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A New Beginning with Greg Laurie Profile

A New Beginning with Greg Laurie

English, Religion, 1 season, 1282 episodes, 3 days, 15 hours, 8 minutes
Pastor Greg Laurie talks plain truth in a style everyday Aussies can relate to. Using (often funny) stories and straight talk from the Word, he'll help you know God and make Him known. Greg Laurie is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, California. He began his pastoral ministry at age 19 by leading a Bible study of 30 people. Since then, God has transformed that small group into one of the largest churches in America. In 1990, Greg began holding public evangelistic events called Harvest Crusades. Since that time, more than 4 million people have attended Harvest Crusades across the U.S., Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Ps Greg is the featured speaker of Harvest Ministry's radio program, A New Beginning, heard daily on Vision.
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Hope for Lonely Hearts Pt 1 - 17 October 2024

Ever felt that marriage was your ticket to happiness? Well, Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie looks at how living a life devoted to God can mean the difference between marriage success and marriage distress. Join us for an encouraging talk about God’s original plan for marriage.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/16/202420 minutes, 39 seconds
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Hope is on the Way Pt 2 - 16 October 2024

We live in a culture that seems to have lost its way ... right is wrong and wrong is right. Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie shows how to view this mixed-up world through the lens of Scripture. It’s important encouragement in the finale to Pastor Greg’s series in Romans.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/15/202421 minutes
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Hope is on the Way Pt 1 - 15 October 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, in spite of living in a time of tremendous prosperity, some are calling this the 'hopeless generation.' Why is that? Pastor Greg will address that question Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING. It’s a look at where real hope and satisfaction come from.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/14/202420 minutes, 44 seconds
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Hope for Hurting Hearts Pt 2 - 14 October 2024

It may seem that hope is in short supply in our times of crisis. But Pastor Greg Laurie says, 'Hope grows in the garden of adversity.' Tune in for A NEW BEGINNING Monday as Pastor Greg helps us find strength and direction, from the Lord Himself. It’s a reassuring edition of A NEW BEGINNINGSupport the show: for privacy information.
10/13/202421 minutes, 4 seconds
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Hope for Hurting Hearts - 11 October 2024

???85% of the stuff you worry about will never happen to you. Today I want to talk about the other 15%. When that thing that you feared actually does happen to you, when you hear the worst news imaginable, and you wonder if you can survive it.??? The Bible says God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us put that hope to work.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/10/202420 minutes, 29 seconds
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America, This is Your Wake-Up Call Pt 2 - 10 October 2024

???Are we getting shaken right now by God? America, this is your wake-up call!??? Like a fire alarm rouses us from sleep, Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to respond to the alarms all around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/9/202420 minutes, 49 seconds
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America, This is Your Wake-Up Call Pt 1 - 9 October 2024

???Doesn't it seem like America is unravelling before our very eyes? I mean this is a nation that needs to return to God.??? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the need for spiritual renewal in our land, and how believers are called into service. While this is true for America, is also equally true for Australia.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/8/202420 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview of the Afterlife Pt 2 - 8 October 2024

???You don't get to heaven by living a good life, and you don't end up in hell by living a bad life, because there's going to be bad people in heaven and there's going to be good people in hell. Does that make sense???? Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie shatters the myth of who heaven is for. It's practical, important insight.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/7/202420 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview of the Afterlife Pt 1 - 7 October 2024

There are so many opinions about what lies beyond the grave. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie says God's Word is clear on the matter.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/6/202420 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Finding Contentment - II - 4 October 2024

Advertisers spend billions of dollars trying to convince us were discontent. Why? So we'll buy what they're selling. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie explains where contentment is really found. We'll discover the Bible's prescription for real, long-lasting contentment.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/3/202420 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Finding Contentment - I - 3 October 2024

Where can we find the contentment, we're looking for? Here's a tip: we won't find it where the world tells us to look! And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out where it CAN be found.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/2/202420 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Overcoming Fear & Worry - II - 2 October 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, to avoid the burden of fear and worry, the Bible's prescription is right praying, right thinking and right living. And today, Pastor Greg helps us explore that three-step plan. Find out how to enjoy a life of real peace and contentment today, on A NEW BEGINNING.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/2/202420 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Overcoming Fear & Worry - I - 1 October 2024

There's an overabundance of things to be worried about every day ??? from health concerns to crime to global war. But Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg points out that we have one good reason NOT to worry.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/1/202420 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Salvation - II - 30 September 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says we each need to have a personal relationship with the Lord. We don't relate to God through a spouse, or a parent. In that sense, God has no grandchildren. Learn more today, on A NEW BEGINNING.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/29/202420 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Salvation - I - 27 September 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, the good news of salvation is two-fold. Today, on A NEW BEGINNING, he points out that God not only removes the scourge of sin from our account, but He replaces it with something we could never earn on our own.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/26/202418 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Prodigal Prophet - II - 26 September 2024

The evangelist God used for the most successful evangelistic event in history wasn't happy to learn that his audience responded to his message! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points to the disgruntled reaction of Jonah after Nineveh repented - something that earns him the title, ???prodigal prophet.???Support the show: for privacy information.
9/25/202420 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Prodigal Prophet - I - 25 September 2024

Jonah rebelled against God. The Lord wanted him to go to Nineveh, but he went the opposite direction. Then he was even more upset after the city of Nineveh repented. Today, A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out this is why he considers Jonah the ???prodigal prophet.???Support the show: for privacy information.
9/24/202419 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Message That Brought a Spiritual Awakening - II - 24 September 2024

It may have been one of the shortest evangelistic messages in history ??? and also the most effective. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us focus on the message Jonah delivered to the city of Nineveh. We'll consider its urgency and authenticity.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/23/202421 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Message That Brought a Spiritual Awakening - I - 23 September 2024

Are there people you would never share the Gospel with because???well???they???re just not likeable? Or maybe they intimidate you or have mistreated you. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God???s love can help you reach out where your comfort zone leaves off.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/22/202419 minutes, 35 seconds
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Never Lose Hope - II - 19 September 2024

When Jonah ran from God, his life spiralled downward. It left him in a hopeless situation. From the belly of the great fish, Jonah cried out to God. And God heard him! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how the Lord will hear our prayers in the depths of despair.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/18/202420 minutes, 50 seconds
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Never Lose Hope - I - 18 September 2024

Sometimes it feels like our problems have swallowed us up. Jonah felt that way. Literally. He found himself in a hopeless situation. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us find hope in our own hopeless situations.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/17/202420 minutes, 19 seconds
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Getting Through the Storms of Life - III - 17 September 2024

The way you live your life as a believer; is it off-putting or irresistible? Our job, as believers, is to show the world what a Christian looks like. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie brings important perspective from the story of Jonah.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/16/202420 minutes, 39 seconds
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Getting Through the Storms of Life - II - 16 September 2024

Storms often blow into our lives. Pastor Greg Laurie says sometimes a storm is sent by God to correct us ??? to help us get back on the right track. Today, we???ll see a case in point from the life of the prophet Jonah.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/15/202419 minutes, 18 seconds
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Getting Through the Storms of Life - I - 13 September 2024

According to Pastor Greg Laurie, there are people who are going through a crisis, and there are people who are about to go through a crisis. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg offers important counsel on how the Lord will bring us through the storms of our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/12/202418 minutes, 28 seconds
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Here Am I...Send Him - II - 12 September 2024

Do you know someone who???s been running from God? The prophet Jonah tried that, and he found himself in a very dark place. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers help and hope for those who want to return to their Heavenly Father.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/11/202420 minutes, 43 seconds
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Here Am I...Send Him - I - 11 September 2024

The Great Commission was given to ALL believers ??? we???re to share the Gospel with EVERYONE we know. Not just those we like! Today, on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how Jonah???s reluctance to preach was a bias against his audience.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/10/202421 minutes, 18 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - II - 10 September 2024

When you???re in a war, you can???t just say, ???I don???t wanna do this anymore.??? They have a word for that: surrender! Pastor Greg Laurie says, we???re in a spiritual war, and we need to fight to win! And we???ll find out how today.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/9/202419 minutes
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - I - 9 September 2024

Whether we realize it or not, we???re at war! Every believer faces spiritual warfare every single day. How can we fight ??? and win? That???s the question Pastor Greg Laurie addresses Today on A NEW BEGINNING. It???s a study of the weapons God has provided to help us fight victoriously.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/8/202418 minutes, 24 seconds
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Angels and Demons - II - 6 September 2024

Are angels real, or just an invention of Hollywood? Pastor Greg Laurie says the answer may surprise you! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us God???s plan for angels in the lives of believers.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/5/202419 minutes, 22 seconds
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Angels and Demons - I - 5 September 2024

Are angels real, or just an invention of Hollywood? Pastor Greg Laurie says the answer may surprise you! Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us God???s plan for angels in the lives of believers.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/4/202419 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Hell of a Message - II - 4 September 2024

It???s a word often avoided in polite company, but it represents a truth that can???t be avoided. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie reacquaints us with the reality of hell. It???s a candid discussion of the judgment that awaits unbelievers.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/3/202419 minutes, 43 seconds
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A Hell of a Message - I - 3 September 2024

We learn some important insights about hell from a story Jesus Himself told, recorded in Luke 16. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us examine that passage to discover the plain truth about judgment.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/2/202419 minutes, 27 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - III - 2 September 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says there???s good reason to think that those in heaven are well aware of what???s happening here on earth. Ever wonder about that? Today on A NEW BEGINNING, he discusses that and several other common questions about the afterlife.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/1/202421 minutes, 21 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - II - 30 August 2024

When we get to heaven, will we recognize our friends and loved ones? What will we do when we???re there? Those are questions many have asked ??? and today Pastor Greg Laurie provides some insight.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/29/202419 minutes, 30 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - I - 29 August 2024

Today, in an eye-opening edition of A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie addresses often-asked questions about heaven. How will our glorified bodies be different? Will we have a heavenly ???mansion???? Get answers to your questions about the afterlife.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/28/202419 minutes, 31 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 1 - III - 28 August 2024

Our heavenly reward is waiting for us, and it???s more glorious than we can imagine. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie warns us about the shiny objects of this life that turn our attention away from the Lord. Tune in for a study of how to keep our eyes on the right prize.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/27/202419 minutes, 18 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 1 - II - 27 August 2024

Heaven is the finish line for every believer. It???s the place we all long to go. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg brings a biblical travel brochure about our eternal home. It???s beyond our imagination, but we???ll see today the Bible gives us some good information.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/26/202420 minutes, 32 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 1 - I - 26 August 2024

This life is short, but the afterlife is forever. Pastor Greg Laurie says we should know the details about our eternal home. That???s the goal today on A NEW BEGINNING. It???s a guided tour of what heaven???s like, from the timeless counsel of God???s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/25/202417 minutes, 14 seconds
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Dealing with Depression - II - 23 August 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says times of depression and vulnerability often come after great victory. Have you ever been under that dark cloud? Today, Pastor Greg draws insights from a time of depression in the life of the prophet Elijah.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/22/202418 minutes, 20 seconds
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Dealing with Depression - I - 22 August 2024

If you were outnumbered 850 to 1, would you be a bit concerned? Elijah faced those odds in his confrontation with the prophets of Baal. But today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the showdown was really between false gods and the God of the Universe.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/21/202418 minutes, 49 seconds
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Which Side Are You On? - II - 21 August 2024

It was a visible showdown between the God of heaven and earth, and the gods of man???s invention. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie gives us a ring-side seat for the confrontation between Elijah and the prophets of Baal. It???s a solid lesson on the dangers of idol worship.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/20/202420 minutes, 26 seconds
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Which Side Are You On? - I - 20 August 2024

???Let???s ask the real God to answer us by fire.??? So began the great confrontation between Elijah and the wicked prophets of Baal. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie gives us a front row seat for one of the most fascinating clashes in history.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/19/202419 minutes, 48 seconds
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Exit Stage Left - II - 19 August 2024

Before Elijah encountered the prophets of Baal, he encountered a widow who offered him kindness. And Elijah returned her kindness in a miraculous way. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie explains the lessons to be learned from the colourful life of Elijah.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/18/202420 minutes, 41 seconds
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Exit Stage Left - I - 16 August 2024

Elijah was preparing for a heart-stopping confrontation with the prophets of Baal. What can we learn from his story? Pastor Greg Laurie answers that question today A NEW BEGINNING. It???s an important study of how we can make ourselves useful in the Master???s hand.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/15/202419 minutes, 19 seconds
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There's a New Kid in Town - II - 15 August 2024

The prophet Elijah stepped out in courageous boldness and made a difference in his time. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can do the same in our time. In a new series, we???ll see how to emulate Elijah???s courage and tenacity.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/14/202418 minutes, 25 seconds
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There's a New Kid in Town - I - 14 August 2024

Believers should stimulate spiritual thirst in those around them. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out Elijah was that kind of influence. Tune in for the launch of a brand new series examining the compelling example of this prophet of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/13/202419 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Happens Next? - 13 August 2024

Today, on A New Beginning, Pastor Greg has a special guest, Author, Max Lucado, for a revealing discussion about God???s plan for the End Times.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/12/202418 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Jesus Says About Worry & Anxiety - II - 12 August 2024

Have you noticed how problems always seem much bigger in the middle of the night? They can be overwhelming and can rob us of our peace. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how prayer can put our hearts at ease, as he shares insight from The Sermon on the Mount.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/11/202418 minutes, 10 seconds
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What Jesus Says About Worry & Anxiety - I - 9 August 2024

Do you struggle with worry and anxiety? Today Pastor Greg Laurie points out that it???s actually possible to live a worry-free life. Sharing practical insight on how to combat fear & anxiety, we???ll see where to focus our eyes instead.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/8/202420 minutes, 21 seconds
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How to (and How Not to) Pray - II - 8 August 2024

We???ve all been let down by people and treated unfairly at some point. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out what happens to us when we carry the burden of resentment. We???ll look to the Lord???s Prayer to see out how believers should respond.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/7/202420 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to (and How Not to) Pray - I - 7 August 2024

What does your prayer life look like? Prayer is more than just a shopping list of things we want. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of prayer. We???ll see it???s a way for us to deepen our relationship with the Lord and bring our will in line with His will. We???ll see prayer is a lifeline to a loving God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/6/202419 minutes, 11 seconds
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Make a Difference - II - 6 August 2024

When people look at us, do they see Jesus? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us that we???re the Lord???s representatives and points out how important it is that we share the Good News of Christ. Important insight on the way from the Lord???s Sermon on the Mount.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/5/202418 minutes, 41 seconds
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Make a Difference - I - 5 August 2024

As Christians, should we be impacting culture? The answer is yes! Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how to purify our character and let our light shine to those around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/4/202419 minutes, 23 seconds
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Aug 02 Fri - 2 August 2024

How can we know we are part of the body of Christ? The Bible says they???ll know we???re Christians by our love. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the persecution we may face is a pretty good indicator that we???re part of God???s family.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/2/202420 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Be Happy, Part 2 - I - 1 August 2024

For many people, happiness is as elusive as a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie turns to Matthew 5, to uncover the characteristics and actions of truly happy peopleSupport the show: for privacy information.
7/31/202419 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Be Happy, Part 1 - III - 31 July 2024

Where can we find real happiness? Society will tell us it comes from relationships, money, or things. But today, Pastor Greg cuts through the cultural fog as we look to the words of Jesus to find the prescription for a truly rewarding life.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/30/202419 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to Be Happy, Part 1 - II - 30 July 2024

Many people try to fill their lives with things of the world to find happiness. But so often, feel empty on the inside??? So how can we find REAL happiness? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us a message on happiness. Jesus addressed the subject in the Sermon on the Mount.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/29/202420 minutes, 16 seconds
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How to Be Happy, Part 1 - I - 29 July 2024

People look for happiness in relationships, money, or shopping. Where do you look? Hint: If it’s not to God, that’s the wrong place! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us that true happiness can only be found in a relationship with our Creator.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/28/202419 minutes, 49 seconds
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Just Do It - II - 26 July 2024

Evangelism is telling people about the Lord; discipleship is showing people how to follow the Lord. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us mentor those who are younger in the faith. It???s an important part of God???s plan for a healthy Church.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/25/202419 minutes, 58 seconds
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Just Do It - I - 25 July 2024

It???s the job of long-time believers to show younger Christians what it means to follow the Lord. That process is called discipleship. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers some practical help on how we can all follow this important part of God???s plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/24/202419 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Disciplines of a Disciple - II - 24 July 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says he???s never met a Christian who???s failing spiritually who was also studying the Bible diligently. Today, Pastor Greg points out how dedicated disciples spend quality time digging into God???s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/23/202419 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Disciplines of a Disciple - I - 23 July 2024

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the ???disciplines of a disciple.??? We???ll see, first of all, disciples are called to read, to study and to live according to the Word of God. Pastor Greg points out how to let that truth so fill us that it overflows to others.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/22/202420 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Is a Disciple? - II - 22 July 2024

Disciples are called first to make a decision, then to make a difference. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out, once we???ve decided to follow Jesus, then our goal is to make a difference in the lives of those around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/21/202419 minutes, 29 seconds
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What Is a Disciple? - I - 19 July 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, our objective in life is not to find out how God can bless our dreams and ambitions. It???s actually to find and align ourselves with His plans for us... Wise insight coming today from Pastor Greg as we discover how we can fulfillment in pursuing a life of discipleship and living according to God???s will.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/18/202419 minutes, 32 seconds
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Are You His Disciple? - II - 18 July 2024

Jesus wants us to be His disciples. But what???s involved in that kind of discipleship? Find out today as Pastor Greg Laurie helps us count the cost of discipleship and step up to the next level in our walk with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/17/202419 minutes, 22 seconds
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Are You His Disciple? - I - 17 July 2024

Are you a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ? And how do you know if you are? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie gives us an overview of how a disciple lives a life of dedication and sacrifice...but also enjoys the greatest rewards the Christian life can offer.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/16/202420 minutes, 17 seconds
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The Almost Christian - II - 16 July 2024

Are there prerequisites to entering into a relationship with Christ? What???s required to truly become a Christian? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses those foundational, life and death questions today.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/15/202418 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Almost Christian - I - 15 July 2024

Ever told someone that you???re ???almost home???? Ever been ???almost late???? Is it possible to be an ???almost Christian.??? Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie cautions us that an almost Christian isn???t a Christian at all. It???s an important study in the book of Acts.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/14/202420 minutes, 3 seconds
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Christ's Call to Courage - II - 12 July 2024

The Apostle Paul seemed to face trial upon trial??? waves of opposition and persecution. But Pastor Greg Laurie says one message kept him going. Today, we???ll dig into that biblical encouragement for the times when our lives are facing challenges.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/11/202419 minutes, 14 seconds
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Christ's Call to Courage - I - 11 July 2024

When the all-powerful Creator of heaven and earth tells us to ???be of good courage,??? that should give us renewed confidence! Pastor Greg Laurie takes a close look at those words and their context today, to equip us for life???s toughest trials.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/10/202420 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Live a Meaningful Life - II - 10 July 2024

What???s the secret to running our race for Christ successfully and with joy? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that question Today. We???ll focus on the words of the Apostle Paul as he reflected on his own life and testimony.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/9/202419 minutes, 45 seconds
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How to Live a Meaningful Life - I - 9 July 2024

Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us the biblical prescription for living a life of joy. As he continues our studies in the book of Acts, we???ll see the importance of running this race of life with everything we???ve got. We???ll see we need to run to win.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/8/202420 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Reach Our Culture with The Gospel - II - 8 July 2024

What???s the best way to reach our culture for Christ? Pastor Greg Laurie has the answer, Today on A NEW BEGINNING. Tune in for practical guidelines gleaned from over 50 years of sharing God???s plan of salvation.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/7/202416 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Reach Our Culture with The Gospel - I - 5 July 2024

How do we reach a culture with a message many resist? That???s the challenge Pastor Greg Laurie addresses Today on A NEW BEGINNING. We???ll see how Paul reached the culture of his time, and he reveals God???s plan for bringing the Gospel to our time.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/4/202418 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Look Up When Things Look Down - II - 4 July 2024

Salvation has been described as ???the miracle of a moment.??? But some people wait most of their lives to have that moment. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie examines the miraculous conversion of a certain Philippian jailer, as recorded in the book of Acts.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/3/202419 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Look Up When Things Look Down - I - 3 July 2024

When we invite Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, we invite Him to take up residence in our hearts. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we need to give the Lord freedom to make some changes inside us. Practical insights straight from the book of Acts.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/2/202420 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Resolve Conflict - II - 2 July 2024

Can two godly people have conflict? Yes, the can. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to a biblical example. We???ll see the nature of the conflict and discover the biblical path to a proper resolution. It???s good insight for the friction in our daily lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/1/202419 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to Resolve Conflict - I - 1 July 2024

Some people are fierce defenders of their rights. Others try to ???do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than themselves.??? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that humble attitude preserves harmony in relationships and undergirds our witness.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/30/202420 minutes, 16 seconds
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Why Do Christians Have to Suffer? - II - 28 June 2024

Whatever we face in this life, we need to remember the glory of eternity that awaits us. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out, no matter the suffering, no matter the trial, no matter the persecution, it will all fade when we see Jesus face to face.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/28/202419 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Do Christians Have to Suffer? - I - 27 June 2024

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie addresses a challenging question head-on: ???Why Do Christians Have to Suffer???? He???ll look to God???s Word for insight and reassurance about God???s greater plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/26/202419 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Be An Encourager - II - 26 June 2024

It seems everyone is under stress. It???s a challenging time. Pastor Greg Laurie says it???s also a great time to be an encourager ??? and he says we can follow in the footsteps of a New Testament saint named Barnabas. We???ll learn some important principles about encouragement.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/25/202419 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Be An Encourager - I - 25 June 2024

Some people can brighten our day ??? while others seem to just take all the joy out of life. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the need to bring godly encouragement to those around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/24/202419 minutes, 15 seconds
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What Happens When Christians Pray Together - II - 24 June 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, ???If we put little heart into our prayers, we should not expect God to put much heart into answering them.??? Today, on A NEW BEGINNING, he helps us chart a new course for passionate, productive prayer. We???ll learn from the example of the early Church as they prayed for Peter.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/23/202419 minutes, 18 seconds
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What Happens When Christians Pray Together - I - 21 June 2024

Ever wonder just what your prayers accomplish? Today, on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us take a peek behind the scenes in a revealing study from the book of Acts to see ???What Happens When Christians Pray Together.???Support the show: for privacy information.
6/20/202419 minutes, 43 seconds
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Never Say Never - II - 20 June 2024

Are you comfortable sharing God???s love with everyone ??? even those of another ethnicity? How about the wealthy ??? or the poor? How about those of a much different political persuasion? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out a strong biblical exhortation to share ??? everywhere!Support the show: for privacy information.
6/19/202418 minutes, 16 seconds
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Never Say Never - I - 19 June 2024

There???s a surprising story found in the book of Acts. A husband and wife fibbed about their donation ??? and it cost them their lives! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us unwrap this alarming story to uncover the important principles for our lives today.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/18/202420 minutes, 4 seconds
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No One is Beyond the Reach of God - II - 18 June 2024

We have information that can save lives. And Pastor Greg Laurie says that message must get through! Today, Pastor Greg points out how the Gospel is the Good News that can save people from their sins. It has eternal consequences.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/17/202419 minutes, 39 seconds
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No One is Beyond the Reach of God - I - 17 June 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, as believers, we need to share the hope of heaven with those around us. But it???s important to point out the flip side - the truth that judgement awaits those who rebel against God. Today, Pastor Greg shares great insight on finding the balance in that message.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/16/202419 minutes, 47 seconds
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A Life Well-Lived - II - 14 June 2024

What would it take to look back on your life and have no regrets? How can we enjoy a ???life well-lived???? Pastor Greg Laurie answers that question today on A NEW BEGINNING. We???ll consider the story of the first martyr of the Church, and what we can learn from his tenacity.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/13/202419 minutes, 23 seconds
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A Life Well-Lived - I - 13 June 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says we live in a world of distractions. But those who live a fulfilling life keep the main thing the main thing. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg shares insights from the book of Acts. on keeping our focus on Christ in this unfocused world.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/12/202420 minutes, 43 seconds
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Honest to God - II - 12 June 2024

There???s a surprising story found in the book of Acts. A husband and wife fibbed about their donation ??? and it cost them their lives! Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us unwrap this alarming story to uncover the important principles for our lives today.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/11/202419 minutes, 4 seconds
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Honest to God - I - 11 June 2024

It???s relatively easy to look the part on Sunday morning. Dress appropriately, smile to everyone and act holy. But the Lord knows those who are truly His. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us check ourselves and make sure we???re living a genuine life that???s ???Honest to God.???Support the show: for privacy information.
6/10/202420 minutes, 44 seconds
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They Had Been with Jesus - II - 10 June 2024

Those who spend time with the Lord share their faith boldly, and they love to read and study the Bible. Those are two of the characteristics of an intimate walk with Jesus. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie identifies other earmarks of faithful followers of Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/9/202417 minutes, 44 seconds
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They Had Been with Jesus - I - 7 June 2024

When we spend some too much time in the sun, it???s pretty obvious. People can see it all over our face. Well today, we???ll see when we spend some time with the Son, it may be just as obvious. People will wonder what???s different about us. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie continues our studies of the Church of the First Century in the book of Acts.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/6/202419 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Gifts that Keep Giving - I - 6 June 2024

Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of putting our spiritual gifts to work. It???s part of his series in the book of Acts called The Upside Down Life.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/5/202420 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Gifts that Keep Giving - I - 5 June 2024

Whether you???re a woodworker, a steel worker, or in another form of construction, you know that the tougher the job, the more the need for power tools. Hard to build a skyscraper with just a tape measure and a good idea. Well, spiritually speaking, with some of our assignments, the Lord gives us power tools. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of putting them to work. It???s part of his series in the book of Acts called The Upside Down LifeSupport the show: for privacy information.
6/4/202419 minutes, 45 seconds
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Better Together - II - 4 June 2024

The Lord has many options for reaching us in a time of need. Certainly one of the most obvious and most important is the local church. In a crisis, help may be as close as the church down the street. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn from the early Church. As we study the book of Acts today, we???ll see they set the example for reaching out with the care and concern of Jesus Christ and they provide us an opportunity to serve - to give as we have received.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/3/202420 minutes, 10 seconds
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Better Together - I - 3 June 2024

Christianity is a worldwide faith. Some say over 31% are Christians the world over. Yet, if you rewind history, Christianity began in a small geographic area on the other side of the globe, with just a handful of followers. How in the world did they reach the world!? Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us some good insight from the book of Acts that???ll help us encourage one another in the faith, and reach our world in our time with the love of Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/2/202419 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Secret to Sharing the Gospel Effectively - II - 31 May 2024

When God wanted to share His message of love, surprisingly He chose to use people to reach people. Flawed, fallible, foible-filled people. Ahh, but the power of the message is not in us messengers, it???s built into the message. And the boldness and direction we need is built into us by the Spirit who lives within us. Pastor Greg Laurie discusses that today, as he continues a message from his brand-new series in Acts - a series called The Upside-Down Life.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/30/202419 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Secret to Sharing the Gospel Effectively - I - 30 May 2024

Whether it???s a small folk group or a large orchestra, beautiful music comes when everyone plays together in rhythm and harmony. If each is playing a different tune, they have a word for that: yuck! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of unity in our efforts to bring the Gospel to our generation. In a time of division and disunity in the culture, it???s more important than ever that we all come together 'in one accord,' as the Bible puts it.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/29/202421 minutes, 10 seconds
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The First Jesus Movement - II - 29 May 2024

The home renovation business is a 340-billion-dollar industry. Reviving an old home takes some skill and a lot of hard work. Well, God has a blueprint for reviving our culture and He???s looking for our involvement in the project. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie continues his opening message in a new series called The Upside Down Life. It???s a look at the part we???re called to play in bringing a spiritual renovation to the world in which we live.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/28/202418 minutes, 36 seconds
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The First Jesus Movement - I - 28 May 2024

Before COVID, few of us had ever been subjected to a quarantine. But that experience effectively isolated us in a bubble. In a spiritual sense, sometimes believers are constantly isolated from the world in a self-imposed quarantine. We don???t want to be OF the world, so we try not to be IN the world. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that neglects one of our most important responsibilities. It???s the kick off of a new series in Acts called The Upside-Down Life.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/27/202419 minutes, 11 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - III - 27 May 2024

Ever try to run up a downward escalator? Sounds silly, but kids try it all the time, just to see if they can. When we try to fight against the lures of temptation on our own strength, we???re running up a downward escalator. The momentum against us is just too much. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us change escalators and embrace the power and provision of God through prayer. When we???re moving in the same direction as the Spirit of God, the journey is much easier.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/26/202419 minutes, 51 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - II - 24 May 2024

Whatever you???re going through, God wants to hear from you. Pastor Greg Laurie says, if there???s something that concerns you, it concerns your Father in heaven. Today, Pastor Greg shares an encouraging study of productive prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/23/202418 minutes, 48 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - II - 24 May 2024

Whatever you???re going through, God wants to hear from you. Pastor Greg Laurie says, if there???s something that concerns you, it concerns your Father in heaven. Today, Pastor Greg shares an encouraging study of productive prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/23/202418 minutes, 48 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - I - 23 May 2024

The Bible gives many examples of people who???ve poured out their hearts to God. Pastor Greg Laurie says that???s an invitation for us to do the same. Today, Pastor Greg shows us how to come to the Lord with our petitions and our pain.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/22/202419 minutes, 30 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - I - 23 May 2024

The Bible gives many examples of people who???ve poured out their hearts to God. Pastor Greg Laurie says that???s an invitation for us to do the same. Today, Pastor Greg shows us how to come to the Lord with our petitions and our pain.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/22/202419 minutes, 30 seconds
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God Keeps His Promises - II - 22 May 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie points out a surprise. Sometimes those who???ve known the Lord longer can be more vulnerable to spiritual failure than those who are young in faith. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, he explains why, and helps us avoid t it in our livesSupport the show: for privacy information.
5/21/202419 minutes, 27 seconds
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God Keeps His Promises - II - 22 May 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie points out a surprise. Sometimes those who???ve known the Lord longer can be more vulnerable to spiritual failure than those who are young in faith. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, he explains why, and helps us avoid t it in our livesSupport the show: for privacy information.
5/21/202419 minutes, 27 seconds
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God Keeps His Promises - I - 21 May 2024

Some have pointed out that there are over 3,000 promises mentioned in Scripture. And Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how we can lean on those promises in our time of need. Tune in for an encouraging study called, 'God Keeps His Promises'.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/20/202418 minutes, 43 seconds
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God Keeps His Promises - I - 21 May 2024

Some have pointed out that there are over 3,000 promises mentioned in Scripture. And Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how we can lean on those promises in our time of need. Tune in for an encouraging study called, 'God Keeps His Promises'.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/20/202418 minutes, 43 seconds
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God's Solution to Man's Problem - II - 20 May 2024

Sin is crouching at our door, eager to control us! That???s the warning we read in the book of Genesis. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to hear and heed that timeless counsel. Tune in for a study of temptation and how to stand against it.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/19/202419 minutes, 15 seconds
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God's Solution to Mans Problem - II - 20 May 2024

Sin is crouching at our door, eager to control us! That???s the warning we read in the book of Genesis. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to hear and heed that timeless counsel. Tune in for a study of temptation and how to stand against it.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/19/202419 minutes, 15 seconds
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God's Solution to Man's Problem - I - 17 May 2024

The Devil tempts us, to be sure. But Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us, we play a role in our own temptation and sin. Practical insight and biblical help in resisting our adversary and our own flesh straight from the book of Genesis today.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/16/202419 minutes, 41 seconds
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Trouble in Paradise - III - 16 May 2024

Our adversary tempts us and lies to us. The evidence stretches all the way back to the Garden of Eden. In today???s message, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how to fight against that temptation. It???s practical insight from our studies in the book of Genesis.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/15/202420 minutes, 11 seconds
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Trouble in Paradise - II - 15 May 2024

Adam and Eve had it made! They had paradise all to themselves. And then came the great fall that affects us even to this day. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to the instant everything changed. We???ll see the moment trouble came to paradise.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/14/202418 minutes, 21 seconds
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Trouble in Paradise - I - 14 May 2024

Not long after God created man, He said, ???It???s not good that man should be alone.??? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shares foundational insight as he takes us to the creation of Adam and Eve, and what we learn about the union born in the Garden of Eden.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/13/202421 minutes, 20 seconds
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God's Purpose For Us - II - 13 May 2024

God has a purpose for each of our lives. Are we living according to that purpose? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us find and follow that divinely created purpose. It???s an enlightening study in Genesis.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202419 minutes, 21 seconds
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God's Purpose for Us - I - 10 May 2024

God has a plan for His creation and for mankind. Even before the heavens and the earth were created, He knew man???s freewill would lead him astray...and He had a solution before we even tasted of the forbidden fruit. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie digs into God???s plan for redemption as revealed in Genesis.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/9/202420 minutes, 7 seconds
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God's Purpose for Us - I - 10 May 2024

God has a plan for His creation and for mankind. Even before the heavens and the earth were created, He knew man???s freewill would lead him astray...and He had a solution before we even tasted of the forbidden fruit. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie digs into God???s plan for redemption as revealed in Genesis.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/9/202420 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Word of God - II - 9 May 2024

Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us recognize the Bible for what it is ??' it???s a book that gives the prescription for life.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/8/202418 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Word of God - II - 9 May 2024

Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us recognize the Bible for what it is ??' it???s a book that gives the prescription for life.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/8/202418 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Word of God - I - 8 May 2024

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out just what God???s Word does for the weary traveller on the road of life. We???ll see it gives us actual power for living. And we shouldn???t deprive ourselves.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/7/202419 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Word of God - I - 8 May 2024

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out just what God???s Word does for the weary traveller on the road of life. We???ll see it gives us actual power for living. And we shouldn???t deprive ourselves.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/7/202419 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 2 - III - 7 May 2024

The best example to follow when it comes to sharing the Gospel is Jesus Himself. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us share the Good News 'Jesus Style.' We???ll walk alongside Jesus and watch how He connected with people.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/6/202418 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 2 - III - 7 May 2024

The best example to follow when it comes to sharing the Gospel is Jesus Himself. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us share the Good News 'Jesus Style.' We???ll walk alongside Jesus and watch how He connected with people.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/6/202418 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 2 - II - 6 May 2024

When we share our faith, Pastor Greg Laurie says it???s important to build a bridge. We need to make a personal connection. Today we???ll get some practical instruction. We???ll learn to become their friend, before we introduce them to the friend we have in Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/5/202419 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 2 - II - 6 May 2024

When we share our faith, Pastor Greg Laurie says it???s important to build a bridge. We need to make a personal connection. Today we???ll get some practical instruction. We???ll learn to become their friend, before we introduce them to the friend we have in Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/5/202419 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 2 - I - 3 May 2024

Who does God call to share the Gospel? Pastors, right? Well, yes ? but in reality the Lord calls ALL of us to share the Good News. Today Pastor Greg Laurie gives us practical instruction on how to grab hold of this powerful privilege.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/2/202420 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 1 - III - 2 May 2024

When Jonah preached to Nineveh, the entire city believed. It was the most successful evangelistic outreach in history. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie highlights the practical lessons we can learn from this biblical account.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/1/202420 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 1 - II - 1 May 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, when you tell others about Jesus, it will refresh you, it will revive you, and it will restore you. Join Pastor Greg for an encouraging study about the joy of sharing the hope of Christ and get ready to take your walk with the Lord to the next level.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/30/202418 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 1 - I - 30 April 2024

Aside from knowing the Lord ourselves, Pastor Greg Laurie says the greatest joy we can know is bringing someone else to Christ. Yet so many of us don???t know that joy. Today, Pastor Greg helps us discover the refreshing power of sharing our faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/29/202420 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Revival - II - 29 April 2024

It???s no secret that the Lord wants us to share our faith with those around us. But is our faith a secret to those around us? Today Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how refreshing it is to break out of our comfort zones and share that vital message of hope.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/28/202420 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Revival - I - 26 April 2024

God reaches people through people. God may want to reach someone you know . . . through you! And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us be ready for that assignment.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/26/202420 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Refreshment of the Spirit in Times of Trial - II - 25 April 2024

Today Pastor Greg Laurie points out how the trials and hardships in our lives help us mature into the kind of people God wants us to be.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/26/202420 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Refreshment of the Spirit in Times of Trial - I - 24 April 2024

When we???re out of answers, and short on hope, God opens His supply of reassurance and direction. And today Pastor Greg Laurie has good insight for those challenging times.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/23/202419 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Spirit-Filled Life - II - 23 April 2024

When we try to live a righteous life but still have a sinful nature, that???s when we need to rely on our God. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how to call on God and accept His help in our daily walkSupport the show: for privacy information.
4/22/202419 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Spirit-Filled Life - I - 22 April 2024

A car can???t go anywhere without an engine. A car better not go anywhere without a steering wheel! A car needs propulsion and direction. You know, so do believers. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how it???s the Spirit of God who provides both. He leads us in the path we should go. And He gives us the spiritual strength to make the journey.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/21/202421 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Prayer - III - 19 April 2024

We???ve all had moments of relief when an annoying problem is finally solved. We remove that little rock from our shoe. Or we clean the bird dropping off our windshield. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is highlighting a number of spiritual issues where many of us could use some refreshment. It???s foundational insight on the fundamentals of the Christian life.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/18/202420 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Prayer - II - 18 April 2024

When did Jesus experience the greatest pain? Was it the beatings He endured? Was it the crucifixion itself? Pastor Greg Laurie says, no. Today, He reveals the most painful moment the Lord faced, and how His death purchased our life!Support the show: for privacy information.
4/17/202420 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Prayer - I - 17 April 2024

Jesus willingly laid down His life us. He died so we wouldn???t have to. But why? Why did He make that ultimate sacrifice? Today, Pastor Greg has the answer and considers this one of the most important messages he???s ever preached.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/16/202420 minutes, 2 seconds
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What the Resurrection of Jesus Means to You - II - 16 April 2024

As believers, we know that Jesus died, and rose again. But what???s the practical significance of the Resurrection? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers six practical truths on how the resurrection impacts our lives today.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/15/202419 minutes, 20 seconds
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What the Resurrection of Jesus Means to You - I - 15 April 2024

It was an epic day in human history: the day death itself died! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers at look at the Resurrection of Christ. He conquered death so that we might live.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/14/202419 minutes, 2 seconds
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What the Death of Jesus Means to You - II - 12 April 2024

When did Jesus experience the greatest pain? Was it the beatings He endured? Was it the crucifixion itself? Pastor Greg Laurie says, no. Today, He reveals the most painful moment the Lord faced, and how His death purchased our life!Support the show: for privacy information.
4/11/202420 minutes, 41 seconds
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What the Death of Jesus Means to You - I - 11 April 2024

Jesus willingly laid down His life us. He died so we wouldn???t have to. But why? Why did He make that ultimate sacrifice? Pastor Greg Laurie has the answer today. Pastor Greg considers this one of the most important messages he???s ever preached.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/10/202421 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Second Chance in Life - II - 10 April 2024

When Peter denied Christ, it wasn???t exactly a surprise. Pastor Greg Laurie says we can observe five steps that led to Peter???s downfall. That???s our focus today. We???ll consider the steps to spiritual compromise, and how to avoid them.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/9/202419 minutes, 32 seconds
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A Second Chance in Life - I - 9 April 2024

We may have experienced failure, and think our season of success and opportunity is over. Pastor Greg Laurie says God can take a heartbreaking ending, and turn it into a new beginning! Today, we???ll see how God grants second chances!Support the show: for privacy information.
4/8/202419 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Best Choice - II - 8 April 2024

???The more we realize what Jesus did for us, it???ll cause us to want to do more for Him.??? That???s the point Pastor Greg Laurie drives home today. We???ll consider the lavish gesture on the part of Mary, the sister of Martha.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/7/202420 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Best Choice - I - 5 April 2024

Martha???s siter Mary demonstrated her devotion to Jesus in an extravagant way. Some criticized her for it. But Jesus commended her. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie wants to know OUR level of devotion. Is it generous? Is it extravagant?Support the show: for privacy information.
4/4/202420 minutes, 51 seconds
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Only Jesus! - II - 4 April 2024

What???s the recipe for coming to God? Pastor Greg Laurie says there???s only one ingredient: Jesus! Today, we???ll see how Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/4/202419 minutes, 57 seconds
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Only Jesus! - II - 4 April 2024

Only Jesus! - IISupport the show: for privacy information.
4/4/202419 minutes, 57 seconds
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Only Jesus! - I - 3 April 2024

Only Jesus! - ISupport the show: for privacy information.
4/4/202420 minutes, 40 seconds
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Lost in Translation - II - 2 April 2024

Jesus??? mission was to bear the cross at Calvary. And we???re invited to ???take up our cross??? and follow Him. What does that mean exactly? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie says the meaning may be different than you think.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/1/202419 minutes, 30 seconds
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Lost in Translation - I - 1 April 2024

It was a question Jesus asked His disciples, but it???s a question that resonates today: ???Who do people say that I am???? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that many of the disciples were unclear on the answer . . . as are many people today.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/31/202420 minutes, 47 seconds
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A New Day Dawning - II - 29 March 2024

When discouragement hits, it can take our breath away. In this special Good Friday message, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see where hope comes from as we remember Christ???s gift to us on the cross and His resurrection from the grave this Easter.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/28/202419 minutes, 4 seconds
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A New Day Dawning - I - 28 March 2024

Two of the most important holidays on the calendar are Good Friday and Easter Sunday. Without the Lord???s death there???s no forgiveness of sin. As we prepare for Easter, Pastor Greg Laurie brings a special message to help us gain a fuller appreciation for the Lord???s sacrifice.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/27/202418 minutes, 53 seconds
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Amazing Faith - II - 27 March 2024

It seems that sometimes our prayers are answered, and sometimes they???re not. Why the difference? Today on, Pastor Greg Laurie gives us an important key. We???ll see faith is the key that unlocks our prayers and brings them right to God???s throne.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/26/202419 minutes, 22 seconds
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Amazing Faith - I - 26 March 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says everyone has faith in someone or something. And today, he points out that our choice makes all the difference in time and eternity. We???ll learn to couple godly faith with decisive action. It???s a winning combination.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/25/202420 minutes, 17 seconds
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Everyone Needs Jesus - II - 25 March 2024

In the First Century, lives changed with just a touch of the Master???s hand. But a particular woman???s life was changed when she simply reached out and touched Jesus??? robe. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us what that means for us.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/24/202419 minutes, 42 seconds
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Everyone Needs Jesus - I - 22 March 2024

Ever wonder where sickness comes from? Have you wondered why God allows sickness? And why doesn???t God heal everyone who asks Him? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses all those questions in an eye-opening message today. Gain insight into some of the pressing issues on the minds of believers and unbelievers.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/21/202419 minutes, 34 seconds
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God is Bigger Than Your Problem - II - 21 March 2024

Sometimes, our problems are minor annoyances. Other times they???re life-altering crises that bring us to our knees. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us find strength to help in our time of need. We???ll see the Lord has a plan; He???s never caught off guard.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/20/202419 minutes, 39 seconds
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God is Bigger Than Your Problem - I - 20 March 2024

Many times, our problems can seem bigger than we are. Pastor Greg Laurie says it???s a good thing God is bigger than our problems! Today, we???ll see how the Lord specializes in delivering us through hopeless situations. Are you going through one right now?Support the show: for privacy information.
3/19/202420 minutes
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The Golden Key to Spiritual Growth - II - 19 March 2024

Worry can keep us from God, but God can keep us from worry. The worries of this life can derail our walk with the Lord . . . but we???ll learn how to avoid that as we look at the Parable of the Sower.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/18/202420 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Golden Key to Spiritual Growth - I - 18 March 2024

Is there a barometer that tells us how we???re doing spiritually? How can we know if we???re on the path of spiritual growth? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that question today as we look at the well-known Parable of the Sower and consider where we stand with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/17/202418 minutes, 31 seconds
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A New Kind of Family - Part 2 - 15 March 2024

When we have questions and uncertainties about our faith, what do we do? Pastor Greg Laurie says bring them to God. There???s no question He can???t handle. And today, Pastor Greg uncovers a time of uncertainty among the Lord???s inner circle.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/14/202419 minutes, 15 seconds
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A New Kind of Family - Part 1 - 14 March 2024

As believers, God welcomes us into His family. But oftentimes, our earthly family doesn???t want to hear about our faith or our ???other??? family. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers insight into the family dynamics that follow. . .when WE follow the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/13/202419 minutes, 54 seconds
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Follow Me - Part 2 - 13 March 2024

Just two words. But those two words from Jesus changed the lives of 12 men, and ultimately changed the world. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps u s consider how Jesus chose His disciples and said, simply, ???Follow Me.???Support the show: for privacy information.
3/12/202418 minutes, 53 seconds
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Follow Me - Part 2 - 12 March 2024

Jesus chose 12 of the most ordinary men of his day to be His disciples. Pastor Greg Laurie says they were ???remarkably unremarkable.??? But they all heeded the Lord???s call to follow Him. Today, we???ll see the importance of following their example.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/11/202419 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Gospel for Busy People - Part 2 - 11 March 2024

It was an epic moment when Jesus - God incarnate - came face to face with Satan. And Satan brazenly tried to tempt God, the Son! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the lessons we can learn from that confrontation.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/10/202419 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Gospel for Busy People - Part 1 - 8 March 2024

We live in a fast-paced culture. How can we communicate the Good News of the Gospel in the midst of the commotion? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie answers that question. It’s the launch of his new series, The Gospel for Busy People.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/7/202418 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Gospel for Busy People - Part 1 - 8 March 2024

We live in a fast-paced culture. How can we communicate the Good News of the Gospel in the midst of the commotion? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie answers that question. It’s the launch of his new series, The Gospel for Busy People.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/7/202418 minutes, 56 seconds
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A Crash Course on Prayer - Part 2 - 7 March 2024

Most believers want to see more of their prayers answered. Well, today Pastor Greg Laurie points out the best way to find those answers. In a back-to-basics series, he offers A Crash Course of Prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/6/202419 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Crash Course on Prayer - Part 2 - 7 March 2024

Most believers want to see more of their prayers answered. Well, today Pastor Greg Laurie points out the best way to find those answers. In a back-to-basics series, he offers A Crash Course of Prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/6/202419 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Crash Course on Prayer - Part 1 - 6 March 2024

It’s been said, 'Prayer moves the Hand that moves the world.' And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us put that powerful communication tool to work. It’s practical insight in a message called A Crash Course on Prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/5/202419 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Crash Course on Prayer - Part 1 - 6 March 2024

It’s been said, 'Prayer moves the Hand that moves the world.' And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us put that powerful communication tool to work. It’s practical insight in a message called A Crash Course on Prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/5/202419 minutes, 48 seconds
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A Crash Course on Evangelism & Discipleship - Part 2 - 5 March 2024

Lest there be any doubt, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God calls all believers to share the Gospel with everyone, everywhere. Pretty clear! And today, he offers practical pointers from his new series on the basics of the Christian faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/4/202420 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Crash Course on Evangelism & Discipleship - Part 2 - 5 March 2024

Lest there be any doubt, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God calls all believers to share the Gospel with everyone, everywhere. Pretty clear! And today, he offers practical pointers from his new series on the basics of the Christian faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/4/202420 minutes, 22 seconds
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A Crash Course on Evangelism & Discipleship - Part 1 - 4 March 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says every believer is called to share the hope of Christ. Every believer. In fact, he goes so far as to say, if we don’t, that’s a sin! Today, Pastor Greg shares practical help for all of us in sharing the Good News.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/3/202419 minutes, 17 seconds
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A Crash Course on Evangelism & Discipleship - Part 1 - 4 March 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says every believer is called to share the hope of Christ. Every believer. In fact, he goes so far as to say, if we don’t, that’s a sin! Today, Pastor Greg shares practical help for all of us in sharing the Good News.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/3/202419 minutes, 17 seconds
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Faith 101 - Part 2 - 1 March 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to read the Bible as if our life depends on it. Because it does! Today, he points out how the Bible is our spiritual food, and we can’t live a spiritually healthy life without it. It’s part of his message series on the basics of the faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/29/202419 minutes, 6 seconds
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Faith 101 - Part 1 - 29 February 2024

What does it take to grow in our faith? What’s required to move forward in our walk with God? Pastor Greg Laurie answers that question today as we look at the basics of the Christian life called Faith 101.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/28/202418 minutes, 18 seconds
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Precious in His Sight - 28 February 2024

For every 1,000 live births in the U.S, there are 195 abortions, that’s nearly 20%. And today Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that very stark and heartbreaking reality, as he highlights the pressing need to protect the most vulnerable and take a stand for the unborn.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/27/202421 minutes, 13 seconds
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What To Do When the Odds Are Against You - Part 2 - 27 February 2024

Pastor Greg says, 'God can do more with a handful of people that are fully committed than He can with thousands who aren’t.' Today Pastor Greg points out how we can make ourselves useful for Kingdom purposes.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/26/202420 minutes, 18 seconds
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What To Do When the Odds Are Against You - Part 1 - 26 February 2024

When the odds are against you, one thing to remember is God’s perspective is different than our own. As Pastor Greg Laurie says, where we see weakness, God sees potential. And today, we’ll see how the Lord has equipped us for the work of the Kingdom.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/25/202419 minutes, 58 seconds
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Give Me This Mountain - Part 2 - 23 February 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, 'If you want to finish well, you must whole-heartedly follow the Lord your God.' Today, Pastor Greg points out how Jesus gave His all? and the only appropriate response is from us is to give our all to him.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/22/202419 minutes, 22 seconds
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Give Me This Mountain - Part 1 - 22 February 2024

Today, Pastor Greg looks back over the past 50 years of ministry at his home church. We’ll see that the Lord has always been faithful, but it hasn’t always been easy. So today he offers some good perspective for all of us on the path of faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/21/202419 minutes, 34 seconds
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Don't Make Deals with the Devil - Part 2 - 21 February 2024

Sometimes when you’re really stuck, the only thing you can do is look up. Today, Pastor Greg takes us to a time of challenge in the history of the Israelites. A time when they needed help and God came through. We’ll see what lessons we can learn for our own spiritual gridlock.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/20/202419 minutes, 13 seconds
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Don't Make Deals with the Devil - Part 1 - 20 February 2024

When the Devil comes calling, sometimes we forget that we don’t have to pick up what he’s putting down! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie returns to his series in Joshua with some practical advice on saying no to our enemy no matter how tempting his offer!Support the show: for privacy information.
2/19/202421 minutes, 6 seconds
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Overcoming or Overcome? - Part 2 - 19 February 2024

Sometimes our problems can seem bigger than they really are and they can overwhelm us. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie puts those challenges into perspective, by looking through the lens of faith. We’ll see, our problems may be small or big but nothing is too hard for the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/18/202420 minutes, 18 seconds
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Overcoming or Overcome? - Part 1 - 16 February 2024

When facing a strong adversary, it’s good to have a strong ally. And our greatest ally is none other than our Almighty God. Coming up today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how we stand in victory when we stand with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/15/202419 minutes, 48 seconds
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Get Your Feet Wet - Part 3 - 15 February 2024

Every parent wants the best for their kids, but there are certain things that only parents can teach their kids? Today, Pastor Greg points out those things that go along with being a Christian parent, and the value of passing along our faith and our values to our kids and grandkids.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/14/202418 minutes, 32 seconds
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Get Your Feet Wet - Part 2 - 14 February 2024

Every day, we exercise a certain amount of faith but some people dismiss the idea of faith. They live by facts and logic. Today, Pastor Greg presents good insight to help us exercise our faith in the God of the universe, the One who loves us and only has plans for good and not to harm us.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/13/202417 minutes, 27 seconds
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Get Your Feet Wet - Part 1 - 13 February 2024

The Christian life has been compared to a race. It can be a tough 'race to win' when our adversary tries to trip us up and stop us in our tracks. Today, Pastor Greg shares important principles on keeping our focus and priorities where they should be for a faith-filled walk with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/12/202418 minutes, 33 seconds
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Between Impossible & More Impossible - Part 2 - 12 February 2024

Sometimes, we can face impossible situations. It seems there’s no way out, and no way through. Well, God can make a way where there seems to be no way. Today Pastor Greg helps us lean the care of our loving God.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/11/202421 minutes, 17 seconds
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Between Impossible & More Impossible - Part 1 - 9 February 2024

Worrying has never added a day to anyone’s life, but many of us still worry more than we pray? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie encourages us to give our worries to God, and then have faith that He can handle them.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/8/202417 minutes, 28 seconds
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How to Live a Successful Christian Life - Part 2 - 8 February 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says, 'If you want to succeed spiritually, you must know and keep the Word of God.' Today, Pastor Greg shares encouragement from the life of Joshua and helps us reconnect to Scripture and see more success in our walk of faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/7/202419 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Live a Successful Christian Life - Part 1 - 7 February 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says ’To succeed in the spiritual life, you must overcome fear and admit you need help, and lots of it!’ Today, Pastor Greg helps us listen for the voice of God so we can keep our faith above water and let fear sink to the bottom.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/6/202419 minutes, 43 seconds
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Evangelism Jesus-Style - Part 3 - 6 February 2024

God has built into us a hunger for Him... it’s an insatiable longing that nothing else can fill. And He’s given believers a pivotal message - the Gospel message. And today, Pastor Greg brings us a number of practical principles to help us share that life-giving message more effectively and confidently.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/5/202418 minutes, 40 seconds
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Evangelism Jesus-Style - Part 2 - 5 February 2024

If we want to attract people to Christ, we can’t repel them with the way we act. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us consider how to share our faith more effectively. Good encouragement coming today.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/4/202419 minutes, 19 seconds
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Evangelism Jesus Style - Part 1 - 2 February 2024

Sharing the Good News isn’t just a good idea. It’s a divine directive. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps kindle a fire within us, a fire that won’t let us remain silent. We’ll see how fulfilling the Great Commission and sharing our faith is a joy and a privilege.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/1/202420 minutes, 58 seconds
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Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future - Part 2 - 1 February 2024

When you reach the end of your rope, and you think that all you can do now is pray, as if that’s the last resort, and not a great one at that. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie explains that turning to our God shouldn’t be our last resort, it should be our top priority even during the most challenging times of life.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/31/202419 minutes, 30 seconds
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Reflecting on the Past, Preparing for the Future - Part 1 - 31 January 2024

Leaders of large organizations are often asked how they got to where they are, the answer is often: Start small, work hard, have faith and seek God’s will. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie recalls the development of Harvest Ministries as he and his congregation celebrate 50 years of teaching God’s Word to God’s people.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/30/202418 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Live a Meaningful Life - Part 2 - 30 January 2024

What’s the secret to running our race for Christ successfully and with joy? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that question today as we focus on the words of the Apostle Paul as he reflected on his own life and testimony.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/29/202420 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Live a Meaningful Life - Part 1 - 29 January 2024

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us the biblical prescription for living a life of joy. As he continues our studies in the book of Acts, we’ll see the importance of running this race of life with everything we’ve got.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/28/202419 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Look Up When Things Look Down - Part 2 - 26 January 2024

Salvation has been described as 'the miracle of a moment.' But some people wait most of their lives to have that moment. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie examines the miraculous conversion of a certain Philippian jailer, as recorded in the book of Acts.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/25/202420 minutes, 4 seconds
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How to Look Up When Things Look Down - Part 1 - 25 January 2024

When we invite Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, we invite Him to take up residence in our hearts. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we need to give the Lord freedom to make some changes inside us. Practical insights straight from the book of Acts.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/24/202420 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Resolve Conflict - Part 2 - 24 January 2024

Can two godly people have conflict? Yes, the can. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to a biblical example. We’ll see the nature of the conflict and discover the biblical path to a proper resolution. It’s good insight for the friction in our daily lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/23/202420 minutes
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How to Resolve Conflict - Part 1 - 23 January 2024

Some people are fierce defenders of their rights. Others try to 'do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than themselves.' Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that humble attitude preserves harmony in relationships, and undergirds our witness.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/22/202420 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Almost Christian - Part 2 - 22 January 2024

The Almost Christian - Part 2Support the show: for privacy information.
1/21/202419 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Almost Christian - 19 January 2024

The Almost ChristianSupport the show: for privacy information.
1/18/202421 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dealing with Depression - Part 2 - 18 January 2024

Dealing with Depression - Part 2Support the show: for privacy information.
1/17/202420 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dealing with Depression - Part 1 - 17 January 2024

Dealing with Depression - Part 1Support the show: for privacy information.
1/16/202419 minutes, 45 seconds
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Christ's Call to Courage - Part 2 - 16 January 2024

Christ's Call to Courage - Part 2Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202420 minutes, 5 seconds
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Christ's Call to Courage - Part 1 - 15 January 2024

Christ's Call to Courage - Part 1Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202418 minutes, 58 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - III - 12 January 2024

Pastor Greg Laurie says there’s good reason to think that those in heaven are well aware of what’s happening here on earth. Ever wonder about that? Today on A NEW BEGINNING, he discusses that and several other common questions about the afterlife.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/11/202422 minutes, 10 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - II - 11 January 2024

When we get to heaven, will we recognize our friends and loved ones? What will we do when we’re there? Those are questions many have asked . . . and today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie provides some insight.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/10/202418 minutes, 41 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - I - 10 January 2024

Today on an eye-opening edition of A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie addresses often-asked questions about heaven. How will our glorified bodies be different? Will we have a heavenly 'mansion'?Support the show: for privacy information.
1/9/202419 minutes, 12 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 1 - III - 9 January 2024

Our heavenly reward is waiting for us . . . more glorious than we can imagine. But today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie warns us about the shiny objects of this life that turn our attention away from the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/8/202418 minutes, 50 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 1 - II - 8 January 2024

Heaven is the finish line for every believer. It’s the place we all long to go. But Pastor Greg Laurie says heaven is great motivation for the here and now . . . it compels us onward in the Christian journeySupport the show: for privacy information.
1/7/202419 minutes, 38 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 1 - I - 5 January 2024

This life is short, but the afterlife is forever. Pastor Greg Laurie says we should know the details about our eternal home. That’s the goal today on A NEW BEGINNING. It’s a guided tour of what heaven’s like, from the timeless counsel of God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/4/202418 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - II - 4 January 2024

When you’re in a war, you can’t just say, 'I don’t wanna do this anymore.' They have a word for that: surrender! Pastor Greg Laurie says, we’re in a spiritual war, and we need to fight to win! He’ll explain how in today’s important study.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/3/202421 minutes, 36 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - I - 3 January 2024

Whether we realize it or not, we’re at war! Every believer faces spiritual warfare every single day. How can we fight ? and win? That’s the question Pastor Greg Laurie addresses today in a study of the weapons God has provided to help us fight victoriously.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/2/202418 minutes, 50 seconds
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Which Side Are You On? - II - 2 January 2024

As Christians, God should be number one in every aspect of our lives. Biblically speaking, anything else that captures our attention is considered an idol and a clear transgression of the First Commandment. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie delivers a warning about idol worship as we look at Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/1/202420 minutes, 34 seconds
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Which Side Are You On? - I - 1 January 2024

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. But no one really likes waiting, Do they? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that when we wait on GOD, it really can renew us, and we’ll see some great examples of miracles that took place through the prophet Elijah only AFTER waiting on the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/31/202318 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Parable of Spiritual Growth - II - 29 December 2023

Often, the speed at which we grow spiritually is determined by where we fix our focus. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of keeping our eyes on Christ. Great encouragement for the race of life on the way!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/28/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Parable of Spiritual Growth - I - 28 December 2023

Is there a secret to spiritual growth? Is there a reason some hit the ground running in their faith while others seem stuck in the starting blocks? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points us to a familiar parable. We’ll discover some important principles hidden just beneath the surface.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/27/202319 minutes, 10 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - III - 27 December 2023

What kinds of things merit our prayers? What should we be praying for? Pastor Greg Laurie says the answer is simple: pray about everything! Today, he offers important counsel on making our prayers more effective and rewarding.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/26/202320 minutes, 51 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - II - 26 December 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie points out it was God’s plan all along that His Son would give His life for our sins. It wasn’t some kind of plan gone awry. And today, we’ll see how that Divine plan was designed long ago to give you a path to heaven!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/25/202319 minutes, 55 seconds
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A Twisted Family Tree - II - 25 December 2023

Today, Pastor Greg helps us look beyond the tinsel and the gifts under the Christmas tree. We’ll see the birth of Jesus had a purpose, but today Pastor Greg first draws our attention to some family matters. We’ll examine two separate earthly genealogies of Jesus, and what they teach us of God’s mercy and grace.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/24/202322 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Twisted Family Tree - I - 22 December 2023

We all have some interesting people in our family trees, and today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to Jesus’ family tree. It’s a fascinating tour of the colourful characters God chose for Jesus’ earthly ancestry.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/21/202320 minutes
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Christmas, B.C - II - 21 December 2023

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie sets the record straight on some common misconceptions surrounding the birth of or Lord. We’ll see how the Son is co-eternal with the Father, and even makes several appearances in Scripture before that first Christmas. We’ll see for ourselves. Revealing insight is coming our way today.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/20/202320 minutes, 23 seconds
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Christmas, B.C - I - 20 December 2023

Christmas time looks vastly different across the world. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us a surprising fact about the holiday as he takes to the book of Genesis for a thorough Bible study!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/19/202321 minutes, 50 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - I - 19 December 2023

The Bible gives many examples of people who’ve poured out their hearts to God. Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s an invitation for us to do the same. Today, Pastor Greg shows us how to come to the Lord with our petitions and our pain.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/18/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - IV - 18 December 2023

Older believers can pass along wisdom to younger believers? and younger believers can reinvigorate zeal in older believers. Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s part of the joy of the discipleship process. And today, Pastor Greg highlights insights he would share with younger believersSupport the show: for privacy information.
12/17/202319 minutes, 39 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - III - 15 December 2023

As we grow older, we learn things. We accumulate wisdom. Wouldn’t it have been nice to learn those things earlier in life? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie passes along those things he’d tell his younger self. Good, biblical insight we can all learn from.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/14/202319 minutes, 31 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - II - 14 December 2023

What are the precepts and principles we should pass on to the next generation? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie highlights what he would tell his younger self. Some of the most practical insights he’s ever presented.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/13/202320 minutes, 2 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - I - 13 December 2023

If you could go back and give your younger self some advice, what would it be? Pastor Greg Laurie has been giving that some thought. And today, he offers some serious advice for the young, and young at heart.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/12/202316 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Be a World Changer at the End of the World - II - 12 December 2023

History records countless names of individuals who made a difference in the world. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can make a difference as we shine a light on this dark culture and point out how Jesus is coming back soon!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/11/202320 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Be a World Changer at the End of the World - I - 11 December 2023

The Lord could return at any time. So the question is, if Jesus was coming back tomorrow, how should we spend our time today? One day He will come, and then it’ll be too late for preparation. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie begins the final message in his eye-opening series called, The End of the World: What Does the Bible Say?Support the show: for privacy information.
12/10/202322 minutes, 2 seconds
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The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ - III - 8 December 2023

A day is coming when Jesus will return to earth with His Church, and all heaven will break loose. Pastor Greg Laurie says it’ll literally be heaven on earth. Today, Pastor Greg brings revealing insights from his series, The End of the World: What Does the Bible Say?Support the show: for privacy information.
12/7/202321 minutes, 20 seconds
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The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ - III - 8 December 2023

A day is coming when Jesus will return to earth with His Church, and all heaven will break loose. Pastor Greg Laurie says it’ll literally be heaven on earth. Today, Pastor Greg brings revealing insights from his series, The End of the World: What Does the Bible Say?Support the show: for privacy information.
12/7/202321 minutes, 20 seconds
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The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ - II - 7 December 2023

Some may think, just getting into heaven is good enough. Well today, Pastor Greg points out how some will receive special rewards for dedication and sacrifice. We’ll see that, at the judgement seat of Christ, we’ll receive an award for all those things we did for the Kingdom ? all those things no one ever noticed or acknowledged.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/6/202320 minutes
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The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ - II - 7 December 2023

Some may think, just getting into heaven is good enough. Well today, Pastor Greg points out how some will receive special rewards for dedication and sacrifice. We’ll see that, at the judgement seat of Christ, we’ll receive an award for all those things we did for the Kingdom ? all those things no one ever noticed or acknowledged.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/6/202320 minutes
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The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ - I - 6 December 2023

One thing is certain, one day the Lord will come with His Church to redeem this fallen world. But Pastor Greg Laurie says people will often have different responses to hearing this. Today, Pastor Greg shows us what’s ahead for planet earth. We’ll see the Lord has big plans, and believers will see the 'big reveal.'Support the show: for privacy information.
12/5/202321 minutes, 23 seconds
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The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ - I - 6 December 2023

One thing is certain, one day the Lord will come with His Church to redeem this fallen world. But Pastor Greg Laurie says people will often have different responses to hearing this. Today, Pastor Greg shows us what’s ahead for planet earth. We’ll see the Lord has big plans, and believers will see the 'big reveal.'Support the show: for privacy information.
12/5/202321 minutes, 23 seconds
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Antichrist, America & Armageddon - III - 5 December 2023

If the United States is a global superpower, why isn’t it mentioned in Bible Prophesy? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us important perspective as we consider where our world is heading on God’s prophetic timetable.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/4/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
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Antichrist, America & Armageddon - III - 5 December 2023

If the United States is a global superpower, why isn’t it mentioned in Bible Prophesy? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us important perspective as we consider where our world is heading on God’s prophetic timetable.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/4/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
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Antichrist, America & Armageddon - II - 4 December 2023

There isn’t much we know for certain about Antichrist or really, the whole End Times landscape. Today Pastor Greg Laurie brings us a closer look at the drama of the Last Days, according to God’s Word. He’ll answer the questions on the minds of many and reveal some things we may have never considered before. It’s the kind of study you’re going to want your friends to hear?.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/3/202320 minutes, 4 seconds
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Antichrist, America & Armageddon - II - 4 December 2023

There isn’t much we know for certain about Antichrist or really, the whole End Times landscape. Today Pastor Greg Laurie brings us a closer look at the drama of the Last Days, according to God’s Word. He’ll answer the questions on the minds of many and reveal some things we may have never considered before. It’s the kind of study you’re going to want your friends to hear?.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/3/202320 minutes, 4 seconds
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Antichrist, America & Armageddon - I - 1 December 2023

There’s so much darkness in the world, it can be hard to wrap our minds around it. But believers know that a time is coming when we’ll see darkness unlike ever before. Today, Pastor Greg helps us understand what’s to come in the last days, and how the Lord wants us to respond as we remember, ultimately, who wins in the end!Support the show: for privacy information.
11/30/202320 minutes, 48 seconds
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What is the Rapture & Why it Matters - II - 30 November 2023

The time is short, and the need to share our faith has never been more apparent. Today, Pastor Greg presents a timely message about God’s plan for the End Times, and specifically when the Lord returns for His Church in the Rapture.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/29/202320 minutes, 28 seconds
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What is the Rapture & Why it Matters - I - 29 November 2023

It’ll happen instantly, the Bible says, 'in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.' Today, Pastor Greg helps us understand the Rapture and its part in the Lord’s grand Last Days plan. It’s a dramatic moment to be sure, but that’s only part of the startling things to come according to God’s WordSupport the show: for privacy information.
11/28/202321 minutes, 37 seconds
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Is Jesus Coming Back Again? - II - 28 November 2023

Jesus could come back at any time. And many of us wonder what we should be doing while we wait. Pastor Greg Laurie says the answer is clear; to make sure our priorities are in order as we make each day count, and we place our trust in the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/27/202321 minutes, 12 seconds
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Is Jesus Coming Back Again? - I - 27 November 2023

The Bible isn’t silent about what the world will look like before Jesus returns, and It’s clear that Jesus could come back at any time. But the question is: are we ready? Today, Pastor Greg offers important insight on where we stand, and where can find reliable counsel about our future as we learn to stay grounded in a time of uncertainty.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/26/202322 minutes
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How to Have a Happy Holiday Season - II - 24 November 2023

Who doesn’t love to receive a good Christmas present? But today, Pastor Greg points out there’s more joy in what we’ve given than what we’ve received. Good encouragement on the way for us all to take into this holiday season.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/23/202321 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Have a Happy Holiday Season - I - 23 November 2023

We could never run out of reasons to be thankful for all the Lord has done for us. So today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes a look at gratitude, and how it’s an important key to helping us celebrate the holiday season. When we thank God for His goodness, it reacquaints us with His love. Good insight is coming up.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/22/202320 minutes, 4 seconds
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Loving God - II - 22 November 2023

Do you have an all-time highest point of love for Jesus? If so, how long ago was it? If you’ve noticed your spiritual momentum has taken you backwards, Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s time for a course correction. And as Saint Paul said, ’Get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged.’Support the show: for privacy information.
11/21/202320 minutes, 56 seconds
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Loving God - I - 21 November 2023

The word says to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul and mind. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of loving God with everything that’s within us ? and if we don’t discipline ourselves to study God’s Word we’re easily led astraySupport the show: for privacy information.
11/20/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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Discipleship: The Next Step in Following Jesus - II - 20 November 2023

The Christian life has many examples of teamwork, and today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us focus on discipleship. He delves into the daily dynamics of the believer’s journey, highlightingSupport the show: for privacy information.
11/19/202318 minutes, 6 seconds
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Discipleship: The Next Step in Following Jesus - I - 17 November 2023

It’s never easy being the new person on the Job, but if you’re lucky, often there’s to show you the ropes. Well today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we tutor new believers through a process called 'discipleship.' It’s a process of spiritual duplication where older believers give the younger an example to follow, a recipe for success.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/16/202320 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Lead Others to Jesus - III - 16 November 2023

The Lord is clear. His desire for us all to be saved and come to a place of repentance. Today, Pastor Greg emphasizes the importance of sharing this life-saving message with those around us and he outlines practical and approachable steps to spread the message of salvation.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/15/202319 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Lead Others to Jesus - II - 15 November 2023

Each day, we’re surrounded by needy people. Their needs may not be obvious on the outside, but they’re glaring on the inside, and as believers, we have something that can address all of those needs. Today Pastor Greg presents some practical and foundational principles for sharing the Good News of the Gospel.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/14/202319 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Lead Others to Jesus - I - 14 November 2023

The Lord designed the message of the Gospel to be everlasting. And today we explore the timeless message, as Pastor Greg Laurie discusses how we, as believers, can share that message most effectively.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/13/202321 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Joy of Sharing Your Faith - II - 13 November 2023

Sharing your faith is a major tenet of the Christian life, but it can be intimidating! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the message we need to deliver . . . and it’s about both a serious problem and a great opportunity. We’ll see it’s about a choice between life and death - literally and offers the hope of heaven!Support the show: for privacy information.
11/12/202319 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Joy of Sharing Your Faith - I - 10 November 2023

Most of us have no problem recommending a good restaurant, or a good movie. But Pastor Greg says, why not use that same approach when sharing our faith in Christ? We have a life-saving message, and we just can’t keep that to ourselves. So today, Pastor Greg shares some practical tips on sharing our faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/9/202319 minutes, 19 seconds
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Angels and Demons - II - 9 November 2023

While the supernatural world may be unseen, it is undeniably real, and as believers, we find our protection in The Cross. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie provides profound biblical wisdom from Revelation 12, Highlighting the importance of God’s End Times calendar and urges us recognise its significance as we continue to share the Gospel.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/8/202318 minutes, 25 seconds
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Angels and Demons - I - 8 November 2023

Are angels real, or just an invention of Hollywood? Pastor Greg Laurie says the answer may surprise you! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us God’s plan for angels in the lives of believers. Fascinating insight on the way.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/7/202318 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Know the Will of God - II - 7 November 2023

When we’re in the will of God, circumstantially things will come together. This is what we often refer to as doors opening or closing. The Lord will lead us more than we realise if we just tune into the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Greg Laurie encourages us to look for the signs.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/7/202318 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Know the Will of God - I - 6 November 2023

God’s will is not an itinerary, it’s an attitude. When we read the Word of God, pray for direction, and start taking steps, guess what? We’ll find ourselves right in the will of God. His way becomes clear when we start walking in it.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/5/202318 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Secret to Spiritual Success - II - 3 November 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says, the success of the Christian life depends on how much of the Bible we get into our hearts and minds on a daily basis and how obedient we are to it. Today, Pastor Greg reminds us of the tremendous power of God’s Word to instruct, to inspire and to inspect.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/2/202322 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Secret to Spiritual Success - I - 2 November 2023

God wants us to live a successful Christian life. Today Pastor Greg points out one of the most important ingredients for a healthy walk with the Lord. But it’s a vital ingredient that’s often missing in the lives of many believers. Wise counsel on the way today.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/1/202319 minutes, 56 seconds
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Will I Go to Heaven? - II - 1 November 2023

We’ve all wondered what Heaven is like, and today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us what we can expect about heaven. And how it will surpass our wildest dreams. 'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.' A revealing study is coming today.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/31/202318 minutes, 33 seconds
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Will I Go to Heaven? - I - 31 October 2023

Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone. And what comes after this life must be pre-arranged before this life is over. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us important insight as he prompts us to ask a sobering question we all must ask ourselves at some point?.Will I Go to Heaven?Support the show: for privacy information.
10/30/202319 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 2 - III - 30 October 2023

The Holy Spirit is continually at work in our lives. He gives us power, wisdom, comfort and direction. But perhaps His most important role is, bringing us to the Saviour. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can recognize and cooperate with His plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/29/202321 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 2 - II - 27 October 2023

If we’re facing danger and don’t know it, that’s a problem. There are many invisible forces at work in our lives, and though we can’t see them, some are at work to help us while others want to destroy us. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that it’s God’s Holy Spirit acquainting us with the problem of sin and pointing us to the solution.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/26/202317 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 2 - I - 26 October 2023

Some people are afflicted with 'good enough' syndrome and are absolutely convinced they’re 'good enough' to get to heaven. But we’re all sinners and we all fall short of God’s glory. In a study from the series called ’Life’, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the Holy Spirit shows us our sin, its penalty, our need for a solution, then shows us the Saviour, Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/25/202318 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - III - 25 October 2023

The Lord created us with free will and He knew that some people would reject Him, but that was also His plan from the beginning. It’s part of the Holy Spirit’s job to call out to us and draw us to the Lord, but that’s just one job of the Holy Spirit. Today, Pastor Greg shares a revealing message from the Gospel of John, explaining the danger of dismissing the Spirit’s work in our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/24/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - II - 24 October 2023

We know the enemy is a powerful force. But we also know that our God is all-powerful. And with the Holy Spirit on our side, we know we’re in good hands! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the role the Spirit plays in the life of the believer. With Foundational insight from the Gospel of John, we’ll see the Spirit protects us, guides us, and empowers us for a successful Christian life.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/23/202319 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - I - 23 October 2023

The Holy Spirit is our helper and friend, and He’s always at work in our lives. Even when we may not realize it, His work is vital living a more fulfilling Christian life. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out what the Bible tells us about the Comforter God has provided for us in a study of the Holy Spirit.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/22/202318 minutes, 57 seconds
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Who is Jesus? - II - 20 October 2023

The Second Coming of Jesus is described many times in Scripture, and Pastor Greg Laurie says our level of excitement about the return of the Lord tells us a lot about our spiritual health. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us foundational insights into the character and attributes of Jesus, and we’ll give thought to His Second Coming. It’s a revealing look at how much we love the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/19/202319 minutes, 39 seconds
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Who is Jesus? - I - 19 October 2023

Jesus was the ultimate superhero, not only THE ’Good-Man’, he was the ’God-Man’. And many times, people miss the enormity of who Jesus is. He walked among us, but He created the universe. He died, but He rose again. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us sense the full scope of who Jesus is.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/18/202322 minutes, 11 seconds
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Who is God? - III - 18 October 2023

Our culture calls good bad and calls bad good. But today, as Pastor Greg Laurie continues his series looking at the attributes of God. We’ll discover that not only is God sovereign and He determines what is good and what is Truth, He is the definitive source of Truth-good insight on the way.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/17/202319 minutes, 48 seconds
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Who is God? - II - 17 October 2023

God is omnipotent. All-powerful. He parted the Red Sea, caused time to stand still, protected Daniel in the Lion’s Den and the three Hebrew teens in the fiery furnace. Jesus fed multitudes with table scraps, healed the sick, raised the dead, and conquered the grave. And don’t forget all of creation! So, if you’re facing a challenge, Pastor Greg Laurie says, give it to the Lord as he points out how powerful God is and how your big problem is no match for an even bigger God.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/16/202318 minutes, 34 seconds
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Who is God? - I - 16 October 2023

At one time or another, everyone has probably asked the question, 'Who is God?' Is He really all-knowing, is He the one and only true God, and does He really care about us? The truth is the more we know about the nature and character of God, the more equipped we will be to love, worship, and obey Him. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us make some adjustments to recalibrate what we know and what we do with what we know about God.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/15/202315 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Power of One, Part 2 - 13 October 2023

People who attend class reunions are often surprised. Sometimes, the more popular people way back when have lost that prominence, and the prominent people today were the wallflowers years ago. And that’s not really random or accidental. It has to do with the choices they made. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how the choices we make in how we serve God will affect the here and now and will also likely affect the hereafter as well. We’ll learn to choose well.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/12/202318 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Power of One, Part 1 - 12 October 2023

Throughout the Bible, we see stories of God using individuals to accomplish great things: Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon. Sometimes there’s strength in numbers, but other times there’s supernatural strength in a humble man or woman saying yes to God. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us open ourselves to being used by God by looking to the example of Moses.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/11/202317 minutes, 58 seconds
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On the Outside Looking In - II - 11 October 2023

'To err is human,' so the saying goes. Fortunately, the saying finishes, 'to forgive Divine.' And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out a life-changing error by Moses, but how God forgave His servant. It’s a good lesson on bouncing back from failure.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/10/202321 minutes, 46 seconds
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On the Outside Looking In - I - 10 October 2023

The Bible is candid in presenting a time when Moses saw his anger get the better of him. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us examine that sad chapter in the prophet’s life, and what we can learn from it. Lessons on being 'on fire' for Jesus and avoiding being 'hot-headed.'Support the show: for privacy information.
10/9/202317 minutes, 44 seconds
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It's All How You Look at Things - II - 9 October 2023

Faith and worry cannot co-exist together. When faith walks in, worry walks out. It’s been said, 'when you trust, you do not worry; and when you worry, you do not trust.' There are so many opportunities for worry in our lives, especially in 2020, yet Pastor Greg Laurie says we have at least as many opportunities to trust God with great faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/8/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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It's All How You Look at Things - I - 6 October 2023

We all face problems, but do we see them in the light of who God is, or look at God in the light of the problems? It all depends on how we look at things. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers some good reassurance that God is bigger than whatever you’re facing.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/5/202317 minutes, 39 seconds
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A Blessing for You - II - 5 October 2023

There’s an important blessing from God recorded in Numbers 6. And Pastor Greg Laurie says it highlights 6 truths about the Lord every believer needs to know. Tday, we’ll find out how that blessing reaches through the pages of history and impacts our lives today. Learn more!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/4/202318 minutes, 37 seconds
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A Blessing for You - I -

As the children of Israel were making their way to the Promised Land, God spoke a special blessing to them. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that blessing even applies to us. What’s contained in this blessing, and how do we receive it? Answers coming!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/3/202318 minutes, 2 seconds
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A Blessing for You - I - 4 October 2023

As the children of Israel were making their way to the Promised Land, God spoke a special blessing to them. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that blessing even applies to us. What’s contained in this blessing, and how do we receive it? Answers coming!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/3/202318 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Have Friendship with God - II -

The Bible tells us that God spoke to Moses as a friend. Imagine ? enjoying friendship with God! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the things Moses asked of his friend, God Almighty. There’s a lot to learn from this practical message.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/2/202318 minutes
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How to Have Friendship with God - II - 3 October 2023

The Bible tells us that God spoke to Moses as a friend. Imagine ? enjoying friendship with God! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the things Moses asked of his friend, God Almighty. There’s a lot to learn from this practical message.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/2/202318 minutes
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How to Have Friendship with God - I -

Can we be a 'friend' of God? The answer is yes, and today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how. We’ll learn some important lessons on friendship from the prophet Moses. It’s a practical lesson from Pastor Greg’s series, Water ? Fire ? Stone.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/1/202318 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Have Friendship with God - I - 2 October 2023

Can we be a 'friend' of God? The answer is yes, and today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how. We’ll learn some important lessons on friendship from the prophet Moses. It’s a practical lesson from Pastor Greg’s series, Water ? Fire ? Stone.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/1/202318 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Heart of the Problem - II -

The 10 Commandments warn us not to covet. Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s more than wanting something? it’s being 'devoured by a desire for something that belongs to someone else.' Today, we’ll see how coveting is a very real danger in our culture.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/28/202319 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Heart of the Problem - I -

86% believe they’ve never broken Commandment number 8: 'You shall not steal.' Pastor Greg Laurie says some people may have a short memory! Today, Pastor Greg takes a close look at this part of the 10 Commandments and helps us check ourselves against God’s timeless Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/27/202320 minutes, 21 seconds
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From Hopelessness to Happiness - II -

Idols may seem like something from ancient history. But Pastor Greg Laurie points out that idols surround us in 2020. An idol is anything that takes the place of God in our lives. And Today, Pastor Greg helps us recognize and resist modern-day idolatry in our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/26/202320 minutes, 31 seconds
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From Hopelessness to Happiness - I -

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie returns to his enlightening look at the 10 Commandments. We’ll see they’re full of practical insight toward a life of satisfaction and harmony in walking with God.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/25/202321 minutes, 2 seconds
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Violence & Sex - II -

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie underscores the importance of sexual purity in the midst of a culture committed to personal pleasure. It’s a practical look at God’s counsel in the 10 Commandments. Learn how the Lord’s directives apply to us today.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/24/202320 minutes, 45 seconds
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Violence & Sex - I - 22 September 2023

Violence fills the streets of urban centres? hatred overflows on social media. There has to be a better way. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God is love, and He has a plan for bringing harmony back to our culture. We’ll explore that plan as we study the 10 Commandments.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/21/202319 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Family Matters - II - 21 September 2023

It’s a privilege and responsibility for Christian parents to pass on their faith to their children. But few of us 'excel' in that area! Today on, Pastor Greg Laurie offers some practical help as we look at what God says about parenting in His 10 Commandments.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/20/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Family Matters - I - 20 September 2023

Parenting is one of the most important assignments in the world. And Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God considers it so important, it’s addressed in His 'top ten.' Today, Pastor Greg offers practical insights on family matters from the 10 Commandments.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/19/202319 minutes, 17 seconds
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What's the Big Deal with God's Name? - II - 19 September 2023

The 10 Commandments aren’t antiquated ideas from yesteryear. Pastor Greg Laurie says they’re a prescription for living the most rewarding life possible. And today, Pastor Greg continues our practical look at applying God’s 'Top Ten' to our lives on a daily basis.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/18/202320 minutes, 23 seconds
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What's the Big Deal with God's Name? - I - 18 September 2023

The Bible warns us not to take the name of the Lord in vain. But Pastor Greg Laurie says that means more than avoiding certain curse words. Today, Pastor Greg points out how to pay honor to the Lord in our daily speech and conduct.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/17/202320 minutes, 37 seconds
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'10', Part 2: No Other Gods - II - 15 September 2023

It seems so basic: God is God, and we’re not. But many of us wrestle with this subconsciously when we try to act independently and forget 'whose' we are. Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us recognize the significance of the first of the 10 Commandments ? 'no other gods.'Support the show: for privacy information.
9/14/202320 minutes, 14 seconds
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'10', Part 2: No Other Gods - I - 14 September 2023

The Bible assures us that happiness can be found in keeping God’s Commandments. And today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us consider the first of the Lord’s 10 Commandments. Which one is preeminent ? which one is mentioned first? Get the answer and learn from the insight.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/13/202318 minutes, 39 seconds
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'10', Part 1: No Other Gods - II - 13 September 2023

In the 10 Commandments, God warned us against idol worship. But do we really have idols today? Today on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie warns us that, whatever captures our heart and our attention, is indeed an idol.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/12/202319 minutes, 52 seconds
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'10', Part 1: No Other Gods - I - 12 September 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says the 10 Commandments are not obsolete . . . they’re absolute. But few believers can name all 10. Today, Pastor Greg launches a practical study of how each Commandment should impact our lives on a daily basis.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/11/202320 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Desert Song - II - 11 September 2023

It’s not only important to get into biblical truth, it’s important for biblical truth to get in to us. Pastor Greg Laurie says Scripture memorization can help us grow by leaps and bounds! Today, Pastor Greg urges us to let God’s truth write itself on our hearts.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/10/202320 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Desert Song - I - 8 September 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says life’s biggest trials often follow life’s greatest blessings. It’s a quick trip from the mountain top to the valley floor. But today, Pastor Greg brings us inspiration and reassurance from our study of the Israelites in the wilderness.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/7/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

Between Impossible & More Impossible - II - 7 September 2023

In the time of Moses, the Israelites were fleeing an unconquerable army when they reached an impassable sea. Were they doomed? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that impossible situations are God’s specialties!Support the show: for privacy information.
9/6/202319 minutes, 43 seconds
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Between Impossible & More Impossible - I - 6 September 2023

When our problems overwhelm us, Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us that God is bigger than our problems! Today, we’ll consider some 'impossible' situations in biblical times, and how God came through 'in the nick of time.'Support the show: for privacy information.
9/5/202320 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Passover: A New Beginning - III - 5 September 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says Passover was a new beginning for the people of Israel. And he points out Jesus provides a new beginning for Christians. Today, we’ll learn more about this important message and how it connects Old and New Testaments.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/4/202319 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Passover: A New Beginning - II - 4 September 2023

Passover is an important remembrance for Jews... and it’s equally important to Christians. In fact, Jesus Himself celebrated it. And today, Pastor Greg offers important insights on this profound story of deliverance.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/3/202319 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Passover: A New Beginning - I - 1 September 2023

The message of the cross is the heart and soul of the Christian Gospel. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary is directly related to the Passover.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/31/202321 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Danger of the Compromised Life - II - 31 August 2023

What can we learn about standing strong against our adversary? Pastor Greg Laurie says we can find good insights by observing how Moses stood against Pharaoh. Today, Pastor Greg shows us how to live a life without compromise.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/30/202320 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Danger of the Compromised Life - I - 30 August 2023

Moses pleaded with Pharaoh to let his people go . . . but Pharaoh 'hardened his heart.' Today, Pastor Greg Laurie explains how we often harden OUR hearts toward God. It’s an important study from Pastor Greg’s World Changers series!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/29/202319 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Danger of a Hardened Heart - II - 29 August 2023

This week, Pastor Greg Laurie is presenting studies from the life of Moses. And today, we consider how Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and his rebellious attitude provoked consequences from the hand of God Himself.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/28/202320 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Danger of a Hardened Heart - I - 28 August 2023

When our heart grows hard, our spiritual eyesight grows dim. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us avoid the downward slide that would lead to being calloused to the voice of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/27/202318 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

How God Can Turn Your Mess into a Message - II - 25 August 2023

When our lives have fallen apart, what do we do? Pastor Greg Laurie says God can put the broken pieces of a shattered life back together . . . and He specializes in using broken people. Today, we’ll consider a case in point.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/24/202321 minutes, 1 second
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How God Can Turn Your Mess into a Message - I - 24 August 2023

Sometimes we wonder how our lives ended up where they are. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that where you are right now is perfectly situated so you can be used by God!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/23/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
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God's Call...Man's Excuses - II - 23 August 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie assures us, God has a plan for our lives even if our lives seem like a mess right now. Today, Pastor Greg helps us recognize the plan of God and say yes to the Lord’s calling.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/22/202320 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

God's Call...Man's Excuses - I - 22 August 2023

What kind of influence do you have on your 'circle of influence'? Does your influence rub off on others, or does their influence rub off on you? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie continues his study of the life of Moses with an important look at putting our faith on display.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/21/202320 minutes, 9 seconds
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God Enough, Part 2 - II - 21 August 2023

Why does God use some people in remarkable ways, and other people not at all? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that issue today. We’ll see it’s not usually a question of ability? it’s a matter of availability. Learn how to make yourself available to the Lord!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/20/202320 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

God Enough, Part 2 - I - 18 August 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says God can use you to do great things for His Kingdom. . .if you’re willing to take a step outside your comfort zone. Today, Pastor Greg shows us how to follow Moses’ example and make ourselves available to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/17/202320 minutes, 41 seconds
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God Enough, Part 1 - II - 17 August 2023

It helps to see important principles lived out in real life. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us some important principles as we follow the life of Moses. We’ll emulate his successes and learn from his tune in for the rich counsel!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/16/202320 minutes, 9 seconds
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God Enough, Part 1 - I - 16 August 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie wants you to know that you’re being watched! Every day, people are observing how you handle yourself as a believer in Jesus Christ. And today, Pastor Greg passes along good encouragement to do your best and represent our Lord well!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/15/202320 minutes, 5 seconds
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Your Life Has a Purpose - II - 15 August 2023

Sin lures us with false promises. We soon find pain instead of pleasure. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn from a surprising event in the life of Moses. It’s a good warning to resist the lures of our flesh and our adversary.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/14/202320 minutes, 17 seconds
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Your Life Has a Purpose - I - 14 August 2023

The most agonizing times of life can yield the sweetest rewards. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie launches a study of the life of Moses. And we’ll see how great victories come from great struggle. It’s good medicine for whatever you’re going through.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/13/202318 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - II - 11 August 2023

The Bible tells us repeatedly that Jesus could return at any time. How can we be prepared? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us be alert and sober-minded, and help others be ready, as well.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/10/202320 minutes, 8 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - I - 10 August 2023

You can start a footrace with an explosion of energy and enthusiasm, but it’s how you finish that ends up in the record books. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us chart a course for a strong finish in life.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/10/202321 minutes, 22 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 1 - II - 9 August 2023

When tragedy strikes, we often ask why. We never seem to ask that question in times of blessing. Today. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we live on promises, not explanations. He’ll urge us to focus not so much on 'why,' but 'Whom.'Support the show: for privacy information.
8/9/202319 minutes, 55 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 1 - I - 8 August 2023

Each day we have a choice: follow God or follow the shifting trends of our culture. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to the life of Noah to show us the importance of choosing wisely which path we walk.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/8/202318 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Teenager Who Changed the World - II - 7 August 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says envy 'shoots at another and wounds itself.' Envy is a dangerous, self-destructive emotion. And today, Pastor Greg brings us important insight on this trap. It’s part of his series called World Changers.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/7/202320 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Teenager Who Changed the World - I - 4 August 2023

Our culture often tends to celebrate the wrong heroes. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us the story of a young man in the Old Testament whose example is well worth emulating.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/3/202320 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Overcome Your Giants - II - 3 August 2023

Our adversary is much bigger and stronger than we are. And that’s why Pastor Greg Laurie points out we’re not called to fight him alone! Today, Pastor Greg shows us how to follow David’s example in defeating our spiritual adversary.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/2/202320 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Overcome Your Giants - I - 2 August 2023

When you come face to face with a problem that’s bigger than you are, what do you? Pastor Greg Laurie says we should do what David did. Today we’ll hear an important study on how to overcome our giants. Great reassurance direct from Scripture.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/1/202320 minutes, 14 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 3 - II - 1 August 2023

If we’re plagued with big worries, that may be the sign of small faith. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how we can trust in the dependable promises of God’s Word ? even in times of trial ? especially in times of trial!Support the show: for privacy information.
7/31/202321 minutes, 17 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 3 - I - 31 July 2023

Worry is not only unproductive, Pastor Greg Laurie says, worry is actually a failure to trust in the providence of God. But how can break free from the bonds of worry? Today, Pastor Greg addresses that very issue.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/30/202320 minutes, 37 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 2 - II - 28 July 2023

Worry can burrow its way into our minds. And then it wakes us up with anxious thoughts in the middle of the night. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see where worry comes from, and where to find relief!Support the show: for privacy information.
7/27/202320 minutes, 55 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 2 - I - 27 July 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie points to a recent survey showing that teens see depression and anxiety as their number one problem. Adults? Perhaps even more so. Today, Pastor Greg offers the biblical treatment for worry and anxiety.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/26/202320 minutes, 32 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 1 - III - 26 July 2023

It may not be possible to live a problem-free life . . . but Pastor Greg Laurie points out it IS possible to live a worry-free life. How? Find out today as Pastor Greg helps us understand that it’s only when we take our eyes off of Jesus that our problems become worries.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/25/202320 minutes, 55 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 1 - II - 25 July 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says, whatever you’re going through, God is bigger than your problem. Today, we learn how to call out to our God when life’s trials have driven us to our knees.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/24/202319 minutes, 3 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 1 - I - 24 July 2023

Life gives us an unlimited number of things to worry about. But God gives us one good reason not to. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie begins a series that’ll help us put our fears and worries out to pasture. It’s good reassurance for our times of anxiety.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/23/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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Power Over Death - II - 21 July 2023

In times of crisis, sometimes our default reaction can be to withdraw from God. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out; we never have to face our challenges alone. We’ll learn that the best thing we can do when we’re feeling helpless and hopeless in our time of need is to bring that need to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/20/202321 minutes, 58 seconds
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Power Over Death - I - 20 July 2023

When tragedy strikes, many people ask one question. ’Why?’ Today, Pastor Greg Laurie addresses big question head on as we look at the resurrection of Lazarus in John chapter 11.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/19/202318 minutes, 15 seconds
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Believing is Seeing - II - 19 July 2023

If we love Jesus, what are we willing to do for Him? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to the Gospel of John for an important look at a well-known miracle of Jesus. Great encouragement on the way as we learn how Jesus wants us to live and speak about Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/18/202320 minutes, 32 seconds
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Believing is Seeing - I - 18 July 2023

Our culture is marinating in sin and hopelessness, and as believers, we can point the way to hope and forgiveness. If you’ve ever complained about the state of our world, Today, Pastor Greg helps us recognize the difference we can make by being salt and light.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/17/202319 minutes, 31 seconds
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Lunch with Jesus - III - 17 July 2023

God is bigger than our circumstances. Even when they may look difficult, or even impossible. Today, Pastor Greg encourages us to remember Who we’re praying to, nothing is too hard for the Lord, and he wants us to come to Him in prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/16/202320 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lunch With Jesus - II - 14 July 2023

God often gives gifts to His children ? special abilities to help them serve the Lord more effectively. But Pastor Greg Laurie is quick to point out, those gifts don’t come fully developed. Today, he’ll help us take positive steps forward in refining our God-given gifts and then we put them to use.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/13/202320 minutes, 26 seconds
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Lunch With Jesus - I - 13 July 2023

It’s one of the most well-known miracles in the Bible ? the feeding of the 5,000. Thousands were fed with a few loaves and fish. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie uses that as a launch pad to talk of God’s provision in your life.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/12/202318 minutes, 17 seconds
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Time to Clean House - II - 12 July 2023

When we invite Jesus into our lives, we shouldn’t be surprised that He might want to make some changes in us. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to cooperate with the Lord’s plan. We’ll see His plans are better than ours. Good insight on following God’s lead.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/11/202320 minutes, 52 seconds
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Time to Clean House - I - 11 July 2023

It’s pretty easy to neglect our Christian growth and commitment. A little compromise here, a little distraction there. But Pastor Greg Laurie says a neglected Christian life can lead to disaster. And today, he helps us focus on a steady upward growth in our Christian walk.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/10/202319 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Best is Yet to Come - II - 10 July 2023

What are your expectations about heaven? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the abundant life in the here and now and what’s waiting for believers in the hereafter. Trustworthy insight coming from the pages of Scripture.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/9/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Best is Yet to Come - I - 7 July 2023

One of our primary responsibilities as believers is to share Christ with others. Wouldn’t it be great to learn how to do that more effectively? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings solid, biblical counsel on being more effective ambassadors for Christ. Support the show: for privacy information.
7/6/202320 minutes, 58 seconds
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It's Time to Pray - II - 6 July 2023

Our failings and our shortcomings should never keep us from praying to our God. Today, Pastor Greg points out just how much the Lord wants to hear from us. And we should never feel unworthy to bring our petitions to His throne. Support the show: for privacy information.
7/5/202321 minutes, 57 seconds
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It's Time to Pray - I - 5 July 2023

The Bible urges believers to pray. It’s obvious that God wants to hear from us. What should you bring to the Lord’s attention today? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to take our problems, our pressures, our crises to the throne of God. Support the show: for privacy information.
7/4/202320 minutes, 27 seconds
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What the Lord's Return Means to You - II - 4 July 2023

The hope of Christ’s coming should give us courage, as believers. Pastor Greg Laurie says, when we understand that certainty, it can strengthen us to step out boldly for the Lord. We’ll dig deep into the strong counsel of the book of James.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/3/202320 minutes, 57 seconds
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What the Lord's Return Means to You - I - 3 July 2023

The Bible is clear that the Lord could return at any time. So, what does that mean for how we live our daily lives? Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s a vitally important question, and we’ll discuss it today.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/2/202319 minutes, 25 seconds
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Just A Moment - II - 30 June 2023

Some have their own life plan, and they ask God to bless it. Pastor Greg Laurie says God has a plan for our lives and He invites us to step up to that higher level! Today, Pastor Greg brings us an eye-opening look at the joy in our journey with God. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/29/202319 minutes, 54 seconds
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Just a Moment - I - 29 June 2023

Life passes by so quickly. How are we investing ourselves in life in the hereafter ? life that never ends? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to the book of James for insights on living our lives well, living in harmony with God’s will. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/28/202317 minutes, 19 seconds
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Things Jesus Never Said - II - 28 June 2023

If we claim to have wisdom, Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to show it by living a Godly life. And today, he takes us to the book of James to see how Godly wisdom reveals itself in our actions. Good counsel on allowing our walk to match our talk. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/27/202320 minutes, 29 seconds
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Things Jesus Never Said - I - 27 June 2023

We’ve all heard it. Someone quotes the words of Jesus ? but we know Jesus never said anything LIKE that! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie will set the record straight as he highlights a number of things that Jesus never said. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/26/202318 minutes, 42 seconds
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Talk This Way - II - 26 June 2023

Our culture has an overabundance of hostility and confrontation. But the Lord would have us show we’re Christians by our love. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us fine tune our speech to offer loving encouragement rather than opposition. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/25/202319 minutes, 14 seconds
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Talk This Way - I - 23 June 2023

In spite of the old saying, ’sticks and stones may break our bones’ ? words can hurt us deeply! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn to tame our tongues. We’ll dig into some practical insight in the book of James that’ll help us watch what we say and what we choose not to say. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/22/202318 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Deal with Trials & Temptations - Ii - 22 June 2023

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie encourages us to take an honest look at temptation and how we often set ourselves up for the fall. We’ll learn it’s not a sin to be tempted; it’s a sin to give in to temptation. Discover some practical principles on avoiding that danger. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/21/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Deal with Trials & Temptations - I - 21 June 2023

Trials and temptations shouldn’t surprise us. Jesus even warned us about them. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how to respond to those challenges. Practical insight on the way to make the choice to rejoice no matter what we’re facing. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/20/202316 minutes, 53 seconds
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Hope is On The Way - II - 20 June 2023

We live in a culture that seems to have lost its way ? right is wrong and wrong is right. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how to view this mixed-up world through the lens of Scripture. It’s important encouragement in the finale to Pastor Greg’s series in Romans. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/19/202321 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hope is On The Way - I - 19 June 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says, in spite of living in a time of tremendous prosperity, some are calling this the 'hopeless generation.' Why is that? Pastor Greg will address that question today as we take a look at where real hope and satisfaction come from. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/18/202319 minutes, 23 seconds
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Wake Up, Suit Up, Lighten Up - II - 16 June 2023

We know God is our very present help in a time of need. He’s dependable. But are we? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie invites us to 'Wake up, suit up, and lighten up' as we anticipate the return of Christ. Good encouragement from the book of Romans. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/15/202319 minutes, 27 seconds
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Wake Up, Suit Up, Lighten Up - I - 15 June 2023

The clock is counting down for summer to return. Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us that the clock is also counting down to the return of Christ. Today, he brings a message encouraging us to be alert and ready. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/14/202319 minutes, 10 seconds
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Handling Hardship & Difficult People - II - 14 June 2023

When someone hurts us, should we forgive them... or? get even? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us that our job is forgiveness. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. We’re charting a path toward a more peaceful life through forgiveness.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/13/202319 minutes, 28 seconds
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Handling Hardship & Difficult People - I - 13 June 2023

The Bible encourages us to 'bless those who persecute us.' A challenge to be sure. But today Pastor Greg Laurie helps us follow the example of Jesus and remember that our higher calling is to represent heaven’s interests not our own. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/12/202317 minutes, 42 seconds
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What It Really Means to Love God - II - 12 June 2023

God’s Word compels us to love others. But what if we don’t feel loving toward someone? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that today. It’s a look at how to act appropriately while allowing our feelings to catch up. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/11/202318 minutes, 25 seconds
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What it Really Means to Love God - I - 9 June 2023

God has given spiritual gifts to His children so they can carry out the work He has for them to do. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that if we’re not using our gifts, we’re not properly equipped to serve the Lord to the best of our ability. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/8/202318 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Church: A Place to Call Home - II - 8 June 2023

The Church thrives on believers putting their spiritual gifts to work. Trouble is, in many churches those gifts AREN’T put to work, and the believers don’t even know what gifts they have! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us discover our gifts then put them into action! Support the show: for privacy information.
6/7/202320 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Church: A Place to Call Home - I - 7 June 2023

God has given spiritual gifts to His children so they can carry out the work He has for them to do. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie, points out that if we’re not using our gifts, we’re not properly equipped to serve the Lord to the best of our ability. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/6/202318 minutes, 23 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Know the Will of God - II - 6 June 2023

It’s easier to discover the will of God for our lives when our will isn’t in the way! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers practical insight on how we can know God’s will. We’ll see that the closer we get to God, the more His will becomes obvious.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/5/202320 minutes, 12 seconds
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How to Know the Will of God - I - 5 June 2023

Following God’s will is important, and yet uncovering God’s will can be a challenge. Need some help? Today as Pastor Greg Laurie brings a message called 'How to Know the Will of God.' It’s a practical study from the series 'What Every Growing Christian Needs to Know.'Support the show: for privacy information.
6/4/202319 minutes, 36 seconds
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God Keeps His Promises - II - 2 June 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie, says when a Christian walks with God, it should be the most attractive thing ever for a non-believer. Today, he points out how we can share the joy we have with other people and extend the great and precious promises the Lord makes available.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/1/202320 minutes, 48 seconds
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God Keeps His Promises - I - 1 June 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie, says God extends literally thousands of promises to us, but we rarely claim them. It’s like that gift card that’s been sitting in your desk drawer since LAST Christmas. Well today, he shows how those promises will further God’s Kingdom, and our joy!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/31/202317 minutes, 22 seconds
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Happy Feet - II - 31 May 2023

Those who’ve shared their faith know that it can be exhilarating! We’re sharing the Good News of life eternal in heaven, and life more abundant on earth. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can enjoy this spring in our step! Support the show: for privacy information.
5/30/202319 minutes, 56 seconds
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Happy Feet - I - 30 May 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie, says, before we share our testimony, before we give reasons for faith, before we engage in personal evangelism, we need to pray! Today, he lays out a practical plan for reaching people most effectively with the hope of Jesus Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/29/202319 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Every Generation Needs Jesus - II - 29 May 2023

Most of us know that God’s plans for our lives are better than our plans for our lives. But Pastor Greg Laurie warns us that we can sabotage those plans if we’re resistant. Today, Pastor Greg points out how to trust the all-knowing mind of God in spite of what our lives look like right now.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/28/202320 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Every Generation Needs Jesus - I - 26 May 2023

We all know our own shortcomings, and that God didn’t choose us because of anything we’ve done. We can’t earn God’s favour, no matter how hard we try. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie, points out how the message of God’s grace and mercy is one we need to share, because we all need Jesus. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/25/202318 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Too Good to Keep to Yourself - II - 25 May 2023

We can memorize 'the Romans Road,' know all four spiritual laws by heart, but today, Pastor Greg Laurie says the most important qualification for sharing the Gospel is having a heart to see lost souls saved!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/24/202320 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Too Good to Keep to Yourself - I - 24 May 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie, says if the word 'evangelization' sounds a little too intimidating, replace it with the word 'recommendation.' Today, he points out how comfortable we are with making recommendations. So why not recommend Jesus? Learn how easy it is today. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/23/202318 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

All Things - II - 23 May 2023

Challenges, trials and crises come into all of our lives. Some of them bring us to our knees. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us an important perspective on the challenges that come our way, and how God uses them all for His greater glory, and our greater good.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/22/202320 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

All Things - I - 22 May 2023

Romans 8:28... It’s one of the most reassuring passages in the Bible - 'all things work together for good to those that love God?' and today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see that this verse can be a light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/21/202317 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Pleasure in Pain - 2 - 19 May 2023

Everybody suffers in life, but it’s really only believers that know God is in control, and that He’ll be with us when we need Him most. Today, Pastor Greg offers hope for our darkest times of pain and suffering. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/18/202319 minutes, 50 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Pleasure in Pain - 18 May 2023

David cried out to God ? as did Samuel, Moses and the entire nation of Israel. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie, points out that we, too, can cry out to God in our times of distress. Important encouragement for those times we need it most.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/17/202318 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Live a Spirit Led Life - 2 - 17 May 2023

At a time when our culture is enjoying unprecedented prosperity, it’s also under the dark cloud of unprecedented hopelessness. Where do we find hope in the midst of discouragement? Pastor Greg Laurie, answers that today as we look at the joy of living a Spirit-led life.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/16/202321 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Live a Spirit led Life - 16 May 2023

Sin can leave our lives in a shattered wreck. We can feel so helpless and worthless. But Pastor Greg Laurie, says God doesn’t see us in our sin, He sees us in His Son! Today, Pastor Greg offers important perspective on how we can live the life God wants for us.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/15/202318 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to Overcome the Power of Sin - 15 May 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says carnality and righteousness are opposites. And each day we move closer to one or the other. Today, Pastor Greg helps chart a path that leads to a more rewarding, sanctified walk with the Lord. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/14/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Overcome the Power of Sin - I - 12 May 2023

Sometimes it seems temptation is our shadow, and wherever we go, there it is. We can’t seem to outrun it. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie, points out we that can live in the victory that Jesus has already purchased for us at the cross. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/11/202319 minutes, 28 seconds
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Don't Let the Old Man In - II - 11 May 2023

In Romans, Paul refers to our old, sinful nature as our 'old man.' Well, Pastor Greg Laurie says, 'don’t let the old man in.' It’s a look at resisting the old nature and clinging to our new nature in Jesus Christ. Get some fresh help in your walk with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/10/202319 minutes, 53 seconds
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Don't Let the Old Man In - I - 10 May 2023

After we’ve become believers, we’re brand new in Christ. But our old nature often tries to reemerge. Pastor Greg Laurie says we don’t have to allow that influence in our lives anymore. Today, He’ll provide some practical help by way of Paul’s counsel in the book of Romans.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/9/202317 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Have Peace with God - II - 9 May 2023

When we’ve made peace WITH God we can enjoy the peace OF God. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that one of the benefits of being friends with Jesus is enjoying a peace that’s beyond understanding. Find out how to invite that peace intoSupport the show: for privacy information.
5/8/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to Have Peace with God - I - 8 May 2023

Why did Jesus come to earth? What was the objective? In this message, Pastor Greg Laurie gives us three reasons. We’ll see how His earthly ministry fit perfectly into God’s Master plan for life eternal in heaven, and life more abundant here on earth.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/7/202319 minutes, 7 seconds
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Don't Stop Believing - II - 5 May 2023

Under what circumstances does our faith grow best? Good encouragement coming today as Pastor Greg Laurie points out that it’s usually through times of trial. We’ll learn how to face our challenges like Abraham did, and watch our faith mature as a result. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/4/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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Don't Stop Believing - I - 4 May 2023

What part does belief play in our relationship with God? Today Pastor Greg Laurie addresses that question. We’ll look the example of Abraham, the father of our faith and a man who believed in the promises God in the midst of great challenges.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/3/202319 minutes, 49 seconds
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3 Words that Can Change Your Life - II - 3 May 2023

Today Pastor Greg Laurie speaks with baseball great, Darryl Strawberry. He talks about the journey that took him to the heights of success and wealth ? and to the depths of realizing it was just unsatisfying. Hear his testimony today!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/2/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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3 Words that Can Change Your Life - I - 2 May 2023

When we come to Christ, we become a new creation. But today, Pastor Greg brings a great reminder that change isn’t forced on us as he highlights the need for a foundational understanding of our faith with three words that Can Change Your Life.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/1/202319 minutes, 51 seconds
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Everybody Needs Jesus, Part 2 - II - 1 May 2023

The Lord wants the lost to be saved and He will always meet people who sincerely search for Him. That’s the encouragement Pastor Greg Laurie, brings us today in a reassuring study called ’Everybody Needs Jesus’.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/30/202320 minutes, 21 seconds
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Everybody Needs Jesus, Part 2 - I - 28 April 2023

The Bible highlights the importance of being righteous. But it also has some strong words for those who are ’unrighteous’ and ’self-righteous’. Drawing from Romans today, Pastor Greg Laurie contrasts those two conditions and helps map a way out.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/27/202319 minutes, 59 seconds
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Everybody Needs Jesus, Part 1 - III - 27 April 2023

We know sinful people need forgiveness, and we’re all sinners? So we all need forgiveness! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is quick to point out that ’Everybody Needs Jesus’. We’ll learn the full scope of that truth today in an enlightening study of the book of Romans.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/26/202320 minutes, 41 seconds
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Everybody Needs Jesus, Part 1 - II - 26 April 2023

How does God’s wrath complement God’s love? It may seem like opposite sides of a coin but Pastor Greg Laurie says there’s more to the story. Today, we’ll look into the clear truth of the book of Romans for a fresh perspective on our salvation. Support the show: for privacy information.
4/25/202319 minutes, 48 seconds
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Everybody Needs Jesus, Part 1 - I - 25 April 2023

How many 'good things' do we have to do to get into heaven? Despite what some people think, that issue isn’t even part of the requirement. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the one question that matters is ’Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ?’Support the show: for privacy information.
4/24/202319 minutes, 2 seconds
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It's Time for Another Jesus Revolution - II - 24 April 2023

The Jesus Movement of the late 60s was a time when many people found hope in Christ in a time full of uncertainty and angst. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie describes how we can provide the same answers and hope for the next generation.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/23/202319 minutes, 45 seconds
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It's Time for Another Jesus Revolution - I - 21 April 2023

In today’s message, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us back to a time parallel to ours, the late ’60s and early ’70s, a time when our world was at risk of ruin. That was until the Jesus Revolution. We’ll see how God sent a spiritual awakening at that time and how He wants this next generation to have one too!Support the show: for privacy information.
4/20/202316 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - III - 20 April 2023

Heaven is the finish line for every believer. It’s the place we all long to go to. But Pastor Greg Laurie says heaven is excellent motivation for the here and now; it compels us onward in the Christian journey. We’ll see today that bringing others to Christ brings us closer to Christ too. Support the show: for privacy information.
4/19/202318 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - II - 19 April 2023

We live in the information age when we can communicate a message to the entire planet in mere seconds. Pastor Greg Laurie says that message should be The Message! Today we’ll see the importance of harnessing our capability to bring hope to a culture in need.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/18/202319 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - I - 18 April 2023

If sin is a death sentence, the Gospel is the good news of a reprieve. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the Gospel is a message we absolutely must share with everyone we can. Lives depend on it!Support the show: for privacy information.
4/17/202317 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution: 58 A.D. - II - 17 April 2023

In the 60s and 70s, the Jesus Movement swept across America, and thousands began a relationship with Christ. How can we enjoy that kind of spiritual awakening ourselves today? Pastor Greg Laurie, answers that question.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/16/202321 minutes, 4 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution: 58 A.D. - I - 14 April 2023

The book of Romans is considered a textbook on Christian faith and doctrine. It’s full of significant insight. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie, launches into Romans 1 for a rewarding study of the book of Romans. Great foundational insight for your walk of faith coming your way today. Support the show: for privacy information.
4/13/202320 minutes, 28 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - III - 13 April 2023

What kinds of things merit our prayers? What should we be praying for? Pastor Greg Laurie says the answer is simple: pray about everything! Today, he offers important counsel on making our prayers more effective and rewarding.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/12/202320 minutes, 44 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - II - 12 April 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie points out it was God’s plan all along that His Son would give His life for our sins. It wasn’t some kind of plan gone awry. And today, we’ll see how that Divine plan was designed long ago to give you a path to heaven!Support the show: for privacy information.
4/11/202319 minutes
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In Case of Emergency - I - 11 April 2023

The Bible gives many examples of people who’ve poured out their hearts to God. Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s an invitation for us to do the same. Today, Pastor Greg shows us how to come to the Lord with our petitions and our pain.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/10/202319 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage - II - 10 April 2023

We know marriage isn’t always going to be easy, but when the stresses of life, and forces of our culture are coming against us. Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s the time for spouses to draw closer together, not further apart. And today, Pastor Greg brings us sound, biblical insight on just how we can build a marriage that will stand strong.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/9/202320 minutes, 59 seconds
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Breakfast with Jesus - II - 7 April 2023

Ever wonder what life will be like in eternity? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie pulls back the veil as we get a glimpse of our resurrected life. But more importantly, we find out what it takes to make sure we’ll get to live a resurrected life. We’ll consider what made our free gift of eternal life possible.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/6/202320 minutes, 4 seconds
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Breakfast with Jesus - I - 6 April 2023

Many people are afraid of death. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie has good reassurance for those who are still afraid of what death may hold. As we begin to prepare our hearts for Easter, we’ll give some thought to death and the afterlife and how to make sure we’re ready.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/5/202320 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage - I - 5 April 2023

Selfishness is the number one threat against our marriages, and our culture works hard to unravel the family unit. Pastor Greg Laurie brings an important message with practical insight on how to divorce-proof our marriages by treating this marital disease called selfishness.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/4/202321 minutes, 45 seconds
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God's Plan for the Family - II - 4 April 2023

There’s no doubt that God has the best plan for rearing children and family life. But what about the practical matters of everyday family life? What happens when a child wanders away from the Lord? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers biblical insight and reassurance for parents.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/3/202321 minutes, 20 seconds
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God's Plan for the Family - I - 3 April 2023

The years of influence we have over our children are precious, and they’re few. We need to lead them in the ways of the Lord. Today Pastor Greg Laurie helps us chart a course for practical, biblical parenting. We’ll explore the Lord’s counsel to parents on how to raise our children in the training and admonition of the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/2/202319 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Get a New Husband - III - 31 March 2023

It can come as a shock to newlyweds that marriage isn’t always smooth and easy. Today, Pastor Greg invites his wife, Cathe, to share her first-person perspective and some of the best biblical counsel for when our marriages hit hard times.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/30/202320 minutes, 50 seconds
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How to Get a New Husband - II - 30 March 2023

The family is the very fabric of society and today, as Pastor Greg Laurie looks at God’s plan for the home he offer important counsel for marriages and some straight talk advice for wives on bringing more harmony to the home.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/29/202319 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Get a New Husband - I - 29 March 2023

God has a plan for the home. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that the Lord lays out specific instruction for both husbands and wives in marriage. Practical help and biblical counsel today that’ll help both spouses draw closer to God, and in process, draw closer to each other.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/28/202321 minutes, 43 seconds
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How to Do Marriage Right - II - 28 March 2023

Marriage was created by God. It’s the perfect union of two imperfect people. So it’s no surprise that matrimony isn’t always rainbows and butterflies. But as we’ll learn today, there are biblical principles that can restore the peace and tranquility that makes home feel like home. Support the show: for privacy information.
3/27/202321 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Do Marriage Right - I - 27 March 2023

What causes a marriage to fail? What are the attributes of marriages that last? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings us some good insight as he points out the right way to build a marriage covenant that will flourish, and stand the test of time.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/26/202320 minutes
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What the Bible Says About Singleness & Marriage - III - 24 March 2023

Many think the best advice about marriage is to find the right partner. But Pastor Greg Laurie says the better advice is to BE the right partner. Wise counsel coming today, to help us be the kind of person our spouse would want to have as their spouse.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/23/202321 minutes, 28 seconds
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What the Bible Says About Singleness & Marriage - II - 23 March 2023

No one goes into marriage expecting it to end, but today Pastor Greg reveals that many believers think divorce is a reasonable resolution for marriage problems. He points out we shouldn’t give up, we should give it up to the Lord. Real biblical counsel for challenging marriages. Support the show: for privacy information.
3/22/202320 minutes
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What the Bible Says About Singleness & Marriage - I - 22 March 2023

Is your marriage built on the Rock... or is your marriage on the rocks? Today, Pastor Greg is bringing some wise counsel on Marriage to bring harmony and stability to your home.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/21/202320 minutes, 20 seconds
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You've Got a Friend - II - 21 March 2023

Every relationship has potential for disagreements or confrontations. Pastor Greg Laurie says, there’s only one way to have a relationship completely free of disagreements, and that’s to have an imaginary friend. Today, Pastor Greg brings biblical counsel for some of the most important relationships of our lives, helping us to see the importance of remorse and forgiveness.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/20/202321 minutes, 26 seconds
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You've Got a Friend - I - 20 March 2023

When it comes to our relationships, we should each ask, 'Am I doing this right?' And we should turn to God for the answer. Kicking off a relevant series on relationships, Pastor Greg Laurie explores what the Bible says about godly friendships.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/19/202320 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Foolish Wise Man - II - 17 March 2023

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, still had a time when he fell into sin. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the powerful lure of sin, but what we can learn from Solomon after all was said and done.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/16/202321 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Foolish Wise Man - I - 16 March 2023

David passed his crown to his son, Solomon. And along with it, he also passed along certain words of wisdom. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us dig into those timeless words, and what kind of impact they had on Solomon’s life. Support the show: for privacy information.
3/15/202321 minutes, 58 seconds
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The God of Second Chances - III - 15 March 2023

We know that discipline is a matter that stays between parents and their children. Today, Pastor Greg points out the vital lesson we learn about discipline from the life of David, that God disciplines those He loves.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/14/202320 minutes, 35 seconds
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The God of Second Chances - II - 14 March 2023

God is omnipotent... All powerful. Surely he’s powerful enough to force us to do what He wants, right? But that’s not the way God works. He created us with free will and lets us make our choices. Today, as we look at the story of David and Bathsheba, Pastor Greg points out how sin can spiral out of control, and how God speaks to us to deal with sin properly.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/13/202319 minutes, 17 seconds
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The God of Second Chances - I - 13 March 2023

Temptation is everywhere, and we all mess up sometimes... Sometimes we try our best but simply miss the mark, and other times we act in deliberate defiance against the Lord’s commands. Whatever the case, Pastor Greg Laurie has some important insight for those who’ve fallen into a pattern of sin?.. God gives second chances.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/12/202319 minutes, 55 seconds
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What is God Like? - II - 10 March 2023

As believers, our thoughts, motives and actions are what set us apart from the world. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to an Old Testament story that shows us how to be a channel through which the love of God can flow to others. A message of encouragement from the life of David.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/9/202321 minutes, 29 seconds
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What is God Like? - I - 9 March 2023

There is so much to learn when we follow the lives of some of the key individuals in Scripture. And today, we’ve got some things to learn from David and another individual who crosses David’s path. Some good encouragement for anyone whose experiences setbacks.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/8/202319 minutes, 4 seconds
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Don't Make Deals with the Devil - II - 8 March 2023

What is our worth? How do we determine our value? There might be many different opinions, but today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see ourselves through God’s eyes to see precisely what we’re worth to Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/7/202320 minutes
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Don't Make Deals with the Devil - I - 7 March 2023

When we’ve been wronged, many want their day in court, they want their case to be heard and often they want someone to pay. Today we look at God’s is heart on the matter as Pastor Greg continues his practical study of the life and example of David.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/6/202320 minutes, 6 seconds
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What to Do When the Bottom Drops Out - II - 6 March 2023

As Christians, are we required to suffer in silence? When the going gets tough, do the tough get quiet? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers some valuable insight for the toughest times of life as we look at the life of David in First Samuel. Support the show: for privacy information.
3/5/202320 minutes, 49 seconds
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What to Do When the Bottom Drops Out - I - 3 March 2023

What do you do when you’re feeling down and surrounded by critics? Pastor Greg Laurie encourages us to keep our eyes on God, no matter what. Get ready for some good counsel today as we consider practical life lessons learned from David.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/2/202321 minutes, 13 seconds
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How to Overcome Your Giants - II - 2 March 2023

Our adversary is much bigger and stronger than we are. And that’s why Pastor Greg Laurie points out we’re not called to fight him alone! Today Pastor Greg shows us how to follow David’s example in defeating our spiritual adversary.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/1/202320 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Overcome Your Giants - I - 1 March 2023

God has never encountered a problem too big for Him to handle. But when you face a problem that’s bigger than you are, what do you do? Pastor Greg Laurie says we should do what David did. Great reassurance today, direct from Scripture on how to overcome our giants.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/28/202321 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Man After God's Heart - II - 28 February 2023

Sometimes we think God only uses perfect people with no flaws, failings, or shortcomings. But the more we study the Bible, we see how often God used imperfect people to do remarkable things for His Kingdom. So, how can we be the kind of person God is looking for? Pastor Greg Laurie answers that today.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/27/202320 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Man After God's Heart - I - 27 February 2023

David was the only man to be called 'a man after God’s own heart.' And today, Pastor Greg Laurie dives into a new series looking at David’s story and how the greatness of David has more to do with the greatness and love of God, who gave David a second chance.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/26/202317 minutes, 2 seconds
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It's Time for Another Jesus Revolution - II - 24 February 2023

The Jesus Movement of the late ’60s was a time when many people found hope in Christ in a time full of uncertainty and angst. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie describes how we can provide the same answers and hope for the next generation.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/23/202319 minutes, 44 seconds
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It's Time for Another Jesus Revolution - I - 23 February 2023

In today’s message, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us back to a time parallel to ours, the late ’60s and early ’70s, a time when our world was at risk of ruin, that was until the Jesus Revolution. We’ll see how God sent a spiritual awakening at that time and how He wants this next generation to have one too!Support the show: for privacy information.
2/22/202316 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - III - 22 February 2023

Heaven is the finish line for every believer. It’s the place we all long to go to. But Pastor Greg Laurie says heaven is excellent motivation for the here and now; it compels us onward in the Christian journey. We’ll see today that bringing others to Christ brings us closer to Christ too.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/21/202319 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - II - 21 February 2023

We live in the information age when we can communicate a message to the entire planet in mere seconds. Pastor Greg Laurie says that message should be The Message! Today we’ll see the importance of harnessing our capability to bring hope to a culture in needSupport the show: for privacy information.
2/20/202319 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - I - 20 February 2023

If sin is a death sentence, the Gospel is the good news of a reprieve. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the Gospel is a message we absolutely must share with everyone we can. Lives depend on it!Support the show: for privacy information.
2/19/202317 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Rapture & Revival - 17 February 2023

The Rapture is perhaps the most exciting Bible event that Christians know little about! It’s mysterious and puzzling. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that the Bible tells us more about the Rapture than we may realize, and has some valuable insight to help us get prepared.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/16/202318 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Bible & Revival - II - 16 February 2023

God’s Word offers more than a positive thought for our day and a quotable quote for a social media post. Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s the key to our spiritual survival. Today he points out the value of committing God’s Word to memory.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/15/202317 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Bible & Revival - I - 15 February 2023

For some, God’s Word is etched on their hearts, and for others it’s just a dusty book on a shelf. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the important place the Bible occupies in a healthy believer’s life. We’ll see Scripture is the key to an awakening in our culture.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/14/202316 minutes, 58 seconds
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Things to do Before the End of the World, with Don Stewart - II - 14 February 2023

How do we know if we’re ready for the Lord’s return? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points to pictures the Bible paints of those who are ready and those who aren’t. We’ll see how we measure up.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/13/202317 minutes, 31 seconds
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Things to do Before the End of the World, with Don Stewart - I - 13 February 2023

The Bible says no one knows the day or the hour of the Lord’s return ? but it also warns us to be ready. Today. Pastor Greg Laurie speaks with Bible scholar Don Stewart on what to expect concerning the Rapture and God’s End Times plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/12/202317 minutes, 39 seconds
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Prayer & Revival - II - 10 February 2023

How can we bring revival to the Church and to our lives, individually? Pastor Greg Laurie says, start by talking to God about it! Today we’ll discover that prayer is an essential prerequisite to seeing the fires of faith rekindled.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/9/202318 minutes, 16 seconds
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Prayer & Revival - I - 9 February 2023

The key to an awakening in our culture is seeing revival in the Church. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can help foster that kind of renewal. He says the biblical prescription includes prayer - earnest, dedicated prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/8/202316 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Holy Spirit in Revival - II - 8 February 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie believes the time is right for a great spiritual awakening. It happened before?and it can happen again. And God wants to use each one of us to help bring it to pass. Today, Pastor Greg explains the part we can play.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/7/202318 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Holy Spirit in Revival - I - 7 February 2023

In the late 60s and early 70s, in the midst of cultural chaos, God brought a spiritual awakening many have called 'the Jesus Movement.' Today Pastor Greg Laurie explains that he himself was a part of that time of change. And he points out what we can do to set the stage for another spiritual awakening.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/6/202318 minutes, 34 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - IV - 6 February 2023

If you’ve ever done some sort of apprenticeship. Chances are you learned the trade from someone with a few years of experience under their belt. Pastor Greg Laurie says that the Lord has a similar plan for seasoned believers to pass knowledge of the Word to young Christians. Wise counsel today as Pastor Greg shares some of what he learned from his own mentor. Support the show: for privacy information.
2/5/202316 minutes, 40 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - III - 3 February 2023

There’s a certain wisdom that comes with getting older but there’s even more wisdom that comes when we embrace God’s Word as our pattern for living. Today Pastor Greg Laurie looking to the Bible for the practical principles we can put to good use. Support the show: for privacy information.
2/2/202320 minutes, 31 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - II - 2 February 2023

No one ever teaches how to worry, it’s something we learn to do ourselves. But Pastor Greg Laurie says worrying too much can ruin your life. Today Pastor Greg is offering up some practical tips to help us break down those bad habits. Great Insight for everyone, particularly young people.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/1/202320 minutes, 53 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - I - 1 February 2023

With the gift of hindsight, what advice would you give your younger self? Pastor Greg Laurie says that changing our perspective is often good evidence that we’re maturing. And today, we’ll see how we can embrace and enhance that maturing process.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/31/202316 minutes, 45 seconds
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The 7 Love Letters of Jesus to His Church - III - 31 January 2023

What is your spiritual temperature right now? According to the Bible, you’re either boiling hot, freezing cold, or miserably lukewarm. And Jesus detests a faith that’s only lukewarm. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to Jesus’ words to the lukewarm church of Revelation. It’s important counsel for our times.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/30/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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The 7 Love Letters of Jesus to His Church - II - 30 January 2023

Today Pastor Greg Laurie uncovers Jesus’ warning to believers who demonstrate a thin veneer of faith, but little more. It’s a look at the Lord’s messages to the churches of Revelation and how His counsel applies today.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/29/202320 minutes, 41 seconds
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The 7 Love Letters of Jesus to His Church - I - 27 January 2023

Compromise is one of the greatest dangers in the church. And Pastor Greg Laurie says Jesus even warned of this in Revelation. Today, get ready to receive some good insight on how to avoid the undertow of compromises.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/26/202320 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 2 - III - 26 January 2023

The Holy Spirit is continually at work in our lives. He gives us power, wisdom, comfort and direction. But perhaps His most important role is, bringing us to the Saviour. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can recognize and cooperate with His plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/25/202320 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 2 - II - 25 January 2023

If we’re facing danger and don’t know it, that’s a problem. There are many invisible forces at work in our lives, and though we can’t see them, some are at work to help us while others want to destroy us. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that it’s God’s Holy Spirit acquainting us with the problem of sin and pointing us to the solution.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/24/202317 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 2 - I - 24 January 2023

Some people are afflicted with 'good enough' syndrome and are absolutely convinced they’re 'good enough' to get to heaven. But we’re all sinners and we all fall short of God’s glory. In a study from the series called ’Life’, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the Holy Spirit shows us our sin, its penalty, our need for a solution, then shows us the Saviour, Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/23/202318 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - III - 23 January 2023

The Lord created us with free will and He knew that some people would reject Him, but that was also His plan from the beginning. It’s part of the Holy Spirit’s job to call out to us and draw us to the Lord, but that’s just one job of the Holy Spirit. Today, Pastor Greg shares a revealing message from the Gospel of John, explaining the danger of dismissing the Spirit’s work in our lives. Support the show: for privacy information.
1/22/202322 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - II - 20 January 2023

We know the enemy is a powerful force. But we also know that our God is all-powerful. And with the Holy Spirit on our side, we know we’re in good hands! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the role the Spirit plays in the life of the believer. With Foundational insight from the Gospel of John, we’ll see the Spirit protects us, guides us, and empowers us for a successful Christian life.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/19/202321 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - I - 19 January 2023

The Holy Spirit is our helper and friend, and He’s always at work in our lives. Even when we may not realize it, His work is vital living a more fulfilling Christian life. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out what the Bible tells us about the Comforter God has provided for us in a study of the Holy Spirit.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/18/202320 minutes, 42 seconds
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What Do You Live For? - III - 18 January 2023

We live in a culture that says ’live for today and pay for it tomorrow’, but that can be a dangerous way to live. Join Pastor Greg today as he points out how the mindset of our culture can get us into a world of trouble, as we’re encouraged to consider what we’re living for and where that will lead us when it comes to eternity.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/17/202320 minutes, 43 seconds
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What Do You Live For? - II - 17 January 2023

Does happiness ever feel like it’s just out of reach? Or like one moment, it’s in your sights; then it slips away before you get a hold of it? Pastor Greg Laurie says that we might be looking for it in the wrong places. Today, Pastor Greg brings fresh insight into the study of Philippians. We’ll discover that true happiness comes when we learn to look beyond our own needs and serve the Lord wholeheartedly.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/16/202319 minutes, 23 seconds
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What Do You Live For? - I - 16 January 2023

Our culture says eat, drink and be merry. But often the things that look the best are often the worst for your life, and Sin is the same. Sin will be the first to say ’live it up’, then quickly follow with the guilt and shame of ’You’ll never live that down.’ Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out where we can find real satisfaction in life as we go directly to the Author of Life Himself to find out what He recommends.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202319 minutes, 15 seconds
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The Race We Must Win - 3 - 13 January 2023

A car’s windshield is always bigger than its rear view mirror, because it’s more important that we focus on where we’re going than where we’ve been. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings a great encouragement for all believers to break free from the power of the past by living for the future.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/12/202321 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Race We Must Win - 2 - 12 January 2023

The Christian life is often compared to a long-distance race. Pastor Greg Laurie says if we want to run with endurance, we should be mindful of what we are running towards and who we’re running with that might be slowing us down. Today, Pastor Greg continues his message from Philippians, Showing us how we can run the race of life with endurance and finish well.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/11/202319 minutes
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The Race We Must Win - 1 - 11 January 2023

In Philippians, Paul talked about the Christian life as a race. And much like a coach inspiring his runners, God wants us to win in the race of life. Not just show up and participate. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings an inspiring message looking at how we can run the race of life with purpose and intent to finish successfully.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/10/202318 minutes, 28 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - 3 - 10 January 2023

Some people have come to Christ with great excitement, but over time they drift away. Pastor Greg Laurie says that ’it’s not how you start, but how you finish is more important. Today Pastor Greg is helping us learn how we can finish well as he presents his final study in Nehemiah.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/9/202320 minutes, 57 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - 2 - 9 January 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says God isn’t content getting the leftovers from our lives. And if all we are and all we have comes from God, it’s only fair that we give Him our best, right? Sound Biblical insight from Pastor Greg Laurie today. As we delve further into the book of Nehemiah, we will see the importance of giving the Lord the best of our time, our talent, and our treasures.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/8/202319 minutes, 12 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - 1 - 6 January 2023

Do the people around you know that you’re a Christian? If our faith is a big secret, the big question is, why? Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s an important question. Wise counsel today, straight from the book of the Nehemiah as Pastor Greg helps us see the importance of making our faith a public declaration. Support the show: for privacy information.
1/5/202319 minutes, 30 seconds
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Home Sweet Home - 3 - 5 January 2023

Pastor Greg Laurie says a successful marriage is less about finding the right person as it is BEING right person! Today, he explains five biblical principles that help us enjoy more harmony in the home.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/4/202320 minutes, 33 seconds
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Home Sweet Home - 2 - 4 January 2023

Whether you’ve been married 50 minutes or 50 years, today Pastor Greg Laurie has some practical insight that’ll help strengthen your relationship. It’s a look at the biblical concept of 'leaving and cleaving' and how important it is to the foundation of a marriage.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/3/202320 minutes, 39 seconds
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Home Sweet Home - 1 - 3 January 2023

Everywhere you look, our culture seems to celebrate stepping away from God’s plan for the family. Great insight today from Pastor Greg Laurie, as he helps us get back on track to God’s plan for the Home, the plan that was handcrafted by The Father, and it works! Support the show: for privacy information.
1/2/202318 minutes, 10 seconds
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How to Not Be Born Again - 3 - 2 January 2023

We’ve all put our best foot forward from time to time, only showing the best side of ourselves. But is that really who we are? Because there’s no fooling God, he sees it all, and he knows every version of who we are. Today Pastor Greg Laurie encourages us to make sure our faith isn’t a fa?ade as he reinforces the importance of being genuine in our faith and relationship with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/1/202321 minutes, 19 seconds
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How to Not Be Born Again - 2 - 30 December 2022

Why kind of challenge has invaded YOUR universe? Pastor Greg Laurie says God can handle it.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/29/202218 minutes, 31 seconds
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How to Not Be Born Again - 29 December 2022

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God came to earth to walk among men, to live among us as a man. Jesus showed us what God is like. Support the show: for privacy information.
12/28/202218 minutes, 39 seconds
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What is the Mark of the Beast? - 3 - 28 December 2022

Coming up today, Pastor Greg Laurie reveals why sometimes people are reluctant to accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/27/202218 minutes, 49 seconds
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What is the Mark of the Beast? - 2 - 27 December 2022

Someone has said you always know when the Devil’s lying: his lips are moving. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie urges us not to buy the lie.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/26/202218 minutes, 32 seconds
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What is the Mark of the Beast? - 1 - 26 December 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie points out from Revelation how The Great Tribulation will change nearly everything about life here on planet earth.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/25/202217 minutes, 35 seconds
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You Are Not Alone - II - 23 December 2022

Facing trials in life is hard at any time, but no doubt the most disheartening time to face those challenges is during the Christmas season. Today, we’ll see that within the biblical story of the birth of Christ, is found a promise of His presence in our lives. It’s a promise we can cling to today, tomorrow and forever!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/22/202217 minutes, 53 seconds
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You Are Not Alone - I - 22 December 2022

For many people, the Christmas season is the most challenging time of the year, filled with heartache and disappointment. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers a message of hope and reassurance. No matter what’s going on in your life, be assured that you are not alone.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/21/202216 minutes, 53 seconds
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What's in a Name? - 21 December 2022

The Bible has given a number of names and titles to Jesus. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie says those names are descriptions of His character and how He relates to believers on a daily basis. Wise council coming today. Support the show: for privacy information.
12/20/202218 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Have a Joyful Christmas - 20 December 2022

The Christmas season can be a stressful time for many people, but it doesn’t have to be. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie contrasts this Christmas with the first Christmas and points out the joy of this season if we can refocus on the finished work of Christ ? born in the manger, who died on the cross.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/19/202219 minutes, 2 seconds
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With God, Nothing is Impossible - II - 19 December 2022

The Christmas season focuses a great deal on birth. The birth of our saviour. But the reason for Jesus’ birth was ultimately for our re-birth. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us consider the gift of God’s Son and how his payment years later at Calvary made it possible for us to be reborn as children of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/18/202219 minutes, 17 seconds
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With God, Nothing is Impossible - I - 16 December 2022

Sometimes we forget that that the people God chose to be Jesus’ parents were quite young, and in many ways, unprepared. But Mary and Joseph were faithful and trusted in God’s plan. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie highlights one important reminder in the Christmas story. God doesn’t call the qualified but qualifies the called.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/15/202216 minutes, 34 seconds
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Staying Cool When Things Get Hot - III - 15 December 2022

Most of us will one day face a fiery trial. Pastor Greg Laurie says the time to decide where you stand is now, not when the flames are licking at your heels. Be encouraged today as we hear a real-life example from the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/14/202219 minutes, 11 seconds
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Staying Cool When Things Get Hot - II - 14 December 2022

Many seek pleasure; Pastor Greg Laurie says we should be searching for purpose. He says that’s where we can find real joy and fulfilment. Get the full explanation today as we dig deeper into a study based in the book of Daniel.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/13/202217 minutes, 30 seconds
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Staying Cool When Things Get Hot - I - 13 December 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says the measure of a person’s character is what he does when no one’s looking. And today, he brings us a study of character in action as we look at the lives of four courageous Hebrew men in the Old Testament.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/12/202217 minutes, 16 seconds
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Just Do It - II - 12 December 2022

Evangelism is telling people about the Lord; discipleship is showing people how to follow the Lord. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie gives us the tool to mentor those who are younger in the faith. It’s an important part of God’s plan for a healthy Church.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/11/202217 minutes, 8 seconds
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Just Do It - I - 9 December 2022

It’s the job of long-time believers to show younger believers what it means to follow the Lord. That process is called discipleship. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers some practical help to those who need it most.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/8/202216 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Disciplines of a Disciple - II - 8 December 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says he’s never met a Christian who’s failing spiritually who was also studying the Bible diligently. Today, Pastor Greg points out how dedicated disciples spend quality time digging in to God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/7/202219 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Disciplines of a Disciple - I - 7 December 2022

Today Pastor Greg Laurie points out the 'disciplines of a disciple.' We’ll see, first of all, disciples are called to read, to study and to live according to the Word of God. Pastor Greg points out how to let that truth so fill us that it overflows to others.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/6/202218 minutes, 38 seconds
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What is a Disciple? - II - 6 December 2022

Disciples are called first to make a decision, then to make a difference. Great insight coming your way today, as Pastor Greg Laurie points out that once we’ve decided to follow Jesus, then our goal is to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Support the show: for privacy information.
12/5/202219 minutes, 39 seconds
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What is a Disciple? - I - 5 December 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says, our objective in life is not to find out how God can bless our dreams and ambitions. It’s actually to find and align ourselves with His plans for us... Wise insight coming today from Pastor Greg as we discover how we can fulfillment in pursuing a life of discipleship and living according to God’s will.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/4/202219 minutes, 17 seconds
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Are You His Disciple? - II - 2 December 2022

Jesus wants us to be His disciples. But what’s involved in that kind of discipleship? Find out today as Pastor Greg Laurie helps us count the cost of discipleship and step up to the next level in our walk with the Lord. Support the show: for privacy information.
12/1/202221 minutes, 40 seconds
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Are You His Disciple? - I - 1 December 2022

Are you a genuine disciple of Jesus Christ? And how do you know if you are? Today Pastor Greg Laurie gives us an overview of how a disciple lives a life of dedication and sacrifice...but also enjoys the greatest rewards the Christian life can offer. Support the show: for privacy information.
11/30/202220 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Foundation of Life - 30 November 2022

Today, Pastor Greg Laurie introduces us to two people: 'Rocky' and 'Sandy.' Sandy builds her house on shifting sand, but Rocky builds his house on solid rock. Wise counsel is coming as we learn to evaluate our own foundation - our spiritual foundation. Support the show: for privacy information.
11/29/202221 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Nonbeliever's Favourite Verse - 2 - 29 November 2022

As Christians, our calling is to share the Good News, but Pastor Greg Laurie says sometimes, not everyone wants to hear It. Helpful insight is coming today as we consider some interesting instruction from Jesus for when we face hostility, sharing the GospelSupport the show: for privacy information.
11/28/202220 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Nonbeliever's Favourite Verse - I - 28 November 2022

There’s a particular verse in Scripture that nonbelievers use to shut down a discussion with believers. Do you know what it is? Pastor Greg Laurie reveals it today as we look at the Sermon on the Mount.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/27/202218 minutes, 19 seconds
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Time to Take Out the Trash - II - 25 November 2022

What does worrying accomplish? Obviously not much. Yet so many worry so often. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie provides some relief as we look at some reassuring words from the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/24/202221 minutes, 50 seconds
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Thankful People are Happy People - II - 24 November 2022

The Bible says not to worry about anything, pray about everything, and the peace of God that passes all human understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Today, Pastor Greg helps adopt the right perspective during our times of trial, including taking time to lift our hearts and voices to the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/23/202220 minutes, 22 seconds
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Thankful People are Happy People - I - 23 November 2022

It’s easy to give thanks when things are going well, but according to Scripture, giving thanks is something the believer is to do regardless of circumstances. Today Pastor Greg shares a special Thanksgiving message, reminding us that we must be thankful for the things that we have but also for the things that God has in store for us!Support the show: for privacy information.
11/22/202218 minutes, 38 seconds
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Time to Take Out the Trash - I - 22 November 2022

Do you ever worry? Most of us do. Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us that Jesus invites us to hand our cares over to Him. And today, Pastor Greg share practical instruction on how to do that.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/21/202220 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Overcome Lust & Protect Your Mind - II - 21 November 2022

Our Lord, Jesus, knows exactly the kind of temptations we face. Scripture says, He was 'in all points tempted as we are' but was without sin. We’ll see what we can learn from Jesus about facing our temptations as Pastor Greg takes a closer look at the Sermon on the Mount.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/20/202221 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to Overcome Lust & Protect Your Mind - I - 18 November 2022

We’re surrounded! Every day, there are lures that try to capture our attention and derail our walk with the Lord. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is bringing us practical insight on how we can protect our minds and avoid the temptations of the enemy.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/17/202220 minutes, 31 seconds
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Happiness: What It Is & How to Have It, Part 2 - III - 17 November 2022

Jesus said 'blessed are the persecuted.' That’s a puzzling statement. How can persecution be a blessing? Today, Pastor Greg unravels the biblical prescription for happiness as revealed in the Sermon on the Mount.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/16/202221 minutes, 24 seconds
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Happiness: What It Is & How to Have It, Part 2 - II - 16 November 2022

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus began several statements with the words, 'Blessed are the?' Pastor Greg Laurie says those words contain time-tested insight on where to find true happiness. Join Pastor Greg today as we discuss the biblical prescription for joy.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/15/202218 minutes, 48 seconds
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Happiness: What It Is & How to Have It, Part 2 - I - 15 November 2022

What are the ingredients for happiness? Is it having friends and strong family ties? Is it in buying some of the finer things in life? Wise counsel from Pastor Greg Laurie, as we address those questions and take a look at the lasting happiness according to God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/14/202218 minutes, 31 seconds
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Happiness: What it Is & How to Have It, Part 1 - II - 14 November 2022

God wants us to be happy, but happiness can be so hard to find. Today, Pastor Greg points out that we may have been looking for it in all the wrong places. Wise counsel coming your way, as we look at The Beatitudes to find the Lord’s prescription for happiness.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/13/202222 minutes, 24 seconds
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Happiness: What it is & How to Have It - Part 1 - I - 11 November 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says happiness is a universal pursuit. But happiness is often an elusive target. Today, we look at The Beatitudes, part of the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Greg shows us how to use those insights to help us in our personal pursuit of happiness.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/10/202220 minutes
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - III - 10 November 2022

How could Peter, part of the Lord’s inner circle, backslide and end up denying Christ? Pastor Greg Laurie looks at that question today. He’ll explain how little compromises lead to bigger compromises, and big compromises lead to disaster.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/9/202221 minutes, 2 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - II - 9 November 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says, if you’re not going forward in your Christian life, you’re going backward! There’s no coasting... no standing still. Today, Pastor Greg helps us chart a course for solid, consistent Christian growth.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/8/202217 minutes, 56 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - I - 8 November 2022

We all face the danger of backsliding in our Christian walk. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us minimize that danger. It’s a look at the steps that lead to spiritual failure and how to avoid them.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/7/202217 minutes, 38 seconds
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The He-Man with the She-Weakness - II - 7 November 2022

We know that sin can destroy lives. The connection is clear. But why do we often forget that connection and allow ourselves to be led astray? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see the destructive power of sin in the life of the great strong man, SamsonSupport the show: for privacy information.
11/6/202221 minutes, 53 seconds
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The He-Man with the She-Weakness - I - 4 November 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says sin can mess with our minds. It can affect our ability to reason clearly. And today we’ll see how the great strong man, Samson the He-Man, was vulnerable... and sin ultimately caused his downfall. An important message of warning coming todaySupport the show: for privacy information.
11/3/202218 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hope for Hurting Hearts - II - 3 November 2022

It may seem that hope is in short supply in our times of crisis. But Pastor Greg Laurie says, 'Hope grows in the garden of adversity.' Today, Pastor Greg offers encouragement to help us find strength and direction, from the Lord Himself.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/2/202221 minutes, 36 seconds
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Hope for Hurting Hearts - I - 2 November 2022

Ever worry about the worst-case scenario? ..Reality is, the things we worry about often won’t happen. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie has good counsel for those times when the unimaginable DOES invade our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/1/202220 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Writing is on the Wall - II - 1 November 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says some say life is short, and you have to enjoy it while you can. Is that all there is to life? Today, Pastor Greg takes us to a profound Old Testament story that shows the danger of living a life that ignores God and focuses on self.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/31/202222 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Writing is on the Wall - I - 31 October 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says The Bible tells the story of how a certain Old Testament king got a little full of himself. And God had a most creative way of getting his attention. Today, Pastor Greg explores the memorable account of a disembodied hand writing on a wall.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/30/202220 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview of the Afterlife - II - 28 October 2022

If we want to know how to get to heaven, the best way is to ask the God of heaven! And today, Pastor Greg Laurie does just that. We’ll look to God’s Word for the real truth about what lies beyond the grave, in a candid discussion of the afterlife, and how to make sure we’re heaven bound.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/27/202222 minutes, 1 second
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The Biblical Worldview of the Afterlife - I - 27 October 2022

How can we really know what lies beyond the grave? Is it possible to peer beyond the veil to the hereafter? Today Pastor Greg Laurie helps us understand the clear view the Bible gives of eternity.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/26/202220 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Finding Contentment - II - 26 October 2022

Today we’ll discover the Bible’s prescription for real, long-lasting contentment. Pastor Greg Laurie shares great insight on how you can have an attitude of peace and contentment, no matter what life throws at you.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/25/202221 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Finding Contentment - I - 25 October 2022

When we can’t change our circumstances, where can we find the contentment we’re looking for? Today, Pastor Greg shows us that there’s only one place we can find peace that transcends all understanding, and it’s not where the world tells us to look!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/24/202219 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Overcoming Fear & Worry - II - 24 October 2022

Real peace is found when our thoughts and emotions are in harmony with the Lord. Pastor Greg Laurie says, to avoid the burden of fear and worry, the Bible’s prescription is right praying, right thinking and right living. And today Pastor Greg helps us explore that three-step plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/23/202221 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Overcoming Fear & Worry - I - 21 October 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says there’s an overabundance of things to be worried about every day, from health concerns to crime to global war. But today he points out that we have one good reason NOT to worry.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/20/202221 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Salvation - II - 20 October 2022

God wants a one-on-one, personal relationship with each of us. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can respond to our spiritual adversary when he tries to convince us that we’re not really saved. Support the show: for privacy information.
10/19/202220 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Salvation - I - 19 October 2022

How do we think biblically with all that we are exposed to today? Our perspective affects every decision we make, especially our salvation. Prepare to be encouraged today as Pastor Greg shares great insight on the gift of salvation, and how we can work it out in our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/18/202218 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - II - 18 October 2022

When you’re in a war, you can’t just say, 'I don’t wanna do this anymore.' They have a word for that: surrender! Pastor Greg Laurie says, we’re in a spiritual war, and we need to fight to win! He’ll explain how in the finale to his series 'The Afterlife & the Eternal.'Support the show: for privacy information.
10/17/202221 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - I - 17 October 2022

Whether we realize it or not, we’re at war! Every believer faces spiritual warfare every single day. But how can we fight? and win? That’s the question Pastor Greg Laurie is digging into today, in a study of the weapons God has provided to help us fight victoriously. Support the show: for privacy information.
10/16/202219 minutes, 3 seconds
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Angels and Demons - II - 14 October 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says our adversary lures us into sin; he’s cunning, crafty, manipulative and ruthless? And just as we’ve taken the bait, he condemns us for what we’ve done! Important counsel today on how to resist the Devil and his forces.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/13/202220 minutes, 8 seconds
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Angels and Demons - I - 13 October 2022

Angels are real and they have a very special ministry in the life of every believer! Pastor Greg Laurie says they’re sort of like God’s secret agents, sent out from heaven to assist us, encourage us, minister to us, and sometimes even to protect us. Today we’ll see God’s plan for angels in the lives of believers.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/12/202221 minutes, 6 seconds
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A Hell of a Message - II - 12 October 2022

No one goes to hell by accident. In this life, we’re all given the opportunity to choose the path that leads to heaven, but many choose their own way and then blame God. But at some point, we all need to take responsibility for our choices. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie reacquaints us with the reality of hell. It’s a candid discussion of the judgment that awaits unbelievers.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/11/202222 minutes, 25 seconds
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A Hell of a Message - I - 11 October 2022

There’s a lot of misinformation and confusion about hell. Today Pastor Greg Laurie shares critical insight as we examine a passage of scripture recorded in Luke 16 to discover the plain truth about hell and judgment from Jesus Himself.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/10/202219 minutes, 50 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven Part 2 - III - 10 October 2022

Some wonder if those who’ve gone to heaven are watching us from the heavenly grandstands. And Pastor Greg Laurie says there’s a very good reason to think that those in heaven are well aware of what’s happening here on earth. Today Ps Greg presents a glimpse of life inside our eternal home and answers some common questions about the afterlife.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/9/202222 minutes, 24 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - 7 October 2022

We’ve all asked questions about heaven. When we get there, what will we do? What will it look like? What will we look like? Will we recognize our friends and loved ones? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie turns to the bible to share some great insight into our heavenly home. Support the show: for privacy information.
10/6/202220 minutes, 1 second
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Let's Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - 6 October 2022

One day, when we get to our heavenly home, we’ll all be made ’New & Improved. But what will that look like? How will our glorified bodies be different? Will we have a heavenly 'mansion'? Pastor Greg Laurie offers wise insight today as he addresses often-asked questions about heaven.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/5/202219 minutes, 43 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven - 5 October 2022

Our heavenly reward is waiting for us, and it’s more glorious than we could ever imagine. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie warns us about the shiny objects of this life that distract us and turn our attention away from the Lord. Support the show: for privacy information.
10/4/202221 minutes, 17 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven - 4 October 2022

Heaven is the finish line for every believer. It’s the place we all want to go when this life ends. But Pastor Greg Laurie says heaven is excellent motivation for the here and now... it compels us to keep journeying along the Christian walk. Today he’s bringing more great insight about our eternal home. Support the show: for privacy information.
10/3/202220 minutes, 26 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven - 3 October 2022

This life is short, but the afterlife is forever. Pastor Greg Laurie says we really should know more about our eternal home. That’s the goal of Ps Greg’s message today. We’re taking a guided tour of heaven from the timeless counsel of God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/2/202219 minutes, 46 seconds
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How to Be a World Changer - II - 30 September 2022

As you go about your daily life, do you have more of an impact on the world than the world has on you? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us all learn how to be 'World Changers.' We’ll follow in the footsteps of the Disciples and put our faith to work.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/29/202220 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to Be a World Changer - I - 29 September 2022

Believers in biblical times effectively turned their world upside down for the Lord (or perhaps we should say right-side up). Pastor Greg Laurie says we, too, can change OUR world. Today he offers 10 principles to help you become a world changer.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/28/202219 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dealing with Depression - II - 28 September 2022

It may come as a surprise to some and a welcome confirmation to others, that believers can get depressed. Yes, even though there are numerous Scriptures about joy, we’re still human beings living in uncertain times. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie focuses on a particularly challenging time in the life of the prophet Elijah, and highlights some practical principles to help us in our own challenging times.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/27/202220 minutes, 35 seconds
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Dealing with Depression - I - 27 September 2022

In our culture, living a life of Faith can often feel like a lonely path to walk. But we don’t have to walk it alone. Today Pastor Greg shares a message full of encouragement as we look at the life of Elijah and discuss what to do when your emotions are in disarray.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/26/202219 minutes, 50 seconds
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Which Side Are You On? - II - 26 September 2022

As Christians, God should be number one in every aspect of our lives. Biblically speaking, anything else that captures our attention is considered an idol and a clear transgression of the First Commandment. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie delivers a warning about idol worship as we look at Elijah and the prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/25/202221 minutes, 3 seconds
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Which Side Are You On? - I - 23 September 2022

Those that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. But no one really likes waiting, Do they? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that when we wait on GOD, it really can renew us, and we’ll see some great examples of miracles that took place through the prophet Elijah only AFTER waiting on the LordSupport the show: for privacy information.
9/22/202220 minutes, 25 seconds
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Exit Stage Left - II - 22 September 2022

God has a plan and a purpose for each of us, and Pastor Greg Laurie says you may be surprised by what can happen when we’re open and available for His plan. Today we’re following the example of Elijah in 1 Kings 17; we’ll see how the Lord tested Elijah before He used him in a mighty way and how He wants to use us too.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/21/202220 minutes, 18 seconds
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Exit Stage Left - I - 21 September 2022

Have you ever wondered why God allows Christians to undergo trials and testing? Things are going along wonderfully, then suddenly, without warning, one problem after another comes tumbling into our lives. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn from Elijah by looking at what he learned from some of the toughest challenges life threw at him.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/20/202219 minutes, 42 seconds
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There's a New Kid in Town - II - 20 September 2022

If we preach a watered-down Gospel, and people respond to that half-of-a-Gospel message, are they really responding to the truth? The whole truth and nothing but the truth? As we continue our study on the life of the prophet Elijah - a man who stepped out in courageous boldness and made a difference in his time, we’ll see how we can do the same in our time.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/19/202221 minutes, 19 seconds
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There's a New Kid in Town - I - 19 September 2022

As believers, we have the privilege of sharing the message of the Gospel to the people in our world. But sometimes we lose our nerve and let those opportunities pass us by. Today, we’re introduced to Elijah, a 'regular guy,' who stepped out with uncommon courage and did great things for the Kingdom, and we’ll learn how we too can find the courage to follow in his footsteps.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/18/202220 minutes, 1 second
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The Almost Christian - II - 16 September 2022

Every student should know what a prerequisite is and that it’s impossible to progress in your studies before you meet them. Join Pastor Greg Laurie today for his final message in our study of the book of Acts. He’ll be exploring the prerequisites of making a genuine commitment to Jesus Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/15/202220 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Almost Christian - I - 15 September 2022

As humans we generally want to be sure about things, don’t we? Like that we definitely locked the door or turned off the stove before we left home. Well today, Pastor Greg helps us to check ourselves and make sure that our faith in Christ is sincere and genuine. Because when it comes to matters of eternity, we really do want to be sure that we haven’t forgotten about anything. Support the show: for privacy information.
9/14/202219 minutes, 47 seconds
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Christ's Call to Courage - II - 14 September 2022

As Christians, sometimes it can feel like we’re swimming against the current of our culture. We all will face trials, but if it isn’t persecution for what we believe, it’s challenges in our health, finances, or relationships. Today, Pastor Greg is looking at the trials faced by the Apostle Paul and the word of encouragement that pulled him through.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/13/202219 minutes, 25 seconds
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Christ's Call to Courage - I - 13 September 2022

There’s no denying that we live a world that resists the truth of God’s Word. It takes great courage to speak up for what is true. Great encouragement coming today, as Pastor Greg points out that as Christians, we have an important message that must get delivered! We need to find the courage to share it even in the face of opposition.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/12/202219 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Live a Meaningful Life - II - 12 September 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says we are all participating in the race of life. And in this race, we are all called to remain focused on Christ so we can run with endurance and live a life that honors Him? So if you want your life to have meaning, get ready for some wise counsel today as we consider the words of the Apostle Paul about living in a way that honors God.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/11/202221 minutes, 29 seconds
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How to Live a Meaningful Life - I - 9 September 2022

In any gym, there are people there who are just get in, get it done, and then go home. Then there are others who push themselves, and they give it their all! And it shows. Pastor Greg Laurie points out, this life is too important to just do the bare minimum. The Lord wants us to run this race with endurance, and to run this race to win.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/8/202220 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Reach Our Culture with The Gospel - II - 8 September 2022

As believers, sometimes it seems we’re living in some kind of weird, upside-down culture where right is wrong, up is down, and sin is to be celebrated. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that, sometimes, people may feel a bit disoriented when they talk to us. He’ll show us ways to find common ground and capture their interest with our message of hope.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/7/202220 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Reach Our Culture with The Gospel - I - 7 September 2022

When we try to share our faith with others, often they think they don’t NEED to hear it. The truth is, everyone needs the hope of Jesus Christ. Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us that God built us with a hunger for God. People may try to feed that hunger with the things of this world, but sooner or later they’ll come to realize their hunger is for something more.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/6/202220 minutes, 32 seconds
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How to Look Up When Things Look Down - II - 6 September 2022

Some people come to Christ instantly, as soon as they hear the Gospel. Others resist that decision for decades, until one day they realise their need for Christ. Pastor Greg Laurie shares about the miraculous conversion of a certain Philippian jailer? a conversion that would sweep through his entire family.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/5/202221 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Look Up When Things Look Down - I - 5 September 2022

There are certain things we keep to ourselves. If we’re struggling financially, or we’re in over our head at work, or there’s relationship stress ? we stay silent on those subjects. But Pastor Greg Laurie points out, when Jesus makes His home in our hearts, we give Him permission to explore the hidden issues we’re keeping to ourselves. Support the show: for privacy information.
9/4/202220 minutes, 26 seconds
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How to Resolve Conflict - II - 2 September 2022

We know that in relationships, conflict is inevitable; Pastor Greg Laurie says in all disagreements, our objective should be to resolve, not win. Prepare for some practical wisdom today as Pastor Greg helps us map a pathway to conflict resolution by examining some excellent examples straight from the Word of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/1/202222 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Resolve Conflict - I - 1 September 2022

Conflict is almost inevitable in relationships. And as Christians, we’re called to be peacemakers, but the reality is disagreements happen. And in those moments, Pastor Greg Laurie says our choices can be either a bridge or barrier to resolution. Today Pastor Greg is sharing wisdom to help us deal with everyone in a spirit of grace and humility.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/31/202220 minutes, 25 seconds
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Why Do Christians Have to Suffer? - II - 31 August 2022

Have you noticed that when we have something enjoyable to look forward to, it makes the stresses of today a little easier to take? Pastor Greg says, life is all about perspective and today he’s helping us look ahead to our everlasting reward by adopting a biblical perspective on the challenges we face today. Great encouragement and wise council today on ’A New Beginning’.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/30/202221 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Do Christians Have to Suffer? - I - 30 August 2022

Many of us have had our fair share of trials and tribulations and wondered, 'Why, Lord?' ...Pastor Greg Laurie is bringing us great encouragement and a fresh biblical perspective on suffering, today. As we learn to focus on the future and the presence of God in our lives and trust that our Heavenly Father knows what’s best for us? Even when there’s pain in the present.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/29/202220 minutes, 53 seconds
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How to Be An Encourager - I - 29 August 2022

Sometimes the Gospel can be an uncomfortable message to share. But it’s a discussion that can be so much easier and more effective in an encouraging atmosphere. Today, wise council from Pastor Greg Laurie as he points out how we can all be encouragers, as we look at the example of Barnabas in the book of Acts.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/28/202221 minutes, 33 seconds
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How to Be an Encourager - I - 26 August 2022

Our moods are contagious. It doesn’t take much for someone to brighten our day with a friendly smile or a kind word or perhaps steal our sunshine with a sour attitude. Today Pastor Greg Laurie will be pointing out how we can all have a positive influence on others. We’ll see that it’s not that hard to do, and the rewards can be wonderful.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/25/202220 minutes, 13 seconds
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What Happens When Christians Pray Together? - II - 25 August 2022

The Lord wants us to talk to Him, and He wants to hear our prayers! Pastor Greg Laurie says Prayer can energize our faith, change our situations, and even change you! Today, we’ll learn some essential principles of a productive prayer life and how we can have a more immersive experience when talking with God as we look at the early Church of Acts 12. Support the show: for privacy information.
8/24/202222 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Happens When Christians Pray Together? - I - 24 August 2022

If you have ever lost power at home, it’s surprising how much we depend on it and how often we take that connection for granted. The same goes for our relationship with God; when we ignore that connection, it can feel like the lights have gone out on our faith. Good encouragement from Pastor Greg Laurie today, as he points out the importance of prayer. Support the show: for privacy information.
8/23/202221 minutes, 8 seconds
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Never Say Never - II - 23 August 2022

Everyone knows to be careful scratching your head during an auction, because you might be bidding on something you don’t really want. As we learn to share the Gospel effectively, Pastor Greg Laurie says we should be just as careful in all areas of life. Great encouragement today as we see how our behaviour should be drawing people to the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/22/202221 minutes, 57 seconds
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Never Say Never - I - 22 August 2022

When we discover a pro-tip or find something great, we’re often happy to share helpful suggestions with the people around us. But many of us aren’t quite as comfortable suggesting someone consider the hope of the Gospel. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is talking about that reluctance to share the Good News, pointing out that the perfect time to do it is now.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/21/202220 minutes, 51 seconds
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No One is Beyond the Reach of God - II - 19 August 2022

We know that no one is beyond the reach of God. But even though eternal life is a free gift from God. Though some accept that gift, it can be startling to believers when others choose not to. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is looking at the choices people make that ultimately lead to life or? death.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/18/202221 minutes, 58 seconds
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No One is Beyond the Reach of God - I - 18 August 2022

There are some people who used to say they’d NEVER be religious, never darken the door of a church, never be caught carrying a Bible. But today, we can call some of the people, believers, pastors, and evangelists? Even Pastor Greg Laurie was a member of those groups! And He has a good encouragement today that ’No one is un-salvable’ or beyond the reach of God. Support the show: for privacy information.
8/17/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
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A Life Well-Lived - II - 17 August 2022

When we see people who walk closely with the Lord. They’re on fire for Him through thick and thin ? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie asks; how can we enjoy that kind of rewarding life? And we’ll find the answer as we look at the inspiring life of young man in Acts chapter 7.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/16/202222 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Life Well-Lived - I - 16 August 2022

Distractions can be so powerful, they’re everywhere and constantly working for our attention. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is pointing out the importance of keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ in a world full of distractions. We’ll see that it’s the only path life well-lived. Support the show: for privacy information.
8/15/202220 minutes, 41 seconds
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Honest to God - II - 15 August 2022

We all know movies aren’t real, the costumes, special effects, and the acting can be so convincing that we can forget that it’s all fake? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that some people ’act’ their way through life. He urges all of us to take a long, hard look at our lives, and ask ourselves if we’re living 'honest to God.'Support the show: for privacy information.
8/14/202222 minutes, 3 seconds
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Honest to God - I - 12 August 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says, it’s better to be an honest sinner than a lying saint or hypocrite. When we hide behind a fa?ade a false-front, trying to pretend we’re someone we’re not, we’re not fooling God, right? He knows who we really are. In fact, He knows us better than we know ourselves. Well, today Pastor Greg Laurie points out the danger of living an imitation life. It’s a disappointment to the Lord, and our act may not be believable to those around us either. It’s a good opportunity for a reset, and to live a life of transparent honesty going forwardSupport the show: for privacy information.
8/11/202220 minutes, 41 seconds
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They Had Been with Jesus - II - 11 August 2022

Jesus warned us that we may face persecution for our faith. But that doesn’t mean we’re doing something wrong; in fact, it may mean that we’re doing something right. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is bringing some good insight from the book of Acts, pointing to the character traits that show us how we’re doing and if we’re walking closely with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/10/202219 minutes, 57 seconds
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They Had Been with Jesus - I - 10 August 2022

When we spend too much time out in the sun, it’s pretty easy to tell. People can see it all over our face. It can be just as obvious when we spend time with the SON. Great insight today as we continue our study of the first Church in the book of Acts. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that when we spend time with the Lord, people will noticeSupport the show: for privacy information.
8/9/202219 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Gifts that Keep Giving - II - 9 August 2022

God wants to use you. So, if you want to be used by God. The good news is, the Lord equips those he calls into service. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie will is sharing how we can identify and effectively use those God-given gifts and abilities.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/8/202221 minutes, 54 seconds
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The Gifts that Keep Giving - I - 8 August 2022

Whether you’re a woodworker, a steel worker or in another form of construction, you know that, the tougher the job, the greater the need for power tools. And each tool is suited for a certain task. Well, spiritually speaking, with some of our assignments, the Lord gives US power tools; otherwise known as the Gifts of the Spirit. And today Pastor Greg Laurie is showing us the importance of putting those gifts to work.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/7/202218 minutes, 52 seconds
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Better Together - II - 5 August 2022

There are so many way that the Lord can reach us in a time of need. Pastor Greg Laurie says one of the most obvious and important ways is through the local church. We know that we are the church, but as we study the book of Acts today, we’ll learn some important principles from the early Church and how they set the example for reaching out to others with the same care and concern as Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/4/202219 minutes, 53 seconds
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Better Together - I - 4 August 2022

We weren’t designed to do life alone. Pastor Greg Laurie says every believer should be connected to the church and the Word of God. Encouraging insight today from the book of Acts, as Pastor Greg shows how the early Church turned their world upside down with their commitment to the Gospel and how we can too with the love of Christ. Support the show: for privacy information.
8/3/202218 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Secret to Sharing the Gospel Effectively - II - 3 August 2022

When God wanted to share His message of love, He chose to use people to reach people. But the power of the message isn’t in the messengers, it’s in the message. And that message is alive and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. And today Pastor Greg Laurie is encouraging us to use it!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/2/202221 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Secret to Sharing the Gospel Effectively - I - 2 August 2022

Beautiful music can only happen when everyone plays together in unity and harmony. But if everyone is playing a different tune, it’s a total disaster. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is bring a great word of encouragement, pointing out the importance of unity in our efforts of bringing the Gospel to our generation. Support the show: for privacy information.
8/1/202220 minutes, 19 seconds
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The First Jesus Movement - II - 1 August 2022

Renovating a house takes skill, time and a lot of hard work. And as believers, we’ve been given the similar task of bringing a spiritual renovation to our world, which can seem enormous and intimidating. But today, Pastor Greg Laurie shares how God has given us the blueprint we need to revive our culture as we delve further into the Book of Acts.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/31/202220 minutes, 29 seconds
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The First Jesus Movement - I - 29 July 2022

As believers, we are called to be salt and light - to influence our world for the Kingdom. But Pastor Greg Laurie says, we can’t influence our community if we’re isolated from our community. Today Pastor Greg points out how that by doing we are neglecting one of our most important responsibilities as followers of Christ. Support the show: for privacy information.
7/29/202221 minutes, 48 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - IV - 28 July 2022

If you’ve ever done some sort of apprenticeship. Chances are you learned the trade from someone with a few years of experience under their belt. Pastor Greg Laurie says that the Lord has a similar plan for seasoned believers to pass knowledge of the Word to young Christians. Wise counsel today as Pastor Greg shares some of what he learned from his own mentor. Support the show: for privacy information.
7/29/202216 minutes, 50 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - III - 27 July 2022

There’s a certain wisdom that comes with getting older but there’s even more wisdom that comes when we embrace God’s Word as our pattern for living. Today Pastor Greg Laurie looking to the Bible for the practical principles we can put to good use.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/29/202220 minutes, 31 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - II - 26 July 2022

No one ever teaches how to worry, it’s something we learn to do ourselves. But Pastor Greg Laurie says worrying too much can ruin your life. Today, Pastor Greg is offering up some practical tips to help us break down those bad habits. Great Insight for everyone, particularly young people.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/25/202220 minutes, 53 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - I - 25 July 2022

With the gift of hindsight, what advice would you give your younger self? Pastor Greg Laurie says that changing our perspective is often good evidence that we’re maturing. And today, we’ll see how we can embrace and enhance that maturing process.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/24/202216 minutes, 45 seconds
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Things to do Before the End of the World - II - 22 July 2022

Jesus is coming back, and as believers living in the expectant anticipation of the Lord’s return. The Bible is pretty clear; we’re to be watchful and vigilant. But what does that mean? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie is clearing up any grey areas so we can all be ready and effective while we wait on the return of Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/21/202221 minutes, 31 seconds
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Things to do Before the End of the World - I - 21 July 2022

The wait is on, Jesus is coming back. But what should we to be doing until He comes? Pastor Greg Laurie says the Lord doesn’t want us to just kill time, He wants us to bring light and life to those around us. Wise instruction today from Pastor Greg as he helps us see the way the Lord wants us to live while we wait for the soon return of JesusSupport the show: for privacy information.
7/20/202218 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Influence of a Godly Life - II - 20 July 2022

We often let the wrong people have our full attention, like celebrities or the rich and famous. But why do we allow them to influence us, instead of focusing on God? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points us to a man, whose influence can truly lead us toward godliness. Wise counsel today and practical help for a more effective prayer life.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/19/202221 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Influence of a Godly Life - I - 19 July 2022

Is there something standing in the way of your prayers? Are you not seeing your prayers answered? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie reveals the things that can hinder our prayers. Practical help straight from the book of Daniel, to move toward a more effective prayer life.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/18/202220 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why Our Prayers Are Not Answered - II - 18 July 2022

Prayer connects us with God’s care in good and bad times. Pastor Greg Laurie says we should be calling on Him constantly. Practical insight from Pastor Greg today as we learn the importance of prayer, and how we can pray more successfully.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/17/202220 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why Our Prayers Are Not Answered - I - 15 July 2022

As a Christian, if you have sin in your life it will bring your prayer life to a screeching halt. That’s the strong statement Pastor Greg Laurie is making today as he shares some practical insight on how to see God’s answers to our prayers.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/14/202220 minutes, 22 seconds
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Making Sense of the Prophetic Puzzle - II - 14 July 2022

So many believers know the basics of Bible prophecy but have difficulty understanding how the pieces fit together. In today’s message, Pastor Greg Laurie offers help and offers great reassurance that our future is bright and good. Support the show: for privacy information.
7/14/202221 minutes, 8 seconds
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Making Sense of the Prophetic Puzzle - I - 13 July 2022

The book of Daniel is filled with some of the richest portions of Biblical prophecy. And we’ll explore it today as Pastor Greg Laurie points out the prophetic equation laid out in Daniel describing exactly when the Messiah would arrive, and we’ll see just how that impacts us today. Support the show: for privacy information.
7/12/202219 minutes, 59 seconds
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Three of the Hardest Words to Say - II - 12 July 2022

It’s easy to blame someone else, but it’s difficult to take the blame FOR someone else! In it’s always easy to put blame on someone else, but it’s difficult to take the blame FOR someone else! In today’s message, Pastor Greg Laurie continues to look at the life of Daniel. We’ll see how this man of God took the responsibility for the sins of his people and we’ll learn to follow in his humble steps.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/11/202220 minutes, 22 seconds
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Three of the Hardest Words to Say - I - 11 July 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says, the collective cry of our culture is, 'It’s not my fault.' Wise counsel today from Pastor Greg as we contrast that attitude with the way the prophet Daniel took responsibility for the sins of his people. It’s a look at the pathway back to the heart of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/10/202220 minutes, 56 seconds
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Antichrist, America and the End of Days - II - 8 July 2022

'Through peace, he will deceive many.' The Antichrist will be admired by most of the world, UNTIL he begins his reign of terror and destruction. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers a glimpse of the plan of the Antichrist. It’s an eye-opening part of our study in the book of Daniel.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/7/202220 minutes, 43 seconds
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Antichrist, America and the End of Days - I - 7 July 2022

Every good story has a Good guy and a Bad guy, and the Bible is no different. Today Pastor Greg Laurie is examining what the Bible has to tell us about the Antichrist? We know he’ll be a magnetic world leader, widely admired the world over. But Pastor Greg warns, he’ll soon reveal his true colours? Support the show: for privacy information.
7/6/202220 minutes, 7 seconds
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God, The Future, and You - II - 6 July 2022

Worship is so important, because it’s one of the few things we can do on both sides of eternity. Today Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to an exciting part of Biblical prophecy in the Book of Daniel, where we’ll get a glimpse of the other side as seen through his eyes. Support the show: for privacy information.
7/5/202220 minutes, 35 seconds
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God, The Future, and You - I - 5 July 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says that some of the most fascinating insight about our future comes from writings that are thousands of years old. Today, Pastor Greg looks to the reliable prophecy in the book of Daniel for what we can expect to come in God’s Last Days plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/4/202219 minutes, 27 seconds
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Angels in the Life of the Believer - II - 4 July 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says angels are involved in the life of every believer. He provides a case in point today, as we look at the life of Daniel. We’ll see an angel was actually with Daniel in the Lion’s Den!Support the show: for privacy information.
7/3/202220 minutes, 28 seconds
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Angels in the Life of the Believer - I - 1 July 2022

Daniel stood up for his faith, no matter what! Even when it might have cost him his life! We’ll learn from his example today as Pastor Greg Laurie points out the character traits that made Daniel such a strong man of faith. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/30/202222 minutes, 1 second
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Daniel in the Lion's Den - 30 June 2022

As believers, we all want to walk the walk and live for Christ. But in reality, often its life’s most unfavorable circumstances that are the most favorable for spiritual growth and becoming more like Jesus. Today, we learn from Daniel as Pastor Greg is points out what set him apart to be used by God. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/29/202220 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Writing is on The Wall - II - 29 June 2022

Some say life is short, and you have to enjoy it while you can. But, is that all there is to life? An important message today from Pastor Greg Laurie as he takes us to a profound Old Testament story that shows the danger of living a life that ignores God and focuses on self.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/28/202219 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Writing is on The Wall - I - 28 June 2022

The Bible tells the story of an Old Testament king who got a little full of himself, and God had a most creative way of getting his attention. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie explores this memorable account of a disembodied hand writing on a wall.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/27/202220 minutes, 33 seconds
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No One is Beyond the Reach of God - II No One is Beyond the Reach of God - II - 27 June 2022

As Believers, we have information that can save lives and Pastor Greg Laurie says, that message must get delivered! An Inspiring message from Pastor Greg today, as he points out how the Gospel is the Good News that can save people from their sins, it has eternal consequences.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/26/202220 minutes, 40 seconds
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No One is Beyond the Reach of God - I - 24 June 2022

No one is beyond the reach of God. Pastor Greg Laurie says as believers, we need to share the hope of heaven with those around us. But it’s equally important to point out the flip side - the truth that judgment awaits those who rebel against God. Today we gain insight on finding the balance in that message from Daniel chapter 4.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/23/202220 minutes, 58 seconds
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Staying Cool When Things Get Hot - II - 23 June 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says life’s trials are like God’s gym ? they’re the challenging situations that strengthen us. Today, as we continue our study in the Book of Daniel. Pastor Greg points to a time of pressure faced by three Hebrew young men. It’s a good object lesson on how times of pressure can make us stronger.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/22/202220 minutes, 36 seconds
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Staying Cool When Things Get Hot - I - 22 June 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says The Devil tempts us to destroy our faith, But God tests us to develop our faith. An important message from Pastor Greg today as we continue the study on the life of the prophet Daniel, we’ll learn how to respond to both temptations and tests. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/22/202220 minutes, 23 seconds
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Dream On! - II - 21 June 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says the best way to 'hear a word from the Lord' is to be living by the Word of the Lord. Today, we take a close look at the lives of Daniel and three of his friends. God worked through them because they lived for Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/20/202221 minutes, 22 seconds
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Dream On! - I - 20 June 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says Daniel was a man of courage and conviction in the midst of an ungodly generation. And today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us what we can learn from his character.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/19/202219 minutes, 44 seconds
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What in the World is Going On? - II - 17 June 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s in the small things that big victories are won. Good insight today as Pastor Greg Laurie explains why. As we continue studying the faith of Daniel and learning how to follow in his footsteps. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/16/202220 minutes, 49 seconds
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What in the World is Going On? - I - 16 June 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says, when we look at the news, it seems like the world is racing toward Armageddon. Are we? What should we be doing as believers? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses those questions today as we take an important look at the prophecies of Daniel to find the hope we can have as we live in the last days.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/15/202219 minutes, 1 second
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You Reap What You Sow - II - 15 June 2022

In every great story, there’s a hero and a villain. Pastor Greg Laurie focuses on the real-life account of Esther, the heroine of the story...and we’ll look at the villain named Haaman, a man who reaped what he sowed. Important insight from Pastor Greg as we continue the story of Esther.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/14/202220 minutes, 2 seconds
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You Reap What You Sow - I - 14 June 2022

God notices everything we do for Him. Pastor Greg Laurie says God never forgets. We see a good example of that in a man named Mordecai. Pastor Greg is bringing us important insights today, straight from the story of Esther.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/13/202219 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why God Chose You - II - 13 June 2022

Did you know you’re related to royalty? Pastor Greg Laurie points out that as believers, we’re children of the King! We’ve been adopted into God’s family. An excellent encouragement today from Pastor Greg as we discuss why God chose us and how that should change the way we live.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/12/202220 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why God Chose You - Part I - 10 June 2022

Can the Lord reach people without us? Pastor Greg Laurie says yes, but He prefers to reach people through people, and it’s part of the reason we’re here. Join Pastor Greg today as he continues our study of the Book of Esther, and we take a fresh look at our part in bringing God’s message of hope to those around us.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/9/202219 minutes, 46 seconds
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The Plot Thickens - Part II - 9 June 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says you have been chosen and uniquely equipped with tools given to you by the hand of God. And He has a plan for how those tools can be used. Today Pastor Greg continues our study of Esther, we’ll see how she was also uniquely equipped and chosen for a very special purpose.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/8/202220 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Plot Thickens - Part I - 8 June 2022

It’s not easy to maintain Godly values when surrounded by an ungodly culture. Pastor Greg Laurie shares some valuable lessons today from the book of Esther. We’ll learn from her example of beauty, grace, courage and godliness during a dangerous moment in history.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/7/202220 minutes, 17 seconds
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For Such a Time as This - 7 June 2022

We’ve all heard the phrase 'For such a time as this'. Today, we begin a study of where it comes from as Pastor Greg Laurie begins a study on the life of Esther, who was chosen to be queen and helped bring deliverance to the Jewish people. A great encouragement today from Pastor Greg as we look at this biblical hero.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/6/202220 minutes, 5 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - Part III - 6 June 2022

Some people have come to Christ with great excitement, but over time they drift away. Pastor Greg Laurie says that ’it’s not how you start, but how you finish is more important. Today Pastor Greg is helping us learn how we can finish well as he presents his final study in Nehemiah.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/5/202221 minutes, 10 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - II - 3 June 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says God isn’t content getting the leftovers from our lives. And if all we are and all we have comes from God, it’s only fair that we give Him our best, right? Sound Biblical insight from Pastor Greg Laurie today. As we delve further into the book of Nehemiah, we will see the importance of giving the Lord the best of our time, our talent, and our treasures.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/2/202221 minutes, 2 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - I - 2 June 2022

Do the people around you know that you’re a Christian? If our faith is a big secret, the big question is, why? Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s an important question. Wise counsel today, straight from the book of the Nehemiah as Pastor Greg Laurie, helps us see the importance of making our faith a public declaration. Support the show: for privacy information.
6/1/202220 minutes, 30 seconds
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It's Time to Pray - II - 1 June 2022

Something remarkable happened in the time of Nehemiah. After rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem in record time, there was an outbreak of prayer, which led to an outbreak of revival! As we look at Nehemiah’s leadership today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can see that kind of outbreak in our time.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/31/202219 minutes, 35 seconds
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It's Time to Pray - I - 31 May 2022

Are you afraid to bring a bold request to God? Pastor Greg Laurie says the Lord invites us to come to Him boldly and pray with confidence. Today, Pastor Greg is sharing a great lesson from the book of Nehemiah. We’ll see how a great revival swept through God’s people during the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/30/202221 minutes, 1 second
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How to Have a Personal Spiritual Revival - II - 30 May 2022

The Bible acknowledges that sin can be fun, but it also loudly declares that unrepentant sin can lead to a life of regret. Powerful insights today from Pastor Greg Laurie as we continue our study in Nehemiah, and we take a cold, hard look at the lure of sin and how to resist the enemy’s snare.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/29/202220 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Have a Personal Spiritual Revival - I - 27 May 2022

Was there ever a time when your passion for the Lord was stronger? Today Pastor Greg Laurie invites us to pause and take stock of where you are in your relationship with the Lord. Wise counsel from Pastor Greg as he helps us evaluate our level of spiritual growth. We’ll learn to re-energize our faith, take our own 'spiritual temperature,' and discover how to grow to the next level with God. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/26/202218 minutes, 36 seconds
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Don't Give Up - III - 26 May 2022

Some of us serve the Lord in the limelight, while others serve God in relative anonymity. But Pastor Greg Laurie points out that everything we do for Christ counts! Today, we’ll receive a fresh breeze of inspiration from Pastor Greg as we continue our study in Nehemiah.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/25/202220 minutes, 37 seconds
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Don't Give Up - II - 25 May 2022

It’s been said that character is who you are, and reputation is just what others think you are. Pastor Greg Laurie shares a good encouragement today as he shows us how we can forge a good, strong character based on our relationship with God. We follow in the footsteps of one of our spiritual forefathers who faced great opposition, but he had the character to stand firm in the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/24/202219 minutes, 10 seconds
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Don't Give Up - I - 24 May 2022

Temptations come our way every day. Sometimes it can feel like they have us surrounded. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we need to give more thought to our thoughts, as he brings an enlightening study from the book of Nehemiah. We learn how to 'take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.'Support the show: for privacy information.
5/23/202219 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Handle Discouragement - II - 23 May 2022

When we 'fear God,' we don’t need to fear much else! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings important encouragement from a practical study in the book of Nehemiah. We’ll see just how we can stand and face those who oppose us when we’re in sync with God.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/22/202221 minutes, 7 seconds
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How to Handle Discouragement - I - 20 May 2022

The Lord warned us that we may be mistreated for our faith. But how do we bounce back? Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see what’s behind that hostility. Sound biblical encouragement today, as we learn some practical lessons from a study in the book of Nehemiah. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/19/202220 minutes, 53 seconds
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Dealing with Criticism - II - 19 May 2022

How can we keep pressing forward when many around us want us to stop, and criticize our every move? That was the dilemma faced by Nehemiah as he rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. Tuck in for some great insight from Pastor Greg Laurie as helps us learn an important lesson about perseverance and resilience. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/18/202219 minutes, 55 seconds
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Dealing with Criticism - I - 18 May 2022

What’s the best way to deal with criticism? Pastor Greg Laurie suggests taking a cue from Nehemiah and his team of Wall Builders. Practical insight today from Pastor Greg as we learn how Nehemiah and his people persevered under great pressure and opposition and how we can also endeavour to serve the Lord. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/17/202219 minutes, 55 seconds
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Wall Builders - II - 17 May 2022

The book of Nehemiah records an incredible example of teamwork in the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem. Pastor Greg Laurie says, as believers, it’s an example we should follow; banding together to serve the Lord in our generation. Practical insight today from Pastor Greg as we receive a timely lesson on the importance of teamwork.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/16/202220 minutes, 39 seconds
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Wall Builders - I - 16 May 2022

How can we be used by God as great men and women of Scripture were? Pastor Greg Laurie says to answer God’s call. We’ll see today that when we say yes to God, He can do great things through people who are humble and available to serve.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/15/202220 minutes, 5 seconds
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How to Be a Successful Leader - II - 13 May 2022

When we’re serving the Lord wholeheartedly, we can count on opposition from the enemy. Pastor Greg Laurie is bringing an encouraging lesson from biblical history, straight from the book of Nehemiah teaching us how to be ready, and how to persevere in times of resistance.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202220 minutes, 57 seconds
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How to Be a Successful Leader - I - 12 May 2022

It’s been said that prayer has the power to move the Hand that moves the world. Today Pastor Greg Laurie points out how to put the power of prayer to work. Looking to the book of Nehemiah to see how God can bring out miraculous change, when God’s people pray.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202219 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Rebuilt Life - II - 11 May 2022

The Bible tells us that God has blessings and promises waiting for us, ready to be redeemed. But many of us have never taken advantage of them or even knew they were there! Wise instruction today from Pastor Greg Laurie, pointing out how to take advantage of the Lord’s generosity as we serve His Kingdom’s purposes.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202221 minutes, 13 seconds
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The Rebuilt Life - I - 10 May 2022

The call to ministry isn’t always what we think it is. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we each have something God has called us to do, and it’s not always preaching from a pulpit. God wants to use us to grow His Kingdom right where we are. And today, Pastor Greg brings us solid counsel, from the book of Nehemiah as we learn how to recognize that sacred call of ministry.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/9/202219 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Writing is On The Wall - II - 9 May 2022

Some hear the Gospel many times in their lives and ignore it every time. Pastor Greg Laurie warns that one day we will all pass into eternity and when that day comes, and we stand before the Lord, the one thing you’ll want to be sure of is that you will go to heaven. Today, Pastor Greg brings us face to face with the regret that enveloped a certain Old Testament king. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/8/202221 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Writing is On The Wall - I - 6 May 2022

No one is beyond the reach of God, and one day when we pass into eternity and we’re placed on God’s divine scales. What kind of spiritual weight would your life have? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shares a message from Daniel chapter 5. We’re looking at the life of a king known as Belshazzar, and we see exactly why we’re all in desperate need of a Savior: Jesus Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/5/202220 minutes, 13 seconds
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Angels and Demons - II - 5 May 2022

Although we can’t see it, the supernatural world is real and spiritual battles happen all around us. But as believers we’re under the protection of The Cross. Pastor Greg Laurie is brings sound biblical insight from Revelation 12 today, as we take look into the world of angels and demons-and your place in the most important battles. Support the show: for privacy information.
5/5/202221 minutes, 27 seconds
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Angels and Demons - I - 4 May 2022

Angels are real. They’re all around us, working and protecting. They’re an essential part of the plans of God. But not all angels are 'the good guys.' Pastor Greg Laurie shares reliable biblical insight from the book of Revelation today as we are encouraged to have faith in God’s promises.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/3/202220 minutes, 11 seconds
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Indecision - III - 3 May 2022

The choices we make determine the direction of our lives and ultimately help determine our eternal destiny! Great insight today from Pastor Greg Laurie as he points some of the unfortunate decisions made during the arrest and trial of Jesus, and what we can learn from them.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/2/202220 minutes, 46 seconds
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Indecision - II - 2 May 2022

Decisions can be tough, especially if it’s a choice between two bad options. What do you do when you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place? Great insight today from Greg Laurie as he points out the tough decision faced by Pontius Pilate when Jesus was brought to him for sentencing.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/1/202219 minutes, 49 seconds
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Indecision - I - 29 April 2022

We all face tough decisions sometimes, and even Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor, faced a tough one: what would he do with Jesus? Pastor Greg Laurie says we each face that decision every day. Today, Pastor Greg helps us evaluate our options and make the right choice as we study the trial of Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/28/202220 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - II - 28 April 2022

How could Peter, part of the Lord’s inner circle, backslide and end up denying Christ? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie answers that question as we look at the steps that led to Peter’s spiritual fall. He’ll show us how backsliding happens, how we can avoid it, and how little compromises lead to bigger compromises that eventually lead to disaster.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/27/202218 minutes, 58 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - I - 27 April 2022

When we stop paying attention to where we’re walking, it’s easy to get lost & trip over obstacles. Our spiritual walk is no different. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us the steps that lead to backsliding, so we know how to avoid them as we look at the shortcomings and spiritual downfall of the Apostle Peter. Support the show: for privacy information.
4/26/202219 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Purpose of Gethsemane - II - 26 April 2022

Sometimes life can bring us stressful situations that we wonder how we’re ever going to get out of. Today we’ll hear wise insight from Pastor Greg Laurie as he points out that Jesus also faced an unimaginable situation the night before His crucifixion in the Garden of Gethsemane and how Jesus’ actions at that moment teach us how to handle the pressure in our own lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/25/202221 minutes, 3 seconds
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The Purpose of Gethsemane - I - 25 April 2022

Sometimes we come to the Lord expecting the Christian life to be smooth sailing. The Lord doesn’t promise us a life without challenges, but He does promise that he’ll never leave us in the midst of the storm. Today Pastor Greg Laurie is bringing a great encouragement for our most stressful times as he explains what we can learn from Jesus’ actions on the night before His crucifixion. Support the show: for privacy information.
4/24/202218 minutes, 36 seconds
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Jesus' Prayer for You - III - 22 April 2022

How can we be a positive change in a world that seems to thrive on chaos? Pastor Greg Laurie says that as believers, we’re here to be representatives of the Lord and show the world what Christians look like. Today, Pastor Greg points out how our humility and unity can be a shining example to a culture that’s lost its way.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/21/202220 minutes, 48 seconds
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Jesus' Prayer for You - II - 21 April 2022

A seatbelt can only help you if you’re wearing it. We have a choice to be safe?or not. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we also have the choice to take advantage of the safety and security we find in Jesus. Sharing biblical insight from the Gospel of John, we’ll learn the importance & benefits of cooperating with God’s plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/20/202219 minutes, 40 seconds
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Jesus' Prayer for You - I - 20 April 2022

Prayer is our direct line to God and He invites us to come to Him in prayer any time, even Jesus prayed to God on our behalf. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie examines the Lord’s Prayer - but not the one we typically memorize. We will be taking a look at the Lord’s Prayer for us.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/19/202218 minutes, 29 seconds
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Greg Laurie & Lee Strobel: The Case for Heaven - II - 19 April 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie is joined by NY Times best-selling author Lee Strobel. Lee is a former atheist, and at one time was the legal editor of the Chicago Tribune. He’s trained in the law and in investigative journalism. We continue a look at the afterlife, in this special broadcast titled The Case for Heaven.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/18/202221 minutes, 5 seconds
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Greg Laurie & Lee Strobel: The Case for Heaven - I - 18 April 2022

Paul in Colossians 3 said 'Set your Mind on things above'.. Another way to translate that is 'Think about Heaven'. Pastor Greg is joined by bestselling author Lee Strobel, for a special broadcast titled The Case for Heaven? to help us understand more about the afterlifeSupport the show: for privacy information.
4/17/202221 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Day that Changed the World - II - 15 April 2022

The Resurrection of Christ was such a significant event in the context of history. And today in a special Easter message, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us appreciate all Jesus’ Resurrection has accomplished on our behalf and the assurances we now have as believers as a result of ’The Day that Changed the World.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/14/202220 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Day that Changed the World - I - 14 April 2022

As we prepare for Easter, Pastor Greg Laurie shares great insight into what happened when Jesus gave His life for our sins. As we consider the exchange that was significantly in our favour, we examine the words of our saviour while he was on the cross and just how much we can learn from themSupport the show: for privacy information.
4/13/202219 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 2 - III - 13 April 2022

The Holy Spirit is continually at work in our lives. He gives us power, wisdom, comfort and direction. But perhaps His most important role is, bringing us to the Saviour. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can recognize and cooperate with His plan. Support the show: for privacy information.
4/12/202220 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You - Part 2 - II - 12 April 2022

If we’re facing danger and don’t know it, that’s a problem. There are many invisible forces at work in our lives, and though we can’t see them, some are at work to help us while others want to destroy us. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that it’s God’s Holy Spirit acquainting us with the problem of sin and pointing us to the solution.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/11/202218 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You - Part 2 - I - 11 April 2022

Some people are afflicted with 'good enough' syndrome and are absolutely convinced they’re 'good enough' to get to heaven. But we’re all sinners and we all fall short of God’s glory. In a study from the series called ’Life’, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the Holy Spirit shows us our sin, its penalty, our need for a solution, then shows us the Saviour, Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/10/202218 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - III - 8 April 2022

The Lord created us with free will and He knew that some people would reject Him, but that was also His plan from the beginning. It’s part of the Holy Spirit’s job to call out to us and draw us to the Lord, but that’s just one job of the Holy Spirit. Today, Pastor Greg shares a revealing message from the Gospel of John, explaining the danger of dismissing the Spirit’s work in our lives. Support the show: for privacy information.
4/7/202223 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - II - 7 April 2022

We know the enemy is a powerful force. But we also know that our God is all-powerful. And with the Holy Spirit on our side, we know we’re in good hands! Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the role the Spirit plays in the life of the believer. With Foundational insight from the Gospel of John, we’ll see the Spirit protects us, guides us, and empowers us for a successful Christian life.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/6/202221 minutes, 20 seconds
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The Holy Spirit & You, Part 1 - I - 6 April 2022

The Holy Spirit is our helper and friend, and He’s always at work in our lives. Even when we may not realize it, His work is vital in keeping us spiritually energized and on track. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out what the Bible tells us about the Comforter God has provided for us in a study of the Holy Spirit.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/5/202220 minutes, 58 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Evil - III - 5 April 2022

Romans tells us all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We’re sinners, and it’s something we all have in common. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie shows us two individuals who sinned, their different responses to sin, and how that radically affected their lives. It’s a lesson on how we should respond to our own sin.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/4/202220 minutes, 42 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Evil - II - 4 April 2022

We’re all faced with decisions every day. But how can two people hear the same Gospel message, and one will respond positively, the other negatively? As we delve into a study based on the Gospel of John. Pastor Greg Laurie takes an important look at our free will and its role in our future.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/3/202220 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Evil - I - 1 April 2022

If God is good, why is there pain and suffering in the world? So many have asked that question or something similar. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie offers great insight straight from the Gospel of John as he tackles one of the toughest and most common questions people ask about the ways of God...’Why Does God Allow Evil?’Support the show: for privacy information.
3/31/202219 minutes, 44 seconds
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What Angers & Saddens God - III - 31 March 2022

We’ve all seen the bumper sticker: 'Christians aren’t perfect, just forgiven.' And it’s true, but as believers it’s our job to invite people into the family of God. But Pastor Greg Laurie is concerned that some believers unconsciously push people away. Today Pastor Greg offers great insight for us to live the way God wants us to. As we learn to be a bridge and not a barrier, for people coming to ChristSupport the show: for privacy information.
3/30/202223 minutes, 8 seconds
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What Angers & Saddens God - II - 30 March 2022

We don’t often think of Jesus getting angry but In the Gospel of John, we see Jesus entering the temple and overturning the moneychangers’ tables. What could possibly provoke such a reaction? Today, Pastor Greg Laurie will answer that question, as we gain a better understanding of the righteous anger of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/29/202222 minutes, 9 seconds
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What Angers & Saddens God - I - 29 March 2022

How often have we made an inaccurate assumption about something or someone? Only to later realize how wrong we were in our thinking. Pastor Greg Laurie says that when Jesus came, a lot of people were confused about his mission because they didn’t realize that he came to save us. Today, Pastor Greg shares some important insight as we continue our study of the Gospel of John.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/28/202222 minutes, 19 seconds
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No Regrets - III - 28 March 2022

Jesus gave His ALL for us. So why do we struggle to give up what we have for the Him? Today, as we explore John chapter 12; Pastor Greg Laurie shows us an extravagant sacrifice from Mary and how it pleased the Jesus, pointing out that sometimes the thing you’re holding on to, might just be exactly what the Lord wants from you. Support the show: for privacy information.
3/27/202222 minutes, 19 seconds
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No Regrets - II - 25 March 2022

much can I get away with and still be a Christian?' Pastor Greg Laurie says that question might remind us of Judas Iscariot. Today Pastor Greg points out that our focus should instead be 'how can I follow the Lord wholeheartedly?' Support the show: for privacy information.
3/24/202221 minutes, 12 seconds
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No Regrets - I - 24 March 2022

Some people ask 'how much can I get away with and still be a Christian?' Pastor Greg Laurie says that question might remind us of Judas Iscariot. Today Pastor Greg points out that our focus should instead be 'how can I follow the Lord wholeheartedly?' Sharing from John 12. We learn of a woman who gave all she had, including a precious possession and used it to honour Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/23/202220 minutes, 10 seconds
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When God Seems Late - II - 23 March 2022

But what is the best way to deal with our misfortunes? We all respond to pain differently, some people will share the pain with anyone while others keep it locked away. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out the value of bringing our pain to the Lord. He invites us to call on Him, because only He has the capacity to bring hope to the middle of a crisis.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/22/202222 minutes, 43 seconds
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When God Seems Late - I - 22 March 2022

As humans, we tend to be impatient by nature, and when we’re waiting on an answer or for God to move in a situation, it can be devastating. Pastor Greg Laurie says God’s delays are not necessarily His denials; a No today might be a Yes tomorrow. Today, Pastor Greg offers hope, encouraging us to change our mindset about waiting on God, trusting in His perfect timing.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/21/202221 minutes, 24 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Suffering? - III - 21 March 2022

Through Jesus, we’ve been given the remedy for a deadly disease called Sin. But, it can be hard to share our faith if we don’t have answers to life’s most challenging questions. As believers of the Gospel, we already have the answers to those questions. Pastor Greg Laurie says, God didn’t give us the Gospel to hoard it; he gave us the Gospel to share it. Pastor Greg is sharing some wise counsel today as we learn how to do that.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/20/202222 minutes, 55 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Suffering? - II - 18 March 2022

It’s no mistake that the words disciple and discipline are related; because sometimes disciples are disciplined. The Lord will often administer the loving Hand of correction when we wander off the path to guide us back in the right direction. Pastor Greg Laurie says that if we love the Lord, we should expect it and embrace it. Today, Pastor Greg shares important insight on Godly discipline, human suffering and the different fruit they can yield.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/17/202221 minutes, 3 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Suffering? - I - 17 March 2022

Why does God allow suffering? It’s a common question and a tough one to answer. Because sometimes, bad things happen to good people and we can’t always explain why. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie takes an honest look at suffering and why God allows it - helping us keep our perspective and know that we have hope in Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/16/202220 minutes, 36 seconds
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How To Not Be Born Again - III - 16 March 2022

We’ve all put our best foot forward from time to time, only showing the best side of ourselves. Either on a first date or in a job interview. But is that really who we are? Because there’s no fooling God, he sees it all, and he knows every version of who we are. Today Pastor Greg Laurie encourages us to make sure our faith isn’t a fa?ade as he reinforces the importance of being genuine in our faith and relationship with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/15/202223 minutes, 1 second
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How To Not Be Born Again - II - 15 March 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie says, If God could create an entire universe that’s bigger than we could imagine. Maybe He can solve a problem that’s bigger than we can handle. Today Pastor Greg is giving us a fresh perspective on just how great our God is, as we look at the power God’s love in a study of the Gospel of John. Support the show: for privacy information.
3/14/202221 minutes, 31 seconds
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How To Not Be Born Again - I - 14 March 2022

When we ask the question, what is God like? We look at Jesus because Jesus is God. Today Pastor Greg Laurie shares fresh insight on the foundational principles of our Christian Faith that we see in the Gospel of John. And we’ll look deeper into the message that God chose to deliver Himself when he came to earth, born as a baby to live among us.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/13/202221 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Race We Must Win - III - 11 March 2022

A car’s windshield is always bigger than its rear view mirror, because it’s more important that we focus on where we’re going than where we’ve been. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings a great encouragement for all believers to break free from the power of the past by living for the future.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/10/202223 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Race We Must Win - II - 10 March 2022

The Christian life is often compared to a long-distance race. Pastor Greg Laurie says if we want to run with endurance, we should be mindful of what we are running towards and who we’re running with that might be slowing us down. Today, Pastor Greg continues his message from Philippians, Showing us how we can run the race of life and finish well.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/9/202222 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Race We Must Win - I - 9 March 2022

In Philippians, Paul talked about the Christian life as a race. And much like a coach inspiring his runners, God wants us to win in the race of life. Not just show up and participate. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie brings an inspiring message looking at how we can run the race of life with purpose and intent to finish successfully.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/8/202222 minutes, 17 seconds
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We Can Work it Out - II - 8 March 2022

How do we know if we’re really Christians and if our faith is genuine? Jesus says in John 15, ’you are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you.’ And Pastor Greg Laurie says that verse couldn’t be clearer; if we loved Jesus, we would do what He says. Today, Pastor Greg Laurie will show us five ways to evaluate ourselves to see how our commitment matches the biblical requirements as we continue our study in Philippians.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/7/202222 minutes, 37 seconds
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We Can Work it Out - I - 7 March 2022

Some say 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.' But truth is, relationships take work to maintain. And in the same way, God wants a personal, one-on-one relationship with us. And that takes work. Today Pastor Greg is sharing some great insight from Philippians chapter 2 showing us how we can grow in maturity and happiness in our walk with God.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/6/202222 minutes, 23 seconds
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Upside-Down Living 2 - 4 March 2022

We live in a world that says chasing wealth, fame, beauty and power are supposed to make you happy. But in fact, it’s the fast lane to misery. Pastor Greg Laurie says if we want to be happy, we need to be selfless. Happiness is found when we live a life that’s humble, sympathetic and sacrificial toward others. Join Pastor Greg today as he points out why we get just the opposite when we look to the world’s prescription for happiness.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/3/202222 minutes, 40 seconds
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Upside-Down Living - 3 March 2022

The world says we should look out for number one, be assertive, confident and selfish. And as a result, the world also is full of lonely, unfulfilled people. Join Pastor Greg Laurie today as he shares great insight, pointing out the Lord’s plan for fulfilment and the path that leads to true happiness. Support the show: for privacy information.
3/2/202220 minutes, 20 seconds
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What Do You Live For? - 3 - 2 March 2022

Does happiness ever feel like it’s just out of reach? Or like one moment, it’s in your sights; then it slips away before you get a hold of it? Pastor Greg Laurie says that we might be looking for it in the wrong places. Today, Pastor Greg brings fresh insight into the study of Philippians. We’ll discover that true happiness comes when we learn to look beyond our own needs and serve the Lord wholeheartedly.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/1/202222 minutes, 28 seconds
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What Do you Live For? - 2 - 1 March 2022

Does happiness ever feel like it’s just out of reach? Or like one moment, it’s in your sights; then it slips away before you get a hold of it? Pastor Greg Laurie says that we might be looking for it in the wrong places. Today, Pastor Greg brings fresh insight into the study of Philippians. We’ll discover that true happiness comes when we learn to look beyond our own needs and serve the Lord wholeheartedly.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/28/202222 minutes, 4 seconds
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What Do you Live For? - I - 28 February 2022

Our culture says eat, drink and be merry. But often the things that look the best are often the worst for your life, and Sin is the same. Sin will be the first to say 'live it up'?then quickly follow with guilt and shame of 'You’ll never live that down.' Today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out where we can find real satisfaction in life as we go directly to the Author of Life Himself to find out what He recommends. Support the show: for privacy information.
2/27/202219 minutes, 42 seconds
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Happiness; Where to Find It - Part 2 - 25 February 2022

Nobody wants a stressful life. But reality is, Jesus never promised that our lives would be easy. In fact, he promised us that we will have tribulation. But the great news is that, as believers, our eternity is secure in the Lord. Today Pastor Greg Laurie continues his series on Happiness, encouraging us that even when surrounded by chaos. We can keep walking forward with the joy and happiness that God offers us.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/24/202220 minutes, 56 seconds
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Happiness; Where to Find It - Part 2 - 24 February 2022

The secret of Christian happiness is found in the way a believer thinks. The Bible says we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. But, how do we begin to let God’s thoughts be our thoughts? Today Pastor Greg Laurie will be answering that question, as we look at the words of Paul in Philippians.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/23/202219 minutes, 34 seconds
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Happiness; Where to Find It - Part I - 23 February 2022

Happiness can be hard to find out in the world. Unless it’s the by-product of a genuine relationship with God, It can be fleeting and unfulfilling. Today Pastor Greg brings an encouraging message showing us where real happiness comes from as we delve into the book of Philippians.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/22/202219 minutes, 30 seconds
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Can We See Revival In Our Time? Part 2 - 22 February 2022

Have you ever tried to light multiple candles with the flame from the first candle, only to have it go out before you can light any of the others? It’s hard to pass on the fire with no fire? The same goes for some believers, trying to ignite others’ faith when their own fire has died down. Pastor Greg Laurie brings an important encouragement today about revival, how it’s needed, and how to get it started. Reminding us to examine our own hearts before trying to bring revival to others.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/22/202218 minutes, 28 seconds
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Can We See Revival In Our Time? Part 1 - II - 21 February 2022

When we think about the problems in the world, it’s easy to point the finger and blame somebody else for them. But God says, the source of the problems is the Church. Bringing an important message for today, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that the recipe for revival, was in fact, given to us by God Himself. And if believers will humble themselves, pray, repent and turn to God, then we can see revival in our time. Support the show: for privacy information.
2/21/202221 minutes, 8 seconds
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Can We Have Revival in Our Time? Part 1 -

The world constantly seems to be in a state of unrest, and with constant access to the news and social media it can be unsettling. But there is treatment for what troubles us, but we won’t find it in a pill, a protest or political party. Today Pastor Greg Laurie brings an important message pointing out that revival is the answer for the pain we see in our world today, and it starts with us. Support the show: for privacy information.
2/17/202220 minutes, 14 seconds
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Marriage 101 ? Part III -

Some couples spend months preparing for their wedding day. And when their special day is finally over, they often find that the real challenge has only just begun. How can couples keep the fire alive and retain that love that brought them together in the first place? Today Pastor Greg Laurie offers some road-tested, practical and biblical advice on marriage.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/16/202220 minutes, 25 seconds
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Marriage 101 ? Part II -

When you combine two people who want to seek God in a marriage, you’ve got the start of something beautiful. But there are two operative words that must be in play for a marriage to be vibrant and successful, and those words are leave and cleave. Sharing great insight from Genesis 2:24. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us find God’s recipe for a good marriage. Support the show: for privacy information.
2/15/202219 minutes, 52 seconds
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Marriage 101 ? Part I -

Marriage is the union between two imperfect people. It’s common for spouses to see things differently, but it can create tension. Pastor Greg Laurie says to be careful with what we call irreconcilable differences. Presenting a study on biblical marriage, Pastor Greg shares practical insight into creating a strong and happy marriage.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/14/202220 minutes, 20 seconds
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Why is God so concerned about adultery? Because God cares about our marriages. When a husband & wife make a commitment to each other, they’re also making a commitment to God. Pastor Greg Laurie explains how adultery can unravel the very fabric of a marriage. But, it doesn’t have to be the end of a marriage. Because immorality is not only grounds for divorce, but also grounds for forgiveness.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/13/202220 minutes, 41 seconds
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How to Divorce-Proof Your Marriage - I - 11 February 2022

Selfishness is the number one threat against our marriages, and our culture works hard to unravel the family unit. Pastor Greg Laurie brings an important message with practical insight on how to divorce-proof our marriages by treating this marital disease called selfishness.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/10/202220 minutes, 19 seconds
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God's Plan for the Family - 2 - 10 February 2022

God's Plan for the Family - 2Support the show: for privacy information.
2/9/202222 minutes, 5 seconds
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God's Plan for the Family - I - 9 February 2022

God's Plan for the Family - ISupport the show: for privacy information.
2/8/202219 minutes, 39 seconds
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How to Get a New Husband - II - 8 February 2022

No one knows an invention better than the inventor himself. Just as when God created the family unit, He knew exactly how the family would work best. Pastor Greg Laurie and his wife, Cathe, explore God’s plan for families with practical insights for Christian homes to live in harmony with God’s will.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/7/202220 minutes, 3 seconds
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How to Get a New Husband - I - 7 February 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie brings a special message of encouragement to women as he helps husbands and wives become who God created them to be as we learn to work together to enjoy more harmony in our homes.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/6/202220 minutes, 30 seconds
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4 Words that Can Change Your Marriage - II - 4 February 2022

Marriage is not a successful arena for a 'me first' mentality. Marriage works best when spouses are givers. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see how that plays out in real life. It’s a look at the Bible’s prescription for loving selflessness in marriage ? a plan crafted by the Creator of marriage. Support the show: for privacy information.
2/3/202220 minutes, 56 seconds
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4 Words that Can Change Your Marriage - I - 3 February 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie brings us good counsel. It’s simple, and yet it’s a challenge at the same time. But we’ll learn to unleash the power of four words that can change our marriages and our homes.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/2/202220 minutes, 5 seconds
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Home Sweet Home - II - 2 February 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie continues his Christian family series with 5 biblical principles toward a successful marriage.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/1/202220 minutes, 30 seconds
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Home Sweet Home - II - 1 February 2022

Some couples spend a small fortune on their wedding, planning every detail. Then, quite often, they don’t invest the same amount of care and attention in the marriage that they promised would last a lifetime. But it’s never too late to take corrective action. Whether you’ve been married 50 minutes, or 50 years, Pastor Greg Laurie has some important insight to strengthen your relationship. Support the show: for privacy information.
1/31/202221 minutes, 14 seconds
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Home Sweet Home - I - 31 January 2022

Scour the TV listings or scroll through your favourite streaming service, and you’ll have a hard time finding a series that extols the virtues of traditional families. Yet the influence of media on the home is at an all-time high! Pastor Greg Laurie helps us get back to God’s plan for the home a plan for the family that He designed when He designed the family.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/30/202218 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - II - 28 January 2022

Firefighters have special pants and jackets to protect against heat. Police officers wear kevlar vests. Soldiers have vests and helmets and boots. Christian soldiers have specialty clothing, as well, But too many of us don’t know much about it. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us get to know our six pieces of spiritual armor, and how we can use them in spiritual battle.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/27/202220 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - I - 27 January 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie brings us good insight on the spiritual environment we’re living in. It’s a look at the spiritual battle being waged all around us, whether we realize it or not and how we’re all combatants in the fight.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/26/202218 minutes, 17 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - II - 26 January 2022

Imagine taking the steering wheel off your car. Are you willing to hit the open highway without that control? Only if you like ditches. Pastor Greg Laurie points out some people choose to do that with their very lives and wind up in some kind of ditchSupport the show: for privacy information.
1/25/202220 minutes, 54 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - I - 25 January 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of finishing the race of life well. There’s mortal danger, there’s uncertainty and breathless moments. But thankfully, when we fall, the Lord is there to catch us and restore us.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/24/202219 minutes, 31 seconds
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he World Changer at the End of the World, Part 1 - II - 24 January 2022

The world has been going through a hailstorm of crisis and calamity, sickness, death, economic upheaval, uncertainty about the future. Hope may seem in short supply. Pastor Greg Laurie will show us that it’s only in short supply if we’re going to the wrong supplier. Support the show: for privacy information.
1/23/202220 minutes, 28 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 1 - I - 21 January 2022

Scripture warns us that wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. Lots of people are going that way. It’s the way that 'seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.' Pastor Greg Laurie shows us an alternative. He helps us through the narrow gate. Support the show: for privacy information.
1/20/202218 minutes, 9 seconds
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Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - III - 20 January 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie draws from his own bittersweet experiences to bring us fresh perspective on the faithfulness and compassion of the Lord. We’ll see it’s okay to bring our hurts and questions to God. But it’s also okay to leave the perplexing, vexing uncertainties in His hands.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/19/202219 minutes, 51 seconds
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Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - II - 19 January 2022

When our lives have been shredded by circumstances beyond our control ? or even circumstances brought on by our own mistakes ? God is our refuge. Pastor Greg Laurie points out, after his son suddenly went to heaven, God’s compassion was reconfirmed ? and he shares that reassurance today.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/18/202219 minutes, 6 seconds
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Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - I - 18 January 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie shares from his very personal experience of losing his son. Great counsel from Scripture and from his experience, on how to properly support those who are facing the loss of a loved one. Support the show: for privacy information.
1/17/202220 minutes, 25 seconds
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Time to Take Out the Trash - II - 17 January 2022

Driving instructors often tell their students to look ahead on the road rather than focussing on dangers nearby, or you tend to steer that direction. We find similar advice in the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. Pastor Greg Laurie highlights this time-tested counsel Jesus gives us about the worries and cares that keep us from focusing where we should, on Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/16/202220 minutes, 12 seconds
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Time to Take Out the Trash - I - 14 January 2022

Worries seem to stick to us like glue. But Pastor Greg Laurie says God wants us to let go of them. He says we need to give our burdens to God because what troubles us, concerns God. He cares.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/13/202219 minutes, 50 seconds
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Jan 13 Thu - 13 January 2022

Some people wonder if those who’ve gone to heaven are watching us from the heavenly grandstands. We do know for sure that Jesus Christ is watching us, and that should be the greatest motivation for running the race of life.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/12/202220 minutes, 25 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - II - 12 January 2022

There will be singing in heaven, and I think one of the reasons for the unbridled worship in heaven is because now we know all things, all of our questions are answered, all of our pain is removed, all of our tears are dry. Pastor Greg Laurie points out what we’ll be doing in heaven, influenced by the gratitude and praise that spring up from within us.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/11/202220 minutes, 24 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - I - 11 January 2022

We all like to watch the story of someone who discovers they have superpowers, like Superman, or Wonder Woman, or whoever the character might be. Pastor Greg Laurie says, when we get to heaven, we’ll be the same person we are today, only better, much better, a radically upgraded version of ourselves.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/10/202217 minutes, 45 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven - III - 10 January 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie points out the bondage we experience when we fix our eyes on the lures of this world rather than on the glory of the next. He encourages us to constantly be seeking and thinking about heaven. Instead of being heavenly-minded, we’re to be earth-bound.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/9/202221 minutes, 13 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven, Part 1 - II - 7 January 2022

Heaven is a real place, and the Bible is not silent on what to expect. Pastor Greg Laurie brings insight about Heaven being better than earth. He says the good things on earth is just a glimpse of the greater things to come.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/6/202220 minutes, 25 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven, Part 1 - I - 6 January 2022

The statistics on death are quite impressive. Every person will die. And then there’s the afterlife, and the afterlife lasts a lot longer than this life on earth. While the before life is short, the afterlife is forever. So, it’s important to know about heaven, the future destination of every true believer in Jesus Christ. Pastor Greg Laurie says, 'Heaven is the hope of a Christian. It’s a supernatural certainty.'Support the show: for privacy information.
1/5/202219 minutes, 26 seconds
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Angels and Demons - II - 5 January 2022

Pastor Greg Laurie warns us, our adversary is cunning and crafty, manipulative and merciless. We’ll hear great insight about the heavenly realms and the spiritual battles taking place, plus needed encouragement to remain strong in the fight. Support the show: for privacy information.
1/4/202221 minutes, 24 seconds
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Angels and Demons - I - 4 January 2022

Angels are real and they have a very special ministry in the life of every believer! Pastor Greg Laurie says they’re sort of like God’s secret agents, sent out from heaven to assist us, encourage us, minister to us, and sometimes even to protect us ?Support the show: for privacy information.
1/3/202218 minutes, 24 seconds
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Gods Plan for Sex & Marriage - III - 3 January 2022

Rarely does a marriage end because spouses are too considerate. Selfishness can cause the breakdown of any good marriage. Pastor Greg Laurie points out how we can have a blessed marriage when we put God first in all things, and the needs of our spouse above our own.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/2/202219 minutes, 28 seconds
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Dec 31 Fri - 31 December 2021

Our culture has hijacked the gift of sex that God created. Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to get back to God’s original plan. It doesn’t have to be a dirty word, or a taboo subject. It’s something that can be enjoyable, pleasurable, even blessed ? But only in the boundaries and safety of a marriage relationship.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/30/202120 minutes, 19 seconds
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Dec 30 Thu - 30 December 2021

The most important thing is not the house, it’s the home, and it’s not the wedding, it’s the marriage. Pastor Greg Laurie shares about building your marriage on the right foundation. He helps couples get their marital priorities in order, recognising what’s important and what lasts.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/29/202119 minutes, 34 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Temptation in the Life of the Believer? - III - 29 December 2021

The Devil’s basic battle plan is to entice, condemn, and accuse you before God. But, 'If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.'’ 1 John 1:9, Pastor Greg Laurie says to speak it out and stand against Satan’s accusations with the power of God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/28/202120 minutes, 51 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Temptation in the Life of the Believer? - II - 28 December 2021

Temptation is universal and we’re all affected. Pastor Greg Laurie says we often set ourselves up to fall into temptation when we step out of God’s will. He encourages us to hang around godly people, in godly places and do godly things because the best defense is a good offense.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/27/202121 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Temptation in the Life of the Believer? - I - 27 December 2021

If you’re growing as a Christian, you are going to become a bonafide threat to the enemy’s kingdom. If you find yourself constantly being harassed and tempted, that may be an indication you’re on the right track. Pastor Greg Laurie points out healthy, growing Christians are sometimes the favourite targets of our spiritual adversary.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/26/202121 minutes, 40 seconds
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Mary, Did You Know? - 24 December 2021

Jesus came on the first Christmas so that he could make a home in our hearts. Some people are content to leave the baby Jesus in the manger. But Pastor Greg Laurie points out how important it is for us to prepare Him room, and invite Him in.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/23/202120 minutes, 42 seconds
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A Hopeful Christmas - 23 December 2021

We have so many options to keep ourselves entertained . . . at least temporarily. Pastor Greg Laurie points to where real contentment is found. He reminds us that Jesus will take care of the dullness of life.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/22/202121 minutes, 45 seconds
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Don't Be Afraid - 2 - 22 December 2021

The Wise Men were the highest of the high. The Shepherds were very low. And yet they all came to Jesus. These two groups show the spectrum of those who come to Christ today? Christmas is for everyone ? men, women, boys and girls. Everybody needs Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/21/202120 minutes, 22 seconds
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Don't Be Afraid - I - 21 December 2021

At this time of year, our minds are often a chorus of clamoring worries, great and small. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the hope of the holiday saying, 'Don’t be afraid. God is with you!' The message of Christmas is: God sent His Son, and His name is Immanuel which means ’God is with us’.'Support the show: for privacy information.
12/20/202116 minutes, 32 seconds
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How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters - II - 20 December 2021

We’re not here to pursue pleasure, but to pursue God. When we search for the wrong sorts of things, Pastor Greg Laurie says our lives will seem out of sorts. He says, 'When you seek to fulfill the purpose you were created for which is to know, glorify and worship God, you will find the happiness you’ve been seeking in life. Not from seeking happiness, but from seeking God.'Support the show: for privacy information.
12/19/202121 minutes, 21 seconds
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How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters - I - 17 December 2021

Ps Greg Laurie says because heaven and earth are connected, those that think the most about the next life tend to do the most in this life. He says it’s important to keep looking up, with our feet on earth but our mind in heaven.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/16/202120 minutes, 35 seconds
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Loving God - II - 16 December 2021

Do you have an all-time highest point of love for Jesus? If so, how long ago was it? If you’ve noticed your spiritual momentum has taken you backwards, Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s time for a course correction. And as Saint Paul said, ’Get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged.’ Support the show: for privacy information.
12/15/202120 minutes, 55 seconds
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Loving God - I - 15 December 2021

The word says to love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul and mind. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of loving God with everything that’s within us ? and if we don’t discipline ourselves to study God’s Word we’re easily led astray. Support the show: for privacy information.
12/14/202120 minutes
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The Highway to Heaven - 14 December 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie has encouragement for the wanderer. He tells us we can experience love, joy and peace, and there is life beyond the grave in a place called heaven, but we have to get on the right road to get to the right destination.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/13/202121 minutes, 11 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - IV - 13 December 2021

We’re in a relay race as Christians, and our job is not to hold onto the baton but hand it on to the next runner to carry it forward. Pastor Greg Laurie points out how discipleship is an important part of God’s plan for passing insight and wisdom from older believers to younger believers.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/12/202116 minutes, 56 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - III - 10 December 2021

Ever wish you could go back and advise your younger self before some of those mistakes were made? ? Here’s a headline of what an older Greg Laurie would say to a younger Greg Laurie. Just be a nice person. You’re a child of God. Be known for your generosity. Be known for your love, your compassion, not for your anger. Be known as a person that builds people up, not as a person who tears people down. Be a nice person.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/9/202120 minutes, 43 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - II - 9 December 2021

Worry can ruin your day. It can ruin your week. Actually, worry can effectively ruin your life by wasting a whole lot of energy, and accomplishing a whole lot of nothing. Pastor Greg Laurie encourages us to take each day and turn our worry into prayer. Support the show: for privacy information.
12/8/202116 minutes, 58 seconds
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What I Would Tell My Younger Self - I - 8 December 2021

We don’t decide what hand we will be dealt in life, but we do decide how we will react to it. Pastor Greg Laurie points out whatever trials or pain we encounter can be a tool in the hands of God to make you into the person He wants you to be. All that happens is not designed to destroy us, but develop us.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/8/202116 minutes, 57 seconds
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The Writing is on the Wall - II - 7 December 2021

Some hear the Gospel many times over in their lives, and ignore it each and every time. Before we know it, we’re going to have our last night, our last meal, and then we’re going to give our last statement, and enter eternity. The thing you’ll want to be sure of is that you will go to heaven.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/6/202121 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Spirit-Filled Life - I - 6 December 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to make sure we’re not living a lightweight form of Christianity. He says when we get on God’s scale, we want to be a heavyweight, with faith to be robust and substantialSupport the show: for privacy information.
12/5/202120 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Word of God - 2 - 3 December 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says, 'Healthy Christians are hungry Christians, and they’re hungry for the Word of God.' If you’re sensing a power shortage in your walk with the Lord, let Pastor Greg help.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/2/202121 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Word of God - 1 - 2 December 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie guarantees, as you dig in to God’s Word and study it, it will refresh you! And don’t we all need that? Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg points out just how our spiritual lives are energized when we enjoy a big helping of our spiritual food.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/1/202120 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 2 -3 - 1 December 2021

The best example to follow when it comes to sharing the Gospel is Jesus Himself. And Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us share the Good News 'Jesus Style.' We’ll walk alongside Jesus and watch how He connected with people.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/30/202121 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 2 - 2 - 30 November 2021

When we share our faith, Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s important to build a bridge. We need to make a personal connection. And Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, we’ll get some practical instruction. We’ll learn to become their friend, before we introduce them to the friend we have in Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/29/202120 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 2 - 1 - 29 November 2021

Who does God call to share the Gospel? Pastors, right? Well, yes ? but in reality the Lord calls ALL of us to share the Good News. And Monday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie gives us practical instruction on how to grab hold of this powerful privilege.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/28/202120 minutes, 42 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 1 - III - 26 November 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie was a paperboy once, with a paper route, and a goal to deliver the paper. His job was not to write the news, or be in the news, just to deliver the news. He says it’s our job to deliver The Good News and ensure the message gets through. Support the show: for privacy information.
11/25/202120 minutes, 27 seconds
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An Attitude of Gratitude - 25 November 2021

It’s good to set aside a day each year and offer thanks to God for our blessings, like Thanksgiving in the U.S. But Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s not enough. He says it’s easy to give thanks when things are going well, yet it’s important to have an attitude of gratitude always.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/24/202120 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 1 - II - 24 November 2021

When we make ourselves available to God, Pastor Greg Laurie people who will actually say, ’Use me, Lord, I’ll go where you want me to go, I’ll say what you want me to say’, and wonderful adventure await for those people.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/23/202120 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Sharing Your Faith, Part 1 - I - 23 November 2021

The Gospel by design is meant to be shared not hidden. But sometimes we’re hoarders of truth instead of sharers of hope. Pastor Greg Laurie points out, when we share the hope of the Gospel, we’ll find we live more hopeful, fulfilled lives ourselves.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/22/202120 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Revival - III - 22 November 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie offers some help and hope with the important privilege of sharing our faith with those in our circle of influence. He reminds us that no one is beyond the reach of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/21/202120 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Revival - I - 19 November 2021

Jesus left His comfort zone in going to Calvary. Pastor Greg Laurie wants to know if we will leave our comfort zone to talk about what Jesus did, to build bridges to people who are different from us, and to reach out to communicate with them. Support the show: for privacy information.
11/18/202119 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Spirit-Filled Life - II - 16 November 2021

We all have a sin nature. Don’t we know that all too well? Pastor Greg Laurie points out we need the help of Someone more powerful than us. God is good, and He’ll give you the strength to live the life He has called you to live.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/15/202120 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of the Spirit-Filled Life - I - 15 November 2021

Feeling aimless in your walk with God? Maybe listless? Pastor Greg Laurie points out it isn’t about trying harder. It’s about realising that there is power there to help us to live the Christian life. It’s God’s Spirit that empowers us and directs us to live God’s way. Support the show: for privacy information.
11/14/202121 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Prayer - III - 12 November 2021

The Psalmist says in Psalm 66:18, ’If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.’ So, if there is a sin in your life that you have not confessed to God, stop rationalising it. Stop justifying it. You know it’s a sin; ask God to forgive you.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/11/202120 minutes, 43 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Prayer - II - 11 November 2021

Bills, deadlines, problems, pressures, discord, discontent. Even believers can get worn out. Pastor Greg Laurie offers some good practical help.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/10/202120 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Refreshing Power of Prayer - I - 10 November 2021

We’re all pressed for time, right? Never can get it all done. Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s no excuse for prayerlessness. He encourages to NOT say we don’t have time to pray. The fact is we will always make time for what matters to us.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/9/202120 minutes, 15 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Part 3 - 2 - 9 November 2021

God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Part 3 - 2Support the show: for privacy information.
11/8/202120 minutes, 41 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Part 3 - I - 8 November 2021

God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Part 3 - ISupport the show: for privacy information.
11/7/202120 minutes, 13 seconds
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Turning the World Right-Side Up - II - 5 November 2021

When we bring a smile to someone else’s face, isn’t it interesting how their smile is contagious? Pastor Greg Laurie advises us that experts have found helping and focusing on others instead of yourself can literally change your mood.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/4/202121 minutes, 53 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 2 - 4 November 2021

When those crises hit, we don’t have to give up . . . we can give over! Pastor Greg Laurie says give our problems over to the Lord. He wants to take your cares, He wants to take your worries, He wants to take your anxieties off of you.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/3/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 1 - 3 - 3 November 2021

It seems we try everything else first. Prayer is often our last resort. Pastor Greg Laurie says think of the Lord first because when we take our eyes off of Jesus and allow our minds and hearts to be filled with doubt, fear and anxiety, we can start to sink. Cry out to Jesus!Support the show: for privacy information.
11/2/202121 minutes, 10 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 1 - 2 - 2 November 2021

We should call out to God when our problems overwhelm us, because God can overwhelm our problems. It’s okay to call out to the Lord for help. But it helps to remind yourself of the power, majesty and greatness of God and it puts your problems in perspective.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/1/202119 minutes, 17 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 1 - 1 - 1 November 2021

When life’s troubles pile up and leave us in fear, worry and despair, Pastor Greg Laurie says listen to the Lord because Jesus says, I haven’t brought you this far to abandon you now. I know what I’m doing. So I’m asking you to believe. I’m asking you to trust me.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/31/202121 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Best is Yet to Come - III - 29 October 2021

God wants us to come to Him. He longs to have a personal relationship with us. And Greg Laurie points to evidence in Scripture. Revelation 22, verse 17 says: ’And the spirit and the bride say come. And he who hears says come. Let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely. Come!' God says come. It is one of His favourite words. Support the show: for privacy information.
10/28/202120 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Best is Yet to Come - II - 28 October 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out why we should ask the Lord to give us a sound understanding of the important book of Revelation. He says, if the Holy Spirit opens your spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear what God is saying in this book, it can make all the difference in the world. Because reading and understanding the promises in Revelation will energize and excite you, and remind you God is in control of your life!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/27/202119 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Best is Yet to Come - I - 27 October 2021

It’s an understatement to say heaven is a place where we all want to go. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us make sure we’re heaven bound to a place where tragedy turns to triumph, sadness turns to joy, and disability turns to ability. Handicaps will be gone. Mental and physical disability is banished and there will be joy.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/26/202120 minutes, 31 seconds
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Heaven on Earth - II - 26 October 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie helps us gaze into the future when we’re in the presence of the Lord, and enjoying the richness of life eternal. He says, one day all pain will be gone and all sorrow will end. But change can happen for some things right here, right now, because change happens when you put your faith in Jesus Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/25/202121 minutes, 24 seconds
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Heaven on Earth - I - 25 October 2021

We’re looking at the moment when heaven comes to earth. Every kind of separation becomes a thing of the past. No political separation. No racial separation. No spiritual separation. Everything is coming together. God is making all things new. It’s an important event during God’s End Times plan that surprises many believers. Pastor Greg Laurie explains.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/24/202120 minutes, 46 seconds
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Turning the World Right-Side Up - 2 - 22 October 2021

A day of reckoning is coming. Pastor Greg Laurie says the road to hell is paved with excuses. He asks ’who will face The Great White Throne Judgement, when sinners who died without Christ face their consequences?’ Every person on earth will meet Jesus Christ, either as Saviour or judge. World leaders, movie stars, billionaires, unknown people, everyone, will stand before God... It’s a sobering look at what we all must avoid at all costs.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/21/202120 minutes, 56 seconds
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Turning the World Right-Side Up - I - 21 October 2021

Our world is a mess. What’s right and wrong are up for grabs. Pastor Greg Laurie points out where we can find help, not in technology, psychology or ecology, but in theology without apology... Pastor Greg Laurie says, in order for it to be turned right-side up, our adversary needs to be dethroned. On A NEW BEGINNING, we’ll see how Revelation describes the moment that happens. It’s an encouraging study about the future. Support the show: for privacy information.
10/20/202120 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Second Coming - 3 - 20 October 2021

The sins of mankind will eventually face judgement. Pastor Greg Laurie brings us face to face with that Day of Judgement. It’s an eye-opening part of our Revelation series where we see the consequences of life without Christ. Important insight.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/19/202121 minutes, 28 seconds
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The Second Coming - 2 - 19 October 2021

As believers, we have a life-saving cure for a deadly disease ? the disease of sin. And Pastor Greg Laurie says we absolutely MUST share that cure with others. On A NEW BEGINNING, he points out time is short and there’s never been a more important time to share the Good News.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/18/202120 minutes, 36 seconds
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The Second Coming - I - 18 October 2021

It will capture the attention of the entire planet ? the moment Jesus Christ comes back again! On A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to the biblical description of that spectacular event. Tune in for an important study from Pastor Greg’s Revelation series.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/17/202120 minutes, 25 seconds
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Beauty & the Beast - III - 15 October 2021

Some try to find fulfillment in a Babylon-type religion ? a worldview that leaves God out. Pastor Greg Laurie says God is our only hope because there’s coming a day when the Lord’s going to say, 'The party’s over!'Support the show: for privacy information.
10/14/202120 minutes, 58 seconds
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Beauty & the Beast - II - 14 October 2021

Babylon represents an evil empire governed by the Antichrist. As Pastor Greg Laurie points out, many will embrace that worldview during the Last Days. It will look so good on the outside, but so evil on the inside. The Antichrist will be saying, ’Hey, peace and love. It’s all good. Let’s work together.’ And then he will show his true colours.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/13/202119 minutes, 48 seconds
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Beauty & the Beast - I - 13 October 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie addresses the difference between Christianity and other religions of the world. He says religion can be summed up in one word: do! Do this and you’ll reach nirvana. Do that and you may get to heaven one day... But Christianity could be summed up in the one word: done! I don’t have to do a bunch of stuff to reach God because it’s done! When Jesus died on the cross, He said, 'It is finished!’Support the show: for privacy information.
10/12/202121 minutes, 29 seconds
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America & Armageddon - III - 12 October 2021

The Bible tells us Jesus will return like 'a thief in the night.' Pastor Greg Laurie provides some relevant context, highlighting? Jesus will come for those who are ready to welcome His return.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/11/202120 minutes, 39 seconds
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America & Armageddon - II - 11 October 2021

One of the more interesting things about Bible prophecy is not who it mentions, but also who it does NOT mention in the Last Days scenario. Ps Greg Laurie points out there’s a certain nation conspicuous by its absence in the pages of prophecy. It’s an undisputed superpower, one of Israel’s most supportive allies, and not even be mentioned in the prophetic scheme.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/10/202119 minutes, 48 seconds
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America & Armageddon - I - 8 October 2021

Sometimes we’ll face hostility because of our faith. But we need to check ourselves and make sure it IS because of our faith. Jesus said, ’Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake.’ Let it be because you are living a godly life.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/7/202119 minutes, 35 seconds
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What is the Mark of the Beast? - III - 7 October 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie reveals why sometimes people are reluctant to accept Jesus’ free gift of salvation. He says sometimes people feel if they follow Jesus, they’ll be giving up their dreams and live a miserable life. But Jesus said, ’if you lose your life for my sake, you’ll find it.’ God’s plans are better than our plans for ourselves. And we’ll see how much He loves us as those plans unfold.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/6/202120 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - III - 6 October 2021

Maybe you didn’t plan on falling, but you fell. And you’re wondering, can I get up again? The answer is ’No, not in your own strength!’ You need a helping hand, and Jesus is saying, ’Take my hand now. Let me pull you up.’Support the show: for privacy information.
10/5/202121 minutes, 24 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - II - 5 October 2021

It’s so easy to underestimate our vulnerability to the lure of temptation. The Bible says, ’Pride goes before a fall, and an arrogant spirit before destruction.’ When we think I’ll never do that, we’re trusting in ourselves instead of trusting in God.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/4/202120 minutes, 49 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - I - 4 October 2021

The Christian life is one of constant growth with no cruise control. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of pressing forward in our walk with God with so much still to change as we’re transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/3/202121 minutes, 6 seconds
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What is the Mark of the Beast? - II - 1 October 2021

Someone has said you always know when the Devil’s lying: his lips are moving. Pastor Greg Laurie urges us not to buy the lie. He says, 'The Devil will whisper in our ear, ’God doesn’t love you.’ That’s a lie. Sometimes we’ll hear, ’Go ahead and do this thing’. He’ll say, ’It’ll be fun!’ And he’ll whisper into our ears these things that are not true. And the only way to know the lie from the truth is to have a good, working knowledge of the Bible.'Support the show: for privacy information.
9/30/202114 minutes, 27 seconds
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What is the Mark of the Beast? - I - 30 September 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out from Revelation how The Great Tribulation will change nearly everything about life here on planet earth. He says, there is coming this charismatic world leader, the Antichrist, who will introduce a cashless society, requiring everyone to take a mark. No one will be able to buy or sell or engage in any kind of commerce without the mark of the beast.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/29/202117 minutes, 54 seconds
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Who is the Antichrist? - II - 29 September 2021

The Antichrist will exercise unprecedented control over the population, even religion will be dictated. The Antichrist’s religion will be a mixture of many beliefs intertwined with occultism. Whatever form of spirituality you want to believe in is cool, as long as it’s not Christianity. So when we see any kind of a movement toward a one-world religion that is a foreshock of Antichrist.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/28/202114 minutes, 17 seconds
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Who is the Antichrist? - I - 28 September 2021

The Antichrist is effectively the son of Satan himself. We might think this 'beast,' as he’s called, will be terrifying to look at. But Pastor Greg Laurie thinks he’s going to be a really handsome guy with a well-tailored suit. Think the Devil wears Prada. He’s going to be engaging, intelligent, with all of these so-called solutions. But really, he is the enemy of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/27/202118 minutes, 30 seconds
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How to Overcome the Devil - II - 27 September 2021

The Devil says you’re a hypocrite, you’re a failure, and you don’t deserve to approach God. But, it wasn’t our good works that gave us access to God. Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us it was Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross at Calvary. Ephesians 2:13 says, ’You who are sometimes far off have been made near by the blood of Jesus.’Support the show: for privacy information.
9/26/202116 minutes, 38 seconds
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What Heaven Knows About Earth - I - 17 September 2021

What do people in heaven know about what happens here on earth? Pastor Greg Laurie says the answer may surprise you. A fascinating discussion from our Revelation series. Practical insights on an often-asked question.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/16/202118 minutes, 57 seconds
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The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse - II - 16 September 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says the most evil man to ever live will APPEAR suave, engaging and magnetic. That’s why the Antichrist will be doubly dangerous. Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, tune in for an important part of Pastor Greg’s Revelation series.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/15/202120 minutes, 16 seconds
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The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse - I - 15 September 2021

In our studies of Revelation, Pastor Greg Laurie guides us to one of the most dramatic moments of the book. Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, we’ll consider the epic moment Jesus purchases back the title deed of the earth. It’s a clear view into the Last Days.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/15/202120 minutes, 13 seconds
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Afterlife - III - 14 September 2021

Some think of life in heaven as serene, picturesque and ... maybe a little boring. Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see what the Bible says. The truth is, it’ll be thrilling! Good insights to encourage you in your faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/13/202119 minutes, 17 seconds
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Afterlife - II - 13 September 2021

Heaven will be grand! But it’s not quite as mysterious as some think. Monday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie reveals key biblical details about our eternal home from his series in Revelation. Enjoy a clearer understanding of what’s ahead for believers.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/12/202119 minutes, 29 seconds
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Afterlife - I - 10 September 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie addresses the great mystery of what lies beyond the grave. It’s a look at the afterlife, and who we’ll get to see again at the great reunion. Your sorrow will vanish, and be replaced with ecstatic joy.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/9/202121 minutes, 9 seconds
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The 7 Love Letters of Jesus to His Church - III - 9 September 2021

What is your spiritual temperature right now? According to the Bible, you’re either boiling hot, freezing cold, or miserably lukewarm. Pastor Greg Laurie points out how luke warmness is the worst of the choices, like room temperature spiritual passion. Support the show: for privacy information.
9/8/202120 minutes, 16 seconds
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The 7 Love Letters of Jesus to His Church - II - 8 September 2021

Sometimes believers notice their spiritual batteries beginning to drain, but Pastor Greg Laurie points out we’re rechargeable, & need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, over and over again.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/7/202119 minutes, 10 seconds
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The 7 Love Letters of Jesus to His Church - I - 7 September 2021

In the book of Revelation, Jesus warned the church at Pergamum about the sin of Balaam. Pastor Greg Laurie points out it’s an apt warning for today’s church. He says compromise is the doctrine of Balaam, and encourages us to not live that way.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/6/202119 minutes, 54 seconds
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What If Jesus Sent You an Email? - II - 6 September 2021

When someone backslides or turns away from God, it’s not something they generally do overnight. It’s a little compromise here, a little lowering your guard there. And next thing you know, you’re slipping. Pastor Greg Laurie points out, if we’re moving forward in our faith, we’re not moving backward. It’s either/or.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/5/202120 minutes, 4 seconds
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What if Jesus Sent You an Email? - I - 3 September 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we have in fact received a message from God. It’s recorded in the Bible, and speaks to the very times in which we live. He says, ’There’s some things I want to say to you, my children, right now.’ Think of this as a personal email, a personal text, a letter, a card, from the Lord directly to you.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/2/202120 minutes, 41 seconds
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Your Password to Unlocking Revelation - II - 2 September 2021

Revelation is a revealing look at God’s plan for the End times ? but we can get lost in the terminology and symbolism. Pastor Greg Laurie offers us the golden key, saying it’s hanging on the front door of the very first chapter.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/1/202120 minutes, 6 seconds
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Your Password to Unlocking Revelation - I - 1 September 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie presents a new series in Revelation - its authorship, its message, and its relevance to the times in which we live.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/31/202120 minutes, 43 seconds
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You da Man! - II - 31 August 2021

It’s a mistake to think God’s forgiveness erases the negative consequences that naturally follow bad decisions. Just because God forgives you doesn’t mean you still won’t reap what you sow.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/30/202119 minutes, 1 second
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How to Lead Others to Jesus - III - 30 August 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out The Great Commission was given to us all ? we each have to be ready to share Christ with those around us, to just pop the question, ’Would you like to ask Jesus Christ to come into your life right now?’ The worst thing that can happen is they’ll say no. The best thing that can happen is they’ll say yes. But there comes a moment when you’ve got to just go for it.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/29/202118 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Lead Others to Jesus - II - 27 August 2021

Our society doesn’t need more political correctness, or more news (fake or otherwise). Pastor Greg Laurie says we need the Good News, the Gospel that’s filled with power, and simply needs to be proclaimed. Let’s not add or take away, but stand back and watch God work.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/26/202118 minutes, 35 seconds
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How to Lead Others to Jesus - I - 26 August 2021

Telling your story is a powerful bridge for the Gospel message. Pastor Greg Laurie encourages us to tell people what God has done for us, but to make sure it’s the whole truth and nothing but the truth, boasting of nothing but what He gave up for you.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/25/202118 minutes, 46 seconds
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Evangelism, Jesus Style - II - 25 August 2021

Are you ready to be used by God? There may be someone God wants you to talk to. Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to be available. The harvest is everywhere. You don’t have to cross the ocean. Jesus says, ’Lift up your eyes and look, the fields are ripe to harvest.’'Support the show: for privacy information.
8/24/202118 minutes, 45 seconds
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Evangelism, Jesus Style - I - 24 August 2021

To evangelise, Jesus style, we need to use tact - skill and grace in dealing with others. Pastor Greg Laurie offers important insight on how to season our words with grace and love. He says, 'I can state truth in a loving way, even if the truth is rather harsh at times. Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.'Support the show: for privacy information.
8/23/202118 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Gospel is Only Good News If It Gets There on Time - III - 23 August 2021

Just say you found the cure to cancer. Hopefully you would shout it from the rooftops. Actually, we have something that’s even better than the cure for cancer. We have the cure for death. We have the only hope there is, through Jesus Christ, and we must tell others.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/22/202120 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Gospel is Only Good News If It Gets There on Time - II - 20 August 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says sometimes we don’t want to share our faith because we have a fear of success. He also says there might be things that you’re doing in your life that you know if you had a new Christian around you’d have to stop doing. Maybe that’s exactly why we need a new Christian in our lives, so we start behaving like the Christian we’re not behaving like ...Support the show: for privacy information.
8/19/202119 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Gospel is Only Good News If It Gets There on Time - I - 19 August 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says encourages us to get the message out to our circle of influence. He calls it frangelism. Frangelism. F-R-A-N ... F is for go to your friends. R, go to your relatives. A, go to your associates. N, go to your neighbours. Frangelism! Go into all of your world and preach the Gospel.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/18/202120 minutes, 17 seconds
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Tell Someone - III - 18 August 2021

The moment you became a Christian, you entered the Lord’s military. Your commanding officer has given you a direct order, son, daughter: ’Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.’ You either say yes, sir ... or no, sir. You’re commanded. What are you going to do?' Pastor Greg Laurie says it is clear instruction from Jesus Himself. Support the show: for privacy information.
8/17/202119 minutes, 42 seconds
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Tell Someone - II - 17 August 2021

The last person you would ever expect to be a spokesman for Him is the one that God will choose because they are simply willing. He is not looking for ability. He’s looking for availability. God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called. That’s you, me, us. We can be used by God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/16/202119 minutes, 15 seconds
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Tell Someone - I - 16 August 2021

Telling others about Jesus can be an adventure. Leading people to Jesus is a privilege, it’s an opportunity, and a joy! Pastor Greg Laurie dispels the myths and misconceptions that often keep believers from sharing the Good News with those who don’t the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/15/202118 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Foundation of Life - 13 August 2021

Storms will come in every life, be it a health issue, a marital problem, a kid problem, a legal problem. Sometimes it’s a threat against your very life. Pastor Greg Laurie says challenges are normal and to be expected. But the good news is, if you’ve built your life on Jesus Christ, you’ll be able to get through the storm. Support the show: for privacy information.
8/12/202120 minutes, 5 seconds
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The Nonbelievers Favourite Verse - II - 12 August 2021

Not everyone wants to hear the Good News. Pastor Greg Laurie says be ready for some to act with outward hostility. Jesus said 'Don’t give what is holy to dogs. Don’t cast your pearls before swine'. So just walk away? Yes. 1 Corinthians 1:18 says, ’The message of the crucifixion is insanity to the lost.’Support the show: for privacy information.
8/11/202118 minutes, 28 seconds
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Aug 11 Wed - 11 August 2021

Aug 11 WedSupport the show: for privacy information.
8/10/202119 minutes, 3 seconds
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Time to Take Out the Trash - II - 10 August 2021

When we put God and His kingdom first, life finds its proper balance. But instead, we often fret over the everyday concerns of life. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us turn those worries over to the Lord, so God can fulfil His promise to take care of it.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/9/202119 minutes, 34 seconds
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Time to Take Out the Trash - I - 9 August 2021

God cares about you! So, if it troubles you, it concerns Him. Greg Laurie says God wants us to let go of our worries and not let them stick like glue. He says when the rubbish bin is overflowing, it needs to be emptied. them to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/8/202119 minutes, 47 seconds
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How to Overcome Lust & Protect Your Mind - II - 6 August 2021

Greg Laurie says the best defense to use when lustful thoughts come your way is the Word of God. It’s a reason to know Scripture. If our minds are full of God’s Word, there won’t be any room for thoughts to the contrary. Pastor Greg Laurie says fill up on the Word of God, carry it in your heart; memorize it.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/5/202118 minutes, 55 seconds
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How to Overcome Lust & Protect Your Mind - I - 5 August 2021

The fiery darts of the Devil are like flaming arrows from hell that he fires at your brain. They arrive as thoughts . . . temptations, really. But Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s up to us just how much we ponder the pleasure. Do we say, ’no way, I’m not thinking about that’ Or, ’hey, come right in and make yourself at home.’ It’s really up to us.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/4/202118 minutes, 51 seconds
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Happiness: What It Is & How to Have It, Part 2 - III - 4 August 2021

The Beatitudes are the Lord’s prescription for happiness. Pastor Greg Laurie explains one of the most puzzling ones on the list, where Jesus says, ’Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.’ Who wants to be persecuted? But when you’ve been living your life as you ought to and you start getting pushback and you get flack, its confirmation you’re a child of God!Support the show: for privacy information.
8/3/202119 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Unforgivable Sin - III - 3 August 2021

Esau went beyond the point of no return. He traded his birthright for a single meal. Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to be wise and learn from the mistakes of those who went before us. 'Watch out for the Esau syndrome!' he says, 'trading away God’s lifelong gift in order to satisfy a short-term appetite'. Esau, although he regretted that impulsive act and wanted God’s blessing, was too late by then, tears or no tears.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/2/202120 minutes, 45 seconds
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Happiness: What It Is & How to Have It, Part 2 - II - 2 August 2021

Our culture says, 'Look out for number one! Me first! Gimme & gimme some more!' Pastor Greg Laurie points out the biblical alternative of mercy. Basically, it’s compassionate pity plus action.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/1/202118 minutes, 10 seconds
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Happiness: What It Is & How to Have It, Part 2 - I - 30 July 2021

'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled.' Healthy people are hungry people. When we want more of the things of God, we’ll want less of the things of this world. Pastor Greg Laurie says that should be our focus because no matter how much we love, you ought to love more, right? Ad no matter how much we pray, we could always pray more.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/29/202119 minutes, 20 seconds
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Happiness: What it Is & How to Have It, Part 1 - II - 29 July 2021

'Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled'. When you’re hungry for God, the only thing that will satisfy you is God. Pastor Greg Laurie helps hungry believers find what they’re starving for. It’s time to feed our souls. If you starve for a holy life and hunger for God’s best for you, you can take practical steps to get it.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/28/202119 minutes, 53 seconds
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Happiness: What it Is & How to Have It, Part 1 - I - 28 July 2021

The Bible gives us help in finding happiness. Pastor Greg Laurie looks at the Lord’s Sermon on the Mount asking, what does 'Blessed are the poor in spirit' mean? It’s not about your bank account. It’s to see your spiritual poverty, to recognise the simple fact that, apart from the Lord, you’re lost, you’re helpless and you’re hopeless. Apart from Christ, everyone is spiritually destitute.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/27/202120 minutes, 47 seconds
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Staying Cool When Things Get Hot - III - 27 July 2021

Sooner or later, you’re going to be asked to bow before some idol. It’ll be the peer pressure to do the wrong thing. So, are you going to bow, or are you going to stand your ground? Intense times of testing can overwhelm our emotions. Pastor Greg Laurie says resolve beforehand because the stand you make today will determine what kind of stand you will make tomorrow. So take steps now to be prepared then.'Support the show: for privacy information.
7/26/202122 minutes, 14 seconds
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Staying Cool When Things Get Hot - II - 26 July 2021

What would you say your purpose is? ’All I want to do is have some fun.’ Another would say I want to make money. Another would say I want to be happy. The problem is, if you chase after happiness, you’ll never find it. So many people are frustrated because they never get what they’re searching for. Pastor Greg Laurie points out we should not seek pleasure, but purpose. We should not seek success, we should seek significance.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/25/202120 minutes, 38 seconds
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Staying Cool When Things Get Hot - I - 23 July 2021

Character counts. The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out. How do our actions differ when someone’s looking? Pastor Greg Laurie says character is doing the right thing when no one’s looking.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/22/202120 minutes, 19 seconds
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When Heaven Comes to Earth - 22 July 2021

We have a cure for eternal separation from God, a cure for a future in hell. We have the answer, and you’ve got to tell others we have the good news in a bad world. It’s the gospel and it’s the only answer for our world. Pastor Greg Laurie reminds believers we have the hope people are looking for.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/21/202120 minutes, 15 seconds
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Good News in a Bad World - 21 July 2021

Idolatry really bothers God . . . a lot! It’s the first of the Ten Commandments. Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us that God doesn’t want us to worship any other gods. It couldn’t be clearer.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/20/202122 minutes, 5 seconds
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So What? - III - 20 July 2021

God has given you certain gifts, but the gifts don’t come fully developed so you have to develop them? With the Last Days approaching, Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to discover our spiritual gifts and put them to good use for God’s Kingdom and faithfully serve the Lord until Christ comes again.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/19/202122 minutes, 35 seconds
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So What? - II - 19 July 2021

What if every Christian was just like you? Would services be attended faithfully? Would pews be empty or full? What if everyone prayed like you pray? Would we be a praying Church? What if everybody evangelized as often as you evangelize? Would we be a Church reaching a lost culture? It’s not just the leaders who influence those around them. Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to consider who’s following our example because every one of us plays a role in the Church.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/18/202120 minutes, 25 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven - I - 16 July 2021

News flash: Jesus Christ is coming back again! So what? Well, Christ is coming back again, so I’m supposed to be an active, functioning part of the body of Christ, the Church. Pastor Greg Laurie points out God’s plan for the End Times doesn’t only affect you, it involves you! You need the Church, and the Church needs you.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/15/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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When Heaven Comes to Earth - III - 15 July 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out that the true believer experiences transformation and regeneration, their focus and values change as old ideas, plans, loves, desires and beliefs vanish and are replaced by new things? 'If any man be in Christ, he is an altogether different kind of person. Old things have passed away, behold everything becomes fresh and new.'Support the show: for privacy information.
7/14/202121 minutes, 12 seconds
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When Heaven Comes to Earth - II - 14 July 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie loves restoring stuff, but it takes time. God is also into restoration, and one of His finest restoration projects is restoring planet earth during the End Times. Pastor Greg says He’s going to restore this planet, and one day heaven and earth will become one.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/13/202119 minutes, 51 seconds
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When Heaven Comes to Earth - I - 13 July 2021

What will eternity be like? Pastor Greg Laurie gives believers a sneak peek at what to expect. He says there’s a new world coming. It’s out with old and in with the new. No suffering, no separation, no accidents, no courts or prisons or divorces or breakdowns or breakups. No more heart attacks, no cancer. No more famines, no disasters, God makes all things new!Support the show: for privacy information.
7/12/202120 minutes, 55 seconds
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What Every Christian Needs to Know About Prayer - III - 12 July 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says the Lord wants us to come to Him with our prayers, and He wants us to keep asking, seeking and knocking. Jesus says, ’Ask and it shall be given you. Seek and you will find. Knock and the [right] door will be open to you.’ Don’t give up on prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/11/202122 minutes, 5 seconds
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What Every Christian Needs to Know About Prayer - II - 9 July 2021

When you see God in His power and His glory, it’s true you see your problems in a different way. Pastor Greg Laurie says too often we wallow in our feelings of helplessness when the reassurance of God is just a prayer away. We need to see Him for who He is, and think of the awesomeness of God, the power of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/8/202120 minutes, 20 seconds
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What Every Christian Needs to Know About Prayer - I - 8 July 2021

What are the practices and procedures for prayer? Pastor Greg Laurie says some try to make it too hard, but you can pray wherever you are. You can pray publicly, you can pray privately, you can pray verbally, you can pray silently, you can pray kneeling, you can pray standing, you can pray lying down and you can even pray driving. Just keep your eyes open. But the main thing is to pray.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/7/202119 minutes
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Lets Talk About Heaven - III - 7 July 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out a proper view of heaven will lead to a proper way to lead your life. If you’re really thinking more about and putting the Lord first in every area of your life, from the thoughts you think to the way you use your time, it will transform you. Don’t waste this precious life that God has given to you. Make every year, every month, every week, every day and even every hour count.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/6/202121 minutes
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Lets Talk About Heaven - II - 6 July 2021

Heaven is a real place for real people to do real things. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us understand what heaven is really like ? beyond the hyperbole and conjecture.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/5/202119 minutes, 37 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven - I - 5 July 2021

The Bible says God has placed eternity in our hearts. We feel the pull, the tug, of heaven deep down inside. Pastor Greg Laurie says God created us to look past the earthly horizon with a built-in desire to ask about eternity.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/4/202119 minutes, 27 seconds
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This is Your Wake-Up Call - II - 2 July 2021

Are you being shaken right now by God? The coronavirus, what has happened in our economy, the social upheaval ? Like a fire alarm rouses us from sleep, Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to respond to the alarms all around us, and wake-up. God is saying, ’Turn to me. Look to me.’Support the show: for privacy information.
7/1/202120 minutes, 40 seconds
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This is Your Wake-Up Call - I - 1 July 2021

God has not called us to isolate, He’s called us to infiltrate. He’s called us to permeate and to saturate our culture with the truth of the Gospel. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the need for spiritual renewal and how believers are called into service. He may be addressing the U.S specifically, but it is a timely message for all, even us here Australia.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/30/202120 minutes, 7 seconds
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Come and Find Rest - 30 June 2021

Our lives are like a cacophony sometimes ? maybe they’re sounds, maybe they’re discordant thoughts, or such a collision of priorities and urgencies that we just need some peace and quiet. Pastor Greg shows us how to find rest in Christ ? based on the Lord’s words, 'Take my yoke on you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest to your souls.'Support the show: for privacy information.
6/29/202120 minutes, 51 seconds
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Secrets to Answered Prayer - II - 29 June 2021

When you walk up to a friend’s door and knock, you probably give it three or four taps. And if they don’t come to door, maybe you knock again . . . or ring the door bell. Pastor Greg Laurie says we should practice the same persistence in our prayers.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/28/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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Secrets to Answered Prayer - I - 28 June 2021

Prayer is one of our most important privileges, and one of our most powerful tools. Yet many of us don’t feel like we’ve maximized our prayer lives. Pastor Greg Laurie looks in the Lord’s model for prayer to bring us practical counsel we can all put to work today.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/27/202118 minutes, 8 seconds
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How to and How Not to Pray - Part 3 - 25 June 2021

For some, prayer is like a fire extinguisher . . . or a spare tire. One of those things we put away, out of sight, until an emergency comes up. But prayer should be something we put to use much more often. Prayer is more like a spiritual smart phone. And how many of us won’t even walk into the next room without that!?Support the show: for privacy information.
6/24/202119 minutes, 15 seconds
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How to and How Not to Pray - Part 2 - 24 June 2021

The Lord’s Prayer ? our model for effective prayer ? invites the Father to take over our wants and desires and to be the Lord of our lives. But it turns out that’s the pathway of the richest fulfillment and contentment. We’ll discover the joy of bringing our will in line with God’s will.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/23/202119 minutes, 42 seconds
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How to and How Not to Pray - Part 1 - 23 June 2021

Some of us might see prayer as more transactional than relational. When we pray, we focus on asking God for something specific. But Prayer is a lifeline to the God who loves us and sustains us, and who holds our future in His hands. Pastor Greg shows us how to steward this privilege appropriately.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/22/202119 minutes, 39 seconds
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Pray This Way - Part 2 - 22 June 2021

Whether we’re making a bird house, or sewing a dress, it helps to have a template . . . a pattern to follow. As Pastor Greg Laurie points out, the Lord gave us a template or a pattern to follow for effective prayer. It’s what we commonly call The Lord’s Prayer. It’s really more the disciples’ prayer as it shows us how to bring our petitions to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/21/202119 minutes, 32 seconds
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Pray This Way - Part 1 - 21 June 2021

It’s clear that God invites our prayers. And we see evidence throughout Scripture that God’s hears prayers. But does He hear OUR prayers? And if nothing’s happening, has God said no? Or has God said wait? Pastor Greg Laurie begins a short series designed to improve our communication with God. How can we talk to the Lord more appropriately, more powerfully, and see His answers?Support the show: for privacy information.
6/20/202120 minutes, 13 seconds
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What the Resurrection of Jesus Means to You - II - 18 June 2021

It’s not hard to be a Christian. It’s impossible? without the help of the Spirit of God! Pastor Greg Laurie points out, the Lord not only invites us to come to Him, He makes it possible to overcome the obstacles that often stand in our way.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/17/202119 minutes, 47 seconds
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What the Resurrection of Jesus Means to You - I - 17 June 2021

On the cross, God treated Jesus as if He had lived your life, so He could treat you as if you had lived His life. Jesus took our sins, and gave us His righteousness. Pastor Greg Laurie says Jesus rose again for our justification. This is our assurance of acceptance by God. We’re accepted by God, and loved by God. He’s not mad at you; God’s mad about you.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/16/202118 minutes, 7 seconds
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What the Death of Jesus Means to You - II - 16 June 2021

When do you think Jesus experienced the most pain? An important question from Pastor Greg Laurie. He asks, was it when they put the crown of thorns on his head? Or when they used a Roman whip on his back, as horrible as that was? Was it when they pounded the spikes through His hands and His feet? As horrible and horrific as all of that was, Pastor Greg Laurie tells what he thinks the moment was.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/15/202120 minutes
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What the Death of Jesus Means to You - I - 15 June 2021

When Jesus gave His life for our sins, it was no small gesture. Pastor Greg Laurie addresses Jesus’ sacrifice, saying He was wounded for our transgressions, and crushed for our iniquities. The punishment for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed. Why did He die? Simple answer: because He loved the people He was dying for, and He loved you!Support the show: for privacy information.
6/14/202121 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Second Chance in Life - II - 14 June 2021

Peter said, ’I swear to God, I never knew Jesus Christ!’ He took a giant step backwards in his integrity and proclamation of the Gospel. But Pastor Greg Laurie says God grants second chances. Believers can fall. Believers can stumble. They can also get up again. For Peter, his setback was going to turn into a set-up.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/13/202120 minutes, 28 seconds
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A Second Chance in Life - I - 11 June 2021

God can do extraordinary things through ordinary people. That means we all qualify! Greg Laurie says, we don’t see the potential in our lives that God sees. We see a lump of clay; God sees a beautiful vase. We see a piece of coal; God sees a refined diamond. We see problems; God sees solutions. We see an end; and God sees a new beginning, and hope!Support the show: for privacy information.
6/10/202120 minutes, 53 seconds
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The Best Choice - II - 10 June 2021

When we walk closely with the Lord, day by day, Pastor Greg Laurie says others may take notice. In fact, it might evoke a strong reaction. Things like, ’Man, what a waste! You missed the big party! You should have been at this thing. What, you went to church again? Seriously, really?’ Oh no, if we’ve given up any pleasure, that’s no sacrifice compared to what God has given up for us.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/9/202118 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Best Choice - I - 9 June 2021

Mary realised Jesus was coming to die on the cross, and she wanted to do something for Him to show her love. She demonstrated her love in an extravagant way and many were surprised. Pastor Greg Laurie believes she actually set a very good example. He says, the more we discover what Jesus has actually done for us, the more we will want to do more for Him. The Bible calls us to 'love Him because He first loved us'.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/8/202118 minutes, 12 seconds
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Only Jesus! - II - 8 June 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out that our salvation comes through Jesus, only through Jesus, and the price He paid on the cross at Calvary. He is our high priest, the Lamb of God, and because of His death and resurrection, you and I have open access to the Father 24/7. We can approach Him through Christ. It really is an amazing thing.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/7/202120 minutes, 30 seconds
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Only Jesus! - I - 7 June 2021

It was a spectacle no one had ever seen before, the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. Jesus shining like the sun. Moses and Elijah on each side. Peter explained: ’It’s good we are here’ because he really didn’t know what else to say. The message is, when you don’t know what to say, don’t say anything.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/6/202118 minutes, 50 seconds
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Lost in Translation - II - 4 June 2021

What is this cross that we’re all called to bear? Denying ourselves and putting God first. So many chase after happiness at the expense of nearly everything else. Greg Laurie says we’ll only truly find it when we put God first in our life and follow Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/3/202118 minutes, 15 seconds
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Lost in Translation - I - 3 June 2021

Jesus came to this earth to die for the sins of the world. But His disciples did not get that because it was lost in translation. In real time, it was a surprising message to comprehend. Pastor Greg Laurie gives us perspective on God’s plan and the Lord’s sacrifice. He quotes 'One day He will rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, but before Christ would wear a crown, He would first have to bear a cross.'Support the show: for privacy information.
6/2/202118 minutes, 13 seconds
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Amazing Faith - II - 2 June 2021

When you pray for something over and over again and you wonder why your prayer is not answered in the affirmative, you might ask, ’why is that?’ Pastor Greg Laurie offers us practical help with our prayer lives. A warning about idols that are a substitute for God.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/1/202113 minutes, 29 seconds
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Amazing Faith - I - 1 June 2021

Everybody has faith. For instance, when you go to a restaurant, you’re applying faith in hoping that that food is prepared properly. But then someone comes along and says, ’Have faith in God,’ and we say, ’Whoa, faith in God? That’s insane!’ Pastor Greg Laurie says, since we all apply faith anyway, let’s put our faith in God Almighty, who loves and cares for us. There is no safer place!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/31/202119 minutes, 7 seconds
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Everyone Needs Jesus - II - 31 May 2021

In the First Century, just the touch of the Master’s Hand, and so many lives were changed. Pastor Greg Laurie says it can happen in the 21st Century. If you’re not feeling His touch, reach out to Him and touch Him. The Bible says 'Draw near to God and He will draw near to you'.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/30/202121 minutes, 1 second
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Everyone Needs Jesus - I - 28 May 2021

Sometimes God doesn’t move as quickly as we want Him to move. If we’re out of touch with God, or just out of touch with His plan, we’ll no doubt be out of sync with His timing, as well. God’s delays are not necessarily His denials. God is at work. He knows what He’s doing, so it’s best to wait on His timing.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/27/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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God is Bigger Than Your Problem - II - 27 May 2021

Multiple studies have found there’s a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. Society has no answer. The real ills that plague us are spiritual in nature. Pastor Greg Laurie says we shouldn’t try to fix spiritual issues with earthly, secular band-aids. What culture cannot do, Jesus can. But you must call out to Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/26/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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God is Bigger Than Your Problem - I - 26 May 2021

Satan is a fallen angel. A powerful one for sure, and once he has you where he wants you, he’ll chew you up and he’ll spit you out. But Pastor Greg Laurie points out that Satan’s power is no match for our God, and God is bigger than your problem.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/25/202118 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Golden Key to Spiritual Growth - II - 25 May 2021

Success or failure in the Christian life depends on how you hear the Word of God. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of soaking up good Bible teaching. But he points out that the next step may be the most important one, applying it and obeying it!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/24/202120 minutes, 58 seconds
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The Golden Key to Spiritual Growth - I - 24 May 2021

Success in the area of spiritual growth is no mystery. Pastor Greg Laurie reveals that people who don’t succeed in the spiritual life end up that way because of choices made over the course of their lifetime to not do the right thing. If you want to grow spiritually, you will; if you don’t want to grow spiritually, you won’t. Simple!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/23/202117 minutes, 13 seconds
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A New Kind of Family - II - 21 May 2021

Skepticism is not a sign that a person is wrong, it may be a sign that he is thinking. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we can bring our uncertainties to the Lord. It’s okay for you to say to the Lord, ’Make yourself real to me, help me with my doubts, help me with my questions.’ He will.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/20/202118 minutes, 54 seconds
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A New Kind of Family - I - 20 May 2021

The word ’family’ ideally speaks of closeness, unity and mutual concern. Pastor Greg Laurie says believers have the privilege of being in God’s family.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/19/202119 minutes, 1 second
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Follow Me - II - 19 May 2021

Why is it that those who know the most do the least; and those that know the least do the most? As much as long-time believers may know, Pastor Greg Laurie says we can learn from the zeal of a newer believers. The brand new believer, with a thimble-full of theological knowledge, is often immediately out there sharing the Gospel trying to bring people to Christ because they are so close to what God has tangibly done in their life!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/18/202121 minutes, 9 seconds
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Follow Me - I - 18 May 2021

Jesus is putting His team together. He was going to choose 12 men in total, and they would be the most ordinary of all men. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that the Lord is looking for ordinary men and women to join Him in doing extraordinary things, just like the original 12 that he called. They weren’t 'saints', nor were they scholars. They were hopelessly human, but they were available to the Master’s call.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/17/202119 minutes, 21 seconds
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The Gospel for Busy People - II - 17 May 2021

What did Jesus do when He was tempted by the Devil? He quoted Scripture. It’s almost laughable that Satan, a created being, could lead God incarnate astray. But Pastor Greg Laurie points out Jesus responded how we should, pulling out the appropriate Scriptures in defense.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/16/202120 minutes, 51 seconds
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The Gospel for Busy People - 14 May 2021

We live in a fast-paced, frenetic culture. How can we communicate the Good News of the Gospel in the midst of the commotion? Friday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie answers that question. It’s the launch of his new series, The Gospel for Busy People.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/13/202119 minutes, 48 seconds
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Just Do It 2 - 13 May 2021

Evangelism is telling people about the Lord; discipleship is showing people how to follow the Lord. And Thursday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie helps us mentor those who are younger in the faith. It’s an important part of God’s plan for a healthy Church.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202118 minutes, 1 second
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Just Do It 1 - 12 May 2021

It’s the job of long-time believers to show younger believers what it means to follow the Lord. That process is called discipleship. And Wednesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie offers some practical help. Discover how to follow this important part of God’s plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/11/202117 minutes, 2 seconds
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The Disciplines of a Disciple 2 - 11 May 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says he’s never met a Christian who’s failing spiritually who was also studying the Bible diligently. Tuesday on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg points out how dedicated disciples spend quality time digging in to God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/10/202120 minutes, 33 seconds
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The Disciplines of a Disciple 1 - 10 May 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out the 'disciplines of a disciple.' We’ll see, first of all, disciples are called to read, to study and to live according to the Word of God. Pastor Greg points out how to let that truth so fill us that it overflows to others.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/9/202118 minutes, 22 seconds
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What Is a Disciple? - II - 7 May 2021

What good is a half-hearted Christian? What good is a diluted believer? What good is a decaf disciple? It’s like an espresso without caffeine. It’s like having a car without an engine. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us learn to be full-strength, fully-developed, fully-effective Christian disciples, impacting our culture.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/6/202119 minutes, 15 seconds
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What Is a Disciple? - I - 6 May 2021

Never be afraid to commit an unknown future to a known God. Our goal in life is not to find out how God can bless our dreams and ambitions, but to find His plan and align ourselves with it. That’s what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. But how do we align ourselves with a plan we may not yet fully understand?Support the show: for privacy information.
5/5/202118 minutes, 5 seconds
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Are You His Disciple? - II - 5 May 2021

Becoming a Christian will cause tension. You’re either going to have harmony with God and friction with people, or friction with God and harmony with people. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we each need to make a choice about being a friend of God and a disciple of Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/4/202120 minutes, 28 seconds
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Are You His Disciple? - I - 4 May 2021

It’s not enough to just come forward, we need to go forward as followers of Jesus Christ, because the Christian life is a lifetime of discovery and transformation. Pastor Greg Laurie launches a series on discipleship.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/3/202119 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview of the Afterlife - II - 3 May 2021

’Life and death’ truth regarding the surprises we’ll find in eternity. Pastor Greg points out that some people who seemed like nice folks simply won’t make it into heaven, and some that seemed evil to the core will actually be there, because of forgiveness.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/2/202119 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview of the Afterlife - I - 30 April 2021

We get weather alerts, Amber alerts, medical alerts. Today Pastor Greg Laurie issues a spiritual alert. We’ll see that those who live their lives apart from a relationship with Jesus Christ are facing the most serious kind of danger there is. They’re not only risking life in the here and now, they’re risking their life in the hereafter.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/29/202118 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Finding Contentment - II - 29 April 2021

Sometimes, our demeanor is soured when life has been harsh and we feel there’s nothing we can do about it. Pastor Greg Laurie brings some good news. You can have an attitude of contentment, no matter what. Because your Heavenly Father knows what you’re facing and He has a plan to bring you through.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/28/202120 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Finding Contentment - I - 28 April 2021

It’s easy to be content when things are going well . . . and it’s easy to be discontented when life has brought us to our knees. But is our contentment always tied to our circumstances? Pastor Greg Laurie would remind us that some of Paul’s most encouraging words were written from a dank, dark prison cell. Pastor Greg helps us see how to have a spirit of contentment no matter what life throws our way.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/27/202118 minutes, 11 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Overcoming Fear & Worry - II - 27 April 2021

The old saying in the news business is, 'if it bleeds, it leads.' But the Lord calls us to set our minds on things above. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us why, when we’ve made our peace with God, it’s so easy to enjoy the peace of God.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/26/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Overcoming Fear & Worry - I - 26 April 2021

Matthew 6:27 is pretty frank: 'Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?' Pastor Greg Laurie helps us overcome fear and worry. In this series, we’re learning to adopt a biblical worldview . . . and we’ll learn that biblical worldview doesn’t include worry. We’ll see worry and faith are mutually exclusive.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/25/202118 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Salvation - II - 23 April 2021

Where does your electricity come from in your home? The power company, right? You’re connected directly. Your neighbour is connected directly. You’re not running an extension cord over to the neighbour’s to power up your lights. (At least I hope not.) Well, we each need a direct spiritual connection to our Heavenly Father. Pastor Greg Laurie points out how that sheds light on what it means to 'work out our own salvation.'Support the show: for privacy information.
4/22/202120 minutes, 55 seconds
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The Biblical Worldview on Salvation - I - 22 April 2021

We live in the information age. Facts and figures fly at us faster than we can absorb. And opinions, suppositions, rumours and innuendos come screaming at us from every form of media ? especially social media. Where do we find an escape? Pastor Greg Laurie points out our respite is right in the pages of God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/21/202119 minutes, 3 seconds
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Greg Laurie Interview on Billy Graham - The Man I Knew - 21 April 2021

Billy would say 'I’m just a country preacher', but God elevated him! Pastor Greg Laurie remembers him saying, ’God loves you', and when he spoke, kids listened. Hear some fascinating insights based on his brand new book, Billy Graham: The Man I Knew, a man who was called by God to be about the greatest evangelist in history.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/20/202126 minutes
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How to Be a World Changer - 2 - 20 April 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie helps us be people who impact the culture around us. Pastor Greg says we’re called to be World Changers. Important principles on making sure we impact the world, and not vice versa.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/19/202118 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Be a World Changer - 1 - 19 April 2021

Can you imagine chocolate chip cookies WITHOUT the chocolate chips? Can you imagine fried chicken, hold the chicken? Some ingredients are prerequisites. And on A NEW BEGINNING, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God calls us to change the world. But there’s a must-have ingredient involved. Without this ingredient, we’re just spinning our spiritual wheels. Let’s learn how to follow the Bible’s blueprint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/18/202120 minutes, 7 seconds
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Hope for Hurting Hearts - II - 16 April 2021

Are you hopeful, or are you hopeless? It’s time to realise hope actually grows in the garden of adversity. Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s God’s design, and Father knows best. Hope gets stronger when things get harder, when we turn to God and not away from God.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/15/202118 minutes, 27 seconds
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Hope for Hurting Hearts - I - 15 April 2021

85% of the stuff you worry about will never happen to you. So, what about the other 15%, when that thing you feared actually does happen to you, when you hear the worst news imaginable and you wonder if you can survive it? The Bible says God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us put that hope to work.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/14/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - II - 14 April 2021

Many believers have all their armour in place but they never use their sword. Pastor Greg Laurie explains how our sword can defend against the lies and attacks from our enemy. 1 John 1:9 says, ’If I confess my sin, he is faithful and just to forgive me my sin and cleanse me from all unrighteousness.’ That’s how it works.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/13/202118 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Fight the Spiritual Battle - I - 13 April 2021

Conversion makes our hearts a battlefield and that means we’ve got to learn how to fight! Pastor Greg Laurie explains the pressure we so often feel as we walk with Christ. It comes from our adversary because the moment you become a Christian, you enter in to a spiritual conflict. The devil effectively declares war on you.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/12/202118 minutes, 39 seconds
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Angels and Demons - II - 12 April 2021

Our adversary is cunning and crafty, manipulative and merciless. Pastor Greg Laurie warns us, ’First he’s the tempter, then he becomes the condemner.' Beware!Support the show: for privacy information.
4/11/202118 minutes, 58 seconds
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Angels and Demons - I - 9 April 2021

Angels have a specific ministry in the life of the Christian. They are dispatched from heaven to assist us, to encourage us, to minister to us, sometimes to protect us, like God’s secret agents.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/8/202117 minutes, 21 seconds
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A Hell of a Message - II - 8 April 2021

God gives everyone an opportunity to avoid judgement. It’s really up to us.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/7/202119 minutes, 34 seconds
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A Hell of a Message - I - 7 April 2021

We have to get our information about eternity from a reliable source. Pastor Greg Laurie looks to the Bible for the truth, this time about hell. He says there’s a lot of misinformation about hell, that the Devil rules from hell and has red skin, pointed ears, a pitchfork plus horns and hooves and a tail with a point. Right? None of that is biblical.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/6/202120 minutes
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Lets Talk About Heaven, Part 2 - III - 6 April 2021

Some people wonder if those who’ve gone to heaven are watching us from the heavenly grandstands. Pastor Greg Laurie says he knows one thing, Jesus Christ is watching us, and that should be the greatest motivation for running the race of life.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/5/202118 minutes, 19 seconds
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Greg Laurie Interview on Billy Graham: The Man I Knew - 5 April 2021

Billy would say 'I’m just a country preacher', but God elevated him! Pastor Greg Laurie remembers him saying, ’God loves you', and when he spoke, kids listened. Hear some fascinating insights based on his brand new book, Billy Graham: The Man I Knew, a man who was called by God to be about the greatest evangelist in history.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/4/202126 minutes
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Easter is For Everyone - 2 April 2021

Some think Easter is just for 'church folks' dressed in their Sunday best. Pastor Greg Laurie says Easter is for everyone. Whether you feel disappointed with or let down by God, remember disappointment is His appointment. God wants to restore your faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/1/202120 minutes, 16 seconds
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Dealing with Discouragement - 1 April 2021

Jesus gave His life so that we could have life. But why did He do that? Pastor Greg Laurie points us to Scripture in Hebrews, chapter 12: ’For the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross, despising the shame.’ What was the joy that was set before Him? It was every one of us, so we could be forgiven of our sin.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/31/202118 minutes, 41 seconds
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Spring Cleaning - 31 March 2021

Are you a bridge or a barrier to people coming to Jesus?' Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s our job as believers to share the hope we have with others, the hope of the FIVE Gospels... as in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John...and you! You’re the fifth Gospel. You’re the only Bible some people are ever going to read. So, what kind of a representative of Jesus Christ are you?'Support the show: for privacy information.
3/30/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven - Part 2 - Session 2 - 30 March 2021

There will be singing in heaven and unbridled worship. All of our questions will be answered, our pain removed, and our tears all dry. It’s going to be amazing. Pastor Greg Laurie points out what we’ll be doing in heaven, influenced by the gratitude and praise from within.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/30/202119 minutes, 5 seconds
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Let's Talk About Heaven - Part 2 - Session I - 29 March 2021

Let's Talk About Heaven - Part 2 - Session ISupport the show: for privacy information.
3/28/202119 minutes, 9 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven - III - 26 March 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out the bondage we experience when we fix our eyes on the lures of this world rather than on the glory of the next. We’ve normalised the word ’porn’ and made it sort of acceptable, but the Bible encourages us to remain heavenly-minded.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/25/202120 minutes, 44 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven - II - 25 March 2021

We all wonder what life will be like on 'the other side.' Well, heaven is a real place, & the Bible is not silent on what to expect. Pastor Greg Laurie tells us heaven is better than earth. Earth is just a glimpse of greater things to come.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/24/202118 minutes, 4 seconds
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Lets Talk About Heaven - I - 24 March 2021

The statistics on death are quite impressive. One out of every one persons will die. And then there’s the afterlife, and the afterlife lasts a lot longer than this life on earth. The before life is short, the afterlife is forever. And so we need to know about heaven, a supernatural certainty.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/23/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - III - 23 March 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out the compelling truth that when we bring others to Christ, it’s brings us closer to Christ. He believes if we would just obey the Great Commission, we would experience personal revival.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/22/202118 minutes, 23 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - II - 22 March 2021

Our culture has lost its way, and today Pastor Greg Laurie says the Good News of God’s forgiveness has never been more needed and available. The day of evangelism is not over because the Gospel still works. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. People need Jesus and they’ll always need Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/21/202119 minutes, 27 seconds
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The Jesus Revolution & Evangelism - I - 19 March 2021

Evangelism is a calling God has given to all of us. The Gospel, the Good News that can save people from their sins, is the most powerful and important thing we have. Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to share it.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/18/202117 minutes
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The Rapture & Revival - 18 March 2021

We’ve never been closer to the return of Jesus Christ than we are right now. He is coming back again.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/17/202119 minutes, 9 seconds
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The Bible & Revival - II - 17 March 2021

Some people say they can’t memorise Scripture, but Pastor Greg Laurie begs to differ. He encourages us to take the time to get it into our minds and hearts, saying it will never be time wasted.'Support the show: for privacy information.
3/16/202119 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Bible & Revival - I - 16 March 2021

Health is often tied to appetite. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that if we have an appetite for Scripture, it’s usually a real indication that we’re hungry for God’s Word and growing as a spiritual believer.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/15/202120 minutes, 7 seconds
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Things to Do Before the End of the Word, with Don Stewart - II - 15 March 2021

Jesus is coming and many aren’t ready. Pastor Greg Laurie says that when we see the things happening in our world as we do now, literally Bible prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes, we should be looking up, the Bible in one hand and a news feed on our phone in the other. Jesus Himself declared, ’When you see these things begin to happen, look up for your redemption is drawing near.’Support the show: for privacy information.
3/14/202120 minutes, 44 seconds
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Things to Do Before the End of the Word, with Don Stewart - I - 12 March 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie speaks with Bible scholar Don Stewart about matters of the End Times. They speak about our realistic hope, a blessed hope, something to be excited about, particularly when we’re seeing all these signs right now.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/11/202118 minutes, 20 seconds
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Prayer & Revival - II - 11 March 2021

You’d be better off to read 10 verses of the bible with comprehension than 10 chapters without it, especially when we’re working to reignite our faith. Pastor Greg Laurie says the purposeful study of God’s Word is imperative.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/10/202119 minutes, 27 seconds
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Prayer & Revival - I - 10 March 2021

Reading, writing, and ’rithmetic.' The 3 Rs! Pastor Greg Laurie shares 3 more Rs with us today... the Rs of revival are Remember, Repent and then Repeat...Support the show: for privacy information.
3/9/202119 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Holy Spirit in Revival - II - 9 March 2021

God has a job for us to do as believers. It’s an important job. Pastor Greg Laurie points out we’ve been given the resources to do it, and the power as well.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/8/202118 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Holy Spirit in Revival - I - 8 March 2021

In the late 60s and the early 70s, America seemed to be unraveling. But in the middle of the drug revolution, in the middle of the sexual revolution, God sent the Jesus Revolution. Our prayer today should be that God would do it again. Pastor Greg Laurie points out, when the culture seems to have lost its way, sometimes God brings a great spiritual awakening.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/7/202116 minutes, 9 seconds
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How to Know the Will of God - III - 5 March 2021

God’s will for you is good. But some of us are afraid of God’s will because we have a warped concept of God. We think He’s out to get us, to ruin our lives. Pastor Greg Laurie assures us that God’s plans for our life are better than our own plans.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/4/202119 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to Know the Will of God - II - 4 March 2021

When we’re trying to determine God’s will for our lives, Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to make sure our own will is not in the way. It’s important to present ourselves to God as a living sacrifice.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/3/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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How to Know the Will of God - I - 3 March 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says God does not play hide and seek. There’s no mystery, just a whole lot of misunderstanding. He wants to reveal His purposes and plans and actually lead us more than we want to be led. It’s His desire to disclose His will, not keep it a big secret.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/2/202117 minutes, 56 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Temptation in the Life of the Believer? - III - 2 March 2021

The Devil’s basic battle plan is to entice, condemn, and accuse you before God. Pastor Greg Laurie points out we should be prepared to stand against Satan’s accusations with the power of God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/1/202119 minutes, 9 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Temptation in the Life of the Believer? - II - 1 March 2021

The best defense is a good offense! Temptation is universal, and we are all affected. Pastor Greg Laurie says that when we allow ourselves to get out of God’s will, away from godly people, godly places and doing godly things, it is then that we set ourselves up for a fall.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/28/202119 minutes, 29 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Temptation in the Life of the Believer? - I - 26 February 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out healthy, growing Christians are sometimes the favourite targets of our spiritual adversary. If you are indeed progressing in the Christian life, you are going to come into the cross-hairs of the Devil. If you find yourself being harassed and tempted, that may be an indication you’re on the right track. Stay strong!Support the show: for privacy information.
2/25/202119 minutes, 33 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - III - 25 February 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says receive the comfort of God, so you can one day pass it on to others. You comfort with the comfort you’ve been comforted with. So perhaps the hardships of today are preparing you for greater opportunities tomorrow?Support the show: for privacy information.
2/24/202119 minutes, 37 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - II - 24 February 2021

Trials. We all have them. What matters is finding a way to remember that God is still in control of our lives and that He’s going to work it out for His glory and our good ultimately.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/23/202118 minutes, 53 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - I - 23 February 2021

You want to be a growing Christian, right? God will allow trials in your life so you will grow up spiritually. There’s is a silver lining to the dark cloud of trials. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us to realise trials make us strong, & to recognize the benefits.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/22/202119 minutes, 41 seconds
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Why You Need the Church and the Church Needs You - III - 22 February 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out that church is not so much something we attend, but something we choose to be a part of. We shouldn’t come to church like the consumer going to the theatre, but like the congregant wanting to glorify God. When we come to the church because we have something to bring to the table, our God-given gifts, we’ll discover the joy of serving. Blessed to be a blessing.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/21/202120 minutes, 46 seconds
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Why You Need the Church and the Church Needs You - II - 19 February 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out how every believer should be a mirror that reflects the person of Jesus Christ. People are not just looking at the worship team, they’re looking at you, & asking ’Is this real, is this authentic? Are these people for real, or are they crazy?!’Support the show: for privacy information.
2/18/202118 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why You Need the Church and the Church Needs You - I - 18 February 2021

Have you unplugged from church? Pastor Greg Laurie says don’t unplug from your source of encouragement and support. You need the Church, and the Church needs you. It’s important to be the church.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/17/202119 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Importance of Prayer in the Life of the Believer - III - 17 February 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says, so many times, we approach prayer as if we’re placing a takeout order. '’Alright, Lord, let’s just get to it. How are you doin’? Love you. Amen. Okay, here’s what I need.’ ? Right? But Jesus taught us this: ’Pray our Father who art in heaven hallowed by your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven’...Support the show: for privacy information.
2/16/202119 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Importance of Prayer in the Life of the Believer - II - 16 February 2021

Prayer can chase our worries away, and vice versa. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us control the chase. Prayer is a way by which God helps us to overcome our anxiety and worry. It’s been said if your knees are shaking, kneel on them.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/15/202119 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Importance of Prayer in the Life of the Believer - I - 15 February 2021

Sometimes we may feel as though God hears our prayer more in the sanctuary than He hears them in the mall or at the beach, while driving or walking down the street. The main thing is, pray! God hears our prayers no matter where we are. And Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to pray without ceasing.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/14/202118 minutes, 45 seconds
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The Importance of Gods Word in the Believers Life - II - 12 February 2021

Many people say they can’t memorise because it’s too hard. But Pastor Greg Laurie says we memorise things all the time - commercial jingles, for example, and lyrics to songs, by exposure to it. So, we are to do the same with God’s Word, and commit Scripture to memory.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/11/202119 minutes, 56 seconds
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The Importance of Gods Word in the Believers Life - I - 11 February 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie reinforces our need to make God’s Word a central part of who we are, to read the Bible as if our life depends on it, because it does.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/10/202119 minutes, 8 seconds
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The Parable of Spiritual Growth - II - 10 February 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to choose the best which comes from God, not the second best that often grabs for our attention, and seems more interesting than spiritual things.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/9/202120 minutes, 19 seconds
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The Parable of Spiritual Growth - I - 9 February 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says make sure your focus is in the right place. Don’t build your foundation on a person, or a pastor, don’t build it on a church, but build it on Christ and you’ll stand the test of time.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/8/202118 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Crash Course on Prayer - II - 8 February 2021

If you want to see your prayers answered in the affirmative, don’t give up! Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us, the Lord says 'keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking' and pray with passion.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/7/202119 minutes, 9 seconds
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A Crash Course on Prayer - I - 5 February 2021

Someone has said worry is the advanced interest you pay on troubles that seldom come. An old Swedish proverb says ’worry gives a small thing a big shadow’. What shadow is looming over you right now? Pastor Greg Laurie tackles the problem of worry and anxiety.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/4/202121 minutes, 3 seconds
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A Crash Course on Evangelism & Discipleship - II - 4 February 2021

Millions of real Christmas trees decorated homes this past Christmas. And millions of Christmas trees became kindling not long after. There’s a spiritual parallel, right there. Pastor Greg Laurie points out how to keep our faith from drying out and outlines some practical pointers on effective evangelism.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/3/202119 minutes, 45 seconds
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A Crash Course on Evangelism & Discipleship - I - 3 February 2021

We’ve all been given The Great Commission. But some are apprehensive. Today Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to share the hope we have in Christ ? but with a twist.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/2/202118 minutes, 58 seconds
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Faith 101 - 2 - 2 February 2021

If there’s a war raging, and someone mistakenly stumbles into the middle of it, the warriors don’t suddenly stop and say, ’Hey, wait a minute, fellas. This guy isn’t part of it. Let’s wait ’til he gets outa the way!’ No, people who stumble into battle unaware often get caught in the crossfire. Pastor Greg Laurie wants to make sure that doesn’t happen to us.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/1/202119 minutes, 3 seconds
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Faith 101 - I - 1 February 2021

When we find ourselves falling back into old sins we thought were a part of our past, that’s when we’ve lost sight of the basics. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us shore up the foundation of our walk with the Lord and see that our lives suffer when we overlook the fundamentals. Be encouraged to go back to the very beginning, the Bible!Support the show: for privacy information.
1/31/202120 minutes, 1 second
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Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - III - 29 January 2021

Ever felt that God let you down? You may have said ’I don’t understand this. I’m hurting. This doesn’t make sense.’ And that’s okay. Pastor Greg Laurie points out God can make Himself very real to us in times when our minds are just swirling with questions. It’s good to ask ’why God?’Support the show: for privacy information.
1/28/202119 minutes, 50 seconds
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Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - II - 28 January 2021

It’s been said that man can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water, 8 minutes without air, and about 1 second without hope. So what is your hope in? Pastor Greg Laurie points out that when we place our hope in our God, His hopes for us begin to take shape! 'I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, they’re thoughts of peace, not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.'Support the show: for privacy information.
1/27/202119 minutes, 29 seconds
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Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - I - 27 January 2021

A message from Pastor Greg Laurie on hearing the news that his son was gone. He shares from his family’s very personal experience. One of the past year’s most requested messages!Support the show: for privacy information.
1/26/202121 minutes, 18 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - II - 26 January 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie points out we can choose who or what exercises control over our lives. And we need to choose well.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/25/202120 minutes, 24 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - I - 25 January 2021

How many trip and fall in their race of life? In one of his most requested messages, Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to press forward and not rest on our laurels, not just start this race well, but finish the race well.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/24/202119 minutes, 55 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 1 - II - 22 January 2021

Sometimes things happen in life that are unfair and tragic. And we want an answer. We want to know why. It’s the most common question when trial or tragedy strikes. Pastor Greg Laurie says we live on promises, not explanations. So we should not spend too much time wondering why but instead asking ’to whom should I turn?’Support the show: for privacy information.
1/21/202121 minutes, 42 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 1 - I - 21 January 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie says committed Christians are the true rebels in culture today. He urges us to resist conforming to anything other than Christlikeness.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/20/202118 minutes, 36 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - III - 20 January 2021

School kids love to play 'whispers', when they say something to someone and add 'pass it on'. Today’s insight is worth passing on in more than a whisper. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God sees our trials, God reaches out to comfort us in our trials, and then He wants us to reach out with that same comfort to someone else who’s suffering.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/19/202121 minutes, 21 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - II - 19 January 2021

Trials. We all have them. Some seem to have them by the dozen. Pastor Greg Laurie says difficulty can actually lead to ministry. The questions to ask are: Can I somehow give glory to God through that? Can I find a way to remember that God is still in control of my life and He’s going to work it out for His glory and my good ultimately? Can I use it as an opportunity to proclaim Christ to others?Support the show: for privacy information.
1/18/202119 minutes, 35 seconds
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Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - I - 18 January 2021

You want to be a growing Christian, right? Well, God will allow trials in your life so you will grow up spiritually? There is always a silver lining to the dark cloud of trials. They take us from the realm of theory to reality and make us strong. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us recognize their benefits.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/17/202120 minutes, 48 seconds
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God's Plan for Sex and Marriage 3 - 15 January 2021

God's Plan for Sex and Marriage 3Support the show: for privacy information.
1/14/202119 minutes, 24 seconds
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God's Plan for Sex and Marriage 2 - 14 January 2021

God's Plan for Sex and Marriage 2Support the show: for privacy information.
1/13/202120 minutes, 12 seconds
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God's Plan for Sex and Marriage 1 - 13 January 2021

God's Plan for Sex and Marriage 1Support the show: for privacy information.
1/12/202120 minutes
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Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask- III - 12 January 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie and author Don Stewart provide help for believers who are asked tough questions by non-believers.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/11/202120 minutes, 38 seconds
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Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask- II - 11 January 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie and author Don Stewart provide help for believers who are asked tough questions by non-believers.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/10/202120 minutes, 23 seconds
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Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask - I - 8 January 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie and author Don Stewart provide help for believers who are asked tough questions by non-believers. It’s helpful advice on how to best respond & more from the most-requested messages of the past year.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/7/202119 minutes, 54 seconds
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Pastor Greg Laurie: Then & Now - II - 7 January 2021

Were you around in 1977? Back then, the mini-series 'Roots' premiered on TV. A postage stamp was about 20 cents, petrol was around 16 cents a litre. And apparently, snow fell in Miami, Florida. In 1977, Pastor Greg Laurie was standing at a pulpit about to preach a message and give his testimony.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/6/202118 minutes, 43 seconds
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Pastor Greg Laurie: Then & Now - I - 6 January 2021

Pastor Greg Laurie goes back into the archives to look at things both then and now. You’ll hear a young Pastor Greg Laurie, just 24 years old, giving his testimony of how a troubled kid ended up coming to the Lord and serving the Lord. It is one of the earliest recordings of Pastor Greg’s teaching, AND it was one of the most requested presentations of this past year.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/5/202120 minutes, 56 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - III - 5 January 2021

We cannot overcome the Devil in our own strength. We need to pray, ’Deliver us from evil.’ Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us we’re no match for the Enemy’s supernatural strength? but he’s no match against God Almighty. That should inform our prayers. So when we say ’deliver me from temptation’, we’re saying, ’Lord, help me to be smart and avoid those things that bring me down but ultimately, Lord, give me the strength I need to resist ? One of the most-requested presentations from last year.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/4/202121 minutes, 18 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - II - 4 January 2021

God is bigger than our problems. Pastor Greg Laurie comments on His awesomeness and helps us to see the problems, challenges, needs, in a different light, as per the Lord’s Prayer ? 'Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...' One of the most-requested presentations from last year.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/4/202119 minutes, 40 seconds
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In Case of Emergency - I - 1 January 2021

Because of the pandemic robocalls we all get, if an unfamiliar number pops up on the phone, many people just don’t answer. Who wants those calls? Do we feel like we’re an unfamiliar number popping up God’s phone when we call on Him in prayer? Do we wonder if He’ll pick up the phone? Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God not only answers the phone, He answers our requests. We’re not an unfamiliar number, not at all. We’re family.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/31/202021 minutes, 41 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Worry and Anxiety - Part 2 - 31 December 2020

God's Answer to Fear, Worry and Anxiety - Part 2Support the show: for privacy information.
12/30/202019 minutes, 15 seconds
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God's Answer to Fear, Worry and Anxiety - Part 1 - 30 December 2020

God's Answer to Fear, Worry and Anxiety - Part 1Support the show: for privacy information.
12/29/202020 minutes, 54 seconds
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The God Who Suffers - II - 29 December 2020

As Jesus hung from the cross at Calvary, in excruciating pain, it took great effort to speak even a single word. It took great effort even to breathe. And yet he uttered seven final statements, each word carefully chosen, each thought embedded with deep insight. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us examine those final words, and we’ll see they have tremendous meaning for how we live our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/28/202020 minutes, 24 seconds
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The God Who Suffers - I - 28 December 2020

In our culture, VIPs get special treatment. So, what a paradigm shift it is that God’s Son would live a humble life, and die a painful death ? for all for us. Pastor Greg Laurie points out how each detail was carefully chosen long ago by our Heavenly Father. And today we’ll find out why.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/27/202019 minutes, 8 seconds
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Waiting for Christmas - II - 25 December 2020

On behalf of Pastor Greg Laurie and all the team at Vision Christian Media, we want to wish you a very Happy Christmas! There’s such a heightened sense of anticipation today ? for kids, especially. But for all of us, there should be a heightened sense of anticipation for Jesus’ SECOND coming, as well. Pastor Greg takes us back to the very first Christmas.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/24/202019 minutes, 30 seconds
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Waiting for Christmas - I - 24 December 2020

So much talk at this time of year about gifts. Pastor Greg Laurie points out a deep yearning we all have deep down inside? It is not Christmas, its Christ. It’s not merriment, it’s the Messiah. It’s not presents under a tree, but His presence in our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/23/202018 minutes, 52 seconds
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A Messed Up Family Tree - II - 23 December 2020

Not everyone in the Christmas story gets equal billing. Of course, there’s the Christ-child and Mary, and the Shepherds. There’s the Wise Men, evil King Herod, and the innkeeper. But often times, Joseph, who was betrothed to Mary, is barely mentioned. A key decision he made actually put everything in motion in bringing God incarnate to earth. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us to see how Joseph, and other often-overlooked family members, figure in to God’s plan.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/22/202018 minutes, 10 seconds
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A Messed Up Family Tree - I - 22 December 2020

The story of Jesus is not about God helping perfect people, it’s about God saving lost people. At Christmas time, the traditions of the holiday tend to divert our attention from the real reason Christ came. Pastor Greg Laurie points out it is God’s love in action and it reminds us of why Jesus came? to heal broken lives and restore shattered hope.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/21/202020 minutes, 30 seconds
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The Real Message of Christmas - 21 December 2020

Just a few more days left in this tumultuous year. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that the antidote for holiday stress is actually built-in to the reason for the holiday. Over the next few days, we’ll see the real meaning of Christmas and the offer of hope for all of eternity.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/20/202018 minutes, 17 seconds
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Home for Christmas - 18 December 2020

'Make yourself at home.' It’s something we often say to guests. 'Hey, make yourself at home!' And their presence in our homes brings us certain blessings and benefits. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that, when Jesus makes Himself at home in our hearts, we’ll notice. We’ll see what kind of difference it makes in how we live our lives for the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/17/202021 minutes, 32 seconds
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The Power of One, Part 2 - 17 December 2020

People who attend class reunions are often surprised. Sometimes, the more popular people way back when have lost that prominence, and the prominent people today were the wallflowers years ago. And that’s not really random or accidental. It has to do with the choices they made. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how the choices we make in how we serve God will affect the here and now, and will also likely affect the hereafter as well. We’ll learn to choose well.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/16/202019 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Power of One, Part 1 - 16 December 2020

The culture’s problems are so varied, and so vast. Who are we to think we can make a difference? Pastor Greg Laurie corrects our thinking. It’s been said, quote, ’I am only one but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do ? and what I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do.’ One godly man, one godly woman, in the darkest situation can make a big difference!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/15/202019 minutes, 46 seconds
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Conversation with Eric Metaxas & Greg Laurie - 15 December 2020

History records many dark times of human suffering and tragedy. But God’s people have always brought light into the darkness. Pastor Greg Laurie is with U.S author, radio and TV host, Eric Metaxas as they discuss just what part the Church has played in combating racism, bigotry and slavery.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/14/202019 minutes, 6 seconds
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On the Outside Looking In - II - 14 December 2020

Ever had a stain appear on an article of clothing that just would not go away? Sometimes our lives have stains like that, and the embarrassment never goes away. Pastor Greg Laurie takes us to a reassuring story in God’s Word. We’ll see the Lord can treat the stains of our lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/13/202020 minutes, 46 seconds
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On the Outside Looking In - I - 11 December 2020

The Bible tells us that believers are ambassadors, or representatives of Christ. Each of us is a walking, talking billboard for the Lord. So, what does your billboard say? Pastor Greg Laurie continues his series Water - Fire ? Stone, an inspiring look at the life of Moses. See how Moses actually demonstrated how NOT to behave as one of God’s children, and what happens when angers gets the best of us.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/10/202018 minutes, 29 seconds
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It is All How You Look at Things - II - 10 December 2020

Faith and worry cannot co-exist together. When faith walks in, worry walks out. It’s been said, 'when you trust, you do not worry; and when you worry, you do not trust.' There are so many opportunities for worry in our lives, especially in 2020, yet Pastor Greg Laurie says we have at least as many opportunities to trust God with great faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/9/202021 minutes, 1 second
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It is All How You Look at Things - I - 9 December 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie offers some good reassurance for the growing tide of challenges that people are facing in 2020. We all face problems, but do we see them in the light of who God is, or look at God in the light of the problems? It’s all depends on how we look at things.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/8/202019 minutes, 19 seconds
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A Blessing for You - II - 8 December 2020

We need God’s grace because we sin every day. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that God’s grace, along with His mercy, keep us from paying the penalty dictated by His justice. Bottom line, justice is getting what we deserve, mercy is not getting what we deserve, grace is getting what we don’t deserve, and grace is God’s unmerited favour!Support the show: for privacy information.
12/8/202021 minutes, 29 seconds
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A Blessing for You - I - 7 December 2020

God loves to bless you. He is not stingy with His blessing. Jesus said it is your Father’s good pleasure to give to you the Kingdom. So, when we’re mired in the quicksand of trials and tribulations, Pastor Greg Laurie reminds us that God’s blessings are available to us, and they are is independent of our circumstances. It’s all about who you know.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/6/202021 minutes, 17 seconds
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How to Have Friendship with God - II - 4 December 2020

The Lord never advises us to approach His throne gingerly, with reluctance and uncertainty. We’re invited to 'come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need'. Pastor Greg Laurie points to the example of Moses who showed us how to approach the Lord with uncommon courage and confidence. Some practical insight on taking our prayer lives to the next level.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/3/202021 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Have Friendship with God - I - 3 December 2020

Mature believers talk to others about God. And they also talk to God about others. Intercessory prayer is vital. Pastor Greg Laurie continues his series on the life of Moses uncovering the leader’s faithful ministry of intercessory prayer.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/2/202020 minutes, 34 seconds
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The Heart of the Problem - II - 2 December 2020

At various times, we all come down with a case of the 'gimmes' - gimme this, gimme that. And nearly every advertisement feeds that craving. A new car, a new phone, a new outfit. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the biblical reference to coveting goes even beyond the gimmes. 'I don’t just want one...I want YOURS.' And it’s addressed in the 10 Commandments.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/1/202019 minutes, 40 seconds
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The Heart of the Problem - I - 1 December 2020

God hates lying, because He is the source of, and the very personification of, truth. In contrast to Jesus, we have the Devil who’s described in the Bible as the father of lies. So, when we lie, we’re behaving more like children of the enemy. Pastor Greg Laurie says it shows something disturbing about our character.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/30/202022 minutes, 30 seconds
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From Hopelessness to Happiness - II - 30 November 2020

What things are most important in our lives? Our computers probably know, our smartphones have a good idea, and certainly our credit or debit card. What captures our attention, what steals our thoughts? What is it that’s always near the top of our minds? Pastor Greg Laurie points out that idols are anything or anyone that takes our focus off of God, and the Lord recognises the danger and mentions it in His 10 Commandments.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/29/202019 minutes, 55 seconds
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From Hopelessness to Happiness - I - 27 November 2020

Can you name the 10 Commandments? ?Does it matter? Why do we have to know them? I mean, it’s not like they’re written in stone. Well? then again ... Pastor Greg Laurie invites us to learn the Ten Commandments, and learn them well, to internalise them, because they’re not obsolete, they’re absolute. And if we keep these Commandments, we’ll be happy people.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/26/202021 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving - II - 26 November 2020

Raised voices usually reflect passion, enthusiasm, verve. We’ll shout at our favourite sports team, the television set, or each other. But how often do we shout to the Lord with a voice of triumph? Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to reflect that sentiment to God and verbalize our praise to Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/25/202020 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Have a Happy Thanksgiving - I - 25 November 2020

It’s important to have an attitude of gratitude. Pastor Greg Laurie points out it’s important at all times of the year, even for us here in Australia.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/24/202019 minutes, 4 seconds
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This is Your Wake-Up Call - II - 24 November 2020

Are you being shaken right now by God? The coronavirus, what has happened in our economy, the social upheaval ? Like a fire alarm rouses us from sleep, Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to respond to the alarms all around us, and wake-up. God is saying, ’Turn to me. Look to me.’Support the show: for privacy information.
11/23/202021 minutes, 4 seconds
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This is Your Wake-Up Call - I - 23 November 2020

God has not called us to isolate, He’s called us to infiltrate. He’s called us to permeate and to saturate our culture with the truth of the Gospel. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the need for spiritual renewal and how believers are called into service. He may be addressing the U.S specifically, but it is a timely message for all, even us here Australia.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/22/202019 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Secret to Being a World Changer ? II - 20 November 2020

A good description of the Christian life is 'long obedience in the same direction.' It can be rewarding at times, daunting at times. It can remind us how weak we are in and of ourselves, but where we are weak, He is strong! Pastor Greg Laurie brings the finale of his inspiring series called World Changers and gets very practical.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/19/202020 minutes, 35 seconds
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The Secret to Being a World Changer - I - 19 November 2020

When the battery in our phone is running low, what do we do? We turn off any app or option that isn’t necessary, anything that will deplete that precious power. Well, that’s a good strategy to follow as we serve the Lord. Is there anything siphoning off energy that could be used for God? Maybe we should shut it down? Pastor Greg Laurie helps us dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to the task of serving the Lord with all we’ve got.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/18/202018 minutes, 16 seconds
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Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy - II - 18 November 2020

When we look into Scripture to see how our spiritual ancestors changed their culture, it’s inspiring. Pastor Greg Laurie is sharing what separates those leaders from the crowd, and how we can follow in their footsteps. He points out that some escaped their persecution, while others endured. Let’s learn to be ready for both.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/17/202019 minutes, 9 seconds
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Of Whom the World Was Not Worthy - I - 17 November 2020

It’s a freeing thought that the Lord has numbered our days. Whatever is threatening our survival, Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s in the Lord’s hands. So we can stop freaking out about the duration of our life and just say, ’I’m going to do what I can with the time God gives me, and He’s going to take care of me until He calls me home.’'Support the show: for privacy information.
11/16/202017 minutes, 49 seconds
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The Ups & Downs & Ups of a World Changer - II - 16 November 2020

Ups and downs are the enemy of Christian growth. It takes consistent forward momentum to make progress in our walk with God. And yet we see a number of our spiritual forefathers had ups and downs. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us the ups and downs in the life of David, particularly his great victory over Goliath, and his great fall with Bathsheba. Learn from his mistakes, and chart a course for consistency in our own walk of faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/15/202020 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Ups & Downs & Ups of a World Changer - I - 13 November 2020

We all know people who are talented, some ridiculously talented. Maybe they play a musical instrument, or they paint. Maybe they have a brain for geophysics, or they can hit a ball into the next post code. And us? We’re spectacularly average? Pastor Greg Laurie points out we’re just who God is looking for! Because where we can’t, God can. And the Lord loves to do ridiculously remarkable things through people just like us.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/12/202019 minutes, 41 seconds
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Wasted Potential of a World Changer - II - 12 November 2020

Some of the greatest human achievers of all time had failings. Abe Lincoln lost a number of elections and nominations, lost his job, lost all his money, lost a sweetheart, but eventually became a memorable U.S president. And the Bible is replete with stories of failures who became successes. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us it’s not how you start, or detour, but how you finish that matters.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/11/202019 minutes, 46 seconds
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Wasted Potential of a World Changer - I - 11 November 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie says the Devil knows what you want, and he wants to give it to you and sell your reputation down the river. Hear about our adversary’s tactics, and how to resist them.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/10/202019 minutes, 53 seconds
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What to Do When the Odds are Against You - II - 10 November 2020

A challenging job is always much easier with the right tool. You don’t use a screwdriver to pound a nail. You don’t use a wrench to sand some furniture. And you don’t use trumpets to attack an immense army - unless you’re Gideon, sent by Almighty God! See what we can learn for our lives from the example of Gideon.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/9/202018 minutes, 44 seconds
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What to Do When the Odds are Against You - I - 9 November 2020

We all want to do good things. But today Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we can do good God’s things if we focus on bringing Him glory. The Lord, in effect, says, ’it’s not about who you are, but who I am, and I’m the One who’s going to do the work through you.’!Support the show: for privacy information.
11/8/202018 minutes, 23 seconds
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Overcoming the Insurmountable - II - 6 November 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie brings us to a moment in the Old Testament when the Israelites faced a problem they couldn’t handle. But God had a plan . . . an unusual plan . . . that brought about the sure deliverance of His chosen people. And, we’ll see what He can do for us.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/5/202017 minutes, 19 seconds
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Overcoming the Insurmountable - I - 5 November 2020

In a movie, everyone behind the scenes knows how the hero will get out of a jam... They’ve read the script! Pastor Greg Laurie points out, when we’re in a jam, God knows how to get us out. He knows the end from the beginning. And Pastor Greg shows us how He delivered the Israelites in a very unusual way.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/4/202020 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Power of One - II - 4 November 2020

Do you wonder what a CEO thinks about the way his organisation is characterised, when they have a serious customer service debacle? Spiritually speaking, we’re representing God every day. How’s that going for you? Pastor Greg Laurie returns to his World Changers series as we consider a fine example of leadership set for us by the World Changer named Moses.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/3/202018 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Power of One - I - 3 November 2020

For every Oskar Schindler who was known to have saved thousands of Jews from Nazi holocaust, there’s a Sir Nicolas Winton who saved even more but was never given public recognition. It would have been easy for him to say, 'I’m just one man, what can I do?' Instead, he acted. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that one person can make a huge difference in the world, especially when he or she is guided and empowered by the Spirit of God!Support the show: for privacy information.
11/2/202020 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Face Overwhelming Obstacles - II - 2 November 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie continues his study of the life of the World Changer named Moses, we’ll see God brought about one of the most talked-about miracles in the entire Bible when the Israelites were being pursued by the Egyptians.Support the show: for privacy information.
11/1/202018 minutes, 27 seconds
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How to Face Overwhelming Obstacles - I - 30 October 2020

Ever wonder if you’re on the right road in life? Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to rely on the Lord’s divine direction? The GPS isn’t always right, but God’s GPS is always right.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/29/202018 minutes, 49 seconds
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A New Beginning for a World Changer - II - 29 October 2020

If you’ve committed a sin, and it haunts you now - you’re still waking you up at night and walk around by day with a guilty conscience, you need to apply the blood of Christ. Pastor Greg Laurie says the blood of Christ cleanses us from our sins. At Calvary, He paid the price we should have paid. He said in Matthew 26, ’This is my blood given in the new covenant for the forgiveness of sin.’Support the show: for privacy information.
10/28/202017 minutes, 49 seconds
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A New Beginning for a World Changer - I - 28 October 2020

II Corinthians 5:17 offers a spiritual reset button. It states, ’If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. Behold, all things have become fresh and new.’ Pastor Greg Laurie explains how we can have a clean slate before the Lord and start afresh with a new beginning.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/27/202017 minutes, 39 seconds
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The Danger of the Compromised Life - II - 27 October 2020

We know Satan’s temptations are real. And our response is real important. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us the right way to react is to speak out to the enemy with 'Devil, listen very carefully. You get nothing, zero, zip, you’ve ripped me off, you’ve taken advantage of me, and I’m giving you nothing! There’s no compromise, goodbye!' ? And you turn your back on him and follow the Lord. He says you’ll never regret it, and it’s the only way to live for Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/26/202018 minutes, 10 seconds
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The Danger of the Compromised Life - I - 26 October 2020

We get hardened hearts by continued exposure to the truth of God and refusing to obey it. Pastor Greg Laurie says God’s Word is full-strength truth and, if we let it, it can change our life and transform us.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/25/202018 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Excuses of a World Changer - II -

God has given us all gifts and talents, abilities and resources, to use for His glory, but so often many of us are not doing it. We offer up excuses, never reasons. Pastor Greg Laurie says our God-given gifts have been given deliberately, on purpose. We just need to put that divine equipment to work for His Kingdom.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/22/202018 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Excuses of a World Changer - I -

It’s easy to keep a mental tally of all the things we’d like to have, but what we get won’t satisfy as much as what we give. Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s a part of God’s plan for our lives - to pursue generosity and self-sacrifice, but we have to resist the lures that push us the other way. He examines the life of Moses, the World Changer, and encourages us to seek to live a God-honoring life.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/21/202018 minutes, 35 seconds
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A Second Chance for a World Changer - II - 21 October 2020

We need to do the right thing, in the right way, at the right time. Pastor Greg Laurie points out, the walk of faith is one where we do what God wants, how He wants it, and when He wants it. When we grow impatient with God and want to take matters into our own hands, it’s important to pray and trust the Lord and wait on His timing. And when the timing is right, the Lord will direct you. That’s when you need to act!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/20/202019 minutes, 49 seconds
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A Second Chance for a World Changer - I - 20 October 2020

Imagine if Billy Graham had decided to stay at his family’s dairy farm, instead of listening to the call of God? Or if Noah had decided he wasn’t really in the mood to build a boat? Pastor Greg Laurie examines the lives of those in the Bible who brought God’s influence to the culture in which they lived. Learn how we can do the same.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/19/202019 minutes, 24 seconds
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Facing Your Giants - II - 19 October 2020

The best way to deal with giants is not to back off, not to compromise or make deals, but to attack them! When we face giant-sized problems and threats in our lives, Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to deal with them as David dealt with the giant Goliath. Attack your giants!Support the show: for privacy information.
10/18/202020 minutes, 48 seconds
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Facing Your Giants - I - 16 October 2020

People respond to challenges in different ways. Pastor Greg Laurie brings good encouragement for all of us, for when our challenges seem bigger than we are.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/15/202019 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Power of Forgiveness - II - 15 October 2020

One thing is certain: all of us have been wronged. Pastor Greg Laurie points out only some of us have granted forgiveness, but all of us need to do it as an act of obedience, simply because it’s the right thing to do.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/14/202019 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Power of Forgiveness - I - 14 October 2020

To forgive means I’m surrendering my right to get even. It means I will not pay that person back what they may indeed deserve, instead I’m going to put it in the hands of God. It may seem like retribution would be so satisfying, but Pastor Greg Laurie says trusting God brings the best satisfaction. Sometimes we need to just look to the great theologian, Taylor Swift, when she gave us this advice: Shake It Off! Forgive!'Support the show: for privacy information.
10/13/202019 minutes, 38 seconds
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The Temptation of a World Changer - II - 13 October 2020

It’s no secret, morals in our culture have been on a downward slide. Pastor Greg Laurie says stay true to God’s Word because we live in a time when wrong is perceived as right, and right is perceived as wrong. Wrong is wrong, even if you don’t get caught, or others are doing worse things. Wrong is wrong even if it doesn’t bother your conscience.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/12/202020 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Temptation of a World Changer - I - 12 October 2020

Those who are on the Devil’s team may not feel his oppression. But Pastor Greg Laurie says Satan is always looking for fresh recruits. 'The Devil always sets his sights on those who are the greatest threat to his kingdom.'Support the show: for privacy information.
10/11/202019 minutes, 41 seconds
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The Teenager who Changed the World - II -

Envy and jealousy are insidious, like a carrot towards temptation. It’s been said, 'If malice or envy were tangible, and had a shape, it would be the shape of a boomerang.' Pastor Greg Laurie helps us guard against the returning danger of envy and jealousy. He continues his series World Changers with a look at the example left for us by Joseph.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/8/202018 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Teenager who Changed the World - I -

Our uptight culture of outrage, cyber bullying and frivolous lawsuits, goes against the grain to what the Bible teaches. It prizes revenge as a virtue. But that’s not what we see in the life of Joseph. Joseph shows us the way of forgiveness, a better way.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/7/202018 minutes, 52 seconds
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The World Changer who Wrestled with God - II -

There has to come a moment in every life where we surrender to God. Jacob was the man who wrestled with God. Pastor Greg Laurie points out what we can learn from his loss in that wrestling match. Jacob goes from cunning to clinging, resisting to resting, and wrestling to nestling.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/6/202020 minutes, 42 seconds
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The World Changer who Wrestled with God - I -

Pastor Greg Laurie points out how the Lord does extraordinary things through ordinary people. When we hear that phrase, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, it’s another way of saying the ’God of ordinary people’. Abraham: flawed. Isaac: definitely flawed. Jacob: big-time flawed. But He’s the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He’s the God of second chances.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/5/202019 minutes, 25 seconds
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The Test of a World Changer - II -

If God knows what we can handle, we should take His word for it. Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to trust Him, remembering He always keeps an eye on the fiery trials and a finger on the thermostat. He won’t let it get too hot for you.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/4/202018 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Test of a World Changer - I - 2 October 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie points out those in the Bible who let God use them to do remarkable things. They may not have been unusually smart or skillful or sophisticated, but they made themselves available, and they showed great perseverance? and God used them in remarkable ways. Take a look at Abraham’s wife Sarah & her 'world-changing' service to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
10/1/202019 minutes, 52 seconds
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The Choices of a World Changer - III - 1 October 2020

All of us like to have a sense that we’re in control of what happens to us. But, in the timeline of our lives, our view is limited to the here and now. God, however, knows what’s just around the corner, and the next corner, and the next. Pastor Greg Laurie advises it’s best to let the Lord BE the Lord of our lives, to let Him choose for us and direct us as to which way we should go. Not only will He choose the wisest path, He’ll walk with us along the way.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/30/202019 minutes, 26 seconds
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The Choices of a World Changer - II - 30 September 2020

Abraham and Lot acquired great wealth. Abraham was content with his lot and wanted God, but Lot wanted a lot more stuff. Each man made very different choices. Pastor Greg Laurie points out our choices affect how we’re doing, and they can also be our undoing. What do you want? To be God’s friend or the world’s friend?Support the show: for privacy information.
9/29/202018 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Choices of a World Changer - I - 29 September 2020

Does anyone call you on the phone and it’s a caller you try to avoid (besides telemarketers)? You know some conversations will be tense, or maybe discouraging. But, here’s a question - Is there anyone you know who might try to avoid your calls? Pastor Greg Laurie helps us to consider the way others respond to us, saying in every encounter, we can either bring people closer to God, or do the opposite.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/28/202019 minutes, 35 seconds
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Thriving in Love & Money - Interview with Jeff & Shaunti Feldhahn - 28 September 2020

Authors & Harvard graduates, Jeff & Shaunti Feldhahn outline how conflict around money is not about the money, but about how money makes you feel, and how it makes your spouse feel. They say the greatest obstacle is the inability of a husband and wife to sit down at the kitchen table and talk about money. Hear about the incredible opportunity for money to be an opportunity, not for conflict, but for connection.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/27/202025 minutes, 25 seconds
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No Forwarding Address - III - 25 September 2020

Many times, those caught in sin play the victim card. They were the innocent victim of some outside force or circumstance & they gather with other 'victims' & celebrate their 'syndrome.' Sins and syndromes. Pastor Greg Laurie says perhaps it’s time for realisation and repentance. We need to realise we’re sinners, repent & seek God’s restoration. Some help in that regard as we consider the Father of the Faith.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/25/202019 minutes, 9 seconds
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No Forwarding Address - II - 24 September 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie is talking about climate change. No, not the kind the politicians are fighting about. Spiritual climate change. The question is not whether the spiritual climate is changing, it is. The question is what are we doing to change it in the right direction? Pastor Greg continues his challenging series exploring the lives of those in the Bible who had a marked effect on their culture. Learn to follow their examples.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/23/202020 minutes, 29 seconds
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No Forwarding Address - I - 23 September 2020

Our lives read like a book. And so many of us want to flip ahead a few chapters and see where this story is going, or we want to peek at the last page and see our happily-ever-after ending. But the life of faith is one where we trust the Lord page by page. Pastor Greg Laurie brings some good inspiration. We’re in a popular new series called World Changers, studying the lives of those in the Bible who made an impact for the Lord, so we can do the same.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/22/202017 minutes, 32 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - III - 22 September 2020

The world values self-sufficiency. The proud, the independent, the self-starter. Their theme song might be, 'I Did It My Way.' But God values those who are humble, teachable and confess their utter reliance on the Lord. Their theme song might be the old hymn, 'I Need Thee Every Hour.' Pastor Greg Laurie continues his World Changers series with good encouragement from the life of Noah on being the kind of man or woman God can use.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/22/202017 minutes, 43 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - II - 21 September 2020

When God needs a job done, He doesn’t gather all the resumes of those with Doctorate degrees. He doesn’t peruse the highest scores or the richest CEO’s. While we may think these kinds of people would be the best bet, truth is God chooses people not for their accomplishments. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the Lord looks for those with willing hearts, and then He empowers them and equips them. It’s good encouragement from the life of Noah.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/20/202019 minutes, 9 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 2 - I - 18 September 2020

What kind of impact are you having on your family? How effective is your word as a parent, as a mother, as a father? World Changers draw their families to Christ not from Christ. Pastor Greg Laurie brings strong encouragement about our responsibility to reach our most important mission field - our families. They’re watching you & looking to you as an example.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/18/202017 minutes, 52 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 1 - II - 17 September 2020

Did you know, Noah went 120 years without having a single convert? As an evangelist himself, Pastor Greg Laurie points out that our job is to deliver the message, regardless of the response. It is not to convert people. Our job is to preach the Gospel, to do what we can, while you can.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/16/202020 minutes, 11 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World, Part 1 - I - 16 September 2020

Christians know things the world does not know, because they believe what God says in His Word. We know that God is good and man is bad, that things are going to get worse before they get better. But we also know that Jesus Christ is coming back again & good will ultimately prevail. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that we can bring people hope because we know that we win in the end.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/15/202019 minutes, 24 seconds
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The World Changer Who was Out of This World, Part 2 - II - 15 September 2020

Those that think the most of the next world do the most for this world. Greg Laurie is helping us to focus on the eternal over the earthly, to set our minds on things above & stay heavenly-minded on earth, to walk with Him in heaven.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/14/202019 minutes, 56 seconds
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The World Changer Who Was Out of This World, Part 2 - I - 14 September 2020

What’s our focus when we share our faith? Pastor Greg Laurie says there’s a higher purpose than proving we’re right. Our objective should not be to win the argument, but to win the soul. The objective is to build a bridge, not burn a bridge. If you want to win some, you must be winsome. In other words, be nice!Support the show: for privacy information.
9/13/202019 minutes, 30 seconds
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The World Changer Who was Out of This World - Session 1 - Part 2 - 11 September 2020

We all like to be liked. Pastor Greg Laurie points out we need to choose whom to please, our self, others, or God? A look at Enoch who lived a life pleasing to the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/10/202018 minutes, 29 seconds
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The World Changer Who was Out of This World - Session 1 - Part 1 - 10 September 2020

Do you have GPS in your car, one that can momentarily think you’re there when you’re not, but then it re-syncs automatically. Pastor Greg Laurie says it can’t give you good directions if you’re not where you’re supposed to be. He helps us with staying in sync with God & being where we need to be, letting Him lead the way.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/9/202019 minutes, 1 second
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 3 - 9 September 2020

Before we fall, we don’t think we will. After we fall, we don’t think we can get up. Pastor Greg Laurie has good encouragement saying we need a helping hand, the answer is not in our own strength, & Jesus says, ’Take my hand now. Let me pull you up’.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/8/202019 minutes, 11 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 2 - 8 September 2020

The Bible says, ’Pride goes before a fall, and an arrogant spirit before destruction.’ And it’s when we think ’I’d never do that’ that we’re trusting in ourselves instead of trusting in God. Pastor Greg Laurie has important counsel on underestimating our vulnerability to the lure of temptation.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/7/202018 minutes, 40 seconds
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How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 1 - 7 September 2020

A wise Christian realises there’s always so much to learn because the healthy Christian life is one of constant growth. There’s no cruise control. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the importance of pressing forward in our walk with God as we’re transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/6/202020 minutes, 2 seconds
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Cinematic Crusade - A Rush of Hope - 4 September 2020

For over 30 years straight, the Harvest Crusades have been a summertime event in Southern California USA, and also reaching across America. But everything’s different during the COVID-19 pandemic. And yet God calls us to share Christ even in the midst of challenges. The venue is absolutely secondary! Hear important information about the global online event to reach the world this weekend, Sept 4-7! See harvest.orgSupport the show: for privacy information.
9/3/202021 minutes, 19 seconds
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Are You a World Changer - Part 2 - 3 September 2020

What kind of legacy are you going to leave? Are you a world changer, or is the world changing you? Pastor Greg Laurie helps us to take some positive steps forward in being salt and light. He considers the impact of some of our forefathers of the faith. It’s about getting right to the heart of our jobs as ’ambassadors of Christ’, rubbing off on the world instead of letting the world rub off on us.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/2/202019 minutes, 54 seconds
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Are You a World Changer - Part 1 - 2 September 2020

Faith doesn’t just talk about it. Faith doesn’t live in the realm of theory. Faith lives in the world of activity. Faith does things? Abel offered a sacrifice. Noah prepared an ark. As James said in the bible, 'faith without works is dead.' Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to let our faith fuel what we think and do.Support the show: for privacy information.
9/1/202016 minutes, 58 seconds
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Things to Do Before the End of the World - Part 2 - 1 September 2020

Weather watchers speak of the 'perfect storm' when the confluence of different phenomena produce historic results. Well, in the climate of revival there have been perfect storms, as well, when different factors combined to see a great wave of spiritual change roll out across the land, or the world. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us to see that we may be at the precipice of another great revival right now. This is the finale to his series on End Times.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/31/202020 minutes, 34 seconds
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Things to Do Before the End of the World - Part 1 - 31 August 2020

Ever been 'Hangry'? Hungry and angry, at the same time, when hunger affects your mood? They hunger for a relationship with God, and they’re angry because they can’t figure out how to satisfy their hunger. Pastor Greg Laurie shows us how we have what they’re looking for, and the closer we get to the return of Christ, the more urgent it becomes to share the love of God with people in our circle of influence.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/30/202017 minutes, 10 seconds
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What?s the Big Deal with God?s Name - Part 2 - 28 August 2020

Sometimes planet earth seems like a neglected fixer upper. The paint is chipping, the driveway’s cracked and the roof leaks. It can be fixed, but it’s going to take some major effort. Greg Laurie explains God is going to bring heaven down to earth to make it happen. Like an experienced contractor driving his mobile workshop right to the worksite, God is bringing paradise right to our backyard. Pastor Greg describes the transformation.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/27/202019 minutes, 42 seconds
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What?s the Big Deal with God?s Name - Part 1 - 27 August 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie offers some interesting insights on the Last Days. The future may be better than you even imagined. Have you ever heard the expression, ’Oh, it was just like heaven on earth'? Maybe it was a beautiful sunset you saw. It was like heaven on earth. Well, one day it is going to be heaven on earth. Heaven and earth are going to merge together.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/26/202017 minutes, 27 seconds
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Antichrist, Armageddon and The Second Coming - Part 2 - 26 August 2020

Many confuse the Rapture and the Second Coming, some thinking its two names for the same thing. Pastor Greg Laurie clarifies explaining that the Rapture is when Jesus comes for His people; the second Coming when He returns again with His people. You’re going to have that holy land experience, but you’re not going to do it in a bus. You’re going to do it with the Lord Himself.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/25/202018 minutes, 22 seconds
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Antichrist, Armageddon and The Second Coming - Part 1 - 25 August 2020

The Antichrist is a fake Jesus Christ. The way he fools people is through peace. The Bible says, ’Through peace, he will deceive many.’ But then people will realize how evil he actually is. Pastor Greg Laurie warns about the Beast, the blasphemer, the evil one, who will carry out Satan’s bidding during the End Times.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/24/202017 minutes, 20 seconds
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Cinematic Crusade: A Rush of Hope - 24 August 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie is sharing about the Harvest Crusades. For over 30 consecutive years, these have been mid-year / summertime events in Southern California, but also reaching the rest of the U.S & the world. Everything is different this year with the pandemic, yet God calls us to share Christ even in the midst of challenges. The venue is secondary? A RUSH OF HOPE is coming in early September, spring time for us in Australia. It’s a cinematic on-line event coming to a screen near you. For all the details on the Harvest Crusade, go to the show: for privacy information.
8/23/202024 minutes, 21 seconds
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Is Coronavirus a Sign of the End Times - Part 2 - 21 August 2020

When will this all be over? Life has been so abnormal amidst the current pandemic, so much so that it’s become obvious that normal will be some kind of new normal. Regardless, God still has a plan for our lives that transcends the here and now. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us look at the present in light of our future. Maybe what we see is evidence that God’s plan is moving ahead in front of our eyes.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/20/202017 minutes, 44 seconds
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Is Coronavirus a Sign of the End Times - Part 1 - 20 August 2020

Is there a Last Days aspect to the current pandemic? Many people are beginning to wonder if Covid-19 is not a sign of the End Times. Has it been a wake-up call for you? Pastor Greg Laurie provides some good encouragement, saying we can freak out, or we can look up, because Jesus said, ’When you see these things begin to happen, look up for your redemption is drawing near’.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/19/202015 minutes, 49 seconds
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Beyond Valor - The Red Erwin Story - Interview with Jon Erwin - Part 2 - 19 August 2020

ENCORE BROADCAST: More on the story of Extraordinary Heroism, Sacrificial Love, and a Race against Time. Pastor Greg Laurie speaks with author Jon Erwin on the riveting story of his own grandfather, WWII hero, Henry 'Red' Erwin, who was on a routine mission to Koriyama, Japan, when a bomb erupted in his face onboard a B29 Superfortress. Be encouraged by Red’s dedication to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/18/202024 minutes, 8 seconds
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Beyond Valor - The Red Erwin Story - Interview with Jon Erwin - Part 1 - 18 August 2020

Encore Broadcast: Pastor Greg Laurie invites author Jon Erwin to tell the riveting story of the heroism display by his grandfather who was on a routine mission to Koriyama, Japan, when a bomb erupted in his face onboard a B29 Super fortress. It’s a story of heroism and dedication to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/17/202020 minutes, 56 seconds
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Violence and Sex - Part 2 - 17 August 2020

No man can take fire into his lap and not be burned? And that’s what lust is like. ’Oh, I can control this.’ ’This won’t get the best of me.’ Beware. Pastor Greg Laurie warns us of the destructive power of lust, and how to keep it from invading and igniting our lives. The best way to overcome lust and protect your mind is to fill it with something better. Cultivate your relationship with Jesus Christ.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/16/202016 minutes, 8 seconds
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Violence & Sex - I - 14 August 2020

The Bible tells us God is love. Yes, He’s loving, but First John 4:8 says God IS love. And it says, 'He who does not love does not know God. . .' So it should come as no surprise that hatred is not a part of God’s plan for believers? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses the hatred we see around us in our culture. What are we as believers to do? (And a word to parents - the content of today’s study may be a little too strong for younger ears).Support the show: for privacy information.
8/13/202019 minutes
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The Family Matters - II - 13 August 2020

Statistics show that the age most kids start to turn away from their faith is the age of 13. Pastor Greg Laurie offers insights on family matters, and how to pass the baton of faith to the next generation. It’s a parent’s job to work with them, explain faith to them, and help prepare them for the real world.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/12/202018 minutes, 59 seconds
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The Family Matters - I - 12 August 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie speaks about the challenge of parenting, and the Lord’s command to treat parents with respect and honour. It’s very easy to critique a parent until you become a parent. And then, a lot of the things you said critically, you realise were actually them doing their job right.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/11/202020 minutes, 10 seconds
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What's the Big Deal with God's Name? - II - 11 August 2020

We make time for those things that are important to us. What about taking one day off out of seven to rest and recharge. Do we have time for that? Pastor Greg Laurie says if we honor the Lord and say, ’I’m taking this day, Sunday, the Lord’s Day. I’m going to worship with my family. We’re going to spend time together. I’m going to disconnect from all the things that distract me,’ then whatever we’re doing, God will bless us for that.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/10/202017 minutes, 49 seconds
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What's the Big Deal with God's Name? - I - 10 August 2020

Some people text, ’OMG...OMG...OMG, I just had the most amazing burger. OMG!’ Wait, do you really mean to invoke the name of the most high God for your burger?!' Using the Lord’s name in an empty, insincere, or frivolous way is what the Bible calls ’taking the Lord’s name in vain’. Pastor Greg Laurie underscores the third of the 10 Commandments.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/9/202018 minutes, 1 second
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10 Part 2 - No Other Gods - Part 2

Pastor Greg Laurie says we need to remember God is God, and we’re not. The idea’s not to change God into our image, but to change ourselves into His image and not turn this around.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/6/202019 minutes, 23 seconds
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10 Part 2 - No Other Gods - Part 1

Pastor Greg Laurie wants us to be warned about modern-day idols. These days? Yes. He says an idol is anyone or anything that takes the place of God in your life. So, what do you get really excited about? What gets you fired up? What are you passionate about, what do you think about the most, dream about as you fall asleep in your bed, or perhaps even scheme for? Because that is your god.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/5/202016 minutes, 29 seconds
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10 Part 1 - No Other Gods - Part 2

What do you think about the most? What do you dream about and plan for? What are you passionate about? That is your god. Pastor Greg Laurie says making the Lord God your God is the pathway to a settled contentment. Greg Laurie says if you will put God first in your life, on the authority of Scripture, everything else will fall into its rightful place. It’s important to put Him first.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/4/202018 minutes, 8 seconds
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Beyond Valor - The Red Erwin Story - Interview with Jon Erwin - Part 2 - 4 August 2020

More on the story of Extraordinary Heroism, Sacrificial Love, and a Race against Time. Pastor Greg Laurie speaks with author Jon Erwin on the riveting story of his own grandfather, WWII hero, Henry 'Red' Erwin, who was on a routine mission to Koriyama, Japan, when a bomb erupted in his face onboard a B29 Superfortress. Be encouraged by Red’s dedication to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/4/202024 minutes, 8 seconds
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Beyond Valor - The Red Erwin Story - Interview with Jon Erwin - Part 1 - 3 August 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie invites author Jon Erwin to tell the riveting story of the heroism display by his grandfather who was on a routine mission to Koriyama, Japan, when a bomb erupted in his face onboard a B29 Superfortress. It’s a story of heroism and dedication to God.Support the show: for privacy information.
8/2/202023 minutes, 5 seconds
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10 part 1 - No Other Gods - Part 1 - 31 July 2020

A recent survey found that 14% of Americans can name the Ten Commandments. By comparison, a quarter of them can name the seven ingredients in a Big Mac. We tend to remember those things that are important to us, those things we hear about repeatedly. Pastor Greg Laurie highlights the importance of spending time with the Ten Commandments written to help us know right from wrong.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/30/202019 minutes, 29 seconds
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The Desert Song - Part 2 - 30 July 2020

Your brain is filled with all kinds of trivia, your favorite song lyrics, lines out of movies, ads. Can you memorise John 3:16? A blessing is promised to the person who both reads and keeps the Word. Repeatedly, God invites us to internalise the truth of Scripture. Pastor Greg Laurie says our minds are hardwired to remember what we hear.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/29/202018 minutes, 44 seconds
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The Desert Song - Part 1 - 29 July 2020

Many tend to think of the here and now. God, in contrast, thinks more of the by and by. While we think about what will make us happy in the moment, God’s more interested in what will make us holy. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the Lord wants us to choose the kind of joy that will follow us into eternity. God’s end game is to make us more like Jesus because heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/28/202021 minutes, 25 seconds
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Between Impossible and More Impossible - Part 2 - 28 July 2020

Motive without motion is meaningless. There can come a time in your life when it’s time to move instead of praying further. You’ve prayed enough. Now it’s time to take action. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us put feet to our prayers when the Lord is saying, ’Okay, whatever. Start walking!’Support the show: for privacy information.
7/27/202019 minutes, 30 seconds
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Between Impossible and More Impossible - Part 1 - 27 July 2020

Are you facing hardship right now? When you’re facing an impossible situation and then it gets worse, it’s important to stop and cry out to God. The Lord invites us to come to Him when we’re at the end of our rope. Pastor Greg Laurie says that’s where hope is found, and God hears our prayers.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/26/202020 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Passover - A New Beginning - Part 3 - 24 July 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie reassures us that God’s forgiveness is complete forgiveness. He says God has taken His delete key to your sin and removed it as far as the east is from the west. We must stop dragging things up again. He forgives your sin and forgets your sin. We should not choose to remember what God has chosen to forget. This is what it means to 'apply the blood'.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/23/202018 minutes, 6 seconds
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The Passover - A New Beginning - Part 2 - 23 July 2020

Instead of trying to forgive yourself, understand the power and completeness of God’s forgiveness that was purchased for you by the blood of Jesus Christ! Pastor Greg Laurie says His blood washed our sins away. It was Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross that made our forgiveness possible. Stop trying to forgive yourself. It’s time to apply the blood instead.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/22/202020 minutes, 24 seconds
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The Passover - A New Beginning - Part 1 - 22 July 2020

'Put God first in all things and He will bless you in all things.' That’s the wisest plan for our walk with God. But Pastor Greg Laurie is concerned that, many times, we don’t put God first, and then we’re surprised when our lives bottom out.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/21/202019 minutes, 48 seconds
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The Danger of the Compromised Life - Part 2 - 21 July 2020

Our spiritual adversary is relentless, and he won’t stop tempting us even after we become believers. We have to say to the enemy, ’You get nothing, zero! And I don’t want you in my life anymore. I’m done with you, you can leave now, goodbye! Get behind me, Satan, and go away.’'Support the show: for privacy information.
7/21/202020 minutes, 22 seconds
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The Danger of the Compromised Life - Part 1 - 20 July 2020

Instead of asking ’Can I do this and still be a Christian?’, the better question would be, ’Since I am a Christian, what can I do to get closer to God?’ Pastor Greg Laurie invites us be fully committed to Him.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/19/202020 minutes, 37 seconds
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The Danger of a Hardened Heart - Part 2 - 17 July 2020

Eeyore from the ’Winnie the Pooh’ books, was an old grey donkey with a sour disposition, pessimistic, complaining, and discontented. Many people had a streak of this during quarantine, but some just bring a dark cloud of hostility with them everywhere they go. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that this could very well be evidence of a spiritually hardened heart. Learn to spot the syndrome and where to find the cure.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/16/202019 minutes, 12 seconds
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The Danger of a Hardened Heart - Part 1 - 16 July 2020

Our world is filled with all kinds of religious ideology, with all kinds of gurus and self-proclaimed prophets and other religious leaders all saying they have the truth. Christian faith is the genuine article. Everything else is an imitation. Pastor Greg Laurie says it’s not that the world is lacking for spiritual influence. It’s a collision of competing messages.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/15/202020 minutes, 3 seconds
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How God Can Turn Your Mess into a Message - Part 2 - 15 July 2020

Your life may seem broken with shattered pieces but Pastor Greg Laurie points out the Lord can heal your brokenness and use you once again, sharing about turning your mess into a message, and your test into a testimony.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/14/202019 minutes, 28 seconds
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How God Can Turn Your Mess into a Message - Part 1 - 14 July 2020

People will say, ’Well, we’re retired now. We’re just going to relax and live a life of leisure.’ ? As a Christian, your life has purpose, and you have something to offer, something to do, beyond sitting in the La-Z-Boy. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that some people think they reach a point in their lives when their work for God is finished. He encourages us to find out more about God’s individual plans.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/13/202020 minutes, 49 seconds
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God's Call - Man's Excuses - Part 2 - 13 July 2020

Sometimes we go through things in life that don’t make sense, only to find it was preparation for something else. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us to draw strength from a more eternal perspective, the bigger plan that God has for us.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/12/202020 minutes, 15 seconds
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God?s Call - Man?s Excuse - Part 1 - 10 July 2020

The world has yet to see what God can do in and through a man or a woman who is totally committed to Him. So, will you say, ’Here I am, Lord send me,’ or will you say, ’There they are, Lord, send them’? A mark of spiritual maturity is when we say, ’Lord, use me.’ Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to be the kind of believer the Lord can count on, all in for whatever God has in mind.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/9/202019 minutes, 51 seconds
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God Enough - Program 2 - Part 2 - 9 July 2020

God does some of His best work through weak people. If God only worked through the ultra-talented and the over-achiever, many of us would feel unqualified. Pastor Greg Laurie says everyone qualifies for His glorious purpose to show His superior power. We just need to be obedient.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/8/202018 minutes, 29 seconds
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God Enough - Program 2 - Part 1 - 8 July 2020

Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and let God use you? When’s the last time you did something for the first time? Pastor Greg Laurie invites us to make ourselves available for service to God without embarrassment or fear.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/7/202020 minutes, 16 seconds
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God Enough - Program 1 - Part 2 - 7 July 2020

Moses saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brothers. So he looked this way and that way and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. Moses checked for witnesses before he sinned. Pastor Greg Laurie says avoiding being seen is a warning sign about our behaviour. Instead of just looking this way and that way, it’s important to look up.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/6/202020 minutes
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God Enough - Program 1 - Part 1 - 6 July 2020

People are watching you and being impacted by the way you deal or don’t deal with the challenges of your life. Just as others have influenced you, you’re influencing others. Pastor Greg Laurie says when you dare to live a godly life, despite difficulties, it’s a powerful testimony - more powerful than you may realise.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/5/202019 minutes, 9 seconds
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Your Life Has a Purpose - Part 2 - 3 July 2020

Roller coaster rides can nauseate. Going up and down and right and left. Some think to themselves, ’I can’t wait to get off this ride!’ And that’s how sin can be. Sin promises pleasure, but delivers pain! Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to see sin and temptation for what they really are, fun for a season.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/2/202020 minutes, 47 seconds
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Your Life Has a Purpose - Part 1 - 2 July 2020

The world has a knack for attempting to put a happy face on some deep, dark times of crisis - 'What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger!' - 'Don’t worry, be happy!' - 'Look on the bright side!' - But sometimes an earthquake so shakes our lives that there doesn’t seem to be a bright side. Remember, mountains rise from earthquakes! Pastor Greg Laurie helps us put our past to use in the most fulfilling ways.Support the show: for privacy information.
7/1/202019 minutes, 9 seconds
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Bringing Christ into Your Crisis - 1 July 2020

We’ve certainly seen plenty of panic and distress so far this year. Pastor Greg Laurie addresses the possible spiritual significance of Covid-19, saying the Bible tells us in the last days there will be an increase of plagues and pestilence, and how these just may be foreshocks telling us to wake up and stay in the light.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/30/202020 minutes, 1 second
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The Cure To Worry - Part 2 - 30 June 2020

We all have moments of despair and everybody needs a little positive affirmation. Pastor Greg Laurie says we should be letting biblical thoughts speak to us because when we quote the Word of God to ourselves, we are reminded of what is true.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/29/202018 minutes, 16 seconds
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The Cure To Worry - Part 1 - 29 June 2020

Worry can be harmful. It doesn’t make things better; it actually makes things worse. Pastor Greg Laurie shares about how worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrow, but empties today of its strength.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/28/202019 minutes, 14 seconds
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The Race We Must Win - Part 2 - 26 June 2020

Could it be that this post-COVID world is at the beginning of a time of great spiritual awakening? Pastor Greg Laurie helps us be ready for what God wants to do. It affects us, it involves us, it requires us, and it’ll bless us. Let’s see how we can be a part of the action.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/25/202019 minutes, 47 seconds
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The Race We Must Win - Part 1 - 25 June 2020

Most people’s lives make a statement. Some promote their footy team. For others, it’s their favorite social cause or political candidate and it’s all they talk about. What’s the message people get from your life and behavior? Pastor Greg Laurie urges us to follow Paul’s example - whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/24/202018 minutes, 33 seconds
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We Can Work it Out - Part 2 - 24 June 2020

When you become a member of the family of God, you don’t get a laminated member I.D. card or anything, so, how do you know you’re a member and how can you make sure you membership hasn’t lapsed? Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see where we stand in our relationship with the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/23/202019 minutes, 47 seconds
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We Can Work it Out - Part 1 - 23 June 2020

When Jesus saves us, we’re saved to the 'uttermost,' as we read in Hebrews chapter 7. We’re not mostly saved or pretty-much saved. As one speaker pointed out, the old hymn does not say, 'Sin has left a crimson stain, He washed it light pink.' Pastor Greg Laurie examines what our response should be to that finished work on the cross.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/22/202020 minutes, 9 seconds
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What Do You Live For - Part 2 - 22 June 2020

When we focus on this life, we have to remember that real living begins on the other side of eternity when we’re in paradise in the presence of God. Pastor Greg Laurie offers a heavenly perspective on the earthly trials and challenges we face. We’ll see there’s a better day coming.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/22/202019 minutes, 24 seconds
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What Do You Live For - Part 1 - 19 June 2020

We all have those things that capture our attention, those things we strive for and think about. Pastor Greg Laurie addresses how some people just live for the moment, and others are simply enduring rather than enjoying their lives. He shares about keeping eternity in view.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/18/202019 minutes, 59 seconds
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How to Be Happy Though Stuck at Home - Part 2 - 18 June 2020

Who knew we’d get so tired of spending so much time at home? Pastor Greg Laurie addresses the questions and pressures of our current situation. He says 'We can’t control what is happening to us right now. But we must remember God is in control, and He has an end game.' God’s end game is to make you like Jesus. Whatever you’re going through, God wants to make you more like Christ, so He can use this in your life.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/18/202019 minutes, 22 seconds
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How to Be Happy Though Stuck at Home - Part 1 - 17 June 2020

Many people in the Bible faced times of loneliness and isolation. Moses spent 40 years in the wilderness. Jeremiah felt isolated and was called 'the weeping prophet.' How can we cope with the pressures on us today? Pastor Greg Laurie has good encouragement from the time-tested truth of God’s Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/16/202019 minutes, 52 seconds
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What to Do When You Don?t Know What to Do - 16 June 2020

Can prayer change things? You better believe it. And we need to pull together, to work together and pray together because there’s power in united prayer. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us gain our spiritual bearings in facing the pandemic, or really any challenge we might encounter. God is bigger than Covid-19. God is bigger than any problem you’re facing right now. So don’t worry, pray.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/15/202019 minutes, 54 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - Part 3 - 15 June 2020

Some people come to Christ full of passion and resolve. But often that passion can fizzle out and dull. If this sounds like you, there’s some good news. You don’t have to stay there! Pastor Greg Laurie points out, it’s not how you start, but how you finish. It’s his final study in Nehemiah where we’ll learn how to finish well.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/15/202017 minutes, 36 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - II - 12 June 2020

Have you ever thought about how much of your life do you give to God? Do you give Him your best? Or just the scraps, the afterthoughts? Do you long to be in His presence or rush through bible reading between TV shows? God isn’t content with the leftovers of our lives. He wants to be top priority. Pastor Greg points out that principle even extends to our financial management.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/11/202019 minutes, 32 seconds
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This is Not a Drill - I - 11 June 2020

Take a moment to think about your faith. Is it something you publically broadcast? Or do only those closest to you know you’re a Christian? When was the last time you shared your faith? Have you ever? Hear about the importance of making our faith a public declaration. We’re called to stand up and stand out. If our faith is a big secret the question is...why?Support the show: for privacy information.
6/10/202019 minutes, 34 seconds
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It's Time to Pray - II - 10 June 2020

In the book of Nehemiah, we’ve been learning from his leadership as the people rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem. It was an incredible task! See the importance of prayer now, & how prayer led to great repentance & a great revival. Let’s see that happen again in our time.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/9/202018 minutes, 27 seconds
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It's Time to Pray - I - 9 June 2020

How often do you pray? Be honest, sometimes do you feel like you’re just badgering God? Or perhaps that He doesn’t want to hear your prayers? That can be a thought we have, but it’s false! Pastor Greg helps us realize how God wants us to come to Him in prayer. He delights in our prayers! We’re returning to our studies in the fascinating Old Testament book of Nehemiah. So many great lessons from the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/8/202020 minutes, 23 seconds
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How To Have a Personal Spiritual Revival - II - 8 June 2020

As Christians we know we are saved by God’s grace and it’s by Him alone that we are free from sin. However, that doesn’t mean sin won’t try entering our lives. Pastor Greg brings us a cold, hard look at sin and how to resist its foothold in our lives via the book of Nehemiah. Discover how to experience a personal, spiritual revival four yourself.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/7/202018 minutes, 54 seconds
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How to Have a Personal Spiritual Revival - Part 1 - 5 June 2020

Pastor Greg helps us to see where we’re currently at, where we’d like our relationship with God to be and how to take the proper steps to re-energize our faith, fervor and fidelity to God. It’s an important message for all Christians and we need to be constantly aware of our walk with God, to never take Him for granted.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/4/202018 minutes, 29 seconds
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Don't Give Up - Part 3 - 4 June 2020

There have been many famous violinists and far fewer famous luthiers, the master craftsmen who made the great violins. Among the few was Antonio Stradivari. There’s not a violinist alive who’s never heard of a Stradivarius. Pastor Greg points out, whether we play an instrument, whether we make an instrument, or just listen to instruments, we can all BE an instrument in the hand of God. Learn to serve God with the passion of Stradivari.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/3/202018 minutes, 52 seconds
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Don't Give Up - Part 2 - 3 June 2020

There’s a lot of worldly distractions around us. If we’re not careful, we can end up giving our attention to the wrong things and that can be damaging. Pastor Greg shows us how to forge a good, strong character - a moral fortitude based on our relationship with God. Follow in the footsteps of a spiritual forefather who faced great opposition, but had the character to stand strong.Support the show: for privacy information.
6/2/202018 minutes, 52 seconds
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Don't Give Up - Part 1 - 2 June 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie continues our study into the book of Nehemiah. We’ve already gained so much wisdom from this story, as Nehemiah describes a great undertaking - rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem! We’ll see how the workers were under great pressure, they faced great opposition, and we’ll glean some great lessons on how they responded. Our study is titled, 'Don’t Give Up.'Support the show: for privacy information.
6/1/202017 minutes, 52 seconds
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How to Handle Discouragement - Part 2 - 1 June 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie brings us insights from the book of Nehemiah in the story of the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem. God’s people were working hard, but we’ll see some began acting in a way that was out of sync with being a God-fearing man or woman.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/31/202020 minutes, 51 seconds
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How to Handle Discouragement - Part 1 - 29 May 2020

When people stand against us, it’s often because of what we stand for. Some people can’t stand people of faith, but they tolerate just about everything else. We have to remember that the attack is nothing personal, it’s something spiritual. Pastor Greg Laurie helps us see what’s behind that hostility and how we can compose and conduct ourselves just as our forefathers did.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/28/202018 minutes, 47 seconds
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Suffer Strong - Interview with Authors Katherine and Jay Wolf - Part 2 - 28 May 2020

Authors Jay and Katharine Wolf speak with Pastor Greg Laurie about the wonderful abilities given Katherine by her disability. The Wolfs have authored a new book called Suffer Strong. It’s a book filled with in the midst of crisis and tragedy. It’s their journey following a near-fatal brain-stem stroke that Katharine suffered a number of years ago. And her disability has changed their lives in some very dramatic ways.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/27/202022 minutes, 53 seconds
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Suffer Strong - Interview with Authors Katherine and Jay Wolf - Part 1 - 27 May 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie is joined by his wife, Cathe, and special guests, authors Katherine and Jay Wolf who have faced some additional layers of challenge, on top of the whole dynamic of being parents.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/26/202021 minutes, 26 seconds
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Dealing with Criticism - Part 2 - 26 May 2020

Winston Churchill, during World War II, spoke at the school he once attended. Tradition records his entire speech as just 17 words: ’Young men, never give up. Never give up! Never give up!! Never, never, never never never never!’ Historians point out the words were slightly different, and the speech notably longer, but it’s still good advice. Pastor Greg Laurie points out our need to display the same kind of resilience.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/25/202017 minutes, 59 seconds
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Dealing with Criticism - Part 1 - 25 May 2020

When you’re listening to the radio, you hear one station at a time. There may be dozens and dozens up and down the dial, but your tuner helps you hear just one. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that there are voices of opposition calling to us as we walk with the Lord. We need an internal, spiritual tuner that helps us hear just the voice of God. Hear about the example of Nehemiah and his wall builders in learning how to ignore the hecklers, our detractors.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/24/202018 minutes, 11 seconds
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Wall Builders - Part 2 - 22 May 2020

We live in a digital age of information technology, and yet Pastor Greg Laurie is concerned at how this is affecting us. We’re more connected than we’ve ever been in human history and at the same time we’re more disconnected. Practical guidance for working better together.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/21/202018 minutes, 23 seconds
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Wall Builders - Part 1 - 21 May 2020

When we attend church in person, we may be greeted by someone - pass an usher or two on our way to our seat - be led in worship - and then taught from God’s Word. That’s a lot of people who’ve made themselves available for all that to happen. Pastor Greg Laurie wonders what you’re willing to do for someone else. An encouraging message on how we can say yes to service for God.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/20/202019 minutes, 6 seconds
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How to Be a Successful Leader - Part 2 - 20 May 2020

Weight lifters know that if there’s no pain, there’s no gain. If you’re lifting weights that are easy and effortless, you’re not helping yourself. But if there’s resistance, if it’s tough going, then that’s a good sign. Pastor Greg Laurie says the same applies to our work for the Lord. Learn from Nehemiah how to buckle up for the ride!Support the show: for privacy information.
5/19/202019 minutes, 38 seconds
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How to Be a Successful Leader - Part 1 - 19 May 2020

Pastor Greg Laurie points out that prayer moves things. You may be the pray-er, or you may be the thing that gets moved. Wherever you fit, find out how you can get activated for the Lord.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/18/202018 minutes, 50 seconds
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The Rebuilt Life - Part 2 - 18 May 2020

When a cashier gives you change back, do you take some of it and put in your pocket? No, you take it all. And when you lodge for your tax return, do you tell the ATO to keep the refund for themselves? Probably not. If something belongs to us, we’ll take it. Pastor Greg Laurie points out the blessings and promises that God has made available to us.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/17/202019 minutes, 18 seconds
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The Rebuilt Life - Part 1 - 15 May 2020

Ministry, essentially, is a 'to do list' from God. Once we’ve come to the Lord, our sins are forgiven and our names are written in the Book of Life, but then? The Lord has a few suggestions, and whether we stand at a pulpit or a drill press, whether we deliver babies or bottled water, whether we work inside or outside the home, God has work for us to do right where we are. Some solid counsel from the book of Nehemiah.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/14/202017 minutes, 51 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World - Part 2 - Session 2 - 14 May 2020

Imagine sitting in the driver’s seat of your parked car? You start disassembling your steering wheel. You loosen the nut that holds your steering wheel in place. And now, the steering wheel is barely connected to your front wheels. Are you willing to drive down the road that way, to hit the open highway with no control? Only if you like ditches! Pastor Greg Laurie points out that some people choose to do that with their very lives.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/13/202018 minutes, 21 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World - Part 2 - Session 1 - 13 May 2020

’Funambulism’ is the skill of walking the tightrope, the high wire. Performers face mortal danger because ? well, it’s a long way down. The last thing they want, literally, is to make it only half way across the high wire. Pastor Greg Laurie points out that it’s even more important to finish the race of life well, and when we fall, the Lord is there to catch us and restore us.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202018 minutes, 9 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World - Part 1 - Part B - 12 May 2020

The world has been going through a hailstorm of crisis and calamity - sickness, death, economic upheaval, and uncertainty about the future. Hope may seem in short supply. But, it’s only in short supply if we’re going to the wrong supplier. Pastor Greg Laurie introduces us to a man who faced an epic challenge but depended on God’s provision to see him through. Learn to follow in his footsteps, as Pastor Greg introduces this Last Days believer.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202018 minutes, 28 seconds
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The World Changer at the End of the World - Part 1 - Session 1 - 11 May 2020

Scripture warns us that wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction. A lot of people going that way. It’s the way that 'seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.' Pastor Greg Laurie shows us an alternative. He helps us through the narrow gate. It won’t make us popular or politically correct, but better to live in a way that’s pleasing to God, even if it displeases people, than the other way around.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/12/202018 minutes, 31 seconds
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The Teenager Who Changed the World - Part 2 - 8 May 2020

Plain truth in a style everyday Aussies can relate to. Using (often funny) stories and straight talk from the Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/7/202019 minutes, 7 seconds
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The Teenager Who Changed the World - Part 1 - 7 May 2020

Plain truth in a style everyday Aussies can relate to. Using (often funny) stories and straight talk from the Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/6/202017 minutes, 44 seconds
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How to Overcome Your Giants - Part 1 - 5 May 2020

Plain truth in a style everyday Aussies can relate to. Using (often funny) stories and straight talk from the Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/4/202018 minutes, 59 seconds
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Suffer Strong - Part 2 - 4 May 2020

Plain truth in a style everyday Aussies can relate to. Using (often funny) stories and straight talk from the Word.Support the show: for privacy information.
5/4/202023 minutes, 7 seconds
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Suffer Strong - Part 1 - 1 May 2020

Episode Suffer Strong - Part 1 - 1 May 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/30/202021 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters - Part 2 - 30 April 2020

Episode How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters - Part 2 - 30 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/29/202019 minutes, 44 seconds
Episode Artwork

How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters - Part 1 - 29 April 2020

Episode How Eternity Brings Focus to What Really Matters - Part 1 - 29 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/28/202019 minutes, 46 seconds
Episode Artwork

Can We Have Revival in Our Time? Part 2 - 28 April 2020

Episode Can We Have Revival in Our Time? Part 2 - 28 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/28/202019 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Can We Have Revival in Our Time - Part 1 - 27 April 2020

Episode Can We Have Revival in Our Time - Part 1 - 27 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/26/202019 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

Can We Have Revival in Our Time - Part 1 - 24 April 2020

Episode Can We Have Revival in Our Time - Part 1 - 24 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/23/202019 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 3 - Part 2 - 23 April 2020

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 3 - Part 2 - 23 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/22/202018 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 3 - Part 1 - 22 April 2020

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 3 - Part 1 - 22 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/21/202020 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 2 - Part 3 - 21 April 2020

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 2 - Part 3 - 21 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/20/202020 minutes
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God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 2 - Part 2 - 20 April 2020

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 2 - Part 2 - 20 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/19/202018 minutes, 31 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 1 - Part 3 - 17 April 2020

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 1 - Part 3 - 17 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/16/202020 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 1 - Part 2 - 16 April 2020

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety and Worry - Program 1 - Part 2 - 16 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/15/202018 minutes, 54 seconds
Episode Artwork

Harvest at Home - Finding Peace During Crisis - 15 April 2020

Episode Harvest at Home - Finding Peace During Crisis - 15 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/14/202021 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Walk with God in 2020 - Program 2 - Part 2 - 14 April 2020

Episode How to Walk with God in 2020 - Program 2 - Part 2 - 14 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/13/202019 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Walk with God in 2020 - Program 2 - Part 1 - 13 April 2020

Episode How to Walk with God in 2020 - Program 2 - Part 1 - 13 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/13/202018 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Death of Death - Part 2 - 10 April 2020

Episode The Death of Death - Part 2 - 10 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/9/202019 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Death of Death - Part 1 - 9 April 2020

Episode The Death of Death - Part 1 - 9 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/8/202018 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

Dealing with Discouragement - A Good Friday Message- 8 April 2020

Episode Dealing with Discouragement - A Good Friday Message- 8 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/7/202020 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Palm Sunday - The Real Story - Part 2 - 7 April 2020

Episode Palm Sunday - The Real Story - Part 2 - 7 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/6/202018 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

Palm Sunday - The Real Story - Part 1 - 6 April 2020

Episode Palm Sunday - The Real Story - Part 1 - 6 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/5/202020 minutes, 25 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Walk with God in 2020- Program 1 - Part 2 - 3 April 2020

Episode How to Walk with God in 2020- Program 1 - Part 2 - 3 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/2/202017 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Walk with God in 2020- Program 1 - Part 1 - 2 April 2020

Episode How to Walk with God in 2020- Program 1 - Part 1 - 2 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
4/1/202016 minutes, 20 seconds
Episode Artwork

20/20 Vision - Part 2 - 1 April 2020

Episode 20/20 Vision - Part 2 - 1 April 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Media. Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/31/202019 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

20/20 Vision - Part 1 - 31 March 2020

Episode 20/20 Vision - Part 1 - 31 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Media. Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/31/202017 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

You Reap What You Sow - Part 2 - 30 March 2020

Episode You Reap What You Sow - Part 2 - 30 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/30/202017 minutes, 9 seconds
Episode Artwork

You Reap What You Sow - Part 1 - 27 March 2020

Episode You Reap What You Sow - Part 1 - 27 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/26/202020 minutes, 35 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why God Chose You - Part 2 - 26 March 2020

Episode Why God Chose You - Part 2 - 26 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/25/202018 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why God Chose You - Part 1 - 25 March 2020

Episode Why God Chose You - Part 1 - 25 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/24/202018 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Plot Thickens - Part 2 - 24 March 2020

Episode The Plot Thickens - Part 2 - 24 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/23/202021 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Plot Thickens - Part 1 - 23 March 2020

Episode The Plot Thickens - Part 1 - 23 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/22/202019 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

For Such a Time As This - 20 March 2020

Episode For Such a Time As This - 20 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/19/202019 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Count Me In - Part 2 - 19 March 2020

Episode Count Me In - Part 2 - 19 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/18/202018 minutes, 2 seconds
Episode Artwork

Count Me In - Part 1 - 18 March 2020

Episode Count Me In - Part 1 - 18 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/17/202018 minutes, 15 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Go To Church - Part 2 - 17 March 2020

Episode How To Go To Church - Part 2 - 17 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/16/202019 minutes, 26 seconds
Episode Artwork

How To Go To Church - Part 1 - 16 March 2020

Episode How To Go To Church - Part 1 - 16 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/15/202018 minutes, 52 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope for Hurting Hearts - Part 2 - 13 March 2020

Episode Hope for Hurting Hearts - Part 2 - 13 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/12/202020 minutes, 43 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope for Hurting Hearts - Part 1 - 12 March 2020

Episode Hope for Hurting Hearts - Part 1 - 12 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/11/202020 minutes, 7 seconds
Episode Artwork

Heaven, Happiness and Hope - Part 2 - 11 March 2020

Episode Heaven, Happiness and Hope - Part 2 - 11 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/10/202018 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

Heaven, Happiness and Hope - Part 1 - 10 March 2020

Episode Heaven, Happiness and Hope - Part 1 - 10 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/9/202018 minutes, 3 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Race We Must Win - Part 3 - 9 March 2020

Episode The Race We Must Win - Part 3 - 9 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/8/202019 minutes, 29 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Race We Must Win - Part 2 - 6 March 2020

Episode The Race We Must Win - Part 2 - 6 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/5/202020 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Race We Must Win - Part 1 - 5 March 2020

Episode The Race We Must Win - Part 1 - 5 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/4/202017 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

We Can Work it Out - Part 2 - 4 March 2020

Episode We Can Work it Out - Part 2 - 4 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/3/202019 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

We Can Work it Out - Part 1 - 3 March 2020

Episode We Can Work it Out - Part 1 - 3 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/2/202021 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

Upside-Down Living - Part 2 - 2 March 2020

Episode Upside-Down Living - Part 2 - 2 March 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
3/1/202019 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Happiness - Where to Find It - Part 2 - 21 February 2020

Episode Happiness - Where to Find It - Part 2 - 21 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/21/202017 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

Happiness - Where to Find It - Part 1 - 20 February 2020

Episode Happiness - Where to Find It - Part 1 - 20 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/19/202019 minutes, 22 seconds
Episode Artwork

Secrets to Answered Prayer - Part 2 - 19 February 2020

Episode Secrets to Answered Prayer - Part 2 - 19 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/18/202020 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Secrets to Answered Prayer - Part 1 - 18 February 2020

Episode Secrets to Answered Prayer - Part 1 - 18 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/17/202017 minutes, 41 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to and How Not to Pray - Part 3 - 17 February 2020

Episode How to and How Not to Pray - Part 3 - 17 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/16/202019 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 1 - 3 February 2020

Episode How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 1 - 3 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/14/202018 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to and How Not to Pray - Part 2 - 14 February 2020

Episode How to and How Not to Pray - Part 2 - 14 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/13/202017 minutes, 49 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to and How Not to Pray - Part 1 - 13 February 2020

Episode How to and How Not to Pray - Part 1 - 13 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/12/202018 minutes, 14 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pray This Way - Part 2 - 12 February 2020

Episode Pray This Way - Part 2 - 12 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/11/202018 minutes, 8 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pray This Way - Part 1 - 11 February 2020

Episode Pray This Way - Part 1 - 11 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/10/202018 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

In Case of Emergency - Part 3 - 10 February 2020

Episode In Case of Emergency - Part 3 - 10 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/9/202017 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

In Case of Emergency - Part 2 - 7 February 2020

Episode In Case of Emergency - Part 2 - 7 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/6/202018 minutes, 28 seconds
Episode Artwork

In Case of Emergency - Part 1 - 6 February 2020

Episode In Case of Emergency - Part 1 - 6 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/5/202020 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 3 - 5 February 2020

Episode How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 3 - 5 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/5/202017 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 1 - 3 February 2020

Episode How to Never Stumble or Fall - Part 1 - 3 February 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
2/5/202018 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lee Strobel Investigates Miracles, an interview by Greg Laurie - II - 31 January 2020

Episode Lee Strobel Investigates Miracles, an interview by Greg Laurie - II - 31 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/30/202020 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Lee Strobel Investigates Miracles, an interview by Greg Laurie - I - 30 January 2020

Episode Lee Strobel Investigates Miracles, an interview by Greg Laurie - I - 30 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/29/202019 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - III - 29 January 2020

Episode Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - III - 29 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/28/202018 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - II - 28 January 2020

Episode Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - II - 28 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/27/202019 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - I - 27 January 2020

Episode Hope for Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones - I - 27 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/26/202019 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Home Sweet Home - God's Plan for Sex & Marriage III - 24 January 2020

Episode Home Sweet Home - God's Plan for Sex & Marriage III - 24 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/23/202018 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Home Sweet Home - God's Plan for Sex & Marriage II - 23 January 2020

Episode Home Sweet Home - God's Plan for Sex & Marriage II - 23 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/22/202018 minutes, 53 seconds
Episode Artwork

Home Sweet Home - God's Plan for Sex & Marriage I - 22 January 2020

Episode Home Sweet Home - God's Plan for Sex & Marriage I - 22 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/21/202019 minutes, 42 seconds
Episode Artwork

Don't Waste Your Pain - II - 21 January 2020

Episode Don't Waste Your Pain - II - 21 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/20/202019 minutes, 24 seconds
Episode Artwork

Don't Waste Your Pain - I - 20 January 2020

Episode Don't Waste Your Pain - I - 20 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/19/202019 minutes, 45 seconds
Episode Artwork

Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask- III - 17 January 2020

Episode Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask- III - 17 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/16/202018 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask- II - 16 January 2020

Episode Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask- II - 16 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202019 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask- I - 15 January 2020

Episode Greg Laurie & Don Stewart on the Hard Questions Nonbelievers Ask- I - 15 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202018 minutes, 57 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Reality of Hell - II - 14 January 2020

Episode The Reality of Hell - II - 14 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202018 minutes, 47 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Reality of Hell - I - 13 January 2020

Episode The Reality of Hell - I - 13 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202019 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pastor Greg Laurie: Then & Now II - 10 January 2020

Episode Pastor Greg Laurie: Then & Now II - 10 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202018 minutes, 34 seconds
Episode Artwork

Pastor Greg Laurie: Then & Now I - 9 January 2020

Episode Pastor Greg Laurie: Then & Now I - 9 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202020 minutes
Episode Artwork

Antichrist, America and the End of Days - II - 8 January 2020

Episode Antichrist, America and the End of Days - II - 8 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202019 minutes, 12 seconds
Episode Artwork

Antichrist, America and the End of Days - I - 7 January 2020

Episode Antichrist, America and the End of Days - I - 7 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202020 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - III - 6 January 2020

Episode Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - III - 6 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202018 minutes, 27 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - II - 3 January 2020

Episode Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - II - 3 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202019 minutes, 6 seconds
Episode Artwork

Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - I - 2 January 2020

Episode Why Does God Allow Trials in the Life of the Believer? - I - 2 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202020 minutes, 32 seconds
Episode Artwork

It is Finished! - II - 1 January 2020

Episode It is Finished! - II - 1 January 2020, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202019 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

It is Finished! - I - 31 December 2019

Episode It is Finished! - I - 31 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202021 minutes, 19 seconds
Episode Artwork

God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 3 - I - 30 December 2019

Episode God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 3 - I - 30 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202018 minutes, 10 seconds
Episode Artwork

God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 3 - I - 27 December 2019

Episode God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 3 - I - 27 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202019 minutes, 39 seconds
Episode Artwork

God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 2 - III - 26 December 2019

Episode God's Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry, Part 2 - III - 26 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202019 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

Mary, Did You Know? - 25 December 2019

Episode Mary, Did You Know? - 25 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202020 minutes, 36 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Nobody in the Middle of Nowhere - II - 24 December 2019

Episode The Nobody in the Middle of Nowhere - II - 24 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202019 minutes, 13 seconds
Episode Artwork

The Nobody in the Middle of Nowhere - I - 23 December 2019

Episode The Nobody in the Middle of Nowhere - I - 23 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202018 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Home for Christmas - II - 20 December 2019

Episode Home for Christmas - II - 20 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
1/15/202020 minutes, 1 second
Episode Artwork

Home for Christmas - Part 1 - 19 December 2019

Episode Home for Christmas - Part 1 - 19 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/18/201919 minutes
Episode Artwork

Don’t Lose Jesus This Christmas - Part 2 - 18 December 2019

Episode Don’t Lose Jesus This Christmas - Part 2 - 18 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/17/201919 minutes, 37 seconds
Episode Artwork

Don’t Lose Jesus This Christmas - Part 1 - 17 December 2019

Episode Don’t Lose Jesus This Christmas - Part 1 - 17 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/16/201919 minutes, 18 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 2 - 16 December 2019

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 2 - 16 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/15/201919 minutes, 5 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 3 - 13 December 2019

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 3 - 13 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/12/201918 minutes, 51 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 2 - 12 December 2019

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 2 - 12 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/11/201918 minutes, 56 seconds
Episode Artwork

God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 1 - 11 December 2019

Episode God’s Answer to Fear, Anxiety & Worry - Part 1 - 11 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/10/201919 minutes, 21 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope is on the Way - Part 2 - 10 December 2019

Episode Hope is on the Way - Part 2 - 10 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/9/201918 minutes, 59 seconds
Episode Artwork

Hope is on the Way - Part 1 - 9 December 2019

Episode Hope is on the Way - Part 1 - 9 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/8/201919 minutes, 48 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wake Up, Suit Up, Lighten Up - Part 2 - 6 December 2019

Episode Wake Up, Suit Up, Lighten Up - Part 2 - 6 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/6/201919 minutes, 11 seconds
Episode Artwork

Wake Up, Suit Up, Lighten Up - Part 1 - 5 December 2019

Episode Wake Up, Suit Up, Lighten Up - Part 1 - 5 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/4/201919 minutes, 17 seconds
Episode Artwork

Handling Hardship & Difficult People - Part 2 - 4 December 2019

Episode Handling Hardship & Difficult People - Part 2 - 4 December 2019, A New Beginning (Greg Laurie) from Vision Christian Radio - Feed generated by MediaPoint.Support the show: for privacy information.
12/3/201918 minutes, 26 seconds