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Bossy Bruja Podcast

English, Religion, 3 seasons, 62 episodes, 1 day, 16 hours, 43 minutes
Welcome to Bossy Bruja Podcast! This channel is hosted by Sister Ayodele Fuega (IG: @bossybruja) and is dedicated to awakening and re-awakening witches everywhere. I strive to share clear, practicable ideas to make your spiritual life and business life more enchanted, satisfying and prosperous. Please don't hesitate to submit topic requests to Ayo at! I look forward to hearing from you and sharing this space for healing and personal transformation with all you beautiful brujas out there!
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EP 61: honor the Beloved Dead 💀

bliss to you! in this episode i offer some gentle reminders of why we should certainly be venerating the Ancestors. 🥹 we are officially in spooky season, the season of the witch, three weeks til samhain and i am thinking of the Ancestors. i also talk about Paulo Coelho's THE ALCHEMIST which I recently re-read and highly recommend to anyone reading this. also also - i briefly mention why i steer clear of witches that get off on hexing other people and constantly engaging in witch wars. 🫠 i have released a new oil called VENERATION 🥀 to support your connection with our Beloved Dead. great luck and great love to you. xx
10/5/202440 minutes, 31 seconds
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EP 60: make your practice easier

come find me on i have always gotten folks asking me about ways to stay consistent with their practice and the number one recommendation i would offer anyone is to make it easier and more convenient for yourself. a couple simple ways to do this is to get yourself on a schedule (you can stick to), simplify your altars, batch your candles/herbs/oils/incense, and prepare your spiritual baths in gallon jugs and leave them in the fridge so they're ready to go as needed. have a serious conversation with yourself and reflect on your practice - do you notice that when you're doing your spiritual workings you feel better, clearer, and lighter? what are some of the other benefits you notice from maintaining your practice? and have you noticed that you feel off when you're not taking time for your spiritual practice? i find that sometimes i simply have to remind myself of the benefits of doing the work and the disadvantages of not doing the work and that gets me going. for example, when my prosperity altar is light and fresh - my money flows better (and more abundantly). i notice that when that altar is not lit and fresh - i can definitely feel it in my pockets. if you don't do anything else, please keep the lines of communication between yourself and your precious SPIRIT open with ongoing prayers/conversations throughout the entire day. that is the best thing i think anyone can do for themselves spiritually. i strive to make my first conversation of everyday between me and my Spirit through a simple, quick prayer of gratitude (Thank you for waking me up Old Partner!) if you would like to learn spirituality and majik from me consider subscribing to my app BRUJAS now available in the GOOGLE PLAY STORE and APPLE APP STORE.
6/11/202416 minutes, 32 seconds
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EP 59: read atomic habits with me

i just started reading ATOMIC HABITS by james clear and i am so happy i did. it reminded me that when i change how i see myself, i can easily change my habits and achieve my goals. the audiobook is available on spotify. xo
4/29/202411 minutes, 47 seconds
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EP 58: may i suggest being single...

AFTER TWO YEARS OF BEING SINGLE, i want to go another 2 years. i've loved my time alone. the peace is remarkable; the money saved is staggering; the freedom is soul-refreshing; the deep state of rest and wellness - outstanding. my confidence and self-trust has been restored. i feel like myself. i've quit smoking. i've grown my teaching platform. i've read dozens of books. i've been writing again. i feel better. it took some time to get to a place replete with such PEACE, but it happened and i think it can happen for you too. i do not want you sitting around miserable because someone is mistreating you, especially if there is even the slightest possibility they are harboring the worst of thoughts toward you. i share my thoughts in this podcast, but only because i've been subjected to so many conversations regarding people's relationships lately. here is my advice.
4/23/202419 minutes, 51 seconds
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Happy Birthday Honey

June 3, 2023 at 11:58 PM CT was my last conversation with Honey of the Honey Jar - this is our unedited conversation. xoxo Happy birthday Honey xoxo
3/10/20241 hour, 47 minutes, 51 seconds
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ep 56: manufacture better beliefs to live your best life babygirl

2/16/202421 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP 55: high achievers and y'all's damn imposter syndrome! 🤷🏿

I took the time to research the definition of imposter syndrome (which I'd never done before) and I realized why I often have a hard time understanding why such brilliant people suffer with this common inner conflict. (Hint: it's because on the outside you're most likely doing much better than you feel or think you are!) I break it down with the help of nifty pop psychology websites and writers. Let's discuss. Find me on xoxo - thanks for listening!! --- Support this podcast:
1/20/202443 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP 54: a shared vision + a weird dream i had

hello friends, so i recorded this podcast episode days ago and then i just sat with it. it feels a little more intimate and vulnerable than i like to share this dream, but in my app BRUJAS - my students and i are all studying dreams and sharing this dream offers a pretty cool opportunity for me to explain how the subconscious mind may be bringing things we've noticed in waking hours back up to us during sleep and dreams. also gives a little bit of insight into how i personally interpret my dreams. hint: first i write them down. thanks for listening - find me on also download and subscribe to my teaching platform - BRUJAS app in the Google Play Store and  App Store. xoxo --- Support this podcast:
8/10/202355 minutes, 20 seconds
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EP 53: being gentle with yourself + choosing beliefs that feel good

In this episode, I begin by sharing a vision with you and then I share with you some of the protocols I've been doing lately to help myself through a time of grief. I end the episode by sharing with you some of the beliefs I have chosen which help me feel better overall. The big message I desire to share here is that regardless of what's happening currently, we retain our freedom and choices to focus on the positive things we are allowing into our lives now. Much love to you. Add me on Instagram and check out Adam Cox's podcast THE HYPNOTIST when you get the chance. --- Support this podcast:
8/6/202332 minutes, 42 seconds
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TRIGGER WARNINGS: In this episode, I mention a couple crimes I heard on true crime podcasts and one news story out of Miami. I mentioned domestic violence and abuse as well as murders without going too deeply into details. This podcast episode is about loving ourselves enough to leave relationships where we don't feel loved by our "partners." Or at the very least choosing peace before we find ourselves 60 YEARS OLD calling the phone of someone who isn't even interested in the man who is stringing us along. Have fun xoxo And find me on INSTAGRAM and YOUTUBE.
6/20/20231 hour, 11 minutes, 54 seconds
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EP 51: are you struggling to remain consistent in your spiritual practice?

download + subscribe to my BRUJAS app in your  app store or Google play store. for clarity, here are my suggestions in no specific order: 1. ask yourself powerful questions rather than simply stating your struggles; for example, you might ask yourself, "when am i most consistent and motivated in my spiritual practice?" from there you can find ways to recreate some of those internal and external environmental factors that support your consistency. 2. is it possible that you don't have time for your practices because you're giving too much time and attention to things that do not require your direct involvement? are there ways that you can couple spiritual practices with things you're already doing? 3. your spiritual practice does not need to look the same as it has in the past. it also does not need to look like anybody else's practice. 4. you don't actually need to be constantly casting spells; some of the people you see online casting a lot of spells are casting spells for other people (because it's their job); they likely are not casting so many spells for themselves (this does not include maintenance work like spiritual baths and weekly prosperity burns). 5. ask yourself what your spiritual and majikal practice entails. it is more than casting spells. what are some other ways you practice tapping into spiritual wisdom and energy? 6. do not judge yourself, chances are you're doing better than you think. 7. figure out why you're practicing in the first place. when you start to recognize the benefits of a having a spiritual practice, chances are you will find it easier to lean into your practice. in other words, get clear within yourself about the spiritual benefits of your practice.
5/28/202317 minutes, 51 seconds
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EP 50: supporting yourself when others can't or won't ☺️

I hope you enjoy this episode and I hope that my suggestions and thoughts on supporting yourself are clear. I had some experiences with close relatives recently that, while they didn't come from a mean-spirited way, still let me reeling emotionally. It can be overwhelming and even seem impossible to be everything to everybody and I really feel that we should give up even trying. Instead, I think becoming masterful at taking excellent care of ourselves and choosing what is best for ourselves even if and when others cannot support or agree is best in the long run for our own health and the health of our relationships. Lovingly, bossy
5/21/202317 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP 49: Miscommunication drives conflict

Hello love! Thank you for taking the time to listen to this short episode of the Bossy Bruja Podcast. I hope you find some of the ideas I share here useful or worth considering. The idea as communication as a process of loving people gently and earnestly is on my heart tonight. My heart hurts for individuals who are estranged from loved ones due to issues around communication. It seems to me that when we have a conflict with someone and cannot properly communicate those issues (either because we don't know how or fear we will not be heard or are met with resistance) then the original problems are only compounded by the new problem of communication.  I feel confident that one of the best things we can do in relationships we desire to maintain (with people we love) is to either invite in an objective third-party we can both trust and respect, or to soften and be the first to listen to understand. My hope and prayer for us all is that we experience love that is safe, gentle, kind, and patient. And that we give this love to ourselves always.  Peace and blessings and good luck!  God bless.  -Bossy
5/8/202313 minutes, 34 seconds
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EP 48: Here's how I heal my relationship with money + honor my inner child

As promised, here's the link to my YouTube video that documents some of the places where I spent time around my city as a Youth. Check it out here: Find me on Thanks for taking the time to listen and share.  Peace and blessings.  Talk soon.
5/8/202322 minutes, 29 seconds
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[s3e5] you may not like me after this one | @bossybruja

Welcome to Aquarius Season -- when the impossible becomes possible. I've had a come to Mother Mary moment and I wanted to tell you all about it. Tap in and then come play with me on twitter and instagram.
2/7/202313 minutes, 29 seconds
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[s3e4] savages, slaves, + modern man | @bossybruja

This whole episode is basically about how we should respect the Ancients + their indelible connection to Nature which we sorely need to reclaim and find again for ourselves.  With love,  Bossy
1/19/202335 minutes, 50 seconds
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[s3e3] LISTEN TO THIS WHEN YOU'RE ALONE | @bossybruja

This episode of the podcast draws on an article from WOMEN AGAINST ABUSE.  I wanted to share this episode of the podcast while we are still in Human Trafficking Awareness Month. I wanted to specifically draw attention to different forms of abuse that may be occurring in personal/intimate relationships. If you're experiencing any of these, hopefully this podcast is enough to help you take stock of the experience with a sober mind and take safe appropriate action, or help someone in your community who may need support. I wish you well.  Here are some resources: National Domestic Violence Hotline. Hours: 24/7. Languages: English, Spanish and 200+ through interpretation service 800-799-7233
1/19/202330 minutes, 32 seconds
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[s3e2] how to be happy | @bossybruja

the episode from Abraham: GO HERE 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 
1/16/202345 minutes, 52 seconds
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[S2E8] Capricorn Full Moon Messages + Oath of Manifestation Prayer

Here are the messages I share in this episode:  - Be careful who you are devoted to, you're too precious  - Be careful who you commit yourself to, especially when the commitment will be permanent  - Let people have their lessons; sometimes you have to leave people where they are + progress without certain people - Only pour from a full + overflowing cup - Just because you have it to give, doesn't mean you always should  - Loving Black men is not martyrdom - Surgically remove the limitations you have in your mind around love + other manifestations  - Once lines get crossed + someone demonstrates they're unwilling or unable to love you, it's time to reassess what you're pouring into that relationship  - Don't allow people to make their emergencies your problem; the only things that are urgent are the goals you've set for yourself  - Take your sweet time; take time to think about investments; don't act rashly or too quickly - You have time!  - Intentionally slow down with people who are trying to pressure you into any decision, especially where investments of time, resources or money are concerned  - Whatever you want to do, do it now -- there are only so many tomorrows. -Michael Landon (Take action, my love!!) - Don't commit yourself out of a pressure that someone else is applying to you - God will restore the years the locusts have eaten -Joel 2:25 Follow me on + check out my conjure shop for oils + spiritual products + to book your reading with me. Here's the website:  Peace + Blessings  Bossy
7/10/202237 minutes, 7 seconds
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This is a requested episode. I hope you all enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed recording it. And I hope you feel a sense of renewed inspiration if you're going through an ebb season in your life during this time. There are many benefits to tap into during these phases and I hope to direct your thinking to those with  this episode. Join us on instagram. There is no shame in seasons of ebb. They are a literal part of Nature and Life. Learning to manage yourself and your resources during these seasons will ensure you remain emotionally lifted and satisfied even when the resources and opportunities are waning and ebbing.
1/9/202254 minutes, 44 seconds
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[S2E5] Alignment + Attraction: An exploration of practice, vibration, alignment and frequency.

In this episode, I took a look at some words we hear often in the spiritual community. My objective was to determine what these things mean in real life and how they are workable toward achieving our goals and experiencing more of our desires.  I hope you enjoy.  Bossy Bruja Shop: Herbal Vitamins + Supplements: Find me on Instagram: Bossy Bruja Thank you for listening.
12/26/202143 minutes, 29 seconds
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Just a few words for those of you joining me in 3 months of honoring our bodies. 
12/4/202117 minutes, 58 seconds
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S2 EP 4 Degraded Spirituality

I hope this is well-received, because I meant every word and I think it is highly useful to us. A degraded approach to magick, spirituality, and religion will not yield high results. I believe when Jesus taught: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you," this was a tip to humanity to keep first things first. Our approach to magick, spirituality, and religion can be with high aims and clear priorities. I think it is a mistake to make other people the priority of our magick, religion, and spirituality. What if instead we made our connection to God, deepening our understanding of life, the universe, universal laws, our own inner peace, knowledge of self, heightening our consciousness and supporting our healing and faith our focus? How might our lives be transformed for the better, from the inside out?  Something to think about...
11/26/202141 minutes, 41 seconds
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[S2E3] Hypnotize: a short, instructive story

Have you wondered about ways to use my Hypnotism oil? I've got you covered. Enjoy the story and listen for the instructions on how to use it.
11/12/202120 minutes, 34 seconds
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[EP 35] Your Friends, Yourself

In this episode, I touch on generational curses and how our closest relationships affect us. This topic feels very personal to me, and I've been considering it for weeks. I consider this topic to be extremely important and I urge my listeners to consider it seriously for themselves. I hope you find value in this recording. Thank you, always, for listening. If you're interested in joining my online training portal, you are welcome to join by going to this here. You may also follow us on Instagram here.
8/3/202124 minutes, 41 seconds
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[EP 34] How to opt out of shame

Shame is a largely useless and damaging emotion to choose for oneself. In this quick podcast I'll share some ideas that will hopefully clarify its uselessness and help you opt out and transcend. For more spiritual guidance and teachings, please join our online teaching portal here.
6/22/202136 minutes, 32 seconds
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[EP 33] How to Reset After A Transition

Here's the link to the BOSSY RESET: tips and suggestions BLOG on my website:
5/31/202119 minutes, 40 seconds
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[EP 32] Lizard Religions, Pavlovian Conditioning and Feeling Good IRL

This episode is part business coaching, part IDFW Mormons, part commentary on social media. I hope that you listen to it with an open mind and if you feel so inspired come find me on Instagram @bossybruja and tell me your thoughts on this episode.  Thanks for listening. If you enjoy this episode please subscribe, share it with a friend give us a great review.  Thank you to all my loyal listeners out there.  Peace,  A
3/5/202141 minutes, 46 seconds
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[EP 31] Three things to do when you feel lonely...

In this podcast, I am suggesting that during those times when you know it would benefit you to keep to yourself, you do just that. But if you start to feel the uncomfortable feelings of loneliness then here are three things I recommend (and practice myself).  They all fall under the umbrella of what I call "Entering the Creative Process."  There are three things you are can (and you can do one of them or all of them, whatever you choose). Those three things are: Make art; Make your environment(s) more beautiful; and/or Create the next chapter of your life.  In this podcast, I will explain the four step process you can use to change your consciousness and thus automatically change your life.  If you enjoy this podcast, give us a great review, subscribe, share it with a friend and then join us over on Instagram for more discussions like this one. You can find us here. 
2/28/202122 minutes, 5 seconds
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[EP 30] Love & Consciousness

I have notes.
1/31/202137 minutes, 28 seconds
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FOLLOW ME HERE.  IG: @bossybruja
12/26/202028 minutes, 12 seconds
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10/13/202033 minutes, 25 seconds
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(26) 4 Reasons You Don't Need to Argue About Your Beliefs

Follow me on instagram at @bossybruja !
10/12/202021 minutes, 30 seconds
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(25) Making Life Majikal

I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about how to make life more enchanted. Come find me on and share your practices for making life more majikal.
8/23/202024 minutes, 50 seconds
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(24) How not to be disappointed by other people.

7/21/202030 minutes
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(23) GHETTO ASS EARTH: would not recommend

Join Chyrsalis and I as we discuss our thoughts in light of recent events. It gets a little racy, but having this conversation was healing for me even though parts of it were very difficult. I believe witches and BLACK WITCHES, in particular, having more conversation like this will be extremely healing. Enjoy. 
6/17/20201 hour, 43 minutes, 49 seconds
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(22) Bruja Tea Party: How I Think About Prosperity + Wealth as a Black Witch and Why TLC is the Move

Listen until the end... To join our team follow the link: Please note if you have not used the products before you will need to purchase products as well. I recommend the "Sip, Soothe, and Strengthen kit" Please also, check out Chrysalis Sun's episode on B The Vibe Radio in the "Unpopular Opinion" series titled "Being Spiritual Does Not Mean Being Broke."
5/4/20201 hour, 39 minutes, 2 seconds
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Ep 18: Baseline Prayer (a service)

Loving you
8/20/201942 minutes, 10 seconds
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EP 17: First of all, f*ck guilt

Guilt implies a criminal offense. It is the result of our failure to honor a moral or legal obligation. Some of the things that we assume we are obligated to do are pure fantasy! And if we're really being honest with ourselves the only reason we do some of this stuff is that we are convinced it's the only way to be a "nice girl" or a "good boy" in others' eyes. I am suggesting that we drop the bullshit approval-seeking, people-seeking antics and get back to ourselves. After all, if we can experience bliss and wellness what good are we to anybody else? I am advocating for putting and keeping yourself first and enjoying more of what interests and pleases YOU. 
7/11/201924 minutes, 8 seconds
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EP 16: Tips for living your witchiest, most creative life

These are some of the ideas which have helped me tremendously in my craft and business. 🥰💕 I hope you find benefit in listening to it. Of course, everything which has worked for me may not work for everyone. “Eat the fish and spit out the bones.” African Proverb 🐠
5/30/201952 minutes, 36 seconds
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EP 15: From Surviving to Thriving

In this episode, I share the thoughts and experiences from a day of sauntering, wandering and exploring. In a recent meeting with my coach I was advised to spend more time being creative and in-flow because this is a necessary part of my spirituality and creativeness. I took the day to go purchase a new book, sit at a bar, enjoy a coffee and a daiquiri followed by a meal with the barman. I'm at home responding to emails now (It's 11:48 PM) but I had to share some of the thoughts and ideas I've been facing on my road from surviving to thriving. I hope you enjoy and I hope you can follow along--this episode has a meandering quality to it, much like my day today. 
4/29/201926 minutes, 1 second
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EP 14:The Sea, Deities & Unapologetic Magic

In today’s episode, Rhiannon from The Hag's Cottage, shares with us tales of running barefoot through the woods and discovering her witchy path in the occult section at Borders. She’ll share her experience with sea magic, her experiences with supporting clients in breaking generational curses and why effective witching requires you to get comfortable with doing some nitty gritty work. Follow Rhiannon on Instagram and Facebook @thehagscottage for witchy wisdom, to book a reading or to inquire about her exclusive products. 💋
4/15/20191 hour, 32 seconds
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Episode 13: Successful Witching & Living

I have four major recommendations for LIVING YOUR BEST WITCHY LIFE: 1. Be clear about what YOU desire for YOU. 2. Control your Self. 3. Plan for the future and stick to the plan. 4. HUSSLE ⚡️
4/7/201941 minutes, 6 seconds
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EP 12: Tantra, Sex Majik & Making It Snow

Today's podcast is...interesting. We have a blast from my Past (*cough* MAGNETISM *cough*). His name is Sbk (Sebek) and he's a Pisces Mathematician Medicine Man - and in the name of our LOVE INVOCATION we will speak about TANTRA and SEX MAJIK. Whew. Get your wine ladies. We will share our tips for engaging sacred sexuality responsibly. Enjoy!
2/21/201942 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP 11: Raving Artists

In this episode we have award-winning artist Ms. Sophie Lisa Smith from Northeast England! She shares her incredible journey of becoming a thriving, full-time artist, her beliefs about the nature of creativity, and resounding encouragement for all aspiring artists (and creative humans everywhere). If you desire to become a thriving artist despite societal pressures and need a little inspiration tune in! You can find Sophie on Instagram @sophielisasmith! ❤️
2/14/20191 hour, 6 minutes, 17 seconds
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EP 10: Safeguard Your Spirituality

Distractions are deadly. Don’t tolerate them. Find me on Instagram @BOSSYbruja ❤️
2/11/201930 minutes
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EP 9: Wild Goddesses

Neha Rayamajhi is an award-winning writer, activist, feminist, and educator born and raised in Nepal, the Homeland of Gautama Buddha. In this podcast, my dear friend shares with us some of her healing chanting, the wild goddesses behind her purpose as a writer, and the spirits who raised her and traveled with her from her Home. Find Neha on Instagram @neharaysays. Read her award-winning short story “Pink Frock” at
2/4/201954 minutes, 29 seconds
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EP 8: Confidence in your craft

This week we welcome Sage back! We’re talking about having CONFIDENCE IN YOUR CRAFT. Thanks for listening! If you’d like to learn more about the Wholeness Challenge check out If you’d like to follow Sage and me online find Sage on IG @sage.skadisdottir and find me on IG @BOSSYbruja 💋
1/24/201948 minutes, 46 seconds
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EP 7: Self-trust is part of the foundation of spirituality.

Ayodele Fuega is back with another solo episode and this one’s all about self-trust, knowing yourself and allowing your spirit to guide your majik. Enjoy! For more information about metaphysical and majikal products check out the BOSSY BRUJA Shop. 💋 You can find Ayo online at or on Instagram @BOSSYbruja!
1/16/201920 minutes, 14 seconds
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EP 6: Preserving the past, progressing in the present the heathen way

Saaaaaaaaaage my badass heathen homegirl is blessing the Bossy Bruja Podcast! She will blow you away with the story of her unique upbringing, lifestyle and work! Hint: she picks up dead bodies for a living 😳💀 // Aaaaanyway! If you’re interested in hearing from a Witchy, southern gal descendant of Russian nobility who was raised on the fringe of society this podcast is for you! She’s been practicing her craft since she was 12, working with herbs since childhood and she is striving to become 100% self-sustaining — this girl is one metal head after my own heart! Check the podcast out! Link is in bio, episode drops at midnight. // Follow @sage.skadisdottir and reach out to her for specialized witchy wares @sage_mountain_shop! And join us for the #wholenesschallengemagic for a chance to win a master bottle of my magnetism majik oil, palo santo, Florida water, a double strength Mr. Money candle, magnetism bath and Robert Greene’s 48 Laws of Power (did you know his girlfriend wrote The Love Witch? 😉) For more info check out
1/7/201943 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP 5: Five Lessons from 2018

In this solo episode, Ayodele Fuega shares a few tips that she learned in 2018. Have a great new year and I’ll see you in 2019! Join #WHOLENESSCHALLENGEMAGIC our January 2019 Giveaway and follow @sage.skadisdottir on Instagram. Find more information about the challenge at
1/1/201919 minutes, 53 seconds
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EP 2: Is it possible to be happily single?

Editor’s Note: The recording was created over the phone and gets a little scratchy but the message rings true and CLEAR so stick through til the end to get all these jewels. In today’s episode we’re interviewing my good friend Carol. Carol is a 38 year young, Capricorn from LA. She’s the mother of two and is a happily single divorcee. She shares how her personal standards and self-reflection has led her to enjoy her singleness until she finds something that feels better than her solitude. You can follow Carol on Instagram @Carolg0891
12/17/201843 minutes, 16 seconds
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EP 1: Opting Out of Suffering

Are you ready to opt out of suffering and enjoy The Struggle of growth and living? In this episode, I offer an alternative to suffering through struggle!
12/11/201824 minutes, 57 seconds