The Hot Mess Comedy Hour is hosted by Andrea Allan and Emily Lubin, two blossoming comedians and world-class train wrecks. In each episode, they dive into the psyches of some of New York City’s messiest performers. Each guest comes equipped with their own baggage, whether it be a dark past, addiction, or neurosis. Andrea and Emily go head-to-head with your inner demons so that you don’t have to!
Goodbye For Now
This is the final episode of The Hot Mess Comedy Hour. It has been an amazing 8 years. Thank you to every single person who listened, supported and made hot mess possible. It's been an absolute dream. We love the AOC. Our full back catalogue is available on Patreon.
Follow Emily @lubination on Instagram
Follow Andrea @andreacomedy69 on Instagram
Full back catalogue at
3/1/2023 • 2 hours, 38 minutes, 24 seconds
Wendi Starling is Ditching the Coke Until She's Less Broke
The Hot Mess Comedy Hour is no more.It has been an amazing 8 years. Thank you to every single person who listened, supported and made hot mess possible. It's been an absolute dream. We love the AOC. Our full back catalogue is available on Patreon.
Follow Emily @lubination on Instagram
Follow Andrea @andreacomedy69 on Instagram
Full back catalogue at
3/1/2023 • 1 hour, 18 minutes, 47 seconds
Deno DeMartino Used to Do Smack but He Got His Life Back
The Hot Mess Comedy Hour is no more.It has been an amazing 8 years. Thank you to every single person who listened, supported and made hot mess possible. It's been an absolute dream. We love the AOC. Our full back catalogue is available on Patreon.
Follow Emily @lubination on Instagram
Follow Andrea @andreacomedy69 on Instagram
Full back catalogue at
3/1/2023 • 1 hour, 22 minutes, 47 seconds
Gladys Is a Cyberpunk Who Can Live Out Of a Car's Trunk
The Hot Mess Comedy Hour is no more.It has been an amazing 8 years. Thank you to every single person who listened, supported and made hot mess possible. It's been an absolute dream. We love the AOC. Our full back catalogue is available on Patreon.
Follow Emily @lubination on Instagram
Follow Andrea @andreacomedy69 on Instagram
Full back catalogue at
3/1/2023 • 1 hour, 17 minutes, 55 seconds
Aileen Clark Went To Santa's Town Just To Get Shot Down
The Hot Mess Comedy Hour is no more.It has been an amazing 8 years. Thank you to every single person who listened, supported and made hot mess possible. It's been an absolute dream. We love the AOC. Our full back catalogue is available on Patreon.
Follow Emily @lubination on Instagram
Follow Andrea @andreacomedy69 on Instagram
Full back catalogue at