6 Figure Creative is a podcast that helps freelance creatives earn more money by doing what they love. If you’re trying to avoid the never-ending grind of a 9–5, or just want to earn more money doing what you do best (creating), 6 Figure Creative is your new favorite show! Join host Brian Hood and his guests as they explore topics such as mental health, finances, sales, marketing, time management, the digital nomad lifestyle, and more.
#333: Why You’re Stuck On The Feast Or Famine Roller Coaster (And How To Get Off)
Are you stuck on the world's worst rollercoaster? You know, the one that goes from feast to famine every few months?
If your freelance business is 100% relying on referrals and word of mouth, you might have unknowingly fallen into what I call the "Word of Mouth Death Trap"—where your income swings wildly, and you’ve got zero control.
In this week's episode of 6 Figure Creative, I break down why this happens and, more importantly, how you can escape it. The solution? It’s all about controlling your inputs to create predictable outputs...
Sounds boring, but the results are not.
Learn the six strategies to take control of your client acquisition and build a business that doesn’t leave your financial future up to chance.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Avoiding the feast or famine income flow that leads to lifestyle creep
Putting your business in your control rather than using "hope marketing"
Using processes to gain more clients
Finding marketing methods that work at scale
What to track to understand your email marketing and sales numbers
Using follow-up routines to stay top of mind with clients
Nurturing leads long-term to warm them up for a sale
How to get help for your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/333
22.10.2024 • 29 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
#332: 7 Must-Track Metrics That Will Make You More Money In 2025
If you’re not tracking these seven key metrics in your business, you’re leaving money on the table.
Seriously—most freelancers don’t bother, and it’s why they never hit the income goals they SAY they want.
I just dropped a new episode breaking down the 7 metrics you need to track. If you focus on these, you’ll make more money AND do it consistently—plain and simple.
It's not hard to do, but you DO need to know which 7 numbers actually matter.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Understanding lagging vs. leading indicators
What kind of leads to seek
Key benchmarks for your business
Eliminating low-paying aspects of your work
Getting recurring revenue rather than new clients
Why raising your rates is ok, even if you lose clients
How to progress in your business with a personalized roadmap
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/332
15.10.2024 • 40 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
#331: The Secret to Less Stress and More Progress
Ever feel like you're drowning in things you can't control?
I get it. It's frustrating when life throws curveballs like that potentially AMAZING lead ghosting you...
Or that toxic client failing to pay you what they owe. But here's the reality: You have way more power than you think.
This week’s podcast is all about "Controlling the Controllables". It’s simple—stop wasting energy on what you can't change, and laser-focus on what you can.
Funny enough this is something I learned from my 3-year-old niece, and now it's your turn to apply this to your life.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How great parenting relates to you and your business
How to adjust your attitude and actions when....
Why you need more leads
Toxic attitudes to avoid
Setting aside time to work on your business
Taking ownership of everything in your business
How to set up your notifications to focus on productivity
Setting goals for your business and personal life
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/331
8.10.2024 • 22 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
#330: What’s Working Now For Client Acquisition (A Guide For Freelancers)
Tired of chasing clients like it’s a never-ending treadmill?
Here’s the truth: Only ~3% of your potential clients are ready to hire you right now. The other 97%? They’re not even thinking about you.
Think about it like car shopping. You're either part of the ~3% who are in the market for a new car and noticing cars EVERYWHERE, or you're part of the 97% where cars aren't even remotely on your mind.
In today's episode, we dive into a no-BS strategy to target that golden 3%—the clients who want what you offer NOW.
No cold outreach, no content grind, no relying on inconsistent word-of-mouth. Just a simple, repeatable way to land clients ready to pay today.
Let’s turn that 3% into a full calendar of paying clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why various types of marketing don't work anymore
How to get the 3% of leads that are ready to buy right now
How to turn on the "lead" faucet that you control
Reducing risk to increase sales
How to determine if your leads are a good fit
Using a sales process to increase your close rate
How to escape a red ocean market
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/330
1.10.2024 • 31 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
#329: The 5 Major Pricing Mistakes That Keep You Broke
NOTE: Sorry about the audio quality here. The mic cable had a short in it 😭
If you're working non-stop but still struggling to make ends meet, you're probably making one of these five major pricing mistakes. I just dropped an episode that breaks down 5 pricing traps freelancers fall into—and how to fix them before they burn you out.
Here's the hard truth: you could be the great at what you do, great at keeping yourself booked solid, BUT still broke because of any ONE of these mistakes.
Fix your pricing, and you'll be amazed how much more enjoyable your life gets (and your savings account will thank you).
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to match clients to your skillset
Getting stuck with hourly rates and bespoke services
Delivering the same service to clients on a repeatable basis
Separating your pricing from your time
Using "up to" language to protect yourself
How and when to raise your rates
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/329
24.9.2024 • 33 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
#328: I Paid Alex Hormozi A Bunch Of Money To Spend A Day With Him
Imagine getting your business ripped apart by a guy who runs a $250M empire.
That’s exactly what happened to me when I spent an entire day locked in a room with Alex Hormozi and 9 other entrepreneurs.
Alex didn’t hold back—he showed us exactly why we were stuck, why we were plateauing, and how to fix it. The biggest takeaways?
I break them all down in this 38 min episode
If you’re constantly juggling 10 different projects and can’t seem to break through your income ceiling, this episode is for you.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/328
17.9.2024 • 40 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
#327: Mastering The Art Of Self-Promotion | The Lead Generation Series
Raise your hand if you suck at self-promotion...
🙋🏻♂️ 🙋🏼 🙋🏿♂️ 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏽♀️ (←that's probably you.)
Sadly, self-promotion is where most freelancers hit a wall.
It's one thing to create an amazing service or irresistible lead magnet, but it's entirely another to promote it effectively.
If your calendar isn't booked solid with projects from ideal clients, then you likely suck at self-promotion. (just being real with you 🤷🏻♂️)
For those naysayers who think, "self-promotion!? You shouldn't have to self-promote if you're good at what you do!", I urge you to kill that thought with the fire of a thousand suns.
That's a self-imposed limitation. If promotion is a "normal thing" across every other industry, why should freelancers be the exception?
At its core, lead generation isn't about making lead magnets or revamping your freelance services. It's about mastering the art of self-promotion.
So, whether you're a seasoned freelancer or a newbie, we're about to dive into the nitty-gritty of self-promotion. We need to make sure your service (or lead magnets) doesn't go to waste.
By the end of it, you'll be armed with the tools to make your freelance business self-sustaining.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why your lead magnets aren't working
The six types of traffic
The "core four" types of marketing Brian uses
Using earned media to grow relationships
Why only 3% of your audience is ready to purchase from you right now
How hackers make money with stolen ad accounts
Demand creation vs. demand harvesting
Harnessing referrals and word-of-mouth marketing
Using a referral circle to help fellow freelancers
How to get a plan for your lead generation efforts
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/327
10.9.2024 • 31 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
#326: The 4 Types of Lead Magnets That Actually Work | The Lead Generation Series
Let’s dive into a crucial piece of the freelancer's marketing toolkit: The Lead Magnet.
Imagine your lead magnet as an introductory handshake in the online world. It's your first impression, and we all know how vital that is.
Your lead magnet isn’t merely a "hello"... it’s an "I understand your problems and I know how to help."
Every lead is a person looking for a solution, and your lead magnet is the first step in proving that YOU are that solution.
What we’re crafting isn’t just a freebie or a basic tool. Your lead magnet is proof that you don’t just talk the talk but you walk the walk. It demonstrates up front that you bring real value to the table.
And no, a lead magnet isn’t just another PDF or ebook – it can be, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a tool, a resource, or a guide. It might even be a paid service or workshop.
The shape of a lead magnet is flexible, but its purpose is rigid: to provide immense, undeniable value.
This isn’t about merely generating leads or adding names to an email list. It’s about connecting with a person, and proving that you have the solution they’ve been hunting for.
Ready to create something amazing? Let’s dive into this...
In this episode you’ll discover:
The power of paid lead magnets
Solving problems for your leads
People who have more time than money, vs more money than time
Using your services to bring in new clients
Why taking a loss in the short term can be a benefit in the long term
Using information as a lead magnet
The questions to ask when offering a free consultation
The four main ways to fully solve the problem your leads are facing
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/326
3.9.2024 • 32 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
#325: The Secret to Consistent Clients | The Lead Generation Series
Listen, I've heard it a hundred times, and I bet you have, too...
"If you're good enough, you can just wait for clients to come to you." They say.
"Word of mouth is all you need." They say.
But here's the deal: sitting on your hands and hoping for that magical email notification of a new client isn't a strategy—it's a death trap.
Let me paint a picture...
You're a talented freelancer. You've had some good months, even great ones.
But then there's that one sobering month. The inquiries dry up, the referrals dwindle, and your inbox is eerily silent. Panic sets in.
That, my friend, is the terrifying "word-of-mouth death trap".
There's a common myth in the freelance world. Some folks will have you believe that the only way to thrive is through word of mouth.
But here’s the truth bomb: Anyone saying "word-of-mouth is best" is unqualified to give you that advice. They are just coasting along nicely with it, having never tasted the desperation of the dry season.
Many still end up taking on gigs they aren’t passionate about, just to keep the lights on.
And sure, referrals are fabulous. If you're great at what you do, you'll 100% get them.
But if you're banking solely on word of mouth to keep your calendar booked with clients, then you're setting yourself up for a rocky ride.
So, what's the antidote to this feast or famine nightmare? Two words: Lead Generation.
Here's the breakdown: Leads become inquiries. Inquiries become clients. And when you have a consistent influx of leads every month, you've got a buffer against those terrifying dry spells.
Suddenly, your business isn't about hoping for clients—it's about choosing them.
In the coming series, we'll dive deep into the nuts and bolts of lead generation, tailored specifically for freelancers. Because here's the truth: understanding and mastering lead generation is like handing yourself the keys to consistency.
Ready to escape the word-of-mouth death trap? Click here to start the Lead Generation Series.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why Brian has had a horrible week thanks to Meta
Different methods of lead generation, and how your business type changes your lead acquisition
The importance of a solid lead magnet
Keys to a valuable lead magnet
What to do if you're struggling
Understanding what your clients need
Using the Three-Tier-Outcome Map
Diagnosing problems to add value to leads
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/325
27.8.2024 • 32 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
#324: The Secret Ingredient To Higher Paying Gigs | The Client Acquisition Series
If you've been stuck at 4 or 5 figures per year as a freelancer, there's likely one ingredient that is holding you back from growth.
Without this ingredient, it is 100% impossible to get clients, grow your income, and get past the 6 figure mark (if that's your goal).
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, my buddy Mark Eckert and I map out the path you can take to overcoming all of the hurdles between you and this incredibly important missing ingredient.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to move from four/five figures to six figures+
Why you aren't full time yet
How to revamp your entire public-facing identity as a freelancer
The difference between advertising vs. content marketing and why this matters for freelancers
Why you should be producing more than consuming
How sticking to a schedule or routine can tie all of this together
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/324
20.8.2024 • 43 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
#323: How To Build Your Own Client Acquisition Machine (And Make 2025 Your Best Year Ever)
If you've ever felt like your freelance life has been a neverending feast-or-famine roller coaster, chances are you're missing one (or more) pieces of a full client acquisition machine.
You've likely "dabbled" with bits and pieces here and there, but you've never fully built each of the individual parts and refined them to the point where everything is working as a well-oiled machine bringing you high-quality clients every single month.
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I break down each of the major parts of your Client Acquisition Machine, as well as what specific numbers you should be aiming for as a benchmark.
If you've ever wanted more stability and predictability in your business, and you want a clear roadmap for how to make 2025 your best year ever, this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to solve a consistency issue in your business
Why dabbling is slowly destroying your income stream
The foundation of your Client Acquisition Machine
Creating a transformational outcome for your clients
Building your Marketing Mothership
Your responsibility to sell to those who need your service
The parallels between software and freelancing
Nurturing your leads for a long-term relationship
Fine-tuning your Client Acquisition Machine
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/323
13.8.2024 • 53 Protokoll, 42 Sekunden
#322: The 4 Major Missing Pieces Of Your Marketing Plan | The Client Acquisition Series
Here are a few of the biggest lies when it comes to marketing your freelance business.
"If I'm good enough, people will find me and hire me"
"The only marketing I need is word-of-mouth"
"If I market myself, I'll come across as desperate"
"This sort of stuff doesn't work for freelancers"
If any of that sounds like you, my guess would be you likely have very little predictability in your income.
You might go from having more gigs than you can handle, followed by extreme famine periods where your calendar dries up (along with your bank account).
If you want steady, predictable income for your business every single month, there are 4 key things you need in place.
If you're even missing one of these four pieces, you're making your path to predictability extremely difficult (or impossible).
In this episode you’ll discover:
Marketing plans for freelancers
When email lists are vital, vs. when they're optional
"Proposing" via text message
The "3% rule" and the "80/19/1 rule"
How your niche affects your marketing needs
Swiping or dating: lead generation and lead nurture
How to create a business you rarely *(if ever) have to market
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/322
6.8.2024 • 34 Protokoll, 46 Sekunden
#321: How To Generate 1000 Inquiries Per Year As A Logo Designer | With James Martin
Ever felt like your industry is just too saturated to stand out? Like you're just a tiny drop in a massive ocean? You're not alone.
Nearly every freelancer has a moment (or ten) where they doubt themselves and their ability to stand out in a crowded "red ocean".
That's why I was so excited to talk to James Martin from Made By James.
James is a designer who's had immense success in the crowded niche of logo design.
He's found a way to not just stand out, but thrive in an incredibly competitive niche. James is averaging around 1,000 inquiries from potential clients every single year, and this has allowed him to cherry-pick the best gigs and reject the "bill paying work" that many freelancers are forced to say yes to.
Whether you're a designer or not, this episode will contain a lot of fantastic advice from someone who's built an incredible, long-lasting career as a freelancer.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How James Martin has thrived for nearly 2 decades as a creative
Why niching down too early is worse than not niching at all
How to stand out in a saturated market
Passion vs. systems and habit
Why it's dangerous to rely on social media
Giving your clients the most value they can afford
Why it's time to raise your prices right now
Relationships in business
The difference between survival and thriving
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/321
30.7.2024 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute, 57 Sekunden
#320: Our Favorite 3 Methods For Creating Awareness | The Client Acquisition Series
"I need more clients".
That's the #1 problem our community has in every single poll we run.
The issue with getting clients is that no matter how good you are at what you do, you will never be able to get enough clients if no one knows you exist.
That's why we wanted to dedicate an entire episode to discussing our favorite 3 methods for building awareness and growing your business.
Creatives have to learn this stuff if they ever want to get out of the "feast or famine" lifestyle.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to make an offer so good people feel stupid saying no
How to harness three of the six different lead sources
The thousand true fans model
How you can advertise for free
Why an email list is crucial to more and more freelancers
The importance of cleaning your mailing list
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/320
25.7.2024 • 43 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
#319: How To Attract Your Dream Clients | The Client Acquisition Series
Here are the two rules for attracting your dream clients.
Rule #1: Be attractive.
Rule #2: Don't be unattractive.
That's literally it.
The hard part comes when you actually look at what is "attractive" to your dream clients.
I'd bet you have a long list of alllll the things you want to see in their dream clients/projects, but very few people take the time to look at themselves and ask the most important question...
"Am I the type of person that would attract this sort of dream client/project?"
In many cases, that answer is, unfortunately, no. You're not anywhere close to being attractive to your dream clients.
In other cases, you might be attractive to them, but you're doing little to nothing when it comes to communicating all the attractive things you have to offer them.
In this continuation of our Client Acquisition Series, we dive into what it takes to attract your dream clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why Guitar Center is the worst place to buy gear (unless they sponsor us)
How Mark closed a half-million-dollar deal
Why different clients need different approaches
Setting expectations in advance
High ticket vs. low ticket sales
How to become attractive to your dream clients
How to stay top of mind without being cringy
Why red ocean businesses struggle
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/319
23.7.2024 • 40 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
#318: The 7 Key Topics To Cover With Every Client BEFORE The Sale | The Client Acquisition Series
Have you ever had one of those awkward situations with a crush where you were TOTALLY into them, but you weren’t sure if they were into you?
Yeah... That sucks. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to help you there since we give business advice instead of dating advice.
What we CAN help you with is the client equivalent of that situation. Here’s what I mean...
You’re talking to a dream client. You’re way into working with them, but you’re just not sure if they’re into you.
There are actually 7 key points to cover with every potential client, and if each point is a “positive”, then they’re giving you their permission to pitch/sell them (i.e. take the relationship to the next level).
This framework was shared with us by someone earning multiple millions per year, and it works perfectly in the freelance world.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to help your clients better by determining their needs
When closing a deal comes down to good timing
What to do if a client isn't sure they want to hire you
Why being open and honest with clients is the only way to run a healthy business
How to discuss your workflow and delivery with clients before closing a deal
Why it's vital that clients trust you implicitly
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/318
18.7.2024 • 39 Protokoll
#317: How To Get A Complete Stranger To Hire You | The Client Acquisition Series
Client acquisition is a nerdy marketing term that basically boils down to one thing: getting clients.
While the idea is simple, our freelance community seems to be deathly allergic to client acquisition.
I get it... None of us got into this game because we wanted to become marketers. We do this because we love spending all day every day doing what we love by being creative.
Unfortunately, that's not how it works. Unless you simply want this to be your hobby, client acquisition is a skill and a process you have to learn, develop, and grow.
The alternative is to keep doing what you're likely doing now... sit around and hope a client finds you.
If your current "strategy" is "hope marketing", this episode gives you the big picture view of how you can get complete strangers to hire you instead of waiting around for a miracle.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why people will never hire you if they don't know you
How to build trust with potential customers
When it's time to be yourself
How dating and business are closely related
Why Mark is was more of a ladies' man than Brian
How adding value in the long term sets you up for success
Why our "comfort zone" is holding us back
Why we need to be ourselves and not be afraid of alienating some people
How appealing to everyone is a bad thing for our businesses
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/317
16.7.2024 • 38 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
#316: Contracting Is For Suckers | There’s A Better Way To Freelance
Ever been offered a gig where a company or agency is hiring you on as a contractor (or subcontractor)?
To anyone desperate for work it an sound like a dream, but here's the catch – it's actually a trap.
In our latest podcast episode, I break down why contracting can seem like a godsend for freelancers desperate for gigs, but it often becomes a nightmare that's impossible to escape.
So, what’s the alternative? This week I dive into:
The 10% rule every freelancer should follow.
The illusion of security in contracting gigs
A stable freelancing model with diversified income streams, stackable projects, and flat-rate pricing
For anyone who's currently contracting under another company, I hope by the end of this episode, you get away from the "dark side" and learn how much better a stable freelancing model can work for you.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/316
9.7.2024 • 33 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
#315: The REAL “Secret” to Consistent Clients (and Income) as a Freelancer
Ever feel like you're stuck on a rollercoaster of feast or famine with freelance work? You land a big project, then... crickets.
We've spoken to over 800 freelancers 1 on 1 this past year, and nearly EVERY one of those freelancers was in the same boat... lack of consistency, and lack of any real plan.
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I'm hitting you with some tough love to break that cycle and give you the real "secret" to consistent clients and income. (Hint: It's not a magic trick.)
The secret to earning consistent income and landing premium clients isn’t what you think. It won’t be found in sporadic social media posts or half-baked marketing efforts. It’s about changing who you are.
This episode is for YOU if:
You're tired of the inconsistent income struggle.
You're ready to take your freelancing seriously and build a real business.
You're open to ditching the "dream client" fantasy and attracting clients who are a perfect fit.
Ready to finally ditch the feast or famine cycle?
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/315
2.7.2024 • 21 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
#314: How to Find the Right Balance Between "Niching Down" and "Maximizing Value"
Ever feel like finding the perfect niche is like walking a tightrope? One wrong step, and you're either too broad and get lost in the crowd, or too narrow and miss out on opportunities.
In our latest episode, we unravel this tricky dilemma. Whether you're worried about losing clients by niching down or spreading yourself too thin, we've devoted an entire episode to helping you find that perfect sweet spot!
🎧 Listen Now to learn:
How to avoid being too broad or too niche.
Real strategies to keep your services appealing and effective.
The secret sauce to being known for what you do best without pigeonholing yourself.
Don’t miss this episode if you want to become sought-after while still offering enough to attract and retain clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
When you should niche down
Why outcomes are more important than services
Avoiding common mistakes when niching down
Pitching your services effectively
Using the agency model vs. the collective model
Why services shouldn't be the focus
Helping clients achieve their vision
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/314
25.6.2024 • 24 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
#313: Case Study: The Solo Freelancer Earning $1 Million Per Year
I recently came across one of the coolest freelance businesses I've ever seen, and I wanted to bring this to the 6 Figure Creative audience.
I'm not going to spoil anything, but this freelancer is earning over $1 Million per year without a staff, without contractors, and he's able to accomplish this just by taking inspiration from a totally different industry than his own.
If you're feeling stagnant, stuck, uninspired, or you're simply not earning what you think you should be in your own business, this episode is absolutely for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you shouldn't rely on a single point of failure
Taking influence from other businesses outside of your industry
Creating income stability with a better business model
How to stay away from becoming an "inbred business"
How successful entrepreneurs deal with roadblocks
Sharing knowledge with your "competition"
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/313
18.6.2024 • 28 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
#312: How To Stop The "Feast Or Famine Cycle"
Ever felt trapped in the feast-or-famine cycle as a freelancer? I've been there, and it's brutal. But what if I told you there's a way out?
I just got back from Alex Hormozi’s amazing workshop in Vegas. Spending two days at Acquisition.com HQ with Alex, Leila, and their leadership team was nothing short of eye-opening.
Surrounded by business owners of all types, from an 18-year-old with a $250K landscaping business to people bringing in $10M+, I soaked in anything and everything that's working in business today.
My big takeaway?
Hormozi and his team harped on one core principle – finding and fixing the root cause of business bottlenecks.
And for 95% of freelancers, this boils down to one thing... lead generation.
In our latest podcast episode, I break down Hormozi's method that helped scale businesses to millions.
Don't let the feast-or-famine cycle continue for the rest of your life. Learn how to generate a steady stream of leads so you get to take control of your income.
In this episode you’ll discover:
What I learned from the Hormozi's retreat
Why it's important to find and eliminate bottlenecks in your business
The things holding your business back
Using paid ads for your business
Testing ads the way the Hormozi's do
Why this is all worth the effort
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/312
11.6.2024 • 22 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
#311: The 4 BIGGEST Things That Will Help You Charge More
I'm super excited to share this with you today because this is the stuff that really moves the needle in your business.
This is how you can charge more without losing clients or getting rejected.
This is how you make your clients SO happy that they refer all their friends to you.
This is how you become more attractive to your "dream clients".
And this framework comes from a business owner earning over $100,000,000 per year... so you know this stuff works.
Today's episode breaks down the 4 BEST ways to become more valuable, and if you get this right, you'll completely transform how you show up to clients.
99% of the freelancers I know neglect all 4 of these areas to their own detriment. As a result, they're losing gigs to their competitors, they get constant pushback on pricing, and they're not generating nearly enough referrals to keep their calendars full.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Focusing on the end goal, not the short term
The value exchange
The importance of social proof and perceived likelihood of achievement
How to close bigger deals
How time delay affects pricing and client acquisition
The expert wins: why experts get the job 9 times out of 10
Why adding friction is a recipe for losing clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/311
4.6.2024 • 50 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
#310: How To Budget When Your Income Is Inconsistent
Ever had a $20k month followed by a $1,200 month? Freelancing can be a wild ride. Even with solid client acquisition, those feast-or-famine cycles can stress anyone out.
In our latest podcast episode, we're diving into something called dynamic budgeting.
This is the secret to turning chaos into consistency.
This is what creates a financial buffer in your business.
This is what gives you the breathing room to say no to bad projects and yes to those projects you love.
Listen now to learn:
How to create a realistic budget as a freelancer
The best tools for tracking expenses without the headache.
Strategies to build an "oh sh*t" fund
No more financial roller coasters. Let’s make freelancing sustainable and stress-free.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/310
28.5.2024 • 34 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
#309: 12 Things You Can't Ignore If You Want to Thrive as a Freelancer
Ready for some tough love? This week's episode of the Six Figure Creative Podcast is a wake-up call for freelancers stuck in "survival mode".
Here's the big question... are you letting your emotions run your business? If the answer is yes, it’s time to change that.
In this episode, I break down:
The 12 things you can't ignore to build a thriving freelance business.
The brutal truth about why most freelancers fail.
A powerful mindset shift to turn your business struggles into triumphs.
Stop letting feast-or-famine cycles dictate your life. It's time to build a sustainable, fulfilling freelance business that doesn't crumble at the first sign of trouble.
🎧 Listen to Episode 309 Now
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why emotions are ruining our businesses
How running a business adds tasks to your plate
The 12 roles and responsibilities of any business owner
Why Brian almost passed out during his first gym session
Your choices if you can't go back to a day job
Getting a personal trainer for your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/309
21.5.2024 • 18 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
#308: How To Give Yourself A Raise This Year (In 4 Steps)
For two grueling years in my early 20s, I poured my heart into a day job at Gamestop, never missing a day and always showing up on time.
Despite the love from regulars and kudos from my boss, my financial reward after all that hustle? A laughable jump from $5.15/hr to $5.50/hr. That's right, a whole $0.35/hr raise after two years.
Sound painfully familiar? Unfortunately, many of us have been undervalued at some point, struggling to secure that well-deserved raise.
But here's the flip side... when you're self-employed, you call the shots on your "salary".
No more waiting years for a significant raise - freelancers can see substantial income increases in a matter of weeks or months if you play your cards right.
Ready to find out how? Check out this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast for a super-tactical and engaging session where we explore four actionable steps to give yourself a raise this year.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to "get a raise" as a freelancer
The limits on our businesses as freelancers
Overcoming the constraints on your business
Keeping your clients happy - and tracking repeat clients
Eliminating a constraint to give yourself a pay bump
Why whales are a risk to your business
Improving your skills, beliefs, and character traits
Finding the answers to your roadblocks
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/308
14.5.2024 • 31 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
#307: 7 Pricing Strategies For Recurring Subscription Freelance Clients
For freelancers, subscription pricing is like finding the holy grail. It changes the feast & famine nature of project-based work into a steady, reliable income stream.
Last week, we kicked off this conversation, exploring how freelancers could shift from one-time gigs to recurring revenue models. The topic struck a chord, leading to an influx of interest and discussions.
This week we’re going deeper into why this approach is also notoriously challenging for freelancers, and what you can do to have the best shot of making it work.
Without knowing what you're doing, you might try to move to recurring packages only to find yourself overworked and underpaid.
On top of that, clients are often hesitant to commit to recurring packages, fearing long-term commitments when they're used to paying for specific, one-off tasks.
While the transition might be difficult, the payoff is absolutely worth it. Check out this week's podcast where I dive into 7 Pricing Strategies For Recurring Subscription Freelance Clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why subscription packages are the holy grail for freelancers
The advantages of value-based pricing
Understanding that value isn't always financial
Monthly pricing options to protect yourself
Creating bundles for your pricing
When (and how) to charge an onboarding fee
Price increases over time
Should you have a contract or not?
How to offer incentives for clients to sign up for a subscription
Safeguarding yourself from becoming overworked
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/307
7.5.2024 • 33 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
#306: Offering Recurring Subscriptions As A Freelancer | The Holy Grail Of Freelancing
The life of a freelancer sounds amazing on the surface....
The freedom of being your own boss and setting your own hours. The flexibility of working when you want. For some, even traveling the world as a digital nomad is a possibility.
While that can all be true, the dark side is that there can also be a lot of unpredictability.
What if you could change that? Imagine knowing how much you're going to earn each month and having a clear picture of who you're working for in the coming months.
This isn’t just a nice thought... It's a reality for freelancers offering recurring services - think subscriptions, retainers, or monthly packages.
When you do this, you move from always hunting for the next client to having "automatic clients." This idea comes from turning one-time gigs into ongoing relationships where clients pay regularly for continued services.
Typically, freelancing is a one-and-done deal. You get a project, you do the work, you get paid, and that’s the end of the story. You start each month at zero—no guaranteed money, no clients waiting. It's like hitting the reset button every 30 days, which can make budgeting a nightmare and stability a pipe dream.
But does it have to be this way? Not really. This constant chase for new gigs is a trap many fall into by only taking on one-off projects. There’s a better strategy that can help smooth out the highs and lows: setting up a recurring revenue model.
If you’re tired of the freelance rollercoaster, check out this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative podcast where I dive into recurring revenue for freelancers.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Creating a stable income stream by using recurring offers
Identifying industries that work well with recurring (or reoccurring) models
Helping your clients with a recurring service
Selling unlimited packages on a subscription basis
Making recurring packages valuable to your clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/306
30.4.2024 • 31 Protokoll, 12 Sekunden
#305: There Might Be A Good Argument For Selling Your Soul For $$$
Navigating life as a creative freelancer is all about balancing what you love doing with what pays the bills.
It's often framed as "selling your soul", but really, it's about making tough choices: do you follow your passion or chase the cash?
For creatives, this dilemma is pretty intense. You've got the classic 'starving artist' on one side. They're rich in satisfaction but often struggle financially.
Then there's the other side - the freelancers who focus mainly on what brings in money. Sure, they might be doing better financially, but at what cost?
This week's episode explores each side in a search for finding a healthy balance between money and passion or the seasons of life that may be the right time to focus on money instead of passion.
Whether you're the classic "starving artist" or the money-focused freelancer, this episode is worth a listen.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Hobbies vs businesses
Are you motivated by passion or profit?
The importance of focusing on what your clients want
Giving yourself more free time by being profit-driven
Reducing your stress by becoming a profit-driven creative
Why passion-driven creatives need to change
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/305
23.4.2024 • 14 Protokoll, 24 Sekunden
#304: The 10 Most Brutal Client Acquisition Mistakes That Are Wrecking Your Earning Potential
Client acquisition is obviously an important part of running a freelance business because it’s how you make sure you keep getting paid every month.
Despite how obvious this is, many freelancers don’t take this seriously enough... and it shows when work dries up and you're back into the dreaded feast-or-famine cycle.
If you worked in a day job that decided to stop paying you for weeks or months at a time, you'd probably do something about it. However, many freelancers never do anything about this in their own business.
They just keep showing up to "work" week after week, month after month, accepting their fate.
If you'd like to be a better "boss" to yourself and actually make sure you get paid every month, this week's episode is all about avoiding some of the most common client acquisition mistakes
If you stop making these mistakes and start taking client acquisition seriously, you’ll have more stability, better projects, and fewer dry spells. What’s not to like about that?
In this episode you’ll discover:
Avoiding the basic mistakes that you make during client acquisition
Adding value as a freelancer
Why a high close rate is dangerous for your business
How to increase your sales with a high-quality follow-up sequence
Fix your pricing model!
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/304
16.4.2024 • 41 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
#303: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Other 500,000,000 Freelancers In The World | Part 4
In the final episode of this 4-part series, we're diving into one of the most powerful but often misunderstood methods of standing out from the crowd.
I saved the best for last.
This has been the "secret sauce" behind my all of my successful businesses, from freelancing, to Airbnb, to multiple software companies, and even podcasting.
Without this last piece of the puzzle, nothing I've tried would have worked, and I'd likely still be working at Gamestop for minimum wage (missing out on millions of $ in the process)
If you're ready to become absolutely indispensable to your clients, listen to this week's episode to the 6 Figure Creative Podcast.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The importance of specialization
Why niches work better than others
Conversion-focused web design as a differentiation method
Niching down vs. niching out
The advantages of pushing bad leads away
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/303
9.4.2024 • 31 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
#302: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Other 500,000,000 Freelancers In The World | Part 3
Want to know the 3 golden rules for winning more clients than your competition?
First off, forget about competing on price. It’s a dead-end street. Instead, focus on adding value in unique ways that don’t undercut your worth. It’s about quality, not the lowest bid.
Second, make sure your stand-out factors are visible from the get-go. Qualities like a "great client experience" or a "cool vibe" are awesome, but they only shine through after you’re hired.
You need something that grabs attention before that stage, something that makes potential clients think, “Yes, THIS is the right person for us,” before they even talk to you.
Third, K.I.S.S. (keep it stupid simple). Focus on one differentiator at a time.
In a sea of sameness, one well-defined trait can be your ticket to standing out. It’s not about being a jack-of-all-trades but a master of one.
Last week, we talked about the ways you can differentiate by brute force, which can be tough and pricey.
This week, let’s get into something more accessible yet equally powerful: building trust and credibility, especially through social proof. It’s about showing, not just telling, that you’re the real deal.
Social proof, like glowing testimonials or endorsements, can be a game-changer. It’s about having others vouch for you, and showing potential clients that you’ve delivered 🤩amazing🤩 work before.
This kind of proof doesn’t need to break the bank but does require effort and intentionality to gather and showcase.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Using social proof for differentiation
The impact of reviews on your business.
Asking for feedback and reviews
How to get case studies for social proof
Content creation to generate quote requests
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/302
2.4.2024 • 24 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
#301: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Other 500,000,000 Freelancers In The World | Part 2
Why should someone hire you vs alllll the other options they have?
If you don't have a good answer to that question yet, it's time to start working on it before the estimated 500 Million freelancers come online by the end of this decade.
This week I broke down 5 "Brute Force Differentiators" you can use to set yourself apart.
If you're trying to find more ways to stand out, this is a great start!
In this episode you’ll discover:
The three rules of differentiation
Why lowering your price will never help you
When you need to stand out to close the deal
Focusing on one point so you aren't spread thin
Types of differentiators
Why being the best doesn't matter
Why gear is not a good differentiator
Growing a better network to stand out
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/301
26.3.2024 • 25 Protokoll, 39 Sekunden
#300: How To Set Yourself Apart From The Other 500,000,000 Freelancers In The World | Part 1
"But they do it for less".
If you've heard lines like that over the past year, get ready to hear it even more over the next 5-10 years.
Well here's a terrifying stat: There are an estimated 500,000,000 freelancers "coming online" by the end of this decade.
WTF can we do to set ourselves apart from all those people WITHOUT resorting to dropping our rates?
It all comes down to one unsexy word: Differentiation.
Why should someone hire YOU vs alllll the other options they have?
If you don't have a damn good answer for that, you're going to have a bad time...
Stick around for this new series where I'll dive into all the nitty-gritty on how to stand out, earn more, and keep doing what we love for the rest of your life.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How freelancing grew in recent years
Why should someone hire you?
How low pricing hurts you and all other creatives
The dangers of trying to appeal to everyone
Making sure we don't lose our creativity while running a business
The importance of differentiation in your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/300
19.3.2024 • 20 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
#299: Why You Should Ask Your Clients For Feedback After Every Single Project | The Infinite Clients Series
If you're an obsessive learner (or ADHD) like me, there's probably a long list of new things you've learned and implemented as a freelancer over the past year.
Maybe you've set up that rock-solid client contract, nailed down an onboarding process that's smooth as butter, or started following those essential tips for staying top-of-mind with clients without driving them or yourself crazy.
Or perhaps you've been working on your project management skills to keep all your ducks in a row or taken a page out of Michael Janda's playbook to become someone people just can't help but like.
And let's not forget about setting those boundaries to keep things professional and sane.
But here's the kicker: doing all these things isn't the end of the road.
It's not about ticking boxes and moving on. The real magic happens when you stop and ask yourself...
"Is all this stuff actually making a difference to my clients?
"Am I getting better at this?"
That's what keeps the wheel turning and what makes you better month after month, year after year.
Now, when most freelancers wrap up a project, it's usually a quick "thanks and goodbye" deal. Maybe you're a bit more proactive and ask for a referral, but I bet asking for feedback isn't high on your list.
It might be because you don't know you should, or maybe you're just scared of what your clients might say. And hey, that's totally understandable.
But here's the problem: not asking for feedback is a missed opportunity.
Sure, "asking clients for feedback" doesn't sound as flashy as "marketing" or "client acquisition," but by the time we're done here, you'll see it in a new light.
Feedback can be your secret weapon. It's not just about finding out what you're doing right or wrong; it's about showing your clients that you care, and that you're committed to being the best you can be.
So, even though it might seem scary or unexciting, collecting and using feedback can reshape how everything in your business is done.
In this week's episode, I give you specific questions to ask your clients at the end of every single project. THIS will forever change how you spot weak points and make improvements on the most important things.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why asking for feedback from clients is so important
How clients' wounds can fester
Using feedback to continuously improve your business
Building your feedback flywheel
The two main types of businesses
How to collect your data
Share your feedback with us!
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/299
12.3.2024 • 27 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
#298: 6 Client Boundaries to Keep You Healthy, Happy, Stress-free, and Profitable | The Infinite Clients Series
So you made it to $100,000+ per year... Congrats. Too bad you made so many sacrifices that you're constantly stressed out, you're missing out on time with friends and family, and you resent your business.
The irony is that you became a freelancer because you hated your day job and you wanted to work for yourself. Now, you feel like you have 50 "little bosses", and you hate your life a little bit more with each new client you gain.
If this sounds like you, it may be time to put boundaries into place to get to that sweet spot between hitting your income goals while also enjoying your life and business.
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I give you 6 different boundaries you should have with your clients so you can actually stay happy, healthy, and profitable.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Maintaining mental and physical health while you're running a business
How to handle revision requests without losing your mind
Eliminating one of the most painful freelance experiences
How to keep your clients from taking advantage of your kindness
Boundaries for corporate/agency clients
Using boundaries to avoid scope creep
Avoiding stress with payment issues
How to learn more about building your client acquisition machine
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/298
5.3.2024 • 35 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
#297: The Best Method For Avoiding "Revision Hell" For The Rest Of Your Life | The Infinite Clients Series
You have had one of those projects that went south fast? You're cruising along, and then boom, you hit the revisions stage, and it's like hitting a brick wall.
Emotions run high, lists of changes start flying in, and what was supposed to be a quick fix turns into a never-ending nightmare. If you've been freelancing for a while, then I'm sure you've been there.
This is the make-or-break moment in your quest for repeat clients and referrals.
If the revisions process feels like a battleground, you're in trouble. It's supposed to be about making things better, but instead, it can end up being the thing that drives you and your client apart (sometimes forever).
But here's the good news... It doesn't have to be this way.
The revisions stage can actually be a chance to show your clients that you're 100% on their side and that you have their best interest in mind.
Instead of dreading feedback, see it as a way to make the project even better. It's about getting organized, setting clear expectations, and most importantly, keeping your cool.
So, how do you go from Revisions Hell to Revisions Nirvana? That's the topic of this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Making a flawless revisions process to keep your clients happy and create a viral business
The rules of efficient, effective revisions
How to politely stay firm on your project scope
Creating client guidelines
Why freelancers drop the ball
Refining your processes once you have data
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/297
27.2.2024 • 34 Protokoll
#296: How Michael Janda Built A $30,000,000 Design Agency From One Super Power | The Infinite Clients Series
Being likable is a super power for freelancers, and here's why...
This business is all about making a great first impression, keeping your clients coming back for more, and getting them to tell their friends about you.
When you meet a new client, hitting it off right away can make a huge difference. Just like when you meet anyone new and instantly click — you just want to hang out more.
For freelancers, being more likable means clients are more likely to pick you over someone else, and stick around AND refer more work your way.
See why this matters?
Here's what sucks...
Some people are just bad at being likable. If that's the case, what can you do?
To help us all out with this, I brought back one of the most likable people I've ever had on the show: Michael Janda.
Michael joined us back on episode 207 and walked us through how brought in 6 figures his first year freelancing, and went on to bring in over $30,000,000 from his design agency before he ultimately sold it.
Those numbers show proof that he knows his stuff, and this episode, he'll walk us through what we can do to become the person people WANT to be around (and hire).
No matter who you are, there is something you need to hear in my conversion with Michael Janda.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why relationships are so important to building your business
Building your reputation vs. building relationships
How he landed a $500,000 client just by being nice
Getting out of your shell when interacting with people
What skills to work on to grow your business
Asking people about themselves to win them over
Why playing games with your business is bad
Creating goodwill with your clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/296
20.2.2024 • 52 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
#295: How To Create An "External Brain" That Helps You Finish Projects On Time Every Time | The Infinite Client Series
Today, let's chat about a struggle that hits home for a lot of us creatives... We kind of have a bad rep for getting projects across the finish line on time without dropping the ball.
You know the drill – underestimating how long things will take, forgetting those tiny yet crucial details, and then, bam, you've dropped the ball... Again.
Then we get those fun 3 AM panic attacks about that thing you forgot to send off to your client. Yep, been there, done that.
Here's why we kinda suck at this:
Trying to store every single tiny little project detail, deadline, and step in your head is a surefire recipe for disaster. There's just no way for our brains to keep track of this.
It's a common trap, thinking you can wing it because you've done similar projects before.
"I've got this," you say... Until you don't.
But what if you didn't have to rely on your beautiful creative scatterbrain to keep everything straight?
Enter the concept of an "external brain."
This isn't sci-fi; it's about using tools and systems outside your head to keep track of all the moving parts of your projects.
Your "external brain" never forgets, always keeps you on track, and is the difference between a smooth project delivery and a midnight meltdown.
Switching to an "external brain" means you can focus on what you do best – being creative – without the added stress of remembering every little detail.
So, if you're nodding along, thinking, "Yep, that's me," it's time to make a change.
Listen to this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast to dive into the world of project management tools and find your perfect match. Your brain (and your clients) will thank you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to make sure you hit your deadlines without stretching yourself thin
Creating your project checklist
Checklists vs SOPs
Handling client revision requests
The different types of project structures
Why templates will make your life easier
Using project management for data tracking
Brainstorming your tasks to create your delivery lists
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/295
13.2.2024 • 31 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
#294: The 6 BARE MINIMUM Rules For Solid Client Communication | The Infinite Client Series
Pretty much all of us got into this "trading creativity for $$$" thing because we absolutely love what we do. It's easy to forget that there's more to the game than just passion + being good at your craft.
The whole "client communication" thing usually isn't the most thrilling part of your day. It's like, we get so caught up in the excitement of creating and learning new things in our field that we kind of let the whole talking-to-clients thing slide.
It's not because we want to be bad at it, and it's not because we're terrible people... But because we're just not wired that way, especially if your background is anything like mine.
Before freelancing, here was my entire job history:
A janitor at a water park
Flipping burgers at Burger King
Selling video games at GameStop
Corporate world? Never heard of her.
Team meetings and office politics? Nope.
So when it comes to wearing the "professional communicator hat", it's something I had to learn the hard way.
I had no clear boundaries, no set times for chats, no structure. It was chaos.
Messages got lost, things got forgotten, and before I knew it, I was that flaky freelancer nobody wanted to deal with.
If that's anything like you, it becomes a stressful, awful mess FAST....not just for you but for your clients too.
Think about it from their side. They've just dropped thousands of dollars on hiring you, pumped to see what you'll create together.
But if they're left in the dark, not knowing when they'll hear from you or what's happening, that excitement turns to anxiety, then frustration, and maybe even anger. No one wants to work in that kind of vibe.
Bottom line... If you want to keep doing what you love (and get paid for it without losing your mind), you've got to get a handle on the whole communication thing.
To help with this, I've got 6 rules for client communication for you to follow. Think of this as the bare minimum any good freelancer should be doing.
It's about setting clear rules for when and how you'll talk to your clients, making sure everyone's on the same page, and keeping things running smoothly.
It's about making your clients feel taken care of and avoiding that whole excitement > anxiety > anger cycle that can lead to horrible projects (and no referrals).
Check out the episode, and IMPLEMENT ASAP.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How we can learn the skills we need to have healthy, effective communication with clients
Six rules to keep your clients happy (and yourself sane)
Internal business communication tools vs. external communication tools
Why clients want plain, simple English
Keeping your clients up to date
Using feedback loops to make sure your clients are happy, without overworking
Turning a client's outlook around by going the extra mile
Communicating expectations to leads and clients
Conflict resolution techniques to use with your clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/294
6.2.2024 • 34 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
#293: The 5-Step Blueprint for Perfect Client Onboarding | The Infinite Client Series
When you're freelancing, those first steps with a brand new client are absolutely crucial to nail.
It's like when you're trying out a new app and everything from the welcome screen to the first few clicks just flows effortlessly. You instantly know you're going to enjoy using it.
That's the smooth, user-friendly vibe you want your client onboarding system to have.
So, why is it such a big deal?
For starters, it's all about building trust. We're in a world where a lot of our interactions happen over emails or messages, making it tough to really feel a connection. A smooth onboarding experience can help make your client feel like they've made the right choice in picking you.
It also helps avoid those awkward "that's not what I thought we agreed on" moments. Getting everyone clear on what's what from the start means less back-and-forth later on. It's choosing the right playlist before a long drive – it sets the tone and keeps the vibes good all the way.
But it's not just about avoiding mix-ups. An awesome onboarding process shows you're a pro who cares about your clients' experiences.
This can lead to more work from the same clients and even some word-of-mouth recommendations (i.e. "infinite clients"). And let's be honest, who doesn't want that?
Plus, a slick onboarding system can save you a ton of time on the admin stuff, giving you more time to focus on the actual work. It's about being prepared to be creative vs frantically scrambling for things.
So, if you're nodding along and thinking, "Yeah, I need to get my onboarding game on point," then you'll want to check this week's podcast episode.
We break down a 5-part client onboarding process that's straightforward and effective. It's packed with practical tips and insights that could really make a difference in your freelancing journey. Give it a listen and let me know what you think!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to build a great client onboarding questionnaire
Why bad onboarding destroys relationships
Organizing your data to avoid embarrassing moments
Creating a kickass kickoff call
Why it's easier to fire a client earlier rather than later
Make your kickoff calls as short as possible - while still covering everything needed
Setting expectations properly
Remember to show excitement!
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/293
30.1.2024 • 33 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
#292: The Rock-Solid 8 Part Client Agreement For Starting Every Project Off Right | The Infinite Client Series
We're now rolling into the first real episode of this new "Infinite Clients" series, and my goal is to set up each episode in this series with a new rule... or better yet, a commandment.
Maybe we'll have a full "10 Commandments For Infinite Clients" by the end, but let's just start with #1:
Thou Shalt Put It All In Writing.
If you want a guaranteed way to lose a client for life (including any referrals they might have sent), start by putting nothing in writing.
Mismatched expectations are a killer of client happiness. The client might expect one thing, and they get something totally different.
That's why a rock-solid client agreement is so important.
This isn't about them simply being slightly annoyed. It can lead to bigger issues like losing clients for life or even running into legal disputes (Yuck 🤮).
The goal IS NOT to lock them into some sort of "legalese" contract they hardly understand... it's to write it all out in plain, easy-to-understand English (or your whatever your native language is) so they understand what IS and IS NOT included.
This is the first step to infinite clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why setting expectations accurately is vital to your business
How to use a client agreement to ensure you and your clients are on the same page
The key elements of a client agreement
How setting timelines keeps your projects on schedule
Who owns the created work
Credit and cancellation policies
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/292
23.1.2024 • 20 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
#291: How To Create A Viral Freelancing Business That Gives You "Infinite" Clients | The Fulfillment Series
The phrase "Infinite clients" sounds like one of those terrible, cheesy, late-night infomercials, but is something like that really possible?
Absolutely not. Infinite? Come on...
Here's what I love about that phrase, though. If you HAD to come up with a way to create an "infinite" supply of clients, how would that look?
It's essentially what "hope marketing" would look like in a perfect world, and it's something we should always be striving for. Here's what I mean...
Imagine being a freelancer whose work is so awesome that your clients can't stop talking about you. Every single client you work with refers someone else, then THEY refer someone else... and suddenly, you have more clients than you could possibly handle.
Imagine doing such killer work that your clients do the marketing for you. That's the idea behind the "Viral Coefficient" of freelancing. Every happy client you have brings in another one, creating a chain reaction of a growing, "infinite", client base.
Now, let's get real. Freelancers usually have a lot on their plates – marketing, sales, dealing with clients, admin stuff, and oh, actually doing the work.
The reality of making this happen is incredibly hard but it's a goal worth putting a lot of thought and energy into.
THAT'S what this new series is all about: How can you create such an incredible client experience that every single client refers at least one new client to you?
That's the key to building a "viral" freelancing business. While "infinite clients" may be an impossible goal, it's worth every single ounce of time and effort you put into it.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Brian's journey to increased fitness
Important January deadlines
The balance between marketing and fulfillment
Keeping your clients happy
Knocking it out of the park for your clients
The five phases of business
Minding your boundaries
Where to share your feedback and ideas for the podcast
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/291
16.1.2024 • 16 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
#290: Here Are 11 Big (And Small) Projects You Can Take On In 2024 To Bring In Big Money
January can be a slowwwwww season for a lot of freelancers. There are two approaches you can take if this is the case for you...
Approach #1: Chill. Rest. Maybe complain a little. Play a lot of video games. Pout a lot.
Approach #2: Realize that you're the captain of your ship, and you're the only one who can make 2024 your best year ever.
You can view any "slow season" as a reason to complain, OR you can view it as a chance for major progress, rather than a setback. This is a perfect time for taking on big projects that can lead to both significant progress and (potentially) big money.
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I've got 11 projects for you to consider taking on to make this year your best ever...
Think back to the biggest jumps in your business – whether it was when you were getting this thing off the ground, or you finally did that big thing you were scared sh*tless about...
I'd be willing to be some of your biggest step changes in your business were the result of something big you took on.
So if this is a slow season for you, don't waste it! This is a hidden opportunity to tackle those big projects. And with it comes big money.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why big projects are the best sources of income
How to develop a new offer
Helping your clients reach their dream outcome
When to explore a new niche
Client calls: why you need them
Using SOPs to make sure your business runs smoothly
Staying top of mind with your network
Using micro-gigs and upsells to grow your business
Building your personal brand
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/290
9.1.2024 • 30 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
#289: How To Create A 2024 Plan For Your Business (That You'll ACTUALLY Use)
I've just returned from my year-end planning retreat in Chattanooga, TN, and DAMN it was awesome.
This is only my 3rd year doing this and considering I started my freelance journey back in 2009, I discovered this secret WAY too late...
Planning is the secret sauce to having your best year ever (which 2023 was for my businesses).
But here's the kicker – it doesn't have to be a mind-boggling, complex ordeal. A stupidly simple plan that you actually use is worth its weight in gold compared to some over-the-top, convoluted plan that just gathers dust.
Let me share a little secret with you. I tend to be the king of "overcomplication".
I'd plan so intensely that I'd lose sight of the actual execution. But I learned my lesson, and now I'm all about finding that sweet spot in planning – the perfect balance.
As entrepreneurs, if we're just meandering through life without a plan, we're like driftwood caught in someone else's current. We get pulled INTO other people's plans, and that's not where we want to be.
In the world of freelancing, hanging out with that person with the plan often means working for an agency at a fraction of the price they're charging their big-shot clients. You become the outsourced work, not the mastermind behind the project.
That's probably not the dream you're chasing.
So, what's the alternative? We're going to craft our annual plan. This plan is going to be your North Star, your guiding light, pointing you in a direction that's infinitely better than aimlessly drifting along.
We're going to be intentional in our pursuits, not aimless wanderers.
That's the goal here, and it's a goal worth pursuing with all your freelance might.
So, let's create a plan that'll help 2024 be your best year ever, because remember... if you don't have a plan, you'll end up in someone else's plan.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you need a plan
Analyzing your income and expenses for a better business
Viewing your lifestyle with a realistic approach
Brain dumping the current year - and the future
Setting goals realistically
Looking at what areas of your business have room for growth
Understanding when your goals are completed, and creating milestones
Why you miss your goals
Planning ahead for your whole year
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/289
2.1.2024 • 31 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
#288: He Turned His 6 Figure Freelance Design Business Into A 7 Figure Agency | With Michael Janda
Ever felt like you wanted to reach out to someone, but didn't want to bother them?
Maybe it was an old acquaintance, a past client, or even a prospective client you've had your eyes on for a while...
Creatives typically have this voice inside our heads that says "don't do that... you'll just be bothering them".
Here's something that may surprise you: That voice is usually a lying, thieving, horrible bastard who's simply holding you back from getting what you want...
What's even worse is that this voice is holding your prospective clients back from the rich experience of connecting with you and all of the value you could potentially bring to their lives.
If you want proof, just look at your own life. How many other people are constantly reaching out to you, bothering you with offers you don't want?
How many other freelancers are "bothering" you about hiring them?
How many old acquaintances are reaching out to you about meeting up for dinner or drinks to catch up?
Hell, how many potential love interests are sliding into your DMs?
If you're like 99% of the rest of us, those things are rarely (if ever) happening.
There's a better way to handle this stuff.
It's something called The Rule of 7, and it's one of the keys to the incredible success of this week's guest.
This week I got to speak to a "7-figure creative" who turned his 6-figure freelance business into a 7-figure agency (which he eventually sold).
He's used the Rule of 7 ethically to get more clients, stay top of mind, build trust, win more projects, and ultimately, earn millions and millions of dollars through his creative business as a designer.
This is what separates struggling creatives from multi-million dollar powerhouse guests like Mike Janda.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to prepare yourself for an economic downturn
Positioning yourself as a freelancer to replace your day job
Solving problems as a method of sales
The rule of 7
The importance of meeting people in person
Competition at the top levels of freelancing
Understanding the market you're in to provide a valuable offer
Balancing between big city freelancers and "cheap" options in other countries
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/288
26.12.2023 • 50 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
#287: The Follow Up Process That Helped Me Double My Freelance Business | The Sales Series
"This ONE trick doubled my income". As dumb and clickbaity as that sounds, it's kinda true.
Here's what I mean... the last time I did a deep dive into my freelance business, I realized something interesting...
More than 50% of my annual income was directly attributed to following up with leads who never replied.
About 20% of my income came from following up 4 or more times in a row (with zero response).
That's pretty wild if you ask me, especially considering that most freelancers only follow up one time (if that).
Seriously, this is the "secret sauce" that could double your income if you're willing to commit and do it right.
Now, I know what you're thinking – "Follow up? That's it?"
It's way more powerful than it sounds because it's easy to do, yet so few actually do it.
Even if you're currently making just $10k a year. Imagine turning that into $20k just by implementing what I teach you in this week's podcast episode.
Today, we're diving deep into the world of short term and long-term follow-ups.
But here's the best part – you can automate the heck out of this. Most good CRMs (Customer Relationship Management software, in case you're not in the know) can make this easy.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to follow up with you leads in an appropriate way
When to follow up
Getting people to show up to your sales calls
Scheduling follow-up calls before getting off the call you're on
Cross-selling your other services to clients
Getting unambiguous answers
Brian's "Fibonacci Follow-up" process
The advantage of "last chance" follow-ups
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/287
19.12.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
#286: The SUPER Simple 4 Part Process For Sales Calls | The Sales Series
Here's one of the biggest traps I see freelancers fall into when it comes to sales calls:
They think they're good at them, but they're really not...
Two reasons:
1. They've never actually tried to close anything other than friends/family/referrals (the easiest to close, but rarely enough to keep someone 100% booked solid)
2. They've never actually seen how a real sales call is done
If you ever want to get to the point where you can stay booked solid, then you need to know how to get strangers to hire you.
Understanding how to run a great sales call is a huge piece of that puzzle.
The good news? You can just start super simple and then get more fancy as you learn more.
This week's episode will walk you through a super simple four-part sales process.
But here's the kicker: the big goal isn't just to make a sale... it's more about really getting to the heart of what the client needs.
And when you get to the heart of what they need, it's way easier to actually close clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Starting simple: your first sales process
The four key parts of a sales process: connect, diagnose, prescribe, collect
What clients want vs. what they actually need to get from point A to point B
Asking for money on the call to eliminate objections
The most common objections
Is it a disqualifier or an objection?
Educating your clients to close the sale
Why I no longer recommend proposals
Next steps after listening to this episode
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/286
12.12.2023 • 38 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
#285: The Entire Freelance Sales Process From Beginning To End | The Sales Series
If you're a freelancer who's ever felt like sales is a foreign language, prepare to have your mind changed.
First, it starts with understanding what sales really is. Sales is not just about persuasion... it's a process.
In this new podcast series, I'm going to give you a comprehensive guide to the entire sales process for freelancers.
Here's what's in store for this new Sales Series:
Lead qualification (because let's face it, not every lead is a good fit)
The all-important CRM setup
How to do the discovery call (i.e. your first real dance with a potential client)
The proposal process
The art of follow-up (Yes, it's an art that balances persistence with respect)
Closing the deal
Cross-selling and upselling.
And so much more...
My goal with this series is to go deep into each topic, making sure you come out the other side not just understanding sales, but loving it.
Because mastering sales is not just about closing deals... it's about opening doors – to better projects, higher pay, and greater confidence in pricing your services.
If you've ever felt like sales is your Achilles' heel, this might be your time to turn it into a secret weapon.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you're missing out on clients - and you don't know it
Sales leads vs marketing leads
Why a leaky funnel is detrimental for your business
Avoiding burnout by rejecting leads who are a bad fit
Setting up your systems for success
The important features to look for in a CRM
Why business owners need to wear many hats
Moving projects through stages in your CRM
Opportunities and tracking pipeline value
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/285
5.12.2023 • 44 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
#284: Stuck With Low $$$ Projects? Here's How To Level Up To $50,000 Projects | With Ryan Koral (Replay)
The dark side of freelancing (that no one wants to discuss) is the wasteland of low-dollar "Fiverr Freelancers" charging bottom-dollar rates for "butt-in-seat" projects.
Whether you're on Fiverr or not, you may still be trapped in this low-dollar wasteland that is essentially just another soulless day job you've created for yourself.
These projects tend to be unfulfilling and draining, and you end up in a horrible financial place.
This is what so many newbies and struggling creatives do, and many never make it out of this trap.
I know this might sound painfully obvious, but you can't build a sustainable freelance business out of low-dollar, unfulfilling work where you're competing with hundreds (or thousands) of copycat competitors willing to work longer hours for less money than you.
This is why I wanted to bring on Ryan Koral from Tell Studios to talk about how he successfully transitioned from $500 projects to regular $50,000 projects, eventually scaling his freelance business to over $1,000,000 per year.
Ryan shared a ton of incredible info, including one of my new favorite strategies for closing high-dollar projects, so do not skip this week's interview.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why Ryan pivoted from a full-time job earning $23,000/year to a becoming a full time freelancer
How "yes mode" affects the start of your business
Why you don't hire significant others for your business
Dealing with employees who don't have the right expectation
The benefits of delegating tasks to others
Why your employees aren't the idiots you think they are
Your value vs. how your clients value your work
How to sell a low $$$ workshop that leads to a $50k project (with a 100% success rate).
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/284
28.11.2023 • 1 Stunde, 10 Protokoll, 19 Sekunden
#283: The 3 Strategies For Staying Top-of-Mind & Getting More Gigs | The Lead Nurture Series
As we wrap up The Lead Generation series, you likely already know how important staying top-of-mind is.
If you're not top-of-mind when the client is ready to hire someone, you won't get the gig. Period.
So what are the 3 best strategies for nurturing your leads, and ultimately getting more gigs?
That's what this week's episode is all about!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Nurturing leads the way you nurture a garden
The three unofficial buckets of lead nurture strategies
What being "known well" should mean to you
Choosing a type of content for your content marketing
Discovery content vs. nurture content
Why paid ads are content marketing
Using retargeting to nurture your leads
The difference between a marketing lead and a sales lead
Why you need to go all in on your chosen content area
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/283
21.11.2023 • 36 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
#282: Mapping Out The 7 Essential Stages Of The Complete Client Journey | The Lead Nurture Series
Want to know the biggest sticking point in a freelancer's career? It's when you run out of friends and family to sell your services to.
The moment you move into the world of getting strangers to hire you is the moment you find out what you're made of.
It's honestly a scary place to be, but most people don't have large enough personal networks to stay booked solid with friends and family alone.
Enter The Complete Client Journey: this is the 7 stages you need to walk someone through as they move from stranger to repeat client.
This is what most freelancers are missing. They haven't mapped out their own personal journey for their business.
This week I have a special episode that walks you through mapping out each of the 7 stages for your own business.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The seven stages of the client journey
Answering the right questions so people don't reject you
Retargeting leads based on video views or other triggers
Handling objections from your leads
Looking at average annual client value vs. average project value
The crucial key to following up with people
How to get great referrals to grow your business
Where to get your own template for this worksheet
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/282
14.11.2023 • 45 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
#281: The 4 Building Blocks of Turning Strangers Into Clients | The Lead Nurture Series
Ah, freelancing, my friend! Let's talk about the art of nurturing relations in this wild, wonderful, sometimes impossibly difficult world.
You see, it's a bit like trying to find love on a dating app (which is where I met my wife 8 years ago). You don't just swipe right and immediately pop the big question, do you? No, no. It all begins with that elusive, deep connection.
In the dating world, you chat, you laugh, and you get to know each other. You share stories, experiences, and maybe even a few secrets. It's a dance, a beautiful journey... and it can take years.
You nurture romantic relationships because you know that without a real, genuine connection, no amount of swiping or proposing is going to land you a lifelong partner.
And so it is with freelancing. You don't just send out proposals left and right, expecting clients to fall into your lap.
You take time, effort, and energy to build relationships and connect with people. You listen to their needs, understand their pain points, and offer genuine solutions.
Like a budding romance, it's about showing that you care. Just as you wouldn't propose on a first date, you don't rush into relationships with your clients.
Instead, you showcase your expertise and your passion for what you do. You build trust, foster connections, and, over time, you become their go-to person. That is the true art of nurturing leads.
This week marks the start of our three-part Lead Nurture Series. Listen now to learn The 4 Building Blocks of Turning Strangers Into Clients. Let's get started!
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/281
7.11.2023 • 31 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
#280: Hackers Spent $3k Of My Money Promoting Elderly Women's Bras, And Here's What I Learned | Cyber Security Basics
And on September 29th, someone played dirty and swiped access to my ads account. 19 days, folks. Nineteen. That's how long I was locked out, twiddling my thumbs while some hacker ran ads for elderly women’s bras on MY dime.
As hilarious as that sounds, they threw a huge wrench into my marketing machine that cranks out thousands of leads monthly.
Now, I’m no mathematician, but those 19 days of darkness cost me. We're not just talking about the pocket change of $3,000 they blew on those bra ads.
We're talking about tens of thousands of dollars with of lost opportunity because my ads were MIA. With paid ads, you can earn big if you spend big. Now, cut the 'spend' part out for nearly three weeks. Ouch!
But let’s back up... Why am I even bringing up this drama?
Because we’re in an era where one simple digital slip can cascade into a financial avalanche. And here's the kicker: I thought I had my bases covered.
I had digital walls, moats, and guard dogs, all in the form of complex passwords and two-factor authentication. And yet, someone found that one unguarded window and climbed right in.
This isn’t a story for sympathy, but a plea for every freelancer out there. Those shiny digital tools and platforms that feel like extensions of our brains and hands? They're double-edged swords. One day, they're helping you dominate your niche, and the next, they're the nail in your financial coffin.
It doesn’t matter if you’re into paid ads, content creation, or just plain ol' social media engagement. Let this be a wake-up call. Our digital tools have multiple doors, and we need to make damn sure each one's bolted tight.
This week I'm sharing some insights on cyber security risks, including the one that got me, even though I thought I was secure.
The main takeaway is to be careful online. Small mistakes can lead to big problems.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Brian's Meta account was hacked, and why that cost lots of money
Four ways your accounts are vulnerable to attack
The importance of two factor authentication
How phishing attacks work
Why keyloggers are dangerous to your accounts
The importance of using a VPN whenever you are not using a secure network
How to protect your accounts from attack
The two most important ways to protect your account
Additional steps to secure your accounts
Performing regular security checkups
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/280
31.10.2023 • 27 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
#279: Mastering The Art Of Self-Promotion | The Lead Generation Series
Raise your hand if you suck at self-promotion...
🙋🏻♂️ 🙋🏼 🙋🏿♂️ 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏽♀️ (←that's probably you.)
Sadly, self-promotion is where most freelancers hit a wall.
It's one thing to create an amazing service or irresistible lead magnet, but it's entirely another to promote it effectively.
If your calendar isn't booked solid with projects from ideal clients, then you likely suck at self-promotion. (just being real with you 🤷🏻♂️)
For those naysayers who think, "self-promotion!? You shouldn't have to self-promote if you're good at what you do!", I urge you to kill that thought with the fire of a thousand suns.
That's a self-imposed limitation. If promotion is a "normal thing" across every other industry, why should freelancers be the exception?
At its core, lead generation isn't about making lead magnets or revamping your freelance services. It's about mastering the art of self-promotion.
So, whether you're a seasoned freelancer or a newbie, we're about to dive into the nitty-gritty of self-promotion. We need to make sure your service (or lead magnets) doesn't go to waste.
By the end of it, you'll be armed with the tools to make your freelance business self-sustaining.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why your lead magnets aren't working
The six types of traffic
The "core four" types of marketing Brian uses
Using earned media to grow relationships
Why only 3% of your audience is ready to purchase from you right now
How hackers make money with stolen ad accounts
Demand creation vs. demand harvesting
Harnessing referrals and word-of-mouth marketing
Using a referral circle to help fellow freelancers
How to get a plan for your lead generation efforts
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/279
24.10.2023 • 31 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
#278: The 4 Types of Lead Magnets That Actually Work | The Lead Generation Series
Let’s dive into a crucial piece of the freelancer's marketing toolkit: The Lead Magnet.
Imagine your lead magnet as an introductory handshake in the online world. It's your first impression, and we all know how vital that is.
Your lead magnet isn’t merely a "hello"... it’s an "I understand your problems and I know how to help."
Every lead is a person looking for a solution, and your lead magnet is the first step in proving that YOU are that solution.
What we’re crafting isn’t just a freebie or a basic tool. Your lead magnet is proof that you don’t just talk the talk but you walk the walk. It demonstrates up front that you bring real value to the table.
And no, a lead magnet isn’t just another PDF or ebook – it can be, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a tool, a resource, or a guide. It might even be a paid service or workshop.
The shape of a lead magnet is flexible, but its purpose is rigid: to provide immense, undeniable value.
This isn’t about merely generating leads or adding names to an email list. It’s about connecting with a person, and proving that you have the solution they’ve been hunting for.
Ready to create something amazing? Let’s dive into this...
In this episode you’ll discover:
The power of paid lead magnets
Solving problems for your leads
People who have more time than money, vs more money than time
Using your services to bring in new clients
Why taking a loss in the short term can be a benefit in the long term
Using information as a lead magnet
The questions to ask when offering a free consultation
The four main ways to fully solve the problem your leads are facing
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/278
17.10.2023 • 32 Protokoll, 49 Sekunden
#277: The Secret to Consistent Clients | The Lead Generation Series
Listen, I've heard it a hundred times, and I bet you have, too...
"If you're good enough, you can just wait for clients to come to you." They say.
"Word of mouth is all you need." They say.
But here's the deal: sitting on your hands and hoping for that magical email notification of a new client isn't a strategy—it's a death trap.
Let me paint a picture...
You're a talented freelancer. You've had some good months, even great ones.
But then there's that one sobering month. The inquiries dry up, the referrals dwindle, and your inbox is eerily silent. Panic sets in.
That, my friend, is the terrifying "word-of-mouth death trap".
There's a common myth in the freelance world. Some folks will have you believe that the only way to thrive is through word of mouth.
But here’s the truth bomb: Anyone saying "word-of-mouth is best" is unqualified to give you that advice. They are just coasting along nicely with it, having never tasted the desperation of the dry season.
Many still end up taking on gigs they aren’t passionate about, just to keep the lights on.
And sure, referrals are fabulous. If you're great at what you do, you'll 100% get them.
But if you're banking solely on word of mouth to keep your calendar booked with clients, then you're setting yourself up for a rocky ride.
So, what's the antidote to this feast or famine nightmare? Two words: Lead Generation.
Here's the breakdown: Leads become inquiries. Inquiries become clients. And when you have a consistent influx of leads every month, you've got a buffer against those terrifying dry spells.
Suddenly, your business isn't about hoping for clients—it's about choosing them.
In the coming series, we'll dive deep into the nuts and bolts of lead generation, tailored specifically for freelancers. Because here's the truth: understanding and mastering lead generation is like handing yourself the keys to consistency.
Ready to escape the word-of-mouth death trap? Click here to start the Lead Generation Series.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why Brian has had a horrible week thanks to Meta
Different methods of lead generation, and how your business type changes your lead acquisition
The importance of a solid lead magnet
Keys to a valuable lead magnet
What to do if you're struggling
Understanding what your clients need
Using the Three-Tier-Outcome Map
Diagnosing problems to add value to leads
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/277
10.10.2023 • 32 Protokoll, 50 Sekunden
#276: Shifting Your Clients From One-Time Projects To Monthly Recurring Subscriptions | With Annemie Tonken
How much is an average client worth to you? Whatever that number is, imagine how much more they'd be worth to you and your freelance business if they were paying you that amount every single year.
Now imagine how successful you'd be if every single client you've ever had was paying you the amount every year for the rest of your career.
That's the reality for those who run recurring subscription businesses, however, most freelancers only offer one-and-done packages.
Whether you call it a retainer, subscription, or simply a "monthly fee", most who follow this podcast would love the idea of acquiring a client one time and having them keep paying you every single month.
But... What if your service just "doesn't make sense" as a recurring subscription?
If that's you, I'd challenge you to listen to this episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast. No matter what service you offer, there's likely some way to shift your clients to a recurring income model.
Our guest this week, Annemie Tonken, has managed to build her family photography business to 6 figures per year from 6 hours of work per week.
If you want to learn how she's managed this, and how she's launched a highly successful recurring-subscription photography service in an industry where very few others are doing the same, listen to episode 223 of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast ASAP.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Transitioning your freelance business to a recurring revenue model
Becoming a more efficient business-manager
Solving your clients' ultimate needs so you can earn more on each project
The hidden benefits of a recurring revenue model
Average client value and the impact this stat has on your business
How to keep your subscribers happy, active, and paying
The key factors of adding value to your client's lives (for maximum profit)
How she earns a 6-figure income from 6 hours of work per week
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/276
3.10.2023 • 45 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
#275: Time Management For Freelancers | Back To Basics
Hey, you... The one out there juggling a thousand tasks, feeling overwhelmed by how much needs to be done, all while trying to meet client expectations — let's chat.
You've probably heard a topic as mundane sounding as "time management" and just tuned out. That's fair because this topic is usually boring as hell.
"Time management" can feel like something invented by spreadsheet nerds who want to crush your creativity. There's some truth to that.
The problem is is, what seems boring is usually the medicine you need.
This is my attempt at discussing time management in a way that won't crush your soul.
So let's start with the basics. How did you get to this place of overwhelm in the first place?
Two things:
1. The Emotional Tug-of-War
Creatives, like you and me, we're in a unique dilemma. On one hand, our emotions drive our art. We can channel passion, sadness, or elation into something magical. But here’s the downside: sometimes, our emotions run us instead of the other way around.
Think about that task you've been putting off just because you "don't feel like it." Yep, I’ve been there. Procrastinating on this very podcast, to be exact.
But here's the thing: by letting our fleeting feelings decide our to-do list, we end up sidelining those high-priority tasks.
2. The Ping of Doom
While being led by emotions is one pitfall, the other, equally treacherous one is becoming a puppet to others' whims.
Picture this: You're deep into a project, and ping — an email arrives. A client needs revisions, and suddenly you're derailed. Sound familiar?
Freelancers, admit it. We suck at this. I do too.
There's this urge to leap at every client request. While it might give them instant gratification, it leaves our personal and professional needs in the dust.
This frantic jumping between tasks, known as context switching, doesn’t just break our rhythm; it exhausts us. And trying to refocus afterward? A time-wasting task.
Mastering Your Day with a Simple Hack
Now that we've painted a pretty bleak picture, let’s flip the script. The secret? A strategy I've been leaning on for years: Plan tomorrow today.
It’s not just about jotting down tasks. It's about proactively designing a day that balances what you want and what others need from you.
In this week's episode of 6 Figure Creative, I give you the full framework I've been using for years to set up my day for success.
This works in any industry for any service.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why freelancers struggle with time management
How to control our own time, rather than letting others dictate our schedule
People making requests aren't trying to hurt you
Blocking out your daily schedule
Big brain vs. small brain
Batching your tasks or sticking to a routine
The benefits of using Do Not Disturb on your devices
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/275
26.9.2023 • 15 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
#274: Dare To Suck | Why You Make More Money When You're Bad At Things
Have you ever taken a pause and really thought about the significance of being willing to “suck” at something?
We creatives often find ourselves cocooned in this small world of what we're already good at.
We spend our time in areas that come naturally to us. The zone where our creative juices flow and your hands complete the task with ease.
It's our safe space, and damn, doesn't it feel good to be there?
But... here's the twist – this very zone, this "comfort bubble" is also our biggest limitation.
The moment a challenge pops up or a task gets too tricky, we recoil. We can't bear the thought that we're not good at something.
We've all been there, right? The first signs of a struggle or roadblock and our instincts go, "Abort! Abort!"
It’s as if the territory outside of our comfort zone is a minefield we should avoid at all costs.
And that's the crux of this week's podcast episode...
"Dare To Suck".
Those words have been on my mind for the past 5 years because of a past podcast guest.
We often forget that every G.O.A.T., every expert we admire, first sucked before they succeeded.
By giving ourselves the freedom to be imperfect, to suck at something, we open up a world of possibilities.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why perseverance is important in business
Everyone sucked when they first started learning
How age affects fear of judgment
The problem with an instant-gratification world
Relating your experience to levels in a video game
The four levels of incompetence
Why people give up before they get good
Learning the skills you need to learn, while you still suck
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/274
19.9.2023 • 24 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
#273: Why Freelancers Are Vulnerable To "The Inbred Business Trap" (And What That Means For You)
We often look up to the biggest names in our field and think, "Wow, I want to be just like them", but we rarely consider the consequences.
While it can be great to take inspiration from others, it can also backfire...
Because the top 1% in our field are really, really good at some things (like taking the perfect photo or creating a memorable logo), but that doesn't mean they're experts at EVERYTHING.
In this episode, we dig into what I call "inbred businesses."
This is when everyone looks to the top 1% in their industry for how everything "should" be done... leading to a bland, tasteless copy of a copy of a copy of a copy.
We're all creatives, so we (of all people) cannot simply accept the excuse, "Well, that's just how it's done in my industry".
You need your own special sauce, which (much like the restaurant industry) is best found outside of your industry's bubble.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why the top businesses in your industry aren't the businesses to learn from
The advantage of looking to other industries to learn and grow
The biggest cop-out you could make: "That's not how we do things in my industry"
What a website exists for
The difference between what you want and what you need
Using the "template of the internet" for your website
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/273
12.9.2023 • 26 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
#272: The Freelancer's Guide To Automating Your Business | Part 2
Last week we did a deep dive into the world of automation and talked about how it can help take care of boring, tedious, and repetitive tasks.
Well, this week, we're taking it a step further and discussing how to automate some of the client acquisition and marketing tasks in your freelance business.
In this episode, we'll explore the three core areas of marketing: lead generation, lead nurture, and sales, and discuss the numerous opportunities within these areas where you can implement automation.
From the moment someone first finds you to the moment they hand over their hard-earned dollars and become a client, automation can play a crucial role in streamlining the process.
I know that marketing can sometimes feel overwhelming, but by automating certain aspects of your marketing, you can...
Stay top of mind,
Build trust and credibility
Turn leads into actual paying clients...
...all without breaking a sweat!
I truly believe that this episode will provide you with practical ideas and actionable steps to start automating your marketing and make your freelance business more efficient. So grab a cup of coffee, put on your headphones, and let's dive in!
In this episode you’ll discover:
The three main steps of marketing
Automating each step of your marketing funnel
Linking your website to your CRM
Using automation to nurture your marketing leads
Defining a lead for your business
Automating your social media accounts
How to automate your sales process
The disadvantage of having someone set up automations for you
How to reject leads automatically
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/272
5.9.2023 • 34 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
#271: The Freelancer's Guide To Automating Your Business | Part 1
You know those tedious, terrible tasks you keep putting off? Yeah, we all have those. 🙄
Imagine if they could get done without you lifting a finger.
Sounds magical, right?
Well, in our latest episode, I dive deep into the magic world of automation. 🪄
No, it's not as scary as it sounds. In fact, many of us are doing it without even realizing it!
Ever wondered what automation actually is? I've broken it down into three simple steps: a trigger, an action, and a result. 🔄
Curious about how automation can help you make more money? I chat about how it aids in attracting more clients and maximizing their value. 💰
And if you're thinking, "Brian, where do I even begin with all this?", don't fret! My goal for this episode is to open your eyes to the possibilities. Not to overwhelm you with too many details. We're keeping it big picture, friend! 🖼️
Sometimes, simply knowing what's possible is the key, so I can't wait for you to listen and see what ideas you have!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Using automation in your business to eliminate tasks you don't want to do
Understanding what's possible when using automation
Setting yourself up for automation success
The tools you can use to automate your business
Using fulfillment automation to provide better service to your clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/271
29.8.2023 • 22 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
#270: The 3 Best Ways To Graduate From "Simple Freelancer" To A "True Entrepreneur" With Multiple Income Streams
Feeling like you've hit a ceiling in your freelancing career? Ready to take the leap into True Entrepreneurship but unsure where to begin? You're not alone, and I've got the perfect resource for you!
I recently recorded a podcast episode all about what it means to graduate from freelancing.
This episode is tailored for creative freelancers like you who might feel stagnant or limited in their current roles and are seeking new challenges, broader impact, and diversified income streams.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The six levels of freelancing
What it takes to master the "agency model"
How to build your "offer ladder"
Creating tools for your industry
And more...
If you're ready to explore the idea of transitioning from freelancer to entrepreneur, this episode is a must-listen.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/270
22.8.2023 • 24 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
#269: The Creative Vs The Entrepreneur | Which Side Wins?
In today's episode, I'm dedicating the entire discussion to the creative versus the entrepreneur. We'll explore the pros and cons of each side, helping you navigate the battle within and find that sweet spot in the middle—the balance that leads to a happier, healthier, and more prosperous freelance career.
First, let's really understand your creative side. As freelancers, most of us start as creatives at heart. We stumble upon a skill or a passion that sparks our imagination, ignites our creativity, and propels us to share our art with the world. It's what drives us to be here in the first place.
But to become a successful creative freelancer, it takes more than just passion and raw talent. It takes a truly entrepreneurial approach. This is where the magic happens, where we turn our creativity into a viable business.
Remember, both the creative and the entrepreneur are essential elements of your freelance business. Embrace the good parts of both and avoid the dark sides of both.
By finding that sweet spot in the middle, you'll find the ideal balance for running a happier, healthier, and more profitable freelance business.
So, if you're a creative freelancer who wants to earn more from your creative skills (without selling your soul), this episode is an absolute must-listen.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Balancing the creative and entrepreneurial sides of your brain
Why creatives are selfish
Creatives and speed to finishing a project
What entrepreneurs understand that creatives don't
Using people, processes, and systems, to create value
Keeping your creative spark alive
Scheduling time for creative and entrepreneurial tasks
Expanding your horizons by joining communities and finding mentors
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/269
15.8.2023 • 37 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
#268: How To Guide Your Clients Through The Six Stages Of The Client Journey | Funnels For Freelancers
I get how it feels when your website doesn't bring those sought-after leads. It's frustrating to spend so much time and care building a beautiful site, only to be greeted with crickets.
The thing is, your website is likely more like a confusing labyrinth for potential clients... All those options, paths, and choices can be overwhelming.
It's like a choose-your-own-adventure novel, where you're never quite sure if you're heading for the jackpot or a dead end.
So what happens when your clients can't navigate this maze? When they're faced with too many options, they don't stick around.
They abandon your site before even reaching out. It's a lose-lose situation, and it's costing you leads and clients.
Fortunately, there's a better way...
Did you know you could guide your clients purposefully through their journey instead of leaving them stranded?
The key is understanding the six critical stages of the client journey. And once you master that, you can use carefully crafted funnels to guide your clients through each stage.
Curious about these funnels? You'll be excited to learn they are two of the best-performing funnels for freelancers - the Lead Gen Funnel and the Opportunity Funnel. They're no magic tricks but clear, straightforward strategies to turn more leads into clients.
This week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative podcast talks all about the 6 Steps of the Client Journey and the two best funnels for freelancers. Learn about this, and you'll be on your way to creating a great experience for your clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why websites are not optional in 2023
The reasons your funnel may be leaking
Three types of funnels for your business
The importance of explaining your offer to leads
Manipulation vs. influencing
Proving you have the solution
Explaining next steps
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/268
8.8.2023 • 32 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
#267: Turn Your Hours Into More Dollars By Fixing All 5 Parts Of Your Freelance Machine
Here's a concept that will make you more money - everything in business is based on inputs and outputs.
Yes, this sounds soulless, and yes this seems to take away the creativity, but stick with me.
It's all about understanding how your freelance business operates, just like any other machine out there.
Picture this: When you work a regular job, you know your input is your time, and the output is your hard-earned cash, right? It's simple.
Similarly, with a car, you put in gasoline, and you get mileage or horsepower as the output. Easy peasy.
But here's the thing: Many freelancers forget about this essential concept of inputs and outputs, and it's holding them back.
You see, the more input you put in, the greater the output...
Work more hours, get more dollars.
Pump more gas, get more miles.
Rob more stores, get more jail time
Makes sense so far, right?
But here's the kicker: It's not just about two-dimensional thinking...
There's a crucial factor determining your output more than anything else, and that's the actual machine.
Better job = more $$ for the same hours.
Better car = more miles for the same amount of gas.
Your freelance business is the machine in question here. Just how well-oiled is it?
Here's where things get interesting - the better your freelance business machine, the higher your income and the less you'll need to work on things you don't want to do. Leverage is the name of the game.
But let's be real. Some of you might be working for less than you could earn at McDonald's.
Nothing's worse than pouring your heart and soul into your work and feeling under-compensated.
So on this episode, we're breaking your freelance machine down into five major pieces, then talking about the inputs and outputs of every individual part.
Bring your toolbox, and let's start tinkering.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The inputs and outputs of your business
Using leverage to increase your hourly earnings
Generating leads via inputs and outputs
How to nurture leads in your ecosystem
Choosing the right leads to work with
Focusing on client success
Tripling your income by adjusting your pricing
Why taking action is so important
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/267
1.8.2023 • 38 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
#266: How To Stay Top-Of-Mind By Being Impossible To Ignore | The Omnipresence Strategy
Have you ever had an amazing potential client reach out to you? They seem really interested and they look perfect for you... But then, poof! They just vanish.
Time goes by, the job doesn't happen, and you're left scratching your head, wondering, "wtf did I do wrong?" This can be really frustrating, but guess what? We can fix it!
If this sounds like something that's happened to you, here's how you fix it: Be impossible to ignore.
The truth is, if this part is hard for you, you're likely only getting 50% of the clients you could be getting, which means you're flushing money down the drain.
How do I know? Well, when I looked at my own business, I found out that half of my earnings in a year came from clients I had to check back with five times or more.
In this week's podcast episode, I'll give you five effective strategies on how to stay top-of-mind and be impossible to ignore.
Ready to dive in?
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why following up is vital to your success
How to followup without bothering someone
Benefiting your customers by following up
Nurturing relationships one-to-many
Establishing expertise as a creative
Email's not dead!
Using retargeting to nurture leads and stay top-of-mind
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/266
25.7.2023 • 31 Protokoll, 26 Sekunden
#265: Make Your Clients Worth More $$$$ By Avoiding These 6 Mistakes | The Freelance F*ckups Series
In any freelance business, there are two ways to increase your income:
Get more clients
Make each client worth more.
While most freelancers focus on the first method, most of us ignore blatantly obvious ways you can make each and every client worth more $$$ to your business.
The beauty of focusing on how you can make each and every client worth more is that the improvements you make here can have a massive impact for the rest of your life.
Despite this, few freelancers spend time thinking about how they can better monetize the clients they already have. And that's where this episode comes in handy.
So, if you're maxed out on clients, and you're looking for ways to still increase your income (without burning yourself out), this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why knowing your AACV is vital to your business
Focusing on outcomes rather than hours worked
Why you might have to start working for someone else
The pitfall of offering low-value services
Methods you can use to increase your AACV
Why you struggle with pricing your offering
The difference between working with people vs. businesses
Why you should work for rich clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/265
18.7.2023 • 32 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
#264: The 6 Ways To RUIN Your Freelance Services | The Freelance F*ckups Series
On today's podcast episode, I wanted to have a candid chat about something critical to your success as a freelancer...
It's a topic that's often glossed over, but it's the backbone of your entire business: Fulfilling the services you're paid for as a freelancer.
Have you ever wondered why some clients never return, or why they don't refer your services to others? Maybe you're finding that more and more of your clients and projects are becoming a pain in the 🍑?
If so, it might be time to take a good, hard look at your fulfillment processes.
In this episode, I dive deep into the six common mistakes that can completely derail your fulfillment experience as a freelancer. Spoiler alert: if you're committing any of these, especially the first one, you might be setting yourself up for a nauseating ride.
Here's why... As a freelancer, you are literally getting paid to deliver on your promises. When you mess up fulfillment, you're inadvertently sabotaging your own business. This can lead to fewer referrals, less repeat business, and the potential for some seriously stressful interactions with clients.
The good news is that this episode isn't just about identifying the problems; it's about finding solutions and paving the way for smoother, more satisfying client relationships and more rewarding freelance projects.
I can't wait for you to join me in this discussion. We'll go through these six pitfalls, figure out where you might be going wrong, and most importantly, talk about how to right those wrongs.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Reframing from "to do" to "don't do"
Why offering more services is the opposite of what you need to do
The pain caused by avoiding SOPs
Focusing on an outcome rather than a service
Keeping communications clean
Setting healthy boundaries
Missing the mark with your clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/264
11.7.2023 • 24 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
#263: Let's Talk About 7 Things NOT To Do | The Freelance F*ckups Series
Today, we're kickstarting a new podcast series. We're calling it the "Freelance F*ckups" series - because, let's be real, we all have those moments.
This series is special because it aims to address one of the main issues we face when listening to advice-rich podcasts - information overload.
Picture it as an "Advice Buffet" where you're trying to juggle countless pieces of advice, strategies, and tips. It's overwhelming, isn't it?
For a lot of us, this all-you-can-eat Advice Buffet leaves us frozen in Analysis Paralysis Mode instead of actually helping us move forward.
What if we can switch the narrative from what you should do to what you should avoid?
This, my friends, is the vision behind our Freelance F*ckups series. Each episode will focus on major pitfalls that freelancers encounter, areas where we commonly trip up, and how to sidestep these mistakes.
So, let's navigate these bumps in the road together, step by step, week by week. This series won't be about adding new tasks to your ever-growing to-do list. Instead, we'll examine the habits, practices, and mindsets that might be tripping you up, allowing you to pivot, adapt, and avoid these missteps in the future.
Let's get started!
In this episode you’ll discover:
The snowflake fallacy
Why businesses are often inbred
The pitfall of staying in bill-paying mode
Acquiring new clients
Working in fits and spurts
Building bridges half-way vs. all the way
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/263
4.7.2023 • 24 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
#262: Why $100k Per Year Is The New Minimum Wage For Freelancers
I've been talking to a lot of freelancers recently, and I'm a bit troubled by their underwhelming financial goals. It's not about being greedy, it's about being realistic...
This is why I am presenting a bold idea: $100k should be the new minimum wage for freelancers.
Many freelancers look at $100k as their most ambitious goal, while I look at it as merely the start.
Hear me out.
Gross income as a freelancer is vastly different from a salary in a day job. The reason is simple: expenses. They're part and parcel of being a freelancer, and I'm not just talking about pencils and paper here.
I'm talking about substantial, often overlooked, expenses that can take a big chunk out of your earnings. In this episode, we're going to delve into those figures, so you can gain a clearer understanding of where your money goes, why $100k should be your new minimum goal, and what you should be doing to get yourself there.
The aim of this episode is to challenge your thinking and to help you set yourself up for a better, more stable life as a freelancer.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why your expenses should be factored into your income goals
Costs you need to consider off the top of your income
Considerations for your pricing
When it may be time to shift niches
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/262
27.6.2023 • 20 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
#261: Overcoming Overwhelm: A Guide For Freelancers To Fix The Root Cause And Stop Treating The Symptoms
We all know the life of a freelancer isn't easy. There's an unending list of tasks to tackle, clients to please, and portfolios to build. On top of that, we juggle personal commitments and the oh-so-precious "me time" that often gets squeezed out.
So, it's no surprise that we often find ourselves feeling overwhelmed, the creativity squashed out of us, and, at times, a sense of exhaustion that doesn't seem to let up.
Sound familiar? It does to me.
In our latest episode, I dove headfirst into this ocean of overwhelm in response to a heartfelt listener question.
They wrote in, juggling a 60-hour work week, a freelance business, a spouse, and the all-important quest for sleep. And their question was, "how do I battle exhaustion and overwhelm when I need to use any free time to transition to working for myself?"
I know this will likely resonate with you. It certainly did with me.
Now I'm not about to pretend to be some sort of authority on managing overwhelm, but I am someone who's experienced these struggles and found ways to manage.
I hope that by sharing my experiences and insights, I can help you navigate your own journey a bit more smoothly.
This episode isn't about quick fixes or short-term solutions. We won't be tackling overwhelm as if it's a symptom to be temporarily alleviated. Instead, we'll be diving into the root causes, aiming to unearth lasting solutions that help you overcome this persistent roadblock.
If you're constantly feeling overwhelmed (or if you're the one who submitted the original question) this episode is for you.
I hope it brings some clarity, perhaps even sparks some realizations, about your own experience of overwhelm and how to overcome it.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Treating symptoms vs. treating the cause
The golden handcuffs keeping you stuck
How a lack of boundaries affects your time
Why boundaries are one of the most important things in your life
Avoiding your problems and letting those fires burn
Breaking down large tasks into small, bite-sized chunks
The seasons of overwhelm
The benefits of asking for help
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/261
20.6.2023 • 23 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
#260: How To Set SMART Marketing Goals For Client Acquisition | Back To Basics
Here's a wild guess: I bet you've never set a real marketing goal for your business.
Since most freelancers struggle to consider themselves a "business", this really isn't a big surprise.
When it comes to the 10th episode of this "Back to Basics" series, marketing goals are about as basic as things get when it comes to marketing.
How are you going to put together any sort of marketing plan without setting marketing goals?
Now, I get it. I'm sure you have plenty of ideas fluttering around in your head about what you want from your business... Maybe it's a certain income level, a specific rate per project, or attracting a certain type of client.
But here's the reality check: these are more like vague wishes than concrete, achievable goals.
Without shaping those vague ideas into SMART goals, you may find yourself in what I call "plateau hell."
Do you know that frustrating state where your business seems stuck? Perhaps you've hit a certain revenue mark - often around the $50,000 to $60,000 range - and you just can't seem to break through. You might even feel like you're regressing.
I've been there before, and it's not a fun place to live.
In this episode, I am sharing a tried and tested approach to goal-setting that can help you escape from the Freelancer Plateau Hell.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why the basics matter
The business goals to aim for
Increasing client value
SMART goals for marketing
The importance of promoting your business
Using reviews to build trust and authority
Why high conversion rates are a bad sign
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/260
13.6.2023 • 22 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
#259: How To Stop Being A Copycat Freelancer | Back To Basics
In the latest installment of our Back to Basics series, we're diving headfirst into an often overlooked yet vital subject: carving out your unique niche as a freelancer. Today's exploration centers on what I term "The Copycat Freelancer" dilemma.
Don't get me wrong... I’m not here to criticize. Instead, I want to guide you past this hurdle that's probably been holding you back for years.
Imagine I asked you, 'Why should a client choose you over your competitor?' What would your response be?
Most freelancers are stumped by that question, and if you're being honest with yourself, you probably aren’t doing anything unique that sets you apart.
The result? You end up competing on price alone, setting your rates based on what competitors are charging. Ultimately, it's a race to the bottom that builds zero client loyalty and makes your freelancing journey tougher than it needs to be.
In the episode, I delve deeper into the issue of differentiation and give you some help with carving out a unique place in your industry. Of course, this topic is nuanced, and there's a lot more to unpack.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why a UVP is important to your business
The paperclip vs. the Prada bag
Having an outcome-focused business
How I got an unfair advantage (and you can, too)
Setting yourself up as a specialized business
Examples of well-differentiated businesses
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/259
6.6.2023 • 17 Protokoll, 23 Sekunden
#258: 6 Methods For Promoting Your Freelance Business | Back To Basics
Today we're continuing with our "Back to Basics" journey by focusing on something that's often overlooked by freelancers - promotion.
Promotion is super important to keep the clients coming in, but a lot of freelancers think they just need to be good at what they do.
They admire those who seem to have endless work, thinking it all comes from word-of-mouth alone. But, in the early days of freelancing, just relying on referrals can be risky, leading to the scary "feast or famine" cycle.
This situation can force freelancers to scramble, taking any job they can just to pay the bills. These "bill-paying" clients might not always be a good match, and we might not even want to work with them, but bills gotta be paid, right?
I've been there, and I can tell you it's a quick way to burn out and start resenting your clients.
In our chat today, we're going to help you avoid getting stuck with just bill-paying clients by sharing six ways to promote your freelance work effectively. If you're having trouble finding enough clients, it's probably because people just don't know you're there.
That's where knowing how to effectively promote yourself comes in. By trying out one or two of the methods we're going to talk about today, you can bring stability to your work. More clients mean less stress, which lets you cherry-pick the projects you really love.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to avoid "bill paying work"
Six promotion methods for freelancers
How client value affects your business' needs
Why referral programs work
The benefits of paid promotion
Why owned assets are so vital to your business
Why Clients By Design is for you
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/258
30.5.2023 • 25 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
#257: Pricing For Freelancers: 5 Ways To Set Your Rates | Back To Basics
This week we're tackling a challenge we all face as creatives: how should we price our work? Getting this right is a huge deal, but damn it can be tricky!
Pricing your services isn't just about picking a random number. A lot of us tend to set our rates by looking at what others charge or by trusting our gut.
If that sounds like you, no shame, but this is the #1 way you end up undervaluing your work and undercharging. Part of this is about self-confidence, part of it's the fear of losing a gig.
If you're thinking, "That's totally me, always underpricing", it's all good. We've all been there. The key is to recognize this pattern and aim to break it. You've got to develop a solid strategy for setting rates that truly reflect your worth.
So, are you ready to take a deep dive into the sometimes-intimidating world of pricing? Let's kick the undercharging habit in the A$$ and figure out a better way to price your services.
In this episode, we'll walk through five different ways you can price your services. We'll dive into each method, discuss the pros and cons, and give you the tools you need to decide which one works best for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The minimum income goal for any freelancer
The consequences you face as a low-earning creative
Overworking yourself with low rates
How to price your services
Using value-based pricing for your business
Protecting yourself with flat rate pricing
How to keep clients consistently coming back
The gutsy payment method that big agencies can use
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/257
25.5.2023 • 30 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
#256: Choosing The Right Services To Sell As A Freelancer | Back To Basics
Our ongoing series, Back to Basics, is all about diving deep into the foundation of freelancing. Today's focus is on the services (i.e. products) we offer as freelancers. This is the biggest difference between successful and struggling freelancers.
All too often, we choose our services based on what WE want, while putting little to no thought into what our clients want. It's like trying to sell a product with a flaw. Think of any garbage Amazon purchase you've made, where the only review you'd give is a warning to others.
That's certainly not the reputation we want for our services, right?
In this episode, we break it down into three distinct levels of service that you can offer. While there are many facets to this, sticking to the basics keeps us grounded, and honestly, it's a lot less overwhelming.
As an entrepreneur, I know how easy it is to leap into the complexity of advanced strategies. However, for this episode, we're keeping it straightforward and accessible.
My hope is that this episode provides a moment of clarity - an "Aha!" if you will. A moment that sparks fresh perspective, prompting you to say, "Hot damn, I hadn't thought about it that way. I've been doing this wrong."
After all, a single shift in perspective can be the game-changer that propels your freelance journey forward.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The three tiers of freelancing
Selling flawed services or products
The basic Fiverr freelancer
Providing an outcome rather than a service
Why this episode is a lesson to our editor
The damage ChatGPT is doing to butt-in-seat jobs
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/256
23.5.2023 • 16 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
#255: Marketing... WTF Is It, And Do Freelancers Even Need To Worry About It? | Back To Basics
We're navigating a series right now that we've lovingly titled "Back to the Basics." I'm particularly excited about today's episode where we peel back the layers on a topic that's often shrouded in mystique, over-complication, or sometimes, just plain neglect: Marketing.
You might ask, what exactly is marketing? Well, let's simplify it. As I've mentioned in previous episodes, the core of marketing is about presenting the right message, to the right person, at the right time.
Yes, it really can be as straightforward as that. When you unpack and understand each element of this mantra, you're well on your way to attracting more clients and growing your income from your creative prowess.
Now, I know what you're thinking. Many of you creatives might be wondering, "Marketing? Isn't that for big businesses??" Well, yes, and no.
Let's put it this way: To truly thrive in your freelance career, you need to embrace both the creative and the entrepreneurial spirit.
Also, you may be apprehensive about the idea of marketing, worried that it's a slippery slope toward becoming one of those overly pushy salespeople. I get it. But here's the good news - marketing doesn't have to be an "icky" process. Quite the opposite, in fact...
It can be a natural, authentic way of expressing the value you bring to your clients, without compromising your integrity or your creative soul.
So, for all of you freelancers who are passionate about your craft and want to learn how to generate a healthy income without feeling like you're selling out, this episode is designed for you.
We're going to break down the basics of marketing, helping you understand its core principles and showing you how it can be a positive, empowering part of your business.
Join us on this journey back to the basics, and let's redefine marketing together. No jargon, no fluff, just the essentials.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The definition of marketing
Marketing vs advertising
Advertising vs. marketing
The four Ps
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/255
18.5.2023 • 9 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
#254: Cash Flow Management: How To Never Run Out Of Money | Back To Basics
We all know that the freelancing world is thrilling, fulfilling, and at times, let's be real, a bit terrifying. One of the most daunting parts of freelancing (and one that I've grappled with myself) is cash flow management.
In today's episode, we're diving deep into this crucial topic. The one thing I want you to take away from this episode is how to skillfully manage your cash flow so you never have to see your bank balance hit zero.
I'm sure you've heard this saying before: "Businesses don't fail, they simply run out of money".
This isn't just some platitude, it's backed up by data.
A study cited by Business Insider tells us that 82% of small businesses (freelancers included) fail because of cash flow issues. That's right - they ran out of money. That's why today's episode is so crucial.
As someone who's seen my income swing wildly from one month to the next (like when I made $20,000 in January 2015, then just $1,200 in February 2015), I've learned first-hand the stress of getting this wrong.
You might be thinking, "But Brian, I'm just a freelancer. I don't have a big business with tons of employees and overheads. Do I really need to worry about cash flow?"
The answer is a resounding YES.
It doesn't matter if you're a solo freelancer or a big business, managing your cash flow is vital to keeping your business afloat and making sure you're not living paycheck to paycheck.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The detrimental effect of fluctuating income on a small business
Why freelancers need to invoice quickly and accurately
Building up a strong cash position to avoid cash flow issues
How to avoid your business shutting down
Collecting payments for unpaid invoices
Why waiting for payments is killing your business
Being responsible with credit
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/254
16.5.2023 • 23 Protokoll, 14 Sekunden
#253: The Freelancer's Guide to Automated Budgeting | Back To Basics
Here's how most freelancers manage their money...
Step 1: They check their bank account
Step 2: They wonder where all their money went.
If that sounds like you, then I want to help you avoid running your business like that.
I've taken the time to simplify the budgeting process for you, focusing on creating an easy, actionable system that you can actually use. This episode is short, sweet, and perfect for those who are looking to get a handle on where all your damn money is going.
My goal is to help you be more intentional with your money and avoid that dreaded feeling of having your hard-earned cash just disappear. In this episode, I'll teach you how to automate your budgeting process so that you never spend what you don't have.
This podcast is specifically tailored for business owners and freelancers, but I believe anyone can benefit from the process I share in this episode. So, whether you're new to the show or a returning listener, I hope you'll join me on this journey back to the basics of budgeting.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to budget and plan for your money
The pitfalls of not creating a budget
Splitting your funds into multiple accounts to ensure your liquidity
The limits of your operating expense account
Using the Profit First system for your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/253
11.5.2023 • 16 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
#252: Choosing The Right Bank For Your Business (And Why Your Bank Probably Sucks) | Back To Basics
We're continuing our "Back to Basics" series, and in this episode, we're diving into the not-so-exciting world of business banking for freelancers. But before you think about skipping this one, let me tell you why it's a must-listen.
As someone who's gone through more than 10 different banks over my freelancing journey, I've learned a thing or two about what it takes to find the right bank for your freelance business.
Why is this so important?
Well, if you're unhappy with your current bank or just starting your freelance journey, this episode will save you from the frustration and headaches of dealing with subpar banks that just don't meet your needs. Plus, it might even save you from making the same mistakes as "dumb Brian" (that's me!).
So, if you're ready to learn how to choose the right bank for your freelance business and avoid those dreaded deal-breakers, give this episode a listen.
I promise to keep it short, sweet, and to the point – even for those of you who think you couldn't care less about banking. You might just be surprised by how much this knowledge can impact your journey toward a happier, healthier, and more profitable freelance business.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why to avoid big banks and local banks
What to look for in a business bank account
Fees to avoid on your next bank account
The importance of creating a separate business account
Set up your bank account today!
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/252
9.5.2023 • 15 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
#251: LLC vs Sole Proprietor: Which Is Best For Freelancers | Back To Basics
If you've ever wondered whether you should operate as a sole proprietor or form an LLC, this episode is just for you! We'll dive into my own personal journey, why I avoided LLCs for so long, and ultimately, how you can make the best decision for your freelance business.
Now, I want to point out that this discussion is specifically for US-based freelancers. I wish I could cover every business entity in every country, but my knowledge is limited to what's available in the US. So, if you're based elsewhere, I apologize, and I hope you still find value in the conversation.
In this episode, we'll explore the key differences between a sole proprietor and an LLC, and how they can sometimes look and feel the same. I'll also share some recent insights I've gained to help you make a more informed decision for your business.
I truly believe that this episode will provide you with a better understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of both sole proprietorships and LLCs, ultimately helping you choose the best path for your freelance business. So, grab a cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let's dive into this (not so) exciting topic together!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Which business structures to consider for your business
The advantages of running an LLC
How to set up your LLC
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/251
4.5.2023 • 10 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
#250: Back To Basics: Avoiding The Common Mistakes of Self-Taught Freelancing
I wanted to share something with you that's been on my mind lately... as a self-taught entrepreneur, I skipped SO many of the basics when it comes to running a healthy business.
This dawned on me when I found myself looking up answers to things most people should know when they first start their businesses.
This made me realize that the vast majority of freelancers probably have similar blind spots in their own businesses, so I've decided to do something to celebrate our 250th episode...
We're taking a step back from our normal "advanced" topics to revisit the fundamental basics of freelancing, and I'm inviting you to join me on this journey. No matter your experience level or income, we all have something to learn and improve.
In this episode (and the upcoming series), I'll be sharing my own experiences as a self-taught freelancer who's made multiple millions but still needs to figure out some of the basic things I've skipped.
My goal is for us, the 6 Figure Creative Community, to come together and create healthier, happier businesses. And I believe that starts by focusing on the fundamentals.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/250
2.5.2023 • 14 Protokoll, 33 Sekunden
#249: Streamlining Your Freelance Workflow: How Mike Cervantes Manages Thousands of Projects Per Year
This week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative podcast is part 2 of my in-depth discussion with Mike Cervantes.
Mike is a highly successful freelance mastering engineer who has collaborated with renowned artists such as Dolly Parton, Avril Lavigne, and Snoop Dogg. His impressive achievements include over 23 Billboard #1s and at least two gold records.
In this episode, Mike shares his secrets on how he's built out systems to manage and fulfill thousands of projects per year. He also discusses the future of his business (including Dolby Atmos & AI) and what he thinks it takes to become a one-person 7 figure freelancer.
This episode is jam-packed with valuable insights and practical advice from one of the most successful creatives in the industry. Whether you're an audio engineer, a graphic designer, a videographer, or any other type of creative freelancer, you'll find something to take away from this episode.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Dealing with growing pains in your business
Why a second set of gear is only worthwhile if you're running in-the-box
Setting yourself up for a long career while having a home life
The future of mastering and AI
Atmos vs. stereo audio
Competing in a market where tens of thousands of songs are added to Spotify daily
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/249
25.4.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
#248: Client Acquisition For Mastering Engineers: How To Win, Maintain, And Organize Thousands Of Clients | With Mike Cervantes Of The Foxboro
Ever felt like you're a tiny fish who's struggling to stand out in a vast ocean? Like you're drowning in the "sea of sameness" in an overcompetitive industry? If that's you, here's the good news: There's hope...
You can still succeed... even when you're starting out as a "copycat" in a highly competitive market. This week's episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to make a name for themselves in the audio industry (or any competitive industry, for that matter)
Meet Mike, a multi-six-figure freelance mastering engineer who's swum with the big fish, working with A-list clients like Dolly Parton, Avril Lavigne, and Snoop Dogg. With over 23 Billboard #1s and at least two gold records under his belt, Mike's here to help you navigate the choppy waters of freelancing success.
In this must-listen episode, Mike shares his insights on:
How he got traction early in his career despite the competition
The importance of choosing a business name vs. going under his personal name
His evolving approach to client acquisition from his early days until now
The art of juggling thousands of projects per year without losing sight of quality and passion
Whether you're an audio professional, or just someone interested in the behind-the-scenes of the music industry, this conversation with Mike Cervantes is packed with valuable insights and actionable advice.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/248
18.4.2023 • 53 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
#247: The 3 Building Blocks of a Fine-Tuned Freelance Business
Do you ever feel like your freelance business could be so much more, but you're missing a few key ingredients? Imagine a world where your perfect clients are eager to work with you, your rates keep climbing, projects run like a well-oiled machine, and clients keep coming back for more. We've got just the right insights for you in our latest podcast episode!
In this episode, we'll explore the essential elements needed to create a thriving, successful freelance business. Just like a photographer needs a camera, lens, and the perfect lighting, your business calls for specific components to flourish and grow.
We'll dive into the three core building blocks that will help you craft a complete, well-rounded freelance business:
An exceptional "product": Sharpen your creative skills, set yourself apart from the sea of sameness, perfect your onboarding process, and streamline the fulfillment, revision, and delivery stages.
A proven business model: Uncover the pros and cons of four appetizing business models - hourly billing, project-based, retainer/subscription, and commission-based - and choose the one that best suits your niche and goals.
A process for attracting clients: Learn the art of lead generation, lead nurturing, sales, and referral processes that will keep your pipeline full and draw the clients you've always wanted.
As a passion-driven freelancer, you might find it challenging to think of your work as a "well-oiled machine." But embracing this mindset will unlock more income, fewer headaches, and consistent growth for your creative business.
Don't miss the chance to tap into your full creative potential and turn your creative skills into a thriving, fulfilling business.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How your business is like a car
The three machines to improve your business
Tailoring the experience of every client for the ultimate luxury
Using systems and processes for consistency
Offering a productized service vs. a bespoke service
Subscription vs. single-sale businesses
Creating your lead generation process
Staying top of mind with lead nurture
How to qualify your leads
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/247
11.4.2023 • 38 Protokoll, 10 Sekunden
#246: A Freelancer's Guide to Working Smarter, Not Harder | Cracking the 80/20 Code
Ever stumbled upon someone who's basically a human ATM, overflowing with cash, and still living the dream without a care in the world? No? Well, neither have I, but let's talk about them for a sec.
These super successful, carefree people seem almost mythical, don't they?
It feels like people are either working 24/7, kissing their social lives goodbye, or they're partying non-stop, leaving their businesses to collect cobwebs.
And then there's the majority whose lives are just a hot mess in general. But what about those exceptional folks who've got everything under control? Well, they follow this little thing called The 80/20 Rule.
You've probably heard of The 80/20 Rule before, but maybe you haven't given it much thought (like those New Year's resolutions or that gym membership card you never used).
If you're wondering what The 80/20 Rule is or you just need a reminder on how to use this magical life hack, this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
What is the 80/20 principle, anyway?
How the 80/20 principle affects your business
Maximizing your profits by reducing your workload
Enriching your personal life using the 80/20 principle
How to review your business through the 80/20 lens
What not to do when you have a “f*¢k it” moment
Dealing with shiny object syndrome using the 80/20 principle
Prioritizing the pillars of your life
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/246
4.4.2023 • 44 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
#245: Unleash Your Freelance Superpowers: Revolutionize Your Creative Business with the TOTS Playbook Method
Are you ready to make your freelance life more efficient, enjoyable, and, let's face it, less chaotic? Our latest podcast episode is the perfect companion for your creative journey!
Discover the secrets to organizing your freelance business for more consistency and room to grow. Say goodbye to flying by the seat of your pants and welcome the magic of creating your very own "recipes" using the TOTS Playbook Method.
In this episode, we explore:
Starting small: Pinpoint the tasks that zap your energy and learn to map out your client journey from start to finish.
Crafting your recipe: Master the TOTS Playbook Method (Training Video, Outline, Timing, and Specifics) and capture your creative process with our favorite tools.
Fine-tuning your masterpiece: Gather feedback, make tweaks, and keep polishing your process for outstanding results.
Growing your creative world: Embrace the benefits of systems and processes to take on more projects without losing your sanity.
Don't miss this opportunity to level up your freelance adventure and tap into your full creative potential. Experience the difference that a little organization can make for your creative work and well-being.
🎧 Are you ready to unleash your creative superpowers? Click here to listen now!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why creatives are prone to inconsistent results
Creating playbooks to give your clients great final products every time
What's top of mind for you to outsource?
Breaking down TOTS
The creative mindset vs the entrepreneurial mindset
Creating replicable results for your clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/245
28.3.2023 • 28 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
#244: Unlock Your Potential: How Defying Conventional Wisdom Leads to Unprecedented Success | With Paco de Leon
What if breaking the rules and embracing your uniqueness could revolutionize an entire industry? 🤯
Meet Paco de Leon, a trailblazer who defied conventional wisdom and turned the world of finance on its head by being unapologetically herself.
As the author of Finance for the People and founder of The Hell Yeah Group, Paco has leveraged her personal brand to create an irresistible appeal that sets her miles apart from the competition.
Her unconventional approach has landed her features on TED, New York Times, Forbes, Business Insider, NPR, Vice, Bloomberg, Good Morning America, and countless others.
How did Paco achieve such success in an industry as notoriously bland as finance? She wholeheartedly embraced her uniqueness and used the 80/20 principle to make everything she touches turn to gold.
Feeling like you're putting in endless hours of work but not gaining any traction? Let Paco de Leon be your guide! Join our conversation to make this year a resounding "Hell Yeah!" year 🚀
In this episode, you'll uncover:
How Paco's unique approach distinguishes her from "regular" bookkeepers 📚
The secret to maintaining a low client number while maximizing revenue 💰
How to repel the wrong clients through strategic branding 🚫
Running a thriving business without constant self-promotion 🌱
The art of practicing energy efficiency in your brain 🧠
Utilizing processes and procedures to scale your company 📈
Learning business skills from playing in a band 🎸
Overcoming fears and obstacles in your entrepreneurial journey 👊
Crafting a career-focused marketing plan for long-term success 🎯
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/244
21.3.2023 • 41 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
#243: From Hourly to $10K: The Package Pricing Strategy That Will Revolutionize Your Freelance Business | With Brandi Mowles
The Freelancer's Guide to Escaping the Hourly Grind and Scaling to $10k Months with Package Pricing
From Hourly to $10K: The Package Pricing Strategy That Will Revolutionize Your Freelance Business
You’ve probably heard my rants on hourly vs. project-based pricing before…
Yet you're still charging by the hour or day.
I've heard all the excuses at this point"
“Well yeah Brian, project pricing works for some people, but not me.”
“What if I spend too much time and I lose money?”
“What if my client wants all this extra random stuff done after we start the project?”
“I do WAY too many things to bundle them into one project price!”
Well, Brandi Mowles, from the Serve Scale Soar Podcast, is here to show you that you can simplify your packages, without a bunch of added work... and the best part is that you can do it more profitably than hourly projects.
Brandi debunks the common myths, mistakes, and reservations freelancers have on switching from hourly to package pricing, and helps them hit the $10k per month mark without a team.
If you’re ready to get out of the day-to-day hourly grind, and truly soar in your business, listen in on my conversation with Brandi Mowles!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to make your marriage last (hint: pick the right person)
Why package pricing is advantageous if you set it up properly
Avoiding the pitfalls of package pricing
What "package hacking" does for your business
How to set your pricing for packages
Using "up to" language in your pricing
What's the most important to you?
Why package pricing should not be based on your time
Raising your prices on existing clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/243
14.3.2023 • 50 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
#242: How To Turn Your Website Into A Lead Generation Machine | With Delia Monk
Writing all of the different elements for your website is one of the most painful things... especially if you're trying to create a website that turns strangers into clients.
Unless you are a copywriter, typing out a persuasive sentence feels like:
“Selling out”
“Overstating your achievements”
“Being another sleazy salesperson”
When these thoughts pop into our heads, it’s important to realize “persuasive” does not mean “sleazy.”
Converting the strangers on your website into paying clients is a massive step towards getting out of the feast-or-famine lifestyle, and you can do it without compromising any of your values.
Whether your website conversions are floundering, your about page is blank, or you just can’t get that client to respond with a testimonial, Delia Monk has answers for us!
As an expert in conversion-focused copy, she helps us turn all of our boring, vanilla website copy into personality-driven, radiant, and most importantly, high-converting websites.
Listen to my conversation with Delia to take the next step toward building your new 24/7 lead-generating machine!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why copywriting is incredibly important for your website's conversion rate
Common copywriting mistakes on freelance websites
Making yourself shine to stand out from your competition
Turning testimonials into copy for your website
Discovering why clients come to you
Reasons to avoid stuffy, corporate copywriting
How to resuscitate your about page
Using stories to sell your services
Staying current on copywriting trends
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/242
7.3.2023 • 50 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
#241: Why Freelancers Need to Stop Believing These Paid Ad Myths ASAP
You are AMAZING at what you do as a creative. You create stunning designs, produce incredible music, or breathe life into visual media like photos or videos. Paid ads aren’t for you, right?
The truth is, paid ads can work for anyone, including freelancers.
This has been proven time and time again, in industry after industry… Paid ads are one of the quickest ways to multiply your income and bring in more clients.
The beauty of paid ads is that you have complete control over them.
It’s not like referrals, where you’re sitting around waiting for someone else to send you clients.
It’s not like cold outreach, where you feel like you’re spamming people.
It’s not like social media, where you’re relying on the algorithm gods to put your content in front of people.
By using paid ads, you can take matters into your own hands and steer your business in the direction you want.
If you’ve tried paid ads before and they “didn’t work,” don’t give up just yet.
In this episode, I debunk 6 paid ads myths that are holding you back from using this powerful lead-generation tool.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The pros of paid ads
Why survivorship bias is bad for business
How paid ads can boost your business with real leads
Why it's your fault if a client hires someone else and has a bad experience
"Paid ads don't work for me" - nah, you just didn't try
The perks of Client Financed Acquisition
Building a long-term snowball using paid ads
Looking to other industries to learn how to use paid ads for your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/241
28.2.2023 • 29 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
#240: Robots to the Rescue: How AI Can Help Freelancers Land More Clients
I know the internet hasn't shut up about AI over the past couple of months, and you're probably thinking “dammit Brian, not another person talking about AI." But, hear me out...
Right now, AI isn't something to be afraid of, but actually, a tool that can be used by freelancers in a bunch of ways...
Having trouble figuring out how to fire a client politely after too many red flags? AI can help you.
Are you struggling to come up with ideas for what to post on social media? Again, AI can help you.
Trying to write an effective, non-cringe "about me" section for your website? AI can help you with that, too!
Of course, you could always do this stuff on your own, but why make things harder for yourself? It’s a hell of a lot easier to let AI do all the heavy lifting and simply go back to tweak some words here and there.
Instead of jumping on the pity party bandwagon of:
“ChatGPT is going to take our jobs!”
Or brushing it off as:
“This is just another crypto phase…”
The truth is, AI is here to help you, not to replace you (at least, not yet🤖).
Ready to take advantage of the opportunity that AI tools like ChatGPT can offer your business? Join me as I walk you through 9 ways to make ChatGPT and other AI tools work FOR you as a freelancer, not against you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why AI isn't the end of the world for most freelancers
How to use ChatGPT to respond to emails
Using AI to help choose your business name
Coaching AI to give the output you want
The power of AI in SEO
Creating social media content using AI
Crafting excellent ad copy by using Chat GPT
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/240
21.2.2023 • 42 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
#239: She Used Puppet Shows And Sea Shanties To Grow Her Agency To $500,000 Per MONTH | With Becca Kingsbury
If I were to ask you to think of the most bizarre marketing ideas you could think of to get clients, what would you say?
I'd almost guarantee it doesn't include any of these:
Fax machine marketing…
Writing sea shanties…
Performing puppet shows in client meetings…
Cold outreach with homing pigeons???
These ideas are ridiculous, right?
Well, the creative marketing agency Dingus & Zazzy doesn’t think so. Their mantra is "no idea is a bad idea until we try it".
And you might say:
“There is no way these methods would work, they’re way too far out there!”
And to that, I'd say JUST LOOK AT THE NUMBERS…
Dingus & Zazzy are bringing in over $500,000 per month in recurring revenue.
Yes, you read that right… per MONTH.
And this isn’t just a good month. This is automatic, recurring revenue every single month!
Whether you have aspirations of earning $500,000 per month, per year, or even $50,000 per year, this conversation has applications for your creative business at any level.
Listen in on my eye-opening conversation with Becca Kingsbury, co-founder and COO at Dingus & Zazzy, about her mastery of the recurring unlimited business model, hiring over 150 creative employees, and scaling to nearly 8 figures per year by using… interesting marketing methods.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The reasons for Dingus & Zazzy's zany name
Offering unlimited work to your clients as a form of differentiation
Finding your pricing by shooting in the dark
Hiring the right people to support your company culture
Encouraging your staff to solve problems proactively
Using whacky ideas to make people remember your
When it's time to fire the customer
Calling your clients proactively to keep them active
Focusing on your newest clients for smooth onboarding
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/239
14.2.2023 • 48 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
#238: How One Cold Email Resulted In $60,000 Of Referral Work | With Joana Galvão
I see a lot of creatives comparing themselves to their successful peers, saying things like:
“Oh they have more experience than me, that’s why they can charge higher prices…”
“They have a bigger network than me, that’s why they have more clients!”
"They niched down, but I don't want to do that because it's not fun".
While having experience, a network, and a niche are helpful to becoming a successful creative, I want to show you an example of how those things are NOT all required when you're early in your career.
Meet Joana Galvão.
Joana is the owner of the incredibly successful GiF Design Studios. When she launched her freelance design career straight out of college, her calendar was booked solid for 6 months...
Without years and years of experience…
Without a long list of contacts and relationships built up over time…
Without niching down...
Now that we have those excuses you had out of the way, listen in on my conversation with Joana to break down the concepts of lead generation, referrals, and how to thrive as a creative!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Joana launched her brand new freelance career with a calendar full of paid projects
How she earned $2k in ten days to pay for an unexpected expense
The problems with accepting any request a potential client has
How to stand out (and get clients) as a generalist in a "red ocean"
How she's turned "word of mouth" into a strategy
Asking easy questions to get a response
The $60k cold email
Forming strategic relationships to grow your network
Handling cash flow problems in your business
Asking for referrals the right way
Ways to keep yourself accountable as a business owner
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/238
7.2.2023 • 45 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
#237: The Creative Who Cracked The SEO Cheatcode (And Gets 1 Million Website Visitors Per Month) | With Jacob Cass
I know, I know, as soon as you hear “SEO,” you throw your headphones across the room and continue on with whatever fluffy, fun creative task you’ve been working on the past eleven hours.
While the technical jargon of SEO, marketing, and web traffic sounds boring as all hell, I’m here to suggest that you give it a chance.
The reason you should take a second glance:
OK, that's an over-exaggeration.
But just think about how many problems would be solved for you if you had 1,000,000 people coming to your website Every. Single. Month.
You'd never need to worry about making ends meet again. No more fumbling around on social media. No more endless barrage of cold email pitches.
If you are diligent about the SEO practices in this episode, you can develop completely organic traffic to your website (that means NO paid ads) and even monetize the visitors that show up through affiliate marketing.
Having worked with Disney, Omega, Nintendo, and many more big brands, Jacob Cass is THE guy to listen to when it comes to the secret sauce behind SEO.
If you haven’t quite hit that 1 MILLION site views per month milestone (like Jacob has), give this episode a listen!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Jacob became a digital nomad before it was cool
Growing your business with focus and intent
Using affiliate marketing to boost your income
Scaling your business with SEO
Researching keywords for SEO ranking
The tools you can use for SEO ranking
Understanding domain ratings
Determining your entrepreneurial personality
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/237
28.1.2023 • 56 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
#236: 5 Sets Of Skills Every Freelancer Should Be Improving | Full Stack Freelancer Pt. 2
After covering the marketing, sales, and problem-solving skill stacks last week, we should be ready to knock our creative business out of the park, right?
Not quite yet...
There are a few more “non-creative” skill stacks that are essential to get right if you want to be a well-rounded and effective freelancer in 2023 and beyond.
Some creatives may look at these skills and say…
“These things don’t inspire me.”
“I only need to get better at my craft.”
“I’m bad at these, so I can’t improve them!”
If that sounds like you, then all I can do from the comfort of my sofa as I type this is facepalm. 🤦🏻♂️
Do you, your income, your business, and your clients a favor by at least giving this episode a shot.
I wholeheartedly believe investing time and energy into these 5 skill stacks will improve your relationships, increase your productivity, and help you earn more this year.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Focusing on a wide band of skills rather than the selfish "I band"
Making friends and maintaining relationships
The skill of having self-awareness
Combining focus and discipline
The dilemma of opportunity cost
Using tools to manage your time
Why you need systems and processes
Understanding your business's key performance indicators
Knowing how and when to hire staff
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/236
24.1.2023 • 39 Protokoll, 32 Sekunden
#235: Why You DON'T Need To Be A Better Creative in 2023 | Full Stack Freelancer Pt. 1
Every year, I'm going to bet that your niche is getting more and more competitive.
There's always another music producer, photographer, designer, copywriter, developer, or videographer popping up out of nowhere... And the scary part is... They're actually really good at what they do.
What can you do to stay ahead of the competition?
Get better at your craft? Probably not...
Instead, you need to become a "Full Stack Freelancer" if you want to be a successful freelancer in 2023 and beyond.
There's a laundry list of other "noncreative" skills that will do so much more for the success of your business, and in this episode, I’m going to delve into 3 of my most essential skill stacks to put you on the road to becoming a competent full stack freelancer this year. 🤘
In this episode you’ll discover:
Becoming a full-stack freelancer
The foundation of being a freelancer
Honing your marketing skills
Copywriting for small businesses
Basic design for freelancers
Understanding paid ads and funnels
The strategy behind your business' marketing plan
Confidence and conviction
Persuading leads that you are the best option (because you are)
FITFO in your full stack
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/235
17.1.2023 • 33 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
#234: 9 Lessons I Learned While Building A New 6-Figure Income Stream In 2022
What did I learn building a BRAND new 6 figure income stream last year?
Of course, the idea of building a new 6 figure income stream sounds great right?… until you’re a year in and still not making the progress you wanted to.
It feels like paddling toward an island that never seems to get any closer. Why not chuck the paddle and give up?
The good news is you’re not alone! I’ve been there, and no matter how bad it feels, slow and steady still wins the race.
“But Brian, you’re already successful, how can you relate to us beginner business owners?”
Well, I just started a BRAND new income stream in 2022, and I want to let you in on 9 specific actionable lessons that I learned (and re-learned) while building it to 6 figures.
Enough generic “here’s what I learned in 2022” talk, let’s dive into the nuts and bolts of exactly what I had to learn from $0 to 6 figures revenue in 2022!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why slow and steady wins the race
Removing yourself from bad friendships
Choosing the right pricing
The wins paid advertising can provide
Fixing the bottlenecks you're facing
Keep growing your skills!
Don't run your business alone
Spend time creating a plan
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/234
10.1.2023 • 36 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
#233: She Grew Her Freelance Business From $0 To $20k/mo In Under 4 Years | With Lydia Kerr
It's officially 2023, and this is the time of year everyone starts looking to the future of what's possible.
Is this the year you finally leave your day job behind?
Is this the year you finally crack $100k in revenue?
Is this the year you finally break $100k in profit?
Whatever your goal, one of the most helpful things I can do as a podcaster is show you someone who's accomplished all of these things in a relatively short amount of time.
Lydia Kerr of Telltale Design Co made the transition from "side hustle" to $20,000 per month in less than 4 years of starting her design business.
In this interview, you'll hear her story of how she launched Telltale Design Co while working a full-time day job, and she replaced that day job income within just a few months of freelancing, and ultimately how she made the shift from "low-dollar $500 project" freelancer to a "premium-priced $10k project" business owner.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Lydia went from 0 to full-time in a few short months
Growing your business to multiple six figures in under five years
The difference between living in a small town or big city
Why your $500 client will never be your $5,000 client
Using social media to promote your business
Working within clients' budgets
Being honest with your clients
Creating mutual respect with clients
What tools to use for your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/233
3.1.2023 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
#232: The 11 Must-Have Tools For Growing And Running A 6 Figure Creative Business In 2023
I'm sure you already know how easy it is to get bogged down by the day-to-day tasks and admin work that comes with running a freelance business. You probably don't know all of the amazing tools out there that (when used correctly) will help you focus on what you do best... Create.
By leveraging the right tools, you can increase profits, reduce frustration, and create a sense of calm in your workflow. From project management and invoicing tools to marketing platforms and collaboration apps, we'll discuss my top 11 favorite tools every creative freelancer should have in their toolkit.
Whether you're just starting out as a freelancer or you're looking to take your thriving business to the next level in 2023, this episode is for you.
Listen now to learn how these tools can help you streamline your workflow, stay organized, and grow your business.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you should invest in the tools you need
The toxicity of the blue-collar mindset
Solving internal communication for your team
Staying on top of client relationships the easy way
How to keep productivity high as a freelancer
Bookkeeping made simple
Choosing the best payment provider
Saving hours per week on audio/video editing
Using your external brain to stay organized
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/232
27.12.2022 • 41 Protokoll, 22 Sekunden
#231: 6 Ways To Get More Clients In An EXTREMELY Competitive Industry
The sad reality for most freelancers is that they're just offering the same "copycat" services as everyone else around them. Because of this, they're stuck in a competitive hell.
This is called a "commoditized service".
Think about how you buy a commodity like salt and pepper... You look at the shelf and buy the first thing you see that matches your pricing expectation. As far as you're concerned, all the options are pretty much the same.
This is what it's like for freelancers. Anyone who's looking to hire a freelancer can literally "shop" Fiverr.com for dozens of different creative services where thousands of freelancers are competing with each other.
In the perfect world, you'd find a way to stand out and become a "monopolized service", but that takes a LOT of time, effort, and energy to develop the necessary skills.
The good news is that you can still thrive in an extremely competitive industry, and this week's episode will give you 6 ways to get more clients even as a copycat freelancer.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you need to stand out as a freelancer
The dangers of rock bottom pricing in commoditized services
Reviews vs. testimonials
Providing a premium service for your customers
Finding clients who know, like, and trust you
Digital relationships
The value of good copywriting for your business
Funnels for freelancers
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/231
20.12.2022 • 42 Protokoll, 30 Sekunden
#230: Dynamic Pricing: The Secret Weapon Clever Freelancers Are Using To Maximize Their Income
Have you ever checked a price for a flight, only to come back later and see that the price increased (or decreased) significantly?
This is something called "dynamic pricing", and it's what some of the largest businesses in the world do to maximize their profits.
This is a technique I learned in 2015 when using a new "dynamic pricing" tool on my Airbnb, and it added a 20% boost to my rental income.
It worked so damn well that I brought the same idea to my freelance business that same year.
If you're looking for clever ways to give yourself a pay raise, maximize your income, and fight against inflation by using supply and demand to your advantage, this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you should go fill out our feedback form right now
Using dynamic pricing to make the most profit for your business
How to determine your pricing based on timing and schedule
Why it's ethical to charge annoying clients more
Why last-minute projects are often the worst to work on
Filling your last-minute schedule gaps with "fire sale" rates
Who to blame if you get called out (hint: it's Brian)
Why you deserve this!
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/230
13.12.2022 • 21 Protokoll, 58 Sekunden
#229: Raise Your Gosh Darn Rates.
The message of this week's episode is simple...
Raise your gosh darn rates.
There are way too many dangers of perpetually undercharging for your services (which we discuss in this episode).
There are also so many benefits to your life/business when you charge more that you can't keep putting off rate increases.
You might even need to completely restructure your services so you can charge more, but the effort is worth the result.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why low prices are a red flag for clients
Low rates = bad clients
The threshold of raising your rates
Lifetime client value and your business
Why being business-savvy makes you a better creative
The importance of understanding your market and clients
DON'T RUSH your work
Why ignoring people outside your network is a fatal mistake
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/229
6.12.2022 • 47 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
#228: The Secret Ingredient To Higher Paying Gigs | The Client Acquisition Series
If you've been stuck at 4 or 5 figures per year as a freelancer, there's likely one ingredient that is holding you back from growth.
Without this ingredient, it is 100% impossible to get clients, grow your income, and get past the 6 figure mark (if that's your goal).
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, my buddy Mark Eckert and I map out the path you can take to overcoming all of the hurdles between you and this incredibly important missing ingredient.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to move from four/five figures to six figures+
Why you aren't full time yet
How to revamp your entire public-facing identity as a freelancer
The difference between advertising vs. content marketing and why this matters for freelancers
Why you should be producing more than consuming
How sticking to a schedule or routine can tie all of this together
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/228
29.11.2022 • 43 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
#227: Your Feast-Or-Famine Roller Coaster: Three Reasons Why Freelancers Never Escape This Vicious Cycle
Is your income in a constant feast-or-famine cycle? Some months might look great... But then all of your projects seem to dry up, and you're left scrambling for clients.
This sort of cycle can be brutal for your business, personal life, and mental health, but this cycle doesn't have repeated for the rest of your life.
There are likely 3 things keeping you trapped in this vicious cycle, and this episode breaks down how to finally break the cycle.
If you're ready for more consistency, dependability, and stability in your monthly income, add episode #227 of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast to your podcast queue ASAP!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Brian scored $12,000 flights for $200
Why you're comfortable in your day job
Taking responsibility for your business' success (or lack thereof)
What's keeping you on the feast-or-famine rollercoaster
The best solution to an inconsistent business
How to work smart, not hard
The key to consistent client acquisition
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/227
22.11.2022 • 28 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
#226: 6 Client Boundaries To Keep You Healthy, Happy, Stress-free, And Profitable
So you made it to $100,000+ per year... Congrats. Too bad you made so many sacrifices that you're constantly stressed out, you're missing out on time with friends and family, and you resent your business.
The irony is that you became a freelancer because you hated your day job and you wanted to work for yourself. Now, you feel like you have 50 "little bosses", and you hate your life a little bit more with each new client you gain.
If this sounds like you, it may be time to put boundaries into place to get to that sweet spot between hitting your income goals while also enjoying your life and business.
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I give you 6 different boundaries you should have with your clients so you can actually stay happy, healthy, and profitable.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Maintaining mental and physical health while you're running a business
How to handle revision requests without losing your mind
Eliminating one of the most painful freelance experiences
How to keep your clients from taking advantage of your kindness
Boundaries for corporate/agency clients
Using boundaries to avoid scope creep
Avoiding stress with payment issues
How to learn more about building your client acquisition machine
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/226
15.11.2022 • 34 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
#225: How To Build Your Own Client Acquisition Machine (And Make 2023 Your Best Year Ever)
If you've ever felt like your freelance life has been a neverending feast-or-famine roller coaster, chances are you're missing one (or more) pieces of a full client acquisition machine.
You've likely "dabbled" with bits and pieces here and there, but you've never fully built each of the individual parts and refined them to the point where everything is working as a well-oiled machine bringing you high-quality clients every single month.
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I break down each of the major parts of your Client Acquisition Machine, as well as what specific numbers you should be aiming for as a benchmark.
If you've ever wanted more stability and predictability in your business, and you want a clear roadmap for how to make 2023 your best year ever, this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to solve a consistency issue in your business
Why dabbling is slowly destroying your income stream
The foundation of your Client Acquisition Machine
Creating a transformational outcome for your clients
Building your Marketing Mothership
Your responsibility to sell to those who need your service
The parallels between software and freelancing
Nurturing your leads for a long-term relationship
Fine-tuning your Client Acquisition Machine
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/225
8.11.2022 • 53 Protokoll, 43 Sekunden
#224: Why Your High Sales Conversion Rate Is Actually A BAD Thing
Did you know that closing too many clients can be a bad thing?
I know it sounds completely backwards, but a high sales conversion rate (70%+) is usually a sign of an unhealthy business.
In episode 224 of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I break down the two reasons why a high sales conversion rate is a bad thing, and what two actions you can take to build a happier, healthier freelance business.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why "winning" too many clients is a bad thing
The ideal close rate for your sales process
What to do if your close rate is too high
Avoiding the scarcity mindset of wanting to win every client
Sales leads vs. marketing leads - and why they are important
When to raise your rates
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/224
1.11.2022 • 15 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
#223: Shifting Your Clients From One-Time Projects To Monthly Recurring Subscriptions | With Annemie Tonken
How much is an average client worth to you? Whatever that number is, imagine how much more they'd be worth to you and your freelance business if they were paying you that amount every single year.
Now imagine how successful you'd be if every single client you've ever had was paying you the amount every year for the rest of your career.
That's the reality for those who run recurring subscription businesses, however, most freelancers only offer one-and-done packages.
Whether you call it a retainer, subscription, or simply a "monthly fee", most who follow this podcast would love the idea of acquiring a client one time and having them keep paying you every single month.
But... What if your service just "doesn't make sense" as a recurring subscription?
If that's you, I'd challenge you to listen to this episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast. No matter what service you offer, there's likely some way to shift your clients to a recurring income model.
Our guest this week, Annemie Tonken, has managed to build her family photography business to 6 figures per year from 6 hours of work per week.
If you want to learn how she's managed this, and how she's launched a highly-successful recurring-subscription photography service in an industry where very few others are doing the same, listen to episode 223 of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast ASAP.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Transitioning your freelance business to a recurring revenue model
Becoming a more efficient business-manager
Solving your clients' ultimate needs so you can earn more on each project
The hidden benefits of a recurring revenue model
Average client value and the impact this stat has on your business
How to keep your subscribers happy, active, and paying
The key factors of adding value to your client's lives (for maximum profit)
How she earns a 6-figure income from 6 hours of work per week
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/223
25.10.2022 • 45 Protokoll, 3 Sekunden
#222: The Secret Weapon For 6 Figure Freelancers: Email Marketing
Love it or hate it, email marketing is the closest thing there has ever been to a "magic pill" for anyone looking for stability in their month-to-month income.
The sucky thing is...most of us "fall victim" to email marketing ALL THE TIME. You get tons of tons of emails from people offering their products and services, but you never make use of this powerful tool yourself.
Most freelancers I see are making one (or more) of these mistakes:
They think social media is the best long-term play (it's not)
They think they can have the same success and stability 1 on 1 (you can't)
They think "join my newsletter" is a great way to build their email list (it's not)
They're actually building their list, but they're never sending emails (not good)
If you want a time-tested, surefire way to stay top-of-mind, build trust, and actually reach the audience you've built, email marketing is where it's at.
If you're having success on social media right now, I'm begging you to take this time to build an email list so you're safe/secure in the long run.
Social media has historically always become a "pay to play" world for business owners, and Tiktok is already making that shift. Don't make the mistake of thinking that party is going to last much longer.
If you're open to the idea of building, growing, and using an email list to grow your reach, and you like the idea of building trust in a one-to-many setting, this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why social media is not the savior people think it is
The number one platform small businesses need in their toolbelt
Staying top of mind with clients and leads
Setting up your first lead magnet funnel
How to attract email subscribers
The key to a juicy lead magnet
What Yahoo! did wrong with their website (and how it applies to growing your email list)
The math behind running paid advertising
Profitable Facebook ads for freelance creatives
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/222
18.10.2022 • 55 Protokoll, 5 Sekunden
#221: The 4 Major Missing Pieces Of Your Marketing Plan | The Client Acquisition Series
Here are a few of the biggest lies when it comes to marketing your freelance business.
"If I'm good enough, people will find me and hire me"
"The only marketing I need is word-of-mouth"
"If I market myself, I'll come across as desperate"
"This sort of stuff doesn't work for freelancers"
If any of that sounds like you, my guess would be you likely have very little predictability in your income.
You might go from having more gigs than you can handle, followed by extreme famine periods where your calendar dries up (along with your bank account).
If you want steady, predictable income for your business every single month, there are 4 key things you need in place.
If you're even missing one of these four pieces, you're making your path to predictability extremely difficult (or impossible).
In this episode you’ll discover:
Marketing plans for freelancers
When email lists are vital, vs. when they're optional
"Proposing" via text message
The "3% rule" and the "80/19/1 rule"
How your niche affects your marketing needs
Swiping or dating: lead generation and lead nurture
How to create a business you rarely *(if ever) have to market
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/221
11.10.2022 • 34 Protokoll, 47 Sekunden
#220: The Busy Freelancer's Guide To Getting Your Time Back (By Building Systems That Scale) | With Rachael Mueller
Every successful freelancer has hit that wall where you can't say yes to even ONE more project...this is usually the same time you start getting more inquiries than you've ever seen before.
In these busy seasons of business, there are a few options you could take...
You could turn down all those extra projects (and say goodbye to that extra $$$).
You could say "yes" to those projects and just hate your life for the next few weeks or months while you scramble to deliver (this is the route most of us take).
You take the responsible, profitable, healthy route of building systems that scale.
If you hate money, you'll probably take option 1 and turn down those extra projects. If you're irresponsible and want to live in a state of overwhelm, you'll take option 2.
If you're a responsible, mature business owner, you'll go with option 3 and build systems that help you deliver high-quality work faster, more efficiently, and without dropping the ball or overwhelming yourself.
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I interviewed systems expert Rachael Mueller. She's a virtual COO that helps service-based business owners plan, create, and manage systems that scale so you can take on more projects in less time.
If you're overwhelmed, working too much, or just feel like you have WAY too many project details floating around in your brain, and you're not sure what to do, this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Making your business run smoothly
Unloading your mind to focus on creativity
Flow charts - they're not just for nerds
Setting up your systems for success
The three key systems any business needs
Using templates to cut out wasted time
Logging your time to see where it goes
Why the major CRMs aren't the best for freelancers
Consolidating your tasks for easy reference
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/220
4.10.2022 • 53 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
#219: How To Land High-caliber Clients By Emailing Strangers | The Cold Outreach Masterclass With Colleen Welsch
In this episode, Colleen Welsch breaks down the cold outreach process she used to land some of the biggest brands in the beauty industry.
This email process can work in any industry to start bringing in consistent clients no matter how much experience you have.
If you've ever wanted to see a proven process for cold outreach, this interview is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why failure is not the end
Starting fresh after your business collapses
Working with major brands just by asking
What you need to have in place before emailing strangers
How to face rejection as a freelancer
How to craft a cold email
How many times to follow up if no one replies
Brian and Colleen's original (and embarrassing) AIM usernames
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/219
27.9.2022 • 49 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
#218: How To Use Social Media To Start ATTRACTING Clients (Instead Of Chasing Them) | With Chris Smith
The most difficult part of freelancing is attracting high-quality clients to you (especially early in your career).
Most people resort to two main "desperation tactics" when their schedules thin out...
Desperation Tactic 1: They start sending cold emails/DMs to people who don't have any idea who they are.
Desperation Tactic 2: They start publishing desperate-looking "hire me" posts on their socials. Things like "50% off THIS MONTH ONLY. HMU".
While they're chasing leads down like a starving troglodyte desperately hunting for food, there's a better way to market your business as a creative.
So what's the better way? That's what Chris Smith—our guest this week—wrote the book on...
While the book is called "The Conversion Code", the tagline says it all: "Stop chasing leads and start attracting clients".
No one wants to be "hunted", but most people want to be attracted to something/someone.
In this episode, Chris breaks down how to use social media to start attracting more clients instead of resorting to desperation tactics.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Overcoming the lead generation bottleneck
The number one key to getting booked
Content marketing as a freelancer
Basing your business model on Disney
Getting booked by posting on TikTok
The ROI of social media content creation
Documenting vs. creating content
Looking to others for inspiration
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/218
20.9.2022 • 48 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
#217: Case Study: The Solo Freelancer Earning $1 Million Per Year (It's Not What You Think)
I recently came across one of the coolest freelance businesses I've ever seen, and I wanted to bring this to the 6 Figure Creative audience.
I'm not going to spoil anything, but this freelancer is earning over $1 Million per year without a staff, without contractors, and he's able to accomplish this just by taking inspiration from a totally different industry than his own.
If you're feeling stagnant, stuck, uninspired, or you're simply not earning what you think you should be in your own business, this episode is absolutely for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you shouldn't rely on a single point of failure
Taking influence from other businesses outside of your industry
Creating income stability with a better business model
How to stay away from becoming an "inbred business"
How successful entrepreneurs deal with roadblocks
Sharing knowledge with your "competition"
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/217
13.9.2022 • 29 Protokoll, 56 Sekunden
#216: How To Spend Less Time Doing The Stuff You Hate | The Easy Ates Framework
No matter how much you love doing what you do, there are always going to be things that you hate doing but still need to be done.
This is the life of a business owner, and one of the root causes of burnout.
What if I told you there was a way to spend less time doing the stuff you hate so you can spend more time doing what you love?
There is, and it's something called the "Easy Ates" framework. This episode will break down how to use this framework in your own business so you can avoid burnout, work less, and spend much more time enjoying your creative business.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Finding time to work on your business instead of in your business
How successful business owners use the same 24 hours you have
The best app to track your time KPIs
Eliminating the stressors in your business
Brian's 4-step framework for saving time
Systemizing your processes for more efficient business practices
Protecting yourself from outside factors
Procrastinating with perfectionism
Why not all hours are created equal
The "Easy Ates" Framework
Can you remove this from your business entirely?
Can you set up a system to do this for you?
Can someone else do this for you?
How can we make this task less painful if we can't eliminate, automate, or delegate it?
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/216
6.9.2022 • 44 Protokoll, 51 Sekunden
#215: How To Earn Up To $500,000 Per HOUR As A Designer | With Cat Coquillette
By FAR the easiest way to monetize your creative skills is by offering freelance services. The only issue with that approach is that it puts a cap on how much you could ever hope to earn per hour.
$50 per hour? Sure.
$500 per hour? Maybe...
$5,000 per hour!? Possibly
$500,000 per hour? As a freelancer? There's no way that I know of...
The other issue with the freelance business model is that if you're not working, then you're not earning a dime (unless you know some secret hack to get paid time off as a freelancer, in which case hmu).
While freelancing can be a great way to get started as a designer, there's a far better business model that our podcast guest this week has used to earn up to $500k per hour–allowing her to travel the world full-time as a digital nomad.
The business model is partnering with big brands via licensing, and Cat Coquillette has mastered the process of being a prolific creator while also getting her designs placed in some of the biggest stores in the world, including Target, Urban Outfitters, Nordstrom, Bed Bath & Beyond, and more.
Listen now to hear how she built her design business from the ground up while skipping out on the freelance part entirely.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to skip the freelance game and jump into scaleable income
A tax loophole to write off most of your travel expenses
80/20 for creatives - playing the numbers game
Using Print on Demand services to sell your designs
Being open to all opportunities
Handling criticism well
Contract negotiation - give and take
The importance of an active mailing list
Focusing on the important parts of your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/215
30.8.2022 • 54 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
#214: How To Stop Trading Hours For Dollars By Creating An Ascension Ladder | With Rachel Brenke
Answer this question: If you don't work today, will you still make money? What if you take the whole week off? Or the whole month?
This is the biggest drawback of being a freelancer. You have to work more if you want to earn more.
There are a number of consequences for this, but the biggest issue for creatives like us is that the more we work, the more we face burnout. The more we face burnout, the higher the chance that we'll lose the initial passion that drove us to this business in the first place.
That means that the more we earn as freelancers, the more we'll face burnout.
I'm sure you see the issue here... while you may love what you do, I'm sure you want to maintain a healthy balance between maintaining creativity and maintaining your bank account.
None of us want to feel like we're on a hampster wheel of working just to pay the bills, but this is the sad reality of some of the most successful freelancers I know.
They built amazingly successful careers (at least financially), but they unknowingly built a trap for themselves. As their income increased, so did their lifestyle and bills.
As their bills increased, so did their dependency on their freelance income. This created a perpetual cycle of saying "yes" to projects they otherwise would have said "no" to if they didn't need the money.
So how do we get out of this deadly cycle? Well... One method is to just keep your living expenses (and business expenses) as low as humanly possible.
The other method (and one I much prefer) is to break away from directly trading your dollars for hours.
This is the choice that Rachel Brenke took in her own businesses, which have allowed her to scale her income to over $9,000,000.
While she does offer 1-to-1 services just like any typical freelancer, she's also built something called an "ascension ladder", which has allowed her to keep earning money regardless of whether she works this month or not.
If you're still on the hours-for-dollars treadmill, and you want to break away, this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The art (and science) of niching down
How to offer services and products in multiple niches
Automating and outsourcing the stuff you don't want to do
How to build an "ascension ladder" as a freelancer
Why relying on a single point of failure can destroy a business
The 80/20 of content marketing that actually brings in clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/214
23.8.2022 • 50 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
#213: The 4 BEST Ways To Become More Valuable To Your Clients (So You Can Charge More) | Takeaways From $100 Million Offers
I'm super excited to share this with you today because this is the stuff that really moves the needle in your business.
This is how you can charge more without losing clients or getting rejected.
This is how you make your clients SO happy that they refer all their friends to you.
This is how you become more attractive to your "dream clients".
And this framework comes from a business owner earning over $100,000,000 per year... so you know this stuff works.
Today's episode breaks down the 4 BEST ways to become more valuable, and if you get this right, you'll completely transform how you show up to clients.
99% of the freelancers I know neglect all 4 of these areas to their own detriment. As a result, they're losing gigs to their competitors, they get constant pushback on pricing, and they're not generating nearly enough referrals to keep their calendars full.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Focusing on the end goal, not the short term
The value exchange
The importance of social proof and perceived likelihood of achievement
How to close bigger deals
How time delay affects pricing and client acquisition
The expert wins: why experts get the job 9 times out of 10
Why adding friction is a recipe for losing clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/213
16.8.2022 • 50 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
#212: How "Growth Hacking" Can Kickstart Your Freelance Business | With Ian Paget
Answer this: What have you done this week to bring in new clients?
99% of freelancers would say "uhhhh....." and proceed to stare at me blankly with a distant look in their eyes.
The sad reality is that most creatives sit around and wait for clients to find them. This is perfectly OK if your business is at the point where you're 100% booked up for the next 6 months with nothing but your ideal clients.
For the rest of us, we have to put in work to fill our calendars.
On this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, I interviewed Ian Paget of Logo Geek. Ian has done a lot over the years to bring in clients as a freelancer.
He's executed multiple growth hacks in his business, which lead to over 90,000 followers on social media. He then used that following to launch one of the top design podcasts (despite being a total introvert).
Ian is the master of taking "imperfect action", and he's proven over and over again that anyone can face their fears and get out of their comfort zones in order to bring in new clients to their freelance business.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Ian pivoted from employee to freelancer
Growth hacking social media
The importance of engaging your audience
Overcoming the fears holding you back
Stumbling into success
The tech needed to start a podcast
Launching a podcast with a massive guest
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/212
9.8.2022 • 1 Stunde, 42 Sekunden
#211: The Missing Skills You Need For Surviving (And Thriving) As A Freelancer | With Sarah Townsend
You're finally out on your own as a freelancer... no more bosses, offices, fluorescent lights, and no more commute. 🥳
That also means you're now responsible for your own survival. No more regular paychecks, retirement accounts, paid time off, or coworkers who can cover for you.
Do you have all of the skills that it takes to make survive as a freelancer? If not, this is going to be a rough ride on the entrepreneurial roller coaster...
On this episode of 6 Figure Creative, I sat down to talk to Sarah Townsend, the author of "Survival Skills for Freelancers". She broke down the skills she had to develop to survive (and thrive) for the past 2 years as a freelancer.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The importance of saying no
How to politely turn down a lead
Why working with the wrong people hurts you more than you think
Coping with self-doubt - you're not alone
How social media can be positive or negative for freelancers
Picking the right social media platforms for you
Managing your social media presence effectively
Why you shouldn't expect your followers to know who you are
How to focus on work as a freelancer
Separating personal and work time
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/211
2.8.2022 • 1 Stunde, 3 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
#210: Annihilating Fear So You Can Step Into Your True Power As A Creative | With James Victore
If you struggle with low self-worth, perfectionism, procrastination, or self-doubt, then you might be making the mistake of letting fear into the driver's seat of your business.
Fear is a plague in our creative community.
So many of us let fear...
drive our rates down to pitiful levels (and keep us from ever raising them)
drive us working extra hours for free (so we don't "ruffle feathers" by asking to be compensated)
drive us to keep tweaking things for hours until they're "perfect" (even though there's no such thing as perfection)
trap us in a state of perpetual procrastination for all of those big things we know will push our business forward
It probably sounds obvious that fear is a terrible thing for you and your business, yet so many of us keep allowing fear to drive us every single day.
That's why I wanted to bring on someone who's literally written the book on this. The author of "Feck Perfuction" is a world-renowned artist named James Victore.
You may have seen his work in The Louvre or the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and I think it goes without saying that you don't make it to that level as a creative without annihilating fear.
James has managed to break free of fear and build an incredible name for himself, and this episode dives into his process for what he does when the "fear demon" tries to sit on his shoulders and tell him how to live his life.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The importance of overcoming your fears
Perfection and procrastination: your silent enemies
How to get over our physical and mental ailments
How childhood trauma, no matter how mild, affects your life/business
Learning how to love yourself
Finding clients who fit what you want to create
Why failing more is good
Taking risks to make your work stand out
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/210
26.7.2022 • 37 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
#209: Choosing A Niche That Attracts Your Best Clients (And Repels The Worst) | With Micah Woods
Are you one of those bland, boring, vanilla freelancers who are trying to appeal to everyone? Are you terrified of the thought of offending someone or pushing away "potential" clients?
The problem with being a "Vanilla Freelancer" that is you're invisible to the vast majority of people because you have nothing interesting to say, and you likely stand for nothing.
You're not alone. There's a massive chunk of the creative world that's fallen into the trap of trying to appeal to everyone, and instead, you appeal to absolutely no one.
Why would I choose to work with you when there's someone who specializes in exactly what I'm looking for?
Why would I pick your plain vanilla business over another one that perfectly aligns with my values?
The irony is that you're costing yourself clients who would be perfect for you simply because you're too afraid to stand out.
The result is you get the bottom-of-the-barrel clients who were rejected by all the specialists who decided to choose a niche and own it.
Many industries have figured this out, but somehow we creatives seem to latch onto the bland, boring, and vanilla.
That's why I wanted to bring on Micah Woods to talk about his non-traditional niche.
Micah is a branding and web designer who's forged his own path with a unique niche I haven't seen from any other freelancer, and it's done wonders for his business.
Not only has it attracted his ideal clients to him, but it's also allowed him to reliably repel the worst types of clients for his business.
The result is that he's able to enjoy a quiet, peaceful, blue ocean in the branding and design world while others are fighting for scraps in the red ocean of bland vanilla creatives.
You do not want to miss this week's episode, so set time aside to listen ASAP.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The impact of knowing you're about to lose your job
Why you shouldn't care if you're "bothering" people
It's all a matter of timing: cold outreach
Choosing your niche before you start your business
Launching a business and getting traction right away
How you can get clients with a small social media presence
Thriving in a blue ocean
The value of paying others to handle tasks for you
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/209
19.7.2022 • 1 Stunde, 2 Protokoll, 15 Sekunden
#208: Building A Flawless Experience For Your Clients | With Nicholas Di Lorenzo
Have you obsessively perfected every single step of what your clients experience before, during, and after working with you?
Most of the struggling freelancers I know have failed to do this, and it's costing them client, after client, after client, that they could have otherwise gained.
The reason should be obvious: clients might forget the details of what it was like to work with you, but they will never forget how you made them feel.
If you create a frustrating experience for them, you'll forever be remembered as "that one person who was incredibly frustrating to work with".
If you create a confusing experience, they'll remember how they always felt lost during their experience with you.
All of the most successful business owners I know have put tons of time, effort, and energy into perfecting their client experience for every single project.
A well-executed client experience means happier clients, more referrals, more repeat projects, and an overall better reputation for your business.
This is what my guest Nicholas Di Lorenzo has obsessed over in his business. He's built a fantastic client experience that has kept him booked solid in one of the most notoriously difficult business models in the audio industry.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The advantages of starting as someone's assistant
How to grow your own business after working for someone else
Finding the techniques that stick
Making your clients' life as easy as possible
Keeping your workspace clean to help focus
Freeing up time to explore new areas of your business
How bad (or no) systems can cost opportunities
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/208
12.7.2022 • 47 Protokoll, 53 Sekunden
#207: How Freelancers Can Use "The Rule Of 7" To Ethically Get More Clients | With Mike Janda
Ever felt like you wanted to reach out to someone, but didn't want to bother them?
Maybe it was an old acquaintance, a past client, or even a prospective client you've had your eyes on for a while...
Creatives typically have this voice inside our heads that say "don't do that... you'll just be bothering them".
Here's something that may surprise you: That voice is usually a lying, thieving, horrible bastard who's simply holding you back from getting what you want...
What's even worse is that this voice is holding your prospective clients back from the rich experience of connecting with you and all of the value you could potentially bring to their lives.
If you want proof, just look at your own life. How many other people are constantly reaching out to you, bothering you with offers you don't want?
How many other freelancers are "bothering" you about hiring them?
How many old acquaintances are reaching out to you about meeting up for dinner or drinks to catch up?
Hell, how many potential love interests are sliding into your DMs?
If you're like 99% of the rest of us, those things are rarely (if ever) happening.
There's a better way to handle this stuff.
It's something called The Rule of 7, and it's one of the keys to the incredible success of this week's guest.
This week I got to speak to a "7-figure creative" who turned his 6-figure freelance business into a 7-figure agency (which he eventually sold).
He's used the Rule of 7 ethically to get more clients, stay top of mind, build trust, win more projects, and ultimately, earn millions and millions of dollars through his creative business as a designer.
This is what separates struggling creatives from multi-million dollar powerhouse guests like Mike Janda.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to prepare yourself for an economic downturn
Positioning yourself as a freelancer to replace your day job
Solving problems as a method of sales
The rule of 7
The importance of meeting people in person
Competition at the top levels of freelancing
Understanding the market you're in to provide a valuable offer
Balancing between big city freelancers and "cheap" options in other countries
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/207
5.7.2022 • 51 Protokoll, 21 Sekunden
#206: Stuck With Low $$$ Projects? Here's How To Level Up To $50,000 Projects | With Ryan Koral
The dark side of freelancing (that no one wants to discuss) is the wasteland of low-dollar "Fiverr Freelancers" charging bottom-dollar rates for "butt-in-seat" projects.
Whether you're on Fiverr or not, you may still be trapped in this low-dollar wasteland that is essentially just another soulless day job you've created for yourself.
These projects tend to be unfulfilling and draining, and you end up in a horrible financial place.
This is what so many newbies and struggling creatives do, and many never make it out of this trap.
I know this might sound painfully obvious, but you can't build a sustainable freelance business out of low-dollar, unfulfilling work where you're competing with hundreds (or thousands) of copycat competitors willing to work longer hours for less money than you.
This is why I wanted to bring on Ryan Koral from Tell Studios to talk about how he successfully transitioned from $500 projects to regular $50,000 projects, eventually scaling his freelance business to over $1,000,000 per year.
Ryan shared a ton of incredible info, including one of my new favorite strategies for closing high-dollar projects, so do not skip this week's interview.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why Ryan pivoted from a full-time job earning $23,000/year to a becoming a full time freelancer
How "yes mode" affects the start of your business
Why you don't hire significant others for your business
Dealing with employees who don't have the right expectation
The benefits of delegating tasks to others
Why your employees aren't the idiots you think they are
Your value vs. how your clients value your work
How to sell a low $$$ workshop that leads to a $50k project (with a 100% success rate).
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/206
28.6.2022 • 1 Stunde, 10 Protokoll, 20 Sekunden
#205: How To Be "The Full Package" 6 Figure Creative | With Toby Lloyd
If you ever want to break 6 figures as a freelancer (or whatever your goal is), let me ask you something important...
Are you running your business (and life) like a 6 figure creative?
Most people think they can keep acting like a 4 or 5-figure freelancer and that eventually (with enough hard work and perseverance), you'll somehow break that elusive 6-figure goal.
The reality is that you have to BE a 6 figure creative before you can earn 6 figures.
Confused? Here's what I mean...
Every 6 Figure Creative I know has these characteristics:
They're intentional in their personal life and business.
They have specific goals AND take consistent actions working towards those goals
They let opportunity and possibility drive their decisions instead of fear and self-doubt.
They're not afraid to show the world exactly who they are and are not.
The thing that most people don't understand is that these other 6 Figure Creatives already had these qualities and characteristics before they ever cracked 6 figures.
You are the same. Until you have the qualities and characteristics of a 6 figure creative, you will not crack that number (or whatever number you're trying to reach).
Our guest in this week's interview is the perfect example of someone who has all of these qualities. Toby Lloyd has been a freelancer for the past 15 years, and he's put a lot of care and intention into being the type of person he needed to be in order to be successful.
Toby's results speak for themselves. If you want to learn what "the full package" looks like as a true 6 Figure Creative, this interview is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Toby Lloyd transitioned from a full-time job in the film industry to a 6-figure home studio owner
Using competitions to create awareness for your business
Qualifying leads to make sure you're the best fit for the project
Why you need to get leads first and then focus on growth
The mindset of a good producer
How to nurture long-term relationships with your clients
Using flat-rate pricing to keep artists at ease in the studio
The difference between a Kiwi accent and an Aussie accent
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/205
21.6.2022 • 51 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
#204: How To Generate 1000 Inquiries Per Year As A Logo Designer | With James Martin
Ever felt like your industry is just too saturated to stand out? Like you're just a tiny drop in a massive ocean? You're not alone.
Nearly every freelancer has a moment (or ten) where they doubt themselves and their ability to stand out in a crowded "red ocean".
That's why I was so excited to talk to James Martin from Made By James.
James is a designer who's had immense success in the crowded niche of logo design.
He's found a way to not just stand out, but thrive in an incredibly competitive niche. James is averaging around 1,000 inquiries from potential clients every single year, and this has allowed him to cherry-pick the best gigs and reject the "bill paying work" that many freelancers are forced to say yes to.
Whether you're a designer or not, this episode will contain a lot of fantastic advice from someone who's built an incredible, long-lasting career as a freelancer.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How James Martin has thrived for nearly 2 decades as a creative
Why niching down too early is worse than not niching at all
How to stand out in a saturated market
Passion vs. systems and habit
Why it's dangerous to rely on social media
Giving your clients the most value they can afford
Why it's time to raise your prices right now
Relationships in business
The difference between survival and thriving
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/204
14.6.2022 • 1 Stunde, 1 Minute, 57 Sekunden
#203: Our Favorite 3 Methods For Creating Awareness | The Client Acquisition Series
"I need more clients".
That's the #1 problem our community has in every single poll we run.
The issue with getting clients is that no matter how good you are at what you do, you will never be able to get enough clients if no one knows you exist.
That's why we wanted to dedicate an entire episode to discussing our favorite 3 methods for building awareness and growing your business.
Creatives have to learn this stuff if they ever want to get out of the "feast or famine" lifestyle.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to make an offer so good people feel stupid saying no
How to harness three of the six different lead sources
The thousand true fans model
How you can advertise for free
Why an email list is crucial to more and more freelancers
The importance of cleaning your mailing list
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/203
7.6.2022 • 43 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
#202: How To Attract Your Dream Clients | The Client Acquisition Series
Here are the two rules for attracting your dream clients.
Rule #1: Be attractive.
Rule #2: Don't be unattractive.
That's literally it.
The hard part comes when you actually look at what is "attractive" to your dream clients.
I'd bet you have a long list of alllll the things you want to see in their dream clients/projects, but very few people take the time to look at themselves and ask the most important question...
"Am I the type of person that would attract this sort of dream client/project?"
In many cases, that answer is, unfortunately, no. You're not anywhere close to being attractive to your dream clients.
In other cases, you might be attractive to them, but you're doing little to nothing when it comes to communicating all the attractive things you have to offer them.
In this continuation of our Client Acquisition Series, we dive into what it takes to attract your dream clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why Guitar Center is the worst place to buy gear (unless they sponsor us)
How Mark closed a half-million-dollar deal
Why different clients need different approaches
Setting expectations in advance
High ticket vs. low ticket sales
How to become attractive to your dream clients
How to stay top of mind without being cringy
Why red ocean businesses struggle
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/202
31.5.2022 • 40 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
#200: The 7 Key Topics To Cover With Every Client BEFORE The Sale | The Client Acquisition Series
Have you ever had one of those awkward situations with a crush where you were TOTALLY into them, but you weren’t sure if they were into you?
Yeah... That sucks. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do to help you there since we give business advice instead of dating advice.
What we CAN help you with is the client equivalent of that situation. Here’s what I mean...
You’re talking to a dream client. You’re way into working with them, but you’re just not sure if they’re into you.
There are actually 7 key points to cover with every potential client, and if each point is a “positive”, then they’re giving you their permission to pitch/sell them (i.e. take the relationship to the next level).
This framework was shared with us by someone earning multiple millions per year, and it works perfectly in the freelance world.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to help your clients better by determining their needs
When closing a deal comes down to good timing
What to do if a client isn't sure they want to hire you
Why being open and honest with clients is the only way to run a healthy business
How to discuss your workflow and delivery with clients before closing a deal
Why it's vital that clients trust you implicitly
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/200
17.5.2022 • 39 Protokoll
#199: How To Get A Complete Stranger To Hire You | Client Acquisition For Freelancers
Client acquisition is a nerdy marketing term that basically boils down to one thing: getting clients.
While the idea is simple, our freelance community seems to be deathly allergic to client acquisition.
I get it... None of us got into this game because we wanted to become marketers. We do this because we love spending all day every day doing what we love by being creative.
Unfortunately, that's not how it works. Unless you simply want this to be your hobby, client acquisition is a skill and a process you have to learn, develop, and grow.
The alternative is to keep doing what you're likely doing now... sit around and hope a client finds you.
If your current "strategy" is "hope marketing", this episode gives you the big picture view of how you can get complete strangers to hire you instead of waiting around for a miracle.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why people will never hire you if they don't know you
How to build trust with potential customers
When it's time to be yourself
How dating and business are closely related
Why Mark is was more of a ladies' man than Brian
How adding value in the long term sets you up for success
Why our "comfort zone" is holding us back
Why we need to be ourselves and not be afraid of alienating some people
How appealing to everyone is a bad thing for our businesses
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/199
10.5.2022 • 38 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
#198: Dealing With Burnout, Mental Exhaustion, And Low Creative Juices
If you're doing anything worth a damn, you will eventually hit a point of burnout. There's literally no way to avoid this happening from time to time.
The question is "how do you handle it"?
Some of us just put our heads down and keep working, trying to pretend we're fine.
Others completely withdraw to "recover", but they lose all momentum.
This episode explores the wide range of "gray" areas...
This is the area beyond simple black and white thinking.
It's this non-binary thinking that can help us navigate the most difficult roadblocks in our creative lives.
If you're going through burnout, or you feel like you just don't have anything left to give creatively, this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to handle burnout
Why you might be facing burnout
Wearing all the hats as a business owner
The damage of over-saturating yourself in one aspect of life
Pacing yourself for success
How your well being is a sum of your life, not just one part
Why the four bottlenecks discussed in episode 188 are important to understand
Avoiding water in your gas tank
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/198
3.5.2022 • 37 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
#197: Failure, Motivation, And What To Do When You Want To Give Up | With Andy J. Pizza
“I’m a failure. I should just give up. This industry is oversaturated. I could never compete with the other people in this city. I will never be good enough”
If you’ve ever had thoughts like this, then you may have a dangerous condition known as a “Fixed Mindset.”
This is where you believe your skills, abilities, and talents are capped.
“I can never get better than this at these things”.
If you allow a Fixed Mindset to take over, then your career may be over before you even started.
It’s extremely important for your business, your career, and your life, that you don’t wave a white flag before you even try!
Instead, there’s something called a Growth Mindset.
In this episode, Andy J. Pizza explains how to make the switch from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset.
In this episode you’ll discover:
What toxic creative mythology is and how it hurts your career
Fixed mindset vs. growth mindset
What the TV show Oak Island has to do with your career
Why you can’t let roadblocks discourage you
How a mindset can boost your life exponentially
Why making your goals SMART is key to your success
Why you need to live a life that your kids want to know about
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/197
26.4.2022 • 50 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
#196: The 80/20 Rule: How To Make More, Work Less, And Get Rid Of Bad Clients
Ever meet someone who's able to earn more than they need while still having time to enjoy their lives...without stress weighing them down?
A successful, carefree person is a surprisingly rare person to meet.
It seems like people are either constantly working while neglecting their personal lives, or their personal life seems solid but their business is stagnant.
Even more common seems to be the person whose life is in shambles in all areas (I mean that's the norm post-2020, yeah?).
Here's the "secret" behind success for those few who seem to have it all together...those people live by The 80/20 Rule.
Most of us already know (or have some vague idea) of what The 80/20 Rule is, but very few people actually use that as their "north star."
If you have no idea what The 80/20 Rule is, or you need a reminder of how you can use that magical rule to "refresh" your life, this episode is for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
What is the 80/20 principle, anyway?
How the 80/20 principle affects your business
Maximizing your profits by reducing your workload
Enriching your personal life using the 80/20 principle
How to review your business through the 80/20 lens
What not to do when you have a "f*¢k it" moment
Dealing with shiny object syndrome using the 80/20 principle
Prioritizing the pillars of your life
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/196
19.4.2022 • 44 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
#195: How To Break Through An 8-Year Income Plateau To FINALLY Hit 6 Figures | With Stephen Helvig
What do you do when your income hits a plateau?
Do you...
(A). Give up and move on to a new career
(B). Keep going but try something new in your business
(C). Keep doing the exact same thing for 8 years straight and keep getting the same result
If you chose option C, then congrats, you're probably in what we call "zombie land".
This is the place where your business is earning just enough to survive, but not enough to thrive.
Our guest this week, Steven Helvig, is a music producer who was in "zombie land" for 8 straight years before he found a way out of it.
Eventually, he went from a stagnating 5 figure income to a steady 6 figure income, and in this episode, he gives us the details of what he did to finally get out of zombie land.
If you've been struggling to break through your income plateau as a freelancer, this episode is the perfect dose of practical inspiration and information to help you break the cycle and grow your business ASAP.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The transformation from goal-less zombie to 6 figure studio owner
Mindset shifts needed to run a healthy business
Why charging more is good for your customers
Educating yourself so you can work smart, not hard
Hobbyist vs. professional mindsets
How niching down your messaging can attract your ideal clients
Using the 80/20 principle to eliminate pain points in your business
The importance of following up
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/195
12.4.2022 • 1 Stunde, 46 Sekunden
#194: Growing From 5 Figures To 6 Figures As A Freelancer | The Secret Ingredient
If you've been stuck at 4 or 5 figures per year as a freelancer, there's likely one ingredient that is holding you back from growth.
Without this ingredient, it is 100% impossible to get clients, grow your income, and get past the 6 figure mark (if that's your goal).
In this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast, my buddy Mark Eckert and I map out the path you can take to overcoming all of the hurdles between you and this incredibly important missing ingredient.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to move from four/five figures to six figures+
Why you aren't full time yet
How to revamp your entire public-facing identity as a freelancer
The difference between advertising vs. content marketing and why this matters for freelancers
Why you should be producing more than consuming
How sticking to a schedule or routine can tie all of this together
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/194
5.4.2022 • 42 Protokoll, 18 Sekunden
#193: Leveling Up From A Freelancer To A Business Owner To Make $20k/mo | With Lydia Kerr Of Telltale Design Co
How do you go from "nickel and dime" $200-$500 projects to premium $10,000-$20,000 projects as a freelancer?
To be honest, the answer is "you don't". You first need to make the shift from "freelancer" to "business owner".
Lydia Kerr of Telltale Design Co made this transition in her highly-saturated market, and the results are jaw-dropping.
Within 4 years of starting her design business, she grew it to over $20k/mo.
In this interview, you'll hear her story of how she launched Telltale Design Co while working a full-time day job, and she replaced that day job income within just a few months of freelancing, and ultimately how she made the shift from low-dollar freelancer to a premium-priced business owner.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Lydia went from 0 to full time in a few short months
Growing your business to multiple six figures in under five years
The difference between living in a small town or big city
Why your $500 client will never be your $5,000 client
Using social media to promote your business
Working within clients' budgets
Being honest with your clients
Creating mutual respect with clients
What tools to use for your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/193
29.3.2022 • 57 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
#192: 5 Ways To Give Yourself A Raise Today
In my last day job, I busted my ass for two years slinging video games at a chain called Gamestop. I never missed a day of work, I always hit my upsell targets each month (getting people into our rewards program), our regulars like me, and my manager loved me.
After two solid years of "kissing ass and kicking ass" there, I had worked my way up from $5.15/hr to a staggering $5.50/hr. Truly life-changing money, for sure🙄
Two years...$0.35/hr raise.
While I hope you can't relate to that, chances are you've had some issue in your past where you (or maybe someone you know) didn't get the raise you worked hard for.
It sucks.
You know what's awesome, though?
One of the biggest advantages of being self-employed is that you can literally give yourself a raise today. There are no gatekeepers holding you back. You are the one in charge of your income now🤘🏼
So in today's super-tactical, fun episode, we break down 5 different ways you can give yourself a raise today.
One of the things we covered in this episode is one I used in my recording studio in 2015 to give myself a raise from $100/hr to over $300/hr.
It's time to take your income into your own hands by listening to this week's episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you're more than good enough to freelance
How to go viral on TikTok with bad math
Hiring virtual assistants to increase your hourly wage
Why a "F**k you, pay me!" attitude is toxic in business
Following up to close more sales
CRMs and business success
Staying top of mind with potential clients
Offering appealing packages instead of piecemeal services
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/192
22.3.2022 • 59 Protokoll, 38 Sekunden
#191: How To Turn Your Knowledge, Passion, And Experience Into An Income Stream | With Graham Cochrane
You probably got into the freelance world based on something you were passionate about, however, you likely know by now that it takes more than passion to create a real income.
Making the move from passion-led freelancer to "6 figure creative" takes a brand new set of skills, beliefs, and character traits that no university or trade school will bother teaching you.
One person who's successfully navigated the entire journey from "broke to millionaire" is Graham Cochrane.
Graham started out as a passionate young musician who failed to achieve his dream of launching a successful band. From there, he sank into an unfulfilling day job while trying to build a freelance career on the side.
Along the way, through many ups and downs, he's actually used all of his accumulated skills, experiences, and lessons to launch two separate 7-figure businesses.
Graham came onto the podcast to share some of these lessons with us in an incredible interview.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why passion isn't everything
Elements you need to succeed in business
Listening to Gary V? Don't. (sometimes)
How you're over-optimizing your business
Separating you from your job
Where to get the next 6FC favorite book
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/191
15.3.2022 • 48 Protokoll, 57 Sekunden
#190: How To Be Consistently Creative So You Can Do What You Love For The Rest Of Your Life | With Todd Henry
Ever had an off day where you just didn't feel creative? What about an off week, or an off month? Where things can get dangerous is when our income depends on us being creative on-demand, but we're just...off.
The great thing is that there are certain actions we can take to stay consistently and brilliantly creative for a long, long time.
This week we interviewed Toddy Henry, author of the best-selling book "The Accidental Creative: How To Be Brilliant At A Moment's Notice". We discussed how creatives can create consistency in their work so that they're able to consistently put out their best work.
In this episode you’ll discover:
The three most important things in your life as a creative entrepreneur
Taking a step back to think
Where to look for inspiration
Forming healthy habits
Reacting vs. thinking
Setting (and respecting) boundaries
Being aware of our shortcomings
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/190
8.3.2022 • 38 Protokoll, 35 Sekunden
#189: The 5 Business Bottlenecks Holding You Back From $100,000 Per Year
Want to know the secret that separates failing freelancers from 6 figure freelancers? It's this one concept:
6 Figure freelancers constantly solved their business bottlenecks. If it sounds stupidly simple, it is, but it's definitely easier said than done. Let me break it down real quick...
There are 5 main parts of any real business (freelancers included). Here they are:
Part 1: Lead generation - This is the part of your business where new people find out you exist and that you offer a (hopefully) valuable service.
Part 2: Lead Nurture - This is the part of your business where you're staying top-of-mind over a long period of time until the lead is ready to hire you. According to studies, only about 3% of any market is ready to buy "now", so nurturing them until they're ready is crucial to getting hired.
Part 3: Sales - This is where conversations turn into clients (i.e. dollars in the bank).
Part 4: Fulfillment - This is where you're actually doing what you've been paid for.
Part 5: Lifetime Value - This is how much one client is worth to your over your lifetime. It can be determined by how much you charge, how often they come back for more, how many people they refer to you, etc.
The issue is that ONE of these five areas is your bottleneck right now. Until that bottleneck has been fixed, there's no point in improving anything else in your business.
The freelancers who make it to $100k/year are the ones who constantly solved their ONE bottleneck, took a step back, re-assed their business to see what the next bottleneck was, and dove all-in on that bottleneck until it's solved. Rinse and repeat.
This week's podcast episode dives into each of these 5 areas and what you can do to solve the bottlenecks in your own business.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/189
1.3.2022 • 1 Stunde, 6 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
#188: The 4 Personal Bottlenecks Holding Your Business Back From Earning 6 Figures
If you run a freelance business, there is no real separation between you and your business.
That means any personal issues you have are guaranteed to affect your business.
There are actually 4 specific "personal bottlenecks" that act as single points of failure as an entrepreneur.
No time
"Dirty Fuel"
Lack of skills
If any of these 4 issues exist, your business is 100% guaranteed to suffer.
In this week's episode, we discuss each of these 4 personal bottlenecks in detail...
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why expensive gear doesn't matter if it isn't earning you money
How personal bottlenecks are choking your business
Superheroes to save you from your bottlenecks
Clean fuel vs. dirty fuel – are you doing things for the right reasons?
Creating a step by step plan to tackle your bottlenecks
Why time won't let you go
When to ask for help with your bottlenecks
Handling your blind spots
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/188
22.2.2022 • 48 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
#187: Quitting Her Day Job To Become A 6 Figure Illustrator | Lisa Congdon's Success Story
If you're stuck in a dead-end job, about to turn 30, and thinking, "I wish I could open my own business... But I'm too old to start..." then listen up.
You're not too old – it's never too late to start your freelance career or open a business.
World-renowned designer Lisa Congdon didn't even start designing until her late 20s, and she didn't even start gaining traction until she was nearly 40. In the decade and a half since starting her business, Lisa has grown it to multiple six figures.
Listen now to hear about Lisa's journey from struggles and setbacks, to ultimate success as a creative.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why it's not too late to jump into a freelance career
How Lisa began her creative journey
Giving yourself permission to be alone and its effects on your mental health
Why it's important to have diverse income streams (but still stay on-brand)
Selling physical products as a creative
Building your team: don't start too soon
Growth and mental health in a creative field
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/187
15.2.2022 • 48 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
#186. The 6 Levels of Freelancing - Part 2
Last week we introduced the first of a two-part series about "The 6 Levels of Freelancing". The 1st level was "yes mode" and the 2nd level was "the generalist".
This week we're walking you through what it looks like to move up the ladder into levels 4-6. If you feel stuck and you're ready to move up a level or two, fire up your favorite podcast app and let's dig in...
In this episode you’ll discover:
How good systems will avoid Chris' Poopocalypse 2.0
Avoiding survivorship bias: don't always listen to the "old dogs"
The word-of-mouth death trap
Your hourly rates aren't your actual rates
Why Disqualifying bad leads to focus on good leads is great for your income
The difference between systems and automation
What the best automations have in common
Why experts focus on one specific area rather than learning everything
Growing your business the smart way: using SOPs
How to remove yourself from your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/186
8.2.2022 • 1 Stunde, 10 Protokoll, 40 Sekunden
#185. The 6 Levels of Freelancing - Part 1
Most freelancers have no idea what they are doing and end up stuck in a low-paying, dead-end job because their business never gets enough clients to pay the bills.
In this episode, we discuss the levels of your freelance career, and how to move from one level to the next so you can earn more money and work with better clients.
If you want to learn how to become an expert in your field, get paid well for your work, and want to work from home on your own schedule, this episode is for you!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Everyone starts on the same level
Why you're not special if you take every job that comes your way
How to learn what you want to do with your life
Listening to the market: your clients will help you pick an offering
Why you're shooting yourself in the foot if you offer two drastically different services
Automation: is it helping you or harming you?
What common business advice is actually bad for your business
Imposter syndrome: what to do when it rears its ugly head
Why the generalist never wins
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/185
1.2.2022 • 44 Protokoll, 44 Sekunden
#184: The 5 Most Clever Ways To Eliminate "Ghosting" From Your Leads
You FINALLY get someone to reach out to you asking for your rates. Wooooo! 🥳🎊🎉
You rack your brain to come up with a price for the project and send it off.
Days pass… you don’t hear back. So you send a follow up.
Weeks pass… now you’re trying to figure out where you went wrong.
The would-be client has just ghosted you.
The worst part is that you have NO idea why…
Was it pricing? Scheduling? Did they decide not to do the project? Did they hire someone else?
Did they even SEE your message?
Ghosting SUCKS. So we set aside an hour of our time to create an entire episode dedicated to the topic.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why your clients are ghosting you
How to not get ghosted
Building a connection with your customers so they don’t want to ghost you
Why you need to get on the phone
How to create natural scarcity and urgency
Why you should never give your pricing out quickly
How to get help growing your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/184
25.1.2022 • 49 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
#183: Lead Nurturing | Changing The Way You Think About Client Relationships
Here's a list of the most common reasons someone might hire someone else instead of you:
They don't trust you
They forgot you exist
They felt like you were manipulating them
They felt misunderstood
They’re not confident you can give them what they want/need
They felt no connection to you
What’s funny is that this list is nearly identical to the reasons a new romantic relationship might fail.
My point? It’s pretty simple…
If you start dating someone brand new, you’re likely going to put SOME sort of effort into building that relationship.
You’d text/call them. You’d go on dates to get to know them. You’d try to figure out if you’re compatible by having meaningful conversations.
You wouldn’t simply leave them alone and hope they propose to you later, right?
You’d intentionally nurture that relationship.
It’s the same thing with your potential clients.
They reach out to you…but wtf do you do in the days/weeks/months between the first conversation and the point they hand over their hard-earned dollars?
Most freelancers do a whole lot of sitting around and smoking Hopium. You’re just waiting for that phone call where the person finally “proposes” to you.
On this week’s episode, we dive deep into the process of intentionally nurturing your leads.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/183
18.1.2022 • 44 Protokoll
#182: The Word-of-mouth Death Trap And How To Avoid It
It’s the beginning of 2022 and I recently completed my end-of-year retreat where I went off the grid to dig deep into my own businesses and plan for the year.
During my retreat, one of the things I did was dig into my analytics to see what’s been working, what’s not working, and what needs to change in the future.
This week’s podcast episode is the direct result of one of my most interesting discoveries when diving into my analytics across everything I do.
In this episode you’ll discover:
What you’re missing out on if you don’t follow the 6 Figure Creative YouTube channel
Why word of mouth is not the solution for a new business
How to get more clients without word of mouth
You’re a creative who is averse to marketing: now what?
Six ways to bring traffic to your website
How to get your business ranked by Google
Using affiliate marketing in a freelance business
When it’s appropriate to use ads for your business
182 reasons you should subscribe to our YouTube channel in a Blink
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/182
11.1.2022 • 1 Stunde, 4 Protokoll, 8 Sekunden
#181: Our Favorite Tools For Building A 6 Figure Business In 2022
Implementing helpful tools into your business is one of the best, most cost-effective ways to increase your income or decrease your time spent doing tedious, frustrating tasks.
Every single tool we discuss on this week's podcast is created to either straight up make you more money, or save you time, money, and frustration.
One quick word of warning...while tools are amazing when fully implemented, a half-implemented tool is a total waste of money.
Make sure you're 100% ready to take on the (sometimes boring) implementation phase before using any of the tools we discuss in this episode.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Having too many unconnected systems can be worse than no systems
Why Brian is going to fight Chris in a parking lot
Avoiding the Apple Mail app
The power of Keyboard Maestro
Eliminating pain points so you can maintain flow state
Why giving away free merch is worth it
The system behind a successful follow-up
What Chris Graham wants in his inbox (hint: it’s feet)
Is it worth it? Camera and lighting equipment for video
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/181
4.1.2022 • 48 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
#180: Overwhelm
Being overwhelmed can stop you from achieving your goals and living the life you want. This can be especially damaging when you run your own business, so your livelihood relies on you alone.
In this episode, Chris and Brian talk about how they deal with overwhelm in their businesses and in life. They also discuss mental health issues such as PTSD, ADHD, and ways to cope as a self-employed creative.
Get ready to start 2022 in the right headspace for success: listen now to learn more!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why Chris Graham is not and never was straight edge
Why episodes 75-125 were our best episodes… For now
How to handle overwhelm
Dealing with PTSD as a business owner
Addressing the symptoms and the root cause of an issue
The news is a giant timesuck
Surrounding yourself with people who support you instead of tearing you down
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/180
28.12.2021 • 58 Protokoll, 52 Sekunden
#179: Is The Antiquated Commercial Recording Studio Dream Dead? Maybe Not... | With Steve Ornest
For decades, recording studios around the world were able to thrive in a healthy music industry full of platinum albums, hefty recording budgets, and, most importantly, ACTUAL profits.
Things have steadily declined over the past 15 years with large commercial facilities closing down left and right. For many studios, the final nail in the coffin was the COVID-19 lockdown.
While many are failing, some are still thriving despite the struggles of many other studios. In this week's interview, our guest has turned things around in a big way in an iconic LA studio called Total Access Recordings.
Listen now to learn more!
In this episode you’ll discover:
What it takes to get your foot in the door at a “legacy” studio
How fresh ideas can save older recording studios from going under
Reducing your overhead by using extra resources you have
The cheesy romcom of one Socal studio in the late early 2000s
Growing out of a brand image you struggle with
Making a name for yourself in the local scene
Finding a need and basing your business moves on that
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/179
21.12.2021 • 1 Stunde, 4 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
#178 From Homeless To $130k/yr In Just Three Years | With John McLucas
In 2017, John McLucas was homeless and sleeping on a foam pad in his one-room, windowless recording studio. Just a few years later, he's earning a six-figure income as a producer working with pop artists to provide a high-value, white-glove service.
How did he make this massive change? While there isn’t one thing John did right, there are a few big things he did that you can start doing today to put your own freelance business on a similar trajectory.
Listen to this episode of 6 Figure Creative now to learn more!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How John went from sleeping on his studio floor to earning six figures… In three years
Why offering a premium service is one of the best decisions you can make
How to differentiate your business from the competition
Thinking ahead 10 years: will people still want to work with you?
How to deal with online haters and trolls
The power of harnessing TikTok to generate leads for your business
Why it’s important to avoid overworking yourself
Methods of dealing with plateaus in your business
Learning to invest in your education to grow your business and skills
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/178
14.12.2021 • 51 Protokoll
#177: Using the Power of Humor to Grow Your Business | With Obedient Agency
Humor is a great way to connect with your friends 1 on 1, but it’s one of the most difficult things to do right in marketing (1 on many).
Allie LeFevere of Obedient Agency has spent the last six years helping companies find the sweet spot between lame, lifeless jokes and cringy, over-the-top humor to get their marketing just right.
Listen now to learn how Allie has built her business from a two-person partnership to a thriving agency with 8 people on the team!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How you can make your brand memorable
Why your brand shouldn’t always fall in line with your personal tastes
What goes into good humor in copywriting
How Allie systematically creates amazing copy
Why being different is vital
How to crush objections before they’re mentioned by your clients
What happens when a robo vacuum meets a literal pile of sh*t
How to handle yourself with confidence
Why you don’t want to be the business who does everything
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/177
7.12.2021 • 55 Protokoll, 11 Sekunden
#176: How To Use Email Marketing To Land Corporate Clients As a Photographer | With Daniel Clark Cunningham
Most freelancers shy away from the corporate world because “they’re special snowflake creatives who will never sell out and could never possibly be fulfilled working with corporations”.
The reality is that any creative work can be fulfilling.
The beauty of working with corporate clients is they actually have budgets.
With budgets come options...
The option to actually make great money as a creative.
The option to turn down clients who don’t have budgets.
The option to do bigger, better, more creatively-fulfilling projects.
This week’s guest, Daniel Clark Cunningham, is a perfect example of this.
He’s worked with many household names – from Discovery Network to Dale Earnhardt Jr., to Chevrolet – and he’s learned a lot along the way.
He’s also taken a very unconventional path to get to where he is today.
Listen now to learn how Daniel used “the war of attrition”, constant failure, and email marketing to build his photography business.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to level up from broke clients to well-paying gigs
The three things needed to succeed as a freelancer
Why internships are sometimes a necessary evil
How to outlast your competition
When to work on projects for yourself
The key to understanding your clients
How being ready to say “yes” brings opportunities
How to explain why you’re worth what you charge
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/176
30.11.2021 • 59 Protokoll, 13 Sekunden
#175: The 6 Figure Creative's Guide To Copywriting For Freelancers | With Rachel Greiman
The words you write have the power to build trust and win clients, but they also have the power to bore people to death and turn away clients.
It’s your choice whether you want to put in the work to write website copy that does all the “selling” for you.
Most freelancers, unfortunately, leave copywriting as an afterthought. This creates a massive opportunity to stand out from your competitors by taking the time to nail your website copy.
This week’s guest, Rachel Greiman, is a freelance copywriter who works with nearly 100 clients per year.
Not only is she earning 6 figures from her freelance work, she’s also writing website copy for other 6 figure freelance photographers (our guest from episode #172 is actually one of her 6 figure clients).
That makes Rachel the perfect expert to bring onto the podcast to teach us all about the process behind copywriting for freelancers.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How great copy can affect your business
Why copy should come before your website design
How to understand what your ideal clients are looking for
How to package your offering so the client buys what they want and gets what they need
Why niching is so vital to your business
How systems help Rachel have six figure years over and over
How to go from $500 projects to $5,000 projects
Why some businesses shouldn’t have repeat clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/175
23.11.2021 • 55 Protokoll, 31 Sekunden
#174: How You're Sabotaging Your Business With These 5 Toxic Mindsets
You always struggle to make progress in your business.
Everyone seems to be against you.
You can’t hire anyone because they’ll never do it as well as you can.
You simply can’t bring yourself to leave the security of your day job.
These are all symptoms of negative mindsets that are holding you back from your full potential as an audio engineer and entrepreneur!
By working to defeat negative mindsets, you can be much more comfortable in your own shoes and teach yourself to succeed rather than waiting for someone to hand things to you on a platter.
Listen to this episode now to find out how you can identify and eliminate five different toxic mindsets that are ruining your chances of success!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you need to work on eliminating negative mindsets
Which negative mindsets might be affecting you
How the “blue-collar” mindset can hold your business back
Why outsourcing low-paying tasks can increase your hourly earnings
Why reacting negatively to someone else’s success is a sign of a bad mindset
How playing the victim will stop you in your tracks
Why holding grudges steals your time and energy
How fear negatively affects your business
What mental blocks the fixed mindset causes… And why they’re wrong
How Chris and Brian both overcame a fixed mindset to become successful business owners
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/174
16.11.2021 • 1 Stunde, 8 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
#173: Should You Just Quit?
We’ve all hit the point in our lives when we’ve faced this question.
“Should I just quit?”
Whether you’re considering giving up on your entire business, or you’re simply considering quitting a new approach to marketing you’ve been trying out, it can be difficult to keep going when stuff gets hard.
So should you give up and go back to the way things were when it was “easier”?
Should you push forward and keep trying even when everything sucks?
That’s what I discuss in this week’s super short podcast episode.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/173
9.11.2021 • 15 Protokoll, 4 Sekunden
#172: How To Earn 6 Figures In An Obscure Niche With Clever SEO And Expert Copywriting | Sean Oblizalo
I love learning about people who are earning 6 figures in a relatively obscure niche… especially when they’ve grown that business to where it is in just a few short years.
Sean Oblizalo has built an incredibly successful adventure elopement photography business. If you’ve never heard of that before, you’re not alone.
While elopement photography may be relatively obscure, what isn’t obscure are the strategies he used to build his business to 6 figures in such a relatively short amount of time.
This interview is a gold mine for any freelancer who’s struggling to get website traffic, leads, or clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Sean built a six-figure business in just three years
What inspired Sean’s unique business idea
How you can harness the power of SEO for your business
Why Facebook ads aren’t for everyone
Why incredible copywriting is crucial for your website
How to get incredible copy even if you’re a terrible writer
Why systems and processes are crucial for building trust with your clients
The hidden benefits of building trust with your clients
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/172
2.11.2021 • 56 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
#171: The Freelancer's Guide To Passive Income And Smart Personal Finances | With Graham Cochrane
Do you run a successful business, but find yourself stressed out about finances?
Does it affect your creativity to the point that you aren’t making your projects the absolute best?
If your finances are a shambles, chances are your business isn’t very stable, and neither is your personal life. It’s time to make a change.
A big welcome back to Graham Cochrane of The Graham Cochrane Show as he talks about potential solutions and fail-safes to make sure that you can survive difficult times in your business and come out the other end swinging!
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why service-based businesses should have some scaleable income streams
How a retainer model can boost your business’ income
What opportunities overwhelmed consumers provide
How eliminating your fear can make you bolder, to take good opportunities and leave behind mediocre ones
Why poor personal finance is the downfall of many businesses
How trading up cars and paying car payments to yourself can buy you a new car in the long run
How growing your business too much can hurt your family, creativity, or life
How you can start to safely save money for retirement, as well as keep you – and your business – alive during spare months
Why you should discuss financial priorities with your family to see if you are overspending or can cut back
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/171
26.10.2021 • 1 Stunde, 9 Protokoll, 28 Sekunden
#170: The 5 Types Of Follow-Ups That Will Help You Double Your Income | With Mark Eckert
Please tell me you’ve never been this person...
“How’s it going?”
“U there? lol.”
That’s the person who makes everyone cringe when they’re around. If that’s you, I hate to say it, but there’s a reason everyone ignores you.
On the other side of things, if you’re the type of person who never follows up with anyone then you’re leaving half your potential income behind.
Following up is an important part of business, but as with almost everything in life there’s a tactful, professional way to do it and then there’s a desperate, needy, cringey way to do it.
On this episode of 6 Figure Creative, Brian Hood and substitute co-host Mark Eckert talk about the 5 types of follow-ups that can help double your income over the next 12 months.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why you should follow up with people
How to follow up properly in 5 different situations
What to use as your subject line for email follow ups
How to nurture relationships by following up
Why being pushy or nudgy is not the way to follow up
How to get introductions to the right people
Why speaking in a polite and political manner helps in follow ups
How to use your network to grow your network
When to offer people money in exchange for their time
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/170
19.10.2021 • 1 Stunde, 6 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
#169: Earning $10k+ Per Month With A Productized Service (And Only 2 Hours Of Work) | With Brian Casel
If there was a way to shift your freelance business in a way that consistently led to higher income, fewer hours, and more predictability, would you be interested in hearing more?
This is exactly what Brian Casel did with his business.
He created a productized service that allowed him to hire a team to remove most of the work from his plate to the point where he was spending less than 2 hours per month on that business.
The best part is that his clients were paying him a flat fee every single month, which meant he had predictable, recurring revenue.
Whether or not you ever want to run your business this way, this interview is a must-watch for anyone looking to grow their income.
In this episode you’ll discover:
What it’s like to launch, grow, and sell a business
How to create a scalable business that runs without you
Why having a productized service is a smart move for freelancers
How to provide a service you have no experience with
Why it’s important to choose an industry you’re passionate about
How to build a business that runs on autopilot
What to do when you find extra time because your business runs autonomously
How to hire the right people
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/169
12.10.2021 • 57 Protokoll, 19 Sekunden
#168: Atomic Habits for Freelancers: Growing Your Snowball
If you build healthy habits and routines in your life, you will always win over someone who waits around for motivation to get things done.
Atomic Habits is one of our all-time favorite books, so we dedicated this episode to discussing some of our favorite takeaways from the book and how it all applies to someone who is freelancing.
Listen now to learn about building healthy habits, eliminating unhealthy habits, and how something called a “Systems Snowball” can help along the way.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Brian and Chris make the most of their reading experience
The pros and cons of Kindle
Why habits are such an important part of our day to day lives
Why small habits matter the most
How to build your systems snowball
What to do if you aren’t a goal-oriented person
How to view lagging vs. leading indicators of your habits
How systems have shaped humanity
Why it’s important to forge ahead even when you can’t see progress
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/168
5.10.2021 • 52 Protokoll, 16 Sekunden
#167: How To Hire An Incredible Assistant Who Will Transform Your Business
If you’re getting overwhelmed with the day-to-day tasks of your business, it’s probably time to hire someone who can help you out.
You’ve probably even considered it in the past, but you have doubts that have held you back…
“What if they can’t do it as well as I can?”
“What if I hire the wrong person?”
“It will take forever to train them”.
“I don’t want to be someone else’s boss”.
“Can I really afford this”?
If you’re ever had these thoughts, you’re perfectly normal.
These are the same doubts we all have before making our first hire.
Whether you’ve tried (and failed) at hiring someone in the past, you’re just now planning to make your first hire, or you’re interested in hiring help, but not totally convinced it’s the right move, this episode is perfect for you.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How an assistant can transform your business
Which tasks should be delegated first
How an assistant can help you take a “workation”
How to hire the right person for the job
How setting expectations affects your working relationship
How to make sure your assistant does everything exactly how you want
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/167
28.9.2021 • 1 Stunde, 6 Protokoll, 41 Sekunden
#166: The 3 Simple Steps For Marketing That Can't Be Ignored | With Mike Michalowicz
If you rely solely on referrals to fuel your business, you’re making one of the most common mistakes a freelancer can make.
This puts the fate of your business entirely into the hands of your clients. They determine when (or if) you get your next client.
Instead of living in the constant cycle of feast or famine, Mike Michalowicz shares a way to keep the “marketing machine” running 24/7 to help you attract the best possible clients.
This simple 3-step method is all about being different instead of just being “better”.
Mike is a New York Times bestselling author with over 2 million readers. His life-changing books like The Pumpkin Plan and Profit First have transformed the lives of countless entrepreneurs.
Listen now to learn how to stand out from the crowd, and start bringing in more clients by being different.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why word of mouth is not a marketing plan
How you can achieve consistent results from marketing
What three methods you can use to get attention
How to find your ideal customers
What makes you stand out from your competition
Why you should rip off and duplicate other industries
How to apply the DAD method to your business (no puns involved)
Why a marketing plan comes from marketing experiments
How to come up with creative marketing ideas
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/166
21.9.2021 • 49 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
#165: Pricing Strategies From The CEO Of A Billion-Dollar Business | With Mike McDerment
It’s time to kill hourly pricing once and for all.
While many freelancers think hourly billing is a fair method, it’s actually the least fair method for pricing your work.
Hourly pricing leads to an immediate conflict of interest between you and your clients, and it puts very little consideration for the value of whatever it is that you do.
You are much much more than a bundle of hours for sale.
You’re a creative offering something valuable in this world.
I’m not the only one that thinks this is the case…
Our podcast guest this week is Mike McDerment – the founder and CEO of a 10-figure business. His advice to the 6-figure creative community is this:
It’s time to break the time barrier and start charging based on the value you create.
This week’s interview is an eye-opening look at why we should quit charging per hour or day, and instead charge a flat rate based on the outcome we deliver to our clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Mike went from freelancing to running a business worth over 1 billion dollars
How freelancing has changed in the past two decades
Why you should bill per project, not by the hour
How you can determine what a client wants
Why some clients aren’t worth it
What to do if someone offers to pay you a million dollars per hour
How different clients see value in different things
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/165
14.9.2021 • 43 Protokoll, 36 Sekunden
#164: How To Stair-Step From Freelance Income To Passive Income | With Austin Hull
Austin Hull was one of our most popular interviews (way back on episode 59), so we had to bring him back onto the podcast to update us on what he’s been up to.
Since 2019 Austin has not only built a six-figure freelance music production business but also sold over $400k of digital products through his new business Make Pop Music.
In this episode, learn how Austin took the stair-step approach from freelance to passive income, built his email list to over 40,000 people, and YouTube channel to over 100k subs in such a short time.
If you’re thinking about launching a side-hustle that could eventually turn into an extra six-figure income, this episode is perfect for you.
Keep in mind, this wasn’t exactly a walk in the park for Austin.
At one point, he was on the brink of a mental breakdown. He was working long hours without breaks, trying to juggle multiple projects, and constantly switching from task to task… all in an effort to keep everyone else happy.
Austin decided it was time for a change, and applied the 80/20 principle to niche down on what was most important to him… And the results were game-changing.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Austin grew multiple six figure businesses in a few short years without any ads
Why communities are important to organic growth
What happened when Austin finally niched down
Why it’s important to recognize when you’re overworking yourself
How exercise ties into mental health
How to make new connections to grow your business
Why the go-giver mindset is a common theme among most successful entrepreneurs
What platforms you can use for organic growth
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/164
7.9.2021 • 58 Protokoll, 6 Sekunden
#163: How To Attract (And Close) High-Budget Clients | With Jay Clouse
Freelancers are always looking for ways to make more money and grow their businesses. To make that happen, you have 3 main methods...
Method #1: Raise your rates.
Method #2: Find more leads.
Method #3: Close more clients.
In this week’s interview, Jay Clouse shares his methods for attracting and closing high-budget clients.
Jay’s background in the tech startup world brings us a fresh perspective for positioning and sales as a freelancer.
Listen now to learn how Jay Clouse attracts and closes high-budget clients.
In this episode you’ll discover:
What the three most common business models for freelancers are
How you can harness each different business model to grow your business
Why it’s important to choose the right model
How to flip the sales process and close more deals
Why working as a contractor is great – sometimes
How to have consistency in your business
How to close deals without being pushy
Why you need to get on the phone
When money is no object
How having too many clients hurts your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/163
31.8.2021 • 1 Stunde, 10 Protokoll, 37 Sekunden
#162: The Six Figure Photographer's Key To Closing More Sales | With Ben Hartley
As a freelance creative, you probably have thought “if only I could close one more deal a month I’d be much better off.”
Closing more deals can result from many different variables, but one of the easiest ways to increase your odds is by reframing your sales calls to focus on the client and how your service will change their life.
Listen now to hear Ben Hartley of the Six Figure Photography Podcast share his advice so you can close more sales in your creative business!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How you’re shooting yourself in the foot by focusing on what you provide
Why sales is about the outcome
How to navigate sales as a creative
How to escape the “technician mindset”
Why you need to show your clients they’re worth investing in themselves
How to close more sales
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/162
24.8.2021 • 31 Protokoll, 9 Sekunden
#161: The Top 9 Mistakes Freelancers Make When Getting Started
The creative industry is full of pitfalls – and there are nine common mistakes that creatives make when starting their own business or freelancing.
In this episode, Brian and Chris discuss these problems and provide solutions to help you avoid them!
Listen now as we dive into each topic specifically so you can learn what not to do in order to save time and money!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How to serve your clients well
Why niching down is the right choice to grow your business
How getting a logo made is usually procrastination
Why overconsuming educational content is harmful
Why you’re destroying your business if you don’t have a portfolio
How to harness case studies in your business
How the jack of all trades loses authority
Why you need to close sales over the phone
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/161
19.8.2021 • 53 Protokoll, 55 Sekunden
#160: Earning $800k As An Artist By Using Marketing And Metrics To Dominate A Niche | With Blake Jamieson
It's hard to make a living as a creative, and it can seem even harder if you're trying to do it on your own.
You can't just throw paint at the canvas, music into Pro Tools, or words onto paper and expect people to buy it.
Blake Jamieson started with a plan, knowing that he would have to work every day, build his brand, put in the hours, and never stop learning. He also knew that there are no shortcuts when it comes to success.
Listen now to hear Blake discuss his journey from the beginning to where he is now, creating high-value art pieces for athletes and major companies such as Topps!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Blake moved from a career in digital marketing to creating art
Why a self discovery trip might be valuable to you
How going all in can boost your career
What separates a great creative from an average creative
How to set your prices as a creative
Why creative thinking and business go hand in hand
How you can get a celebrity’s attention (without being creepy)
Why having an agent or manager isn’t always a good thing
What NFTs are, and how you can harness their power
Why NFTs are so powerful
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/160
17.8.2021 • 1 Stunde, 22 Protokoll, 54 Sekunden
#159: How to Ethically Upsell Your Clients To Increase Your Income | With Lizzie Pierce
Want to know the quickest way to earn more? Increase your rates.
Everyone knows this advice, but few have the confidence to pull it off regularly.
If you struggle with this, you’re not alone. Here’s the good news; there are multiple ways to increase your income.
One of the best ways is by introducing “upsells” into your sales process. This is when a client comes to you for one thing, but you identify other services they may benefit from in order to reach their goals.
In this interview, Lizzie Pierce shares her wisdom from multiple years of experience running a six-figure video production company.
Her company regularly upsells clients by pitching a vision of a larger project than originally planned, then turning that small-dollar production project into a major one involving teams or freelancers.
Whether or not you work with a team, this method can be a fantastic way to increase your income without ever having to raise your rates.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Lizzie convinced a client to publish a promo video about sexting
How to understand a client’s wants vs. their needs
Why Lizzie is able to upsell customers in one aspect of her business to another part of her business
How to offer multiple services without diluting your branding
Why you need to add a margin to contract work
How your “scene” impacts your work
How to grow your business creatively
Why Fresno is the new 6 Figure Creative example of a dead city
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/159
10.8.2021 • 57 Protokoll, 59 Sekunden
#158: Breaking 6 Figures Within Two Years Of Moving To A Brand New City | With Rodrigo Tasca
You want to start or grow a business, but you’re not sure where to begin.
There are so many different ways to start your business that it can be hard to choose which one is right for you.
In this episode, Rodrigo Tasca shares his story of how he went from working catering jobs in New York City to running a 6 figure videography business in south Florida. Listen now to hear more of this American Dream story!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Gary V inspired Rodrigo to start his business
Why you need to jump in and go for it
Whether or not you should do free work
How to get more clients
How you can find your niche
How sacrifices result in success
How to position yourself in the market
How networking leads to more work
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/158
3.8.2021 • 51 Protokoll, 45 Sekunden
#157: The Three Marketing Methods ALL Freelancers Need to Know About
We've all heard the stories of creatives who are struggling to grow their business, and it's easy to feel like you're just not doing enough. Others feel like using marketing is “selling out” and not genuine.
The fact is, every business needs marketing. There are a lot of marketing strategies out there that can help you get more clients and make more money, but which ones should you be using?
In this episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast we discuss three different methods for getting more clients that all creatives should be aware of.
In this episode you’ll discover:
Why creatives shouldn’t be allergic to marketing
What kind of marketing most people think of
Why small businesses shouldn’t copy massive company’s marketing methods
How to craft a good advertisement
How to make informed decisions about your marketing
What Go-Giver Marketing is
How communication and setting expectations in advance lets you draw a line
Why you don’t want to be an “icky” marketer
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/157
29.7.2021 • 36 Protokoll, 27 Sekunden
#156: Modern Marketing For Creatives | How Matt Ramsey Built A Vocal Coaching Empire
99 out of 100 creatives SUCK at marketing (and I'm being a bit generous here). They're either stuck in 2010 doing things that no longer work or they're completely "allergic" to marketing altogether.
You may be incredible at what you do, but if no one knows you exist, then what’s the point?
You’re actually HURTING people by not improving your marketing because now people are paying someone worse than you for an inferior service (or product).
It’s actually your duty to market yourself.
The good news is you don’t have to be one of those try-hard spammy internet marketers. You can actually market yourself just by simply helping people.
Don’t believe me?
Then listen to this week’s interview with Matt Ramsey. He’s built an incredible business using modern marketing techniques that bring his ideal clients directly to him.
The techniques he shares in this interview can be used by pretty much any freelance creative who’s willing to put in the effort.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Matt adapted to the demise of his budding marketing career
Why experience in the advertising world can help freelance business owners
Why some businesses should focus on SEO… And others might not need to
How to skillfully trade services
How you can find the right keywords for your business
Why lead magnets are important for creative businesses
How you can harness the power of the internet to grow your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/156
27.7.2021 • 1 Stunde, 11 Protokoll, 2 Sekunden
#155: How One Freelancer Earns Over $300k Per Year Copywriting On Fiverr | With Alexandra Fasulo
Freelance creatives are struggling to make a living. The competition is fierce and the job market is saturated with new talent every day.
In this interview, Alex shares her story of going from a soul-sucking corporate job to Fiverr millionaire in just a few years. She also shares her advice for freelancers looking to get ahead in their creative careers, including how she got started on Fiverr, what it's like being an entrepreneur, and why you should consider starting your own business.
This podcast will help freelance creatives understand that they don't have to settle for low pay or long hours – they can be their own boss! It will give them tips on how they too can create a successful side hustle while working full time as well as valuable insight into the world of entrepreneurship.
In this episode you’ll discover:
How your drive affects your business’ success
Why Fiverr might be an ok way to launch your business
Why working 10-12 hours a day isn’t always the right move
How to handle internet haters
How you can pivot away from using platforms like Fiverr once you’re established
How to deal with imposter syndrome
Why it takes time to grow a business
Why Fiverr may or may not be good for creative entrepreneurs
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/155
20.7.2021 • 50 Protokoll, 34 Sekunden
#154: Forging Your Own Creative Path, Overcoming Depression, And Escaping The American Scheme | With Scotty Russell
You don't need to have all the answers.
You don't need to map out every single step on your journey.
Just take the next scary step.
We're all guilty of this to some degree. We want to know every single detail and create a solution to every single potential problem that COULD come up.
We put off creating, launching, growing, selling, marketing, or whatever we know we need to do.
This episode of the 6 Figure Creative podcast is the much-needed kick in the ass to overcome one of the greatest obstacles to success...
In this episode you’ll discover:
How college affects your career as a creative
How to build an audience
What types of people to avoid
Why you need to embrace (some) fear
How failure leads to success
Why you should just do it
Why degrees don’t matter in creative fields
How taking bite sized chunks helps your business
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/154
13.7.2021 • 58 Protokoll, 48 Sekunden
#153: Why "Sales" Doesn't Have To Be A Dirty Word For Creatives | With Bob Burg, Author Of The Go-Giver
As creatives, we cringe at the thought of being too “salesy”.
We tend to be so “allergic to sales” that we swing too far in the opposite direction and miss out on winning gigs that we would, could, and should have won.
What if there was a way to get clients without having to resort to being that desperate, annoying person we all know and avoid?
It’s called being a Go-Giver.
Of all the books we’ve mentioned on the podcast, there’s one that outranks them all – longtime listeners will know that it’s The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann.
It’s an amazing book about how to get what you want without pushing away those around you.
Today, Bob Burg joins us to talk about the book, and share wisdom about the content and principles brought to light within The Go-Giver.
Listen now to hear Bob’s chat with Chris and Brian, with ideas on how creatives can best apply the go-giver principles!
In this episode you’ll discover:
How Bob Burg came to write The Go-Giver
Why creatives have trouble selling
How taking focus from yourself and applying it to others helps you
Why customers won’t buy from you for you
How to be a go-giver in a business that isn’t scalable
What the difference between money and value is
Why we need to be aware of what people value
How the go-giver approach can be adapted to different personalities
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/153
6.7.2021 • 41 Protokoll, 1 Sekunde
#152: How To Build A Multi-Six Figure Video Production Business Using Cold Emails | With Anthony Craparotta
Most freelance creatives face one large problem: they need more clients. This is the same problem Anthony Craparotta faced when he launched Lyricvids.com.
Anthony offered an amazing service, but struggled to fill his calendar with paid work. Instead of sitting around, relying on “hope marketing”, he took marketing into his own hands and started emailing his ideal clients.
These people had no idea he existed, but he was able to turn them from strangers into clients.
Fast forward to 2018 and he was able to break 6 figures. The best part is that he’s been able to double LyricVids income every year since then… all from cold emails.
Learn more about growing from a small side hustle to a thriving freelance business with Anthony Craparotta on this week’s episode of the 6 Figure Creative Podcast!
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/152
29.6.2021 • 1 Stunde, 24 Protokoll, 7 Sekunden
#151: Welcome To The 6 Figure Creative Podcast: Your Guide to Running A Profitable Freelance Business
If you're a freelance creative who's been trying to earn a living from your passion, but feel stuck, unmotivated, or just don't see a clear path forward, this podcast is for you.
In this episode, we talk about what to expect from the 6 Figure Creative Podcast moving forward, how it's different from The Six Figure Home Studio Podcast, and why it will absolutely be worth your time every single week.
For full show notes, visit https://6figurecreative.com/151