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5 min Audio Prayers Cover
5 min Audio Prayers Profile

5 min Audio Prayers

Anglais, Religion, 1 saison, 27 épisodes, 1 heure, 49 minutes
A propos
As part of the effort to 'pray ceaselessly' as commanded by God (Philippians 5:17), this audio broadcast is a complication of 5-minutes-or-less prayers read by volunteers in support of the Just Pray Project -- a mission to ignite unified prayer worldwide. As the project grows, more prayers will be recorded from a variety of biblically based sources, (cited appropriately) that will continue to cover a multitude of situations and needs. Opportunities for personal requests and reflection exist within each reading. Whether you know it or not, we are ALL called to pray. So what are you waiting for? Take on the challenge to get the world praying and see what happens!?
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prayer from Daniel prayer Ann Graham lotz

Reading from the Daniel Prayer by Ann Graham Lotz. Reality check.
18/12/20225 minutes, 27 secondes
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Episode 27 - 5 min Audio Prayers

Love to Pray chapter 1
28/05/20225 minutes, 11 secondes
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Gymnastics culture prayer

In recent months and years their has been an expose of some of the evil misconducts that have infiltrated through the sport of gymnastics, leaving many young women in great need for healing. This is just one prayer of thousands we should be praying collectively to eradicate the lies and bring comfort, love and knowledge of truth to heal their hearts and minds in Jesus. Dear God, Thank you for giving us the beautiful sport of gymnastics. Forgive us for all the times we have distorted your creation by letting fear into its midst. Like all things on earth, sin has a way of creeping in and wreaking havoc on the beautiful things you have made. We ask now that you give strength and courage to those gymnasts and coaches who are exposing the darkness with a light of truth. While earthly consequences are difficult, we ask for peace and clarity for all parents, gymnasts past, present and future, fans, judges, trainers, governing officials and coaches that we surrender to you our God. We ask for the eyes to see and ears to hear more clearly when young athletes are are being mistreated. For those struggling with the emotional lies the enemy wants us to believe, we ask for you to break those chains and reveal a spirit of trust that you make beautiful things out of the dust. Help us to love ourselves and others through uncertain times, and to forgive others and ourselves as you have forgiven us. Again, we thank you for our beautiful sport and the opportunity to bring Honor and Glory to You through it once more. In Your Mighty Name, Amen.
09/08/20201 minute, 47 secondes
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Parents Prayer for Young Adults

They are spreading their wings, but a parent's prayer is never ceasing. This is a prayer for our young adults to KNOW God, and desire to seek His truth amidst a world of distraction.
03/10/20192 minutes, 53 secondes
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Lead us Holy Spirit Prayer - Brian Hardin

One minute prayer - from Brian Hardin
03/10/20191 minute, 8 secondes
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Praying for leaders

If you don’t know how to pray for our leaders and our country, just listen in agreement. In the apostle Paul’s teaching on prayer in 1 Timothy, one of the major thrusts is praying for those in authority. Biblical history shows us again and again that the hearts of leaders are vulnerable and can be easily misguided; Proverbs 11:14 says “For lack of guidance, a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure”. Therefore we must place our petitions before God, acting as spiritual advisers through the Holy Spirit. James reminds us that God wants us to ask Him for wisdom and He will gladly give it to those who seek it.; and that the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure, then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Based on this alone, It seems to me, that we have a lot of praying to do for Godly wisdom to permeate our nations leaders. Please join me!
07/11/20183 minutes
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Prayer for youth empowerment of truth

16/10/20183 minutes, 59 secondes
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Hurricane Michael recovery

In the aftermath of hurricane Michael many are left without homes, water, power and businesses. Let us pray for their help, restoration, faith and perseverance. Let us pray for those who are coming to their aid, that they be safe and wise, and pray against the enemy who is running rampant among the looters Seeking to gain and this time of tragedy
15/10/20183 minutes, 16 secondes
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A prayer for our endeavors

Sometimes even if we feel like God is delivering our prayer us on the silver platter, whether it’s about a job, a responsibility, or our endeavors in general, we still feel anxious and fearful. These negative thoughts of course are all lies the enemy wants us to believe, But the truth is we know if we turn to God He will reassure us that we are on the path he paved for us. This is that prayer.
13/10/20183 minutes, 12 secondes
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Hope in the face of death

Grieving the loss of a loved one is the worst pain we can imagine...especially if the loved one was a child, or was an innocent victim of an act of violence. In all of our grief it is often a time where prayer and faith seem to be buried under anger, doubt and sorrow. For those who never had faith to begin with, the isolation must be complete torture. This prayer is for those who can stand in the gap between hopelessness and hope, between anger and acceptance, to intercede for those who are hurting so much that they cannot yet pray. It is a prayer to strengthen us through Jesus’ life and death, and life again, so that we may faithfully and joyfully cling to the promises of eternal life...yes a second chance where death does not exist. It is a prayer everyone should pray for peace of mind, body and spirit.
17/02/20184 minutes, 7 secondes
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School Shootings: Stop for 60 seconds!

In light of the most recent school shooting in Ft Lauderdale Florida, this 60 second prayer is simply a plea to our sovereign God to give us the Godly wisdom to stop this epidemic. The Bible tells us that our prayers our like incense rising up to the heavens, and are a pleasing aroma to the Lord. Send this prayer to everyone so hear and agree with and pray some more, so that He is flooded with the aroma of our faith, hope and desperate prayer.
15/02/20182 minutes, 49 secondes
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Remember why you endure

26/01/20186 minutes, 2 secondes
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Ash Wednesday prayer as we step into the Lenten season

A 7 minute reflection on why we "give up" something for lent, and the reason for the season, with a prayer of repentance and petition that God helps us to realign our lives and prioritize our focus so that we can live out our purpose through Christ.
01/03/20177 minutes, 48 secondes
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Child attitude and emotions prayer

A prayer written by Stormie Omartian in her book, The Power of a Praying Parent, read by Lana Gies. This petitionary prayer asks God to fill our children with joy and happiness, through their knowledge of Him, and deliver them from feelings of despair, negativity, depression, unworthiness, anger and rejection.
13/12/20162 minutes, 41 secondes
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Messy Relationship Prayer

08/09/20165 minutes, 30 secondes
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battling depression

When you just can't seem to find the strength to overcome depression, pray with us, and may you begin to feel true comfort in the arms of God.
06/09/20163 minutes, 23 secondes
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personal confession

Begin to release the burdens of your life through the gift of confessional prayer... It is not about condemnation, rather an invitation to release the bondage from your own self-talk, and experience the freedom of God's mercy and presence in your life.
01/09/20164 minutes, 44 secondes
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House buying, selling, renting process

31/08/20165 minutes, 17 secondes
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Letting Go Of Perfection

From “Day 2 of this thing called prayer”
30/08/20165 minutes, 42 secondes
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Daily Preparation For Prayer

23/05/20161 minute, 49 secondes
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America finds The Truth

Part of the quest to get our country united in prayer for the 2016 election and beyond
09/05/20163 minutes, 2 secondes
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15 minutes of prayers for America, the election and the church

Prayers read aloud for you to listen and follow along in agreement to and to revive our nation as one people who are soundly grounded in faith and God.
05/05/201615 minutes, 39 secondes
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15 short prayers from the common book of prayer

02/03/20165 minutes, 18 secondes
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Prayer For Your Prayer Life - Praying through the Psalms

02/03/20161 minute, 2 secondes
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Using Psalms To Pray

Lana Wilken talks about David, the author of many of the psalms, about his very real walk with God. His thoughts and fears and hopes and doubts all pour out into the psalms and we as readers, have the opportunity to see that we not much different. So praying through the psalms is often the most direct way to pour ourselves out to the Lord in ways which are pleasing to him.
26/05/20151 minute, 37 secondes
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1 min prayer for mothers of young adults

Do you have grown children? Do you often feel like your intended words of wisdom are perceived more like nags of condemnation? Let's pray for God to help us truly encourage our children, no matter how old they are, and that they receive the words as lovingly as they were intended.
22/05/20151 minute, 25 secondes
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Prayer for Prayer Understanding

So maybe you already pray. Maybe its daily before dinner, occasionally in the morning, or mostly when a tragedy occurs. Maybe you KNOW that the Bible tells us to pray ceaselessly, but .....still something is lacking. Perhaps you aren't sure how to pray, therefore you don't truly believe God will actually listen, let alone answer your prayers. Regardless of where you are in your prayer life, we all outta start here, and pray this short prayer (or your own version) to seek God's himself for help in learning how to pray. Wouldn't you be willing to help your children with their schoolwork if they really desired to learn, and simply asked for your help? God is our Father and our creator, how much more do you think He desires to help us pray if we would just come humbly before Him and ask?!!
13/05/20151 minute, 49 secondes