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A World to Win with Grace Blakeley

English, News, 3 seasons, 100 episodes, 2 days, 23 hours, 49 minutes
A podcast from Grace Blakeley and Tribune Magazine bringing you a weekly dose of socialist news, theory and action with guests from around the world.
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Imperialism and the Energy Crisis w/ David Wearing

This week, Grace chats to David Wearing, post-doctoral researcher at SOAS and author of AngloArabia: Why Gulf Wealth Matters to Britain. They discuss Boris Johnson's recent trip to Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and how the global energy crisis is likely to transform world politics.You can support our work on the show by becoming a patron. Thanks to our producer Conor Gillies and to the Lipman-Miliband Trust for making this episode possible.
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REMEMBERING LEO PANITCH: A conversation with Max Shanly and Sam Gindin

This week, in a special episode of A World to Win, we remember the brilliant Marxist thinker, activist and public intellectual Leo Panitch. Grace talks to Max Shanly, socialist strategist and organiser and long time friend of Leo's, and Sam Gindin, former director of research for the Canadian Auto Workers Union and Leo's long time collaborator, including on his magnum opus The Making of Global Capitalism. Several of Leo's books - including the Making of Global Capitalism and Searching for Socialism - are available on the Verso website, and many of his essays are available for free through the Socialist Register website:
1/21/20211 hour, 28 seconds
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CUTTING TO THE BONE: An interview with Vijay Prashad

This week, Grace talks to Vijay Prashad, head of the Tricontinenatal Institute for Social Research and author of Washington Bullets: A history of the CIA, Coups and Assassinations. They discuss the recent wave of strikes taking place across India, the rise of the far right in India and across the world, and the mechanisms through which imperial power is exercised in the global economy today - including the use of investor state dispute settlements by international investors to sue governments over their responses to the pandemic.
1/14/202151 minutes, 3 seconds
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LIFE AFTER BERNIE: An interview with Meagan Day

This week, Grace talks to Meagan Day – staff writer at Jacobin Magazine and co-author of 'Bigger than Bernie: How we go from the Sanders Campaign to Democratic Socialism' – about the US presidential elections, the economic and environmental crises currently sweeping through America and the future of the Left after Bernie.
9/16/202052 minutes, 51 seconds
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REMEMBERING DAVID GRAEBER: with Astra Taylor, Jerome Roos and James Schneider

Today Grace speaks to Astra Taylor, Jerome Roos and James Schneider about their memories of the brilliant anthropologist and activist David Graeber, who tragically died last week.
9/9/20201 hour, 4 minutes, 13 seconds
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THE GREAT WORLD BANK ROBBERY: an interview with Walden Bello

This week, Grace Blakeley is joined by Walden Bello, academic, author, human rights campaigner to discuss the history of the Philippines, his opposition to the brutal Marcos dictatorship, his longstanding campaigning against US imperialism and neoliberal globalisation, and how Covid-19 is affecting the Philippines.
9/2/202054 minutes, 34 seconds
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NEOLIBERAL AUTHORITARIANISM: an interview with Guillaume Long

In the second episode of A World to Win, Grace talks to former foreign minister of Ecuador Guillaume Long about the impact of Covid-19 in the country, the rise and fall of the Correa government and the growth of ‘neoliberal authoritarianism’ in Latin America.
8/26/202046 minutes, 44 seconds
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PROUDLY SOCIALIST: a conversation with Jeremy Corbyn

Welcome to the first episode of A World to Win with Grace Blakeley! Today, Grace is joined by Jeremy Corbyn to discuss to the UK government’s disastrous handling of the coronavirus pandemic, the rise and fall of Corbynism, and the future of socialism within the Labour Party. For the first time ever, hear Jeremy on the "absurd" discussions he had with the government about its herd immunity strategy and why the furlough scheme was unlikely to have been implemented without significant pressure from key figures in the Opposition.
8/19/202055 minutes, 43 seconds
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Introducing 'A World to Win'

Introduction to A World to Win, a new podcast from Grace Blakeley and Tribune. Grace lays out what you can expect from the show and reveals the special guest who will appear in the first full episode.
8/17/20202 minutes, 54 seconds