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German With Cover
German With Profile

German With

English, Education, 1 season, 108 episodes, 7 hours, 50 minutes
Do you love German and also find it maddeningly frustrating? If so, you're in the right place. Whether you're brand new to German, you're returning to it, or you've been learning German for years, you'll discover new words and phrases, new ideas, and new inspiration for your German learning adventure. is Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™
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Diese Sendung wird eingestellt. ~ This podcast will end on October 31.

Links:Blog: (That's where you'll find the German typewriter video.)RSS feed for blog: (That's where you'll find all new blog posts.)Sign up for the E-Post here: (That's how you can keep in touch.)Vielen Dank für's Zuhören und auf Wiedersehen!
10/1/20242 minutes
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What are the Hallmarks of A2 German Grammar?

Your lovely classmates are here for A2 German Wednesday evenings from 6-7.30 pm US Central time: ********Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since 2010.You'll find the current list of live, online small group classes - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/27/20248 minutes, 12 seconds
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A1 German Grammar Intensive Crash Course

It wouldn't be German if it didn't have a long title! ********Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since 2010.You'll find the current list of live, online small group classes - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/6/202411 minutes, 47 seconds
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Always 'Frau,' never 'Fräulein' (RANT)

Frau. Frau. Frau!
6/27/20241 minute, 34 seconds
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ein Blick hinter die Kulissen werfen

Take a look behind the scenes at How I Made This.Affiliate disclaimer********Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since 2010.You'll find the current list of live, online small group classes - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
5/28/202415 minutes, 38 seconds
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11 Words, Phrases, and Ideas to Help You Chip Away at Your Perfectionism and Learn (Even) More German

11 Jahre!Das Bild von Connor finden Sie hier: ********Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since 2010.You'll find the current list of live, online small group classes - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
5/14/202411 minutes, 3 seconds
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die Besinnlichkeit (zum Entspannen)

die Besinnlichkeitdie Besinnlichkeitcontemplativenessdie Besinnlichkeitzum Entspannen = for relaxingSound Effect (music) from
12/7/20232 minutes, 6 seconds
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Weihnachtsmärkte in Deutschland und in Österreich

Hier ist das Video:
12/6/20231 minute
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An 'Adventskalender' for German Learning

How can we use an 'Adventskalender' for German learning?Ask my clients. ;-)For more, visit
12/5/20231 minute
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eine Pause machen

Ich mache ab jetzt eine Pause von der Sendung.Ich mache ab jetzt eine Pause von der Sendung.I'm taking a break from this podcast.Ich mache ab jetzt eine Pause von der Sendung.It is September 2023, I have four small group classes and more than 10 private lessons every week and rather than stress myself out in a world which has gone, what I call 'crazy,' I'm going to concentrate on instructing the group classes and lessons and take a break from producing new episodes.If I've got something to publish over the next period of time, I'll publish it. And if not, feel free to return to previous episodes and listen to them for the first time or simply repeat your favorites.You know where to find me! GermanWithNicole.comDas ist genug für heute. Passen Sie gut auf sich auf!
9/26/20231 minute, 50 seconds
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eine neue Einführung

Es gibt eine neue Einführung.German learning for Germanophiles, Swissophiles, Austrophiles, book lovers, (over)thinkers, word collectors, geeks, knowledge seekers, and (recovering) perfectionists.Learning German with Frau Warner is likely right for you if you:love to learn,or you need to learn new things almost constantlylearn well through analogies, metaphors, and idioms,find calm in following rules and systems, by color-coding things, and organizing,enjoy precision immensely,collect words; perhaps you can can 'taste,' 'touch,' or 'smell' words,love exploring new ideas and concepts,are creative with words, music, or artistic media,like puzzles and games,are fueled by deep thoughts and deep conversation,can concentrate for long periods of time,want to be freed from the tyranny of tests,and/or you strive for self-actualization.** The intro and this text is based on Rainforest Mind by Paula Prober. Ask Frau Warner about it sometime.
9/19/20233 minutes, 21 seconds
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Tag der offenen Tür: 16. September 2023

zur Anmeldung (to the registration): ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
9/5/20234 minutes, 42 seconds
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sich anmelden = to register (yourself)

sich anmeldenIch melde mich an. Wir melden uns an.Du meldest dich an. Ihr meldet euch an.Er meldet sich an. Sie melden sich an.Sie meldet sich an. Sie melden sich an.Deutschkurse (German Classes):The overview page is here: A1 German:NEW A1 German - Thursdays from 11 am to 12.30 pm CDT LINKA1 German - Wednesdays from 6 to 7.30 pm CDT (continuing) LINKA2 German:NEW A2 German - Mondays from 11 am to 12.30 pm CDT LINKNEW A2 German - Fridays from 1 pm to 2.30 pm CDT LINKB1+ German:B1+ German - Mondays from 6 to 7.30 pm CDT (continuing) LINKPlease click the link above to read the specifics of the class(es) you're interested in. Should you have questions as to which class would suit you best, please contact Frau Warner directly here.
8/29/20236 minutes, 29 seconds
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German With Cats!

2 Other Names for Cats5 Ways Cats Communicate3 German Expressions Which Use CatsThe blooper video with Connor (Weasley) is here: ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/22/20237 minutes
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 10

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/23/20231 minute, 23 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 9

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/22/202329 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 8

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/21/20231 minute, 21 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 7

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/20/20231 minute, 18 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 6

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/19/20231 minute, 4 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 5

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/18/20231 minute, 28 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 4

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/17/20231 minute, 25 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 3

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/16/20231 minute, 6 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 2

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/15/20232 minutes, 2 seconds
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10 deutsche Redewendungen: Tag 1

********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/14/20232 minutes, 20 seconds
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deutsche Stifte und Kugelschreiber

German Pens, Pencils, and MarkersZum Artikel: ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
6/13/202312 minutes, 22 seconds
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schief gehen

schief gehen: to go wrong, to go awry, to go pear-shaped********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
6/6/20231 minute, 9 seconds
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Zehn lustige Dinge, die meine Kunden gesagt haben

10 Funny Things My Clients Have Said********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
5/23/20238 minutes, 4 seconds
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10 Jahre!

Wir feiern heute! Wir feiern heute! We will celebrate today! Wir feiern heute!In the episode you'll 10 of my favorite moments of the past 10 years – meine Lieblingsmomente der letzten 10 Jahre, and if you click on through to the accompanying blog post you can not only listen to the audio directly, but you can also see and read more about all of these zehn Lieblingsmomente.Link:
5/2/20239 minutes, 40 seconds
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"A German Requiem" ~ ein deutsches Requiem von Johannes Brahms

The Bel Canto Chorus and the Kettle Moraine Symphony are performing the Brahms Requiem on May 21, 2023 at 3:00 pm. Get to know the text and learn the German pronunciation with these text explanation videos, one for each movement: ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
4/18/20231 minute, 44 seconds
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B1 Review + B1 Test Prep

B1 review class information page: - the review session begins April 24th.The B1 test prep + practice test session begins in June 2023.After summer 2023, please contact me at to discuss your needs for B1 test prep!********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
4/13/20232 minutes, 14 seconds
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"Good luck!" in German (marzipan optional)

Read the full article here: your A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide here: Glück und viel Erfolg!********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
3/21/20235 minutes, 5 seconds
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What is a Stammtisch?

Today you'll learn:what a Stammtisch is in Germany and how it differs in the US,what you need to know before you go,how often to expect to attend a Stammtisch,where they take place,and something called Einmal ist keinmal.********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
3/7/20237 minutes, 20 seconds
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5 Reasons to Read The Book Thief

There are more than 5 reasons to read The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.If you'd like to read it and discuss it with some of my clients and me on Saturday, March 18th, 2023 at 11 am CT, then click here to read the class information page: can find the current German classes here.********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
2/7/20235 minutes, 31 seconds
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Would you like a daytime German class?

Step 1:Fill in this questionnaire here: and click "Save Worksheet."Step 2:Once you have clicked "save worksheet," you'll see a link to sign up for the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide.Here's that link, just in case: 3:Download that PDF and then read Frau Warner's weekly E-Post to be first to register for the new, daytime class.
1/31/20233 minutes, 10 seconds
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LIVE, ONLINE CLASS: B1 German, Mondays 6-8 pm CST

German Classes:
1/9/202311 seconds
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LIVE, ONLINE CLASS: A1 German Wednesdays 6-7.30 pm CST

German Classes:
1/9/202311 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 25: der erste Weihnachtstag
12/25/20221 minute, 16 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 24: der Heiligabend
12/24/20221 minute, 15 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 23: die Besinnlichkeit
12/23/20221 minute, 33 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 22: der Schnee
12/22/202247 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 21: einen Weihnachtsfilm ansehen
12/21/20221 minute, 12 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 20: Adventslieder singen
12/20/20221 minute
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Adventskalender Tag 19: das Teelicht
12/19/202247 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 18: der Zimt
12/18/202238 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 17: der Weihnachtsstern
12/17/202256 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 16: eine Spende machen
12/16/202255 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 15: Geschenke einpacken
12/15/20221 minute, 4 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 14: basteln
12/14/202241 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 13: die Kerze
12/13/202235 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 12: das Pfefferminz
12/12/202239 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 11: die heiße Schokolade
12/11/202242 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 10: der Ingwer
12/10/202247 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 9: der Engel
12/9/202229 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 8: die Harmonie
12/8/202239 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 7: der Lebkuchen
12/7/202245 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 6: der Nikolaus und Knecht Ruprecht
12/6/20221 minute, 54 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 5: die Ruhe genießen
12/5/202247 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 4: die Lichterkette
12/4/202248 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 3: Plätzchen backen
12/3/202254 seconds
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Adventskalender Tag 2: Schlittschuhlaufen
12/2/20221 minute, 2 seconds
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Adventskalendar Tag 1: der Winter
12/1/202238 seconds
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Adventskalender 2022: Introduction

Here is your gift this year, your Audio Adventskalender.Click here to download the blank PDF of the Adventskalender:
11/22/20223 minutes, 31 seconds
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Affordable Swiss Watches for Women and Men

Click here to see Jowissa's gorgeous watches: ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
11/15/20226 minutes, 4 seconds
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How and How Much to Tip in Germany

Giving a tip in German is ein Trinkgeld geben or simply Trinkgeld geben.It's different from the US, and in this episode you'll learn:how much to tip for a coffeehow much to tip for an inexpensive, sit-down lunchhow much to tip for a nicer dinner outAnd you'll learn what to say when you give the tip.Trinkgeld geben, should you feel so moved: ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
11/8/20225 minutes, 47 seconds
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11 Interesting and Important Facts About Austria

This month clients in the group classes and private lessons are learning about Austria. They have access to an online lesson with typical Austrian phrases and expressions and we also had a Konversationskurs, a Conversation Class, all about Austria.Here you get to learn some of what my clients have learned about Austria this month, including how to pronounce Österreich.Links: Die Krimmler Wasserfälle (The Health Secret!) your A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide here: ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
10/25/20226 minutes, 6 seconds
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How do you "Tell your folks I says hi" in German?

Ope! Almost forgot to tell you this important thing about greetings in the Germanic cultures.Although we have loads of people with German heritage in Wisconsin, and Charlie Berens has taught us the brilliance of the phrase "Tell your folks I says hi," here, this custom doesn't require as many elements as in the Germanic countries.There, in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, it's different. And it's important. It's an important cultural custom that gets overlooked frequently if you don't know what to look for.This is called Grüße bestellen (giving regards/"Charlie says hi"), and that's what you'll learn today.First we'll map out an appropriate scenario, second we'll move through the sequence of who says what to whom, then we'll explore the why of it, and at the end, of course, your homework.Where you'll learn why I say "Viele Grüße von Frau Warner!"Charlie Berens (Viele Grüße von mir!):********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
10/11/20227 minutes, 14 seconds
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Which German Dictionaries are Good for Learners: Books, Websites, and Apps

A1-A2-B1There is a complete blog post to accompany this episode, so click here to...find the ISBN numbers and links to these dictionarieswatch the instructional videos Frau Warner has made for many of these online dictionariesfind out even more about using dictionaries for German learning.Here's the link to that blog post again:********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
9/20/202212 minutes, 22 seconds
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Read more about German classes with Frau Warner:********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/30/202213 seconds
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LIVE, ONLINE CLASS: German for Beginners and Travelers

Read more about German Classes with Frau Warner:********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/30/202212 seconds
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The 3 Elements Which Make German Hard...or Learn

There are three elements which make German hard (or easy...ok easier...) to learn:Materials & ResourcesMethodsInstructor(s) or lack there of.Today you'll learn about these three elements and how they may make German harder to learn, or maybe easier.Together these elements create one big constellation.Which ones help you? Which ones are simply good enough? And which elements don't help you?Definitely cue in to the bonus episode next week. ;-)********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/23/20228 minutes, 10 seconds
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One Year Anniversary, German Phrases on Beginnings, and Thank Yous

I got a little verklemmt in this one.It's the One-Year Anniversary of this podcast! Hurra!So first I answer a couple of questions.Then there are three phrases in German on beginnings.And to close it out: a boatload of thank-yous.Danke. ♥********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/9/202210 minutes, 37 seconds
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5 Reasons Why You Still Can't Speak German

Frustration can run pretty high when you take a German class but you just can’t seem to speak it correctly. The baker in Germany doesn’t understand you so you have to point and the person you ask for directions switches to English.So why is it that you have taken class after class or lesson after lesson, but you still can’t speak German?There might be more than one reason, and here are five which are common themes amongst German learners.Which one is stopping you from speaking German?********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/26/20228 minutes, 28 seconds
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The 3 Most Important Skills You Need as a German Learner

The 3 most important skills you need to acquire as a German learnerThese are the three skills you need as a beginner, as a novice learner, as an intermediate German learner and beyond.These are perhaps the most important skills I could help you acquire, no matter if you learn German for travel, as a hobby, or for work.Without these skills, you won't make as much progress as you could make, given the time and energy you have, and you might find yourself increasingly frustrated.Learning these skills might help you make more progress over time, and you may find yourself more equipped, more empowered, and more communicative.Your homework is here: ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/12/20229 minutes, 42 seconds
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What does "Fingerspitzengefühl" mean?

This untranslatable German word is one of my favorites, and I hope it becomes one of yours, too!You'll learn the meaning of Fingerspitzengefühl and there are plenty of repetitions of it so you can get used to pronouncing it.It's a long word!You'll learn the meaning of Fingerspitzengefühl in English and you'll learn when to use it in German.Reference for the sensitivity of fingertips:********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
6/28/20223 minutes, 48 seconds
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A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide: a Free PDF for You

What is German Sentence Structure?It's hard, that's what it is.You've got structures with dative, structures with the accusative, sentences with dass and with the passive voice.You need examples, you need it in a PDF, you need translations.Good news: it's all right here in the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide.In it you'll see 5 pages of clear examples, grouped together by level, and an English translation for each and every sentence.Here's what this Guide covers:A1 (Beginners) der Aussagesatz - sentencesder Imperativ-Satz - commandsJa/Nein-Fragen - yes/no questionsW-Fragen - open-ended questionstrennbare Verben - separable verbsModalverben - modal verbsdas Perfekt - present perfectA2 (Novices)der Nebensatz(Reflexive) Verben mit PräpositionenRelativsätze im NominativRelativsätze im AkkusativRelativsätze im DativPassiv mit werdenADUSO-KonnektorenB1 (Early Intermediate)weitere NebensätzeRelativsätze im GenitivKonjunktiv IIdie Konjunktionen deshalb, darum, deswegendas PlusquamperfektDoppelkonjunktionenThis Guide will keep you steady as she goes.It might even put fresh wind in your sails.Here's the link: The Meme: Argh! I couldn't find the meme I mentioned. If I find it later, I'll update these notes.********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
6/14/20227 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why Do People Learn German?

There are a whole host of reasons for learning German, however when I asked my readers, they responded with new and different reasons.Here are 5 different reasons (out of the many reasons featured in this episode), in no particular order:Ich liebe deutsche Musik. (I love German music.)Die Deutschen sind praktisch und das finde ich gut. (Germans are practical and I think that's good.)Sprache ist für mich eine große Herausforderung. (German is a big challenge for me.)I work with German customers and suppliers.I love having a hobby.Here are a whole bunch of reasons for learning German, and an opportunity for you to share with the other listeners and readers why you learn German.Links:Foreign Nationals (including Syrian Refugees) in Germany: Die Bräutigamseiche (the "Bridegroom's Oak" or "Marriage Agent"; not mentioned in the podcast but related to it and very interesting): Passionsspiel (The Passion Play): - Use the floating menu on the right to switch to EnglishThe Artist for Stolpersteine: Kunstprojekt Stolpersteine: Projekt aktuell: (Homework):Schreiben Sie einen Kommentar hier: Warum lernen Sie Deutsch?(Write a comment here: Why do you learn German?): ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
5/24/202216 minutes, 6 seconds
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9. Firmenjubiläum ~ Nine Year Anniversary!

Nine Years of!Although I've taught German since 2010, I've only taught privately and online since 2013. (Wellllll, it may have actually been 2012, but this was a chance development in my life that turned into a business, so if you won't tell anybody, I won't.)Today you'll heartwo short numbers exercises in German,a thank you in German followed by the same text in English,and then five fantastic German words I've come across in the past few years.So you learn the correct spelling, here are the words in a different order:das Erdmännchenrepetierendie Habseligkeiten (plural)die Hemmungsschwelleder SchnäppchenjägerDanke nochmal für's Zuhören und passen Sie gut auf sich auf!********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
5/10/20227 minutes, 37 seconds
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How is Frau Warner Different from Other German Teachers? Part 3 of 3

This one's about authenticity and integrity.Part 3:8. You only have to follow two rules in my classroom.9. You will encounter authentic elements of Germanic culture, not terrible clichés.10. You'll learn real German.11. You won't ever have to put up with me becoming a poser making myself into a social media influencer.German National Athem (sung by yours truly):********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
4/19/20226 minutes, 44 seconds
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How is Frau Warner Different from Other German Teachers? Part 2 of 3

Yep, still more differences between me and other German teachers.Ganz genau.Part 2:5. Not everyone learns German the same way, people need to receive the information in different ways, thus I will utilize every tool, resource, perspective, and analogy I can possibly think of to assist you in understanding German and learning how to speak it. 6. I won't shame you for not getting your homework done.7. I'll give you permission to learn German. (Including all the permission you ever wanted!)********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
4/5/20226 minutes, 11 seconds
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How is Frau Warner Different from Other German Teachers? Part 1 of 3

This three-part series is great for you if you are still trying to figure out just how I (Frau Warner) am different from other German teachers. Part 1:I'm not a native German speaker, I'm a German learner who became a German teacher.I'm a Third Culture Adult. (If you've spent any significant amount of time in a German-speaking country or have (a) German-speaking parent(s), I get you.I won't give you unrealistic expectations and I'll be patient with you.I'm most interested in what you CAN do, not what you can't do.The CEFR (Central European Framework Reference for Languages) explained: ********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
3/22/202212 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to say Ukraine, in the Ukraine in German

The full text of this episode is available on the blog post, and there is a free PDF there with the vocabulary words on it. Simply click the link in the blog post to download the PDF.********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
3/2/20223 minutes, 23 seconds
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2 Simple Reasons to Learn German Swear Words

Everybody wants to know how to say German swear words.But some people want to know why they should learn them if they're not going to use them.There are two simple reasons why you should what what German swear words are, and both reasons will make good sense to you.I swear. ;-)(There are no swear words in this episode, though. Keepin' it classy here.)If you already agree, though, and want to get right to it, go ahead and navigate to to register for the German Swear Words Class on Saturday, February 26th at 11 am Central.But you might want to listen to this episode to hear the special discount.Swear Words Class: is a special, one-off class and it's live and online with Frau Warner!********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
2/15/20226 minutes, 26 seconds
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7 Funny German Words and Their Meanings

There are so many funny words in German and sometimes their meanings are straight-forward, sometimes they are words we might wish we had as English speakers!Here are 7 funny German words, including two funny German words for animals (real or imagined?!), with slow pronunciation and the meanings of the words.This episode is great for learners at the A1, A2, and B1 levels.To see these words in print as well as the date 2.2.2022 in German, visit the blog post here: Or sign up for the E-Post here:********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
2/8/20227 minutes, 38 seconds
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What is the best way to learn German vocabulary?

Yes, German vocabulary learning is the featured topic right now because the most important part of learning German is learning how to learn it.Vocabulary learning is a HUGE part of that!This is what you'll hear in this episode:A realization a client of mine had about learning.The answer to: should you use pencil and paper or an app?Three ideas to put fresh wind in your sails for vocab learning.Me getting up on my soap box about "the end-all, be-all method of learning vocab."The German Vocabulary Masterclass contains four lessons.********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
1/25/20228 minutes, 32 seconds
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5 Myths on How to Learn German Vocabulary Words-Busted!

A lot of what you might read on the internet on how to learn German vocabulary words is really a lot of hot air & hooey.In this episode we'll bust 5 myths on vocabulary learning and give you a clearer picture of why vocabulary learning is important.After all, if you don't know what the words'll be up a creek without a paddle.The 5 Myths:You only need to learn 3,000 words to truly speak German!Vocabulary isn't as important as grammar.Learning vocabulary is as boring as watching paint dry.You need to learn all the German words RIGHT NOW!The only way to learn vocabulary is with flashcards (rote memorization).You can find the quote from my client on German vocabulary learning in the accompanying blog post."The Six Parts of Learning German": graphic in that blog post should be helpful for you if you are a visual learner.********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
1/11/202211 minutes, 31 seconds
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German in 2021: ein Rückblick (a retrospect)

What did we cover in German in 2021?Here's a list of topics we covered, which you'll hear in the podcast today, plus a bunch of links so you can do your homework. ;-)trennbare VerbenHow to Use Separable Verbs in GermanLearn German Separable VerbsSeparable Verbs in German: an Exercise (the most relaxing separable verbs exercise on the interwebs)die Vergangenheit:war/hattedas Perfektdas Plusquamperfektregular and irregular German verbsHow to use wäreHow to use hätteNew Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
12/14/20218 minutes, 10 seconds
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German Christmas Markets

Visiting a German Christmas Market is a true feast for the senses and it may forever change your expectations of the holiday season.In this episode you'll learn about:the main point of the Weihnachtsmarktwho to go withthe various beverages availablewhat you can eat therewhat you can shop for thereI might not be able to bring you a Weihnachtsmarkt, but I can bring you an Adventskaffee (an Advent coffee hour) plus a booklet of holiday-themed puzzles for German learners!The Adventskaffee is this Sunday, December 12th, at 2 pm Central and you can find out about it here:********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
12/7/20215 minutes, 48 seconds
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7 Holiday Greetings in German

Germans love their greetings (you've noticed, ja?) and the holidays are here.In chronological order you'll learn with this episode:How to wish someone a nice Advent in GermanHow to say Happy Hannukah in GermanHow to say Good Yule in GermanHow to say Happy Holidays in GermanHow to say Merry Christmas in GermanHow to say Happy New Year in Germanand a couple more.AND you'll learn when to say which greeting.Mit Hausaufgaben, natürlich!New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
11/30/20215 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to say "Thank you" and "You're welcome" in German

Niveau A1 + a great storyLearning to say thank you and you're welcome in German is really important, as it's part of good manners in German culture and it's also really easy to learn.Danke. = Thank you.Bitte. = You're welcome.But do you hesitate to say them?I used to hesitate, too, until I attended a soccer game (Schalke 04 - Glück auf!) and the crowd taught me the importance of "Danke" and "Bitte."New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
11/23/20213 minutes, 19 seconds
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What does "schräg" mean?

Some of the best German words without translations to English are missing from all those clickbait lists you can find all over the internet.One of the best German words is the word "schräg." "Schräg" doesn't appear on those lists, and it's high time you learn it!In this episode you'll learnwhat schräg meanshow to pronounce schräg andhow to use the word schräg.New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
11/16/20212 minutes, 11 seconds
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What do "Bis bald," "Bis später," and "Bis nachher" mean?

How do you tell your friend you're going to see her soon in German?There are so many choices, and in German they're not direct translations.In fact, so many German learners get this wrong, I use this topic as a barometer to tell me how well someone speaks German.Today we'll break down and put together the many forms of:Bis bald!Bis später!Bis nachher!Bis Samstag!/Bis um 11 Uhr!You'll hear your homework for this week, too, natürlich.New Extra Homework!Download your A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Click here to get your copy.********Nicole Warner is the Nicole of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
11/9/20213 minutes, 47 seconds
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How Does German Culture Compare to US Culture?

There are several key differences when we consider how German culture differs from US culture.It's way more than bread, beer, and other clichés.In this episode we'll explore three cultural differences based on the Hofstede Insights, which are extraordinarily helpful in comparing cultural values.,the-usa/Plus you'll learn a German phrase which indicates how long-term the Germans really think.They do so love to plan ahead, too.New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
11/2/20215 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Brothers Grimm Fairy Tale: Der Kobold in der Mühle

B1, B2, C1, C2The Brothers Grimm are famous for their collections of fairy tales, however you might not be familiar with this one.A Kobold is a "house spirit," a German folk being who takes care of household tasks and sometimes causes mischief.In this episode you'll hear the story in its entirety.Visit the accompanying blog post to:download a free PDF of the story textwatch a video of this same storyViel Spaß beim Hören!********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
10/26/20219 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

German Table Manners and Etiquette Part 2 of 2

In Part 2 we'll cover what to do with the food!In this episode you'll learn:Which pattern to follow with food (like with the wine/beverage).The SECOND time you need to wait...wait...wait...What you say before you eat and what to do if you mess this up.The utensil you really need to learn properly. (RANT)How to signal to waitstaff that you're done eating.How to say good night properly.You just never know whom you might impress with your polite table manners, and you will surely find more confidence in dining with Germans with this episode.If you have success with it, or have another question, please do email me and tell me about it!********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
10/19/20216 minutes, 58 seconds
Episode Artwork

German Table Manners and Etiquette Part 1 of 2

If you're invited to dinner at a German's home or out to a restaurant, there are simple ways to be a great guest.In this episode you'll learn:what to bring with you when invited to a German's homewhich joke NOT to make when you learn too many new names at oncehow to say you don't drink alcoholwhat to do when your host gives you your drink (with or without alcohol)what (not) to do while you wait...wait...wait for your host to give the toast.********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
10/12/20217 minutes, 40 seconds
Episode Artwork

Frau Warner speaks German with an Amish man!

In August I visited friends in Ohio and their area is also Amish country. We visited Behalt, an Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center, and I got to speak German with an Amish man.I got to speak German with an Amish man!!!I also learned that:most people have no clue about the Amish and Mennonite people.most of what we (think we) know about the Amish and Mennonite is incorrect.the Amish speak no Dutch!they're also not from Pennsylvania.they don't all speak Pfälzisch. Really!It did my heart and soul a lot of good to speak German with a native speaker again. I hope you enjoy hearing about it.Visit Behalt: to keep, to preserve, to maintainHere for the Right Reason Riesling:********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
10/5/20216 minutes, 48 seconds
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What is the German National Anthem?

The German National Anthem is known as the Nationalhymne or Das Lied der Deutschen and today you'll hear:the current national anthema bit of its historythe words of the German national anthemthe German National Anthem sung in German********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
9/28/20215 minutes, 28 seconds
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arbeiten versus funktionieren

A1-A2When should you use 'arbeiten' and when should you use 'funktionieren'?All the answers are in this episode!You'll learn these two verbs in the context of wine harvest, too, because it's wine harvest time, so you can easily build a picture in your mind that will help you for all of your German learning.Wine harvest time in Germany means we'll have more German wine soon, including Riesling.Escape with the scents, tastes, and colors of RieslingLearn all about Riesling in the upcoming class Here for the Right Riesling with me, Nicole Warner, and Sommelier Adam Knoerzer from 'Burghundy, LLC. It's a one-off class on October 16th at 11 a.m. Central.No German is required for this class.Here's the link once more:********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
9/21/20215 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to pronounce and use hätte in German

A1, A2, B1-B2Knowing how to pronounce hätte correctly in German is one thing. Using it correctly is another.In today's German lesson you'll learn both how to say hätte correctly and how to use it in a few specific phrases.Imagine how confident you'll feel knowing exactly what to say and pronouncing everything correctly. This will be a step up for your German.Plus you'll learn how to say "shoulda, woulda, coulda" in German, which uses hätte, and will surely impress your German friends the next time they express regret and you respond with this.New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
9/14/20213 minutes, 48 seconds
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What does "wäre" mean and how do you use it in German?

B1This episode will take the fear out of using wäre in German.All it means is "would be," but would be has nothing to do with reality.This grammar topic is known as the "Konjunktiv II." We'll use only the present tense today.If this is brand new for you, it's best to take it one step at a time. The first step are the very straight-forward sentences (or "simple sentences") in this episode. New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
9/7/20213 minutes, 36 seconds
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What's the difference between meinen, bedeuten, and heißen?

Synonyms in German, like meinen, bedeuten, and heißen can be really tricky because they all mean "to mean" in English, and as synonyms in a foreign language, the way they overlap is different than you might first expect.The connotation of words in German is also different, and that's why looking up a word in a German dictionary can be really confusing.One great way of learning the difference between meinen, bedeuten, and heißen is to learn when they are used most frequently, and then you can add from there.Today you'll learn when to use each of these three verbs with example situations.With homework, natürlich.New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/31/20215 minutes, 37 seconds
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How do you pronounce Ferien and feiern in German?

A1 + anybody who finds these words difficultThese two words are tricky for German learners, especially when you're still figuring out the whole “ie” and “ei thing, because these words are difficult to line up against that rule in your mind.Today you'll learn:how to pronounce Ferien in Germanwhich article to use with Ferienhow to pronounce feiern in GermanMachen Sie Ihre Hausaufgaben. ;-)********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/24/20215 minutes, 10 seconds
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What is "A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2" in German learning?

You've surely seen this alphabet-number combination on German learning materials and maybe you've seen or taken a German language assessment test and received one of these combinations as a result. “You can take a class at the A2 level.”But what does it mean?! And why should you care?! Hint: Understanding these combinations will make your German learning life sooooo much easier.Answers to those questions and so much more today!Links for this episode:The coordinating blog post with the graphic is here: table: Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/17/20219 minutes, 23 seconds
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When should I read Harry Potter in German?

Using only the first two sentences of the book (in English and in the German translation), you'll discover when a good time is to start reading Harry Potter in German, and why that's a good time to do so.Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Page 5 © 1997 J.K. RowlingÜbersetzung von Klaus Fritz. Alle deutschen Rechte bei Carlsen Verlag GmbH, Hamburg 1998New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/10/20214 minutes, 40 seconds
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How (Not) to Learn German - Part 2 of 2

In contrast to episode 2, here are the three ways you can make your German learning more constructive.These are three solutions to how you can learn German better.Take notes, write them in your German learning notebook, start with this episode and listen to it multiple times. ;)And let me know how it goes.New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/5/20215 minutes, 55 seconds
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How (Not) to Learn German - Part 1 of 2

Consider your strategy and overall approach to German. If you have been working on German for a while and are only treading water, this episode will help you figure out which parts of your learning approach are getting in your way.You'll hear three of the most common, problematic approaches I've seen in the last 11 years of teaching German and 18 years of teaching a foreign language.This is part 1 of 2 because part 2 will then guide you into more constructive territory for German learning. Because what good is it if I tell you what you're doing "wrong" if I don't help you do it better?!New Homework!Download the A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide (below).********Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/3/20214 minutes, 53 seconds
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Erst Ordnung schaffen.

First, create order.When you have order, things begin to fall into place.But if all your German materials are all over the place, your German learning will be, too.Listen to how one of my private lesson clients created order.And how you can help things fall into place for your German learning.****************Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
8/1/20212 minutes, 39 seconds
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Dabei sein ist alles. ~ Being here is what matters.

Auf Deutsch:So viele Leute lieben die deutsche Sprache, aber sie finden die Sprache frustrierend. Sie auch? Wenn ja, sind Sie richtig.Ich bin selbst Deutschlernerin und ich bin Deutschlehrerin geworden. Meine Meinung ist: Es muss nicht so schwierig sein, Deutsch zu lernen!Dabei sein ist alles.Das hier ist nicht nur eine Sendung, es ist ein Abenteuer.Auf Englisch:So many people love the German language, but they find it frustrating. You, too? If so, you're in the right place.I myself am a German learner and I became a German instructor. My opinion is: it doesn't need to be THAT hard to learn German!Being here is what matters.This isn't a show, this is an adventure.****************Download your free A1-A2-B1 German Sentence Structure Guide:All the sentence structure you need at each level.5 pages of clear examples.Including English translations.Nicole Warner is Frau Warner of and is a German learner (certified level C2) and a certified instructor for German as a Foreign Language. She lived in Germany from 2003-2008 and has traveled widely in Germany. Frau Warner has helped people learn to communicate in German since - Your anchor on the stormy seas of German learning.™Music: Bonnie Ship the Diamond by Tim Beek
7/14/20211 minute, 38 seconds