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English, Religion, 1 season, 158 episodes, 3 days, 19 hours, 7 minutes
I'm Alex, a family man finding connections between faith & culture.
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about: our UNRESTRICTED access to God as his children.
10/12/202442 minutes, 26 seconds
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Cutting off what causes you to stumble. Matthew 18:8-9 The LIVING Bible Translation.
10/5/202429 minutes, 32 seconds
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Living a humble, quiet life. Matthew 18:1-7.
9/28/202434 minutes, 38 seconds
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In the bible, being anxious means being divided, today we're explore how to Overcome Anxiety. Matthew 17: 19-27
9/22/202422 minutes, 21 seconds
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Mountain Moving Faith

How faith can move mountains. What happens when you find yourself in a spiritual valley too deep to climb out? We must move the mountain.
9/15/202427 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Have a Mentally Healthy Christian Life

Surviving the hell that poor mental health can be and finding freedom in Christ. Matthew17:14-18.
9/8/202434 minutes, 10 seconds
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Loving God so much, nothing else matters.
9/1/202437 minutes, 26 seconds
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Gaining the world but being left with nothing. How to leave the world behind. Defeating Phone Addiction
8/24/202446 minutes, 29 seconds
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Lose Well

Losing your life to find it. Matthew 16:25.
8/17/202428 minutes, 54 seconds
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Deny Yourself

How to follow Jesus. Matthew 16:24.
8/3/202432 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to get spiritually reset.
7/27/202449 minutes, 55 seconds
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Jesus is genuine. He will not poison you. He is the only genuine answer to life’s hunger. Other religions is cutting corners and mixing fake ingredients. It's disingenuous. 
7/20/202450 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Notice What God is Doing in and Around You. Matthew 16 :1-12 Donate:
7/13/202439 minutes, 35 seconds
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Jesus cares about our practical needs. How to trust that God will provide.
7/6/202455 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why what the world has to offer won't satisfy you and how Jesus had satisfaction in God.
7/3/202432 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to ACTUALLY get better spiritually and why you feel like you're not growing in your faith. Matthew 15:29-31.
6/29/202429 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to learn God's ways. Ecclesiastes 1: 12-18 TLB.
6/25/202431 minutes, 39 seconds
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Great Faith

How to have great faith in Jesus. Matthew 15:21-28
6/20/202444 minutes, 36 seconds
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Nothing is new: how to find newness of life in Christ. Ecclesiastes 1:8-11
6/18/202452 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to become pure. Matthew 15:10-20.
6/15/202447 minutes, 13 seconds
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Making Progress

How to know if you're truly improving. Alex Wilson | Ecclesiastes 1:3-7
6/11/202451 minutes, 20 seconds
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Not Far From God

How to get close to God. Matthew 15:1-9
6/8/202438 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to know the meaning of life. Ecclesiastes 1 : 1-2 Amen Podcast Instagram: Donate:
6/4/202429 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to heal spiritually.
6/1/202442 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to mend relationships. Part 4 of the relationships series.
5/28/202435 minutes, 11 seconds
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A preacher once said, we are always either about to to enter a storm, currently in a storm or leaving a storm. Which one are you? We will learn what God tends to teach us in storms why continuing our series in the book of Matthew.
5/25/202445 minutes, 1 second
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Reconciliation means things have returned to harmony, not simply putting up with each other. Compassion leads to harmony, compulsion leads to fake relationships.
5/21/202432 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to be deeply moved to compassion for others. Matthew 14:13-21.
5/19/202437 minutes, 34 seconds
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Today’s Sermon is called Theophilos, which is greek for “Friend of God” What does it mean to be god’s friend? What good things are ours in Christ because of our friendship with God? My Husband will be exploring how friendship with God enhances and enables us to experience supernatural friendship with others, by looking at Philemon 4-7, the 2nd part of our relationship series. 
5/15/202429 minutes
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How to detach from the world without losing your head.
5/12/202443 minutes, 54 seconds
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Christ-Centered Relationships

Philemon 1-3. Live at House Church in Kauai Hawaii. Relationships held together by anything other than Christ-centered love will eventually fall apart.
5/8/202442 minutes, 29 seconds
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Resistance is the reason why simply being amazed by God will not change us. We can be impressed by Jesus and not in love with him. To be changed by Jesus, we must lose trust in ourselves and instead, trust solely in him. Let’s find out how by looking at Matthew 13:53-58.
5/5/202434 minutes, 6 seconds
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Matthew 13:51-52.
4/28/202454 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hell, angels, & the end of the age. Matthew 13:47-50.
4/21/202440 minutes, 17 seconds
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Matthew 13: 45-46. Some find the kingdom of heaven accidentally, some find it through searching. Christianity is the only religion of eternal value. Other religions offer valuable things. But Christianity offers eternal life as a gift. Other religions say “prove yourself and you will find”, Christianity says “search and you will find”.
4/13/202433 minutes, 22 seconds
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Matthew 13:44.
4/7/202435 minutes, 6 seconds
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Matthew 13:36-43. How to change the mind, losing the condemning attitude, & getting over the mean mindset of the world.
3/31/202431 minutes, 48 seconds
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Sincerity of heart brings clarity of mind. Be sincere with God and you'll hear from God.
3/24/202445 minutes, 56 seconds
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Godly Influence

Matthew 13:33. The Parable of the Leaven.
3/16/202452 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Mustard Seed

Living a "little" christian life. Matthew 13:31-32.
3/10/202439 minutes, 3 seconds
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Jesus' Parable of the Wheat & Tares

Matthew 13:24-30.
3/3/202428 minutes, 47 seconds
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3/3/202450 seconds
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Matthew 13:18-23. Perseverance is more than just not giving up. it’s being focused on what you know is going to happen.
2/25/202437 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to grow in the knowledge of God and His Word.
2/17/202441 minutes, 44 seconds
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Matthew 13:1-9 | How Godly character is built.
2/11/202436 minutes, 8 seconds
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Matthew 12:46-50. How God restores order to our lives. Subscribe to our Email List
2/4/202429 minutes, 25 seconds
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Matthew 12:43-45. nothing changes unless everything changes.
1/28/202434 minutes, 19 seconds
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Spiritual signs unveiled: connecting with God. Matthew 12:33-42.
1/21/202441 minutes, 53 seconds
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God speaks life into us. Words matter because words create life. God's word empowers us to control our tongues and use our words to speak life not death. Matthew 12:33-37.
1/14/202427 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to quiet intrusive thoughts with the Word of DONATE: Amen Podcast: #christianpodcast #sermon #intrusivethoughts
1/7/202446 minutes, 6 seconds
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God chooses and we have choices. He is sovereign and we have free will. In the old testament, Israel chose to reject God, so he chose to send his son to redeem us from sin. When Jesus came, he did so as a suffering servant, not a conquering king. As a result, God’s chosen people look different than whats expected.  Our greatest desire is to be chosen by someone who is far more wonderful than we could imagine. Infatuation flirts with the object of its affection, but true love longs to be with the one it has chosen. Jesus made a decision to die for the undeserving so he could satisfy our hearts desire to be chosen by God. It was Jesus desire to glorify God and satisfy our debt by making the decision to die for the undeserving. So what does a chosen person’s life look like? How do we live like were chosen?
12/31/202338 minutes, 42 seconds
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Atrophy is the wasting away of body tissue and or an organ. Without exercise, muscles will atrophy. Without spiritual exercise, our spiritual muscles will atrophy. Stretching prevents atrophy and promotes the growth of muscles. have you stretched your spiritual muscles lately? Do you have spiritual atrophy? It is time to start using those muscles again. How? We will learn as my husband Alex preaches on Jesus healing the withered hand of a man at the synagogue in Matthew 12:9-14. AMENPODCAST.COM/DONATE
12/24/202329 minutes, 39 seconds
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Jesus tears down religious, man-made fences designed to keep us from God. The best spiritual offense is a good scriptural defense. The burden of religion can only be lifted with the mercy of God. Works based salvation is an unattainable standard, and a deep, theological lie. In today’s episode, Alex will preach about how Jesus tears down religious fences, while also becoming our defense and righteousness. Matthew 12:1-8 
12/17/202337 minutes, 47 seconds
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Every human is looking for the same thing: rest. And it is found in the face of God. knowing him for who he really is and being at peace with him is how our soul can finally rest from its eternal work. we punch our spiritual work card and take a deep existential breath once Jesus reveals to us that he is the only way to the father. in this episode, alex will unpack what it means to find rest in God. Matthew 11:25-30.
12/10/202346 minutes, 4 seconds
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Matthew 11:20-24. Responsibility is the ability to give a response. christians have the supernatural ability to respond to God. We must take Him seriously. the more we know about God, the more we are empowered by the knowledge to give the correct response, which is obedience. our obedience is our responsibility. in the words of uncle ben, with great power comes great responsibility. Christians are held at a higher standard than unbelievers because Christians have been given much knowledge, and with that knowledge much is required. in this episode, alex will be preaching about christian responsibility and how to respond to God.
12/3/202328 minutes, 31 seconds
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christians are called to be childlike not childish. in matthew 11, Jesus explains that religious people are hard to please. sometimes they dont want truth and the dont want grace, just like a child who can make up their mind on what to eat, their hungry but nothing sounds good to them. if you find yourself unpleased with your relationship with God, or unable to please people in your life who seem bent on opposing you, in this episode, my husband alex will be preaching about leaving childish faith behind and choosing to give your all to God. matthew 11:16-19 esv
11/26/202321 minutes, 5 seconds
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Are you confused with God? in this episode’, Alex is preaching about “How to not be confused by God” He will be giving us 4 steps out of confusion with God. Need to know what God wants you to do? Need to know the difference between your voice and God’s? Do you find yourself struggling to understand what God has next for you? or where to find God in your life? Join us as we continue our study through Matthew in chapter 11 verses 1-15.  support us shop amen merch our instagram our YouTube
11/19/202331 minutes, 4 seconds
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In the east, holding hands is a sign of close friendship. It’s one thing to have Jesus in your heart, and in your head, but have you taken him by the hand? Here are 3 steps to taking Jesus by the hand. Matthew 10:40-42.
11/12/202321 minutes, 15 seconds
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5 steps to putting God first in your life. Matthew 10:34-39.
11/5/202328 minutes, 8 seconds
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The fear of people is stunting your spiritual growth and quieting your spiritual gift. You aren’t truly free until you’re free from fearing people. Only fear of God fixes the fear of people. matthew 10:26-33.
10/29/202344 minutes, 19 seconds
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When God asks, “Do you understand the assignment?”
10/22/202324 minutes, 25 seconds
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A divine, greenlit message from heaven has reached planet earth, the world desperately tries to cover it up. Will you receive it before it’s too late? Matthew 10:1-15.
10/15/202330 minutes, 35 seconds
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A “gatekeeper” is person that controls access to something. In Matthew 9:34-38, there are good gatekeepers and bad ones. What kind of gatekeeper are you? How can you gate-keep God’s way?
10/8/202329 minutes, 19 seconds
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in Matthew 9:27-33, Jesus reveals what He's finna do next in Israel's story. As we look, we will find what He is finna do next in your life.
10/1/202343 minutes, 44 seconds
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When your spiritual life is dead, there is something you've misread. Matthew 9:18-26.
9/24/202321 minutes, 11 seconds
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Matthew 9:14-17. Jesus broke the mould of what religion is. In what ways do you need a fresh look at God and your own spirituality?
9/17/202318 minutes, 55 seconds
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Matthew 9;9-13. Getting spiritually healthy and why being sick is better than being self-righteous.
9/10/202330 minutes, 54 seconds
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Matthew 9:1-8. Your problem isn’t medical, physical, financial, or mental. It's spiritual. Sin is your greatest problem.
9/3/202326 minutes, 25 seconds
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Matthew 8:28-34. To stop overthinking we must think of ourselves less and think of others more.
8/27/202324 minutes, 7 seconds
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Sleep is sweet when peace is deep. If Jesus can sleep through a storm (Matthew 8:24), then He can empower you to have peace in any storm.
8/20/202322 minutes, 18 seconds
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Matthew 8:18-22. Are you making decisions based on earthy security or heavenly security?
8/13/202336 minutes, 46 seconds
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Matthew 8:14-17. What God removes from us, let us never go back to.
8/6/202329 minutes, 10 seconds
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Christianity is the only religion that asks you to really think. Jesus wants us to trust Him blindly AND deeply contemplate His words. At some point, every other religion becomes cult-like, telling its followers to just digest the religion's claims and beliefs, but Jesus says, "Stop, think about it. Once you do, you'll see why I am the way, the truth, and the life." Thinking is trusting. Instagram
7/30/202328 minutes, 40 seconds
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Alex preaches about how to approach God properly. Lokelani share her discoveries in spiritual healing.
7/23/202321 minutes, 3 seconds
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Q & A

We posted a question sticker on our instagram story. We talk about our relationship, how to give God glory everyday, having kids and more!
7/16/202321 minutes, 59 seconds
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Christianity is to about what you do, its about what Jesus did. However, if you're not a doer of the word and only a hearer, you'll spend eternity in hell and you'll spend this life revisting destruction. Today, Alex preaches on "doing God's word", afterwards Lokelani shares a chilling story of what NOT doing God's word looks like. instagram | donate
7/9/202330 minutes, 4 seconds
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Alex preaches about how to think small, be small and live a small life by choosing to walk on the narrow path of Jesus. Lokelani shares her journey away from the world's wide road of destruction to the small path that leads to life. | instagram
7/2/202330 minutes, 45 seconds
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Matthew 7:7-11. Alex will preach about why you need to ask God for big things and how God exceeds our expectations and imaginations. Lokelani will share what she wants to start asking God for and the problem with asking God for "the little things".
6/25/202333 minutes, 52 seconds
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Matthew 7:1-6. Are you respected? Do you want to be? Showing respect to others is an indication of one’s own self-understanding. A person is respected when someone understands themself well enough to show respect. Being misunderstood is one of the loneliness feelings in the human existence. Jesus shows how he understands us but doesn’t affirm our practices, and shows us how we can be respected but also show respect to others in next part of our Matthew series.
6/18/202332 minutes, 48 seconds
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Anxiety is a product of what we seek. When we seek God’s kingdom, we will have peace. Why do we keep falling back into anxiety? Our culture is constantly convincing us that we need to seek our own kingdom. But we can’t blame the culture, there’s something in us that doesn't trust that God is good. Today, Alex will preach about how to not be anxious and Loke will share what makes her anxious.
6/11/202329 minutes, 24 seconds
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Matthew 6:25-30. Jesus never worried. Worry is rooted in fear and disbelief. Jesus invites us to truly live: life without worry. We are called to turn from chasing things and encouraged to follow the King. Through Christ, it is possible to live one day at a time, not worrying about the future, not caring about having new stuff or living for earthly pleasures, but instead be so free and present that we are unbothered by our worldly lack because of our great riches in Christ. Today, Alex preaches about how to live unworried, while Lokelani shares what she worries about most.
6/4/202323 minutes, 37 seconds
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How well do you see spiritually? or in other words, are your eyes fixed on God? Are you truly devoted to him? To test your spiritual vision you must look at your heart’ devotion by asking yourself, “what takes up most of my thoughts?” To help us see God more clearly, Alex will be preaching about vision, as we continue our series in Matthew 6;22-24 CSB.
5/28/202324 minutes, 27 seconds
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In this episode, Alex is sharing with you how to find God's calling for your life. This is an important step in discovering your unique purpose on this earth. Beginning with biblical study, you can begin to understand God's plan for your life and find the direction you need to take to achieve your dreams. By studying the scriptures, you can develop a personal relationship with God and find your personal calling. | Instagram
5/24/202314 minutes, 28 seconds
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Alex is preaching about How to reach the goals God has purposed for you. What are your goals? short term? long term? At your funeral what do you want people to say about you? Are your goals God’s goals? All this and more will be answered in today’s exegesis of Matthew 6:19-21.
5/21/202333 minutes, 13 seconds
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What is your motivation for being a Christian? Do you want the ethics? The benefits? The status? The culture? Or do you want the king? Today Alex is preaching about having more of the right motivation to follow Jesus.
5/14/202326 minutes, 6 seconds
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Alex is preaching about the power, purpose, and position of prayer by looking at Matthew 6:5-15. Do you pray as often as you’d like? Do you feel as though your prayer life could improve? Well, this message is for you. Jesus has made it possible for you to have a safe place and constant audience with the Father.
5/6/202318 minutes, 44 seconds
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BONUS: Uncovering the 5 Secret Prayer Practices God WON'T Ignore! Practical tips on prayer & how to pray like Jesus, be heard by God and hear from God.
5/6/20239 minutes, 17 seconds
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Alex preaches about not chasing a spectacular life, but rather a simple, quiet and humble one. The world tells us to be spectacular, but the Word tells us to be specific.
4/29/202326 minutes, 51 seconds
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Are you a basic Christian? In slang, when someone is "basic" they are unoriginal, unexceptional, and mainstream. Jesus was nothing of the sort. To be like Him is to be unique, free, simple, confident, mature and so much more. What makes Jesus so attractive is that He is unlike anyone, yet so much like us at the same time. In this episode, Alex preaches on "How to not be a basic Christian" from Matthew 5;34-48 and Lokelani confesses her struggle with self-righteousness. | instagram
4/23/202324 minutes, 38 seconds
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Matthew 5:38-42. Alex preaches how to be free from the never-ending cycle of retaliation, payback, holding grudges, and relationship drama. Lokelani gets deep as she explores what this looks like in her life as a wife, mom, & friend. | Instagram
4/16/202325 minutes, 28 seconds
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Mark 9:33-37. How to surrender your social status: you're not special, you’re family. Live from Wheaton College.
4/13/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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Alex preaches about honesty from Matthew 5:33-37; Lokelani shares her honesty journey through parenting. AMENPODCAST.COM
4/9/202324 minutes, 53 seconds
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Matthew 5:27-32. Alex preaches on how to find contentment while Loke shares her struggle with "bouncing back" after 5 pregnancies. | Instagram
4/2/202326 minutes, 56 seconds
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Alex teaches “How to be Chill” as he explains Jesus’ view of anger in Matthew 5:21-26. Also, Lokelani shares how God has turned her internal rage into eternal peace. | instagram
3/26/202325 minutes, 54 seconds
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Alex preaches from Matthew 5:17-20 about how to find fulfillment and Lokelani opens up about her struggles with looking for fulfillment in the wrong places.
3/19/202339 minutes, 40 seconds
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Matthew 5:14-16. Why Jesus calls you the “Light of the World” and How to be the “Light of the World”.
3/12/202337 minutes, 4 seconds
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In Matthew 5:13, Jesus calls the disciples the "Salt of the earth", what does that truly mean? The answer will shock  and challenge you to be more than your-everyday-table-salt.
3/7/202344 minutes, 2 seconds
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Matthew 5:10-12. The need, problem and solution of persecution. What is persecution and how do we respond?
2/25/202323 minutes, 1 second
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Matthew 5:9. Don't be a peace-faker or a peace-taker or a peace-breaker. Be a peacemaker and you'll know true happiness.
2/19/202331 minutes, 37 seconds
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Matthew 5:8. How to be pure in heart and experience God daily.
2/12/202340 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to be merciful and receive God’s mercy. Matthew 5:7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. AMENPODCAST.COM
2/5/202325 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to be satisfied in life.  Matthew 5:6. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled Need: satisfaction. John 4:31-34 Meanwhile his disciples urged him, “Rabbi, eat something.” But he said to them, “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” Then his disciples said to each other, “Could someone have brought him food?” “My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work. Problem: we long for the wrong. John 4:16-18 “Go and get your husband,” Jesus told her. 17 “I don’t have a husband,” the woman replied. Jesus said, “You’re right! You don’t have a husband— 18 for you have had five husbands, and you aren’t even married to the man you’re living with now. You certainly spoke the truth!” Solution: know Him ask Him. John 4:10 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, ‘Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”
1/29/202330 minutes, 18 seconds
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Make yourself small: how to practice the meekness of Christ. Matthew 5:5. Donate  Luke's Registry
1/20/202316 minutes, 56 seconds
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Jesus says those who mourn are truly deeply happy and satisfied. How? What does it mean to mourn our sin? How can we do it stuck in a world that celebrates sin.
1/13/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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How being poor in spirit is the first key to happiness.
1/7/202331 minutes, 19 seconds
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Mountains are where heaven and earth meet. This episode is about how to meet with God and how God moves His mountain into you. It begins our series on the most famous discourse from Jesus, the sermon on the mount. Matthew 5:1-2.
1/1/202331 minutes, 10 seconds
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experiencing God's whole healing. Matthew 4:23-25.
12/25/202223 minutes, 3 seconds
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repent, quit and revisit what it means to follow Jesus.
12/18/202218 minutes, 40 seconds
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'Shade is a subtle, sneering expression of contempt for or disgust with someone—sometimes verbal, and sometimes not.' Today we explore: faith growing despite shade throwing. 
12/11/202227 minutes, 8 seconds
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Let go of power and let God provide. Matthew 4:8-11.
12/4/202231 minutes, 39 seconds
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Living by faith, not facts. Matthew 4:5-7.
11/27/202223 minutes, 10 seconds
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from spiritual hangry to spiritually happy. Matthew 4:1-4.
11/21/202251 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to make right choices, every time.
11/14/202247 minutes, 58 seconds
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If you don't have fruit, you'll have hell fire. Matthew 3:7-12.
11/6/202232 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to turn from sin and back to God. Matthew 3:1-6.
10/31/202227 minutes, 49 seconds
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God uses the home to bring Heaven here.
10/25/202246 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to be a fearless christian. Matthew 2:16-18.
10/19/202246 minutes, 48 seconds
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God: you're called, despite your falls.
10/13/202232 minutes, 9 seconds
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Connecting with God simply, securely and strongly.
10/5/202221 minutes, 17 seconds
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being influenced by God, not sin.
9/28/202235 minutes, 22 seconds
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when God fills you with purpose and peace.
9/21/202250 minutes, 21 seconds
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stop trying and start trusting, salvation is finally here.
9/14/202251 minutes, 50 seconds
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how God is changing you.
9/7/202237 minutes, 49 seconds
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how to have newness of life daily.
8/31/202256 minutes, 18 seconds
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how to invite Jesus into every relationship. (4/4)
8/22/202225 minutes, 4 seconds
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how to handle drama like Christ.
8/17/202226 minutes, 15 seconds
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how to be the type of friend that thrives in their relationships.
8/11/202238 minutes, 13 seconds
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how to have great communication in your relationships.
8/4/202225 minutes, 37 seconds
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how to hear God and be heard by Him.
7/28/202239 minutes, 49 seconds
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how to be consumed with God rather than the world.
7/21/202230 minutes, 54 seconds
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when God's Word makes you alive, again.
7/13/202241 minutes, 46 seconds
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how to draw near to God, so He will draw near to you.
7/6/202246 minutes, 13 seconds
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how God's righteousness hooks us in.
6/29/202243 minutes, 44 seconds
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when God's Word leaves you breathless.
6/22/202233 minutes, 20 seconds
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God's Word gives us spiritual sight. AMENPODCAST.COM
6/16/202258 minutes, 44 seconds
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God's Word is our support.
6/9/202242 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to stay committed to God, after all, He's committed to you.
6/2/202249 minutes, 27 seconds
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God's Word gives us wisdom.
5/26/202237 minutes, 2 seconds
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5/19/202255 minutes, 31 seconds
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how to trust God’s word more and become a more trustworthy christian.
5/12/202245 minutes, 18 seconds
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There is nothing more comforting than the sweet whisper of a father to His child saying everything is going to be all right. Those who find their comfort in God will find themselves blameless in God‘s eyes and will be found as a source of hope and joy in the eyes of others. Countless stories in scripture show us of the strongest men and women in history who found comfort in no other place than God‘s word. how can we be like them? let's find out. ( 
5/5/202249 minutes, 33 seconds
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Everything He allows and does is ultimately for our good. We will explore God‘s goodness and how it will transform our perspective to live life confidently and hopefully and give us an increased desire to love God’s word. PSALMS 119:65-72. DONATE | AMEN MERCH
4/28/202244 minutes, 54 seconds
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Trusting that simple statement will make you live confidently and powerfully. you won’t compare. you won’t shame yourself. you’ll live free. but the world, the devil and your own self, want you to remain in slavery. so they say” you need a new vehicle, you need more followers, you need a relationship, you need more money”. in this episode we will listen to what God says about our needs, and what it looks like when His words change our perspective, purpose and inner person. donate
4/21/202248 minutes, 3 seconds
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Jesus is risen, our hope is alive. Because he is alive, our hope of forgiveness, revival and eternity will never be taken from us. A major source of our irritability, frustration and sadness is from misplaced hope. Sometimes we may not even be aware of the things that we are hoping in. Any one or anything that we place our hope in outside of God‘s word is dangerous and doomed to disappoint. Today we will learn not only how to hope in God‘s word, but also what happens when we do. donate
4/14/202245 minutes, 3 seconds
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we live in a world where if you do not think like everybody else you will get canceled and mocked and laughed at. The person that wrote psalms 119 lived in a similar world. In this episode, we will explore how the unfailing kindness and love of God empower us to live boldly, unashamed and full of freedom in the face of personal attacks from enemies within Christianity and from the outside.
4/7/202253 minutes, 53 seconds
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the word of God is the Christian’s teacher. teaching leads to learning and learning leads to growth. true growth is measured by how much we obey and delight in the teaching of the word of God. how can we learn to love what God’s word teaches and obey it supremely in our lives and thus experience the joy of growing in confidence, strength, peace and oneness with God? Well, tune in and listen up.
3/31/202244 minutes, 23 seconds
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revival is defined by robert coleman as “the awakening or quickening of God's people to their true nature and purpose”. in order to receive revival and the new life that comes with it, our old life has to die. this is called dying to self in the bible. but what does that look like? we must know the answer to have this God-promised, new life from above breathed into us.
3/24/202235 minutes, 29 seconds
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Have you ever tried playing a game or building something without reading the instructions? At first, it’s exciting to take on the challenge of seeing if you can figure it all out yourself. But eventually, you find yourself confused and frustrated because things aren’t going right. The pieces aren’t fitting together.  Well, in the game of life, the Word of God is our guide! Like instructions or a map. In God’s word we will find freedom from the grip of sin and the emptiness of the world that a lot of us are chasing. it also helps us see past the lies of the world and the enemy and reveals the truth of God’s direction and plan for our lives. The Word of God must be our guide, otherwise we will roam this world defeated, wandering and lost.
3/17/202235 minutes, 12 seconds
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How do we stay pure when we live in a world that encourages us to just do whatever feels right? We do not have the power to overcome this on our own. We cannot muster up enough strength to keep ourselves from doing the things our flesh wants to do or to fight against some of the demonic forces that are behind temptations. We must find strength by hiding God’s word in our heart and truly delighting in it. We can’t just read and memorize scripture. We must love it more than anything else and believe that it is true. 
3/10/202246 minutes, 25 seconds
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Yesterday we got rid of the 2 tv’s we had in our house. Our oldest son, Amos, loves TV and one might say he was even addicted. When we first told him he was shocked for about 20 seconds, but once we explained why we were doing it and that having better integrity is important, he had the biggest smile on his face. Honestly, he was so joyful, I was the one left in shock. Alex will talk more about how true happiness and integrity are linked together by looking at Psalm 119:1-8. donate 
3/3/202221 minutes, 48 seconds
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we will discover that by looking at the resurrection of Christ, we can trust that God’s plan and purpose for our lives is unstoppable. 🤍 donate 🤍 instagram
2/24/202243 minutes, 12 seconds
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its time to come out. mark 15:42-47. 🖤 donate 🤍 instagram
2/17/202229 minutes, 38 seconds
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The crucifixion shows that Christianity is for outcasts. Those rejected by religion, the world, friends or family. It gives a place and a purpose and a position for thought whom the world might label “losers”. Let’s discover more of who you are in Mark 15:38-41. (
2/12/202225 minutes, 32 seconds
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we’re not meant to live in darkness, but sometimes we have to live through it. in this episode, we will see how Jesus pushed through darkness on the cross and that in him we can have the strength to live through darkness.
2/10/202227 minutes, 47 seconds
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God‘s plan is different than the world’s spirituality says. God‘s plan is not just blessings and prosperity. It is deeper, darker, simpler, more mysterious, more beautiful and far greater than simple blessings. God‘s plan for you reveals who you are and who you will be. It reveals what has been predicted about you long before the creation of the universe. let’s explore God’s plan.
2/5/202226 minutes, 12 seconds
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 how do you know if you are close to God?  true Christians are often closer to him than they think.  If we’re not close, how do we get close to him? If we are close to him, how do we remain there?  In this episode we look at a man name Simon who is so close to Jesus he helped him carry the cross.  what does this story mean?  did Simon understand what he was doing?  let’s gets close and see.
2/2/202228 minutes, 27 seconds
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No more silence from heaven. God is speaking and listening to you. mark 15:1-20.
1/27/202243 minutes, 39 seconds
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Stop ghosting God. He loves you. mark 14:66-72.
1/1/202238 minutes, 23 seconds