The message archives of the A. Frank Smith & Cold Springs United Methodist Churches in Alto, TX.
Enduring the Storms
'Enduring the Storms' is the message (06/20/2021) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 4:35-41#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #enduring #mark_4
20/06/2021 • 19 minutes, 51 secondes
Growing in the New Creation
'Growing in the New Creation' is the message (06/13/2021) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 4:26-34#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #growing #mark_4
13/06/2021 • 21 minutes, 16 secondes
Being Renewed
'Being Renewed' is the message (06/06/2021) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #renewed #2corinthians_4
06/06/2021 • 22 minutes, 38 secondes
Born of the Spirit
'Born of the Spirit' is the message (05/30/2021) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackIsaiah 6:1-8#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc # # #spirit_born #isaiah_6
30/05/2021 • 23 minutes, 50 secondes
Light the Fire
'Light the Fire' is the message (05/23/2021) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRomans 8:18-28#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc # # #light_the_fire #romans_8
23/05/2021 • 24 minutes, 9 secondes
Working without Permission
'Working without Permission' is the message (04/25/2021) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackActs 3:1-20#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc # # #without_permission #acts_3
25/04/2021 • 20 minutes, 48 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Breakfast on the Beach
'Breakfast on the Beach' is the last message (04/18/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 21:1-19#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #breakfast #john_21
18/04/2021 • 23 minutes, 5 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Eating with the Faithful
'Eating with the Faithful' is the eighth message (04/11/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie BreenLuke 24:36-49#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #faithful #luke_24
11/04/2021 • 28 minutes, 29 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Eating on the Road
'Eating on the Road' is the seventh message (04/04/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 24:13-35#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #0n_the_road #luke_24
04/04/2021 • 22 minutes, 33 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Eating with Zacchaeus
'Eating with Zacchaeus' is the sixth message (03/28/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 19.1-10#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #zacchaeus #luke_19
28/03/2021 • 19 minutes, 23 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Eating with Humility and Generosity
'Eating with Humility and Generosity' is the fifth message (03/21/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 14:1-24#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #humility_generosity #luke_14
21/03/2021 • 20 minutes, 57 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Eating with Legal Experts
'Eating with Legal Experts' is the fourth message (03/14/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie BreenLuke 11:37-54#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #legal_experts #luke_11
14/03/2021 • 10 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Eating with Friends
'Eating with Friends' is the third message (03/07/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 10:38-42#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #friends #luke_10
07/03/2021 • 23 minutes, 33 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Eating with the Crowd
'Eating with the Crowd' is the second message (02/28/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 9:10-17#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #the_crowd #luke_9
28/02/2021 • 25 minutes, 21 secondes
Dinner with Jesus - Eating with Pharisees and Prostitutes
'Eating with Pharisees and Prostitutes' is the first message (02/21/2021) in the 'Dinner with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 7:36-50#afsumc #csumc #christianity #methodist #alto_methodists #umc #dinner_w_jesus #mark_2 #pharisees_prostitutes #luke_7
21/02/2021 • 20 minutes, 57 secondes
Follow Me - But Only Jesus
'But Only Jesus' is the last message (02/14/2021) in the 'Follow Me' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie BreenMark 9:2-9#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #follow #mark_1 #only_Jesus #mark_9
14/02/2021 • 10 secondes
Follow Me - She Began to Serve
'She Began to Serve' is the fifth message (02/07/2021) in the 'Follow Me' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 1:29-39#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #follow #mark_1 #begin_to_serve #mark_1
07/02/2021 • 21 minutes, 5 secondes
Follow Me - What Have You to Do with Us?
'What Have You to Do with Us?' is the fourth message (01/31/2021) in the 'Follow Me' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 1:21-28#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #follow #mark_1 #you_with_us #mark_1
31/01/2021 • 20 minutes, 10 secondes
Follow Me - Follow Me
'Follow Me' is the third message (01/24/2021) in the 'Follow Me' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 1:14-20#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #follow #mark_1 #follow_me #mark_1
24/01/2021 • 18 minutes, 52 secondes
Follow Me - Anything Good
'Anything Good' is the second message (01/17/2021) in the 'Follow Me' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie BreenJohn 1:43-51#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #follow #mark_1 #anything_good #john_1
17/01/2021 • 25 minutes, 4 secondes
Follow Me - Tearing Apart the Heavens
'Tearing Apart the Heavens' is the first message (01/10/2021) in the 'Follow Me' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie BreenMark 1:4-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #follow #mark_1 #tearing_apart #mark_1
10/01/2021 • 33 minutes, 46 secondes
Company's Coming - Living the Celebration
'Living the Celebration' is the last message (01/03/2021) in the 'Company's Coming' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 1:3-14#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #company #isaiah_40 #living #ephesians_1
03/01/2021 • 21 minutes, 21 secondes
Company's Coming - Enjoying the Company
'Enjoying the Company' is the fifth message (12/27/2020) in the 'Company's Coming' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackIsaiah 61:10-62:3 - Luke 2:22-40#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #company #isaiah_40 #enjoying #isaiah_61_62 #luke_2
27/12/2020 • 22 minutes, 3 secondes
Company's Coming - Waiting on the Threshold
'Waiting on the Threshold' is the fourth message (12/20/2020) in the 'Company's Coming' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black2 Samuel 7:1-16 - Luke 1:26-38#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #company #isaiah_40 #waiting #2sam_7 #luke_1
20/12/2020 • 16 minutes, 42 secondes
Company's Coming - Deck the Halls
'Deck the Halls' is the third message (12/13/2020) in the 'Company's Coming' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie BreenIsaiah 61:1-11 - John 1:1-27#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #company #isaiah_40 #deck_the_halls #isaiah_61 #john_1
13/12/2020 • 30 minutes, 35 secondes
Company's Coming - Clean-Up Crew
'Clean-Up Crew' is the second message (12/06/2020) in the 'Company's Coming' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackIsaiah 40:1-11 - Mark 1:1-18#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #company #isaiah_40 #clean_up #isaiah_40 #mark_1
06/12/2020 • 21 minutes, 32 secondes
Company's Coming - This Place Is a Mess!
'This Place Is a Mess!' is the first message (11/29/2020) in the 'Company's Coming' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackIsaiah 64:1-9 - Mark 13:24-37#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #company #isaiah_40 #messy_place #isaiah_64 #mark_13
29/11/2020 • 21 minutes, 18 secondes
How Can I Give Thanks?
'How Can I Give Thanks?' is the message (11/22/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPsalm 7:1-17#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #give_thanks? #psalm_7 #give_thanks? #psalm_7
22/11/2020 • 23 minutes, 47 secondes
Blessings of Ruth
'Blessings of Ruth' is the last message (11/15/2020) in the 'Ruth' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRuth 4:1-22#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #ruth # #blessings #ruth_4
15/11/2020 • 22 minutes, 30 secondes
Fearlessness of Ruth
'Fearlessness of Ruth' is the third message (11/08/2020) in the 'Ruth' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie BreenRuth 3:1-18#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #ruth # #fearlessness #ruth_3
08/11/2020 • 30 minutes, 53 secondes
Grateful Humility of Ruth
'Grateful Humility of Ruth' is the second message (11/01/2020) in the 'Ruth' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRuth 2:1-23#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #ruth # #grateful_humility #ruth_2
01/11/2020 • 20 minutes, 1 secondes
Initiative of Ruth
'Initiative of Ruth' is the first message (10/25/2020) in the 'Ruth' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRuth 1:1-22#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #ruth # #initiative #ruth_1
25/10/2020 • 24 minutes, 42 secondes
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
'Christ the Lord Is Risen Today' is the last message (10/18/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black1 Corinthians 15:50-58#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #is_risen #1corinthians_15
18/10/2020 • 28 minutes, 38 secondes
Amazing Grace
'Amazing Grace' is the ninth message (10/11/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie Breen1 Chronicles 17:15-27#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #amazing_grace #1chronicles_17
11/10/2020 • 26 minutes, 6 secondes
Nothing but the Blood
'Nothing but the Blood' is the eighth message (10/04/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackHebrews 9:11-22 - Isaiah 1:10-20#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #only_christ #hebrews_9 #isaiah_1
04/10/2020 • 24 minutes, 18 secondes
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
'Great Is Thy Faithfulness' is the seventh message (09/27/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLamentations 3:22-23 - James 1:16-17#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #faithfulness #lamentations_3 #james_1
27/09/2020 • 27 minutes, 42 secondes
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
'Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise' is the sixth message (09/20/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black1 Timothy 1:12-17#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #immortal_invisible_god #1timothy_1
20/09/2020 • 22 minutes, 22 secondes
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
'Come, thou Fount of every blessing' is the fifth message (09/13/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgEddie Breen1 Samuel 7:3-14#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #fount_of_blessing #1samuel_7
13/09/2020 • 27 minutes, 56 secondes
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty
'Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty' is the fourth message (09/06/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRevelation 4:1-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #holy_holy_holy #revelation_4
06/09/2020 • 31 minutes, 2 secondes
Blessed Assurance
'Blessed Assurance' is the third message (08/30/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackI Thessalonians 5:12-24#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #blessed_assurance #1thessalonians_5
30/08/2020 • 28 minutes, 48 secondes
It Is Well with My Soul
'It Is Well with My Soul' is the second message (08/23/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJob 42:10-17#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #it_is_well #job_42
23/08/2020 • 27 minutes, 25 secondes
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee
'Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee' is the first message (08/16/2020) in the 'Shout for Joy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPsalm 100:1-5#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto_methodists #umc #shout_for_joy #psalm_100 #joyful_adoration #psalm_100
16/08/2020 • 10 secondes
'Giving' is the last message (08/09/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 4:10-23#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #giving #philippians-4 #be-happy
09/08/2020 • 25 minutes, 2 secondes
Spiritual Distractions
'Spiritual Distractions' is the ninth message (08/02/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 4:2-9#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #discipleship #philippians-3 #be-happy
02/08/2020 • 10 secondes
'Discipleship' is the eighth message (07/26/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 3:12-4:1#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #discipleship #philippians-3 #be-happy
26/07/2020 • 21 minutes, 3 secondes
Jesus Plus Nothing
'Jesus Plus Nothing' is the seventh message (07/19/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 3:1-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #Jesus #philippians-3 #be-happy
19/07/2020 • 11 secondes
Sharing the Gospel
'Sharing the Gospel' is the sixth message (07/12/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 2:19-30#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #sharing #philippians-2 #be-happy
12/07/2020 • 18 minutes, 42 secondes
Let Your Life Shine
'Let Your Life Shine' is the fifth message (07/05/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 2:12-18#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #shine #philippians-2 #be-happy
05/07/2020 • 24 minutes, 20 secondes
'Humility' is the fourth message (06/28/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 2:1-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #humility #philippians-2 #be-happy
28/06/2020 • 20 minutes, 42 secondes
To Live is Christ
'To Live is Christ' is the third message (06/21/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 1:18-30#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #life #philippians-1 #be-happy
21/06/2020 • 22 minutes, 45 secondes
It’s all about the Gospel
'It’s all about the Gospel' is the second message (06/14/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 1:12-17#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #gospel #philippians-1 #be-happy
14/06/2020 • 19 minutes, 59 secondes
God's Grace Brings Joy
'God's Grace Brings Joy' is the first message (06/07/2020) in the 'Be Happy' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 1:1-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #grace #philippians-1 #be-happy
07/06/2020 • 20 minutes, 23 secondes
Come, Holy Spirit
'Come, Holy Spirit' is the message (05/31/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackActs 2:1-22#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #acts-2
31/05/2020 • 28 minutes, 32 secondes
Not What You Expected?
'Not What You Expected?' is the message (05/24/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackActs 1:6-14 - 1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #acts-1 #1peter-4-5
24/05/2020 • 20 minutes, 35 secondes
The Joy of the Lord
'The Joy of the Lord' is the message (05/17/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackNehemiah 7:73b-8:12#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #nehemiah-8
17/05/2020 • 21 minutes, 56 secondes
Patchwork Life
'Patchwork Life' is the message (05/10/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackActs 26:2–23#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #acts-26
10/05/2020 • 18 minutes, 42 secondes
Sing a New Song
'Sing a New Song' is the message (05/03/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPsalm 96#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #psalm-96
03/05/2020 • 21 minutes, 53 secondes
Boredom as a Blessing
'Boredom as a Blessing' is the message (04/26/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPsalm 46 - 1 Kings 19:9-14#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #psalm-46 #1kings-19
26/04/2020 • 20 minutes, 23 secondes
Counting Stars
'Counting Stars' is the message (04/19/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 15#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-15
19/04/2020 • 10 secondes
Get to Work
'Get to Work' is the message (04/12/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackActs 1:1-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #Acts 1:1-11
12/04/2020 • 16 minutes, 47 secondes
'Generosity' is the last message (04/05/2020) in the '40 Days in the Wilderness' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackActs 4:32-37#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #acts-4 #40days
05/04/2020 • 17 minutes, 37 secondes
Produce Good Fruits
'Produce Good Fruits' is the fifth message (03/29/2020) in the '40 Days in the Wilderness' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 12:22-37#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-12 #40days
29/03/2020 • 15 minutes, 36 secondes
Importance of Faith
'Importance of Faith' is the fourth message (03/22/2020) in the '40 Days in the Wilderness' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRomans 4:16-25#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #romans-4 #40days
22/03/2020 • 10 secondes
Service and Sacrifice
'Service and Sacrifice' is the third message (03/15/2020) in the '40 Days in the Wilderness' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackHebrews 13:1-16#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #hebrews-13 #40days
15/03/2020 • 26 minutes, 37 secondes
Be Like Christ
'Be Like Christ' is the second message (03/08/2020) in the '40 Days in the Wilderness' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 2:1-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #philippians-2 #40days
08/03/2020 • 20 minutes, 42 secondes
40 Days in the Wilderness
'40 Days in the Wilderness' is the first message (03/01/2020) in the '40 Days in the Wilderness' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 4:1-13#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #luke-4 #40days
01/03/2020 • 26 minutes, 37 secondes
What Comes Out
'What Comes Out' is the message (02/23/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 7:1-23#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #mark-7
23/02/2020 • 27 minutes, 15 secondes
Prayer of Desperation
'Prayer of Desperation' is the message (02/16/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 26:36-46#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-26
16/02/2020 • 22 minutes, 4 secondes
Invest wisely
'Invest Wisely' is the message (02/09/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 25:14-30#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-25
14/02/2020 • 26 minutes, 19 secondes
Cut It Out
'Cut It Out' is the message (02/02/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 18:1-20#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-18
02/02/2020 • 24 minutes, 53 secondes
Whoever has ears, let them hear
'Whoever has ears, let them hear' is the message (01/26/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 13:1-17#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-13
26/01/2020 • 23 minutes, 56 secondes
Calling All Sinners
'Calling All Sinners' is the message (01/19/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 9:9-13#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-9
19/01/2020 • 11 minutes, 48 secondes
Even Jesus Had Bad Days
'Even Jesus Had Bad Days' is the message (01/12/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 4:1-11#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-4
12/01/2020 • 34 minutes, 16 secondes
Searching for Serenity
'Searching for Serenity' is the message (01/05/2020) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 4:4-9#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #philippians-4
05/01/2020 • 11 minutes, 48 secondes
Jesus' Wish List
'Jesus' Wish List' is the last message (12/29/2019) in the 'Christmas Is Not Your Birthday' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 25:31-46#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #jesus-wish #matthew-25 #not-yours
29/12/2019 • 25 minutes, 23 secondes
Scandalous Love
'Scandalous Love' is the fourth message (12/22/2019) in the 'Christmas Is Not Your Birthday' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackHosea 3:1-5#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #scandalous-love #hosea-3 #not-yours
22/12/2019 • 22 minutes, 6 secondes
Giving Up On Perfect
'Giving Up On Perfect' is the third message (12/15/2019) in the 'Christmas Is Not Your Birthday' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 1:26-38#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #not-perfect #luke-1 #not-yours
15/12/2019 • 22 minutes, 2 secondes
It's All About Time
'It's All About Time' is the second message (12/08/2019) in the 'Christmas Is Not Your Birthday' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackIsaiah 9:2-7#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #expect-miracle #isaiah-9 #not-yours
08/12/2019 • 23 minutes, 52 secondes
Christmas Is Not Your Birthday
'Christmas Is Not Your Birthday' is the first message (12/01/2019) in the 'Christmas Is Not Your Birthday' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black1 Corinthians 1:3-9#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #not-yours #1cor-1 #not-yours
01/12/2019 • 21 minutes, 45 secondes
Give Thanks
'Give Thanks' is the message (11/24/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 17:11-19 - Luke 5:12-15#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #luke-17 #luke-5
24/11/2019 • 26 minutes, 14 secondes
Fellowship of Believers
'Fellowship of Believers' is the message (11/17/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackActs 2:36-47#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #acts-2
17/11/2019 • 30 minutes, 11 secondes
United In Christ
'United In Christ' is the message (11/10/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPhilippians 2:1-18#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #philippians-2
10/11/2019 • 25 minutes, 20 secondes
The Saints
'The Saints' is the message (11/03/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 2:1-22#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #ephesians-2
03/11/2019 • 22 minutes, 50 secondes
October 27, 2019 Message
This is the message from the Alto Area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC) for October 27, 2019.
27/10/2019 • 34 minutes, 26 secondes
'Repent' is the message (10/20/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 11:15-24#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-11
20/10/2019 • 36 minutes, 43 secondes
2020 Vision
'2020 Vision' is the message (10/13/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 9:57-10:1#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #luke-9-10
13/10/2019 • 38 minutes, 19 secondes
Get to work
'Get to work' is the fifth message (10/06/2019) in the 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Here' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 20:1-16#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-20 #heaven-here
06/10/2019 • 25 minutes, 45 secondes
Give It Up
'Give It Up' is the fourth message (09/29/2019) in the 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Here' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 19:13-30#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-19 #heaven-here
29/09/2019 • 26 minutes, 52 secondes
Do you understand?
'Do you understand?' is the third message (09/22/2019) in the 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Here' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 13:44-52#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-13 #heaven-here
22/09/2019 • 22 minutes, 51 secondes
The Kingdom of Heaven is like
'The Kingdom of Heaven is like' is the second message (09/15/2019) in the 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Here' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 13:24-43#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-13 #heaven-here
15/09/2019 • 25 minutes, 55 secondes
The Kingdom of Heaven is Here
'The Kingdom of Heaven is Here' is the first message (09/08/2019) in the 'The Kingdom of Heaven is Here' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 8:34-9:1#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #mark-8-9 #heaven-here
08/09/2019 • 25 minutes, 51 secondes
What's the point?
'What's the point?' is the message (09/01/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 5:1-12#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-5 #the-point
01/09/2019 • 34 minutes, 17 secondes
We are the church
The message (8/25/2019) from the United Methodist Churches of Alto (A. Frank Smith UMC and Coldsprings UMC) brought by Eddie Breen.
25/08/2019 • 20 minutes, 51 secondes
The Sacraments: Baptism
'Baptism' is the last message (08/18/2019) in the 'The Sacraments' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 28:16-20#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-28 #sacraments
18/08/2019 • 26 minutes, 54 secondes
The Sacraments: Holy Communion
'Holy Communion' is the first message (08/11/2019) in the 'The Sacraments' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 14:12-26#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #mark-14 #sacraments
11/08/2019 • 24 minutes, 47 secondes
prolegomenon: Forgiveness: The Ultimate Healing
'Forgiveness: The Ultimate Healing' is the last message (07/28/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 45:1-46:7#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-45 #prolegomenon
28/07/2019 • 25 minutes, 53 secondes
prolegomenon: Looks can be deceiving
'Looks can be deceiving' is the twelth message (07/21/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 42:1-28#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-42 #prolegomenon
21/07/2019 • 22 minutes, 57 secondes
prolegomenon: It's not fair!
'It's not fair!' is the eleventh message (07/14/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 39:1-23#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-39 #prolegomenon
14/07/2019 • 21 minutes, 15 secondes
prolegomenon: Family Feud
'Family Feud' is the tenth message (07/07/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 37:1-36#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-37 #prolegomenon
07/07/2019 • 26 minutes, 34 secondes
prolegomenon: True Reconciliation
'True Reconciliation' is the ninth message (06/30/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 33:1-15#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-27 #prolegomenon
30/06/2019 • 25 minutes, 33 secondes
prolegomenon: Dysfunctional Families Aren't New
'Dysfunctional Families Aren't New' is the eighth message (06/23/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 27:1-41#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-27 #prolegomenon
23/06/2019 • 24 minutes, 25 secondes
prolegomenon: You want what?
'You want what?' is the seventh message (06/16/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 22:1-18#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-22 #prolegomenon
16/06/2019 • 22 minutes, 53 secondes
prolegomenon: An Impossible Plan
'An Impossible Plan' is the sixth message (06/09/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 15:1-21#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-15 #prolegomenon
09/06/2019 • 22 minutes, 4 secondes
prolegomenon: Who? Me?
'Who? Me?' is the fifth message (06/02/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 12:1-9#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-12 #prolegomenon
02/06/2019 • 24 minutes, 29 secondes
prolegomenon: Talk, Talk, Talk
'Talk, Talk, Talk' is the fourth message (05/26/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 11:1-9#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-11 #prolegomenon
26/05/2019 • 21 minutes, 31 secondes
prolegomenon: After the Flood
'Never Again' is the third message (05/19/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 8:15-22#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-8 #prolegomenon
19/05/2019 • 22 minutes, 38 secondes
prolegomenon: Eyes Wide Open
'Eyes Wide Open' is the second message (05/12/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 3:1-24#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-3 #prolegomenon
12/05/2019 • 24 minutes, 2 secondes
prolegomenon: And God Said
'And God Said' is the first message (05/05/2019) in the 'prolegomenon' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 2:4-25#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #genesis-2 #prolegomenon
05/05/2019 • 24 minutes, 13 secondes
Up with the Son
"Up with the Son" is the Easter message (4/21/2019) from the Alto Area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC). afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 24:1-12#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #luke-24
21/04/2019 • 10 secondes
I Believe in the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting
'the Resurrection of the Body and the Life Everlasting' is the last message (04/14/2019) in the 'I Believe in' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black1 Corinthians 15:35-58#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #1corinthians-15 #believe
14/04/2019 • 10 secondes
I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins
'the Forgiveness of Sins' is the fifth message (04/07/2019) in the 'I Believe in' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackPsalm 103#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #psalm-103 #believe
07/04/2019 • 25 minutes
I Believe in the Church and the Communion of Saints
'I believe in the Church and the Communion of Saints' is the fourth message (03/31/2019) in the 'I Believe…' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 4:1-16#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #ephesians-4 #believe
31/03/2019 • 24 minutes, 21 secondes
I Believe in The Holy Spirit
'The Holy Spirit' is the third message (03/24/2019) in the 'I Believe in' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMatthew 28:16-20#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #matthew-28 #believe
24/03/2019 • 10 secondes
I Believe in Jesus Christ
'Jesus Christ' is the second message (03/17/2019) in the 'I Believe in' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 1:26-41#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #luke-1 #believe
17/03/2019 • 29 minutes, 5 secondes
I Believe in God
'God' is the first message (03/10/2019) in the 'I Believe in' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackExodus 3:1-15#afsumc #csumc #methodist #christianity #alto-methodists #umc #exodus-3 #believe
10/03/2019 • 25 minutes, 19 secondes
Are You Hopeless?
'Are You Hopeless?' is the last message (03/03/2019) in the 'Exploring the Miracles of Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackActs 16:16-18#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #miracles #hopeless #acts-16
03/03/2019 • 21 minutes, 25 secondes
Are You Dead?
'Are You Dead?' is the fifth message (02/24/2019) in the 'Exploring the Miracles of Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 7:11-17#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #miracles #dead #luke-7
24/02/2019 • 23 minutes, 35 secondes
Are You Hungry?
'Are You Hungry?' is the fourth message (02/17/2019) in the 'Exploring the Miracles of Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 6:1-14#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #miracles #hungry #john-6
17/02/2019 • 25 minutes, 53 secondes
Are You Thirsty?
'Are You Thirsty?' is the third message (02/10/2019) in the 'Exploring the Miracles of Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 2:1-11#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #miracles #thirsty #john-2
10/02/2019 • 10 secondes
Are You Hurting?
'Are You Hurting?' is the second message (02/03/2019) in the 'Exploring the Miracles of Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 5:1-9a#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #miracles #hurting #john-5
03/02/2019 • 22 minutes, 43 secondes
Are you Scared?
'Are You Scared?' is the first message (01/27/2019) in the 'Exploring the Miracles of Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 4:35-41#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #miracles #scared #mark-4
27/01/2019 • 24 minutes, 20 secondes
The Prayer of Not Saint Francis
'The Prayer of Not Saint Francis' is the message (01/20/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 1:76-79afsumc, alto-methodists, csumc, christianity, prayer-of-st-francis, luke-1
20/01/2019 • 24 minutes, 29 secondes
The Baptism of Jesus
'The Baptism of Jesus' is the message (01/13/2019) from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 1:1-20#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #baptism #mark-1
13/01/2019 • 26 minutes, 5 secondes
Prepare the Way: Find
'Find' is the last message (01/06/2019) in the 'Prepare the Way' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackIsaiah 60:1-6 - Matthew 2:1-12#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #prepare #find #isaiah-60 #matthew-2
06/01/2019 • 23 minutes, 46 secondes
Prepare the Way: Welcome
'Welcome' is the fourth message (12/23/2018) in the 'Prepare the Way' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMicah 5:2-5a - Luke 1:39-55#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #prepare #welcome #micah-5 #luke-1
23/12/2018 • 21 minutes, 36 secondes
Prepare the Way: Do
'Do' is the third message (12/16/2018) in the 'Prepare the Way' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackZephaniah 3:14-20 - Luke 3:7-18#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #prepare #do #zephaniah-3 #luke-3
16/12/2018 • 23 minutes, 24 secondes
Prepare the Way: Refine
'Refine' is the second message (12/09/2018) in the 'Prepare the Way' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMalachi 3:1-4 - Luke 3:1-6#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #prepare #refine #malachi-3 #luke-3
09/12/2018 • 21 minutes, 40 secondes
Prepare the Way: Stand
'Stand' is the first message (12/02/2018) in the 'Prepare the Way' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJeremiah 33:14-16 - Luke 21:25-36#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #prepare #stand #Jeremiah-33 #luke-2
02/12/2018 • 23 minutes, 15 secondes
To Emmaus and Beyond
'To Emmaus and Beyond' is the last message (11/25/2018) in the 'Journey with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackLuke 24:13-35#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #journey #emmaus #luke-24
25/11/2018 • 22 minutes, 56 secondes
Rest for the Weary
'Rest for the Weary' is the second message (11/18/2018) in the 'Journey with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 4:1-15#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #journey #rest #john-4
18/11/2018 • 23 minutes, 27 secondes
Journey with Jesus
'Journey with Jesus' is the first message (11/11/2018) in the 'Journey with Jesus' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 12:35-44#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #journey #mark-12
11/11/2018 • 23 minutes, 22 secondes
Abiding by sharing
'Abiding by sharing' is the last message (11/04/2018) in the 'Abide' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 15:1-17#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #abide #witness #john-15
04/11/2018 • 10 secondes
Abiding by serving
'Abiding by serving' is the fourth message (10/28/2018) in the 'Abide' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 15:1-17#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #abide #service #john-15
28/10/2018 • 19 minutes, 14 secondes
Abiding by giving
'Abiding by giving' is the third message (10/21/2018) in the 'Abide' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 15:1-17#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #abide #gifts #john-15
21/10/2018 • 26 minutes, 35 secondes
Abiding by being there
'Abiding by being there' is the second message (10/14/2018) in the 'Abide' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 15:1-17#afsumc #alto-methodist #csumc #christianity #abide #presence #john-15
14/10/2018 • 23 minutes, 50 secondes
Abiding by praying
'Abiding by praying' is the first message (10/07/2018) in the 'Abide' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJohn 15:1-17#afsumc #christianity #abide #prayer #john-15
07/10/2018 • 18 minutes, 12 secondes
Running the race
'Running the race' is the last message (09/30/2018) in the 'Living Strong' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.org0Hebrews 13:1-16#afsumc #christianity #living-strong #running #hebrews-13
30/09/2018 • 24 minutes, 18 secondes
23/09/2018 • 10 secondes
At what cost?
'At what cost?' is the third message (09/16/2018) in the 'Living Strong' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackHebrews 12:18-29#afsumc #christianity #living-strong #sacrifice #hebrews-12
16/09/2018 • 17 minutes, 56 secondes
There will be suffering
'There will be Suffering' is the second message (09/09/2018) in the 'Living Strong' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackHebrews 11:29-12:2#afsumc #christianity #living-strong #suffering #hebrews-11+12
09/09/2018 • 26 minutes, 12 secondes
Staying the Course
'Staying the Course' is the first message (09/02/2018) in the 'Living Strong' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackHebrews 11:1-16#afsumc #christianity #living-strong #faithfulness #hebrews-11
02/09/2018 • 25 minutes, 20 secondes
Move in love
'Move' is the last message (08/26/2018) in the 'in love' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 6:10-20#afsumc #christianity #in-love #move #ephesians-6
26/08/2018 • 26 minutes, 44 secondes
Give Thanks in love
'Give Thanks' is the third message (08/19/2018) in the 'in love' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 5:15-20#afsumc #christianity #in-love #give-thanks #ephesians-5
19/08/2018 • 22 minutes, 55 secondes
Live in love
'Live' is the second message (08/12/2018) in the 'in love' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 4:25-5:2#afsumc #christianity #in-love #live #ephesians-4
12/08/2018 • 21 minutes, 5 secondes
Build Up in love
'Build Up' is the first message (08/05/2018) in the 'in love' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 4:1-16#afsumc #christianity #in-love #build-up #ephesians-4
05/08/2018 • 19 minutes, 43 secondes
God In My iPod - The Gospel According to The Rolling Stones
'The Gospel According to The Rolling Stones' is the last message (07/29/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black#afsumc #christianity #god-in-my-ipod #mick #
29/07/2018 • 26 minutes, 52 secondes
God In My iPod - The Gospel According to Bruno
'The Gospel According to Bruno' is the eighth message (07/22/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEcclesiastes 4:7-12#afsumc #christianity #god-in-my-ipod #bruno #ecclesiastes-4
22/07/2018 • 28 minutes, 2 secondes
God In My iPod - The Gospel According to Paul
'The Gospel According to Paul' is the sixth message (07/08/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRomans 8:31-39#afsumc #christianity #god-in-my-ipod #paul #romans-8
08/07/2018 • 10 secondes
God In My iPod - The Gospel According to Billy Joe
'The Gospel According to Billy Joe' is the fifth message (07/01/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 15:22-32 - Revelation 1:9-18#afsumc #christianity #god-in-my-ipod #billy-joe #mark-15 #revelation-1
01/07/2018 • 27 minutes, 51 secondes
God In My iPod - The Gospel According to Josh
'The Gospel According to Josh' is the fourth message (06/24/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 14:10-26#afsumc #christianity #god-in-my-ipod #josh #mark-14
25/06/2018 • 25 minutes, 15 secondes
God In My iPod - The Gospel According to David
'The Gospel According to David' is the third message (06/17/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black1 Corinthians 12:12-27#afsumc #christianity #god-in-my-ipod #david #1-corinthians-12
17/06/2018 • 23 minutes, 47 secondes
God In My iPod - The Gospel According to Pete
'The Gospel According to Pete' is the second message (06/10/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black1 Corinthians 13:1-13#afsumc #christianity #god-in-my-ipod #pete #1-corinthians-13
10/06/2018 • 25 minutes, 28 secondes
God In My iPod - The Gospel According to Gene
'The Gospel According to Gene' is the first message (06/03/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 9:8-17#afsumc #christianity #god-in-my-ipod #gene #genesis-9
03/06/2018 • 25 minutes, 44 secondes
The Weight of Words - Eddie Breen
'The Gospel According to Gene' is the first message (06/03/2018) in the 'God In My iPod' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackGenesis 9:8-17#afsumc #christianity #word #eddie-breen #colossians-4
27/05/2018 • 21 minutes, 37 secondes
50 Shades of Grace: Sharing Grace
'Sharing Grace' is the last message (05/20/2018) in the '50 Shades of Grace' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. Black1 Peter 4:7b-11#afsumc #christianity #50-shades-of-grace #sharing-grace #1-peter-4
20/05/2018 • 15 minutes, 8 secondes
50 Shades of Grace: This Isn't Grace
'This Isn't Grace' is the sixth message (05/13/2018) in the '50 Shades of Grace' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 1:5-12 - Ephesians 2:1-10#afsumc #christianity #50-shades-of-grace #not-grace #ephesians-1-2
13/05/2018 • 24 minutes, 57 secondes
50 Shades of Grace: Having Grace for Yourself
'Having Grace for Yourself' is the fifth message (05/06/2018) in the '50 Shades of Grace' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackMark 9:14-29#afsumc #christianity #50-shades-of-grace #grace-for-self #mark-9
06/05/2018 • 27 minutes, 35 secondes
50 Shades of Grace: Having Grace for Others
'Having Grace for Others' is the fourth message (04/29/2018) in the '50 Shades of Grace' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackJames 2:1-13#afsumc #christianity #50-shades-of-grace #grace-for-others #james-2
29/04/2018 • 27 minutes, 54 secondes
50 Shades of Grace: Living Under Grace
'Living Under Grace' is the third message (04/22/2018) in the '50 Shades of Grace' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRomans 6:1-14#afsumc #christianity #50-shades-of-grace #living-grace #romans-6
22/04/2018 • 6 secondes
50 Shades of Grace: Receiving Grace
'Receiving Grace' is the second message (04/15/2018) in the '50 Shades of Grace' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackRomans 5:1-17#afsumc #christianity #50-shades-of-grace #receiving-grace #romans-5
15/04/2018 • 23 minutes, 44 secondes
50 Shades of Grace: What Is Grace?
'What Is Grace?' is the first message (04/08/2018) in the '50 Shades of Grace' series from the Alto area United Methodist Churches (A. Frank Smith UMC and Cold Springs UMC).afsumc.orgJohn R. BlackEphesians 2:1-10#afsumc #christianity #50-shades-of-grace #grace #ephesians-2
08/04/2018 • 24 minutes, 37 secondes
April Fools Day
01/04/2018 • 28 minutes, 6 secondes
Building a Life of Witness
This is the last of six messages in the "Building a Better Christian" series from the United Methodist Churches in Alto, Texas.March 25, 2018#christianity #message #alto-tx #john-1 #jesus #christian #building #witness
25/03/2018 • 5 secondes
Building a Life of Service
This is the fifth of six messages in the "Building a Better Christian" series from the United Methodist Churches in Alto, Texas.March 18, 2018#christianity #message #alto-tx #1peter-2 #jesus #christian #building #service
18/03/2018 • 11 secondes
Building a Life of Generosity
This is the fourth of six messages in the "Building a Better Christian" series from the United Methodist Churches in Alto, Texas.March 11, 2018#christianity #message #alto-tx #1timothy-6 #jesus #christian #building #generosity
11/03/2018 • 31 minutes, 24 secondes
Building a Life of Presence
This is the first of six messages in the "Building a Better Christian" series from the United Methodist Churches in Alto, Texas.February 18, 2018#christianity #message #alto-tx #acts-16 #jesus #christian #building #presence
04/03/2018 • 23 minutes, 11 secondes
Building a Life of Prayer
This is the second of six messages in the "Building a Better Christian" series from the United Methodist Churches in Alto, Texas.February 25, 2018#christianity #message #alto-tx #matthew-6 #jesus #christian #building #prayer
25/02/2018 • 39 minutes, 9 secondes
Building a Better Christian
This is the first of six messages in the "Building a Better Christian" series from the United Methodist Churches in Alto, Texas.February 18, 2018#christianity #message #perfection #alto-tx #matthew-13 #jesus #christian #building
18/02/2018 • 31 minutes, 19 secondes
Given for You
The Message for 2/4/2018 from A. Frank Smith & Cold Springs UMCs in Alto, Texas.
04/02/2018 • 25 minutes, 33 secondes
Cats and God
The Message for 1/28/2018 from A. Frank Smith & Cold Springs UMCs in Alto, Texas.
28/01/2018 • 24 minutes, 1 secondes
How to Pray
The Message for 1/21/2018 from A. Frank Smith & Cold Springs UMCs in Alto, Texas.
21/01/2018 • 29 minutes, 54 secondes
Having an Attitude
The Message for 1/14/2018 from A. Frank Smith & Cold Springs UMCs in Alto, Texas.