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Baby Brunch | The Parenting Series Cover
Baby Brunch | The Parenting Series Profile

Baby Brunch | The Parenting Series

English, Personal/Lifestyle/Family, 1 season, 165 episodes, 3 days, 11 hours, 2 minutes
It takes a village to raise a child and connecting with fellow moms and dads leads to sharing of knowledge. The Baby Brunch podcasts feature fun and insightful conversations with ordinary parents doing extraordinary things. These can serve as a source of support, inspiration and great advice for moms and moms-to-be as we delve into the unique experiences of diverse parents.
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Easy Labour Secrets: A Doula Explains

Moms-to-be... How do We prepare? Which experts should We listen to? What is the safest way to give birth? Should We consider a C-section? Or is natural better? What if there are complications? In this podcast, We explore the Secrets to Easier Labour, with our special guest - Cape Town based Doula, Nishaat Jano, from Back to Nurture. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
10/15/202424 minutes, 7 seconds
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Kids Talking to Themselves? Here's What It Means!

What does it mean when Our children are always talking to themselves? whether during playtime, at home, or loudly in public... In this captivating Podcast, educational psychologist, Megan Tucker, explains Why 'self-talk' among Our children could be an important part of their development. But when does it become a problem, that needs our intervention, or professional help? Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
10/1/202435 minutes, 48 seconds
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Connecting with my Child: Connection Before Correction

Let's learn the ABC... Adult Before Children, because it starts with me as the parent (the adult) teaching my kids without knowing it - simply by speaking to them, the sounds they hear from Day 1... How we teach as parents, is the WIN: what's important now? What do I need to look at, and address, as the parent in this moment. Engaging with our children - how we use words, and display actions, become their first level of education - way before school begins. Veteran Teacher & Author, Renee Lighton, joins Elana this week, and shares a few excellent ideas to stimulate critical thinking with our kids and use everyday items around the house to teach maths, organisation, and self-regulation. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
9/17/202438 minutes, 4 seconds
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Why is My Tween Angry at Me? Advice from a Psychologist with Dr Jenny Rose

"How your kids practice their voice at home is how they're going to do things when they're out there in the world..." "Our Tweens want a little bit more control, making their voice heard a little more, and it's important we stay present, pay attention, and let them feel heard." ...but how do I manage these changes and all this drama without total disruption? The mood swings, the social behaviour, the impulse decisions and dis-regulation. Tweens are an interesting 'in-between' phase, and Psychologist Dr Jenny Rose returns to our Podcast, this time to help us better understand the dynamics of handling a smooth transition for our kids into their Tween years and beyond. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
9/3/202437 minutes, 50 seconds
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Menstruation: How Do I Have The Talk with My Kids?

Whether you call it your ‘Auntie Flow’ or tell people that it’s your ‘time of the month’, there are many ways to address The Period Talk - but How do we as parents start the conversation? And when is the right time? When my daughter's first pimple appears? When she decides to ask me? In this Podcast, Tweenology Founder & fellow parent, Marlese Wallis, shares her story of Having the Talk with her own daughter- and how they founded Tweenology, a support platform for Tweens. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
8/20/202440 minutes, 35 seconds
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No Legs! And Living My Dream Life! with Neo Kirchway

Take a seat, because this story will catch you off-guard... and inspired! "I was mocked and laughed at, because I look different, and kids are not always taught at home that children are different, and we need to love everyone no matter what they look like," says double-amputee, Neo Kirchway. A young girl from Botswana, with both her legs amputated as a toddler, decided to chase her dreams, no matter the hardships. Dancing her way into social media fame, and becoming a Mother of 4 children, happily married and now living her dream life in the USA! It's not a fictional tale, but the true-life story of Neo Kirchway - our guest this week. No frills, no make-up or Hollywood glam, just pure Love & Joy - a mother's Love, to be specific. @NeoKirchBaby is the most unlikely hero of our times! Listen to our podcast this week to find out how she made it happen! Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
8/6/202448 minutes, 39 seconds
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Night Terrors & Anxiety: What's The Best Solution? with Megan Tucker

When should I be worried about my child's night terrors? At which point do I need professional help to solve the situation? Our visiting expert this week is educational psychologist Megan Tucker, who explains to us that nightmares and emotional stress are part of their development. However, the situation could become serious. In this podcast, she outlines the warning signs that parents should watch out for. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
7/16/202429 minutes, 5 seconds
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Perimenopause: What Do I Need To Manage? with Dr Juanri Jonck

My cycle is changing, My period is changing, What do I do? Perimenopause is easily managed if you know what the signs are, early on! And don't be fooled: lifestyle stress, depression, exhaustion, and mood swings, could all be indicators. In this Podcast we are joined by a medical expert, Dr Juanri Jonck, to help Women better understand the hormonal changes that happen when we enter this chapter of our life cycle. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
7/2/202447 minutes, 49 seconds
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Turning My Family Chaos Into Calm with Chereen Gibson

Feeling overwhelmed? It's Winter, Stepmom responsibilities, 4 kids to juggle... everyone's coughing, play date is cancelled, you are feeling sick too, and hubby is off to work! HOW do We manage this chaos? In this week's Podcast: a Mom's heartfelt story brings some light into the tunnel of chaos, with wonderful tips on keeping our toddlers busy, entertained, and happy, while hubby is away earning our living. Chereen is a 'mommy blogger,' with 4 kids, "searching for simplicity amidst the chaos," loves 'everyday beauty, style, and chocolates.' She's a Twin mom, tween mom, and stepmom - find her on social media: @thismammaloves Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
6/18/202441 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Makes a Good Father? T-Bose Talks About Being a Dad

Is there an unfair stigma with Fathers in South Africa? How does an absent Dad affect our mental health in the family unity? Should our dads also get paternity leave? Why is our father’s presence at home so important? In this week's episode, we are joined by veteran broadcaster, and now author, Thabo 'T-Bose' Mokwele, who shares his personal story as a #father. How do we overcome generational stigmas? And what to do when parents are not around - or when our parents don't know how to express their love & affection with us? Thabo's book "Pause: Are you making the right choices?" is out now & available online and at all bookstores countrywide. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
6/4/202445 minutes, 8 seconds
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Bullying Prevention: Comfort from Children's Books

There's a lot we can learn from working through our challenges, and #bullying is perhaps one of the biggest challenges that many parents must work through - so, getting a little help, is always welcome! Noko the Knight is a beautiful children's book series, written by our guest this week, Eleni Theodorou, that aims to spread awareness & help with the bullying problem. @nokotheknight_southafrica has also partnered with the National Children’s Theatre, bringing valuable lessons to life for children through Theatre in Education (TIE). Your school can benefit from the programme, and the Noko the Knight Lesson Plans. See more details on their website at Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
5/21/202420 minutes, 14 seconds
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Sleep Therapy for Your Baby with Venetia Wegelin

“MY BABY DOESN’T SLEEP!” Are We doing something wrong? Is my baby ill? or lacking something? This week Our guest is Venetia from Dudus Baba. While trying to fix her own baby's sleeping difficulty, she discovered sleep therapy - a different approach that changed her life! Learn more about sleep therapy & the incredible work Venetia does, in this week's podcast. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
5/7/202429 minutes, 17 seconds
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Fertility: Am I Able To Have a Baby? with Dr Q

How do I know I am fertile? How do I know I can have a baby? When do I get my body checked out? In this week's episode, we answer your questions with our fertility specialist, Dr Qinisile Cele. Founder of the Family Matters Fertility Centre in Centurion, Dr Cele (known by her patients as "Dr Q") is medically trained as an obstetrician & gynaecologist. She is passionate about finding solutions to help frustrated women that struggle to fall pregnant. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
4/16/202433 minutes, 20 seconds
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How Do I Raise a Child That Is Resilient? with Naomi Holdt

What does the word "resilience" mean to us as parents? How do we go about raising a child that is resilient? This week We have the honour of hosting Naomi Holdt, educational psychologist, speaker, and author, from KZN, to help us better understand the concept of 'raising a resilient child.' Perhaps, the answer might be simpler than we realise! Have a listen to our latest Podcast for a truly interesting take on this topic. Naomi's book, "Bounce: How to raise resilient kids and teens" is available now. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
4/2/202438 minutes, 57 seconds
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A Life with Endometriosis with Nadine Dirks

Endometriosis. It's a tough condition for women to talk about, let alone asking for help. And very often it's misdiagnosed, leading to embarrassment later in life. Nadine Dirks, activist & author, is joining us this week to tackle this very intimate topic, because she is living with this experience herself. She has just published a memoir reflecting on her journey with endometriosis, called 'Hot Water,' and is currently studying for a master’s degree in Women & Gender Studies. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
3/19/202429 minutes, 17 seconds
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Bullying: How do I help my child? with Dr Judy Jaye

I am building a world of kindness for my children, but how do I deal with bullies? It's a controversial topic, but in this Podcast, Dr Judy Jaye gives us helpful guidance on recognising, managing, and solving the bully-problem in our schools and among our children. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
3/5/202431 minutes, 42 seconds
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First-Time Mommy: How to Prepare for Your Baby? with Dr Edzani Mphaphuli

How do I make sure I am covered with all the preparation needed for my new-born? In this important Podcast we ask a medical expert - Dr Edzani Mphaphuli, Executive Director of Grow Great. With her wealth of knowledge and years of experience, I can consider the key aspects to ensure my baby is healthy, comforted, and taken care of in the best possible way. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
2/20/202453 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Secret to My Success (& Happiness) with Rhona Erasmus

Rhona Erasmus made sure her dreams became a reality and her 'secret' might be simpler than you think. Now a successful businesswoman, the former beauty queen, turned reality TV star, says that simple advice is often the best advice. But she adds "We have to challenge ourselves, and for The Real Housewives I wanted to see how tough I could be in tricky situations." In this Podcast, Rhona talks about lessons learnt, challenges she mastered, and the true value of having a loving husband, being a mother to her two boys, and managing a successful business. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
2/6/202439 minutes, 59 seconds
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Why your Shy Child is a Smart Child? Surprise! with Sandrina Naidoo.

How do I treat my shy child? In this podcast, veteran teacher, Sandrina Naidoo, explains why a "shy child" is simply a smart child that is introverted. Introverted children are individuals who tend to be more reserved, reflective, and inward-focused compared to extroverted children. Being introverted is a personality trait, and it does not imply shyness or a lack of social skills. They just prefer quieter & less stimulating environments and may need time alone to recharge. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
1/23/202430 minutes, 14 seconds
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How much does it cost to have children? with Justin Harrison

Ever heard the saying, 'Having kids is expensive'? Let's break it down- just how costly is it? Join us in this week's episode as we number-crunch the nitty-gritty of raising our little ones. Accompanied by Justin Harrison, an investor, author, business guru, and fellow parent, we unravel the true costs of parenthood—from the early days to school expenses, birthday celebrations, and beyond. Let's demystify the world of baby money together! Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
12/5/202338 minutes, 46 seconds
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Can I have my Placenta, please? with Melissa Mann

Can I have my placenta, please? Not a common question that you would ask just after giving birth, but in this week's discussion with Melissa Mann, certified doula & placenta specialist (from, we understand why this part of your body that you have created during pregnancy is important to take home with you, or, be encapsulated, to consume later. What does it mean to consume your placenta? Well, sit back, relax, and enjoy this podcast, where we learn how to create a smoothie, capsule, powder, or remedy, from your placenta, after giving birth. This is not a medical podcast but might be of interest to you if you were wondering what to do with your placenta after birth. Melissa Mann shares her fascinating journey of helping other moms with the best possible avenue to follow when it comes to consuming, or using, their placenta. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
11/21/202329 minutes, 45 seconds
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Missing Children: What Do I Do If It's Mine? with Nico Panagio

Nico Panagio is our guest this week! Why him? We have learned that children go missing every single day in South Africa. It's a reality we don't even want to consider, but child trafficking is one of the most active criminal activities in the world today. There is hope! Thanks to people like Nico, an award-winning actor, TV presenter, husband, and father of two daughters. He believes in creating action plans, awareness, and vigilance, to unite our best efforts in combatting child trafficking. Nico heads-up 'Missing Children South Africa,' a non-profit organisation that helps law enforcement services and parents to act quickly. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
11/7/202347 minutes, 28 seconds
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Nadia Jaftha: Mom & Daughter Goals

Nadia Jaftha is a force of joy in everything that she does, and her magical charm has helped her to turn popularity on social media into successful business projects. Today she is one of the most recognised South African influencers and a powerful, independent lady. In this captivating podcast, Nadia is joined by her equally charming (and very funny) mom, Nawal. Together they have created an adventurous life for themselves, simply by appreciating every opportunity in life - whether good or bad - and turning it into creative ideas that sparked several successful business ventures. Nadia & Nawal talk about life 'behind the scenes' of what we see on social media and share a few insights into creating their dream world! Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
10/24/202336 minutes, 28 seconds
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Buying The Ultimate Family Car: Where Do We Start? with Juliet McGuire

You're looking for a practical, affordable, and reliable family car, but have no idea where to start or how to make the right decision! Baby in the back seat, and luggage in the boot - the practical aspects are important, but we also want to enjoy the drive and the comfort - how do we marry the joy of the drive, with our practical needs (and budget)? In this podcast, veteran motoring journalist and mom, Juliet McGuire, talks about the pitfalls to avoid, the costs to consider, the brands that offer great value for money, and the styles, colours, and extras that we should think about when looking for a new (or second-hand) family car. We talk about the importance of research and which steps to take before making that final, crucial decision for a new family car. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
10/10/202346 minutes, 19 seconds
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Pets At Home: Guidance from a Vet with Dr Motheo Masiya

If you're a Pet-loving person, this one's for you! Our expert Veterinarian, Dr Motheo Masiya, talks about the most important aspects when getting a new pet - for example, the vital health checks, vaccinations, deworming, pet insurance, and considering the size of the pet (especially with kids at home). Parents of fur babies, or parents-to-be - in this podcast we'll help you to choose the right pet for your home. Whether it's a new puppy, kitten, bunny, hamster, or exotic animal - we all want to enjoy the love from our pets - in this podcast, Dr Motheo brings our attention to some of the most common diseases with popular pets, and helps us to better prepare, before getting a new pet. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
9/19/202324 minutes, 35 seconds
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Rethinking the Roles: Grandparents Living with Us - Dr Jenny Rose

There is no easy way out: our parents will not be around forever, and being a parent while our own parents get older, or pass away, is a fundamental concept that many of us might struggle with in life. Juggling the role of being a good parent, while also looking after our parents when they age, means we must stay present - being acutely aware of appreciating every present moment of joy, with our loved ones. In this podcast Elana speaks to clinical psychologist, Dr Jenny Rose, about the beauty of creating structure - for our kids, and our ageing parents - to enable a love-filled, successful balance in our family. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
9/5/202325 minutes, 18 seconds
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Children & Dogs: A Dog Trainer's Advice with Landie Coertse

I'm a parent and want my dogs to get along with my kids, and vice versa... What is the best advice to ensure everyone's happy and play along nicely? Professional Dog Trainer, Landie Coertse, joins Elana in studio to help us understand the way dogs behave when kids are around. How do we socialise our animals? Which dogs are better with kids? Is there a golden rule to consider when getting our kids puppies? What to do when a dog bit my kid? Training our dog is more about getting trained ourselves, to ensure we know how to interact with our pets - and to teach our kids the same techniques. We want to play nice, share in the mutual love from having pets, and ensure there are no surprise incidents - Landie gives us her professional advice on keeping pets and children in the home, and keeping the peace! Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
8/22/202332 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Miracle Smile: The Smile Foundation

Thanks to the SPAR Women's Challenge Jozi, Elana gets to see first-hand the miracle work that South Africa's Smile Foundation does for children. With the generous support of SPAR, we meet some of the heroes that work for this life-changing, non-profit organisation. Bringing together corporate support, medical experts, and initiatives like the SPAR Women's Challenge, the Foundation help to facilitate expert surgical intervention and pre-and post-operative care for children living with facial paralysis. These include, kids born with a cleft lip, and cleft palate, kids with cranio-facial abnormalities, as well as ear, nose, and hand conditions, and burn wounds. The Smile Foundation was created after a good deed by former President, Nelson Mandela, sparked the need for an organisation that could help fund these much-needed operations for children. Today, many hospitals across South Africa are satellite stations where parents could take their children. Giving back a child's smile, and the sense of a normal life again. It's a truly joyful miracle to witness! Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
8/15/202326 minutes, 13 seconds
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Karlien van Jaarsveld Praat Reguit

Karlien van Jaarsveld het ’n kleurryke en suksesvolle sangloopbaan en is ’n gewilde Afrikaanse kunstenaar. Maar agter die skerms, en in die hospitaal waar sy menige nag langs haar kind se bed deurgebring het, was dinge nie altyd so maklik nie. As openbare figuur, is elke aspek van haar lewe nog altyd druk bespreek en hewig gekritiseer. Nietemin moes sy ’n rustige, standvastige en liefdevolle ma wees vir haar kinders. Dit was allermins maklik, maar Karlien het vasgeklou aan haar geloof en aan wat haar eie ma haar geleer het. Vandag is sy trots op die pad wat sy met God kon stap, en op haar kinders. Vandeesweek gesels Elana met Karlien en hoor meer oor haar lewe vandag, die moeilike lesse wat sy moes leer, en alles waarvoor sy dankbaar is. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
8/1/202340 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Baby Food buzz: Halal “Huiskos"! - Nabeelah Sawant

It has taken a mother from Cape Town a nationwide, desperate search to try and find baby food that works, until she finally decided: DIY is the only way! Nabeelah Sawant called her close-friend, and professional dietician, Shakeela Talip, to help with the science behind the recipes - to ensure it's safe for her baby - and created baby food that's inspired by the delicious, healthy 'huiskos' she grew up with. The outcome was so incredible - and her baby was so happy - they decided to help other moms, market the baby food, and turn it into a business! "Beely Baby" was born, Halal, and tasty, offering weaning packs, and more complex meals for up to 18-month-old babies. In this Podcast Elana talks to Nabeelah about the challenges of starting a business as a mom, feeding dilemmas, and creating baby food that helped many mothers across South Africa! Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
7/18/202318 minutes, 19 seconds
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Presence vs Guilt: How to Create Harmony as a New Mom with Lori Milner

Creating a harmonious and disciplined lifestyle is the first step to having balance in your life — especially if you’re a mother, and even more so if you’re a new mom. Lori Milner, one of South Africa's leading lifestyle coaches, joins Elana to give us some valuable advice on the challenges that new moms face when trying to balance family life with work life. It IS possible to be a successful professional woman and a great mom, too. Listen to our podcast to find out how. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
7/4/202328 minutes, 32 seconds
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Single Mom: When to Call a Lawyer with Advocate Jade Lawson

Advocate Jade Lawson joins Elana this week to give us the Legal take on Single parents, with kids. What are the implications for travelling? What if you're a mom and not earning a salary? What if you never got married, and now have kids out of wedlock? Legally, what should the father be helping you with? Advocate Lawson is both an Advocate and Mediator, with one of her areas of focus being on family law. In addition to her litigation work, Adv Lawson is accredited through the Social Justice Association of Mediators and works closely with them to mediate on cases such as parenting plans, divorce settlements, care and contact of minor children and maintenance disputes. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
6/20/20239 minutes, 41 seconds
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Tonsils & Grommets: Expert advice - ENT Specialist Dr Ali Makepeace

Winter season is often the time when cold symptoms are the worst - runny noses, infected mucus, sore throats, and coughing - but sometimes the quickest remedy is not always the best for our kids. Tonsils, Grommets, and earbuds... Learn more about the dangers of remedies, and procedures that we always thought are helping our kids. ENT Specialist, Dr Ali Makepeace, talks to Elana about the dangers of simple medical procedures and give advice on better health for our kids. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
6/6/202332 minutes, 28 seconds
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Baby Showers: A Guide to All the Fun, Frills & Flaws with Beatrix Lourens

What if you, the mom-to-be, don't make it to your own baby shower? And who should NOT be invited? What should the budget be? If these questions are playing out in your head, we have the perfect podcast for you! One of South Africa's most experienced event planners, Beatrix Lourens, joined us to discuss everything that goes into planning & creating amazing baby showers — from simple but sophisticated R2000 events to extravagantly glamorous R150 000 baby showers! Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2
5/23/202335 minutes, 31 seconds
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The “How” of a Successful Marriage, Wealth, and Health: Rolene & Daniel Strauss

One of South Africa's most successful power couples, Rolene & Daniel Strauss, talk to us about their secret to a happy marriage, and balancing all their different roles - as husband & wife, parents, business owners, and public speakers. From the outside it looks like the perfect life, but is it really? Rolene & Daniel explain to us how they make it happen and still achieve success in all their different responsibilities. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
5/2/202343 minutes, 34 seconds
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How to Keep up with your Gamer Child: Sarah Hoffman

When it comes to bringing up kids in the digital age, we’ve spoken about the dangers of devices as well as the creativity of coding — so it’s only natural that we dive into the world of gaming and social media too! We chat to mom, lawyer-turned-digital-educator, and co-founder of Klikd, Sarah Hoffman, to find out what the best approach is for parents who are raising children in a time when we can no longer avoid smartphones, gaming & social media. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
4/18/202337 minutes, 50 seconds
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“My child is different, not less” — Raising a Child with Autism, with Julie Hendricks and Chantell Witbooi

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is an enormously misunderstood neurodevelopmental condition that can make certain social skills and behaviours challenging for children. But because it is a spectrum, no two children with autism are the same — and embracing their unique way of thinking is where we see absolute magic. Lend your ears to this incredibly insightful chat with two moms of children on the spectrum, Chantell Witbooi and Faces of Felicity’s Julie Hendricks. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
4/11/202337 minutes, 9 seconds
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Ask a Gastroenterologist: Is my child’s gut healthy? Dr Lesley Hendricks

Let’s be honest, every parent worries about their child’s poo. So we’re bringing in an expert to clear all your doubts and get you on the right track! Meet gastroenterologist and mom, Dr Lesley Hendricks, a specialist in all aspects of the digestive system. Dr Hendricks is currently a member of a new and exciting field of practice in Southern Africa at Midstream Mediclinic Hospital’s Paediatric Intestinal Failure Unit, where she has been a part of successfully implementing an innovative home parenteral nutrition (TPN) programme. Today, she is sharing her knowledge with us to help give parents the tools they need when it comes to their child’s gut health. A healthy gut means a healthy child – Do not miss this vital podcast! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
3/22/202342 minutes, 5 seconds
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Why the Interior Design of your Child’s Bedroom Matters: Carin van Heerden

When your child opens their eyes every morning and goes to bed every night, have you considered what they are seeing around them? How does their environment affect their little minds and hearts? We sat down with the incredible Carin from Carné Interior Design to unpack the importance of styling your child’s room to create a therapeutic space as they grow into their best selves! Don’t miss this insightful podcast and give your children the gift of everyday beauty without breaking the budget. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
3/7/202315 minutes, 53 seconds
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January Isn't Your Only Chance to Start Afresh! Elana Afrika-Bredenkamp

You are more than "Mommy", “Mom”, “Ma” or even “Mooooooooom!” You can still become your best self – this is your opportunity, right here. Start now, with our latest podcast specially made with YOU in mind, mom ;) Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
2/21/202321 minutes, 14 seconds
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Can 1 drink really affect your unborn baby? Dr Leana Olivier

Not knowing the answer to this question can impact your child’s life in more ways than you realise. We’re getting answers from Dr Leana Olivier, CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Related Research (FARR). Be informed about your choices – don’t miss this vital conversation! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
2/7/202331 minutes, 18 seconds
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I’m an Anxious Mom – How do I turn anxiety to action?

Moms have a million things on their mind – and worrying about whether you’re doing it right is often at the top of that list. We all feel insecure, anxious, and filled with worry about the next few minutes, the next few days, and the rest of our child’s life! And that’s okay. We’re chatting to clinical psychologist Liane Lurie to get to the bottom of ‘mom anxiety’ once and for all – don’t miss this interview! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
1/17/202326 minutes, 56 seconds
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Kids, Credit Cards & CASH: A Guide to Teaching Children the Value of Money

Do you have a little gambler under your roof? Or maybe you’ve noticed sudden bratty outbursts from your little one? Justin Harrison from Money Tribe is here to talk about our children's relationship with money and how to teach them to respect its value from a young age. We’re talking credit cards, cash in hand, crypto — and when the right time is to start explaining how money really works. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
12/6/202221 minutes, 2 seconds
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Elana Meyer: Sport & Motherhood - Life Lessons From The Track

She runs a business, runs a home, and runs marathons, too! We’re talking to Elana Meyer – a mother, an Olympics silver medallist, and a woman with a heart of gold! Join us as we look back at the lessons learned along the way and the goals that push this South African icon forward. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
11/29/202228 minutes, 47 seconds
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What is the role of a children’s home or haven?

Why is there a stigma around children's homes? And what if we needed their support for our own families one day? Join us as we chat to Johanna Strauss from the Durbanville Children's Home to better understand how children end up in these homes and learn more about the vital role they play in the nurturing and care that the children so urgently need. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
11/15/202222 minutes, 55 seconds
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Postpartum, Peripartum & Partners

Clinical psychologist Liane Lurie helps us uncover the difference between ‘sadness’ and peripartum and postpartum depression. From the signs to look out for to the role of your partner during such a bittersweet time – we’re having all the important conversations! Don’t miss this interview for vital insights on your mental health post birth. A special thank you to SADAG. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
11/1/202222 minutes, 50 seconds
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Gut Health for Toddlers – How do you get it right?

Is the answer in the number of times we chew each bite of food, or is it in the nutritious fruits and veggies that you have to convince your little one to eat? We’re chatting to Megan Lagerwey, aka The Good Gut Guru, who ‘breaks down’ everything we need to know to ensure our toddlers have optimum gut health. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
10/18/202218 minutes, 30 seconds
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Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – Can You Prevent Cot Death?

We’ve brought together two experts to help us understand the unpredictable tragedy that is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), more commonly known as cot death. Dr Mark Irvine – a Cape Town-based paediatrician with over 30 years of experience – joins Richard Powell – a California-based electrical engineer of over 40 years, specialising in the development of medical grade components for medical devices – to educate parents on this often unthinkable topic. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
10/4/202231 minutes, 27 seconds
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Avoiding The Crash This Child Passenger Safety Week with Debbie Billson

Remember how our parents always told us to buckle up, yet still, so many of us forget to do this with our own children? It is Child Passenger Safety Week and we discuss the importance of car seats with Operations Director of Maxi Cosi, Debbie Billson. Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
9/20/202222 minutes, 12 seconds
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Carol Ofori on African Stories, Heritage & Culture

Award-winning radio presenter-turned-author Carol Ofori is here to help us write the stories we tell our children about our heritage. Carol’s book series of African adventures tell us about the power of parents fulfilling their dreams and the magic of our unique heritage. Catch this thrilling interview for laughter, inspiration, wisdom and more! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
9/6/202228 minutes, 38 seconds
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Preeclampsia – Pregnancy Complications with Dr Gynae

Is high blood pressure dangerous when you are pregnant? Well, it’s just one of the symptoms of Preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication affecting blood pressure, kidneys and other organs. We’ve brought in OB-Gynae-Sexologist Dr Mpume Zenda, aka “Dr Gynae”, to explain everything pregnant mommies need to know about this condition. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
8/16/202215 minutes, 50 seconds
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Life as a Business Mom – How do you do it? With Frances Edwards

Don’t you just love seeing moms flourish and thrive in their business endeavours? We’re chatting to Frances Edwards, mom of two and founder and creative director of House of Cinnamon, a design-conscious brand offering locally handcrafted footwear and accessories – and she’s telling us how she brings it all together! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
8/9/202224 minutes, 4 seconds
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Etiquette 101: Modern Manners for your Children

“Het hierdie kind geen maniere nie?” Well, are etiquette and manners the same thing? Riandi Conradie from the South African Etiquette Academy is here to help and class is in session – don’t miss out! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
8/2/202213 minutes, 50 seconds
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Body Positivity for Moms: The Story of Lerato

Lerato Makosholo is a mom with a message! Primary school Tuckshop Manager by day and our champion and advocate for body positivity today, Lerato is delivering perspective for all moms – from the journey of accepting our post-birth bodies to managing the lives we’ve made for ourselves. It’s time to start being kind to yourself again – join our little chat now! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
7/26/202220 minutes
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Eco Warrior Mom – How to teach your children about sustainability

Mom, blogger, eco warrior – and your guide to eco-awareness – Fay van Eeden from Enroute Foodie joins us to not only explain WHY, but show us HOW we can create a sustainable home and planet for our little ones. Listen to find out how simple bringing an eco-conscious mindset into your home can be! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
7/19/20229 minutes, 54 seconds
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"My child has been referred to a psychiatrist” – What now?

How can we identify when our children need more mental health support? Is medication really the answer? Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Dr Nkokone Tema joins us to answer our questions, bust the myths, and give us the tools we need to help our children and teens. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
7/5/202224 minutes, 44 seconds
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What No One Tells You About The First Days After Birth

We found someone who can tell us what the baby guides don’t! We brought back your favourite doula Nicolette Hadden to tell us what REALLY happens in those first 4 days after birth – don’t miss this! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
6/21/202233 minutes, 36 seconds
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Xola Ntshinga the Co-Parent – Fatherhood, Fairness & Fun

Xola Ntshinga is a familiar voice and face on our radios and televisions, from breakfast and afternoon drive shows to sports anchoring – but today he’s here with us as a dad! Join us as we delve deeper into how parenting turns into co-parenting after a divorce, how being a dad feels during a pandemic, how Xola practises being a ‘present parent’, and much more! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
6/14/202218 minutes, 43 seconds
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What to do if your child gets badly burnt

How do you know if your child’s burn injury is serious? And what do you do until you can get to a hospital or clinic? We’re getting hands-on advice from specialist surgeon Dr Nikki Allorto of Burn Care Trust on how parents can take action in the face of a burn emergency. A must-listen for ALL PARENTS! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
6/8/202214 minutes, 23 seconds
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Flu Jabs - Yes or No?

This Podcast is in Memory of Lee Baker. Our Condolences and Prayers to Lee's Family and Friends. With Love, Elana and The Parent + Baby Brunch Team. Vaccines for this, vaccines for that… So do we still need to get our annual flu jab this year? We’re discussing the ins and outs and pros and cons of the flu vaccine with medicine information pharmacist Lee Baker – a must-listen for all parents! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
5/31/202216 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Prepare your child for the arrival of their new-born sibling

Is there a right way to introduce your first child to the latest addition to your family, to avoid them feeling rejected or neglected? Clinical psychologist and parent-child expert Dr Jenny Rose chats to us about how we can approach all of the change that comes with bringing home a new-born baby and how to prepare and care for your first child in this time. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
5/25/202224 minutes, 24 seconds
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Battle of the Birth Experts – The Gameshow That Answers All

A dad, a gynaecologist and a registered nurse battle it out in a gameshow about all things baby-related – who wins? Get the answers to all of your burning questions without any of the pressure with singer and actor Loukmaan Adams, our favourite OB-Gynae and sexologist Dr Mpume Zenda, and registered nurse in midwifery and paediatrics Sister Nicolene Stander as they cover it all! So who has the best answers for you and your birth needs? Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior - our family, for your family & supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
5/4/202238 minutes, 55 seconds
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Pregnant Moms – Are you worried if your baby is going to be healthy or ‘normal’?

What IS a healthy baby? And have you been asked if you’ve checked if your baby is ‘normal’ yet? Worrying is not the answer, dear pregnant moms. “Dr Gynae” is back with us – watch to find out what OB-Gynae-Sexologist Dr Mpume Zenda says about the approach you should be taking to your pregnancy and how to figure out what ‘normal’ actually is for you and your baby. Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior - our family, for your family & supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
4/20/20229 minutes, 8 seconds
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Parenting & Autism – How we can all embrace neurodiversity in our homes

What do you really know about autism? And if diversity is so important, what about neurodiversity? We chat to Julie Hendricks of Faces of Felicity who, among so many other things, is a mom to an autistic son and an artist using her art to create awareness for neurodiversity. Join us to learn about this and so much more! Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior - our family, for your family & supported by Jacaranda 94.2.
4/6/202218 minutes, 46 seconds
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World Down Syndrome Day – What you don’t know about raising a child with Down Syndrome

Tineke Ganz-Malan is from the Down Syndrome Association Western Cape – but she is also a mom to a young man with down syndrome. Join us and see how a family can adapt and grow together. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
3/23/202221 minutes, 48 seconds
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If Baby Eats Better, Will Baby Sleep Better?

What is normal when it comes to bedtime and getting your little ones to sleep? We brought in paediatrician duo Dr Kooblal and Dr Ramsunder to demystify the role that nutrition plays with your baby’s sleep. Prepare for some big reveals! Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
3/9/202216 minutes, 13 seconds
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Is Adoption The Option for You?

Are adoptive parents better parents because they have more time to emotionally and mentally prepare? Social worker and adoption specialist Eloise Loots is here to explain how adoption really works, who makes a good candidate for this life-long commitment, and much more. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
2/23/202217 minutes, 49 seconds
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Pregnancy Awareness Week: Pregnant Moms, You are Important

It’s Pregnancy Awareness Week and do you know what? Pregnancy is actually NOT all sunshine and roses – but if we know better, we can handle it better. We’ve brought “Dr Gynae” back to help us understand and support the pregnant moms in our lives. OB-Gynae-Sexologist Dr Mpume Zenda talks everything from danger signs to the role of the dad or partner. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
2/9/202215 minutes
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In conversation with Elana: Coding for kids, Also Story telling with Author Bianca Flanders

From head to heart - join us as we find out why coding is the new literacy and for a special discussion with actress Bianca Flanders on the power of inclusivity and representation in children's stories. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Supported by Epi-Max & Jacaranda 94.2
1/26/202221 minutes, 52 seconds
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Stop! Don’t spend money on your children this Christmas

“Spend like I say, not like I do”? We get real money lessons for both kids and parents this Christmas from the Money Podcast’s Justin Harrison – watch for everything from gift-giving no-nos to why you should NOT empty your purse this festive season! Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
12/15/202117 minutes, 34 seconds
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Antibiotics – Yes or No?

As parents, we want our children to be in the best of health. So what happens when they get sick and need an antibiotic? We chat to Dr Louise Engelbrecht and discuss both the good and the bad when it comes to antibiotics and our little ones. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
11/24/202113 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Whole Mama Show’s Aisha meets Baby Brunch’s Elana

Every mother is unique in her talents. We chat to multiple award-winning content creator, host of the Whole Mama Show podcast, entrepreneur and mother of two Aisha O'Reilly to find out how honestly sharing her journey creates a safe space for other mothers to do so, too. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
11/10/202123 minutes, 57 seconds
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2 Dads & a Lad: The Journey of Surrogacy

Medical advancements, love and hope have come together to enable those who cannot biologically have children to still experience all the joys of parenthood. We chat to two exceptional dads Jonathan and Arthur about their journey with surrogacy and the life they have created with their little lad, William. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
10/20/202119 minutes
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Oral Health for Babies, Toddlers & Moms-to-be

Oral health and hygiene play a very important role in our general health; let alone during pregnancy and for our baby. There are a few factors that can contribute to oral health problems and complications, and we chat to oral hygienist Natasha van Reede van Oudtshoorn to better understand its importance for us and our little ones. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
10/13/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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Bailey Schneider's Across-the-Globe Parenting Style

Moving countries with young children is one thing, but when a pandemic hits midway, having the courage to go through with it and still create an epic experience for your family is another completely. Media personality Bailey Schneider needed a change in environment and did something radical – and we find out how she made these bold moves against all odds. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
9/22/202123 minutes, 33 seconds
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Child Cancer: How to Support these Little Lives

There are so many organisations and programmes that need our support both during Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and every other time of the year. We learn about how we can support parents and children going through this battle by chatting to Prof. Loveland from Surgeons for Little Lives. Brought to you by Fedhealth, Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2.
9/8/202112 minutes, 24 seconds
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‘Flow’ – The Podcast about Periods, Puberty and Menstruation

Everybody has their own menstruation story – and that is exactly why we need a book that can help everyone. We interview some of the authors of ‘Flow: The book about menstruation’ to demystify a topic which affects half of the population – and affects both our girls and our boys. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
8/25/202129 minutes, 21 seconds
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Parenting in a Pandemic & Nurturing with Nozi

“The way we raise our children has the power to change the world,” says conscious leader and mom of two Nozipho Mbatha. This parenting coach is the founder of Nurture with Nozi, a platform to support parents in building a deeper connection with their children – and she has some advice for us. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
8/11/202118 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Role of a Doula in your Pregnancy & Labour Room

Between gynaecologists, midwives and doulas, there is a type of birth support for every type of mom-to-be. We talk with experienced doula Nicolette Hadden about the birth support that a doula can give to both parents during this special time in their lives. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
7/21/202128 minutes, 26 seconds
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Simoné Pretorius – A Journey of Faith & Motherhood

No two mothers have the same story, nor do they have the same path to walk with their family. South African film, television, and theatre actress Simoné Pretorius shares her unique experience in an honest and authentic chat about faith, motherhood and life. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
7/7/202128 minutes, 8 seconds
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Seuns Sonder Pa’s – Are you raising your child as a single parent?

Over 60% of children in South Africa grow up without a father. But the work of a single mother is more than double of what you would think it would be. Journalist Julian Jansen talks us through what went into his extremely significant and poignant book ‘Seuns Sonder Pa’s’, outlining the impact on households where the father is absent. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
6/22/202120 minutes, 36 seconds
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How to let my baby ‘sleep like a baby’

Lack of sleep affects every aspect of our lives – so imagine what it does to our little ones? Baby is tired, and we are exhausted. We chat to qualified sleep consultants and moms Lindi Koekemoer and Zanda Greeff to get practical tips and tricks to enhance baby’s sleep routine and ours. Brought to you by Fedhealth Medical Aid. Supported by Epi-max & Jacaranda 94.2
6/2/202123 minutes, 6 seconds
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Money money money – How to financially care for our little miracles

We all want financial freedom for our families – a bright and exciting future for our little ones. But where do we even start? We chat to Certified Financial Planner Elke Brink to understand just that as we discuss the road to financial security for our families. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
5/19/202124 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Midwife – Everything you need to know about Pregnancy & Birth

What exactly does a midwife do? Registered nurse and midwife Angela Wakeford talks to us from her depth of experience as we define the role of a midwife, both independently and in relation to gynaecologists and doulas, as well as when and why we might need the expertise of a midwife during our journey. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
5/5/202127 minutes, 32 seconds
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Multidimensional, Mesmerising, and now, Mom

A gem in the crown of South African arts, multiple award-winning actor turned writer and director Quanita Adams is our guest as we talk about her journey as a new mom, as well as her metaphorical baby as a result of her filmmaking debut. We get to know the quirky and talented star in this down-to-earth interview. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
4/28/202128 minutes, 42 seconds
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Pregnancy Nutrition, Cravings & Post-baby Weight Loss

Diet shouldn’t be a scary word – especially as you prepare to welcome a beautiful baby into the world. To truly understand our relationship with food as our bodies go through so many changes, we chat to registered dietitian Maya du Plessis, who has a special interest in paediatric nutrition and nutrition in pregnancy and lactation. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
4/21/202127 minutes, 14 seconds
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Doctor, we’re pregnant! Now what?

We may have a world of information at our fingertips in the digital age, but when it comes to each unique situation, what Doctor says is always best. We discuss everything to do with pregnancy, from the before to the after and everything in between, with OB-Gynae-Sexologist Dr Mpume Zenda, otherwise known as Dr Gynae. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
4/7/202133 minutes, 26 seconds
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Hormones, Weight Gain & More - how hormones work.

Different hormones play different roles in different people at different stages of their lives. We brought together GP and Functional Medicine Practitioner Dr Grant Fourie and naturopathic endocrinologist Dr Melinda Wessels for an important unpacking of how hormones impact menopause, libido, endometriosis, depression and more. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
3/31/202137 minutes, 40 seconds
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For Dylan – A Story of Vaccines & The Info Parents Need Right Now.

Since our last episode on the topic, the word ‘vaccine’ has gained a whole new gravitas in light of a pandemic. This time, we hear the story of a mom that might challenge the way we view vaccines as a whole, and we discuss everything that parents need to know with medicines information pharmacist Lee Baker. This podcast is dedicated to Dylan Beinart. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
3/17/202126 minutes, 38 seconds
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‘My child does not listen’ – but can they hear you?

World Hearing Day is celebrated on 3 March annually to spread awareness for hearing health. We discuss what this means for our little ones in conversation with experienced audiologists Bronwyn van Wyk and Dr Natalie Buttress to equip ourselves as parents and ensure hearing care for all. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
3/3/202143 minutes, 27 seconds
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Special Broadcast: Sexual Health & Intimacy after having a Baby

The meaning of sexual health changes as we grow from adolescence to adulthood, and even more when we become parents. We speak with author, medical doctor and specialist in sexual and reproductive health Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng to understand this topic with respect to our children and partners. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
2/24/202135 minutes, 46 seconds
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Childproofing & Daily Safety Measures that Could Save your Child’s Life

Prevention is better than cure. Rather than living in fear, equip your family against hazards which lead to choking, suffocating, burning, falling, drowning and more. We chat to child injury specialist Pumla Mtambeka-Nyakaza from ChildSafe SA to learn about how to keep our children safe from environmental and age-specific dangers as they grow up. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
2/17/202130 minutes, 25 seconds
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Drop your New Year’s resolutions for a ‘Drop List’ – Here’s how

Self-leadership expert and mother of two Lori Milner knows exactly where we’re going wrong with our New Year’s resolutions each year. In our discussion with her, she simplifies our habits and human nature into something we can use to our advantage as we aim to better ourselves each year, or each month or week or day. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
2/3/202136 minutes, 16 seconds
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Back to School in a Pandemic – All you need to know

This year’s back-to-school rush is like nothing we’ve ever experienced before. As we try to guide our little ones through childhood and schooling in the midst of a pandemic, we all have so many questions. So we’re discussing every parent’s current concerns with principal and early childhood development specialist, Joan Tindale – brought to you by Fedhealth.
1/13/202139 minutes, 38 seconds
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From TikTok & Hijackings to Makeovers & Affairs - Relive our Best Moments & Biggest Conversations of 2020

After a year which no parent was prepared for, we review some of the most significant lessons and insights from the Baby Brunch podcasts of 2020 in order to go into the new year ready and informed. We talk about everything from protecting our little ones to protecting ourselves and our marriages, and much much more. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
12/16/202014 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Keep your Family Safe this Festive Season

Crime doesn’t sleep. Especially during the festive season. South Africa’s safety and hijack prevention expert Richard Brussow is back to share his tips and tricks for a smooth holiday season for all – from those staying at home to those travelling with their little ones, and even the silly season shopping experience. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
12/2/202022 minutes, 17 seconds
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Mental Health & Inclusivity: The 21st Century Parent’s Guide

Mental health is a misunderstood topic. At some times, it is not taken seriously, and at others, it is not even considered. Medical doctor Dr Leandri Hattingh, who has a special interest in this field, joins us along with Charney Habelgaarn, physiotherapist and mom to a little girl with special needs. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
11/25/202035 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Importance of a Will – Protect your Family & Leave a Legacy

No one chooses when they die. So what happens to your children and loved ones if you pass away prematurely? Not thinking about your will can jeopardise all that you’ve done to secure your children’s future. Alex Simeonides, co-founder and CEO of Capital Legacy, talks to us about putting together a will and estate in South Africa. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
11/18/202027 minutes, 37 seconds
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Divorce & Mediation: Everything you need to know

Divorce is scary, but the process itself shouldn’t add to the emotional strain you and your family are already going through. We chat to attorney Pieter Spruyt and family law mediator Rushka Pedro to better understand how to take such a step with the least painful outcomes. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
11/4/202032 minutes, 1 second
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Thuli Madonsela Launches Her First Children’s Book

Who would you trust to write a children’s book for your children ? Prof Thuli Madonsela needs no introduction in the political and legal field, and she is now extending her extraordinary impact to younger minds and families with “Melo’s Kingdom”, her first children’s book. Elana talks with the professor about children, motherhood, spirituality and more. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
10/28/202021 minutes, 44 seconds
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Getting the Snip – All you need to know about Vasectomies

Misconception is rife when it comes to one of the only long-term contraceptive methods available to men. What is the success rate of a vasectomy? And what is its relationship with overall sexual function? We chat to specialist urologist and robotic surgeon Dr James Urry to separate fact from fiction in this podcast, brought to you by Fedhealth.
10/21/202031 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Baby Brunch Playlist Ep. 1 – Lockdown Upliftment

Join husband-and-wife duo Elana and Ian in this candid, chart-show chat about life using their top song picks to guide the way. Elana’s Baby Brunch platform aims to support and uplift fellow moms and dads. Put this together with Ian’s experience in the music plugging, PR and marketing industry, and the result is an honest (and witty!) discussion for all to enjoy and dance to. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
10/7/202023 minutes, 51 seconds
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What Every Parent Needs to Know about Allergies

As a parent, you never know when your child’s life could be at risk from an allergy that you don’t know they have. Dr Tshegofatso Mabelane is the first and only HPCA-certified Family Physician Allergy Sub-Specialist in South Africa, and she reveals everything that we need to know when it comes to allergies – from peanuts to asthma and everything in between. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
9/30/202042 minutes, 8 seconds
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Mommy Guilt - The Rocky Road to 'Perfection'

Why is guilt and the feeling of not being ‘enough’ so commonly experienced by mothers around the world? We look at both sides of the coin by talking to both clinical psychologist Janine Boulle and self-leadership expert Lori Milner, and using personal stories from fellow moms as examples to better understand the universal phenomenon of mothers’ guilt. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
9/23/202045 minutes, 46 seconds
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Til Death Do Us Part – A Father’s Story

Often assumed to only be a threat later on in life, cancer can come out of nowhere and turn worlds upside down. Amier Moerat, husband to a super mom, fighter and inspiration to all, talks to us about his wife Sadiyah, her courage and strength before her passing on, and the legacy she has left behind. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
9/9/202029 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Parent’s Handbook to Empathy & Kindness

Is empathy for everyone? Is it the same as kindness? Mimi Nicklin, author, empathetic business leader and mother, talks us through the world’s dire need for empathy and how simple it is to incorporate into our daily lives - both at home and at work - for inspiring outcomes. This podcast was brought to you by Fedhealth.
8/26/202045 minutes, 3 seconds
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Affairs & Entanglements – How to Save Your Family After Infidelity

Marriages can break for many reasons – and infidelity is a big one. But is there hope after such a betrayal? Can a couple come back together stronger than before? Or is this an indicator of larger issues at hand? Clinical psychologist Linda Mthenjane unpacks the role that couple therapy plays in instances of cheating and how to keep that spark alive. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
8/19/202044 minutes, 25 seconds
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Breastfeeding 101: Your Simplified How-To Guide

To commemorate World Breastfeeding Week, Leah Hughes from Gentle Breastfeeding Studio answers all your questions about this wide-ranging topic. We cover everything from how to start to when to stop – and everything in between – in this podcast brought to you by Fedhealth. Baby Brunch Website
8/5/202029 minutes, 35 seconds
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Hijacking Prevention Tips to Protect You and Your Family

As adults, safety is a priority; but as parents, it is a necessity. South Africa’s hijacking expert Richard Brussow joins us to share his knowledge and advice built up from over 20 years’ of experience. We discuss how to be vigilant and what to look out for, how to prevent and how to react, and how your young ones factor in to your safety measures. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
7/15/202025 minutes, 9 seconds
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Mommy Makeovers: All We Want is Confidence

Plastic surgery is a term which often comes with a stigma. Dr Deon Weyers – the plastic surgeon who gives back – chats to us to clear all of our misconceptions about plastic and reconstructive surgery. We cover the psychological factors, the various levels, the process, timeline, and more in this podcast, brought to you by Fedhealth.
7/1/202039 minutes, 58 seconds
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Affirmations & Edutainment for Our Little Ones - A Podcast About Children's Online Entertainment

Well-known TV personality Pedro Kruger has brought his decades of experience in the entertainment industry to the realm of edutainment with his ‘Curious Kate’ web series. We chat about how he and his team have gone about creating wholesome content for our children during lockdown. See the plus side of the internet in this podcast brought to you by Fedhealth.
6/24/202032 minutes, 2 seconds
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Childbirth Your Way – Natural or Caesarean?

C-sections have become far more common than before, no longer only saved for emergencies. So how do you choose the best childbirth option for you and your baby? We discuss all this and more with childbirth educator and board member of the International Childbirth Education Association, Deryse van Aardt. Brought to you by Fedhealth.
6/17/202035 minutes, 8 seconds
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TikTok, Toddlers & Terror: How to Parent in the Digital Age

We all want to protect and shelter our children from the dangers of the internet. But this intricate space can have so many benefits, too – so how do we navigate this? South Africa’s leading expert in social media law Emma Sadleir advises us on how to better equip ourselves and our children in this podcast, brought to you by Fedhealth.
6/3/202041 minutes, 2 seconds
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My COVID Baby Part 2 – The Low-Down on Lockdown & New-borns

How does having a baby amongst the coronavirus differ from the norm? In our previous podcast, we chatted to parents of babies born under the cloud of COVID-19 about their struggles. In this podcast, brought to you by Fedhealth, we get the advice of a medical professional as we discuss some of the best baby practices at a time like this in detail with paediatrician Dr Enrico Maraschin.
5/20/202015 minutes, 38 seconds
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My COVID Baby Part 1 – The Low-Down on Lockdown & New-borns

How does having a baby amongst the coronavirus differ from the norm? We chat to parents of babies born under the cloud of COVID-19 about their fears and their fight. TV presenter Graeme Richards is one such parent, and he shares with us his hospital experience with his new-born baby girl. This podcast was brought to you by Fedhealth.
5/13/202035 minutes, 35 seconds
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Life After Lockdown – Emotions, Personalities, Relationships & More

Clinical psychologist Janine Boulle talks us through the emotional side of the circumstances that Covid-19 has put us in. Life as we know it has changed fundamentally – for some positively and for others negatively. We consider the ways that various personalities and relationships cope under lockdown, and chat about our different needs and the uses of mindfulness. This podcast was brought to you by Fedhealth.
4/29/202036 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Ultimate Lockdown Crash Course on Children’s Activities & Home-Schooling

How do you come up with activities to keep your children occupied during the day? Is home-schooling for everyone? Listeners have sent in their questions and we’ve got Liz Senior, occupational therapist and founder of Clamber Club, and Janet Kieswetter, home-schooling mom of 5, to answer them all. This podcast was brought to you by Fedhealth.
4/15/202045 minutes, 16 seconds
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Flip the Script: A talented young man with autism is interviewed by his mom

Autism. It is a word that carries so much weight, and often, misunderstanding. What exactly is autism spectrum disorder? Is it something that you as a parent have been confronted with? For the first time in this podcast series, we not only interview an extraordinary mom, but also flip the script as this mom interviews her extraordinary son. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series is brought to you by Fedhealth - we let you be you.
4/2/202022 minutes, 19 seconds
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Medical Aid & You – Let’s grow our understanding

Medical aid is a complex product that is often tricky to understand. From flu to the coronavirus, and from breast cancer to loyalty programmes, there are so many burning questions that we find ourselves asking. Fund Manager of Fedhealth Medical Scheme Deon Lategan answered all of our questions and more in this podcast, brought to you by Fedhealth – We let you be you.
4/1/202041 minutes, 8 seconds
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Bed-wetting: Should you be worried?

1 in 6 children between the ages of 5 and 10 years old are bed-wetters. Is your child among this statistic? How can we, as parents, support our children as they navigate through such a confusing phase? We chat to self-confessed childhood bed-wetter, Dr Michael Mol, and discover more about nocturnal enuresis and how to handle it.
3/25/202023 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Raise Resilient and Confident Young Women

Despina Senatore, mother of three and founder of inspirational coaching company Purposeful Woman, talks about her company and the motivation behind her book Soar!, an up-to-date handbook for today’s young girls. From mindfulness practices for young girls and career options for teens to how moms can transition into the workspace after maternity leave, we chat about all phases of life.
3/11/202039 minutes, 51 seconds
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Mastocytosis. The disease that changed Mommy Nicol and her baby’s life forever.

Born a healthy and happy baby, the lives of Mom Nicol and her hubby changed when their son was diagnosed with Cutaneous Mastocytosis when he was just 12 weeks old. Mastocytosis is a condition that occurs when mast cells accumulate in the skin and/or internal organs such as the liver, spleen, bone marrow, and small intestines. They share their story to support other parents. 28 February is Disease Awareness Day to raise awareness for rare diseases and improve access to treatments and medical representation for individuals with rare and genetic diseases in their families.
2/26/202026 minutes, 45 seconds
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Eggs. Fertility. Donation. Freezing.

Genevieve Uys froze her eggs at a young age. For the past 8 years she has been running her own egg donation agency called Traveling Donors, While focusing on giving egg freezing a voice in South Africa, she hopes to educate young women to be proactive about their reproductive futures by informing them of their options.
2/12/202019 minutes, 59 seconds
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Alette-Johanni Winckler on What to Pack in Your Baby's Hospital Bag and Tips for Your Baby's Wardrobe

Alette-Johanni Winckler, 39 weeks pregnant with her 4th baby at the time of this recording, discusses what to pack in your baby’s hospital bag, and some tips on wardrobe for your baby. She provides image consulting and styling, makeovers and inspirational talks to women of all ages through her business. Find her on
1/29/202034 minutes, 58 seconds
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Is Your Baby or Toddler Going to School for the First Time?

The first day of school is not just hard for our little ones, but emotionally draining for Us as Parents too. But how do we choose the right school for our babies and toddlers? What if we don't get along with the teacher? And what if you simply can’t hand them over into the care of a capable stranger. We chat to Development Centre Expert Jovane de Boer.
1/15/202048 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Grace Factory, a Mom's Dream for Her Community

In our next podcast for 2019 we chat to Amy Westerman, founder of The Grace Factory. Their vision is to assist all mothers who delivers a baby in their communities by supporting them by giving the basic essentials they would need during the first few weeks of their newborn's life. Since their launch in 2013 they have brought hope to over 10 000 anxious new moms and babies and assisted numerous homes with baby goods.
12/11/201918 minutes, 20 seconds
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Parent + #BabyBrunch The Show Cape Town: Panel

Inspiration from our Cape Town event of Parent + #BabyBrunch, supported by Fedhealth. Listen to our panel discussion with guests Zane Meas, Melissa Swart, Vanessa Raphaely and Shahana Mia.
11/28/201958 minutes, 43 seconds
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Dear Premature Baby...

Sunday, 17 November, is World Prematurity Day. We talk to Tasmin Bota about her journey with her newborn, and the start of Preemie Connect. Preemie Connect is a support group for families affected by prematurity. They are there to help and provide emotional support that only someone who has been in that position can provide.
11/13/201925 minutes, 17 seconds
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Mommy Has To Go Back To Work

In this podcast we discuss how to get back to work after having a baby. Do you know your rights? How do you ask for leave? Much thanks to Madeleine, Managing Director of HR Company Solutions.
11/6/201939 minutes, 30 seconds
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Melissa Swart: #TheHonestToMomTruth

Owner and founder of #TheHonestToMomTruth, Melissa Swart, talks about the best thing about being a mother. Sharing personal details about one’s life can leave you vulnerable and exposed but in Melissa’s case you’ll see how sharing gives her new strength and hope.
10/23/201929 minutes, 11 seconds
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Parent + #BabyBrunch The Show Gauteng: Part Two

Listen to part two of the LIVE show from Parent + Baby Brunch Gauteng, supported by Fedhealth. Our panel guests were; Zane Meas, Melissa Swart, Letshego Zulu, Dewald Wasserfall and Shahana Mia from The Parent Centre.
10/16/20191 hour, 31 minutes, 16 seconds
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Mental Health. You Are Not Alone.

In this podcast we talk about the stigma that still surrounds Mental Health issues with Dr Leandri Hattingh, Advanced Specialist Strategic Planning: MHRS, and a young Mom who suffered a traumatic and life-altering experience that forced her to get help and claim back her mental wellbeing. A special thanks to Fedhealth Medical Aid.
10/9/201932 minutes, 58 seconds
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Parent + #BabyBrunch The Show Gauteng: Part One

Listen to the LIVE show from Parent + Baby Brunch Gauteng, supported by Fedhealth, here. Liz Senior, founder and creator of Clamber Club, was one of our speakers on the day. She talks about sensory motor programmes for children and how to stimulate different senses of your baby.
10/2/201941 minutes, 36 seconds
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Fun For Kids, and it’s Cheap! A Guide to Interesting & Cheap Ways to Play

We find interesting ways to keep our young ones busy and interview a mommy who made finding activities to do with her toddler her job by creating Agaaain is a go-to guide for modern parents of child-friendly places to go to that’s fun for adults too.
9/25/201920 minutes, 35 seconds
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Gay, Happy and Pregnant with Twins

Twins. Double the Blessing for these Dads! This week in our Baby Brunch podcast, We chat to a Dad, who just found out that they are expecting again. This time pregnant with Twins. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
9/11/201927 minutes, 9 seconds
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Rising Above Addiction in Her Household

This mom wanted to protect her children. A drug-addicted father in the household made that difficult to do. Listen to this mom's change moment. This is a story of how a mother stopped a vicious cycle and decided to live life to the fullest. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
8/28/201931 minutes, 24 seconds
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#GetMeTo21 Gabi Lowe, A Compelling Memoir About her Daughter's Passing and The Lessons

Young South African heroine Jenna Lowe died after a battle with a rare lung disease and a double lung transplant. Her mother, Gabi Lowe, tells the brutal truth behind the story that we think we know. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
8/14/20191 hour, 1 minute, 11 seconds
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Childcare Expert and Author Meg Faure Chats With Us

Hundreds of thousands of new moms credit Meg Faure with helping them navigate the early years of motherhood. As an occupational therapist, author and the brain behind popular baby care products, Meg's passion is helping moms and she tells the story of her own journey in motherhood plus she answers some frequently asked questions. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
7/31/201920 minutes, 14 seconds
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“I only dressed him once” - A Mom’s Journey Gives Hope to Parents

Nanki lost her baby boy at 39 weeks. Through her own loss, she felt inspired to reach out and help other parents who have, and are, suffering after losing a child. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
7/17/201941 minutes, 26 seconds
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How To Resolve Conflict. Advice from our Clinical Psychologist.

How does one resolve conflict? Parenting can be tough but each decision has to benefit the relationship between the parents as well as the children in the family. Clinical Psychologist Janine Boulle gives advice. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
7/3/201929 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Perfect Relationship. Why Couples Fight. Part 1.

No matter how strong the bond between parents, there will be conflict at some stage of the relationship. How does one manage conflict? When is the best time to talk about it? Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
6/19/201928 minutes, 40 seconds
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Vaccinations. What you should know...

Vaccinate or to not Vaccinate. Some parents believe a healthy lifestyle is enough. We ask the professionals what they think. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
6/5/201923 minutes, 18 seconds
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Occupational Therapist Liz Senior’s Passion for Children Shines Bright

Liz has been encouraging and giving parents the necessary tools and skills to help the development of their children with great results! She owns the dynamic Clamber Club franchise but her love her children and their development runs far beyond the business. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
5/22/201943 minutes, 8 seconds
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How this mom’s life changed when her newborn went under the knife

For over 20 years, Gerda Da Sousa has informed the South African public as a journalist and radio news reader. In 2005, Gerda faced the toughest news of her life as her newborn son required emergency surgery. She discusses her experience, lessons learnt and how the process has shaped her journey as a woman and a mother. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
5/7/201930 minutes, 12 seconds
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Sadness, Depression and Mindfulness. Clinical Psychologist Janine Boulle answers your questions.

Clinical psychologist and life coach, answers questions to improve our mental and emotional wellbeing. She offers advice to new mothers and fathers and unpacks the practice of mindfulness. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
4/24/201933 minutes, 23 seconds
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Renewed Hope for Young Family with Unwell Baby

Reliving the first few months with their newborn baby is heart-breaking for the van Biljon family. Their bundle of joy had developed flaky and irritated skin all over her scalp which spread over her entire body, causing much suffering. The new parents thought their child had severe eczema, however, it was a lot more than that. Listen to how this young family got renewed hope and ended their baby’s suffering. Visit this inspiring mom’s website: Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock. Website
4/10/201938 minutes, 26 seconds
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Two Doctors Fight to Save Their Child's Life and inadvertently Save the Lives of Others

Dr. Kiera Noel’s pregnancy was an exciting time in her family’s life. She and her husband worked throughout their pregnancy and she felt well although it was not completely uneventful. Her young child was diagnosed with a rare type of anemia - Diamond-Blackfan anemia. Listen to how this family, who now lives in Bloemfontein, defeating the odds to live a happy life despite the odds against them. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock.
3/27/201941 minutes, 28 seconds
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Tumisho Masha on Loss, Life and new Love

Change is hard, but it is often the catalyst that brings about exciting opportunities and new love. Actor Tumisho Masha’s life changed from being a happily married father of a beautiful daughter to divorced, single and financially stretched. He shares his incredible journey of losing a partner, living with his parents and finding love again. Baby Brunch The Parenting Series, made just for you, by BrightRock. Website
3/13/201945 minutes, 38 seconds
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A brain tumor could not hold this single Mom back. Expect a Miracle!

When a devastating event turns your life upside down its often how you embrace the change that defines you. A single mom of two from Matroosfontein on the Cape Flats, Rene Smith's faith was tested when she discovered she had a brain tumor. This is her incredible story from the shocking diagnosis to a long recovery from brain surgery.
2/27/201938 minutes, 5 seconds
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Love, Marriage and a Ponytail. I Interview my Husband.

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist." Love and happiness should be celebrated! Right? Right. I never thought I would do this… But I did. I interview my husband in this Valentine’s edition of Baby Brunch, The Parenting Series. A chat about love, marriage, being together, laughs, promises, secrets, and...exes. Website
2/13/201922 minutes, 15 seconds
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At this street corner was A mom with self-motivation, ambition and...her children

Anelisa "Lisa" Rorani is living proof of how far self-motivation and ambition can take you. She started as a packer and now runs an online business while working a full-time job. Lisa has educated herself through work experience and then completed a degree, all while raising two young boys and running a household. She shares her incredible story of determination and building a life that's good. Website
1/30/201927 minutes, 12 seconds
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How this Mom took a leap of faith after losing a child

British mom, Claudia Bell, had a traumatic introduction to parenthood fourteen years ago. She opens up about the loss of her first baby and how this motivated her skydive for charity and support other moms.
10/31/201827 minutes, 21 seconds
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Living with depression - Diane-Maree Rauch's personal story

Diane-Maree Rauch is a dynamic woman, a loving mom of 3 and an attorney. She opens up about depression and shares her personal account of how she was diagnosed, as well as how she manages the condition while caring for herself and her loving family.
10/9/201832 minutes, 24 seconds
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Erin Drayton's personal experience of having a baby with Down Syndrome

"Our normal is abnormal" - This is the mantra embraced by Erin Drayton and her family. She shares the story of how her second child was diagnosed with Down Syndrome shortly after his birth and how she's tackling the impact of the condition with positivity and love.
9/25/201836 minutes, 58 seconds
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Effervescent media personality Lalla Hirayama opens up about her personal journey with PCOS

In South Africa, up to 40% of infertility can be attributed to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. At age 27, media personality Lalla Hirayama was diagnosed with the condition. She turned to her uncle Dr Russell Cooper and together they share Lalla's journey with PCOS and how they've developed solutions to help other women who have been diagnosed PCOS.
9/12/201835 minutes, 42 seconds
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Parenting in a same-sex marriage, with Janine Hammond

Successful business owner and inspirational mother, Janine Hammond, discusses the nuances of parenting in a same-sex marriage. From dealing with awkward questions to having a home with young daughters, she's proud to share her story of creating a family in a world that's still struggling to accept same-sex parents.
8/22/201824 minutes, 49 seconds
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How Louisa Gibbons Started a Food Business with Solutions for her Child's Feeding Challenges.

When Louisa Gibbons needed solutions for her daughter's feeding challenges, she got creative in the kitchen to provide wholesome nutrition. This awesome mom talks about how her child's sensory processing disorder inspired her family-run baby food business and offers tips on how to make nutrition exciting for children, from weaning through to pre-school years.
8/8/201816 minutes, 14 seconds
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Fitness Expert, Johno Meintjes, on How Parents Can Achieve Better Health in 12 Weeks

Johno Meintjes is an international sports conditioning specialist and performance trainer who has worked with some of SA's top sports teams and media personalities. He's also a loving dad to two young daughters. Johno shares his expertise on health and wellness, including a simple approach to implementing good nutrition and fitness habits, and gives his perspective on why healthy living is important for parents.
7/25/201829 minutes, 6 seconds
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Janine Boulle, Clinical Psychologist, on the Mental and Emotional Health of New Moms

Janine Boulle, clinical psychologist and life coach, answers questions from parents to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing. She offers advice on how to manage those tough emotional moments as well as navigate the mental challenges that come with being a new mom.
7/11/201819 minutes, 12 seconds
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Benito Vergotine's Personal Experience with Grief and Being a Single Dad of 4 Children

Benito Vergotine is no stranger to topical conversation as the host of a popular radio talk show. But, Benito has had to answer two hard-hitting questions in his own life: How does your family heal when your wife passes away? And, how do you cope as a single dad of 4 children?
6/27/201833 minutes, 17 seconds
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Ruda Landman Talks Family, An Incredible Career and Sharing Stories

Ruda Landman is one of SA's most beloved and respected journalists and TV personalities. Her new book, Tell Me Your Story, features conversations with prominent local personalities. In this podcast, Ruda discusses the book, her journalism in the watershed moments of the country's political history and, of course, her journey balancing motherhood and a challenging career. 
6/15/201826 minutes, 39 seconds
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Mindfulness, Meditation and Mental Well-being for Parents, with Clinical Psychologist Janine Boulle

Clinical psychologist Janine Boulle shares the benefits of mindfulness; from her experience as a mother and life coach, as well as how it can improve the lives of busy parents.
6/6/201818 minutes, 54 seconds
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Karen Jeynes Shares Her Journey Raising a Son with Autism and Embracing Her Children's Uniqueness

Free thinker. Single parent. Autism spectrum: Words that give most people serious pause for thought but they're all part of the fascinating journey of motherhood for writer and self-proclaimed geek mom, Karen Jeynes.
5/23/201833 minutes, 7 seconds
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Lauren Allan Discusses Her Experience with Having Twins and then a Surprise Pregnancy

Lauren Allan, marketing director of Baby Bullet South Africa, is a vibrant mom of three children. She shares her experience of having twins, the surprise of expecting baby number three and how she balances life as a working mom.
5/11/201833 minutes, 40 seconds
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Elana Afrika's Baby Brunch | The Parenting Series Promo

It takes a village to raise a child and connecting with fellow moms and dads leads to sharing of knowledge. The Baby Brunch podcasts feature fun and insightful conversations with ordinary parents doing extraordinary things. These can serve as a source of support, inspiration and great advice for moms and moms-to-be as we delve into the unique experiences of diverse parents.
4/26/20182 minutes, 27 seconds