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Dashu Mandarin Podcast

Chinese, Education, 1 season, 121 episodes, 4 days, 12 hours, 40 minutes
Hello, everyone, it's Dashu Mandarin here. We're three Chinese teachers that focus on providing authentic and valuable Chinese learning materials for the Chinese learners of intermediate level and above. In this Podcast, we will talk about all kinds of things concerning China and Chinese culture, society, etc. You can also watch the video version on YouTube: Welcome to join us.
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Chinese Podcast EP118: So, You Think Chinese Men Don't Like Shopping Online? 中国男人真的不喜欢网上购物吗?

In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we continue our fun blind box discussion! We’ll explore topics like: do Chinese men like shopping online? And at what age do we envision ourselves passing away? Through these light-hearted and engaging topics, we’ll not only share personal opinions but also help you improve your Chinese listening and speaking skills. Join us for a taste of natural and authentic Chinese conversation, boost your Chinese proficiency, and enjoy the fun of learning Chinese! 在这一期的中文播客节目中,我们将继续进行盲盒结合的有趣讨论!我们将探讨以下话题:我们会在网上购物吗?以及我们设想自己会在几岁死去?通过这些轻松而引人入胜的话题,我们不仅会分享个人观点,还会帮助你提升中文听力和口语能力。
10/17/202445 minutes, 39 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP118: Dashu's 16 personalities test result 十六型人格测试

In this episode, we invited Ben's good friend GG to conduct an MBTI personality test for the three uncles. Are you curious about what personality types each uncle belongs to? Tune in to hear their test results and engage in some fun discussions! Whether you're interested in the MBTI test or want to learn more about the uncles' 16 personalities, this episode is a must-listen! 在这一集中,我们邀请了Ben叔的好朋友GG,为三个大叔进行了MBTI人格测试。你是否好奇每位大叔属于什么类型的性格?快来听听他们的测试结果和有趣的讨论吧!无论你对MBTI测试感兴趣,还是想了解大叔们的个性,这一集都不容错过! If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: and Dashu Patreon Shop: Explore our range of products: Chinese Learning Video Course, Chinese audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey.
10/10/202453 minutes, 49 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP117: Ben is making a big change in life ! Ben叔的人生抉择!

In this episode, the three uncles—Uncle Richard, Uncle Ben, and Uncle Can—reunite after a long time apart to catch up on our recent lives. We talk about changes in our personal lives, family health, and share some personal reflections. There are so many life change moments, right now Ben is making a big change in life! Is Ben giving up his 14 years Chinese teaching journey?! 在这一期的播客里,我们三位大叔——查叔、Ben叔和璨叔——久别重逢,聊了聊最近发生的事情。我们讨论了各自的生活变化、家庭健康状况以及一些个人感悟。人生充满变数,总是要面对重大的人生抉择,Ben叔刚刚决定做出一场人生改变,Ben叔真要放弃他14年的中文教师生涯吗? If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: and Dashu Patreon Shop: Explore our range of products: Chinese Learning Video Course, Chinese audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey.
10/3/202447 minutes, 52 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP116: Are Chinese Children Really not Happy? 中国孩子过得真的不开心吗?

在这一期的播客中,大叔们继续从盲盒中抽取问题展开讨论。从打游戏、玩游戏的话题开始,我们深入探讨了中国孩子所面临的压力,并且涉及到一些深层次的心理问题。但是,中国的孩子真的不开心吗?同时,我们互相提问:如果你能改变自己身上的某一个外表或性格,你会选择改变什么? In this episode of the podcast, the uncles continue drawing blind box questions for discussion. Starting with topics like gaming, we explore the pressures faced by Chinese children and delve into deeper psychological issues. But are Chinese children really unhappy? We also ask each other: if you could change one aspect of your appearance or personality, what would it be? If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: and Dashu Patreon Shop: Explore our range of products: Chinese Learning Video Course, Chinese audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!
9/25/202449 minutes, 38 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP115: What do You Consider Cheating? 什么才算是出轨?

In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we dive into two intriguing topics: What counts as cheating in a relationship? What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance? And finally, we continue with our blind box theme, where each Uncle brings up a surprise question for the others to answer. Tune in for thought-provoking discussions, and take this opportunity to improve your Chinese listening skills and boost your language level! Perfect for intermediate Chinese learners. 在本期中文播客中,三个大叔聊了两个引人深思的话题:在一段关系中,什么才算是出轨?如果你有机会对小时候的自己说点什么,你会说什么?此外,我们还延续了盲盒主题,每位大叔都准备了一个问题,其他两位大叔来回答。快来收听这充满思考与惊喜的内容,同时通过这个节目提高你的中文听力和语言水平!非常适合中级中文学习者。 If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: Explore our range of products: Chinese learning books, audiobooks, mugs,and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!
9/19/202445 minutes, 53 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP114: What Scares You the Most? 你最害怕什么?

In this episode of our Chinese podcast, we continue with our blind box theme, where each Uncle prepares three questions, and the other two answer them. The theme of this episode is "What scares you the most?" We also discuss, "If you could have an expert give you guidance 24/7, what kind of expert would you choose?" and "Would you want to get a tattoo?" This episode is packed with thought-provoking discussions and fun surprises, making it a great opportunity to practice your Chinese listening skills and improve your Chinese language level. 在本期中文播客中,我们继续盲盒主题,每位大叔准备了三个问题,另外两位大叔回答。这期的主题是“你最害怕什么?”此外,我们还探讨了“如果有一个专家可以全天候指导你,你希望是什么专家?”以及“你会想要纹身吗?”本期内容充满了引人深思的讨论和有趣的惊喜,是练习中文听力和提高中文水平的好机会。 If you're learning Chinese or looking for a fun way to boost your Chinese skills through podcasts, Dashu Mandarin Podcast is a great option. Each episode covers a different topic, helping you improve your Chinese listening and speaking abilities in real-life contexts. Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: Explore our range of products: Chinese learning books, audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your Chinese, you'll find the right resources to support your journey. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!
9/12/202444 minutes, 10 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP113: From Zero to Intermediate Chine Only with Dashu Mandarin?! 只听大叔中文中文从零到中级!

In this video, we share how a student used Dashu Mandarin podcast to advance from a complete beginner to an intermediate level in Chinese. We’ll also discuss another student’s story that made the Uncles feel sad and reveal the snacks the Uncles love. As a blind box question podcast, the three of us randomly ask each other questions, providing an engaging and authentic discussion experience. 在本期视频中,我们讲述一位使用大叔中文(Dashu Mandarin)播客的学生如何从零基础快速提升到中级中文水平。同时,我们还会分享另一个让大叔们感到遗憾的学生的故事,以及介绍大叔们钟爱的零食。作为一档盲盒问题播客,我们三位主持人会随机提问彼此,带来有趣且真实的对话体验。 Want to learn Chinese with the Uncles? Visit Dashu Mandarin Store: to explore our range of products: books, audiobooks, mugs, and other selected items. Join us now and start your Chinese learning journey!
9/5/202441 minutes
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Chinese Podcast EP112: The Chinese Story That Changed Your Life 改变你人生的中文故事

In this episode of Dashu Mandarin, we explore "The Chinese Story That Changed Your Life" and discuss the profound impact of certain stories on our lives. We also introduce our specially written Chinese storybook (Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners: The Talking Cat: Dashu Mandarin Chinese Reader Volume I ) designed for learners. Join us as we reflect on our childhood experiences, the concept of retaining childlike wonder, and how these early years shape who we become. Whether you're learning Chinese or interested in personal growth, this episode blends storytelling with deep, nostalgic insights. 在本期大叔中文播客中,我们探讨了“改变你人生的中文故事”,讨论了这些故事如何深刻影响我们的生活。同时,我们也介绍了为中文学习者精心制作的中文故事书。加入我们,反思童年经历、保持童心的概念,以及这些早期经历如何塑造我们成为现在的自己。无论你是在学习中文,还是对个人成长感兴趣,这一期都将通过讲故事和深刻的怀旧见解为你带来启发。 Dashu Mandarin Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners (PDF+Free Audiobook): Dashu Mandarin Chinese Stories for Intermediate Learners (Paperback+Free Audiobook):
8/28/202444 minutes, 18 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP111: Chinese Uncles Turn into Chinese Aunties 大叔们变成大妈会怎样?

Today, we’re letting our imaginations run wild! The three uncle-hosts asked a hilariously intriguing question: What if Chinese Uncles Turned into Chinese Aunties? In this episode, they dive into a fun and creative discussion, imagining how their lives would change if they suddenly became Chinese Aunties. Curious about their answers? Tune in for some laughs and entertaining insights! 今天我们脑洞大开,三位大叔主持人提出了一个非常有趣的问题:如果大叔们突然变成了大妈,会是什么样的情景?在这一期的播客中,他们尽情发挥想象力,讨论大叔变大妈后的生活会有哪些搞笑的变化和有趣的故事。想知道他们的答案吗?快来一起听听吧,保准让你忍俊不禁!
8/21/202446 minutes, 42 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP110: Do you have middle age crisis?丨中国人的中年危机

Have you ever experienced a midlife crisis? How do you deal with it when life hits a turning point? In this episode of our Chinese podcast, the three uncle-hosts openly share their stories and reflections on facing a midlife crisis. Learn fluent Chinese with Dashu Mandarin Chinese podcast! 你有没有经历过中年危机?面对人生的转折点,你是如何应对的?在这一期的中文播客中,三位大叔主持人坦诚分享了他们关于中年危机的故事与感悟。
8/14/202450 minutes, 5 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP109: What if You Lived a Different Life丨平行空间的第二人生

What if You Lived a Different Life? What would you be like in a parallel universe? 平行空间的另一个你是怎样的?三位大叔将带你进入一个充满想象力和趣味的讨论 — 如果大叔们不是中文老师,他们会选择什么职业,过着怎样的人生呢?这是一次深入了解大叔们内心世界的机会。或许,你也会开始思考,平行空间的自己,会是怎样的一个人呢?Three Dashu—if they weren't Chinese teachers, what careers would they choose, and what kind of lives would they lead? This is an opportunity to gain deeper insights into the inner worlds of our uncles. Perhaps you'll start wondering what your parallel universe self would be like too.
8/7/202446 minutes, 20 seconds
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Chinese Podcast Ep108: What is your most awkward moment?丨你最尴尬的时刻是什么?丨

What is your most awkward moment? Today's Chinese Podcast we will play 盲盒问题, of which we will throw questions to each other randomly. Let's learn Chinese together through conversation in mandarin! 你人生中最尴尬的时刻是什么?今天大叔中文玩起了“盲盒”趣味问答,让我们在笑声中一起学习中文吧!
8/1/202442 minutes, 31 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP107: Chinese boys are horrible丨可怕又糟糕的中国男人丨

These Chinese men are horrible! 妈宝男,渣男,凤凰男,家暴男,普信男,大男子主义,擦边男... In today's podcast, we will have a fun conversation in Chinese with all the popular Chinese Internet Slangs related to Chinese men. We will explain each type of Chinese boys and share our thought about them.
7/24/202442 minutes, 40 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP106:Chinese Girl Lifestyle丨Chinese Gen Z living abroad 中国的零零后女生出乎你的想象

In today's chinese podcast, we welcome a young Chinese girl in her early twenties, Jieyu, who will share her unique experience of living abroad for the first time. This episode invites you into the world of Chinese Gen Z girls. Their lifestyle and thoughts might surprise you. Join us to hear Jieyu's amazing stories and feel her courage and adventurous spirit! 今天的播客我们请到了一位刚刚20出头的中国女孩——婕妤,她将分享她第一次出国居住的独特经历。快来跟着这期节目走进中国零零后女生的世界。她们的生活方式和想法可能会让你大开眼界,快来听听婕妤的精彩故事,感受她的勇气和冒险精神吧!
7/18/202451 minutes, 41 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP105: Learn Chinese with StoryTelling丨Comprehensible input chinese丨Good chinese teacher丨

Welcome two exceptional Chinese teachers: Suqing laoshi from channel of Comprehensible Chinese, and Keren laoshi from channel of Unconventional Chinese with Keren. Both teachers specialize in using the Comprehensible Input teaching method for Chinese language instruction. In this episode, we will discuss how to learn Chinese through storytelling. Join us to discover how these amazing teachers make Chinese learning both fun and effective! 今天我们非常荣幸地请到了两位杰出的中文老师——来自 Unconventional Chinese with Keren 频道的 可人老师,以及 Comprehensible Chinese 频道的素清老师。两位老师都擅长使用可理解输入(Comprehensible Input)教学法进行中文教学。 在本期播客中,我们将深入探讨如何通过讲故事的方式来学习中文。欢迎大家收听,看看这些优秀的老师们是如何把中文教学变得既有趣又高效的!
7/11/202448 minutes, 20 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP104: How to study in China in 2025? 2025年如何去中国留学?

Planning to study in China in 2025? How to Study in China? Then it's time to start preparing now. We attended a study abroad fair and gathered the latest information about studying in China, whether it's for undergraduate programs, master's degrees, or language courses. Tune in to find out what study materials you need and learn about the new policies for studying in China. This episode will provide you with detailed information and practical advice to help you better plan your future study journey. 2025年想去中国留学吗?那你现在就要开始做准备了。如何去中国留学?我们参加了一个留学展,获取了最新的中国留学资讯,无论是去中国读本科、读硕士研究生,还是参加语言课程。快来听听去中国留学到底需要哪些学习材料,以及有哪些新的留学政策吧!这期节目将为你提供详细的信息和实用的建议,帮助你更好地规划未来的留学之路。 2025, be a foreign student in China, 留学中国! get to know the best universities in china for foreign students and language programs in China
7/6/202444 minutes, 55 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP103: How do Chinese Think of the Netherlands 中国人对荷兰的刻板印象

What do Chinese think of the Neitherlands? Today we have a dutch guest to share his opinions about Holland. Hope this Chinese podcast serve as a great Chinese listening material for improve Chinese listening and Chinese speaking. 今天的中文播客,两位中文老师跟荷兰人一起聊聊荷兰,聊聊中国人对荷兰的刻板印象。希望大家喜欢我们的中文学习材料,希望我们的谈话能对提高中文听力有帮助!
6/29/202440 minutes, 15 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP102: Fun Facts about Chinese Culture and Chinese language 中国文化和汉语的有趣现象

Curious about what makes Chinese culture so unique and the language so captivating? In this video, we uncover some surprising and lesser-known facts that will leave you amazed. What hidden gems lie within the traditions and linguistic nuances of China? Join us to find out and prepare to have your perceptions challenged in delightful ways! #chineseculture #chineselanguage #china #chinese 你知道是什么让中国文化如此独特,汉语如此引人入胜吗?在这段视频中,我们将揭示一些令人惊讶的冷知识,带给你意想不到的惊喜。中国的传统和语言中隐藏了哪些神秘的宝藏?快来观看我们的节目,准备好在惊喜中刷新你的认知吧!
6/20/202434 minutes, 57 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP101: Can You Learn Chinese Better in China? 在中国就一定能学好中文吗?

His experience in China has two completely different phases: starting with zero Chinese language skills for the first few years, then becoming fluent in Chinese and able to communicate with locals. How did he achieve this transformation? Today, we have a special guest on our show, a Mexican guy named 乐文, who has been living in China for over 10 years. Let's listen to his stories of China and his journey of learning Chinese together! 今天我们的节目有一个特别的嘉宾,墨西哥小伙乐文,他在中国已经生活了超过10年。乐文在中国的生活经历可以说有着两种截然不同的模式:一开始几年零基础,然后又能够流利地与中国人交流。他是如何实现这种转变的呢?让我们一起聆听他的中国故事和中文学习经历吧!
6/12/202446 minutes, 52 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP100: 100th Episode Q&A 大叔中文第100期!

Unbelievably, our Chinese podcast has reached its 100th episode! In today's special episode, we will be hosting a Q&A session to address questions collected from our listeners. We want to express our deepest gratitude to each of our over 16,000 followers. Your support and companionship have fueled our passion to create more Chinese learning content at Dashu Mandarin. Let's celebrate this milestone together and cherish the emotional connection and growth we've experienced along the way! 不经意间,我们的汉语播客已经迈入了100期!在今天这个特别的节目中,我们将为大家呈现一期问答节目,回答之前收集到的听众提出的问题。感谢每一位超过16000名粉丝的支持,正是因为你们的陪伴和鼓励,让我们拥有了更多创造中文学习材料的动力。让我们共同见证这个时刻,感受到彼此的情感交流和成长历程!
6/5/202439 minutes, 20 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP99: Chinese Input VS Output, Which is More Important? 输入输出哪个更重要?

Which is more important, Chinese input or output? We will explore a learning model: 80% Chinese input and 20% output. Today, we have invited Tebby, a passionate Chinese learner, and also the designer behind our background music. And what types of Chinese input and output are crucial for Chinese learners? Let's listen to Tebby's insights and experiences together! 今天我们邀请到了一位热爱汉语学习的学习者Tebby,他也是我们节目的背景音乐设计师!我们将探讨一种学习模式:80%的中文输入和20%的输出。究竟中文的输入和输出哪个更重要?哪些中文的输入和输出对汉语学习者尤为关键?让我们一起听听Tebby的见解和经验!
5/29/202434 minutes, 41 seconds
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BeijingerChinese podcast EP98: Can you understand mandarin with beijing accent? 北京口音

Finally, a Beijinger guest is here! Can you understand Mandarin with a Beijing accent? Mandarin accent is fun, our guest will join us to explore the changes in Beijing, discuss the unique charm of Beijing dialect, and share his experiences living abroad. Beijing dialect, as a branch of Chinese dialects, is known for its rich and colorful expressions and unique phonetic features, presenting both intrigue and challenge. Join us as we delve into the charm of Beijing dialect! 今天的节目我们请到了一位地道的北京人,我们的主题是“北京话普通话你听得懂吗?”我们的嘉宾将和我们一同探讨北京这座城市的变迁,畅谈北京话的独特魅力,以及他在国外的生活经历。北京话是中国方言中的一支,其丰富多彩的表达方式和独特的语音特点充满了趣味和挑战,我们将深入探索北京话的魅力所在!
5/23/202435 minutes, 47 seconds
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Chinese Podcast 97: 6 Places to Travel in Mainland China and Taiwan | 6个旅行目的地 | places to visit 2024

Today's podcast episode is all about the 6 interesting destinations in mainland China and Taiwan! Each dashu will recommend two destinations they believe are worth visiting. These destinations could be popular tourist spots or hidden gems off the beaten path! Through our conversation, you'll not only get travel inspiration but also learn a wealth of Chinese vocabulary related to traveling. Join us as we embark on this journey to explore the joys of travel! Check out these 6 Places to Travel in Mainland China and Taiwan 今天的节目我们将带你探索中国大陆和台湾的6个最值得一游的目的地!今天三位大叔每人都会向大家推荐两个他们认为最值得去的目的地。这些目的地可能是大家熟知的,也可能是一些小众的隐藏宝藏!通过我们的闲聊,不仅可以获得旅行灵感,还能学习到与旅行相关的丰富中文词汇。快来和我们一起听听吧,探索旅行的乐趣!
5/16/202438 minutes, 41 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP96: Indonesian Guy Speaks Chinese Better Than Most Chinese 印尼小伙的中文简直太完美了

In today's mandarin podcast, we are honored to have a special guest - an Indonesian guy who speaks Chinese better than most Chinese! And joining us is our dear friend, the lovely chinese teacher Peipei. This Indonesian gentleman, who once studied performing arts at a university in China, is now an entrepreneur managing several business projects between China and Indonesia. This includes a Chinese language education project in collaboration with Peipei - Real Talk Mandarin. Their vision is to serve as cultural bridges between the two nations, fostering better understanding and promoting friendly exchanges between their peoples. 今天的节目我们有幸邀请到了一位特别的嘉宾——来自印尼的小伙子,他的中文竟然比大多数中国人还要流利!除此之外,我们还有我们的老朋友,优秀的中文老师珮珮。这位印尼小伙曾在中国大学学习表演,如今是一位企业家,在中国和印度尼西亚之间经营着多个商业项目,其中包括与Real Talk Mandarin的珮珮老师合作的汉语教育项目。他们的愿景是成为两国之间的文化桥梁,让两国人民更好地了解彼此,促进两国之间的友好交流。
5/8/202439 minutes, 11 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP95: This Chinese Teacher Deserves an Oscar 角色扮演语境教学法

We've got a special guest again — Dolores! She's a teacher who excels in role-playing contextual teaching methods, creating courses filled with engaging videos that make learning Chinese a lot more fun. Her course designs are not only creative but also help learners master the most authentic Chinese expressions in real-life contexts. Today,let's dive into the stories behind her creative process! 大家好!今天的节目里又有一个特别的客人—Dolores老师!她是一位擅长角色扮演语境教学法的老师,通过创意十足的课程视频,让学习中文变得更有趣。她的课程设计不仅富含创意,而且能帮助大家在真实语境中掌握最地道的中文表达。今天,让我们一起来聊聊她背后的创作故事吧!
5/5/202434 minutes, 3 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP94: Will you quit job and travel the world? 你会辞去工作去环游世界吗?

Will you quit job and travel the world? 你会辞去工作去环游世界吗? Today, we've got a super cool Chinese teacher with stories! Not only is he a mandarin teacher, but also a true world traveler with a wealth of stories and unique life experiences. He always carries this enviable relaxed vibe and sometimes even throws in some unexpectedly cool moves. His stories will not only broaden your horizons, but also give you a whole new perspective on life! So, let's dive in and hear what he's got to share! Chinese Podcast 大家好!今天我们有个特别的客人要介绍给你们——一位超酷的中文老师!他不仅是我们的老师,还是一个真正的世界旅行者,有着丰富的故事和独特的人生体验。他总是带着一股令人羡慕的轻松自在,有时甚至还有些不按牌理出牌的酷炫态度。他的故事不仅会让你们大开眼界,还会让你们对生活有全新的认识!快来一起听听他的故事吧!
4/28/202443 minutes, 41 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP93: How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese 学习中文如何保持动力

Today, we are fortunate to have Keren from Unconventional Chinese join us to discuss "How to Stay Motivated to Study Chinese." With her expertise in comprehensible input methods, Keren brings a wealth of experience in teaching Chinese. She will share with us the intrinsic motivation and sources behind learning Chinese. Whether you're a beginner or have some prior knowledge, there's something valuable to learn from Keren's insights. We hope this conversation will inspire and motivate you on your journey to learning Chinese. 今天,我们有幸邀请到了Unconventional Chinese的Keren老师来和大家探讨“如何保持学习中文的动力”。Keren老师以其擅长的可理解输入方法在中文教学领域有着丰富的经验,她将与我们分享学习中文的内在动力和源泉。无论是初学者还是有一定基础的学习者,都能从Keren老师的经验中受益匪浅,希望大家能够在这次交流中获得灵感和动力,坚定地走上学习中文的道路。
4/17/202443 minutes, 6 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP92: Chinese Influencer Teachers Behind the Scene | 你不知道的中文老师的趣事

We have two outstanding Chinese influencer teachers, Peipei and Roots, in today's Chinese podcast. Peipei, a hardworking Chinese teacher, has risen from being a chinese teacher to becoming a team leader. On the other hand, Roots is not only an excellent Chinese teacher but also a funny content creator for Chinese learning. Together, Peipei and Roots have collaborated on many entertaining mandarin projects on Instagram. Today, we will delve into the behind-the-scenes stories of Chinese influencer teachers and discuss the importance of learning real Chinese and authentic Chinese. We will also explore Peipei's Real Talk Mandarin products and services. 本期中文播客,我们有幸邀请到两位中文教学行业的佼佼者,一位是勤奋努力的中文老师Peipei,她已经从一名普通的中文老师晋升为团队的领导;另一位则是优秀的中文教师Roots,同时也是一个搞笑的中文学习内容创作者。Peipei和Roots在Instagram上共同创作了许多有趣的内容。今天,我们将深入探讨中国影响力教师的幕后故事,以及学习真实中文和地道中文的重要性,并了解Peipei的Real Talk Mandarin产品和服务。
4/14/202433 minutes, 27 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP91: Chinese Gen Z is Crazy? 中国的零零后是怎么想的?

What do you think of Chinese Gen Z? Chinese millennial is open-minded or conservative? We've invited a millennial Chinese young people, Chen Kefan, to share with us his experiences as a chinese student studying abroad, as well as his perspectives on love, life, values and his future plans. Let's hear what this young chinese boy has to say about these topics. 中国的零零后是怎么想的?很开放还是相对保守?我们邀请了一位千禧年的中国年轻人陈柯凡,他将与我们分享他的留学生活、情感观、生活观和价值观, 以及他对未来的打算等等。让我们一起听听这位年轻人对这些话题的见解和想法。
4/4/202432 minutes, 6 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP90: How to Find Good Chinese Teacher? 如何找到好的中文老师?

In today's episode, we are privileged to have Chinese teacher Lin, a seasoned educator and renowned social media influencer mandarin teacher, joining us. From the perspective of an experienced chinese teacher, she shares valuable insights and discusses what qualities make a good Chinese teacher. Let's dive into her insights together! 今天的节目,我们有幸邀请到了琳老师,一位具有多年教学经验和社交媒体知名度的汉语教师。她从中文教师的角度与我们分享了一些宝贵的心得,并探讨了什么样的老师才能成为一位优秀的中文老师和华文老师。让我们一起来听听她的分享吧!
3/29/202438 minutes, 58 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP89: Japanese Manga in China 日本动漫在中国流行吗?

Japanese Manga in China is popular? Do you know the Japanese Anime in Chinese? Today's Chinese podcast we will talk about Japanese animation in China. As avid fans of anime in China, we've all grown up watching various Japanese anime such as "Naruto," "Detective Conan," and many more. These works have not only amassed a huge fan base in China but also significantly influenced our culture and way of life. We'll be sharing some personal anecdotes and insights into the impact of Japanese anime in China. Additionally, we'll introduce you to some of the Chinese names of popular Japanese anime, giving you a glimpse into these classic works from a different perspective. Stay tuned! 大家好,欢迎收听我们的节目!今天我们将探讨一个备受瞩目的话题:日本动漫在中国的流行程度。作为中国的动漫爱好者,我们在成长过程中肯定看过许多日本动漫,比如《火影忍者》、《名侦探柯南》等等。这些作品不仅在中国拥有大量粉丝,也在很大程度上影响了我们的文化和生活。我们会分享一些我们个人的观点和故事,探讨日本动漫在中国的影响力。此外,我们还会介绍一些日本动漫在中国的中文译名,为您揭开这些经典作品的另一面。敬请期待!
3/22/202426 minutes, 35 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP88: Polyglot speaking Chinese 会说中文的意大利多语者

Today, we have the pleasure of interviewing language coach and chinese learner Andrea, an Italian polyglot who speaks Chinese. Andrea is a true polyglot, fluent in multiple languages, including Chinese. During the interview, we'll dive into his experiences and stories as a polyglot, as well as his years living in China. Not only has Andrea lived in several cities across China, but his major was also Chinese, giving him a deep understanding of Chinese culture and language. Let's hear his stories and explore his insights into language learning and understanding China together! Our guest - Andrea Roberto Blog - Ins - the_hiking_polyglot 大家好,欢迎来到我们的节目!今天我们有幸采访到了会说中文的意大利多语者 Andrea。他是一名真正的polyglot,精通多种语言,其中包括中文。在采访中,我们将聊聊他作为polyglot的学习经验和故事,以及他在中国多年生活的经历。Andrea不仅在中国的多个城市生活过,而且他的专业是中文,因此他对中国文化和语言有着深入的理解。让我们一起听听他学习汉语的故事,探索他在学习语言和了解中国方面的见解吧!
3/14/202432 minutes, 17 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP88: What is Like Being Latino Asian? 拉美华人 - 阿根廷华裔小伙的生活

Chinese learners, Welcome to our chinese podcast! Today, we have a special guest joining us from Argentina. He is a young man of Chinese descent, but grew up in Argentina with his parents who are from Taiwan. As a Latino Asian, he has a unique identity and life experience. In this episode, we will delve into his story and life experiences, as well as explore what it's like living in Argentina as a Latino Asian. Let's dive into his fascinating journey together! 欢迎来到我们的中文播客节目!今天,我们邀请到了一位生活在阿根廷的华人小伙,他的父母来自台湾,而他自己却在阿根廷长大。作为一个Latino Asian,他拥有着独特的身份和经历。在这一期节目中,我们将深入探讨他的故事和人生经历,以及他在阿根廷生活是怎样的。让我们一起走进阿根廷,了解阿根廷华人的精彩故事吧!
3/6/202430 minutes, 17 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP86 Can You Learn a Language with Duolingo? 你真的能用多邻国学中文吗?

Can You Learn a Language with Duolingo like Apps? How is it like to practice your Duolingo like apps knowledge in real life? We have invited Ben to share his experience and thoughts on using Busuu to learn Polish. For many, starting to learn a new language with an app like Duolingo, Busuu, Babbel, seems convenient, but can you really make progress using it? Ben will provide us with some insights based on his firsthand experience. Let's dive into his story together 你能用类似Duolingo的应用程序学会一门语言吗?在现实生活中,用类似Duolingo的应用程序练习你的语言知识是什么感觉?我们邀请了Ben来分享他使用Busuu学习波兰语的经验和想法。对许多人来说,使用类似Duolingo、Busuu、Babbel等应用程序开始学习一门新语言似乎很方便,但你真的能够取得进步吗?Ben将根据自己的第一手经验为我们提供一些见解。让我们一起来探讨他的故事。
2/28/202430 minutes, 35 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP85: 6 famous chinese people You Need to Know. 六位中国名人

Who are the 6 famous chinese people we prepared? The three of us dive into the intriguing world of Chinese culture. In this episode, we're uncovering the lives of 6 famous Chinese figures you absolutely need to know. Each of us has prepared two renowned individuals from China, and through vivid descriptions, we challenge the other two to guess who we've chosen. Join us as we explore the rich tapestry of Chinese history and celebrity, and see if you can guess along with us. Tune in now! 欢迎收听今天的汉语播客,在这期中文播客中,我们三个人将深入探讨中国文化的魅力。在这一集中,我们将揭示六位你绝对需要了解的中国名人。每个人都准备了两位来自中国的知名人物,通过生动的描述,我们向其他两位挑战,猜出我们选择的是谁。快来加入我们,探索丰富的中国历史和名人故事,看看你是否能和我们一起猜出答案。立即收听!
2/22/202434 minutes, 34 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP84: How to Learn Chinese with Comprehensible Input? 如何用可理解性输入法学习中文?

Today's guest is Chinese teacher Keren. Hailing from Shenzhen, China, Keren ventured to the United States in 2012 to pursue her master’s degree in Education.In 2015, Keren embraced Comprehensible Input-based teaching methods in her Chinese classes. Fast forward to 2018, and she's teaching soldiers Chinese via Comprehensible Input in the US Department of Defense.Her life in the US has been a gateway in itself. From hiking to diving, camping to snowboarding, skydiving to traveling the world – she's done it all. Reflecting on her incredible journey, Keren realized her mission is to help people around the world find their gateways through the Chinese language. So, join us today as we unravel the secrets of learning Chinese with Comprehensible Input. Remember, it's not just about learning a language; it's about becoming confident, one word at a time.
2/4/202433 minutes, 15 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP83: Learn Mandarin with 6 Chinese Songs!六首中文歌教你学中文!

What's your favorate Chinese song? Who is your favorate Chinese singer? Can I learn mandarin with Chinese songs? Absolutely! Learning Mandarin with Chinese songs can be a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. Here are some ways you can use Chinese songs to enhance your Mandarin learning: Today we will introduce 6 Chinese songs that great for learning Chinese! Listening Practice: Songs expose you to the natural rhythm, intonation, and pronunciation of the language. Regularly listening to Chinese songs helps improve your listening comprehension. 中文听力练习:歌曲使你接触到语言的自然韵律、语调和发音。定期听中文歌曲有助于提高听力理解能力。 Vocabulary Building: Songs often contain a variety of vocabulary, including colloquial expressions and slang. You can learn new words and phrases by understanding the lyrics and their meanings.中文词汇积累:歌曲通常包含各种词汇,包括口语表达和俚语。通过理解歌词及其含义,你可以学到新的词汇和短语。 Grammar Understanding: Songs can provide examples of grammar usage in context. Analyzing the lyrics can help you understand sentence structures and grammatical patterns.中文语法理解:中文歌曲可以提供语法在上下文中的使用示例。分析歌词有助于理解句子结构和语法模式。 Cultural Insight: Music reflects the culture of a language. By exploring Chinese songs, you gain insight into Chinese culture, traditions, and societal themes.中国文化洞察:音乐反映了一种语言的文化。通过探索中文歌曲,你可以深入了解中国文化、传统和社会主题。 Memorization: Repetition is a powerful tool for language learning. Singing along to Chinese songs can help you memorize words and phrases more effectively.中文记忆:重复是语言学习的有效工具。跟着中文歌曲唱歌可以帮助你更有效地记忆单词和短语。
1/31/202436 minutes, 43 seconds
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Chinese Podcast #82: How to Learn Chinese Better in 2024?2024年如何更好地学习中文?

🌟 Unlock the Secrets to Mastering Mandarin in 2024! 🌟 In today's episode, we're unveiling the ultimate guide on "How to Learn Chinese Better in 2024." Whether you're a seasoned learner or just starting, we've got the tips, tricks, and strategies to supercharge your Chinese language journey. From immersive learning techniques to the latest digital tools, we're your passport to fluency. Join us for an enlightening discussion filled with insights, motivation, and actionable steps. 🚀📚 Ready to elevate your Chinese skills to new heights? Let's embark on this language-learning adventure together! #Chinese #Mandarin #learnchinese 🌟 2024年,汉语学习新法则大揭秘!🌟 在今天的节目中,我们为您揭示“如何在2024年更好地学习中文”的终极指南。无论您是老练的学习者还是初学者,我们都有能够让您的中文学习之旅变得更轻松的贴士、技巧和策略。从沉浸式学习技术到最新的数字工具,我们是通往流利之门的钥匙。加入我们,共同探讨充满见解、动力和可行步骤的讨论
1/19/202437 minutes, 52 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP81: Things You Don't Know about Chinese Funeral你不知道的中国葬礼的细节

Dive into the Chinese funerals in this podcast episode! Uncover the intricacies of Chinese funeral customs and rituals, shedding light on a lesser-explored aspect of Chinese culture. 🌟 If you're passionate about learning Chinese and unraveling the mysteries of Chinese traditions, this episode is a must-listen. Join us as we navigate through the nuances of this solemn yet culturally rich topic, offering you a unique perspective that goes beyond language learning. 🎙️ Tune in and broaden your understanding of China, one podcast episode at a time! #LearnChinese #ChineseCulture #FuneralCustoms #chinese 在这期播客中,我们深入探讨中国葬礼的世界,揭示你之前未曾了解的细节!解开中国葬礼习俗和仪式的复杂面纱,为你呈现中国文化中一角少为人知的部分。🌟 如果你热衷于学习中文,同时对揭示中国传统的神秘之处感兴趣,那么这一集绝对不能错过。加入我们,一同探索这个庄重而充满文化底蕴的话题,为你提供超越语言学习的独特视角。🎙️ 聆听并拓宽你对中国的理解,一期又一期的播客之旅中不断丰富你的知识!
1/14/202431 minutes, 14 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP80: Mandarin VS Cantonese Speaking 普通话VS粤语/广东话

How to study Cantonese in 2024? Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming a fantastic teacher from Hong Kong, Ms. Lin! Join us as we delve into the significance of learning Cantonese, compare Mandarin VS Cantonese, discuss the challenges of mastering Cantonese, how to learn Cantonese, and explore this beautiful yet intricate dialect. Whether you're a beginner or looking to elevate your Cantonese skills, this episode promises valuable insights and practical tips. Let's welcome Ms. Lin and embark on an exciting journey into the world of Cantonese learning! 2024年怎样学粤语? 今天我们有幸邀请到了来自香港的优秀老师,林老师!我们将深入探讨为什么学习粤语如此重要,比较粤语与普通话的独特之处,还会探讨学习粤语的挑战以及如何有效掌握这一美丽而复杂的方言。无论你是初学者还是想要提高粤语水平的学习者,这期节目都将为你带来丰富的经验和实用的技巧。让我们一同迎接林老师,探索粤语学习的乐趣!
1/7/202432 minutes, 17 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP79: How to study chinese in 2024 with Dashu Mandarin 大叔中文2024年展望:跟大叔们学中文学汉语

How to study chinese in 2024 with Dashu Mandarin? We will talk about our individual plan and plan for Dashu Mandarin in 2024! 2024年怎么学中文?大叔们今天聊聊我们的新年计划! Learn Chinese with our free Podcast every Wednesday (Chinese videos with pinyin subtitle, hanzi subtitle and english subtitle), 每周三我们有免费的中文播客 Study Chinese with our free Chinese Livestreaming every Monday and friday in 2024. 每周一和周五我们有两场直播! Improve Chinese level with natural Chinese conversation in 2024! 2024年在自然有趣的中文对话中提高中文水平!
1/1/202439 minutes, 40 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP78: How to Teach Chinese in a Creative Way?如何用戏剧化教学法有创意地教中文?

🌟 Get ready for an extraordinary episode! 🌐 Today, we're excited to welcome Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa, a visionary educator hailing from Spain and currently shaping language education at La Coruña's Official School of Languages. 🌟 准备迎接一场超级精彩的节目!🌐 今天,我们非常激动地邀请到了西班牙的莫帝博士(Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa),他是西班牙加利西亚教育局拉科鲁尼亚EOI官方语言学校的杰出教育家。 🚀 Dr. Modesto is at the forefront of language education, revolutionizing Chinese classrooms with Performative Language Teaching (PLT). Imagine a class where the teacher is the director, students are the actors, and the curriculum is the script! 🎭📚🚀 莫帝博士正引领着语言教育的最前沿,用戏剧化教学法(PLT)彻底改变着中文课堂。想象一下,一个课堂里老师是导演,学生是演员,教材是剧本!🎭📚 In this podcast, Dr. Modesto unfolds the art of being a "good director" in a Chinese language class. Dive into interactive and enjoyable activities that not only captivate the hosts but also promise a joyous learning experience! 🤩在这期播客中,莫帝博士将为我们揭示在中文课堂上成为“好导演”的艺术。让我们一同看看到底哪些活动让大叔们笑得合不拢嘴,玩得如此开心!🤩 This isn't your typical language class; it's an immersive journey where education meets entertainment. Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Performative Language Teaching with the incredible Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa! 🎙️🌏这可不是你传统的语言课程;这是一场融合教育与娱乐的沉浸之旅。加入我们,一同探索戏剧化教学法的奇妙世界,与不可思议的莫帝博士共度这个令人振奋的时刻!🎙️🌏 如何联系莫帝博士?How to contact Dr. Modesto? Email: [email protected] WeChat code: modimodi001 Instagram: modestocorderi 莫帝博士最近的戏剧化教学法的论文 Dr. Modesto Corderi Novoa's recent paper on Performative Language Teaching
12/22/202347 minutes, 9 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP77: Does the Chinese Have Sex Education?中国人从小接受性教育吗?

Sensible viewers, please be advised, as we delve into a topic that might be sensitive for some— sex education in China. Ever wondered how the Chinese approach this essential aspect of life? Join us as we unravel the layers of cultural nuances and societal perspectives, exploring whether sex education is integrated into the lives of the Chinese from a young age. This eye-opening conversation promises to challenge stereotypes and provide insights into a facet of Chinese culture that's seldom discussed. Stay tuned for an open, candid, and enlightening discussion that transcends boundaries and fosters understanding. Let's break the silence together on 'Does the Chinese Have Sex Education?' - a must-listen for the culturally curious and open-minded!" 🎙️🌏 请敏感的观众谨慎收看,因为我们将深入一个可能对某些人敏感的话题 — 在中国的性教育。你是否曾想过中国人是如何看待这个生命中至关重要的方面的?加入我们,揭开文化差异和社会观念的层层面纱,探讨中国人是否从小就融入性教育的生活。这场引人入胜的对话将挑战刻板印象,揭示中国文化中鲜少被讨论的一面。请收听这个开放、坦率、启发心智的讨论,超越界限,促进相互理解。让我们共同打破沉默,探讨‘中国人从小接受性教育吗?’ — 这是对于对文化充满好奇和心态开放的人而言不可错过的节目!
12/15/202323 minutes, 32 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP76: This American Guy Speaks Perfect Chinese! 这个美国小伙的中文简直太惊人了!

How to study Chinese mandarin? This American guy speak perfect Chinese! Let's hear his life in China, some learn chinese tips, some Chinese culture he experienced, and some Chinese insights! 怎样学习汉语? 这个美国小伙的中文简直太棒了!让我们听听他的中国生活,他的中文学习技巧,他所经历的中国文化以及他在中国获得的独特人生感悟!
12/8/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP75: Chinese Teacher's Life in Yunnan is Insane! 中文老师在云南的生活如此疯狂!

Chinese Teacher's Life in Yunnan is Insane! Today, we're delighted to have our friend back— the lovely Chinese teacher Dolores from "Learn Chinese with Dolores." She once lived in the bustling city of Beijing but made the adventurous move to Yunnan, China, embracing the life of a digital nomad. In today's episode, we'll delve into her experiences and insights gained from living in Yunnan. Discover how she adapted to this exotic locale and continued teaching Chinese. This promises to be a conversation full of stories and perspectives that you won't want to miss! Join us as we explore this unique and fascinating journey through Yunnan! 今天我们有幸请到一位特别的嘉宾——来自 "Learn Chinese with Dolores" 的中文老师 Dolores。她曾经在繁华的北京生活,后来却选择搬家到中国的云南,开启了一段数字游民的生活。在今天的节目中,我们将深入探讨她在云南的所见所闻,听听她是如何适应这个充满异域风情的地方,又是如何继续教授中文的。这将是一场充满故事和见解的对话,绝对不能错过!快来和我们一起探索这段独特而精彩的云南之旅吧!
12/1/202324 minutes, 56 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP74: Why Chinese Student so Shy and Lacking Confidence? 为什么中国学生这么害羞没自信?

Why Are Chinese Students So Shy and Lacking Confidence? 为什么中国学生这么害羞没自信? In today's podcast, we delve into the intriguing topic of why Chinese students often appear reserved and lacking in confidence. Unpacking the cultural factors behind this phenomenon, we draw from our own experiences to shed light on this aspect of Chinese behavior. Our candid conversation aims not only to provide valuable insights into Chinese culture but also to help enhance your Chinese listening skills. Join us as we unravel the layers of this intriguing subject, fostering a deeper understanding of the Chinese people and their cultural nuances. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that goes beyond language learning, offering a cultural exploration into the hearts and minds of Chinese students. 今天我们要聊一个有趣的话题:“中国学生为啥这么害羞又不自信?” 别急,我们可不只是灌输枯燥的文化知识。我们会深挖这背后的原因,一边聊一边分享我们自己的所见所想。我们的目标是让你更了解中国文化,与此同时提升你的中文听力。一起来听我们热热闹闹的谈话吧!这不仅是一场关于语言的冒险,更是一段有趣的文化探索之旅。快来收看今天的大叔中文吧!
11/24/202326 minutes, 9 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP73: Are They Really Learning Chinese Language? 他们真的是在学中文吗?

Are They Really Learning Chinese Language? Today we will dive deep into the intriguing world of our countless students, each one a unique story waiting to be unfolded. As seasoned teachers, we've encountered students from diverse backgrounds, each bringing their own fascinating narratives to the classroom. In this episode, we spill the tea on some of our most interesting students, sharing snippets of their captivating journeys in learning Chinese. If you're curious about the myriad of stories hidden behind language learning or eager to discover the diverse motivations that lead people to study Chinese, this episode is your backstage pass to the untold tales of our students. Get ready for a podcast filled with surprises, laughter, and the inspiring stories of those navigating the labyrinth of Mandarin learning! Join us in this adventure on Dashu Mandarin! 他们真的在学中文吗?今天我们要谈谈我们教过的那些学汉语的学生,每一个学生背后都是一个独特的人生等待着被展开。作为经验丰富的老师,我们遇到过来自各种背景的学生,每个人都有一个精彩的故事。在这一期里,我们将匿名分享一些学生在学习中文过程中引人入胜的片段,如果你对语言学习背后的故事感到好奇,或者想了解是什么驱使着人们去学中文的各种动机,这一集将为你揭示学生们未曾讲述的故事。准备好迎接一场充满惊喜、欢笑以及那些在汉语学习的迷宫中努力奋斗的人们鼓舞人心的故事吧!加入我们的中文播客,在大叔中文度过美好时光!
11/17/202333 minutes, 57 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP72: Why do Chinese drink so much? 中国人为什么喝那么多酒?

Why do Chinese drink so much? 当谈到中国的饮酒文化时,很多人都知道一些传统的礼节和习惯。但在今天的节目中,我们将探讨的不仅仅是传统,还有那些你可能从未听说过的奇怪而有趣的中国饮酒文化现象!我们将揭示酒桌上那些令人惊奇的规则,以及中国人如何通过饮酒来表达友谊和建立关系。无论你是对中国文化感兴趣,还是计划在中国生活,这期节目都将为你揭开一个崭新的视角。准备好进入中国的酒桌世界,一起探索中国文化吧!不要错过这期D大叔中文节目! When it comes to China's drinking culture, many people are familiar with some traditional etiquettes and customs. But in today's episode, we will explore not only the traditions but also the strange and fascinating aspects of Chinese drinking culture that you might have never heard of before! We will uncover surprising rules at the drinking table and how Chinese people use alcohol to express friendship and build relationships. Whether you're curious about Chinese culture or planning to live in China, this episode will provide you with a fresh perspective. Get ready to step into the world of China's drinking culture with Dashu Mandarin!
11/11/202359 minutes, 22 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP71: She is the Chinese Interpreter of the First Lady of Indonesia 她是印尼第一夫人的翻译

在中国留学的经历会是如何?今天我们请到了一位来自印度尼西亚的嘉宾,名叫Adinda N. V. Hutabarat, Ph.D. (中文名: 洪蔼途)。她本科毕业于印尼大学中文系毕业,毕业后又去了北京清华大学读硕士,并在台北师范大学进修了博士。她现在在外交部工作,在2022年G20峰会上担任过印尼第一夫人的口译员。今天她会把她在两个城市 (即北京和台北) 留学的经验和经历分享给大家。 Today, we will explore the unique experience of studying abroad in China. We have a special guest with us, Adinda N. V. Hutabarat, Ph.D. (Chinese name: 洪蔼途), from Indonesia. She graduated with a bachelor's degree in Chinese Studies from the University of Indonesia and pursued her master's degree at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Later, she continued her doctoral studies at National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei. Currently working at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she served as an interpreter for the First Lady of Indonesia at the 2022 G20 Summit. Today, she will share her valuable insights and experiences of studying in both Beijing and Taipei.
11/3/202355 minutes, 35 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP70: Why are Chinese so Obsessed with Beauty APPs and Filters? 中国人为什么对美颜和滤镜着迷?

In today's era of social media, we often seek a more beautiful and confident image of ourselves. In China, the use of beauty-enhancing technology has become a crucial tool for people to present their best selves. Why are Chinese people so enthusiastic about using beauty filters and techniques? In this episode of our Chinese podcast, Dashu Mandarin will delve deep into the reasons behind this phenomenon. We will analyze social and psychological factors, exploring why people are willing to utilize beauty-enhancing tools to display their most confident and charming side on social media platforms. Moreover, we will share interesting stories and insights, discussing the impact of beauty filters on contemporary social interactions. Through this episode, you will gain a fresh perspective and a profound understanding of modern Chinese social culture. Join us and explore this intriguing topic! 在当今社交媒体时代,我们常常追求更美好、自信的形象。在中国,美颜技术成为人们展现最美一面的重要工具。为什么中国人如此热衷于使用美颜技术呢?在这期中文播客中,我们的三位大叔将深入探讨这个现象背后的原因。我们将剖析社交文化、心理因素,解析为何在社交媒体上,人们愿意借助美颜工具,呈现最自信、最迷人的一面。不仅如此,我们还会分享一些有趣的故事和见解,探讨美颜在当代社交互动中的影响。通过本期节目,您将了解到一个崭新的视角,深入了解当代中国社交文化。欢迎收听,一起探索这个引人入胜的话题!
10/27/202352 minutes, 24 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP69: Why don't chinese want to get married? 中国人为什么不愿意结婚了?

Why don't Chinese people want to get married anymore? There are various reasons why Chinese people are increasingly hesitant about marriage. Some key factors include social and economic pressure, the rise of individual freedom, and changing attitudes towards marriage. Listen to today's Chinese podcast to hear how the chinese teachers discuss this issue. 为什么中国人不愿意结婚了?不婚主义的人越来越多了,三位大叔中就有两个!中国人不愿意结婚的原因是多方面的,其中一些主要因素包括社会经济压力、个人自由意识的提升、婚姻观念的改变等。来听听今天的中文播客,看看三位中文老师是怎么看待这个问题的。
10/20/202354 minutes, 23 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP68: He Learned to Speak Chinese by Translating Chinese Novels. 他翻译中国小说学会说流利中文

How to actively get to know a stranger in Chinese? In today's episode, we will demonstrate how to ask open-ended and in-depth questions about the guest's life experiences and personal stories in Chinese. As we listen to the guest's responses, we will learn how to reply in a genuine and natural manner, furthering the conversation and exploring more details. In this episode, the three hosts will practice firsthand by posing various questions to deeply understand a male guest from Thailand. We hope that while listening to his story, you all can also learn how to articulate in Chinese, engage in natural and smooth conversations, and facilitate deeper communication! 如何用中文来主动了解一个陌生人?我们将通过用中文采访嘉宾的形式,来给大家展示如何以开放式和深入的问题询问嘉宾的成长经历和人生故事。当我们聆听到嘉宾的回答时,我们将学习如何以地道、自然的中文方式回应,进一步展开对话,探讨更多细节。在今天的节目中,三位大叔将亲身实践,通过提出各种问题,深入了解一位来自泰国的男性嘉宾。希望在聆听他的故事的同时,大家也能学到如何用中文组织语言,进行自然而流畅的中文对话,促使交流更进一步!
10/13/202354 minutes, 37 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP67: Why the Chinese Think Work is More Important Than Health? 为什么中国人不重视健康?

"Why do many Chinese people avoid seeking medical help until it's too late? Why is work often prioritized over health?" In today's episode, we delve into this compelling cultural phenomenon, and we will unravel the intricate layers of this aspect of Chinese culture from our own experience. Do similar patterns exist in your country, where the relentless pursuit of work eclipses concerns for personal well-being? How is work-life balance perceived in your culture? We invite you to share your thoughts with us. Join us for this thought-provoking discussion, exploring the intricate balance between work, health, and cultural perceptions, right here on our podcast channel! 在中国,为什么工作经常被优先考虑,而健康却被忽视?为什么中国人讳疾忌医?为什么很多中国人不做体检,不去医院,直到病入膏肓才感叹为时已晚?在本期节目中,我们将探讨这个中国文化现象的复杂层面。在你的国家,很多人也努力工作而忽视健康吗?在你的国家,大家对待工作的态度又是如何?在您的文化中,人们如何看待工作与生活的平衡?我们邀请您与我们分享您的想法。加入我们,参与这个发人深省的讨论,一同探讨工作、健康和文化观念之间微妙的平衡,就在我们的播客频道上!
10/6/20231 hour, 49 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP66: Why Chinese Speak so Indirectly? 中国人为什么有话不直说?

Why is it so challenging to communicate with Chinese people? Why do Chinese people speak so indirectly and always beat around the bush? There are many factors in Chinese culture that differ from our understanding, leading to these differences. Chinese people prefer to express their true intentions indirectly, and emotions are often expressed in a more subtle manner. Therefore, speaking Chinese fluently like a native speaker is only the first step; we also need to deeply understand cultural factors behind it. These cultural factors include concepts like "face culture," "collectivist society culture," and the emphasis on harmony, all of which influence the way Chinese people express themselves, making it difficult for them to openly share their feelings. Do you have similar feelings when communicating with Chinese friends? Do you understand the real message behind the words? Be sure to tune in to today's podcast and share your thoughts with us! 为什么与中国人交流会感到如此具有挑战性?为什么中国人在交谈中往往不直截了当,而总是含糊其辞?中国文化中存在着许多因素,与我们理解的方式不同,导致了这种差异。中国人更喜欢以间接的方式表达自己的真实意图,情感也通常以更加含蓄的方式表现出来。因此,要像母语者一样流利地使用中文只是第一步,我们还需要深入理解中国人交流的逻辑以及文化因素对此的影响。这些文化因素包括面子文化、集体社会文化以及强调和谐共处的思维方式等,它们都影响着中国人表达自己的方式,使他们难以毫不保留地表露内心感受。你在与中国朋友交流时是否有类似的感受?请务必收听今天的播客并与我们分享你的想法!
9/29/202351 minutes, 51 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP65: What Makes Chinese So Difficult to Learn? 中国学习上最大的困难有哪些?

Today, we are fortunate to have a Chinese learner from Thailand, Bingli, joining us. In today's program, Bingli will share the challenges she has faced while learning Chinese. Let's take a closer look at what aspects have been a bit perplexing for her. Perhaps you might also find that you've encountered similar issues during your own Chinese learning journey. Whether it's Chinese tones, grammar structures, or the study of Chinese characters, these can all be common stumbling blocks for learners. Furthermore, Bingli will introduce us to some interesting aspects of daily life in Thailand and Thai culture. Let's listen to her story together, explore the joys and challenges of learning Chinese, and gain insights into the culture of Thailand. 今天,我们有幸邀请到了来自泰国的中文学习者,冰丽。在今天的节目中,冰丽将分享她学习中文时所面临的挑战,让我们一起来看看,到底是哪些方面让她感到有些困扰。或许你也会发现,自己在学习中文的过程中曾遇到过类似的问题。无论是汉语的声调、语法结构还是汉字的学习,都可能是学习者们共同的难点。快来看看,究竟学习过程中的哪些方面让冰丽感到崩溃?你是不是也有共鸣呢?此外,冰丽还将向我们介绍一些关于泰国日常生活和泰国文化的有趣信息。让我们一同倾听她的故事,探索中文学习的乐趣和挑战,同时了解更多泰国的风土人情。
9/22/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 30 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP64: How to Improve Your Chinese Speaking Skills?如何提高你的中文口语水平?

Today, we have the pleasure of inviting Danyo, a young man from Canada who has a deep passion for traveling and exploring the world. He's the kind of person who changes cities every so often, and you can never guess where he'll turn up next. Danyo has a special love for learning Chinese and enjoys documenting every little bit of his progress. He's constantly experimenting with different methods to enhance his Chinese learning journey. Moreover, he generously shares his insights and experiences with Chinese learning online for everyone to benefit from. In today's video, Danyo also shares why he recently transitioned to a vegetarian lifestyle and discusses his experiences as a strict vegetarian. You can learn more about Danyo by following the link below. 今天我们邀请到了加拿大小伙儿Danyo,他热衷于旅游和探索世界,每隔一段时就会换一个城市生活,永远猜不到他下次会在世界哪里出现。他的爱好是学习汉语,喜欢记录自己点点滴滴的进步,尝试不同的学习中文的办法。另外他还会把自己的学习心得在网上跟大家分享。今天的视频里Danyo也介绍了为什么他最近变成了素食主义者,以及成为严格素食主义者之后的感受。大家可以通过下面的链接来更了解Danyo - Danyo的YouTube频道, Danyo's Channel
9/15/20231 hour, 8 minutes, 33 seconds
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Chinese Story Podcast #2: 会说话的猫

9/12/20236 minutes, 20 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP63: How to Speak Standard Chinese as a Native Speaker? 如何说一口标准普通话?

Roots is an enthusiastic young man hailing from Sichuan, China. Despite the strong Sichuanese accent, Roots, through his diligent practice, has successfully mastered standard Mandarin. Moreover, Roots is a popular Instagram teacher (IG: chinesewithroots), gaining over fifty thousand followers in just one month with his witty and humorous short videos. In this episode, Roots shares his journey from being a voice actor to becoming a Mandarin teacher for foreigners. He also provides insights into how he corrected his pronunciation. Let's get to know the lively and charming Roots teacher together! Roots老师是一个充满激情的四川小伙儿。尽管四川话有着浓重的口音,但是Roots凭借自己的刻苦练习,成功地练就了一口标准的普通话。同时,Roots也是Instagram上备受欢迎的网红老师(IG: chinesewithroots),他风趣幽默的短视频在短短一个月内吸引了五万多粉丝。在这期节目中,Roots将与我们分享他从配音员转型为对外汉语老师的人生经历,同时也会分享他如何纠正自己的发音问题的心得。让我们一同来认识这位充满活力和可爱的Roots老师吧!
9/8/20231 hour, 31 minutes, 28 seconds
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Chinese Story Podcast #1: 拦路的狗

这是大叔中文的一个派生小节目:大叔中文故事播客。 这是璨叔写给儿子的有趣的小故事。也将由璨叔进行演绎。希望大家喜欢。
9/5/20236 minutes, 56 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP62: Why Did This Chinese Guy Go to Mexico During the Pandemic? 中国小伙为什么疫情期间去墨西哥?

Today, we are honored to invite a Chinese PHD student, Depeng, whose expertise lies in international politics, granting him profound insights into global affairs and international relations. Simultaneously, he is also a Chinese language teacher on the italki platform, offering enriching lessons for those intrigued by Chinese politics and foreign policy. In this episode, Depeng will take us on a journey to explore his hometown of Hebei, sharing his educational experiences, including his remarkable decision to venture to Mexico during the pandemic. Let's come together to listen to Depeng's story and gain a glimpse into his extraordinary life encounters! 今天,我们荣幸地邀请到一位中国博士,德鹏,他的专业领域涵盖国际政治,对于国际关系和全球事务具有深刻的洞察力。同时,他还是italki平台上的中文教师,为对中国政治和外交政策感兴趣的学习者提供精彩的课程。在本期节目中,德鹏将带领我们深入了解他的家乡河北,分享他的求学历程,其中包括他在疫情期间毅然决然前往墨西哥的精彩经历。让我们一同聆听德鹏的故事,一窥他的人生奇遇!
9/1/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 57 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP61: What do the Chinese Girls Value the Most in a Relationship? 中国姑娘最看重伴侣什么品质?

Today, we are thrilled to welcome our guest Feifei from China. Feifei carries a multitude of labels with her life's journey. She was once the former assistant of the renowned Chinese celebrity Liu Yifei, who portrayed Mulan in Disney's live-action film. Feifei herself has also taken on roles as a film director, art school teacher, real estate manager, rural education volunteer teacher, amusement park manager, and much more. Just last month, she embraced a new role – that of a mother. Presently, her life encompasses a loving husband, a precious son, and a home filled with happiness. However, before reaching this point, she experienced the pain of a tumultuous relationship and a brief, less than ten-day-long marriage. What emotional journey has Feifei undergone? As a Chinese woman, what standards does she hold when seeking a life partner? How do Chinese individuals navigate the intricacies of marriage? These questions and more will be explored in today's podcast. Join us as we delve into Feifei's captivating life story and insights! 今天,我们非常激动地邀请到了中国嘉宾飞飞。飞飞的人生经历涵盖了多重角色和身份,其中包括曾是中国著名明星刘亦菲的前助理(刘亦菲扮演了迪士尼真人电影《花木兰》中的主角),电影导演,艺校教师,房地产经理,山区支教志愿者,游乐园经理等等。就在上个月,她迎来了一个全新的身份——成为一位母亲。如今,她的生活充满了温馨,拥有一个贴心的丈夫,一个可爱的儿子,构筑了一个幸福美满的家庭。然而,在迈向这一阶段之前,她也曾历经痛苦的情感历程,包括一段不足十天的失败婚姻。 飞飞的情感历程究竟是怎样的?作为一个中国女性,在寻找婚姻伴侣时,她持有怎样的标准?中国人又是如何经营婚姻的呢?这些问题将在今天的播客中一一探讨。让我们一同深入了解飞飞的精彩生活故事和心得分享!
8/25/20231 hour, 21 minutes, 50 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP60: Is it Really Difficult to Marry a Chinese Girl?娶中国姑娘真的那么难吗?

Today, we are honored to welcome a special guest all the way from New Zealand. He is not only a senior member of our channel but also a dedicated participant in our online sessions every week. Through various conversational topics and engaging activities, he has been diligently improving his Chinese speaking skills. We still remember his initial shyness and nervousness when he joined our online meetings for the first time. However, today, he confidently and fluently converses with us in Chinese, and we couldn't be prouder of his progress! This guest from New Zealand also has an enchanting love story intertwined with China. He met his current wife during his time here and, despite the passing of over six years, he hasn't been able to visit his home country due to various reasons. We delve into his fascinating experiences and, in particular, his heartwarming love story. For those who enjoy listening to captivating stories, today's Chinese podcast is an episode you surely won't want to miss! 今天,我们格外荣幸邀请到一位来自新西兰的特别嘉宾。他不仅是我们频道的高级会员,还是我们每周线上活动的忠实参与者。通过各种口语话题和富有趣味的活动,他坚持不懈地提升着自己的中文口语水平。我们还记得他第一次参加我们线上会议时的害羞和紧张。然而,如今,他自信而流利地与我们用中文交谈,我们为他的进步感到无比自豪! 这位来自新西兰的嘉宾还有一个与中国紧密相联的感人爱情故事。他在中国邂逅了他现在的妻子,虽然已经过去了六年多,但由于种种原因,他一直未能回到家乡。我们将深入探讨他丰富多彩的经历,特别是他那温馨动人的爱情故事。对于那些喜欢聆听引人入胜故事的朋友们,今天的中文播客绝对是一个不容错过的精彩篇章!
8/18/20231 hour, 5 minutes, 12 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP59: Study Chinese in China VS Study Chinese Online.在中国学习中文VS在网上学中文

Looking for a language center to learn mandarin in China? Today, we are pleased to have Max, the Director of Marketing at LTL Language Schools, join us. LTL Language Schools offers not only online language courses, including their flexi class, but also has numerous campuses across Asia where you can learn Mandarin. Max himself is fluent in Chinese, and in today's episode, he will provide insights from an insider's perspective on self-studying Chinese online versus learning in China. Max will also share his own experiences of learning in China and provide valuable information about the LTL Language School. For those considering learning Mandarin in Asia, LTL Language Schools might be an excellent choice to consider. So, let's tune in to hear from Max and explore the world of language learning! 今天,我们非常荣幸邀请到LTL语言学校的市场营销总监Max。LTL语言学校不仅提供了丰富的在线语言课程(flexi class),还在亚洲拥有众多校区,为您提供学习汉语的机会。Max本人也能够流利地运用中文,今天,他将从语言学校内部人员的角度出发,分享自学中文与亲临中国学习中文的利弊。 在节目中,Max将与我们分享他自己在中国学习的经历,同时为大家介绍关于LTL语言学校的有关信息。对于那些计划在亚洲学习中文的朋友们,不妨考虑一下LTL语言学校,它绝对是一个优秀的选择。让我们一同收听Max的分享,探索语言学习的精彩世界!
8/11/20231 hour, 6 minutes, 37 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP58: Work Culture Differences between China and Germany? 中国和德国工作文化的区别?

Today, we are delighted to welcome Yao Bochao, a German guest who has visited China multiple times and accumulated fascinating experiences there. He has also worked alongside Chinese individuals and observed various cultural differences between China and Germany in the workplace. Yao Bochao has a keen interest in Chinese culture and has even learned to play Go, becoming a member of the Go Club in Heidelberg, Germany. In this episode, Yao Bochao will share all the experiences mentioned above, discuss the differences between China and Germany, and delve into his journey of learning Chinese, including his learning methods and insights. Let's look forward to this exciting and insightful conversation! 今天,我们很高兴邀请到德国的尧博超,他曾多次前往中国,积累了许多有趣的经历。他还与中国人共事过,在工作中观察到了许多趣味中德文化差异。他对中国文化非常感兴趣,还学会了下围棋,并参加了德国海德堡的围棋俱乐部。在今天的节目中,他将分享以上提到的各种经历,谈谈中国和德国之间的不同之处,也会讨论他学习中文的过程、学习方法和心得。让我们一起期待这次精彩的交流!
8/3/20231 hour, 1 minute, 36 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP57: What do Indians Think of China in 2023? 2023年印度人如何看待中国?

What do Indians Think of China in 2023? How is the relationship between China and India? 2023年印度人如何看待中国?中国跟印度的国际关系如何? Today, we are delighted to have the Principal of India China Academy, Nishith Hanming, join us. Nishith's journey with Chinese language and culture began during his studies in China, where he lived and traveled to various parts of the country, fostering a deep passion for Chinese language and culture. Upon returning to India, he dedicated himself to promoting Chinese language education and founded the India China Academy, making significant contributions to the exchange between the two countries. He has also participated in the Chinese Proficiency Competition (汉语桥) and had the opportunity to collaborate with renowned Chinese actor Xu Zheng in the popular film "Dying to Survive" (我不是药神). Let's dive into his fascinating story together! 今天,我们非常荣幸邀请到中印学院(India China Academy)的校长,印度人唐汉明(Nishith Hanming)。汉明因为留学与中国结缘,在中国各地居住和旅游,对中文和中国文化充满了热爱。回国后,他致力于发展印度的中文教育,并创立了中印学院,为两国之间的交流做出了巨大贡献。他还曾参加汉语桥汉语大赛,并在著名电影《我不是药神》中扮演一位印度司机,与中国著名演员徐峥合作。让我们一起倾听他的精彩故事!
8/2/202353 minutes
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Chinese Podcast EP55: One Trick to Speak Chinese Fluently 学会流利说中文的一个秘诀

今天我们有幸邀请到一位自由职业者,来自印度的特别嘉宾——佳妮。佳妮从零开始跟随老师学习中文,曾经尝试参加过不同的中文培训班。然而,由于疫情的原因,她不得不暂停了传统的课堂学习,转而选择自学,并选择那些激发她兴趣的中文学习材料。尽管她的生活与中国毫无关联,但通过她的坚持和努力,她如今能够自如地运用流利的中文。今天,让我们一起倾听这位来自印度的朋友分享她的生活故事。 Today, we are fortunate to have a special guest with us, 佳妮, a freelancer from India. 佳妮 started learning Chinese from scratch, following the guidance of teachers and attending various Chinese language training programs. However, due to the pandemic, she had to pause her traditional classroom learning and opted for self-study, exploring Chinese learning materials that ignited her interest. Despite having no direct connection to China in her daily life, through her perseverance and dedication, she has achieved fluency in Chinese. Today, let's listen to 佳妮, our guest from India, as she shares her life story.
7/14/202354 minutes, 14 seconds
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Chinese Podcast EP54: How to Learn Chinese By Yourself At Home? 在家如何一个人自学中文?

今天,我们非常激动地邀请到加拿大的肖思恩老师(Instagram: xiao_en_laoshi)参与我们的节目。令人惊讶的是,她目前已经能够流利地说中文,而除了一次短暂的中国之旅外,她从未跟任何中文老师学习过,而是通过自学的方式达到了如今的汉语水平。肖思恩老师拥有丰富的在线语言交换伙伴经验,并因此结识了她现在的男朋友。在本期播客中,肖思恩将分享她的中文学习之旅,并与大家分享一些自学中文的宝贵经验。如果您有任何问题,也欢迎留言提问! Today, we are thrilled to have Canadian teacher Xiao Sean (Instagram: xiao_en_laoshi) join us on the podcast. It's astonishing that she can speak fluent Chinese, especially considering that she has never learned from any Chinese teachers except for a brief trip to China. She has achieved her current level of proficiency through self-study. Xiao Sean has gained valuable experience through online language exchange partners, and it was through language exchange apps that she met her current boyfriend. In this episode, Xiao Sean will share her journey of learning Chinese and provide valuable insights and tips on self-studying the language. Feel free to leave any questions you may have in the comments section!
7/6/202353 minutes, 18 seconds
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Chinese Podcast Ep47: Fluency VS Accuracy when Learning Chinese- Which is More Important?流利度VS准确度

5/18/20231 hour, 13 minutes, 58 seconds
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Chinese Podcast Ep46: This Chinese Girl Sold Her House to Travel Around the World 中国女孩卖房环游世界

5/11/20231 hour, 26 minutes, 25 seconds