A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/08/2016 • 54 minutes, 28 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 14 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
*Presidente da ANP reuniu-se com as duas principais bancada parlamentar em busca do entendimento para o desbloqueio no parlamento.* a união europeia considera positiva os resultados da implementação da programa de redução da mortalidade infantil executado pelo instituto marques de vale flor e quer alarga-lo para todo o país *Observadores da CEEAC, deram nota positiva a segunda volta das eleições presidenciais em STP.
11/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 49 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
02/08/2016 • 59 minutes, 22 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
31/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 45 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
AngolaO Mercado de Trabalho em Angola esta a registar um consideravel aumento de Despedimentos colectivos.São Tomé e PrincipeEleições presidenciais sem classificação da União Africana.MoçambiqueApesar de estarem em implementação programas para a retenção da criança na escola, casamentos prematuros continuam a influenciar sobremaneira as desistências.Sud ão do SulUnião Africana envia um contigente militar e já há registo de 11 mortes devido a cólera.
22/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/07/2016 • 57 minutes, 5 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 34 secondes
Portuguese News
MOZAMBIQUE:Depois da RENAMO ter nomeado a sua equipa de mediadores internacionais, o Governo da FRELIMO nomeou do seu lado Tony Blair, Chester Crocker e Jakaya Kikwete.HAIA:Tribunal Penal Internacional submeteu uma queixa contra o Uganda e Djibouti ao Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas por não ter detido o Presidente Hassan Omar Al-Bashir.ZIMBABWE: O Governo ameaçou usar força excessiva contra manifestantes.BOTSWANA:O Presidente do Botswana e da SADC lançou um apelo para a angariação de 3 mil milhões de dólares.
14/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/07/2016 • 58 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
07/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 47 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 30 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
01/07/2016 • 59 minutes, 48 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
30/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
29/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
O ex-Presidente cabo-verdiano Pedro Pires considerou positiva a presença de mediadores estrangeiros nas negociações entre o Governo de Moçambique e a RENAMO, salientando, porém, ser fundamental que fique claro o relacionamento entre as duas entidades.A procuradora-geral da Republica está nesta quarta-feira no parlamento para o informe sobre o estado da justiça e da legalidade em Mozambique . Guine Bissau: Procurador Geral da República nega perseguição aos ex membros do governo .
23/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
22/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
21/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 37 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/06/2016 • 58 minutes, 31 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
09/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/06/2016 • 59 minutes, 21 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
07/06/2016 • 56 minutes, 27 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/06/2016 • 58 minutes, 28 secondes
Portuguese news
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
30/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese news
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/05/2016 • 58 minutes, 26 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
23/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 22 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 45 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 34 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
09/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 58 secondes
Portuguese news
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/05/2016 • 55 minutes, 24 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
03/05/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese news
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
22/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 40 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/04/2016 • 58 minutes, 59 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/04/2016 • 54 minutes, 2 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/04/2016 • 58 minutes, 4 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
07/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 26 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
01/04/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
31/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
30/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
23/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 34 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 18 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/03/2016 • 59 minutes, 19 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
29/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese news
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 40 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
23/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/02/2016 • 58 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 33 secondes
Portuguese news
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese news
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/02/2016 • 58 minutes, 2 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 38 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 21 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
03/02/2016 • 59 minutes, 3 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
01/02/2016 • 58 minutes, 44 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
29/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 29 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 3 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
22/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
21/01/2016 • 58 minutes, 43 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/01/2016 • 58 minutes, 29 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/01/2016 • 58 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/01/2016 • 58 minutes, 3 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/01/2016 • 58 minutes, 1 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/01/2016 • 58 minutes, 36 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
07/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 33 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/01/2016 • 59 minutes, 29 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/01/2016 • 55 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/12/2015 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/12/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/12/2015 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/12/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
09/12/2015 • 59 minutes, 39 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/12/2015 • 55 minutes, 4 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
02/12/2015 • 58 minutes, 58 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
02/12/2015 • 59 minutes, 51 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
30/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 36 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/11/2015 • 58 minutes, 30 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 37 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 40 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 42 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 46 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/11/2015 • 1 heure, 1 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 26 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
09/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 11 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/11/2015 • 59 minutes, 14 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/10/2015 • 58 minutes, 38 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/10/2015 • 56 minutes, 17 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/10/2015 • 57 minutes, 47 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
22/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 58 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
21/10/2015 • 1 heure, 2 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 48 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/10/2015 • 58 minutes, 14 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/10/2015 • 58 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 3 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 46 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
07/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 31 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 25 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/10/2015 • 49 minutes, 26 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
02/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 47 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
01/10/2015 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
30/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 5 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/09/2015 • 58 minutes, 2 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/09/2015 • 56 minutes, 41 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 57 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 57 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 26 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
09/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 1 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 37 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
07/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 17 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
03/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 35 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
02/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 30 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
01/09/2015 • 59 minutes, 37 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
31/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 36 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 16 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 51 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 48 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 57 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 59 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/08/2015 • 1 heure, 5 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 17 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/08/2015 • 59 minutes, 44 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/08/2015 • 1 heure, 1 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
31/07/2015 • 57 minutes, 4 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 42 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/07/2015 • 55 minutes, 32 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
23/07/2015 • 58 minutes, 23 secondes
Portuiguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
22/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 20 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
21/07/2015 • 1 heure, 3 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/07/2015 • 58 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
09/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 57 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/07/2015 • 58 minutes, 23 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/07/2015 • 1 heure, 4 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
03/07/2015 • 58 minutes, 57 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
02/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
01/07/2015 • 59 minutes, 49 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
30/06/2015 • 56 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/06/2015 • 58 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 58 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 58 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
22/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 59 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 24 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/06/2015 • 58 minutes, 44 secondes
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
02/06/2015 • 4 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
02/06/2015 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/05/2015 • 55 minutes, 45 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 51 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
21/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 13 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 48 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/05/2015 • 57 minutes, 24 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 7 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 18 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 37 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
07/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/05/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
29/04/2015 • 59 minutes, 26 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/04/2015 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/04/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/04/2015 • 59 minutes, 14 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
23/04/2015 • 59 minutes, 49 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/04/2015 • 59 minutes, 20 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/04/2015 • 1 heure, 1 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/04/2015 • 58 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
09/04/2015 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
08/04/2015 • 58 minutes, 38 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
01/04/2015 • 59 minutes, 25 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 41 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 51 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 39 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 48 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 30 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team
16/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 47 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 32 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 20 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 17 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 49 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
03/03/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/02/2015 • 56 minutes, 16 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/02/2015 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/02/2015 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/02/2015 • 59 minutes, 58 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
12/02/2015 • 59 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/02/2015 • 59 minutes, 2 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/02/2015 • 58 minutes, 41 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/02/2015 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/02/2015 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/01/2015 • 59 minutes, 40 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
27/01/2015 • 1 heure
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
23/01/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/01/2015 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/01/2015 • 55 minutes, 12 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/01/2015 • 58 minutes, 35 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/01/2015 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/01/2015 • 58 minutes, 58 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/12/2014 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/12/2014 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/12/2014 • 59 minutes, 34 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
10/12/2014 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
09/12/2014 • 59 minutes, 26 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/12/2014 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
03/12/2014 • 59 minutes, 51 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
01/12/2014 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese news
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
28/11/2014 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
26/11/2014 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
25/11/2014 • 59 minutes, 47 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
20/11/2014 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
18/11/2014 • 58 minutes, 4 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/11/2014 • 59 minutes, 27 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
07/11/2014 • 59 minutes, 49 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
06/11/2014 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
05/11/2014 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
04/11/2014 • 54 minutes, 59 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
28/10/2014 • 58 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
24/10/2014 • 1 heure
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
23/10/2014 • 59 minutes, 51 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
22/10/2014 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
21/10/2014 • 59 minutes, 34 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
17/10/2014 • 59 minutes, 52 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
16/10/2014 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
14/10/2014 • 59 minutes, 50 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
08/10/2014 • 55 minutes, 6 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
02/10/2014 • 59 minutes, 46 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
01/10/2014 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
25/09/2014 • 59 minutes, 56 secondes
Portuguese News
Silozi News
19/09/2014 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
18/09/2014 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
17/09/2014 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
01/09/2014 • 59 minutes, 57 secondes
Portuguese news
Portuguese news
29/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 35 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
28/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
26/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 57 secondes
Portuguese news
Portuguese news
22/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team in Portuguese
15/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 22 secondes
Portuguese news
Portuguese news
12/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
11/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 46 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
08/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese news
Portuguese news
07/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 57 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
05/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 42 secondes
Portuguese news
Portuguese news
04/08/2014 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
28/07/2014 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
23/07/2014 • 59 minutes, 34 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
21/07/2014 • 59 minutes, 51 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team in Portuguese
16/07/2014 • 1 heure
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team in Portuguese
15/07/2014 • 55 minutes, 15 secondes
Portuguese News
Portuguese News
11/06/2014 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese news
Portuguese News
11/03/2014 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
29/01/2014 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
22/01/2014 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/09/2013 • 59 minutes, 55 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
19/08/2013 • 56 minutes, 43 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/08/2013 • 1 heure, 1 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
13/08/2013 • 59 minutes, 53 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
30/07/2013 • 56 minutes, 56 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
29/07/2013 • 56 minutes, 56 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
24/07/2013 • 59 minutes, 29 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
22/07/2013 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
16/07/2013 • 59 minutes, 54 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
15/07/2013 • 1 heure, 1 secondes
News in Portuguese
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.
11/07/2013 • 59 minutes, 6 secondes
Portuguese News
A news and current affairs show produced live by the current affairs team.