You’ll get fresh and in-depth biblical insight from our popular Bible school program in time for your weekly quarterly lessons! Get into the Bible and grow in your faith.
The Backstory: The Prologue
This week’s lesson will begin with the Prologue (John 1:1–18) and summarize its major themes. These themes will then be looked at in other places in John ’s Gospel, as well.
10/12/2024 • 0
Signs of Divinity
This week’s lesson looks at three of Jesus’ greatest signs of His divinity. What is striking is that in every case some people did not believe the miracle or perceive its significance. For some it was a time of turning away from Jesus; for others, a time for deepening blindness; and for others, a time to plot Jesus’ death. And, for others—a time to believe that Jesus was the Messiah.
10/5/2024 • 0
Signs That Point the Way
Why did John write his Gospel? Did he wish to emphasize Jesus’ miracles? Or to emphasize some specific teachings of Jesus? What was the reason for writing what he did?
This week we’re going to look in John at some of Jesus’ early miracles—from His turning water to wine at a wedding, to restoring to health someone’s very sick son, to the healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda.
9/26/2024 • 0
The Risen Lord
The crucifixion of Jesus proved the death knell to the hopes and faith of His disciples. It was a dark weekend for them as they not only grappled with their Master’s death but feared for their own lives, as well (John 20:19).
In Mark 16, the final chapter in his Gospel, we will look at what followed His death. This study will close with a challenge to the reader of Mark to take the gospel throughout the world.
9/21/2024 • 0
Tried and Crucified
Mark 15 is the heart of the Passion Narrative. It presents the trial of Jesus, His condemnation, the mockery by the soldiers, His crucifixion, and then His death and burial. The events in this chapter are presented in stark, crisp detail, likely because the author let the facts speak for themselves.
This week, from the question of Pilate, “ ‘Are you the king of the Jews?’ ” to the mocking soldiers to the sign above the cross to the mocking of the religious leaders, “ ‘He saved others; Himself He cannot save’ ” to the unexpected appearance of Joseph of Arimathea, the chapter is filled with painful ironies that nevertheless reveal powerful truths about the death of Jesus and what it means.
9/14/2024 • 0
Taken and Tried
This week ’s lesson focuses on Mark 14, beginning with the fifth Sandwich Story, which interlinks two opposite actions in relation to Jesus. This is followed by the Last Supper, followed by His struggle in Gethsemane. There He is arrested and taken before the leaders to be tried. The trial scene is linked with Peter’s denial of Jesus, forming the sixth and last of the Sandwich Stories in Mark. Again, two opposite actions occur, but by an ironic twist, they affirm the same truth.
Throughout the narrative, two contrasting story plots march hand in hand. In a crisp style, Mark sets before the reader these clashing plots while revealing the triumph of Jesus.
9/7/2024 • 0
The Last Days
This week’s lesson starts with a very brief story at the end of Mark 12, where Jesus makes a profound statement about a small act by a widow. The main portion of this week’s lesson, however, deals with Mark 13, a striking prophecy about the fate of the Jerusalem temple and more. This chapter, along with its parallels in Matthew 24 and Luke 21, tell about both the fall of Jerusalem and beyond, even to the end of the world. Jesus not only predicts the future but also instructs His disciples both then and now in how to prepare for the coming trials.
8/31/2024 • 0
Jerusalem Controversies
In this week’s lesson, when Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, He has a series of six controversies with the religious leaders. The religious leaders come to confront, confound, and defeat Jesus, but they never succeed. Part of this week’s lesson will include analyzing just what it is that brings people into opposition to God and consideration of what Christians can do to break through prejudice and speak to the hearts of those resisting the Spirit’s call.
8/24/2024 • 0
Teaching Disciples: Part II
This week covers Mark 10, completing the special section in which Jesus teaches His disciples in preparation for the cross. About half of the chapter deals with the disciples themselves, and the rest with issues important to discipleship but told through the lens of others who interact with Jesus. Pharisees come and argue with Him over the subject of divorce. Parents bring their children for Jesus to bless. A rich man asks about eternal life, and a blind man asks for sight.
This chapter of Mark carries important teachings about what it means to follow Jesus, particularly as it relates to living in the here and now: marriage, children, how to relate to riches, and the reward and cost of following Him.
8/17/2024 • 0
Teaching Disciples: Part I
In the last part of Mark 8 through the end of Mark 10, Jesus focuses on teaching His disciples about His journey. In these chapters, He will give predictions about the cross. These will be followed by special instruction on discipleship. These powerful lessons remain relevant today.
8/10/2024 • 0
Inside Out
This week’s study is Mark 7 and the first half of Mark 8. At the beginning of Mark 7, Jesus stirs up controversy by His rejection of religious tradition. However, He does it in a way that is strikingly supportive of something deeply relevant to Christian life today.
8/3/2024 • 0
Miracles Around the Lake
The main goal of Mark's Chapter 5 dramatic stories is to let the reader see who Jesus is. He is the One able to calm a storm, heal a demoniac, heal a woman who simply touches His clothes, raise a dead girl, preach in His home town, send out His disciples on a preaching mission, feed 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes, and walk on water—incredible displays of power that are drawing the disciples closer to an understanding that He is the Son of God.
7/27/2024 • 0
For many years scholars have argued over the meaning and interpretation of Jesus’ parables: How to interpret them, what they mean, why Jesus used them, what kind of lessons they were intended to reveal, and how literally they were to be taken, or whether they were purely allegory, and so forth.
Obviously we are not going to solve all these issues in this week’s lesson. Instead, we are going to look at them and, by God grace, come away with an understanding of the points Jesus made through these parables.
7/20/2024 • 0
The Gospel writer uses a technique that is called “Sandwich Stories.” This narrative pattern appears at least six times in Mark. In each case some important aspect of the nature of Jesus and His role as Messiah, or the nature of discipleship, is the focus.
This week, we will read some accounts about Jesus and see what we can learn from them.
7/13/2024 • 0
A Day in the Ministry of Jesus
The Gospel of Mark recounts the calling of four disciples and describes a Sabbath in Capernaum and what followed. This “Sabbath with Jesus” at the beginning of Mark gives the reader a sense of who Jesus is. In the entire section for this week’s lesson there are very few of His words recorded: a brief call to discipleship, a command to a demon, a plan to visit other locations, and the healing of a leper with instructions to show himself before a priest to be clean. The emphasis is on action, particularly healing people. The Gospel writer likes to use the word immediately to illustrate the fast-action movement of Jesus’ ministry.
7/6/2024 • 0
The Beginning of the Gospel
This week's first step will be to learn about Mark as reported in Scripture, to see his early failure and eventual recovery. Then the study will turn to the opening section of Mark with a look forward to where the story is headed and a look backward at why a failed and then restored missionary would write such a text.
6/29/2024 • 0
The Triumph of God’s Love
In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see Christ’s steadfast love during the most exciting time in the history of the universe and His complete and total triumph in the great controversy between good and evil. The Bible’s last book, Revelation, gives us hope for today, tomorrow, and forever.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 39-42 of The Great Controversy.
6/22/2024 • 0
Earth’s Closing Events
The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal what the prophetic Word says about the closing events and discover a new Christ’s strength to take us through earth’s final conflict and get us home.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 37 and 38 of The Great Controversy.
6/15/2024 • 0
The Impending Conflict
The aim of this week’s lesson is to reveal the coming conflict over worship. This week’s study emphasizes Jesus’ strength to take us through earth’s final conflict.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 35 and 36 of The Great Controversy.
6/8/2024 • 0
Spiritualism Exposed
The aim of this lesson is to show that our only safeguard against Satan’s last-day delusions is a personal relationship with Christ and a solid grounding in the teachings of the Bible. This includes its teaching about death, regardless of what our eyes and ears and hearts might try to tell us.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 31–34 of The Great Controversy.
6/1/2024 • 0
The Foundation of God’s Government
The aim of this lesson is to show the link between the sanctuary, God’s law, the Sabbath, and the coming crisis over the mark of the beast. We will also explore the relevance of the Sabbath to an end-time generation.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 25–27 of The Great Controversy.
5/25/2024 • 0
Light From the Sanctuary
This week we explore Christ’s ministry in heaven.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 22–24 and 28 of The Great Controversy.
5/18/2024 • 0
Motivated by Hope
In this week’s lesson we will examine why the second coming of Christ has filled the hearts of believers with joy through the centuries and how we can be ready for that great event.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 18–21 of The Great Controversy.
5/11/2024 • 0
The Two Witnesses
This week, we explore one of the most vicious attacks on the Scriptures and the Christian faith.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 12-17 of The Great Controversy.
5/4/2024 • 0
Faith Against All Odds
In this week’s study, with examples from the Reformation, we will explore how the life-changing teachings of Scripture provide the basis for genuine purpose and true meaning in life.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 7–11 of The Great Controversy.
4/27/2024 • 0
Faith Against All Odds
In this week’s study, with examples from the Reformation, we will explore how the life-changing teachings of Scripture provide the basis for genuine purpose and true meaning in life.
*Study this week’s lesson, based on chapters 7–11 of The Great Controversy.
4/27/2024 • 0
Standing for the Truth
This week we will look at some biblical principles that motivated the Waldenses and later Reformers, such as Huss and Jerome, to stay faithful to the Lord no matter what—even at the threat of death from the same power that killed Polycarp: Rome, but now the papal phase.
Study this week’s lesson which is based on The Great Controversy, chapters 4–6.
4/20/2024 • 0
Light Shines in the Darkness
Yet even in life’s most difficult times, God was continually with His people. They found Jesus, “the way, the truth and the life” and, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they stood firm, even in the face of overwhelming pressure to yield their conscientious convictions. They stayed loyal to God’s revealed will in Scripture and unflinchingly stood for the truth of His Word, regardless of the pressure placed on them, either overtly or subtly.
This week’s lesson is based on The Great Controversy, chapter 3.
4/13/2024 • 0
The Central Issue: Love or Selfishness?
We will study Satan’s twofold strategy both to deceive and destroy God’s people. What the evil one fails to accomplish through persecution, he hopes to achieve through compromise. God is never caught by surprise, and even in the most challenging times He preserves His people.
Study this week’s lesson, based on The Great Controversy, chapters 1–2
4/6/2024 • 0
The War Behind All Wars
If God is so good, why is the world so bad? How can a God of love allow so much evil to exist? Why do bad things happen to good people? In this week’s lesson, we will explore the age-long conflict between good and evil.
3/30/2024 • 0
Wait on the Lord
If there is a final word that we can draw from the Psalms, it should be “wait on the Lord.” Waiting on the Lord is not an idle and desperate biding of one’s time. Instead, waiting on the Lord is an act full of trust and faith, a trust and faith revealed in action.
3/23/2024 • 0
Worship That Never Ends
The Lord’s people are identified with the righteous, who worship the Lord and whose hope is in Him and in His love.
3/16/2024 • 0
Longing for God in Zion
The blessings of Zion overflow to the ends of the earth because the Lord’s person and grace exceed the boundaries of any holy place. Zion is the joy of all the earth (Ps. 48:2), affirming that the whole earth belongs to God.
3/9/2024 • 0
Lessons of the Past
Each generation of God’s people plays a small but significant part in the grand historical unfolding of God’s sovereign purposes in the great controversy.
3/2/2024 • 0
Blessed Is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord
In all the Psalms, through the psalmists’ laments, thanksgivings, praises, and cries for justice and deliverance, we can hear the echoes of Christ’s prayer for the salvation of the world.
2/24/2024 • 0
Wisdom for Righteous Living
Wisdom for righteous living is gained through the dynamics of life with God amid temptations and challenges.
2/18/2024 • 0
Your Mercy Reaches Unto the Heavens
God’s people take comfort in the fact that the Lord is faithful to His covenant.
2/11/2024 • 0
I Will Arise
The Lord is longsuffering and holds His wrath in His great forbearance, not wanting anyone to perish but to repent and change their ways (2 Pet. 3:9–15).
2/4/2024 • 0
Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land
As we already have seen, the psalmists acknowledge God’s sovereign rule and power, as well as His righteous judgments.
1/28/2024 • 0
The Lord Hears and Delivers
We should remember that the proper response to the Lord’s nearness consists in a life of faith in Him, and of obedience to His commandments.
1/21/2024 • 0
The Lord Reigns
God has both the perfect knowledge of us and of our circumstances, and also the means to help us. Therefore, His promises of help and deliverance are not shallow platitudes but firm assurances.
1/14/2024 • 0
Teach Us to Pray
This week we will look at the role the Psalms played in helping God’s people traverse their life journey and grow in their relationship with God.
1/7/2024 • 0
How to Read the Psalms
The Psalms are inspired prayers and praises of Israel, and so in the Psalms the voice is that of God intermingled with that of His people.
12/31/2023 • 0
The End of God's Mission
In this quarter’s final lesson, we will see that Revelation is a missionary book focused on a missionary God who is calling us to be a missionary church.
12/24/2023 • 0
Esther and Mordecai
In its own unique way, this story shows how God’s people, even in foreign environments, can witness for truth. What are some of the challenges to your faith that you face in your own culture? How do you respond to them?
12/17/2023 • 0
Mission to the Unreached: Part 2
What is the difference between faith and belief? Why might people who have the correct belief be found void of faith when Christ returns?
12/10/2023 • 0
Mission to the Unreached: Part 1
What bridges and points of contact can you think of that would open opportunities for deeper conversation with others with whom you come in contact?
12/3/2023 • 0
Mission to the Powerful
Why must we be careful of the trap of thinking that because “we have the truth”, then the knowledge of this truth alone is enough to save us? How many souls will be lost who had more than enough knowledge, even of the three angels’ messages, to be saved?
11/26/2023 • 0
Mission to the Needy
Whatever the situation, we are called to be God’s helpers for all people in need, regardless of their background. Whatever the needs are, we must be ready to do what we can to help. This is a central part of what it means to be a Christian and what mission must include.
11/19/2023 • 0
Mission to My Neighbor
How can we learn to distinguish between working for salvation, which is a fatal mistake, and revealing in our lives the salvation that we already have in Jesus?
11/12/2023 • 0
Motivation and Preparation for Mission
What are some of the experiences you have had with the reality of God and His love? Why are these times so precious to you, and how do they motivate you to reach out to others with the good news?
11/5/2023 • 0
Excuses to Avoid Mission
Winning souls is hard, too hard for humans to do on their own. How can we learn, instead, to let God win souls, but through us and our life and witness?
10/29/2023 • 0
Sharing God's Mission
How can praying for others in need help us grow spiritually and experience more the reality of God’s love for sinners?
10/22/2023 • 0
God's Call to Mission
How would you define the word “mission” as you apply it to your own life? In what ways could you, daily, express mission in your attitude and behavior? How can you be more mission minded in your day-by-day tasks?
10/15/2023 • 0
God's Mission to Us: Part 2
God has chosen to manifest Himself to us in such a way that we can understand His nature and purpose.
10/8/2023 • 0
Ephesians in the Heart
What important truths embedded in Ephesians should continue to shape our lives as believers?
9/24/2023 • 0
God’s Mission to Us: Part 1
What are ways that you experience God’s presence in your life?
9/19/2023 • 0
Waging Peace
In what ways can we, as a corporate body, work together in the great controversy, in order to help each other in our struggles against evil, in whatever form it comes?
9/17/2023 • 0
The Call To Stand
What should Paul's warning that we fight not against flesh and blood but against supernatural enemies teach us about where our only hope of victory is?
9/10/2023 • 0
Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ
Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ
9/3/2023 • 0
Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross
Paul cites the example of Jesus to both wives and husbands. What can you learn from Jesus about loving those in your own family circle?
8/27/2023 • 0
Living Wisely
What are some of the “empty words” that in our day and age we need to be wary of? What strategies might believers today employ to “discern what is pleasing to the Lord”
8/20/2023 • 0
Christ-Shaped Lives and Spirit-Inspired Speech
Think about the power of your words. How can you use them to be uplifting, encouraging, and faith-building?
8/13/2023 • 0
The Unified Body of Christ
Paul’s picture of a healthy, unified body helps us understand God’s goal for us: to be parts of a fruitful church united in Christ.
8/6/2023 • 0
The Mystery of the Gospel
How can we learn to trust God and His ways amid what can be very trying circumstances?
7/30/2023 • 0
Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church
How might your church play a positive role in actualizing the unifying work Christ already has accomplished on the cross? How might you participate in that work?
7/23/2023 • 0
How God Rescues Us
Who hasn’t experienced just how corrupted our own nature is, even after we have given ourselves to Jesus? What should this teach us about how important it is that we cling to Him every moment of our lives?
7/16/2023 • 0
The Power of the Exalted Jesus
Why is it important always to thank God in prayer for what you have to be thankful for?
7/9/2023 • 0
God’s Grand, Christ-centered Plan
What does it mean to you that through Christ’s atoning sacrifice you are forgiven and redeemed? What if you feel that you are unworthy of it? (Hint: you are unworthy; that’s the whole point of the cross.)
7/2/2023 • 0
Paul and the Ephesians
How can the message of Ephesians be summarized? From prison, Paul sets forth a vision of God’s Christ-centered plan for the fullness of time and the church’s role in it.
6/25/2023 • 0
Ablaze with God’s Glory
Christ has given us these last-day messages so that, knowing what is coming, we can prepare for it. The prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, combined with the modern gift of prophecy, give us divine insight into what is coming upon this world.
6/18/2023 • 0
The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 2
Though living in anticipation, even expectation, of final events, why must we be careful about not getting into fanaticism, date setting, or speculating beyond what has been revealed to us through inspiration?
6/11/2023 • 0
The Seal of God and Mark of the Beast: Part 1
The devil is preparing professed Christians by compromises in their lives to receive the mark of the beast when the final test comes upon us in the future. God’s love for each one of us will strengthen us and preserve us during the troublous times ahead.
6/4/2023 • 0
Satan’s Final Deceptions
In this week’s lesson, we will continue looking, not only at Babylon’s deceptions but at Jesus’ plan to save us from them and the death that they would otherwise bring.
5/28/2023 • 0
A City Called Confusion
In this week’s lesson, we will study the two women of Revelation and probe, more deeply, the conflict between truth and error.
5/21/2023 • 0
The Sabbath and the End
Satan has made every attempt to distort the idea of Creation because he hates Jesus and does not want Him to receive the worship due Him as our Creator and Redeemer. The basis of all worship is the fact that He created us.
5/14/2023 • 0
Worshiping the Creator
The central issue in the book of Revelation is worship. We were created as worshiping beings. Every one of us worships something or someone. True worship, the worship of the Creator, enables us to discover life’s true purpose. It gives us a reason for living.
5/7/2023 • 0
The Hour of His Judgment
At the cross, Christ was judged as a condemned sinner so that we could be judged as righteous citizens of the heavenly kingdom. He was judged as a criminal so that we could be set free from the destructive fires of eternal loss, both figuratively and, yes, literally, as well.
4/30/2023 • 0
The Good News of the Judgment
This week we will explore the deeper themes of the judgment in relation to the great controversy raging in the universe, and we will look especially about what happens when God’s faithful people themselves face the inevitable “judgment to come” (Acts 24:25).
4/23/2023 • 0
Fear God and Give Glory to Him
The purpose of the book of Revelation for our generation is to prepare a people to be ready for Jesus’ soon return and to unite with Him in giving His last-day message to the world. Revelation reveals the plans of God and unmasks the plans of Satan. It presents God’s final appeal, His urgent, eternal, universal message for all humanity.
4/16/2023 • 0
The Everlasting Gospel
In this week’s lesson, we will begin a detailed study of Revelation 14:6–12, but will do so through the eyes of grace as we listen to God speaking to our hearts.
4/9/2023 • 0
A Moment of Destiny
What can we do to more fully allow the Holy Spirit to transform us to be
more like Jesus?
4/2/2023 • 0
Jesus Wins—Satan Loses
The theme of the Bible’s last book, Revelation, is this: Jesus Wins, Satan Loses. The heart of this battle is outlined in Revelation 12, the focus of our study this week. This study will give a good preparation for understanding Revelation 14 and the three angels’ messages.
3/26/2023 • 0
Rewards of Faithfulness
From the biblical perspective, prosperity is having what you need when you need it. It is not the accumulation of possessions. Prosperity is also claiming the promise of God in Philippians 4:19: “My God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” Finally, prosperity is to be thankful for what you have in the Lord and trust in Him in all things.
3/19/2023 • 0
Managing in Tough Times
How do we strike the right balance between doing what we can, for instance, to be financially secure, and yet, at the same time, trusting in the Lord for all things?
3/12/2023 • 0
Giving Back
This week we will review God’s counsel regarding our last years. What are things that we should do, what should we avoid doing, and what principles should we follow?
3/5/2023 • 0
Beware of Covetousness
Covetousness, right up there with extortion, idolatry, fornication, and adultery? That’s what the texts say, and this week we will look at examples of just how bad it is and what we can do to overcome it.
2/26/2023 • 0
Planning for Success
This week we are going to look at the idea of “success” in the context of basic stewardship and financial principles.
2/19/2023 • 0
Unto the Least of These
Because we are managers of God’s business, helping the poor is not just an option. It is following the example of Jesus and obeying His commands.
2/12/2023 • 0
Laying Up Treasure in Heaven
This week we will review texts and illustrations that show us how to store up treasures in heaven and, ultimately, reap an eternal reward.
2/5/2023 • 0
Dealing with Debt
This week we will consider the reasons for debt and how to deal with it. You may be debt-free, but you can share this valuable information with family and friends who could benefit from it.
1/29/2023 • 0
Offerings for Jesus
This week we will review what the Bible has to say about offerings as part of our management of God’s business on the earth.
1/22/2023 • 0
The Tithing Contract
Why is it important to understand that tithing, like the Sabbath, was not something that originated in the ancient Israelite legal or even religious system? What message should we, who live after the cross, take from this truth?
1/15/2023 • 0
God’s Covenants with Us
This week we will study some very significant bilateral covenants between God and His children. Let’s pray that, by the grace of God, we shall “uphold our end of the bargain.”
1/8/2023 • 0
Part of God’s Family
In this week’s study, we will explore the privileges and responsibilities of being a part of the family of God.
1/1/2023 • 0
All Things New
During this week we will reflect on the glorious promise of a new heaven and a new earth, including the heavenly temple, the presence of God, the end of death and tears—and, finally, the ultimate triumph of God’s love.
12/24/2022 • 0
The Judging Process
During this week we will consider the end-time judgment process with its three main phases: the pre-advent judgment, the millennial judgment, and the executive judgment.
12/17/2022 • 0
The Biblical Worldview
How can you, today, be ready for the return of Jesus were He to return today?
12/10/2022 • 0
End-Time Deceptions
During this week we will consider some end-time deceptions. These are dangerous subjects that we should be aware of but without exposing ourselves to their influences.
12/3/2022 • 0
The Fires of Hell
As unfortunate as the fires of hell are, what does the truth about hell reveal to us about God’s love, especially in contrast to the idea of eternal torment? In the end, we are either totally saved or totally lost. There is no middle ground. We can have either eternal life or will face eternal destruction.
11/26/2022 • 0
Contrary Passages?
This week we will study some intriguing passages that people use to justify the natural immortality of the soul. These reflections should strengthen our own convictions and help us to answer kindly those who question this crucial teaching.
11/19/2022 • 0
The New Testament Hope
Every passing day brings us one day closer to the glorious appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds of heaven. Though we don’t know when He will come, we can be certain that He will, and that is what really matters.
11/12/2022 • 0
Christ’s Victory Over Death
This week we will look at Christ’s resurrection and all the convincing evidence He gave us to believe in it.
11/5/2022 • 0
He Died for Us
This week we will focus on Christ’s death and what it means for the promise of eternal life.
10/29/2022 • 0
Resurrections Before the Cross
This week we will reflect more closely on the resurrections that occurred before Christ’s own death and resurrection.
10/22/2022 • 0
The Old Testament Hope
This week we will reflect on how the notion of the final resurrection unfolded in Old Testament times, with special focus on the statements of Job, some psalmists, and the prophets Isaiah and Daniel.
10/15/2022 • 0
Understanding Human Nature
Is there an immaterial soul or spirit that consciously survives physical death? This week we will consider how the Old Testament defines human nature and the condition of human beings at death.
10/8/2022 • 0
Death in a Sinful World
This week we will reflect on the fall of Adam and Eve, on how sin and death took over our world, and on how God planted a seed of hope for humanity even back in Eden.
10/1/2022 • 0
Rebellion in a Perfect Universe
Christ speaks of God’s unconditional love for all human beings as the pattern for all our own interactions. How can you reflect this pattern more closely within your family and church?
9/24/2022 • 0
Israel in Egypt
Though God intimately knows the future, we are still free in the choices we make. How do we reconcile these two ideas?
6/19/2022 • 0
Joseph, Prince of Egypt
What are ways that others should be able to see, from the kind of lives that we live, the reality of our God? Though we can be forgiven and accept God’s forgiveness, how do we learn to forgive ourselves, no matter how unworthy we are of that forgiveness?
6/12/2022 • 0
Joseph, Master of Dreams
How can we learn to trust God and cling to His promises when events don’t appear providential at all, and indeed, God seems silent?
6/5/2022 • 0
Jacob - Israel
What are the idols of our culture, our civilization? How can we make sure we aren’t worshiping anyone or anything other than the Lord?
5/29/2022 • 0
Jacob the Supplanter
How can we learn to trust God when we don’t see “justice” being done, when we see people who do evil get away with it, or when we see the innocent suffer?
5/22/2022 • 0
The Promise
Why is it so comforting to know that while not all things are God’s will, He is still in charge?
5/15/2022 • 0
The Covenant With Abraham
How can we learn to keep focused on Christ and His righteousness as our only hope of salvation? What happens if we try to start counting up our good works? Why is it important that we not give up, despite times of doubt?
5/8/2022 • 0
The Roots of Abraham
What kind of influence do our actions have on others? What kind of message are we sending about our faith by our actions?
5/1/2022 • 0
All Nations and Babel
What example do we have from history, or even the present, of the trouble that can come from those who seek to make a name for themselves?
4/24/2022 • 0
The Flood
What lesson can we learn from the Noah story regarding our role in warning the world about coming judgment?
4/17/2022 • 0
Cain and His Legacy
Why must we do all that we can in God’s power to eradicate sin from our lives?
4/10/2022 • 0
The Fall
If Satan was able to deceive a sinless Eve in Eden, how much more vulnerable are we? What is our best defense against his deceptions?
4/3/2022 • 0
The Creation
Think about the vast power of God, who upholds the cosmos, and yet can be so near to each of us. Why is this amazing truth so amazing?
3/27/2022 • 0
Let Brotherly Love Continue
Why is it important to remember that God is leading us as a group? What are my responsibilities to the group? What are the best indicators that brotherly love is strong in a congregation?
3/20/2022 • 0
Receiving an Unshakeable Kingdom
The shaking of the heavens and the earth means, then, the destruction of the earthly powers that persecute God’s people and, more importantly, the destruction of the evil powers (Satan and his angels) who stand behind the earthly powers and control them.
3/13/2022 • 0
Jesus, Author and Perfecter of Our Faith
Why is it important to recognize that our faith results from and feeds on God’s faithfulness? How can we learn more to trust in His faithfulness to us and to the promises He has made to us?