Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. That’s right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous gifts—but you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. You’ll learn how to see your true self in the midst of life’s twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.
Encore The Sacred to Music
David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
9/25/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
9/18/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
9/11/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon
Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
8/28/2024 • 1 hour
Encore The Power of Peace
When we think of empowerment, we don't generally think first of peace, but rather of things like confidence, self-assurance, assertiveness and other like traits. We think of the ability to confront others, to draw appropriate boundaries, to address and meet our own needs. And all of those things do bring empowerment, but at the base of all of these things is a sense of authentic inner peace that allows us the grace to perform with confidence, self-assurance and assertiveness. In other words the source of true empowerment is peace. So, how do we go about finding peace and how do we access it regularly enough to authenticate our empowerment? That's what we'll be talking about today on Authentic Living. Don't miss it.
8/21/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Divine Feminine?
For some in the Western world considering the divine as feminine not only seems impossible, so engrained have we become with the masculine archetypal God, but for some is thought to be blasphemy. But in the history of sacred wisdom the divine is often found in the feminine archetype. Our guest today, Meghan Don, is the author of The New Divine Feminine, in which she describes several methods, several stories, and many meditations for accessing the divine feminine. Why would we need to do that? One answer is that wisdom itself, found in the sacred texts as Sophia, is feminine in nature. Another is that the feminine archetype leads us inward to find our deepest authentic selves. If you are seeking a deeper union with the divine, this show is for you.
8/14/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?
Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
8/7/2024 • 1 hour
Encore: The Sacred to Music
David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
7/31/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Illusions, Delusions and Lies
What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
7/24/2024 • 1 hour
Encore The Oneness in Our Division
We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it? Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.
7/17/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Who Are You Really?
We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
7/3/2024 • 1 hour
Encore FEAR!!
It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
6/26/2024 • 1 hour
Encore The Politics of Love
We have learned so much about how we should love, that we don’t know much about how we are loved, and how we do love. There is so much that we should be thinking, feeling, doing in the name of love, that we don’t realize how much of it is actually false, fake, ingenuous. What is really going on behind all those shoulds? Have we yet begun to be certain that we are loved, deeply loved by the divine and the Self? Have we come to understand the specific and very individualized ways in which we love? This show is going to put us in touch with love. Be here for it.
6/19/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Don't Be a Jerk
John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
6/12/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America
The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
6/5/2024 • 1 hour
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
5/29/2024 • 1 hour
Encore The Evolutionary Power of Relationship
One of the most important tasks of maturity is learning to live with and accept another person as is, while simultaneously holding on to one’s own authenticity. But most of us go through a few relationships with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong before we get involved with someone with whom we can actually complete that task. This should be someone we cannot control and who cannot control us. It should be someone who encourages our authenticity as we encourage theirs. But what does it take to grow to the point where we can have such a relationship? That’s the $65,000 question, as they say. Well this show is going to answer it. Be here for that.
5/22/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Divinization
What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
5/15/2024 • 1 hour
Encore The Oneness in Our Division
We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it. Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. Hopefully, we will get that leadership in a few months. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.
5/8/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Awakenings
Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.
5/1/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Oppositions
In an astrological chart we see a configuration called an opposition. It means that two distinct energies in the chart are acting in opposition to each other. Well, we have all kinds of oppositions in our lives, both internal and external. Betrayals, enemies, inner conflicts, closed doors, terminated relationships, our own inner demons and many more things seem to come up in opposition to where we’d like to go, who we’d like to be. What do we do when these things come up? How can we walk into and through such an opposition while maintaining a healthy spirituality? Do such oppositions mean that we are somehow on the wrong path? Are they meant to punish, teach or otherwise admonish us? Today we are going to explore these oppositions for the mystery of their mystical meanings. Don’t miss it.
4/24/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Toward Inner and Outer Peace
Peace. We all long for peace, both inner peace and outer peace. But we cannot seem to find it internally because the external world seems to be in such chaos. So, as long as that's true, how will we ever find peace? Well, today, Karen Noe is here to give us 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. This interview will be based on her latest book We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. Karen is an internationally renowned psychic medium with a two year client waiting list. So, we have much to learn from her as she offers her truths today--don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how to find and live in peace.
4/17/2024 • 1 hour
Encore What to do with Conflicted Feelings
It is hard enough to have one overwhelming emotion take over our thoughts and behaviors. But it is even more difficult for most of us to have two or three very opposite emotions. Our thoughts tell us that we should argue for these positions so that one of the emotions “wins.” But is that really what is the most effective plan? Is it possible that conflicted emotions can help us to heal, even help us to plan our lives in some way? Well, today we are going to be talking to Relationship Strategist and Emotional Fitness coach Jennifer Williams to answer some of these questions. If you have ever experience conflicted feelings, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
4/10/2024 • 1 hour
Encore The Wild, Wild Wisdom of Life
How do we even begin to trust a life in which there is so much worldwide suffering? People say, “Trust the process,” but what does that mean, and how do we trust it? We’ve all entered this wild, wild ride of life filled with all manner of amazing blessings and difficult challenges. Why are we here? What is the point? Given the suffering of the world, some would say that no one should ever leave home. Yet we do, we not only leave our homes but we risk falling in love, we get into committed relationships and we have children. We work jobs toward certain goals we may or may not attain. We challenge life, in fact, as much as life challenges us. How do we do that? What is it in us that is willing to take all those risks? Whatever it is, it is a powerful force and allows us to receive the wisdom, the wild, wild wisdom of life. Today, we are going to get in touch with that wild wisdom, increasing everyone’s vibrational energy. Don’t miss it.
4/3/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW
There are many stories out there from those who have experienced a near-death experience, who tell us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Many mediums who also inform us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Some who even inform us that we can have, in the here and now, some of that same peace and joy. But is it possible to inhabit heaven even as we live here on planet earth? If so, what would that look and feel like? We live in a dual mindset, an either/or, good/evil, peace/war mindset. But is that really the truth of our life here on earth? Tune in today. Maybe YOU can learn to inhabit heaven NOW.
3/27/2024 • 1 hour
Encore False Prophets
We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
3/20/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Surrender as Personal Empowerment
Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.
3/6/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Surrender as Personal Empowerment
Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.
3/6/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It
The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
2/28/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It
The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
2/28/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Spiritual Advocacy
While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
2/21/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Spiritual Advocacy
While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
2/21/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Love Sweet Love
What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
2/14/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Love Sweet Love
What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
2/14/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Surrender to Oneness
As we study the sacred texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Bible—particularly in its root language—what we discover is that duality is nonduality. There simply is no such thing as separation. Yet we continue to live our lives as if we were separate from the divine, and separate from each other, and the natural world. It is very difficult for us to imagine Oneness. It is very difficult for us to suspend our polarized notions of good and evil. But the surrender to Oneness is simply a surrender to the truth of who and what we are. This is not something we can do with the intellect. That’s why it seems so difficult to us. But it is something we can do. Tune in today to learn about surrendering to Oneness.
2/7/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Surrender to Oneness
As we study the sacred texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Bible—particularly in its root language—what we discover is that duality is nonduality. There simply is no such thing as separation. Yet we continue to live our lives as if we were separate from the divine, and separate from each other, and the natural world. It is very difficult for us to imagine Oneness. It is very difficult for us to suspend our polarized notions of good and evil. But the surrender to Oneness is simply a surrender to the truth of who and what we are. This is not something we can do with the intellect. That’s why it seems so difficult to us. But it is something we can do. Tune in today to learn about surrendering to Oneness.
2/7/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo
What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
1/31/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo
What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
1/31/2024 • 1 hour
Encore A Mistaken Christianity
There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
1/24/2024 • 1 hour
Encore A Mistaken Christianity
There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
1/24/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
1/17/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
1/17/2024 • 1 hour
Encore: Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love
One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
1/10/2024 • 1 hour
Encore: Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love
One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
1/10/2024 • 1 hour
Encore: Sin: The Mistaken Belief
A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
1/3/2024 • 1 hour
Encore: Sin: The Mistaken Belief
A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
1/3/2024 • 1 hour
Encore Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
12/27/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
12/27/2023 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore The Refuge of the Self
We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
12/20/2023 • 1 hour
Encore The Refuge of the Self
We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
12/20/2023 • 56 minutes, 56 seconds
Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
12/13/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
12/13/2023 • 56 minutes, 20 seconds
Encore Ain't Necessarily So
What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
11/29/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Ain't Necessarily So
What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
11/29/2023 • 55 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore Your Family Trance
If we want to know the biggest barrier to our authenticity we can look to the hypnotic scripts we learned as we were growing up. But paradoxically, it is these same scripts that are the anvil upon which we hammer out the designs for an authentic life. We actually grew up in a hypnotic trance state in which the organizing center of our existence became the messages we received from primary relationships. In other words, we lost our center. These hypnotic scripts told us who to be and how to be it. And we did it and did it and did it until the day came when doing it became more painful than not doing it. That’s when we began to ask some of the right questions—like who am I really? But that particular trance is our gauntlet. No one else’s trance state will ultimately be broken so that we can become who we are. But until it is broken we will not come alive. Tune in to learn why you do what you do, why you are attracted to your relationships and how you can become your truest Self.
11/15/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Your Family Trance
If we want to know the biggest barrier to our authenticity we can look to the hypnotic scripts we learned as we were growing up. But paradoxically, it is these same scripts that are the anvil upon which we hammer out the designs for an authentic life. We actually grew up in a hypnotic trance state in which the organizing center of our existence became the messages we received from primary relationships. In other words, we lost our center. These hypnotic scripts told us who to be and how to be it. And we did it and did it and did it until the day came when doing it became more painful than not doing it. That’s when we began to ask some of the right questions—like who am I really? But that particular trance is our gauntlet. No one else’s trance state will ultimately be broken so that we can become who we are. But until it is broken we will not come alive. Tune in to learn why you do what you do, why you are attracted to your relationships and how you can become your truest Self.
11/15/2023 • 57 minutes, 50 seconds
Encore: The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality
We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
11/8/2023 • 1 hour
Encore: The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality
We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
11/8/2023 • 57 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
11/1/2023 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
11/1/2023 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality
We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
10/18/2023 • 57 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality
We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
10/18/2023 • 57 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within
At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
10/11/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within
At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
10/11/2023 • 55 minutes, 12 seconds
Encore Illusions, Delusions and Lies
What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
10/4/2023 • 58 minutes, 14 seconds
Encore Illusions, Delusions and Lies
What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
10/4/2023 • 58 minutes, 14 seconds
Encore Healing That Which is Beyond Help
What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
9/27/2023 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Encore Healing That Which is Beyond Help
What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
9/27/2023 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Encore Trusting the Process
When life events, difficult circumstances and relationships come our way, we tend to get all caught up in what is going to happen next, and what strategy we can use to make it turn out the way we want it to. To do any less than that, it seems, would be to lay down and let life roll over you. But there is a way to be fully involved, yet fully surrendered to a deeper more authentic process that is happening always throughout all of our life events, circumstances and relationships. We can learn to trust the process. That’s what this show is going to be all about. Don’t miss it.
9/20/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Trusting the Process
When life events, difficult circumstances and relationships come our way, we tend to get all caught up in what is going to happen next, and what strategy we can use to make it turn out the way we want it to. To do any less than that, it seems, would be to lay down and let life roll over you. But there is a way to be fully involved, yet fully surrendered to a deeper more authentic process that is happening always throughout all of our life events, circumstances and relationships. We can learn to trust the process. That’s what this show is going to be all about. Don’t miss it.
9/20/2023 • 57 minutes, 29 seconds
Encore To Pray or Not to Pray
We tend to think of prayer as belonging only to religion.It doesn't belong to life, it belong to religion. For those who don’t pray there is a tendency to believe that prayer is dependency on magical thinking. Or perhaps we say that we forget to pray. But the biggest question here is What IS Prayer? Is it just the words that we say to a higher being? If so, what are we allowed to say and what is inappropriate to say? More importantly, what will prayer mean if it doesn’t get answered as we’d hoped? And is it possible that prayer is actually very different than what we have imagined it to be? Don’t miss this show.
9/13/2023 • 1 hour
Encore To Pray or Not to Pray
We tend to think of prayer as belonging only to religion.It doesn't belong to life, it belong to religion. For those who don’t pray there is a tendency to believe that prayer is dependency on magical thinking. Or perhaps we say that we forget to pray. But the biggest question here is What IS Prayer? Is it just the words that we say to a higher being? If so, what are we allowed to say and what is inappropriate to say? More importantly, what will prayer mean if it doesn’t get answered as we’d hoped? And is it possible that prayer is actually very different than what we have imagined it to be? Don’t miss this show.
9/13/2023 • 57 minutes, 41 seconds
Encore Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
9/6/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
9/6/2023 • 56 minutes, 3 seconds
Encore Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young
Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
8/30/2023 • 54 minutes, 25 seconds
Encore Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young
Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
8/30/2023 • 54 minutes, 25 seconds
Encore The Body as Solution to the Soul
We have been taught that the body is the problem. The body is what makes us sin, with its lusts, its appetites and its hungers. The body is what makes us sick. The body is what makes us die. The body is that which we must discipline and chastise if we find that we have done wrong. Forever, the body has been thought to be the problem. But what if you were to learn that the body is actually the solution to the problem of the soul? What if you were to learn that you cannot fulfill your soul’s intention unless the body realizes its nature as soul? We cannot wrap our heads around that idea very easily—but what if it were the truth—all the while we are making it the problem? Today we are going to wrap our heads around this final and fulfilling truth. Don’t miss this show. It could mean an awakening.
8/23/2023 • 57 minutes, 29 seconds
Encore The Body as Solution to the Soul
We have been taught that the body is the problem. The body is what makes us sin, with its lusts, its appetites and its hungers. The body is what makes us sick. The body is what makes us die. The body is that which we must discipline and chastise if we find that we have done wrong. Forever, the body has been thought to be the problem. But what if you were to learn that the body is actually the solution to the problem of the soul? What if you were to learn that you cannot fulfill your soul’s intention unless the body realizes its nature as soul? We cannot wrap our heads around that idea very easily—but what if it were the truth—all the while we are making it the problem? Today we are going to wrap our heads around this final and fulfilling truth. Don’t miss this show. It could mean an awakening.
8/23/2023 • 57 minutes, 29 seconds
Encore Letting Go of Good Part IV
The book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” is out! It came out yesterday. And today we are going to explain how a person might really dispel that myth, how they might actually begin to live from the genuine self. Discover how to stop living from guilt, from trying to be good, and learn how to get real. Learn to use your personal powers, powers that are inherent to your very nature, to handle relationships—both personal and professional—genuinely, and with appropriate boundaries. Learn how we develop trust. You don’t want to miss this important show.
8/16/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Letting Go of Good Part IV
The book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” is out! It came out yesterday. And today we are going to explain how a person might really dispel that myth, how they might actually begin to live from the genuine self. Discover how to stop living from guilt, from trying to be good, and learn how to get real. Learn to use your personal powers, powers that are inherent to your very nature, to handle relationships—both personal and professional—genuinely, and with appropriate boundaries. Learn how we develop trust. You don’t want to miss this important show.
8/16/2023 • 57 minutes, 13 seconds
Encore Letting Go of Good, Part III
We tend to think that “being good” is the same as being genuine. But what the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” proves is that it is very possible to strive after goodness, while living a very false existence. In this third episode we discover some surprises regarding a breakthrough approach to this problem. First, we discover that difficult emotions, unlike what we are taught, are meant to give us a message from the authentic self. In fact they can heal us from a false identity and restore us to authenticity. We are typically taught to push these emotions aside in favor of more “positive” emotions—but we will discover that advice to be a mistake, for it is our most difficult emotions that have the capacity to open us to living from a richer more authentic Self. Don’t miss this important show.
8/9/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Letting Go of Good, Part III
We tend to think that “being good” is the same as being genuine. But what the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” proves is that it is very possible to strive after goodness, while living a very false existence. In this third episode we discover some surprises regarding a breakthrough approach to this problem. First, we discover that difficult emotions, unlike what we are taught, are meant to give us a message from the authentic self. In fact they can heal us from a false identity and restore us to authenticity. We are typically taught to push these emotions aside in favor of more “positive” emotions—but we will discover that advice to be a mistake, for it is our most difficult emotions that have the capacity to open us to living from a richer more authentic Self. Don’t miss this important show.
8/9/2023 • 57 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore Letting Go of Good Part II
It’s hard to imagine that there could be a problem with “being good.” But the problem is that it is a poor substitute for a true sense of worthiness. It is in fact, based in a mythology that there is a standardized form of goodness that, if we can activate it, will somehow remove from us any sense of unworthiness. And so there are many of us, identified as “good guys” who are giving up their authenticity in an attempt to compensate for a deep sense of unworthiness. In this case, our lives are run by guilt, and we do not know the difference between a motivation that comes from a should, have to or ought to, and a true authentic passion or compassion. This show highlights the book “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” with a Foreword by Thomas Moore. Don’t miss this important show about an epidemic problem and its breakthrough solution.
8/2/2023 • 56 minutes, 47 seconds
Encore Letting Go of Good Part II
It’s hard to imagine that there could be a problem with “being good.” But the problem is that it is a poor substitute for a true sense of worthiness. It is in fact, based in a mythology that there is a standardized form of goodness that, if we can activate it, will somehow remove from us any sense of unworthiness. And so there are many of us, identified as “good guys” who are giving up their authenticity in an attempt to compensate for a deep sense of unworthiness. In this case, our lives are run by guilt, and we do not know the difference between a motivation that comes from a should, have to or ought to, and a true authentic passion or compassion. This show highlights the book “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” with a Foreword by Thomas Moore. Don’t miss this important show about an epidemic problem and its breakthrough solution.
8/2/2023 • 56 minutes, 47 seconds
Encore Letting Go of Good
Does guilt run too much of your life? Do you find that you are making many of your decisions based on whether or not you might feel guilty if you don’t…or if you do? Do you strive to please, help and take responsibility for others? Then you may have a “good guy identity,” and believe it or not, this identity is deadly. This is the first of several shows that will provide a countdown to the launching of the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” which is being released on August 8th. We will explore the good guy identity for its psychology, explaining how it is that being good can be so very bad for some people. And we will demonstrate how it is that we might begin to let go of that myth of goodness and find and live from the authentic self. Don’t miss it.
7/19/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Letting Go of Good
Does guilt run too much of your life? Do you find that you are making many of your decisions based on whether or not you might feel guilty if you don’t…or if you do? Do you strive to please, help and take responsibility for others? Then you may have a “good guy identity,” and believe it or not, this identity is deadly. This is the first of several shows that will provide a countdown to the launching of the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” which is being released on August 8th. We will explore the good guy identity for its psychology, explaining how it is that being good can be so very bad for some people. And we will demonstrate how it is that we might begin to let go of that myth of goodness and find and live from the authentic self. Don’t miss it.
7/19/2023 • 57 minutes, 57 seconds
Encore Hate is Fear
There is so much going on in our country, even around the globe right now that is all about hate. Hate of difference is the primary hate that is being manifested right now. “I hate you because you are different!” Whether it has do with color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or political opinion, what is primarily being hated at this time is difference. So, we are going to spend some time talking about difference and about hate on today’s show. And what we are going to learn is how we might turn the fear that is hate into love. Don’t miss it.
7/12/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Hate is Fear
There is so much going on in our country, even around the globe right now that is all about hate. Hate of difference is the primary hate that is being manifested right now. “I hate you because you are different!” Whether it has do with color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or political opinion, what is primarily being hated at this time is difference. So, we are going to spend some time talking about difference and about hate on today’s show. And what we are going to learn is how we might turn the fear that is hate into love. Don’t miss it.
7/12/2023 • 56 minutes, 58 seconds
Encore False Prophets
We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
7/5/2023 • 1 hour
Encore False Prophets
We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
7/5/2023 • 56 minutes, 22 seconds
Encore Spirituality in a Crazy World
How does one manage to maintain one’s spirituality, when the world seems to have turned upside down? In a world where what was previously “right” seems wrong and what was “wrong” now seems right, how does one maintain a sense of balance? How do we sort out the distinctions? What do we believe? What is real and what is “fake news?” How does one maintain authenticity when faced with toxicity? Today’s show is going to offer some methods you can use to find your center even when the world has gone crazy. Don’t miss it.
6/28/2023 • 57 minutes, 41 seconds
Encore Spirituality in a Crazy World
How does one manage to maintain one’s spirituality, when the world seems to have turned upside down? In a world where what was previously “right” seems wrong and what was “wrong” now seems right, how does one maintain a sense of balance? How do we sort out the distinctions? What do we believe? What is real and what is “fake news?” How does one maintain authenticity when faced with toxicity? Today’s show is going to offer some methods you can use to find your center even when the world has gone crazy. Don’t miss it.
6/28/2023 • 57 minutes, 41 seconds
Encore: Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
6/14/2023 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore: Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
6/14/2023 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within
At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
6/7/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within
At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
6/7/2023 • 55 minutes, 12 seconds
Encore Peace in the Time of Turmoil
The answer to finding peace in times of turmoil is not to turn off the TV and live in ignorance masking as bliss. The answer is not to affirm that what is happening “out there” is “just an illusion” so we don’t need to bother with trying to do anything about it. The answer is to step into the truth. To step into the truth of our nature. To step into the truth of the power and presence of the divine. To learn to trust the process of divinization that is always a part of our unfolding evolution. Tune in to this important message to learn how to find peace in the time of turmoil.
5/31/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Peace in the Time of Turmoil
The answer to finding peace in times of turmoil is not to turn off the TV and live in ignorance masking as bliss. The answer is not to affirm that what is happening “out there” is “just an illusion” so we don’t need to bother with trying to do anything about it. The answer is to step into the truth. To step into the truth of our nature. To step into the truth of the power and presence of the divine. To learn to trust the process of divinization that is always a part of our unfolding evolution. Tune in to this important message to learn how to find peace in the time of turmoil.
5/31/2023 • 57 minutes, 38 seconds
Encore Safe to Love Again?
Have you loved and lost? Have you been heart broken, devastated by the personal loss of a relationship due to divorce or a breakup? If you have, you have probably asked the question, “when is it safe to love again?” Well, today, we are talking to Dr. Gary Salyer, author of “Safe to Love Again: How to Release the Pain of Past Relationships and Create the Love You Deserve.” The book was written for both singles and for couples who have lost the passion. It offers a pathway to rewiring the brain to allow for a safe, secure, long-lasting love to be yours. Is your love style Secure, Avoidant or Anxious? These styles were manifested through “permissions” or “rights” that our infant selves did or did not acquire in the first year of life, based on what we internalized and perceived from the actions of our parents, says Salyer. Come learn about your style and how you can rewire your brain to allow a safe, secure and long-lasting love.
5/24/2023 • 54 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Safe to Love Again?
Have you loved and lost? Have you been heart broken, devastated by the personal loss of a relationship due to divorce or a breakup? If you have, you have probably asked the question, “when is it safe to love again?” Well, today, we are talking to Dr. Gary Salyer, author of “Safe to Love Again: How to Release the Pain of Past Relationships and Create the Love You Deserve.” The book was written for both singles and for couples who have lost the passion. It offers a pathway to rewiring the brain to allow for a safe, secure, long-lasting love to be yours. Is your love style Secure, Avoidant or Anxious? These styles were manifested through “permissions” or “rights” that our infant selves did or did not acquire in the first year of life, based on what we internalized and perceived from the actions of our parents, says Salyer. Come learn about your style and how you can rewire your brain to allow a safe, secure and long-lasting love.
5/24/2023 • 54 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Practicing Presence
The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
5/17/2023 • 56 minutes, 29 seconds
Encore Practicing Presence
The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
5/17/2023 • 56 minutes, 29 seconds
Encore Getting the Gift from Grief
When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
5/10/2023 • 1 hour
Encore Getting the Gift from Grief
When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
5/10/2023 • 57 minutes, 43 seconds
Encore Lost
We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
4/26/2023 • 57 minutes, 55 seconds
Encore Lost
We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
4/26/2023 • 57 minutes, 55 seconds
Encore FEAR!!
It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
4/12/2023 • 1 hour
Encore FEAR!!
It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
4/12/2023 • 53 minutes, 7 seconds
Encore Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse
What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
4/5/2023 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Encore Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse
What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
4/5/2023 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Encore Coming Alive
We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.
3/29/2023 • 56 minutes, 36 seconds
Encore Coming Alive
We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.
3/29/2023 • 56 minutes, 36 seconds
Encore Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living
We are excited that Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD comes this week to tell us about the unveiling of her long awaited audio work and online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman, Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her many followers, jokes that there have been a few “sightings” over the years, though she disappeared from public view for three decades to write. This week she comes out into the “clattering world” to talk with us about her work. Come and listen to her unique storytelling ability, soothing voice and deep understanding of the complexities of humanity and grow closer to your own soul.
3/22/2023 • 56 minutes, 4 seconds
Encore Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living
We are excited that Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD comes this week to tell us about the unveiling of her long awaited audio work and online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman, Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her many followers, jokes that there have been a few “sightings” over the years, though she disappeared from public view for three decades to write. This week she comes out into the “clattering world” to talk with us about her work. Come and listen to her unique storytelling ability, soothing voice and deep understanding of the complexities of humanity and grow closer to your own soul.
3/22/2023 • 56 minutes, 4 seconds
Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman
We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also conducted online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
3/15/2023 • 54 minutes, 53 seconds
Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman
We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also conducted online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
3/15/2023 • 54 minutes, 53 seconds
Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés and The Joyous Body
We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
3/8/2023 • 58 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés and The Joyous Body
We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
3/8/2023 • 58 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore Vulnerability, Your Greatest Strength
We are often taught to build self-confidence without even making reference to an authentic Self, we think that vulnerabilities make us weak. But actually, just the reverse is true. For, how might one come to know one’s self completely without getting intimate with one’s own vulnerabilities? How will we know our deepest needs, and most authentic desires, without coming to know our vulnerabilities? And isn’t it our vulnerabilities that allow us to take loving care of ourselves? There are many more things that our vulnerabilities do for us. And we are going to talk about them all this week. Don’t miss it.
3/1/2023 • 56 minutes, 40 seconds
Encore Vulnerability, Your Greatest Strength
We are often taught to build self-confidence without even making reference to an authentic Self, we think that vulnerabilities make us weak. But actually, just the reverse is true. For, how might one come to know one’s self completely without getting intimate with one’s own vulnerabilities? How will we know our deepest needs, and most authentic desires, without coming to know our vulnerabilities? And isn’t it our vulnerabilities that allow us to take loving care of ourselves? There are many more things that our vulnerabilities do for us. And we are going to talk about them all this week. Don’t miss it.
3/1/2023 • 56 minutes, 40 seconds
Encore Is Guilt Running Your Life?
Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
2/22/2023 • 58 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Is Guilt Running Your Life?
Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
2/22/2023 • 58 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Ain't Necessarily So
What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
2/15/2023 • 55 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore Ain't Necessarily So
What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
2/15/2023 • 55 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality
How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
2/8/2023 • 56 minutes, 43 seconds
Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality
How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
2/8/2023 • 56 minutes, 43 seconds
Encore Your Soul's True Mate
One of the most important aspects of adult life is the journey to finding a soulmate. This is an urgent mission for so many in our world. And now with the addition of online dating sites we are making the mission an E-mission in many cases. So many of us think we have found Mr. or Ms. Right, when in fact we have just found again the same Mr. or Ms. Wrong we found the last time we looked. Simran Singh teaches us how to take the spiritual journey to your soul’s true mate, in her book “Your Journey to Love: Discover the Path to Your Soul’s True Mate.” And we are going to be talking to her today about that very journey. If you are looking for your soulmate, tune in, and take notes. This show is for you.
2/1/2023 • 57 minutes, 27 seconds
Encore Your Soul's True Mate
One of the most important aspects of adult life is the journey to finding a soulmate. This is an urgent mission for so many in our world. And now with the addition of online dating sites we are making the mission an E-mission in many cases. So many of us think we have found Mr. or Ms. Right, when in fact we have just found again the same Mr. or Ms. Wrong we found the last time we looked. Simran Singh teaches us how to take the spiritual journey to your soul’s true mate, in her book “Your Journey to Love: Discover the Path to Your Soul’s True Mate.” And we are going to be talking to her today about that very journey. If you are looking for your soulmate, tune in, and take notes. This show is for you.
2/1/2023 • 57 minutes, 27 seconds
Encore The Gift in the Darkness
The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
1/25/2023 • 57 minutes, 37 seconds
Encore The Gift in the Darkness
The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
1/25/2023 • 57 minutes, 37 seconds
Encore Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
1/18/2023 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
Encore Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
1/18/2023 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
1/11/2023 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
1/11/2023 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
1/4/2023 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
1/4/2023 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse
What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
12/28/2022 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Encore Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse
What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
12/28/2022 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Encore Is Guilt Running Your Life?
Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
12/21/2022 • 58 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Is Guilt Running Your Life?
Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
12/21/2022 • 58 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” Over the past 3 years we have experienced unbelievable chaos and internal conflict, anxiety and depression. Not only are we still dealing with climate change and economic issues but we are not yet finished with the pandemic. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
12/14/2022 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” Over the past 3 years we have experienced unbelievable chaos and internal conflict, anxiety and depression. Not only are we still dealing with climate change and economic issues but we are not yet finished with the pandemic. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
12/14/2022 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Encore Uncertainty, Faith and Hope
We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
12/7/2022 • 56 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Uncertainty, Faith and Hope
We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
12/7/2022 • 56 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practice
Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
11/30/2022 • 55 minutes, 33 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practice
Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
11/30/2022 • 55 minutes, 33 seconds
Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo
What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
11/23/2022 • 55 minutes, 56 seconds
Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo
What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
11/23/2022 • 55 minutes, 56 seconds
Encore Relationship Myths
Is there really a knight on a white horse, who will come to save us? Doesn't love mean she can read my mind? Isn't sex the solution to every problem in our relationship? These and other like myths are going to be discussed today on this show in which we will learn the exact parameters of a REAL relationship. Don't miss it.
11/16/2022 • 57 minutes, 11 seconds
Encore Relationship Myths
Is there really a knight on a white horse, who will come to save us? Doesn't love mean she can read my mind? Isn't sex the solution to every problem in our relationship? These and other like myths are going to be discussed today on this show in which we will learn the exact parameters of a REAL relationship. Don't miss it.
11/16/2022 • 57 minutes, 11 seconds
Encore: The Heart of a Wild Woman
We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
11/9/2022 • 57 minutes, 55 seconds
Encore: The Heart of a Wild Woman
We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
11/9/2022 • 57 minutes, 55 seconds
Encore: The Sacred to Music
David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
11/2/2022 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
Encore: The Sacred to Music
David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
11/2/2022 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
10/26/2022 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
10/26/2022 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Lost
We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
10/19/2022 • 57 minutes, 55 seconds
Encore Lost
We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
10/19/2022 • 57 minutes, 55 seconds
Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America
The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
10/12/2022 • 56 minutes, 40 seconds
Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America
The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
10/12/2022 • 56 minutes, 40 seconds
Encore Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
10/5/2022 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
Encore Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
10/5/2022 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
The Sacred to Music
David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
9/21/2022 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
The Sacred to Music
David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
9/21/2022 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
Encore Healing That Which is Beyond Help
What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
9/14/2022 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Encore Healing That Which is Beyond Help
What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
9/14/2022 • 57 minutes, 42 seconds
Encore Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?
Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
9/7/2022 • 57 minutes, 6 seconds
Encore Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?
Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
9/7/2022 • 57 minutes, 6 seconds
Encore Don't Be a Jerk
John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
8/31/2022 • 53 minutes, 46 seconds
Encore Don't Be a Jerk
John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
8/31/2022 • 53 minutes, 46 seconds
Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America
The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
8/24/2022 • 56 minutes, 40 seconds
Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America
The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
8/24/2022 • 56 minutes, 40 seconds
Encore Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife
…as explained by our guest today, medium Hollister Rand. Do you have questions? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, Hollister Rand has written the book, “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, But Were Afraid to Ask.” And she asks and answers all those questions. Today, we are going to get some of those answers from Hollister. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
8/17/2022 • 55 minutes, 47 seconds
Encore Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife
…as explained by our guest today, medium Hollister Rand. Do you have questions? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, Hollister Rand has written the book, “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, But Were Afraid to Ask.” And she asks and answers all those questions. Today, we are going to get some of those answers from Hollister. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
8/17/2022 • 55 minutes, 47 seconds
Encore The Soul of Aging
Thomas Moore comes back to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about his book: Ageless Soul: The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy. As you know, Moore is the bestselling author of Care of the Soul, a book that changed the world at a core level, for we began to be willing to invite soul into our daily lives. Today we will talk with him about the soul of the aging process. This process is one which most of us fear at some level, and one which our society tries to youth-enize. We are constantly trying to find ways to make and keep ourselves young, all in avoidance of the sacred processes relative to aging. Today we will learn a new way. Don’t miss it.
8/10/2022 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore The Soul of Aging
Thomas Moore comes back to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about his book: Ageless Soul: The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy. As you know, Moore is the bestselling author of Care of the Soul, a book that changed the world at a core level, for we began to be willing to invite soul into our daily lives. Today we will talk with him about the soul of the aging process. This process is one which most of us fear at some level, and one which our society tries to youth-enize. We are constantly trying to find ways to make and keep ourselves young, all in avoidance of the sacred processes relative to aging. Today we will learn a new way. Don’t miss it.
8/10/2022 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore Awakenings
Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.
8/3/2022 • 57 minutes, 50 seconds
Encore Awakenings
Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.
8/3/2022 • 57 minutes, 50 seconds
Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
7/27/2022 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
Spiritual Abuse
Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
7/27/2022 • 55 minutes, 58 seconds
Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
7/20/2022 • 56 minutes, 20 seconds
Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
7/20/2022 • 56 minutes, 20 seconds
Encore The Secret Psychic
Angela Wix is here with us today to tell us how to fully unite our hidden spiritual life with our everyday reality. She knows how hard it is to talk to others about spiritual gifts, so we keep them hidden. Her book, The Secret Psychic helps readers learn how to practice their psychic and spiritual abilities even when they’ve not been able to open up to those around them. So, today she is going to help us learn how to connect with and use intuition, how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to eventually reveal your true self to others. Don’t miss it.
7/13/2022 • 52 minutes, 53 seconds
Encore The Secret Psychic
Angela Wix is here with us today to tell us how to fully unite our hidden spiritual life with our everyday reality. She knows how hard it is to talk to others about spiritual gifts, so we keep them hidden. Her book, The Secret Psychic helps readers learn how to practice their psychic and spiritual abilities even when they’ve not been able to open up to those around them. So, today she is going to help us learn how to connect with and use intuition, how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to eventually reveal your true self to others. Don’t miss it.
7/13/2022 • 52 minutes, 53 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
7/6/2022 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
7/6/2022 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore Darkness and Light
There's just so much out there about living in the light, living into worthiness, living into goodness, that we dismiss the value of the shadows, the darkness. We think that darkness implies evil. But we miss all the beautiful silence, the amazing mystery of darkness. And we miss the beautiful gifts that are given to us when we walk through the darkness in our lives. Somehow we've come to believe that we should live lives completely divest of darkness--that doing so makes us good people, even proves our worth. So when the darkness comes--as it will--we tend to think we must have done something wrong, and then we add shame to the problem. But like the light, the darkness equally has gifts to give us. Let us, then, explore the gifts of the darkness--bring them into the light. You don't want to miss this one.
6/29/2022 • 57 minutes, 27 seconds
Encore Darkness and Light
There's just so much out there about living in the light, living into worthiness, living into goodness, that we dismiss the value of the shadows, the darkness. We think that darkness implies evil. But we miss all the beautiful silence, the amazing mystery of darkness. And we miss the beautiful gifts that are given to us when we walk through the darkness in our lives. Somehow we've come to believe that we should live lives completely divest of darkness--that doing so makes us good people, even proves our worth. So when the darkness comes--as it will--we tend to think we must have done something wrong, and then we add shame to the problem. But like the light, the darkness equally has gifts to give us. Let us, then, explore the gifts of the darkness--bring them into the light. You don't want to miss this one.
6/29/2022 • 57 minutes, 27 seconds
Encore The Gift in the Darkness
The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
6/22/2022 • 57 minutes, 37 seconds
Encore The Gift in the Darkness
The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
6/22/2022 • 57 minutes, 37 seconds
Encore Uncertainty, Faith and Hope
We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is still talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
6/15/2022 • 56 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Uncertainty, Faith and Hope
We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is still talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
6/15/2022 • 56 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Who Are You Really?
We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
6/8/2022 • 56 minutes, 18 seconds
Encore Who Are You Really?
We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
6/8/2022 • 56 minutes, 18 seconds
The Secret Psychic
Angela Wix is here with us today to tell us how to fully unite our hidden spiritual life with our everyday reality. She knows how hard it is to talk to others about spiritual gifts, so we keep them hidden. Her book, The Secret Psychic helps readers learn how to practice their psychic and spiritual abilities even when they’ve not been able to open up to those around them. So, today she is going to help us learn how to connect with and use intuition, how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to eventually reveal your true self to others. Don’t miss it.
6/1/2022 • 52 minutes, 53 seconds
The Secret Psychic
Angela Wix is here with us today to tell us how to fully unite our hidden spiritual life with our everyday reality. She knows how hard it is to talk to others about spiritual gifts, so we keep them hidden. Her book, The Secret Psychic helps readers learn how to practice their psychic and spiritual abilities even when they’ve not been able to open up to those around them. So, today she is going to help us learn how to connect with and use intuition, how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to eventually reveal your true self to others. Don’t miss it.
6/1/2022 • 52 minutes, 53 seconds
Encore The Power of Peace
When we think of empowerment, we don't generally think first of peace, but rather of things like confidence, self-assurance, assertiveness and other like traits. We think of the ability to confront others, to draw appropriate boundaries, to address and meet our own needs. And all of those things do bring empowerment, but at the base of all of these things is a sense of authentic inner peace that allows us the grace to perform with confidence, self-assurance and assertiveness. In other words the source of true empowerment is peace. So, how do we go about finding peace and how do we access it regularly enough to authenticate our empowerment? That's what we'll be talking about today on Authentic Living. Don't miss it.
5/25/2022 • 57 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore The Power of Peace
When we think of empowerment, we don't generally think first of peace, but rather of things like confidence, self-assurance, assertiveness and other like traits. We think of the ability to confront others, to draw appropriate boundaries, to address and meet our own needs. And all of those things do bring empowerment, but at the base of all of these things is a sense of authentic inner peace that allows us the grace to perform with confidence, self-assurance and assertiveness. In other words the source of true empowerment is peace. So, how do we go about finding peace and how do we access it regularly enough to authenticate our empowerment? That's what we'll be talking about today on Authentic Living. Don't miss it.
5/25/2022 • 57 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore Living today--Owning the NOW
Many of us are living through these difficult times on the mantra, “I just have to get through today.” We put one foot in front of the other and we keep our heads down and go and go until we crash. We are just trying to survive in these difficult times. But what if these difficult times are offering us another way of looking at today? What if today were to become the essential life, the essential moment, the NOW? What if, because the future is currently so uncertain, we must forego the future and live fully into NOW? Well, that would be nice, you say, but HOW does a person forget about the future and live in the now? Well, today we are going to talk about that very thing and learn how living in the now is the essential life. Don’t miss it.
5/18/2022 • 56 minutes, 52 seconds
Encore Living today--Owning the NOW
Many of us are living through these difficult times on the mantra, “I just have to get through today.” We put one foot in front of the other and we keep our heads down and go and go until we crash. We are just trying to survive in these difficult times. But what if these difficult times are offering us another way of looking at today? What if today were to become the essential life, the essential moment, the NOW? What if, because the future is currently so uncertain, we must forego the future and live fully into NOW? Well, that would be nice, you say, but HOW does a person forget about the future and live in the now? Well, today we are going to talk about that very thing and learn how living in the now is the essential life. Don’t miss it.
5/18/2022 • 56 minutes, 52 seconds
Encore: Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?
Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
5/11/2022 • 57 minutes, 6 seconds
Encore: Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?
Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
5/11/2022 • 57 minutes, 6 seconds
Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?
Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
5/4/2022 • 57 minutes, 6 seconds
Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?
Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
5/4/2022 • 57 minutes, 6 seconds
Encore What do we do about LOSS?
Today we are going to talk about a very uncomfortable topic—but a topic which is an inevitability for most, if not all of us. We are going to talk about how to handle loss and in this case, great loss. Our guest today is Dr. Ann Clark, author of “Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self.” Is it possible that going through the devastating experience of such a great loss can become medicinal? Can loss become the impetus to developing an awareness of the authentic Self? The answer to both questions is a resounding YES. And we are going to learn how that happens in today’s show. If you are experiencing, have experienced or will experience a loss of any kind this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
4/27/2022 • 55 minutes, 22 seconds
Encore What do we do about LOSS?
Today we are going to talk about a very uncomfortable topic—but a topic which is an inevitability for most, if not all of us. We are going to talk about how to handle loss and in this case, great loss. Our guest today is Dr. Ann Clark, author of “Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self.” Is it possible that going through the devastating experience of such a great loss can become medicinal? Can loss become the impetus to developing an awareness of the authentic Self? The answer to both questions is a resounding YES. And we are going to learn how that happens in today’s show. If you are experiencing, have experienced or will experience a loss of any kind this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
4/27/2022 • 55 minutes, 22 seconds
Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife
…as explained by our guest today, medium Hollister Rand. Do you have questions? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, Hollister Rand has written the book, “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, But Were Afraid to Ask.” And she asks and answers all those questions. Today, we are going to get some of those answers from Hollister. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
4/20/2022 • 55 minutes, 47 seconds
Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife
…as explained by our guest today, medium Hollister Rand. Do you have questions? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, Hollister Rand has written the book, “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, But Were Afraid to Ask.” And she asks and answers all those questions. Today, we are going to get some of those answers from Hollister. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
4/20/2022 • 55 minutes, 47 seconds
Encore Divinization
What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
4/13/2022 • 55 minutes, 45 seconds
Encore Divinization
What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
4/13/2022 • 55 minutes, 45 seconds
Encore Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine
Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
4/6/2022 • 54 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine
Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
4/6/2022 • 54 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
3/30/2022 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood
Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
3/30/2022 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Dealing with Difficult People
Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. You don’t want to miss this one.
3/23/2022 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore Dealing with Difficult People
Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. You don’t want to miss this one.
3/23/2022 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
3/16/2022 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
3/16/2022 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore The Refuge of the Self
We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
3/9/2022 • 56 minutes, 56 seconds
Encore The Refuge of the Self
We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
3/9/2022 • 56 minutes, 56 seconds
What do we do about LOSS?
Today we are going to talk about a very uncomfortable topic—but a topic which is an inevitability for most, if not all of us. We are going to talk about how to handle loss and in this case, great loss. Our guest today is Dr. Ann Clark, author of “Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self.” Is it possible that going through the devastating experience of such a great loss can become medicinal? Can loss become the impetus to developing an awareness of the authentic Self? The answer to both questions is a resounding YES. And we are going to learn how that happens in today’s show. If you are experiencing, have experienced or will experience a loss of any kind this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
3/2/2022 • 55 minutes, 22 seconds
What do we do about LOSS?
Today we are going to talk about a very uncomfortable topic—but a topic which is an inevitability for most, if not all of us. We are going to talk about how to handle loss and in this case, great loss. Our guest today is Dr. Ann Clark, author of “Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self.” Is it possible that going through the devastating experience of such a great loss can become medicinal? Can loss become the impetus to developing an awareness of the authentic Self? The answer to both questions is a resounding YES. And we are going to learn how that happens in today’s show. If you are experiencing, have experienced or will experience a loss of any kind this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
3/2/2022 • 55 minutes, 22 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
2/23/2022 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
2/23/2022 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
2/16/2022 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
2/16/2022 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore The Mythology of the Battle of Good vs. Evil
We have lived for centuries now trying to win the battle of good over evil. But as we can see, as we look around the world, all the same kinds of atrocities that were happening centuries ago are still happening. In fact, we might say that there are worse travesties since we have developed nuclear weapons and greater technology. Are we just losing the battle?
Or is it possible that we are fighting the wrong fight? Is there any possibility that fighting the so-called “good fight” is not the right path? Is it possible that there is something more true, more healing than that grand battle between good and evil? Today we are going to answer that question and pose another theory for living that might offer not only greater truth, but greater peace. Don’t miss it!
2/9/2022 • 57 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore The Mythology of the Battle of Good vs. Evil
We have lived for centuries now trying to win the battle of good over evil. But as we can see, as we look around the world, all the same kinds of atrocities that were happening centuries ago are still happening. In fact, we might say that there are worse travesties since we have developed nuclear weapons and greater technology. Are we just losing the battle?
Or is it possible that we are fighting the wrong fight? Is there any possibility that fighting the so-called “good fight” is not the right path? Is it possible that there is something more true, more healing than that grand battle between good and evil? Today we are going to answer that question and pose another theory for living that might offer not only greater truth, but greater peace. Don’t miss it!
2/9/2022 • 57 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Letting Go
Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
2/2/2022 • 56 minutes, 33 seconds
Encore Letting Go
Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
2/2/2022 • 56 minutes, 33 seconds
Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
1/26/2022 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy
Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
1/26/2022 • 54 minutes, 39 seconds
Encore Who Are You Really?
We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
1/19/2022 • 56 minutes, 18 seconds
Encore Who Are You Really?
We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
1/19/2022 • 56 minutes, 18 seconds
Encore Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
1/12/2022 • 56 minutes, 3 seconds
Encore Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
1/12/2022 • 56 minutes, 3 seconds
Encore Don't Be a Jerk
John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
1/5/2022 • 53 minutes, 46 seconds
Encore Don't Be a Jerk
John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
1/5/2022 • 53 minutes, 46 seconds
Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
12/29/2021 • 56 minutes, 20 seconds
Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
12/29/2021 • 56 minutes, 20 seconds
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
12/22/2021 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
12/22/2021 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
12/15/2021 • 56 minutes, 20 seconds
Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents
Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
12/15/2021 • 56 minutes, 20 seconds
Encore Divinization
What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually, what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
12/8/2021 • 55 minutes, 45 seconds
Encore Divinization
What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually, what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
12/8/2021 • 55 minutes, 45 seconds
Don't Be a Jerk
John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
12/1/2021 • 53 minutes, 46 seconds
Don't Be a Jerk
John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
12/1/2021 • 53 minutes, 46 seconds
Encore Dealing with Difficult People
Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. Now is the time to talk about this. You don’t want to miss this one.
11/24/2021 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore Dealing with Difficult People
Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. Now is the time to talk about this. You don’t want to miss this one.
11/24/2021 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
11/17/2021 • 55 minutes, 45 seconds
What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
11/17/2021 • 55 minutes, 45 seconds
Encore Lissa Coffey and the Song Divine
We are so happy to welcome Lissa Coffey back to the Authentic Living show, this time to talk about her latest book, “Song Divine: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” She has also teamed up with Award-winning composer/producer David Vito Gregoli to create Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita ROCK OPERA—and we will hear some of that music today. The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text meant to facilitate awareness of the Divine Self and of Oneness. And we are so excited to get the opportunity today to explore it with Lissa’s help. Don’t miss this one.
11/10/2021 • 55 minutes, 34 seconds
Encore Lissa Coffey and the Song Divine
We are so happy to welcome Lissa Coffey back to the Authentic Living show, this time to talk about her latest book, “Song Divine: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” She has also teamed up with Award-winning composer/producer David Vito Gregoli to create Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita ROCK OPERA—and we will hear some of that music today. The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text meant to facilitate awareness of the Divine Self and of Oneness. And we are so excited to get the opportunity today to explore it with Lissa’s help. Don’t miss this one.
11/10/2021 • 55 minutes, 34 seconds
Encore Morality Vs. Spirituality
There is so much emphasis today on morality—which we use to define the worth of a given individual. Much that we use to measure ourselves has to do with finding ourselves worthy or unworthy. Morality is all about right and wrong and we feel that we need these measurements to make the crucial decisions of our lives. But is morality the same as spirituality? Many would say that it is. But I disagree. Spirituality is very different from morality. Morality is all about doing. Spirituality is all about being. But there’s so much more, so much more to understand about these distinctions. Tune in to find out.
11/3/2021 • 56 minutes, 21 seconds
Encore Morality Vs. Spirituality
There is so much emphasis today on morality—which we use to define the worth of a given individual. Much that we use to measure ourselves has to do with finding ourselves worthy or unworthy. Morality is all about right and wrong and we feel that we need these measurements to make the crucial decisions of our lives. But is morality the same as spirituality? Many would say that it is. But I disagree. Spirituality is very different from morality. Morality is all about doing. Spirituality is all about being. But there’s so much more, so much more to understand about these distinctions. Tune in to find out.
11/3/2021 • 56 minutes, 21 seconds
Lissa Coffey and the Song Divine
We are so happy to welcome Lissa Coffey back to the Authentic Living show, this time to talk about her latest book, “Song Divine: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” She has also teamed up with Award-winning composer/producer David Vito Gregoli to create Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita ROCK OPERA—and we will hear some of that music today. The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text meant to facilitate awareness of the Divine Self and of Oneness. And we are so excited to get the opportunity today to explore it with Lissa’s help. Don’t miss this one.
10/27/2021 • 55 minutes, 34 seconds
Lissa Coffey and the Song Divine
We are so happy to welcome Lissa Coffey back to the Authentic Living show, this time to talk about her latest book, “Song Divine: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” She has also teamed up with Award-winning composer/producer David Vito Gregoli to create Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita ROCK OPERA—and we will hear some of that music today. The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text meant to facilitate awareness of the Divine Self and of Oneness. And we are so excited to get the opportunity today to explore it with Lissa’s help. Don’t miss this one.
10/27/2021 • 55 minutes, 34 seconds
Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality
How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
10/20/2021 • 56 minutes, 43 seconds
Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality
How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
10/20/2021 • 56 minutes, 43 seconds
Encore Is the Divine really taking care of us?
So, we were just beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel when it became clear that our long dark night of the soul is not yet over. Business were coming back, deaths from Covid were way down, the number of people getting Covid were also down and then it started over again. We do have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
10/13/2021 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore Is the Divine really taking care of us?
So, we were just beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel when it became clear that our long dark night of the soul is not yet over. Business were coming back, deaths from Covid were way down, the number of people getting Covid were also down and then it started over again. We do have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
10/13/2021 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
Mike Robbins and Creating a Team Culture
We’ve been through so much over the past year and a half with Covid and Climate Change. And what we have been through is pushing us to develop new and innovative ways of working together. What has been and is being revealed is that we’ve had some quite dysfunctional ways of working together largely based in the power objective. But Mike Robbins wants us to bring our whole selves to work, to develop a team culture of high performance, trust and belonging, whereas the previous methodology only included the performance objective based in who had the most power. On this show we will talk to Mike about the how-to of high performance based in trust and belonging. Don’t miss it.
10/6/2021 • 57 minutes, 13 seconds
Mike Robbins and Creating a Team Culture
We’ve been through so much over the past year and a half with Covid and Climate Change. And what we have been through is pushing us to develop new and innovative ways of working together. What has been and is being revealed is that we’ve had some quite dysfunctional ways of working together largely based in the power objective. But Mike Robbins wants us to bring our whole selves to work, to develop a team culture of high performance, trust and belonging, whereas the previous methodology only included the performance objective based in who had the most power. On this show we will talk to Mike about the how-to of high performance based in trust and belonging. Don’t miss it.
10/6/2021 • 57 minutes, 13 seconds
Encore Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young
Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
9/29/2021 • 54 minutes, 25 seconds
Encore Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young
Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
9/29/2021 • 54 minutes, 25 seconds
Toxic Parents and Spirituality
How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
9/22/2021 • 56 minutes, 43 seconds
Toxic Parents and Spirituality
How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
9/22/2021 • 56 minutes, 43 seconds
Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW
In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
9/15/2021 • 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW
In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
9/15/2021 • 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Sin: The Mistaken Belief
A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
9/8/2021 • 55 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore Sin: The Mistaken Belief
A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
9/8/2021 • 55 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore Awakening from the Darkness
The collective that is the United States of America is currently experiencing a dark night of the soul—a night so dark that we fear we will never awaken from this nightmare. But like every dark night of the soul, this one has an end, which is a beginning. A beginning of a whole new version of that same collective. The dark night of the soul is meant to root out shadow material, expose it and deal with it appropriately so that we can awaken to a new reality. But we are just now in the darkest part of that dark night—where we can see with our own eyes the deepest, most vile aspects of the collective we have previously believed to be functioning well. Before this dark night we thought we lived in the light—but all the while the shadow was corrupt at its base. But exposing that shadow will bring us to the solid object that is blocking the light. Today we will peer into the darkness to find that block and the light within us. Don’t miss it.
9/1/2021 • 55 minutes, 53 seconds
Encore Awakening from the Darkness
The collective that is the United States of America is currently experiencing a dark night of the soul—a night so dark that we fear we will never awaken from this nightmare. But like every dark night of the soul, this one has an end, which is a beginning. A beginning of a whole new version of that same collective. The dark night of the soul is meant to root out shadow material, expose it and deal with it appropriately so that we can awaken to a new reality. But we are just now in the darkest part of that dark night—where we can see with our own eyes the deepest, most vile aspects of the collective we have previously believed to be functioning well. Before this dark night we thought we lived in the light—but all the while the shadow was corrupt at its base. But exposing that shadow will bring us to the solid object that is blocking the light. Today we will peer into the darkness to find that block and the light within us. Don’t miss it.
9/1/2021 • 55 minutes, 53 seconds
Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young
Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
8/25/2021 • 54 minutes, 25 seconds
Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young
Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
8/25/2021 • 54 minutes, 25 seconds
Morality Vs. Spirituality
There is so much emphasis today on morality—which we use to define the worth of a given individual. Much that we use to measure ourselves—finding ourselves worthy or unworthy. Morality is all about right and wrong and we feel that we need these measurements to make the crucial decisions of our lives. But is morality the same as spirituality? Many would say that it is. But I disagree. Spirituality is very different from morality. Morality is all about doing. Spirituality is all about being. But there’s so much more, so much more to understand about these distinctions. Tune in to find out.
8/18/2021 • 56 minutes, 21 seconds
Morality Vs. Spirituality
There is so much emphasis today on morality—which we use to define the worth of a given individual. Much that we use to measure ourselves—finding ourselves worthy or unworthy. Morality is all about right and wrong and we feel that we need these measurements to make the crucial decisions of our lives. But is morality the same as spirituality? Many would say that it is. But I disagree. Spirituality is very different from morality. Morality is all about doing. Spirituality is all about being. But there’s so much more, so much more to understand about these distinctions. Tune in to find out.
8/18/2021 • 56 minutes, 21 seconds
Encore: Is the Divine really taking care of us?
So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
8/11/2021 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore: Is the Divine really taking care of us?
So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
8/11/2021 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
Sin: The Mistaken Belief
A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
8/4/2021 • 55 minutes, 49 seconds
Sin: The Mistaken Belief
A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
8/4/2021 • 55 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
7/28/2021 • 56 minutes, 3 seconds
Encore Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
7/28/2021 • 56 minutes, 3 seconds
Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW
In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
7/21/2021 • 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW
In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
7/21/2021 • 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW
In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
7/14/2021 • 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW
In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
7/14/2021 • 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Who Are You Really?
We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
7/7/2021 • 56 minutes, 18 seconds
Who Are You Really?
We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
7/7/2021 • 56 minutes, 18 seconds
Inhabiting Heaven NOW
In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
6/30/2021 • 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Inhabiting Heaven NOW
In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
6/30/2021 • 56 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine
Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
6/23/2021 • 54 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine
Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
6/23/2021 • 54 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Is the Divine really taking care of us?
So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
6/16/2021 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore Is the Divine really taking care of us?
So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
6/16/2021 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
Is the Divine really taking care of us?
So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
6/9/2021 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
Is the Divine really taking care of us?
So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
6/9/2021 • 58 minutes, 9 seconds
Encore: The Refuge of the Self
We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
6/2/2021 • 56 minutes, 56 seconds
Encore: The Refuge of the Self
We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
6/2/2021 • 56 minutes, 56 seconds
Encore The Loneliness Remedy
There’s a lot going on today in our world, indeed, some pretty scary stuff. Far too many people are either ill from the virus or trying very hard to avoid getting it. Many of us are isolated at home, or even quarantined. Many single people are desperate during this time, which because of the serious contagion of the virus, makes it all the harder to find that mate they are longing for or even hang out with friends. This period of time is exacerbating a problem already a pandemic of its own: loneliness. In many cases people are even dying of Covid, alone in a hospital bed unable to be with family members because of the contagion. Well, I wish I had a remedy for Covid that could work faster than the vaccines. Unfortunately, I don’t. But there is a remedy for loneliness and we are going to reveal it today. Don’t miss it.
5/26/2021 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore The Loneliness Remedy
There’s a lot going on today in our world, indeed, some pretty scary stuff. Far too many people are either ill from the virus or trying very hard to avoid getting it. Many of us are isolated at home, or even quarantined. Many single people are desperate during this time, which because of the serious contagion of the virus, makes it all the harder to find that mate they are longing for or even hang out with friends. This period of time is exacerbating a problem already a pandemic of its own: loneliness. In many cases people are even dying of Covid, alone in a hospital bed unable to be with family members because of the contagion. Well, I wish I had a remedy for Covid that could work faster than the vaccines. Unfortunately, I don’t. But there is a remedy for loneliness and we are going to reveal it today. Don’t miss it.
5/26/2021 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
The Refuge of the Self
We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
5/19/2021 • 56 minutes, 56 seconds
The Refuge of the Self
We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
5/19/2021 • 56 minutes, 56 seconds
The Mythology of the Battle of Good vs. Evil
We have lived for centuries now trying to win the battle of good over evil. But as we can see, as we look around the world, all the same kinds of atrocities that were happening centuries ago are still happening. In fact, we might say that there are worse travesties since we have developed nuclear weapons and greater technology. Are we just losing the battle?
Or is it possible that we are fighting the wrong fight? Is there any possibility that fighting the so-called “good fight” is not the right path? Is it possible that there is something more true, more healing than that grand battle between good and evil? Today we are going to answer that question and pose another theory for living that might offer not only greater truth, but greater peace. Don’t miss it!
5/12/2021 • 57 minutes, 19 seconds
The Mythology of the Battle of Good vs. Evil
We have lived for centuries now trying to win the battle of good over evil. But as we can see, as we look around the world, all the same kinds of atrocities that were happening centuries ago are still happening. In fact, we might say that there are worse travesties since we have developed nuclear weapons and greater technology. Are we just losing the battle?
Or is it possible that we are fighting the wrong fight? Is there any possibility that fighting the so-called “good fight” is not the right path? Is it possible that there is something more true, more healing than that grand battle between good and evil? Today we are going to answer that question and pose another theory for living that might offer not only greater truth, but greater peace. Don’t miss it!
5/12/2021 • 57 minutes, 19 seconds
Encore: Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
5/5/2021 • 56 minutes, 3 seconds
Encore: Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
5/5/2021 • 56 minutes, 3 seconds
Dealing with Difficult People
Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. You don’t want to miss this one.
4/21/2021 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Dealing with Difficult People
Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. You don’t want to miss this one.
4/21/2021 • 56 minutes, 49 seconds
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
4/14/2021 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
4/14/2021 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
4/7/2021 • 55 minutes, 56 seconds
Mysticism and Mental Health
Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
4/7/2021 • 55 minutes, 56 seconds
Encore The Gift in the Darkness
The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
3/31/2021 • 57 minutes, 37 seconds
Encore The Gift in the Darkness
The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
3/31/2021 • 57 minutes, 37 seconds
Resilience and Spirituality
Does spirituality really have anything to do with resilience? Resilience demonstrates how well we adapt to difficult life challenges, such as illness, trauma, relationship problems, workplace issues or financial stressors. Does spirituality help? Or can it interfere with resilience? It turns out that, depending on the nature of the religious or spiritual practice, we can be made either more or less resilient. Today we are going to talk about how resilience can be built through spiritual practice and along the way we will discover the ways that religion/spirituality can get in the way of true resilience. Don’t miss it.
3/24/2021 • 56 minutes, 44 seconds
Resilience and Spirituality
Does spirituality really have anything to do with resilience? Resilience demonstrates how well we adapt to difficult life challenges, such as illness, trauma, relationship problems, workplace issues or financial stressors. Does spirituality help? Or can it interfere with resilience? It turns out that, depending on the nature of the religious or spiritual practice, we can be made either more or less resilient. Today we are going to talk about how resilience can be built through spiritual practice and along the way we will discover the ways that religion/spirituality can get in the way of true resilience. Don’t miss it.
3/24/2021 • 56 minutes, 44 seconds
Encore: Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine
Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
3/10/2021 • 54 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore: Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine
Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
3/10/2021 • 54 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within
At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
3/3/2021 • 55 minutes, 12 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within
At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
3/3/2021 • 55 minutes, 12 seconds
The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
2/24/2021 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
The Song of Silence
Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
2/24/2021 • 56 minutes, 5 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
2/17/2021 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
2/17/2021 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Love Sweet Love
What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
2/10/2021 • 57 minutes, 34 seconds
Love Sweet Love
What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
2/10/2021 • 57 minutes, 34 seconds
Love Sweet Love
What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
2/10/2021 • 57 minutes, 34 seconds
Living today--Owning the NOW
Many of us are living through these difficult times on the mantra, “I just have to get through today.” We put one foot in front of the other and we keep our heads down and go and go until we crash. We are just trying to survive in these difficult times. But what if these difficult times are offering us another way of looking at today? What if today were to become the essential life, the essential moment, the NOW? What if, because the future is currently so uncertain, we must forego the future and live fully into NOW? Well, that would be nice, you say, but HOW does a person forget about the future and live in the now? Well, today we are going to talk about that very thing and learn how living in the now is the essential life. Don’t miss it.
2/3/2021 • 56 minutes, 52 seconds
Living today--Owning the NOW
Many of us are living through these difficult times on the mantra, “I just have to get through today.” We put one foot in front of the other and we keep our heads down and go and go until we crash. We are just trying to survive in these difficult times. But what if these difficult times are offering us another way of looking at today? What if today were to become the essential life, the essential moment, the NOW? What if, because the future is currently so uncertain, we must forego the future and live fully into NOW? Well, that would be nice, you say, but HOW does a person forget about the future and live in the now? Well, today we are going to talk about that very thing and learn how living in the now is the essential life. Don’t miss it.
2/3/2021 • 56 minutes, 52 seconds
Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within
At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
1/27/2021 • 55 minutes, 12 seconds
Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within
At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
1/27/2021 • 55 minutes, 12 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
1/20/2021 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
1/20/2021 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Encore Oneness
Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
1/13/2021 • 55 minutes, 43 seconds
Encore Oneness
Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
1/13/2021 • 55 minutes, 43 seconds
The Loneliness Remedy
There’s a lot going on today in our world, indeed, some pretty scary stuff. Far too many people are either ill from the virus or trying very hard to avoid getting it. Many of us are isolated at home, or even quarantined. Many single people are desperate during this time, which because of the serious contagion of the virus, makes it all the harder to find that mate they are longing for or even hang out with friends. This period of time is exacerbating a problem already a pandemic of its own: loneliness. In many cases people are even dying of Covid, alone in a hospital bed unable to be with family members because of the contagion. Well, I wish I had a remedy for Covid that could work faster than the vaccines. Unfortunately, I don’t. But there is a remedy for loneliness and we are going to reveal it today. Don’t miss it.
1/6/2021 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
The Loneliness Remedy
There’s a lot going on today in our world, indeed, some pretty scary stuff. Far too many people are either ill from the virus or trying very hard to avoid getting it. Many of us are isolated at home, or even quarantined. Many single people are desperate during this time, which because of the serious contagion of the virus, makes it all the harder to find that mate they are longing for or even hang out with friends. This period of time is exacerbating a problem already a pandemic of its own: loneliness. In many cases people are even dying of Covid, alone in a hospital bed unable to be with family members because of the contagion. Well, I wish I had a remedy for Covid that could work faster than the vaccines. Unfortunately, I don’t. But there is a remedy for loneliness and we are going to reveal it today. Don’t miss it.
1/6/2021 • 56 minutes, 2 seconds
Encore Beginning Again
Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Will that still be working for you a a few weeks into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
12/30/2020 • 55 minutes, 52 seconds
Encore Beginning Again
Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Will that still be working for you a a few weeks into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
12/30/2020 • 55 minutes, 52 seconds
Encore Peace on Earth?
When pigs fly, right? That's when we'll have peace. The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.
12/23/2020 • 55 minutes, 57 seconds
Encore Peace on Earth?
When pigs fly, right? That's when we'll have peace. The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.
12/23/2020 • 55 minutes, 57 seconds
Integrating the Collective Shadow of America Part II
So, now that we have a new President, we can clearly look back on the past 4 years and discover the collective shadow of America. That shadow has been exposed, a shadow of racism, misogyny, homophobia, fear of difference of all kind, a shadow of hate, bigotry and a shadow of a politic made of quid pro quo for money and power. And it is a shadow which has fixed an economy around destroying the earth for more money and power. It’s dark, this shadow, and long, for these atrocities have gone on since the birth of America. While we have said and believed that we are a fair nation where all people are treated equally, we have not lived that. But we are launching a new reality with the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Will we now begin to live the soul of America? And how will be integrate this dark, dark shadow? Be here for this show.
12/16/2020 • 55 minutes, 47 seconds
Integrating the Collective Shadow of America Part II
So, now that we have a new President, we can clearly look back on the past 4 years and discover the collective shadow of America. That shadow has been exposed, a shadow of racism, misogyny, homophobia, fear of difference of all kind, a shadow of hate, bigotry and a shadow of a politic made of quid pro quo for money and power. And it is a shadow which has fixed an economy around destroying the earth for more money and power. It’s dark, this shadow, and long, for these atrocities have gone on since the birth of America. While we have said and believed that we are a fair nation where all people are treated equally, we have not lived that. But we are launching a new reality with the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Will we now begin to live the soul of America? And how will be integrate this dark, dark shadow? Be here for this show.
12/16/2020 • 55 minutes, 47 seconds
Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
12/9/2020 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times
Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
12/9/2020 • 55 minutes, 44 seconds
Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman
We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
12/2/2020 • 54 minutes, 53 seconds
Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman
We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
12/2/2020 • 54 minutes, 53 seconds
Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America
The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
11/25/2020 • 56 minutes, 40 seconds
Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America
The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
11/25/2020 • 56 minutes, 40 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore: A Religion of Your Own
Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul, a number one New York Times bestseller, as well as 18 other award-winning books, published in 25 languages, is coming back to the Authentic Living show to tell us how we can develop a religion of our own. We are currently in an evolutionary phase with regard to what we will do with religion. And Moore posits the theory that part of this shift is caused by a loss of identification with soul. His latest book, A Religion of One’s Own, coming out in January 2014, is going to address this issue. Only we are getting a special sneak peek today. Moore as undoubtedly been one of the world’s spiritual leaders in this age of spiritual transitions and his insights have altered the lives of many people and even many medical, hospice and hospital programs as he teaches us to care for the collective and individual soul. So during today’s show, we are going to find out how each of us can create a religion of our own. Don’t miss it.
11/18/2020 • 57 minutes, 31 seconds
Encore Thomas Moore: A Religion of Your Own
Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul, a number one New York Times bestseller, as well as 18 other award-winning books, published in 25 languages, is coming back to the Authentic Living show to tell us how we can develop a religion of our own. We are currently in an evolutionary phase with regard to what we will do with religion. And Moore posits the theory that part of this shift is caused by a loss of identification with soul. His latest book, A Religion of One’s Own, coming out in January 2014, is going to address this issue. Only we are getting a special sneak peek today. Moore as undoubtedly been one of the world’s spiritual leaders in this age of spiritual transitions and his insights have altered the lives of many people and even many medical, hospice and hospital programs as he teaches us to care for the collective and individual soul. So during today’s show, we are going to find out how each of us can create a religion of our own. Don’t miss it.
11/18/2020 • 57 minutes, 31 seconds
Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine
Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
11/11/2020 • 54 minutes, 59 seconds
Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine
Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
11/11/2020 • 54 minutes, 59 seconds
Encore Letting Go
Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
11/4/2020 • 56 minutes, 33 seconds
Encore Letting Go
Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
11/4/2020 • 56 minutes, 33 seconds
The Oneness in Our Division
We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it. Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. Hopefully, we will get that leadership in a few weeks. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.
10/21/2020 • 56 minutes, 23 seconds
The Oneness in Our Division
We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will