Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey is a deep dive into the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Signs, wonders, healing, miracles, and prophetic ministry are shared in a practical way, drawing you closer to Jesus. You will be encouraged, equipped, and empowered as you are activated in your adventures in the Spirit. We interview fivefold ministers, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. You’ll be inspired to hear from my friends around the world who share personal stories of lives transformed through the power of the Spirit. This podcast is not just information, but impartation and activation. You will be equipped and empowered to flow in a lifestyle of power everywhere you go. The supernatural is natural as you hear true stories of the prophetic, seeing in the Spirit, encountering Jesus, dreams, visions, healings, miracles, incredible signs and wonders, the angelic realm, power evangelism, the anointing of the Holy Spirit and more. You’ll listen to powerful conversations that will saturate you and increase your spiritual hunger. We’ve had people receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, see angels, receive healing, and be empowered to minister healing, prophecy, signs, and wonders while listening in. We’ve discussed topics of impartation, revelation, dreams and visions, dream interpretation, signs of the times, end times, encountering angels, power evangelism, how to hear God and prophesy and more. You will be activated to live the supernatural and adventurous life in the Spirit. Subscribe today and share your favorite episodes with your friends. Jared Laskey and Rochelle Laskey founded Fireborn Ministries to see Jesus awaken this generation to the power of the Spirit. They love to teach you how to hear God’s voice and move in the power of the Holy Spirit seeing the supernatural take place every day in your life. You can find their resources and learn more about their ministry on
Joel Penton: How to Reach Your Schools During School Hours (S4:E47)
Can we truly reach our schools for Jesus in this day and age? YES! Joel Penton shares how. You can purchase his book, 'During School Hours,' on Kindle or on paperback. Jared's 'The Baptism with the Holy Spirit' book is available as an ebook at Barnes and Noble or paperback on Amazon. Download our free PDF on studying the Scripture with the Holy Spirit on our website Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living with Jared and Rochelle Laskey.' Subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, Google, Podpage or paste our RSS feed on your favorite podcast app. Subscribe to 'Global Prophetic News' on Spotify, YouTube, IHeart Radio, and Apple Podcasts. Go to Covenant Eyes and check out their resources, purchase their software and download their app at Covenant Eyes. Get 30-Days Free with promo code FIREBORN (web-based purchase only). Purchase using our promo code using your desktop or laptop and then download the app on your phone/Ipad/tablets.
04/09/2023 • 25 minutes, 57 secondes
Prophesying on God Encounters (S4:E44)
Do you want to have your own adventures in the Spirit? Do you need a God encounter? Jared was a guest on Cheryl Thomas' international program and ministered prophetically to viewers. May you be activated to hear God and prophesy, in Jesus Name. Audio used with permission from Cheryl Thomas of God Encounters. Hear God and prophesy! Download this free PDF, 'Prophetic Activations.' Jared's 'The Baptism with the Holy Spirit' book is available as an ebook at Barnes and Noble or your favorite online ebookstore. Paperback coming soon on Amazon or your favorite online bookstore! Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living with Jared and Rochelle Laskey.' Subscribe on Apple, Spotify, Libsyn, Google, Podpage or paste our RSS feed on your favorite podcast app. Subscribe to 'Global Prophetic News' on Spotify, YouTube, IHeart Radio, and Apple Podcasts. Go to Covenant Eyes and check out their resources, purchase their software and download their app at Covenant Eyes. Get 30-Days Free with promo code FIREBORN (web-based purchase only). Purchase using our promo code using your desktop or laptop and then download the app on your phone/Ipad/tablets.
21/08/2023 • 57 minutes, 59 secondes
William Wood: How to Live in Victory (S4:E32)
Do you want to walk in victory or live in divine health? William Wood is a power evangelist and a Global Awakening associate. He sees God move in healing, miracles, signs and wonders. He shares principles for you to live in victory as we discuss his book, 'Every Day a Victory.' Download our top 5, 'Prophetic Activations.' And partner with us at Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living with Jared and Rochelle Laskey.' Subscribe on Spotify, Libsyn, Google, Podpage or paste our RSS feed on your favorite podcast app. Go to Covenant Eyes and check out their resources, purchase their software and download their app at Covenant Eyes. Get 30-Days Free with promo code FIREBORN (web-based purchase only). Purchase using our promo code using your desktop or laptop and then download the app on your phone/Ipad/tablets.
07/07/2023 • 27 minutes, 11 secondes
Sean Pinder: Healing, Miracles, Signs and Wonders (S4:E27)
Sean Pinder walks in the power of God. He has traveled the world seeing God works healings, miracles and signs and wonders with hundreds of thousands saved. He will share principles for you to see the Lord work through you so you can move in God's power everyday. Purchase his books, '7 Ways the Holy Spirit Speaks to Us,' and 'The Harder the Battle the Sweeter the Victory.' Do you need the power of the Holy Spirit? Download our free resource, 'How to Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.' Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living with Jared and Rochelle Laskey.' Subscribe on Spotify, Libsyn, Google, Podpage or paste our RSS feed on your favorite podcast app. Go to Covenant Eyes and check out their resources, purchase their software and download their app at Covenant Eyes. Get 30-Days Free with promo code FIREBORN (web-based purchase only). Purchase using our promo code using your desktop or laptop and then download the app on your phone/Ipad/tablets.
19/06/2023 • 43 minutes, 2 secondes
Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit (S4:E22)
Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit! Listen to this powerful broadcast to celebrate Pentecost 2023 (May 28) and receive speaking in tongues! Learn about the promise and how to receive Spirit Baptism and be activated in Jesus Name! Text or send this episode to your friends and family! Do you need the power of the Holy Spirit? Download our free resource, 'How to Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.' Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living with Jared and Rochelle Laskey.' Subscribe on Spotify, Libsyn, Google, Podpage or paste our RSS feed on your favorite podcast app.
28/05/2023 • 28 minutes, 19 secondes
Prophetic Counseling, Healing and Restoration with Heidi Mortenson (S3:E5)
If you want inner healing and restoration in your life, family or relationships, then listen to Heidi’s encouraging testimony. She shares how Jesus brought restoration in her life and how he breaks through in her client’s lives through prophetic counseling. As a professional licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, she brings the power of the Holy Spirit into every session. Heidi is the host of ‘Strong Tower Mental Health with Heidi Mortenson’ podcast. Listen to her interview with Jared on Spotify or Google or anywhere you listen to podcasts where he shares his testimony of being healed of PTSD and TBI. We apologize for the technical and sound issues on this episode. It was a great conversation but we were trying out a new podcast recording platform. And it didn’t work out so well. So you won’t hear much from your host, Jared, as we’ve had to cut out most of his dialogue. Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living' on Spotify, Libsyn, Google and more.
10/03/2022 • 30 minutes, 35 secondes
Julie Green: Hearing God for America (S3:E4)
What is God saying for 2022 and beyond? Is a re-inauguration in store for this year? Julie Green has a growing following of her daily prophetic words. She says the White House will be under new management this year, a retroactive restoration is coming but more importantly, God’s justice is on the way for America. Her prophetic words are said to be like, “the news before the news.” This is an intriguing conversation you don’t want to miss. Let us know your thoughts by joining our email list and downloading our free prophetic activation and reply to our emails. Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living' on Spotify, Libsyn, Google and more. Purchase your spiritual growth resources from the Charisma shop at
08/03/2022 • 29 minutes, 4 secondes
Miracles, Text Message Healings and Raising the Dead with Scott Gilbert (124)
You can see miracles take place, text message healings and raising the dead! This is a fun interview with my friend Scott Gilbert of Firestorm United. We flip the script on his radio show which is now on Charisma Podcast Network. You’ll hear true stories of miracles taking place in his life and what God has him doing now. Scott details his personal transformation from an average Believer to an activated son. His daily joy and excitement of seeing and participating in the Holy Spirit’s movement in the lives of coworkers, strangers, and friends has redefined for him what it means to live the Christian life as a businessman, husband, father, restaurant and coffee shop patron, grocery shopper, and more. Check out Firestorm with Scott Gilbert at and Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living' on Spotify, Libsyn, Google and more. Purchase your spiritual growth resources from the Charisma shop at
24/02/2022 • 1 heure, 55 secondes
Making Movies on Mission with Joshua Bischof (123)
YWAM Voices Series (5 of 5) – Do you want to know about how movies are made? Are you creative looking for next steps in your life? Josh Bischof joins me in a conversation about how he makes decisions behind the scenes. He is a staff member of the Youth With a Mission School of Digital Filmmaking and has an award winning documentary. You’ll hear how he was embedded in a student protest movement in Hong Kong, getting tear gassed while filming the students fortifying their positions. Josh was a great help to me while I was a student at the SDF in Kona, HI. This was recorded at the Banyan Tree Cafe while a number of Discipleship Training School students were going on mission. So please excuse the background noise(or consider being part of the conversation during the exciting times). Watch Josh’s ‘Burn with Us’ at and Jared’s short film, ‘Buddy Check,’ at Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living' on Spotify, Libsyn, Google and more.
22/02/2022 • 24 minutes, 4 secondes
Making Movies on Mission with Hunter Gutherie (122)
YWAM Voices Series (4 of 5)--Hunter Gutherie is a missionary with Youth With A Mission. He was a student with me at the YWAM Kona School of Digital Filmmaking at the University of the Nations. He shares how he was called into missions after hearing the audible voice of God. You’ll hear true stories of healings he has seen take place on the mission field and what God is doing in him now as he learns how to make movies. Watch Hunter's short film at and my short film here: I have never done this before, but if you'd like to help Hunter out on going back to YWAM as a staff member for the digital film school, give on PayPal to @HunterG52 Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living' on Spotify, Libsyn, Google and more. Purchase your spiritual growth resources from the Charisma shop at
15/02/2022 • 18 minutes, 49 secondes
How to Encounter God with Christophe Ulysse (121)
YWAM Voices Series (3 of 5): Do you want to encounter God? Listen to this conversation I had with Christophe Ulysse and be part of the activation! Christophe is on the campus leadership of YWAM Kona and is part of the Fire and Fragrance Discipleship Training School team. He is a power evangelist with true stories of signs, wonders, healing, miracles and salvation, traveling the world as a missionary. If you can do us a favor, please share this episode. Text it to your friends, tweet it, post on all your social media channels so that other people may encounter God. Subscribe to our teaching and equipping podcast, 'Spirit Empowered Living' on Spotify, Libsyn, Google and more. Purchase your spiritual growth resources from the Charisma shop at
08/02/2022 • 40 minutes, 2 secondes
Deep Faith, Worship and Missions with Trent Walker (120)
YWAM Voices Series (2 of 5): Listen to this encouraging true story of how a family took a risk, leaving what was comfortable, and pursuing the presence of God while seeing the world. Trent Walker shares his story of being in ministry but then taking a step of faith to travel. His family’s life was changed forever when a simple YouTube video went viral. He is now involved in YWAM Kona as a missionary, serving alongside his family. He shares honestly about risk and deep faith. Please forgive on the tail end of the conversation my mic turned off. Purchase the YWAM story at Enroll in ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ e-course at Partner with Fireborn Ministries at
01/02/2022 • 37 minutes, 59 secondes
How to be a Media Missionary with Joel Rogers (119)
YWAM Voices Series (1 of 5): Joel Rogers is a media missionary with YWAM. He oversees the Creative Media and Communications course at the University of the Nations in Kona, HI. Jared sits down with Joel to hear his stories of lives changed and transformed through a life of outreach. Recorded live at Innovision Studios at YWAM Kona. Purchase the YWAM story at Enroll in ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ e-course at Partner with Fireborn Ministries at
25/01/2022 • 40 minutes, 5 secondes
Prophetic Healing Frequencies with Katie Hester (118)
Do you know that God uses healing frequencies? Listen to this encouraging conversation between Jared Laskey and Katie Hester as they talk about worship and healing frequencies. Katie is a psalmist, sound receiver and worship leader. She shares how God led her into music and worship, and testimonies of people’s reactions to her Breakthrough Music Today. Please excuse the background noises of the early morning as I recorded this remotely from the Banyan Tree Cafe at YWAM Kona, HI. Enroll in our free e-course, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Available on or Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
18/01/2022 • 24 minutes, 48 secondes
How to Find Supernatural Rest with Dr. Evonne Thompson (117)
Listen to this incredible conversation about a supernatural revelation of rest. In this busy world and the media narrative of fear and doom and gloom, this conversation will encourage you on how to receive rest. Dr. Evonne Thompson shares her revelation and gives you biblical principles to apply to your life. Purchase Dr. Evonne’s new book, Can You Sleep Like This: In the Rest of God at Recorded remotely from the Banyan Tree Cafe in Kona, HI, so please excuse the background noises of the early morning on the Big Island. Enroll in our free e-course, The Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Available on or Edited by Lydia Laskey.
11/01/2022 • 24 minutes, 8 secondes
How to Move in God’s Power in the Marketplace with Michael John (116)
From the Vault: This is a powerful episode that changed the course of how I podcasted adding activation to most episodes. This was originally on our first podcast, Adventures in God, and was when I was interviewing my friends with my computer and a microphone. Michael is a powerful minister and peer from my time at Regent University. He is a seasoned prophetic and apostolic voice. Listen in to this conversation and be activated! Please pray for Fireborn Ministries as we are currently learning new skills of filmmaking in order to expand our media ministry/missions to the world. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
04/01/2022 • 39 minutes, 15 secondes
Doing Greater Things with Jared Laskey (115)
From the Vault: Listen in to a special church service where Jared taught about how to do greater things for Jesus’ glory. You will be uplifted and encouraged as you learn principles to doing greater things. Originally released on ‘Adventures in God’ podcast before we rebranded on Charisma Podcast Network. Please pray for Fireborn Ministries as we are currently learning new skills of filmmaking in order to expand our media ministry/missions to the world. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
07/12/2021 • 39 minutes, 37 secondes
Healing on the Streets with Joshua Fenimore (114)
Everywhere Joshua Fenimore goes he reveals the love of Jesus through signs and wonders. Whether it's at the skatepark, work, or the supermarket, he is listening to the Lord. His life motto is, “Come Alive Inside,” and his passion for Jesus will captivate you as he shares principles to doing what you see the Father doing in public spaces. Recorded live at the Banyan Tree Cafe at YWAM Kona, HI so please forgive the background noises, but share this episode with your friends. Please pray for Fireborn Ministries as we are currently learning new skills of filmmaking in order to expand our media ministry/missions to the world. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
23/11/2021 • 21 minutes, 25 secondes
How to See Jesus with Cyndi Foster Part 2 (113)
From the Vault: Cyndi Foster of Beauty for Ashes joins us to talk about seeing Jesus in the Spirit and hearing His voice. Listen in to this uncut, raw, real, and powerful conversation. You can purchase Cyndi’s book ‘Joy Comes in the Morning’ at Recorded January 28, 2020, but lost for a time in a computer crash. But now recovered and still anointed. This was recorded soon after our podcast rebranded on Charisma and when Jared went around with a mic and computer to record the anointing. So listen in, forgive any audio issues as this was from the very beginning of the ‘Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey’ podcast. Please pray for Fireborn Ministries as we are currently learning new skills of filmmaking in order to expand our media ministry/missions to the world. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at and enroll in the new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month. Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
16/11/2021 • 28 minutes, 16 secondes
How to See Jesus with Cyndi Foster Part 1 (112)
From the Vault: Cyndi Foster of Beauty for Ashes joins us to talk about seeing Jesus in the Spirit and hearing His voice. Listen into this uncut, raw, real and powerful conversation. Recorded January 28, 2020 but lost for a time in a computer crash. But now recovered and still anointed. This was recorded soon after our podcast rebranded on Charisma and when Jared went around with a mic and computer to record the anointing. So listen in, forgive any audio issues as this was from the very beginning of ‘Adventures in the Spirit.” Please pray for Fireborn Ministries as we are currently learning new skills of filmmaking in order to expand our media ministry/missions to the world. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at and enroll in the new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
09/11/2021 • 26 minutes
The Supernatural Power of God with Dr. Nick Venditti (111)
From the Vault: This episode was first published on our podcast, ‘Adventures in God,’ before we joined the Charisma Podcast Family. Dr. Nick Venditti is President Emeritus of INSTE Global Bible College and shares testimonies of God’s supernatural power and what INSTE (pronounced ‘in-stay’) does. Please forgive the audio quality as this was when we first launched out into podcasting and this was a phone call interview. We have learned a lot since then but the anointing is present in this discussion. Released on October 1, 2019. Purchase Nick’s devotional Daily Treasures from the Word of God. Please pray for Fireborn Ministries as we are currently learning new skills of filmmaking in order to expand our media ministry/missions to the world. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at and enroll in the new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
02/11/2021 • 30 minutes, 21 secondes
Prophesying and Interpreting Dreams Part 2 (110)
Listen in to the final part of a revival service Jared started in a local church that is still hosted monthly in the Hampton Roads community. In this episode, you’ll hear more prophetic words, interpretations and an activation. Please forgive some of the sound quality as this was recorded live in a church and only Jared had a microphone but interacted with people in the service who God also used in spiritual gifts. We would like you to get to know our ministry some more so from time to time we’ll release an episode that was recorded live in a church or at a seminar/webinar. But don’t worry, more interviews are coming soon for you from our friends around the world. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at and enroll in the new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
26/10/2021 • 21 minutes, 13 secondes
Prophesying and Interpreting Dreams Part 1 (109)
Listen in to this revival service from 2016 where the Holy Spirit was moving in power. Jared launched a monthly revival service in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia which is still being hosted. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at and enroll in the new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
19/10/2021 • 30 minutes, 34 secondes
How to Operate in the Power of the Holy Spirit with Wes Daughenbaugh (108)
Wes Daughenbaugh is an evangelist with the Assemblies of God. Since the 1970s the Holy Spirit has used him in power! Wes sees many people receive the baptism with the Spirit, receive healing and breakthrough in their lives. He was one of my mentors, hiring me as a youth pastor right after I graduated bible college in 2003. He allowed me to grow in learning how to walk in the power of God. Read his latest book on leadership, ‘Good and Faithful Servant,’ Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at and enroll in the new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
12/10/2021 • 31 minutes, 29 secondes
How to Move in Healing and Miracles with Linda Budd (107)
Do you want to know how to see healings and miracles take place daily? Listen to this amazing conversation with Linda Budd. She is a founding pastor of RiverGate Church in Tulsa, OK with her husband Joel who was our guest on episode 84. Linda shares testimonies of seeing God move in healing and miracles and shares a unique method you can use anywhere to see healings take place. Download Fireborn Ministries free Spirit-Empowered Bible study steps at and enroll in the new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
05/10/2021 • 21 minutes, 50 secondes
Activating in Power with Scott Gilbert and Jared Laskey Part 2 (106)
Scott Gilbert interviews Jared for Firestorm Live Radio. You will hear encouraging testimonies of what God is doing through Fireborn Ministries, know your identity in Jesus, and be activated. Scott leads Firestorm United in the Virginia Beach, VA area. Firestorm is a team of radical believers activating people to move in love with signs and wonders following and leading large, regional events. Recorded live February 16, 2021. Part 2 of 2 Firestorm interviews with Jared. Permission granted to release this episode on ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ podcast. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
28/09/2021 • 1 heure, 1 secondes
Activating in Power with Scott Gilbert and Jared Laskey Part 1 (105)
Scott Gilbert interviews Jared for Firestorm Live Radio. You will hear encouraging testimonies of what God is doing through Fireborn Ministries, know your identity in Jesus, and be activated. Scott leads Firestorm United in the Virginia Beach, VA area. Firestorm is a team of radical believers activating people to move in love with signs and wonders following and leading large, regional events. Recorded live February 16, 2021. Part 1 of 2 Firestorm interviews with Jared. Permission was granted to release this episode on ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ podcast. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
21/09/2021 • 1 heure, 2 secondes
Kevin Dedmon and the Fire of the Holy Spirit (104)
Kevin Dedmon has been in ministry for more than 30 years. He is an equipper who empowers and activates people in the fire of the Holy Spirit. He has curriculum called ‘Firestarters,’ and books such as ‘Treasure Hunt’ and more. In this episode he talks about a fiery impartation he received, how he was saved in the Jesus Movement and what ‘revivalution’ means. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses and more at Listen to the second conversatinon where Kevin talks more about Lonnie Frisbee: Libsyn, Apple, Spotify, Google, Charisma Or anywhere you listen to podcasts. Or search 'Kevin Dedmon: More of the Fire of the Holy Spirit (S3:E15)' on Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey.
07/09/2021 • 29 minutes, 52 secondes
Voice in the Kingdom with Quincy Burt (103)
Jared Laskey of Fireborn Ministries and host of the ‘Adventures in The Spirit’ podcast joined us for our interview segment this morning to share some of his journey toward this current season of ministry. We discussed the rising remnant, balance in how we approach politics, the importance of relying on The Spirit and so much more. We also talked about the rumblings of the next great awakening as well as how The Lord is moving through regional moves as the era of “superstar” preachers has closed – people are hungry for the real! Voice in The Kingdom airs weekdays 7 - 9 am (ct) on the Box 2 Radio Network. You’ll get news, local area weather, #Biblical teaching, interviews with folks doing #Kingdom work, special political interview segments and more! On the air in central Kentucky through WBFI 91.5 FM - McDaniels / Leitchfield / Central City. WBFK 91.1 FM - Hiseville / Glasgow, around the world via livestream;stream.mp3 or download the Box Two Radio app. Thank you to Quincy Burt and Voice in the Kingdom of the Box 2 Radio Network for permission to release this on ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ podcast. Recorded August 4, 2021. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
31/08/2021 • 31 minutes, 20 secondes
Supernatural Royalty with Cheryl Thomas (102)
Cheryl Thomas is a producer and TV host of God Encounters LLC. She’s also a speaker, prophetic worship leader, singer and songwriter. In this episode she shares her supernatural revelation from Jesus about our royalty that is rooted in our identity in Him. Her ministry reaches around the world through the power of the spoken word. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
24/08/2021 • 28 minutes, 31 secondes
9/11: From Rubble to Redemption with Jim Jenkins (101)
America is approaching the 20th anniversary of 9/11. That tragic day changed our nation and sent us on a trajectory that affected all of our lives. With the recent fall of Kabul, this episode is personal to Jared. Dr. Jenkins is a great friend and former college professor of Jared’s. Both served in the military after what took place on 9/11. This episode is raw but it must be heard. Please share and never forget 9/11, our first responders and servicemen and servicewomen and contractors who have been part of our national efforts to make the world a better and safer place. This episode is uncut, unedited... Purchase Jim Jenkin’s book, “From Rubble to Redemption” at Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in new monthly subscription online mentoring platform with access to all of our e-courses and more at for only $17 a month.
17/08/2021 • 31 minutes, 56 secondes
Spirit Empowered Activations (100)
Jared and Rochelle Laskey celebrate episode 100 together! This is an incredible milestone for us as we keep pursuing Jesus. You’ll hear our heart for what God has called us to do together, and you’ll hear testimonies of lives changed. We want you to be part of Fireborn Ministries so listen in and be activated to hear God and receive the Spirit Baptism. Rochelle Laskey is my incredible bride of 19 years and sends out our weekly email list. She is God’s precious gift to me and we work together as a team for His glory. This episode is rough and raw as we tried something new but we are always improving and have big vision! Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses at or Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
10/08/2021 • 35 minutes, 3 secondes
Shawn Bolz on Your Prophetic Process (99)
Shawn Bolz has a conversation with Jared about his prophetic process. He also shares true stories of people’s lives changed when they hear God and impact their sphere of influence with the prophetic. Shawn elaborates on prophetic consulting and his new book with Bob Hasson titled ‘Wired to Hear.’ He also activates you to hear God for yourself. You don’t want to miss this episode. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses or Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. Edited by Lydia Laskey, my incredible twelve year-old daughter.
03/08/2021 • 30 minutes, 6 secondes
Sam Kojoglanian on the Power of the Holy Spirit (98)
Sam Kojoglanian is a powerful minister of the gospel seeing signs and wonders taking place. He is among the top 1% in his career field as a cardiologist. You will be inspired by this life-changing discussion about the power of the Holy Spirit. We received reports of healing through this episode when it aired on King TV in Pakistan where a young girl with lung issues was healed and 26 people responded to the gospel. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses at or Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. I’d like to encourage you to prayerfully give as we were recently deplat formed temporarily from a social media site for our message. We need to move our content to other sites in order to continue sharing the love of Jesus around the world through media. Edited by Lydia Laskey.
27/07/2021 • 31 minutes, 23 secondes
Kathy DeGraw: Prophetic Spiritual Warfare (97)
Be activated in the prophetic! Listen to this powerful conversation with Kathy DeGraw who tells you deep insights of her journey into the prophetic. She shares a Jesus encounter, talks about her new book, ‘Prophetic Spiritual Warfare,’ and activates you to prophesy. This episode is full of the fire of the Holy Spirit! Also, listen to Episode 19 with Kathy on Overcoming Fear and episode 11 on Open Heavens. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. I’d like to encourage you to prayerfully give as we were recently deplatformed temporarily from a social media site for our message. We need to move our content to other sites in order to continue sharing the love of Jesus around the world through media.
20/07/2021 • 30 minutes, 37 secondes
Cal Pierce on Supernatural Healing (96)
Cal Pierce reopened the John G. Lake Healing Rooms in Spokane, WA after a divine encounter. In this episode, Cal shares profound Biblical truths of healing and having the mind of Christ. He shares testimonies of supernatural healing and prays a powerful impartation for you. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. I’d like to encourage you to prayerfully give as we were recently deplatformed temporarily from a social media site for our message. We need to move our content to other sites in order to continue sharing the love of Jesus around the world through media.
13/07/2021 • 28 minutes, 34 secondes
Amy Sutherland and Today’s Prophetic Generation (95)
Do you want to grow closer to Jesus and experience all that He has for you? Amy Sutherland tells us her story of hearing God’s voice at a young age, having out of body experiences initiated by the Holy Spirit, and she prophesies on this episode. It’s an incredibly powerful conversation. Amy is the founder of Ablaze Global Productions which is a ministry-production company formed from her dual call to minister to the church and the unreached around the globe. She is an award winning actress and prophetic voice, and a host on ‘The Christian View.’ Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to for our missions endeavors. I’d like to encourage you to prayerfully give as we were recently deplatformed temporarily from social media for our message. We need to move our content to other sites in order to continue sharing the love of Jesus around the world through media.
06/07/2021 • 34 minutes, 39 secondes
Sam Storms: The End Times and the Kingdom of God (94)
Listen to this insightful conversation on the end times and the expanding Kingdom of God. Dr. Sam Storms, a theologian and former president of the Evangelical Theological Society and current lead pastor of teaching and vision at Bridgeway Church in Oklahoma City, OK has a conversation with Jared on eschatology. This was recorded in May when Israel was under attack from Hamas and people’s eyes were on the Middle East asking end times questions and praying for the peace of Jerusalem. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. I’d like to encourage you to prayerfully give as we were recently deplatformed temporarily from social media for our message. We need to move our content to other sites in order to continue sharing the love of Jesus around the world through media. Co-edited by my 9 year-old son, Isaiah Laskey.
29/06/2021 • 32 minutes, 3 secondes
Encountering Jesus with Abigail Holt Jennings (93)
Encounter Jesus! That’s what this conversation with Abigail is all about. She shares her incredible and miraculous story of being healed of cancer and seeing Jesus face to face. Abigail is the author of ‘The Conversation in Heaven’ and has a down-to-earth discussion with Jared. She is a former beauty queen, the founder of the Jumpology which is a therapeutic rebounding exercise company for all ages and fitness levels, and is a staff counselor at the Bethel Atlanta church and is a revival pastor at the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry. Read my article about a supernatural encounter I had with Jesus. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. Edited by Lydia Laskey
22/06/2021 • 35 minutes, 6 secondes
Dr. Mike Hutchings: How God Heals PTSD and Trauma (92)
June is PTSD Awareness Month and that is why it is an honor to have Dr. Mike Hutchings talking to us how God heals PTSD and trauma. He shares how he received a download from the Holy Spirit on seeing healing for trauma, and gives us encouraging true stories of healing. He has trained more than 10,000 people to minister the power of God and see freedom in people who have been traumatized. I’d like to ask you to share this podcast episode to anyone you know who needs encouragement and healing. Post it on social media or text it so that they can listen and receive their healing through the prayer on this episode. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in ‘Healing Warriors’ on e-course to be healed of PTSD/Trauma or trained to bring healing to those suffering from PTSD/trauma. Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
15/06/2021 • 28 minutes, 4 secondes
Nigel Mumford on Healing Your Trauma (Ep. 91)
From the Vault: Nigel Mumford was used by God for me to receive supernatural healing from combat PTSD in November 2018. Nigel is a Spirit empowered Anglican priest who has his own stories of healing from trauma. He leads By His Wounds Ministry which hosts the Welcome Home Initiative for veterans and their spouses to be healed of PTSD/trauma. This is a powerful episode. This was recorded when I was interviewing my friends with my computer and Blue Yeti for my first podcast, ‘Adventures in God,’ before moving over to Charisma Podcast Network. Due to computer issues the audio was lost in a cloud but recently retrieved! Recorded on December 30, 2019. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in our e-courses at Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
08/06/2021 • 48 minutes, 57 secondes
The Coming Super Economy with Rhett Barbaree (90)
A super economy is coming to America if the Church postures itself in prayer. Rhett Barbaree returns to this podcast to share his prophetic insights about America. Even though some things didn’t seem to pan out as many had hoped, Rhett says God is using normal people to bring awakening. He believes that awakening is here and shares why with practical application. This is a powerful episode but please excuse some of the connectivity issues on the recording. Listen to Rhett’s first interview on Adventures in the Spirit on CPN Shows. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in ‘The Last Days: A Reformation in Eschatology’ e-course and have access to live coaching. Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
01/06/2021 • 27 minutes, 33 secondes
Prophetic Sound Healing with Lynn Gilbert (89)
From the Vault: This is a powerful conversation I had with Lynn Gilbert, the prophetic voice of Sounds of Evensong. She is used by God to pray and sing in tongues, prophesy and bring healing through sound and ‘gong baths’ for Jesus. God is opening up doors for her to be a bridge into the spiritual New Age movement and for people to encounter the Holy Spirit through her incredible ministry. This was recorded when I was interviewing my friends with my computer and Blue Yeti for my first podcast, ‘Adventures in God,’ before moving over to Charisma Podcast Network. Due to computer issues, the audio was lost in a cloud but recently retrieved! Recorded on December 19, 2019. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ e-course and have access to live coaching videos. Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
25/05/2021 • 41 minutes, 53 secondes
How to Heal America with Marilyn Siden and Robynne Miller (88)
Our country may seem to be polarized and divided but Marilyn Siden found common ground to bring healing to America. As an octogenarian, Marilyn traveled across the US listening to people and her heartfelt stories will encourage you and give you hope that God can use you to heal a nation. Marilyn and Robynne share their insights and stories with Jared and give practical solutions anyone can apply to their lives. Read ‘Common Ground: One Octogenarian’s Quest to Heal Our Nation.’ Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in ‘The Last Days: A Reformation in Eschatology’ e-course and have access to live coaching. Or if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
18/05/2021 • 31 minutes, 52 secondes
Joshua Marcengill: Supernatural Encounters (87)
Do you want to have supernatural encounters with Jesus, the heavenlies and angels regularly? Listen to this amazing conversation and activation with Joshua Marcengill, author of ‘Encounters: Pressing Into You Abundant Heavenly Supply.’ Josh is a certified Financial Sozo counselor, completed three years with the Atlanta Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and has an MBA. He is currently the Director of Operations at Blue Jean Church in Alabama. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in ‘The Last Days: A Reformation in Eschatology’ e-course and have access to live coaching.Or you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. Edited by Lydia Laskey.
11/05/2021 • 40 minutes, 22 secondes
The End of the Age with Cindye Coates, Ph.D. (86)
Are we living in the end times? What did Jesus mean when He talked about the ‘end of the age’? This is the topic I tackle with Cindye Coates who is an eschatology expert. She has pastored prophets for the last 30 years and helped ground them in Biblical truth to walk as sons and daughters of God. This is the second powerful conversation I’ve had with Dr. Cindye on this podcast about the study of the ‘last days.’ So listen and then share this episode but also go to episode 56 which helped birth her upcoming Charisma podcast, ‘Present Truth Matters.’ Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and enroll in ‘The Last Days: A Reformation in Eschatology’ e-course and have access to live coaching.Or you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
04/05/2021 • 30 minutes, 49 secondes
TJ Green and Supernatural Family Revival (Ep 85)
TJ Green is a supernatural revivalist who shares stories of miracles, signs and wonders. He moves in the prophetic and healing and gives us a story of God pouring out supernatural gem stones and more. He gives you insights on how to draw near to God and raise a supernatural family that lives in constant revival. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
27/04/2021 • 31 minutes, 42 secondes
Joel Budd on the Coming Disruptions (Ep 84)
Disruptions are coming to America and the world. Pastor Joel Budd shares how God gave him supernatural insight at the beginning of 2020 to what came soon, and to what is coming next. He was powerfully impacted and his life and ministry changed when he encountered the Father’s love through spiritual hunger. In this episode Joel talks to us about his angelic encounters and prophetic insights. Listen in, subscribe and share. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
20/04/2021 • 29 minutes, 21 secondes
Georgian Banov on the Power and Joy of God (Ep 83)
I loved this conversation with Georgian Banov of Global Celebration! Georgian tells us how he escaped the communist regime of Bulgaria and encountered Jesus. He gives us revelation on how joy is a secret weapon God uses. With personal testimonies and deep insights on his time spent with God, you will listen and receive impartation. There was an angelic encounter I had during the recording of this conversation. Share, share and share this episode! Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
13/04/2021 • 32 minutes, 34 secondes
Cancel the Culture with Bishop Eric A Lambert, Jr. (Ep 82)
As ‘cancel culture’ seems to be going after everything, especially the Christian faith, Bishop Eric A Lambert, Jr., reveals the posture the Church should take. Instead of being divided, the Church should be united. Bishop Lambert shows how God has called us to be different on social media and beware of our entertainment choices and more. While the culture has sought to cancel Christianity, the truth is Christianity needs to cancel the world’s culture. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. Edited by Lydia Laskey.
06/04/2021 • 29 minutes, 48 secondes
Liberty Turnipseed: A Times and Seasons Prophet’s Process Part 2 (Ep 81)
Do you want to know the spiritual process of a ‘times and seasons’ prophet? Listen in to this conversation I had with Liberty Turnipseed of Spirit Move Ministry. Her ministry has grown exponentially on YouTube, reaching hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Liberty’s sole focus is on following the Holy Spirit and seeing a great move of God on the earth. This is part 2 of 2 episodes. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors.
02/04/2021 • 29 minutes, 54 secondes
Liberty Turnipseed: A Times and Seasons Prophet’s Process Part 1 (Ep 80)
Do you want to know the spiritual process of a ‘times and seasons’ prophet? Listen in to this conversation I had with Liberty Turnipseed of Spirit Move Ministry. Her ministry has grown exponentially on YouTube, reaching hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Liberty’s sole focus is on following the Holy Spirit and seeing a great move of God on the earth. This is part 1 of 2 episodes. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and if you’d like to donate to help rescue and rehabilitate sex trafficking victims go to or for our missions endeavors. Edited by Lydia Laskey.
30/03/2021 • 31 minutes, 5 secondes
Jane Hamon on How You Can Receive Breakthrough (Ep 79)
Author, pastor and international prophet Jane Hamon joins us for an incredible conversation on how you can receive your breakthrough. Jane serves with her husband Tom as senior pastor of Vision Church at Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, FL. She is a prophetic voice to the nations with encouraging words for the times and seasons we are living in, and she equips and imparts power for breakthrough. You’ll hear her testimonies of breakthrough and her revelation on how you can receive your breakthrough. Listen in and share this episode with your friends so they can receive their breakthrough! Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the 'last days,’ enroll in our e-courses at Charisma on
23/03/2021 • 33 minutes, 48 secondes
Craig and Colette Toach Equipping You to Prophesy (Ep. 78)
This is a fun and exciting episode. Craig and Colette Toach of Next Gen Prophets podcast risked it as we went live to have this incredible discussion on prophecy. We discuss what God is doing through them, how to hear God, how to prophesy over kings and presidents, and they activate you to prophesy! Listen and share this adventure with all your friends. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the 'last days,’ enroll in our e-courses at Charisma on Or partner with us by giving towards our outreach to the underground church in nations closed to the gospel and our Skype crusades in Pakistan Co-edited by Lydia Laskey, my 11-year-old daughter.
16/03/2021 • 34 minutes, 7 secondes
Donna Sparks: Navigating Life in the Prophetic (Ep 77)
Donna Sparks returns to ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ to discuss prophecy. She shares how she first identified the spiritual gift of prophecy and how it started flowing in her life. She also mentions how you can identify whether it’s God’s still-small voice talking or your thoughts. As you listen in or watch, you will be activated to hear God and prophesy! Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the 'last days,’ enroll in our e-courses at Charisma on Or partner with us by giving towards our outreach to the underground church in nations closed to the gospel and our Skype crusades in Pakistan Edited and co-produced by Lydia Laskey
09/03/2021 • 29 minutes, 58 secondes
Danette Crawford: Break Free and Level Up (Ep. 76)
Danette Crawford is a powerful international evangelist with a thriving media ministry and outreach. She shares how you can break free and get out of the pit, and level up. Listen to her encouraging stories of what God is doing through her ministry. You’ll receive practical principles to break free, but also receive an impartation prayer. This episode was recorded on September 21, 2020, during a time I batched multiple interviews. So I apologize for the audio portion being buried for months as I was traveling a while. But the video was streamed live on social media and on multiple channels with thousands of views and aired on TV/satellite seeing souls saved. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the 'last days,’ enroll in our e-courses at Charisma on Or partner with us by giving towards our outreach to the underground church in nations closed to the gospel and our Skype crusades in Pakistan
05/03/2021 • 24 minutes, 57 secondes
Tammie Southerland: Burning for Jesus (Ep 75)
Do you want to walk and live at all times in true revival? Tammie Southerland shows you how to always burn for Jesus on this episode. Tammie gives us her testimony of how she came to know the Lord through revival and shares some supernatural experiences with Jesus. It’s an episode where you give yourself permission to burn for Jesus! Tammie is an author, revivalist, prophetic minister and podcaster of ‘Voice of the Burning Ones.’ Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the 'last days,’ enroll in our e-courses at Charisma on Or partner with us by giving towards our outreach to the underground church in nations closed to the gospel and our Skype crusades in Pakistan This episode was co-edited and co-produced by Lydia Laskey!
02/03/2021 • 28 minutes, 58 secondes
Prophetic Edge for 2021 and Beyond with Laura Douglass (Ep 74)
Laura Douglass shares what the Lord has shown her in the secret place. She gives us keys for us to enter into intimacy with Jesus and gives a prophetic word for 2021 and beyond. Laura is an owner and founder of Providence PR being the publicist for many of the current giants of the faith such as Patricia King, Jane Hamon and many others. We had an incredible time in God’s presence together during this conversation and an angel brushed by me while Laura was talking! A powerful time in His glory captured on this episode. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the 'last days,’ enroll in our e-courses on Charisma Courses.
26/02/2021 • 30 minutes, 59 secondes
The 2 President Prophecy with Pamela Christian (Ep 73)
Pamela Christian and Jared discuss Kim Clement’s prophecy called, ‘The 2 President Prophecy.’ Jared asks the question, ‘Did the prophets get it right,’ concerning the 2020 Presidential election and Trump. While some prophetic ministers are apologizing, some are holding to their prophetic word that Trump won. This is a deep and profound conversation, which is a perspective I wanted to bring to ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ since episode 71 asked if the prophets got it wrong. For more information about Pam’s prophetic ministry go to See Kim Clement’s ‘2 President Prophecy’ on our podcast notes. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the ‘last days,’ enroll in our e-courses on Charisma Courses.
23/02/2021 • 27 minutes, 36 secondes
Skylar Lewis of Rise Up Kings Men’s Movement (Ep 72)
Jump in on this conversation with Skylar Lewis who shares his raw and real story of how he almost lost everything. But God intervened in his life and now Skylar is leading a men’s movement with boot camp style events that brings healing to men’s lives. Skylar pours into Christian businessmen and sees their faith, family, finances and fitness restored. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the ‘last days,’ enroll in our e-courses on Charisma Courses.
16/02/2021 • 26 minutes, 12 secondes
Tony Kim: Did the Prophets Get it Wrong? (EP 71)
Tony Kim and I have a discussion trying to answer the question, “Did the prophets get the presidential election wrong?” We share our hearts toward the prophetic community and lessons learned. Both of us have nothing but love in our hearts but we do want to see a purity in the prophetic. We are transparent, open and honest about what we should do as a Church since the potentially failed prophecies of Trump’s re-election. Download Fireborn Ministries free prophetic activation and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the ‘last days,’ enroll in our e-courses on Charisma Courses.
09/02/2021 • 27 minutes, 30 secondes
Angela Donadio: Astounded by the Presence of God (Ep.70)
What is God trying to tell you? Angela Donadio talks with Jared about her calling to ministry, establishing micro-enterprise in Africa, and her near death experiences. She is an anointed minister with a deep love for God and profound insight from spending time in His presence. She encourages you to pause and listen to God’s voice and practice His presence. You can see God move in daily life moments. Listen and share her adventures in the Spirit. Recorded October 27, 2020 while Jared was out of country. Go to to download our freebie and grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the ‘last days,’ enroll in our e-courses on Charisma Courses.
02/02/2021 • 32 minutes, 52 secondes
Chuck Parry of Bethel Healing Rooms on Alignment (Ep. 69)
Chuck Parry is the Director of the Bethel Healing Rooms in Redding, CA. He shares testimonies of God’s healing power such as healing Covid-19, food multiplication, changing weather patterns and more. He also shares how we can align ourselves with God to move in healing power. Through this episode, you will receive an impartation and learn principles to change the weather for Jesus. I do apologize for some of my sound quality as I recorded this in a wooden wardrobe when I was in Afghanistan. Recorded September 29, 2020. If you want to grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the ‘last days,’ enroll in our e-courses on Charisma Courses. And subscribe to Fireborn Ministries on YouTube or purchase our books on Amazon. Partner with us by giving at
26/01/2021 • 27 minutes, 35 secondes
Welcome to Season 2 of Adventures in the Spirit with Jared Laskey
19/01/2021 • 2 minutes, 29 secondes
Activated to Move in Power (Ep. 68)
This episode was so much fun as my bride, Rochelle Laskey, returns to interview me for our season recap. 2020 has been a tumultuous year for many of us, but it has also been a time of acceleration and activation for We talk about the top 5 most downloaded podcast episodes, our e-courses, seeing 859 people give their lives to Jesus through Skype events in Pakistan, and our kids writing and publishing an illustrated book about overcoming fear. If you want to grow deeper in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, learn how to prophesy, or know more about the ‘last days,’ enroll in our e-courses on Charisma Courses. And subscribe to Fireborn Ministries on YouTube or purchase our books on Amazon. And if the Holy Spirit leads you, you can give a year end financial gift at
29/12/2020 • 37 minutes, 10 secondes
David Edwards on Encountering Jesus (Ep. 53)
This is a power packed conversation where you will encounter Jesus. David Edwards is a revivalist who ignites passion for the presence of God and heavenly encounters. David and his wife, Allessia, are the directors of ‘School of Revivalists.’ They were also on staff at Global Mission Awareness where they served their spiritual papa, Leif Hetland. He recently released his new book 'Mystify: Encountering God in the Elements.’ And before going live we were already experience God’s power. Listen in or watch on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Enroll in the ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ e-course or partner with Fireborn Ministries to send Bibles to Pakistan, upgrade equipment and continue our outreach to remote areas in the 10/40 Window.
15/09/2020 • 32 minutes, 34 secondes
Shaun Tabatt: The Holy Spirit’s Role in Podcasting (Ep. 52)
Shaun Tabatt shares encounters he has had with the Holy Spirit while creating Spirit empowered content. He is the host of ‘The Shaun Tabatt Show’ and the Acquisitions & Marketing, Publishing Executive at Destiny Image Publishers. Listen in to his personal story how he was filled with the Spirit, listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and gives practical advice to content creators. Check out his podcast on the Destiny Image Podcast Network. You can also watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Read Jared’s article: Why We Must Pray for God’s InterventionRight Now. Enroll in the ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ e-course or partner with Fireborn Ministries to send Bibles to Pakistan, upgrade equipment and continue our outreach to remote areas in the 10/40 Window
08/09/2020 • 35 minutes, 27 secondes
John AD: Healing and Miracles Through King TV (Ep. 51)
John AD is preaching the gospel to millions of people. He is the founder and chairman of King TV in Pakistan which is broadcast by satellite around the world. His ministry hosts Jared’s Skype outreaches to remote areas where people hear the gospel committing their lives to Jesus, are healed and filled with the Spirit. On this episode you’ll hear Pastor John’s story of how he came to Jesus, was called into ministry and started King TV. You’ll hear true stories of lives transformed by the gospel, healings and miracles. And you’ll receive your prayer and impartation. You can watch this on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Enroll in the ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ e-course or partner with Fireborn Ministries to send Bibles to Pakistan, upgrade equipment and continue our outreach to remote areas in the 10/40 Window.
01/09/2020 • 33 minutes, 40 secondes
Adventures in the Spirit with Jared and Rochelle Laskey (Ep. 50)
Episode 50! This is a powerful recap of ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ as Jared’s wife, Rochelle, interviews him about the podcast, its direction, changes and activations. We’ve seen God move in power through every episode with each one of our special guests, and have received testimonies from around the world of people being healed, filled with the Spirit and powerfully touched through our podcast, e-courses, articles and more. You don’t want to miss this great conversation between a spiritually powerful couple who love Jesus. You can watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Read Jared’s article ‘Prophetic Teacher: Discover Your Gift of Active Prophecy.’ Purchase our new e-course ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ on sale now.
25/08/2020 • 37 minutes, 4 secondes
Prophetic Ministry with Michelle Passey (Ep. 49)
Michelle Passey is the founder of the Global Online School of the Prophets. On this episode, you’ll hear how Jesus got hold of her life through a supernatural encounter and how she stepped into a powerful prophetic ministry. She discusses prophecy, its role and protocols, and then activates prophecy. You don’t want to miss this. You can watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. For more information on her ministry go to Purchase our new e-course ‘Entry Level Prophecy’ on sale now until September 1st.
18/08/2020 • 37 minutes, 19 secondes
Lance Gilliland and the Power of the Holy Spirit (Ep. 48)
Lance Gilliland joins us for an hour of prayer on this episode! He shares how he was saved and powerfully filled with the Holy Spirit, trials he has gone through, and how he was supernaturally anointed by Jesus for such a time as this. This is an intense episode where the power of God falls. So receive your impartation and breakthrough. Listen in, subscribe, share, rate and review. You can also watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. For more information on Lance’s ministry please connect with him at Purchase Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse and Entry Level Prophecy.
11/08/2020 • 1 heure, 2 minutes, 26 secondes
Pamela Christian: The Coverstone Prophecy and the Last Days (Ep. 47)
Have you heard the Pastor Dana Coverstone prophecy? Millions have viewed his ‘word’ and Pam Christian and I weigh in on his 2020 Civil War prophecy and we discuss the last days. Pamela’s ministry is on radio, TV and her new podcast, ‘Faith to Live By’ is right here on the Charisma Podcast Network. This is a great discussion that will leave you encouraged, comforted and edified. Listen in, subscribe and share this podcast. You can also watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. For more information about her ministry go to Purchase Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse and Entry Level Prophecy.
04/08/2020 • 32 minutes, 53 secondes
Joe Joe Dawson and the Apostolic Ministry (Ep. 46)
Joe Joe Dawson is an apostle who founded and oversees the ROAR Apostolic Network. He is a fellow podcaster on the Charisma Podcast Network with 2 podcasts. On this episode of ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ we discuss how he was saved and called into Apostolic ministry. He shares incredible insights and profound truth, and what he hears the Holy Spirit saying in this current season. For more information go to You can also watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Purchase Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse and Entry Level Prophecy.
31/07/2020 • 29 minutes, 2 secondes
Adnan Maqsood: Fiery Prophetic Anointing (Ep. 45)
Adnan Maqsood is a prophetic messenger, revivalist and healing evangelist. On this episode you’ll hear him share how he was radically saved through a supernatural experience with Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit and called into ministry. He is the founder of Vision TV reaching millions of people around the world with the love of Jesus. The power of God was demonstrated on this episode. Check out his ministry at You can listen in or watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. And please, don’t forget to subscribe, rate, review and share our podcast. Learn how to cast out demons, lay hands on people to be healed and receive Spirit Baptism, see in the Spirit and more through our 6 week pilot program Spirit Empowered Coaching with Jared and Rochelle Laskey. Also purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse.
28/07/2020 • 38 minutes, 41 secondes
Louise Lopez: Seeing in the Spirit with Activation (Ep. 44)
Do you want to see in the Spirit? Well, on this episode I introduce you to Louise Lopez of She is a seer with a heart to awaken the church to experience more of the angelic in everyday life. You’ll hear how her parents helped steward an environment to see and be encouraged by her true stories. And then jump into the activation so that you can see in the Spirit. You can watch this on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Learn how to cast out demons, lay hands on people to be healed and receive Spirit Baptism, see in the Spirit and more through our 6 week pilot program Spirit Empowered Coaching with Jared and Rochelle Laskey. Also purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Read Jared’s article: Steve Strang-How I Vetted David Wilkerson’s Prophecy About Covid-19
24/07/2020 • 46 minutes, 32 secondes
Jesus and Prophecy with Colby Smith (Ep. 43)
Colby Smith is the real deal! He is an emerging prophetic healing evangelist who prophesied over me when I jumped in on a Facebook stream he was doing. Our ministries do similar things prophesying online, but when he spoke God’s word to me he was on point. I immediately knew he needed to be a guest on this podcast so I can introduce him to our viewers and listeners. He has no website or organization he has started but you can connect with him on social media and watch what God will do through him. You’ll hear how he had an encounter with Jesus and gave up everything to follow Him. Keep listening in to receive the impartation so you can prophesy. You can also watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Enroll in the 6 week Spirit Empowered Life Coaching with Jared and Rochelle Laskey.
21/07/2020 • 29 minutes, 48 secondes
Richie Seltzer on Power Evangelism (Ep. 42)
Healing, miracles, signs and wonders! If you want that in your life then you need to listen in to Richie Seltzer’s story of how God got a hold of his life and how he is now a revivalist to the nations. On this episode, you’ll hear how he hears God and equips you to move in power. You’ll want to stay plugged in to receive the impartation he prays for you. Subscribe and share this incredible true story. For more information about Richie Seltzer go to his website Revivalist Culture. You can also watch this on Fireborn Ministries YouTube channel. Read Jared’s article: If You’ve Ever Wanted to Prophesy, These Four Key Steps Will Help. Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal.
17/07/2020 • 32 minutes, 11 secondes
Releasing Heaven with Candice (Ep. 41)
Dr. Candice Smithyman joins Jared in a great conversation on how to release Heaven into your life. She shares how God speaks to her, and how she teaches people to see in the Spirit. She is a prophetic voice who has learned to move in the supernatural by accessing an open Heaven. During the livestream of this episode the power of God fell upon us and the impartation of the Spirit goes forth. So listen in and receive the power of God as Heaven is released into your life. Candice has a podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network called ‘Manifest His Presence’ and a podcast on the Destiny Image Podcast Network, ‘On the Glory Road.’ We discuss her new book ‘Releasing Heaven’ You can watch this episode at Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Read Jared’s article: What ‘Left Behind’ Theology Gets Very Wrong About the End Times. Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal. Call and leave a voicemail or text with your first name, city, best way to contact you and then share the dream at 7577423546 for dream interpretation anytime.
14/07/2020 • 30 minutes, 35 secondes
Phone-A-Prophet with Tom Stamman (Ep. 40)
Tom Stamman travels extensively across the nation holding more than 400 meetings a year. Tom is a prophet who also equips people to prophesy and makes himself available to prophesy over everyone at a meeting. On this episode of ‘Adventures in the Spirit,’ you’ll be equipped in hearing God’s voice, hearing stories of prophetic ministry and learning about the ‘City of Refuge’ Tom’s ministry, Impact Ministries International, has built in Honduras. You’ll also hear us prophesy over some people who commented during the livestream and get Tom’s phone number. You can watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube channel. Please rate and review our podcast so that other people may learn about it and be empowered by the Holy Spirit. Read Jared’s most recent article ‘Robby Dawkins Teaches You to Do What Jesus Did.’ Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal.
10/07/2020 • 32 minutes
Jason Daughdrill on Being Naturally Supernatural (Ep. 39)
Pastor Jason Daughdrill is the Lead Pastor of GTWY Church in Shelbyville, TN. He is also the host of the ‘Jason Daughdrill Podcast’ right here on the Charisma Podcast Network. He shares how he was saved, wonderfully filled with the Holy Spirit and leading a church in the supernatural power of God. Since a very young age God has used him to see people saved, set free and equipped for Jesus. This is a powerful conversation. Please rate and review ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ anywhere you listen to podcasts so that more people will be reached for Jesus. You can watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Read Jared’s most recent article on Charisma News: Why You Definitely Need to Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Purchase the 'Fellowship with the Holy Spirit' e-course at and the 'Spirit Empowered Journal' at
07/07/2020 • 34 minutes, 2 secondes
Gary DeMar on the Rapture, Anti-Christ and Mark of the Beast (Ep. 38)
The ‘end times’ is our topic as we have a conversation with Gary DeMar about the Rapture, Anti-Christ, Mark of the Beast and more. This is an exciting episode that may challenge and stretch you while offering a fresh perspective and hope on the study of the end times. For more information about Gary and his ministry please go to And you can watch this episode at Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Please rate and review ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ podcast. Read Jared’s most recent article on Charisma News: Why You Definitely Need to Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Purchase the 'Fellowship with the Holy Spirit' e-course at and the 'Spirit Empowered Journal' at
03/07/2020 • 32 minutes, 28 secondes
Robby Dawkins Doing What Jesus Did (Ep. 37)
Robby Dawkins is our special guest sharing insights on how you can move in the power of the Holy Spirit. He flew in to do a seminar in Virginia Beach, VA with the team I am part of, Firestorm United. Robby sat down with me and shared how an angel declared his birth, what God did to get his attention early in life and how he equips people in power evangelism. His ministry has reached millions of people around the world and he is currently leading supernatural training schools to the Middle East. Robby is the author of ‘Do What Jesus Did.’ You can watch this episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Please rate and review ‘Adventures in the Spirit’ anywhere you listen to podcasts so that we can reach more people with this important message. Read Jared’s most recent article on Charisma News: Why You Definitely Need to Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. Purchase the 'Fellowship with the Holy Spirit' e-course at and the 'Spirit Empowered Journal' at
30/06/2020 • 36 minutes, 26 secondes
Stephen Strang on COVID-19, a ‘David Wilkerson’ Prophecy, Riots and More (Ep. 36)
Stephen Strang is the founder and CEO of Charisma Media, and he joins Jared in a conversation about the tumultuous times we are living in. Stephen shares part of his personal story of coming to Jesus, but also COVID-19, the upcoming election, the culture wars and a prophecy some attribute to David Wilkerson but others have attacked. He has recently released a new book, ‘God, Trump and COVID-19.’ It’s a great episode that is insightful and informative but full of hope. You can watch it on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal. Call and leave a voicemail or text 7577423546 for dream interpretation 24/7. Leave your first name, city, best way to contact you and the dream.
26/06/2020 • 36 minutes, 28 secondes
Keys for Deliverance with Jake Kail (Ep. 35)
Are you bound in sin or experiencing demonic attacks? Do you want to know how to cast demons out of someone? Jake Kail is an author, speaker and deliverance minister. He is the host of the ‘Keys for Deliverance with Jake Kail’ podcast on the Destiny Image Podcast Network. This is an amazing conversation between Jared and Jake about deliverance ministry. People will be equipped to command demons to flee and others will be set free while listening in. You can watch this conversation on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal.
23/06/2020 • 37 minutes, 35 secondes
Abner Suarez Prophesying with a Now Word (Ep. 34)
Today’s special guest is Abner Suarez who is the founder and President of For Such A Time As This, Inc. He is an ordained minister with the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening under the leadership of Randy Clark. He moves in power, signs and wonders. In this episode we hear how God speaks to him and how he trains people to hear God and prophesy. But while we were talking the power and holiness of God moves upon us and he began prophesying. You don’t want to miss this episode. Listen in, subscribe and share with your friends. Watch the episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. For more information about Abner’s ministry please go to his website: Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal. Call and leave a voicemail or text with your first name, city, best way to contact you and then share the dream at 7577423546 for dream interpretation 24/7.
16/06/2020 • 36 minutes, 37 secondes
Empowered Living with Dr. Daniel Gilbert (Ep. 33)
Listen in to a great conversation with Dr. Daniel Gilbert of Regent University and founder/overseer of Empowered Living International Ministries, Inc. God uses Dr. Gilbert powerfully not only in the seminary classroom, but around the world as he cares for orphans and plants bible colleges and clean water wells in remote places. You’ll hear some startling statistics but also practical advice on what the Church can do in this time period we are currently in. You can watch this episode on the Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal. Call and leave a voicemail or text 7577423546 for dream interpretation anytime. Leave your first name, city, best way to contact you and the dream.
12/06/2020 • 39 minutes, 32 secondes
Keys to Supernatural Living with Dr Hanisha Besant (Ep. 32)
Listen in to this conversation with Dr. Hanisah Besant. She is the pastor of prophets at Dream Church under the leadership of Isik Abla whom I interviewed previously here: Raising the Dead with Isik Abla. Hanisha shares how she embraced her calling and identity as a prophet to the nations, how she equips others to hear God, and we lead an activation to receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit. It’s an exciting episode that you should listen to and then share with your friends. Watch the episode on Fireborn Ministries YouTube. Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal. Call and leave a voicemail or text 7577423546 for dream interpretation anytime. Leave your first name, city, best way to contact you and the dream.
09/06/2020 • 39 minutes, 27 secondes
Brian Britton and Prophetic Leading (Ep. 31)
Brian Britton joins us in a great conversation on how he hears God through dreams and visions, and how the Spirit leads him. You’ll hear powerful testimonies of what he sees on a daily basis and how he equips people to hear God’s voice and prophesy. Brian is part of IRIS Global with Rolland and Heidi Baker and he oversees Harvest Family Network headquartered in Williamsburg/Richmond, VA. He is a spiritual father of a movement of ministries and churches hungry for revival. While listening in I hope you catch the fire. You can watch this on my Fireborn Ministries YouTube. And listen to my first interview with him on my previous podcast ‘Adventures in God’ Episode 2 Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal. Call and leave a voicemail or text 7577423546 for dream interpretation anytime. Leave your first name, city, best way to contact you and the dream.
05/06/2020 • 31 minutes, 28 secondes
Rob Welch: For His Glory (Ep. 30)
Rob Welch is a proclamation evangelist who has preached the gospel to over 4,000,000 people. He sees healings and miracles take place at his large gospel crusades. On this episode you’ll hear how he hears God and was called into ministry. But you’ll also hear a true story of the dead being raised while his team was on the ground. Watch this episode and subscribe to our YouTube channel at Fireborn Ministries. Read Jared’s most recent article, “You Can Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.” Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal. For dream interpretation 24/7 call and leave a voicemail or text with your first name, city, best way to contact you and then share the dream at 7577423546.
02/06/2020 • 38 minutes, 25 secondes
Bishop Bill Hamon and Elizabeth Tiam-Fook: The Company of Prophets (Ep. 29)
It’s a special extended episode as Jared talks to Bishop Bill Hamon and Elizabeth Tiam-Fook about the importance of the company of prophets in this season. You’ll hear how both of our guests were called into prophetic ministry and activated. You’ll gain the Biblical understanding of the company of prophets and how they form companies of prophets around the world through Christian International and International Young Prophets. And you’ll also be activated in prophecy on this episode! So listen in and share this with your friends. Watch it on ‘Adventures in Prophecy Episode 14.’ Read Jared’s most recent article, “You Can Receive the Baptism with the Holy Spirit.” Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit and purchase the Fellowship with the Holy Spirit ecourse. Learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by using the Spirit Empowered Journal. For dream interpretation 24/7 call and leave a voicemail or text with your first name, city, best way to contact you and then share the dream at 7577423546.
28/05/2020 • 1 heure, 6 minutes, 10 secondes
Salvation, Healing and Miracles with Doug Rowland (Ep. 28)
Listen in to this powerful conversation between Jared and his friend Doug Rowland. Doug is the founder of Alive2Love which is a crusade and humanitarian aid ministry. He preaches the gospel to thousands of people seeing signs and wonders. Doug is raising up ‘Book of Acts’ type missionaries. You’ll hear how he heard God audibly, surrendering his career on the altar and now leads people to Jesus. Jared has led 3 teams on Alive2Love trips seeing people get saved, filled with the Spirit, set free from demons and food multiplication. Keep listening to this episode to receive your impartation through prayer. Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit. And learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by purchasing the Spirit Empowered Journal. For dream interpretation 24/7 call and leave a voicemail or text with your first name, city, best way to contact you and then share the dream at 7577423546.
26/05/2020 • 30 minutes, 37 secondes
Victorious Living with Kristi Overton Johnson (Ep. 27)
Kristi Overton Johnson is a professional world champion water skier. Kristi started water skiing at age 4, turning professional at age 13. She has eighty professional wins, is an eight-time US Masters Champion, four-time US Open Champion and many more accolades, records and awards. We talk about how she learned to succeed from failure, but also how the Lord led her to start an incredible Spirit-empowered ministry. Listen in to principles she has gleaned over the years on how to live the victorious life in Jesus. On the tail end of this episode I share something personal that my listeners may or may not know. If you’d like to be part of seeing lives transformed through Kristi’s ministry, please donate at Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit. And learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by purchasing the Spirit Empowered Journal. For dream interpretation 24/7 call and leave a voicemail or text with your first name, city, best way to contact you and then share the dream at 7577423546.
22/05/2020 • 31 minutes, 13 secondes
Leading in Love with Dr. Steve Greene (Ep. 26)
Dr. Steve Greene joins us in an incredible conversation on how he came to know the Lord, how God speaks to him and how his passion is empowering leaders around the world to hear God and do what He tells them to do. You’ll hear Dr. Greene’s passion to help leaders in business and the church world to be creative and successful. You’ll also hear about his new book "Love Leads," and how you can be a leader who hears God and leads in love. Share this episode with your friends! Register today for our FREE ecourse on The Baptism with the Holy Spirit. And learn more of the Scripture with the Holy Spirit by purchasing the Spirit Empowered Journal. For dream interpretation 24/7 call and leave a voicemail or text with your first name, city, best way to contact you and then share the dream at 7577423546.