28 seconds
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Don’t act like we don’t know Jesus’ opinion of homosexuality!

The saying &ldquo;Jesus never mentioned homosexuality&rdquo; might seem impressive at first, but upon examination, it is very clear what Jesus&rsquo; opinion on the topic really is. &nbsp;
8/30/20174 minutes, 44 seconds
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Non-Calvinist Interpretation of Romans 9

A careful verse by verse treatment of the passage that stands at the center of much of the debate on Calvinism. This is meant to be a loving and thoughtful handling of the difficult passage Romans 9. I appreciate gracious responses from those who disagree.
8/27/201759 minutes, 42 seconds
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Prosperity Preachers Debunked: Romans 8:29-39

Prosperity preachers distort the message of the Bible and cause people to fall into all manner of harmful opinions. Romans 8 teaches us a better way to view hardship and suffering and how to have TRUE victory in life.
8/20/201753 minutes, 12 seconds
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Calvinism, Arminianism, Election & Predestination: Romans 8:29-30, 33

If you are looking for a video that bashes the "other side" this isn't for you. Let's think through these issues with scripture in hand and grace in our hearts being unafraid of controversy and willing to speak the truth in love.
8/14/201745 minutes, 29 seconds
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What does God know? Open Theism, Calvinism and Arminian views analyzed with scripture surveyed

What limits are their to God's knowledge? Does God's foreknowledge mean that I don't have free will? What does the Bible say about this stuff?
8/6/201743 minutes, 20 seconds
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"Groaning in the Spirit" and one of the most underrated verses in the Bible: Romans 8:26-28

Studying the idea of the Holy Spirit interceding with groans and whether this is tongues. We also finally get to Romans 8:28, a greatly underappreciated verse. Romans 8 is the gift that keeps on giving!
7/23/201746 minutes, 3 seconds
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TOTALLY NOT the prosperity gospel: Romans 8:17-25

This passage debunks much of the prosperity gospel, shows us how to get through really sorrowful times, gives us some hope that outweighs the pain of life and shows us that Jesus did a lot more for us than just forgive our sins.
7/16/201754 minutes, 14 seconds
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Religion vs Relationship Misnomer?: Romans 8:12-16

Many topics covered in the verse by verse study. What does "led by the Spirit" mean? How can I test to see if I'm saved? What motivates you to follow Jesus? Is the religion/relationship dichotomy valid? What is the doctrine of Adoption?
7/9/201753 minutes
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God's Wisdom: How the Bible makes you smarter than your teachers.

The benefits of the Bible. &nbsp;
7/3/20175 minutes, 43 seconds
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Death, Depravity, Deity of Christ and more: Romans 8:5-10

Learning to think biblically about death, overcoming sin, how we are saved, a wonderful verse on the deity of Christ, the issue of total depravity and much more!
6/26/201749 minutes, 16 seconds
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Pro-Life Training: The Case Against Abortion and For Human Rights

Learn the ironclad, rational, and scientific case for the pro-life position and get trained on how YOU can use it to save lives! Speaker: Aaron Brake Talk #1 The case for pro-lifeTalk #2 How to answer pro-choice objectionsTalk #3 Conversational tactics to persuade others
6/13/20171 hour, 59 minutes, 5 seconds
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Mormons, Muslims, Manuscripts and More: Romans 8:1-4

Here's a list of topics we get to in this video. Where Islam and Mormonism stand on a foundation they reject. One important truth for Christian psychology. An analogy for the OT Law. Translation issues in Romans 8. Conviction verses condemnation. Theological prophecy. An big picture view of our transition from Law to Spirit. Jesus' true identity and the falseness of Gnosticism Refuting Mormon teaching about the pre-existence of souls And some info on the wonderful Vietnamese soup "Pho".
6/4/201748 minutes, 55 seconds
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Angry Christians

Anger problems? Yeah, me too! Here&rsquo;s some biblical advice. This can turn you from a hammer to a scalpel.
5/26/20171 minute, 22 seconds
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Oh WRETCHED man that I am! Romans 7:13-25

The brutal honesty of the Bible, as it pertains to the sinful condition we find ourselves in, turns out to be very comforting. May you find the hope and freedom that starts with a real honest evaluation of self and ends with Jesus Christ as your deliverer!
5/21/201749 minutes, 41 seconds
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Toward a Christian Worldview: Romans 7:1-13

Can you say that you view yourself and the world around you the way Jesus does?
5/11/201746 minutes, 18 seconds
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Theology of SIN: Romans 6

Thinking clearly about sin helps us to overcome it! This passage is liberating for the believer who is struggling with the bondage of sin.
5/3/201754 minutes, 25 seconds
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What's WRONG with us? Romans 5:6-21

Anthropology is a theological study of man. We will take a real look at a biblical anthropology and see that humans are rather complex, having been made in the image of God yet being sinfully fallen creatures. Having a biblical view of man helps us make sense of the world around us, the battle within us and the love of God for us.
4/23/201752 minutes, 6 seconds
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Theology of Pain: Romans 5:1-5

We desperately need to let theology tell us how to feel and think when we are suffering. "Glory in tribulation"
4/9/201747 minutes, 28 seconds
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How Much Faith Do I Need? Romans 4:13-25

Continuing our verse by verse study through Romans. We are dealing with the teaching of salvation through faith AND it's implications. Many people don't consider the implications.
4/2/201745 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jesus Wasn’t a Pagan God: Debunking Zeitgeist and Religulous

The real myth about Jesus is that Jesus is a myth. Examining the claims of popular misinformation that has been spreading like a plague across the internet. &nbsp;
3/30/201711 minutes, 34 seconds
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Witnessing to Jews: Romans 3:28-4:13

How the Bible teaches that Abraham and David were righteous by faith apart from works. This study is part of a verse by verse series through the book of Romans with pastor Mike Winger of Hosanna Christian Fellowship in Bellflower, CA.
3/26/201746 minutes, 38 seconds
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Deep Theology: Romans 3:21-28

We are meant to GO DEEP into our understanding of the scriptures. And it's not as hard you may have thought! This careful study of Romans 3:21-28 will deal with topics of propitiation, imputation, justification, boasting, and the comfort of having accepted that you are a totally lost sinner saved totally by the grace of God. Be blessed.
3/19/201747 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Answer the Problem of Evil in 5 Steps

Step one: Separate the emotional problem from the intellectual one. Step two: Separate moral evil from suffering. Step three: Seek answers to why God would allow moral evil.Step four: Seek answers to why God would allow physical suffering.Step five: Seek help for the emotional problem. I can't pretend this fully deals with the problems of pain and moral evils, but I really hope that it helps people. -Pastor Mike Winger Subscribe on YouTube for weekly uploads of explaining and defending biblical truth! (and don't forget to click the bell icon)
3/12/201752 minutes, 44 seconds
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How the Bible Handles Scoffers: Romans 3:1-20

Atheists and anti-Christians often mock and ridicule the Bible with straw man attacks. This is a passage where Paul deals with this sort of thing and teaches us how to handle it as well. We also learn some serious humility.
3/12/201743 minutes, 35 seconds
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What about the sincere Jew? Romans 2:17-29

Romans answers this question for us in detail. As Paul give out the gospel it begins with universal guilt and ends with a universal offer of grace through Christ alone. This isn't just about Jewish people. Any religious person needs to realize that they fall short and desperately need the grace of Jesus.
3/5/201743 minutes, 32 seconds
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Brainwashed: how pro-gay media manipulated your emotions.

In the 90s, a 3-step plan was put into action to brainwash Americans to support same-sex erotic behavior. This is their plan...does it sound familiar?
3/3/20179 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Most Misused Passage in the Book: Romans 2:1-16

You may have misread Romans 2, if so this video should help clear up what it means. Are we being told that judging others is wrong? Are we being told that people can be saved by works? Pastor Mike Winger
2/26/201741 minutes, 47 seconds
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Homosexuality and Romans 1: Controversy and Clarity

What is the real teaching of Romans 1 on the issue of Homosexuality? This is part of an ongoing series through the book of Romans with pastor Mike Winger from Hosanna Christian Fellowship in Bellflower, CA.
2/20/201758 minutes, 8 seconds
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Evidence for God that Everyone Has: Romans 1:18-23

What does the Bible say about this issue and can we test it by looking at creation and conscience APART from the Bible or modern science? What expectation does God have for all humans regardless of where or when they are born? Are there really atheists?
2/6/20171 hour, 2 minutes, 23 seconds
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Gospels Compared: JW, Mormon, Catholic or Romans

What's the difference between Mormon, JW, Catholic and Christian gospels? What is the essential biblical gospel? I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ! Romans 1:16-17
1/29/201748 minutes, 8 seconds
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Be A Christian Extremist: Romans 1:6-15

So much in this passage! Feeling loved by God. How to know your calling. Christian extremism. Being established in the Lord. Our call to holiness. Why did the gospel go to the Jew first?
1/23/20171 hour, 12 seconds
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Jesus vs Joseph Smith: Romans 1:1-5

The Mormon Church claims that Joseph Smith was foretold in Old Testament prophecy. Let's examine those claims in this verse by verse study of Romans 1:1-5. This study is part of a series on the book of Romans from pastor Mike Winger.
1/17/201750 minutes, 32 seconds
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Book of Romans Overview

See the flow of thought throughout the book and prepare yourself for a thoughtful study of the book. Verses from each chapter will be highlighted and we will seek to get the book as a whole in preparation for more thorough study.
1/9/201742 minutes
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Dealing with Doubt: Psalm 73

Do unanswered questions have you doubting everything? Psalm 73 was written for you. Intellectual doubt is one thing, emotional doubt is another. &nbsp;
12/27/201649 minutes, 29 seconds
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Biggest Bible Contradictions: Evidence for the Bible pt20

Specific contradictions regarding the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ as told in the 4 gospels. This is video 19 in an extensive series offering reason to believe the Bible is the word of God as well as defenses for the most common and most important attacks on the Bible
12/12/20161 hour, 7 minutes, 44 seconds
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Debunking Christmas Myths

Dealing with several common myths about Christmas, including...Was Jesus a real historical figure?What were the "magi" and how many were there?Why "gold, frankincense and myrrh"?Did the angels sing?What is the WORST myth about Christmas?
12/5/201644 minutes, 33 seconds
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13 Bible Contradictions Refuted: Evidence for the Bible pt19

Specific contradictions regarding the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ as told in the 4 gospels. This is video 19 in an extensive series offering reason to believe the Bible is the word of God as well as defenses for the most common and most important attacks on the Bible
11/21/201655 minutes, 37 seconds
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Full of Contradictions: Evidence for the Bible pt18

Here are 6 "contradictions" in the Bible. This is a sampling of the type of thing we see when people say the Bible is "full of contradictions". Examples are taken from Bart Ehrman,, Peter Jennings and others. There will be more videos on the topic of Supposed Contradictions in the coming weeks.
11/15/201626 minutes, 50 seconds
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Can I Trust Bible Translations: Evidence for the Bible pt17

Is it a conspiracy? Do translations intentionally change the Bible's message? Is the NIV a "gay Bible"? Is it the "Not Inspired Version"? There has been a lot of false information floating around out there about how the Bible has been translated. Many people are confused about the difference between textual sources and translational methodology. Many are under the false impression that newer translations are "taking out" various passages that belong in the Bible. However, there are some genuinely bad translations. This video is an attempt to bring clarity and rationality to the discussion and leave you with a general understanding of Bible translations. Check out all the videos in this series "Evidence for the Bible" Mike Winger
11/11/20161 hour, 17 minutes, 34 seconds
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How the Bible Was Changed: Evidence for the Bible pt16

What specific verses were added or left out of the Bible over time? Multiple examples are discussed such as Mark 16:9-20, John 7:53-8:11, 1John 5:7 and MANY others. After getting the details of these variants we can see clearly that the Bible has been preserved throughout the years and we still should have great confidence that we have a faithful record of the word of God in our Bibles today. This video is part of an extensive series called "Evidence for the Bible" where I deal with all major issues of defending the Bible as the word of God
10/23/20161 hour, 2 minutes, 8 seconds
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What You Need to Know About the 400,000 Variants in the Bible: Evidence for the Bible pt15

Get the full story on the 400,000 variants in the New Testament manuscripts. Skeptics and critics of the Bible are armed with half the story, when you have the other half you can easily demonstrate that the Bible we hold today is a faithful representation of the original texts written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
10/9/20161 hour, 57 seconds
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The Truth About The “Banned Books of the Bible”: Evidence for the Bible pt14

Including quotes and summaries of the "lost gospels" and "banned books". Never again be caught off guard or confounded by references to the Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Peter, the Gospel of Mary, or the Gospel of Judas.
10/3/201657 minutes, 37 seconds
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Church Councils and the New Testament: Evidence for the Bible pt13

What do the first 400 years of Christianity teach us about our New Testament. A survey of historical data and how it applies to modern skepticism of the canon of the New Testament. This is the 13th video in the series "Evidence for the Bible". Check out the other videos in this series to learn more reasons why you can and should believe in the Bible.
9/26/201653 minutes, 48 seconds
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How We Really Got The New Testament: Evidence for the Bible pt12

Examining the 1st century evidence for the canonicity of the New Testament books. This oft-ignored era is crucial to understanding why the NT books are canonical. Skeptics often miss or ignore this data.
9/19/201649 minutes, 22 seconds
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JW False Prophecies DOCUMENTED

Quoting ONLY from official Watchtower sources, I will demonstrate the consistent false prophecy of the JW organization. Here is the link to the set of videos on the Bible's legitimate, fulfilled prophecy:;list=PLZ3iRMLYFlHuhA0RPKZFHVcjIMN_-F596&amp;t=0sThe audio isn't very good on the first video...if that bothers you, just skip it and go to the next. Any Jehovah's Witness seeing this video should know that I'm not trying to attack them but to help deliver them out of a false system of religion. There is truth in Jesus but it's not found in the Watchtower, their false prophecies prove it. Please be brave enough to seek the biblical truth. I'm praying for you.
8/27/201610 minutes, 27 seconds
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How We Got the OT Canon: Evidence for the Bible pt11

Why we should think that the Jews got the right books in the Old Testament and what about the Apocrypha?
8/10/201649 minutes, 22 seconds
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HOW TO "Encourage Yourself in the Lord" - Psalm 33

Rejoice in the Lord always! This encouragement is meant to be serious and biblical about joy. Let&rsquo;s see if we can tap into the truths the Psalmist was inspired by.
8/7/201646 minutes, 42 seconds
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Numerous Prophecies Jesus Fulfilled: Evidence for the Bible pt10

Here are a bunch of prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. Mathematical analyses of the statistical probabilities of any man fulfilling these by chance reveal that Jesus is legit. This is part 10 in the lengthy series on Evidence for the Bible. This series is a methodical look at a large variety of subjects including prophecy, archaeology, history, science, contradictions, philosophy, and more! This series is for the thinking person and I hope and pray that it blesses you.
7/31/20161 hour, 5 minutes, 8 seconds
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You had a bad day - encouragement!

Put that bad day in perspective!
7/20/201635 seconds
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Jehovah’s Witnesses: Beliefs Practices and Errors

A survey of JW beliefs from a Christian perspective. This teaching is a good beginning for understanding Jehovah's Witness teachings and knowing where to look to learn more.
7/11/201656 minutes, 29 seconds
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God’s Countdown (Daniel 9): Evidence for the Bible pt9

How the Bible foretold WHEN Jesus would come. Looking for good reasons to believe the Bible? They have been here all along. A thoughtful study of prophecy has convinced many skeptics to put their faith in Jesus. Daniel chapter 9 gives a detailed account of how to know when the Messiah was to show up, and Jesus came right on time. This is the famous "70 weeks" prophecy.
6/28/20161 hour, 1 minute, 31 seconds
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Deceitful Lusts: How sin robs you of the thing it promises you

Sin is a trick and it always backfires in the end. There is a mountain of wisdom in the man who simply believes God that sin is not only something you shouldn&rsquo;t do but it is genuinely bad no matter what temporary pleasure it brings.
6/18/20161 minute, 23 seconds
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How to rejoice at all times

No need to pretend to unaffected by trials or pain. Christian joy is deeper and better than most people realize! &nbsp;
6/16/20163 minutes, 39 seconds
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Jesus In Genesis 22: Evidence for the Bible pt8

Genesis 22 has a prophetic picture of the sacrifice of Jesus. This is part of a large series on "Evidence for the Bible" from Mike Winger.
6/13/201640 minutes
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This Fading Life

Do you sense the futility and disappointment of this life? Be encouraged by the promises of God in Christ. Set your eyes upon our unfading inheritance and store up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal.
6/11/20163 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to ATTACK Christianity

Christianity is, at its core, based on a historical claim. It stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus didn't rise, Christianity is false. If Jesus did rise, Christianity is true, and all the promises and hopes that believers have are true.
6/9/20163 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jesus in Isaiah 53: Evidence for the Bible pt7

700 years before Christ His life, death and resurrection were written about in detail. This passage of Isaiah, called by some "the heart of the Bible", is a profound demonstration of the truthfulness of Jesus the Messiah and a verification of the Bible as God's word
6/6/201653 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus in Genesis 5 and Psalm 22: Evidence for the Bible pt6

Genesis 5 has a hidden message and Psalm 22 clearly foretells the crucifixion of Jesus. This is part 6 in the in depth series "Evidence for the Bible" by Mike Winger
5/30/201652 minutes, 49 seconds
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Overcome anxiety biblically

God cares about your mental and emotional health and He has given us plenty of help. Read and obey Philippians 4 if you want more peace. Check out my channel for tons more videos about thinking biblically.
5/27/20163 minutes, 1 second
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When you don't FEEL like worshipping

Worship isn&rsquo;t about you. &nbsp;
5/24/20161 minute, 2 seconds
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The Most Prophetic Passage of the Bible: Evidence for the Bible pt5

Daniel 11. See how the detailed foretelling of historical events proves that the Bible is from God. This series gives evidence for the Bible while answering critics attacks against it.
5/23/201658 minutes, 20 seconds
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Defending Daniel: Evidence for the Bible pt4

Answering critics attacks on the book of Daniel. If Daniel really was written c.530BC then the prophecies in Daniel prove that God has spoken through this Jewish prophet. This is part of a series on Evidence for the Bible
5/16/20161 hour, 1 minute, 23 seconds
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Fulfilled Prophecy (Dan 7-8) Evidence for the Bible pt3

Are you open to the evidence? Documented proof for both God and the Bible. This isn't about mystical hogwash or blind faith, it's about simple reasoning. The Bible predicts detailed events hundreds of years before they happen, the most rational explanation of this phenomenon is that God has spoken through the Bible
5/11/201650 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Destruction of Tyre: Evidence for the Bible pt2

Yes, God has spoken! A detailed account of fulfilled prophecy. Watch for all the videos in this series! We will go over several examples of fulfilled prophecy, how to defend against the most common critical attacks on prophecy, evidence for the Bible from science, archaeology, history, how we got our Bible and MORE!
5/6/201640 minutes, 45 seconds
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Persecution Backfires

Christians who are persecuted have a unique opportunity to glorify God and they will one day see the fruit of their suffering! Be encouraged! Read how Jesus started the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5 and allow His words to change the way you view persecution. &nbsp;
4/16/20161 minute, 35 seconds
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Has God Spoken? Evidence For The Bible pt1

How could you prove that God has communicated to us? What would be a reasonable way to show that God has spoken? This video answers that question and deals with false prophecies in preparation for the next video in this series where we will begin to look at fulfilled prophecy in the Bible as proof that God has spoken
4/16/201649 minutes, 28 seconds
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This world is not your home

A brief encouragement! For the full story on how to live as a pilgrim in this world please read the book of 1 Peter. This is a snippet of a full message from the book of 1 Peter. &nbsp;
4/11/20161 minute, 22 seconds
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What Every Girl Should Know About The Bible

The Bible has a lot more to say to women than some people think. Modern feminism has demonized the word &ldquo;man&rdquo; or &ldquo;mankind&rdquo; to the point where we miss a lot of meaning in older writings. Past authors never thought they had to say &ldquo;he/she&rdquo; to indicate both genders, they just said &ldquo;he&rdquo; when they meant both. The Bible is the same way. It is wonderful when women realize how much of Scripture is actually gender inclusive. It&rsquo;s also wonderful when we realize we don&rsquo;t need to change the Bible to fit with modern hypercritical feminist ideas, we just need to read it as it is. &nbsp;
3/30/201649 seconds
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Satan: Who Is He? 1 Peter 5:8-14

What Satan CAN and CAN'T do and who he is, all based on the Bible. This is merely one message amongst a group of messages teaching through the book of 1 Peter. Today we examine a variety of bible passages which all give us information about Satan
3/27/20161 hour, 8 minutes, 23 seconds
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Spirit-Filled: what it does and doesn’t mean

Slain in the Spirit, shaking in the Spirit, laughing in the Spirit, and other things that completely ignore the actual work of the Holy Spirit. Good theology will keep you from all manner of error! This is a &ldquo;snippet&rdquo; from the 1 Peter Bible study video series that can be found on my channel. &nbsp;
3/23/20162 minutes, 23 seconds
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Cast Your Cares Upon Him: 1 Peter 5:5-7

Learn the biblical perspective of submission and its relationship to worry and peace of mind. It is supremely important to get the very specific instructions that God has given to us in our various walks of life. Being biblical involves both doctrine and practice
3/14/201648 minutes, 25 seconds
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Good reasons to believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Arguing from accepted historical facts and evidence to the logical conclusion of the resurrection. Please share this content.Peruse my channel for more content - I put out a minimum of 1 new video every week!
3/11/20161 hour, 10 minutes, 52 seconds
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Evaluating Church Leaders (2 of 2) 1 Peter 5:1-4

A serious look at being BIBLICAL about LEADERSHIP. This is the 2nd part in a 2 part series. The church needs godly, biblical leaders. We can't BE that without knowing what it LOOKS like. If we aren't careful we will adopt worldly standards for leadership but if we simply follow what scripture says we will be able to safely stand before God and give account for how we lead others.
3/6/201657 minutes, 1 second
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Evaluating Church Leaders (1 of 2) 1 Peter 5:1-2

What does the New Testament say about leadership really? There are simple principles that we NEED to apply in being godly leaders and in looking for godly leaders. This 2 part study will focus on the role and responsibilities of Christian leaders. You will also get info on the terms elder, bishop, deacon and pastor as we see them in the Bible. With the worldly mentality that many church leaders are exhibiting and the recklessness with which many people embrace bad leaders, we NEED this info!
3/3/201656 minutes, 4 seconds
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This is What’s Wrong with Same-Sex Marriage

Here&rsquo;s what&rsquo;s wrong with what they did. It is abundantly clear that the Supreme Court overstepped when they redefined marriage. This video is a careful handling of the &ldquo;justifications&rdquo; given for these 5 unelected lawyers to fundamentally redefine marriage. All 4 of the reasons they give fail at leading them to their radically liberal redefinition of marriage to include same-sex couples. Please consider this video and give the issue careful thought. This issue seems to be the spear tip of an all out attack on the biblical worldview. We must stand strong, wise, informed, and unashamed. &nbsp;
2/29/201612 minutes, 30 seconds
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The SECULAR case AGAINST homosexuality.

For those who are willing to think about this issue, even from a secular standpoint we ought to see the dangers of homosexuality. It&rsquo;s not an issue of hatred or stoning gays, it&rsquo;s about how our support of this dangerous behavior is going to harm society. Homosexuality has become the sacred cow of the modern liberal politics. It&rsquo;s high time we removed the emotional slandering that they so often engage in and dealt with the issue in a reasonable way.
2/24/201623 minutes, 32 seconds
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Is This Pro-Family or Racist!?

Are homosexual rights civil rights? Another confusing and dangerously wrong idea refuted. Equating homosexual behavior with race is just plain wrong.
2/22/20161 minute, 54 seconds
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Christians justify violence against gay people! REFUTED

Why it&rsquo;s WRONG to blame Christians for violent acts which they didn&rsquo;t commit and they openly condemn. So many pro-gay slogans are like this one in that they ignore the real issues and just attempt to vilify anyone who would dare to say that homosexuality is a sin. I hope this video helps clear the air a bit so that we can talk about the real issues.
2/19/20162 minutes, 8 seconds
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Christians are why gays commit suicide? REFUTED

Another pro-gay slogan refuted. Are Christians causing gay people to commit suicide? The idea that those who hold to biblical truth are to blame for suicide rates among LBGT people is a cruel lie. Here&rsquo;s why&hellip;
2/16/20166 minutes, 51 seconds
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Commit Your Soul To God: 1 Peter 4:17-19

Chastening vs judgment. Sometimes the truths that are the hardest to hear are the healthiest for our hearts and minds. This study starts with a messianic passage in Proverbs before continuing through our study of 1 Peter. We also go over 3 ways in which the New Testament "quotes" the Old Testament. This should help clarify some common confusion.
2/13/201651 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to respond when you are called a bigot or homophobe

A short refutation of the bully move, &ldquo;You&rsquo;re a bigot and a homophobe.&rdquo; Too often, this name-calling replaces reason when discussing important issues like homosexuality. Hopefully this video is an aid to those who care about truth and want to stand for the Christian worldview.
2/11/20163 minutes, 7 seconds
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What We Gain From Our Pain: 1 Peter 4:12-16

Why believers should be bold even if it means we will suffer for it! The plain teaching of God's word and the example of Jesus, the apostles and the prophets make it clear that we need to be unafraid and unashamed when stepping into potential persecution. May God give us courage.
2/9/201657 minutes, 56 seconds
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Homosexuality: "Two CONSENTING adults" slogan refuted

Another short refutation of a commonly used pro-gay slogan. At the heart of the pro-gay lifestyle movement is a group of irrational and unhealthy ideas. This is one of them, and here I mean to give a refutation of it. I hope that this helps bring clarity to the issue. This video isn&rsquo;t inspired by hatred or malice, and it isn&rsquo;t designed to cause those things either. Rational people should be able to reason through this issue without name-calling. There are more snippets like this one on my channel here:
2/3/20163 minutes, 35 seconds
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Using Your Gifts, Why Suffering, God’s Glory: 1 Peter 4:10-11

In this exegetical study of 1 Peter 4:10-11 we will explain how to use your gifts as a steward of what God has given you, list 5 reasons why people suffer (according to the Bible) and what is meant by "give God glory".
1/30/201653 minutes, 29 seconds
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Homosexuality: “But they LOVE each other” REFUTED

Answering pro-gay slogans so that people won&rsquo;t be tricked by them. The problem is NOT just that these slogans support homosexual acts, it&rsquo;s that they are deceptive at the core. &ldquo;Love is not the condition that makes otherwise wrong things OK.&rdquo;
1/29/20168 minutes, 12 seconds
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Refuting Cult Theology: 1 Peter 4:6-9

Several topics come up in this passage. How long did the disciples expect to wait for Jesus' 2nd coming? What is "serious and watchful" prayer? Was the gospel preached to the dead? Learn what "love like garlic" means.
1/26/201651 minutes, 27 seconds
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"Who are YOU to JUDGE?" Refuted

Answering "Who are you to judge?" and showing how the Christian worldview REQUIRES us to judge. In fact, not judging is actually an impossible standard which those who say "don't judge" are constantly violating. This is just a snippet of the four-part series, "Homosexuality: Speaking the Truth in Love."The first video deals with homosexuality and the Old Testament.The second deals with homosexuality and the New Testament.The third deals with issues like being born gay, the possibility of change, and what science says.The final video deals with a bunch of pro-gay slogans and gives a secular case against homosexual behavior. The series is not gay-bashing in any way, and is inspired by a love for those who are being hurt by how wrong society is on this issue.
1/20/201610 minutes, 31 seconds
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How To Think About Pain & Benefits of Suffering: 1 Peter 4:1-5

How we handle suffering is hugely important! We desperately need a biblical way of thinking about pain and suffering if we are to endure these things without stumbling. 1 Peter focuses on this issue a lot and in this study I will try and help us come to that biblical perspective
1/17/201648 minutes, 49 seconds
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You have NO RIGHT to tell two consenting adults what they can or can't do in the bedroom!

Pro-gay slogan - "Stay out of our bedroom!" A reasoned response to this oft-used slogan. Do we have any right to tell two consenting adults what they can or can't do in the bedroom? Full teaching found here:
1/15/20162 minutes, 57 seconds
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Nephilim? Baptism Saves? A Clean Conscience and more. 1 Peter 3:16-22

A careful handling of these interesting and controversial verses!
1/8/201647 minutes, 22 seconds
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Hope Makes Me Smile. Jesus Gives Me Hope.

Real hope. Nitty gritty hope. 19 different hopes that every Christians has.
12/29/20151 hour, 14 minutes, 51 seconds
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Christian Character and Apologetics: 1 Peter 3:8-15

A needful study on Christian character and tips for how non-professionals can do better apologetics.
12/17/201558 minutes, 53 seconds
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Is Christmas PAGAN? In defense of Christmas

Is Jesus just a rehashed pagan deity? Is December 25th is the birthday of Pagan gods? Christmas trees are Pagan? Where did Santa come from? Is there anything wrong with celebrating Christmas? What is the REAL threat to Christmas today? &nbsp;
12/16/20151 hour, 28 seconds
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How to Be A Husband: The Lost Art of Biblical Manliness

The FORGOTTEN role of the husband in marriage. What is a good husband? What kind of men has God called us to be? How to do marriage God's way
12/10/201550 minutes, 46 seconds
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How Wives Submit Biblically: 1 Peter 3:1-6

An unashamed teaching on this controversial and often misunderstood concept. What submission is/isn't, how to submit and when not to. 1 Peter 3:1-6
12/5/201554 minutes, 3 seconds
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Regretting abortion. Two true stories

Made by a high school girl, this short video chronicles two women&rsquo;s true stories of their abortions and their advice to others.
11/28/201524 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Christian attitude about suffering! Being a godly boss or employee: 1 Peter 2:18-25

When you suffer and it's not your fault God's advice is as challenging as it is beautiful! This passage gives clear instruction on working unto God even while persecuted. It is when we are suffering wrongfully that we become the most tempted to compromise but it's also when we can see true Christian character shine through our lives.
11/25/201554 minutes, 40 seconds
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SLAVERY and the BIBLE!? Explained!

An examination of the biblical texts that regulated slavery in the Old Testament and a comparison to the slavery of the 1800s. What the Bible teaches about slavery.
11/15/201542 minutes, 59 seconds
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When Should A Christian Rebel Against The Government? 1 Peter 2:13-17

Should Christians rebel? If so, when? If so, how? The focus of this study is on those passages of the Bible that inform us how we should react to government and what attitude to have about flawed government. 1 Peter 2:13-17
11/11/201550 minutes, 3 seconds
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Spiritual Warfare - 1 Peter 2:11-12

There are some things we need to know about spiritual warfare. How to deal with the world and the flesh. A follower of Jesus shouldn't expect the world to like them or for sin to be without consequence. I pray this message blesses you!
11/2/201551 minutes, 3 seconds
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Rebelling, Our Priesthood, and More. 1 Peter 2:9-10

Discover when to REBEL against government, the priesthood of ALL believers, the importance of being a FAMILY of God, what a sacrifice of praise is, and more. Exegetical study of 1 Peter 2:9-10 by Mike Winger This study is from the Sunday evening service at Hosanna Christian Fellowship. Do you want to know the gospel? Let's be honest, many people don't really understand what the gospel teaches beyond the vague term "forgiveness".
10/23/20151 hour, 21 seconds
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Hypocrisy In The Church! 1 Peter 2:1-8

Verse by verse through 1 Peter 2:1-8. Be blessed by the teaching of God's word. This challenging passage will confront us and issues we deal with while also encouraging us in God's wonderful call on our lives as living stones being built into the temple of God! Some other topics discussed are malice, Jesus being the chief cornerstone, evil speaking, envy, slander, and deceit.
10/9/20151 hour, 1 minute, 35 seconds
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Judgment Day For Believers and Holy Living: 1 Peter 1:14-25

Several topics are covered in this exegetical study. What the Bible says about how believers get judged according to works. What is the fear of God really? What's the difference between Jesus and the Bible (they are both called the word)? And you will learn how the Old Testament is like Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid. This is a verse by verse study of 1 Peter 1:14-25.
9/30/20151 hour, 7 minutes, 24 seconds
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Faith That Isn’t Blind and Keys to Understanding Prophecy: 1 Peter 1:8-13

Prophecy fulfilled in Jesus and it's implications. Dispelling the idea that faith means "belief for no reason". This message is part of a series through the book of 1 Peter in an exegetical, verse by verse study.
9/27/201559 minutes, 31 seconds
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Hope in Grief, Born Again, Jesus' Resurrection: 1 Peter 1:3-7

An encouraging vs by vs study through 1 Peter 1:3-7 Topics addressed: What does "born again" really mean? What are the implications of Jesus' resurrection? What kind of inheritance do believers have? Being hope-filled EVEN in grief.
9/15/20151 hour, 9 minutes, 32 seconds
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Modern Apostles, Calvinism, Foreknowledge, the Trinity and an overview of 1 Peter

This begins our study through 1 Peter which will be both vs by vs & topical. Some issues we will look at today are Calvinism, election and foreknowledge. Apostle Bill Johnson?! Not only does this message cover the first 3 verses of 1 Peter 1, it also provides an overview and unifying theme for understanding 1 Peter as "The Pilgrim's Handbook".
9/2/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 32 seconds
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Unbiblical Stuff The Catholic Church Teaches: Mary, Indulgences, Sacraments, Eucharist, Purgatory

Evaluating the unbiblical traditions of Catholicism. Having rejected the gospel of grace they have added a bunch of works and a bunch of mediators between you and God. We will deal with several specific teachings that have developed over time in Catholicism. Teachings about Mary, indulgences, the seven sacraments, the Eucharist and more.
9/1/20151 hour, 8 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Catholicism Is Wrong

How the Bible and history say you should reject the PAPACY and the Roman Catholic GOSPEL of earning salvation. Hear how HISTORY and SCRIPTURE both debunk Roman Catholic claims. The truth about Roman Catholicism is that it has no basis for claiming to speak with authority and the gospel it proclaims is not biblical. IN THIS TEACHING: The "Church Fathers" don't support Roman Catholic claims The Bible refutes the idea of a pope History shows that Papal Succession is untrue Roman Catholicism gradually invented the role of "pope" and finds no reasonable justification for it.
8/24/20151 hour, 12 minutes, 33 seconds
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Refuting Catholic Authority

Refuting foundational claims to Catholic authority. Why you DON'T need to believe what the Vatican says. If we reject the authority claims of the Roman Catholic Church than we no longer have any reason to embrace their unbiblical teachings on things like purgatory, the papacy, the priesthood, indulgences, the insufficiency of grace, the Apocrypha and the bodily assumption of Mary.
8/11/20151 hour, 6 minutes, 40 seconds
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Catholicism: Worth Arguing About

1.2 BILLION Catholics in the world are being heavily influenced by Catholicism. How should approach the issue of Catholicism and separate it from the issue of individual Catholics? Learn to make important distinctions between and "ism" and a person. Why we MUST evaluate Catholicism if we are to be biblical. How to avoid becoming one-sided and unbalanced in dealing with Catholics and/or Catholicism.
8/10/201537 minutes, 11 seconds
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Supreme Court on SSM: Homosexuality pt7

Why the Supreme Court ruling on SSM was wrong philosophically, legally and morally.
8/9/201515 minutes, 20 seconds
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Secular Case Against Same Sex Marriage: Homosexuality pt6

A thoughtful point by point case for why it's not smart for society to support same-sex marriage. For any dissenters I only ask that you hear me out and not misconstrue what I'm saying.
8/5/201524 minutes, 40 seconds
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Homosexuality: Slogans vs Health Risks- part 4 of 4

Using logic and statistics to respond to pro-gay slogans &amp; same-sex marriage, and have a secular case against homosexual behavior.Learn how to respond to these slogans:"Who are you to judge?""You have no right to tell people what they can do in their bedroom""All that matters is adult consent""You are a bigot and a homophobe""You are the reason why so many gays commit suicide" Learn about the health dangers of homosexual behavior to individuals and society as a whole. Learn about the real differences between homosexual relationships and heterosexual marriage. Learn about the harm caused to children raised with same-sex parents. Also, learn what was wrong with the supreme court ruling by analyzing the 4 reasons the majority opinion gave for making the ruling. And more!
8/5/20151 hour, 42 minutes, 35 seconds
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Refuting Pro-Gay Slogans: Homosexuality pt5

Logic is often the first victim of the conversation over homosexuality in our modern culture. This is an attempt to answer common slogans with reason and rationality.
8/4/201548 minutes, 21 seconds
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How Mainstream Media Manipulated The World: Homosexuality pt4

Understanding the systematic manipulation of public opinion on the topic of homosexuality may change the way you view the topic and explain why so many are so quickly vilified and demonized as homophobic when many times they just have a different opinion.
7/28/201516 minutes, 30 seconds
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Homosexuality pt3 Born Gay? Theology and Science Speak

Topics: Born-gay, Ex-gays, Homophobia, Media Manipulation, Science and theology speak to the issues. In this 3rd part we will cover all this and more. If you want more than a sound bite of info on the issue of homosexual behavior then please listen to this series. This 4 part series will address: Understanding, very clearly, what the Bible teaches about homosexuality. Understanding the new pro-gay theology which has recently become the fuel of the modern "gay reformers" movement. Understanding how the pro-gay movement is wrong about the Bible and being able to help others understand it. Having a thorough secular case against homosexuality (for those conversations with non-Christians). Answering the pro-gay slogans like "love is love" "two people should be able to do what they want in their own bedroom" "as long as it's two consenting adults" "equal marriage rights" "your bigotry is why so many gays commit suicide" etc. Looking at the legal case against same-sex marriage. Dealing with the anger of pro-gay friends and family. How to TRULY LOVE gay friends and family in a Christ-like way. Teacher: Mike Winger
7/27/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 40 seconds
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Homosexuality pt2 The New Testament Passages

Pt. 2: What the NEW Testament teaches about HOMOSEXUALITY. This 4 part series will address: Understanding, very clearly, what the Bible teaches about homosexuality. Understanding the new pro-gay theology which has recently become the fuel of the modern "gay reformers" movement. Understanding how the pro-gay movement is wrong about the Bible and being able to help others understand it. Having a thorough secular case against homosexuality (for those conversations with non-Christians). Answering the pro-gay slogans like "love is love" "two people should be able to do what they want in their own bedroom" "as long as it's two consenting adults" "equal marriage rights" "your bigotry is why so many gays commit suicide" etc. Looking at the legal case against same-sex marriage. Dealing with the anger of pro-gay friends and family. How to truly love gay friends and family in a Christ-like way. Teacher: Mike Winger
7/21/20151 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
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Homosexuality: The Old Testament Passages - part 1 of 4

Pt. 1: What the OLD Testament teaches about HOMOSEXUALITY. This 4 part series will address:Understanding, very clearly, what the Bible teaches about homosexuality.Understanding the new pro-gay theology which has recently become the fuel of the modern "gay reformers" movement.Understanding how the pro-gay movement is wrong about the Bible and being able to help others understand it.Having a thorough secular case against homosexuality (for those conversations with non-Christians).Answering the pro-gay slogans like "love is love" "two people should be able to do what they want in their own bedroom" "as long as it's two consenting adults" "equal marriage rights" "your bigotry is why so many gays commit suicide" etc.Looking at the legal case against same-sex marriage.Dealing with the anger of pro-gay friends and family.How to truly love gay friends and family in a Christ-like way. Teacher: Mike Winger
7/17/20151 hour, 13 minutes, 43 seconds
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How To Understand the Old Testament Law pt2 of 2

Do you want to develop the ability to understand and apply the Old Testament Law? In this two part series you will learn; 1- What the Old Testament Law is all about 2- How the OT Law applied to Jews vs. Gentiles 3- Avoiding misapplications and distortions of the Law 4- What impact Jesus had on the OT Law 5- How Christians are supposed to read and apply the OT Law 6- Examples of how New Testament authors applied the OT Law to Christians
7/14/20151 hour, 16 minutes, 11 seconds
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How To Understand the Old Testament Law pt1 of 2

Do you want to develop the ability to understand and apply the Old Testament Law? In this two part series you will learn; 1- What the Old Testament Law is all about 2- How the OT Law applied to Jews vs. Gentiles 3- Avoiding misapplications and distortions of the Law 4- What impact Jesus had on the OT Law 5- How Christians are supposed to read and apply the OT Law 6- Examples of how New Testament authors applied the OT Law to Christians 7- Principles to get the most out of reading the Pentateuch Christians need an overall understanding of the Old Testament Law. It is not satisfactory to merely say "we aren't under The Law" and never open it again.
7/14/20151 hour, 11 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Bible for Beginners

This will help you understand the Bible. Some basic things that you should know which teachers often assume you know. It includes an overview of the Bible and a timeline of events as well as advice on how to read the Bible in an effective way.
7/12/201546 minutes, 3 seconds
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The CONSCIENCE and what the Bible teaches about it

Systematic Bible study with Pastor Mike Winger: 4 ways that the conscience can malfunction, how to fix the conscience when it is wrong, and what to do when you and another person have differences of conscience on issues like drinking, tattoos, Sunday/Saturday worship, entertainment, etc.
6/16/20151 hour, 12 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to choose a GOOD church! 10 TIPS!

Are you wondering how to evaluate which church to go to?Do you want BIBLICAL advice on how to select the best church in your area? Well, here it is! TEN QUESTIONS you should ask about any church before deciding which one is best for you List of Questions:1- What do they believe?2- How is the teaching?3- Does the worship glorify God?4- Does the children's ministry disciple or occupy?5- Do they follow Jesus?6- Do they outreach?7- Can you fellowship there?8- Are they weird?9- Can you serve there?10- Are they your best option?
1/8/201514 minutes, 39 seconds
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8 reasons God wants you to go to CHURCH

What does the BIBLE say about the idea of attending church? Answering the question &ldquo;why should I go to church?&rdquo; from a BIBLICAL perspective. 8 reasons that the BIBLE gives for why believers in Jesus should go to church. I also deal with 6 common excuses people have for not going. This video was featured in&nbsp;;as the November 20th, 2014 post. Check it out!
11/5/20148 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

Are All Religions THE SAME?

A rational handling of the idea that all religions are basically the same or that all religions are true paths to God. Unfortunately, many people hold to those misconceptions (recently featured in the "Life of Pi") merely because they haven't yet though carefully about it.
10/25/20145 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

How Christians can use HALLOWEEN

2 EASY ways to use Halloween for Jesus! Get the BEST tracts I've ever seen right here! Here are the rest of my videos: Regardless of the origins of Halloween, or of some of the lame stuff that happens on Halloween, we have an amazing opportunity to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with our neighbors that only comes once a year!
10/25/20133 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

What do I say when Jehovah's Witnesses come to my door?!?

Learn a SIMPLE way to answer JWs!How to be BOLD and PREPARED the next time Jehovah's Witnesses come knocking on your door!You will learn to use 2 questions and 1 Bible passage without memorizing a bunch of stuff. Question 1 - is Jesus equal with God?Question 2 - if Jesus was equal with God, what would that mean?Bible Passage - John 5:1-24 (focusing on verses 18 and 23) Do you want to learn MORE about Jehovah's Witness teachings? Go to:, check out If you want to support my ministry work please click here:
6/17/20134 minutes, 27 seconds