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263Chat Podcast

Anglais, Arts, 1 saison, 83 épisodes, 2 jours, 16 heures, 5 minutes
A propos
This is a Podcast product by 263Chat. This podcast will cover Social, Political and Economic issues.
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Unfiltered Episode 1: The Ceremonial Graduate

In this podcast premiere of Unfiltered we explore the lives of recent graduates (Female) as we hear from them about their educational background, transition from University to work life and if their remuneration meet their lifestyles in general. We get to hear from the horses mouth how their lives have changed for the better or worse since leaving University.  
02/03/202315 minutes, 8 secondes
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Teenage Pregnancies

Following on the Pregnancy and Abortion discussion, in this episode we discuss teenage pregnancies. We appeal to parents and guardians to protect their children from both themselves and people who might get them pregnant. At the same time we appeal to the teenagers themselves to always say no or at least use protection in order to avoid early and unwanted pregnancies.
12/01/202313 minutes, 57 secondes
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Unpacking Disinformation

Following a series of unpacking disinformation on numerous issues, this post unpacks disinformation itself on its own. It discusses what disinformation is.
11/01/20231 heure, 5 minutes
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Breast Cancer Awareness

With breast cancer taking centre stage in recent years claiming millions, in this episode we try to educate on breast cancer from its causes to possible prevention methods.
11/01/202355 minutes, 26 secondes
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Pregnancy and Abortion in Zimbabwe

There has been a rise in teenage pregnancies and abortions in Zimbabwe in the past few years, this has attracted a lot of immature deaths and child deaths. In this episode we discuss pregnancy and abortion, we try to educate people on the best ways to avoid unwanted pregnancies and to practice safe abortion at the same time appealing to society not to vilify victims of both unwanted or early child pregnancies and abortion. 
11/01/20238 minutes, 50 secondes
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Sex Education: Abortion in Zimbabwe

In this episode of the 263Chat podcast we explore the Grimm reality of abortion in Zimbabwe. We discuss on whether abortion should be legalised in the country or not, at the same time we discuss who and what conditions should be considered appropriate for considering abortion and at the same time we explore the merits and demerits of abortion on society and the person who would have aborted.
10/01/202357 minutes, 48 secondes
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Sex Education: Being Pregnant and HIV Positive

Despite the strides that have been taken towards educating people on HIV and AIDS it has however not reached everyone and not everything has been made clear, in this episode we try to educate on being pregnant and HIV positive. How to make sure that the child does not contract the virus and how to keep healthy during and after pregnancy.
10/01/20231 heure, 14 minutes
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Sex Education: HIV and AIDS Prevention

The HIV and AIDS pandemic although having been exhausted in-terms of educating the masses on it has however not received the response it ought to have been. However in this episode we seek to further that education by way of teaching about prevention and hollow to mentally deal with the possibility of contracting the virus. 
13/12/202220 minutes
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Sex Education: Boys Don't Cry

In this episode of mending minds we explore the popular misconception that boys do not cry. This exploration is a further step in mending minds about mental health in particularly having to do with the boy child who is expected by society to play the emotionless and tough persona regardless of his circumstances. In this episode we educate on the humaneness of boys and their fragility just like any other human being. 
13/12/20221 heure, 28 minutes, 5 secondes
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Sex Education: Boys Don't Cry

13/12/20221 heure, 28 minutes, 5 secondes
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Financial Literacy

Financial literacy, popularly aligned with how and why people spend their money but in this episode we try and educate what financial literacy is, why it is important and how best to understand money and it’s workings. Our guest best defines financial literacy and educates people especially the youths on how to manage their finances in this solid economic atmosphere.
13/12/202251 minutes, 44 secondes
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Life of a Domestic Worker

This short discussion looks into the lives of our everyday domestic workers from their pay to their way of life in and out of our homes.
30/11/20228 minutes, 57 secondes
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Disinformation On Electoral Candidates

In a continuation of a series of discussions on disinformation this episode looks into disinformation on the part of electoral candidates.
30/11/20221 heure, 11 minutes, 31 secondes
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The National Question: ZEC Nomination Fees For 2023

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission recently announced its nomination fees for participants of the 2023 elections and in this episode we are joined by a few nominees who are discussing these fees, how they come to be and how they impact the outcome of the same elections.
30/11/20221 heure, 16 minutes, 17 secondes
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Who Deserves Lobola?

Lobola is a token of appreciation that is given to a female's family upon marriage by their son in-law in the African culture. The fact that the token of appreciation is one sided is a topic for another day but in this episode we discuss who deserves to be paid Lobola for. We try to hear and unpack what qualifies a lady to be entitled to getting Lobola and wether virgins and non virgins deserve the same Lobola payment or not.
30/11/20221 heure, 1 minute, 23 secondes
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Sex Education: Date Rape

Recently there has been an overwhelming amount of rape cases with some even having happened between people who will be officially dating. In this episode we discuss what Date Rape is and how both men and women are rapping each other and being rapped by one another under the illusion that just because they are dating it means that they are entitled to sex when, if and how they want it.
30/11/20221 heure, 9 minutes, 28 secondes
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The National Question: A Dive Into The Zimbabwean Economy.

In this episode of the National Question we discuss the Zimbabwean economy and how it can be revived. We also look into how it came to the state that it now is and how it has affected the lives of every day Zimbabweans.
30/11/202225 minutes, 25 secondes
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Life After College

'The Zimbabwean graduate is popular for living in poverty and being jobless despite having every requirement for better chances, the ordinary uneducated man is better off than the graduate and gives crumps to the graduate'This is the life of the graduate after college in a single statement.
30/11/20221 heure, 9 minutes, 31 secondes
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Sex Education: Abortion In Zimbabwe

In this episode of sex education we tackle the dreaded topic of abortion in Zimbabwe, originally said to be a taboo but lately becoming very common, abortion has been practised all over mostly risky abortion and in this discussion we seek to educate on the topic weighing its merits and demerits. NB the discussion does not in any way advocate for abortion nor does it not but it is an educative discussion.
30/11/202257 minutes, 48 secondes
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Fact Finding In The Media Landscape

This publication is on fact finding in the media landscape and how important it is. The discussion is done by journalists and the general public. It explores the importance of factual evidence to publications and its impact on society.
24/11/202254 minutes, 28 secondes
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The University of Zimbabwe Fees Question

Following the outcry by the students and their parents on the raise of tuition fees by The University Of Zimbabwe, students took to the media to discuss why the raise was unfair on them and their parents. 
24/11/202220 minutes, 1 secondes
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She Speaks: Uncomfortable Truths About Family Planning and Contraceptives

She Speaks is a voice for and by women where they discuss issues that affect them directly and indirectly without fear or filtering. It is by and for women but men are welcome to contribute and lay out their own views on the matters. In this episode, the host discusses the truth surrounding contraceptives and family planning, the dos and don'ts together with benefits and demerits of their usage.
24/11/202224 minutes, 41 secondes
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Mending Minds: Realities of Mental Health

Mending Minds generally seeks to discuss and put straight biases within the African community. In this episode we discuss mental health and how it affects everyone regardless of gender or social standing, this episode picks up from the men don't cry episode which discusses in detail the misconception that has become an expected reality by most Africans that men don't cry.
24/11/20221 heure, 2 minutes, 2 secondes
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Sex Education: Myths and Misconceptions

This episode of Sex Education discusses the myths and misconceptions that are around sex especially as a result of lack of ' The Sex Talk'. in the episode we seek to demystify sex and sexual relations and over rule all misconceptions. 
24/11/20221 heure, 3 minutes, 26 secondes
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Sex Education: The Sex Talk

In this episode wen explore what the sex talk is and was, its benefits and importance, its relevancy in the 21st century and how best the talk can be had between parents and their children. We also discuss the issues that make up the sex talk.
24/11/202252 minutes, 11 secondes
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Gender Roles and Expectations

With gender becoming more fluid by day it has become very difficult to define gender roles and expectations. The 21st century basically shuttered the vail that differentiated gender roles and expectations so in this episode we discuss the existence of gender roles and expectations within the confines of the definition for gender that is now in existence.
24/11/202254 minutes, 24 secondes
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She Speaks: Realities of Varsity Girls

She Speaks is a voice for and by women where they discuss issues that affect them directly and indirectly without fear or filtering. It is by and for women but men are welcome to contribute and lay out their own views on the matters.University girls have become infamous with and about all the wrong things, from dating married older men to being regular club goers. In this episode of She Speaks we tackle these problems taking them for their roots. We explore what pushes this and why it pushes female students to such extremes and how best to try and get rid of the problems.
24/11/20221 heure, 10 minutes, 50 secondes
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Gender Based Violence vs Fake News

The episode explores the relationship that is slowly developing between GBV and fake news. This has seen many cases of fake GBV cases. In the episode we try to discuss the exploitation off the media by way of reporting fake GBV cases and reported GBV cases that are Fake all together.
24/11/20221 heure, 22 minutes, 24 secondes
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Sex Education: Natural Herbs

This episode seeks to unpack the safety and the dangers if using natural herbs in relation to sexual intercourse and sex in general.
24/11/202253 minutes, 50 secondes
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Wedding Vows

With the growth in the number of divorces and extramarital affairs amongst many couples, this discussion seeks to remove the idea of what marriage is or should be like and why marriage has become more theoretical than practical. With the help from a pastor and confessions from married people this episode explores 'Till Death Do Us Apart'
24/11/20221 heure, 1 minute, 53 secondes
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Mending Minds: Realities of Mental health

In this episode of mending minds we try to remove the stigma around mental health issues. The episode seeks to educate people on mental health issues and how to tackle them. Given the way the African society tries to or shows man as emotionless and devoid of having any mental health issues.
24/11/20221 heure, 2 minutes, 2 secondes
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Mending Minds: Parenting in the 21st Century

On this edition of the 263Chat twitter spaces we discuss parenting in the 21st century. With the coming of the ama2000s, parenting has been seemingly changing so as to accommodate the children's needs and wants. These changes have allegedly resulted in children being spoiled, unruly and having power over how they should be parented. In this episode of mending minds we hear what other parents are doing and how they are doing it, taking parents from different generations and with different parenting techniques.
22/11/20221 heure, 21 minutes, 1 secondes
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Breakfast Grill: Entrepreneurship

This episode focuses on and discusses entrepreneurship, how to be a successful entrepreneur, what is needed for one to become an entrepreneur and it seeks to guide the youths who intend to venture into entrepreneurship. A look into how best one can navigate the Zimbabwean economic atmosphere as far as entrepreneurs are involved is also a key point within the discussion.
22/11/20221 heure, 3 minutes, 19 secondes
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Meet The Press With Lovejoy Mutongwiza

In this first edition of Meet the Press, they discuss issues about and affecting the press. The discussion goes as far as looking into the possible atmosphere for the press in its operations during the highly anticipated 2023 harmonised elections.
21/11/20221 heure, 18 minutes, 27 secondes
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The National Question: Tracking The Progress On Electoral Reform 'Continued'

In this episode we track the progress that has and is being made by the country's electoral commission to ensure a change in the 2023 harmonised elections.  
18/10/202229 minutes, 1 secondes
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The National Question: Tracking The Progress On Electoral Reforms

In this episode we track the progress that has and is being made by the country's electoral commission to ensure a change in the 2023 harmonised elections.  
18/10/202235 minutes, 34 secondes
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Breakfast Grill: Too Broke To Be Dating 'Continued'

Modern day dating has become synonymous with financial stability and the ability to provide for the other partner especially for the male partner. In this space we discuss whether or not a broke person should be in the dating pool, what makes someone eligible for dating and is financial stability really a major determine factor on if someone should be dating or not. It also explores why women feel the need to make men provide for them the very things they can not provide for themselves and why men go for women they can not afford and then cry foul in the end.
18/10/202222 minutes, 30 secondes
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Breakfast Grill: Too Broke To Be Dating

Morden day dating has become synonymous with financial stability and the ability to provide for the other partner especially for the male partner. In this space we discuss whether or not a broke person should be in the dating pool, what makes someone eligible for dating and is financial stability really a major determine factor on if someone should be dating or not. It also explores why women feel the need to make men provide for them the very things they can not provide for themselves and why men go for women they can not afford and then cry foul in the end.
18/10/202249 minutes, 11 secondes
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Sex Education: Under reported or Unreported Cases of Rape

18/10/202250 minutes, 37 secondes
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Breakfast Grill: Lobola and Other Customary Issues

This episode looks into the necessity of lobola (Bride Price) in the 21st century. The topic has been a subject for debate in all African social circles as the bride price has been tied to abuse of the woman by the man all in the name of 'I paid lobola for you' In the same sense it has also been tied to abuse on the man's part by the woman's relatives in the form of unrealistic demands all in the name of 'We raised this lady, we sent her to school, she is a graduate, etc'Many people have come forward proposing the removal of this practice as it is playing a large part in breaking families and creating animosity. At the same time, Many people want the practice to remain intact as it is part of the African culture.
17/10/20221 heure, 54 minutes, 51 secondes
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Black Tax

The episode seeks to inform and disinform about black tax (Black tax is a term for financial support that a professional or entrepreneur of colour is obliged to provide to their family on a continuous basis outside ...)Is Black Tax necessary, justified or is it simply continued bondage by those that feel entitled.
17/10/202246 minutes, 54 secondes
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The National Question: The Zimbabwe We Want

As part of the its developmental work to push national discourse, 263Chat will be resuming The National Question Twitter Spaces show. The show seeks to highlight key national issues. With a widespread of issues in Zimbabwe, the show will kick start with redefining the Zimbabwe that citizens want featuring Bishop A. Magaya. 
29/08/202253 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Breakfast Grill: Religion & 21st Century Dating

Warning the views in this show do not seek to promote how you feel emotionally or reflect the views of 263Chat. If you are faint hearted, do not engage! Welcome to the Breakfast Grill, a Monday morning show that quests for topical and controversial issues. The show aims to absorb citizens in rationale and constructive debates. Remember EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION!
29/08/20221 heure, 35 minutes, 33 secondes
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UnFiltered: Kenyan Elections - The Good, The Bad And Key Lessons For Zimbabwe

26/08/202215 minutes, 14 secondes
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UnFiltered: Unpacking Disinformation

This show is  brought to you by 263Chat Podcast in partnership with International Republican Institute (IRI) a non-partisan international democracy development organization tasked with advancing freedom and democracy worldwide by ensuring local leaders are more issue-based and responsive, assisting citizens to participate in government planning, and working to increase the role of marginalized groups in the political process – including women and youth.  IRI promotes governance, women’s empowerment, youth leadership, civil society initiatives, strengthens electoral processes and conducts public opinion research, among other programs. In this show  IRI  seeks to promote citizens’ access to credible information through raising their awareness on information disorders such as disinformation and misinformation. Traditional and new media can both be drivers of disinformation and misinformation. However, the advent of new media has increased instances of false information circulating among citizens. Such can be detrimental if not addressed or prevented.  This talk show is one in a series that provide a platform for deliberations on information disorders encountered by citizens. 
26/08/20221 heure, 15 minutes, 14 secondes
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Sport On - The Weekend Ahead

08/07/202217 minutes, 36 secondes
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The Breakfast Grill - Gender Roles in the 21st century

Warning the views in this show do not seek to promote how you feel emotionally. If you are faint hearted, do not engage! Welcome to the Breakfast Grill, a Monday morning show that quests for topical and controversial issues. The show aims to absorb citizens in rationale and constructive debates. Remember EVERYONE IS INTITTLED TO THEIR OPINION!In this launch episode, JAIVI and Joleen host  Buhle Mhlanga (Entrepreneur) Nomalanga Dube (WCOZ), Audrey Razuwika (Pastor),  Kudakwashe Kunze (Women Association  Of Survivors) & Rachel Kwainona (Journalist) as they discuss on 'Gender Roles in the 21st Century' Enjoy! 
04/07/202247 minutes, 30 secondes
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The Unrated Underrated - Focus on Adam Kudzie

In an effort to exhibit the marginalized talent, 263Chat is launching The Unrated Underrated. This is a show that will be bringing out the realities of artists who are trying to make it but have no resources or those who have art that is not being appreciated. This show  brings the backyard artists to the whole yard. We are not limited to musicians, we can look at actors, content creators, you name it.In this launch episode, Jaivi interviews Adama Kudzie, one of the finest Zimbabwean  choreographer from Chitungwiza. 
30/06/202233 minutes, 55 secondes
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News Flash - CCC Press Conference: 'Challenging the illegal Economic Measures announced by Mr Mnangagwa'

 Citizens' Coalition for Change (CCC) held a press briefing with the theme 'Challenging the illegal Economic Measures announced by Mr Mnangagwa' 
11/05/202225 minutes, 55 secondes