Change can only happen if we tackle the roots of bullying while educating ourselves and those around us.
You HAVE a voice.
Ramsey Shimmy is the Head of IGCSE at Port Said School in Cairo, Egypt and the Head of Literature and English department.
We discuss the various roles that teachers play when students are being bullies or getting bullied and the crucial role of parents working with teachers to find a solution.
5/1/2021 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
تأثير التنمر المدرسي على الطالب
سليم سلامه صانع افلام من الأردن و منتج بودكاست عيب الموسم الخامس و احد منتجين الموسم السادس
في الحلقة دي بتنناقش مع سليم عن الأذى النفسي الي بيتعرضله الشخص بسبب التنمر في المدرسة و مدى اهمية و مسئولية المدارس و الأهالي
15/12/2020 • 0 minutos, 0 segundos
حاسبوا_على_ كلامكم# Instagram’s initiative to fight and educate on cyberbullying.
In the light of Instagram’s newest innitiave ”Take care of your words” or “be mindful of what you say” #حاسبوا_على_كلامكم we sat down with Nadia Diab-Caceres, who is the Policy Manager for Instagram in the MENA region. We discussed ways of how users could take control of their experience on Instagram, how they could protect themselves from bullying and ways they could report incidences.