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Authentic Living

Anglais, Personal health, 1 saison, 1560 épisodes, 5 jours, 2 heures, 59 minutes
A propos
Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. That’s right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous gifts—but you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. You’ll learn how to see your true self in the midst of life’s twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.
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Encore The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
09/10/20241 heure
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Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality

How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
02/10/20241 heure
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Encore The Sacred to Music

David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
25/09/20241 heure
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Encore Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
18/09/20241 heure
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Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
11/09/20241 heure
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Encore Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
28/08/20241 heure
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Encore The Power of Peace

When we think of empowerment, we don't generally think first of peace, but rather of things like confidence, self-assurance, assertiveness and other like traits. We think of the ability to confront others, to draw appropriate boundaries, to address and meet our own needs. And all of those things do bring empowerment, but at the base of all of these things is a sense of authentic inner peace that allows us the grace to perform with confidence, self-assurance and assertiveness. In other words the source of true empowerment is peace. So, how do we go about finding peace and how do we access it regularly enough to authenticate our empowerment? That's what we'll be talking about today on Authentic Living. Don't miss it.
21/08/20241 heure
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Encore Divine Feminine?

For some in the Western world considering the divine as feminine not only seems impossible, so engrained have we become with the masculine archetypal God, but for some is thought to be blasphemy. But in the history of sacred wisdom the divine is often found in the feminine archetype. Our guest today, Meghan Don, is the author of The New Divine Feminine, in which she describes several methods, several stories, and many meditations for accessing the divine feminine. Why would we need to do that? One answer is that wisdom itself, found in the sacred texts as Sophia, is feminine in nature. Another is that the feminine archetype leads us inward to find our deepest authentic selves. If you are seeking a deeper union with the divine, this show is for you.
14/08/20241 heure
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Encore Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?

Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
07/08/20241 heure
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Encore: The Sacred to Music

David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
31/07/20241 heure
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Encore Illusions, Delusions and Lies

What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
24/07/20241 heure
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Encore The Oneness in Our Division

We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it? Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.
17/07/20241 heure
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Encore Who Are You Really?

We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
03/07/20241 heure
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Encore FEAR!!

It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
26/06/20241 heure
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Encore The Politics of Love

We have learned so much about how we should love, that we don’t know much about how we are loved, and how we do love. There is so much that we should be thinking, feeling, doing in the name of love, that we don’t realize how much of it is actually false, fake, ingenuous. What is really going on behind all those shoulds? Have we yet begun to be certain that we are loved, deeply loved by the divine and the Self? Have we come to understand the specific and very individualized ways in which we love? This show is going to put us in touch with love. Be here for it.
19/06/20241 heure
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Encore Don't Be a Jerk

John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
12/06/20241 heure
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Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
05/06/20241 heure
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
29/05/20241 heure
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Encore The Evolutionary Power of Relationship

One of the most important tasks of maturity is learning to live with and accept another person as is, while simultaneously holding on to one’s own authenticity. But most of us go through a few relationships with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong before we get involved with someone with whom we can actually complete that task. This should be someone we cannot control and who cannot control us. It should be someone who encourages our authenticity as we encourage theirs. But what does it take to grow to the point where we can have such a relationship? That’s the $65,000 question, as they say. Well this show is going to answer it. Be here for that.
22/05/20241 heure
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Encore Divinization

What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
15/05/20241 heure
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Encore The Oneness in Our Division

We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it. Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. Hopefully, we will get that leadership in a few months. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.
08/05/20241 heure
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Encore Awakenings

Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.
01/05/20241 heure
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Encore Oppositions

In an astrological chart we see a configuration called an opposition. It means that two distinct energies in the chart are acting in opposition to each other. Well, we have all kinds of oppositions in our lives, both internal and external. Betrayals, enemies, inner conflicts, closed doors, terminated relationships, our own inner demons and many more things seem to come up in opposition to where we’d like to go, who we’d like to be. What do we do when these things come up? How can we walk into and through such an opposition while maintaining a healthy spirituality? Do such oppositions mean that we are somehow on the wrong path? Are they meant to punish, teach or otherwise admonish us? Today we are going to explore these oppositions for the mystery of their mystical meanings. Don’t miss it.
24/04/20241 heure
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Encore Toward Inner and Outer Peace

Peace. We all long for peace, both inner peace and outer peace. But we cannot seem to find it internally because the external world seems to be in such chaos. So, as long as that's true, how will we ever find peace? Well, today, Karen Noe is here to give us 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. This interview will be based on her latest book We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. Karen is an internationally renowned psychic medium with a two year client waiting list. So, we have much to learn from her as she offers her truths today--don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how to find and live in peace.
17/04/20241 heure
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Encore What to do with Conflicted Feelings

It is hard enough to have one overwhelming emotion take over our thoughts and behaviors. But it is even more difficult for most of us to have two or three very opposite emotions. Our thoughts tell us that we should argue for these positions so that one of the emotions “wins.” But is that really what is the most effective plan? Is it possible that conflicted emotions can help us to heal, even help us to plan our lives in some way? Well, today we are going to be talking to Relationship Strategist and Emotional Fitness coach Jennifer Williams to answer some of these questions. If you have ever experience conflicted feelings, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
10/04/20241 heure
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Encore The Wild, Wild Wisdom of Life

How do we even begin to trust a life in which there is so much worldwide suffering? People say, “Trust the process,” but what does that mean, and how do we trust it? We’ve all entered this wild, wild ride of life filled with all manner of amazing blessings and difficult challenges. Why are we here? What is the point? Given the suffering of the world, some would say that no one should ever leave home. Yet we do, we not only leave our homes but we risk falling in love, we get into committed relationships and we have children. We work jobs toward certain goals we may or may not attain. We challenge life, in fact, as much as life challenges us. How do we do that? What is it in us that is willing to take all those risks? Whatever it is, it is a powerful force and allows us to receive the wisdom, the wild, wild wisdom of life. Today, we are going to get in touch with that wild wisdom, increasing everyone’s vibrational energy. Don’t miss it.
03/04/20241 heure
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Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW

There are many stories out there from those who have experienced a near-death experience, who tell us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Many mediums who also inform us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Some who even inform us that we can have, in the here and now, some of that same peace and joy. But is it possible to inhabit heaven even as we live here on planet earth? If so, what would that look and feel like? We live in a dual mindset, an either/or, good/evil, peace/war mindset. But is that really the truth of our life here on earth? Tune in today. Maybe YOU can learn to inhabit heaven NOW.
27/03/20241 heure
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Encore False Prophets

We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
20/03/20241 heure
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Encore Surrender as Personal Empowerment

Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.
06/03/20241 heure
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Encore Surrender as Personal Empowerment

Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.
06/03/20241 heure
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Encore Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It

The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
28/02/20241 heure
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Encore Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It

The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
28/02/20241 heure
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Encore Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
21/02/20241 heure
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Encore Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
21/02/20241 heure
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Encore Love Sweet Love

What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
14/02/20241 heure
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Encore Love Sweet Love

What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
14/02/20241 heure
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Encore Surrender to Oneness

As we study the sacred texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Bible—particularly in its root language—what we discover is that duality is nonduality. There simply is no such thing as separation. Yet we continue to live our lives as if we were separate from the divine, and separate from each other, and the natural world. It is very difficult for us to imagine Oneness. It is very difficult for us to suspend our polarized notions of good and evil. But the surrender to Oneness is simply a surrender to the truth of who and what we are. This is not something we can do with the intellect. That’s why it seems so difficult to us. But it is something we can do. Tune in today to learn about surrendering to Oneness.
07/02/20241 heure
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Encore Surrender to Oneness

As we study the sacred texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Bible—particularly in its root language—what we discover is that duality is nonduality. There simply is no such thing as separation. Yet we continue to live our lives as if we were separate from the divine, and separate from each other, and the natural world. It is very difficult for us to imagine Oneness. It is very difficult for us to suspend our polarized notions of good and evil. But the surrender to Oneness is simply a surrender to the truth of who and what we are. This is not something we can do with the intellect. That’s why it seems so difficult to us. But it is something we can do. Tune in today to learn about surrendering to Oneness.
07/02/20241 heure
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Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
31/01/20241 heure
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Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
31/01/20241 heure
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Encore A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
24/01/20241 heure
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Encore A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
24/01/20241 heure
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Encore Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
17/01/20241 heure
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Encore Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
17/01/20241 heure
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Encore: Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love

One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
10/01/20241 heure
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Encore: Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love

One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
10/01/20241 heure
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Encore: Sin: The Mistaken Belief

A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
03/01/20241 heure
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Encore: Sin: The Mistaken Belief

A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
03/01/20241 heure
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Encore Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
27/12/20231 heure
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Encore Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
27/12/202354 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
20/12/20231 heure
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Encore The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
20/12/202356 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
13/12/20231 heure
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Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
13/12/202356 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
29/11/20231 heure
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Encore Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
29/11/202355 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Your Family Trance

If we want to know the biggest barrier to our authenticity we can look to the hypnotic scripts we learned as we were growing up. But paradoxically, it is these same scripts that are the anvil upon which we hammer out the designs for an authentic life. We actually grew up in a hypnotic trance state in which the organizing center of our existence became the messages we received from primary relationships. In other words, we lost our center. These hypnotic scripts told us who to be and how to be it. And we did it and did it and did it until the day came when doing it became more painful than not doing it. That’s when we began to ask some of the right questions—like who am I really? But that particular trance is our gauntlet. No one else’s trance state will ultimately be broken so that we can become who we are. But until it is broken we will not come alive. Tune in to learn why you do what you do, why you are attracted to your relationships and how you can become your truest Self.
15/11/20231 heure
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Encore Your Family Trance

If we want to know the biggest barrier to our authenticity we can look to the hypnotic scripts we learned as we were growing up. But paradoxically, it is these same scripts that are the anvil upon which we hammer out the designs for an authentic life. We actually grew up in a hypnotic trance state in which the organizing center of our existence became the messages we received from primary relationships. In other words, we lost our center. These hypnotic scripts told us who to be and how to be it. And we did it and did it and did it until the day came when doing it became more painful than not doing it. That’s when we began to ask some of the right questions—like who am I really? But that particular trance is our gauntlet. No one else’s trance state will ultimately be broken so that we can become who we are. But until it is broken we will not come alive. Tune in to learn why you do what you do, why you are attracted to your relationships and how you can become your truest Self.
15/11/202357 minutes, 50 secondes
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Encore: The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality

We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
08/11/20231 heure
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Encore: The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality

We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
08/11/202357 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
01/11/202356 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
01/11/202356 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality

We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
18/10/202357 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality

We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
18/10/202357 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within

At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
11/10/20231 heure
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Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within

At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
11/10/202355 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore Illusions, Delusions and Lies

What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
04/10/202358 minutes, 14 secondes
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Encore Illusions, Delusions and Lies

What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
04/10/202358 minutes, 14 secondes
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Encore Healing That Which is Beyond Help

What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
27/09/202357 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore Healing That Which is Beyond Help

What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
27/09/202357 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore Trusting the Process

When life events, difficult circumstances and relationships come our way, we tend to get all caught up in what is going to happen next, and what strategy we can use to make it turn out the way we want it to. To do any less than that, it seems, would be to lay down and let life roll over you. But there is a way to be fully involved, yet fully surrendered to a deeper more authentic process that is happening always throughout all of our life events, circumstances and relationships. We can learn to trust the process. That’s what this show is going to be all about. Don’t miss it.
20/09/20231 heure
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Encore Trusting the Process

When life events, difficult circumstances and relationships come our way, we tend to get all caught up in what is going to happen next, and what strategy we can use to make it turn out the way we want it to. To do any less than that, it seems, would be to lay down and let life roll over you. But there is a way to be fully involved, yet fully surrendered to a deeper more authentic process that is happening always throughout all of our life events, circumstances and relationships. We can learn to trust the process. That’s what this show is going to be all about. Don’t miss it.
20/09/202357 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore To Pray or Not to Pray

We tend to think of prayer as belonging only to religion.It doesn't belong to life, it belong to religion. For those who don’t pray there is a tendency to believe that prayer is dependency on magical thinking. Or perhaps we say that we forget to pray. But the biggest question here is What IS Prayer? Is it just the words that we say to a higher being? If so, what are we allowed to say and what is inappropriate to say? More importantly, what will prayer mean if it doesn’t get answered as we’d hoped? And is it possible that prayer is actually very different than what we have imagined it to be? Don’t miss this show.
13/09/20231 heure
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Encore To Pray or Not to Pray

We tend to think of prayer as belonging only to religion.It doesn't belong to life, it belong to religion. For those who don’t pray there is a tendency to believe that prayer is dependency on magical thinking. Or perhaps we say that we forget to pray. But the biggest question here is What IS Prayer? Is it just the words that we say to a higher being? If so, what are we allowed to say and what is inappropriate to say? More importantly, what will prayer mean if it doesn’t get answered as we’d hoped? And is it possible that prayer is actually very different than what we have imagined it to be? Don’t miss this show.
13/09/202357 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
06/09/20231 heure
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Encore Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
06/09/202356 minutes, 3 secondes
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Encore Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young

Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
30/08/202354 minutes, 25 secondes
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Encore Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young

Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
30/08/202354 minutes, 25 secondes
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Encore The Body as Solution to the Soul

We have been taught that the body is the problem. The body is what makes us sin, with its lusts, its appetites and its hungers. The body is what makes us sick. The body is what makes us die. The body is that which we must discipline and chastise if we find that we have done wrong. Forever, the body has been thought to be the problem. But what if you were to learn that the body is actually the solution to the problem of the soul? What if you were to learn that you cannot fulfill your soul’s intention unless the body realizes its nature as soul? We cannot wrap our heads around that idea very easily—but what if it were the truth—all the while we are making it the problem? Today we are going to wrap our heads around this final and fulfilling truth. Don’t miss this show. It could mean an awakening.
23/08/202357 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore The Body as Solution to the Soul

We have been taught that the body is the problem. The body is what makes us sin, with its lusts, its appetites and its hungers. The body is what makes us sick. The body is what makes us die. The body is that which we must discipline and chastise if we find that we have done wrong. Forever, the body has been thought to be the problem. But what if you were to learn that the body is actually the solution to the problem of the soul? What if you were to learn that you cannot fulfill your soul’s intention unless the body realizes its nature as soul? We cannot wrap our heads around that idea very easily—but what if it were the truth—all the while we are making it the problem? Today we are going to wrap our heads around this final and fulfilling truth. Don’t miss this show. It could mean an awakening.
23/08/202357 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore Letting Go of Good Part IV

The book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” is out! It came out yesterday. And today we are going to explain how a person might really dispel that myth, how they might actually begin to live from the genuine self. Discover how to stop living from guilt, from trying to be good, and learn how to get real. Learn to use your personal powers, powers that are inherent to your very nature, to handle relationships—both personal and professional—genuinely, and with appropriate boundaries. Learn how we develop trust. You don’t want to miss this important show.
16/08/20231 heure
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Encore Letting Go of Good Part IV

The book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” is out! It came out yesterday. And today we are going to explain how a person might really dispel that myth, how they might actually begin to live from the genuine self. Discover how to stop living from guilt, from trying to be good, and learn how to get real. Learn to use your personal powers, powers that are inherent to your very nature, to handle relationships—both personal and professional—genuinely, and with appropriate boundaries. Learn how we develop trust. You don’t want to miss this important show.
16/08/202357 minutes, 13 secondes
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Encore Letting Go of Good, Part III

We tend to think that “being good” is the same as being genuine. But what the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” proves is that it is very possible to strive after goodness, while living a very false existence. In this third episode we discover some surprises regarding a breakthrough approach to this problem. First, we discover that difficult emotions, unlike what we are taught, are meant to give us a message from the authentic self. In fact they can heal us from a false identity and restore us to authenticity. We are typically taught to push these emotions aside in favor of more “positive” emotions—but we will discover that advice to be a mistake, for it is our most difficult emotions that have the capacity to open us to living from a richer more authentic Self. Don’t miss this important show.
09/08/20231 heure
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Encore Letting Go of Good, Part III

We tend to think that “being good” is the same as being genuine. But what the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” proves is that it is very possible to strive after goodness, while living a very false existence. In this third episode we discover some surprises regarding a breakthrough approach to this problem. First, we discover that difficult emotions, unlike what we are taught, are meant to give us a message from the authentic self. In fact they can heal us from a false identity and restore us to authenticity. We are typically taught to push these emotions aside in favor of more “positive” emotions—but we will discover that advice to be a mistake, for it is our most difficult emotions that have the capacity to open us to living from a richer more authentic Self. Don’t miss this important show.
09/08/202357 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore Letting Go of Good Part II

It’s hard to imagine that there could be a problem with “being good.” But the problem is that it is a poor substitute for a true sense of worthiness. It is in fact, based in a mythology that there is a standardized form of goodness that, if we can activate it, will somehow remove from us any sense of unworthiness. And so there are many of us, identified as “good guys” who are giving up their authenticity in an attempt to compensate for a deep sense of unworthiness. In this case, our lives are run by guilt, and we do not know the difference between a motivation that comes from a should, have to or ought to, and a true authentic passion or compassion. This show highlights the book “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” with a Foreword by Thomas Moore. Don’t miss this important show about an epidemic problem and its breakthrough solution.
02/08/202356 minutes, 47 secondes
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Encore Letting Go of Good Part II

It’s hard to imagine that there could be a problem with “being good.” But the problem is that it is a poor substitute for a true sense of worthiness. It is in fact, based in a mythology that there is a standardized form of goodness that, if we can activate it, will somehow remove from us any sense of unworthiness. And so there are many of us, identified as “good guys” who are giving up their authenticity in an attempt to compensate for a deep sense of unworthiness. In this case, our lives are run by guilt, and we do not know the difference between a motivation that comes from a should, have to or ought to, and a true authentic passion or compassion. This show highlights the book “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” with a Foreword by Thomas Moore. Don’t miss this important show about an epidemic problem and its breakthrough solution.
02/08/202356 minutes, 47 secondes
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Encore Letting Go of Good

Does guilt run too much of your life? Do you find that you are making many of your decisions based on whether or not you might feel guilty if you don’t…or if you do? Do you strive to please, help and take responsibility for others? Then you may have a “good guy identity,” and believe it or not, this identity is deadly. This is the first of several shows that will provide a countdown to the launching of the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” which is being released on August 8th. We will explore the good guy identity for its psychology, explaining how it is that being good can be so very bad for some people. And we will demonstrate how it is that we might begin to let go of that myth of goodness and find and live from the authentic self. Don’t miss it.
19/07/20231 heure
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Encore Letting Go of Good

Does guilt run too much of your life? Do you find that you are making many of your decisions based on whether or not you might feel guilty if you don’t…or if you do? Do you strive to please, help and take responsibility for others? Then you may have a “good guy identity,” and believe it or not, this identity is deadly. This is the first of several shows that will provide a countdown to the launching of the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” which is being released on August 8th. We will explore the good guy identity for its psychology, explaining how it is that being good can be so very bad for some people. And we will demonstrate how it is that we might begin to let go of that myth of goodness and find and live from the authentic self. Don’t miss it.
19/07/202357 minutes, 57 secondes
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Encore Hate is Fear

There is so much going on in our country, even around the globe right now that is all about hate. Hate of difference is the primary hate that is being manifested right now. “I hate you because you are different!” Whether it has do with color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or political opinion, what is primarily being hated at this time is difference. So, we are going to spend some time talking about difference and about hate on today’s show. And what we are going to learn is how we might turn the fear that is hate into love. Don’t miss it.
12/07/20231 heure
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Encore Hate is Fear

There is so much going on in our country, even around the globe right now that is all about hate. Hate of difference is the primary hate that is being manifested right now. “I hate you because you are different!” Whether it has do with color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or political opinion, what is primarily being hated at this time is difference. So, we are going to spend some time talking about difference and about hate on today’s show. And what we are going to learn is how we might turn the fear that is hate into love. Don’t miss it.
12/07/202356 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore False Prophets

We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
05/07/20231 heure
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Encore False Prophets

We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
05/07/202356 minutes, 22 secondes
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Encore Spirituality in a Crazy World

How does one manage to maintain one’s spirituality, when the world seems to have turned upside down? In a world where what was previously “right” seems wrong and what was “wrong” now seems right, how does one maintain a sense of balance? How do we sort out the distinctions? What do we believe? What is real and what is “fake news?” How does one maintain authenticity when faced with toxicity? Today’s show is going to offer some methods you can use to find your center even when the world has gone crazy. Don’t miss it.
28/06/202357 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore Spirituality in a Crazy World

How does one manage to maintain one’s spirituality, when the world seems to have turned upside down? In a world where what was previously “right” seems wrong and what was “wrong” now seems right, how does one maintain a sense of balance? How do we sort out the distinctions? What do we believe? What is real and what is “fake news?” How does one maintain authenticity when faced with toxicity? Today’s show is going to offer some methods you can use to find your center even when the world has gone crazy. Don’t miss it.
28/06/202357 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore: Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
14/06/202356 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore: Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
14/06/202356 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within

At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
07/06/20231 heure
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Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within

At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
07/06/202355 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore Peace in the Time of Turmoil

The answer to finding peace in times of turmoil is not to turn off the TV and live in ignorance masking as bliss. The answer is not to affirm that what is happening “out there” is “just an illusion” so we don’t need to bother with trying to do anything about it. The answer is to step into the truth. To step into the truth of our nature. To step into the truth of the power and presence of the divine. To learn to trust the process of divinization that is always a part of our unfolding evolution. Tune in to this important message to learn how to find peace in the time of turmoil.
31/05/20231 heure
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Encore Peace in the Time of Turmoil

The answer to finding peace in times of turmoil is not to turn off the TV and live in ignorance masking as bliss. The answer is not to affirm that what is happening “out there” is “just an illusion” so we don’t need to bother with trying to do anything about it. The answer is to step into the truth. To step into the truth of our nature. To step into the truth of the power and presence of the divine. To learn to trust the process of divinization that is always a part of our unfolding evolution. Tune in to this important message to learn how to find peace in the time of turmoil.
31/05/202357 minutes, 38 secondes
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Encore Safe to Love Again?

Have you loved and lost? Have you been heart broken, devastated by the personal loss of a relationship due to divorce or a breakup? If you have, you have probably asked the question, “when is it safe to love again?” Well, today, we are talking to Dr. Gary Salyer, author of “Safe to Love Again: How to Release the Pain of Past Relationships and Create the Love You Deserve.” The book was written for both singles and for couples who have lost the passion. It offers a pathway to rewiring the brain to allow for a safe, secure, long-lasting love to be yours. Is your love style Secure, Avoidant or Anxious? These styles were manifested through “permissions” or “rights” that our infant selves did or did not acquire in the first year of life, based on what we internalized and perceived from the actions of our parents, says Salyer. Come learn about your style and how you can rewire your brain to allow a safe, secure and long-lasting love.
24/05/202354 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Safe to Love Again?

Have you loved and lost? Have you been heart broken, devastated by the personal loss of a relationship due to divorce or a breakup? If you have, you have probably asked the question, “when is it safe to love again?” Well, today, we are talking to Dr. Gary Salyer, author of “Safe to Love Again: How to Release the Pain of Past Relationships and Create the Love You Deserve.” The book was written for both singles and for couples who have lost the passion. It offers a pathway to rewiring the brain to allow for a safe, secure, long-lasting love to be yours. Is your love style Secure, Avoidant or Anxious? These styles were manifested through “permissions” or “rights” that our infant selves did or did not acquire in the first year of life, based on what we internalized and perceived from the actions of our parents, says Salyer. Come learn about your style and how you can rewire your brain to allow a safe, secure and long-lasting love.
24/05/202354 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
17/05/202356 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
17/05/202356 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore Getting the Gift from Grief

When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
10/05/20231 heure
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Encore Getting the Gift from Grief

When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
10/05/202357 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Lost

We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
26/04/202357 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore Lost

We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
26/04/202357 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore FEAR!!

It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
12/04/20231 heure
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Encore FEAR!!

It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
12/04/202353 minutes, 7 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
05/04/202357 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
05/04/202357 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore Coming Alive

We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.
29/03/202356 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore Coming Alive

We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.
29/03/202356 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living

We are excited that Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD comes this week to tell us about the unveiling of her long awaited audio work and online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman, Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her many followers, jokes that there have been a few “sightings” over the years, though she disappeared from public view for three decades to write. This week she comes out into the “clattering world” to talk with us about her work. Come and listen to her unique storytelling ability, soothing voice and deep understanding of the complexities of humanity and grow closer to your own soul.
22/03/202356 minutes, 4 secondes
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Encore Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living

We are excited that Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD comes this week to tell us about the unveiling of her long awaited audio work and online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman, Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her many followers, jokes that there have been a few “sightings” over the years, though she disappeared from public view for three decades to write. This week she comes out into the “clattering world” to talk with us about her work. Come and listen to her unique storytelling ability, soothing voice and deep understanding of the complexities of humanity and grow closer to your own soul.
22/03/202356 minutes, 4 secondes
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Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also conducted online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
15/03/202354 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also conducted online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
15/03/202354 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés and The Joyous Body

We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
08/03/202358 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés and The Joyous Body

We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
08/03/202358 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore Vulnerability, Your Greatest Strength

We are often taught to build self-confidence without even making reference to an authentic Self, we think that vulnerabilities make us weak. But actually, just the reverse is true. For, how might one come to know one’s self completely without getting intimate with one’s own vulnerabilities? How will we know our deepest needs, and most authentic desires, without coming to know our vulnerabilities? And isn’t it our vulnerabilities that allow us to take loving care of ourselves? There are many more things that our vulnerabilities do for us. And we are going to talk about them all this week. Don’t miss it.
01/03/202356 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore Vulnerability, Your Greatest Strength

We are often taught to build self-confidence without even making reference to an authentic Self, we think that vulnerabilities make us weak. But actually, just the reverse is true. For, how might one come to know one’s self completely without getting intimate with one’s own vulnerabilities? How will we know our deepest needs, and most authentic desires, without coming to know our vulnerabilities? And isn’t it our vulnerabilities that allow us to take loving care of ourselves? There are many more things that our vulnerabilities do for us. And we are going to talk about them all this week. Don’t miss it.
01/03/202356 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore Is Guilt Running Your Life?

Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
22/02/202358 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Is Guilt Running Your Life?

Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
22/02/202358 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
15/02/202355 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
15/02/202355 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality

How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
08/02/202356 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality

How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
08/02/202356 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Your Soul's True Mate

One of the most important aspects of adult life is the journey to finding a soulmate. This is an urgent mission for so many in our world. And now with the addition of online dating sites we are making the mission an E-mission in many cases. So many of us think we have found Mr. or Ms. Right, when in fact we have just found again the same Mr. or Ms. Wrong we found the last time we looked. Simran Singh teaches us how to take the spiritual journey to your soul’s true mate, in her book “Your Journey to Love: Discover the Path to Your Soul’s True Mate.” And we are going to be talking to her today about that very journey. If you are looking for your soulmate, tune in, and take notes. This show is for you.
01/02/202357 minutes, 27 secondes
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Encore Your Soul's True Mate

One of the most important aspects of adult life is the journey to finding a soulmate. This is an urgent mission for so many in our world. And now with the addition of online dating sites we are making the mission an E-mission in many cases. So many of us think we have found Mr. or Ms. Right, when in fact we have just found again the same Mr. or Ms. Wrong we found the last time we looked. Simran Singh teaches us how to take the spiritual journey to your soul’s true mate, in her book “Your Journey to Love: Discover the Path to Your Soul’s True Mate.” And we are going to be talking to her today about that very journey. If you are looking for your soulmate, tune in, and take notes. This show is for you.
01/02/202357 minutes, 27 secondes
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Encore The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
25/01/202357 minutes, 37 secondes
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Encore The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
25/01/202357 minutes, 37 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
18/01/202355 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
18/01/202355 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
11/01/202354 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
11/01/202354 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
04/01/202356 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
04/01/202356 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
28/12/202257 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
28/12/202257 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore Is Guilt Running Your Life?

Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
21/12/202258 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Is Guilt Running Your Life?

Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
21/12/202258 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” Over the past 3 years we have experienced unbelievable chaos and internal conflict, anxiety and depression. Not only are we still dealing with climate change and economic issues but we are not yet finished with the pandemic. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
14/12/202255 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” Over the past 3 years we have experienced unbelievable chaos and internal conflict, anxiety and depression. Not only are we still dealing with climate change and economic issues but we are not yet finished with the pandemic. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
14/12/202255 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore Uncertainty, Faith and Hope

We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
07/12/202256 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Uncertainty, Faith and Hope

We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
07/12/202256 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practice

Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
30/11/202255 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practice

Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
30/11/202255 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
23/11/202255 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
23/11/202255 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore Relationship Myths

Is there really a knight on a white horse, who will come to save us? Doesn't love mean she can read my mind? Isn't sex the solution to every problem in our relationship? These and other like myths are going to be discussed today on this show in which we will learn the exact parameters of a REAL relationship. Don't miss it.
16/11/202257 minutes, 11 secondes
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Encore Relationship Myths

Is there really a knight on a white horse, who will come to save us? Doesn't love mean she can read my mind? Isn't sex the solution to every problem in our relationship? These and other like myths are going to be discussed today on this show in which we will learn the exact parameters of a REAL relationship. Don't miss it.
16/11/202257 minutes, 11 secondes
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Encore: The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
09/11/202257 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore: The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
09/11/202257 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore: The Sacred to Music

David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
02/11/202255 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore: The Sacred to Music

David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
02/11/202255 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
26/10/202256 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
26/10/202256 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Lost

We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
19/10/202257 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore Lost

We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
19/10/202257 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
12/10/202256 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
12/10/202256 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
05/10/202255 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
05/10/202255 minutes, 58 secondes
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The Sacred to Music

David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
21/09/202255 minutes, 58 secondes
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The Sacred to Music

David Vito Gregoli has created a masterpiece of music by translating into music the Bhagavad Gita. A while back we interviewed Lissa Coffey who wrote an accompanying book to go with Gregoli’s music entitled, “Song Divine: With Commentary: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” And today we are interviewing the author of the music “Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita Rock Opera,” in which he creates music from the meaning of the Bhagavad Gita and for which he has won much acclaim. A guitar virtuoso and a man with diverse talents in music from rock to classical, the author of this sacred music brings the seeker a profound new sense of the meaning behind the powerful and profound sacred writing of the Bhagavad Gita. You are not going to want to miss this show.
21/09/202255 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore Healing That Which is Beyond Help

What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
14/09/202257 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore Healing That Which is Beyond Help

What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
14/09/202257 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?

Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
07/09/202257 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?

Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
07/09/202257 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore Don't Be a Jerk

John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
31/08/202253 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore Don't Be a Jerk

John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
31/08/202253 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
24/08/202256 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
24/08/202256 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife

…as explained by our guest today, medium Hollister Rand. Do you have questions? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, Hollister Rand has written the book, “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, But Were Afraid to Ask.” And she asks and answers all those questions. Today, we are going to get some of those answers from Hollister. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
17/08/202255 minutes, 47 secondes
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Encore Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife

…as explained by our guest today, medium Hollister Rand. Do you have questions? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, Hollister Rand has written the book, “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, But Were Afraid to Ask.” And she asks and answers all those questions. Today, we are going to get some of those answers from Hollister. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
17/08/202255 minutes, 47 secondes
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Encore The Soul of Aging

Thomas Moore comes back to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about his book: Ageless Soul: The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy. As you know, Moore is the bestselling author of Care of the Soul, a book that changed the world at a core level, for we began to be willing to invite soul into our daily lives. Today we will talk with him about the soul of the aging process. This process is one which most of us fear at some level, and one which our society tries to youth-enize. We are constantly trying to find ways to make and keep ourselves young, all in avoidance of the sacred processes relative to aging. Today we will learn a new way. Don’t miss it.
10/08/202256 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore The Soul of Aging

Thomas Moore comes back to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about his book: Ageless Soul: The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy. As you know, Moore is the bestselling author of Care of the Soul, a book that changed the world at a core level, for we began to be willing to invite soul into our daily lives. Today we will talk with him about the soul of the aging process. This process is one which most of us fear at some level, and one which our society tries to youth-enize. We are constantly trying to find ways to make and keep ourselves young, all in avoidance of the sacred processes relative to aging. Today we will learn a new way. Don’t miss it.
10/08/202256 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore Awakenings

Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.
03/08/202257 minutes, 50 secondes
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Encore Awakenings

Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.
03/08/202257 minutes, 50 secondes
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Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
27/07/202255 minutes, 58 secondes
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Spiritual Abuse

Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit—the place in human consciousness where we can most easily access the Divine, in whatever form we see the Divine. Spirituality is not a belief. It is not a thought. It is not a behavior or a group of behaviors. Spirituality is an experience. Typically, it is an experience of the Divine, or of a higher consciousness. The simple fact is that people are being robbed of such an experience when they are taught what and how to think, what to believe and what truth is and isn’t. Particularly, when people are taught that there is only one right religion, they are being secluded in an environment in which the possibility of having a spiritual experience is limited to that one religion. There are several other ways in which a person might be spiritually abused. If you are a religious or spiritual person, if you lead people in any kind of spiritual capacity, this show is for you.
27/07/202255 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
20/07/202256 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
20/07/202256 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore The Secret Psychic

Angela Wix is here with us today to tell us how to fully unite our hidden spiritual life with our everyday reality. She knows how hard it is to talk to others about spiritual gifts, so we keep them hidden. Her book, The Secret Psychic helps readers learn how to practice their psychic and spiritual abilities even when they’ve not been able to open up to those around them. So, today she is going to help us learn how to connect with and use intuition, how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to eventually reveal your true self to others. Don’t miss it.
13/07/202252 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore The Secret Psychic

Angela Wix is here with us today to tell us how to fully unite our hidden spiritual life with our everyday reality. She knows how hard it is to talk to others about spiritual gifts, so we keep them hidden. Her book, The Secret Psychic helps readers learn how to practice their psychic and spiritual abilities even when they’ve not been able to open up to those around them. So, today she is going to help us learn how to connect with and use intuition, how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to eventually reveal your true self to others. Don’t miss it.
13/07/202252 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
06/07/202254 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
06/07/202254 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore Darkness and Light

There's just so much out there about living in the light, living into worthiness, living into goodness, that we dismiss the value of the shadows, the darkness. We think that darkness implies evil. But we miss all the beautiful silence, the amazing mystery of darkness. And we miss the beautiful gifts that are given to us when we walk through the darkness in our lives. Somehow we've come to believe that we should live lives completely divest of darkness--that doing so makes us good people, even proves our worth. So when the darkness comes--as it will--we tend to think we must have done something wrong, and then we add shame to the problem. But like the light, the darkness equally has gifts to give us. Let us, then, explore the gifts of the darkness--bring them into the light. You don't want to miss this one.
29/06/202257 minutes, 27 secondes
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Encore Darkness and Light

There's just so much out there about living in the light, living into worthiness, living into goodness, that we dismiss the value of the shadows, the darkness. We think that darkness implies evil. But we miss all the beautiful silence, the amazing mystery of darkness. And we miss the beautiful gifts that are given to us when we walk through the darkness in our lives. Somehow we've come to believe that we should live lives completely divest of darkness--that doing so makes us good people, even proves our worth. So when the darkness comes--as it will--we tend to think we must have done something wrong, and then we add shame to the problem. But like the light, the darkness equally has gifts to give us. Let us, then, explore the gifts of the darkness--bring them into the light. You don't want to miss this one.
29/06/202257 minutes, 27 secondes
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Encore The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
22/06/202257 minutes, 37 secondes
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Encore The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
22/06/202257 minutes, 37 secondes
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Encore Uncertainty, Faith and Hope

We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is still talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
15/06/202256 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Uncertainty, Faith and Hope

We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is still talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
15/06/202256 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Who Are You Really?

We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
08/06/202256 minutes, 18 secondes
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Encore Who Are You Really?

We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
08/06/202256 minutes, 18 secondes
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The Secret Psychic

Angela Wix is here with us today to tell us how to fully unite our hidden spiritual life with our everyday reality. She knows how hard it is to talk to others about spiritual gifts, so we keep them hidden. Her book, The Secret Psychic helps readers learn how to practice their psychic and spiritual abilities even when they’ve not been able to open up to those around them. So, today she is going to help us learn how to connect with and use intuition, how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to eventually reveal your true self to others. Don’t miss it.
01/06/202252 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Secret Psychic

Angela Wix is here with us today to tell us how to fully unite our hidden spiritual life with our everyday reality. She knows how hard it is to talk to others about spiritual gifts, so we keep them hidden. Her book, The Secret Psychic helps readers learn how to practice their psychic and spiritual abilities even when they’ve not been able to open up to those around them. So, today she is going to help us learn how to connect with and use intuition, how to recognize and receive spirit communication, and how to eventually reveal your true self to others. Don’t miss it.
01/06/202252 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore The Power of Peace

When we think of empowerment, we don't generally think first of peace, but rather of things like confidence, self-assurance, assertiveness and other like traits. We think of the ability to confront others, to draw appropriate boundaries, to address and meet our own needs. And all of those things do bring empowerment, but at the base of all of these things is a sense of authentic inner peace that allows us the grace to perform with confidence, self-assurance and assertiveness. In other words the source of true empowerment is peace. So, how do we go about finding peace and how do we access it regularly enough to authenticate our empowerment? That's what we'll be talking about today on Authentic Living. Don't miss it.
25/05/202257 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore The Power of Peace

When we think of empowerment, we don't generally think first of peace, but rather of things like confidence, self-assurance, assertiveness and other like traits. We think of the ability to confront others, to draw appropriate boundaries, to address and meet our own needs. And all of those things do bring empowerment, but at the base of all of these things is a sense of authentic inner peace that allows us the grace to perform with confidence, self-assurance and assertiveness. In other words the source of true empowerment is peace. So, how do we go about finding peace and how do we access it regularly enough to authenticate our empowerment? That's what we'll be talking about today on Authentic Living. Don't miss it.
25/05/202257 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Living today--Owning the NOW

Many of us are living through these difficult times on the mantra, “I just have to get through today.” We put one foot in front of the other and we keep our heads down and go and go until we crash. We are just trying to survive in these difficult times. But what if these difficult times are offering us another way of looking at today? What if today were to become the essential life, the essential moment, the NOW? What if, because the future is currently so uncertain, we must forego the future and live fully into NOW? Well, that would be nice, you say, but HOW does a person forget about the future and live in the now? Well, today we are going to talk about that very thing and learn how living in the now is the essential life. Don’t miss it.
18/05/202256 minutes, 52 secondes
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Encore Living today--Owning the NOW

Many of us are living through these difficult times on the mantra, “I just have to get through today.” We put one foot in front of the other and we keep our heads down and go and go until we crash. We are just trying to survive in these difficult times. But what if these difficult times are offering us another way of looking at today? What if today were to become the essential life, the essential moment, the NOW? What if, because the future is currently so uncertain, we must forego the future and live fully into NOW? Well, that would be nice, you say, but HOW does a person forget about the future and live in the now? Well, today we are going to talk about that very thing and learn how living in the now is the essential life. Don’t miss it.
18/05/202256 minutes, 52 secondes
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Encore: Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?

Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
11/05/202257 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore: Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?

Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
11/05/202257 minutes, 6 secondes
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Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?

Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
04/05/202257 minutes, 6 secondes
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Life Challenges: Where is the Blessing?

Have you ever wondered why there is so much suffering in the world? Why is the Ukraine, for example, going through such awful suffering? Some people actually stop believing in a benevolent Universal Source because of such suffering. Well, today, we are going to interview Simran Singh about her new book, “Living: The Seven Blessings of Human Experience,” in which she informs us that our challenges, our conflicts and other difficult experiences are actually blessings. The seven blessings are: Challenge, Obstacles, Conflict, Chaos, Darkness and Death—which she says are secret passageways to personal empowerment spiritual growth and your highest potential. If you are currently facing or have ever faced any of these experiences, this show is for you. Don’t miss.
04/05/202257 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore What do we do about LOSS?

Today we are going to talk about a very uncomfortable topic—but a topic which is an inevitability for most, if not all of us. We are going to talk about how to handle loss and in this case, great loss. Our guest today is Dr. Ann Clark, author of “Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self.” Is it possible that going through the devastating experience of such a great loss can become medicinal? Can loss become the impetus to developing an awareness of the authentic Self? The answer to both questions is a resounding YES. And we are going to learn how that happens in today’s show. If you are experiencing, have experienced or will experience a loss of any kind this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
27/04/202255 minutes, 22 secondes
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Encore What do we do about LOSS?

Today we are going to talk about a very uncomfortable topic—but a topic which is an inevitability for most, if not all of us. We are going to talk about how to handle loss and in this case, great loss. Our guest today is Dr. Ann Clark, author of “Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self.” Is it possible that going through the devastating experience of such a great loss can become medicinal? Can loss become the impetus to developing an awareness of the authentic Self? The answer to both questions is a resounding YES. And we are going to learn how that happens in today’s show. If you are experiencing, have experienced or will experience a loss of any kind this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
27/04/202255 minutes, 22 secondes
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Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife

…as explained by our guest today, medium Hollister Rand. Do you have questions? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, Hollister Rand has written the book, “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, But Were Afraid to Ask.” And she asks and answers all those questions. Today, we are going to get some of those answers from Hollister. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
20/04/202255 minutes, 47 secondes
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Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife

…as explained by our guest today, medium Hollister Rand. Do you have questions? Wouldn’t you like to know? Well, Hollister Rand has written the book, “Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, But Were Afraid to Ask.” And she asks and answers all those questions. Today, we are going to get some of those answers from Hollister. Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
20/04/202255 minutes, 47 secondes
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Encore Divinization

What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
13/04/202255 minutes, 45 secondes
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Encore Divinization

What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
13/04/202255 minutes, 45 secondes
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Encore Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
06/04/202254 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
06/04/202254 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
30/03/202256 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
30/03/202256 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Dealing with Difficult People

Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. You don’t want to miss this one.
23/03/202256 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore Dealing with Difficult People

Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. You don’t want to miss this one.
23/03/202256 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
16/03/202254 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
16/03/202254 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
09/03/202256 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
09/03/202256 minutes, 56 secondes
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What do we do about LOSS?

Today we are going to talk about a very uncomfortable topic—but a topic which is an inevitability for most, if not all of us. We are going to talk about how to handle loss and in this case, great loss. Our guest today is Dr. Ann Clark, author of “Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self.” Is it possible that going through the devastating experience of such a great loss can become medicinal? Can loss become the impetus to developing an awareness of the authentic Self? The answer to both questions is a resounding YES. And we are going to learn how that happens in today’s show. If you are experiencing, have experienced or will experience a loss of any kind this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
02/03/202255 minutes, 22 secondes
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What do we do about LOSS?

Today we are going to talk about a very uncomfortable topic—but a topic which is an inevitability for most, if not all of us. We are going to talk about how to handle loss and in this case, great loss. Our guest today is Dr. Ann Clark, author of “Healing from Great Loss: Facing Pain and Grief to Recover Your Authentic Self.” Is it possible that going through the devastating experience of such a great loss can become medicinal? Can loss become the impetus to developing an awareness of the authentic Self? The answer to both questions is a resounding YES. And we are going to learn how that happens in today’s show. If you are experiencing, have experienced or will experience a loss of any kind this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
02/03/202255 minutes, 22 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
23/02/202254 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
23/02/202254 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
16/02/202256 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
16/02/202256 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore The Mythology of the Battle of Good vs. Evil

We have lived for centuries now trying to win the battle of good over evil. But as we can see, as we look around the world, all the same kinds of atrocities that were happening centuries ago are still happening. In fact, we might say that there are worse travesties since we have developed nuclear weapons and greater technology. Are we just losing the battle? Or is it possible that we are fighting the wrong fight? Is there any possibility that fighting the so-called “good fight” is not the right path? Is it possible that there is something more true, more healing than that grand battle between good and evil? Today we are going to answer that question and pose another theory for living that might offer not only greater truth, but greater peace. Don’t miss it!
09/02/202257 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore The Mythology of the Battle of Good vs. Evil

We have lived for centuries now trying to win the battle of good over evil. But as we can see, as we look around the world, all the same kinds of atrocities that were happening centuries ago are still happening. In fact, we might say that there are worse travesties since we have developed nuclear weapons and greater technology. Are we just losing the battle? Or is it possible that we are fighting the wrong fight? Is there any possibility that fighting the so-called “good fight” is not the right path? Is it possible that there is something more true, more healing than that grand battle between good and evil? Today we are going to answer that question and pose another theory for living that might offer not only greater truth, but greater peace. Don’t miss it!
09/02/202257 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
02/02/202256 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
02/02/202256 minutes, 33 secondes
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Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
26/01/202254 minutes, 39 secondes
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Thomas Moore and Soul Therapy

Are you one of the many people who provide soul care to other humans? Thomas Moore, bestselling author of “Care of the Soul,” comes again to the Authentic Living Show to discuss his latest book “Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations” in which he guides caregivers to therapy of the soul. He once taught us how to care for our own souls and now he teaches how we may care for the souls of others. The category of soul caregivers includes all who provide care for others including all manner of mental health therapists and ministers, spiritual directors, and even friends and family. We often know how to advise—usually based on our own personal experience—which means that we tell others what we think they should do. But how do we reach and bring a soul to care for itself? Don’t miss this profound conversation.
26/01/202254 minutes, 39 secondes
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Encore Who Are You Really?

We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
19/01/202256 minutes, 18 secondes
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Encore Who Are You Really?

We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
19/01/202256 minutes, 18 secondes
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Encore Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
12/01/202256 minutes, 3 secondes
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Encore Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
12/01/202256 minutes, 3 secondes
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Encore Don't Be a Jerk

John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
05/01/202253 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore Don't Be a Jerk

John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
05/01/202253 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
29/12/202156 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
29/12/202156 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
22/12/202156 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
22/12/202156 minutes, 5 secondes
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Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
15/12/202156 minutes, 20 secondes
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Help for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Dr. Lindsay Gibson comes to us today to bring us some of her expertise on the subject of surviving and thriving even though one was raised by immature parents. The central challenge of our adult lives is unloosening the toxic ties in which we were bound by immature parents. In fact, I would say that we do not mature into adulthood ourselves until we can heal from the wounds and the distortions of reality presented to us by immature parents. Somehow this wound becomes the pathway to freedom, hope and authenticity when we can begin the process of recovery. Dr. Gibson is going to talk to us today about her latest book, “Self-Care for Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents.” Don’t miss it.
15/12/202156 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore Divinization

What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually, what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
08/12/202155 minutes, 45 secondes
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Encore Divinization

What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually, what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
08/12/202155 minutes, 45 secondes
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Don't Be a Jerk

John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
01/12/202153 minutes, 46 secondes
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Don't Be a Jerk

John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.
01/12/202153 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore Dealing with Difficult People

Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. Now is the time to talk about this. You don’t want to miss this one.
24/11/202156 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore Dealing with Difficult People

Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. Now is the time to talk about this. You don’t want to miss this one.
24/11/202156 minutes, 49 secondes
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What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
17/11/202155 minutes, 45 secondes
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What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.
17/11/202155 minutes, 45 secondes
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Encore Lissa Coffey and the Song Divine

We are so happy to welcome Lissa Coffey back to the Authentic Living show, this time to talk about her latest book, “Song Divine: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” She has also teamed up with Award-winning composer/producer David Vito Gregoli to create Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita ROCK OPERA—and we will hear some of that music today. The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text meant to facilitate awareness of the Divine Self and of Oneness. And we are so excited to get the opportunity today to explore it with Lissa’s help. Don’t miss this one.
10/11/202155 minutes, 34 secondes
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Encore Lissa Coffey and the Song Divine

We are so happy to welcome Lissa Coffey back to the Authentic Living show, this time to talk about her latest book, “Song Divine: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” She has also teamed up with Award-winning composer/producer David Vito Gregoli to create Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita ROCK OPERA—and we will hear some of that music today. The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text meant to facilitate awareness of the Divine Self and of Oneness. And we are so excited to get the opportunity today to explore it with Lissa’s help. Don’t miss this one.
10/11/202155 minutes, 34 secondes
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Encore Morality Vs. Spirituality

There is so much emphasis today on morality—which we use to define the worth of a given individual. Much that we use to measure ourselves has to do with finding ourselves worthy or unworthy. Morality is all about right and wrong and we feel that we need these measurements to make the crucial decisions of our lives. But is morality the same as spirituality? Many would say that it is. But I disagree. Spirituality is very different from morality. Morality is all about doing. Spirituality is all about being. But there’s so much more, so much more to understand about these distinctions. Tune in to find out.
03/11/202156 minutes, 21 secondes
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Encore Morality Vs. Spirituality

There is so much emphasis today on morality—which we use to define the worth of a given individual. Much that we use to measure ourselves has to do with finding ourselves worthy or unworthy. Morality is all about right and wrong and we feel that we need these measurements to make the crucial decisions of our lives. But is morality the same as spirituality? Many would say that it is. But I disagree. Spirituality is very different from morality. Morality is all about doing. Spirituality is all about being. But there’s so much more, so much more to understand about these distinctions. Tune in to find out.
03/11/202156 minutes, 21 secondes
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Lissa Coffey and the Song Divine

We are so happy to welcome Lissa Coffey back to the Authentic Living show, this time to talk about her latest book, “Song Divine: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” She has also teamed up with Award-winning composer/producer David Vito Gregoli to create Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita ROCK OPERA—and we will hear some of that music today. The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text meant to facilitate awareness of the Divine Self and of Oneness. And we are so excited to get the opportunity today to explore it with Lissa’s help. Don’t miss this one.
27/10/202155 minutes, 34 secondes
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Lissa Coffey and the Song Divine

We are so happy to welcome Lissa Coffey back to the Authentic Living show, this time to talk about her latest book, “Song Divine: A New Lyrical Rendition of the Bhagavad Gita.” She has also teamed up with Award-winning composer/producer David Vito Gregoli to create Song Divine: The Bhagavad Gita ROCK OPERA—and we will hear some of that music today. The Bhagavad Gita is a sacred text meant to facilitate awareness of the Divine Self and of Oneness. And we are so excited to get the opportunity today to explore it with Lissa’s help. Don’t miss this one.
27/10/202155 minutes, 34 secondes
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Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality

How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
20/10/202156 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Toxic Parents and Spirituality

How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
20/10/202156 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Is the Divine really taking care of us?

So, we were just beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel when it became clear that our long dark night of the soul is not yet over. Business were coming back, deaths from Covid were way down, the number of people getting Covid were also down and then it started over again. We do have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
13/10/202158 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Is the Divine really taking care of us?

So, we were just beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel when it became clear that our long dark night of the soul is not yet over. Business were coming back, deaths from Covid were way down, the number of people getting Covid were also down and then it started over again. We do have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
13/10/202158 minutes, 9 secondes
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Mike Robbins and Creating a Team Culture

We’ve been through so much over the past year and a half with Covid and Climate Change. And what we have been through is pushing us to develop new and innovative ways of working together. What has been and is being revealed is that we’ve had some quite dysfunctional ways of working together largely based in the power objective. But Mike Robbins wants us to bring our whole selves to work, to develop a team culture of high performance, trust and belonging, whereas the previous methodology only included the performance objective based in who had the most power. On this show we will talk to Mike about the how-to of high performance based in trust and belonging. Don’t miss it.
06/10/202157 minutes, 13 secondes
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Mike Robbins and Creating a Team Culture

We’ve been through so much over the past year and a half with Covid and Climate Change. And what we have been through is pushing us to develop new and innovative ways of working together. What has been and is being revealed is that we’ve had some quite dysfunctional ways of working together largely based in the power objective. But Mike Robbins wants us to bring our whole selves to work, to develop a team culture of high performance, trust and belonging, whereas the previous methodology only included the performance objective based in who had the most power. On this show we will talk to Mike about the how-to of high performance based in trust and belonging. Don’t miss it.
06/10/202157 minutes, 13 secondes
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Encore Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young

Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
29/09/202154 minutes, 25 secondes
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Encore Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young

Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
29/09/202154 minutes, 25 secondes
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Toxic Parents and Spirituality

How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
22/09/202156 minutes, 43 secondes
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Toxic Parents and Spirituality

How did you grow up? Did you grow in a sea of toxicity, where parents were abusive, immature, addicted and/or emotionally or physically unavailable? What did you learn about life and about yourself from that formative period in your life? What did you learn about religion and/or about spirituality? How has that period of time impacted your spiritual experience today? Are there ways that you still struggle with spirituality because of those early experiences? Or perhaps you are unable to have spiritual experiences at all because of those early experiences? This show will be an exploration of the impact of toxic parents on spirituality. Don’t miss it.
22/09/202156 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW

In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
15/09/202156 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW

In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
15/09/202156 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Sin: The Mistaken Belief

A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
08/09/202155 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore Sin: The Mistaken Belief

A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
08/09/202155 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore Awakening from the Darkness

The collective that is the United States of America is currently experiencing a dark night of the soul—a night so dark that we fear we will never awaken from this nightmare. But like every dark night of the soul, this one has an end, which is a beginning. A beginning of a whole new version of that same collective. The dark night of the soul is meant to root out shadow material, expose it and deal with it appropriately so that we can awaken to a new reality. But we are just now in the darkest part of that dark night—where we can see with our own eyes the deepest, most vile aspects of the collective we have previously believed to be functioning well. Before this dark night we thought we lived in the light—but all the while the shadow was corrupt at its base. But exposing that shadow will bring us to the solid object that is blocking the light. Today we will peer into the darkness to find that block and the light within us. Don’t miss it.
01/09/202155 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Awakening from the Darkness

The collective that is the United States of America is currently experiencing a dark night of the soul—a night so dark that we fear we will never awaken from this nightmare. But like every dark night of the soul, this one has an end, which is a beginning. A beginning of a whole new version of that same collective. The dark night of the soul is meant to root out shadow material, expose it and deal with it appropriately so that we can awaken to a new reality. But we are just now in the darkest part of that dark night—where we can see with our own eyes the deepest, most vile aspects of the collective we have previously believed to be functioning well. Before this dark night we thought we lived in the light—but all the while the shadow was corrupt at its base. But exposing that shadow will bring us to the solid object that is blocking the light. Today we will peer into the darkness to find that block and the light within us. Don’t miss it.
01/09/202155 minutes, 53 secondes
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Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young

Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
25/08/202154 minutes, 25 secondes
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Near-Death Experiences in the Very Young

Premier researcher P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D. has delved into the mysterious stories of near-death experiences had by children and infants. What difference does such an experience make to a child? Are there certain definable characteristics? How do these children as adults impact others? Be here for this fascinating study of near-death.
25/08/202154 minutes, 25 secondes
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Morality Vs. Spirituality

There is so much emphasis today on morality—which we use to define the worth of a given individual. Much that we use to measure ourselves—finding ourselves worthy or unworthy. Morality is all about right and wrong and we feel that we need these measurements to make the crucial decisions of our lives. But is morality the same as spirituality? Many would say that it is. But I disagree. Spirituality is very different from morality. Morality is all about doing. Spirituality is all about being. But there’s so much more, so much more to understand about these distinctions. Tune in to find out.
18/08/202156 minutes, 21 secondes
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Morality Vs. Spirituality

There is so much emphasis today on morality—which we use to define the worth of a given individual. Much that we use to measure ourselves—finding ourselves worthy or unworthy. Morality is all about right and wrong and we feel that we need these measurements to make the crucial decisions of our lives. But is morality the same as spirituality? Many would say that it is. But I disagree. Spirituality is very different from morality. Morality is all about doing. Spirituality is all about being. But there’s so much more, so much more to understand about these distinctions. Tune in to find out.
18/08/202156 minutes, 21 secondes
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Encore: Is the Divine really taking care of us?

So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
11/08/202158 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore: Is the Divine really taking care of us?

So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
11/08/202158 minutes, 9 secondes
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Sin: The Mistaken Belief

A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
04/08/202155 minutes, 49 secondes
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Sin: The Mistaken Belief

A large part of the world has lived for centuries into a concept of sin that has us sinning from the moment of our birth and being unable to stop sinning until we die. This belief has people disavowing, dismissing their personal light, their personal power and their personal divine nature. So much of religion in the Western world is based entirely on this concept of sin. Even the very idea of salvation is based entirely on the sinful nature of humanity. But what if it isn't true? What if the concepts, as we have built them, are based in a duality trance state that has us believing we are separate from God when it is clear, even from the Christian Bible that there is no such separation? What if we really are the gods Jesus said we were? What if we really are a little lower than God as the Psalmist said we were? What if sin is simply unconsciousness? Be here for this important conversation.
04/08/202155 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
28/07/202156 minutes, 3 secondes
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Encore Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
28/07/202156 minutes, 3 secondes
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Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW

In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
21/07/202156 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW

In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
21/07/202156 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW

In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
14/07/202156 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW

In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
14/07/202156 minutes, 19 secondes
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Who Are You Really?

We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
07/07/202156 minutes, 18 secondes
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Who Are You Really?

We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.
07/07/202156 minutes, 18 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
30/06/202156 minutes, 19 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

In this crazy, painful, struggling, dark and sometimes even evil world, we find it hard, if not impossible to believe that we might inhabit heaven right here on planet earth. And yet many of the world’s religions put for the ideal of inhabiting heaven right here, right now on planet earth. But what does this mean? Does it mean that we will live in a constant state of bliss where nothing of this world troubles us? Does it mean that we live cloistered away from the world in a rarified atmosphere of holiness? If we could, if we really could inhabit heaven now in this 3D reality, what would that look like? And how would we arrive at this possibility? Don’t miss this important discussion.
30/06/202156 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
23/06/202154 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
23/06/202154 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Is the Divine really taking care of us?

So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
16/06/202158 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Is the Divine really taking care of us?

So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
16/06/202158 minutes, 9 secondes
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Is the Divine really taking care of us?

So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
09/06/202158 minutes, 9 secondes
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Is the Divine really taking care of us?

So, we are just now beginning to see some light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Business are coming back, deaths from Covid are way down, the number of people getting Covid is also down. We have a new government and some new hope for fairness and equity. But we have been through some really dark days. And each individual who has walked through this darkness has been through his or her own personal darkness—which may have included many other forms of darkness. It would not have been uncommon during these dark times for us to ask the question: Where is the Divine in all of this? Why is this happening? Well, I won’t pretend to have all the answers here, but I do think we can find out today if the Divine is really taking care of us. Be here for it.
09/06/202158 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore: The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
02/06/202156 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
02/06/202156 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore The Loneliness Remedy

There’s a lot going on today in our world, indeed, some pretty scary stuff. Far too many people are either ill from the virus or trying very hard to avoid getting it. Many of us are isolated at home, or even quarantined. Many single people are desperate during this time, which because of the serious contagion of the virus, makes it all the harder to find that mate they are longing for or even hang out with friends. This period of time is exacerbating a problem already a pandemic of its own: loneliness. In many cases people are even dying of Covid, alone in a hospital bed unable to be with family members because of the contagion. Well, I wish I had a remedy for Covid that could work faster than the vaccines. Unfortunately, I don’t. But there is a remedy for loneliness and we are going to reveal it today. Don’t miss it.
26/05/202156 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore The Loneliness Remedy

There’s a lot going on today in our world, indeed, some pretty scary stuff. Far too many people are either ill from the virus or trying very hard to avoid getting it. Many of us are isolated at home, or even quarantined. Many single people are desperate during this time, which because of the serious contagion of the virus, makes it all the harder to find that mate they are longing for or even hang out with friends. This period of time is exacerbating a problem already a pandemic of its own: loneliness. In many cases people are even dying of Covid, alone in a hospital bed unable to be with family members because of the contagion. Well, I wish I had a remedy for Covid that could work faster than the vaccines. Unfortunately, I don’t. But there is a remedy for loneliness and we are going to reveal it today. Don’t miss it.
26/05/202156 minutes, 2 secondes
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The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
19/05/202156 minutes, 56 secondes
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The Refuge of the Self

We have been taught to believe that any refuge, any safety can only be found outside of us—through external events, circumstances and people. We strive, therefore, to find the “right” circumstances, the “right” people and the best possible events for our lives. We want to make the “right” amount of money, the “right” jobs, the “right” level of prestige and power, and of course, the “right” relationships. And, of course, we want to be smart about all of these life decisions, but they cannot provide the kind of refuge that can only be found in the Self. So, what do we mean by Self? And how can it create a refuge bigger, broader and more profound than any of life’s circumstances, events or relationships—and, indeed, can even guide us to making aligning life choices? Don’t miss this show.
19/05/202156 minutes, 56 secondes
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The Mythology of the Battle of Good vs. Evil

We have lived for centuries now trying to win the battle of good over evil. But as we can see, as we look around the world, all the same kinds of atrocities that were happening centuries ago are still happening. In fact, we might say that there are worse travesties since we have developed nuclear weapons and greater technology. Are we just losing the battle? Or is it possible that we are fighting the wrong fight? Is there any possibility that fighting the so-called “good fight” is not the right path? Is it possible that there is something more true, more healing than that grand battle between good and evil? Today we are going to answer that question and pose another theory for living that might offer not only greater truth, but greater peace. Don’t miss it!
12/05/202157 minutes, 19 secondes
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The Mythology of the Battle of Good vs. Evil

We have lived for centuries now trying to win the battle of good over evil. But as we can see, as we look around the world, all the same kinds of atrocities that were happening centuries ago are still happening. In fact, we might say that there are worse travesties since we have developed nuclear weapons and greater technology. Are we just losing the battle? Or is it possible that we are fighting the wrong fight? Is there any possibility that fighting the so-called “good fight” is not the right path? Is it possible that there is something more true, more healing than that grand battle between good and evil? Today we are going to answer that question and pose another theory for living that might offer not only greater truth, but greater peace. Don’t miss it!
12/05/202157 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
05/05/202156 minutes, 3 secondes
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Encore: Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
05/05/202156 minutes, 3 secondes
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Dealing with Difficult People

Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. You don’t want to miss this one.
21/04/202156 minutes, 49 secondes
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Dealing with Difficult People

Most of us were taught that we were supposed to love all people, right? But what does that mean when it comes to those difficult people in our lives? Are we meant to pretend that we “love” them when we really just wish they would go away and leave us alone? How are we to deal with this? Well, there are lots of ways we do deal with difficult people. Some of those are healthy ways of dealing and others, not so much. Today we will not only discover some of the unhealthy ways of dealing, but we are going to talk about some practical and healthy ways of dealing with the difficult people in your life. You don’t want to miss this one.
21/04/202156 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
14/04/202156 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
14/04/202156 minutes, 5 secondes
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Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
07/04/202155 minutes, 56 secondes
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Mysticism and Mental Health

Historically, “the church” minimized the frequency and validity of mystical experiences, especially when the experience downloaded different information than that put forth by the church. And since Sigmund Freud associated mystical experiences with narcissism, wishful thinking and delusion, the mental health world has mostly steered clear of any association with these experiences. But more recently there have been rigorous studies done and it has been learned that these experiences are common, frequent and grounding. Research has also found that mystical experiences offer certain very mental health benefits to the persons who have these experiences. Researchers have also developed tools for measuring these experiences and differentiating them from states of psychosis—which used to be the way we looked at all mystical experiences. Can we now finally begin to validate our own experiences to the point of living into them? Be here for this enlightening discussion.
07/04/202155 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
31/03/202157 minutes, 37 secondes
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Encore The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
31/03/202157 minutes, 37 secondes
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Resilience and Spirituality

Does spirituality really have anything to do with resilience? Resilience demonstrates how well we adapt to difficult life challenges, such as illness, trauma, relationship problems, workplace issues or financial stressors. Does spirituality help? Or can it interfere with resilience? It turns out that, depending on the nature of the religious or spiritual practice, we can be made either more or less resilient. Today we are going to talk about how resilience can be built through spiritual practice and along the way we will discover the ways that religion/spirituality can get in the way of true resilience. Don’t miss it.
24/03/202156 minutes, 44 secondes
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Resilience and Spirituality

Does spirituality really have anything to do with resilience? Resilience demonstrates how well we adapt to difficult life challenges, such as illness, trauma, relationship problems, workplace issues or financial stressors. Does spirituality help? Or can it interfere with resilience? It turns out that, depending on the nature of the religious or spiritual practice, we can be made either more or less resilient. Today we are going to talk about how resilience can be built through spiritual practice and along the way we will discover the ways that religion/spirituality can get in the way of true resilience. Don’t miss it.
24/03/202156 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore: Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
10/03/202154 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore: Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
10/03/202154 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within

At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
03/03/202155 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within

At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
03/03/202155 minutes, 12 secondes
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The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
24/02/202156 minutes, 5 secondes
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The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sister? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.
24/02/202156 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
17/02/202155 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
17/02/202155 minutes, 44 secondes
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Love Sweet Love

What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
10/02/202157 minutes, 34 secondes
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Love Sweet Love

What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
10/02/202157 minutes, 34 secondes
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Love Sweet Love

What the world needs now…. It’s love. And at the same time, love is all there is. So, let’s talk about this paradox. Are you looking for a relationship? It’s love. Do you have family problems? It’s love. War? It’s love. Politics? It’s love. Love is the answer and love is all there is. Where do we find it? What is it? How do we implement it? It’s not at all what you think. Be here, you don’t want to miss this.
10/02/202157 minutes, 34 secondes
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Living today--Owning the NOW

Many of us are living through these difficult times on the mantra, “I just have to get through today.” We put one foot in front of the other and we keep our heads down and go and go until we crash. We are just trying to survive in these difficult times. But what if these difficult times are offering us another way of looking at today? What if today were to become the essential life, the essential moment, the NOW? What if, because the future is currently so uncertain, we must forego the future and live fully into NOW? Well, that would be nice, you say, but HOW does a person forget about the future and live in the now? Well, today we are going to talk about that very thing and learn how living in the now is the essential life. Don’t miss it.
03/02/202156 minutes, 52 secondes
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Living today--Owning the NOW

Many of us are living through these difficult times on the mantra, “I just have to get through today.” We put one foot in front of the other and we keep our heads down and go and go until we crash. We are just trying to survive in these difficult times. But what if these difficult times are offering us another way of looking at today? What if today were to become the essential life, the essential moment, the NOW? What if, because the future is currently so uncertain, we must forego the future and live fully into NOW? Well, that would be nice, you say, but HOW does a person forget about the future and live in the now? Well, today we are going to talk about that very thing and learn how living in the now is the essential life. Don’t miss it.
03/02/202156 minutes, 52 secondes
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Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within

At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
27/01/202155 minutes, 12 secondes
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Spiritual Practices for the Monk Within

At this special juncture of time, when we, as a collective, have perhaps been a bit more self-reflective than usual, today’s timely topic might reach into that part of us that longs for a connection to a deeper transformative essence of our nature. Our guest today, Dr. Beverly Lanzetta has come to talk to us about her latest book, “A New Silence: Spiritual Practices and Formation for the Monk Within.” Beverly’s radical wisdom about how to access this inner silence and how that practice transforms and renews us is a welcome balm in this unprecedented time of suffering. Don’t miss this important conversation.
27/01/202155 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
20/01/202155 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
20/01/202155 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore Oneness

Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
13/01/202155 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Oneness

Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
13/01/202155 minutes, 43 secondes
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The Loneliness Remedy

There’s a lot going on today in our world, indeed, some pretty scary stuff. Far too many people are either ill from the virus or trying very hard to avoid getting it. Many of us are isolated at home, or even quarantined. Many single people are desperate during this time, which because of the serious contagion of the virus, makes it all the harder to find that mate they are longing for or even hang out with friends. This period of time is exacerbating a problem already a pandemic of its own: loneliness. In many cases people are even dying of Covid, alone in a hospital bed unable to be with family members because of the contagion. Well, I wish I had a remedy for Covid that could work faster than the vaccines. Unfortunately, I don’t. But there is a remedy for loneliness and we are going to reveal it today. Don’t miss it.
06/01/202156 minutes, 2 secondes
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The Loneliness Remedy

There’s a lot going on today in our world, indeed, some pretty scary stuff. Far too many people are either ill from the virus or trying very hard to avoid getting it. Many of us are isolated at home, or even quarantined. Many single people are desperate during this time, which because of the serious contagion of the virus, makes it all the harder to find that mate they are longing for or even hang out with friends. This period of time is exacerbating a problem already a pandemic of its own: loneliness. In many cases people are even dying of Covid, alone in a hospital bed unable to be with family members because of the contagion. Well, I wish I had a remedy for Covid that could work faster than the vaccines. Unfortunately, I don’t. But there is a remedy for loneliness and we are going to reveal it today. Don’t miss it.
06/01/202156 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore Beginning Again

Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Will that still be working for you a a few weeks into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
30/12/202055 minutes, 52 secondes
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Encore Beginning Again

Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Will that still be working for you a a few weeks into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
30/12/202055 minutes, 52 secondes
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Encore Peace on Earth?

When pigs fly, right? That's when we'll have peace. The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.
23/12/202055 minutes, 57 secondes
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Encore Peace on Earth?

When pigs fly, right? That's when we'll have peace. The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.
23/12/202055 minutes, 57 secondes
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Integrating the Collective Shadow of America Part II

So, now that we have a new President, we can clearly look back on the past 4 years and discover the collective shadow of America. That shadow has been exposed, a shadow of racism, misogyny, homophobia, fear of difference of all kind, a shadow of hate, bigotry and a shadow of a politic made of quid pro quo for money and power. And it is a shadow which has fixed an economy around destroying the earth for more money and power. It’s dark, this shadow, and long, for these atrocities have gone on since the birth of America. While we have said and believed that we are a fair nation where all people are treated equally, we have not lived that. But we are launching a new reality with the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Will we now begin to live the soul of America? And how will be integrate this dark, dark shadow? Be here for this show.
16/12/202055 minutes, 47 secondes
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Integrating the Collective Shadow of America Part II

So, now that we have a new President, we can clearly look back on the past 4 years and discover the collective shadow of America. That shadow has been exposed, a shadow of racism, misogyny, homophobia, fear of difference of all kind, a shadow of hate, bigotry and a shadow of a politic made of quid pro quo for money and power. And it is a shadow which has fixed an economy around destroying the earth for more money and power. It’s dark, this shadow, and long, for these atrocities have gone on since the birth of America. While we have said and believed that we are a fair nation where all people are treated equally, we have not lived that. But we are launching a new reality with the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Will we now begin to live the soul of America? And how will be integrate this dark, dark shadow? Be here for this show.
16/12/202055 minutes, 47 secondes
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Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
09/12/202055 minutes, 44 secondes
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Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times

Philip Goldberg is our guest today, here to talk about his latest book, “Spiritual Practice for Crazy Times: Powerful Tools to Cultivate Calm, Clarity, and Courage.” And this is definitely the year for it! We are all hoping for an end to the pandemic in the next 6 to 8 months through the power of vaccines, but it is currently surging and there is widespread anxiety and depression regarding that, the racial problems, the on-going political divide—despite the change in leadership, the economic concerns that continue to rise and may worsen if leadership does not intervene and the potential for disaster if we do not address the climate change issue. These are potentially transformative times, but we are still in the chaos stage of such change. Goldberg’s intervention is to offer us the “sanctuary of the self” and to teach us how to access it. Be here for it—you won’t want to miss it.
09/12/202055 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
02/12/202054 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
02/12/202054 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
25/11/202056 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
25/11/202056 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore: A Religion of Your Own

Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul, a number one New York Times bestseller, as well as 18 other award-winning books, published in 25 languages, is coming back to the Authentic Living show to tell us how we can develop a religion of our own. We are currently in an evolutionary phase with regard to what we will do with religion. And Moore posits the theory that part of this shift is caused by a loss of identification with soul. His latest book, A Religion of One’s Own, coming out in January 2014, is going to address this issue. Only we are getting a special sneak peek today. Moore as undoubtedly been one of the world’s spiritual leaders in this age of spiritual transitions and his insights have altered the lives of many people and even many medical, hospice and hospital programs as he teaches us to care for the collective and individual soul. So during today’s show, we are going to find out how each of us can create a religion of our own. Don’t miss it.
18/11/202057 minutes, 31 secondes
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Encore Thomas Moore: A Religion of Your Own

Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul, a number one New York Times bestseller, as well as 18 other award-winning books, published in 25 languages, is coming back to the Authentic Living show to tell us how we can develop a religion of our own. We are currently in an evolutionary phase with regard to what we will do with religion. And Moore posits the theory that part of this shift is caused by a loss of identification with soul. His latest book, A Religion of One’s Own, coming out in January 2014, is going to address this issue. Only we are getting a special sneak peek today. Moore as undoubtedly been one of the world’s spiritual leaders in this age of spiritual transitions and his insights have altered the lives of many people and even many medical, hospice and hospital programs as he teaches us to care for the collective and individual soul. So during today’s show, we are going to find out how each of us can create a religion of our own. Don’t miss it.
18/11/202057 minutes, 31 secondes
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Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
11/11/202054 minutes, 59 secondes
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Caroline Myss on Intimate Conversations with the Divine

Caroline Myss returns to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about her latest book, “Intimate Conversations with the Divine: Prayer, Guidance and Grace.” The book allows us to peer into our own psyches and see both our struggles and the grace we find through prayer. Caroline has taken the risk here to allow us to see her own soul and to show us her own struggles as her prayers are flashes of her own intimacy with the Divine. Today we will discuss the depth and power of intimacy with the Divine. You don’t want to miss this one.
11/11/202054 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
04/11/202056 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
04/11/202056 minutes, 33 secondes
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The Oneness in Our Division

We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it. Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. Hopefully, we will get that leadership in a few weeks. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.
21/10/202056 minutes, 23 secondes
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The Oneness in Our Division

We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it. Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. Hopefully, we will get that leadership in a few weeks. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.
21/10/202056 minutes, 23 secondes
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The Oneness in Our Division

We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it. Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. Hopefully, we will get that leadership in a few weeks. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.
21/10/202056 minutes, 23 secondes
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Do we really want to return to "normal"?

Everyone is saying it these days, “When are we going to get back to normal?” We are suffering several different crises all at once, the pandemic, the economic crisis, the crisis related to the freshly seen revelations of abuse to persons of color and black people, the political crisis and the climate crisis. And all we can think about is going back to the way it used to be. But the way it used to be is what got us here. We got ourselves here through our denial and our bias and our irresponsibility for our government. And if we go back to the way it was, we will just end up here again. No. This is a time that calls for transformation, mental, emotional, and soulful transformation so that we are forever changed by these multiple crises. This show is all about how we can make these transformations to create a new and much more spiritually accurate ordinariness. Don’t miss it.
14/10/202056 minutes, 22 secondes
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Do we really want to return to "normal"?

Everyone is saying it these days, “When are we going to get back to normal?” We are suffering several different crises all at once, the pandemic, the economic crisis, the crisis related to the freshly seen revelations of abuse to persons of color and black people, the political crisis and the climate crisis. And all we can think about is going back to the way it used to be. But the way it used to be is what got us here. We got ourselves here through our denial and our bias and our irresponsibility for our government. And if we go back to the way it was, we will just end up here again. No. This is a time that calls for transformation, mental, emotional, and soulful transformation so that we are forever changed by these multiple crises. This show is all about how we can make these transformations to create a new and much more spiritually accurate ordinariness. Don’t miss it.
14/10/202056 minutes, 22 secondes
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Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
07/10/202056 minutes, 40 secondes
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Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.
07/10/202056 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
30/09/202057 minutes, 37 secondes
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Encore The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
30/09/202057 minutes, 37 secondes
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The True Nature of Good and Evil

There is much that is going on right now in the United States, which is impacting the entire globe, and which would make us believe that evil has surely won—that the end of goodness and hope for goodness has come. Our President is lying to us. The Majority Leader of the Senate is lying to us and betraying his own precedent. The Attorney General has changed his entire job description in order to defend the President against charges of sexual assault. The fact that so many continue to defend the President despite his betrayals and lies. Those things are facts. But do these facts represent evil? Indeed, are goodness and evil really real? Or, are these just concepts we made up to in order to find some safe mental construct to deal with behaviors we didn’t understand? Is it time we begin the process of putting away the good/evil paradigm in favor of a truer, more realistic paradigm? Tune in to find out.
23/09/202056 minutes, 53 secondes
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The True Nature of Good and Evil

There is much that is going on right now in the United States, which is impacting the entire globe, and which would make us believe that evil has surely won—that the end of goodness and hope for goodness has come. Our President is lying to us. The Majority Leader of the Senate is lying to us and betraying his own precedent. The Attorney General has changed his entire job description in order to defend the President against charges of sexual assault. The fact that so many continue to defend the President despite his betrayals and lies. Those things are facts. But do these facts represent evil? Indeed, are goodness and evil really real? Or, are these just concepts we made up to in order to find some safe mental construct to deal with behaviors we didn’t understand? Is it time we begin the process of putting away the good/evil paradigm in favor of a truer, more realistic paradigm? Tune in to find out.
23/09/202056 minutes, 53 secondes
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Uncertainty, Faith and Hope

We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
16/09/202056 minutes, 59 secondes
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Uncertainty, Faith and Hope

We are living in very uncertain times. It is very difficult in these circumstances for we cannot seem to establish a routine that can be assumed to be “normal.” Everyone is talking about what it would be like to “return to normal.” And yet we continue to face uncertainty. But is it possible that uncertainty is one of spirituality’s best tools to facilitate our growth? Is it possible that living in uncertainty forces us to have to turn to something else on which to rely? What is that something else? Where will we find it? And what exactly will it give us? We’re going to answer those questions during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
16/09/202056 minutes, 59 secondes
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Encore Awakening from the Darkness

The collective that is the United States of America is currently experiencing a dark night of the soul—a night so dark that we fear we will never awaken from this nightmare. But like every dark night of the soul, this one has an end, which is a beginning. A beginning of a whole new version of that same collective. The dark night of the soul is meant to root out shadow material, expose it and deal with it appropriately so that we can awaken to a new reality. But we are just now in the darkest part of that dark night—where we can see with our own eyes the deepest, most vile aspects of the collective we have previously believed to be functioning well. Before this dark night we thought we lived in the light—but all the while the shadow was corrupt at its base. But exposing that shadow will bring us to the solid object that is blocking the light. Today we will peer into the darkness to find that block and the light within us. Don’t miss it.
09/09/202055 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Awakening from the Darkness

The collective that is the United States of America is currently experiencing a dark night of the soul—a night so dark that we fear we will never awaken from this nightmare. But like every dark night of the soul, this one has an end, which is a beginning. A beginning of a whole new version of that same collective. The dark night of the soul is meant to root out shadow material, expose it and deal with it appropriately so that we can awaken to a new reality. But we are just now in the darkest part of that dark night—where we can see with our own eyes the deepest, most vile aspects of the collective we have previously believed to be functioning well. Before this dark night we thought we lived in the light—but all the while the shadow was corrupt at its base. But exposing that shadow will bring us to the solid object that is blocking the light. Today we will peer into the darkness to find that block and the light within us. Don’t miss it.
09/09/202055 minutes, 53 secondes
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Awakening from the Darkness

The collective that is the United States of America is currently experiencing a dark night of the soul—a night so dark that we fear we will never awaken from this nightmare. But like every dark night of the soul, this one has an end, which is a beginning. A beginning of a whole new version of that same collective. The dark night of the soul is meant to root out shadow material, expose it and deal with it appropriately so that we can awaken to a new reality. But we are just now in the darkest part of that dark night—where we can see with our own eyes the deepest, most vile aspects of the collective we have previously believed to be functioning well. Before this dark night we thought we lived in the light—but all the while the shadow was corrupt at its base. But exposing that shadow will bring us to the solid object that is blocking the light. Today we will peer into the darkness to find that block and the light within us. Don’t miss it.
02/09/202055 minutes, 53 secondes
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Awakening from the Darkness

The collective that is the United States of America is currently experiencing a dark night of the soul—a night so dark that we fear we will never awaken from this nightmare. But like every dark night of the soul, this one has an end, which is a beginning. A beginning of a whole new version of that same collective. The dark night of the soul is meant to root out shadow material, expose it and deal with it appropriately so that we can awaken to a new reality. But we are just now in the darkest part of that dark night—where we can see with our own eyes the deepest, most vile aspects of the collective we have previously believed to be functioning well. Before this dark night we thought we lived in the light—but all the while the shadow was corrupt at its base. But exposing that shadow will bring us to the solid object that is blocking the light. Today we will peer into the darkness to find that block and the light within us. Don’t miss it.
02/09/202055 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
26/08/202057 minutes, 37 secondes
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The Gift in the Darkness

The pain, the fear, the horror, the loss. In all of these things we experience the devastating reality of the darkness. These things cannot be minimized. They are real and have a real impact on our lives. But is it possible that by experiencing these devastations, we are being driven to the light within us? Is it possible that the intention of the darkness is to drive us to the light within us? That doesn’t mean, as many think, that God or the gods have planned your loss, your pain, your fear, your horror or that it is somehow God’s will. But isn’t it also possible that, regardless of the cause of the suffering, that the suffering can be used to open us to the light within us? And if that is true, what is that light? Indeed, IS there a light within us? During today’s show we are going to discover that light, and discuss how we might guide ourselves through the darkness to that light. Don’t miss it.
26/08/202057 minutes, 37 secondes
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Encore Walking Through the Darkness

The darkness has come. Not, of course, for the first time, nor will it be the last, but the question is: What do we do with this darkness? And the only true answer is that we must learn how to walk through darknesses of all kind without losing our faith. That means we must learn how to not only walk through but receive the many gifts that the darkness will ultimately give us. We are in the midst of a pandemic, an economic crisis, a crisis regarding racial discrimination and abuse, a political crisis, a crisis of faith and a climate crisis. Any one of which would be distressing and disturbing, but all of which are happening at the same time. How do we as a collective perceive this? How do we get through it? How do we as individuals perceive this? And how does each individual get through it? Tune in to this show to learn how to walk through the darkness.
19/08/202055 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Walking Through the Darkness

The darkness has come. Not, of course, for the first time, nor will it be the last, but the question is: What do we do with this darkness? And the only true answer is that we must learn how to walk through darknesses of all kind without losing our faith. That means we must learn how to not only walk through but receive the many gifts that the darkness will ultimately give us. We are in the midst of a pandemic, an economic crisis, a crisis regarding racial discrimination and abuse, a political crisis, a crisis of faith and a climate crisis. Any one of which would be distressing and disturbing, but all of which are happening at the same time. How do we as a collective perceive this? How do we get through it? How do we as individuals perceive this? And how does each individual get through it? Tune in to this show to learn how to walk through the darkness.
19/08/202055 minutes, 53 secondes
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Walking Through the Darkness

The darkness has come. Not, of course, for the first time, nor will it be the last, but the question is: What do we do with this darkness? And the only true answer is that we must learn how to walk through darknesses of all kind without losing our faith. That means we must learn how to not only walk through but receive the many gifts that the darkness will ultimately give us. We are in the midst of a pandemic, an economic crisis, a crisis regarding racial discrimination and abuse, a political crisis, a crisis of faith and a climate crisis. Any one of which would be distressing and disturbing, but all of which are happening at the same time. How do we as a collective perceive this? How do we get through it? How do we as individuals perceive this? And how does each individual get through it? Tune in to this show to learn how to walk through the darkness.
12/08/202055 minutes, 53 secondes
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Walking Through the Darkness

The darkness has come. Not, of course, for the first time, nor will it be the last, but the question is: What do we do with this darkness? And the only true answer is that we must learn how to walk through darknesses of all kind without losing our faith. That means we must learn how to not only walk through but receive the many gifts that the darkness will ultimately give us. We are in the midst of a pandemic, an economic crisis, a crisis regarding racial discrimination and abuse, a political crisis, a crisis of faith and a climate crisis. Any one of which would be distressing and disturbing, but all of which are happening at the same time. How do we as a collective perceive this? How do we get through it? How do we as individuals perceive this? And how does each individual get through it? Tune in to this show to learn how to walk through the darkness.
12/08/202055 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
05/08/202055 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
05/08/202055 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Conscious Parenting

According to Dr. Shefahli Tsabary, conscious parenting means turning the traditional notion of parenting on its head. She believes that conscious parenting shifts the epicenter of the parent-child relationship away from the traditional parent-to-child “know it all” approach, to a mutual parent-with-child relationship in which the parent learns alongside the child. With this model, instead of being merely the receiver of the parents’ psychological and spiritual legacy, children function as ushers of the parent’s transformational development. In the traditional model, while parents are trying to lead and mold their children they are also unwittingly passing on an inheritance of psychological pain and emotional shallowness. But with Tsabary’s model children serve as mirrors of the parent’s forgotten self, so that both parent and child help each other to be more authentic. You do not want to miss this enlightening and empowering discussion on conscious parenting.
29/07/202057 minutes, 13 secondes
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Encore Conscious Parenting

According to Dr. Shefahli Tsabary, conscious parenting means turning the traditional notion of parenting on its head. She believes that conscious parenting shifts the epicenter of the parent-child relationship away from the traditional parent-to-child “know it all” approach, to a mutual parent-with-child relationship in which the parent learns alongside the child. With this model, instead of being merely the receiver of the parents’ psychological and spiritual legacy, children function as ushers of the parent’s transformational development. In the traditional model, while parents are trying to lead and mold their children they are also unwittingly passing on an inheritance of psychological pain and emotional shallowness. But with Tsabary’s model children serve as mirrors of the parent’s forgotten self, so that both parent and child help each other to be more authentic. You do not want to miss this enlightening and empowering discussion on conscious parenting.
29/07/202057 minutes, 13 secondes
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Encore From chaos to Oneness?

What do we mean when we speak of Oneness? What is duality? What is it like to live in Oneness? Is it possible that we are actually in a unique period of spiritual transformation that, through divisiveness leads us to unity, even to Oneness? These are some of the questions we will answer today as we speak to Robert Atkinson, PhD, and author of the book, The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. We speak of being One with all, as if we truly understand for whom the bell tolls, but do we understand the depth and gravity of living as One with all, including the divine? Don’t miss this very important message.
22/07/202057 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore From chaos to Oneness?

What do we mean when we speak of Oneness? What is duality? What is it like to live in Oneness? Is it possible that we are actually in a unique period of spiritual transformation that, through divisiveness leads us to unity, even to Oneness? These are some of the questions we will answer today as we speak to Robert Atkinson, PhD, and author of the book, The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. We speak of being One with all, as if we truly understand for whom the bell tolls, but do we understand the depth and gravity of living as One with all, including the divine? Don’t miss this very important message.
22/07/202057 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore Authenticity and Dream Interpretation

Our guest today is Kevin Todeschi, the Executive Director and CEO of the Edgar Cayce organization, Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) and Atlantic University. He is the author of twenty books, many on Edgar Cayce’s work, including his most popular book, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, which has been translated into seven languages. Kevin is an expert on dream interpretation, having taught thousands of students the art of dream interpretation, and having authored two books on the subject: Dream Images and Symbols and Dream Interpretation (and More!) Made Easy. Kevin is known for his ability to explain complex subjects in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. And today, on the subject of dream interpretation, he’ll be doing just that. Have you a dream that confounds you? Listen to see if you can get some clues to its meaning. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.
15/07/202056 minutes, 22 secondes
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Encore Authenticity and Dream Interpretation

Our guest today is Kevin Todeschi, the Executive Director and CEO of the Edgar Cayce organization, Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) and Atlantic University. He is the author of twenty books, many on Edgar Cayce’s work, including his most popular book, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, which has been translated into seven languages. Kevin is an expert on dream interpretation, having taught thousands of students the art of dream interpretation, and having authored two books on the subject: Dream Images and Symbols and Dream Interpretation (and More!) Made Easy. Kevin is known for his ability to explain complex subjects in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. And today, on the subject of dream interpretation, he’ll be doing just that. Have you a dream that confounds you? Listen to see if you can get some clues to its meaning. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.
15/07/202056 minutes, 22 secondes
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Encore Oneness

Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
08/07/202055 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Oneness

Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
08/07/202055 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
01/07/202055 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
01/07/202055 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We definitely need to untie the strong woman in these difficult times. So today we hear an encore presentation from Dr. E talking about her book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
24/06/202054 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We definitely need to untie the strong woman in these difficult times. So today we hear an encore presentation from Dr. E talking about her book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
24/06/202054 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore The Map to your Soul

We’re very excited to have Colette Baron-Reid back to the show for the second time to talk about her latest book The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life. Have you ever experienced a tragedy that just made no sense to you? Have you ever wished that you could make your life more meaningful? In order to do that, you have to know how to look through the lenses of your soul’s eyes. Colette has given us a map, a treasure map if you will, that leads us to hidden treasures, such as learning how to find your place, finding your magical allies, and aligning with your own adventure. Colette is a bestselling Hay House author, internationally renowned intuitive counselor, powerful motivational speaker, recording artist, performer, storyteller and educator who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. Are you looking for direction? Don’t miss this show!
10/06/202055 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore The Map to your Soul

We’re very excited to have Colette Baron-Reid back to the show for the second time to talk about her latest book The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life. Have you ever experienced a tragedy that just made no sense to you? Have you ever wished that you could make your life more meaningful? In order to do that, you have to know how to look through the lenses of your soul’s eyes. Colette has given us a map, a treasure map if you will, that leads us to hidden treasures, such as learning how to find your place, finding your magical allies, and aligning with your own adventure. Colette is a bestselling Hay House author, internationally renowned intuitive counselor, powerful motivational speaker, recording artist, performer, storyteller and educator who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. Are you looking for direction? Don’t miss this show!
10/06/202055 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore When Everything Changes…Then What?

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose work continues to touch the world in profound ways. With an early and deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his very public Conversation with God, a NY Times Bestselling series that has touched and inspired millions around the world. In addition, he has published 16 other works, and a number of video and audio programs. Neale’s work has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe, and because of that redefining process and the response to it, he built the Conversations with God Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to inspiring the community of the world to move from violence, confusion and anger, to peace, clarity and love. And this week we’ll be talking to Neale about change, based on his bestselling book “When Everything Changes, Change Everything.” Don’t miss it!
03/06/202053 minutes, 30 secondes
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Encore When Everything Changes…Then What?

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose work continues to touch the world in profound ways. With an early and deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his very public Conversation with God, a NY Times Bestselling series that has touched and inspired millions around the world. In addition, he has published 16 other works, and a number of video and audio programs. Neale’s work has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe, and because of that redefining process and the response to it, he built the Conversations with God Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to inspiring the community of the world to move from violence, confusion and anger, to peace, clarity and love. And this week we’ll be talking to Neale about change, based on his bestselling book “When Everything Changes, Change Everything.” Don’t miss it!
03/06/202053 minutes, 30 secondes
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Encore What to do with Conflicted Feelings

It is hard enough to have one overwhelming emotion take over our thoughts and behaviors. But it is even more difficult for most of us to have two or three very opposite emotions. Our thoughts tell us that we should argue for these positions so that one of the emotions “wins.” But is that really what is the most effective plan? Is it possible that conflicted emotions can help us to heal, even help us to plan our lives in some way? Well, today we are going to be talking to Relationship Strategist and Emotional Fitness coach Jennifer Williams to answer some of these questions. If you have ever experience conflicted feelings, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
27/05/202056 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore What to do with Conflicted Feelings

It is hard enough to have one overwhelming emotion take over our thoughts and behaviors. But it is even more difficult for most of us to have two or three very opposite emotions. Our thoughts tell us that we should argue for these positions so that one of the emotions “wins.” But is that really what is the most effective plan? Is it possible that conflicted emotions can help us to heal, even help us to plan our lives in some way? Well, today we are going to be talking to Relationship Strategist and Emotional Fitness coach Jennifer Williams to answer some of these questions. If you have ever experience conflicted feelings, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
27/05/202056 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore The Journey Within

There are so many self-help books, seminars and conferences out there which provide us with a technique, or two or three, meant to be used to heal us, and bring us happiness. But the real keys to healing and happiness are found right here inside of us. Through her own inner journey of healing, Trish Bishop has come to understand this concept and present it to others through her new book, “The Question Journey,” in a way that allows them, not to come to the experts for answers, but to find their own answers. We do seem to resist this—we really do want others to be held accountable for our lives. But the truth is that no one is accountable but us, because no one can take the journey but us. Further, there is no journey outward, for only the one inward is real. Trish’s new mission, after serving as an IT consultant for Fortune 500 companies, is to educate and inspire others to wake up and choose to live consciously. Don’t miss this opportunity to begin or enhance your inner journey.
20/05/202056 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore The Journey Within

There are so many self-help books, seminars and conferences out there which provide us with a technique, or two or three, meant to be used to heal us, and bring us happiness. But the real keys to healing and happiness are found right here inside of us. Through her own inner journey of healing, Trish Bishop has come to understand this concept and present it to others through her new book, “The Question Journey,” in a way that allows them, not to come to the experts for answers, but to find their own answers. We do seem to resist this—we really do want others to be held accountable for our lives. But the truth is that no one is accountable but us, because no one can take the journey but us. Further, there is no journey outward, for only the one inward is real. Trish’s new mission, after serving as an IT consultant for Fortune 500 companies, is to educate and inspire others to wake up and choose to live consciously. Don’t miss this opportunity to begin or enhance your inner journey.
20/05/202056 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore The Gift of Sorrow

No one wants to feel sorrow. It is the emotion we most avoid, for it makes us vulnerable to the onslaughts of deep emotional and psychic shifts. We live in a world in which the social pressures and rigid schedules of life forbid our sorrow. Yet sorrow changes us, allows us into the closets where we have hidden the authentic Self. Our guest today is going to talk to us about sorrow and how we might facilitate a deeper soulful journey through sorrow. Author of “The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief,” Frances Weller is a Psychotherapist, writer and soul activist, who has founded “The Wisdom Bridge” to provide educational programs to bring together wisdom from indigenous cultures and the Western culture. His special gift is synthesizing and integrating psychology, anthropology, mythology, alchemy, indigenous cultures and poetic traditions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the gift of sorrow.
13/05/202056 minutes, 35 secondes
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Encore The Gift of Sorrow

No one wants to feel sorrow. It is the emotion we most avoid, for it makes us vulnerable to the onslaughts of deep emotional and psychic shifts. We live in a world in which the social pressures and rigid schedules of life forbid our sorrow. Yet sorrow changes us, allows us into the closets where we have hidden the authentic Self. Our guest today is going to talk to us about sorrow and how we might facilitate a deeper soulful journey through sorrow. Author of “The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief,” Frances Weller is a Psychotherapist, writer and soul activist, who has founded “The Wisdom Bridge” to provide educational programs to bring together wisdom from indigenous cultures and the Western culture. His special gift is synthesizing and integrating psychology, anthropology, mythology, alchemy, indigenous cultures and poetic traditions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the gift of sorrow.
13/05/202056 minutes, 35 secondes
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Encore Authenic Living with Dr. Linda Backman

How do we enhance the possibility of awakening more and more to the power of our own souls while we are still in the body? Obviously there are many paths, but one that is getting more and more attention is regression therapy and hypnosis. Today we are talking to Dr. Linda Backman, licensed psychologist and regression therapist, and author of Bringing Your Soul to Light. Linda has been in private practice for more than 35 years and is committed to guiding regression clients, as well as speaking, writing, and training others in soul regression hypnotherapy, both in the US and abroad. She and her husband started The Ravenheart Center in 1997, a Mystery School in Boulder, Colorado, dedicated to guiding individuals to discover their soul path. Linda’s second book, The Evolving Soul, will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide this year. Are you in the process of awakening? Do you want to learn how to help others awaken? This show is for you.
06/05/202057 minutes, 14 secondes
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Encore Authenic Living with Dr. Linda Backman

How do we enhance the possibility of awakening more and more to the power of our own souls while we are still in the body? Obviously there are many paths, but one that is getting more and more attention is regression therapy and hypnosis. Today we are talking to Dr. Linda Backman, licensed psychologist and regression therapist, and author of Bringing Your Soul to Light. Linda has been in private practice for more than 35 years and is committed to guiding regression clients, as well as speaking, writing, and training others in soul regression hypnotherapy, both in the US and abroad. She and her husband started The Ravenheart Center in 1997, a Mystery School in Boulder, Colorado, dedicated to guiding individuals to discover their soul path. Linda’s second book, The Evolving Soul, will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide this year. Are you in the process of awakening? Do you want to learn how to help others awaken? This show is for you.
06/05/202057 minutes, 14 secondes
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Encore The Emerging Global Consciousness

There is definitely a shift taking place on a global level, a shift in which people are beginning to look inward for the answers to life’s basic and profound questions. Our guest today, Beverly Lanzetta, PhD, will help us all understand this emerging consciousness. Author of six books, including, “Emerging Heart: Global Spirituality and the Sacred” and “Radical Wisdom: A Feminist Mystical Theology” she has a unique and beautiful understanding of this global consciousness. Professor of Religious Studies at several liberal arts colleges, and ordained Interfaith Minister and monastic, Beverly has spent the last 30 years guiding individuals from diverse backgrounds and spiritual orientations in the contemplative live. Her own contemplative journey has led her to a deep understanding from which we will all today benefit. We are all together experiencing this shift in consciousness. If you’d like to understand what’s happening to you in this regard, don’t miss this show!
29/04/202056 minutes, 54 secondes
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Encore The Emerging Global Consciousness

There is definitely a shift taking place on a global level, a shift in which people are beginning to look inward for the answers to life’s basic and profound questions. Our guest today, Beverly Lanzetta, PhD, will help us all understand this emerging consciousness. Author of six books, including, “Emerging Heart: Global Spirituality and the Sacred” and “Radical Wisdom: A Feminist Mystical Theology” she has a unique and beautiful understanding of this global consciousness. Professor of Religious Studies at several liberal arts colleges, and ordained Interfaith Minister and monastic, Beverly has spent the last 30 years guiding individuals from diverse backgrounds and spiritual orientations in the contemplative live. Her own contemplative journey has led her to a deep understanding from which we will all today benefit. We are all together experiencing this shift in consciousness. If you’d like to understand what’s happening to you in this regard, don’t miss this show!
29/04/202056 minutes, 54 secondes
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Encore It’s Not the End of the World!

Dr. Joan Borysenko appears, for the second time, on the Authentic Living Show today to discuss her latest book, “It’s not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change.” One of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing and spirituality, Joan is world-renowned for her expertise in the field of Mind/Body medicine. A three-time graduate of Harvard Medical School, with a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) and two post-doctoral fellowships in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, her brilliance is uniquely matched by her warmth and inspirational presentations. She is the author of several best-selling books, including her first, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind,” “Inner Peace for Busy People,” and the topic of last year’s Authentic Living show, “Your Soul’s Compass.” You know, if we are forced to endure these tough times, we might as well get something out of it. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the art of resilience from Dr. Joan.
22/04/202056 minutes, 8 secondes
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Encore It’s Not the End of the World!

Dr. Joan Borysenko appears, for the second time, on the Authentic Living Show today to discuss her latest book, “It’s not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change.” One of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing and spirituality, Joan is world-renowned for her expertise in the field of Mind/Body medicine. A three-time graduate of Harvard Medical School, with a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) and two post-doctoral fellowships in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, her brilliance is uniquely matched by her warmth and inspirational presentations. She is the author of several best-selling books, including her first, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind,” “Inner Peace for Busy People,” and the topic of last year’s Authentic Living show, “Your Soul’s Compass.” You know, if we are forced to endure these tough times, we might as well get something out of it. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the art of resilience from Dr. Joan.
22/04/202056 minutes, 8 secondes
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Encore Defying Gravity with Caroline Myss

We are fortunate today to have Caroline Myss return for the second time to the Authentic Living show. Caroline is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. After beginning her career as a journalist, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing, and simultaneously began her career as a medical intuitive working with Dr. Norman Shealy. Over the years she honed her skills to the point that by knowing only the patient’s name and age, she can profile the physical, psychological, emotional and family history. Based on her extensive research she developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific stress patterns with diseases. Caroline continues to impact the worlds of consciousness and spirituality and to publish bestselling books, the most recent of which is the subject of our talk today Defy Gravity.
15/04/202055 minutes, 7 secondes
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Encore Defying Gravity with Caroline Myss

We are fortunate today to have Caroline Myss return for the second time to the Authentic Living show. Caroline is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. After beginning her career as a journalist, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing, and simultaneously began her career as a medical intuitive working with Dr. Norman Shealy. Over the years she honed her skills to the point that by knowing only the patient’s name and age, she can profile the physical, psychological, emotional and family history. Based on her extensive research she developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific stress patterns with diseases. Caroline continues to impact the worlds of consciousness and spirituality and to publish bestselling books, the most recent of which is the subject of our talk today Defy Gravity.
15/04/202055 minutes, 7 secondes
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Encore Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
08/04/202056 minutes, 14 secondes
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Encore Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
08/04/202056 minutes, 14 secondes
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Encore Without a Mask

What does it mean to “first, know thyself?” Does it just mean that we know the list of habits and the sum total of all the ways we act and think and believe? Or is there something deeper? Avikal Costantino talks with us today about what it’s like to live without a mask, for he is the author of two books, Freedom to Be Yourself: Mastering the Inner Judge and Without a Mask: Discovering Your Authentic Self. Where does the mundane fit into your life, mediocrity or the ordinary? And what is your hope of transcending mediocrity and the ordinary? Is that need to transcend just a mask? Or is it the real you? What about conflict? Where do we put it in the scheme of things? Should we always avoid it in order to say we are good people? How does goodness define us? How can you tell the difference between the mask and the real? These are just a few of the questions we will ask and answer on this show, talking with Australian author and owner of the Institute of Integral Being. Don’t miss it.
01/04/202058 minutes, 48 secondes
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Encore Without a Mask

What does it mean to “first, know thyself?” Does it just mean that we know the list of habits and the sum total of all the ways we act and think and believe? Or is there something deeper? Avikal Costantino talks with us today about what it’s like to live without a mask, for he is the author of two books, Freedom to Be Yourself: Mastering the Inner Judge and Without a Mask: Discovering Your Authentic Self. Where does the mundane fit into your life, mediocrity or the ordinary? And what is your hope of transcending mediocrity and the ordinary? Is that need to transcend just a mask? Or is it the real you? What about conflict? Where do we put it in the scheme of things? Should we always avoid it in order to say we are good people? How does goodness define us? How can you tell the difference between the mask and the real? These are just a few of the questions we will ask and answer on this show, talking with Australian author and owner of the Institute of Integral Being. Don’t miss it.
01/04/202058 minutes, 48 secondes
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Encore Rules for the game of life

The world was moved a few years back when Cherie Carter-Scott published her bestselling book, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules. It is a simple, but profound rendition of what we can expect on the journey. Not knowing the simplified rendition of why we are here, and what we can expect can keep us running into the walls we find everywhere in our consciousness. But Carter-Scott’s book provides us with a template for living that will not soon be forgotten once it is absorbed. And we are going to be talking with her today about these rules for the game of life. So, if you are wondering what the heck is going on—tune in. You are not going to want to miss this exciting and powerful show.
18/03/202054 minutes, 35 secondes
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Encore Rules for the game of life

The world was moved a few years back when Cherie Carter-Scott published her bestselling book, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules. It is a simple, but profound rendition of what we can expect on the journey. Not knowing the simplified rendition of why we are here, and what we can expect can keep us running into the walls we find everywhere in our consciousness. But Carter-Scott’s book provides us with a template for living that will not soon be forgotten once it is absorbed. And we are going to be talking with her today about these rules for the game of life. So, if you are wondering what the heck is going on—tune in. You are not going to want to miss this exciting and powerful show.
18/03/202054 minutes, 35 secondes
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Encore From chaos to Oneness?

What do we mean when we speak of Oneness? What is duality? What is it like to live in Oneness? Is it possible that we are actually in a unique period of spiritual transformation that, through divisiveness leads us to unity, even to Oneness? These are some of the questions we will answer today as we speak to Robert Atkinson, PhD, and author of the book, The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. We speak of being One with all, as if we truly understand for whom the bell tolls, but do we understand the depth and gravity of living as One with all, including the divine? Don’t miss this very important message.
11/03/202057 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore From chaos to Oneness?

What do we mean when we speak of Oneness? What is duality? What is it like to live in Oneness? Is it possible that we are actually in a unique period of spiritual transformation that, through divisiveness leads us to unity, even to Oneness? These are some of the questions we will answer today as we speak to Robert Atkinson, PhD, and author of the book, The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. We speak of being One with all, as if we truly understand for whom the bell tolls, but do we understand the depth and gravity of living as One with all, including the divine? Don’t miss this very important message.
11/03/202057 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore Past Lives and Authenticity

Carol Bowman, internationally known pioneer in reincarnation studies, is our guest this week. Carol is the author of “Children’s Past Lives” and “Return from Heaven” both of which are now classics in the reincarnation field. Her research on spontaneous past-life remembrances in children has profoundly impacted her field and authenticated the whole idea of reincarnation. She has also been practicing past-life regression therapy with adults for almost twenty years. Often invited to be a guest on TV and radio, she has appeared as a reincarnation expert on Oprah, Good Morning America, Unsolved Mysteries, A&E, Discovery Channel, ABC Primetime, the BBC in England, and on The Art Bell Show. She just returned from lecturing in Brazil at an international conference and has also lectured in other countries around the world and in national educational institutions. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a world-renowned expert on reincarnation.
04/03/202055 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore Past Lives and Authenticity

Carol Bowman, internationally known pioneer in reincarnation studies, is our guest this week. Carol is the author of “Children’s Past Lives” and “Return from Heaven” both of which are now classics in the reincarnation field. Her research on spontaneous past-life remembrances in children has profoundly impacted her field and authenticated the whole idea of reincarnation. She has also been practicing past-life regression therapy with adults for almost twenty years. Often invited to be a guest on TV and radio, she has appeared as a reincarnation expert on Oprah, Good Morning America, Unsolved Mysteries, A&E, Discovery Channel, ABC Primetime, the BBC in England, and on The Art Bell Show. She just returned from lecturing in Brazil at an international conference and has also lectured in other countries around the world and in national educational institutions. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a world-renowned expert on reincarnation.
04/03/202055 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore Creating Authentic Power

Today we are so honored to have Gary Zukav and Linda Francis here to talk to us about how we can create our own authentic power. For years now, Gary Zukav has helped us all to see the most complex insights through his use of a language we can all understand. Author of four consecutive NY Times Bestsellers, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Seat of the Soul, Soul Stories, as well as The Heart of the Soul and The Mind of the Soul, co-authored by our guest Linda Francis, both of which also became NY Times bestsellers. Gary and Linda’s spiritual partnership has been on-going for sixteen years and they have, through that partnership, impacted the lives of millions of people, through several means including their many workshops and conferences, his many appearances on the Oprah show and the co-founding of the Seat of the Soul Institute, dedicated to assisting people in aligning the personality with the soul, which is the creation of authentic power. Don’t even think about missing this show!
26/02/202056 minutes, 50 secondes
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Encore Creating Authentic Power

Today we are so honored to have Gary Zukav and Linda Francis here to talk to us about how we can create our own authentic power. For years now, Gary Zukav has helped us all to see the most complex insights through his use of a language we can all understand. Author of four consecutive NY Times Bestsellers, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Seat of the Soul, Soul Stories, as well as The Heart of the Soul and The Mind of the Soul, co-authored by our guest Linda Francis, both of which also became NY Times bestsellers. Gary and Linda’s spiritual partnership has been on-going for sixteen years and they have, through that partnership, impacted the lives of millions of people, through several means including their many workshops and conferences, his many appearances on the Oprah show and the co-founding of the Seat of the Soul Institute, dedicated to assisting people in aligning the personality with the soul, which is the creation of authentic power. Don’t even think about missing this show!
26/02/202056 minutes, 50 secondes
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Encore Entering the Castle of the Soul

Are you looking for more joy, more passion, more depth? Caroline Myss, a practicing mystic and our guest for today, offers an open door to the Castle that is your own soul. Caroline started her career as a nurse through which service she slowly came to accept her innate ability as a medical intuitive. And through her practice as a medical intuitive she began to write bestselling books, including but definitely not limited to: “Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can,” “Anatomy of the Spirit,” “Sacred Contracts,” and the topic of discussion today, “Entering the Castle.” The mystical experience we have when entering our own souls is the beginning of real life. Based on St. Teresa of Ávila’s metaphor of the interior castle, Entering the Castle helps us to explore the seven mansions of that Castle and each room in each mansion, in order to become more attuned to our own souls, our inner Divine nature—our true Selves.
19/02/202056 minutes, 18 secondes
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Encore Entering the Castle of the Soul

Are you looking for more joy, more passion, more depth? Caroline Myss, a practicing mystic and our guest for today, offers an open door to the Castle that is your own soul. Caroline started her career as a nurse through which service she slowly came to accept her innate ability as a medical intuitive. And through her practice as a medical intuitive she began to write bestselling books, including but definitely not limited to: “Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can,” “Anatomy of the Spirit,” “Sacred Contracts,” and the topic of discussion today, “Entering the Castle.” The mystical experience we have when entering our own souls is the beginning of real life. Based on St. Teresa of Ávila’s metaphor of the interior castle, Entering the Castle helps us to explore the seven mansions of that Castle and each room in each mansion, in order to become more attuned to our own souls, our inner Divine nature—our true Selves.
19/02/202056 minutes, 18 secondes
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Encore Radical Awakening

We don’t generally think of awakening as a process of accepting what is. But our guest today has been working in Great Britain to awaken a generation of spiritual inquirers to the experience of abiding presence and peace in our ever-shifting world through that very process. Jeff Foster answers questions like “How can we find an effortless ‘yes’ to this moment?” “How do we stop running from ‘the mess of life’—our predicaments, our frustrations, even our search for liberation—and start flowing with all of it?” With his book, The Deepest Acceptance, Jeff invites us to discover the ocean of who we are: an awareness that has already allowed every wave of emotion and experience to arrive. We all know that these things are beyond words, and yet, on our show today we will talk, and what we will talk about is how to stop trying to make acceptance and “nowness” happen and start falling in love with what, according to Jeff, has already been allowed.
12/02/202057 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Radical Awakening

We don’t generally think of awakening as a process of accepting what is. But our guest today has been working in Great Britain to awaken a generation of spiritual inquirers to the experience of abiding presence and peace in our ever-shifting world through that very process. Jeff Foster answers questions like “How can we find an effortless ‘yes’ to this moment?” “How do we stop running from ‘the mess of life’—our predicaments, our frustrations, even our search for liberation—and start flowing with all of it?” With his book, The Deepest Acceptance, Jeff invites us to discover the ocean of who we are: an awareness that has already allowed every wave of emotion and experience to arrive. We all know that these things are beyond words, and yet, on our show today we will talk, and what we will talk about is how to stop trying to make acceptance and “nowness” happen and start falling in love with what, according to Jeff, has already been allowed.
12/02/202057 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore Boundaries

Joan Borysenko comes back to the Authentic Living Show to discuss one of the most important features of mental health: the appropriate use of boundaries. We are only recently coming to understand the necessity of appropriate psychological, spiritual and relational boundaries. On this show we are going to really get into this discussion--for the use of boundaries could make all the difference in our ability to live happy, fulfilling lives. Don't miss it.
05/02/202056 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore Boundaries

Joan Borysenko comes back to the Authentic Living Show to discuss one of the most important features of mental health: the appropriate use of boundaries. We are only recently coming to understand the necessity of appropriate psychological, spiritual and relational boundaries. On this show we are going to really get into this discussion--for the use of boundaries could make all the difference in our ability to live happy, fulfilling lives. Don't miss it.
05/02/202056 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore Intimacy and Awakening

For the first time in the history of the world, we are beginning to explore intimacy as the essential ingredient to healthy, whole relationships. But intimacy is not really all about sex. It’s about “dancing core to core”—as Judith Blackstone, PhD puts it in her lovely book The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others. Judith is an innovative, and internationally recognized teacher of nonduality. She is the developer of the Realization Process, a method of embodied nondual awakening, and a practicing psychotherapist. This book, like her others, The Empathic Ground, The Enlightenment Process and The Subtle Self, opens its readers to a deeper more true essential beingness. So, our show this week is going to be about how to awaken to that beingness both alone and in relationship. Want to know how? Don’t miss this show.
29/01/202054 minutes, 10 secondes
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Encore Intimacy and Awakening

For the first time in the history of the world, we are beginning to explore intimacy as the essential ingredient to healthy, whole relationships. But intimacy is not really all about sex. It’s about “dancing core to core”—as Judith Blackstone, PhD puts it in her lovely book The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others. Judith is an innovative, and internationally recognized teacher of nonduality. She is the developer of the Realization Process, a method of embodied nondual awakening, and a practicing psychotherapist. This book, like her others, The Empathic Ground, The Enlightenment Process and The Subtle Self, opens its readers to a deeper more true essential beingness. So, our show this week is going to be about how to awaken to that beingness both alone and in relationship. Want to know how? Don’t miss this show.
29/01/202054 minutes, 10 secondes
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Encore Divine Feminine?

For some in the Western world considering the divine as feminine not only seems impossible, so engrained have we become with the masculine archetypal God, but for some is thought to be blasphemy. But in the history of sacred wisdom the divine is often found in the feminine archetype. Our guest today, Meghan Don, is the author of The New Divine Feminine, in which she describes several methods, several stories, and many meditations for accessing the divine feminine. Why would we need to do that? One answer is that wisdom itself, found in the sacred texts as Sophia, is feminine in nature. Another is that the feminine archetype leads us inward to find our deepest authentic selves. If you are seeking a deeper union with the divine, this show is for you.
22/01/202053 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore Divine Feminine?

For some in the Western world considering the divine as feminine not only seems impossible, so engrained have we become with the masculine archetypal God, but for some is thought to be blasphemy. But in the history of sacred wisdom the divine is often found in the feminine archetype. Our guest today, Meghan Don, is the author of The New Divine Feminine, in which she describes several methods, several stories, and many meditations for accessing the divine feminine. Why would we need to do that? One answer is that wisdom itself, found in the sacred texts as Sophia, is feminine in nature. Another is that the feminine archetype leads us inward to find our deepest authentic selves. If you are seeking a deeper union with the divine, this show is for you.
22/01/202053 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore Intimacy and Awakening

For the first time in the history of the world, we are beginning to explore intimacy as the essential ingredient to healthy, whole relationships. But intimacy is not really all about sex. It’s about “dancing core to core”—as Judith Blackstone, PhD puts it in her lovely book The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others. Judith is an innovative, and internationally recognized teacher of nonduality. She is the developer of the Realization Process, a method of embodied nondual awakening, and a practicing psychotherapist. This book, like her others, The Empathic Ground, The Enlightenment Process and The Subtle Self, opens its readers to a deeper more true essential beingness. So, our show this week is going to be about how to awaken to that beingness both alone and in relationship. Want to know how? Don’t miss this show.
15/01/202054 minutes, 10 secondes
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Encore Intimacy and Awakening

For the first time in the history of the world, we are beginning to explore intimacy as the essential ingredient to healthy, whole relationships. But intimacy is not really all about sex. It’s about “dancing core to core”—as Judith Blackstone, PhD puts it in her lovely book The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others. Judith is an innovative, and internationally recognized teacher of nonduality. She is the developer of the Realization Process, a method of embodied nondual awakening, and a practicing psychotherapist. This book, like her others, The Empathic Ground, The Enlightenment Process and The Subtle Self, opens its readers to a deeper more true essential beingness. So, our show this week is going to be about how to awaken to that beingness both alone and in relationship. Want to know how? Don’t miss this show.
15/01/202054 minutes, 10 secondes
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Encore Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
08/01/202057 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
08/01/202057 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore Overcoming Destructive Inner Voices

Dr. Robert Firestone, author, clinical psychologist and artist, has developed a special approach to working with those inner urges that motivate behaviors we later regret, or which facilitate the furtherance of dysfunctional patterns. He uses voice therapy, which gives voice to the energy that pushes us. From this we learn where our patterns developed and can begin to live life from a deeper, more authentic inner core. His book “Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice: True Stories of Therapy and Transformation” gives clear examples of how this approach works to heal and transform. If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that keep you in a downward spiral, this show is for you. Start your year off with a new method for transformation and healing.
01/01/202053 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore Overcoming Destructive Inner Voices

Dr. Robert Firestone, author, clinical psychologist and artist, has developed a special approach to working with those inner urges that motivate behaviors we later regret, or which facilitate the furtherance of dysfunctional patterns. He uses voice therapy, which gives voice to the energy that pushes us. From this we learn where our patterns developed and can begin to live life from a deeper, more authentic inner core. His book “Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice: True Stories of Therapy and Transformation” gives clear examples of how this approach works to heal and transform. If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that keep you in a downward spiral, this show is for you. Start your year off with a new method for transformation and healing.
01/01/202053 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore Peace on Earth?

When pigs fly, right? The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.
25/12/201955 minutes, 57 secondes
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Encore Peace on Earth?

When pigs fly, right? The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.
25/12/201955 minutes, 57 secondes
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Encore Creating Authentic Power

Today we are so honored to have Gary Zukav and Linda Francis here to talk to us about how we can create our own authentic power. For years now, Gary Zukav has helped us all to see the most complex insights through his use of a language we can all understand. Author of four consecutive NY Times Bestsellers, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Seat of the Soul, Soul Stories, as well as The Heart of the Soul and The Mind of the Soul, co-authored by our guest Linda Francis, both of which also became NY Times bestsellers. Gary and Linda’s spiritual partnership has been on-going for sixteen years and they have, through that partnership, impacted the lives of millions of people, through several means including their many workshops and conferences, his many appearances on the Oprah show and the co-founding of the Seat of the Soul Institute, dedicated to assisting people in aligning the personality with the soul, which is the creation of authentic power. Don’t even think about missing this show!
18/12/201956 minutes, 50 secondes
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Encore Creating Authentic Power

Today we are so honored to have Gary Zukav and Linda Francis here to talk to us about how we can create our own authentic power. For years now, Gary Zukav has helped us all to see the most complex insights through his use of a language we can all understand. Author of four consecutive NY Times Bestsellers, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Seat of the Soul, Soul Stories, as well as The Heart of the Soul and The Mind of the Soul, co-authored by our guest Linda Francis, both of which also became NY Times bestsellers. Gary and Linda’s spiritual partnership has been on-going for sixteen years and they have, through that partnership, impacted the lives of millions of people, through several means including their many workshops and conferences, his many appearances on the Oprah show and the co-founding of the Seat of the Soul Institute, dedicated to assisting people in aligning the personality with the soul, which is the creation of authentic power. Don’t even think about missing this show!
18/12/201956 minutes, 50 secondes
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Encore What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
11/12/201954 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
11/12/201954 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
04/12/201957 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
04/12/201957 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
27/11/201955 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
27/11/201955 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
20/11/201956 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore: Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
20/11/201956 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore: An Interfaith/Interspiritual God

To date, most religions have wanted to claim their own God. In the West the Christian religion has claimed that their God is the only God. That every other God is actually a false god. But what if, like Pope Francis says, we are all meeting the same God in different ways. What if, in fact, each religion, each language of each religion, each ritual, each path, each prayer is but a different language meant to reach but one divine entity, a universal entity who knows we each have different ways of finding our truest spirituality? Would that be such a terrible thing? Or is it that our bias is keeping us from allowing that possibility? Today we are going to learn about an interfaith/interspiritual God. Don't miss it.
13/11/201956 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: An Interfaith/Interspiritual God

To date, most religions have wanted to claim their own God. In the West the Christian religion has claimed that their God is the only God. That every other God is actually a false god. But what if, like Pope Francis says, we are all meeting the same God in different ways. What if, in fact, each religion, each language of each religion, each ritual, each path, each prayer is but a different language meant to reach but one divine entity, a universal entity who knows we each have different ways of finding our truest spirituality? Would that be such a terrible thing? Or is it that our bias is keeping us from allowing that possibility? Today we are going to learn about an interfaith/interspiritual God. Don't miss it.
13/11/201956 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
06/11/201957 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
06/11/201957 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
30/10/201956 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
30/10/201956 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
23/10/201956 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore: Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
23/10/201956 minutes, 2 secondes
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Mistaken Christianity - Part IV

During the past two live episodes, we began to look into the specific root language in the earliest parts of the sacred text Christians know as the Bible. What we have learned is that some of the most basic concepts utilized by the leaders of what I am calling the Mistaken Christianity—the literalistic teachings of fundamentalism—are based in mistranslations of that text and turn out, therefore, to be false. Today we will continue and finalize that discussion moving into what has come to be known as the New Testament to look at the root language of some of the most basic concepts of modern-day Christianity. The root language turns out to be very different from what these teachers are teaching. Don’t miss it.
16/10/201956 minutes, 20 secondes
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Mistaken Christianity - Part IV

During the past two live episodes, we began to look into the specific root language in the earliest parts of the sacred text Christians know as the Bible. What we have learned is that some of the most basic concepts utilized by the leaders of what I am calling the Mistaken Christianity—the literalistic teachings of fundamentalism—are based in mistranslations of that text and turn out, therefore, to be false. Today we will continue and finalize that discussion moving into what has come to be known as the New Testament to look at the root language of some of the most basic concepts of modern-day Christianity. The root language turns out to be very different from what these teachers are teaching. Don’t miss it.
16/10/201956 minutes, 20 secondes
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Mistaken Christianity--Part III

Last week we began to look into the specific root language in the ancient book we know of today as the book of Genesis. What we learned was that some of the most basic concepts in the Mistaken Christianity—the literalistic teachings of fundamentalism—are based in mistranslations of that text. Today we will continue that discussion adding more to our understanding of what we are actually being told in the sacred text of the Christian Bible about being spiritual beings having a human experience. Don’t miss it.
02/10/201957 minutes, 32 secondes
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Mistaken Christianity--Part III

Last week we began to look into the specific root language in the ancient book we know of today as the book of Genesis. What we learned was that some of the most basic concepts in the Mistaken Christianity—the literalistic teachings of fundamentalism—are based in mistranslations of that text. Today we will continue that discussion adding more to our understanding of what we are actually being told in the sacred text of the Christian Bible about being spiritual beings having a human experience. Don’t miss it.
02/10/201957 minutes, 32 secondes
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A Mistaken Christianity--Part II

On another show in the past we discussed an overall summary of some of the mistakes made even by well-intended Christians because of the mistranslations passed down to us. Today we are going to begin a process of getting more specific about some of these mistranslations. What has happened is that fundamentalism—or what many today are calling Evangelical Christianity—is based in these mistakes in translation. If we are going to consider sacred text as a viable source of wisdom and guidance, we need to be careful about how we are translating it. Be here for this—you are not going to want to miss it.
25/09/201957 minutes, 30 secondes
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A Mistaken Christianity--Part II

On another show in the past we discussed an overall summary of some of the mistakes made even by well-intended Christians because of the mistranslations passed down to us. Today we are going to begin a process of getting more specific about some of these mistranslations. What has happened is that fundamentalism—or what many today are calling Evangelical Christianity—is based in these mistakes in translation. If we are going to consider sacred text as a viable source of wisdom and guidance, we need to be careful about how we are translating it. Be here for this—you are not going to want to miss it.
25/09/201957 minutes, 30 secondes
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Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.
18/09/201957 minutes, 50 secondes
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Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.
18/09/201957 minutes, 50 secondes
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Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
11/09/201956 minutes, 2 secondes
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Healing the Wounds of Childhood

Today we are talking to Dr. Don St. John, author of the book “Healing the Wounds of Childhood,” as this is one of the most important of all of the subjects we could discuss. Very often it is these wounds that keep us trapped, even as we are striving to get past them in some kind of way. How do we grow into our full potential while these wounds remain yet unhealed? How do we increase our ability to receive and absorb love, enjoy more life-giving love connections, deal more effectively with stress and improve our resilience and health all while expanding our sense of who we are? These questions and more will be answered during today’s show. Don’t miss it.
11/09/201956 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore: From chaos to Oneness?

What do we mean when we speak of Oneness? What is duality? What is it like to live in Oneness? Is it possible that we are actually in a unique period of spiritual transformation that, through divisiveness leads us to unity, even to Oneness? These are some of the questions we will answer today as we speak to Robert Atkinson, PhD, and author of the book, The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. We speak of being One with all, as if we truly understand for whom the bell tolls, but do we understand the depth and gravity of living as One with all, including the divine? Don’t miss this very important message.
04/09/201957 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore: From chaos to Oneness?

What do we mean when we speak of Oneness? What is duality? What is it like to live in Oneness? Is it possible that we are actually in a unique period of spiritual transformation that, through divisiveness leads us to unity, even to Oneness? These are some of the questions we will answer today as we speak to Robert Atkinson, PhD, and author of the book, The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. We speak of being One with all, as if we truly understand for whom the bell tolls, but do we understand the depth and gravity of living as One with all, including the divine? Don’t miss this very important message.
04/09/201957 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It

The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
28/08/201956 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It

The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
28/08/201956 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: The Distillation Process of Love

We go around all the time telling each other and ourselves that we should “be” more loving. Be more kind. Be more respectful. But how do we make these shoulds into reality. The truth is that anytime we put the word “should” in front of the word love, it ceases to be love and becomes instead a duty, an ought to, a have to. We think that we should be more loving, and we chastise ourselves when we are not. But we don’t understand the nature of love. This show is going to facilitate a greater understanding of the nature of love, and help us understand the very important transformative process of becoming love.
21/08/201954 minutes, 17 secondes
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Encore: The Distillation Process of Love

We go around all the time telling each other and ourselves that we should “be” more loving. Be more kind. Be more respectful. But how do we make these shoulds into reality. The truth is that anytime we put the word “should” in front of the word love, it ceases to be love and becomes instead a duty, an ought to, a have to. We think that we should be more loving, and we chastise ourselves when we are not. But we don’t understand the nature of love. This show is going to facilitate a greater understanding of the nature of love, and help us understand the very important transformative process of becoming love.
21/08/201954 minutes, 17 secondes
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Encore: Boundaries

Joan Borysenko comes back to the Authentic Living Show to discuss one of the most important features of mental health: the appropriate use of boundaries. We are only recently coming to understand the necessity of appropriate psychological, spiritual and relational boundaries. On this show we are going to really get into this discussion--for the use of boundaries could make all the difference in our ability to live happy, fulfilling lives. Don't miss it.
14/08/201956 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore: Boundaries

Joan Borysenko comes back to the Authentic Living Show to discuss one of the most important features of mental health: the appropriate use of boundaries. We are only recently coming to understand the necessity of appropriate psychological, spiritual and relational boundaries. On this show we are going to really get into this discussion--for the use of boundaries could make all the difference in our ability to live happy, fulfilling lives. Don't miss it.
14/08/201956 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Practice

Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
07/08/201955 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Practice

Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
07/08/201955 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
31/07/201955 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore: Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
31/07/201955 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore: Learning to Receive Love

We have always heard a lot about how we ought to love everyone, how we should love others, and lately even how we should love ourselves. But we don't hear so much about learning how to receive love, and most of us have not been taught how to do this. We've not been taught to accept loving gestures with humility. We've not been taught how to relish in the love that is constantly ours coming from the divine. We've not been taught how to receive the love that comes to us from spouses, partners and even our children. And learning to receive love is one of the basic ingredients of happiness. And happiness is one of the basic ingredients of wellness and wholeness. Tune in today to learn how to receive love.
24/07/201957 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: Learning to Receive Love

We have always heard a lot about how we ought to love everyone, how we should love others, and lately even how we should love ourselves. But we don't hear so much about learning how to receive love, and most of us have not been taught how to do this. We've not been taught to accept loving gestures with humility. We've not been taught how to relish in the love that is constantly ours coming from the divine. We've not been taught how to receive the love that comes to us from spouses, partners and even our children. And learning to receive love is one of the basic ingredients of happiness. And happiness is one of the basic ingredients of wellness and wholeness. Tune in today to learn how to receive love.
24/07/201957 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
17/07/201957 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
17/07/201957 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: Oneness

Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.
10/07/201956 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Oneness

Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.
10/07/201956 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
03/07/201956 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
03/07/201956 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: Surrender to Oneness

As we study the sacred texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Bible—particularly in its root language—what we discover is that duality is nonduality. There simply is no such thing as separation. Yet we continue to live our lives as if we were separate from the divine, and separate from each other, and the natural world. It is very difficult for us to imagine Oneness. It is very difficult for us to suspend our polarized notions of good and evil. But the surrender to Oneness is simply a surrender to the truth of who and what we are. This is not something we can do with the intellect. That’s why it seems so difficult to us. But it is something we can do. Tune in today to learn about surrendering to Oneness.
19/06/201956 minutes, 34 secondes
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Encore: Surrender to Oneness

As we study the sacred texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Bible—particularly in its root language—what we discover is that duality is nonduality. There simply is no such thing as separation. Yet we continue to live our lives as if we were separate from the divine, and separate from each other, and the natural world. It is very difficult for us to imagine Oneness. It is very difficult for us to suspend our polarized notions of good and evil. But the surrender to Oneness is simply a surrender to the truth of who and what we are. This is not something we can do with the intellect. That’s why it seems so difficult to us. But it is something we can do. Tune in today to learn about surrendering to Oneness.
19/06/201956 minutes, 34 secondes
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How safe are you really in a world full of chaos? What is safety and how do we get to feel safe--particularly in these times when there is so much upheaval and hate in the world? It seems there is so much to fear and there is so much anxiety right now individually and collectively. How do we manage to feel safe? And is feeling safe the opposite of fear? Today we are going to talk about fear and safety and come to some perhaps surprising conclusions. Don't miss it.
12/06/201957 minutes, 48 secondes
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How safe are you really in a world full of chaos? What is safety and how do we get to feel safe--particularly in these times when there is so much upheaval and hate in the world? It seems there is so much to fear and there is so much anxiety right now individually and collectively. How do we manage to feel safe? And is feeling safe the opposite of fear? Today we are going to talk about fear and safety and come to some perhaps surprising conclusions. Don't miss it.
12/06/201957 minutes, 48 secondes
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Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
05/06/201956 minutes, 33 secondes
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Letting Go

Just let it go! Don't we hear that all the time? But the problem is that we just can't seem to do that. We can let it go. IT has hold of us. IT controls us, for we think that we have to control IT. Letting go then, turns out to be one of the hardest things we ever do. Surrender sounds like waving a white flag and letting the IT take over. Won't it all just fall apart, our plans, our dreams, our relationships--won't they all just fall apart if we don't stay in control? But all the wise masters tell us that letting go is the key to life, the key to peace, the key to all wisdom, all love. How can we find our true power by letting go of all power? How can we let it go? This show is going to explore the letting go process as an evolutionary stage of existence. Be here NOW.
05/06/201956 minutes, 33 secondes
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Learning to Receive Love

We have always heard a lot about how we ought to love everyone, how we should love others, and lately even how we should love ourselves. But we don't hear so much about learning how to receive love, and most of us have not been taught how to do this. We've not been taught to accept loving gestures with humility. We've not been taught how to relish in the love that is constantly ours coming from the divine. We've not been taught how to receive the love that comes to us from spouses, partners and even our children. And learning to receive love is one of the basic ingredients of happiness. And happiness is one of the basic ingredients of wellness and wholeness. Tune in today to learn how to receive love.
29/05/201957 minutes, 16 secondes
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Learning to Receive Love

We have always heard a lot about how we ought to love everyone, how we should love others, and lately even how we should love ourselves. But we don't hear so much about learning how to receive love, and most of us have not been taught how to do this. We've not been taught to accept loving gestures with humility. We've not been taught how to relish in the love that is constantly ours coming from the divine. We've not been taught how to receive the love that comes to us from spouses, partners and even our children. And learning to receive love is one of the basic ingredients of happiness. And happiness is one of the basic ingredients of wellness and wholeness. Tune in today to learn how to receive love.
29/05/201957 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: Mark Nepo on Authentic Living

Mark Nepo is an author, poet, philosopher, beloved teacher and cancer survivor who has, for thirty years, been exploring how we can stay awake and authentic when our wounds make us numb and hidden; how we can minimize what stands between us and our experience of life; how we can create a practice that wears down what thickens around our hearts and minds. And today we are going to talk to him about those very things, as we explore together the meanings and messages of his books, The Endless Practice and Reduced to Joy. The Endless Practice explores how the soul works in the world, and how by engaging our soul in the world, we are shaped by the endless practice of becoming who we were born to be. Reduced to Joy is a book of poems about the nature of working with what we are given until it wears us through to joy. This is a special opportunity to come closer to your own soul. Don’t miss it.
22/05/201957 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore: Mark Nepo on Authentic Living

Mark Nepo is an author, poet, philosopher, beloved teacher and cancer survivor who has, for thirty years, been exploring how we can stay awake and authentic when our wounds make us numb and hidden; how we can minimize what stands between us and our experience of life; how we can create a practice that wears down what thickens around our hearts and minds. And today we are going to talk to him about those very things, as we explore together the meanings and messages of his books, The Endless Practice and Reduced to Joy. The Endless Practice explores how the soul works in the world, and how by engaging our soul in the world, we are shaped by the endless practice of becoming who we were born to be. Reduced to Joy is a book of poems about the nature of working with what we are given until it wears us through to joy. This is a special opportunity to come closer to your own soul. Don’t miss it.
22/05/201957 minutes, 12 secondes
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Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It

The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
15/05/201956 minutes, 46 secondes
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Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It

The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
15/05/201956 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
08/05/201954 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
08/05/201954 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Power of Peace

When we think of empowerment, we don't generally think first of peace, but rather of things like confidence, self-assurance, assertiveness and other like traits. We think of the ability to confront others, to draw appropriate boundaries, to address and meet our own needs. And all of those things do bring empowerment, but at the base of all of these things is a sense of authentic inner peace that allows us the grace to perform with confidence, self-assurance and assertiveness. In other words the source of true empowerment is peace. So, how do we go about finding peace and how do we access it regularly enough to authenticate our empowerment? That's what we'll be talking about today on Authentic Living. Don't miss it.
24/04/201957 minutes, 9 secondes
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The Power of Peace

When we think of empowerment, we don't generally think first of peace, but rather of things like confidence, self-assurance, assertiveness and other like traits. We think of the ability to confront others, to draw appropriate boundaries, to address and meet our own needs. And all of those things do bring empowerment, but at the base of all of these things is a sense of authentic inner peace that allows us the grace to perform with confidence, self-assurance and assertiveness. In other words the source of true empowerment is peace. So, how do we go about finding peace and how do we access it regularly enough to authenticate our empowerment? That's what we'll be talking about today on Authentic Living. Don't miss it.
24/04/201957 minutes, 9 secondes
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Safe to Love Again?

Have you loved and lost? Have you been heart broken, devastated by the personal loss of a relationship due to divorce or a breakup? If you have, you have probably asked the question, “when is it safe to love again?” Well, today, we are talking to Dr. Gary Salyer, author of “Safe to Love Again: How to Release the Pain of Past Relationships and Create the Love You Deserve.” The book was written for both singles and for couples who have lost the passion. It offers a pathway to rewiring the brain to allow for a safe, secure, long-lasting love to be yours. Is your love style Secure, Avoidant or Anxious? These styles were manifested through “permissions” or “rights” that our infant selves did or did not acquire in the first year of life, based on what we internalized and perceived from the actions of our parents, says Salyer. Come learn about your style and how you can rewire your brain to allow a safe, secure and long-lasting love.
10/04/201954 minutes, 19 secondes
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Safe to Love Again?

Have you loved and lost? Have you been heart broken, devastated by the personal loss of a relationship due to divorce or a breakup? If you have, you have probably asked the question, “when is it safe to love again?” Well, today, we are talking to Dr. Gary Salyer, author of “Safe to Love Again: How to Release the Pain of Past Relationships and Create the Love You Deserve.” The book was written for both singles and for couples who have lost the passion. It offers a pathway to rewiring the brain to allow for a safe, secure, long-lasting love to be yours. Is your love style Secure, Avoidant or Anxious? These styles were manifested through “permissions” or “rights” that our infant selves did or did not acquire in the first year of life, based on what we internalized and perceived from the actions of our parents, says Salyer. Come learn about your style and how you can rewire your brain to allow a safe, secure and long-lasting love.
10/04/201954 minutes, 19 secondes
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Safe to Love Again?

Have you loved and lost? Have you been heart broken, devastated by the personal loss of a relationship due to divorce or a breakup? If you have, you have probably asked the question, “when is it safe to love again?” Well, today, we are talking to Dr. Gary Salyer, author of “Safe to Love Again: How to Release the Pain of Past Relationships and Create the Love You Deserve.” The book was written for both singles and for couples who have lost the passion. It offers a pathway to rewiring the brain to allow for a safe, secure, long-lasting love to be yours. Is your love style Secure, Avoidant or Anxious? These styles were manifested through “permissions” or “rights” that our infant selves did or did not acquire in the first year of life, based on what we internalized and perceived from the actions of our parents, says Salyer. Come learn about your style and how you can rewire your brain to allow a safe, secure and long-lasting love.
10/04/201954 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: How to be Happy

We welcome Lissa Coffey back to the show today to talk about her wonderful little children’s book entitled “The Four Pearls and the Four Squirrels.” Lissa is an Ayurveda expert, hypnotherapist, sociologist, author and life coach. And this little book brings together all of her knowledge in one easy-to-understand approach to happiness. Children are subject to so many influences and we, as parents, teachers, relatives and friends of children have that power-to-influence over our children. What are we demonstrating with our behavior, and what are we teaching with our words? The four pearls teach very important tools for living from which all children—and adults—can find happiness. Tune in for your dose of wisdom today.
03/04/201955 minutes, 54 secondes
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Encore: How to be Happy

We welcome Lissa Coffey back to the show today to talk about her wonderful little children’s book entitled “The Four Pearls and the Four Squirrels.” Lissa is an Ayurveda expert, hypnotherapist, sociologist, author and life coach. And this little book brings together all of her knowledge in one easy-to-understand approach to happiness. Children are subject to so many influences and we, as parents, teachers, relatives and friends of children have that power-to-influence over our children. What are we demonstrating with our behavior, and what are we teaching with our words? The four pearls teach very important tools for living from which all children—and adults—can find happiness. Tune in for your dose of wisdom today.
03/04/201955 minutes, 54 secondes
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Darkness and Light

There's just so much out there about living in the light, living into worthiness, living into goodness, that we dismiss the value of the shadows, the darkness. We think that darkness implies evil. But we miss all the beautiful silence, the amazing mystery of darkness. And we miss the beautiful gifts that are given to us when we walk through the darkness in our lives. Somehow we've come to believe that we should live lives completely divest of darkness--that doing so makes us good people, even proves our worth. So when the darkness comes--as it will--we tend to think we must have done something wrong, and then we add shame to the problem. But like the light, the darkness equally has gifts to give us. Let us, then, explore the gifts of the darkness--bring them into the light. You don't want to miss this one.
27/03/201957 minutes, 27 secondes
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Darkness and Light

There's just so much out there about living in the light, living into worthiness, living into goodness, that we dismiss the value of the shadows, the darkness. We think that darkness implies evil. But we miss all the beautiful silence, the amazing mystery of darkness. And we miss the beautiful gifts that are given to us when we walk through the darkness in our lives. Somehow we've come to believe that we should live lives completely divest of darkness--that doing so makes us good people, even proves our worth. So when the darkness comes--as it will--we tend to think we must have done something wrong, and then we add shame to the problem. But like the light, the darkness equally has gifts to give us. Let us, then, explore the gifts of the darkness--bring them into the light. You don't want to miss this one.
27/03/201957 minutes, 27 secondes
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The Wild, Wild Wisdom of Life

How do we even begin to trust a life in which there is so much worldwide suffering? People say, “Trust the process,” but what does that mean, and how do we trust it? We’ve all entered this wild, wild ride of life filled with all manner of amazing blessings and difficult challenges. Why are we here? What is the point? Given the suffering of the world, some would say that no one should ever leave home. Yet we do, we not only leave our homes but we risk falling in love, we get into committed relationships and we have children. We work jobs toward certain goals we may or may not attain. We challenge life, in fact, as much as life challenges us. How do we do that? What is it in us that is willing to take all those risks? Whatever it is, it is a powerful force and allows us to receive the wisdom, the wild, wild wisdom of life. Today, we are going to get in touch with that wild wisdom, increasing everyone’s vibrational energy. Don’t miss it.
20/03/201959 minutes
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The Wild, Wild Wisdom of Life

How do we even begin to trust a life in which there is so much worldwide suffering? People say, “Trust the process,” but what does that mean, and how do we trust it? We’ve all entered this wild, wild ride of life filled with all manner of amazing blessings and difficult challenges. Why are we here? What is the point? Given the suffering of the world, some would say that no one should ever leave home. Yet we do, we not only leave our homes but we risk falling in love, we get into committed relationships and we have children. We work jobs toward certain goals we may or may not attain. We challenge life, in fact, as much as life challenges us. How do we do that? What is it in us that is willing to take all those risks? Whatever it is, it is a powerful force and allows us to receive the wisdom, the wild, wild wisdom of life. Today, we are going to get in touch with that wild wisdom, increasing everyone’s vibrational energy. Don’t miss it.
20/03/201959 minutes
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The Wild, Wild Wisdom of Life

How do we even begin to trust a life in which there is so much worldwide suffering? People say, “Trust the process,” but what does that mean, and how do we trust it? We’ve all entered this wild, wild ride of life filled with all manner of amazing blessings and difficult challenges. Why are we here? What is the point? Given the suffering of the world, some would say that no one should ever leave home. Yet we do, we not only leave our homes but we risk falling in love, we get into committed relationships and we have children. We work jobs toward certain goals we may or may not attain. We challenge life, in fact, as much as life challenges us. How do we do that? What is it in us that is willing to take all those risks? Whatever it is, it is a powerful force and allows us to receive the wisdom, the wild, wild wisdom of life. Today, we are going to get in touch with that wild wisdom, increasing everyone’s vibrational energy. Don’t miss it.
20/03/201959 minutes
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Forgiveness turns out to be just another f-word—for it is fraught with so much misinformation, and laden with such heaviness! But forgiveness is not what we’ve thought it is. It is not something we can “should” ourselves into. It is not a duty. It is not taking someone back. It is not absolution. It is not tolerating the intolerable and accepting the unacceptable. It is not pity. It is not trying to discover why they did it. It is not a decision to be a good person by forgiving. It is not a decision at all. It is not earned and it is not the magic that makes bad feelings go away. Finally, it is not closure. What it is is far bigger, for more profound and far better than any of the things we have called forgiveness. Today we are going to learn what forgiveness is and what it isn’t. Don’t miss this important episode.
13/03/201958 minutes, 52 secondes
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Forgiveness turns out to be just another f-word—for it is fraught with so much misinformation, and laden with such heaviness! But forgiveness is not what we’ve thought it is. It is not something we can “should” ourselves into. It is not a duty. It is not taking someone back. It is not absolution. It is not tolerating the intolerable and accepting the unacceptable. It is not pity. It is not trying to discover why they did it. It is not a decision to be a good person by forgiving. It is not a decision at all. It is not earned and it is not the magic that makes bad feelings go away. Finally, it is not closure. What it is is far bigger, for more profound and far better than any of the things we have called forgiveness. Today we are going to learn what forgiveness is and what it isn’t. Don’t miss this important episode.
13/03/201958 minutes, 52 secondes
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Spiritual Bypassing

There are so many ways, dictated by so many others, to be a spiritual person. Many, for example, believe that they should never allow themselves to have a so-called negative thought, or a negative feeling. They believe that doing so not only makes them less spiritual, but it means that they might attract so-called negative events into their lives. But what if there's no such thing as a negative thought or feeling, and no such thing as a negative event? Others believe that repressing fear in the name of love is a spiritual thing to do, and it makes them into a spiritual being. But what if being spiritual means simply being. What if our definitions of spirituality are skewed along the lines of man-made images that have to do with how it looks to others? Many of us are spiritually bypassing and calling it spirituality. This term, coined by Robert Masters, is our subject today. Don't miss it. Be here now.
06/03/201957 minutes, 46 secondes
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Spiritual Bypassing

There are so many ways, dictated by so many others, to be a spiritual person. Many, for example, believe that they should never allow themselves to have a so-called negative thought, or a negative feeling. They believe that doing so not only makes them less spiritual, but it means that they might attract so-called negative events into their lives. But what if there's no such thing as a negative thought or feeling, and no such thing as a negative event? Others believe that repressing fear in the name of love is a spiritual thing to do, and it makes them into a spiritual being. But what if being spiritual means simply being. What if our definitions of spirituality are skewed along the lines of man-made images that have to do with how it looks to others? Many of us are spiritually bypassing and calling it spirituality. This term, coined by Robert Masters, is our subject today. Don't miss it. Be here now.
06/03/201957 minutes, 46 secondes
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Toward Inner and Outer Peace

Peace. We all long for peace, both inner peace and outer peace. But we cannot seem to find it internally because the external world seems to be in such chaos. So, as long as that's true, how will we ever find peace? Well, today, Karen Noe is here to give us 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. This interview will be based on her latest book We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. Karen is an internationally renowned psychic medium with a two year client waiting list. So, we have much to learn from her as she offers her truths today--don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how to find and live in peace.
27/02/201955 minutes, 45 secondes
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Toward Inner and Outer Peace

Peace. We all long for peace, both inner peace and outer peace. But we cannot seem to find it internally because the external world seems to be in such chaos. So, as long as that's true, how will we ever find peace? Well, today, Karen Noe is here to give us 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. This interview will be based on her latest book We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. Karen is an internationally renowned psychic medium with a two year client waiting list. So, we have much to learn from her as she offers her truths today--don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how to find and live in peace.
27/02/201955 minutes, 45 secondes
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Toward Inner and Outer Peace

Peace. We all long for peace, both inner peace and outer peace. But we cannot seem to find it internally because the external world seems to be in such chaos. So, as long as that's true, how will we ever find peace? Well, today, Karen Noe is here to give us 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. This interview will be based on her latest book We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. Karen is an internationally renowned psychic medium with a two year client waiting list. So, we have much to learn from her as she offers her truths today--don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how to find and live in peace.
27/02/201955 minutes, 45 secondes
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Encore: Money and Miracles?

Marianne Williamson is coming back to the Authentic Living show for the second time this week to talk to us about her latest book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including A Return to Love, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on the subjects of work and money. And thousands of others on miracles. But bridging the gap between the work, the money and the miracle—now that’s a subject worth considering. On this, the day after Christmas, you could have a life-changing experience through this discussion. Don’t let yourself miss it!
20/02/201956 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore: Money and Miracles?

Marianne Williamson is coming back to the Authentic Living show for the second time this week to talk to us about her latest book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including A Return to Love, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on the subjects of work and money. And thousands of others on miracles. But bridging the gap between the work, the money and the miracle—now that’s a subject worth considering. On this, the day after Christmas, you could have a life-changing experience through this discussion. Don’t let yourself miss it!
20/02/201956 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes and The Joyous Body

We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about her third part in the Sounds True online event series, The Dangerous Old Women, entitled The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
06/02/201958 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes and The Joyous Body

We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about her third part in the Sounds True online event series, The Dangerous Old Women, entitled The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
06/02/201958 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore: Is Guilt Running Your Life?

Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
30/01/201958 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore: Is Guilt Running Your Life?

Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
30/01/201958 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore: Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
23/01/201955 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore: Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
23/01/201955 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore: An Interfaith/Interspiritual God

To date, most religions have wanted to claim their own God. In the West the Christian religion has claimed that their God is the only God. That every other God is actually a false god. But what if, like Pope Francis says, we are all meeting the same God in different ways. What if, in fact, each religion, each language of each religion, each ritual, each path, each prayer is but a different language meant to reach but one divine entity, a universal entity who knows we each have different ways of finding our truest spirituality? Would that be such a terrible thing? Or is it that our bias is keeping us from allowing that possibility? Today we are going to learn about an interfaith/interspiritual God. Don't miss it.
16/01/201956 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: An Interfaith/Interspiritual God

To date, most religions have wanted to claim their own God. In the West the Christian religion has claimed that their God is the only God. That every other God is actually a false god. But what if, like Pope Francis says, we are all meeting the same God in different ways. What if, in fact, each religion, each language of each religion, each ritual, each path, each prayer is but a different language meant to reach but one divine entity, a universal entity who knows we each have different ways of finding our truest spirituality? Would that be such a terrible thing? Or is it that our bias is keeping us from allowing that possibility? Today we are going to learn about an interfaith/interspiritual God. Don't miss it.
16/01/201956 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: Illusion or Reality?

There are many spiritual teachers who are teaching us that all of life in this world is actually an illusion—that the reality of life is that there is no suffering, no pain, no drama—just the gentle peace of nirvana—the life beyond the veil of matter. Is that true? If so, what are we doing here, what is the meaning of life if it is all just an illusion anyway? But what if life is not an illusion—doesn’t that lead us to the same questions? Why do we suffer? What is the meaning of a life filled with suffering? Well, today we are going to answer some of these important life questions and come to terms with reality in a whole new way. Be here. You’ll be glad you were.
09/01/201957 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: Illusion or Reality?

There are many spiritual teachers who are teaching us that all of life in this world is actually an illusion—that the reality of life is that there is no suffering, no pain, no drama—just the gentle peace of nirvana—the life beyond the veil of matter. Is that true? If so, what are we doing here, what is the meaning of life if it is all just an illusion anyway? But what if life is not an illusion—doesn’t that lead us to the same questions? Why do we suffer? What is the meaning of a life filled with suffering? Well, today we are going to answer some of these important life questions and come to terms with reality in a whole new way. Be here. You’ll be glad you were.
09/01/201957 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: Overcoming Destructive Inner Voices

Dr. Robert Firestone, author, clinical psychologist and artist, has developed a special approach to working with those inner urges that motivate behaviors we later regret, or which facilitate the furtherance of dysfunctional patterns. He uses voice therapy, which gives voice to the energy that pushes us. From this we learn where our patterns developed and can begin to live life from a deeper, more authentic inner core. His book “Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice: True Stories of Therapy and Transformation” gives clear examples of how this approach works to heal and transform. If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that keep you in a downward spiral, this show is for you. Start your year off with a new method for transformation and healing.
02/01/201953 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: Overcoming Destructive Inner Voices

Dr. Robert Firestone, author, clinical psychologist and artist, has developed a special approach to working with those inner urges that motivate behaviors we later regret, or which facilitate the furtherance of dysfunctional patterns. He uses voice therapy, which gives voice to the energy that pushes us. From this we learn where our patterns developed and can begin to live life from a deeper, more authentic inner core. His book “Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice: True Stories of Therapy and Transformation” gives clear examples of how this approach works to heal and transform. If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that keep you in a downward spiral, this show is for you. Start your year off with a new method for transformation and healing.
02/01/201953 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
26/12/201857 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
26/12/201857 minutes, 42 secondes
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Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
19/12/201855 minutes, 9 secondes
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Ain't Necessarily So

What we have heard and we’ve read in the Bible, well it ain’t necessarily so. So goes the old Porgy and Bess song. Perhaps they did not read Thomas Moore’s version, Gospel The Book of John, in which regardless of religion or atheism one discovers a deeper more meaningful spirituality hidden in the root meanings of the words used. Unfortunately, much of the work of John and others has been turned into moralistic dogma. But what we find in the root language is a more celebrative, deeply mystical and loving message. In Moore’s book we discover a different Jesus than the one described for us by earlier translations. This new rendition of Jesus is Dionysian in his urging us toward a full and meaningful celebration of living. He tells us that we are to remember who we are, and he guides us to that knowledge with his actions and words. Come learn of this new Jesus. See if you like him now.
19/12/201855 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore: Diversity in Unity

How do we manage a culture in which there is such diversity, while maintaining unity? The current political scene has revealed much about what is yet unresolved in the collective American psyche. We've seen hatred, misogyny, abuse, and profound unwillingness to even consider the option of acceptance of diversity. So, what do we do with that? How can we find unity in that? Well, the journey to wholeness that is a part of our collective unconsciousness, has not been halted in its tracks because what was always there has now been revealed. Rather this is an opportunity for us to grow into wholeness on a whole other level. Once the darkness, murky, swamp-like energy of the shadow comes forth into our vision we can then do something about it. And now is the time to do it. Don't miss this important show.
12/12/201858 minutes, 11 secondes
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Encore: Diversity in Unity

How do we manage a culture in which there is such diversity, while maintaining unity? The current political scene has revealed much about what is yet unresolved in the collective American psyche. We've seen hatred, misogyny, abuse, and profound unwillingness to even consider the option of acceptance of diversity. So, what do we do with that? How can we find unity in that? Well, the journey to wholeness that is a part of our collective unconsciousness, has not been halted in its tracks because what was always there has now been revealed. Rather this is an opportunity for us to grow into wholeness on a whole other level. Once the darkness, murky, swamp-like energy of the shadow comes forth into our vision we can then do something about it. And now is the time to do it. Don't miss this important show.
12/12/201858 minutes, 11 secondes
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Encore: Spirituality: A New Definition

The word spirituality is thrown around quite a bit, with all manner of people calling themselves spiritual. But if you ask them what this word means the definitions vary and are often vague. For many it means to pray a lot. For others it means to meditate a lot. For most it means living a moral life, doing the right thing. For most spirituality must fall under a certain religion. But what if spirituality is not something we do, but something that does us? What if spirituality is a process—much like the process of falling love and building a healthy relationship? What if spirituality is an intimate relationship with self, body, mind and soul, an intimate relationship with others and all of nature, and an intimate relationship with the divine? How would that change things? Tune in to find out.
05/12/201857 minutes, 35 secondes
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Encore: Spirituality: A New Definition

The word spirituality is thrown around quite a bit, with all manner of people calling themselves spiritual. But if you ask them what this word means the definitions vary and are often vague. For many it means to pray a lot. For others it means to meditate a lot. For most it means living a moral life, doing the right thing. For most spirituality must fall under a certain religion. But what if spirituality is not something we do, but something that does us? What if spirituality is a process—much like the process of falling love and building a healthy relationship? What if spirituality is an intimate relationship with self, body, mind and soul, an intimate relationship with others and all of nature, and an intimate relationship with the divine? How would that change things? Tune in to find out.
05/12/201857 minutes, 35 secondes
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From chaos to Oneness?

What do we mean when we speak of Oneness? What is duality? What is it like to live in Oneness? Is it possible that we are actually in a unique period of spiritual transformation that, through divisiveness leads us to unity, even to Oneness? These are some of the questions we will answer today as we speak to Robert Atkinson, PhD, and author of the book, The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. We speak of being One with all, as if we truly understand for whom the bell tolls, but do we understand the depth and gravity of living as One with all, including the divine? Don’t miss this very important message.
28/11/201857 minutes, 23 secondes
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From chaos to Oneness?

What do we mean when we speak of Oneness? What is duality? What is it like to live in Oneness? Is it possible that we are actually in a unique period of spiritual transformation that, through divisiveness leads us to unity, even to Oneness? These are some of the questions we will answer today as we speak to Robert Atkinson, PhD, and author of the book, The Story of Our Time: From Duality to Interconnectedness to Oneness. We speak of being One with all, as if we truly understand for whom the bell tolls, but do we understand the depth and gravity of living as One with all, including the divine? Don’t miss this very important message.
28/11/201857 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
21/11/201855 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
21/11/201855 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: For the Anxious Heart

The anxious heart is the worried heart. It is often overwhelmed with a sense that life is too big to be managed, that one is alone without any help to deal with those unmanageable issues of life. Often even though the rational mind would tell us that there is nothing to worry about, we continue to worry. There are various techniques that are useful to help anxious people. But today we are going to be talking about how spirituality can help the anxious heart. Regardless of religion, spirituality offers succor and soothing to the anxious heart. So, if you suffer with an anxious heart, this show is for you.
14/11/201856 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore: For the Anxious Heart

The anxious heart is the worried heart. It is often overwhelmed with a sense that life is too big to be managed, that one is alone without any help to deal with those unmanageable issues of life. Often even though the rational mind would tell us that there is nothing to worry about, we continue to worry. There are various techniques that are useful to help anxious people. But today we are going to be talking about how spirituality can help the anxious heart. Regardless of religion, spirituality offers succor and soothing to the anxious heart. So, if you suffer with an anxious heart, this show is for you.
14/11/201856 minutes, 49 secondes
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Encore: Good vs. Evil vs. Wholeness

Since the beginning of time, it seems, we have thought that we had to fight the good fight. We had to fight for good over evil. And so many a person has spent a lifetime trying to discern the difference between the two and trying to err on the side of goodness. But what if you knew that that very battle is doing more harm than good? What if you knew that the battle between good and evil is actually preventing your wholeness? But, you say, how can we stop the battle—won’t evil just take over? That’s what we fear, isn’t it? Yet those who have managed to establish wholeness no longer fight any battles between good and evil—rather they have integrated all aspects of self. Want to know more? Tune in.
07/11/201856 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Good vs. Evil vs. Wholeness

Since the beginning of time, it seems, we have thought that we had to fight the good fight. We had to fight for good over evil. And so many a person has spent a lifetime trying to discern the difference between the two and trying to err on the side of goodness. But what if you knew that that very battle is doing more harm than good? What if you knew that the battle between good and evil is actually preventing your wholeness? But, you say, how can we stop the battle—won’t evil just take over? That’s what we fear, isn’t it? Yet those who have managed to establish wholeness no longer fight any battles between good and evil—rather they have integrated all aspects of self. Want to know more? Tune in.
07/11/201856 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Messages from the Divine

Do you want to know how to engage in direct connection with the Universe? How to live a soulful life? How to tap into your soul’s wisdom? Our guest today, spiritual teacher, author, psychic and musician, Sara Wiseman, brings some answers to those questions and more. We’ll be talking about her latest book, “Messages from the Divine: Wisdom for the Seeker’s Soul,” her 11th book. So, if you want to know how to get to your own wisdom, how to hear directly from the divine, don’t miss this show.
31/10/201856 minutes, 45 secondes
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Encore: Messages from the Divine

Do you want to know how to engage in direct connection with the Universe? How to live a soulful life? How to tap into your soul’s wisdom? Our guest today, spiritual teacher, author, psychic and musician, Sara Wiseman, brings some answers to those questions and more. We’ll be talking about her latest book, “Messages from the Divine: Wisdom for the Seeker’s Soul,” her 11th book. So, if you want to know how to get to your own wisdom, how to hear directly from the divine, don’t miss this show.
31/10/201856 minutes, 45 secondes
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Encore: Spirituality in a Crazy World

How does one manage to maintain one’s spirituality, when the world seems to have turned upside down? In a world where what was previously “right” seems wrong and what was “wrong” now seems right, how does one maintain a sense of balance? How do we sort out the distinctions? What do we believe? What is real and what is “fake news?” How does one maintain authenticity when faced with toxicity? Today’s show is going to offer some methods you can use to find your center even when the world has gone crazy. Don’t miss it.
24/10/201857 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore: Spirituality in a Crazy World

How does one manage to maintain one’s spirituality, when the world seems to have turned upside down? In a world where what was previously “right” seems wrong and what was “wrong” now seems right, how does one maintain a sense of balance? How do we sort out the distinctions? What do we believe? What is real and what is “fake news?” How does one maintain authenticity when faced with toxicity? Today’s show is going to offer some methods you can use to find your center even when the world has gone crazy. Don’t miss it.
24/10/201857 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
17/10/201857 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
17/10/201857 minutes, 42 secondes
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Is Guilt Running Your Life?

Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
10/10/201858 minutes, 2 secondes
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Is Guilt Running Your Life?

Most of us have been taught that guilt is a good thing. A guilty conscience keeps us in line—according to that teaching. Guilt drives us to “do the right thing,” or so we’ve been taught. But what if the human heart has enough passion and compassion to motivate correct action without the use of guilt? What if guilt has been put in place because we don’t trust the authentic Self to direct us? What if guilt is the lie, and the heart of the authentic Self is the truth? What if we’ve been so busy being “good” that we haven’t put any energy into being real? If those things were true, wouldn’t we need to rethink our responses to guilt? For too many guilt the primary decision maker, so that it ultimately runs their lives. If you are one of those, or if guilt has a strong hold on you—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
10/10/201858 minutes, 2 secondes
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Encore: Overcoming Destructive Inner Voices

Dr. Robert Firestone, author, clinical psychologist and artist, has developed a special approach to working with those inner urges that motivate behaviors we later regret, or which facilitate the furtherance of dysfunctional patterns. He uses voice therapy, which gives voice to the energy that pushes us. From this we learn where our patterns developed and can begin to live life from a deeper, more authentic inner core. His book “Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice: True Stories of Therapy and Transformation” gives clear examples of how this approach works to heal and transform. If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that keep you in a downward spiral, this show is for you. Start your year off with a new method for transformation and healing.
03/10/201853 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: Overcoming Destructive Inner Voices

Dr. Robert Firestone, author, clinical psychologist and artist, has developed a special approach to working with those inner urges that motivate behaviors we later regret, or which facilitate the furtherance of dysfunctional patterns. He uses voice therapy, which gives voice to the energy that pushes us. From this we learn where our patterns developed and can begin to live life from a deeper, more authentic inner core. His book “Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice: True Stories of Therapy and Transformation” gives clear examples of how this approach works to heal and transform. If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that keep you in a downward spiral, this show is for you. Start your year off with a new method for transformation and healing.
03/10/201853 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
26/09/201857 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
26/09/201857 minutes, 19 secondes
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Surrender to Oneness

As we study the sacred texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Bible—particularly in its root language—what we discover is that duality is nonduality. There simply is no such thing as separation. Yet we continue to live our lives as if we were separate from the divine, and separate from each other, and the natural world. It is very difficult for us to imagine Oneness. It is very difficult for us to suspend our polarized notions of good and evil. But the surrender to Oneness is simply a surrender to the truth of who and what we are. This is not something we can do with the intellect. That’s why it seems so difficult to us. But it is something we can do. Tune in today to learn about surrendering to Oneness.
19/09/201856 minutes, 34 secondes
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Surrender to Oneness

As we study the sacred texts of the world, the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Vedas, the Bible—particularly in its root language—what we discover is that duality is nonduality. There simply is no such thing as separation. Yet we continue to live our lives as if we were separate from the divine, and separate from each other, and the natural world. It is very difficult for us to imagine Oneness. It is very difficult for us to suspend our polarized notions of good and evil. But the surrender to Oneness is simply a surrender to the truth of who and what we are. This is not something we can do with the intellect. That’s why it seems so difficult to us. But it is something we can do. Tune in today to learn about surrendering to Oneness.
19/09/201856 minutes, 34 secondes
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Divine Feminine?

For some in the Western world considering the divine as feminine not only seems impossible, so engrained have we become with the masculine archetypal God, but for some is thought to be blasphemy. But in the history of sacred wisdom the divine is often found in the feminine archetype. Our guest today, Meghan Don, is the author of The New Divine Feminine, in which she describes several methods, several stories, and many meditations for accessing the divine feminine. Why would we need to do that? One answer is that wisdom itself, found in the sacred texts as Sophia, is feminine in nature. Another is that the feminine archetype leads us inward to find our deepest authentic selves. If you are seeking a deeper union with the divine, this show is for you.
12/09/201853 minutes, 12 secondes
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Divine Feminine?

For some in the Western world considering the divine as feminine not only seems impossible, so engrained have we become with the masculine archetypal God, but for some is thought to be blasphemy. But in the history of sacred wisdom the divine is often found in the feminine archetype. Our guest today, Meghan Don, is the author of The New Divine Feminine, in which she describes several methods, several stories, and many meditations for accessing the divine feminine. Why would we need to do that? One answer is that wisdom itself, found in the sacred texts as Sophia, is feminine in nature. Another is that the feminine archetype leads us inward to find our deepest authentic selves. If you are seeking a deeper union with the divine, this show is for you.
12/09/201853 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore: Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
29/08/201856 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore: Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
29/08/201856 minutes, 29 secondes
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What to do with Conflicted Feelings

It is hard enough to have one overwhelming emotion take over our thoughts and behaviors. But it is even more difficult for most of us to have two or three very opposite emotions. Our thoughts tell us that we should argue for these positions so that one of the emotions “wins.” But is that really what is the most effective plan? Is it possible that conflicted emotions can help us to heal, even help us to plan our lives in some way? Well, today we are going to be talking to Relationship Strategist and Emotional Fitness coach Jennifer Williams to answer some of these questions. If you have ever experience conflicted feelings, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
22/08/201856 minutes, 12 secondes
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What to do with Conflicted Feelings

It is hard enough to have one overwhelming emotion take over our thoughts and behaviors. But it is even more difficult for most of us to have two or three very opposite emotions. Our thoughts tell us that we should argue for these positions so that one of the emotions “wins.” But is that really what is the most effective plan? Is it possible that conflicted emotions can help us to heal, even help us to plan our lives in some way? Well, today we are going to be talking to Relationship Strategist and Emotional Fitness coach Jennifer Williams to answer some of these questions. If you have ever experience conflicted feelings, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
22/08/201856 minutes, 12 secondes
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Encore: Boundaries

Joan Borysenko comes back to the Authentic Living Show to discuss one of the most important features of mental health: the appropriate use of boundaries. We are only recently coming to understand the necessity of appropriate psychological, spiritual and relational boundaries. On this show we are going to really get into this discussion--for the use of boundaries could make all the difference in our ability to live happy, fulfilling lives. Don't miss it.
15/08/201856 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore: Boundaries

Joan Borysenko comes back to the Authentic Living Show to discuss one of the most important features of mental health: the appropriate use of boundaries. We are only recently coming to understand the necessity of appropriate psychological, spiritual and relational boundaries. On this show we are going to really get into this discussion--for the use of boundaries could make all the difference in our ability to live happy, fulfilling lives. Don't miss it.
15/08/201856 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore: The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality

We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
08/08/201857 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore: The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality

We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
08/08/201857 minutes, 5 secondes
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Encore: Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
01/08/201855 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
01/08/201855 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: Conscious Parenting

According to Dr. Shefahli Tsabary, conscious parenting means turning the traditional notion of parenting on its head. She believes that conscious parenting shifts the epicenter of the parent-child relationship away from the traditional parent-to-child “know it all” approach, to a mutual parent-with-child relationship in which the parent learns alongside the child. With this model, instead of being merely the receiver of the parents’ psychological and spiritual legacy, children function as ushers of the parent’s transformational development. In the traditional model, while parents are trying to lead and mold their children they are also unwittingly passing on an inheritance of psychological pain and emotional shallowness. But with Tsabary’s model children serve as mirrors of the parent’s forgotten self, so that both parent and child help each other to be more authentic. You do not want to miss this enlightening and empowering discussion on conscious parenting.
25/07/201857 minutes, 13 secondes
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Encore: Conscious Parenting

According to Dr. Shefahli Tsabary, conscious parenting means turning the traditional notion of parenting on its head. She believes that conscious parenting shifts the epicenter of the parent-child relationship away from the traditional parent-to-child “know it all” approach, to a mutual parent-with-child relationship in which the parent learns alongside the child. With this model, instead of being merely the receiver of the parents’ psychological and spiritual legacy, children function as ushers of the parent’s transformational development. In the traditional model, while parents are trying to lead and mold their children they are also unwittingly passing on an inheritance of psychological pain and emotional shallowness. But with Tsabary’s model children serve as mirrors of the parent’s forgotten self, so that both parent and child help each other to be more authentic. You do not want to miss this enlightening and empowering discussion on conscious parenting.
25/07/201857 minutes, 13 secondes
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Encore: Oppositions

In an astrological chart we see a configuration called an opposition. It means that two distinct energies in the chart are acting in opposition to each other. Well, we have all kinds of oppositions in our lives, both internal and external. Betrayals, enemies, inner conflicts, closed doors, terminated relationships, our own inner demons and many more things seem to come up in opposition to where we’d like to go, who we’d like to be. What do we do when these things come up? How can we walk into and through such an opposition while maintaining a healthy spirituality? Do such oppositions mean that we are somehow on the wrong path? Are they meant to punish, teach or otherwise admonish us? Today we are going to explore these oppositions for the mystery of their mystical meanings. Don’t miss it.
18/07/201857 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore: Oppositions

In an astrological chart we see a configuration called an opposition. It means that two distinct energies in the chart are acting in opposition to each other. Well, we have all kinds of oppositions in our lives, both internal and external. Betrayals, enemies, inner conflicts, closed doors, terminated relationships, our own inner demons and many more things seem to come up in opposition to where we’d like to go, who we’d like to be. What do we do when these things come up? How can we walk into and through such an opposition while maintaining a healthy spirituality? Do such oppositions mean that we are somehow on the wrong path? Are they meant to punish, teach or otherwise admonish us? Today we are going to explore these oppositions for the mystery of their mystical meanings. Don’t miss it.
18/07/201857 minutes, 20 secondes
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Joan Borysenko comes back to the Authentic Living Show to discuss one of the most important features of mental health: the appropriate use of boundaries. We are only recently coming to understand the necessity of appropriate psychological, spiritual and relational boundaries. On this show we are going to really get into this discussion--for the use of boundaries could make all the difference in our ability to live happy, fulfilling lives. Don't miss it.
11/07/201856 minutes, 6 secondes
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Joan Borysenko comes back to the Authentic Living Show to discuss one of the most important features of mental health: the appropriate use of boundaries. We are only recently coming to understand the necessity of appropriate psychological, spiritual and relational boundaries. On this show we are going to really get into this discussion--for the use of boundaries could make all the difference in our ability to live happy, fulfilling lives. Don't miss it.
11/07/201856 minutes, 6 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
27/06/201855 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
27/06/201855 minutes, 51 secondes
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The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality

We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
13/06/201857 minutes, 5 secondes
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The Feminine Archetype and Spirituality

We tend to think of the feminine in terms of what we understand of gender. But the truth is that gender is one thing, gender identity is another, and femininity is totally another. The feminine is a psychic structure, a way of viewing self, life and other. The feminine is a way of living that has nothing whatsoever to do with gender or gender identity. It also turns out that this feminine way of viewing and living has everything to do with spirituality—which runs well beyond the limits and constraints of religion. Be here for this show. You’ll be glad you were.
13/06/201857 minutes, 5 secondes
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The Flow and Divine Self

From a purely spiritual perspective this show will discuss the meaning of those all too commonly used words “The Flow.” What is the flow? How does it work? And how does one get into the flow? Is there something we should be doing to make sure we are always in the flow? And what has being in the flow to do with being present in the divine Self? Putting the word “divine” next to the word “Self” does tend to cause some consternation in the Western world of religion. There is a tendency to think that the divine cannot be associated with the self, unless the self is cleaned up, purified, forgiven, and even then the self is still not considered to be divine. But in the root language of the Bible and in other world religions we find that the Self is divine, we’ve just forgotten. And it has everything to do with being in the flow. Tune in to this important discussion. You’ll be glad you did.
06/06/201854 minutes, 51 secondes
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The Flow and Divine Self

From a purely spiritual perspective this show will discuss the meaning of those all too commonly used words “The Flow.” What is the flow? How does it work? And how does one get into the flow? Is there something we should be doing to make sure we are always in the flow? And what has being in the flow to do with being present in the divine Self? Putting the word “divine” next to the word “Self” does tend to cause some consternation in the Western world of religion. There is a tendency to think that the divine cannot be associated with the self, unless the self is cleaned up, purified, forgiven, and even then the self is still not considered to be divine. But in the root language of the Bible and in other world religions we find that the Self is divine, we’ve just forgotten. And it has everything to do with being in the flow. Tune in to this important discussion. You’ll be glad you did.
06/06/201854 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: Spirituality: A New Definition

The word spirituality is thrown around quite a bit, with all manner of people calling themselves spiritual. But if you ask them what this word means the definitions vary and are often vague. For many it means to pray a lot. For others it means to meditate a lot. For most it means living a moral life, doing the right thing. For most spirituality must fall under a certain religion. But what if spirituality is not something we do, but something that does us? What if spirituality is a process—much like the process of falling love and building a healthy relationship? What if spirituality is an intimate relationship with self, body, mind and soul, an intimate relationship with others and all of nature, and an intimate relationship with the divine? How would that change things? Tune in to find out.
23/05/201857 minutes, 35 secondes
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Encore: Spirituality: A New Definition

The word spirituality is thrown around quite a bit, with all manner of people calling themselves spiritual. But if you ask them what this word means the definitions vary and are often vague. For many it means to pray a lot. For others it means to meditate a lot. For most it means living a moral life, doing the right thing. For most spirituality must fall under a certain religion. But what if spirituality is not something we do, but something that does us? What if spirituality is a process—much like the process of falling love and building a healthy relationship? What if spirituality is an intimate relationship with self, body, mind and soul, an intimate relationship with others and all of nature, and an intimate relationship with the divine? How would that change things? Tune in to find out.
23/05/201857 minutes, 35 secondes
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Messages from the Divine

Do you want to know how to engage in direct connection with the Universe? How to live a soulful life? How to tap into your soul’s wisdom? Our guest today, spiritual teacher, author, psychic and musician, Sara Wiseman, brings some answers to those questions and more. We’ll be talking about her latest book, “Messages from the Divine: Wisdom for the Seeker’s Soul,” her 11th book. So, if you want to know how to get to your own wisdom, how to hear directly from the divine, don’t miss this show.
16/05/201856 minutes, 45 secondes
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Messages from the Divine

Do you want to know how to engage in direct connection with the Universe? How to live a soulful life? How to tap into your soul’s wisdom? Our guest today, spiritual teacher, author, psychic and musician, Sara Wiseman, brings some answers to those questions and more. We’ll be talking about her latest book, “Messages from the Divine: Wisdom for the Seeker’s Soul,” her 11th book. So, if you want to know how to get to your own wisdom, how to hear directly from the divine, don’t miss this show.
16/05/201856 minutes, 45 secondes
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Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
09/05/201857 minutes, 42 secondes
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Spiritual Guidance vs. Spiritual Abuse

What is the difference between spiritual guidance and spiritual abuse? Certainly, most of us would deny that when we offer spiritual guidance we might also be spiritually abusing. But it is most important that we understand the distinction if we are to serve others in any spiritual capacity. Typically, we think of abuse only in terms of its physical, emotional or sexual forms. But what is beginning, over time and experience, to be exposed is a kind of abuse of the spirit, that creates a great divide between the soul of a person and his or her identity. This show is going to clearly differentiate spiritual guidance from spiritual abuse. If you are in any kind of spiritual leadership capacity, this show is for you.
09/05/201857 minutes, 42 secondes
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Spirituality in a Crazy World

How does one manage to maintain one’s spirituality, when the world seems to have turned upside down? In a world where what was previously “right” seems wrong and what was “wrong” now seems right, how does one maintain a sense of balance? How do we sort out the distinctions? What do we believe? What is real and what is “fake news?” How does one maintain authenticity when faced with toxicity? Today’s show is going to offer some methods you can use to find your center even when the world has gone crazy. Don’t miss it.
02/05/201857 minutes, 41 secondes
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Spirituality in a Crazy World

How does one manage to maintain one’s spirituality, when the world seems to have turned upside down? In a world where what was previously “right” seems wrong and what was “wrong” now seems right, how does one maintain a sense of balance? How do we sort out the distinctions? What do we believe? What is real and what is “fake news?” How does one maintain authenticity when faced with toxicity? Today’s show is going to offer some methods you can use to find your center even when the world has gone crazy. Don’t miss it.
02/05/201857 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore: Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
18/04/201856 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore: Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
18/04/201856 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore: Good vs. Evil vs. Wholeness

Since the beginning of time, it seems, we have thought that we had to fight the good fight. We had to fight for good over evil. And so many a person has spent a lifetime trying to discern the difference between the two and trying to err on the side of goodness. But what if you knew that that very battle is doing more harm than good? What if you knew that the battle between good and evil is actually preventing your wholeness? But, you say, how can we stop the battle—won’t evil just take over? That’s what we fear, isn’t it? Yet those who have managed to establish wholeness no longer fight any battles between good and evil—rather they have integrated all aspects of self. Want to know more? Tune in.
11/04/201856 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Good vs. Evil vs. Wholeness

Since the beginning of time, it seems, we have thought that we had to fight the good fight. We had to fight for good over evil. And so many a person has spent a lifetime trying to discern the difference between the two and trying to err on the side of goodness. But what if you knew that that very battle is doing more harm than good? What if you knew that the battle between good and evil is actually preventing your wholeness? But, you say, how can we stop the battle—won’t evil just take over? That’s what we fear, isn’t it? Yet those who have managed to establish wholeness no longer fight any battles between good and evil—rather they have integrated all aspects of self. Want to know more? Tune in.
11/04/201856 minutes, 36 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

There are many stories out there from those who have experienced a near-death experience, who tell us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Many mediums who also inform us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Some who even inform us that we can have, in the here and now, some of that same peace and joy. But is it possible to inhabit heaven even as we live here on planet earth? If so, what would that look and feel like? We live in a dual mindset, an either/or, good/evil, peace/war mindset. But is that really the truth of our life here on earth? Tune in today. Maybe YOU can learn to inhabit heaven NOW.
04/04/201856 minutes, 50 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

There are many stories out there from those who have experienced a near-death experience, who tell us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Many mediums who also inform us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Some who even inform us that we can have, in the here and now, some of that same peace and joy. But is it possible to inhabit heaven even as we live here on planet earth? If so, what would that look and feel like? We live in a dual mindset, an either/or, good/evil, peace/war mindset. But is that really the truth of our life here on earth? Tune in today. Maybe YOU can learn to inhabit heaven NOW.
04/04/201856 minutes, 50 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

There are many stories out there from those who have experienced a near-death experience, who tell us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Many mediums who also inform us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Some who even inform us that we can have, in the here and now, some of that same peace and joy. But is it possible to inhabit heaven even as we live here on planet earth? If so, what would that look and feel like? We live in a dual mindset, an either/or, good/evil, peace/war mindset. But is that really the truth of our life here on earth? Tune in today. Maybe YOU can learn to inhabit heaven NOW.
04/04/201856 minutes, 50 secondes
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Encore: Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
28/03/201856 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore: Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
28/03/201856 minutes, 29 secondes
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Spiritual Guidance

How do we know that we are on the truest path? Can we discern a truer path through certain spiritual practices? Can Prayer help? Runes, iChing, Tarot, or other methods of alignment? We all want to be in the flow of universal energy. We want to know that we know what we know. We want to feel secure in our knowing. This show is going to be all about that inner knowing. Be here. You’ll be glad you were.
21/03/201856 minutes, 6 secondes
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Spiritual Guidance

How do we know that we are on the truest path? Can we discern a truer path through certain spiritual practices? Can Prayer help? Runes, iChing, Tarot, or other methods of alignment? We all want to be in the flow of universal energy. We want to know that we know what we know. We want to feel secure in our knowing. This show is going to be all about that inner knowing. Be here. You’ll be glad you were.
21/03/201856 minutes, 6 secondes
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On the Wrong Path?

Isn’t that just like how we think? Always questioning ourselves as to which way is “right?” What if those questions about right and wrong just keep us stuck at a level of consciousness that will not take the next step? What if there is a path that rises above right and wrong, a path uses every so-called “wrong” as another note in the song, another story in the tale, another opening in the energetic harmonic? What if we’ve got this thing of right and wrong all wrong? Tune in today to learn how to move to the next level.
14/03/201856 minutes, 54 secondes
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On the Wrong Path?

Isn’t that just like how we think? Always questioning ourselves as to which way is “right?” What if those questions about right and wrong just keep us stuck at a level of consciousness that will not take the next step? What if there is a path that rises above right and wrong, a path uses every so-called “wrong” as another note in the song, another story in the tale, another opening in the energetic harmonic? What if we’ve got this thing of right and wrong all wrong? Tune in today to learn how to move to the next level.
14/03/201856 minutes, 54 secondes
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In an astrological chart we see a configuration called an opposition. It means that two distinct energies in the chart are acting in opposition to each other. Well, we have all kinds of oppositions in our lives, both internal and external. Betrayals, enemies, inner conflicts, closed doors, terminated relationships, our own inner demons and many more things seem to come up in opposition to where we’d like to go, who we’d like to be. What do we do when these things come up? How can we walk into and through such an opposition while maintaining a healthy spirituality? Do such oppositions mean that we are somehow on the wrong path? Are they meant to punish, teach or otherwise admonish us? Today we are going to explore these oppositions for the mystery of their mystical meanings. Don’t miss it.
28/02/201857 minutes, 20 secondes
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In an astrological chart we see a configuration called an opposition. It means that two distinct energies in the chart are acting in opposition to each other. Well, we have all kinds of oppositions in our lives, both internal and external. Betrayals, enemies, inner conflicts, closed doors, terminated relationships, our own inner demons and many more things seem to come up in opposition to where we’d like to go, who we’d like to be. What do we do when these things come up? How can we walk into and through such an opposition while maintaining a healthy spirituality? Do such oppositions mean that we are somehow on the wrong path? Are they meant to punish, teach or otherwise admonish us? Today we are going to explore these oppositions for the mystery of their mystical meanings. Don’t miss it.
28/02/201857 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore: Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love

One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
07/02/201856 minutes, 57 secondes
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Encore: Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love

One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
07/02/201856 minutes, 57 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
31/01/201855 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
31/01/201855 minutes, 51 secondes
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Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
24/01/201856 minutes, 29 secondes
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Practicing Presence

The words “being present” have recently become common vernacular. But what do they really mean? Most people mean, by presence, that we are attendant, that we notice; we are aware and responsive. What we don’t always know and are not always present with is the fact that presence is something that heals us, that holds us, that awakens us to the deeper nature of who we are. And practicing presence, yes, means being attendant, aware and responsive—but of and to that deeper essence. What we don’t often know is that our mental and physical illnesses are often made up of lack of presence—that somehow we are floating around outside of our own awareness and we do not connect self to Self. So, today, we are going to be talking about both the floating around and the presence that heals. Don’t miss it.
24/01/201856 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
17/01/201857 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
17/01/201857 minutes, 19 secondes
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For the Anxious Heart

The anxious heart is the worried heart. It is often overwhelmed with a sense that life is too big to be managed, that one is alone without any help to deal with those unmanageable issues of life. Often even though the rational mind would tell us that there is nothing to worry about, we continue to worry. There are various techniques that are useful to help anxious people. But today we are going to be talking about how spirituality can help the anxious heart. Regardless of religion, spirituality offers succor and soothing to the anxious heart. So, if you suffer with an anxious heart, this show is for you.
10/01/201856 minutes, 49 secondes
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For the Anxious Heart

The anxious heart is the worried heart. It is often overwhelmed with a sense that life is too big to be managed, that one is alone without any help to deal with those unmanageable issues of life. Often even though the rational mind would tell us that there is nothing to worry about, we continue to worry. There are various techniques that are useful to help anxious people. But today we are going to be talking about how spirituality can help the anxious heart. Regardless of religion, spirituality offers succor and soothing to the anxious heart. So, if you suffer with an anxious heart, this show is for you.
10/01/201856 minutes, 49 secondes
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Overcoming Destructive Inner Voices

Dr. Robert Firestone, author, clinical psychologist and artist, has developed a special approach to working with those inner urges that motivate behaviors we later regret, or which facilitate the furtherance of dysfunctional patterns. He uses voice therapy, which gives voice to the energy that pushes us. From this we learn where our patterns developed and can begin to live life from a deeper, more authentic inner core. His book “Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice: True Stories of Therapy and Transformation” gives clear examples of how this approach works to heal and transform. If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that keep you in a downward spiral, this show is for you. Start your year off with a new method for transformation and healing.
03/01/201853 minutes, 51 secondes
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Overcoming Destructive Inner Voices

Dr. Robert Firestone, author, clinical psychologist and artist, has developed a special approach to working with those inner urges that motivate behaviors we later regret, or which facilitate the furtherance of dysfunctional patterns. He uses voice therapy, which gives voice to the energy that pushes us. From this we learn where our patterns developed and can begin to live life from a deeper, more authentic inner core. His book “Overcoming the Destructive Inner Voice: True Stories of Therapy and Transformation” gives clear examples of how this approach works to heal and transform. If you are struggling with thoughts, feelings, or behaviors that keep you in a downward spiral, this show is for you. Start your year off with a new method for transformation and healing.
03/01/201853 minutes, 51 secondes
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Encore: Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
27/12/201758 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore: Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
27/12/201758 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore: Healing That Which is Beyond Help

What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
20/12/201757 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: Healing That Which is Beyond Help

What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
20/12/201757 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
06/12/201757 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore: The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
06/12/201757 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore: False Prophets

We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
29/11/201756 minutes, 22 secondes
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Encore: False Prophets

We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
29/11/201756 minutes, 22 secondes
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Encore: Where is Your Peace

If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.
22/11/201756 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: Where is Your Peace

If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.
22/11/201756 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
15/11/201757 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
15/11/201757 minutes, 19 secondes
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The Body's Wisdom

Why do we have a body? I mean, if we really are soul, why didn’t we just come here as soul? Is it true that the body is our tempter, our evil-doer, our sickness, our death? Or is there something else going on in the body? Well, our guest for today is going to tell us all something about the wisdom of the body. With her latest book, “The Body Heals Itself” she exposes some of that profound wisdom, teaching, in specific, the various messages the body gives us as it brings us to deeper and deeper levels of consciousness. Having any kind of trouble with your body? Be here for this fascinating discussion.
08/11/201755 minutes, 46 secondes
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The Body's Wisdom

Why do we have a body? I mean, if we really are soul, why didn’t we just come here as soul? Is it true that the body is our tempter, our evil-doer, our sickness, our death? Or is there something else going on in the body? Well, our guest for today is going to tell us all something about the wisdom of the body. With her latest book, “The Body Heals Itself” she exposes some of that profound wisdom, teaching, in specific, the various messages the body gives us as it brings us to deeper and deeper levels of consciousness. Having any kind of trouble with your body? Be here for this fascinating discussion.
08/11/201755 minutes, 46 secondes
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Healing That Which is Beyond Help

What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
01/11/201757 minutes, 42 secondes
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Healing That Which is Beyond Help

What do we do when, along the way of our journey, we encounter that deep psychic complex that reaches beyond all we know, and brings us to our knees with a loud I can't. What about those anxieties, those fears, those angers, those impulses that seem to be beyond our ability to stop them, to heal them, to overcome them? Well today we are going to be talking about that very thing. We are going to explore the wisdom of how to heal that which is beyond help. You don't want to miss this show.
01/11/201757 minutes, 42 secondes
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The Spirituality of Therapy

For years, those of us who serve in the mental health field were taught never to mention anything of a religious or spiritual nature. But now many are researching the elements of spirituality inherent in the therapeutic process, and many are researching the benefits of utilizing those natural spiritual elements of therapy. We are finally being encouraged by ethics boards and the core competencies of our field to provide a spiritual assessment and to check for spiritual problems as a part of our efforts to assist our clients. We are beginning to understand such terms as transpersonal, spiritual crisis, spiritual abuse and spiritual wounds. During this show we are going to discuss and explain the spiritual elements of therapy which will result in greater healing. Don't miss it.
18/10/201756 minutes, 19 secondes
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The Spirituality of Therapy

For years, those of us who serve in the mental health field were taught never to mention anything of a religious or spiritual nature. But now many are researching the elements of spirituality inherent in the therapeutic process, and many are researching the benefits of utilizing those natural spiritual elements of therapy. We are finally being encouraged by ethics boards and the core competencies of our field to provide a spiritual assessment and to check for spiritual problems as a part of our efforts to assist our clients. We are beginning to understand such terms as transpersonal, spiritual crisis, spiritual abuse and spiritual wounds. During this show we are going to discuss and explain the spiritual elements of therapy which will result in greater healing. Don't miss it.
18/10/201756 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: What if we already have and are enough?

When do we say enough is enough? In this day in which our economic crisis seems to be swallowing huge chucks of what we have previously valued, we are ramping up our schedules and our stress levels trying to get back to how it used to be. And in the process we are forgetting all about our earlier plans to pursue happiness and peace. Wayne Muller, bestselling author of Sabbath, as well as three other books: Legacy of the Heart; How, Then, Shall We Live?; and Learning to Pray, is going to challenge us with the question: What if we already have enough? His latest book, A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough is the topic of our conversation this week and presents that very same challenge. At some point, rest, retreat and reflection become the answer. At some point we have to say, Enough already! Is today your day?
11/10/201755 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore: What if we already have and are enough?

When do we say enough is enough? In this day in which our economic crisis seems to be swallowing huge chucks of what we have previously valued, we are ramping up our schedules and our stress levels trying to get back to how it used to be. And in the process we are forgetting all about our earlier plans to pursue happiness and peace. Wayne Muller, bestselling author of Sabbath, as well as three other books: Legacy of the Heart; How, Then, Shall We Live?; and Learning to Pray, is going to challenge us with the question: What if we already have enough? His latest book, A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough is the topic of our conversation this week and presents that very same challenge. At some point, rest, retreat and reflection become the answer. At some point we have to say, Enough already! Is today your day?
11/10/201755 minutes, 44 secondes
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Encore: The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
04/10/201757 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore: The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
04/10/201757 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore: Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
27/09/201756 minutes, 14 secondes
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Encore: Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
27/09/201756 minutes, 14 secondes
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Encore: What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
20/09/201754 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
20/09/201754 minutes, 33 secondes
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The Soul of Aging

Thomas Moore comes back to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about his latest book: Ageless Soul: The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy. As you know, Moore is the bestselling author of Care of the Soul, a book that changed the world at a core level, for we began to be willing to invite soul into our daily lives. Today we will talk with him about the soul of the aging process. This process is one which most of us fear at some level, and one which our society tries to youth-enize. We are constantly trying to find ways to make and keep ourselves young, all in avoidance of the sacred processes relative to aging. Today we will learn a new way. Don’t miss it.
13/09/201756 minutes, 49 secondes
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The Soul of Aging

Thomas Moore comes back to the Authentic Living show today to talk to us about his latest book: Ageless Soul: The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy. As you know, Moore is the bestselling author of Care of the Soul, a book that changed the world at a core level, for we began to be willing to invite soul into our daily lives. Today we will talk with him about the soul of the aging process. This process is one which most of us fear at some level, and one which our society tries to youth-enize. We are constantly trying to find ways to make and keep ourselves young, all in avoidance of the sacred processes relative to aging. Today we will learn a new way. Don’t miss it.
13/09/201756 minutes, 49 secondes
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Peace in the Time of Turmoil

The answer to finding peace in times of turmoil is not to turn off the TV and live in ignorance masking as bliss. The answer is not to affirm that what is happening “out there” is “just an illusion” so we don’t need to bother with trying to do anything about it. The answer is to step into the truth. To step into the truth of our nature. To step into the truth of the power and presence of the divine. To learn to trust the process of divinization that is always a part of our unfolding evolution. Tune in to this important message to learn how to find peace in the time of turmoil.
06/09/201757 minutes, 38 secondes
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Peace in the Time of Turmoil

The answer to finding peace in times of turmoil is not to turn off the TV and live in ignorance masking as bliss. The answer is not to affirm that what is happening “out there” is “just an illusion” so we don’t need to bother with trying to do anything about it. The answer is to step into the truth. To step into the truth of our nature. To step into the truth of the power and presence of the divine. To learn to trust the process of divinization that is always a part of our unfolding evolution. Tune in to this important message to learn how to find peace in the time of turmoil.
06/09/201757 minutes, 38 secondes
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Peace in the Time of Turmoil

The answer to finding peace in times of turmoil is not to turn off the TV and live in ignorance masking as bliss. The answer is not to affirm that what is happening “out there” is “just an illusion” so we don’t need to bother with trying to do anything about it. The answer is to step into the truth. To step into the truth of our nature. To step into the truth of the power and presence of the divine. To learn to trust the process of divinization that is always a part of our unfolding evolution. Tune in to this important message to learn how to find peace in the time of turmoil.
06/09/201757 minutes, 38 secondes
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Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
30/08/201755 minutes, 51 secondes
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Spiritual Advocacy

While many spiritual leaders are teaching that we should stay uninvolved in the real dilemmas of the world, there are others who are teaching that we are responsible as spiritual advocates for our part in bringing about the essential evolutions of the collective mind. Some are teaching that we should turn off the TV and spend our time in a constant state of bliss by affirming that all of the life out there is just an illusion. Well, I say, if it’s an illusion, it is a collective one, one for which each person is responsible. If we, who understand Oneness, we, who understand the power of love, we, who understand the deep presence of the divine within us; if we back out, if we do nothing, we are responsible for enabling the continuance of the illusion. Tune in today to learn what we mean by spiritual advocacy.
30/08/201755 minutes, 51 secondes
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Trusting the Process

When life events, difficult circumstances and relationships come our way, we tend to get all caught up in what is going to happen next, and what strategy we can use to make it turn out the way we want it to. To do any less than that, it seems, would be to lay down and let life roll over you. But there is a way to be fully involved, yet fully surrendered to a deeper more authentic process that is happening always throughout all of our life events, circumstances and relationships. We can learn to trust the process. That’s what this show is going to be all about. Don’t miss it.
23/08/201757 minutes, 29 secondes
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Trusting the Process

When life events, difficult circumstances and relationships come our way, we tend to get all caught up in what is going to happen next, and what strategy we can use to make it turn out the way we want it to. To do any less than that, it seems, would be to lay down and let life roll over you. But there is a way to be fully involved, yet fully surrendered to a deeper more authentic process that is happening always throughout all of our life events, circumstances and relationships. We can learn to trust the process. That’s what this show is going to be all about. Don’t miss it.
23/08/201757 minutes, 29 secondes
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Trusting the Process

When life events, difficult circumstances and relationships come our way, we tend to get all caught up in what is going to happen next, and what strategy we can use to make it turn out the way we want it to. To do any less than that, it seems, would be to lay down and let life roll over you. But there is a way to be fully involved, yet fully surrendered to a deeper more authentic process that is happening always throughout all of our life events, circumstances and relationships. We can learn to trust the process. That’s what this show is going to be all about. Don’t miss it.
23/08/201757 minutes, 29 secondes
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Good vs. Evil vs. Wholeness

Since the beginning of time, it seems, we have thought that we had to fight the good fight. We had to fight for good over evil. And so many a person has spent a lifetime trying to discern the difference between the two and trying to err on the side of goodness. But what if you knew that that very battle is doing more harm than good? What if you knew that the battle between good and evil is actually preventing your wholeness? But, you say, how can we stop the battle—won’t evil just take over? That’s what we fear, isn’t it? Yet those who have managed to establish wholeness no longer fight any battles between good and evil—rather they have integrated all aspects of self. Want to know more? Tune in.
16/08/201756 minutes, 36 secondes
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Good vs. Evil vs. Wholeness

Since the beginning of time, it seems, we have thought that we had to fight the good fight. We had to fight for good over evil. And so many a person has spent a lifetime trying to discern the difference between the two and trying to err on the side of goodness. But what if you knew that that very battle is doing more harm than good? What if you knew that the battle between good and evil is actually preventing your wholeness? But, you say, how can we stop the battle—won’t evil just take over? That’s what we fear, isn’t it? Yet those who have managed to establish wholeness no longer fight any battles between good and evil—rather they have integrated all aspects of self. Want to know more? Tune in.
16/08/201756 minutes, 36 secondes
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Letting Go of Good Part IV

The book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” is out! It came out yesterday. And today we are going to explain how a person might really dispel that myth, how they might actually begin to live from the genuine self. Discover how to stop living from guilt, from trying to be good, and learn how to get real. Learn to use your personal powers, powers that are inherent to your very nature, to handle relationships—both personal and professional—genuinely, and with appropriate boundaries. Learn how we develop trust. You don’t want to miss this important show.
09/08/201757 minutes, 13 secondes
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Letting Go of Good Part IV

The book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” is out! It came out yesterday. And today we are going to explain how a person might really dispel that myth, how they might actually begin to live from the genuine self. Discover how to stop living from guilt, from trying to be good, and learn how to get real. Learn to use your personal powers, powers that are inherent to your very nature, to handle relationships—both personal and professional—genuinely, and with appropriate boundaries. Learn how we develop trust. You don’t want to miss this important show.
09/08/201757 minutes, 13 secondes
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Letting Go of Good Part IV

The book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” is out! It came out yesterday. And today we are going to explain how a person might really dispel that myth, how they might actually begin to live from the genuine self. Discover how to stop living from guilt, from trying to be good, and learn how to get real. Learn to use your personal powers, powers that are inherent to your very nature, to handle relationships—both personal and professional—genuinely, and with appropriate boundaries. Learn how we develop trust. You don’t want to miss this important show.
09/08/201757 minutes, 13 secondes
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Letting Go of Good, Part III

We tend to think that “being good” is the same as being genuine. But what the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” proves is that it is very possible to strive after goodness, while living a very false existence. In this third episode of the countdown to the launching of that book, we discover some surprises regarding a breakthrough approach to this problem. First, we discover that difficult emotions, unlike what we are taught, are meant to give us a message from the authentic self. In fact they can heal us from a false identity and restore us to authenticity. We are typically taught to push these emotions aside in favor of more “positive” emotions—but we will discover that advise to be a mistake, for it is our most difficult emotions that have the capacity to open us to living from a richer more authentic Self. Don’t miss this important show.
02/08/201757 minutes, 5 secondes
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Letting Go of Good, Part III

We tend to think that “being good” is the same as being genuine. But what the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” proves is that it is very possible to strive after goodness, while living a very false existence. In this third episode of the countdown to the launching of that book, we discover some surprises regarding a breakthrough approach to this problem. First, we discover that difficult emotions, unlike what we are taught, are meant to give us a message from the authentic self. In fact they can heal us from a false identity and restore us to authenticity. We are typically taught to push these emotions aside in favor of more “positive” emotions—but we will discover that advise to be a mistake, for it is our most difficult emotions that have the capacity to open us to living from a richer more authentic Self. Don’t miss this important show.
02/08/201757 minutes, 5 secondes
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Letting Go of Good, Part III

We tend to think that “being good” is the same as being genuine. But what the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self,” proves is that it is very possible to strive after goodness, while living a very false existence. In this third episode of the countdown to the launching of that book, we discover some surprises regarding a breakthrough approach to this problem. First, we discover that difficult emotions, unlike what we are taught, are meant to give us a message from the authentic self. In fact they can heal us from a false identity and restore us to authenticity. We are typically taught to push these emotions aside in favor of more “positive” emotions—but we will discover that advise to be a mistake, for it is our most difficult emotions that have the capacity to open us to living from a richer more authentic Self. Don’t miss this important show.
02/08/201757 minutes, 5 secondes
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Letting Go of Good Part II

It’s hard to imagine that there could be a problem with “being good.” But the problem is that it is a poor substitute for a true sense of worthiness. It is in fact, based in a mythology that there is a standardized form of goodness that, if we can activate it, will somehow remove from us any sense of unworthiness. And so there are many of us, identified as “good guys” who are giving up their authenticity in an attempt to compensate for a deep sense of unworthiness. In this case, our lives are run by guilt, and we do not know the difference between a motivation that comes from a should, have to or ought to, and a true authentic passion or compassion. This show is the 2nd in a countdown to the launching of the book “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self.” Don’t miss this important show about an epidemic problem and its breakthrough solution.
26/07/201756 minutes, 47 secondes
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Letting Go of Good Part II

It’s hard to imagine that there could be a problem with “being good.” But the problem is that it is a poor substitute for a true sense of worthiness. It is in fact, based in a mythology that there is a standardized form of goodness that, if we can activate it, will somehow remove from us any sense of unworthiness. And so there are many of us, identified as “good guys” who are giving up their authenticity in an attempt to compensate for a deep sense of unworthiness. In this case, our lives are run by guilt, and we do not know the difference between a motivation that comes from a should, have to or ought to, and a true authentic passion or compassion. This show is the 2nd in a countdown to the launching of the book “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self.” Don’t miss this important show about an epidemic problem and its breakthrough solution.
26/07/201756 minutes, 47 secondes
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Letting Go of Good Part II

It’s hard to imagine that there could be a problem with “being good.” But the problem is that it is a poor substitute for a true sense of worthiness. It is in fact, based in a mythology that there is a standardized form of goodness that, if we can activate it, will somehow remove from us any sense of unworthiness. And so there are many of us, identified as “good guys” who are giving up their authenticity in an attempt to compensate for a deep sense of unworthiness. In this case, our lives are run by guilt, and we do not know the difference between a motivation that comes from a should, have to or ought to, and a true authentic passion or compassion. This show is the 2nd in a countdown to the launching of the book “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self.” Don’t miss this important show about an epidemic problem and its breakthrough solution.
26/07/201756 minutes, 47 secondes
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Letting Go of Good

Does guilt run too much of your life? Do you find that you are making many of your decisions based on whether or not you might feel guilty if you don’t…or if you do? Do you strive to please, help and take responsibility for others? Then you may have a “good guy identity,” and believe it or not, this identity is deadly. This is the first of several shows that will provide a countdown to the launching of the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” which is being released on August 8th. We will explore the good guy identity for its psychology, explaining how it is that being good can be so very bad for some people. And we will demonstrate how it is that we might begin to let go of that myth of goodness and find and live from the authentic self. Don’t miss it.
19/07/201757 minutes, 57 secondes
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Letting Go of Good

Does guilt run too much of your life? Do you find that you are making many of your decisions based on whether or not you might feel guilty if you don’t…or if you do? Do you strive to please, help and take responsibility for others? Then you may have a “good guy identity,” and believe it or not, this identity is deadly. This is the first of several shows that will provide a countdown to the launching of the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” which is being released on August 8th. We will explore the good guy identity for its psychology, explaining how it is that being good can be so very bad for some people. And we will demonstrate how it is that we might begin to let go of that myth of goodness and find and live from the authentic self. Don’t miss it.
19/07/201757 minutes, 57 secondes
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Letting Go of Good

Does guilt run too much of your life? Do you find that you are making many of your decisions based on whether or not you might feel guilty if you don’t…or if you do? Do you strive to please, help and take responsibility for others? Then you may have a “good guy identity,” and believe it or not, this identity is deadly. This is the first of several shows that will provide a countdown to the launching of the book, “Letting Go of Good: Dispel the Myth of Goodness to Find Your Genuine Self” which is being released on August 8th. We will explore the good guy identity for its psychology, explaining how it is that being good can be so very bad for some people. And we will demonstrate how it is that we might begin to let go of that myth of goodness and find and live from the authentic self. Don’t miss it.
19/07/201757 minutes, 57 secondes
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Thriving in the Flames

We are currently living in some very difficult times. Times of darkness, times of betrayal, times of fear, times in which we cannot trust the people in power to do the compassionate and humane thing. How do we learn to thrive in the midst of those flames? Eckhart Tolle talks about the difference between pain and suffering, and what we shall see, in today’s discussion, is that the difference is the difference between despair and thriving. These circumstances in which we find ourselves today are demonstrating to us the shadow of American consciousness. And we must learn how to walk through those shadows, turning on the light of consciousness in our own minds all along the way. Working with shadow material is one of the most effective ways to thrive in the midst of darkness. Tune in to learn more.
28/06/201757 minutes, 30 secondes
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Thriving in the Flames

We are currently living in some very difficult times. Times of darkness, times of betrayal, times of fear, times in which we cannot trust the people in power to do the compassionate and humane thing. How do we learn to thrive in the midst of those flames? Eckhart Tolle talks about the difference between pain and suffering, and what we shall see, in today’s discussion, is that the difference is the difference between despair and thriving. These circumstances in which we find ourselves today are demonstrating to us the shadow of American consciousness. And we must learn how to walk through those shadows, turning on the light of consciousness in our own minds all along the way. Working with shadow material is one of the most effective ways to thrive in the midst of darkness. Tune in to learn more.
28/06/201757 minutes, 30 secondes
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Spirituality: A New Definition

The word spirituality is thrown around quite a bit, with all manner of people calling themselves spiritual. But if you ask them what this word means the definitions vary and are often vague. For many it means to pray a lot. For others it means to meditate a lot. For most it means living a moral life, doing the right thing. For most spirituality must fall under a certain religion. But what if spirituality is not something we do, but something that does us? What if spirituality is a process—much like the process of falling love and building a healthy relationship? What if spirituality is an intimate relationship with self, body, mind and soul, an intimate relationship with others and all of nature, and an intimate relationship with the divine? How would that change things? Tune in to find out.
21/06/201757 minutes, 35 secondes
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Spirituality: A New Definition

The word spirituality is thrown around quite a bit, with all manner of people calling themselves spiritual. But if you ask them what this word means the definitions vary and are often vague. For many it means to pray a lot. For others it means to meditate a lot. For most it means living a moral life, doing the right thing. For most spirituality must fall under a certain religion. But what if spirituality is not something we do, but something that does us? What if spirituality is a process—much like the process of falling love and building a healthy relationship? What if spirituality is an intimate relationship with self, body, mind and soul, an intimate relationship with others and all of nature, and an intimate relationship with the divine? How would that change things? Tune in to find out.
21/06/201757 minutes, 35 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
14/06/201757 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
14/06/201757 minutes, 19 secondes
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How to be Happy

We welcome Lissa Coffey back to the show today to talk about her wonderful little children’s book entitled “The Four Pearls and the Four Squirrels.” Lissa is an Ayurveda expert, hypnotherapist, sociologist, author and life coach. And this little book brings together all of her knowledge in one easy-to-understand approach to happiness. Children are subject to so many influences and we, as parents, teachers, relatives and friends of children have that power-to-influence over our children. What are we demonstrating with our behavior, and what are we teaching with our words? The four pearls teach very important tools for living from which all children—and adults—can find happiness. Tune in for your dose of wisdom today.
07/06/201755 minutes, 54 secondes
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How to be Happy

We welcome Lissa Coffey back to the show today to talk about her wonderful little children’s book entitled “The Four Pearls and the Four Squirrels.” Lissa is an Ayurveda expert, hypnotherapist, sociologist, author and life coach. And this little book brings together all of her knowledge in one easy-to-understand approach to happiness. Children are subject to so many influences and we, as parents, teachers, relatives and friends of children have that power-to-influence over our children. What are we demonstrating with our behavior, and what are we teaching with our words? The four pearls teach very important tools for living from which all children—and adults—can find happiness. Tune in for your dose of wisdom today.
07/06/201755 minutes, 54 secondes
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Encore: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
31/05/201754 minutes, 53 secondes
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Encore: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
31/05/201754 minutes, 53 secondes
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Illusion or Reality?

There are many spiritual teachers who are teaching us that all of life in this world is actually an illusion—that the reality of life is that there is no suffering, no pain, no drama—just the gentle peace of nirvana—the life beyond the veil of matter. Is that true? If so, what are we doing here, what is the meaning of life if it is all just an illusion anyway? But what if life is not an illusion—doesn’t that lead us to the same questions? Why do we suffer? What is the meaning of a life filled with suffering? Well, today we are going to answer some of these important life questions and come to terms with reality in a whole new way. Be here. You’ll be glad you were.
24/05/201757 minutes, 42 secondes
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Illusion or Reality?

There are many spiritual teachers who are teaching us that all of life in this world is actually an illusion—that the reality of life is that there is no suffering, no pain, no drama—just the gentle peace of nirvana—the life beyond the veil of matter. Is that true? If so, what are we doing here, what is the meaning of life if it is all just an illusion anyway? But what if life is not an illusion—doesn’t that lead us to the same questions? Why do we suffer? What is the meaning of a life filled with suffering? Well, today we are going to answer some of these important life questions and come to terms with reality in a whole new way. Be here. You’ll be glad you were.
24/05/201757 minutes, 42 secondes
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When Morality is a Problem

Generally speaking, we think of morality as a good thing. People should, we think, honor certain codes of behavior in order to prove that they are good people, and in order to maintain order in the world. But what we don't commonly know is that morality can often be a poor substitute for authenticity. We don't know it, but we are commonly doing the right thing, instead of doing the true thing. Yep, that's right, there can be a big difference between what's right and what's true. And today's show is going to point out that difference, as well as explore how authenticity gets us closer to a true spirituality than does morality. Don't miss this important show.
17/05/201757 minutes, 28 secondes
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When Morality is a Problem

Generally speaking, we think of morality as a good thing. People should, we think, honor certain codes of behavior in order to prove that they are good people, and in order to maintain order in the world. But what we don't commonly know is that morality can often be a poor substitute for authenticity. We don't know it, but we are commonly doing the right thing, instead of doing the true thing. Yep, that's right, there can be a big difference between what's right and what's true. And today's show is going to point out that difference, as well as explore how authenticity gets us closer to a true spirituality than does morality. Don't miss this important show.
17/05/201757 minutes, 28 secondes
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Finding Love Beneath the HATE

We live in a social environment now in which hate is overt, active and visible. Not so very long ago, in fact, just prior to the election of our current President, hate was hidden, covert, and only active in a passive/aggressive fashion. But there are many people out there today who are trying to tell us that hate is a good thing. That it is an essential survival skill. That, of course, we hate, for how could we feel any other way toward people of other races, other cultures, other skin colors and other sexual orientations, and gender identities. But hate is a response to fear. And fear is a response to ignorance. There is so much that we fear that we really have no reason to fear. So what do we do with all of this? We learn to find the love beneath the hate. This show is going to show us just how we can do that. Don't miss this important discussion.
10/05/201757 minutes, 28 secondes
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Finding Love Beneath the HATE

We live in a social environment now in which hate is overt, active and visible. Not so very long ago, in fact, just prior to the election of our current President, hate was hidden, covert, and only active in a passive/aggressive fashion. But there are many people out there today who are trying to tell us that hate is a good thing. That it is an essential survival skill. That, of course, we hate, for how could we feel any other way toward people of other races, other cultures, other skin colors and other sexual orientations, and gender identities. But hate is a response to fear. And fear is a response to ignorance. There is so much that we fear that we really have no reason to fear. So what do we do with all of this? We learn to find the love beneath the hate. This show is going to show us just how we can do that. Don't miss this important discussion.
10/05/201757 minutes, 28 secondes
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Doing ONLY Peace

We have lived for so long and so deeply entrenched in the good/evil paradigm that we truly believe that striving to be good, and fighting the so-called good fight against evil is the business of being a person. Indeed, we think it is the business of life. But what if we knew that the ONLY thing we need to do is peace. What if peace were how we survive? What if peace were how we negotiate with others? What if peace is how we form relationships? What if peace is the body? What if peace is the soul? What if peace is the big IT. Well, maybe it is. And we are going to figure all that out this week. This big fat deal of peace. Don't miss it.
03/05/201757 minutes, 32 secondes
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Doing ONLY Peace

We have lived for so long and so deeply entrenched in the good/evil paradigm that we truly believe that striving to be good, and fighting the so-called good fight against evil is the business of being a person. Indeed, we think it is the business of life. But what if we knew that the ONLY thing we need to do is peace. What if peace were how we survive? What if peace were how we negotiate with others? What if peace is how we form relationships? What if peace is the body? What if peace is the soul? What if peace is the big IT. Well, maybe it is. And we are going to figure all that out this week. This big fat deal of peace. Don't miss it.
03/05/201757 minutes, 32 secondes
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A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
26/04/201757 minutes, 19 secondes
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A Mistaken Christianity

There is a form of religion that has, over the past 10 years or so, taken over larger and larger portions of the American psyche. It is a religion made up more of fear of evil than love of and from the divine. It is a religion made up more of laws and judgement than compassion and redemption. It is a religion which allows plenty of room for hate, and recrimination of other people--and it is led by a leadership that Jesus would have called vipers and white-washed sepulchers. These modern-day Pharisees are, according to Jesus, keeping people from entering the kingdom of heaven. So, this is a difficult subject, but we are going to bravely go where many are afraid to go: We are going to offer a more authentic version of this religion.
26/04/201757 minutes, 19 secondes
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Encore: Whosoever will--Let him take

This year, we’ve heard a lot about the bullying of gays and lesbians in schools all over the country. What we don’t hear so much about is the bullying of members of the GLBT population in churches and in Christian communities all across the nation. In fact, both overt and covert bullying is most often done by people who want to exclude members of the GLBT population based on the erroneous notion that God hates them, or wishes them punished or excluded. Well, today, we are going to be talking to United Church of Christ minister, Candace Chellew-Hodge, author of “Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians.” While far too many still think that the words “Christian” and “Gay” and “Lesbian” are oxymorons, Chellew-Hodge will tell GLBT Christians how to reclaim the authentic self and survive the onslaught of abuse coming from their own communities. If you fall on either side of this issue, you are not going want to miss this show.
19/04/201759 minutes, 4 secondes
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Encore: Whosoever will--Let him take

This year, we’ve heard a lot about the bullying of gays and lesbians in schools all over the country. What we don’t hear so much about is the bullying of members of the GLBT population in churches and in Christian communities all across the nation. In fact, both overt and covert bullying is most often done by people who want to exclude members of the GLBT population based on the erroneous notion that God hates them, or wishes them punished or excluded. Well, today, we are going to be talking to United Church of Christ minister, Candace Chellew-Hodge, author of “Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians.” While far too many still think that the words “Christian” and “Gay” and “Lesbian” are oxymorons, Chellew-Hodge will tell GLBT Christians how to reclaim the authentic self and survive the onslaught of abuse coming from their own communities. If you fall on either side of this issue, you are not going want to miss this show.
19/04/201759 minutes, 4 secondes
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Encore: Astrology and Your Authentic Self

Demetra George, our guest for today was one of the first Astrologers to publish an astrology book that included the asteroids into the configuration of the natal chart. Demetra always loved the great myths of the Greek gods and goddess, told to her by her Greek grandparents as bedtime stories. As she started using the asteroids in people’s charts, she would tell them the myths of a particular asteroid significant in their charts and hear, “You just told me the story of my life!” Her book, “Asteroid Goddesses” offered a significant change in thinking with regard to astrology, moving the feminine into the forefront of any reading. Her latest book, just out in November, and our topic of discussion today, is “Astrology and the Authentic Self.” If you are even mildly interested in astrology, Demetra George’s work can help you learn to use it as a tool to find your own authenticity. Don’t miss this one!
12/04/201756 minutes, 11 secondes
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Encore: Astrology and Your Authentic Self

Demetra George, our guest for today was one of the first Astrologers to publish an astrology book that included the asteroids into the configuration of the natal chart. Demetra always loved the great myths of the Greek gods and goddess, told to her by her Greek grandparents as bedtime stories. As she started using the asteroids in people’s charts, she would tell them the myths of a particular asteroid significant in their charts and hear, “You just told me the story of my life!” Her book, “Asteroid Goddesses” offered a significant change in thinking with regard to astrology, moving the feminine into the forefront of any reading. Her latest book, just out in November, and our topic of discussion today, is “Astrology and the Authentic Self.” If you are even mildly interested in astrology, Demetra George’s work can help you learn to use it as a tool to find your own authenticity. Don’t miss this one!
12/04/201756 minutes, 11 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Practice

Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
05/04/201755 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: Spiritual Practice

Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
05/04/201755 minutes, 33 secondes
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Encore: Transformation Through Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive? Does it mean that we absolve? That we allow them to “get away with it?” If you are thinking in these terms, then you are not yet ready to forgive. Forgiveness is a process. And it really has nothing to do with the person you are forgiving—unless you are forgiving yourself. In fact, we don’t even start out that process aiming toward forgiveness. Typically, we start it off in pain. Nanice Ellis comes back to the Authentic Living Show again this year, on the day before Thanksgiving, to talk with us about that process and its power to transform. Nanice is the author of seven books, and is a Master NLP Practitioner and Coach, whose wisdom comes from a deep well of experience. If you are worried about your family dinner tomorrow—tune into this show. You’ll be glad you did.
29/03/201755 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: Transformation Through Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive? Does it mean that we absolve? That we allow them to “get away with it?” If you are thinking in these terms, then you are not yet ready to forgive. Forgiveness is a process. And it really has nothing to do with the person you are forgiving—unless you are forgiving yourself. In fact, we don’t even start out that process aiming toward forgiveness. Typically, we start it off in pain. Nanice Ellis comes back to the Authentic Living Show again this year, on the day before Thanksgiving, to talk with us about that process and its power to transform. Nanice is the author of seven books, and is a Master NLP Practitioner and Coach, whose wisdom comes from a deep well of experience. If you are worried about your family dinner tomorrow—tune into this show. You’ll be glad you did.
29/03/201755 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: Intimacy and Awakening

For the first time in the history of the world, we are beginning to explore intimacy as the essential ingredient to healthy, whole relationships. But intimacy is not really all about sex. It’s about “dancing core to core”—as Judith Blackstone, PhD puts it in her lovely book The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others. Judith is an innovative, and internationally recognized teacher of nonduality. She is the developer of the Realization Process, a method of embodied nondual awakening, and a practicing psychotherapist. This book, like her others, The Empathic Ground, The Enlightenment Process and The Subtle Self, opens its readers to a deeper more true essential beingness. So, our show this week is going to be about how to awaken to that beingness both alone and in relationship. Want to know how? Don’t miss this show.
15/03/201754 minutes, 10 secondes
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Encore: Intimacy and Awakening

For the first time in the history of the world, we are beginning to explore intimacy as the essential ingredient to healthy, whole relationships. But intimacy is not really all about sex. It’s about “dancing core to core”—as Judith Blackstone, PhD puts it in her lovely book The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others. Judith is an innovative, and internationally recognized teacher of nonduality. She is the developer of the Realization Process, a method of embodied nondual awakening, and a practicing psychotherapist. This book, like her others, The Empathic Ground, The Enlightenment Process and The Subtle Self, opens its readers to a deeper more true essential beingness. So, our show this week is going to be about how to awaken to that beingness both alone and in relationship. Want to know how? Don’t miss this show.
15/03/201754 minutes, 10 secondes
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Meditation for Stress

On several previous shows we have referred listeners to meditation as one of the most effective of ways to get in touch with the authentic Self. Today, we are going to be examining some meditation tools created by Michel Pascal, and used by Google, Harvard University and other major organizations to reduce stress. We will explore this from the angle of spirituality as well as physicality, mind and body. Many people say that meditation is too hard, and takes too much time. But our guest today proves neither of those to objections valid. His book, Meditations for Daily Stress, offers ten easy practices for immediate well-being. If you are stressed, or have trouble meditating, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
08/03/201756 minutes, 38 secondes
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Meditation for Stress

On several previous shows we have referred listeners to meditation as one of the most effective of ways to get in touch with the authentic Self. Today, we are going to be examining some meditation tools created by Michel Pascal, and used by Google, Harvard University and other major organizations to reduce stress. We will explore this from the angle of spirituality as well as physicality, mind and body. Many people say that meditation is too hard, and takes too much time. But our guest today proves neither of those to objections valid. His book, Meditations for Daily Stress, offers ten easy practices for immediate well-being. If you are stressed, or have trouble meditating, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
08/03/201756 minutes, 38 secondes
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Encore: An Interfaith/Interspiritual God

To date, most religions have wanted to claim their own God. In the West the Christian religion has claimed that their God is the only God. That every other God is actually a false god. But what if, like Pope Francis says, we are all meeting the same God in different ways. What if, in fact, each religion, each language of each religion, each ritual, each path, each prayer is but a different language meant to reach but one divine entity, a universal entity who knows we each have different ways of finding our truest spirituality? Would that be such a terrible thing? Or is it that our bias is keeping us from allowing that possibility? Today we are going to learn about an interfaith/interspiritual God. Don't miss it.
01/03/201756 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: An Interfaith/Interspiritual God

To date, most religions have wanted to claim their own God. In the West the Christian religion has claimed that their God is the only God. That every other God is actually a false god. But what if, like Pope Francis says, we are all meeting the same God in different ways. What if, in fact, each religion, each language of each religion, each ritual, each path, each prayer is but a different language meant to reach but one divine entity, a universal entity who knows we each have different ways of finding our truest spirituality? Would that be such a terrible thing? Or is it that our bias is keeping us from allowing that possibility? Today we are going to learn about an interfaith/interspiritual God. Don't miss it.
01/03/201756 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: Oneness

Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and his latest and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
22/02/201755 minutes, 43 secondes
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Encore: Oneness

Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and his latest and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
22/02/201755 minutes, 43 secondes
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An Interfaith/Interspiritual God

To date, most religions have wanted to claim their own God. In the West the Christian religion has claimed that their God is the only God. That every other God is actually a false god. But what if, like Pope Francis says, we are all meeting the same God in different ways. What if, in fact, each religion, each language of each religion, each ritual, each path, each prayer is but a different language meant to reach but one divine entity, a universal entity who knows we each have different ways of finding our truest spirituality? Would that be such a terrible thing? Or is it that our bias is keeping us from allowing that possibility? Today we are going to learn about an interfaith/interspiritual God. Don't miss it.
08/02/201756 minutes, 46 secondes
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An Interfaith/Interspiritual God

To date, most religions have wanted to claim their own God. In the West the Christian religion has claimed that their God is the only God. That every other God is actually a false god. But what if, like Pope Francis says, we are all meeting the same God in different ways. What if, in fact, each religion, each language of each religion, each ritual, each path, each prayer is but a different language meant to reach but one divine entity, a universal entity who knows we each have different ways of finding our truest spirituality? Would that be such a terrible thing? Or is it that our bias is keeping us from allowing that possibility? Today we are going to learn about an interfaith/interspiritual God. Don't miss it.
08/02/201756 minutes, 46 secondes
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The Myth that Fear vs. Love

Over the past 20 years or so, there has arisen among spiritual teachers a certain mythology that has sunk its teeth into the psyche of the New Age, New Thought, Human Potential Movement adherents along with those who call themselves spiritual but not religious. It is the idea that fear opposes love. This idea is translated to mean that when one loves, one should not feel fear, and vice versa. It is based in the Biblical tenet that perfect love casts out fear. But we've got some real misunderstanding about what this means, and we've added a lot of shoulds and personal judgment, that can be damaging. Let' talk about love and fear today. Don't miss it.
25/01/201757 minutes, 5 secondes
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The Myth that Fear vs. Love

Over the past 20 years or so, there has arisen among spiritual teachers a certain mythology that has sunk its teeth into the psyche of the New Age, New Thought, Human Potential Movement adherents along with those who call themselves spiritual but not religious. It is the idea that fear opposes love. This idea is translated to mean that when one loves, one should not feel fear, and vice versa. It is based in the Biblical tenet that perfect love casts out fear. But we've got some real misunderstanding about what this means, and we've added a lot of shoulds and personal judgment, that can be damaging. Let' talk about love and fear today. Don't miss it.
25/01/201757 minutes, 5 secondes
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It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
18/01/201753 minutes, 7 secondes
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It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
18/01/201753 minutes, 7 secondes
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It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.
18/01/201753 minutes, 7 secondes
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Encore: Workin' It

So, you are trying…right? You are working really hard on your career and financial goals, working really hard on that relationship, working really hard on meditating and thinking only positive thoughts. But you keep slipping. You keep wondering why you are slipping. And every time you slip, you feel more uncertain, more shameful and more resistant to trying. But you have to keep trying, right? Because to not try means your…what? A failure? A jerk? But what if you could achieve the results you wanted without trying. And what if there were results you haven’t even considered that come from not trying? Yeah, right. What are you selling…right? Well, let’s just stay in “What if” for a moment and consider what the sacred texts and what initiations from mystic practices around the globe have to say about trying. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.
11/01/201757 minutes, 48 secondes
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Encore: Workin' It

So, you are trying…right? You are working really hard on your career and financial goals, working really hard on that relationship, working really hard on meditating and thinking only positive thoughts. But you keep slipping. You keep wondering why you are slipping. And every time you slip, you feel more uncertain, more shameful and more resistant to trying. But you have to keep trying, right? Because to not try means your…what? A failure? A jerk? But what if you could achieve the results you wanted without trying. And what if there were results you haven’t even considered that come from not trying? Yeah, right. What are you selling…right? Well, let’s just stay in “What if” for a moment and consider what the sacred texts and what initiations from mystic practices around the globe have to say about trying. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.
11/01/201757 minutes, 48 secondes
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Encore: Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
21/12/201658 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore: Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
21/12/201658 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore: Coming Alive

We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.
14/12/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Coming Alive

We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.
14/12/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: The Distillation Process of Love

We go around all the time telling each other and ourselves that we should “be” more loving. Be more kind. Be more respectful. But how do we make these shoulds into reality. The truth is that anytime we put the word “should” in front of the word love, it ceases to be love and becomes instead a duty, an ought to, a have to. We think that we should be more loving, and we chastise ourselves when we are not. But we don’t understand the nature of love. This show is going to facilitate a greater understanding of the nature of love, and help us understand the very important transformative process of becoming love.
07/12/201654 minutes, 17 secondes
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Encore: The Distillation Process of Love

We go around all the time telling each other and ourselves that we should “be” more loving. Be more kind. Be more respectful. But how do we make these shoulds into reality. The truth is that anytime we put the word “should” in front of the word love, it ceases to be love and becomes instead a duty, an ought to, a have to. We think that we should be more loving, and we chastise ourselves when we are not. But we don’t understand the nature of love. This show is going to facilitate a greater understanding of the nature of love, and help us understand the very important transformative process of becoming love.
07/12/201654 minutes, 17 secondes
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What to do with Difficult Emotions

Today there are many Americans who are frightened, angry and being chased around by some of the more primal emotions regarding survival. Short of everyone in the country immigrating to Canada, what can we do about these emotions? Many tell us that we should somehow make these emotions go away because they are negative. But what if there is no such thing as a negative or a positive emotion? What if we've been labeling these emotions based on societal demands for compliance for a flat-line of emotional responses? Is it possible that these difficult emotions can actually facilitate our growth? Our healing? Our ability to self-direct? Tune in to find out.
30/11/201658 minutes, 8 secondes
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What to do with Difficult Emotions

Today there are many Americans who are frightened, angry and being chased around by some of the more primal emotions regarding survival. Short of everyone in the country immigrating to Canada, what can we do about these emotions? Many tell us that we should somehow make these emotions go away because they are negative. But what if there is no such thing as a negative or a positive emotion? What if we've been labeling these emotions based on societal demands for compliance for a flat-line of emotional responses? Is it possible that these difficult emotions can actually facilitate our growth? Our healing? Our ability to self-direct? Tune in to find out.
30/11/201658 minutes, 8 secondes
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Encore: Where is Your Peace

If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.
23/11/201656 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: Where is Your Peace

If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.
23/11/201656 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love

One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
16/11/201656 minutes, 57 secondes
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Encore: Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love

One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
16/11/201656 minutes, 57 secondes
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Diversity in Unity

How do we manage a culture in which there is such diversity, while maintaining unity? The current political scene has revealed much about what is yet unresolved in the collective American psyche. We've seen hatred, misogyny, abuse, and profound unwillingness to even consider the option of acceptance of diversity. So, what do we do with that? How can we find unity in that? Well, the journey to wholeness that is a part of our collective unconsciousness, has not been halted in its tracks because what was always there has now been revealed. Rather this is an opportunity for us to grow into wholeness on a whole other level. Once the darkness, murky, swamp-like energy of the shadow comes forth into our vision we can then do something about it. And now is the time to do it. Don't miss this important show.
09/11/201658 minutes, 11 secondes
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Diversity in Unity

How do we manage a culture in which there is such diversity, while maintaining unity? The current political scene has revealed much about what is yet unresolved in the collective American psyche. We've seen hatred, misogyny, abuse, and profound unwillingness to even consider the option of acceptance of diversity. So, what do we do with that? How can we find unity in that? Well, the journey to wholeness that is a part of our collective unconsciousness, has not been halted in its tracks because what was always there has now been revealed. Rather this is an opportunity for us to grow into wholeness on a whole other level. Once the darkness, murky, swamp-like energy of the shadow comes forth into our vision we can then do something about it. And now is the time to do it. Don't miss this important show.
09/11/201658 minutes, 11 secondes
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Spiritual Practice

Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
26/10/201655 minutes, 33 secondes
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Spiritual Practice

Currently many people are seeking a spiritual practice that offers real results, such as, personal transformation and life change. Today we are talking to Greg Marcus, PhD, practitioner and coach of American Mussar. His book 'The Spiritual Practice of Good Actions: Finding Balance Through the Soul Traits of Mussar' will be the topic of our discussion as he leads us to understand some of the specific practices that are meant to bring everyday life into alignment with spiritual values. Mussar is a thousand-year-old Jewish practice of spiritual growth based on mindful living. Don't miss this excellent example of the implementation of spiritual practice.
26/10/201655 minutes, 33 secondes
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Feminine Consciousness in a Man's World

What does it mean to be a woman in today's Western society? How advanced are we really over countries where women have no rights at all? The perpetuation of the Western rape culture would deny our advances regarding respect for feminine consciousness as well as the female herself. Feminine consciousness is consciousness of the inner human. It takes us inward. But many women today spend much of their mental and spiritual energy taking care of the outer image. And men are frequently obsessed with how a woman presents. We live in a society in which a woman's rights to her own body are often misunderstood at best, and at worst denied. That's the bad news. But is it possible that the recent exposures can facilitate our awareness of true feminine consciousness? Tune in to find out.
19/10/201658 minutes, 28 secondes
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Feminine Consciousness in a Man's World

What does it mean to be a woman in today's Western society? How advanced are we really over countries where women have no rights at all? The perpetuation of the Western rape culture would deny our advances regarding respect for feminine consciousness as well as the female herself. Feminine consciousness is consciousness of the inner human. It takes us inward. But many women today spend much of their mental and spiritual energy taking care of the outer image. And men are frequently obsessed with how a woman presents. We live in a society in which a woman's rights to her own body are often misunderstood at best, and at worst denied. That's the bad news. But is it possible that the recent exposures can facilitate our awareness of true feminine consciousness? Tune in to find out.
19/10/201658 minutes, 28 secondes
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Good vs. Evil OR True vs. False

We have lived, since our beginnings, from the good vs. evil paradigm. If a thing isn't good, it's bad: and if a thing isn't bad, it's good. We have divided all of life up this way, with but a very few things ending up in the neutral category. But what if good vs. evil is the wrong paradigm? What if the correct paradigm to live from is the one that measures truth and lies, rather than goodness and evil? If we could stop thinking in terms of good or bad, and start thinking in terms of what is true and what is false, would we not be able to gain more clarity about any given situation? Would we not then be able to discern fact from fiction better? We will get the answers to those questions and more on this show. Don't miss it.
12/10/201657 minutes, 15 secondes
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Good vs. Evil OR True vs. False

We have lived, since our beginnings, from the good vs. evil paradigm. If a thing isn't good, it's bad: and if a thing isn't bad, it's good. We have divided all of life up this way, with but a very few things ending up in the neutral category. But what if good vs. evil is the wrong paradigm? What if the correct paradigm to live from is the one that measures truth and lies, rather than goodness and evil? If we could stop thinking in terms of good or bad, and start thinking in terms of what is true and what is false, would we not be able to gain more clarity about any given situation? Would we not then be able to discern fact from fiction better? We will get the answers to those questions and more on this show. Don't miss it.
12/10/201657 minutes, 15 secondes
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Relationship Myths

Is there really a knight on a white horse, who will come to save us? Doesn't love mean she can read my mind? Isn't sex the solution to every problem in our relationship? These and other like myths are going to be discussed today on this show in which we will learn the exact parameters of a REAL relationship. Don't miss it.
05/10/201657 minutes, 11 secondes
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Relationship Myths

Is there really a knight on a white horse, who will come to save us? Doesn't love mean she can read my mind? Isn't sex the solution to every problem in our relationship? These and other like myths are going to be discussed today on this show in which we will learn the exact parameters of a REAL relationship. Don't miss it.
05/10/201657 minutes, 11 secondes
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Encore: How to work with the Shadow

There are many people out there telling us today, that the shadow is the bad, sabotaging part of us, and that because it is, we need to clean it out. Those same people tell us that the ego, though also bad, is the opposite of shadow and what we need to do with ego is to get rid of it altogether. But what if the divine Self is also in the unconscious, and the ego is just a liaison between the conscious and the unconscious? You see, since most of us have lived largely unconscious of who we actually are, the Self is hidden from us in the unconscious. Instead of living as Self, we’ve lived in an identity that isn’t at all who we are, but rather a mask and costume meant to help us cope with and survive our childhoods and families of origin. And the liaison of the ego is, in this case weighted way too heavy on the outer world. So if what we have learned about the shadow isn’t really true, how do we work with the shadow? Tune in to find out.
28/09/201657 minutes, 9 secondes
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Encore: How to work with the Shadow

There are many people out there telling us today, that the shadow is the bad, sabotaging part of us, and that because it is, we need to clean it out. Those same people tell us that the ego, though also bad, is the opposite of shadow and what we need to do with ego is to get rid of it altogether. But what if the divine Self is also in the unconscious, and the ego is just a liaison between the conscious and the unconscious? You see, since most of us have lived largely unconscious of who we actually are, the Self is hidden from us in the unconscious. Instead of living as Self, we’ve lived in an identity that isn’t at all who we are, but rather a mask and costume meant to help us cope with and survive our childhoods and families of origin. And the liaison of the ego is, in this case weighted way too heavy on the outer world. So if what we have learned about the shadow isn’t really true, how do we work with the shadow? Tune in to find out.
28/09/201657 minutes, 9 secondes
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False Prophets

We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
14/09/201656 minutes, 22 secondes
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False Prophets

We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.
14/09/201656 minutes, 22 secondes
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Encore: Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
31/08/201655 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
31/08/201655 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: Oneness

Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.
24/08/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Oneness

Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.
24/08/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Politics of Love

We have learned so much about how we should love, that we don’t know much about how we are loved, and how we do love. There is so much that we should be thinking, feeling, doing in the name of love, that we don’t realize how much of it is actually false, fake, ingenuous. What is really going on behind all those shoulds? Have we yet begun to be certain that we are loved, deeply loved by the divine and the Self? Have we come to understand the specific and very individualized ways in which we love? This show is going to put us in touch with love. Be here for it.
17/08/201655 minutes, 49 secondes
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The Politics of Love

We have learned so much about how we should love, that we don’t know much about how we are loved, and how we do love. There is so much that we should be thinking, feeling, doing in the name of love, that we don’t realize how much of it is actually false, fake, ingenuous. What is really going on behind all those shoulds? Have we yet begun to be certain that we are loved, deeply loved by the divine and the Self? Have we come to understand the specific and very individualized ways in which we love? This show is going to put us in touch with love. Be here for it.
17/08/201655 minutes, 49 secondes
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The Politics of Love

We have learned so much about how we should love, that we don’t know much about how we are loved, and how we do love. There is so much that we should be thinking, feeling, doing in the name of love, that we don’t realize how much of it is actually false, fake, ingenuous. What is really going on behind all those shoulds? Have we yet begun to be certain that we are loved, deeply loved by the divine and the Self? Have we come to understand the specific and very individualized ways in which we love? This show is going to put us in touch with love. Be here for it.
17/08/201655 minutes, 49 secondes
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Hate is Fear

There is so much going on in our country, even around the globe right now that is all about hate. Hate of difference is the primary hate that is being manifested right now. “I hate you because you are different!” Whether it has do with color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or political opinion, what is primarily being hated at this time is difference. So, we are going to spend some time talking about difference and about hate on today’s show. And what we are going to learn is how we might turn the fear that is hate into love. Don’t miss it.
10/08/201656 minutes, 58 secondes
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Hate is Fear

There is so much going on in our country, even around the globe right now that is all about hate. Hate of difference is the primary hate that is being manifested right now. “I hate you because you are different!” Whether it has do with color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or political opinion, what is primarily being hated at this time is difference. So, we are going to spend some time talking about difference and about hate on today’s show. And what we are going to learn is how we might turn the fear that is hate into love. Don’t miss it.
10/08/201656 minutes, 58 secondes
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Hate is Fear

There is so much going on in our country, even around the globe right now that is all about hate. Hate of difference is the primary hate that is being manifested right now. “I hate you because you are different!” Whether it has do with color, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity or political opinion, what is primarily being hated at this time is difference. So, we are going to spend some time talking about difference and about hate on today’s show. And what we are going to learn is how we might turn the fear that is hate into love. Don’t miss it.
10/08/201656 minutes, 58 secondes
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Encore: Wicked Thoughts

We still hear a lot about how it is that we should control our thoughts so that we can get what we want. There are memes on social media sites every day about this idea. We are constantly being advised to watch what we are thinking, because the Universe is listening and responding to our thoughts as if they were direct orders for the Universe to follow. But our wicked thoughts, called by most “negative thoughts” do not have the power to manipulate the Universe—surely we know that the Universe is way more intelligent than that! So what is true? What is the truth about our thoughts and their impact on the Universe? If you have been trying to get your thoughts to behave themselves and stop being so wicked, stop betraying you by making the Universe work against you, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
03/08/201656 minutes, 18 secondes
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Encore: Wicked Thoughts

We still hear a lot about how it is that we should control our thoughts so that we can get what we want. There are memes on social media sites every day about this idea. We are constantly being advised to watch what we are thinking, because the Universe is listening and responding to our thoughts as if they were direct orders for the Universe to follow. But our wicked thoughts, called by most “negative thoughts” do not have the power to manipulate the Universe—surely we know that the Universe is way more intelligent than that! So what is true? What is the truth about our thoughts and their impact on the Universe? If you have been trying to get your thoughts to behave themselves and stop being so wicked, stop betraying you by making the Universe work against you, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
03/08/201656 minutes, 18 secondes
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To Pray or Not to Pray

We tend to think of prayer as belonging only to religion.It doesn't belong to life, it belong to religion. For those who don’t pray there is a tendency to believe that prayer is dependency on magical thinking. Or perhaps we say that we forget to pray. But the biggest question here is What IS Prayer? Is it just the words that we say to a higher being? If so, what are we allowed to say and what is inappropriate to say? More importantly, what will prayer mean if it doesn’t get answered as we’d hoped? And is it possible that prayer is actually very different than what we have imagined it to be? Don’t miss this show.
27/07/201657 minutes, 41 secondes
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To Pray or Not to Pray

We tend to think of prayer as belonging only to religion.It doesn't belong to life, it belong to religion. For those who don’t pray there is a tendency to believe that prayer is dependency on magical thinking. Or perhaps we say that we forget to pray. But the biggest question here is What IS Prayer? Is it just the words that we say to a higher being? If so, what are we allowed to say and what is inappropriate to say? More importantly, what will prayer mean if it doesn’t get answered as we’d hoped? And is it possible that prayer is actually very different than what we have imagined it to be? Don’t miss this show.
27/07/201657 minutes, 41 secondes
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To Pray or Not to Pray

We tend to think of prayer as belonging only to religion.It doesn't belong to life, it belong to religion. For those who don’t pray there is a tendency to believe that prayer is dependency on magical thinking. Or perhaps we say that we forget to pray. But the biggest question here is What IS Prayer? Is it just the words that we say to a higher being? If so, what are we allowed to say and what is inappropriate to say? More importantly, what will prayer mean if it doesn’t get answered as we’d hoped? And is it possible that prayer is actually very different than what we have imagined it to be? Don’t miss this show.
27/07/201657 minutes, 41 secondes
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What if there is no good and no evil?

The global thinking has, since the beginning of time it seems, divided everything in the world up into good or bad, good or evil. The current euphemisms for this same divided thinking are the terms “positive” and “negative.” We eat good food or bad food, we have positive or negative experiences or thoughts…everything is divided this way. But if we removed these terms from our vocabulary what could we learn about ourselves, about life, and about our own potential for Self-actualization? Tune in to find out.
20/07/201657 minutes, 56 secondes
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What if there is no good and no evil?

The global thinking has, since the beginning of time it seems, divided everything in the world up into good or bad, good or evil. The current euphemisms for this same divided thinking are the terms “positive” and “negative.” We eat good food or bad food, we have positive or negative experiences or thoughts…everything is divided this way. But if we removed these terms from our vocabulary what could we learn about ourselves, about life, and about our own potential for Self-actualization? Tune in to find out.
20/07/201657 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: The Evolutionary Power of Relationship

One of the most important tasks of maturity is learning to live with and accept another person as is, while simultaneously holding on to one’s own authenticity. But most of us go through a few relationships with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong before we get involved with someone with whom we can actually complete that task. This should be someone we cannot control and who cannot control us. It should be someone who encourages our authenticity as we encourage theirs. But what does it take to grow to the point where we can have such a relationship? That’s the $65,000 question, as they say. Well this show is going to answer it. Be here for that.
13/07/201657 minutes, 29 secondes
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Encore: The Evolutionary Power of Relationship

One of the most important tasks of maturity is learning to live with and accept another person as is, while simultaneously holding on to one’s own authenticity. But most of us go through a few relationships with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong before we get involved with someone with whom we can actually complete that task. This should be someone we cannot control and who cannot control us. It should be someone who encourages our authenticity as we encourage theirs. But what does it take to grow to the point where we can have such a relationship? That’s the $65,000 question, as they say. Well this show is going to answer it. Be here for that.
13/07/201657 minutes, 29 secondes
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We Westerners got hold of this concept of Karma and turned it into a Western motif. One that has everything to do with our own dualistic thinking about good and evil. One in which if we are bad in one lifetime, then that same kind of badness will happen to us in the next life. And if we are good in a lifetime then that same kind of goodness will happen to us in the next life. This creates a kind of see-saw effect—a see-saw we never get off of. But that is not the original concept of karma—which actually has nothing to do goodness or badness. Show up for this show ready to get the real concept of Karma—a concept that has the potential to change your life.
29/06/201656 minutes, 42 secondes
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We Westerners got hold of this concept of Karma and turned it into a Western motif. One that has everything to do with our own dualistic thinking about good and evil. One in which if we are bad in one lifetime, then that same kind of badness will happen to us in the next life. And if we are good in a lifetime then that same kind of goodness will happen to us in the next life. This creates a kind of see-saw effect—a see-saw we never get off of. But that is not the original concept of karma—which actually has nothing to do goodness or badness. Show up for this show ready to get the real concept of Karma—a concept that has the potential to change your life.
29/06/201656 minutes, 42 secondes
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The most fascinating truth is that both detachment and Oneness are realities of living. We talk about detachment, letting go, as if we really can let go of something or someone and, thereby, be separate from it. But the reality is that when we detach we tell the paradoxical truth of Oneness. We are never really separate from anyone or anything—though we may detach ourselves from their control over our minds. But how can Oneness really be truth if there is so much hate, so much disease, so much poverty? The shadow knows. So today we are going to be talking all about Oneness as the highest form of detachment. Be here for it.
08/06/201657 minutes, 38 secondes
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The most fascinating truth is that both detachment and Oneness are realities of living. We talk about detachment, letting go, as if we really can let go of something or someone and, thereby, be separate from it. But the reality is that when we detach we tell the paradoxical truth of Oneness. We are never really separate from anyone or anything—though we may detach ourselves from their control over our minds. But how can Oneness really be truth if there is so much hate, so much disease, so much poverty? The shadow knows. So today we are going to be talking all about Oneness as the highest form of detachment. Be here for it.
08/06/201657 minutes, 38 secondes
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A Full Cup

There are many, many people out there talking about abundance. They say that if you think only positive thoughts and emotions, if you build the right kind of vision board, you will find yourself gifted with all your dreams come true. Not only is that a bargain with the Universe, but that method puts us into the future, instead of in the now. So how do we stay present and yet achieve our life goals. Today we are going to talk about what really belongs to us. And how it is that we can access it. Don’t miss it.
01/06/201656 minutes, 8 secondes
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A Full Cup

There are many, many people out there talking about abundance. They say that if you think only positive thoughts and emotions, if you build the right kind of vision board, you will find yourself gifted with all your dreams come true. Not only is that a bargain with the Universe, but that method puts us into the future, instead of in the now. So how do we stay present and yet achieve our life goals. Today we are going to talk about what really belongs to us. And how it is that we can access it. Don’t miss it.
01/06/201656 minutes, 8 secondes
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Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love

One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
18/05/201656 minutes, 57 secondes
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Nancy Dreyfus: Talk to Me Like I'm Someone You Love

One of the most difficult challenges of any relationship is communication. How do we say what we mean without lashing out, or hurting the ones we love the most? Unfortunately, we tend to go to the extremes on this one: We either shut-down, or we lash out. Neither of those two options work, however, to create the intimacy that a relationship needs to grow. Nancy Dreyfus has come to our aid here with a beautiful book, “Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love,” containing a set flashcards that say precisely the right thing at precisely the right time. What a beautiful idea. Nancy is a Transpersonal Psychologist who works with many relationships on this very issue of communication, and came up with this idea for her clients. But now we can all benefit from it—so today we are going to be talking about the how-to of communicating at the most difficult times in relationship. You are not going to want to miss this one.
18/05/201656 minutes, 57 secondes
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Encore: How to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship

We have arrived at adolescence in our understanding of relationship—in other words, we have a long way to go. But, well, what do we expect? Only 150 years ago, we were still often arranging marriages. We arranged for a good dowry, good property, money, inheritance, prestige, even good teeth and good hips. So this thing of marrying someone we love is new, and we have only begun the work of understanding how to do it. But you know what happens typically in adolescence: we fall in love and out of love very quickly. Unfortunately, that’s still where we are with this new understanding of marriage. But actually that process for the adolescent teaches him or her something about relationship—and so we are likewise learning. What are we learning? Tune in to find out how to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship.
11/05/201656 minutes, 54 secondes
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Encore: How to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship

We have arrived at adolescence in our understanding of relationship—in other words, we have a long way to go. But, well, what do we expect? Only 150 years ago, we were still often arranging marriages. We arranged for a good dowry, good property, money, inheritance, prestige, even good teeth and good hips. So this thing of marrying someone we love is new, and we have only begun the work of understanding how to do it. But you know what happens typically in adolescence: we fall in love and out of love very quickly. Unfortunately, that’s still where we are with this new understanding of marriage. But actually that process for the adolescent teaches him or her something about relationship—and so we are likewise learning. What are we learning? Tune in to find out how to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship.
11/05/201656 minutes, 54 secondes
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How to Let Go

People say it all the time, right? You hear it almost every day: Let it go, man, just let it go. But what they forget to tell you is HOW to let it go. It’s easier said than done, right? If you are holding on to something, obsessed with it, ruminating over it, worried about it and generally upset over the whole thing, then letting go is going to seem like dropping from the top of the Grand Canyon. It ain’t gonna happen. We simply and profoundly will NOT let go of one thing unless we are holding on to something else. That’s why so many breakups are followed all too swiftly with another quick-start to a new relationship. We are just trying to hold on to something that makes us feel okay. We can tell ourselves we “should be okay” but we are just not. So. How to let go. That’s the topic of today’s show. Don’t miss it.
04/05/201657 minutes, 46 secondes
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How to Let Go

People say it all the time, right? You hear it almost every day: Let it go, man, just let it go. But what they forget to tell you is HOW to let it go. It’s easier said than done, right? If you are holding on to something, obsessed with it, ruminating over it, worried about it and generally upset over the whole thing, then letting go is going to seem like dropping from the top of the Grand Canyon. It ain’t gonna happen. We simply and profoundly will NOT let go of one thing unless we are holding on to something else. That’s why so many breakups are followed all too swiftly with another quick-start to a new relationship. We are just trying to hold on to something that makes us feel okay. We can tell ourselves we “should be okay” but we are just not. So. How to let go. That’s the topic of today’s show. Don’t miss it.
04/05/201657 minutes, 46 secondes
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Encore: What's divine about Self?

In order to answer that question we first have to understand that Self is not the same as self. Indeed, what we consider to be self or personality is commonly made up identity. Identity is formed by introjecting the projections of those who were most significant to us in our early upbringing. It is not who we actually are. Rather it is a mask and costume we put on in order to feel that we belong in our families of origin and we have by now worn for so long and for so deep that we define ourselves by it, without even knowing that it is a mask and costume. Self is who we were (and are) before we introjected those projections. Self is who we came here to be. But what has that to do with the divine? Tune in to find out.
27/04/201657 minutes, 30 secondes
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Encore: What's divine about Self?

In order to answer that question we first have to understand that Self is not the same as self. Indeed, what we consider to be self or personality is commonly made up identity. Identity is formed by introjecting the projections of those who were most significant to us in our early upbringing. It is not who we actually are. Rather it is a mask and costume we put on in order to feel that we belong in our families of origin and we have by now worn for so long and for so deep that we define ourselves by it, without even knowing that it is a mask and costume. Self is who we were (and are) before we introjected those projections. Self is who we came here to be. But what has that to do with the divine? Tune in to find out.
27/04/201657 minutes, 30 secondes
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The Distillation Process of Love

We go around all the time telling each other and ourselves that we should “be” more loving. Be more kind. Be more respectful. But how do we make these shoulds into reality. The truth is that anytime we put the word “should” in front of the word love, it ceases to be love and becomes instead a duty, an ought to, a have to. We think that we should be more loving, and we chastise ourselves when we are not. But we don’t understand the nature of love. This show is going to facilitate a greater understanding of the nature of love, and help us understand the very important transformative process of becoming love.
20/04/201654 minutes, 17 secondes
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The Distillation Process of Love

We go around all the time telling each other and ourselves that we should “be” more loving. Be more kind. Be more respectful. But how do we make these shoulds into reality. The truth is that anytime we put the word “should” in front of the word love, it ceases to be love and becomes instead a duty, an ought to, a have to. We think that we should be more loving, and we chastise ourselves when we are not. But we don’t understand the nature of love. This show is going to facilitate a greater understanding of the nature of love, and help us understand the very important transformative process of becoming love.
20/04/201654 minutes, 17 secondes
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Spiritual Telepathy

I remember watching Star Trek on TV as a teenager and wondering what it would be like to be able to read the minds of other people. Back then that’s what I thought telepathy was all about—sneaking into the thoughts of another person without their knowledge, so that you could outwit, or out-compete them. But our guest today, Colleen Mauro is here to talk to us about the kind of intuition that she calls “Spiritual Telepathy.” Owner and Editor of the magazine “Intuition: A Magazine for the Higher Potential of the Mind,” Mauro has spent years in the study of this, one of the finer capacities of the human mind. Her book, entitled “Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul” is the topic of our discussion today. She is going to inform us as to the use of this very normal human but powerful and life-altering capacity. Don’t miss this show.
13/04/201656 minutes, 40 secondes
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Spiritual Telepathy

I remember watching Star Trek on TV as a teenager and wondering what it would be like to be able to read the minds of other people. Back then that’s what I thought telepathy was all about—sneaking into the thoughts of another person without their knowledge, so that you could outwit, or out-compete them. But our guest today, Colleen Mauro is here to talk to us about the kind of intuition that she calls “Spiritual Telepathy.” Owner and Editor of the magazine “Intuition: A Magazine for the Higher Potential of the Mind,” Mauro has spent years in the study of this, one of the finer capacities of the human mind. Her book, entitled “Spiritual Telepathy: Ancient Techniques to Access the Wisdom of Your Soul” is the topic of our discussion today. She is going to inform us as to the use of this very normal human but powerful and life-altering capacity. Don’t miss this show.
13/04/201656 minutes, 40 secondes
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Encore: Surrender as Personal Empowerment

Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.
06/04/201655 minutes, 55 secondes
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Encore: Surrender as Personal Empowerment

Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.
06/04/201655 minutes, 55 secondes
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Coming Alive

We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.
30/03/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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Coming Alive

We generally belief that “livin’ the good life” means having lots of money to buy all the things that give us pleasure. That’s because we don’t know that pleasure is not the same as joy. We also believe that avoiding difficult (currently called “negative”) emotions is a way to develop a good and happy life. That’s because we do not understand that there’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion—nor do we understand that those emotions that seem the most difficult are frequently the ones that lead us to the capacity for the greatest joy. Coming alive is not a linear upward path to ascendance in which we bliss-out perpetually. Coming alive is the capacity to feel the blood running through your veins, to know the deep crannies and caverns of your existence intimately, so that you begin to sense joy, see joy, breathe joy—by knowing the peace in it ALL. Tune in to learn more about how to come alive.
30/03/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Oneness

Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.
23/03/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Oneness

Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.
23/03/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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Encore: Detachment

If you know anything about the Buddhist philosophy, you know that one of its primary principles is detachment. We are not to attach ourselves to people, places, things, events, circumstances or situations. But how does one live one’s life without attaching to these things? Isn’t that what life is all about—really appreciating and enjoying and being part of these relationships to the accoutrements of living? If so, then what does it mean to detach? Would Western religious philosophies agree with the concept of detachment? Some say it is the key to living a happy life. So, this show might be a really important one. Tune in.
16/03/201657 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore: Detachment

If you know anything about the Buddhist philosophy, you know that one of its primary principles is detachment. We are not to attach ourselves to people, places, things, events, circumstances or situations. But how does one live one’s life without attaching to these things? Isn’t that what life is all about—really appreciating and enjoying and being part of these relationships to the accoutrements of living? If so, then what does it mean to detach? Would Western religious philosophies agree with the concept of detachment? Some say it is the key to living a happy life. So, this show might be a really important one. Tune in.
16/03/201657 minutes, 23 secondes
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Encore: Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
09/03/201655 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
09/03/201655 minutes, 56 secondes
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What's divine about Self?

In order to answer that question we first have to understand that Self is not the same as self. Indeed, what we consider to be self or personality is commonly made up identity. Identity is formed by introjecting the projections of those who were most significant to us in our early upbringing. It is not who we actually are. Rather it is a mask and costume we put on in order to feel that we belong in our families of origin and we have by now worn for so long and for so deep that we define ourselves by it, without even knowing that it is a mask and costume. Self is who we were (and are) before we introjected those projections. Self is who we came here to be. But what has that to do with the divine? Tune in to find out.
02/03/201657 minutes, 30 secondes
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What's divine about Self?

In order to answer that question we first have to understand that Self is not the same as self. Indeed, what we consider to be self or personality is commonly made up identity. Identity is formed by introjecting the projections of those who were most significant to us in our early upbringing. It is not who we actually are. Rather it is a mask and costume we put on in order to feel that we belong in our families of origin and we have by now worn for so long and for so deep that we define ourselves by it, without even knowing that it is a mask and costume. Self is who we were (and are) before we introjected those projections. Self is who we came here to be. But what has that to do with the divine? Tune in to find out.
02/03/201657 minutes, 30 secondes
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Surrender to the Divine Self

There is not one single miracle, not one single answered prayer, not one single period of bliss or peace that does not involve at least a temporary state of surrender to divine Self. That said, however, that is not how we think. Not only is the whole idea of surrender a difficult one for us to consider, but the whole idea of Self as divine is all but intolerable to many. So on today’s show we are going to explore what it means to surrender and what it means to surrender to divine Self. Everyone out there who is considering the possibility of an answered prayer, who longs for bliss or peace, who is seeking a miracle should be here for today’s show. Til then.
24/02/201658 minutes, 41 secondes
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Surrender to the Divine Self

There is not one single miracle, not one single answered prayer, not one single period of bliss or peace that does not involve at least a temporary state of surrender to divine Self. That said, however, that is not how we think. Not only is the whole idea of surrender a difficult one for us to consider, but the whole idea of Self as divine is all but intolerable to many. So on today’s show we are going to explore what it means to surrender and what it means to surrender to divine Self. Everyone out there who is considering the possibility of an answered prayer, who longs for bliss or peace, who is seeking a miracle should be here for today’s show. Til then.
24/02/201658 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore: Duality - What is it and how do we deal with it?

We have all been taught to believe in a dualistic frame of reference. All of our lives have been built upon this premise--our religions, our families, our financial institutions, our healthcare, our work ethic and our very sense of ourselves. To take a different tack is to give enormous energy to thinking and living differently in a world that requires that we stay the same. Not only the same as we were, but the same as everyone and everything else. And yet this very desire for sameness is a kind of warped attempt at a deep and abiding connection that belies the duality upon which it is based. In the hypnotic dualistic frame of reference, we are separate from any form of Divinity and from each other. And yet we continue to seek connection. Why is this? Listen to today’s show and explore who you are both from the dualistic perspective and from its opposite—the perspective of Oneness. Don’t miss this important show.
17/02/201656 minutes, 8 secondes
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Encore: Duality - What is it and how do we deal with it?

We have all been taught to believe in a dualistic frame of reference. All of our lives have been built upon this premise--our religions, our families, our financial institutions, our healthcare, our work ethic and our very sense of ourselves. To take a different tack is to give enormous energy to thinking and living differently in a world that requires that we stay the same. Not only the same as we were, but the same as everyone and everything else. And yet this very desire for sameness is a kind of warped attempt at a deep and abiding connection that belies the duality upon which it is based. In the hypnotic dualistic frame of reference, we are separate from any form of Divinity and from each other. And yet we continue to seek connection. Why is this? Listen to today’s show and explore who you are both from the dualistic perspective and from its opposite—the perspective of Oneness. Don’t miss this important show.
17/02/201656 minutes, 8 secondes
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If you know anything about the Buddhist philosophy, you know that one of its primary principles is detachment. We are not to attach ourselves to people, places, things, events, circumstances or situations. But how does one live one’s life without attaching to these things? Isn’t that what life is all about—really appreciating and enjoying and being part of these relationships to the accoutrements of living? If so, then what does it mean to detach? Would Western religious philosophies agree with the concept of detachment? Some say it is the key to living a happy life. So, this show might be a really important one. Tune in.
10/02/201657 minutes, 23 secondes
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If you know anything about the Buddhist philosophy, you know that one of its primary principles is detachment. We are not to attach ourselves to people, places, things, events, circumstances or situations. But how does one live one’s life without attaching to these things? Isn’t that what life is all about—really appreciating and enjoying and being part of these relationships to the accoutrements of living? If so, then what does it mean to detach? Would Western religious philosophies agree with the concept of detachment? Some say it is the key to living a happy life. So, this show might be a really important one. Tune in.
10/02/201657 minutes, 23 secondes
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The Ancient YOU

Have you found your deepest ancient roots? No. We're not talking about your genealogy, though that can certainly be a part of it. We’re talking about the deepest collective archetypal memories found in the corpuscles of your blood and the marrow of your bones. And of how your personal psychology connects to this. These two, can unite to create a primal essence, which is at least an aspect of the authentic Self if not its entirety. It speaks to us in our dreams, in the symbols with which we resonate and in the seemingly magical synchronistic events of our lives. Making contact with these symbols facilitates our awakening to who we are. Let’s talk about that together. Don’t miss it.
03/02/201656 minutes, 25 secondes
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The Ancient YOU

Have you found your deepest ancient roots? No. We're not talking about your genealogy, though that can certainly be a part of it. We’re talking about the deepest collective archetypal memories found in the corpuscles of your blood and the marrow of your bones. And of how your personal psychology connects to this. These two, can unite to create a primal essence, which is at least an aspect of the authentic Self if not its entirety. It speaks to us in our dreams, in the symbols with which we resonate and in the seemingly magical synchronistic events of our lives. Making contact with these symbols facilitates our awakening to who we are. Let’s talk about that together. Don’t miss it.
03/02/201656 minutes, 25 secondes
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Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.
27/01/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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Why is it so very difficult for us to imagine that we are One with all, and that all is One with us? Why is it that we feel so very separate from the divine and each other? Why does any one of us ever feel lonely? Today we are going to answer those questions to the best of our ability given the mystery that is Oneness. If you suffer with feelings of guilt, shame, emptiness, loneliness, differentness, this show could facilitate a bridge to awakening for you. Don’t miss it.
27/01/201656 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Gift of Sorrow

No one wants to feel sorrow. It is the emotion we most avoid, for it makes us vulnerable to the onslaughts of deep emotional and psychic shifts. We live in a world in which the social pressures and rigid schedules of life forbid our sorrow. Yet sorrow changes us, allows us into the closets where we have hidden the authentic Self. Our guest today is going to talk to us about sorrow and how we might facilitate a deeper soulful journey through sorrow. Author of “The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief,” Frances Weller is a Psychotherapist, writer and soul activist, who has founded “The Wisdom Bridge” to provide educational programs to bring together wisdom from indigenous cultures and the Western culture. His special gift is synthesizing and integrating psychology, anthropology, mythology, alchemy, indigenous cultures and poetic traditions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the gift of sorrow.
20/01/201656 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Gift of Sorrow

No one wants to feel sorrow. It is the emotion we most avoid, for it makes us vulnerable to the onslaughts of deep emotional and psychic shifts. We live in a world in which the social pressures and rigid schedules of life forbid our sorrow. Yet sorrow changes us, allows us into the closets where we have hidden the authentic Self. Our guest today is going to talk to us about sorrow and how we might facilitate a deeper soulful journey through sorrow. Author of “The Wild Edge of Sorrow: Rituals of Renewal and the Sacred Work of Grief,” Frances Weller is a Psychotherapist, writer and soul activist, who has founded “The Wisdom Bridge” to provide educational programs to bring together wisdom from indigenous cultures and the Western culture. His special gift is synthesizing and integrating psychology, anthropology, mythology, alchemy, indigenous cultures and poetic traditions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about the gift of sorrow.
20/01/201656 minutes, 35 secondes
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Encore: Beginning Again

Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Well here it is the 8th of January. Is that still working for you a little over a week into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
06/01/201655 minutes, 52 secondes
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Encore: Beginning Again

Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Well here it is the 8th of January. Is that still working for you a little over a week into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
06/01/201655 minutes, 52 secondes
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Encore: Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
23/12/201558 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore: Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
23/12/201558 minutes, 20 secondes
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Encore: Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
16/12/201555 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
16/12/201555 minutes, 56 secondes
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Gratitude and Presence

There are many spiritual teachers teaching that we should practice gratitude as a daily, even hourly part of our routine—so that we will maintain a positive outlook, increase our mood, decrease our stress and make us generally nicer people. Two problems with that: 1) when we add “should” to gratitude it ceases to be gratitude and becomes a duty; 2) anytime we add a “so that” to our spiritual routines, they cease to be spiritual and become conflated, contrivances meant to manipulate the gods. Gratitude is actually a form of presence. And presence is a spiritual practice that has only to do with embracing life on life’s terms. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to live, rather than merely survive.
09/12/201557 minutes, 16 secondes
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Gratitude and Presence

There are many spiritual teachers teaching that we should practice gratitude as a daily, even hourly part of our routine—so that we will maintain a positive outlook, increase our mood, decrease our stress and make us generally nicer people. Two problems with that: 1) when we add “should” to gratitude it ceases to be gratitude and becomes a duty; 2) anytime we add a “so that” to our spiritual routines, they cease to be spiritual and become conflated, contrivances meant to manipulate the gods. Gratitude is actually a form of presence. And presence is a spiritual practice that has only to do with embracing life on life’s terms. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to live, rather than merely survive.
09/12/201557 minutes, 16 secondes
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Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
02/12/201555 minutes, 56 secondes
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Inside the Miracle with Mark Nepo

What do we do with the enormous suffering created by such things as deadly illness and trauma? They say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. But when the miracles come, what is it that happens within us, around us, about us? What is it that transforms us? Mark Nepo is coming back to the Authentic Living show to discuss his latest book, Inside the Miracle, in which he reveals his own miraculous recovery from cancer and all of the profound insights that came with it during, right after and in the years since. Mark is the bestselling author of The Book of Awakening, a poet, philosopher and spiritual teacher who has published 16 books, and 11 audio projects. This interview is going to be moving, profoundly insightful and it will offer powerful guidance to those suffering right now. Don’t miss it.
02/12/201555 minutes, 56 secondes
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Encore: Where is Your Peace?

If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.
25/11/201556 minutes, 16 secondes
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Encore: Where is Your Peace?

If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.
25/11/201556 minutes, 16 secondes
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What can you expect to happen next in your life? Will you get that job or relationship you want? Or not. What if it doesn’t happen? What will you do then? Better yet, what will you believe then? What do you imagine is supposed to happen in your life? What about what you deserve—what do you deserve to happen in your life? What if you don’t know? Are you doing something wrong? These questions and more are discussed and answered on today’s show. Don’t miss it.
11/11/201556 minutes, 42 secondes
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What can you expect to happen next in your life? Will you get that job or relationship you want? Or not. What if it doesn’t happen? What will you do then? Better yet, what will you believe then? What do you imagine is supposed to happen in your life? What about what you deserve—what do you deserve to happen in your life? What if you don’t know? Are you doing something wrong? These questions and more are discussed and answered on today’s show. Don’t miss it.
11/11/201556 minutes, 42 secondes
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Encore: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
28/10/201556 minutes, 15 secondes
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Encore: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
28/10/201556 minutes, 15 secondes
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Where is Your Peace

If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.
21/10/201556 minutes, 16 secondes
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Where is Your Peace

If you are like most people, at some point in your life you begin to think that lasting peace or happiness will forever elude you. You may have had periods of satisfaction or contentment but deep, abiding peace seem to be impossible. This is a profound moment of possibility, because for the first time you are wondering about one of the most basic elements of the living experience—our own peace. Why is it that peace is so elusive? Is it possible for us to really have and own our peace? If so, how do we do that? Today we are going to be talking to Christopher Papadopoulas, author of “Peace And Where To Find It”, who is going to help us answer some of these very important questions. Don’t miss it.
21/10/201556 minutes, 16 secondes
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Wicked Thoughts

We still hear a lot about how it is that we should control our thoughts so that we can get what we want. There are memes on social media sites every day about this idea. We are constantly being advised to watch what we are thinking, because the Universe is listening and responding to our thoughts as if they were direct orders for the Universe to follow. But our wicked thoughts, called by most “negative thoughts” do not have the power to manipulate the Universe—surely we know that the Universe is way more intelligent than that! So what is true? What is the truth about our thoughts and their impact on the Universe? If you have been trying to get your thoughts to behave themselves and stop being so wicked, stop betraying you by making the Universe work against you, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
14/10/201556 minutes, 18 secondes
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Wicked Thoughts

We still hear a lot about how it is that we should control our thoughts so that we can get what we want. There are memes on social media sites every day about this idea. We are constantly being advised to watch what we are thinking, because the Universe is listening and responding to our thoughts as if they were direct orders for the Universe to follow. But our wicked thoughts, called by most “negative thoughts” do not have the power to manipulate the Universe—surely we know that the Universe is way more intelligent than that! So what is true? What is the truth about our thoughts and their impact on the Universe? If you have been trying to get your thoughts to behave themselves and stop being so wicked, stop betraying you by making the Universe work against you, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
14/10/201556 minutes, 18 secondes
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Surrender as Personal Empowerment

Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.
07/10/201555 minutes, 55 secondes
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Surrender as Personal Empowerment

Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.
07/10/201555 minutes, 55 secondes
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How to Thrive Through Life's Transitions

We all have major life transitions, which come in many different forms. But these difficult times can be thresholds to a new adventure. How do we take the challenge to turn what appears to be a block or even a death, into a threshold? Rabbi Sherre Hirsch has come today to talk to us about her 2nd book, Thresholds: How to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions. Rabbi Hirsch is the first female Rabbi, who served for 8 years as the Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles. She has since left the more traditional pulpit to serve a larger, more diverse “congregation.” She is now a nationally recognized personality who speaks across the country and frequently appears in the national media. She also serves as Spiritual Consultant to Canyon Ranch properties. Rabbi Sherre blends ancient tradition and modern day application to empower individuals to be their own spiritual guides. You are not going to want to miss this show.
30/09/201554 minutes, 58 secondes
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How to Thrive Through Life's Transitions

We all have major life transitions, which come in many different forms. But these difficult times can be thresholds to a new adventure. How do we take the challenge to turn what appears to be a block or even a death, into a threshold? Rabbi Sherre Hirsch has come today to talk to us about her 2nd book, Thresholds: How to Thrive Through Life’s Transitions. Rabbi Hirsch is the first female Rabbi, who served for 8 years as the Rabbi of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles. She has since left the more traditional pulpit to serve a larger, more diverse “congregation.” She is now a nationally recognized personality who speaks across the country and frequently appears in the national media. She also serves as Spiritual Consultant to Canyon Ranch properties. Rabbi Sherre blends ancient tradition and modern day application to empower individuals to be their own spiritual guides. You are not going to want to miss this show.
30/09/201554 minutes, 58 secondes
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Mind Control of Original Thought?

Have you ever looked back over your life and thought to yourself, “I’ve been had?” Well, don’t feel alone, many of us have experienced deliberate gotcha’s perpetrated by those who want to manipulate, abuse or control us. But there’s a bigger story—a more global story to this whole thing of manipulation, and Eldon Taylor is here today to tell us about it, and how we may avoid falling prey to it. His latest book, “Gotcha!” tells us all about the silent battle that has been raging for more than a century for the territory of our minds. The book explores the 24/7 bombardment of information designed to win the hearts and minds of the public, and exposes the arrival of the Orwellian age in full-blown technicolor. In revealing the game, he helps us know what we need to do to avoid allowing others to puppet our thoughts and to maintain original thinking. This is going to be a mind-blower today. Don’t miss it.
23/09/201555 minutes, 40 secondes
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Mind Control of Original Thought?

Have you ever looked back over your life and thought to yourself, “I’ve been had?” Well, don’t feel alone, many of us have experienced deliberate gotcha’s perpetrated by those who want to manipulate, abuse or control us. But there’s a bigger story—a more global story to this whole thing of manipulation, and Eldon Taylor is here today to tell us about it, and how we may avoid falling prey to it. His latest book, “Gotcha!” tells us all about the silent battle that has been raging for more than a century for the territory of our minds. The book explores the 24/7 bombardment of information designed to win the hearts and minds of the public, and exposes the arrival of the Orwellian age in full-blown technicolor. In revealing the game, he helps us know what we need to do to avoid allowing others to puppet our thoughts and to maintain original thinking. This is going to be a mind-blower today. Don’t miss it.
23/09/201555 minutes, 40 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
16/09/201554 minutes, 33 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
16/09/201554 minutes, 33 secondes
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How to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship

We have arrived at adolescence in our understanding of relationship—in other words, we have a long way to go. But, well, what do we expect? Only 150 years ago, we were still often arranging marriages. We arranged for a good dowry, good property, money, inheritance, prestige, even good teeth and good hips. So this thing of marrying someone we love is new, and we have only begun the work of understanding how to do it. But you know what happens typically in adolescence: we fall in love and out of love very quickly. Unfortunately, that’s still where we are with this new understanding of marriage. But actually that process for the adolescent teaches him or her something about relationship—and so we are likewise learning. What are we learning? Tune in to find out how to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship.
09/09/201556 minutes, 54 secondes
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How to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship

We have arrived at adolescence in our understanding of relationship—in other words, we have a long way to go. But, well, what do we expect? Only 150 years ago, we were still often arranging marriages. We arranged for a good dowry, good property, money, inheritance, prestige, even good teeth and good hips. So this thing of marrying someone we love is new, and we have only begun the work of understanding how to do it. But you know what happens typically in adolescence: we fall in love and out of love very quickly. Unfortunately, that’s still where we are with this new understanding of marriage. But actually that process for the adolescent teaches him or her something about relationship—and so we are likewise learning. What are we learning? Tune in to find out how to have a healthy, happy, long-term relationship.
09/09/201556 minutes, 54 secondes
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Illusions, Delusions and Lies

What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
26/08/201558 minutes, 14 secondes
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Illusions, Delusions and Lies

What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
26/08/201558 minutes, 14 secondes
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Illusions, Delusions and Lies

What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.
26/08/201558 minutes, 14 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Getting the Gift from Grief

When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
19/08/201557 minutes, 43 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Getting the Gift from Grief

When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
19/08/201557 minutes, 43 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
12/08/201557 minutes, 46 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
12/08/201557 minutes, 46 secondes
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We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
05/08/201557 minutes, 55 secondes
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We get lost in the holes in the sidewalk of our psyches. These holes are like the traps made for wild animals in the wilderness, all covered up with brush and dirt, so that we think we are just continuing on the path. But suddenly and without our knowing how, we fall into the hole—we are lost again. We’ve fallen into that old complex, that old default position. We don’t know how we got there, we don’t know how to get out—heck, we don’t even know that we are in it. We’re just doing what we’ve always done. This complex drags us around by our emotions, intense emotions that seem compulsive in nature. They tell us what to do and we are just compelled to do them. And what they tell us to do turns out to be just all wrong. Now we’ve done it and we begin to awaken to the facts of the fall and we are asking, “how in the world did this happen?” Well, we are going to answer that question today. Don’t miss it.
05/08/201557 minutes, 55 secondes
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Vulnerability, Your Greatest Strength

In this day in which we are being taught to build self-confidence without even making reference to an authentic Self, we think that vulnerabilities make us weak. But actually, just the reverse is true. For, how might one come to know one’s self completely without getting intimate with one’s own vulnerabilities? How will we know our deepest needs, and most authentic desires, without coming to know our vulnerabilities? And isn’t it our vulnerabilities that allow us to take loving care of ourselves? There are many more things that our vulnerabilities do for us. And we are going to talk about them all this week. Don’t miss it.
29/07/201556 minutes, 40 secondes
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Vulnerability, Your Greatest Strength

In this day in which we are being taught to build self-confidence without even making reference to an authentic Self, we think that vulnerabilities make us weak. But actually, just the reverse is true. For, how might one come to know one’s self completely without getting intimate with one’s own vulnerabilities? How will we know our deepest needs, and most authentic desires, without coming to know our vulnerabilities? And isn’t it our vulnerabilities that allow us to take loving care of ourselves? There are many more things that our vulnerabilities do for us. And we are going to talk about them all this week. Don’t miss it.
29/07/201556 minutes, 40 secondes
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There is No 'Should' in Front of Real Love

Most of us have been taught that loving others is our job, our duty—that we must love others in order to be considered to be good citizens of the world. But love, real love, is not a function of striving. It is not a function of “should,” or duty or loyalty or any other of those favorite words we use to shame ourselves into compliance with the duty of love. Love is not a duty. Love is an impulse. A deep, abiding and authentic impulse to behave in loving, kind, caring ways to self and others. We all have it, but we have all been taught to ignore that very natural impulse, in favor of obedience to the “should,” the duty, the obligation and the guilt. How do we get back in touch with that natural impulse? Tune in. We are going to tell you how.
22/07/201557 minutes, 34 secondes
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There is No 'Should' in Front of Real Love

Most of us have been taught that loving others is our job, our duty—that we must love others in order to be considered to be good citizens of the world. But love, real love, is not a function of striving. It is not a function of “should,” or duty or loyalty or any other of those favorite words we use to shame ourselves into compliance with the duty of love. Love is not a duty. Love is an impulse. A deep, abiding and authentic impulse to behave in loving, kind, caring ways to self and others. We all have it, but we have all been taught to ignore that very natural impulse, in favor of obedience to the “should,” the duty, the obligation and the guilt. How do we get back in touch with that natural impulse? Tune in. We are going to tell you how.
22/07/201557 minutes, 34 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Rosanne Cash and the Authentic Life

Rosanne Cash comes to the Authentic Living show this week to discuss her latest book, Composed: A Memoir, the powerful, poetic and poignant story of her own inner journey, which touches us at a deep essential and spiritual core. Rosanne is one of America’s preeminent singers and song writers with fourteen albums and eleven # 1 singles to her credit. Her albums, which reach people from across the various music genres, include: Right or Wrong, Seven Year Ache, Somewhere in the Stars, Rhythm and Romance, King's Record Shop, Interiors, The Wheel, 10 Song Demo, Rules of Travel, Black Cadillac, The List and The Essential Rosanne Cash. First known as the daughter of Johnny Cash, she moved on to find and live into her own genuine perspective, talent and personality, as she created song after song that reflected on the deeper meaning of life. She is also the author of two other books, as well as several essays and short stories published in major national magazines. You don’t want to miss it!
08/07/201554 minutes, 57 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Rosanne Cash and the Authentic Life

Rosanne Cash comes to the Authentic Living show this week to discuss her latest book, Composed: A Memoir, the powerful, poetic and poignant story of her own inner journey, which touches us at a deep essential and spiritual core. Rosanne is one of America’s preeminent singers and song writers with fourteen albums and eleven # 1 singles to her credit. Her albums, which reach people from across the various music genres, include: Right or Wrong, Seven Year Ache, Somewhere in the Stars, Rhythm and Romance, King's Record Shop, Interiors, The Wheel, 10 Song Demo, Rules of Travel, Black Cadillac, The List and The Essential Rosanne Cash. First known as the daughter of Johnny Cash, she moved on to find and live into her own genuine perspective, talent and personality, as she created song after song that reflected on the deeper meaning of life. She is also the author of two other books, as well as several essays and short stories published in major national magazines. You don’t want to miss it!
08/07/201554 minutes, 57 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
01/07/201556 minutes, 14 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
01/07/201556 minutes, 14 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
24/06/201556 minutes, 15 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
24/06/201556 minutes, 15 secondes
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Stop Being Good; Start Being Real

Most of us have been raised to be good. We were to share, be kind, be loving, say thank you when we didn’t feel grateful, say I’m sorry when we weren’t, hug people we didn’t want to hug and say we loved people we didn’t even know, much less love. But the idea of goodness held a magical quality for most of us. We thought that IF we were good enough, THEN we would be worthy, we would be loved and we could finally rest secure. We assume, therefore, that being real means being less than good—and the magic will go away. We assume that then we will not be worthy and we will not be loved. But being real doesn’t mean being bad, mean, unkind or unworthy. Being real means being genuine. And this show is not only going to clarify the difference but it will bring home the reasoning for why we drop the act of being good and begin to adopt and adjust to our genuine Self. Don’t miss it.
17/06/201554 minutes, 59 secondes
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Stop Being Good; Start Being Real

Most of us have been raised to be good. We were to share, be kind, be loving, say thank you when we didn’t feel grateful, say I’m sorry when we weren’t, hug people we didn’t want to hug and say we loved people we didn’t even know, much less love. But the idea of goodness held a magical quality for most of us. We thought that IF we were good enough, THEN we would be worthy, we would be loved and we could finally rest secure. We assume, therefore, that being real means being less than good—and the magic will go away. We assume that then we will not be worthy and we will not be loved. But being real doesn’t mean being bad, mean, unkind or unworthy. Being real means being genuine. And this show is not only going to clarify the difference but it will bring home the reasoning for why we drop the act of being good and begin to adopt and adjust to our genuine Self. Don’t miss it.
17/06/201554 minutes, 59 secondes
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What Makes People Change?

The first question before that, of course, is “Can people really change?” Well the answer is “yes,” but we’ve all heard about those Road to Damascus changes that leave us scratching our heads and waiting for them to change back, right? Well, Bruce Grierson, author of the book, all about these kinds of changes, and entitled “U-Turn,” is going to talk to us about the mystery of this kind of complete 180 degree shift in a person’s consciousness. I read his wonderful article in the March 15, 2015 issue of Psychology Today, entitled “Eureka,” and knew I had to get him for this show. This one is going to be fascinating. Don’t miss it.
10/06/201557 minutes, 39 secondes
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What Makes People Change?

The first question before that, of course, is “Can people really change?” Well the answer is “yes,” but we’ve all heard about those Road to Damascus changes that leave us scratching our heads and waiting for them to change back, right? Well, Bruce Grierson, author of the book, all about these kinds of changes, and entitled “U-Turn,” is going to talk to us about the mystery of this kind of complete 180 degree shift in a person’s consciousness. I read his wonderful article in the March 15, 2015 issue of Psychology Today, entitled “Eureka,” and knew I had to get him for this show. This one is going to be fascinating. Don’t miss it.
10/06/201557 minutes, 39 secondes
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Getting the Gift from Grief

When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
03/06/201557 minutes, 43 secondes
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Getting the Gift from Grief

When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
03/06/201557 minutes, 43 secondes
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Getting the Gift from Grief

When we experience a loss or a defeat, we often feel a great deal of pain. Added to that pain is also a self-judgment, self-recrimination, that has to do with our effort to spiritually by-pass grief altogether. Many are teaching that to have the typical feelings of grief means that we are unwilling to let go, or that we are “ staying stuck” in anger—one of the natural phases of acceptance of any difficult reality. But grief that is allowed its full array of phases and stages has a very natural transformative power. It changes us to the core with lasting and deeply spiritual changes. Today we are going to talk about how you can get the gift of grief. Don’t miss this show—even if you are not grieving right now, you will one day, and this show can help you know what to do when that happens.
03/06/201557 minutes, 43 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
27/05/201554 minutes, 33 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
27/05/201554 minutes, 33 secondes
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Your Soul's True Mate

One of the most important aspects of adult life is the journey to finding a soulmate. This is an urgent mission for so many in our world. And now with the addition of online dating sites we are making the mission an E-mission in many cases. So many of us think we have found Mr. or Ms. Right, when in fact we have just found again the same Mr. or Ms. Wrong we found the last time we looked. Simran Singh teaches us how to take the spiritual journey to your soul’s true mate, in her latest book “Your Journey to Love: Discover the Path to Your Soul’s True Mate.” And we are going to be talking to her today about that very journey. If you are looking for your soulmate, tune in, and take notes. This show is for you.
13/05/201557 minutes, 27 secondes
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Your Soul's True Mate

One of the most important aspects of adult life is the journey to finding a soulmate. This is an urgent mission for so many in our world. And now with the addition of online dating sites we are making the mission an E-mission in many cases. So many of us think we have found Mr. or Ms. Right, when in fact we have just found again the same Mr. or Ms. Wrong we found the last time we looked. Simran Singh teaches us how to take the spiritual journey to your soul’s true mate, in her latest book “Your Journey to Love: Discover the Path to Your Soul’s True Mate.” And we are going to be talking to her today about that very journey. If you are looking for your soulmate, tune in, and take notes. This show is for you.
13/05/201557 minutes, 27 secondes
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We hear the word “abundant” quite a bit these days. Mostly we think of this word in terms of money. We can’t seem to help it. Our world is virtually run by money. When we want something, the first thing we think of is whether or not we can afford it. When we want to go somewhere, the first thing we think of is how we will pay for it. This is the way the world works. But it is not the way abundance works. In fact, abundance is the truth of our existence—we just don’t see it. During this one hour show, we are going to learn all about the nature of abundance and how we can learn to see it. Don’t miss it.
06/05/201557 minutes, 13 secondes
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We hear the word “abundant” quite a bit these days. Mostly we think of this word in terms of money. We can’t seem to help it. Our world is virtually run by money. When we want something, the first thing we think of is whether or not we can afford it. When we want to go somewhere, the first thing we think of is how we will pay for it. This is the way the world works. But it is not the way abundance works. In fact, abundance is the truth of our existence—we just don’t see it. During this one hour show, we are going to learn all about the nature of abundance and how we can learn to see it. Don’t miss it.
06/05/201557 minutes, 13 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
29/04/201557 minutes, 35 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
29/04/201557 minutes, 35 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
22/04/201557 minutes, 55 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
22/04/201557 minutes, 55 secondes
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Getting out of the Game

Do you find yourself doing all manner of things you don’t really want to do? Do you often hear yourself saying “I have to…”? Do you find yourself having fantasies of saying what you’ve always felt about someone who gets your goat just about every time you see them? Do you look back on your yesterdays thinking of the many times when you have been used and/or abused by others? Well, you can get out of the game anytime you want. Really, you say. But you don’t know my mother (or father or husband or wife). You don’t know how hard it is for me. Or you might try saying, the most fatalistic of all excuses: “That’s easier said than done,” with a vacuous sigh that heaves responsibility back onto the world. But, really, you can. You can get out of the game anytime you want. How? Well, that’s what we’ll be talking about this week. Don’t miss it.
15/04/201557 minutes, 5 secondes
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Getting out of the Game

Do you find yourself doing all manner of things you don’t really want to do? Do you often hear yourself saying “I have to…”? Do you find yourself having fantasies of saying what you’ve always felt about someone who gets your goat just about every time you see them? Do you look back on your yesterdays thinking of the many times when you have been used and/or abused by others? Well, you can get out of the game anytime you want. Really, you say. But you don’t know my mother (or father or husband or wife). You don’t know how hard it is for me. Or you might try saying, the most fatalistic of all excuses: “That’s easier said than done,” with a vacuous sigh that heaves responsibility back onto the world. But, really, you can. You can get out of the game anytime you want. How? Well, that’s what we’ll be talking about this week. Don’t miss it.
15/04/201557 minutes, 5 secondes
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The MYTH of the Universal Battle Between Good and Evil

For centuries we have been attempting to fight the good fight, to finally put an end to evil once and for all. Mostly we think that we will accomplish this through government, philanthropy, and the power of wealth in groups of people bound together on a mission to do away with evil. But we also think of it very personally, so that we must go to war within ourselves against the “evil” within. And if someone were to say to most of us that there is no such thing as good or evil, we would vehemently argue that a) it is just that kind of thinking that creates even more evil and b) that if we ever were to stop fighting the great battle, we would not only lose our sense of nobility, but we would be overwhelmed with all the evil that really is always lurking around trying to find an open door to fly through. We are terrified of realizing that though we have been fighting this battle for centuries, nothing has changed. And yet that is the truth. So, what is to be done? Tune in to find out.
08/04/201554 minutes, 3 secondes
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The MYTH of the Universal Battle Between Good and Evil

For centuries we have been attempting to fight the good fight, to finally put an end to evil once and for all. Mostly we think that we will accomplish this through government, philanthropy, and the power of wealth in groups of people bound together on a mission to do away with evil. But we also think of it very personally, so that we must go to war within ourselves against the “evil” within. And if someone were to say to most of us that there is no such thing as good or evil, we would vehemently argue that a) it is just that kind of thinking that creates even more evil and b) that if we ever were to stop fighting the great battle, we would not only lose our sense of nobility, but we would be overwhelmed with all the evil that really is always lurking around trying to find an open door to fly through. We are terrified of realizing that though we have been fighting this battle for centuries, nothing has changed. And yet that is the truth. So, what is to be done? Tune in to find out.
08/04/201554 minutes, 3 secondes
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NO such thing as "Good Guilt"

“What’s-a-mattah? Got a guilty conscience?” Remember hearing this as a child? I do. And I remember that having a “guilty conscience” meant that you’d done something wrong. When you put that in reverse, you come to understand that we might not know we’ve “done wrong” unless we have a “guilty conscience.” We were all raised on this notion that guilt is a good thing. It helps us know when we’ve done or are about to do something wrong. On the other hand we all know those people who identify as “guilty”. They introduce their problem with guilt by saying “I’m a good Catholic,” or “I’m Jewish,” or “I was raised Baptist.” What these more extreme illustrations clearly demonstrate is that guilt is taught. In other words, guilt is not natural to us. Many would say, “well, of course it isn’t, that’s why we need to teach people to feel guilty.” But what if guilt, any guilt, actually blocks the pathway to an authentic connection to the divine? Let’s talk about it.
01/04/201558 minutes, 43 secondes
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NO such thing as "Good Guilt"

“What’s-a-mattah? Got a guilty conscience?” Remember hearing this as a child? I do. And I remember that having a “guilty conscience” meant that you’d done something wrong. When you put that in reverse, you come to understand that we might not know we’ve “done wrong” unless we have a “guilty conscience.” We were all raised on this notion that guilt is a good thing. It helps us know when we’ve done or are about to do something wrong. On the other hand we all know those people who identify as “guilty”. They introduce their problem with guilt by saying “I’m a good Catholic,” or “I’m Jewish,” or “I was raised Baptist.” What these more extreme illustrations clearly demonstrate is that guilt is taught. In other words, guilt is not natural to us. Many would say, “well, of course it isn’t, that’s why we need to teach people to feel guilty.” But what if guilt, any guilt, actually blocks the pathway to an authentic connection to the divine? Let’s talk about it.
01/04/201558 minutes, 43 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
25/03/201557 minutes, 46 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
25/03/201557 minutes, 46 secondes
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Mark Nepo on Authentic Living

Mark Nepo is an author, poet, philosopher, beloved teacher and cancer survivor who has, for thirty years, been exploring how we can stay awake and authentic when our wounds make us numb and hidden; how we can minimize what stands between us and our experience of life; how we can create a practice that wears down what thickens around our hearts and minds. And today we are going to talk to him about those very things, as we explore together the meanings and messages of his books, The Endless Practice and Reduced to Joy. The Endless Practice explores how the soul works in the world, and how by engaging our soul in the world, we are shaped by the endless practice of becoming who we were born to be. Reduced to Joy is a book of poems about the nature of working with what we are given until it wears us through to joy. This is a special opportunity to come closer to your own soul. Don’t miss it.
18/03/201557 minutes, 12 secondes
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Mark Nepo on Authentic Living

Mark Nepo is an author, poet, philosopher, beloved teacher and cancer survivor who has, for thirty years, been exploring how we can stay awake and authentic when our wounds make us numb and hidden; how we can minimize what stands between us and our experience of life; how we can create a practice that wears down what thickens around our hearts and minds. And today we are going to talk to him about those very things, as we explore together the meanings and messages of his books, The Endless Practice and Reduced to Joy. The Endless Practice explores how the soul works in the world, and how by engaging our soul in the world, we are shaped by the endless practice of becoming who we were born to be. Reduced to Joy is a book of poems about the nature of working with what we are given until it wears us through to joy. This is a special opportunity to come closer to your own soul. Don’t miss it.
18/03/201557 minutes, 12 secondes
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How to work with the Shadow

There are many people out there telling us today, that the shadow is the bad, sabotaging part of us, and that because it is, we need to clean it out. Those same people tell us that the ego, though also bad, is the opposite of shadow and what we need to do with ego is to get rid of it altogether. But what if the divine Self is also in the unconscious, and the ego is just a liaison between the conscious and the unconscious? You see, since most of us have lived largely unconscious of who we actually are, the Self is hidden from us in the unconscious. Instead of living as Self, we’ve lived in an identity that isn’t at all who we are, but rather a mask and costume meant to help us cope with and survive our childhoods and families of origin. And the liaison of the ego is, in this case weighted way too heavy on the outer world. So if what we have learned about the shadow isn’t really true, how do we work with the shadow? Tune in to find out.
11/03/201557 minutes, 9 secondes
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How to work with the Shadow

There are many people out there telling us today, that the shadow is the bad, sabotaging part of us, and that because it is, we need to clean it out. Those same people tell us that the ego, though also bad, is the opposite of shadow and what we need to do with ego is to get rid of it altogether. But what if the divine Self is also in the unconscious, and the ego is just a liaison between the conscious and the unconscious? You see, since most of us have lived largely unconscious of who we actually are, the Self is hidden from us in the unconscious. Instead of living as Self, we’ve lived in an identity that isn’t at all who we are, but rather a mask and costume meant to help us cope with and survive our childhoods and families of origin. And the liaison of the ego is, in this case weighted way too heavy on the outer world. So if what we have learned about the shadow isn’t really true, how do we work with the shadow? Tune in to find out.
11/03/201557 minutes, 9 secondes
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Getting What You Want

Isn’t that what we all want—to get what we want? And if I told you today that all you would have to do to get what you want is to do A, B and C, you’d probably do it, right? Well, that’s what’s been happening—with all kinds of strategies, from commercials for toothpaste to marriage proposals, people are always promising to give us what we want. There are two primary problems with this: 1) most of us don’t know what we really want; and 2) there is no bargain with the universe which will absolutely guarantee that after we have done A, B and C we will definitely have what we want. These promises leave out the possibility of the wondrous mystery of life. There is, however, a trust we can offer to ourselves, a trust that defines the divine as desire. And we absolutely can own that trust. Tune in today to find out how.
04/03/201557 minutes, 30 secondes
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Getting What You Want

Isn’t that what we all want—to get what we want? And if I told you today that all you would have to do to get what you want is to do A, B and C, you’d probably do it, right? Well, that’s what’s been happening—with all kinds of strategies, from commercials for toothpaste to marriage proposals, people are always promising to give us what we want. There are two primary problems with this: 1) most of us don’t know what we really want; and 2) there is no bargain with the universe which will absolutely guarantee that after we have done A, B and C we will definitely have what we want. These promises leave out the possibility of the wondrous mystery of life. There is, however, a trust we can offer to ourselves, a trust that defines the divine as desire. And we absolutely can own that trust. Tune in today to find out how.
04/03/201557 minutes, 30 secondes
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The Evolutionary Power of Relationship

One of the most important tasks of maturity is learning to live with and accept another person as is, while simultaneously holding on to one’s own authenticity. But most of us go through a few relationships with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong before we get involved with someone with whom we can actually complete that task. This should be someone we cannot control and who cannot control us. It should be someone who encourages our authenticity as we encourage theirs. But what does it take to grow to the point where we can have such a relationship? That’s the $65,000 question, as they say. Well this show is going to answer it. Be here for that.
18/02/201557 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Evolutionary Power of Relationship

One of the most important tasks of maturity is learning to live with and accept another person as is, while simultaneously holding on to one’s own authenticity. But most of us go through a few relationships with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong before we get involved with someone with whom we can actually complete that task. This should be someone we cannot control and who cannot control us. It should be someone who encourages our authenticity as we encourage theirs. But what does it take to grow to the point where we can have such a relationship? That’s the $65,000 question, as they say. Well this show is going to answer it. Be here for that.
18/02/201557 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Myth of Morality

There is not one single shred of any endeavor humans ever make that is not touched by the myth of morality. Myth? Why am I calling this a myth? Because the entirety of the good/evil polarity is based on a misperception about who we are. Because we believe that we are separate from the divine, we have devised a plan to be reunited, which involves us being good enough for such a reunion. And of course if we are “bad” then we just don’t get to be reunited with the divine. Regardless of faith we all have this deep sense of separation from the divine. And morality is at least part of the plan to do something about that separation. But because we truly are not separate from the divine, we can get out of the morality game. Want to know how? Tune in.
11/02/201558 minutes, 25 secondes
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The Myth of Morality

There is not one single shred of any endeavor humans ever make that is not touched by the myth of morality. Myth? Why am I calling this a myth? Because the entirety of the good/evil polarity is based on a misperception about who we are. Because we believe that we are separate from the divine, we have devised a plan to be reunited, which involves us being good enough for such a reunion. And of course if we are “bad” then we just don’t get to be reunited with the divine. Regardless of faith we all have this deep sense of separation from the divine. And morality is at least part of the plan to do something about that separation. But because we truly are not separate from the divine, we can get out of the morality game. Want to know how? Tune in.
11/02/201558 minutes, 25 secondes
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The Purpose of Your Life

What is the purpose of your life? Do you know? Do you think you should know? What if you knew that you could not know the purpose of your life until it is over? Would that change your feeling about your life? Your judgments of its value? Many of us have been taught that we must know our life’s purpose so that we can get in line with it. The superfluous “they” tell us that there is one specific purpose for each life and if we do not get in touch with it, we will live a failed life. Therefore, many will forestall their own plans until they get clear on a purpose. Many college students are trying to divine their life's purpose before deciding on a major. Many at 30, 40, 50 and even later, are still saying, “I wish I could talk to someone who could tell me my life’s purpose.” Well today, we are going to talk about your life’s purpose. Don’t miss it.
04/02/201557 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Purpose of Your Life

What is the purpose of your life? Do you know? Do you think you should know? What if you knew that you could not know the purpose of your life until it is over? Would that change your feeling about your life? Your judgments of its value? Many of us have been taught that we must know our life’s purpose so that we can get in line with it. The superfluous “they” tell us that there is one specific purpose for each life and if we do not get in touch with it, we will live a failed life. Therefore, many will forestall their own plans until they get clear on a purpose. Many college students are trying to divine their life's purpose before deciding on a major. Many at 30, 40, 50 and even later, are still saying, “I wish I could talk to someone who could tell me my life’s purpose.” Well today, we are going to talk about your life’s purpose. Don’t miss it.
04/02/201557 minutes, 35 secondes
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Human Rights

Most of us know that the United States Supreme Court has agreed to resolve the national debate over gay marriage once and for all, beginning in May of this year. The slow, and lately more rapid, cutting edge of this issue comes as a result of the number of people who have come, over time to be intimately acquainted with a GLBT person. Everybody knows someone who is GLBT—even if we don’t know we know them. That knowing begins to create an openness. The political arguments never tell the whole story—it is told by becoming intimately acquainted with the story of someone—someone we could love if we knew them. Meagan O’Nan is one of those people who has a story to tell, a story that allows us to see the person behind the label. Her book is called Courage and she tells us that agreeing to disagree is no longer enough. Gay rights is just one of the many areas of bias and discrimination that run rampant through our country, and our world. Today we open the door to a further discussion.
21/01/201556 minutes, 56 secondes
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Human Rights

Most of us know that the United States Supreme Court has agreed to resolve the national debate over gay marriage once and for all, beginning in May of this year. The slow, and lately more rapid, cutting edge of this issue comes as a result of the number of people who have come, over time to be intimately acquainted with a GLBT person. Everybody knows someone who is GLBT—even if we don’t know we know them. That knowing begins to create an openness. The political arguments never tell the whole story—it is told by becoming intimately acquainted with the story of someone—someone we could love if we knew them. Meagan O’Nan is one of those people who has a story to tell, a story that allows us to see the person behind the label. Her book is called Courage and she tells us that agreeing to disagree is no longer enough. Gay rights is just one of the many areas of bias and discrimination that run rampant through our country, and our world. Today we open the door to a further discussion.
21/01/201556 minutes, 56 secondes
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Workin' It

So, you are trying…right? You are working really hard on your career and financial goals, working really hard on that relationship, working really hard on meditating and thinking only positive thoughts. But you keep slipping. You keep wondering why you are slipping. And every time you slip, you feel more uncertain, more shameful and more resistant to trying. But you have to keep trying, right? Because to not try means your…what? A failure? A jerk? But what if you could achieve the results you wanted without trying. And what if there were results you haven’t even considered that come from not trying? Yeah, right. What are you selling…right? Well, let’s just stay in “What if” for a moment and consider what the sacred texts and what initiations from mystic practices around the globe have to say about trying. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.
14/01/201557 minutes, 48 secondes
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Workin' It

So, you are trying…right? You are working really hard on your career and financial goals, working really hard on that relationship, working really hard on meditating and thinking only positive thoughts. But you keep slipping. You keep wondering why you are slipping. And every time you slip, you feel more uncertain, more shameful and more resistant to trying. But you have to keep trying, right? Because to not try means your…what? A failure? A jerk? But what if you could achieve the results you wanted without trying. And what if there were results you haven’t even considered that come from not trying? Yeah, right. What are you selling…right? Well, let’s just stay in “What if” for a moment and consider what the sacred texts and what initiations from mystic practices around the globe have to say about trying. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.
14/01/201557 minutes, 48 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Beginning Again

Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Well here it is the 8th of January. Is that still working for you a little over a week into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
07/01/201555 minutes, 52 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Beginning Again

Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Well here it is the 8th of January. Is that still working for you a little over a week into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
07/01/201555 minutes, 52 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
31/12/201457 minutes, 35 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
31/12/201457 minutes, 35 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
24/12/201458 minutes, 20 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
24/12/201458 minutes, 20 secondes
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States of Consciousness

Most of us have been taught that when we meditate, one of the things we might hope to achieve is an altered state of consciousness in which we feel elevated emotional connections such as bliss and ecstasy. And we also know that when we use substances such as alcohol, LSD, cocaine, crack, marijuana, narcotics, benzodiazepines, and others, we will probably experience an altered state of consciousness. What does this mean? It means that reality seems to shift—we see and feel things differently so that the difference now seems more real than the previous reality. At this point we may begin to wonder what is real. Seeking altered states of consciousness has become a national obsession to the point of a national addiction epidemic. But others seek the same through meditation. Is this the real point of meditation? If not, what is the point of meditation? And what is the truest state of consciousness? This show will answer these questions. Don’t miss it.
17/12/201457 minutes, 7 secondes
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States of Consciousness

Most of us have been taught that when we meditate, one of the things we might hope to achieve is an altered state of consciousness in which we feel elevated emotional connections such as bliss and ecstasy. And we also know that when we use substances such as alcohol, LSD, cocaine, crack, marijuana, narcotics, benzodiazepines, and others, we will probably experience an altered state of consciousness. What does this mean? It means that reality seems to shift—we see and feel things differently so that the difference now seems more real than the previous reality. At this point we may begin to wonder what is real. Seeking altered states of consciousness has become a national obsession to the point of a national addiction epidemic. But others seek the same through meditation. Is this the real point of meditation? If not, what is the point of meditation? And what is the truest state of consciousness? This show will answer these questions. Don’t miss it.
17/12/201457 minutes, 7 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: When Everything Changes…Then What?

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose work continues to touch the world in profound ways. With an early and deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his very public Conversation with God, a NY Times Bestselling series that has touched and inspired millions around the world. In addition, he has published 16 other works, and a number of video and audio programs. Neale’s work has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe, and because of that redefining process and the response to it, he built the Conversations with God Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to inspiring the community of the world to move from violence, confusion and anger, to peace, clarity and love. And this week we’ll be talking to Neale about change, based on his bestselling book “When Everything Changes, Change Everything.” Don’t miss it!
10/12/201453 minutes, 30 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: When Everything Changes…Then What?

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose work continues to touch the world in profound ways. With an early and deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his very public Conversation with God, a NY Times Bestselling series that has touched and inspired millions around the world. In addition, he has published 16 other works, and a number of video and audio programs. Neale’s work has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe, and because of that redefining process and the response to it, he built the Conversations with God Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to inspiring the community of the world to move from violence, confusion and anger, to peace, clarity and love. And this week we’ll be talking to Neale about change, based on his bestselling book “When Everything Changes, Change Everything.” Don’t miss it!
10/12/201453 minutes, 30 secondes
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The Worst Possible Thing

An interesting age-old phenomenon of human psychological/spiritual processing is that we tend to look for the light. Indeed, we look for light even when everything is really dark—often ending up creating an illusion of light, when seeing the dark would be a much smarter thing to do. We fear the dark, assuming that within it are all manner of monsters, even demons who will devour us if we but see them. We tend to think that the darkness—in whatever form we imagine it—is the worst possible thing. But what if the truest light can only be found in the dark? What if sitting in the dark is the only possible light? What if seeing the monsters is imperative to our evolution? Well then, while we are running from the dark, pretending that we’ve found the light, we miss the truest light. This show is going to be all about learning to be with, sit with, walk in the dark. Since it is so very prevalent in our lives—this might be a good time to listen.
03/12/201455 minutes, 31 secondes
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The Worst Possible Thing

An interesting age-old phenomenon of human psychological/spiritual processing is that we tend to look for the light. Indeed, we look for light even when everything is really dark—often ending up creating an illusion of light, when seeing the dark would be a much smarter thing to do. We fear the dark, assuming that within it are all manner of monsters, even demons who will devour us if we but see them. We tend to think that the darkness—in whatever form we imagine it—is the worst possible thing. But what if the truest light can only be found in the dark? What if sitting in the dark is the only possible light? What if seeing the monsters is imperative to our evolution? Well then, while we are running from the dark, pretending that we’ve found the light, we miss the truest light. This show is going to be all about learning to be with, sit with, walk in the dark. Since it is so very prevalent in our lives—this might be a good time to listen.
03/12/201455 minutes, 31 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
26/11/201454 minutes, 33 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
26/11/201454 minutes, 33 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
19/11/201457 minutes, 46 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
19/11/201457 minutes, 46 secondes
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What do you want?

What is it? Your grandest fantasy about your life? What do you want? You might be surprised to learn that a majority of people don’t even know what they want. Why is that? Because we’ve been taught, and have learned, to put our wants, our desires, on the back burner for so long that we’ve totally repressed our desires. Further, we get the method of attainment mixed up with true desire. And finally, we get wants related to all manner of addictions, trying to heal the past, and bargains with the Universe, mixed up with true soul desires. So when it comes to fulfilling our lives, we often end up on the wrong path pursuing the wrong happiness—and wondering why we haven’t attained our goals. So, really now, what do you want? This show will help you learn how to discover what you really want and launch your plan to get it. Don’t miss it.
12/11/201457 minutes, 37 secondes
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What do you want?

What is it? Your grandest fantasy about your life? What do you want? You might be surprised to learn that a majority of people don’t even know what they want. Why is that? Because we’ve been taught, and have learned, to put our wants, our desires, on the back burner for so long that we’ve totally repressed our desires. Further, we get the method of attainment mixed up with true desire. And finally, we get wants related to all manner of addictions, trying to heal the past, and bargains with the Universe, mixed up with true soul desires. So when it comes to fulfilling our lives, we often end up on the wrong path pursuing the wrong happiness—and wondering why we haven’t attained our goals. So, really now, what do you want? This show will help you learn how to discover what you really want and launch your plan to get it. Don’t miss it.
12/11/201457 minutes, 37 secondes
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What to do when you don't know what to do

So, you are stuck in a job, a relationship, an attitude, a life stance. The worst part is that you know you are stuck. You want out, but you don’t know what you want to do next. Or you don’t know which of a few options would work best. What do you do now? Not knowing is a place just as important as the place of knowing. There are some very real things that can come out of not knowing. This show is all about what to do when you don’t know what to do. If you have arrived at that sacred ground of uncertainty—this show is for you. Be here for it.
05/11/201458 minutes, 16 secondes
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What to do when you don't know what to do

So, you are stuck in a job, a relationship, an attitude, a life stance. The worst part is that you know you are stuck. You want out, but you don’t know what you want to do next. Or you don’t know which of a few options would work best. What do you do now? Not knowing is a place just as important as the place of knowing. There are some very real things that can come out of not knowing. This show is all about what to do when you don’t know what to do. If you have arrived at that sacred ground of uncertainty—this show is for you. Be here for it.
05/11/201458 minutes, 16 secondes
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Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Okay, so let’s talk about that F-bomb, FEAR. Many are telling us that fear is “negative.” They tell us that fear is the opposite of love and that it is impossible to have fear and love in the same moment. In fact, they are telling us that fear is something to be feared. We shouldn’t have it, they say, for fear brings “negative” things into our lives. Well, that certainly something to be afraid of, right? What vicious cycle of fear/no fear “they” put us in! Well, there’s good news. There is nothing to fear in fear. Yes, I know I just changed Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous statement (There’s nothing to fear but fear itself), but it’s true…there is nothing to fear in fear! In fact, what this show will prove is that fear is an open door to the divine. Don’t miss it.
29/10/201455 minutes, 54 secondes
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Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Okay, so let’s talk about that F-bomb, FEAR. Many are telling us that fear is “negative.” They tell us that fear is the opposite of love and that it is impossible to have fear and love in the same moment. In fact, they are telling us that fear is something to be feared. We shouldn’t have it, they say, for fear brings “negative” things into our lives. Well, that certainly something to be afraid of, right? What vicious cycle of fear/no fear “they” put us in! Well, there’s good news. There is nothing to fear in fear. Yes, I know I just changed Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous statement (There’s nothing to fear but fear itself), but it’s true…there is nothing to fear in fear! In fact, what this show will prove is that fear is an open door to the divine. Don’t miss it.
29/10/201455 minutes, 54 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Map to your Soul

We’re very excited to have Colette Baron-Reid back to the show for the second time to talk about her latest book The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life. Have you ever experienced a tragedy that just made no sense to you? Have you ever wished that you could make your life more meaningful? In order to do that, you have to know how to look through the lenses of your soul’s eyes. Colette has given us a map, a treasure map if you will, that leads us to hidden treasures, such as learning how to find your place, finding your magical allies, and aligning with your own adventure. Colette is a bestselling Hay House author, internationally renowned intuitive counselor, powerful motivational speaker, recording artist, performer, storyteller and educator who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. Are you looking for direction? Don’t miss this show!
22/10/201455 minutes, 58 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Map to your Soul

We’re very excited to have Colette Baron-Reid back to the show for the second time to talk about her latest book The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life. Have you ever experienced a tragedy that just made no sense to you? Have you ever wished that you could make your life more meaningful? In order to do that, you have to know how to look through the lenses of your soul’s eyes. Colette has given us a map, a treasure map if you will, that leads us to hidden treasures, such as learning how to find your place, finding your magical allies, and aligning with your own adventure. Colette is a bestselling Hay House author, internationally renowned intuitive counselor, powerful motivational speaker, recording artist, performer, storyteller and educator who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. Are you looking for direction? Don’t miss this show!
22/10/201455 minutes, 58 secondes
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What does it mean to Overcome?

Overcoming the odds. That’s how we typically think of overcoming. It’s a competition between us and the odds. Overcoming the enemy is another, and again it’s a competition between us and the enemy. But what if overcoming has nothing to do with any competition between us and anything, even ourselves. What if overcoming has nothing to do with “getting rid of ego?” What if it has nothing to do with overcoming the lower self and becoming higher self? What if overcoming is all there is of spirituality, and yet we are not competing with anything? Well, it’s a paradox but it’s true. Don’t miss this show that will provide an entirely new and true definition of overcoming, while simultaneously show you how to do it.
15/10/201457 minutes, 8 secondes
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What does it mean to Overcome?

Overcoming the odds. That’s how we typically think of overcoming. It’s a competition between us and the odds. Overcoming the enemy is another, and again it’s a competition between us and the enemy. But what if overcoming has nothing to do with any competition between us and anything, even ourselves. What if overcoming has nothing to do with “getting rid of ego?” What if it has nothing to do with overcoming the lower self and becoming higher self? What if overcoming is all there is of spirituality, and yet we are not competing with anything? Well, it’s a paradox but it’s true. Don’t miss this show that will provide an entirely new and true definition of overcoming, while simultaneously show you how to do it.
15/10/201457 minutes, 8 secondes
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What do we mean when we talk about transcending? The word, transcendence, has been so used in the New Age, New Thought and Human Potential communities, that it has now been moved to the pop culture. In combination with words and phrases like “out-of-body experience,” the word transcendence has come to mean something like living above things. But what if we were to learn that being transcendent means living IN things? Well, today we are going to find out. We are going to talk about what transcendence is and what it is not. Then we are going to talk about the process of transcendence. Don’t miss this important discussion.
08/10/201457 minutes, 44 secondes
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What do we mean when we talk about transcending? The word, transcendence, has been so used in the New Age, New Thought and Human Potential communities, that it has now been moved to the pop culture. In combination with words and phrases like “out-of-body experience,” the word transcendence has come to mean something like living above things. But what if we were to learn that being transcendent means living IN things? Well, today we are going to find out. We are going to talk about what transcendence is and what it is not. Then we are going to talk about the process of transcendence. Don’t miss this important discussion.
08/10/201457 minutes, 44 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Defying Gravity with Caroline Myss

We are fortunate today to have Caroline Myss return for the second time to the Authentic Living show. Caroline is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. After beginning her career as a journalist, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing, and simultaneously began her career as a medical intuitive working with Dr. Norman Shealy. Over the years she honed her skills to the point that by knowing only the patient’s name and age, she can profile the physical, psychological, emotional and family history. Based on her extensive research she developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific stress patterns with diseases. Caroline continues to impact the worlds of consciousness and spirituality and to publish bestselling books, the most recent of which is the subject of our talk today Defy Gravity.
01/10/201455 minutes, 7 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Defying Gravity with Caroline Myss

We are fortunate today to have Caroline Myss return for the second time to the Authentic Living show. Caroline is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. After beginning her career as a journalist, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing, and simultaneously began her career as a medical intuitive working with Dr. Norman Shealy. Over the years she honed her skills to the point that by knowing only the patient’s name and age, she can profile the physical, psychological, emotional and family history. Based on her extensive research she developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific stress patterns with diseases. Caroline continues to impact the worlds of consciousness and spirituality and to publish bestselling books, the most recent of which is the subject of our talk today Defy Gravity.
01/10/201455 minutes, 7 secondes
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Define - Redefine Your Life

Can you look back on your life and think of some moments, some particular circumstances and decisions that you made that were defining moments? Perhaps now you would like some re-defining moments? Well today we are speaking to award-winning author, Dennis Merritt Jones about his latest book, Your (Re)Defining Moments~Becoming Who You were Born to Be. And who were we born to be? Well, that’s the question of the day. Dennis is the author of two other books, The Art of Uncertainty, and The Art of Being both of which are award winners. And he is a columnist for the Huffington Post and Science of Mind Magazine. He is a speaker and a member of the Leadership Council for the Association for Global New Thought. We are very fortunate to have him on the show today. If you are wishing to define your life, this show is for you.
24/09/201456 minutes, 8 secondes
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Define - Redefine Your Life

Can you look back on your life and think of some moments, some particular circumstances and decisions that you made that were defining moments? Perhaps now you would like some re-defining moments? Well today we are speaking to award-winning author, Dennis Merritt Jones about his latest book, Your (Re)Defining Moments~Becoming Who You were Born to Be. And who were we born to be? Well, that’s the question of the day. Dennis is the author of two other books, The Art of Uncertainty, and The Art of Being both of which are award winners. And he is a columnist for the Huffington Post and Science of Mind Magazine. He is a speaker and a member of the Leadership Council for the Association for Global New Thought. We are very fortunate to have him on the show today. If you are wishing to define your life, this show is for you.
24/09/201456 minutes, 8 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living- Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes and The Joyous Body

We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about her third part in the Sounds True online event series, The Dangerous Old Women, entitled The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
17/09/201458 minutes, 5 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living- Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes and The Joyous Body

We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about her third part in the Sounds True online event series, The Dangerous Old Women, entitled The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
17/09/201458 minutes, 5 secondes
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The Truth Shall Set You Free

Back in 1968 a movie called “Yours Mine and Ours” convinced us of the warmth, love and inspiration of a blended family consisting of the two parents, played by Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda, and the 8 North children and the 10 Beardsley children. The movie was remade in 2005 with Rene Russo and Dennis Quaid. But Tom North was one of those children, and his book, True North, exposes the truth of the real family dynamics. His is a story of inspiration, survival and hope, in which the 8 North children, adopted by their step-father, became the Beardsley family. But it wasn’t one big happy family as has been depicted in the movies. The stepfather’s violence and abuse created a life of intimidation confusion, turmoil, fear and depression for all of the North children. This fact was revealed years later, as Tom traveling his own journey of survival, self-discovery and healing, led his other family members to therapy. If you are trying to reclaim your authenticity, this show is for you.
10/09/201457 minutes, 21 secondes
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The Truth Shall Set You Free

Back in 1968 a movie called “Yours Mine and Ours” convinced us of the warmth, love and inspiration of a blended family consisting of the two parents, played by Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda, and the 8 North children and the 10 Beardsley children. The movie was remade in 2005 with Rene Russo and Dennis Quaid. But Tom North was one of those children, and his book, True North, exposes the truth of the real family dynamics. His is a story of inspiration, survival and hope, in which the 8 North children, adopted by their step-father, became the Beardsley family. But it wasn’t one big happy family as has been depicted in the movies. The stepfather’s violence and abuse created a life of intimidation confusion, turmoil, fear and depression for all of the North children. This fact was revealed years later, as Tom traveling his own journey of survival, self-discovery and healing, led his other family members to therapy. If you are trying to reclaim your authenticity, this show is for you.
10/09/201457 minutes, 21 secondes
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Sexy, Sexy Power, Part II

From John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Mark Sanford, to Anthony Weiner, we can clearly see that power is, indeed, as Henry Kissinger informed us, the ultimate aphrodisiac. And Frans de Waal’s book, Chimpanzee Politics tells us that it’s not much different in the Chimpanzee world. Not only are women attracted to powerful men in politics, but men are attracted to the power of politics and think that sex is just part of the package. Unfortunately, when we want to read about what women in power will do with sex, all we can find are articles that tell us about the power of a woman’s sexuality. But either way, power is the operative word. Last week we opened the door to a longer discussion on what happens when we give our power over to another and tell ourselves that they have all the power. We are going to explore that idea more this time, with more on the steamy power of power. What are you getting and giving from/to power? What is your greatest power? Don’t miss this one
03/09/201457 minutes, 28 secondes
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Sexy, Sexy Power, Part II

From John F. Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Mark Sanford, to Anthony Weiner, we can clearly see that power is, indeed, as Henry Kissinger informed us, the ultimate aphrodisiac. And Frans de Waal’s book, Chimpanzee Politics tells us that it’s not much different in the Chimpanzee world. Not only are women attracted to powerful men in politics, but men are attracted to the power of politics and think that sex is just part of the package. Unfortunately, when we want to read about what women in power will do with sex, all we can find are articles that tell us about the power of a woman’s sexuality. But either way, power is the operative word. Last week we opened the door to a longer discussion on what happens when we give our power over to another and tell ourselves that they have all the power. We are going to explore that idea more this time, with more on the steamy power of power. What are you getting and giving from/to power? What is your greatest power? Don’t miss this one
03/09/201457 minutes, 28 secondes
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Sexy, Sexy Power

Henry Kissinger once said that power was the ultimate aphrodisiac. And we don’t have to look very far in the news to see what he was talking about. But he forgot to tell us why. Why is power so sexy? Why is it that both women and men are so attracted to power? In order to answer that question, we are going to have to ask another: What is power? What does it mean to have power? If we knew that, we might know why it is so sexy. Or is it all just illusion? Indeed, is its very sexiness an illusion, and quite elusive at that? And what about powerlessness—does it have its own powerful draw? Today we are going to talk about power in every aspect of its meaning: From powerlessness to power and from power to empowerment. Don’t miss it.
27/08/201457 minutes, 20 secondes
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Sexy, Sexy Power

Henry Kissinger once said that power was the ultimate aphrodisiac. And we don’t have to look very far in the news to see what he was talking about. But he forgot to tell us why. Why is power so sexy? Why is it that both women and men are so attracted to power? In order to answer that question, we are going to have to ask another: What is power? What does it mean to have power? If we knew that, we might know why it is so sexy. Or is it all just illusion? Indeed, is its very sexiness an illusion, and quite elusive at that? And what about powerlessness—does it have its own powerful draw? Today we are going to talk about power in every aspect of its meaning: From powerlessness to power and from power to empowerment. Don’t miss it.
27/08/201457 minutes, 20 secondes
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Authentic Prayer

Today we are so fortunate to have Paramahansa Jagadish, world renowned master healer, teacher and spiritual leader who guides people in discovering their own Stewardship of the Soul. With more than four and a half decades of deep and concentrated spiritual practice rooted in Eastern Yogic, Tibetan Buddhist and Hawaiian traditions, he brings together both an Eastern and Western perspective. American born, he was only the second Westerner of the Rasik tradition to be granted the title of Lineage Holder. Today, he is going to be talking with us his book, The Prayer Project in particular. In his healing work and training programs, Paramahansa Jagadish draws on all of the mystic traditions including Christianity, Toltec Shamanism, and Brazilian Spiritual Healing, as well as Eastern Yogic, Tibetan Buddhist and Hawaiian. Prayer is so much more than just talking. Don’t miss this chance to learn about the true power of prayer and how we can use it to change the world.
20/08/201456 minutes, 34 secondes
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Authentic Prayer

Today we are so fortunate to have Paramahansa Jagadish, world renowned master healer, teacher and spiritual leader who guides people in discovering their own Stewardship of the Soul. With more than four and a half decades of deep and concentrated spiritual practice rooted in Eastern Yogic, Tibetan Buddhist and Hawaiian traditions, he brings together both an Eastern and Western perspective. American born, he was only the second Westerner of the Rasik tradition to be granted the title of Lineage Holder. Today, he is going to be talking with us his book, The Prayer Project in particular. In his healing work and training programs, Paramahansa Jagadish draws on all of the mystic traditions including Christianity, Toltec Shamanism, and Brazilian Spiritual Healing, as well as Eastern Yogic, Tibetan Buddhist and Hawaiian. Prayer is so much more than just talking. Don’t miss this chance to learn about the true power of prayer and how we can use it to change the world.
20/08/201456 minutes, 34 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
13/08/201456 minutes, 14 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
13/08/201456 minutes, 14 secondes
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Learning to Fly

There are many ways of flying. Attempting to transcend life by flying through life without ever living—by using drugs and alcohol as a replacement for dealing with emotions, is one of the most obvious examples. Sticking our heads in the sand and pretending that difficult challenges are not really happening, is another. Bargaining with the difficulties of living with IF I…THEN they’ll or THEN this will happen, is yet another. But transcendence is not the same as avoidance. And today we are going to learn the fine art of learning to fly. Don’t miss it.
06/08/201457 minutes, 13 secondes
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Learning to Fly

There are many ways of flying. Attempting to transcend life by flying through life without ever living—by using drugs and alcohol as a replacement for dealing with emotions, is one of the most obvious examples. Sticking our heads in the sand and pretending that difficult challenges are not really happening, is another. Bargaining with the difficulties of living with IF I…THEN they’ll or THEN this will happen, is yet another. But transcendence is not the same as avoidance. And today we are going to learn the fine art of learning to fly. Don’t miss it.
06/08/201457 minutes, 13 secondes
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The Lie: Good vs. Evil

We have to have the dark to enjoy the light. This is what we say. But most of us don’t stop to ask why? Why do we need the dark to enjoy the light? Why do we need evil to prove good? Why do we need to suffer in order to know joy? Who said? These ideas are all products of a trance state in which we have all lived for centuries. They are products of the duality trance state. But if one of the benefits of evil is that it proves goodness, is it really evil? And if darkness proves the light, is it really darkness? Contrasts in a picture highlight the edges of objects—is that what we are looking for—something to highlight the ends of one thing and the beginning of another? Why do we need this? Today we are going to spend some time right in the middle of the conflicting contrasts that make up the weave and woof of our lives. Come find out what is true and false about the battle between good and evil.
30/07/201456 minutes, 50 secondes
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The Lie: Good vs. Evil

We have to have the dark to enjoy the light. This is what we say. But most of us don’t stop to ask why? Why do we need the dark to enjoy the light? Why do we need evil to prove good? Why do we need to suffer in order to know joy? Who said? These ideas are all products of a trance state in which we have all lived for centuries. They are products of the duality trance state. But if one of the benefits of evil is that it proves goodness, is it really evil? And if darkness proves the light, is it really darkness? Contrasts in a picture highlight the edges of objects—is that what we are looking for—something to highlight the ends of one thing and the beginning of another? Why do we need this? Today we are going to spend some time right in the middle of the conflicting contrasts that make up the weave and woof of our lives. Come find out what is true and false about the battle between good and evil.
30/07/201456 minutes, 50 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés - Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
23/07/201454 minutes, 53 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés - Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
23/07/201454 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Heart: A Lonely Hunter

The heart is hungry and longs to be fed. When it has been forced through a negative, hostile, or abusive upbringing, to live in a state of perpetual starvation, it will eat tree bark, crickets or dirt. Many, far too many of us, are living in relationships feed us thusly. The very best we get in these relationships is crumbs under the table—which we treat as a King’s feast. We will hang on to the memory of those crumbs as if they were breath itself. We stay in those relationships because of those crumbs and because we have no idea that it is actually possible to have something better. And if we happen to be single and starving, we will often jump into any relationship at all just to tell ourselves that we are no longer hungry. All the while we are still starving. Today we are going to talk about how to get out of this terrible cycle. How to get into an authentic relationship with self and a significant other. Don’t miss it.
16/07/201457 minutes, 44 secondes
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The Heart: A Lonely Hunter

The heart is hungry and longs to be fed. When it has been forced through a negative, hostile, or abusive upbringing, to live in a state of perpetual starvation, it will eat tree bark, crickets or dirt. Many, far too many of us, are living in relationships feed us thusly. The very best we get in these relationships is crumbs under the table—which we treat as a King’s feast. We will hang on to the memory of those crumbs as if they were breath itself. We stay in those relationships because of those crumbs and because we have no idea that it is actually possible to have something better. And if we happen to be single and starving, we will often jump into any relationship at all just to tell ourselves that we are no longer hungry. All the while we are still starving. Today we are going to talk about how to get out of this terrible cycle. How to get into an authentic relationship with self and a significant other. Don’t miss it.
16/07/201457 minutes, 44 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
09/07/201456 minutes, 15 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
09/07/201456 minutes, 15 secondes
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Authentic Spirituality

What does it mean to develop one’s own authentic spirituality? How does one do that? Does one have to ditch all religious rituals and practices? Does one have to ditch religion in general? What are the consequences of developing one’s own authentic spirituality? And most importantly, how does on develop an authentic spirituality? These are the questions that will be answered on today’s Authentic Living episode—and more. In order to really connect with spirituality—it has to be a real connection. We are going to learn all of the how’s and why’s of creating an authentic spirituality. Don’t miss this one.
02/07/201455 minutes, 51 secondes
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Authentic Spirituality

What does it mean to develop one’s own authentic spirituality? How does one do that? Does one have to ditch all religious rituals and practices? Does one have to ditch religion in general? What are the consequences of developing one’s own authentic spirituality? And most importantly, how does on develop an authentic spirituality? These are the questions that will be answered on today’s Authentic Living episode—and more. In order to really connect with spirituality—it has to be a real connection. We are going to learn all of the how’s and why’s of creating an authentic spirituality. Don’t miss this one.
02/07/201455 minutes, 51 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Nothing Changes Until You Do

What is it in your life that is calling you to change—while you are calling for it to change first? Today Mike Robbins is here to talk to us about how real change really happens. Mike is the author of three books, including Focus on the Good Stuff; Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, and his latest and the focus of our talk today, Nothing Changes Until You Do: A Guide to Self-Compassion and Getting Out of Your Own Way. Mike contributes regularly to Huffington Post and and has been featured in several other popular magazines. He has been a guest on hundreds of TV and radio shows—including this one. And Mike brings unique and in-depth insights to the topic of self-compassion and getting out of our own way. So be here. You are not going to want to miss this one.
25/06/201459 minutes, 9 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Nothing Changes Until You Do

What is it in your life that is calling you to change—while you are calling for it to change first? Today Mike Robbins is here to talk to us about how real change really happens. Mike is the author of three books, including Focus on the Good Stuff; Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, and his latest and the focus of our talk today, Nothing Changes Until You Do: A Guide to Self-Compassion and Getting Out of Your Own Way. Mike contributes regularly to Huffington Post and and has been featured in several other popular magazines. He has been a guest on hundreds of TV and radio shows—including this one. And Mike brings unique and in-depth insights to the topic of self-compassion and getting out of our own way. So be here. You are not going to want to miss this one.
25/06/201459 minutes, 9 secondes
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The Body as Solution to the Soul

We have been taught that the body is the problem. The body is what makes us sin, with its lusts, its appetites and its hungers. The body is what makes us sick. The body is what makes us die. The body is that which we must discipline and chastise if we find that we have done wrong. Forever, the body has been thought to be the problem. But what if you were to learn that the body is actually the solution to the problem of the soul? What if you were to learn that you cannot fulfill your soul’s intention unless the body realizes its nature as soul? We cannot wrap our heads around that idea very easily—but what if it were the truth—all the while we are making it the problem? Today we are going to wrap our heads around this final and fulfilling truth. Don’t miss this show. It could mean an awakening.
18/06/201457 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Body as Solution to the Soul

We have been taught that the body is the problem. The body is what makes us sin, with its lusts, its appetites and its hungers. The body is what makes us sick. The body is what makes us die. The body is that which we must discipline and chastise if we find that we have done wrong. Forever, the body has been thought to be the problem. But what if you were to learn that the body is actually the solution to the problem of the soul? What if you were to learn that you cannot fulfill your soul’s intention unless the body realizes its nature as soul? We cannot wrap our heads around that idea very easily—but what if it were the truth—all the while we are making it the problem? Today we are going to wrap our heads around this final and fulfilling truth. Don’t miss this show. It could mean an awakening.
18/06/201457 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Body as Solution to the Soul

We have been taught that the body is the problem. The body is what makes us sin, with its lusts, its appetites and its hungers. The body is what makes us sick. The body is what makes us die. The body is that which we must discipline and chastise if we find that we have done wrong. Forever, the body has been thought to be the problem. But what if you were to learn that the body is actually the solution to the problem of the soul? What if you were to learn that you cannot fulfill your soul’s intention unless the body realizes its nature as soul? We cannot wrap our heads around that idea very easily—but what if it were the truth—all the while we are making it the problem? Today we are going to wrap our heads around this final and fulfilling truth. Don’t miss this show. It could mean an awakening.
18/06/201457 minutes, 29 secondes
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How to Raise an Intuitive Child

What if your child is highly intuitive? What if this gift is his/her gift to the world? Do you know what to do to facilitate this child's authenticity? Well today we are going to talk to Dr. Jenn royster who will give us some very useful information about how to raise an intuitive child. Jenn is an internationally known Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, Visionary, Speaker, Writer and Radio Host of The Jenn Royster Show, that syndicates to over 430 stations worldwide She came to awareness of her own spiritual gifts at an early age and can help parents learn how to help the gifted intuitive child. Don't miss this chance to learn how to raise an intuitive child.
11/06/201455 minutes, 13 secondes
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How to Raise an Intuitive Child

What if your child is highly intuitive? What if this gift is his/her gift to the world? Do you know what to do to facilitate this child's authenticity? Well today we are going to talk to Dr. Jenn royster who will give us some very useful information about how to raise an intuitive child. Jenn is an internationally known Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Teacher, Energy Healer, Visionary, Speaker, Writer and Radio Host of The Jenn Royster Show, that syndicates to over 430 stations worldwide She came to awareness of her own spiritual gifts at an early age and can help parents learn how to help the gifted intuitive child. Don't miss this chance to learn how to raise an intuitive child.
11/06/201455 minutes, 13 secondes
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Unfolding the Divine Plan

This week we are talking to Peter Tongue, who will discuss the latest developments in what he considers to be the unfolding Divine Plan for planet earth. The ancients knew precisely what they were doing in marrying heaven with earth through the structures that they built and worked with in ceremony to realize that connection. It is time for us to make that solid connection again. On his recent pilgrimage to New Mexico, he connected with the Landscape Zodiac centered on Valles Caldera and the eight pointed star that has been ceremonially anchored in around it. Peter will explain how we can best move forward on our own sacred pilgrimage and put the local landscape zodiacs into a Global context so we can see how this plan is playing out as well as our personal role in it. With earth’s wisdom Peter can us look deeper into these connections we already have. Be here for that.
04/06/201455 minutes, 41 secondes
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Unfolding the Divine Plan

This week we are talking to Peter Tongue, who will discuss the latest developments in what he considers to be the unfolding Divine Plan for planet earth. The ancients knew precisely what they were doing in marrying heaven with earth through the structures that they built and worked with in ceremony to realize that connection. It is time for us to make that solid connection again. On his recent pilgrimage to New Mexico, he connected with the Landscape Zodiac centered on Valles Caldera and the eight pointed star that has been ceremonially anchored in around it. Peter will explain how we can best move forward on our own sacred pilgrimage and put the local landscape zodiacs into a Global context so we can see how this plan is playing out as well as our personal role in it. With earth’s wisdom Peter can us look deeper into these connections we already have. Be here for that.
04/06/201455 minutes, 41 secondes
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A Special Encore Presentation by Iyanla Vanzant

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
28/05/201456 minutes, 39 secondes
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A Special Encore Presentation by Iyanla Vanzant

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
28/05/201456 minutes, 39 secondes
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Parenting the Authentic Child

We have talked so much here on the Authentic Living Show about being authentic, and in so doing, to let go of the old roles. Those masks and costumes that we put on to cope with, even to survive childhood. But we haven’t spent as much time talking about how we can avoid assigning our children the masks and costumes in the first place. So today, we are going to talk about that. How do you mirror your child’s authenticity? Get your tools for doing just that, here today.
21/05/201457 minutes
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Parenting the Authentic Child

We have talked so much here on the Authentic Living Show about being authentic, and in so doing, to let go of the old roles. Those masks and costumes that we put on to cope with, even to survive childhood. But we haven’t spent as much time talking about how we can avoid assigning our children the masks and costumes in the first place. So today, we are going to talk about that. How do you mirror your child’s authenticity? Get your tools for doing just that, here today.
21/05/201457 minutes
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How to Heal

One of the most important reasons we become seekers of higher spiritual wisdom is that we are seeking healing for ourselves and those we love. While there are many methods and techniques for healing, including your garden variety allopathic care, those that heal the whole person rather than just an organ or an attitude are the ones that offer the greatest level of spiritual growth and potential for awakening. But the big question is how do we heal? We heal by working with the entire body/mind/spirit continuum. And that cannot be done when we are focusing on only one end of that spectrum. This show will focus on answering that very important, life-giving, life-saving question. Don’t miss it.
14/05/201454 minutes, 35 secondes
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How to Heal

One of the most important reasons we become seekers of higher spiritual wisdom is that we are seeking healing for ourselves and those we love. While there are many methods and techniques for healing, including your garden variety allopathic care, those that heal the whole person rather than just an organ or an attitude are the ones that offer the greatest level of spiritual growth and potential for awakening. But the big question is how do we heal? We heal by working with the entire body/mind/spirit continuum. And that cannot be done when we are focusing on only one end of that spectrum. This show will focus on answering that very important, life-giving, life-saving question. Don’t miss it.
14/05/201454 minutes, 35 secondes
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Nothing Changes Until You Do

What is it in your life that is calling you to change—while you are calling for it to change first? Today Mike Robbins is here to talk to us about how real change really happens. Mike is the author of three books, including Focus on the Good Stuff; Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, and his latest and the focus of our talk today, Nothing Changes Until You Do: A Guide to Self-Compassion and Getting Out of Your Own Way. Mike contributes regularly to Huffington Post and and has been featured in several other popular magazines. He has been a guest on hundreds of TV and radio shows—including this one. And Mike brings unique and in-depth insights to the topic of self-compassion and getting out of our own way. So be here. You are not going to want to miss this one.
07/05/201459 minutes, 9 secondes
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Nothing Changes Until You Do

What is it in your life that is calling you to change—while you are calling for it to change first? Today Mike Robbins is here to talk to us about how real change really happens. Mike is the author of three books, including Focus on the Good Stuff; Be Yourself Everyone Else is Already Taken, and his latest and the focus of our talk today, Nothing Changes Until You Do: A Guide to Self-Compassion and Getting Out of Your Own Way. Mike contributes regularly to Huffington Post and and has been featured in several other popular magazines. He has been a guest on hundreds of TV and radio shows—including this one. And Mike brings unique and in-depth insights to the topic of self-compassion and getting out of our own way. So be here. You are not going to want to miss this one.
07/05/201459 minutes, 9 secondes
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Do you know? How many times do you even actually consider what you want? Aren't we taught to ignore our wants. But what if you were to learn that our desires are the closest thing to the divine within us. In fact, one of the ancient root words for the divine means desire. But how do we know what we want, with all the shoulds, ought tos, have tos and obligations of everyday living to sort through? How do we know when its a real desire as opposed to a compulsion, or an ego aggrandizement? And if we start paying attention to our desires, aren't peope going to think we are selfish? Tune in this week, to learn more about what we want and why that is important.
30/04/201458 minutes, 3 secondes
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Do you know? How many times do you even actually consider what you want? Aren't we taught to ignore our wants. But what if you were to learn that our desires are the closest thing to the divine within us. In fact, one of the ancient root words for the divine means desire. But how do we know what we want, with all the shoulds, ought tos, have tos and obligations of everyday living to sort through? How do we know when its a real desire as opposed to a compulsion, or an ego aggrandizement? And if we start paying attention to our desires, aren't peope going to think we are selfish? Tune in this week, to learn more about what we want and why that is important.
30/04/201458 minutes, 3 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Oneness

Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and his latest and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
16/04/201455 minutes, 43 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Oneness

Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and his latest and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
16/04/201455 minutes, 43 secondes
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Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
09/04/201457 minutes, 46 secondes
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Iyanla Vanzant on Forgiveness

Today we are so honored to have Iyanla Vanzant here to talk to us about her latest book, Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. Iyanla Vanzant, NY Times Bestselling author; host of the number one reality show on the OWN network, Iyanla: Fix My Life; and frequent guest on Super Soul Sunday and Oprah’s Life Class, is easily one of America’s most profound spiritual leaders, who empowers individuals all across the globe to live into the truest self. Her body of work spans over three decades and includes CDs, television, radio and on stage performances, 15 published books, and 5 New York Times Bestsellers, which have been translated into 23 languages. Iyanla’s no nonsense approach to helping others to live healthy and whole demonstrates her clear capacity for delivering the absolute truth with love. She warms our hearts while pushing us to grow. Today we are going to get to talk with her about the purpose, the power and the freedom of forgiveness. Do NOT miss this show!
09/04/201457 minutes, 46 secondes
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Authenic Living with Dr. Linda Backman

How do we enhance the possibility of awakening more and more to the power of our own souls while we are still in the body? Obviously there are many paths, but one that is getting more and more attention is regression therapy and hypnosis. Today we are talking to Dr. Linda Backman, licensed psychologist and regression therapist, and author of Bringing Your Soul to Light. Linda has been in private practice for more than 35 years and is committed to guiding regression clients, as well as speaking, writing, and training others in soul regression hypnotherapy, both in the US and abroad. She and her husband started The Ravenheart Center in 1997, a Mystery School in Boulder, Colorado, dedicated to guiding individuals to discover their soul path. Linda’s second book, The Evolving Soul, will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide this year. Are you in the process of awakening? Do you want to learn how to help others awaken? This show is for you.
02/04/201457 minutes, 14 secondes
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Authenic Living with Dr. Linda Backman

How do we enhance the possibility of awakening more and more to the power of our own souls while we are still in the body? Obviously there are many paths, but one that is getting more and more attention is regression therapy and hypnosis. Today we are talking to Dr. Linda Backman, licensed psychologist and regression therapist, and author of Bringing Your Soul to Light. Linda has been in private practice for more than 35 years and is committed to guiding regression clients, as well as speaking, writing, and training others in soul regression hypnotherapy, both in the US and abroad. She and her husband started The Ravenheart Center in 1997, a Mystery School in Boulder, Colorado, dedicated to guiding individuals to discover their soul path. Linda’s second book, The Evolving Soul, will be published by Llewellyn Worldwide this year. Are you in the process of awakening? Do you want to learn how to help others awaken? This show is for you.
02/04/201457 minutes, 14 secondes
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Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and his latest and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
26/03/201455 minutes, 43 secondes
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Our guest today is Dr. Larry Dossey, author of several books including: The Power of Premonitions; The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things; Healing Beyond the Body; Reinventing Medicine and his latest and the topic of our discussion today: One Mind: How Our Individual Mind is Part of a Greater Mind and Why It Matters. Dr. Dossey is an internal medicine physician, former Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, former co-chairman of the Panel on Mind/body Interventions, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health. And he is the executive editor of the peer-previewed journal, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Dr. Dossey lectures all over the world and has appeared on TV and radio including the Oprah show.
26/03/201455 minutes, 43 secondes
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Telling the truth

Telling the truth sounds like a pretty boring subject. But actually, it is the most adventurous thing we do. Telling the truth means first finding the truth, and then being willing to engage with it to explore its meaning. And finally telling the truth means really telling it, with your mouth, with your body language, with your manifestations. Telling the truth to and about yourself is singularly the most effective way to open the door to the unconscious. But telling the truth is not necessarily what we think it is. Often we think that it is self-criticism, even harsh punitive criticism. We think it is self-effacement in front of others. We think it is blunt, criticism of others. The truth is, however, that telling the truth runs, much, much deeper than any of these more shallow renditions. Tune in today and find out how to tell the truth.
19/03/201457 minutes, 20 secondes
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Telling the truth

Telling the truth sounds like a pretty boring subject. But actually, it is the most adventurous thing we do. Telling the truth means first finding the truth, and then being willing to engage with it to explore its meaning. And finally telling the truth means really telling it, with your mouth, with your body language, with your manifestations. Telling the truth to and about yourself is singularly the most effective way to open the door to the unconscious. But telling the truth is not necessarily what we think it is. Often we think that it is self-criticism, even harsh punitive criticism. We think it is self-effacement in front of others. We think it is blunt, criticism of others. The truth is, however, that telling the truth runs, much, much deeper than any of these more shallow renditions. Tune in today and find out how to tell the truth.
19/03/201457 minutes, 20 secondes
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Prequel for Iyanlas Upcoming Interview

The original plan was to interview Iyanla Vanzant today. But there was a mix-up for her and so she couldn’t make it. Good news, however: We are going to interview her next week. So consider this week’s episode a preparation for next week’s interview—when she really will be here. So this week we introduced her book Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. And we discussed some of the host’s ideas on forgiveness. Listen in, and get ready for next week. You are going to love it.
12/03/201450 minutes, 40 secondes
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Prequel for Iyanlas Upcoming Interview

The original plan was to interview Iyanla Vanzant today. But there was a mix-up for her and so she couldn’t make it. Good news, however: We are going to interview her next week. So consider this week’s episode a preparation for next week’s interview—when she really will be here. So this week we introduced her book Forgiveness: 21 Days to Forgive Everyone for Everything. And we discussed some of the host’s ideas on forgiveness. Listen in, and get ready for next week. You are going to love it.
12/03/201450 minutes, 40 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
05/03/201456 minutes, 15 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
05/03/201456 minutes, 15 secondes
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Authentic Spirituality

We’ve been talking about differentness, and how we might begin to celebrate rather than condemn it. One of the areas of most contentious difference is in the area of religion—supposedly a place in which we find our deepest spiritual roots. What started out as a pathway to the divine turned into a place of rules, in which everyone was supposed to the same. Those who didn’t follow our rules became a “they” as opposed to our “we.” So, now that we have an externally developed spiritual path for each person who grows up in a particular religious culture, how does that person go about finding an authentic spirituality? Where will we find the path if it is not decided in advance for us by a very righteous and firmly planted group of spiritual leaders? And this, of course, brings us to the very definition of spirituality. What is spirituality, and how does one live an authentic spiritual life in a world where everyone has a “right” way for us to be spiritual? Let’s talk about this today.
26/02/201458 minutes, 5 secondes
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Authentic Spirituality

We’ve been talking about differentness, and how we might begin to celebrate rather than condemn it. One of the areas of most contentious difference is in the area of religion—supposedly a place in which we find our deepest spiritual roots. What started out as a pathway to the divine turned into a place of rules, in which everyone was supposed to the same. Those who didn’t follow our rules became a “they” as opposed to our “we.” So, now that we have an externally developed spiritual path for each person who grows up in a particular religious culture, how does that person go about finding an authentic spirituality? Where will we find the path if it is not decided in advance for us by a very righteous and firmly planted group of spiritual leaders? And this, of course, brings us to the very definition of spirituality. What is spirituality, and how does one live an authentic spiritual life in a world where everyone has a “right” way for us to be spiritual? Let’s talk about this today.
26/02/201458 minutes, 5 secondes
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Celebrating Difference

Last week we talked to Andrew Solomon about differences. We are going to continue that topic today as we explore what it means to an individual to be different. One of the complaints clinicians commonly hear from clients is this feeling they carry of being alien in their families of origin. This would not be true it their differences were accepted, even celebrated, by family. Unfortunately, not only does family reject us for being different but so does the social milieu in general. Children who feel the most rejected for their difference are often those who are selected by bullies for bullying. In fact, we even talk about difference in terms of its feeling: “feeling different” has become a way of describing that feeling of rejection. But what if “feeling different” could simply mean “celebrating me?” It is fascinating that in America we formulated a country out of the need for freedom to be different and then set out to obliterate it entirely. Let’s talk about that today.
19/02/201457 minutes, 10 secondes
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Celebrating Difference

Last week we talked to Andrew Solomon about differences. We are going to continue that topic today as we explore what it means to an individual to be different. One of the complaints clinicians commonly hear from clients is this feeling they carry of being alien in their families of origin. This would not be true it their differences were accepted, even celebrated, by family. Unfortunately, not only does family reject us for being different but so does the social milieu in general. Children who feel the most rejected for their difference are often those who are selected by bullies for bullying. In fact, we even talk about difference in terms of its feeling: “feeling different” has become a way of describing that feeling of rejection. But what if “feeling different” could simply mean “celebrating me?” It is fascinating that in America we formulated a country out of the need for freedom to be different and then set out to obliterate it entirely. Let’s talk about that today.
19/02/201457 minutes, 10 secondes
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Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
12/02/201456 minutes, 15 secondes
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Authentic Living with Special Guest Andrew Solomon

Today we are very fortunate to get an opportunity to talk to bestselling author Andrew Solomon, writer and lecturer on psychology, politics, and the arts and winner of the National Book Award for The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression. He is an activist in LGBT rights, mental health, and the arts. His latest NY Times bestselling book, and the subject of our interview today, entitled Far from the Tree: Parents, Children and the Search for Identity, is also the winner of several awards, including being chosen at among the NY Times Ten Best Books of 2012. It has been called “A bold and unambiguous call to redefine how we view difference… A stunning work of scholarship and compassion (Carmela Ciuraru, USA Today) distinguished similarly by many other notables for its exceptional profundity, compassion and insight. Today we are going to take an intimate look at this entire concept of loving differentness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into the power of love.
12/02/201456 minutes, 15 secondes
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Negative Feelings

There has been much said over the past several years, particular among teachers of spirituality, about so-called “negative” feelings. Most of what we hear tells us that we should be thinking and feeling “positive” thoughts and feelings. Some offer us dire warnings that if we have these negative feelings we are going to attract “negative” events and relationships into our lives. Still others have told us that if we have so-called “negative” events in our lives, we must have attracted them through our “negative” thoughts and feelings. The question to be asked here is this: If we are gifted with a range of feelings that include on one end of the continuum, joy and on the other, pain, then what is the purpose of these feelings? Today we are going to talk about the purpose of emotions. We will look for and find their divine purpose. Don’t miss this one.
05/02/201457 minutes, 32 secondes
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Negative Feelings

There has been much said over the past several years, particular among teachers of spirituality, about so-called “negative” feelings. Most of what we hear tells us that we should be thinking and feeling “positive” thoughts and feelings. Some offer us dire warnings that if we have these negative feelings we are going to attract “negative” events and relationships into our lives. Still others have told us that if we have so-called “negative” events in our lives, we must have attracted them through our “negative” thoughts and feelings. The question to be asked here is this: If we are gifted with a range of feelings that include on one end of the continuum, joy and on the other, pain, then what is the purpose of these feelings? Today we are going to talk about the purpose of emotions. We will look for and find their divine purpose. Don’t miss this one.
05/02/201457 minutes, 32 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
29/01/201426 minutes, 12 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
29/01/201426 minutes, 12 secondes
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Case Studies in the Process of Heaven

Alright, so we’ve heard that it’s possible for a person to experience heaven right here on earth, but how? How does a person stand fully inside him or her Self and live from that central organizing essence? Well, it’s a process. And this week we are going to talk about some specific case studies, that demonstrate how we can do this. Do we have to have a Near Death Experience? Do we have to have some major life changing transformational event? Do we have to meditate for hours and hours every day? Do we have to exclude all so-called negative thinking from our minds? Do we have to become an ascetic or a Guru? Don’t miss today’s show. We are going to talk about all the things you do and don’t “have to do” to inhabit heaven NOW.
22/01/201458 minutes, 3 secondes
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Case Studies in the Process of Heaven

Alright, so we’ve heard that it’s possible for a person to experience heaven right here on earth, but how? How does a person stand fully inside him or her Self and live from that central organizing essence? Well, it’s a process. And this week we are going to talk about some specific case studies, that demonstrate how we can do this. Do we have to have a Near Death Experience? Do we have to have some major life changing transformational event? Do we have to meditate for hours and hours every day? Do we have to exclude all so-called negative thinking from our minds? Do we have to become an ascetic or a Guru? Don’t miss today’s show. We are going to talk about all the things you do and don’t “have to do” to inhabit heaven NOW.
22/01/201458 minutes, 3 secondes
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Where is your POWER?

What does it mean to have power? Where in our lives can we find it, where in our bodies and our minds? Do we know we have power when others cater to our needs and desires? Are we powerful finally when we are famous? What do we do with power and how do we do it? Today we are going to answer some of those questions in an interview with Rev. Raymont Anderson. Raymont is Holistic Transformational Life Coach, an Interfaith/Interspiritual and New Thought Minister. He is the founder and Senior player in three different organizations: B.E.L.I.E.V.E an American Sign Language Theatrical Performance Company, the Guang Dian Feng-Huang school of martial arts; and the Center for Living the Sacred: P.H.O.E.N.I.X. He is a Reiki Master and the author of Visual Music: Interpreting Songs in American Sign Language and Moving Mountains: The Journey of Transformation. He comes to us this week to talk to us about the power that is inherently ours. Don’t miss it.
15/01/201456 minutes, 51 secondes
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Where is your POWER?

What does it mean to have power? Where in our lives can we find it, where in our bodies and our minds? Do we know we have power when others cater to our needs and desires? Are we powerful finally when we are famous? What do we do with power and how do we do it? Today we are going to answer some of those questions in an interview with Rev. Raymont Anderson. Raymont is Holistic Transformational Life Coach, an Interfaith/Interspiritual and New Thought Minister. He is the founder and Senior player in three different organizations: B.E.L.I.E.V.E an American Sign Language Theatrical Performance Company, the Guang Dian Feng-Huang school of martial arts; and the Center for Living the Sacred: P.H.O.E.N.I.X. He is a Reiki Master and the author of Visual Music: Interpreting Songs in American Sign Language and Moving Mountains: The Journey of Transformation. He comes to us this week to talk to us about the power that is inherently ours. Don’t miss it.
15/01/201456 minutes, 51 secondes
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Beginning Again

Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Well here it is the 8th of January. Is that still working for you a little over a week into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
08/01/201455 minutes, 52 secondes
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Beginning Again

Here we are again at another new beginning. At least it is one that most of us recognize as a new beginning. The problem, however, with new beginnings is that we think we have to throw out the old to have the new. We think of it in very black and white, purist terms. But what if you knew that you didn’t have to eliminate anything to have something new? Things don’t die when new things are born. Rather things are integrated when new things are born. But what does this mean? What does it mean to integrate something old to find something new? Aren’t we just supposed to think of something we want, stop thinking negative and start thinking positive as we work toward our new goals? Well here it is the 8th of January. Is that still working for you a little over a week into the New Year? What is the difference between a drive to a new goal, and a drive that comes from integrated material? Today we are going to learn how to begin again. Be here—you don’t want to miss this.
08/01/201455 minutes, 52 secondes
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Without morality…

…how would we manage our behavior? Won’t we just fall apart? Become the evil we always suspected we were? How will we keep ourselves from hurting others, from sabotaging ourselves, from being unkind, unloving, uncertain…from becoming the worst we imagine of ourselves? Won’t we need something else, like guilt or remorse, or fear to keep us in line? Well, what if you knew that there was someone living deep inside of you who operated out of compassion and passion and who, without the external onus of morality, can guide us? What if that person has always been living inside of you trying to get out? What if, in fact, it is the most genuine you of you, the most real aspect of you? If that were true, if that truth became apparent to you, what would you do? This week, we are going to decide together whether or not this is true, and if it is, what we can do about it. AND we are going to listen to a clip from the next Super Soul Sunday.
18/12/201358 minutes, 19 secondes
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Without morality…

…how would we manage our behavior? Won’t we just fall apart? Become the evil we always suspected we were? How will we keep ourselves from hurting others, from sabotaging ourselves, from being unkind, unloving, uncertain…from becoming the worst we imagine of ourselves? Won’t we need something else, like guilt or remorse, or fear to keep us in line? Well, what if you knew that there was someone living deep inside of you who operated out of compassion and passion and who, without the external onus of morality, can guide us? What if that person has always been living inside of you trying to get out? What if, in fact, it is the most genuine you of you, the most real aspect of you? If that were true, if that truth became apparent to you, what would you do? This week, we are going to decide together whether or not this is true, and if it is, what we can do about it. AND we are going to listen to a clip from the next Super Soul Sunday.
18/12/201358 minutes, 19 secondes
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Failure: Not an Option

We live in a world where failure occurs every day. Where we fail, others fail us, and life itself seems to fail. We live in a world in which we may pray for salvation, for sustenance, for safety and security, for love and relationship, but our prayers seem to fail at the doors to the gods. And what about God—has the Western version of God failed to bring about good results from his judgment, his mercy and his love? It seems to be everywhere. But what if it were actually possible that there is no failure—not one failed life, anywhere, anytime? Well, that would be heaven—wouldn’t it? We’d have everything we ever wanted, we’d never make a mistake or fail at anything. Well, that’s not exactly what it means, but on today’s show, our last in the Countdown to Heaven series, we are going to find out what it does mean—and what that has to do with Inhabiting Heaven NOW. And we are going to hear the next clip for Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Talk to you then.
11/12/201358 minutes, 11 secondes
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Failure: Not an Option

We live in a world where failure occurs every day. Where we fail, others fail us, and life itself seems to fail. We live in a world in which we may pray for salvation, for sustenance, for safety and security, for love and relationship, but our prayers seem to fail at the doors to the gods. And what about God—has the Western version of God failed to bring about good results from his judgment, his mercy and his love? It seems to be everywhere. But what if it were actually possible that there is no failure—not one failed life, anywhere, anytime? Well, that would be heaven—wouldn’t it? We’d have everything we ever wanted, we’d never make a mistake or fail at anything. Well, that’s not exactly what it means, but on today’s show, our last in the Countdown to Heaven series, we are going to find out what it does mean—and what that has to do with Inhabiting Heaven NOW. And we are going to hear the next clip for Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Talk to you then.
11/12/201358 minutes, 11 secondes
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Locating Heaven Within

If we really can live in heaven here on earth, where is it? Where do we find that illusive peace and bliss for which we so long? And where do we even find the door to such a place, much less build a home there? Heaven has been hidden in the unconscious, so it is there that we must travel to find it. But the point of the unconscious is to keep hidden in safety what we are not ready to approach. Yet the unconscious is also the origin of all that we have already become. Every conscious aspect was once unconscious and evolved into conscious experience through an encounter with unconscious material. And that is how we begin the process of finding heaven on earth. We receive it into conscious experience and embrace it. This show is going to open our awareness as to how we can begin to work with the unconscious instead of against it, bringing us ultimately to our own internal home in heaven. And we’ll hear another clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
04/12/201358 minutes, 13 secondes
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Locating Heaven Within

If we really can live in heaven here on earth, where is it? Where do we find that illusive peace and bliss for which we so long? And where do we even find the door to such a place, much less build a home there? Heaven has been hidden in the unconscious, so it is there that we must travel to find it. But the point of the unconscious is to keep hidden in safety what we are not ready to approach. Yet the unconscious is also the origin of all that we have already become. Every conscious aspect was once unconscious and evolved into conscious experience through an encounter with unconscious material. And that is how we begin the process of finding heaven on earth. We receive it into conscious experience and embrace it. This show is going to open our awareness as to how we can begin to work with the unconscious instead of against it, bringing us ultimately to our own internal home in heaven. And we’ll hear another clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
04/12/201358 minutes, 13 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
27/11/201357 minutes, 35 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
27/11/201357 minutes, 35 secondes
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Where is my Bliss?

When we consider the possibility that we can inhabit heaven here on earth, the first thing we typically think of is bliss. When we think of a heaven which can only be inhabited after we die—we also think of bliss—the comfort and joy of meeting again with those loved ones we’ve lost. So, either way heaven must be bliss, right? So, if we can have heaven on earth, this means that we will have everything we want, right? There will be no unmet needs and all of our relationship, financial, parenting and other concerns must be blissful, right? Nah. There can’t be heaven on earth, because no one gets all of that. So, what can it possibly mean to have heaven on earth? On this show, another in our Countdown to Heaven, we are going to talk about bliss and how we can access and maintain it as we experience heaven on earth. And we are going to hear another clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. You don’t want to miss this one.
20/11/201350 minutes, 20 secondes
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Where is my Bliss?

When we consider the possibility that we can inhabit heaven here on earth, the first thing we typically think of is bliss. When we think of a heaven which can only be inhabited after we die—we also think of bliss—the comfort and joy of meeting again with those loved ones we’ve lost. So, either way heaven must be bliss, right? So, if we can have heaven on earth, this means that we will have everything we want, right? There will be no unmet needs and all of our relationship, financial, parenting and other concerns must be blissful, right? Nah. There can’t be heaven on earth, because no one gets all of that. So, what can it possibly mean to have heaven on earth? On this show, another in our Countdown to Heaven, we are going to talk about bliss and how we can access and maintain it as we experience heaven on earth. And we are going to hear another clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. You don’t want to miss this one.
20/11/201350 minutes, 20 secondes
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The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
13/11/201357 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Honeymoon Effect

In our third week of our Countdown to Heaven, we are talking to Bruce Lipton, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief about his latest book, The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth. We all understand either the actuality of the honeymoon effect, or the dream of it. But most of us see it as temporary—because we have to get back to “real life.” The Honeymoon Effect is a state of bliss, passion, energy and health resulting from huge love. But we cannot imagine that we can have that on a regular basis. But Lipton tells us that the Honeymoon Effect is not a chance event that happened to us because the right circumstances collided, but rather it is a personal creation. In fact, he tells us that love is the most potent growth factor for human beings. How can we manifest this heaven on earth? Tune it to find out—and to hear the clip from Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday. Don’t miss it.
13/11/201357 minutes, 35 secondes
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Tuning In

One of our master teachers in the fine art of tuning in is Sonia Choquette. And she is here with us this week to talk to us about that very subject. Sonia is the author of 19 international bestselling books on intuitive awakening, personal growth, creativity, and transformational leadership including the New York Times bestseller “The Answer is Simple.” An expert on the six senses, she is inspiring a global movement to raise our consciousness to the truth that “we, as humans are Divine beings endowed with six senses to guide us through life.” She insists that in order to make the most authentic, well-informed, healthy, and soul satisfying decisions possible, we must learn use our innate sixth sense. Today we are going to learn how we may tune in, as she talks about her latest book, “Tune In: Let Your Intuition Guide you to Fulfillment and Flow.” Be here for this opportunity to learn how to tune in and don’t miss this week’s clip of Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday.
06/11/201355 minutes, 31 secondes
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Tuning In

One of our master teachers in the fine art of tuning in is Sonia Choquette. And she is here with us this week to talk to us about that very subject. Sonia is the author of 19 international bestselling books on intuitive awakening, personal growth, creativity, and transformational leadership including the New York Times bestseller “The Answer is Simple.” An expert on the six senses, she is inspiring a global movement to raise our consciousness to the truth that “we, as humans are Divine beings endowed with six senses to guide us through life.” She insists that in order to make the most authentic, well-informed, healthy, and soul satisfying decisions possible, we must learn use our innate sixth sense. Today we are going to learn how we may tune in, as she talks about her latest book, “Tune In: Let Your Intuition Guide you to Fulfillment and Flow.” Be here for this opportunity to learn how to tune in and don’t miss this week’s clip of Oprah’s upcoming Super Soul Sunday.
06/11/201355 minutes, 31 secondes
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What stops us from inhabiting heaven NOW?

Many of our New Thought or New Age or Human Potential Movement leaders are telling us that it is ego that keeps us from inhabiting heaven NOW. Others are telling us that it is fear. And still others are telling us that it is our thoughts. Traditional Western religions tell us that we are not inhabiting heaven now, because that is an impossibility. Heaven is a place far away from earth in some rarefied atmosphere of holiness to which only those who have become worthy of it, through the right rituals, prayers or actions, arrive—and only after death. Many Eastern religions tell us that we arrive at something similar to heaven only after many lifetimes in which we finish our karmic challenges and no longer have to return to planet earth. But if heaven can be experienced right here on planet earth, why aren’t we experiencing it? This show is going to tell us why. Plus we are going to hear the clip from the next Super Soul Sunday. So be here. You don’t want to miss this.
30/10/201356 minutes, 1 secondes
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What stops us from inhabiting heaven NOW?

Many of our New Thought or New Age or Human Potential Movement leaders are telling us that it is ego that keeps us from inhabiting heaven NOW. Others are telling us that it is fear. And still others are telling us that it is our thoughts. Traditional Western religions tell us that we are not inhabiting heaven now, because that is an impossibility. Heaven is a place far away from earth in some rarefied atmosphere of holiness to which only those who have become worthy of it, through the right rituals, prayers or actions, arrive—and only after death. Many Eastern religions tell us that we arrive at something similar to heaven only after many lifetimes in which we finish our karmic challenges and no longer have to return to planet earth. But if heaven can be experienced right here on planet earth, why aren’t we experiencing it? This show is going to tell us why. Plus we are going to hear the clip from the next Super Soul Sunday. So be here. You don’t want to miss this.
30/10/201356 minutes, 1 secondes
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The Deep Work of Essential Change

The simple fact of life is that we cannot have true change, lasting change without doing the deep work. Our guest today, Dr. Richard Moss, is here to tell us about how we can become the most balanced, awake, alive and loving persons we can be. We all talk about having wholeness, but we often look for the quick fixes, even in our spirituality. It takes real work, real psychological and spiritual work to have the kind of transformation we seek. According to Moss this kind of transformation is about growing emotionally, psychologically and spiritually to a life in which we have made peace with the past and embraced the shadow. This kind of work gives us an experience of the sacred and brings us into the now. So, today, from one of America’s wisest spiritual guides we are going get a glimpse of the work and the outcome of that work. And we’ll also hear the clip of Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday. This is but one more step in our countdown to Heaven series. Be here for it.
23/10/201356 minutes, 50 secondes
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The Deep Work of Essential Change

The simple fact of life is that we cannot have true change, lasting change without doing the deep work. Our guest today, Dr. Richard Moss, is here to tell us about how we can become the most balanced, awake, alive and loving persons we can be. We all talk about having wholeness, but we often look for the quick fixes, even in our spirituality. It takes real work, real psychological and spiritual work to have the kind of transformation we seek. According to Moss this kind of transformation is about growing emotionally, psychologically and spiritually to a life in which we have made peace with the past and embraced the shadow. This kind of work gives us an experience of the sacred and brings us into the now. So, today, from one of America’s wisest spiritual guides we are going get a glimpse of the work and the outcome of that work. And we’ll also hear the clip of Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday. This is but one more step in our countdown to Heaven series. Be here for it.
23/10/201356 minutes, 50 secondes
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Count Down To Heaven

This show begins a series of shows in which we will start the countdown to Heaven—which will occur on December 13th of this year. Yes, that’s right. December 13th is Heaven’s coming out party on earth. On that day, the book, Inhabiting Heaven NOW: The Answer to Every Moral Dilemma Ever Posed, will be released, and the next phase of our spiritual evolution will begin. That next phase begins as we see that even the Bible informs us of our divine essence. But instead of being that essence, we strive for a kind of external “righteousness” that has nothing to do with who we are. Until we can answer the question, “Who would I be without my morals” with “I would be the divine being I AM,” we will stay stuck circling around the same dualities, the same moral/immoral issues, never evolving to that peace for which we so long. So, come join the countdown to heaven. Not only will we begin the celebration, but we will begin the next phase of our evolution.
16/10/201357 minutes, 20 secondes
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Count Down To Heaven

This show begins a series of shows in which we will start the countdown to Heaven—which will occur on December 13th of this year. Yes, that’s right. December 13th is Heaven’s coming out party on earth. On that day, the book, Inhabiting Heaven NOW: The Answer to Every Moral Dilemma Ever Posed, will be released, and the next phase of our spiritual evolution will begin. That next phase begins as we see that even the Bible informs us of our divine essence. But instead of being that essence, we strive for a kind of external “righteousness” that has nothing to do with who we are. Until we can answer the question, “Who would I be without my morals” with “I would be the divine being I AM,” we will stay stuck circling around the same dualities, the same moral/immoral issues, never evolving to that peace for which we so long. So, come join the countdown to heaven. Not only will we begin the celebration, but we will begin the next phase of our evolution.
16/10/201357 minutes, 20 secondes
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Building Trusted Relationships

Partners cheating on partners, friends gossiping about your most vulnerable and private information, paparazzi endangering lives to get that hot shot, parents betraying the bond of parenthood in a multitude of ways. These and other betrayals run rampant throughout our culture. In the face of this, it is even practical to invest in a relationship? After we’ve been so betrayed, how do we go about building enough trust within ourselves to make certain that we do not get betrayed again? How do we know who to trust? Where do we go to find trustworthy people? These and more questions are frequently on the minds of a majority of people at at least some point in their lives. Well, along with hearing another clip from Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, we are going to talk about this issue of trust, what it is, what it isn’t and how to build trusted relationships. If you worry about who you can trust, how to trust, or if you are the betrayer in a relationship, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
09/10/201357 minutes, 14 secondes
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Building Trusted Relationships

Partners cheating on partners, friends gossiping about your most vulnerable and private information, paparazzi endangering lives to get that hot shot, parents betraying the bond of parenthood in a multitude of ways. These and other betrayals run rampant throughout our culture. In the face of this, it is even practical to invest in a relationship? After we’ve been so betrayed, how do we go about building enough trust within ourselves to make certain that we do not get betrayed again? How do we know who to trust? Where do we go to find trustworthy people? These and more questions are frequently on the minds of a majority of people at at least some point in their lives. Well, along with hearing another clip from Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday, we are going to talk about this issue of trust, what it is, what it isn’t and how to build trusted relationships. If you worry about who you can trust, how to trust, or if you are the betrayer in a relationship, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
09/10/201357 minutes, 14 secondes
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My Friend Fear

Most of us have been taught that fear is a problem to be overcome. Especially in the some of the spiritual community, fear is basically the F-word. It is the enemy. It keeps us from having what we want. It makes us live from what’s called the “lower self” rather than the so-called “higher self.” But fear, like all of our other emotions, just has a message to deliver. And in some cases that message can literally save our lives. Beyond that it can also be a warning bell, a determiner of the next step, an informational email to allow us into our shadow material—and therefore a consciousness raiser. Fear is our friend, and the more we try to send it away, the less we are able to really live an authentic life. What we fear the most, however, is that when we become conscious of our fear, it will begin to dominate our behaviors. So, how do we deal with fear effectively? The answer to this question will bring us to the next phase of our spiritual development as a species. Don’t miss this.
02/10/201357 minutes, 51 secondes
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My Friend Fear

Most of us have been taught that fear is a problem to be overcome. Especially in the some of the spiritual community, fear is basically the F-word. It is the enemy. It keeps us from having what we want. It makes us live from what’s called the “lower self” rather than the so-called “higher self.” But fear, like all of our other emotions, just has a message to deliver. And in some cases that message can literally save our lives. Beyond that it can also be a warning bell, a determiner of the next step, an informational email to allow us into our shadow material—and therefore a consciousness raiser. Fear is our friend, and the more we try to send it away, the less we are able to really live an authentic life. What we fear the most, however, is that when we become conscious of our fear, it will begin to dominate our behaviors. So, how do we deal with fear effectively? The answer to this question will bring us to the next phase of our spiritual development as a species. Don’t miss this.
02/10/201357 minutes, 51 secondes
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Your Family Trance

If we want to know the biggest barrier to our authenticity we can look to the hypnotic scripts we learned as we were growing up. But paradoxically, it is these same scripts that are the anvil upon which we hammer out the designs for an authentic life. We actually grew up in a hypnotic trance state in which the organizing center of our existence became the messages we received from primary relationships. In other words, we lost our center. These hypnotic scripts told us who to be and how to be it. And we did it and did it and did it until the day came when doing it became more painful than not doing it. That’s when we began to ask some of the right questions—like who am I really? But that particular trance is our gauntlet. No one else’s trance state will ultimately be broken so that we can become who we are. But until it is broken we will not come alive. Tune in to learn why you do what you do, why you are attracted to your relationships and how you can become your truest Self.
25/09/201357 minutes, 50 secondes
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Your Family Trance

If we want to know the biggest barrier to our authenticity we can look to the hypnotic scripts we learned as we were growing up. But paradoxically, it is these same scripts that are the anvil upon which we hammer out the designs for an authentic life. We actually grew up in a hypnotic trance state in which the organizing center of our existence became the messages we received from primary relationships. In other words, we lost our center. These hypnotic scripts told us who to be and how to be it. And we did it and did it and did it until the day came when doing it became more painful than not doing it. That’s when we began to ask some of the right questions—like who am I really? But that particular trance is our gauntlet. No one else’s trance state will ultimately be broken so that we can become who we are. But until it is broken we will not come alive. Tune in to learn why you do what you do, why you are attracted to your relationships and how you can become your truest Self.
25/09/201357 minutes, 50 secondes
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Your Family Trance

If we want to know the biggest barrier to our authenticity we can look to the hypnotic scripts we learned as we were growing up. But paradoxically, it is these same scripts that are the anvil upon which we hammer out the designs for an authentic life. We actually grew up in a hypnotic trance state in which the organizing center of our existence became the messages we received from primary relationships. In other words, we lost our center. These hypnotic scripts told us who to be and how to be it. And we did it and did it and did it until the day came when doing it became more painful than not doing it. That’s when we began to ask some of the right questions—like who am I really? But that particular trance is our gauntlet. No one else’s trance state will ultimately be broken so that we can become who we are. But until it is broken we will not come alive. Tune in to learn why you do what you do, why you are attracted to your relationships and how you can become your truest Self.
25/09/201357 minutes, 50 secondes
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Conversing with the Universe

What is it really like to hear from the Universe or the divine? What can we look for in terms of knowing when it is a communique from the Universe? How do we determine the difference between a message from the divine and a message from our own confused emotions? Simran Singh comes to us today with a clear mastery of universal law and divine principle that reveals the soulful wisdom behind these communications. Simran considers herself to be a rebel humanitarian in the realms of metaphysics and spirituality. She is the award-winning publisher of 11:11 Magazines and hosts her own show on Voice America and the Rebel Road TV. She left an 18 year arranged marriage, let go of everything to dive into the unknown without a plan, no desire to control it and no structure. And now she’s the author of Your Journey to Enlightenment and Conversations with the Universe—our topic today. You are not going to want to miss this one.
18/09/201356 minutes, 49 secondes
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Conversing with the Universe

What is it really like to hear from the Universe or the divine? What can we look for in terms of knowing when it is a communique from the Universe? How do we determine the difference between a message from the divine and a message from our own confused emotions? Simran Singh comes to us today with a clear mastery of universal law and divine principle that reveals the soulful wisdom behind these communications. Simran considers herself to be a rebel humanitarian in the realms of metaphysics and spirituality. She is the award-winning publisher of 11:11 Magazines and hosts her own show on Voice America and the Rebel Road TV. She left an 18 year arranged marriage, let go of everything to dive into the unknown without a plan, no desire to control it and no structure. And now she’s the author of Your Journey to Enlightenment and Conversations with the Universe—our topic today. You are not going to want to miss this one.
18/09/201356 minutes, 49 secondes
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Good or Ego (or is that Evil?)

Somewhere along the way, those of us in the New Thought world—who don’t really believe in a devil or “his” purposes—transposed the face of that demonic force onto the ego. The ego is now considered to be the enemy—one that can possess us. When we are so possessed—it is thought—we think and feel so-called “negative” thoughts and feelings, and we act out negative behaviors. So, it seems we’ve changed the language a bit, but it’s still the same old scenario. And this evil force is not now, as it once was, projected out onto an external super-entity called the devil or Satan, but it is now living inside of us. Well, we’ve already talked about how the ego is really just a liaison between the inner and outer worlds, but now, what we need to talk about is what is really inside of us. What is the range of our existence? What can we do with those difficult parts of ourselves that seem to grab hold of us and refuse to let go until we behave out of them? Don’t miss this one.
11/09/201357 minutes, 52 secondes
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Good or Ego (or is that Evil?)

Somewhere along the way, those of us in the New Thought world—who don’t really believe in a devil or “his” purposes—transposed the face of that demonic force onto the ego. The ego is now considered to be the enemy—one that can possess us. When we are so possessed—it is thought—we think and feel so-called “negative” thoughts and feelings, and we act out negative behaviors. So, it seems we’ve changed the language a bit, but it’s still the same old scenario. And this evil force is not now, as it once was, projected out onto an external super-entity called the devil or Satan, but it is now living inside of us. Well, we’ve already talked about how the ego is really just a liaison between the inner and outer worlds, but now, what we need to talk about is what is really inside of us. What is the range of our existence? What can we do with those difficult parts of ourselves that seem to grab hold of us and refuse to let go until we behave out of them? Don’t miss this one.
11/09/201357 minutes, 52 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
04/09/201355 minutes, 13 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
04/09/201355 minutes, 13 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Astrologer Steven Forrest on Astrology and Authenticity

We are so excited today to be able to talk to well-known astrologer, author and teacher Steven Forrest about how we might use astrology to help us discover, challenge and encourage our own authenticity. Forrest is the author of several astrological bestsellers, including THE INNER SKY, THE CHANGING SKY, THE BOOK OF PLUTO, THE NIGHT SPEAKS, and the astrology classic YESTERDAY'S SKY. His most recent is THE BOOK OF THE MOON. His work has been translated into a dozen languages, and he travels worldwide to speak and teach his brand of choice-centered Evolutionary Astrology, which integrates free will, grounded humanistic psychology and ancient metaphysics. He has won prestigious awards, and the acclaim of people like Sting, Callie Khouri—author of the screenplay for Thelma and Louise and Oprah Magazine. Along with his busy private practice, he maintains active astrological apprenticeship programs. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear one of the world’s most acclaimed astrologers.
28/08/201356 minutes, 55 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Astrologer Steven Forrest on Astrology and Authenticity

We are so excited today to be able to talk to well-known astrologer, author and teacher Steven Forrest about how we might use astrology to help us discover, challenge and encourage our own authenticity. Forrest is the author of several astrological bestsellers, including THE INNER SKY, THE CHANGING SKY, THE BOOK OF PLUTO, THE NIGHT SPEAKS, and the astrology classic YESTERDAY'S SKY. His most recent is THE BOOK OF THE MOON. His work has been translated into a dozen languages, and he travels worldwide to speak and teach his brand of choice-centered Evolutionary Astrology, which integrates free will, grounded humanistic psychology and ancient metaphysics. He has won prestigious awards, and the acclaim of people like Sting, Callie Khouri—author of the screenplay for Thelma and Louise and Oprah Magazine. Along with his busy private practice, he maintains active astrological apprenticeship programs. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear one of the world’s most acclaimed astrologers.
28/08/201356 minutes, 55 secondes
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Who would you be without your morals?

Most people would answer that they would be set free then to do all the monstrous things from which they currently hold themselves back in the name of civilized and moral behavior. We could do whatever we want, and what we want is definitely something that would otherwise get us in trouble. Right? But what if under all of our codes and constraints there is a person who knows peace, who understands life at its core level and wants only more peace and to give from the fullness of its essence? What if the morals we hold so sacred actually interfere with our becoming that person? This week we are going to talk about that person and bring her/him forth from the cavernous regions of a darkened psyche to launch a new awareness. Don’t miss this. It could change your life.
21/08/201357 minutes, 15 secondes
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Who would you be without your morals?

Most people would answer that they would be set free then to do all the monstrous things from which they currently hold themselves back in the name of civilized and moral behavior. We could do whatever we want, and what we want is definitely something that would otherwise get us in trouble. Right? But what if under all of our codes and constraints there is a person who knows peace, who understands life at its core level and wants only more peace and to give from the fullness of its essence? What if the morals we hold so sacred actually interfere with our becoming that person? This week we are going to talk about that person and bring her/him forth from the cavernous regions of a darkened psyche to launch a new awareness. Don’t miss this. It could change your life.
21/08/201357 minutes, 15 secondes
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Astrologer Steven Forrest on Astrology and Authenticity

We are so excited today to be able to talk to well-known astrologer, author and teacher Steven Forrest about how we might use astrology to help us discover, challenge and encourage our own authenticity. Forrest is the author of several astrological bestsellers, including THE INNER SKY, THE CHANGING SKY, THE BOOK OF PLUTO, THE NIGHT SPEAKS, and the astrology classic YESTERDAY'S SKY. His most recent is THE BOOK OF THE MOON. His work has been translated into a dozen languages, and he travels worldwide to speak and teach his brand of choice-centered Evolutionary Astrology, which integrates free will, grounded humanistic psychology and ancient metaphysics. He has won prestigious awards, and the acclaim of people like Sting, Callie Khouri—author of the screenplay for Thelma and Louise and Oprah Magazine. Along with his busy private practice, he maintains active astrological apprenticeship programs. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear one of the world’s most acclaimed astrologers.
14/08/201356 minutes, 55 secondes
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Astrologer Steven Forrest on Astrology and Authenticity

We are so excited today to be able to talk to well-known astrologer, author and teacher Steven Forrest about how we might use astrology to help us discover, challenge and encourage our own authenticity. Forrest is the author of several astrological bestsellers, including THE INNER SKY, THE CHANGING SKY, THE BOOK OF PLUTO, THE NIGHT SPEAKS, and the astrology classic YESTERDAY'S SKY. His most recent is THE BOOK OF THE MOON. His work has been translated into a dozen languages, and he travels worldwide to speak and teach his brand of choice-centered Evolutionary Astrology, which integrates free will, grounded humanistic psychology and ancient metaphysics. He has won prestigious awards, and the acclaim of people like Sting, Callie Khouri—author of the screenplay for Thelma and Louise and Oprah Magazine. Along with his busy private practice, he maintains active astrological apprenticeship programs. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear one of the world’s most acclaimed astrologers.
14/08/201356 minutes, 55 secondes
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What does it mean to be present?

We hear this all the time: just be present. And the phrase is being used so much that even businesses are picking up on it. But what does it really mean to be present? Does it mean not leaving the room? Does it mean not making any plans for tomorrow, or having any memories of yesterday? Does it mean flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to job performance, relationship and parenting? Those are some fairly common questions we get when it comes to understanding the idea of being present. But actually being present is none of those things. Being present has to do with experiencing the fullness of living. Yeah, right, but what does it really MEAN? Well, we are going to answer that question in full on this show. By the time the show is over you are going to know being present like you’ve never known it before. So, really now, do you want to miss this show?
07/08/201358 minutes, 7 secondes
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What does it mean to be present?

We hear this all the time: just be present. And the phrase is being used so much that even businesses are picking up on it. But what does it really mean to be present? Does it mean not leaving the room? Does it mean not making any plans for tomorrow, or having any memories of yesterday? Does it mean flying by the seat of your pants when it comes to job performance, relationship and parenting? Those are some fairly common questions we get when it comes to understanding the idea of being present. But actually being present is none of those things. Being present has to do with experiencing the fullness of living. Yeah, right, but what does it really MEAN? Well, we are going to answer that question in full on this show. By the time the show is over you are going to know being present like you’ve never known it before. So, really now, do you want to miss this show?
07/08/201358 minutes, 7 secondes
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Bargains that Kill

Bargaining is a stage, a phase really, of the acceptance process. And the acceptance process is very similar to the grief process in that the phases don’t really have any order, but they include denial, anger, sorrow, bargaining and finally acceptance. Bargaining is the toughest of these phases because it provides us the illusion that we don’t really have to accept that tough reality, instead we can fix it. So, let’s say my father was indifferent to me—bargaining with this might mean I continually tried to get him to be loving, and then married men who were indifferent hoping that I could get them to be loving. And the bottom line is that the more I’m bargaining with them—those people who are least likely to become loving and kind—the less the chances are that I’ll meet those hungry needs—so I’m really being indifferent to myself. Well, we can stay stuck there for whole lifetimes. And today we’re going to talk about how to get unstuck. And don’t miss the Oprah clip on today’s show.
31/07/201357 minutes, 54 secondes
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Bargains that Kill

Bargaining is a stage, a phase really, of the acceptance process. And the acceptance process is very similar to the grief process in that the phases don’t really have any order, but they include denial, anger, sorrow, bargaining and finally acceptance. Bargaining is the toughest of these phases because it provides us the illusion that we don’t really have to accept that tough reality, instead we can fix it. So, let’s say my father was indifferent to me—bargaining with this might mean I continually tried to get him to be loving, and then married men who were indifferent hoping that I could get them to be loving. And the bottom line is that the more I’m bargaining with them—those people who are least likely to become loving and kind—the less the chances are that I’ll meet those hungry needs—so I’m really being indifferent to myself. Well, we can stay stuck there for whole lifetimes. And today we’re going to talk about how to get unstuck. And don’t miss the Oprah clip on today’s show.
31/07/201357 minutes, 54 secondes
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I think therefore I am not?

Descartes told us that our thoughts proved our existence. But what if just the opposite is true? What if it isn’t our thoughts that prove our existence but our presence in the experience of the now? If those who teach meditation, as the art of suspending thought or at least backing away from it to simply observe it, are correct, then why is thought still considered to be so very important to those who tell us that are thoughts create our realities? What if our realities are created by something much deeper, much more real? But we can’t really say that thinking is a useless activity either. So, what is the true nature of thought? Tune in to find out. And don’t miss our airing of this week’s clip from Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday series.
24/07/201358 minutes, 24 secondes
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I think therefore I am not?

Descartes told us that our thoughts proved our existence. But what if just the opposite is true? What if it isn’t our thoughts that prove our existence but our presence in the experience of the now? If those who teach meditation, as the art of suspending thought or at least backing away from it to simply observe it, are correct, then why is thought still considered to be so very important to those who tell us that are thoughts create our realities? What if our realities are created by something much deeper, much more real? But we can’t really say that thinking is a useless activity either. So, what is the true nature of thought? Tune in to find out. And don’t miss our airing of this week’s clip from Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday series.
24/07/201358 minutes, 24 secondes
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Special Encore Interview with Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson made a second visit to the Authentic Living show not so long ago, to talk to us about her book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles. And today we get to hear this amazing interview again. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including A Return to Love, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on the subjects of work and money. Still others on miracles. But bridging the gap between the work, the money and the miracle—now that’s a subject worth considering. So listen today to the space between the money and the miracle, you could have a life-changing experience through this discussion. Don’t miss it!
17/07/201356 minutes, 41 secondes
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Special Encore Interview with Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson made a second visit to the Authentic Living show not so long ago, to talk to us about her book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles. And today we get to hear this amazing interview again. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including A Return to Love, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on the subjects of work and money. Still others on miracles. But bridging the gap between the work, the money and the miracle—now that’s a subject worth considering. So listen today to the space between the money and the miracle, you could have a life-changing experience through this discussion. Don’t miss it!
17/07/201356 minutes, 41 secondes
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What if I?

So, you are going through life making choices all day every day. But have you ever tried to discover all of the myriad “What ifs” plaguing your backroom brain-committee meetings? Well today, author Betsy Thompson is here to help us both discover and come to terms with some of these what ifs. Betsy is the author of recently released “What Happens if I?” as well as,Walking Through Illusion, The Mirror Theory, LoveParent, LoveHuman, and You Are What You Think so Make Your Thoughts Delicious. Betsy’s interesting twist on how life works forces us to ask and answer such questions as, “What if I do what I love but the money doesn’t come?” She does this in order to help us make our actions and reactions work for instead of against us. The search for truth means sometimes asking the hard questions. Today, along with announcing Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday show with a special encore presentation of her interview with Gary Zukav, we are going to be asking and answering those questions.
10/07/201357 minutes
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What if I?

So, you are going through life making choices all day every day. But have you ever tried to discover all of the myriad “What ifs” plaguing your backroom brain-committee meetings? Well today, author Betsy Thompson is here to help us both discover and come to terms with some of these what ifs. Betsy is the author of recently released “What Happens if I?” as well as,Walking Through Illusion, The Mirror Theory, LoveParent, LoveHuman, and You Are What You Think so Make Your Thoughts Delicious. Betsy’s interesting twist on how life works forces us to ask and answer such questions as, “What if I do what I love but the money doesn’t come?” She does this in order to help us make our actions and reactions work for instead of against us. The search for truth means sometimes asking the hard questions. Today, along with announcing Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday show with a special encore presentation of her interview with Gary Zukav, we are going to be asking and answering those questions.
10/07/201357 minutes
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The Transformative Power of Anger

Anger is a much despised emotion, considered by most to bring us all too close to the edge of that precipice over which we dare not fall, lest we have to consider ourselves to be bad or even evil people. For most religions, anger itself is thought of as a sin. Many New Age or even New Thought practitioners tell us of the dangers of being angry—dangers that range anywhere from anger’s power to make us operate from the “lower” self or the “ego,” to its supposed power to attract so-called “negative” people and events into our lives. We fear our anger. We are ashamed of our anger. Therefore, we suppress our anger so that it is left to leak out unconsciously through health problems, passive/aggressive or even aggressive behaviors. But what if all of these years we’ve been pushing away one of our most important transformative powers? Tune in this week to find out how anger can become a transformative force in your life.
03/07/201357 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Transformative Power of Anger

Anger is a much despised emotion, considered by most to bring us all too close to the edge of that precipice over which we dare not fall, lest we have to consider ourselves to be bad or even evil people. For most religions, anger itself is thought of as a sin. Many New Age or even New Thought practitioners tell us of the dangers of being angry—dangers that range anywhere from anger’s power to make us operate from the “lower” self or the “ego,” to its supposed power to attract so-called “negative” people and events into our lives. We fear our anger. We are ashamed of our anger. Therefore, we suppress our anger so that it is left to leak out unconsciously through health problems, passive/aggressive or even aggressive behaviors. But what if all of these years we’ve been pushing away one of our most important transformative powers? Tune in this week to find out how anger can become a transformative force in your life.
03/07/201357 minutes, 29 secondes
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Why do we suffer?

Part of the problem with our concept of heaven, and one of the primary reasons why we don’t live in heaven right now on planet earth, is because we suffer. The Buddha told us that we suffer because we are attached to things, people, places, circumstances, etc. That if we could relinquish attachment we would no longer suffer. Some resent that idea because it seems to give the gods of fortune their way—and why should they rather than us? After all, why shouldn’t we have what we want and need? In answer to that question, proponents of the law of attraction say that if we can suspend so-called “negative” thoughts we can win over the gods of fortune. Which is true? Why do we suffer? And is it really possible to stop suffering on this side of heaven? Today we are going to give a considered answer to that question. And then we are going to hear another clip from Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday in which she interviews Grammy-Award Winner India Arie on spiritual awakening. Don’t miss it.
19/06/201357 minutes, 27 secondes
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Why do we suffer?

Part of the problem with our concept of heaven, and one of the primary reasons why we don’t live in heaven right now on planet earth, is because we suffer. The Buddha told us that we suffer because we are attached to things, people, places, circumstances, etc. That if we could relinquish attachment we would no longer suffer. Some resent that idea because it seems to give the gods of fortune their way—and why should they rather than us? After all, why shouldn’t we have what we want and need? In answer to that question, proponents of the law of attraction say that if we can suspend so-called “negative” thoughts we can win over the gods of fortune. Which is true? Why do we suffer? And is it really possible to stop suffering on this side of heaven? Today we are going to give a considered answer to that question. And then we are going to hear another clip from Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday in which she interviews Grammy-Award Winner India Arie on spiritual awakening. Don’t miss it.
19/06/201357 minutes, 27 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

The concept of heaven has been distorted with so many of our fantasies about avoidance of struggle, suffering and pain. And since most of us can’t imagine a place on earth in which there is no struggle, suffering or pain, we’ve put heaven up there, out there, down there, anywhere, but here, on planet earth. What you are about to learn about heaven will change your thinking on this entirely. Heaven is not a place. It is not out there, up there, down there and it isn’t simply a place we go to after we die. It is right here, right now—but then it isn’t about avoidance of suffering either. Tune in this week— you’ll learn how to inhabit heaven NOW. AND you’ll hear our clip for this upcoming Super Soul Sunday, in which Oprah interviews one of the greatest American basketball coaches in history, NBA Championship coach Phil Jackson, as he discusses both his coaching philosophy and his own battle with cancer. Don’t miss it.
12/06/201357 minutes, 48 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

The concept of heaven has been distorted with so many of our fantasies about avoidance of struggle, suffering and pain. And since most of us can’t imagine a place on earth in which there is no struggle, suffering or pain, we’ve put heaven up there, out there, down there, anywhere, but here, on planet earth. What you are about to learn about heaven will change your thinking on this entirely. Heaven is not a place. It is not out there, up there, down there and it isn’t simply a place we go to after we die. It is right here, right now—but then it isn’t about avoidance of suffering either. Tune in this week— you’ll learn how to inhabit heaven NOW. AND you’ll hear our clip for this upcoming Super Soul Sunday, in which Oprah interviews one of the greatest American basketball coaches in history, NBA Championship coach Phil Jackson, as he discusses both his coaching philosophy and his own battle with cancer. Don’t miss it.
12/06/201357 minutes, 48 secondes
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Putting an end to shame

Our biggest problem isn’t fear. It is shame. Shame defines us deep down in the recesses of our sense of ourselves. It informs us of our identity. It makes our choices for us and interacts with others through us. It dictates what we repress and what we accept. In fact, it is shame that creates our fear. And the truth is that if we really knew who we truly are, shame would simply dissolve. But we live in a world in which to not feel shame is to not fit in. We live in a world in which our children shame each other into compliance with the social agenda. We live in a world in which shame at least a part of how we choose our careers, our mates, and our lives. It is, all too often, the ruler of our lives. So, this week, along with introducing Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday with a clip of her interview with bestselling author and religious historian Karen Armstrong, we are going to discover how we free ourselves from shame. Don’t miss it.
05/06/201357 minutes, 20 secondes
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Putting an end to shame

Our biggest problem isn’t fear. It is shame. Shame defines us deep down in the recesses of our sense of ourselves. It informs us of our identity. It makes our choices for us and interacts with others through us. It dictates what we repress and what we accept. In fact, it is shame that creates our fear. And the truth is that if we really knew who we truly are, shame would simply dissolve. But we live in a world in which to not feel shame is to not fit in. We live in a world in which our children shame each other into compliance with the social agenda. We live in a world in which shame at least a part of how we choose our careers, our mates, and our lives. It is, all too often, the ruler of our lives. So, this week, along with introducing Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday with a clip of her interview with bestselling author and religious historian Karen Armstrong, we are going to discover how we free ourselves from shame. Don’t miss it.
05/06/201357 minutes, 20 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

There’s a lot of information “out there” right now about how to lower your stress, raise your joy level, increase your abundance and live from what some call the Higher Self—which of course means that we must do something with the lower self. There’s also other talk that tells us all about what it will be like in heaven after we die. The problem with all of this talk is that we don’t seem to realize that we are already in heaven—we just don’t know it. Heaven is within us—but our trance state of duality keeps us from seeing this—and all the morals and codes for our thoughts, feelings and behaviors only serve to keep us stuck in the trance state. And all of the advice that basically tells us to strive to be a better person only serves the same purpose. So, today, not only will we be playing a clip from Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday with Brian Weiss, but we’ll be figuring out how to inhabit heaven NOW—all based on Andrea’s upcoming book, entitled “Inhabiting Heaven NOW.”
29/05/201357 minutes, 59 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven NOW

There’s a lot of information “out there” right now about how to lower your stress, raise your joy level, increase your abundance and live from what some call the Higher Self—which of course means that we must do something with the lower self. There’s also other talk that tells us all about what it will be like in heaven after we die. The problem with all of this talk is that we don’t seem to realize that we are already in heaven—we just don’t know it. Heaven is within us—but our trance state of duality keeps us from seeing this—and all the morals and codes for our thoughts, feelings and behaviors only serve to keep us stuck in the trance state. And all of the advice that basically tells us to strive to be a better person only serves the same purpose. So, today, not only will we be playing a clip from Oprah’s next Super Soul Sunday with Brian Weiss, but we’ll be figuring out how to inhabit heaven NOW—all based on Andrea’s upcoming book, entitled “Inhabiting Heaven NOW.”
29/05/201357 minutes, 59 secondes
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Naming the Divine?

Don’t miss today’s clip of the upcoming Supersoul Sunday, in which we get the bigger picture on today’s top global headlines from Oprah, Rev. Ed Bacon, Elizabeth Lesser & Mark Nepo. And for our discussion today: There are many names for the divine including, the Jewish tetragrammaton YHVY; ‘elohiym, ‘el and Jehovah; the Hindu Brahman, the Islamic Allah; the Bahá'í Baha; the Zoroastrian Ahura Mazda and others. We seem to have a need to name the divine. Well our guest today, Rabbi Wayne Dosick tells us that none of the names we know from the Bible for God are enough. Rather, he says, the real name of God leads to the revolutionary revelation of both the God of the universe and the inner God of breath and soul. Combining scholarship with the sacred and challenging long-held comfortable beliefs, the Rabbi’s latest book entitled, “The Real Name of God: Embracing the Full Essence of the Divine” reveals what he calls the real name for God—a name that unites us in a new way. Don’t miss it.
22/05/201356 minutes, 11 secondes
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Naming the Divine?

Don’t miss today’s clip of the upcoming Supersoul Sunday, in which we get the bigger picture on today’s top global headlines from Oprah, Rev. Ed Bacon, Elizabeth Lesser & Mark Nepo. And for our discussion today: There are many names for the divine including, the Jewish tetragrammaton YHVY; ‘elohiym, ‘el and Jehovah; the Hindu Brahman, the Islamic Allah; the Bahá'í Baha; the Zoroastrian Ahura Mazda and others. We seem to have a need to name the divine. Well our guest today, Rabbi Wayne Dosick tells us that none of the names we know from the Bible for God are enough. Rather, he says, the real name of God leads to the revolutionary revelation of both the God of the universe and the inner God of breath and soul. Combining scholarship with the sacred and challenging long-held comfortable beliefs, the Rabbi’s latest book entitled, “The Real Name of God: Embracing the Full Essence of the Divine” reveals what he calls the real name for God—a name that unites us in a new way. Don’t miss it.
22/05/201356 minutes, 11 secondes
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The Supermind

Not only are we going to get to hear another clip from Oprah’s 2-part SuperSoul Sunday interview with Maya Angelou today, but we are going to answer one of the pressing questions asked by today’s seeker: How do we move from the personal mind to higher mind? Oprah tells us that it’s not enough to know that you should do a thing, you must also know how to do it. Well today is a “how to” kind of day. Here today to answer our question is Psychiatrist, Dr. Maurie Pressman, author of Living the SuperMind. He tells us that the Supermind is the highest level of mind—the mind beyond the mind—that carries the power of love, health, wisdom and intelligence, through which we can make decisions, access talents, growth, healing and inner knowing. One of the early pioneers in both visualization and hypnosis whose work changed the focus of Olympic sports training around the world, Dr. Pressman moved on from there to studies of the higher mind. So you are not going to want to miss this one.
15/05/201352 minutes, 47 secondes
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The Supermind

Not only are we going to get to hear another clip from Oprah’s 2-part SuperSoul Sunday interview with Maya Angelou today, but we are going to answer one of the pressing questions asked by today’s seeker: How do we move from the personal mind to higher mind? Oprah tells us that it’s not enough to know that you should do a thing, you must also know how to do it. Well today is a “how to” kind of day. Here today to answer our question is Psychiatrist, Dr. Maurie Pressman, author of Living the SuperMind. He tells us that the Supermind is the highest level of mind—the mind beyond the mind—that carries the power of love, health, wisdom and intelligence, through which we can make decisions, access talents, growth, healing and inner knowing. One of the early pioneers in both visualization and hypnosis whose work changed the focus of Olympic sports training around the world, Dr. Pressman moved on from there to studies of the higher mind. So you are not going to want to miss this one.
15/05/201352 minutes, 47 secondes
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Oprah’s Supersoul Sunday and The Medial Path

This week, the Authentic Living Show exclusively announces Oprah’s new Supersoul Sunday series, beginning with Mother’s Day and her interview with Maya Angelou. Listen for clips of that show on Authentic Living this week. And this week, we’ll also be talking about how we walk in this world and still maintain our walk in the world of the soul? How can we deal with issues of survival, relationships, work, finances, health, politics, war, etc., while simultaneously living in the world of stillness, joy, emptiness and peace? Some say that we should simply stop listening, watching, reading the news. We should just tell ourselves that this world is an illusion and the only real is the world of the soul. That way we can continue to suppress all of our so-called “negative thoughts.” But more and more people are finding that that way of living amounts to a lot of pretending and a lot of repression. So, how can we live the medial life between worlds? Tune into today’s show and find out.
08/05/201358 minutes, 21 secondes
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Oprah’s Supersoul Sunday and The Medial Path

This week, the Authentic Living Show exclusively announces Oprah’s new Supersoul Sunday series, beginning with Mother’s Day and her interview with Maya Angelou. Listen for clips of that show on Authentic Living this week. And this week, we’ll also be talking about how we walk in this world and still maintain our walk in the world of the soul? How can we deal with issues of survival, relationships, work, finances, health, politics, war, etc., while simultaneously living in the world of stillness, joy, emptiness and peace? Some say that we should simply stop listening, watching, reading the news. We should just tell ourselves that this world is an illusion and the only real is the world of the soul. That way we can continue to suppress all of our so-called “negative thoughts.” But more and more people are finding that that way of living amounts to a lot of pretending and a lot of repression. So, how can we live the medial life between worlds? Tune into today’s show and find out.
08/05/201358 minutes, 21 secondes
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Mystic Journey

If we were to set about to deliberately design a path that would bring us to our deepest essential self, could we do any better than the design of the soul on our lives? What does the mysterious journey of living really mean? What fierceness drives us deeper into ourselves? And what do we find there when we arrive? What persistent longing serves to write the poetry of our lives? When does the soul stand outside of us and when is it invited in? Byron Katie asks who we would be without our stories? I wonder who we would be without our codes, rules, morals, shoulds, ought-tos and have tos? It is unsettling to image a life without these guides, but are they really leading us to our deepest essence? So, the pebble has been tossed into the lake and the ripple is running outward—this show will be both the pebble and the ever extending ripple. Don’t miss it.
01/05/201356 minutes, 31 secondes
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Mystic Journey

If we were to set about to deliberately design a path that would bring us to our deepest essential self, could we do any better than the design of the soul on our lives? What does the mysterious journey of living really mean? What fierceness drives us deeper into ourselves? And what do we find there when we arrive? What persistent longing serves to write the poetry of our lives? When does the soul stand outside of us and when is it invited in? Byron Katie asks who we would be without our stories? I wonder who we would be without our codes, rules, morals, shoulds, ought-tos and have tos? It is unsettling to image a life without these guides, but are they really leading us to our deepest essence? So, the pebble has been tossed into the lake and the ripple is running outward—this show will be both the pebble and the ever extending ripple. Don’t miss it.
01/05/201356 minutes, 31 secondes
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Thomas Moore: A Religion of Your Own

Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul, a number one New York Times bestseller, as well as 18 other award-winning books, published in 25 languages, is coming back to the Authentic Living show to tell us how we can develop a religion of our own. We are currently in an evolutionary phase with regard to what we will do with religion. And Moore posits the theory that part of this shift is caused by a loss of identification with soul. His latest book, A Religion of One’s Own, coming out in January 2014, is going to address this issue. Only we are getting a special sneak peek today. Moore as undoubtedly been one of the world’s spiritual leaders in this age of spiritual transitions and his insights have altered the lives of many people and even many medical, hospice and hospital programs as he teaches us to care for the collective and individual soul. So during today’s show, we are going to find out how each of us can create a religion of our own. Don’t miss it.
24/04/201357 minutes, 31 secondes
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Thomas Moore: A Religion of Your Own

Thomas Moore, author of Care of the Soul, a number one New York Times bestseller, as well as 18 other award-winning books, published in 25 languages, is coming back to the Authentic Living show to tell us how we can develop a religion of our own. We are currently in an evolutionary phase with regard to what we will do with religion. And Moore posits the theory that part of this shift is caused by a loss of identification with soul. His latest book, A Religion of One’s Own, coming out in January 2014, is going to address this issue. Only we are getting a special sneak peek today. Moore as undoubtedly been one of the world’s spiritual leaders in this age of spiritual transitions and his insights have altered the lives of many people and even many medical, hospice and hospital programs as he teaches us to care for the collective and individual soul. So during today’s show, we are going to find out how each of us can create a religion of our own. Don’t miss it.
24/04/201357 minutes, 31 secondes
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The Purpose of the Past

We get a lot of double-speak when it comes to the past. Some tell us to forget about it: The past is over and done with, just don’t go there. Others tell us that the past is the key to the present. Which one is it? Or is it either? Most of us know that dwelling in the past is not very conducive to a happy life—but then we do it anyway. And most of us know that trying not to think about it is pretty useless too. So, what are we to do with the past? Does it have any useful purpose? At this point the word “lessons” begins to be thrown about, carrying with it connotations of both “punishment” and “reward” with a little karma thrown in for good measure. But really is that all there is? Today, we’re going to be talking about the past and it’s, typically buried, treasures. Don’t miss this one.
17/04/201357 minutes, 51 secondes
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The Purpose of the Past

We get a lot of double-speak when it comes to the past. Some tell us to forget about it: The past is over and done with, just don’t go there. Others tell us that the past is the key to the present. Which one is it? Or is it either? Most of us know that dwelling in the past is not very conducive to a happy life—but then we do it anyway. And most of us know that trying not to think about it is pretty useless too. So, what are we to do with the past? Does it have any useful purpose? At this point the word “lessons” begins to be thrown about, carrying with it connotations of both “punishment” and “reward” with a little karma thrown in for good measure. But really is that all there is? Today, we’re going to be talking about the past and it’s, typically buried, treasures. Don’t miss this one.
17/04/201357 minutes, 51 secondes
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Tapping into the River of Omniscience

Have you heard about the river that runs under the city? Yeah. It’s there. It’s a true story. You have to be willing to spelunk down into the darkness to find it, but it carries the whole city. It runs through the dark caverns of shadowed soul and it comes from and leads to the exact same place. Everybody talks about it here. It’s story has been passed down from one generation to the next for centuries—or maybe it’s just another ghost story told by the fire on a camp-out. How can you find out? Well, today we are going to talk about just that. We’re going to learn whether this river of omniscience is the real deal or just a fabled illusion. And if it’s real, we’re going to find out how to find it, and to allow it to flow to and through us. You really don’t want to miss this one.
10/04/201357 minutes, 52 secondes
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Tapping into the River of Omniscience

Have you heard about the river that runs under the city? Yeah. It’s there. It’s a true story. You have to be willing to spelunk down into the darkness to find it, but it carries the whole city. It runs through the dark caverns of shadowed soul and it comes from and leads to the exact same place. Everybody talks about it here. It’s story has been passed down from one generation to the next for centuries—or maybe it’s just another ghost story told by the fire on a camp-out. How can you find out? Well, today we are going to talk about just that. We’re going to learn whether this river of omniscience is the real deal or just a fabled illusion. And if it’s real, we’re going to find out how to find it, and to allow it to flow to and through us. You really don’t want to miss this one.
10/04/201357 minutes, 52 secondes
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How to work with Loss

For the third time, we are interviewing the gentle and powerful poet and author, Joyce Rupp. She is well known for her work as a writer, a spiritual “midwife, and a retreat and conference speaker—having led retreats throughout North America and in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. She is a member of the Servites (the Servants of Mary) community and the author of several books, including The Cup of Our Life, Fragments of the Ancient Name and her latest, my soul feels lean: poems of loss and restoration—about which we will be interviewing her today. Poetry is such a powerful expression of the deepest urges of our beingness, and so it is that her poetry will lead us to a powerful discussion about how to work with loss. Don’t miss this show.
03/04/201357 minutes, 22 secondes
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How to work with Loss

For the third time, we are interviewing the gentle and powerful poet and author, Joyce Rupp. She is well known for her work as a writer, a spiritual “midwife, and a retreat and conference speaker—having led retreats throughout North America and in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. She is a member of the Servites (the Servants of Mary) community and the author of several books, including The Cup of Our Life, Fragments of the Ancient Name and her latest, my soul feels lean: poems of loss and restoration—about which we will be interviewing her today. Poetry is such a powerful expression of the deepest urges of our beingness, and so it is that her poetry will lead us to a powerful discussion about how to work with loss. Don’t miss this show.
03/04/201357 minutes, 22 secondes
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Authentic Power

Taoism teaches that it is the natural in us that is our power. And yet our society teaches that the natural in us is to be feared, for it is wild, untamed energy that will get us and others into heaps of trouble. But as we talk about the differentiated aspects of the psyche, the ego and the soul, what we discover is that that natural self turns out also to be mystically united with the transcendent. As we walk into the deeper regions of the inner human, we discover the transpersonal—which is also quite natural. Yet we’ve divided life up into natural, miracle and supernatural for so many centuries that it is extremely difficult for us to imagine that who we already are, underneath all the fakery, scamming and spamming that we’ve been taught to do to survive, is both natural and divine—a union of opposites. So today we are going to take a journey into the natural world of authentic power and learn what your natural power can do in an unnatural world. Don’t miss it.
27/03/201357 minutes, 48 secondes
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Authentic Power

Taoism teaches that it is the natural in us that is our power. And yet our society teaches that the natural in us is to be feared, for it is wild, untamed energy that will get us and others into heaps of trouble. But as we talk about the differentiated aspects of the psyche, the ego and the soul, what we discover is that that natural self turns out also to be mystically united with the transcendent. As we walk into the deeper regions of the inner human, we discover the transpersonal—which is also quite natural. Yet we’ve divided life up into natural, miracle and supernatural for so many centuries that it is extremely difficult for us to imagine that who we already are, underneath all the fakery, scamming and spamming that we’ve been taught to do to survive, is both natural and divine—a union of opposites. So today we are going to take a journey into the natural world of authentic power and learn what your natural power can do in an unnatural world. Don’t miss it.
27/03/201357 minutes, 48 secondes
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Help and Healing

So many of us, who consider ourselves to be more or less spiritual beings; so many of us, who consider ourselves to be Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or Taoist, or any other religion, believe that being good means helping and healing others. In fact helping and healing others is a defining characteristic of a good person regardless or religion or spiritual path. What will we do when we really get it that we can’t help or heal anyone? Ever. The concept of reception is a very difficult one for us to accept particularly in the Western world where being “out there,” “doing,” “seeking,” “hunting,” “giving,” “helping,” “healing” are the ways that we prove to ourselves and our worlds that we are worthy. But if worthiness doesn’t really have to be earned, then we can consider the concept of reception. For, what if everything that is truly worthy is received—which means that our giving means only what it means to us, unless the other person chooses to receive it. Don’t miss this one.
20/03/201358 minutes, 40 secondes
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Help and Healing

So many of us, who consider ourselves to be more or less spiritual beings; so many of us, who consider ourselves to be Christian, or Muslim, or Buddhist, or Taoist, or any other religion, believe that being good means helping and healing others. In fact helping and healing others is a defining characteristic of a good person regardless or religion or spiritual path. What will we do when we really get it that we can’t help or heal anyone? Ever. The concept of reception is a very difficult one for us to accept particularly in the Western world where being “out there,” “doing,” “seeking,” “hunting,” “giving,” “helping,” “healing” are the ways that we prove to ourselves and our worlds that we are worthy. But if worthiness doesn’t really have to be earned, then we can consider the concept of reception. For, what if everything that is truly worthy is received—which means that our giving means only what it means to us, unless the other person chooses to receive it. Don’t miss this one.
20/03/201358 minutes, 40 secondes
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So, we’ve spent the past 2 shows talking about the reality of real life in a dualistic world with its darkness and its blindness. Today we’re focusing on that elusive bliss—evidence for many of enlightenment. Bliss, joy, ecstasy—these largely synonymous terms have not historically been used much in any secular way. Yet, in today’s social world we hear them used to either mock or poke fun at the bliss-seekers, or as a way of describing a fulfilling career. Regardless, most of us think of bliss as a state. A state is a place for the psyche to rest for a while—like taking a vacation in the state of Hawaii. When joy is related to career, if the career is doing what we want it to do, we have joy, and if it isn’t, we don’t. When it’s related to meditation, it’s a state to which we arrive after getting our minds in the right place. But what if bliss is who we actually are? What if bliss is our primordial essence? Don’t miss this show. It could change your life.
13/03/201357 minutes, 27 secondes
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So, we’ve spent the past 2 shows talking about the reality of real life in a dualistic world with its darkness and its blindness. Today we’re focusing on that elusive bliss—evidence for many of enlightenment. Bliss, joy, ecstasy—these largely synonymous terms have not historically been used much in any secular way. Yet, in today’s social world we hear them used to either mock or poke fun at the bliss-seekers, or as a way of describing a fulfilling career. Regardless, most of us think of bliss as a state. A state is a place for the psyche to rest for a while—like taking a vacation in the state of Hawaii. When joy is related to career, if the career is doing what we want it to do, we have joy, and if it isn’t, we don’t. When it’s related to meditation, it’s a state to which we arrive after getting our minds in the right place. But what if bliss is who we actually are? What if bliss is our primordial essence? Don’t miss this show. It could change your life.
13/03/201357 minutes, 27 secondes
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The Dark

Must we have the dark to see the light? Is that the only purpose of darkness? Must we have the evil to see the good? What is the point? During this show we are going to explore the purpose of life from the perspective of darkness: The silence of the ethers when you are screaming for an answer; death that comes when life is what was wanted; the essential ingredient necessary to evil. These are the things that many who practice the tenets put forth in books like The Secret don’t want to talk about. In fact they tell us not to even have a so-called “negative” thought. But if we never think about the dark, aren’t we keeping the dark in the dark? What if it has beautiful gifts for us too, more beautiful at times, even than those gifts we get from the light. So, today we are going spelunking into the dark, murky, slippery underground caves of life. Get your gear and bring your cameras. You are going to want some good shots of this.
06/03/201357 minutes, 8 secondes
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The Dark

Must we have the dark to see the light? Is that the only purpose of darkness? Must we have the evil to see the good? What is the point? During this show we are going to explore the purpose of life from the perspective of darkness: The silence of the ethers when you are screaming for an answer; death that comes when life is what was wanted; the essential ingredient necessary to evil. These are the things that many who practice the tenets put forth in books like The Secret don’t want to talk about. In fact they tell us not to even have a so-called “negative” thought. But if we never think about the dark, aren’t we keeping the dark in the dark? What if it has beautiful gifts for us too, more beautiful at times, even than those gifts we get from the light. So, today we are going spelunking into the dark, murky, slippery underground caves of life. Get your gear and bring your cameras. You are going to want some good shots of this.
06/03/201357 minutes, 8 secondes
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How do we know Truth?

My mother used to have a saying. She had a lot of those. But one she used to say a lot was: She/he wouldn’t know truth if it flew up and hit her/him in the face. And you know, sometimes she was right. Truth is, as they say, relative. But is it, really? Is there an absolute truth? Or, do we have enough light to just see the truth that is relative to the moment—ready ever to let that go for a higher truth in another moment? Well, if there is an absolute truth, I would say that it runs deeper and goes further than any one religion or tradition can encapsulate. And if that is true, then how do we know when we’ve run into—or been hit in the face by—truth? This show is going to delve into this muddy issue and give it some clarity. But not only that, for it is also going to illustrate some ways that we can know when we’ve been hit by truth. And along that way we’ll discover something about the mystery of knowledge itself. Don’t miss it.
27/02/201358 minutes, 7 secondes
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How do we know Truth?

My mother used to have a saying. She had a lot of those. But one she used to say a lot was: She/he wouldn’t know truth if it flew up and hit her/him in the face. And you know, sometimes she was right. Truth is, as they say, relative. But is it, really? Is there an absolute truth? Or, do we have enough light to just see the truth that is relative to the moment—ready ever to let that go for a higher truth in another moment? Well, if there is an absolute truth, I would say that it runs deeper and goes further than any one religion or tradition can encapsulate. And if that is true, then how do we know when we’ve run into—or been hit in the face by—truth? This show is going to delve into this muddy issue and give it some clarity. But not only that, for it is also going to illustrate some ways that we can know when we’ve been hit by truth. And along that way we’ll discover something about the mystery of knowledge itself. Don’t miss it.
27/02/201358 minutes, 7 secondes
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Okay, now that I have your attention—let’s talk about intimacy. Real intimacy—of which sex is but a small, though important, part. Primary relationships—these are those had between a husband and wife, or two partners, whether of the same or opposite sex. Primary relationships work when intimacy is the primary endeavor of the relationship. They work less well or stop working altogether, when intimacy is not the primary endeavor of the relationship. So, what do we mean by intimacy if we don’t just mean sex? Remember the Na’vi in the movie Avatar? They said it well. They said, “I see you.” What they meant was that they really saw the other person. Saw them for who and what they really were. Saw all the way down to their souls. Intimacy allows both parties in a primary relationship to really see each other. How do we learn to see and be seen this way? Do you want a solid relationship that has lastability? Don’t miss this show.
20/02/201357 minutes, 45 secondes
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Okay, now that I have your attention—let’s talk about intimacy. Real intimacy—of which sex is but a small, though important, part. Primary relationships—these are those had between a husband and wife, or two partners, whether of the same or opposite sex. Primary relationships work when intimacy is the primary endeavor of the relationship. They work less well or stop working altogether, when intimacy is not the primary endeavor of the relationship. So, what do we mean by intimacy if we don’t just mean sex? Remember the Na’vi in the movie Avatar? They said it well. They said, “I see you.” What they meant was that they really saw the other person. Saw them for who and what they really were. Saw all the way down to their souls. Intimacy allows both parties in a primary relationship to really see each other. How do we learn to see and be seen this way? Do you want a solid relationship that has lastability? Don’t miss this show.
20/02/201357 minutes, 45 secondes
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Encore Performance by Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is coming back to the Authentic Living show for the second time this week to talk to us about her latest book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including A Return to Love, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on the subjects of work and money. And thousands of others on miracles. But bridging the gap between the work, the money and the miracle—now that’s a subject worth considering. On this, the day after Christmas, you could have a life-changing experience through this discussion. Don’t let yourself miss it!
13/02/201356 minutes, 41 secondes
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Encore Performance by Marianne Williamson

Marianne Williamson is coming back to the Authentic Living show for the second time this week to talk to us about her latest book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including A Return to Love, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on the subjects of work and money. And thousands of others on miracles. But bridging the gap between the work, the money and the miracle—now that’s a subject worth considering. On this, the day after Christmas, you could have a life-changing experience through this discussion. Don’t let yourself miss it!
13/02/201356 minutes, 41 secondes
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Sophy Burnham on Intuition

Sophy Burnham, otherwise known as the “angel lady” comes to the authentic living show today to talk to us about one of her favorite topics, and the title of her latest book: The Art of Intuition. From one of the world’s profound mystics today, you can learn about how to cultivate your inner wisdom. Sophy is an award-winning playwright, novelist, and nonfiction writer. Three of her books appeared on the NY Times and other Bestseller lists and her work has been translated into twenty-two languages. She has published articles in such prestigious magazines as Esquire, New York, The New York Times, Town and Country, and many others. She’s an international speaker, who has appeared frequently on TV and Radio, including Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning American, Today, CBS Morning News and others. She is a psychic/intuitive, a healer and a spiritual director currently living in Washington, D.C. So you are going to want to listen up—she’s got the goods.
06/02/201355 minutes, 50 secondes
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Sophy Burnham on Intuition

Sophy Burnham, otherwise known as the “angel lady” comes to the authentic living show today to talk to us about one of her favorite topics, and the title of her latest book: The Art of Intuition. From one of the world’s profound mystics today, you can learn about how to cultivate your inner wisdom. Sophy is an award-winning playwright, novelist, and nonfiction writer. Three of her books appeared on the NY Times and other Bestseller lists and her work has been translated into twenty-two languages. She has published articles in such prestigious magazines as Esquire, New York, The New York Times, Town and Country, and many others. She’s an international speaker, who has appeared frequently on TV and Radio, including Oprah, Larry King Live, Good Morning American, Today, CBS Morning News and others. She is a psychic/intuitive, a healer and a spiritual director currently living in Washington, D.C. So you are going to want to listen up—she’s got the goods.
06/02/201355 minutes, 50 secondes
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Got Wings?

Why don’t we have wings? I mean, think about it. We can do just about everything else, but we can’t fly, I mean, not without an airplane. Why not? Well, it could be because we are meant to grow our own set. And the kind of wings I’m talking about are inner-wings. They are the wings that allow us to assume our own empowerment, to fly into the heights of beingness, into the fullness of presence, into the power of transcendence while keeping our feet solidly planted on terra firma. But how do we do it? Well, the truth is that we don’t really grow them—they are already there and fully grown. No, we find them. And once we find them, we can’t help but begin to use them—for they are a refined essence of who we are. Finding our inner wings is the essence of authentic leadership. And it is through authentic leadership that we will change our companies, our businesses, our governments, politics, healthcare and everything else on planet earth. Got wings? Don’t miss this show.
30/01/201357 minutes, 38 secondes
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Got Wings?

Why don’t we have wings? I mean, think about it. We can do just about everything else, but we can’t fly, I mean, not without an airplane. Why not? Well, it could be because we are meant to grow our own set. And the kind of wings I’m talking about are inner-wings. They are the wings that allow us to assume our own empowerment, to fly into the heights of beingness, into the fullness of presence, into the power of transcendence while keeping our feet solidly planted on terra firma. But how do we do it? Well, the truth is that we don’t really grow them—they are already there and fully grown. No, we find them. And once we find them, we can’t help but begin to use them—for they are a refined essence of who we are. Finding our inner wings is the essence of authentic leadership. And it is through authentic leadership that we will change our companies, our businesses, our governments, politics, healthcare and everything else on planet earth. Got wings? Don’t miss this show.
30/01/201357 minutes, 38 secondes
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Radical Awakening

We don’t generally think of awakening as a process of accepting what is. But our guest today has been working in Great Britain to awaken a generation of spiritual inquirers to the experience of abiding presence and peace in our ever-shifting world through that very process. Jeff Foster answers questions like “How can we find an effortless ‘yes’ to this moment?” “How do we stop running from ‘the mess of life’—our predicaments, our frustrations, even our search for liberation—and start flowing with all of it?” With his book, The Deepest Acceptance, Jeff invites us to discover the ocean of who we are: an awareness that has already allowed every wave of emotion and experience to arrive. We all know that these things are beyond words, and yet, on our show today we will talk, and what we will talk about is how to stop trying to make acceptance and “nowness” happen and start falling in love with what, according to Jeff, has already been allowed.
23/01/201357 minutes, 9 secondes
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Radical Awakening

We don’t generally think of awakening as a process of accepting what is. But our guest today has been working in Great Britain to awaken a generation of spiritual inquirers to the experience of abiding presence and peace in our ever-shifting world through that very process. Jeff Foster answers questions like “How can we find an effortless ‘yes’ to this moment?” “How do we stop running from ‘the mess of life’—our predicaments, our frustrations, even our search for liberation—and start flowing with all of it?” With his book, The Deepest Acceptance, Jeff invites us to discover the ocean of who we are: an awareness that has already allowed every wave of emotion and experience to arrive. We all know that these things are beyond words, and yet, on our show today we will talk, and what we will talk about is how to stop trying to make acceptance and “nowness” happen and start falling in love with what, according to Jeff, has already been allowed.
23/01/201357 minutes, 9 secondes
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Manifest or Man-I-fest

The problem with all of our talk about manifesting, is that we don’t ever consider asking what it is within us that manifests. Jesus once said “I can do nothing of my own initiative.” And yet with all the talk out there about how to manifest, we much more often hear about all the things we should initiate, all of the exercises we can do to elicit from ourselves the essential ingredients to the initiation of manifestation. But what if manifestation is actually conducted by the power of the divine within us—by some shear essence of who we are that is not made of our own initiative. So when it comes to manifesting our dreams, perhaps we need to be thinking about how it is that we get out of the way, how we surrender, to allow the manifestation of the divine to flow through us. And that’s what we are going to be talking about today. At the beginning of this new year, and at the fringes of our new awakening, let’s think about a whole new paradigm for manifestation.
16/01/201357 minutes, 37 secondes
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Manifest or Man-I-fest

The problem with all of our talk about manifesting, is that we don’t ever consider asking what it is within us that manifests. Jesus once said “I can do nothing of my own initiative.” And yet with all the talk out there about how to manifest, we much more often hear about all the things we should initiate, all of the exercises we can do to elicit from ourselves the essential ingredients to the initiation of manifestation. But what if manifestation is actually conducted by the power of the divine within us—by some shear essence of who we are that is not made of our own initiative. So when it comes to manifesting our dreams, perhaps we need to be thinking about how it is that we get out of the way, how we surrender, to allow the manifestation of the divine to flow through us. And that’s what we are going to be talking about today. At the beginning of this new year, and at the fringes of our new awakening, let’s think about a whole new paradigm for manifestation.
16/01/201357 minutes, 37 secondes
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Creating Your Life

How do people deliberately create the life they want—without creating it out of the intention of duality? Duality resides within us as a force, an energy to which we’ve given a lot of power. It tells us what to do based on the agenda that we are separate from the divine and each other. So, when we create on purpose, which part of us is creating? Can we just think that we want something and maintain a positive mindset about it and it will come to us? Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman are here today to discuss the concept of creating on purpose, based on their book of the same title. Here you will learn about creating on purpose from the deeper more authentic self. Anodea is the author of several classics on the chakra system, including the bestseller Wheels of Life, Eastern Body, Western Mind, and the award-winning DVD The Illuminated Chakras. Lion is the cofounder of the Luminary Leadership Institute, teaching leaders the principles of manifestation. Don’t miss this illuminating show.
09/01/201358 minutes, 24 secondes
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Creating Your Life

How do people deliberately create the life they want—without creating it out of the intention of duality? Duality resides within us as a force, an energy to which we’ve given a lot of power. It tells us what to do based on the agenda that we are separate from the divine and each other. So, when we create on purpose, which part of us is creating? Can we just think that we want something and maintain a positive mindset about it and it will come to us? Anodea Judith and Lion Goodman are here today to discuss the concept of creating on purpose, based on their book of the same title. Here you will learn about creating on purpose from the deeper more authentic self. Anodea is the author of several classics on the chakra system, including the bestseller Wheels of Life, Eastern Body, Western Mind, and the award-winning DVD The Illuminated Chakras. Lion is the cofounder of the Luminary Leadership Institute, teaching leaders the principles of manifestation. Don’t miss this illuminating show.
09/01/201358 minutes, 24 secondes
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The Spirit of a New Beginning

We’ve heard of the spirit of Christmas past, present and future. But what is the spirit of a new beginning? What is a new beginning? Here we are just a few weeks into the end of the Mayan calendar—have we begun again? Are their transformative powers at work? And what does it mean to begin a new year, to develop a new habit, to change a way of thinking? How does a beginning happen? Well it happens—or it doesn’t—because of its spirit. There is a spirit base to a true new beginning because it is conducted in and by spirit. Its source isn’t found in our thoughts, our emotions, or our actions. Its source is found in our essence, where all action that is action occurs effortlessly. So, today, at this time of new beginnings, we are going to be talking about that spirit: how we access it and its power to carry a new beginning through to its destination. Don’t miss it.
02/01/201358 minutes, 59 secondes
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The Spirit of a New Beginning

We’ve heard of the spirit of Christmas past, present and future. But what is the spirit of a new beginning? What is a new beginning? Here we are just a few weeks into the end of the Mayan calendar—have we begun again? Are their transformative powers at work? And what does it mean to begin a new year, to develop a new habit, to change a way of thinking? How does a beginning happen? Well it happens—or it doesn’t—because of its spirit. There is a spirit base to a true new beginning because it is conducted in and by spirit. Its source isn’t found in our thoughts, our emotions, or our actions. Its source is found in our essence, where all action that is action occurs effortlessly. So, today, at this time of new beginnings, we are going to be talking about that spirit: how we access it and its power to carry a new beginning through to its destination. Don’t miss it.
02/01/201358 minutes, 59 secondes
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Money and Miracles?

Marianne Williamson is coming back to the Authentic Living show for the second time this week to talk to us about her latest book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including A Return to Love, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on the subjects of work and money. And thousands of others on miracles. But bridging the gap between the work, the money and the miracle—now that’s a subject worth considering. On this, the day after Christmas, you could have a life-changing experience through this discussion. Don’t let yourself miss it!
26/12/201256 minutes, 41 secondes
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Money and Miracles?

Marianne Williamson is coming back to the Authentic Living show for the second time this week to talk to us about her latest book, The Law of Divine Compensation: On Work, Money and Miracles. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including A Return to Love, The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on the subjects of work and money. And thousands of others on miracles. But bridging the gap between the work, the money and the miracle—now that’s a subject worth considering. On this, the day after Christmas, you could have a life-changing experience through this discussion. Don’t let yourself miss it!
26/12/201256 minutes, 41 secondes
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Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
19/12/201258 minutes, 20 secondes
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Feasibility Study: Peace on Earth?

This is that time of year when we talk about it. We sing about it. We even pray about it. But no one really believes that we are actually going to have peace on earth, right? I mean, look around man! You can’t really believe that this crazy place is going to one day be all peace, love and joy, right? We are not those people. We are not the people who can facilitate this. We are people who are weak, sinful, and definitely incapable of joining forces to bring about a peaceful outcome. Naaah. It’s a nice thought and all, and we can wistfully speak of it at Christmas time, but no one in his right mind takes that stuff seriously. Well, today, we are going to take it seriously, right mind or no. We are going to really, out-loud consider it—even do a feasibility study of the possibilities and implications. Because if it’s not possible, we just need to shut-up about it. And if it is, well then, maybe we need to get busy on it. Don’t miss this one.
19/12/201258 minutes, 20 secondes
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Don Miguel Ruiz and the Giant

When Don Miguel Ruiz was a young boy, his grandfather told him many stories from the Toltec Tradition. One of these was the story of the sleeping giant—who represents unaware humanity. He was told then that one day in Mexico, the giant would awaken and from there, he would rouse the entire world. Don Miguel comes to the Authentic Living show this week to tell us about the upcoming “Awakening the Giant” event happening in Teotihuacan between starting Dec. 7th and going through the Winter solstice on Dec. 21st. He and his family join together to bring in a new era of enlightenment at the place “where humans awake and become God.” Author of the megabestseller, The Four Agreements, and The Mastery of Love, The Voice of Knowledge, and The Fifth Agreement, co-written with his son, he comes today to facilitate our awakening. Don’t miss it.
12/12/201252 minutes, 59 secondes
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Don Miguel Ruiz and the Giant

When Don Miguel Ruiz was a young boy, his grandfather told him many stories from the Toltec Tradition. One of these was the story of the sleeping giant—who represents unaware humanity. He was told then that one day in Mexico, the giant would awaken and from there, he would rouse the entire world. Don Miguel comes to the Authentic Living show this week to tell us about the upcoming “Awakening the Giant” event happening in Teotihuacan between starting Dec. 7th and going through the Winter solstice on Dec. 21st. He and his family join together to bring in a new era of enlightenment at the place “where humans awake and become God.” Author of the megabestseller, The Four Agreements, and The Mastery of Love, The Voice of Knowledge, and The Fifth Agreement, co-written with his son, he comes today to facilitate our awakening. Don’t miss it.
12/12/201252 minutes, 59 secondes
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The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
05/12/201257 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Heart of a Wild Woman

We are so excited this week to have Dr. Clarissa Pinkoa Estés (Dr. E, as she is affectionately known) back on our show for the fifth time. Bestselling author of “Women Who Run with the Wolves,” which sold over a million copies; and the multi-volume audio series “The Dangerous Old Woman,” and her most recent book, “Untie the Strong Woman: Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Love for the Wild Soul,” which we will be talking about today; Dr. E is also an internationally recognized scholar, award-winning poet, diplomate senior Jungian psychoanalyst, and cantadora (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Her warmth and wisdom have captivated millions with humor, enlightened discussions and profound insights. The feminine in all of us—male and female—is moved and grown every time she touches us with her stories and gifts from the soul. You are not going to want to miss this one.
05/12/201257 minutes, 55 secondes
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A Reason to Live

If you had the choice, right now, as to whether you would live or die, what reason would you give for staying alive? What do we live for? Or do we just live? Or perhaps, we just survive. These are not questions about life-purpose. These are questions about the now-ness of living. What makes us want to get up in the morning? What drives us home at night? What are we doing in the now of living that is all about being alive? This is the question for today. And it has everything to do with living authentically. Because here’s the thing: We all have that choice about living or dying every single second of our lives. What are we choosing? You do not want to miss this show.
28/11/201257 minutes, 20 secondes
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A Reason to Live

If you had the choice, right now, as to whether you would live or die, what reason would you give for staying alive? What do we live for? Or do we just live? Or perhaps, we just survive. These are not questions about life-purpose. These are questions about the now-ness of living. What makes us want to get up in the morning? What drives us home at night? What are we doing in the now of living that is all about being alive? This is the question for today. And it has everything to do with living authentically. Because here’s the thing: We all have that choice about living or dying every single second of our lives. What are we choosing? You do not want to miss this show.
28/11/201257 minutes, 20 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Marianne Williamson and A Course in Weight Loss

We are so excited this week to have Marianne Williamson on the Authentic Living Show to talk to us about her latest NY Times Bestseller, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on weight loss. But none of these books can offer the permanent plan offered in A Course in Weight Loss. Nor do they offer the powerful lessons in transformational surrender that this book clarifies so well. This could be a life-changing discussion today—don’t let yourself miss it!
21/11/201255 minutes, 23 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Marianne Williamson and A Course in Weight Loss

We are so excited this week to have Marianne Williamson on the Authentic Living Show to talk to us about her latest NY Times Bestseller, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on weight loss. But none of these books can offer the permanent plan offered in A Course in Weight Loss. Nor do they offer the powerful lessons in transformational surrender that this book clarifies so well. This could be a life-changing discussion today—don’t let yourself miss it!
21/11/201255 minutes, 23 secondes
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Transformation—what does it really mean?

So much talk out there about transforming. Transforming yourself, in particular. But how does a dualistic mindset transform consciousness? Can we transform ourselves, or is that something that comes about as a result of knowing who we really are? Can we “self-improve?” Or is it just possible that the concept of self-improvement is one that means that we are just trying to push the river? And what “self” are we trying to improve, the identity, or the authentic self? These are the things we’ll be talking about on this week’s show. So if you are in the process of trying to transform yourself, or you feel that you are being transformed by life—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
07/11/201257 minutes, 35 secondes
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Transformation—what does it really mean?

So much talk out there about transforming. Transforming yourself, in particular. But how does a dualistic mindset transform consciousness? Can we transform ourselves, or is that something that comes about as a result of knowing who we really are? Can we “self-improve?” Or is it just possible that the concept of self-improvement is one that means that we are just trying to push the river? And what “self” are we trying to improve, the identity, or the authentic self? These are the things we’ll be talking about on this week’s show. So if you are in the process of trying to transform yourself, or you feel that you are being transformed by life—this show is for you. Don’t miss it.
07/11/201257 minutes, 35 secondes
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Fear—the F Word

According to much of the literature written by those who are a part of the human potential movement, fear is a big fat no, no. We are simply not supposed to have fear—because, as we’ve learned, fear is the opposite of love. You can’t have fear and love in the same place at the same time. But we speak double-speak when we say this and simultaneously say that the divine is one with all. If all is divine, as we say, than there must be a divine energy behind fear as well. And on this All Hallows Eve, this scary Halloween, we are going to discover how it is that fear can also participate in the divine. So, for those of you who are trying desperately to avoid fear at all costs, to repress it, to deny it, to outwit it; and for those of you who are fairly consistently and unwittingly obeying fear—this show is for you. Happy Halloween!
31/10/201255 minutes, 30 secondes
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Fear—the F Word

According to much of the literature written by those who are a part of the human potential movement, fear is a big fat no, no. We are simply not supposed to have fear—because, as we’ve learned, fear is the opposite of love. You can’t have fear and love in the same place at the same time. But we speak double-speak when we say this and simultaneously say that the divine is one with all. If all is divine, as we say, than there must be a divine energy behind fear as well. And on this All Hallows Eve, this scary Halloween, we are going to discover how it is that fear can also participate in the divine. So, for those of you who are trying desperately to avoid fear at all costs, to repress it, to deny it, to outwit it; and for those of you who are fairly consistently and unwittingly obeying fear—this show is for you. Happy Halloween!
31/10/201255 minutes, 30 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven Now

You know there’s lots of people out there telling us all kinds of things about heaven—where, what, who and how it is. Mostly it’s a place we go after we die—IF that is, we are among the chosen ones. And when it’s spoken of in terms of any kind of earthly existence it has to do, these days, mostly with what is termed “abundance”—which to many, if not most, means loads of money and time off to do whatever we want. So, what is heaven? And is it at all possible that we can experience it, here, on planet earth? What would Jesus say? Or Buddha, or the mystical texts and literature from Taoism or Sufism? This episode of the Authentic Living show is going to offer a concept of heaven that might just blow your mind. Don’t miss it.
24/10/201255 minutes, 38 secondes
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Inhabiting Heaven Now

You know there’s lots of people out there telling us all kinds of things about heaven—where, what, who and how it is. Mostly it’s a place we go after we die—IF that is, we are among the chosen ones. And when it’s spoken of in terms of any kind of earthly existence it has to do, these days, mostly with what is termed “abundance”—which to many, if not most, means loads of money and time off to do whatever we want. So, what is heaven? And is it at all possible that we can experience it, here, on planet earth? What would Jesus say? Or Buddha, or the mystical texts and literature from Taoism or Sufism? This episode of the Authentic Living show is going to offer a concept of heaven that might just blow your mind. Don’t miss it.
24/10/201255 minutes, 38 secondes
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The Trap of Enlightenment

The word “enlightenment” has taken on commercial overtones. It’s a keyword for SEO experts, it’s used in TV sitcoms and commercials and it’s the goal of most of those who are participants in the human potential movement. So, what is it? And is it really something we pursue? Or is it possible that it is pursuing us? Are their degrees of enlightenment? Can we know when we are enlightened? Can we be certain as to how a person attains such a state? Is it a state of being that we can claim, like we would a diploma for a Master’s Degree? When someone tells us that he is enlightened, should we believe him? These are the questions we are going to ask and answer as we discuss the trap of enlightenment today. You are going to want to be there for this.
17/10/201256 minutes, 12 secondes
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The Trap of Enlightenment

The word “enlightenment” has taken on commercial overtones. It’s a keyword for SEO experts, it’s used in TV sitcoms and commercials and it’s the goal of most of those who are participants in the human potential movement. So, what is it? And is it really something we pursue? Or is it possible that it is pursuing us? Are their degrees of enlightenment? Can we know when we are enlightened? Can we be certain as to how a person attains such a state? Is it a state of being that we can claim, like we would a diploma for a Master’s Degree? When someone tells us that he is enlightened, should we believe him? These are the questions we are going to ask and answer as we discuss the trap of enlightenment today. You are going to want to be there for this.
17/10/201256 minutes, 12 secondes
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The Drama of Your Life

“Drama Queen!” Yeah, that’s what we call those people who seem to be addicted to drama. But the truth is that we are all addicted to drama. In fact, we are so addicted that when the truth of our lives is presented to us, we will throw it under the bus in favor of the lie that has become the drama of our lives. We don’t know that we are all living roles, wearing masks and costumes and playing out the roles we’ve chosen on the stage we’ve built to contain our lives. In fact, we are the playwright, the producer, the costume designer, the actor and the audience. But there is something else entirely happening behind the scenes. And it is finding out what that something else is that makes our lives real. We can come down off the stage, leave the audience and begin to live a real life. Tune in to find out how to find that special something that makes life real.
10/10/201257 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Drama of Your Life

“Drama Queen!” Yeah, that’s what we call those people who seem to be addicted to drama. But the truth is that we are all addicted to drama. In fact, we are so addicted that when the truth of our lives is presented to us, we will throw it under the bus in favor of the lie that has become the drama of our lives. We don’t know that we are all living roles, wearing masks and costumes and playing out the roles we’ve chosen on the stage we’ve built to contain our lives. In fact, we are the playwright, the producer, the costume designer, the actor and the audience. But there is something else entirely happening behind the scenes. And it is finding out what that something else is that makes our lives real. We can come down off the stage, leave the audience and begin to live a real life. Tune in to find out how to find that special something that makes life real.
10/10/201257 minutes, 29 secondes
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What the Bleep are we Doing Here?

Everybody seems to be looking for their individual purpose now. Unfortunately, that means that people are constantly measuring themselves to see if they are living up to some noble purpose, instead of realizing that very often they are already living their purpose. On the other hand, we do want to understand what’s going on down here on planet earth and what each of us as individuals have to do with that. So, what the bleep ARE we doing here? Well, this show we are going to discover why we think we have to have a purpose and what our collective soulful journey is really all about. If you find yourself asking about your purpose, you do not want to miss this show.
03/10/201257 minutes
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What the Bleep are we Doing Here?

Everybody seems to be looking for their individual purpose now. Unfortunately, that means that people are constantly measuring themselves to see if they are living up to some noble purpose, instead of realizing that very often they are already living their purpose. On the other hand, we do want to understand what’s going on down here on planet earth and what each of us as individuals have to do with that. So, what the bleep ARE we doing here? Well, this show we are going to discover why we think we have to have a purpose and what our collective soulful journey is really all about. If you find yourself asking about your purpose, you do not want to miss this show.
03/10/201257 minutes
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Special Encore Presentation: Where have you gone?

Death is one of the most frightening and awesome of life’s mysteries. Because it is, we’ve developed all manner of mythology about it—including the myth that life is over when we die. But many have experienced, first hand, another reality. And while there are still many who still assert that death is death and life is life and never the twain shall meet; our guest today offers moving and profound information to the contrary. Hollister Rand is an internationally renowned medium. Known for the detailed messages she provides from loved ones living in the spirit world, Hollister is clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient—meaning she can see, hear and sense the presence of spirits. One of her primary messages is that “Life is never over,” and her book, I’m Not Dead, I’m Different: Kids in Spirit Teach Us About Living a Better Life on Earth is the subject of the Authentic Living show today. If you have lost loved ones and are wondering where they are—tune in. You’ll be glad you did.
26/09/201255 minutes, 40 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Where have you gone?

Death is one of the most frightening and awesome of life’s mysteries. Because it is, we’ve developed all manner of mythology about it—including the myth that life is over when we die. But many have experienced, first hand, another reality. And while there are still many who still assert that death is death and life is life and never the twain shall meet; our guest today offers moving and profound information to the contrary. Hollister Rand is an internationally renowned medium. Known for the detailed messages she provides from loved ones living in the spirit world, Hollister is clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient—meaning she can see, hear and sense the presence of spirits. One of her primary messages is that “Life is never over,” and her book, I’m Not Dead, I’m Different: Kids in Spirit Teach Us About Living a Better Life on Earth is the subject of the Authentic Living show today. If you have lost loved ones and are wondering where they are—tune in. You’ll be glad you did.
26/09/201255 minutes, 40 secondes
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Soul Coaching

Denise Linn is our guest for today, for she has devised a 21-day plan to discovering your Authentic Self. Denise Linn has been called America's best-kept secret,” though she’s taught seminars around the world to standing-room-only audiences. Having had her own near-death-experience and having received revelations from the other side and received healing for the gun-shot wound that put her there, she has now become a respected healer, writer and teacher. She is the author of 16 books, including the best-selling, Sacred Space, and Soul Coaching as well as a the popular, Past Lives, Present Miracles. Her books have been translated into 26 languages, and she has been a featured guest on Oprah, Lifetime, the Discovery Channel, BBC TV, NBC, and CBS. She is also the founder of the Soul Coaching® International Institute.
19/09/201256 minutes, 9 secondes
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Soul Coaching

Denise Linn is our guest for today, for she has devised a 21-day plan to discovering your Authentic Self. Denise Linn has been called America's best-kept secret,” though she’s taught seminars around the world to standing-room-only audiences. Having had her own near-death-experience and having received revelations from the other side and received healing for the gun-shot wound that put her there, she has now become a respected healer, writer and teacher. She is the author of 16 books, including the best-selling, Sacred Space, and Soul Coaching as well as a the popular, Past Lives, Present Miracles. Her books have been translated into 26 languages, and she has been a featured guest on Oprah, Lifetime, the Discovery Channel, BBC TV, NBC, and CBS. She is also the founder of the Soul Coaching® International Institute.
19/09/201256 minutes, 9 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
12/09/201255 minutes, 13 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
12/09/201255 minutes, 13 secondes
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The Ego and Authenticity

That old nasty ego again, right? That’s what a good portion of the New Age world is thinking about right now. But seriously, is the ego really a problem to be overcome? Is the authentic person one who has overcome ego? Is there a conflict between authenticity and ego? Many would answer with a resounding “yes.” But I say “no.” There is no conflict between ego and authenticity. Ego is simply a liaison between the inner world and the outer world, without which we would either be absorbing too much outer world, or projecting too much inner world. It is the fulcrum on which we balance our lives. And it is absolutely essential. But it has certainly taken a bad rap over the past 20-30 years. In fact it has taken on Satanic-like features, as we discussed in a previous show. But really now. How do we coordinate the ego with the authentic self? That’s what we’ll be talking about this week. Don’t miss it.
05/09/201254 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Ego and Authenticity

That old nasty ego again, right? That’s what a good portion of the New Age world is thinking about right now. But seriously, is the ego really a problem to be overcome? Is the authentic person one who has overcome ego? Is there a conflict between authenticity and ego? Many would answer with a resounding “yes.” But I say “no.” There is no conflict between ego and authenticity. Ego is simply a liaison between the inner world and the outer world, without which we would either be absorbing too much outer world, or projecting too much inner world. It is the fulcrum on which we balance our lives. And it is absolutely essential. But it has certainly taken a bad rap over the past 20-30 years. In fact it has taken on Satanic-like features, as we discussed in a previous show. But really now. How do we coordinate the ego with the authentic self? That’s what we’ll be talking about this week. Don’t miss it.
05/09/201254 minutes, 53 secondes
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Authenticity and the Law of Attraction

Is it possible to be authentic while simultaneously utilizing the law of attraction as we’ve come to understand it? I don’t think so. For that law of attraction tells us we must consistently think so-called “positive” thoughts SO THAT we can attract our dreams—dreams of wealth, free time and romance. In other words, it tells us to bargain with the universe like this: IF I think positive, work my affirmations, and my vision boards, THEN the universe will give me what I want. Do we really imagine that the universe needs our puny little bargains? But it IS possible to be authentic and simultaneously utilize the tenets of the new revised version of the law of attraction—for that one does not encourage us to have a bargaining relationship with the divine or with the universe. That one is the one that the ancient sacred texts from several different religions tell us about. That one brings us to conscious awareness of who we really are. Want to know more? Don’t miss this show.
29/08/201253 minutes, 58 secondes
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Authenticity and the Law of Attraction

Is it possible to be authentic while simultaneously utilizing the law of attraction as we’ve come to understand it? I don’t think so. For that law of attraction tells us we must consistently think so-called “positive” thoughts SO THAT we can attract our dreams—dreams of wealth, free time and romance. In other words, it tells us to bargain with the universe like this: IF I think positive, work my affirmations, and my vision boards, THEN the universe will give me what I want. Do we really imagine that the universe needs our puny little bargains? But it IS possible to be authentic and simultaneously utilize the tenets of the new revised version of the law of attraction—for that one does not encourage us to have a bargaining relationship with the divine or with the universe. That one is the one that the ancient sacred texts from several different religions tell us about. That one brings us to conscious awareness of who we really are. Want to know more? Don’t miss this show.
29/08/201253 minutes, 58 secondes
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Finding your Voice

What does your voice sound like to you? What do you hear when you speak, or are you even listening? There is so much hype out there right now about “being you,” but most of us think that that means wearing the kind of clothes you like to wear and getting a tat to assert your individuality. But who speaks when you talk? Is it really you, or is there some other identity in there who speaks when you talk? Do you have a strong assertive voice in some situations and a weak frightened voice in others? Do you wonder if people even hear you when you talk? And when you talk, do people often seem to find difficulty understanding what you mean? Do you find that people either dismiss what you say or even avoid listening to you at all? Finding our own voice is essential to coming into the body of our own authenticity. But how do we do it? This show is going to tell you how. Don’t miss it.
22/08/201257 minutes, 11 secondes
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Finding your Voice

What does your voice sound like to you? What do you hear when you speak, or are you even listening? There is so much hype out there right now about “being you,” but most of us think that that means wearing the kind of clothes you like to wear and getting a tat to assert your individuality. But who speaks when you talk? Is it really you, or is there some other identity in there who speaks when you talk? Do you have a strong assertive voice in some situations and a weak frightened voice in others? Do you wonder if people even hear you when you talk? And when you talk, do people often seem to find difficulty understanding what you mean? Do you find that people either dismiss what you say or even avoid listening to you at all? Finding our own voice is essential to coming into the body of our own authenticity. But how do we do it? This show is going to tell you how. Don’t miss it.
22/08/201257 minutes, 11 secondes
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Authentic Relationships

Relationships are the singular most powerful, potent and potentially life changing experiences we can have—and not just those primary relationships such as spouses or partners. All of our relationships have the power to offer us potent information, and the potential to change our lives. In fact, we have a relationship with everything else in our lives: with time, with objects, with our emotions, with our thoughts, and yes, with other people. How do we turn these relationships into authentic relationships? How does one have an authentic relationship with time? And how can we develop an authentic relationship with that spouse or partner. This show is going to answer those questions. So, tune in. You don’t want to miss it.
15/08/201256 minutes, 53 secondes
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Authentic Relationships

Relationships are the singular most powerful, potent and potentially life changing experiences we can have—and not just those primary relationships such as spouses or partners. All of our relationships have the power to offer us potent information, and the potential to change our lives. In fact, we have a relationship with everything else in our lives: with time, with objects, with our emotions, with our thoughts, and yes, with other people. How do we turn these relationships into authentic relationships? How does one have an authentic relationship with time? And how can we develop an authentic relationship with that spouse or partner. This show is going to answer those questions. So, tune in. You don’t want to miss it.
15/08/201256 minutes, 53 secondes
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Becoming your Best Self

Who is your best self? What does it mean to have a best self? How do we find and begin to live from that self? Today, we are going to be talking to Sara Wiseman—for her third time on the show—about this concept of becoming a “best self.” Spiritual teacher and intuitive Sara Wiseman is the author of Becoming Your Best Self, Writing the Divine and Your Psychic Child. A popular presenter, she is a featured columnist for Retailing Insight, top contributor to DailyOM, and hosts her radio show, Ask Sara. She has released four healing music CDs with her band Martyrs of Sound. And she also provides private psychic consults. There’s a lot of talk out there about working to toward “excellence” and “higher self” and “self-improvement.” What does all this mean to you? Tune in to find out.
08/08/201255 minutes, 41 secondes
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Becoming your Best Self

Who is your best self? What does it mean to have a best self? How do we find and begin to live from that self? Today, we are going to be talking to Sara Wiseman—for her third time on the show—about this concept of becoming a “best self.” Spiritual teacher and intuitive Sara Wiseman is the author of Becoming Your Best Self, Writing the Divine and Your Psychic Child. A popular presenter, she is a featured columnist for Retailing Insight, top contributor to DailyOM, and hosts her radio show, Ask Sara. She has released four healing music CDs with her band Martyrs of Sound. And she also provides private psychic consults. There’s a lot of talk out there about working to toward “excellence” and “higher self” and “self-improvement.” What does all this mean to you? Tune in to find out.
08/08/201255 minutes, 41 secondes
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The Sanskrit word for it is shaktipata, and it means “bestowing the energy” or “lighting the lamp.” In Buddhism, we learn from the Udâna of “an unborn, an unbecome, an unmade, an uncompounded” which provides us an escape from all that is “born, become, made and compounded.” From there we can learn that to the Buddhist, perhaps grace is transcendence. In the Christian faith it is more or less defined as the unearned mercy and love of the divine. I love the Sanskrit definition because it gives us a working image. Grace allows room for the soul to have a say in our lives. It gives us a sense of life that runs deeper than that sense of it we get from the stories we tell of our lives, our suffering and our victories. Somehow, from somewhere comes this lighting of the lamp, this bestowing of energy and we are alive, if even for a moment, in a whole new way. What does this mean? And is there a way to access this “it” more readily? Want to know more? Don’t miss this show.
01/08/201258 minutes, 15 secondes
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The Sanskrit word for it is shaktipata, and it means “bestowing the energy” or “lighting the lamp.” In Buddhism, we learn from the Udâna of “an unborn, an unbecome, an unmade, an uncompounded” which provides us an escape from all that is “born, become, made and compounded.” From there we can learn that to the Buddhist, perhaps grace is transcendence. In the Christian faith it is more or less defined as the unearned mercy and love of the divine. I love the Sanskrit definition because it gives us a working image. Grace allows room for the soul to have a say in our lives. It gives us a sense of life that runs deeper than that sense of it we get from the stories we tell of our lives, our suffering and our victories. Somehow, from somewhere comes this lighting of the lamp, this bestowing of energy and we are alive, if even for a moment, in a whole new way. What does this mean? And is there a way to access this “it” more readily? Want to know more? Don’t miss this show.
01/08/201258 minutes, 15 secondes
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Without a Mask

What does it mean to “first, know thyself?” Does it just mean that we know the list of habits and the sum total of all the ways we act and think and believe? Or is there something deeper? Avikal Costantino talks with us today about what it’s like to live without a mask, for he is the author of two books, Freedom to Be Yourself: Mastering the Inner Judge and Without a Mask: Discovering Your Authentic Self. Where does the mundane fit into your life, mediocrity or the ordinary? And what is your hope of transcending mediocrity and the ordinary? Is that need to transcend just a mask? Or is it the real you? What about conflict? Where do we put it in the scheme of things? Should we always avoid it in order to say we are good people? How does goodness define us? How can you tell the difference between the mask and the real? These are just a few of the questions we will ask and answer on this show, talking with Australian author and owner of the Institute of Integral Being. Don’t miss it.
25/07/201258 minutes, 48 secondes
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Without a Mask

What does it mean to “first, know thyself?” Does it just mean that we know the list of habits and the sum total of all the ways we act and think and believe? Or is there something deeper? Avikal Costantino talks with us today about what it’s like to live without a mask, for he is the author of two books, Freedom to Be Yourself: Mastering the Inner Judge and Without a Mask: Discovering Your Authentic Self. Where does the mundane fit into your life, mediocrity or the ordinary? And what is your hope of transcending mediocrity and the ordinary? Is that need to transcend just a mask? Or is it the real you? What about conflict? Where do we put it in the scheme of things? Should we always avoid it in order to say we are good people? How does goodness define us? How can you tell the difference between the mask and the real? These are just a few of the questions we will ask and answer on this show, talking with Australian author and owner of the Institute of Integral Being. Don’t miss it.
25/07/201258 minutes, 48 secondes
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EGO: Is it the new Satan?

You cannot read a paragraph of New Age or New Thought information without finding the word Ego in there somewhere. The Ego is thought—by so many teachers, even master teachers—to be the enemy. It is that part of us that wants us to fail, that wants us to be unloving, unkind and inconsiderate, to be afraid and to live inauthentically. In that way that old Ego sounds a whole lot like that old devil, Beelzebub, Iblis, Shaitan, the Dragon, the Serpent, Abaddon, Belial, the father of this world, the god of all lies, Lucifer, etc. This idea of the Ego has us believing that we must fight against it. But wouldn’t this mean that Ego fights Ego? Surely the divine doesn’t need to fight, right? What if we’ve misunderstood? What if the Ego is just a liaison between the inner and outer worlds? Wouldn’t fighting it then mean losing that liaison? Is it possible that this view of Ego is but another dualistic stance serving only to keep us unaware of our true nature? Don’t miss this life-changing show.
18/07/201257 minutes, 33 secondes
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EGO: Is it the new Satan?

You cannot read a paragraph of New Age or New Thought information without finding the word Ego in there somewhere. The Ego is thought—by so many teachers, even master teachers—to be the enemy. It is that part of us that wants us to fail, that wants us to be unloving, unkind and inconsiderate, to be afraid and to live inauthentically. In that way that old Ego sounds a whole lot like that old devil, Beelzebub, Iblis, Shaitan, the Dragon, the Serpent, Abaddon, Belial, the father of this world, the god of all lies, Lucifer, etc. This idea of the Ego has us believing that we must fight against it. But wouldn’t this mean that Ego fights Ego? Surely the divine doesn’t need to fight, right? What if we’ve misunderstood? What if the Ego is just a liaison between the inner and outer worlds? Wouldn’t fighting it then mean losing that liaison? Is it possible that this view of Ego is but another dualistic stance serving only to keep us unaware of our true nature? Don’t miss this life-changing show.
18/07/201257 minutes, 33 secondes
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Emotional Efficacy

There’s so much talk out there about emotions and what we should do about them. Some say we should just avoid the so-called “negative” ones and others say those are some of the juiciest in terms of what they have to tell us about life, ourselves and the divine. What do you say? Well today out guest is going to give us his own wealth of knowledge about emotions. He is Raphael Cushnir, author of six books, including the topic of our discussion today and his latest, The One Thing Holding Your Back: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Connection. Cushnir is a leading voice in emotional connection and present moment awareness and has shared his unique approach on O, the Oprah Magazine, Beliefnet, Spirituality and Health Magazine, Psychology Today and the Huffington Post. On faculty at the Esalen Institute, the Omega Institute and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, he also couches individuals, groups and organizations. So, if you are wondering what to do with your emotions, don’t miss it.
11/07/201259 minutes, 12 secondes
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Emotional Efficacy

There’s so much talk out there about emotions and what we should do about them. Some say we should just avoid the so-called “negative” ones and others say those are some of the juiciest in terms of what they have to tell us about life, ourselves and the divine. What do you say? Well today out guest is going to give us his own wealth of knowledge about emotions. He is Raphael Cushnir, author of six books, including the topic of our discussion today and his latest, The One Thing Holding Your Back: Unleashing the Power of Emotional Connection. Cushnir is a leading voice in emotional connection and present moment awareness and has shared his unique approach on O, the Oprah Magazine, Beliefnet, Spirituality and Health Magazine, Psychology Today and the Huffington Post. On faculty at the Esalen Institute, the Omega Institute and the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, he also couches individuals, groups and organizations. So, if you are wondering what to do with your emotions, don’t miss it.
11/07/201259 minutes, 12 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
04/07/201255 minutes, 13 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
04/07/201255 minutes, 13 secondes
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The False Prophet

How do we know who to follow? Too often we choose our leaders because they appeal to an unmet need rather than because they are true leaders and we end up used, abused and even, in some cases, dead. Unfortunately there are still too many of us willing to fall into line behind the others ahead of us, without ever questioning why. We see this in politics, with the current propaganda of fear encouraging followers to line up to vote their fear. We see it in religions that respond to their members with control rather than compassion. We see it in the false prophet, or charlatan who tells us who to be instead of encouraging our own self-exploration. How do we recognize these false prophets? And even if it’s not a false prophet or a charlatan, how do we know if a teacher is teaching us something that isn’t really true, or isn’t true for us? This show is intended to boldly enable us to choose our leaders wisely. You are not going to want to miss this one.
27/06/201256 minutes, 45 secondes
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The False Prophet

How do we know who to follow? Too often we choose our leaders because they appeal to an unmet need rather than because they are true leaders and we end up used, abused and even, in some cases, dead. Unfortunately there are still too many of us willing to fall into line behind the others ahead of us, without ever questioning why. We see this in politics, with the current propaganda of fear encouraging followers to line up to vote their fear. We see it in religions that respond to their members with control rather than compassion. We see it in the false prophet, or charlatan who tells us who to be instead of encouraging our own self-exploration. How do we recognize these false prophets? And even if it’s not a false prophet or a charlatan, how do we know if a teacher is teaching us something that isn’t really true, or isn’t true for us? This show is intended to boldly enable us to choose our leaders wisely. You are not going to want to miss this one.
27/06/201256 minutes, 45 secondes
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Authenticity at Work

One of the places in our lives where we are least encouraged to be true to our own authenticity is at work. In fact, people who are honest and forthright at work are often considered to be naïve or even self-destructive. So, how can we be authentic and yet protect ourselves from the sharks that are always circling the waters? Authenticity doesn’t mean that you lose your wisdom, give away information that needs to be kept private or even sacred, or allow people to walk on you or take advantage of you. Rather it means that you make the rather radical shift of taking integral responsibility for your days, hours, and minutes at work. Authentic Leadership is one of the areas of Corporate Training that Andrea offers on a consultative as well as training level. We all know, however, that it’s really bloody at the top, so how does one become an Authentic Leader? If you are having trouble at work or even if you’d like to prepare for the trouble that is inevitable at work, don’t miss this show.
13/06/201256 minutes, 4 secondes
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Authenticity at Work

One of the places in our lives where we are least encouraged to be true to our own authenticity is at work. In fact, people who are honest and forthright at work are often considered to be naïve or even self-destructive. So, how can we be authentic and yet protect ourselves from the sharks that are always circling the waters? Authenticity doesn’t mean that you lose your wisdom, give away information that needs to be kept private or even sacred, or allow people to walk on you or take advantage of you. Rather it means that you make the rather radical shift of taking integral responsibility for your days, hours, and minutes at work. Authentic Leadership is one of the areas of Corporate Training that Andrea offers on a consultative as well as training level. We all know, however, that it’s really bloody at the top, so how does one become an Authentic Leader? If you are having trouble at work or even if you’d like to prepare for the trouble that is inevitable at work, don’t miss this show.
13/06/201256 minutes, 4 secondes
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Your Akashic Records

Many of us have heard of terms like “the Book of Life” generally associated with some kind of eternal library that records our secret, shameful deeds, or even our more overt shameful deeds. But according to Linda Howe, our guest for today, the Akashic Records, also known as the Book of Life are filled with wisdom and energy that are inspirational and supportive for making the fundamental shift from self-reliance to Divine reliance. In other words they are a resource rather than a book filled with all of our bad deeds. Nor do they favor any particular religion, nor are they meant to help us tell our fortunes or manipulate outcomes. Linda is the author of How to Read the Akashic Records, and of Healing through the Akashic Records, and we are going to be talking to her today about how we may access these records and how to use their amazing powers. So if you want access to this resource, tune in, this show is for you.
06/06/201257 minutes, 47 secondes
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Your Akashic Records

Many of us have heard of terms like “the Book of Life” generally associated with some kind of eternal library that records our secret, shameful deeds, or even our more overt shameful deeds. But according to Linda Howe, our guest for today, the Akashic Records, also known as the Book of Life are filled with wisdom and energy that are inspirational and supportive for making the fundamental shift from self-reliance to Divine reliance. In other words they are a resource rather than a book filled with all of our bad deeds. Nor do they favor any particular religion, nor are they meant to help us tell our fortunes or manipulate outcomes. Linda is the author of How to Read the Akashic Records, and of Healing through the Akashic Records, and we are going to be talking to her today about how we may access these records and how to use their amazing powers. So if you want access to this resource, tune in, this show is for you.
06/06/201257 minutes, 47 secondes
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The Oneness Gospel

We talk about Oneness a lot. In fact, even in some circles where New Age/New Thought has not pervaded, there is mention from time to time about this idea that we are all one. But how do we bring Oneness into every living experience? Well, our guest today has come to tell us how to do just that. She is Charlene Proctor, PhD, an ordained minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and a deeksha facilitator trained by the Oneness guides from Fiji and India. She’s the bestselling author of three books, including Let Your Goddess Grow!, The Woman’s Book of Empowerment, and the topic of today’s show, The Oneness Gospel: Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in YOU. Charlene is comfortable bridging the gaps between all of the various world religions. So, it doesn’t matter what your flavor is, if you’d like to know how to embrace Oneness in your daily experience, don’t miss this show.
30/05/201254 minutes, 6 secondes
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The Oneness Gospel

We talk about Oneness a lot. In fact, even in some circles where New Age/New Thought has not pervaded, there is mention from time to time about this idea that we are all one. But how do we bring Oneness into every living experience? Well, our guest today has come to tell us how to do just that. She is Charlene Proctor, PhD, an ordained minister of Spiritual Peacemaking and a deeksha facilitator trained by the Oneness guides from Fiji and India. She’s the bestselling author of three books, including Let Your Goddess Grow!, The Woman’s Book of Empowerment, and the topic of today’s show, The Oneness Gospel: Birthing the Christ Consciousness and Divine Human in YOU. Charlene is comfortable bridging the gaps between all of the various world religions. So, it doesn’t matter what your flavor is, if you’d like to know how to embrace Oneness in your daily experience, don’t miss this show.
30/05/201254 minutes, 6 secondes
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The Wisdom Process

We tend to think of wisdom in terms that are rather other-worldly. We tend to think that those who are wise are either those who have been taught by a guru or they are the guru. But really, even the guru will tell us that wisdom isn’t taught. It’s received. And it isn’t received from any external teaching. It’s received from some deep resonance within us. So what is the process of attaining wisdom? People speak frequently about “lessons” we are getting in life, through the school of hard knocks and other like schools. But all too often the lessons we learn have to do with how to survive better, how to become better people or how to win friends and influence people. Sometimes the lessons have to do with enjoying life more. But is that wisdom? What is wisdom then? Is it a mood of bliss? A higher self? And once we know what it is, will we still want it? If so, how will we get it? These questions and more will be answered on this week’s show. Don’t miss it!
23/05/201255 minutes, 22 secondes
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The Wisdom Process

We tend to think of wisdom in terms that are rather other-worldly. We tend to think that those who are wise are either those who have been taught by a guru or they are the guru. But really, even the guru will tell us that wisdom isn’t taught. It’s received. And it isn’t received from any external teaching. It’s received from some deep resonance within us. So what is the process of attaining wisdom? People speak frequently about “lessons” we are getting in life, through the school of hard knocks and other like schools. But all too often the lessons we learn have to do with how to survive better, how to become better people or how to win friends and influence people. Sometimes the lessons have to do with enjoying life more. But is that wisdom? What is wisdom then? Is it a mood of bliss? A higher self? And once we know what it is, will we still want it? If so, how will we get it? These questions and more will be answered on this week’s show. Don’t miss it!
23/05/201255 minutes, 22 secondes
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Streetsmarts and Spirituality

Unfortunately, many of us are trying desperately to avoid having to really participate in the experience of living here on this planet, through many different means. In so doing we miss the growth experience—something our guest today calls “Earth School.” She tells us that our emotions are leading us back to earth school—where we will learn more about life, about ourselves and about spirituality. Carol Kline is far from unfamiliar with radio and TV having served as a reporter and TV and radio anchor both in Japan and in America, even receiving awards as the top female anchor in her area. Today she has her own radio show and she facilitates workshops and offers life coaching and has authored the book “Streetwise Spirituality: 28 Days to Inner Fitness & Everyday Enlightenment,” the subject of our discussion today. Sometimes our spiritual teachings are so ethereal that we can’t get grounded. Today, we are going to get grounded. Don’t miss it.
16/05/201255 minutes, 11 secondes
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Streetsmarts and Spirituality

Unfortunately, many of us are trying desperately to avoid having to really participate in the experience of living here on this planet, through many different means. In so doing we miss the growth experience—something our guest today calls “Earth School.” She tells us that our emotions are leading us back to earth school—where we will learn more about life, about ourselves and about spirituality. Carol Kline is far from unfamiliar with radio and TV having served as a reporter and TV and radio anchor both in Japan and in America, even receiving awards as the top female anchor in her area. Today she has her own radio show and she facilitates workshops and offers life coaching and has authored the book “Streetwise Spirituality: 28 Days to Inner Fitness & Everyday Enlightenment,” the subject of our discussion today. Sometimes our spiritual teachings are so ethereal that we can’t get grounded. Today, we are going to get grounded. Don’t miss it.
16/05/201255 minutes, 11 secondes
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What is reality? Many teach that the goings-on of this world are but an illusion and anyone who pays much attention to it is going to end up losing his or her peace. Others teach that Satan is the ruler of this world and we should have a higher standard than that of the so-called “world” for ourselves. But what is it really to live in this world? How is it that we came to split ourselves off from it as if it had only an evil or negative pull against our efforts to attain heaven or a higher self? What is real? And what is illusion? There are so many of us who allow others to answer those questions for us, instead of seeking our own answers—and that’s both in the New Age/New Thought world and that of the fundamentalist, as well as those from Eastern religions. We are all too willing to follow the leader . Well this show is meant to facilitate the exploration of life from your own personal perspective, so that you might answer your own questions. Don’t miss it.
09/05/201256 minutes, 31 secondes
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What is reality? Many teach that the goings-on of this world are but an illusion and anyone who pays much attention to it is going to end up losing his or her peace. Others teach that Satan is the ruler of this world and we should have a higher standard than that of the so-called “world” for ourselves. But what is it really to live in this world? How is it that we came to split ourselves off from it as if it had only an evil or negative pull against our efforts to attain heaven or a higher self? What is real? And what is illusion? There are so many of us who allow others to answer those questions for us, instead of seeking our own answers—and that’s both in the New Age/New Thought world and that of the fundamentalist, as well as those from Eastern religions. We are all too willing to follow the leader . Well this show is meant to facilitate the exploration of life from your own personal perspective, so that you might answer your own questions. Don’t miss it.
09/05/201256 minutes, 31 secondes
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Being You?

There is so much said today about “being yourself” that we get really confused about who that really is. We bat around the word “hardwired” when we speak of being ourselves, as if we are more or less doomed to repeat this same dysfunctional patterns in our lives. But today we are talking with Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of the books, Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, and the topic of today’s discussion, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One. He tells us that a new science is emerging that empowers us to create the reality we choose. Not only that, he tells us that we can move from the old habituated me, to the real self. Today he’ll provide us with a few tools we can apply in order to make those changes necessary to creating our own lives. You are not going to want to miss this one.
02/05/201256 minutes, 11 secondes
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Being You?

There is so much said today about “being yourself” that we get really confused about who that really is. We bat around the word “hardwired” when we speak of being ourselves, as if we are more or less doomed to repeat this same dysfunctional patterns in our lives. But today we are talking with Dr. Joe Dispenza, author of the books, Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind, and the topic of today’s discussion, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One. He tells us that a new science is emerging that empowers us to create the reality we choose. Not only that, he tells us that we can move from the old habituated me, to the real self. Today he’ll provide us with a few tools we can apply in order to make those changes necessary to creating our own lives. You are not going to want to miss this one.
02/05/201256 minutes, 11 secondes
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The Mystic Journey

What does it mean to live the mystic’s life? Many say that the mystic is always kind, loving, and positive, even self-sacrificing. But these things do not represent the mystic’s journey. The mystic’s journey is an inward journey, one that might surprise us with its fierce and persistent longing to serve every single aspect of self as if it were a starving child. We tend to believe that those who are on the mystic’s journey are going to be saints in every sense of that word. But we might be surprised to learn who in our world is actually on the mystic’s journey, for it is done so silently that it might not even be noticeable. In fact, it turns out that the mystic’s journey doesn’t really have anything whatsoever to do with terms we know as “good” and “bad,” “morality” and “ethics.” It is unsettling in its depth, and utter peace in its essence. Want to learn about the mystic’s journey. Don’t miss this show.
25/04/201255 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Mystic Journey

What does it mean to live the mystic’s life? Many say that the mystic is always kind, loving, and positive, even self-sacrificing. But these things do not represent the mystic’s journey. The mystic’s journey is an inward journey, one that might surprise us with its fierce and persistent longing to serve every single aspect of self as if it were a starving child. We tend to believe that those who are on the mystic’s journey are going to be saints in every sense of that word. But we might be surprised to learn who in our world is actually on the mystic’s journey, for it is done so silently that it might not even be noticeable. In fact, it turns out that the mystic’s journey doesn’t really have anything whatsoever to do with terms we know as “good” and “bad,” “morality” and “ethics.” It is unsettling in its depth, and utter peace in its essence. Want to learn about the mystic’s journey. Don’t miss this show.
25/04/201255 minutes, 29 secondes
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What is Destiny

The word destiny gets thrown about quite a bit both in and out of the New Age/New Thought worlds. When we meet that special soulmate we tend to think it was fated. And we tend to think that destiny is a done deal that it is what it is and there’s not much we can do to stop it from happening. And yet in our typically duplicitous way of thinking we also believe that if we work hard we can create the life we want. So, which is true? And what has astrology got to do with destiny? Is an astrological chart a map of one’s fate? Or is it just bunk? We go to psychics and we want them to tell us will we meet our soulmate, will we get that job, will we have that money. But are they telling us our destiny? Or is it just bunk? What is true and what is false about destiny? What is true and what is false about astrology and what it has to say about destiny? Are you trying to determine your destiny? You don’t want to miss this show.
18/04/201255 minutes, 42 secondes
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What is Destiny

The word destiny gets thrown about quite a bit both in and out of the New Age/New Thought worlds. When we meet that special soulmate we tend to think it was fated. And we tend to think that destiny is a done deal that it is what it is and there’s not much we can do to stop it from happening. And yet in our typically duplicitous way of thinking we also believe that if we work hard we can create the life we want. So, which is true? And what has astrology got to do with destiny? Is an astrological chart a map of one’s fate? Or is it just bunk? We go to psychics and we want them to tell us will we meet our soulmate, will we get that job, will we have that money. But are they telling us our destiny? Or is it just bunk? What is true and what is false about destiny? What is true and what is false about astrology and what it has to say about destiny? Are you trying to determine your destiny? You don’t want to miss this show.
18/04/201255 minutes, 42 secondes
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Why Isn’t The Law of Attraction Working?

Is it bunk? Are we doing it wrong? Is there something wrong with us that we can’t make it work? What’s the problem? The simple answer is that life is just an illusion anyway, so what difference does it make. But life is not an illusion. Duality is an illusion. And the problem with the law of attraction may have something to do with the fact that we’ve come at our understanding of it from a dualistic perspective. This show we are going to answer that question once and for all. So, if you are struggling with the law of attraction, or trying to create something in your life using vision boards, affirmations and positive thinking—this show is for you.
11/04/201255 minutes, 10 secondes
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Why Isn’t The Law of Attraction Working?

Is it bunk? Are we doing it wrong? Is there something wrong with us that we can’t make it work? What’s the problem? The simple answer is that life is just an illusion anyway, so what difference does it make. But life is not an illusion. Duality is an illusion. And the problem with the law of attraction may have something to do with the fact that we’ve come at our understanding of it from a dualistic perspective. This show we are going to answer that question once and for all. So, if you are struggling with the law of attraction, or trying to create something in your life using vision boards, affirmations and positive thinking—this show is for you.
11/04/201255 minutes, 10 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
04/04/201255 minutes, 13 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
04/04/201255 minutes, 13 secondes
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Relationship AS Soul

Robert Forman comes back to be with us today to talk about his ideas about Jazz in the Soul in which relationship becomes real and soulful. Robert is the author of “Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up to Be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow and Jazz in the Soul” carries a profound awareness of what it is like to live life in touch with soul. When it comes to relationship, we tend to think that the other party is our soul. They represent our happiness, our security, our hope and often we think that we cannot live without some of our relationships. Well perhaps we never live without them, but that’s not the question. The question is how much of our relationship is soul and how much operates as if it is separate from the soul? If you want to learn how to make yours into a soulful relationship, don’t miss this show.
28/03/201254 minutes, 1 secondes
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Relationship AS Soul

Robert Forman comes back to be with us today to talk about his ideas about Jazz in the Soul in which relationship becomes real and soulful. Robert is the author of “Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up to Be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow and Jazz in the Soul” carries a profound awareness of what it is like to live life in touch with soul. When it comes to relationship, we tend to think that the other party is our soul. They represent our happiness, our security, our hope and often we think that we cannot live without some of our relationships. Well perhaps we never live without them, but that’s not the question. The question is how much of our relationship is soul and how much operates as if it is separate from the soul? If you want to learn how to make yours into a soulful relationship, don’t miss this show.
28/03/201254 minutes, 1 secondes
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Body AS Soul

Historically the body has been blamed for all of man’s errors, his so-called “sins,” and his weaknesses. It makes him sick and it eventually dies. It’s rather like a ball and chain we drag around with us. And the soul is a distant relative, living so far away in heaven that we can’t get to it until we die. And whether we still believe those things or not they are still rolling around in the unconscious as archetypal memory. So, here’s the $64,000 question: Why did we come here in a body if all it is is an encumbrance which we eventually dump in favor of heaven or the next incarnation? Is it the slave of the mind, pushed and cajoled and even whipped into shape? Is it like a devil, meant to tempt us with all manner of intemperance? What’s the point? Well today we are going to delve into these mysteries, with a little humor, and a lot of wisdom. If you are having trouble connecting the dots between body and soul, don’t miss this episode.
21/03/201254 minutes, 46 secondes
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Body AS Soul

Historically the body has been blamed for all of man’s errors, his so-called “sins,” and his weaknesses. It makes him sick and it eventually dies. It’s rather like a ball and chain we drag around with us. And the soul is a distant relative, living so far away in heaven that we can’t get to it until we die. And whether we still believe those things or not they are still rolling around in the unconscious as archetypal memory. So, here’s the $64,000 question: Why did we come here in a body if all it is is an encumbrance which we eventually dump in favor of heaven or the next incarnation? Is it the slave of the mind, pushed and cajoled and even whipped into shape? Is it like a devil, meant to tempt us with all manner of intemperance? What’s the point? Well today we are going to delve into these mysteries, with a little humor, and a lot of wisdom. If you are having trouble connecting the dots between body and soul, don’t miss this episode.
21/03/201254 minutes, 46 secondes
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Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
14/03/201255 minutes, 13 secondes
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Dr. Brian Weiss and Deeper Levels of Healing

Dr. Brian Weiss comes to the Authentic Living Show this week to help us find new levels of healing with regard to past life regression. He’ll be appearing at the upcoming I Can Do It Conference in Atlanta, GA to discuss this same topic and today we are fortunate to have him come here to give us a preview and to help us understand past-life regression and why it helps us heal and grow. Dr. Weiss is best known for his best-selling book Many Lives, Many Masters, and his scientific exploration of a topic, which in the field of psychiatry is still considered by many to be bogus. His work is considered by most to be earth-shattering in that it changes the entire view of who we are and what we are doing here. So, you are not going to want to miss this show.
14/03/201255 minutes, 13 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
07/03/201254 minutes, 53 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
07/03/201254 minutes, 53 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: I AM

Today we are so fortunate to be talking to the Director of blockbuster comedies such as Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Liar Liar, The Nutty Professor, Bruce Almighty, Patch Adams, Accepted , and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, and the winner of four people’s choice awards, and one Golden Globe nomination. But, you might ask, why would Authentic Living be interested in comedies? Because due to his own personal life crisis, Tom Shadyac’s latest project is a documentary called I AM, in which he travels the world to ask some of the world’s most profound thinkers, these two questions: What is wrong with the world and what can we do about it? This film won two awards at its premiere at the Mountain Film Festival in Telluride, CO, the Audience Choice Award and the Student Choice Award. And it has the potential of advancing the evolution of global consciousness exponentially. So, you are not going to want to miss this discussion about it. Tune in.
29/02/201255 minutes, 31 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: I AM

Today we are so fortunate to be talking to the Director of blockbuster comedies such as Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Liar Liar, The Nutty Professor, Bruce Almighty, Patch Adams, Accepted , and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, and the winner of four people’s choice awards, and one Golden Globe nomination. But, you might ask, why would Authentic Living be interested in comedies? Because due to his own personal life crisis, Tom Shadyac’s latest project is a documentary called I AM, in which he travels the world to ask some of the world’s most profound thinkers, these two questions: What is wrong with the world and what can we do about it? This film won two awards at its premiere at the Mountain Film Festival in Telluride, CO, the Audience Choice Award and the Student Choice Award. And it has the potential of advancing the evolution of global consciousness exponentially. So, you are not going to want to miss this discussion about it. Tune in.
29/02/201255 minutes, 31 secondes
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Who would you be without your….

Morals. Ethics. Spin. Money. Time. Culture. Place. Who would you be without all those things you use to define yourself? Do your morals define you? Your ethics? What is your spin on life here on planet earth—and how does it define you? What about money—how much or how little does it take to create a self-definition? What about time, or culture or place? And if all of that were gone—who would you be? A better question is: Is there someone inside of you who represents self-definition distinct from these externalized accoutrements? There are many people trying to come to terms with questions just like these. Some are psychologists, others are consciousness experts and some are just everyday Joes trying to bridge the chasm between unconsciousness and consciousness. So, let’s start here: What happens when you meditate? Where do you go? What do you imagine this means? This week we are going to come to terms with the need to ask these questions and some potential answers.
22/02/201253 minutes, 24 secondes
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Who would you be without your….

Morals. Ethics. Spin. Money. Time. Culture. Place. Who would you be without all those things you use to define yourself? Do your morals define you? Your ethics? What is your spin on life here on planet earth—and how does it define you? What about money—how much or how little does it take to create a self-definition? What about time, or culture or place? And if all of that were gone—who would you be? A better question is: Is there someone inside of you who represents self-definition distinct from these externalized accoutrements? There are many people trying to come to terms with questions just like these. Some are psychologists, others are consciousness experts and some are just everyday Joes trying to bridge the chasm between unconsciousness and consciousness. So, let’s start here: What happens when you meditate? Where do you go? What do you imagine this means? This week we are going to come to terms with the need to ask these questions and some potential answers.
22/02/201253 minutes, 24 secondes
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East to West

Before Eastern, particularly Indian philosophical and religious concepts were popularized in the West, there were not many allowable options for how a person might recognize the connection between mind and body, or how one might meditate and get in touch with deeper aspects of self. But even though the real explosion of the popularity of Vedic concepts occurred in the 1960’s people like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman were way ahead of the game as they subscribed to some of these concepts. Today, we want to learn more about this shift in consciousness, and Philip Goldberg, author American Veda: How Indian Spirituality Changed the West, is going to tell us all about it. This shift has enlarged our understanding of mind and body and is still dramatically changing how we see ourselves. This show is going to open our consciousness yet further as we explore the slow steady move from East to West.
15/02/201254 minutes, 58 secondes
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East to West

Before Eastern, particularly Indian philosophical and religious concepts were popularized in the West, there were not many allowable options for how a person might recognize the connection between mind and body, or how one might meditate and get in touch with deeper aspects of self. But even though the real explosion of the popularity of Vedic concepts occurred in the 1960’s people like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman were way ahead of the game as they subscribed to some of these concepts. Today, we want to learn more about this shift in consciousness, and Philip Goldberg, author American Veda: How Indian Spirituality Changed the West, is going to tell us all about it. This shift has enlarged our understanding of mind and body and is still dramatically changing how we see ourselves. This show is going to open our consciousness yet further as we explore the slow steady move from East to West.
15/02/201254 minutes, 58 secondes
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Leaning into the Mystery

We do need to know don’t we! We need to think that we know, that we are certain, that we are sure. Most of our traditional faith is made up of that need to know. We’ve got it written down, and we’ve interpreted it literally and that is how we know. Science is equally an effort to know. History—though it is often told by the winners of the wars—is an attempt to know our past. And often we try to know our future by making goals, creating our vision boards and deciding what it is that the Universe should give us. But there is a mystic way that does not need to know. Where knowledge is ever-evolving experience and where mystery is power. But it frightens us to not know, or to think we don’t know, and that is why so many of us are actually employed by persons who make it our job to know something. So, how do we overcome this fear of not knowing enough to lean into mystery? And why would we want to? Don’t miss this one—there’s hidden power here.
08/02/201256 minutes, 28 secondes
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Leaning into the Mystery

We do need to know don’t we! We need to think that we know, that we are certain, that we are sure. Most of our traditional faith is made up of that need to know. We’ve got it written down, and we’ve interpreted it literally and that is how we know. Science is equally an effort to know. History—though it is often told by the winners of the wars—is an attempt to know our past. And often we try to know our future by making goals, creating our vision boards and deciding what it is that the Universe should give us. But there is a mystic way that does not need to know. Where knowledge is ever-evolving experience and where mystery is power. But it frightens us to not know, or to think we don’t know, and that is why so many of us are actually employed by persons who make it our job to know something. So, how do we overcome this fear of not knowing enough to lean into mystery? And why would we want to? Don’t miss this one—there’s hidden power here.
08/02/201256 minutes, 28 secondes
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Where have you gone?

Death is one of the most frightening and awesome of life’s mysteries. Because it is, we’ve developed all manner of mythology about it—including the myth that life is over when we die. But many have experienced, first hand, another reality. And while there are still many who still assert that death is death and life is life and never the twain shall meet; our guest today offers moving and profound information to the contrary. Hollister Rand is an internationally renowned medium. Known for the detailed messages she provides from loved ones living in the spirit world, Hollister is clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient—meaning she can see, hear and sense the presence of spirits. One of her primary messages is that “Life is never over,” and her book, I’m Not Dead, I’m Different: Kids in Spirit Teach Us About Living a Better Life on Earth is the subject of the Authentic Living show today. If you have lost loved ones and are wondering where they are—tune in. You’ll be glad you did.
01/02/201255 minutes, 40 secondes
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Where have you gone?

Death is one of the most frightening and awesome of life’s mysteries. Because it is, we’ve developed all manner of mythology about it—including the myth that life is over when we die. But many have experienced, first hand, another reality. And while there are still many who still assert that death is death and life is life and never the twain shall meet; our guest today offers moving and profound information to the contrary. Hollister Rand is an internationally renowned medium. Known for the detailed messages she provides from loved ones living in the spirit world, Hollister is clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient—meaning she can see, hear and sense the presence of spirits. One of her primary messages is that “Life is never over,” and her book, I’m Not Dead, I’m Different: Kids in Spirit Teach Us About Living a Better Life on Earth is the subject of the Authentic Living show today. If you have lost loved ones and are wondering where they are—tune in. You’ll be glad you did.
01/02/201255 minutes, 40 secondes
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What is your Dharma?

Now there’s a question you don’t hear every day on the streets of downtown USA, Europe or Asia. But it’s one that our hearts long to answer, whether or not we yet even understand the question. As Eastern philosophies are more and more accepted in the Western world, the terms, dharma and karma have been tossed about quite a bit. But really, do you know your dharma? Well, Lissa Coffey comes to the Authentic Living show today for the second time to introduce us to our dharma. Her book just out, entitled What’s Your Dharma? Discover the Vedic Way to Your Life’s Purpose” is the subject of our talk today. Author of 6 books and expert on relationship, Ayruveda, Feng Shi, Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy and other ancient philosophies, Lissa brings profound insight, about which Deepak Chopras says: “Your heart will thank you for Lissa’s helpful and heartful vision.” Don’t miss it.
25/01/201255 minutes, 43 secondes
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What is your Dharma?

Now there’s a question you don’t hear every day on the streets of downtown USA, Europe or Asia. But it’s one that our hearts long to answer, whether or not we yet even understand the question. As Eastern philosophies are more and more accepted in the Western world, the terms, dharma and karma have been tossed about quite a bit. But really, do you know your dharma? Well, Lissa Coffey comes to the Authentic Living show today for the second time to introduce us to our dharma. Her book just out, entitled What’s Your Dharma? Discover the Vedic Way to Your Life’s Purpose” is the subject of our talk today. Author of 6 books and expert on relationship, Ayruveda, Feng Shi, Aromatherapy, Hypnotherapy and other ancient philosophies, Lissa brings profound insight, about which Deepak Chopras says: “Your heart will thank you for Lissa’s helpful and heartful vision.” Don’t miss it.
25/01/201255 minutes, 43 secondes
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Soul I AM

What if you are not the sum total of all of your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions? What if you are not even the sum total of your experience? What if all of your wounds are but windows to your soul? What if all of your memory is but a shift in your alchemistry? What if what you see is only image? And what if what you don’t see but can sense, feel and intuitively touch is the real essence of who you are? Wouldn’t that be interesting? Wouldn’t it be even enlightening—to come to know yourself as soul, right here, right now on planet earth? Why is it that we think we have to wait until we die to know ourselves as soul? And if it is true that you could come to know yourself as soul—would you be interested? Well this week, we are going to go to the very highest transcendent peak of who you are and peek over the edge. Ready for an adventure? Come join us.
18/01/201255 minutes, 29 secondes
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Soul I AM

What if you are not the sum total of all of your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions? What if you are not even the sum total of your experience? What if all of your wounds are but windows to your soul? What if all of your memory is but a shift in your alchemistry? What if what you see is only image? And what if what you don’t see but can sense, feel and intuitively touch is the real essence of who you are? Wouldn’t that be interesting? Wouldn’t it be even enlightening—to come to know yourself as soul, right here, right now on planet earth? Why is it that we think we have to wait until we die to know ourselves as soul? And if it is true that you could come to know yourself as soul—would you be interested? Well this week, we are going to go to the very highest transcendent peak of who you are and peek over the edge. Ready for an adventure? Come join us.
18/01/201255 minutes, 29 secondes
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Coming Home from Separation

We’ve talked many times on the Authentic Living show about duality and it’s insistence that we are separate from the divine and from each other and all things. Well today we are going to be talking about how to reunite consciousness with soul. Susann Taylor Shier is our guest today, and she’s written a book called “Soul Reunion: The Return Home from Separation,” in which she thoroughly explains both the soul-level disconnection and the path to reconnection between consciousness and the largely unconscious soul. Susann presents Soul Mastery, Soul Radiance, and Soul Reunion workshops, book events, trainings and teleclasses. She’s been featured on numerous TV and radio shows, and she works internationally as a psychotherapist and intuitive counselor both in person and by telephone. If you are one of those people who longs to bridge the psychic gap of duality, you do not want to miss this show.
11/01/201254 minutes, 49 secondes
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Coming Home from Separation

We’ve talked many times on the Authentic Living show about duality and it’s insistence that we are separate from the divine and from each other and all things. Well today we are going to be talking about how to reunite consciousness with soul. Susann Taylor Shier is our guest today, and she’s written a book called “Soul Reunion: The Return Home from Separation,” in which she thoroughly explains both the soul-level disconnection and the path to reconnection between consciousness and the largely unconscious soul. Susann presents Soul Mastery, Soul Radiance, and Soul Reunion workshops, book events, trainings and teleclasses. She’s been featured on numerous TV and radio shows, and she works internationally as a psychotherapist and intuitive counselor both in person and by telephone. If you are one of those people who longs to bridge the psychic gap of duality, you do not want to miss this show.
11/01/201254 minutes, 49 secondes
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What is Actually Possible?

You know we have many teachers and gurus out there telling us that nothing is impossible. But what do we really believe about that? Sometimes it turns out that when we are believing really hard—we are just doing what has come to be known as magical thinking. Sometimes when we are believing really hard, we’re really just bargaining: IF I believe this, THEN I won’t have to look at that. And sometimes when we are believing really hard, we’re just avoiding the essential growth of looking difficulty right in the face. So, really now, what is actually possible for a human being to do? And how do we know the difference between bargaining, magical thinking, avoidance and real belief? Well this show is going to provide answers for some of those fundamental questions. Right here at the beginning of the New Year, we might need some clarity about where to put our energy. Don’t miss this one. You’re going to need it soon.
04/01/201255 minutes, 22 secondes
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What is Actually Possible?

You know we have many teachers and gurus out there telling us that nothing is impossible. But what do we really believe about that? Sometimes it turns out that when we are believing really hard—we are just doing what has come to be known as magical thinking. Sometimes when we are believing really hard, we’re really just bargaining: IF I believe this, THEN I won’t have to look at that. And sometimes when we are believing really hard, we’re just avoiding the essential growth of looking difficulty right in the face. So, really now, what is actually possible for a human being to do? And how do we know the difference between bargaining, magical thinking, avoidance and real belief? Well this show is going to provide answers for some of those fundamental questions. Right here at the beginning of the New Year, we might need some clarity about where to put our energy. Don’t miss this one. You’re going to need it soon.
04/01/201255 minutes, 22 secondes
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Beginning Again

How many times in a single lifetime do we have to start over? Sometimes starting over is the only possible path to take. And sometimes each inhalation is a beginning again. Many of these kinds of beginnings start with a drastic and painful ending. But there are other kinds of beginnings. For example, most of us think of the New Year is a kind of beginning. But for many this means the making, and eventually breaking of resolutions. This is not a true beginning. True beginnings originate at a much deeper level than any resolution will ever attain. But is it possible to begin again without being forced into it through a painful ending? This week we are going to come to terms with both how to begin again as a result of a painful ending, and how we may reach down into those deeper levels of consciousness in order to trigger another true beginning. Don’t miss it.
28/12/201155 minutes, 46 secondes
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Beginning Again

How many times in a single lifetime do we have to start over? Sometimes starting over is the only possible path to take. And sometimes each inhalation is a beginning again. Many of these kinds of beginnings start with a drastic and painful ending. But there are other kinds of beginnings. For example, most of us think of the New Year is a kind of beginning. But for many this means the making, and eventually breaking of resolutions. This is not a true beginning. True beginnings originate at a much deeper level than any resolution will ever attain. But is it possible to begin again without being forced into it through a painful ending? This week we are going to come to terms with both how to begin again as a result of a painful ending, and how we may reach down into those deeper levels of consciousness in order to trigger another true beginning. Don’t miss it.
28/12/201155 minutes, 46 secondes
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Fear, Drama, Trauma, and Peace

‘Tis the season for peace, is it not? For many, right this minute, it is far, far from a season of peace. Life does not stop its incessant requirements just because it’s Christmas. And sometimes our worst fears arrive already unwrapped at our front door right at Christmas time. So, where can we go to find peace in the midst of the traumas and dramas of our lives—seasonal or otherwise? Is it possible for us to face chaotic, frightening, even traumatic times in our lives in peace? Most people would tell us that we just have to keep our heads down and keep our focus on moving on through it. But what if it really were possible to live in peace regardless of the circumstances? Would that mean living in the paralysis of Pollyanna-world? During this show, we are going to learn how to access peace—no matter what. A peace that not only allows us to calm down and feel deeply connected to the divine within, but also raises our ability to focus and deal with whatever is presented. Don’t miss it!
21/12/201155 minutes, 9 secondes
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Fear, Drama, Trauma, and Peace

‘Tis the season for peace, is it not? For many, right this minute, it is far, far from a season of peace. Life does not stop its incessant requirements just because it’s Christmas. And sometimes our worst fears arrive already unwrapped at our front door right at Christmas time. So, where can we go to find peace in the midst of the traumas and dramas of our lives—seasonal or otherwise? Is it possible for us to face chaotic, frightening, even traumatic times in our lives in peace? Most people would tell us that we just have to keep our heads down and keep our focus on moving on through it. But what if it really were possible to live in peace regardless of the circumstances? Would that mean living in the paralysis of Pollyanna-world? During this show, we are going to learn how to access peace—no matter what. A peace that not only allows us to calm down and feel deeply connected to the divine within, but also raises our ability to focus and deal with whatever is presented. Don’t miss it!
21/12/201155 minutes, 9 secondes
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The Nature of Change

We all know that no one can change for us. What we don’t necessarily know is that no one changes just like us. So, what is the nature of change for you? Change is not only a matter of desire, determination or action. All of these pieces of the puzzle are important, but there is more to it, a missing piece. This week our guest is Laura Young, author of “The Nature of Change” and during this show we’ll be talking about how to put all the pieces of this puzzle together. We’ll discuss the power of the unconscious and how befriending its holdings offers greater success. And we’ll look at some tools to assist in going beyond fear of change in our own “signature” way, by looking at our personal patterns both when we decide to change and when change is thrust upon us. Laura is a psychotherapist, author and radio show host in her own right, who runs the Life Resource Center. Are you in the throes of change? Don’t miss this show.
14/12/201154 minutes, 40 secondes
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The Nature of Change

We all know that no one can change for us. What we don’t necessarily know is that no one changes just like us. So, what is the nature of change for you? Change is not only a matter of desire, determination or action. All of these pieces of the puzzle are important, but there is more to it, a missing piece. This week our guest is Laura Young, author of “The Nature of Change” and during this show we’ll be talking about how to put all the pieces of this puzzle together. We’ll discuss the power of the unconscious and how befriending its holdings offers greater success. And we’ll look at some tools to assist in going beyond fear of change in our own “signature” way, by looking at our personal patterns both when we decide to change and when change is thrust upon us. Laura is a psychotherapist, author and radio show host in her own right, who runs the Life Resource Center. Are you in the throes of change? Don’t miss this show.
14/12/201154 minutes, 40 secondes
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Enlightenment: Can if live up to its hype?

You know there are a lot of people out there talking about enlightenment, what it means and how to get it. The biggest hype about it is that if you are enlightened you are living in a constant state of bliss. But can most people really attain that? A better question is: Is that what enlightenment is really all about? Well our guest today is going to answer that question. He is Robert Forman, PhD, author of the book Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up To Be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow and Jazz in the Soul, in which he exposes his own journey to enlightenment in some very enlightening ways. The book is so candid as to become an opening in the psyche of the reader to allow room for the affirmation of one’s own journey, while simultaneously busting some of the mythology about enlightenment. If you are on your own journey to enlightenment, you are not going to want to miss this show.
07/12/201152 minutes, 13 secondes
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Enlightenment: Can if live up to its hype?

You know there are a lot of people out there talking about enlightenment, what it means and how to get it. The biggest hype about it is that if you are enlightened you are living in a constant state of bliss. But can most people really attain that? A better question is: Is that what enlightenment is really all about? Well our guest today is going to answer that question. He is Robert Forman, PhD, author of the book Enlightenment Ain’t What It’s Cracked Up To Be: A Journey of Discovery, Snow and Jazz in the Soul, in which he exposes his own journey to enlightenment in some very enlightening ways. The book is so candid as to become an opening in the psyche of the reader to allow room for the affirmation of one’s own journey, while simultaneously busting some of the mythology about enlightenment. If you are on your own journey to enlightenment, you are not going to want to miss this show.
07/12/201152 minutes, 13 secondes
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Intimacy and Awakening

For the first time in the history of the world, we are beginning to explore intimacy as the essential ingredient to healthy, whole relationships. But intimacy is not really all about sex. It’s about “dancing core to core”—as Judith Blackstone, PhD puts it in her lovely book The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others. Judith is an innovative, and internationally recognized teacher of nonduality. She is the developer of the Realization Process, a method of embodied nondual awakening, and a practicing psychotherapist. This book, like her others, The Empathic Ground, The Enlightenment Process and The Subtle Self, opens its readers to a deeper more true essential beingness. So, our show this week is going to be about how to awaken to that beingness both alone and in relationship. Want to know how? Don’t miss this show.
30/11/201154 minutes, 10 secondes
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Intimacy and Awakening

For the first time in the history of the world, we are beginning to explore intimacy as the essential ingredient to healthy, whole relationships. But intimacy is not really all about sex. It’s about “dancing core to core”—as Judith Blackstone, PhD puts it in her lovely book The Intimate Life: Awakening to the Spiritual Essence in Yourself and Others. Judith is an innovative, and internationally recognized teacher of nonduality. She is the developer of the Realization Process, a method of embodied nondual awakening, and a practicing psychotherapist. This book, like her others, The Empathic Ground, The Enlightenment Process and The Subtle Self, opens its readers to a deeper more true essential beingness. So, our show this week is going to be about how to awaken to that beingness both alone and in relationship. Want to know how? Don’t miss this show.
30/11/201154 minutes, 10 secondes
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The Existing One

You know for centuries now we’ve thought of ourselves as basically evil at the core, striving ever to be good enough to get the rewards that life gives to those who deserve them. It’s only been within the past 20 or 30 years that we’ve begun to even consider the concept that we are not innately evil—that maybe the concept of original sin doesn’t really fly. But then it also doesn’t fly that we are innately good either—for we are not even sure what the term good means. In fact, as we have grown into the practice of meditation and expanding consciousness, as we get closer and closer to the core of our own experience we discover neither goodness nor badness—rather something far more mysterious. We discover the existing one, the I AM that I AM, the ipseity, the divine self. So, while the law of attraction as we currently understand it has us seeking fulfillment by attracting our dreams, the ipseity continues to call us home. Don’t miss this show.
23/11/201156 minutes, 16 secondes
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The Existing One

You know for centuries now we’ve thought of ourselves as basically evil at the core, striving ever to be good enough to get the rewards that life gives to those who deserve them. It’s only been within the past 20 or 30 years that we’ve begun to even consider the concept that we are not innately evil—that maybe the concept of original sin doesn’t really fly. But then it also doesn’t fly that we are innately good either—for we are not even sure what the term good means. In fact, as we have grown into the practice of meditation and expanding consciousness, as we get closer and closer to the core of our own experience we discover neither goodness nor badness—rather something far more mysterious. We discover the existing one, the I AM that I AM, the ipseity, the divine self. So, while the law of attraction as we currently understand it has us seeking fulfillment by attracting our dreams, the ipseity continues to call us home. Don’t miss this show.
23/11/201156 minutes, 16 secondes
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
16/11/201154 minutes, 53 secondes
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés, Untying the Strong Woman

We welcome Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show this week for the fourth time, this time to talk about her latest book, “Untie the Strong Woman.” For many years, Dr. E has been sending a message to the world that the feminine aspect of humanity is powerful, beautiful and essential. The depth of her understanding of the feminine aspect of human (both male and female ) consciousness has facilitated an increased global awareness of the essentiality of the conscious expression of this power. And that is exactly what we’ll be talking about on this show. Author of the bestselling “Women Who Run With the Wolves” Dr. Estés has also been conducting online events at on specific topics relevant The Dangerous Old Woman, topics on which previous interviews have here on Authentic Living have been conducted. This week we are going to learn how to untie the feminine. Don’t miss it.
16/11/201154 minutes, 53 secondes
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Today we are so fortunate to be talking to the Director of blockbuster comedies such as Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Liar Liar, The Nutty Professor, Bruce Almighty, Patch Adams, Accepted , and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, and the winner of four people’s choice awards, and one Golden Globe nomination. But, you might ask, why would Authentic Living be interested in comedies? Because due to his own personal life crisis, Tom Shadyac’s latest project is a documentary called I AM, in which he travels the world to ask some of the world’s most profound thinkers, these two questions: What is wrong with the world and what can we do about it? This film won two awards at its premiere at the Mountain Film Festival in Telluride, CO, the Audience Choice Award and the Student Choice Award. And it has the potential of advancing the evolution of global consciousness exponentially. So, you are not going to want to miss this discussion about it. Tune in.
09/11/201155 minutes, 31 secondes
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Today we are so fortunate to be talking to the Director of blockbuster comedies such as Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Liar Liar, The Nutty Professor, Bruce Almighty, Patch Adams, Accepted , and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry, and the winner of four people’s choice awards, and one Golden Globe nomination. But, you might ask, why would Authentic Living be interested in comedies? Because due to his own personal life crisis, Tom Shadyac’s latest project is a documentary called I AM, in which he travels the world to ask some of the world’s most profound thinkers, these two questions: What is wrong with the world and what can we do about it? This film won two awards at its premiere at the Mountain Film Festival in Telluride, CO, the Audience Choice Award and the Student Choice Award. And it has the potential of advancing the evolution of global consciousness exponentially. So, you are not going to want to miss this discussion about it. Tune in.
09/11/201155 minutes, 31 secondes
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What is magical as opposed to spiritual thinking?

Many—oh so many—of us are caught up in magical thinking without knowing it. We are magically thinking that we’ll be able to make the abusive husband stop abusing by being a good wife. We are magically thinking that overprotecting our children will help them to arrive at adulthood knowing how to manage life. We are magically thinking that the hounds at the financial doors will just go away if we keep running our vision boards. Collectively we magically thought when we agreed to lower the standards for mortgages and remove the financial rules for Wall Street financiers. And quite often we use magical thinking as a very poor substitute for spiritual thinking. But how do we know? Aren’t we taught to believe that anything is possible? Aren’t we taught to believe that we can move mountains with a mustard seed of faith (or vision boarding and affirming)? This show is going to clarify the difference. Don’t miss it.
02/11/201154 minutes, 39 secondes
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What is magical as opposed to spiritual thinking?

Many—oh so many—of us are caught up in magical thinking without knowing it. We are magically thinking that we’ll be able to make the abusive husband stop abusing by being a good wife. We are magically thinking that overprotecting our children will help them to arrive at adulthood knowing how to manage life. We are magically thinking that the hounds at the financial doors will just go away if we keep running our vision boards. Collectively we magically thought when we agreed to lower the standards for mortgages and remove the financial rules for Wall Street financiers. And quite often we use magical thinking as a very poor substitute for spiritual thinking. But how do we know? Aren’t we taught to believe that anything is possible? Aren’t we taught to believe that we can move mountains with a mustard seed of faith (or vision boarding and affirming)? This show is going to clarify the difference. Don’t miss it.
02/11/201154 minutes, 39 secondes
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Rules for the game of life

The world was moved a few years back when Cherie Carter-Scott published her bestselling book, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules. It is a simple, but profound rendition of what we can expect on the journey. Not knowing the simplified rendition of why we are here, and what we can expect can keep us running into the walls we find everywhere in our consciousness. But Carter-Scott’s book provides us with a template for living that will not soon be forgotten once it is absorbed. And we are going to be talking with her today about these rules for the game of life. So, if you are wondering what the heck is going on—tune in. You are not going to want to miss this exciting and powerful show.
26/10/201154 minutes, 35 secondes
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Rules for the game of life

The world was moved a few years back when Cherie Carter-Scott published her bestselling book, If Life is a Game, These are the Rules. It is a simple, but profound rendition of what we can expect on the journey. Not knowing the simplified rendition of why we are here, and what we can expect can keep us running into the walls we find everywhere in our consciousness. But Carter-Scott’s book provides us with a template for living that will not soon be forgotten once it is absorbed. And we are going to be talking with her today about these rules for the game of life. So, if you are wondering what the heck is going on—tune in. You are not going to want to miss this exciting and powerful show.
26/10/201154 minutes, 35 secondes
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Dr. Bernie Siegel and Miracles

Dr. Bernie Siegel, or Bernie—as he is affectionately called—is back to the Authentic Living show for the second time today to talk to us about his latest book, filled with beautiful true stories about healing and love. Once upon at time, Bernie thought that a miracle was something for which there is no explanation. Now he believes that everything is a miracle. In his more than thirty years of practice, speaking and teaching, he has built up an impressive collection of riveting, warm and belief expanding stories—some of which are included in his latest book, “A Book of Miracles: Inspiring True Stores of Healing, Gratitude, and Love.” His first bestselling book, Love, Medicine and Miracles, led to several other self-help books on healing by learning to live authentically. More recently he’s written a children’s book, Smudge Bunny, a parenting book, Love, Magic and Mud Pies, and a book for anyone struggling with loss, Buddy’s Candle. Don’t miss this beautiful show.
19/10/201154 minutes, 59 secondes
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Dr. Bernie Siegel and Miracles

Dr. Bernie Siegel, or Bernie—as he is affectionately called—is back to the Authentic Living show for the second time today to talk to us about his latest book, filled with beautiful true stories about healing and love. Once upon at time, Bernie thought that a miracle was something for which there is no explanation. Now he believes that everything is a miracle. In his more than thirty years of practice, speaking and teaching, he has built up an impressive collection of riveting, warm and belief expanding stories—some of which are included in his latest book, “A Book of Miracles: Inspiring True Stores of Healing, Gratitude, and Love.” His first bestselling book, Love, Medicine and Miracles, led to several other self-help books on healing by learning to live authentically. More recently he’s written a children’s book, Smudge Bunny, a parenting book, Love, Magic and Mud Pies, and a book for anyone struggling with loss, Buddy’s Candle. Don’t miss this beautiful show.
19/10/201154 minutes, 59 secondes
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Whosoever will—Let him take

This year, we’ve heard a lot about the bullying of gays and lesbians in schools all over the country. What we don’t hear so much about is the bullying of members of the GLBT population in churches and in Christian communities all across the nation. In fact, both overt and covert bullying is most often done by people who want to exclude members of the GLBT population based on the erroneous notion that God hates them, or wishes them punished or excluded. Well, today, we are going to be talking to United Church of Christ minister, Candace Chellew-Hodge, author of “Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians.” While far too many still think that the words “Christian” and “Gay” and “Lesbian” are oxymorons, Chellew-Hodge will tell GLBT Christians how to reclaim the authentic self and survive the onslaught of abuse coming from their own communities. If you fall on either side of this issue, you are not going want to miss this show.
12/10/201159 minutes, 4 secondes
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Whosoever will—Let him take

This year, we’ve heard a lot about the bullying of gays and lesbians in schools all over the country. What we don’t hear so much about is the bullying of members of the GLBT population in churches and in Christian communities all across the nation. In fact, both overt and covert bullying is most often done by people who want to exclude members of the GLBT population based on the erroneous notion that God hates them, or wishes them punished or excluded. Well, today, we are going to be talking to United Church of Christ minister, Candace Chellew-Hodge, author of “Bulletproof Faith: A Spiritual Survival Guide for Gay and Lesbian Christians.” While far too many still think that the words “Christian” and “Gay” and “Lesbian” are oxymorons, Chellew-Hodge will tell GLBT Christians how to reclaim the authentic self and survive the onslaught of abuse coming from their own communities. If you fall on either side of this issue, you are not going want to miss this show.
12/10/201159 minutes, 4 secondes
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The Day of Answers is Finally Here!

While there is still much of mystery left in our world, there are some answers we can get to several of life’s most vital questions. And some of the most urgent questions of today are being asked by those who are trying diligently to make the law of attraction work for them, but are unable to do so. These questions seem to hold the balance of life itself within them. Well today, some of the previous guests of this show, profound spiritual leaders, who have reviewed the book, “The Law Of Attraction: The Soul’s Answer To Why It Isn’t Working And How It Can,” are going to be asking specific questions about the law of attraction, about a revision in the law of attraction and about the nature of the divine and humanity. These are YOUR deepest questions. And today, you are going to get your answers. So, do NOT miss this show. It might just change your entire approach to the law of attraction, and, indeed, to life itself.
05/10/201156 minutes, 48 secondes
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The Day of Answers is Finally Here!

While there is still much of mystery left in our world, there are some answers we can get to several of life’s most vital questions. And some of the most urgent questions of today are being asked by those who are trying diligently to make the law of attraction work for them, but are unable to do so. These questions seem to hold the balance of life itself within them. Well today, some of the previous guests of this show, profound spiritual leaders, who have reviewed the book, “The Law Of Attraction: The Soul’s Answer To Why It Isn’t Working And How It Can,” are going to be asking specific questions about the law of attraction, about a revision in the law of attraction and about the nature of the divine and humanity. These are YOUR deepest questions. And today, you are going to get your answers. So, do NOT miss this show. It might just change your entire approach to the law of attraction, and, indeed, to life itself.
05/10/201156 minutes, 48 secondes
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A Special Encore Performance: Rosanne Cash and the Authentic Life

Rosanne Cash comes to the Authentic Living show this week to discuss her latest book, Composed: A Memoir, the powerful, poetic and poignant story of her own inner journey, which touches us at a deep essential and spiritual core. Rosanne is one of America’s preeminent singers and song writers with fourteen albums and eleven # 1 singles to her credit. Her albums, which reach people from across the various music genres, include: Right or Wrong, Seven Year Ache, Somewhere in the Stars, Rhythm and Romance, King's Record Shop, Interiors, The Wheel, 10 Song Demo, Rules of Travel, Black Cadillac, The List and The Essential Rosanne Cash. First known as the daughter of Johnny Cash, she moved on to find and live into her own genuine perspective, talent and personality, as she created song after song that reflected on the deeper meaning of life. She is also the author of two other books, as well as several essays and short stories published in major national magazines. You don’t want to miss it!
28/09/201154 minutes, 57 secondes
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A Special Encore Performance: Rosanne Cash and the Authentic Life

Rosanne Cash comes to the Authentic Living show this week to discuss her latest book, Composed: A Memoir, the powerful, poetic and poignant story of her own inner journey, which touches us at a deep essential and spiritual core. Rosanne is one of America’s preeminent singers and song writers with fourteen albums and eleven # 1 singles to her credit. Her albums, which reach people from across the various music genres, include: Right or Wrong, Seven Year Ache, Somewhere in the Stars, Rhythm and Romance, King's Record Shop, Interiors, The Wheel, 10 Song Demo, Rules of Travel, Black Cadillac, The List and The Essential Rosanne Cash. First known as the daughter of Johnny Cash, she moved on to find and live into her own genuine perspective, talent and personality, as she created song after song that reflected on the deeper meaning of life. She is also the author of two other books, as well as several essays and short stories published in major national magazines. You don’t want to miss it!
28/09/201154 minutes, 57 secondes
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The Law of Love

It works just like gravity. The only way to get away from gravity is to go live in outer space, or find yourself an anti-gravity chamber—which, by the way, is being held down by gravity. But once you step out of that chamber, and once you come back down to earth, you are going to become a part of the law of gravity again. And the law of gravity works, even when things are working against it. It just includes itself into the ultimate equation and becomes an integral part of the process. And that is exactly how the law of love works. No matter what you’ve seen, how you’ve been hurt, or what you fear, the law of love is simply including itself into the equation and becoming an integral part of the alchemical process of becoming fully aware of who you are. So, even though we live in the world of duality, our antigravity chamber, that very chamber is being held down by love. Further, everything, absolutely everything ultimately falls down into love. Want to know more? Don’t miss this show.
21/09/201156 minutes, 16 secondes
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The Law of Love

It works just like gravity. The only way to get away from gravity is to go live in outer space, or find yourself an anti-gravity chamber—which, by the way, is being held down by gravity. But once you step out of that chamber, and once you come back down to earth, you are going to become a part of the law of gravity again. And the law of gravity works, even when things are working against it. It just includes itself into the ultimate equation and becomes an integral part of the process. And that is exactly how the law of love works. No matter what you’ve seen, how you’ve been hurt, or what you fear, the law of love is simply including itself into the equation and becoming an integral part of the alchemical process of becoming fully aware of who you are. So, even though we live in the world of duality, our antigravity chamber, that very chamber is being held down by love. Further, everything, absolutely everything ultimately falls down into love. Want to know more? Don’t miss this show.
21/09/201156 minutes, 16 secondes
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The Power of Positive and Negative

Our current understanding of the law of attraction, as it has been set forth for us, is that what we need to be doing to fulfill our lives is thinking positive, imagining ourselves in the place of our dreams, perhaps creating a vision board or two and not allowing ourselves to think or feel anything negative. In this way, we will, by the power of our positive thinking, magnetize those things, places, people, financial means, and events which are certain to fulfill us. But what do we mean by positive and negative? What is a positive thought? What is a positive feeling? What is a negative thought or feeling? What if our definition of positive isn’t really positive at all? And is it possible that through our decision to square off against so-called “negativity” that we are taking away a huge portion of our power? Tune in to find out.
14/09/201156 minutes, 52 secondes
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The Power of Positive and Negative

Our current understanding of the law of attraction, as it has been set forth for us, is that what we need to be doing to fulfill our lives is thinking positive, imagining ourselves in the place of our dreams, perhaps creating a vision board or two and not allowing ourselves to think or feel anything negative. In this way, we will, by the power of our positive thinking, magnetize those things, places, people, financial means, and events which are certain to fulfill us. But what do we mean by positive and negative? What is a positive thought? What is a positive feeling? What is a negative thought or feeling? What if our definition of positive isn’t really positive at all? And is it possible that through our decision to square off against so-called “negativity” that we are taking away a huge portion of our power? Tune in to find out.
14/09/201156 minutes, 52 secondes
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What do the Sacred Texts REALLY say about the Law of Attraction?

We’ve been told, by those who tell, that the Law of Attraction, as we currently understand it, can be found in the Sacred Texts of the various world religions. Well, this show is going to look at those texts to see what they really say. What we will find there is likely to surprise you, for they actually do tell us about a law of attraction, but not the one we’ve come to understand at all. If the sacred texts give us any wisdom, it will not be found in assumption and presupposition that tries to prove itself after the fact. Nor will it be found in taking words out of context or literalizing. Rather it will be found in the actual meaning of the words. So, let’s check this out together and see what we find.
07/09/201154 minutes, 7 secondes
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What do the Sacred Texts REALLY say about the Law of Attraction?

We’ve been told, by those who tell, that the Law of Attraction, as we currently understand it, can be found in the Sacred Texts of the various world religions. Well, this show is going to look at those texts to see what they really say. What we will find there is likely to surprise you, for they actually do tell us about a law of attraction, but not the one we’ve come to understand at all. If the sacred texts give us any wisdom, it will not be found in assumption and presupposition that tries to prove itself after the fact. Nor will it be found in taking words out of context or literalizing. Rather it will be found in the actual meaning of the words. So, let’s check this out together and see what we find.
07/09/201154 minutes, 7 secondes
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How to: Getting into the Flow

So, here’s the question: How do you do it? As I talk to more and more people about the newer and truer version of the law of attraction, this is the question I get asked. That is, after all the questions like: “How can I get a million dollars in the next year,” and “How can I attract my soulmate?” Those questions are based on the old understanding of the law of attraction, which tells us that all we need to do to attract from the external world all that fulfills internally, is to think positive, do a vision board, and do the work of removing blocks from the unconscious—and then our dreams will come true. That old understanding has us further splitting ourselves in half. But the new understanding, the true understanding unites us with divine Self. So, now that we know that, how do we get into the flow. This show will answer that question. Don’t miss it.
31/08/201150 minutes, 54 secondes
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How to: Getting into the Flow

So, here’s the question: How do you do it? As I talk to more and more people about the newer and truer version of the law of attraction, this is the question I get asked. That is, after all the questions like: “How can I get a million dollars in the next year,” and “How can I attract my soulmate?” Those questions are based on the old understanding of the law of attraction, which tells us that all we need to do to attract from the external world all that fulfills internally, is to think positive, do a vision board, and do the work of removing blocks from the unconscious—and then our dreams will come true. That old understanding has us further splitting ourselves in half. But the new understanding, the true understanding unites us with divine Self. So, now that we know that, how do we get into the flow. This show will answer that question. Don’t miss it.
31/08/201150 minutes, 54 secondes
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Approval: The Most Potent Elixir of All

Born in the South during the 1940s, an African-American girl with white skin, Pat Holland Conner was destined to live with secrets, shame and intolerance from her family as well as both the black and white communities. She grew up feeling unworthy and desperate to belong until, when she reached the bottom of the barrel of this terrible elixir, she courageously took a brand new path toward personal love and acceptance. Her book Doorways to Significance: Finding Peace, Power & Passion” tells that story. Pat is a writer, family therapist, substance abuse counselor and owner of Peaceful Path Consulting. She teaches self-esteem classes and has worked as a counselor, trainer and educator in the USA, Asia and the Middle East. Approval, it turns out, is one of the most highly sought after addictive drugs on the planet. If you are an approval addict, or know someone who is—tune into this show. You’ll be glad you did.
24/08/201155 minutes, 34 secondes
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Approval: The Most Potent Elixir of All

Born in the South during the 1940s, an African-American girl with white skin, Pat Holland Conner was destined to live with secrets, shame and intolerance from her family as well as both the black and white communities. She grew up feeling unworthy and desperate to belong until, when she reached the bottom of the barrel of this terrible elixir, she courageously took a brand new path toward personal love and acceptance. Her book Doorways to Significance: Finding Peace, Power & Passion” tells that story. Pat is a writer, family therapist, substance abuse counselor and owner of Peaceful Path Consulting. She teaches self-esteem classes and has worked as a counselor, trainer and educator in the USA, Asia and the Middle East. Approval, it turns out, is one of the most highly sought after addictive drugs on the planet. If you are an approval addict, or know someone who is—tune into this show. You’ll be glad you did.
24/08/201155 minutes, 34 secondes
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Your Money and The Law of Attraction

Years ago, we heard about something which has now come to be known as the law of attraction—which seemed to be the answer to all of our questions and prayers about how to live an abundant life. Many set right out to attract large sums of money. And a few years later, we all found ourselves in a financial crisis that took the jobs of many, and reduced the income and increased the expenses of many others. While there can be no correlation made between these two events, there are the many, who have spent years practicing the tenets of the law of attraction, and who are now left wondering what the heck is going on. This show will offer you some answers about money, about abundance and about the law of attraction. If you are worried about money—you are not going to want to miss this show.
17/08/201158 minutes, 3 secondes
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Your Money and The Law of Attraction

Years ago, we heard about something which has now come to be known as the law of attraction—which seemed to be the answer to all of our questions and prayers about how to live an abundant life. Many set right out to attract large sums of money. And a few years later, we all found ourselves in a financial crisis that took the jobs of many, and reduced the income and increased the expenses of many others. While there can be no correlation made between these two events, there are the many, who have spent years practicing the tenets of the law of attraction, and who are now left wondering what the heck is going on. This show will offer you some answers about money, about abundance and about the law of attraction. If you are worried about money—you are not going to want to miss this show.
17/08/201158 minutes, 3 secondes
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Healing and Transforming Your Life

Michael Mirdad is back to the Authentic Living show for the third time, to talk to us about his latest book, Healing the Heart and Soul: A five-step, Soul-level Healing Process for Transforming Your Life. Bestselling author of The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path, Sacred Sexuality: A Manual for Living Bliss, and You’re Not going Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up! Michael is also a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer and counselor, who has facilitated thousands of classes, lectures, and workshops throughout the world on mastery, spirituality, relationships and healing. He is suitably named the “teacher’s teacher” and the “healer’s healer,” due to his ability to share the deepest teachings in a clear, applicable manner. From Michael, you can expect to learn all about how to move from dark nights of the soul to a new life. Don’t miss this powerful show!
10/08/201157 minutes, 3 secondes
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Healing and Transforming Your Life

Michael Mirdad is back to the Authentic Living show for the third time, to talk to us about his latest book, Healing the Heart and Soul: A five-step, Soul-level Healing Process for Transforming Your Life. Bestselling author of The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path, Sacred Sexuality: A Manual for Living Bliss, and You’re Not going Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up! Michael is also a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer and counselor, who has facilitated thousands of classes, lectures, and workshops throughout the world on mastery, spirituality, relationships and healing. He is suitably named the “teacher’s teacher” and the “healer’s healer,” due to his ability to share the deepest teachings in a clear, applicable manner. From Michael, you can expect to learn all about how to move from dark nights of the soul to a new life. Don’t miss this powerful show!
10/08/201157 minutes, 3 secondes
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What your Shadow Knows

As we’ve tried to implement the law of attraction and attract and manifest all of our dreams, we’ve run into some road blocks that have forced us to question ourselves. Many are advising that we look to the shadow—or the unconscious—to tell us how we are sabotaging ourselves. But the shadow holds far more within it than the darkness about which we typically hear. In fact, for most of us, the shadow also holds within it, the deepest essence of our truest nature. It is this nature toward which the law of attraction is actually driving us. Tune into this show to learn how the law of attraction really works in your life.
03/08/201153 minutes, 58 secondes
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What your Shadow Knows

As we’ve tried to implement the law of attraction and attract and manifest all of our dreams, we’ve run into some road blocks that have forced us to question ourselves. Many are advising that we look to the shadow—or the unconscious—to tell us how we are sabotaging ourselves. But the shadow holds far more within it than the darkness about which we typically hear. In fact, for most of us, the shadow also holds within it, the deepest essence of our truest nature. It is this nature toward which the law of attraction is actually driving us. Tune into this show to learn how the law of attraction really works in your life.
03/08/201153 minutes, 58 secondes
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Dee Wallace: Turn On Your Bright Light

We all remember Dee Wallace, playing the mother role, in that wonderfully moving and uplifting movie, ET. Well, she’s had an amazing career as actress, playing in other movies, including Cujo, The Howling, Ten, The Frighteners and Critters, staring in four TV series and over 400 commercials. She’s one of Hollywood’s most sought after TV guest stars. And from there, she became a healer and spiritual leader. How did that happen? Her latest book, Bright Light, tells us all about that unorthodox path from actor to spiritual leader while inspiring us all to passionately follow our own heart and creative wisdom to wherever the bright light of the inner self takes us. Through her acting endeavors and the coaching she received she was able to tap into that intuitive river that some call the zone, and simultaneously let go of emotions and issues from her own past to connect with her inner light. This show will be all about how you can do that too.
27/07/201151 minutes, 2 secondes
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Dee Wallace: Turn On Your Bright Light

We all remember Dee Wallace, playing the mother role, in that wonderfully moving and uplifting movie, ET. Well, she’s had an amazing career as actress, playing in other movies, including Cujo, The Howling, Ten, The Frighteners and Critters, staring in four TV series and over 400 commercials. She’s one of Hollywood’s most sought after TV guest stars. And from there, she became a healer and spiritual leader. How did that happen? Her latest book, Bright Light, tells us all about that unorthodox path from actor to spiritual leader while inspiring us all to passionately follow our own heart and creative wisdom to wherever the bright light of the inner self takes us. Through her acting endeavors and the coaching she received she was able to tap into that intuitive river that some call the zone, and simultaneously let go of emotions and issues from her own past to connect with her inner light. This show will be all about how you can do that too.
27/07/201151 minutes, 2 secondes
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A Special Encore Performance with Marianne Williamson

We are so excited this week to have Marianne Williamson on the Authentic Living Show to talk to us about her latest NY Times Bestseller, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on weight loss. But none of these books can offer the permanent plan offered in A Course in Weight Loss. Nor do they offer the powerful lessons in transformational surrender that this book clarifies so well. This could be a life-changing discussion today—don’t let yourself miss it!
20/07/201155 minutes, 23 secondes
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A Special Encore Performance with Marianne Williamson

We are so excited this week to have Marianne Williamson on the Authentic Living Show to talk to us about her latest NY Times Bestseller, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on weight loss. But none of these books can offer the permanent plan offered in A Course in Weight Loss. Nor do they offer the powerful lessons in transformational surrender that this book clarifies so well. This could be a life-changing discussion today—don’t let yourself miss it!
20/07/201155 minutes, 23 secondes
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Are you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted and cynical? Burnout looks a lot like depression, but it’s not a biological bogeyman that medication or simple stress management can cure. It’s a disorder of hope and will that sucks the life out of competent, idealistic, hardworking people like you; and it will be an ongoing challenge for you to take your power back! Dr. Joan Borysenko is here for the fourth time and this time to talk about her latest book, “Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive.” Her view of burn out is a timely and groundbreaking work that straddles psychology, biology and soul. Of course, we know from previous episodes with Joan, that she offers a very warm and personal approach to whatever she does and this book and this discussion will be no exception, as she believes it is her life’s purpose to weave together psychology, biology and spirituality in a credible and accessible way.
13/07/201154 minutes, 15 secondes
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Are you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted and cynical? Burnout looks a lot like depression, but it’s not a biological bogeyman that medication or simple stress management can cure. It’s a disorder of hope and will that sucks the life out of competent, idealistic, hardworking people like you; and it will be an ongoing challenge for you to take your power back! Dr. Joan Borysenko is here for the fourth time and this time to talk about her latest book, “Fried: Why You Burn Out and How to Revive.” Her view of burn out is a timely and groundbreaking work that straddles psychology, biology and soul. Of course, we know from previous episodes with Joan, that she offers a very warm and personal approach to whatever she does and this book and this discussion will be no exception, as she believes it is her life’s purpose to weave together psychology, biology and spirituality in a credible and accessible way.
13/07/201154 minutes, 15 secondes
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Special Encore Episode with Dr. Christiane Northrup

Dr. Christiane Northrup is recognized both nationally and internationally as the veritable guru of women’s health. A visionary pioneer who recognizes the connection between mind, body and spirit, she has brought that connection to the world of medicine in a way that no one else has yet been able to do. She is an OB/GYN physician and author of two New York Times bestselling books, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” and “The Wisdom of Menopause.” Her third book, “Mother-Daughter Wisdom,” was a 2005 Quill Award nominee and voted Amazon’s #1 book of the year in both parenting and mind-body health. She has hosted seven highly successful television specials and her own radio show, and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, and several other prominent shows. We are honored to get the opportunity to talk with her today about her newly revised edition of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing.”
06/07/201155 minutes, 14 secondes
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Special Encore Episode with Dr. Christiane Northrup

Dr. Christiane Northrup is recognized both nationally and internationally as the veritable guru of women’s health. A visionary pioneer who recognizes the connection between mind, body and spirit, she has brought that connection to the world of medicine in a way that no one else has yet been able to do. She is an OB/GYN physician and author of two New York Times bestselling books, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” and “The Wisdom of Menopause.” Her third book, “Mother-Daughter Wisdom,” was a 2005 Quill Award nominee and voted Amazon’s #1 book of the year in both parenting and mind-body health. She has hosted seven highly successful television specials and her own radio show, and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, and several other prominent shows. We are honored to get the opportunity to talk with her today about her newly revised edition of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing.”
06/07/201155 minutes, 14 secondes
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Rosanne Cash and the Authentic Life

Rosanne Cash comes to the Authentic Living show this week to discuss her latest book, Composed: A Memoir, the powerful, poetic and poignant story of her own inner journey, which touches us at a deep essential and spiritual core. Rosanne is one of America’s preeminent singers and song writers with fourteen albums and eleven # 1 singles to her credit. Her albums, which reach people from across the various music genres, include: Right or Wrong, Seven Year Ache, Somewhere in the Stars, Rhythm and Romance, King's Record Shop, Interiors, The Wheel, 10 Song Demo, Rules of Travel, Black Cadillac, The List and The Essential Rosanne Cash. First known as the daughter of Johnny Cash, she moved on to find and live into her own genuine perspective, talent and personality, as she created song after song that reflected on the deeper meaning of life. She is also the author of two other books, as well as several essays and short stories published in major national magazines. You don’t want to miss it!
29/06/201154 minutes, 57 secondes
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Rosanne Cash and the Authentic Life

Rosanne Cash comes to the Authentic Living show this week to discuss her latest book, Composed: A Memoir, the powerful, poetic and poignant story of her own inner journey, which touches us at a deep essential and spiritual core. Rosanne is one of America’s preeminent singers and song writers with fourteen albums and eleven # 1 singles to her credit. Her albums, which reach people from across the various music genres, include: Right or Wrong, Seven Year Ache, Somewhere in the Stars, Rhythm and Romance, King's Record Shop, Interiors, The Wheel, 10 Song Demo, Rules of Travel, Black Cadillac, The List and The Essential Rosanne Cash. First known as the daughter of Johnny Cash, she moved on to find and live into her own genuine perspective, talent and personality, as she created song after song that reflected on the deeper meaning of life. She is also the author of two other books, as well as several essays and short stories published in major national magazines. You don’t want to miss it!
29/06/201154 minutes, 57 secondes
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Peter Tongue is with us this week to talk about the connection between the stars, the earth, and the evolution of human consciousness. He tells us that the information known to medieval alchemists was so sacred and profound that they wrapped it up in allegorical clever word plays. As we move through the month of June, and it’s the astrological sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury and Hermes, the gods of clever and hidden communication—Tongue will reveal some of the coded information known only to the ancient alchemists. These revelations will tell us about the connection between Alchemy, the Stars, our beautiful landscape of Earth and US—the human beings evolving on the planet. To live a fully authentic life, it is necessary to uncover our true passion and purpose for being here and this show will reveal to us powerful tools to assist us in the awakening process.
22/06/201155 minutes, 9 secondes
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Peter Tongue is with us this week to talk about the connection between the stars, the earth, and the evolution of human consciousness. He tells us that the information known to medieval alchemists was so sacred and profound that they wrapped it up in allegorical clever word plays. As we move through the month of June, and it’s the astrological sign Gemini, ruled by Mercury and Hermes, the gods of clever and hidden communication—Tongue will reveal some of the coded information known only to the ancient alchemists. These revelations will tell us about the connection between Alchemy, the Stars, our beautiful landscape of Earth and US—the human beings evolving on the planet. To live a fully authentic life, it is necessary to uncover our true passion and purpose for being here and this show will reveal to us powerful tools to assist us in the awakening process.
22/06/201155 minutes, 9 secondes
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Did I just hear that “Dun-Dun” that goes off whenever “Law and Order” comes on? We do get the two mixed up quite a bit—Karma and Law and Order. What’s been passed down to us is a definition of Karma that means that what goes around comes around. So, we can always say to that—expletives deleted—ex-husband or wife, “Yeah, well what goes around comes around!” believing with all of our hearts that they are going to get theirs. Right? And we can say to those selfish, close-minded whatever, whatever politicians that they are going to get theirs too. Then we can wash our hands of the whole affair and assume that in this lifetime or the next, or the next—justice will eventually be done. Dun-Dun! Law and Order. But what if Karma isn’t what goes around comes around? What if it doesn’t fall in that dualistic framework at all? What if the Law of Karma, gives us something much higher, much more powerful and soul-enhancing than Law and Order? Tune in to find out more.
15/06/201153 minutes, 56 secondes
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Did I just hear that “Dun-Dun” that goes off whenever “Law and Order” comes on? We do get the two mixed up quite a bit—Karma and Law and Order. What’s been passed down to us is a definition of Karma that means that what goes around comes around. So, we can always say to that—expletives deleted—ex-husband or wife, “Yeah, well what goes around comes around!” believing with all of our hearts that they are going to get theirs. Right? And we can say to those selfish, close-minded whatever, whatever politicians that they are going to get theirs too. Then we can wash our hands of the whole affair and assume that in this lifetime or the next, or the next—justice will eventually be done. Dun-Dun! Law and Order. But what if Karma isn’t what goes around comes around? What if it doesn’t fall in that dualistic framework at all? What if the Law of Karma, gives us something much higher, much more powerful and soul-enhancing than Law and Order? Tune in to find out more.
15/06/201153 minutes, 56 secondes
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Healing the Healer

Are you a healer? Do you have a life-goal of becoming a healer? Do you see yourself healing others? Do you carry with you the healer-archetype? Are you a Chiron—Wounded Healer? The healer archetype has thrust itself again through the curtains of the collective unconscious and has basically become a buzz word for the New Age/New Thought book sellers and marketing gurus. The healer archetype presented in the form of a persona, makes a face like a healer. It informs the world around it that if that world will just come to the healer, that world will be healed. Of course, most healers would deny that they have the power to heal the world, but we do believe that we can heal others. We’ve put all kinds of parameters around that, including the notion that the person has to request our healing powers. But seriously, does one person really heal another? Or is all healing really self-healing? Tune in to find out.
08/06/201154 minutes, 26 secondes
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Healing the Healer

Are you a healer? Do you have a life-goal of becoming a healer? Do you see yourself healing others? Do you carry with you the healer-archetype? Are you a Chiron—Wounded Healer? The healer archetype has thrust itself again through the curtains of the collective unconscious and has basically become a buzz word for the New Age/New Thought book sellers and marketing gurus. The healer archetype presented in the form of a persona, makes a face like a healer. It informs the world around it that if that world will just come to the healer, that world will be healed. Of course, most healers would deny that they have the power to heal the world, but we do believe that we can heal others. We’ve put all kinds of parameters around that, including the notion that the person has to request our healing powers. But seriously, does one person really heal another? Or is all healing really self-healing? Tune in to find out.
08/06/201154 minutes, 26 secondes
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The Artist’s Way

Julia Cameron comes back to the Authentic Living Show this week for the second time, to talk to us about her upcoming online Artist’s Way Course, which will be filmed from her own Santa Fe living room, and the surrounding artist community. Though for centuries it has been thought that creativity was reserved for those elected special few who were gifted with some rare talent, we are now beginning to see, and largely due to Julia’s efforts, that creativity is one of our best and most available and accessible ways of connecting to the Authentic Self. Julia Cameron has been an active artist for more than thirty years and is the author of over thirty books, including bestsellers The Artist’s Way, Walking in This World, and Finding Water. She’s also a playwright, songwriter and poet with multiple credits in theatre, film and television. You are not going to want to miss this special show.
01/06/201155 minutes, 8 secondes
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The Artist’s Way

Julia Cameron comes back to the Authentic Living Show this week for the second time, to talk to us about her upcoming online Artist’s Way Course, which will be filmed from her own Santa Fe living room, and the surrounding artist community. Though for centuries it has been thought that creativity was reserved for those elected special few who were gifted with some rare talent, we are now beginning to see, and largely due to Julia’s efforts, that creativity is one of our best and most available and accessible ways of connecting to the Authentic Self. Julia Cameron has been an active artist for more than thirty years and is the author of over thirty books, including bestsellers The Artist’s Way, Walking in This World, and Finding Water. She’s also a playwright, songwriter and poet with multiple credits in theatre, film and television. You are not going to want to miss this special show.
01/06/201155 minutes, 8 secondes
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Authentic Relationships

Okay, so we’ve spent a lot of time here on the Authentic Living Show talking about the Authentic Self, how to access and live out of it. But we’ve spent less time talking about relationships, particularly authentic relationships. Well, the time and the book have arrived, allowing us to really explore what it means to attract, achieve and maintain an authentic relationship. Our guest today is Sarah Abell, author of the book Authentic Relationships From the Inside Out. She is a relationship expert from across the pond in England. Sarah started out her career as a News Reporter for the BBC, and later became a freelance writer and an educator in the area of relationships. She has written material for courses and resources used to work with individuals, couples and families. Authentic relationships are not your run of the mill relationships—they are the real deal. So if you are wondering how to create, establish or maintain an authentic relationship—you are not going to want to miss this.
25/05/201158 minutes, 16 secondes
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Authentic Relationships

Okay, so we’ve spent a lot of time here on the Authentic Living Show talking about the Authentic Self, how to access and live out of it. But we’ve spent less time talking about relationships, particularly authentic relationships. Well, the time and the book have arrived, allowing us to really explore what it means to attract, achieve and maintain an authentic relationship. Our guest today is Sarah Abell, author of the book Authentic Relationships From the Inside Out. She is a relationship expert from across the pond in England. Sarah started out her career as a News Reporter for the BBC, and later became a freelance writer and an educator in the area of relationships. She has written material for courses and resources used to work with individuals, couples and families. Authentic relationships are not your run of the mill relationships—they are the real deal. So if you are wondering how to create, establish or maintain an authentic relationship—you are not going to want to miss this.
25/05/201158 minutes, 16 secondes
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Your Soul’s Desire

Have you ever experienced a deep longing of which the manifestation just seemed to keep eluding you? In this day and age in which many of us are vision boarding and affirming our little hind ends off trying to manifest these longings, we tend to judge ourselves for our inability to come home to these seeming soul desires. But understanding a soul desire and distinguishing it from all the other things that can mimic soul desire is an inner and heroic journey. If, for example, we can start the sentence with “I’ve always wanted to…” that desire could be a soul desire, or it could be a desire that comes from the need to avoid some pain, or escape some seemingly more difficult reality, or to bargain with the so-called fates. So, how do we go about the process of manifesting soul desire if we aren’t even sure what soul desire is? Well, the first process is going to have to be getting to know ourselves at the level of the soul. Want to know more? Tune in—it could change your life.
18/05/201158 minutes, 10 secondes
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Your Soul’s Desire

Have you ever experienced a deep longing of which the manifestation just seemed to keep eluding you? In this day and age in which many of us are vision boarding and affirming our little hind ends off trying to manifest these longings, we tend to judge ourselves for our inability to come home to these seeming soul desires. But understanding a soul desire and distinguishing it from all the other things that can mimic soul desire is an inner and heroic journey. If, for example, we can start the sentence with “I’ve always wanted to…” that desire could be a soul desire, or it could be a desire that comes from the need to avoid some pain, or escape some seemingly more difficult reality, or to bargain with the so-called fates. So, how do we go about the process of manifesting soul desire if we aren’t even sure what soul desire is? Well, the first process is going to have to be getting to know ourselves at the level of the soul. Want to know more? Tune in—it could change your life.
18/05/201158 minutes, 10 secondes
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The Map to your Soul

We’re very excited to have Colette Baron-Reid back to the show for the second time to talk about her latest book The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life. Have you ever experienced a tragedy that just made no sense to you? Have you ever wished that you could make your life more meaningful? In order to do that, you have to know how to look through the lenses of your soul’s eyes. Colette has given us a map, a treasure map if you will, that leads us to hidden treasures, such as learning how to find your place, finding your magical allies, and aligning with your own adventure. Colette is a bestselling Hay House author, internationally renowned intuitive counselor, powerful motivational speaker, recording artist, performer, storyteller and educator who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. Are you looking for direction? Don’t miss this show!
11/05/201155 minutes, 58 secondes
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The Map to your Soul

We’re very excited to have Colette Baron-Reid back to the show for the second time to talk about her latest book The Map: Finding the Magic and Meaning in the Story of Your Life. Have you ever experienced a tragedy that just made no sense to you? Have you ever wished that you could make your life more meaningful? In order to do that, you have to know how to look through the lenses of your soul’s eyes. Colette has given us a map, a treasure map if you will, that leads us to hidden treasures, such as learning how to find your place, finding your magical allies, and aligning with your own adventure. Colette is a bestselling Hay House author, internationally renowned intuitive counselor, powerful motivational speaker, recording artist, performer, storyteller and educator who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. Are you looking for direction? Don’t miss this show!
11/05/201155 minutes, 58 secondes
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Therapy and Religion

Once upon a time Therapy and Religion were considered to be separate compartments of the human experience. But now, more and more, we are beginning to see a mixing and blending of religion/spirituality and therapy. Our guest this week has much to share with us about this phenomenon particularly as it relates to two things: 1) the power of relationship and 2) psychoanalysis and Buddhism. Pilar Jennings, PhD is the author of Mixing Minds: The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism. Obviously relationship is at the center of both the practice of religion and the practice of therapy. But how do we engage both practices in a therapeutic setting without reducing either to the terms of the other? Can we legitimately explore both in the therapeutic setting trusting that neither will be reduced to the terms of the other? Do you ever wonder if your psychological issues are really spiritual or vice versa? Tune in, you might just walk away with your answer.
04/05/201155 minutes, 22 secondes
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Therapy and Religion

Once upon a time Therapy and Religion were considered to be separate compartments of the human experience. But now, more and more, we are beginning to see a mixing and blending of religion/spirituality and therapy. Our guest this week has much to share with us about this phenomenon particularly as it relates to two things: 1) the power of relationship and 2) psychoanalysis and Buddhism. Pilar Jennings, PhD is the author of Mixing Minds: The Power of Relationship in Psychoanalysis and Buddhism. Obviously relationship is at the center of both the practice of religion and the practice of therapy. But how do we engage both practices in a therapeutic setting without reducing either to the terms of the other? Can we legitimately explore both in the therapeutic setting trusting that neither will be reduced to the terms of the other? Do you ever wonder if your psychological issues are really spiritual or vice versa? Tune in, you might just walk away with your answer.
04/05/201155 minutes, 22 secondes
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Transforming Worry

The Anxiety Disorders Association of America estimates that more than 4 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 54 suffer from chronic anxiety. And according to London’s “The Independent,” in an 11 year period between 1993 and 2002, prescriptions for antidepressants rose by over 15 million. Further, we know that stress caused by worry contributes if not causes many of our known medical issues, including hypertension, heart attacks, diabetes, ulcers, headaches and strokes—and that’s not all. It also increases the body’s retention of the hormone cortisol which increases fat storage in the abdominal area. Yet, we can’t seem to stop worrying. Well, our guest today comes to tell us that there is a solution and her plan to Transform Worry into Inner Calm, provided in both of her books, Calm and The Keys, gives us a four-step process to stop worry in its tracks and bring excitement, passion and personal empowerment back into life. Do you worry? This show has your name all over it.
27/04/201150 minutes, 1 secondes
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Transforming Worry

The Anxiety Disorders Association of America estimates that more than 4 million Americans between the ages of 18 and 54 suffer from chronic anxiety. And according to London’s “The Independent,” in an 11 year period between 1993 and 2002, prescriptions for antidepressants rose by over 15 million. Further, we know that stress caused by worry contributes if not causes many of our known medical issues, including hypertension, heart attacks, diabetes, ulcers, headaches and strokes—and that’s not all. It also increases the body’s retention of the hormone cortisol which increases fat storage in the abdominal area. Yet, we can’t seem to stop worrying. Well, our guest today comes to tell us that there is a solution and her plan to Transform Worry into Inner Calm, provided in both of her books, Calm and The Keys, gives us a four-step process to stop worry in its tracks and bring excitement, passion and personal empowerment back into life. Do you worry? This show has your name all over it.
27/04/201150 minutes, 1 secondes
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Fragments of Your Ancient Name

Those are words taken from a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, and are the title of Joyce Rupp’s latest book, a book that draws on a rich variety of faith traditions to provide meditations on God’s names for every day of the year. One of the hardest things for us to wrap our minds around seems to be this idea of a God of multiple names—a God who isn’t God, but an unnamable Beingness. It is always so interesting to think that we’ve got God in a box when we encapsulate its character in a connotation that seems to fit us more than anything else. But here Rupp has given us a language for the name itself—if only in tiny fragments—that put us in touch with the deeper aspects of ourselves and that ultimate Beingness. With the open heart of a mystic we come to this show wanting more than that empty box someone else gave us many years ago. Don’t miss this opportunity for deeper enlightenment.
20/04/201153 minutes, 6 secondes
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Fragments of Your Ancient Name

Those are words taken from a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke, and are the title of Joyce Rupp’s latest book, a book that draws on a rich variety of faith traditions to provide meditations on God’s names for every day of the year. One of the hardest things for us to wrap our minds around seems to be this idea of a God of multiple names—a God who isn’t God, but an unnamable Beingness. It is always so interesting to think that we’ve got God in a box when we encapsulate its character in a connotation that seems to fit us more than anything else. But here Rupp has given us a language for the name itself—if only in tiny fragments—that put us in touch with the deeper aspects of ourselves and that ultimate Beingness. With the open heart of a mystic we come to this show wanting more than that empty box someone else gave us many years ago. Don’t miss this opportunity for deeper enlightenment.
20/04/201153 minutes, 6 secondes
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The Law of Attraction: Is it Really Working?

Several years ago, we learned of an energetic push/pull called the law of attraction. We understood this law to mean that if we thought positive and maintained a positive attitude, then positive things would come our way. So, we tried that for a while, until we ran into shadow material. To work with “blocking shadow material” we created vision boards, and turned affirmations into mantras, to eliminate potential sabotage. But, for many affirmations and vision boards simply didn’t get the desired results. What could this mean? Could it mean that there is no such thing as a law of attraction? Or, could it possibly mean that we need to revise our understanding of what this law is and what it does. Perhaps we need a giant re-think. This show and the book, coming out in September of this year, called The Law of Attraction: The Soul’s Answer to Why It Isn’t Working and How It Can, will grease the wheels of that re-think, radically revising our understanding of the law. Don’t miss this one!
13/04/201155 minutes, 13 secondes
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The Law of Attraction: Is it Really Working?

Several years ago, we learned of an energetic push/pull called the law of attraction. We understood this law to mean that if we thought positive and maintained a positive attitude, then positive things would come our way. So, we tried that for a while, until we ran into shadow material. To work with “blocking shadow material” we created vision boards, and turned affirmations into mantras, to eliminate potential sabotage. But, for many affirmations and vision boards simply didn’t get the desired results. What could this mean? Could it mean that there is no such thing as a law of attraction? Or, could it possibly mean that we need to revise our understanding of what this law is and what it does. Perhaps we need a giant re-think. This show and the book, coming out in September of this year, called The Law of Attraction: The Soul’s Answer to Why It Isn’t Working and How It Can, will grease the wheels of that re-think, radically revising our understanding of the law. Don’t miss this one!
13/04/201155 minutes, 13 secondes
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The One-Moment Meditation

April is National Stress Awareness Month, according to the American Psychological Association, and we are going to begin our month by talking to a stress expert, Martin Boroson, author of One-Moment Meditation: Stillness for People on the Go. Two complaints people have about meditation: 1) They don’t have time, and 2) they don’t know how to do it. Yet 75% of adults report experiencing high levels of stress and almost half report that their stress is increased from the previous year. So, today, Martin is going to be talking about a solution to some of these issues, the One-Moment Meditation. Martin is an emerging new voice in meditation and his book has been published in 8 different languages. He’s taught this radical approach in leadership seminars, hospitals, public workshops and the media and his 30-Day Program for Transforming Stress was featured on last year. This program has your name written all over it.
06/04/201154 minutes, 35 secondes
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The One-Moment Meditation

April is National Stress Awareness Month, according to the American Psychological Association, and we are going to begin our month by talking to a stress expert, Martin Boroson, author of One-Moment Meditation: Stillness for People on the Go. Two complaints people have about meditation: 1) They don’t have time, and 2) they don’t know how to do it. Yet 75% of adults report experiencing high levels of stress and almost half report that their stress is increased from the previous year. So, today, Martin is going to be talking about a solution to some of these issues, the One-Moment Meditation. Martin is an emerging new voice in meditation and his book has been published in 8 different languages. He’s taught this radical approach in leadership seminars, hospitals, public workshops and the media and his 30-Day Program for Transforming Stress was featured on last year. This program has your name written all over it.
06/04/201154 minutes, 35 secondes
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Worthy or Not?

Somewhere along the way, as we evolved as a species, we developed a concept of worthiness. We decided then that we could be measured as either worthy or unworthy based on our actions, thoughts and emotions. Because we’d made that decision, we devised moral codes to align ourselves with or against, as the measuring stick we would use to determine our worthiness or unworthiness. We needed this measuring stick because we thought that our fortunes in life depended on our worthiness or unworthiness. And so we have built our entire worlds, our thoughts, our motivations and our moods around this concept, now deeply embedded in the archetypal worlds of the unconscious mind and running large portions of the conscious mind. And most of us would acknowledge that we get the short end of this stick—always ending up more unworthy than worthy. But what if this constant measuring were found to be not only unnecessary but completely false? Tune in this Wednesday to find out.
30/03/201157 minutes, 18 secondes
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Worthy or Not?

Somewhere along the way, as we evolved as a species, we developed a concept of worthiness. We decided then that we could be measured as either worthy or unworthy based on our actions, thoughts and emotions. Because we’d made that decision, we devised moral codes to align ourselves with or against, as the measuring stick we would use to determine our worthiness or unworthiness. We needed this measuring stick because we thought that our fortunes in life depended on our worthiness or unworthiness. And so we have built our entire worlds, our thoughts, our motivations and our moods around this concept, now deeply embedded in the archetypal worlds of the unconscious mind and running large portions of the conscious mind. And most of us would acknowledge that we get the short end of this stick—always ending up more unworthy than worthy. But what if this constant measuring were found to be not only unnecessary but completely false? Tune in this Wednesday to find out.
30/03/201157 minutes, 18 secondes
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés and The Joyous Body

We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about her third part in the Sounds True online event series, The Dangerous Old Women, entitled The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
23/03/201158 minutes, 5 secondes
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés and The Joyous Body

We are so happy to have Dr. E back again to the Authentic Living show to talk to us about her third part in the Sounds True online event series, The Dangerous Old Women, entitled The Joyous Body. We do tend to either focus wholly on the body as image, or leave it out entirely from our conscious experience until it acts up. And we rarely if ever think of the body as a repository of joy. It’s a work horse to be whipped into shape, or it’s just a ball and chain we carry around that sometimes gets us into trouble. But what if the body were incrementally tied into the soul? If that were true, wouldn’t we want to do more with it than just keep it enslaved to the ego? If you don’t quite know what to do with this material essence of who you are, this show is for you. Or, if you struggle with body issues of any kind—this show is for you too. Come learn from one of the world’s most profound keepers of wisdom what gifts your body has to give to you.
23/03/201158 minutes, 5 secondes
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The Journey of the Soul

Right this second there are millions of us living in fear of making a mistake, or of what might happen next. This fear is the source of our strategizing, plotting and planning for how we might survive, how we might make things go “right,” even how we might outwit our own fears. Yet even as we are doing this, the soul is on a journey of its own. And it is using these very strategies and fears to bring us to a clearer vision of ourselves. Today, we are going to be talking to an expert on the Journey of the Soul, Simran Singh, publisher of the award-winning 11:11 Magazine, visionary, catalyst coach and the host of her own 7th Wave radio show called 11:11 Radio, on which she has interviewed some of the world’s spiritual giants in order to facilitate our understanding of this journey of the soul. Tune in Wednesday to learn about your own soul’s journey.
16/03/201155 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Journey of the Soul

Right this second there are millions of us living in fear of making a mistake, or of what might happen next. This fear is the source of our strategizing, plotting and planning for how we might survive, how we might make things go “right,” even how we might outwit our own fears. Yet even as we are doing this, the soul is on a journey of its own. And it is using these very strategies and fears to bring us to a clearer vision of ourselves. Today, we are going to be talking to an expert on the Journey of the Soul, Simran Singh, publisher of the award-winning 11:11 Magazine, visionary, catalyst coach and the host of her own 7th Wave radio show called 11:11 Radio, on which she has interviewed some of the world’s spiritual giants in order to facilitate our understanding of this journey of the soul. Tune in Wednesday to learn about your own soul’s journey.
16/03/201155 minutes, 36 secondes
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What Agreements Are You Making?

It’s sad but true that most of the agreements we make with ourselves and our worlds are made unconsciously. And because this is so, we must begin to look internally to find out what those agreements were and make new agreements. Don Miguel Ruiz is the bestselling author of The Four Agreements, which has transformed the lives of millions around the world by teaching its readers how to break the thousands of agreements that create needless suffering. And now he and his son, Don Jose Ruiz, have co-authored The Fifth Agreement, which finally provides its readers with the power to recover the lost Authentic Self. Today we are talking to Don Jose, who after years of training, became the successor to the family lineage and has dedicated his life to sharing the teachings of the ancient Toltec. For the past seven years he has been lecturing and leading classes across the United States, and at sacred sites around the world. You do not want to miss this mind-blowing show.
09/03/201154 minutes, 4 secondes
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What Agreements Are You Making?

It’s sad but true that most of the agreements we make with ourselves and our worlds are made unconsciously. And because this is so, we must begin to look internally to find out what those agreements were and make new agreements. Don Miguel Ruiz is the bestselling author of The Four Agreements, which has transformed the lives of millions around the world by teaching its readers how to break the thousands of agreements that create needless suffering. And now he and his son, Don Jose Ruiz, have co-authored The Fifth Agreement, which finally provides its readers with the power to recover the lost Authentic Self. Today we are talking to Don Jose, who after years of training, became the successor to the family lineage and has dedicated his life to sharing the teachings of the ancient Toltec. For the past seven years he has been lecturing and leading classes across the United States, and at sacred sites around the world. You do not want to miss this mind-blowing show.
09/03/201154 minutes, 4 secondes
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Marianne Williamson and A Course in Weight Loss

We are so excited this week to have Marianne Williamson on the Authentic Living Show to talk to us about her latest NY Times Bestseller, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on weight loss. But none of these books can offer the permanent plan offered in A Course in Weight Loss. Nor do they offer the powerful lessons in transformational surrender that this book clarifies so well. This could be a life-changing discussion today—don’t let yourself miss it!
02/03/201155 minutes, 23 secondes
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Marianne Williamson and A Course in Weight Loss

We are so excited this week to have Marianne Williamson on the Authentic Living Show to talk to us about her latest NY Times Bestseller, A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. Most of us already know several of Marianne’s other books, including The Age of Miracles, Everyday Grace, A Woman's Worth, Illuminata, Healing the Soul of America and The Gift of Change, for as Time Magazine puts it, Yoga, the Cabala and Marianne Williamson have been taken up by those seeking a relationship with God that is not strictly tethered to Christianity. We also know that thousands of books have been published on weight loss. But none of these books can offer the permanent plan offered in A Course in Weight Loss. Nor do they offer the powerful lessons in transformational surrender that this book clarifies so well. This could be a life-changing discussion today—don’t let yourself miss it!
02/03/201155 minutes, 23 secondes
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The Twelfth Insight

In 1995 and 1996 The Celestine Prophecy was the #1 American book in the world, and the #1 international bestseller of 1996. This phenomenal novel spent over 3 years on the New York Times best sellers list. The book’s author James Redfield continued the story with the sequels The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision and The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight. And now the long-awaited book, The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision, has arrived on the book shelves. And James Redfield is going to be here to tell us about his own journey in writing this book as well as the rare truths that it unfolds for us. You might even say that James Redfield is one of the world’s most important catalysts for change in world vision—so we are very excited to have him on the show this week to help us all toward that Twelfth Insight. Don’t miss it.
23/02/201151 minutes, 54 secondes
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The Twelfth Insight

In 1995 and 1996 The Celestine Prophecy was the #1 American book in the world, and the #1 international bestseller of 1996. This phenomenal novel spent over 3 years on the New York Times best sellers list. The book’s author James Redfield continued the story with the sequels The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision and The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight. And now the long-awaited book, The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision, has arrived on the book shelves. And James Redfield is going to be here to tell us about his own journey in writing this book as well as the rare truths that it unfolds for us. You might even say that James Redfield is one of the world’s most important catalysts for change in world vision—so we are very excited to have him on the show this week to help us all toward that Twelfth Insight. Don’t miss it.
23/02/201151 minutes, 54 secondes
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Bringing the Vision Down to Planet Earth

It’s one thing to have a vision. It’s another to manifest that vision. Our guest this week is Corinne McLaughlin, co-author of The Practical Visionary, Spiritual Politics (Foreword by the Dalai Lama), and Builders of the Dawn. She comes to increase our consciousness about bringing vision to earth consciousness—into the practical, even the mundane. Corinne is co-founder of The Center for Visionary Leadership in California and North Carolina. She directed a national task force for President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development and is a Fellow of The World Business Academy and the Findhorn Foundation. She is also a co-founder of Sirius Community, a spiritual/environmental center in Massachusetts, and taught politics at American University, and she offers trainings in visionary leadership and spiritual development around the U.S. and Europe. Don’t miss this powerful experience!
16/02/201155 minutes, 43 secondes
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Bringing the Vision Down to Planet Earth

It’s one thing to have a vision. It’s another to manifest that vision. Our guest this week is Corinne McLaughlin, co-author of The Practical Visionary, Spiritual Politics (Foreword by the Dalai Lama), and Builders of the Dawn. She comes to increase our consciousness about bringing vision to earth consciousness—into the practical, even the mundane. Corinne is co-founder of The Center for Visionary Leadership in California and North Carolina. She directed a national task force for President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development and is a Fellow of The World Business Academy and the Findhorn Foundation. She is also a co-founder of Sirius Community, a spiritual/environmental center in Massachusetts, and taught politics at American University, and she offers trainings in visionary leadership and spiritual development around the U.S. and Europe. Don’t miss this powerful experience!
16/02/201155 minutes, 43 secondes
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Expanding Consciousness

Dr. Marilyn Schlitz is the President and CEO of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, IONS, which is also the current sponsor of the Authentic Living show, who through her work as a clinical research scientist, medical anthropologist, writer, speaker, and thought leader has pioneered clinical and field-based research in the area of human transformation, consciousness studies, worldview literacy and cultural healing for more than three decades. She is also Senior Scientist at the Research Institute, California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, CA. Dr. Schlitz has published hundreds of articles and several books on consciousness studies. She is a visionary leader and an engaging speaker and today we are going to be talking to her about how expanding consciousness transforms daily living. This is a unique opportunity to hear from one of the world’s leaders on consciousness. Don’t miss it!
09/02/201154 minutes, 9 secondes
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Expanding Consciousness

Dr. Marilyn Schlitz is the President and CEO of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, IONS, which is also the current sponsor of the Authentic Living show, who through her work as a clinical research scientist, medical anthropologist, writer, speaker, and thought leader has pioneered clinical and field-based research in the area of human transformation, consciousness studies, worldview literacy and cultural healing for more than three decades. She is also Senior Scientist at the Research Institute, California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, CA. Dr. Schlitz has published hundreds of articles and several books on consciousness studies. She is a visionary leader and an engaging speaker and today we are going to be talking to her about how expanding consciousness transforms daily living. This is a unique opportunity to hear from one of the world’s leaders on consciousness. Don’t miss it!
09/02/201154 minutes, 9 secondes
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‘Tis the season of love again, listeners, and if you are single, this show is for you. It’s time to re-visit all of your dreams for finding that special soulmate. Arielle Ford, our guest for today, helped launch the careers of such giants as Deepak Chopra and Neale Donald Walsch, to name a few, and handled publicity for Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, and other notables, eleven of whom became #1 on the N.Y. Times Bestseller list. But until the age of 44, she was a self-described “failure” in the area of romantic relationships. Yet she did meet and marry her soulmate and has written the book “The Soulmate Secret” to answer your questions about how you can do the same. The book describes a series of processes that must be felt on a cellular level to create the outcome you desire. It is a practical guide that includes prayers and techniques to help clear out emotional baggage from the past and make room for true love to manifest. Don’t miss it!
02/02/201157 minutes, 30 secondes
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‘Tis the season of love again, listeners, and if you are single, this show is for you. It’s time to re-visit all of your dreams for finding that special soulmate. Arielle Ford, our guest for today, helped launch the careers of such giants as Deepak Chopra and Neale Donald Walsch, to name a few, and handled publicity for Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, and other notables, eleven of whom became #1 on the N.Y. Times Bestseller list. But until the age of 44, she was a self-described “failure” in the area of romantic relationships. Yet she did meet and marry her soulmate and has written the book “The Soulmate Secret” to answer your questions about how you can do the same. The book describes a series of processes that must be felt on a cellular level to create the outcome you desire. It is a practical guide that includes prayers and techniques to help clear out emotional baggage from the past and make room for true love to manifest. Don’t miss it!
02/02/201157 minutes, 30 secondes
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Conscious Parenting

According to Dr. Shefahli Tsabary, conscious parenting means turning the traditional notion of parenting on its head. She believes that conscious parenting shifts the epicenter of the parent-child relationship away from the traditional parent-to-child “know it all” approach, to a mutual parent-with-child relationship in which the parent learns alongside the child. With this model, instead of being merely the receiver of the parents’ psychological and spiritual legacy, children function as ushers of the parent’s transformational development. In the traditional model, while parents are trying to lead and mold their children they are also unwittingly passing on an inheritance of psychological pain and emotional shallowness. But with Tsabary’s model children serve as mirrors of the parent’s forgotten self, so that both parent and child help each other to be more authentic. You do not want to miss this enlightening and empowering discussion on conscious parenting.
26/01/201157 minutes, 13 secondes
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Conscious Parenting

According to Dr. Shefahli Tsabary, conscious parenting means turning the traditional notion of parenting on its head. She believes that conscious parenting shifts the epicenter of the parent-child relationship away from the traditional parent-to-child “know it all” approach, to a mutual parent-with-child relationship in which the parent learns alongside the child. With this model, instead of being merely the receiver of the parents’ psychological and spiritual legacy, children function as ushers of the parent’s transformational development. In the traditional model, while parents are trying to lead and mold their children they are also unwittingly passing on an inheritance of psychological pain and emotional shallowness. But with Tsabary’s model children serve as mirrors of the parent’s forgotten self, so that both parent and child help each other to be more authentic. You do not want to miss this enlightening and empowering discussion on conscious parenting.
26/01/201157 minutes, 13 secondes
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Taking Responsibility

One of the most important aspects of personal responsibility is that which we take by exploring our emotional reactions and responses. And one of the most important aspects of that exploration is confronting our emotional illusions. Betsy Otter Thompson, author of several other books, has written an emotional biography in which she challenges herself and her readers to consider various aspects of personal illusion. This experiential workbook, called “Walking Through Illusion” uses characters from Jesus’ life to demonstrate that walk and then offers specific exercises to challenge the reader. Today we’ll be talking about that book as it relates to your personal journey, your own emotional biography. For, as she tells us, we don’t take our beliefs (which could be our illusions) with us, just the love we found within them. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to increase your personal awareness.
19/01/201154 minutes, 7 secondes
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Taking Responsibility

One of the most important aspects of personal responsibility is that which we take by exploring our emotional reactions and responses. And one of the most important aspects of that exploration is confronting our emotional illusions. Betsy Otter Thompson, author of several other books, has written an emotional biography in which she challenges herself and her readers to consider various aspects of personal illusion. This experiential workbook, called “Walking Through Illusion” uses characters from Jesus’ life to demonstrate that walk and then offers specific exercises to challenge the reader. Today we’ll be talking about that book as it relates to your personal journey, your own emotional biography. For, as she tells us, we don’t take our beliefs (which could be our illusions) with us, just the love we found within them. You don’t want to miss this opportunity to increase your personal awareness.
19/01/201154 minutes, 7 secondes
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Matter Matters

Though it has been maligned over centuries of thought as either “flesh,” the source of all evil, idiot, unnecessary or just objective biology—the body is actually the physical organ of the soul. There is no division between matter and soul—though we have lived entire lifetimes, have planned our politics, our religions and our families around the notion that there is. The body is a wonderful instrument of synchronicity, which constantly informs us of the soul’s intentions—IF we are listening. And even when we don’t listen, the soul still has the capacity to speak through the body—through illness. We are being given constant guidance and love through the interwoven, interactive and holistic messaging system of the body/soul. Don’t miss this opportunity to complete the circle of peace in your own life.
12/01/201154 minutes, 44 secondes
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Matter Matters

Though it has been maligned over centuries of thought as either “flesh,” the source of all evil, idiot, unnecessary or just objective biology—the body is actually the physical organ of the soul. There is no division between matter and soul—though we have lived entire lifetimes, have planned our politics, our religions and our families around the notion that there is. The body is a wonderful instrument of synchronicity, which constantly informs us of the soul’s intentions—IF we are listening. And even when we don’t listen, the soul still has the capacity to speak through the body—through illness. We are being given constant guidance and love through the interwoven, interactive and holistic messaging system of the body/soul. Don’t miss this opportunity to complete the circle of peace in your own life.
12/01/201154 minutes, 44 secondes
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Relationship in Crisis—a New Wrinkle, with Laura Munson

We’ve been handed so much information about relationship. Generations ago we were taught that we should accept whatever is presented—which amounted to accepting the unacceptable and tolerating the intolerable in many cases. Now we are being told to just “not put up with it.” Laura Munson has a different story—one that is not meant to fit for everyone—but definitely a transformative journey based totally on a crisis in her primary relationship and a decision to transcend suffering. It is a story of empowerment and learning to walk the walk of inner peace. Laura has been writing for 20 years, having published articles in magazines and written several novels. Interestingly enough, it was only when she wrote about her personal journey that she was able to publish her first and bestselling book: “This is Not the Story You Think It Is.” Hers is a story about relationship that you really don’t want to miss.
05/01/201156 minutes, 6 secondes
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Relationship in Crisis—a New Wrinkle, with Laura Munson

We’ve been handed so much information about relationship. Generations ago we were taught that we should accept whatever is presented—which amounted to accepting the unacceptable and tolerating the intolerable in many cases. Now we are being told to just “not put up with it.” Laura Munson has a different story—one that is not meant to fit for everyone—but definitely a transformative journey based totally on a crisis in her primary relationship and a decision to transcend suffering. It is a story of empowerment and learning to walk the walk of inner peace. Laura has been writing for 20 years, having published articles in magazines and written several novels. Interestingly enough, it was only when she wrote about her personal journey that she was able to publish her first and bestselling book: “This is Not the Story You Think It Is.” Hers is a story about relationship that you really don’t want to miss.
05/01/201156 minutes, 6 secondes
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Is There Life After Religion?

According to Daniel Clark, we are sometimes gifted with an invitation “to see beyond the limits of our own religious ideologies and beliefs—to see God, the world and people like we’ve never seen them before.” And that is what we are going to be doing this week as we peer over the edge of the cliff of the end of 2010 into 2011. Dan’s very popular book “Life After Religion” is subtitled “Freedom from Beliefs that Cripple the Mind and Kill the Spirit.” He tells us that we have an inner guidance system, something he calls a “God given GPS navigating system,” which we need to learn how to turn on. Dan grew up in an abusive environment but one that was also steeped in religion. Eventually, through his own existential crisis, he found his greater meaning beyond religion. This is a tough topic, but we are going to dare it today. We are going to be asking some of life’s most profound questions, to enhance the outset of your New Year with some answers all your own. Don’t miss it.
29/12/201047 minutes, 8 secondes
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Is There Life After Religion?

According to Daniel Clark, we are sometimes gifted with an invitation “to see beyond the limits of our own religious ideologies and beliefs—to see God, the world and people like we’ve never seen them before.” And that is what we are going to be doing this week as we peer over the edge of the cliff of the end of 2010 into 2011. Dan’s very popular book “Life After Religion” is subtitled “Freedom from Beliefs that Cripple the Mind and Kill the Spirit.” He tells us that we have an inner guidance system, something he calls a “God given GPS navigating system,” which we need to learn how to turn on. Dan grew up in an abusive environment but one that was also steeped in religion. Eventually, through his own existential crisis, he found his greater meaning beyond religion. This is a tough topic, but we are going to dare it today. We are going to be asking some of life’s most profound questions, to enhance the outset of your New Year with some answers all your own. Don’t miss it.
29/12/201047 minutes, 8 secondes
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Inspiration Deficit?

Sometimes what’s going on just has the capacity to deflate us, doesn’t it? We lose our inspiration to just keep on keeping on. Well, today we are going to be talking to Dr. Jonathan Ellerby, coming back to the show for a second time today to teach us how to be inspired or re-inspired. This is not your crack-of-dawn rise and shine speech; nor is it your rah-rah motivational sales pitch. No, this is real inspiration. Inspiration that comes from the inside out. As he describes it, it is a “no-pill prescription to end high stress, low energy and bad habits.” Jonathan Ellerby has traveled the world to study with the masters of more than 40 different spiritual traditions, and has worked as a healer, teacher and consultant to both groups and individuals. He is the author of the book, and the subject of our discussion to today, “Inspiration Deficit Disorder,” and several others. So, if you are feeling less than inspired—don’t you dare miss this show.
22/12/201057 minutes, 39 secondes
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Inspiration Deficit?

Sometimes what’s going on just has the capacity to deflate us, doesn’t it? We lose our inspiration to just keep on keeping on. Well, today we are going to be talking to Dr. Jonathan Ellerby, coming back to the show for a second time today to teach us how to be inspired or re-inspired. This is not your crack-of-dawn rise and shine speech; nor is it your rah-rah motivational sales pitch. No, this is real inspiration. Inspiration that comes from the inside out. As he describes it, it is a “no-pill prescription to end high stress, low energy and bad habits.” Jonathan Ellerby has traveled the world to study with the masters of more than 40 different spiritual traditions, and has worked as a healer, teacher and consultant to both groups and individuals. He is the author of the book, and the subject of our discussion to today, “Inspiration Deficit Disorder,” and several others. So, if you are feeling less than inspired—don’t you dare miss this show.
22/12/201057 minutes, 39 secondes
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The Psychic Child

Sara Wiseman returns to the Authentic Living Show this week to talk to us about raising the psychic child. In this day and age where intuition is becoming more and more of the norm, the intuition of our children can be warmly and supportively received, rather than, as it was in the past, shunned and dismissed. Sara’s latest book, “Your Psychic Child” teaches parents and others how to do just that. We can learn how to mirror and support the intuitive life of all children and to assist and receive the special reflections of the child who seems to know more about that under-world than we. If you know or have a child—don’t miss this show.
15/12/201052 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Psychic Child

Sara Wiseman returns to the Authentic Living Show this week to talk to us about raising the psychic child. In this day and age where intuition is becoming more and more of the norm, the intuition of our children can be warmly and supportively received, rather than, as it was in the past, shunned and dismissed. Sara’s latest book, “Your Psychic Child” teaches parents and others how to do just that. We can learn how to mirror and support the intuitive life of all children and to assist and receive the special reflections of the child who seems to know more about that under-world than we. If you know or have a child—don’t miss this show.
15/12/201052 minutes, 53 secondes
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Doing the Work of Consciousness

Consciousness. The “Law of Attraction.” Clearing blocks. Shadow work. These are the terms we hear. But what do they really mean? Is consciousness the same as “getting rid of ego?” Does the law of attraction mean that we should always master our thoughts and our words? Does clearing blocks mean that we are to purify ourselves? Does shadow work mean that we clean out the shadow of all of its “negative energy?” What, after all, is “negative energy?” This show is going to challenge everything you thought you knew about raising your consciousness. It is going to ask that you look at things that you’ve believed for perhaps all of your life. And with a bit of consideration, it may just bring you to peace. Don’t you dare miss this one.
08/12/201055 minutes, 59 secondes
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Doing the Work of Consciousness

Consciousness. The “Law of Attraction.” Clearing blocks. Shadow work. These are the terms we hear. But what do they really mean? Is consciousness the same as “getting rid of ego?” Does the law of attraction mean that we should always master our thoughts and our words? Does clearing blocks mean that we are to purify ourselves? Does shadow work mean that we clean out the shadow of all of its “negative energy?” What, after all, is “negative energy?” This show is going to challenge everything you thought you knew about raising your consciousness. It is going to ask that you look at things that you’ve believed for perhaps all of your life. And with a bit of consideration, it may just bring you to peace. Don’t you dare miss this one.
08/12/201055 minutes, 59 secondes
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Staying Present

Staying present is one of the hardest things we must learn to do if we are to integrate body, mind and soul. As David Ord, our guest for today puts it, “A lot of us have moments when we are present, but we can’t sustain it throughout our workday and time with our family. We either drift into thought or we become emotionally reactive to something that upsets us.” Sustaining that presence is what Michael Brown’s book The Presence Process is all about. And David is coming today to talk to us about that process, since Michael cannot be here. David is Michael’s editor as the Editorial Director of Namaste Publishing Company and an author in his own right. Both from his own work and from the work of editing Michael’s work, he can speak very clearly to the process of integration that occurs as a result of this presence process. If you have difficulty staying present—tune in—you’ll be glad you did.
01/12/201056 minutes, 36 secondes
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Staying Present

Staying present is one of the hardest things we must learn to do if we are to integrate body, mind and soul. As David Ord, our guest for today puts it, “A lot of us have moments when we are present, but we can’t sustain it throughout our workday and time with our family. We either drift into thought or we become emotionally reactive to something that upsets us.” Sustaining that presence is what Michael Brown’s book The Presence Process is all about. And David is coming today to talk to us about that process, since Michael cannot be here. David is Michael’s editor as the Editorial Director of Namaste Publishing Company and an author in his own right. Both from his own work and from the work of editing Michael’s work, he can speak very clearly to the process of integration that occurs as a result of this presence process. If you have difficulty staying present—tune in—you’ll be glad you did.
01/12/201056 minutes, 36 secondes
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Transformation Through Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive? Does it mean that we absolve? That we allow them to “get away with it?” If you are thinking in these terms, then you are not yet ready to forgive. Forgiveness is a process. And it really has nothing to do with the person you are forgiving—unless you are forgiving yourself. In fact, we don’t even start out that process aiming toward forgiveness. Typically, we start it off in pain. Nanice Ellis comes back to the Authentic Living Show again this year, on the day before Thanksgiving, to talk with us about that process and its power to transform. Nanice is the author of seven books, and is a Master NLP Practitioner and Coach, whose wisdom comes from a deep well of experience. If you are worried about your family dinner tomorrow—tune into this show. You’ll be glad you did.
24/11/201055 minutes, 16 secondes
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Transformation Through Forgiveness

What does it mean to forgive? Does it mean that we absolve? That we allow them to “get away with it?” If you are thinking in these terms, then you are not yet ready to forgive. Forgiveness is a process. And it really has nothing to do with the person you are forgiving—unless you are forgiving yourself. In fact, we don’t even start out that process aiming toward forgiveness. Typically, we start it off in pain. Nanice Ellis comes back to the Authentic Living Show again this year, on the day before Thanksgiving, to talk with us about that process and its power to transform. Nanice is the author of seven books, and is a Master NLP Practitioner and Coach, whose wisdom comes from a deep well of experience. If you are worried about your family dinner tomorrow—tune into this show. You’ll be glad you did.
24/11/201055 minutes, 16 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Christiane Northrup on Women’s Bodies and Wisdom

Dr. Christiane Northrup is recognized both nationally and internationally as the veritable guru of women’s health. A visionary pioneer who recognizes the connection between mind, body and spirit, she has brought that connection to the world of medicine in a way that no one else has yet been able to do. She is an OB/GYN physician and author of two New York Times bestselling books, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” and “The Wisdom of Menopause.” Her third book, “Mother-Daughter Wisdom,” was a 2005 Quill Award nominee and voted Amazon’s #1 book of the year in both parenting and mind-body health in 2005. She has hosted seven highly successful television specials and her own radio show, and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, and several other prominent shows. We are honored to get the opportunity to talk with her today about her newly revised edition of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing.”
17/11/201055 minutes, 14 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Dr. Christiane Northrup on Women’s Bodies and Wisdom

Dr. Christiane Northrup is recognized both nationally and internationally as the veritable guru of women’s health. A visionary pioneer who recognizes the connection between mind, body and spirit, she has brought that connection to the world of medicine in a way that no one else has yet been able to do. She is an OB/GYN physician and author of two New York Times bestselling books, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” and “The Wisdom of Menopause.” Her third book, “Mother-Daughter Wisdom,” was a 2005 Quill Award nominee and voted Amazon’s #1 book of the year in both parenting and mind-body health in 2005. She has hosted seven highly successful television specials and her own radio show, and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, and several other prominent shows. We are honored to get the opportunity to talk with her today about her newly revised edition of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing.”
17/11/201055 minutes, 14 secondes
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The Power of Soulful Living

The word “power” is fraught with all kind of connotation, including “control,” “manipulation,” “abuse,” “bullying” and yes, even the word “help.” But these are all externalized views of that word. From an internal perspective power can be seen as the attainment of an authentic stand with and for your Self. Fear, on the other hand, is the foundation from which most of us live our daily lives—whether we admit it or not. Not so long ago many of us were touting the word “fearless,” and claiming our rights to climb the tallest mountain and kayak the fiercest river. But fearlessness is not the same as power, when power is attained internally. In fact, from the internal perspective fear is a springboard for power. This week we are going to be talking all about power, and not just personal power, but something that could more accurately be described as transpersonal power. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about your own power.
10/11/201055 minutes, 31 secondes
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The Power of Soulful Living

The word “power” is fraught with all kind of connotation, including “control,” “manipulation,” “abuse,” “bullying” and yes, even the word “help.” But these are all externalized views of that word. From an internal perspective power can be seen as the attainment of an authentic stand with and for your Self. Fear, on the other hand, is the foundation from which most of us live our daily lives—whether we admit it or not. Not so long ago many of us were touting the word “fearless,” and claiming our rights to climb the tallest mountain and kayak the fiercest river. But fearlessness is not the same as power, when power is attained internally. In fact, from the internal perspective fear is a springboard for power. This week we are going to be talking all about power, and not just personal power, but something that could more accurately be described as transpersonal power. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about your own power.
10/11/201055 minutes, 31 secondes
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Loving Someone Gay

We’ve heard it again and again recently, teen suicides based on bullying, particularly the bullying of someone who is or is perceived to be gay. And then we heard Joel Burns, openly gay City Councilman from Ft. Worth, Texas, in his passionate and tearful plea to gay and lesbian teens to hold on to life—don’t let bullies drive you to suicide—because it’s going to get better. Why are these children bullied? Because we don’t know yet how to receive and accept differentness. This week, we are going to be talking with someone who has struggled with and overcome issues of differentness through his own coming out process—the first openly gay member of the American Psychological Association, and the author of the book “Loving Someone Gay,” now in its 5th Edition. Don Clark has much to say to us about this acceptance process—one that is going to be essential to our culture if we are to survive. So, don’t miss this one.
03/11/201055 minutes, 29 secondes
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Loving Someone Gay

We’ve heard it again and again recently, teen suicides based on bullying, particularly the bullying of someone who is or is perceived to be gay. And then we heard Joel Burns, openly gay City Councilman from Ft. Worth, Texas, in his passionate and tearful plea to gay and lesbian teens to hold on to life—don’t let bullies drive you to suicide—because it’s going to get better. Why are these children bullied? Because we don’t know yet how to receive and accept differentness. This week, we are going to be talking with someone who has struggled with and overcome issues of differentness through his own coming out process—the first openly gay member of the American Psychological Association, and the author of the book “Loving Someone Gay,” now in its 5th Edition. Don Clark has much to say to us about this acceptance process—one that is going to be essential to our culture if we are to survive. So, don’t miss this one.
03/11/201055 minutes, 29 secondes
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Thomas Moore and Caring for the Soul in Medicine

Though much of what we hear and see in media tells us differently, the only way to live a meaningful life is to live in poignant touch with the soul. Thomas Moore, our guest for today, is an expert on the soul. With 3 videos, 10 audio recordings and 18 books, including his original bestseller, “Care of the Soul,” and others such as “Dark Night of the Soul,” and “The Original Self,” Thomas Moore has enchanted us all. While he does not paint a pretty picture of happy-ever-after proportions, he urges us to consider the depth of existence, to be faithful to our original and unvarnished Selves, to love deeply and with care for the soul. In his latest book, “Care of the Soul in Medicine” he teaches both healthcare workers and patients to participate in matters of the soul as a part of the co-creative endeavor of healing and helping. If you are or know someone in the field of medicine or receiving medical care, this show is for you. Come listen to Thomas and glimpse again your own soul.
27/10/201055 minutes, 49 secondes
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Thomas Moore and Caring for the Soul in Medicine

Though much of what we hear and see in media tells us differently, the only way to live a meaningful life is to live in poignant touch with the soul. Thomas Moore, our guest for today, is an expert on the soul. With 3 videos, 10 audio recordings and 18 books, including his original bestseller, “Care of the Soul,” and others such as “Dark Night of the Soul,” and “The Original Self,” Thomas Moore has enchanted us all. While he does not paint a pretty picture of happy-ever-after proportions, he urges us to consider the depth of existence, to be faithful to our original and unvarnished Selves, to love deeply and with care for the soul. In his latest book, “Care of the Soul in Medicine” he teaches both healthcare workers and patients to participate in matters of the soul as a part of the co-creative endeavor of healing and helping. If you are or know someone in the field of medicine or receiving medical care, this show is for you. Come listen to Thomas and glimpse again your own soul.
27/10/201055 minutes, 49 secondes
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What if we already have and are enough?

When do we say enough is enough? In this day in which our economic crisis seems to be swallowing huge chucks of what we have previously valued, we are ramping up our schedules and our stress levels trying to get back to how it used to be. And in the process we are forgetting all about our earlier plans to pursue happiness and peace. Wayne Muller, bestselling author of Sabbath, as well as three other books: Legacy of the Heart; How, Then, Shall We Live?; and Learning to Pray, is going to challenge us with the question: What if we already have enough? His latest book, A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough is the topic of our conversation this week and presents that very same challenge. At some point, rest, retreat and reflection become the answer. At some point we have to say, Enough already! Is today your day?
20/10/201055 minutes, 44 secondes
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What if we already have and are enough?

When do we say enough is enough? In this day in which our economic crisis seems to be swallowing huge chucks of what we have previously valued, we are ramping up our schedules and our stress levels trying to get back to how it used to be. And in the process we are forgetting all about our earlier plans to pursue happiness and peace. Wayne Muller, bestselling author of Sabbath, as well as three other books: Legacy of the Heart; How, Then, Shall We Live?; and Learning to Pray, is going to challenge us with the question: What if we already have enough? His latest book, A Life of Being, Having and Doing Enough is the topic of our conversation this week and presents that very same challenge. At some point, rest, retreat and reflection become the answer. At some point we have to say, Enough already! Is today your day?
20/10/201055 minutes, 44 secondes
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Sara Maria on Body Image

How did we come to this place in our collective psychology in which we value image more than authenticity? What do we fear our bodies can do to us—in terms of our social value? Are other people’s images of us so very important that we will kill ourselves to maintain a higher image in their eyes? How did they get to be more important than we are? Our guest today has lived through and overcome her own body image issues and now lives a happy and fulfilling life. In her book, “Love Your Body, Love Your Life, Sarah Maria outlines a five-step process designed to help people break free from Negative Body Obsession and discover the beauty that they already have inside of them. From there, they can learn to create the life and the body they want. Don’t miss this important opportunity to learn how to put an end to body image issues.
13/10/201055 minutes, 6 secondes
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Sara Maria on Body Image

How did we come to this place in our collective psychology in which we value image more than authenticity? What do we fear our bodies can do to us—in terms of our social value? Are other people’s images of us so very important that we will kill ourselves to maintain a higher image in their eyes? How did they get to be more important than we are? Our guest today has lived through and overcome her own body image issues and now lives a happy and fulfilling life. In her book, “Love Your Body, Love Your Life, Sarah Maria outlines a five-step process designed to help people break free from Negative Body Obsession and discover the beauty that they already have inside of them. From there, they can learn to create the life and the body they want. Don’t miss this important opportunity to learn how to put an end to body image issues.
13/10/201055 minutes, 6 secondes
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The Many Myths of Planet Earth

What is your mythology? Do you know? Or, are you living it out as if? There are many different mythologies by which we run our lives, by which we run our economy, by which we run our politics, our religions, our fates. Even our desires are very often based in our mythologies. Could it even be that our mental/spiritual/physical/emotional health is based in our mythologies? How can we activate principles that seem to be applicable for all of us if both our cultures and we as individuals are living a myth? How do we know what is real and what isn't? If I am interpreting life events and my own identity according to a myth, then how do I actualize my truest Self? This week we are going to spend some time together exploring the variant mythologies by which we run the world. And we are going to expose the real truth beneath the mythologies. Don't miss this one! It might just make the difference.
06/10/201055 minutes, 20 secondes
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The Many Myths of Planet Earth

What is your mythology? Do you know? Or, are you living it out as if? There are many different mythologies by which we run our lives, by which we run our economy, by which we run our politics, our religions, our fates. Even our desires are very often based in our mythologies. Could it even be that our mental/spiritual/physical/emotional health is based in our mythologies? How can we activate principles that seem to be applicable for all of us if both our cultures and we as individuals are living a myth? How do we know what is real and what isn't? If I am interpreting life events and my own identity according to a myth, then how do I actualize my truest Self? This week we are going to spend some time together exploring the variant mythologies by which we run the world. And we are going to expose the real truth beneath the mythologies. Don't miss this one! It might just make the difference.
06/10/201055 minutes, 20 secondes
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Energetic Healing: Is it Real?

There are many out there today who call themselves healers. Some are truly gifted; some are, to put it bluntly, charlatans. Dr. Eric Pearl ran a successful chiropractic practice for 12 years when his patients started feeling his hands on them even when he wasn't touching them. He started receiving reports from them that they had been healed from devastating diseases. His work has elicited great interest from top doctors and medical researchers at hospitals and universities worldwide, and he has documented his patient's healings in six books, including the bestselling The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself soon to be printed in its 33rd language. He speaks internationally, has appeared on many television programs and has spoken by invitation at the United Nations. His seminars are featured in various publications including The New York Times. We are going to be talking to Dr. Pearl on Authentic Living giving you a chance to decide for yourself. Is it real? Tune in to find out.
29/09/201053 minutes, 16 secondes
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Energetic Healing: Is it Real?

There are many out there today who call themselves healers. Some are truly gifted; some are, to put it bluntly, charlatans. Dr. Eric Pearl ran a successful chiropractic practice for 12 years when his patients started feeling his hands on them even when he wasn't touching them. He started receiving reports from them that they had been healed from devastating diseases. His work has elicited great interest from top doctors and medical researchers at hospitals and universities worldwide, and he has documented his patient's healings in six books, including the bestselling The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself soon to be printed in its 33rd language. He speaks internationally, has appeared on many television programs and has spoken by invitation at the United Nations. His seminars are featured in various publications including The New York Times. We are going to be talking to Dr. Pearl on Authentic Living giving you a chance to decide for yourself. Is it real? Tune in to find out.
29/09/201053 minutes, 16 secondes
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The Science of Premonition with Dr. Larry Dossey

Dr. Larry Dossey, is back for the second time to talk about his latest book, “The Science of Premonition: How Knowing the Future Can Help Us Avoid Danger, Maximize Opportunities and Create a Better Life.” Now not only do we find that premonitions are common, but we can learn of the science behind them. Dr. Dossey is known around the world for his keen ability to bring scientific understanding to spirituality and for his advocacy for the role of spirituality in healthcare and wellness. He is the author of eleven books, including the New York Times Bestseller “Healing Words,” During his distinguished career as a practitioner of integrative medicine, he helped establish the Dallas Diagnostic Association, served as Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, and served on Hillary Clinton’s Task Force on Health Care Reform in 1993. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how the mind reaches beyond time.
22/09/201056 minutes, 3 secondes
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The Science of Premonition with Dr. Larry Dossey

Dr. Larry Dossey, is back for the second time to talk about his latest book, “The Science of Premonition: How Knowing the Future Can Help Us Avoid Danger, Maximize Opportunities and Create a Better Life.” Now not only do we find that premonitions are common, but we can learn of the science behind them. Dr. Dossey is known around the world for his keen ability to bring scientific understanding to spirituality and for his advocacy for the role of spirituality in healthcare and wellness. He is the author of eleven books, including the New York Times Bestseller “Healing Words,” During his distinguished career as a practitioner of integrative medicine, he helped establish the Dallas Diagnostic Association, served as Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, and served on Hillary Clinton’s Task Force on Health Care Reform in 1993. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how the mind reaches beyond time.
22/09/201056 minutes, 3 secondes
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Dr. Christiane Northrup on Women’s Bodies and Wisdom

Dr. Christiane Northrup is recognized both nationally and internationally as the veritable guru of women’s health. A visionary pioneer who recognizes the connection between mind, body and spirit, she has brought that connection to the world of medicine in a way that no one else has yet been able to do. She is an OB/GYN physician and author of two New York Times bestselling books, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” and “The Wisdom of Menopause.” Her third book, “Mother-Daughter Wisdom,” was a 2005 Quill Award nominee and voted Amazon’s #1 book of the year in both parenting and mind-body health in 2005. She has hosted seven highly successful television specials and her own radio show, and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, and several other prominent shows. We are honored to get the opportunity to talk with her today about her newly revised edition of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing.”
15/09/201055 minutes, 14 secondes
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Dr. Christiane Northrup on Women’s Bodies and Wisdom

Dr. Christiane Northrup is recognized both nationally and internationally as the veritable guru of women’s health. A visionary pioneer who recognizes the connection between mind, body and spirit, she has brought that connection to the world of medicine in a way that no one else has yet been able to do. She is an OB/GYN physician and author of two New York Times bestselling books, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom” and “The Wisdom of Menopause.” Her third book, “Mother-Daughter Wisdom,” was a 2005 Quill Award nominee and voted Amazon’s #1 book of the year in both parenting and mind-body health in 2005. She has hosted seven highly successful television specials and her own radio show, and has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show, NBC Nightly News, The View, and several other prominent shows. We are honored to get the opportunity to talk with her today about her newly revised edition of “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing.”
15/09/201055 minutes, 14 secondes
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Getting Healthy = Getting Conscious

We tend to look at healthiness as a product of good nutrition, and a healthy dose of exercise, in combination with good genes, good medicine and good luck. Most recently, we’ve added low stress to that combination. What this means is that we are basically looking to the externals to bring us to good health. But Ivan Rados has a different take on it. Author of the book, “Health: It’s All About Consciousness,” Ivan believes that health and sickness are a reflection of our essential being. In fact, he believes that when we restore consciousness to the flow of Oneness, we restore our body’s natural healthy state. From his perspective then, the body is a part of the plan here—not the workhorse or the enemy. If you would like to live in tip-top condition, tune in.
08/09/201055 minutes, 29 secondes
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Getting Healthy = Getting Conscious

We tend to look at healthiness as a product of good nutrition, and a healthy dose of exercise, in combination with good genes, good medicine and good luck. Most recently, we’ve added low stress to that combination. What this means is that we are basically looking to the externals to bring us to good health. But Ivan Rados has a different take on it. Author of the book, “Health: It’s All About Consciousness,” Ivan believes that health and sickness are a reflection of our essential being. In fact, he believes that when we restore consciousness to the flow of Oneness, we restore our body’s natural healthy state. From his perspective then, the body is a part of the plan here—not the workhorse or the enemy. If you would like to live in tip-top condition, tune in.
08/09/201055 minutes, 29 secondes
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So, you want to write a book?

There are so many of you out there right now conspiring with your fantasies to write that book. You think about it and you wish for it and maybe you’ve even written some of it. But you are still uncertain. Your fears, your dreams and your obligations all line up for the midnight arguments with your soul. You feel that you were meant to write it, but well, you are stuck. This show and the upcoming event put on my Linda Joy and Lisa Tener are for you. Linda is the publisher of the women’s magazine “Aspire” and Lisa is a Writing Coach, and they have joined forces to help you bring your book to fruition. And I want to help them help you. So, get out your pens, your laptops and your courage, and let’s do this thing.
01/09/201054 minutes, 29 secondes
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So, you want to write a book?

There are so many of you out there right now conspiring with your fantasies to write that book. You think about it and you wish for it and maybe you’ve even written some of it. But you are still uncertain. Your fears, your dreams and your obligations all line up for the midnight arguments with your soul. You feel that you were meant to write it, but well, you are stuck. This show and the upcoming event put on my Linda Joy and Lisa Tener are for you. Linda is the publisher of the women’s magazine “Aspire” and Lisa is a Writing Coach, and they have joined forces to help you bring your book to fruition. And I want to help them help you. So, get out your pens, your laptops and your courage, and let’s do this thing.
01/09/201054 minutes, 29 secondes
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Being Right About Everything

Nash Mourad is a coach, corporate facilitator and trainer, who has written a book called “How to be Right About Everything: An Awakening Journey into Unlearning.” And this week we are talking to him about what it is that we are unlearning and why. He and his partner developed a firm called, Emergent Awareness through which he has served as an executive management consultant for a variety of Fortune 100 companies and government agencies. Nash wants to teach how we can improve our lives by fully accepting others. Further he believes that we choose our experiences and that recognition of this fact offers us peace. In today’s world where relationship with others and personal awareness is going to be key to success, this show going to be vital to understanding how to live it with grace. Don’t miss it.
25/08/201054 minutes, 40 secondes
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Being Right About Everything

Nash Mourad is a coach, corporate facilitator and trainer, who has written a book called “How to be Right About Everything: An Awakening Journey into Unlearning.” And this week we are talking to him about what it is that we are unlearning and why. He and his partner developed a firm called, Emergent Awareness through which he has served as an executive management consultant for a variety of Fortune 100 companies and government agencies. Nash wants to teach how we can improve our lives by fully accepting others. Further he believes that we choose our experiences and that recognition of this fact offers us peace. In today’s world where relationship with others and personal awareness is going to be key to success, this show going to be vital to understanding how to live it with grace. Don’t miss it.
25/08/201054 minutes, 40 secondes
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living

Back for the second time, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD is here to talk with us about her upcoming online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman: The Power of the Crone: Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her followers, offers great depth of insight through her storytelling, written works and audio tapes, including: “Warming the Stone Child,” “The Faithful Gardener,” “The Creative Fire,” “The Radiant Coat,” “Mother Night” and several others. Her upcoming event can be found on and will offer six weekly sessions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the inner terrain of wisdom.
18/08/201055 minutes, 11 secondes
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Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living

Back for the second time, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD is here to talk with us about her upcoming online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman: The Power of the Crone: Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her followers, offers great depth of insight through her storytelling, written works and audio tapes, including: “Warming the Stone Child,” “The Faithful Gardener,” “The Creative Fire,” “The Radiant Coat,” “Mother Night” and several others. Her upcoming event can be found on and will offer six weekly sessions. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the inner terrain of wisdom.
18/08/201055 minutes, 11 secondes
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Gary Zukav on Spiritual Partnership

This whole business of relationship is pivotal point in our history. Not only are we looking at primary relationship in a whole new light as we create new ground rules for a new way of relating from love and intimacy rather than security needs, but we are also looking at all of our relationships differently. Work relationships, friendships, race relations, and issues of sexual orientation are all factoring into our new understanding of relationships. Gary Zukav’s latest book “Spiritual Partnership: The Path to Authentic Power” might just pave the way to an entirely new way of relating. According to Zukav, “Spiritual Partnership is partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. It is dramatically different from all previous forms of relationship and serves a different purpose. Spiritual partnerships are vehicles that multisensory individuals use to create authentic power and support one another.” You are not going to want to miss this one.
11/08/201055 minutes, 4 secondes
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Gary Zukav on Spiritual Partnership

This whole business of relationship is pivotal point in our history. Not only are we looking at primary relationship in a whole new light as we create new ground rules for a new way of relating from love and intimacy rather than security needs, but we are also looking at all of our relationships differently. Work relationships, friendships, race relations, and issues of sexual orientation are all factoring into our new understanding of relationships. Gary Zukav’s latest book “Spiritual Partnership: The Path to Authentic Power” might just pave the way to an entirely new way of relating. According to Zukav, “Spiritual Partnership is partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth. It is dramatically different from all previous forms of relationship and serves a different purpose. Spiritual partnerships are vehicles that multisensory individuals use to create authentic power and support one another.” You are not going to want to miss this one.
11/08/201055 minutes, 4 secondes
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What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
04/08/201054 minutes, 33 secondes
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What are we going to do about guilt?

Joan Borysenko is back this week for the third time to talk with us about guilt, for guilt can be a major block to our resilience factor. Her latest book, “It’s Not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change” will be combined with one of her earlier books, “Guilt is the Teacher, Love is the Lesson” in an in-depth discussion of this devilish master craftsman of our lives. In the extreme, many of us live whole lifetimes driven by guilt and responsibility for other people’s stuff. But most of us worry over guilt at least some of the time. It works us over and compels us at times to do things that are not only unnecessary but often come down to downright interference with other people’s lives. And it eats at us from the inside out, through that niggling little voice that just won’t seem to let go until we finally give into it. Well this week, we are going to help it let go. Don’t miss this important discussion.
04/08/201054 minutes, 33 secondes
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Is the Law of Attraction Working?

Like any new thought, humanity has had to experiment with the law of attraction for a while to see if it is really effective. And we have mixed reviews on that front. Some are saying that the law of attraction has brought them excellent results. But others are saying that they struggle and struggle to think so-called “positive” thoughts and eliminate all “negative” energy, but without much change. While this show will not debunk the law of attraction, we might need to think about it from a different angle in order to get consistent results. The show is based on the book, coming out in 2011, currently titled “The Law of Attraction: The Unadulterated Truth About Why it isn’t Working and How it Can” by the show’s host, Andrea Mathews. Don’t miss this opportunity to rethink our current understanding of this law and to find out how a new view of it can help you turn possibility into probability.
28/07/201056 minutes, 17 secondes
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Is the Law of Attraction Working?

Like any new thought, humanity has had to experiment with the law of attraction for a while to see if it is really effective. And we have mixed reviews on that front. Some are saying that the law of attraction has brought them excellent results. But others are saying that they struggle and struggle to think so-called “positive” thoughts and eliminate all “negative” energy, but without much change. While this show will not debunk the law of attraction, we might need to think about it from a different angle in order to get consistent results. The show is based on the book, coming out in 2011, currently titled “The Law of Attraction: The Unadulterated Truth About Why it isn’t Working and How it Can” by the show’s host, Andrea Mathews. Don’t miss this opportunity to rethink our current understanding of this law and to find out how a new view of it can help you turn possibility into probability.
28/07/201056 minutes, 17 secondes
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Medical Intuitive Caroline Sutherland on Staying Young

This thing about staying young has become quite an important topic today, with many visiting their doctors regularly to keep up with their Botox shots and many others seeking facial change, and launching body work, vitamin and nutrition programs—all in an effort to sustain the grace of youth. But our guest today tells us that the body already knows how to stay young. She is Caroline Sutherland a medical intuitive who has written several books in a series called “The Body Knows,” the latest of these and the topic of today’s discussion called “The Body Knows How to Stay Young.” She has answers for the chronic degenerative breakdown that leads to mobility issues, decrease in hearing and vision, osteoporosis, arthritis and memory loss. And she offers four components of a vibrant-aging program that demonstrate the body’s wisdom and capacity to self-repair. You don’t want to miss this show!
21/07/201054 minutes, 50 secondes
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Medical Intuitive Caroline Sutherland on Staying Young

This thing about staying young has become quite an important topic today, with many visiting their doctors regularly to keep up with their Botox shots and many others seeking facial change, and launching body work, vitamin and nutrition programs—all in an effort to sustain the grace of youth. But our guest today tells us that the body already knows how to stay young. She is Caroline Sutherland a medical intuitive who has written several books in a series called “The Body Knows,” the latest of these and the topic of today’s discussion called “The Body Knows How to Stay Young.” She has answers for the chronic degenerative breakdown that leads to mobility issues, decrease in hearing and vision, osteoporosis, arthritis and memory loss. And she offers four components of a vibrant-aging program that demonstrate the body’s wisdom and capacity to self-repair. You don’t want to miss this show!
21/07/201054 minutes, 50 secondes
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Defying Gravity with Caroline Myss

We are fortunate today to have Caroline Myss return for the second time to the Authentic Living show. Caroline is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. After beginning her career as a journalist, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing, and simultaneously began her career as a medical intuitive working with Dr. Norman Shealy. Over the years she honed her skills to the point that by knowing only the patient’s name and age, she can profile the physical, psychological, emotional and family history. Based on her extensive research she developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific stress patterns with diseases. Caroline continues to impact the worlds of consciousness and spirituality and to publish bestselling books, the most recent of which is the subject of our talk today Defy Gravity.
14/07/201055 minutes, 29 secondes
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Defying Gravity with Caroline Myss

We are fortunate today to have Caroline Myss return for the second time to the Authentic Living show. Caroline is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. After beginning her career as a journalist, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing, and simultaneously began her career as a medical intuitive working with Dr. Norman Shealy. Over the years she honed her skills to the point that by knowing only the patient’s name and age, she can profile the physical, psychological, emotional and family history. Based on her extensive research she developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific stress patterns with diseases. Caroline continues to impact the worlds of consciousness and spirituality and to publish bestselling books, the most recent of which is the subject of our talk today Defy Gravity.
14/07/201055 minutes, 29 secondes
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Regina Brett on life’s lessons

It’s in those darkest of moments when we wonder what the heck is going on that we are actually changing in such an alchemical way that we just don’t recognize it until later. Regina Brett has been there and back. She wrote a column on her life’s lessons that by popular demand became a book. God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours is an inspirational collection of essays and stories about life’s lessons based on a column she wrote after turning 50 about her own life’s lessons. These lessons have now traveled the world from Austin to Australia. One car dealer in Cincinnati hands the lessons out to customers. A Cancer care agency gives them out with every wig. Teachers share them with students. Essentially they have taken on a life of their own. And now, we are going to get to hear all about them. Tune in and see what you might be learning just now.
07/07/201057 minutes, 35 secondes
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Regina Brett on life’s lessons

It’s in those darkest of moments when we wonder what the heck is going on that we are actually changing in such an alchemical way that we just don’t recognize it until later. Regina Brett has been there and back. She wrote a column on her life’s lessons that by popular demand became a book. God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours is an inspirational collection of essays and stories about life’s lessons based on a column she wrote after turning 50 about her own life’s lessons. These lessons have now traveled the world from Austin to Australia. One car dealer in Cincinnati hands the lessons out to customers. A Cancer care agency gives them out with every wig. Teachers share them with students. Essentially they have taken on a life of their own. And now, we are going to get to hear all about them. Tune in and see what you might be learning just now.
07/07/201057 minutes, 35 secondes
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How to have faith in mystery

We generally define faith as a kind of knowing—we believe strongly and therefore trust. Some of us were raised in traditional religious backgrounds in which that kind of faith was considered to be essential to our final post-life ascendance into heaven. And that kind of elegant influence has been around for so many centuries now that it is archetypal—it impacts us in deep unconscious ways that we may not even understand. Further, even when we begin to wonder if that definition of faith is really true, it still nags at us, as if that understanding of faith has somehow become cellular. Mostly this means that mystery has the power to shatter our grounding so that our first response to it is to try to define and explain it. But, what if we were to learn that it is leaning into the mystery that is actually faithful? What if we began to settle into the deeper regions of ourselves only when we can acknowledge what we don’t know? Tune in to learn how to have faith in mystery.
30/06/201057 minutes, 14 secondes
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How to have faith in mystery

We generally define faith as a kind of knowing—we believe strongly and therefore trust. Some of us were raised in traditional religious backgrounds in which that kind of faith was considered to be essential to our final post-life ascendance into heaven. And that kind of elegant influence has been around for so many centuries now that it is archetypal—it impacts us in deep unconscious ways that we may not even understand. Further, even when we begin to wonder if that definition of faith is really true, it still nags at us, as if that understanding of faith has somehow become cellular. Mostly this means that mystery has the power to shatter our grounding so that our first response to it is to try to define and explain it. But, what if we were to learn that it is leaning into the mystery that is actually faithful? What if we began to settle into the deeper regions of ourselves only when we can acknowledge what we don’t know? Tune in to learn how to have faith in mystery.
30/06/201057 minutes, 14 secondes
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Deep Personal Change

We’ve all made promises to ourselves that we would change something about our behavior or attitudes only to find ourselves back in the same old rut not too long after we made that promise. If we can’t even make the surface changes, how in the world are we going to make the deep changes? Most of us don’t even consider the possibility—so we just work on things like changing behavior, and thoughts. But what we don’t know is that the reason these more surface changes are so hard to make is because we haven’t made the deeper changes. But again, how? This week Michele Rosenthal, mental health advocate, public speaker, blogger, writer, workshop/seminar leader, Certified Professional Coach, Hypnotist, and Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is going to teach us about e three steps we can take to deep personal change. Don’t miss this important show.
23/06/201056 minutes, 1 secondes
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Deep Personal Change

We’ve all made promises to ourselves that we would change something about our behavior or attitudes only to find ourselves back in the same old rut not too long after we made that promise. If we can’t even make the surface changes, how in the world are we going to make the deep changes? Most of us don’t even consider the possibility—so we just work on things like changing behavior, and thoughts. But what we don’t know is that the reason these more surface changes are so hard to make is because we haven’t made the deeper changes. But again, how? This week Michele Rosenthal, mental health advocate, public speaker, blogger, writer, workshop/seminar leader, Certified Professional Coach, Hypnotist, and Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, is going to teach us about e three steps we can take to deep personal change. Don’t miss this important show.
23/06/201056 minutes, 1 secondes
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The Gift with Bob and Judy Fisher

What would it be like to know that you were dying? Would life look any different than it does from the perspective of your routine everyday experiences? We strongly suspect that it would but we don’t want to have to be close to dying to find out. Well, this week we are going to get to hear from those who are on the edge of this precipice and learn from their experiences rather than having to go there ourselves. Death is an amazing mystery, as is life and the fine line between the two. Bob and Judy’s book ”Life is a Gift: Inspiration from the Soon Departed” will grant us the gift of insight and wisdom that comes from those who are currently living very close to that line. Don’t miss this beautiful experience.
16/06/201055 minutes, 4 secondes
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The Gift with Bob and Judy Fisher

What would it be like to know that you were dying? Would life look any different than it does from the perspective of your routine everyday experiences? We strongly suspect that it would but we don’t want to have to be close to dying to find out. Well, this week we are going to get to hear from those who are on the edge of this precipice and learn from their experiences rather than having to go there ourselves. Death is an amazing mystery, as is life and the fine line between the two. Bob and Judy’s book ”Life is a Gift: Inspiration from the Soon Departed” will grant us the gift of insight and wisdom that comes from those who are currently living very close to that line. Don’t miss this beautiful experience.
16/06/201055 minutes, 4 secondes
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Defying Gravity with Caroline Myss

We are fortunate today to have Caroline Myss return for the second time to the Authentic Living show. Caroline is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. After beginning her career as a journalist, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing, and simultaneously began her career as a medical intuitive working with Dr. Norman Shealy. Over the years she honed her skills to the point that by knowing only the patient’s name and age, she can profile the physical, psychological, emotional and family history. Based on her extensive research she developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific stress patterns with diseases. Caroline continues to impact the worlds of consciousness and spirituality and to publish bestselling books, the most recent of which is the subject of our talk today Defy Gravity.
09/06/201055 minutes, 7 secondes
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Defying Gravity with Caroline Myss

We are fortunate today to have Caroline Myss return for the second time to the Authentic Living show. Caroline is a five-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, health, energy medicine, and the science of medical intuition. After beginning her career as a journalist, she co-founded Stillpoint Publishing, and simultaneously began her career as a medical intuitive working with Dr. Norman Shealy. Over the years she honed her skills to the point that by knowing only the patient’s name and age, she can profile the physical, psychological, emotional and family history. Based on her extensive research she developed the field of Energy Anatomy, a science that correlates specific stress patterns with diseases. Caroline continues to impact the worlds of consciousness and spirituality and to publish bestselling books, the most recent of which is the subject of our talk today Defy Gravity.
09/06/201055 minutes, 7 secondes
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What’s the Point?

From every angle, we are basically being told that our emotions are at best invalid, and at worst, influences that lead us astray. From the rational intellectual world, we are taught that our feelings are just fleeting, fickle, flights that have no more value to us than the wind blowing. From the traditional religious world we learn that our emotions are not only fleeting, fickle and invalid, but also could lead us into temptation. From the New Age/New Thought world we are currently being told that our emotions are only useful if we can plug them into “positive” thinking, which allows us to manifest our dreams. So, here’s what I want to know: What is the purpose of our emotions? Are they unnecessary appendages blowing in the wind like the hair on our heads—yet with greater impact? Or are they gifts given to us as a part of the Divine image from which we were created? And if it is the latter, shouldn’t we be figuring out how to use them instead of dismissing them? Tune in and find out!
02/06/201055 minutes, 46 secondes
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What’s the Point?

From every angle, we are basically being told that our emotions are at best invalid, and at worst, influences that lead us astray. From the rational intellectual world, we are taught that our feelings are just fleeting, fickle, flights that have no more value to us than the wind blowing. From the traditional religious world we learn that our emotions are not only fleeting, fickle and invalid, but also could lead us into temptation. From the New Age/New Thought world we are currently being told that our emotions are only useful if we can plug them into “positive” thinking, which allows us to manifest our dreams. So, here’s what I want to know: What is the purpose of our emotions? Are they unnecessary appendages blowing in the wind like the hair on our heads—yet with greater impact? Or are they gifts given to us as a part of the Divine image from which we were created? And if it is the latter, shouldn’t we be figuring out how to use them instead of dismissing them? Tune in and find out!
02/06/201055 minutes, 46 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: It’s Not the End of the World!

Dr. Joan Borysenko appears, for the second time, on the Authentic Living Show today to discuss her latest book, “It’s not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change.” One of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing and spirituality, Joan is world-renowned for her expertise in the field of Mind/Body medicine. A three-time graduate of Harvard Medical School, with a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) and two post-doctoral fellowships in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, her brilliance is uniquely matched by her warmth and inspirational presentations. She is the author of several best-selling books, including her first, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind,” “Inner Peace for Busy People,” and the topic of last year’s Authentic Living show,“Your Soul’s Compass.” You know, if we are forced to endure these tough times, we might as well get something out of it. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the art of resilience from Dr. Joan
26/05/201056 minutes, 8 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: It’s Not the End of the World!

Dr. Joan Borysenko appears, for the second time, on the Authentic Living Show today to discuss her latest book, “It’s not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change.” One of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing and spirituality, Joan is world-renowned for her expertise in the field of Mind/Body medicine. A three-time graduate of Harvard Medical School, with a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) and two post-doctoral fellowships in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, her brilliance is uniquely matched by her warmth and inspirational presentations. She is the author of several best-selling books, including her first, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind,” “Inner Peace for Busy People,” and the topic of last year’s Authentic Living show,“Your Soul’s Compass.” You know, if we are forced to endure these tough times, we might as well get something out of it. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the art of resilience from Dr. Joan
26/05/201056 minutes, 8 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living

We are excited that Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD comes this week to tell us about the unveiling of her long awaited audio work and online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman, Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her many followers, jokes that there have been a few “sightings” over the years, though she disappeared from public view for three decades to write. This week she comes out into the “clattering world” to talk with us about her work. Come and listen to her unique storytelling ability, soothing voice and deep understanding of the complexities of humanity and grow closer to your own soul.
19/05/201056 minutes, 4 secondes
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Special Encore Presentation: Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living

We are excited that Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD comes this week to tell us about the unveiling of her long awaited audio work and online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman, Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her many followers, jokes that there have been a few “sightings” over the years, though she disappeared from public view for three decades to write. This week she comes out into the “clattering world” to talk with us about her work. Come and listen to her unique storytelling ability, soothing voice and deep understanding of the complexities of humanity and grow closer to your own soul.
19/05/201056 minutes, 4 secondes
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Rain or Reign

Who is really in charge of your life? Let’s ask that a different way. How much of your life is hanging in the balance of other people’s choices? How much of your life are you choosing, as opposed to excusing? Authentic living is all about taking full responsibility for your life—all of your life, not just the parts that no one else controls. Do you have a secret life that no one knows about? Do you carry a boatload of secret resentments because you do so much for others who do nothing for you? Does your life feel beyond your control? Are you striving and struggling to think only “positive” thoughts and handle no “negative” energy so that you can finally have the life you dream of? Is it raining all over your life? Or do you reign over your life? This show will provide you with a surprise ending to the story you are telling yourself right now. Don’t miss it!
12/05/201055 minutes, 44 secondes
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Rain or Reign

Who is really in charge of your life? Let’s ask that a different way. How much of your life is hanging in the balance of other people’s choices? How much of your life are you choosing, as opposed to excusing? Authentic living is all about taking full responsibility for your life—all of your life, not just the parts that no one else controls. Do you have a secret life that no one knows about? Do you carry a boatload of secret resentments because you do so much for others who do nothing for you? Does your life feel beyond your control? Are you striving and struggling to think only “positive” thoughts and handle no “negative” energy so that you can finally have the life you dream of? Is it raining all over your life? Or do you reign over your life? This show will provide you with a surprise ending to the story you are telling yourself right now. Don’t miss it!
12/05/201055 minutes, 44 secondes
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Wisdom Man

Our guest today is the author of the Australian bestselling book called “Wisdom Man,” a moving and powerfully awakening book about the Aboriginal leader, Banjo Clarke. She is Camilla Chance an Australian who has been deeply involved with the Aboriginal culture for over 27 years. Camilla has been a lyric writer for an international performing group. the Kuban Cossacks, a high school teacher, an editor, a wife and mother, and a book reviewer for two prestigious Australian newspapers—“The Age” and “The Australian.” Her book is the winner of the American Award for best multicultural work. And she is the first non-Aboriginal to receive the prestigious Unsung Hero Award from Aboriginal people for her dedicated friendship and work for them behind the scenes. Her work has changed her life and philosophy and we are going to learn all about that. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the wisdom of living close to the earth.
05/05/201051 minutes, 55 secondes
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Wisdom Man

Our guest today is the author of the Australian bestselling book called “Wisdom Man,” a moving and powerfully awakening book about the Aboriginal leader, Banjo Clarke. She is Camilla Chance an Australian who has been deeply involved with the Aboriginal culture for over 27 years. Camilla has been a lyric writer for an international performing group. the Kuban Cossacks, a high school teacher, an editor, a wife and mother, and a book reviewer for two prestigious Australian newspapers—“The Age” and “The Australian.” Her book is the winner of the American Award for best multicultural work. And she is the first non-Aboriginal to receive the prestigious Unsung Hero Award from Aboriginal people for her dedicated friendship and work for them behind the scenes. Her work has changed her life and philosophy and we are going to learn all about that. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about the wisdom of living close to the earth.
05/05/201051 minutes, 55 secondes
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Messages and Wisdom from the Hidden Realms

We are very excited to have Colette Baron-Reid on the show today to help us understand the more arcane, deeper aspects of living and how to connect with our own internal messaging system. Colette is an internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and best-selling author of several books including, Remembering The Future, Messages From Spirit, The Wisdom of Avalon, and Wisdom of the Hidden Realms. Her newest book, The Enchanted Map of You and companion oracle cards will be released Jan 2011. She has carried her message of hope and healing throughout the United States, Europe and the UK. She is a powerful motivational speaker, broadcast personality, and acclaimed performer, storyteller and recording artist who uses her unique spiritual gifts to empower others to live a life that is “awake and authentic.” Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to access your own internal messaging system!
28/04/201055 minutes, 53 secondes
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Messages and Wisdom from the Hidden Realms

We are very excited to have Colette Baron-Reid on the show today to help us understand the more arcane, deeper aspects of living and how to connect with our own internal messaging system. Colette is an internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and best-selling author of several books including, Remembering The Future, Messages From Spirit, The Wisdom of Avalon, and Wisdom of the Hidden Realms. Her newest book, The Enchanted Map of You and companion oracle cards will be released Jan 2011. She has carried her message of hope and healing throughout the United States, Europe and the UK. She is a powerful motivational speaker, broadcast personality, and acclaimed performer, storyteller and recording artist who uses her unique spiritual gifts to empower others to live a life that is “awake and authentic.” Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to access your own internal messaging system!
28/04/201055 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Awakening Process

Back again for the second time, Michael Mirdad is here this week to talk with us about the awakening process. Bestselling author of “The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path” and “Sacred Sexuality: A Manual for Living Bliss,” Michael is also a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer and counselor, who has facilitated thousands of classes, lectures, and workshops throughout the world on mastery, spirituality, relationships and healing. He is suitably named the “teacher’s teacher” and the “healer’s healer,” due to his ability to share the deepest teachings in a clear, applicable manner. Michael’s most recent book “You’re Not Going Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up!” is subtitled: “The Five Stages of Soul Transformation” because of its clear explanation of the transformational process of awakening. From Michael, you can expect to learn all about how to move from dark nights of the soul to a new life. Don’t miss this powerful show!
21/04/201055 minutes, 3 secondes
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The Awakening Process

Back again for the second time, Michael Mirdad is here this week to talk with us about the awakening process. Bestselling author of “The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path” and “Sacred Sexuality: A Manual for Living Bliss,” Michael is also a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer and counselor, who has facilitated thousands of classes, lectures, and workshops throughout the world on mastery, spirituality, relationships and healing. He is suitably named the “teacher’s teacher” and the “healer’s healer,” due to his ability to share the deepest teachings in a clear, applicable manner. Michael’s most recent book “You’re Not Going Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up!” is subtitled: “The Five Stages of Soul Transformation” because of its clear explanation of the transformational process of awakening. From Michael, you can expect to learn all about how to move from dark nights of the soul to a new life. Don’t miss this powerful show!
21/04/201055 minutes, 3 secondes
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Acceptance is not the White Flag

You know we spend the first half of our adjustment to any circumstance trying to figure out why it happened just the way it did. Even the good circumstances. We try to make them mean something. All too often, our interpretations of the events in our lives turn out to mean that we are not good enough yet for the good stuff. Just so, our dualistic thinking keeps us bargaining with our realities in ways that stifle our growth. But every single growth experience we have ever had, from taking our first step to growing through the dark nights of the soul, mean that we started somewhere and ended up somewhere else. If we really grew, our identity changed with each curve in the road. We became different than who we were before. So, what do we do when things don’t turn out the way we hoped? That’s what this show is all about. Don’t wave that white flag yet. Tune in, instead.
14/04/201054 minutes, 41 secondes
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Acceptance is not the White Flag

You know we spend the first half of our adjustment to any circumstance trying to figure out why it happened just the way it did. Even the good circumstances. We try to make them mean something. All too often, our interpretations of the events in our lives turn out to mean that we are not good enough yet for the good stuff. Just so, our dualistic thinking keeps us bargaining with our realities in ways that stifle our growth. But every single growth experience we have ever had, from taking our first step to growing through the dark nights of the soul, mean that we started somewhere and ended up somewhere else. If we really grew, our identity changed with each curve in the road. We became different than who we were before. So, what do we do when things don’t turn out the way we hoped? That’s what this show is all about. Don’t wave that white flag yet. Tune in, instead.
14/04/201054 minutes, 41 secondes
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Dr. Judith Orloff on Second Sight

Today, another exciting guest, Dr. Orloff is the author of the New York Times international bestseller “Emotional Freedom” and the newly released “Second Sight.” She is the assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA where she also mentors medical students and psychiatry-residents-in-training. Dr. Orloff is about the business of transforming the face of psychiatry as she synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy and spirituality. She advocates for “a democracy of healing” in which every aspect of our being gets a vote in the process of total health and has been celebrated for her unique approach to mental well-being by proving that the links between physical, emotional and spiritual health cannot be ignored. And so today we are going to be talking to her about her newly released book, which chronicles her own challenges and triumphs in embracing her intuition and integrating it into medicine.
07/04/201053 minutes, 15 secondes
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Dr. Judith Orloff on Second Sight

Today, another exciting guest, Dr. Orloff is the author of the New York Times international bestseller “Emotional Freedom” and the newly released “Second Sight.” She is the assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry at UCLA where she also mentors medical students and psychiatry-residents-in-training. Dr. Orloff is about the business of transforming the face of psychiatry as she synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, energy and spirituality. She advocates for “a democracy of healing” in which every aspect of our being gets a vote in the process of total health and has been celebrated for her unique approach to mental well-being by proving that the links between physical, emotional and spiritual health cannot be ignored. And so today we are going to be talking to her about her newly released book, which chronicles her own challenges and triumphs in embracing her intuition and integrating it into medicine.
07/04/201053 minutes, 15 secondes
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What to do When the Bottom Falls Out

What do you do when the pain of loss is so overwhelming that you don’t know what to do with yourself? David Ord is back for the second time on Authentic Living to talk with us about his new audio “Lessons in Loving” in which we are taken on a journey to the center of our being, to a place where there is unbroken peace, boundless joy and infinite love. There, in the groundedness of our own essence, we find the creativity to reimage our broken lives. David, the Editorial Director of Namaste Publishing, is also the author of “Your Forgotten Self” a book that clarifies the character of Jesus as a mirror for the forgotten self—our true essential nature. If this part of yours’ or a loved one’s journey is painful or difficult, don’t miss this show.
31/03/201054 minutes, 28 secondes
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What to do When the Bottom Falls Out

What do you do when the pain of loss is so overwhelming that you don’t know what to do with yourself? David Ord is back for the second time on Authentic Living to talk with us about his new audio “Lessons in Loving” in which we are taken on a journey to the center of our being, to a place where there is unbroken peace, boundless joy and infinite love. There, in the groundedness of our own essence, we find the creativity to reimage our broken lives. David, the Editorial Director of Namaste Publishing, is also the author of “Your Forgotten Self” a book that clarifies the character of Jesus as a mirror for the forgotten self—our true essential nature. If this part of yours’ or a loved one’s journey is painful or difficult, don’t miss this show.
31/03/201054 minutes, 28 secondes
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Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living

We are excited that Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD comes this week to tell us about the unveiling of her long awaited audio work and online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman, Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her many followers, jokes that there have been a few “sightings” over the years, though she disappeared from public view for three decades to write. This week she comes out into the “clattering world” to talk with us about her work. Come and listen to her unique storytelling ability, soothing voice and deep understanding of the complexities of humanity and grow closer to your own soul.
24/03/201056 minutes, 4 secondes
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Clarissa Pinkola Estés on Authentic Living

We are excited that Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD comes this week to tell us about the unveiling of her long awaited audio work and online series called “The Dangerous Old Woman, Myths and Stories of the Wise Woman Archetype.” World renowned author of “Women Who Run With the Wolves,” which was on the NY Times bestseller list for 145 weeks, she is an internationally acclaimed poet, Diplomat Jungian psychoanalyst, post-trauma specialist, award-winning social activist and writer, as well as a cantadora, (keeper of the old stories in the Latina tradition). Dr. E, as she is affectionately called by her many followers, jokes that there have been a few “sightings” over the years, though she disappeared from public view for three decades to write. This week she comes out into the “clattering world” to talk with us about her work. Come and listen to her unique storytelling ability, soothing voice and deep understanding of the complexities of humanity and grow closer to your own soul.
24/03/201056 minutes, 4 secondes
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The Overcomers

Has life ever been so difficult that you wondered how you would make it through? You are far from alone. Many of us have had that experience. But today we are going to talk about how to make it through. Our guest today is the author of the book “Overcomers, Inc.” With this book, Lynn Klippel offers us ageless wisdom on how to overcome any life challenge with grace, regardless of what life has in store for us. Today’s show is going to be all about how even the darkest situations can be the greatest blessings of our lives. What if adversity was meant to help us become who we were really meant to be? If that were true how can we facilitate that kind of awakening? We don’t have to be extraordinary people to do this. So if you are troubled, don’t miss this opportunity to become an overcomer!
17/03/201053 minutes, 26 secondes
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The Overcomers

Has life ever been so difficult that you wondered how you would make it through? You are far from alone. Many of us have had that experience. But today we are going to talk about how to make it through. Our guest today is the author of the book “Overcomers, Inc.” With this book, Lynn Klippel offers us ageless wisdom on how to overcome any life challenge with grace, regardless of what life has in store for us. Today’s show is going to be all about how even the darkest situations can be the greatest blessings of our lives. What if adversity was meant to help us become who we were really meant to be? If that were true how can we facilitate that kind of awakening? We don’t have to be extraordinary people to do this. So if you are troubled, don’t miss this opportunity to become an overcomer!
17/03/201053 minutes, 26 secondes
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The Shadow Knows

Do you know what your shadow knows? The shadow is getting kind of a bad rap these days. More than anything else, the gossip about the shadow has it that the shadow is filled to overflowing with all the “evil” we are hiding in there. And there is a primal darkness there in the secret regions of our psyches. But primal darkness is not necessarily evil. And more importantly, there is much, much more hidden in our shadows then all the scary things we imagine. In fact, you may be profoundly surprised to learn of amazing power and the Universal promises that have been hidden away in the closet of your psyche. So what does the shadow know? Tune in to find out.
10/03/201054 minutes, 16 secondes
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The Shadow Knows

Do you know what your shadow knows? The shadow is getting kind of a bad rap these days. More than anything else, the gossip about the shadow has it that the shadow is filled to overflowing with all the “evil” we are hiding in there. And there is a primal darkness there in the secret regions of our psyches. But primal darkness is not necessarily evil. And more importantly, there is much, much more hidden in our shadows then all the scary things we imagine. In fact, you may be profoundly surprised to learn of amazing power and the Universal promises that have been hidden away in the closet of your psyche. So what does the shadow know? Tune in to find out.
10/03/201054 minutes, 16 secondes
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“Counsel the victim, help one person. Counsel the guru-gone-bad, help hundreds -- if not thousands, says Chavah Aima, guru interventionist. Her perspective is more relevant than ever after the 2009 deaths and injuries in an Arizona sweat lodge ceremony raised new questions about trust in spiritual leaders. A psychotherapist formerly specializing in trauma treatment and addiction recovery, Chavah spent 14 years studying a wide variety of Eastern and Western esoteric traditions. Her upcoming book In the Shadow of the Guru: Spiritual Empowerment and the Dark Side is based on her years in India studying and getting to know many gurus. The book reveals techniques used by Eastern and Western gurus to recruit and keep followers. On this show we will be learning, not only how to tell a true leader from a false guru, but some of the warning signs that your guru may have “gone bad,” and how to recover your personal power after surrendering it to a false guru. Don’t miss this one!
03/03/201055 minutes, 35 secondes
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“Counsel the victim, help one person. Counsel the guru-gone-bad, help hundreds -- if not thousands, says Chavah Aima, guru interventionist. Her perspective is more relevant than ever after the 2009 deaths and injuries in an Arizona sweat lodge ceremony raised new questions about trust in spiritual leaders. A psychotherapist formerly specializing in trauma treatment and addiction recovery, Chavah spent 14 years studying a wide variety of Eastern and Western esoteric traditions. Her upcoming book In the Shadow of the Guru: Spiritual Empowerment and the Dark Side is based on her years in India studying and getting to know many gurus. The book reveals techniques used by Eastern and Western gurus to recruit and keep followers. On this show we will be learning, not only how to tell a true leader from a false guru, but some of the warning signs that your guru may have “gone bad,” and how to recover your personal power after surrendering it to a false guru. Don’t miss this one!
03/03/201055 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Law of Attraction-Revised

You know how corporations change policy and procedure by adding a revision? You know how it is that the interpretation of our laws changes through the process of precedence-setting? Well today we are going to do a little revising and reinterpreting of our own, based on precedence. Do you really want to have everything you want? You can. But you have to know the missing piece to the puzzle—a piece not provided to you through the current literature on the laws of attraction. Do you want to fulfill your truest desires? Don’t miss this show.
24/02/201055 minutes, 7 secondes
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The Law of Attraction-Revised

You know how corporations change policy and procedure by adding a revision? You know how it is that the interpretation of our laws changes through the process of precedence-setting? Well today we are going to do a little revising and reinterpreting of our own, based on precedence. Do you really want to have everything you want? You can. But you have to know the missing piece to the puzzle—a piece not provided to you through the current literature on the laws of attraction. Do you want to fulfill your truest desires? Don’t miss this show.
24/02/201055 minutes, 7 secondes
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Spontaneous Evolution

Do you really think that what we believe makes a difference? Well this week we are going to be talking to one of the world’s scientific authorities, one who helps us bridge the gaps between science and spirit. Internationally recognized for his research on the energy that works below the level of our genes, Bruce Lipton began his career as a cell biologist focusing on molecular mechanisms. Then, with Dr. Ed Schultz, he worked with experimental tissue transplantation techniques later employed in human genetic engineering. But in 1982 he began examining the principles of quantum physics. His discoveries there ran counter to the established scientific views, but have led to the important field of epigenetics. He took his work to the public, and has since become an internationally recognized authority, through his bestselling book The Biology of Belief, and recently, Spontaneous Evolution, as well as his TV and radio appearances, workshops and lecture. Don’t you dare miss this one!
10/02/201054 minutes, 19 secondes
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Spontaneous Evolution

Do you really think that what we believe makes a difference? Well this week we are going to be talking to one of the world’s scientific authorities, one who helps us bridge the gaps between science and spirit. Internationally recognized for his research on the energy that works below the level of our genes, Bruce Lipton began his career as a cell biologist focusing on molecular mechanisms. Then, with Dr. Ed Schultz, he worked with experimental tissue transplantation techniques later employed in human genetic engineering. But in 1982 he began examining the principles of quantum physics. His discoveries there ran counter to the established scientific views, but have led to the important field of epigenetics. He took his work to the public, and has since become an internationally recognized authority, through his bestselling book The Biology of Belief, and recently, Spontaneous Evolution, as well as his TV and radio appearances, workshops and lecture. Don’t you dare miss this one!
10/02/201054 minutes, 19 secondes
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When Everything Changes…Then What?

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose work continues to touch the world in profound ways. With an early and deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his very public Conversation with God, a NY Times Bestselling series that has touched and inspired millions around the world. In addition, he has published 16 other works, and a number of video and audio programs. Neale’s work has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe, and because of that redefining process and the response to it, he built the Conversations with God Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to inspiring the community of the world to move from violence, confusion and anger, to peace, clarity and love. And this week we’ll be talking to Neale about change, based on his bestselling book “When Everything Changes, Change Everything.” Don’t miss it!
03/02/201053 minutes, 30 secondes
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When Everything Changes…Then What?

Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose work continues to touch the world in profound ways. With an early and deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his very public Conversation with God, a NY Times Bestselling series that has touched and inspired millions around the world. In addition, he has published 16 other works, and a number of video and audio programs. Neale’s work has redefined God and shifted spiritual paradigms around the globe, and because of that redefining process and the response to it, he built the Conversations with God Foundation, a non-profit educational organization dedicated to inspiring the community of the world to move from violence, confusion and anger, to peace, clarity and love. And this week we’ll be talking to Neale about change, based on his bestselling book “When Everything Changes, Change Everything.” Don’t miss it!
03/02/201053 minutes, 30 secondes
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Mindful Mending

The process of self-healing must, at its most effective, include mindfulness. Our guest for this week is Sue PattonThoele, author of the book The Mindful Woman, along with several others, is here to talk with us about what it means to be mindful. The process of mindfulness is exactly that, a process. And its most important feature is the ability to look within without judgment. This means we don’t label our thoughts, feelings, beliefs or even our life events and our responses to them as either good or bad, wrong or right. We simply see them and even learn to sit with them. Sue’s work is mostly for women, but the same process applies to all genders. Would you like to learn more about how you can apply this peaceful process to your life? Don’t miss this show.
27/01/201053 minutes, 11 secondes
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Mindful Mending

The process of self-healing must, at its most effective, include mindfulness. Our guest for this week is Sue PattonThoele, author of the book The Mindful Woman, along with several others, is here to talk with us about what it means to be mindful. The process of mindfulness is exactly that, a process. And its most important feature is the ability to look within without judgment. This means we don’t label our thoughts, feelings, beliefs or even our life events and our responses to them as either good or bad, wrong or right. We simply see them and even learn to sit with them. Sue’s work is mostly for women, but the same process applies to all genders. Would you like to learn more about how you can apply this peaceful process to your life? Don’t miss this show.
27/01/201053 minutes, 11 secondes
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Money, Money, Money, Moneheh

The root of all evil? The elusive dream? The pragmatic principle of food on the table and a roof over your head? Let’s talk about money. What is it really? What does it represent? How and why should we make more of it? How does the law of attraction apply to money? Are you aware of all of the archetypal drags on your consciousness related to money? If not, you may need to tune into this show in which we will uncover this weighty unconscious material that keep us from experiencing both material and immaterial life to its fullest measure. Come on, let’s be brave and talk about the scariest subject on planet earth.
20/01/201056 minutes, 45 secondes
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Money, Money, Money, Moneheh

The root of all evil? The elusive dream? The pragmatic principle of food on the table and a roof over your head? Let’s talk about money. What is it really? What does it represent? How and why should we make more of it? How does the law of attraction apply to money? Are you aware of all of the archetypal drags on your consciousness related to money? If not, you may need to tune into this show in which we will uncover this weighty unconscious material that keep us from experiencing both material and immaterial life to its fullest measure. Come on, let’s be brave and talk about the scariest subject on planet earth.
20/01/201056 minutes, 45 secondes
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The Peaceful Warrior

The pathway of the authentic Self is the way of the peaceful warrior. Dan Millman, our guest today, has come to tell us some real life stories of the way of the peaceful warrior a way that bridges the gap between worlds. Most well known for his bestselling books, including “Way of the Peaceful Warrior,” “The Laws of Spirit,” and “The Life You Were Born to Live;” Dan was first known as a world trampoline champion and hall of fame gymnast. His books have inspired millions of people in more than twenty languages. And as most of us know, his book “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” has been turned into a movie, “Peaceful Warrior”—a breakthrough film that doesn’t just inform the audience of a change in the lead character, but allows members of the audience to leave changed or reminded of some deeper aspect of Self. The man has simply combined more than one lifetime into this one! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear, and if you choose, talk to one of the world’s foremost spiritual leaders!
13/01/201054 minutes, 22 secondes
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The Peaceful Warrior

The pathway of the authentic Self is the way of the peaceful warrior. Dan Millman, our guest today, has come to tell us some real life stories of the way of the peaceful warrior a way that bridges the gap between worlds. Most well known for his bestselling books, including “Way of the Peaceful Warrior,” “The Laws of Spirit,” and “The Life You Were Born to Live;” Dan was first known as a world trampoline champion and hall of fame gymnast. His books have inspired millions of people in more than twenty languages. And as most of us know, his book “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” has been turned into a movie, “Peaceful Warrior”—a breakthrough film that doesn’t just inform the audience of a change in the lead character, but allows members of the audience to leave changed or reminded of some deeper aspect of Self. The man has simply combined more than one lifetime into this one! Don’t miss this opportunity to hear, and if you choose, talk to one of the world’s foremost spiritual leaders!
13/01/201054 minutes, 22 secondes
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Purpose in love and in life

Ever wonder why it is that we seem to be drawn to primary relationships? Ever wonder about your own life’s purpose? This whole idea of purpose is one that can either drive us insane or motivate us toward meaning. Our guest this week will help us to learn about purpose as it applies to both our relationships and our lives in general. Dorothy Ratusny is a Canadian Psychotherapist specializing in Cognitive Therapy, who combines that effort with knowledge of Eastern philosophy, Christian Theology, Mysticism and Metaphysics to offer her clients tools of self-discovery toward personal empowerment and authentic living. She is the author of “The Purpose of Love” and “Live Your Life’s Purpose,” a consultant for numerous corporations, a frequent guest of various radio shows and, recently, the co-host of the radio show Womyn’s Word. Don’t miss this opportunity to start the New Year by exploring your purpose!
06/01/201055 minutes, 29 secondes
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Purpose in love and in life

Ever wonder why it is that we seem to be drawn to primary relationships? Ever wonder about your own life’s purpose? This whole idea of purpose is one that can either drive us insane or motivate us toward meaning. Our guest this week will help us to learn about purpose as it applies to both our relationships and our lives in general. Dorothy Ratusny is a Canadian Psychotherapist specializing in Cognitive Therapy, who combines that effort with knowledge of Eastern philosophy, Christian Theology, Mysticism and Metaphysics to offer her clients tools of self-discovery toward personal empowerment and authentic living. She is the author of “The Purpose of Love” and “Live Your Life’s Purpose,” a consultant for numerous corporations, a frequent guest of various radio shows and, recently, the co-host of the radio show Womyn’s Word. Don’t miss this opportunity to start the New Year by exploring your purpose!
06/01/201055 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Life You Deserve

Typically when we think of the life we deserve we start tallying up all of our mistakes and character flaws and deciding that perhaps we deserve a lot worse. But our guest today sees it a bit differently. Dr. Shelley Kaehr is the author of twenty books, her latest and the topic of our discussion today is “The Life You Deserve: Step by Step to Passion, Purpose and Profits.” Dr. Shelley, as she is affectionately called, is known throughout the world as a leading authority in the human potential movement. A former sales trainer, she spent her early career traveling throughout North America as a top representative for internationally renowned sales trainer, Tom Hopkins and motivational speaker Jim Rohn. But for the past decade, she has worked as a life coach, helping thousands to reach their highest potential. Wonder if you’ve got it in you? Come find out. Don’t miss this show!
30/12/200956 minutes, 3 secondes
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The Life You Deserve

Typically when we think of the life we deserve we start tallying up all of our mistakes and character flaws and deciding that perhaps we deserve a lot worse. But our guest today sees it a bit differently. Dr. Shelley Kaehr is the author of twenty books, her latest and the topic of our discussion today is “The Life You Deserve: Step by Step to Passion, Purpose and Profits.” Dr. Shelley, as she is affectionately called, is known throughout the world as a leading authority in the human potential movement. A former sales trainer, she spent her early career traveling throughout North America as a top representative for internationally renowned sales trainer, Tom Hopkins and motivational speaker Jim Rohn. But for the past decade, she has worked as a life coach, helping thousands to reach their highest potential. Wonder if you’ve got it in you? Come find out. Don’t miss this show!
30/12/200956 minutes, 3 secondes
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Peace on Earth?

When pigs fly, right? The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.
23/12/200955 minutes, 57 secondes
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Peace on Earth?

When pigs fly, right? The reason why we don’t consider this a real possibility is not because we are inherently evil people who are striving to be good, but can’t quite pull it off. It’s because we believe we are separate from the Divine. We sit around blaming the Divine for the way things are, praying for the Divine to fix it, when we ARE the Divine! We’ve been taught that it is blasphemy to consider ourselves Divine. And this belief has built our churches to Babel heights. But what if we’ve never really been separate from the Divine? What if the only real blasphemy is in ignoring our inherently Divine nature? Tune in and find out how to wake up, be born to your own “Christ” nature this Christmas.
23/12/200955 minutes, 57 secondes
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You don’t need a middle-man!

Our guest today previously worked as a features journalist, and is an award-winning musician who, with her band Martyrs of Sound, has released 3 CDs. But Sara Wiseman also reports that she received her own intuitive awakening in 2004 and in 2008 unexpectedly received channeled information from a spirit guide, which she calls The 33 Lessons. These lessons are big portion of her newly released book, “Writing the Divine: How to Use Channeling for Soul Growth and Healing.” Since her awakening Sara has been providing individual consultations and teaching workshops to tell people that you don’t need a middle-man, that you can have direct access to the Divine, one-on-one. Her next book, “Divine Child” will be released in 2010. Would you like to experience a direct flow of information coming to you from the Divine? Don’t miss this show!
16/12/200957 minutes, 19 secondes
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You don’t need a middle-man!

Our guest today previously worked as a features journalist, and is an award-winning musician who, with her band Martyrs of Sound, has released 3 CDs. But Sara Wiseman also reports that she received her own intuitive awakening in 2004 and in 2008 unexpectedly received channeled information from a spirit guide, which she calls The 33 Lessons. These lessons are big portion of her newly released book, “Writing the Divine: How to Use Channeling for Soul Growth and Healing.” Since her awakening Sara has been providing individual consultations and teaching workshops to tell people that you don’t need a middle-man, that you can have direct access to the Divine, one-on-one. Her next book, “Divine Child” will be released in 2010. Would you like to experience a direct flow of information coming to you from the Divine? Don’t miss this show!
16/12/200957 minutes, 19 secondes
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How to get out of your own way!

Are you frustrated because you can’t quite get yourself to do, think, say, be the things that you desire to do, think, say and be? What or who is standing in your way? We hear lots and lots of talk about the law of attraction and yet here we are in this recession waiting for the other shoe to fall. We have so many dreams that are yet to manifest and we are trying—oh, we are trying so hard—so why hasn’t it happened yet? What we tend to do with questions like this is turn them into an opportunity for self-flagellation, as in “What’s wrong with me?” We interpret a lot of life that way, don’t we? Well, this week we are going to do away with self-flagellation and mindfully removing the blocks to your authentic life. Don’t miss this show!
09/12/200956 minutes, 2 secondes
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How to get out of your own way!

Are you frustrated because you can’t quite get yourself to do, think, say, be the things that you desire to do, think, say and be? What or who is standing in your way? We hear lots and lots of talk about the law of attraction and yet here we are in this recession waiting for the other shoe to fall. We have so many dreams that are yet to manifest and we are trying—oh, we are trying so hard—so why hasn’t it happened yet? What we tend to do with questions like this is turn them into an opportunity for self-flagellation, as in “What’s wrong with me?” We interpret a lot of life that way, don’t we? Well, this week we are going to do away with self-flagellation and mindfully removing the blocks to your authentic life. Don’t miss this show!
09/12/200956 minutes, 2 secondes
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Be Your SELF!

Mike Robbins is the author of “Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: Transform Your Life with the Power of Authenticity” and our guest today as we explore what it really means to be yourself, because, trust me, it means much more than wearing blue jeans to work because you want to. A sought after speaker who has empowered and inspired tens of thousands through his speaking, workshops, coaching and writing, Mike is also the author of “Focus on the Good Stuff: The Power of Appreciation,” and is a contributing author to “Chicken Soup for the Single Parent’s Soul” and “Thirty Things to Do When You Turn Thirty.” Mike had a professional baseball career until his arm injuries ended it. But then he began to study various disciplines for personal and professional development and began to teach us how. He has offered training to some of America’s top organizations and has been featured on ABC News, the Oprah and Friends Radio Network and several national magazines.
02/12/200956 minutes, 1 secondes
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Be Your SELF!

Mike Robbins is the author of “Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: Transform Your Life with the Power of Authenticity” and our guest today as we explore what it really means to be yourself, because, trust me, it means much more than wearing blue jeans to work because you want to. A sought after speaker who has empowered and inspired tens of thousands through his speaking, workshops, coaching and writing, Mike is also the author of “Focus on the Good Stuff: The Power of Appreciation,” and is a contributing author to “Chicken Soup for the Single Parent’s Soul” and “Thirty Things to Do When You Turn Thirty.” Mike had a professional baseball career until his arm injuries ended it. But then he began to study various disciplines for personal and professional development and began to teach us how. He has offered training to some of America’s top organizations and has been featured on ABC News, the Oprah and Friends Radio Network and several national magazines.
02/12/200956 minutes, 1 secondes
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The Journey Within

There are so many self-help books, seminars and conferences out there which provide us with a technique, or two or three, meant to be used to heal us, and bring us happiness. But the real keys to healing and happiness are found right here inside of us. Through her own inner journey of healing, Trish Bishop has come to understand this concept and present it to others through her new book, “The Question Journey,” in a way that allows them, not to come to the experts for answers, but to find their own answers. We do seem to resist this—we really do want others to be held accountable for our lives. But the truth is that no one is accountable but us, because no one can take the journey but us. Further, there is no journey outward, for only the one inward is real. Trish’s new mission, after serving as an IT consultant for Fortune 500 companies, is to educate and inspire others to wake up and choose to live consciously. Don’t miss this opportunity to begin or enhance your inner journey.
25/11/200956 minutes, 2 secondes
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The Journey Within

There are so many self-help books, seminars and conferences out there which provide us with a technique, or two or three, meant to be used to heal us, and bring us happiness. But the real keys to healing and happiness are found right here inside of us. Through her own inner journey of healing, Trish Bishop has come to understand this concept and present it to others through her new book, “The Question Journey,” in a way that allows them, not to come to the experts for answers, but to find their own answers. We do seem to resist this—we really do want others to be held accountable for our lives. But the truth is that no one is accountable but us, because no one can take the journey but us. Further, there is no journey outward, for only the one inward is real. Trish’s new mission, after serving as an IT consultant for Fortune 500 companies, is to educate and inspire others to wake up and choose to live consciously. Don’t miss this opportunity to begin or enhance your inner journey.
25/11/200956 minutes, 2 secondes
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Dreamwork: Coming to know your Self

Our guests this week are the founders and directors of an organization called North of Eden and The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork located in Vermont. Marc Bregman and Christa Lancaster are our guests today and they bring with them a broad base of experience in a depth understanding of dreamwork. They have co-authored a series of three books entitled “The Deep Well Tapes” and Marc has also authored “Hubris of the Heavens: Archetypal Dreamwork and Rudyharian Astrology,” as well as “Gravity.” Both of them are archetypal dreamwork therapists and together they bring a broad base of experience to North of Eden, which was founded in order to offer personal and dreamwork retreats to individuals and other therapists. Their expertise in the area of dreamwork may assist you in coming to know yourself and your world through the eyes of your dreams. Don’t miss this show.
18/11/200955 minutes, 33 secondes
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Dreamwork: Coming to know your Self

Our guests this week are the founders and directors of an organization called North of Eden and The Center for Archetypal Dreamwork located in Vermont. Marc Bregman and Christa Lancaster are our guests today and they bring with them a broad base of experience in a depth understanding of dreamwork. They have co-authored a series of three books entitled “The Deep Well Tapes” and Marc has also authored “Hubris of the Heavens: Archetypal Dreamwork and Rudyharian Astrology,” as well as “Gravity.” Both of them are archetypal dreamwork therapists and together they bring a broad base of experience to North of Eden, which was founded in order to offer personal and dreamwork retreats to individuals and other therapists. Their expertise in the area of dreamwork may assist you in coming to know yourself and your world through the eyes of your dreams. Don’t miss this show.
18/11/200955 minutes, 33 secondes
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The Infinite Power of I AM

Ever wondered how powerful you really are? Today we are going to be talking to Nanice Ellis, NLP practitioner, radio show host, speaker and author of five books, including: The Infinite Power of You; Even Gandhi Got Hungry and Buddha Got Mad; 30-Day Gratitude Journal; I AM: A Book of Awakening; Lip Prints: How to Be the Change You Want to See in the World; as well as the inspirational photo album, What If. Nanice has come to understand that only in the face of fear do we find courage, and only when we feel truly lost, can we find our way home. And it is this truth that has created her mission, to create an environment in which persons can look deep within themselves and discover their own truths while tapping into unlimited potential. If you are wondering how you’ll cope, what you’ll do or where you’ll land, don’t miss this show!
11/11/200956 minutes, 32 secondes
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The Infinite Power of I AM

Ever wondered how powerful you really are? Today we are going to be talking to Nanice Ellis, NLP practitioner, radio show host, speaker and author of five books, including: The Infinite Power of You; Even Gandhi Got Hungry and Buddha Got Mad; 30-Day Gratitude Journal; I AM: A Book of Awakening; Lip Prints: How to Be the Change You Want to See in the World; as well as the inspirational photo album, What If. Nanice has come to understand that only in the face of fear do we find courage, and only when we feel truly lost, can we find our way home. And it is this truth that has created her mission, to create an environment in which persons can look deep within themselves and discover their own truths while tapping into unlimited potential. If you are wondering how you’ll cope, what you’ll do or where you’ll land, don’t miss this show!
11/11/200956 minutes, 32 secondes
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Pave it Forward

The news these days is filled with the doom and gloom of the current economy. And while we are beginning to see just how we paved the road to that downturn by our lack of attention, now it may be time to pave a new road. And with us this week, international speaker, owner of Canadian wellness success story RnR Wellness, and author of the new book Paving it Forward, Elisabeth Fayt may be able to help us begin that process. She believes that people can change the road they are on through a process she calls pre-paving. Through her seminars, workshops, retreats, speaking engagements and new bestselling book, Paving it Forward, Elisabeth Fayt teaches others how to use their thoughts and intentions to pre-pave a new road to the best possible day and life. She believes that given the whirlwind of negativity regarding our current economy, it is more important than ever to pay close attention to the road we are paving. Don’t miss this show!
04/11/200955 minutes, 56 secondes
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Pave it Forward

The news these days is filled with the doom and gloom of the current economy. And while we are beginning to see just how we paved the road to that downturn by our lack of attention, now it may be time to pave a new road. And with us this week, international speaker, owner of Canadian wellness success story RnR Wellness, and author of the new book Paving it Forward, Elisabeth Fayt may be able to help us begin that process. She believes that people can change the road they are on through a process she calls pre-paving. Through her seminars, workshops, retreats, speaking engagements and new bestselling book, Paving it Forward, Elisabeth Fayt teaches others how to use their thoughts and intentions to pre-pave a new road to the best possible day and life. She believes that given the whirlwind of negativity regarding our current economy, it is more important than ever to pay close attention to the road we are paving. Don’t miss this show!
04/11/200955 minutes, 56 secondes
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Embracing the True Self

In this day in which we are all but forced to embrace so much that feels difficult and hard to love, we are going to be talking about the True Self the most loving and lovable aspect of Being. Our guest today is Paul Ferrini, author of forty inspirational books on love, healing and forgiveness, including the two we’ll be discussing today, “Embracing Your True Self” and “Real Happiness.” Those two books could be one, for embracing the true Self leads to real and lasting happiness. Paul is an ordained minister and a sought after speaker whose unique blend of spirituality and psychology draws from both eastern and western wisdom traditions. He has shared his insights on healing and spiritual growth worldwide and has been enthusiastically endorsed by many of the luminaries of our time—some of whom have been on this very show. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about your true Self.
28/10/200957 minutes, 18 secondes
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Embracing the True Self

In this day in which we are all but forced to embrace so much that feels difficult and hard to love, we are going to be talking about the True Self the most loving and lovable aspect of Being. Our guest today is Paul Ferrini, author of forty inspirational books on love, healing and forgiveness, including the two we’ll be discussing today, “Embracing Your True Self” and “Real Happiness.” Those two books could be one, for embracing the true Self leads to real and lasting happiness. Paul is an ordained minister and a sought after speaker whose unique blend of spirituality and psychology draws from both eastern and western wisdom traditions. He has shared his insights on healing and spiritual growth worldwide and has been enthusiastically endorsed by many of the luminaries of our time—some of whom have been on this very show. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about your true Self.
28/10/200957 minutes, 18 secondes
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What’s Your Dosha, Baby?

Our guest this week is Lissa Coffey, lifestyle and relationship expert, Psychotherapist, Sociologist, and the host of, as well as the author of the relationship book “What’s your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love.” Relationship is one of the most rewarding and confounding of life’s mysteries, and something that we are only now beginning to truly understand. So, if you have questions or concerns about relationships, this show is for you! Media’s go-to person regarding dating and relationship, guest of the Today Show among others, and host of her own CoffeyTalk TV, Lissa has much to offer. But add to that her depth understanding of several different ancient philosophies and you get a very unique understanding of relationship that applies ancient wisdom to contemporary issues. Don’t miss this show!
21/10/200956 minutes, 56 secondes
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What’s Your Dosha, Baby?

Our guest this week is Lissa Coffey, lifestyle and relationship expert, Psychotherapist, Sociologist, and the host of, as well as the author of the relationship book “What’s your Dosha, Baby? Discover the Vedic Way for Compatibility in Life and Love.” Relationship is one of the most rewarding and confounding of life’s mysteries, and something that we are only now beginning to truly understand. So, if you have questions or concerns about relationships, this show is for you! Media’s go-to person regarding dating and relationship, guest of the Today Show among others, and host of her own CoffeyTalk TV, Lissa has much to offer. But add to that her depth understanding of several different ancient philosophies and you get a very unique understanding of relationship that applies ancient wisdom to contemporary issues. Don’t miss this show!
21/10/200956 minutes, 56 secondes
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Enlightening your Mind, Opening your Heart

The Western Lama, as he is affectionately called by the Dalai Lama, Surya Das is a sought-after speaker and teacher. We are honored to have the opportunity to talk to him this week as he assists us in the awakening process. A published poet, translator and chantmaster, with over 35 years of study in Zen, vipassana, yoga and Tibetan Buddhism with the great masters of Asia, including the Dalai Lama’s own teachers, the authorized Lama has also authored several books, his most recent: “The Mind is Mightier Than the Sword: Enlightening the Mind, Opening The Heart.” Founder of many Buddhist and spiritual organizations that help to increase our global awareness, his list of accomplishments is simply too great to mention here but suffice it to say that you are going to get the chance to hear from him directly as we discuss the essential meaning of life and the process of waking up. Do NOT miss this show.
14/10/200956 minutes, 27 secondes
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Enlightening your Mind, Opening your Heart

The Western Lama, as he is affectionately called by the Dalai Lama, Surya Das is a sought-after speaker and teacher. We are honored to have the opportunity to talk to him this week as he assists us in the awakening process. A published poet, translator and chantmaster, with over 35 years of study in Zen, vipassana, yoga and Tibetan Buddhism with the great masters of Asia, including the Dalai Lama’s own teachers, the authorized Lama has also authored several books, his most recent: “The Mind is Mightier Than the Sword: Enlightening the Mind, Opening The Heart.” Founder of many Buddhist and spiritual organizations that help to increase our global awareness, his list of accomplishments is simply too great to mention here but suffice it to say that you are going to get the chance to hear from him directly as we discuss the essential meaning of life and the process of waking up. Do NOT miss this show.
14/10/200956 minutes, 27 secondes
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Radical Revelations

No matter what anyone says, the biggest deal is finding your own way. We can get so confused by the external voices yammering for affirmation within us. But, here’s the thing: Unless you can affirm it internally—it’s not true for you. So this week, we are going to explore how you can come to terms with your own radical revelations, while maintaining your sanity. Such explorations involve learning how to walk safely into the hazardous terrain of the unconscious to find that deep, melding internal bliss of uniting the opposites. But in order to do that one has to be grounded in the solid, earthiness of life right here on planet earth. Spirituality is a “both/and” kind of perspective, one that doesn’t live in the nether regions of some ether realm, particularly one plotted out for you by someone else. Rather it plants itself firmly on earth, while reaching inward for heaven. We are going to learn how to do both, simultaneously. Don’t miss this show!
07/10/200956 minutes, 35 secondes
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Radical Revelations

No matter what anyone says, the biggest deal is finding your own way. We can get so confused by the external voices yammering for affirmation within us. But, here’s the thing: Unless you can affirm it internally—it’s not true for you. So this week, we are going to explore how you can come to terms with your own radical revelations, while maintaining your sanity. Such explorations involve learning how to walk safely into the hazardous terrain of the unconscious to find that deep, melding internal bliss of uniting the opposites. But in order to do that one has to be grounded in the solid, earthiness of life right here on planet earth. Spirituality is a “both/and” kind of perspective, one that doesn’t live in the nether regions of some ether realm, particularly one plotted out for you by someone else. Rather it plants itself firmly on earth, while reaching inward for heaven. We are going to learn how to do both, simultaneously. Don’t miss this show!
07/10/200956 minutes, 35 secondes
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The Emerging Global Consciousness

There is definitely a shift taking place on a global level, a shift in which people are beginning to look inward for the answers to life’s basic and profound questions. Our guest today, Beverly Lanzetta, PhD, will help us all understand this emerging consciousness. Author of six books, including, “Emerging Heart: Global Spirituality and the Sacred” and “Radical Wisdom: A Feminist Mystical Theology” she has a unique and beautiful understanding of this global consciousness. Professor of Religious Studies at several liberal arts colleges, and ordained Interfaith Minister and monastic, Beverly has spent the last 30 years guiding individuals from diverse backgrounds and spiritual orientations in the contemplative live. Her own contemplative journey has led her to a deep understanding from which we will all today benefit. We are all together experiencing this shift in consciousness. If you’d like to understand what’s happening to you in this regard, don’t miss this show!
30/09/200956 minutes, 54 secondes
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The Emerging Global Consciousness

There is definitely a shift taking place on a global level, a shift in which people are beginning to look inward for the answers to life’s basic and profound questions. Our guest today, Beverly Lanzetta, PhD, will help us all understand this emerging consciousness. Author of six books, including, “Emerging Heart: Global Spirituality and the Sacred” and “Radical Wisdom: A Feminist Mystical Theology” she has a unique and beautiful understanding of this global consciousness. Professor of Religious Studies at several liberal arts colleges, and ordained Interfaith Minister and monastic, Beverly has spent the last 30 years guiding individuals from diverse backgrounds and spiritual orientations in the contemplative live. Her own contemplative journey has led her to a deep understanding from which we will all today benefit. We are all together experiencing this shift in consciousness. If you’d like to understand what’s happening to you in this regard, don’t miss this show!
30/09/200956 minutes, 54 secondes
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Fate or Destiny: Your Choice

Robert Ohotto is an Intuitive Life Strategist and an Intuitive Astrologer who can help us decide whether it will be fate or destiny. Author of “Transforming Fate into Destiny,” and host of the Hay House radio show “Dialogue with Destiny,” Robert is a highly sought-after speaker and a pioneering voice in the field of New Thought and multisensory development. Among other things, he helps individuals to find what he calls “soul agreements” with fate, and to transform them into destiny. And he does that by helping them to find the Authentic Self. So, what’s it going to be, fate or destiny? Tune in to make an informed decision.
23/09/200956 minutes, 26 secondes
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Fate or Destiny: Your Choice

Robert Ohotto is an Intuitive Life Strategist and an Intuitive Astrologer who can help us decide whether it will be fate or destiny. Author of “Transforming Fate into Destiny,” and host of the Hay House radio show “Dialogue with Destiny,” Robert is a highly sought-after speaker and a pioneering voice in the field of New Thought and multisensory development. Among other things, he helps individuals to find what he calls “soul agreements” with fate, and to transform them into destiny. And he does that by helping them to find the Authentic Self. So, what’s it going to be, fate or destiny? Tune in to make an informed decision.
23/09/200956 minutes, 26 secondes
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The Heroic Journey through Sexual Trauma

It’s a difficult topic but one which millions of people all over the world are contending with right this minute. It’s a secret most of the time, but the most important task is not in exposing the secret, but in healing, and not just healing but in learning to thrive. Our guest today, Melissa Bradley, is an expert on sexual trauma with twenty-seven years experience in both clinical and investigative work in the field of sexual trauma. She’s taught more than 50,000 professionals in America, Canada and Central America in her two self-developed programs, “The Psychology of Resilience: A Multi-modal Approach to Thriving Using the Heroic Journey” and “Three Stages of Healing: Counseling Victims of Sexual Trauma.” Instead of living a lifetime filled with fear and reenactment, she teaches that survivors of sexual trauma can become thrivers whose lives are rich, peaceful and meaningful. If you are a survivor or know someone else who is, don’t miss this show!
16/09/200956 minutes, 10 secondes
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The Heroic Journey through Sexual Trauma

It’s a difficult topic but one which millions of people all over the world are contending with right this minute. It’s a secret most of the time, but the most important task is not in exposing the secret, but in healing, and not just healing but in learning to thrive. Our guest today, Melissa Bradley, is an expert on sexual trauma with twenty-seven years experience in both clinical and investigative work in the field of sexual trauma. She’s taught more than 50,000 professionals in America, Canada and Central America in her two self-developed programs, “The Psychology of Resilience: A Multi-modal Approach to Thriving Using the Heroic Journey” and “Three Stages of Healing: Counseling Victims of Sexual Trauma.” Instead of living a lifetime filled with fear and reenactment, she teaches that survivors of sexual trauma can become thrivers whose lives are rich, peaceful and meaningful. If you are a survivor or know someone else who is, don’t miss this show!
16/09/200956 minutes, 10 secondes
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Sweet Success

What is success to you? Kenneth Foster, our guest today, will be challenging us to answer that question. He is a well-known expert on the issues of success, including vision, purpose, balance, communication and wealth building, as well as the author of the book “Ask and You Will Succeed.” Founder of premier Coaching, Shared Vision International and The Institute for Authentic Communication, Ken has produced hundreds of Seminars and TeleSeminars on success. Often called “America’s Lifestyle Coach” Ken’s clients include doctors, lawyers, PhDs, entrepreneurs, entertainers, authors, speakers, retired millionaires and executives from many well-known companies. Ken asks the touch questions in order to help his clients delve deeply into the heart of their greatest fears, bring forth the power to overcome and realize latent potential. If you are longing for your own authentic form of success, don’t miss this show!
09/09/200955 minutes, 23 secondes
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Sweet Success

What is success to you? Kenneth Foster, our guest today, will be challenging us to answer that question. He is a well-known expert on the issues of success, including vision, purpose, balance, communication and wealth building, as well as the author of the book “Ask and You Will Succeed.” Founder of premier Coaching, Shared Vision International and The Institute for Authentic Communication, Ken has produced hundreds of Seminars and TeleSeminars on success. Often called “America’s Lifestyle Coach” Ken’s clients include doctors, lawyers, PhDs, entrepreneurs, entertainers, authors, speakers, retired millionaires and executives from many well-known companies. Ken asks the touch questions in order to help his clients delve deeply into the heart of their greatest fears, bring forth the power to overcome and realize latent potential. If you are longing for your own authentic form of success, don’t miss this show!
09/09/200955 minutes, 23 secondes
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It’s Not the End of the World!

Dr. Joan Borysenko appears, for the second time, on the Authentic Living Show today to discuss her latest book, “It’s not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change.” One of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing and spirituality, Joan is world-renowned for her expertise in the field of Mind/Body medicine. A three-time graduate of Harvard Medical School, with a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) and two post-doctoral fellowships in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, her brilliance is uniquely matched by her warmth and inspirational presentations. She is the author of several best-selling books, including her first, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind,” “Inner Peace for Busy People,” and the topic of last year’s Authentic Living show, “Your Soul’s Compass.” You know, if we are forced to endure these tough times, we might as well get something out of it. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the art of resilience from Dr. Joan.
02/09/200956 minutes, 8 secondes
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It’s Not the End of the World!

Dr. Joan Borysenko appears, for the second time, on the Authentic Living Show today to discuss her latest book, “It’s not the End of the World: Developing Resilience in Times of Change.” One of the most popular and sought after speakers in the field of health, healing and spirituality, Joan is world-renowned for her expertise in the field of Mind/Body medicine. A three-time graduate of Harvard Medical School, with a Doctorate in Medicine (MD) and two post-doctoral fellowships in behavioral medicine and psychoneuroimmunology, her brilliance is uniquely matched by her warmth and inspirational presentations. She is the author of several best-selling books, including her first, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind,” “Inner Peace for Busy People,” and the topic of last year’s Authentic Living show, “Your Soul’s Compass.” You know, if we are forced to endure these tough times, we might as well get something out of it. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the art of resilience from Dr. Joan.
02/09/200956 minutes, 8 secondes
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Creating Authentic Power

Today we are so honored to have Gary Zukav and Linda Francis here to talk to us about how we can create our own authentic power. For years now, Gary Zukav has helped us all to see the most complex insights through his use of a language we can all understand. Author of four consecutive NY Times Bestsellers, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Seat of the Soul, Soul Stories, as well as The Heart of the Soul and The Mind of the Soul, co-authored by our guest Linda Francis, both of which also became NY Times bestsellers. Gary and Linda’s spiritual partnership has been on-going for sixteen years and they have, through that partnership, impacted the lives of millions of people, through several means including their many workshops and conferences, his many appearances on the Oprah show and the co-founding of the Seat of the Soul Institute, dedicated to assisting people in aligning the personality with the soul, which is the creation of authentic power. Don’t even think about missing this show!
26/08/200956 minutes, 50 secondes
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Creating Authentic Power

Today we are so honored to have Gary Zukav and Linda Francis here to talk to us about how we can create our own authentic power. For years now, Gary Zukav has helped us all to see the most complex insights through his use of a language we can all understand. Author of four consecutive NY Times Bestsellers, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, The Seat of the Soul, Soul Stories, as well as The Heart of the Soul and The Mind of the Soul, co-authored by our guest Linda Francis, both of which also became NY Times bestsellers. Gary and Linda’s spiritual partnership has been on-going for sixteen years and they have, through that partnership, impacted the lives of millions of people, through several means including their many workshops and conferences, his many appearances on the Oprah show and the co-founding of the Seat of the Soul Institute, dedicated to assisting people in aligning the personality with the soul, which is the creation of authentic power. Don’t even think about missing this show!
26/08/200956 minutes, 50 secondes
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De-stressing your Life

Wouldn’t we all like to have a stress-free life? Don Goewey, has found a way. After a job loss, the diagnosis of a brain tumor and the loss of his marriage—all occurring within a ten-day period—Don experienced a defining moment that left him free of stress and its complications. After that he took a keen interest in the brain’s ability to overcome stress. His career in human potential spans more than three decades and includes collaborations with Carl Rogers, Ph.D., the founder of humanistic psychology, and Gerald Jampolsky, MD, founder of attitudinal healing. He is the author of “Mystic Cool,” a book that combines the latest research in neuroscience and psychology with practical spiritual insights on how to reduce stress and unlock creative potential. Over the years he has worked with patients, war-refugees, and many from high-stressed jobs, and he is the founder of ProAttitude, a firm dedicated to ending stress in the workplace. Stressed? Don’t miss this show.
19/08/200956 minutes, 45 secondes
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De-stressing your Life

Wouldn’t we all like to have a stress-free life? Don Goewey, has found a way. After a job loss, the diagnosis of a brain tumor and the loss of his marriage—all occurring within a ten-day period—Don experienced a defining moment that left him free of stress and its complications. After that he took a keen interest in the brain’s ability to overcome stress. His career in human potential spans more than three decades and includes collaborations with Carl Rogers, Ph.D., the founder of humanistic psychology, and Gerald Jampolsky, MD, founder of attitudinal healing. He is the author of “Mystic Cool,” a book that combines the latest research in neuroscience and psychology with practical spiritual insights on how to reduce stress and unlock creative potential. Over the years he has worked with patients, war-refugees, and many from high-stressed jobs, and he is the founder of ProAttitude, a firm dedicated to ending stress in the workplace. Stressed? Don’t miss this show.
19/08/200956 minutes, 45 secondes
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Medium John Holland

John Holland, one of the most sought after mediums in the country, is our guest today. Internationally renowned as a medium and spiritual teacher, he is the author of the best sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, and his latest release The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck. He wants to help us all clear up the distinctions between a psychic—who reads the aura of a person for current and future events—and a medium—who acts as a conduit between the spirit and the physical worlds. Holland was originally profiled on CBS “Unsolved Mysteries,” and has since starred in a 2-hour A & E special called “Mediums: We See Dead People,” and featured on the History Channel in a one-hour special called “Psychic History.” Described as compassionate, insightful, humorous, tender, captivating and mesmerizing, Holland’s charismatic personality and his powerful skills delight and fascinate audiences everywhere. Call in to today’s show to talk to John Holland, and your loved one.
12/08/200956 minutes, 29 secondes
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Medium John Holland

John Holland, one of the most sought after mediums in the country, is our guest today. Internationally renowned as a medium and spiritual teacher, he is the author of the best sellers: Power of the Soul, Psychic Navigator, Born Knowing, and his latest release The Psychic Tarot Oracle Deck. He wants to help us all clear up the distinctions between a psychic—who reads the aura of a person for current and future events—and a medium—who acts as a conduit between the spirit and the physical worlds. Holland was originally profiled on CBS “Unsolved Mysteries,” and has since starred in a 2-hour A & E special called “Mediums: We See Dead People,” and featured on the History Channel in a one-hour special called “Psychic History.” Described as compassionate, insightful, humorous, tender, captivating and mesmerizing, Holland’s charismatic personality and his powerful skills delight and fascinate audiences everywhere. Call in to today’s show to talk to John Holland, and your loved one.
12/08/200956 minutes, 29 secondes
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The Art of Listening Within

Very often we do not know how to listen to others—even those about whom we care a great deal. How much harder is it then for us to learn to listen to what is going on inside of ourselves! Listening to others requires a certain lack of defensiveness that allows us to move beyond hearing only the first two words and spending the rest of the time they are talking planning our next statement. Listening to ourselves requires the same kind of defenselessness. But more than that, we need to learn how begin to traverse the inner terrain of the Self, for without such knowledge we don’t even know that the Self is speaking to us. Basically our society has taught us that going within and listening is an arcane task that only the gurus of the world would even want to try. But without the ability to listen to ourselves we are like ships without a rudder. Tune in and learn how to listen, really listen, to your wise Self.
29/07/200955 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Art of Listening Within

Very often we do not know how to listen to others—even those about whom we care a great deal. How much harder is it then for us to learn to listen to what is going on inside of ourselves! Listening to others requires a certain lack of defensiveness that allows us to move beyond hearing only the first two words and spending the rest of the time they are talking planning our next statement. Listening to ourselves requires the same kind of defenselessness. But more than that, we need to learn how begin to traverse the inner terrain of the Self, for without such knowledge we don’t even know that the Self is speaking to us. Basically our society has taught us that going within and listening is an arcane task that only the gurus of the world would even want to try. But without the ability to listen to ourselves we are like ships without a rudder. Tune in and learn how to listen, really listen, to your wise Self.
29/07/200955 minutes, 53 secondes
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Nameless Grace

How do you talk about the silence that moves you and is simply unsayable, but by its synchronistic moirai, its seemingly miraculous events, its moments in which the veil lifts and we see clearly? Sitting in the quietude of such a moment while holding its power, as if one were holding in hand the wave of a tsunami, can only be described as sacred. But the most amazing thing about these moments is that we all too quickly dismiss them by doubting what just happened to us or calling them coincidence. Worse yet, we dare not tell others about them for fear they will ridicule us. And so we find no room in our lives for these wonders, except through questioned memories that create a deep sense of longing. But today, we are going to talk about them. For once, for an hour, we are going to open up to these experiences recognizing them as inroads to the truths of our existence. Don’t miss this show!
22/07/200956 minutes, 43 secondes
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Nameless Grace

How do you talk about the silence that moves you and is simply unsayable, but by its synchronistic moirai, its seemingly miraculous events, its moments in which the veil lifts and we see clearly? Sitting in the quietude of such a moment while holding its power, as if one were holding in hand the wave of a tsunami, can only be described as sacred. But the most amazing thing about these moments is that we all too quickly dismiss them by doubting what just happened to us or calling them coincidence. Worse yet, we dare not tell others about them for fear they will ridicule us. And so we find no room in our lives for these wonders, except through questioned memories that create a deep sense of longing. But today, we are going to talk about them. For once, for an hour, we are going to open up to these experiences recognizing them as inroads to the truths of our existence. Don’t miss this show!
22/07/200956 minutes, 43 secondes
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Premonition—Fact or Fiction?

Dr. Larry Dossey, our guest for today, is known around the world for his keen ability to bring scientific understanding to spirituality and for his advocacy for the role of spirituality in healthcare and wellness. He is the author of eleven books, including the New York Times Bestseller “Healing Words,” and, the topic of today’s discussion, “The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future can Shape our Lives.” During his distinguished career as a practitioner of integrative medicine, he helped establish the Dallas Diagnostic Association, served as Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, and served on Hillary Clinton’s Task Force on Health Care Reform in 1993. Today we are going to learn how the mind out of time affects our lives. Want to know more about your capacity for premonition? Don’t miss this show.
15/07/200955 minutes, 19 secondes
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Premonition—Fact or Fiction?

Dr. Larry Dossey, our guest for today, is known around the world for his keen ability to bring scientific understanding to spirituality and for his advocacy for the role of spirituality in healthcare and wellness. He is the author of eleven books, including the New York Times Bestseller “Healing Words,” and, the topic of today’s discussion, “The Power of Premonitions: How Knowing the Future can Shape our Lives.” During his distinguished career as a practitioner of integrative medicine, he helped establish the Dallas Diagnostic Association, served as Chief of Staff of Medical City Dallas Hospital, and served on Hillary Clinton’s Task Force on Health Care Reform in 1993. Today we are going to learn how the mind out of time affects our lives. Want to know more about your capacity for premonition? Don’t miss this show.
15/07/200955 minutes, 19 secondes
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Exploring the Sacred

What is sacred to one of us may not be to another, but there is a sense of the sacred in all of us. But how does one explore the sacred without necessarily exploring the prototypes and doctrines of religion per se? Sometimes we may look to the sacred to help us to connect to the religion, but that does not always work in reverse order. Our guest for today has studied many diverse religions and spiritual pathways and can guide us in our search for the sacred. Jonathan Ellerby, PhD, is the author of “Return to the Sacred: Ancient Pathways to Spiritual Awakening.” He has been around the world to study under spiritual teachers from more than 40 different cultures, including a Lakota Sioux Native American healer for fifteen years and a Venda African healer for seven. He spends his time now helping others to awaken to a deeper spiritual path. If you are yearning to connect with the sacred, don’t miss this show.
08/07/200955 minutes, 28 secondes
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Exploring the Sacred

What is sacred to one of us may not be to another, but there is a sense of the sacred in all of us. But how does one explore the sacred without necessarily exploring the prototypes and doctrines of religion per se? Sometimes we may look to the sacred to help us to connect to the religion, but that does not always work in reverse order. Our guest for today has studied many diverse religions and spiritual pathways and can guide us in our search for the sacred. Jonathan Ellerby, PhD, is the author of “Return to the Sacred: Ancient Pathways to Spiritual Awakening.” He has been around the world to study under spiritual teachers from more than 40 different cultures, including a Lakota Sioux Native American healer for fifteen years and a Venda African healer for seven. He spends his time now helping others to awaken to a deeper spiritual path. If you are yearning to connect with the sacred, don’t miss this show.
08/07/200955 minutes, 28 secondes
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Authenticity, the Mother of Your Complaints

Ever accuse yourself of whining? Then kick yourself back into gear and get back into the same old rut, only to end up whining again later? Our parents all taught us not to whine. And, frankly, nobody else wants to hear it. But underneath that whine may be the voice of your authenticity, trying to inform you of your soul’s longings. So, instead of kicking yourself back into gear, maybe it’s time to stop and listen awhile. But how does one begin to listen? And how does one listen without falling into a puddle of pitiful? Typically we think that the terms authenticity and complaint are oxymorons. But every emotion is informative. Feel like whining? Tune in to Authentic Living this week. Maybe you’ll find out what you are trying to tell yourself.
01/07/200955 minutes, 36 secondes
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Authenticity, the Mother of Your Complaints

Ever accuse yourself of whining? Then kick yourself back into gear and get back into the same old rut, only to end up whining again later? Our parents all taught us not to whine. And, frankly, nobody else wants to hear it. But underneath that whine may be the voice of your authenticity, trying to inform you of your soul’s longings. So, instead of kicking yourself back into gear, maybe it’s time to stop and listen awhile. But how does one begin to listen? And how does one listen without falling into a puddle of pitiful? Typically we think that the terms authenticity and complaint are oxymorons. But every emotion is informative. Feel like whining? Tune in to Authentic Living this week. Maybe you’ll find out what you are trying to tell yourself.
01/07/200955 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Steel Trap Called Bargaining

One of the stages of grief is bargaining. It’s when, for example, someone is dying and s/he makes a bargain with God to live longer. It’s natural, in that sense, to want to get what we want through bargaining. But like all the other stages of grief, bargaining is also a stage of acceptance—a stage in which many of us get stuck for entire lifetimes. Bargains look like this: IF I THEN you’ll…. Or, IF you, THEN I’ll…. IF/THEN. That’s a bargain. But often these are bargains with the devil in which we sell our souls for a magic trick. IF I stay and become very loving, THEN he won’t hit me again. IF I hang into this heinous job for ten more years THEN I can retire and finally get to do what I want. IF I say the right magical word or do the righ magical deed, THEN she will stop drinking. And these are just examples of the more obvious. Are you bargaining? Come learn how to stop bargaining and start LIVING!
24/06/200957 minutes, 15 secondes
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The Steel Trap Called Bargaining

One of the stages of grief is bargaining. It’s when, for example, someone is dying and s/he makes a bargain with God to live longer. It’s natural, in that sense, to want to get what we want through bargaining. But like all the other stages of grief, bargaining is also a stage of acceptance—a stage in which many of us get stuck for entire lifetimes. Bargains look like this: IF I THEN you’ll…. Or, IF you, THEN I’ll…. IF/THEN. That’s a bargain. But often these are bargains with the devil in which we sell our souls for a magic trick. IF I stay and become very loving, THEN he won’t hit me again. IF I hang into this heinous job for ten more years THEN I can retire and finally get to do what I want. IF I say the right magical word or do the righ magical deed, THEN she will stop drinking. And these are just examples of the more obvious. Are you bargaining? Come learn how to stop bargaining and start LIVING!
24/06/200957 minutes, 15 secondes
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Talking—And Listening—to Your Teen

Having trouble talking, even listening to your teen? Do discussions turn into eruptions? Today’s expert in teen-parent relations can offer you some real help. Linda Wolf is the founder and executive director of Teen Talk Circles, a not-for-profit organization that provides local groups for teenage boys and girls, and national training for adults who interact with teens. She is the co-author of “Speaking and Listening From the Heart,” “Daughters of the Moon, Sisters of the Sun: Young Women and Mentors on the Transition to Womanhood” and “Global Uprising: Confronting the Tyrannies of the 21st Century; Stories form a New Generation of Activists.” Linda offers a unique blend of deep listening, authentic speaking and real communication to the effort between parents and teenagers. Don’t miss this opportunity to come to terms with the beauty of communicating with your teen.
17/06/200956 minutes, 20 secondes
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Talking—And Listening—to Your Teen

Having trouble talking, even listening to your teen? Do discussions turn into eruptions? Today’s expert in teen-parent relations can offer you some real help. Linda Wolf is the founder and executive director of Teen Talk Circles, a not-for-profit organization that provides local groups for teenage boys and girls, and national training for adults who interact with teens. She is the co-author of “Speaking and Listening From the Heart,” “Daughters of the Moon, Sisters of the Sun: Young Women and Mentors on the Transition to Womanhood” and “Global Uprising: Confronting the Tyrannies of the 21st Century; Stories form a New Generation of Activists.” Linda offers a unique blend of deep listening, authentic speaking and real communication to the effort between parents and teenagers. Don’t miss this opportunity to come to terms with the beauty of communicating with your teen.
17/06/200956 minutes, 20 secondes
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Guidance Anytime, Anywhere

One of the basic problems with receiving guidance is that we don’t believe we can tap into the right channel when we most need it. Then our fear gets in the way and we are left to fly by the seat of our proverbials. Christel Nani, a medical intuitive, has some information that might be helpful to you in that regard, for she has written the book on guidance, entitled “Guidance 24/7.” Christel’s medical intuitive readings are known for their pinpoint accuracy, a fact that has ignited her international reputation as “the real thing.” Author of “Diary of a Medical Intuitive,” “Sacred Choices,” and of the CDs “Healing Your First Three Chakras” and “Transforming Your Archetypes,” Christel has much to say about how living authentically is the healing answer. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to learn to self-heal.
10/06/200955 minutes, 19 secondes
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Guidance Anytime, Anywhere

One of the basic problems with receiving guidance is that we don’t believe we can tap into the right channel when we most need it. Then our fear gets in the way and we are left to fly by the seat of our proverbials. Christel Nani, a medical intuitive, has some information that might be helpful to you in that regard, for she has written the book on guidance, entitled “Guidance 24/7.” Christel’s medical intuitive readings are known for their pinpoint accuracy, a fact that has ignited her international reputation as “the real thing.” Author of “Diary of a Medical Intuitive,” “Sacred Choices,” and of the CDs “Healing Your First Three Chakras” and “Transforming Your Archetypes,” Christel has much to say about how living authentically is the healing answer. Don’t miss this exceptional opportunity to learn to self-heal.
10/06/200955 minutes, 19 secondes
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You Are Not Going Crazy, Just Waking Up!

Why is it that at times the challenges in our lives make us feel as if we are going crazy? Though he had to cancel on his last attempt to do this show, Michael Mirdad will be here today to help you answer that question. Bestselling author of “The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path” and “Sacred Sexuality: A Manual for Living Bliss,” Michael is also a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer and counselor, who has taught throughout the world on mastery, spirituality, relationships and healing, and is known as the “teacher’s teacher” and the “healer’s healer.” Michael’s most recent book “You’re Not Going Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up!” is subtitled: “The Five Stages of Soul Transformation” because of its clear explanation of the transformational process of awakening. From Michael, you can expect to learn all about how to move from dark nights of the soul to a new life. Don’t miss this powerful show!
03/06/200952 minutes, 45 secondes
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You Are Not Going Crazy, Just Waking Up!

Why is it that at times the challenges in our lives make us feel as if we are going crazy? Though he had to cancel on his last attempt to do this show, Michael Mirdad will be here today to help you answer that question. Bestselling author of “The Seven Initiations of the Spiritual Path” and “Sacred Sexuality: A Manual for Living Bliss,” Michael is also a world-renowned spiritual teacher, healer and counselor, who has taught throughout the world on mastery, spirituality, relationships and healing, and is known as the “teacher’s teacher” and the “healer’s healer.” Michael’s most recent book “You’re Not Going Crazy, You’re Just Waking Up!” is subtitled: “The Five Stages of Soul Transformation” because of its clear explanation of the transformational process of awakening. From Michael, you can expect to learn all about how to move from dark nights of the soul to a new life. Don’t miss this powerful show!
03/06/200952 minutes, 45 secondes
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The Mandate to Fear

Most of us are not even fully aware of the number of times a day when we operate out of fear. It compels our beliefs, our thoughts, our emotions and our actions like an underground river moves and shifts the earth. We don’t just protect ourselves, which is our right; we overprotect ourselves, and in so doing we create so many security blankets that our authenticity has to break through as a crisis in order to be heard! All the while, we are euphemistically changing its terms to anxiety and stress. But it’s really just fear, folks; fear that is so familiar that we don’t realize its daily influence. In fact, in our world, to not be afraid is to betray social mores, social constructs that mandate us all to stay in the same mindset. But fear is produced by duality—the belief that we are here alone on this planet with no one to tend us but random luck, or worse yet, we are left to our own devices. Are you afraid? Tune in—you may be surprised at the remedy to fear.
27/05/200956 minutes, 13 secondes
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The Mandate to Fear

Most of us are not even fully aware of the number of times a day when we operate out of fear. It compels our beliefs, our thoughts, our emotions and our actions like an underground river moves and shifts the earth. We don’t just protect ourselves, which is our right; we overprotect ourselves, and in so doing we create so many security blankets that our authenticity has to break through as a crisis in order to be heard! All the while, we are euphemistically changing its terms to anxiety and stress. But it’s really just fear, folks; fear that is so familiar that we don’t realize its daily influence. In fact, in our world, to not be afraid is to betray social mores, social constructs that mandate us all to stay in the same mindset. But fear is produced by duality—the belief that we are here alone on this planet with no one to tend us but random luck, or worse yet, we are left to our own devices. Are you afraid? Tune in—you may be surprised at the remedy to fear.
27/05/200956 minutes, 13 secondes
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Crisis—the Mother of Authenticity

Now, I know we don’t want to think of it this way. We want to think of crises as the enemy. But really a crisis is an opportunity to expand awareness, to resolve issues that have been hanging around for a long time waiting for resolution and finally, to come to know and accept your authenticity at a whole new level. Crises usually create pain of some type, physical, mental, spiritual and/or emotional pain. And a true crisis usually cannot be solved by using the same old methods we’ve used before—methods that typically only forestall a resolution and even may mire us deeper in the problem. So, crises challenge us to be creative. They push us to go down into deeper parts of ourselves to find new answers, new meaning, even new paths. Are you having a crisis? Tune in to find out how you can make this crisis into a new creative endeavor to build the life you want from the roots up.
20/05/200956 minutes, 35 secondes
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Crisis—the Mother of Authenticity

Now, I know we don’t want to think of it this way. We want to think of crises as the enemy. But really a crisis is an opportunity to expand awareness, to resolve issues that have been hanging around for a long time waiting for resolution and finally, to come to know and accept your authenticity at a whole new level. Crises usually create pain of some type, physical, mental, spiritual and/or emotional pain. And a true crisis usually cannot be solved by using the same old methods we’ve used before—methods that typically only forestall a resolution and even may mire us deeper in the problem. So, crises challenge us to be creative. They push us to go down into deeper parts of ourselves to find new answers, new meaning, even new paths. Are you having a crisis? Tune in to find out how you can make this crisis into a new creative endeavor to build the life you want from the roots up.
20/05/200956 minutes, 35 secondes
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Activating Your Vision

This is a troubled time for our world. Some of you have been seriously affected by the economic changes that have occurred. We are going to talk about these issues today and try to assist you in developing a spiritual strategy for your life and your world. Caroline Casey is a Visionary Activist Astrologer, and the author of “Making the Gods Work for You: The Astrological Language of the Psyche,” and the audio series, “Visionary Activist Astrology.” She believes that the cultivation of imagination and a capacity for story-telling is the key strategy for personal and collective change. Caroline has her own radio show called “The Visionary Activist Show” on Pacifica Radio Network. She believes in what she calls pragmatic mysticism through which we can shift from a culture of dominance to a collaborative reverent ingenuity. If you are wondering what in the world you can do about it, don’t miss this show!
13/05/200956 minutes, 31 secondes
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Activating Your Vision

This is a troubled time for our world. Some of you have been seriously affected by the economic changes that have occurred. We are going to talk about these issues today and try to assist you in developing a spiritual strategy for your life and your world. Caroline Casey is a Visionary Activist Astrologer, and the author of “Making the Gods Work for You: The Astrological Language of the Psyche,” and the audio series, “Visionary Activist Astrology.” She believes that the cultivation of imagination and a capacity for story-telling is the key strategy for personal and collective change. Caroline has her own radio show called “The Visionary Activist Show” on Pacifica Radio Network. She believes in what she calls pragmatic mysticism through which we can shift from a culture of dominance to a collaborative reverent ingenuity. If you are wondering what in the world you can do about it, don’t miss this show!
13/05/200956 minutes, 31 secondes
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Seeking Guidance

Some people go to their therapist, some to their pastor, some to their friends, lovers, and spouses; some just don’t know what to do and don’t know where to go to find out. Linda West goes to the angels and she wants to talk to you about how you can find guidance. Linda is a psychic, endorsed by Allison Dubois, that famous psychic, whose life is portrayed on the TV series “Medium.” But then, we are all psychic in some way, aren’t we? If that’s true, then there has to be some way for us to seek guidance for our lives. Are you seeking? Then don’t miss this show.
06/05/200956 minutes, 10 secondes
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Seeking Guidance

Some people go to their therapist, some to their pastor, some to their friends, lovers, and spouses; some just don’t know what to do and don’t know where to go to find out. Linda West goes to the angels and she wants to talk to you about how you can find guidance. Linda is a psychic, endorsed by Allison Dubois, that famous psychic, whose life is portrayed on the TV series “Medium.” But then, we are all psychic in some way, aren’t we? If that’s true, then there has to be some way for us to seek guidance for our lives. Are you seeking? Then don’t miss this show.
06/05/200956 minutes, 10 secondes
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Divining the Path

We Plan, God Laughs: 10 Steps to Finding Your Divine Path When Life Is Not Turning Out Like You Wanted. That’s the title of Rabbi Sherre Hirsch’s book and the topic of our discussion with her today. Rabbi Hirsch was the first woman rabbi at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, the largest Conservative synagogue in the western U.S., where she served for eight years. A student of eastern philosophy as well as Jewish Theology, she has spent her time after her tenure at Sinai sharing her unique blend of the spiritual and the everyday with a larger audience, by appearing “The Today Show,” “ABC News”, “Inside Edition”, “Faith Matters Now” and others. Her book, “We Plan, God Laughs” reflects both a theme in her own life as well as guidance for the reader through a spiritual and introspective journey toward fulfilling divine potential. Life not turning out like you want? Tune in and find out how do find your divine path now.
29/04/200956 minutes, 17 secondes
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Divining the Path

We Plan, God Laughs: 10 Steps to Finding Your Divine Path When Life Is Not Turning Out Like You Wanted. That’s the title of Rabbi Sherre Hirsch’s book and the topic of our discussion with her today. Rabbi Hirsch was the first woman rabbi at Sinai Temple in Los Angeles, the largest Conservative synagogue in the western U.S., where she served for eight years. A student of eastern philosophy as well as Jewish Theology, she has spent her time after her tenure at Sinai sharing her unique blend of the spiritual and the everyday with a larger audience, by appearing “The Today Show,” “ABC News”, “Inside Edition”, “Faith Matters Now” and others. Her book, “We Plan, God Laughs” reflects both a theme in her own life as well as guidance for the reader through a spiritual and introspective journey toward fulfilling divine potential. Life not turning out like you want? Tune in and find out how do find your divine path now.
29/04/200956 minutes, 17 secondes
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The Body as a Path to the Soul

Down through the centuries the body has been considered to be both the instigator of all evil and irrelevant to the spiritual yearnings of the soul. But we’ve reached a level of consciousness now in which we are beginning to wonder if perhaps splitting the body off from the spirit or soul is keeping us stuck in the same old unconscious patterns. Our guest today, Elissa Cobb is going to help us consider the body as part of the internal messaging system that informs us of our soul. Elissa is the author of “Your Forgotten Body: A Way of Knowing and Understanding Self” and the Co-Director of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. Educated in Embodiment Studies, she is a Certified Advanced Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner, Teacher and Group Facilitator. She is an active speaker at mind/body conferences teaching, not treatment, but awareness and presence. Remember your body—don’t miss this show!
22/04/200956 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Body as a Path to the Soul

Down through the centuries the body has been considered to be both the instigator of all evil and irrelevant to the spiritual yearnings of the soul. But we’ve reached a level of consciousness now in which we are beginning to wonder if perhaps splitting the body off from the spirit or soul is keeping us stuck in the same old unconscious patterns. Our guest today, Elissa Cobb is going to help us consider the body as part of the internal messaging system that informs us of our soul. Elissa is the author of “Your Forgotten Body: A Way of Knowing and Understanding Self” and the Co-Director of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. Educated in Embodiment Studies, she is a Certified Advanced Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner, Teacher and Group Facilitator. She is an active speaker at mind/body conferences teaching, not treatment, but awareness and presence. Remember your body—don’t miss this show!
22/04/200956 minutes, 36 secondes
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Is Religion Still Valid?

Rabbi Rami Shapiro, or Rabbi Rami, as he is affectionately known, is an award winning story teller, author, poet and essayist as well as the Director of the Simply Jewish Foundation. He is the author of several spiritual nonfiction books, including “Open Secrets,” “The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness,” “The Divine Feminine,” “Recovery, The Sacred Art,” and out in the fall “The Angelic Way.” We are in a period of spiritual transition that involves every soul. But in that process we have to ask and answer some of the hard questions about our individual and cultural history with regard to its spiritual components. That means questioning religion. But Rabbi Rami returns to Authentic Living to tell us that this doesn’t mean junking the old, but rather resurrecting the soul of religion. If you are wondering where you stand with regard to religion in general or your religion in particular, don’t miss this show. You may find some answers to your questions.
15/04/200956 minutes, 12 secondes
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Is Religion Still Valid?

Rabbi Rami Shapiro, or Rabbi Rami, as he is affectionately known, is an award winning story teller, author, poet and essayist as well as the Director of the Simply Jewish Foundation. He is the author of several spiritual nonfiction books, including “Open Secrets,” “The Sacred Art of Lovingkindness,” “The Divine Feminine,” “Recovery, The Sacred Art,” and out in the fall “The Angelic Way.” We are in a period of spiritual transition that involves every soul. But in that process we have to ask and answer some of the hard questions about our individual and cultural history with regard to its spiritual components. That means questioning religion. But Rabbi Rami returns to Authentic Living to tell us that this doesn’t mean junking the old, but rather resurrecting the soul of religion. If you are wondering where you stand with regard to religion in general or your religion in particular, don’t miss this show. You may find some answers to your questions.
15/04/200956 minutes, 12 secondes
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Prosperity and the Authentic Self

There’s a lot of talk going around these days about what a spiritual person can expect from life with regard to prosperity. Some of us believe that talk and have put our affirmations up on the mirrors and refrigerators of our lives, but some of us think that talk is way too materialistic. On this show, we are going to try to find the fine line between those two opposite polarities, because the question isn’t can I have what I want. The question is: Who is the “I” that wants it? Chaney Wiener, our guest for today is going to talk about some of his answers with regard to prosperity consciousness. Chaney is an inspirational, transformational speaker and co-founder of the Law of Attraction Network for Women and the Wealth Mastery Success Program. Andrea is going to ask Chaney some of your hard questions with regard to prosperity and your Authentic Self, so don’t miss this show.
08/04/200956 minutes, 50 secondes
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Prosperity and the Authentic Self

There’s a lot of talk going around these days about what a spiritual person can expect from life with regard to prosperity. Some of us believe that talk and have put our affirmations up on the mirrors and refrigerators of our lives, but some of us think that talk is way too materialistic. On this show, we are going to try to find the fine line between those two opposite polarities, because the question isn’t can I have what I want. The question is: Who is the “I” that wants it? Chaney Wiener, our guest for today is going to talk about some of his answers with regard to prosperity consciousness. Chaney is an inspirational, transformational speaker and co-founder of the Law of Attraction Network for Women and the Wealth Mastery Success Program. Andrea is going to ask Chaney some of your hard questions with regard to prosperity and your Authentic Self, so don’t miss this show.
08/04/200956 minutes, 50 secondes
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Drunk with Wonder

Recovering addict, author of three poetry books and founder of his own publishing company, Steve Ryals understands the depths of depravation and false highs as well as the heights of wonder. Author of Drunk With Wonder: Awakening to the God Within, Steve offers us a unique vision of science, spirituality, intentionality and the importance of transformative practices in creating the world of our dreams. Not only does his book give us actual practices that we can use to awaken, but it offers wisdom gained from the shadow side as well. One day Steve just started talking to that quiet voice within, and the rest is a book. This kind of dialogue is essential to the process of waking up to who we really are. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about your own highest wisdom.
01/04/200953 minutes, 53 secondes
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Drunk with Wonder

Recovering addict, author of three poetry books and founder of his own publishing company, Steve Ryals understands the depths of depravation and false highs as well as the heights of wonder. Author of Drunk With Wonder: Awakening to the God Within, Steve offers us a unique vision of science, spirituality, intentionality and the importance of transformative practices in creating the world of our dreams. Not only does his book give us actual practices that we can use to awaken, but it offers wisdom gained from the shadow side as well. One day Steve just started talking to that quiet voice within, and the rest is a book. This kind of dialogue is essential to the process of waking up to who we really are. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about your own highest wisdom.
01/04/200953 minutes, 53 secondes
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Lighten up!

Need a laugh? The witty and irreverent Loretta LaRoche is all about it. Bestselling author and international stress management and humor consultant, Loretta has spent the past 30 years raising the laugh potential in all of us. She’s on the Mass General advisory council for anxiety and depression and was recently awarded the National Humor Treasure Award. And she writes a weekly newspaper column called “Get a Life.” See, the deal is, we need to laugh. A lot. Yet the big joke among mental health practitioners is the homework assignment to work on having more fun. But this won’t be work. Tune in this week to de-stress, get a life and re-energize. Don’t miss this show!
25/03/200954 minutes, 56 secondes
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Lighten up!

Need a laugh? The witty and irreverent Loretta LaRoche is all about it. Bestselling author and international stress management and humor consultant, Loretta has spent the past 30 years raising the laugh potential in all of us. She’s on the Mass General advisory council for anxiety and depression and was recently awarded the National Humor Treasure Award. And she writes a weekly newspaper column called “Get a Life.” See, the deal is, we need to laugh. A lot. Yet the big joke among mental health practitioners is the homework assignment to work on having more fun. But this won’t be work. Tune in this week to de-stress, get a life and re-energize. Don’t miss this show!
25/03/200954 minutes, 56 secondes
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Authentic Living Wednesday, March 18, 2009

18/03/200956 minutes, 34 secondes
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Authentic Living Wednesday, March 18, 2009

18/03/200956 minutes, 34 secondes
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Me and My Shadow

You know we hear the word “shadow” bandied about quite often these days, and because most of us have this idea that the shadow is the “dark side” of us, we don’t really understand it very well. But it is the shadow that has us doing all kinds of things that we don’t even understand, both things that we consider bad and things we consider good. Why do we fall in love, for example, with Mr./Ms. Wrong over and over again? Why do we spend money we don’t have? Why did I say that? What was I thinking? These are some of the questions that result from our resistance to becoming intimately acquainted with the unconscious. And yet, many of our leading experts are telling us that if we could get in touch with and learn to walk with the shadow, we would become more authentic; we would have richer, more peaceful lives. Come listen to today’s show, and learn how to look in the mirror to see and learn to dance to your own music with your own shadow.
11/03/200956 minutes, 30 secondes
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Me and My Shadow

You know we hear the word “shadow” bandied about quite often these days, and because most of us have this idea that the shadow is the “dark side” of us, we don’t really understand it very well. But it is the shadow that has us doing all kinds of things that we don’t even understand, both things that we consider bad and things we consider good. Why do we fall in love, for example, with Mr./Ms. Wrong over and over again? Why do we spend money we don’t have? Why did I say that? What was I thinking? These are some of the questions that result from our resistance to becoming intimately acquainted with the unconscious. And yet, many of our leading experts are telling us that if we could get in touch with and learn to walk with the shadow, we would become more authentic; we would have richer, more peaceful lives. Come listen to today’s show, and learn how to look in the mirror to see and learn to dance to your own music with your own shadow.
11/03/200956 minutes, 30 secondes
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Who Are You Really?

Albert Clayton Gaulden, transpersonal psychologist and founding director of the Sedona Intensive is our guest for today. And he is here to tell us that we are not who we think we are. His third book: “You’re Not Who You Think You Are: A Breakthrough Guide to Discovering the Authentic You” guides us to a place within, a place of discovery in which we can uncover the obstacles that hinder our fulfillment and learn who we really are. Gaulden uses astrology to provide insights into character and teaches how to convert the ego into a powerful and positive force. Don’t miss this insightful show on how to unmask the authentic Self, and awaken to the life that is truly yours.
04/03/200953 minutes, 31 secondes
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Who Are You Really?

Albert Clayton Gaulden, transpersonal psychologist and founding director of the Sedona Intensive is our guest for today. And he is here to tell us that we are not who we think we are. His third book: “You’re Not Who You Think You Are: A Breakthrough Guide to Discovering the Authentic You” guides us to a place within, a place of discovery in which we can uncover the obstacles that hinder our fulfillment and learn who we really are. Gaulden uses astrology to provide insights into character and teaches how to convert the ego into a powerful and positive force. Don’t miss this insightful show on how to unmask the authentic Self, and awaken to the life that is truly yours.
04/03/200953 minutes, 31 secondes
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Entering the Castle of the Soul

Are you looking for more joy, more passion, more depth? Caroline Myss, a practicing mystic and our guest for today, offers an open door to the Castle that is your own soul. Caroline started her career as a nurse through which service she slowly came to accept her innate ability as a medical intuitive. And through her practice as a medical intuitive she began to write bestselling books, including but definitely not limited to: “Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can,” “Anatomy of the Spirit,” “Sacred Contracts,” and the topic of discussion today, “Entering the Castle.” The mystical experience we have when entering our own souls is the beginning of real life. Based on St. Teresa of Ávila’s metaphor of the interior castle, Entering the Castle helps us to explore the seven mansions of that Castle and each room in each mansion, in order to become more attuned to our own souls, our inner Divine nature—our true Selves.
25/02/200956 minutes, 18 secondes
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Entering the Castle of the Soul

Are you looking for more joy, more passion, more depth? Caroline Myss, a practicing mystic and our guest for today, offers an open door to the Castle that is your own soul. Caroline started her career as a nurse through which service she slowly came to accept her innate ability as a medical intuitive. And through her practice as a medical intuitive she began to write bestselling books, including but definitely not limited to: “Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can,” “Anatomy of the Spirit,” “Sacred Contracts,” and the topic of discussion today, “Entering the Castle.” The mystical experience we have when entering our own souls is the beginning of real life. Based on St. Teresa of Ávila’s metaphor of the interior castle, Entering the Castle helps us to explore the seven mansions of that Castle and each room in each mansion, in order to become more attuned to our own souls, our inner Divine nature—our true Selves.
25/02/200956 minutes, 18 secondes
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Learning to Love What Is

If you were to ask me what is the single hardest thing for us to do, the answer would be learning to love what is. Byron Katie, our guest for today, has developed a very clear pathway to learning to love what is, a process that she calls “The Work.” After a ten-year fall into depression, anger and addiction, Byron Katie woke up one morning and realized that all suffering comes from believing our thoughts. By questioning every painful thought she had, she developed this amazing method of inquiry, The Work. Katie has been bringing this work to millions around the world for more than twenty years, through several different means from free events to a 28-day residential Turnaround program. She’s written four best-selling books including two we’ll be talking about today, “Loving What Is” and her latest book out just last year, “Who Would You Be Without Your Story?” Her twenty-two year old mission is to help people stop suffering. If you are suffering, don’t miss this show.
18/02/200956 minutes, 49 secondes
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Learning to Love What Is

If you were to ask me what is the single hardest thing for us to do, the answer would be learning to love what is. Byron Katie, our guest for today, has developed a very clear pathway to learning to love what is, a process that she calls “The Work.” After a ten-year fall into depression, anger and addiction, Byron Katie woke up one morning and realized that all suffering comes from believing our thoughts. By questioning every painful thought she had, she developed this amazing method of inquiry, The Work. Katie has been bringing this work to millions around the world for more than twenty years, through several different means from free events to a 28-day residential Turnaround program. She’s written four best-selling books including two we’ll be talking about today, “Loving What Is” and her latest book out just last year, “Who Would You Be Without Your Story?” Her twenty-two year old mission is to help people stop suffering. If you are suffering, don’t miss this show.
18/02/200956 minutes, 49 secondes
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The Secret to Finding Your Soulmate

‘Tis the season of love, listeners, and it’s time to re-visit all of your dreams for finding that special soulmate. Arielle Ford, our guest for today, helped launch the careers of such giants as Deepak Chopra and Neale Donald Walsch, to name a few, and handled publicity for Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, and other notables, eleven of whom became #1 on the N.Y. Times Bestseller list. But until the age of 44, she was a self-described “failure” in the area of romantic relationships. Yet she did meet and marry her soulmate and has written the book “The Soulmate Secret” to answer your questions about how you can do the same. The book describes a series of processes that must be felt on a cellular level to create the outcome you desire. It is a practical guide that includes prayers and techniques to help clear out emotional baggage from the past and make room for true love to manifest. If you have been longing to find your own special soulmate, don’t miss this show.
11/02/200955 minutes, 17 secondes
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The Secret to Finding Your Soulmate

‘Tis the season of love, listeners, and it’s time to re-visit all of your dreams for finding that special soulmate. Arielle Ford, our guest for today, helped launch the careers of such giants as Deepak Chopra and Neale Donald Walsch, to name a few, and handled publicity for Wayne Dyer, Gary Zukav, Marianne Williamson, and other notables, eleven of whom became #1 on the N.Y. Times Bestseller list. But until the age of 44, she was a self-described “failure” in the area of romantic relationships. Yet she did meet and marry her soulmate and has written the book “The Soulmate Secret” to answer your questions about how you can do the same. The book describes a series of processes that must be felt on a cellular level to create the outcome you desire. It is a practical guide that includes prayers and techniques to help clear out emotional baggage from the past and make room for true love to manifest. If you have been longing to find your own special soulmate, don’t miss this show.
11/02/200955 minutes, 17 secondes
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Why is this happening to me?

Have you ever wondered why “this” is happening to you? If you are human you probably have. Robin Norwood, our guest for today, has explored this question in depth in her book “Why Me, Why This, Why Now?”. Robin became known all over the world for her book “Women Who Love Too Much,” in which she explored the depth-aspects of relationship. But her perhaps a bit less well-known book “Why Me…” explores the dynamic relationship we have with the circumstances and experiences of our lives. Some of us have been taught to never ask the question why. But Robin does ask and seeks out brave answers—answers that make sense to those of us who are truly seeking. She reveals how a spiritually enlightened understanding of life’s suffering can lead to personal and planetary healing. If you’ve ever wondered why, don’t miss this excellent opportunity to find out.
04/02/200956 minutes, 32 secondes
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Why is this happening to me?

Have you ever wondered why “this” is happening to you? If you are human you probably have. Robin Norwood, our guest for today, has explored this question in depth in her book “Why Me, Why This, Why Now?”. Robin became known all over the world for her book “Women Who Love Too Much,” in which she explored the depth-aspects of relationship. But her perhaps a bit less well-known book “Why Me…” explores the dynamic relationship we have with the circumstances and experiences of our lives. Some of us have been taught to never ask the question why. But Robin does ask and seeks out brave answers—answers that make sense to those of us who are truly seeking. She reveals how a spiritually enlightened understanding of life’s suffering can lead to personal and planetary healing. If you’ve ever wondered why, don’t miss this excellent opportunity to find out.
04/02/200956 minutes, 32 secondes
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Me and I AM

Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and lecturer. He co-authored the ground-breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, which helped revolutionize psychiatry. He is the founder and cofounder of several mental health organizations and journals. But he is best known in the spiritual world for his authorship of the trilogy on the transition from the normal ego state of mind to consciousness of the Presence: Power versus Force, which won praise even from Mother Teresa; The Eye of the I; and I: Reality and Subjectivity. These books are but three in a seven book series that provide a clear and understandable pathway to spiritual enlightenment, also including: I: Reality and Subjectivity, Truth vs. Falsehood, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, Discovering the Presence of God and Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man. If you hunger for the truth of authenticity do NOT miss this special show!
28/01/200956 minutes, 53 secondes
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Me and I AM

Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, and lecturer. He co-authored the ground-breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, which helped revolutionize psychiatry. He is the founder and cofounder of several mental health organizations and journals. But he is best known in the spiritual world for his authorship of the trilogy on the transition from the normal ego state of mind to consciousness of the Presence: Power versus Force, which won praise even from Mother Teresa; The Eye of the I; and I: Reality and Subjectivity. These books are but three in a seven book series that provide a clear and understandable pathway to spiritual enlightenment, also including: I: Reality and Subjectivity, Truth vs. Falsehood, Transcending the Levels of Consciousness, Discovering the Presence of God and Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man. If you hunger for the truth of authenticity do NOT miss this special show!
28/01/200956 minutes, 53 secondes
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Spiritual Responsibility

What does it mean to be spiritually responsible? Our guest for this show, Steven Morrison, has a lot to say about that, as he blogs, writes, speaks and offers workshops on the topic of spiritual responsibility. He is the creator of the “Spiritual Workout,” and author of the book “An Extra Year: Grief and Loss in the New Age.” The book is a personal memoir of his on-going relationship with his partner after his partner’s death as Steven fumbled his way through an initiatory understanding of clairsentience. If you are interested in living a spiritually responsible life, don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore your own thoughts and experiences through the lens of spiritual responsibility.
21/01/200955 minutes, 57 secondes
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Spiritual Responsibility

What does it mean to be spiritually responsible? Our guest for this show, Steven Morrison, has a lot to say about that, as he blogs, writes, speaks and offers workshops on the topic of spiritual responsibility. He is the creator of the “Spiritual Workout,” and author of the book “An Extra Year: Grief and Loss in the New Age.” The book is a personal memoir of his on-going relationship with his partner after his partner’s death as Steven fumbled his way through an initiatory understanding of clairsentience. If you are interested in living a spiritually responsible life, don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore your own thoughts and experiences through the lens of spiritual responsibility.
21/01/200955 minutes, 57 secondes
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Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
14/01/200956 minutes, 14 secondes
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Alchemy and Presence

With so much information floating around out there in the spiritual world about how to manifest abundance and, in the secular world about how to attain your goals, it’s difficult to consider such concepts as staying in the moment. Michael Brown, our guest today, helps us bridge the gaps. Author of two books we’ll be talking about today, “The Presence Process” and “Alchemy of the Heart,” as well as a DVD entitled “Awakening to Innocence / Inner Sense,” Michael can teach us all how to both release the imprinting of our childhood and begin to experience the now of authenticity. In Michael’s own words “The Presence Process is not about changing who or what we are. This is impossible. Instead, it is about releasing our attachment to our manufactured identity so that we may gently return to an awareness of our authentic Presence.” Who are you, really? Come listen to Michael and explore the inner terrain of yourself.
14/01/200956 minutes, 14 secondes
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Duality—What is it and how do we deal with it?

We have all been taught to believe in a dualistic frame of reference. All of our lives have been built upon this premise--our religions, our families, our financial institutions, our healthcare, our work ethic and our very sense of ourselves. To take a different tack is to give enormous energy to thinking and living differently in a world that requires that we stay the same. Not only the same as we were, but the same as everyone and everything else. And yet this very desire for sameness is a kind of warped attempt at a deep and abiding connection that belies the duality upon which it is based. In the hypnotic dualistic frame of reference, we are separate from any form of Divinity and from each other. And yet we continue to seek connection. Why is this? Listen to today’s show and explore who you are both from the dualistic perspective and from its opposite—the perspective of Oneness. Don’t miss this important show.
07/01/200956 minutes, 8 secondes
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Duality—What is it and how do we deal with it?

We have all been taught to believe in a dualistic frame of reference. All of our lives have been built upon this premise--our religions, our families, our financial institutions, our healthcare, our work ethic and our very sense of ourselves. To take a different tack is to give enormous energy to thinking and living differently in a world that requires that we stay the same. Not only the same as we were, but the same as everyone and everything else. And yet this very desire for sameness is a kind of warped attempt at a deep and abiding connection that belies the duality upon which it is based. In the hypnotic dualistic frame of reference, we are separate from any form of Divinity and from each other. And yet we continue to seek connection. Why is this? Listen to today’s show and explore who you are both from the dualistic perspective and from its opposite—the perspective of Oneness. Don’t miss this important show.
07/01/200956 minutes, 8 secondes
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Second Chances

Joan Anderson is a journalist and the bestselling author of A Year by the Sea, An Unfinished Marriage, A Walk on the Beach, and A Weekend to Change Your Life. She lives with her husband in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and conducts weekend workshops for women around the country. And she made the decision to do just that, and only that, as a part of a second-chance return to the Self disclosed in her latest book, The Second Journey: The Road Back to Yourself. What she has to teach us is that even after finding the Self we can get off track, out of balance and that by taking that second journey we can find our way back. Through her poignant rendition of her own journey she becomes a personal mentor to all of her readers. Not only that, but her workshops for women facilitate the feminine energy of going within to go without, and finding the balance between the internal and external essential to authentic living. Don’t miss this moving show about your own journey.
17/12/200855 minutes, 27 secondes
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Second Chances

Joan Anderson is a journalist and the bestselling author of A Year by the Sea, An Unfinished Marriage, A Walk on the Beach, and A Weekend to Change Your Life. She lives with her husband in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and conducts weekend workshops for women around the country. And she made the decision to do just that, and only that, as a part of a second-chance return to the Self disclosed in her latest book, The Second Journey: The Road Back to Yourself. What she has to teach us is that even after finding the Self we can get off track, out of balance and that by taking that second journey we can find our way back. Through her poignant rendition of her own journey she becomes a personal mentor to all of her readers. Not only that, but her workshops for women facilitate the feminine energy of going within to go without, and finding the balance between the internal and external essential to authentic living. Don’t miss this moving show about your own journey.
17/12/200855 minutes, 27 secondes
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Authenticity and Dream Interpretation

Our guest today is Kevin Todeschi, the Executive Director and CEO of the Edgar Cayce organization, Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) and Atlantic University. He is the author of twenty books, many on Edgar Cayce’s work, including his most popular book, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, which has been translated into seven languages. Kevin is an expert on dream interpretation, having taught thousands of students the art of dream interpretation, and having authored two books on the subject: Dream Images and Symbols and Dream Interpretation (and More!) Made Easy. Kevin is known for his ability to explain complex subjects in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. And today, on the subject of dream interpretation, he’ll be doing just that. Have you a dream that confounds you? Listen to see if you can get some clues to its meaning. Or, if you are ready, call in and ask Kevin to help you interpret your dream. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.
10/12/200856 minutes, 22 secondes
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Authenticity and Dream Interpretation

Our guest today is Kevin Todeschi, the Executive Director and CEO of the Edgar Cayce organization, Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E) and Atlantic University. He is the author of twenty books, many on Edgar Cayce’s work, including his most popular book, Edgar Cayce on the Akashic Records, which has been translated into seven languages. Kevin is an expert on dream interpretation, having taught thousands of students the art of dream interpretation, and having authored two books on the subject: Dream Images and Symbols and Dream Interpretation (and More!) Made Easy. Kevin is known for his ability to explain complex subjects in a straightforward and easy-to-understand manner. And today, on the subject of dream interpretation, he’ll be doing just that. Have you a dream that confounds you? Listen to see if you can get some clues to its meaning. Or, if you are ready, call in and ask Kevin to help you interpret your dream. Don’t miss this eye-opening show.
10/12/200856 minutes, 22 secondes
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Astrology and Your Authentic Self

Demetra George, our guest for today was one of the first Astrologers to publish an astrology book that included the asteroids into the configuration of the natal chart. Demetra always loved the great myths of the Greek gods and goddess, told to her by her Greek grandparents as bedtime stories. As she started using the asteroids in people’s charts, she would tell them the myths of a particular asteroid significant in their charts and hear, “You just told me the story of my life!” Her book, “Asteroid Goddesses” offered a significant change in thinking with regard to astrology, moving the feminine into the forefront of any reading. Her latest book, just out in November, and our topic of discussion today, is “Astrology and the Authentic Self.” If you are even mildly interested in astrology, Demetra George’s work can help you learn to use it as a tool to find your own authenticity. Don’t miss this one!
03/12/200856 minutes, 11 secondes
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Astrology and Your Authentic Self

Demetra George, our guest for today was one of the first Astrologers to publish an astrology book that included the asteroids into the configuration of the natal chart. Demetra always loved the great myths of the Greek gods and goddess, told to her by her Greek grandparents as bedtime stories. As she started using the asteroids in people’s charts, she would tell them the myths of a particular asteroid significant in their charts and hear, “You just told me the story of my life!” Her book, “Asteroid Goddesses” offered a significant change in thinking with regard to astrology, moving the feminine into the forefront of any reading. Her latest book, just out in November, and our topic of discussion today, is “Astrology and the Authentic Self.” If you are even mildly interested in astrology, Demetra George’s work can help you learn to use it as a tool to find your own authenticity. Don’t miss this one!
03/12/200856 minutes, 11 secondes
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Authentic Gratitude

At this time of the year we typically turn our thoughts to the notion of gratitude. And for many of us it is just that: a notion, and not one with which we can easily relate. There just seems so much WRONG with this world, it’s hard to find a way to see the right. And so, we think, why should we be grateful? But if it is really true that all things work towards the truth and light of our own evolution, then gratitude is not only possible, but the only realistic response. Still, forcing it isn’t going to work. Our New Thought authors are telling us that gratitude is essential to abundance. Based on that information, many of us are trying to manipulate the universe to give us its abundance by forcing ourselves to be grateful when really, we aren’t. So, how can we develop an authentic attitude of gratitude? Tune in this week and find out.
26/11/200855 minutes, 35 secondes
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Authentic Gratitude

At this time of the year we typically turn our thoughts to the notion of gratitude. And for many of us it is just that: a notion, and not one with which we can easily relate. There just seems so much WRONG with this world, it’s hard to find a way to see the right. And so, we think, why should we be grateful? But if it is really true that all things work towards the truth and light of our own evolution, then gratitude is not only possible, but the only realistic response. Still, forcing it isn’t going to work. Our New Thought authors are telling us that gratitude is essential to abundance. Based on that information, many of us are trying to manipulate the universe to give us its abundance by forcing ourselves to be grateful when really, we aren’t. So, how can we develop an authentic attitude of gratitude? Tune in this week and find out.
26/11/200855 minutes, 35 secondes
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Living a Soulful Life

Regardless of its external realities, the soul is the poignant touchstone of life—i.e., we touch it to know we live. Thomas Moore, our guest for today, is an expert on the soul. With 16 books, five videos, 3 CDs and 7 audio books, including his original bestseller, “Care of the Soul,” and others such as “Dark Night of the Soul,” “The Soul of Sex,” “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life,” “Soul Mates” and “The Original Self,” Thomas Moore has enchanted us all. He urges us to consider the depth of existence, to be faithful to our original and unvarnished Selves, to love deeply and with care for the self. He teaches us that life is not meant to be survived, but lived to the nth degree, to the amazement of the soul. And yet, he does not paint us a pretty story of happy-ever-after proportions. Rather he teaches us to find the river of soulful energy flowing beneath every single moment, regardless of that moment’s emotional overtones. Come listen to Thomas and glimpse again your own soul.
19/11/200855 minutes, 17 secondes
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Living a Soulful Life

Regardless of its external realities, the soul is the poignant touchstone of life—i.e., we touch it to know we live. Thomas Moore, our guest for today, is an expert on the soul. With 16 books, five videos, 3 CDs and 7 audio books, including his original bestseller, “Care of the Soul,” and others such as “Dark Night of the Soul,” “The Soul of Sex,” “The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life,” “Soul Mates” and “The Original Self,” Thomas Moore has enchanted us all. He urges us to consider the depth of existence, to be faithful to our original and unvarnished Selves, to love deeply and with care for the self. He teaches us that life is not meant to be survived, but lived to the nth degree, to the amazement of the soul. And yet, he does not paint us a pretty story of happy-ever-after proportions. Rather he teaches us to find the river of soulful energy flowing beneath every single moment, regardless of that moment’s emotional overtones. Come listen to Thomas and glimpse again your own soul.
19/11/200855 minutes, 17 secondes
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Taking off the Masks

You know, the truth is that we often don’t know who we are till we are put to the test. John Randolph Price, our guest for today, wants to teach the world how to not just pass the test but transcend it. Author of 18 non-fiction books, including “Empowerment: How to Do, Be and Have All Things by Becoming One with Inner Power,” and the topic of our discussion today, “Removing the Masks that Bind Us,” John is an internationally known, award-winning author and lecturer. Formerly a CEO in the corporate world, he has spent the past 27 years researching the mysteries of ancient wisdom and incorporating those findings in the writing of many books. He and his wife, Jan were the founders of the first World Healing Day in 1986, in which over 500 million people world-wide participated, as well as founders of the Quartus Foundation for spiritual research. Listen and find out who you really are under the masks that bind.
12/11/200855 minutes, 43 secondes
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Taking off the Masks

You know, the truth is that we often don’t know who we are till we are put to the test. John Randolph Price, our guest for today, wants to teach the world how to not just pass the test but transcend it. Author of 18 non-fiction books, including “Empowerment: How to Do, Be and Have All Things by Becoming One with Inner Power,” and the topic of our discussion today, “Removing the Masks that Bind Us,” John is an internationally known, award-winning author and lecturer. Formerly a CEO in the corporate world, he has spent the past 27 years researching the mysteries of ancient wisdom and incorporating those findings in the writing of many books. He and his wife, Jan were the founders of the first World Healing Day in 1986, in which over 500 million people world-wide participated, as well as founders of the Quartus Foundation for spiritual research. Listen and find out who you really are under the masks that bind.
12/11/200855 minutes, 43 secondes
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Opening the Door to Authenticity

Joyce Rupp, author of Open the Door: A Journey to your True Self, is well known for her work as a writer, a spiritual midwife, and retreat and conference speaker. She has led retreats throughout North America, as well as in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. With a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Psychology, Joyce is a member of the “Servites” a Servants of Mary Community, the mission of which is to manifest compassion in the spirit of Mary, the mother of Jesus, which she manifests in part through her volunteer work with hospice. She has authored 18 books, including such titles as: Prayer and May I have this Dance, a book about the dance of life, and Fresh Bread and Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment. Joyce offers us a true example of walking, talking spirituality. Her soothing and poignant message about the path to authenticity opens doors everywhere. Don’t miss it.
05/11/200859 minutes, 15 secondes
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Opening the Door to Authenticity

Joyce Rupp, author of Open the Door: A Journey to your True Self, is well known for her work as a writer, a spiritual midwife, and retreat and conference speaker. She has led retreats throughout North America, as well as in Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and New Zealand. With a Masters Degree in Transpersonal Psychology, Joyce is a member of the “Servites” a Servants of Mary Community, the mission of which is to manifest compassion in the spirit of Mary, the mother of Jesus, which she manifests in part through her volunteer work with hospice. She has authored 18 books, including such titles as: Prayer and May I have this Dance, a book about the dance of life, and Fresh Bread and Other Gifts of Spiritual Nourishment. Joyce offers us a true example of walking, talking spirituality. Her soothing and poignant message about the path to authenticity opens doors everywhere. Don’t miss it.
05/11/200859 minutes, 15 secondes
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Your Health and Authenticity

Even those of us in the mind/body field still struggle with old beliefs that tell us that the body and mind are not united. But Dr. Bernie Siegel, one of our spiritual leaders in the field of medicine, sees it differently. Through his advocacy for patient empowerment and his powerful, poignant stand on living life fully and dying in peace, he teaches that the body responds positively to authentic living. His first bestselling book, Love, Medicine and Miracles, led to several other self-help books on healing by learning to live authentically. More recently he’s written a children’s book, Smudge Bunny, a parenting book, Love, Magic and Mud Pies, and a book for anyone struggling with loss, Buddy’s Candle. Currently he is working on a book of cancer survivor stories entitled Faith Hope and Healing. As a witness to thousands of personal stories Bernie has a story of his own to tell about authenticity and health. Don’t miss it.
29/10/200854 minutes, 57 secondes
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Your Health and Authenticity

Even those of us in the mind/body field still struggle with old beliefs that tell us that the body and mind are not united. But Dr. Bernie Siegel, one of our spiritual leaders in the field of medicine, sees it differently. Through his advocacy for patient empowerment and his powerful, poignant stand on living life fully and dying in peace, he teaches that the body responds positively to authentic living. His first bestselling book, Love, Medicine and Miracles, led to several other self-help books on healing by learning to live authentically. More recently he’s written a children’s book, Smudge Bunny, a parenting book, Love, Magic and Mud Pies, and a book for anyone struggling with loss, Buddy’s Candle. Currently he is working on a book of cancer survivor stories entitled Faith Hope and Healing. As a witness to thousands of personal stories Bernie has a story of his own to tell about authenticity and health. Don’t miss it.
29/10/200854 minutes, 57 secondes
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The Authentic Divine Feminine

Rabbi Rami Shapiro, an award winning story teller, author, poet and essayist as well as the Director of the Simply Jewish Foundation is our guest today. He is the author of several spiritual nonfiction books, one of which, “The Divine Feminine: In Biblical Wisdom Literature” is the topic of our discussion today. The connotations we generally attribute to the words “feminine” and “masculine” blur the central meanings of the authentic feminine and masculine in all of us. Today we will focus on the Divine feminine as the voice of wisdom within which can provide each of us with a path to inner healing and authenticity. Tune in to find out how you can access the true voice of your wise man or woman and your own inner healer.
22/10/200854 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Authentic Divine Feminine

Rabbi Rami Shapiro, an award winning story teller, author, poet and essayist as well as the Director of the Simply Jewish Foundation is our guest today. He is the author of several spiritual nonfiction books, one of which, “The Divine Feminine: In Biblical Wisdom Literature” is the topic of our discussion today. The connotations we generally attribute to the words “feminine” and “masculine” blur the central meanings of the authentic feminine and masculine in all of us. Today we will focus on the Divine feminine as the voice of wisdom within which can provide each of us with a path to inner healing and authenticity. Tune in to find out how you can access the true voice of your wise man or woman and your own inner healer.
22/10/200854 minutes, 53 secondes
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The Dark Nights of the Soul

Often the journey to the Authentic Self is a bit like losing your place. An identity to which you have held for years, even decades is diminishing. You can no longer say you are that old notion of yourself, but you can’t really say who it is that you are now. Worse than that, for some this amounts to a serious depression that may even include suicidal despair. For others it seems that life is meaningless, God cannot be accessed and the everyday experience of life is without hope. What is the purpose of this period in our lives or is there a purpose to it? Well it turns out that, indeed, there is a purpose to it, and not only that, but there is a way through it that brings you to the other side of the desert land a deeply evolved person. Are you experiencing a painful twist in your journey? Tune in and find out how you can make this into a time of enlightenment and, yes, even find joy in the midst of it.
15/10/200856 minutes, 12 secondes
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The Dark Nights of the Soul

Often the journey to the Authentic Self is a bit like losing your place. An identity to which you have held for years, even decades is diminishing. You can no longer say you are that old notion of yourself, but you can’t really say who it is that you are now. Worse than that, for some this amounts to a serious depression that may even include suicidal despair. For others it seems that life is meaningless, God cannot be accessed and the everyday experience of life is without hope. What is the purpose of this period in our lives or is there a purpose to it? Well it turns out that, indeed, there is a purpose to it, and not only that, but there is a way through it that brings you to the other side of the desert land a deeply evolved person. Are you experiencing a painful twist in your journey? Tune in and find out how you can make this into a time of enlightenment and, yes, even find joy in the midst of it.
15/10/200856 minutes, 12 secondes
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Creativity and Authenticity

Julia Cameron, our guest today, is the author of the seminal book on creativity, The Artist’s Way. This one book along with its offspring, The Artist’s Way at Work, The Artist’s Date Book, Inspirations: Meditations on the Artist’s Way, The Artist’s Way Workbook, The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal and The Complete Artist’s Way have helped so many to get in touch with the creativity that springs from the Authentic Self. Still as vital today as it was 10 years ago when it was published, The Artist’s Way, is an international best seller. Vein of Gold, another best-seller offers a profound journey through the vision and creativity of the artist-mind to the Authentic Self. Julia has also published three books of fiction and several books on the creativity of writing. This show will help the listener to access the creative, through the Authentic Self, and to utilize the Authentic Self to be more creative. Don’t miss it!
08/10/200855 minutes, 9 secondes
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Creativity and Authenticity

Julia Cameron, our guest today, is the author of the seminal book on creativity, The Artist’s Way. This one book along with its offspring, The Artist’s Way at Work, The Artist’s Date Book, Inspirations: Meditations on the Artist’s Way, The Artist’s Way Workbook, The Artist’s Way Morning Pages Journal and The Complete Artist’s Way have helped so many to get in touch with the creativity that springs from the Authentic Self. Still as vital today as it was 10 years ago when it was published, The Artist’s Way, is an international best seller. Vein of Gold, another best-seller offers a profound journey through the vision and creativity of the artist-mind to the Authentic Self. Julia has also published three books of fiction and several books on the creativity of writing. This show will help the listener to access the creative, through the Authentic Self, and to utilize the Authentic Self to be more creative. Don’t miss it!
08/10/200855 minutes, 9 secondes
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Near-Death-Experience and Authenticity

Dr. Raymond Moody, pioneer and world renowned expert on the near-death-experience, is our guest today as we explore how those who have experienced a near-death have responded with greater authenticity to life, indeed, have awakened to life on a whole new dimension. Dr. Moody is the best-selling author of eleven books, including Life After Life, which sold over 13 million copies worldwide, as well as Reunions. He has also published numerous articles in academic and professional literature. As Dr. Moody has learned more from those who have passed over and come back to inform us of what they now know, he has begun to provide philosophical counseling and workshops on the subjects of death, grief and near-death. Moody’s work offers the world an entirely new paradigm not only about death, but about life as well, particularly authentic life. Understanding death can help us all to understand life. Don’t miss this show!
01/10/200856 minutes, 47 secondes
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Near-Death-Experience and Authenticity

Dr. Raymond Moody, pioneer and world renowned expert on the near-death-experience, is our guest today as we explore how those who have experienced a near-death have responded with greater authenticity to life, indeed, have awakened to life on a whole new dimension. Dr. Moody is the best-selling author of eleven books, including Life After Life, which sold over 13 million copies worldwide, as well as Reunions. He has also published numerous articles in academic and professional literature. As Dr. Moody has learned more from those who have passed over and come back to inform us of what they now know, he has begun to provide philosophical counseling and workshops on the subjects of death, grief and near-death. Moody’s work offers the world an entirely new paradigm not only about death, but about life as well, particularly authentic life. Understanding death can help us all to understand life. Don’t miss this show!
01/10/200856 minutes, 47 secondes
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Coaching your Authenticity

Authenticity does not usually occur in a one time epiphany. Most often we have to coax it along by recognizing, listening to and honoring its voice. One way to do that is to work with a Life Coach. And today we are interviewing Life Coach and author, Salle Redfield. Two of Salle’s works, a CD and a book, are meditations based on her husband James Redfield’s work The Celestine Prophecy. She has also written The Joy of Meditating with an accompanying CD and Creating a Life of Joy, also with a CD by the same title. Salle began Life Coaching as an outgrowth of her own journey to authenticity. As a Life Coach, she helps her clients to focus on their truest passions and follow them. If you want to create a more authentic life, don’t miss this show!
24/09/200855 minutes, 46 secondes
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Coaching your Authenticity

Authenticity does not usually occur in a one time epiphany. Most often we have to coax it along by recognizing, listening to and honoring its voice. One way to do that is to work with a Life Coach. And today we are interviewing Life Coach and author, Salle Redfield. Two of Salle’s works, a CD and a book, are meditations based on her husband James Redfield’s work The Celestine Prophecy. She has also written The Joy of Meditating with an accompanying CD and Creating a Life of Joy, also with a CD by the same title. Salle began Life Coaching as an outgrowth of her own journey to authenticity. As a Life Coach, she helps her clients to focus on their truest passions and follow them. If you want to create a more authentic life, don’t miss this show!
24/09/200855 minutes, 46 secondes
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Past Lives and Authenticity

Carol Bowman, internationally known pioneer in reincarnation studies, is our guest this week. Carol is the author of “Children’s Past Lives” and “Return from Heaven” both of which are now classics in the reincarnation field. Her research on spontaneous past-life remembrances in children has profoundly impacted her field and authenticated the whole idea of reincarnation. She has also been practicing past-life regression therapy with adults for almost twenty years. Often invited to be a guest on TV and radio, she has appeared as a reincarnation expert on Oprah, Good Morning America, Unsolved Mysteries, A&E, Discovery Channel, ABC Primetime, the BBC in England, and on The Art Bell Show. She just returned from lecturing in Brazil at an international conference and has also lectured in other countries around the world and in national educational institutions. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a world-renowned expert on reincarnation.
17/09/200855 minutes, 51 secondes
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Past Lives and Authenticity

Carol Bowman, internationally known pioneer in reincarnation studies, is our guest this week. Carol is the author of “Children’s Past Lives” and “Return from Heaven” both of which are now classics in the reincarnation field. Her research on spontaneous past-life remembrances in children has profoundly impacted her field and authenticated the whole idea of reincarnation. She has also been practicing past-life regression therapy with adults for almost twenty years. Often invited to be a guest on TV and radio, she has appeared as a reincarnation expert on Oprah, Good Morning America, Unsolved Mysteries, A&E, Discovery Channel, ABC Primetime, the BBC in England, and on The Art Bell Show. She just returned from lecturing in Brazil at an international conference and has also lectured in other countries around the world and in national educational institutions. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from a world-renowned expert on reincarnation.
17/09/200855 minutes, 51 secondes
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I AM that I AM

Three weeks ago we discussed the psychological components of the masks and costumes we wear that keep us out of touch with the Authentic Self. This week we will discuss the Authentic Self as a spiritual entity with greater power than that of the ego or false self. We attribute a lot of power to the ego, even giving it the supernatural power of “the devil that made me do it.” But the truth is even more impossible than that! The ego is meant to be a negotiator between the external and the internal. What happens too often is that instead, it becomes an identity—or a mask and costume. But, can it really be true that a mask and costume could be more powerful than the Authenticity hidden beneath it? And yet, we give it the reigns, without noticing the number of times we say things like, “I was out of control,” “I just couldn’t help it,” “I had no choice,” and “It just happened.” Listen to this show and learn of the truly profound power that is actually yours every single day.
10/09/200856 minutes, 27 secondes
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I AM that I AM

Three weeks ago we discussed the psychological components of the masks and costumes we wear that keep us out of touch with the Authentic Self. This week we will discuss the Authentic Self as a spiritual entity with greater power than that of the ego or false self. We attribute a lot of power to the ego, even giving it the supernatural power of “the devil that made me do it.” But the truth is even more impossible than that! The ego is meant to be a negotiator between the external and the internal. What happens too often is that instead, it becomes an identity—or a mask and costume. But, can it really be true that a mask and costume could be more powerful than the Authenticity hidden beneath it? And yet, we give it the reigns, without noticing the number of times we say things like, “I was out of control,” “I just couldn’t help it,” “I had no choice,” and “It just happened.” Listen to this show and learn of the truly profound power that is actually yours every single day.
10/09/200856 minutes, 27 secondes
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Who is God to You?

Mary Bea Sullivan, author of “Dancing Naked Under the Moon,” a personal account of her own spiritual journey, is our guest today. Mary Bea’s compelling journey took her to teachers from diverse traditions to assist her in landing squarely in her own wisdom. Through her own spiritual dark night of the soul, beginning at the death of a dear friend, her quest is one example of how we both demand and resist crises that bring us past the veil and into the inner sanctum of authenticity. The American Institute of Holistic Theology, offering Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in Holistic Theology, presents this dialogue, meant to offer a guide to listeners seeking an affirmative approach to the Divine that doesn’t necessarily fit within the construct of any particular dogma or creed. Do we actually get to decide who God is on our own? Actually, if we don’t we never really know God. The only way to have a real relationship with a real God is to be real. Don’t miss this show!
03/09/200854 minutes, 44 secondes
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Who is God to You?

Mary Bea Sullivan, author of “Dancing Naked Under the Moon,” a personal account of her own spiritual journey, is our guest today. Mary Bea’s compelling journey took her to teachers from diverse traditions to assist her in landing squarely in her own wisdom. Through her own spiritual dark night of the soul, beginning at the death of a dear friend, her quest is one example of how we both demand and resist crises that bring us past the veil and into the inner sanctum of authenticity. The American Institute of Holistic Theology, offering Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Degrees in Holistic Theology, presents this dialogue, meant to offer a guide to listeners seeking an affirmative approach to the Divine that doesn’t necessarily fit within the construct of any particular dogma or creed. Do we actually get to decide who God is on our own? Actually, if we don’t we never really know God. The only way to have a real relationship with a real God is to be real. Don’t miss this show!
03/09/200854 minutes, 44 secondes
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All healing is self-healing, because we heal from inside out, not from outside in. Dr. Weissman, our guest, is an internationally renowned physician, speaker, and educator and the developer of The LifeLine Technique, through which he offers an integrated approach to healing. He is the author of The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude: An Evolutionary Journey to Awakening Your Spirit and a contributing author in the best-selling book by Dr. Masaru Emoto, The Healing Power of Water. He has practiced holistic medicine for 14 years and in 1999 opened The Way to Optimal Health medical center in Northbrook, Illinois. His approach to healing is one that recognizes the body as a self-healing organism, which is only blocked from its natural ability to thrive because of old patterns and wounds. Once these are recognized and released the body returns to its natural state of wholeness. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about self-healing.
27/08/200857 minutes, 11 secondes
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All healing is self-healing, because we heal from inside out, not from outside in. Dr. Weissman, our guest, is an internationally renowned physician, speaker, and educator and the developer of The LifeLine Technique, through which he offers an integrated approach to healing. He is the author of The Power of Infinite Love and Gratitude: An Evolutionary Journey to Awakening Your Spirit and a contributing author in the best-selling book by Dr. Masaru Emoto, The Healing Power of Water. He has practiced holistic medicine for 14 years and in 1999 opened The Way to Optimal Health medical center in Northbrook, Illinois. His approach to healing is one that recognizes the body as a self-healing organism, which is only blocked from its natural ability to thrive because of old patterns and wounds. Once these are recognized and released the body returns to its natural state of wholeness. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about self-healing.
27/08/200857 minutes, 11 secondes
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Restoring Your Soul

Andrea Mathews is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a National Certified Counselor, a Counseling Supervisor and an Approved Provider of Continuing Education Credits for Counselors, a Reiki Master and an astrological counselor, trained in metaphysical pastoral counseling, whose primary intent is to assist others in becoming aware of and living the Authentic Self. She is the author of “Restoring My Soul: A Workbook for Finding and Living the Authentic Self” a book that allows the reader to experience authenticity by working through the exercises right there on the pages. Using story, metaphor, poetry, art, the work of changing beliefs and learning to utilize the messages inherent in the emotions and body, the work of restoring the soul brings individuals to an entirely new paradigm for the Self. With this show your host intends to help listeners understand and exercise that new paradigm and to experience life as the challenge of joy and peace. Don’t miss this “how to” show!
20/08/200856 minutes, 59 secondes
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Restoring Your Soul

Andrea Mathews is a Licensed Professional Counselor, a National Certified Counselor, a Counseling Supervisor and an Approved Provider of Continuing Education Credits for Counselors, a Reiki Master and an astrological counselor, trained in metaphysical pastoral counseling, whose primary intent is to assist others in becoming aware of and living the Authentic Self. She is the author of “Restoring My Soul: A Workbook for Finding and Living the Authentic Self” a book that allows the reader to experience authenticity by working through the exercises right there on the pages. Using story, metaphor, poetry, art, the work of changing beliefs and learning to utilize the messages inherent in the emotions and body, the work of restoring the soul brings individuals to an entirely new paradigm for the Self. With this show your host intends to help listeners understand and exercise that new paradigm and to experience life as the challenge of joy and peace. Don’t miss this “how to” show!
20/08/200856 minutes, 59 secondes
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Your Psychic Self

Sonia Choquette is a spiritual teacher and intuitive guide whose intention it is to free those with whom she works from the restriction and fear of the ego and guide them to wholeness through the power of joy. She is a third generation intuitive and a best-selling author, having authored ten books, published in over thirty countries, as well as several audio programs and meditations. She has also appeared several times on ABC, NBC, CNN, Fox, Lime, Sirus and WGN and has featured in several national magazines. Sonia believes that we all have a natural ability to rely on the 6th sense or spiritual guidance, and that reliance on only the five senses is not only unnatural but limiting. Not only has she been the personal intuitive guide to several of the spiritual leaders of today, but she teaches how each of us may tap into that natural ability. On this week’s show, Sonia will guide our listeners in the development of the Psychic Self.
13/08/200857 minutes, 55 secondes
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Your Psychic Self

Sonia Choquette is a spiritual teacher and intuitive guide whose intention it is to free those with whom she works from the restriction and fear of the ego and guide them to wholeness through the power of joy. She is a third generation intuitive and a best-selling author, having authored ten books, published in over thirty countries, as well as several audio programs and meditations. She has also appeared several times on ABC, NBC, CNN, Fox, Lime, Sirus and WGN and has featured in several national magazines. Sonia believes that we all have a natural ability to rely on the 6th sense or spiritual guidance, and that reliance on only the five senses is not only unnatural but limiting. Not only has she been the personal intuitive guide to several of the spiritual leaders of today, but she teaches how each of us may tap into that natural ability. On this week’s show, Sonia will guide our listeners in the development of the Psychic Self.
13/08/200857 minutes, 55 secondes
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The Forgotten Self with David Ord

David Robert Ord, Editorial Director for Namaste Publishing, was fascinated with Jesus when he was still in elementary school. That fascination took him from his home in England, to New Zealand and finally to the United States where he became a graduate of San Francisco Theological Seminary. For 20 years he taught about Jesus in traditional congregations, but now his book “Your Forgotten Self” breaks with conventional thinking about Jesus. According to Ord, the reason that we find Jesus difficult to understand is because we think of him as different from us. In fact, he sees Jesus as a mirror of the forgotten self that is the true essence in each of us. Andrea’s conversation with David Ord is an open invitation to all listeners to begin to experience the Divine energy that is the Self, to know the Self as Jesus knew himself—as the way, the truth and the life. Don’t miss it!
06/08/200858 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Forgotten Self with David Ord

David Robert Ord, Editorial Director for Namaste Publishing, was fascinated with Jesus when he was still in elementary school. That fascination took him from his home in England, to New Zealand and finally to the United States where he became a graduate of San Francisco Theological Seminary. For 20 years he taught about Jesus in traditional congregations, but now his book “Your Forgotten Self” breaks with conventional thinking about Jesus. According to Ord, the reason that we find Jesus difficult to understand is because we think of him as different from us. In fact, he sees Jesus as a mirror of the forgotten self that is the true essence in each of us. Andrea’s conversation with David Ord is an open invitation to all listeners to begin to experience the Divine energy that is the Self, to know the Self as Jesus knew himself—as the way, the truth and the life. Don’t miss it!
06/08/200858 minutes, 36 secondes
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How to Get Guidance, with Dr. Joan Borysenko

How do we know when the path is true? How do we tap into authentic guiding intelligence? To get answers to these questions, Authentic Living will feature Dr. Joan Borysenko, a modern-day mystic, author of 13 books, and several audio and video programs, distinguished pioneer in integrative medicine and world-renowned expert in the mind/body connection. “Your Soul’s Compass: What is Spiritual Guidance,” co-authored with her husband, Gordon Dveirdin will be the basis of our discussion, which will help us all learn how to tap into that guidance, a function of the Authentic Self. We all hunger for a path we can walk without indecision, a path upon which we can peacefully lead ourselves through the maze of life. “The Soul’s Compass” offers three different aspects of the kind of spiritual guidance that allows us entry into the informative universal flow of energy within: alignment, discernment and action. If you want to know how to trust your own guidance, don’t miss this show.
30/07/200857 minutes, 27 secondes
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How to Get Guidance, with Dr. Joan Borysenko

How do we know when the path is true? How do we tap into authentic guiding intelligence? To get answers to these questions, Authentic Living will feature Dr. Joan Borysenko, a modern-day mystic, author of 13 books, and several audio and video programs, distinguished pioneer in integrative medicine and world-renowned expert in the mind/body connection. “Your Soul’s Compass: What is Spiritual Guidance,” co-authored with her husband, Gordon Dveirdin will be the basis of our discussion, which will help us all learn how to tap into that guidance, a function of the Authentic Self. We all hunger for a path we can walk without indecision, a path upon which we can peacefully lead ourselves through the maze of life. “The Soul’s Compass” offers three different aspects of the kind of spiritual guidance that allows us entry into the informative universal flow of energy within: alignment, discernment and action. If you want to know how to trust your own guidance, don’t miss this show.
30/07/200857 minutes, 27 secondes
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The Nature of the Soul, with Neal Donald Walsch

In the past 12 years Neale Donald Walsch has impacted spiritual evolution worldwide with an amazing and lengthy public Conversation with God. Through that process, one which has included at least 23 books, and several video and audio programs, he has set the spiritual world on fire. But Walsch is not without his own personal trials, including a fire that destroyed all of his belongings, the break-up of his marriage, a car accident that left him with a broken neck, and finally a period of homelessness and near starvation. Yet an openness to experience and an authentic search brought Walsch to his own personal and profound awakening, which has served to raise the consciousness of and even disturb the rest of the world. Andrea will interview Walsch on this week’s Authentic Living episode, to discuss the journey to authenticity that is the very nature of the soul. Don’t miss it!
23/07/200855 minutes, 34 secondes
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The Nature of the Soul, with Neal Donald Walsch

In the past 12 years Neale Donald Walsch has impacted spiritual evolution worldwide with an amazing and lengthy public Conversation with God. Through that process, one which has included at least 23 books, and several video and audio programs, he has set the spiritual world on fire. But Walsch is not without his own personal trials, including a fire that destroyed all of his belongings, the break-up of his marriage, a car accident that left him with a broken neck, and finally a period of homelessness and near starvation. Yet an openness to experience and an authentic search brought Walsch to his own personal and profound awakening, which has served to raise the consciousness of and even disturb the rest of the world. Andrea will interview Walsch on this week’s Authentic Living episode, to discuss the journey to authenticity that is the very nature of the soul. Don’t miss it!
23/07/200855 minutes, 34 secondes
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Waking UP!

Andrea will interview James Redfield, author of the best selling novels, The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight; the nonfiction book, The Celestine Vision, Living the New Spiritual Awareness; and the novel The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight. He also co-authored, God and the Evolving Universe, with Michael Murphy and Sylvia Timbers, and produced and co-authored the screenplay for The Celestine Prophecy movie, released in 2006. He and his wife, Salle Redfield, founded the Global Prayer Project, a biweekly telewebcast that offers guided meditation and prayer. Redfield is a beacon of light and wisdom, a humanitarian and a leader in the spiritual awakening that is happening all over the world. During the show, Redfield will offer his wisdom regarding what it means to live fully awake, the global and individual waking up process, as well as the experience of the conscious life. Don’t miss it!
16/07/200855 minutes, 33 secondes
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Waking UP!

Andrea will interview James Redfield, author of the best selling novels, The Celestine Prophecy and The Tenth Insight; the nonfiction book, The Celestine Vision, Living the New Spiritual Awareness; and the novel The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight. He also co-authored, God and the Evolving Universe, with Michael Murphy and Sylvia Timbers, and produced and co-authored the screenplay for The Celestine Prophecy movie, released in 2006. He and his wife, Salle Redfield, founded the Global Prayer Project, a biweekly telewebcast that offers guided meditation and prayer. Redfield is a beacon of light and wisdom, a humanitarian and a leader in the spiritual awakening that is happening all over the world. During the show, Redfield will offer his wisdom regarding what it means to live fully awake, the global and individual waking up process, as well as the experience of the conscious life. Don’t miss it!
16/07/200855 minutes, 33 secondes