Beat Infertility is a weekly podcast where we get real about infertility, empower you to take back control, and provide you hope for the future. Each episode features two main interviews: someone who's overcome infertility and had a baby or is currently pregnant and someone who's still on their infertility journey. We cover the whole range of infertility diagnoses, including Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve / premature ovarian failure, luteal phase defects, male factor infertility, multiple/recurrent miscarriages, ovulatory disorders, secondary infertility, unexplained infertility, and more. Whether you haven't yet made your first appointment with a reproductive endocrinologist (RE) or you're an IUI or IVF veteran, this podcast will deliver hope directly to your ear.
BONUS 317: Finding Joy in the Journey
In BONUS Episode 317 of Beat Infertility, we interview JP Kriya, an author and certified meditation teacher, about how to find joy during your infertility journey. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/29/2022 • 47 minutes, 23 seconds
BONUS 316: Reproductive Rights
In BONUS Episode 316 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (reproductive immunology, donor eggs, poor responders, and more) and then we discuss reproductive rights and how they impact the infertility community. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/27/2022 • 41 minutes, 18 seconds
278: Unexplained Infertility
In Episode 278 of Beat Infertility, Jocelyn shares her triumph over unexplained infertility and mild endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/14/2022 • 49 minutes, 15 seconds
279: Diminished Ovarian Reserve
In Episode 279 of Beat Infertility, Nicole shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve and her continuing journey with secondary infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/14/2022 • 53 minutes, 8 seconds
280: Dual Factor Infertility
In Episode 280 of Beat Infertility, Valerie shares her journey with secondary infertility, age-related infertility, polycystic ovaries (PCO), male factor (low morphology and motility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/14/2022 • 50 minutes, 9 seconds
281: Endometriosis & DOR
In Episode 281 of Beat Infertility, Paula shares her triumph over endometriosis and diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/14/2022 • 53 minutes, 5 seconds
282: Male Factor Infertility
In Episode 282 of Beat Infertility, Lillian shares her triumph over male factor infertility (semen lacking the PLC zeta protein). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/14/2022 • 53 minutes, 43 seconds
283: Secondary Infertility & Recurrent Loss
In Episode 283 of Beat Infertility, Grace shares her triumph over secondary infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/14/2022 • 1 hour, 34 minutes, 43 seconds
BONUS 315: INVOcell
Today’s bonus episode guest is Dr. Sue Ellen Carpenter, founding physician and CEO of Bloom Fertility in Atlanta. Dr. Carpenter and Heather discuss INVOcell as an alternative to IVF: INTRODUCTION I’d like to start by introducing you to our audience. Tell us who you are, where you work, what you do, and how you got to where you are today. Take us through your career journey. Why did you choose to go into medicine? I understand, although you did not go through infertility yourself, that your children experienced infertility. Are you able to tell us their stories? INVOCELL Let’s start with the basics of the INVOcell device itself. How does the process work, and how does it feel to the patient? Can you walk us through it step-by-step? I always thought that anesthesia is used in IVF because of the pain involved in the procedure. Is that not the case? What should patients be doing during the incubation period for INVOcell? Since the transfers are always fresh transfers, are you able to save any embryos afterward for freezing? Is there a typical patient who would benefit from INVOcell? I presume that INVOcell can also be used with donor sperm? How does INVOcell compare to IVF as far as success rates? Do you know offhand how many pregnancies and live births have occurred with the use of INVOcell? Are there any other benefits to INVOcell as compared to IVF that you haven’t discussed? Is INVOcell ever used to bank embryos? How often can INVOcell be used? Is there a limit? We’ve talked a lot about the benefits of INVOcell, but are there any risks? Do you know where the idea for INVOcell came from originally? Since that initial idea, what materials and manufacturing practices went into the development that we know today? Once it entered the market and was used routinely, has INVOcell changed? Where is INVOcell being used? Speaking more broadly, are there any trends you have witnessed in women struggling with infertility? WRAPPING UP What is your biggest piece of advice for people struggling with infertility? Is there anything else you’d like to add about INVOcell?
5/13/2022 • 51 minutes, 20 seconds
BONUS 314: Using Frozen Eggs (Self or Donor)
In BONUS Episode 314 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (miscarriage, COVID, testicular failure, and more) and then we discuss using donor eggs, either your own or from a donor. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/12/2021 • 50 minutes, 52 seconds
BONUS 313: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
In BONUS Episode 313 of Beat Infertility, we interview Ximena Diz, a fertility and prenatal registered dietitian at SANA Nutrition, about hypothalamic amenorrhea. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/27/2021 • 58 minutes, 43 seconds
BONUS 312: Individual Insurance Coverage
In BONUS Episode 312 of Beat Infertility, we interview Jon Belinkie, a broker at Health Insurance Specialists about how to get individual infertility insurance coverage. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/10/2021 • 57 minutes, 5 seconds
277: Advanced Reproductive Age
In Episode 278 of Beat Infertility, Sheila shares her triumph over unexplained infertility and advanced reproductive age. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/1/2021 • 54 minutes, 8 seconds
BONUS 311: Your Childhood's Impact on Your Infertility Journey [PART 2]
In BONUS Episode 311 of Beat Infertility, we interview Marissa Nelson, a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist and sexuality educator at IntimacyIVF, about how your own childhood affects your infertility journey as a couple. This is part 2 of a 2 part series. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/23/2021 • 56 minutes, 55 seconds
BONUS 310: Luteal Phase Defects
In BONUS Episode 310 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (thyroid antibodies, endometriosis, surrogacy, and more) and then we discuss luteal phase defects. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/2/2021 • 46 minutes, 38 seconds
BONUS 309: Optimal Method of Embryo Selection
In BONUS Episode 309 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, the founder of ART Compass, a senior clinical embryologist at a fertility clinic and a board-certified technical supervisor in embryology, about the optimal method of embryo selection in an IVF cycle as part of our ongoing research priorities series. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/25/2021 • 50 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 308: Your Childhood's Impact on Your Infertility Journey [PART 1]
In BONUS Episode 308 of Beat Infertility, we interview Marissa Nelson, a licensed marriage and family therapist and certified sex therapist and sexuality educator at IntimacyIVF, about how your own childhood affects your infertility journey as a couple. This is part 1 of a 2 part series. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/18/2021 • 56 minutes, 23 seconds
BONUS 307: Ectopic Pregnancy
In BONUS Episode 307 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (EMMA and ALICE tests, luteal phase defects, hypothyroidism, and more) and then we discuss ectopic pregnancies. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/11/2021 • 49 minutes
276: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 276 of Beat Infertility, Adrienne shares her triumph over recurrent pregnancy loss, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), thyroid issues (Grave's disease), and a uterine septum. Infertility coach, Heather Huhman, helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/7/2021 • 50 minutes, 6 seconds
275: Second Opinions & Special Announcement [SOLO]
In Episode 275 of Beat Infertility, Heather discusses the 3 crucial elements for IVF success, ways to evaluate your fertility, and announces the launch of Beat Infertility Premium. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/3/2021 • 14 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 306: Future Infertility Research Part 3
In BONUS Episode 306 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, the founder of ART Compass, a senior clinical embryologist at a fertility clinic, and a board-certified technical supervisor in embryology, about the third of the top 10 priorities for future infertility research. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/30/2021 • 1 hour, 41 seconds
274: Tubal Factor & Low AMH [SUCCESS]
In Episode 274 of Beat Infertility, Jamie shares her triumph over secondary infertility, low AMH, and tubal factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/26/2021 • 48 minutes, 45 seconds
BONUS 305: Sex Questions You're Afraid to Ask
In BONUS Episode 305 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (IVF protocols, calcium ionophore, advanced maternal age, and more) and then we discuss sex questions you're afraid to ask your doctor. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/23/2021 • 57 minutes, 16 seconds
BONUS 304: Fertility Access in Canada
n BONUS Episode 304 of Beat Infertility, we interview infertility warriors Carolynn Dube and Kaeleigh MacDonald of Fertility Matters Canada about access to fertility coverage and support across Canada. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/19/2021 • 52 minutes, 56 seconds
BONUS 303: Endometrial Biopsy Tests
In BONUS Episode 303 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (male factor infertility, dental issues, PGT testing frozen embryos, and more) and then we discuss endometrial biopsy tests and the science behind each one. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/16/2021 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 22 seconds
273: Solo: Listener Question Extravaganza
In Episode 273 of Beat Infertility, Heather provides a life update and answers some listener questions about loss, secondary infertility, coaching, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/12/2021 • 1 hour, 39 seconds
BONUS 302: Healing After Loss
In BONUS Episode 302 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kim Hooper, Meredith Resnick, and Dr. Huong Diep, co-authors of All the Love, about healing your heart and finding meaning after pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/9/2021 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 11 seconds
BONUS 301: Recurrent Implantation Failure & Loss
In BONUS Episode 301 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (XYZ, XYZ, XYZ, and more) and then we discuss preimplantation, the implantation process, and the role beta-3 integrins and progesterone resistance play in recurrent implantation failure and miscarriages. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/19/2021 • 1 hour, 1 minute, 4 seconds
BONUS 300: Endometriosis & Your Fertility
In BONUS Episode 300 of Beat Infertility, we interview Suzie Welsh, the co-founder, and CEO of Binto, about endometriosis and your fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/5/2021 • 54 minutes, 11 seconds
272: Concussion Update & More
In Episode 272 of Beat Infertility, I update listeners on my concussion and answer some listener questions. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/3/2021 • 32 minutes, 24 seconds
BONUS 299: Diagnosing & Treating Varicoceles
In BONUS Episode 299 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Sam Ohlander, assistant professor of urology and co-head of the andrology division at the University of Illinois at Chicago, about the diagnosis and treatment of varicoceles. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/26/2021 • 54 minutes, 29 seconds
271: Poor Egg Quality [SUCCESS]
In Episode 170 of Beat Infertility, Tonya shares her triumph over poor egg quality using donor eggs. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/22/2021 • 40 minutes, 16 seconds
BONUS 298: Future Infertility Research (Part 2)
In BONUS Episode 298 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, the founder of ART Compass, a senior clinical embryologist at a fertility clinic and a board-certified technical supervisor in embryology, about the second of the top 10 priorities for future infertility research. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/19/2021 • 39 minutes, 55 seconds
270: Tubal Factor & Hashimoto's [JOURNEY]
In Episode 270 of Beat Infertility, Ruby shares her journey with tubal factor infertility and Hashimoto's disease. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/15/2021 • 54 minutes, 17 seconds
BONUS 298: Why PGS Normal Embryos Might Fail
In BONUS Episode 171 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (low ovarian reserve, egg fertilization issues, IUI, progesterone, and more) and then we discuss the reasons why PGS normal embryos might fail to implant or result in a miscarriage. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 269 of Beat Infertility, Joanna shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), endometriosis, and male factor infertility (low morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/8/2021 • 57 minutes, 27 seconds
BONUS 297: Diagnosis & Treatment of Male Infertility
In BONUS Episode 297 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (endometriosis, Asherman's Syndrom, lean PCOS, and more) and then we discuss the diagnosis and treatment of male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/5/2021 • 1 hour, 51 seconds
268: PCOS & Inflammation [SUCCESS]
In Episode 268 of Beat Infertility, Ellen shares her triumph over PCOS and inflammation from EBV and MTHFR gene mutation. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/1/2021 • 55 minutes, 55 seconds
BONUS 296: Pregnancy After Miscarriage
In BONUS Episode 296 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Kenosha Gleaton, an OB/GYN and medical director of Natalist, about getting pregnant after a miscarriage. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/29/2021 • 49 minutes, 15 seconds
267: Endometriosis, PCOS & Male Factor [JOURNEY]
In Episode 267 of Beat Infertility, Kristin shares her journey with endometriosis, PCOS, and male factor infertility (failed vasectomy reversal). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/25/2021 • 48 minutes, 53 seconds
BONUS 295: New Embryo Screening Technology
In BONUS Episode 295 of Beat Infertility, we interview Alyssa Snider, director of genetic counseling at Igenomix, about new embryo genetic screening technology. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/22/2021 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
266: Secondary Infertility & Surrogacy [JOURNEY]
In Episode 266 of Beat Infertility, Tammy shares her journey with secondary infertility, male factor infertility, an emercengy hysterectomy during the bith of her son, and surrogacy. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/18/2021 • 53 minutes, 10 seconds
BONUS 294: Fertility Benefits in 2021
In BONUS Episode 294 of Beat Infertility, we interview Peter Nieves, chief commercial officer for WINFertility, about fertility benefit trends, COVID and fertility treatments, and what companies are doing to help employees. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 265 of Beat Infertility, Maria shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility and endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/11/2021 • 54 minutes, 12 seconds
BONUS 293: Overview of Fertility Supplements
In BONUS Episode 293 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (luteal phase spotting, premature ovarian failure, advanced maternal age, and more) and then we discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of fertility supplements. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/8/2021 • 57 minutes, 12 seconds
264: Adenomyosis & Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 264 of Beat Infertility, Rachael shares her triumph over adenomyosis and male factor infertility (low count and motility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/4/2021 • 48 minutes, 56 seconds
BONUS 292: Future Infertility Research (Part 1)
In BONUS Episode 292 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, the founder of ART Compass, a senior clinical embryologist at a fertility clinic and a board-certified technical supervisor in embryology, about the first of the top 10 priorities for future infertility research. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/1/2021 • 51 minutes, 18 seconds
263: Endometriosis, PCOS & Male Factor [SUCCESS]
In Episode 263 of Beat Infertility, Liz shares her triumph over endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and male factor infertility (motility and morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/28/2020 • 55 minutes, 37 seconds
BONUS 291: Assessing Egg Matury & Quality
In BONUS Episode 291 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Angie Beltsos, chief medical officer at Vios Fertility Institute, about assessing egg maturity and quality. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 262 of Beat Infertility, Amanda shares her journey with silent endometriosis and chronic endometritis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/21/2020 • 58 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 290: COVID Vaccine, Infertility & Pregnancy
In BONUS Episode 290 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (hypothyroidism, diminished ovarian reserve, embryo banking, and more) and then we discuss the implications of the COVID vaccine for the infertility community. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/18/2020 • 44 minutes, 43 seconds
261: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 261 of Beat Infertility, Lizzy shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), polyps, poor egg quality, MTHFR, recurrent pregnancy loss, low sperm count, poor morphology, and reduce motility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/14/2020 • 54 minutes, 11 seconds
BONUS 289: Listener Question Extravaganza
In BONUS Episode 289 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers more than a dozen listener questions about the coronavirus vaccine, IVF protocols, recurrent pregnancy loss, repeat implantation failure, diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 260 of Beat Infertility, Monika shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve, amenorrhea, and high natural killer cells. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/7/2020 • 48 minutes, 28 seconds
BONUS 288: Latest IVF Technologies
In BONUS Episode 288 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Zaher Merhi, the founder and the medical director of the Rejuvenating Fertility Center, about the latest advances in IVF technology. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/4/2020 • 45 minutes, 51 seconds
BONUS 288: Latest IVF Technologies
In BONUS Episode 288 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Zaher Merhi, the founder and the medical director of the Rejuvenating Fertility Center, about the latest advances in IVF technology. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/4/2020 • 0
259: Diminished Ovarian Reserve [JOURNEY]
In Episode 259 of Beat Infertility, Anna shares her journey with recurrent pregnancy loss, diminished ovarian reserve, poor egg quality, and autoimmune conditions. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/30/2020 • 48 minutes, 56 seconds
BONUS 287: Recurrent Implantation Failure & Pregnancy Loss
In BONUS Episode 287 of Beat Infertility, we interview Mike Berkley, who is board-certified in acupuncture, certified in Chinese herbology, and director of The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness, about recurrent implantation failure and pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/27/2020 • 38 minutes, 34 seconds
258: Uterine Fibroids & PCOS [SUCCESS]
In Episode 258 of Beat Infertility, Caitrin shares her triumph over uterine fibroids, pregnancy loss, infant loss, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and Hashimoto's. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/23/2020 • 45 minutes, 18 seconds
BONUS 286: Caring for Your Newborn [PART 2]
In BONUS Episode 286 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Whitney Casares, a board-certified pediatrician and author of The New Baby Blueprint, about caring for your newborn after infertility.. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 257 of Beat Infertility, Tiffini shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), uterine fibroids, and subclinical hypothyroidism. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/16/2020 • 53 minutes, 1 second
BONUS 285: Advanced Reproductive Age
In BONUS Episode 285 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (hyperthyroidism, repeat implantation failure, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and more) and then we discuss advanced reproductive age. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/13/2020 • 41 minutes, 18 seconds
256: primary ovarian insufficiency [SUCCESS]
In Episode 256 of Beat Infertility, Lyndsey shares her triumph over primary ovarian insufficiency. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/9/2020 • 51 minutes, 50 seconds
BONUS 284: Exercise During the First Trimester
In BONUS Episode 284 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kelly Bryant, a fitness trainer and registered yoga teacher, about the real deal about exercising during your first trimester. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/6/2020 • 48 minutes, 28 seconds
255: Diminished Ovarian Reserve & Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 255 of Beat Infertility, Ellen shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) and male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/2/2020 • 49 minutes, 49 seconds
BONUS 283: Male Perspective About Male Factor Infertility
In BONUS Episode 283 of Beat Infertility, we interview Aaron Kahan, an infertility warrior and co-author of Navigating the Road of Infertility, about male factor infertility from a man's perspective. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/30/2020 • 37 minutes, 49 seconds
254: DOR, Male Factor & Uterine Fibroids [JOURNEY]
In Episode 254 of Beat Infertility, Alyse shares her journey with diminished ovarian reserve (low AMH, high FSH), male factor infertility (low morphology), and uterine fibroids. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/26/2020 • 52 minutes, 20 seconds
BONUS 282: Removing Fear and Tension from Your Relationship
In BONUS Episode 282 of Beat Infertility, we interview Valerie Kolick, a neuropsychotherapist and relationship expert, about removing the fears and tension from your relationship with your partner. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/23/2020 • 43 minutes, 30 seconds
253: DOR & Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 253 of Beat Infertility, Monika shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), male factor infertility (low volume and morphology), and possible endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/19/2020 • 47 minutes, 37 seconds
BONUS 281: Mosaicism: 2020 Update
In BONUS Episode 281 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, the founder of ART Compass, a senior clinical embryologist at a fertility clinic and a board-certified technical supervisor in embryology, about what we know in 2020 about mosaicism. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/16/2020 • 46 minutes, 53 seconds
252: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [SUCCESS]
In Episode 252 of Beat Infertility, Tami shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This episode is sponsored by Proov, the first and only FDA cleared test to confirm ovulation at home. Head over to and enter code BEATINFERTILITY30 for 30% off your first Proov Predict and Confirm kit! Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/12/2020 • 46 minutes, 19 seconds
BONUS 280: Endometriosis: Improve Your Chance of Conception
In BONUS Episode 280 of Beat Infertility, we interview Mike Berkley, who is board-certified in acupuncture, certified in Chinese herbology, and director of The Berkley Center for Reproductive Wellness, about ways for patients with endometriosis to improve their chance of conception. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/9/2020 • 54 minutes, 9 seconds
251: Endometriosis & Pregnancy Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 251 of Beat Infertility, Tara shares her triumph over endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/5/2020 • 1 hour, 34 seconds
BONUS 279: Financing Your Infertility Journey
In BONUS Episode 279 of Beat Infertility, we interview Devon Baeza, a fertility finance coach, about how to finance your infertility journey. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 250 of Beat Infertility, Lauren shares her triumph over PCOS, uterine factor infertility, and low morphology. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/28/2020 • 52 minutes, 55 seconds
BONUS 278: Regenerative Medicine
In BONUS Episode 278 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. David Knight, an OB/GYN, fertility specialist, and medical director of Demeter Regeneration, about the use of regenerative medicine and ovarian rejuvenation therapy. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/25/2020 • 59 minutes, 39 seconds
249: Poor Egg Quality [SUCCESS]
In Episode 249 of Beat Infertility, Jasmine shares her triumph over poor egg quality. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/21/2020 • 58 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 277: ICSI without Male Factor
In BONUS Episode 277 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (receptivity, unexplained infertility, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and more) and then we discuss using ICSI without a male factor infertility diagnosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/18/2020 • 38 minutes, 22 seconds
248: DOR & Recurrent Loss [JOURNEY]
In Episode 248 of Beat Infertility, Maiclaire shares her journey with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/14/2020 • 52 minutes, 21 seconds
BONUS 276: Racial Disparity in the Infertility Community
In BONUS Episode 276 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Desiree McCarthy-Keith, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist at Shady Grove Fertility; Rev. Dr. Stacey L. Edwards-Dunn, an ordained minister and founder of Fertility for Colored Girls; and Dr. Camille Hammond, co-founder of the Cade Foundation about racial disparity within the infertility community. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/11/2020 • 59 minutes, 34 seconds
247: PCOS & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 247 of Beat Infertility, Michelle shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/7/2020 • 52 minutes, 7 seconds
BONUS 275: Creating a Fertile Gut
In BONUS Episode 275 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Cecilia Kitic, an exercise physiologist with a Ph.D. in exercise immunology and founder of The IVF Project and Fertile Gut, about optimizing your gut health for conception. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 246 of Beat Infertility, Jennifer shares her triumph over low progesterone, borderline high FSH, and uterine factor infertility (polyps). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/31/2020 • 46 minutes, 2 seconds
BONUS 274: Surrogacy Process Overview
In BONUS Episode 274 of Beat Infertility, we interview Melissa Brisman, a reproductive lawyer and owner of Reproductive Possibilities, about an overview of the surrogacy process. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/28/2020 • 52 minutes, 26 seconds
245: Prolactinoma, Low AMH, & High FSH [SUCCESS]
In Episode 245 of Beat Infertility, Annie shares her triumph over a prolactinoma, low AMH, and high FSH. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/24/2020 • 51 minutes, 57 seconds
BONUS 273: Immunotherapy During IVF
In BONUS Episode 273 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (male factor infertility, anovulation, PCOS, and more) and then we discuss immunotherapy during IVF. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/21/2020 • 45 minutes, 3 seconds
244: Tubal Factor, DOR & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 244 of Beat Infertility, Ashley shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility, diminished ovarian reserve (SOR), and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/17/2020 • 59 minutes, 19 seconds
BONUS 272: Terminating for Medical Reasons
In BONUS Episode 272 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Julie Bindeman, a reproductive psychologist at Integrative Therapy of Greater Washington, about terminating a desired pregnancy for medical reasons. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/14/2020 • 50 minutes, 34 seconds
243: Thyroid Cancer & Endometriosis [SUCCESS]
In Episode 243 of Beat Infertility, Cathy shares her triumph over thyroid issues, endometriosis, and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/10/2020 • 49 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 271: Affording Infertility without Bankruptcy
In BONUS Episode 271 of Beat Infertility, we interview Chrissie Kahan, an infertility warrior and author of Baby Bankrupt, about advice from her book about affording infertility without going bankrupt. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/7/2020 • 42 minutes, 30 seconds
242: PCOS, Male Factor & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 242 of Beat Infertility, Erin shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS, male factor infertility, and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/3/2020 • 46 minutes, 20 seconds
BONUS 270: Evaluating Your IVF Lab
In BONUS Episode 270 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, the founder of ART Compass, a senior clinical embryologist at a fertility clinic and a board-certified technical supervisor in embryology, about how to know if your IVF lab is using the latest technologies. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/31/2020 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 19 seconds
241: Diminished Ovarian Reserve [SUCCESS]
In Episode 241 of Beat Infertility, Kati shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/27/2020 • 43 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 269: Same-Sex Male Couples
In BONUS Episode 269 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Daniel Skora, a board-certified OB/GYN, and board-eligible reproductive endocrinologist at Fertility Specialists of Texas, about the fertility journey for same-sex male couples. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/24/2020 • 44 minutes, 57 seconds
240: Primary Ovarian Snsufficiency [SUCCESS]
In Episode 240 of Beat Infertility, Hillary shares her triumph over primary ovarian insufficiency. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/20/2020 • 54 minutes, 18 seconds
BONUS 268: Caring for Your Newborn [PART 1]
In BONUS Episode 268 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Whitney Casares, a board-certified pediatrician and author of The New Baby Blueprint, about caring for your newborn after infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/17/2020 • 53 minutes, 40 seconds
239: Tubal Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 230 of Beat Infertility, Sondra shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/13/2020 • 46 minutes, 9 seconds
BONUS 267: Treating Unexplained Infertility
In BONUS Episode 267 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (IUI, male factor infertility, uterine factor infertility, and more) and then we discuss evidence-based treatments for unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/10/2020 • 49 minutes, 32 seconds
238: Low Progesterone
In Episode 238 of Beat Infertility, Leah shares her triumph over low progesterone via two healthy but difficult pregnancies and adoption of their third child. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In BONUS Episode 266 of Beat Infertility, we interview Erin Doppelt, a certified functional medicine health coach, about meditation, mindfulness, and cycle syncing. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/3/2020 • 52 minutes, 13 seconds
237: Poor Egg Quality
In Episode 237 of Beat Infertility, Christina shares her journey with poor egg quality. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/29/2020 • 53 minutes, 49 seconds
BONUS 265: How to Handle Uncertainty
In BONUS Episode 265 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to handle uncertainty throughout your infertility journey. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/26/2020 • 45 minutes, 25 seconds
236: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 236 of Beat Infertility, Kela shares her triumph over unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/22/2020 • 46 minutes, 53 seconds
BONUS 264: Intuitive Eating
In BONUS Episode 264 of Beat Infertility, we interview Caitlin Ball, a certified health coach, about intuitive eating. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/19/2020 • 49 minutes, 24 seconds
235: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 235 of Beat Infertility, Dahlia shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility, endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), and male factor infertility (azoospermia). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/15/2020 • 48 minutes, 36 seconds
BONUS 263: Balancing Your Hormones
In BONUS Episode 263 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kelly Nuno, a nutritional therapy practitioner, about nutrition and lifestyle factors for balancing hormones, increasing fertility, and growing a healthy baby. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/12/2020 • 27 minutes, 10 seconds
234: Endometriosis & Low Morphology [SUCCESS]
In Episode 234 of Beat Infertility, Giulianna shares her triumph over endometriosis and male factor infertility (low morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/8/2020 • 56 minutes, 34 seconds
BONUS 262: Moving on to the Next Treatment
In BONUS Episode 262 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (XYZ, XYZ, XYZ, and more) and then we discuss XYZ. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/5/2020 • 50 minutes, 32 seconds
233: PCOS & Low Motility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 233 of Beat Infertility, Angela shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and male factor (low motility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/1/2020 • 47 minutes, 42 seconds
BONUS 261: Inducing Lactation
Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/29/2020 • 46 minutes, 4 seconds
232: PCOS, Recurrent Loss & Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 232 of Beat Infertility, Jordan shares her triumph over PCOS, recurrent pregnancy loss, and male factor infertility via adoption. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/25/2020 • 50 minutes, 55 seconds
BONUS 260: Mullerian Anomalies
In BONUS Episode 260 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (egg quality, Asherman's syndrome, PCOS, and more) and then we discuss Mullerian anomalies. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/22/2020 • 39 minutes, 21 seconds
231: Asherman's Syndrome [SUCCESS]
In Episode 231 of Beat Infertility, Cordelia shares her triumph over Asherman's Syndrome. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/18/2020 • 54 minutes, 17 seconds
BONUS 259: Alleviating Pelvic & Intercourse Pain
In BONUS Episode 259 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kelly Bryant, a fitness trainer and registered yoga teacher, about how to use exercise, breathing, and posture to help alleviate pelvic and intercourse pain. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 230 of Beat Infertility, Monica shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility and endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/11/2020 • 56 minutes, 59 seconds
BONUS 258: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
In BONUS Episode 258 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Katherine Palmerola, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist at the South Florida Institute for Reproductive Medicine, about pelvic inflammatory disease. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/8/2020 • 50 minutes, 7 seconds
229: Male Factor Infertility & Diminished Ovarian Reserve [SUCCESS]
In Episode 229 of Beat Infertility, Sara shares her triumph over male factor infertility and diminished ovarian reserve. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/4/2020 • 50 minutes, 53 seconds
BONUS 257: Egg Freezing 101
In BONUS Episode 257 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Daniel Skora, a board-certified OB/GYN and board-eligible reproductive endocrinologist at Fertility Specialists of Texas, about egg freezing. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/1/2020 • 46 minutes, 35 seconds
228: Balanced Translocation [SUCCESS]
In Episode 228 of Beat Infertility, Traci shares her triumph over a balanced translocation, Factor V Leiden, and bladder cancer. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/27/2020 • 55 minutes, 40 seconds
BONUS 256: Finding Yourself Again with Photography
In BONUS Episode 256 of Beat Infertility, we interview Beryl Young, the founder of Momtography, about using photography to find yourself again while dealing with the complicated emotions of loss and infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/24/2020 • 50 minutes, 57 seconds
227: PCOS & Low Sperm Count [SUCCESS]
In Episode 227 of Beat Infertility, Samantha shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and male factor infertility (low sperm count). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/20/2020 • 43 minutes, 21 seconds
BONUS 255: Patient Rights During a Pandemic
In BONUS Episode 255 of Beat Infertility, we interview Catherine Tucker, an infertility survivor, board member of RESOLVE New England, and managing attorney at New Hampshire Surrogacy Law, about what legal rights you have during a pandemic. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/17/2020 • 51 minutes, 53 seconds
226: Poor Responder & High FSH [SUCCESS]
In Episode 226 of Beat Infertility, Aimee shares her triumph over being a poor responder to ovarian stimulation and high FSH levels. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/13/2020 • 59 minutes, 32 seconds
BONUS 254: Coping with a Canceled Cycle
In BONUS Episode 254 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Julie Bindeman, a reproductive psychologist at Integrative Therapy of Greater Washington, about ways to cope when your fertility treatment has been put on hold indefinitely or your cycle has been canceled. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/10/2020 • 45 minutes, 23 seconds
225: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 225 of Beat Infertility, Amy shares her triumph over unexplained infertility. I Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/6/2020 • 51 minutes, 41 seconds
BONUS 253: The Trying Game by Amy Klein
In BONUS Episode 253 of Beat Infertility, we interview Amy Klein, an infertility survivor, a journalist, and author of The Trying Game, about her career as a journalist, advice from her book, and life after infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/3/2020 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
224: Tubal Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 224 of Beat Infertility, Jennifer shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/30/2020 • 57 minutes, 12 seconds
BONUS 252: Improve Your Fertility During a Break
In BONUS Episode 252 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (IVF protocols, recurrent pregnancy loss, subchorionic hematomas, and more) and then we discuss ways to improve your fertility while taking a break. This episode is sponsored by Mira Fertility. Order your Mira Starter Kit online on with promo code BEATINFERTILITY and get $25 off. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 223 of Beat Infertility, Valerie shares her triumph over Hashimoto's autoimmune thyroid disease and possible Celiac disease. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/23/2020 • 50 minutes, 43 seconds
BONUS 251: Ayurvedic Approaches for Women’s Health
In BONUS Episode 251 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kris Quinones, a licensed massage therapist and certified therapy massage and bodywork practitioner, about Ayurvedic approaches for women's health. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/20/2020 • 59 minutes, 13 seconds
BONUS: COVID-19, TTC & Pregnancy (#2)
In an emergency BONUS Episode of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Allison Rodgers, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist at Fertility Centers of Illinois, about COVID-19, trying to conceive, and pregnancy as of Wednesday, March 18. This episode is sponsored by Mira Fertility. Order your Mira Starter Kit online on with promo code BEATINFERTILITY and get $25 off.
3/18/2020 • 25 minutes, 42 seconds
BONUS: COVID-19, TTC & Pregnancy (#1)
In an emergency BONUS Episode of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Allison Rodgers, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist at Fertility Centers of Illinois, about COVID-19, trying to conceive, and pregnancy as of Sunday, March 15. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/17/2020 • 36 minutes, 1 second
222: Endometriosis, DOR & Azoospermia [SUCCESS]
In Episode 222 of Beat Infertility, Dani shares her triumph over endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), and azoospermia (due to childhood cancer). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/16/2020 • 50 minutes, 45 seconds
BONUS 250: The Risks of IVF
In BONUS Episode 250 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (mosiacism, recurrent pregnancy loss, fresh vs. frozen transfers, and more) and then we discuss the possible risks of IVF to both mother and baby. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/13/2020 • 47 minutes, 55 seconds
221: Tubal Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 221 of Beat Infertility, Rebekah shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility, secondary infertility, and poor egg quality. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/9/2020 • 52 minutes, 11 seconds
BONUS 249: Working with Your Primary Care Physician
In BONUS Episode 249 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. John Hallgren, a board-certified Family Physician and fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, about engaging your family physician in the early days of your infertility journey. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/6/2020 • 46 minutes, 23 seconds
220: Thin Lining & Low Morphology [SUCCESS]
In Episode 220 of Beat Infertility, Edie shares her triumph over a thin uterine lining and low morphology. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/2/2020 • 58 minutes, 45 seconds
BONUS 248: Optimizing Fertility Post-Birth Control
In BONUS Episode 248 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kara Ferreira, founder of Quit the Pill, about how to support your reproductive system and optimize cycle health after long-term hormonal birth control use. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 219 of Beat Infertility, Monica shares her triumph over an autoimmune disease and uterine factor infertility (septum). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/24/2020 • 49 minutes, 27 seconds
BONUS 247: HeartMath 101
In BONUS Episode 247 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist, Dr. Maria Rothenburger, about everything you need to know about HeartMath. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/21/2020 • 28 minutes, 49 seconds
218: PCOS & Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 218 of Beat Infertility, Elisha shares her triumph over PCOS and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/17/2020 • 50 minutes, 6 seconds
246: IVF Add-Ons: Fact vs. Fiction
In BONUS Episode 246 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (thawing and testing embryos, tube cannulation, recurring Angioedema, and more) and then we discuss a recent New York Times op-ed and the pros and cons of IVF add-ons. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/14/2020 • 1 hour, 48 seconds
217: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 217 of Beat Infertility, Heather shares her triumph over unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/10/2020 • 57 minutes, 12 seconds
BONUS 245: Writing as a Tool During Your Infertility Journey
In BONUS Episode 245 of Beat Infertility, we interview Leigh Shulman, a writer and author of The Writer's Roadmap, about using writing as a tool during your infertility journey. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/7/2020 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 54 seconds
216: Diminished Ovarian Reserve [SUCCESS]
In Episode 216 of Beat Infertility, Stacey shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/3/2020 • 39 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 244: Types of Amenorrhea
In BONUS Episode 244 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Mark Trolice, a XYZ, about types of amenorrhea. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/31/2020 • 58 minutes, 12 seconds
215: Unexplained Infertility & Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 215 of Beat Infertility, Raya shares her triumph over unexplained infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss via surrogacy. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/27/2020 • 56 minutes, 34 seconds
BONUS 243: Fasting for Fertility
In BONUS Episode 243 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Felice Gersh, a physician board certified in both Obstetrics and Gynecology and Integrative Medicine, about fasting for fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/24/2020 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 46 seconds
214: Unexplained Infertility & Recurrent Loss [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 214 of Beat Infertility, Amy updates us on her journey with unexplained infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/20/2020 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 37 seconds
BONUS 242: Listener Question Extravaganza
In BONUS Episode 242 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers more than a dozen listener questions about tailoring fertility treatments to your religious preferences, breastfeeding while doing a frozen transfer cycle, PCOS, tubal factor infertility, thin endometrial lining, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 213 of Beat Infertility, Ella shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility and producing many embryos with genetic abnormalities. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/13/2020 • 58 minutes, 58 seconds
BONUS 241: Mercier Therapy for Fertility
In BONUS Episode 241 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Jenny Stofer, a Mercier Therapy practitioner and chiropractor, about Mercier Therapy for fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/10/2020 • 31 minutes, 17 seconds
212: Type 1 Diabetes [JOURNEY]
In Episode 212 of Beat Infertility, Samantha shares her journey with Type 1 diabetes. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/6/2020 • 51 minutes, 33 seconds
BONUS 240: International Egg Donation
In BONUS Episode 240 of Beat Infertility, we interview Genevieve Uys, the founder of Traveling Donors and Known Egg Donors, as well as the biological mother of 9 children through egg donation, about international egg donation. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 211 of Beat Infertility, Jackie shares her journey as a single woman with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), tubal factor infertility, and uterine abnormalities. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/30/2019 • 49 minutes, 11 seconds
BONUS 239: Faith, Religion & Infertility
In BONUS Episode 239 of Beat Infertility, we interview Rabbi Elchanan Poupko about faith, religion, and infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/27/2019 • 56 minutes, 1 second
210: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 210 of Beat Infertility, Samantha shares her triumph over low Vitamin D, low AMH, and a short luteal phase -- all of which was labeled unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/23/2019 • 46 minutes, 23 seconds
BONUS 238: How to Determine the Number of Embryos to Transfer
In BONUS Episode 238 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (recurrent pregnancy loss, PCOS, ReceptivaDX, luteal phase defects, and more) and then we discuss the current guidelines of the number of embryos to transfer during an IVF cycle. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 209 of Beat Infertility, Christy shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), tubal factor infertility, secondary infertility, and a thin uterine lining. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/16/2019 • 56 minutes, 51 seconds
BONUS 237: Preimplantation Genetic Testing & Mosaicism in 2020
In BONUS Episode 237 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Mike Large, senior director of research at CooperGenomics, about preimplantation genetic testing and mosaicism in 2020. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/13/2019 • 1 hour, 11 minutes, 29 seconds
208: PCOS & Low Progesterone [SUCCESS]
In Episode 208 of Beat Infertility, Melissa shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and low progesterone. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/9/2019 • 1 hour, 5 minutes, 53 seconds
BONUS 236: Freeze & Create
In BONUS Episode 236 of Beat Infertility, we interview Jennifer Lannon and Sidonia Swarm, co-founders of Freeze and Create, about the cost of egg freezing and IVF. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/6/2019 • 59 minutes, 21 seconds
207: Secondary Infertility & Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [JOURNEY]
In Episode 207 of Beat Infertility, Betty shares her journey with secondary infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, and diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/2/2019 • 47 minutes, 31 seconds
BONUS 235: Applying the Wellness Wheel to Your Journey
In BONUS Episode 235 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about the wellness wheel and how to apply it to your infertility journey. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 206 of Beat Infertility, Aliana shares her triumph over a uterine septum, diminished oarian reserve (DOR), endometriosis, and tubal factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/25/2019 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 26 seconds
BONUS 234: Nicotine, Vaping, Marijuana & CBD
In BONUS Episode 234 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (unexplained infertility, endometriosis, implantation failure, recurrent pregnancy loss, and more) and then we discuss how nicotine, vaping, marijuana, and CBD impact your fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 205 of Beat Infertility, Sylvia shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), egg quality, and fibroids. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/18/2019 • 48 minutes, 49 seconds
BONUS 233: Uterine Transplants 101
In BONUS Episode 233 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Liza Johannesson, assistant professor in the College of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center, and infertility warrior Kayla, about uterine transplants. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/15/2019 • 53 minutes, 43 seconds
204: Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 204 of Beat Infertility, TJ shares her triumph over male factor infertility (azoospermia) via adoption. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/11/2019 • 59 minutes, 21 seconds
BONUS 232: Becoming an Advocate
In BONUS Episode 232 of Beat Infertility, we interview Davina Fankhauser, co-founder of Fertility Within Reach, about becoming an advocate at the state and federal level. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/8/2019 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 26 seconds
203: Low Progesterone & Ovarian Cysts [SUCCESS]
In Episode 203 of Beat Infertility, Jennifer shares her triumph over low progesterone and ovarian cysts. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/4/2019 • 37 minutes, 46 seconds
BONUS 231: Am I the Only One Who...? (Part 6)
In BONUS Episode 231 of Beat Infertility, infertility warrior Christine guest hosts and Heather answers listener questions that begin with "Am I the only one who…?" Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/1/2019 • 59 minutes, 24 seconds
202: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 202 of Beat Infertility, Elizabeth shares her triumph over polycystic ovaries, an abnormally shaped uterus, an autoimmune problem, a potential nature killer cell problem, and an unusually high number of embryos with chromosomal abnormalities. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/28/2019 • 52 minutes, 48 seconds
BONUS 230: Uterine Microbiome 101
In BONUS Episode 230 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (failed PGT normal transfer, normal AMH with high FSH, recurrent pregnancy loss, 3-person IVF, and more) and then we discuss what you need to know about the emerging science around the uterine microbiome. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/25/2019 • 38 minutes, 36 seconds
201: Silent Endometriosis [SUCCESS]
In Episode 201 of Beat Infertility, Nathalie shares her triumph over silent endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/21/2019 • 55 minutes, 10 seconds
BONUS 229: Communicating with Your Employer About Insurance
In BONUS Episode 229 of Beat Infertility, we interview Davina Fankhauser, co-founder of Fertility Within Reach, about communicating with your employer about insurance coverage. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 200 of Beat Infertility, Carrie shares her triumph over endometriosis, tubal factor infertility, and diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/14/2019 • 55 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 228: Miscarriage from a Man's Perspective
In BONUS Episode 228 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Haley Kranstuber Horstman, a professor of communication at the University of Missouri, about miscarriage from a man's perspective. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/11/2019 • 43 minutes, 50 seconds
199: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) [SUCCESS]
In Episode 199 of Beat Infertility, Crystal shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/7/2019 • 53 minutes, 53 seconds
BONUS 227: The Emotional Impact of Secondary Infertility
In BONUS Episode 227 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about the emotional impact of secondary infertility and how to cope. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/4/2019 • 48 minutes, 49 seconds
198: Reciprocal Translocation [SUCCESS]
In Episode 198 of Beat Infertility, Sarah shares her triumph over reciprocal translocation, recurrent pregnancy loss, and diminished ovarian reserve. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/30/2019 • 41 minutes, 41 seconds
BONUS 226: Conditions That Make Pregnancy High-Risk
In BONUS Episode 226 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (immature eggs, unexplained vaginal pain, blocked tubes, cervical insufficiency, and more) and then we discuss what a high-risk pregnancy entails and the conditions that might lead to one. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/27/2019 • 48 minutes, 58 seconds
197: Advanced Reproductive Age & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 197 of Beat Infertility, Karen shares her triumph over a thyroid disorder, advanced reproductive age, and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/23/2019 • 51 minutes, 6 seconds
BONUS 225: Communicating with Insurance Providers
In BONUS Episode 225 of Beat Infertility, we interview Davina Fankhauser, co-founder of Fertility Within Reach, about everything you need to know about navigating your insurance policy and expanding your coverage. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/20/2019 • 50 minutes, 26 seconds
196: Diminished Ovarian Reserve [SUCCESS]
Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/16/2019 • 1 hour, 10 seconds
BONUS 224: Regaining Intimacy & Your Sexual Relationship
In BONUS Episode 224 of Beat Infertility, we interview Denise Wiesner, a certified sex coach and author of Conceiving with Love, about how to regain intimacy and sex in your relationship. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/13/2019 • 40 minutes, 49 seconds
195: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 195 of Beat Infertility, Rebecca shares her triumph over dual-factor infertility (0% morphology and SMA gene carriers). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/9/2019 • 54 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 223: The Psychological Aspects of Surrogacy
In BONUS Episode 223 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Kim Bergman, a senior partner at surrogacy and egg donation agency Growing Generations and author of Your Future Family: The Essential Guide to Assisted Reproduction, about the psychological aspects of surrogacy. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/6/2019 • 50 minutes, 53 seconds
194: Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 194 of Beat Infertility, Elysse shares her triumph over male factor infertility (low concentration and morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/2/2019 • 47 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 222: Choosing Between IUI and IVF
In BONUS Episode 222 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (growth hormone deficiency, PCOS, hypothyroid, secondary infertility, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know about how to choose between IUI and IVF. If you need additional support, consider joining Hope University or our Infertility Warrior Tribe. For details on both, please visit
8/30/2019 • 45 minutes, 50 seconds
193: PCOS & Male Factor Infertility [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 193 of Beat Infertility, Deena updates us about her journey with dual-factor infertility (PCOS and male factor infertility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/26/2019 • 43 minutes, 52 seconds
BONUS 221: Fertility Benefits at Work: League
In BONUS Episode 221 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kim Tabac, chief people officer at League, about the fertility benefits at League, how to score a job there, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/23/2019 • 46 minutes, 50 seconds
192: Low Morphology & Uterine Septum [SUCCESS]
In Episode 192 of Beat Infertility, Tammy shares her triumph over low morphology and a uterine septum. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/19/2019 • 52 minutes, 27 seconds
BONUS 220: Nutrition During an IVF Cycle
In BONUS Episode 220 of Beat Infertility, we interview registered dietician nutritionist Liz Shaw, author of The Stress-Free IVF Nutrition Guide, about developing a nutritional plan for your upcoming IVF cycle. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/16/2019 • 44 minutes, 41 seconds
191: Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 191 of Beat Infertility, Cara shares her triumph over male factor infertility (low motility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/12/2019 • 44 minutes, 14 seconds
BONUS 219: Reconnecting with Your Partner
In BONUS Episode 219 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about the ways infertility impacts relationships and how you can reconnect with your partner. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/9/2019 • 41 minutes, 23 seconds
190: Secondary Infertility & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 190 of Beat Infertility, Megan shares her triumph over secondary infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, thyroid issues, and diminished ovarian reserve. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/5/2019 • 38 minutes, 33 seconds
BONUS 218: Endometriosis vs. Adenomyosis
In BONUS Episode 218 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (ReceptivaDX test, pituitary tumors, vasectomy reversals, secondary infertility, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know the similarities and differences between endometriosis and adenomyosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/2/2019 • 45 minutes, 58 seconds
189: PCOS with Insulin Resistance [SUCCESS]
In Episode 189 of Beat Infertility, Olivia shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with insulin resistance. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/29/2019 • 42 minutes, 26 seconds
BONUS 217: Artificial Intelligence in Assisted Reproduction
In BONUS Episode 217 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, a clinical embryologist working in fertility medicine at San Diego Fertility Center and the founder of ART Compass, about the future of artificial intelligence in assisted reproduction. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/26/2019 • 50 minutes, 55 seconds
188: Uterine Septum [JOURNEY]
In Episode 188 of Beat Infertility, Arielle shares her journey with uterine abnormalities (uterine septum). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/22/2019 • 44 minutes, 59 seconds
BONUS 216: It Starts With the Egg [INFERTILITY AUTHOR]
In BONUS Episode 216 of Beat Infertility, we interview Rebecca Fett, a full-time science writer and author of It Starts With the Egg, about her personal infertility story, as well as the book's newly-updated 2019 edition. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/19/2019 • 57 minutes, 30 seconds
187: Hashimoto's, PCOS & Male Factor [SUCCESS]
In Episode 187 of Beat Infertility, Becky shares her triumph over Hashimoto's, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and male factor infertility (low motility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/15/2019 • 51 minutes, 57 seconds
BONUS 215: Am I the Only One Who...? (Part 5)
In BONUS Episode 216, infertility warrior Christine guest hosts and Heather answers listener questions that begin with "Am I the only one who…?" Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 186 of Beat Infertility, Cathee shares her journey with male factor infertility (azoospermia) and uterine abnormalities (polyps and septum). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/8/2019 • 43 minutes, 48 seconds
BONUS 214: Egg Vitrification
In BONUS Episode 214 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (embryo quality, diminished ovarian reserve, ureaplasma, ERA testing, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know about egg vitrification. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/5/2019 • 42 minutes, 48 seconds
185: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [SUCCESS]
In Episode 185 of Beat Infertility, Sarah shares her triumph over polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/1/2019 • 39 minutes, 28 seconds
BONUS 213: Lifestyle Changes & Supplements for Men
In BONUS Episode 213 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Paul Shin, a board-certified urologist and director of reproductive urology at Shady Grove Fertility, about lifestyle changes, medications, and supplements that can help men improve their numbers. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/28/2019 • 46 minutes, 10 seconds
184: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 184 of Beat Infertility, Amy shares her triumph over recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/24/2019 • 35 minutes, 14 seconds
BONUS 212: Communicating with Your Treatment Team
In BONUS Episode 212 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Jody Madeira, author of Taking Baby Steps: How Patients and Fertility Clinics Collaborate in Conception and professor at Indiana University Maurer School of Law, about forming relationships with your fertility treatment team. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/21/2019 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 3 seconds
183: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 183 of Beat Infertility, Sarah shares her triumph over unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/17/2019 • 42 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 211: The Emotional Impact of Using a Donor
In BONUS Episode 211 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about the emotional impact of using a donor and how to cope. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/14/2019 • 39 minutes, 23 seconds
182: Reciprocal IVF [SUCCESS]
In Episode 182 of Beat Infertility, Katie shares her success with reciprocal IVF. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/10/2019 • 49 minutes, 33 seconds
BONUS 210: Reciprocal IVF
In BONUS Episode 210 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (egg quality, embryo cell fusion, premature ovarian failure, luteinized unruptured follicle syndrome, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know about reciprocal IVF. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/7/2019 • 42 minutes, 21 seconds
181: Cancer & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 181 of Beat Infertility, Josephine shares her triumph over her husband's cancer and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/3/2019 • 54 minutes, 55 seconds
BONUS 209: Preconception & Prenatal Nutrition
In BONUS Episode 209 of Beat Infertility, we interview Lily Nichols, a registered dietician nutritionist, certified diabetes educator, and author of Real Food for Pregnancy, about preconception and prenatal nutrition. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/31/2019 • 46 minutes, 1 second
180: PCOS & Male Factor Infertility [JOURNEY]
In Episode 180 of Beat Infertility, Cori shares her journey with PCOS and male factor infertility (low morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/27/2019 • 39 minutes, 30 seconds
BONUS 208: Inside the IVF Lab
In BONUS Episode 208 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, a clinical embryologist working in fertility medicine at San Diego Fertility Center and the founder of ART Compass, about what goes on behind the scenes in an IVF lab. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/24/2019 • 1 hour, 6 minutes, 34 seconds
179: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome [JOURNEY]
In Episode 179 of Beat Infertility, Lana shares her journey with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/20/2019 • 43 minutes, 40 seconds
BONUS 207: Am I the Only One Who...? (Part 4)
In BONUS Episode 207 of Beat Infertility, infertility warrior Christine guest hosts and Heather answers listener questions that begin with "Am I the only one who…?" Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/17/2019 • 56 minutes, 30 seconds
178: Childfree Following Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 178 of Beat Infertility, Tia shares her triumph over infertility by living a full life childfree. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/13/2019 • 57 minutes, 39 seconds
BONUS 206: Anti-Müllerian Hormone 101
In BONUS Episode 206 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (preimplantation genetic testing, high-intensity workouts, secondary infertility, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know about anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/10/2019 • 47 minutes, 45 seconds
177: Homozygous MTHFR [SUCCESS]
In Episode 177 of Beat Infertility, Nina shares her triumph over homozygous MTHFR. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/6/2019 • 45 minutes, 4 seconds
BONUS 205: Inflammation & Your Fertility
In BONUS Episode 205 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Robert Kiltz, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and founder of CNY Fertility, about how inflammation impacts your fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/3/2019 • 46 minutes, 52 seconds
176: Endometriosis, DOR & Uterine Abnormalities [SUCCESS]
In Episode 176 of Beat Infertility, Rebecca shares her triumph over recurrent pregnancy loss, endometriosis, diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), and uterine abnormalities. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/29/2019 • 50 minutes, 39 seconds
BONUS 204: The Emotional Impact of Adoption
In BONUS Episode 204 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about the emotional impact of the adoption process and hope to cope. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/26/2019 • 56 minutes, 16 seconds
175: Unexplained Recurrent Loss [JOURNEY]
In Episode 175 of Beat Infertility, Stephanie shares her journey with unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss and gestational surrogacy. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/22/2019 • 43 minutes, 20 seconds
BONUS 203: Traveling for IVF
In BONUS Episode 203 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Eric Surrey, a board-certified a reproductive endocrinologist at CCRM in Colorado, and infertility warrior Meredith, about traveling for IVF. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/19/2019 • 1 hour, 3 minutes, 49 seconds
174: PCOS & Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 174 of Beat Infertility, Kim shares her triumph over polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and male factor infertility (low morphology and motility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/15/2019 • 50 minutes, 7 seconds
BONUS 202: Luteinizing Hormone 101
In BONUS Episode 202 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (abnormal embryos, Day 3 vs. Day 5 transfers, PCOS, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know about luteinizing hormone (LH). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/12/2019 • 44 minutes, 55 seconds
173: Recurrent Loss, DOR & Autoimmune Disease [SUCCESS]
In Episode 173 of Beat Infertility, Mary shares her triumph over recurrent pregnancy loss, diminished ovarian reserve (DOR), and several autoimmune diseases. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/8/2019 • 50 minutes, 24 seconds
BONUS 201: The infertileAF Summit
In BONUS Episode 201 of Beat Infertility, we interview infertility warriors Tia Gendusa and Lindsay Fischer about the infertileAF Summit, which takes place in Chicago on Saturday, April 27, 2019. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/5/2019 • 1 hour, 2 minutes, 51 seconds
172: Recurrent Loss & Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 172 of Beat Infertility, Leigh shares her triumph over recurrent pregnancy loss, diminished ovarian reserve (DOR) and male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/1/2019 • 51 minutes, 36 seconds
BONUS 200: Meditation & Mindfulness
In BONUS Episode 200 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Janetti Marotta, a psychologist who specializes in infertility and mindfulness and author of The Fertile Path, about meditation and mindfulness. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/29/2019 • 55 minutes, 36 seconds
171: Endometriosis & Foster Care [SUCCESS]
In Episode 171 of Beat Infertility, Rebecca shares her triumph over endometriosis and her experience with the foster care system. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/25/2019 • 41 minutes, 55 seconds
BONUS 199: Am I the Only One Who...? (Part 3)
In BONUS Episode 199 of Beat Infertility, infertility warrior Christine guest hosts and Heather answers listener questions that begin with "Am I the only one who…?" Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/22/2019 • 55 minutes, 55 seconds
170: Poor Egg Quality [SUCCESS]
In Episode 170 of Beat Infertility, Tonya shares her triumph over poor egg quality using donor eggs. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/18/2019 • 39 minutes, 48 seconds
BONUS 198: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone 101
In BONUS Episode 198 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (PGS normal miscarriages, male factor infertility, blood clotting disorder, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know about follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/15/2019 • 49 minutes, 49 seconds
169: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea [SUCCESS]
In Episode 169 of Beat Infertility, Jennifer shares her triumph over anovulation, chronic endometritis, hypothalamic amenorrhea, and possible PCOS. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/11/2019 • 49 minutes, 51 seconds
BONUS 197: Epigenetics 101
In BONUS Episode 197 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Carol Curchoe, clinical embryologist working in fertility medicine at San Diego Fertility Center and the founder of ART Compass, about epigenetics. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/8/2019 • 42 minutes, 3 seconds
168: Tubal Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 168 of Beat Infertility, Tiffanie shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, possible PCOS, and thyroid disease. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/4/2019 • 59 minutes, 59 seconds
BONUS 196: Long-Term Family Planning
In BONUS Episode 196 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychologist Dr. Julie Bindeman, co-director of Integrative Therapy of Greater Washington, about long-term family planning while battling infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/1/2019 • 47 minutes, 47 seconds
167: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 167 of Beat Infertility, Olga shares her triumph over tubal factor infertility, male factor infertility (morphology and motility), and poor egg quality. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/25/2019 • 52 minutes, 31 seconds
BONUS 195: Joy in a Life Without Your Own Children
In BONUS Episode 195 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to live a happy and full life without your own children. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/22/2019 • 46 minutes, 58 seconds
166: Luteal Phase Defect & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 166 of Beat Infertility, Amy shares her triumph over a luteal phase defect and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/18/2019 • 46 minutes, 34 seconds
BONUS 194: Estrogen 101
In BONUS Episode 194 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (unexplained infertility, prolactin, poor egg quality, lean PCOS, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know about estrogen. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/15/2019 • 52 minutes, 38 seconds
165: PCOS & Egg Freezing [JOURNEY]
In Episode 165 of Beat Infertility, Danni shares her journey with the polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and egg freezing. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/11/2019 • 42 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 193: Cost of Fertility Treatments
In BONUS Episode 193 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Paul Magarelli, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and the founder and medical director of High-Quality Affordable Fertility Centers, about the cost of fertility treatments. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/8/2019 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 41 seconds
164: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 164 of Beat Infertility, Jay shares his triumph over recurrent pregnancy loss and advanced reproductive age. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/4/2019 • 41 minutes, 38 seconds
BONUS 192: Keto for Fertility
In BONUS Episode 192 of Beat Infertility, we interview Maria Emmerich, a nutritionist who specializes in the ketogenic diet and exercise physiology, as well as the author of many keto-related books, about keto for fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/1/2019 • 52 minutes, 52 seconds
163: Anovulation & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 163 of Beat Infertility, Marcela shares her triumph over anovulation and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/28/2019 • 48 minutes, 11 seconds
BONUS 191: Am I the Only One Who...? (Part 2)
In BONUS Episode 191 of Beat Infertility, infertility warrior Christine guest hosts and Heather answers listener questions that begin with "Am I the only one who…?" Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/25/2019 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 55 seconds
162: DOR & Low AMH [SUCCESS]
In Episode 162 of Beat Infertility, Jamie shares her triumph over the diminished ovarian reserve, low AMH, and mild endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/21/2019 • 51 minutes, 46 seconds
BONUS 190: Progesterone 101
In BONUS Episode 190 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (intramural fibroids, FET protocols, hypothalamic amenorrhea, missed miscarriages, and more) and then we discuss everything you need to know about progesterone. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/18/2019 • 45 minutes, 46 seconds
161: Unexplained Infertility & Recurrent Loss [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 161 of Beat Infertility, Amy updates us about her journey with unexplained infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/14/2019 • 46 minutes, 17 seconds
BONUS 189: An Excellent Choice [INFERTILITY AUTHOR]
In BONUS Episode 189 of Beat Infertility, we interview Emma Brockes, a single parent by choice and author of An Excellent Choice, about her journey to parenthood and subsequent book. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/11/2019 • 38 minutes, 11 seconds
160: PCOS & Male Factor Infertility [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 160 of Beat Infertility, Deena updates us about her journey with dual factor infertility (PCOS and male factor infertility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/7/2019 • 36 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 188: How to Be Kinder to Your Body
In BONUS Episode 188 of Beat Infertility, we interview Rebecca Scritchfield, a registered dietitian nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and author of Body Kindness, about the concept of body kindness and how to achieve it. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/4/2019 • 59 minutes, 46 seconds
159: Dual Factor Infertility [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 159 of Beat Infertility, Chrissie updates us about her journey with dual factor infertility, including fibroids and other uterine abnormalities, suspected thrombophilia, and varicocele. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/31/2018 • 34 minutes, 31 seconds
BONUS 187: Managing Intense Emotions
In BONUS Episode 187 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to manage intense emotions throughout your infertility journey. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/28/2018 • 44 minutes, 20 seconds
158: Endometriosis & Male Factor [SUCCESS]
In Episode 158 of Beat Infertility, Jessica shares her triumph over endometriosis and male factor infertility (low morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/24/2018 • 37 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 186: Poor Responder Protocols
In BONUS Episode 186 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (recurrent pregnancy loss, PCOS, FET protocols, AMH levels, and more) and then we discuss poor responder IVF protocols. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/21/2018 • 47 minutes, 24 seconds
157: DOR & Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 157 of Beat Infertility, Erin shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve and male factor infertility (low count and morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/17/2018 • 42 minutes, 28 seconds
BONUS 185: The Role of Faith in Infertility
In BONUS Episode 185 of Beat Infertility, we interview Beth Forbus, the founder of Sarah's Laughter, about her personal infertility story, the role faith can play in infertility and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/14/2018 • 42 minutes, 4 seconds
156: PCOS & Pelvic Congestion [JOURNEY]
In Episode 156 of Beat Infertility, Stephanie shares her journey with PCOS and pelvic congestion. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/10/2018 • 45 minutes, 59 seconds
BONUS 184: History & Future of Fertility Science
In BONUS Episode 184 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Michael Drews, a board-certified reproductive endocrinologist and founding partner at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New Jersey and clinical associate professor for the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology at Rutgers, about the history of IVF and the future of fertility science. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/7/2018 • 51 minutes, 36 seconds
155: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 155 of Beat Infertility, Meaghan shares her triumph over unexplained infertility and suspected endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/3/2018 • 40 minutes, 59 seconds
BONUS 183: Am I the Only One Who...? (Part 1)
In BONUS Episode 183 of Beat Infertility, infertility warrior Christine guest hosts and Heather answers listener questions that begin with "Am I the only one who…?" Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/30/2018 • 1 hour, 10 minutes, 54 seconds
154: PCOS, Endometriosis & Male Factor [SUCCESS]
In Episode 154 of Beat Infertility, Liz shares her triumph over PCOS, endometriosis, and male factor infertility (motility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/26/2018 • 47 minutes, 56 seconds
BONUS 182: 2018 Fertility Research & News
In BONUS Episode 182 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (IVF lab errors, smoking, high AMH, in vitro maturation, and more) and then we discuss the latest reproductive medicine research, techniques, and news. If you need additional support, consider joining Hope University or our Infertility Warrior Tribe. For details on both, please visit
11/23/2018 • 36 minutes, 15 seconds
153: PCOS & Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 153 of Beat Infertility, Alysha shares her triumph over PCOS and male factor infertility (motility). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/19/2018 • 43 minutes, 49 seconds
BONUS 181: Fertility Wellness Genetic Test
In BONUS Episode 181 of Beat Infertility, we interview Alice Crisci, a cancer and infertility survivor, single mom, and founder of MedAnswers and Fertile Action, about MedAnswers' new fertility wellness genetic test. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/16/2018 • 58 minutes, 30 seconds
152: Irregular Cycles [SUCCESS]
In Episode 152 of Beat Infertility, Wende shares her triumph over irregular cycles. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/12/2018 • 42 minutes, 12 seconds
BONUS 180: Alliance for Fertility Preservation
In BONUS Episode 180 of Beat Infertility, we interview Joyce Reinecke, executive director of the Alliance for Fertility Preservation, about her personal infertility story, the Alliance, how states are supporting fertility preservation, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/9/2018 • 55 minutes, 27 seconds
151: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 151 of Beat Infertility, Amy shares her triumph over unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/5/2018 • 54 minutes, 19 seconds
BONUS 179: AMA with Heather (Part 4)
In BONUS Episode 179 of Beat Infertility, Heather answers listener questions about the current status of her infertility journey, the podcast, her book, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/2/2018 • 57 minutes, 11 seconds
150: Low AMH & Azoospermia [SUCCESS]
In Episode 150 of Beat Infertility, Tara shares her triumph over low AMH and azoospermia. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/29/2018 • 45 minutes, 19 seconds
BONUS 178: Pituitary Conditions
In BONUS Episode 178 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (implantation issues, diminished ovarian reserve, AMH levels, MTHFR, and more) and then we discuss how pituitary conditions impact your fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/26/2018 • 39 minutes, 58 seconds
149: Polycystic Ovaries & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 149 of Beat Infertility, Kelly shares her triumph over polycystic ovaries and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/22/2018 • 50 minutes, 41 seconds
BONUS 177: Exercise During Fertility Treatments
In BONUS Episode 177 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Cecilia Kitic, an exercise physiologist with a Ph.D. in exercise immunology and founder of The IVF Project, about exercise during fertility treatments. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/19/2018 • 1 hour, 4 minutes, 19 seconds
148: Hypo-Hypo & PCOS [SUCCESS]
In Episode 148 of Beat Infertility, Casey shares her triumph over hypothalamic amenorrhea, hypothyroidism, PCOS, and a former eating disorder. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/15/2018 • 43 minutes, 23 seconds
BONUS 176: Selecting a Miscarriage Specialist
In BONUS Episode 176 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Lora Shahine, a reproductive endocrinologist with Pacific Northwest Fertility in Seattle and author of Not Broken, about finding, selecting, and advocating for yourself with a miscarriage specialist. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/12/2018 • 52 minutes, 52 seconds
147: Amenorrhea & Pituitary Disorder [SUCCESS]
In Episode 147 of Beat Infertility, Sage shares her triumph over amenorrhea and a pituitary disorder. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/8/2018 • 47 minutes, 42 seconds
BONUS 175: Helping Your Partner Support You
In BONUS Episode 175 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to help your partner support you throughout your infertility journey. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/5/2018 • 45 minutes, 12 seconds
146: Endometriosis & Polycystic Ovaries [SUCCESS]
In Episode 146 of Beat Infertility, Parijat shares her journey with severe endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, and tubal factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/1/2018 • 45 minutes, 34 seconds
BONUS 174: New PCOS Guideline
In BONUS Episode 174 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (endometriosis, hydrosalpinx, frozen transfers, recurrent pregnancy loss, and more) and then we discuss the new criteria for diagnosing PCOS. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/28/2018 • 40 minutes, 53 seconds
145: Secondary Infertility [JOURNEY]
In Episode 145 of Beat Infertility, Erica shares her journey with loss, secondary infertility, a hysterectomy, and ovarian cysts. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/24/2018 • 46 minutes, 43 seconds
BONUS 173: How to Choose an Egg Donor
In BONUS Episode 173 of Beat Infertility, we interview Lisa Schuman, the founding director of The Center for Family Building and director of mental health services at RMA of Connecticut, about how to choose an egg donor. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/21/2018 • 53 minutes, 50 seconds
144: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss & PCOS [SUCCESS]
In Episode 144 of Beat Infertility, Christine shares her triumph over recurrent pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and PCOS. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/17/2018 • 50 minutes, 33 seconds
BONUS 172: How to Let Go of Expectations
In BONUS Episode 172 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to let go of expectations. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/14/2018 • 34 minutes, 42 seconds
143: Low AMH [SUCCESS]
In Episode 143 of Beat Infertility, Stefanie shares her triumph over low AMH. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/10/2018 • 42 minutes, 9 seconds
BONUS 171: Why PGS Normal Embryos Might Fail
In BONUS Episode 171 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (low ovarian reserve, egg fertilization issues, IUI, progesterone, and more) and then we discuss the reasons why PGS normal embryos might fail to implant or result in a miscarriage. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/7/2018 • 48 minutes, 31 seconds
142: Unexplained Recurrent Pregnancy Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 142 of Beat Infertility, Ashley shares her triumph over unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/3/2018 • 40 minutes, 57 seconds
BONUS 170: Hypnofertility
In BONUS Episode 170 of Beat Infertility, we interview Lynsi Eastburn, a registered psychotherapist, board-certified hypnotherapist, and co-owner of the Eastburn Hypnotherapy Clinic, about hypnofertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/31/2018 • 57 minutes, 53 seconds
141: Egg Quality [SUCCESS]
In Episode 141 of Beat Infertility, Emily shares her triumph over egg quality issues. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/27/2018 • 53 minutes, 36 seconds
BONUS 169: Mitochondria & Your Fertility
In BONUS Episode 169 of Beat Infertility, we interview Warren Cargal, a licensed acupuncturist, and herbalist, author of Your Mitochondria, and clinic director of Acupuncture Atlanta, about how your mitochondria impacts your fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/24/2018 • 35 minutes, 23 seconds
140: Congenital Hypopituitarism [SUCCESS]
In Episode 140 of Beat Infertility, Alison shares her triumph over congenital hypopituitarism, a condition that prevents her pituitary from functioning. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/20/2018 • 44 minutes, 23 seconds
BONUS 168: Ovary Freezing
In BONUS Episode 168 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Kutluk Oktay, a reproductive endocrinologist at Innovation Fertility Preservation and IVF, and cancer survivor Annie Dauer about ovary freezing and Annie's personal experience with this procedure. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/17/2018 • 55 minutes, 52 seconds
139: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 139 of Beat Infertility, Sheena shares her triumph over PCOS and male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/13/2018 • 48 minutes, 32 seconds
BONUS 167: Self-Love & Self-Forgiveness
In BONUS Episode 167 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to love and forgive yourself while battling infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/10/2018 • 46 minutes, 9 seconds
138: Endometriosis & Poor Fertilization [SUCCESS]
In Episode 138 of Beat Infertility, Diana shares her triumph over mild endometriosis and poor fertilization. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/6/2018 • 46 minutes, 6 seconds
BONUS 166: Evaluating Your Ovaries, Tubes & Uterus
In BONUS Episode 166 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (failed PGS normal embryos, ethical issues with freezing embryos, low AMH with high AFC, high TSH, and more) and then we discuss diagnostic tests to evaluate your ovaries, tubes, and uterus. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/3/2018 • 42 minutes, 33 seconds
137: Unexplained Infertility & Recurrent Loss [JOURNEY]
In Episode 137 of Beat Infertility, Amy shares her journey with unexplained infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/30/2018 • 44 minutes, 11 seconds
BONUS 165: Pregnantish
In BONUS Episode 165 of Beat Infertility, we interview Andrea Syrtash, the founder, and editor of pregnantish, about her journey to parenthood, as well as her journey as an entrepreneur. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/27/2018 • 40 minutes, 24 seconds
136: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 136 of Beat Infertility, Supna shares her triumph over unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/23/2018 • 42 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 164: Infertility Patient Rights
In BONUS Episode 164 of Beat Infertility, we interview Catherine Tucker, an infertility survivor, board member of RESOLVE New England, and managing attorney at New Hampshire Surrogacy Law, about the rights of infertility patients. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/20/2018 • 33 minutes, 45 seconds
135: Advanced Reproductive Age [JOURNEY]
In Episode 135 of Beat Infertility, Elizabeth shares her journey with advanced reproductive age and suspected endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/16/2018 • 46 minutes, 7 seconds
BONUS 163: How to Cope With Caregiving & Infertility
In BONUS Episode 163 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to cope with being a caregiver for a loved one while battling infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/13/2018 • 51 minutes, 52 seconds
134: Endometriosis & Poor Egg Quality [SUCCESS]
In Episode 134 of Beat Infertility, Kelly shares her triumph over endometriosis and poor egg quality. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/9/2018 • 49 minutes, 39 seconds
BONUS 162: Overview of Your In Vitro Options
In BONUS Episode 162 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (platelet-rich plasma, egg quality with PCOS, gluten-free and other diets, likelihood of success with IUI, and more) and then we discuss the different types of in vitro cycles, as well as the future of IVF. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/6/2018 • 49 minutes, 10 seconds
133: Endometriosis & High FSH [SUCCESS]
In Episode 133 of Beat Infertility, Kristen shares her triumph over endometriosis and high FSH. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/2/2018 • 41 minutes, 42 seconds
BONUS 161: Navigating Fertility Treatments as a Single Woman
In BONUS Episode 161 of Beat Infertility, we interview Sarah Kowalski, a single mother by choice and the founder and author of Motherhood Reimagined, about navigating fertility treatments as a single woman. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/29/2018 • 40 minutes, 6 seconds
132: Unexplained Infertility [JOURNEY]
In Episode 132 of Beat Infertility, Katie shares her journey with unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/25/2018 • 44 minutes, 51 seconds
BONUS 160: ARC Fertility
In BONUS Episode 160 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. David Adamson, the founder, chairman, and chief medical officer of ARC Fertility, in great detail about the various treatment packages and other financial options ARC Fertility offers. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/22/2018 • 47 minutes, 35 seconds
131: PCOS & Male Factor Infertility [JOURNEY]
In Episode 131 of Beat Infertility, Deena shares her journey with PCOS and male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/18/2018 • 41 minutes, 31 seconds
BONUS 159: What to Do When You Feel Left Behind
In BONUS Episode 159 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about what to do when you feel left behind by both your fertile and infertile friends and family. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/15/2018 • 53 minutes, 20 seconds
130: Low AMH & Endometriosis [SUCCESS]
In Episode 130 of Beat Infertility, Meg shares her triumph over low AMH, a blocked tube, and endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/11/2018 • 30 minutes, 49 seconds
BONUS 158: Fact or Fiction: IVF Edition: Dr. Allison Rodgers
In BONUS Episode 158 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (DHEA for DOR patients, premature ovarian failure, advanced reproductive age, recurrent loss, and more) and then dissects over a dozen IVF-related statements, identifying each as a fact, fiction, or something in between. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/8/2018 • 41 minutes, 10 seconds
129: Same-Sex Couple [SUCCESS]
In Episode 129 of Beat Infertility, Annie shares her experience tackling infertility as part of a same-sex couple. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/4/2018 • 35 minutes, 16 seconds
BONUS 157: Fertility Benefits at Work: SendGrid
In BONUS Episode 157 of Beat Infertility, we interview Pattie Money, Chief People Operations Officer at SendGrid, how to score a job there, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
6/1/2018 • 32 minutes, 3 seconds
128: Secondary Infertility & Advanced Reproductive Age
[SUCCESS] In Episode 128 of Beat Infertility, Geraldine shares her triumph over secondary infertility and advanced reproductive age. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/28/2018 • 44 minutes, 19 seconds
BONUS 156: Parental Hope
In BONUS Episode 156 of Beat Infertility, we interview Jennifer Bross, co-founder of Parental Hope, about her personal infertility story, the nonprofit organization she started with her husband, their IVF grant, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/25/2018 • 27 minutes, 14 seconds
127: Dual Factor Infertility [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 127 of Beat Infertility, Jane updates us about her journey with diminished ovarian reserve, male factor infertility, MTHFR, and endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/21/2018 • 1 hour, 2 seconds
BONUS 155: Navigating Infertility as a Step-Parent
In BONUS Episode 155 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to navigate infertility as a step-parent. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/18/2018 • 32 minutes, 2 seconds
126: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 126 of Beat Infertility, Lauri shares her triumph over dual factor infertility (male factor and endometriosis) via domestic adoption. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/14/2018 • 40 minutes
BONUS 154: Uterine Lining Tests
In BONUS Episode 154 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (natural killer cells, PCOS, blocked tubes, recurrent loss, and more) and then discusses the three main uterine lining tests, including including the endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA), ReceptivaDx, and the Yale endometrial function test (EFT). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/11/2018 • 35 minutes, 41 seconds
125: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 125 of Beat Infertility, Arielle shares her triumph over unexplained infertility and septate uterus. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/7/2018 • 34 minutes, 13 seconds
BONUS 153: A History of Infertility
In BONUS Episode 153 of Beat Infertility, we interview Robin Jensen, a professor of communication at the University of Utah and author of Infertility: Tracing the History of a Transformative Term, about her background, the book, and the rich history of infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
5/4/2018 • 40 minutes, 46 seconds
124: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea [SUCCESS]
In Episode 124 of Beat Infertility, Samantha shares her triumph over hypothalamic amenorrhea. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/30/2018 • 51 minutes, 29 seconds
BONUS 152: Human Growth Hormone
In BONUS Episode 152 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. David Barad, the director of clinical assisted reproductive technologies and senior scientist at the Center for Human Reproduction, about human growth hormone and how it's used in fertility treatments. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/27/2018 • 29 minutes, 48 seconds
123: High FSH & Low AMH [SUCCESS]
In Episode 123 of Beat Infertility, Sarah shares her triumph over high FSH, low AMH, and only two resting follicles using egg and sperm donors. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/23/2018 • 42 minutes, 42 seconds
BONUS 151: The Emotional Impact of Unexplained Infertility
In BONUS Episode 151 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about the emotional impact of unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/20/2018 • 28 minutes
122: Blocked Fallopian Tubes & PCOS [SUCCESS]
In Episode 122 of Beat Infertility, Tiffany shares her triumph over PCOS and blocked fallopian tubes due to an ectopic pregnancy. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/16/2018 • 49 minutes, 7 seconds
BONUS 150: The Road from RE to OB-GYN
In BONUS Episode 150 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (embryo attrition rates, post-transfer bed rest, hypothalamic amenorrhea, how many embryos to transfer, MTHFR, and more) and then discusses the road from reproductive endocrinologist to an OB-GYN after you finally become pregnant. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/13/2018 • 44 minutes, 15 seconds
121: Cervical Cancer [SUCCESS]
In Episode 121 of Beat Infertility, Kelly shares her triumph over cervical cancer via donor eggs and surrogates. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/9/2018 • 42 minutes, 57 seconds
BONUS 149: The Semen Analysis & Azoospermia
In BONUS Episode 149 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Craig Niederberger, a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago and board-certified urologist, about exactly what a semen analysis tells you and how to approach the special case of azoospermia. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/6/2018 • 47 minutes, 13 seconds
120: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 120 of Beat Infertility, Heather shares her triumph over polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), adenomyosis, azoospermia, and congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
4/2/2018 • 55 minutes, 56 seconds
BONUS 148: Surgical Options for Endometriosis
In BONUS Episode 148 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Ken Sinervo, the medical director at the Center for Endometriosis Care, about the surgical options for endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/30/2018 • 57 minutes, 5 seconds
119: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 119 of Beat Infertility, Emily shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve, MTHFR, and sperm DNA fragmentation. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/26/2018 • 28 minutes, 39 seconds
BONUS 147: Friends & Family: What You Need to Know About Infertility
In BONUS Episode 147 of Beat Infertility, psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger talks directly to the friends and family of warriors and tells them everything they need to know about supporting a loved one with infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/23/2018 • 55 minutes, 15 seconds
118: PCOS & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 118 of Beat Infertility, Rachel shares her triumph over PCOS and recurrent loss. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/19/2018 • 49 minutes, 29 seconds
BONUS 146: Ovarian Cysts 101
In BONUS Episode 146 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers six listener questions (autoimmune disorders, natural killer cells, eating disorders, INVOcell, and more) and then does a deep dive into ovarian cysts. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/16/2018 • 37 minutes, 37 seconds
117: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea & Low AMH [SUCCESS]
In Episode 117 of Beat Infertility, Kristin shares her triumph over hypothalamic amenorrhea and low AMH. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/12/2018 • 42 minutes, 43 seconds
BONUS 145: #SaytheFWord
In BONUS Episode 145 of Beat Infertility, we interview Angie Lee, chief product officer at Celmatix, about the #SaytheFword campaign. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/9/2018 • 32 minutes, 7 seconds
116: PCOS, Pituitary Tumor & Recurrent Loss [SUCCESS]
In Episode 116 of Beat Infertility, Melissa shares her triumph over PCOS, a pituitary tumor, and recurrent miscarriages. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/5/2018 • 44 minutes, 47 seconds
BONUS 144: FertilityIQ Research Update: Financing Infertility
In BONUS Episode 144 of Beat Infertility, we interview Jake Anderson, co-founder of FertilityIQ, about the most family building-friendly workplaces, new data around IVF refund packages and programs, and IVF grants and charities. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
3/2/2018 • 44 minutes, 32 seconds
115: Dual Factor Infertility [JOURNEY STORY]
In Episode 115 of Beat Infertility, Chrissie shares her journey with dual factor infertility, including fibroids and other uterine abnormalities, suspected thrombophilia, and varicocele. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/26/2018 • 47 minutes, 39 seconds
BONUS 143: Post-Traumatic Growth
In BONUS Episode 143 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about post-traumatic growth. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/23/2018 • 44 minutes, 19 seconds
114: Diminished Ovarian Reserve [SUCCESS]
In Episode 114 of Beat Infertility, Maya shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve via donor embryo. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/19/2018 • 46 minutes, 23 seconds
BONUS 142: Endometrial Hyperplasia
In BONUS Episode 142 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers five listener questions and then does a deep dive into endometrial hyperplasia. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/16/2018 • 34 minutes, 40 seconds
113: Premature Ovarian Aging [SUCCESS]
In Episode 113 of Beat Infertility, Michelle shares her triumph over premature ovarian aging due to Lyme's disease and Hashimoto's. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/12/2018 • 48 minutes, 19 seconds
BONUS 141: All About Your Period
In BONUS Episode 141 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kirsten Karchmer, a board-certified reproductive acupuncturist and founder of Viv Wellness, about everything you always wanted to know about menstrual periods but didn't know who to ask. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/9/2018 • 41 minutes, 36 seconds
112: Endometriosis & Ovarian Cysts [SUCCESS]
In Episode 112 of Beat Infertility, Elyse shares her triumph over endometriosis and ovarian cysts. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/5/2018 • 57 minutes, 1 second
BONUS 140: Some Families Take 'Extra' [INFERTILITY AUTHOR]
In BONUS Episode 140 of Beat Infertility, we interview Kaeleigh MacDonald, an infertility survivor and author of Extra!, about her personal infertility story, her new children's book, and what it's like to be a writer and infertility advocate. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
2/2/2018 • 34 minutes, 16 seconds
111: Breast Cancer [SUCCESS]
In Episode 111 of Beat Infertility, Jennifer shares her triumph over breast cancer. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/29/2018 • 37 minutes, 30 seconds
BONUS 139: Eating Disorders & Infertility
In BONUS Episode 139 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how eating disorders impact your fertility and how to overcome them. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/26/2018 • 38 minutes, 11 seconds
110: Diminished Ovarian Reserve [SUCCESS]
In Episode 110 of Beat Infertility, Freda shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/22/2018 • 31 minutes, 29 seconds
BONUS 138: Listener Question Extravaganza
In BONUS Episode 138 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers more than a dozen listener questions about everything from low AMH to MTHFR to Clomid to recurrent loss and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/19/2018 • 36 minutes, 58 seconds
109: Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 109 of Beat Infertility, Emily shares her triumph over male factor infertility (azoospermia) via donor sperm. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/15/2018 • 36 minutes, 44 seconds
BONUS 137: Breaking Bad Habits & Creating Lasting Good Ones
In BONUS Episode 137 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to break habits that are negatively impacting your fertility and how to form lasting good habits. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/12/2018 • 44 minutes, 49 seconds
108: Breast Cancer [SUCCESS]
In Episode 108 of Beat Infertility, Alice shares her triumph over breast cancer. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/8/2018 • 47 minutes, 57 seconds
BONUS 136: Fertility Cleanses 101
In BONUS Episode 136 of Beat Infertility, we interview Stephanie Roth, an infertility survivor, and holistic fertility coach, about fertility, cleanses and the overall benefits of nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/5/2018 • 35 minutes, 20 seconds
107: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 107 of Beat Infertility, Elizabeth shares her triumph over unexplained infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
1/1/2018 • 42 minutes, 56 seconds
BONUS 135: What to Do When Family & Friends Remain Silent
In BONUS Episode 135 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about what to do when you're open about your infertility journey with family and friends but they pretend it's not really happening. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to In BONUS Episode 135 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about what to do when you're open about your infertility journey with family and friends but they pretend it's not really happening. If you need additional support, consider joining Hope University or our Infertility Warrior Tribe. For details on both, please visit
12/29/2017 • 31 minutes, 43 seconds
106: PCOS & High Natural Killer Cells [SUCCESS]
In Episode 106 of Beat Infertility, Alison shares her triumph over PCOS, high natural killer cells, MTHFR. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/25/2017 • 35 minutes, 29 seconds
BONUS 134: Listener Question Extravaganza
In BONUS Episode 134 of Beat Infertility, Dr. Allison Rodgers answers more than a dozen listener questions about everything from the difference between PCO and PCOS to over-supplementation and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/22/2017 • 47 minutes, 22 seconds
105: High Prolactin [SUCCESS]
In Episode 105 of Beat Infertility, Mindi shares her triumph over high prolactin. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/18/2017 • 31 minutes, 59 seconds
BONUS 133: How to Buy a Baby (web series)
In BONUS Episode 133 of Beat Infertility, we interview Wendy Litner, writer and creator of the web series How to Buy a Baby, about her personal infertility story and all the juicy details behind the series. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/15/2017 • 37 minutes, 46 seconds
104: Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 104 of Beat Infertility, Miranda shares her triumph over male factor infertility (low count and low morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/11/2017 • 45 minutes, 59 seconds
BONUS 132: Affording IVF & Surrogacy
In BONUS Episode 132 of Beat Infertility, we interview Chrissy Fleishman, an infertility survivor, and author of How to Afford IVF and Surrogacy, about everything you need to know about affording expensive fertility treatments. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/8/2017 • 35 minutes, 2 seconds
103: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 103 of Beat Infertility, Jade shares her triumph over hypothalamic amenorrhea and male factor infertility (low count). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/4/2017 • 35 minutes, 43 seconds
BONUS 131: Mentally Preparing for Your First Fertility Clinic Appointment
In BONUS Episode 131 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to mentally prepare for your first fertility clinic appointment. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
12/1/2017 • 28 minutes, 25 seconds
102: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 102 of Beat Infertility, Alanna shares her triumph over male factor infertility (low morphology) and a uterine septum. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In BONUS Episode 130 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Allison Rodgers about elective fertility preservation and oncofertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/24/2017 • 34 minutes, 15 seconds
In Episode 101 of Beat Infertility, Molly shares her triumph over polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and MTHFR. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/20/2017 • 50 minutes, 13 seconds
BONUS 129: Mosaicism 101
In BONUS Episode 129 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Mike Large, director of genomic laboratories at CooperGenomics, about mosaicism. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/17/2017 • 26 minutes, 36 seconds
100: Male Factor Infertility [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 100 of Beat Infertility, Lindsay updates us about her journey with male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/13/2017 • 57 minutes, 36 seconds
BONUS 128: Baby Quest Foundation
In BONUS Episode 128 of Beat Infertility, we interview Pamela Hirsch, co-founder of the Baby Quest Foundation, about her tie to the infertility community, the foundation, a rapidly-approaching grant application deadline, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
In Episode 99 of Beat Infertility, Kally shares her triumph over secondary infertility and endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/6/2017 • 31 minutes, 36 seconds
BONUS 127: Supporting Your Partner Through Male Factor Infertility
In BONUS Episode 127 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to support your partner through male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
11/3/2017 • 32 minutes, 8 seconds
98: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 98 of Beat Infertility, Charlotte shares her triumph over PCOS and male factor infertility (azoospermia). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/30/2017 • 49 minutes, 43 seconds
BONUS 126: Infertility 101 & When to See a Reproductive Endocrinologist
In BONUS Episode 126 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Allison Rodgers about the signs of infertility and when to see a reproductive endocrinologist vs. your regular OB/GYN. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/27/2017 • 38 minutes, 37 seconds
97: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 97 of Beat Infertility, Aimee shares her triumph over PCOS and male factor infertility (azoospermia). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/23/2017 • 44 minutes, 54 seconds
BONUS 125: Using Eastern Wisdom with Western Science
In BONUS Episode 125 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Lora Shahine and Stephanie Gianarelli about using Eastern wisdom with Western science to achieve pregnancy. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/20/2017 • 46 minutes, 5 seconds
96: Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 96 of Beat Infertility, Adelle shares her triumph over male factor infertility and possible diminished ovarian reserve. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/16/2017 • 47 minutes, 46 seconds
BONUS 124: Fertility Benefits at Work: Johnson & Johnson
In BONUS Episode 124 of Beat Infertility, we interview Paul Anthony about the fertility benefits at Johnson & Johnson, how to score a job there, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/13/2017 • 26 minutes, 8 seconds
95: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 95 of Beat Infertility, Tedi shares her triumph over male factor infertility, diminished ovarian reserve, and suspected endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/9/2017 • 31 minutes, 23 seconds
BONUS 123: How to Reach Emotional Acceptance
In BONUS Episode 123 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to reach emotional acceptance. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/6/2017 • 38 minutes, 19 seconds
94: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 94 of Beat Infertility, April shares her triumph over male factor infertility and diminished ovarian reserve. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
10/2/2017 • 39 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 122: Fresh vs. Frozen Transfers
In BONUS Episode 122 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Allison Rodgers about fresh vs. frozen transfers, especially after a failed fresh IVF cycle. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/29/2017 • 35 minutes, 7 seconds
93: Male Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 93 of Beat Infertility, Sara shares her triumph over male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/25/2017 • 47 minutes, 4 seconds
BONUS 121: Fertility Fueling Diet
In BONUS Episode 121 of Beat Infertility, we interview registered dietitian nutritionists Elizabeth Shaw and Sara Haas about their personal infertility journeys, the components of a fertility fueling diet, their upcoming book, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/22/2017 • 44 minutes, 36 seconds
92: Dual Factor Infertility [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 92 of Beat Infertility, Nadine updates us about her journey with uterine abnormalities and male factor infertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/18/2017 • 32 minutes, 12 seconds
BONUS 120: The Cade Foundation
In BONUS Episode 120 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Camille Hammond about her personal infertility journey, The Cade Foundation, her book, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/15/2017 • 31 minutes, 51 seconds
91: Dual Factor Infertility [JOURNEY UPDATE]
In Episode 91 of Beat Infertility, Jane updates us about her journey with diminished ovarian reserve, male factor infertility, MTHFR, and possible endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/11/2017 • 42 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 119: How to Cope with Infertility Survivor's Guilt
In BONUS Episode 119 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about survivor's guilt as part of our ongoing life after infertility series. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/8/2017 • 38 minutes, 26 seconds
90: Living Child-Free After DOR [SUCCESS]
In Episode 90 of Beat Infertility, Ariane shares her triumph over diminished ovarian reserve by choosing to remain child-free. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/4/2017 • 45 minutes, 31 seconds
BONUS 118: Options Following a Miscarriage
In BONUS Episode 118 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Allison Rodgers about your options following a miscarriage. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
9/1/2017 • 46 minutes, 23 seconds
89: Unexplained Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 89 of Beat Infertility, Sam shares her triumph over unexplained infertility and possible endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/28/2017 • 38 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 117: Essential Oils for Fertility 101
In BONUS Episode 117 of Beat Infertility, we interview holistic wellness advocate Stephanie Risinger about essential oils for fertility. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/25/2017 • 31 minutes, 17 seconds
88: Unicornuate Uterus & Endometriosis [SUCCESS]
In Episode 88 of Beat Infertility, Flannery shares her triumph over a unicornuate uterus and endometriosis. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/21/2017 • 36 minutes, 35 seconds
BONUS 116: Fertility Benefits at Work: Domo
In BONUS Episode 116 of Beat Infertility, we interview Cathy Donahoe about the fertility benefits at Domo, how to score a job there, and more. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/18/2017 • 26 minutes, 39 seconds
87: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 87 of Beat Infertility, Rachel shares her triumph over dual factor infertility (PCOS, high prolactin, azoospermia, and varicocele). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/14/2017 • 32 minutes, 3 seconds
BONUS 115: How to Tell Your Child (and Others) How They Came into Your Life
In BONUS Episode 115 of Beat Infertility, we interview psychotherapist Dr. Maria Rothenburger about how to tell your child (and other people) how they came into your life. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/11/2017 • 32 minutes, 25 seconds
86: High Prolactin [SUCCESS]
In Episode 86 of Beat Infertility, Meg shares her triumph over high prolactin levels. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/7/2017 • 24 minutes, 48 seconds
BONUS 114: Next Steps After a Failed Cycle
In BONUS Episode 114 of Beat Infertility, we interview Dr. Allison Rodgers about the next steps to take after a failed cycle. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
8/4/2017 • 33 minutes, 44 seconds
85: Dual Factor Infertility [SUCCESS]
In Episode 85 of Beat Infertility, Alecia shares her triumph over dual factor infertility (polycystic ovaries and low morphology). Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/31/2017 • 54 minutes, 43 seconds
BONUS 113: How to Naturally Prepare for an IVF Cycle
In BONUS Episode 113 of Beat Infertility, we interview licensed acupuncturist Heidi Brockmyre about how to naturally prepare for an IVF or FET cycle. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to
7/28/2017 • 45 minutes, 31 seconds
84: Ovarian Dysfunction [SUCCESS]
In Episode 84 of Beat Infertility, Rachel shares her triumph over ovarian dysfunction via donor eggs. Infertility coach Heather Huhman helps warriors like you make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps. To schedule your free 30-minute call, go to