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Are You Real | Finding Your Purpose

Engels, Religion, 1 seizoen, 292 afleveringen, 1 dag, 12 uur, 10 minuten
Jon Fuller is on a mission to be a true example of Christ in his life and in his work. He introduces you to men and women of faith who have walked different paths to find a true Christianity that they live out each and every day. Some paths have been bumpy and filled with debris, but through it all, grace and faith have been a sustaining force in the lives of these men and women. You won't find any fake and phoney Christianity here.....just real people with a heart for God and living out His call on their lives. Join us for new episodes each week. We'd love it if you'd share the show with other men and women of faith who need support and encouragement along their journey.
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211: The Faith Code with Terry Brisbane

Hey, Roar Nation! Jon Fuller here for today’s episode as we cover three of my favorite subjects: faith, business, and entrepreneurship. I’m joined by Terry Brisbane, the lead pastor at Cornerstone Church in San Francisco. Terry started at Cornerstone as a youth minister and later took over as lead pastor for his grandfather, the church’s founding pastor. As a native San Franciscoan, Terry understands why the city presents unique challenges when it comes to reaching people for Christ and proclaiming the message of Jesus. He has co-authored The Faith Code with Rusty Rueff. The book is for people with a biblical hunger to learn more about Jesus and His teachings, specifically applying them to business and entrepreneurship.  Jon and Terry begin by discussing how Luke 22:32-33 are pivotal life scripture verses for Terry’s ministry and his efforts to strengthen his brethren in Christ. Terry describes how he was raised in church being greatly influenced by his grandfather’s pastoral ministry, but didn’t meet Jesus personally and find his “center court” until his high school years. That moment became the impetus for his life of ministry and serving with his grandfather in the church. Terry explains the importance of yielding to authority, using authority with humility, and submitting to God’s authority as we walk in alignment with His will for our lives.  In an overview of The Faith Code, Terry shares how the book was birthed from a burden to connect faith and work with biblical principles. The book explains how our identity is formed by the different cultures we encounter, with Jesus as the ultimate model in how He formed his leadership team of disciples and apostles. The “faith code” begins in our lives with the foundation we stand upon, and we must be sure that it is not dictated by the culture around us but by our identity in Christ. Terry wraps up with his best advice to his younger self and his admonition to listeners to stay in love with Jesus.    Resources: Connect with Terry Brisbane and Cornerstone Church: Website, YouTube Channel, and The Faith Code Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
27-12-202344 minuten, 23 seconden
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210: In The Waiting with Cher Butler and Kasey Fuller

We are so excited about this show because it’s all about Cher Butler’s new book, In The Waiting: The Journey Between the Wilderness and the Promised Land. This book is for women, men, and anyone in business or ministry; it applies to every person because we all encounter seasons of waiting in our lives. Waiting, for a believer, can be defined as a period in our lives where we are waiting on God’s guidance for answers and the fulfillment of His promises.    Cher expounds on the book and how it addresses the seasons of waiting, along with how God worked in her life over recent years leading up to the writing of the book. The times of waiting may feel like we are wandering in the wilderness like the children of Israel, but the waiting is what prepares us for our Promised Land. There is glory in the waiting and there are miracles in the waiting. It’s a time that we cannot overlook because it plays a big part in our refinement, character-building, and our training as Christ-followers.    Cher shares many scriptural and real-life examples of people who had their season of waiting, and she explains why we can’t skip the process God has for us even though we get impatient. He is always in control, He doesn’t forget us, and He is always sovereign! We only have to yield and trust Him. Cher gives advice to those who find themselves in the waiting right now, and Kasey encourages listeners to have boldness and confidence in God’s plan according to the promises found in Proverbs 3:5-6 and Romans 8:28.  Resources: Connect with Cher Butler and IWNKS Ministries:  Website and Facebook Get a copy of Cher’s book at     Special Offer! Contact Kasey Fuller at Are You Real? and leave a testimony of why you are in the waiting right now. Kasey will choose two people to receive a free copy of Cher’s book! Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
20-12-202338 minuten, 52 seconden
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209: What are Spiritual Gifts with Kasey Fuller & Cher Butler

Today’s show is about the very important, and often misunderstood, topic of spiritual gifts. These are gifts that we can access through the power of the Holy Spirit, but many believers don’t understand how the gifts function and how God uses them in our everyday lives. Our key scripture, I Corinthians 12:7-11, is the basis for today’s discussion. We must understand that these gifts cannot be earned, but they are given to us by God at His discretion, and we receive them by faith.  Cher begins by defining spiritual gifts as “the manifestation of the power of the Holy Spirit working through God’s people to bring forth His divine nature in glory on the earth.” She explains why listeners should see a red flag if their church does not teach about spiritual gifts. Kasey explains how spiritual gifts were promised to believers by Jesus Himself, as He spoke about them in the Upper Room and when He gave the Great Commission, adding that He would leave His followers with something better. The Spirit’s presence comes like a rushing wind and makes us an equipped army for kingdom work.  Cher and Kasey continue with a detailed look at the nine spiritual gifts with scriptural and real-life examples; some gifts reveal something or speak something, and others enable a believer to do something. As a believer walks closely with the Lord and yields to the Holy Spirit,  multiple spiritual gifts can be displayed in their lives. The discussion ends with a look at I Corinthians 2:14-16 and a prayer for listeners to experience the fullness of spiritual gifts to have spiritual strength and unity against our enemy through the power of the Holy Spirit.   Resources: Connect with Cher Butler and IWNKS Ministries:  Website and Facebook Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
13-12-202337 minuten, 30 seconden
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208: Embracing Spiritual Freedom with Dr. Gary Lawrence

When we embrace spiritual freedom, God can bring wholeness and completeness into our lives, and this makes all the difference in our marriages. Today’s guest has vast experience and wisdom about what it takes to heal and rebuild a marriage between two broken people. Join us to learn more!   Dr. Gary Lawrence is the founder and director of New Life Dynamic Christian Counseling Center, and he hosted a radio show for 20 years. With Life Mastery Counseling, he has personally coached thousands of people, and he’s the Amazon bestselling author of Rejection Junkies: The Hidden Addiction Everyone Suffers. Perhaps his greatest accomplishment is his marriage of over 55 years to his wife, Sylvia.    From being raised in a home with alcoholism, abuse, and no acknowledgment of God’s existence, Gary was saved at age 20 and called to preach just a few weeks later. His path led to Bible college, an initial pastorate in northern Minnesota, and more ministry work in Canada before he started a Christian counseling center. He began helping marriages and families while figuring out how to save his own marriage from the trauma of past abuse and a “root of bitterness.” Learning how to embrace spiritual freedom, completeness, and true forgiveness helped Gary develop his “emotional surgery” counseling techniques that have helped thousands of couples rebuild their marriages through the work of the Holy Spirit. Gary explains how every man can have a solid and thriving marriage by learning to prioritize his wife’s needs above his own. Jon and Gary wrap up the conversation with Gary’s best advice to his younger self and Jon’s prayer over Dr. Gary’s life, health, family, and ministry.      Resources:   Get Dr. Gary Lawrence’s book, Rejection Junkies.   Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
6-12-202348 minuten, 16 seconden
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207: Soul Care and Biblical Counseling with Rush Witt

Welcome, Roar Nation! We are covering meaty topics in today’s conversation, most notably how Jesus manifests His love for us in the care of our souls and why the Church often falls short in the counseling arena. Jon is joined by Rush Witt, the lead pastor of Paramount Church in Bexley, Ohio, which he planted 11 years ago. He and his wife are homeschooling parents of five kids, ranging from 8-19 years old. Rush has written several books, and he regularly partners with New Growth Press in the publishing industry.  Rush gives us a glimpse into his background and how he came to know Christ at a Christian basketball camp in 1995, soon feeling God’s clear call into ministry. From his personal experience, Rush explains how God is most glorified when our hearts seek ultimate happiness in Him and how we experience “soul care” as we grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus.  Jon and Rush discuss the void in the Church regarding biblical counseling, loosely defined as “a ministry which brings Christ and His answers into the areas of our lives where we struggle to understand.” Rush outlines his passion for Christian counseling and why he partnered with New Growth Press and Lifeway to help produce the Life Counsel Bible. This unique Bible helps meet the counseling needs and bridges the gap in the Christian community in dealing with the hardest issues. With any struggle we seek to overcome, we can’t look for the “quick fix” but have to trust the process of falling in love with Jesus to bring our healing and transformation. Jon closes the conversation by asking Rush about a time when he felt most desperate for God to show up, his strengths and weaknesses, and what he would say to his younger self. Rush’s parting advice is for us to stop “thinking small” in light of the infinite God who lives in us, to give ourselves grace, and to invite God into our stories and journeys.  Resources: Connect with Rush Witt: Website and Life Counsel Bible Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
29-11-202357 minuten, 10 seconden
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206: Understanding Deliverance with Kasey Fuller and Cher Butler

Today’s topic is deliverance, which you’ve heard us discuss often in recent episodes. We want to break it down in a practical way for those who may have limited understanding or no understanding of this topic. Join us! Kasey and Cher begin with a discussion of how our flesh (human nature) affects our souls when temptation comes our way. We have to take the necessary steps to crucify the flesh and consecrate ourselves to the Lord by turning away from sin, putting aside what the flesh wants, and staying in the Word of God. This means closing the door to the flesh, sin, and demonic spirits. God’s goal is always that we have freedom in Him, and the Devil’s goal is to dominate people. Jesus makes it clear in Luke 10:19 that our authority over the enemy comes only by the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Because Jesus has compassion for us, He heals, casts out demons, and delivers us. He wants our complete healing! The ladies explain the upcoming Bound No More Inner Healing and Deliverance Summit scheduled at Kingdom’s Gate Apostolic Center in Andrews, Texas, on December 2. Ephesians 6:12 tells us that we have access to deliverance if we come into agreement with God’s Word on it; we have to study and understand the scriptures that teach us about our very real enemy and promise our deliverance. The power of God is real, as shown by the powerful, impactful real-life examples that Kasey and Cher share. This episode wraps up with a reminder of the capabilities of those who believe in Jesus’ name from Mark 16:17-18.  Resources: Connect with Cher Butler and IWNKS Ministries:  Website (Find out more about the Dec. 2 Summit!) and Facebook Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
22-11-202349 minuten, 50 seconden
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205: Kingdom Business with Tyler Frick

I'm thrilled to have my friend Tyler Frick on the podcast today. Although we've known each other for a short time, he's like a brother to me, as we share common interests in ministry and business. Tyler, the founder of the Kings Company since July 2018, focuses on raising Kingdom-minded leaders globally. They train in spiritual aspects like prophetic and deliverance ministry, having impacted over 15,000 clients and students in five years. Tyler emphasizes that Kingdom-minded leaders prioritize Jesus over fame and often face religious and political challenges. Despite this, they remain committed to their mission. He also addresses the effectiveness of online ministry, sharing his success in reaching thousands through digital platforms, which he compares to the limited geographic reach of Jesus and his disciples. Tyler's team, some with him for over five years, have seen tangible results, with students now leading churches and engaging in missionary work. Despite skepticism about online ministry, Tyler stands by its impact, evidenced by the lives changed and communities formed. Reflecting on his journey, Tyler shares how he overcame personal challenges to establish his ministry. He aims to inspire others with his story, showing that anyone can rise from humble beginnings to make a significant impact in the world for Christ.   Resources:  
15-11-202350 minuten, 13 seconden
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204: Narcissism In The Church

Today’s show is about narcissism in the church. It’s something we are seeing more and more, and we need to identify what narcissism is and what it looks like when it operates in the church. Join us as Kasey and Cher dive into this topic!   We define narcissism as “a personality disorder consisting of a pervasive pattern of grandiosity in fantasy or behavior, a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy.” As we discuss three types of narcissism, we need to understand that it is a real disorder that needs to be healed in order to have a healthy church environment. Kasey and Cher describe how narcissism is the exact opposite of the personality of Jesus, but it aligns perfectly with what we know about Satan. That in itself should assure us that narcissism has no place in the lives of God’s people.  It’s important to realize that narcissism in the church may look different than it does out in the world. Kasey and Cher explain how narcissism shows up in behaviors of manipulation and control, being above everyone else, and having a constant need for admiration. In every way, it goes against the humility we are called to exhibit. We must remember that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual darkness and demonic powers. As we stand against the elements of narcissism in our families and our parenting, we should teach our kids about humility, accountability, and empathy to help guard their hearts against narcissism.  How do we handle narcissism when we see it in the church? We should cover it in prayer and follow the biblical mandate set forth in Matthew 23 to confront it with the goal of resolution and restoration to unity in the body of Christ. Kasey and Cher close out this episode with a prayer for wisdom to help us stand against the spirit of narcissism and the kingdom of darkness. Today’s verse is Isaiah 26:3, “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.”  Resources: Connect with Cher Butler and IWNKS Ministries:  Website and Facebook Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
8-11-202344 minuten, 6 seconden
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203: Are You Under a Curse with Kasey Fuller and Cher Butler

Our topic today is generational curses. Could there be a more relevant time than late October to address this issue? What powers of darkness are you inviting into your home and family with Halloween traditions? We need to focus on what is happening in the spirit realm and keep ourselves pure and clean as believers. We must know how to position ourselves to fight in the spirit realm against what’s going on in our culture. Join us to learn more! Cher begins by defining a curse as “an invisible barrier that blocks you from the blessing of God.” A curse can be self-imposed, of your own doing, or a generational curse, which trickles down through your ancestral line because of the actions of those before you. Kasey explains that we can give a “legal right” to our enemy, Satan, to bring a curse to our lives, but this is not the same thing as being possessed by a demon. “Jesus defeated the power of Satan but not the presence of Satan.” Many passages in Deuteronomy have much to say about blessings and curses–and how they come into our lives.  Cher and Kasey teach us about the positional and relational blessings that we have in Christ, and how a curse can block those relational blessings. The six ways that we can come under a curse are: generationally, idle words, cursed objects, disobedience, occult activity, and turning against Israel. The ladies explain how we can take a stand to be “bloodline breakers” of generational curses and the nine indicators (from Deuteronomy 28) that we could be under a curse. They wrap up the episode by urging us to repent and renounce the curse in agreement with the Holy Spirit and by praying that listeners would walk in the filling of the Holy Spirit and God’s goodness. Today’s verse is Deuteronomy 30:19.  Resources: Connect with Cher Butler and IWNKS Ministries:  Website and Facebook Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
1-11-202335 minuten, 14 seconden
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202: Are You Under a Curse with Kasey Fuller & Cher Butler

In thispodcast episode, we dive deep into the significance of developing godly character. We define character as the combination of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that form one's personality. We emphasize the crucial role of fostering an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit, referencing Isaiah 64:8 to illustrate God as the potter who molds us, the clay. Through sharing personal stories, we reflect on our spiritual journeys and the evolution of our characters. A major concern we discuss is the evident lack of godly character within church leadership. We offer practical advice on nurturing godly character, touching on reading the Bible, surrounding oneself with like-minded friends, having relationships grounded in accountability, heeding the Holy Spirit's guidance, and addressing the root causes of negative behaviors. We also hint at an upcoming series focused on spiritual deliverance, highlighting the spiritual nuances of character development. Resources:
25-10-202349 minuten, 23 seconden
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201: Preparing for Inner Healing & Deliverance with Kasey Fuller, Cher Butler & Ruthie Dickie

Today’s topic is an important one for every believer. We need inner healing and deliverance through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. How do we prepare our hearts for the inner healing and deliverance that we need? Kasey, Cher, and Ruthie Dickey explore this subject together and give their advice. Cher begins by explaining how Bound No More Ministries started in 2021 as an outgrowth of I Will Not Keep Silent Ministries. She and her mother, Ruthie Dickey, began this ministry with a vision of mass deliverance and inner healing. Ruthie explains why our mindset needs to change regarding inner healing, what it means, and how it comes into our lives. You’ll learn why forgiveness is an important first step to prepare for inner healing, and why we have to release guilt, shame, and a victim mentality as part of forgiveness. Harboring unforgiveness opens the door for demonic power, including fear and anxiety, when the Lord wants us to feel whole and at peace.  The ladies discuss the difference between inner healing and deliverance, describing inner healing as “spiritual heart surgery” because it deals with the soul and issues of the heart. There are warning signs that you are in need of inner healing that can come in the form of your spirit, relationships, and harmful patterns. Ruthie shares the steps to prepare for inner healing and deliverance and offers an admonition for listeners to consecrate themselves with humility before the Lord. Cher wraps up with a prayer to release blessings on our listeners, and Kasey explains why Luke 10:19 is our scripture to stand on today.    Resources: Connect with Cher Butler, Ruthie Dickey, and IWNKS Ministries:  Website and Facebook Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
18-10-202329 minuten, 11 seconden
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200: Finding Real Estate Success Through Gratitude and God’s Grace with Daniel Montoya

Daniel Montoya is a trusted real estate agent serving the Permian Basin area of Texas. He has an unwavering passion for helping his clients achieve their dreams, and he is committed to providing exceptional service. Daniel’s expertise and enthusiasm in the local market ensure that he can navigate every aspect of the real estate journey with ease. This father of four uses his free time to coach youth sports, work with young entrepreneurs through Young Professional Networks, volunteer in leadership programs, and serve as a youth leader at his church. Join us to meet Daniel and hear his story! Jon and Daniel begin by describing how a man’s career and personal life are outlets for an overflow of Christ and faith. Daniel shares how he starts each day with grace and gratitude, using the 5 Fs to get his priorities straight: faith, fitness, family, finances, and fun. During the COVID pandemic, Daniel had his “pressure cooker” experience of jumping into real estate, learning a brand-new skillset, and trusting God’s leading for each step of the uncertain journey. Believing that mentorship is everything to a young entrepreneur, Daniel learned from his mentors and implemented the attitude of “I’ll try everything I can.”  We wrap up our conversation by getting Daniel’s take on his strengths, weaknesses, and what God is stirring in his soul. He shares what he aspires to do with his podcast, GameChangerZ Network, and what advice Daniel would give to his younger self. Daniel concludes by challenging us to make Philippians 4:13 real in our lives.  Resources: Connect with Daniel Montoya: Website and Podcast Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
4-10-202342 minuten, 24 seconden
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199: Setting Boundaries, Part 2

This conversation is a follow-up to our previous episode about setting boundaries. Within this topic, Kasey and Cher have covered some very practical topics that are relevant to everyone at some point in their lives, and they are diving deeper in discussing boundaries in today’s show. Join us! Good boundaries benefit the body, soul, and spirit, and boundaries were first established by God. The enemy and the world always seek to blur the boundary lines that God has set, but we should live to God’s standards and not our own. We cannot trust ourselves to “self-regulate,” but we need to align our thinking with God’s and let Him renew our minds.  Kasey and Cher talk in detail about the boundaries we need concerning entertainment, sports, fitness/exercise, and sexuality within marriage. In all of these areas, our lack of boundaries will give Satan an open door for destruction and feed the spirits of darkness and depression. Is your heart a place where darkness reigns or where the Holy Spirit is welcome? When we allow modern society to “muddy the waters” of our thinking about sensitive topics like sexual molestation/predation and gender transitioning of children, we are forsaking the boundaries that God has given us for our protection. As God’s children, we are never designed to function apart from the Holy Spirit, but many times we choose to live according to our own boundaries and go our own way.   Resources: Find out more about Cher’s ministry and upcoming I Will Not Keep Silent classes and events:  Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at  
20-9-202341 minuten, 2 seconden
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198: Setting Boundaries with Kasey Fuller & Cher Butler

In our previous episode, we discussed the importance of stewarding the relationships in our lives. Part of healthy relationships is in setting boundaries, and that’s our focus for today’s show. A boundary is defined as a line that marks the limits of an area or a dividing line. Boundaries aren’t always easy to set and maintain, but they are important and God-ordained. Join us for the conversation with Kasey and Cher.   Most of the boundaries we set are learned through trial and error, and they are Biblical. Even Jesus set boundaries in His earthly life! Kasey and Cher discuss how a lack of boundaries can destroy your life, hurt your marriage, and negatively affect your children. In a marriage, boundaries must be established to protect mutual trust, security, and honesty. Each couple has to navigate around their unique issues and be sensitive to one another in setting boundaries that honor the needs of both husband and wife. Those in Christian ministry work usually find it difficult to set and maintain boundaries, but they are necessary. None of us are perfect in this work of setting boundaries, so when boundaries in relationships are broken, grace and open communication are essential to restore trust.    We need boundaries in our friendships, making sure to prioritize and protect our marriages,  families, and relationship to God. Setting personal boundaries regarding the places we go, what we watch, and what we listen to are vital in maintaining our relationship to God. We must be careful about what we take into our minds and hearts so as not to give the enemy a foothold in our lives. Kasey and Cher wrap up today’s discussion with prayers for new hope, restoration, and realignment with boundaries that set us on the path of God’s direction and purpose in our lives.      Resources:   Find out more about Cher’s ministry and upcoming I Will Not Keep Silent classes and events:    Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at   Mentioned in this episode: The Secrets to Deliverance by Alexander Pagani
13-9-202331 minuten, 40 seconden
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197: Properly Stewarding Relationships with Kasey Fuller & Cher Butler

How are your relationships? The relationships we have with others form the backbone of our lives, both at home and at work. We talk a lot about the “Fuller Five” in our lives: faith, family, fitness, fun, and finances, and this topic of relationships fits perfectly into that structure. We are focusing the podcast on these important areas in which we all want to grow and learn more so we can properly steward the things God has placed in our lives. Today’s show covers ways we can cultivate and guard our most important relationships to be better spouses, parents, friends, and coworkers. I’m excited to be joined again by Cher Butler for this conversation! The marriage relationship is the most important one we can have in this earthly life. Kasey and Cher discuss the importance of walking with love and respect with your spouse, always looking to “outserve” each other, along with keeping an attitude of teamwork to help the family flourish and grow. Because we have a spiritual enemy who is out to destroy marriages, it’s important to keep dating your spouse–always! Even for those in ministry, keeping a “family first” mentality will form a solid foundation for your life and work.  God loans our children to us, and we must have balance in our parenting techniques. We offer our kids solutions to life’s challenges as they grow up, and things change drastically when they become adults. Cher describes how she and her husband are parenting through the adolescent and teenage years, and Kasey shares how she partners with God in prayer to stand on His scriptural promises in surrendering her adult children to His care–and standing on His promises.   With other family members, we have to remember that boundaries are sometimes necessary to guard our hearts and mental health from toxic relationships. In friendships, we should evaluate our inner circle and ask God, “How can I be your hands and feet to the people you’ve placed in my inner circle?” To have good workplace relationships, we should strive to honor each other and focus on a teamwork mindset that holds space for everyone’s strengths to shine.    Resources: Find out more about Cher’s ministry and upcoming I Will Not Keep Silent classes and events:  Explore our podcast episodes and find resources at
6-9-202343 minuten, 16 seconden
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196: Navigating Times Of Transition with Kasey Fuller and Cher Butler

Are you in a time of transition? Today’s show takes a closer look at how life, leadership, and ministry bring these seasons and how we can navigate them with grace and strength. Kasey Fuller is joined by Cher Butler, a ministry partner who has appeared on previous episodes of the podcast. Cher is the president of I Will Not Keep Silent (IWNKS) Ministries, a nonprofit ministry focused on inner healing and deliverance through classes, revivals, preaching, and speaking. Cher and IWNKS have exciting upcoming classes for churches and communities in their mentoring and discipleship mission, and Cher will be joining R U Real with special series episodes and helping us with hosting duties. Welcome to Cher! Today’s discussion is about those times of transition that can be good, exciting, and challenging–all at the same time. Cher explains that a transition is simply a time of change, or realignment, and what the signs are of those transitions. God speaks through different means to give us confirmation when we walk through transitions, even though those times may feel like rejection and discomfort. Kasey and Cher discuss some scriptural examples of people who navigated difficult transitions, like Joseph and Peter. We must realize that, within God’s plan, times will come when He moves us to accomplish His purpose and will. Cher says, “The prophetic destiny of your life is still going to come to pass, even if it doesn’t look the way you thought it would.” Character-building events come in the seasons of transition so we can step with confidence into the places God calls us.  Resources: Find out more about Cher’s ministry and upcoming I Will Not Keep Silent classes and events:    
5-7-202343 minuten, 27 seconden
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195: From Selling Dope to Selling Hope with Ryan Goldsmith

In this episode, Ryan Goldsmith, a local business owner, and entrepreneur with a heart for prison ministry. He shares his journey from growing up in Pampa, Texas, to getting caught up in the wrong crowd at the age of 13 and spiraling down into drug addiction and the street life. Ryan talks candidly about his past, including being sent to a juvenile detention center, serving time in an inpatient rehab program, and even being busted for manufacturing and delivering drugs. But Ryan's story doesn't end there. Listen in as he shares how he turned his life around, started a landscaping business, and found purpose in his faith. This is a must-listen episode for anyone looking for inspiration and hope in the face of adversity.
3-5-202341 minuten, 28 seconden
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194: Equipped for God’s Work through Obedience with Jane Morin

Welcome, Roar Nation! I’m thrilled to be back with another great guest who knows what it means to equip others to serve Christ and know their personal identity in Him. Her life and ministry revolve around the ministries of equipping and helping others find deliverance. Join us to learn more! Jane Morin is the founder of the Jane Morin Evangelical Association, SOAR Texas Women’s Events, and Bound No More, an inner healing and deliverance ministry. She is the podcast host of The Secret Place and is an award-winning author of several books. She has worked in deliverance ministry for over 20 years and is a revivalist, songwriter, and a worship artist. Jane shares her origin story of growing up in an alcoholic and abusive home that was full of dysfunction, along with the unfathomable events that culminated in her brother’s death and her mother’s suicide. Jane refers to that crisis as a milestone that showed her how desperately she needed Jesus in her life. Even though she was secure in Jesus, life was difficult with the baggage she carried from her past and her own 19-year abusive marriage that brought her four children. Counseling has helped her heal from those wounds and move forward in her ministry, grounding herself with the message of Joshua 1:9, her life verse.  Jane explains the dangers of a prideful heart in God’s ministry, what it means to trust God with your shame and guilt, and what holds most people back from following Christ. She shares some of her milestone moments in life and ministry, why she is sure about what God has called her to be, and how God specifically called her to speak life in Odessa, Texas. Jane wraps up by explaining what advice she would give her younger self about being obedient to God. Her message to every listener is that God will use your life if you just follow Him in obedience and trust His plan for your life.   Resources: Find out more about Jane and her ministries:  Find out about SOAR Texas Women’s Events:        
28-9-202244 minuten, 12 seconden
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193: Who We Are and Who We Are Called to Be in Christ with Robert Burton

Hey, Roar Nation! I’m happy to be back with you for another episode! We are focusing on the revelation of who we are in Christ and who we are called to be in this world. This concept will change your life! Are you living as an orphan in this world or as a true Son of the King? Join us for this encouraging conversation with today’s guest. Robert Burton is the pastor of YES LORD Amarillo. He works with drug addicts and the homeless, people he calls “the least, the last, and the lost,” believing God has called him to this work to share the Gospel and the love of Jesus. He’s been married to his high school sweetheart for almost 30 years, and they have two daughters. His wife joins him in kingdom work, passionately teaching people about their true identity in the Lord. Robert looks for opportunities every day to tell people about their identity in Christ and break their “orphan spirit” with the Good News.  Robert tells the story of his personal orphan spirit, wrecked home life, total rejection of Jesus, and early alcohol addiction. A radical encounter with Jesus in 1997 in his early twenties turned his life around, changed his habits, cleaned up his life, and plunged him into God’s Word. Becoming a father to his first daughter gave him the truest picture of God’s love as a Father and propelled him forward into youth ministry, working with a rough and rowdy group of boys who needed to know God’s love. Every step in Robert’s journey has confirmed his identity in Christ as a son and a vessel to bring His love to others, even though he has had ups and downs as a pastor. Like all of us, he has been through ministry missteps and failures that left him broken, angry, bitter, and wounded. He shares his lessons learned about trusting God when you are crushed and broken, along with what it means to have compassion and choose forgiveness.  At the core of Robert’s message and ministry is the change that Jesus brings to broken and wasted lives. He pursues the unlovable with the message of God’s love as a faithful, compassionate Father. Listen in to hear the story of God’s amazing work in Robert’s life and ministry! Resources: Connect with Robert: Church Website, Email, Facebook, and Instagram
20-7-202243 minuten, 45 seconden
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192: ROAR Revival with Ryan and Cher Butler

Hello, Roar Nation! It’s been a while–over a year since we have been in the studio to record again after all the madness and mayhem of COVID. We are here now, ready to re-launch the podcast with riveting discussions on marriage, family, business, and more!  We are thrilled to welcome to the studio Cher Butler and her husband, Ryan. Cher is here to share the moving story of her unusual life and to tell us about the upcoming ROAR Revival in Amarillo, Texas, where we are ready for God to show up in a mighty way. It’s coming soon on July 9, so listen in to learn more! You’ll be touched by Cher’s story of being abandoned as a child and later adopted into an unusual family with diverse spiritual influences. As Cher grew up, she dabbled in many destructive things that could never satisfy, always seeking to prove her worth. Her personal encounter with Jesus at age 19 set her on a new path, which included an obsession with reading the Bible to learn more–and an alcohol problem. Even though it took years on the journey to be delivered from her demons, she lives now in a fired-up state, ready to see radical revival across our nation and to experience God’s great work. Visit Cher’s website to learn more about I Will Not Keep Silent Ministries.  Links: Connect with Cher:  
22-6-202232 minuten, 32 seconden
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191: God of Miracles with Jon and Kasey Fuller

On today’s episode of Are You Real, Jon and his wife, Kasey, address the subject of faith, which is one of the five topics they enjoy covering: faith, family, fitness, fun, and finances. Listen in to their poignant backstories, the inspiring narrative of how they each came to meet the God of miracles, and how He has worked in and through them throughout the years. You don’t have to be perfect, you don’t have to be deserving, you don’t have to know God in a certain way in order to receive His blessings. You’ll hear lessons about resiliency, obedience, healing, and trust, in testimony after testimony of God’s goodness. What’s more, Jon and Kasey want you to know that God has answers for whatever circumstances YOU’RE going through right now! Links : Visit Jon’s Website: Are You Real Get Jon’s Newest Book! Speaking God's Frequency LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast - Please Rate & Review! Leave Your Testimonies! FOLLOW ME on Twitter   LIKE & FOLLOW ME on Facebook Jody Roger’s Healing Tabernacle Sunrise Community Church - The “Weirdest Little Church in Texas”    
2-9-202047 minuten, 26 seconden
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190: From Pro Baseball player to Pro Marketing Specialist with Zach Lush

Jon is back today with his guest, Zach Lush, to discuss building business, the entrepreneurial burnout Zach experienced, and how he found his niche in teaching others successful marketing strategies. Zach also details his “Pilot Program”, which teaches small business owners the fundamentals of digital marketing. Zach Lush is a father, entrepreneur, business owner, and former professional athlete. For 14 years, he ran a sports performance facility for athletes, and the last 5 years, he’s been in the specialty division marketing business. Join Jon and Zach in this inspirational conversation that covers faith, family, and looking forward! Links : VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Get Jon’s New Book! Speaking God's Frequency LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast - Please Rate & Review! FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Connect with Zach! Zach’s LinkedIn Zach’s Pilot Program - Limited to 10 clients at a time! Four-week program, 24/7 Support! Great for church leaders and ministries, too!  
3-6-202038 minuten, 35 seconden
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189: Breaking Free from Your Past and Changing People's Lives with Cristi Gooding

Co-Founder of YesLord, Inc, Cristi Gooding is here today to share her story of freedom and how she got into ministry.  She has a story of addiction and recovery, and now she only lives to be obedient to God. Cristi has an amazing story of how God gave her a vision of Yes Lord! She explains what it is and what the mission of it is. Listen to the episode as Cristi also discusses: What a “dwell night” is and what it means The early beginnings of Yes Lord! Why she didn’t wait for the Lord to drop her ministry in her lap How she stepped out in faith to get Yes Lord! started The miracles she has seen from her twice monthly “dwell nights” How she got global reach for Yes Lord! in the first week! How a t-shirt has been instrumental in starting the movement Why she feels so strongly about her own personal testimony Her 20-year drug addiction Her choice to overcome her meth addiction and how she laid it down overnight How childhood rejection led her to a food addiction that later turned into drug addiction How the real battle began when she quit drugs and went back to her food addiction The process of becoming unbound from addictions and how she dealt with it…..this was the hard part Why it has taken almost 10 years to break the chains of addiction that bind her Her childhood agreement with lies she believed about herself, and the ramifications How “giving” is her weakness, and she has trouble receiving What God is stirring within her Connect with Cristi: Website for Yes Lord is in the works, so stay tuned Facebook: Yeslord Facebook Cristi Gooding To get your FREE Yes Lord T-Shirt - Email: [email protected] and send your shirt size and shipping address. Mention that you heard about it on Are You Real Podcast! Recommended Books and Resources: Honor’s Reward Girls with Swords Breaking Free  Sign up for the Are You Real newsletter at Are You Real
8-5-202051 minuten, 51 seconden
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188: Being A light in A dark Place with Nate Setto

Nate Setto joins Jon on today’s episode to discuss Nate’s latest single, “Novocaine”, which deals with his struggles with anxiety, depression, and alcohol. Nate’s message to others is that you’re never alone, and God is always there to help you through your darkest moments. Listen in to this conversation to hear Nate share his compelling story about how life events kept pointing him to a relationship with Jesus, and how, in our imperfections, we are perfectly loved. Nate Setto is a rising pop and R&B artist based in the Detroit area. As a Michigan native, he grew up with a passion for music and began writing songs when he was 7 years old and started pursuing a music career when he was 20. Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Get Jon’s New Book! Speaking God's Frequency LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Connect with Nate! Nate’s Website Nate’s Instagram Listen to Novocaine!    
22-4-202034 minuten, 36 seconden
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187: Living A thriving Life Through Forgiveness with Derek Stone

On today’s episode, Jon sits down with Kevin Harris, President of Radical Mentoring, to talk about getting men involved in the church. A lot of men get on a career track and figure to make up for lost time at home and church later. They feel like they’re doing what they’re “supposed” to do, instead of what they’re “called” to do, but when you’re off-purpose, it’s exhausting. Once you align your life purpose and your calling, the exhaustion will slip away and you will begin to experience radical change. If you’re feeling stuck on the treadmill of life, you’ll want to listen in to this conversation to learn how, through mentoring, you can experience a life-change that brings you closer to God and matures you in discipleship and leadership in church. Kevin Harris is the President of Radical Mentoring, which is an intentional, small-group mentoring process to help church pastors engage men, build a core group of leaders, and transform their churches. He’s passionate about being a resource for church leaders that have incorporated small-group mentoring into their disciple-making strategy. Kevin and his wife live in Atlanta with their two sons. Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Get Jon’s New Book! Speaking God's Frequency LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Connect with Kevin! Radical Mentoring’s Website - Create a FREE account! Radical Mentoring’s Twitter Radical Mentoring’s Facebook Radical Mentoring’s Instagram Radical Mentoring’s YouTube Channel Books Mentioned: The On-Purpose Person: Making Your Life Make Sense by Kevin W. McCarthy Chazown: Discover and Pursue God’s Purpose for Your Lifeby Craig Groeschel Mentor Like Jesus: His Radical Approach to Building the Churchby Regi Campbell PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers  
15-4-202046 minuten, 47 seconden
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186: Radical Change through Mentoring with Kevin Harris

On today’s episode, Jon sits down with Kevin Harris, President of Radical Mentoring, to talk about getting men involved in the church. A lot of men get on a career track and figure to make up for lost time at home and church later. They feel like they’re doing what they’re “supposed” to do, instead of what they’re “called” to do, but when you’re off-purpose, it’s exhausting. Once you align your life purpose and your calling, the exhaustion will slip away and you will begin to experience radical change. If you’re feeling stuck on the treadmill of life, you’ll want to listen in to this conversation to learn how, through mentoring, you can experience a life-change that brings you closer to God and matures you in discipleship and leadership in church. Kevin Harris is the President of Radical Mentoring, which is an intentional, small-group mentoring process to help church pastors engage men, build a core group of leaders, and transform their churches. He’s passionate about being a resource for church leaders that have incorporated small-group mentoring into their disciple-making strategy. Kevin and his wife live in Atlanta with their two sons. Links : VisitJon’s Website: Are you Real Get Jon’s New Book! Speaking God's Frequency LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Connect with Kevin! Radical Mentoring’s Website - Create a FREE account! Radical Mentoring’s Twitter Radical Mentoring’s Facebook Radical Mentoring’s Instagram Radical Mentoring’s YouTube Channel Books Mentioned: The On-Purpose Person: Making Your Life Make Senseby Kevin W. McCarthy Chazown: Discover and Pursue God’s Purpose for Your Lifeby Craig Groeschel Mentor Like Jesus: His Radical Approach to Building the Churchby Regi Campbell PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers  
8-4-202054 minuten, 26 seconden
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185: The Transforming Power of Love with Jon Fuller

Speaking God’s Frequency is Jon’s latest book, and captures Jon’s walk with the Lord over the last eight years. Today he will be sharing from the 2nd chapter, “The Transforming Power of Love”. We all have “mile-markers” in our lives, moments that have shaped and defined who we become. Jon shares the poignant moments of his life that eventually led him to the alter, where he experienced release of years of hurt and anger and was left with a refreshment of God’s amazing love for him. Listen in to hear how writing this book blessed Jon, and how it can bless you, too! Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Get Jon’s New Book! Speaking God's Frequency LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers      
1-4-202035 minuten, 53 seconden
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184: Finding Your Authentic Voice with Jon Fuller

On today’s episode, Jon steps into the role of public speaker and addresses his audience on the subjects of intentionality and goal-setting. He will be sharing seven premises with you: 1) finding your authentic voice; 2) believe in what you’re doing; 3) define your end-game; 4) go all in; 5) don’t let others define you; 6) learn quick and adapt; and 7) make it a habit and make it count. Listen in to his inspiring and thought-provoking discourse based on his life experiences and consider how his encouragement might be applied to your own life. And always remember, you have value! As owner of New Life Homes, Jon likens the thousands of kitchen remodels he’s done over the years to the subject of his first book, D.I.Y. Remodel Your Life. His second book, Speaking God's Frequency, is set to release March 30th. Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Jon’s Book Will Be Available WITH BONUSES On His Website March 30th! Get Jon’s New Book! Speaking God's Frequency LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers        
18-3-202030 minuten, 34 seconden
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183: Overcoming Failure with Jon Fuller & Jim Oliver

Tables are turning for this episode of Are You Real, where Jon was recently interviewed by Jim Oliver from Breakaway Wealth! Jim was recently a guest of Jon’s, so if you missed that show, the link has been provided here for your listening convenience. Jon and Jim talk about overcoming failure, what failure and success in business look like as a Christian, and what we can expect when we align our lives with God. You’ll get a sneak peek at Jon’s new book, Speaking God’s Frequency, set to be released on March 30th. It’s about how when we connect with God and speak the things that He’s saying, it accelerates our family life and business and we’re able to receive that blessing into our lives. You don’t want to miss this! Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Jon’s Book Will Be Available WITH BONUSES On His Website March 30th! Get Jon’s Book! Speaking God's Frequency LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Jim Oliver’s Breakaway Wealth Podcast Suggested Episodes: 179: Living Abundantly God’s Way with Jim Oliver 143: The Business of Honor with Bob Hasson Books Mentioned: Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine by Mike Michalowicz Total Focus: Make Better Decisions Under Pressure by Brandon Webb and John David Mann Destined to Win by Kris Vallotton PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers Podcast Sponsor: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Jon personally uses Policygenius! policy Genius    
4-3-202039 minuten, 57 seconden
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182: Giving Hope to The Hopeless with Lathan Craft

Do you need a shot of hope? If so, you’re in the right place at the right time. Lathan Craft joins Jon today for a conversation about being God’s masterpiece and listening to what God says about us rather than what we might think about ourselves. They also discuss Lathan’s book, “The Leper in Church”, which is about Christians suffering with mental illness. You’ll hear about Lathan’s traumatic struggle with feeling hopeless growing up without Christ, and why it’s so important to him now to be what he calls a “hope-dealer”. Lathan Craft is a devoted husband, father, pastor, writer, speaker, and podcaster who makes his home in Northern California. He is the author of the Amazon best-seller, “The Leper in the Church”, host of “The Other Side of the Church” podcast, and Founder of “A Heartbeat of Hope.” Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Books Mentioned: Speaking God’s Frequency, by Jon Fuller - To Be Released The Leper in the Church: Stories From the Unseen by Lathan Craft Scary Close: Dropping the Act and Finding True Intimacy by Donald Miller Connect with Lathan! Lathan Craft - UNDER CONSTRUCTION, Launching End-of-Month! Get Lathan’s Book! Leper Church Look for his podcast, “The Other Side of the Church” on Spotify or Apple iTunes! PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers Podcast Sponsor: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Jon personally uses Policygenius!     
26-2-202038 minuten, 1 seconde
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181: All Along You Were Blooming with Morgan Harper Nichols

Jon’s guest today happens to be the writer of one of his favorite songs of all time, “Storyteller”. Listen in to hear the story behind the song, the vulnerability behind the voice, and get ready to be inspired! Morgan Harper Nichols is a writer, artist, and musician, whose parents always encouraged her to use her art to love other people. Originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Morgan, her husband, Patrick, and their 8-month old son make their home in Orange County, California. Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Books Mentioned: All Along You Were Blooming: Thoughts for Boundless Living by Morgan Harper Nichols Connect with Morgan! Morgan’sWebsite Morgan’sInstagram Morgan’s Twitter Morgan’sFacebook Morgan’sPinterest Morgan’sYouTube Morgan’sBook Look for Morgan’s Music on iTunes! PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers Podcast Sponsor: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Jon personally uses Policygenius!      
12-2-202052 minuten, 16 seconden
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180: The God Man with Darren Wilson

On today’s episode, Jon chats with Darren Wilson about The God Man, his upcoming movie that he describes as a “Jesus film for a new generation”, and his most ambitious project to date. It is a film that reflects the character of God and by its nature, begs a decision by movie-end. Darren Wilson is an author and a television/film producer and director who makes unique, faith-based Christian documentaries. When he made his first film, he was an English professor who borrowed equipment from his school and borrowed money from his family. Darren has a lot of questions about faith, and filming is one way he advances the kingdom of God. Don’t miss this insightful conversation about Darren’s supernatural journey from skeptic to discovering the true God of the Bible through the lens of filmmaking. Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Please Let Me Know If You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Connect with Darren! Darren’s Website - Darren’s Movies & Books Are Here! Fund-Raising Campaign Through February 14th For The God Man Mentioned Episode: Feels Like Heaven With Matt Dietz PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers Podcast Sponsor: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Jon personally uses Policygenius!  
5-2-202044 minuten, 36 seconden
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179: Living Abundantly God's Way with Jim Oliver

If you want to learn how money REALLY works, you’ll want to listen in to this fascinating conversation between Jon and Jim Oliver. Financial independence, rather than retirement, is the goal of today’s guest in coaching people to passive income, whether they’re starting with a little or whether they’re starting with a lot, and is based on Biblical principles. Jim Oliver is the Founder of wealth-coaching company, Create Tailwind. Jim founded Create Tailwind in 1988 in Denver, CO, as a traditional financial planning firm but after weathering two major corrections on Wall Street, Jim and his team pivoted the company’s focus to build wealth beyond Wall Street. Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Please Let Me Know If You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Connect with Jim! Jim’s Website - No Coaching Fees! Jim’s Podcast Jim’s Facebook Jim’s Email Books Mentioned: Becoming Your Own Banker: Unlock the Infinite Banking Concept by R. Nelson Nash Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money by Rabbi Daniel Lapin PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers Podcast Sponsor: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Jon personally uses Policygenius!    
29-1-202044 minuten, 36 seconden
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178: Recover Your Life with Sandra Dalton Smith

Did you know that the Bible addresses the topic of rest much more than it addresses the topic of sleep? In this day and age where we feel the pressure to be super-productive, we neglect the need for rest and we neglect to enjoy the journey along the way. Sooner or later, our health suffers. Dr. Saundra wrote Sacred Rest based on her own burnout experience. She realized that her medical career did not provide her with enough information that she needed to stay energized. Turning to her Bible for inspiration and wisdom on the subject, Dr. Saundra discovered a place where her faith and science collided, and this enabled her to come to a point of understanding regarding what was going on. If you’re in need of a rest - whether physical, spiritual, emotional or otherwise - take a listen to this powerful insight about the science and sacredness of life-changing rest. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is a board-certified internal medicine physician, researcher and the author of several books, including the most recent successful book Sacred Rest. Resources: VisitJon’s Website: Are You Real Please Let Me Know if You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Book Mentioned: Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity by Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D. Sensitive & Strong: A Guide for Highly Sensitive Persons and Those Who Love Them, by Denise J. Hughes and Cheri Gregory Jon’s New Book: Speaking God’s Frequency - Coming December 2020!! Connect with Dr. Saundra! Get Your Free Rest Assessment HERE! Dr. Saundra’s Website Dr. Saundra’sFacebook Dr. Saundra’sLinkedin Dr. Saundra’sInstagram Dr. Saundra’sTwitter PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers Podcast Sponsor: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Jon personally uses Policygenius!    
22-1-202046 minuten, 27 seconden
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177: Find And Focus On What You Were Created To Do with Jordan Raynor

If you’ve ever wanted to be excellent or masterful in the work that you do, or if you’ve ever wondered how you’ll ever even find the work God created you to do, you’ll want to listen in as Jon and special guest, Jordan Raynor, discuss becoming a “Master of One” that brings both glory to God and service to others. Jordan Raynor is the author of the soon-to-be-released Master of One: Find and Focus on the Work You Were Created to Do andthe national best-seller Called to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and Risk. He leads a growing community of Christians seeking to more deeply connect to their faith with their work. Jordan serves as the Executive Chairman of a tech start-up, Threshold 360, where he previously served as CEO after launching a string of successful ventures. He’s a highly sought-after speaker on faith, work, and entrepreneurship at some pretty amazing places, including Harvard University, SXSW, and TEDx. He has twice been selected as a Google Fellow and had the incredible honor of serving in the White House under President George W. Bush. Resources: Jon’s New Book: Speaking God’s Frequency - Coming December 2020!! VisitJon’s Website to get the First 3 Chapters for Free: Are You Real Please Let Me Know if You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Connect with Jordan! Pre-order the Book &Enter to Win an Unbelievable European Cruise for Two, Dinner with Jordan in Barcelona, and a Private Tour of One of the Most Compelling Subjects in His Book: La Sagrada Familia! Jordan’s Website Jordan’s Twitter Jordan’s Facebook Mentioned Books: Master of One: Find and Focus on the Work You Were Created to Do by Jordan Raynor Called to Create: A Biblical Invitation to Create, Innovate, and Risk by Jordan Raynor Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers Podcast Sponsor: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Jon personally uses Policygenius!    
1-1-202049 minuten, 9 seconden
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176: God Gave Us the Bible with Lisa Tawn Bergren

Jon sits down with best-selling author, Lisa Tawn Bergren, to discuss the spiritual experience that helped her understand her calling, the importance of bringing our children up in the faith and how we must allow them to make their own story with God, fallow seasons, and so much more. You don’t want to miss this conversation! Lisa Tawn Bergren is the best-selling author of more than 60 books, including God Gave Us You, God Gave Us Easter, which is a New York Times best-seller, and the beloved God Gave Us Children series, which has sold over 2.5 million copies. Her newest book is God Gave Us the Bible. She and her husband, Tim, have three kids–Olivia (24), Emma (21) and Jack (16), and make their home in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Resources: Jon’s New Book: Speaking God’s Frequency Coming December 2020!! VisitJon’s Website to get the First 3 Chapters for Free: Are You Real Please Let Me Know if You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Connect with Lisa! Lisa’s Website Lisa’sTwitter Lisa’s Facebook Lisa’s Instagram Lisa’sBooks Other Mentioned Book: Free to Focus by Michael Hyatt PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers Podcast Sponsor: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Jon personally uses Policygenius!  
25-12-201943 minuten, 3 seconden
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175: Discover Your 10X Lifestyle with Carlos Rosales

If you have a problem with “stinking thinking”, or negative thoughts, you will want to tune in to this episode with special guest, Carlos Rosales. Carlos is a business coach and author of 10X For Christ: Discovering Your 10X Lifestyle in Jesus Christ. Discover how speaking God’s words over our lives and recognizing the good in it when those negative thoughts creep in can help us to understand who we are in Christ. Carlos has worked in business leadership for over 35 years and knows what it takes to be successful as an executive. He is a Certified Professional Leadership Coach and a Certified Process Consultant. He’s helped others to grow their business for over a decade. Carlos is a Convene Chair, a peer-to-peer mentoring group for Christian business owners. Resources: Jon’s New Book: Speaking God’s Frequency Coming December 2020!! VisitJon’s Website to get the First 3 Chapters for Free: Are You Real Please Let Me Know if You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Book Mentioned: 10X For Christ: Discovering Your 10X Lifestyle in Jesus Christ by Carlos E. Rosales III Connect with Carlos! Take a FREE, No-Obligation Assessment and Receive a 40% DISCOUNT When You Buy His Book! Carlos Would Love To Hear From You! PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers  
18-12-201944 minuten, 30 seconden
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174: A Spoonful of Courage with Dr. Charles Page

Jon’s guest today is known as “The best guy to see on the worst day of your life”. Dr. Charles “Chuck” Page is a surgeon, husband, father of five, and author. His latest book, A Spoonful of Courage for the Sick and Suffering, is one of encouragement and hope, and how, when we see what other people are going through, we can begin to adjust our focus. It was other peoples’ stories that inspired him to keep going after his office building burned down in 2017, and he is here to share those stories and help you to see that you can also find blessings in the face of adversity. Resources: Jon’s New Book: Speaking God’s Frequency Coming December 2020!! VisitJon’s Website to get the First 3 Chapters for Free: Are You Real Please Let Me Know if You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook Book: A Spoonful of Courage for the Sick and Suffering by Charles W. Page, MD Buy The Book! Connect with Chuck! Chuck’s Website FREE eBook & Devotionals Chuck’s Podcast - He Would Love to Hear Your Stories! Chuck’s Twitter Chuck’s Facebook Recommended Website by Jon: Compare Different Insurance Rates & See What They Can Do For You!! Policy Genius PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets Before They Sell Out!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers  
11-12-201942 minuten, 29 seconden
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173: Balancing Life and Family on the Road with Sanctus Real's Matt Hammit

When you’re a successful singer and songwriter for a popular touring Christian band using your God-given gifts to share the gospel with others, and you also have a God-given wife and family back home, how do you arrive at a decision to take a leap of faith in choosing to pursue your family dreams while trusting that God is making a way for you to use your talents closer to the home-front? Jon sits down with guest, Matt Hammitt, to hear his compelling story of how he did just that. Matt Hammitt is an American singer, songwriter, speaker and author. He was the lead singer and songwriter for the band Sanctus Real from 1996-2016. Passion for family is what ultimately led Matt to leave Sanctus Real. He has been married to his wife, Sarah, for eighteen years, and they have four children. After departing the band, Matt joined the FamilyLife speaker team and is a keynote speaker and performer at marriage and men’s conferences across the US, including Kirk Cameron’s “Living Room Reset” events. He has released two albums as a solo artist. Waterbrook Multnomah (Penguin Random House) will be releasing Matt’s next book, Lead Me: Finding Courage to Fight for Your Marriage, Children, and Faith, in February 2020. Resources: Jon’s New Book: Speaking God’s Frequency Coming December 2020!! Visit Jon’s Website to get the First 3 Chapters for Free: Are You Real Please Let Me Know if You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast   FOLLOW ME on Twitter   LIKE & FOLLOW ME on Facebook Suggested Book: Lead Me: Finding Courage to Fight for Your Marriage, Children, and Faith, by Matt Hammit Connect with Matt! Matt’s Website Matt’s Facebook Matt’s  Twitter Matt’s Instagram PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers  
27-11-201943 minuten, 39 seconden
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172: Power of Choices with Michael McIntyre

What’s been on Jon’s heart and mind lately has been the power of choices. He has been seeing a pattern in the counseling calls he’s received lately regarding marriage and business, and that is a lot of people are having problems with the issue of blame. It’s easier to lay the blame for your problems on somebody else, but often the real issue is a result of the bad choices we have made. This realization is not one of condemnation but a practical one by way of encouraging a self-examination of the choices we have made, and future choices that might help us get out of the predicament that we find ourselves in. With this in mind, Jon and his guest, Michael McIntyre, are going to be asking each other questions about the good and bad choices they have made in family, life, and business, and some of the consequences that followed. Michael McIntyreis a life coach, motivational speaker, head facilitator of Next Level Training, and lifelong entrepreneur. He has recently launched his Next Level Podcast to provide inspiration to business leaders and entrepreneurs where he shares practical advice and biblical principles. Resources: Jon’s New Book:Speaking God’s Frequency Coming December 2020!! VisitJon’s Website to get the First 3 Chapters for Free: Are You Real Please Let Me Know if You’d Like to Hear More Marriage Episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook To Hear Past “Are You Real” Episodes with Michael McIntyre on Business and Finances Connect with Michael McIntyre: Michael’s Website Michael’s Podcast Michael’sNext Level Experience - $100 Discount If You Mention RUREAL NATION!! PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE - Get Your Tickets!! “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers  
20-11-201940 minuten, 45 seconden
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171: How to Improve Your Marriage By Becoming A Team with Jon and Kasey Fuller

While journaling and asking for direction one day, the Lord spoke to Jon’s heart and pointed out how he had been focused on “I” instead of “we” in his marriage. He set out to change that because he came to understand that a strong marriage equals a strong family, which means better work, better sex, better everything! Jon’s wife, Kasey, will be joining him in some extra episodes in the podcasts concerning “Real Marriage”. Both she and Jon came from broken homes. Encountering many trials along the way through their 20-year marriage, they have both had to learn the art of having a Christ-centered marriage and family. Listen in as they discuss the ups and downs of their marriage, teamwork, and some tips on changing YOUR “I” into “we”. Resources: Are You Real Please let me know if you’d like to hear more marriage episodes!! Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME onFacebook PROMISE KEEPERS 2020 CONFERENCE “Igniting A Revival” Friday, July 31 - Saturday, August 1 AT&T Dallas Cowboys Stadium Arlington, TX For Ticket Info: Promise Keepers One Extraordinary Marriage
30-10-201945 minuten, 57 seconden
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170: Double Blessing with Mark Batterson

Before original sin, there was original BLESSING, as per Genesis 1:28’s verse, which begins “And God blessed them.” Blessing is God’s first reflex, His default setting, and today’s guest, Mark Batterson, suggests that this sequence is one of utmost importance. His newest book, Double Blessing: How to Get It. How to Give It., is about rediscovering God’s heart towards us, and then aligning our hearts with His. Mark is the lead pastor of National Community Church in Washington, D.C., and is the New York Times best-selling author of 18 books. He lives with his wife, Lora, and their three children on Capitol Hill. Resources: Are You Real LISTEN & SUBSCRIBE! Podcast FOLLOW ME on Twitter LIKE & FOLLOW ME on Facebook Recommended Podcast: Episode 75 with Mark Batterson Connect with Mark! Mark Batterson Facebook Twitter Instagram Mark’sBook Referenced Scripture: “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:28 Books Mentioned: Mark Batterson’s Whisper and Double Blessing: How to Get It. How to Give It.
23-10-201928 minuten, 37 seconden
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169: Some Kind of Crazy with Terry Wardle

Some Kind of Crazy is a powerful memoir written by today’s guest, Terry Wardle, and follows his upbringing as the son of an Appalachian coal-mining family. Though sometimes hilarious and affectionate, his family also left him with a legacy of fear and abuse that followed him into adulthood and landed him in a psychiatric hospital before the age of 40. Accepting Jesus into his heart did not solve all of the un-repaired, emotional ruptures that was present in his life. He found himself on a dual path of wanting to be a follower of Jesus while continuing to limp along with his emotional wounds. It was down in the ditch of his own brokenness that he discovered the incredible work that Jesus can do if we’ll just let Him meet us there. Terry is going to share his untold personal story with us, and how it’s only by looking back that we can move forward in the healing path. Terry Wardle is a Doctor of Ministry, a Counselor, and a Professor at Ashland Theological Seminary. Resources: Are You Real Podcast Twitter Facebook Suggested Reading: Some Kind of Crazy, by Terry Wardle Connect with Terry! Terry Wardle Healing Care Ministries His Books on Amazon Facebook: Terry Wardle HCM Inspirational Scripture “I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” Isaiah 45:3
16-10-201953 minuten, 56 seconden
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168: Changing the Culture of the Music Industry with Malcom Duplessis

Christianity is in crisis and many of our youth are checking out, for various reasons. Special Guest, Malcolm du Plessis, has seen this coming and has been working the last 5-6 years on an online library for what seems to be the future of what’s going to happen in Christianity and the world. Common Hymnal is an initiative that he has instigated which is basically aggregating creatives and their creativity from what might be called the fringes of the spiritual underground. Join in as Malcolm shares a story about writing a song that traveled the world, and the supernatural impact it made on a couple, and how these kinds of stories has kept him in the music industry for decades. He provides provocative insight into how colonization is inextricably intertwined with the story of Christianity, and you will learn the link between Apartheid and his relationship with America. Malcolm has straddled the worlds of prophetic Christianity and showbiz for over forty years – ranging from church planter to record company executive; from songwriter to song publisher; from instigator of multicultural, multilingual worship music that fused praise and protest in the era of his native South Africa to artist manager in that same context; from consulting ministries, movements, artists, songwriters, record labels and publishing companies in the Christian arena to helping nurture the top 40 songwriters in the mainstream. He continues to consult for a range of organizations, yet identifies primarily as an underground activist and as a father figure to a growing number of young leaders. One of his priorities is his relentless call for the decolonization of the worship movement and for doors of dignity to be unlocked for more communities and ethnicities to contribute toward the “common” hymnal. Resources: Are You Real Podcast Twitter Facebook Are You Real Podcast #167 - Be The Bridge with Diversity Expert, Latasha Morrison Bishop Desmond TuTu, as quoted by Malcolm: “When the white man came from Europe, we had the land and they had the Bible. Then they asked us to pray. But when we opened our eyes, they had the land and we had the Bible.” Isaiah 49:6 "It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” Movie Amazing Grace Connect with Malcolm! Common Hymnal Facebook: Common Hymnal Twitter: Common Hymnal Instagram: Common Hymnal Youtube: Common Hymnal Apple Podcast Common Hymnal: An Uncommon Podcast
25-9-201936 minuten, 10 seconden
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167: Be The Bridge with Diversity expert Latasha Morrison

As Christians, we’ve been given the ministry of reconciliation. We’ve been reconciled to God, so therefore we can be reconciled to one another. Healing racial divides is what Special Guest, LaTasha “Tasha” Morrison delves into on today’s podcast. In John 17, Jesus prayed that we would be one, as He and the Father are one. Tasha covers some deep ground on how the Church has been complicit to racism, and her ideas to deconstruct that. By listening to marginalized voices and creating conversations, she has a mission to be the bridge by calling upon Christians and the Church to have a transformative response towards racial unity. It is this unity that will be a witness that points others to Christ. Tasha lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and is Founder and President of an organization called “Be the Bridge”, whose mission is to help people have a distinct and transformative conversation around racial healing. “Be the Bridge” has a world-wide reach, with groups in North America, Italy, Canada, and New Zealand, and continues to grow. Resources: Are You Real Podcast Twitter Facebook Find Tasha Bethe Bridge Latasha Morrison Book: Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation, by Latasha Morrison
18-9-20191 uur, 9 minuten, 39 seconden
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166: Sharon Kaselonis: Jesus, Day by Day

If you’ve ever struggled with reading and comprehending scripture, you’re not going to want to miss today’s episode. Special guest, Sharon Kaselonis, shares the problems she encountered in studying the Bible, her prayer to the Lord to know and understand Him, and the gracious resolution He provided to her. Her new book, Jesus, Day by Day, is a daily devotional that teaches you to look for Jesus throughout the scriptures and takes you through a chronological one-year reading plan that covers the entire Bible, so that you can know and understand Him, too. Sharon is an attorney, homeschool mom, writer, speaker, and educator whose passion is to inspire believers worldwide to read and know and study the Bible for themselves. Previously, she practiced law in the Washington, D.C., area, before serving as the director of women’s ministry at a large church in Jacksonville, Oregon. Sharon and her husband, Ray, live in Scottsdale, Arizona, with their two children. Resources: Are You Real Connect with Sharon Subscribe to her daily devotion! —>Cover 2 Cover Instagram Facebook Book Mentioned: Jesus, Day by Day, by Sharon Kaselonis
11-9-201954 minuten, 11 seconden
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165: Glen Packiam: How Your Story Becomes Sacred In The Hands Of Jesus

Blessed, Broken, Given - these three words come from the gospels, and they’re the words that describe what Jesus does when he has bread in his hands. Luke’s gospel, in particular, tells three stories of Jesus taking bread, blessing it, breaking it, and giving it. Our guest today, Glenn Packiam, wrote a soon-to-be-released book, Blessed Broken Given: How Your Story Becomes Sacred In The Hands Of Jesus. Jesus describes Himself as the “bread of Heaven”, and each word - blessed, broken, given - is going to speak to us in a particular way. This book is about encouraging people to see the glory in the ordinary, the grace in the midst of their mess, and purpose in each moment of the day. After listening to this episode, you’ll understand why he says the last twelve years have been a really beautiful journey of being humbled and discovering what it means to serve. You’ll understand how God truly sees us, and how we can meet people where they are. Glenn Packiam is a Pastor, Author, Speaker, Practical Theologian, and Songwriter. He is one of the associate senior pastors as New Life Church in Colorado Spring, Colorado, and the lead pastor of New Life Downtown, a congregation of New Life Church. His newest book, Blessed Broken Given: How Your Story Becomes Sacred In The Hands Of Jesus, was released August 6, 2019. Glenn earned a Doctorate in Theology and Ministry from Durham University in the UK. He also holds a BA in Theological/Historical Studies and Masters in Management from Oral Roberts University and a Graduate Certificate in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. He is an ordained priest with the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA). Glenn, his wife, Holly, their four children are enjoying life in the shadow of the mighty Rocky Mountains. Resources: Are You Real Connect with Glenn! Website: Glenn Packiam Twitter: @gpackiam Instagram: @gpackiam Book Mentioned: Blessed Broken Given: How Your Story Becomes Sacred In The Hands Of Jesus, by Glenn Packiam
28-8-201946 minuten, 27 seconden
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164: How Playing with For KING AND COUNTRY Put Blake Kanicka in the Center of God's Will

Stephen Blake Kanicka is a Grammy award-winning multi-instrumentalist and composer. His musicality has been noted by the New York Times and featured on Jimmy Kimmel, Jay Leno, The View, Ellen Degeneres, and the Today Show. Stephen Blake grew up deeply entrenched in the world of music, as his mother was a Vocal Performance major in college. His innate ear for music was noticed at a very young age when he would climb the piano and play the melodies he heard around him. His talent was then fostered with Suzuki ear training, followed by over ten years of classical study in piano, theory, and music history. All of these experiences set the foundation for a strong melodic sense and technical proficiency while also gaining a deep respect for the classical composers, particularly Mozart and Beethoven. Further development was pursued as a member of a jazz ensemble, chamber choir, and with local artists. At the young age of 16, Stephen Blake was invited to travel nation-wide with an arena tour – giving him his first introduction to the commercial music industry. By the time he graduated from high school, he had gained significant musical training, real-world experience, and had composed and produced several of his own arrangements. Professionally, Stephen Blake has continued to hone his craft over the years as a musical director, string arranger, and collaborator with many artists – both onstage and in the studio. Notably, he has worked and performed with Atlantic Records artist, Jason Castro, as well as critically-acclaimed Aqualung, who likened his musical sensibilities to those of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. Currently, he records and performs with the award-winning band, for KING & COUNTRY, while also continuing his creative work in the studio with various artists and projects he finds inspiring. He lives with his wife, Brittany, in Franklin, Tennessee. What you’ll hear in this episode: A lifelong passion for music Blake’s inspiration: “The Lord goes before you and fights your battles.” Also, Psalm 23 Ups and downs in the music business Blake’s biggest struggle: servanthood The importance of relationships that can help and keep you accountable “Treasure hunters” Music’s profound emotion College at Texas A&M: no musical instruments for THREE years! Blake’s move to LA, joining a band, living within God’s will Blake’s advice to the younger Blake: “The Holy Spirit is real. Don’t let other things challenge your faith.” Having faith to step out Having wise counsel Blake’s favorite current project: a version of Amazing Grace for an upcoming movie, with rapper KB Blake’s parting advice: “There is a power in mystery. I have a great hope that we continue to embrace the mysterious. Be careful what you let yourself absorb.” Connect with Blake: Facebook Instagram
21-8-201935 minuten, 52 seconden
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163: David Platt: Something Needs To Change

In a world of urgent need around us, God gives us good things to enjoy …but ultimately God has blessed us so that through us, others might know his goodness, others might know his grace, and others might see his glory. Our guest today is David Platt, who took a life-changing 8-day trek through the Himalayas, where he encountered a population with urgent physical and spiritual needs. Our lives are but a mist here, so what can we do with our time to make it count? When our eyes are opened to the suffering in this world, something has to change. We’re going to be discussing David’s first book, and his upcoming book. If you feel like you’ve been living the dream but missing the point, or feel like you’ve just missed the dream altogether, this podcast is going to bless you. David Platt is pastor at McLean Bible Church in Vienna, Virginia. After graduating from the University of Georgia, he attended New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he received multiple degrees. Before pastoring at McLean Bible Church, he previously pastored congregations in New Orleans, Birmingham, AL, and the greater Washington, D.C. area. David also served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s International Mission Board, one of the largest missionary organizations in the world. He is founder of Radical, which seeks to serve the church and accomplish the mission of Christ through various resources and opportunities. David is author of a number of books, including the upcoming Something Needs to Change. He and his wife Heather have 4 children (and are in the process of adopting their 5th child!) and live in the Washington,  D.C. metro area. Resources: Are You Real David’s Website: Radical Books Mentioned: Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, by David Platt Something Needs to Change, by David Platt
14-8-201939 minuten, 15 seconden
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162: Todd Furneaux: Adkaddy and Product Creation

God-given gifts can often be the inspiration for our entrepreneurial leaps of faith when we decide to leave a steady job with a safe work environment and a regular paycheck, for a job that focuses on, and is dependent on, those gifts. We’re going to talk to someone who did just that. Todd Furneaux is the special guest I’d like to introduce you to today. Todd spent over a decade being a merchant for Home Depot’s corporate office in Atlanta, buying and selling its products, working on advertising, and although he enjoyed his job, he understood it wasn’t for him in the long term. He knew that God had gifted him with the ability and desire to work with his hands, building things from scratch. He decided to use this creativity in product development. Listen in as we go over how he got his start in developing a luxury line of coolers and drink-ware; his latest product, Adkaddy; and a product development overview, including product-market fit, the development cycle, and customer retention. Resources: Are You Real And Todd’s products: Luxury coolers and drink-ware: Sovaro Get your AdKaddy App!
7-8-201942 minuten, 1 seconde
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161: Activating Christians to Change the World with Robby Dawkins

Today’s guest is Robby Dawkins. I met Robby through Michael McIntyre, who has introduced me to so many great people. Robby is a 5th generation Pastor who has ministered in over 58 nations. He’s been in some pretty scary environments that are hostile to Christians. The focus of today’s conversation is Robby’s quest to live out the book of Acts. There are so many ways that Christians can be activated to literally change and impact the world for Christ. As we struggle to figure out what our purpose is, we can take comfort in knowing that in following the example of Christ, everything else after that will fall into place. We don’t have to wrestle with it. We don’t have to struggle with it. We are promised it will happen. Seek yet first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you! You can connect with Robby Dawkins at Robby Dawkins
31-7-20191 uur, 1 minuut, 54 seconden
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160: Core 52 with Pastor Mark Moore

Did you know that God provides us with a recipe for happiness in Psalm 1:1-3? This happiness provides us with a steady supply of dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. You see, God created us with an addiction to these neurotransmitters, and His Word encourages the specific behaviors and healthy habits that replicate, create, and sustain the addiction that God put into us at Creation. Every addiction that is the enemy destroying God’s good creation causes us to need more and more of a bad habit to create less and less of a good feeling. But the healthy habits that God created for us to have, bring life to us and those around us. Connecting with the right people, discovering the right things, and creating the right productivity in your life will to happiness. I’m so excited to introduce you to today’s special guest, Pastor, and Author Mark Moore. We discuss happiness, his new book, building a church, the one thing that men will not come out and say, how to help your spouse win, and so much more. Please join us for this episode of “Are You Real”! Don’t forget!! You are personally invited to attend the 1st “Kingdom Conference” in Amarillo, TX, on Sunday, July 28, from 1pm-10pm. See the link below for discounted HALF-PRICE tickets! You don’t want to miss this fantastic lineup of dynamic speakers! Resources: Are You Real Get your DISCOUNTED HALF-PRICE Kingdom Conference Tickets here!! Connect with Mark: Book: Core52 Website: Mark Moore Like him on Facebook: Mark Moore Follow him on Twitter: @markmoore330 Instagram: markmoore330
24-7-201955 minuten, 16 seconden
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159: God’s Power To Heal in Marriage with Jay and Lori Pyatt

Pornography, drug abuse, lying, and financial deceit. What do these things have in common? They are all forms of betrayal. Today’s guests, Jay, and Lori Pyatt are Certified Relationship Mentors, who help couples after betrayal. Jay and Lori share their very own personal experience with betrayal, redemption, and restoration concerning his long-term addiction to pornography. Jay helps men overcome pornography addiction and other sexual sins in their lives, and teaches them how to rebuild trust in their marriages after the truth comes out. Lori works with women after betrayal of any kind, following the “Betrayal Trauma” model, which can often get women to a better life in a matter of months, rather than decades. Jay discloses the scripture that is close to his heart, reminding him that we are all redeemable, how he learned to listen to the voice of shame from the enemy that tells us we are not, and how he and Lori learned to recognize how much grace and love that Jesus Christ has for us. Tune in to discover the new foundation they laid down to heal their marriage. You don’t want to miss this.   Resources: Are You Real Kingdom Conference Tickets   Jay and Lori’s website: The Couple Cure Jay’s story Lori’s story
17-7-201955 minuten, 47 seconden
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158: Vivian Mabuni: Open Hands, Willing Heart

John introduces us today to Vivian Mabuni, a national speaker and writer with a passion to share hope and life through intimacy with God. Listen in as Vivian discusses wrestling with the goodness of God, and walks us through the devastating aftermath of the 90’s Rwandan genocide. She describes to us how the image of God being reflected through the Rwandan people was breathtaking and awe-inspiring. She also has a lot to say about women in ministry! Did you know that Jesus was counter-culture for the time when it came to interacting with women? Find out what this means on today’s episode. Vivian has 30 years ministry experience on staff with CREW (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ). Vivian grew up in Colorado as a cultural buddhist and came to Christ in high school. As a teen, she drove herself to the mall and bought her first bible. She tried to read it but it just didn’t make sense. Around this time her father moved the family to Hong Kong, and Vivian grew angry with God. She didn’t know anyone, she couldn’t speak the language, and yet…God met her right there in Hong Kong, of all places! Vivian is an author of “Open Hands, Willing Heart: Discover the Joy of Saying Yes to God”, a book on surrender. Resources: Kingdom Conference Tickets Vivan Mabuni Instagram & Twitter: @vivmabuni   Book: “Open Hands, Willing Heart: Discover the Joy of Saying Yes to God” by Vivian Mabuni
10-7-20191 uur, 4 minuten, 23 seconden
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157: Mike Donehey: Finding God's Life For My Will

Mike Donehey from the contemporary Christian music band, Tenth Avenue North, is today’s special guest. Mike will be discussing his new book, “Finding God’s Life For My Will”.  You’ll also learn how a tragedy became the catalyst for his learning to play guitar, and hear his heart-touching story behind one of the band's most popular songs, “Control”. Mike is an author, lead singer, songwriter, and guitarist for Tenth Avenue North is husband to Kelly, and Father to 4 girls. Listen in as Mike and John talk about motives, and how God always seems to direct the waters of our hearts so that we end up right where He wants us. Show Highlights: God is Ok with detours God doesn’t need us to be a success, He just wants US “When Dreams Die” “Dreams Change and That’s Ok” When God thwarts your plans Walking in humble confidence When God repaints, redeems, and reweaves How regret can turn into gratitude Letting go of your idols Success books prey on people’s idolatry When we think God has good things in store for everyone around us, just not for us Regrets of the dying Transactional and Capitalistic relationships with God It’s about the relationship, and not what we can get from Him God is the treasure you’re after Giving up God’s glory in exchange for fame The danger of ranking people based on what they can offer us Having a heart to minister Joy in ways you don’t expect it Misusing the gifts that God has given us God wants to be your plan, not give you a plan Resources: Are You Real Kingdom Conference Tickets Tenth Avenue North Book: “Finding God's Life For My Will” by Mike Donehey - Available August 6th  Article: “Top 10 Regrets Of The Dying” by Bronnie Ware Song: “Control” by Tenth Avenue North
3-7-201947 minuten, 41 seconden
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156: The Jesus Who Surprises with Dee Brestin

In today’s episode, John chats with special guest, Dee Brestin, about recognizing heart idols, how Jesus showed his disciples that He was in awe of the Old Testament, how to be alert to the amazing things that God does, and more. You don’t want to miss the prison ministry testimony she shares of an incarcerated woman who came to realize how beautiful she was to Jesus. It will give you chills! Dee Brestin is an author, speaker, and has a heart for prison ministry. She has been writing for 50 years. Her introduction to writing came about in her early 20’s when she was looking for a bible study, but no-one was writing them at that time. She wrote her first, called “Proverbs and Parables”, which readied her for the Fishermen Bible Study Guides for which she would later write. Dee offers free teaching videos and a free Bible Study blog. Show Highlights: Turning a heart of stone into a heart of flesh Most people misunderstand idolatry Idols of the heart The bad fruit of an idol Not allowing God to be in control How it can be releasing to understand why we do the things we do God’s options are to overlook or to confront in love If you’re faithful in the little things, God opens other doors How fasting can part the red sea God lost 1/3 of his angels and He was a perfect parent We are humbled by parenting when we realize our children have free will Books of Moses - how the story began Psalms - how to live in this hard and challenging story Prophets - look especially in Isaiah to see how story will end What getting hit by a spiritual 2x4 is like Song of Songs is not just about marriage but is a picture of Jesus' love for us He leaves the 99 to go get the 1 The same wisdom that was in the Old Testament is in the New Testament Parting scenes are important, don’t back away from them Resources: Are You Real Kingdom Conference Tickets Dee Brestin  Books: “Idol Lies” by Dee Brestin “The Jesus Who Surprises: Opening Our Eyes to His Presence in All of Life and Scripture” by Dee Brestin “The God Hunt: The Delightful Chase and the Wonder of Being Found” - Karen Burton Mains “He Calls You Beautiful: Hearing the Voice of Jesus in the Song of Songs” - Dee Brestin
26-6-201943 minuten, 39 seconden
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155: Banning Liebscher: Founder and Pastor of Jesus Culture

Sometimes the most interesting journeys are those we never really aspire to follow. As a young and newly surrendered Christian, my guest only wanted to travel and preach, and he never thought youth pastor or lead pastor would be what he wanted to do. Fast forward to now, when Banning Liebscher is the founder and pastor of Jesus Culture in Sacramento, CA, along with his most demanding roles of husband and father of three teens. He has a heart for the younger generation to encounter God on their campuses and cities so they can be revivalists in our world. When Banning fully committed to God’s call, he spent 10 years as a youth pastor, falling in love with young people and the local church. He was on a fast-moving journey that he never expected or prepared for, and his dependency was on God alone. Banning says his secret was to find people who were further down the road than he was. Along the way, he has learned the importance of learning to lead a diverse group of people with understanding, conflict management, and communication skills. In our conversation, Banning discusses his book, Rooted, which focuses on how God wants to grow and develop us as His children. He wraps up with his best advice about learning healthy habits and breaking unhealthy patterns in our lives.. Resources: Jesus Culture Find Banning on social media: @thebanning Rooted by Banning Liebscher Brave Communication by Dan Farrelly
19-6-201958 minuten, 8 seconden
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154: How To Turn Your Passion Into A Profit with Jennifer Allwood

Are you struggling to monetize your online business? My guest today might be just the person you need to meet. Jennifer Allwood is a wife, mother, dynamic business coach, and host of The Jennifer Allwood Show podcast. She uses her infectious enthusiasm to help creative women build their social media platforms and turn their talents and hobbies into lucrative online businesses. After working a desk job that was quickly pushing her to an early grave, Jennifer owned a decorative painting business before discovering the potential of the online space. She began creating courses to teach ways to make money online, and she now coaches over 3000 women each month. Jennifer shares advice about using the “thing” inside of you to make money with the right formula of your passion, your talent, and the need. She tells us how she relies on God to help her with pricing bids, how she balances the aspects of her busy life, and how a 1-½ minute conversation with Dave Ramsey gave her hope and changed her life. Jennifer wraps up our riveting conversation with advice about doing what you are supposed to do, regardless of your feelings, and why you can’t have it all. Resources: Jennifer Allwood Find Jennifer’s devotional for business owners:  Jennifer Allwood
12-6-20191 uur, 8 minuten, 58 seconden
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153: Catalyst Wealth Planning with Frances McKay

Today’s guest is Frances Mckay, a certified financial planner who specializes in life-centered financial planning for women in the STEM field. She’s a mother and grandmother who helps people with retirement planning and asset management. A few years ago, Frances was a chemical engineer who worked 70-80 hours each week, traveled frequently, and was miserable with making absolutely no contribution to her home. She made the career switch to financial planning, and her life changed drastically in every way, making her wish she had made the change years earlier. Frances shares key financial tips, her unique perspective on tithing, and how she balances her business, family, and daily walk with God. She leaves us with parting advice to get serious about taking control of our financial future and stop avoiding the topic of money. Join us to hear more about Frances, her work, and how you can gain access to her courses through her membership site. Resources: Faith-Based Financial Wellness Frances’ membership site gives you full access for 12 months for the limited-time discounted price of $100 for founding members. Her Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity Course launches this week, and more will be added each month.
5-6-201951 minuten, 58 seconden
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152: Living a Spirit Led Life With Patrick And Lauren Nelson

How often do the needs of orphaned children around the world come to your mind? Patrick and Lauren Nelson are dedicating their lives to the needs of these orphans by rescuing them from sex trafficking and helping them with trauma and healing. As the parents of two young sons, the Nelsons live in Dallas but travel to Haiti several times each year through work with their non-profit, I’m Me, which began in 2012. In this episode, Patrick and Lauren explain how the seed of compassion for Haiti was first planted, and how they felt God’s calling as an “assignment” for their lives. They explain the differences they see in people’s lives when Jesus is encountered and how they are challenging the Enemy’s stronghold over the country of Haiti and its people. The Nelsons share how they’ve learned humility through the trying circumstances of hitting rock bottom and finally handing everything over to the Lord. Patrick and Lauren tell about the coffee business and leather goods that they are using to help the kids in Haiti, and how you can get involved and help support their endeavors. The Nelsons wrap up our conversation by giving their advice about facing trials, obstacles, and having really big dreams in your work for Jesus. Resources: I'm Me Find the Nelsons on Instagram: I'm Me
29-5-201959 minuten, 9 seconden
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151: Modern Day Prophetic with Shawn Bolz

Shawn Bolz is on the podcast today talking about how the Holy Spirit living inside us nudges us down the paths we should take and we have to be tuned in. We walk with God as Christians and we need to listen to Him so that His word has application. Shawn helps others understand what God is saying in a prophetic way, just as many of the prophets heard and shared from God in scripture. Shawn and other prophets help others to understand what God is saying to them individually, whether through something audible or through nature and instincts. Shawn shares how God sometimes wants us to creatively solve problems without money and gives examples of how God has done this in his life. Shawn shares their excitement about the speakers who will be at the Kingdom Conference including Bob Hasson, Jon Fuller, Shawn Bolz, Michael McIntyre, and Christy Austin. So, be hungry for Christ and attend both conferences to be radically changed! Resources: Two of the biggest events in Texas this year include the  Modern Prophetic Symposium and The Kingdom Conference. 5/30-6/1 Modern Prophetic Symposium at the Verizon Theatre in Grand Prairie, TX Kingdom Conference in Amarillo, TX (7/28)
22-5-201940 minuten, 26 seconden
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150: Promise Keepers is Back with Ken Harrison

What does it mean to be a man in today’s world? Today’s guest has a lot to say on the topic, and he’s written a new book, Rise of the Servant Kings: What the Bible Says About Being a Man. The book is a guide to discipleship for men, but even women are raving about the chapter dedicated to marriage. Ken Harrison is Chairman of the Board of Promise Keepers, a Christ-centered organization dedicated to instilling in men a passion for hearing, obeying, and daily meditating on the Word of God. Over 7 million men have had their lives impacted by Promise Keepers since 1990. Ken also serves as CEO at WaterStone, an organization that helps clients give away millions of dollars annually in support of Christian worldwide humanitarian efforts. Being a former LAPD officer in a high-crime area taught Ken to live life in the moment because it’s uncertain and unpredictable. When he retired from the police force, he prayed for God to give him business wisdom for his path ahead---and He did. Ken credits the goodness of God in directing his steps, instilling passion and purpose in his life, and giving him the courage to stand up as a man of God. Ken’s parting advice is, “God is looking for people of courage, and the world is full of wimps. Don’t be a chocolate soldier who melts when the heat is on.” Resources: Rise of the Servant Kings: What the Bible Says About Being a Man by Ken Harrison Find Are You Real on Facebook and send us a message for a chance to win a copy of Ken’s book!
15-5-20191 uur, 46 seconden
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149: Shocking Beliefs of the Great Christians with Frank Viola

Why do we as Christians allow ourselves to be divided over our beliefs? Why do we live with so much hypocrisy? Frank Viola addresses these issues and more in his new book, ReGRACE, in which he calls out the “bipolarism” of Christianity. Frank is a bestselling author whose mission is to help serious followers of Jesus know Him more deeply so they can experience real transformation and make a lasting impact. He shares his “head-on collision with Jesus Christ” at age 16 and how a crisis came at age 23 when he realized “there must be more” to following Christ. Writing about his discoveries led to his first book, published in 2008, and he went on to write over 20 books about problems Christians face. In this conversation, Frank address toxic Christianity, which results when Christians take themselves too seriously, and how our personal convictions shouldn’t be grounds for ripping people apart. He discusses the marks of a false teacher, some surprising facts about Charles Spurgeon, and why he regrets not starting his blog and podcast much sooner than he did. Frank wraps up by recounting the advice of Jim Rohn about the importance of the five people with whom you spend the most time. Who are your “five”? Resources: Frank Viola  Find resources and information, including Frank’s podcast, The Insurgence. ReGrace  Find out how to get five FREE chapters of Frank’s latest book!
9-5-20191 uur, 1 minuut, 47 seconden
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Purpose 148: My First Rodeo with Stoney Stamper

The concept is a familiar one. Scripture refers to “beauty from ashes,” and even non-believers know what it means to “turn lemons into lemonade.” The idea is that something beautiful and wholly good can come from circumstances that are anything but lovely. Such is the story of today’s guest, Stoney Stamper. He’s the owner of TDD Media and the author of a popular parenting blog, The Daddy Diaries. Stoney grew up on a large quarter horse farm in small-town Oklahoma, and he still makes Oklahoma his home with his wife, April, and their three daughters, ages 18, 15, and 6. Because Gordon has always loved writing, journaling, and storytelling, it was easy to begin blogging about his initiation into “Daddy Life” as he and April blended their family. His unique style of storytelling, infused with humor and transparency about life’s successes AND failures, quickly drew a massive audience that today includes readers from over 112 countries. He’s published numerous articles in magazines and has a new book, My First Rodeo, that’s hot off the press. In today’s conversation, Stoney shares the story of the tragic car accident in 2017 that nearly took his life, but left him facing multiple surgeries and a lifetime of physical challenges. He says much good has come from the tragedy as his family has grown closer and stronger, and he has learned to count his blessings and be grateful every day. His advice to listeners is, “Have faith and stay the course, even in the hard times.” Don’t miss Stoney’s inspirational story of victory over tragedy.   Resources: Find out more about Stoney and his blog: Get Stoney’s book: Find Stoney on Facebook and Instagram: The Daddy Diaries
1-5-20191 uur, 15 seconden
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147: Next Level Training with Michael McIntyre

Michael McIntyre has been a featured guest on the show many times, and he’s here today to talk about his Next Level Training, which I’ve taken and highly recommend. Michael is a motivational speaker, consultant, and entrepreneur at heart. From serving in the US Air Force, Michael went on to run his own insurance company and develop 247 MedPlan, a nationwide telemedicine company. In his 40’s, he grew tired of running from God and surrendered his life to Christ. He describes the fascinating combination of events that led to the creation of Next Level, a 3-day transformational training to awaken you to what God intends you to be. If you’re struggling and need a new trajectory for your life, then this is the training for you! Michael says, “We don’t just need people to lead; we need great people to lead.” He lives out the truth of John 10:10, believing that we shouldn’t feel bad or guilty to live abundantly in every area of life. Even though fear can hold us back, Michael says that we don’t need a pedigree, but we need the fire of enthusiasm to let the Holy Spirit use our lives. His parting advice is to “Be Jesus to everybody.”Join us to hear more fire and inspiration from Michael! Resources: Michael Mcintyre NLE Dallas  Find out about Next Level in Dallas, May 3-5. Mention Are You Real for 20% off!
24-4-201937 minuten, 1 seconde
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146: A Transformed Life with Brian “Head” Welch

When do you hear God the most? For Brian “Head” Welch, he hears God best in the times of resting, waiting, and stillness. He’s part of the band, Korn, which has sold over 35 million copies, 41 singles, and 2 Grammy awards---all since 2012. Brian’s journey includes almost two decades of partying, drinking, drugs, and being “drawn to the darkness.” As the hard living took its toll on Brian’s mental health and relationships, he says he “had it all,” but felt completely empty, unfulfilled, and lost. One night he walked into a church, and it was the song, “Majesty” that spoke to his heart. He prayed to God to take his addictions away and started on the path to turning his life around. Brian shares his favorite verses, how he left the music business for a time, and his latest work on a documentary movie with his daughter. He says the most important thing in his life right now is spending time with the Lord and finding intimacy with God.
10-4-201952 minuten, 59 seconden
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Purpose 145: Put Your Love On with Danny Silk

What is YOUR greatest accomplishment? Even though Danny Silk has a long list of achievements and has authored several books, he counts his marriage as his “greatest ministry accomplishment.” He’s the president and co-founder of Loving on Purpose, part of the Bethel Church Advisory Team, and a Senior Advisor of Jesus Culture. Danny was saved at age 21 in 1983 and began working at a tire store, as a meat cutter, and in social work---before entering the ministry as a pastor. Today, he travels extensively, consulting with businesses and churches, speaking at conferences, and doing executive coaching. Danny’s best-selling book is Keep Your Love On, which highlights the primary goals in marriage as being a powerful person, having a connection, and choosing your spouse every day.  Danny’s not just a sweet and sappy guy who talks about love and marriage, because he loves outdoor adventures and horsepower, too! He calls racing “the most fun you can have with your clothes on!” Danny shares his biggest strength, his advice about putting your money to work FOR you, and explains the vital importance of his marriage relationship. Join us for a deep dive with Danny into love, marriage, the writing process, fast cars, and more! Resources: Find out about Danny’s consulting work Find out about Danny’s coaching work and resources Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk
3-4-201945 minuten, 25 seconden
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Purpose 144: Follow You Anywhere with Kristian Stanfill

As a worship leader and songwriter, it’s vital to write and sing from that real and authentic place for which people are hungering and thirsting. Kristian Stanfill is Worship Pastor at Passion City Church in Atlanta, and the Worship Leader at the Passion Conferences. Passion’s latest album, Follow You Anywhere, was recorded live at their church and released in January. Kristian describes the album as a “different project” that covers many of the same themes common to their music, like living a surrendered life, proclaiming the cross, and exalting Jesus. Kristian refers to one song from the album,” I’ll Follow You Anywhere,” as the heartbeat of Passion’s message. He says the song, “Bigger Than I Thought You Were,” calls people to be honest and vulnerable, and he describes what it’s like to sing “dangerous lyrics” like these. Kristian explains how he has hit mountaintops and valleys in his life, and just like the rest of us, he always needs something to call him back to the goodness and faithfulness of God--and that’s what the music does. Kristian shares why it’s important to say YES to Jesus daily and why Passion is involved with the ENDIT Movement, dedicated to helping free those in sex slavery. He says, “God is calling us to something eternal and something bigger than ourselves.”   Resources:   Find Follow You Anywhere at Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon, Vimeo, and more. Find the CD at Lifeway and other Christian retailers.  Find out about Passion’s upcoming tour!   Find out more about ENDIT Movement.
27-3-201925 minuten, 42 seconden
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Purpose 143: The Business of Honor with Bob Hasson

“Do you trust me?” These were the words God said over and over again to Bob Hasson a few years ago, and that prompted Bob to experience God’s kingdom in a new and different way and begin thinking “outside the box.” Bob Hasson is a businessman, leadership consultant, and the author of The Business of Honor: Restoring the Heart of Business. Bob shares his journey that began when Jesus found him back in 1978, but things changed when he was 57 years old and “the Lord started shaking my tree.” This commercial painting contractor had to learn the hard lesson that business people CAN be right in the center of God’s will, and that they don’t have to be pastors to be used by God. Bob’s passion today is developing leaders and strong organizational structures, and he spends a lot of time “pastoring” other people. Bob explains the dichotomy of our operating systems as believers, as we function either with the spirit of an orphan or as a loved child of God. His parting advice from today’s conversation is, “If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it.” Join us for inspiration and wisdom from Bob! Resources: The Business of Honor: Restoring the Heart of Business by Bob Hasson and Danny Silk Keep Your Love On by Danny Silk   Find Bob on Facebook and Instagram, too! 
20-3-201949 minuten, 42 seconden
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Purpose 142: Allowing God's Plan to Unfold with Rev. George Lamb

Today’s conversation is with a true “kingdom advancer,” a man who is fully devoted to what God has called him to in this life. Rev. George Lamb is Founder and Executive Director of Millennium Man Ministries and President/CEO of the Faith Advisory Council for Community Transformation; along with those positions, he has his hands in the work of numerous other ministries to further the kingdom of God. From inner city NY, growing up with poor role models and a cultural mindset that didn’t honor the correct values, George has been elevated to many places of service as God has paved the way for him. He says it comes down to obedience and availability because these are the qualities that God looks for in people He wants to use. George shares the way the Holy Spirit orchestrated and commandeered his life, back when he was a construction worker who lived a party lifestyle---it was one fateful night at church with his mother when George’s life was changed. God has put him in places the world would say he’s not qualified for, but he is helping effect cultural change on a governmental level and helping the church fit into the “cultural clash” occurring in America today. Join us to hear more from George and how he commits daily to “letting my hands be used by the King.”   Resources: Understanding the Purpose and Power of Men by Myles Munroe
13-3-201958 minuten, 13 seconden
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Purpose 141: Turning Your Mess into a Masterpiece with Greg Hendricks

From overseas professional basketball player to full-time pastor at The Rock Church in San Diego, this mentor and motivational speaker travels extensively around the world, letting his “God-brilliance” shine forth. Greg Hendricks describes himself as a man who loves God, loves his family, and loves connecting people with what God wants to do so they can thrive on their journeys. Greg grew up without a father, being raised by a single mom, but had an early awareness of God, even though church was not part of his life. He found sports, secured a college scholarship, and lived the typical “party” lifestyle until he met his wife---after praying to God to send her his way. A shift occurred when Greg met the Lord and submitted to His plan, even though being a pastor wasn’t anywhere on his radar. In today’s show, Greg shares what he has learned about being obedient, faithful, exploring God, and finding His goodness. He explains how he is learning to pursue God, helping people grasp their identity in Christ, and watching God “turn their messes into masterpieces.” Greg says, “Be passionate about the journey, because that’s where the gold is!” Join us for more about Greg’s inspiring story of God’s mercy and grace at work!   Resources:   Find out more about The Rock Church, San Diego:   Find Greg on Instagram: @HendricksGreg Facebook: Greg Hendricks   Email Greg: [email protected]
6-3-201954 minuten, 42 seconden
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Purpose 140: The Hospitable Leader with Terry A. Smith

We’re talking leadership today with an expert, Terry A. Smith, the lead pastor at The Life Christian Church in the metro NYC area. In 27 years as pastor of this diverse church, Terry has seen the congregation grow from 54 people to several thousands. Terry shares how he battled pride, cockiness, and selfishness in his early ministry, even coming to the point of seeing the death of his dream and personal ambitions. He laid these at the feet of Jesus, only to see them resurrected with a clear and compelling calling to the people of NYC. His book, The Hospitable Leader, explains how leaders can create an environment where people flourish. Terry shares his “5 Welcomes,” how to find your area of destiny, and why we should NOT be telling kids that they can grow up to be anything they want to be. Terry teaches us how to find the “sweet spot” of our life, the area of destiny, and “explore all the possibility there.”Join me for more inspirational leadership advice from Terry!   Resources: Visit Terry’s website to get his audiobook at 50% off! Find out how to join Terry’s The Hospitable Leader community
27-2-201951 minuten, 35 seconden
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Purpose 139: 9 Common Lies Christians Believe with Shane Pruitt

Today's guest is one amazing storyteller. Shane Pruitt will captivate you with stories of God's working in his life and bringing all things to work for his good. Shane serves as the Director of Evangelism for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. He and his wife, Kasi, reside in Rockwall, TX with their five children – Raygen, Harper, Titus, Elliot, & Glory. He has been in ministry for over 17 years as a church planter, lead pastor, associate pastor, and student pastor. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies, a Master’s Degree in History, and a PhD in Clinical Christian Counseling. Shane is also a traveling communicator, evangelist, and Bible teacher. Every year he speaks to tens of thousands about the good news of Jesus Christ. Shane is also the author of a popular blog, which has over 2.5 million views. His articles have been picked up by RELEVANT, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, The Gospel Coalition, CrossWalk, Church Leaders, The Baptist Press, FaithIt, HelloChristian, and many others. He and his wife, Kasi, were featured as ABC’s Nightly News “Persons of the Week” in August 2017.   Our conversation today is almost like a myth busters - Christian edition! We’re talking with Shane about 9 common lies Christians believe. It’s not that we are intentionally believing and embracing lies, but these are things that we are completely blinded to. Our goal today is to share Shane’s stories of how God has revealed himself so that we can shine the light on the dark places. Listen in for this practical and dynamic conversation!   Connect with Shane:  
20-2-201957 minuten, 12 seconden
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Purpose 138: Challenger Disaster Part 2

You’re in for a treat as we feature Part 2 of our conversation with Nathan VonMinden and Cameron Arnett. If you haven’t heard Part 1, then go back and take a listen. Nathan, an aerospace engineer turned movie producer, and Cameron, an actor who is in ministry to have an impact for faith, teamed up to tell the story of the Challenger Disaster. The film, The Challenger Disaster, tells the true story of a few angry men who tried to stop Challenger from launching on that fateful January day, knowing the risk to their jobs and livelihoods. Nathan explains how, ironically, there is no “script” to independently producing a film, and securing funding for this kind of project is a feat in itself. The Challenger story is one that “haunted” Nathan, kept him up at night, and turned him into an obsessive researcher. The product of more than 8 years of research, the movie conveys the message that all human life is valuable, an extremely relevant topic in society today. Check out our resources section to see how you can catch this movie!   Resources: Find Angry Men on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Vudu, Redbox, and some cable TV providers
13-2-201956 minuten, 51 seconden
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Purpose 137: Moving From Where You Are To The Life You Want with John Hinkle

Today I’m introducing you to author, speaker, and personal growth coach, John Hinkle. Since age 16, John has claimed Psalm 1:1-3 as the scripture he tries to live by and what he models his life after. He rode the corporate merry-go-round for 30 years, chasing after what he thought was prosperity. It took an intense business loss to awaken his faith, birth his mission, and light his fire for ministry. John developed his SHIFT principles, and we are the fortunate ones to be able to learn as he unpacks those concepts for us in today’s show. John’s passion is working with men ages 40-60 who may have lost their purpose in the craziness of life. He helps them achieve what they’ve always dreamed of, and he teaches them to have “2nd half purpose” as they navigate the changes that are inevitable in life. John explains how to have a WHO to your WHY as you realign your purpose, how to take ownership and live life on your own terms, and why it’s NEVER too late to be exactly the man that God wants you to be. You’re in for a treat as you listen and learn from John today! Resources: Email John: [email protected] Visit to find out how to get John’s book for free and how to take advantage of his offer for a free 30-minute consultation. SHIFT: Moving from where you are to the life you want by Russell Lake and John Hinkle
6-2-201946 minuten, 21 seconden
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Purpose 136: Activating Christians to Change the World with Robby Dawkins

Today’s guest is Robby Dawkins. I met Robby through Michael McIntyre, who has introduced me to so many great people. Robby is a 5th generation Pastor who has ministered in over 58 nations. He’s been in some pretty scary environments that are hostile to Christians. The focus of today’s conversation is Robby’s quest to live out the book of Acts. There are so many ways that Christians can be activated to literally change and impact the world for Christ. As we struggle to figure out what our purpose is, we can take comfort in knowing that in following the example of Christ, everything else after that will fall into place. We don’t have to wrestle with it. We don’t have to struggle with it. We are promised it will happen. Seek yet first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you!   You can connect with Robby Dawkins at
30-1-20191 uur, 1 minuut, 54 seconden
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Purpose 135: Challenger Disaster Part 1

When you find God’s purpose in your life, you gain the confidence to make decisions full of faith and integrity. Today, I am bringing to you two men who have operated with faith and integrity in a way that could completely shift our culture and the entertainment industry. I’m chatting with Nathan VonMinden and Cameron Arnett. Both men are involved in the production of Angry Men, a film about the deadly Challenger explosion that rocked the nation. This film tells the story of the true events of a few angry men who tried to stop the Challenger from launching, knowing very well that they were putting their livelihood on the line. While this film is not evangelical in nature, those guiding principles of faith and integrity are put on full display for audiences to see. Up first is Nathan VonMinden, who started off his adult life as an aerospace engineer, but found a passion in producing video for his church. He saw his early video production days as a training ground for much bigger film projects God had in store. After eight years of research and a year of writing, Nathan decided to take a giant leap of faith and produce Angry Men. It is an all-hands-on-deck type of project, but so far his team has seen incredible results and rewarding experiences of genuine faith. He will share all about how God has empowered him to do the impossible, and after listening to his story, you’ll believe the same. I’m confident in that! Next up is Cameron Arnett, an actor with one of the pivotal roles in Angry Men. Cameron will share how he got his start in Hollywood, but felt God call him away and into ministry. He never thought he would be able to act again, but God showed him the way to fulfill his purpose and use his gifts in Christian film. Now, he is working with Nathan and his team and seeing the enormous impact that faith and integrity are making in this film’s production process. He has an encouraging word for Christians who might want to consider acting, as well as courage for young people in the midst of tough decision making. If you need a confidence boost today, this is the episode for you. God is doing incredible things in the lives of Nathan and Cameron. You don’t want to miss out! More in this episode: Nathan shares how he went from aerospace engineering to producing films. Working with creative believers is all about a creative purpose for Nathan. God has provided everything they needed to create his vision. Entrepreneurship and integrity are the keys to Nathan’s success. Nathan shares a story of creative problem solving on set. Hear all about the incredible story of some angry men who attempted to stop the Challenger launch. Nathan shares why Cameron was such a good fit for the movie. The cast of the movie works together in an incredible way that speaks to God’s character. Cameron speaks candidly about his history as an actor, and what drew him to be a part of Christian Film. Trust that God is for you. All you have to do is give yourself unto his way. Links: Learn all about Nathan’s film Nathan VonMinden Learn all about Cameron Cameron Arnett
23-1-201944 minuten, 41 seconden
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Purpose 134: American Omens - The Coming Fight for Faith

Today’s show features a glimpse into the mind of Travis Thrasher. As a fiction writer of novels ranging from love stories to supernatural thrillers, Travis has focused on his writing full-time for the past 11 years. He’s written over 50 books, including many collaborations and memoirs with notable people from various walks of life. One of Travis’ favorite inspirations from scripture is God’s message to Moses: “Don’t forget what I’ve done for you.” Travis endeavors to live out this theme in his life and work, always remembering what he’s learned, and to pay attention to what God wants for his life. Travis gets real about some interesting details of his writing, including algorithms and smartphones, and how they play into future technology---and biblical prophecy. You don’t want to miss Travis’ encouraging message about living without regrets and letting God truly be in control of your life, so you can KNOW who you are, what you should do, and why you should do it. Join me for this inspiring conversation with Travis!   Resources:   Find Travis Thrasher on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, too!
16-1-201958 minuten, 31 seconden
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Purpose 133: Vision For The New Year

On this episode of Are You Real Purpose Jon and Kasey revisit the year, and talk about the ups and downs of 2018. They go into depth about the challenges that they faced, and how they had to work through certain trials and circumstances in order to come into alignment with what God has next for them. Going into 2019, they talk about the words God has given them, vision, goals, and how you can be ready to face the year ahead with success! This is a great topic to reflect on, and it will help you as you are preparing for that is ahead in your life as well!   Connect with Jon and Kasey Fuller
9-1-201954 minuten
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Purpose 132: Kingdom Business with Jack Smith

On episode 132 of Are You Real Purpose we talk to Jack Smith. Jack is a kingdom minded business man who lives in Santa Barbara, CA. He grew u in Northern CA, and did know one Christian as a young man. As a result, he ran wild at a young age. At the age of 23, he was given a large mortgage business to run, and says it was a failure from the beginning, because of lack of knowledge and responsibility. Jack continues to share how his journey turned from hopeless to hopeful as he turned his life over to Christ, and turned everything around. You don't want to miss this inspiring interview!   Connect with Jon Connect with Jack Email Jack Smith
2-1-201954 minuten, 9 seconden
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Purpose 131: Mindful Silence with Phileena Huertz

On Episode 131 of Are You Real purpose we talk to Phileena Huertz. Phileena grew up as a pastor's daughter, graduated college, and joined a non-profit group for 20 years along with her husband, Chris Huertz. During this time she worked alongside others, and did intense social justice work. Phileena explains what it means to have a daily contemplative practice, and the importance of that. She says there are things we must "unlearn to know." This is a very thought provoking, and inspiring episode you don't want to miss!   Connect with Jon Connect with Phileena Mindful Silence By: Phileena Huertz
27-12-201857 minuten, 12 seconden
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130: Marcus Thane Ringler

Former pro golfer Thane Marcus Ringler gets real with us today and talks about being a writer, speaker, and entrepreneur.    Connect with Marcus
19-12-201858 minuten, 29 seconden
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Purpose 129: Living A Life Of Purpose with Alex McElroy

Pastor Alex McElroy is this weeks guest on Are You Real. Alex says his purpose in life is to help people discover and walk in their God given purpose. He says everyone faces obstacles when it comes to walking in your purpose, and we all have to figure out what we are going to do when those obstacles come. We can turn and walk away, give up, pursue something else, but all of these things are being disobedient to the specific call God has placed on your life if you give up. "Only the creator can tell you what was in His mind when He created you" says McElroy. He also says that he would rather fail at something he loves than succeed at something he hates. This is a practical episode that will inspire you to want to live out your God given purpose!   Links; Connect with Jon Connect with Pastor Alex McElroy Blueprint For Bible Basics By: Alex McElroy and John Hannah
5-12-20181 uur, 7 minuten, 26 seconden
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Purpose 128: Living in Abundance with Michael McIntyre

On episode 128 of Are You Real Purpose we hear from Michael McIntyre. Michael is Are You Real Business contributor, and joins us on this episode to talk about Project Abundance. He and his wife Stacy are launching a new crop where they are focusing on 4 aspects of life including faith, relationships, finances, and community. Michael says God wants us to be abundant, and people are hungry for the practical. In this episode we hear more about how he and his wife are bringing the practical in all these ares as well as the Holy Spirit so you can live in abundance!    Connect with His Jon Fuller Connect with Michael McIntyre 
30-11-201840 minuten, 2 seconden
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Purpose 127: How To Be A Perfect Christian with Kyle Mann

On this episode of Are You Real purpose we talk to Kyle Mann, author of How To Be A Perfect Christian. Kyle is married with 3 boys, and has gone from working in construction to full time writing for The Babylon Lee. Kyle says he enjoys the creative process, but this wasn't a career path he set out to pursue. In episode 127 we hear about how this transition happened, and talk about his new book. This comical book takes you on a journey of the realization that being a Christ follower is more that what society makes it out to be such as checking the right boxes. Ultimately, the Bee aims to encourage readers to embrace a more biblically rooted understanding of their faith and discover that God has more for them than cultural Christianity could ever offer. You don't want to miss this episode!   Links;   Connect with Jon Connect with Kyle Mann How To Be A Perfect Christian By: Babylon Lee
21-11-201843 minuten, 32 seconden
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Purpose 126: Purpose Through Service with Jay Lucas

On episode 126 of Are You Real Purpose we talk to Jay Lucas who finds his purpose through serving others in so many different ways. Jay is a businessman, author, leader, and philanthropist. He served as a State representative while he was in college, and has a law degree from Harvard. He is now the Chairman and Founding Partner at the Lucas Group where he specializes in the needs of private equity investors. Jay grew up in a small town and says everything isn't always easy, but if we can look at our situation with gratitude knowing we will be in a better place for going through the challenges and can learn a lot from them. He says "there's always something to be thankful for."   LINKS; Connect with Jay Lucas American Sunshine By Jay Lucas
14-11-201843 minuten, 51 seconden
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Purpose 125: Feels Like Heaven with Matt Dietz

On Episode 125 of Are You Real Purpose we hear from Are You Real Creatives contributor Matt Dietz. Matt talks about the process behind writing this album and the importance of identity and purpose. Matt says "We can't help but get our identity wrapped up in the things we are passionate about, because it's who we are." This is an inspiring interview you won't want to miss!   LINKS; Feels Like Heaven- Matt Dietz
7-11-201852 minuten, 13 seconden
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Purpose 124: Kingdom Living with Brad McClendon

On episode 124 of Are You Real Purpose we welcome back Brad McClendon. We talked to Brad previously on episode 43, and heard his amazing testimony, and how God showed him He was real. On this episode we hear about the Kingdom impact Brad is having by walking in rest, and trusting God to show him what He plans to do each step of the way in ministry and life as well. Brad says "The era of family started 2 years ago. Everybody tries to make an image. God's not going to let that happen this time. He's going to create His image. Man is not going to be able to create this with human hands." He says this next move of God is exciting and scary at the same time, because we can't really control it. We dig in deep in this interview and see how the face of the church is changing, and some very practical things you can do to walk closer with God in your own life. You don't want to miss this exciting episode!   LINKS; Connect with Jon Connect with Brad
24-10-201856 minuten, 45 seconden
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Purpose 123: Rethinking Sexuality with Juli Slattery

On this episode of Are You Real Purpose we hear from Juli Slattery. Juli is a licensed psychologist who felt a call to focus exclusively on sexuality, and address cultural topics in a godly way. Juli explains that as Christians we need to reclaim sexuality, and understand that God owns sexuality.    Links; Connect with Juli Slattery
17-10-201856 minuten, 26 seconden
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Linked Eps 23: Power of Prayer Walking with Suzanne Grimaud

On this episode of Are You real Linked we hear from Suzanne Grimaud. Suzanne talks about what City Taking looks like to her, and takes us on the journey of what she has found works for her in her city of Oklahoma City, and the greater area. Suzanne explains "God has given each one of us authority. That authority is given to us wherever our family is, wherever we are involved in church, work, school etc. She says this is where we have permission to go to battle, and the place we have authority in." She says "He could do anything without us, but His desire is to have relationship with us, and for us to partner with Him. It's quite humbling really." You don't want to miss this inspiring, and practical episode!  LINKS; Connect with Christy Austin Connect with Suzanne Grimaud
11-10-201843 minuten, 12 seconden
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Eps 122: Holy Sexuality with Christopher Yuan

On episode 122 we hear from Christopher Yuan. Christopher has been teaching at Moody Bible Institute for over 10 years, has a speaking ministry on Faith and sexuality where he shares at conferences, college campuses, and churches and his message has reached over 5 continents. Christopher is an author if several books, and in this episode we discuss his personal journey and his new book Holy Sexuality and The Gospel. Christopher shares about his own struggles of identity, and how he struggled with his sexuality at a very young age. He dives deep into how he immersed himself in the gay lifestyle until he had a real encounter with God. He shares how he hit his rock bottom, and went from a prison cell to being intentional about living a life of purpose and identity in Christ! There are so many conflicting messages being given in our society today on sexuality, and the consequences of not living according to God's design. Christopher touches on some very deep issues in our society today. This is an episode you won't want to miss! LINKS; Connect with Jon Fuller Connect with Christopher Yuan Holy Sexuality and The Gospel
10-10-20181 uur, 8 minuten, 31 seconden
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Purpose 121: The Life Giving Leader with Tyler Reagin

On episode 121 of Are You Real Purpose we hear from Tyler Reagin. Tyler is the President of a ministry called Catalyst. Catalyst consists of over 100,000 ministries world wide, and they travel around the country to serve Christian Leaders. Tyler says his highest priority is being a husband, and father to his 2 boys ages 8, and 11. Tyler is a host of a weekly podcast called Catalyst, and recently released a book called The Life Giving Leader. Tyler says "How you leas affects people's faith. The sphere doesn't matter. As a leader we have a divine directive to lead a certain way, because people's faith depends on it." You don't want to miss this inspiring, and informative interview!   LINKS;   Connect With Jon Connect With Tyler Reagin Find Out More About Catalyst
3-10-201853 minuten, 4 seconden
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Linked 22: Restoring A City Through Missions and Prayer with Rachel Freeman

In episode 22 of Are You Real Linked we here from Raechel Freeman. Raechel is a city taker called to the city of Lebanon TN. She shares how her and her husband were called from California to plant a salvation army, and how it can only be done through prayer. Raechel says "Things that are done in prayer have more of the eternal foundation God wants." She says "structure is always in play when God starts it." Raechel talks about her family growing up, and how her mother started an inner city school. She has been involved in planting salvation armies since 1999, and has planted them in many different places. She has a passion to see prayer and worship be brought back into what God is doing in and through the salvation army.  Links; Connect with Christy Connect with Raechel Freeman 
27-9-201842 minuten, 43 seconden
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Purpose 120: Balancing Business and Life with Pedro Limas

On this episode of Are You Real Purpose we hear from Pedro Limas who is a successful business owner, husband, and father. He opens up about the up's and downs of business, and family. Pedro talks about his faith and how it has helped him through many trials, and his journey from stepping out of a "safe haven" big corporation, and becoming an entrepreneur. Pedro has been in business for 20 years, and been in the audio/visual world for 30 years. He says Philippians 4:13 has played an important roll in his decisions, because we must rely on God. "I can't do anything without Him." In this episode Pedro shares how he has had to learn to balance the challenges of life, and business!   Links; Connect with Jon Sound By Design 
26-9-201845 minuten, 59 seconden
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Purpose 119: Tips To Avoiding Burnout with Carey Nieuwhof

In this interview with Carey Nieuwhof talks about his journey from lawyer to full time ministry, and his powerful story to ministry burnout. Corey was on the edge of suicide and shares with us his experience and talks about his new book Didn't;t See It Coming. In his book, he discusses the 11 warning signs of burn out that we can all avoid. He talks about the 7 challenges we could all face at some point in our lives, and how we overcome or even possibly avoid them all together. Corey is now a pastor, speaker, writer, podcaster who shares his message so others can avoid these pitfalls in life! You don't want to miss this episode!   Links;   Connect With Jon  Didn't See It Coming By Carey Nieuwhof  
19-9-20181 uur, 1 minuut, 47 seconden
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Purpose 118: Success Without Striving

On today's episode of Are You Real Purpose we hear from Roger Thompson. Roger talks about his journey from being what the world would consider successful and living the dream, but then realizing that he wasn't truly content, and happy with the direction his life was headed. Roger says he was chasing success, and his life was full, but his heart was empty. Not only was this lifestyle taking a toll on him it was also taking a toll on his kids, and family as a whole. This is what put Roger on the path to figure out what truly brought him joy. In this interview he shares his journey, and this is why he wrote a book called We Stood Upon Stars that was recently released. This episode will inspire and challenge you to live simple.   Links; Connect with Jon We Stood Upon Stars By: Roger W. Thompson
12-9-201847 minuten, 58 seconden
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Fit 11: The Benefits To Eating At Home

On today's episode of Are You Real Fit we hear from the author Tiffany King. Tiffany wrote the cook book Eat At Home Tonight. In this episode Tiffany describes the amazing recipes, and how practical the index is for anyone  to not only follow, but make a home made meal. You will also hear the many benefits to eating at home including saving time, money, healthier ingredients, and most importantly quality family time. This is a very practical and easy step you can take to begin living a healthier more balanced lifestyle today!    Links; Connect with Kasey Fuller Eat at Home Tonight By: Tiffany King
6-9-201819 minuten, 17 seconden
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Purpose 117: The Brave Art of Motherhood

On this episode we hear from the author of the book, The Brave Art of Motherhood, Rachel Marie Martin. Rachel shares what it is like to be a mother of 7 children, and all the joys and challenges that can hold. She shares that the secret to being successful is being willing to fall down, learn, and get back up again. She also shares her personal journey of coming to place of recognizing that life was not about pleasing everyone. Rachel says " I decided to place my success on what I was called to do."  You don't want to miss this inspiring episode!   LINKS; Connect with Jon The Brave Art of Motherhood By: Rachel Marie Martin
5-9-201846 minuten, 14 seconden
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Purpose 116: Jack Deere Even In Our Darkness

In this week's episode of Are You Real Purpose we hear from Jack Deere. Jack has spent years in ministry working in many different capacities including church plants, being a professor, speaker, teacher, and the list goes on. Jack shares his inspiring story of how he grew up in a traumatic home environment, got saved at 17, went on to do ministry until his life was forever changed when his son took his own life the age of 22 due to drug addiction. Jack goes on to share that the beginning years of his ministry were spent seeing God and teaching God as an obligation, and that there were principles that needed to be followed. Jack says when we major in obligations it can lead us to endure God rather than to enjoy God. He says he now realizes that the love of God and experiencing the character of God allows us to have true enjoyment in Him. Jack says, we need to feel His affection, and know Him as friend. This is a truly powerful testimony of how God can transform our lives, and use even the most tragic situations to draw us closer and know Him more deeply.    LINKS; Connect with Jon Even in Our Darkness By: Jack Deere
29-8-20181 uur, 7 minuten, 30 seconden
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Purpose 115: What Your Face Says About You

On today's episode of Are You Real Purpose we talk to Motivational Speaker, and business coach Jody Holland. Jody has a master's degree in psychology, and has written over 17 books. His new book Faces of Reality is five years of research in the making. In this book, Jody walks you through the science behind face reading, and breaks it down into five categories. The key areas include; How a person makes decisions, how they project themselves into the world, what hold that person back, how they evaluate themselves, and how they process information. Jody shares how these skills have helped him to communicate not only more effectively, but have helped him in his business to help companies place people in the right positions for success. This is a fun, unconventional interview you won't want to miss!   LINKS; Connect with Jon Connect with Jody Faces Of Reality By: Jody Holland
22-8-201845 minuten, 28 seconden
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Purpose 114: Pioneering A New Vision For Your Life

On today's episode of Are You Real purpose, host Jon Fuller, interviews Michelle Gomez. Michelle is the author of the book Own Your Brilliance. In her book, Own Your Brilliance, Michelle talks about being an imposter survivor in the work force, and how she learned to overcome that. Now, Michelle helps others discover purpose, and operate out of a place of grace, and gratitude. Michelle says when she was able to breakthrough, and show up in her own life, and career she was able to begin coaching others to achieve their own level of brilliance. Out of this experience she began to get a vision, and she wrote her book. This has helped Michelle turn the tables, and begin pioneering a new vision for others struggling with the same issues. She says "Surrendering the need, and letting God work it out is a big lesson for me." "It's okay to be human." In this episode she talks about her life, business, and the journey that has allowed her help others find true purpose, and satisfaction in not only life, but in everything you do.    LINKS; Connect with Jon Fuller Connect with Michelle Gomez
15-8-201848 minuten, 14 seconden
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Purpose 113: Healing Racism In America with Will Ford

On today's episode of Are You Real Purpose Jon talks to Will Ford. Will Ford is the Director of the market place leadership major at Christ for the Nations. Will is also the co- author of the book The Dream King. In this interview, Will talks about his family heirloom. This heirloom is a 200 year old kettle pot originally used for washing clothes, but was secretly used for prayer. Years later, this same kettle pot was used to begin to heal not just a family from slavery, and racism, but is still being used today. Will says "We are called to have a prayer life, a life of intimacy with God that respects all of society." Will also says that in order for us to change the world we must first change the market place. When we do this we are raising up marketplace revivalists who are problem solvers for society, and that brings influence to our nation. Will has a story that will touch your heart, and propel you to new heights!  LINKS; Connect with Jon Connect with Will Ford
8-8-201854 minuten, 21 seconden
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Purpose 112: How Inviting Others Into Our Story Can Transform Our Life

On this episode of Are You Real Purpose Host Jon Fuller talks to Jessica Honegger of the Noonday Collection. Jessica lives in Austin Tx with her husband, and 3 children. Jessica shares her inspiring story of how they embarked on a journey toward international adoption in the country of Rwanda. When they made this decision to adopt they had no idea the journey that was ahead. Right after they began the process the recession hit, and the nest egg they thought they had quickly disappeared to help pay bills, and sustain everyday life. With that, Jessica had an opportunity that even surprised her to start up a brand new business to help her fund the adoption of her and her husbands child in Rwanda. As the story unfolds you will be inspired by her faith, and how God exploded this company far and above what Jessica originally thought possible, and continues to do so today with over 2,000 ambassadors, and 4,500 artisans around the world. Jessica says "There was so much power in inviting people into my story, and inviting people in to help support us." You do not want to miss this inspiring episode of how Jessica stepped into her purpose!   LINKS; Connect with Jon Fuller Imperfect Courage By Jessica Honegger
1-8-201853 minuten, 19 seconden
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Purpose 111: Finding Purpose in Unexpected Places

On episode 111 of Are You Real Purpose host Jon Fuller talks with author and Director of external relations to the Seattle Seahawks Ben Malcolmson. Ben has a degree in Print journalism, and has written for many media outlets including The Associated Press, U.S. Today, and Sports Illustrated. On this episode Ben shares his inspiring story with us about how he became a Seattle Seahawk "walk on", and began to seek out His purpose by being purposeful, and allowing God to stir something inside of Him. Ben says "abundance, and fulfillment can only be found in Him." Through this journey Ben began to share his story of encouragement with others, and just released his book Walk On. His book is about his personal story, and he has shared this throughout the years, but felt it was time to share it with the whole world in this amazing story. You don't want to miss this episode of Are You Real Purpose! LINKS; Connect with Jon Connect with Ben Malcolmson
25-7-201859 minuten, 45 seconden
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Government 22: David Windhorn

On this episode of Are you Real Government Host Dubb Alexander talks to David Windburn. David talks about why it is important for businesses, and investors to partner with Africa. You don't want to miss this educational, and informative interview!   LINKS; Connect with Dubb
13-7-201825 minuten, 46 seconden
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Purpose 110: Come Matter Here

In Episode 110 of Are You Real Purpose Jon Fuller interviews Hannah Brencher. Hannah is a writer, TED Speaker, and webcast teacher with a heart for building leaders. Her first book, If You Find This Letter, tells the story behind the social movement, More Love Letters, which includes 100,ooo people in over 70 countries. Hannah shares many of her life lessons, and the stories behind how her first book has catapulted her into many different arenas in life that were unexpected! Hannah just released her second book Come Matter Here, and has many words of wisdom to share with our listeners in this interview you won't want to miss! Hannah lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband, Lane.   LINKS; Connect with Host Jon Fuller Connect with Hannah Brencher
11-7-20181 uur, 4 minuten, 5 seconden
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Government 21: Citizenship

6-7-201821 minuten, 25 seconden
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Linked 22: How To Create Unity In Your City

On this episode of Are you Real Linked Host Christy Austin dives deeper into what it means to be a city taker through the art of giving in an amazing interview with Joe Liggett from Ember Ministries. Joe lives in Toledo Ohio, and says unity in the body of Christ is one of the most important factors in seeing a city won for Jesus. He says just like in Acts 1 we can't do anything without being in agreement, and being in one accord. Joe also says that prayer takes patience, and we can't be discouraged when we don't see prayers immediately answered. Joe reminds us that every outpouring was proceeded by a move of prayer and unity in the body. Joe has been part of this ministry for 10 years, and throughout this interview he shares many inspirational stories, and practical ways we can learn to be city takers in our own cities and communities. This episode is one you won't want to miss!  LINKS; Connect with Christy Austin Connect with Joe Liggett
5-7-201837 minuten, 2 seconden
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Purpose 109: The Sacred Enneagram with Christopher Heuertz

On Episode 109 of Are You Real Purpose Host Jon Fuller talks to the Author of The Sacred Enneagram Christopher Heuertz. Christopher has spent the last 25 years of his life in the Non- profit sector. He has volunteered with Mother Teresa as well as started one of the first pediatric aids care homes in South Asia for kids with HIV. Christopher went to a Christian Liberal Arts school, and originally thought he would end up in the church world, but a trip to Jerusalem open his eyes to suffering that allowed him to change his focus. Having this experience as a young person caused him to have to go back to scripture to see what the bible says about helping others in need. Christopher talks in depth about how he was impacted by Mother Teresa during those early years of his life, and reflects on the type of person she was. He says he has never again since then been in the presence of someone who has the depth and love she had. He says she threw herself into the mystery of the divine love, and realized it was beyond her. It was something remarkable and beautiful. She was a person that continued to say yes even when everything in her wanted to say no. Christopher also talks about his intriguing book The Sacred Enneagram, and gives much insight into the different personality types, and why it is important to embark on the journey of self love. He says "We need to build the best of ourselves. Love our neighbor as ourself. Most of us don't love ourselves well." Chris also says that recognizing the sewers in our own souls that have been neglected or ignored are an important part of growth as a person. You don't want to miss this in depth, exciting episode of Are You Real Purpose!! LINKS; Connect with Jon Christopher Heuertz  
4-7-201857 minuten, 39 seconden
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Purpose 108: Doing Small Things With Great Love With Pastor Jon Tyson

How has God worked in your life to put you in the places to accomplish HIs purpose? How far have you come? If you’re honest, you’ll admit that your life has been a journey that you could have never predicted. You can probably point to the markers and moments along the way that have been pivotal in influencing your faithfulness and passion for His work. Today’s guest is living proof that God’s ways are higher than ours and His purpose is bigger than we can imagine.   Jon Tyson is a widely respected church planter and leader in NYC. Originally from Australia, Jon moved to the US two decades ago with a passion to cultivate renewal in the Western Church. Jon has spoken at Q Conference, Catalyst, and other key venues around the world. His preaching addresses culture and faith with a rare fusion of passion and depth. He has been featured in Christianity Today, NY Times, and Relevate. Jon lives in the Hell’s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan with his wife and two children.   More in the episode:   Jon’s story of dropping out of high school at age 16 to be a butcher in a meat factory in a sketchy neighborhood in Australia and coming to the US at age 20 to study theology The visionary boss at the meat factory and the incredible vision he cast for Jon How Jon became a Christian at age 17 at a Pentecostal Youth Revival at what is now Planet Shakers Church The scholarship miracle that allowed Jon to come to the US to study at Bible college A foundational verse for Jon’s life, in his own words: Habakkuk 3:2--”I’ve heard about who you are, Lord. I’m in awe of what you do, and I want you to do it in our day. Make what you’ve done in other generations known now.” The theme of Jon’s life: Closing the gap between what God has promised and what we are experiencing Sharing his testimony at the youth revival and how the Youth Pastor marked that moment to wake up Jon’s destiny and call something out of him Jon’s early morning habit of earnest prayer for revival and the fire that burned within him How he spent the next three years being persecuted for his faith as he completed his apprenticeship at the meat factory Three years of character training, prayer, and the open doors to come to the US How the character and integrity of Jesus has to be the foundation of ministry and influence and success or we collapse into a “sinkhole”--”We have to tend to the secret life of intimacy with Jesus.” How he dealt with the ridicule and temptation at the meat factory and influenced his co-workers through his character and integrity The root of Christianity in discipling others and leading churches: Being faithful in small things Jon’s “Red Sea” story of NYC church planting and being homeless while apartment hunting Jon’s biggest strength: “The ability to handle drama and keep believing that God is going to come through.”” Jon’s weakness within that strength: “Sometimes not meeting people in the emotional pain of their lives in sympathy.” Why Jon wrote The Burden is Light to offer people hope in the things they wrestle with daily The dangers of pride, comparison, and discontentment The analogy of the ring with three layers: The call before God, the people we serve, and the people who are eavesdropping on our mission What Jon sees in today’s culture: distraction vs. presence: why we need to learn to pay attention to the life around us How to align your passion with action instead of aligning your passion with opinion Jon’s advice to himself at age 30--”In my desire to model personal humility, I did not demonstrate enough executive will. I had too much of a peacemaking spirit. I would say to steward the call God has for you and I would realign personal humility and executive will in my life.” A recommended book: The New Copernicans by John Seel Jon’s advice: From Hebrews: “God rewards those who diligently seek Him. Seek Him and press into everything He has, and He’ll reward you in ways you can’t imagine.”   Resources: Find Jon on Twitter and Instagram Like Are You Real on Facebook and send us a message for a chance to win a free copy of Jon’s new book! The Burden is LIght: Liberating Your LIfe from the Tyranny of Performance and Success by Jon Tyson Ordering Your Private World by Gordon MacDonald Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman The New Copernicans by John Seel
27-6-201842 minuten, 54 seconden
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Government 20: Changing Culture Through Prophetic Influence with Matt Gonzales

this episode of Are you Real Government Dubb talks to Matt Gonzales about what it looks like to change culture with prophetic influence. Matt and his wife Desiree, have done campus ministries, church plants, and school of ministry trainings just to name a few! Matt has been influential in creating prophetic companies, culture, and helping others understand what a prophet is. Matt believes his highest priority is being a husband, and a father to his three kids. He says the way he advances the kingdom starts with his family. Matt shares his journey of starting on a college campus, and having an encounter with God in 2000, and how that started a campus movement that propelled a massive move of God. From there, Matt has seen God do work through so many different ays to bring His kingdom to Earth including creative miracles, operating in the prophetic, and changing cultures all around him daily through understanding God's principles. He shares these experiences, and how they have opened doors to impact government in surprising ways. You don't want to miss this interview! Links; Connect with Dubb Alexander Connect with Matt Gonzales Follow Matt on Social Media
22-6-20181 uur, 4 minuten, 20 seconden
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Purpose 107: My Business On Purpose With Scott Beebe

When life takes you in many different directions, it can feel very confusing and purposeless. God uses our gifts and strengths in many ways and in many areas. Sometimes, it is up to us to choose what path we want to pursue. This is exactly the mentality that my guest, Scott Beebe, has used to find his passion and purpose in life. He decided that his true purpose was finding the place where business and faith intertwined. Scott is the founder of My Business On Purpose. He is on a mission to coach small business owners to leave behind chaos and step forward into a clear vision for their business. His 4 Steps to Business Freedom systematize business principles in a structure that makes sense to everyone. He has seen firsthand how businesses thrive under clear vision and direction. Transforming businesses just wasn’t enough for Scott. Today, you are going to find out how he used his faith to drive every business decision and vision session. You will get to see the many twists and turns that led Scott to entrepreneurship. It was an internal struggle between a desire to do God’s mission work on earth, but also to use the skills in business. Scott has managed to create something that blends the two perfectly, and I am excited for you to learn from him today. More in this episode: Scott shares his past work history, and how God led him to so many different industries. How Scott walked onto the USC football team. Vision statements aren’t new. Vision precedes time. What we can learn from the prophet Habakkuk. How Scott got pushed into the entrepreneurial pool. Learn how Scott made faith and business intertwine. Global mission work has always been important with Scott. How Scott handled the loss of his position. Learn how to take care of your people. What you can do before you have a business to start it off strong. Resources: My Business On Purpose Vision
20-6-201844 minuten, 37 seconden
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Government 19: TX 126 State Rep Candidate Dr. Undrai F. Fizer

Join Dubb Alexander as he talks with TX 126 State Rep Candidate Dr. Undrai F. Fizer.
15-6-201855 minuten, 46 seconden
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Linked 21: Pioneering His Presence in Cities

On this episode Host Christy Austin talks to Matthew Lilley about he and his wife are taking the city God has called them to through the art of giving. Matthew is the nationwide director for a ministry called Burn 24/7 out of Raleigh, NC. He believes cities can be changed by the presence and power of God through the gospel. Through the years he and his wife have been pioneering places of God's presence in cities. As they go deeper into this interview they explore how as city takers there are very practical ways we can expect God to move, and what that looks like as we connect to God through worship and prayer. Matthew says worship and prayer are on the forefront of Kingdom coming into cities, regions, and nations, and seeing true transformations happen. The key to accomplishing the mission and vision God has given Matthew is without a doubt the secret place. He explains that everything flows out of intimacy with Jesus. Matthew is a true forerunner in city taking, and has so many experiences, and wisdom that he shares on this inspirational episode of Are You Real Linked! LINKS; Connect with Christy Austin Find out more about Burn 24-7
14-6-201837 minuten, 17 seconden
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Purpose 106: Women's Discipleship With Melissa Kruger

God’s purpose for our lives will always lead us to serve and edify other people in the church. My guest today never imagined she would be writing Bible studies or leading women towards discipleship, but by faithfully following God’s call on her life, that is exactly where she landed. Today on the show is Melissa Kruger, a writer, editor, disciple maker, and Jesus-follower who is living out her purpose in a mighty way. Melissa is a writer focused on bringing the principles of strong discipleship to women across the world. She is a regular contributor to the Gospel Coalition and is on staff with Uptown Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Her favorite role so far has been to be a mother to her 3 kids, a wife to her husband, and a sister who points others to Jesus faithfully. Melissa has found her purpose in making the Word of God accessible to women who are seeking after Him. After noticing that there was a gap in women’s discipleship and Bible Study material, Melissa felt God calling her to bridge that gap. Filling that needled others to notice her gift for writing, and then the rest is history. Today, we had the chance to talk about the importance of studying God’s Word, finding joy in all circumstances, and what it takes to be a working writer. More in this episode: The more we learn about Christ, the more we grow and the more our church grows. Melissa draws strength from Isaiah 55 and God’s invitation to life. Discover Melissa’s untraditional journey to becoming a writer. You can start your purpose journey later in life! Melissa stepped into the gap to write excellent Bible study material. What it was like to plant a church. The moment Melissa realized she was called to write. How to learn how to say “No.” Discover the heart behind Melissa’s new book! Resources: Melissa Kruger The Gospel Coalition In All Things: Unshakable Joy
13-6-201843 minuten, 16 seconden
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Government 18: Kingdom Governance With Brian Orme

In this episode of Are You Real Government Host Dubb Alexander talks to Brian Orme about University Ministry, and the unique tactics and strategies he and his wife, Cecily, have learned over the past 20 years. He will go into to depth about what it takes for this type of ministry to think outside the box to reach the "hungry" on the campus God has called them to in San Diego, California. Through the last 20 years, Brian has learned some important lessons including what it looks like to operate out of "rest" as opposed to doing more than is humanly possible. As you listen to this episode of Are You Real Government you will be stretched in your thinking, and hear more about Brian's journey into the prophetic that started when he was only a young boy at the age of 10 years old. Brian talks about the advancement of prophetic, and what that looks like for the future of the church including how we are moving into knowing what we are, and not just who we are! This is an exciting episode you will not want to miss!   LINKS; Connect with Dubb Alexander
8-6-201842 minuten, 47 seconden
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On this week's episode of Are You Real Linked host Christy Austin talks in depth to Kaitlyn Lee. Kaitlyn is an intern at the Living Water adopt a child out of Guatemala where they have impacted over 8,000 children. This ministry is giving back to the city by making it a priority to feed the children, provide much needed discipleship programs, and church planting that will ultimately lead not only the children, but the families to God. The unique expression this ministry has is directly linked to the needs of the community, and making a difference by setting up weekly meals, and addressing very specific ways they can do that. Kaitlyn also talks about the challenges she has faced as an American coming to a new country, and gives her ultimate key to being able to take the city she feels God is calling her to be. You don't want to miss this episode of Are You Real Linked where Christy gives you unlimited strategies for being a city taker through the art of giving!   LINKS; Connect with Christy Austin Living Water Adopt A Child Ministries
7-6-201837 minuten, 4 seconden
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Purpose 105: Finding Purpose Through Bi-Racial Adoption with Katie Ganshert

Is the church blinded to injustice? How can a novelist be on the front lines of change? I am excited you are joining in today because I have a guest who is writing books that are on track to change the church. Katie Ganshert is a midwest gal who is passionate about Jesus, writing, her family, adoption, and God’s grace and justice. When she’s not plotting her next novel, she is on dates with her husband, hanging with her kids, and chatting with girlfriends over coffee. Her passion is for telling stories that demonstrate life’s most difficult problems from a spiritual perspective. Katie’s newest book, No One Ever Asked, is an incredible story based on true events about issues of racial injustice in America. Today, Katie is going to explain why social justice is so important to her and to God, and how sharing stories can change lives. Writing is such an exploration of how God has uniquely gifted Katie, and I am excited to share her stories with you. If you are interested in racial reconciliation in the church, writing good stories, and finding your purpose inside change, feel free to chime in! This is an episode you do not want to miss. More in this episode: Katie shares why she is so passionate about storytelling. Katie uses Isaiah 1:17 and it speaks to her heart. Social justice is a part of the gospel. Katie wants to write stories that the whole world will hear. How one trip to Kenya gave Katie the story she needed to share. How to become a working writer. Dive into Katie’s book, spoiler free. Katie asks the question of “What does it mean to be human?” in the light of real events. Learn Katie’s perspective on racial inequality and where that journey started. International adoption takes a long time, but Katie was determined to get her daughter. The church needs education to have eyes to see injustice. How our strengths can also be our weaknesses. Let’s get uncomfortable for those we love. Resources: Katie Ganshert Katie Ganshert Facebook: Katie Ganshert No One Ever Asked
6-6-201845 minuten, 17 seconden
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Government 17: Kingdom Governance in Business with Pedro Adao

Today on Are You Real Government Dubb Alexander welcomes Pedro Adao. Pedro is an established businessman with a Kingdom mindset. Predro started his career in the corporate world and left it to become an entrepreneur. Now, Pedro is a financial services professional, specialising in helping people plan for retirement and live life on their terms. Through God-given ideas, great marketing plans, and more Predro is able to use his company to influence the Business Mountain for the Kindom. Dubb and Pedro talk about how the church can use the wisdom of the business mountain, how the prophetic can play into your business, and how the Kingdom of God operates plus so much more. If God has called you to the business mountain you're going to love this interview. Do you have questions about the Kingdom? Dubb would love to talk with you!  LINKS: Connect with Dubb   Facebook Search "Pedro Adao"
2-6-201859 minuten, 11 seconden
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Linked 19: How To Connect With Next Generation

Over the past several episodes we have been learning what it means to be a City Taker. From our studies in Luke 10, we know that taking a city starts with the art of giving. But how can you bring true revival to your city for generations to come? Today on Are You Real Linked we are excited to welcome Leland Hall. Leland is from Aiken, South Carolina and is over the youth department of Enkindle Ministries.  Leland has an anointing on his life to connect with the younger generations. Through being a local teacher and other outreaches he is trying to make sure every young adult in Aiken feels the love of the Father. Christy Austin shares her heart for the younger generations and her affection for Millennials. If you want to know how to connect with the younger generations through the ecclesia than you're going to love this interview. What city are you taking? Connect with Christy and let us know! LINKS: Connect with Christy  
31-5-201833 minuten, 12 seconden
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Purpose 104: Look to Jesus to Stay Humble With Mac Powell

God gives us all unique gifts, and to some he even grants fame. What happens when fame comes knocking? Is it possible to stay humble? That was my burning question for Mac Powell, the lead singer of the band, Third Day. Many people consider Third Day to be a pioneer in the Christian music business, but to Mac, it was just a result following God’s call on his life.  Mac has toured all over the world and has even been inducted into the Georgia Music Hall of Fame. During his two decades of being a recording artist, Mac stays true to his faith by clinging to scriptures like Romans 5:8. Mac looks to Jesus and his five children as his guiding forces. The music he makes is for his family and his savior. It was truly a privilege to get to talk to Mac today, and I know you will be blessed by what he has to say about his crazy gift of a life. More in this episode: Mac shares all about his history and why he started Third Day. After 25 years, Mac still feels the great joy of bringing music to the world. Mac tells us how he looks to Jesus to stay humble. How music was a huge part of connecting Mac to his heavenly Father. Mac knew nothing about Christian music before starting Third Day. Holding onto something too tightly is just as dangerous as ignoring your calling. Mac’s biggest strength is his people. How Mac battles to have patience. Resources:
30-5-201821 minuten, 4 seconden
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Business 10: Family Business with Brianna McIntyre

Today we are going to explore how to do business with family. Sometimes, it’s awesome. Sometimes...not so much. My special guest today is Brianna McIntyre, my very own daughter. Today is an opportunity for you to get a peek behind the curtain to see what running the family business is all about. Brianna is going to offer up her perspective on how to compartmentalize family and business while still utilizing the strength of those relationships. I think you will love her solid advice for young people working for their parents, as well as advice for Millennials in general. I am also excited to share with you stories from our Next Level Trainings and how it has shaped our family business! I am thankful to have Brianna on the show, and I know you will get so much out of her perspective!  More in this episode: What happens when we make excuses. Brianna is excited to give you a look behind the curtain. Empathy is the key to working with your family. Keep your roles clear. Your family can still surprise you. Brianna’s takeaway from doing Next Level Training. What Brianna has learned about taking care of your people. What I learned by directing a conference. Be servant hearted and promote them to be successful. Brianna’s advice to Millennials. Resources: Michael P. Mcintyre Wild at Heart Intimacy With Christ
29-5-201827 minuten, 35 seconden
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Fit 10: Mental Health And How It Affects Your Overall Well-Being With Christy Austin

Mental health is a huge buzz word in our culture these days, but many people in the church are still grappling with how to look at mental health practices from a spiritual perspective. Our brains might seem distant or even disconnected from the health of the rest of our bodies, but the opposite is true! When we are not taking care of ourselves mentally, we are not reaching our fullest potential for our physical health. My guest, Christy Austin, is here to share her godly perspective on mental health, and how we can improve our overall well being. Christy is a psychiatric therapist with a heart for the church. Though she is not a Christian counselor, there are many secular studies and practices that we as believers should apply when managing our mental health. Today, you will learn why your mental health is important and then gain some wisdom about how to go about fortifying it. More in this episode: Learn all about Christy’s history and experiences with mental health. All about art therapy. Christy is not a Christian counselor, but God uses her in mighty ways. Physical activity can improve your mental health. Christy wants to start with natural ways to boost mental health and then try medication. Christy’s keys to staying mentally healthy. Engage in a right brain activity to pull fear out of your brain. It is important to renew your mind with the Word. There is a mental component to increasing our physical activity. We need more mental health plans in our high schools and churches. Discover Christy’s parting wisdom.
28-5-201827 minuten, 39 seconden
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Government 16: Prophet to the Nations Keith Ferrante

Today on Are You Real Government Dubb Alexander welcomes Keith Ferrante. Keith is a powerful prophet to the nations, an accomplished author, and a worldwide prophetic trainer.  Keith shares his story about how he started walking in his prophetic gift when he was 22 after God started delivering him from a religious mindset. Through that, he started to shift from the church mountain to the business and government mountain. Now Keith travels the world sharing his gift of past, present, and future prophecy to bring breakthrough to the nations. In this episode Keith will explain how you can't bring something to people, they have to be that something. He will also share his involvement in the restoration of North and South Korea, what the Fathers' heart is for Germany and speak about the poverty mindset in the world plus much more. What do you think about today's episode? Reach out to Dubb and let him know! LINKS:  Connect with Dubb Government 09:  Abby Abildness
25-5-20181 uur, 6 minuten, 23 seconden
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Linked 18: Words or Power: What’s the Takeaway?

Today on Are You Real Linked Christy Austin welcomes Carston and Mandy Woodouse. Carston and Mandy are currently planted in Glory City Aiken. However, they refer to themselves as City Takers for the entire Central Savannah River area, of South Carolina. The Woodhouse's and the Austin's have been co-labouring together for many years through the art of giving and evangelism to see an abundant harvest in their area. Join in as they discuss how to tell the difference between religion or relationship, their personal salvation stories, their advice to fellow City Takers, and how they believe God will manifest to usher in a season of revival for all the generations. We would love to get linked with you in prayer! Connect with Christy and the Are You Real team and tell us what City you are taking. LINKS: Connect with Christy Carston and Mandy on Facebook Email Carston and Mandy
24-5-201836 minuten, 27 seconden
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Purpose 103: Finding Purpose Through Service - Brian Schiele

Having a heart and a passion for service doesn’t always look the same. Sometimes, the way we conduct our businesses can also have God’s mission and our purpose in mind. My guest today sees his business in just this way—as a way to live out his calling to minister to God’s people. Brian Schiele has been in the mortgage lending business for the past 15 yrs, and he sees his job as the perfect opportunity to serve others. Your home is your largest asset, and many people come to Brian and Fellowship Home Loans with a dream. Brian makes those dreams financially possible. For Brian, mortgages are all about the stories of people and what they are looking to accomplish. He was lucky and found a business that enabled him to use his passion for people and gift with numbers together. He grew his business not just so he could make a lot of money, but so he could help a lot of people. The market hasn’t always been so kind to Brian. Through the market crash in ’07-’08, Brian and his partner remained faithful to the ministry God had called them to. After the crash, the market changed and they learned their trade anew. Brain’s faithfulness and passion have carried him far, and I know you will take a lot of away from this interview today! More in this episode: How Brian got his start in this business world. The Scripture from Proverbs 15:3 that is so important to Brian, it’s on the back of his business card. The story behind Brian’s partnership and a business built by values. Brian’s business was a slow start, but he was OK with that! Brian’s story of the housing market crash and how that completely changed his plans. How Brian managed the changes in the market even though he felt like he was brand new at it. What happens when we spread ourselves too thin. God is doing big things in Brian’s life in the family sphere. How Brian integrates his ministry into his business. Brian shares how he wishes he had gotten to know more diverse people in college. Resources: Fellowship Home Loans 800- 804-SAVE
23-5-201832 minuten, 42 seconden
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Government 15: Kingdom Consciousness with Dr. Undrai Fizer Part 2

Today Dubb Alexander welcomes back Dr. Undrai Fizer, for part two of Kingdom Consciousness. Dubb and Dr. Fizer have a great conversation about how the Kingdom of God is governmental in nature, and what that means to us as Kings of the earth. If the earth is our Kingdom, why are we not taking our inheritance? Because we don't truly believe we are Kings. In the garden, Adam and Eve did not believe who they were. They didn't claim their territory. The fall was the first act of religion. The difference between religion and the Kingdom is: Religion caters to your mere humanity, the Kingdom tells you who you were before the foundation of the world. Your identity transcends this dimension and this world. In this podcast, Dr. Undrai Fizer will give you great resources to explore the Kingdom, teach you how to identify a Kingdom meeting, and more. LINKS: Connect with Dubb Dr. Undrai Fizer on Facebook BOOKS: The Excuse-less Life The 365
18-5-201835 minuten, 26 seconden
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Linked 17: The Art Of Unity In Community

Today in episode 17 of Are You Real Linked Christy Austin will guide you through Luke chapter ten verse seven.  "And remain in the same house, eating and drinking what they provide, for the laborer deserves his wages. Do not go from house to house." This verse says a lot to City Takers about the importance of community. For true revival to come to our cities we need to link arm in arm with our brothers and sisters around us because we can not take a city alone. There is no such thing as a lone ranger city taker.  In 2018 society is telling us that it is okay to bounce around from community to community. But Jesus is calling us in this verse to commit to one and other and stick it out even when it gets difficult. Christy will share what her community looks like and how being intimate with each other also means true intimacy with the Holy Spirit. LINKS: Connect with Christy
17-5-201826 minuten, 17 seconden
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Purpose 102: Passion Conference With Kristian Stanfill

One of the most influential ministries in the United States has got to be the Passion Conference, a ministry of Passion City Church. I’ve been following this ministry for 20 years, and it is so evident that God is moving through the worship ministry at Passion City Church. Even though Kristian Stanfill is at the center of this movement, making records and writing music heard all over the world, he knows that he would be nothing without the saving grace of Jesus. Kristian is a singer and songwriter. His most recent album, Mountains Move, is absolutely incredible. Today, Kristian is going to share all of the experiences and decisions that led him to this amazing ministry. You see for Kristian, it’s not just about making records. For him, it’s about capturing what God is doing in the people of his church. God is the vision, and he simply acts in faith. Kristian and I had the chance to talk about community, unique gifts, and God’s call on our lives. I know you are going to love hearing the extreme faith that Kristian lives out every day! More in this episode: What it is like to be a part of the Passion City Church. Learn the story behind the Passion Mission. Kristian shares his own experiences by the Passion Movement. How Kristian learned how to write songs and express his love for God. Take your walk with God seriously. Get anchored to your church community. You don’t have to promote yourself when you are seeking Jesus. What it was like for Kristian and his wife to move to Atlanta to plant a church. What happens when God calls you to give sacrificially. Kristian’s biggest strength with Passion City is to see people. Pray for God to show you the people that you need to love. Kristian’s biggest weakness is an inability to plan ahead. What’s going on in Kristian’s life that we need to know about. Get Kristian’s “Back to the Future” answer! Resources: Passion City Church Instagram @PassionMusic
16-5-201838 minuten, 31 seconden
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Government 14: Kingdom Consciousness with Dr. Undrai Fizer Part 1

Today Dubb Alexander talks with Dr. Undrai Fizer from the Kairos Institute of Personal Discovery! Dr. Undrai Fizer is also the publisher of Divine House Books. Fizer has devoted his life to the genius work of the Kingdom and the Fathers divine mind as it pertains to the spiritual intelligence of sons and daughters of God on the earth.  Listen in as they discuss how the Kindom of God is governmental in nature and how it displays the Fathers' heart. Dr. Undrai Fizer's will share how he first experienced the Kingdom and explain how a saved man has trauma but a Lord has authority, plus more. You will love being challenged to live a more Kindom live style through this episode! "The Kingdom is question activated" Reach out to Dubb If you have any questions about the Kingdom or any ideas presented in this episode. LINKS: Connect with Dubb Dr. Undrai Fizer on Facebook BOOKS:  The Excuse-less Life The 365
11-5-201843 minuten, 54 seconden
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Linked 16: Religion or Relationship

Welcome to Are You Real Linked episode 16! Today Christy Austin breaks down Luke 10 and Galatians 5. These verses are extremely important for all City Takers as we look for "men and women of peace" in our towns. The church is having an identity crisis because we are losing the relational aspect of the body and the bride.  In the beginning, God longed for intimacy with man. A relationship is the foundation of our creation. When we press into our relationship with Him it transforms us from the inside out and we start bearing good fruit. In Luke 10 Jesus doesn't tell us to look for the rule followers, or the churchgoers, or the religious He says "look for the man of peace". Peace is a fruit of the spirit if you flip over to Galatians 5 Paul clearly lays out how to identify good (Holy Spirit) and bad (Sin Nature) "fruits".  If you are taking a city through the art of giving, you will love the wisdom in this episode.  What City are you taking? Reach out and tell us! We would love to link with you in prayer. LINKS: Connect with Christy
10-5-201822 minuten, 17 seconden
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Purpose 101: Fear Of Failure With Matt Miller

Is the fear of failure holding you back from God’s purpose for your life? Do you get stuck in the planning phases, but never actually take that leap of faith? I think today’s guest might inspire you to step out into your purpose. Matt Miller has had a variety of experiences from 9 years in the Air Force to being a top performer in the corporate world. Eventually, Matt decided that he wanted to be his own boss, so he started his wild ride in entrepreneurship. Now, he is helping schools raise funds and running a successful business, School Spirit Vending. You'll also want to check out his podcast, School Zone!               Today, Matt is going to share how failure was his best teacher, and why it is so easy to be paralyzed by analysis. We also had the chance to talk about podcasting, mastermind groups, and building a business after a market crash. Matt has so much practical wisdom to share for any of you out there with a dream you are scared to pursue. Lucky for you, Matt has had plenty of experience and is willing to get you started. Most importantly, Matt sees his businesses as a way to bring God glory. The relationships he has built as a result of his business has opened doors for the gospel. You can bring God glory through your business, too! You just have to step out in faith. More in this episode: Matt shares his personal history and experiences in the Air Force and in the corporate world. How the idea for custom stickers for schools came to be. How to manage when you are burning the candle at both ends and making time for your family. Matt shares all of the financial setbacks that happened after the market crash. The process of getting School Spirit Vending in schools. How to create a win-win setup. Why niche is important. Matt’s biggest strength is to use an outsider perspective to get into an industry he knows nothing about. Matt got into podcasting just for his private team. Why a mastermind is so important. Your ministry is all about relationships. Matt shares his best stories of failure. Resources: School Spirit Vending School Zone Podcast Sewing Seed: Faith, Family, Farming, and Financial Freedom Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud
9-5-201839 minuten, 34 seconden
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Fit 09: Teri Dempsey: Fitness, Faith and Family

When we commit our fitness goals to the Lord, he will absolutely bless our endeavors. This is exactly the mentality of Teri Dempsey, my guest on Are You Real: Fit. Teri has over 20 years of personal training experience, with additional certifications in all kinds of athletic disciplines. She runs a small, private gym called Fit For My King, and hosts online and in-person challenges. Teri is a grace mentality trainer, and she works with women to empower them spiritually as well as physically. Teri cites Proverbs 3:5-6 as her inspiration. When she is trusting the Lord the most, she finds that her goals are absolutely achievable. Today, Teri and I will talk fitness, faith, and family. I am excited for you to hear how Teri has been seeking God through her athleticism and her business. I think you’ll be inspired by her passion for Jesus and for other people! More in this episode: Teri gives us the inside scoop about what it is like to be a personal trainer. Teri is also on staff at her church. The personal training businesses is also a spiritual ministry. We have to get rid of the root issue and have an inward change before we can enjoy an outward transformation. Teri shares her testimony about overcoming issues of depression and anxiety. The flaws we see have a divine purpose from God. How Teri went from a fear of jumping to specializing in high jump! What Teri’s workouts look like now. Our diet impacts our overall health just as much as an exercise plan. Teri’s motto is “Do it anyway.” We have to work through fear and trust God.  Resources: Facebook
8-5-201830 minuten, 36 seconden
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Government 13: Dr. Barry Lenhardt Part 2

Today on Are You Real Government Dubb Alexander welcomes back Dr. Barry Lenhardt. Dr. Lenhardt joined us on episode six and touched on many great Kingdom points and ideas, we wanted to dive a little deeper into these topics. We would love for you to go back and listen to part one before joining today's conversation. We will explore the ideas of how to start governing yourself properly, how to start seeing yourself as a country. Along with expounding on the different departments in heaven, having the mind of God versus having a mind on God, how you can't have two kings in the same territory, and so much more.  Get ready for your mind to be blown! This episode has so much Kingdom wisdom waiting for you. We would love to hear what God is has been showing through Are You Real Government. Reach out to Dubb with your questions and comments!  LINKS: Connect with Dubb Listen to Part 1
4-5-201843 minuten, 26 seconden
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Purpose 100: Embryo Adoption - Katie Cline and Charis Boone

Today, we are going to shine some light on a topic many people don’t know much about. The subject is Embryo Adoption, and my expert guests are Katie Cline and Charis Boone. Embryo Adoption occurs when a couple has undergone IVF to produce embryos outside of the womb for the mother to carry to term. It is a miracle of modern medicine that is helping infertile couples grow their families, but it also has an unfortunate consequence: there are leftover embryos. Charis and Katie believe that life begins at conception, so these embryos are children waiting to be adopted. This is the inspiration behind the National Registry for Adoption, an organization committed to helping these embryos find forever families. If this whole process sounds a little uncertain to you at first, give these ladies a chance to explain. Katie is an Embryo Donor, and Charis is an Embryo Adopter. They each have a unique perspective on the adoption process that is truly wonderful. Each of these ladies has the heart to give homes to the homeless and to nurture every child that is born or unborn. They were willing to walk through uncertainty, awkward conversations, and pregnancy to give these kids a life. God has been blessing their organization, and it is clear why. The National Registry is on to something! Listen this week to hear how Charis and Katie found their purpose, and why Embryo Adoption needs to be at the forefront of the public eye.  More in this episode: Katie shares the process of IVF and what it means to be an Embryo Donor. Charis shares what it meant for her to be an Embryo Adopter. An embryo adoption only costs $4,000. The difference between orphan care adoption and family growth adoption. There are 28 families waiting for every child put up for adoption. God is using the gifts he gave Charis and Katie to change lives. No one hears about embryo adoption. Is it difficult to donate an embryo? There are varying levels of involvement with the donor families. Charis shares her relationship with her donor family. The positives of Embryo Adoption. How the National Registry for Adoption has grown over the years.  Resources: Twelve Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson When Empty Arms Become a Heavy Burden
2-5-201842 minuten, 20 seconden
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Business 09: Money and Artist

This is a historic day for the Are You Real: Business podcast because I am interviewing my very first guest, Merrick Porchéddu, Founder and CEO of the Dallas-based Artist Uprising. Along with her business partner, Angela, Merrick took a unique idea and transformed it into a business that serves others and also glorifies God. Artist Uprising is devoted to uncovering hidden talent and matching them to clients and audiences across the nation. They have carefully curated their groups of artists and then given them the tools they need to gain exposure and build an audience. Merrick is going to share today about the amazing ways God has blessed their business. She is equal parts steeped in ministry and business acumen, and we have so much to learn from her! More in this episode: Merrick tells us her testimony and how God gave her an encounter with his messenger. How Artist Uprising helps clients find an artist to pair with them. Business can be a model of caring. How Merrick fills a niche with a killer business model. How the ladies rely on their faith in their business. Merrick breaks down the course that she developed to help artists network and become visible. The story behind Forbes! Two pieces of advice for entrepreneurs. Resources Artist Uprising
1-5-201833 minuten, 42 seconden
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Success 08: 8 Stages of Psychological Development

Do brothers and sisters grow up to be exactly the same? We would probably all answer a resounding NO! Think about it: they have the same parents, the same house, the same rules, and the same environment---yet can grow up to be VERY different. Today’s discussion is about the three stages of psychological development, meaning how we become who we are. These three stages are particularly important for those of us who are raising children in today’s world. You may hear negative feedback about today’s youth, their work ethic, their character, etc., but the fact remains that WE are teaching them and allowing them to develop their work habits. Dr. Morris Massey says that we each process our experiences differently and that what really matters in our development is how we label these experiences. Let’s dive deeper! More in this episode: Three stages of psychological development: Stage 1:  Imprinting:  This stage is all about teaching the duality of life.  A child will learn right from wrong, good from bad, and will take on some of the personality aspects of the person or persons that are raising them.  They will shift their brain waves from slower cycles (like a hypnotic state) to higher frequency cycles (conscious processing). As this shift happens around 4 years old, young people begin to have the ability for conscious processing and reasoning. Stage 2:  Modeling: This stage is about the development of values and beliefs.  Young people will begin to find people who they wish to be just like, or to model.  The most common models are teachers and coaches. If a child is required to do chores and to work on a regular basis during this stage, they are more like to have high work ethic, better customer service skills, and will be less likely to return home after their education.  How a person works later in life is strongly dependent upon the meaning that they give to their experiences during this time. Also, when a child is exposed to Christian principles on a regular basis early in life, they are 80% more likely to be a Christian when they grow up. Stage 3:  Socialization:  This stage is about learning critical thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and ultimately will serve as their blueprint for personal accountability.  It is incredibly important who the young person hangs out with during this stage because they adopt the strategies of those that they are close to. It is important to note that males and females develop at a different pace from one another.  The male brain grows 4 years slower than the female brain. One criticism of youth today is that they expect things to be given to them. They are NOT born with that expectation, but it is conditioned into them. Tips for holding children accountable: During socialization, they should be responsible for waking themselves up in the morning for school/work Parents should ask about their “homework situation” and about their specific plan to get it done, but it should be THEIR responsibility During socialization, when they make a mistake, ask three critical questions: What happened? At what point could you have done something differently? What will you do next time? When a mistake occurs, transfer the locus of control from external to internal, so they say, “I made a choice.” The goal is for them to say, “I choose my actions, my attitude, my emotions, and my homework habits.” For kids AND adults, the five people who are closest to you will determine who you are, because you will be just like them. It is critical that we continue to develop the right character, values, and behavioral habits in the people we lead.
30-4-201814 minuten, 46 seconden
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Linked 15: How To Partner With Peace

Welcome to Are You Real Linked Episode 15. Today we continue our teaching on Luke 10. Specifically, verse 5. Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace be to this house!' This may be a short verse, but if you dive a little deeper there is so much Jesus is telling us. Christy Austin will guide you through the true meaning of this verse, and what it means for City Takers. She will explain why Jesus tells us to go to peoples houses, and how to find true peace through prayers of thanksgiving and much more. Being a therapist, Christy sees first hand how the world needs the peace that only God can give. Not temporary peace the world gives. You will love taking a longer look at this verse. If you are called to be a city taker, we would love to hear how this episode inspires you to transform your city through the act of giving. LINKS: Connect with Christy
26-4-201826 minuten, 14 seconden
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Purpose 99: When God's Purpose Finds You with Matthew Paul Turner

Sometimes, we don’t find our purpose; it finds us. This is exactly the position Matthew Paul Turner found himself in, and that is exactly why we needed to have him on the show! Matthew is a writer and photographer who has contributed his work to National Geographic and is one of the most influential progressive Christian voices the music media. Like so many of us, Matthew has struggled with doubt and uncertainty, but God has also blessed him greatly! He is certainly an inspiration to me, and I hope he will be for you as well. Today, you will get to hear how Matthew thought he had turned away from Christian Music only to become the editor of a Christian Music Magazine. You will learn why he is an unlikely photographer, and how he came to self-publish several books. Matthew will explain why writing books for children hits close to home, and he will share why his family remains the most important source of inspiration in his life. You will also find out just how Matthew came to travel the world with Morgan Freeman. Yes, that Morgan Freeman. Throughout all of his creative endeavors, Matthew remains committed to God’s mission. He cares deeply about children across the globe, and his work with World Vision speaks for itself. If you are the creative type who never thought you could make a go at having a creative career, give this episode a listen. Matthew has a story that will speak to just about everyone! More in this episode: Message us on Facebook to win a copy of Matthew’s book! How Matthew stumbled into his career as a writer in the music industry. The insane story about how Matthew got to travel the world with Morgan Freeman and National Geographic. Matthew’s Life Scripture: “Fix your eyes on Jesus, the founder, and perfecter of our faith.” Advice for writers and inspiration for getting started. All the places Matthew has traveled with World Vision. Matthew wants people to experience the world. Get the inside scoop on “The Story of God.” Gaining hope from the most unexpected places. Give yourself permission to be a little disappointed. Why Matthew was drawn to write children’s books. The ins and outs of publishing! Make sure you have good people in your life! Matthews’ best advice: keep moving forward Resources When God Made You Twitter: @Heympt Instagram @MatthewPaulTurner Matthew Paul Turner
25-4-201845 minuten, 32 seconden
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Fit 08: Your Health - Spirit, Soul and Body (Part 3)

Welcome to the third part of this series, Your health- spirit, soul, and body. Today we will be discussing what it looks like to be healthy physically and what the necessary components are to having an overall healthy physical body. For many people, the first thing they think of when anyone mentions a healthy body, is the idea of weight. As a trainer, I am frequently asked “what is a healthy weight for me?” or “how much weight should I lose?” and these are never  easy questions to answer. Most people tend to only look at the scale, or focus on their BMI, so I'd like to answer these questions by breaking the idea of healthy body weight down for you in a way that will make it easier to understand. Listen in today to find out about body composition and why everyone's body composition is going to be different. Although having a healthy body weight is really important, this is subjective to each  individual, as body composition varies from one person to the next. The body composition includes all the factors relating to one's weight- the muscle, the fat, the bones, and also the vital organs, so it's really necessary to look at all these factors when doing an evaluation of your health and this also means that everyone's ideal body weight will be different. Listen in today as I explain some of the often overlooked factors pertaining to body composition that really need to be taken into account when assessing your ideal body weight.   Show Highlights:   Looking at body composition as an evaluation of your overall health. How the body composition of two individuals with the same statistics can vary. Taking all the factors pertaining to body composition into account when looking at your weight. Being on a strategic exercise program and eating healthily can influence your amount of body fat. How genetics play a role in some people's ability to lose weight faster than others. Hard work does pay off! The importance of committing to (and adhering to) a fitness goal. How you can really benefit from an exercise program. About your cardio-respiratory endurance. What weight training does for your body. Creating an exercise program that will help you to maintain an ideal weight. Why you really need to maintain your flexibility. Building overall muscular endurance with your exercise program. Nutrition is a huge part of creating and maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle.                                                        Set your goals. Say your prayers. Work hard. 
24-4-201812 minuten, 4 seconden
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Government 12: Zimbabwe Presidential Candidate Dr. Noah Manyika

Today on Are You Real Government we are honored to talk to Dr. Noah Manyika. He is running for the presidential office of Zimbabwe in the 2018 race under the Build Zimbabwe Alliance. Dr. Manyika truly is a man after Gods own heart. He grew up in Zimbabwe with parents who had faith and taught him how to have hope despite the circumstances that were around him. When he was older, God called Dr. Manyika and his wife to be missionaries in the North Carolina for 22 years. More recently God has brought the Manyika's back home to Zimbabwe to claim their inheritance and change the direction of the country. You will hear about how God has guided his campaign trail, and how the Kingdom is manifesting in the country of Africa. This interview has so much depth, insight, and wisdom from Dr. Noah Manyika that it is undeniable that God is moving in the Government Mountain.  If you would like to hear more about Dr. Manyika and his team we recommend going back and listening to episode 08 with Dr. Manyika's campaign advisor Chantelle Irish. LINKS: BZA Manifesto Donate to BZA Email the BAZ BZA Facebook
20-4-201849 minuten, 33 seconden
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Linked 14: The Secret formula of faith - Missions

On Are You Real Linked 14 we dive further into Luke 10. In 2017 God spoke to Christy Austin and said: "2018 will be the year of abundant harvest". That's why we love to talk to city takers around the world to see how God is fulfilling this promise.  Today we want to introduce you to Steve and Amanda Pettit. Many years ago God told them to sell everything they own and be missionaries. Obeying that call the Lord has taken them around the world to spread the gospel and meet some incredible people. Currently, they are taking the city of Fort Worth Texas with Mission 820. Every night they go into the streets and evangels to prostitutes, crack heads, and sex traffickers to show them the love of God.  We love how Steve and Amanda live out Luke 10 so beautifully. They are going to people and BEING the church not TAKING people to the church. You will love hearing how much influence God is giving them around the world. LINKS: Connect with Christy Mission 8:20
19-4-201827 minuten, 21 seconden
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Purpose 98: Finding Purpose with Captain Awesome - Byron Taylor

I hope you are ready for some amazing truth bombs today because I am literally talking to Captain Awesome today. Byron Taylor (AKA Captain Awesome) is a spirited speaker, trainer, and coach. He has competed in world championships in public speaking and is the co-author of The Psyche of Success. Byron Taylor has found his calling as an inspirational speaker, but the story of how he got there is absolutely magnificent. God is clearly using Byron in incredible ways. Byron had to walk through incredible hardship to reach the level of clarity and wisdom he has attained today. I am thankful that he had the chance to openly talk about childhood trauma, depression in adulthood, and figuring out life with God one leap of faith at a time. Byron is going to share his best pieces of wisdom for going after your purpose, facing fear, and listening to the voice of God. His stories are all very real and really funny. No one shares a story like Byron! Dive in with us today to experience the wild ride for yourself! More in this episode: How “Captain Awesome” came to be. Why God’s plan is better than our best predictions. Byron gave his first speech at his first Toastmasters meeting. Out of the hurt and pain we experience, we can glorify God. Mark 11:24 is Byron’s signature Scripture. Byron opens up about his past struggles and the trauma that shaped him. The things we struggle with the most are often our ministry calling. What being a parent can teach us about God’s character. How Byron fights discouragement. Stories of experiencing God’s glory. A speech is important for the one life that is impacted. Byron shares all of the things that excite him. When we knock on doors, God will open, and we have to step through. Sometimes, we learn more about what we don’t want to do than what we want. Byron would help his younger self-heal more quickly if he could.  Resources: Byron Taylor Speaks Toast Masters Facebook: Byron Taylor Speaks
18-4-201857 minuten, 48 seconden
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Business 08: How to Find a Life Coach

Successful business leaders and entrepreneurs have one thing in common: they are coachable. If you have people in your life who have been appointed to give you guidance and clarity, then there is no way you can go wrong. Success is about more than just making a lot of money, and we need someone who can hold us accountable and offer wisdom to help us gain excellence in all areas of life. In order to be coachable, you need to be able to swallow your pride. Once you know you are coachable, the hard work of finding someone begins. Lucky for you, I happen to have plenty of knowledge about how to find a great life or business coach. Let’s dive in today to see what it takes! More in this episode: What we can learn from Jerry McGuire. Check ego and pride at the door in order to be successful. How do your find a coach? Look at the fruit from that coach. Your coach should not be your peer. Pay for your coach! In Samuel 1, David shows us the power of a coach. You’ve got to know when to get out of the way. Don’t forget your affirmations!
17-4-201823 minuten, 9 seconden
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Success 07: Comedian Jason Earls

I met Jason Earls, the comedian, about a week ago at the Shawn Bolz Conference, in Dallas, Tx, and had an immediate connection with him. I ask Jason to tell us one of his favorite verses that help guide him. He quoted Colossians 4:17. Paul writes, “And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.” Paul saw the need to encourage Archippus, maybe because people were not paying his ministry much attention, and Paul knew he wanted him to fulfill it. Jason says he doesn’t live to make people laugh but makes people laugh to help them live! He says he knew as early as high school that being a comedian was his destiny. He went on to seminary and grad school, and knew he could use laughter to glorify the King! Learn to be diligent to God’s direction in this episode of Are You Real: Success! More in this episode: Jason shares how God directs his ministry. You can desire success in your family and career, but you also have to be diligent! If we are going to be in our best place to succeed, we cannot compare ourselves to others. Learn what Jason does when he finds himself in a difficult place. Sometimes things crack us so that the treasure inside us oozes out. Learn to surround yourself with key people to help ensure your success. Learn how you shouldn’t be satisfied with “base camp,” but need to press on to the peak! Jason uses humor to share his passion for living for God. Jody shares his views on successful living. Resources: Are You Real Jason Earls
16-4-201835 minuten, 17 seconden
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Government 11: D.R. Congo Presidential Campaign Advisor David Windhorn

Today on Are You Real Government we talk to David Windhorn. He is the Congo Presidential Campaign Advisor for  Dr. Mukumbay's. Their vision is to build and promote The Democratic Republic of Congo and to care for its people and its land. This vision summarizes the work of Dr. Mukumbay who, professionally, is an independent business consultant in the United Kingdom. Dr. Mukumbay is regarded as a statesman in the truest sense for his new leadership style and stands out among a new generation of African leaders in diaspora.  David shares his passion to see Dr. Mukumbay succeed, how God is using his gift of prophecy to influence government leaders, and why he believes God will use Congo to restore Africa. You will also hear David's insight on what God is doing in the U.S.A, The Korea's and why God is rising up women leaders across the world. LINKS: Connect with Dubb
13-4-201831 minuten, 45 seconden
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Linked 13: Faith Fuels Where Distractions Delay

Today on Are You Real Linked we continue our study on Luke 10. Over the past few episodes, we have talked to many different city takers across the nation and heard their story's about how God is using them to take back their city for the Kingdom through the art of giving. If you have missed these interviews we highly recommend going back and listening before you dive into today's episode. On episode 13 Christy Austin dissects Luke 10 Verse 4 and what it means in 2018.  "Carry no moneybag, no knapsack, no sandals, and greet no one on the road." What does that mean? Why is Jesus saying I don't need my shoes? What about my debit card? This verse can bring up so many questions if you are not studying the word properly. Christy breaks down how this verse is talking to us about God's provision, his faithfulness, and how we need to silence our distractions. We can't wait to hear how God speaks to you in this episode! Connect with Christy Past Linked Episodes
12-4-201828 minuten, 37 seconden
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Purpose 97: Bros, Bible and Beer

It is always refreshing to find someone else who has found purpose in podcasting, and that is exactly what the Zach, Scott, and Jeff over at Bros, Bibles, and Beer are doing. These three guys are modeling what it means to have authentic, real, and often difficult conversations around a shared belief in God. Unlike many podcasts out there, the Bros all come from incredibly different spiritual backgrounds and viewpoints. The result: authentic conversations that are rarely tied up in a bow, but are often glorifying. Today, we are getting real and talking about everything, from Angry God to Grief and Theology. Along the way, the Bros will share some of their favorite moments and discussions from the show, and how they have been stretched and their view of God has changed. Each of these gentlemen has been called to a different area of God’s mission, but they can still come together to produce an amazing show you should certainly check out. Today, we won’t shy away from the hard stuff, but in the end, we will all agree that God is good! I can’t wait for you to hear what Scott, Jeff, and Zach have to say! More in this episode: The podcast started with authentic conversations, and it has transformed into something amazing. Dive into the “Angry God” debate. There is a need for repentance and to turn from your sin. How our parents might (or might not) change our perception of God. The Bros share some of their favorite moments of the podcast. Why the Bros want to avoid the “echo chamber” effect. Be with people while they are grieving. How grief affects faith. All of God’s children have value. Conversations on education and the impact of real-life implications in the classroom. Look at multiple angles for every story to create empathy. The Bros help one another see their gifts and strengths. Get a little advice from the Bros. Resources: Find Your Purpose Chapter 1 The Canon Revisited
11-4-201846 minuten, 49 seconden
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Government 10: City of Glory with Amarillo Mayor Ginger Nelson

Joining us today on Are You Real Government is the Mayor of Amarillo, Texas Ginger Nelson. Ginger Nelson got her unexpected start in local government after she saw the need for Godly leaders to step up in her city. After months of praying for these leaders to come Ginger thought that God was calling her husband to run for Mayor. However, God had placed the mantle of leadership for Mayor on Ginger's shoulders.  Ginger truly lets the heart of the Father direct her time in office. Since being elected in 2017 she has been hard at work creating a culture of honor and a culture where every citizen in Amarillo can achieve greatness for the Kingdom. She believes the God-given identity for Amarillo is to be the Ambassador for the state of Texas. Due to interstate 40, Amarillo has a unique opportunity to represent the state of Texas and the body of Christ to over 8 million people that drive through every year.             We would love to hear how God uses this episode in your life. LINKS: Ginger's Official Facebook City of Amarillo Facebook Connect with Dubb Fellowship Home Loans
6-4-201831 minuten, 25 seconden
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Linked 12: Tents of Mountain Moving Faith With Michael Thorton

Today on Are You Real Linked we continue our talk on the church leaving the building and going out into the world. Our guest today is Pastor Michael Thorton from Global River Church. They are a network church of Bethal and are doing huge things for the Kingdome in Wilmington North Carolina. Their vision statement reads... "We are loving God and loving people, encouraging them to live the Spirit-empowered life, reaching pre-Christians, making disciples, and raising up leaders to fulfill the Great Commission. We live as a Family, an Army, a School in the Spirit, a Temple of worship, and a Hospital to the wounded." ... and they are doing that and much more. Micheal shares how when you have the anointing of the Holy Spirit it empowers you to go into your city and cross over every race, social, or political barrier and start changing it for the Kingdome. You will also enjoy hearing about Micheal's advice on how to get your assignment from God, how to start taking your city and how to find the "man or women of peace" in a community. LINKS: Global River Church Ignite the Nations Connect with Christy Fellowship Home Loans
5-4-201844 minuten, 37 seconden
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Purpose 96: Jerrad Lopes: Dad Tired

Through pain, we find purpose. No one understands that Like Jerrad Lopes. After starting out early in full-time ministry as a pastor, Jerrad placed all of his identity in his ministry. Late in his twenties, Jerrad knew he needed to leave ministry, and his world was wrecked. Looking back, Jerrad knew he was being a bad husband and an absent father as he tried to pursue things of this earth that would fulfill him. He reached out on the internet, asking if any other fathers and husbands felt this struggle, and the response was incredible. Dad Tired is a podcast and a movement that is leading men to Jesus. Jerrad is cultivating authenticity within marriages leadership within the culture. He believes that more men need to step up to the plate to lead their families by example. This knowledge is personal, and it was born from years of struggle. Jerrad’s dark season gave birth to a movement that God is using to transform families. In addition to Dad Tired, Jerrad has started a nonprofit and his own branding agency. Even with all of these plates spinning, Jerrad prioritizes time with his family and his wife of 8 years. Instead of being content to stay in struggle and in failure, Jerrad asked God to transform his life. He answered in a big way. Listen to this week’s episode to find out how he did it! More in this episode: Jerrad shares why he feels called to many different things over the course of his life. Scripture from Exodus 35:6 has influenced how Jerrad views God. Jerrad has spent his journey starting as a pastor, but he always felt called to branch out. In the middle of an identity crisis, Jerrad discovered that so many other fathers wanted to learn how to lead their families better. What we can learn from the God-led decisions that do not lead to perfect happiness. Discover the explosion of Dad Tired. Jerrad’s wife prayed for Jesus to capture his heart again. There is hope for your marriage if you feel like you have fallen away. We need to be investing in young people. How Jerrad grew his ministry to reach tens of thousands of people. Jerrad can communicate the gospel in “street language.” How we can respond to an identity crisis to fuel our faith. Let’s not rely on technology to connect with one another. Audiobooks are a go-to for busy parents. What changes to our responsibilities once we get married. Resources: Dad Tired
4-4-201845 minuten, 34 seconden
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Business 07: Setbacks; They Do Happen!

Today we need to talk about something really important for the life of your business: failure. Yes, failure is important! How and why we fail can teach us so much about where our business is weak, and also strong. I have noticed over the years that there are 3 Big Business Setbacks: Disappointment, Discouragement, and Distrust.  I am going to break down each of these three setbacks and show you how your authentic faith can combat each of them. God has given us Scripture as a guide and a comfort when failure strikes. Instead of making us figure it all out on our own, we can rely on His wisdom and the wisdom of those who have gone before us to understand how to be successful in business. Just because you have suffered a setback does not mean you cannot move forward. Today, I am going to show you how. More in this episode: We set out all the plans we possibly can. Failure happens to everyone. Where does disappointment in business happen? We need to manage our expectations. What happens when we experience disappointment, and then manage it. Discouragement is brutal. Psalm 112 is a great way to get out of discouragement. Distrust is from the enemy. The world is going to want to make us jaded. There are so many wounds that we have to deal with! There is hope and encouragement for you! Pray over your business. John 10:10—have an abundant life! Resources: Are You Real
3-4-201821 minuten, 22 seconden
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Success 06: Success Leaves Clues with John Clark

Today’s guest is John Clark. John Clark was the general manager of the Boys Scouts of America and he’s here to talk about what it took to be successful leading these organizations. Success leaves clues and today we are looking for all the clues that John’s successful career left behind. John’s favorite quote is a Teddy Roosevelt quote that says, “A job that’s worth doing is worth doing well.”   Show Highlights: Failure is the inability to meet our goals. Success can look different at different points in your career. Being happy with what you are doing is a key factor in your success. Relying on God to help make tough decisions and handle tough circumstances is key. If you can figure out what keeps people awake at night and then solve that problem, you will have unlimited income. Setting goals will help improve your performance. When we have success, you always have success habits that were implemented to make it happen. Knowing how to set and manage goals individually and as a team is critical to success. You can’t achieve success completely on your own. You have to have a winning team around you and achieve the goals together. Sometimes to be a good leader it just means that you get out in front of your team and run faster.   Connect with Jody on Twitter: @jodynholland
2-4-201820 minuten, 55 seconden
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Government 09: Abby Abildness with Healing Tree International

  Our guest today is Abby Abildness. You will hear all about the Kingdom Start of our nation and her study of William Penn. Have you ever heard of William Penn? You may know him by "Grandfather of our nation". He is the founder of the Province of Pennsylvania. William wrote the first founding documents of the United States of America and his peace treaties are still used today. William Penn went on to be a spiritual advisor to our founding fathers. He understood government with a kingdom mind. "Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants." - William Penn William Penn started a good work in Pennsylvania that people and nations have benefited from for generations. Abby Abildness is going to make sure that legacy continues. Abby has such a big heart for Pennsylvania, it will make you want to move there tomorrow. She is currently the State Leader of the International Prayer Coccus. She sits with government leaders and prayers with them so that God's will can be done in legislation.  Abby and her husband are also the CEO's of Healing Tree International.  Their passion is to network pastoral, medical, business and government leaders for the healing of nations. LINKS:   Fellowship Home Loans   CONNECT WITH ABBY:   [email protected]  
30-3-201838 minuten, 52 seconden
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Linked 11: Keys For Serving with Kari Heffron

Today on Are You Real Linked you will hear the heart and passion of one woman who has been called my God to help heal and restore women and children who have found themselves homeless. Kari Heffron is the Woman & Children Program Coordinator at The Oliver Gospel Mission in Columbia, South Carolina.  They are currently serving 27 women and 19 families in their area. They are very intentional about calling themselves a "Transitional Home" and not a homeless shelter. After the Holy Spirit set Kari free from a reckless lifestyle, Kari came to the conclusion that being homeless is not someone's identity it is just a result of being broken. God started a fire in her heart to create a safe place for homeless women and children to come and feel safe, loved, protected, wanted, and somewhere they can meet Jesus. After 10 years of pressing into God Kari's dream finally came to fruition. Even though Kari is walking in her calling now she gets real about the struggles that come with this type of ministry. Kari is a true City Taker and we can't wait to see what God does next with her ministry. LINKS: Connect with Kari Donate to The Oliver Gospel Mission Are You Real Fellowship Home Loans
29-3-201835 minuten, 8 seconden
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Purpose 95: Using the Passion of Theology to Unify a Diverse Church with Shane Blackshear

God has given us all a purpose and a passion, and when someone is being obedient to live out that purpose, amazing things happen. I am seeing amazing things from Shane Blackshear, and so I was excited to talk to him today about the unique passion God has given him for theology, ministry, and racial relations in the church. Shane is from West Texas where he lives with his wife and two kids. He is a podcast host with two amazing shows you should definitely check out. On Seminary Dropout, Shane interviews theologians who might not have the biggest microphone but have such wonderful things to share about our Creator. Shane’s second podcast, On Ramp, discusses how race and the church intersect. Shane and I will dive into a lot of different topics in today’s episode. We started off with a discussion of race in the church, and how God’s Kingdom will absolutely be more diverse than the typical American church. Shane is teaching his listeners how to learn about the human experience through the eyes of someone who might not look exactly like them. It is a humbling conversation and one we probably can’t have enough. From there, Shane and I are going to talk about how Seminary Dropout came to be, and why a show like Shane’s has such huge potential. God has given Shane more than enough strength and wisdom to graciously and empathetically interview the people who are seeking a thorough understanding of who God is and what his plans are for this world. Ultimately, Shane is encouraging anyone who will listen that, as image bearers of Christ, we have the potential to proclaim God’s goodness through every word and deed. That is absolutely what Shane is doing in the world, so you will want to check out my interview today! More in this episode: Shane tells us all about himself and what his passions and purposes are. Shane shares why he feels burdened to bring issues of race in America to the church. Diverse churches are incredibly rare in America. We have so much to learn from the experiences of our brothers and sisters in Christ of different races. Shane loves to point people to rich resources for understanding race in the church. Why Shane ended up dropping out of seminary two times. Shane’s favorite, mind-blowing interviews. The thing that keeps Shane going with his podcast is the ministry opportunity. It’s hard to interview well, and Shane is certainly gifted at it! Why we struggle with self-confidence. God is getting Shane excited to speak about idols and the “us v. them” mentality. Who Shane is reading right now! Church can be taken outside the walls. Shane would tell himself right out of college to not limit his options. Resources: Twitter: @Beardonabike Facebook: Shane Blackshear Seminary Dropout Podcast N.T. Wright The Benefit of the Doubt Fresh Expressions On Ramp Podcast
28-3-201855 minuten, 18 seconden
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Fit 07: Your Health - Spirit, Soul and Body (Part 2)

What is the soul? What does it even look like to have a healthy soul? I’m going to tackle these questions in Part 2 of our 3 part series on Spirit, Soul, and Body! When it comes to complex questions like these, I think it is best to take a basic and practical approach to understanding it. I am so thankful that God has provided us with Scripture that tells us all about our soul and how we can keep it healthy. Today, I am going to bring you Scripture from both the Old and the New Testament that illustrates a healthy soul. Ultimately, we need to learn how to trust God. When we surrender our mind, will, and emotions to Him, he will bring us to a place of peace and health. If you are pursuing an overall healthy lifestyle, you cannot neglect the health of your soul. You will see today how it impacts every single aspect of your life, including your physical health! More in this episode: I give my most basic explanation of what the soul actually is. Let’s unpack the mind as described in Lamentations 3:20. Job 7:15 and 1 Chronicles 22:19 give us a good idea about how the will works. Our emotions are complex. Psalm 42:1 and Psalm 86:4 describe just a few emotions we experience. What it means to have a healthy soul according to Romans. Understand that your mind is part of your soul. We can choose to walk in God’s will. Proverbs 3:5-8 is a gem for us! 3 John 1:2 shows us that our soul brings us bodily health. Resources: Are You Real
27-3-201814 minuten, 24 seconden
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Government 08: Zimbabwe Presidential Campaign Advisor Chantelle Irish

Today on Are You Real Government we speak to Chantelle Irish. She is the Senior Campaign Advisor for Zimbabwe candidates: Noah Manyika and William (Widzo) Pilbrough. They are running for President and Vice President of Zimbabwe in the 2018 election. They are running under the political party of "The Build Zimbabwe Alliance". Despite how dangerous politics can be in their country they are ready to see a change and are helping usher in Gods favor to Zimbabwe.  The country as a whole is in very hard times. Their people have little access to clean water, and proper medical care. On top of that their unemployment rate is 95% and it is currently illegal to withdraw any sort of currency from a bank due to the countries crippling debt. Many Zimbabwean people leave the country to work abroad to send money back to their loved ones just to make it by.    This may seem like a terrible place to most people, but not for Chantelle. She shares how there is so many wonderful things about her country and her favorite are: the people, the countryside, and the untapped potential. The Build Zimbabwe Alliance sees past the brokenness, and the statistics to see God's heart for this country.    She believes "God's identity for Zimbabwe is to be the Switzerland of Africa". She longs to see healing and peace in the country just like our Father does.    In future episodes, we will talk to Noah Manyika and  William Pilbrough to hear more about the election. LINKS: BZA Manifesto Donate to BZA Email the BAZ: [email protected] BZA Facebook Samuel Rodriguez book "Lambs Agenda" Connect with Dubb
23-3-201825 minuten, 59 seconden
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Linked 10: Urgently Called

Today on Are You Real Linked we speak with Jeremiah Bolich. When Jeremiah was young he was discharged from the military due to a drug and alcohol problem. After hitting rock bottom a Christian couple invited him into their home and took him to a Billy Graham conference. At the conference, he had an encounter with the Holy Spirit that would change his life. Now Jeremiah is gone 47 weeks of the year traveling the world spreading the good news and equipping "City Takers". You will hear all about how he and his wife lived out of a bus during the first years of the ministry and now how he balances his family and ministries. However, in the near future, his travels may be few and far between as he plants a training center in Lebanon to help equip leaders. "Reject religion and embrace Jesus". LINKS: Connect with Christy Download a Free Audiobook on Audible
22-3-201831 minuten, 56 seconden
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Purpose 94: Redefining Church to Make It a Living Experience with Jordan Sutton

Purpose is all about living out God’s plan, even if it looks nothing like anything you’ve seen ever before. Christians have a pretty good idea of what it means to do church, but today I am talking with someone who listened to the Lord when he asked him to think differently about his ministry and his congregation. This is Jordan Sutton, the pastor of Clearpath Church in Dallas, TX. He and his congregation are redefining church, and the Lord is working and speaking in mighty ways through them.  Instead of a pulpit, Clearpath has tables. Instead of a traditional gathering, they meet in homes. Everything from worship to Bible studies has been prayerfully refashioned so that the members of Clearpath can have a whole new experience with the Living God. What gets me excited about guys like Jordan is that I feel like the Lord told me long ago that the church was changing, and I think pastors like Jordan are on the frontlines.  Today, Jordan is not just going to share how and why Clearpath changed so drastically, but also the amazing changes that happened inside Jordan himself. God really emphasized for him a pursuit of holiness in spite of a fallen world and has asked him to think deeply about what it means to be set apart from the world. If you have a heart for people, especially in the American church, then you are going to want to listen to this episode. I think we have so much to learn from Jordan Sutton.    Show Highlights:  Jordan shares how his upbringing led him to a different perspective on church.  1 Corinthians 2 was super influential for Jordan and his church ministry.  Jordan learned about holiness alongside of grace.  The opposite of holiness is commonness.  Supernatural encounters in the most basic moments.  Why it is so easy to move away from the tenacity of your conviction.  What would church look like if we had never seen it before?  Transforming Sunday services into prayer meetings.  Turning pulpits into tables.  Jordan lost people, and here is how he handled that.  Lessons from God’s people.  The Bible is filled with people who questioned and sought God.  How God impacts our lives through money and privilege.  Abundance looks differently for everyone.  Jordan is still learning how to take care of the details.  How Jordan would challenge us to think about our growth with God Advice to Jordan’s younger self.    Resources: Jordan Online  Clearpath Online Magazine   
21-3-201857 minuten, 3 seconden
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Business 06: Creativity in Business

What’s so creative about business? Everything! Especially if you are an entrepreneur, you are extremely creative. Businesses thrive when we are using our God-given creativity. When we don’t we get caught in a cycle of constant striving, and strife is the opposite of creativity. You were made in the image of a creative God, and I think some commonly overlooked creative processes will be the key to your success in business. Today, I want to give you easy tools to help you access your creativity, apply it to business, and then watch all of your endeavors thrive. I’ll show you 5 habits successful business leaders DON’T have because I think we can learn just as much from what we are not, as we can what we are. Your authentic self is capable of creating so much! It’s time to start thinking about how we can bring some creative solutions to our businesses. More in this episode: When you get into striving, you are using up your creative energy. Biblically, what does it look like to be creative. We should be praying for creativity specifically for our business. Start drawing things with your opposite hand! Get involved and around creative individuals. Be abundant in the Kingdom. We have such a fear of loss. Money means more opportunities. 5 Things That Great Business leaders DON’T Do. Resources: Are You Real
20-3-201820 minuten, 23 seconden
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Success 05: Definition of Success

How would you define success? We tend to define things in our lives incorrectly because we are either using someone else’s definition of success or following the world’s definition. When we take a close look at our definition, we may start to realize some unrealistic expectations. Today is your chance to redefine success so that you can actually see it manifest in your life. I am going to show you how! There are five areas of my life where I need to have a balanced definition of success: Faith, Family, Fun, Finance, and Fitness. When I take a close look at these categories, I have to ask myself if I am reaching towards a goal for that particular arena. I want to challenge you today to look at how you define success in these areas and much more. You will also get a look at what influences our definition of success, and how we can take steps now to change our definition to a more positive one. Practical wisdom and easy first steps are waiting for you in this episode of Are You Real: Success! More in this episode: We all have a different definition of success, as unique as we are. We often let ourselves down by our own definition of success. Lessons I learned about paying my dues and then redefining success as having fun. We are bombarded with advertisements that try to define our lives. Just doing works is not salvation. You can define balance in your success as well. Motivation starts with movement, and then the mental and emotional follows. We are influenced by our connections. Resources
19-3-201815 minuten, 34 seconden
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Government 07: Local Business in Local Government with Jenn Bara

Hey, everyone! Welcome to Are You Real Government episode 07. Today we speak to Jenn Bara. You will hear all about her incredible journey about how God is using her in both the Government and Business Mountian.  When Jenn was young she wanted to be a women's pastor and work in the church, because that is where she thought God moved the most. After attending Bethel Church's Heaven and Business Conference God opened her eyes to all seven Mountains of Influence. In episode two we explain in depth the Seven Mountains of Influence. If you missed it, we recommend going back and listening so you can fully understand some of the ideas shared today. Click here to listen. Jenn is the current President of the Panhandle Restaurant Asociation. This organization is equipping the next generation of entrepreneur that want to be in the industry. They provide educational conferences to small business owners to educate them on ever-changing laws, and much more. Jann also helps run her families local restaurant. Their business just celebrated 35 years and is thriving.  After Jenn realized she was called to both the government and business mountain she received a phone call from Ginger Nelson who was running for mayor in her hometown. During the call, Ginger shared that God had told her that she needed Jenn on her campaign. This was a clearly a God-ordained moment, considering that Ginger Nelson had never met Jenn. She only knew her name because of her great influence Jenn had in the business mountain. Jenn shares that the number one lesson that she learned from the campaign was learning how to see God moving in people regardless if she agreed with their policy's. Also, she dives into how to fight the spirit of religion in government. Links: Seven Mountian Printable PDF Seven Mountian Strategy Explained  Download a FREE audiobook today with Audible.  
16-3-201826 minuten, 11 seconden
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Linked 09: City Taking 102 - Everyday Evangelism

We are so excited to continue the conversation about "City Taking". In episode 5 "City taking 101" we had a great time with George and Sarah from City Light Church about how to start "taking" your city back for the Kingdom. We recommend going back and listen before you dive in today. (Link below) Today we had the pleasure of speaking with Naomi Volkman. She is a 12-year old Christian and is making a huge difference in her community. When Naomi was young her Mother was diagnosed with cancer, and she began to struggle with suicidal thoughts. She was saved after experiencing an incredible vision of Jesus telling her how much he loved her. After that, she started evangelizing in her high school which turned into a passion to see City's restored back to the love of Christ and has since graduated from Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and has traveled around the world, sharing the gospel. Pretty much... she is a rock star! Links: City Taking 101 Download a free audiobook on Audible. Like us on Facebook Follow us on Instagram Follow us on Twitter  
15-3-201836 minuten, 31 seconden
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Purpose 93: Matt Brough - Spirituality for Ordinary People

More of then than not, you are in the middle of your purpose before you realize it’s even started. God has a funny way of taking us on a journey to find our calling, and he is certainly capable of working through us all in a might way, even if we can’t see it. This is why I am so excited to have Matt Brough on the show today. Matt has many passions that seemed to have all converged at this moment in time. Primarily, Matt is a family man in Winnipeg, Canada. When he isn’t spending time with his family, he is pastoring Prarie Presbyterian, a small but faithful and diverse congregation that is walking faithfully with God in this season. What sets Matt apart from the rest is how his ministry has expanded beyond the pulpit. Knowing he had been gifted with words, Matt decided that he would start a podcast and write both non-fiction and fiction books on the side. It is incredible to see the way that Matt has listened to God’s call on his life and walked faithfully towards these creative endeavors, even though “success” looks a bit different than he thought. Matt has no idea what God might have in store for him next, but he continues to pursue more books and opportunities as a supreme act of faith. Matt’s writing, his podcast, and his pastoring have all converged to make Matt a powerhouse of spirituality. He humbly wears his many hats with an attitude of service. He writes books his family would want to read. He shares stories that his church would want to hear. Above it all, Matt chooses where to use his gifts to serve others, and I think we have a lot to learn from him. You do not want to miss out on Matt’s story in this week’s episode, so let’s dive right in. More in this episode: Matt considers his family most important next to God. Authoring and podcasting is a very new journey that God has been teaching Matt through. Why the podcast can be a part of Matt’s ministry. Philippians 2 is the character guiding scripture for Matt and his ministry. Matt shares a time when he was doing ministry for the wrong reasons. It is hard to connect sometimes, and Matt shares his best ways to get a support system. How Matt ended up at this point of convergence. Why Matt is just a bit like Abraham. The system that Matt uses when he felt like he needed to start writing. You can trust God with your mission and your gifts. My prayers for Matt. Matt would tell his younger self that fear is normal, and we can have courage. Matt’s big advice would be to step back and listen to God. Learn how to participate in Matt’s giveaway! Resources: Enter to Win Free Books from Matt! Matt Brough Find all of Matt’s Books Michael Hyatt Podcast
14-3-201851 minuten, 31 seconden
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Fit 06: Your Health - Spirit, Soul and Body

If you are going to live a healthy life, you have to take care of your body, your soul, and your spirit. This week, I want to set us off on a three-part series that will change the way we think about taking care of our spirit, soul, and body. Jumping right in, let’s talk about how we can nurture and feed our spirit by looking at the words the world uses to describe health and applying them to things in the spiritual realms. The spirit is what allows us to communicate with God. When we pray, read Scripture, and act in the authority that Jesus has given us, we are absolutely feeding our spirit. It is so important that we nurture our spirit because otherwise, we will be playing right into what the world wants us to spend all our energy on. Satan loves it when our spirit feels far from God. We have the power to stop him in his tracks! A healthy life starts with the spirit. Join me today as we look at how the Bible describes a healthy spirit. More in this episode: We can use Scripture to teach us what it means to have a healthy spirit. What actually is our spirit? Ephesians 2:5 describes what our spirit looks like. Eating well, activity, growth, and alive are words the world uses to describe health. We have to feed our spirit. Learn what that looks like practically. Luke 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 teach us how Jesus fed his spirit through prayer. Hebrews 4:12 illustrates how Scripture keeps our spirit healthy. Jeremiah 29:11 and James 4:7 show us that God has our best interests at heart and we have authority in Jesus. Jesus is our ultimate example of a healthy spirit. Trust that God’s plan is greater. Resources: Are You Real
13-3-201813 minuten
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Creatives 06: Jon Egan and Jesus Culture - Make A Way

Sometimes, God gives his followers a talent for the creative arts, and so they are called to ministry through the art that they create. Other times, the calling comes first, and the skills follow. This is exactly what happened to Jon Egan, this week’s guest on Are You Real: Creative. Jon had a knack for the drums, but he didn’t know he would lead and write worship music until later in life. God’s call was crystal clear, and Jon listened faithfully. God would continue to ask Jon to be faithful, even in the midst of some truly tragic and difficult circumstances. These days, Jon is leading worship at New Life Church and writing songs with people like Desperation Band and Jesus Culture. You’ve probably heard a lot of Jon’s songs, but today we wanted to hone in on “Make a Way.” This song was a response to scandals, shame, and fear that Jon was facing in his church. Through it all, God made a way for Jon to continue to make music. He makes things happen so that our relationship with Him and with others runs deep. If you’ve been experiencing a real struggle in your life lately, you need to listen to this episode! Jon is not just going to reflect on his own experiences, but also on his experiences with the Christian music industry in general. The music industry can be a monster, but it is also reaching millions of ears. How can older musicians expect to keep up with the pace of the industry? What do musicians need to keep in mind if they want to make it big? Do they even want to make it big? We will dive into all of these topics and much more in our next incredible podcast installment. When you get a guy like Jon Egan with you, you know you are going to learn so much. Join us to learn and experience God in his fullness today! More in this episode: Jon shares his history at New Life Church and how he discovered his calling to be a worship leader. Jon learned music because God called him to worship leading. Learning about God’s strength from struggles, sacrifice, and scandals. Songs were written out of a desperation for God to move and the Scripture around them at the time. How Jon, as a pastor, communicates the humility of praise through pain. We are continuing to repeat the mistakes of our faith founders. How “Make a Way” came to be, and why it was such a special song. Jon feel that we need to talk about the Christian Music industry honestly. God can use you outside of a massive platform in a powerful way. Church music is transforming, and we need older musicians to stand up and stay involved. Resources: On Twitter and Instagram @Joncegan
12-3-201841 minuten, 54 seconden
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Government 06: Statesman Kingdom Understanding with Dr. Barry Lenhardt

Christians today are very good at the priestly practices but are often find themselves uncomfortable or intimidated by the kingly practices. God’s Kingdom on earth functions in much the same way as an earthly one. There is a ruler, a structure, and a line of command. You and I, as followers of Jesus, have inherited the kingdom from God’s own son. We can participate in princely powers and activities just as he does. It isn’t just a privilege, it is our birthright. To give us a complete understanding of what it actually means to be a Kingdom Statesman, I have on the show with me today Dr. Barry Lenhardt. Dr. Lenhardt has been working tirelessly to equip and empower men and women to bring God’s dominion to the nations. Today, he is going to describe the physical structure of God’s Kingdom, and how we are called to participate. He will also provide key areas in which we are not currently living out our kingly position. When we take on the mantle of a ruler, we can bring about healing and light to our fallen world. Countries all over the world have soul wounds, and only God’s Kingdom and his promises will fix them. It is time to take God’s call on our lives very seriously. We only reap the benefits of our position in God’s Kingdom unless we take action and participate! More in this episode: Lenhardt dives into a good definition of the Kingdom. How the Kingdom is governmental in nature and its structure. In order to be a King, God had to have a territory. We are given a kingly position, not a priestly one. The unseen realm is waiting for our utterance. What we can learn from countries with significant emotional events in their past. As Statesmen, we can begin to heal soul wounds in a nation. You are a country! Get things done with the mind of God. The powerful Kingdom truths that can change the nations. Measure the size of the enemy that is against you. Take a look to the history of our nation to see where we need to act next. We need manifestation to back up what we say. Our enemy knows more about God and his Kingdom than many of us do. Resources:
9-3-201838 minuten, 59 seconden
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Linked 08: Destiny - You Can't Do It Alone

Today on Are You Real Linked Christy Austin speaks to Anthony Turner. He is the founder of Destiny Ministries International, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Almost 40 years ago God spoke to Anthony and told him to: “Elevate minds and disciple men to be examples of God’s awesome power, tender mercies and everlasting love.” ever since, he has been doing just that. In 2012 Anthony and his wife Alicia started Destiny Ministries International with a goal to disciple, equip and mobilize the next generation of emerging leaders for kingdom transformation. We continue our teaching over Luke 10, and what it means to be a modern day "City Taker". You will hear Anthony's wisdom on topics like: How to avoid "burn out" in your ministry Your place in the body How to be a leader in a town full of leaders You can't fulfill your destiny alone Plus more! Links:
8-3-201836 minuten, 53 seconden
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Purpose 92: Sharing Practical Wisdom in the Middle of the Masses with Preston Sprinkle

God has gifted and equipped all of us differently. Some of us are prayer warriors, and others glorify God with their service. A few of us have been called to teach and to study and know God’s Word. We tend to see these teachers up in the “ivory tower,” somewhat removed from the mission and the people. I’m here to tell you today that not all teachers are distant from the people they teach. That is the exact opposite of my guest, Preston Sprinkle, who is a clearly gifted scholar and teacher who wants to be in the middle of all the action. Preston loves to write. He’s written books on just about everything, but recently he is making waves in Christian circles with his Biblically-based perspectives on hell and homosexuality. Preston is a guy who has studied the word thoroughly during most of his adult life. Above all, Preston believes in the power of Scripture to change our lives, so naturally, he uses Scripture to inform his perspective on some of the toughest issues the church is facing. His book, Erasing Hell that he co-wrote with Francis Chan demystified some of our most common misunderstandings of an unsaved destiny. People to Be Loved tackles how we, as the church, should love those who identify as homosexual while still maintaining a Biblical standard of marriage. Instead of staying high up in theology land, Preston wants to educate people with practical wisdom so that they can be the hands and feet of Jesus. In this conversation, Preston admits to struggles and setbacks with humility and plenty of grace. While he is a scholar at heart, Preston is also a man of the people. He has so much wisdom to share with you today that you do not want to miss. It’s a power-packed episode, so let’s get started. More in this episode: Preston shares his background in education, and why it is so important to him now. Preston wants to go as deep as he can in Scriptures, but then see how it plays out in real life. Ezra 7:10 and Psalm 115:3 model how Preston wants to first study the word and then execute it How Embracing Hell came to be, and why Preston fell in love with writing. The point in Preston’s faith where he knew he was facing burnout. Jesus has taken the full punishment of our sin! Preston gets real about his struggles. Why People to Be Loved was such a huge undertaking that impacted so many. The advice Preston would give to his younger self. Resources Preston Sprinkle Center For Faith/ Erasing Hell People to Be Loved: Why Homosexuality Is Not Just an Issue
7-3-201854 minuten, 2 seconden
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Business 05: All Money is Good

Let’s talk about money! What does it mean to make “good money?” Can money even be good? How much do I really need? These are all excellent questions that I am going to tackle in this installment of Are You Real: Business. I think all money can be good money. Like any gift from God, when we use our money for his kingdom and glory, God blesses us with a full and satisfied life. Yes, I said it! Money can be an enormous blessing, but we have to steward it well.              I am sharing with you today stories from my own life and the lives of those who inspire me most so that you can have a God-honoring mindset about money. You can happily make all the money in the world, but unless you are giving sacrificially, money will become mammon. Today, you will learn what it means to trust God with your finances, be vulnerable with your ambitions, and borrow selectively to grow your business well. Money doesn’t have to be terrifying or all-consuming. All money can be good money. Listen this week to find out how. More in this episode: All money is good. You can glorify God with your money. The spirit of mammon was chasing me all my life. How to battle the moving goalposts. Get rich so you can give sacrificially. How much money do you really need? What we can learn from David Green, the founder of Hobby Lobby. It is important to be vulnerable. Borrow selectively. The affirmations you need to change your perspective on money. Resources: A Blessed Life by Robert Morris Are You Real
6-3-201819 minuten, 28 seconden
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Success 04: The Transformation Principle

Transformation---how does it happen? We get caught up in the idea of a saved person “becoming a different person” than what they were before. In actuality, the change happens as self-perception changes, which is the way we define ourselves. We are talking in today’s show about The Transformation Principle—something that brings curiosity to all of us. Join me for more about this topic. More in this episode: Ephesians 5:13---The Transformation Principle The change occurs as variations of your “I AM-ness” Everything is light and is the very substance of God Transformation means that we accept the definition and authenticity of who we were always intended to be We create a new belief model of who we are when we are accepted into God’s kingdom How to change yourself, create more success, and become a better person: Be consciously aware of who you are as that “better person” Feel what it’s like in order to BE that person Man reveals that which he IS, and our subconscious mind is ever in the present, not the past or the future We connect ourselves to the image of Christ that we already are, made perfect through the grace of Jesus Christ The connection between thinking, believing, feeling, and acting: the results demonstrate the beliefs and thoughts Skinner’s philosophy of “Reciprocal Self-determination” and how it applies to transformation Why we have to strip away the worldly definitions of ourselves
5-3-201810 minuten, 23 seconden
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Government 05: Vanessa Chavez with Community For Country

America is a nation that has forgotten who she is. The mandates of our founding fathers still ring as true today as they did when our nation was born. Now is not the time for the church and her leaders to hide in the cellars and wait for Jesus’ return. It is time for us to consider seriously whether or not we are called to the government mountain. We can shape our nation from the top of the mountain, but to get there we must start on our knees. Today, my guest, Vanessa Chavez is going to declare boldly what it is going to take to remind America about who she is, and it has to start with the power of prayer. Vanessa is a prayer warrior and the founder of Community for Country, an organization working to bring the Kingdom to earth via the Texas Panhandle. Vanessa has listened to God’s call on her life to become a leader and advisor on the government mountain, and she still listens to his call to this day. She is on her knees praying for God to raise up leaders with integrity, heal the severe racial tension in our nation, and transform the way we perceive issues and write policies in America. Vanessa has a prophetic voice and a natural authority that calls America to awaken. She knows with absolute certainty that this is exactly what she has been born to do, and she asks us all to listen and seek out what we too were born to do. Pray and listen. If you think God has called you to the government, then allow Vanessa’s wisdom to soften your heart and open your mind. We need more people like her, and like you! More in this episode: Hear the story of the birth of Community for Country We need to have an impact through prayer. The Community for Country prayer meetings were powerful for racial reconciliation, healing, protection, and God’s will in our nation. Vanessa learned about her calling by watching a movie as well as dreams and visions! How Vanessa keeps her passion for government alive. Why our government needs the will of God and the advice of those called to the government mountain. Vanessa speaks to America and tells her she is loved. We feel the mandate from heaven to remain hopeful and act in bravery. Hear all about Vanessa’s recent trip to D.C. Today, we still have the same mandate President Lincoln gave in his speech. Vanessa’s advice to someone who feels called to the government mountain. Let’s use the power of our words. How Vanessa related to Habakkuk and used that as fuel for her book. Resources: Community for Country The Rampart Dutch Sheets Dr. Lance Wallnau
2-3-201840 minuten, 54 seconden
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Purpose 91: Using a Disability and Hardship to Fulfill God's Calling with Nick Vujicic

We are told that our purpose is to be the “hands and feet” of Jesus on earth. Today, I am chatting with a guy who has taken that calling to heart…even though he has neither hands nor feet. No, you did not read that wrong! Nick Vujicic was born disabled, but rather than letting that define or ruin his life, he praises God every day for the incredible speaking platform he has been given as a result. Nick wants nothing more than to use his story and the truth of Scripture to plant seeds of faith in the ears of whoever will hear. You cannot help but be inspired to act by a guy like Nick, and I think he wouldn’t have it any other way. Nick is a bestselling author and motivational speaker who has shared his story and the gospel with 8 million people in 68 countries. Hundreds of thousands of people across the globe have come to saving faith through his testimony, and God continues to open doors for Nick in hard to reach communities. It is so evident that God has done amazing things through Nick, and he remains faithful that God will continue to move, despite any physical or even mental limitations. You are not going to want to miss out on Nick’s story! He is living out what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and he will tell you just how easy it is to become a part of that mission too. More in this episode: Nick shares about his heart for ministry and his personal struggles with his disability. The three big scriptures that turned Nick’s life without limbs into a life without limits. Nick’s Guiding Scriptures: Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28, and Philippians 4:13. The journey to moving into this space of ministering to so many people. Nick’s story has impacted global salvation and disability laws in many nations. Nick’s advice for people who don’t feel like they have a story to share, but still want to spread the gospel. You can be planting seeds of love. We are often too busy to prioritize God’s mission in our lives. Nick thinks he has one of the greatest jobs in the world. Ask God where to start, and then take a chance. Nick’s wife is his biggest strength. We all deal with our flesh; we need accountability and time management. Battle depression with gratitude, church counsel, and helping others. Nick would tell his 19-year-old self to focus on quality and not quantity. Resources: Be the Hands and Feet Text “LWL” 66866
28-2-201847 minuten, 41 seconden
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Fit 05: Unconventional Ways to Transform Your Health

A daily movement practice is absolutely essential for our health and wellness, but one threat to our functional movement is injury. If you’ve been an athlete for any length of time, or if you are starting out by yourself, you might be familiar with the aches and pains that come when we push our physical limits. What if I told you that it didn’t have to be this way? You can absolutely accomplish any fitness goal you want, injury free. I have an expert on the subject with me today, and he is going to show you not only how it is possible, but why we need to focus on moving well.  My guest, Dr. Freeborn Mondello, is no stranger to pushing physical limits. He is a former mountain biker and wrestler, and now he is running Ironman and Ultra Marathons. Freeborn is motivated by his fitness competitions, but his focus is always on treating his body right. This is because Freeborn is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, and he believes in a painkiller-free approach to strengthening our muscles. Freeborn teaches his clients techniques and exercises that will build strength and alleviate pain naturally. His cutting-edge needling techniques are often used by professional athletes, and it is changing the way anyone can use their muscles. Today, Freeborn is going to describe his fitness philosophy and give us all some places to begin as we think about preventing injury and growing strong.  Our society needs to move more, but it is more important that we move well. Luckily, Freeborn is here to get us going!  Show Highlights: Hear Freeborn’s background in the wellness industry.  Freeborn wants to enable people to have pain-free performance in whatever their sport they love.  How Freeborn’s practice strives to stay natural and free from doctor’s visits.  Freeborn is on a mission to empower and educate athletes about the power of physical therapy. Freeborn’s needling process is revolutionizing the way muscles work.  How Freeborn is creating a wellness community with his practice.  Freeborn is focusing on competitions and his “why.”  We all need to take a break and commit to our priorities.  Psalm 46:10 is a guiding light for us during our fitness journey. Resources:  Reach out on social media  @RunFreePT
27-2-201837 minuten, 51 seconden
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Creatives 05: Real Artist Struggles and Record Deals with Joel Vaughn

Most of the time, we hear stories of success and rapid fame out of the music industry. It’s rare to hear the behind-the-scenes perspective of how that artist got there and the sacrifices they had to make for a worthy cause. Today, I am speaking with a young up-and-coming artist that you need to know about. Joel Vaughn is on the rise, but his path to the music industry was anything but straightforward or easy. He’s going to give you the inside scoop on what it takes to sign to a label, produce a record, and then deal with the ebb and flow of fame and recognition. Joel started out by leading worship in just about every church in the Texas panhandle. While he enjoyed it and was clearly good at leading worship, Joel couldn’t deny the doors that were opening up in the music industry. Taking a leap of faith, Joel moved his family to Nashville to record music. In 2016, everything was coming up roses. He had a hit song appear on Dude Perfect, and all signs pointed to another strong year after landing a record deal. However, just because you land a record deal doesn’t mean everything lands perfectly. Listen this week as Joel shares the sacrifices, side jobs, and struggles that Joel faced as he made the transition to music. If you ever wanted to know how musicians make ends meet, Joel will clue you in. Above it all, Joel keeps his eyes on the mission—to make great music that will lead people to Jesus. Along the way, he will have to wrestle his pride, take a few hard knocks, and realize that everyone making Christian music is working together towards the same goal. It’s really an inspiring story from an artist you will want to support. More in this episode: Joel shares who he is, and the background that has led him to the music world. Lessons learned on the church worship team gave Joel deep roots in writing music. Why Joel is pursuing music full-time. God clearly opened doors for Joel to be signed to Christian record labels. How a one song deal for Dude Perfect exploded Joel’s career. 2017 was the year of silence. The songs that put Joel on the map were “In This World,” “Wide Awake,” and “As You Are.” It’s a struggle to stand out in the music industry. Behind the scenes of someone in the record industry. How Indy Artists make things happen financially. Everyone in Nashville wishes the best for the others in the industry. The ministry is the reason! Resources: Joel Vaughn Music Facebook Instagram and Twitter: @joelvaughnmusic
26-2-201836 minuten, 5 seconden
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Government 04: USGLC Chairman Dr. Reuben Egolf

The level of influence you can achieve at the top of the government mountain can shape nations. God wants to bring his government to earth, and we know he is using gifted individuals to do that. Today, I am speaking with Dr. Reuben Egolf, Chairman of the United States Global Leadership Council. If anyone embodies what it means to be a Kingdom Statesman, it’s Reuben. He is incredibly skilled at establishing relationships with influential people and then maintaining peace during difficult negotiations. Reuben operates with such skill and expertise that I personally admire so much. In this episode, Reuben will share his considerable experience atop the government mountain For the USGLC and Dr. Reuben Egolf, the solution to a nation’s problems is always more important than any profit they might make in the process. The work the USGLC is doing in developing nations is providing freedom and sustainable solutions that will carry a nation towards prosperity for generations. Reuben and his team work with high-level officials to institute lasting change. All of this is in an effort to be the hands and feet of the Kingdom on earth today. This episode will be of particular interest to anyone who feels called to the government mountain. Reuben has wisdom and experience to share that might just change your life! More in this episode: How Reuben initially got involved with what’s happening in DC. Why the government mountain is the largest mountain of influence. God brings government to the world. What the USGLC does to reach the nations. Reuben shares what his role as Chairman means for USGLC. A wonderful story from Reuben’s international travels. Reuben believes God’s heart for our nation is for us to be a beacon of hope. We need to leave the four walls of the church. The USGLC is trying to make freedom and sovereignty the pillars of any nation. We need to learn how to carry our message to the government mountain. Advice for someone who feels called to the mountain. Resources: USGLC Dr. Reuben Egolf
23-2-201841 minuten, 56 seconden
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Linked 07: Go: It's Not Where, But How

Last week we talked about how to “go” to your city. We’re city takers, remember, so how are we taking our city? By the art of giving. And what are we giving? We are giving love. In this continuing study on Luke 10, we are going to learn today how to give to our city.    Luke 10 is filled with practical acts that we can do for our cities, in love. It’s also a good time for me to remind you to go back and listen to an earlier episode of Are You Real Linked, where I had guests George and Sarah Williams of City Light Church in Toledo, OH on the show. They have completely given their lives for the sake of going to their city.    There are 6 categories of “Go”:   Reconciliation Deliverance Miracles Faith Your Calling or Destiny Healing     Show Highlights:   The “go” we are talking about isn’t going on a journey.  This “go” means to literally lead under. Who are we leading under? We are leading under the Holy Spirit.  To “Go” - it’s an action verb, so it requires action on the part of the sender. Jesus was clear about going and doing very practical things for our fellow city dwellers. This word “go” - always references a Divine partnership with the Holy Spirit. There are 2 components to Linked - prayer and support We are linking to the Spirit to engage in our community. Matthew 20 parallels Luke 10. Vineyard = kingdom Jesus talked in parables. He gave us practical steps that are parallel to what he mentioned in the parable. Maybe he really wants us to put everything on the altar and be willing to sacrifice it for him.  This “go” mindset forms in the spiritual and then extends into the natural.  We have to have a kingdom mindset and be linked in the spirit and then we link with others to do good works so that others can be drawn to the spirit as well.  
22-2-201825 minuten, 54 seconden
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Purpose 90: Find Your True Calling Where Your Passions and Your Gifts Collide with Chris Date

Your true calling is found where your passions and your gifts collide. It’s a great feeling to know what God has called you to, but what happens during the period of time where it’s not quite time to quit your day job? How can we reconcile this deep, spiritual knowledge with practical wisdom? Here to talk about calling, theology, passions, and ordinary acts of obedience are Chris Date. By day, Chris is a software designer. His true passion is writing about and teaching on theology, specifically the concept of Hell and conditional immortality. If that sounds a bit heavy, hang in there. Chris has a lot of important ideas to share you do not want to miss.    Chris Date is an Evangelical author whose work has been published in the New York Times and National Geographic, among many others. When he’s not designing software, Chris can be found studying for his Masters at seminary or spending time with his wife and four sons. Theology truly is his passion, and, Lord Willing, he is going to become a teacher and writer on the subject full-time. In the meantime, Chris is staying faithful to God by providing for his family with his software design job.    In today’s episode, we get a little deep into some of the tougher topics of apologetics and the afterlife. What is so great about Chris is that he explains everything in a manner that is simple to understand. Above all else, he is bound by the authority of Scripture as God’s Word, so you know what he is saying is sound. If you are interested in taking a deep dive into some powerful Scripture today, Chris is the man for you!  Show Highlights:   Chris shares all about his life, his passion, and his family.  Chris shares his testimony about his overnight transformation from atheist to born-again believer.   The inspirational quote and guiding faith from Acts 17:11. Chris is a young earth creationist, and even with his conservative views, he encourages a diversity of views and unity within the church.  Weighing in on “hanging out” with those with different views on the Trinity.  The Biblical picture of our eternal destiny.  Why Chris became passionate about education and pursuing a place in academia.  We need people to help us understand Scripture, so I am thankful for guys like Chris!  The upcoming Rethinking Hell Conference sounds like it is going to be amazing.  Was Hell even created for humans?  The advice Chris would give his past self.   Resources: Rethinking Hell  The Pastor-Theologian  
21-2-201850 minuten, 14 seconden
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BUSINESS 04: Tools for a Balanced Business Life

Entrepreneurs have a lot on their shoulders. Between the demands on their business and their home life, it can seem like there is not enough time or energy to go around. That is a lie! You can have a balance between your business life and the rest of your life. I am going to give you 4 guiding principles that will help you get there. Business success is within your reach, and what you do outside of business is just as important as what you do within it. In order to remain balanced, you have to stay grounded. Your life at home can be that grounding place for you. If you have a successful business but an unfulfilling home life, you might find success a little too bitter. Your family can support you and come alongside you in business. There is no need to sacrifice them. Your mastermind group can also help you stay grounded. With their unique insights and support, you cannot help but be successful. Above all else, you need to stay grounded in your own innate abilities. I will explain how you can use positive affirmations to keep your head where it needs to be. More in this episode: How you can keep your home life in balance with your time. How High/Lows can make family dinnertime a quality moment. Involve your children in your business. Your mastermind group will help you stay humble. Tools to form your own mastermind group. Run your business as if you are always behind. Cutting corners is the death nail for your business. Never count the money until it is in the bank. Affirmations are the key to your success.
20-2-201820 minuten, 15 seconden
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Government 03: Statesmen Character Development with Dr. Tina Hay

In order to be a statesman on the government mountain, you must represent God’s Kingdom on earth with your sheer force of character. Last week, I shared that there were 7 Attributes of a Kingdom Statesman, and upstanding character is the very first. Without an upstanding character, you can never hope to reach the heights of the Government Mountain. Luckily, anyone has the power to succeed in character development. God has given us guidelines in the Scriptures that will help us get there. I have a guest with me today that has been my own advisor and spiritual leader as I have sought to develop my character. Dr. Tina Hay is quite literally the Soul Doctor. She is using her God-given gifts and talents to transform souls. Today, Dr. Tina will explain how our character develops from a strength in our souls, and what we need to nurture it. God has made us powerful—powerful enough for self-governance. Dr. Tina will demonstrate the kinds of thoughts and actions that can reinforce your character. We can take feedback and turn it into strength. We can change our mindset about our bad habits. When we do develop and strengthen our character, we can then teach and strengthen those leaders already in power. Dr. Tina has a vision for each of the individuals she serves. She desires more than anything to bring wholeness back to those who are in leadership. After all, in order to establish the Kingdom above you, you have to establish the Kingdom within you and around you first.   More in this episode: Tina Hay weighs in on what the soul is. How can we start practically begin disciplining our souls to strengthen character? We all need a little honest perspective. The Bible tells us that we are three-part beings. Tap into the Spirit to look upon the image of God and see how we are made in His likeness. Get your life back on track with the Soul Detox. Change your thinking and everything else will change. Look at your morals and values and evaluate which are serving you. Every nation have things they are known for, and our reputations tell you our thoughts. Talking about the issue of slavery and the past leaders of our nation. Your character bleeds into your leadership. The areas of character people tend to trip up on. Hay’s Number 1 character flaw is our thinking. Links: Soul Detox [email protected]
16-2-201826 minuten, 48 seconden
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Linked 06: How to Go to Your City

We are called to go into a city to transform it by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s a high calling, but how are we expected to go? Are we to charge with the force of an army, go when we feel like it, or go alone? We’ve been walking through Luke 10 to understand what it means to be a modern-day apostle, and we return to Luke 10:3 today to better understand what Jesus meant when he commanded us to go.    Here at Are You Real: Linked, we believe that this year the harvest is plentiful! It is time to ask yourself a few challenging questions. What is God asking you to do? Where is he asking you to go? Whatever the answer, know that God has placed a wall of protection around you! As long as you go in his will, he will not lead you astray.    More in this episode:  •    Make sure to go back and listen to last week’s episode!  •    Let’s focus on the word, “Go.”  •    A quick grammar lesson about active and passive verbs.  •    Get into the context for the Greek word hypago.  •    A look at the Old Testament gives us a better understanding of Jesus’ command.  •    What happens when we look back rather than running forward.  •    God protects us from fear.  •    When we Go, God keeps us safe.  •    We are sheep being led by our loving shepherd.  
15-2-201821 minuten, 24 seconden
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Purpose 89: Getting Real; Sex- Love & Marriage

Valentine’s Day is here, and with this day comes a mix of expectations, emotions, and a good deal of pressure. Husbands and wives tend to put a lot of weight on one day to reaffirm their marriage, but in the end the day-to-day intentional choices you make with your spouse will be the thing that turns your marriage from ordinary to extraordinary. I’m here with my wife, Kasey, and together in the spirit of the holiday, we are interviewing another husband and wife duo, Tony and Alisa Dilorenzo. Tony and Alisa are what you might call “Valentine’s Day Specialists.” Together, they are creating invaluable resources for husbands and wives who are looking to build up their marriage. One Extraordinary Marriage is a podcast that Kasey and I already love and appreciate as we invest in our marriage. As Valentine’s Day approaches, we wanted to know how Tony and Alisa celebrate the holiday, as well as hear some of their tips for making the other 364 days of the year just as loving at February 14th. I know you will love hearing the story of how the Dilorenzos got together! Even though the pair is in the “marriage” business,” they will share with you the areas they still work intentionally to build up their relationship. We will talk about how to have the best sex of your marriage, work through emotional intimacy, and have a little fun with your relationship! Yes, marriage is hard work. Sometimes it’s awkward. Tony and Alisa know that your hard work will pay off in a rewarding, beautiful, Godly marriage. Learn from one another and listen to what your spouse needs. That might be the greatest Valentine’s Day gift you’ve ever given. More in this episode: Find out how Tony and Alisa met in the summer of ’94. The biggest challenges of working together on creative projects as a married couple. Intentional conversation is the key! Trust in your partner’s strengths, and don’t focus on the weaknesses. How the Dilorenzos celebrate Valentine’s Day by taking the weight out of it. Guys, learn how to be the hero before Valentines day. Speak your partner’s love language. Learn all you can about them. Advice for married couples to have sexual and emotional intimacy with their spouse. Sexual experiences are about more than the physical act. Grace, Forgiveness, and Intentionality are the biggest components of a successful marriage. We can choose to be intentional and make decisions to build up one another. Find the systems and habits that build up your marriage. There’s always room for improvement, and don’t try to fix it all at once. Get out of a rut in the bedroom. Have conversations. Links: 19 Questions to Extraordinary Sex Position of The Month Club
14-2-201832 minuten, 28 seconden
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Fit 04: Success Begins with Setting Goals

When it comes to fitness, age is just a number. That is the mentality that Katecha Cook brings to every workout, training program or fitness class. Katecha is 44 and is still running marathons, competing in bodybuilding challenges, and keeping up with the young CrossFitters just fine. Beyond the gym, Katecha is a business instructor, a Master of Business Administration, and is working towards a Doctorate degree. Nothing is stopping Katecha. It’s that time of year when we tend to give up on our fitness goals. Katecha is here to remind our Are You Real: Fit community that your fitness goals are a mindset. She will share all the ways she has made her health her priority, even in the midst of difficult seasons. She will be your goal-setting coach as we try to tackle some of the biggest problems people have with a consistent gym routine. After all, consistency is key! You are never too old to accomplish a fitness goal. Whether it’s the race you haven’t finished yet or the weekly walk across the block you’ve been meaning to get to, you can begin today. The only thing stopping you from wellness is you! More in this episode: What motivates Katecha to stay healthy and work out consistently. 1/3 of people in the US are obese. Exercise is the best medicine to prevent costly health problems. The gym brings Katecha peace of mind. It’s an escape. How Katecha has trained for the Europa and other fitness competitions. Age is just a number when it comes to fitness. Katecha had to overcome time obstacles. You have to treat exercise like a habit. Everyone has unique fitness goals, and they are all worthwhile! Resources: Katecha Cook on Facebook Train 4 Life Fitness  on Facebook Instagram @MamaBeast1206 @806SwoleSisters
13-2-201823 minuten, 44 seconden
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Creatives 04: Life of a Nashville Producer with Chris Clayton

When it comes to making music, there is so much happening behind the scenes that the general population has no idea about. Behind Christian music production are faithful, talented people producing, writing, and mentoring the artists we see on the stage. It is my goal to bring to you every perspective on creativity, from the people in the front to those behind the booth. Chris Clayton is an acclaimed songwriter, artists, and producer based out of Nashville. His perspective on the music industry, mentoring artists, and the music community at large simply cannot be missed. Chris has always bloomed wherever the Lord has planted him. Growing up in the church as a PK (Pastor’s Kid,) Chris was exposed to the powerful force that is an interpersonal ministry. He still enjoys putting on his pastor hat every now and then, but God has gifted him with a passion for music, and he intends to use it. Chris has done just about every job in the industry. He has recorded incredible music, written beautiful worship songs, and now his interest lies in developing new artists from the production booth. Today, he is going to give us a unique perspective on the production versus the recording industry. What makes Chris’ story and perspective so unique is that he never quite set out to launch into the music industry. Instead, he followed where God opened doors. People called on him to lead worship. Artists asked for him to write songs. Ultimately, everything Chris does is to support and nurture the music community to spread its nets wide. He encourages anyone with an interest or a passion to jump in and help wherever they can! Together, artists are stronger, and God’s message can be spread far and wide. More in this episode: Chris grew up in church culture as a PK (Pastor’s Kid.) How Chris got into music from an early age. Music felt like a calling, but he always had a difficult time finding his place in the world. An email to David Parker changed Chris’ life. Being a songwriter with a publishing deal always felt like an excellent opportunity. The difference between publishing v. recording. Publishing helps you get established and get your songs out there! What it is about songwriting and production that is so interesting to Chris as an artist. Producing music is a form of ministry. This newest phase of Chris’ career is to develop and seek out artists he connects with. The process of making music is as unique as the artists who write the music! We really can help one another along the way. Links: Chris Online Instagram and Twitter @sixarrowsmusic Church House on iTunes, Spotify  Connect with me @DietzOfficial
12-2-201834 minuten, 24 seconden
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Government 02: The 7 Mountain Strategy

What does it mean to stand at the top of the government mountain? Am I talking about a literal mountain or something else entirely? The people have spoken; I have listened, and now we are going to get a 10,000-foot view of the 7 Mountains. Each represents an area of our society and culture where leaders rise and influence the world we live in. I’m talking about our Religion, Arts and Entertainment, Business, Media, Education, Family, and, of course, Government. For good or for bad, the leaders at the top of these mountains have such an influence over our daily lives. I believe that we can bring the Kingdom of God to fruition on this earth by spreading God’s truth into these spheres of influence. Yes, we can change the entire world by transforming the 7 Mountains. More than any of the other areas of influence, the Government Mountain carries a high level of attention and power that cannot be denied. When we are smart with how we leverage our influence with God, we can win favor with those already at the top of the Government Mountain. God is bringing his Kingdom here on earth. I want you to understand how to use your talents and gifts atop the Mountain to make that happen. God is moving! Be a part of the movement. The seven mount strategy. We want to influence the people at the top of the 7 Mountains. Understand what goes on in each of the mountains. What I believe a government should be. How the other mountains have been recently impacted by the last election. Why the Kingdom is concerned about the state of our government mountain. Why I think the overlapping of spheres of influence led to Trump’s election. Taking our lessons from the parable of the talents, and the minas. We are about to receive a wealth mentality. Resources: Website: Lance Wallnau
9-2-201823 minuten, 16 seconden
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Purpose 88: Finding Confidence in Yourself Through Your Confidence in God with Natalie Schlabs

Sometimes, the next step we need to take to achieve our dreams becomes clear, but it’s not so much as a step as it is a leap. Taking those big leaps of faith takes a lot of confidence, but what happens when you start losing confidence in yourself and what God has in store for your life? Small steps after a huge leap can go a long way towards building confidence, and that is why I have my cousin Natalie Schlabs on the show today.      I’ve known Natalie for almost her entire life, and it’s been an incredible one so far. She’s a singer-songwriter based out of Nashville, TN with talents and gifts in so many different avenues of creativity. Natalie is an incredible cook, a loving friend and wife, and an incredible musician. Despite all of these gifts, Natalie, like many of us, struggled to build up her confidence when she took a leap of faith and first moved to Nashville. Though she was confident it was the right move to make, Natalie was met with many challenges once she arrived. The Nashville music scene is filled to bursting with incredible musicians. Natalie shares why it is so easy to play the comparison game, and how that rattled her confidence in writing music. Her story is filled with small, easy steps that you can take to start living our your calling. To all the young people out there feeling afraid to take a leap of faith, I think Natalie’s story is going to resonate with you. We have much to learn from her faithfulness in spite of fear! Along with Natalie’s interview, you will learn how to get involved with Are You Real’s first Online E-course! It’s in beta mode right now, though we have some cool ways that the first 15-20 people can gain access to as we test it out. If you are looking to find your purpose and get launched onto a new path, you need to hear how to get in on this offer! More in this episode: Hear how to get exclusive access to the Beta Test of our new E-Course for $97, a $297 value! Natalie shares her heart and her passion for music and food blogging. Psalm 31:14-15 and a quote by NT Wright have been instrumental for Natalie in her current season. Fighting pride and celebrating gifts. Natalie explores why she decided to move to Nashville and pursue music. Hear how Natalie fought to be confident while taking a huge step of faith. Natalie shares why her love of people has been a huge asset to her industry. Learn how to stay connected with all the cool things Natalie is doing. Links: Natalie Online Natalie Schlabs @NatalieSchlabs You Are What You Love by James K. A. Smith
7-2-201842 minuten, 56 seconden
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Business 03: 7 Principles of Success

God has called us to conduct our business with excellence. Does that mean he demands perfection? Absolutely not! Today, I want to show you how easy it is to shift your mindset and apply easy principles towards excellence. I know how difficult it can be to do everything with excellence when you are just starting out. You are understaffed or underfunded. You have tons of ideas and inspiration but haven’t acted on them yet. If this sounds like you, then you are in the perfect place to use my 7 Secrets to Business Success. Yes, these are the same secrets outlined in my book, but I believe in them so much that I wanted to share them with you today. If you are looking for practical wisdom that will transform your business, look no further than today’s episode. More in this episode: I share how Bethel Music really is excellence in motion. Take responsibility because the buck starts with you. Seek council and wisdom. Be a servant-leader. Act now. Don’t get caught in analysis paralysis. Learn from the past, but never allow yourself to dwell there. You need to learn how to forgive. Perseverance will carry you through any obstacle. Links: The Authentic Salesman
6-2-201823 minuten, 23 seconden
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Success 03: A Modern Creator Builds a Lifestyle Business with Jacob Breeden

Jacob Breeden is an innovative and creative artist, “a maker of things and a storyteller.” He’s a working builder, sculptor, painter, and entrepreneur. He has over 15 years’ experience in the world of art and holds a BFA in Sculpture from the University of North Texas. Jacob spent his early career as the Education Director of the Amarillo Museum of Art and as the Exhibitions Builder at the Discovery Center. Jacob is currently the CEO of Process Art House and a founder and operations manager of Modern Creator. He’s a founding member and artist’s liaison of The Collective Heritage Lab and a founder and acting COO of Applied Comprehensive Therapies, LLC. He has won numerous awards and sold works of art to collectors all over the world. He has been commissioned to do work for hospitals, banks, and children’s centers, and he’s developed and installed large-scale projects in Nevada, Texas, and the UK. Jacob is more than an artist; he’s a modern creator. More in the episode: Jacob’s definition of success Creating a lifestyle business that is self-perpetuating The mistake many entrepreneurs make Making it through the tough times What you create is not always going to be accepted Why success only teaches repetition What keeps Jacob awake at night Habits of success: working hard every day to DO THE WORK Overcoming “creator’s block” to get ideas to flow Jacob’s three sketchbooks: Play, Work, and Grid Paper “What am I feeling, why am I feeling it, and how can I impart that feeling to someone else?” The best lesson Jacob has learned about success: “the myth of the masterpiece” For today, just take another step forward Be true to who you are and your creativity Jacob’s new business model: Modern Creator Not defining your work or success by ONE thing you do Resources:
5-2-201822 minuten, 5 seconden
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Government 01: True Kingdom Statesmen

Government is everywhere! Whether we are thinking about how nations are ruled or the Kingdom itself, ruling and creating order is a part of God’s design for the earth. We want to release God’s governance on earth, and to do that we must be ready to act and to lead. Get ready to get real about government with me today. I am Dub Alexander, and this is the show where I use my experience and gifts in advising some of the most powerful people in the world to show you how you can begin to bring God’s Kingdom here.  In the inaugural episode, I want you to understand why it is important to think about and discuss the concept of government. After that, I will explain the 7 Characteristics of a Statesman. Once you understand how we are called to interact with governing bodies, we can begin the hard, but worthy work of bringing God’s Kingdom on earth. I have an info-packed episode for you today, and within you will hear truth to empower and inspire you to act right away. I’m so glad you are taking this journey with me. I am ready to see the Kingdom of God established in our midst. Are you? More in this episode: Why should we care about the government? Hear how Living Life By Design transformed my life. Just as God exists in three parts, our Nations exist in parts. Fathers Add Value encourages men to empower the fatherless around them, and it opened up connections for me in government. A common working definition of The Kingdom. Man was made for rulership. We want to make the earth look like heaven. Jesus has rescued us so that we can then partner with him in bringing the Kingdom to earth. Solutions buy you a spot at the table. What the statesman approach can do for us as we try to bring about government. Why character development is so important. You need a deep understanding of Kingdom principles. Ask wisdom from God, and it will be given to you. Live in a state of favor expectancy. A statesman needs to have the skills of prophecy. We need to be aware of the motivations and actions of others. Earn self-awareness to unlock all the potential you will have as a statesman. Links: Are You Real Living Life By Design
2-2-201823 minuten, 19 seconden
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Linked 05: City Taking 101

Church, we are called to take the cities. If you are a little confused about what that looks like in modern times, never fear. Together, we are going to take apart scripture from Luke 10 to see what Jesus meant about how we are to love our neighbors and serve the Kingdom together. In the paradoxical way that God sometimes takes, we know that to take the city, you have to give to your city. That is why I am excited to have Sarah and George Williams from Toledo as our first interview today. George and Sarah launched the City Light Church in Toledo because they knew God was calling them to love their neighbors. The couple are taking the city through the art of giving. What started as fresh bread and front porch meals in their low income neighborhood has become a congregation experiencing the Holy Spirit in miraculous ways. It all started because of a simple act of obedience and a heart to love the lost. Today, you will learn from George and Sarah’s example about what it means to generously serve an entire city. If that feels like too big of a challenge, remember who gives you the strength to carry out such a weighty command! When we pray and ask for God’s heart for his people, our churches cannot be stopped. More in this episode: George explains how he and Sarah took the biggest commandment seriously in Toledo. God blessed and multiplied the people Sarah and George loved on in their neighborhood. City Light Church experienced a “revival” that showed God’s favor on their congregation. We are asked to believe we can take a city. The practical steps the Williams have taken to save their city. God asked the Williams to plant a church that served their neighborhood. Giving gifts are an incredibly practical and easy way to form relationships. What has propelled Sarah and George through 13 years of ministry. One of the best stories of someone being impacted with the work the Williams have done in Toledo. Unifying pastors is all about prayer and faith. How City Light has grown out of a desire to serve the neighborhood. Links City Light Toledo
1-2-201840 minuten, 33 seconden
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87: Are You Real Government Launch with Dubb Alexander

Roar Nation, I am beyond ready to introduce you to the host of Are You Real: Government. If you’ve been with us a while, you have already been introduced to Dubb Alexander. I am consistently amazed by Dub’bs integrity and ability to disciple a lot of people. Currently, he is doing great work with Living Life By Design, as well as being a spiritual advisor to the most influential people in the world. In particular, Dubb has been called to advise and lead within government spheres, so who better to speak on the Kingdom as it is in our government than Dubb? I guarantee that you have never heard someone talk about the Kingdom from this perspective before. Dubb is going to show us how we can participate in self-government in a way that proclaims the name of Jesus and changes our world. Hear all about Dubb, his plans for the show, and some of his best stories and memories as we dive in together. You have a lot of good, solid Truth coming your way. More in this episode: Dubb tells us what his vision for Are You Real: Government is going to be about. We want to give clarity to principles on the kingdom to self-governance. Dubb is most excited to share how we can be ambassadors in the government. The Kingdom will be life-changing. This show will help bring renewal to your mind. You will walk away encouraged and equipped. Letting it be in 2018! Writing down and decreeing truth over ourselves is a part of God’s government. Hear Dubb’s crazy road trip while traveling in Uganda.
31-1-201826 minuten, 43 seconden
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Fit 03: 6 Basic Things You Need to Know About Nutrition

Why Proper Nutrition is Important for You We all know that a balanced nutrition is an important building block for a healthy lifestyle, and if you are looking to make some small changes, this is the episode for you! I want to arm you with knowledge today that will help you make small changes to make a big impact on your wellness. Beyond that, I will also explain why these healthy habits are nutritious. There are so many simple solutions out there that will make a huge difference in how you feel. We’ll break down each group of nutrients that you need, and what purposes they serve in the body. I’ll also share my perspective on certain fad diets, share my biggest advice I give my clients, and get you started on your nutrition journey. Go ahead and grab a glass of water, and sit down with this podcast. It’s a small step you can take towards a healthy, energetic, and fulfilling lifestyle. More in this episode: Water is important overall. Good nutrition is the building blocks for healthy muscles. Muscle training is important for toning. Discover what protein does for your body. Carbs are not always the enemy. My perspectives on the “Keto” diet. Fats are not the enemy either! Keep a food log. Give your body time to rest.
30-1-201821 minuten, 11 seconden
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Creatives 03: Holy Ghost Art with Darren Wilson

Welcome back! This show is all about touching base with creative leaders in the church culture, and that is exactly why I have a trailblazer like Darren Wilson here with me today. Darren is doing amazing things to change the way Christians view and use film to communicate our inherent creativity. You see, Darren has a real problem with much of the art that is released in Christian circles. So much of it, he says, is ruled by fear. We fear it will anger or marginalize. We fear we might misrepresent God. Darren is encouraging you today to take a step out in faith and create something as if fear wasn’t in the picture. His films are proof of that. Darren produces and now directs with WP Films. Each project since day once is seen as a chance to push himself creatively. No project begins without some kind of leading from the Holy Spirit. Films like Finger of God and Holy Ghost are creative explorations that push the limits of where Christian cinema has dared to go before. With each project, Darren has explored the darkest parts of the world, prayed with countless people, and seen miracles happen before his very eyes. All of this was possible because Darren believed God’s promise to lead by his Spirit. You’ll want to follow in his footsteps after this! More in this episode: Darren gives us his background in film. Charismatic Christianity wasn’t a part of Darren’s history, but it birthed Finger of God and changes so many lives. How Darren moved from scripted films to Spirit-led films. We can, in a sense, negotiate with God. God takes pleasure in our creativity. You have to be fearless to push creative boundaries. What Darren did in filmmaking that was certainly outside the box. There need to be new ways to get people to see the films. What’s next for WP Films. Why Darren films in the darkest, most interesting places. It doesn’t have to be spontaneous to be prophetic. When to expect Finger of God 2. Links: [email protected] @WanderDarren on Instagram and Twitter
29-1-201832 minuten, 24 seconden
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Linked 04: Watch for Your Harvest

Here at Are You Real, we believe that a deep and fulfilling life only happens when we are linked to the Holy Spirit and to one another. Over the past few weeks, we have taken a deep look at a passage from Luke 10 to show us what it could look like for the church if we were empowered by the Holy Spirit. Today, we continue with our verse from Luke 10 verse 2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We live in a paradoxical world. While Jesus was sending out his disciples to take a city, he was, in fact, asking them to give of themselves and pour out their lives for others. However, we cannot pour out from what we have not received. Today, I am going to show you how being linked to community with one another empowers us to go out into the harvest. This is such a rich parable upon which we can begin to model our lives. It’s time for the church to leave the building and go out into the harvest. It is, after all, plentiful! To get started, give this podcast a listen, and get connected with someone near you. Watch as the Holy Spirit transforms your life! More in this episode: I share from my heart what I think we need. Hint: it’s community! What it means to be sent out to the nations. Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit to empower us. Hear how harvest is being used in the Scriptures. It’s hard for us to have the same perspective of an agrarian society, but let’s dive in! The spiritual parallels to what happens in the harvest season. Why the watchman is important! My heart is for the laborers. When one is weak, the other is strong.
25-1-201823 minuten, 46 seconden
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86: Stepping Out into What You Love to Do with Eric and Shane Valenstein

Starting a church is a huge responsibility. How do you know if you are called to lead a church, let alone a brand new one? If you are a young person who is feeling called, how can you plant a church with no money? If these questions seem too big, just wait. We have a lot of good things in store for you!    We all have a lot of ideas about what church should look like, and starting a church is one of the many ways God is moving in his people. Church planters are bringing the gospel right to the people, and that is so exciting to me! Today, I have not one, but two church planters with me on the podcast. Eric and Shane Valenstein are brothers, pastors, and now church planters. They also host the excellent podcast, Not Your Mama’s Christian Podcast. I was on their show about a month ago from this recording, and we had a blast. On Not Your Mama’s Christian Podcast, they share life, they have stupid arguments, and they share the gospel. It’s everything the future of the church should be looking towards.    Today, we try to tackle some of the fine points of finding your calling. Shane and Eric will tackle how to determine if church planting is your calling. Maybe it’s time to dip your toes in and give it a try. It might surprise you how doors open up! We’ll also discuss how the New Testament church in the Bible is so drastically different from what we see today. The face of the church needs to change, and church planting is a huge part of that! Get ready and dig into everything you need to know about starting a church, as well as finding out ways to get involved with all the great things Eric and Shane are doing.   
24-1-201842 minuten, 56 seconden
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Business 02: How Your Faith Can Transform Your Business

In last week's episode, we talked about all the ways you can live out your authentic faith by starting a business. Today, we are taking it to the next level by discussing all the ways you can transform your business. Whether you are just starting out or have been in business for decades now, there is always room to grow. God calls us to steward our businesses for his glory, and by growing your business using your God-given gifts and talents, you are doing just that! Starting a business and continuing a business require a different mindset. While some might be tempted to hire a new manager or sell their business, I am confident that you can learn the skills and mindset shifts you need to continue. I break down this process into five simple steps: Pray, Prepare, Proclaim Your Idea, Find you People, and Persevere through difficulties. With God at your back, you can accomplish anything. It's OK to run a few metaphorical red lights on your way to success in business. As you are prayerfully preparing for what's next in your business, don't forget the people and friends that God has placed in your life to help you along on your journey. Are you ready to transform your existing business? You can start today! More in this episode: Surround yourself with smart people! Your time to act is now, Entrepreneurs. Pray and ask God for next steps in your business. Pray with your spouse or your partnership. Prepare and get your plan together. Proclaim your ideas! The enemy wants you to keep your big dreams silent. You need to find people who are in this dream. Perseverance is critical when you are on the cusp of growth. My secret to when I have a tough day in business. Books make a huge difference. Links: The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
23-1-201822 minuten, 31 seconden
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Success 02: Academic Success is Not a Predictor of Your Success in Life with Javier Flores

Today I am excited to bring you a success story all about hard work, second chances, and the opportunity to build a legacy. I’m chatting with Javier Flores today, who is leading the way for success through education. However, the educational system wasn’t so kind to him when he was a student.    Javier’s first disadvantage was that he was a 1st Generation college student, the youngest of four in a family that struggled to make ends meet. Despite that, he now holds a Masters and Doctorate degree in Education. You would think with so many degrees that Javier was always a star student, but that wasn’t the case! Javier failed school and was academically suspended. Because a leader gave him a second chance, Javier was able to prove to himself and others that he had what it takes to succeed.    Now, Javier is on a mission to influence education and change the narrative for students like him. He is doing that on the campus of Angelo State University by creating a student-first environment. Of the many programs for students he has started, his First-Year Camp is one of the most successful. ASU is now more affordable and accessible for 1st Generation college students. As Javier likes to say, a degree doesn’t just change your life—it can pave the way for success for generations to come.    I am excited for you to hear all about Javier’s difficult beginning. If you are feeling overwhelmed by your circumstances or unsure if you should continue on, this episode will speak to you. It is never too late to try again. Javier is proof of that!    More in this episode:  •    Javier shares how he is setting first-year student up for success at Angelo State University.  •    College degrees can change your entire family. Javier is trying to make that happen for so many families.  •    Balance is important to achieve success.  •    Look at problems as a creator.  •    Javier looks back at his childhood in poverty and celebrates the character the parents built up in him.  •    How Javier is reaching out to kids like him.  •    Intuition and brokering in relationships are the skills that unlock Javier’s success.  •    Communication skills that you can use to lead your team.  •    Be aware that you always have a team behind you.  •    It’s never too late to go back to school!   
22-1-201828 minuten, 43 seconden
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Linked 03: How to Pray

In order to be the real you in faith, you have to know what your identity is in Christ. Over the past few episodes, we’ve been taking a closer look at Luke 10. I believe this passage is our best example of how the apostles were living out their faith linked to the Holy Spirit. After all, that’s what Are you Real: Linked is all about! I want you to be as connected to the Spirit of the Living God as you can be. As followers of Christ, we have a direct link to God through prayer. Daily prayer is critical if you want to be linked to the Holy Spirit. Cultivating a prayer life is challenging, but not impossible. Today, I am going to show you how Scripture talks about prayer in 2 distinct ways. We’ll break down how parables work, and why the imagery of the harvest is a believer’s call to prayer. I’ll also be sharing with you ways in which prayer has transformed my own life. I know your life will be forever changed by taking the time to pray over the lost souls in your life, as well as for laborers to go out among them. Start here with me, and never look back! Prayer changes lives. More in this episode: I share one of the places where I’ve been challenged to demonstrate this Luke 10 faith. The church was called to be people who rise up to take background for the Kingdom. I break down how parables are helpful tools for understanding spiritual matters. We need to ask and beg the Lord to send out laborers into the harvest. Understand the 4 Greek words of prayer. Prayer allows us to be encouraged to go out into the harvest. We can only love well when the Spirit moves in our lives. My prayer challenge to you today.
18-1-201819 minuten, 25 seconden
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85: Acting, Producing and Leaving Hollywood with Nathan VonMinden & Cameron Arnett

When you find God’s purpose in your life, you gain the confidence to make decisions full of faith and integrity. Today, I am bringing to you two men who have operated with faith and integrity in a way that could completely shift our culture and the entertainment industry. I’m chatting with Nathan VonMinden and Cameron Arnett. Both men are involved in the production of Angry Men, a film about the deadly Challenger explosion that rocked the nation. This film tells the story of the true events of a few angry men who tried to stop the Challenger from launching, knowing very well that they were putting their livelihood on the line. While this film is not evangelical in nature, those guiding principles of faith and integrity are put on full display for audiences to see. Up first is Nathan VonMinden, who started off his adult life as an aerospace engineer, but found a passion in producing video for his church. He saw his early video production days as a training ground for much bigger film projects God had in store. After eight years of research and a year of writing, Nathan decided to take a giant leap of faith and produce Angry Men. It is an all-hands-on-deck type of project, but so far his team has seen incredible results and rewarding experiences of genuine faith. He will share all about how God has empowered him to do the impossible, and after listening to his story, you’ll believe the same. I’m confident in that! Next up is Cameron Arnett, an actor with one of the pivotal roles in Angry Men. Cameron will share how he got his start in Hollywood, but felt God call him away and into ministry. He never thought he would be able to act again, but God showed him the way to fulfill his purpose and use his gifts in Christian film. Now, he is working with Nathan and his team and seeing the enormous impact that faith and integrity are making in this film’s production process. He has an encouraging word for Christians who might want to consider acting, as well as courage for young people in the midst of tough decision making. If you need a confidence boost today, this is the episode for you. God is doing incredible things in the lives of Nathan and Cameron. You don’t want to miss out! More in this episode: Nathan shares how he went from aerospace engineering to producing films. Working with creative believers is all about a creative purpose for Nathan. God has provided everything they needed to create his vision. Entrepreneurship and integrity are the keys to Nathan’s success. Nathan shares a story of creative problem solving on set. Hear all about the incredible story of some angry men who attempted to stop the Challenger launch. Nathan shares why Cameron was such a good fit for the movie. The cast of the movie works together in an incredible way that speaks to God’s character. Cameron speaks candidly about his history as an actor, and what drew him to be a part of Christian Film. Trust that God is for you. All you have to do is give yourself unto his way. Links: Learn all about Nathan’s film Nathan VonMinden Learn all about Cameron Cameron Arnett
17-1-201844 minuten, 41 seconden
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Fit 02: The Importance of Exercise

We are starting the New Year off right by focusing on the basics of health and wellness. This week, we are covering the essentials of exercise. I brought the fun with me today since I am joined by my husband, John. Together, we are going to lay the foundation of why exercise is important, and how you can prioritize these good habits in your everyday life. It’s time to rip up all of our excuses and make exercise one of your goals for the New Year. In this episode, I am going to give you my Top 5 Reasons Exercise should be your priority. There are so many reasons to exercise beyond losing weight, and I know it will absolutely change your life. You can do it! I want to see all of us achieve our physical goals together. Let’s make 2018 the year you change your life for the better. I will show you how. More to learn in this episode: My least favorite excuse for not exercising. Exercise is important because it helps you control your weight. What consistent exercise looks like in your daily life. Alternatives to running and exercises that will get your heart rate in the fat burning zone. Stories from John and I about how exercise improved our moods tremendously. Exercise improves your sleep. Improve your relationships through exercise. There is a long list of medical conditions that can be prevented with exercise. My New Year’s challenge to the Are You Real listeners! Where to start when you don’t know where to begin. Resources To find out how to work with me on your physical fitness goals: Are You Real  
16-1-201818 minuten, 22 seconden
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Creatives 02: The Cross Has the Final Word with Cody Carnes

Certain songs seem to take the church by storm. Some songs are capable of captivating the hearts of the global church, sending chills up your spine and Truth right to your soul. Right now “The Cross Has The Final Word,” is that thought-provoking song.  It has definitely been an incredible tool that God has used to bring his presence to believers across the world. Today, I am thrilled to get to talk to Cody Carnes. He wrote “The Cross Has The Final Word,” but before that success, he depended on God and his timing to shape his music career. Beyond being a worship leader, musician, and songwriter, he is also married to fellow Christian artist, Kari Jobe. If you spend much time in the Christian music world, you’ll know about Cody! Today, Cody is going to walk us through his creative process. It all depends on encounters with God, and the Spirit leading him to the right words. He’ll share how he developed his unique sound for “The Darker the Night, the Brighter the Morning” by allowing worlds to collide. You will also get some unique insights into what it’s like to be on tour with an equally talented wife! What is so encouraging about Cody is that he focuses on the sound that he specifically needs to make. Cody’s encouragement to all creators to step out into their own unique territory.  Cody is a young guy on the rise within worship culture, but he humbly thanks God for the words and the music to steward. Creators can rejoice that God has given us all a unique creative gift. You don’t want to miss out on all the creative inspiration in this week’s episode! More in this episode: Cody shares all about his life, his family, and his lifelong love of music. Waiting for God’s timing was the key to Cody’s success. Cody shares his process behind “The Cross Has The Final Word.” Write out of encounters with God. Keeping songs at that encounter experience can be challenging. Nobody is creating worship music like Cody! Hear what it’s like to have a musical family touring on the road. Cody wants to do as much live music as he can. Links: @CodyCarnes Cody Carnes
15-1-201831 minuten, 13 seconden
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Linked 02: Reclaim Your Identity

As we are learning together how to be real and authentic in our faith, the biggest setback for so many Christians is our identity crisis. The rest of the world seems to have clued in on the crisis as well. The church’s largest criticism is hypocrisy and inauthenticity that non-believers see within our congregations. How can we begin to change that narrative? It will start by changing how we view our identity.  Last week was all about how to be an apostle of Luke 10, walking in the authority of Jesus. Today we will continue that conversation with examples from the Old and New Testament. We can look to Moses, Paul, and the apostles to show us where our identity should be rooted—in God alone. When our identity is rooted in our Creator, we cannot help but reflect his goodness and character. The result is an authenticity that the rest of the world longs for. We can share the hope and salvation of Jesus by our very acts of faith. The key to a deep community of believers and a changed society around us starts with reclaiming our identity. Let’s learn how we can be linked together by the Holy Spirit, and rooted in our identity in God. More in this episode: I give you my therapist’s perspective on our identity crisis. Let’s talk about the Fruit of the Spirit. People are drawn to authentic love and peace. When we know our Savior, we know ourselves. Lessons we can learn from the apostles and Moses. We are empowered by the Holy Spirit alone. Use the Biblical example set before us to change our church culture.
11-1-201822 minuten, 4 seconden
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84: Hearing and Answering God's Call on Your Life with Jonathan Parnell

If you want to live your most authentic life on mission for God, you have to be willing to listen to the call to “go.” I am sitting down with a guy today who took God’s call on his life very seriously. As a result, he has developed an intimate relationship with his Creator and weathered hardship and setbacks with hope and incredible faith. I know you will not be disappointed by my interview with Jonathan Parnell. He is a father first, but he has been using his gifts to pastor a church in the Twin Cities, as well as publish his amazing book, Never Settle For Normal. Along with his pastoral ministry, Jonathan was a long time contributor to John Piper’s Desiring God content ministry. He is definitely a man of many talents, and each is being used to serve God in an authentic way. Today, Jonathan will share how he knew he was called to be a pastor since he was 17. God called on Jonathan to take some scary leaps of faith, but with each act of obedience, God showed up in a big way. With every step he takes, Jonathan is always asking God for a deeper desire for Him, even if that means going down the hard road. You will hear stories of grief, stories with unexpected endings, and stories of a man who is humbly serving in exactly the place he was meant to be. When God told Jonathan to “go,” he went, no questions asked. Now, his authentic faith is evident to anyone who speaks with him. Dive in and hear what it can be like to live a life filled with faith and trust! More in this episode: Jonathan shares all about his wife and 7 kids. The journey behind Jonathan’s book and the Desiring God ministry. How Jonathan managed to survive a crazy brain injury. Hear all about the decision to transfer to seminary and become a pastor. Biblical inspiration from Paul and Abraham to “go.” Learn what the Bible says about seeking pleasure. Stories of times that God showed up in a mighty way. How we can have hope that God is with us. The importance of obedience in our lives. Jonathan shares his love for his wife and his people. Using your personality profile to help in your ministry. Memorizing scripture has been a huge influence on Jonathan as a pastor. Read the Word of God! Resources: Never Settle For Normal: Twitter: @JonathanParnell
10-1-201839 minuten, 1 seconde
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Business 01: 4 Simple Steps to Become an Entrepreneur

Do you want to learn how to grow your business to bless others? Good, you’ve come to the right place. I want to help my listeners take practical steps towards accomplishing their big ideas. Why? When you go out there and make money, you are not only serving your family, but you can also bless others and glorify God. Yes, God can use your business to do big things. I want you to have the tools to go out there confidently.    Today, let’s talk entrepreneurship. It takes a lot of faith and guts to start your own business. These days, anyone can throw up a website and start a new venture, but what separates you from the pack is that you are going to take decisive action. I have a four step process that will take some of the fear and guesswork out of taking this step into entrepreneurship. Step 1: Get yourself a creative idea. 2: Evaluate your risk before stepping headlong. Step 3: Make a basic plan to get you started. Step 4: Act on your plan.    See how simple it is to start your own business? Of course, when you see it written out in four steps, it seems a bit oversimplified. In this episode, I will break down each of these steps to show you the intention and skills that are required to do each one well. If you work ahead of the plan to get your business into shape, you’ll be able to breathe a bit. You are already honing your resources to do well in business, and then turn around and bless others. Being an entrepreneur is definitely special, and I want you to succeed. Let me show you how!    More in this episode:  You have to have an idea to be an entrepreneur.  I share my start in the insurance industry that launched me on my path.  Learn to look at problems from a new angle.  Ask God to talk to you in your dreams. What makes a good mastermind group? Have someone give feedback on your creative idea.  Get real about your risk and risk tolerance. You only need a basic plan to get started.  You have a plan, now do it!  Get your momentum and inspire others to greatness.  Don’t be afraid of failure.   Resources: My E-Course  
9-1-201819 minuten, 47 seconden
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Success 01: Building Positive Relationships to Help You Succeed with Four Price

Positive relationships are the best way to build up your success. No matter what your goals in life might be, you will always succeed with the right people by your side. I can’t think of a single person who embodies this principle more than Four Price. By day, Four is a Trust Advisor and VP for Amarillo National Bank, the largest Family-owned bank in the Nation. His other job is a seat serving in the Texas House of Representatives for District 87. While serving the public, Four knows that he must always be searching for the right perspective on some of Texas’ weightiest concerns. No matter if a session has been good or bad, Four manages to accomplish whatever goal he sets before him with the power of perspective. Listen this week as Four shares his best practices for developing these positive relationships. He will also discuss the importance of family, his passions in life, and the seriousness of commitment. Our interview today will be just the inspiration you need to tackle whatever challenges might lie ahead. Stick to your people, and you’ll always find success. More in this episode: Four shares his definition of success. Hear all about the recent successful House session, as well as the not-so-good ones. Relationships are the source of wisdom that Four depends upon. Four is candid about the things that concern him. Our children are the source of our greatest joy and greatest worry. Learn the habits that have set Four up for success Keep your trust. Your credibility is a huge asset. Links and Resources: Twitter: @FourPriceTX
8-1-201816 minuten, 6 seconden
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Linked 01: What's My Identity

I believe the church is having an identity crisis. The reason: because we, God’s people, are having an identity crisis. My name is Christy Austin, and my heart is to link together the people of God with the Spirit of God. Here on Are You Real: Linked, I want to bring to you the Truth from God’s word so that we can root ourselves in our faith and grow the church from the inside out.    Here’s the key question: Where do you find your identity? Is it in your job, marital status, hobbies, or political viewpoint? Why do we spend so much of our lives chasing after identity, only to come up short again and again? It’s because we are looking in the wrong places. In the very first episode of Are You Real: Linked, I want to show you how to stop chasing your life’s worth outside of your faith and start seeing your identity as God sees it.    Let’s learn together what the Bible says about our community. The only way to truly find our identity, and by extension, the church’s is to be linked with the Holy Spirit. Let’s reconnect ourselves to the Spirit so that we can then reconnect with one another. Today, I break down a familiar passage from Luke 10 that exemplifies how the early church rooted their identity in what truly matters. The challenge is a large one, but the solution is right in front of us. Let’s tune into what the Holy Spirit is teaching us—together.    Show Highlights: I share my story and my journey to finding authentic faith.  When we are in the Holy Spirit, there is no distance from God or from one another.  Each voice in the Are You Real Podcast in authentic and real.  Churches are not growing anymore.  It is time for us to leave the church building and go into our communities. We want to link together to heal and restore hope to the people around us.  Media is a huge way we can shift our culture.  Lessons from Luke 10.  Let’s break down the word “sent.”  Identity is the image of the one sending us. Jesus gives us our identity. 
4-1-201822 minuten, 32 seconden
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83: Christy Austin Shares a Preview of Are You Real Linked

Have you ever thought about what it would look like to have authentic faith? So many of our heroes from the Bible lived their lives with a faithful authenticity that feels impossible to imitate in this day and age. We are here to tell you that you can have that kind of faith, and we are going to show you how. This is Are You Real: Linked, hosted by Christy Austin. Christy is a Licensed Therapist and Ministry leader who is passionate about helping her community live authentically. In today’s intro interview, Christy is going to share about her heart for this podcast, you, our listener, and the church in America. Rather than just being another voice amongst many, Christy wants to give you practical steps you can take to become an undercover revivalist in your community. If you are prepared to strengthen your faith alongside an experienced and compassionate ministry worker, look no further than Are You Real: Linked. This is the start of something great for you! More in this episode: Christy shares all about her work and ministry in authenticity. How depression and anxiety are linked up with are spiritual being. Christy is most excited about the Are You Real Team. Let’s learn and get linked together to be authentic in our community. Why it is so important to be the change we want to see. Your main weekly takeaways and teachings. Christy’s biggest challenges to overcome. Staying in the voice of the Holy Spirit. Learn some interesting tidbits about Christy. Listen for a chance to get a free copy of John’s book! Links: Instagram @AreYouRealPod Facebook
3-1-201830 minuten, 32 seconden
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Fit 01:The Spiritual Side of Sleep and How it Affects Your Overall Fitness

Welcome to the first episode of Are You Real: Fit, where I, Kasey Fuller, bring to you not just the basics of a healthy lifestyle, but also a spiritual approach to health and wellness. I can’t think of a better way to launch a podcast dedicated to wellness than to talk about sleep. We all have different reactions when we think of sleep. Some of us can’t remember the last time we got a good night’s rest. Some of us couldn’t possibly think of functioning without it. Today, I want to break down the science behind why a good night’s sleep is important, and celebrate all the good it does for your body. In the second half of the show, I had the chance to interview Dr. Tina Hay. Her fascination with sleep began with her childhood as a dreamer. Now, she helps us understand our bodies and sleep from a Scriptural point of view. She is a doctor specializing in sleep, but what makes her work unique is that she wants to deepen our understanding of the spiritual aspect of sleep. Have you taken a moment to think about the spiritual side of sleep? We will discuss why sleep is important for your spirituality, and think about God’s perspective on all of this. There is a lot to learn in this episode. Hopefully, it will inspire you to do what it takes to get the rest your body and your spirit needs!   Show Highlights:  Brain health and the benefits of a good night’s sleep. Sleep curbs inflammation and boosts creativity. Boosting performance physically and mentally with a healthy sleep pattern. Mentally prepare your mind for sleep. Learn all about the spiritual side of sleep. Dr. Tina is passionate about teaching others about God’s design for sleep. What does Scripture say about sleep? What we can do to pay more attention and tune into our sleep habits. God uses dreams to speak to his people.   Resources Living Life By Design    
2-1-201819 minuten, 25 seconden
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Creatives 01: Growing as a Songwriter to Serve and Minister in the Local Church

On Are You Real: Creative, I want to connect with creative individuals from every discipline and perspective. God has given us the ability to create, and we as believers can build one another up in that gift. Each guest I interview on the show will share how he or she uses creativity to worship God. I choose each guest specifically for their ability to encourage all of you listening.   My very first guest is none other than my own brother, Zach Dietz. Zach is a songwriter, musician, worship leader, and incredible father. I am fortunate to have a brother like Zach. He and I have been inspiring one another in music since we were very small. Today, however, I ask for the practical ways in which he has grown as a songwriter. Zach will share with you his unique perspective that sets his music apart from the rest. The ministry he does as the worship leader of Evergreen Church is truly inspiring.   Zach brings about a purity and simplicity to songwriting that I know you will all want to know about. His passion for the local church reminds me that our creativity is meant to bless others in the present, and will glorify God for eternity. He is worthy of our worship, and Zach will show you today how to write songs with excellence. Listen to this episode for a powerful, Spirit-filled journey to making wonderful worship music.   More in this episode: Zach gives us the rundown of who he is and what he is involved in. Learn why Zach has just now hit his stride as a songwriter. Key takeaways for you if you are interested in writing songs. Why it is important to sing and worship. Thinking outside the box is the key to Zach’s success. Zach teaches others everything he knows about producing and writing music. Using the “Rule of Three” in songwriting. Finding where the presence of God is in a song. Zach shares what he thinks is different from what everyone else is doing. Influence and the local v. global church.   Instagram and Twitter @EvergreenMusic_   Instagram and Twitter @ZachDietz
1-1-201831 minuten, 55 seconden
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82: Matt Dietz Shares a Preview of Are You Real Creative

Here at Are You Real, we believe that God has given us the gift of creativity. How can we utilize our creative gifts to glorify our Creator? That is the main idea behind Are You Real: Creative hosted by Matt Deitz. Creativity, especially in music, is an unlimited force that is impossible to deny. We want to explore all the ways in which music and creativity are constantly revealing God’s character. Your host, Matt, is a multitalented, passionate musician who knows we are all image bearers of the Highest. He wants to encourage us in new creative expressions, rather than creating copies. A fresh expression is key! Learn how Matt is going to breathe new life into fresh creativity and celebrate the unique individuals who have been creating in the image of God. We want to give them a voice and a platform to share what they do so well. We are all creators. Matt wants to show you how to express what God has given you! More in this episode: All about Matt’s life and his plans for the show. We have a capacity to relay a partial expression of the image of God. Music will never end because it is such an important expression of God’s fullness. Matt’s perspective on Christian music and his keen ear to the leading of the Holy Spirit. We need fresh creativity. The world is missing what we have to offer. This podcast will encourage you to grow in excellence. We are all creators. Use it! Submitting purpose to position is difficult, and there is an art to it. Learning from the story of Joseph. If we can see the end, we can see the process. Learn how to support the show in the future.
27-12-201727 minuten, 27 seconden
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81: Kasey Fuller Shares a Preview of Are You Real Fitness

The new year is almost here, and I know you probably have in mind all of your health and fitness goals and resolutions for 2018. Lucky for you, we will be rolling out Are You Real: Fitness in 2018, hosted by my wife, Kasey Fuller. Today’s interview with Kasey is a pre-launch to give you a little taste of what to expect from our fitness edition of the Are You Real podcast! Kasey is an experienced personal trainer and online teacher. She believes that health and fitness go more than body deep. Kasey is all about a balanced lifestyle that nurtures both body and soul. I know you are going to benefit from all her wisdom and experience, and I can’t wait to bring that knowledge to your ears in 2018. Listen for just a taste of what’s to come, and get excited about living your best, healthiest life in the New Year! More in this episode: Kasey is a personal trainer, and she wants to bring her experience to your ears. It is important to shift your focus to be successful in fitness. Kasey is most excited about the spiritual aspect of being healthy and whole. Mindset is a huge part of working out well. Women sometimes feel overwhelmed, so Kasey is here to help. Weeding through the fads and trends in the health and fitness world. What Kasey wants you most to know! Kasey’s personal challenge in the new year. Link with us online: Facebook! Instagram @AreYouRealPod
20-12-201719 minuten, 10 seconden
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80: Michael McIntyre Shares a Preview of Are You Real Business

Michael McIntyre is one of the most enthusiastic, go-getting, money-producers out there today. He loves people, loves business, and loves Jesus. He’s part of our team and our new platform that launches in January. We are building a unified body to go and change the world together! What you’ll hear in this episode: Michael’s path: the USAF, then the insurance business and the development of marketing and sales strategies How Michael helped build over 200 millionaires, wrote a book, and then surrendered to Jesus 10 years ago Michael’s other companies and his work as a coach for Christian entrepreneurs Bringing business ideas to the Christian community Addressing the myths about Christians in business What Michael is most excited about with our new program: Building a custom program that people can use Main takeaways for listeners, including how to deal with debt and advertising Michael’s biggest challenge for 2018? Saying NO! The biggest challenge for the world in 2018? The geopolitical circumstances, from Main St. to Wall St. Why Michael has no New Year’s resolutions, just goals, including developing a Netflix show about his training Something you don’t know about Michael: He would love to do stand-up comedy! What we hope to accomplish through the new show that launches in January: Being a different kind of show Helping your bank account Helping you to be a Christian leader in the marketplace Tackling controversial issues Resources: Check out Michael’s brand new e-course!
13-12-201730 minuten, 32 seconden
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79: Jody Holland Shares a Preview of His New Are You Real Show

We’ve got a bunch of new things coming at you very soon, and I am pumped? In order to get you just as excited as I am for all the new content, I am interviewing all our new hosts. Today, I get the chance to sit down with Jody Holland, author, psychologist, and a creator of success. Jody and I have done several interviews together, but I still approach this interview with the same amount of curiosity and enthusiasm as I do all the others. Jody is a superhero of mine, who is about to graduate with a Master’s Degree and has authored several incredible books. He is the real deal when it comes to making your dreams a reality. After this episode, you’ll understand why. Jody isn’t limited by fixed mindsets or lofty dreams. His understanding of the human mind combined with his genuine love of people are the perfect blending of skills that I need to launch Are You Real: Success. Jody is going to introduce to us some of his hopes and dreams for this podcast, as well as some of his personal goals for the rest of the year. You don’t want to miss out on this! More in this episode: Jody is taking the Are You Real: Success show. Here why he’s the absolute best fit. Jody is most excited about educating you about how you can truly be successful. What Are You Real: Success is all about for Jody. Jody and I share all about what we love about West Texas. Jody’s personal biggest challenge to overcome in the new year. Get your growth-mindset on for your resolutions this new year. Jody shares his passion for reshaping your mind and getting rid of failure. Links: Follow us on Social Media for exclusive content and giveaways. Facebook: Twitter: @AreYouRealPod
6-12-201724 minuten, 30 seconden
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78: Using Your Writing Gifts to Further the Kingdom with Bethany Jett

Calling all Christian writers! Have you been thinking that you have some worthy words to share with the world? Has God been opening doors to help you spread his wisdom to others through writing? Well, what’s next? Lucky for you, my next guest has a lot of advice and inspiration for you on your journey. Not a writer? My guest can still speak some incredible truth for finding your purpose. Bethany Jett is a published author, blogger, owner of two businesses, mother of three, and a Military wife. If that sounds like a full plate, you’re not wrong! What I love about Bethany is that she simply embraces her full life. She knows that every success and every opportunity is a gift from God. Nothing is taken for granted, and everything is a chance to use your gifts to the glory of God. Today, Bethany and I will talk about the strengths that got her where she wanted to be, and the opportunity to bring her ministry to the world of writing and marketing. Do you need the courage to take a leap of faith? Bethany can get you there! You don’t want to miss out on our conversation today. More in this episode: Bethany shares a little about her passions and purpose lined up. How Bethany connects people with Serious Writer Inc. Hear how Bethany went from not knowing she wanted to be a writer, to attending a writing conference on a scholarship! Words of wisdom for those who want to write a book. The major shift in Bethany’s life that helped her launch her connections business. How to stop doubting your abilities. Let’s talk strengths and weaknesses. Working in ministry v. a secular job. How Bethany has been hearing from God lately from fortune cookies. Daily habits that help Bethany navigate the world. Resources: Bethany’s Book: Serious Writer Inc. Serious Writer Academy Book Recommendations: The Thank You Economy by Gary Vaynerchuck  Bringing Up Boys Developing the Leader Within You
29-11-201744 minuten, 32 seconden
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77: Finding Your Spiritual Calling in Business with Michael McIntyre

Let’s talk business! In a special edition of the Are You Real podcast, I wanted to take a step back from our usual topic of “purpose” and dive into a different arena. If I am going to take advice from anyone, especially business advice, I would want it from someone who’s proof is undeniable. That is why I have my guest Michael McIntyre with me today. His company has made Billions in sales, so I’m inclined to believe the advice Michael has for those of us looking to steward our businesses well. Listen this week as Michael and I discuss beginning our business on a shoestring budget, our spiritual calling in business, and other details to get your business off the ground. Whether you are starting with $100 or $10,000, Michael and I are going to share the practices and habits that have allowed our businesses to flourish. Along the way, we will show you how being successful in business and growing in your faith are one in the same. We as Christians have a huge capacity to celebrate our faith in how we conduct ourselves in the workplace. God listens when his children ask, so let’s ask God to bless our business! More in this episode: Michael shares the 30,000-foot view of his business. What do you need to get started with business? Setting up shop: what makes your website really stand out. Bookkeeping suggestions, and How can a Christian leverage their calling within their business. Michael shares how he first began to put God into his business. 2 Examples of what God in the workplace doesn’t Our businesses do not belong to us; they belong to God. Forgiveness and business. What type of mentor should you be looking for? There is information out there to grow in knowledge. Being respectful of time. 10 Things that Require 0 Talent. Changing your attitude to determine your altitude. How to hire out for the business aspects you aren’t the best out when you’re scrapped for cash. How you can help the podcast grow. Resources: Michael’s Website The Traveller’s Gift The Power of Positive Thinking
22-11-20171 uur, 25 seconden
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76: Freedom to be Who You Already Are with Rebekah Lyons

Do you believe that God has uniquely gifted you to bring about his glorious kingdom on earth? What’s holding you back? Whether it is fear, insecurity, mental illness, or environmental pressures, we face so many challenges on our way to discovering God’s will for our lives. Yet, His will is the thing we most long for. Today, I want to bring to you the story of someone who has faced truly difficult seasons of suffering, but came out the other end clinging to calling. Rebekah Lyons is an author of two books, a mother to three, wife to one, and dog walker of two from Nashville. Rebekah likes to think of herself as an old soul who is always asking the big questions. She uses her gift of words to write about hardship: about becoming a first-time mom to a child with Downs Syndrome, struggling with her own mental health, inexplicable encounters with the Holy Spirit, and loving on the sick and lonely. Rebekah’s story is one filled with ample grace and overflowing wisdom. I was lucky to get the chance to talk to her about everything and anything. She truly does have a gift for words, so be prepared for a Truth bomb or two. The good kind, I assure you! More in this episode: Rebekah openly shares how she stumbled across her meaning and struggled with her “unraveling.” Speaking out against shame and other unsavory ways mental health is treated in the church. The Spirit of God is working in amazing ways. The difference between a life of surrender and a life of purpose. Rebekah shares her perspective on the “Upside Down Kingdom.” Advice for living in the present in God’s Will. Connect with Rebekah Online
15-11-201734 minuten, 21 seconden
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75: Understanding the Languages of God with Mark Batterson

Have you ever heard the voice of God? That sounds like something we can’t touch—oh that only happens in the Old Testament! Perhaps not so much with burning bushes and pillars of light, but what about a whisper? Each of us has so much to offer the world because of the blessings and gifts that God has given us, but for many, we haven’t learned to listen for the still small whisper of God’s will and direction for our lives. Let’s stop shouting at God for answers, and start listening.           Today I am super excited because my guest is definitely a divine appointment. I have with me today Mark Batterson, a New York Times Bestselling Author, Pastor of National Community Church, and a true family man. He believes pastoring in the DC area is his real calling, but so is writing. We are pumped to dive into his new book, Whisper, as well as his journey to finding his purpose. In Whisper, Mark explains how we can understand the Languages of God to understand our place in God’s Kingdom. This is such a needed discussion in this day and age, and I know you will be blessed by the knowledge Mark has to share. Dive in today with more from Mark: Mark shares how he truly found his calling as a minister. With so many spheres of influence, we can go into a mission field by making incredible things. God is the loudest voice in your life, which is how Whisper came to be. Mark shares his story of first hearing God’s whisper. Whisper talks about the 7 Languages of God. Mark shares how he landed on those 7. Let’s talk about desires. How do we sort out our selfish ambitions and the God-given desires? We talk about the incredibly fun “Goosebumps Test.” What are the misconceptions about prophetic ministry? How can we combat them? Resources: Connect with Mark Online @MarkBatterson on Twitter and Instagram
8-11-201738 minuten, 39 seconden
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74: A Former Bad Girl Shares God's Grace with her Words - Liz Curtis Higgs

Are you feeling like you’ve lost sight of your purpose? Do you doubt that God has a plan for you because of your past? Today, I want you to know that you are not alone. You haven’t made a mistake too big, and you haven’t walked too far away for God to love you and use you for his purpose. I can’t think of anyone better to bring that truth home to you today than this week’s guest, Liz Curtis Higgs.  Liz is a speaker and writer who is passionate about bringing God’s Truth to women (and men!) all over the country. Liz is a Bestselling author who has written 28 books, her most recent being 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path. In each, she uses her gift of words to show God’s grace and truth towards us, and she knows a thing or two about grace! A self-proclaimed “Former Bad Girl,” Liz was saved by the power of the Holy Spirit. She became hungry to know God and eager to teach truth to others. I know you will be inspired by her journey to discovering God’s special plan for her. Show Highlights: We dive right into the amazing book of Proverbs. Liz shares how her testimony led to a calling as a speaker. What was the worst speaking engagement ever? Listen to hear the story! When one door closes, God will always open another. What do you do when God is less than clear about His will for you? Liz shares her strengths and her shortcomings with refreshing honesty. Advice for speakers and writers wanting to build up their business. Resources
1-11-201749 minuten, 30 seconden
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73: Finding Real Christianity with Brian Zahnd

When you picture God, who do you think of? For many, God is like an all-powerful Gandalf figure ready to pass judgment with a wave of his magic staff.  God is either an Old Testament God of justice or an uncaring, distant figure. Since many people in our culture today have such a skewed perspective on God’s character, I wanted to reach out to a professional on the subject to see what wisdom he might have to bring to the table. Meet Pastor Brian Zahnd of the Word Of Life Church, a member of the Jesus Movement and author of six books. Brian made a change at 45 where he came out of “pop Christianity” and into a more authentic faith. He returned to the Church Fathers, to philosophy, and to his passion for Jesus. Brain went on a long fast and then read as much as he possibly could about Christianity. Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God is Brain’s newest book, and today we wanted to pick apart why he wrote it, and how it can change your life. God is a loving Father! Take that encouragement and run with it today. More in this episode: Brian’s journey to a real, authentic personal faith. Brian shares the books and writers that helped him change his perspective. The moment in Brian’s life that changed everything. What is our problem with hell? What can we do to change it? Examples of Scripture where sacrifice, forgiveness, and love come together. We are all on a journey to discover the true living God. How do you view your heavenly Father? The future for the church in America. Resources Connect with Brian online:
25-10-201755 minuten, 38 seconden
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72: Even God Loves a Bad Christian with Matt Carter

What are some things you struggle with in life? Do you have them in your mind? Now, would you be able to tell people about those struggles? Many people will say no, a few will say yes. Today, our guest Matt Carter, member of the post-punk/hardcore band Emery and host of The BadChristian Podcast, will be talking with your very own Jon Fuller about this sensitive topic, among other things. Listen to this episode of Are You Real to learn more about Matt and hear what he has to say about many topics. What you’ll hear in this episode: What led Matt to start his podcast Where Matt got the idea to name his podcast BadChristian How Christianity can sometimes look/be “fake” Challenges that God has brought Matt through in his life Matt’s biggest strengths and weaknesses What Matt feels God has in store for him How Matt genuinely loves people What advice Matt would give his younger self Advice to you from Matt  Links: Resources: Are You Real Bad Christian
18-10-20171 uur, 51 seconden
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71: The Coaching Journey and Its Challenges with Dr. Leelo Bush

Have you ever started out in one place and ended up somewhere completely different? Maybe it was with a job, or a project you were working on. Dr. Leelo Bush has been there, and she is here on the show to talk to ROAR Nation about it today. She started out studying Christian Counseling and ended up starting the PCCCA. Tune into this episode of Are You Real to learn more about Dr. Bush and her journey. What you’ll hear in this episode: A little bit about Dr. Bush’s past and present How Dr. Bush’s journey to coaching Challenges Dr. Bush had to face as an entrepreneur How Dr. Bush got through those challenges What made Dr. Bush realize she wasn’t made to work for someone else Bush’s biggest strengths and weaknesses What God is doing with and inside of Dr. Bush right now A little bit about Essential Oils and what they do for you Personal habits that have brought Dr. Bush closer to the Lord What Dr. Bush would tell her younger self “Parting” advice from Dr. Bush Resources: Are You Real PCCCA AADP Selling the Invisible by Harry Beckwith Essential Oil Academy
11-10-201739 minuten, 36 seconden
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70: Life, Relationships, Business, and Making It All Work

What comes first in your life? Is it your work? Is it your time with the Lord? Today, the special guest on the show is Kasey Fuller, Jon’s wife. The couple is talking about managing your time and prioritizing your life so that God and your relationships come first. Listen to the 70th episode to learn more!   What you’ll hear in this episode: How Jon and Kasey make things work in their marriage/relationship What prioritizing your life looks like How to maintain relationships with other people and the Lord Difficulties in parenting and how Jon and Kasey deal with them Main stresses and how the Fullers get through that  How to deal with people who are less organized that can get in the way of your routine  Stressors that a lot of women deal with  The difference between hard working and working yourself too hard   Resources: Are You Real  Fit Marriage   
4-10-201744 minuten, 23 seconden
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69: You are Exactly Where God Wants You Even When You Don't Feel It with Michael McGreevy

Have you ever gone through a time where everything just feels so dark? In those times, it is difficult not to ask why God has left you, but you are right where he wants you at all times. God has a plan from all of us. Today’s guest, Michael McGreevy, has been in a place like that too, but, with God’s help, he climbed out of that hole and is now coaching other men in similar situations. Listen to this episode to learn more about Michael and his journey. What you'll hear in this episode: A little bit about Michael and what he does Hard times that Michael had to go through How God led Michael out of these trials How little things that someone says or does can change your life What to do when and after you find your purpose Michael’s biggest strengths and weaknesses What Michael is working on now What Michael would tell his younger self Parting advice from Michael Resources: Are You Real McGreevy Leadership The True Measure of a Man by Richard E. Simmons
27-9-201740 minuten, 51 seconden
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68: Being a Spiritual Mentor as a Form of Service with Phil Dowdy

Who is that one person in your life who has always stuck by you? Be it man or woman, everyone needs a spiritual friend and father who will guide us and even just to sit and talk with. In many peoples lives, that person is Phil Dowdy, our special guest on the show today. This episode will focus on Phil as he tells us about himself and the journey God has brought him on throughout his life.  What you'll hear in this episode: The many steps that led Phil to ministry  What apostolic ministry is and where it is found in the Bible Advice for young pastors/people going into ministry  Why everyone needs a spiritual father or mother What is a spiritual father or mother and what does he/she do? How to “get your passion back” Phil’s biggest strengths and weaknesses  “Parting” advice from Phil Resources: Are You Real  Equipping the Equippers by Jonathan Welton
20-9-201743 minuten, 16 seconden
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67: A Life Altering Encounter on the Hudson River with Dave Sanderson

Have you ever seen the movie Sully with Tom Hanks? Our special guest today was on the plane that crashed into the Hudson. Dave Sanderson tells the story of how God prepared him and is still preparing him in this episode of Are You Real. Tune in to hear Dave’s amazing story of how God saved him and is still workmen in his life and others today.    About Dave:   Dave Sanderson is an inspirational survivor, speaker, and author. His thoughts on leadership have made him an internationally sought-out speaker. When US Airways Flight 1549, or “The Miracle on the Hudson,” ditched into the Hudson River on January 15, 2009, Dave Sanderson knew he was exactly where he was supposed to be. The last passenger off the back of the plane on that fateful day, he was largely responsible for the well-being and safety of others, risking his own life in frigid water to help other passengers off the plane. Despite the hazards to himself, Sanderson thought only of helping others and emerged from the wreckage with a mission: to encourage others to do the right thing. That experience profoundly changed his life and today he travels the globe sharing his inspirational and motivational leadership messages to help people make a difference in how they do business and live their lives.   What you'll hear in this episode: A little bit about Dave’s past What Dave is doing now The moment that Dave realized what God created him to do How God prepared Dave for the life he is living now What it took for Dave to leave his job and go out on his own How Dave “earned the right to lead” What happened the day the plane crashed Lessons that Dave learned the day of the crash Dave’s biggest strengths and weaknesses  What God is doing inside of Dave right now What Dave would tell his younger self  Advice from Dave   Resources: Moments Matter by Dave Sanderson Are You Real  Sully Official Movie Dave Sanderson Speaks  
13-9-201742 minuten, 35 seconden
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66: Questions Theologians Aren't Answering for You with Dr. Mike Heiser

Do you have many theological questions that nobody seems to be answering for you? You're not alone. Mike Heiser, our special guest today, has met many people who have questions that pastors and theologians don't have the answers to, or simply don't have the time to explain. Tune into today's episode of Are You Real to hear some of those questions and finally get some answers.  Mike earned his PhD in Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  Before going to the UW-Madison, Mike earned an M.A. in Ancient History from the University of Pennsylvania (major fields were Ancient Israel and Egyptology), and another M.A. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Hebrew Studies).  He also attended Dallas Theological Seminary.  Mike’s undergraduate degree is from Bob Jones University, but he also attended Bible college for three years.   Mike has an active ministry to people whose worldview is molded by occult, paranormal, and esoteric beliefs.  He observed that many who have adopted “alternative” worldviews were formerly traditional theists and Christians who left the faith when their questions on difficult passages and topics went unanswered, or when spiritual leaders failed to address experiences they had had.  Mike seeks to fill these gaps as a Christian scholar and has become well known in these circles through writing, speaking, and numerous radio appearances.    What you'll hear in this episode: A little bit about Mike Heiser and his past When Mike really started to understand the Bible and what it says  The first thing Mike taught that offended people How mythology and pop culture ties into the Bible and Mike’s book “Supernatural” Why are there so many “bad things” in our world? What God’s “unseen hand” does What is the “spiritual battle”? What Mike would tell his younger self and why    Resources:     
6-9-201753 minuten, 6 seconden
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65: From Prison to Purpose and Praise with Phillip Juarez

Phillip Juarez was a normal person just like you and me until a terrible accident left him in the hospital. Phillip then turned to drugs and alcohol to try and fill up the empty spaces inside of him. After being arrested, and hurting many people, he began writing and rapping music, making a name for himself: Kilo Brown. Phillip was arrested two more times before he finally started seeking God’s help. He was on his hands and knees, literally, begging for God’s forgiveness and guidance. God started a fire in Phillip. He started making music again, this time, Christian music. He now goes on tour singing God’s word and working in the community. If you are struggling, whether it’s with drug and alcohol, or something totally different, God is there for you, even when you can't see His hand. Sometimes it feels like everyone in the world has abandoned us, but we need to always know that God is here. Phillip Juarez is here on the show today talking about his journey and how God broken him down, then built him back up. What you'll hear in this episode: What Phillip is doing now A little bit about Phillips past The moment Phillip realized he needed God How Phillip got back into music after being saved Phillip Juarez’s biggest strengths and weaknesses Where is God leading Phillip Daily habits that allow Phillip to have a solid walk with Jesus What Phillip would tell his younger self Resources: Two minutes in the Bible Through Proverbs: A 90-day Devotional by Boyd Bailey  Are You Real
31-8-201731 minuten, 48 seconden
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64: How to Change the World By Following Your God Given Calling with Bob Scott

Do you feel that you have a calling? What does that mean exactly? Today, Jon Fuller and his special guest Bob Scott are talking about the true meaning of a “calling” and how you can change the world, with God, by God.  About Bob: Bob Scott is a senior advisory leader for Joseph Company Global, with diverse experience in multiple sectors – business, technology, financial, sports, entertainment and non-profit organizations. What you'll hear in this episode: Bob’s background What it means to have a calling What Bob did when he hit a fork in the road of his life Different people’s views on church History and the Bible/church Is there a fine line between Christian and secular  Bob’s strengths and weaknesses  How God is working in Bob’s life right now   Resources: Are You Real   
23-8-20171 uur, 3 minuten, 33 seconden
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63: Hearing God's Voice in the Midst of Chaos with Walt Hill

Have you ever struggled to know what God was saying to you? Are you growing weary of trying to 'figure out' what He wants you to do?Jesus said ''My sheep will know My voice." Jesus said ''My sheep will know My voice."If recognizing His voice is challenging for you, help is on the way! This incredibly practical and Biblically sound teaching will help you find His voice in the midst of all the clutter. He is speaking to you more often than you realize. Learn to recognize His voice. If recognizing His voice is challenging for you, help is on the way! This incredibly practical and Biblically sound teaching will help you find His voice in the midst of all the clutter. He is speaking to you more often than you realize. Learn to recognize His voice.About the author: About the author: Walt Hill has been studying and teaching Biblical truth for over 25 years. He has served as lead Pastor of four different congregations in addition to traveling nationally. His approach is down to earth and enables all Believers, regardless of their church experience level to apprehend and walk in the truth God has given us. He has been married to his wife Keri for 27 years and they have two grown children, Amy and Steven. What you'll hear in this episode: How Jon met Walt A little bit about Walt’s past and his journey What you can do when you hit a bump in the road of your life Scriptures that have shaped Walt’s life What is/isn’t eternal life? What Walt did when he got to a crossroads in his life Challenging moments in Walt’s life How Walt’s challenges turned into blessings Walt’s biggest strengths and weakness About Walt’s new book Why Walt wrote his book What Walt would tell his younger self   Resources: God Still Talks to Regular People by Walt Hill God Still Talks DIY Remodel Your Life by Jon Fuller Are You Real
16-8-201753 minuten, 55 seconden
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62: The Ministry of the Holy Spirit and the Gift of Prophesy with Michael Miller

Do you ever feel like you aren't good enough to be loved? God loves you. Today’s special guest, Michael Miller, struggled with feeling rejected when he was younger, but, by the grace of God, he got through that and is now prophetic ministries pastor. Tune into today’s episode to learn more about Michael Miller and his amazing journey. Michael Miller and his wife Sara reside in Denver, Colorado.  After graduating from Texas A&M he worked for a para-church ministry called Young Life.  It was during that time he developed a friendship with Professor Jack Deere, author of Surprised by the Power of the Holy Spirit.  Michael then went to work for Jack at Wellspring Church in North Richland Hills, Texas, where he ran the healing ministry and travelled with Jack to minister to varying churches.  In 2010, Michael was blessed by Jack and the Wellspring elders to do several church plants/prayer rooms with Freeland Ministries now known as The Upper Room. He is currently pastoring at the Upper Room Denver and regularly speaks, trains, and ministers in churches both locally and abroad.   What you'll hear in this episode: A little bit about Michael Miller What early ministry was like for Michael Struggles Michael faced in his early ministry days How Michael knew this is what he was called for Dark seasons in Michael’s ministry Problems Michael had with relationships How to overcome relationship struggles Michaels biggest strengths and weaknesses What Michael is currently working on What Michael would tell his younger self   Resources: Are You Real The God-Shaped Brain by Timothy R. Jennings Supernatural by Michael S. Heiser The Unseen Realm by Michael S. Heiser Thomas Ministries
9-8-201747 minuten, 21 seconden
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61: Remodel Your Life with Jon Fuller and Jody Holland

What brought you to this podcast today? Do you need uplifting? That is exactly why Are You Real is here. Today, Jody Holland is interviewing your very own host, Jon Fuller. Jody and Jon are talking about the book that Jon will be releasing very soon! What you'll hear in this episode: A little bit about chapter one of Jon’s new book Why we need to forgive What is your purpose? Does your purpose have to be something in the church? A little bit about Jon’s purpose Why you need to have/know biblical truth and beliefs Resources: Are You Real
2-8-201738 minuten, 11 seconden
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60: Ashley Boucher: The Art of Style and the Believer

Do you have a fashion problem? Or are you struggling to put together a certain look? Well, don't let fear get in your way! On today's show, we're doing something totally different from what you're used to, we're going to be talking to Ashley Boucher, who is an Image Style Consultant. Ashley is the founder of Art Of Style Image Consulting, which she launched in 2014. She works with clients nationwide, helping them to curate a wardrobe that supports their day to day lives, by providing excitement and simplicity in getting dressed. Listen in to find out how Ashley uses her God given gift to serve people, through her business. It was only when Ashley laid her life down, at the feet of Jesus, that she fully encompassed what it meant, to use her gifts in serving as a temple for the Lord and showing people how to walk in their truest self. Listen in to hear about how Ashley came to really know the Lord and how it has changed her whole life. Show highlights: How Ashley's passion for Jesus intertwines with her passion for fashion and her business. The program that Ashley found, at the age of nineteen, that allowed her to go to Hong Kong and China and study the whole supply chain of the Fashion Industry. How it really stretched Ashley, to be exposed to such a different culture, particularly in the factories in China. How getting to understand the background aspects of the clothing business has helped Ashley in what she does with her business. What a Personal Shopper actually does. How Ashley came to realize that her work, helping people to see themselves in their beauty and eliminating the stress of dressing, was actually a gift from the Lord. An inspirational scripture that has totally transformed Ashley's life- First Corinthians 6:19. Ashley's struggle with drugs and alcohol, when she first moved to Dallas and started her business, at the age of twenty-three- and how the Lord really helped her. She knew of God at the time, but she did not yet really know How Ashley put a hold on her business and took the time out to really get to know the Lord when she reached her breaking point in May of 2015. How Ashley first 'heard' the Lord and changed her life, after someone laid their hands on her at The Upper Room, in April of 2015. The Lord's powerful, painful and intimate Seven Day Series that transformed Ashley's life, in October of 2016. She's been really growing with the Lord and everything in her life has changed since then. The biggest thing that God is stirring, right now, in Ashley's life. How Ashley uses her God given gift, to minister to the people that she works with. A book that Ashley really recommends- Go Kiss The World, by Subroto Bagchi. A quick fashion tip, from Ashley. Links: Ashley's website: Ashley's email: [email protected] Ashley on Instagram:
26-7-201756 minuten, 41 seconden
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59: Rusty Pang: Living Out Your Purpose

Have you found your purpose? What are you supposed to do after you find it? Those are the types of questions that Rusty Pang is answering. Today, Jon and Rusty are answering questions that listeners and friends have asked, so tune in to learn more about purpose.    What you'll hear in this episode: How do you go from finding your purpose to living it out How you can find your purpose What to do if you know your job is not where you are supposed to be At what point is our purpose determined? Who determines our purpose? What resonance is and what we resonate with How to find your end values  How to use your purpose to serve others without getting burnt out  Why is purpose important?   Resources: Entrepurpose by Rusty Pang   
19-7-201735 minuten, 20 seconden
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58: Rusty Pang: Finding Your Purpose in Anger and Pain

Do you get angry a lot? Are you in pain? How are we as humans supposed to deal with these things? That is why Rusty Pang is here on the podcast this week. Listen to this episode to hear what Rusty has to say about anger and how to deal with pain.  Rusty Pang is an author, speaker, and military instructor. He currently works for the Navy, but runs a coaching business during his off hours. He enjoys helping others become the best version of themselves.   Show Highlights: A little bit about Rusty Pang How we discover who we are Three components that a lot of successful people have What to do when you are feeling angry or frustrated  Why it’s important to deal with pain How to deal with anger  Long-term effects of anger How to get out of a mental “pit” How much of your personality are you born with and how much of it is developed over time   Resources: Why We Snap by Douglas Fields  Entrepurpose by Rusty Pang   
12-7-201742 minuten, 36 seconden
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57: Michael McIntyre: Getting Real About Business

Are you starting a business or thinking about starting a business, but still have some questions? Michael McIntyre and Jon Fuller are here to help! These two brilliant businessmen are discussing question asked by fellow listeners and giving tips about starting a business. Tune into today’s episode to hear more about Are You Real Business.    Show Highlights: A little bit about Michael McIntyre  Things that most business owners need to know  Recommendations for starting your business  Thing that Michael and Jon would do differently in their businesses  Mistakes the Michael made in his early business days  Tips on loaning/giving money  What are Mastermind groups? How to use social media to market your business  The hardest obstacles in business these two men have faced so far  Things Michaels wishes he could do with his business Is it better to grow your business bigger, or keep it small? How you glorify God with your money    Resources: Michael McIntyre  Are You Real    
5-7-201750 minuten, 52 seconden
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56: Andy Dietz: Kidnapped in Budapest - A Story of Survival

This week, let’s do something just a little bit different. For those of you who have been hanging out with the “Are You Real” podcast since the beginning, you might be familiar with a man by the name of Any Dietz. Andy first appeared on Episode 7, and he was able to share his heart for the nations and the way God has called him to live outside of his comfort zone. Andy’s passion for international missions is far reaching. He’s been to 43 different countries, and that has opened his eyes to God’s blessing for us here in the States. But God’s purpose for Andy is bigger than just his heart for missions. Last time we talked, I promised that we would get some more details about a crazy situation that happened one night in Budapest. Andy survived a kidnapping, but the grace of God. It is an incredible story of survival, strength, and faith that he writes about in his book Kidnapped in Budapest. I can’t wait for you to hear more. Experiencing gratitude from travels around the world. How different cultures bring about new perspectives. Spiritual impact of salvation through a kid to the leader of a nation! Andy walks us through the story of his abduction. Getting tangled with the Mafia. The support on the home front in prayer and provision. Psalm 121:7 Kidnapping and chaos are both used to bring people closer to God. Andy’s call to find your specific purpose.   Links Contact Andy with questions and comments at: [email protected] Kidnapped in Budapest is available to order. Visit Andy’s website for a signed copy!
28-6-201753 minuten, 5 seconden
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55: God's Path Isn't Always a Straight Shot with Jaime Mailhot

When did you first know what God had planned for your life? Has that moment happened yet? Once you begin to follow the path that God has for you, it is not always a straight shot. Sometimes, like in Jaime Mailhot’s case, you have to go through difficult times so that God can shape and mold you into what he needs you to be. Listen to episode 55 of Are You Real to hear all about Jaime’s incredible journey.    Jamie Mailhot is a Christian Author, Life-Coach, and Visionary.  His passion and calling is to help Christians make the most of the lives that God has entrusted them with and helping the Body of Christ reach its full potential and connect more effectively.  He is the Author of Epic Christianity – A 7-day journey to discover your purpose, ignite your vision, and empower your life.  But his greatest accomplishments are being a great husband and dad to his wife and 3 kids, and continually keeping his commitment to follow God’s plan for His life.   Show Highlights:   Jaime’s journey to living for God  When Jaime realized what he was created  Why Jaime went into ministry  The hard times Jaime went through on the path he took to get where he is now What Jaime did to get through difficult times and still follow the Lord’s will for him The path that led Jaime to write his book How Jaime’s past molded his future  How we can stay focused on the Lord and his plan for us What Jaime does to help him stay focused on God’s plan for him What would Jaime tell his younger self?   Resources: Epic Christianity by Jamie Mailhot  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven R. Covey  The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson Are You Real?  
21-6-201743 minuten, 4 seconden
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54: Just Take a Step with Jon Fuller

What path does the Lord have you on currently? How do you know if this is what God has planned for you? These are all amazing questions that can be answered by looking into and listening to God’s Word. In today’s podcast, Jon is teaching from Psalm 119:105, about how God’s word is a lamp and a light, but you have to allow Him to show you the way.    What you'll hear in this episode:   How God used Jon’s wife to show him that he was wrong  What other people can show you about yourself and how  Is your sin worth what you are going through? How Jesus is like a lamp  The choice you have to make when it comes to being a light in the darkness How you can apply the Gospel to your life Do you struggle with jealousy? Have you found your path? The story of the start of Are You Real Podcast How you can allow the Lord to take you from good to great     Resources: Are You Real   
14-6-201729 minuten, 45 seconden
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53: Preparing for a Life of Risk with Chad Johnson

Do you ever feel, in one moment, that God is truly talking to you? That God tells you what you were created to do? What would you do in that moment? Today we are talking with Chad Johnson who is going to share his story of highs and lows. Listen in to hear more about Chad and his path to the Lord.    Chad Johnson had a successful career in Christian music. Things were going along great as long as he didn’t acknowledge the mess his life was in. One day he couldn’t look beyond it any longer and he surrendered to God’s call on his life. It was risky and it was scary. God gave him clear instructions and he’s doing all he can to carry them out. He’s a speaker that has been to every continent and he is on a mission to prepare Christians for a life of risk. What if you risked it all to love your neighbor or follow Christ? Find out what where this ride ends!   What you'll hear in this episode:   Chad’s emotional story  What happened to Chad’s love for God as he grew older 4 instructions the Chad feels the Lord gave him Artists Chad has worked with  The low points in Chad’s life What Chad did when he realized what God created him to do What Chad feels are his biggest strengths What Chad feels are his biggest weaknesses  Awesome/awkward stories from Chad  What Chad would tell his younger self    Resources: Tooth and Nail Records  One Thousand Gifts by Anne Voskamp  Don’t Waste Your Life by John Piper The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne  The Last Reformation - YouTube Chad is Living  Are You Real    
7-6-201758 minuten, 34 seconden
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52: Writing, Producing and Ministering Through the Music of Worship with Terrence Scott

My guest today is Terrence Scott, who is originally from Texas, but ended up in Missouri after pursuing football and a business degree in college. In the perfect combination of his passions, Terrence coaches football and basketball in Joplin, Missouri, while serving as worship leader at his church. Join us for more of Terrence’s story about how he serves the Lord through singing, writing, and producing worship music. What you’ll hear in this episode: How Terrence turns to Romans 8:28 for strength, because “it reminds me of God’s love, goodness, and purpose for me” Terrence’s beginnings in music, football, and worship How God has grown Terrence’s passion for writing music Use the gifts you have and take the first step The power of a seed---even when the outcome is unknown What Terrence is learning about valuing people, communication, and the leading of the Holy Spirit A heart to serve, empower, and inspire people through music Living a sincere life that preaches the gospel Terrence’s biggest strength: to inspire, encourage, and sing The weakness inside his strength: communication and paying attention to small things What God is stirring now? “To know Him in a deeper way and do what He’s called me to do” A daily habit that contributes to his walk with Jesus? “Reading, studying, and praying every day” A recent book? The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven K. Scott and Mentored by a Millionaire by Steven K. Scott Terrence’s advice to his younger self: “Start earlier. Don’t wait and don’t procrastinate. Believe in yourself and take a leap of faith.” Terrence’s parting advice: “Whatever’s in you that you constantly think about---you should do it. Go for your dreams.” Resources: The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Steven K. Scott Mentored by a Millionaire by Steven K. Scott Find Terrence on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube Email Terrence: [email protected]  
31-5-201735 minuten, 4 seconden
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51: Living Your Best Life at Your Maximum Potential with Allergic to Average's Matt Le

Would you like to leave this world one day, knowing that you were really here? This is how today's guest, Matt Le, feels about his life. Not for his own benefit, but for the name of Jesus Christ. He loves everything about making people feel better, adding value to their lives and shifting their way of thinking. In fact, he'd like to dedicate his whole life to doing that the best way that he can. Listen in to find out about what he does.   Matt is an innovative entrepreneur in Motivational Speaking from Amarillo, Texas. He's the founder of Allergic To Average, a movement and a brand that grew out of his deep passion for empowering others to pursue their best selves and maximum potential. He's twenty four years old and he's been married to his high school sweetheart for five years. Listen in now to find out more about Matt and his way of empowering people.   Today, Matt talks to Jon about:   • An inspirational scripture that he's lived by for the last two years- Romans 12:2, about a new way of thinking. • His journey- starting his brand Allergic To Average, who they deal with, what they focus on and why people love it. • What the message that he shares through Allergic To Average looks like. • What it really takes to be successful in business. • How he reached his lowest point in his life and how God helped him to find his way back. • Really believing in and trusting God. • His biggest strength in the work he does with people. •Consistency is key, however, it's hard to remain consistent. •The biggest thing that God is stirring inside of him right now. • Awakening the average to a new way of thinking. • Co-creating - something that he's starting to promote a little more, with his brand. •A book that Matt recommends- How To Think Like Einstein by Scott Thorpe. •The advice that he'd give to a younger version of himself.  
24-5-201742 minuten, 7 seconden
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50: The Psyche of Success with Jody Holland

Welcome to the first edition of the new Are You Real Success Series! This segment of shows will feature Jody Holland and The Psyche of Success. Today is a different kind of episode as Jon gets together with his buddy, Jody Holland and they talk about some of the most important aspects of their life. They talk about success, both in their relationships, their families, and their businesses. They also discuss some lessons they learned along the way. Are You Real is branching out to give you some different types of content to help you in every aspect of your life. You’ll see more Psyche of Success Shows in the future!   Show Highlights:   How to use your God-given gifts and talents to grow your business. What Jon feels like it means to love his wife the right way. Jon’s tip for married men to get more sex. Reframing the situation when you have conflict in your marriage. Jody’s measure of success - turns out it was a load of crap! Do what you love and the money will follow. How Jody overcomes the self-doubt. Jody’s secret sauce for success - stay within your gifts. How Jody overcomes the blues with a secret tactic in Barnes and Noble! Find out what keeps Jon and Jody awake at night. Faith, Family, Fitness, Finances, and Fun - how you can have more in your life. Learn about Jody’s marbles and goal setting! Find out what has made the biggest impact on Jon and Jody and their success in life and work. We are who we are and where we are because we have chosen to be here.  If you want to be someone else and somewhere else, it’s just a matter of making different choices. Whatever you want to be great at, do it regularly.  Why Jody did over 500 free Key Note speeches before he ever got paid for one.
17-5-201733 minuten, 32 seconden
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49: Having It All and Losing Everything with Pete Sanchez

Have you ever felt very successful and then everything falls apart? Maybe at the time, God was using this to grow your faith and trust in Him but you didn't realize it. That is exactly what God did for business-man Pete Sanchez. Listen to today’s episode to hear more about Pete and what God has done in his life.    Show Highlights:   How the things Pete did as a child built a strong foundation for him now  How a friend’s persistence helped Pete grow closer to God What happened to Pete when he became successful, then “crashed” What had to happen for Pete to realize that he needed God  When did Pete find what he felt he was created to do  How you can minister in business  How has the gospel changed Pete’s business perspective? Key points Pete found in the book of Acts What Pete would tell his younger self    Resources: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki   
10-5-201744 minuten, 45 seconden
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48: Escaping Religion with Jeremy Shuck

What is spiritual pride? Could it be affecting you? You would probably say no right away, and that's what Jeremy Shuck did when he was younger. Little did Jeremy know, that it would change his life. Join us to hear Jeremy's awesome story of his journey to ministry.   Jeremy’s Bio:  Jeremy Shuck is one of those guys that just loves the presence of God and wants to throw a party for Jesus everywhere he goes. His favorite thing in the world is to talk about the Man-Jesus in a way that causes people to encounter the real God Who is kinder than they ever thought possible. He is a pastor at Upper Room Santa Barbara, part owner of a boutique hedge fund called Kings Crown Capitol, and Recording Artist.   What you'll hear in this episode:  Why Jeremy and his wife and kids left Dallas Texas Where Jeremy is at right now in his ministry What Jeremy's "life verse" is How do you "shine"? When and how Jeremy really get into ministry What is spiritual pride? Jeremy's story The spiritual leaders who helped Jeremy grow What Jeremy feel his biggest strength is What Jeremy's biggest weakness is What would Jeremy tell his younger self Resources: Jeremy Shuck   The Unseen Realm - Micheal Heiser Reversing Hermon - Micheal Heiser
3-5-201740 minuten, 44 seconden
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47: Using Your Natural Talents and Passion to Serve God by Serving Others with Kasey Fuller

Are you good at something and feel that maybe God is calling you to serve there? You may not know it yet, but you have the ability to change people’s lives. Kasey Fuller loved track as a student and now she is a personal trainer, helping women reach their full potential in the spirit, soul, and body. Listen to this episode of Are You Real to hear Kasey’s story and what she is doing today.   What you'll hear in this episode:   What Kasey Fuller does How Kasey serves in her church and the community Kasey’s life verse What got Kasey into fitness training When Kasey felt ‘pushed’ to go after her passion The hardest thing Kasey has gone through and how God helped her through it What does it mean to be fuller? Why do we ask God if we are where we are supposed to be What Kasey feels is her biggest strength What Kasey’s biggest weakness is and how she has worked to overcome it What does it mean to walk in the spirit? What Kasey would tell her younger self   Resources: Spirit Wars - Kris Vallontton Becoming Who You Are - Dutch Sheets R U Real  Fuller Life and Fitness
26-4-201739 minuten, 16 seconden
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46: How to Use Your Talents and Hobbies to Honor God with Chip Townsend

What is your purpose? What is God calling you to do? How can you impact His Kingdom right where you are? Your interest and hobbies might be a good place to look. Don’t let things hold you back from what God is calling you to do.   Chip Townsend start martial arts when he was just 13 years old and now he has won several world titles and is the owner and trainer at his own dojo. It hasn’t been all smooth sailing from there. When Chip was just 3 years old he lost sight in one eye from a freak accident. Chip didn’t let his handicap stop him from pursuing the mission he felt like God had for him, and neither should you.   Listen as Chip and Jon discuss: How Chip honors God with his gifts How to keep going after you hit a wall How to push people towards good Chip’s hard place and what God did to bring him through it What helps Chip remind himself of his purpose Chip’s strengths and weaknesses  Chip’s favorite book What advice Chip would tell his younger self Why Chip thinks he’s been successful    Resources:   Grit Chip on Facebook   
19-4-201738 minuten, 36 seconden
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45: How to Turn the Tide in Your Life with Cardiff D. Hall

The guest on today's show is Cardiff D. Hall, a man with a really strong zest for life. He's all fired up and ready to explode, so listen in as he talks to Jon about what he does, his passions, and why he loves Jesus as much as he does!   Cardiff has a real fervor for life and he loves to help people to transform their self-being, so that can attain and sustain achievement in their lives. He also coaches aspiring achievers through his weekly inspirations and practical advice, which he delivers in his “Tide Turners” newsletter. His inspiring book, Tide Turners- The Practical Guide to Help You Feel In Control, Experience More Joy and Sustain Achievement in Life, which took him three years to write, became a Number One New Release on Amazon in January 2017. Listen in as Cardiff, who is on a Mission from God, shares his fire, passion, and experiences on today's show.   Today, Cardiff talks to Jon about:   His incredible experience, which happened on a flight, where he heard a voice telling him to write a book. How he started writing his book in fifteen-minute increments. How, with consistency, you will achieve. The scripture, Hebrews 11:1, which was the cornerstone of his book. His personal story, which led him to the path that he is on right now. His mindset at the time that he lost his job. How he got into Personal Development, which helped him to become ready to hear the voice of God. That we can't see what we don't see, but we still have to keep moving forward. How becoming a parent allowed his love for God to become even deeper. His naturally positive outlook on life. How his belief, which is his biggest strength, opens doors for him. How you can learn to allocate your time well. How he wrote his book by really believing that he could. His hope- to bring people who don't know Christ, to open their minds. How he lives his faith on a daily basis. That you should get Cardiff's book so that you can take control. His advice to a younger version of himself.   Links:   To get Cardiff's book:  -Also available from Amazon   Cardiff's website:  -For Cardiff's guide book.     Resources:   Books:    The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren   Return of the Ragpicker and The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino   Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware  
12-4-201746 minuten, 55 seconden
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44: Following the Call to Love in Your Marriage with Alisa DiLorenzo

Alisa DiLorenzo is a sought-after international marriage coach, speaker, a best-selling author, and the co-host of the ONE Extraordinary Marriage Show, which is downloaded in 180 countries. The author of The Trust Factor, Connect Like You Did When You First Met, and 7 Days of Sex Challenge are in the hands of couples worldwide. She and her husband, Tony, have two kids and live in San Diego. Learn more at You can read the full show notes at
5-4-201742 minuten, 6 seconden
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43: Healed from Cancer and Mad at God with Brad McClendon

Brad McClendon’s very life demonstrates the Spirit of Prophecy and the testimony of Jesus. Having come to know the Lord early in his life, Brad spent years of running from what he knew to be his calling, until God apprehended him. Brad is married to Susan Jenkins McClendon and the father of three wonderful children. For more than five years, he was diagnosed with an incurable form of sarcoma when he was only 22 years old. A year and a half later he received a miraculous healing. Brad’s ministry releases people into the reality of the Kingdom of God by the revelation of Jesus Christ. He is the author of The Chronicles of Awakenings and The Farthest Reach available on Amazon.  You can read the full show notes at  
29-3-201758 minuten, 53 seconden
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42: How to Live the Christian Life to the Fullest with Peter Louis

In today’s episode, Jon talks with Peter Louis, a former soccer player, about his story and how he goes about living the gospel day by day. Peter’s life was radically changed after what he describes as a power encounter with God. He shares his story of overcoming an addiction to pornography and how he is helping others find freedom in God’s grace. Peter is the Founder of Braveheart Ministries, whose purpose is to help the church reach its fullest potential in proclaiming the gospel. Peter is full of tips on how to live the Christian life to the fullest.    What you will hear:   Peter’s 2006 power encounter with God How learning more about the power of the Holy Spirit helped Peter escape his addiction The importance of realizing that God is the only thing that can save you How God’s love can change how you live your day to day life Peter’s practical tips on changing your mindset if you are struggling with feeling like God doesn’t love you How changing your focus back on God can change your life Peter’s biggest strengths and weaknesses  Something big God has done in Peter’s life A daily habit that Peter has learned to help him stay focused on God What advice Peter would give his younger self Peter’s parting advice to you   Resources: Back to the Gospel Braveheart Ministries Revive Texas  
22-3-201733 minuten, 44 seconden
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41: Making Music Relatable to the Message of Christ with Toderick Murry

Today's guest is Toderick Murry. Toderick is an entertainer who is known for his ability to captivate his audience and leave them speechless. His writing, dancing, and musicianship reveal a unique, relatable message specific to his brand. He has worked with several distinguished artists. He is a writer, producer, and a musician.    What you'll hear in this episode:   What Toderick's passion is and how it relates to Jesus How Toderick got his start in the "music world" What Toderick did after he hit the bottom and almost lost everything  When he saw the light at the end of the tunnel and start to turn his life around What God has done in Toderick's life to restore what he lost  Toderick's biggest strengths and weaknesses What Toderick is excited about in his life How can you be a friend and share the gospel with people Toderick's best advice to his younger self   Resources: Are You Real?  Chase the Lion by Mark Batterson    
15-3-201732 minuten, 29 seconden
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40: Revisiting The Shack with Paul Young

If you haven't seen the movie yet, grab a box of tissues and head to the nearest theater! You don't want to miss this incredibly moving story and the lessons it contains about the love of God. You don't want to miss this exciting episode, along with some cool new tunes! Paul Young is the bestselling author of The Shack, a self-published book that has sold over 20 million copies. He has written several other books including Cross Roads, and his newest release Eve. Paul lives in Oregon City, Oregon with His wife, and has 6 children and 9 grandchildren.    What you’ll hear in this episode: Paul’s early life: missionary kid/preacher’s kid, from Canada to New Guinea From tribal life to boarding school at age 6 From Bible school and seminary to meeting his future wife, Kim The Shack: written in 2005 as a gift for his children, at the request of his wife Financial crises, losing everything, and healing Deconstruction and reconstruction The heart-wrenching reality and humanity of The Shack The healing process Each person: intricately made and uniquely broken The Shack: centered on the goodness of God in the midst of human tragedy Looking back with extreme clarity Living in the grace of a day Cross Roads: written around the issue of belonging Get help or get caught—too exhausted to keep running Hitting the bottom, seeking therapy and help God’s love: redeeming our messes Worthlessness vs. wholeness Why no one prays for patience Addiction, control, and self-discipline Why isolation feeds addiction Jesus in ME—John 14:20 Why Paul gets called a “universalist” Why we are always in God’s presence Religion’s LIE Paul’s biggest strength? “My relationships. I’m surrounded by people who love me but aren’t impressed. I’ve learned to stay inside the grace of today, and not be a future-tripper.” Paul’s biggest weakness within his strength? “I’m very much a mental processor and not a verbal one. That makes it hard sometimes to stay present and engaged with someone.” What is God currently stirring in your life? “I’m excited about the young generations coming up without the religious allegiances and affiliations that we were in bondage to. I think we’re on the cusp of some pretty fantastic movements and times.” Paul’s advice to his younger self? “I would go to myself at 6 years old, put an arm around him and say, ‘You’re never alone and you will never be alone. Learn to tell all your secrets’.”
8-3-20171 uur, 6 minuten, 36 seconden
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39: Leaving the Fast Life in Hollywood for the Christian Film Industry with Cameron Arnett

Have you ever wondered how Christians cope in the fast world and bright lights of Hollywood? To find out, listen in to today's show with Cameron Arnett, who has acted in many well-known TV shows, like ABC's China Beach and Tyler Perry's Meet The Browns. On today's show, Cameron relates how, while climbing the ladder to success in film and TV in California he realized that the Lord wanted him to get out of the system. He dropped everything over the course of the next fourteen or fifteen years, got out of Hollywood and the business, started two churches and then went bankrupt. Later, about four or five years ago, he started to resume his career in Atlanta, where film and Christian media was exploding at the time. He has now done eight or nine films on the Christian side and is scheduled to do a whole lot more. Listen in and find out how the Lord has set about replenishing and restoring things in Cameron's life, above and beyond all that he could ask for.   Cameron Arnett is the CEO of Camy Arnett Production Studios (CAPS), a television, film, and entertainment company. He's also CEO of BYOBB Media/Records, an independent film and television portal and record label, as well as being the producer and director of a number of upcoming shows. He has many past films to his credit, including the five Dove Award winning Stand Your Ground. His past television credits include NBC's Miami Vice, Fox's Star Trek- The Next Generation and many more. He is a regular host on WATC TV57 Atlanta Live Show and, most importantly, the co-host of the nationally syndicated The Christian View.    Listen to the episode, as Cameron also discusses:   What's going on right now, in Atlanta How he got into acting. How God started working his way into Cameron's life, when he started acting. How he had to change himself within the movie industry, which is one of falsities and game playing. How he started out 'hitting people over the head with bibles', till he learned better, to let God do the work through him. That, as Christians, we are all supposed to be acting like one character- Jesus. That he works as an apostle, prophet and teacher. That due to the lack respect for doctrines and principals in families today, we have children raising children. The dark years he had to endure, losing his children as well as everything else... and how God restores things. How the difficulties in life are there to build a muscle in you that you have to have for your future. Where his biggest strength lies, with what he does today. Jon's message for Cameron, from the Lord. The biggest thing that God is stirring inside of him, right now. How God is moving on an undercurrent of people and churches. His advice to a 'younger him'. The reason that he's writing a book.   To contact Cameron:    
1-3-201747 minuten, 33 seconden
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38: How to Answer When God Calls You to Speak with Grant Baldwin

Have you felt led to be a speaker? Are you unsure where to start? In this episode, you will hear from Grant Baldwin a nationally known keynote speaker from Nashville, TN. He started The Speaker Labs website and his curriculum Reality Check is taught in 400 schools around the country.  Grant is a speaker, podcaster, author, entrepreneur, and an all-around normal dude trying to make a little dent in the world. He’s married to his high school sweetheart and they have three beautiful little girls. He lives in a little Barbie dream house and he couldn't be happier about it! You're going to love this interview! Listen in as Grant and Jon discuss: How to find and book speaking engagements How to transition into the online world as a speaker What Grant was doing before becoming a speaker How to balance sound principle without a religious overtone How to trust God with the sometimes unsteady income as a speaker When Grant knew he wanted to be a speaker How to go about the awkwardness of knowing what to charge for your speaking engagements Grant’s strength and weaknesses in speaking How God is working in Grant’s life How to be a speaker and share the gospel Grant’s advice to his younger self   Resources: The Speaker Lab The Speaker Lab Podcast Free Speaker Workshop Booked and Paid to Speak  
22-2-201735 minuten, 27 seconden
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37: The Naked Truth with Jason Vallontton

Jason Vallotton and his wife are Pastoral Care Overseers at Bethel Redding and serve the church in many capacities. Jason is a sought-after counselor and speaker. He previously served as overseer for Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. He’s author of The Supernatural Power of Forgiveness and co-author of Moral Revolution. Jason currently serves on the board of Moral Revolution.   What You’ll Hear in this Episode:   Why you should do more for people than tell them “go pray about it” What it looks like to “give something to the Lord” Where Jason’s passion for people started How Jason’s Father really affected his life and love for serving others What can happen in some marriages and what you can do to try to stop it  When Jason finally felt like he was back to being himself What does it look like to fight from victory  Jason’s strong points in counseling How should we really forgive? What Jason would tell his younger self if he could go back in time   Resources: The Supernatural Power of Forgiveness  Moral Revolution Working Through Pain Daring Greatly   The Gifts of Imperfection David and Goliath  Spiritual Warfare  Bethel Church  Are You Real?   
15-2-201744 minuten, 45 seconden
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36: From Losing It All to Finding Favor with God: Jim Palmer's Story of Coming Back from Crisis

Jim Palmer is a marketing and business building expert and in demand coach. He is the founder of the Dream Business Academy and Dream Business Coaching and Mastermind Program. Jim is the host of Dream Business Coach TV, the hit weekly Web TV show watched by thousands of entrepreneurs and small business owners and he is also the host Stick Like Glue Radio, a weekly podcast based on Jim's unique brand of Smart Marketing and Business Building Strategies. Jim is best known internationally as 'The Dream Business Coach' and creator of No Hassle Newsletters, the ultimate 'done-for-you' newsletter marketing program used by hundreds of clients in nine countries.    You can read the full show notes at
8-2-201732 minuten, 3 seconden
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35: Christopher Duffley and the Viral Music Video with Over 100 Million Views

This week in the Are You Real Podcast, John chats with Steve and Christopher Duffley. 15-year-old Christopher Duffley has an amazing gift for music—you might have seen a viral video where he sings the song, “Open the Eyes of My Heart.” But here’s the thing—Christopher is blind and autistic. That does not stop him from using his God given gifts and testimony to inspire others to look to Jesus and embrace the faith. In support of that calling, Steve uses his gifts and patience to keep his family centered and focused. Together, God has used their family’s inspiring story to change lives.    See how, and more, in this week’s episode!    See how the “Open the Eyes” video went viral with over 100 million views on Facebook alone! Experience with Christopher the opportunity to sing with songwriter Paul Baloche. Story of adoption and Christopher’s impact on the Duffley family. See the extreme impact of Christopher’s music in the lives of people around the world.  Hear Christopher’s desire to use gifts of technology in new podcast.  Hear Christopher’s new song on his website See how Steve stays centered with habits and daily patterns Steve recommends the audiobook Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster   Find Christopher at:  
1-2-201725 minuten, 57 seconden
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34: Standing Your Ground with Jackie Carpenter

Don’t forget: Friday January 27 at Happy State Bank, the training center in downtown Amarillo, we are holding a Growth Conference. This conference will change the way you see the world around you! We will have 10 awesome speakers talking about several interesting topics that you won’t want to miss! We will be talking about finding purpose in your life, the blueprints in your life, getting vision for your life, and the tagline: how to make it happen. Don't forget to sign up right now at   Today’s guest is Jackie Carpenter. Jackie is the author, motivational speaker, and executive producer of a multi-award winning featured film based on her life: Stand Your Ground. She is the author of The Bridge and Georgia Justice. Jackie is also the host and executive producer of The Christian View and publisher for The Christian View online magazine.  You can read the full show notes at
25-1-201745 minuten, 16 seconden
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33: Glorifying God Through a Fighting Spirit with Dylan Peck

Dylan Peck grew up in a small town and began fighting at an early age. He contracted spinal meningitis at the age of 3 and had his first brush with death. He ended up recovering and learned to walk and talk again. Years went by and Dylan and his family ended up losing their home and possessions in a flood. Later in life, as he was serving the Lord, he was involved in a motorcycle accident. Dylan went into survival mode and ended up losing his leg as a result of the accident. He was born a fighter and he continues to share the how God has been faithful in delivering him from every trial he has encountered. Today, he travels the world speaking and sharing his testimony of God’s faithfulness. What you’ll hear in this episode: Dylan’s passion: ministry and people Dylan’s work with I’m a Fighter Ministries: He travels, speaks, prays, and fellowships Dylan’s business life that helps fund the ministry An inspirational scripture: II Corinthians 4:17—“for this light and momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory that is beyond all comparison.” April 2013: motorcycle accident in which Dylan lost a leg The journey to physical and emotional healing The 17 year-old driver and Dylan’s forgiveness Why Dylan focuses on God’s blessings and the future, not the struggles and the past Dylan’s current church ministry in Banning, CA Dylan’s gifts: exhortation and encouraging people, his positive attitude and faithfulness The importance of faithfulness Looking ahead to God’s work in 2017 Dylan’s weakness: being a people pleaser and being sensitive to what they think Dylan’s advice to those who don’t love themselves: “Speak life over yourself and your situations; I do this when I tell myself something good about me each day—in the mirror.” What is God stirring in Dylan RIGHT NOW? Missions at home and abroad, and helping others with their spiritual and physical needs The power of your presence in someone’s need—just be there for them A daily habit that contributes to success? “What doesn’t work is doing it all in your own strength. I start each day with worship music, praise and prayer, and reading.” A book that has inspired Dylan? The Emotionally Healthy Leader by Peter Scazzero Dylan’s advice to his younger self: “I would go back to when I was a young basketball player and instill some confidence in myself.” Dylan’s parting advice: “You are able. You are loved. The Father who created heaven and earth loves you right where you are, and He wants the best for you.”  
18-1-201731 minuten, 44 seconden
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32: When Science and Spirituality Collide with Dr. Judy Staveley

Have you ever wondered about how God fearing scientists deal with the issue of spirituality vs science? Or the impact that scientific research could have on the faith of such people? If so, listen in and find out, as Jon Fuller interviews today's guest, Dr. Judy Staveley, a multi-talented professor of forensic science and a firm believer in the Lord.   Judy is a forensic science author, a speaker and a tri-athlete, who teaches in the Maryland area. She serves as a spokeswoman and an advocate for several biological, health, medicine and forensic science organizations. She is also the CEO of Platform Magazine. She is a national health and fitness expert, who assists in a number of community programs to initiate health in new sports. She's also part of the USA swimming, USA hockey, USA track and field and the USAT (USA Track Organization) teams.    Judy's passion is in educating- she enjoys teaching people about how to take care of the body and also about preventative medicine. She's enthusiastic about medicine, health and wellness and also about research into cancer. You can read the full show notes at
11-1-201735 minuten, 34 seconden
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31: Growth Conference Preview with Jody Holland

My good friend Jody Holland is back today for this special episode! Jody is hosting a Growth Conference in Amarillo, TX on January 27th. It’s going to be a wonderful event with lots of speakers, including me! So Jody is here today to talk about the conference and why you should attend. Jody and Jon discuss the speakers and topics at the Growth Conference, including: Fun with faces and why Jody does it How to inspire others to want your idea, rather than selling your idea 85% of all problems that exist in business relate to failed or lack of communication Listening is the best way to be a great communicator Learn the 4 things that make a great listener Thinking outside the box and dealing with limitations - Jacob Breeden Strategies to deal with high-stress levels - Brady Clark The quiet giant - AJ Contreras Managing Mannerisms - Byron Taylor Being your best self - Drake Davidson Authentic leadership - Lisa Blake The power of CAN - Mei Lin Remodeling your life - Jon Fuller Resources: Get details of the events and tickets at: The Greatest Salesman in the World - Og Mandino The Square Mile Community Development
4-1-201746 minuten, 41 seconden
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30: A Fresh Perspective on New Year's Goals with Sean Douglas

This week, Jon has the opportunity to sit down with Sean Douglas. Sean has spent his life in the military, building up skills and working towards a noble cause. However, it was not until he surrendered his life to Christ that he began to unearth his real, God-given abilities. As a drill sergeant, public speaker, and writer, Sean uses his gifts to empower and equip others to set goals and achieve their dreams. It is his power and passion that points others towards God and towards their untapped potential.    Get a fresh perspective on your personal goals for the New Year. Sean will take you through inspiring Scripture, his own powerful testimony, and encouraging words to empower you to make amazing changes. Break the old mold of goal-making. Sean doesn’t just look into the “hows” of achieving God-given dreams, but also the “whys.” Why do you want to go where you’re going, or do what you’re doing? And where does God fit into all of it? Sean definitely has some wisdom for you!    This week in the “Are You Real? Podcast;”    Sean discusses his book, Decisions: The Power to Overcome Self Defeating Behaviors  See how Sean currently empowers and equips members of God’s kingdom Learn how to Withstand hardship, recover from it, and grow  Training is derived from positive psychology.  Learn the difference between the “Old” way of creating goals, and the “New” method.  What is a “Throat-Punch Goal,” and how can it change your life?  Change your mindset from “God is against me,” to “God is for me.”  See how Deployment showed Sean his need to surrender to God.  Surrendering to God allowed Sean to develop skills.    
28-12-201635 minuten, 55 seconden
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29: Walking in Your Purpose with Jon Fuller

Today's episode is a unique one. We've switched roles and Jody Holland (a fabulous guest from ep. 2) has returned to interview Jon about his journey of faith and how he has been able to follow God's calling in his life. Jon shares how the podcast started, why he started a podcast and some exciting things that are in store for the future.   You can read the full show notes at
21-12-201645 minuten, 30 seconden
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28: Serving Outcasts and Offering a Bridge to Life - Tac Buchanan

Tac Buchanan is the Texas Panhandle Regional Coordinator for Bridges To Life, the mission to (BTL) is to connect communities to prisons in an effort to reduce the number of crime victims, and enhance public safety. The spiritual mission of Bridges To Life is to minister to victims and offenders in an effort to show them the transforming power of God’s love and forgiveness. If you are uplifted by the works of people who live to serve the Lord, or you struggle with anger or resentment towards anyone and battle to forgive, listen in and gain inspiration from Tac Buchanan, as he shares his moving story with Jon Fuller on today's episode of “Are You Real”.   Tac is the Texas Panhandle Regional Coordinator for Bridges to Life. In an effort to enhance public safety, Bridges to Life aims to connect communities to prisons by ministering to both victims and offenders to demonstrate the transformative power of God's love and forgiveness. Open your heart and listen as he talks about the hard knocks he has had in his life and how he has managed to overcome and serve.   Today, Tac talks to Jon about: How Bridges to Life was started in 1998. How the success of BTL has inspired other states and even other countries to use their model. The impact that the program has had on both victims and offenders. The HUGE impact that BTL has had with preventing past offenders going back to prison. The POWER of forgiveness. Why BTL is different to other similar programs. The tragic story that resulted in Tac being saved. How Tac finally managed to forgive himself. Tac's greatest strength in his ministering. Tac's advice to “a younger him”.   Links:    Jon's website:   BTL website  :   Tac's email    : [email protected]  
14-12-201646 minuten, 54 seconden
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27: Hearing God's Voice in Life and Business with Shawn Bolz

Shawn Bolz is an author, a TV host (see him on Season four of Dreams & Mysteries on Daystar!) spiritual adviser, producer, and minister. He is passionate about seeing individuals and groups learn how to be the most connected best version of themselves through their relationship with God. Shawn has been a pioneer in ministry including the prophetic movement since he was in his teens. His focus on having a genuine relationship with God, creativity through entertainment, & social justice have brought him around the world to meet with churches, CEO’s, entertainers, and world leaders. Shawn’s style of speaking & coaching accompanied with his unique expert perspective on the issues of love, creativity, and justice, have kept his calendar full. Shawn lives in Los Angeles with his wife, Cherie, and daughter, Harper. He is an author of several books, including best selling Translating God & Keys to Heaven’s Economy. Shawn Bolz is also the founding pastor of Expression58 Christian Ministries, a ministry focused on the entertainment industry and the poor in Los Angeles California where he live with his wife, Cherie and their two daughters. Join us for this exciting conversation Shawn!   You can read all the show notes at
7-12-201641 minuten, 55 seconden
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26: How Playing with For KING AND COUNTRY Put Blake Kanicka in the Center of God's Will

Stephen Blake Kanicka is a Grammy award-winning multi-instrumentalist and composer. His musicality has been noted by the New York Times and featured on Jimmy Kimmel, Jay Leno, The View, Ellen Degeneres, and the Today Show. Stephen Blake grew up deeply entrenched in the world of music, as his mother was a Vocal Performance major in college. His innate ear for music was noticed at a very young age when he would climb the piano and play the melodies he heard around him. His talent was then fostered with Suzuki ear training, followed by over ten years of classical study in piano, theory, and music history. All of these experiences set the foundation for a strong melodic sense and technical proficiency while also gaining a deep respect for the classical composers, particularly Mozart and Beethoven. Further development was pursued as a member of a jazz ensemble, chamber choir, and with local artists. At the young age of 16, Stephen Blake was invited to travel nation-wide with an arena tour – giving him his first introduction to the commercial music industry. By the time he graduated from high school, he had gained significant musical training, real-world experience, and had composed and produced several of his own arrangements. Professionally, Stephen Blake has continued to hone his craft over the years as a musical director, string arranger, and collaborator with many artists – both onstage and in the studio. Notably, he has worked and performed with Atlantic Records artist, Jason Castro, as well as critically-acclaimed Aqualung, who likened his musical sensibilities to those of Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. Currently, he records and performs with the award-winning band, for KING & COUNTRY, while also continuing his creative work in the studio with various artists and projects he finds inspiring. He lives with his wife, Brittany, in Franklin, Tennessee.     What you’ll hear in this episode: A lifelong passion for music Blake’s inspiration: “The Lord goes before you and fights your battles.” Also, Psalm 23 Ups and downs in the music business Blake’s biggest struggle: servanthood The importance of relationships that can help and keep you accountable “Treasure hunters” Music’s profound emotion College at Texas A&M: no musical instruments for THREE years! Blake’s move to LA, joining a band, living within God’s will Blake’s advice to the younger Blake: “The Holy Spirit is real. Don’t let other things challenge your faith.” Having faith to step out Having wise counsel Blake’s favorite current project: a version of Amazing Grace for an upcoming movie, with rapper KB Blake’s parting advice: “There is a power in mystery. I have a great hope that we continue to embrace the mysterious. Be careful what you let yourself absorb.”
30-11-201635 minuten, 52 seconden
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25: All in to Serve Jesus - Madison Carthel

Today’s guest is ALL IN to serve Jesus! Madison Carthel is inspired to set an unquenchable fire for audacious women. She does this through her Facebook ministry, After His Heart, where women of all ages and stages in life can come together and grow in the Lord.  Madison married her high school sweetheart almost 9 years ago, and now is a stay-at-home mom of FIVE boys—from 18 months to age 7. Madison and her husband recently became licensed foster care parents and are looking to add a daughter to their brood very soon! You’ll be inspired in your walk with Jesus through listening to Madison, so join us now!   You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
23-11-201630 minuten, 48 seconden
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24: Purpose - What it is and How to Find it

I was so honored that the Enkindle Conference in Amarillo, TX invited me to be a speaker last week. A few episodes ago, I interviewed Christy Austin of Enkindle, so you will want to check out that show. I had the privilege of closing out the conference on Saturday night. I spoke about purpose. What it looks like and why we should fulfill our God-given purpose. I wanted to give you an opportunity to hear what I was speaking about because it is a message that I think we all need to hear.   In this episode we also discuss:   Jon’s entrepreneurial spirit  Do we have to give up business in order to minister Getting a spiritual mentor wasn’t as easy as it should have been Why the right questions weren’t being asked You can minister through your business We are privileged to be able to co-create with God Waiting on God…why it drives Jon crazy! Learn what you should covet Ask God what He designed you to do What is marketplace revival The importance of figuring out your own personal mission statement  
16-11-201649 minuten, 41 seconden
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23: Finding Your Specific Purpose on this Earth with Rusty Pang

Rusty Pang is a psychological Sherpa. Using a combination of psychological tools and counseling techniques, he challenges the sacred cows in your life that keep you stuck. Co-founder of Entrepurpose, he and his business partner, Brian Laprath, have created a proven system to discover your God-given purpose. They believe that you are here for a reason; that reason can be known; and that reason can be lived.     You can read the full show notes at
9-11-201635 minuten
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22: Breaking Free from Your Past and Changing People's Lives with Cristi Gooding

Co-Founder of YesLord, Inc, Cristi Gooding is here today to share her story of freedom and how she got into ministry.  She has a story of addiction and recovery, and now she only lives to be obedient to God. Cristi has an amazing story of how God gave her a vision of Yes Lord! She explains what it is and what the mission of it is.    Listen to the episode as Cristi also discusses:   What a “dwell night” is and what it means The early beginnings of Yes Lord! Why she didn’t wait for the Lord to drop her ministry in her lap How she stepped out in faith to get Yes Lord! started The miracles she has seen from her twice monthly “dwell nights” How she got global reach for Yes Lord! in the first week! How a t-shirt has been instrumental in starting the movement Why she feels so strongly about her own personal testimony Her 20 year drug addiction Her choice to overcome her meth addiction and how she laid it down overnight How childhood rejection led her to a food addiction that later turned into drug addiction How the real battle began when she quit drugs and went back to her food addiction The process of becoming unbound from addictions and how she dealt with it…..this was the hard part Why it has taken almost 10 years to break the chains of addiction that bind her Her childhood agreement with lies she believed about herself, and the ramifications How “giving” is her weakness, and she has trouble receiving What God is stirring within her         Connect with Cristi:   Website for Yes Lord is in the works, so stay tuned   To get your FREE Yes Lord T-Shirt - Email: [email protected] and send your shirt size and shipping address. Mention that you heard about it on Are You Real Podcast!     Recommended Resources:   Honor’s Reward Girls with Swords Breaking Free - Beth Moore     Sign up for the Are You Real newsletter at  
2-11-201651 minuten, 51 seconden
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21: Using Beauty to Combat Sex Trafficking with Dianna Bautista

As a hair stylist in the beauty industry for 15 years, Dianna has worked on many platforms in the salon and providing advanced education to professional stylists. After 11 years of doing hair for fashion magazines and red carpets, she began teaching women in developing countries who have endured extreme poverty, exploitation, abuse, and trafficking the skill of hair dressing. Dianna has helped build and develop educational beauty programs in Kenya, Uganda, Brazil, Mexico, Cambodia, and now Thailand. Giving hope and a future to women through vocational training has become her mission. In seeing her vision of freedom through hair dressing become a reality, she has moved to Pattaya, Thailand, the World capital of sex tourism and child trafficking. Dianna has committed to living there indefinitely to establish Shear Love International to give women the opportunity of a career in hair design, a future for their families, and a voice in the world.     You can read the full show notes at
26-10-201654 minuten, 45 seconden
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20: Gifted with Creativity by the Creator with Nashon Walker

Dr. Nashon Walker is a Music Creator, Urban Community Solutionist & Modern Day Street/Gang Culture Philosopher.  Dr. Nashon is also the President & Founder of HoodRISE MUSIC a global music production, talent development & record label with an emphasis on creating life-giving content.  HoodRISE MUSIC has world-wide distribution through ADA/WEA a Warner Music Group Company.  Dr. Nashon is also the President & Founder of the Empowerment Center Worldwide, Inc. a social solution movement (SSM) committed to transforming the lives of youth and the leaders that serve them through solution driven initiatives that reflect the kingdom of God.     On April 15, 2014, Dr. Nashon was honored by Ambassador at Large for the Republic of Burundi, Dr. Clyde Rivers with the GOLDEN RULE INTERNATIONAL AWARD for his work of excellence within Urban culture.  The following year, Dr. Nashon was again honored by Dr. Clyde Rivers with an honorary Doctorate Degree in Music with an emphasis on Arts & Worship.   Driven by a passion for results and true social transformation, Dr. Nashon begin to development change models based on his years of research, experience and unprecedented outcomes.  Today, Dr. Walker is not only a global example of transformation but is pioneering a new social solutionist movement for the urban culture & community. You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
19-10-201657 minuten, 33 seconden
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19: Using Your Finances to Fulfill Your Purpose with Ed Harris

Ed Harris has worked in the financial industry for over a 14 years. He is passionate about equipping people with the wisdom and knowledge to manage their wealth, fulfill their unique God-given purpose, and advance the kingdom of God. Ed is an advisor, mentor, speaker, and the author of Mountain Climbing Money.    You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
12-10-201658 minuten, 41 seconden
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18: How to Find Your Right Lane in Life with Lane Ethridge

Lane Ethridge is a National Bestselling author, an international business owner, speaker and trainer, and successful entrepreneur. Life is not about what you accomplish while you live but how you live in your accomplishments. Life is about following your passions and utilizing your God-given gifts and talents for the benefits of others. Become the ultimate person you can so you can help others reach their ultimate potential.   Changing Lanes International contributes to help people give back, think and live bigger, grow as a person and a leader and create a legacy that will impact many generations.   There comes a time in life for a Lane Change and your time is now. The destination on the road to success is yours to create. Changing lanes is the road trip of a lifetime! Don’t let life pass you by. Bypass the good life on the way to your best life.     You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
5-10-20161 uur, 11 minuten, 37 seconden
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17: From the Hood to Kingdom Service with Moses Uvere

Today’s guest is an American rapper whose family is from a small village in Nigeria. Moses is the first in his family to be born in America. His start in rapping came in his hometown of Dallas, Texas, where he also serves as a youth pastor. Moses has been on ten national tours and one international tour. His fourth album, Kingdom of the Fallen, was recently released. Moses brings hope and encouragement to his listeners with his lyrics and their focus on kingdom-building. Don’t miss this inspiring conversation that takes you from the valley of the “hood” to the mountaintop of kingdom service and identity in Christ! Trust me, you won't want to miss this show! You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
28-9-201651 minuten, 33 seconden
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16: Understanding Who You Truly Are in Christ with Bill Vanderbush

Bill has supported Ted Dekker in the formation of The Forgotten Way since its inception. As a long-time speaker and pastor, he has given the message in The Forgotten Way a voice from the stage.   He now travels internationally, speaking about the path of Yeshua for power and peace in this life in churches, non-profit organizations, universities, and within the halls of government. You won’t want to miss this powerful conversation with Bill and I guarantee you that you will come away with a different perspective of who you are in Christ. You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
21-9-20161 uur, 20 minuten, 43 seconden
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15: Amazing, Messy Grace with Steve Austin

Steve Austin is an author, speaker, and recovery expert from Birmingham, Alabama. He has an amazing journey of overcoming addiction, dealing with mental illness and in the midst of it all, still finding enough grace to cover himself and share with others. Steve blogs at and he is passionate about second chances.   You can read all the show notes and access all the resources at
14-9-201651 minuten, 11 seconden
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14: Coming Through Crisis Without Shame with Faydra Koenig

Having endured a childhood of abuse at the hands of her step-father, a first marriage failing due to mental illness, and a second marriage that ended with an affair, Faydra Koenig really thought she had been through her deepest trials. By the time she turned 45, she thought she had learned the tough lessons of life, and she used her personal experience in her career in social work and mental health. She became known as “America’s Divorce Coach” and helped others weather those storms. In 2008, she met a man that she fell in love with. Their families got along well and they eventually got married. Even at that time, Faydra had no clue about the battles she was going to face. By the time 2012 rolled around, Faydra’s new husband was facing charges for crimes he committed long before she even knew him. He was convicted and sentenced to prison. Thus began Faydra’s journey into depression, loneliness, and shame. She was on the path to learning lessons that would forever change her. Listen to this inspiring interview and be amazed God led Faydra through the storms. You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources www.areyoureal.orgat:
7-9-201654 minuten, 14 seconden
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13: Honoring the Good in All of Mankind with Dr. Clyde Rivers

World Peace Ambassador, Dr. Clyde Rivers seeks to bring honor globally. He believes every life is valuable and has been created to bring a contribution to the world. He is rebuilding the lost art of honor through The Golden Rule International and his organization, iChange Nations. Ambassador Rivers believes that it is very important to honor the good in mankind. The Golden Rule, "Treat others the way you want to be treated" is our guiding principle. “Looking for good in others will establish a new culture where men and women will be in the business of searching for and finding the good in their fellow countryman. This effort will empower and encourage the world in doing good and bringing peace. It is our desire to create "The Culture of Honor" in every country and on every continent.” Ambassador Clyde Rivers is our guest today, so join us for this inspiring conversation! You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
31-8-201650 minuten, 27 seconden
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12: An Undercover Revivalist Shares Her Passion with Christy Austin

Christy Austin is a Licensed Professional Counselor who’s passionate about bringing Unity to the Church of America. Her unique prophetic gifting and sensitivity to the Spirit bring healing to many through teaching, prayer, and worship. Christy resides in Aiken SC with her husband, a worship leader, and three sons, all anointed musicians. Christy is passionate about facilitating revival in America by simply unmasking a genuine intimacy and her own love encounter with Christ. She continuously inspires and encourages all around her to do the same. Currently, Christy travels and speaks, leads and launches community prayer groups, and operates as an “undercover revivalist” at a local psychiatric office.   In this episode Christy also discusses:   What is a revivalist? The elements of revival that are strategic Why revival is going to come through the next generation Why you can show God to someone in a way no one else can. Why Christy asks the Lord for “Keys” How Christy got into counseling in the first place Why people hate the man made parts of the church The Aretha Franklin formula How she learned to love the “Judas’” in her life Why letting go has been pivotal in her growth What Divine Strategies are stirring her up right now
24-8-201656 minuten, 39 seconden
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11: The Reality and Humanity of The Shack with Paul Young

Paul Young is the bestselling author of The Shack, a self-published book that has sold over 20 million copies. He has written several other books including Cross Roads, and his newest release Eve. Paul lives in Oregon City, Oregon with His wife, and has 6 children and 9 grandchildren.    What you’ll hear in this episode: Paul’s early life: missionary kid/preacher’s kid, from Canada to New Guinea From tribal life to boarding school at age 6 From Bible school and seminary to meeting his future wife, Kim The Shack: written in 2005 as a gift for his children, at the request of his wife Financial crises, losing everything, and healing Deconstruction and reconstruction The heart-wrenching reality and humanity of The Shack The healing process Each person: intricately made and uniquely broken The Shack: centered on the goodness of God in the midst of human tragedy Looking back with extreme clarity Living in the grace of a day Cross Roads: written around the issue of belonging Get help or get caught—too exhausted to keep running Hitting the bottom, seeking therapy and help God’s love: redeeming our messes Worthlessness vs. wholeness Why no one prays for patience Addiction, control, and self-discipline Why isolation feeds addiction Jesus in ME—John 14:20 Why Paul gets called a “universalist” Why we are always in God’s presence Religion’s LIE Paul’s biggest strength? “My relationships. I’m surrounded by people who love me but aren’t impressed. I’ve learned to stay inside the grace of today, and not be a future-tripper.” Paul’s biggest weakness within his strength? “I’m very much a mental processor and not a verbal one. That makes it hard sometimes to stay present and engaged with someone.” What is God currently stirring in your life? “I’m excited about the young generations coming up without the religious allegiances and affiliations that we were in bondage to. I think we’re on the cusp of some pretty fantastic movements and times.” Paul’s advice to his younger self? “I would go to myself at 6 years old, put an arm around him and say, ‘You’re never alone and you will never be alone. Learn to tell all your secrets’.”
17-8-20161 uur, 2 minuten, 50 seconden
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10: Authenticity in Life and Work with Michael McIntyre

Michael began his entrepreneurial  insurance  career in 1983 after his Honorable Discharge from the United States Air Force, where McIntyre served 4 years  in the Strategic Air Command (SAC).  During his insurance career which span more than 27 years  McIntyre’s companies  generated more than $3 billion in premium  since 1992. McIntyre’s companies had  recruited and trained over 20,000 sales agents and opened offices in more than forty states. His leadership help grow a start-up insurance company from $25 million in assets to over $15 billion in less than 10 years and went on to have a  successful IPO on the NYSE in 2004. Michael revolutionized the insurance industry with a unique formula for generating prospects for  agents. During his time in the insurance sales industry, Michael has received numerous Top Agent and Top Agency performance awards, as well as the National #1Recruiting Agency award. Michael is now  the CEO of which he founded  in 2006 . 247Medplan provides tele-health and dental plans for individuals and small businesses. 247MedPlan offers affordable benefits that were previously only available to large corporations. This industry is  now one of the fastest growing non-insurance benefits in the country. Michael is also the creator of "The Authenticity Ratio" which is a highly rated keynote and training topic that has transcended industry borders from insurance to real estate to professional sports teams. He is also the author of "The Authentic Salesman" which was published in 2011… . Michael has been featured on FOX, CBS, TheStreet.Com, Business Insider, Forbes, US News & World Report, The Huffington Post and many other publication for his unique insight not only in sales and leadership but on breaking topical issues.   Michael is active in the Dallas  community ; He is a member of  YPO, WPO . Michael is very active in his church, the” Upper Room” a small Bible church in urban Dallas. Michael is happily married for over 30 years to his wife Stacye  and has three beautiful daughters and an amazing son-in love. You can read the full show notes at  
10-8-201641 minuten, 29 seconden
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09: Finding a Life-Changing Passion with Cliff Ravenscraft

Cliff Ravenscraft began podcasting as a hobby before podcasting was on anyone's radar. He worked as an insurance agent and began creating podcasts on the side. The content of his podcast was a topic he was passionate about, and he became more interested in the relationship building and the content marketing from his podcast. Cliff eventually decided to make the scary leap and leave his full-time job and become a full-time podcaster. Cliff believes that he is doing exactly what he was meant to do in life and he looks for opportunities to minister anytime he can. You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
3-8-201655 minuten, 1 seconde
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08: From the "Church Mountain" to the "Business Mountain" with Dubb Alexander

Dubb Alexander is passionate about the subject of Personal Purpose. As a certified Life Coach with Living Life By Design, he enjoys unlocking people's potential and accelerating their lives in every area. He has a passion to see nations operate in Kingdom Principals and is currently pursuing Statesman Training to increase influence in that arena. He has been married to his wife Beth for 13 years and they have a 5 year old daughter named Cinda and hopes of adopting in the near future.   What you’ll hear in this episode: Why Dubb wants to see change happen and problems solved in people, organizations, and our nation A favorite quote from Dr. Barry Lenhardt: “If you do not believe the truth about yourself, you will believe a lie about yourself.” The pivotal question Dubb asks people: “How do YOU see yourself?” Why your focus needs to shift to the areas in which you excel Dubb’s defining moment came when he saw the extreme life change brought about by Living Life By Design: “I’ve GOT to learn how to do this!” Dubb’s desire is to create change in lives. Dubb’s work shifted from the “church mountain” to the life coach role on the “business mountain.” Why Dubb feels a consuming desire and calling to the “government mountain” Why Dubb takes statesman classes with I Change Nations Why can Dubb bring God’s truth as a statesman? Because a nation will listen Dubb’s most challenging point in his life came as a youth pastor in Vernon, Texas, about 6-7 years ago, when he questioned his calling, but then, GOD SPOKE. The TRUTH about truth and lies Dubb’s AHA moment: when he took a course about seeking clarity about his life and dreams Why Dubb feels called and empowered to influence people in high leadership positions and introduce them to God’s truth and His kingdom De-sire: Why your desires are “of your Father” Dubb’s advice on following desires: position yourself correctly and focus on your desire Dubb’s dream is to champion people and give them permission to follow their dreams. Dubb’s biggest strength? “The ability to connect with anybody and build trust quickly.” Dubb’s biggest weakness within his gifting? “Being overextended and overcommitted. Not knowing when to say NO.” The biggest thing God is stirring in Dubb is around the issue of Fatherhood: what it looks like and why it’s a huge need in our nation. How does Dubb share the gospel in everyday life? “I look for the greatness of God in people and pull it out and show it to them. Then they want to know more. I think the difference is that we believe in people unconditionally and champion them.” A daily habit that contributes to Dubb’s solid walk with Jesus? “The pursuit of a relationship with the Holy Spirit, which is the most misunderstood aspect of faith.” A recent impactful book? The Political Spirit by Faisal Malick If you could go back to a younger you, what age would you choose and what advice would you give? “I would go to the 16-year-old Dubb. I would say listen to what God is speaking to you and not to the religious spirit in the church that tries to tell you what’s right and wrong and tries to put you in a box.” Dubb’s parting advice: “Invest in yourself. People don’t usually see their worth. Get someone on your side that believes in you and will champion you.” Resources: Boundaries by Henry Cloud The Political Spirit by Faisal Malick Find Dubb Alexander on Facebook, too!  
27-7-201636 minuten, 44 seconden
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07: Music, Ministry and Missions with Andy Dietz

A graduate of West Texas A&M University, Andy Dietz majored in mass communications and earned a double minor in music and English. He and his twin brother traveled the world using their tenor voices, toured with the USO, and recorded four albums as part of gospel quartet The Royalheirs, and three albums as the Dietz Brothers. Andy has pastored several churches and followed his heart for missions to over forty countries with a focus on China. He and his wife, Becky, live in Groom, Texas. They have four married children, and eleven amazing grandchildren. Andy is the author of "Kidnapped In Budapest," and contributor to the devotional book "The Chosen Path." Andy has a new book that should be released this summer, "TRUTH, the Pathway to Life! ...Finding Your Purpose" and a new devotional contribution that will also release in the summer. What you’ll hear in this episode: How Andy’s ministry began with singing with his brother in church, and then opened up to larger audiences Andy’s path went from Music Evangelism to Student Ministry to Missions, and now to Senior Pastor. Andy points to John 14:6 as his life verse: “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” How  John 14:6 corresponds to Andy’s new book about . . . Truth! We, as Christians, often fall into the trap of believing Satan’s lies about ourselves instead of trusting in God’s truth! One of Andy’s favorite quotes is from Dr. Roy Fish: “Not everyone who begins to sink, sinks, but everyone who sinks begins to sink.” As Peter, when we keep our eyes on Jesus, and HIS TRUTH, we won’t sink! Andy describes what it means to “put your ‘YES’ on the altar” in response to God’s call. How God uses the things we are passionate about to steer and stretch us “out of our box” Andy describes the challenge and the failure he felt as a new parent; he overcame this by focusing on “rites of passage,” teaching his children things they need to know. The natural process in raising children is to raise them to pull away and be adults, but some parents today never help their children learn to be adults. Andy encourages mission trips as an effective way for kids to learn responsibility. For Andy, the combination of working with young people and doing missions work was what turned the light bulb on for him in defining God’s purpose for him. Andy describes an amazing part of his missions work, taking young people to work at an orphanage in Mexico. Let’s Get Real! Round Questions: What is your biggest strength? “Mercy—it’s the spiritual gift that motivates me.” What is your biggest weakness? “Wanting someone else to reach out and help someone instead of realizing that I need to do it.” What is the biggest thing God is stirring up in your life? “For the organized church to wake up and find their purpose!” Kung Fu Round Questions: What does sharing the gospel look like for you, outside of church? “It’s a daily awareness, looking for God’s divine appointments with people with whom to share the gospel.” What is a daily habit that you can share with us? “Taking time daily to hear God.” What is a book that has impacted you recently? How to Worship a King, by Zach Neese What is a resource that you can recommend to our listeners? “I like because he has such awareness of what’s going on in the world, especially regarding Israel.” What advice would you give to the “younger” you? “I would want to go back to age 13, and have somebody like me to tell the younger me to find my purpose.” What parting advice do you have for our listeners? “Find your passion; develop that passion to find you place in the kingdom of God.” You can read the full show notes and access all the links and resources at
20-7-201634 minuten, 46 seconden
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06: Living a Life on Fire with Nick Unsworth

Nick Unsworth Founder of Life on is an internationally known seasoned speaker & author with deep expertise on Business Coaching & Facebook marketing. He has spoken to audiences from 30 to 1,500 around the world. With his authentic charisma, unique ability to make learning fun, and ability to deliver result generating content, Nick is frequently one of the top rated speakers at major conferences both online and offline. Nick’s ability to connect with the audience and content delivery style leaves the audience feeling empowered and ready to take action. His mission isn’t just about teaching…it’s about creating success stories. Nick sold his first business by the age of 30 and knows what it takes be successful and live a life on fire.  Most importantly, Nick has a burning desire to help YOU be the success story you were put here on this earth to be.  It’s his greatest obsession and you’ll leave empowered knowing exactly how to get your business to 7 figures. What you’ll hear in this episode:   How Nick grew up as an ordinary guy with BIG dreams that ANYTHING is possible How Nick fell into the trap of chasing quick money before realizing he needed a DEEPER purpose How Nick found his clear purpose: to create more value and help other businesses be fruitful A turning point for Nick came at 28 years old with a cross tattoo and the word “Believe.” How Nick found that he could create value for his clients by using Facebook ads How Nick’s path changed when he switched his mindset and let God work things out for him He started Life on Fire and realized that his purpose was to help others find their purpose. In a nutshell, Nick describes his work as “helping others unlock their passion and purpose.” How Nick was amazed at the difference in his business when he decided to “be IN the Word of God” How Nick is motivated by his mother’s reminder, “You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to.” Nick became determined that Life on Fire WILL become the #1 personal development company in the world! Personal development: GOD makes the difference! Validation points, and how they assure you of God’s favor and vision Nick’s biggest strength is communication and connecting with people. Nick’s biggest weakness is trusting people, to a fault, so he gets taken advantage of and manipulated by others.  Another weakness: FOMO—Fear of Missing Out!  This leads to taking on TOO MUCH! How do you share the gospel in your daily life? “If our lives are ‘on fire,’ then people will want that too. I use live events to share my faith and my testimony, and we’ve seen numerous people come to salvation!” What is a recent book you’ve read? “I’ll mention several that have made an impact: Scaling Up by Verne Harnish, The Go-Giver by Bob Burg, and Circlemaker by Mark Batterson.” What parting advice do you have for our listeners? “Completely reconnect to what matters to you and get to the root of what you want to do. What are your gifts? If money absolutely did NOT matter, what would you do every day?” Resources:   
13-7-201637 minuten, 18 seconden
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05: One Extraordinary Marriage with Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo

As co-hosts of the #1 marriage podcast in iTunes, the ONE Extraordinary Marriage show, Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo speak to a worldwide audience about sex, love & commitment, and challenge every listener to make their relationship a priority. As a couple whose marriage has dealt with the issues of pornography, financial crisis and child loss, they speak from the heart to those issues that impact relationships with a mixture of tough love and candor. They work with couples around the world, equipping them with the tools and strategies they need to create one extraordinary marriage. Together they have ha co-authored 4 books including the Amazon best seller, 7 Days of Sex Challenge.  
6-7-201638 minuten, 40 seconden
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04: International Community Development with Andy Mason

Andy Mason is the director of Heaven in Business at Bethel Church. Before coming to Redding in 2008, Andy worked for the leading New Zealand Agricultural Bank and a national consultancy firm. His primary role was in helping clients define what success was to them, then partnering with them in developing strategic plans towards realizing that success. Andy invested his vacation time in international community development, having helped establish a microfinance project and orphan program and developed leaders in eastern Uganda. Andy lives in Redding with his wife, Janine, and their four children. For more on Andy, see and   What you’ll hear in this episode:   Andy grew up in New Zealand in a family that loved God. At the core of every endeavor are the questions, “Who am I and what has God made me to be? What does that look like and where am I headed?”   Andy currently works with people who love business and love God in Heaven in Business.   The idea that business and religion have to be separate can be traced back to the Garden of Eden. Andy finds personal inspiration in the story of Moses in Exodus 33, where the focus for Moses was on peace and rest. In today’s busy world, peace and rest are hard to find. Andy turns to Ps. 46:10! The biggest challenge for Andy is to let everything he does come out of the overflow from his relationship with God, anchored in unwavering rest and confidence. Of the Seven Cultural Mountains, Andy’s primary focus is on business and religion. Andy’s defining moment was in 2008 in leaving New Zealand and moving to CA. He shares how God providentially bolstered his faith to make the move. Andy has felt the sting of failure through insecurity, in not knowing who he was. He knows the fear of people and of what they might say. Andy says he spent too much time living someone else’s expectation rather than trusting who God made him to be. The gift from his failure has been in finding who God wants him to be! Andy shares a favorite quote from Teddy Roosevelt in 1910: The Man in the Arena.   Let’s Get Real Round Questions:   What is your biggest strength? Encouragement What is the biggest weakness coming from your strength? “When I need encouragement from others, the very thing I try to give to others.” What is God stirring in you right now? “Increase. Stepping out to do much more.”   Kung Fu Round Questions:   What does sharing the gospel look like for you? “Becoming a friend to a city and bringing favor to others through gracious speech and a pure heart. What is a daily habit that contributes to your solid walk? “Reading God’s Word, being still, listening, and worshiping, and having a connection with people.” What is a book you have read recently? The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey What is a resource you can recommend to our listeners? Dave Ramsey’s podcast, EntreLeadership and for worship music What would you say to the “younger” you? “I would go back to age 16-18 when I heard God for the first time. It’s when the faith of my parents became MY faith. I would say, ‘You are on the perfect track to prepare you for what God has for you. God’s in your future; just stay close to Him and you’ll get there, too’.” What parting advice do you have for our listeners? “Success is not a destination, but the journey. Keep walking and don’t look up.” Resources: Find Andy on Facebook! God with You at Work by Andy Mason Kingdom Tools for Teachers by Janine Mason
29-6-201651 minuten, 40 seconden
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03: New Ways of Thinking About Community Building with Scott Caldwell

Scott is an entrepreneur who has a passion for introducing new ways of thinking coupled with structure and frameworks to promote growth for non-profit and community minded organizations.  He is a devoted husband and father to, what he terms, “his girls”  Misty (wife), Macey and Marlee.  Scott is a lover of life that tries to make everyday meaningful in his life and the lives of those he comes into contact with.   What you’ll hear in this episode: Scott is a home-grown Texan going down an unexpected path. How his passion as an entrepreneur in the business world allows him to help non-profits and community-minded organizations How Scott has already helped raise MILLIONS of dollars for organizations, and how he dreams of going international with his business one day Scott turns to Philippians 4:6-7 for inspiration, especially when he feels the stress and anxiety of running a business. A favorite quote of Scott’s is: “The day is over and I’m leaving the office with a tremendous sense of accomplishment. What have I achieved?” How Scott’s work gives a great sense of purpose as he touches many lives through the organizations he helps How Scott stumbled upon this business, with each step on the trajectory leading him into work with local governments and non-profits Scott says the best thing about his day is working with people who are passionate for a cause; this gives great meaning to what he does. Of the Seven Mountain culture, Scott focuses primarily on the business mountain. In a nutshell, he helps organizations set up the framework for raising money, being effective, running at an optimal level, and growing their impact. One of Scott’s biggest challenges is the trap of people-pleasing, of caring TOO MUCH what others think about him. This has given Satan a stronghold over him at times. Scott realizes that he is totally dependent upon God, and nothing else, being used as a vessel for His service. How Scott has learned not to seek his validation in other people or material things The pivotal moment for Scott was when he shifted in his business from working with local governments to non-profits. Seeing lives touched let him know THIS is the right thing. How Scott has realized that his “ministry” is everywhere and in everything he does What is your biggest strength? “Administration and mercy—these are exactly the gifts I need to do what I do.” What is your biggest weakness inside that strength? “Being impatient with people! Wanting everything to happen NOW and not realizing that it’s a process.” What is God stirring up inside of you right now? “In the last 1-2 years in helping others, I’ve realized that ministry is not limited to the pulpit or to church work. Ministry is in everyday life.” Kung Fu Round Questions: How do you share the gospel in your everyday life? “My goal is for every person I contact to SEE the difference in me and want to know what it is. I want them to know that it’s God who makes the difference.” What daily habit do you have that contributes to your solid walk with God? “I have a quiet time every morning. I read the devotional, Jesus Calling; I read scripture, pray, and take time to seek God. When I enter my office every day, I hit my knees and give my day and my business to God.” What meaningful book have you read recently? Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy What resource have you found helpful that you can share with our listeners? “It’s not one resource in particular. It’s to never stop learning. I have a goal to read two books each month—educational material that helps me grow.” What advice would you give to the “younger” you? “I would speak to myself at age 21 and say, ‘Grow up a little bit, man! Don’t seek validation from others, but go to God. He is the ONLY source of true validation’.” What parting advice do you have for our listeners? “Wake up every day and LIVE it. Have a passion for what you do. If you can’t, then figure it out, find it, and start LIVING it!” Resources: Find Scott on Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In as Caldwell Business Group. :  Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy Jesus Calling by Sarah Young      
20-6-201632 minuten, 43 seconden
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02: Leadership that Connects Authentically with Jody Holland

Jody Holland received his B.A. in Communications from Angelo State University in 1994. He has received specialized training and certifications in physiognomy, conversational hypnosis, team-building, leadership, management, and psychometric testing. Jody’s clients would say that his capacity for creating ROI is what they appreciate the most. He normally gets between a 10X and 25X return on their investment. He has been sought after by clients to speak at their retreats, to assist in changing behaviors in top executives as well as coaching C-Suite leaders for success.   What you’ll hear in this episode: Jody has worked with all kinds of people, from ex-convicts to Boy Scouts! How Jody discovered that the same principles that define great leaders also define great Christians Three of Jody’s favorite books he has written are: The Quest: How to Discover God’s Call for Your Life, The Six Demons of Fear, and My Judo Life: How to Turn the Challenges of Life in Your Favor and Propel Yourself Forward. Jody claims daily inspiration from II Timothy 1:7 and living in God’s spirit of calmness and sanity. Which spirit are YOU living in today? A defining moment for Jody came in 2003 during his prayer time, but he was trapped in what was an unfulfilling profession for 12 more years before realizing his calling to write and speak. Of the Seven Cultural Mountains, Jody believes he is called to Art and Business. From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: “Every setback holds within it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.”  Jody tells the story of one particular failure, when he held training in Madrid for pharmaceutical researchers and couldn’t even communicate with them using his “Texas-brand Spanish.” Laugh along with us! Jody remembers a defining moment at age 4, when he first knew he wanted to talk in  front of people for a living. After leaving the technology world, Jody finally claimed his calling to write books, speak, and train others. How many people NEVER claim their calling? Let’s Get Real Round Questions: What is your biggest strength? “Being able to see wisdom beyond just the realm of the physical world, and to put it on paper.” What is your biggest weakness inside that strength? “Missing the rest of the world when getting into writing. I need to have a balance.” Kung Fu Round Questions: How do you share the gospel in your daily life? “I try to live as an example of the behavior with which Jesus lived. I teach those leadership examples and then people ask me about something deeper. This opens the door for me to share the gospel.” What is a daily habit that contributes to your walk with God? “It’s my prayer life. I’ve learned to be quiet and still and to get in tune with Christ.” What is a recent helpful book that you’ve read? “I love anything by Max Lucado. Two that come to mind are Cure for the Common Life and Wild at Heart.” What is a resource that you can recommend to our listeners? “I love  and Automobile University. I also recommend my blog,  What advice would you give to the “younger” you? “I would speak to myself on the first day of 8th grade, when I was SO concerned about what people thought of me. “Be confident in you. Find out as soon as you can WHO you were designed to be, and STOP caring what other people think of you.” What parting advice do you have for our listeners? “Each of us was designed for greatness. We weren’t designed to be miserable. Claim the connection to God that you were created to have. The only definition of you that really matters is that you are a child of God. Everything else is secondary.” Resources: Email: [email protected]. (Find Jody’s books!) Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Cure for the Common Life by Max Lucado Wild at Heart by Max Lucado  
20-6-201632 minuten, 32 seconden
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01: The Sound of Heaven - Matt Dietz

Matt is a singer/songwriter and worship leader from Amarillo, TX. His most recent release is Sound Of Heaven, which can be heard worldwide on iTunes, Google Play, Apple Music and Spotify. You can also catch the official lyric video on YouTube. Matt is also a father of two beautiful girls. He’s a creative at heart and it shows, not only in the music he writes, but also in the homes he builds and renovates.   Listen to the show to hear Matt discuss:   How he started writing songs and playing music The experience when he found God ministering to him, through him The moment Matt picked his music back up after 8 years Matt’s 7 mountains and the calling to them Why it’s important for Matt to be both a King and a Priest How Matt’s marriage has taught him about grace Matt’s darkest days as his marriage fell apart How Matt had to learn to love himself through the trials. Who in Matt’s life has “fathered” him in a way he really needed What God reveals in the place of The Presence translates to the rest of life Links and Resources: Find Matt’s music on - iTunes, Google Play, Spotify Connect with Matt on his website:
17-6-201656 minuten, 3 seconden