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Eastern Cape News

Anglais, Current Affairs, 1 saison, 312 épisodes, 16 heures, 58 minutes
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All the latest Eastern Cape news from SABC News.
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Oom Jan Steenberg (114) van Colchester.

INTRO: As hulle net hulle beloftes wil hou! Dis die bekommernis van die 114 jarige oom Jan Steenberg van Colchester naby Port Elizabeth. In sy leeftyd het hy al regerings gesien kom en gaan - almal met beloftes wat nooit nagekom word nie. Hy meen dit het oor dekades nie gebeur nie. Oom Jan was jare lank 'n begraafplaasopsigter op Uitenhage voordat hy op 'n plaas gaan werk het. Veronica Fourie het met hom oor die stand van ons land se demokrasie gaan gesels waar hy in die wintersonnetjie sit met sy honde.
20/08/20195 minutes, 47 secondes
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INTRO: By baie skole beteken die einde van die jaar ook dat geliefde onderwysers gegroet moet word wat aftree. Dan word daar met heimwee teruggekyk op hulle loopbane, die soet en die suur. En dan besef mens opnuut watter rol onderwysers in die lewens van die kinders speel wat deur hulle hande is. By die Laerskool Handhaaf op Uitenhage in die Oos Kaap groet die skool 'n egpaar wat saam meer as tagtig jaar aan die skool verbonde was. Veronica Fourie het die verslag saamgestel.
06/12/20188 minutes, 3 secondes
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Boere music is popular with young and old, and part of SA's heritage.

Boere music is synonymous with the "lang arm" dance and get togethers. Music is one of the aspects that determine the heritage and culture of people. Boere music has been very popular over the years with its strong beat, having originated in the second world war in the 1940's. It's popularity has not waned. The music has even become a hit with the younger generation and forms part of South African's heritage alongside the famous koeksister and Suikerbossie. Veronica Fourie reports...
26/09/20174 minutes, 49 secondes
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Boeremusiek gewild onder oud en jong. -Erfenismaand.

Boeremusiek is sinoniem met langarm dans en gesellige samesyn. Dit het al sy beslag gekry in die oorlogsjare in die 19-veertigs, en die gewildheid neem toe - ook onder jongmense. Dit is so deel van die Suid Afrikaans erfenis, soos koeksisters en Suikerbossie. Veronica Fourie het die verslag saamgestel.
26/09/20177 minutes, 42 secondes
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The Eastern Cape brands itself as the adventure province. It does indeed offer an exciting menu of adventure related tourism through its game parks, ocean activities and sport. It also boasts one of the highest bungee jumping spots in the world. One for the thrill seekers.....and now the MEC for tourism in the province walked the talk and quite literally took the plunge in the promotion of tourism month. Veronica Fourie reports.
17/09/20173 minutes, 12 secondes
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INTRO: Die Oos Kaap staan bekend as die Avontuur Provinsie. Dit bied van wildparke en see-aktiwiteite, tot sport geleenthede en selfs die w^ereld se hoogste brug waarvan 'n reksprong gedoen kan word. Die provinsie se LUR vir Toerisme is een van die avontuurlustiges wat tydens toerisme-maand die sprong gewaag het. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
17/09/20173 minutes, 38 secondes
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SANParks week 18-22 September.

SANParks week starts on Monday to Friday in all nineteen National Parks in the country, where the public can enjoy free entrance. This is an opportunity for more people to be exposed to the facilities of the well kept parks, and experience nature. Whether you prefer game watching, water activities, hikes or bird watching - there are parks to satisfy all tastes. The Nature's Valley Rest Camp forms part of the Garden Route National Park - about 29 kilometres form Plettenberg Bay, and is the perfect place for hikers and bird watchers. Veronica Fourie reports.
14/09/20174 minutes, 9 secondes
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Natures valley - De Vasselot Ruskamp

SANPark week begin Maandag 18-22 September, wat beteken dat natuurliefhebbers as dagbesoekers by gratis toegang sal geniet by die negentien nasionale parke in die land. Dis 'n poging om meer mense bloot te stel aan die geriewe en besienswaardighede by die parke. Of jy nou hou van staproetes of die bos, of daarna smag om na vo"els te kyk - daar is 'n park na jou smaak. Die Nature's Valley Ruskamp maak deel uit van die Tuinroete Nasionale Park, ongeveer 29 kilometer van Plettenbergbaai af. Dit is die perfekte plek vir vo'elkukers en stappers. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
14/09/20174 minutes, 24 secondes
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Die ikoniese Campanile toring met klokke in Port Elizabeth is heropen na opknapping van sowat twintig miljoen rand. Dit is in 1923 gebou ter viering van die honderdste herdenking van die aankoms van die Britse Setlaars in 1820. Die rooibaksteengebou is 'n bekend landmerk in die Vriendelike Stad. Die 23 gerestoureerde koper klokke van twee oktawe, sal nou weer elke 15 minute weerklink nadat dit stil was vir jare. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
16/08/20174 minutes, 42 secondes
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The iconic Campanile tower with bells in Port Elizabeth has been reopened after a face lift of almost twenty million rand. It was built in 1923 as commemoration of the landing of the 1820 Settlers. The red brick tower is a well known landmark in the Friendly City, and the 23 renovated brass bells of two octaves, will ring over the Bay again every 15 minutes after being quiet for years. Veronica Fourie reports.
16/08/20173 minutes, 59 secondes
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All the latest Eastern Cape news from SABC News.
07/08/20173 minutes, 46 secondes
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The bi-annual Quilt National Festival is back in Port Elizabeth after nearly ten years, as it rotates between other cities in the country. The Siyadala festival has kick started at the Collegiate Girl's High School, where hundreds of quilters have gathered to showcase their colourful pieces and hopefully scoop the first place award. This festival attracts quilt makers from across the world and is deemed an art form. Their competitions vary from hand made art to traditional quilt. Anda Nqonji reports...
04/07/20172 minutes, 26 secondes
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Die tweejaarlikse Nasionale Kwiltfees is weer na tien jaar in Port Elizabeth. Die fees roteer tussen verkillende stede in die land. Honderde kwilters vertoon hulle kunstige handwerk by die fees met die tema "siyadala" wat beteken "ons skep". Die fees lok kwiltmakers reg oor die wêreld. Dit word gereken as 'n kunsvorm. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
04/07/20172 minutes, 11 secondes
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A water system designed to capture grey water, can alleviate the household use of clean water by half. It could save millions of litres of water per month. Large parts of the country is a grip of a severe drought and every drop of water matters. This system is designed to store used water from washing and then used to flush toilets. Veronica Fourie has the details.
14/06/20173 minutes, 48 secondes
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'n Waterbeparingstelsel wat gryswater opvang kan die verbruik van huishoudings met die helfte verminder. Dit kan miljoene liter water per maand spaar. Groot dele van die land is in 'n wurggreep van die droogte, en so 'n stelsel sal die beskikbare water ten beste benut. Die doel is om 'n wastrog buite 'n HOP huis aan te bring. Die waswater kan dan gebruik word om toilette te spoel. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
14/06/20173 minutes, 2 secondes
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PE BRANDE 6-2017

Die brande wat die afgelope vyf dae in en om Nelson Mandela Baai gewoed het, is in bedwang en daar is geen onmiddellike gevaar nie. Die brande het twee lewens geeis, duisende hektar plantegroei en plaasgronde is verwoes, en 'n aantal strukture, waaronder die privaatskool, Woodridge College, is vernietig. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
13/06/20175 minutes, 47 secondes
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Drie teater ikone van die Oos Kaap is vereer deur straatname in Port Elizabeth na hulle te vernoem. Al drie het al tevore Toni toekennings ontvang en het reuse bydraes gemaak in die teater in die buiteland en in Suid Afrika. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
03/04/20172 minutes, 29 secondes
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OPERA - Street names

Three theatre icons from the Eastern Cape have been honoured by naming streets after them in Port Elizabeth. They have previously received Toni Awards and made a huge contribution to the arts in the Eastern Cape and abroad. Veronica Fourie reports.
03/04/20173 minutes, 5 secondes
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Die Oos Kaap se winsgewende wildbedryf is drasties geraak deur die voortslepende droogte. Na raming het meer as die helfte van die wild in die provinsie gevrek weens die swak toestand van die veld. Sommige diere, veral koedoes, is te swak om oor heinings te kom en vrek dan waar hulle aan die heinings verstrengel raak. Die jagseisoen vir vanjaar is op plekke gekanselleer. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
29/03/20173 minutes, 46 secondes
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The Eastern Cape's lucrative hunting industry has seriously been affected by the prolonged drought. Several animals on game farms have died due to lack of grazing. It's estimated that more than half of game in the province have died. The hunting season in some areas has been put on hold for this year,as Veronica Fourie reports.
29/03/20173 minutes, 35 secondes
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The election of former ANC Youth League deputy president, Andile Lungisa, as chairperson of the ANC in the Nelson Mandela Metro region in the Eastern Cape has been boosted by a visit by the party president, Jacob Zuma. After months of postponement, the Nelson Mandela Metro ANC Regional Conference finally got underway in Port Elizabeth. The party lost the metro to the DA during the local government elections last year. Veronica Fourie reports.
16/03/20173 minutes, 43 secondes
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aANC Nelson Mandela Baai

Die verkieising van die voormalige ANC Jeugliga ondervooristter, Andile Lungisa, tot ANC leier in Nelson Mandela Baai Metro streek, het 'n hupstoot gekry met 'n besoek van die party president, Jacob Zuma. Na talle kere wat die ANC streekkonferensie in die metro uitgestel is weens probleme met die takstrukture, het dit uiteindelik plaasgevind in Port Elizabeth. Die ANC het die metro in die laaste plaaslike verkiesing afgestaan aan die DA. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
13/03/20174 minutes, 7 secondes
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The prison in North End in Port Elizabeth became unfit for human use, and underwent a multi million rand upgrade. It has been refurbished at a cost of 135-million rand by the Department of Public Works. The project over a year and half, aimed at restoring the historical building, and create dignified circumstances for inmates. Veronica Fourie reports.
06/03/20173 minutes, 41 secondes
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Die tronk in Noord Einde in Port Elizabeth, ook bekend as die Rooi Hel, is teen 'n koste van 135-miljoen rand opgeknap. Dié historiese gebou het ongeskik geraak vir menslike gebruik, en die Department Openbare Werke het die projek aangepak sodat oortreders in menswaardige omstandighede aangehou kan word. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
06/03/20174 minutes, 7 secondes
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Goeie gesondheid is iets wat nie as van selfsprekend aanvaar kan word nie. Met die ouderdom kom allerlei kwale, en dis veral die breinfunksie wat soms verwaarloos word. Baie Suid Afrikaners leef langer, maar die kwalitiet van lewe gaan agteruit. Wetenskaplike navorsing toon dat daar meer mense oor die ouderdom van 65 is, as kinders jonger as 15. Daar is egter talle organisasie wat hulle beywer om bejaardes se lewenskwaliteit te verbeter deur breinstimulering. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
20/02/20174 minutes, 46 secondes
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There has been an alarming number of fires in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro over the past few weeks, with over 100 fires being combated in the last 10 days. However, citizens of the metro can rest assured knowing their fire department is working tirelessly to keep them safe. Michael Dorfling reports.
30/01/20171 minute, 55 secondes
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Hartverskeurende tonele van dooie skaap, bok en bees, droë damme en koedoes wat aan grensdrade hang, is wat mens teëkom in die distrikte van Jansenville en Steytlerville in die Oos Kaap. Boere hier in die sybokhaar hartklop van die wêreld, gaan gebuk onder die ergste droogte in honderd jaar. Dié droogte kan die vleis- en bokhaarbedryf ernstig knou. Veronica Fourie het van die plase besoek.
30/01/20176 minutes, 1 secondes
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Parts of the Eastern Cape are experiencing devastating drought conditions having received between 20 and 60 percent of their annual rainfall for 2016. As a result, farmers have been struggling as their livestock continues to die. Michael Dorfling visited the Karoo and compiled this report...
30/01/20174 minutes, 21 secondes
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Two teenagers from the small town of Misgund in the Eastern Cape, have excelled in a recent rowing competition in Germany. They won bronze medal in the K2 and K4 categories. The two boys did not allow inadequate training conditions to hold them from giving it their best. Veronica Fourie reports.
05/10/20162 minutes, 45 secondes
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Twee tienerseuns van die klein Oos Kaapse dorpie Misgund in die Langkloof, het onlangs uitgeblink in 'n roeikompetisie in Duitsland. Hulle het brons medaljes gewen in die K2 en K4 kategorië. Die seuns het nie toegelaat dat beperkte oefengeriewe hulle aan bande lê nie. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
05/10/20162 minutes, 42 secondes
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Die vandag internasionale koffiedag, en mense wêreldwyd vier die drankie wat op soveel verkillende maniere geniet word. Dié dag is vir die eerste keer op 1 Oktober verlede jaar gevier deur die Internasionale Koffie Organisasie en is in Milan bekendgestel vir die bewusmaking van die koffiegroeiers se pleight en die vrye handel van koffie te bevorder. Naas olie is dkoffie die grootse natuurlike kommoditeit wat uitgevoer word. Veronica Fourie het in die Baai gaan besoek aflê by die oudste koffieroostery in die land.
03/10/20168 minutes, 14 secondes
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Today, 1 October is International Coffee Day. It is an occasion to promote and celebrate coffee as a beverage across the world. The first official date was launched in Milan last year by the International Coffee Organization to promote fair trade of coffee and raise awareness for the plight of coffee growers. Coffee is after oil, the second biggest traded commodity. Veronica Fourie visited the oldest coffee roastery in the country in Port Elizabeth and filed this report.
03/10/20165 minutes, 42 secondes
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Die vandag internasionale koffiedag, en mense wêreldwyd vier die drankie wat op soveel verkillende maniere geniet word. Dié dag is vir die eerste keer op 1 Oktober verlede jaar gevier deur die Internasionale Koffie Organisasie en is in Milan bekendgestel vir die bewusmaking van die koffiegroeiers se pleight en die vrye handel van koffie te bevorder. Naas olie is dkoffie die grootse natuurlike kommoditeit wat uitgevoer word. Veronica Fourie het in die Baai gaan besoek aflê by die oudste koffieroostery in die land.
03/10/20168 minutes, 14 secondes
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Die eerste Oseaan Ekonomie siposium inPE gehou om meer te leer van die Nordiese

Die eerste Suid Afrikaanse Oseaan Ekonomie Simpoium word in Port Elizabeth gehou. Kundiges van Noorwee en Finland woon dit by om hulle kenniste deel oor hoe om op die beste moontlike maniere die bloue ekonomie te benut wat betref skeepsbouery en aquakultuur. Dit is twee aspekte waaraan Suid Afrika ver te kort skiet by lande wat wêreldleiers is op die gebied. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
27/09/20163 minutes, 5 secondes
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First Ocean Economy Symposium held in PE to learn more from the Nordic countries

Experts from Norway and Finland are attending the first South African Oceans Economy symposium in Port Elizabeth to share their expertise in building the blue economy through aquaculture and shipbuilding. These are areas in which South Africa is lagging far behind world leading countries like Finland and Norway. Veronica Fourie reports.
27/09/20163 minutes, 14 secondes
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Two young Port Elizabeth men have owned up to stealing Buddy the penguin.

Two young Port Elizabeth men have owned up to stealing Buddy the penguin from Bayworld on Friday. The two students in their early twenties confessed in the presence of their legal representative,saying they did not agree with penguins being kept in captivity. Bayworld's, Dylan Bailey, says Buddy is a healthy penguin and should have enough energy to survive for up to three weeks in the wild. But, he says the concern is that Buddy is a captive raised bird that is now in wild and an unfamiliar environment.
26/09/201634 secondes
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Black parents & pupils of Collegiate Girls High school in P.E protest

The hair debate has sparked a lot of tension in former Model C schools around South Africa and in the Eastern Cape. Black parents and pupils of Collegiate Girls High school in Port Elizabeth are now also taking a stand against race related issues the school. They embarked on a silent protest, dressed in black, to highlight their concerns. The issues include hair and ethnicity questions in the school. It is alleged the protest was sparked by a white student at school who said to a black learner she wishes that apartheid would come back. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report.
19/09/20162 minutes, 52 secondes
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Skoolhoof verban huiwerk met groot sukses - wat se ander?

Huiswerk vir laerskool kinders is 'n ou debat wat gereeld opvlam. By die SAOU (suid Afrikaanse Onderwysers Unie0 Simposium wat verlede week in Port Elizabeth gehou is, het skoolhoofde weer regop gesit toe 'n hoof van Vishoek vertel van die groot sukses wat by skool behaal is nadat hy huiswerk ageskaf het.. Hy het bevind dat daar geen waarde in huiswerk is na 'n hele skaaldag is nie. Hy meen die sowat sewe ure van die skooldag behoort meer dinamies te wees. Veronica Fourie het gaan ondersoek instel.
12/09/20169 minutes, 49 secondes
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Principals ban homework from school with great success.

Homework for primary school children is an old debate that flares up often. At the recent symposium of the SAOU (South African Teachers Union) held in Port Elizabeth, a principal from Fish Hoek shared his success after not allowing homework at his school. He says it has no benefits to work after an entire school day. Rather, he says, the seven or so hours of school should be dynamic. Veronica Fourie investigated.
12/09/20169 minutes, 19 secondes
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Voorskou vir Nasionale Parke week: fokus op Camdeboo Park.

Een van die Nasionale Parke wat volgende week (12 -16 September) druk besoek gaan word, is die unieke Camdeboo Nasionale Park by Graaff Reinet in die Oos Kaap. Die park omring byna die hele dorp en dit sluit die wêreldbekende Vallei van Verlatenheid in. Gedurende SANParke week kan besoekers gratis toegang kry nasionale parke. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
08/09/201631 secondes
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Preview for national parks week: profiling on Camdeboo National Park.

On the eve of launching the annual SANParks week which gives people free access, it's expected that visitors will also flock to the unique Camdeboo National Park at Graaff Reinet in the Eastern Cape. It's a unique park, which is the only one almost surrounding a town, and houses the ancient rocks in the renowned Valley of Desolation. Veronica Fourie reports.
08/09/201633 secondes
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Divas in spring concert in Port Elizabeth brought a huge audience

In what is billed as a first of its kind, a Divas in spring concert in Port Elizabeth brought an audience from all walks of life together in celebration of a diverse musical offering from local and national artists. Young stars and old favourites took to the stage belting out several genres from jazz to pop. Legends like PJ Powers and the award winning Lira did not fail to impress. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report…
05/09/20162 minutes, 59 secondes
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The newly appointed speaker of council in the DA- led coalition in NMB

The newly appointed speaker of council in the DA- led coalition in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro; Jonathan Lawack believes that enforcing the rules of council are fundamental to maintain order. The speaker was already put to the test on his first day in office as the official opposition, the ANC made its voice heard. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse sat down with the speaker and filed this report…
05/09/20163 minutes, 36 secondes
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Nelson Mandela Bay introduces new water restrictions

Nelson Mandela Bay executive mayor, Athol Trollip says stronger measures will be implemented if the new water restrictions, introduced today (wed), don't yield positive results. The implementation of the water restriction comes as levels of the main supply dams are rapidly dropping. This has an impact on the farmers of the Gamtoos Valley - the vegetable basket of the province. Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report…
01/09/20163 minutes, 18 secondes
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The Nelson Mandela Bay Business Chamber says that water restrictions would affect businesses that depend on the resource. The Nelson Mandela Bay metro has introduced water restrictions since yesterday after it exceeded its daily allocation from its supply dams by 60-million litres. As Jayed-leigh Paulse reports, the next two years will be crucial as the metro awaits the completion of the Nooitgedacht Supply Scheme that will increase the water supply to the metro to 210- mega litres per day....
01/09/20162 minutes, 56 secondes
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Children are taught how to treat dogs in Pe's Northern Areas

One of the breeds of dog deemed to be the most dangerous of all breeds took on the role of teacher at a primary school in Port Elizabeth's Northern Areas.The area is notorious for dog fighting and the pitbull is the breed commonly used for this illegal practice. Yanka - a rescue pitbull and her owner visited a school to teach pet care. Veronica Fourie reports.
23/08/20161 minute, 49 secondes
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DA vier oorwinning in PE.

'n Blou golf het die naweek oor Nelson Mandela Baai gespoel toe die DA sy oorwinning as die grootste party gevier het in die metro wat die naam dra van die voormalige president Nelson Mandela. Die het 46.71 persent van die stemme ingepalm, en die ANC 40.92. Die metro word gesien as 'n ANC vesting omdat talle struggle helde hulle wortels hier het. Veronica Fourie het die feesvierings tydens die oorwinningsoptog bygewoon en die verslag saamgestel.
08/08/20166 minutes, 43 secondes
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DA celebrates in Nelson Mandela Bay after the local elections

Nelson Mandela Bay was blue this weekend after the announcement that the DA is the biggest party in the metro. The DA got 46.71 percent of the votes, beating the ANC with 40.92 percent. The metro is seen as an ANC stronghold, with several struggle heroes having had heir roots here. Veronica Fourie witnessed the celebrations of the victory rally and filed this report.
08/08/20164 minutes, 53 secondes
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'n Beeldhouwerk van Madiba se hemp om hom te vereer.

Nelson Mandela was nie net bekend vir sy wysheid en leierskap nie, maar ook vir sy humor en veral sy eksklusiewe hemde. Die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit in Port Elizabeth wou op 'n waardige manier erkenning gee aan sy waardes deur middel van kuns. Dit is toe gekombineer in 'n drie meter hoë metaal struktuur at versier is met draad en keramiek teëls in die vorm van die bekende Madiba hemp. As deel van die Mandeladag vieringe, het Veronica Fourie hierdie verslag saamgestel.
18/07/20163 minutes, 25 secondes
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statue of Nelson Mandela's shirt as an art work.

Nelson Mandela was not only known for his wisdom and leadership, but also for his humour and the exquisite shirts he wore. The Nelson Mandela University in Port Elizabeth has given recognition to his values and his fashion statement by combining it in a sculpture. The three-metre tall framed metal Madiba shirt is decorated with intricate wire work and individually made ceramic tiles. As part of Madiba Day celebrations, Veronica Fourie filed this report.
18/07/20163 minutes, 7 secondes
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Roete 67

Nelson Mandela Baai Metro is die enigste munisipaliteit wat die regte bekom het om na die eerstydse staatsman vernoem te word. As deel van die herdenking van sy verjaarsdag op 18 Julie, nooi die metro mense opnuut om die 67 unieke kunswerke en besienswardighede te besigtig, wat die aantal jare verteenwoordig wat hy aan die vryheidstryd gewys het. Roete 67 loop deur die sentrale deel van die stad waar meeste van die kunswerke te sien is.. Sommiges is ook elders in die stad en self op Uitenhage, wat deel is van die metro. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
15/07/20163 minutes, 49 secondes
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NMB the only metro that has the rights to carry the name of the Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela Bay is the only metro that has the rights to carry the name of the Nelson Mandela. As his birthday will be celebrated soon, this metro showcases 67 unique art works that were created to depict the number of years he contributed to community service during the struggle. It is named 'Route 67' and runs through the inner city, where most of the art works are to be seen. Some are also in other parts of Port Elizabeth and neighbouring town Uitenhage.
15/07/20163 minutes, 58 secondes
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Uitenhage voel afgeskeep deur die Nelson Mandela Baai Metro waarvan dit deel is.

Die Nelson Mandela Baai Metro is die teiken van die regerende ANC, en ook van die DA wat glo hulle gaan die metro verower tydens die plaaslike verkiesings. Die metro bestaan uit Port Elizabeth, en die naburige dorpe Uitenhage en Despatch. Uitenhage was vroeër bekend as die Tindorp van die Oos Kaap, en die mense van die dorp voel nou afgeskeep mbt dienslewering vandat hulle deel geword het van die metro. As deel van 'n reeks verkiesingkwessies wat ondersoek word, het Veronica Fourie die verslag saamgestel.
15/07/20163 minutes, 49 secondes
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Uitenhage in a drive to get it's own sub-council.

There has been a drive from the residents and officials for Uitenhage, part of the Nelson Mandela Metro, to get its own sub-council. The view is that service delivery, management and finances are neglected here - a town that used to be the pride of the metro and home to VWSA & Goodyear. But more than 370-million rand has been budgeted by mayor, Danny Jordaan, for town upgrades. But has the demand died down since Jordaan's introduction? We talk to residents, parties and ratepayers association.
15/07/20163 minutes, 41 secondes
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Multi-award winning actor Sello Maake KaNcube stares in a biographical play.

A popular theatrical production at the National Arts festival underway in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape is a biographical play on the life of Can Themba by Multi-award winning actor Sello Maake KaNcube.The production; "The House of Truth" reveals the life experiences of author and journalist Can Themba in a monologue. The play tells the story of Can Themba's experience with the Transvaal Education department in the apartheid era which in spite of him holding a degree could not find employment, and exposes the ripple effect of apartheid posts democracy. Can Themba who studied at Fort Hare University was one of this country's greatest short story writers, author and journalist. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse reports…
07/07/20163 minutes, 50 secondes
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Seven DA ward councillors have defected from the party.

Seven DA ward councillors have defected from the party and have joined forces with the ANC in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. At a press briefing this morning the disgruntled members said they have worked hard for their communities but have allegedly been treated badly by their former party. But DA claims that the members were bribed by the ANC to join the party. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse reports…
07/07/20163 minutes, 9 secondes
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SASSA celebrates 10 years of existence in Nelson Mandela Bay.

Social Development Minister, Bathabile Dlamini has celebrated the 10th anniversary of the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA)with an outreach campaign at the Dan Qeqe Stadium in Zwide in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. The agency opened its doors as a government entity to administer and distribute social grants ten years ago. The ten-year celebrations will serve as an opportunity for the department and SASSA to assess progress made, strategise on how to tackle challenges encountered and chart a wayforward for a new payment system. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report…
07/07/20163 minutes, 37 secondes
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The Patriotic Alliance launches its manifesto in Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape.

The Patriotic Alliance President Gayton McKenzie says his party recruits members of all races. He has been speaking at Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape where he launched the party's manifesto. Addressing members at the Rosedale Sports centre, McKenzie reiterated that the Patriotic Alliance was not a coloureds-only party as they are canvassing for support among all voters. He says their main objective is to ensure that neither DA nor the ANC gets 50 percent votes in the upcoming local government elections At the manifesto they also revealed their new Mayoral Candidate who positively surprised may in attendance. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report.
04/07/20163 minutes, 2 secondes
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Nelson Mandela Bay Mayor, Danny leads a safety campaign in the metro.

Nelson Mandela Bay Mayor, Danny Jordaan has received a warm welcome from residents in various townships across the metro whilst leading a safety campaign called "Taking back our streets'.The campaign which included of a large entourage of police officers, medical services, and the newly launched metro police, made several stops in Motherwell, Kwa-Nobuhle, Zwide and the Nelson Mandela Bay city centre. Jordaan says the main objective of the campaign is to display and showcase all law enforcement agencies. He interacted with residents inviting them to raise their concerns on safety and other issues. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report…
04/07/20163 minutes, 2 secondes
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The National Arts Festival which is currently underway in Grahamstown.

The National Arts Festival which is currently underway in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape has attracted a number of local and international visitors. The town is buzzing with a hive of activities with various arts, crafts, clothing, indeginous food, stalls and award winning musical and theatrical productions on show. The drawcards include Ringo Madlingozi, AKA, Prime Circle, Chris Chameleon, Sello Maake KaNcube and the ever popular comedian Mark Lottering.Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report..
04/07/201659 secondes
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Entrepreneurs, SMME'S, Crafters and upcoming artist are set to benefit from the Grahamstown National Arts Festival as many developmental programmes have been established to allow traders to partake in the festivities. Economic development continues to be at the focal point of the organisers as the festival is currently contributing 90-million rand to the local GDP and 340-million rand to the Eastern Cape. Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report…
04/07/20163 minutes, 1 secondes
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Executive Mayor of the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, Danny Jordaan says the upgrading of Bayworld tourist attraction in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape, will play a significant role in diversifying the economy and providing jobs in the province. He has been speaking in Port Elizabeth at the handing over of Bayworld by the Eastern Cape government to the metro. Bayworld museum is the third oldest museum in South Africa. Thandi Setokoe reports...
04/07/20162 minutes, 26 secondes
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Bayworld in PE gaan opgradeer word teen miljoene rande.

Wat eens een van Port Elizabeth se gesogte toeriste aantreklikhede was, en die afgelope paar jaar dramaties afgeskaal het, gaan 'n nuwe baadjie en doel kry. Bayworld was die tuiste van dolfyne, 'n slangpark, oseanarium en museum. Maar nadat van die dolfyne dood is en ander na Japan is om deel t vorm van 'n teëlingsprogram, het die besoekers getaan. Die Oos Kaapse regering het egter nou die plek aan die Nelson Mandela Baai muisipaliteit oorgeteken en groot ontwikkelings is aan die kom. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
04/07/20164 minutes, 9 secondes
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The 42nd annual National Arts Festival has officially kicked off in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape. The town is expected to light up with activities for the next eleven days showcasing over six hundred productions. It will display various arts,crafts, musical and theatrical productions. The drawcards include Ringo Madlingozi, AKA, Simphiwe Dana, Prime Circle, Chris Chameleon and the ever popular Gala concert. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report..
30/06/20162 minutes, 50 secondes
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Plans to upgrade the operational hours at KwaZakhele day hospital.

Eastern Cape provincial health Departmental spokesperson Siyanda Manana says plans are are foot to upgrade the operational hours at Kwazakhele Day hospital in Nelson Mandela Bay. Manana has been reponding to Western Cape Health MEC, Nomafrench Mbombo who questioned the oprational hours at the hospital saying it should be open for 24hours.Mbombo raised this while conducting an oversight visit to various clinics in Kwazakhele and KwaDwesi townships. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more…
28/06/20162 minutes, 35 secondes
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ANC burgemeesterskandidaat aangewys vir Nelson Mandela Metro.

Die ANC het Danny Jordaan behou as sy burgemeesterskandidaat in die Nelson Mandale Baai Metro. 'n Hoë afvaardiging van die ANC gelei deur die sekretaris generaal Gwede Mantashe het Port Elizabeth besoek om die moontlike burgemeester aan sy mense voor te stel. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
20/06/20162 minutes, 19 secondes
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Mayoral candidate announced for Nelson Mandela Bay Metro.

The ANC has retained Danny Jordaan as its mayor. A high ranking ANC delegation led by secretary-general Gwede Mantashe visited the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro, engaging with residents while introducing their possible future Mayor. Veronica Fourie reports.
20/06/20162 minutes, 13 secondes
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Youth Day: Role of youth centres to rescue and uplift street children.

Youth Centres across the country play an important role in the rehabilitation of young children on the street. It is often the opportunity they need to escape from poor circumstances at home, that drove them to the street in the first place. As the country commemorates the Youth Month, Port Elizabeth is home to a youth centre where boys aged between six and 18 are placed by the court. Veronica Fourie paid a visit to the Khayalethu Youth Centre....
14/06/20164 minutes, 31 secondes
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Jeugweek storie: Die rol van Jeugsentrums in die opheffing van straatkinders.

Jeugsentrums speel 'n onskatbare rol in die opheffing van straatkinders. Dit bied meestal die kans om van slegte omstandighede te ontkom. Daar is een so 'n sentrum in Port Elizabeth waar seuns van ses tot 18 jaar deur die hof geplaas word. As deel van jeugmaand het Veronica Fourie het by die Khayalethu Jeugsentrum gaan kyk hoe lewens van gomsnuifers omgedraai word in die van verantwoordelike burgers.
14/06/20164 minutes, 41 secondes
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NMMU voel die effekvan FeesMustFAll.

Die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit in Port Elizabeth beleef reeds die effek van die FeesMustFall beweging. Die universiteit het 'n huidige tekort van 17-miljoen rand. Di'e instelling het ook sy skoot protesoptredes gehad, maar heelwat minder as by ander universiteite in die land. Die bestuur meen dis omdat hulle studente kwellings dadelik aangespreek het en verander het wat toe moontlik was. Die skuif in Hoër Onderwys om meer toeganklik te wees vir meer studente, bring talle uitdagings. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
09/06/20163 minutes, 14 secondes
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NMMU feels the brunt of FeesMust Fall.

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth is feeling the effects of the FeesMustFall movement. The university has a current shortfall of 17-million rand. The institution however experienced less violence and protest action on campus compared to some others across the country as students were addressed soon when they demanded that fees should not rise. As Veronica Fourie reports, the shift in Higher Education for it to be accessible to more students brings additional challenges...
09/06/20163 minutes, 3 secondes
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Historiese geelkoper klokke van die Campanile toring in PE word gerestoureer.

Die geelkoperklokke van die Campanile toring wat wag hou oor Algoabaai, sal vir 'n tyd lank stil wees voordat hulle weer oor die Baai sal weergalm met nuwe deuntjies. Weens dekades se besoedeling weens die see, treine en rook, het aanpaksels die klank van die klokke beinvloed, en ook die staalstruktuur wat dit huisves, verweer - tot sos 'n mate dat dit onveilig geword het. In n multimiljoen rand projek, word die klokke en toring gerestoreer tot die eertydse glorie. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
26/05/20163 minutes, 33 secondes
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Brass bells of the historic Campanile in PE restored.

The brass bells of the historic Campanile tower overlooking Algoa Bay, have been silenced for a while for upgrading , but will soon echo over the Bay to new tunes. Due to decades of pollution from the sea, trains and smoke, that left traces of thick layers of black carbon on the 23 bell carillon, as well as the steel structure that became eroded, and unsafe. In a multi million renovation project, the bells and tower are being restored to its former glory. Veronica Fourie reports.
26/05/20163 minutes, 39 secondes
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Renosters by privaat wildpark om hulle te beskerm teen stropers.

Die Oos Kaap beleef die slegste jaar op rekord wat betref die stroping van renosters. Die veertien renosters wat vanjaar in vyf maande gestroop is, is net so veel as in die voorafgaande j""aar. Verskerpte optrede in die noorde van die land, dryf nou stropers na ander dele van die land. Die privaat Kragga Kamma Wildpark in Port Elizabeth het besluit om al hulle renosters te onthoring. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
24/05/20163 minutes, 13 secondes
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Rhinos dehorned at a private game reserve in PE to curb poaching.

The Eastern Cape is experiencing the worst year on record so far regarding rhino poaching. Fourteen rhinos have been killed in the province during the past five months, which equals the number of killings during the whole of last year. A privately owned Kragga Kamma Game Reserve in Port Elizabeth has decided to dehorn all its rhinos. A rhino bull, Chuck was dehorned for the third time. Game Park owner, Ayesha Cantor says they're vulnerable, and it is the only option to save them.
24/05/20162 minutes, 59 secondes
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Trial date has finally been set for Panyiotou case.

After numerous court appearances over the past year‚ the case against murder-accused Christopher Panayiotou and his co-accused was transferred to the High Court and the trial is set to start in October. They'll take the stand on the 3rd October to the 2nd of December. The three men face charges of abduction and murder of school teacher Jayde Panayiotou in April last year. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
16/05/20161 minute, 35 secondes
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Internasioanle Verpleegsterdag

Florence Nightingale het in die 1850's in die Krimoorlog in Europa die belangrikste invloed op verpleging gehad soos dit vandag geken word. Dis aan haar te danke dat verpleegpersoneel jaarliks op 12 Mei, haar verjaarsdag, erkenning ontvang vir hulle onbaatsugtige werk. Veronica Fourie het twee hospitale besoek en gaan uitvind wat verpleegpersoneel se uitdagings en vreugdes is.
16/05/20163 minutes, 58 secondes
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Mmusi Maimane besoek familie wie se 2 jaar oue dogter dood is in P.E

Die hernieude bendegeweld in die noordelike gebiede van Port Elizabeth, het die aandag getrek van die DA leier, Mmusi Maimane. Hy het die Ruiters familie besoek wie se twee jaar oue dogtertjie dood is toe 'n dwaal koeël haar in hulle erf in Helenvale getref-oorlog het. Die bende-oorlog is nog lank nie verby nie. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
16/05/20162 minutes, 52 secondes
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Mmusi Maimane visits PE family who lost a two year old girl in gang violence.

The recent gang violence in the northern areas of Port Elizabeth, attracted the attention of DA leader Mmusi Maimane. He paid a visit to the Ruiters family whose two year old daughter was killed when she was hit by a stray bullet in their yard in Helenvale. It happened in December during a gang war in the area. Gang warfare is continuing in the area, as Veronica Fourie reports.
16/05/201633 secondes
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Sybokhaar word gesien as die diamant van vesels

Sybokhaar word gesien as die diamant van vesels, en Suid Afrika is die wêreld se grootste produsent daarvan. Sybokhaar Suid Afrika het die gebruik van sybokhaar bevorder tydens 'n internasionale ontwerp komptisie tussen ses universiteite. Elke deelnemende uiversiteit het hulle tien beste ontwerpe vertoon by die jaarlikse Donghua Modeskou in Shanghai. Twee Suid Afrikaanse instelling het ook deelgeneem. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
09/05/20163 minutes, 16 secondes
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South Africa is the biggest producer of Mohair

South Africa is the biggest producer of Mohair which is seen as the diamond of fibres. Mohair South Africa promotes the use of mohair in an international competition amongst six universities. Each one will enter its ten best designs, and it was showcased at the Donghua Fashion Show in Shanghai. Two South African institutions also participated and did the country proud. Veronica Fourie reports.
09/05/20163 minutes, 16 secondes
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Rhodes Vice Chancellor on protecting rights of alleged perpetrators.

Vice Chancellor of Rhodes University, Sizwe Mabizela says that the University must protect the constitutional rights of the alleged perpetrators named on the reference list that circulated on campus. He apologised and condemned the manner in which the alleged perpetrators were treated by protesting students who accused them of rape.Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more…
26/04/20163 minutes, 14 secondes
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The situation remains tense at Rhodes University in Grahamstown in the E. C

Students at Rhodes University in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape have brought the university to a stand-still this week after a list of alleged rapists went viral on the SRC Facebook Page. The students have held peaceful protests the entire week and have presented management with a list of demands to deal with the sex crime suspects. They also want perpetrators out of campus. Jayed-leigh Paulse reports..
26/04/20165 minutes, 1 secondes
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87 year old woman still teaches extra maths classes to grade twelves.

Scientific reports have found that there are more people over the age of 65 in South Africa than children under the age of 15. The aged population is growing as many people retire and live longer. The challenge however is to keep the brain and body healthy, and to still make a contribution to society. One such person is 87 year-old Carin Ferreira from Jeffery's Bay in the Eastern Cape, who still teaches offers extra classes in maths to grade twelve pupils. Veronica Fourie filed this report.
25/04/20164 minutes, 40 secondes
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Ivalwe isithuba seminyaka emithathu iRed Location Museum

Ivalwe isithuba seminyaka emithathu iRed Location Museum eliziko lokugcina imbali elaphumelela imbasa eNew Brighton eBhayi eMpuma Koloni. Umasipala ombaxa iNelson Mandela ojongene nale museum usokoliswa liqela labantu abaphuma kwiindawo ezingqonge eli ziko. Banyanzelisa ukuba kuhoywe izikhalazo zabo zobonelelo lwezindlu. Le musuem kwakafanele ukuba iphuhlise uqoqosho loluntu olungathathi ntweni, endaweni yoko isetyenziswa njengesixhobo sokwenza izinyanzeliso. USiphokazi Chutu unengxelo....
25/04/20164 minutes, 53 secondes
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87jarige Jbaai vrou gee steeds ekstra Wiskunde klasse vir matrieks.

Volgens wetenskaplike verslae is daar meer mense oor die ouderdom van 65 in die land, as kinders onder die ouderdom van 15. Die bejaarde bevolking groei omdat meer mense wat aftree, langer leef. Die uitdaging is dus om die brein en liggaam gesond te hou, en nog steeds 'n bydrae tot die samelewing lewer.. So 'n persoon is die 87-jarige Carin Ferreira van Jeffreysbaai in die Oos Kaap, wat steeds ekstra wiskunde klasse gee vir matrieks. Veronica Fourie het by haar gaan kuier.
25/04/20166 minutes, 9 secondes
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Besnydenis vir NMMU studente op kampus raak gewild.

aarliks sterf talle jong mans en baie word vermink tydens tradisionele Xhosa inisiasieskole in die Oos Kaap. Dit vind gewoonlik in die winter en somer plaas. Die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit in Port Elizabeth bied die afgelope drie jaar 'n diens by hulle kliniek op kampus waar besnydenis gedoen word. Dis 'n poging om die gevolge van onsuksesvolle besnydenisse te bekamp. Al meer studente maak nou hiervan gebruik. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
25/04/20162 minutes, 48 secondes
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Male circumcision at NMMU more popular.

Each year several young men die or end up being mutilated after traditional circumcision during the winter or summer season in South Africa. But the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth is offering a clinic service on campus to circumcise male students to prevent these kind of consequences. The practice is getting more popular by the year since it started three years ago. Mziwoxolo Mbangi from the clinic says this year they would have to have three circumcision clinics as the demand has grown.
25/04/20162 minutes, 59 secondes
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Rooi-lokasie museum is 3 jaar toe weens druk vd gemeenskap oor behuising.

Die veel bekroonde Rooi-Lokasie Museum in New Brighton in Port Elizabeth, se deure is al drie jaar lank gesluit vir besoekers. Die Nelson Mandelabaai Metro wat dit bestuur, word as't ware gyselaar gehou deur 'n groep van die gemeenskap wat om die museum woon. Hulle dring daarop dat hulle behuisingskwessies aangespreek word. Die museum, wat fokus op die apartheidsgeskiedenis, moes die gemeenskap ekonomies bevoordeel - maar dit het nou 'n politieke speelbal geword. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
25/04/20163 minutes, 55 secondes
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87 year old woman still teaches extra maths classes to grade twelves.

Scientific reports have found that there are more people over the age of 65 in South Africa than children under the age of 15. The aged population is growing as many people retire and live longer. The challenge however is to keep the brain and body healthy, and to still make a contribution to society. One such person is 87 year-old Carin Ferreira from Jeffery's Bay in the Eastern Cape, who still teaches offers extra classes in maths to grade twelve pupils. Veronica Fourie filed this report.
24/04/20164 minutes, 40 secondes
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Students at Rhodes University Rhodes Univeristy in Grahamstown stood in solidari

Students at Rhodes University in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape have presented management with a list of demands. This follows a number protests this week over alleged failure of management to deal with sex crime suspects.The demands include increasing the number of staff that handle cases of sexual abuse and the establishment of a task team that will review the ent sexual harassment policy. Academic activity on campus has been suspended until Monday. Last night, a peaceful march was held at the institution. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report….
22/04/20163 minutes, 14 secondes
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NMB Metro ahead of the August 3rd elections.

The Nelson Mandela Bay is the economic heartbeat of the Eastern Cape. In the next few months, leading up to the August 3rd elections, the highly contested metro is expected to host a number of political parties all vying for votes. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse takes a look at some of the challenges faced by the metro such as gangsterisim, service delivery, education and housing backlog
14/04/20165 minutes, 49 secondes
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'N vrou wat vir twee weke 'n vertrek met tien reuse luislange gaan deurbring.

Wat vir party mense 'n grillirige dier is, is vir ander 'n pragtige een. Dis die geval met die Baaise vrou Jeru Claasen wat vir twee weke 'n vertrek met tien reuse luislange gaan deurbring. Hulle is nou wel nie giftig nie, maar kan 'n barshou byt. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
14/04/20162 minutes, 12 secondes
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Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman het 'n ere doktorsgraad in die filosofie by NMMU ontvang

Die stigter van die humanitere hulp organisasie, Gift of the Givers, dr Imtiaz Sooliman het 'n ere doktorsgraad in die filosofie van die Nelson Mandela Metropoliotaanse Universiteit ontvang. Dit is reeds sy vyfde ere-graad. Sooliman het sy mediese praktyk opgegee vir sy passie om humanitere hulp te bied. Hy was reeds instrumenteel daarin om miljoene lewens wereldwyd the red. Die organisasie beywer hom om mense in nood te help tydens natuurlike rampe en mensgemaakte krisisse soos oorloë. Veronica Fourie het met hom gepraat oor sy jongste toekenning.
14/04/20165 minutes, 17 secondes
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Imitiaz Sooliman recieves honorary doctorate from NMMU in Port-Elizabeth.

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth has conferred an honorary doctorate on the founder of the Africa's largest relief aid organisation, The Gift of The Givers, Dr Imtiaz Sooliman. It was his fifth honorary doctorate. Sooliman, gave up a career as a medical doctor in pursuit of his passions in humanitarian aid, and has been instrumental in changing the lives of millions. The organisation delivers life saving aid through search and rescue teams, medical assistance, nutritional support, providing water and basic necessities. Sooliman has done work in war zones, braved bombings and earthquakes. Veronica Fourie spoke to him about this honour...
14/04/20165 minutes, 58 secondes
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Verbruikers gaan 'n tekort aan melk sien.

Die effek van die droogte in veral die noordelike dele van die land, sal 'n besliste uitewerking op melkverbruikers hê. Die pryse van melk gaan nie net styg nie, maar daar gaan groot tekorte voorkom. Hoë insetkoste, die sterk rand en prys van voer, dra by tot die dreigende krisis. Veronica Fouri doen verslag.
11/04/20163 minutes, 38 secondes
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Milk production in the Eastern Cape is however still favourable.

he effects of the drought in some parts of the country will be having an impact on milk consumers. Not only will prices rise dramatically, but a shortage of milk might be experienced. High input costs for farmers, the price of fodder and a shortage of water all contribute to the looming crisis. Veronica Fourie reports.
11/04/20162 minutes, 57 secondes
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Die blou ekonomie kry hupstoot in PE met eerste nuwe sleepboot.

Die regering se Imbizo Fokus Week is in volle swang in die Oos Kaap. Projek Phakisa is deel hiervan en sal more (vrydag) in die kollig wees. Dis deel van die nasionale ontwikkelingsplan, wat ekonomiese groei wil bevorder. President Jacob Zuma sal Vrydag in Port Elizabeth wees sodat hy op hoogte gebring kan word oor veral Operasie Phakisa en die Blou Ekonomie. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
07/04/20161 minute, 46 secondes
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The P.E harbour is the first S.A port to receive a state of the art tugboat.

The Port Elizabeth harbour in the Eastern Cape is the first in South Africa to receive a 150-million rand state-of the-art tug boat as part of a special 1-point-4 billion rand Transnet National Ports Authority programme. On Friday, Project Phakisa which forms part of the National Development Plan, will come under the spot light. President Jacob Zuma will be in Port Elizabeth to be updated on developments which fall under the umbrella of Operation Phakisa and growing the Blue Economy. Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report ...
07/04/20161 minute, 50 secondes
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A P.E based NGO,Nank'umntwana,is assisting 32 learners from poor families

A Port Elizabeth based NGO's adopt a child programme has been running successfully during the past five years and now its initial beneficiaries are set to take their education to the next level. The NGO, Nank'umntwana, is funding and supporting 32 learners of which ten are in matric this year. The NGO is now also looking to fund these students at higher learning institutions…
05/04/20162 minutes, 18 secondes
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Herwinningsprojek leer kinders die waarde van geld en om onafhanklik te word.

'n Afgetrede onderwyseres van Uitenhage in die Oos Kaap het haar droom bewaarheid om arm kinders te help om onafhanklik te word. Sy het 'n Mula Ruilwinkel op die been gebring om kinders te leer herwinbare materiale te versamel, en dit te ruil vir noodsaaklike items. Dit gaan beslis nie oor die paar sente wat daarme verdien word nie, maar die waardes wat oorgedra word. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
22/03/20164 minutes, 1 secondes
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A recycling project teaches children the value of money, and independence.

A retired teacher from Uitenhage, in the Eastern Cape, has made her dream of helping poor children to become independent come true. She established a Mula Swop Shop which encourages children to collect recyclable items in the community and swop them for much-needed items. It is not about the few cents they earn, but the values children learn. Veronica Fourie reports.
22/03/20163 minutes, 38 secondes
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The Khayalethu Youth Centre in PE gets a swimmingpool.

The Khayelethu youth centre in Port Elizabeth, a home to twenty nine destitute boys, officially opened its very own swimming pool. The pool was made possible through the Ironman for Kidz charity. The centre is one of the 19 beneficiaries of the Ironman for the kid's charity. Water safety and water sports is one area the youth centre focuses on as part of its rehabilitation programme. Anda Nqongi reports.
18/03/20162 minutes, 43 secondes
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Popular Port Elizabeth DJ has embraced a life too different from his...

A popular Port Elizabeth Radio DJ, Kaycee Rousouw, has embraced an initiative that challenges him to step out of his comfort zone and into the lives of people living in Walmer Township for five days and nights. The project called 'In Their Shoes' aims to create awareness about those less fortunate while raising funds to provide infrastructure for a Grade 4 classroom at Heatherbank Primary School, for the children from Walmer Township. Jayed-Leigh Paulse filed this report.
16/03/20163 minutes, 48 secondes
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Syndicate steals millions of rands worth of lemons in the Sunday's River Valley

Citrus farmers in the Sunday's River Valley in the Eastern Cape are suffering losses of millions of rands with organised syndicates stealing tons of export lemons. The price of lemons is quite high on the global market now and the organised criminals do not only pick hand fulls, but leave with bakkies and truck loads full of lemons. It has escalated over the last three years. Veronica Fourie reports.
15/03/20162 minutes, 2 secondes
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A syndicate steals millions of rands worth of lemons in Sunday's River Valley

Citrus farmers in the Sunday's River Valley in the Eastern Cape are suffering losses of millions of rands with organised syndicates stealing tons of export lemons. The price of lemons is quite high on the global market now and the organised criminals do not only pick hand fulls, but leave with bakkies and truck loads full of lemons. It has escalated over the last three years. Veronica Fourie reports.
15/03/20162 minutes, 2 secondes
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Georganiseerde sindikate steel miljoene rande suurlemoene in die Sondagsrivier

Sitrusboere in die Sondagsriviervallei in die Oos Kaap ly miljoene rande skade weens diefstal van uitvoer suurlemoene. Dis glo georganiseerde misdaadsindikate wat die gesogte vrugte steel omdat die w^reldmark tans goed is. Hulle pluk egter nie net hande vol nie, maar ry snags weg met tonne op bakkies en vragmotors. Dit het die afgeklope drie jaar kommerwekkend toegeneem. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
15/03/20162 minutes, 18 secondes
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Graaff Reniet is set to home one of the biggest aquaculture projects in S.A

Graaff Reinet in the Eastern Cape is set to become home to one of the biggest aquaculture projects in South Africa. The 250-million rand, the Karoo Catch fresh water fish farming project also has the potential to become one of the area's biggest employers. It's an alternative for declining fish stocks. As Jayed-leigh Paulse reports, currently there are five fish tunnels which produce 22 tons of Cat fish per month...
15/03/20163 minutes, 3 secondes
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Wool week to be held in Port Elizabeth amidst a growth stage for the industry.

The National Wool Week which will be held in Port Elizabeth at the end of this month, is being welcomed by all in the wool industry where a growth phase is being experienced with rising production and possible increase of job opportunities. It's an annual international initiative supported by the Campaign for Wool and the South African wool industry. Veronica Fourie reports.
14/03/201632 secondes
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Nasionale Wolweek gaan in PE gehou word, terwyl die bedryf 'n groeie fase beleef

Port Elizabeth gaan aan die einde van die maand vir die eerste keer gasheer wees vir die Nasionale Wolweek.Die bedryf beleef tans 'n groeifase met verhoogde produksie en meer wrksgeleenthede. Dis 'n jaarlikse internasionale inisiatief wat gesteun word deur die Veldtog vir Wol, en die Suid Afrikaanse wolbedryf. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
14/03/20162 minutes, 22 secondes
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Water and Sanitation Minister, Nomvula Mokonyane launches water week in the E.C

The minister of water Novula Mokonyane has launched the Water Week in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape where the War on Water Leaks project is currently in place with a special focus on the Nooitgedagt Water Scheme.The project is aimed to curb water leaks in the country. However, opposition parties in the metro have questioned the motives of the Water Week launch. Jayed-Leigh Paulse reports…
14/03/20162 minutes, 39 secondes
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School in Graaf Reniet gets new digital technology

Deputy Minister of Communications Stella Ndabeni Abrahams has been travelling through South Africa making sure that every learner in school is exposed to e-learning. This to ensure that no learner is deprived of being digitally savvy. Over two thousand schools have received cyber labs to date. Eight hundred of these have been in the Eastern Cape whose 2015 pass rate was a lowly 56.8%. Asherville Senior Secondary school near Graaf Reinet has been given new-IPADS. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report...
14/03/20162 minutes, 59 secondes
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Water and Sanitation Minister, Nomvula Mokonyane conducts walk-about in Kwa Magx

Water and Sanitation Minister, Nomvula Mokonyane visited KwaMagxaki Township in Nelson Mandela Bay in the Eastern Cape where she allowed residents to air their service delivery grievances including scarcity of water and leaking taps. Last year the department injected R120-million to the water purification project, Nooitgedagt Water Treatment at Addo, near Port Elizabeth. It provides water to the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro that includes Uitenhage, Port Elizabeth and Despatch. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report..
14/03/20161 minute, 51 secondes
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Gesteelde broodbome van honderde jare oud wat verlede jaar gekonfiskeer.

Die meer as 40 broodbome wat verlede onwettig op 'n plaas in die Jansenville distrik uitgehaal is, en toe gekonfiskeer is, toon goeie tekens van groei. Baie van hulle is amper 'n duisend jaar oud. Die plante ter waarde van sowat vier miljoen rand is sonder permitte van 'n boer se plaas verwyder om verkoop te word. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
10/03/20161 minute, 40 secondes
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Stolen cycads of hundreds of years which were confiscated and replanted.

The more than 40 cycads that were stolen near Jansenville in the Eastern Cape about a year ago, have been replanted in the Addo area, and are showing signs of growth. Many of them are almost a thousand years old. They were replanted after they were confiscated by police. The plants are valued at over four million rand. Veronica Fourie reports.
10/03/20161 minute, 49 secondes
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Government announces exploration for shale gas will begin in the next 12months.

The anti-fracking campaigners have vowed to file an urgent application in court to stop any fracking in the Karoo region. This after the government has announced that the first exploration for shale gas in South Africa will begin in the next financial year. This follows years of postponements. The government believes the exploration of shale gas is one area of real opportunity for South Africa. Govertment says the exploration will lead to excellent prospects for beneficiation and add value to the country's mineral wealth. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled this report.
09/03/20164 minutes, 42 secondes
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The National Treasury has given housing delivery in the Eastern Cape an additional 500-million rand to distribute evenly in Nelson Mandela Bay. The additional funding is aimed at speeding up the work of Human Settlements Minister Lindiwe Sisulu's cabinet sanctioned intervention team in the metro and its availability will help contractors and Small medium and Micro enterprises. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled this report.
07/03/20162 minutes, 56 secondes
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Adminstratiewe nagmerrie wag op politici en amptenare as kiesers adresse moet vo

In 'n poging om duidelikheid te kry oor die kwessie dat kiesers se adresse op die kiesersrol aangebring moet word, het die Onafhanklike Verkiesings Kommissie die Grondwethof genader, nadat die Verkiesingshof die beslissing gemaak het. Dit sluit in dat die kiesersrol so veel as moontlik adresse van kiesers moet insluit, met die oog op die komende plaaslike verkiesing vanjaar, maar dit kan 'n administratiewe nagmerrie veroorsaak en demokrasie in die wiele ry. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
03/03/20163 minutes, 59 secondes
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Administrative nightmare awaits politicians and officials if voters should suppl

In an attempt to get clarity on the issue of voters having their addresses on the voters roll, the Independent Electoral Commission of SA will approach the Constitutional Court to appeal an Electoral Court ruling. The ruling includes that a variety of initiatives should be embarked on to update the voters' roll with as many addresses as possible for voters, ahead of the municipal elections. Veronica Fourie reports.
03/03/20163 minutes, 51 secondes
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Arts & Culture Deputy Minister, Rejoice Mabudafhasi on indigenous languages.

Arts and Culture Deputy Minister, Rejoice Mabudafhasi, has called on higher learning institutions to promote and preserve the study of African languages. She was speaking at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, where she awarded bursaries to several language proficiency students. Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled this report…
23/02/20163 minutes, 36 secondes
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22 Feb

The Minister of Police, Nathi Nhleko, says a visible intervention to curb the gang violence in the northern areas of Port Elizabeth will be implemented within the next two weeks. But he would not be drawn into confirming the inclusion of the Defence Force as part of that intervention. He was speaking at the Booysens Park community Hall. Residents were also given a platform to voice their concerns. Since the beginning of the year, 30 people have died in gang related incidents in the northern areas. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more
22/02/20164 minutes, 4 secondes
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PE Residents flock to Kings Beach to commemorate National Armed Forces day.

Port Elizabeth was a hub of activity as thousands of residents flocked to Kings Beach to commemorate National Armed Forces Day. It was the first of its kind for Nelson Mandela Metro as residents were left amazed by the capability demonstrations by the SANDF. It also co-incided with the 99th year of the sinking of the SS Mendi off the coast of France in 1917. The displays captivated the minds of both the young and the old and also reassured the nation of the SANDF's commitment and ability to defend the country. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story….
22/02/20164 minutes, 10 secondes
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20 Feb

The South African defence force has descended into Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape this week, building up to the National Armed Forces Day on Sunday. SANDF has been proactive in the communities renovating various old age homes and rebuilding the Ekhphumleni old age home that was burnt down last year.This forms part of the Armed Forces Day legacy, Ministers of Defence and Military Veterans and Social Development present three old age homes that have been repaired and refurbished by members of the SANDF. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story….
20/02/20162 minutes, 39 secondes
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SANDF Night shooting in Port Elizabeth captivates thousands.

The South African National Defence Force has displayed it's night shooting demonstration in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape ahead of Armed Forces Day on Sunday. Residents of Port Elizaberh were treated to a mock military war zone showcasing anti missile flares, aviation demonstrations and specialised military hardware capabilites. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story...
19/02/20163 minutes, 48 secondes
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Die dam wat Joubertina van water voorsien is leeg weens swak bestuur.

Ondanks goeie reën die afgelope tyd in die Langkloof in die Oos Kaap, is 'n dam wat inwoners van Joubertina so te s^e leeg. Dit bring mee dat meer as 'n duisend huishoudings op Joubertina en die Rivinia township sonder 'n druppel is. Die bietjie water wat uit die krane kom, is nie geskik vir menslike gebruik nie, en inwoners is gedwing om water te koop. Na bewering is swak bestuur van die Koukamma munisipaliteit die oorsaak van die krisis. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
16/02/20162 minutes, 47 secondes
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Dam supplying Joubertina, has run empty due to allegedly poor management.

Despite good rains in the Langkloof in the Eastern Cape recently, a dam has run dry - which is leaving more than a thousand households in Joubertina and Rivinia township without a drop of water. The water currently available is unsuitable for drinking and households are forced to buy drinking water. Blame has been placed on poor maintenance and management by the Koukamma municipality. Veronica Fourie reports.........
16/02/20162 minutes, 46 secondes
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Gewapende magte dag feesvieringe begin in Port Elizabeth.

Port Elizabeth sal die week 'n miernes van bedrywighede wees met duisende gewapende magte lede wat hulle vaardighede en toerusting op verskillende maniere ten toon gaan stel. Dit is in die aanloop tot Gewapende Magte Dag volgende week. Duisende mense het die naweek die geleentheid gebruik om vyf van die vloot se vaartuie van naby te bekyk. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
16/02/20163 minutes, 53 secondes
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Armed Forces Day celebrated in PE.

Port Elizabeth will be abuzz this week with various activities of the South African Defence Forces showing off their skills and equipment…in the run up to Armed Forces Day next week. Thousands of people already came out to view the naval vessels on public display in the Port Elizabeth harbour. Veronica Fourie reports...
16/02/20163 minutes, 53 secondes
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Goeie vrugte oes in die Oos Kaap verwag.

Terwyl groot dele van die land gebuk gaan onder 'n vernietigende droogte, sien vrugteboerein die Langloof in die Oos Kaap uit na 'n goeie oes appels en pere. Verskeie aspekte soos die weer, goeie reën en die wisselkoers tel in hulle guns. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
12/02/20163 minutes, 52 secondes
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Bumper apple and pear crop expected in the Eastern Cape.

Eastern Cape fruit farmers in the Langkloof area are looking forward to a bumper crop of apples and pears while large parts of the country are battling a severe drought. Many aspects, like rainfall and the exchange rate are favouring the farmers in this area. Veronica Fourie reports.
12/02/20163 minutes, 5 secondes
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A multi- disciplinary task team has been formed in the E.C to deal with gangs.

A multi- disciplinary task team compromising of the detectives, crime intelligence, Tactical Response Team and Hawks members from East London, has been formed in Port Elizabeth to deal with the high levels of gangsterim in the Northern Areas. This comes after four people were shot and killed when suspected gangsters burst in to a tavern on Arcadia and fired several shots.This brings to date twenty one who have died to gang violence since the beginning of the year.More than two hundred and fifty have died in gang violence in Nelson Man Bay in the past two years and the number is increasing.Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story….
04/02/20165 minutes, 54 secondes
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Ses bende verwante sterftes in twaalf ure in PE.

Die polisie in Port Elizabeth ondersoek die dood van ses mense in bende verwante voorvalle die naweek. In een geval is vier mense doodgeskiet en een gewond toe vermeende bendelede by 'n taverne in Arcadia ingebars het. Hulle was op die hakke van 'n bendelid wat skuiling in die taverne gaan soek het. Die oorledenes was nie bendelede nie. Veronica Fourie het by die taverne n draai gaan maak en doen verslag...
01/02/20163 minutes, 43 secondes
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Six gang related murders in twelve hours in PE's northern areas.

Police in Port Elizabeth are investigating six gang related murders which occurred within twelve hours this weekend. Last night, four people were shot and killed, and another wounded when alleged gangsters burst into a tavern in Arcadia and fired several shots. They were on the heels of a rival gang member who fled into the tavern. The deceased were not connected to any gangs. In another incident two people died from gang related shootings -one in Kleinskool and another in Booysenspark. Veronica Fourie reports...
01/02/20162 minutes, 48 secondes
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Kaap St Francis brand weer onder beheer nadat dit opgevlam het.

Die brand wat verwoesting veroorsaak het in die Kaap St Francis gebied in die Oos Kaap, is weer onder beheer. Die brand het Saterdag ontstaan en is Maandag onder beheer gebring. Maar gister (dinsdag) het dit weer opgevlam. Brabdbestryders was deurentyd op die toneel om te verhoed dat dit weer na die dorp versprei. Veronica Fourie was daar en doen verslag.
28/01/20164 minutes, 7 secondes
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Cape St. Francis veld fires in the E.C

The fire that has been causing havoc in the Cape St Francis area in the Eastern Cape, has been bee contained once again. It started on Saturday and was doused on Monday, but flared up again yesterday (TUESDAY). Fire fighters have been on the scene since to prevent the blaze from getting to the village. Veronica Fourie reports.
28/01/20163 minutes, 56 secondes
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Raging fires have swept through Cape St Francis in the Eastern Cape

Raging fires have swept through the resort town of Cape St Francis in the Eastern Cape, burning thousands of hectares of bush veld. Several houses have been evacuated and partially burnt. The fire is believed to have started on an Eskom land near Thyspunt on Saturday and quickly jumped the R330 road cutting off cape St Francis. Fire-fighters and volunteers helped throughout the night, dousing flames where they could. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story….
25/01/20163 minutes, 45 secondes
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Police rules out robbery in the killing of three people in Ezinyoka informal set

Residents of Ezinyoka informal settlement in Port Elizabeth are living in fear after the fatal shooting of three people, who were killed execution-style. It's alleged that gunmen forced their way into their home and shot dead a mother and her two daughters. They were all shot in the head. The motive of the killing is unknown and the police are still investigating a case of murder and no arrests have been made. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
21/01/20162 minutes, 36 secondes
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The newly-built Jeffreys Bay High School is struggling.

The newly-built Jeffreys Bay High School which opened its doors last year, is battling without a principal, deputy or any heads of department; overcrowded classes; shortages of teachers and textbooks. The community of Jeffreys Bay needed a high school for many years. Their children had to travel long distances to neighbouring Humansdorp. The new modern school opened in July last year. It admitted children in Grades 8 and 9 and had fifteen teachers. This year the school expanded to accommodate grade10 learners, raising enrolment to close on 700 learners - but keeping the original 15 teachers. Veronica Fourie visited the school and reports.
21/01/20163 minutes, 18 secondes
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Splinternuwe langverwagte hoërskool op Jeffreysbaai sonder hoof, boeke en geld.

Vir baie jare moes die gemeenskap van die Oos Kaapse kusdorp hulle kinders na die hoërskole op die naburige dorp, Humansdorp, laat gaan. Nou is daat uiteindelik vir die eerste keer 'n splinternuewe moderne hoërskool wat in Julie verlede jaar sy deure geopen het, maar sake vlot nie daar nie. Eers is verlede jaar 472 graad 8 en 9s toegelaat met 15 onderwysers. Vanjaar het die skool uitgebrei met graad 10 by en die leerdertal styg tot byna 700. Maar die skool is nou sonder hoof en te min personeel, nie genoeg meubels of boeke nie. Veronica Fourie het gaan kyk en doen verslag.
21/01/20163 minutes, 34 secondes
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temp test

test quote from test person....
20/01/201631 secondes
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Die Operahuis in Port Elizabeth opgeknap tot 'n wereldklas komplek.

Die Operahuis in Port Elizabeth, ook bekend as die Ou Dame, het 'n opvallende ontrimpeling ondergaan. Dit vergelyk nou met van die beste teaters in die w^ereld. Die historiese gebou is die oudste Operahuis in gebruik in die suidelike halfrond, en ook in Afrika. Die multi-miljoen rand restourasie het nuwe hoop gegee vir teater entoesiaste en kustenaars. Die opknapping is deur baie verwelkom, maar daar was ook fel kritiek. Veronica Fourie doen het gaan kyk.
13/01/20164 minutes, 58 secondes
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The Opera House in PE revamped to a world class theatre complex.

The Opera House in Port Elizabeth, fondly known as the Old Lady, has had a face lift of note. It's a world class theatre and the oldest Opera House in the southern hemisphere. It's also the only operational one on the African continent. This multi-million rand project has given new life to theatre enthusiasts and performers alike. But the revamp was also criticised. Veronica Fourie reports..
13/01/20163 minutes, 49 secondes
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Samevatting van die Oos Kaapse nuushoogtepunte.

Die Oos Kaap se nuusgebeure het vanjaar gewissel van diensleweringsoptogte en hoë profiel hofsake tot die finansiële knyp van die OP Kings en die koning van die AbaThembus se pogings om uit die tronk te bly. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
30/12/20156 minutes, 20 secondes
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The Eastern Cape's highs and lows for 2015.

The Eastern Cape has had its highs and lows this year, varying from service delivery protests, high profile court cases, to turmoil in the EP Kings rugby camp but the headline grabber was the legal battles of the AbaThembu king Buyelekhaya Dalindyebo. Veronica Fourie reports.
30/12/20156 minutes, 24 secondes
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In-depth look at the time line of Christopher Panayiotou murder case in P.E

The abduction and murder of Port Elizabeth teacher, Jayde Panayiotou earlier this year captured the imagination of the residents of the city. She was abducted outside her Kabega Park home on the 21st April while waiting for her lift to work. Her body was found later in Kwanobuhle near Uitenhage. Her disappearance put social media in overdrive and led to a massive manhunt. But the arrests that followed shocked even more.Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report…
22/12/20156 minutes, 6 secondes
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: Reconciliation day was met with celebrations in PE

Reconciliation day was celebrated with a sea of colour and sound in Port Elizabeth where the official event was held at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University's Missionvale Campus.It was a jovial atmosphere as people reflected on the past 21 years.Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
16/12/20152 minutes, 39 secondes
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Former ANC Youth League leader, Andile Nkuhlu is buried in Port Elizabeth

Senior government ministers, well-known businessmen and academics have paid their last respects to the former ANC Youth League office bearer, Andile Nkuhlu. He was buried in Port Elizabeth today (thursday 10 December). He died in Johannesburg last week. The Nongoza Jebe hall in Port Elizabeth was packed with mourners saying goodbye to the popular public figure.Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report.
10/12/20152 minutes, 17 secondes
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ANC Women's League members,Steenkamp and Inngs family march in solidarity agai

ANC Women's League members alongside the Port Elizabeth community came out in their numbers to march in solidarity with victims of abuse including family members of high profiled femicide cases, Reeva Steenkamp and Jayde Panayiotou. The march is part of the 16 Days of Activism against women and children abuse. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more….
09/12/20154 minutes, 46 secondes
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ANC Women's League members will march in solidarity with victims of abuse

The march will begin at Shark rock Pier and ends at Pollock Beach where Reeva Steenkamp's ashes were scattered. There, the community will light a candle in memory of a loved one who suffered at the hands of an abusive partner. The march also highlights the multitudes of cases of violence against women that fell within the cracks of the justice system, that justice can be served and it must be served to all. The Steenkamp and Inngs family whose daughter Jayde Panayiotou was brutally killed in Port Elizabeth earlier this year are expected to take the front row at the march. Jayed-leigh Paulse Sabc News Port Elizabeth.
09/12/201535 secondes
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Christopher Panayiotou 's application to access state affidavidts dismissed.

An application by the defence team of murder accused, Christopher Panayiotou for access to the investigation docket has been dismissed by the Port Elizabeth High Court. The team wanted access to the docket containing affidavits of witnesses in order to prepare for a fresh bail application. Recently, Advocate Albert Beyleveld representing Panayiotou argued that releasing the docket would not harm the state's case but the state described this argument as flawed. Panayiotou faces a murder charge for his alleged role in the murder of his wife, Jayde in April.Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
08/12/20151 minute, 44 secondes
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The husband of the slain PE police constable makes brief appearance in court.

The husband of the slain police constable, Nomathamsanqa Tsitsi, has briefly appeared in the Motherwell magistrate's court in Port Elizabeth in connection with her murder. Sergeant Mlungisi Tsitsi was arrested earlier this week at the conclusion of her memorial service. She was gunned down outside her home in Motherwell as she returned from her late shift last month. Jayed-leigh Paulse has more….
04/12/20152 minutes, 6 secondes
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School Rugby

The huge gap that exists between township public schools and private schools makes it difficult for public schools to produce black rugby players of high calibre. As the call for the transformation of the Springboks team to include more black players intensifies, schools have been identified as a base to unearth and nurture talented black players. But previously disadvantaged schools have been struggling to produce these black players. Mcebisi Ngqina reports….
04/12/20155 minutes, 25 secondes
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NMMU Universiteit skuldverligting.

Die bestuur van NMMU is beveel om hulle 'n minimus loon van R5000 te betaal van die eerste Desember af. Hulle sal ook toegang he tot die universiteit se kiniekdiens en studievoordele soos vir ander permanente personeel.
23/11/201532 secondes
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Drie bejaardes sterf in brand by PE ouetehuis.

Drie bejaarde mans is dood toe 'n brand in 'n ouetehuis in die Zwide township in Port Elizabeth uitgebreek het. Vyf ander inwoners is vir rook insaseming behandel. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
23/11/20152 minutes, 44 secondes
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Three people died in a fire at a PE old age home.

Three people have died in a fire at the Ekuphumleni old age home at Zwide in Port Elizabeth. Police are still investigating the cause of a fire that broke out last night. Veronica Fourie reports.
23/11/20152 minutes, 41 secondes
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Debt relief for deserving students, and in-sourcing for service workers are on the cards at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth. This follows protest action last week and a subsequent university council meeting at the weekend. Council chair, Ronnie Pillay says they've resolved to end outsourcing. Veronica Fourie reports.
23/11/201532 secondes
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Residents in Kwanobuhle in Uitenhage in the E.C are disgruntled.

Residents from KwaNobuhle in Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape are upset about the dilapidated state of their houses and are demanding the municipality to step in. The current target set by the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in the 2015/16 financial year, is to rectify 112 defective RDP homes however 40-thousand houses are on the waiting list for rectification work. Beneficiaries of the RDP houses have legitimate complaints about cracks, leaking roofs and even houses that collapse during rainy weather. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
17/11/20152 minutes, 24 secondes
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Workers at NMMU have embarked on a stay away.

Workers at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in the Eastern Cape have downed tools calling on university management to address them. Last month during the Fees Must Fall campaign, students and workers at NMMU handed over a petition to management demanding phasing out of outsourcing amongst their demands.The VC promised to look into their demands but they are still waiting to hear the outcome. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
17/11/20153 minutes
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Educators in the E.C go the extra mile to improve matric pass rate

Teachers from underperforming schools in the Eastern Cape have been put through a strenuous course in mathematics and science at universities across the province. The initiative forms part of education department's turnaround strategy to improve results. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more..
16/11/20152 minutes, 51 secondes
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Wynbottels en palette gebruik om 'n skool te bou.

Een van die mees afgeleë en armste dele van Port Elizabeth spog nou met 'n unieke skool vir kleuters wat gebou is van wynbottels, palette, rolskaatswieletjies en selfs fietswiele. Tagtig persent van die skool is van herwinde materiaal gebou en slegs die dakplate en deure is aangekoop. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
16/11/20153 minutes, 34 secondes
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School built of recycled material.

One of the poorest areas of Port Elizabeth has the smartest creche/pre-school in the country - and 80 percent of the building material is recycled. More than 80 toddlers are now going to school in a building made of wine bottles and pallets. Only the doors and roof sheets had to be bought.Veronica Fourie reports...
16/11/20153 minutes, 20 secondes
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Port Elizabeth Surfer, Josh Enslin has set a new Guinness World Record

Port Elizabeth Surfer, Josh Enslin has set a new Guinness World Record for the longest surfing marathon at Pollock Beach in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape this weekend. The 30-year old surfer was in the water for a session lasting more than 30 hours, breaking the record of 29 hours and 27 minutes that was set by American surfer Ben Shaw in August last year. Enslin says the motivating factor behind his achievement is not just for personal glory, but to raise funds, clothes, food and other non-perishable items for street children and children's homes. Our reporter Jayed- Leigh Pulse has more.
16/11/20152 minutes, 54 secondes
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Political parties and community member combat gang related crimes.

Gang violence in the northern areas of Port Elizabeth shows no signs of dissipating with a number of youngsters dying from stray bullets while playing on the streets in the Northern Areas. In the past two months, 25 gang-related murders have been committed in this area. Opposition parties say the metro police cannot work in isolation. Political parties and community members are now also standing in solidarity to combat the high levels of gang related crimes. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story.
16/11/20153 minutes, 27 secondes
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Bloed P.E

Daar is 'n voortdurende stryd om bloed by die Suid Afrikaanse Bloeeddiens gedurende die feesseisoen wanneer daar 'n skerp toename in aanvraag is. Die ideaal is om vyf dae se voorraad te h^e maar dit is selde die geval. 'n Spesiale bloedskenkingsveldtog is in Port Elizabeth in die Oos Kaap geloods ter nagedagtenis aan Mej.Port Elizabeth 2010, Bianca Harper-Agherdien. Sy is laas November dood na 'n motorongeluk, ondanks die feit dat sy 39 eenhede bloed ontvang het. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
13/11/20152 minutes, 10 secondes
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Blood donation drive launched in PE

There is an ongoing battle each year over the festive season by the SA National Blood Service to stock enough blood for the increased demand. The ideal is to have a supply of five days, but it is hardly ever the case. A special blood donation drive was launched in Port Elizabeth in memory of Miss PE 2010, Bianca Harper-Agherdien. She died after a head on collision in November last year - despite receiving 39 units of blood. Veronica Fourie reports.
13/11/20151 minute, 55 secondes
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Honde word ook in die Oos Kaap gebruik om renosterstroping te keer.

Besoekers aan die Addo Olifant Nasionale Park in die Oos Kaap mag dalk verras wees as hulle deur twee Duitse Herdershonde by die ingang verwelkom word. En stropers sal op hulle baadjie kry as een van die honde hulle beet kry. Bullet en Banshee is twee nuwe personeellede by die Park om te help met die bekamping van stroping in die park. Honde word reeds met sukses in 'n paar ander parke gebruik. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
12/11/20152 minutes, 31 secondes
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Dogs used to curb poaching of rhinos, also in the Eastern Cape.

Visitors to the Addo Elephant National Park in the Eastern Cape will be surprised to be welcomed by two dogs at the entrance. Poachers are in for a nasty surprise as they will not only have to deal with rangers, but fierce dogs as well. The two German Shepherds, Bullet and Banshee are the latest two staff members to assist in combating poaching in the park. Dogs have been introduced in other parks and reserves across the country with great success. Veronica Fourie reports...
12/11/20152 minutes, 44 secondes
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Meteorite sighting

Residents in the Jeffrey's Bay/Gamtoos river valley are excited about a possible meteorite falling in their area. Last night several people saw a falling light just like a meteorite entering the atmosphere. Some even felt a shockwave/vibration. But not trace of it has been found yet and people are scouring the landscape in an effort to find something. Our reporter Veronica Fourie has more...
09/11/20152 minutes, 3 secondes
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Dit gons in die Oos Kaap oor die vermoedelike meteoriet wat gisteraand in die omgewing van Patensie sy verskyning gemaak het. Mense is in rep en roer oor waar die verskynsel te lande gekom het. Groot geheimsinnigheid omhul die oorsprong van die groot lig en slag wat gisteraand gesien en gehoor is. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
09/11/20153 minutes, 1 secondes
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The longest rugby match in the world has been on display at the historic Dan Qeq

Two Port Elizabeth teams have broken the Guinness Book of record for playing the longest rugby match for twenty seven hours, two minutes and fifty two seconds at the historic Dan Qeqe Stadium in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. The teams, Izee Fana and Camagu, broke the previous record of 25 hours, fifty nine minutes and forty seven seconds.The initiative forms part of the Nelson Mandela Legacy as he was in Robben Island for twenty seven years.Jayed-leigh Paulse reports…
01/11/20151 minute, 49 secondes
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Former President Thabo Mbeki has urged corporate businesses to invest in the eco

Former President Thabo Mbeki has urged the private sector to invest in the economy of the country and reduce the high unemployment rate. Mbeki was speaking in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape where he addressed various business organsiations and students at a breakfast meeting. He also urged higher learning institutions to take centre stage in equipping youth with practical skills that will grow the economy. Jayed-Leigh Paulse reports … .
31/10/20153 minutes, 39 secondes
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Mbeki delivered the keynote address at the Beyers Naude memorial lecture at Nels

:Beyers Naude Memorial lecture at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. Naude was a founding trustee of the Kagiso Trust and an anti-apartheid stalwart. Mbeki's lecture was followed a panel discussion which marked the culmination of the three year relationship between the Kagiso Trust and NMMU. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
30/10/20154 minutes, 5 secondes
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EC. Varsity

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Vice Chancellor, Derrick Swartz, says that classes will commence today 27th October 2015 and alternative arrangements and schedules have been developed in every faculty to accommodate the loss of time and classes. He was speaking at a meeting with students at the University. He was also handed a memorandum of grievances by students following the fees must fall protests.
27/10/20152 minutes, 21 secondes
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Reeva Steenkamp foundation...

June Steenkamp officially launches the Reeva Rebecca Foundation and June Steenkamp says she harbours no ill feelings towards her daughter's killer, Oscar Pistorius. Steenkamp delivered an emotional speech to Grade 11 pupils at the launch of the Reeva Rebecca Foundation at St Dominics Priory School in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. This is the school Reeva attended. Steenkamp read out the exact same motivational speech Reeva would have delivered to a school in Johannesburg on the day she was killed. Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled this report…..
21/10/20153 minutes, 52 secondes
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Reeva Rebecca Foundation...

June Steenkamp visited St Dominics Primary School in Port Elizabeth where she spoke to a class of grade 11 learners about the importance of forgiveness. She also shared Reeva’s speech she would have delivered at a school three years ago. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
21/10/201535 secondes
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Reeva Reaction P.E

Oscar Pistorius was released on parole last night after spending nearly a year behind bars after he shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorious will now be under house arrest, under supervision of the correctional service and expected to do various community work projects. Meanwhile in Port Elizabeth, Reeva's friends and family continue to mourn. To the world she may have been the supermodel and aspiring TV star but for a small community in Port- Elizabeth she was Reeva, the little girl with the blue eyes passionate about horse riding. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more...
20/10/20152 minutes, 46 secondes
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A rehash of the fatal death of Reeva Steenkamp...
20/10/20153 minutes, 21 secondes
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The future of the National Arts festival and the Science festival is in jeopardy

The future of the National Grahamstown Arts and Science festival in the Eastern Cape could be in jeopardy due to alleged financial constraints. This after reports that the National Department of Sports, Arts and Culture has stopped the heritage grant without warning or consultation. The monies were used to maintain operations at the 1820 Settlers National Monument where most of the festivities take place during the Arts and Science festival. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report.
15/10/20153 minutes, 36 secondes
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The future of the National Arts festival and the Science festival is in jeopardy

The future of the National Grahamstown Arts and Science festival in the Eastern Cape could be in jeopardy due to alleged financial constraints. This after reports that the National Department of Sports, Arts and Culture has stopped the heritage grant without warning or consultation. The monies were used to maintain operations at the 1820 Settlers National Monument where most of the festivities take place during the Arts and Science festival. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report
15/10/20152 minutes, 52 secondes
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The tragic drowning of two children has left the community of Louterwater, Jober

The community of Louwater in the Langkloof area of the Eastern Cape is still reeling from the tragic drowning of two young children who drowned in a sewage pit. Community members are blaming the municipality for lack of fencing around the filthy sewage. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
06/10/20154 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Billabong SA Surfing Junior Champs, the country's most prestigious surfing e

South Africa's top young surfers are displaying their talent at the Billabong South African Junior Surfing Champs under-way in Jeffrey's in the Eastern Cape. The young surfers from every corner of the coastline, who have qualified for the SA champs, had to go through gruelling trials conducted by their respective district associations. The competition has seen 156 entrants from the 9 districts in the country this year. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled this report...
03/10/20153 minutes, 7 secondes
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October is international breast cancer awareness month we highlight the importan

Breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer in women by a significant margin,according to the World Cancer Research Fund. Statistics show that 1 in 29 women in South Africa will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. While these statistics are disheartening the good news is that more women are surviving through advanced medical treatment and most importantly of all, early diagnosis. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse spent a day with a cancer survivor who detected she had breast cancer early and is now educating others about the chronic disease. She filed this report.
03/10/20154 minutes, 10 secondes
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A 34-million rand world-class expertise and facilities at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth has been launched. The High Performance Complex will help top athletes and top sportsmen to reach their full potential. It is home to Africa's only indoor research sprint track and will make use of the world's first double force plate research starting block. The complex also offers wellness and rehabilitation support to the community. Veronica Fourie filed this report.
01/10/201525 secondes
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INTRO: 'n 34 miljoen rand Hoë Prestasie Kompleks sportfasiliteite is by die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit bekend gestel. Hier kan aspirant kampioene vir die sportveld geslyp word, of self beroerte pasiënte kan gehep word. Dit is Afrika se eerste binnenshuise navorsings-atletiekbaan, en die wêreld se eerste dubbelkragplate wegspringblokke word hier gebruik. Veronica Fourie het gaan kyk en doen verslag.
01/10/20153 minutes, 10 secondes
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Two seven year old ex circus lions from Bulgaria have found a pleasant retirement home in the Eastern Cape, after they were rescued from their cramped beast wagons. The two lion siblings, Black and Jora, were entertaining circus crowds in Europe and Turkey. They travelled thousands of kilometres to feel grass under their feet for the first time ever, at their new home in the Shamwari Game Reserve. Veronica Fourie reports.
29/09/20152 minutes, 23 secondes
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Christopher Panayitiou appeared alongside his co-accused Sisewezahke Vumazonke i

Murder accused Christopher Panayioutou and his co accused Sizwezakhe Vumazonke still don't know when their case will go to trial. The murder case against the two men was postponed to the 2nd of December in the Port Elizabeth Magistrates court this morning. There was some expectation that a trial date was due to be set, but the state was granted a postponement. Panayiotou is facing charges of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, abduction and robbery with aggravating circumstances and defeating the ends of justice. Vumazonke is facing charges of murder and is the alleged hit man in the plot to kill Jayde Panayiotou. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse filed this report.
28/09/20151 minute, 36 secondes
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Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University has invested 60million rand in a new cam

The Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University is taking steps to position itself as a maritime centre of excellence as it commits to South Africa's plans of unlocking our blue economy. A collaborative partnership between the Norwegian Maritime Delegation and Nelson Mandela Metrolpolitan University will also benefit from the universities studies in the maritime industry as Norway continues to lead in research in the maritime sector. The university is set to invest millions of rands on a dedicated marine centre on its Port Elizabeth campus. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report…
28/09/20154 minutes, 24 secondes
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Jong township vrou beywer haar om klein kinder rekenaargeletterd te maak. 'n Jong township vrou het uit haar eie onbehendigheid met 'n rekenaar besluit om die kinders in die arm deel van die berugte Area Q in die Walmer Township in Port Elizabeth te bemagtig. Sy wil toesien dat hulle kan droom van 'n toekoms veel verder en groter as die omgewing om hulle. Sy het reeds twee dagsorgsentrums en nou ook 'n rekenaarsentrum hier gevestig tussen die pondokke. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
21/09/20153 minutes, 47 secondes
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Township women enables township toddlers to become computer literate. A young township woman enables toddlers in her community to become computer literate, after she had to drop out of university due to her own shortcomings. She wants to see the children of Area Q in the Walmer Township of Port Elizabeth to have dreams and a future far beyond what they see around them. She has already established two day care centres in this impoverished area and now also a computer centre. Veronica Fourie reports..
21/09/20153 minutes, 29 secondes
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Jong township vrou beywer haar om klein kinder rekenaargeletterd te maak.INTRO: 'n Jong township vrou het uit haar eie onbehendigheid met 'n rekenaar besluit om die kinders in die arm deel van die berugte Area Q in die Walmer Township in Port Elizabeth te bemagtig. Sy wil toesien dat hulle kan droom van 'n toekoms veel verder en groter as die omgewing om hulle. Sy het reeds twee dagsorgsentrums en nou ook 'n rekenaarsentrum hier gevestig tussen die pondokke. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
21/09/20153 minutes, 47 secondes
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Die Demokratiese Alliansie se Studente Organisasie, DASO, het die studenteraadsverkiesing by die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit in Port Elizabeth gewen. DASO behou sy twaalf setels op die studenteraad, terwyl SASCO sewe het en die EFF Studente Organisasie het nou een verteenwoordiger. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
18/09/20152 minutes, 3 secondes
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The General Motors plant in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape needed a feminine touch to take it from one of the company's worst performing plants globally, to the third best one. This can be put down to the influence of the first certified female calibrator of standards for the company on the Africa continent. Veronica Fourie met this dynamic woman and filed this report.
10/09/20152 minutes, 58 secondes
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Die General Motors aanleg in Port Elizabeth het die hand van 'n vrou nodig gehad om dit van een van die swakste presteerders tot die derde beste in die w^ereld te lig. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan die invloed van die eerste vroulike globale gesertifiseerde kalibreerder van standaarde in die motorbedryf op die Afrika kontinent. Veronica Fourie het gaan kyk wat die dinamiese vrou by die fabriek doen.
10/09/20153 minutes, 39 secondes
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Various stakeholders will be commemorating International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome

The Eastern Cape Liquor Board and the provincial government have launched "A healthy mother, healthy baby" campaign in Port Elizabeth to discourage women from drinking alcohol during pregnancy. This is part of marking the International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder awareness day. Ignorance and lack of information have been cited as the major reasons behind the high rate of drinking women during pregnancy our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
09/09/20154 minutes, 6 secondes
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The Eastern Cape has some of the best National Parks in the country.

The Mountain Zebra National Park outside Cradock in the Eastern Cape is one of the brightest jewels in the crown of SANParks. For the second consecutive year, the park has walked away with the Best Performing Park for the frontier region. Last year it also won the national award in the same category and currently boasts the title of top park within SANParks. Veronica Fourie went to see what makes it so special.
07/09/20154 minutes, 13 secondes
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Die Oos Kaap het vd beste Nasionale parke in die land,

Die Bergkwaggapark naby Cradock in die Oos Kaap is een van die juwele in die kroon van SANParke. Die park het vir die tweede agtereenvolgende jaar met die louere weggestap as die park beste presterende park in die Grens area. Verlede jaar het die park dieselfde toekenning nasionaal verwerf, en is tans die top SANPark. Veronica Fourie het in Nasionale Parke week, gaan wat dit so spesiaal maak. SANPark week duur van 14-18 September.
07/09/20153 minutes, 37 secondes
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St Mary's Cathedral in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape which celebrates a mi

Dozens of congregant and the public have gathered at the St Mary's Cathedral in Port Elizabeth to celebrate its 190th anniversary. The church, in the Friendly City's CBD, was erected in 1825. It's one of the oldest buildings in the Eastern Cape. Since it was opened for worship in 1832, the cathedral has had sixteen priests. Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled this report….
06/09/20153 minutes, 33 secondes
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The Volkswagen Community trust is celebrating 25 years of existence launched a l

The Volkswagen Community Trust in Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape has launched a literacy project that's aimed at promoting early language development and literacy through reading, writing and storytelling. Today (wed) the trust celebrated 25 years of existence and since its inception, it has had a rich history of responsive and relevant community investment. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story.
03/09/20153 minutes, 3 secondes
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Anelisa Fatman, a 17 year old girl from Uitenhagein the Eastern Cape is making

17-year old Anelisa Fatman, a learner at Mzamomhle Special School in Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape is making her mark in the sport of Table Tennis. She competed in the United States last month where she clinched four medals, 2 Gold and 2 Bronze. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story….
02/09/20153 minutes, 4 secondes
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During the 2015 State of the Nation Address, President Jacob Zuma announced that

During the 2015 State of the Nation Address, President Jacob Zuma announced that the government through Water and Sanitation department, will train 15-thousand water agents and plumbers to repair water leaks. The President was responding to a report that government loses about 36 per cent of water, amounting to seven-bilion rands annually. A project will be implemented in Nelson Mandela Bay in the Eastern Cape today* (frid) to curb water leaks. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
27/08/20153 minutes, 36 secondes
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Residents of KwaFord in Port Elizabeth are fuming over the impending closure of

Residents of KwaFord in Port Elizabeth are fuming over the impending closure of a local primary school. The disgruntled parents at KwaFord Primary School say the fell betrayed after the provincial education department told them that the school will be closed next year and sold to a private owner. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Pausle has more on the story….
27/08/20152 minutes, 57 secondes
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Seven members of the Jamani family are laid to rest after a service at Wells Est

Seven members of the Jamani family are laid to rest after a service at Wells Estate in Port Elizabeth after losing their lives in a raging shack fire in Wells Estate last week. Neighbors couldn't save the lives of 63 year-old Nofanele Jamani, her daughter and five grandchildren including a ten-month old baby. They heard screams in the early hours of Wednesday as the shack was engulfed by the flames. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story....
21/08/20154 minutes
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Commemorating Women's month we profile Anti- Apartheid activist Ivy Gcina in Por

In celebration of Women's Month, various veterans paid homeage to one of the living struggle stalwarts and anti-apartheid activist, Ivy Gcina. She led the Port Elizabeth Black Civic Organization (PEBCO) at the height of apartheid in the 80's and later served as member of parliament post-1994. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
19/08/20154 minutes, 54 secondes
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A second day of delayed flights to and from the Port Elizabeth airport created h

Air travel passengers in Port Elizabeth have been affected by major flight delays to and from Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape for the past two days. Poor visibility and bad weather conditions are some of the reasons the public have been given by the airport company. Eight flights were affected on Monday and Tuesday at Port Elizabeth Airport as airlines were diverted to East London airport yesterday. Our Reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
18/08/20153 minutes, 20 secondes
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Six women from the KwaZakhele in Port Elizabeth are doing it for themselves by m

Six women from the KwaZakhele in Port Elizabeth are doing it for themselves by making their own bricks and supplying them to contractors. The woman have been involved in business of making bricks since 2012 providing to home owners and cinstruction businesses around Nelson Mandela Bay. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story .
18/08/20153 minutes, 50 secondes
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'n Jagluiperd-wyfie is by die Begkwagga Nasionale Park naby Cradock in die Oos Kaap vrygelaat om nuwe gene na die park te bring. Dié park is al die afgelope agt jaar die grootste bydraer tot land se jagluiperd bevolking. Met die nuweling, het die park nou agt kolkatte (jagluiperds). Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
14/08/20152 minutes, 22 secondes
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'n Jagluiperd-wyfie is by die Begkwagga Nasionale Park naby Cradock in die Oos Kaap vrygelaat om nuwe gene na die park te bring. Dié park is al die afgelope agt jaar die grootste bydraer tot land se jagluiperd bevolking. Met die nuweling, het die park nou agt kolkatte (jagluiperds). Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
14/08/20152 minutes, 22 secondes
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A new female cheetah has been released into the Mountain Zebra National Park outside Cradock in the Eastern Cape to introduce new genes into the park.This park has been the biggest contributor to the country's cheetah meta population over the last eight years. With this release, the park now has eight cheetahs. Veronica Fourie reports.
14/08/20152 minutes, 37 secondes
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National Prosecuting Authority Tsepo Ndwalaza has confirmed that the second susp

National Prosecuting Authority Tsepo Ndwalaza has confirmed that the second suspect in the Jayde Panayiotou case Luthando Siyoli's charges have been dropped. Siyoli has turned state witness and will testify against Christopher Panayiotou and alleged hitman, Sizwezakhe Vumazonke. Christopher Panayiotou is accused for being the alleged master mind behind his wife Jayde Panayiotou's murder. In April she was abducted from their town house and her body later found outside Kwanobuhle in Uitenhage. Both Panayiotou and Vumazonke will appear in the Port Elizabeth Magistrate Court tomorrow....
12/08/201524 secondes
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Six women from the KwaZakhele in Port Elizabeth are doing it for themselves by m

Six women from the KwaZakhele in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape are emancipating themselves and have ventured into the brick making industry. The women who create their own bricks and supply them to contractors, have been running their business successfully since 2012. Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled tjhis report…..
10/08/20153 minutes, 50 secondes
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Six women from the KwaZakhele in Port Elizabeth are doing it for themselves by m

Six women from the KwaZakhele in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape are emancipating themselves and have ventured into the brick making industry. The women who create their own bricks and supply them to contractors, have been running their business successfully since 2012. Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled tjhis report…..
10/08/20153 minutes, 50 secondes
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A youth workshop was held in the Eastern Cape in Nelson Mandela Bay

Young Islamic women from various local schools in Nelson Mandela Bay in the Eastern Cape came together to address issues they face including alcohol and drug abuse. The youth aged between thirteen and 18 listened to motivational speakers which included Science & Technology minister. Jayed-Leigh Paulse reports…
09/08/20153 minutes, 50 secondes
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youth workshop was held in the Eastern Cape in Nelson Mandela Bay

Young Islamic women from various local schools in Nelson Mandela Bay in the Eastern Cape came together to address issues they face including alcohol and drug abuse. The youth aged between thirteen and 18 listened to motivational speakers which included Science & Technology minister. Jayed-Leigh Paulse reports…
09/08/201555 secondes
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The Annual National Afrikaans AKTV applause competition continues at the Feather

INTRO: The Annual National Afrikaans AKTV applause competition which sees various schools from across the country and abroad vying for gold and the prestigious title, continues at the Feathermarket theatre in Port Elizabeth. It's the first time Port Elizabeth is hosting it since its inception 30 years ago. It promotes diversity through music as choirs prepare songs in languages other than their mother tongue. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
07/08/20153 minutes, 49 secondes
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Spending 15 years in an animal shelter could only at best be described as a "dogs life". Knowing that with each passing year your chances of finding a loving home diminish. A successful Port Elizabeth businessman, has come to the rescue of two elderly dogs who were dropped off at the shelter when they were just seven weeks old. Now 15 years later they have found their place in the sun and will live out the remainder of their lives in luxury thanks to one man's big heart. Veronica Fourie reports.
04/08/20153 minutes, 4 secondes
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Om vyftien jaar in die hokke van 'n diereskuiling deur te bring, is sowaar niks anders as 'n 'hondelewe' nie! Dit nogal met die wete dat jou kans om 'n liefdevole huis te kry jaarliks afneem. 'n Suksesvolle jong sakeman van Port Elizabeth het tot die redding gekom van twee brakke wat by die skuiling afgelaai is toe hulle maar sewe weke oud was. Nou, na 15 jaar, het hulle op hulle oudag uiteindelik hulle plekkie in die son gekry waar hulle in luuksheid kan bly vir die res van hulle lewens - danksy die groothartigheid van hulle versorger. Veronica Fourie het gaan rondsnuffel by hulle nuwe tuiste.
04/08/20153 minutes, 18 secondes
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This weekend was the second time that athletes challenged a Metrorail train in a race in Nelson Mandela Bay. The distance stretched over 38 kilometres, including the three major towns of the metro: Port Elizabeth, Despatch and Uitenhage. About two hundred relay teams took part in the race. The winning team made it to the Uitenhage station thirteen minutes before the train. Veronica Fourie reports.
02/08/20152 minutes, 16 secondes
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Dit was die naweek die tweede keer dat altlete in Nelson Mandela Baai kon kragte meet met 'n metro trein. Die kragmeting oor 38 kilometer het in Port Elizabeth begin, verby Despatch en op Uitenhage geëindig. Sowat twee hondered aflosspanne het deelgeneem het hulle staal gewys. Die wenspan het 'n hele dertien minute voor die trein by die Uitenhage stasie aangekom. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
02/08/20152 minutes, 13 secondes
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The inaugural Nelson Mandela Bay Cultural Festival scheduled for today and Sunday in Port Elizabeth is embroiled in controversy about non payment of artists. This follows the withdrawal of sponsorship by the local municipality. This led to the cancellation of a much anticipated performance by American RnB artist Kenny Lattimore.The controversy has left fans in confusion about the tickets already purchased. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story
31/07/20154 minutes, 30 secondes
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The Eastern Cape government is hosting a two-day Youth Summit in Nelson Mandela Bay to address the high levels of unemployment in the province. According to Stats SA, youth unemployment reached a peak of 40.7% in the province in 2014. A report by the Eastern Cape Planning Commission, over the period 2010 to 2015, indicates young people frequently give up searching for work and join the ranks of so-called discouraged work seekers. There's also huge a skills drain with many young people moving to the bigger cities in search of financial stability. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
30/07/20154 minutes, 59 secondes
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Vir die tweede keer geen borg vir Christopher Panayiotou.Die Port Elizabethse sakeman wat daarvan verdink word dat hy sy onderwyseres-vrou se dood beplan het, is vir die tweede keer borgtog geweier. Hy is vroeër borgtog geweier in die Port Elizabethse landdroshof, en na 'n appél, ook in die Grahamstadse Hooggeregshof. Hy is reeds drie maande in hegtenis na die ontvoering en dood van sy 29 - jarige vrou, Jayde in April. Hy het na bewering 'n uitsmyter by sy nagklub betaal om iemand te kry om die misdaad te pleeg. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
28/07/20152 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Port Elizabeth murder accused Christopher Panayiotou has been denied bail for the second time. His appeal against his bail denial has not been successful in the Grahamstown High Court. He was denied bail in the PE magistrate's court and has been behind bars for three months now following the abduction and killing of his teacher wife, Jayde in April. He stands accused of masterminding her murder by paying his night club's bouncer to hire a hitman. Veronica Fourie reports.
28/07/20152 minutes, 55 secondes
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DA Leader Mmusi Maimane says he does not share the pessimism that South Africa w

DA Leader Mmusi Maimane says he does not share the pessimism that South Africa was becoming failed state. He says the country needs to ensure that our education system produces the skills required by a growing economy. He says in order to move forward South Africa needs to deal with its biggest challenge of unemployment.. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse conducted the interview...
21/07/20151 minute, 47 secondes
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DA Leader Mmusi Maimane says he does not share the pessimism that South Africa w

DA Leader Mmusi Maimane says he does not share the pessimism that South Africa was becoming failed state. He says the country needs to ensure that our education system produces the skills required by a growing economy. He has been addressing students at speaking at the launch of a book at Rhodes University in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape. He says in order to move forward South Africa needs to deal with its biggest challenge of unemployment. Our reporter Jayed-leigh conducted a radio interview
21/07/20151 minute, 46 secondes
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Bail appeal outcome for Chistopher Panayiotou next week.

Murder accused Christopher Panayiotou will spend another week behind bars in St Albans prison near Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape before he will know if his bail appeal has been successful or not . His appeal was heard in the Grahamstown High Court. Judge Glen Goosen had reserved judgment until Tuesday next week. Veronica Fourie reports.LISTEN TO SOUND
21/07/20153 minutes, 32 secondes
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Die moordeverdagte Christopher Panayioutou sal minstens nog 'n week agter tralies wees in die St Albans gevangenis naby Port Elizabeth in die Oos Kaap voordat hy sal weet of sy appél aansoek suksesvol was. Die uitspraak is in die Grahamstadse Hooggeregshof voorbehou tot volgende week. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.LUISTER NA KLANK
21/07/20153 minutes, 25 secondes
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Veteran photographer Dr Peter Magubane has launched an exhibition of photographs

Veteran photographer Dr Peter Magubane has launched an exhibition of photographs of the late former President Nelson Mandela at the university which is named after the statesman in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape last night.The exhibition called "Madiba - Man of the People" is commemorating the 10th anniversary of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
20/07/20153 minutes, 27 secondes
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The wool and mohair industry in Port Elizabeth have turned to people with special needs to improve the grading of its products. A group of hearing impaired people have been appointed by the company. They have a unique ability to sort the various wool types, using their hands and eyes and more accurate and work faster than their hearing colleagues. Veronica Fourie reports.
19/07/20152 minutes, 20 secondes
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Die wol- en bokhaarbedryf in die Oos Kaap baat nou by die spesiale vaardighede van mense met gehoorstermdhede om die sortering van hulle produkte te verbeter. Hulle is meer akkuraat en werk vinniger as hulle horende kollegas as by die sortering kom. Veronica Fourie het gaan inloer en doen verslag.
19/07/20152 minutes, 41 secondes
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The small town of Kirkwood in the Eastern Cape is developing Karate champions t

The small town of Kirkwood in the Eastern Cape is a karate champions nursery. The local karate academy has become a club of champions despite its limited resources with 19 of its members in the South African national karate team of 57 karatekas with ages 7 to 57. The team brought home 67 medals, including 17 gold, from the World Championships in the Netherlands. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story.....
17/07/20151 minute, 50 secondes
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Township leerders ruk laatkommers in die bek.

'n Groep van twintig leerlinge aan die Solomon Mahlangu Hoërskool by Uitenhage in die Oos Kaap, het 'n projek aangepak om laatkommers in die bek te ruk. Dis 'n landwye probleem en ontwrig onderrig. Laatkommers moet mooi verduidelik by die hek, en dan nog die volgende dag sy ouers saambring. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
09/07/20152 minutes, 28 secondes
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Project at township school to curb late coming, successful.

Students at Solomon Mahlangu High School in Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape, have come up with an innovative way of reducing late coming and improve attendance and teaching time at their school. By monitoring the school gates in the mornings, they came to realise that several social ills impact on the pupils' school attendance. Veronica Fourie reports.
09/07/20152 minutes, 33 secondes
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Span leerders ruk laatkomers in die bek by n township skool by Uitenhage.

'n Groep van twintig leerlinge aan die Solomon Mahlangu Hoërskool by Uitenhage in die Oos Kaap, het 'n projek aangepak om laatkommers in die bek te ruk. Dis 'n landwye probleem en ontwrig onderrig. Laatkommers moet mooi verduidelik by die hek, en dan nog die volgende dag sy ouers saambring. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
09/07/20152 minutes, 28 secondes
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The Eastern Cape is one of the top three hunting provinces in the country which earns it about a billion rand in income with the selling of game and hunting. Hunters are compelled by law to have a licence, but to conserve nature and to manage the multi-million rand industry, hunters are encouraged to belong to a hunting association. Veronica Fourie reports.
09/07/20153 minutes, 35 secondes
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Jagters aangemoedig om by jagverenigings aan te sluit.

Met die jagseisoen in volle swang, pleit die jagverenigings dat jagters by jagorganisasies en -verenigings aansluit. Die Oos Kaap is een van die top drie jagprovinsies in die land met 'n omset van sowat 'n miljard rand per jaar aan die verkoop van wild, en jag - veral deur buitelandse jagters.Volgens wetgewing moet alle jagters 'n lisensie h^e, maar om die bedryf behoorlik te bestuur en om die wildlewe te bewaar n die multi-miljoen rand bedryf, is lidmaatskap noodsaaklik. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
09/07/20153 minutes, 33 secondes
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Nelson Mandela Bay has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country rat

SMME's in the Nelson Mandela Bay metro say their growth are being stymied by a lack of communication from the municipality. This was one of the issues that raised in an SMME roadshow held in Port Elizabeth. Delegates from the business fraternity are discussing ways to assist small business in the metro grow. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
08/07/20153 minutes, 5 secondes
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We look at the economic benefits of the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown

A study done by the Rhodes University in 2013, found that The National Arts Festival contributes an estimated 90-million rand to the GDP of the City of Grahamstown. This is through direct and indirect spend, job creation and tourism activity. The festival, which ends on Sunday, is the biggest annual celebration of art on the African continent. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
07/07/20153 minutes, 57 secondes
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Die visekansellier van die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit in Port E

Die visekansellier van die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit in Port Elizabeth, professor Derrick Swartz, verruil binnekort sy pakke klere en akademiese drag vir bergklimklere, en sy aktetas vir 'n twee-kilogram rugsak wanneer hy Berg Fuji gaan uitklim.....en dit alles ten bate van belowende studente wat dit nie kan bekostig om aan 'n universiteit te studeer nie. Veronica Fourie het met hom gesels waar hy besig was met fiksheidsoefeninge in die gimnasium.
04/07/20153 minutes, 43 secondes
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The vice-chancellor of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, professor Der

The vice-chancellor of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, professor Derrick Swartz, will swop his suit and academic wear for mountain gear, and his briefcase for a two-kilogram backpack to climb Mount Fuji....all in aid of promising students who cannot afford to go to university. Veronica Fourie caught up with him while doing fitness training at the university in Port Elizabeth.
04/07/20153 minutes, 2 secondes
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The National Arts Festival has honored satirist Pieter Dirk Uys/Evita Bezuidenho

Festival goers have flocked to the Grahamstown in Eastern Cape for National Arts festival whill will be running till the 12th of this month. Grahamstown is the hub of South Africans biggest variety of arts, crafts and performance. Freedom of expression, artistic creativity and satire are the biggest themes for this year's festival. Jayed-leigh Paulse filed this report…
03/07/20154 minutes, 58 secondes
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Young artists at this year's Grahamstown National Arts Festival are putting emph

Art has always played a pivotal role in society. It allows the youth and older generations to tell stories through various mediums like painting, beadwork and poetry. The Eastern Cape government says the province is rich in culture and that diversity promotes tourism. The province has also called on the youth to participate and explore the various arts and crafts. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse attended the Grahamstown National Arts Festival and filed this report…
02/07/20153 minutes, 6 secondes
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2 Jul

Thousands of people including artists and musicians have gathered at Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape for National Arts Festival which will run from today until the 12th July. This year's theme is "Satire and Comedy ". Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
02/07/20153 minutes, 40 secondes
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Organizers of the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown have cut deal with Eskom

A plan has been devised between Eskom and the Makana Municipality in the Eastern Cape, to exempt a large area from outages during the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story….
30/06/20152 minutes, 36 secondes
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Twenty six schools in rural villages of Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape are set to

Twenty six schools in rural villages of Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape are set to benefit from hydrogen fuel technology that they will use as standby power to improve their education. The initiative is driven by the Department of Science and Technology in partnership with private sector companies.Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
19/06/20152 minutes, 59 secondes
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The Agriculture department has set aside three hundred and seven million rand f

The Agriculture department has set aside three hundred and seven million rand for youth to become more involved in agriculture and farming. Agriculture Minister-Senzeni Zokwana has visited Tsolo in the Eastern Cape to engage youth on opportunities available in the agricultural sector. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story …
19/06/20152 minutes, 48 secondes
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The West and Eastern Cape have been hit hard with snow fall reports and wet and

The West and Eastern Cape have been hit hard with snow fall reports and wet and cold conditions. The Eastern Cape experienced the coldest temperatures with the South African weather services reporting 0.9 degrees in Buffelsfontein and -1 degrees in farming town Barkley East. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story….
19/06/20152 minutes, 39 secondes
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Magistrate Abigail Beeton said in the Port Elizabeth magistrates court that the state has a strong case against murder accused Christopher Panayiotou. He is accuses of orchestrating the abduction and murder of his wife Jayde in April. She was abducted while waiting for a lift infront of their townhouse complex, and found with bullet wounds the next day. It's believed he asked the bouncer as his night club to find a hit man. Magistrate Beeton denied him bail last week, and gave the reasons for it today (Friday). Veronica Fourie reports.
13/06/20151 minute, 58 secondes
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Landdros Abigail Beeton het in die Port Elizabethse landdroshof redes gegee waarom sy verlede week borgtog vir die moordverdagte Christopher Panayiotou geweier het. Sy meen die staat het 'n sterk saak teen die man wat na bewering huurmoordenaars betaal het om sy onderwyseres-vrou te ontvoer en vermoor. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
13/06/20151 minute, 43 secondes
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Boat building is one of the key sectors earmarked for growth and development by

The Eastern Cape is vying to be one of the hubs of South Africa's envisioned maritime economy and boat building is an integral part of it. Port Elizabeth has some of the country's most established boat builders, but two brothers have taken the plunge in also entering the market. The siblings have spent years in the boating business industry, building and designing boats suitable for fishing and fun. Experts say that the boat-building industry will promote economic sustainability... Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story....
10/06/20153 minutes, 10 secondes
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A Port Elizabeth woman has won a Constitutional Court case that will change a law that has in effect has been applied since the arrival of Jan Van Riebeeck. It took fourteen years before she could have her house in Booysens Park transferred into her name - even though she paid cash for it in 2001. The law which prevented her from being the owner, has now been changed. Veronica Fourie reports.
10/06/20152 minutes, 49 secondes
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'n Port Elizabethse vrou het 'n saak in die Konstitusionele Hof gewen wat 'n wet verander het wat gegeld het sedert Jan van Riebeeck se aankoms. Dit het veertien jaar geneem voordat die huis in Booysenspark uiteindelik op haar naam kon kom - al het sy reeds in 2001 kontant daarvoor betaal. Die wet wat haar eienaarskap voorkom het, is nou verander. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
10/06/20153 minutes, 7 secondes
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A mother of four is desperately fighting for her grant card which was allegedly

National Child protection week is commemorated in South Africa annually to raise awareness of the rights of children. However despite the best efforts by the government, many children are still neglected. A mother of four from Bedford in the Eastern Cape is desperately fighting for her grant card which was stolen from her, allegedly by an elderly woman who promised her safety and financial stability. As Jayed-leigh Paulse reports, the gogo is nowhere to be found...
07/06/20153 minutes, 43 secondes
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Magistrate Abigail Beeton has denied Christopher Panayiotou bail.

Magistrate Abigail Beeton has denied Christopher Panayiotou bail in the Port Elizabeth Magistrates court today citing that her decision was based on considering all the evidence and affidavits put before the court. Both the Panayitou family and Inggs families were present during the court proceedings. Panayiotou is allegedly the mastermind behind his wife's abduction and murder. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story
05/06/20153 minutes, 37 secondes
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Magistrate Abigail Beeton has denied Christopher Panayiotou bail.

Magistrate Abigail Beeton has denied Christopher Panayiotou bail in the Port Elizabeth Magistrates court today citing that her decision was based on considering all the evidence and affidavits put before the court. Both the Panayitou family and Inggs families were present during the court proceedings. Panayiotou is allegedly the mastermind behind his wife's abduction and murder. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story
05/06/20151 minute, 25 secondes
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INTRO: Daar was trane van blydskap, én hartseer in die Port Elizabethse landdroshof toe Christopher Panayiotou borgtorg geweier is. Hy staar vyf aanklaget in die gesig wat verband hou met die huurmoord en ontvoering van sy vrou Jayde in April. Sy is voor hulle meenthuiskompleks in Port Elizabeth ontvoer en haar liggaam is die volgende dag met drie skietwonde gevind naby die buurdorp Uitenhage. Veronica Fourie was in die hof en doen verslag.
05/06/20153 minutes, 29 secondes
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Magistrate Abigail Beeton has denied Christopher Panayiotou bai

Magistrate Abigail Beeton has denied Christopher Panayiotou bail in the Port Elizabeth Magistrates court today citing that her decision was based on considering all the evidence and affidavits put before the court. Both the Panayitou family and Inggs families were present during the court proceedings. Panayiotou is allegedly the mastermind behind his wife's abduction and murder. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story
05/06/20151 minute, 25 secondes
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The bail application for murder accused, Christopher Panayiotou has been postpon

The bail application for murder accused, Christopher Panayiotou has been postponed till tomorrow in the Port Elizabeth magistrate's court. Magistrate Abigail Beaton needed more time to reconsider her prepared decision after she wanted clarity on the motive for the murder. She will give a brief judgment tomorrow. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
04/06/20151 minute, 33 secondes
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Christopher Panayiotou sal tot die vierde Junie moet wag om te weet of sy borgaansoek toegestaan sal word. Landdros Abigail Beeton sal eers al die argument van die staat en verdediging bestudeer alvorens sy 'n besluit neem. Hy word daarvan verdink dat hy deur middel van 'n middelman 'n huurmoordenaar gekry het om sy vrou te ontvoer en vermoor. Veronica Fourie was in die hof en doen verslag.
27/05/20153 minutes, 13 secondes
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The Port Elizabeth magistrate's court has postpone the he bail application of mu

The Port Elizabeth magistrate's court has postpone the he bail application of murder suspect Christopher Panayitiou to the 4th of June for a ruling .This after the state prosecutor and the defense team concluded their closing arguments. Panayiotou is accused of being the alleged master mind behind his wife, Jaydes' abduction and murder. Jayed-Leigh Paulse reports...
27/05/20151 minute, 57 secondes
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Christopher Panayiotou sal tot die vierde Junie moet wag om te weet of sy borgaansoek toegestaan sal word. Landdros Abigail Beeton sal eers al die argument van die staat en verdediging bestudeer alvorens sy 'n besluit neem. Hy word daarvan verdink dat hy deur middel van 'n middelman 'n huurmoordenaar gekry het om sy vrou te ontvoer en vermoor. Veronica Fourie was in die hof en doen verslag.
27/05/20152 minutes, 48 secondes
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The Port Elizabeth magistrate's court has postpone the he bail application of mu

The Port Elizabeth magistrate's court has postpone the he bail application of murder suspect Christopher Panayitiou to the 4th of June for a ruling.This after the state prosecutor and the defense team concluded their closing arguments. Panayiotou is accused of being the alleged master mind behind his wife, Jaydes' abduction and murder. Jayed-Leigh Paulse reports...
27/05/201535 secondes
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The matter of a Cyprian passport issued to murder accused, Christopher Panayioto

Murder suspect, Christopher Panayiotou (pronouced pana-Yo-too) returns to the Port Elizabeth Magistrate's Court to continue his bail application today (wednesday 27 May). Yesterday, the state and Panayiotou's defense presented their closing arguments. The state says Panayiotou is a flight risk because he has been issued a Cypriot passport and that he is a well-travelled man. His defense argued that he applied for this passport near two years ago and was not informed that it has been issued. Panayiotou's defence says the passport is still with the Cypriot High Commission in Pretoria. Panayiotou stands accused of masterminding the abduction and murder of his wife, Jayde. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…..
27/05/20152 minutes, 48 secondes
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Die staat het in die borgaansoek van Christopher Panayiotou gese^ hy moes minstens verklaar het dat hy aansoek gedoen het vir 'n Sipriese paspoort. Hy het dit egter verswyg en net sy Suid Afrikaanse paspoort ingedien. Die staat en verdediging het in die Port Elizabethse landdroshof geargumenteer of daar enige buitengewone omstandighede is waarom hy borg moet kry. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
26/05/20153 minutes, 24 secondes
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The bail application of murder accused, Christopher Panayiotou, will resume in t

The state is expected to continue arguing their case as to why Panayitou should not be granted bail. Last week, the state presented it's case against Christopher Panayiotou as Investigating officer, Rhynhardt Swanepoel revealed in his affidavit the motive for the murder. Both the state and defense team are expected to close their arguments tomorrow. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story...
25/05/20151 minute, 21 secondes
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The funeral of former Springbok 68 year old Zolile Matomela was held in Uitenhag

Former Springbok , Zolile Matomela from the 1970's, has been laid to rest in his hometown of KwaNobuhle township near Uitenhage in the Eastern Cape . Matomela was an explosive rugby player during his hey day. Matomela rose to stardom during the apartheid era when he was selected as one of the first black players to be invited to the Springbok trials for mixed players. Jayed-leigh Paulse compiled this report….
23/05/20152 minutes, 59 secondes
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A Social Co-hesion Dialogue was held in Nelson Mandela Bay in the Eastern Cape

A robust dialogue characterised a social dialogue in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape as delegates discussed a number of issues including Ubuntu and xenophobia ahead of the Africa Day celebrations on Monday. The dignitaries included academics, foreign nationals, government officials and student organisations. The province managed to steer clear of the recent xenophobic attacks. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
22/05/20154 minutes, 13 secondes
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Ysingwekkende inligting oor moordplanne vir Jayed Panayiotou ontvou.

Die staat het ysingwekkende getuienis in die Port Elizabethse landdroshof voorgel^e in die borgaansoek van Christopher Panayiotou. Hy word daarvan verdink dat hy mans gehuur het om sy vrou, Jayde, te ontvoer en vermoor. Dis reeds 'n maand sedert die dag wat sy ontvoer is. Hy het na bewering verskeie kere met die huurmoordenaars gereël om die misdaad te pleeg. Dit het ook aan die lig gekom dat hy 'n Sipriese paspoort het. Veronica Fourie was in die hof.
21/05/20154 minutes
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Christopher Panayiotou se borgverhoor vertraag.

Die borgaansoek van Christopher Panayiotou wat daarvan vverdink word dat hy mans gehuur het om sy vrou te ontvoer en vermoor, is in die wiele gery. Sy borgaansoek het al verlede week begin, maar hy weet steeds nie wat sy vooruitsigte is nie. Die verrigting is gister (woensdag) teen middagete uitgestel en sal vandag voortgaan. Veronica Fourie was by die hof.
20/05/20153 minutes, 2 secondes
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Three young lion cubs at Addo Elephant National Park have been relocated to thei

Three orphaned lion cubs that survived after their mother died at the Addo Elephant National Park in the Eastern Cape, will now begin to learn to hunt on their own. The cubs have been moved to an area where they can start to catch their own food. They spent five months in a boma at the Addo Elephant National Park after being found barely alive. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story…
18/05/20152 minutes, 50 secondes
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Christopher Panayiotou se borgaansoek uitgestel.

Nog 'n klagte is gevoeg by vier ander teen Christopher Panayiotou (Pana-jo-toe) wat na bewering die moord van sy vrou georkesteer het. Hy het glo twee mans betaal om sy vrou te ontvoer en vermoor. Jayde Panayiotou is op 21 April voor haar woonkompleks in Port Elizabeth ontvoer en haar liggaam is die volgende dag met skietwonde naby die buurdorp, Uitenhage gevind. Haar man doen nou aansoek om borg nadat hy in hegtenis geneem is weens haar moord. Die verrigtinge sal volgende week voortgesit word. Veronica Fourie doen verslag..
14/05/20154 minutes, 23 secondes
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The bail application of Christopher Panayiotou commenced in Port Elizabeth.

A new charge of defeating the ends of justice has been added to the four charges that murder accused, Christopher Panayiotou is facing. He appeared for his formal bail hearing in Port Elizabeth and the state requested the application be postponed to Wednesday next week. This after the state requested enough time to prepare their opposing affidavits to the bail application.
14/05/20153 minutes, 55 secondes
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Athol Trollip oor sy pos as Federale voorsitter.

Een van die warmste stoele in die Demokratiese Alliansie om vol te sit is die van federale voorsitter. Die Oos Kaaps leier, Athol Trollip het hard gewerk om vir die pos mee te ding. Hy is ook die party se burgemeesterskandidaat vir die Nelson Mandela Metro in volgende jaar se plaaslike verkiesing. Veronica Fourie het met hom gepraat.
11/05/20152 minutes, 30 secondes
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Athol Trollip talks about his role as Federal Chair.

Democratic Alliance leader Athol Trollip made a big come back at the party's federal congress. He is now back in the national politics of the party rafter defeating two younger candidates for the position of Federal Chair. Trollip campaigned vigorously for the job - and says his win is a good platform to start another fierce battle for the Nelson Mandela Metro in next year's local government elections. Our reporter Veronica Fourie has more….
11/05/20153 minutes, 22 secondes
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Colour piece on the DA Federal Congress in PE

The blue wave was to be seen everywhere in Port Elizabeth while the DA Federal Congress was underway in Port Elizabeth. Almost one thousand -500 delegates are meeting at the Boardwalk Conference Centre to elect the party's new leadership this weekend. There is no doubt that the DA was in town: trees were dressed up with blue ribbons, posters on poles and DA vehicles are seen all over. Veronica Fourie filed this report.
11/05/20153 minutes, 10 secondes
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NMMU students performs acts of kindness against negativity.

Computer Science students from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University have taken a stand against the recent spiral of negativity in the country. They are performing acts of kindness to brighten other students' day. Veronica Fourie reports.
07/05/20153 minutes, 28 secondes
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NMMU students performs acts of kindness against negativity.

Computer Science students from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University have taken a stand against the recent spiral of negativity in the country. They are performing acts of kindness to brighten other students' day. Veronica Fourie reports.
07/05/20153 minutes, 39 secondes
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Rekenaarwetenskap studente v NMMU tree op teen negatiwiteit in SA.

Rekenaar wetenskap studente van die Nelson Mandela Metropolitaanse Universiteit in Port Elizabeth het standpunt ingeneem teen die vlaag negatiwiteit in die land. Hulle het die rekenaarskerms verruil vri 'n rukkie om mense te laat glimlag met welwillendheidsgebare. Veronica Fourie doen verslag.
07/05/20154 minutes
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Athol Trollip aspires to be the DA's federal chairperson.

Eastern Cape leader of the DA, Athol Trollip, is one of three candidates aspiring to be the new federal chairperson of the party. The position will be chosen at the Federal Congress to be held in Port Elizabeth this weekend.Listen to audio
05/05/20154 minutes, 43 secondes
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Athol Trollip aspiring to be federal chairperson of the DA.

The Eastern cape leader of the DA, Athol Trollip, is a veteran politician, who wants to take the seat as the federal chairperson of the party. The party's congres will be held in Port Elizabeth this weekend.Listen to audio
05/05/20152 minutes, 55 secondes
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Athol Trollip beywer hom vir die pos as federale voorsitter van die DA.

Die Oos Kaapse DA leier, Athol Trollip, is 'n kandidaat in die stryd om die pos as federale voorsitter van die party. Dit sal tydens die DA se kongres in Port ELizabeth uitgespook word, wat die naweek gehou word.
05/05/20154 minutes, 7 secondes
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The third suspect in the murder of Port Elizabeth teachers, Jayed Panayiotou has

The case of the third suspect in the Port Elizabeth teacher's, Jayde Panayioutou murder has been postponed the the 19th of June. 30 year old, Sizwezakhe Vumazonke appeared briefly in the Port Elizabeth Magistrate's court in the Eastern Cape on charges of kidnapping, conspiracy to commit murder and murder.
05/05/201551 secondes
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Jayde Panayiotou's husband, Christopher appeared in Port Elizabeth Magistrates c

The murder of young PE school teacher Jayed Panayiotou took a dramatic turn today with the appearance in court of her 28 year old husband Christopher Panayiotou today. He was arrested in Uitenhage over the weekend following the arrest of 31 year old Thando Siyoli who appeared in court last week. It is alleged that Panayiotou has been involved in his wife's abduction and killing. Jayde Panayiotou was abducted outside her Kabega Park home two weeks ago. A third suspect has also been arrested.
04/05/20153 minutes, 11 secondes
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The annual Tuna classic fishing competition held in Port Elizabeth was a disappointment this year due to unfavourable weather conditions. Anglers spent hours out at sea but were unfortunate as rough seas and wind played a major factor as no records were broken. as the heavy winds placed a damper on the fishing competition.
02/05/20152 minutes, 3 secondes
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EFF leader, Julius Malema has urged Numsa's Irvin Jim and expelled Cosatu Genera

EFF Leader Julius Malema has urged Numsa's Irvin Jim and expelled Cosatu General Secretary to form a non-aligned union federation. Malema has been addressing thousands of EFF members and supporters who flocked to the Motherwell Cricket Stadium in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. Malema has been mobilizing members and meeting various communities in the metro for the past three days. EFF leaders Dali Mpofu,Floyd Shivambu and some MPS attended the rally.
01/05/20153 minutes, 8 secondes
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A 31-year old man appeared in court this morning in connection with the abductio

A 31-year old man appeared in court this morning in connection with the abduction and murder of Port Elizabeth teacher, Jayde Panayiotou. A second suspect has also been arrested but the police remain tight lipped on the identity of the 28-year old man.. The police said at a press briefing held today that there is a prima facie case against the two suspects
30/04/20151 minute, 28 secondes
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The South African Environmental Observation Network has launched the Agulhas Sys

A long term research project to unlock the secrets of the Agulhas Current is underway.This current plays a vital role in marine environment along the eastern coast of South Africa and it also affects our weather patterns.The five-year research project is a collaboration between the Department of Science and Technology and the South African Environmental Observation Network.
29/04/20152 minutes, 43 secondes
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FOCUS: Port Elizabeth Teacher Jayde Panayiotou who was abducted and killed has

Port Elizabeth teacher, Jayde Panayiotou who was abducted and killed, was laid to rest in Port Elizabeth. Panayiotou who was a teacher at Riebeek College in Uitenhage, was abducted earlier this month while waiting outside her complex in Kabega Park for a colleague to give her lift to work. She was trended on social media for a week when word of her kidnapping broke, soon there-after a massive manhunt went both physical and viral. Panayiotou's body was later found in Kwanobhule, her family and friends laid her to rest in her hometown of Port Elizabeth.
28/04/20153 minutes, 24 secondes
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The ANC met with its its branches in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro as a Regional

The ANC Regional Task Team believes that by end July, the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro would be ready to decide on the conference date to elect new leadership. It presented its plan of action in Port Elizabeth that's geared at building support, service delivery and job creation. The executive was dissolved amid allegations of infighting.
25/04/20153 minutes, 11 secondes
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Rhodes University held a dialogue discussing the contentious name change.

Students and academics at Rhodes University in the Eastern Cape have deliberated on the issue of the Rhodes name change during a heated dialogue. The university is named after the British imperialist Cecil John Rhodes.Recently, students at the University of Cape Town embarked on an ongoing protest resulting in the removal of Rhodes statue at the institution. Issues that were discussed at length include institutional transformation, curriculum transformation and equality of race representation at academic level
23/04/20152 minutes, 39 secondes
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Premature and abandoned babies in Port Elizabeth and surrounding areas are to be

The Eastern Cape now has its own human milk bank.It is situated at the Dora Nginza hospital in Port Elizabeth.The centre has been functional since the 26th March and to date have had a total of thirty donors who came forward and offered their services.
16/04/20152 minutes, 12 secondes
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International athlete Anaso Jobodwana has rturned to his home soil in the Easte

Athletic sprint sensation Anaso Jobodwana who is making waves on the global race tracks, has returned home to the Eastern Cape Province this week preparing to take on another international mission - the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Jobodwana has been training in Port Elizabeth.
15/04/20152 minutes, 38 secondes
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Addo Elephant Park has received new vehicles to fight against rhino poaching

Addo Elephant Park in the Eastern Cape has received state of the art vehicles that will allow rangers to access remote areas that are inaccessible to ensure efficient area coverage in the park. The Polaris all-terrain vehicle (ATV) and trailer which is one of only four of its kind, will provide access to environmentally sensitive areas with reduced environmental impact. The vehicles were sponsored by MySchool, MyVillage, MyPlanet Rhino Fund administered by the endangered Wildlife Trust. Nature Conservationist Braam Malherbe says that the vehicle will also help beef up security in the Park.
14/04/20152 minutes, 27 secondes
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Suspended Cosatu General Secretary Zwelinzima addressed workers at the Nangoza J

Suspended Cosatu General Secretary Zwelinzima Vavi has challenged the working class to soldier on and not be moved by the recent developments in the federation.Vavi was addressing thousands of workers who attended a United Front meeting at Nangoza Jebe Hall in New Brighton, Port Elizabeth last night.He says workers must mobilise to fight for decent jobs.Numsa General Secretary Irvin Jim was alongside Vavi at the meeting.
13/04/20152 minutes, 26 secondes
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Baby loggerhead turtles have been washing up all along the Eastern Coast of Sout

Unprecedented numbers of baby loggerhead turtles are being washed up along the Eastern Coast with sightings in the Eastern Cape including the coastal areas of Port Elizabeth, Port Alfred and Jeffreys Bay. The animals have also washed up in the Overberg region of the Western Cape.
12/04/20152 minutes, 44 secondes
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The remains of Umkhonto Wesizwe soldier, Thabang Henley Bookholane, will be laid

Thabang Bookholane left the country and joined the ANC's military wing, Umkhonto Wesizwe, in 1977 when his was 18 years old. He died at the age of 21. He was one 13 ANC members who were ambushed by apartheid agents in Matola, in Maputo - Mozambique, in 1981. Provincial Arts and Culture MEC Pemmy Majodina who led a delegation that travelled to Mozambique where his remains were exhumed says that funds have been put aside to repatriate all the fallen heroes...
11/04/20152 minutes, 19 secondes
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The Earl and Countess of Wessex, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie have visited

INTRO: The Earl and Countess of Wessex, Prince Edward and his wife Sophie have visited the Ubunye Foundation near Grahamstown. It is a first visit for the royals who are patrons of the organization. The royals were impressed by efforts of the foundation but feel there is a need for more to be done to improve the living conditions of rural people. Since its establishment 13 years ago,the Ubunye Foundation has empowered people to be self reliant in rural areas.
10/04/20153 minutes, 19 secondes
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: Hugh Masekela gets honorary doctorate from Rhodes University.

Jazz music legend and anti-apartheid activist "Bra" Hugh Masekela has been awarded an honorary doctorate in music by the Rhodes University. The seasoned Jazz musician was honoured for his role in the struggle for liberation in South Africa through his music.
09/04/20153 minutes, 15 secondes
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A horse charity, the Eastern Cape Horse Unit laid wreaths at the monument today

Members of the Eastern Cape Horse Unit and residents of Nelson Mandela Bay laid wreaths at the damaged Horse Memorial in Port Elizabeth. This was done in an effort to re-enforce the meaning behind the monument. The statue which was enduring the elements for more than a century, was vandalised over the weekend by members of the EFF when the bronze kneeling soldier with a water bucket was dislodged. It was erected in 1905 by a group of woman who were deeply moved by the sad plight of warhorses in South Africa where three-hundred thousand horses perished during the Second Boer War.
08/04/20153 minutes, 44 secondes
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The Khoi-San movement in the Eastern Cape calls for the removal of the statue of

The furore over heritage sites with colonial connections has re-ignited a debate in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro over the statue of Queen Victoria. Standing firmly in front of the entrance to Port Elizabeth Public Library, the statue is now the subject of a call by the KhoiSan Movement for the repatriation of their former chief, Dawid Stuurman from Australia. They performed a ritual in front of the library before handing over a petition to the municipality.
31/03/20153 minutes, 16 secondes
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A community in Colchester near Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape is angered by

The re-opening of the land claims process has opened the door for thousands of South Africans to reclaim their rightful land but a community in Colchester near Port Elizabeth are not having any success in their effort to get land back which they claim is their ancestral land. They held a protest during an auction of the land in question.
27/03/20153 minutes, 6 secondes
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The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor has welcomed the launch of

The Minister of Science and Technology, Naledi Pandor says the the Centre for Broadband Communication at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University will play critical role in undertaking appropriate research to provide broadband technology solutions to South Africa. She has been speaking at the launch of the centre in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape. The centre will conduct pioneering research around optical fibre data transport for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope. Minister Pandor has described the development as a step in the right direction.
26/03/20153 minutes, 19 secondes
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Students at Rhodes University in Grahamstown wants the university's management t

Rhodes University students led by the SRC in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape have delivered a memorandum to the Vice-chancellor and management citing a number of grievances. Amongst the grievances they want management to consider changing the name of the institution arguing that Cecil John Rhodes, after whom the university was named, stood for racism, plundering, white supremacy and colonialism. This follows ongoing protests by some students at the University Cape Town demanding the removal of the Cecil John Rhodes statue from the university. The memorandum will be submitted overseen by the Rhodes council.What are your view?
25/03/20153 minutes, 49 secondes
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Six pupils from the All Star Dance Academy in Port Elizabeth will represent Sou

The All Star Dance Academy in Port Elizabeth will represent South Africa in the World Dance Masters Championships in Croatia in May. The dance group consists of six girls aged between nine and thirteen years old. These youngsters are no strangers to the dance scene and have competed in numerous championships both nationally and internationally. However, it will be the first time for them to compete at the World Championships to be held in Croatia. Our reporter Jayed-leigh Paulse has more on the story.
16/03/20151 minute, 58 secondes
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The Eastern Cape government ANC PEC, community leaders and the leadership of Sun

Local Government and Traditional Affairs MEC, Fikile Xasa has urged the community of Moses Mabhida community in the Eastern Cape to work more closely together with the local municipality. Xasa has been speaking at a summit held in Kirkwood attended by ANC PEC and community leaders aimed at addressing service delivery issues. The Sunday's River Municipality has been plagued by several violent protests over the past six months. Recently residents went on the rampage burning historic buildings and bringing the town to a standstill. The residents were accusing the municipality of writing off more than R84-million in irregular expenditure.
15/03/20152 minutes, 34 secondes
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The Eastern Cape government ANC PEC, community leaders and the leadership of Sun

TEXT: Local Government and Traditional Affairs MEC, Fikile Xasa has urged the community of Moses Mabhida community in the Eastern Cape to work more closely together with the local municipality. Xasa has been speaking at a summit held in Kirkwood attended by ANC PEC and community leaders aimed at addressing service delivery issues. The Sunday's River Municipality has been plagued by several violent protests over the past six months. Recently residents went on the rampage burning historic buildings and bringing the town to a standstill. The residents were accusing the municipality of writing off more than R84-million in irregular expenditure.
15/03/20152 minutes, 34 secondes
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Learning and teaching at the Moses Mabida High School in Kirkwood in the Eastern

Learning and teaching at the Moses Mabida High School in Kirkwood in the Eastern Cape has come to a standstill. Teachers and learners at the school demand the suspension of the principal. It's alleged the principal promoted learners through to the next grade despite them failing. The teachers who allegedly refused to take part in this process have also been allegedly victimised by the principal. Our reporter Jayed-Leigh Paulse has more on the story…
14/03/20153 minutes, 13 secondes
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FAMSA has opened a trauma counselling centre in Helenvale in Port Elizabeth.

Gang violence and the associated trauma is one a big issue plaguing the community of Helenvale in Port Elizabeth.The Family and Marriage Society of South Africa, FAMSA, has now opened a trauma support centre in Helenvale for affected families and community members who have experienced gang violence. The initiative also aims to curb violent reprisals, especially on families of the perpetrators.
12/03/20152 minutes, 12 secondes
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Eastern Cape schools with low enrolment will soon be a thing of the past.

Eastern Cape Education says the program of rationalisation and realignment of schools is getting positive responses from the affected communities.
11/03/201544 secondes
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10 Mar

10/03/20152 minutes, 53 secondes
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10 Mar

The Eastern Cape Department of Social Development has vowed to do everything in its power to ensure resolutions taken in the Africa for Africa Women's Conference are implemented. This as the three day conference held in Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape comes to an end today. The conference was held under the theme:Locating Women at the Centre of Global Economy for Sustainable Development. Mcebisi Ngqina reports...
10/03/20152 minutes, 33 secondes
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10 Mar

The African Union Chairperson (AU), Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma says the empowerment of women is a possible solution to problems African women face like poverty. Dlamini-Zuma was addressing delegates at the Africa for Africa Women's Conference in Port Elizabeth. She delivered her speech via a video link. This year's conference is held under the theme, Locating Women at the centre of the Global Economy for Sustainable Development. Mcebisi Ngqina reports..
10/03/20151 minute, 49 secondes
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Heated debate between ANC, DA and EFF discussing the state of Palestine/Israel

The ANC, DA, and EFF youth league had a heated debate regarding ways to solve Israeli-Palestinian conflict under the theme "What is the political parties' position on the state of Palestine/ Israel?" The DA firmly believed that each state should become sovereign whilst the EFF and ANC were in support of sanctions. What are your views?
06/03/20153 minutes, 33 secondes