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Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas

English, Astrology/Fortune-telling, 103 seasons, 134 episodes, 1 day, 11 hours, 2 minutes
Astrologer Chani Nicholas talks you through the astrology of the week ahead. Every week, learn about the planetary movements that will be influencing you. Updates on what’s happening in the sky are paired with insights and guidance on how you can mindfully work with the astrology of the moment.
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The Week of October 14th, 2024: Healing through the heat with the Full Moon in Aries

Episode 200 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of October 14th, 2024, is chock-full of vibrancy. Venus (the planet of pleasure) comes into contact with three different planets before entering daredevil Sagittarius. And with a feisty Full Moon in Aries conjunct Chiron, the next seven days promise to heighten both our awareness of our wounds and our ability to address them. Let’s get into it. This episode covers: The Sun’s trine to Jupiter on Sunday, October 13th The Sun’s square to Mars on Monday, October 14th Venus’ opposition to Uranus on Monday, October 14th Venus’ trine to Neptune on Tuesday, October 15th The Full Moon in Aries on Thursday, October 17th Venus’ sextile to Pluto on Thursday, October 17th Venus’ ingress into Sagittarius on Thursday, October 17th This episode was recorded on 8/8/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá. P.S. Black Moon Lilith is officially in the CHANI app! Update your app to check out your Black Moon Lilith birth chart reading, your Black Moon Lilith transits, and our three new Lilith guided meditations. If you don’t already have CHANI premium, you can use code LILITH30 for a free, 30-day all-access pass to the app.
10/14/202416 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Week of October 7th, 2024: Expansive conversations and transformations

Episode 199 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of October 7th, 2024, involves bold discussions and alchemical shifts. Between three Jupiter transits and Pluto's final stint in Capricorn for the next two centuries, this is a potent time to review the structures we’ve built around law, faith, and philosophy — and to knock down any remaining systems that don’t serve us. Let’s get into it. This episode covers: Venus’ trine to Mars on Tuesday, October 8th Mercury’s trine to Jupiter on Tuesday, October 8th The start of Jupiter retrograde on Wednesday, October 9th The end of Pluto retrograde on Friday, October 11th Mercury’s square to Pluto on Sunday, October 13th Mercury’s ingress into Scorpio on Sunday, October 13th The Sun’s trine to Jupiter on Sunday, October 13th This episode was recorded on 8/7/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/7/202415 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Week of September 30th, 2024: Seismic shifts with a Mercury cazimi and Libra solar eclipse

Episode 198 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 30th, 2024, marks one of the year’s major cosmic turning points. Studded by the Sun’s meetup with Mercury and the solar eclipse in Libra, the coming days help to purify our communications and wrap up long-standing stories about peace, pleasure, and people-pleasing. Let’s get into it. This episode covers: The Mercury cazimi conjunct the South Node on Monday, September 30th The Libra solar eclipse on Wednesday, October 2nd Venus’ trine to Saturn on Friday, October 4th Mercury’s square to Mars on Saturday, October 5th This episode was recorded on 8/7/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/30/202424 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Week of September 23rd, 2024: Major Mercury moves, plus a frenzy at the South Node

Episode 197 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 23rd, 2024, puts the frenetic finishing touches on a year-long quest for justice. With two South Node conjunctions and a flurry of activity from Mercury, it’s a period that sets the stage for the shake-ups that come with next week’s solar eclipse. Let’s get into it. This episode covers: Mercury’s trine to Uranus on Tuesday, September 24th Mercury’s opposition to Neptune on Wednesday, September 25th Mercury’s trine to Pluto on Wednesday, September 25th Mercury's ingress into Libra on Thursday, September 26th The Sun’s conjunction to the South Node on Sunday, September 29th Mercury’s conjunction to the South Node on Sunday, September 29th Mars’ trine to Saturn on Sunday, September 29th This episode was recorded on 08/06/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android.The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/23/202415 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Week of September 16th, 2024: A new chapter begins with the Pisces eclipse and September Equinox

Episode 196 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 16th, 2024, mixes major shake-ups with centering shifts. Studded with an illusory lunar eclipse in Pisces and regenerative September Equinox, this period spotlights our relationship to balance and overindulgence. Let’s get into it. This episode covers: Mars’ square to the lunar nodes on Sunday, September 15th The lunar eclipse in Pisces on Tuesday, September 17th Mercury’s opposition to Saturn on Wednesday, September 18th The Sun’s trine to Uranus on Thursday, September 19th The Sun’s opposition to Neptune on Friday, September 20th Mercury’s square to Jupiter on Saturday, September 21st The September Equinox and the Sun’s entrance into Libra on Sunday, September 22nd Venus’ square to Pluto on Sunday, September 22nd Venus’ ingress into Scorpio on Sunday, September 22nd This episode was recorded on 8/6/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/16/202423 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Week of September 9th, 2024: Mars-driven action and a Venus–Jupiter power-up

Episode 195 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 9th, 2024, is infused with pleasure and a touch of aggression. Packed with supercharged Martian moves and a bountiful Venus–Jupiter trine, this week promises to pepper our celebrations with calls to action and test our ability to keep our cool in inflammatory times. Let’s get into it. This episode covers: Mercury’s entrance into Virgo on Sunday, September 8th Mercury’s sextile to Mars on Wednesday, September 11th The Sun’s square to Jupiter on Thursday, September 12th Venus’ trine to Jupiter on Saturday, September 14th Mars’ square to the lunar nodes on Sunday, September 15th This episode was recorded on 08/6/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/9/202418 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Week of September 2nd, 2024: Growth under constraints, courtesy of the New Moon in Virgo

Episode 194 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 2nd, 2024, bumps up against our growth edges. On Monday, the New Moon in Virgo opposes Saturn (the planet of limits), fortifying our boundaries and clarifying our priorities. Then, Mars (the warrior planet) squares Neptune (the planet of illusion), requiring us to move slowly until the fog of confusion dissipates. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) makes a conjunction to the South Node (a point of release), raising questions of how we can achieve justice and equality in our relationships. On Wednesday, Mars enters Cancer, where it tasks us with balancing decisive action with sensitivity. On Friday, Mercury (the messenger planet) squares Uranus (the planet of upheaval), disrupting our communications with a loud and unexpected message. Finally, on Saturday, the Sun opposes Saturn and draws our attention to rules, consequences, and reality checks. All in all, this week marks a new chapter in our relationship with constriction. This episode was recorded on 08/13/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/2/202419 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Week of August 26th, 2024: Revealing, reviewing, and wrapping up long-standing stories

Episode 193 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 26th, 2024, mixes sweetness with poignancy. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) trines Uranus (the disruptor), motivating us to get experimental with new modes of creativity, invention, and delight. But on Wednesday, Venus goes on to oppose Neptune (the planet of illusion). Though things could get cloudy in our relationships, this moment is steeped in creative inspiration. Then, Mercury (the messenger planet) stations direct, urging us to regroup, gather our thoughts, and move forward with renewed clarity. On Thursday, Venus enters its home sign of Libra, where beauty, art, and love reign supreme. Right after, Venus trines Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), calling us to bask in the healing properties of joy and connection. On Sunday, Uranus stations retrograde — which could feel a little destabilizing, but it could also reveal fruitful ways to challenge the status quo. Finally, Pluto re-enters Capricorn for the final time (in our lifetimes), prompting us to reflect on how we’ve embodied power and transformation over the last 15 years. Overall, this week is an opportune time to relish in our progress and tie up any loose ends. This episode was recorded on 8/5/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/26/202415 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Week of August 19th, 2024: A hectic start to Virgo season

Episode 192 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 19th, 2024, is packed with chaos. On Monday, Venus (the planet of beauty) opposes Saturn (the planet of structure), adding some strain to our pleasure pursuits. Then, the Sun squares Uranus (the planet of disruption), destabilizing outdated structures to make way for new ones. Later, the Full Moon in Aquarius forms a square to Uranus and brings another shock to our collective efforts. But it also nudges us to approach old modes of being from new perspectives. Afterward, Jupiter (the planet of bounty) forms an exact square to Saturn in a moment of era-defining astrology. This marks the peak of the planets’ discord and forces us to choose a path forward. On Thursday, the Sun enters Virgo and moves out of its square to Uranus, which turns down the heat but ups the frenzy already happening in Virgo. Later that day, Venus squares Mars (the planet of action), creating both sparks and tension in matters of beauty and play. Finally, on Friday, Mercury (the planet of communication) retrograde sextiles Mars, ushering in some relief to the week and prompting us to review a problem and more clearly articulate our arguments. Overall, this week promises to be both tumultuous and productive. This episode was recorded on 08/05/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/19/202425 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Week of August 12th, 2024: A lesson in mixed bags and working with what we’ve got

Episode 191 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 12th, 2024, is as chaotic as it is brilliant. On Wednesday, Mars (the planet of action) forms a conjunction with Jupiter (the planet of expansion) for the first time in 13 years. This transit amps up the intensity of our drive and actions — as well as our propensity for living in extremes. Later, Mercury (the messenger planet) backtracks into Leo, spotlighting the good, the bad, and the ugly within our communications. On Thursday, Mars forms a square with Saturn (the planet of structure) and ups our determination. On Sunday, Mercury squares Uranus (the planet of upheaval), challenging the status quo in the name of truth. Then the Sun conjoins Mercury in a cazimi, bringing disruptive clarity and a surprise or two. Finally, Venus (the planet of pleasure) squares Jupiter, increasing our appetite for equity, peace, and unity. Overall, this week asks us to think long-term about our desires and ambitions — and how we want to call them in. This episode was recorded on 06/10/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/12/202423 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Week of August 5th, 2024: Love letters from the Mercury–Venus conjunction

Episode 190 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 5th, 2024, blends fresh starts with thoughtful reflection. Coming off of Sunday’s New Moon in Leo, we enter the week enthusiastic about new beginnings and confident in our capacity to meet the moment. On Wednesday, the Sun sextiles Jupiter (the planet of growth), boosting our ability to follow through on our commitments and take accountability when we fall short. Then retrograde Mercury (the messenger planet) conjoins Venus (the planet of pleasure) in Virgo, providing an opportune time to send our nearest and dearest well-constructed love notes. But it’s also an ideal moment to pause and correct the small details that could make or break our efforts. Overall, this week reminds us to appreciate both our loved ones and ourselves as we strive for continuous improvement. This episode was recorded on 06/10/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/5/202412 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Week of July 29th, 2024: An enlivening New Moon in Leo meets Mercury retrograde

Episode 189 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 29th, 2024, is as turbulent as it is invigorating. On Friday, Venus (the planet of justice) squares Uranus (the planet of innovation), calling us to swap people-pleasing for authenticity and harmony for collective progress. On Sunday, the New Moon in Leo occurs and sextiles Jupiter (the planet of expansion), emboldening us to lead with confidence and show up as our most powerful selves. Then Venus enters Virgo, where it provides helpful — though not always solicited — critiques on aesthetic matters. And finally, Mercury (the planet of communication) stations retrograde, nudging us to fix whatever systems need mending. Overall, this week is an opportune time to recommit to our radiance and strive valiantly toward improvement. This episode was recorded on 06/10/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/29/202417 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Week of July 22nd, 2024: A vibrant and high-powered start to Leo season

Episode 188 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 22nd, 2024, supercharges our sparkle and initiates deep discovery. On Monday, the Sun moves into Leo, calling our attention to how we shine and how we lead. Then the luminary opposes Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), unearthing subterranean power dynamics and revealing any blockages to our brilliance. On Thursday, Mercury (the planet of communication) enters Virgo, heightening our ability to analyze and improve our everyday routines. And later that same day, the Sun sextiles Mars (the planet of action), spurring us to do anything that bolsters our vitality. Overall, this week provides the confidence boosts (and reality checks) we need to kick off Leo season. This episode was recorded on 06/10/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/22/202417 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Week of July 15th, 2024: Excavation and culmination with the Full Moon in Capricorn

Episode 187 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 15th, 2024, encourages us to dig deep and alchemize what no longer serves us or the collective. On Monday, Mars (the planet of action) conjoins Uranus (the planet of disruption), prompting us to break free from harmful systems and structures. Though this is an opportune moment for breakthroughs, it cautions us to act on inspiration rather than impulse. On Saturday, Mars moves into Gemini, turning the dial — and potentially the chaos — in our communications and technology use all the way up. On Sunday, the Full Moon in Capricorn shines a spotlight on anything festering in the darkness, thanks to Pluto’s proximity. (The planet of underworld journeys is in the early degrees of Aquarius, not far from the lunation.) Later that day, Mars trines Pluto, boosting our overall focus and determination. Altogether, this week urges us to affect necessary change in our lives and investigate the parts that are so rarely unveiled. This episode was recorded on 05/27/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/15/202419 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Week of July 8th, 2024: Building stability and resolve with the Venus–Pluto opposition

Episode 186 In this podcast, New York Times best-selling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 8th, 2024, blends wake-up calls with moments of secure abundance. On Monday, Venus (the planet of beauty) sextiles Uranus (the planet of innovation), inviting us to experiment with new modes of connection and pleasure-seeking. Later, Mercury (the messenger planet) sextiles Jupiter (the planet of bounty), inspiring us to communicate sentiments of optimism and expansiveness. On Wednesday, the Sun trines Saturn (the planet of structure), urging us to ground into the ways we lead and create stability in our lives. On Thursday, Venus trines Neptune (the planet of illusion), beckoning us to escape into what is romantic or delightful. Then, Venus enters Leo, where justice, beauty, and matters of the heart will come under a more dramatic spotlight. Finally, on Friday, Venus opposes Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), plunging us deep into the relationships that require us to be honest with ourselves and clearing space for a necessary transformation. All in all, this week is an opportunity to confront reality and enjoy the ease that finds us. This episode was recorded on 05/27/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/8/202416 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Week of July 1st, 2024: Envisioning (and enacting) a new future with the New Moon in Cancer

Episode 185 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 1st, 2024, encourages us to dream big and dive deep. On Tuesday, Neptune (the planet of dreams) stations retrograde in Pisces, pulling focus toward our visions for the future. Later, Mercury (the planet of communication) trines Neptune, urging us to discuss our fantasies regardless of how “out there” they may seem, and then enters Leo, upping the drama of our anecdotes and appreciations. Also on Tuesday, the Sun squares the lunar nodes, marking the halfway point between eclipse seasons and compelling us to take stock of what is and isn’t working as we strive toward our goals. Then Venus (the planet of beauty) trines Saturn, helping us to solidify the details of our upcoming pleasure pursuits. On Wednesday, Mercury opposes Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), submerging us in conversations and investigations regarding the realities of everyday life. On Friday, Mars (the planet of action) sextiles Saturn, infusing our protective instincts with determination and stamina. Lastly the New Moon in Cancer occurs and ushers in a potent opportunity to nurture new hobbies, relationships, or personal projects and nourish both ourselves and the world at large. Overall, this week calls us to reflect on all the beauty we’ve created and all the joy we have yet to experience. This episode was recorded on 05/27/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/1/202419 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Week of June 24th, 2024: Moving forward and looking back with Saturn retrograde

Episode 184 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of June 24th, 2024, prompts celebration and evaluation as we settle into Cancer season. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of beauty) squares the lunar nodes, calling us to refine the shared spaces we hold for love and justice. Later that day, Mercury (the messenger planet) trines Saturn (the planet of boundaries), infusing our manifestation practices and long-term plans with pragmatism. On Friday, Venus sextiles Mars (the planet of action) and spurs us toward the relationships and creative projects that bring us joy. Then on Saturday, Saturn stations retrograde and asks us to review the structures we’ve been building since March 2023. Finally, Mercury sextiles Uranus on Saturday, catalyzing reinvention in our communications and thought processes. Overall, this week buzzes with possibility. This episode was recorded on 05/27/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/24/202416 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Week of June 17th, 2024: Welcoming change with the June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn

Episode 183 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of June 17th, 2024, is equal parts hazy and clarifying. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) forms a square to Neptune (the planet of dreams), muddling details and supercharging our imaginations. Then, Mercury moves into Cancer and conjoins Venus (the planet of love), sweetening our exchanges with expressions of gratitude. On Thursday, the Sun squares Neptune and blurs the line between reality and our dreamscapes. Later that same day, the Sun enters Cancer and the June Solstice calls us to check in with the practical progress we’ve made in the last six months. On Friday, the Full Moon in Capricorn prompts us to recenter our goals and the tangible actions it takes to achieve them. But because the Full Moon opposes Venus, it also shines a light on our relationships and how we care for one another. Finally, on Saturday, Mercury squares the nodes of the Moon, sparking conversations that have the potential to broaden our horizons — or even change our lives. All in all, this week marks a pivotal shift in the year and ushers in a new season of growth. This episode was recorded on 5/17/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/17/202415 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Week of June 10th, 2024: A Mars–Pluto showdown, plus Mercury cazimi insights

Episode 182 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of June 10th, 2024, balances excavation with exploration. On Tuesday, Mars (the planet of action) makes a square to Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), revealing deeply buried processes that relate to power and control. On Wednesday, Mercury (the messenger planet) forms a square to Saturn (the planet of structure), urging us to pause and reflect on where we could use more discernment. On Friday, there is a supportive Mercury cazimi in Gemini that squares Saturn, delivering insights that help us pick a lane to excel in. On Sunday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) makes a square to Neptune (the planet of dreams), beckoning us to indulge in what brings us joy — but Venus and Mercury also form squares to Saturn, cautioning us not to overdo it. Then, later on Sunday, Venus moves into Cancer, spotlighting our universal interconnectedness and reminding us to center our chosen family. Overall, this week prompts us to confront what’s going on beneath the surface — and revel in the sweetness. This episode was recorded on 3/13/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/10/20249 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Week of June 3rd, 2024: An energizing New Moon in Gemini — with many chatty neighbors

Episode 181 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of June 3rd, 2024, illuminates the bunny trails we are most excited to follow. On Monday, Mercury (the messenger planet) moves into its home sign of Gemini, signaling a flurry of curiosity, diversion, and conversation. It then goes on to trine Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys) and helps to unearth information buried deep below the surface. On Tuesday, Mercury conjoins Jupiter (the planet of plenty) in Gemini, calling us to revel in life’s little flashes of genius. Also on Tuesday, Venus (the planet of love) joins the Sun in Gemini for a cazimi, spotlighting the sweetness in our communications and fascinations. On Thursday, the New Moon in Gemini prompts us to both relish in our blessings and better integrate them into our lives. Then on Saturday, Venus forms a square to Saturn (the planet of boundaries), cautioning us to practice discernment in this moment of abundance. Also on Saturday, Mars (the planet of action) enters Taurus, slowing its pace and nudging us to go after our long-term goals. Finally, on Sunday, the Sun forms a square to Saturn, reminding us of the consequences of our choices and instructing us to reconcile our big ideas with what is actually useful. In all, this week is the perfect time to balance our bounty (and megadose of energy) with intentionality. This episode was recorded on 3/13/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/3/202417 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Week of May 27th, 2024: A once-in-a-lifetime Jupiter–Pluto trine

Episode 180 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 27th, 2024, lends us a magnifying glass and a microphone. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Saturn (the planet of structure), encouraging us to pore over every detail of our plans. On Wednesday, Mars (the cosmic warrior) conjoins Chiron (the minor planet associated with healing) in fiery Aries, spotlighting the impact of our actions on others and reorienting us toward relief. On Thursday, Mercury conjoins Uranus (the planet of disruption), surfacing surprising news and emboldening us to speak our most unconventional truths. On Sunday, we’re gifted a once-in-a-lifetime trine between Jupiter (the planet of expansion) and Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys) — so prepare for heightened abundance, opportunity, and potential for transformative discussions. Then, Mercury sextiles Neptune (the planet of dreams), doubling down on the day’s idealism. All together, this week brings a flurry of activity (and conversations) surrounding our personal and collective power. This episode was recorded on 03/13/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/27/202411 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Week of May 20th, 2024: A bountiful Full Moon in Sagittarius, plus a party in Gemini

Episode 179 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 20th, 2024, trades the solidity of Taurus for the windstorm of intel that is Gemini. On Monday, the Sun moves into the mutable air sign, dispersing data and energy along its path. On Wednesday, the Sun trines Pluto (the planet of transformation), surfacing therapeutic insights and conversations. On Thursday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) conjoins Jupiter (the planet of expansion), calling us to plant seeds of connection. Later that same day, the Full Moon in Sagittarius sparks generosity and illuminates pockets of beauty in the part of our chart that contains the archer. Then Venus flits into Gemini and challenges us to ditch the binaries within our relationships. Lastly, on Saturday, Venus trines Pluto, bringing a healing balm to our intimacy journeys, and Jupiter joins the party in Gemini — where it will spend the next year generating boundless curiosity and leading us down fresh paths of inquiry. All in all, this week marks the start of a pivotal chapter in 2024. This episode was recorded on 03/13/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/20/202415 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Week of May 13th, 2024: Double-cazimi magic and a planetary pileup in Taurus

Episode 178 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 13th, 2024, is lively, lucky, and largely concentrated in Taurus. On Monday, there is a Uranus cazimi (aka conjunction between the Sun and the planet of disruption) in the sign of the bull, which makes it an excellent moment to take stock of our abundance and channel it into upgrading and dismantling outmoded systems. Later that day, Venus (the planet of love) sextiles Saturn (the planet of boundaries) in the same sign, bringing longevity and structure to our innovations. On Wednesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) also moves into the fixed earth sign and goes on to square Pluto (the planet of transformation) on Friday, unearthing hidden truths through deep conversations. On Saturday, Venus conjoins Uranus, encouraging us to seek fresh modes of pleasure and connection. Then there’s another cazimi in Taurus, between the Sun and Jupiter (the planet of expansion), which heralds new opportunities, wisdom, and growth. Finally, on Sunday, Mars (the warrior planet) amps up our energy levels as it joins the North Node in Aries. It’s a lot. But it’s a great time to revel in the strength and beauty that Taurus is known for. This episode was recorded on 03/13/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/13/202415 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Week of May 6th, 2024: An abundant and groundbreaking New Moon in Taurus

Episode 177 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of May 6th, 2024, draws our attention — and gratitude — to life’s sweet spots. On Monday, Mercury (the messenger planet) forms a conjunction with the minor planet Chiron to help us wrap up a healing process that began in March. Later that same day, the Sun sextiles Saturn (the planet of structure) to solidify our long-term plans. Then on Tuesday, the New Moon in Taurus beckons us to break new ground in our connections and pleasure pursuits, thanks to its proximity to Venus (the planet of beauty) and Jupiter (the planet of abundance), which are both in the fixed earth sign. All in all, it’s a week for relishing what brings us joy and centering community. This episode was recorded on 02/29/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/6/202410 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Week of April 29th, 2024: A sweet and spunky homecoming for Venus and Mars

Episode 176 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of April 29th, 2024, combines ease with calls to action. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) moves into its home sign of Taurus — where Jupiter (the greater benefic) currently is — urging us to revel in relaxing and generative projects. On Tuesday, Mars (the planet of action) comes home to Aries to supercharge our efforts and push us forward at record speed. Later that same day, Venus squares Pluto (the planet of transformation) and prompts us to inspect the wounds in our relationships. Then on Thursday, Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius, pulling the focus toward technology, social activism, and collectivism. Finally, on Friday, Mars sextiles Pluto, daring us to go deep and make sure we’re in step with our goals. All in all, this week is a potent one to work with. This episode was recorded on 2/29/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/29/20249 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Week of April 22nd, 2024: An underworldly Full Moon in Scorpio square Pluto

Episode 175 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of April 22nd, 2024, brings deep catharsis, abrupt reorientation, and a little bit of nonsense. On Tuesday, a Full Moon in Scorpio submerges us in our unbuffered feelings and illuminates what lies in the shadows as it squares Pluto (the planet of transformation). On Thursday, Mercury (the messenger planet) stations direct near the North Node, kicking up retrograde dust and amplifying shifts in our perspective. Lastly, on Sunday, Mars (the planet of action) conjoins Neptune (the planet of illusion), urging us to relinquish control and ride the tide. Overall, this week is an opportune time to hunker down and surrender to emotional unclogging. This episode was recorded on 2/29/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/22/202412 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Week of April 15th, 2024: A generative Jupiter–Uranus conjunction

Episode 174 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of April 15th, 2024, ushers in some exciting, lively, and maybe even lucky astrology. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) conjoins Chiron (the minor planet associated with healing) in Aries, urging us to share our wounds with the world. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) makes a conjunction with the North Node, increasing our appetites for love and beauty. On Friday, Mercury and Venus join together, sparking conversations that lead to cohesion. Then the Sun moves into Taurus, marking the end of eclipse season, and Mars (the planet of action) makes a sextile to both Jupiter (the planet of abundance) and Uranus (the planet of disruption), helping us take quantum leaps toward solutions. On Saturday, Jupiter conjoins Uranus and seeds a generative opportunity for us to expand beyond our current systems, and Venus conjoins Chiron to bring something tender to the surface. Lastly, on Sunday, the Sun squares Pluto (the planet of transformation), which could ruffle a power dynamic or two. Add it all together, and it’s a pretty potent week for growth. This episode was recorded on 2/15/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/15/202415 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Week of April 8th, 2024: The solar eclipse in Aries and the Chiron cazimi mark a potent moment

Episode 173 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of April 8th, 2024, is pivotal. On Monday, there’s a solar eclipse in Aries, asking us to metaphorically burn away what is not meant to stay. This eclipse is occurring conjunct the Chiron cazimi, bringing up hidden emotions to be witnessed. On Wednesday Mars (the planet of action) conjoins Saturn (the planet of boundaries), creating a bit of a gridlock. On Thursday, the Sun conjoins Mercury (the planet of communications) in a cazimi, giving us a moment of clarity. Overall, it’s a challenging week that requires us to make space for the lessons that we receive. Take extra good care.  This episode was recorded on 2/15/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/8/202413 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Week of April 1st, 2024: Triple-checking everything with this Mercury retrograde in Aries

Episode 172 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of April 1st, 2024, asks us to be prepared for glitches and malfunctions. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) stations retrograde in Aries, stirring up the typical trouble in the area of our lives that contains the sign of the ram. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love) conjoins Neptune (the planet of fantasy), creating a dreamy and romantic mid-week interlude. On Thursday, the Sun conjoins the North Node (aka the place where eclipses happen), adding a touch of instability to the ether as we prepare for the next eclipse. Also on Thursday, Venus enters Aries, adding some extra kindling to our connections. On Saturday, Venus sextiles Pluto (the planet of transformation), empowering us to strengthen our bonds with depth and prowess. So drink plenty of water and seek out ways to slow down and cool off this week.  This episode was recorded on 2/15/2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/1/202412 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Week of March 25th, 2024: The lunar eclipse in Libra marks the second chapter of a larger story

Episode 171 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of March 25th, 2024, contains a very important moment. That is because on Monday, there’s a lunar eclipse in Libra, uncovering something that is usually hidden and prompting us to rebalance the scales of justice. And since this eclipse is ruled by Venus (the planet of love) — which is currently exalted in Pisces — it is more supported than the first one in this series that occurred in October 2023. On Thursday, Venus sextiles Uranus (the planet of upheaval), encouraging us to be more experimental in our relationships and pleasure pursuits. Take extra care of yourselves and each other this week.  This episode was recorded on 2/15/2024. P.S. We have a special Mercury shadow treat for you this week. From now until April 1st, we’re giving you 10% off the tools you need to navigate the upcoming retrograde. That includes our 2024 Digital Astro Planner, Mercury Planetary Candle, affirmation deck, and more. Head to for all the info. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
3/25/202415 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Week of March 18th, 2024: Initiatory energy with the start of Aries season and the March Equinox

Episode 170 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of March 18th, 2024, brings fresh starts and plenty to chew on. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) conjoins the North Node (a point where eclipses happen), beginning a conversation about integrating our shadows.  On Tuesday, the Sun moves into Aries, marking the March Equinox and kickstarting Aries season. On Wednesday, Mercury conjoins Chiron (the wounded healer), prompting us to discuss both what hurts and what our medicine is. On Thursday, the Sun sextiles Pluto (the planet of secret power), directing our own light toward something transformative. Later that same day, Venus (the planet of love) conjoins Saturn (the planet of structure), clarifying the boundaries of our relationships. On Friday, Mars (the planet of action) moves into Pisces, sending us a red flag to not overexert ourselves. Finally, on Sunday, Venus sextiles Jupiter (the planet of abundance), encouraging enjoyment and delight.  This episode was recorded on 01/25/24.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá. PSA: Eclipse season and Mercury retrograde are right around the corner, but the hijinks have already begun. To help you navigate this notoriously sticky time, we’re giving you a free 30-day trial of CHANI premium. All you have to do is enter MERCURYRX30 in the “redeem offer code” section of the app and enjoy. Just note: Offer is only applicable to new CHANI app users.
3/18/202414 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Week of March 11th, 2024: A pleasant pause with Venus in Pisces and the Neptune cazimi

Episode 169 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of March 11th, 2024, offers us a momentary respite. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) enters Pisces, encouraging us to focus on beauty and our connections. On Sunday, the Sun conjoins Neptune (the planet of fantasy) in a cazimi, which is an excellent time to nap, daydream, and escape. Enjoy the pause before eclipse season.  This episode was recorded on 01/25/24.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
3/11/202415 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Week of March 4th, 2024: A dreamy New Moon in Pisces, and Mercury enters Aries

Episode 168 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of March 4th, 2024, begins with invigorating conversations and ends some confusion. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Uranus (the planet of disruption), leading us to share innovative ideas. On Friday, Mercury conjoins Neptune (the planet of illusions), adding some nonlinear and imaginative thinking to the mix. On Saturday, Mars (the planet of action) squares Uranus, encouraging some disruptive behaviors — so try not to get swept away. Then, the Sun sextiles Uranus, shaking things up further. By the end of Saturday, Mercury enters Aries, restoring some clarity. On Sunday, there’s a New Moon in Pisces, allowing us to understand — and commit to — a dream.   This episode was recorded on 01/25/24.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
3/4/20249 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Week of February 26th, 2024: Making an oath to our biggest dreams with the Mercury and Saturn cazimis

Episode 167 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of February 26th, 2024, helps us clarify — and dedicate ourselves to — what we are ready to create. On Wednesday, the Sun conjoins Mercury (the planet of communication) in a cazimi, activating important messages for us. Later that same day, Mercury conjoins Saturn (the planet of boundaries), allowing us to get as specific as possible about our desires. Finally, on Wednesday, the Sun conjoins Saturn in a cazimi, asking us to commit to something. Since all three of these transits occur in the dreamy sign of Pisces, there is a special emphasis on our visions and aspirations. This moment is about getting clear on what we truly want and then making an oath to achieve it. On Friday, the Sun sextiles Jupiter (the planet of abundance), adding expansion and optimism to the mix. So dream big, and devote yourself to your ambitions.  This episode was recorded on 01/25/24.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
2/26/202410 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Week of February 19th, 2024: Lessons from the Full Moon in Virgo

Episode 166 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of February 19th, 2024, offers potent opportunities for course-correcting and distilling our goals. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love) conjoins Mars (the planet of drive), both in Aquarius, inspiring artistic actions for the betterment of humanity. On Thursday, Mercury (the planet of communication) enters Pisces, adding some poetry to the ways we exchange information. On Saturday, there’s a Full Moon in Virgo, prompting us to cleanse and organize our systems. It’s also opposing Saturn (the planet of boundaries and restrictions), which means it may bring a reality check or two. In all, this week helps us practice being good students of life.   This episode was recorded on 01/25/24.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
2/19/202417 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Week of February 12th, 2024: Love notes and collective liberation

Episode 165 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of February 12th, 2024, reminds us that the greatest love letter we can send to each other is one that encourages our personal and collective liberation. On Monday, Mars (the warrior planet) enters Aquarius, urging us to take action in service of the larger community. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of love) sextiles Neptune (the planet of fantasy), bringing sweetness and romance to our connections. Later on Tuesday, Mars conjoins Pluto (the planet of power), enhancing our determination to pursue what’s important to us. On Friday, Venus enters Aquarius, highlighting themes of collective love. Also on Friday, Mercury (the planet of communication) squares Uranus (the planet of breakthroughs), initiating a conversation about a revelation or surprise. On Saturday, Venus conjoins Pluto, causing a deep affinity to something transformative. On Sunday, the Sun enters Pisces, marking the start of the sensitive and poetic sign of the fish. This episode was recorded on 11/20/24.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
2/12/202414 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Week of February 5th, 2024: New beginnings and a New Moon in Aquarius

Episode 164 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of February 5th, 2024, brings a powerful opportunity to make moves for the common good. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) conjoins Pluto (the planet of subterranean power dynamics) in Aquarius, urging us to initiate impactful conversations that could excavate a truth or two. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of connection) moves between the eclipse points and ushers in a lesson on how to honor both our individual needs and the needs of our relationships. On Wednesday, Venus goes on to trine Uranus (the planet of surprises), creating a gorgeous signature for unexpected pleasures, and Mars sextiles Neptune — a signal to delve into our dreams. On Thursday, the Sun squares Uranus, instigating a touch of disruption. And on Friday, the New Moon in Aquarius occurs in the same aspect, sparking a change in our collective awareness. Lastly, on Saturday, Mercury makes a square to Jupiter (the planet of abundance), which could lead to some big news. This episode was recorded on 11/16/23.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
2/5/202413 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Week of January 29th, 2024: Breakthroughs you can bet on (thanks to Mars trine Uranus)

Episode 163 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of January 29th, 2024, offers us a little breathing room. On Monday, Mars (the planet of action) trines Uranus (the planet of breakthroughs), encouraging us to make an innovative move toward a goal. On Friday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Neptune (the planet of fantasy), helping us to articulate a dream or inspiration. On Sunday, Mercury enters Aquarius, furthering our discussions around visionary and collective ideas. Settle in and allow your imagination to wander. This episode was recorded on 11/16/2023.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/29/20249 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Week of January 22nd, 2024: A big, dramatic Full Moon in Leo (and much more)

Episode 162 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of January 22nd, 2024, is pretty calm until the weekend, which is jam-packed with activity. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of love) enters Capricorn, reflecting a pattern of generosity and innovation in our relationships. On Thursday, the Full Moon in Leo opposes Pluto (the planet of transformation) shining a bright spotlight on collective movements and subterranean power dynamics. On Friday, the Sun squares Jupiter (the planet of abundance), bringing us a burst of energy and confidence. Later that same day, Uranus stations direct, initiating a system update for the status quo. On Saturday, Mercury (the planet of communication), conjoins Mars (the planet of action), allowing us to say what needs to be said, even if it’s a little spicy. Later that same day, Mercury squares the nodes (places where eclipses happen), and then, on Sunday, Mars does the same. Both transits point to a larger story related to the eclipses that will unfold over the next three months, addressing what we are releasing and moving toward. Also on Saturday, Venus sextiles Saturn (the planet of boundaries), strengthening our bonds. On Sunday, Mercury trines Uranus, opening our conversations up to new possibilities. Finally, on Sunday, Venus trines Jupiter (the planet of abundance), infusing joy and sweetness into our connections. After any challenges this week may bring, remember to center some delight, pleasure, and beauty on Sunday. Take care.  This episode was recorded on 11/16/2023.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/22/202414 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Week of January 15th, 2024: Major shift alert — Aquarius season begins and Pluto enters Aquarius

Episode 161 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of January 15th, 2024, begins a brand new chapter. On Monday, the Sun sextiles Neptune (the planet of illusion), reminding us of our capacity for imagination and compassion. On Thursday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Saturn (the planet of boundaries), connecting us to conversations that are both inspiring and focused on the big picture. On Friday, Mercury trines Jupiter (the planet of abundance) and gives our communications a hopeful boost — then Venus (the planet of love) squares Neptune, tempting us to indulge in a little escapism. On Saturday, the Sun conjoins Pluto (the planet of transformation) in a cazimi, shining light on our financial systems before entering Aquarius and marking the start of Aquarius season. Finally, on Saturday, Pluto also enters Aquarius and begins unearthing deep collective change in the realm of technology and communication. It’s fun, it’s weird, and we hope it’s filled with quality moments. This episode was recorded on 11/10/2023.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/15/202415 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Week of January 8th, 2024: The New Moon in Capricorn encourages us to think long-term

Episode 160 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of January 8th, 2024, allows us to think big and into the future. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) squares Neptune (the planet of illusions), muddying up the details in our lives. On Tuesday, the Sun trines Uranus (the planet of breakthroughs), bringing innovation to what we are building. Later on Tuesday, Mars sextiles Saturn (the planet of boundaries), helping us make specific, strategic moves toward a goal. On Wednesday, the Sun squares the lunar nodes (places where eclipses happen), marking a pivotal moment in a larger story related to the eclipses. On Thursday, there’s a New Moon in Capricorn, aiding us in devoting ourselves to a long-term plan. On Friday, Mars (the planet of action) trines Jupiter (the planet of abundance), helping us feel both resourced and victorious. On Saturday, Mercury moves into Capricorn, facilitating great conversations, especially next week. Keep in mind, the strategies and plans that we commit to this week have staying power. What would you like to put in place? This episode was recorded on 11/10/2023.   Hey, y’all — if you’ve been contemplating switching to a CHANI premium subscription, now is the time. From now through January 12th, you can save 50% on your first year of CHANI premium. As a reminder, premium subscriptions include your full birth chart readings and descriptions; hyper-personalized transits; weekly sign-specific astrology readings with yours truly; tailored journal prompts, rituals, and altar suggestions; access to our library of affirmations and guided meditations; and everything you need to navigate 2024. This is a limited-time offer, so don’t miss out on the magic. Note: Terms and conditions apply. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/8/202415 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Week of January 1st, 2024: Gathering momentum with Mercury direct and Mars entering Capricorn

Episode 159 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of January 1st, 2024, starts out a bit measured and murky, but ends with greater speed and clarity. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) stations direct, but since it’s in a square to Neptune (the planet of illusions), details will remain hazy. Also on Monday, Venus (the planet of love) squares Saturn (the planet of boundaries), bringing a bit of a reality check. On Thursday, Mars (the planet of action) moves into Capricorn, helping us get things done. Though this week starts out slow, by the end we’ll have the motivation to initiate our plans, boldly and practically, into the new year.   This episode was recorded on 11/10/2023.  P.S. The 2024 Year Ahead has officially arrived in the CHANI app. If you head to the “This Year” section of the CHANI app homepage, you can read your 2024 horoscope, listen to your sign-specific astrology readings for each quarter of the year, and delve into the rituals, journal prompts, altar suggestions, and guided meditations that will support you through the next 12 months. Here’s to an abundant 2024. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/1/202412 minutes, 1 second
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The Week of December 25th, 2023: A nurturing Full Moon in Cancer, and other chances to practice care

Episode 158 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of December 25th, 2023, aligns with the holiday season in some pretty profound ways. On Tuesday, there’s a Full Moon in Cancer, giving us an extra dose of feeling and nourishment. Also on Tuesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) squares Neptune (the planet of illusion), causing mix-ups and confusion. On Wednesday, the Sun trines Jupiter (the planet of abundance), introducing some luck and confidence. Later that same day, Mercury conjoins Mars (the planet of action), stirring up conflict and challenge in our conversations. On Thursday, Mars squares Neptune, clouding up information around any disputes that come up. Then, Venus sextiles Pluto, deepening and strengthening our relationships. On Friday, Venus enters Sagittarius, helping to soften contention and add some adventure to our dealings with others. On Saturday, Jupiter stations direct, bringing us goodwill and optimism. Observe what you discover about caring for yourself and others when you allow yourself to meander this week.  This episode was recorded on 11/02/2023. Looking for intel on 2024? Check out our 2024 Guidebooks. These 100+ page digital resources examine the year's astrological moments in detail and provide sign-specific activities to support you through every twist and turn. You can order yours at For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
12/25/202318 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Week of December 18th, 2023: The Solstice, Capricorn season, and a Mercury cazimi mark a restart

Episode 157 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of December 18th, 2023, brings us major shifts with deep insight. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) trines Jupiter (the planet of expansion), reminding us to think and communicate with gratitude and abundance. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love) opposes Uranus (the planet of breakthroughs), awakening us to submerged feelings in our relationships. The December Solstice occurs on Thursday, marking a restart in the solar cycle and ushering us into Capricorn season. Also on Thursday, Mercury sextiles Saturn (the planet of boundaries), bringing stability and practical thinking to our endeavors. On Friday, the Sun conjoins Mercury in a cazimi, introducing clarity and helpful revelations in our exchanges and travel plans. Also on Friday, Mercury re-enters Sagittarius, initiating communication issues. Finally, on Sunday, the Sun makes a sextile to Saturn, enhancing our ability to ground and think in constructive ways. Overall, we’re sending you many Solstice and cazimi blessings.   Looking for intel on 2024? Check out our 2024 Guidebooks. These 100+ page digital resources examine the year's astrological moments in detail and provide sign-specific activities to support you through every twist and turn. You can order yours at This episode was recorded on 11/02/2023. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
12/18/202315 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Week of December 11th, 2023: A New Moon in Sagittarius, and a supportive start to Mercury Rx

Episode 156 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of December 11th, 2023, features an imaginative New Moon in Sagittarius. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Venus (the planet of love), helping us to communicate in affirming ways that solidify our bonds. On Tuesday, there’s a New Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune (the planet of illusions), prompting us to daydream about our highest ideals. Also on Tuesday, Mercury stations retrograde, triggering the usual snafus and miscommunications — but with a supportive twist since it is happening between Venus and Jupiter. On Saturday, the Sun squares Neptune, encouraging us to take a sweet and adventurous escape. Use this time to reflect on the past year and ease into the last few weeks of 2023.  Looking for an astrological map, compass, and companion for the coming year? Check out our 2024 Astro Planner. It’s filled with rituals, reflections, exercises, astro cheat sheets, planetary movements, and daily and monthly calendars that allow you to map out your year, track your intention for each day, and make the most of 2024’s astrology as it unfolds. You can order yours at But warning: It’s almost sold out, so act fast. This episode was recorded on 10/26/2023. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
12/11/202316 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Week of December 4th, 2023: Deep feelings with Venus in Scorpio

Episode 155 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of December 4th, 2023, contains some abundant astrology. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) enters Scorpio, ushering in a time of deep, secretive feelings. On Tuesday, Venus trines Saturn (the planet of boundaries), bringing a sense of groundedness and stability to our relationships. On Wednesday, Neptune (the planet of illusions) stations direct, helping us to connect with our greater ideals. On Thursday, Mercury trines Jupiter (the planet of abundance), offering us some good news. On Saturday, Venus opposes Jupiter, bringing extra luck. So luxuriate in delight where you can.  Looking for an astrological map, compass, and companion for the coming year? Check out our 2024 Astro Planner. It’s filled with rituals, reflections, exercises, astro cheat sheets, planetary movements, and daily and monthly calendars that allow you to map out your year, track your intention for each day, and make the most of 2024’s astrology as it unfolds. You can order yours at (while supplies last).  This episode was recorded on 10/26/2023. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
12/4/202314 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Week of November 27th, 2023: The Full Moon in Gemini brings a whirlwind of information

Episode 154 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of November 27th, 2023, brings us clues that will help us unravel some deep-seated patterns. On Monday, there’s a Full Moon in Gemini, which will scatter information far and wide. Also on Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) squares Neptune (the planet of illusions), adding confusing messages into the ether. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love) conjoins the South Node (a point associated with release), allowing us to set down unhealthy relationship dynamics. On Friday, Mercury enters Capricorn (where it will soon station retrograde), so read the fine print and book your travel early if you can. On Sunday, Venus (the planet of love) squares Pluto (the planet of transformation), further encouraging us to deepen and let go in our closest unions. It’s a week that starts off with a bang but ends with a lot of potential delight. Enjoy.  This episode was recorded on 10/25/2023. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
11/27/202314 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Week of November 20th, 2023: Power, obstacles, and courage from Pluto, Saturn, and Mars

Episode 153 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology for the week of November 20th, 2023, tests our resolve. On Monday, the Sun sextiles Pluto (the planet of transformation), connecting us with our power. On Tuesday, Mars (the planet of action) sextiles Pluto, providing us with deep drive and resilience to take potent action. On Wednesday, the Sun enters Sagittarius, marking the beginning of Sagittarius season. On Thursday, the Sun squares Saturn (the planet of boundaries), presenting some serious obstacles. On Friday, Mars enters Sagittarius, igniting a desire to be everywhere at once. On Saturday, Mars squares Saturn, highlighting a problem or tough lesson we must confront. In all, remember to be kind to yourself and take things slow when possible. P.S. This week, you can get up to 70% off our best-selling astro offerings at Happy Black Friday.  This episode was recorded on 10/25/2023. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
11/20/202312 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Week of November 13th, 2023: Deep rebirth thanks to the New Moon in Scorpio and the Mars cazimi

Episode 152 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of November 13th, 2023, jolts us to conscious awareness.  On Monday, there’s a New Moon in Scorpio, bringing a moment of intense rebirth and new potential. Also on Monday, the Sun opposes Uranus (the planet of disruption), granting us the freedom to break from tradition. On Wednesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Venus (the planet of love), gifting us with a message that helps us remember our power. On Friday, the Sun and Mars (the planet of action) conjoin in a cazimi, which is powerful for setting new intentions. So ask yourself: which seeds are you beginning to plant? This episode was recorded on 10/10/2023. Looking for intel on 2024? Check out our 2024 Guidebooks. These 100+ page digital resources examine the year's astrological moments in detail and provide sign-specific activities to support you through every twist and turn. You can order yours at For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
11/13/202316 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Week of November 6th, 2023: Venus brings ease, while Mars and Uranus bring turbulence

Episode 151 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of November 6th, 2023, starts out smooth and ends up bumpy. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) trines Pluto (the planet of transformation), making this a potent day to connect deeply with others. Also on Monday, Mercury  (the planet of communication) trines Neptune (the planet of illusion), which kicks up inspiring exchanges with others. On Wednesday, Venus enters Libra, sweetening the area of our lives that contains the sign of the scales. Also on Wednesday, Mercury sextiles Pluto, deepening conversations that help us transform. On Thursday, Mercury moves into Sagittarius, sending us on an expansive journey of the mind. On Friday, Mercury squares Saturn (the planet of restrictions), giving us a reality check to contend with. On Saturday, Mars opposes Uranus, bringing disruption to our lives — or the world stage. So stay nimble. Pack light. And pay attention to any revelations. This episode was recorded on 10/10/2023. Looking for an astrological map, compass, and companion for the coming year? Check out our 2024 Astro Planner. It’s filled with rituals, reflections, exercises, astro cheat sheets, planetary movements, and daily and monthly calendars that allow you to map out your year, track your intention for each day, and make the most of 2024’s astrology as it unfolds. You can order yours at (while supplies last). For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
11/6/202316 minutes
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The Week of October 30th, 2023: A playful & profound spooky season with Venus, Uranus, and Jupiter

Episode 150 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of October 30th, 2023, is relatively playful and spacious. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of beauty) trines Uranus (the planet of individuality), making this a perfect day for unique and pleasurable self expression. On Thursday, the Sun opposes Jupiter (the planet of expansion), amplifying Scorpionic themes of depth, mysticism, and catharsis. On Friday, Venus opposes Neptune (the planet of illusion), allowing us to bring something beautiful into being. On Saturday, Saturn (the planet of restriction) stations direct, pointing out what is fluid, yet structured, in our lives. Also on Saturday, Mercury (the planet of communication) opposes Uranus, shedding light on a surprising piece of news. So dress up if you want to. Have fun. And enjoy.  This episode was recorded on 10/10/2023. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/30/202317 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Week of October 23rd, 2023: A revelatory start to Scorpio season and a lunar eclipse in Taurus

Episode 149 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of October 23rd, 2023, is deep and revelatory. On Monday, the Sun moves into Scorpio, kicking off Scorpio season. On Tuesday, the Sun trines Saturn (the planet of boundaries), helping us ground into what feels satiating long-term. On Saturday, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus, revealing any looming secrets. At the same time, Mars (the planet of action) and Mercury (the planet of communication) both make an opposition to Jupiter (the planet of abundance), pointing to a potent conversation happening behind-the-scenes. On Sunday, Mercury conjoins Mars, reminding us of the power of our words. So be very careful with how you communicate this week, and take extra care of your body.  This episode was recorded on 09/20/2023. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/23/202318 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Week of October 16th, 2023: Mercury, Pluto, and the South Node stir up profound conversations

Episode 148 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of October 16th, 2023, is full of gleaming insights and fascinating exchanges. On Wednesday, the Sun and Mercury both conjoin the South Node, urging us to wash away the sediment of the past in order to rebalance the scales. On Thursday, the Sun conjoins Mercury (the planet of intellect) in a cazimi, bringing clarity in our communications. On Friday, Mercury squares Pluto (the planet of transformation), giving us access to an even deeper level of information. On Saturday, the Sun squares Pluto, illuminating subterranean material. Also on Saturday, Venus (the planet of love) trines Jupiter (the planet of abundance), offering us ease and grounded pleasure. On Sunday, Mercury trines Saturn (the planet of maturity), settling and stabilizing our conversations. This week exposes us to necessary discomfort, as well as useful nuggets of wisdom. So sharpen your pencils and keep your notes app open to receive them.   For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/16/202313 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Week of October 9th: Eclipse season begins

Episode 147 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of October 9th, 2023, kicks off eclipse season. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) opposes Saturn (the planet of restriction), highlighting the need for clear boundaries in our relationships. On Tuesday, Pluto (the planet of transformation) stations direct in Capricorn, shedding light on issues regarding financial institutions and systems of power. On Wednesday, Mars (the planet of action) enters Scorpio, adding more power to our winning strategies. On Friday, Mars trines Saturn, stirring up sustainable, competitive energy. Last but not least, there’s a solar eclipse in Libra on Saturday, which encourages us to release something in order to add balance to our lives. This week teaches us about how to play the long game — a helpful skill to carry through eclipse season.  P.S. Our limited-edition 2024 bundles are officially live! (And yes, they include our 2024 Astro Planner, Guidebooks, and more.) Get everything you need to navigate the coming year at For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/9/202318 minutes, 54 seconds
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Rebalance and release with Mars and Mercury

Episode 146 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of October 2nd, 2023, is asking us to go through a major rebalancing in our lives. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) opposes Neptune (the planet of illusion), creating confusion in our exchanges. On Tuesday, Mercury trines Pluto (the planet of power), clearing up the airwaves and allowing us to have meaningful conversations. On Wednesday, Mars (the planet of action) conjoins the South Node (a place where eclipses occur), urging us to let go of something in order to recalibrate. Also on Wednesday, Mercury moves into Libra, continuing the discussion around justice and resetting the scales. On Sunday, Mars squares Pluto, bringing up a subterranean issue in our relationships. Finally, on Sunday, Venus (the planet of love) enters Virgo, encouraging us to search for beauty in details and other unexpected places. In light of Wednesday’s astroweather, set down what you can this week. You can always pick it back up later.  P.S. Our limited-edition 2024 bundles are officially live! (And yes, they include our 2024 Astro Planner, Guidebooks, and more.) Get everything you need to navigate the coming year at For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/2/202317 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Week of September 25th: A big, bold Full Moon in Aries

Episode 145 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of September 25th, 2023, teaches us about our trickiest wounds. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) trines Jupiter (the planet of abundance), bringing us a practical, positive message. On Friday, there's a Full Moon in Aries, aiding us in releasing injustice. And because it's occurring near Chiron (the wounded healer), there's a vulnerable, human element to this lunation. On Saturday, Mercury trines Uranus (the planet of surprise), sparking innovative ideas and conversations. The main event this week is the Full Moon. Notice what healing it stirs up for you and the world at large. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/25/202318 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Week of September 18th: The Equinox and Libra season initiate new beginnings

Episode 144 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of September 18th, 2023, starts out fuzzy but ends with some clarity. On Tuesday, the Sun opposes Neptune (the planet of illusion), which is great astrology for daydreaming, but not so great for reality. On Friday, the Equinox occurs, ushering in a pivotal moment that helps us get realigned with our goals. Also on Friday, Libra season begins, initiating a season of finding balance and harmony in our lives. So consider how you’d like to set the scales as you enter this new chapter.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/18/20239 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Week of September 11th: The New Moon in Virgo and Mercury’s station direct mark major renewal

Episode 143 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of September 11th, 2023, marks a major pivot. On Thursday, the New Moon in Virgo occurs, offering us a heaping dose of efficiency and innovation — along with the nerve to address anything that isn’t working. On Friday, Mercury (the planet of communication) stations direct, encouraging us to pause and integrate what we’ve learned this retrograde cycle. And on Saturday, Venus (the planet of love) squares Jupiter (the planet of abundance), bringing us plenty of good times. So take this weekend to celebrate all of the hard-won Virgoan lessons you’ve been learning.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/11/202310 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Week of September 4th: The Mercury Cazimi and Sun trine Jupiter bring clarity and blessings

Episode 142 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of September 4th, 2023, includes the brightest point in Mercury’s retrograde. On Monday, Jupiter (the planet of abundance) stations retrograde, encouraging us to review the ways in which we are expanding. On Wednesday, the Sun conjoins Mercury (the planet of communication) in a cazimi, making this a great day to launch something or have an important conversation. On Friday, the Sun makes a trine to Jupiter, giving us a boost of confidence. Try embodying the Jovian quality of generosity this week for a little extra joy.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/4/202317 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Week of August 28th: The Full Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn: When water meets a container

Episode 141 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of August 28th, 2023, has one big ticket item — the Full Moon in Pisces. On Monday, Uranus (the planet of upheaval) stations retrograde, stirring up the status quo and helping us break free of what’s confining. On Wednesday, there’s a Full Moon in Pisces, shedding light on the area of your chart that contains Pisces. Since this lunation is conjunct Saturn (the planet of restriction), it also highlights the structures in our lives and asks us to commit to something. On Sunday, Venus (the planet of love) stations direct, pulling focus to what we’ve been learning about our relationships. We’ll discuss that more in our next episode, but for now, lean in and enjoy.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/28/202316 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Week of August 21st: Mercury retrograde and the start of Virgo season give us a cosmic review

Episode 140 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of August 21st, 2023, is here to clean up our act. On Wednesday, the Sun enters Virgo, encouraging us to get our systems in order. Later that same day, Mercury (the planet of communication) stations retrograde, ushering in a time of recalibration — and potentially some misfires. On Thursday, Mars (the planet of action) trines Pluto (the planet of transformation), giving us the motivation to dive deep into an issue and return with buried treasure. On Sunday, the Sun makes an opposition to Saturn (the planet of restriction), presenting us with an obstacle, reality check, or course correction. Also on Sunday, Mars moves into Libra, heating up the part of your chart that contains the sign of the scales. But the main signature of this week is Mercury retrograde. So back up your technology. Triple-check everything. And be extra compassionate with yourself and others.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/21/202315 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Week of August 14th: A bold New Moon in Leo

Episode 139 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of August 14th, 2023, is kind of a wild card. On Tuesday, the Sun squares Uranus (the planet of rebellion), highlighting disruptive, unprecedented events. On Wednesday, there’s a New Moon in Leo, which encourages us to use our most creative ideas in any issue we’re up against. The New Moon is also occurring near Black Moon Lilith (a point in space related to the Goddess who refused subjugation), urging us to speak out against injustice. So be bold. Be loud. And bring your fullest self-expression wherever you go.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app — now on iOS and Android. The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/14/202315 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Week of August 7th: A swoon-worthy Venus cazimi

Episode 138 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of August 7th, 2023, contains one of the brightest — and sweetest — spots in the year. But first, on Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love) squares Uranus (the planet of innovation), awakening us to disturbances on a societal scale or in our relationships. Later that same day, Mercury (the planet of communication) makes a trine to Jupiter (the planet of abundance), helping us broaden our minds in the face of any relational turbulence. On Sunday, mark your calendars with a gold star. The Sun conjoins Venus in a cazimi, shining golden rays of warmth and pleasure onto our bonds. Sunday is one of the best days for connection, adornment, beauty, and art during this Venus retrograde cycle. So dress up. Feel cute. Gather your loved ones. And enjoy. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. P.S. In honor of Venus’ retrograde through Leo, we’re gifting everyone a free 30-day all-access pass to the CHANI app. With this premium upgrade, you can access all the resources you need to support and empower yourself during this pivotal journey. All you have to do is enter VENUSRX30 in the “redeem offer code” section of the app and we’ll handle the rest. But hurry — the code expires on August 11th. Terms and conditions apply. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/7/202316 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Week of July 31st: A solutions-focused Full Moon in Aquarius and big wins thanks to Jupiter

Episode 137 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of July 31st, 2023, starts with a bang and ends with a party. On Tuesday, there’s a Full Moon in Aquarius making a square to Jupiter (the planet of bounty), which helps us come up with solutions based on facts and figures. Also on Tuesday, Mars (the planet of action) trines Jupiter, providing us with abundant fuel for winning. Later on that same day, Mercury (the planet of communication) opposes Saturn (the planet of boundaries), reminding us about the containers and limitations we are working within. On Sunday, the Sun squares Jupiter, bringing about an expansive triumph. So, plan strategically for collective wins early in the week, then go where the good times are at the end of it.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. P.S. In honor of Venus’ retrograde through Leo, we’re gifting everyone a free 30-day all-access pass to the CHANI app. With this premium upgrade, you can access all the resources you need to support and empower yourself during this pivotal journey. All you have to do is enter VENUSRX30 in the “redeem offer code” section of the app and we’ll handle the rest. But hurry — the code expires on August 11th. Terms and conditions apply. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/31/202312 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Week of July 24th: Love lessons from Venus retrograde

Episode 136 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of July 24th, 2023, has a very important message for us — and it’s all about love. On Thursday, Mercury (the planet of communication) conjoins Venus, giving us a clue about the lessons of this Venus retrograde. On Monday/Tuesday, the Moon conjoins the South Node in Libra, peeling back the layers to what this Venus retrograde cycle will help us heal. On Tuesday, the Moon enters Scorpio, ushering in deep feelings of emotional catharsis. On Friday, Pluto (the planet of transformation) squares the lunar nodes, amplifying issues of power, resources, and finances. Also on Friday, Mercury moves into Virgo, bringing us into an era of fact-checking (and nitpicking). Soak up all of the sweetness, pleasure, joy, and loving messages you receive this week. Doing so will bolster you for the underground journey we’re embarking on.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. P.S. In honor of Venus’ retrograde through Leo, we’re gifting everyone a free 30-day all-access pass to the CHANI app. With this premium upgrade, you can access all the resources you need to support and empower yourself during this pivotal journey. All you have to do is enter VENUSRX30 in the “redeem offer code” section of the app and we’ll handle the rest. But hurry — the code expires on August 11th. Terms and conditions apply. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/24/202314 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Week of July 17th: A New Moon, Venus retrograde, and much, much more

Episode 135 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of July 17th, 2023, is chock-full of incredibly impactful astrology. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) squares Jupiter (the planet of luck), bringing us big and impactful news. Later that same day, there’s a New Moon in Cancer opposing Pluto, helping us give ourselves the care we need. Also on Monday, the nodes of the Moon change signs, providing an increase of energy in the area of our charts that contains Aries and a release in the part of our charts that contains Libra. On Thursday, Mars (the planet of courage) opposes Saturn (the planet of boundaries), calling attention to a problem we have to contend with. On Friday, the Sun opposes Pluto (the planet of transformation), shining a light on something that is usually hidden. Also on Friday, the Sun makes a square to the lunar nodes, adding a fated feeling to our revelations. On Saturday, Venus (the planet of pleasure) stations retrograde, urging us to reclaim our desires and deepest feelings amid systems of supremacy. Then, the Sun enters Leo, which is a great time to adorn yourself and bring some flare to your life. On Sunday, Chiron stations retrograde, pulling focus to a wound we are working on healing. Finally, Mercury squares Uranus (the planet of disruption), which could present us with shocking news. This is one of the biggest weeks of the summer, so be extra caring with yourself and refuse to take on work that isn’t yours to take on.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/17/202321 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Week of July 10th: Mars and Mercury change signs and initiate new journeys

Episode 134 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 10th, 2023, contains shifts that will set us up for the long haul. On Monday, Mars (the planet of action) moves into Virgo, helping us hone the tools, strategies, and foresight to overcome an upcoming hurdle. Also on Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) makes an opposition with Pluto (the planet of transformation), exposing some kind of truth, potentially in the collective. Later that same day, Mercury moves into Leo, bringing light to an important conversation. On Tuesday, Mercury squares the nodes, calling our attention to any information we might have previously missed. On Friday, the Sun sextiles Uranus (the planet of upheavals), encouraging our unique ways of doing things and our capacity for radical care. Have fun and don’t overdo it this week, as there is potent astrology waiting in the wings. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/10/202310 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Week of July 3rd: A supportive Full Moon in Capricorn

Episode 133 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of July 3rd, 2023, begins with an exclamation point and gives us time to decompress afterward. On Monday, there’s a Full Moon in Capricorn trine Jupiter (the planet of abundance), centering long-term, sustainable growth. On Thursday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Uranus (the planet of breakthroughs), leading to lovely and exciting conversations. On Sunday, Mercury trines Neptune (the planet of illusions), amplifying our ability to connect with others through exchanges of ideas and opportunities. The rest of the month is jam-packed with important astrology, so use this relatively simple week to prepare for what’s to come.   For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/3/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Week of June 26th: Feisty curveballs and cazimi clarity

Episode 132 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of June 26th, 2023, starts off and ends with a little bit of chaos. On Monday, Mars (the planet of action) squares Uranus (the planet of upheaval), creating a bumpy, ungrounded, and combustible energy — so start this week with extra patience. Then on Monday, Mercury enters Cancer, pulling focus to themes of family and the ability to express our feelings. On Wednesday, the Sun trines Saturn (the planet of structure), highlighting the important boundaries we've set within our relationships. On Thursday, Mercury trines Saturn, allowing us to witness where we are in integrity with our inner life, self, and needs. On Friday, there's a Mercury cazimi, helping us gather information about how we feel on an emotional level. Also on Friday, Neptune (the planet of illusions) stations retrograde, which is great for dreaming and fantasizing — as long as we are aware that we are doing so. On Saturday, the Sun and Mercury sextile Jupiter (the planet of abundance), granting us a moment of insight and huge blessings. On Sunday, Venus (the planet of love) squares Uranus, bringing a disruptive quality to our relationships and experiences of pleasure. This week brushes up against our tender edges, but also encourages us to honor where we are and to try something new. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/26/202319 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Week of June 19th: Sweet solstice celebrations + Mercury gets messy

Episode 131 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of June 19th, 2023, gives us a good reason to celebrate. On Monday, Jupiter (the planet of growth) makes a sextile to Saturn (the planet of boundaries), revealing abundance in the commitments we have made. On Wednesday, the Sun moves into Cancer and marks the solstice, initiating a new season of joy and revelry with friends and loved ones. Also on Wednesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) makes a sextile to Mars (the planet of action), which helps us to move in the direction we want with courage and conviction. On Sunday, Mercury squares Neptune (the planet of dreams and illusions), which can muddle practical details. It’s a great week to honor the connection we share with each other and the cycles we live within. Enjoy.   For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/19/202311 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Week of June 12th: A dreamy (and dizzying) New Moon in Gemini

Episode 130 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of June 12th, 2023, bridges fantasy and reality. On Thursday, Mercury (the planet of communication) squares Saturn (the planet of restriction), sending our communications back to edit mode. On Saturday, Mercury sextiles Venus (the planet of pleasure), making this a great day for talking about pleasure, reciting poetry, and sending love notes. Also on Saturday, Saturn stations retrograde, firming up the structures in the area of our chart that contains Pisces. Finally, on Saturday, there’s a New Moon in Gemini making a square to Neptune (the planet of illusion), which stirs up clouds of confusion as well as dreamy inspiration. So, give yourself some unstructured time to delve into your imagination this week. The images you find there just might enhance your reality.   For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/12/202313 minutes, 7 seconds
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Venus in Leo kickstarts our summer of love

Episode 129 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of June 5th, 2023, gets down to the heart of the matter. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) enters Leo where it will get hot and heavy for the next five months, bringing flashy, cinematic drama to our connections. On the same day, Venus makes an opposition to Pluto (the planet of transformation), helping us reach the core of a relationship issue. On Thursday, Venus squares the nodes, which is a good moment to ensure we’re not skipping a step regarding conflicts with our nearest and dearest. On Friday, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Neptune (the planet of dreams), supporting the conversations that help us escape the confines of reality. On Sunday, Pluto moves back into Capricorn, pulling focus to truth and transformation on both the collective and personal levels. Shortly after, Mercury trines Pluto, giving us dreams and exchanges centered on themes of reclaiming our power. Then, Mercury enters Gemini, which is great for conversing and trading information. Finally, on Sunday, Venus squares Jupiter (the planet of abundance), encouraging us to relax and center pleasure in a big way. This Venusian party is just getting started. Go slow and enjoy.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/5/202317 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Week of May 29th: A big and bountiful Full Moon in Sagittarius

Episode 128 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of May 29th, 2023, urges us to go big, and probably not go home. On Thursday, Jupiter (the planet of abundance) meets up with the North Node (a place where eclipses happen and appetites tend to go unchecked), so there’s a risk of overdoing it. On Friday, Venus (the planet of love) trines Neptune (the planet of illusion), creating a romantic moment that’s great for enjoying beauty and connecting with the people we love. On Saturday, there’s a Full Moon in Sagittarius, which is a beautiful invitation to explore and get adventurous. And because Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius, the influence of this Full Moon will be even more potent. Later that same day, Mercury (the planet of communication) conjoins Uranus (the planet of disruption), encouraging us to have loud conversations that get to the truth of the matter. It’s a bold and liberating week. So have fun, then rest deeply. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/29/202317 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Week of May 22nd: Fiery energy for collective wins, thanks to Mars and Jupiter

Episode 127 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of May 22nd, 2023, encourages us to take action for collective good. On Monday, Mars (the planet of action) squares Jupiter (the planet of abundance), heightening our desire to win and our ability to do so. On Tuesday, the Moon conjoins Venus (the planet of love), helping us connect with others on an emotional level. On Wednesday, the Moon enters Leo, heating and speeding up the tempo of the week. On Friday, Mars squares the lunar nodes, holding up a cosmic mirror to how we manage — and channel — our rage. Also on Friday, Venus sextiles Uranus (the planet of disruption), which is a cute moment to lean in to unexpected sweetness and pleasure. On Sunday, the Sun makes a square to Saturn, notifying us of a limit or boundary we need to respect. In all, it’s a great week to move toward abundance with fierce, competitive energy — especially if it’s in favor of something bigger than ourselves. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/22/202311 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Week of May 15th: Big shifts and potent gifts from the New Moon and Jupiter in Taurus

Episode 126 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 15th, 2023, is filled with big shifts and potent gifts. On Monday, Mars (the planet of action) trines Neptune (the planet of dreams), making it a beautiful day to move toward your inspiration. On Tuesday, Jupiter (the planet of abundance) enters Taurus, urging us to create our own luck by relaxing and receiving the sweetness of the moment. On Wednesday, Jupiter squares Pluto (the planet of transformation), pointing to potential power moves on the world stage and our desire to win on a personal level. On Thursday, the Sun sextiles Neptune, and Mercury (the planet of communication) trines Saturn (the planet of boundaries), which is the perfect combo for crafting plans and sinking into our dreams. On Friday, there’s a New Moon in Taurus, which asks us to think deeply about the kind of abundance that can unfold when we slow down. Then on Saturday, the Sun enters Gemini, offering us a breath of fresh, mutable air. Blessings abound — enjoy. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/15/202315 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Week of May 8th: Mercury and Uranus bring breakthroughs

Episode 125In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of May 8th, 2023, starts out bumpy but ends with some clarity. On Tuesday, the Sun conjoins Uranus (the planet of disruption), clarifying the need for a specific kind of change in our lives — and possibly in the world. On Friday, Venus (the planet of love) trines Saturn (the planet of boundaries), asking us to commit to what brings us long-lasting sweetness. On Sunday, Mercury (the planet of communication) stations direct and prompts us to find the lessons in the recent misfires and breakdowns in our lives. So go slow. Sift through the details. Relax. And enjoy the physical pleasures surrounding you.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/8/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Week of May 1st, 2023: A grand finale: The last lunar eclipse in Scorpio

Episode 124 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of May 1st, 2023, requires that we bolster our systems for deep exfoliation. On Monday, there’s an illuminating Mercury cazimi, which gives us a day of clarity amid the retrograde cycle. Also on Monday, Pluto (the planet of transformation) stations retrograde, pulling focus on themes of power and agency. On Thursday, Venus (the planet of love) squares Neptune (the planet of daydreams) and sextiles Jupiter (the planet of abundance), setting us up for a day that is full of delight — and possible excess. Then, on Friday, the week’s major astrology happens: There’s a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, which activates release, catharsis, and general intensity. This is the last one of its kind for the next two decades. Lastly, on Sunday, Venus moves into Cancer, blessing the part of our charts that contains the sign of the crab. Since the big news this week is the lunar eclipse in Scorpio, allow yourself the space to process your emotions and find closure where you need it.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/1/202315 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Week of April 24th, 2023: A recess in eclipse season

Episode 123 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of April 24th, 2023, gives us a moment to ourselves. On Monday, the Sun conjoins the North Node, revealing potent information about our appetites and desires. On Tuesday, the Sun sextiles Saturn (the planet of boundaries), allowing us to identify what’s not functioning and make any necessary adjustments. On Saturday, Mars (the planet of action) sextiles Uranus (the planet of change), inspiring innovative acts of care for ourselves and others. Since there’s not a ton going on, we can use this week to take a beat, reflect on what happened last week, and prepare for what’s coming next.   For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/24/202313 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Week of April 17th, 2023: A potent and energetic Solar Eclipse in Aries

Episode 122 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of April 17th, 2023, initiates eclipse season and marks a whole new chapter for us. On Wednesday, there’s a solar eclipse in Aries, exaggerating feelings of beginnings and endings. On Thursday, the Sun enters Taurus, ushering in Taurus season. Later on Thursday, the Sun squares Pluto (the planet of transformation), adding intensity to the decisions we make or events that occur. On Friday, Mercury stations retrograde, encouraging a review of practical matters. This week is a bit of a collision course with a steep, yet rewarding, learning curve. Ground down where you can. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/17/202316 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Week of April 10th, 2023: An abundant Jupiter cazimi

Episode 121 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of April 10th, 2023, helps us feel abundantly resourced. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) enters Gemini, encouraging us to circulate affection. On Tuesday, Jupiter (the planet of prosperity) conjoins the Sun, realigning us with the principles of generosity and gratitude. Also on Tuesday, Venus trines Pluto, introducing us to relationships, resources, and situations of great influence. Then on Friday, Venus squares Saturn (the planet of boundaries), urging us to be discerning regarding our pleasures and relationships. In all, this week fills us with confidence to do all kinds of amazing things. Go forth and prosper.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/10/202311 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Week of April 3rd, 2023: The Full Moon in Libra provides potent healing

Episode 120 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of April 3rd, 2023, offers a cosmic realignment. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) enters Taurus, inviting in deep conversations — and maybe a power struggle or two. On Wednesday, Mercury sextiles Saturn (the planet of boundaries) which is helpful for our long term plans. Also on Wednesday, there’s a Full Moon in Libra, bringing awareness and healing to a personal or collective wound. At the same moment — and opposite from — the Full Moon, the Sun conjoins Chiron (aka the wounded healer), infusing that same wound with light and warmth. On Wednesday, Mercury conjoins the North Node, which signifies a fated dialogue. On Friday, Mercury sextiles Mars (the planet of action), which can make us feel triumphant. Finally, on Friday, Venus sextiles Neptune, giving this day a romantic and idyllic quality. It’s an emotionally profound week that ends on a good note.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
4/3/202314 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Week of March 27th, 2023: Mercury conjunct Jupiter and Mars trine Saturn offer solutions

Episode 119 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all.  The astrology of the week of March 27th, 2023, offers solutions and ease. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) conjoins Jupiter (the planet of bounty and fun times), amplifying any positive, loving messages we give or receive. On Thursday, Mars (the planet of action) trines Saturn (the planet of boundaries), helping us do something challenging with greater flow. Later that same day, Venus (the planet of love) conjoins Uranus (the planet of surprise), encouraging us to do pleasure differently. In sum, it’s a straightforward and helpful week with the potential to magnify good news. And we could always use a little bit more of that.  For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
3/27/202313 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Week of March 20th, 2023: The Equinox, Aries New Moon, and Pluto in Aquarius bring major shifts

Episode 118 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of March 20th, 2023, is huge. On Monday, the Equinox happens, which changes up our tempos and rhythms. On Tuesday, there’s a New Moon in Aries, which offers us fiery, bold, starter energy. On Thursday, Pluto (the planet of renewal) enters Aquarius, providing an introduction to a deep transformation related to communication, technology, and collective power. On Saturday, Mars (the warrior planet) enters Cancer, leading to powerful, evocative, and somewhat indirect ways of approaching issues. Overall, this week marks a significant shift. What would you like to do with your new beginning? For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
3/20/202318 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Week of March 13th, 2023: Mars in Gemini squares Neptune and communications are tested

Episode 117 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of March 13th, 2023, has so much going on that it’s hard to depend on for a specific outcome. On Tuesday, Mars (the planet of action) squares Neptune (the planet of illusion), leading to a potential communication meltdown. On Wednesday, there’s a Neptune cazimi, which is great for our imagination and creativity. On Thursday, one gajillion things happen — Mercury (the planet of communication) conjoins Neptune, the Sun squares Mars, Venus (the planet of love) squares Pluto (the planet of regeneration), Venus moves into Taurus, and Mercury squares Mars — so information sharing is weird and wild. On Friday, the Sun conjoins Mars, offering a helpful moment of clarity to parse through the confusion of the week. Also on Friday, Venus sextiles Saturn, giving us some sweet affirmation. On Saturday, Mercury sextiles Pluto, which feels deeply supportive. Later that same day, Mercury enters Aries, signifying a shift in how we connect. Overall, it’s a good idea to relax your expectations and ride the waves. Our advice? Keep your hottest takes in the drafts, at least until the weekend. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
3/13/202313 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Week of March 6th, 2023: Saturn enters Pisces during a Full Moon in Virgo

Episode 116 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of March 6th, 2023, is kind of a big deal for our growth. On Monday, the Sun sextiles Uranus (the planet of freedom), which is great for trying new things. On Tuesday, the Full Moon in Virgo gives us the push we need to offer our tools and skills in service to others. Also on Tuesday, Saturn (the planet of restrictions) enters Pisces, providing potent lessons about how to be both watery and boundaried. On Saturday, Venus (the planet of love) sextiles Mars (the planet of action), amplifying fun and flirty feelings. Later that same day, Mercury (the planet of communication) sextiles Uranus, sparking wild conversations and bold ideas. Then, on Saturday, Jupiter conjoins Chiron, allowing us to learn from our wounds, mentors, and wisest teachers. It’s an important week that will hopefully usher in an era of increased flow and openness in our lives. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
3/6/202324 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Week of February 27th, 2023: Venus and Jupiter spark sweetness in Aries

Episode 115 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of February 27th, 2023, brings an exciting spark of warmth. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love) conjoins Jupiter (the planet of abundance) in Aries, sweeping us up into a wildfire of delight and excitement. On Thursday, Mercury (the planet of communication) conjoins Saturn (the planet of boundaries), so this is a beautiful day to make an oath. Later that same day, Mercury enters Pisces, blurring the lines between fact and poetry. And on Friday, Venus conjoins Chiron, ushering in healing in our relationships and connection to beauty. Overall, this week is the kindling we need to create a loving, lasting fire. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
2/27/202315 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Week of February 20th, 2023: A New Moon in Pisces and benefic boldness

Episode 114 In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of February 20th, 2023, is here to expand our capacity for courage — especially when it comes to our relationships. On Sunday, the New Moon in Pisces occurs, ushering more love, sweetness, and idealism into dreamscapes. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) and Jupiter (the planet of abundance) come together in Aries, instilling a bold and generous feeling in our partnerships. On Tuesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) makes a square to Uranus (the planet of disruption), which could kick up some surprises and unexpected information. Then on Wednesday, Mercury makes a helpful trine to Mars (the planet of action), adding a dash of ease to our decisive conversations. In short, it’s a week to take action and opt for expansion. You got this. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
2/20/202312 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Week of February 13th, 2023: Venusian valentines and the start of Pisces season

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of February 13th, 2023, asks us to consider our commitments to ourselves, our dreams, and our relationships. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love) and Neptune (the planet of dreams and ideals) come together, eroding any boundaries around divine love. On Thursday, there’s a Saturn cazimi in Aquarius, which marks an auspicious moment to make an oath. On Friday, Mercury (the planet of communication) makes a friendly aspect to Jupiter (the planet of growth), helping us initiate mind-opening conversations. Then on Saturday, the Sun enters Pisces and ushers in a dreamy new beginning. Overall, it’s a week to bliss out to the best of your ability. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
2/13/202316 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Week of February 6th, 2023: Mercurial moves and power plunges

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of February 6th, 2023, is all about conversation and cathartic revelation. On Monday, Mercury (the planet of communication) makes a helpful sextile to Neptune (the planet of fantasy), encouraging us to tap into our imaginations and dream up the solutions we most need. Mercury is also just out of its post-retrograde shadow and poised to usher our communications into new territory. On Tuesday, Venus (the planet of love) makes a sextile to Uranus (the planet of disruption), which nudges us to switch things up and explore unexpected pleasure. On Friday, Mercury makes a conjunction with Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys), prompting us to plunge into the roots of a situation and speak from a place of power. Then on Saturday, Mercury moves into Aquarius to help us articulate exactly what the collective needs most. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
2/6/20239 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Week of January 30th, 2023: A Radical Full Moon in Leo

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of January 30th, 2023, asks us to be honest with ourselves about how we show up in the world. On Friday, the Sun squares Uranus (the planet of disruption) and prompts us to break any outdated norms surrounding our identities. On Saturday, Venus (the planet of love) squares Mars (the planet of action and confrontation), which could shed light on a relationship issue or two. Then on Sunday, the Full Moon in Leo occurs, illuminating our shine and most authentic selves. In all, it’s a good week for honoring the true you. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/30/202315 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Week of January 23rd, 2023: Venus enters Pisces, and the Sun trines Mars

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of January 23rd, 2023, is ripe with blessings. On Tuesday, the Sun sextiles Jupiter (the planet of abundance) and gives us a long overdue confidence boost. On Thursday, Venus (the planet of love) enters Pisces, ushering ease into the part of our chart that contains the sign of the fish. On Sunday, the Sun trines Mars (the planet of action) and pumps us up with the energy to move forward with our schemes and dreams. Then, later that same day, Mercury (the planet of communication) trines Uranus (the planet of innovation), which helps us find innovative solutions to any communication snafus. Overall, it’s a pretty cute week. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/23/20239 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Week of January 16th, 2023: Mercury is direct, Aquarius season begins and there’s a New Moon in Aquarius

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of January 16th, 2023, feels like the true beginning of 2023. On Wednesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) stations direct in a helpful trine with Uranus (the planet of breakthroughs), broadening our ability to understand the solutions we need right now. Then the Sun conjoins Pluto (the planet of underworld journeys) and shines a light on the hidden truths we hold within ourselves and our society. On Friday, the Sun moves into Aquarius, marking the official start of Aquarius season. On Saturday, the New Moon in Aquarius occurs, offering a deep cleansing and renewal to the area of our chart that contains the water bearer. Finally, on Sunday, Venus conjoins Saturn and clarifies the containers we need to create beauty in our relationships. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/16/202317 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Week of January 9th, 2023: Mars stations direct, and Venus squares Uranus

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of January 9th, 2023, marks a pivotal turning point for us all. On Monday, Venus (the planet of love) trines Mars (the planet of action) and gives our relationships a much-needed boost. On Thursday, Mars stations direct, marking the end of a challenging chapter and encouraging us to reflect on all that we’ve learned over the past few months. On Friday, the Sun sextiles Neptune (the planet of illusion and dreams) and ushers in a lovely moment for escapism. Then on Saturday, Venus makes a square to Uranus, which encourages us to innovate our ways of working in relationship. Above all, remember to take things slow and keep your wits about you — starting a new chapter is never simple. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/9/202310 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Week of January 2nd, 2023: The Full Moon in Cancer occurs, and Mercury is cazimi

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of January 2nd, 2022, amplifies our ability to care for ourselves and for each other. On Monday, the Sun trines Uranus (the planet of change and innovation) and shows us how to utilize the tools we have at our disposal in a new way. Then Venus (the planet of love) enters Aquarius, delivering a feeling of expansiveness to our relationships. On Tuesday, the Full Moon in Cancer occurs and clarifies what radical care means for us, individually and collectively. On Wednesday, Venus sextiles Jupiter (the planet of abundance), helping us zoom out and see the big picture beyond our personal stories. On Saturday, Mercury (the planet of communication) joins the Sun in a cazimi and ushers in powerful insights. Then on Sunday, Mercury goes on to trine Uranus, prompting us to form new ways of imagining mutual support. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
1/2/202313 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Week of December 26th, 2022: Mercury stations retrograde, and Venus conjoins Pluto

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of December 26th, 2022, asks us to pace ourselves. On Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love and connection) sextiles Neptune (the planet of dreams and illusion), offering a cute moment of escape. On Thursday, Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn, prompting us to turn inward to edit, sort, and review the structures in our lives. Later that same day, Mercury conjoins Venus and peels back the layers of our hearts’ desires, as well as our intimacy issues. Then on Saturday, Venus conjoins Pluto (the planet of transformation), illuminating the work that needs to be done in our relationships. So go slow, pause where you can,  and close out the year in reflection. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
12/26/202212 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Week of December 19th, 2022: Jupiter re-enters Aries. The Solstice and Capricorn New Moon occur.

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of December 19th, 2022, is filled with potent energy to help us restart. On Tuesday, Jupiter (the planet of abundance) moves into Aries, gifting the part of your chart that contains cardinal fire a much-needed boost. On Wednesday, the Sun enters Capricorn, encouraging a refresh in our structures and commitments. This December Solstice offers us a beautiful opportunity to reset and plant seeds for the future. Then on Friday, the New Moon in Capricorn occurs and amplifies the themes of the Solstice, as it happens in the same part of your chart. Overall, it’s a great week to set intentions and envision how you want to enter the new year. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
12/19/202214 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Week of December 12th, 2022: Mercury enters its shadow and the Sun squares Neptune

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of December 12th, 2022, functions as a bit of a reset. On Monday, the Sun sextiles Saturn (the planet of discipline and structure), helping us take practical steps toward realizing our dreams. On Tuesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) enters its pre-retrograde shadow — a subtle precursor to a review that will take place in Capricorn later this month. On Wednesday, the Sun squares Neptune (the planet of illusion), fueling our imagination, dreams, and desire to escape. Then on Saturday, Mercury trines Uranus (the planet of innovation) and prompts inspired conversations and out-of-the-box thinking. And that’s all. It’s kind of like a free period. Enjoy. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
12/12/20229 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Week of November 28th, 2022: Mars trines Saturn and Mercury and Venus oppose Mars

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of November 28th, 2022, urges us to clarify our conversations. On Monday, Mars (the planet of action) trines Saturn (the planet of discipline), bolstering our ambition and ability to get things done. On Tuesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) opposes Mars, which could inflame misunderstandings. Then on Wednesday, Venus (the planet of love) makes the same opposition, causing our relationships to get a little prickly. On Thursday, Venus sextiles Saturn and helps solidify a situation that has been challenging. Lastly, on Saturday, Neptune (the planet of illusion) stations direct and forms a square to Venus, stoking creativity, confusion, and the chances that we could get lost in fairyland. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
11/28/202214 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Week of November 21st, 2022: The Sun enters Sagittarius, and the New Moon in Sagittarius occurs as Jupiter stations direct

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of November 21st, 2022, brings a much-needed refresh. On Monday, Mercury makes a conjunction with Venus, adding an adventurous spirit to our conversations and a sweetness to our connections. On Tuesday, the Sun enters Sagittarius, marking the official end of eclipse season. On Wednesday, the New Moon in Sagittarius occurs, ushering in some long-awaited ease. Then, minutes later, Jupiter — the planet of abundance — stations direct, pulling greater focus and opportunity to our fresh starts. And that’s it. It’s a simple, straightforward, and lovely week. Enjoy. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
11/21/202214 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Week of November 14th, 2022: Venus and Mercury trine Jupiter, then enter Sagittarius, and Mars squares Neptune

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of November 14th, 2022, is helpful, healing, and a little bit hectic. On Monday, Mercury sextiles Pluto and the Sun trines Neptune, helping us to imagine new possibilities and communicate with power — then Venus trines Jupiter and smooths out any relationship snafus that emerged during the eclipses. On Tuesday, Venus enters Sagittarius, lifts the mood, and prompts us to explore love and pleasure with freedom. On Wednesday, Mercury trines Jupiter and asks us to listen (and reflect on) the good things. On Thursday, Mercury enters Sagittarius, fueling the flames of data and conversation-analysis. On Friday, the Sun sextiles Pluto, reminding us to center our sovereignty. Then on Saturday, Mars squares Neptune and our communications get messy. The best course of action? Pause where possible and make no assumptions. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
11/14/202217 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Week of November 7th, 2022: There’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus and a Mercury cazimi

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of November 7th, 2022, is a bit of a wild card. On Tuesday, the total lunar eclipse in Taurus occurs, blotting out the light of the Moon and initiating a visceral shift. Because it’s conjunct Uranus (the planet of disruption), in a square to Saturn (the planet of consequences), and happening at the same time as a Mercury cazimi in Scorpio, this particular eclipse brings insights that awaken the masses. It’s here to remind us that the time for change is now, and that we are the ones who will save us. With all of these events dominating the astral airwaves, a truth, fact, or situation is sure to be revealed. Secrets beware — this week is a sleuth to reckon with. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
11/7/202218 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Week of October 31st, 2022: Mars is retrograde, Venus opposes Uranus, and Venus squares Saturn

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of October 31st, 2022, is a little tenderizing. We start off with a newly retrograde Mars, which is initiating a three-month-long deep dive into our power, agency, and anger. Then on Saturday, Venus — the planet of pleasure and beauty — makes an opposition to Uranus — the planet of disruption — dumping a dose of radical honesty into relationships. And on Sunday, Venus continues on to square Saturn — the planet of structure — asking us to take a hard look at the dynamics of our values and commitments. In all, it could shake a few things up, but we’ll be better for it in the end. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/31/202222 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Week of October 24th, 2022: There's a solar eclipse in Scorpio, Jupiter enters Pisces, and Mars stations retrograde

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of October 24th, 2022, brings an interesting confluence of events — including one of the biggest things to happen this year. On Tuesday, the solar eclipse in Scorpio occurs, blotting out the light of the Sun and ushering in a wobbly energy shift. On Thursday, Jupter enters Pisces, offering us a guiding light amid the challenges. And then on Sunday, it happens: Mars stations retrograde in Gemini. This retrograde cycle will span through January 12th of 2023 and prompt us to look at our rage, anger, and agency; redefine what victory means for us; and analyze the ways we parse out truth. It’s a big week. So move slow and stay grounded. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/24/202230 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Week of October 17th, 2022: Venus is cazimi, Saturn stations direct, and Scorpio season begins

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of October 17th, 2022, helps us to center love, connection, and beauty as we prepare for eclipse season. On Wednesday, the Sun and Venus both square Pluto — the planet of power, wealth, and shadow — ushering in a deep overhaul of our relationship issues. But, on Saturday, a beautiful moment for love and relationship takes place with the Venus cazimi in Libra. This heart-centered moment sparks new realizations, relationship dynamics, and ways of being. Later that day, Saturn stations direct and amplifies those same initiatives and commitments. Then on Sunday, the Sun enters Scorpio, marking the beginning of eclipse season. But more on that next week… For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/17/202215 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Week of October 10th, 2022: The Full Moon in Aries occurs and Mars squares Neptune

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of October 10th, 2022, reminds us that healing and hope go hand in hand. On Sunday, a big, bold Full Moon in Aries occurs conjunct Chiron — the minor planet we associate with our inner aches, pains, and growth edges — illuminating the ways we repair, share wisdom, and bear witness to ourselves. On Tuesday, Mars makes a sloshy square to Neptune, which could leave us feeling somewhat fatigued, run-down, or off-track. Then on Wednesday, Mercury makes its third and final opposition to Jupiter in this cycle, ushering optimism and good news back around. To close out the week, Venus then makes a lovely trine to Saturn and strengthens our commitments to the things that bring us joy. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/10/202212 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Week of October 3rd, 2022: Mercury trines Pluto, then Pluto stations direct

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of October 3rd, 2022, is here to help us solve some problems and focus on a path forward. Though the beginning of the week is relatively quiet, on Thursday, Mercury in Virgo makes a trine to Pluto and does something helpful for the first time in a week. (Cue applause.) Here, the planet of communication shows us the missing pieces in our conversations and adds depth to our exchanges. Then on Saturday, Pluto — the planet of transformation — stations direct in Capricorn. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, focusing its underground shifts on our economic systems, but as it approaches the final stretch in the cardinal earth sign, it raises the stakes and encourages us to center our personal power and push for the changes we so desperately need. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
10/3/202214 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Week of September 26th, 2022: The New Moon in Libra occurs, Venus enters Libra, and Mercury stations direct opposite Neptune

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 26th, 2022, brings a mix of clarity and conundrum. On Monday, the New Moon in Libra occurs opposite Jupiter, ushering in a beautiful new beginning in the part of your chart that contains the scales. On Thursday, Venus enters its home sign of Libra, inviting ease into our relationships, and then on Saturday, it goes on to oppose Jupiter, initiating an appetite for beauty, parties, and good times. To close out the week, Mercury stations direct in an opposition to Neptune. While the end of Mercury’s retrograde is usually a relief, here, the planet of communication pulls focus on confusion and illusion. So things could get messy — and topsy-turvy. But if we work with the rest of the astrology, it can help us through with a little more grace. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/26/202213 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Week of September 19th, 2022: Libra season / the Equinox, and Mercury cazimi

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 19th, 2022, is all about balance. On Monday, Venus trines Uranus, prompting us to realign our relationship to pleasure and play. On Thursday, the Sun enters Libra heralding the Equinox. This is one of two days per year when the hours of day equal the hours of night. Later that same day, the Sun and Mercury (retrograde) come together in a cazimi, gifting us insights into where our systems of justice, fairness, and equity need to be recalibrated. Then on Friday, Mercury continues its retrograde back into Virgo and makes a messy opposition to Neptune, blurring our boundaries and — ultimately — helping us pinpoint where things need to shift. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/19/202216 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Week of September 12th, 2022: The Sun opposes Neptune, then Venus makes a square to Mars

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 12th, 2022, is relatively simple but sloshy. The week begins as the Sun in Virgo leaves a trine with Uranus, prompting us to roll up our sleeves and discover new ways to work with what we’ve got. Then on Friday, the Sun forms an opposition to Neptune, which delivers a conflicting message — that sometimes things don’t work and we have to let them go. Later that day, Venus in Virgo makes a square to Mars, adding a critical edge and an influx of emotion to our interactions. Because this is all happening in a Mercury-ruled sign during Mercury retrograde, things feel a little messy. The solution? Don’t be reactive. Refuse to take anything personally. Prepare for details to get lost and translations to be thrown out the window. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/12/202216 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Week of September 5th, 2022: Mercury retrograde and the Full Moon in Pisces

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of September 5th, 2022, is all about going with the flow. In fact, there’s no other option. With Mercury stationing retrograde and a Full Moon in Pisces occurring within eight hours of each other, this week brings a lot of feelings and obstacles. If we spend our time trying to push things forward that are clearly moving backward, thanks to Mercury, we’re going to waste all of our precious energy. But if we surrender to the process, we can use this time to think in a different way. The same goes for the Full Moon in Pisces. Because this lunation is conjunct Neptune — the deity of the oceans — it’s dreamy and sensitizing, but also a little wobbly. In order to make the most of it, we’ll need to ride the waves instead of trying to swim against the tides. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
9/5/202215 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Week of August 29th, 2022: Mars sextiles Jupiter, then Mercury opposes Jupiter

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 29th, 2022, houses two helpful — though slightly extreme — aspects. On Thursday, Mars and Jupiter come into a lovely alignment, broadening our minds and gifting us easy wins all around. But because Jupiter is in Aries, a Mars-ruled sign, the planet of abundance is at the planet of victory’s fiery whim. Then on Friday, Mercury (the planet of communication) opposes Jupiter and puts our conversations about justice on full blast. It’s loud. It’s clear. But it’s also really powerful. Focus on the messages and triumphs you want to make — then prepare to bask in their goodness. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/29/202213 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Week of August 22nd, 2022: Virgo season begins and there’s a New Moon in Virgo

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 22nd, 2022, is here to help us to scrape away the gunk that’s clogging our minds, communications, and relationships with precision. On Monday, the Sun moves into earthy, mutable Virgo, highlighting the beauty in the details, and on Saturday, the New Moon in Virgo occurs. Unlike typical New Moons, this lunation isn’t great for planting seeds. Instead, it cuts close to the bone and brings a critical, sharp, and analytical eye to everything we touch — thanks to an exact square to Mars. This aspect adds an inflammatory lens to the week, but it also lends us the courage to do the things we need to do, no matter how unpleasant. So if you know how to work with it, it can actually be quite productive. We also have some exciting news — last week, we officially launched daily content in the CHANI app. That means personalized daily horoscopes, a snapshot of the current Moon phase and sign, daily featured meditations, and so much more. So if you haven’t already, update your app and enjoy. And if you’re an Android user, you can now find your daily horoscope on the CHANI website. For more, check out your free daily horoscope on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free daily horoscope on the CHANI website. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/22/202212 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Week of August 15th, 2022: Mercury trines Uranus, Venus trines Jupiter, and Mars enters Gemini

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 15th, 2022, encourages us to go with the flow and follow what’s easy. After the gnarly astrology of the past month, this week brings a welcomed shift, thanks to a couple of lovely trines. On Tuesday, Mercury (the planet of communication) trines Uranus (the planet of innovation) and ushers in some much-needed system updates. Then on Thursday, Venus (the planet of connection) trines Jupiter (the planet of abundance), delivering blessings all around. This is a moment for spontaneous hangs with your besties, and an opportunity to celebrate the generosity in your life. At the end of the week, Mars moves into Gemini and Mercury makes an opposition to Neptune, sparking a flurry of curiosity and Twilight Zone logic. So sit back and get your daydream on. Your to-do list can wait a few days. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/15/202217 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Week of August 8th, 2022: The Full Moon in Aquarius and the aftermath of the Mars / North Node / Uranus conjunction

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 8th, 2022, carries challenging reverberations from Mars’ recent North Node / Uranus conjunction and square to Saturn — but it also brings a Full Moon to illuminate everything that needs our attention. Occurring on Thursday, the Full Moon in Aquarius arrives in a close conjunction with Saturn and a square to Uranus, which highlight the extreme nature of our situations. This lunation is here to shine the spotlight on how important patience really is. So go slow and give yourself ample space. Innovation and perspective need time to flourish. In the latter half of the week, the Sun makes a square to Uranus and opposes Saturn, Venus enters Leo, and Mars makes a sextile with Neptune. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/8/202223 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Week of August 1st, 2022: Mars in Taurus conjoins the North Node and Uranus, then squares Saturn

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of August 1st, 2022, is challenging, to say the least. As Mars — the planet of war, aggression, and conflict — conjoins the North Node and Uranus, the planet of disruption, we’re given ample opportunity to de-escalate situations and get to the root of anything that isn’t working. Because it’s all happening in Taurus, issues surrounding the environment, land, food, and/or the state of our ecological crisis will take center stage. Later in the week, Mars squares Saturn, the proverbial stop sign of the solar system — so prep for whiplash and quick-thinking. But there is beauty to be found in the dark. Through two small but mighty aspects, Venus in Cancer reminds us that connection and relationship are our way through challenging times. Hold on to what’s important and let the rest fall as it may. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
8/1/202224 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Week of July 25th, 2022: The New Moon occurs in Leo and Mercury squares Mars, the North Node, and Uranus

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 25th, 2022, ushers in an extreme mix of emotion. It’s filled with challenges and abundance, chaos and opportunity — and it reminds us that sometimes, you just have to roll with the punches. At the beginning of the week, Mercury — the microphone of the cosmos — makes a square to Mars, the planet that loves get our blood boiling. Then, it continues on to square Uranus, the planet of disruption, as well as the North Node later on. So, conversations could get heated. Things could feel volatile. But the confrontations that arise could also shed light on what needs to change for the better. And then, the New Moon in Leo arrives, gifting us the courage to speak up and push through with flair. Trining Jupiter, the planet of abundance, this lunation brings a gorgeous opportunity to set bold intentions and initiate our own sense of leadership. So radiate your “special something” and recommit to our dreams. The world needs them. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/25/202221 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Week of July 18th, 2022: Mercury and the Sun oppose Pluto and Leo season begins

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 18th, 2022, is here to uncover truths that have been long buried. As both Mercury and the Sun make an opposition to Pluto at the beginning of the week, power dynamics take center stage. These transits unearth conversations around personal agency and prompt us to remember our power. Though times like these can feel challenging, they’re also deeply transformative — there’s only one way to get to the bottom of things, after all. Later in the week, Leo season brings a much-needed mood lift and Mercury trines the planet of abundance. Together, these moments welcome an influx of good news, bold ideas, and an expansion of all things possible. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/18/202213 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Week of July 11th, 2022: The Full Moon in Capricorn and a Mercury cazimi

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 11th, 2022, asks that we slow down and take extra-good, loving care of ourselves. On Wednesday, the Full Moon in Capricorn prompts us to give our bodies the rest and replenishment that they need, instead of focusing on our to-do lists. Because this lunation is punctuated by a conjunction with Pluto — the planet of the underworld — it brings its transformative prowess to our physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychological selves. So go slow. Be gentle. Listen to what you need. Profound metamorphosis is possible with proper cocoon time. By the end of the week, we’ll be rewarded with the divine downloads, inner wisdom, and newfound clarity that come with a Mercury cazimi. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/11/202215 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Week of July 4th, 2022: Mercury enters Cancer and Mars enters Taurus

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of July 4th, 2022, reminds us that care is our greatest currency. As Mercury enters the sign of Cancer, the planet of communication prompts us to put words to our emotions and set big, hopeful plans for the future — with a little help from Jupiter. Then, when Mars enters Taurus, we’re reminded that sometimes we need a touch of chaos to shake up our priorities for the better. (We can’t forget about self-care, after all.) At the end of the week, the Sun brings it all together with an invigorating sextile to Uranus, showing us that innovation and connection might just be the golden combo we’ve been looking for. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
7/4/202216 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Week of June 27th, 2022: The New Moon in Cancer and Venus sextile Jupiter

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. Note: This podcast was recorded before June 24th, the day the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and ended 50 years of federal abortion rights. To donate to’s nationwide abortion fund, click here. All donations will go directly to survivors of gender-based violence who need access to safe abortion. The astrology of the week of June 27th, 2022, ushers in one of *the best* New Moons of the year. Ripe with optimism, growth, and expansion, June 28th’s New Moon in Cancer is a prime time for starting new projects and embarking on epic journeys. On the same day, Venus sextiles Jupiter, boosting the beneficial potential of this lunation. So set those intentions. Initiate that connection. Begin that venture. It’s time to commit to all that we want to bring into the world. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/27/202219 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Week of June 20th, 2022: The Solstice

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of June 20th, 2022, welcomes the Solstice — the year’s official halfway point. This pivotal solar transit prompts us to take stock of how far we’ve come and the intentions we want to set moving forward. Though this is the main event of the week, a few other beautiful moments come with it. Mercury will make a helpful sextile with Jupiter, sparking conversations that inspire us to think outside the box, and Venus will make a cathartic yet empowering trine to Pluto, supporting our close relationships. Together, they’re pretty cute. Enjoy. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the Android Workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/20/202214 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Week of June 13th, 2022: The Full Moon in Sagittarius

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of June 13th, 2022, emboldens us to take action from a place of optimism, thanks to a Full Moon in Sagittarius. When the Moon is in the mutable fire sign, it is on the hunt for the next great adventure — and when punctuated by Jupiter in Aries, our desire to jump headfirst into life gets turned up a notch. But as Tuesday’s Full Moon sextiles Saturn and squares Neptune, the lunar cycle also brings with it a tension between a need for stability and a flair for escape. Experiment with both, then act from conviction. The payoff promises to be worth the price. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/13/202212 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Week of June 6th, 2022: Venus in Taurus conjoins Uranus, the planet of upheaval

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of June 6th, 2022, asks us to break free of the norms and find pleasure in unexpected places as Venus in Taurus makes a conjunction to Uranus, the planet of upheaval. In Taurus, Venus is charged with the power to bring about situations that delight and enchant — but when the planet of love conjoins Uranus, tradition is thrown out the window. Together, these unlikely friends link up on a mission to awaken our senses and spark a much-needed rebellion. We’ve got a gift for you. From now until June 10th, we’re offering a one-month free trial of the CHANI app’s premium features and content. Use the code “RETROGRADEFREE30” to begin yours. This promotion can only be redeemed by new and returning users. If you’re already a premium subscriber, tell your friends that this is their chance to try the app. Read the full instructions on how to enter the code here, or email us at [email protected]. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast as we can on an Android app. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
6/6/202211 minutes
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The Week of May 30th, 2022: New Moon in Gemini and Mercury stations direct

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 30th, helps us to begin again with the New Moon in Gemini. This is the first lunation since eclipse season and it’s a clear demarcation from turbulent eclipses to a way forward. By June 3rd, Mercury (the ruler of this Gemini New Moon) stations direct. The station occurs conjunct the fixed star Algol, which is associated with the myth of Medusa. Rage about systemic injustices, abuses of power, and structural harm get its microphone. Finally, Saturn stations retrograde and it’s time to scrutinize the systems on a micro and macro level. What needs to be torn apart in order to rebuild it from the ground up? We’ve got a gift for you. From now until June 10th, we’re offering a one-month free trial of the CHANI app’s premium features and content. Use the code “RETROGRADEFREE30” to begin your one-month free trial. This promotion can only be redeemed by new and returning users. If you’re already a premium subscriber, tell your friends that this is their chance to try the app. Read the full instructions on how to enter the code here, or email us at [email protected]. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an Android app as we can. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/30/202221 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Week of May 23rd, 2022: Mars enters Aries and conjoins Jupiter

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 23rd, 2022 puts our engines into overdrive as Mars enters its home sign of Aries – joining up with Jupiter for the win. Be your own best cheerleader, but avoid rushing into anything. Mercury is still retrograde and we are very much in the process of reviewing and revising. Venus rounds out its time in Aries with a supportive aspect to Saturn before getting in a tough spot with Pluto. At the end of the week, Venus invites us to slow down and savor sweetness when it enters its home sign of Taurus. We’ve got a gift for you. From now until June 10th, we’re offering a one-month free trial of the CHANI app’s premium features and content. Use the code “RETROGRADEFREE30” to begin your one-month free trial. This promotion can only be redeemed by new and returning users. If you’re already a premium subscriber, tell your friends that this is their chance to try the app. Read the full instructions on how to enter the code here, or email us at [email protected]. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an Android app as we can. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/23/202217 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Week of May 16th, 2022: Lunar eclipse in Scorpio and Gemini season begins

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 16th, 2022 begins with a cathartic lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Go slow. Be gentle. Mars, the ruler of this eclipse, makes a conjunction with Neptune and the fog abounds. Take your time to release and process. Later in the week, we welcome Gemini season and get much needed clarity with a Mercury cazimi. We’ve got a gift for you. From now until June 10th, we’re offering a one-month free trial of the CHANI app’s premium features and content. Use the code “RETROGRADEFREE30” to begin your one-month free trial. This promotion can only be redeemed by new and returning users. If you’re already a premium subscriber, tell your friends that this is their chance to try the app. Read the full instructions on how to enter the code here, or email us at [email protected]. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an Android app as we can. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on The music featured in the podcast was created by Latashá.
5/16/202217 minutes, 1 second
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The Week of May 9th, 2022: Mercury stations retrograde and Jupiter enters Aries

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 9th, 2022 includes our second Mercury retrograde of the year, asking us to revisit, review and remember something essential about ourselves. On the same day that Mercury stations retrograde, there is a huge tonal shift as Jupiter enters Aries bringing furious and feisty growth. This week asks us to embrace big trickster energy. Back up your data and buckle up. Find your footing before the lunar eclipse in Scorpio – more on that next week. We’ve got a gift for you. From now until June 10th, we’re offering a one-month free trial of the CHANI app’s premium features and content. Use the code “RETROGRADEFREE30” to begin your one-month free trial. This promotion can only be redeemed by new and returning users. If you’re already a premium subscriber, tell your friends that this is their chance to try the app. Read the full instructions on how to enter the code here, or email us at [email protected]. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an Android app as we can. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on The music featured in this podcast was created by Latashá.
5/9/202221 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Week of May 2nd, 2022: In between eclipses

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of May 2nd, 2022 may be a little derailing. In between eclipses, the collective energy is very much in flux as the Sun makes its yearly conjunction with Uranus. This combo is keen on disrupting the status quo as well as our plans. This conjunction occurs in Taurus, inspiring us to center pleasure even as the script goes out the window. Shifts abound as Venus leaves Pisces for Aries, egging us on to move boldly towards our heart’s desire. We've got a gift for you. From now until June 10th, we’re offering a one-month free trial of the CHANI app’s premium features and content. Use the code “RETROGRADEFREE30” to begin your one-month free trial. This promotion can only be redeemed by new and returning users. If you’re already a premium subscriber, tell your friends that this is their chance to try the app. Read the full instructions on how to enter the code here, or email us at [email protected]. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an Android app as we can. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on
5/2/202217 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Week of April 25th, 2022: Eclipse season begins

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of April 25th, 2022 includes the gorgeous meet-up of Venus and Jupiter combined with the topsy-turvy energy of the first eclipse of the season. This rare pairing of benefic blessings and smoky eclipse shadows inspires sweetness against all odds. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an Android app as we can. In the meantime, Android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on
4/25/202224 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Week of April 18th, 2022: Taurus season begins

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of April 18th, 2022, is the beginning of Taurus season. But first, Mercury conjoins Uranus in Taurus and encourages us to have game-changing conversations. Then, the Sun squares Pluto urging us to uncover deeper layers of ourselves and our personal power. On Tuesday, Taurus season begins, bringing with it eclipse season. This is about both endings and beginnings and represents a turning point of the year. Then, Mercury squares Saturn delivering information on boundaries along with a reality check. And, lastly, we honor an Earth Day like no other. With the North Node and Uranus in Taurus, the earth, its medicine, and its creatures are a high priority in need of radical care. Uranus, as the great destabilizer, invites us to change ourselves if we are to change our world. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an android app as we can, and in the meantime, android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on
4/18/202214 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Week of April 11th, 2022: Jupiter conjunct Neptune and the Full Moon in Libra

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of April 11th, 2022, encourages us to boldly dream together. Jupiter and Neptune come together in Pisces in one of the most profound transits of the year (and possibly the century). Then, Mars joins Venus, Jupiter, and Neptune in Pisces and floods the planetary pool party. As the week comes to a close, the Full Moon in Libra squares up with Pluto, unearthing power dynamics in our collective relationships. This week’s astrology teaches us just how powerful our connections are, and it reminds us how much we need to be dedicated to cultivating communities of care. For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the CHANI app. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an android app as we can, and in the meantime, android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on
4/11/202217 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Week of April 4th, 2022: Mars conjoins Saturn and Venus enters Pisces

In this podcast, New York Times bestselling author and astrologer Chani Nicholas discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The astrology of the week of April 4th, 2022, is a lesson in extremes. We get a reality check as Mars conjoins Saturn followed by a dose of sweet relief when Venus sashays into Pisces. The grand finale has Jupiter conjoining Neptune in Pisces for the first time since the 1850s. This week is about both restriction and confinement as well as transcendence and bliss. How will these extremes show up in our world and in your life? For more, check out your free Weekly Guide on the homepage of the Chani App. Android users can receive their free Weekly Guide by signing up for our newsletter on The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an android app as we can, and in the meantime, android users can access our content by purchasing the android workshops on
4/8/202215 minutes, 46 seconds
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Coming Soon

Your weekly cosmic guidance, the Astrology of the Week Ahead with Chani Nicholas podcast, is coming soon to all of your favorite streaming platforms. Can’t wait? Download the CHANI app and listen to this week’s episode for free. Chani Nicholas is a Los Angeles–based New York Times bestselling author and astrologer with a community of over one million monthly readers. She has been a counseling astrologer for more than twenty years, guiding people to discover and live out their life’s purpose through understanding their birth chart. Her app, CHANI, offers users a personalized, daily understanding of their birth chart. She has been featured in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Rolling Stone, The  New Yorker, The Atlantic, and on Netflix. In this podcast, Chani discusses the astrology of the week and what it might mean for us all. The CHANI app is currently only available for the iPhone, but we are working as hard and as fast on an android app as we can, and in the meantime, android users can access our content by purchasing workshops on
3/31/202250 seconds