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English, Religion, 1 season, 86 episodes, 1 day, 17 hours, 5 minutes
Learn how to CONTEND for (and DEFEND) the Christian faith through the "Apologetics" podcast.
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Jericho’s Fall: The Walls Came Tumbling Down

Jericho had massive walls. It didn’t matter. There are no walls that can deter God’s Wrath. And there is no army that can stop those who serve Him. In Joshua 6, we will study both points in one of the most famous (and faith-building) passages in Scripture. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) How big was … Read More Read More
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Jesus: The (Only) Name That Saves

No. Other. Name. As he felt the Sanhedrin’s angry gaze, Peter stood firm. There’s no other name, there’s no other door, there’s no other way by which fallen sinners can be reconciled to God. Not two. Not ten. Just one, Peter declared. Jesus Christ is the singular means of salvation. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) … Read More Read More
10/1/202425 minutes, 52 seconds
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Transformation Or Conformation (Paul’s Warning)

The world is trying to remake you in its image. Will you let it? In Romans 12, the Apostle Paul reminds his readers that the world is intent on creating worldly people. That’s what it does. It wants to conform you and I to its own priorities. However, Paul tells Christians that we are NOT … Read More Read More
9/23/202426 minutes, 45 seconds
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Genesis: The Final Words Of The First Book

Genesis started in a GARDEN. It ended in a COFFIN. In Genesis 1, things were looking great. God had created the world, and said that all He had created was good. But things got dark in Genesis 3. Following man’s sin in Genesis 3, a roller coaster of depravity followed. In Genesis 4, Cain killed … Read More Read More
9/10/202425 minutes, 21 seconds
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Genesis: God’s Providence In Evil’s Path

They meant it for evil. But God used it for good. In Genesis 45, Joseph’s brothers stood before him – brothers that had once sold him off to slave traders, and then told their father that he was dead. They had acted wickedly! And in a ‘twist of fate,’ their lives were now in his … Read More Read More
9/3/202428 minutes, 30 seconds
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Genesis: Dreams In The Dungeon

In Genesis 40, Joseph was in prison. Now, he did not deserve to be there. He’d done nothing wrong. And he must have wondered what part his shackles played in God’s plans. Hadn’t God given him a dream of a great and glorious future? Well, in today’s text, two other men would have dreams – … Read More Read More
8/26/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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Genesis: Joseph And The Coat Of Many Colors

Joseph’s story started poorly. Within moments of being introduced in Scripture, Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brothers. And not long after, he found himself in prison. So, where was God when calamity struck? That will be the focus of today’s study in Genesis 37. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) Why did Joseph’s … Read More Read More
8/16/202425 minutes, 14 seconds
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Genesis: Wrestling With God

In Genesis 32, Jacob was ready for a fight. Jacob was no stranger to conflict, but this time was different. In Genesis 32, as darkness closed in, he prepared for a confrontation with his brother Esau. However, the figure who grabbed him that night was not who he expected. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) Who … Read More Read More
8/5/202426 minutes, 44 seconds
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Genesis: Jacob’s Ladder – What Was It?

In Genesis 28, Jacob dreamed of a ladder. The ladder reached all the way from Heaven to Earth. So, what was this dream all about? For centuries, no one knew. For centuries, it remained a mystery. But then, in the first chapter of John, the answer was finally provided.Join us as we consider ‘Jacob’s Ladder’ … Read More Read More
7/27/202425 minutes, 48 seconds
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Genesis: The Blessing And The Betrayal

Jacob must have been one rotten kid! In spite of God’s clear direction, and although his other son was a numskull, Isaac did not want Jacob to receive his blessing. If it were up to Isaac, it would be Esau who would carry the family line forward. Jacob was not an option. However, God’s decree … Read More Read More
7/20/202428 minutes, 21 seconds
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Genesis: The Patriarchs And Predestination

Meet Abraham. Isaac. Jacob. These men, hailed as the ‘patriarchs’ of the Old Testament, helped shape the entire narrative of our faith.They were also sinners. Big, big sinners. In today’s sermon, we’ll see that the patriarchs needed God’s grace every bit as much as we do. And God gave it to them! His providential care … Read More Read More
7/12/202429 minutes, 27 seconds
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Genesis: A Father’s Sacrifice Of A Son

In Genesis 22, God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Why? For many, this event is one of the most confusing in all of Scripture – why would God tell Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? What was His purpose? And then, why would He tell Abraham to stay his knife? In today’s study, we will study … Read More Read More
7/2/202426 minutes, 19 seconds
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Genesis: The Destruction Of Sodom And Gomorrah

Sodom and Gomorrah are the poster children for God’s wrath. In Genesis 19, we read of a cautionary tale to a world hellbent on offending a holy God. Specifically, Genesis 19 describes the destruction of these two cities. The destruction was horrific. It was severe. And yet, in Matthew 10, Jesus says that an even … Read More Read More
6/22/202428 minutes, 54 seconds
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Genesis: Abraham, Sarah, And God’s Big Promise

In Genesis 18 made a promise so outrageous that Sarah laughed. The promises that He has made you are bigger. Throughout Scripture, God has promised to save and sanctify you, to wipe away all your tears, and to dwell with you in Paradise for eternity. Now those are promises! But how can we be sure … Read More Read More
6/15/202432 minutes, 14 seconds
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Genesis: Abraham, The Friend Of God

God made Abraham mind-boggling promises. Abraham believed Him. In Genesis 12, Abraham was introduced with little fanfare. He was a man from a pagan family and a pagan background. And yet, God was going to make this nobody a series of incredible promises – promises that Abraham believed in, and then acted accordingly. Questions That … Read More Read More
6/3/202426 minutes, 36 seconds
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Genesis: Noah And The Great Flood

The wrong question: how did all the animals fit in the ark? The most crucial question of Genesis 6 is NOT about the animals. Not at all. Rather, it is this: why was an ark needed in the first place? In other words, why was God willing to flood the entire globe, only six chapters … Read More Read More
5/25/202431 minutes, 45 seconds
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Genesis: A Murder East Of Eden

That didn’t take long, did it? You might have thought Genesis 4 couldn’t go worse than Genesis 3 – that mankind would have learned its lesson. Surely man would do better! Surely he’d turn away from sin! However, before Genesis 4 was over, a blood soaked corpse proved otherwise. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) Why … Read More Read More
5/16/202426 minutes, 32 seconds
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Genesis: Temptation And Fall In The Garden

One sin. That’s all it took. In our day, sin is treated casually – as a marketing device (think ‘Sin City’) and rarely as a spiritual anchor. But one sin is all it took for man to be thrown out of the garden, and for chaos to sweep the created realm. This tells us two … Read More Read More
5/8/202432 minutes, 48 seconds
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Genesis: In The Beginning (Creation)

There is a God, and you are not Him. The starting point for all correct theology or philosophy is found in Genesis 1, which declares God’s existence and transcendence over that which He has made. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Questions That We’ll Answer: A) Why do people argue for … Read More Read More
4/24/202431 minutes, 40 seconds
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He Is Risen: Witnesses To The Resurrection

Witnesses, proof, evidences – it was all there. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most heavily reported, historically verified events of antiquity. And that’s a good thing, since the fate and future of billions hangs in the balance. Today, we’ll consider the implications of the empty tomb. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) … Read More Read More
4/16/202426 minutes, 7 seconds
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Behold The Lamb: Why Jesus Was The Lamb Of God

On the day the people were looking for a perfect lamb for their Passover celebration, the ‘lamb of God’ approached. It wasn’t a coincidence. In today’s study, we will consider the events of Palm Sunday through an unusual set of eyes – those of John the Baptist. Why did John call Jesus the ‘lamb of … Read More Read More
4/8/202424 minutes, 55 seconds
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When Christians Face Hardships, Trials, And Tribulations

You won’t find ‘utopia’ in a warzone. So many people misunderstand their reality. They think that this world is their home, irrespective of how little time they’ll spend here. They think this world is great, irrespective of the landmines going off around them. Conversely, the Bible says that this world is filled with trials and … Read More Read More
4/1/202424 minutes, 33 seconds
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What Is Love: A Story Of Passion And Sacrifice

What makes ‘love’ greater than faith or hope? In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul said “now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.” So, why is ‘love’ superior? Well, for starters, it is the only one of those three words that applies to God. God does not have ‘faith.’ God … Read More Read More
3/23/202428 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Desert: Salvation Comes To The Wasteland

The desert is home to some of the Bible’s most fascinating stories. In Acts 8, there was a caravan traveling in the desert of Judea. At its head was a pagan eunuch – someone well outside of the covenant community, but not outside of God’s plan of salvation. And in order to reach this man, … Read More Read More
3/17/202428 minutes, 8 seconds
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Why Do The Nations Rage Against God

Rebellion. Rejection. Disdain. The nations have long rejected God’s rule in favor of their own. But why? What causes the nations to rage against God, and to plot so many vain things? In today’s sermon, we’ll consider mankind’s ongoing rebellion and God’s response. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) How do nations and leaders foment their … Read More Read More
3/8/202427 minutes, 43 seconds
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Behold What Manner Of Love!

God does not have any ‘peons’ in Heaven. He has family. Your salvation accomplishes so much more than just ‘punching your ticket’ to Heaven. Rather, it includes this wonderful outcome: you are treated as family when you get there! God has no peons in Heaven, but He does have sons and daughters. “Behold what manner … Read More Read More
2/28/202430 minutes, 46 seconds
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Mustard Seed (This Is How The Church Grows)

Mustard seeds are small. But they don’t stay that way! In Matthew 13, Jesus shared the parable of the ‘mustard seed’ in describing the kingdom’s growth. Mustard seed start small. But in time, they grow upward and outward. Now, who did Jesus share this parable with? He shared it with a smattering of disciples on … Read More Read More
2/20/202426 minutes, 32 seconds
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Hope For Grieving Hearts (Life After Death)

If you have lost someone that you love, it is natural to grieve. With that said, GRIEF is NOT the same as DESPAIR. In 1 Thessalonians 4, the Apostle Paul makes this distinction. Specifically, he says that although it is OK to lament the loss of a loved one, we do not sorrow as those … Read More Read More
2/16/202426 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Night Is Spent, The Day Is At Hand

How much time do you have left? In Romans 13, the Apostle Paul answered that question this way – not much. Specifically, Paul said that “the night is far spent, the day is at hand.” Paul wanted his readers to understand the value of today. He wanted them to live as if their time was … Read More Read More
2/7/202428 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Whole Counsel Of God (Preaching And Teaching)

How much of God’s Word should we preach? To the Apostle Paul, the answer was ALL OF IT. And that’s just what he told the Ephesian elders in Acts 10. He told them that he had not refrained from preaching and teaching the whole counsel of God, and he expected them to do the same. … Read More Read More
1/30/202430 minutes, 23 seconds
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Intercession: Jesus And The High Priestly Prayer

As Christians, we often remember the things that Jesus has done. With that said, have you ever wondered: what is He doing now? Among other things, Jesus is interceding on behalf of His people. You have a divine advocate that is (even now) seeking your welfare! And that should be an encouragement during these difficult … Read More Read More
1/19/202426 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Magnificat: Understanding The Song Of Mary

What is the ‘Magnificat?’ The ‘magnificat’ is the name that we give to Mary’s song in Luke 1, in which she declares that her soul ‘magnifies the Lord.’ In today’s study, we will see that this is one of the most counter-cultural songs ever written. Questions That We’ll Answer: 1) What news did the Angel … Read More Read More
1/5/202431 minutes, 45 seconds
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Matthew: The Victory And Resurrection Of Jesus

Victory is at hand – your story ends well! The resurrection of Jesus Christ is not only the capstone event of the Gospel, but it secures our great future. You see, if the grave didn’t hold Him, then it won’t hold you. And if death can be defeated, then so can all the other hardships … Read More Read More
12/28/202329 minutes, 41 seconds
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Matthew: What Really Happened On The Cross

Darkness. An earthquake. A shock in the temple. And on top of that, a cry – ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ What really happened on the cross? What do we make of all the supernatural events that transpired? And what do we make of Christ’s final words? In today’s study, we … Read More Read More
12/13/202333 minutes, 15 seconds
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Matthew: The Betrayal At The Last Supper

In Matthew 26, Jesus sat down. His betrayer joined Him. In today’s study, Jesus sat down for what we call the ‘Last Supper,’ with His betrayer seated just a few feet away. Our Lord had come to celebrate the Passover with His disciples, knowing this would be their last opportunity to do so. But He … Read More Read More
12/7/202328 minutes, 42 seconds
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Matthew: Jesus And The Trap In The Temple

Jesus was walking into a trap. Several traps, actually. When Jesus entered the Temple in Matthew 21, the Pharisees, Sadducees and others planned to ask Him questions that might trap or make our Lord look bad before others. They wanted to destroy or hurt His credibility. In today’s study, we’ll see how Jesus responded. Questions … Read More Read More
11/30/202334 minutes, 32 seconds
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Matthew: The Cleansing Of The Temple

In Matthew 21, Jesus was angry. Now, how could this be? What could possibly make gentle, loving, patient Jesus so upset? What could cause Him to flip tables and to make a scene? In today’s study, we’ll consider both the circumstances and reasons for Christ’s anger. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) Who were the money-changers … Read More Read More
11/20/202333 minutes, 22 seconds
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Revelation: When God Speaks

Revelation is the last book in the Bible. However, the entire Bible is a revelation from God – and so is every molecule in the created realm. Every ounce of creation tells us something about the Creator. In today’s study, we’ll talk about the benefits of God’s revelation, and the consequences for ignoring what He … Read More Read More
11/13/202325 minutes
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Matthew: The Transfiguration Of Jesus

Jesus, Moses, and Elijah met on the mountaintop. One’s face radiated with divine light. The others did not. Moses and Elijah were no slouches – these were titans of Jewish history, the very embodiment of the law and the prophets. And yet, when standing next to Jesus, they paled. It was Christ alone that the … Read More Read More
11/7/202329 minutes, 12 seconds
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Eternity: Levels Of Reward Or Punishment

Are there levels of reward (or punishment) in eternity? In Dante’s Inferno, the poet described Hell as having ‘nine circles.’ Each circle corresponded with a different sin and degree of punishment. But is this a Biblical understanding? Does the Bible teach that different sins merit different punishments in Hell? And what does it say about … Read More Read More
10/30/202325 minutes
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Matthew: The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail

This was a very wicked region. In the time of Christ, Caesarea Philippi was the ‘red light district.’ It was filled with pagan people doing pagan things. And yet, this is where Jesus took His disciples in Matthew 16. Why? That will be the focus of today’s study. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) Why did … Read More Read More
10/27/202333 minutes, 32 seconds
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Matthew: The Sermon On The Mount

It is the most famous sermon ever preached. In Matthew 5, Jesus starts the ‘Sermon On The Mount’ with a series of blessings (or beatitudes). What were these blessings all about? And how were they received by hurting, downtrodden people who were used to the legalism of the Pharisees? Questions That We’ll Answer: A) How … Read More Read More
10/20/202330 minutes, 55 seconds
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Does God Ever Change His Mind?

Does God ‘change’ His mind? It seems unlikely. Why would a perfect, all knowing God change His mind? On the other hand, there are several verses that suggest He does. In Jonah 3, the Bible said God ‘relented’ from destroying Nineveh. In 1 Samuel, God himself said He ‘regretted’ making Saul king. If God doesn’t … Read More Read More
10/16/202325 minutes
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Remnant: The Church In 2023

How big do you think the church really is? It depends on how you define it. In Matthew 7, Jesus warned that there were many professing believers who did not know Him. In Christ’s own day, there were hundreds of thousands of Israelites who claimed to know God, but who were in danger of severe … Read More Read More
10/9/202325 minutes
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Cremation: What Does The Bible Say

Is cremation biblical? In 1960, only 4% of Americans were cremated. As of 2023, that number is over 52%. Given the popularity of cremation, many Christians want to know if the Bible ever refers to it, and if there is any Biblical precedent for pursuing it. That will be the focus of today’s study. Questions … Read More Read More
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Depression: What Does The Bible Say

Depression can be more than just ‘feeling sad.’ Yes, depression involves sadness. But clinical (or major) depression is not limited to a particular ‘mood’ or emotional state. Clinical depression is a persistent, recurring condition that may stem from our nature or physiology – and not just our circumstances. It can strike when things are going … Read More Read More
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Matthew: The Calling Of The 12 Apostles

Who were the 12 Apostles? Well, they weren’t the sort of men you would expect. They weren’t the sort of men that anyone would expect. Fishermen, a tax collector, a Judas – from an earthly perspective, this was a most unlikely bunch. And yet, Christ chose these men to be His friends and ambassadors. What … Read More Read More
10/7/202331 minutes, 17 seconds
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Matthew: The Faith Of The Roman Centurion

Pharisees hated Jesus. This Roman Centurion did not. Throughout the New Testament, the Pharisees antagonized our Savior. They accused and berated Him at every turn. Conversely, there were seven Roman Centurions in the New Testament – and each is portrayed in a more positive light. How can this be? Questions That We’ll Answer: A) Why … Read More Read More
9/29/202329 minutes, 25 seconds
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Matthew: The Temptation Of Jesus Christ

Does the devil think that he can win? In Matthew 4, Jesus is led out into the wilderness, where He was tempted for forty days by the devil. What did the devil think he was going to accomplish? And what was the Father’s purpose in allowing His Son to undergo this? Other Questions That We’ll … Read More Read More
9/22/202330 minutes, 50 seconds
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Matthew: The Baptism Of Jesus Christ

If baptism is for SINNERS, then why was JESUS baptized? In Matthew 3, Jesus asked John to baptize him. That blew John’s mind. And so, John told Him that it was the other way around – that Christ needed to baptize him! John knew that Jesus had no sins that He needed to repent of, … Read More Read More
9/11/202323 minutes, 44 seconds
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Matthew: Emmanuel (Which Means God With Us)

The God who MADE YOU wants to be WITH YOU. Think on that. The pagan gods didn’t work that way. These (false) deities kept the people at arm’s length. But our God wants to be close. He walked with Adam in the garden. He dwelt in the tabernacle and temple. He came to earth in … Continue reading Matthew: Emmanuel (Which Means God With Us) →
9/1/202324 minutes, 5 seconds
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Matthew: Introduction And Intertestamental Age

Who was Matthew? What is the Book of Matthew all about? In Part 1 of our new study, we will introduce this Gospel and talk about the audience that it was originally written to – the Israelites. While Matthew contains truth and wisdom for all people, it was intended to explain the person and work … Continue reading Matthew: Introduction And Intertestamental Age →
8/25/202329 minutes, 10 seconds
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The God Who Keeps His Promises

Throughout the Old Testament, God made a series of incredible promises – promises that defied His people’s expectations. And, in His time, He fulfilled every last one of them. In today’s study of 1 Kings 8, we’ll consider the God who always ‘keeps His promises’ – including those that He has made to you and … Continue reading The God Who Keeps His Promises →
8/16/202325 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Death And Final Days Of Moses

On many occasions, Moses went up a mountain to meet with God. In Deuteronomy 34, he would do so once again – but this time, he would not return. What can we learn from the death and final days of Moses? That will be the focus of today’s study. Questions That We’ll Answer: A) How … Continue reading The Death And Final Days Of Moses →
8/10/202326 minutes, 28 seconds
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The War Against Your Soul (And How To Fight It)

In 1 Peter 2, the Apostle talked about a ‘war’ waged against the soul of believers. When we think of ‘war,’ we tend to think of external enemies that are coming against us. But that’s not the sort of war that Peter was talking about. Rather, Peter was talking about a war that is going … Continue reading The War Against Your Soul (And How To Fight It) →
8/2/202328 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Tower Of Babel: What Really Happened

God told the people to go outward – to be fruitful and to multiply across the globe. Instead, the people decided to go upward – to build a tower into the heavens. In today’s study, we’ll consider the construction of the “Tower of Babel” in Genesis 11, and see why God came down to deal … Continue reading The Tower Of Babel: What Really Happened →
7/25/202330 minutes, 51 seconds
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Faith Comes By Hearing, And Hearing By The Word

In Romans 10, Paul asked a series of important questions. Specifically, he asked this: “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they … Continue reading Faith Comes By Hearing, And Hearing By The Word →
7/17/202328 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Good Samaritan: Who Is Your Neighbor?

Who is your neighbor? That was the question that Jesus asked the proud, arrogant lawyer. The man said that he’d kept the law. The man said that he’d loved his neighbor as himself. But Jesus knew better. Jesus knew that was only true if he neutered the word of any meaning. And so Jesus asked … Continue reading The Good Samaritan: Who Is Your Neighbor? →
7/10/202328 minutes, 48 seconds
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Revival And Reformation: What It Looks Like

Does the church need revival? Does it need reformation? Throughout history, there have been a number of ‘revivals’ when God’s people have increased in size, health, and ministry. And in every single case, these revivals involved a renewed emphasis on God’s Word. In today’s study of 2 Kings 23, we’ll see that one of the … Continue reading Revival And Reformation: What It Looks Like →
6/30/202329 minutes, 51 seconds
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Eternity And Earthen Vessels (2 Cor. 4)

Life is short. Act accordingly. In today’s study, we consider Paul’s words to the Corinthians, in which he referred to our mortal bodies as “earthen vessels.” In other words, Paul likened our human bodies to pottery – easily broken, and not built to last. Now, is that a depressing thought? Well, it would be, except … Continue reading Eternity And Earthen Vessels (2 Cor. 4) →
6/20/202326 minutes, 55 seconds
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Exodus: The Last Words Of The Book

When Exodus began, God’s people were laboring over a building project – Pharaoh’s. But by the time Exodus ends, an entirely different building project is in view (the Tabernacle). In our final study of the Book of Exodus, we consider the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was a game changer for the people of Israel. With that … Continue reading Exodus: The Last Words Of The Book →
6/12/202333 minutes, 24 seconds
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Exodus: Moses In The Cleft Of The Rock

Are you and I able to look upon God’s face? Why or why not? What about when we’re in Heaven – will we be able to look upon God then? In today’s text, we’ll consider Moses’ request to see God’s face. And we’ll also consider God’s response, and how He safely tucked Moses into the … Continue reading Exodus: Moses In The Cleft Of The Rock →
6/5/202337 minutes, 23 seconds
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Exodus: God And The Golden Calf

The ‘golden calf’ incident is a dark blot in Israelite history. While coming down the mountain, Moses heard the sound of warfare from below. But he soon found that it wasn’t warfare – it was singing and adulation toward an idol. The people had broken God’s law. Terribly. Egregiously. And to demonstrate what they’d done, … Continue reading Exodus: God And The Golden Calf →
5/25/202335 minutes, 6 seconds
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Exodus: The Heavenly Tabernacle And Priesthood

Does God care how we worship Him? According to Exodus 28, the answer is YES. In the last fifteen chapters of Exodus, we read about the construction of the Tabernacle. In these chapters, God gave the people some meticulous, specific details for the Tabernacle’s components and design. He also gave specific details for the clothing … Continue reading Exodus: The Heavenly Tabernacle And Priesthood →
5/8/202330 minutes, 4 seconds
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Exodus: The Ark Of The Covenant

What was the Ark Of The Covenant? In Exodus 25, God told the Israelites to construct an ‘ark,’ and to place the ark in the Tabernacle. But what was the purpose of the Ark? And what was the significance of the ‘mercy seat’ that was on its top? These questions will be the focus of … Continue reading Exodus: The Ark Of The Covenant →
5/1/202332 minutes, 17 seconds
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Exodus: The Blood Of The Covenant

The Israelites had seen ‘animal sacrifices’ before. On many occasions, they’d seen blood on the altar. However, they’d never been sprinkled by that blood (the way that Moses did in Exodus 24). Why did Moses do this? And what was the point of this “blood oath” or covenant that the people had entered into with … Continue reading Exodus: The Blood Of The Covenant →
4/13/202326 minutes, 41 seconds
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Exodus: The Angel Of The Lord

Did you know that Jesus Christ appears throughout the Book of Exodus? From the Red Sea to their arrival in the Promised Land, Jesus Christ makes multiple appearances in this part of the Old Testament. In Exodus 23, we see one of these – an occasion when He is referred to as the “Angel of … Continue reading Exodus: The Angel Of The Lord →
4/6/202329 minutes, 54 seconds
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Exodus: The Ten Commandments (Decalogue)

God’s law can teach, it can restrain, and it can disciple. But it cannot save. That was the problem of the Israelites as they looked at the burning mountain. When they heard the ten commandments, they realized this – as significant as those commandments were, they only condemned, and did not redeem. The fire on … Continue reading Exodus: The Ten Commandments (Decalogue) →
3/25/202331 minutes, 1 second
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Exodus: Fire On The Mountain (Mt. Sinai)

The people were out of Egypt. They’d gone through the wilderness. Now, they had arrived at the mountain of God. “There were thunderings and lightnings, and a thick cloud on the mountain; and the sound of the trumpet was very loud, so that all the people who were in the camp trembled. And Moses brought … Continue reading Exodus: Fire On The Mountain (Mt. Sinai) →
3/16/202332 minutes, 49 seconds
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Exodus: Bread From Heaven, Water From Rock

Ordinarily, bread doesn’t come from Heaven. Ordinarily, water doesn’t come from rocks. But in Exodus 16, they did! God provided for His people using the most unexpected means. Click to hear Part 7 of our new series on the Book of Exodus.
3/9/202339 minutes, 37 seconds
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Exodus: The Passover Night (The 10th Plague)

Across the course of the first nine plagues, all of Egypt’s gods had proven worthless – the God of Israel had brought plagues upon the very things those gods were supposed to protect. And yet, Pharaoh had learned nothing. His heart had only grown harder. However, the 10th plague would break his spirit and take … Continue reading Exodus: The Passover Night (The 10th Plague) →
2/28/202338 minutes, 41 seconds
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Exodus: The Ten Plagues Of Egypt

In Week 4 of our new series, we review the ‘ten plagues of Egypt. ‘Why did God send these plagues? Why did it take more than one (let alone ten) before Pharaoh let God’s people go? And what was God’s reason for ‘hardening Pharaoh’s heart?’ Click to learn more.
2/17/202333 minutes, 15 seconds
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Exodus: Let My People Go!

In Exodus 5, God was not messing around. He was clear in His decree to Pharaoh – “let My people go.” However, Pharaoh resisted. He ignored God’s messenger (Moses) and he rejected God’s demand. In fact, He began to oppress the people even worse. This was not going to end well for Pharaoh!
2/8/202330 minutes, 44 seconds
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Exodus: The Burning Bush

In Exodus 3, God met Moses in the form of a ‘burning bush. ‘What are we to make of this theophany? And what did God tell Moses at this time? In this week’s sermon, we consider the great “I AM” statement and the commission that God gave to Moses (to rescue His people from bondage).
2/1/202334 minutes, 17 seconds
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Exodus: God, Moses And Pharaoh

This is Week 1 in our new 10 Week Series on Exodus. Join us as we learn about the birth of Moses, the death of the Israelite children, and the hope for future deliverance (from the evil hands of Pharaoh).
1/23/202328 minutes, 50 seconds
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Stand Up And Speak Out (A Call To Courage)

The Gospel is NOT toothless. The Gospel is NOT weak. In Scripture, we see that the Gospel is the “power of God” unto salvation. We should treat it that way – as a lion to be let out, not as something to hide, package or subjugate. Just preach it!
9/30/202231 minutes, 35 seconds
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Church Life: Do Christians Really Need The Church

For a Christian, is church OPTIONAL? In other words, do you really NEED the church? Why or why not? Spoiler alert: you do need the church. According to Scripture, the church is not optional, but essential. Click to learn why.
9/13/202230 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus: Ministry To Doubters And Disciples

The man DID NOT believe. In his mind, there was NO WAY that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah. That was until he met Jesus. And at that moment, Jesus convinced this skeptic that He was indeed the Messiah – the very Son of God.
4/25/202237 minutes, 19 seconds
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Consider The Source: Who Are You Listening To?

Everyone is someone’s disciple. Someone is teaching you. Someone is attempting to remake you in their image. The question is: who? As a Christian, you need to consider the sources that are instructing you and your children (from church to the media to schooling). Not everyone can be right about the big questions in life, … Continue reading Consider The Source: Who Are You Listening To? →
11/24/202128 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Reformation: I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel

Don’t do it. Don’t water down the Gospel. Don’t pander to sinners. Don’t appease goats and starve sheep. Don’t let people die on your watch. Tell people the truth! In Romans 1, the Apostle Paul said “I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” We shouldn’t be either. Click to listen to this … Continue reading The Reformation: I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel →
11/12/202128 minutes, 18 seconds
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Is Jesus REALLY The Only Way To Salvation

Is Jesus the ONLY way? Why or why not? There are a lot of religions – can Heaven be attained by all of them? Can well meaning people of any faith be saved, as long as they are sincere in their beliefs? And can these questions be answered in an intellectually honest, theologically consistent way? … Continue reading Is Jesus REALLY The Only Way To Salvation →
5/28/202133 minutes, 20 seconds
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“Born Again” – What Does This Actually Mean?

What does it mean to be “born again?” Is this a real thing? Does something really happen to us when we come to Christ, or is this just a fancy way of referring to our decision to follow Him? Click to learn what being born again is all about in this study of John 3.
5/2/202136 minutes, 36 seconds
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The World And The Devil Within It

The devil is real. And the whole world is under his sway. That was the Apostle John’s exact warning in 1 John 5. With that said, what does the devil’s “reality” mean for you? And presuming that he attacks believers and the church, how does he go about it? Click to listen to our latest … Continue reading The World And The Devil Within It →
4/23/202137 minutes, 34 seconds
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Original Sin: Is Man Born Good, Bad, Or Neutral

Original sin – is it true? Is man born good, bad, or neutral? In other words, does the Bible say that we come into this world innocent, wicked, or as a spiritual free agent? The Apostle Paul taught on this topic at length – click to learn what he said in Romans 5.
12/12/202032 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Reason To Believe (Faith in God and Scripture)

Belief or disbelief – either choice comes with reasons. What are yours? If you believe in God (or if you don’t) you may be expected to give a reason for those views. But not everyone can. In this sermon, we consider some reasons for faith in God and His book.
11/20/202032 minutes, 39 seconds
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The War Of The Worldviews

Wars begin with words. It is words that shape our opinions and outcomes – words, semantics, and definitions form our “worldview.” But where do these words come from? And are their sources reliable? Click to learn more in this sermon on “The War Of The Worldviews.”
10/28/202030 minutes, 23 seconds