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Action in Ministry Profile

Action in Ministry

Anglais, Religion, 1 saison, 67 épisodes, Un jour, 27 minutes
A propos
Be inspired by the life-changing outreach ministries being carried out by churches and individuals all across our globe on “Action in Ministry.'
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A New Year's Send Off

This new year, 2021, carries hopes beyond what any could have understood a year ago. Hear how we can have a renewed passion to share the Gospel with our neighbor on this "Action in Ministry."
05/01/202128 minutes, 8 secondes
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A Bronner Christmas

The Bronner's Christmas store in Frankenmuth, Michigan is one of the biggest attractions in the state. Hear how keeping Christ in Christmas is drawing millions from around the world on this "Action in Ministry."
22/12/202012 minutes, 43 secondes
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Crisis Aid International

Ministry is always worth it, but it's not always easy. Crisis Aid International is in the trenches of human trafficking, internet predators and humanitarian aid. They have seen proof that a holistic, faith-based approach at healing is changing lives. That's on this "Action in Ministry."
08/12/202025 minutes, 24 secondes
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Outreach and the Reformation

Martin Luther sought to make the Gospel known and the Scriptures accessible. Hear how the Reformation exemplifies outreach and can still motivate us today. That's on this "Action in Ministry."
10/11/202020 minutes, 24 secondes
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Moms Life

Moms carry a big load and every day can be exhausting! But the Moms-Life ministry is trying to lighten the load as they encourage, inspire and give some needed mom time. Hear how MomsLife is bringing hope to moms on this "Action in Ministry."
27/10/202014 minutes, 20 secondes
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ACTS of Hope

When medical expenses hit or insurance plans cause an unexpected financial burden, "ACTS of Hope" steps in with the power of music. Hear how they're giving help and hope in difficult times on this "Action in Ministry."
13/10/202023 minutes, 50 secondes
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Community Intentionality

Whether traveling abroad, living in an apartment or settling down in a neighborhood, Emily and Seth are always focused on the same goal - to share the love of Jesus with those around them. Hear a story of Gospel intentionality on this "Action in Ministry."
29/09/202029 minutes, 16 secondes
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Christian Rider Ministry

Bikers in leather and tattoos may be a little intimidating but some riders have one mission, to share Christ with those they encounter. Hear about Christian Riders on this "Action in Ministry."
15/09/202015 minutes, 37 secondes
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In Gospel Fashion

While many found themselves with nothing to do during the pandemic of 2020, others became very creative and productive! Here how 2 young people are getting people talking about their new clothing line on this "Action in Ministry."
01/09/202019 minutes, 12 secondes
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Spiritual Conversations: Let's Talk!

Your stomach might be in knots at the thought of sharing the good news of the Gospel. Why is that? Does it have to be that hard? Learn to be an eager conversationalist and share Jesus with delight on this "Action in Ministry."
18/08/202026 minutes, 48 secondes
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Orphan Grain Train

A personal burden to help feed the hungry in Latvia led to a 30 year worldwide ministry known as Orphan Grain Train. Hear the gripping story that fueled the founder and president on this "Action in Ministry."
04/08/202026 minutes, 38 secondes
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Racial Tension Part 1: Stories Told

Join us as we begin a series to delve into the topic of race relations. Hear the stories of pastors and a community worker on the front lines, gain understanding of how a church can reach a diverse community and learn how you can be part of the solution. Don't miss this special extended "Action in Ministry."
21/07/202050 minutes, 22 secondes
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Sharing Jesus in Peace Park

Otis Woodard takes Jesus to the streets as he ministers to the homeless, the addicted and the hungry. His work in Peace Park, through Peace Park Lutheran, is making a difference in the lives and hearts of many every day.
07/07/202020 minutes, 42 secondes
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Acting in Faith

An actor will play many roles over the course of his career but being a Christian might be one of the more challenging. Hear about an actor's struggle to unite faith and work on this "Action in Ministry."
23/06/202021 minutes, 57 secondes
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Pandemic Ministry

The Pandemic of 2020 has opened doors for ministry in new ways amidst lock-downs, social distancing, fear and uncertainty. Hear how one Tennessee woman is impacting her community through prayer and encouragement on this "Action in Ministry."
09/06/202024 minutes, 10 secondes
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From the Street to the Bakery

The homeless find a home, a family and an ongoing paycheck at Bridge Bread Bakery. Hear how baking bread is getting people off the streets and feeding the hungry on this "Action in Ministry."
26/05/202034 minutes, 20 secondes
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Ministry on the Reservation

While the families on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota struggle with generations of alcoholism, suicide, depression and poverty, the Gospel is impacting the Lakota Tribe and changing lives.
12/05/202017 minutes, 3 secondes
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Not In Our City: A Fight Against Trafficking

The subject of sex trafficking is scary. It's a reality we would prefer to just ignore and hope it goes away, but it won't. The ministry "Not in Our City" is facing the problem head on. Hear that story on this "Action in Ministry."
14/04/202025 minutes, 51 secondes
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From Space Engineer to Praying Mom

Living life as a space shuttle engineer, Sally Burke had an encounter with God that completely changed everything. She's now the President of "Moms in Prayer International" making an impact on schools, children, and moms worldwide. Hear that story on this "Action in Ministry."
31/03/202021 minutes, 49 secondes
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Bethesda for All Abilities

Each day, Bethesda Lutheran Communities serve men and women who have developmental and intellectual disabilities; to educate, advocate for and empower them so they can live a full life. Hear how this is not just a cause, but a ministry, on this "Action in Ministry."
17/03/202026 minutes, 31 secondes
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Good News!

Behind the creative, fun personality of St. Louis morning news reporter, Tim Ezell, is a heart for ministry and someone who has broken the mold of industry standards to share Good News! That's on this "Action in Ministry."
03/03/202035 minutes, 42 secondes
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Abba's House for Refugees

Abba's House joins God in caring for the oppressed as they welcome refugee women and children as they transition to the United States. Hear how they're caring for their physical and spiritual needs on this "Action in Ministry."
18/02/202031 minutes, 13 secondes
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Moms in Prayer

When Fern Nichols' children headed off to Junior High she knew of one thing she must do: Pray! Out of her commitment grew an army of moms doing the same now called "Moms in Prayer." Hear that story on this "Action in Ministry."
04/02/202023 minutes, 49 secondes
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The Breakfast Club

Three mornings a week you'll find a wonderful breakfast waiting for.... But in Canada it is time for Thanksgiving and food drive will help feed even more... That's on this "Action in Ministry."
07/01/202022 minutes, 40 secondes
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Christmas Angel Mission

Nearly 3 million children will experience Christmas this year while their mom or dad is in prison. Mission Gate Ministry helps fill this gap by delivering gifts of joy for some of these children through their Christmas Angel Mission. That's on this "Action in Ministry."
10/12/201916 minutes, 59 secondes
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Feed My Starving Children

Each year Feed My Starving Children shipped 360-million hand-packed by more than 1-million volunteers to children all over the world. Executive Director and CEO, Mark Crea, shares this mission of delivering food and hope in Jesus' name on this "Action in Ministry."
26/11/201933 minutes, 25 secondes
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Supporting Military Families

Life in the military often means deployment for 1 or even both spouses. They have needs many civilians just don't understand and my never even consider. Benita Koeman knows this life and its needs personally and has decided it is her duty to help! That's on this "Action in Ministry."
12/11/201919 minutes, 1 secondes
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Halloween as Outreach

Ghosts, goblins, princesses and princes you'll find roaming the streets on Halloween. But can you also catch a glimpse of Jesus? See how one Christian mom sees tricks and treats as a great opportunity on this "Action in Ministry."
29/10/201918 minutes, 48 secondes
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The Story Garden

Danielle lives in North Minneapolis where her neighborhood is diverse in ethnicity, religion and culture. Hear how a community garden is crossing barriers of all kinds and fostering unlikely relationships. That's on this "Action in Ministry."
15/10/201919 minutes, 3 secondes
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Hope for Orphans in Zambia

A God-ordained meeting of a new friend leads to a powerful international partnership that feeds and educates hundreds of children in Africa. Hear about this journey of ministry from Martin and Amy Winslow on this "Action in Ministry."
01/10/201926 minutes, 48 secondes
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Sewing Life God's Way

Lanette Marquardt has a gift with needle and thread that's taken her from classrooms to noted theaters across the nation. But it was the gift of becoming a mother that completely changed everything. Hear the story God wrote for her on this, "Action in Ministry."
17/09/201919 minutes, 50 secondes
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Divine Design of Fostering

At any given time, there are more than 400,000 children in foster care. While the needs are overwhelming, our guest embraced the opportunity and graciously welcomed more than 80 children in his home. It's a ministry of risk and reward on this, "Action in Ministry."
03/09/201920 minutes, 4 secondes
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Camp Ministry 101

Studies prove that Christian camp experiences for young people can make a lasting impact on one's spiritual life. Our camp director guest knows its power first hand and continues to see God working through this outdoor ministry. Find out how on this "Action in Ministry."
20/08/201923 minutes, 55 secondes
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Ministry in the Midst of Disaster

While most are called to avoid areas devastated by hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes and floods, these volunteers are getting in the middle of loss and destruction to provide help, relief and lasting hope. Outreach in the midst of disaster on this "Action in Ministry."
06/08/201928 minutes, 51 secondes
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Reaching Out in the Silicone Valley

Sometimes outreach seems obvious and easy in a welcoming community. Other times the desire to reach a community pushes you out of your comfort zone. We're looking at ministry in the Silicone Valley on this "Action in Ministry."
09/07/201919 minutes, 32 secondes
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Embrace Grace for Life

You choose to keep your baby, but then what? Negotiating the waters of an unintended pregnancy is difficult and often lonely but our guest today believes in embracing grace toward these mothers. Hear her story and how the church has a great opportunity to share Christ on this "Action in Ministry."
25/06/201921 minutes, 12 secondes
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Outreach IN the Home

While outreach generally conjures up thoughts of outward programs and ministering to one's community, on this "Action in Ministry" we consider outreach beginning inside the home. What does a spiritually vibrant home look like and how can we reach others through it? That's on this "Action in Ministry."
11/06/201925 minutes, 11 secondes
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Serving Those Who Serve

While military men and women stand post protecting our freedom in times of peace and war, Chaplains help tend to wounded, give comfort to the hurting and pray for all. Military Chaplain Steve Hokana joins us on this "Action in Ministry."
28/05/201924 minutes, 25 secondes
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Gertrude's Orphanage

Poverty in Haiti is rampant and the future for many is bleak. Gertrude - is doing her part to love the outcasts as she rescues children's who might otherwise be forgotten. Hear her story on this "Action in Ministry."
14/05/201922 minutes, 6 secondes
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Public School Partnership

When a church sits right in the middle of a culturally diverse neighborhood and a next door to a school bustling with children, there is great opportunity for ministry! Hear how Epiphany Lutheran in St. Louis, MO is building a recognizable name for themselves through a relationship with their local public school... on this "Action in Ministry."
30/04/201915 minutes, 3 secondes
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Hope in Friendship

Christian Friends of New Americans serve as a welcoming commitee for immigrants and refugees in the St. Louis area. Stanish Stanley is passionate about meeting their needs; not only physical, but spiritually.
16/04/201926 minutes, 19 secondes
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Homelessness and Human Trafficking (WT)

02/04/201918 minutes, 42 secondes
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Rescuing Structures and Lives

A mission-minded, community focused organization is turning dilapidated buildings into community treasures. Find out how these transformations are not only rescuing buildings but changing lives. That's on this "Action in Ministry."
19/03/201919 minutes, 33 secondes
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Sin Fronteras Hispanic Ministry

This mission-minded woman lives life to serve others and has a special ministry to Hispanic children. Hear how she is showing the love of Christ in the St.Louis metro area to Spanish speaking families.
05/03/201917 minutes, 15 secondes
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Vacation Bible School Success

Vacation Bible School has been a tradition in churches all across our nation for years. Hear why Hope Church is known in the community by their over-and-above VBS program and how they make it such a success.
19/02/201913 minutes, 30 secondes
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Aim High Academy

Ministry through back bends and balance beams teaches competitive level gymnastics skills but also offers hope and meaning to children's lives. Hear all about "Aim High Academy" on this "Action in Ministry."
05/02/201922 minutes, 35 secondes
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Ministry Chicago Style

A church in uptown Chicago adopts their block; feeding the hungry, caring for the elderly and extending love to all they meet. Hear how Missio Dei Chicago passionately shares Jesus with their community.
22/01/201917 minutes, 7 secondes
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Stephen Ministry Helps the Hurting

Churches are able to help the hurting in a systematic, yet personal way when they are equipped as a Stephen minister. Here how this ministry cares for the hurting in the church and among their community.
08/01/201922 minutes, 56 secondes
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A Refugee Christmas

Thousands of refugees in the St.Louis area experience difficulty in beginning their new journey. But a local organization not only helps meet their needs but shows them the love the Jesus in a special way at Christmastime.
25/12/201824 minutes, 14 secondes
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Heart to Heart with Rev. Dr. Zeigler

From the local church to the global outreach of Lutheran Hour Ministries, Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler's heart for outreach is unchanged. We're talking "outreach" with LHM's new Speaker of "The Lutheran Hour" on this "Action in Ministry."
11/12/201817 minutes, 56 secondes
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Journey to Bethlehem

Journey to Bethlehem takes 15-thousand visitors to the Christmas story through an outdoor drama of live actors, animals and Biblical scenes. Hear how Christmas comes to life on this "Action in Ministry."
27/11/201812 minutes, 4 secondes
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Football Ministry

A church in Nashville adopts their local high school football team creating great opportunities for fun and fellowship!
13/11/201822 minutes
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Shower Up Nashville

While many homeless have access to clothing and food provisions, very few have access to a shower. A Nashville couple is meeting a great need and giving hope with their ministry, "Shower Up."
30/10/201821 minutes, 7 secondes
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Take a Hike in Ministry

When you love to hike, why not invite along your friends and neighbors for a natural opportunity for ministry in action. Hear how one Arizona pastor uses nature as a springboard for ministry on this "Action in Ministry."
16/10/201812 minutes, 40 secondes
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The Turkey Blessing

While many look forward to a wonderful Thanksgiving meal with loved ones, one St. louis church is prepping for a great turkey blessing for those who might otherswise miss out! Call it a modern day feeding of the 5-thousand!
02/10/201816 minutes, 17 secondes
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Public School Partnership

When Hope Church asked Long Ridge Elementary what their needs were, they had no idea the impact they'd make on the students, faculty and the church. Hear how ministry can work in public schools on this, "Action in Ministry."
18/09/201814 minutes, 7 secondes
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One Culdesac At a Time

When Redeemer Lutheran in Richmond, Virginia, realized a high percentage of those living around then were unchurched they decided to take the church to them. Hear about how the Culdesac Ministry is reaching families in their community in a fun and inviting way.
04/09/201817 minutes, 59 secondes
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Church Theater Impacts Community for Christ

One musical production has opened the doors for an entire theater production ministry at one St. Louis church. It's not only for members but has given opportunities for the entire community.
21/08/201821 minutes, 28 secondes
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International Ministry Reaches Jewish Communities

Much of the Jewish community in the United States and around the world remains unreached with the Gospel. Hear how "Apple of His Eye" is spreading the good news of Jesus as Messiah.
07/08/201821 minutes, 14 secondes
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Quilting for God

A little needle and thread can go a long way when ministering to the community and this multi-generational ministry is reaching the community like never imagined.
24/07/201819 minutes, 8 secondes
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Rebuilding Community in East St. Louis

East St. Louis has been devastated by poverty leaving that community in desperate need. Dr. Willie Stallworth helps rebuild this community through God's love and a lot of hard work.
10/07/201819 minutes, 26 secondes
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POBLO International Provides Refuge and Help

Many refugees and immigrants in the United States will never meet a American, but POBLO International is working to change that. Hear how POBLO International connects refugees and immigrants to local Christians who show them the love, compassion and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.
26/06/201822 minutes, 19 secondes
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The Hope Movement

Climbing out of addiction is wrought with many trials. Hear how "The Hope Movement" is bridging the gap for young women striving for full physical and spiritual recovery.
12/06/201821 minutes, 3 secondes
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A Church of All Nations

Your church should be as diverse as the community it serves. See how one St. Louis church lives out this motto as they effectively reach those from across the globe with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
29/05/201821 minutes, 14 secondes
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Exploring Missions in Cambodia Online

No packing involved for this Mission Trip. Just hop online and join our Lutheran Hour Ministries team as they travel to Cambodia. Hear all about Online Mission Trips on this "Action in Ministries."
15/05/201814 minutes, 55 secondes
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Community Embraces Fitness Church

The combination of fitness and church may seem unusual, but for a pastor in Hastings, Minnesota it is working. Hear how a community diverse in ethnicity, age, interest and religious background are flocking to "Redo Fitness."
01/05/201817 minutes, 25 secondes
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Sharing Jesus at Peace Park

Otis Woodard shares the love of Jesus on the streets as he ministers to the homeless, the addicted and the hungry. His work in Peace Park, alongside College Park Lutheran Church and countless volunteers, is making a difference in the lives and hearts of many every day.
17/04/201820 minutes, 42 secondes